#cw: implied child abuse or neglect
annyinacastle · 2 years
Special Weapons in WWFSFG
@kiraofthewind asked a question over at Twitter and I couldn't really answer because of spoilers, so I thought I'd share a bit more here, where I can cut it off and you can choose to read the spoilers yourself!
The question — or prompt, perhaps — was to tell her about a special weapon used by a character. Essentially she asked about its lore, design, use and condition.
And I'll be doing just that! But just two, because this is very long. I could do others if people really, REALLY want to know though.
NOTE that there will be spoilers of When the World Falls, I'll be Safe from the Wrath of God. Which arcs, I won't say, but if you plan on reading my very long series, keep that in mind.
Alright, let's get to it!
Before I start, I should make a real quick character introduction.
Answard. MC. Species: witch. Elemental Alignment and its strength: wind and air, mind-blowing. Magical aptitude: High. Occupation: OP mage. Travels around the Continent running errands for the church, I guess. His name is Ásvard in Northern tongue and shortened Ansy or Ánsi. (Accent is a long vowel sound.)
Kári Hjálmar. LI. Species: human. Elemental Alignment: fire, passionate but limited. Magical Aptitude: Absolutely none and then even less than that. Occupation: runaway king. Follows Ansy around for reasons only the Spirits and Kári himself know. From the Northern Kingdom. His birth name is Kári, Hjálmar his father's birth name, so people he's very close with call him Kári. Not distant, but not close calls him "brother" or "king" or "young king".
That should be enough for you to know.
Kári's Sword
I want to talk about this first, because, to me, it's the most special. It has both emotional value and value to the rest of the world.
Kári is a "warrior type" in battle, which in-universe means he has knowledge of how to use multiple weapons. Where he's from this is fairly common, unless someone specialises in swordstaff, and then doesn't learn how to use their knife other than stab someone in the gut.
Kári specialised in longswords and chose his specific sword among hundreds of others. Why? That's where the emotional value comes in. This is also a summary of an incident mentioned early in the series.
When Kári was 9, his sister's paralysed legs were a mystery to all physicians. They sought advice from those who may know more, and a High Priest visited the North.
Upon cleaning the legs from tainted mana, there was a slight issue that could have been somewhat very dangerous to people.
A young child rushed to grab the sword off the wall, using it to channel mana, stabilising what could have possibly destroyed half the Northern Capital.
When Kári could choose his weapon upon turning 15, the sword he choice was the one he would never forget — a sword too big for a young child, yet wielded by one, who seemed to fly before landing don't the ground that day.
That child… was Ansy.
To be more specific, Ansy used it as a medium to channel his own abilities through it. A young witch don't usually have the ability to use mana for their spells, so his abilities were unstable. He didn't really wield it, but that 6yo really made an impression on 9yo Kári, because same child had also shrunk back at the slightest off look, saying very little, and avoiding most things — yet seemed so strong then.
To the adults, it only looked like Ansy would hurt himself though.
This incident does make this sword special in its own right. Regardless of his age, the story of the witch who took one of the precious ancient swords off the wall was not one that people would not share. That they exaggerate it, is a different matter altogether. That it's still told long after Ansy and Kári, Kári's wife and even the children they three raised have passed away, is what matters. And that it's shared in Ansy's tale of his travels matters too.
But to the two of them, it's that little secret proof of their connection no matter how separated they are, and they both value that (although Ansy would claim he has no thoughts on the matter — it's just some shitty sword).
That said, the sword used back then already had a history.
Answering the question (or many questions in a prompt), I went "Yes, but…"
This is the thing I thought of and went "yes" on all questions. It was also the one I mentioned, trying to think of something to share. (I still didn't! xD)
When sheathed, it doesn't look very special. While the hilt and scabbard are decorated, it's simple rather than intricate. Northerns like to decorate things. In part because if someone is lost, the carvings or stones or colours allow them to know if there's a chance of finding them based on whether they find their items or not.
In a world of ice and snow, for a people dumped into a land trying to kill you, while the inhabitants tried to take your land, that's worth more than the item itself.
So the sheath is oddly simple and, especially at a distance, the hilt is nothing to brag about.
Unsheathed however…
When you look closely at the hilt, it's less that it's not intricately detailed, but that the detail is too subtle. The grip looks at closer look like it's made of wood rather than metal, and the guard is like it's been woven out of flower stems and petals. This wooden-floral design continues onto the blade itself.
It looks more like a ceremonial weapon than a sword used in battle, and its name would suggest something similar.
The Sword of Life. (Or the Life Sword. I'll use that because shorter.)
It has a history of battle though. It's been used generations before by legendary warriors and even a past king, protecting the North. It goes back thousands of years!
Or so they say. Life Sword is a nod to a legendary sword of Púdenan origin, Púdena being a country in the area of the North of the today Ansy and Kári live. That sword was named Life Tree, or Sword of the Life Tree. A magic artefact, aligned with earth to the point it could cast spells of its own (or so the legends say). The Life Sword is far less powerful, but it's nonetheless an artefact itself.
It's an enchanted sword, aligned with the earth element. It was this alignment that made Ansy choose it in his rush, ignoring what others may say.
But first, about Life Tree.
That was a real sword. It wasn't a long sword like Kári's but it could literally split the earth with the right wielder. During a war at the end of the Third Era, that is exactly what happened. It was forged specifically for the young man who wielded it, and who in the end caused so much damage to the other side, the war kind of trickled to its end as the opposing side couldn't keep the war going. Life Tree is deeply rooted in "plants", letting the original owner use spells that allowed him to seem like he had the powers of a forest nymph. Naturally, Hakkaij, as he was called, had a strong alignment with the element of his sword.
So, Life Sword.
Much like the sword it's based upon, it has an elemental alignment with earth. And if you read the introductions, you should know Kári's alignment is fire. Fire is stronger than earth; it burns it. So… Does this not matter?
It does. Using a weapon that isn't aligned well with your element is going to inhibit you. Most equipment is relatively neutral, but some are not, such as Kári's sword. Moreover, Kári's sword is enchanted. It chooses who wields it. Káro using it, means it chose him as much as he chose it. An odd pair.
Here's the thing, while earth and fire don't go along well, Kári's alignment is more with just heat, not like a literal fire. Metal also falls under "earth", and if we specify, this sword is actually a metal aligned sword. Its enchantment works well with Kári's own alignment, making it a heated sword that can make things burn, but neither melts nor burns.
Kári's also good at enchantments, despite his lack of magic aptitude. It relies less on one's magical ability as much as one's understanding of the world — which is why enchantments are common up North, but very temporary "enhancements" are common elsewhere. The Northerners live closely linked to a belief in the world speaking to them.
This sword has been used before Kári's time. It's older than the oldest Northerner (who should be reaching the surprising age of 176 years old, which in human lifespan is equivalent to 117 year of age). It should have broken in battle a long time ago, because it's seen many. It's with great care (and much respect) that they've kept this artefact in great condition to Kári's lifetime.
And while the enchantments last long in the right environment, they need to be renewed and cared for as well. Kári himself does this excellently, and the fire enchantment of the Life Sword remain strong.
As for why it's named the Sword of Life, when it burns things…
A passionate soul brings light to life It will only stay with a flame there Remain strong in peace and in strife And passion you’ll find with this life here
This is inscribed in the scabbard in Ancient Northern tongue. That's the only clue to its name they have, aside from its nod to the Life Tree.
Ansy's Frostblade
Alright, Ansy next! This weapon is more special from a worldbuilding POV. Which means this will be heavy on, uh, "Whelthem science with a focus on biology, physics and mana".
Ansy is an OP mage. He can LITERALLY make it rain or snow if he wants to. Want it to rain fire? Will do. Grow a forest? Might be hard, but plausible.
But he does use a weapon. Except it doesn't exist.
And I realise this is gonna get real spoilery related to Ansy, but not the main plot or arc plots or anything. Like, I can't write about this properly without spoiling a lot.
First I need to explain witches: They absorb mana from their surroundings. They store that temporarily before they cast a spell. If the spell is quick, the mana essentially just passes through their body while it's used as a medium. This also happens if they do a long-range or AoE spell. Essentially, witches are the most suited for AoE spells, as the mana they can store in them is the equivalent to hundreds if not thousands of humans, or possibly a few average faes.
This means they also can act as a filter for the mana flow. Gather messed up mana, let out the good mana, and cleanse the shitty mana out (with help from a Priestess, probably), but that's besides the point.
They kind of continuously affect their surroundings by simply existing, because they do absorb and release mana constantly. A bit cold? Naturally gather fire mana. At a high altitude? Naturally gather air mana. Need to move faster? Naturally gather wind mana. How much they do this depends on the affinities though. Ashyll has a fire affinity, so she'll function better when her body gathers fire. She can ONLY use fire spells though — this is important.
Ansy naturally works the same way. He's a wind and air mage, so his spells are best with things like projectiles, movement, manipulating weight and cold. And, well, weather.
The thing is though, witches gather a lot of mana. Every inch of skin absorbs it. Exposed skin absorbs it better meaning that gathering works better with exposed skin, which means spells function better and are more powerful with more exposed skin (so (certain) witches don't wear much).
All this, at the end of the day, means that they might be able to mimic a mage, because though they may be called "Elemental Mages" they don't count as that. It's a fake title to reassure people. Assuming they are indeed an Elemental Mage, training enough, they can get to cruder low-level spells, but their incantations will be longer than for a normal mage. Compared to a human mage, a human would use an internal excess — how much of this excess one has and how in tune they are with it determine if they can use spells. Less mana means smaller spells, yes, but also having a storage that your body has kept for some time and is in tune with means a spell can be more precise.
Armament magic — the creation of weaponry and armour through the use of spells — needs precision.
And it also means that what they created, does not really exist.
Frostblade is like this. It's a pure ice — incredibly cold — longer dagger or shorter sword (whichever you prefer), which Ansy created through mana.
A witch would normally not mimic Armament Magic. It's too precise, requires too much on an understanding of mana that's not one's own, and also works outside one's affinity. Well, at least Ansy just needs to freeze something in the form of a blade. That would be a little easier than trying to use fire to make a sword.
What's so extra special about Frostblade — aside from the species of the creator — is that… it's not actually made by mimicking.
Ansy does know how to use normal magecraft and everyday spells. He can in theory do any spell a human can do. And he also knows Armament Magic. It's not the most comfortable thing, but he knows how to do it. Why he knows this… well, I'll leave that out.
But generally, Frostblade is also not purely made from Armament magic. It's more like a mixture of both.
He could make any sort of weapon though. He just chooses a longer dagger, which is very specifically named Frostblade in memory of a certain person's teachings, and because a dagger is easier to use when he needs to kill people the church wants dead. Or people he wants dead. Or people he just kills. I mean, he's essentially a part-time assassin, part-time destroyer of villages and part-time errand boi.
As for the shape, it looks like any kind of dagger, except pure ice. Created out of thin air, and returned into thin air when he no longer needs it.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Father Figures
pt. 2 here, and full version on ao3 here
The first time James Edward Hopper meets Steve Harrington is when Steve is thirteen years old. It is back when he is still pushing everyone to call him Chief Hopper, or at the very least James to sound more professional. It is mostly a lost cause, as he has just returned to Hawkins after his daughter Sarah's death and most people can't help but call him Jim and Hop in familiarity, in sympathy.
It didn't mean they didn't take him any less seriously though. In fact, his cold, grieving demeanor gave him quite the reputation around town. Made assholes like Lenny Byers and troublemakers like the little twerp Munson turn in the other direction when they see him. So Jim doesn't try to push the professional name too much. He knows people around here respect him.
They respect him enough to follow his word, they respect him enough to turn a blind eye when he takes an extra pill or two.
Jim doesn't think too deeply about his reputation until he meets Steve Harrington for the first time.
He gets a call from Benny. It's directly to his line at the station, instead of a general 911 call. He doesn't think much of it when he answers, most likely it was a non emergency from an old friend from high school. That's the only reason people call him most days.
"Chief Hopper. Make it quick."
"Jimmy." A deep, worried breath comes from the phone.
Jim immediately straightens. "Benny, what's wrong?"
Benny usually only calls for a laugh, or to invite him out for a drink. The guy doesn't care about too much, or ask too many questions. Hearing concern in his voice was alarming, to say the least. "Listen, Hop, there is a kid here. And normally I don't care, cause business is business, but it's two in the morning, Jimmy. And despite the kid wearing the most expensive pair of sneakers I have ever seen, he only has two dollars on him for a meal. He got all skittish when the plate landed too loudly. And I don't know..." Benny takes a deep breath before he continues. "...I just don't want to be at fault if this kid's trouble and some fancy parents come looking for him."
