#fanfic becoming novel
imgilmoregirl · 1 month
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Hello, everyone! Long time, no see.
I know it has been quite a long time, but I’m here to share some great news with you! My old beloved fic The Dark Lady has officially been turned into A NOVEL! I mean, I’ve spent so long editing it, rewriting and actually making it into a historical romance that I can barely believe it was born in ao3, many years ago.
My book Tears Of Seer is avaliable on Amazon for a very cheap price and if you happen to have Kindle Unlimited you can access it for free. I’ll leave it linked down bellow.
I would love it for you guys to take a look at how it turned out and tell me what do you think, that’s why I’ve just decided to come and share here on Tumblr too. You are a part of this story!
Also I want to leave my greatest thank you to every single person who has followed my journey writing here. You are the reason this book is out there.
Plus, in Amazon, you can also find my other two books, Sweet Autumn that it’s also a novel and Things I Did After Him, which happens to be a short poetry collection. Let me know if you take a look at anything.
TEARS OF SEER AMAZON LINK: https://a.co/d/15ks5ZS
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youngyoo-apologist · 3 months
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Based off of a scene from [In the Borderline] on AO3
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Seeing that one post going around that's just basically 'say if you ever read fanfictions that are better than published books' and it's like, yeah of course there are some that are better, because some people are genuinely good writers, but also there are good books too, and then seeing people say things like, 'I have never read a good book I only prefer fanfictions' and it's just?? Seek out some books? There are so many different kinds, for so many different things. It just sounds like you're reading for an easy serotonin boost than really engaging with the work.
People who write books and people who write fanfics have one thing in common: they write. They are doing the act of writing, and each person is going to have different styles and come at it with different experiences. Also, if your favorite fanfic writer comes out with an original work that's not just filing the serial numbers off, will you read it? Or are you only there because they're writing your favorite characters from another piece of media (which might even be from a book?). Speaking as a fanfic writer who is happy when people compliment my writing, please read some books I'm begging. Not everything is from booktok.
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isabelguerra · 2 months
finished chapter 5. zack is the strongest person alive for All That
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meluci-fer · 6 months
If you're going to tag your fic with both Novel and Drama Fandoms, I think it's super valid, I even encourage it for the sake of visibility! But please, I beg you, if the main canon is a Novel and your story is Drama-based, use the appropriate tag Alternate Canon - Drama Verse or Drama Verse. Chinese media fandoms are especially good at NOT doing this when most dramas are adapted from novels. I'd love to be able to better filter and curate my experience, but without proper tags, it's difficult.
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shitpostingkats · 5 months
Every day I go to work on my wip.
Every day, I go and add a new scene to a completely unrelated wip.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 11 months
random thing i was pondering today!: do you think that there's a general expectation to stop writing fanfiction if you become a published author (or at least stop having your fanfiction be linked to Author You too openly)?
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afniel · 6 months
I am very smart. For the sequel I've got a copy of the full timeline of events and I'm figuring out dates before I'm already ¾ of the way through writing instead of after. I'm notoriously not good at understanding dates/times so I'm really saving myself a lot of tickets to ride the struggle bus later. Especially considering the scope of the entire timeline...I sorted out events for 17 characters spanning from 2024 through 2211 and the very start of 2212...that's a lot of events. It took a lot of fucking around to make the numbers line up. I did not expect some of the characters to be as old as they are; Flip and Siobhan in particular are damn near archaic for reploids given the setting, and Focus and Drive also ended up older than I'd initially imagined by about ten years so I had to figure out where that time went. Most of the others were about where I'd imagined, though I'm never going to get over the fact that Glitch is actually only seven years old, and that's considered a reasonably adult age anywhere else that isn't the quarantine zone.
