#goes to show that humans never really grow up and mature
katyspersonal · 1 month
3, 4, 6 for some VIOLENCE please
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Yeah don't worry, I always default to Bloodborne when not specificed, it is my main qualification in the series after all! (Ask from this ( x ) meme)
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
They're kind of becoming a blur, and usually come down to the same complains and topics, but one of them particularly stood out! Granted I should not have been exposed to it because OP blocked me over that time I talked back at a Gehrman-hater that went as far as bullying other fans (oh how rude of me... :/ ) , but I have been anyway because a new mutual shown it to me over featuring "theory that Fauxsefka got pregnant like Arianna is MiSoGyNiStIc uwu" bit because they wanted and explanation!
Basically, a lot of bashing Bloodborne as misogynistic piece of garbage for featuring themes of motherhood, portraying motherhood as a good thing, something about how it was a bad thing that "even" Maria ended up having compassionate side and that "we as fans had the power to change that", Fauxsefka bit I've mentioned and so on. Ending with the "well but don't think that I dislike Bloodborne, it is still one of my favourite games" that gave me severe abusive talk vibe for some reason. "Yes you are so ugly and stupid and useless but don't worry, I love and accept you and will fix you :3".
Like... it requires a whole separate essay to disagree with that logic, but that is not even relevant! Because even under assumption that Miyazaki is a misogynistic freak for putting emphasis on themes of motherhood in his work, I absolutely abhor the logic of "We as a fandom have the power to disrespect the author's intention (that I made up btw because I am eager for reasons to be mad) and make our own ecosystem of headcanons and interpretations that is better". Of course not everyone will accept the creation unconditionally, especially if it has problems or bigotry, but that is on them, and making it a problem of the fandom is just terrible! Spreading that attitude creates that clique/fandom leaders dynamic, which brings me DIRECTLY to one of the questions, so I'll skip ahead:
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
Mariadeline fans.
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^ Lmao ya'll probably fsdgsdf But it is not just because of how they generally treat characters or other fans, but even how they treat other Mariadeline shippers! I've noticed that whenever there is a Mariadeline shipper who is very nice, level-headed and quiet, a type to 'just enjoy their thing', they get obnoxiously neglected.
Look, I WANT to give it benefit of the doubt and say that maybe it is coincidental, but it doesn't seem like it. Mariadeline shippers are a clique of very popular artists and writers that always support each other's creativity and instantly pull in new Mariadeline shippers into a hug, regardless of art skill. ....EXCEPT for the times when the fellow fan doesn't constantly bitch about "wrong" interpretations of Maria or Adeline, doesn't start Maria's masculinity disco horse every other weak, doesn't put a focus on how Adeline had no agency over her choices and was 'groomed' (even though everyone already knows that 'grooming' of Blood Saints was a translational mistake but okay fine), doesn't portray is as perfect lovely cottage core fluff while only faking the possible problem(atic moments), doesn't-
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Like, it can only happen so many times before I start to see the trend of the "leaders"/chosen spokespeople/whatever conveniently excluding fans who sees the characters and the ship the "wrong" way. They've decided that this dynamic can only work like this and the characters in it can only be like this, and any varied take is not celebrated as refreshing with the novelty but passively-aggressively side-eyed as disturbance of their peace of rinsing the same exact thing over and over for years, unaltered. Heck, not even novel takes. Novel approach of the person. I swear, they GOTTA be side-eyeing fellow fans that don't constantly start discourse, because why else the 'chill' Mariadeline fans are left in the dust? It feels like hatred is the part of the requirement for the clique, the 'cool kids' and only those they've 'blessed' with their approval, and this ship never SHOULD have gotten into claws of the clique in the first place!
In other words, making the groups of 'cool kids' to look up to is one way to ruin a dynamic/ship for everyone else, and ruin fandoms in general. Like, one of my mutuals ended up disliking the ship because of its prevalent association with the most toxic fans, and I kinda helped them to like it again, on their own terms and with their own (based) headcanons! The illusion of "supportive wholesome community" falls at the seams here and there if you just stand aside and watch for 2 minutes, and how this ship is supported and perpetuated is one of the biggest examples.
4) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
To be honest, it is ridiculously hard to make me block someone. Usually people whose stuff I don't really want to see coincidentally block me first because, again, there is always a big chance that I pick a very strong language to disagree, so the problem solves itself! Even when I do block someone, in 90% I unblock later for this or that reason!
But yeah, there were a couple of exceptions. Only one of them qualifies as 'annoying' to begin with, though 'petty, smug and insecure in the worst way' fits more? They already gave me enough signs of the mean girl (gender neutral!), and what really sealed it was when they acted as though I grossly disrespected them over pointing out a piece of dialogue from the canon when in NO way I was rude or Redditor brand of condescending. Even told me that I "baited" them. They didn't block me, but I blocked them. Not instantly, but the next time I saw their art on my dashboard. The thing is, earlier during that mess of a "conversation" they've admitted on not actually caring about Bloodborne lore but just collecting prompts from it to create their own thing. It just changed my perception of their creativity and it felt empty all of a sudden, like just a lot of glitter and lights without any actual substance within. I can be unhappy with someone while still liking their creativity, but I decided it was better to not invest any admiration for works that had no real care and passion for the source material within. Normally when I realise the gap between me and another fan's level of investment I simply don't follow, but they were frequient presence on the dashboard, so..
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formulaorange · 8 months
2023 Fall Anime
This is honestly a loaded season full of new shows based on relatively new manga. Lots to look forward to
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Spy x Family - Season 2 One of the most fun SJ series that have come out in a while. Season 1 was killer, high hopes for season 2.
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Goblin Slayer 2 I didn't realize they were even making a second season. This was such a killer series. I'm really hoping they don't fall into the many mid-tier fantasy tropes out there in anime right now. I thought the appeal of the show was really Goblin Slayer himself and less about the lackeys along the way. So we'll see how it goes.
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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End This is definitely one of my highly anticipated series. It's about an elf who was part of the Hero's party and her life after he dies. (Since elves live longer) Definitely a darker take on fantasy but has some really solid fantasy and adventure vibes.
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Rising of the Shield Hero - Season 3 Season 2 was pretty disappointing and slow. While this looks like it'll be more fast paced, it does look like a tournament arc of sorts. I know some aren't a fan of that kind of arc, but honestly I think it's exactly what this series needs to pick things up again. We'll see.
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The Faraway Paladin - Season 2 This was legitimately one of my favourite fantasy series. I thought it was really well written and didn't rush things like other series. I'm looking forward to this season.
Sequels/Continuations: Eminence in Shadow - Season 2 killer series with an anti-hero main character. Definitely worth checking out. After-School Hanako-Kun Hanako-kun spin off Dr. Stone Season 3 - Part 2 One of the best novel concept series with nothing else in it's genre to compare to. Definitely didn't drop the ball on the recent seasons and still worth watching. Dead Mount Death Play - Part 2 One that I didn't particularly enjoy, but has a decent sized manga following. Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc The continuation of the series. Might be just me but it feels like the series fell off after the first season. The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent - Season 2 A more mature take on fantasy isekai that just started to get into romance at the end of last season. A solid combo of shoujo genres. The Ancient Magus' Bride - Season 2 Part 2 One that I haven't had a change to check out yet but have only heard good things about. Hypnosismic - Season 2 a weirdly addictive musical/rap series. Unique characters and honestly solid rap battles. One I'll be enjoying. -- Related - Paradox Live - Music battle with what looks to be the same style of animation and solid character design. Definitely worth looking at if you're a fan of Hypmic. The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse A sequel of SDS. Looks like it could be a fun watch for the fans of the series. New:
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Shangri La Frontier A new manga fantasy series. This may be a horrible way to describe but it is what it is - a new age SAO- full dive fantasy game. A gamer who only plays shit games, gets into a new massively popular MMORPG and is op. One that I'm excited for because it ticks all the fantasy game boxes I like.
