undergroundrockpress · 8 months
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lacyscabinet · 5 months
Another femicide in Italy in a span of months and people still don't recognize that we have a problem.
Earlier this year a pregnant woman was brutally murdered by her partner.
A couple of months ago a nineteen year old girl was raped almost to death by a group of guys, and this is the translation of one of their declarations after the event (it won't be a hundred percent accurate because it's a translation but you'll get the point):
«Se ci penso mi viene lo schifo perché eravamo cento cani sopra una gatta, una cosa così l’avevo vista solo nei porno, eravamo troppi e sinceramente mi sono schifato un poco, però che devo fare la carne è carne, ma ti giuro dopo che si è sentita pure male, piegata a terra, ha chiamato l’ambulanza, l’abbiamo lasciata lì e siamo andati via. Voleva farsi a tutti, alla fine gli abbiamo fatto passare il capriccio»
"If I think about it I get disgusted we were a hundred dogs hovering over a cat, that was something we only saw in porn, we were too many and honestly I got a bit disgusted, but what do I have to do, meat is meat, but I swear after that she even felt sick, bending over on the ground, she called an ambulance, we left her there and went away. She wanted to do it with everyone, we just made her tantrum go away"
I have no words.
And now just days ago 22 year old Giulia Cecchettin was murdered by her ex-boyfriend and thrown in a lake. All because she was about to graduate from university while he wasn't.
He escaped and went to Germany but was luckily found by authorities, now he's waiting to be processed and (I hope with all my heart) get all the punishment he deserves, but I'm sure that whatever sentence he'll get won't be enough.
Kids, teenage girls and women don't feel safe here.
Rest in peace Giulia 🤍🕊️
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wild-wombytch · 4 months
As if changing your papers doesn't change your socialization and violence 🤔
Male violence and feminicides shouldn't be classified as female crimes when they're not. Coddling to males and their need for "validation" somehow outweighs literal sex-based murders in terms of importance. By integrating such male crimes among ours, it will completely change the statistics and erase the patriarchal sex based violences we face. These statistics are made to protect us and can be the foundations on which we make laws! WAKE UP!
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I’m begging anyone who isn’t Italian to realise what’s happening there. This is my mother country and it’s grieving her daughters constantly. Every single Italian woman today is in pieces, cause we knew how it was going to end, we knew and we still hoped and as always the hope was completely useless. I hoped and prayed that she really ran away with him, that she was okay, that she was fighting and she was going to make it but Giulia was murdered a week ago. Her ex boyfriend killed her and I refuse to call him a sick monster for he is only the healthy son of the Italian patriarchy. Giulia is each one of us, it could be you tomorrow and if this country doesn’t start holding men accountable then it’ll lose all it’s women. I wish the state would stop protecting violent men, I wish the state would see it’s women for who they are instead of what use they might be and I wish I could stop crying today.
Today I will try to refrain from tears and from sadness and from questioning what the point in all of this is. Today I will try to be angry.
“My sadness is buried with my dead sisters, all that’s left is anger”
“If it’s me tomorrow, if I don’t get back home, destroy everything. If it’s my turn tomorrow I want to be the last”
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ph4os · 5 months
So... this is a serious post which however may touch the sensitivity of many people, which is why, before reading, I warn you that I will talk about feminicide, harassment and stalking. I also put a divider right under these warnings to prevent someone who hasn't read this first part from reading something and feeling triggered while scrolling.
Today in Italy, after exactly a week, the body of a girl who disappeared together with her ex was finally found. The killer's lawyer (that's still at large, supposedly in AUSTRIA) said that this murder was not premeditated, that he loved her because "he always made biscuits for her". [Do you know where the fuck you can put those shitty biscuits? I'll tell you, up your ass.] The truth was that he didn't love her, he was obsessed with her. He was jealous of her. He was jealous of the fact that yesterday she would graduate while he didn't, he was out of class and would probably never get the degree. He was jealous that she was able to make a life without him. The killer's acquaintances, his family, are filling the newspapers saying that he was a very good boy. Now I have to ask myself something: men always justify themselves by saying "not all men" that "men who do these things stand out, you can see when a man is dangerous". So why, every time something like this happens, the people around the killer always say that he was a "good guy, polite and with sound principles"? Do you realize the bullshit you're talking about? Do you see the inconsistencies or am I the crazy one? You know what else is absurd? The fact that the media continues to use photos of the two of them together, from when they were engaged. It's crazy that they refer to him as her ex. He's not her ex. He is her killer. He is a MURDERER, a fugitive, an outlaw. NOT. HER. EX. It's a horrible thing to say, but part of me wants him to kill himself too, because people like that don't deserve to be in the world and I know for a fact that if they ever catch him, he'll be out of prison after a couple of years for good conduct and, consequently, Giulia will never have the justice she deserves.
