#downtown arts association
isfjmel-phleg · 1 month
This is the very first panel of the series Impulse. Manchester, Alabama (at least, the version portrayed in the comic) is a fictional place, but that statue on the left is real.
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(Impulse #1)
It's the statue of Vulcan from Birmingham, Alabama, a well-known landmark in that city.
Mark Waid, co-creator of Bart Allen and writer of the first twenty-seven issues of Impulse, drew from the small Alabama town he grew up in, as well as from Birmingham, when creating the fictional Manchester, and he supplied artist Humberto Ramos with photos for reference.
I was in Birmingham recently, and I very badly wanted to go to Vulcan Park, where the statue is, and take a photo from the same angle as the above panel for comparison. However, I was traveling with a group, and one does not simply approach a faculty advisor and say "can we go to an out-of-the-way park in the limited amount of sightseeing time we have so that I can take a photo recreating a panel from a comic book?" She might have said yes, but I didn't feel that we had reached a level of our acquaintance where it was advisable to exhibit some of my more unexpected areas of interest.
I did get to see the Vulcan statue, but unfortunately it was from very far away and while in a moving car. This was the best photo I could manage, very zoomed in and fuzzy.
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Even without a good photo, though, I can confirm that the general landscape of the Birmingham area looks a lot like what is pictured in Impulse.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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The Carew Tower was added to the register of National Historic Landmarks on April 19, 1994.
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theoutcastrogue · 8 months
Cartoon depictions of the homeless increasingly reflect the hostility of today’s political leaders toward people on the streets. We’ve gone from images of charming hobos with bindles to zombies taking over cities. If you consume any news at all, you’ve probably noticed that the United States is pathologically cruel to its homeless citizens. This May, the brutal killing of Jordan Neely—who was strangled to death, at the age of 30, simply because he was unhoused and shouting on the Manhattan subway—captured the national spotlight, but it was just one of many such cases of unprovoked violence. In January, two cops reportedly kidnapped a homeless man in Hialeah, Florida, drove him to an “isolated and dark location,” and beat him unconscious. That same month, art dealer Shannon Collier Gwin faced battery charges after he sprayed a homeless woman with a hose outside his San Francisco gallery, barking “Move! Move!” at her. (Predictably, Gwin got a lenient plea deal of just 35 hours of community service.) Elsewhere in the city, homeless San Franciscans have been attacked with chemical bear spray on at least eight occasions. Other assaults have been more impersonal but no less vicious. On July 14, the city of Houston abruptly closed its only public cooling center in the downtown area, potentially condemning anyone without shelter to suffer heatstroke in 90-degree weather. Among the property-owning class, the phenomenon of hostile architecture—sidewalks with spikes that stab anyone who tries to sleep, benches with iron bars, and the like—has become de rigueur. The widespread callousness and lack of compassion are both infuriating and hard to comprehend. How on Earth, we might ask, did things get this bad? [...]
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Looking back at older cartoons, one of the things that stands out immediately is the absence of negative attitudes toward the homeless. In fact, during the Golden Age of animation, creators seemed to have had a real affinity for the poor and unhoused, often placing their most iconic characters in that role. There’s a wonderful 1948 Warner Bros. short called “Riff Raffy Daffy,” in which Daffy Duck is looking for a place to sleep—first on a park bench, then a trash can, and finally a furniture display in a shop window—and has to dodge the harassment of the police, as represented by Porky Pig in a little blue uniform. (Literally, the cop is a pig!) Or, in the 1950 cartoon “Homeless Hare,” Bugs Bunny’s rabbit hole is destroyed by a new construction project, leading him to unleash his usual slapstick mayhem against the developers until they put it back. In these cartoons, homelessness is something inflicted on people by outside forces—gentrification and the real estate business, in Bugs’ case—and something which can be successfully resisted. Even Disney cast a homeless dog as a romantic lead in 1955’s Lady and the Tramp, contrasting Lady’s sheltered naivety with Tramp’s superior knowledge of the world. The title invokes the memory of Charlie Chaplin’s “Tramp” films, which similarly brought dignity and humanity to the role of a homeless man. (Bugs Bunny, too, takes inspiration from Chaplin, and multiple Warner animators have drawn him as the Tramp.) In 1961, Hanna-Barbera’s profoundly underrated Top Cat followed the adventures of a gang of wisecracking Manhattan alley cats, who, like Daffy, are always outwitting a meddling policeman. At worst, classic cartoons may trivialize the suffering and danger associated with homelessness—there’s a certain recurring image of the carefree hobo carrying a bindle, which paints the whole subject in a romanticized light—but the homeless themselves are rarely disparaged or made the butt of the joke. Quite the opposite. 
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It took a few years, but cartoons caught up to the Reaganite turn. In episodes from the ’90s and early 2000s, there’s a palpable shift in the way homeless characters appear compared to earlier decades. The perspective is different: we’re now seeing them through the eyes of comfortably housed characters, rather than their own. Often they don’t even get proper names. [...] This trajectory leads us, perhaps inevitably, to SpongeBob SquarePants. [..] Squidward gets accused of stealing a dime by his comically greedy boss, Mr. Krabs, and quits his job in a fit of outrage. We then flash forward to see Squidward, now bedraggled and unshaven, living in a cardboard box on the street and begging for change. [...] Mercifully, the ever-cheerful SpongeBob gives Squidward a place to stay—but the moment he’s safely off the street, Squidward turns from a sympathetic victim of circumstance into a lazy, entitled freeloader, straight out of a Reagan speech. He makes no effort to find work and loafs around SpongeBob’s house for ages. [...] Eventually, an exasperated SpongeBob writes “GET A JOB” in his alphabet soup, before shoving him (bed and all) back to work at the Krusty Krab. [...] Worst of all, though, the episode suggests that homelessness can be solved on an individual basis if the people in question simply stop being lazy and “GET A JOB.” This is the biggest myth of all. In 2021, a statistical analysis by the University of Chicago found that 53 percent of people in homeless shelters, and 40.4 percent of unsheltered people, do have jobs. The problem is that their wages are too low, and rents are too high. According to statistics from the same year, it’s impossible for someone working a full-time, minimum-wage job to afford a single-bedroom apartment in 93 percent of U.S. counties, and there are no states in which someone can rent a two-bedroom space on the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. In other words, homelessness has little or nothing to do with personal responsibility, or lack thereof. It’s a consequence of large-scale economic decisions made by landlords and bosses. [...]
