#class oppression
haggishlyhagging · 1 year
In early patriarchy, women's ancient community tasks were turned into slave labor. Women produced the surplus products on which men based their secular power and control. In the next stage of economic development these slave tasks became the industrial occupations of the workers, while the ruling men (and their "wives") were exempt from labor. The ruling men reserved for themselves the "manly" occupations of war, hunting, sport, and priestly observances—while "workers" kept the world going. Women's forced labor, and later working-class labor, freed elite males to become lawyers, judges, doctors, artists, priests, and warriors—specialized, privileged occupations that all others are barred from. And whole bodies of law, religious doctrine, and custom are then assembled to forcibly maintain these men in these positions of power. Patriarchal law, often called "the Will of God," is in fact a wholly secular cynical legal system designed purposely to maintain male power through institutional control of female energy. Under patriarchal legal, religious, and economic-social systems, some men dominate others. But all men benefit from their organized domination of the community of women.
Which is no longer a community. Patriarchy breaks up the female collective by forcibly capturing and imprisoning each woman's female energy within the patrilocal family. Within this isolation cell, each woman's creative energy becomes servant energy, directed and owned by men. In the Hindu Code of Manu—typical of all patriarchal family law—the woman must never be free, from birth to death, of subjugation to a male relative. She passes from the guardianship of her father, to that of her husband, and finally to her oldest son. They control her education, her property, the total disposal of her mind and body, in life and in death. The ignobility of this male obsession with control is equalled only by its effectiveness. Under the Code of Manu, the Hindu woman becomes a nonperson. The breaking up of the powerful ancient women's collectives was the only way by which men could have broken women's strength and independence—but still keep a vaguely living body around to do the dirty work in bed and bathroom. What better way to turn the Great Goddess into a sex-serf than by isolating each individual woman, keeping her under total control within the male-dominated and defined family household—where she is never allowed freedom of movement, of thought, of desire—where her body, her mind, her labor, and her children are seen as property, wealth belonging to the man. Where the only thing she can do with her sex-serfdom is pass it on conscientiously to her daughters.
-Monica Sjöö and Barbara Mor. The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering The Religion of the Earth.
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nando161mando · 6 months
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happilyvaliantkitten · 9 months
I have a boiling hot take that I just have to share somewhere.
Professional sports players are part of the working class while they play. Yes, even the rich ones.
They don't own their labor. They play at the whims of the team owners. They can get traded across the country without their consent. Hell, some people get traded TO OTHER COUNTRIES. They routinely get punished for political speech and get blacklisted within their entire league, which is the only place they can play.
I just learned about the whole Seattle Kracken situation, and I'm so mad. The team's official TikTok was making thirst posts about their players to play into a trend. They sexually objectified their employees on an international platform. They boosted posts of people making super explicit comments about their employees, which encouraged people to come to the games and chant these things. I know some people are mad at the individuals who were making these posts and chanting at the games, but I'm mad at the team leadership. The team made it seem like the guys were in on the joke and everyone was having a good time with it. One player's wife finally called it out and said it had gone too far. It never should have gotten to that point! The team shouldn't have encouraged this behavior toward the players. They shouldn't have made videos sexually objectifying their employees. It's so fucking gross. Team owners feel a disgusting level of entitlement towards their players, and this situation really shows it.
WithCindy on YouTube did a good video about the Kracken situation. That's how I learned about it. For bonus viewing, check out Secret Base's video "Russell Cunningham Seizes the Means of Production." It's about the NFL players strike.
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roadworxx · 10 months
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berniesrevolution · 1 year
You’re Lucky You Have a House, Peasant!
A history of company towns
by Joyce Rice and Kevin Moore
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(Continue Reading)
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pixiedreamclub · 1 year
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Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine, 1997 [x]
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etherealacademia · 1 month
i think western celebrity worship culture is such a strange prison. Free yourself. You will become an entirely different person if you just let go of these people who will never care about you, about us as a whole. Go for a walk. Read a book. Paint, dance, forget about them. go watch a foreign film. go watch an old film or an indie film from a director you've never heard of. Look at all the different faces. Find peace in the fact that you recognize none of them.
