#fiona x jaune
arc-misadventures · 2 years
Jaune FMK velvet, blake, fiona
Jaune: MFK III
Jaune: Okay… I have to ask this before we get started…
Velvet: Ask what?
Blake: This should be good.
Fiona: W-What is he going to do?
Jaune: How about… How about a faunas… A faunas harem…?
BVF: …
Fiona: Dibs!
BV: Di…?!
Blake: Shit!
Velvet: Dammit!
Jaune: Uhh…? Am I… Am I missing something?
Blake: Fiona claimed the head of the Harem.
Jaune: Wait? We’re actually doing it?!
BVF: Yes.
Jaune: Oh… Awesome! But, uhh… Why, and how is, Fiona the head? I thought you had to fight to be the head, or something. It seriously can’t be decided on a, ‘dibs’ system, right?
Blake: Oh there will be a battle for the head. In the bedroom~!
Velvet: Oh, am I looking forward to that~!
Fiona: But, until then I am the head, or the Queen of your harem. Master~!
Jaune: M-M-M-Master?!
Blake: Yes, but for now, shall we play our little game now, Nayster~!
Jaune: Fuck that is hot… Ahem! So… Okay… First is, Kill. And, I mean no offence by any of this; it’s just a game.
Velvet: Don’t worry, Master. We will accept whatever choice you make.
Jaune: One of you is going to get it tonight at this rate… OKAY! So… I’m sorry but, I’m going to have to kill, Blake.
Blake: What?! Why, Nyaster why?!
Jaune: You’re doing this on purpose! Ahem! Okay… Well… Blake you are in a bit of a unstable place right now.
Blake: Unstable how?
Jaune: Well… You’re doing better, but you still going through some of that, Adam baggage. And, while I know you want to move on, but are you ready to move on?
Blake: Ah!
Blake: …
Blake: No… No, you’re right; I’m not ready for a relationship. I’m truing to do… to be better than I was. Better than I was before, Adam. But, I’m not ready yet. Thank you… Jaune. I will strive to become better than what I was, then what I am.
Jaune: Take all the time you need, Blake. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.
Blake: I promise you won’t wait too long, Nyaster~! And, when we do, I would prefer a collar with a bell on it, and a short leash~!
Jaune: O-O-Oh…?! N-N-Noted!
Fiona: Are you going to get one of those too?
Velvet: If, Master commanded it I would happily do as he commands. But, I would prefer a very specific type of bunny tail~!
Fiona: Beg, pardon?!
Jaune: Okay… Next is, Fuck… Hmm in that case, I chose… Fiona. Yeah… F.F! Fuck Fiona!
Fiona: Eep?! Y-Y-Y-You’re gonna do what to me?!
Blake: Don’t you want to do that with him?
Fiona: I do! I-I-It’s just hearing him so boldly, and with such determination say he’s going to f-f-f-fuck me?! I-I-I-Is…?! EEP?!
Blake: Wow… Talk about bottom energy…
Velvet: Well, you won’t be, Queen for long.
Fiona: Shut it! I can totally be the, Queen!
Jaune: Can you~?
Fiona: Huw, whoa t-too close!
Jaune: How can you be a, Queen? Queen’s are meant to project power, and authority! But, you however… You may wear the mask of a queen, but I bet if I pinned you to the wall…
Fiona: W-W-Wall?!
Jaune: Grabbed your clothes, and ripped them to shreds leaving you bare for all the world to see…
Fiona: B-B-Bare…?!
Jaune: Dropped my pants, and took you right there on the spot. You would be begging me to breed you. Isn’t that right my little, Lamb~?
Fiona: B-B-B-B-B-BreeeeeeeeeeeeEEP?!!
Jaune: Oh… Uhh… I think…?
BV: You went too far.
Jaune: Yeah, that. Lets get her on the couch, don’t want to leave her on the ground like that.
Velvet: That’s too much for a girl to handle on their first time. Well, for a girl like her that is; Feel free to do that to me whenever you desire to, Master~!
Blake: Me as well, Nyaster~!
Jaune: N-Noted… So, based on the results, I will marry, Velvet. If you’ll have that is, Velvet.
Velvet: I would be my honour to become your bride, Master. I look forward to siring many children from my superior human master~!
Jaune: Human what now?!
Blake: You have a human kink, Velvet? I would have never had guessed so.
Velvet: Only for, Jaune. And, besides, a little raceplay makes things all the more exciting~! Don’t you agree, Blake~?
Blake: I well… Uhh…?!
Jaune: Ahem! Lets… Lets leave such conversations for the bedroom shall we…?
Velvet: As you desire, Master. Oh! I can wait to introduce you to the rest if my family! My Mother, and sisters are going to love you!
Jaune: Oh, really? Well, I look forward to meeting your family too, Velvet.
Velvet: You’ll love them, Master! Although, I am curious…
Jaune: About what?