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Undead Unluck A relatively new manga series that gained a lot of traction in the last year or two. A gory action comedy that's super chaotic and a lot of fun.
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Shy Brand new hero manga series about a shy girl and her anxieties and struggles going into the hero world who grows and gains confidence as she becomes a better hero.
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Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions This is a manga series that I have kept forgetting the name of so never got a chance to read but all the covers for the manga look phenomenal. Likely the anime doesn't do him justice but it is what it is. Essentially sherlock in anime form. A PI with issues and the wholesome police detective work together to solve crime. Other New Series: Green - Fantasy Pink - Romance Red - Action Purple - Drama The Kingdoms of Ruins A world where witches were hunted down by humans as science surpassed magic. A kid who was raised by a witch swears revenge on mankind. This honestly looks solid. The animations are very cool looking and the mc seems to be an anti-hero. Will be looking at this one. Under Ninja A well known manga series about modern ninjas. Definitely a unique series for this season. The Apothecary Diaries A historical medical mystery show. I've heard the name before and I've also only heard good things. Will be worth a watch. A Girl & Her Guard Dog The granddaughter of a crime syndicate goes to highschool out of town and the current young boss lies his way into the same school. Would be cute romance if it weren't for the fact she's 15 and he's 26.. Butareba - The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig What the title says. A girl finds him and the story goes from there. I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness The usual light novel title. Honestly, doesn't seem as yikes as I initially thought, might just be harmless breaking the rules kinda thing. Could be fun, also a Capybara that strikes fear into people's hearts. My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer Looks like a wholesome series where an adventurer finds a baby, raises it and she becomes so strong she's busy working all the time. Just a cute father daughter relationship in a fantasy setting about her wanting to come take time to see him but being caught up in OP fantasy battles. Ragna Crimson Dragons vs Humanity - a human and a dragon team up to destroy all the dragons. Action fantasy series. Berserk of Gluttony I honestly added this because I thought it was hilarious. Looks like a combo of knock offs - the Gluttony skill from Tensura (reincarnated as a slime) and the mc being called Fate with the main girl who looks exactly like Sabre. I'll be skipping but its' here so you know.
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Spoilers for the first episode "Aang" of the live action ATLA under the cut. I'll always put spoilers under the cut so as to not ruin it for anyone who has a life and hasn't seen it yet
Content warning for depictions of fantasy violence and death.
I think the animated series starting with Katara and Sokka was a good choice, but I like this one starting with Aang in his original time. It's cool to see the air temples full of people, and Aang is better humanized beyond the "goofy 12 year old who never takes anything seriously," which is partly true but not fully accurate to his character.
The genocide happens so early on so it's impossible to not talk about that right away too. We literally watch firebenders burn airbenders alive, so there's that. I do have mixed feelings about the genocide. On the one hand, I think it's a little tasteless showing it, especially the amount of people who will watch it, sympathize with it, but then not do a thing to support the genocide in Palestine right now. At the same time, I think it's important to show it. It shouldn't be an easy topic, it's supposed to be devastating and horrifying and I think the scene was the right amount of graphic for that. Not to mention the allusion of Sozin killing those kids after he killed Gyatso.
Like others have said, I don't really agree with them cutting out Sokka's sexism. It was a major growth in character for him, and it's important to show young men growing up from things like sexism and maturing and apologizing after you're proven wrong. Still, the casting is incredible so far and all the actors definitely feel like their characters, so that's good too.
Onto Zuko and Iroh (I'm literally writing all this as I watch the episode). I see people say Zuko's scar should've been a lot uglier, for lack of a better word, and I agree. It's small, it doesn't look like it has much texture, and his eyebrow is still there. It's a burn scar, and burn scars never really look pretty in the nice, aesthetic way they made it in the live action. Of course, animated Zuko was always hot, but for the scar to be a point of shame that the audience can really understand, I think it should've looked worse. (Sorry for my brusque language. I don't mean to say that burn victims are ugly and horribly disfigured. Zuko's scar is just so far from a burn scar that it's mostly just aesthetic in the live action.)
Also, and it's so early in the show, but so far Iroh has a bit of a tough love thing going on and I kind of like it. We all love the gentle, tea-loving, proverb-using old man who probably-definitely committed war crimes but is now a big softie who regrets his actions, but I kinda like what may be happening here.
Their village in the South Pole is beautiful, and I'm glad they have more than just like 12 people living there. It's still obvious that all the men went off to war, and I always kinda hated how empty the village was. Plus, like I said, it's still really pretty, so we get to see how there was a culture there that's been somewhat lost.
I love Aang and Katara's conversation about them growing up fast. I think it's a little easy to forget how young everyone is in the animated series — everyone who's not Aang anyway, because even sixteen/seventeen is very young and we can forget that when everyone is drawn to be muscled and attractive and without any real baby fat.
I don't really like how Appa looks, but I typically hate all CGI animals because their fur always looks weird. He isn't terrible, it's just a serious case of uncanny valley for me so it's just not my thing.
I kinda like that Katara goes off to the ship on her own before Aang. We get her gentleness and a lot of her uncertainty, but we also see her conviction and the fact that she'll do whatever she wants if she believes it's for the right reason.
Right along those lines, I really love how evident Sokka's role as the child soldier/child leader is. Katara mentioned that he was told to watch the village since he was 13, and he's doing what he can. He has no idea what's right, he's just doing everything he can to hold things together and keep people safe. Aang calling him the bravest person he's ever met was so wonderful and exactly the validation Sokka needed to hear but probably never did. It also helped him come to his decision to help Aang, which was awesome.
I also love the reckless abandon we see with Zuko and the other firebenders. Sozin entered the Fire Nation into a world of divine right and basically the American Dream of conquering and doing whatever you want because they're in charge, they have the right, so they can. I also love the slight juxtaposition of Aang and Iroh's short encounter where Aang asks why the war was started. I just really like all the character interactions so far.
We also really get to see Zuko being young. His desperation when Aang escapes, the anger and fear he experiences. It's all very realistic and I'm glad we get more of that in this one.
I can't quite figure out if I like the costumes and the setting a lot. I don't like CGI heavy movies because they never look real or good to me, which is something I care about. I'm also not a good judge of whether CGI is good or not. I end up comparing everything to Narnia or Babe the Pig, both of which were pretty incredible, and nothing has been to those standards since.
In that same vein, I can't tell if I like the bending or not. It's not terrible, but the hand movements always look a little off to what ends up happening (which, I understand why, I just think it could been a little cleaner). Though that's probably just a byproduct of this being a live action, and the animated will always be better for bending. That earthbender in the beginning just took so long to earthbend, and I've always appreciated that earthbending is like, the heaviest and there's a lot more force that goes into it, but he was taking too long for me.
I 100% love this cast. So far they've all been very true to their characters while also being slightly new interpretations, which I like. I can't wait to see how they develop throughout the show, especially Katara, who I think goes through the most amount of growth in the show in a fairly short amount of time. Aang is still playful but also a bit more grown up, Sokka is still sarcastic but also focused on being a leader, Zuko is young and scared and angry and desperate to prove himself. I'm really happy with this actually, because it'll be easier for me to forgive the parts I don't like because these actors are so good.
