#chill Dr. Lin
thisonelikesaliens · 18 days
a little note on the "small potato"
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original is 三腳貓 which is literally a cat with 3 legs, but also used to refer to someone with only superficial knowledge/skill (kinda like jack of all trades but master of none)
so not only is Dr. Lin taking a dig at Ah Hu's broken leg, he's also insulting his intelligence
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peach-and-bugs · 3 years
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characters that I write for are organized in alphabetical order by fandom and by name. links will lead to my complete list of posted work for said character:
willing to write for characters: romantically (➵ ) platonically (✸) or nsfw (✧)
Character Alphabets (sfw ✸ & nsfw ✧)
Ask Box Headcanons and Blurbes
Agents of shield
Bobbi Morse ✸ ➵ ✧
Daisy Johnson/Quake ✸ ➵ ✧
Jemma Simmons ✸ ➵ ✧
Jiaying ✸ ➵ ✧
Leo Fitz ✸ ➵
Malinda May ✸ ➵ ✧
Phil Coulson ✸ ➵
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 
Hilda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Madam Satan/Lilith ✸ ➵ ✧
Sabrina Spellman ✸ ➵
Zelda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Doctor Who
Amy Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Bill Pots ✸ ➵
Clara/Clara Oswald/Oswin ✸ ➵ ✧
Eleven/Smith!Doctor ✸ ➵
Jack Harkness ✸ ➵
Missy/Gomez!Master ✸ ➵ ✧
River Song/Melody Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Simm!Master ✸ ➵
Thirteen/Whittaker!Doctor ✸ ➵ ✧
Twelve/Capaldi!Doctor ✸ ➵
Five Nights at Freddy (movie)
romantic (➵) platonic (✸) nsfw (✧)
Mike Schmidt ➵ ✸
William Afton ➵ ✸
Vanessa Shelly/Afton ➵ ✸ ✧
Killing Eve 
Eve Polastrí ✸ ➵ ✧
Villanelle ✸ ➵ ✧
The Legend Of Korra
Asami Sato ✸ ➵ ✧
Bolin ✸ ➵
Bumi ✸ ➵
Izumi ✸ ➵ ✧
Korra ✸ ➵ ✧
Kuvira ✸ ➵ ✧
Kya ✸ ➵ ✧
Kyoshi ✸ ➵ ✧
Lin Beifong ✸ ➵ ✧
Mako ✸ ➵
Opal ✸ ➵
Tenzin ✸ ➵
The Last Of Us (Games)
Abby Anderson ✸ ➵ ✧
Dina ✸ ➵ ✧
Ellie Williams ✸ ➵ ✧
Joel Miller ✸ ➵
Tommy Miller ✸ ➵
Agatha Harkness ✸ ➵ ✧
Bucky Barns/Winter Soldier ✸ ➵
Bruce Banner ✸ ➵
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel ✸ ➵ ✧
Darcy Lewis ✸ ➵ ✧
Drax ✸ ➵
Gamora ✸ ➵ ✧
Hela Odendottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Hope van Dyne/Wasp ✸ ➵ ✧
Jane Foster/Mighty Thor ✸ ➵ ✧
Kate Bishop ✸ ➵ ✧
Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab ✸ ➵ ✧
May Parker ✸ ➵ ✧
Mantis ✸ ➵ ✧
Maria hill ✸ ➵ ✧
Monica Ranbough ✸ ➵ ✧
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow ✸ ➵ ✧
Nebula ✸ ➵ ✧
Okoye ✸ ➵ ✧
Peggy Carter/Captain Carter ✸ ➵ ✧
Peter Parker/Spider-Man ✸ ➵
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America ✸ ➵
Scott Lang/Ant-man ✸ ➵
Sharon Carter/Powerbroker ✸ ➵ ✧
Sylvie Laufeydottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Thor Odenson ✸ ➵
Valkyrie ✸ ➵ ✧
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch ✸ ➵ ✧
Yelena Belova ✸ ➵ ✧
Parks and Recreation 
Ann Perkins ✸ ➵ ✧
April Ludgate ✸ ➵ ✧
Donna Meagle ✸ ➵ ✧
Jennifer Barkley ✸ ➵ ✧
Leslie Knope ✸ ➵ ✧
Star Wars 
Ahsoka ✸ ➵ ✧
Captain Phasma ✸ ➵ ✧
Finn/FN-2187 ✸ ➵
General Hux ✸ ➵
Han Solo ✸ ➵
Leia Organa ✸ ➵ ✧
Luke Skywalker ✸ ➵
Padmé Amidala ✸ ➵ ✧
Rey ✸ ➵ ✧
Rose ✸ ➵ ✧
Stranger things  
Argyle ✸ ➵
Chrissy Cunningham✸ ➵
Dustin Henderson ✸ ➵
Eddie Munson ✸ ➵
El/Eleven/Jane ✸ ➵
Erica Sinclair ✸
Jim Hopper ✸ ➵
Johnathan Byers ✸ ➵
Joyce Byers ✸ ➵ ✧
Karen Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Lucas Sinclair ✸ ➵
Max Mayfield ✸ ➵
Murray Bauman ✸ ➵
Nancy Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Steve Harrington ✸ ➵
Will Byers ✸ ➵
Alma LeFay Peregrine (mrs peregrine's home of peculiar children)✸ ➵ ✧
Elizabeth Corday (ER) ✸ ➵ ✧
Laura DeMille/Madame Rouge (Doom Patrol) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lily Lebowski (Crossing Jordan) ✸ ➵ ✧
Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates (Wednesday) ✸ ➵ ✧
Millie Rusk/MolotovGirl (Free Guy) ✸ ➵ ✧
Miranda Croft (The Flight Attendant)✸ ➵ ✧
Dr. Olivia Octaviouse (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)✸ ➵ ✧
Jackie Tayler (1996) ✸ ➵
Laura Lee (1996) ✸ ➵
Lottie Mattews (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Misty Quigley (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
"Nat" Natalie Scatorccio (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Shauna Sadecki (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Taissa Turner (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Travis Martinez (1996/2021) ✸ ➵
"Van" Vanessa Palmer (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
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magnorious · 4 months
Review: ‘We Take a Zebra to Vegas’, Percy Jackson Episode 6
***Spoilers Ahead for all books and show. TL;DR at the bottom***
After episode 5 I was starting to wonder if episode 3 was a fluke. Here we have the potential for the only non-book reference I wanted in the entire show: Would Nico cameo in the Lotus Casino?
Small, I know, but book fans were robbed of ever seeing him on screen once already when Titan’s Curse was never adapted and with his massive popularity, I was almost certain he’d be here. The closer we got to the Lotus Casino, however, the more I wanted to be wrong. Almost none of the characters look like they’re supposed to, many of them with inconsistent personalities to match. I went from hoping for a blink-and-you’ll miss it reference with a little scruffy 10-year-old that book fans would be able to tell is Nico by his appearance alone to hoping they’d not touch the matter with a 10-foot pole.
After the absurdly dramatic and angsty episode 5 that was supposed to be semi-dangerous and funny, there was a chance to have both the whimsy and wonder of the Lotus Casino, and the rather chilling escape. Before that, the conversation about conservation in the back of the zoo trafficking truck. There was a lot of opportunity for more quiet character moments as well as the adventure and absolutely no need for more nonsense filler.
Onto the episode and given that Hermes is in the thumbnail, are we all in agreement that he only exists here because he’s played by Lin Manuel Miranda? That’s the reason, right? He barely exists in the first book otherwise.
We start right off the bat with more interesting changes. Instead of IM-ing Luke in some random car wash, they do so in the zoo truck. The scene in the book was funnier, because it existed in the place that it did to be funny and the pay-to-pump water gave a clear time limit. But more importantly – they decided to scapegoat Clarisse… for reasons.
Why? Just why? In the book they spend 99% of their quest accusing the wrong person, Hades, and don’t realize they’re wrong until it’s too late. Everyone in the book was like “it’s Hades, it’s gotta be, his kids were Nazis” (a detail I still can’t believe exists, wow). Chiron said it was Hades, everyone said it was Hades, based on ancient biases that Hades spends the entire series proving wrong. He is the best godly parent by a country mile by the end of Book 5 and all of that groundwork started here, when Hades was just as much a victim of the Master Bolt nonsense as everyone else.
Clarisse is neither here nor there, because the writers didn’t have the foresight to script or film any scenes at camp of this random arrest that’s supposed to be important now. The jump cut from ‘the animals have a plan’ to them stopping traffic on the Vegas strip was funny, but it robbed the scene of the seriousness it should have had. More powers Percy doesn’t get: His ability to talk to horses and horse-adjacent animals.
Once they make it to the Lotus Casino, the script does this incredibly irritating thing where it removes the tension of the unknown from every hurdle they meet. Percy’s trapped alone against a mysterious monster in the book and has no idea how to beat it? Nope, Annabeth exposits all over it. They enter a seemingly-abandoned, mortal waterpark and only get suspicious once it’s too late? Nope, Annabeth figures out immediately that it’s a godly amusement park and they must be careful. Two twelve year olds and a satyr are immediately charmed by the glitz and glam of the lotus casino and get trapped for almost the rest of their time limit for the quest? Nope, Grover exposits all over that, too, ruining the mystery and any danger or threat.
The show also does the irritating thing where it creates problems just to solve them later and before you go “that’s the point of conflict” I mean it creates meaningless problems through meaningless contrivances, like every horror movie cliche that forces its characters to make illogical choices so they don’t just run away from the horror.
And another irritating thing! Spoiling bigger mysteries before their time: We didn’t learn about May Castellan until book 5. Why is this here? What purpose does this serve? Percy realizing he didn’t even know Luke’s last name for five whole years meant something to him. Seeing Luke’s tragic, mortal mother, after hating him for five years *means something* to Percy and to the readers. The gods damned Lotus Casino was absolutely not the place to discover any of this. Why did they do this?
Also, who tf is Augustus? He’s fine. Grover’s random side quest is fine. Every consecutive episode leaves me more and more annoyed with him, but it’s *fine*.
They do actually forget their purpose in the casino, thank the gods. Or, Grover does. Annabeth continues to give away May Castellan exposition like Halloween candy, smack-talking Hermes in a way that she’d never dare at 12 years old. Hermes is still only here because he’s played by Mr. Miranda. He’s fine, he’s just not Hermes. His “woe is me, loving mortals is so damn hard” speech exists. The sentiment is four books early, but it exists.