— Alex Skopic
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
ㅤCatch me if you can, working on my tan, Salvatore.
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The summer's wild and I've been waiting for you, all this time, I adore you, can't you see you’re meant for me?
∴pairing: Sugar Daddy!Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
∴warnings and notes: age gap, reader is 20+ but her age isn’t mencioned, smut. Inspired by Salvatore from Lana Del Rey.
The first time you saw him was at an exhibition at the Targaryen foundation, which depicted life in Old Valyria. He was magnetic, intense and almost too attractive. Truly inaccessible, you thought, however, life wanted to positively surprise you with the opposite of that. You weren't used to going to sophisticated places, although you were a girl with expensive and demanding tastes, so when your friend invited you to the event your heart almost jumped out of your mouth. It was so exciting to be among such a select few of New York's elite, you could almost relax for a moment. Almost.
Underneath the subtle makeup and cheap clothes — perfectly chosen for the occasion —you were scared. Not out of fear of discovering your humble nature, after all that never embarrassed you, but fear of rejection, of the superb and elitist look in your direction, fear of humiliation by unhappy and mean people. At the start of the exhibition your figure stood alongside your friend and her friend, Aegon Targaryen, a fully representative specimen of the rich fuckboy stereotype — at least he was funny. However, as the evening progressed and people became more relaxed, you assumed you could move around and mingle with less tension around people. You've talked to some of the Targaryen/Velaryon youths closer to your age. Two of them, Jacaerys and Daeron were genuinely adorable and even a little flirtatious, which made you slyly recoil upon realizing their interest.
In this way, finding yourself in a corridor away from the small crowd, you began to contemplate some paintings placed on the wall that didn’t belong to the exhibition. One of them caught your attention and captured you for a long time, it was a night city in a cyberpunk aesthetic in the shape of the upper part of a male silhouette. You've never seen anything like that.
"Do you like it?" A male voice asked very close to you, on your side actually.
And then he appeared. Tall, thin, short hair, with a discreet smile.
“Uh, I'm not a big art connoisseur, but I appreciate a beautiful painting,” you said.
“And what do you think of this one?”
You returned to contemplate the painting again, before replying: “I like the futuristic aesthetic. It's aggressive, rowdy and intimidating, it reminds me of works like Altered Carbon, it's chaotic and dark and I can't stop admiring it. I don't really know if it's futuristic at all, but it resembles me. I think it was my favorite so far.”
He didn't hide his satisfied expression upon hearing your opinion, looking away from his handsome face to the screen in question.
“The reference was a troubled phase of my youth, I spent nights awake in galleries in downtown New York, Chicago and Paris. It was more underground than it is today and I certainly have some scars, but nothing that time can put us back on track.”
His eyes sparkled in self-realization. That was not only the author of the painting, but he was also a Targaryen. How did you not notice before? The short gray hair and violet eyes were distinctive enough to give away a Valyrian for miles. Maybe it was some mechanism in your brain to avoid associating him with a descendant of the dragon and making you nervous again, but it didn't matter now, not when he was already beside you in that beige linen shirt with the long sleeves and collar and sophisticated posture.
“Daemon Targaryen,” he said, holding out his hand.
You introduced yourself with a shy smile, greeting him back. “Are these all yours? They are very good."
He didn't need to look at the other pictures in the hall to nod. “Only a few, most are in my gallery.”
“Oh,” was all you said. “How long have you been painting?”
“I like to say I was born with brushes for fingers,” he chuckled with a hint of smugness. “And as for you, what were you born to do?”
"I don't know. I never really knew. I like my field, although I haven't graduated yet, but I never had a big dream or talent for arts in general.”
The look he gave you was understanding, almost affectionate, nodding. You stayed the rest of the night together, and even though you hadn't lived a third of what he had told you, the oldest Targaryen didn't make light of your experiences and aspirations for the future, quite the contrary, he asked a lot about your tastes, your dreams, your preferences and desires. Even if you were apprehensive about being around the most charming man you'd ever seen, Daemon was good enough to break through your preoccupation and wrap you up in a spiral of seduction veiled in sophisticated words and good conversation. By the gods, how you longed for that night not to end and you had to return to your simple and unglamorous life, to your heavy routine of studies and tiredness with uninteresting boys unlike the handsome man at your side.
“You have a beautiful face, you know, I would love to have you in one of my paintings,” he said as he rested his glass of white wine on the shelf beside him, “and I can already imagine how.”
"How?" You smiled in ecstasy, especially when he moved a piece of your hair to your ear and caressed your face. Your heart froze a beat and your mouth parted, a part of the smile still visible. It seemed too unreal to be true, but you would never object to what was about to happen.
“I'd love to show you,” he said before cupping your face and pressing his lips to yours in a kiss that made you float. You grabbed the back of his neck to pull him closer and rose on tiptoe to reach him properly, only to find yourself deliciously pressed against the wall as he stole the breath from your lungs in the sexiest, most demanding way possible. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that your reality seemed fully magnified as he pulled back and stared into your face, still so close you could only get intoxicated on his expensive woody cologne. “Come to my apartment, I need you babygirl.”