That was very ramshackle and haphazardly thrown together. Oh well. This is starting out better than I expected and I'm excited for that.
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meljane7 · 4 days
I've been binging succession and I just got to Connor's wedding episode and something I haven't really seen people on this website talk about is how good the show is at depicting how... difficult it is to have a toxic parent, well into your adulthood. I've talked to my therapist about this a lot, but the hardest thing about having a toxic parent is no matter how much they hurt you, and no matter how much you hate them and resent them, you still love them. But it's not a mature love, because at a certain point, your love for that kind of person can't really grow. So the love you have for them is only the love you had for them as a child. And no matter how old you get and no matter how much you grow and do the work to overcome the trauma, there's moments of desperation where you just turn back into a child who will do anything to make their parent love them. I often think about how I will feel, how I'll react when my parents die. I've already spent most of my adulthood mourning my childhood, and the fact that although my parents were physically present in my life, they were emotionally absent at best and abusive at worst. A toxic parent's love is categorically NOT unconditional: every "I love you" is accompanied with a "but." But your love for them IS unconditional; it never goes away, no matter what. You are always waiting, ready to embrace them the moment they decide to really be a parent for once. I'm still working through my trauma, so I don't know if there's a point when you finally lose hope in that happening, but so far it's still there. I don't know if I will ever be able to have a real, somewhat "normal" relationship with my parents, even if they do own up to their shit and start to actually fucking change. How do you start to have a parent-child relationship when the child is not a child anymore, and spent their entire childhood without the nurturing a parent is supposed to give?
Anyway, the Roy kids are all terrible human beings, but I see a lot of myself in their relationship with Logan. I see how my life could have been if I hadn't walked away from my toxic parents. I see my older sister, who is too afraid of the unknown to truly step back and start to work on her own trauma, and is already perpetuating the cycle with her own kids (though she denies it). I see the work that I still have to do, especially if I want to have my own kids someday.
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emeraldspiral · 10 months
Looking at Invader Zim age discourse trying to claim that X number of years in one species's lifespan is the equivalent of 1 human year makes all of my brain cells want to commit die. It's "Loki is 16" all over again. I'm begging yall to get off social media and take a science class cause Jesus Christ how do you function in society being this ignorant?
Different species do not mature at the same rate relative to their lifespan. Grogu being a toddler for 50 years is not a thing that actually happens in nature.
Let's look at dogs for a second. It's commonly said that a dog ages 7 years per 1 human year. Most dogs live about 10-13 years, or 70-91 years, which sounds about right, doesn't it? But some dogs live to see 20-31, or 140-217, way longer than any human has ever lived. But let's also consider their early development. Dogs can start walking after just a couple of weeks while human babies take several months. Dogs can reach adulthood and sexual maturity in less than a year. Some 7 year old children do experience premature puberty, but this is far from being the norm and does not mean they are fully mature adults. Additionally, it is said that a fully adult dog only has the cognition of a 3-5 year-old human child. No matter which way you look at it, you can not equate the way a dog matures and ages to human development and lifespan.
Most newborn animal species, regardless of how long or short their lives are, are much further along in their development than human babies are, closer to toddlers than infants. Many are able to walk or crawl within a few days or even minutes after birth. Compared to most animal babies, human babies would be considered extremely premature.
With Zim, we saw onscreen that as a newborn he could walk, stand upright, jump, grab and hold things, and speak, more like a human 3-5 year-old than an infant. If we were going by the logic of "1 Irken year is 10 human years" that goes around in fanon, 10-year-old Zim should still be a baby, only barely be able to walk, pick up objects, and say a few words. But in the unfinished episode The Trial, concept art for 10-year-old Zim shows him looking like about what you'd expect the actual Irken equivalent of a 10-year-old to look like; taller than a newborn, but smaller than an adult, which for Irkens doesn't get much taller than a human 12-year-old with rare exceptions. There really is no basis what-so-ever to assume that Zim has only developed to the equivalent of 12 or 16, especially when he has a job in the military and lives on his own with no supervision. I don't know why anybody who headcanons that for shipping reasons would even want that to be the case when by that logic it would mean Dib and Gaz and any other human characters they want to pair him with would very quickly grow up to be adults while he remained a child.
In most cases, when dealing with extremely long-lived fantasy/sci-fi races, if the rate of aging is addressed at all, it is much more likely that the characters develop at the same rate as humans until they reach their 20s, at which point they'd be fully mature physically and from then on their bodies would simply not break down and display signs of aging as quickly as a humans. It makes no sense for a humanoid species to remain in a state of helpless infancy for decades or spend hundreds of years going through puberty. The only times you'll usually ever see something like that in fiction is if it's being played for a joke, or because the writers actually wanted to address how messed-up it would be to be to go through developmental stages like that for so long. Usually it's not even a matter of aging, the characters are just vampires or androids or something stuck at whatever age for eternity, yearning to grow up but never being able to.
Keep in mind however, that physical age and maturity are separate things. There's no reason to think that just because a character is immortal or long-lived that they mature as slowly as they age. Maturity has a lot more to do with life experience than physical growth, especially once your brain finishes developing at around 25. Often in fiction, when dealing with an immortal adolescent, being condescended to as if they were a child is a source of great frustration because they do have the mind of an adult. On the flip side, even in real life some people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s may be stuck in a state of arrested development, with teenagers surpassing their level of maturity.
My personal interpretation of Zim is that he's a manchild. He probably aged more or less like a human until his 20s and then stayed physically 20-25 for decades or centuries until the time the show takes place. He's just so immature he finds his equal in a 12-year-old human child. However, if he were to stay on earth long enough, I could see him maturing along with his peers at skool and starting to act more his age when they get into their 20s, (assuming he actually follows them to hi skool and college and doesn't just keep repeating 6th grade forever). If he stuck around Dib and Gaz into their 30s and beyond, I could see him continuing to match their level of maturity into their old age while he remains physically young.
If you have a problem with Zim being canonically an adult pretending to be a child, I don't know what to tell you guys. Like, if you think it's sad, that's the point. Literally, in the commentary for Mortos, Jhonen says that's the joke. That Zim's "basically an old man" getting into slap-fights with actual children and it's funny because it's so pathetic. If you think it's creepy, that's also kinda the point. He's a villain. The fact that he's not even human and that he's plotting the demise of the human race is already disturbing. He steals a bunch of children's organs in like, the third episode. He used time-traveling rubber piggies to maim and eventually kill Dib starting from when he was a toddler and then took a victory sip after watching the life leave his eyes. The entire concept of Zim is inherently sinister and predatory. But at the same time, Zim being a sexual threat is completely off the table. Canonically, he's aroace. He has no reproductive organs and no sex drive. He finds humans repulsive, and between that, his germophobia, and general paranoia it would be far more in-character for him to be terrified of the prospect of unwanted sexual advances than to be a sexual predator himself. That's why I don't think anybody thought too hard about Zim trying to woo Tak when he thought she was an actual human child, and why you shouldn't either. Yes, he had ill intentions toward her, because he is a bad guy, but those intentions were entirely chaste. Zim is not a threat to children because he might try to manipulate them into inappropriate relationships, he's a threat to children because he might manipulate them into helping him enslave their race.
There's no need to hand-wring about problematic age discourse. We're talking about a horror comedy that was cancelled two decades ago where the prospect of romance was never on the table to begin with. There is no such thing as a canon-compliant romance fanfic, and all fanfic by definition is non-canon anyway so it doesn't even matter. Make the characters whatever ages you want and tweak their characterization or circumstances in whatever ways you need to make whatever the fuck story you wanna tell work. It's all make-believe anyway. You don't need to make up fake quotes or deny or creatively interpret real quotes or bend yourselves into pretzels to prove the age headcanons you use to justify why you do or don't like a ship.