Anyway, without even trying that hard I'm about 7k into the sequel, because now that I've got things established worldbuilding-wise it's just like getting back on a bicycle that I never really dismounted in the first place, so uh...yeah. If you liked >E.04642-SYS: Failure to compile. (that's a link in case you wanted to read it and haven't yet) feel free to be excited, I guess? I swear I'm trying to take this one at less of a breakneck writing pace, it's just got Definite Ideas and it's kind of dragging me like a very large excited dog who's got places to be that aren't on this leash I'm holding.
(Also like if you want to hear anything about any of the worldbuilding decisions or background stuff/characters or whatever, I'm so incredibly down to yell about all that now that I'm feeling more confident about it as a story, AMA and I'll be ecstatic for hours.)
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mejomonster · 1 year
I decided I'd write bulletpoint summaries to figure out how to write the next few chapters. So like "x happens, you happens" etc.
But the thing is... when I do that, it helps me get ideas (yay) so then I flesh the bullet point out into 1-20 paragraphs but its STILL in note format so there's some actual lines that are DONE done (like dialogue and some particularly impactful moments of description).
then there's some in a format I HAVE to rewrite later (like "he absolutely loses his shit, tries to rip X limb from limb" I will have to reword ALL the stuff like this which is like 70% of the "fleshed out" summarized notes I write... and its always annoying because it's like... those parts are Basically done conceptually, they have all the details I Needed to include, it's just I worded them like notes and not in nice literary wording so they're NOT fucking usable yet).
And of course, there's the priginal summary bits where I'm just like "They flee the city, go to x. He says never talk to me again, he cant bear it, and goes off to the mountains." Which I'll have to fully flesh out of course. But at least it's all malleable stuff I can word however.
The 2nd kind of summary notes are my best/worst friend ToT on the one hand it's great, the whole scene is fleshed out! On the other hand it's awful cause I know Exactly Every detail I have to write but I have to translate it from "he fucking smashes his head in, seeing red" to like "he crushes his skull under his heel, watching the blood spread across the wooden floor. It's finally over." And like.... ;-; I have to do that shit with every single line, except the occasional blessing where I wrote Full Finished lines in between the 70% note-taking descriptions.
Like. Here's my summary notes I wrote for chapter 11 of what makes monsters stop devouring:
Scenes of Kunlun LEAVING the alliance, and Ye Zun so desperate to help his bro that he marches out there to go confront Kunlun and army ALONE, and ends up telling him off and telling him hes no hero compared to shen wei if he LEAVES, and then Kunlun grabs him and intimidates him just enough for Ye Zun to panicked grab back and absorb a little energy threateningly, then YZ stops cause he wants to make this negotiation work and appear acquiescing no matter how scared he was. Kunlun thinks that’s very brave of him, and proves he’s also very loyal to the thing he came here for and thinks that proves Ye Zun really believes his Black Cloak Envoy is noble and worth all this, and then lets him into his tent to discuss returning. Then the scene of them riding horses ahead back to alliance camp, shen wei immediately seeing them (with mask on) and coming to meet them, and Kunlun inexplicably apologizing for having left without discussing with the chiefs and hearing them out first, and promising he will hear them out if they allow him. Meanwhile SW is just BAFFLED his brother isn’t in danger and that Kunlun isn’t angry and SW is SO confused over what’s going on, but very floored, cause he admires and respects Kunlun at least rep/status wise so he doesn’t know how to handle someone ‘higher’ than him bowing to him and pleading forgiveness and acting submissive to him. What the FUCK did his brother go do???