Oh dear, an indecent sound nearly escaped your mouth at the nickname, your breathing turning into wheezes immediately. You've never been in a relationship with an older man, not for lack of interest, but there weren't any such attractive options close until tonight. It felt like a sensual dream, especially when he traced circular patterns on her neck with his thumb.
Daemon glared fiercely before pulling you gently around the waist and out of the room, opening the door for you to say goodbye to your friend and Aegon, hating the knowingly slutty look he directed at your figure. Your heart pounded with each traffic light the luxurious red convertible crossed, impressed by the ruby, blue and green lights that illuminated that part of town and even more by the large hand that was on your bare thigh. How you wished it would rise a little higher...
Luckily his dazzlingly modern apartment wasn't far away, with beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the sea of buildings and skyscrapers of the world's greatest metropolis. It was breathtaking. You couldn't help but walk to the center of the room, gently tapping the glass as a smile left your lips. "It's so beautiful."
“No more than you, I promise,” he whispered into your hair, next to your ear, sending shivers through the body. He curled one hand in front of your body, caging you between the glass as he brushed your hair away from your neck to sensually kiss your erogenous spot, making your eyes close and your hands rest on the glass. His vague hand ran over your waist and breasts, squeezing your flesh deliciously. “Have you been with a man before, babygirl? A real man, not these fuckers who don't know how to satisfy a girl properly.”
“No, I never have been,” you replied breathlessly, looking at him through the reflection.
“I will make sure you never forget this night.”
Daemon turned you around to kiss you, demanding to taste, lick, suck, and bite each of your mouths. He'd like to taste your sweet pussy right there, fucking your beautiful body against the glass, but he wanted more, so much more, he wanted to lay you on the bed while the blue light outside illuminated your body just like the painting he'd imagined. And so he did. He stripped you of your clothes before laying you on the white sheets, drinking in the masterful image before you. He leaned down to kiss and suck on your neck as he slid his hand down the length of your body to the wet spot between your legs, spreading your wetness with his fingers before massaging your clit incisively with the palm of his hand, making a long, breathy moan out of your throat as you held him from behind, desperate for more friction. He removed his hand from your legs to grab your breasts and bring them to his mouth, but was quick to repeatedly grind his clothed manhood against your needy, wet pussy. He smeared saliva on your breasts and continued to tread south, kissing and stroking your stomach with his big hands.
“Fuck,” he growled at the sight of your shimmering femininity, so eager for his attention. “So fucking pretty,” he said before kissing the inside of your right thigh, holding your hips in place to dip like a bee on your flower, eating you like no other has. You moaned loudly and squeezed your eyes shut, holding onto his hair as your legs unconsciously tightened around his head. He never wavered, devouring your pearl like a starving man only to feel your body relax beneath him, your orgasm coming so hot and wet it had you moaning pathetically as he licked for another moment. A proud smile appeared on his features, which was met by a shy and satisfied smile before your hands struggled to remove the last physical obstacle that separated them.
“Ready for me, love?”
You nodded during the long look at his beautiful member. How he would love to thrust into you with no hindrance, but that would be asking too much for a first night, he knew that. So when he returned to the bed with the condom on and settled himself between your legs, his hand on your knees, there was nothing to look forward to but losing himself in your wet heat, so deliciously hot and tight. He let out a guttural growl as you let out a sly moan, sagging in glee as your pussy was filled in a steady rhythm.
“Daemon,” you cried breathlessly, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. He became deeper and faster in his movements. “Oh! Don’t stop!" Your whisper had him moaning in your ear and biting down on your bottom lip, fucking your sensual body hungrily.
“Fuckin' hells,” he growled as you squeezed him and milked him wet all over his cock, kissing the sensitive spot on your neck. He didn't last long after that, allowing himself to fully enjoy your heat to come hard over your body, rolling over to discard the condom and lying next to you, pulling you into his chest.
“That was amazing,” you said, smiling wide and tired, feeling your warm intimacy relax completely.
He just smiled and nodded silently, draping an arm over your shoulder. You didn't bother too much to stay awake, however, Daemon's low voice caught your attention.
“You said you never had great aspirations, but you also told me of dreams to be fulfilled, desires, everything you would like to have, see and live. Let me do it, babygirl, let me help you.”
Your eyes widened, looking up to meet his calm features. "Are you serious?" We don't even know each other well, this is a big step for both of us,” you said.
“We have enough time for that, I just need to know if you want it.”
This is definitely the best night of your life. Of course I do, holy shit I want it so bad. “Yes! I want it! I want it so much!” You kissed him sleepily, smiling against his lips. And that's how the dynamic between you began.
tag: my bestie @valeskafics cause she planted the idea of sugar daddy daemon in my head with this work here, check out her work! She's the queen of hotd content.
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shiverandqueeef · 4 months
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heads up for anyone who lives in the greater Vancouver area and wasn't aware; there will be a rally this Saturday Jan 27th at the Vancouver Art Gallery, organized by the Canada Palestine Association.
the gallery is located in downtown Vancouver, and close to a major metro station (img below)
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more info @ the Canada Palestine Association's website: cpavancouver.org
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spiky-berry21 · 15 days
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Thought I'd share a bit of art of one of my other oc's, Maeve Midwinter❄️.
Born: 27th of November, 1903 Salem, Massachusetts
Moving to Missouri when she was just 19, Maeve Midwinter is the owner (and only staff) of a small bookshop in downtown St. Louis. Sporting an ever present demure smile for who knows what reason, and a politeness staggering to those she is forced to associate with, *cough* gangsters *cough*. This mim damsel is quite content leading a (fairly) untroubled life with her books and gramophone.