But for fucks sake, if you're gonna go there at least pretend like you know a single goddamned thing about the way aging, development, and maturity work before you unironically make talking points following the same logic as "According to my calculations, this character first portrayed by Tom Hiddleston at age 29 is actually 16".
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ssentimentals · 2 years
dating seungkwan feels like...
singing your heart out in karaoke. it's this rare sense of comfort when you are not afraid of acting silly and receiving weird looks; it's about never being called 'too much' or 'over the top', it's about knowing that you are perfectly fine the way you are, knowing that you are enough, knowing that any form of you will be accepted and loved.
('why i can't be somewhere in the middle?!' you lash out in frustration. 'i'm either too much or i'm not enough why can't i be just-just..' you trail off, unsure of the ending. 'ugh.'
'just what?' seungkwan asks. he was silent during your rant, listening closely but not scheming in. 'just fine? just enough? you already are, dear. in fact, you are so fine that if they reject you it's only because they recognize competition in you.' pure sincerity in his voice makes your eyes fill up with tears and seungkwan rushes to your side immediately. 'no more self-doubt, dear, only confidence in your capabilities. and you are perfectly capable.')
seungkwan is someone who joins you in any of your antics; when you suddenly start acting like you're in the movie - he instantly plays along, when you want to dance under the rain - he's spinning you in circles and hums some tune, when you feel like screaming - he takes you somewhere far and lets out all frustrations with you.
('my fort is better,' you proclaim proudly, giggling when seungkwan huffs dramatically. 'don't be a sore loser!'
'we need an opinion of a third person or else it's not fair.' he quickly takes pictures of both of your forts and sends it into the group chat, asking which one is better. 'loser cleans the bathroom whole month and i'm definitely not doing it!')
he is the soft hum of your favorite song, he is a bubbly laughter that lights up your mood, he is a steady hand to hold on to when you need support; seungkwan is many things but above them all he is loud. Loud in the way he proclaims his love to you ('i will go to the roof right now and shout 'i love you' from there if you don't believe me!'), loud in the way he shows that he cares ('where is your hat? and scarf? don't make me go all mother hen on you, you know i will!'), loud in the way he is not ashamed to let everyone know that you two are together and that he is so, so proud to have you.
('you look very..proud,' you comment, sliding to the seat next to your boyfriend. seungkwan's hand wraps around your shoulders and he quickly kisses your temple, ignoring whistling from the boys. 'wanna share why?'
'i'm just so proud that you are with me,' he answers honestly, grinning. 'everyone here loved you, boys came up to me to say how nice you are and i'm just- really happy. and proud.' he smiles and squeezes your shoulder: 'i knew they would love you.' but then his face changes and he adds: 'but they can't love you too much cause competing with my friend for you is not ideal-'
'oh my god, boo,' you interrupt, rolling your eyes on his dramatics. 'don't go overboard, okay?' you ask and when he nods, you peck his lips, smiling. 'good. and just for the record - i'm proud to be with you, too.')
seungkwan goes into relationships all in, treats them like his most important solo project on which succeeding is the only option. he is serious, diligent and although he usually tries to laugh his efforts off, he does try to be the best for you. he's doing it all, he searches on google the best gift ideas, checks reviews of new places, asks his friends for an advice, reads forums - all to be able to give you the best experience. he is shy inside but tries to come off as confident as possible and with you he grows, matures into someone he's really proud of.
dating seungkwan feels like a car ride with windows down: sometimes wind gets too strong but that doesn't deter the happiness and freedom you feel in your chest. you know that we are just tiny humans but seungkwan makes you feel like you are so much more, like you are moon and sun and all of the stars; he makes you feel like living is best when it's done loudly.
a/n: the way this one sucked the life out of me when i wrote it..god. check out my other works here - nini <3
tag list: @pearlygraysky @woozionascooter @smalliechelle @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n (let me know if you want to be added!)
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Dear pjo fandom
I just read the sun and the stars and i was so happy to come here and see all the little cute fan arts and what i find is a bunch of adults complaining about a child books series istg this fandom is one of the most toxic ones out there.
Now i could tell you that if you want to consume a product whatever it is movies,books,tv shows ecc that's explicitly for kids/preteens you have to approch it with the right mentality which is letting your inner child enjoy the product if you're 20+ something, cause of course the adult you won't feel the same wonder, and sure kids products don't have to be bad or bland and there are other things out there aimed at kids that are better than tsats BUT it's not a bad book, mark oshiro did such a good job at portraying healing and trauma, they also did an amazing job at presenting to middle schoolers the idea of romantic relationships being not all roses and flowers and unicorns, human relationships are hard no matter the kind, it's something difficult to accept and to deal with especially when every single fairy tale you read as a kid teaches you that there is a happily ever after, that after adversities everything gets solved and goes fine, when you grow up you learn that nothing is further from the truth than that, i could also tell you that of course the concept is extremely simplified but again it's a book for kids/preteens, i could tell you to not go for something you know it's not targeted to you if you want approch it in a cynical way, i could give you as example that reading tsats and wanting maturity out of it is like going to watch a disney animation movie and then complaining they sing too much. Cause now you have to tell me when rick riordan has been mature or not cringe in the whole entirity of the pjo saga? He literally wrote a dam joke after killing off a 12 years old, added a judo flip to a romantic reunion of two characters that haven't seen each others for almost a year, wrote a romantic declaration from a 20 years old something to a 16 years old girl, wrote about gods falling for the stupidiest shit said by teenagers demigods, made percy at 12 years old won a fight against the fucking god of war and i could go on so if that has been ok with you till now what is even the point? The truth is y'all are not complaining cause the book feels immature/cringe/ooc ecc y'all are complaining cause you hate will and you hate him cause you ship nico with percy,jason,leo or who knows who and that's ok you don't have to like will or solangelo you can ship whatever you want (i'm an "anomaly" in this fandom i never shipped percabeth, i started prefering percy and rachel and i ended up loving the idea of annabeth and piper, still i can be objective enough to read a whole saga where percy and annabeth are the main couple and not shit on it just cause i don't ship them together) of course you can complain about this book but at least make an effort and think of valid reasons. The real problem is why did you decide to buy and read a book that focuses as one of the main plots on a relationship you hate so much, if you can't stand them as a couple why did you read it in the first place? This book is not perfect it lacks things and there are topics that needed to be handled better sure, but it's not bad,ooc or cringe, cheesy maybe but not the kind of cringe you are trying to make it pass. The real deal here is you don't really care about any of those things you just hate the ship the book revolves around and again that's fine but just be honest it's way more respectful than taking away the work af a queer author that tried to settle more the idea of a queer couple being normal and equal to a straight one to a group of young people who are living in a society that still is against queer people.
Damnit shut up, do it for the gay kids
A former kid (still queer tho)
(if i made mistakes forgive me english is not my first language)
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nihonium-art · 11 months
Hope "Rapier Millions" Saverem
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Sorry guys. Made a trigun oc again. One day I woke up thinking "What if I gave knives a plant child would that be fucked up or what" and I haven't known true peace since.
TLDR : Hope is an independent plant who was born in some small town on gunsmoke around a year or so before Trigun's start. During the 2 years time skip after the fifth moon incident, she gets taken by knives and is raised by him, and she had to rename herself so she chose the name "Rapier" ( which is what I'll use to refer to her older version ). She starts of as an excitable, cheerful, passionate young girl who loves worms and running around in the desert— but under Knives' care she developed a much tougher and "mature" Facade, but she is still just an emotional kid inside.