Velvet: Oh, just how many nieces, and nephews I’ll have after you meet them.
Jaune: Eh…?!
Velvet: Or, how many new siblings I may have as well! Oh, now I really can’t wait for you to meet my family, Master~!
Jaune: Beg pardon?!
Blake: Ohh! You should give me some new siblings after you meet my, Mother too, Nyaster!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Okay then… I guess…?
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rachetmath · 3 months
Robyn: So Arc-
Jaune: You can call me “Jaune”. I’ve been here for five months.
Robyn: Well okay. Jaune um… what’s your day like with Fiona.
Jaune: Normal.
Robyn: Really? Nothing’s going on with you two?
Jaune: No. I just help her out. That’s it.
Robyn: Really?
Jaune: Yes.
Somewhere else
Nora: So Fiona. How long have you and Jaune been a couple?
Fiona: We’re not couple. What makes you think that?
Nora: You see him everyday. More than me.
Fiona: He helps me with the orphanage.
Nora: Nothing else?
Fiona: No!
Jaune and Fiona were in the Orphanage.
???: Mr. Arc? Mr. Thyme?
Jaune: What is it Rex?
Rex: Are you and Ms. Thyme a couple?
Fiona: Oh my- Robyn!
Robyn appears only to have May and Nora with her.
Jaune: Nora, you too?!
Nora: Look d-
Jaune: Nora.
Nora: *forgot the kid* Oh.
Jaune: Rex go to your room.
Rex: Okay. *leaves*
Jaune: Now what the hell wrong with you two?
Fiona: Why are you so obsessed with this?
Robyn: Because you two-
May: Look Fiona I been watching you two a lot and I have to admit it’s hard not to believe you’re not dating. In fact, I wouldn’t be surpise to call you both a married couple.
Fiona: Ugh you too May. Seriously wat-
May: You and Jaune do Laundry together.
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May: Spend time with kids together.
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May: In fact, when Jaune’s training leads him to get hurt, you are the first to drag him to the nursery and patch him up. Even when he tells us “Don’t worry about it.”
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May: In fact you two are always in the kitchen together making dinner.
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May: And Jaune, boy what Nora told me about you was damn lie. I saw what you did. Slow dancing in the night.
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Nora: He was that smooth?
May: Smooth as Micheal Jackson.
Nora: Oh no.
Fiona: Um.
Jaune: Damn.
Nora: Oh yes. Finally. Fuck you Pyrrha! He go get right. *pulls scroll out her pocket and makes a call*
???: Hello.
Nora: Fuck you Weiss. You lose. He found someone better. He found the princess and gone make her his queen.
Jaune: Nora, calm down.
Nora: Fuck off Jaune. This is my victory.
In the twilight.
Pyrrha: Okay bitch, what did I do?
Adam: I mean you left the guy and died a meaningless death like Summer.
Summer: I gave birth to another silver eyed warrior. That has to count.
Hazel: Does she know how to use her eyes though?
Summer: Shut up.
Ironwood: And she destroyed Atlas and got Penny, Vine, Clover and myself killed so she’s kind a misfortune upon us.
Summer: Okay ya’ll need to stop disrespecting my daughter. Ya’ll made mistake.
Ironwood: Or so you say.
Summer: We can fight. We can fight right now James.
Pyrrha: I don’t understand.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha you are the main source of his trauma and pain.
Pyrrha: B-you know what… fuck all you.
Roman: Whoa Invincible Champion, it’s not our fault your ‘boyfriend’ decided to break that little curse you placed on him.
Pyrrha: Oh come on- I’m leaving. I don’t need this.
Summer: My death had meaning. My daughter has a mystery to solve.
Adam: So finally one of your daughters is actually trying to know what happened to you. It’s too bad they have to find the same woman that took one of them many years to find.
Summer: Oh my god.
Roman: Not to mention at least Penny’s death served a purpose. Winter’s alive. She kept thousands of people alive. While your death, Pyrrha, caused more suffering than good.
Pyrrha: You know what who wants to fight first? Who? Cause I’ll show you why they written me off. Name one. Who can body me? Who?! Step up. STEP UP!
Adam: Oh I never run from no challenge. Especially no One-V-One, come on bitch.
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juanarc-thethird · 3 months
Jaune gets a V-Day card from Fiona
Valentine's Day letters. (Fiona)
Jaune: Fiona sent me a Valentine's letter. How cute.
He opens the letter and says:
You are a good person, Your warmth is addictive. So fill me with cum, So I can take it with me~💋
Jaune: *Serious*
Jaune: Looks like I'll be having lamb for dinner.
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brokentrafficknight · 5 months
Ok, but why is Fiona Sukuna all of the sudden?
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That's classified
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 years
Weiss: I won't get jealous.
Jaune: *is talking with Fiona*
Weiss: Who's this fucking whore.