Jim can tell Benny wants to say something else, he doesn't push though. Jim Hopper tries to never ask too many questions.
"Alright Ben, I'll be there in ten."
When Jim arrives at the diner, Benny notices him and nods in the direction of the corner booth. And there, sitting with his head low and scarfing down a plate of fries is Steve Harrington.
Jim has never met the kid personally, but he knows his parents. Cold, calculating, and pretty much owns half of Hawkins. Jim is starting to understand why Benny has called him.
Jim slides into the booth across from the young boy. He's prepared to take the kid by the back of his shirt and drag him out of there. He doesn't need these kids to be causing hard-working people any trouble. But when Jim makes a thump in the booth, the Harrington kid's face snaps up in fear, and Jim's plan for an angry monologue just drops.
Because there, on Steve Harrington's jaw, is a bruise the size of Indiana itself. Jim's face remains gruff, but his body language softens. "Hey, kid. What are you doing here so late?"
Steve's posture remains stiff and small. "Sorry sir, I was just hungry and it was the only place open. I wasn't—I wasn't trying to cause trouble."
It's then, for the first time, Jim thinks that his reputation isn't one of respect. Instead, his reputation might something worse. Fear.
"Didn't think you were. Just wondering what a rich kid like you, is doing on this side of town, at this time of night." Jim doesn't say it like a question, just fact. He tries not to take it too personally when Harrington turns his bruised side in on himself.
"Would have uh—gotten something from home but we—I didn't have any food left. And by the time I was able to eat, everything else was closed."
"Able to eat—kid what are you rambling about. Let me call your parents to pick you up." Jim makes his way to stand but Steve grabs his wrist to pull him back.
"No! I mean—" he clears his throat "—not necessary sir. My parents left for a work trip tonight. I uh—don't have a number for you to call them anyway. They call me instead, they never have a solid line to contact. Nothing bad happens in Hawkins anyway, so it isn't something to worry about." The last line sounds practiced, like it is something repeated to Steve religiously enough it's become his own mantra.
Jim is starting to put it together. The waiting all day to eat. The bruise on his jaw. The lack of money for food. God, the kid probably walked six miles to get here.
Jim isn't stupid, he can connect the dots. But Jim also knows when not to push things. When not to rock the boat. When sometimes, even if it pains him, helping someone would be a lost cause. He thinks of Sarah briefly.
It's even worse when that lost cause is just a kid.
Jim decides maybe the best thing he can do for Steve at that moment is to ignore the obvious problem and offer him a bit of kindness. "Well, I can't have ya here this late. Could look bad for Benny. And we don't want to get Benny in trouble do we?"
Steve shakes his head immediately. "No Sir."
"Didn't think so. Why don't I drive you to the station? Don't worry I'm not arresting you. But we got a nice cot there, and you can get some rest. Then I'll drive you back in the morning when I clock out. Cause I'm still on duty and all. Can't be driving you back Loch Nora quite yet." Jim doesn't mention how he can see bags under Steve's eyes. He doesn't mention how it would be quicker to his house than to the station either. Jim maybe, just a little bit, wants to keep an eye on him. Even if it's only for a short time.
"It's okay I can walk—" Jim levels Steve with a look "—actually that sounds great. Thank you, Sir."
Jim nods with finality and starts to stand. "Oh and kid? Enough with that sir crap. I ain't Mr. Harrington." He almost says I'm not your dad. But that felt wrong somehow, giving Harrington senior that title.
"Okay, sir—I mean Hopper. Okay, Hopper."
As the years go by, James Edward Hopper keeps an eye out for Steven James Harrington (Yes he looks at his file for his full name. Yes, it makes him feel some sort of way he has his name as his middle name and not his father's. Richard would make a horrible middle name anyway). At first, it's drive-bys to see if anyone's home. Giving the kid a ride if he sees him walking. Swinging by a basketball game or two, to see how he's playing.
Then it turns into busting his ragers. Hauling him in for the night not to arrest him but to sober the kid up. Pulling him over for driving while intoxicated with that dumb Hagan boy.
Jim wants to be mad, he does. He even yells at Steve sometimes. But he can't find in him to be mean to him, not really. Not when he's pretty sure the only thing Steve has consumed in days is alcohol. Not when even though he has gotten much bigger, and the bruises are less visible, Steve never ceases to flinch when Jim grabs him.
So mostly, Jim either just drives him home or brings him in, giving him a sandwich and bed for the night.
Around when Steve is sixteen though, things get worse for Jim. He becomes more frustrated, with Steve, with his job, and with this town. He takes more pills. He neglects his job. He forgets Steve.
Then the Upside Down happens for the first time. Jim tries to better himself for Joyce and the kids. He mainly though does it for El. His second chance, his new reason for trying, his daughter.
Jim knows it's okay to get a little lost in taking care of her. That it's a good thing, and she deserves his full attention.
He does feel a bit of guilt though, after round two of the Upside Down. When Steve Harrington sits in Joyce Byer's living room, looking like he went ten rounds with a semi.
The kids are all over him (including Mike which shocks the hell out of him). Dustin is trying to stop the bleeding on his face, Lucas is holding ice against his head and even El, who Steve met for all of five minutes, is sitting beside him on the couch, holding his shoulder up. There is a look in El's eyes as she stares up at Steve. Like she can see through him, like she knows him. Like she understands him.
Jim feels his heart break a little.
He approaches Steve in a crouched position. "Hey kid, I think we better take you to a hospital. You look like shit." He is sure there is a better way to say it, but Jim Hopper is a blunt man and that was never going to change.
The redhead, Max, snorts. "That's honestly the nicest way to put it."
Steve glares, Jim can't decide if it's at him or the kids. "No. I'm okay."
Dustin shouts, "Steve you are most definitely not okay. Hop's right you look like shit—"
Dustin ignores Steve, "—and that's just externally. Who knows what's going on internally."
"C'mon kid, I can drive ya." Jim moves to help him stand.
Steve bursts with anger and pushes Jim away. "I said no. And you're not my dad."
Jim's jaw tightens and he resists the urge to scream back: and thank god for that.
El speaks before he can yell back. "You're hurt." It's soft, it's demanding and it's so very El. Jim watches Steve crumble back into the couch.
His voice is rougher than before, but much more gentle, "No hospitals."
"Okay. At least let Joyce look at ya. She used to be a nurse." Jim puts a hand on his shoulder, careful not to jostle him.
"Okay, Hopper. Okay, Hop."
After that, for a little while, Jim tries to look out for Steve again. It's harder this time though. He's more independent and harder to catch sight of. When he does see him, one of the gremlins is around him, and he can't check-in. And Hop has El, and he can't neglect her in favor of Steve. He tries to balance it out, but in the end, Steve isn't his kid.
Jim finds a small loophole though, which is El herself.
He worries about her every she since she ran away and he didn't even notice. And he knows Steve, like him, has a soft spot for the kids. So under the guise of babysitting, Jim gets Steve in his cabin once a week. So someone other than Joyce or Jonathan (or horribly, mike) is spending time with her. Sure, he's not there to keep an eye out for Steve himself, but it's the closest he's going to get.
Besides, biological daughter or not, El is just like Jim. She has a habit of collecting strays. If it's not going to be him looking out for Steve, he can't think of anyone better for the job than his little girl.
After Starcourt, somewhere in a Russian prison, Jim thinks of Steve.
Every day, Jim thinks of El. Misses her. Longs to hear her laugh even longs to hear her yell back at him. Every day, Jim thinks of his daughter and mourns what could have been. But Jim knows she's being taken care of. Knows Joyce and the boys will love her, and take care of her. Make sure she knows nothing else but kindness.
He worries though, between those moments, about how there is no one there for Steve.
Months later, in Hawkins Memorial, Jim Hopper finds Steve Harrington in a hospital chair next to Eddie Munson's comatose body.
Jim has a lot of questions but doesn't get any of them out because suddenly Steve Harrington is right in front of him, sucking in a harsh "Hop," and then collapsing in Jim’s arms.
Jim holds him close, says nothing, and cries silently with him.
During the summer that follows, James Edward Hopper notices a change within Steven James Harrington. Despite the obvious PTSD the boy suffers, and the scars that litter his body, Steve is visibly happier than Jim has ever seen him. He laughs more, he openly cries more, and he loves more.
Steve's now living with Robin in a tiny two-bedroom downtown. He comes to family dinner with the entire party every Sunday. He shares a cup of tea (no more beer for either of them) and a cigarette every Thursday evening on the Byers-Hoppers front porch.
Most noticeably, the biggest difference Jim sees in Steve is Eddie Munson.
Jim once again isn't stupid. And despite being an ex-cop isn't a bigot (he couldn't find himself back at the force, the corruption is too much for him. And he himself, was never very good at his job). So he can easily come to the conclusion that Steve has a massive crush on Eddie Munson.
Dear. God.
It's not that he has a problem with Eddie being a boy, but it's the fact that out of all people he can choose from, Steve had to go and fall for the twerp who used to trip over his laces when running away from Jim for the third time.
Jim feels, after all the years of neglect that Steve faced, he could do so much better.
Steve is happy though for once, and Jim doesn't say anything at first. But it becomes so painful to watch. The lingering touches. The longing gazes. The nicknames (sweetheart, honey, dear god did he just say big boy—).
Nothing ever comes of it though, it's August and neither of them has done anything but pine. And Jim seems to be the only one who notices.
At first, he thinks it's cause everyone is being kind, and giving them room to explore themselves. But with everyone making jokes about Robin and Steve (from the kids) or Steve and Nancy (from Eddie), it seems like no one notices the excruciating flirting between the two.
(Except for maybe Robin, but Jim isn't quite sure Steve and she aren't one organism. He doesn't count her)
Still, Jim ignores it though. He has learned his listen from Mike and El. Getting involved makes everything worse.
That is until, the second week in August right before family dinner, when he finds Steve and Eddie early, sitting on the couch, with Eddie dabbing the blood off of Steve's face.
"What happened?" Jim is over on Steve's other side in an instant.
"Nothing Hop, it's stupid." Steve tries to shrug off, and he looks towards Eddie briefly.
Jim's vision, for a brief brief moment, is filled with unclear rage. It's enough to consume him and makes him impulsive. Jim can't help but think he got it wrong. Maybe the two are together, and Steve had fallen into a bad relationship. He knew that Eddie was trouble, but he didn't think about it being that kind.
And though he is being irrational, and being for once a little stupid, no one can really blame him when he hauls Eddie up by the collar and into his line of vision.
"Munson, did you put your goddamn hands on my kid?"
Jim can hear Joyce, El, and Will (the only other people in the house) all run out into the living room at the sheer volume of Jim's voice.
Steve sits frozen, Joyce and El yell at him to "put him down, oh my god."
And Munson? He starts to ramble.
"No. No! I would never, ever hurt anyone. Haven't we learned this by now? I can barely kill a spider. I have to put them in a cup and put them outside." Eddie chuckles nervously, waving his hands around frantically.
Jim's grip tightens and pulls him closer. He's pretty sure his vibrating at this point.
Suddenly though, Eddie becomes deathly serious. As if he just realizes what Hopper has said.
"Hop, I would lay down my life before I ever hurt Steve. There is no one in this world that deserves kindness more than him. And if I ever do hurt him, whether it be emotionally or physically, I give you full permission to beat me up. Hell, I'll probably throw myself at your fist."
Jim doesn't let go but stays silent as he listens.
"You see, Steve here decided to pull a you when some jerks wouldn't leave me alone at Family Video today. They were throwing around a bunch of slurs. Nothing I haven't heard before. And even though I could handle myself—“ Eddie gives Steve a look “Steve here always has to be the hero and decided to defend my honor. And of course, it just had to turn physical. And Steve decided to take on three guys on his own. Got to say though, he held his own. It was kinda hot honestly—"
Jim hears Steve choke a little beside them, startling him out of his frozen state.
"—And he only got a cut on his forehead from one of the dickwads class rings. I'm a little worried he has another concussion though. Believe me, Hop when I say, I am just as pissed at those guys as you."
At the end of his speech, Eddie calms down and even holds eye contact with Jim. He still doesn't let go of the twerp, despite being considerably less angry. Well, at least at Eddie.
It's Steve though that finally gets him to let go. "Dad, please put Eddie down."
Steve says it like it's nothing. Steve says it likes its the easiest thing in the world. But to Jim, to Jim it's the best thing he's gotten since El.
Instantaneously, Jim drops Eddie back on the ground and scoops Steve into a bone-crushing hug. "You got to stop scaring me like this kid. Can't lose you again."