Three hours after this news another very similar one arrived: another woman, a nurse, was shot by her husband who was jealous because she was very good at her job and very well liked by patients.
It's not normal. It's not normal that I was molested by an eighteen year old boy wen I was in eighth grade. It's not normal that he stalked me for 2 years. It's not normal that if Covid hadn't divided us I probably wouldn't be here writing now. It is not normal that I should be afraid to go out in my city for fear of die like one of these poor women. It's not normal that my best friend, even though she's never been harassed, is still afraid to go on date a with a guy without first sending me her real-time location. It's not normal that I have to stay awake until she texts me that she's back home safe. It's not normal for both me and her to have a ready message to send to each other's parents in case one of us stops responding during a date with a man or goes out alone at night. It is not normal that none of the men I follow have never posted even a story for the International Day for Elimination of violence against women or even a message of condolence for the families of today's victims. It's not normal for me to have to fear for my safety every time I set foot outside the house.
It's not normal. I'm tired and scared of this world. I just want this to end.
"Not all men", but all women.
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girlblogging9 · 7 months
How are rapists treated in your country?
I live in Brazil,in São Paulo and here in my country the rape culture is very strong, patriarchy and christian conservatism. The judiciary in my country is made up of abusive judges and so the victim continues to be abused by the courts and everyone who works there,the psychologists and psychiatrists who work in the Brazilian judicial system are abusive and ignore the victim,they treat victims like villains.
When you (victim) report what you suffered,they (lawmen) ignore it,say you are lying and treat everything that happened to you (victim) as something irrelevant. Society, the law and especially religious people here, mostly Christians,treat abusers like kings and innocents,they are extremely sexist and misogenic and many women defend patriarchy here and condone abusive men and persecute victims.
You can fight for justice but you probably won't have significant results and you will be ignored,rich and white abusers are acquitted and the justice system here hates the poor and treats the poor like trash,the processes take many years.
I was sexually and psychologically abused by a man who is a pastor's son and his family is conservative and Christian, but they live by appearances and his family and friends are silent about all his crimes,I suffered various types of violence and some of my bones were broken and I will use a prosthesis for the rest of my life and I was stabbed,but the justice system in my country ignores most of the facts that occurred,because he is Christian,white and has more favorable financial conditions.
I'm poor and I live in the suburbs of the city, I'm not Christian and I'm not conservative and that means that the courts and judges hate me,mainly because I'm a feminist and I'm not part of the extreme right,most of them are from the extreme right. Here abusers can abuse because they will not be punished,especially when he is white and has money...So,he is free to abuse.
I have several sequelae due to the abuse and some have no cure and public medical treatment in my country is precarious, honestly it doesn't help much. You can report it and there are several government incentives to do so,but in practice it is a horror film because the reality is very different,they will treat you like dirt.
The courts and the police are not prepared to help victims of abuse,they are cruel and distort everything you say and annihilate you, the psychologists who work in the courts are terrible and do not take into account the victim's situation and her mental health,they blame the victim in relation to the mental imbalance caused by the abusers,the victim suffers violence and procedural abuse from beginning to end and has their life and health damaged by these people,they are humiliated in court hearings and silenced.
So the entire system in this country is a true scheme of corruption and abuse,they hate the poor and always benefit abusers in most cases and force you to forgive and live with abusers. In most cases the abuser and those who defend him continue to persecute the victim and cause harm,however,the courts do absolutely nothing and if you (the victim) decide to take the law into your own hands, the judges will punish you according to the law.
Here it is normal for you to witness cases where children have been abused and the judge places the child in the hands of the abusers and so the cycle of abuse never ends and innocent lives are destroyed. Nothing in this country is good and to make matters worse,christianity is very strong here and has contributed to these habits being perpetuated,this country is a true medieval colony.