I understand why it’s here. They’re trying desperately to capture Percy’s internal conflict over whether or not the gods and his dad care about him, if he should let himself be disappointed presuming that they don’t. Problem is– in the book, Poseidon didn’t send a naiad to give him false promises of a clandestine meeting. In the book, the naiad told Percy there’d be a vague “gift” in Santa Monica, and Percy was never naive enough to think that gift would be his dad.
The entire season so far has tried to give nuance to both sides of the “do the gods care and should they be expected to” argument and it’s just not a very well written attempt. Why? Because it had five entire books to give both sides, and they’re shoving as much of it as they can here like they’re afraid they won’t get renewed for season 2. In doing so, they’ve made a tonal mess.
Once Hermes is gone and done randomly and spitefully sabotaging their quest, Percy, unseen, figures out that they’ve lost time and lost Grover. Also, Annabeth pick-pocketed the God of Thieves? Funny, but no. The script has its weird Mitichlorian moment sciencing lore by adding in the detail that lotus nectar or whatever is pumped in through the air, a question no one had and a plot hole that didn’t exist.
They do manage to keep the fear and unsettling realization that they’ve lost time, but their amnesia is inconsistent and confusing, considering that they overexplained how the casino works. Then they’re gone using a God of Thieves’ Car gimmick.
No Nico, thank the gods, unless he was one of the VR kids in the background. It would have been wonderful to see him in a better script.
In the book, they get instantly dazzled by the food, the video games, the nice clothes, nice suite, all things Percy could never dream about growing up poor. There is no Hermes and he only figures out something’s wrong when he meets other kids displaced from time and has to shake Annabeth and Grover from the illusion. They use their casino cash cards with infinite money to hail a cab all the way to LA and it’s funny.
They create more problems that didn’t need to exist by forcing Percy to drive a taxi and okay, that was genuinely funny. I am shocked, though, that Annabeth’s pride let him drive.
The episode comes to an end with them supposedly by the Santa Monica Pier… in a thunderstorm. In southern California. Odd choice, but okay. I'd say the storm exists because Poseidon's pissed but I really think it's there beacuse "dark and stormy night" fit their new vibe better than bright sunlight.
Maybe in live action it was tricky trying to make him both dry underwater and still plausibly underwater and not just rotoscoped in with a hazy green filter. For all their love of exposition, they never actually told non-book watchers about that, or that he can breathe underwater and control some currents. It’s also supposed to be night time, and yet he’s lit as if it’s high noon far above on the surface – they could have just written the beach scene at noon.
Then the naiad he was supposed to talk to in St Louis drops the bomb that the Summer Solstice deadline already passed, Poseidon got too impatient to wait for Percy after the casino delay, and the gods are now at war.
What the fu…..?
Percy resolves to keep going despite armageddon already happening apparently. She gives him exactly the right amount of pearls that he needs, not three, which would force him to choose, and then cut to black.
How is the best part of this episode Annabeth’s completely deadpan and exasperated Dude when Percy asks her not to make fun of him? That, and Percy driving the taxi.
Once again, to all the set designers and VFX artists and costumes and makeup and foley and music and score and everyone in between – you’re amazing, keep up the great work. To the actors, you were given a bad script and bad direction and you did the best you could.
Having just come off watching Game of Thrones for the first time and seeing little Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark’s actors doing donuts around these three just goes to show that it’s not that child actors’ lack of experience that’s the problem. Heck even Baby Percy is better than these three. It’s how much or how little help they get in conveying what they’re supposed to. These kids were thrown to the wolves.
I don’t watch the teasers and I stay away from all marketing for the show. I don’t know who’s been cast to play any characters we haven’t already seen so what Hades and Poseidon look like are a complete mystery that I do hope pays off.
With two episodes to go they have the following left from the book to adapt: Crusty’s water beds, the DOA studios, the entire trip to the underworld and Cerberus and Hades that took two hefty chapters, the Ares fight, Percy’s trip to Olympus, Luke's betrayal and reveal, and the return home to find Hades had paid his debt.
Suddenly the mini series with an episode to burn in St Louis has to sprint to the finish line.
Maybe if they hadn’t spent ten minutes expositing with Hermes they could have at least crammed in Crusty and the DOA, but it looks like armageddon is already upon us so who knows? They might’ve just tossed out the rest of the book to write their own ending.
TL;DR This show is a mess and this episode actually has me nostalgic for the brevity of the horrible movie because they didn’t even try and it’s fun to make fun of. This is just disappointment stretched out across seven hours instead of speedrun in 90 minutes. The skeleton of the book (mostly) remains intact and to all those who keep saying “at least it’s not the movie,” you’re right. Enjoy.
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Second Wave of Tributes
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All tributes and pairs were chosen randomly
Tribute list under cut
Aladdin (Aladdin) vs. Eva Perón (Evita)
Leading Player (Pippin) vs. Michael Mell (Be More Chill)
Rameses II (The Prince of Egypt) vs. Greaseball the Diesel Engine (Starlight Express)
Lin-Manuel Miranda vs. Natalie Goodman (Next to Normal)
Odysseus (Epic: The Troy Saga) vs. Elsa (Frozen)
Evan Hansen (Dear Evan Hansen) vs. Tanya Chesham-Leigh (Mamma Mia)
Carrie White (Carrie) vs. Man in Chair (The Drowsy Chaperone)
Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) vs. Sharpay Evans (High School Musical)
Victoria the White Cat (Cats) vs. Paul Matthews (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals)
Annie Oakley (Annie Get Your Gun) vs. Nathan Detroit (Guys and Dolls)
Shrek (Shrek the Musical) vs. Kermit the Frog (The Muppets)
Tara Maclay (Buffy the Vampire Slayer's musical episode 'Once More, With Feeling') vs. Ashley the Smoking Car (Starlight Express)
Agatha Trunchbull (Matilda) vs. Elder McKinley (The Book of Mormon)
Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) vs. The Three Fathers from Mamma Mia [Harry Bright/Sam Carmichael/Bill Anderson] (Mamma Mia)
Grizabella the Glamour Cat (Cats) vs. Velma Kelly (Chicago)
Enjolras (Les Miserables) vs. Henry the Duck (36 Questions)
Éponine Thénardier (Les Miserables) vs. Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
Claire (Ordinary Days) vs. Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)
Spot Conlon (Newsies) vs. Crutchie (Newsies)
Maizy (Shucked) vs. Mr. Krabs (Spongebob Squarepants: The Broadway Musical)
Anne Boleyn (Six) vs. Glinda Upland (Wicked)
Judas Iscariot (Jesus Christ Superstar) vs. Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka)
Robert (Company) vs. Fanny Brice (Funny Girl)
Draco Malfoy (A Very Potter Musical) vs. Mr. Mistoffelees (Cats)
Deloris Van Cartier (Sister Act) vs. Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors)
Mae Tuck (Tuck Everlasting) vs. Harry (Fangirls)
Boq (Wicked) vs. Percy Jackson (The Lightening Thief)
William Schuester (Glee) vs. Hannah Montana (Hannah Montana)
Dr. Doofenschmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) vs. Gretl Von Trapp (Sound of Music)
Caldwell B. Cladwell (Urinetown) vs. Dr. Henry Jekyll (Jekyll & Hyde)
Edna Turnblad (Hairspray) vs. Zazzalil (Firebringer)
Vriska (Homestuck: The Musical) vs. Rum Tum Tugger (Cats)
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wlwrentfreefics · 10 months
Here be ships! FanFiction Couples on my list.
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Emily Prentiss/JJ (Criminal Minds)
Emily Prentiss/Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Emily Prentiss/Tara Lewis (Criminal Minds)
Hecate Hardbroom/Ada Cackle (The worst witch)
Hecate Hardbroom/Julie Hubble (The worst witch)
Constance Hardbroom/Imogen Drill (The worst witch)
Larissa Weems/Morticia Addams (Wednesday)
Larissa Weems/Marilyn Thornhill (Wednesday)
Kate Lethbridge Stewart/Petronella Osgood (Doctor who)
Tissaia De Vries/Yennefer Of Vengerberg (The Witcher)
Max/Esther (A league of their own)
Ripley 8/ Call (Alien: Resurrection)
Moraine Damodred/ Liandrin (The Wheel of time)
Moraine Damodred/Siuan (The wheel of time)
Thirteen/Yasmin Khan (Doctor who)
Korra/Lin Beifong (Legend Of Korra)
Lin Beifong/Kya (Legend Of Korra)
Andrea Sachs/Miranda (The Devil wears Prada)
Korra/Asami (Legend Of Korra)
Female Shepard/Liara (Mass Effect)
Female Shepard/Karin Chakwas (Mass Effect)
Joan Ferguson/Vera Bennet (Wentworth)
Minerva McGonagall/Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Zelda Spellman/Mary Wardwell (The Chilling adventures of Sabrina)
Madam Vastra/Jenny (Doctor Who)
Sabrina Spellman/
Raffi/Seven (Star Trek: Picard)
Borg queen/ Agnes (Star Trek: Picard)
Thirteen/River Song (doctor Who)
Kathryn Janeway/seven (Star Trek: Voyager)
B’Elanna/Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager)
B’Elanna/Seven (Star Trek: Voyager)
Grace Augustine/Mo’at (Avatar) Suyin Beifong/Kuvira (Legend of Korra)
Sarah J Smith/
Rey/ Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Regina Mills/Emma Swan (Once upon a time)
Mazikeen/Linda Martin (Lucifer)
Carol Danvers/
Diana/Etta Candy (Wonder Woman 2017)
Antiope/Menalippe (Wonder Woman 2017)
Dr Wendy Lawson/Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
It's not my entire collection but definitely a good chunk.
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modernmonkeymind · 1 year
What are your favourite self-help books? You seem like you are very knowledgable. :)
Most self-help stuff is trash imho. That said, here are a couple of recommendations (though not all are technically from the self-help genre, I think they fit):
Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki: Sasaki might be a bit extreme for some people (he is for me) but I like the way he approaches things and I'm more than a bit of a nipponophile (someone who loves Japan and Japanese (and China and Chinese) culture)
Atomic Habits by James Clear/Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg: In my mind two of the best books about habit formation. If you're interested in habit formation I recommend trying out the app "Better Habits." Borrows a bit from both books and does a bit of its own thing instead of just the standard "don't break the chain" technique that every other habit app out there defaults to.
Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life by Dr Wayne Dyer, the Dude De Ching, & the Tao Te Ching translations by Red Pine and Derek Lin: The Tao Te Ching is a wonderful and beautifully poetic book with a lot of great stuff to say. CYT-CYL is one of the few books Dyer wrote that is, imho, any good. He does a solid job of making the book applicable to those of us abiding in the 21st century and showing how the text can actually be practiced. The Dude De Ching is a Big Lebowski flavor texted interpretation for those of us abiding and taking it easy, and is well worth a peeksy. The other two are more traditional translations. Lin's contains a ton of helpful footnotes, and Red Pine's is a beatiful translation by a talented poet, and includes commentary from traditional sources.