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hinacu-arts · 6 months
RWBY Punnett Square Results Masterpost
Picrew used: Faelions Avatar Creator
Punnett Squares explained
RWBY combos
Ruby x Weiss = Krystal
Ruby x Blake = Keira
Weiss x Blake = Nilam Cecil
Weiss x Yang = Skye
Blake x Yang = Cole
JNPR combos
Jaune x Nora = Iris
Jaune x Pyrrha = Leon
Jaune x Ren = Sherrie
Nora x Pyrrha = Esme
Nora x Ren = Maisie
Pyrrha x Ren = Rory
RWBY x JNPR combos
Ruby x Jaune =
Ruby x Nora =
Ruby x Pyrrha =
Ruby x Ren =
Weiss x Jaune = Fiona
Weiss x Nora =
Weiss x Pyrrha =
Weiss x Ren =
Blake x Jaune =
Blake x Nora =
Blake x Pyrrha =
Blake x Ren =
Yang x Jaune =
Yang x Nora =
Yang x Pyrrha =
Yang x Ren =
Other Ships
Emerald x Mercury = Ash
Blake x Sun = Lunor
Winter x Marrow = Ruddy
Requested Squares
Ruby x Oscar = Oliver
Nora x Oscar = Forrest
Ruby x Mercury
I'll also take name suggestions* for the result babies!
*RWBY's naming system involves only color associated names
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rocknroll7575 · 11 months
What is some of your favorite Jaune crack pairings? You have shown the woman from After The Dawn as well as one or two crossover ones. Anyone else?
I like alot, honestly but here are some of my favorites:
KnightsCrown (Jaune x Gillian) has kind of become my new OTP for some weird reason
KnightLight (Jaune x Jessica)
RougeKnight (Jaune x Vernal)
WinterKnight (Jaune x Winter)
Jaune x Emerald
Jaune x Cinder
Jaune x May z
Jaune x May M
Jaune x Fiona
Jaune x Coco (Ik but is an interesting concept)
Jaune x Velvet
Jaune x Ilia (Another interesting one)
Jaune x Nebula
Jaune x Dew
Jaune x Octavia
Jaune x Gwen
Jaune x Amber
Jaune x Lisa Lavander
Tear de France (Jaune x Elizabeth Comstock)
Of course the two I kind of came up with (Unless I'm wrong an someone else also had the same idea)
KnightGO (Jaune x Shego)
HexKnight (Jaune x Hex Girls)
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greenteaandtattoos · 1 year
I came up with a RWBY x D&D AU called Grottos and Grimm, and this is what I’ve got:
Team RWBY: Ruby — aasimar; paladin Weiss — elf; druid Blake — cat shifter; rogue Yang — dragonborn (gold); barbarian
Team ALPN: Jaune — harengon; cleric Ren — elf; monk Oscar — halfling; warlock Nora — dragonborn (blue); barbarian
Penny — warforged; sorcerer Pyrrha — elf; fighter
Emerald — human; sorcerer
Team STRQ: Summer — aasimar; paladin Tai — dragonborn (gold); monk Raven — raven aarakocra; warlock Qrow — crow aarakocra; warlock
Team WTCH: Watts — half-elf; artificer Tyrian — scorpion shifter; fighter Cinder — tiefling; sorcerer Hazel — goliath; barbarian
Mercury — human; fighter
Neo — changeling; fighter
Salem — aasimar (fallen); sorcerer
Team GILT: Glynda — elf; wizard Ironwood — human; gunslinger Lionheart — lion shifter; wizard Theodore — to be determined
Ozpin —human; warlock
Team CFVY: Coco — half-elf; barbarian Fox — tabaxi; monk Velvet — rabbit shifter; wizard Yatsuhashi — earth genasi; barbarian
Happy Huntresses: Robyn — robin aarakocra; ranger Fiona — sheep shifter; wizard May — elf; rogue Joanna — human; ranger
Misc.: Winter — elf; paladin
Sun — monkey shifter; fighter
Ilia — chameleon shifter; rogue
Adam — bull shifter; barbarian
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randombook4idk · 1 year
for ship bingo: tyrian x fiona of course, but also ironhill and ladybug!
Thank you for the ask!! This will be a ramble of me, so I'll put my opinions under "read more"
Invisible Poison (Fiona x Tyrian)💚💜
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Funnily enough, despite me being the one who introduced you to this ship, I will admit that my liking for them has sort of lowered, but I do know it has to do with Fiona not being that much explored as a character, so putting her together with an ecentric character like Tyrian, with who she doesnt have any type of dynamic with, does make it a little bit hard for me to get very invested in the ship :[
But I am re-watching RWBY, so when I'll get to Vol 7, I'll see Fiona once again and my spark for the pairing could come back.