But all I want is that all abusers and those who defend them have a miserable life and a painful death and rot in hell,they don't deserve forgiveness,they don't deserve mercy,they don't deserve anything good,they are all sanguinary parasites and cruel and most of them hide behind a bible.
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“Feminists are so radical”
And what’s wrong with that? Weren’t men radical too? Didn’t they burn women alive?
Have feminists ever killed anybody? Has our quest for basic human rights ever bribed any of yours?
Because men believe they have the right to decide if we live or we die. And you’re telling me we’re the radical ones? I’m sorry we’re hurting your feelings, but you put us in tombs. Your hands strangled us, they shot the firearms that killed us, they layed there at your side because you couldn’t be bothered to help us.
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oggi più che mai grata per aver rifiutato l'uscita con l'ex abusivo che "voleva prendere un caffè e chiaccherare" e grata perché in quel momento avevo accanto una persona che aveva appoggiato il mio rifiuto e mi aveva detto qualcosa tipo "se si presenta non ti si avvicina perché lo ribalto se ti tocca ancora". (S, grazie)
grata per aver avuto persone magari tossiche per qualcosa ma non abusive, non a quei livelli.
grata perché ora ho una relazione sana con una persona sana e buona.
grata perché avrei potuto essere solo un numero, un nome nella lista e non lo sono.
oggi più che mai, grata per essere in vita.
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heroslitteraires · 2 years
Thriller policier surprenant!
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François-Bernard Tremblay.
Féminicides. 306 pages.
Éditions de Mortagnes.
Nick retourne au boulot après quelques semaines de congé. Sa collègue Julie Montpetit a insisté pour le ramener au poste. Comment lui résister? Leur histoire ne leur paraît pas si lointaine qu’elle le devrait… Avec son équipe, Nick est appelé à se pencher sur le meurtre d’une mannequin. Aucune trace d’agression sexuelle; pourtant, on a maquillé son visage et positionné son corps comme un pantin désarticulé pour faire croire à un viol. Parallèlement, le policier doit reprendre une enquête qui semble avoir été bâcler : l’assassinat d’une autre modèle provenant de la même agence… un hasard? Sûrement pas. Jarvis se retrouve bientôt aux prises avec un tueur qui le déjoue et le surprend à chaque détour. Corruption policière, pédophilie, féminicides et traumatismes sont aux rendez-vous dans ce thriller qui ne vous laissera pas une minute de répit.
Mon avis :
C’est le premier roman de cet auteur que je lis et je vais surement aller chercher son premier! La lecture se fait très rapidement, car l’action et le suspense sont présents. Les personnages sont bien décrits, on comprend bien leurs émotions malgré le travail difficile qu’ils devront faire tout au long de l’enquête. Les enquêteurs auront de la difficulté à trouver la personne qui a commis ces affreux crimes. Ce personnage qui a fait cette série de meurtre, je ne mis attendais pas du tout. Je lève mon chapeau pour la description du suspense.
Connaissez-vous cet auteur?
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samejustdifferent · 5 months
I’m ugly crying to this.
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joe-protagoras · 5 months
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POV: her friends found you before the cops
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rose-bookblood · 5 months
Between the 11th and 12th of this month, Giulia Cecchettin, a 22-year-old Italian girl, disappeared alongside her ex boyfriend, Filippo Turetta. Today, 18th November, her body was found in a lake 140km from where I live.
For six days, we were told that they ran away together, despite the fact Giulia was supposed to graduate from university on the 16th. That we shouldn't jump to conclusions, that there wasn't any proof he had killed her, that we were crazy for even thinking it. When a video of him beating Giulia up until she was bleeding came out, newspapers were filled with declarations from his family saying he loved her, he would never do anything to hurt her, he was just a little possessive and jealous.
We all knew. We all fucking knew since we read the words "ex boyfriend".
Giulia is the 103rd woman victim of feminicide in Italy in 2023. 103.
Meanwhile, Giulia's sister Elena, who has had to spend the last week making as much noise as possible because that was her only hope of finding her sister, was asked if the family was ready to forgive him. Newspapers talk about how good of a guy he was, they carefully avoid saying he murdered her, they refer to them as a couple. I've lost track of how many men have taken time to comment "not all men" under posts about Giulia.