Steve's almost his height now, so he tucks Steve's head into his shoulder and lays his head on top of his hair. He hears a muffled, wet "I'm sorry" against him.
Jim chokes back tears as he says, "No, no you got nothing to apologize for. Just be more careful. Okay?"
Steve releases himself from his hold and looks at him. "Okay, Hop. Okay, Dad."
Jim ruffles his hair without jostling his head too much. He thinks he would do anything for his kids. Including pushing along this nightmare of a pining contest.
"And if you like him I like him too."
"Huh?" Steve says confused.
"Eddie here. If you like him, then he's okay by me."
Steve goes to stop Jim, but he's already one step ahead. "But if he hurts you even in the slightest, you're watching me dig the grave I'm going to bury him in. Understand?"
Steve blushes from head to toe and nods frantically, knowing if he protests it will only make the conversation longer. The room is silent until Eddie speaks.
"Don't worry Hop, I'll dig the grave for you." Eddie's voice, despite the threat, is filled with delight, wonder, and hope.
My work here is done Jim thinks as he gives the boys one last nod and leaves the room.
And if later, if Jim sees Steve and Eddie holding hands at the dinner table he doesn't comment on it. And if he sees Eddie give Steve's knuckles a light kiss, and whisper something that almost looks like "I love you", he only smiles at the two boys. Because if one more person loves his boy, it's a win for him.
Because James Edward Hopper, thinks his son Steve deserves that and so much more.
okay I spent waaaay too much time on this (as per usual) but I wanted to dive in a little more on Steve and Hoppers relationship (and how it impacts Steve and Eddie). I feel like a lot of fics makes them distant friends (which is canonically correct I guess) or surrogate family with no explanation. And I like the idea of them slowing building a father son relationship. Really leaning into you choose your family. I know people have mixed feelings about Steve calling him Dad (honestly sometimes I too think it’s cringey) but sometimes I love it and that boy deserves a good father figure. Even though steddie doesn’t come in until the end, I think it all really blends together nicely. Also in my head either the boys are both out to each other, is at least it’s heavily implied or is a known safe space they are in. We do not support outing people in the house. It’s probably a one-shot, but maybe I’ll add more snippets later on. For now it felt like a good place to stop.
As always I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I just zoned out for like two hours as I wrote it. It kinda made me emotional I’m not going to lie.
part 2 here and the full version on ao3 here
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lexezombie · 4 months
So Creek + the Chef Bergen,,, huh,,
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yeah I gave em kids cus ofc I did,,
extra notes:
Tbh they were an accident
It was a fling! one night stand! they swear!
Creek n Chef didn't think they could reproduce given,,, ykno,,,
Oops quadruplets!
Chef named them (obviously)
Creeks an awful dad who plays favourites and rewards his kids for out-performing each other
Chef couldn't care if any of them exist or survive
She is kinda fond of Scallion though
Onion + Scallion are treated the best
Garlic does her own thing
Spud is barely noticed by either parent (usually fed by Onion)
Clothes r made from scraps (creek has new pants dw)
Spud is wearing part of a plastic bag yes
Spuds colours are in fact duller cus, like Branch, he's depressed : (
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manyunhappygreenies · 8 months
I agree with the tier list but I'm curious why idw and 2007 are on the bottom half and not like 2012 splinter? Or even rise they were both pretty bad fathers
I'll answer rise and 2012 first because 2007 and idw fuel me with so much anger.
DISCLAIMER: I love Rise Splinter and 12 Splinter but they are not without flaws!!!!!
Trigger warnings will be in tags please adhere to them!
[Rise Splinter Start]
I put rise splinter in "you're okay" tier because Hamato Yoshi (will be calling rise splinter "Lou" from now on for context) did his very best and tried to make the very best out of a terrible situation.
He had lost his mother at a very young age and dealt with an emotionally neglectful grandfather who had only cared about a Hamato's duty to their clan up to his late teens into adulthood. [This undermines Karai's sacrifice in the first place. As she had sacrificed herself out of love for the world around her and the love of her father. Not because of a sense of duty.]
Lou moves to America in order to separate himself from his trauma, never addressing it but rather repressing it. In hopes he can move on and start a new life, which he fully intended when he proposed to Big Mama. [Though it's never spoken directly or stated directly in the show, it's implied Splinter was ready to even have a family with her because he loved her so much]
This is quickly torn to shreds when Big Mama reveals she's a Yokai crime boss [essentially] and human traffic [yes. HUMAN TRAFFICS] Lou to New York to become a champion in her Battle Nexus. While in the beginning of the show it's depreciated as Lou Jitsu loved being a Nexus champion we quickly learned in "Many Unhappy Returns" he in fact did not relish being a champion and was clearly traumatized by Big Mama's actions.
> Enter Baron Draxum
Lou is human trafficked once again and this time is experimented on, his DNA used to create turtle super soldiers that will be trained and raised to murder humans. [This show is super fucked up now that I think about it.]
And after completely destroying Draxum's lab, being freshly mutated into a rat man. Stripped of his humanity, he now has 4 turtle sons dropped into his lap.
TLDR: Rise Splinter did the very best he could in a terrible situation and struggled to overcome his own generational trauma. His actions are explained, not excused. He needs therapy, his sons needs therapy. He needs to make up for his neglectful behavior [which we do see towards the end of season 1 and into season 2] and understand his children are in no way shape or form obligated to forgive him.
[End of Rise Splinter]
[Start of 2012 Splinter]
My reasoning for putting 2012 Splinter in "Seek therapy before having kids" tier is because Hamato Yoshi [will just be calling him Yoshi for context] has been a parent before, while brief and tragically separated from his child for many years, on top of losing his wife.
Yoshi did as I would feel did the best he could but could have definitely done better. He's freshly traumatized, well into his 30s, maybe early 40s [?] And moves to America from Japan. [Clearly he needs therapy]
Yoshi clearly was not expecting to be a parent again, so soon after losing his only daughter. [perceived]
He loves his children, though he more often than not struggles to actually connect with them and see them as his sons rather than just clan members. I would consider this emotionally neglectful [?]
I personally always headcanoned this as a trauma response. A subconscious way to protect himself from the hurt of losing another child. And it's clear that Yoshi's trauma over losing miwa has manifested for his sons as well, as we see in the episode "Panic in the Sewers" one of the first episodes we actually see Yoshi PUT HIS HANDS ON HIS SON outside of training. And it's very clear that he was in fact hurting Raph. [Intentional or not. He still hurt his son.]
He loves his sons very much. But please. Get therapy.
[End of 2012 Splinter.]
Cracks Knuckles
[Start IDW Splinter.]
That being said the entire Trauma and storyline with IDW Leo being brainwashed was handled poorly and clearly written from a stigmatized view. I'm not surprised that his recovery was handled just as poorly.
[End of IDW Splinter]
[Start of 2007 Splinter]
Fuck you. You literally look like the cheetah from Cheetos you nasty, emotionally and physically neglectful fuck!!!
The only time you EVER paid attention to your sons was when Leo came home. 2 YEARS AFTER YOU SENT HIM TO CENTRAL AMERICA.
You did NOT care about Raphael's feelings about Leo's departure or return, nor the abandonment issues he had developed and the resentment that he had for you and his older brother.
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crumbleclub · 1 year
Masked Bully Gang Headcanon Stuff
Idk, I wanted to talk abt them lol
Freddy Mask:
I subscribe to the belief that this is Jeremy, the main reason being that he's one of few characters known to be alive (survived the frontal lobectomy and all), which matched the Fredbear mask sprite not having posession eyes, and that it wouldn't be a stretch for him to have known Michael (were coworkers later on)
So this also functions as Jeremy headcanons, just mostly prior to and immediately after the Bite
Anyway, very expressive kid. Generally pretty happy but it's easy to tell what he's feeling either way. Heart on his sleeve type
Extremely casual, not super interested in following any kind of formality. Gets away with it because he's a total sunshine and people find it charming
His relaxed behavior sometimes makes others assume he's lazy or incompetent, but that could literally not be less true
Jeremy is extremely well organized and efficient
He can be very goal-driven as well. Excellent multitasker.
All that aside, he's not the type to overwork himself for no reason. He prioritizes his friends and his own wellbeing over achievements unless there's something very important at stake
Bounced around a lot growing up due to his family situation. He has a single parent who's having trouble getting by; he's been in cheap apartments, homeless shelters, foster care, living out of his family's car, etc. Things start to get better financially as he gets older
His family is generally good to him but they don't have adequate resources. That being said he's been around foster parents and other adults who are really shitty at varying times as well
Spends a lot of time outside and doing structured activities just to have a place to go
Boy Scouts, school sports, babysitting, youth groups for churches his family doesn't even go to, he just has to be doing something
Probably becomes an Eagle Scout at some point actually. He's ridiculously competent
His biggest flaw is being unusually vulnerable to peer pressure
Probably had the most guilt of the three after the Bite
Tried to make up for it as much as possible by going out of his way to take as many opposite actions as possible. Getting involved with fundraising for children's hospitals, anti bullying stuff, etc
His response at the initial event was a complete freeze. He and Mike were the only two who didn't run, but neither were much help in getting Evan back down
Jeremy just kind of... stood there. He doesn't remember it.
Eventually jumped at the opportunity to be a night guard in hopes that it might help Evan and the other kids
Mike's most consistent friend through the years
Also the same age as Mike, they're probably 2 months apart or something like that. 13 when the Bite happens
Chica Mask:
I feel very strongly that Chica mask has a bowl cut.
Using he/him pronouns for him in this bc that's what he used his whole life but I do wonder if he'd end up identifying differently had he lived longer
From a big family, middle child but has mostly younger siblings still at home
And when I say big family I mean 10+ siblings. I would not object to it being closer to 20.
They struggle to make ends meet but not to the extent Jeremy's family does
Totally starved for attention
His parents love their kids, they just have way more responsibility than they could feasibly handle well + end up neglecting their kids out of a lack of parenting skill
They also don't really delegate responsibilities so nobody's really sure who's watching the younger kids at a given time
Nobody notices in all the noise when Chica kid leaves to go with his friends or comes back or gets into trouble etc
He's also not been taught some basic social stuff bc nobody had time for him. He doesn't understand boundaries at all bc he's used to a chaotic full house with little siblings climbing all over him and having to shout to get any attention etc etc
Probably the angriest of the three
He's a little younger than the others, 12 when the Bite happens. He's also small for his age and makes up for it by being Really Loud
Chihuahua energy
Probably the most likely to get into trouble even without his friends around (Mike is similar, but the other two aren't)
Ran when the Bite first happened. Terrified. The guilt never quite got to him because he couldn't get past the initial shock of what happened
He was scared, and angry, and confused. He hadn't expected it to happen; he was just lashing out blindly like a dumb kid.
The only one who didn't go to Evan's funeral
He reached out for help about a thousand times in a thousand ways but nobody ever did anything. His family didn't seem to realize anything had even happened no matter how loud he screamed for help or how badly he acted out
I don't know how he died yet. From the town's perspective, he wandered off one day and just disappeared
Idk if he got into substance use really early or if he did something self destructive on purpose or if he was just stressed and took too many risks goofing off somewhere dangerous or what, but I think whatever killed him in the end was how the Bite affected him, rather than William or anything like that
Bonnie Mask:
Probably the most well-adjusted, honestly
Quiet kid, smart
A little older than Mike, 14 when the Bite happens
Has a single dad; his mom died recently of an illness
Family does okay in terms of money; they're not rich but not struggling either
If he has any siblings I feel like they're far apart in age and not that close
He and Mike play baseball together or something. He's really into it but his skill level is pretty normal. Might be more into stats or trading cards than actually playing
Probably views his life in baseball movie format actually
Quick learner, more into the language side of things than like math tho
Probably learns foreign languages as a hobby but has awful pronunciation bc it's all from books
Another one who isn't likely to be cruel on his own, but he doesn't exactly feel that bad about it until the Bite, either
He honestly just. Never considered the consequences of his own actions?
Very out of sight out of mind type of kid. When he no longer sees someone crying, he figures they must have stopped. The upset he causes others stops when he stops looking at them from his perspective
Had trouble making friends so he just went along with whatever the few he did have did and didn't think about it much
The Bite was a very harsh awakening for him
He ran. Completely panicked.
In the most normal turn of events, he told his dad and went to therapy about it and stuff
Developed a fear of blood over it. Never went back to Fredbear's.