The Abide Guide/the Incomplete Dudeist Priest's Handbook: Speaking of abiding and taking it easy, both these are well worth checking out. Dudeism takes the movie the Big Lebowski as its founding text, along with the TTC, but its really more of a modern, Western school of Taoism than a fan club strictly for fans of that fine example of 90's cinema.
Speaking of! Bonus recommendation: the Big Lebowski: Lots of good advice buried in here (if you can get past the opening swirly and carpet micturation). From what I've read Jeff Bridges seems like a pretty chill, kind dude. To some degree he's basically playing himself here from what I understand. He pretty much supplied his own wardrobe.
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thevaudevilledemon · 1 year
Cartoon Rap Battles: Sub-Zero vs Mr. Freeze
Aye, still getting putting these out. I dunno, I just thought of some good lines for this and then wrote it. I also put a few obscure references so... I dunno.
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Mr. Freeze:
I will leave you colder than your name And my heart of ice You need to plan carefully You can’t pull the same move twice
I got my Freeze Ray But I’m not Dr. Horrible Your complicated backstory Has proved not but ignorable
You weren’t even one Of the original kombatants Your brother was ripping out spines Then became a Noob, what happened?
I’ll send a chill over your body As I do all over Gotham If you want ice cold rhymes You know I’ve got them
This will be a better battle Than when our universes first crossed I’ll give you a colder shoulder Than you gave your gender-swap, Frost
I hope you have extra quarters Because Batman’s not here to force a friendship Anything you throw at me shall only make me stronger So make like your opponents and slip
I do not have the time For this silly childishness I am a Lin-Kuei warrior So I shall quickly Finish This
You depend on that suit to survive If it breaks it leaves you gasping on the floor All these robotic enhancements And you will still get beaten, like Sektor
I am the reason that games Come with a content warning You were introduced when Comics left their readers snoring
You got kicked into chemicals Like I kick people into spikey pits So test your might against me I’ll unleash an unstoppable string of hits
You went from Shere Khan to Conan When Schumacher got hold of the bat hero And this time, I shall leave you Like your original name, just Plain Zero
You’re a comical antagonist Just a pulp abnormality I’ll wash my hands of your blood Leave you as another fatality
Mr. Freeze:
I don’t think I made myself clear You weren’t in Mortal Kombat one Everyone who knows the lore Will know that was actually Bi-Han
I’m disappointed Sub-Zero I expected something sharper than Kendo But you’re verses had less bloodlust Than those ports on Super Nintendo
Your verses would move me to tears If I still had tears to shed I’ll leave you like Sindel leaves a body With a ringing voice inside your head
My name is Victor Fries I’ll be taking home the Victory You destroyed your popularity When you came out with Mythologies
You struggle with your rhymes like kids Trying to get your special moves to work I was portrayed by some of the greats While you’re nobody’s business but John Turk’s
You could never stand up to me I will pull a Sheeva and rip your skin off And if you actually cared about lore You would not mention that Mythologies spin-off
I can kick your ass anywhere From the Netherrealm to the Desert Sands Your wife liked to dance under the snow You just ripped off Edward Scissorhands
You got knocked flat on your ass By a thermos of Chicken soup And you are overshadowed by a Clown And a cat lady in your villain group
Ice puns and sad backstories Do not easily make me weary Stepping up to me Was an instant hara-kiri
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smalltownfae · 2 years
2, 9, and 13 for the book recs ask?
2. for a beautiful writing style
We are starting well when beautiful is subjective, but I will try.
The Changeling Sea and Winter Rose by Patricia A. McKillip
It probably comes as no surprise to anyone that I consider McKillip's style to be one of the most beautiful I have ever read. This is the woman that makes me tear up while reading random quotes from books I haven't even read! From the books by her that I've read so far, The Changeling Sea and Winter Rose are the ones with the best prose. Winter Rose is a retelling of Tam Lin and as such it is a bit confusing and all over the place, there is a very dream-like atmosphere through the entire story. The Changeling Sea is more straight forward and very atmospheric. It is about a girl that works in a inn and magical things start to happen and show up around her. It's a tale of greed, self discovery and selfness. Here are some quotes as examples of the writing in both:
"She felt him quiet against her. He turned slowly, shakily, on his knees to face her. He put his arms around her wearily, his hands twined in her hair, his chilled face against her face. He did not speak again; he held her until the tide roared around them, between them, forcing them to choose between land and sea, to go, or stay forever." - The Changeling Sea
“I thought I knew what cold was, before cold stripped me bare of thought, then blinded me and froze my heart. I could not feel such cold and live; cold forced me into something other, something not quite human, who held a dream with bones of ice, and did not remember names, only what we once had been: a flower on a vine, a fall of light.” - Winter Rose
As you can see, her writing is very emotional and some people might not like that and find it cheesy so it's hard to say what everyone considers beautiful writing, but these two books to me are a great example of that.
I also find Robin Hobb's writing to be beautiful, but asking to commit to a series might be too much. So, for those that would want a taste I would suggest the short novella "The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince", that can be read as an extra for Realm of the Elderlings fans or as a short introduction to Hobb's style.
“A husband I would have to find, eventually. But my heart did not cry out for a man. I drew the tortoiseshell comb slowly through Queen-in-Waiting Caution’s sleek black hair, savoring the soft threading of it through my hands. I had all I needed there at my fingertips, for I loved her with all my being.”
To me, writing that evokes emotion on such a level is the most beautiful, but I do need variety since I can't read the same kind all of the time. I feel like it might lose it's magic if I get too used to it.
9. for an intelligent children's book
If we are talking about really small children, "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss. I know he wasn't the best person and he has a reputation nowadays, but I do think this book is very motivational, even if maybe too optimistic. Still, the rhymes and pep talks are smart.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go…”
For kids that are more grown up, The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. I have seen this marketed as YA before, but I think it's also for children and it's one of those series that started as middle grade and then was put in YA because it does appeal to a wide range of readers. There is something so charming and yet familiar about this world. It might be because it takes a lot of inspiration from Welsh mythology or because there are some similarities with Lord of the Rings, but either way it's comforting. I really like the lessons that, because it's for kids, are blatantly stated in the books (but I saw many adults misinterpret the same kind of lessons in adults books so maybe they do need to read these first). Even though the lessons Taran, the main character, learns are stated it never feels like the author is talking down to the reader and his writing style is very immersive.
“In some cases we learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.” - The Book of Three
13. for a book with an unusual point of view
Well, I haven't read many books that aren't from a human perspective (or a human-like creature) and that aren't first or third person perspective.
If it's a matter of perspective, The Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemisin uses first, third and second person brilliantly and I believe there is also an unusual entity telling part of the story at least (I haven't read the third book yet).
"Adulthood Rites" by Octavia E. Butler has the perspective of an half human/half alien child as he explores the different worlds of his parents in a coming of age tale of self discovery. It's unusual because the alien species in these books are quite unique. However, this is the second book in a trilogy. The third book is also from a half human/half alien character's perspective, but that one has the alien third gender, called Ooloi. The first book is from the perspective of a human though.
"Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro is a story from the perspective of an AF (Artificial Friend, basically an AI with the focus on emotional intelligence in order to help kids) that worships the sun.
Those are all I can remember for now. Thank you for the ask :)
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laresearchette · 5 months
Wednesday, November 22, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT?: COUNTDOWN TO MACY'S THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE (NBC Feed) A SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE THANKSGIVING (Premiering on November 23 on Global at 8:00pm) THE NAUGHTY NINE (Premiering on November 24 on Disney Channel Canada at 6:00pm)
2023 FIFA MEN’S U17 WORLD CUP (TSN2) 3:18am: Round of 16: England vs. Uzbekistan (TSN2) 6:48am: Round of 16: France vs. Senegal
NHL HOCKEY (SN/SN1) 7:00pm: Oilers vs. Hurricanes (SNWest) 7:00pm: Jets vs. Lightning (SN360) 9:00pm: Flames vs. Predators (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Canucks vs. Avalanche (TSN2) 10:00pm: Habs vs. Ducks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 7:30pm: Bucks vs. Celtics (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 7:30pm: Raptors vs. Pacers (TSN/TSN4) 10:00pm: Warriors vs. Suns
THE OTHER SIDE (APTN) 7:30pm: Fort Steele is a heritage site in British Columbia that connects present-day visitors to stories of the past. But with several rumours surrounding the grounds of a little girl's ghost seen playing there, the team decides it's time to investigate.
SWAN SONG (CBC) 8:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): After years of shutdowns, ballet legend Karen Kain begins rehearsals for her production of Swan Lake; a group of young dancers vie for the top roles; Karen Kain, Robert Binet, Arielle Mirales, Jurgita Dronina, Genevieve Penn-Nabity, Siphe November.
SPIRIT TALKER (APTN) 8:00pm: In Beardy's and Okemasis' Cree Nation, Shawn learns the prairie chicken dance from councillor Warren Seesequasis and then participates in a mini powwow, showing the community his dance moves.
GOOD WITH WOOD (Makeful) 8:00pm: Mel challenges the nine remaining woodworkers to build a pair of complementary freestanding lamps; one design gets left in the dark, and one lucky contestant gains immunity by carving a pair of chopsticks out of cherry wood.
GHOST HUNTERS OF THE GRAND RIVER (APTN) 8:30pm: The ghost hunters take an in-depth look at the Peterborough Theatre Guild, where a deceased caretaker guides visitors and a basement storage room holds a chilling secret.
BLACK LIFE: UNTOLD STORIES (CBC) 9:00pm: A look at the work of six Black Canadian artists, including Austin Clarke and Sylvia Hamilton.
CHILDREN RUIN EVERYTHING (CTV) 9:00pm: After Astrid and James are consistently late for Viv's before-school meetings with the school counselor, Astrid is determined to get Viv to school on time.
KENNEDY (History Channel Canada) 9:00pm/10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Kennedy navigates his formative years, including his time in school, his relationship with his family, and his early interests in history and politics. In Episode Two, after the United States joins the war against Nazi Germany and Japan, Jack joins the Navy and is deployed to the Pacific.