Living in the attic of her bookshop, Maeve has an affinity for… Shall We say… dark humour, An obsession with all things shiny, nature walks, botany, macarons, and romance novels.
Feel free to ask me any questions about her, have a good day/night!
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detroitlib · 1 year
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Portrait of actress Dorothy Dandridge. Printed on front: "Dorothy Dandridge. Associated Booking Corp., Joe Glaser, President. Squibb B'ldg. 745 5th Ave., N.Y. Beverly Hills, Cal." Label on back: "Downtown Theatre on stage, in person. Thursday, February 7th, 1946. Dorothy Dandridge, sepia star of stage, screen & radio. Direct from Hollywood."
E. Azalia Hackley Collection of African Americans in the Performing Arts, Detroit Public Library
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cymlea · 4 months
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Things To Do In Tampa: A Comprehensive Guide to Florida's Gulf Coast
Tampa offers a dynamic and lively experience for visitors, showcasing a myriad of activities on Florida's Gulf Coast.
Florida is renowned for its diverse attractions, and Tampa stands out as a city designed for both entertainment and relaxation. With a captivating blend of historic architecture and modern landmarks, a culture enriched with Cuban and Spanish influences, bustling business districts, and scenic canals, Tampa emerges as a versatile destination that caters to work, exploration, and leisure.
Discover the myriad activities that Tampa has to offer with this comprehensive guide!
Things To Do In Tampa
Despite its vintage charm, Tampa boasts a multicultural atmosphere where historic buildings are being revitalized into vibrant food halls. Immerse yourself in the complete travel experience with our guide to Tampa's diverse offerings.
Discover Marine Life at The Florida Aquarium While in Tampa, Florida, don't miss the opportunity to explore The Florida Aquarium—an expansive 250,000-square-foot facility accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. As a 501 non-profit organization situated in downtown Tampa, it stands as one of the premier aquariums in the US. Witness a captivating array of sea creatures and immerse yourself in this publicly operated institution.
Location: 701 Channelside Dr, Tampa, FL 33602
Operating Hours: Open daily from 9:30 AM to 5 PM
Admission: $34.45 per person
Uncover Tampa's Past at Henry B. Plant Museum Venture into the historical realm by visiting the Henry B. Plant Museum, housed in the south wing of Plant Hall on the University of Tampa's campus. Located at 401 West Kennedy Boulevard, this museum offers insights into the Victorian lifestyle during turn-of-the-century Florida. Considered a hidden gem, it conveniently sits near hotels and restaurants around the university campus.
Location: 401 W Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL 33606
Operating Hours: Tuesday - Sunday from 10 AM to 5 PM (opens at 12 on Sundays)
Experience Artistic Splendor at The Tampa Theatre For a dose of cultural entertainment, make your way to The Tampa Theatre—an exquisite performing arts space in downtown Tampa. Designed by architect John Eberson, this atmospheric theatre-style movie palace hosts a variety of independent and foreign film productions. Treat yourself to a unique cinematic experience in this beautifully preserved landmark.
Location: 711 N Franklin St, Tampa, FL 33602
Operating Hours: Varies by show/screening
Relax Amid Nature at Lettuce Lake Park Nature enthusiasts will find solace in Lettuce Lake Park, a beloved green space in Tampa. Spanning 240 acres, the park offers walking paths, biking trails, and scenic benches for relaxation. Conveniently located on Fletcher Avenue between Interstate 75 and the University of South Florida, Lettuce Lake Park is complemented by the soothing presence of the Hillsborough River, providing a refreshing escape during warm spells.
Address: 6920 E Fletcher Ave, Tampa, FL 33637
Hours: Open daily from 8 AM to 7 PM
Enjoy Live Performances at The Straz Center for the Performing Arts For aficionados of the performing arts, The Straz Center offers a captivating venue for shows, screenings, and live concerts throughout the year. Originally established in 1987 as the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center and later rebranded in 2009, this beautiful complex is situated in downtown Tampa.
Location: 1010 N Macinnes Pl, Tampa, FL 33602
Operating Hours: Varies by show/screening
Embark on a Splashy Adventure at Adventure Island For a dose of fun in Tampa, look no further than Adventure Island—a conveniently located water park northeast of Tampa, Florida, just across the street from Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. This aquatic haven covers 30 acres and offers water rides, dining options, and various attractions. Many visitors opt for a full trip, combining the thrills of Busch Gardens and Adventure Island.
Location: 10001 McKinley Dr, Tampa, FL 33612
Tickets: $29.99 per person
Experience Thrills at Busch Gardens A must-visit for adrenaline enthusiasts in Tampa, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is the largest zoo in the region, packed with exhilarating roller coasters and over 12,000 animals. This adventure park seamlessly blends high-caliber rides, adrenaline-pumping thrills, and family-friendly recreation. For a water-themed escapade, explore Busch Gardens' Adventure Island, Tampa's exclusive water park, spanning 30 acres of tropical excitement.
Location: 10165 McKinley Dr, Tampa, FL 33612
Tickets: $84.99 per person
Unwind on the Beautiful Beaches Just a short drive away, Tampa offers access to approximately 35 miles of pristine Gulf of Mexico waters and white sand beaches on the barrier islands of St. Petersburg and Clearwater. Renowned for their exceptional sand quality and environmental preservation, standouts include Fort DeSoto Park, Caladesi Island, and Clearwater Beach. With its undeveloped coastlines, this area imparts a sense of being on a remote island.
Discover the wealth of beaches: Tampa boasts around 35 miles of white sand coastline, providing ample opportunities for relaxation and seaside enjoyment.
Discover the Glazer Children's Museum For families with kids, a visit to the Glazer Children's Museum is a must during their time in Tampa. Boasting around 20 interactive exhibits catering to children of all ages, this family-friendly museum offers an engaging experience.