Probably visited Evan's grave more regularly than any of the others
Shut down to some extent afterward. Kind of stopped having friends at all
William killed him in the end. I'm not sure whether it had anything to do with Evan or not, but he was lured and killed much like the MCI kids
Despite being in his teens at the time, Bonnie kid had never had a lot of reasons to be wary of strangers. The adults in his life were kind to him, and he trusted William's intentions until it was too late
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samijami · 10 months
Whenever one bruise fades, my mum throws her phone at me very hard and bruises it right back a-fucking-gain on the same spot
I love life
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
This kinda made me sad but I noticed that there’s been at least 2 times (that I thought of today) in riders/defenders where Hiccup didn’t know what is, presumably, common Berk knowldge of idioms and stuff.
Like he didn’t know about the ‘Honey and the Hatchet’ thing where Stoick and Astrid did and he didn’t know about the ‘options 1,2,3’ thing where Stoick, Astrid and Snotlout did.
Obviously it makes sense cause Hiccup is our protagonist and we need the exposition, hence getting it from him, and there’s probs plenty of other explanations, and other characters do this too but when focusing on this and considering he was an outcast for the majority of his life, it makes sense that he wouldn’t know those expressions and thinking about it makes me sad.
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truly-morgan · 9 months
[Safe home, feat. LQR]
Shuangjie | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU + cw: implied child neglect 03-06-2021
[Jiang cheng, wei wuxian, lan qiren, modern]
What if the perfect family™ jiangs? Everyone thinks everything is perfect. Successful parents with good company. Good and kind daughters. Two brilliant sons who keep besting everyone in their classes. When people meet up with the family, nothing ever seems out of place, it's to such a point sometimes it feels surreal in a way. How can a family be this perfect?
It's all a facade. That's how.
jyl is the lucky one to be a daughter in a way. She is not as pressured as her brothers to do good in everything (mostly learning to be a good wife). She is well-loved by their parents and she knows it. Of course, being the daughter has its own negative traits, but she is sure this is common to every daughter around China. Plus, she is slowly building her relationship with jzx and is often out in the most recent months, so she is away from problems.
jc knows he is not enough for jfm and he is slowly starting to give up on being enough for him (though it never stops to hurt when anything good he does is being dismissed easily). He doesn't have a bad relationship with his father perse, but not having one isn't that much better either. yzy is something else but on another extreme. He /knows/ she loves him and only wants the best for him, but most of the time her demand for him to always do better is overwhelming and draining. Even with her, he doesn't do good enough, since it doesn't surpass wwx.
wwx relationship with yzy is more than bad, he knows that if he could just disappear she would be more than delighted to see that. around her he's always walking on eggshells, not wanting to anger her (which leads sometimes to jc also being brought into it). He makes sure to always be polite and knows better than to provoke her. With jfm if finds it complicated. He has a good relationship, the man seems to absolutely love him (which sometimes does make him uncomfortable because he sees how jfm doesn't treat jc that way).
But in a way, he feels something missing. wwx sometimes feels jfm loves him only because of his mother, not because of /him/. Plus, he doesn't like how he is used to comparing jc's grades (which are also great!).
Thankfully, over the years the two of them managed not to be broken apart by these treatments. when jc needs to vent, he knows wwx will listen and reassure his insecurities and never with lies, wwx always tells him what he really thinks in those more fragile moments they have.
wwx is less inclined to vent his frustration, as he doesn't want it to sound like he's not thankful for the jiang family to take him in. His memory of who was taking care of him before that is not good and he wouldn't be as well today if it wasn't for them (doesn't stop jc from pulling out of him his frustration sometimes, because holding all in his bad.)
But they don't always say everything and toe the line between keeping this good relationship and being torn apart by the little crack their parents managed to create with years of pitting them together. jc is scared to hurt wwx with his jealousy and small resentment by moment, while wwx is afraid to break apart the family even more than he did by being brought in by jfm.
of course, lqr is like everyone else, thinking the jiang family must be as good and loving as they look. both sons are doing very well in school (though he does have his dislike and frustration with how disruptive and loud wwx can be in his classes).
but with time he does notice small detail. Like how jc seems to be starving for the small praises he gives him, or the way jfm seems a bit too detached when they have some parent-teacher meeting. even wwx seems a bit off when he sees him at those meetings. He is /too/ well-behaved and polite, he even caught his little sideglance to yzy when lqr talk about the problem he caused, looking apprehensive.
The first brother lqr really starts to take care of his jc. He notices how often the young man seems to be waiting until late to go back home, even after school club. Sure, the area is safe, but it's still no good for a young teen to stay out so late. at least wwx seems to be with him all these times, waiting for jc's club to be over when he doesn't have his own club to go to that evening.
they sometimes simply give up and go back by bus together, greeting their teacher when they notice him. but the night when wwx cannot stay after school with jc seems to always be the one where the young man has to wait for the most until someone finally picks him up.
but this time it is more later than usual, lqr had to stay behind to help other teachers and he knew lxc and lwj would probably not mind practising some more even once their music lesson was over (the teacher trust them to place everything back correctly and lock the door).
this is when he noticed jc still waiting at the school entry, looking a bit anxious outside in the rain. "Jiang Cheng", lqr calls, making the youth jump and turn towards him to greet him politely. "Your parents haven't picked you up yet?" he asks as he looks around, "Your brother isn't here?".
"His club activities were cancelled for today and he went to nhs house to help him with some theory he did not understand in math" replied jc with a small smile. The news surprised lqr a bit, as he did not expect wwx to be this kind of student.
but despite how disrupting the young man could be, he had to study /at some point/, he and jc wouldn't always be at the top of the list if neither of them was studying. It was just a bit hard to put studying hard on the list of things wwx does.
"Then why aren't your parents here yet?" he asks, a bit worried. The young man had never stayed until this late.
"I think they had to do overtime" jc replies as he looks back at his phone. "I was waiting for the rain to go down a bit so I can take the bus". lqr frowns at this. Over time or not, shouldn't they at least find someone to pick up their son? he is sure he has already seen their assistant in the past being the one picking up jc, so why not now?
lqr takes a look at the heavy rain, then at his nephew who seems to understand want he wants to do, lxc offering him a small smile.
"Then I'll take you back home" lqr offers, before cutting jc off when he wants to decline, "I couldn't let one of my students go back home under such weather, I do not want anything happening to you".
jc ends up accepting, clearly looking relieved that he won't have to walk all the way to the bus stop without an umbrella (lqr notice he doesn't have one, sharing his with his student). The ride is filled with lxc trying to make jc feel a bit more at ease and make it clear it's not a bother (even lwj tries his best despite clearly not being sure what to say).
lqr isn't sure about letting jc go, as everything in the house seems dark. clearly, no one is home. "No need to worry lan-laoshi, I am sure jiejie will be back soon too," he says, although it doesn't sound really sure. lqr doesn't want to force him, so he lets him go, going away only once he's sure jc is inside his house.
This same scenario starts to occur more often than not, which does concern lqr, even more, when jc as to wait alone without wwx. "nhs brother asked if wwx minded tutoring to help raise nhs grades, so now he goes over after their club activities" (learning this, lqr doesn't miss telling wwx how well it is of him for doing so, since he believes in encouraging good behaviour, especially in more troublesome students).
at some point jc finally accepts to be taken to the lan's house, knowing his parents won't be home that night (he only learned that over the phone, as lqr was standing next to him, frowning a bit).
like this, it became a rather usual occurrence for jc to be over at their house, lwj clearly warming up to him slowly. the guest room even unofficially became jc's room when both his parents are away for business, as if believing their kids were now old enough to take care of themselves. (they are, but lqr simply cannot let himself feel comfortable at the idea of his student having to always be left alone like this).
one night jc especially looks anxious, looking back at his bag on the floor often until his phone finally rings. he hesitates, until lqr signs him he can pick it up.
"Did you find somewhere... Wen Ning?... no no I found somewhere too... yeah I know jiejie is at the jin house... okay see you at school tomorrow and don't get in trouble!" they can hear from where jc was talking in the living room, clearly trying to be quiet.
lwj is frowning at this, clearly understanding that wwx is also not home. lqr is a bit concerned at this. why does it sound like the brothers are used to needing to find somewhere to stay temporarily? but when jc comes back he doesn't comment, not wanting to intrude either.
jc apologies while he simply says it's alright, it's good to take care of your family.
The first time he brings wwx in (other than when lwj would bring him over to study, though he never stayed over) was when the boys were 16 and he had already been taking care of jc on and off for two years.
He had his share of worrying about wwx a bit, yet the young man never showed signs of emotional neglect the way his brother does and jfm always seems to shower him with praise when he meets the man.
The thing seemed off, but he had been too focused on jc to really notice how things had changed a bit. all he could see was how wwx seemed as disruptive as ever and rumours were going around that he was fighting outside of school too (which jc did admit worrying about wwx on that front since he refused to tell him).
that evening wwx showed up at the house unannounced, really close to 9 p.m. (despite knowing of their strict schedules). wwx seems surprised that he's the one opening, "It's 8.45 wy, a-zhan cannot play with you" he says, something in him still not wanting for him to influence his nephew badly.
the young man gives an awkward laugh, clearly cutting himself as he was going to say something "I get it, sorry for disturbing lan-laoshi this late" he says with an anxious smile, backing away to look down at his phone while biting his thumb.
only when lqr was about to close the door does he realise something isn't right and look back up. he doesn't remember any car dropping wwx by and the teen clearly didn't take a bike here. Did he take the bus and walk? no, at this time there aren't as many buses close to their house.
He also notices the small bag wwx is carrying, probably enough clothing for at least a night he assumes.
He did not come here to play around with lwj, he came for the night. A bad feeling settles in and he has a vague idea of why he is here. "Wei Ying" he calls back before the young man can call someone else (at least, he assumes this is what he was about to do). he moves aside, showing inside the house. the teen quickly understands, quickly jogging back inside the house, and taking off his shoes.
"Sorry for the intrusion" he hears the young man say before following him to the kitchen. Under the soft light, he can now see that wwx seems tired, a bruise forming on the side of his left eye.
This makes lqr frown a bit. he did not remember seeing this bruise when he saw the youth that day. had he fought through after school again? yet he felt like this wasn't it, if it was the case, why would he seek out somewhere to go?
He sits him down, preparing some tea as he wants for the young man to relax since wwx is still fidgeting anxiously. he also has some questions to ask him. As he was about to ask what happened, the phone on the table started ringing, "Chengcheng🐶" appeared on the screen and lqr can guess who it is.
wwx quickly answer when he sees lqr nods (he cannot stop him from reassuring jc after all).
"Are you alright?" jc asks, the sound loud enough in the quiet house to be heard clearly.
"Yes don't worry"
"Did you find somewhere, are you at nhs place?"
"Yes I found somewhere" wwx reassure softly
"He's at my place" lqr clarifies, a sigh of relief clearly heard through the phone. "Okay, good, perfect, I will come see you in the morning so don't run off before I come!".
lqr doesn't miss the warm smile on wwx smile as he hears his brother saying he will pick him up next morning, agree. He only manages to hang up when he has reassured him some more.
nearly at the same time lwj arrived, attracted by the sudden commotion downstairs, but also because it was wy voice this time. He frowns when he sees his bruise, looking up at lqr with a questioning look.
"Wei Ying will be staying tonight, please prepare the room for him" lwj immediately nods, getting back up to prepare the room.
"Thank you for letting me in" wwx thanks again. he wanted to ask for help from lwj and he had also heard jc say that lqr was really nice, he had been scared that maybe the man wouldn't be as generous, he /did/ bothered the man quite a lot in class before. Sure, he was enduring him hanging out with lwj, but he had the impression the man didn't really appreciate him.
lqr did try to pry some answer out of him, but wwx was a bit stubborn in his lie and it was too quick before lwj was back, first aid kit in hand to help his friend. before going wwx thanked him again, following lwj upstairs.
the next morning jc is here early (knowing when the lan eats breakfast) and enters with his key (lqr is happy, he gave it to him a couple of weeks ago so he can enter when he needs it but it took a while before he was really comfortable doing so).
he greets everyone before checking in on wwx immediately, clearly anxious at the signs of his bruise. "Did you fight again?" he asks worriedly.
"Wc was saying bullshit about you again, he was looking for it" wwx replies with a smile, clearly feeling better than the day before. "Language wei ying" he receives, making him apologise a bit.
he was clearly about to add more to tell the truth to jc, but after taking a glance at lxc and lqr he simply smiled. "I will be alright".
later lqr ask lwj what happened (believing wwx might have told him). he had most likely promised not to tell since he seemed to hesitate. "Did he got kick out because of the fight".