LOST CITIES REVEALED WITH ALBERT LIN (Nat Geo Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Albert Lin heads deep into the Mexican jungle to find a lost Mayan city.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
1.FM - Chillout Lounge Radio (February 20, 2023)
23:59 Elmara - Training 23:52 Paco Fernández - Al Lado Del Mar 23:46 Puff Dragon - Lava 23:38 Tommy Awards - Hotel Odemark 23:30 Verda - Es Vedra 23:26 Shakes Seven - Best Friends 23:22 Ku You - 40 Degrees 23:15 Sly - Like Love (Original Mix) 23:10 Cesar Martinez Ensemble - Contigo Para Siempre 23:03 Aurosonic, Denis Karpinskiy & Kate Louise Smith - They Wait For Us (Chill Out Mix) 22:58 Ohm-g & Bruno - Jungle Light 22:52 Thomas Lemmer - I Like It 22:46 Zero 7 - Space Between, The 22:42 Airstream - Electra 22:38 Jeff Woodal - Your Love (The Dark) 22:32 Shakrag - From Singapore To Ibiza (Tribute To Cafe Del Mar Mix) 22:26 Green Lemon Feat. Bernd Langer - Rauchy Stranger 22:21 Strange Voices - All Right For Now (3 Times Infinity Mix) 22:14 Jean Martin - In My Dreams (Extended Remix) 22:06 Deep-dive-corp. - Bassic (Flow Mix) 22:05 Costes - Stéphane Pompougnac - Green Tree 21:59 Guenter Haas - Ai Fu Lin 21:54 Noise Boyz - With My Own Eyes (Keys Of Da Sea Mix) 21:48 Vargo - Get Back To Serenity 21:43 Joey Fehrenbach - Untouchable (Feat. Vi Flaten) 21:37 Jjos - Foolish Game (Feat. Deary's) (Evolution Vocal Mix) 21:33 Jeff Woodal - Silver Birch 21:28 Conjure One - Make A Wish 21:19 Toka Kakabadze - Urban 21:15 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 21:12 Claes Rosen & Natalie Peris - Stay 21:06 Dab - Pure Joy 21:02 Lowland - Cafe Del Mar 20:55 Kosta Rodriguez - Blue Grass 20:50 Vanilla - Dreamcatcher 20:46 No Logo - Matter Of Time 20:41 Scott Simmons - Children (Mediterr-asian Chill Mix) 20:36 The Fray - How To Save A Life 20:29 Alex Paterson - Flex-e-fun 20:24 Farbor Resande Mac - Stockholmsnatt 20:18 Pilgrims Of The Wind - Nothing Can Pull Us Apart 20:13 Rae & Christian - Still Here 20:08 Un Homme Et Une Femme - Une Rose Pour Emily (Cafe Hotel French Del Mar Mix) 20:04 Jjos - Don't You Want Me (Chilled Mix) 20:01 Oh Wonder - Technicolour Beat 19:55 Frank Borell - Somber Moods 19:49 The Sura Quintet - Relax In Sura 19:43 Koolsax - Evasion 19:37 Silent Poets - Moment Scale 19:33 Petit Biscuit - Sunset Lover 19:28 Peter Pearson - Bossalove 19:22 The Man Behind C. Feat.debora Vilchez - Fluye 19:14 Deep-dive-corp. - Relaxer 19:09 Dj Milews - Children (Ambient Del Mar Winter Cafe Mix) 19:03 Simon Bareilles - The Sound Of Silence (Feat. Sara Keys) 18:57 Madonna - Frozen 18:52 Gxr And Kathie Talbot - 5 A.m. 18:46 Manoa - Repeat It In Slow Motion (Trippin Clouds Mix) 18:43 Moon Tribe - Moon Tribe 18:36 Alex Cortiz - Deja Vu 18:30 Gary B - Set Me Free 18:27 York Ft Asheni - Iceflowers 18:21 Koru - I Believe 18:14 Roger Sanchez - Lost (Ibizarees The Unforgotten Mix) 18:10 Pines - Tell Me (Feat. Water Park) 18:05 Jjos - Body & Soul 17:57 Dr Drummer - Galactica Soul 17:51 4tunes - Where Are You Now (Feat. Hed) 17:47 Lange - Frozen Beach 17:42 Amethystium - Calantha 17:36 Phil Mison - Lula 17:28 Madonna - Secret (Difrankz' 2003 Confidential Chill Out Mix) 17:24 Fidelity - You Don't Know 17:19 Ra-qi Gong - Rainy Days In Shanghai (Buddha Cafe Del Mar Bar Mix) 17:15 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 17:10 Ziller - Pearl & Dean 17:06 Re:locate Vs Robert Nickson - Resource (Rechill) 17:01 Jupiter Jack - Blank Space 16:57 Sued - Feel Me 16:52 Chilloutlounge - Letting The Cables Sleep 16:46 Jjos - One More Night 16:42 Mystique - Essences (Rico Van Basten Chill Mix) 16:37 Timewarp Inc - Epic Tones Feat Rxn (Sundayman 16:31 Lemonjazz - Gypsy Woman (Erotic Bedroom Affairs Lounge Chill Mix) 16:24 Chicane - Saltwater (The Thrillseekers Remix) 16:20 Adrien Aubrun - My Last Poem 16:12 Va - Soar Angelic 16:06 The Sura Quintet - Lampedusa (Sunset Session) 16:01 Moon De Lounge - La Mer Se Calme ( Mounier Oriental Sunset Dub Mix) 15:55 Mobymusic - Whispering Wind 15:50 Noel - Chalito - Ibiza Chillhouse Lounge Mix 15:44 Henderson - Rain (Desansis Chill Out Mix) 15:38 Digby Jones - Pina Colada 15:32 Blank & Jones With Jason Caesar - Hideaway 15:28 Emapea - Laka 15:23 Guss - Milesing 15:18 Chilloutlounge - Track 8 15:12 Atb - Remember That Day 15:08 Chillwave - Massage Del Mar (Beach Cafe Mix) 15:04 Faith Hill - Love Ain't Like That 14:58 Blank & Jones Feat. Cathy Battistessa - Miracle Man (Beached Mix) 14:50 Detson Engeneering - Wonderland 14:47 Dragon Lounge - Saigon Sundown (Asia Cut) 14:43 Lemon Sol - Beautiful Morning (Piano Cafe Chillout To Ibiza Del Mar) 14:38 Heso - Never Ending Time 14:34 Ben Leela - Dreaming A Dream 14:30 Mandrave & Miyagi - Asian Lights 14:25 Sam Swift - Wonderful World 14:19 Sven Andersson Iii - Journey To Your Soul (Cosmic Cycle Buddha Lounge Bar Mix) 14:12 Thievery Corporation - Incident At Gate 7 14:06 Philip Aniskin - Evening On The Waves 14:00 Manoa - Jumaira Drive 13:52 Chicane - Low Sun 13:47 Exit Mars - Gliding (Comfort Version) 13:43 Melibea - Lamento (Al Ponerse El Sol) 13:36 Aural Float - Still Here 13:29 Milews - Miami Beach View - Sunset Del Mar Cafe Lounge Mix 13:25 Thomas Lemmer - Savannah 13:20 Kitty The Bill - Cabriolet Tour 13:16 Vio Beach - Piano Chillout (Ambient Dream Mix) 13:10 Freemasons - Love On My Mind 13:05 A$ap Rocky - L$d 13:00 Various - The Cure (Sunshine Mix) 12:50 Chilloutlounge - Track 2 12:48 Isan - No. 1 (Lent Et Douloureux) 12:43 Noel - Chalito (Ibiza Chillhouse Lounge Mix) 12:38 Gelka Feat. Phoenix Pearle - Being You 12:33 Ringo Orenji - Mikan 12:29 Mario & Vidis Feat. Jazzu - I'll Be Gone (Extended Original) 12:23 Fluff - Silent Life 12:18 Coastline - Adriatic Sea - Dj Lounge Del Mar Vs. Milews Ambience Mix 12:10 Groove Armada - Inside My Mind 12:07 Nouvelle Vague - Love Will Tear Us Apart 12:03 Jose Ramos - Alone Again 11:58 E-love - Cause I Love You No More (Alster Lounge Chill Out Vocal Mix) 11:53 Maricopa - Sun Scope 11:47 Massive Gold - Follow Me (Feat Jaywee) (Chillout Del Mar Cafe Instrumental) 11:42 Sleepingroom Armada - Hope - Easy Erotic Groove Lounge Mix 11:36 Blue Chakra - Free From You (Half Tempo Long Chill Mix) 11:29 Hirudo - Spy From Cairo (Classic Instrumental Mix) 11:23 Bay Area - Santa Monica Blvd (No 17 Mix) 11:19 Ravi Costes - Lion Sleeps - Cafe Groovera Hotel Bar Del Mar Mix 11:13 Rhodescreen - Peace System (Original Mix) 11:07 Pacator - Tränen (Marcielo Ambient Mix Instrumental) 11:03 Cold Blue - Underwater Love 10:58 Saigenji - No Meio Da Chuva 10:55 Karen Souza - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me 10:48 Future Loop Foundation - Monika's Summer 10:44 Flume Feat. Andrew Wyatt - Some Minds 10:39 Dab - Pure Joy 10:33 Ficci - Edge Of The Night 10:27 Omnimotion - Cozy Life 10:21 Ohm-g - Relax 2 The Max 10:14 Chillsurfer Armada - Relax Your Mind (Cafe Buddha Del Mar Luxury Lounge) 10:09 Sofa Sweeper - Voice Of Core 10:02 Dab - Have A Smoke 09:58 Vibraphile - Waiting For You (Instrumental) 09:52 Alpha X - Nocturnal Trip 09:46 Joey Fehrenbach - Edison Cylinder 09:42 Marc C. Griso - Sex, The First Time 09:36 Gelka Feat. Phoenix Pearle - Million Nights 09:32 Listening Deluxe - Guitar Dreams (Short Aqua) 09:26 Noise Boyz - Honeytrap (Keys & Trumpet Mix) 09:20 Fresh Moods - Solarcell 09:14 Vargo - The Moment 09:10 Bop - Enjoy The Moment (Unquote Remix) 09:04 Pep Llado Feat. Antonio Martin - Vai Vedere 08:59 Skysurfer Feat Lovay - Circling Elements (Down By The 08:54 Solid Gold - Save A Prayer (Nick Tatler & Phil Blohm Instrumental) 08:47 Bong & Eddie M - Rain From The Suite 902 (Original) 08:42 Polished Chrome - Beautiful 08:39 Urban Phunk Society - Spring 2 Summer 08:34 Sine - Flying (Original Mix) 08:28 Machomovers - Smooth Operator 08:22 Gary B - Love Rain Down 08:18 Vanegas - Te Voy A Querer 08:13 Aaron Bass - On The Beach 08:10 K Vassiliadis Ft Marien - Den Efiges Lepto (Dub Mix) 08:06 The Avener & Mazzy Star - Fade Into You (The Avener Rework) 08:01 Coastline - Adriatic Sea (Dj Lounge Del Mar Vs. Milews Ambience Mix) 07:56 Visit Venus - Home 07:51 P.m F.m - Chinchilla 07:47 Washed Out - Face Up 07:41 Chilloutlounge - Breather 2000 (Arithunda Mix) 07:35 Dj Lounge Del Mar - Sentosa Beach Cafe - Tribute To Cafe Del Mar Guitar Mix 07:30 Pathetique - Dis Moi - Instrumental Cafe Costes Del Mar Sunset Hotel Chillout Mix 07:24 New Beginning - Another Day 07:19 Dj Pippi - A Touch 07:14 Alex Cortiz - Fingerprints 07:10 Alex Baratini - My Play (Chill Out Mix) 07:05 Cdm - Many Rivers To Cross 06:59 Bright And Beautiful - Night Rains (Sound Of Ibiza Mix) 06:53 Citrus Jam - Nice Holiday 06:45 Vibrasphere - Spring Flood 06:42 Ben Leela - Dreaming A Dream 06:36 Jazz L'amour - Summer Dreams - See The Light Mix 06:32 Ibizarre - Smooth Temptation 06:28 Chilling Crew - Frozen Time 06:23 The Essence - Serpentine 06:17 Jjos - Lonely (Feat. María La Caria) Manu López-saxo (Lounge Mix) 06:12 Soft Wave - Plenitude Part 2 06:05 Fenomenon - Pacific Memories 06:01 Ultraviolet - Ready Or Not (Chilled Out Mix) 05:55 Frank Borell - Wake Up In Paradise 05:49 Night Traffic - Rain 05:42 Wonderphazz - Memories (Chill Guide Mix) 05:38 Soleil Fisher - Beautiful Nights In Ibiza (Tribute To Cafe Del Mar Mix) 