Expanded Ramble Under The Cut Baby ( Will contain some Trimax Spoilers )
SO. After the fifth moon incident and being brought back, Knives wanders for a bit, ending up in a small town— he sees the plant there is dying and seeing the Engineers doing nothing to help he gets enraged and kill them. Except he failed to see that there was a plant kid around who watched it all ( I like to think independents have some sort of sense for detecting other independents ). He takes her bc one— she's one of his kind and has nothing to do with humans and two— she could definitely be a good asset.
From this point on, Hope spends her time w/ Knives and his closest Entourage, Being mostly Legato, Elendira, Zazie and Dr. Conrad. Hope is deadly scared of Knives and Legato for. Obvious reasons. But she also doesn't like Conrad, so at first she only warms up to Elendira and Zazie. I need to emphasize that none of these people knows how to take care of a child and while Elendira IS close to hope she in no way wants to be a mother to her. We good? We good. Anyways. Being raised under Knives comes with everything you'd expect, and while Knives was never physically violent towards her, Rapier still grew to fear him. He's like. Fucked up mother core.
Rapier hates it. She's stuck with the man her father figure hates yet she can't do much due to her wounds. However, the more she talks to Vash, the more she grows to see he isn't really what knives made him out to be. This is also emphasized by the fact Vash and ww treated her like her age, and seemed to genuinely show care for her. She's slowly re-learning how to be a kid again :^)
Some point between the begining of Vash traveling again and him and Knives confronting, Rapier goes out to confront Vash, to both prouve to Knives she's capable of fighting someone like Vash and also to try and pull Vash back to them. Because, surely, since she saw Knives' way too, Vash would listen to her. She's a plant afterall, just like him.
Rapier, while powerful for her age, is still wildly inexperienced— she's sloppy, and while determined, doesn't really hold up to Vash and Wolfwood. She gets injured and Vash doesn't feel like leaving a child to die in the desert, especially when she starts fearing what knives will think of her defeat.
There's like. A bunch more but you get the idea LMAO i think she gets back the name hope post-ark and post trimax talks w/ Vash a lot about his childhood and decide to take the name of Saverem :^).
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So, I was kinda worried, and I still am, that some fans might have the same initial reaction to the lover’s spot scene as I did. My wife definitely was like 😬🤨 but I told her I got what they were going for, and I think it helped with the pay off at the end of the episode:
We were first thrown off by Lestat being affection while talking about sex, which in any other context would be creepy but, I think that we might be looking into it too deep. He was just trying to be casual and affection while talking about a subject all parents talk to their kids about, or at least should AND teaching his daughter, who he clearly wants to at least somewhat grow to be like him. The rest of the interactions give me comfort that he is attempting to be a good father in the context of teaching her to find food and live as a vampire.
The problem stems not from Lestat talking to Claudia about sex and feeding but from how, which has three problems:
Lestat is truly indifferent to human existence. Topics of sex, life, death, violence etc. mean very little to him when it comes to humans. Exposing Claudia to sex in the same vain as killing means nothing. He was teaching her that people have sex, they have reasons for it, but in the end, it’s also a great way to target two humans to kill. Speaking to Claudia about this while treating her like a child by petting her hair is incredibly careless. He clearly waited years, which was a good choice, as she was very childlike when they first adopted her, but he didn’t talk to her like someone who understands she won’t be able to have it.
Which leads to the second problem: She isn’t a child, but will always appear as one. The show THANKFULLY casted an adult to play a teen and not a little girl to play a little girl. Good for them, but anywho; Lestat felt she was mature enough to learn about sex and feeding, but physically, she will never be old enough to have it, because someone who looks her age and someone who is her age would be predatory, from her or their end. He can be blasé but she cannot. She was on the border with that boy, and thankfully, it seems like they knew to leave it there (giving her diary entry about him).
Which leads to the third problem: Lestat is a great dad in the good times, but not in the bad, because he is so blasé about these subjects. He shouldn’t have exposed her to sex. That was bad because he should have thought about how she would react watching it. Sure he enjoys sex, but he is clearly just in that scene for the kill and almost is mocking the people. She was not mocking them, but leering, learning something new that he should have been smart enough not to let her learn by that means. Also, he should have comforted her when she killed the boy, because it was partially his fault. Lastly, he shouldn’t have been surprised by her attempts to grow up when he is the one who brought her into the grown up world.
Parenting is not for everyone and it’s not a way to fix a marriage, but thank god the show decided to remove the really predatory aspects of the book and the film. I would rather see an incompetent dad give a bad sex talk and screwing up and that be how this all goes down than a dad who is slightly incestuous, like the past media has done.
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Earthspark Thoughts
First off, I finally got around to watching earthspark, and I have to say while I did end up skimming most of it because I have the attention span of a toddler, it was fun. Very different from TFP, but fun.
I like the show and how it goes about its storytelling. I really appreciate that while we do see Optimus and Megatron, they aren't hogging the screen or duking it out every time we see them. It is also nice to see that both are respected and not thrown around or made dumb in order to make others characters appear more mature (I am looking at you RID).
The new cast and their unique outlooks on the world is refreshing and interesting. But I also really like that the veteran bots like Bumblebee, Elita-1, and others are also given a chance to give their input. You can see how their lives of struggle and warfare have changed them, especially when compared to the freshly forged earthsparked bots. It really makes me happy to see some humans and Cybertronians getting along in family units instead of precarious political and military alliances.
It is also neat to see how old grudges and faction ties affect the bots after the end of the war (just look at Soundwave). You can tell that a lot of hate is still present, but that old wounds are beginning to heal with the arrival of the earthsparked bots. For the veterans it is a sign of new beginnings, a fresh start on a new world with new allies.
Twitch, Thrash, and the others are such unique characters and I really can't wait to see how they will develop considering their nearly entirely human upbringing.
However on this same train of thought, there is only one thing I would really like to see happen in the show.
Don't get me wrong, I really do like that we get to see some bots actually intergrade into human culture without the weight of the sins of their people weighting them down. However, I think that the earthspark bots would do well to learn some things from Cybertron. Skills, tradition, language, art, history, and other simple things that would at least give them a taste of what their people's homeworld is like.
Not only would it help them learn about themselves and where their people originally came from, it would also allow us the viewers a chance to see some of the little things that were never given much attention in other shows because of the war. I would like to see little cultural things being taught to the earthsparked bots, things that would be alien to them. Bumblebee is already teaching them combat, but maybe the older bots who didn't grow up in the war could teach the earthsparked bots how to do more wholesome things.
I personally would like to see Megatron try and teach the earthsparked bots how to write in Cybertronian. And Elita-1 could teach them to speak the different Cybertronian dialects (she seems like the kind of bot to know a thousand languages for no good reason) Optimus could give them lessons in history, or depending on his backstory in this universe, teach them about the fall of Cybertron and the politics behind it.
It would be cool if the human kiddos could get involved too. The bots are already learning their culture, why not let them learn a little about Cybertron too? I don't know if I am just being picky or what, but I really just want to see the veteran bots teaching to earthsparked bots things about Cybertron.
Well those are my thoughts for now. Maybe I will post something else about earthspark later once I have finished accepting the fact that it exists and the TFP has been over for a decade and I should move on and enjoy the new stuff without constantly comparing it to TFP.