"... half of it" he simply receives before his nephew left for his classes when lqr nods.
after that, it also became a recurring thing that either of both brothers would come to the house, whether it was because the parents were both away, doing late hours, not picking them up or wwx was kicked out again.
the guest room that had slowly become jc's room became their conjoint room at the lan house, clearly not minding being in the same room. the time when lqr needed to get up in the night he would sometimes hear them whisper (he couldn't blame them for not being able to sleep at 9) by then, lqr opinion of the parents at sank really low, clearly understanding that they didn't really care (or at least not anymore) unless it was about grades (he heard once the brother talks about the company succession and how much pressure jc had over this).
got to go to work soon, but here are points I might try to write if I can:
=lqr slowly warming up to wwx and seeing he's not just the disruptive kid he thought he was
=shuangjie basically has a stack of clothing and all needed at their house because of how often they are here
=shuangjie feelings really safe and appreciated at the lan's house, feeling more like home there than when they are "home"
=feeling comfortable enough to talk about child neglect (although neither thought it was that)
=shuangjie having a place where they can finally tell each other everything without the fear of yzy and jfm hearing/barging into the discussion (leading to wwx understanding more about jc)
=wwx finally talking about the slightly more important child neglect he went through before being picked up by jfm
=wwx also finally opening up about some physical and verbal abuse from yzy ("It was just some slap and thing thrown at me" he tries to downgrade the importance)
=just overall shuangjie finally talks sincerely about everything even if it hurt because they know they will be there to catch the other and the lan's will also be there. having somewhere to slowly heal and work the issue caused by all this neglect
=lqr becoming more protective of them because he decided if the jiang don't want to raise them correctly, he will. He can easily take care of 4 kid, he don't mind it
=yzy and jfm pride hurt when they see jc and wwx much more at ease around lqr than the,
=just overall a newfound family for shuangjie
=supportive uncle lqr when maybe wangxian and xicheng become a thing? Also being the first one shuangjie felt comfortable about telling they might not be straight (after telling each other)
sorry for those who are not comfortable/triggered with neglect/abuse (if I wrote those, cw will be in place)
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Umm currently having a Vox and Velvette obsession do you have any headcanons for them hehe
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((Mostly for Vox, buuuuuut some for Velvette too.
Chronologically and physically the youngest of the Vees. Though physically not by much, she's still within the 30's-40's age range like they are
Was unsurprisingly a fashion influencer in life. However she unfortunately started out as one of those child influencers her parents vicariously live through/make money off of.
Eventually killed her parents to finally escape them. To this day no one in the living realm caught on that she murdered them.
Died about 2015 when an obsessive fan sent her a trap package in retaliation for getting a boyfriend. Yes, really.
Gained a big following rather quickly on Hell's social media, catching Vox's attention.
After Vox pulled her into the Vees, she's the one that brought eyes to the boys' bigger projects, and often does photography and costuming for them.
Aside from the obvious knives, Velvette also wields a selfie stick. And man can she do damage with it.
Velvette cooks as a hobby, primarily baking. Sometimes posts food aesthetic pictures. The only people she cooks for are those she's fond of. Sort of a love language for her. She stopped cooking for Valentino, however, after an incident where online he insulted the cookies she made for him. Now he can only get a taste of her food by either persuading Vox to share, or otherwise stealing the food off him. Girl holds grudges.
Chronologically the oldest of the Vees, though physically a little older than Velvette and a little younger than Valentino.
Born and raised Catholic, though admittedly didn't have the attention span for Sunday School. He was essentially agnostic until he died.
Grew up reading comics, watching TV, and in general fucking around with any electronics in the house he could find rather than playing outside. He was neglected by his parents growing up and didn't really have any friends so yeah.
Always wanted to be in the film industry. He wanted to act in and make films. Unfortunately he only got as far as commercials and infomercials before he died. He was a pretty good salesman, though, so it suited him just fine. He got progressively more and more unethical in trying to sell the products and services he was advertising. Shaped up to be a real corporate shill.
Also. Drugs. So much drugs. He's just better at hiding this habit than most people.
Died in a studio accident where a light fixture fell on his head. Yes. Really.
Goes without saying Vox isn't his real name. But it wasn't his first Hell alias either.
Not only did he start out with the old boxy tv for a head, but he couldn't communicate vocally at first. You know silent films where after the talent "says" their lines, it cuts to a frame where we have to read the dialogue? Yeah he started out having to do that.
Now more machine than man, he works differently from other sinners. Rather than respawning when he dies, he needs to be repaired to come back. Even when he's been torn to pieces, all you can do is gather him up and put him back together. The only thing setting him apart from broken machines is that he does bleed when he's been hurt.
Aside from the ability to bleed, there are other occasions where his machine body functions like it's organic. Like if he's injecting something, he can treat his wires like veins.
Theoretically, he doesn't need to eat, but he does get hunger pangs if he doesn't, and eating does provide more power for his batteries.
I could go on and on about his anatomy and his relationship with it tbh but for now the most important one; he has a tail. Very Hellborn like but a cord with a plug at the end. It's how he charges, or stays powered on when he doesn't have battery. He just hides it under his clothes and wound around his waist [like a Saiyan] because he's gotten tired of some assholes tearing it off or fucking up the prongs. Why did I give him a tail? Because I saw someone edit him with one and now I want it to be canon fite me.
Made his start in Hell as an inventor and repairman. That's when he first met Alastor. Just dumped some broken equipment on him asking him to fix it. One time became semi regularly. After a little bit of that, Vox was taken under his wing.
Yes, thanks to Alastor, he has eaten "human" flesh. [Only in quotes cuz technically no one in Hell is human anymore.] He doesn't exactly hate it, like he wouldn't refuse it if it was cooked for him, but he doesn't seek it out either.
Alastor's cooking is also the reason why his white ass can handle spicy food-
Vox looked up to Alastor back then. The relationship was far from healthy, however.
By the time they split, Vox was an Overlord in his own right
Met Valentino a few years after the split. This relationship is also unhealthy but good luck getting Vox to realize that.
Essentially provides the platforms for the other Vees, and often time helps with video editing and sometimes get involved directly with the filming. Val learned all his film tricks from Vox.
Custom made the Vees' phones and set up Valentino's online accounts. With some bombass security.
And that's about it for now. Hope you like-))
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☕️ + Marika
TW: Implied incest; implied marital rape; discussions of child abuse and neglect; discussions of eugenics and genocide.
Malenia chuckled huskily and rested her head against the back of her 'throne' in the roots of the Haligtree, staring with sightless, scarred eyes up at the sky. The red and golden orange of the coastal sunset bathed her face and caught the thick red hair spilling over her shoulders in a flame-like sheen. Miquella, curled up in his blanket nest in the hollow of the roots, slept blissfully on.
" Miquella is far more magnanimous when it comes to Mother than I," Malenia whispered harshly, turning her face towards her brother's nest. " We have discussed our family many a time, and when it comes to Queen Marika the Eternal, Miquella simply feels...sad. He neither likes her nor respects her actions and ideals--and how could he, once he learned of the atrocities and genocides she has committed in the name of the Greater Will. Yet he recognizes that she herself is trapped and mostly powerless in the face of her patron god; indeed, the Elden Ring is as much a shackle around her throat as it is the manifestation of Regression and Causality. The way Miquella looks upon Mother is the way one would look upon a starving, rabid dog in the rain: dangerous, yet so terribly pitiful. He considers the inevitability of stripping her of her Grace as a mercy."
Malenia turned her face back towards the canopy, humming in satisfaction at the faint warmth playing on her pockmarked skin.
" Miquella, as always, is the better of us...for he finds it in his pure, good heart to love her still, whereas my own love has long since wilted, choked in the thick overgrowth of my anger and...hate. Yes, I freely admit that I hate Mother with every inch of my rot-burned body, and every scrap of my weary will. It is a hate that is both personal and ideological. Idealogically, I hate her for the genocides she committed against the giants, the omen, the Nox, and the nomadic tribes. I hate how she has isolated the Lands Between from the rest of the world, converting visitors to our lands but sending none in turn, for who could possibly want more than the stagnant golden grace of the Erdtree? I hate her for cowing to the Greater Will and throwing her own children into the sewers to pitifully waste away. I hate her banishing Lord Godfrey and the entirety of his people from the Lands Between, all in the name of some grand task, some eternal grasping at more and more power and more and more strength. I hate how she has wielded fundamentalism as a spiked flail, forcing the demi-humans into either exile or slavery, and turning a blind eye to the slaughter and persecution of the albinaurics. Even if I was not her daughter, I would hate her for this alone."
Malenia's left hand clenched into a trembling fist in her lap, and she moved from leaning over the back of the chair to slumping forward, picking up her prosthetic arm from the ground with palpable weariness.
" Yet as her daughter, I hate her more." Malenia spat bitterly, resting the prosthesis on her lap and running the fingers of her left hand along the worn, grooved joints, crude gold patches, and hastily hammered dents. The act seemed to calm her somewhat, although her shoulders were still taught with tension. " I hate that she forced Father away from the woman he loved and into her bed without his consent. I hate that she broke both Father and dear Rennala--who will forever be a better woman, queen, and mother than Marika could ever hope to be--all in the name of an Empyrean heir of her own; for she could not let the Carian family line have control of the Elden Throne, now could she?" She chuckled bitterly and let her head hang low between her shoulders. " Is it any wonder that Miquella and I are cursed, having been born from such better designs, such selfish whims, and such...such violation? We would be cursed even if Mother and Father were not..."
Malenia trailed off, unable to admit her family's greatest secret and greatest shame, even to the most well-intentioned stranger. Finlay and Ranni had been the only two beings the twins had ever told, and they intended to keep it that way for the foreseeable future.
Even without saying it, though, the revulsion and bitterness of such a lie...such a blasphemy...such a crime against nature in and of itself...it made her want to vomit.
" I hate her for her hiding me away when I was suffering with rot." Malenia said after a moment of heavy silence. " For believing my pain would lead me to greater strength and power--and then, when I remained rotted and sad and not stronger through adversity, she grew disdainful. 'Should ye fail to be nothing at all, ye shall be forsaken.' That is always what she said to me when I was being too troublesome--too unruly--and I knew in my heart that it was a threat. She had thrown her newborns into a sewer simply because they were born 'cursed'; why would she hesitate with a miserable, unruly daughter disfigured by rot? Even after I grew my skill with the sword, she was cold, distant. I was simply a replacement champion for her--someone to wage her wars and fight her battles as her proxy when Father was too heavy with melancholy to move. Even being chosen as an Empyrean did not satisfy her...although she certainly was cross when I renounced my Two Fingers mere days later."
The memory of her mother's sour-lemon face brought a rueful smile to Malenia's lips. She shook her head and began to flex the finger joints of her prosthetic arm, checking to see if any needed oiling or smoothing.
" Yet even if she was naught but the sweetest, kindest, most devoted mother to me...even if she had not forced Father to lie with her to conceive my brother and I...I would still hate her, for I consider what she did to Miquella innumerably worse than what she did to me. She used his intelligence, his ideas, his brilliant creativity for her own aims, trotted him around like a show pony during political affairs and royal events, only to regard him with naught but cold eyes and stony silence when in private. She considered Miquella to be an eternally innocent, pure, meek little boy; and yet when it came to caring for that boy? The moment he stopped growing was the moment she stopped acting as his mother. He was as old as I was, she said, so he did not need any 'coddling'...and Miquella, so desperate he was for Mother's love, agreed, and tried so valiantly to make himself into an adult he could never be. Yet he was not an adult--still is not an adult--and he still so desperately needed his mother's love and touch. She knew this, but she could not be bothered with him, so it was up to I--his sister--to act as mother in her stead." Malenia wearily rubbed her eyes with her left hand.
" I do not regret it. I have never once resented Miquella for staying young while I have grown older--for needing more from me than as a twin and a friend. 'tis not his fault, and we are so precious and dear to each other...it does not matter to me that I am younger twin, bosom friend, co-ruler, bodyguard, blade, and mother all at once. I cherish this unique, bewildering, yet beautiful relationship we share, and I would gladly strike this balance until the end of our days if need be. All I have ever felt about Miquella's stagnation is guilt--guilt that I, the younger twin, was forced to leave him behind."
Her lips curled into an almost feral snarl.
" Yet Queen Marika the Eternal, who abandoned her child when he needed her the most...I shall hate her until the stars fall and the sun melts into itself. I shall hate her until there is nothing left of me to feel such hate. And if it turns out the reason behind her disappearance is her death...even if it means that Father is also..."
Malenia swallowed, and when she spoke again, her voice was choked and cracking.
" ...if she has died...then I hope she died in a manner that she deserved: alone; abandoned; slowly; and howling in indolent rage at the Greater Will--the one being in the universe even colder than she."
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bloody-impurity · 2 years
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when you only apologize in front of them is your apology really genuine?