Location: 110 W Gasparilla Plaza, Tampa, FL 33602
Operating Hours: Tuesday - Sunday from 9:30 AM to 5 PM
Indulge in a Beer Tasting Experience Tampa's brewing legacy dates back to 1896 when the Florida Brewing Company established itself in Ybor City's downtown. While facing challenges due to restrictions and laws, the craft beer scene experienced a resurgence with the establishment of the Tampa Bay Brewing Company a century later.
Diverse Beer Scene: Tampa boasts a thriving brewing culture, with the Florida Brewing Company being a popular choice in Ybor City.
Best Time to Explore Tampa, Florida
Tampa is at its best between September and December, offering a pleasant escape from the oppressive heat and humidity. The breezy conditions of autumn still provide warmth and sunshine, and during these months, hotels often offer enticing deals to attract visitors.
While the peak season for major attractions is from May to August, the weather can be uncomfortably humid. January through April, despite being cooler, tends to be a more expensive period for booking trips.
Optimal Transportation in Tampa
For seamless exploration of Tampa, visitors often find it beneficial to rent a car, especially if planning excursions to Clearwater and St. Pete's beachfront or the artistic enclaves of Sarasota. However, for those intending to stay within downtown or utilize the Telo Line Streetcar, walking or riding may suffice.
Given the residential and widely dispersed nature of the Bay Area, car rental costs, while subject to fluctuations based on supply and peak season factors, are generally reasonable. Commute times may be slightly extended due to the unique driving patterns in the region.
Guide to Tampa's Distinct Neighborhoods
Tampa's allure extends beyond its main attractions, inviting visitors to explore its vibrant neighborhoods that pulse with unique charm.
Hyde Park: Crafted around the time of the first Hillsborough River bridge by railroad magnate Henry B. Plant and Cuban immigrants establishing Ybor City, Hyde Park is a charming area exuding heritage and retro glamour. Nestled by the sea, with leafy tree canopies and early 20th-century brick lanes, Hyde Park features upscale Hyde Park Village, a walkable hub for dining and shopping. To the east, Bayshore Boulevard offers a waterfront promenade for biking and strolling.
Channelside District: Packed with tourist delights, the Channelside District hosts Sparkman Wharf—a riverfront entertainment venue offering microbrews, musical performances, and diverse dining options. The Florida Aquarium, home to over 8,000 species, adds to the district's allure with captivating exhibits on conservation initiatives, coral reefs, and marine life. Dolphin trips and hands-on experiences, like the No Bone Zone habitat, enhance the Channelside District's appeal.
Downtown: A blend of historical and contemporary cultural attractions defines downtown Tampa. Renowned sites such as the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, the Tampa Museum of Art, and the Glazer Children's Museum cater to art enthusiasts and families alike. The David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts hosts Broadway musicals, opera-ballet performances, and musical events. Corey Hixon Waterfront Park hosts year-round outdoor events, while the Tampa Riverwalk offers a scenic stroll along the Hillsborough River, lined with diverse eateries and bars.
Dining Recommendations in Tampa
The culinary scene in Tampa Bay mirrors its diverse culture, offering indulgent beverages at beachfront bistros and taverns. Visitors can savor iconic Tampa dishes, choosing from an array of options, including haute cuisine, farm-to-table eateries, and delightful seafood and traditional Spanish meals.
Top Breakfast Spots: Samaria Cafe, Nicki's Omelette & Grill, Oxford Exchange Lunch Favorites: Oystercatchers, Ulele, Al's Finger Licking Good Bar-B-Que Dinner Hotspots: Vino E Pasta, On Swann, Wright's Gourmet House Best Bars: M. Bird, Fly Bar, The Orpheum, Bad Monkey
Where To Stay In Tampa, Florida
Tampa Bay offers a diverse range of lodging options, catering to both luxury seekers and those on business or leisure trips. Entertainment abounds, making Tampa an ideal destination for various needs.
Luxury Hotels
The Tampa Edition
Cost: Starting at $709 per night
Address: 500 Channelside Dr., Tampa, 33602
Amenities: Fitness Center, Outdoor Swimming Pool, Garden
Floridan Palace Hotel
Cost: Starting at $299 per night
Address: 905 North Florida Avenue, Tampa, FL 33602
Amenities: Fitness Center, Restaurant
Mid-Tier Hotels
Hyatt Place Downtown Tampa
Cost: Starting at $349 per night
Address: 325 N Florida Avenue, Tampa, 33602
Amenities: Fitness Center, Outdoor Swimming Pool, Restaurant
Hotel South Tampa & Suites
Cost: Starting at $199 per night
Address: 3314 South Dale Mabry, Tampa, FL 33629
Amenities: Swimming Pool, Fitness Center
Budget Hotels
Hilton Garden Inn Tampa East
Cost: Starting at $166 per night
Address: 10309 Highland Manor Drive, Tampa, FL 33610
Amenities: Restaurant, Swimming Pool
Sleep Inn & Suites Tampa South
Cost: Starting at $179 per night
Address: 6231 S Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa, 33611
Amenities: Spa and Wellness Center, Fitness Center
Visiting Tampa: Helpful Tips
Sunpass Convenience: Consider obtaining a Sunpass, a prepaid digital permit for hassle-free highway travel to various destinations.
CityPASS Savings: Opt for the Tampa Bay CityPASS, providing discounted access to the city's premier attractions. Priced at $97 for children and $107 for adults, it offers substantial savings.
Freshwater Caution: Exercise caution when encountering freshwater, especially outside designated swimming springs. Florida's waters are home to over a million alligators, emphasizing the need for vigilance.