And in a later arc I wrote a mess of dialogue notes:
At some point after, YZ confronts Kunlun over and over about WHY he got so mad when YZ was trying to help, and finally gets the answer ‘ i already told u i dont’ want you hurt, i don’t want you hurt because of me’ and YZ doesn’t get it, so Kunlun threatens to LEAVE. So YZ tries to get a brainwashed minion to read kunlun’s mind for the answer to avoid a problem for SW, and then Kunlun knocks out the guy before it can happen and goes and finds YZ to privately chat. YZ goes wild and desperate n tries to provoke KL into either telling the truth or injuring him so at least shen wei doesn’t feel like there was any choice BUT for KL to leave or die. Because despite yelling n threatening YZ, to keep YZ away and to keep him from touching his energy, KL still hasn’t actually hurt him. Again, KL says he doesn’t want YZ hurt he wants to keep him safe - and YZ has NO idea how leaving YZ helps
And its like wow I turned that into a 10k chapter but also ;-; is that some people's first drafts? Just the word jumble coming out of your brain trying to summarize? I assume not, I assume a first draft has to actually Be finished sentences lmao. But yeah I write this kind of stuff for long stories and they're a fucking mess because 1 yes I'm grateful cool I know what the plot outline is but 2 dear god its frustrating taking so many Half Written pieces of description and turning them into proper pretty 5 paragraph prose. Anyway yeah some behind the scenes on writing process! ToT
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I need an advice from experienced Tumblr/ao3 users about tumblr etiquette + some more questions
What I want to do is to post a fan fiction, but the catch is that it is not linear. Instead there are a couple different branches of story reader can choose from that'll lead to different outcomes. So my question is, what is the best way for me to do so?
I thought of posting every branching piece separately as posts and connect them via links to those different posts on Tumblr. This looks like something that'll work. The drawbacks of that method is that it'll create a bunch of posts under the same hashtags and I'm not sure if it's okay think for me to do (is it?). Should I just abandon the hashtags on most of them to reduce their number on the feed under those hashtags?
Now about AO3. I've never ever used it to post anything and have no idea what it allows writers to do. If you know anything about how it is possible to realise branching story on ao3 please tell me, because I have no clue.
Currently I'm just writing everything in .md files so it's not a problem to connect them in a meaningful easy to follow way. I'm thinking of leaving a link to the whole fic as a folder, but this one method is so niche I don't believe anyone would like to actually use it as it requires some extra steps.
Please help
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bvnga-aprikot · 1 year
wait what happened to that Raeliana x Beatrice fanfic where Beatrice was in love with Raeli but ends up trying to kill her after finding out the current Raeliana has replaced the Raeli she knew?????? i thought i bookmarked it??????
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uniformbravo · 2 years
how tf am i like yea im gonna do nanowrimo this year while also being signed up for natsuyuu secret santa while also planning to sign up for pnat ss when that opens up LIKE
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seamless-sky · 2 years
Someone is stop me before I make yet another rare pair mdzs fan fiction even if I already have more than 3 fanfiction wips and a novel waiting for me to write them
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allylikethecat · 21 days
Not sure if this counts as Talk Shop Tuesday but:
Have you seen The Idea of You? What is your opinion on rpf!fanfic being published and subsequently turned into movies?
If you want it to be a Talk Shop Tuesday it counts as a Talk Shop Tuesday!
I have seen The Idea of You and I have also read the book. (I'm very happy they changed the ending in the movie lol) I enjoyed both the book and the movie, BUT as someone who reads, writes, and enjoys fanfiction it makes sense that I liked the book / movie because it was fanfiction at one point.
I think that RPF fic being traditionally published and then turned into movies is an interesting debate. On one hand it's a little odd to me, especially when it is so mind blowingly obvious like in the book they didn't even change Liam's name. But at the same time if someone came to me and was like "Ally we love All the King's Horses you should change it up a little bit to make it more original, and then we're going to publish it, and turn it into a movie" I would be like sounds amazing where do I sign?
BUT in terms of just like a fun romcom? I really enjoyed the movie. I'm also a big fan of Nicholas Galitzine and the scene with the chicken tenders? That's the dream right there I love tendies lol
Thank you so much for indulging me in a talk shop Tuesday and sending this ask my way! I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday and that you have a fantastic week!
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realizing with my final year of undergrad and working 20 ish hours during the week this year I’m either going to have to focus on writing hotd fanfic or my actual novel 😭
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kotaface · 2 years
My favorite thing about fanfic is watching a writer go through all 5 stages of grief as their fluffy one-shot inexplicably becomes a 100k-word novel.
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