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dapperrokyuu · 9 days
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Target audience: Me.
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Sad version, sorry. :c
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tchaikovskaya · 2 years
when you treat oppression and social politics as a game of personal enlightenment instead of a project of justice and progress, you incentivize people Wanting to be seen as an oppressed class because that not only legitimizes their pain but also in a way absolves them of sins on other axes of oppression
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neuroticboyfriend · 8 months
honestly, although i really hate to say it... being able to work, on a systemic level, still puts you in a privileged position compared to people who cannot work. i wish i could say it's only an advantage when you're disabled, because i know it feels bad that being employed and getting income is a privilege even if its hurting you to do it. but it's not the hurting-you part that's the privilege, it's the way it systematically supports you. there are things that disabled people who're unable to work (especially those without income and/or savings) experience that you just don't, because you still have the ability to work and generate income yourself.
it's not a pleasant situation and by no means should any disabled person be forced into working. it's 100% torture and working disabled people deserve so much better. it's just that you just can't change the fact that society gives you chances and resources that disabled people who cannot work just don't have. that's not inherent to you, it doesn't make your disability invalid. it's systemic ableism and classism. being working class (as an individual) is still a step above the bottom of the barrel, even if you're disabled. so if there's anywhere to direct your grief and frustration on this towards, it's society. it's ableists. it's the ruling class and capitalism. not other disabled people.
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sigynsilica · 6 months
Minors can't buy medicine.
That's not a joke.
That's not a dystopian novel prompt.
That's not an exaggeration.
In the modern day in which we live, certain kinds of medicine are illegal for minors to buy because the government views children as inherently irresponsible to the point that they are forbidden from buying cold and flu medicine.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
Because the class oppression of women and children is couched in the phraseology of "cute" it is much harder to fight than open oppression. What child can answer back when some inane aunt falls all over him or some stranger decides to pat his behind and gurgle baby talk? What woman can afford to frown when a passing stranger violates her privacy at will? If she responds to his, "Baby you're looking good today!" with "No better than when I didn't know you," he will grumble, "What's eating that bitch?" Or worse. Very often the real nature of these seemingly friendly remarks emerges when the child or the woman does not smile as she should: "Dirty old scum bag. I wouldn't screw you even if you had a smile on your puss!" . . . "Nasty little brat. If I were your father I would spank you so hard you wouldn't know what hit you!" . . . The violence is amazing. Yet these men feel that the woman or the child is to blame for not being "friendly." Because it makes them uncomfortable to know that the woman or the child or the black or the workman is grumbling, the oppressed groups must also appear to like their oppression—smiling and simpering though they may feel like hell inside. The smile is the child/woman equivalent of the shuffle; it indicates acquiescence of the victim to his own oppression. In my own case, I had to train myself out of that phony smile, which is like a nervous tic on every teenage girl. And this meant that I smiled rarely, for in truth, when it came down to real smiling, I had less to smile about. My "dream" action for the women's liberation movement: a smile boycott, at which declaration all women would instantly abandon their "pleasing" smiles, hence-forth smiling only when something pleased them.
-Shulamith Firestone, The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution
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nando161mando · 11 days
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My favorite explanation of "antiwork"
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 4 months
And I'd love to be proven wrong, but I really think all of the ICJ hype is going to end in big disappointment for most folks
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andoutofharm · 2 months
if you unironically call yourself an elder emo in 2024 and/or somehow think being a fan for a long time makes you a bigger/more special/more important fan and that you are entitled to a certain performance or setlist from a band then uhhhh please fuck off forever. not sorry
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comradekatara · 1 month
You posted about LOK so now I’ve gotta mourn it again. It would be so GOOD if it were good, you know?
What if Korra took the side of the socialist and populist mass movements and realized that Maybe The Weird Privileges Of Benders Are Bad Actually
Korra would be So Good if it were good.
*Maybe The Weird Privileges Of The Neocolonial Capitalist Ruling Class Are Bad Actually. but yes
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