A Day Well Spent in Tampa
For those with just 24 hours, Tampa offers a condensed yet fulfilling experience. Explore Downtown Tampa starting with the Glazer Children's and art museums. Next, embark on an adventurous journey at Busch Gardens.
As the evening unfolds, consider a visit to one of the local breweries. Hyde Park beckons with its excellent dining and shopping options, while the Channelside District provides a vibrant backdrop for live performances.
Engage in Unique Activities
Even if water sports aren't your forte, Tampa's outdoor adventures offer compelling reasons to visit. The region boasts a diverse array of outdoor activities to suit various interests.
Q: What is Tampa known for? Tampa is renowned for attractions such as the Florida Aquarium, the exhilarating Busch Gardens, the vibrant Ybor City, and being the birthplace of the Cuban sandwich. Additionally, the city is celebrated for its lush gardens, cigar manufacturing heritage, modern museums, fine dining establishments, and picturesque sidewalks.
Q: Is Tampa better than Orlando? Tampa is preferred by beach enthusiasts due to its proximity to the coast and the surrounding Tampa Bay. Orlando, another city in Central Florida, is favored by those who are fans of Universal and Disney attractions.
Q: Is Tampa Riverwalk worth visiting? Absolutely! Tampa Riverwalk is a must-visit attraction, offering a scenic stroll along the Garrison Channel and Hillsborough River. With water-based activities, beachfront restaurants, museums, and year-round festivals, it provides an enriching and enjoyable experience.
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craftypeaceturtle · 5 months
Something stupid...
I recently rewatched tmnt 2012 and thought... wow, there's loads of fully rendered and designed shops in the background. Has anyone ever listed them all for reference?
I didn't even check the fandom wikia so maybe someone has. But hey ho. I've done it now.
So here's all the shops and comics shown in the TMNT 2012 series, for your reference fellow writers and other insane people.
Comic books seen throughout the series:
'From the Sewer' (S1 E1, 08:09)
'Martial Pain' (S1 E4, 09:00)
'Famous Creatures of […] Town' (S1 E7, 22:49) **couldn't make out one of the words, sorry!
'Corps Cadares: The Dead Will Save the Earth' (S1 E11, 04:08)
'The Timely Times' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Diabolical Dead' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Barbarian' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Space Heroes' (S1 E23, 10:08) -- Leo collects.
'Tales from the Cosmos' (S2 E2, 00:46)
'Dude' (S2 E4, 10:04)
'Modern Ninja Magazine' (S2 E7, 00:50) --Raph collects.
'Shock Techno' (S2 E10, 00:19)
'Weekly Weird News' (S2 E14, 28:17)
'Green with Envy' (S2 E16, 10:17)
'Split' (S3 E5, 05:45)
'Wingnut' (S4 E19, 00:12)
'Arachnid Man' (S4 E19, 00:27)
'Superb Man' (verbal, not physically shown- S4 E19, 00:29)
'Fantastic Four Food Groups' (S4 E19, 00:31) --heavily associated with Raph.
'Dracula's Castle' (S5 E17, 07:19) -- heavily associated with Mikey.
'Vampire Hunter' (S5 E17, 07:18) --heavily associated with Mikey.
Shops seen throughout the series: Book Store (S1 E1, 10:28)
Second Time About (S1 E1, 13:21) -- April stayed with her Aunt above this shop.
Vlad's Repo Depot (S1 E1, 19:31)
Kingfisher Antique/Rare Buy.Sell Jewelry (S1 E1, 21:30)
Fortune Cookie (S1 E3, 14:32) --Purple Dragon base
Rock Bottom Boxing Club (S1 E4, 10:27)
Old Chinatown Tattoo Company (S1 E4, 10:27)
Downtown Athletic Club (S1 E4, 16:08)
Futua-noid Electronics (S1 E5, 17:38)
Pet Supplies (S1 E5, 17:38) -- right next to an alleyway, so I would guess that this the pet store the turtles were bought from.
Mad Wax Records (S1 E5, 17:46)
Everything Store (S1 E5, 17:47)
Dim Sum Then Sum (S1 E7, 12:24)
Laundromat (S1 E7, 13:03)
The Olympia Diner (S1 E8, 02:35)
Tidal Wave Fresh Fish (S1 E8 09:24)
Balzac Chateau du Beuf (S1 E9, 00:32)
Pocket full of Rosies (S1 E9, 00:43)
Wolf Hotel (S1 E9, 13:48) --first met Shredder.
Chinese Herbs and Health (S1 E10, 15:28)
Antonio's Pizza-Rama (S1 E13, 04:53)
Produce City (S1 E16)
(Closed down) Maramba … Shop (S1 E14, 00:35)
Chilly Chillkins Refrigeration company (S1 E14, 21:03)
Roosevelt High School (S1 E15, 09:05)
Comics (S1 E15, 09:05)
Worldwide Genome Project (WGP) (S1 E15, 15:13) --used as Kraang base.
Sweet Dreams Ice Cream (S1 E17 00:27)
Madam Alahazam Fortune Teller (S1 E17 00:27)
Wam-Bam-Pow Comics (S1 E17 00:25)
D.W Yatt Apothecary Est.1875 (S1 E16)
Magic Middleton's Tricks and Costumes (S1 E21, 13:09)
Ziga's Transmission Allignment Collision Tune-Up Autobody (S1 E24, 11:46) --used as Kraang base.
Argosy Theatre (S2 E1, 01:19)
Newstand (S2 E4, 10:04)
Midtown Ice Rink (S2 E6, 06:29)
Barber Shop (S2 E8, 00:11)
Lox Schmear & Java (S2 E19, 17:21)
Bernie's General (S3 E5, 04:44)
Comet Cleaners (S3 E11, 03:29)
Play Pier (S3 E11, 09:03)
Auman Chemicals (S3 E14, 14:53)
Channel 6 (S4 E10, 07:40)
AMAS: Allied Martial Arts Supply (S4 E15, 13:24) -- Used to hold Shredder/Foot Clan's weapons.