05:31 Muki - Track 4 05:27 York - Bye Bye Baby (Chill Out Mix) 05:23 Michael Hummer - Coffee 05:16 More Than Ever People - Levita 05:09 Jjos & Fede Garcia - Foolish Game (Feat Deary's) 05:03 San Martino - Es Cavalett (Piano Dream Mix) 04:59 Cafe Easy - Summerbreeze 04:53 Sangar - My Breeze 04:49 Brooke - 1 Want To Know What Love Is (Balearic Hypno Dub) 04:43 Blue Six - Love Yourself 04:39 Gelka Feat. Phoenix Pearle - Flying On Clouds 04:34 Orange Music - Islandlover (Monotonic Trip Mix) 04:28 Hirudo - Waiting For The Sun To Rise (Out Of Style Mix) 04:23 Lounge Aura - Something (Geronimo Chillout Mix) 04:16 Chilloutlounge - Allstars 04:11 Mamani - Glowing Desert (Aloe Trumpet Mix) 04:06 Thievery Corporation - Transcendence 04:00 Jerome Isma-ae - Underwater Love 03:55 Mark Gorbulew's Manhattan Groove - Dreamsville 03:51 Erotic Lounge Deluxe - Gimme The Night 03:45 Blue Metheny - I'm Calling Out 03:39 Leaking Shell - After Hour 03:34 Coronado (Pianofly Mix) - Bay Area 03:30 Lemon Sol - Beautiful Morning (Piano Cafe Chillout To Ibiza Del Mar) 03:25 Sleepingroom Armada - Hope (Feat Inocencia Comas) (Easy Erotic Groove Lounge Mix) 03:19 Klangstein - Deep Dive (Original Mix) 03:13 Cats Love Dogs - Sunpearls (Paradise Lounge) 03:06 Ibiza - Ibiza Blues Swing 03:01 Autopilot - Seen It All 02:59 William Orbit - Love My Way 02:53 Nautic - Freedom Of The Floor (Open Space Remix) 02:47 Melibea - Fusion 02:41 James Bright - Set Me Free 02:34 Dj Disse - Walk On The Wild Side 02:28 Sofa Sweeper - The Sad Side Of The Street (Mellow Guitar Mix) 02:24 Alex Cortiz - Phusion 02:18 Rollercone - Daydreaming 02:13 Va - Majorca 02:10 Synkro - Memories Of Love 02:05 Fragile State - Every Day A Story 02:00 Luxury Traveller - Eagle Will Rise Again 01:59 Moby - Everything Is Wrong 01:54 L'art Mystique - Le Jardin Secret 01:50 Mirrored - Stand Still 01:44 Night Loungers - A Little Lazy Morning In Paris - French Kiss Del Mar Instrumental 01:40 Liedschatten - Seaside (Original Mix 2006) 01:33 Magic Waves Feat. Mirjam - Tonight 01:27 Royspop - Mid Summer Nights (Luxury Deluxe Del Mar Mix) 01:22 Peter Pearson - It's In The Stars (Original Mix) 01:19 Jjos - Back To Me 01:10 Tactful - No Fear 01:04 Citrus Jam - Pacific Snow 01:00 For - For Want Of Her 00:55 Moorcheeba - Moog Island 00:49 Man In The Moon Feat. Debora Vilchez - Fragil 00:43 Schwarz & Funk - The Dawn 00:39 Out Of Sight - Comfort (Afterlife Mix) 00:33 Coyoteeve Feat. Saro - Tribastone 00:28 Gold Lounge - Only A Dream 00:21 Yagya - The Phantom Of Us 00:15 Lenny Mac Dowell - Zanzibar Feeling 00:09 Ypey - Love In Spain 00:03 Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson - Love On My Mind
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chrislins · 2 years
Another reason I'm running for NH State Rep - to join forces with like-minded legislators to make certain this nonsense never ha...
Another reason I'm running for NH State Rep - to join forces with like-minded legislators to make certain this nonsense never happens in NH! ####### California Passes Law Punishing Doctors For ‘COVID Misinformation’ The Topline: This week, California’s state senate passed a new law combating the spread of COVID misinformation which, if signed, would make California the first state to threaten punishment for doctors who spread what the state deems inaccurate information on vaccines and COVID prevention. Quote Of The Day: “The entirety of medical science and the advancement of patient care is dependent on continuous critical questioning and re-examination of everything that we know to be true. … This goes In the exact opposite direction. It says that not only is criticism not permitted, but facts are now determined by politicians and bureaucrats.” – Dr. Houman Hemmati, a biomedical research scientist in California The Bill On Monday, the California legislature approved AB 2098, a law that, if signed by Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA), will punish doctors who spread what the state deems “COVID disinformation.” According to the state, COVID disinformation is anything “that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus.” Under the measure, the medical board of California would have the power to suspend or even revoke the license of any doctor they deem guilty of spreading such disinformation – either directly to their patients or on social media and other platforms. Response The American Medical Association has been calling for legislation like this for a while, and says that doctors should face consequences when they share information on COVID that contradicts the general medical consensus. Richard Pan, a doctor and the bill’s co-sponsor in the state senate, said, “In order for a patient to give informed consent, they have to be well informed.” But… There are plenty of doctors who fear the law could have a chilling effect on free speech and scientific debate. Dr. Houman Hemmati, a biomedical research scientist in California, with extensive experience at MIT and Harvard Medical School, told Morning Wire the law could impact the way some doctors in the state communicate with their patients, for fear of contradicting the medical consensus on COVID and vaccines. ‘COVID misinformation’ According to California, “COVID misinformation” is anything that contradicts scientific consensus. Critics of the measure have pointed out that the scientific community often shifts on certain topics and that things once considered COVID misinformation are now widely accepted as fact. For example, a year ago, if a doctor had publicly stated that natural immunity to COVID is more effective than a vaccine, they’d be contradicting CDC guidance, and under this law, could be at risk of losing their medical license. Now, however, it is known that that’s true. Fourteen states, including Florida, Tennessee, and Indiana have gone the other route, passing laws restricting the ability of state medical boards to strip doctors of their license if they’re accused of spreading non-mainstream advice or offering patients off-label treatment for COVID. ####### Wake up! Stand up! Fight back! Vote Christopher Lins - Republican Candidate for NH House of Representatives! We can do this! 😎🤙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://www.facebook.com/303278118505259/posts/445221057644297
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cruzyxmw540 · 2 years
A Productive Rant About consumerlab ashwagandha
What Is Ashwagandha? - Science - The Facts
Table of ContentsHow What Is Ashwagandha Root, The Chill-out Adaptogen can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.Some Known Details About 8 Ashwagandha Benefits Proven By Research The Ashwagandha: Health Benefits, Side Effects, And How To Use PDFs10 Easy Facts About Ashwagandha Benefits ExplainedThe Main Principles Of Ashwagandha Benefits
If you are actually the concerned or even stressed-out kind, someone has actually most likely offered you a mini-sermon concerning the marvels of ashwagandha. They've possibly informed you that it can possibly do pretty much everything featuring make you dinner and also put the little ones to bedroom - ashwagandha what is it. But if you're suspicious regarding organic medication, you probably have not taken into consideration exploring ashwagandha.
" For some, that could can be found in the kind of prescription medicine that supports serotonin function. For others, it might be actually botanicals," points out Dr. Lin. According to doctor Lin, ashwagandha is normally risk-free. "Many people can take this supplement, although it is actually consistently most effectively to cover it along with your doctor first.
Lin urges speaking with your company prior to taking anything. She worries this with expecting girls as ashwagandha could possibly induce difficulties. What should you search for in an ashwagandha supplement? Ashwagandha happens in an array of types. It is actually offered in gummies, pills, liquid decreases as well as grains that you may mix right into beverages.
Lin claims dosing is usually 500mg two times a time. When it relates to protection, she says it mostly relies on the high quality of the supplements - ashwagandha. Her suggestions is to look for supplements that have been actually individually tested and confirmed through an outside firm including Consumer, Laboratory, United States Pharmacopeia (USP), or even National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF International). consumerlab ashwagandha.
Examine This Report on What Is Ashwagandha?
Yet if you take the time to develop problem management resources to assist take care of anxiety later on, that will go a lot better in the future.".
Ashwagandha is actually one of one of the most essential cannabis in Ayurveda, which is a traditional form of natural medicine based upon Indian principles of organic healing. Individuals have actually utilized ashwagandha for 1000s of years to relieve stress and anxiety, boost electricity levels, and also improve attention () - ashwagandha what is it." Ashwagandha" is actually Sanskrit for "give off the equine," which recommends to both the weed's scent and its own possible ability to raise toughness () - ashwagandha.