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Father Figures, pt. 2
I swear it was a one-shot. But then my hand slipped and "oh oops there's Wayne". You can access part 1 here. This is rated m btw. The full version will be available on ao3 (my first time posting on there...) which is linked here. Anyway, enjoy :)
The first time Wayne Allen Munson meets Steve Harrington is in a hospital room. Sure, he has seen and heard about the kid in passing. It was hard not to in a town like Hawkins. With the kind of money his old man has and the pretty face his mother parades around, the Harringtons become a sort of household name. Especially in Wayne's household.
See, Wayne may not be much of a talker, but his nephew sure is. Especially when he gets angry about something. And boy did Steve Harrington make his Eddie mad. During Eddie's first time around with Senior Year, Steve's name comes out of that boy's mouth so often that if not for that tone of his, he would have thought the kid had a crush on him.
Actually, Wayne regretfully asks at one point if he does have a crush. Wayne finds out pretty quickly that Eddie doesn't, which isn't the problem nor why he regrets asking. The problem is apparently at that very moment in time, Eddie hasn't exactly come out to Wayne. The boy shakes so much that Wayne is afraid that Eddie might cause an earthquake. Wayne has to calm Eddie down and explain very carefully he doesn't care, he's his kid no matter what. Eddie cries, and asks "Dad, what made you think to just casually bring that up?"
Wayne shrugs and simply says "Didn't think it was a secret."
Eddie lets out a wet laugh. Wayne doesn't mention how it's the first time since Eddie showed up on his doorstep that he calls him Dad.
His heart swells.
So, with absolutely no crush in sight god Wayne he's an asshole, Steve's name is brought up quite often.
"Steve Harrington just parades himself around like he's a king."
"Steve Harrington just stands there while Tommy continues to be a piece of shit. Worse, he acts like he's bored."
"Girls just hang off of Harrington, he's even got Nancy Wheeler on his arm now. What a prick, thought she was smarter than that."
"Looks like Harrington got the shit kicked out of him by Byer's. You gotta love Karma sometimes."
Wayne watches Eddie frown at the last one before saying, "Kinda gotta back Steve up on the pictures though. That was creepy."
Eddie shakes his head then continues to rant "But smashing his camera? Dick move. Doesn't understand what it's like to be poor."
Wayne is still not completely convinced it's not a crush.
Wayne Allen Munson seems to know all about Steve Harrington before he actually has the chance to meet him. None of which he has learned makes Steve seem all that good.
Imagine Wayne's surprise when he finds the Harrington boy next to his son's hospital bed.
"What're you doin' here?" Wayne asks, startling Steve from his chair. Wayne watches as he hops up from the ground, straightening himself out.
"Sorry sir, I was just uh, keeping him company. The kid's families won't let them out of their sight and Dustin wanted him to have a familiar face with him if, sorry when he wakes up. Because we weren't sure we were allowed to grab you yet. So I volunteered to stay with him, seeing as I don't have a job anymore, and well I sort of feel responsible for Eddie now. And, god I am hanging out with Robin too much because I am rambling. Sorry, Sir. "
Wayne raises an eyebrow at him. He has seen Steve around town before, hard not to in a small place like Hawkins. Eddie points him out once, scoffing at his perfect hair and holier-than-thou attitude. Wayne originally is prepared to yell at him. The sight of a boy who looks very much like the very ones who hunted his Eddie down just a few days ago ignites something protective within him. Hearing this boy ramble though, flustered and making himself hopelessly small in front of Wayne, makes him hesitate.
"Boy, I don't know half-em names you're sayin' right now. I do recognize that kid Dustin though, ya know him?"
Steve nods his head up and down, "He's like my brother sir. Our brother." He looks down towards Eddie's bed.
Wayne avoids looking at his boy and chooses to look directly at Steve. "Well, he's a good kid. Came to me when Ed was missing, at the school. Told me he was a hero, and that he'll be missed. Guess now it was probably cause he wasn't sure if he was gonna make it and didn't want to get my hopes up. Don't know what made him change his mind either when he found me again today, told me they had him here."
Steve's face softens as Wayne talks about Dustin. Wayne pushes on, "If that kid trusts you, I don't got a reason not to trust you either. Well, until Eds here wakes up at least. He can tell me otherwise."
"Okay, Sir." Steve makes his way to move around Wayne and leave. Wayne grabs him by the wrist to stop him, and Steve flinches. Wayne decides to file that away for later and lets him go.
"No need to leave kid. And stop calling me sir. I'm not your old man. "
Steve's lips lift a little bit like Wayne just brought up an inside joke he isn't a part of. "Okay, sir—I mean Wayne. Okay, Wayne."
Steve and Wayne sit side by side next to Eddie. It's then Wayne finally looks down at his kid. He can't help but the rush of tears that come up at the sight of him. He is paler than usual, curls flat and dirty, tubes coming out of every part of him.
"My boy." He chokes.
Steve thankfully stays silent as Wayne weeps. They sit for a while in silence before Wayne asks, "You gonna tell me what happened?"
Steve, who Wayne doesn't point out has bloodshot eyes, says "You going to believe me?"
Wayne simply returns "I'm willing to try."
So Steve tells him. Tells him everything that has happened over the last week. Tells him of monsters and other worlds. How it isn't the first time, how it is hopefully the last. How scary it is for them. How Eddie is stupid but incredibly brave. How Eddie barely makes it. How Steve will be the first to yell at him when he wakes up.
Wayne listens carefully through the whole thing and can't help but think of how fond Steve sounds when Eddie's name comes up. This isn't the boy Eddie once spoke of. Albeit, it has been a long time since Eddie's spoken his name. Wayne isn't used to tigers changing their stripes though. It's a pleasant surprise he doesn't comment on.
Wayne rubs his thumb across Eddie's hand. "How did he get out? If he was practically dead?"
"Oh, I carried him Sir."
Wayne's head snaps to Steve. "What?"
Steve shrinks a bit, "Sorry I mean Wayne. Sorry I didn't mean to disrepe—"
Wayne cuts him off, "Dammit kid, I'm not mad at that. I'm not mad at all. It's just—you saved him. You carried him out of what I can only understand is what I think hell is, and you didn't think to mention that when I first saw you?" Wayne looks at Steve for a moment. Really looks at him. He's in clean jeans and a polo, but that's where his old persona ends. When Wayne looks at him closely, he can see the dark bags under his eyes, the purple bruising all over his body, and the angry red scar around his neck. Steve looks exhausted, physically and emotionally. Steve looks like a boy, desperately trying to be a man. He looks like a soldier after war.
"It's not a big deal. I did what anyone else would do."
Wayne shakes his head. "Steve. That's just the thing, I'm pretty sure no one else woulda done that. And even if they would, it doesn't make what you did any less important. So, thank you."
Steve's eyes mist a bit when Wayne says "it doesn't make what you did any less important." He looks away from Wayne and just nods.
"Okay, Sir. Okay, Wayne."
When Eddie wakes a few days later, after a night of breathing on his own without the tubes, he interrupts Steve and Wayne's conversation on the Chicago Cubs, and says "Dad?"
Wayne is up in an instant, crowding his boy's face. "Oh, Eds. I am so glad yer alright. You scared me."
"Mmm sorry," Eddie mumbles nuzzling Wayne's chest. He then looks up towards Steve, who is watching the interaction between the two men. "Harrington?"
Steve leans forward on his elbows, and chokes out "I told you not to be cute."
Eddie giggles, his tears reflecting Steve's "Sorry big boy, can't help what you're born with."
Steve looks up at the ceiling with a wet laugh. It eventually turns into a deep sob. The only other time Wayne witnesses Steve break like this over the past few days is when he's reunited with Hopper. "You shithead, you're not allowed to be funny right now. Don't. Don't do that again. Okay? You really scared us." Wayne can hear Steve's unspoken you really scared me.
Eddie's tears are rushing down his face now. "I'm sorry Steve. I'm so sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong. Just—next time, don't let there be a next time. Okay?" Steve's not making much sense to Wayne as he leans his head on Eddie's bed face down.
Eddie seems to get it though. He hesitantly strokes Steve's head with his fingers. "Okay, Stevie. I promise. Now, get some sleep. It's your turn, I've had enough."
Steve's shoulders sag as he gives in. Wayne shares a look with Eddie, and Wayne knows right there they have the same thought.
They've collected another stray.
When Eddie is home, Steve becomes a regular occurrence in their newly acquired government-funded house. He helps a lot the first month especially. Takes Eddie and the Mayfield girl to and from physical therapy. Cooks dinner on the nights Wayne works (which is most nights) and makes sure to have leftovers specifically labeled for Wayne. Keeps both Wayne and Eddie company when one of their stress becomes too much for the other. Steve's even there on the nights the nightmares get bad. Spends his time on the couch until Eddie wakes up screaming, and calms him back to sleep so Wayne doesn't worry about him at work. Or so Wayne can get a full night when he's off.
Steve's there so often enough, that when one night he isn't, Wayne's concerned.
"You're going to pace a hole into the floor boy." Wayne looks at Eddie in their living room from the couch. Wayne doesn't tell Eddie he's concerned too. Doesn't think it would help much.
"I'm sure he's just held up, or got plans Eds. Not like he was plannin' on coming here tonight."
Eddie stops and faces Wayne, biting his thumbnail instead. "Sure we didn't have plans. But Steve's been here every day for the past month Wayne. And when he hasn't he's called. I haven't heard from him in like 22 hours—" Wayne doesn't point out that Eddie did the actual math "—and that's weird. He doesn't do that. We don't do that."
Eddie's anxiety starts to seep into Wayne's. He can't help but think of the worst-case scenario. Car accident. A run-in with that Andy kid. His mind even jumps to when Eddie was in the hospital, and his stomach sinks. Wayne can't help it, he has grown attached to Steve.
"Why don't we call some of yer friends, yeah? Maybe they've seen your boy."
Eddie is so incredibly distressed and doesn't even rebuke Wayne calling Steve his like he usually does. "Yeah okay, good idea."
As Eddie reaches for the phone though, there is a light knock on the door. Eddie rushes to answer it.
"Steve thank god I was wondering—Oh my god sweetheart what happened?" Eddie drags Steve in and places him on the couch. It's then that Wayne sees him.
There on Steve's jaw, is a bruise the size of Indiana. Steve's eye is swollen, and he is breathing heavily while clutching his ribs. Wayne remains frozen and Eddie frets over Steve.
"Stevie, who did this? Where does it hurt? What can I do?"
"Eds I'm fine."
Eddie looks like he's about to yell but restrains himself. "You are most certainly not fine. Do not give me that look Harrington—"
"Oh I'm Harrington now."
"—Yes you are Harrington right now because only a Harrington would be this stubborn and ridiculous. Now tell me what happened and tell me what hurts."
Steve's resolve loosens slightly, and his head falls onto Eddie's shoulder. He lets out a painful whine, "My stomach. It—fuck—it hurts so bad Eds."
Eddie brushes his fingers through his hair and whispers to him gently. "It's okay baby, I got you."
Wayne realizes three things at once.
One, Wayne isn't sure Eddie has called Steve that before. He calls him names across the board. But baby isn't one of them. Wayne knows for a fact the two aren't together yet. They have been dancing along the line for a few weeks now. Wayne thinks about pushing the timeline along, but the boys don't seem to be there quite yet. This seems like a step in the right direction.
Two, in the past month and a half Wayne has gotten to know Steve, he realizes that the boy doesn't do well around older men. He flinches at every sudden movement Wayne makes, and won't even let him give him a pat on the back let alone a hug. Also in that time, Steve has barely gone home. Knows his parents didn't visit him at the hospital, but did come home two weeks later to make sure nothing is damaged from the earthquake. Assholes.
And three, Steve avoids the question as to what happened. Eddie seems to let it slide. Wayne doesn't give the same courtesy.
"Who did this?" Wayne says abruptly, startling Steve who seems to realize Wayne's presence only now.
"Wh-what?" Steve shakes.
"I'm not mad boy. But I'm not stupid. I know this ain't a what but a who. And I think we can both conclude who. But I'm going to ask you anyway. Who. Did. This?"
The last of Steve's resolve crumbles as Wayne puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. It is as if he hadn't known a gentle touch from a father before. Maybe he hasn't.
"My dad. He uh, we got into a fight last night. Found out how much time I was spending here, with Eddie, with the kids. He started saying how I was spending time with the wrong people. I tried to just nod and go upstairs because it was just easier to ignore him than fight him sometimes. Like what's he going to do right? He's only here a couple of days a year. But then he mentioned Robin and he called her a slur, and that said her kind was an abomination. And oh god I don't even know how he found that out Robs is going to be pissed she's been so careful—"
"Babe." Eddie squeezes Steve's hand.