(Can we also talk about how no one seems to have writen a single fic about them? Not even a smut one? But at the same time there's 7 works of Jaune x Fiona??
Y'know, shit is getting hopeless if no one in RWBY fandom had made at least one chapter of you ship in their extremly smutty fic :/)
(I already have many wips, but screw it, they're on my priority wip lists now...I say as I haven't touched my Tyrian x Fiona wip for a whle now)
Despite my lowered love for them, I know that what drew me to this ship at first, was their Faunus identities - Fiona being a sheep Faunus & Tyrian is a scorpion Faunus.
I still dont know how to put in words, but with both being different type of Faunus, it would have been interesting to have it explored how both could've been treated because of their identities and how it impacted them. (I know this isnt much of a point towards the ship, but hush)
In general, the whole "sheep = innocent" "scorpion = dangerous" thing and have these two different people some odd Enemies to Lovers story going on between them.
Also Tyrian is the type of character who does know how to push others buttons, so I like the idea of him meeting Fiona and him noticing things about her that she may hide about herself from others. (Which would have explored Fiona's character a bit). And he just keeps pushing these buttons.
Then there's also their loyalty to their leaders - both being devoted to Robyn/Salem, but the difference is that Fiona & Robyn care about each other and have a good relationship, while Tyrian has unhealthy dynamic with Salem.
So, yay parallels...sort of.
Even if there isn't much in canon, except for Tyrian attacking Fiona, this pairing in fanon is still interesting and in a way funny if we focus on the absurd humor potential.
Like, imagine Tyrian of all people having this lovely family life with Fiona?? (I actually drew a fankid for them :D)
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(For now I have named her Ophelia)
Just like in fanon, they would be fun to explore in AUs.
Them knowing each other since they were kids, but not being excatly friends? Tyrian ditching Mantle as he grows up and the elections being a place where they reunite after all these years?
I can smell the angst here, fellas.
This isn't mine AU, but an AU where Tyrian is one of the Ace Ops? What then their dynamic could've been?👀
Of course, there's the whole aesthetic of their characters, which I like.
In general, I like them and think it would be an interesting pairing to explore.
Ironhill (Ironwood x Robyn) 🤍💚
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Gonna be honest, I have wanted to talk about them without worrying I might be annoying, but now that I've been asked about them, my brain suddenly is empty, not knowing what correct answer should I give😅
(I haven't watched Vol 7 for a while now, so might misremember some of the stuff)
I actually didn't expect myself to even consider this ship at all, but then this happened
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Robyn, who up until this moment didn't trust Ironwood, realized that he genuinly cares and wants to protect others, that he isn't doing all of this for himself. He isn't her enemy.
(The way both at the start looked each other with distrust and dislike in their eyes, only for the way they look change as their views of the other change as well)
And it pretty much made me adore this ship. And of course, there's also their dislike of Jacques as well.
While they didn't share much moments were it as just two of them, them working together was enough for me...I say as them holding hands lives rent free in my hand (👏THEY👏HELD👏HANDS👏YOUR👏HONOR👏)
Of course, them trusting each other isn't the only thing about them.
I really suck at putting my thoughts into words, but while Ironwood does care for both Mantle and Atlas, he still is mostly at Atlas, while Robyn is potrayed to represent Mantle, so like them working together not only to rebuild the hole in the wall in Mantle, but also uniting Atlas and Mantle. And with both of them becoming allies, they wouldn't fall for the bad guys attempts at making them distrust each other. And when the evil is deafeated they would continue working together. (but Vol 8 decided to ruin this idea-)
(As a divorced Ironwatts believer, I also think it would be funny if like Watts saw them on the tv, holding hands and just was a very bitter ex about it.
"Oh, wow. Someone moved on pretty quickly if you ask me🙄😒" he says as it hasn't been 10 years already + the world believes he's dead)
Then there's this small things, like of both having shooting type weapons (and them shooting at Tyrian/Watts is a parallel in my eyes-) and they way they adress one another - "General" & "Miss Hill". There's just something about characters calling the other by anything but their names🤌
Obviously, my mind had to once more imagine a scenario where they protect each other with their weapons and slowly start adressing the other with their first names.
I also once came across a reddit post which talked about how Robyn also seemed to be paraniod and it made me think back to her Semblance and with how Semblances are based on the user, I made a hc that maybe Robyn either had her trust shattered mutliple times in her childhood, making her only to know the truth so she wouldn't get hurt anymore or that behind her confident personality Robyn is nervous/anxious person, which is what resulted into the creaton of her Semblance.
And in a way Ironwood could understand how it feels like you can't always be sure of things or feeling like things will fall apart no matter what and they could develop a bond from it. (which then would make Ironwood's villain arc heartbreaking for Robyn, because to her, he was one of the few who truly understood her struggles)
I know they didn't have much of a dynamic, but I like to imagine them having this teasing going on (with Robyn being the main one to tease Ironwood) Just two of them enjoying each ones company. I'm aware it's mostly fanon, but it's just a fun thing for me.