7% greater rise in testosterone than those who took the inactive medicine (). ashwagandha. Also, an assessment of four research studies found that ashwagandha treatment substantially boosted semen focus, seminal fluid volume, and sperm mobility in guys with low semen count. It likewise boosted semen attention and also motility in men along with usual sperm count ().
Articles from African Publication of Typical, Complementary, and also Different Medicines are actually provided below good behavior of
Get http://www.nyumon.net/script/sc/redirect.php?id=393&url=https://freshbros.com/blog/ashwagandha-what-is-it/ This Report about What Is Ashwagandha Root, The Chill-out Adaptogen
Supporters of ashwagandha speak about the vegetation in similar method comics supporters refer to Wonder Woman's well-known bullet-deflecting trinkets: Take an extract of this particular origin, as well as you can fight back virtually every thing that injures your wellness, coming from insomnia and also anxiety to clinical depression and exhaustion. But carries out the study on ashwagandha measure up to the buzz? Here is actually a consider some of one of the most typical cases about the plant and what the science shows until now (consumerlab ashwagandha).
Current analysis administered on ashwagandha has actually been actually confined to smaller sized research studies. Listed here's what science says about the weed's efficiency (consumerlab ashwagandha). "The investigation regarding ashwagandha for tension is actually the best appealing," keeps in mind Moore. As an example, a study posted in September 2019 in the publication Medication, which was actually performed in 60 healthy and balanced adults along with self-reported high amounts of stress and anxiety, discovered that those who took 240 milligrams (mg) of ashwagandha extract found a notable decrease in mental stress compared to those that took an inactive drug."It was actually a little group, [yet it showed] a favorable result in minimizing worry," Moore claims. consumerlab ashwagandha.
Drowsiness and gastrointestinal discomfort were the very most usual. The USA National Public library of Medication cautions that ashwagandha may likewise lead to adverse or even dangerous communications along with a range of medicines as well as supplements, consisting of barbiturates as well as drugs for diabetic issues and hypertension (consumerlab ashwagandha). Like any supplement, you should consult your physician before taking ashwagandha.
You can easily take ashwagandha as a pill, grain, or origin, but if you opt for the second, be actually planned for an unpleasant scent (its label practically indicates "the give off the horse") as well as taste. ashwagandha what is it."It possesses an unsweetened, astringent flavor, so you might wish to incorporate it to one thing typically sweet or even place it in a smoothie," proposes Moore.
The smart Trick of 7 Science-backed Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha That Nobody is Talking About
Rest is necessary for really good wellness, yet over 30% of adults record resting lower than the recommended seven hrs per night. consumerlab ashwagandha. The Centers for Ailment Management and Deterrence states that 36% of grownups in the U.S. ashwagandha what is it. use some type of holistic medicine to aid or even manage numerous disorders, featuring sleep conditions.
Various other researchers suggest that ashwagandha takes action on GABA receptors, which are an essential part of the sleep-wake circuit. There are likely added obscure substances that help in ashwagandha's apparent therapeutic impacts. Ashwagandha's major energetic ingredients are actually withanolides, which are felt to bring a host of benefits featuring the potential to soothe tension (ashwagandha what is it).
If taking ashwagandha prior to bed aids you unwind, this might be another technique where it ensures better sleep (ashwagandha). How to Make Use Of Ashwagandha for Rest Ashwagandha is offered in several types. It comes as a grain, tea, pill, cast, or even gummies. The price can depend on the brand name, volume, and quality.
To utilize ashwagandha for sleep, comply with the directions of those item you acquire. The ideal dosage of ashwagandha is actually still under controversy, and it might differ between supplements - ashwagandha what is it. Regular doses used for aiding individuals sleep are usually in between 250 milligrams and also 600 milligrams. You must not utilize ashwagandha for greater than 3 consecutive months.
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
Hey, sorry if it's not one of the things you follow. Have you seen oath of love (Yang zi/Xiao zhan one), like i failed to watch so much immaturity and childishness.
Have you had a chance to check the novel, is novel also this teenagerish !?
I really wanted to pick a chill novel but now i am scared to waste my time if novel is also like that.
I'm sorry about the delay I was actually reading the web novel when I got this (because I too wanted to understand if this was on the script writers or the source material lol) and I wanted to get a little further in before answering! I already shared my er... feelings about the show here as I was watching it:
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As for the og story it's nothing like the drama. It's not necessarily something I would randomly pick up for myself to read but it's not the nonsensical, puerile chaos that the show is. *Spoilers below*
The couple in the web novel are well adjusted. The FL is not a ditzy idiot. The Dr. isn't some purell addicted, socially awkward person who needs the FL to teach him how to do surgery again and enjoy life and succulents. He's quite cheeky. Mr Lin isn't a dick!!! (He also doesn't die! unless the author posted some update I missed) He's just spoiled and quite funny and endearing! Lin Zhixiao doesn't even play the cello! She picks a small instrument bc it's easy to carry around so like 90% of the show that has her lugging around that big ass cello case bc cello is life...- why? _(:3 」∠)_. She's not a musician she's a geologist. Dr. Gu goes to Germany! She travels for her own studies bc even though they love each other they don't want to sabotage each other's enrichment. Their relationship survives the distance! DUH. There's a small commotion w a patient in the beginning but nothing comes of it. Lin Zhixiao notes especially that tv dramas are full of shit for making big deals about scenarios like that bc nothing happened "irl", the Dr wasn't penalized. It's basically just a really mellow, slice of life, situation about these two people growing towards each other, and fitting comfortably together, without much drama and conflict. I understand if the screenwriters needed to amp it up for TV but this brings me back to my previous questions - why is it so hard for tv writers to just write moderately intelligent characters engaging in moderately realistic behavior?! (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
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spike-and-faye · 3 years
Hello, I require your infinite wisdom please!! :O So I just finished cowboy bebop and I am so confused like who the fuck was Julia. WHAT was Faye's past. I literally never process tv shows and the bebop was not immune to my stupidity LMAO like... I guess the ending just really confused me, from what I gathered Spike and Vicious were friends? But then they weren't? And Julia dated Vicious but also Spike? And he? Went after Vicious even after Julia had died? I am Confusion. Please help. Thank u...
Oh BABEY I am so glad you asked! :) Be prepared for a long answer and I apologize in advance for how incoherent it will probably be.
ALSO Please note: this show is fucking complicated. I have watched it all the way through several times a year, every single year, for over a decade now, and I am *STILL* finding new shit every time I watch it. It's packed with symbols, motifs, allusions and underlying themes that are just so rich. It is so extraordinarily well-written that it could give a lot of classic literature a run for its money. I'm literally working on an in depth literary/film analysis my husband lovingly calls my Manifesto on the series right now. SO PLEASE don't beat yourself up about not catching everything on the first go round.
HEY BTW for anyone who hasn't finished the show, please know there will be MANY spoilers ahead!
Anyways ~
1.     Spike / Julia / Vicious:
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The information we get on Spike's past, including Vicious and Julia, is pretty limited considering how big of an impact they have on the story. We get our first glimpse in Session 1: Asteroid Blues, then again in Session 5: Ballad of Fallen Angels, Sessions 12 + 13: Jupiter Jazz, and Sessions 25 + 26: Real Folk Blues. I recommend reviewing these episodes for you Julia and Vicious fix.
What we know:
Spike and Vicious were both members of an organized crime syndicate called the Red Dragons, which is roughly analogous to the Yakuza or the Mafia. Their positions in the organization are not clear, but there are some images alluding to them being hitmen, and they likely rose up in the ranks as they were close acquaintances of Mao Yenrai, a Capo of the Red Dragon.
Spike and Vicious were close comrades. Spike taught Vicious everything he knew about fighting, and the two had a deep trust in each other. Which Spike fucked up ….
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^^Vicious looks hot asf here
Julia was Vicious' lover/girlfriend. One night in 2068 (three years prior to the time we watch in the Bebop) Spike is injured, presumably from a syndicate-related fight and he passes out in front of her door. She takes him in and nurses him back to health and he SIMPS HARD for her. We’re all but told he's in LOVE love with her. They start an affair, and Spike tells her he's ready to abandon the whole life - the syndicate, Vicious, Mao, all of it - and they could run away together.
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WELL Vicious finds out about this whole affair, and is DOUBLY betrayed because his literal best friend and girlfriend have been having an affair, and tbh I think he was just as jealous of Spike's attentions as he was of Julia's. (Whether or not it’s a sexual thing for Spike … well … I have my own headcanons about that). SO when he finds out they're going to run away together, he gives Julia an ultimatum: you can either kill him, or I'll just kill you both. Spike had written her a letter about meeting him in the graveyard to start their new life together, which she tears up to hide his location from Vicious. (This is the falling ripped up pieces of paper we see in Spike's flash back in Session 5).
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^^ r/gifsyoucanhear
**NOTE: There are those who disagree with this view, (looking at you Cowboy Bebop wiki) instead suggesting Vicious and Spike were buds in the past, but then hated each other once they were both considered as potential successors to Mao. That's why Vicious wanted him dead, and he was enlisting Julia (who he didn't necessarily have a romantic connection to) to help kill Spike since he knew Spike loved her. Personally, I think there is plenty of evidence that Vicious also wanted Julia, and in fact was already with her, when Spike started seeing her. If you want me to cite my sources please send an me an ask about it :)
Spike gets the idea, whether by her just not showing up or word around the syndicate being like YO Vicious wants you dead. Despite Vicious' ultimatum to Julia, he was gunna kill Spike either way. SO he sets up an ambush, and SadBoy™ Spike walks intentionally into their trap. Somehow, he doesn't die, though the entire syndicate thinks he did. (Note Annie's reaction to seeing him alive in Session 5). It’s also implied that this is where he lost his eye.
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HIS EYE - possibly the most important symbol in the show so I do have to mention it. In episode 26, he explicitly explains to Faye that one of his eyes only sees the past. (PS this isn't dissimilar to Jet's arm… we can get into that another time). Basically, he's constantly living halfway in the past and halfway in the present, and describes the past like a dream he can never wake up from. Because dysfunctional or not - the syndicate WAS his family. (Again - see his relationship with Annie, Mao, and Vicious (prior to Spike's betrayal)). It's his reminder that Julia didn't run away with him, and that he'd left behind that life for her. (He didn’t know she was being threatened until the final episode). Basically Spike is hyper-fixated on what he had and what could've been.