"Right sorry, he just was going off about Robin. And it just set me off, I just lost it on him. How dare he talk about her that way? And I just told him that if he's got a problem with her, then he's got a problem with me too. And God Wayne, the silence that came after. It was like all the words had been sucked out of the room. Next thing I know he's grabbing me by the jaw and throwing me on the floor. And he just starts kicking me, screaming about how I am no son of his. I didn't know what to do. My mom just watched it all. I just laid there... I should have fought back—I—" Steve trails off trying to collect himself.
"When he was done he sent me to my room and told me to think about what I'm doing to this family. I just laid there all night and all day, just waiting for them to leave. I had to wait til they left for dinner tonight to get out. I can't—I can't go back there. Me and Robs were planning on moving in together next week, we made a deposit on this two-bedroom downtown, but I don't think I can spend another week there, and oh god, all my stuff is there. What have I done." Steve puts his head in his hands.
Eddie is crying with Steve by the end of it. Neither he nor Wayne comments on how Steve just came out to the both of them. It doesn't seem important at that moment. Wayne crouches down to eye level with Steve.
"You did nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with you. You did what you had to do to survive, and even if you didn't it still wouldn't be your fault."
Wayne stands back to his full height. "Now, you can stay here until you and the bird girl have your place. Do not fight me on it. Anyway Steve, I know it's difficult right now. But I'm going to need you to let me know what you need from your house."
"What, why?"
Wayne just sighs, "I know you ain't stupid. Just tell me."
Steve seems hesitant but tells Wayne anyway.
He nods at both his boys when he speaks next. "You two stay put. I'll be back soon."
Steve and Eddie both look like they want to fight Wayne on it. Steve wants to stop him from leaving at all, and Eddie probably wants to stop him from going without him. They both smartly stay silent.
"Okay, Uncle Wayne."
"Okay, Wayne."
Later, Wayne comes back with three duffle bags and bruised knuckles.
Steve hugs him without a second thought.
A few days pass and the three of them are in the kitchen when Eddie asks. "Did ya tell hop?"
Steve snorts in his coffee. "Hell no."
Wayne can't help his curiosity as he watches the both of them across the table.
"Steve, you have to tell Hop. He's going to find out anyway." Eddie pushes as he puts an ungodly amount of sugar in his coffee.
"No I don't. He'll just flip out, there is no good reason to tell him."
Eddie puts his hands on his hips. It reminds Wayne of Steve the past couple of times he's seen him around the kids. "I can think of one good reason. He's practically your dad. And I'm pretty sure your Dad would want to know what your old man did to ya."
Wayne can't help but hum in agreement. He knows if Eddie's old man comes around, he wants to be the first to find out.
Steve looks at Wayne briefly before saying, "No he's not. He's just like that with everyone."
"No, he's not. With El? Yea, that's his daughter. Maybe even Will. But not with anyone else. Except you. Why do you think I'm afraid of him?"
Steve gives him a look, "Cause he's an ex-cop Eds."
"Please that doesn't scare me. Didn't scare me when he was an actual cop either."
Wayne isn't sure that's entirely true. He remembers a very specific incident of Eddie tripping over his laces to get away from Jim.
Eddie carries on, "No, he scares me 'cause he's your dad, and I know he'll hang me by my toenails if I so much as make you cry. So yea, I think you should let him know. Besides, we both know he's going to be way more pissed when he finds out from literally anyone else. And we both know he will because you told Robin, who definitely told Nancy, who probably told Joyce, and you can see where I am heading with this."
Steve throws his head back and groans. "He's going to full government name me when he finds out."
Eddie lets out a manic giggle, "Ooo, you never told me what your full name is. Now you gotta tell me, Stevie."
Steve gives Eddie an exasperated look, "It's Steven James Harrington."
It's now Eddie's turn to groan. "Of course, you have his name. Well, I guess it's better than Richard. Hop must love that. Was kinda hoping you had my name or something."
Wayne makes a mental note to talk to Jim himself. Knows Steve will avoid it. But Wayne's got to make sure someone is looking after Steve when he can't. Wayne's been meaning to thank the man anyway. For all his done for Eddie. And now, for all he's done for Steve.
"Want me to make you feel better Eds?" Steve says with a smirk.
"Please. I'm not sure if I can go on any further with the torture of knowledge that contains your middle name."
"Hopper's middle name is Edward."
The scream of joy Eddie lets out nearly punctures what's left of Wayne's hearing.
By midsummer, the boys are an item. They haven't said anything to Wayne but he can tell. One day, the boys come back from their friend's weekly dinner holding hands. So they didn't have to tell Wayne. Not really.
It is just that, Wayne has gotten to know Steve Harrington over the past few months. He has gotten to know him as "Friend Steve" and "Brother Steve", and even after one intense game night, "King Steve". Wayne has a feeling though that "Boyfriend Steve" is different. As much as he likes the boy, his kid comes first. Wayne feels he needs to give Steve a talk.
The problem is he can't really give him a talk if neither of them has really told him. He has made that mistake once with Eddie, assuming, he won't be making it again.
So Wayne waits. And waits. And waits. And just as he is thinking he might never get the verbal confirmation from the two, he gets the image clear as day of what the two are on a Tuesday when he gets to go home early from work.
It's just not in the way he expects or wants.
Wayne can't really blame the boys. They didn't know Wayne would be coming home early, it was a surprise to Wayne himself. So they probably didn't think that anyone would be coming around the Munson household on Tuesday at midnight.
That doesn't make the situation any less scarring.
See, Wayne Allen Munson wasn't a god-fearing man. He can't be with what his Eddie had been through. But he can't help but think this is some sort of cosmic punishment when he gets home and hears moaning.
Wayne stands there in the foyer as a loud, "Yes baby just like that" and "Oh god, harder" and even the unfortunate "You're so tight, it's like you were made for me."
Wayne thinks god might be laughing at him. Wayne can't really go upstairs and stop them. They are both adults and he feels that having an image of what they are doing would be substantially worse than the noises.
Wayne decides to put some earplugs in (which thankfully cut off the noise, since his age made him half deaf anyway), sat in his armchair, and waits it out.
About an hour later (jesus an hour later) Steve comes downstairs to the kitchen in only his boxers. He doesn't seem to notice Wayne. His head is in the freezer when Wayne decides to clear his throat loudly.
Steve slams his head in fright and whips around with an icepack in his hand. "Oh shit."
"Oh shit is right."
All the color drains from Steve's face. "How much did you hear?"
Wayne appreciates that Steve cuts right to the chase. "Enough." He knows he can explain to the boy that he didn't really hear that much, and the earplugs are firmly in his hands as evidence, but he decides to torture Steve.
Just a little bit, can't have him too comfortable.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Munson, I—"
Wayne cuts him off. "No need to apologize, just as long as you boys are being safe that's all I care about. No that ain't what I want to talk to you about."
Steve visibly swallows as he sits across the counter from Wayne. "What about then?"
"Look, I'm awfully happy for the two of you. It's about time you boys got your shit together—"
Steve lets out a small laugh at the comment. Wayne continues. "—but I need to make things clear with you Steve. You hurt my kid, I hurt you. Eds has been through a lot. Not just with the whole spring break situation. I mean his whole life. He bounced around from place to place until he landed on my doorstep. He's used to giving his all, and not getting much in return. Eddie loves with his whole chest, and he doesn't know how to do it any other way. You better make sure you're worthy of it because I am not sure anyone is...including me. You're pretty damn close though, I know it. I can see it. You're a good person. But that boy is my whole world. I know where to hide a body if need be."
Wayne expects Steve to cower in fear, but instead, he smiles softly at him. "Don't worry. I'll dig the grave myself. I'll try my best not to hurt him, sir. I can't promise much, but I can promise I'll love him every day without fail."
"You tell him that yet kid?"
Steve shakes his head, "No. I think soon though sir."
Wayne nods feeling satisfied. "Good, and enough of this sir crap I thought we've been over this."
"Okay, Wayne."
"Better. Now, who's the ice pack for? You or him, because I don't want to have to grab the shovel outta the shed tonight."
Steve's blush spreads from his cheeks all the way down to his chest. "Uuuh, for me sir. I mean Wayne."
"Good. Go grab my son for me now will ya?"
Steve stutters, "Wh-what? Why?"
"Just go grab 'em."
Steve runs upstairs and brings down a smug-looking Eddie. Wayne's sure Steve gave him the rundown of what he heard, and Eddie doesn't appear to be ashamed like Steve had the smarts to do.
Little shit.
"Sorry Wayne didn't know you were home. Was that what you wanted to talk about?"
Wayne looks from Steve to Eddie, before narrowing his eyes at the latter. "Nope. It's your turn."
"My turn?" Eddie's confident face turns confused while Steve's flashes surprise.
"Yea kid your turn." Wayne contemplates for a second what to say, but knows in the end that Eddie will get the message loud and clear from one sentence alone.
"You hurt him—" Wayne turns to point at Steve, before facing Eddie again "—I hurt you. Got it?"
All the color drains from Eddie's face. That's the reaction he is looking for.
"Got it." Eddie grabs Steve's hand to make his way back upstairs. Before they are completely out of sight, Steve catches Wayne's eye. The boy looks softer than he did before. He looks like he wants to say something but settles on,
"Goodnight Wayne."
"Goodnight Steve."
Steve doesn't ask Wayne about that night until months later in October. Wayne is on the couch with a beer when Steve walks in (he has the key Eddie gave him in September). "Eddie's not here right now. Think he's running late with band practice."
"Oh I'm sorry. I can come back later." Steve stands awkwardly in the doorway.
"Don't be silly come sit. I'm just watching the game. It's no cubs considering they didn't make it far, but it's still a good game."
Steve nods and makes himself comfortable on the couch. Since spring break, Wayne and Steve have built a friendship of sorts. Steve still shows signs of apprehension in the first few seconds, but the conversation becomes an easy flow after a while. They usually talk about sports, cars, or cooking. All stuff Wayne enjoys but Eds won't show the slightest interest in. It's nice, to have someone to share this stuff with.
Today they mostly talk about the game on tv and Eddie's habit of running late. It's after a particularly funny joke about Eddie being late to his own birth that Steve asks, "Hey Wayne, can I ask you something?"
"Ya just did kid."
"God, you sound like Eddie."
Wayne chuckles, "Sure Steve. Shoot."
"Why did you talk to Eddie too? About the whole, hurting each other stuff? I mean Eddie's your kid, and I'm just the guy who gets to spend time with him." Steve waves his hands around, it reminds Wayne of Ed.
"Well, I love ya both," Wayne says easily while he takes a sip of his beer, like it isn't hard to say. And it isn't really. It was quite simple to Wayne. Just like Eddie, Steve might not be his kid by blood but he is close as he can come.
"Oh." Steve takes a deep breath, as if he is holding back tears, and says "Thanks, Wayne. I love you too."
Wayne almost mistakes the pain as Steve's voice as reluctance. The happiness that shines in his eyes says something else. Says he doesn't hear that from fathers very often. Says he hopes Wayne means it.
He does mean it.
Eddie walks in the doorway to find the two men silently staring at each other, and Steve close to tears. "Well hello there my lovely family how are—Wayne what did you do to Steve? Did you yell at him? I promise the bruise on my face was from dropping a wrench while trying to fix the van. Nothing else." Eddie pulls Steve up and squishes his face between his hands. "What did he say to you, baby?"
Steve shakes his head and laughs lightly at Eddie's antics. "Nothing bad. Promise. Happy tears."
"Happy tears?"
"Happy tears."
Eddie stares at him for long moment before deciding he believes him. "Okay. Okay. I relent." He grabs Steve's hand and throws a wave at Wayne. "Let's go upstairs though, I have to tell you about practice and how Gareth brought a boy with him! And you'll never believe what boy it was! It was our little baby Byers himself..."
Wayne hears Steve's gasp and Eddie's giggle as he continues on up the stairs. Wayne can't help the warmth that settles in his chest.
Because Wayne Allen Munson is lucky to have two wonderful boys. And he is even luckier that his two boys love each other. Because they deserve that and so much more.