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firefly-fez · 1 year
as much as I generally like the ending of brooklyn nine nine I don’t love what they did with Jake’s character. I feel like his friendship with Doug Judy and the way it ended was a missed opportunity for Jake to re-evaluate policemanship and what he’s actually doing at the 99th precint. Jake has always had a very childish, idealised perspective of a police officer. His character arc centres around growing up and maturing - it seems like such a missed opportunity not to have his persepctive of a police officer also mature, especially considering he’s had so many moments that might prompt him to re-consider. After he’s wrongly imprisoned, he struggles with the responsibility of arresting the right person for the crime. He makes a wrongful arrest and is guilting of intimidating an innocent person - and he feels remorse when he realises the subject is innocent, but feels justified in his actions when he thinks they’re guilty. All throughout his relationship with Sofia, they argued about the ethics of her job, because she was defending “criminals”. And yes, she’s a defense lawyer, she does represent clients that have commited crimes.
Even though the last season tackled police reform in a lot of detail, it stopped short of defending the idea that even criminals deserve human rights. Even as it represented Doug Judy’s bittersweet departure from the show, highlighting that he ended up in a life of crime because he couldn’t get his life back on track after being convicted of a minor offense -- Jake is sympathetic and helps his friend, but none of the team acknowledge with any serious depth how badly the justice system failed Doug Judy.
That could have been a catalyst for Jake’s character, but it wasn’t.
Although it’s rewarding to see Jake go from fatherless to the-father-he-never-had, and his dedication as a stay-at-home dad and everything that means to him, I don’t think it was the most rewarding end to his character arc.
Instead, I’d love to have seen him do a deep-dive into Doug Judy’s old case files after his arrest/escape. (He’d have to be cautious, so that no one picked up on what he did). To really take the time and think back on every criminal he’d arrested and how much it changed the trajectory of their life. To look at the arrest record of someone he’d booked as a first-time offender, noticing that they’d been convicted of multiple crimes since then...and wondering if he’d condemned them to a cycle they couldn’t get out of with that first arrest. Looking back on his career and everything he did, without that idyllic, childish, ‘good guys vs. bad guys’ mindset.
And after all that, he goes back to Sofia. Not to get back together with her, but to tell her she was right. Defending the human rights of the accused, even if they’re guilty really is the basis of their entire justice system. So he re-connects with her - to network and gain her advice.
Because he’s decided - he wants to become a defense lawyer.
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years
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Final day with some of the favorite fics our followers sent us. Thank you guys once again for the support and for sending us your choices.
Next week we’ll self-reblog all the reviews with the fics that were featured during this celebration. Once that’s done we’ll go back to the usual schedule. Thank you!!
the cheapest room in the house by biggaybenny [Explicit, 89k words]
what if instead of a very sincere and earnest love confession dean just found out cas was gay? no confession, no god-jack endgame. just post-s15 stupidity. just dean being deranged. the dean downloads grindr for cas fic
the inexhaustible silence of houses by Askance (doomcountry) [Teen, 31k words]
Almost two years after the world doesn't end, Castiel falls from grace—and loses his voice in the process. It is the impetus for confession and change; before long, he is settling into a loving relationship with Dean, the Winchesters are tired, and hunting for a place to land has taken precedence to hunting anything else. Dean and Castiel fall in love with the strange little house on the end of Swallowtail Drive, and for a little while life is as it should be—sweet, affectionate, and beginning afresh. But more and more Castiel sees and hears things in the house that beg the question of whether or not a place itself can be alive. The walls and rooms seem to shift and grow and breathe, and one night, Dean comes home from a hunt changed in a way that Castiel cannot explain. In the months that follow, their domestic bliss takes turns for the dark and sour, and the confusion of their circumstances will ultimately test everything Castiel knows about the man he loves, and everything he believes to be true.
The Line Begins to Blur by Rosewhipped [Explicit, 128k words]
A Soulless Sam traps and attacks Castiel--Dean finds out. This story is coda until it isn't, because I realized I wanted the boys to have a happy ending. It follows season six plot/timeline for several chapters and incorporates quotes from actual episodes. Rape, rape aftermath, and recovery are explored. Eventual smut and even some fluffiness. Without a soul, Sam could see everything a little bit more clearly. Feelings no longer distracted him from goals. He was free to pursue anything without shame, guilt, or hesitation. He turned an analytical eye to all that lay before him, calmly calculating the movements and reactions of those around him to stay ahead of their thoughts and actions. He was always playing a role, acting through a scene, he had been for months and he was getting very good at it.
There Goes My Life by turningthepages [Mature, 54k words]
“It’s mine. The baby’s mine.” He never wanted to admit it, nor would he ever really forgive himself for thinking it, but at that moment, hearing those words, Dean felt like he could see all his plans for a happy future burning to ash right in front of him.
they're playing dido in the hospital gift shop by spocklee [Explicit, 16k words]
can't a guy just have a completely normal sex dream in peace without his formerly-dead best friend walking in?
Tilted Mercy by LittleAngelCassie [Explicit, 111k words]
The sins of the past never stay buried; Dean’s spent years trying to suppress the memories and nightmares that chase him relentlessly. The now 35-year-old Omega entered the BDSM lifestyle seeking penance for his crimes against humanity hoping to rectify all his wrongs through his own pain. After a particularly frightening encounter, Dean agrees to try a different approach to his self-atonement. Compassion was never in the cards until Castiel Novak showed up at his door, pushing Dean’s boundaries and forcing him to face this new reality that includes a possible future with the handsome alpha. Welcome to a new world twisting ABO and BDSM, where somewhere between retribution and redemption lies …Tilted Mercy.
Unintended by emwebb17 [Explicit, 82k words]
Castiel is a successful defense attorney beginning to doubt the integrity of the work he does. After winning a date with a firefighter named Dean at a charity auction, Cas decides that he needs to make a change in his life. He just has one more case to take care of, but his involvement has devastating consequences.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
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burgerrat · 6 months
PoTP AU: Paradise's antichrist Q&A (an infodump really)
(because I need to talk about my silly au even if 3% people read it ejdjdns)
Let's start with something easy... who or WHAT is Johann Leach?
Johann is... well, they are meant to be percieved as the antichrist within the PoTP universe since they are the result of, what is essentially a right-hand man-vessel for The Devil (Swan) and a fully human person (Winslow) having an offspring.
It's a bit complex to pinpoint exactly in what category Johann would fall under. A hybrid of regular-human and not-entirely-human-anymore-because-of-a-contract ?? Despite their appearence and some of their abilities which can be considered supernatural, they learn and grow much like a human child.
But also.... however Johann will turn out to be as an adult will be reflected from how the parents that raise them are. It's sort of like a changeling kind of situation?? For example: because Winslow and Phoenix are raising them, they will grow up to share MANY physical features that resembles them; this also applies with the mental growth ofc, and it's also where Phoenix becomes extremely important because she helps teaching proper morals and helps Winslow during his emotional ups and downs because of what he's been through. In a way she is what helps Johann become more human, metaphorically and literally.