Not long after this, Spike starts bounty hunting because like? What else is he going to do. He doesn't care if he lives or dies but if he has to be alive, he may as well be able to eat. He joins up with Jet Black on the Bebop.
TL; DR: Spike stole Vicious' lover, Julia, so Vicious made Julia choose between her killing Spike or Vicious killing them both. She instead went into hiding and Spike thought he'd been stood up. He fake died and got the hell outta dodge.
2.     What was Faye's past?
Ok let me start by saying Faye is my wife and my life. HOWEVER I hated her the first time I watched this show circa age 13 because I thought she was annoying/vain/shallow (also because #internalizedmisogyny lol am I right fam). Good news! She is all those things! But she's also very lonely and scared and an amnesiac and secretly a sweetie and she realizes she loves the crew of the Bebop like family.
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SO my wife's backstory:
she was born in the 1990s (#only90skidsremember). There's some debate over her race/nationality, but due to the images of her hanging out in Merlion Park in Singapore, my bet is that she's Singaporean. She comes from a wealthy family with a big house, and we see some utterly *adorable* film of her as a child/young adolescent in Session 18: Speak Like a Child. I cry everytime </3
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^^ Holla for the representation
In 2014, circa age 20, she and her parents were going into space when the shuttle they were on had some kind of malfunction/accident and it killed an unknown number of people, including her parents. At the time, the technology didn’t exist to be able to save her, so she was put into a cryogenic sleep state. Meanwhile, the Lunar Gate accident occurs, breaking up the moon and causing rock showers on Earth's surface. Most people died, moved to Mars, or settled underground.
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She wakes up from her cryogenic sleep in 2068. (Also the year Spike leaves the syndicate.) She's 'woken' by the corrupt Dr. Bacchus who plans on charging her for the years and years of medical debt she's accrued. (See Session 15: My Funny Valentine.) Luckily a lawyer takes interest in her case (Whitney Haggus Matsumoto) and tries to help get rid of her debt. The two fall in love, but turns out Whitney is a Scumbag. He's actually Dr. Bacchus's nephew, and faked his death, writing Faye as the sole inheritor to his will. This means she'll take on all his debts. So baby girl has LOTS of debt at this point.
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In the intervening years prior to her joining the Bebop, she gambles, cheats, gains a lot of street smarts, and adopts a very seductive character to get her way. She joins the crew on the Bebop in Session 3: Honky Tonk Women.
TL;DR: Faye is Austin powers
YIKES this is so long I am so sorry. Bitches are obsessed with this show. (I am bitches)
3.     The Ending
Okay I'm going to present this in the way, in my scholarly opinion, would be correct, though there are SO many interpretations other than simply 'Spike died :/".
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To understand the plot of the last couple episodes we actually have to go back to Session 5: Mao is instructed* to sign a treaty with a rival syndicate called the White Tigers. (*He's instructed by The Van (Council of identical creepy old men) who are the actual head of the dragon. I think we only see them in Session 26.) Well - Vicious is a Bastard Man and he and his fellow mutineers blow up the White Tiger guys' ship and slit Mao's throat. Before he dies, Mao is like "Gotdamnit if Spike was still here this shit wouldn't have happened." Later in the Cathedral battle, Vicious explains to Spike he killed Mao because Mao 'lost his fangs'. He planned on killing Spike for good her, IMO, so there'd be no rival to take over as Capo for the Dragons.
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^^These guys are The Van btw
THEN in Session 25, the Van basically catches Vicious and is like “you killed Mao and now you have to go to Time Out.” The Van also decides to just kill everyone associated with Vicious, just 2 B safe. That's why there's a big ass shootout at the Loser Bar where Jet and Spike are chilling, drinking, (missing Faye and Ed and Ein lol) and Shin (younger brother to Lin, who's helping Vicious overthrow the Dragon) explains all this to Spike. OH and PS JULIA IS ALIVE AND HERE IS HER LOCATION :). (**Notice Spike's reaction at this point is different than his reaction in Jupiter Jazz when he hears there's a Julia on Calisto. Much less excited… hmm…).
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SO THEN you know we get some flashbacks of the past as previously explained *and* Julia just happens to run into Faye. She recognizes that Faye is one of Spike's friends from the Bebop (she was keeping tabs on him it seems) and picks her up. Faye doesn't know who Julia is but is like damn bitch I'm a little gay for you. (I mean … that may just be my bi ass projecting, but Faye is REALLY struck with her. Look at how she describes her to Jet, I mean come on.)
 Faye's like, 'we should team up' and Julia says 'no thanks but also tell Spike to meet me at *the place*'. Meanwhile back on the Bebop Spike and Jet are talking and Spike goes on about some dream woman who was his other half. (We assume he means Julia … I have my reasons to doubt this … I have a lot of angry DMs about my opinion here lol but I just do not give a fuck (: I can expand on this in another post or you can refer to the title of my fucking blog haha) Personally, I think Watanabe personally left this specific scene open ended, the same way he does with the ending and various other things.
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more like SIMP Spiegel
ANYWAY Faye comes back to the Bebop to tell Spike about Julia, and Jet gets intel from a former cop buddy that there's some shit going down with the Dragons. (Again, the Van is hunting down everyone ever associated with Vicious, including your pal Spike). Bebop is attacked, Faye tells Spike what's up with Julia, and he heads out.
 PAN TO VICIOUS chained up - about to be executed - but what's that!? It's a bird!? It's a pla- no it's just a bird. (With one glowing red eye … hm … reminds me of Spike, also the drug Red Eye. Pls let me know if you have any thoughts on this). Just a bird with a BOMB! Explosion (RIP bird c. 2065 - too soon), Vicious kills the elders, his buddies show up and are ready to go fuck shit up.
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this show could not be more of an aesthetic
MMMPhhh okay RAINY CEMETERY. Spike and Julia. She draws a gun, explains why she didn't meet him that day, and then hugs him. Now Spike is not *great* at showing his emotions but he literally just stands there. Maybe it's a stoic expression of how sad he is that he never knew she still cared, when it seemed like she dumped him. Maybe he's finally getting some closure on his past. Maybe the past doesn't mean the same thing it used to. (I'll elaborate later on this).
They go to Annie's to get stocked up on stuff, she lets them know she denied knowing Spike was still alive and hey also the Van was assassinated by Vicious and his guys so. Watch out for that. Then her shop is surrounded by Vicious' guys and she dies :(. Spike and Julia escape to the roof, but she's shot and dies in Spike's arms, and says 'it's all just a dream' :(. (Refer to: Spike living in a dream of the past).
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Anyway Jet SAID he wasn't gunna go after Spike but. Jet's parental instincts kick in (oh yeah he was shot in the leg earlier btw) and he goes to Sitting Bull to see if he knows where Spike is. He basically says yeah Spike's about to die somewhere. (I want to do a further analysis on all the Sitting Bull scenes.) Well conveniently Spike returns to the Bebop, eats, tells his story about a tiger-striped cat. (At one point Jet asks if he's going there for her, and Spike is like well she's dead now so whatever). THEN we get to the scene where Faye is like HEY YOU CAN'T GO OFF AND DIE ASSHOLE and he's like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I 've been living in the past so I might as well see if I'm living now. (**This will play heavily into my interpretation of the ending). Faye is pissed, shoots the ceiling and he goes off to the syndicate headquarters to fuck shit up.
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He basically John Wicks his way through the building, Shin dies, he and Vicious have the big boss battle and whatnot. He kills Vicious and stumbles back out down the stairs and says "Bang!" and collapses. We pan to the sky and see a star fade away.
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Well that explains the plot … now here's what I think happened!!! ALSO may I mention, anon - you picked up on something I feel like a lot of people miss out on. Why *did* Spike go back to kill Vicious if Julia was already dead??
Basically, once it became clear that anyone associated with Vicious was being killed, Spike knew they'd hunt him down, and they weren't beneath Kill-Billing their way to him, (i.e. systematically destroying this companions to get to him). And for all his apparent indifference - he really loves his new found family. Jet is literally like an older brother to him. Ed is a little sister. Ein is well … a very good boy. And Faye? Well the relationship is complicated, and I'm not going to get into the 69,420 reasons I ship them here, but I think it is beyond argument that he really does care for her, even if that just in a filial way. He didn't want the syndicates to kill them for their association to him, or in order to get to him. So he did what he had to do to protect them. *AND NO* I am not saying that he didn't love Julia. But it was clear that his desire was no longer to run away with her. I think he genuinely loved and cared about her, but at some point between Jupiter Jazz Pt 2 and now, he accepted that their time together was over. Now he had a new raison d'etre, which is the Bebop.
I think at this point Spike has 'woken up' to reality (as he implied to Faye in their final conversation in episode 26: "Look at these eyes. One of them is a fake, because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I have been seeing the past in one eye, and the present in the other. I had believed that what I saw was not all of reality...I thought I was watching a dream that I would never awaken from. Before I knew it, the dream was all over." (This is from the sub btw I'm too lazy to look up the dub transcript.) He wasn't going there to die, he's going to find out if he's really alive. This line is fucking cool and everything - but it's implications are multitude. I won't go into them all here but basically : what makes him alive now is that he's free from his past. He's alive because he has this new family and protecting them is all he really wants now. Spike was protecting Jet, Faye, Ed, (and Ein) by going and facing the entire syndicate, knowing that their lives would all be in danger.
SO - did Spike die? Well again - Watanabe has purposely and artfully left this open ended. Well, if we're following the symbolism from Sitting Bull, then yeah, the man is as dead as disco, and wouldn't that be a fitting ending? BUT at the same time, Spike always refers to having 'died' before (meaning when he was ambushed by the syndicate, and they all thought he died, and he pretty much did). Don't forget that in  movie (takes places roughly between episodes 22 + 23, and yes, was made AFTER the series but whatever) he like .. DIES dies. He goes to the afterlife and everything. He wakes up to find he's chilling with Sitting Bull, who's like nah it wasn't your time to die yet. So the fact Sitting Bull confirms Spike will die in the final episode, means yeah, Spike is pretty much dead.
BUT -- okay now hear me out -- could this death in the final episode be a death to his previous life? The person he was in the syndicate? Now that he's extinguished the Red Dragons for good, is it not possible that its merely *that* life which has ended? That's the optimist in me saying that, but if it keeps me from staying up all night crying, I guess it'll have to do. Watanabe definitely wants to leave it up to the viewer, so whatever you think, I feel like there's validity to it.
WELL any anon, sorry for the fucking lecture - and believe me, I could've said MUCH, MUCH more - but I enjoyed this question. I always love talking about this show so please all you fuckers feel free to message me or send an ask about anything any time. I am really slow at replying because #life'sAbitch.