Cowabunga Skates (S4 E17, 05:20)
Run Jump Kick (S4 E17, 05:20)
Dell Abate Ristorante (S4 E18, 06:25) -- Don Vizioso's restaurant.
Felipe's (S4 E18, 16:27)
Hicnight Hotel (S4 E18, 17:16) --Don Vizioso's base.
Mini Mart (S5 E3, 16:19)
Friendly Jack's Loans (S5 E3, 17:43)
Wan Dingo's House of Curiosities and Oddities (S5 E5, 13:28)
Shanghai Sternn's Stir Fry (S5 E10, 12:04)
The episode timestamps might not be totally accurate since I was watching this on a... ahem... legal website.
The timestamps are from when you could clearly and obviously see the shop signs. Like, Ziga's is visible from like episode one but couldn't be clearly read.
Some of the comics were just in shop windows and not really associated with a character so be careful. That is not a list of every comic the turtles have read. Like the Timely Times has only been in the background, not read by a particular turtle.
There were LOADS of shops where the shop name was in Chinese (or Japanese, I don't know) and so I couldn't list. Most of the shops by the Chinatown arch weren't in english. That's why even Murakami's shop isn't listed here. Because the actual shop name wasn't in english.
Thanks for reading through this. Hopefully this was useful for... anyone out there.
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sillystringsimpsons · 13 days
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Your comment on my Amelia ref inspired me to make this! She doesn’t need to be official in the au, but here’s just some concept art for the funsies :3
Love this!!!!! Unfortunately Valentina's whole character arc is contingent on her and Memphis being the only transgender people within the family (also there's a lot of adjustments I'd need to make to existing dynamics) T_T
BUT I do still love this idea :333 so here's a little non-canon sketch of amelia and little suricato running from the northside perros (a minor street gang based in downtown springfield that I'm still properly developing - they used to be associates of the D'Amico family, and two of their members were responsible for planting the car bomb that disabled Louis and Max)
interactions hugely appreciated!!!! <3 also if you haven't already go follow @legstheoctomobster or else
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andreablog2 · 1 year
I feel like more people in NYC need to be aware of Peter Thiel and the connections these downtown people have it’s lowkey a cult
It’s not even just “downtown nyc people” but from what I’ve read he’s funding things like a pronatalist.org, rumble/callin (video and podcast streaming services, that’s kind of becoming a less obvious Prageru), something to do w accelerationism, an antiwoke film festival, famously red scare, he also owns like the biggest net surveillance company which has been associated w the cia, was trumps political advisor, most likely a pedophile, breakout labs in sf which is this scientific research grant system that’s mainly focused on like… longevity science and so much more probably. It’s not even just him, billionaires are trying to streamline the discourse on online communities through mimetic warfare, he also has a company that grants money to people who want to write abt mimetic theory? …I guess that sort of discourse terraforming could translate into the cultural happenings of an actual geographic location….in this case “downtown nyc” just bc only a certain amount of artists can make it in a place like that and money from a billionaire probably helps. I’m sure he has something to do w indie sleaze too. But people into those rich person burgeoning art scenes that take space in perpetually gentrified neighborhoods aren’t necessarily known for their spines or integrity so I could see people being influenced by a substack alone which is crazy. The interests of gentrification and the interests of anti wokeness aren’t necessarily in opposition to one another. But his scope is larger than that trust fundian mapplethorpe idolist niche honestly. I’d love to hear more about what other cultural ventures he’s funding it’s kind of insane. I don’t even think he’s in charge of the narrative I think he’s still in bed w the cia honestly or he has some kind of agreement w whoever comes to him w their wishes for society?
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my intro (sarah's version)
i changed my url!! prev: -> just-sarah-xx // 14/05/2024
☆ sarah, s, moon ☆ she/they ☆ bi ☆ sun: libra ♎︎ moon: libra ♎︎ rising: pisces ♓︎ ☆ australia !! ☆ infp<3 (pls talk to me im so introverted lmao) ☆ taylor swift, conan gray, phoebe bridgers, tv girl, olivia rodrigo, the neighbourhood, steve lacy, dominic fike<3 ☆ i love art, reading, astronomy, taking long walks, playing guitar, making playlists and aesthetics ☆ fav aesthetics: rockstar gf, downtown girl, chaotic academia, y2k grunge, etc.
☆ stuff you'll see me posting about: -> one direction -> genshin -> league/heartsteel -> random shitposts -> shifting -> rants about stuff -> drawing -> many different books -> obsessing over someone -> etc.