Now, IF Johann would be left solely in the care of Winslow, or worse- Swan, they'd grow to be a monster. While Winslow is capable of showing parental care and uncondotional love- his emotional instability regarding the Paradise and his boss would lead him to, unitentionally or not, teach Johann that hurting others physically if they have hurt you or wronged you is okay and justified; his insecurity of his disfigurement and fear of his own child rejecting him because of what he really looks like would cause him to Never take off his mask ever for Johann to see him. This would lead Johann to become insecure as well, feeling like they lack some sort of trust/closure with their only parent, as well as becoming more monster-like too, adapting a more bird-like appearence that resembles the Phantom. And on the other hand, if Swan were to raise Johann- they'd look even worse, like a mockery of Swan's actual charming appearence- they'd be a flat out ghoulish, gollum-esque caricature. They'd grow to be more animalistic too since they would not be taught anything at all and instead be hidden from everything and everyone, like a secret one's ashamed to expose; they'd only be fed and occasionally, used as a tactic of intimidation towards workers. Swan wouldn't view Johann as his own child (despite y'know, him being the cause of them existing) and more of a minion he can exploit, much like Winslow. He would be fascinated, but unfortunately would not have a caring bone in his body to raise a whole ass kid.
So, where does that leave us?
It's a bit difficult to say- Johann Leach is a demon-human hybrid who's growing behaviour is very resembling of a changeling. It was mostly inspired by parasitic birds' behaviour of copying the host's babies, from movements down to even physical patterns (such as mouth markings for the mother to recognize as her own), and the movie 'Hatching' (2022).
They may not be entirely human, but their fate is going to be entirely shaped (quite literally) based on what influences are in their life, much like a human.
What supernatural abilities does Johann possess?
They are not many, but they sure are funky!
First and foremost, Johann has the ability to alter their physical form based on their parent/caretaker, as time goes on- they will grow to look like them even though they are their own person; while they can't get rid of their tail (which can just be hidden within clothes and such), their hind legs with change with time and gain a more human form- although if need be (as a mature adult), they'd be capable of transforming them back if they feel the need to flee out of impulse or for feeling threatened, which leads us to the second supernatural ability they have- which is an unnatural speed level. Don't get me wrong it's not some Sonic-level speed, but they'd be able to keep up with a vehicle, mostly thanks to their back legs. (They find it easier to run on all fours too but that is often discouraged by Phoenix because it'd be unnerving to see a human run full-speed towards you on all fours)
This one's more of a supernatural quirk I think... but Johann has retractable dark grey fangs. Again, the color of their teeth is thanks to the previously mentioned behaviour of them copying their caregivers and becoming more like them overtime- Winslow has metal teeth, Johann is copying that dark color pallette (although they do not shine like Winslow's because theirs are completely organic). Their teeth retract into their skull when unused to preserve sharpness + so they can nibble on Winslow as hard as they like since their mouth's basically toothless.
Their teeth being retractable is both an inspo from Toothless (HTTYD) AND a metaphorical reference to Winslow having to get his teeth pulled and replaced when he was first put in Sing Sing 👀
And last but not least! Johann is capable of a banshee's screech, able to break glass and rupture eardrums, when extremely overwhelmed, under pressure, or being overcome by fear- it's kind of a 'fight or flight' vocal response to stun or shatter whatever's causing them distress. Again, this is a metaphorical reference to Winslow's blood-curdling screaming, except it can cause actual damage other than scaring Beef.
How was Winslow able to concieve Johann? What happened?
So this was Winslow's moment of revelation that led him to suspect something paranormal was going on even before Johann was born. Not because of this kinder-surprise pregnancy but because of the 9 months that would follow, I'll elaborate in a moment.
I don't want the idea of Winslow being pregnant to be like THE 'shocking' moment since yanno, trans men are a thing and it's quite natural. I personally never had a staple picture of Winslow being strictly AMAB or AFAB so it's just like- whatever fits best in xyz context and in this case it really doesn't matter. He's "the bearer of the curse" regardless.
Obviously the reason he had a kid in the first place is because he'd been getting intimate with Swan often, whom unbeknownst to him happened to be a Devil Vessel™️ and it just sort of happened. Winslow himself wasn't even aware until he started noticing that a lot of strange symptoms (mainly nausea and fatigue) mixed with a pot belly he couldn't explain, since he could barely keep anything down, could be pregnancy symptoms.
And it doesn't end there. It gets- well, worse and better? During this time period he sort of gains paranormal powers himself, being the carrier of a supernatural creature and all, and he may or may not have caused some chaos here and there during manic episodes (as a result of mood swings + vengance towards Swan) where he believed he was untouchable. (don't worry he quickly loses them after Johann's birth); but also this has it's downsides- with the usual physical pain and discomfort aside, Winslow would experience things such as vivid night terrors where he gets to witness the never-ending suffering in Hell (with a cameo from the Devil himself possibly), projectile vomiting a red mucus-y substance (looks like blood but it is Not blood, it appears to be corrosive towards holy symbols... ), seeing Swan for what he really is, literally. He can see right through his eternally-young facade during these 9 months and each day he's greeted by an increasingly elderly, melty-faced, horned, devil-tailed, and overall monstrous Swan which noticeably puts him on edge every time; and last but not least- somehow Winslow becomes a sort of 'beacon' between his world, and what one would presume is Hell... he becomes the center of attention of some demonic entities who come to foolishly taunt him or push him around- not harm him directly since they're aware of what he's carrying. Now, this can be quite unsettling- but it becomes annoying real fast + it's also a great stress reliever for him since he can't keep killing workers at Paradise if he wants Phoenix to leave without a scratch. And uh. Perhaps use said demons an additional raw snack.
What supernatural abilities does Winslow obtain during this time period?
Mostly telekinetic powers like you'd see in Carrie (1976)! He can move things or flat out shatter them just by intensely glaring at them; he can walk on walls and ceilings, even lie on them (it seems gravity no longer has a logical grip on him for 9 months...); a heightened sense of smell like a cat, which he mainly uses to sniff out foods he's craving- he'd also be capable of landing on his feet or on all fours. He would never ever manage to fall and hit the ground even if he tried. Regardless of how he falls, he will even straight up float in mid-air mere inches from the ground. He is not allowed to get hurt.
How did Winslow successfully keep Swan in the dark about this?
While he did use his powers to help himself keep this a secret from Swan, it's a miracle he didn't find out really. Winslow is not a good liar, so when it came to hide the more 'noticeable' physical changes he was going through, he'd wrap himself up in his cape like a vampire whenever Swan approached him and deliberately act overly dramatic to go along with him hiding in his own cape to make his boss believe it was just 'one of those days'.
There have been times where Swan came comically close to finding out, like one of them running jokes in cartoons. He suspected Winslow was doing something, for example: it couldn't be a coincidence that every camera would keep breaking as soon as Winslow would enter a specific room that very camera was in... but he'd chuck it to being something with reasonable explanation other than, yanno, suddenly developing demonic powers because you're carrying the antichrist? That'd be ridiculous.
Only Swan had some form of what you could call a 'supernatural power', being eternally young and practivally immune to any harm done to him... right?
How did Swan feel about the whole ordeal?
To say that he was fuming during these times would be an understatement. He couldn't understand what in the world was wrong with his songwriter and, what he despised most of all, was that Winslow was somehow sabotaging his cemera equipment- which left him unable to keep an eye on him and potentially lose footage of himself. He was losing control and he hated it.
How did Winslow feel about the whole ordeal?
At first he had no idea what was happening to him either- at first he thought he was dying. Some irreparable side-effect of doing so many drugs while working (which, by the way, he would now violently vomit back out if he tried taking them. Same going for alcohol. His body straight up rejected specific things.); then he believed he had gotten terribly ill or something... then came the powers, which initially scared him- then fascinated him because of course it reminded him of Faust, followed by pure malice as he now finally feels like he has an upper hand over Swan. Somehow.
He, again, didn't fully understand what was happening to him until the day he felt a kick in his stomach when all the pieces of the puzzle sort of fit together. He still wasn't sure why he had powers now, but one thing he was sure of: all this could be traced back to Swan.