Love you all.
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brokehorrorfan · 3 years
Blu-ray Review: Alone in the Dark
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Not to be confused with the 2005 video game adaptation of the same name, 1982’s Alone in the Dark has all the makings of a horror classic. It’s written and directed by Jack Sholder (A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge, The Hidden), stars screen greats Jack Palance (City Slickers), Donald Pleasence (Halloween), and Martin Landau (Ed Wood), features a special effect by Tom Savini (Dawn of the Dead, Friday the 13th), and was the first production shepherded by New Line Cinema (A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Lord of the Rings). It would be notable for all the talent involved even if it was bad - but it's a genuinely great genre outing. Scream Factory aims to change the tide on the under-seen picture with a Collector's Edition Blu-ray.
The film follows psychiatrist Dan Potter (Dwight Schultz, The A-Team) to his new position at a new-age psychiatric hospital known as The Haven. Its righteous founder, Dr. Leo Bain (Pleasence), uses unorthodox methods to get through to patients - or voyagers, as he refers to them - that other doctors have written off. Potter is stationed on the third floor, where the potentially dangerous individuals are housed: paranoid schizophrenic veteran Frank Hawkes (Palance), pyromaniac ex-minister Byron Sutcliff (Landau), child molester Ronald Elster (Erland van Lidth, The Running Man), and serial killer John "The Bleeder" Skaggs (Phillip Clark).
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Under the delirious belief that Potter killed their old doctor and that they are next, the patients plot to kill him first. A power blackout allows them to make an easy escape, followed by riots through the city where they blend in. The last act feels a bit like Night of the Living Dead, as Potter and his family - wife Nell (Deborah Hedwall, Mare of Easttown), liberal sister Toni (Lee Taylor-Allan, Stargate), and young daughter Lyla (Elizabeth Ward) - are trapped in their house with the armed killers lurking outside, then it slowly becomes a home invasion as the madmen make their way inside one by one.
Slasher is the easiest way to classify Alone in the Dark, but that's not entirely accurate. Produced during the subgenre's golden age, the movie certainly contains key slasher elements but also eschews several of its tropes. Notably, it centers on adults rather than teenagers, college kids, or young adults. Coincidentally, it’s set in a town called Springwood (pre-dating A Nightmare on Elm Street by two years) and features a killer donning a goalie mask (arriving the same year Jason Voorhees picked one up in Friday the 13th Part III).
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Sholder shows remarkable control in his direction for a feature debut, delivering a tight 93 minutes with a couple of chilling stalk-and-slash scenes. Working with cinematographer Joseph Mangine (Alligator, Q: The Winged Serpent), the film features some beautiful, blue-tinted nighttime sequences. The score, composed by Renato Serio (The Pumaman), is begging to be pressed on vinyl. Its main theme is reminiscent of The Exorcist's "Tubular Bells" with hints of Italian prog rock and John Carpenter influence.
Schultz is considerably more restrained than his over-the-top Murdock from The A-Team, but he’s understandably overshadowed by - and billed below - the bigger names. Palance, per usual, commands attention every time he's on screen. Pleasence’s Dr. Bain is the inverse of his Dr. Loomis from Halloween; one is convinced his patient is pure evil, the other believes they are harmless. Landau adds further gravitas. Brent Jennings (Lodge 49) plays the ill-fated third floor security guard, while a young Lin Shaye (Insidious) pops up as the first inmate Potter meets. Punk band The Sic Fucks appear as themselves, performing the infectiously macabre "Chop Up Your Mother" and more at a nightclub.
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Alone in the Dark has been newly scanned in 2K from the interpositive with DTS-HD Master Audio stereo sound for Scream Factory's Collector's Edition Blu-ray. It features reversible artwork with a new design by Hugh Fleming that leans into the slasher elements and the ominous original poster art. A new interview with Sholder is one of the best director featurettes in recent memory. The sharp, 40-minute piece offers detailed anecdotes about the Friday the 13th's inspiration, the original script being set in New York City, how editing The Burning taught him how to make a horror movie, and more.
Sholder's archival audio commentary from the 2005 DVD is also included. A lot of information from the interview is repeated, but the longer form allows him to go into greater detail. Film historians Justin Kerswell (author of The Slasher Movie Book) and Amanda Reyes (author of Are You In The House Alone?: A TV Movie Compendium) provide a new audio commentary in which they analyze the subtext of the film. A new featurette finds former Fangoria editor-in-chief Michael Gingold visiting the New Jersey filming locations (including one later used in Orange is the New Black) as they appear today.
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Both new and archival interviews with The Sic Fucks vocalist Russell Wolinsky and back-up singers Snooky Bellomo and Tish Bellomo show the band members taking pride in their small part in horror history. An archival chat with actress Carol Levy is also included; she recounts playing the libidinous babysitter in addition to her work in other productions, then shows off her ability to put her legs behind her head. The theatrical trailer, TV spot, two radio spots, and a gallery of stills round out the extras.
Alone in the Dark is available now on Collector’s Edition Blu-ray via Scream Factory.
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avauntus · 3 years
Ooof... HI blog mutuals! How are you? 
Back around January 5th, I had a cloud of commitments drift over my calendar at work, and I thought: :This will be a busy week.: Two months later... well, it’s a break period soon, and I will probably sleep through half of it. 
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I have been getting a few drabs of writing done, but it’s pretty fragmentary. I made progress on the mc:tna WIP! *jazz hands*
I also spent a lot of time the past month or so on the couch watching TV, because I didn’t have bandwidth for anything else. I want to do a quick impressions post, in case anyone is curious about these programs, too!
Below, thoughts on:
Alice in Borderland (Japan; Netflix)
His Dark Materials (British; HBO Max)
Raya and the Last Dragon (US; Disney+)
Vincenzo (Korea; Netflix)
WandaVision (US; Disney+)
Alice in Borderland (Netflix - 8 episodes, ends on a -minor- cliffhanger)
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This one really grabbed me by the throat, but in a way that is entirely about style and setting. Characters in this drama don’t have a long shelf life, and like Battle Royale, it is extremely bloody. Also like Battle Royale, how much enjoyment you get out of it depends on your tolerance for watching people group up and then be shocked when the strangers they’ve decided to trust (inevitably) gruesomely betray them. If you enjoyed the style of Cube, Hunger Games, The Game, or Matrix Reloaded, and can stand (or like me, fast forward through) the gore, you might enjoy this.
Random impressions:
I know why Arisu is the main character, but brass tacks: if he didn’t have plot armor, he wouldn’t be. Usagi, Kuina, Karube, or Chishiya the entire way.
Almost the second I turned it off, a full-formed plot bunny of how Chishiya and Kuina met jumped in to my head, so maybe that will get written someday. Because they’re the best (regrettable murder-duo tendencies aside).
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Either the borderland is a simulation, or they’re all stuck in someone’s psychotic break-- there’s too much that doesn’t add up for it to be anything else (although the “aliens!” theory is fun).
His Dark Materials (HBOMax - 2 seasons (15 eps), 3rd season in production)
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I really wanted to like this more than I did... If you’ve read the books, and enjoyed them, it is a beautifully filmed version of that, but the show sells the grand drama of a War for Free Will much too short. Like, my favorite things in two seasons were Lee Scoresby (Lin Manuel Miranda, surprising the hell out of me), the City of Citagazze (what?), Mrs. Coulter (...what?!), and Lord Boreal. 
Lyra, Pan, Will, the Golden Compass itself, the angels, the Spectres, the Magisterium -- ehhhh. They were fine. But not more than that. And some of the things I outright loved in the books were terrible here. Whoever cast Lord Asriel, the witches and Jopari/John Perry did...not do their best work, imo. I’ll probably watch season 3, but it won’t be a “must watch” for me.
Raya and the Last Dragon (Disney+ - animated film, ~2 hours)
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I shelled out US $30 to see this opening weekend, and I’m not sorry about that choice. Reviewers are saying the story is a bit “generic” and...I guess? I think it depends on what you were expecting. But for me, this movie hit all my buttons - actual characterization for its female leads; humor; enemies to lovers friends; big epic conclusion to its story; found family; basically an RPG sourcebook lite approach to introducing the world; magic with consistent rules and NOT overpowered; BIG ol’ plothole at the end if someone wanted to write for it...
 There has been another criticism leveled, in that Raya tries to take a “pan SE Asia” approach with its setting that really, really bothers some viewers. I tried to keep an eye out for it when I watched, and quickly realized I don’t know enough about artistic influences from that area of the world to be able to tell. So it didn’t bother me, but in that I might be part of the problem. I will say that the setting seemed to be a little too “flavor-y” in its regions if it was supposed to be one country originally. But I mean, this was also a film with a giant rolling armadillo--  wasn’t thinking about it very hard.
Vincenzo (Netflix - airing now, new eps Sat & Sun in the US)
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Ahaha, where to START?  I started watching this on a whim eating dinner one night, and it’s maybe my new favorite show. Netflix labels this a “dark comedy,” and yeah, I guess? I also sent my friend a text when I started binging this midweek that went, roughly:
“Ooh, now we’re staging an Italian mini-Epcot to stop the demolition gang, and GLITTER CANONS!! Also we’re ripping off The Great Gatsby.”
...and that’s the vibe, really. 
This is the rare drama where I feel confident saying: Watch the first episode. If you like it, you’ll like the rest (so far- ep. 6 just aired). I am a BIG fan.
WandaVision (Disney+ - 9 episodes)
Ohhhh, man. This was so much better than I expected, and the second trailer (above, if YouTube lets you see it where you are) gave me high hopes. It’s probably better if you have a vague idea who Wanda and Vision are, but you know I don’t know that you would really need that?
It’s about nostalgia, love, grief, and the stories we tell ourselves-- the ones that are self-serving, and the stories we think serve us, and don’t. It actually lets Wanda lead in her own narrative, for once, but doesn’t undercut what she’s had to go through to get there. Like a Korean drama, the first few episodes are going to seem underwhelming if you’re there for “big P” plot-- but give it room. 
Wanda facing down the beekeeper at the end of episode 2 gave me chills like very little has on TV for a while. Elizabeth Olsen packs a lot into that 2 seconds:
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And Kathryn Hahn as Agnes is delightful. She’s totally on the up-and-up, of course-
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Secondary shout-out to DR. Darcy Lewis, low-key saving the day and snarking her way through it. So happy to see her again, too.
I’ve watched the whole series now (last episode twice; cried both times) -- and I think this is going to be one of my favorite things of 2021.
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