Not all men, but all women.
If you live outside of Italy, you probably won't hear of this news. You probably don't know how pervasive victim blaming is in Italian news stations, how bad the statistics of feminicide are. So, please, reblog this post. Demand justice. Say Giulia Cecchettin's name.
Se domani non torno, distruggi tutto.
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droitsdesfemmes · 2 years
Quels mécanismes conduisent aux féminicides ? Que révèlent-ils de nos sociétés ? Tourné en France, en Allemagne et en Espagne, ce documentaire bouleversant donne la parole aux familles, amis et avocats de victimes de féminicides, mais aussi aux militantes et aux rescapées. Dressant un constat inquiétant de la situation en France, en Allemagne et en Espagne, la réalisatrice Ulrike Bremer met en lumière, à travers ces témoignages, une mécanique infernale, reflet d’un profond dysfonctionnement de nos sociétés.
À Hanovre, Vanessa a subi une attaque à l’acide de son ex-petit ami ; à Berlin, Rebeccah a succombé aux coups de couteau de son compagnon ; à Mérignac, près de Bordeaux, Chahinez a été brûlée vive par l’homme dont elle voulait se séparer... Partout en Europe, les féminicides se succèdent et se ressemblent. En Espagne, le gouvernement a créé des tribunaux spécialisés dans les affaires de violences sexistes. À Barcelone, à l’été 2021, un garçon de 2 ans, Léo, est tué par son père, lequel a cherché à se venger de la mère de l’enfant dans un contexte de divorce. Depuis cette affaire, le pays considère ce type d’infanticide comme un féminicide par procuration. En France, les violences faites aux femmes, déclarées "grande cause du quinquennat" par Emmanuel Macron, ne diminuent pas, et les défaillances de la justice continuent d’indigner la population. Près d’une femme sur cinq morte sous les coups de son conjoint ou ex-conjoint avait ainsi porté plainte avant le drame. Outre-Rhin, le terme "féminicide" n’est pas encore véritablement entré dans le vocabulaire, et le fait qu’une femme ait voulu se séparer de son compagnon peut encore contribuer à atténuer la peine de l’homme devant un tribunal.
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muxas-world · 23 days
Sorry for rating on my page but the candidate for president in Mexico saying that the numbers of femicides went down when they kill 10 women a day in this country, my god, the nerve and disgrace i want to ahhh 🧍🏻‍♂️🔫
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pupuseriazag · 25 days
Rosa Elvira Flores, a salvadorean activist for women's rights and member of the MSM (Movimiento Salvadoreño de Mujeres) was found dead 8 days after she went missing going back home from San Julian in Sonsonate.
Her remains were found partially buried in a sugar cane plantation in canton Los Lagartos, San Julian.
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She was a victim of feminicide, one of the many cases that have been happening for YEARS that the government denies to declare them homicides and feminicides for the sake of boasting on social media that El Salvador "reports another day with 0 homicides nationwide" a lie they love telling the people who still believe in this corrupt government.
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After a public outrage by the people wanting justice and an explanation for the murder of Rosa Elvira, they released this statement:
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"During the last few hours, it has been known the version of a homicide in canton Los Lagartos, San Julian, Sonsonate.
Yesterday, human remains were found in that canton, it is pressumed to be those of Ms Rosa Elvira Flores, according to the clothing; however, it is impossible to determine the cause of death and its necessary to wait the results from the autopsy."
In other words, making all the effort to deny she was murdered. Because clearly she dug herself on the dirt and died of "natural causes" 🤷‍♂️
Yesterday, April 4th. Her remains were given to her family in a SMALL BOX that looked more like it belonged to a baby rather than a 49 year old woman, and authorities ordered for her to be inmediatly buried with no funeral.
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Why did they order to bury her inmediatly? What the fuck did they do to her?? And no, no report of what happened to her, or her cause of death was released... but if thats the way they returned her remains to her family, its impossible for it not have been a murder.
One that the police and government are ready to move on from and keep pretending El Salvador is ""The safest place in Latinoamerica"", when in reality, its only safe for those who hold power; not us, the people.
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diana-andraste · 6 months
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Féminicide, Michel Ange, Féminicide : Artemisia
Lydia Flem, 2017
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