While I enjoyed this ship, I had been spoiled about Ironwood becoming a villain before, so it kind of sucked seeing the potential of his & Robyn's dynamic and knowing it will not get a chance to get explored. And let me tell you, wasn't big fan of Ironwood's villain arc. Also I started disliking Roby as the Volumes progressed :/
But hey, that's what fanfiction is for right? There's probably something on ao3-Aaaaaaand it's smut. Great, I'm in hell :)
(just watch me, one day I'll post my Ironhill fic)
Ladybug (Blake x Ruby)🖤❤️
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When I started watching RWBY for the first time, they did not catch my eye at all, but then I picked up the show again and BAM Ladybug strucks my heart.
From their conversation in Vol 1, I was quickly sold to this pair. I just like this contrast between them - Ruby the younger, optimistic leader with a dream that can be seen childish and Blake being the more realistic, but outspoken teammate with a huge goal in mind.
Even if they didn't get much screen time together, there still were those small things that made like Ladybug even more - Ruby being the main one who openly worries about Blake after her argument with Weiss or when Blake refused to go to the dance, Ruby being the one to find Blake isn't in her bed and wanting to find her, Ruby straight up not seeing a point to go to the dance if Blake wasn't coming, Ruby being the first one to bring up Blake after she, Weiss and Yang had reunited and being the one who speak with Blake when the reunite with her at the end of Volume 5.
While this all is from Ruby's side, I will add that in Volume 5, Ruby was the first name Blake said whenever she brought up her team to Sun, so a win for shippers/j
Then there's Volume 6 with it's Apathy Arc and let me tell you, when I first watched it, my shippers heart was screaming in joy when Ruby reached out to Blake and activated her Silver Eyes.
Of course there's also Volume 7/8 (?) (i don't remember tbh) with it having Blake's whole speech about how Ruby inspired her, but because I feel like hers and Ruby's relationship didn't get explored in the story, the speech sort of also felt flat, because why not show the progress of how Blake views Ruby.
Their lack of screen time will always annoy me, but this criticism isn't aimed only at Ladybug, but at Team RWBY in general.
So, yeah, wish we had more of them and their reunion in Volume 9 should have been more emotional, but no, only Blake's and Yang's reunion can be emotional, I mean it's not like Blake and Ruby fell down together, with Blake having went after Ruby to save her-OH WAIT.
Anyway, I shall hc that Ruby has a crush on Blake and she's finds herself feeling a bit jealous of Yang.
But yeah, their whole aesthetic/color schemes are very nice.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Smol AU: Do the Happy Huntress go to Lunaris to treat with the smol king and gazed at the glorious manly beard?
The Truth Of Liers
Robyn: Okay… This place is… massive…
Fiona: Didn’t they say this place was was a town…?
May: A town: this place is a city?! I heard it had a population of just three hundred, now they say it has nearly seven thousand!
Joanna: With enough food to feed them for two years, enough dust to last a lifetime, and has a military on par with, Atlas.
Robyn: And, this place has only excited for two weeks…
Fiona: Do you really think we can get their help?
May: They’re anti-Atlas, of course they’ll help us!
Robyn: Mantle, is Atlas, and Atlas is, Mantle. It is one, and the same. That fact alone will give them pause.
Fiona: That doesn’t sound good to me.
Joanna: Sounds better to me then how, Atlas has been treating us.
May: That’s a reassuring thought.
Robyn: Enough, all we can do is the best we can do. That will be enough.
Fiona: I hope so…
Soon the quartet of Huntresses stopped before a large gate, a small girl with orange hair dressed in bulky silver white armour with pink fabric underneath slammed her massive war hammer upon the ground, stopping their procession dead in its tracks as she stared them down.
: I am, Nora Valkyrie! Thunder of the Mountain, Knight-Commander of the King’s Shield Guard! Who dares approach the Mountain King!
Robyn: I am, Robyn Hill, of Mantle. I wish to speak to your King.
Nora: And, what do you seek?
Robyn: Aid to help us defend, Mantle from the, Grimm.
Nora stood there for a moment before she made a small grunt sound, and called forth for her second-in-command. A woman wearing bulky towering over her commander in her armour that the quartet all recognized, but one that none expected to find here.
Robyn: Elm? Elm Ederne? What are you doing here.
Elm: I am here serving as the second to the Knight-Commander.
Joanna: But, don’t you serve, Atlas, and General Ironwood?
Elm: I renounce my loyalty to, Atlas, and General Ironwood. I now serve the King of Lunaris; both as his protector, and one of his many lovers.
May: You quit?!
Fiona: L-Lovers…?
Nora: Enough! Lieutenant. Alert his Majesty that a group of individuals wish an audience with him!