my socials<3 ☆ pinterest: justsarahxx ☆ spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31nyeusuv342xa4h4thn3j7ujzoy?si=b8f0fc1b36864e52 ☆ insta: saracha_sauce.xo
my mooties<3: @niallermybabe - bells, probably will tag as bells💛 (im sorry i dont have a better name) @quackethh - tay, will tag as quack quack @antisocialgaycat - lele, will tag as bestieboowifeyforlifey @cc-horan - cc, will tag as cc or 🍍 @strawberry-lia - lia/laura, will tag as 🍓 @localrockstargf - my shifting bestie xe, tagged as 🎸 @sad-trash-pigeon - fernie, tagged as pigeon🌿 @shutup-andletme-go - jack, YOU ARE JACHARY IM SORRY U DONT HAVE A SAY IN THIS @thatsawesomedontyouthink - emma, i also havent given you a tag yet im very sorry @waitingforthesunrise - ari, will probably tag as ari☀️🌿 @5ducksinatrenchcoat - flora, will probably tag as duckies x5 @svnflowermoon - lucy, will probably tag as luc🪩<3 waaaaiiittt wait wait wait @sleepy-vix (im so so so sorry i am so sorry ur so special omg i cant believe i didnt add u) - vix, uhh ill tag u as vix (mitski's version) @elemelom OMG my irl, imma tag you as em :D melon (im sorry thats just what i associate your name with) @demigoddess-of-ghosts - tess, ill tag u as tessy :3 julie schwieters is my bae (she doesnt know i exist) so she deserves a tag too, which is #julie schwieters supremacy my asks tag is #i'm not introverted !! (my asks) i will do more im sorry if i missed u (i haven't fully added the moot tags so some might not show up)
so yeah thats my intro imma prolly edit it later have an amazing day<333
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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The Carew Tower and was added to the register of National Historic Landmarks on April 19, 1994
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simsinlowspace · 2 years
Freetime Posters - 12 Games Hobby Posters
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Happy weekend everyone! 💖 The next batch of Freetime Posters is ready to go -- this week's hobby is games! Swatch, details and download beneath thy cut! ♕
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These are on @linacheries’ excellent 4t2 conversion of Simsza’s National Park Prints (mesh is included), and they feature another 12 designs made with Flaticon elements + lots of Simlish fonts. They’re all inspired by locations, items and features from the game.
Side Pocket Pool Table Advertisement for the in-game item
Banner: Strangetown Chess Club Body: 88 Road to Nowhere Fridays, 7 - 9 PM I figured of all the neighborhoods, Strangetown would be the most likely to have a chess club
Burled Wood Dartboard Advertisement for the in-game item
SimBowl Lanes Advertisement for the Downtown lot. I'm not much of a movie person, but I love The Big Lebowski and I couldn't pass up the chance at a reference (and also ended up re-watching it while I worked on these because it's been a hot minute)
Speedy's Fast Lanes Bowling & Eats Advertisement for the other Downtown bowling alley
Four Blessing Mahjong Table I debated whether or not I should do another mahjong poster since I already have one in my BV Travel Poster set, but this was kind of my only opportunity to shoehorn some flowers into this batch, so that settled it XD
Inter@ctive Arcade Possibly the worst lot name in the game (Inter-at-ctive? Really?), but it made for a cool design, so! I figured I'd just roll with Maxis' questionable punnery on this one :P
Games of Glory For the games hobby secret lot
Maxis Game Simulator Advertisement for the in-game item
SSX 3 THIS DAMN GAME. Lol my Sims are always addicted to this thing, I had to make a poster for it. I tried to recreate the logo in Simlish as best I could...it's not quite as "action-y", but it's pretty close.
52 Pickup Card Table Advertisement for the in-game item
Don't Wake the Llama! Advertisement for the in-game item
No hobby trainers this time! 😲 There were so many items and lots associated with gaming that I didn't really see a way (or a necessity) to fit them in.
A numbered swatch is included.
Icons are by Freepik, mynamepong, justicon, Luvdat, Good Ware, BZZRINCANTATION, Chanut-is-Industries, Smashicons, monkik, and Ina Mella. Much gratitude as always for their awesome resources! <3
DOWNLOAD (SFS) Recolors are ~350KB
Lots of love, Spacey
UPDATE: Now that this series is complete, here is a master list of all the posts, plus a single download link for all the posters. All swatches are included, and files are sorted into folders so you can easily keep just what you like:
Tinkering Nature Arts & Crafts Fitness Science Cuisine Sports Games Music & Dance Film & Literature
You can now also get all the designs on BV's Travel Keeper!
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drivinmeinsane · 3 months
.for the character ask game
17. quotes, songs, poems, etc. that you associate with Henry?
23. if Henry was a scented candle, what would he smell like?
thanks in advance! and if you don't mind I'll send more Henry-related asks later
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with Henry.
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Some bands that make me think of him are Radiohead, Deftones, and Crystal Castles. I feel like he would like nu-metal and alternative rock, anything with that kind of grungy electronic tinge to it.
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23. If he were a scented candle, what would Henry smell like?
Some scents that I associate with Henry; the earthy clay scent of paint, choking clouds of cigarette smoke, the smell of rain washing away the grime of downtown, the tang of motor oil rainbowing across the pavement, the woodsy pulp of unwrapping a new canvas, the perpetual dry rot of academic buildings. Death and Floral has a perfume that reminds me of him. Art school dropout (Fresh paint water, wet clay, car exhaust, number two pencil shavings).
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I don't mind more at all! Thank you for sending a message over. :)
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tom-isaacs · 8 months
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Lick Piece - Ben Patterson
"Although Patterson’s example has been invoked to corroborate art historian Kathy O'Dell's claim that 'there were probably more women and artists of color associated with Fluxus than with any other previous grouping of artists in Western art history,' Gender, race, and American history intersect in one of Patterson’s most notorious works, the Lick Piece, 1962, from Methods & Processes: cover shapely female with whipped cream lick . . . topping of chopped nuts and cherries is optional "Patterson felt the piece was 'more funny than erotic,' but a number of critics detected sexist overtones, their view supported not only by the score's 'shapely female' reference but also by the famous 1964 photograph of Patterson, fellow Fluxus artist Robert Watts, and others spraying whipped cream on a white woman’s nude body. However, these critiques fail to take into account that neither the gender nor the race of the performer doing the licking is specified by the score. Moreover, in many parts of the United States, including downtown New York at the time, Patterson’s performance could have culminated in an Emmett Till–style denouement. It is difficult to imagine that this thought did not cross Patterson’s mind, and it seems even odder that this possibility has hardly been considered by Fluxus critics and historians."
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