Okay, it’s a lot I know. I just couldn’t resist. I wanted to write Steve and Wayne too. I think this one is less sad and more funny but I think that kind of speaks for the kind of relationship the two of them would have. Also it contains much more steddie than the last one. I’m thinking about maybe writing a part 3 with Steve’s relationship with the kids and how he’s their father figure? But for now it ends here. Also this took me like two days to write? I’m sorry for any mistakes or rushed parts. I am one woman show. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
Also I have finally posted on ao3!!! Can’t believe it, I’ve been so nervous about it especially because I am still without a beta. But this felt long enough to put there and I wanted to be able to share with more people.
access part. 1 here and ao3 here
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buddy-arc · 10 months
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// yui is covered in bandages and gauze. little girls get into scrapes with the environment—little girls will run and trip and bruise themselves, so it wouldn’t seem unusual for yui to always have a bandage on her cheek, wrapping on her forehead, binding around her arm, gauze and wrapping on her leg…
maybe being swathed to such an extent is a little unusual.
truthfully, yui hides scars. each bandage covers an irreparable mark on her skin. some are from her home life before her father died. some are from wounds she tried to care for by herself but didn’t know how to do so properly. some really are just from bad falls and tussles.
the bandages that cover her right arm and hand cover her corruption. the bandage that is on her head covers a nasty mark from when a small rock was thrown at her. she has gauze on her left side on her ribs, covering a scar she got that looks like it was left by a knife stroke, but a far larger one; a bandage on her right leg conceals a similar scar. (quite odd.)
the only scars yui cannot cover properly are the marks around her neck from her death, and that’s because even slight pressure from any bandage wrapping would make her panic. instead, she tends to pop her inner collar up to cover her neck.
yui conceals her scars. she’s afraid of what people would say about them or what they would think about her if they saw. she’s afraid they would somehow make her unlovable or that she would have to explain them. to yui, hiding her flaws is better. let them see only her bright smile.
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he knows about the food trauma, the dying-many-times-due-to-determination trauma, the parents-and-alcohol trauma, the punished-for-being-seen-as-rude trauma... list goes on
(also, this is off anon bc tumblr is being mean rn)
I, um, none of that stuff happened! Well, um, I did die a few times, but none of the rest of it halpened!! I always had enough food, they didn't punish me, and my parents were perfectly fine!!
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ravenquing · 1 month
sometimes i feel like a child stuck in an adult's body and it genuinely pisses me off
i was failed so much growing up and now I feel like theres nothing that can be done to fix the cracks and breaks in my foundation, to mould and mature me into a real person
i feel so fake and unreal, like im not actually person, sometimes
im aware im not on the same level as other adults mentally, that i probably never will be
i get treated like a kid a lot now that i am an adult, tho i was never treated as kid when i was a kid - or when i was a teen
i wasn't given boundaries, i wasn't taught how to look after myself, i wasn't taught how to socialise or make friends, i wasn't taught to how see and recognise red flags or otherwise toxic behaviour
i was taught to stay quiet and ignore my feelings, i was taught to hate and be angry, i was taught to ignore problems until they can't be ignored anymore
and as a result of this ive been hurt time and time again by the same type of awful people
today marks the first day in over a year where im free, finally fully free, of one of those said horrible & abusive people
and im terrified and feel lost
i feel like ive done something wrong by ensuring they can never hurt me again
that cant be right - can it?
he made me feel so small and weak and useless, like i needed him to take care of me - but he didn't take care of me at all
and my current partner is the sweetest guy ever, is trying to help me figure shit out and move on in my own time, but i feel like im holding him back
like im weighing him down with all of my baggage and shit
he says im not, says hed go to hell and claw his way back for me if it were made necessary
and i appreciate that
but ive also been taught to hate myself and see myself as the weird annoying one that people just cant like, im too different minded and immature - or, confusingly, too mature???
i wonder if we should take a break to sort shit out, i fear he will say yes and disappear (he probably wont, not this one) but i worry im hurting him without intending to
im just so tired and scared
and it's not helping the intrusive thoughts one bit
but today is supposed to be a good day & i want it to be one
i think I need breakfast
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herdddragon · 1 year
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Part two
Of the Jack and the beanstalk that I put to story board.
I will share this section of the script.
And a little bit extra for some context.
Though it is Jack and the beanstalk, so I think very few people would need any more extra context.
---from scene 3
(Bc = boy child, Gc = Girl child they have like two or so important scenes)
B child 2: “ she speaks the truth, how’s a coward like you going to get through the scary woods, there’s wolves and highway men in there.”
Jack: “I’ll manage, I’ve sweet-pea with me.”
G child 1: “what if she gets eaten by a giant?” B child 1: “if your so brave with her how’ya gonna’ get back?”
Jack: “I’ll catch a ride with someone or something”  jack huffed and moved along faster, sweet-pea protests when the speed is picked up.  B child 2: “well if a giant eats him and the cow his mother will not have any more worries.” the voices of the children grow quieter as camera looks straight on jack as he approaches the camera but gets further away from the other kids who are still talking behind him.
Gc1: “stop talking about giants! They scare me” Gc2: “why you so scared, you think they will come an’ ground your bones to flour” Gc1 squawks in fear
Bc2: “don’t be silly, there’s not any giants in the kingdom no more.”
Gc3: “nuh-hu, my pa says the guard saw one, in the hills the other day.” Gc2: “your pa’s a liar, but there are storm giants.” Gc3: “take that back, an’ it’s not like storm giants do anything.” voices become indistinguishable, jack is seen to pass by a few farmhouses and some travelers pushing a hay cart out of the mud.  Montages until he reaches the edge of a looming forest.
A long shot shows jack dwarfed by the trees that he looks up on. POV shot we see a signpost that points several directions. One of which says “Giant’s slumber forest, and another one pointing the same direction saying Hattsfeild 12 Miles. closeup of jack, he can be heard to gulp. Before closing his eyes, clenching his fists and whispering to himself. jack: “I am no coward, I am no coward, I can go through the forest.” long shot, we see the small jack lead his white cow into the forest. 
Scene 4
Exterior in the dappled yellow green light of the forest. Jack is walking towards the camera leading his cow.  The camera cuts to a medium shot where we can see a slight smile on jack’s face. jack: “this isn’t too bad now is it sweet-pea” the cow dose not respond. Jack jumps as something in the bushes scare him. A fox carrying a dead bird scurries out Infront of him. Jack relaxes as the creature looks at him before scurrying off. Jack covers his eyes with his hand and laughs nervously jack: “a fox, I got scared by a little fox. I was so afraid it was a giant.” the magician “what’s wrong with giants?” jack yelps and jumps back at the stranger. jack:” uugh… nothing really, the other kids in town where just frightening me with stories.” the magician: “of giants?” we get a good look of the person sitting on a stump and smoking a pipe. A long walking stick is laid beside them, and they have a lot of small bags and a knife on their belt. A golden medallion can be seen hanging around their neck.  A large round brimmed grey witch-hat sits on their head, they are wearing brown-red Light Blue robes, and a thick long pair of gloves  the magician: “what’s your name boy?”Jack: “I’m ja… wait your not some magician are you?”  jack says gesturing to indicates the magician’s hat. the magician: “you are an observant one, aren’t you? Yes I’m the Magician.”
jack: “my mom says you shouldn’t give your name to magicians, as they can do things to you if you give them your name.” The magician: “Mother’s smart to warn you, you’re smart for rememberin’” the magician stands up they’re tall and they dumps out the pipe. Stomping out the burning fibers. magician: “are you headed to Hattsfeild? I’ll keep you company… no giants or brigands will bother you while I’m with you.” Jack: “I am, How did you know? Did you use your demon powers to read my mind? Or my future?” the magician laughs, but simply shakes their head the Magician “no, no, nothing like that, this road leads only to Hattsfeild,” Jack: “oh, sorry.”
His face slumps a bit. the magician: “you have nothing to apologize boy” 
They walk along in silence for a minute. Some wildlife of the forest is seen scurrying under root, three deer with large antlers stop and observe them pass. All seen from a long shot framing the characters behind the first layer of tree’s silhouette. 
After a moment the camera cuts to the magician’s face as they speak
The Magician: “so what brings a youth like you out here on your lonesome?” cuts to jack as he looks up at the magician
Jack: “I’m going to market to sell our cow.” The magician: “this here cow?” jack: “yes”
(cut to) the magician: “a pure white cow, lots of things a pure white cow is good for, dose she give milk?” (cut to) jack, hesitates: “she gives good milk.” he kicks a pebble by the road, a low angle shot shows us the magicians skeptical face. jack: “there’s no use  lying to you is there?” the magician says nothing so jack continues jack: “she no longer gives milk, but she is my best friend.” The Magician: “is that so? Well, how much do you want for her?” jack: “no more than five shingles.” The Magician: “that’s all?” Jack: “oh wait no I spoke wrong, No Less than five shingles”  the magician “ah.” jack: “oh and whoever wants to buy her, I’m seposto give ‘em this letter.”  jack takes the cow’s lead in his mouth as he uses both hands to riffle through the bag to pull out the letter, handing it to the magician.
The Magician: “is it alright if I read this?” jack: “well if you are asking about the price, you might be interested in her right? So, you may as well read it. Though I can’t know what a magician would want with a cow.” the magician nods, unfolds the paper and starts to read the words on the page. Their face grows concerned and they start glancing over at jack, then back to the letter.  the magician: “did your mother write this?” jack: “she did, why?” the Magician: “just curious. Hay, if you will let me, I can read your future and tell you if you will get a good price for your best friend, and tell you that she will go to a good household.” jack: “you would do that for me?!” The Magician: “certainly why not?” Jack: “oh yes, thank you!” the magician: “what polite manners”  the magician reaches out one of their hands and tugs the glove off. Revealing a hand with long fingers, blackened to half up the forearm, and long sharp fingernails. They and jack slow down to a stop. the Magician: “ok, close your eyes and give me your hand” jack obeys, as jack rests his hand in the magician’s the magician’s eyes go black and their skin seems to turn blue.  cut to a different art style, as the visions are narrated out. the magician: “today if you go to sell your cow at the market you will receive three offers for your cow, the first is from an ogre in disguise, he will give you good money for the cow once you show him the letter. Though he will not give her a good home, the second offer will be a fair one, from a young couple, but once they learn that you lied about the cow giving milk, they will be furious, and things will not end well for your mother or you.  The third offer will be from a lone woman, she will simply make you an offer under the price that you ask.” 
The Magician removes their hand from jack’s and returned to the previous appearance the magician: “you can open your eyes now.” jack: “none of that looked good,” 
He shuddered. “how far in the future do you see?” the magician: “Never more than a week, only the most likely outcome.” jack looks concerned. He looks back at his cow and pets her gently. jack: “how awful it all sounds.”  The magician: There is a fourth option I didn’t show you.  Jack: what? What is the other option? The Magician: you can sell her to me, there’s lot of things I can do with a white cow, and I would treat her well. Jack: but she can’t give milk the Magician: that is no problem for me.  jack seems to consider the option.  Jack: “Ok, I’ll agree to it. Though Only if you Promise that you will take only the best care of Sweet-pea.”
The magician: No Cow shall live finer final years of her life. Now what to do for payment.
The magician starts looking through the many different pockets on their belt.  The magician: let’s see, no not that, too dangerous, not right, Ah! Eurequa this is it. the magician pulls from a pocket a gold embroidered handkerchief. Jack looks at it confused until the magician unwraps the contents of the kerchief.  three white beans they shine and shift with many colors.  the magician whispers: Magic Beans jack: magic Beans?The magician shushes him the Magician: “yes, magic beans, very powerful. Rather unassuming and small, though I find it is the smallest things that often tend to bring the biggest results. jack: are they worth five shingles?
The Magician: much more! They will solve all your problems for you. Though of course you will need to put some of your own work as well. A fair cow for some fair beans. Jack: all our problems? The Magician: the ones you have right now yes, though be clever in how you use them. jack: Alright, I’ll trade you my cow for some beans. 
Jack handed the magician Sweet-peas lead and the magician jack his beans. Jack leaned down and hugged his beloved cow once more. She in turn gave him another cow lick. Jack giggled 
Cut to the magician’s face giving a small smile. The Magician: So it is done.
Long shot, The magician began leading the cow back the way they came from the magician: let me at least lead you back to the edge of the forest.  Scene 5
Jack is seen emerging out of the forest same shot as before, empty handed, but he seems to be in a good mood. He passes the wagon stuck in the mud again and gives them a hand pulling it out. Before continuing the rest of the way home. Three of the kids are still at the wall. Boy child 1: You are back already jumping jack?” Girl child 2: “That was fast? Did your cow get eaten by a giant?” jack: “no” Boy child 2: “My sister is right. How are you back so fast? It’s a few hours walk there and back” jack: “I meet someone halfway through the woods, they offered to by my cow from me.” boy 2: “they did?” jack: “yes, I have to hurry home now, so I can show my mom.” girl child 2 after jack has run almost out of earshot: I hope he got a good price for her Boy child 2: who would pay a good price for a milk less cow? the girl shrugs.
---End segment---
first draft and all. hope it satisfies
here's part one:
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