Elm: As you command, Knight-Commander!
Elm pounder her fist to her chest plate as a salute to her commander before the doors to the throne room opened long enough for her to disappear behind it. The doors soon shutting with a thunderous clash as it echoed throughout the vast unground kingdom.
Joanna: Well, this seems to be going easier than we expected…
Robyn: It’s not over yet, stand on your guard, and watch your words.
May: Got it!
Fiona: Let’s do this!
Soon the doors opened, far wider this time, as Elm walked out she stood behind her Knight-Commander, bending down to whisper in her ear, before standing back at attention behind her.
Nora: His Majesty; King Jaune Arc the Engraver. King of Lunaris, grants you the pleasure of an audience with him.
The duo soon stood to the side, as a contingent of the Shield Guard slammed their poleaxes, as the duo stood to the side as the quartet slowly made their way inside.
The Throne Room to the King of the Mountain was massive, dozens of civil servants, and officials littered the hall way. A deep blie carpet, with finely woven gold threads marks its path to the Throne. Alcoves rested along the wall, a dozen of them in total, upon each of them sat a rather small bulky looking individual. A flight of stairs lead to a throne high above all, upon it sat one figure, he was smaller then most, but his piercing blue eyes made him appear as if he was staring down on all, even if he was eye level with, Robyn, and her party. He was above them all.
A small figure stepped towards them, he wore a deep grey blue cloak, keeping his face hidden, showing nothing, but the thick white beard he sported, and his glowing eyes of ice, and snow. He stepped forward, slamming his staff on the ground, drawing everyone’s attention towards him, as the raven atop his staffed cawed out silencing all before them.
: I am, Wojtek, the Storm Caller! Counsellor, and High Shaman for his majesty, King Jaune Arc the Engraver, King of Lunaris! Speaketh thy names, and why thou do seek a audince with da, King!
Robyn: I am Robyn Hill, of Mantle, Leader of the Happy Huntresses. And, these are my companions, Fiona Thyme, May Marigold, and Joanna Greenleaf. We wish to ask for aide in the defence of, Mantle.
: Da Happy Huntresses…? Da fuck kind of name is dat! Sounds more like a name they’d give to some young whelps kiddy show!
Laughter echoed throughout the hall as the quartet turned to stare at a small woman, encase in deep scarlet armour with auburn gold details about it.
May: Told you we need to do some rebranding…
Wojtek: Kenina the Burnt One, of Clan Azar Blades. Have thou something to say?
Kenina: No, High-Shaman Wortjek. I have nothing to say.
Wojtek: Den’ allow our guest ta speak der minds.
Kenina bowed her head in respect to, Wortjek who bowed his in response. He then gestured with his hand to, Robyn to continue speaking.
Robyn: Thank you. We have come here today to first offer our warm greetings to the mountain folk, and ask for your help for the people of, Mantle.
Silence hung in the air, a few whispered words blew throughout the throne room until one voice spoke. It was a voice that echoed throughout the vastness of the mines with a might roar. A voice that struck like a hammer against blazing steel spoke. From upon the throne, a man with a crown of gold embedded with sapphires, and with a thick golden beard with clasps of silver, and ruby’s woven into it. Thick plated armour, of white, with gold rest upon his body, as he sat upon his throne as if he was carved from the throne itself.
For before them sat the King of the Mountain, King of the Kingdom of Lunaris. Jaune Arc, the Engraver.
Jaune: And, what… does da people of Mantle demand of my people, dat dey can’t beg from doe’s arrogant, Atlasian bastards?
Robyn: We don’t demand anything of you, we just ask for your help for the sake of the people of, Mantle.
Jaune: Da lines between, asking, begging, and demanding is, but a tone of ones voice.
It was a simple phrase that that effortlessly put, Robyn on the back foot. A simple phrase delivered with such gravity that shook their world to the core. But nonetheless, Robyn would not back down.
Jaune: However… I have yet ta ear yer request. So, tell me, ‘Little Bird…’ What do you ask of da, King of Lunaris?
Robyn: We ask for supplies: Supplies to help rebuild the walls of, Mantle. And, food to feed the people of, Mantle.
Jaune: Da walls of, Mantle are broken, and Atlas has not sought ta fix it: Why?
Robyn: Yes, the Grimm have breached the walls, and invaded, Mantle. They are in a desperate need of repair, and Atlas are not offering anything to fix this.
Jaune: Dat is an explanation, not an answer…
: My King. I wish to speak.
The group turned to see a short man, with a finely trimmed, and combed beard. A pair of black tinted glasses rested on his nose as he wipped a pipe with a handkerchief.
Jaune: Speak, Siriden the Forbidden Ismênê, of da’ Duibhin Clan?
Siriden: My thanks, my King. From what da Ravens say: Atlas is buildn sometin. Sometin dat requires a vast amount of der resorces ta build. What dat is, we know not.
Jaune: Hmmm… Do ye know, ‘Little Bird?’
Robyn: No; We have seen a massive amount of supplies being transported into the middle of the wastelands. We have tried to learn what they are doing, but no one is willing to tell us anything about it. We have asked time, and time again for their help, but they have offered us nothing.
Jaune: And, what do ye offer us for our aid?
Robyn: We offer our help to improve relations with, Atlas, and Mantle. One that will further benefit the Kingdom of Lunarisfor years to come.
A roaring cries of laughter soon erupted the halls of the throne room. Robyn, and her team looked about the hall in disbelief as it appeared they were all part of some sort of hidden joke.
Jaune: HAHAHA! I’m afraid ye offer of support in such a manner, is meaningless to us.
Robyn: What do you mean?
Jaune: Worjek.
Wojtek: Yes, my King?
Jaune: Summon da, Levana Fox.
Worjek bowed his head as held out his hand, the raven perched atop his staff landed on his out stretched hand. He whispered a few words to the bird before sending it flying away.
Minutes passed, the only sound being heard was the sounds of pipes being lit, and the sounds of smoke being blown through open lips. Soon the raven returned, and landed upon, Worjek’s staff. Soon a pair of door were heard opening, and from behind the kings throne entered a sight they did not expect to see.
: You summoned me, my King?
Joanna: What the hell?!
Fiona: I-Isn’t that, Winter Schnee? Specialist Winter Schnee?!
May; The fuck is going on?!
From the side of the throne, stood, Winter Schnee, dressed in an icy blue dress with bands of silver jewels with deep blue jewels embedded within them. Upon her head rested a circlet of gold, and silver. A smaller companion that matched against, Jaune’s crown.
Winter: You are both correct, and wrong. I am indeed Winter Schnee, but, I am no longer a Specialist in the service of, Atlas.
Robyn: Then, what are you…?
Winter: I am the Levana Fox. Consort to his majesty, Jaune Arc, the Engraver; King of Lunaris.
May: You’re his wife?!
Fiona: You’re the Queen then?
Joanna: Typical for a Schnee…
Winter: I am not the, Queen. That position belongs to another far more worthy of such a position.
Robyn: Wait… You have two wives…?!
Winter: More than two actually.
Winter: Do you have need of me, My King?
Jaune: Indeed. The, ‘Little Bird’ ere wishes for us ta give her, and Mantle, our elp. She’s offered to elp improve relations with der people of, Mantel. Splain to dem why dat ain’t happening.
Winter: Since this relates to me I believe it is for the best that I do as you ask, My King.
Winter, bowed to her lover, and king before she turned to address their guests.
Winter: As soon as I came here, I pledged myself to my, King. To be his consort, or whatever he decided of me. Graciously he accepted me as one of his many lovers.
Robyn: So you just met him, and asked to marry him…?
Winter: For a price.
May: What price?
Winter: I offered to help the kingdom smooth out their relations with the SDC, and the Kingdom of Atlas. However, despite my best efforts, they have both made impossible demands of us that we have most whole heartily refused. Such is the behaviour of my father, and General James Ironwood. They both see us as a threat that must be crushed: My father as a rival, and a threat for his Dust monopoly, and the General for our rapid, and overwhelming military strength. Because of this, I see little to no possibility for good relations between our two great kingdoms.
Robyn: No, there is a possibility of their being good relations between us!
Winter: And, how is that?
Robyn: The supplies we asked for, they are for the people of, Mantle, not Atlas. We ask for you to offer your support to the people of, Mantle, in doing so we can spread word of your good will to the people, and help provide the bases for good relations between our two great kingdoms.
Winter: That is a possibility… If enough of the people of, Mantle see us in a good light, Atlas will reap the benefits of such relatiobs. It should gradually ease the worried tensions the General has for us. My father, Jacques Schnee would still be upset however.
Robyn: Is there any way we could ease tensions between, Lunaris, and the SDC.
Winter: Short of the removal of my father from the, SDC. No, there isn’t.
The King stroked his beard as he hummed softly. He chuckled softly as he eyes scanning the room as he spoke.
Jaune: Where is, Gawen the Creator, of da Enver Clan! Is he ere, or is da git hobbled away in his lab again?
A small chortle of laughter broke out, soon followed by a cry of alert.
Gawen: Aye, my Lord, I am ere!
They saw a short man smoking on a pipe wave towards him. His thick, and long beard, was fazzled, and slightly burnt in some places. A thick leather apron covered him, filled with a wide assortment of craftsmen tools across his apron.
Jaune: Good. Lords, and Ladies, of da Arven Council! We shall offer aide to da citizens of, Mantle. First we we send them supplies of food. Gawen, send two of yer finest workers to inspect der walls. After dat, send forth a request for supplies to fix der walls. Understood?
Gawen: It will be done my, Lord.
Robyn: You willing to do this?!
Jaune: Indeed I am. Atlas, fears we desire war with dem. We desire peace, dis should help pave da way for said peace.
Robyn: I offer you my thanks, King Arc! This should help both the people of, Mantle. And, spread word of the kindness of the kindred of, Lunaris!
Jaune: I deed it shall. Now, go. We have much to do, and ye need yer rest. We shall talk more tomorrow.
Robyn, and her team respectfully bowed to the Mountain King as the made their way out of the throne room, with a smile on their faces, and pride at a job well done.
Fiona: We actually got help!
Joanna: Id didn’t think that would work…
May: I heard he was a hard ass, immovable like a mountain! But, I guess that rumour is just that, a rumour.
Fiona: Yeah, he seems far more appeasing than I thought too.
Robyn: Whether he is, or isn’t doesn’t matter. Now we have a chance to really help the people of, Mantle! And, that is all that matters, so come on girls, we have work to do!
As the Happy Huntresses left the throne room, the King, and his councillors waited there for a moment before they resumed there council meeting.
Kenina: Is dis a wise decision, my King? Givin supplies to dos, ‘Happy Huntresses?’
Jaune: It is indeed; for how else da ya think we can test, Atlas?
Siriden: Ahh… You want ta see how dem, Atlasian’s will react ta us sending food ta, Mantle. If dey let, Mantle take da food, it’ll show, Atlas is willing ta work with us.
Winter: And, if they confiscate something as simple as food, it shows an unwillingness to cooperate with us on anything. And, based upon how the act, it will either make the people of, Mantle look favourably upon the Kingdom of Lunaris, or deepen the resentment of the people, Mantle towards the people of, Atlas.
Siriden: It is a lose, lose scenario for, Atlas. Damned if dey don’t, damed id dey do. Excellent choice my, King!
Jaune: Der request was simple… And, good favour may benefit us… But, knowledge on how da others see us, is far more valuable than a barrel of grain. Dis is a good test to see how dey will react to us. All that matters now is ta wait for da results…
Wojtek: But, what about da, ‘Discerner of Lies?’ What is your test for her, My King?
Winter: A test? What are we testing, Robyn Hill for?
Jaune: She was given da power ta ascertain truth from lies, and lies from truth. It tells us many things, my Love. Chief among dem is dat she is untrusting of others unless you agree with her truth, wholeheartedly.
Winter: Her truth?
Jaune: Aye, her truth… For a lie is da truth ta one, and da lie ta another. And, who is she ta say we are liars… Siriden!
Siriden: Yes, My King?
Jaune: Make sure da, Raven’s know der faces! And, make sure to inform me of der results!
Siriden: It will be done, My King.
Jaune: Good, very good… Now den… Let us wait, and see, what da, ‘Little Bird’ does…
Ahh! It took me days to write this! But, it is done! World building for the, Kingdom of Lunaris has begun!
Do enjoy~!
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rachetmath · 3 months
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
We're having lamb for dinner.
Fiona: Hey Jaune, are you free tonight?
Jaune: I am free tonight.
Fiona: Great! *Nervous* Would you like to come to my house for dinner?
Jaune: Sure.
Fiona: *Happy* Really!
Jaune: Of course. What are we going to eat?
Fiona: It's a surprise, but I promise you'll love it~
Moments later:
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Fiona: Oh fuck~ Did you like what I made? Aah~
Jaune: It's delicious~ How did you know I loved lamb so much?
Fiona: It was a hunch. Now stop talking and rearrange my guts, you fucking stud!~
Jaune: *Chuckles* Get ready then. Because I'm not going to stop until I'm satisfied~
Fiona: *Smug* Show me what you- Oh God!!!~ You're so deep!!!~
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brokentrafficknight · 6 months
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doomalade · 1 year
You know since it’s Valentines, I just wanna share all of my favorite ships from RWBY.
And by that, I mean the ships that I have no right to like. Sorry White Rose and Bumblby, I love you but this isn’t about main stream ships.
Ruby x Crescent Rose
Weiss x Adam
Blake x Ilia
Yang x Vernal
Jaune x Nora
Fiona x Tyrian
Ironwood x Willow
Cardin x Velvet
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Her heart would not, in fact, go on.
Fiona: *Standing on the edge of Atlas, in Jaune’s arms and enjoying the breeze and leaning back into his shoulder* Never let me go, Jaune.
Jaune: Why the fuck would you even say that? If I let you go you’d fall hundreds of feet to your immediate and bloody death. *Shakes head* Gods you’re a moron. You’re lucky I’m already in love with you.
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(SFW) Shepherd Knight going out for Valentines
Once again, I'm sorry @tracernoter12, but I said no more Valentine's Day asks last night. I still need to stand by that. I'd be happy to take another kind of ask from you instead for this one as well.
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