And while this did turn on a lightbulb in his head that "huh. Maybe signing my name in blood on a comically large contract isn't very normal. Something's fishy about my 'boss'." This is Winslow we're talking about, and he quickly shoves that realization aside to mischievously plot how to use his new powers for revenge, and of course he has moments where he's on a power trip and feels like he can kill whoever he wants do whatever he wants; this leads to delusions such as taking over the world AKA the music industry but thankfully he never actually acts up on these thoughts.
Lesson of the day: don't give the mad composer psychic powers.
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mari-lair · 2 years
oh sorry i forgot to elaborate!
i meant when terukane is in an established relationship! thinking of future akane having higher ground to fluster with his past bf as his past self wants the ground to eat him up is the source of this indulgent idea! or or future teru now being 100x hotter and almost kills bi disaster past akane with looks alone! just future terukane being natural flirts and domestic with one another which confuses the pre-sacrifice cast and causes some embarrassment (or happiness in teru's part cause he got together with akane!) to their past selves! or or pre-teru noticing that future akane was penetrated thru his abdomen or future teru almost losing (or he did lost?) his arm and shoot me how did this become from fluff to angst
but ur idea of future akane coming from the timeline where teru lost is arm and got together with aoi is freaking angst material and i adore it as well! like teru already knew that he lost the chance to be with akane but didn't expect that he lost his purpose at the same time and this angst bitch shot me
though pls go with the established relationship terukane one! i just think that these two deserve some happiness before pre-sacrifice terukane goes through the severance or something ahhh
also ur ramblings are enjoyable to read! and yes u have permission to go feral!
Sure thing, let’s focus on established flirty terukane meeting pre-reaper sacrifice teru akane!
Future Teru and Akane took nine months after Aoi's rescue to start dating, both having very messy feelings and issues to face before openly admitting their love for each other, but once they agree to at least give this relationship a try, things just got better and better. In no time they had moved together and gotten matching rings, able to communicate with each other with a simple glance, regularly going out on dates, and getting rituals that are surprisingly domestic, their apartment filled with potted plants that Teru accidentally kills every week (Akane still want to strangle his husband at times), and always playing some catchy pop song.
Teru's shoulder was healed but it doesn’t work as well, so he uses both his arms when wielding his sword. Akane's contract finished, so he is human, but his far shore adventures and clock keeper time make it so he can still sometimes see spirits, too drenched in the supernatural world to be fully ‘normal’.
They have gotten really good at just expressing their love and showing they care. Akane stays up many nights just to greet Teru from his exorcist job with a warm cup of tea in hand and a free kiss, Teru will massage his tired husband and let him vent about his work. They touch each other naturally, like two magnets, if they are in the same room, they end up unconsciously moving to their partner's side. They call each other by their first name, only using pet names when they’re teasing, or in a playfull mood.
Pre-sacrifice terukane accidentally angered an unstable supernatural that messes with time, teleporting their future self to the present. Future Teru's first instinct is to unsheath his sword and get in front of his husband, but all his protective instinct dies when he sees two startled and extremely familiar teens instead of a threat.
Everyone spend a solid moment just staring at each other in shock.
Young Akane is too busy looking at Teru in alarm, cause he has never seen Teru so relaxed, and so hot before. He genuinely just assumed the president had reached his peak at 17, cause it wasn’t fair that he would grow to be even more attractive than he already was. 
(Seeing the older Teru jump to protect his Akane when the president is always eager to bully him was also very… strange… to witness.)
Young Teru has a similar crisis, cause he already thinks Akane is handsome, his heart went crazy when he met a more mature and hotter version of Akane. He think older Akane’s short ponytail and his lack of supernatural energy is strange, but the most unbalancing thing about this new Akane is easily how softly he looked at future Teru. 
Future Teru is the one that snaps out of it first “Now that’s interesting! I think we are a bit early.” 
“You don’t say,” Future Akane snarks, breaking the tension.
Younger Teru is able to recompose himself completely at that, analyzing the situation more calmly. Teru doesn’t like how hard it is to read himself, not sure if his future self was truly in a good mood, or if his mask just got better with time, so he unconsciously goes to the older Akane for answer, always comfortable near him. 
Unfortunately, teen Teru can barely says “Aoi-” before the older Akane corrects him “It’s Minamoto now.”
And teen Teru’s brain stop working, he just stares at Akane’s smug smirk and the wedding ring on his finger and he gets a sudden burst of disbelief and he doesn’t know what to think or do.
Future Akane is a bit annoyed that even in his twenties, he is still a few fingers shorter than teen Teru but it’s impossible to take it to heart when Teru is so damn adorable at 17! He can read Teru's expressions perfectly after living with the guy for nearly a decade, so he knows right away the younger Teru is shocked. Shy as well.
Akane can’t help but ruffle his hair, watching his younger husband blush with delight, feeling himself soften at the lost way Teru asked “…What about Akane-san?”
“She’s our best friend, still an amazing lady, just as lovely as you” He’ll reassure, instinctively slipping his hand to the boy’s cheek to comfort him “You’ll grow to be a great husband, Teru.”
Teru is overjoyed and overwhelmed. He doesn’t know how to handle this, so his fight or flight instincts activate, grabbing Akane’s wrist to make him stop, not expecting the older Akane to be prepared for this reaction, so used to it, he effortlessly slipped his hand out of his grasp, making so they were holding hands instead, their fingers intertwined.
Teru stares.
Akane lightly squeezes his hand and smiles as if he was the best thing in his life.
Teru gets so flustered he loses control of his spiritual energy, catching Akane off guard when he accidentally shocks him. 
Young Teru is mortified.
Young Akane is mortified too, it takes way too long to register what his future self had said, since he has a very hot man (with a very nice voice too, cause wow, his life is unfair) smiling softly at him, but once he does register it, he is scandalized “Minamoto?! No you’re not! I would never-You- WHAT??”  something that doesn’t get better after he witnesses his older self whispering something to the president and clearly flirt.
(And holy shit, his Teru is blushing? Akane made The Teru Minamoto speechless and blushy??? He'll grow up to be so cool!)
Future Teru has no sympathy for his younger self, chuckling at how much fun his husband was having and approaching the young Akane, smitten by how absolutely adorable Akane looked, oh how he had missed his nerdy glasses!
Young Akane is unable to look at Teru in the eye, but he still had the energy to snarl and be suspicious “I don’t know what your deal is, but I am not falling for it bastard! This trick won’t work on me-”
Future Teru put a single finger on his lips, chuckling at the way his younger husband completely freezes, blushing extra hard. Akane is so cute. Truly “You’re adorable”
“S-shut up!” Akane acts as if he was burned, having trouble getting coehent thoughts “Don’t touch me!”
“That’s not what you said last night~”
It takes a solid moment for the insinuation to properly register. Once it does, the distressed noise Akane makes is so strangled it ceases to be human.
Even Young Teru’s eyes widen at the insinuation, finding his future self behavior almost unrecognizable from himself and the idea he was… intimate with Akane in the future made him feel very shy.
The older duo doesn’t stick for long.
Future Akane flusters Teru some more by just... being very gentle and supportive.
Future Teru is a menace and makes Akane nearly have a heart attack when he hugs him, accidentally (on purpose) insinuating that his younger self was in love already and smirking in silence when Akane demanded an elaboration about that.
Young Akane doesn't get any explanation. The bastard just laughs, grab his husband by the waist, and declares they have a date to get back to it, using exorcist bullshit to get back to his time.
This wild visit had made the two teens unable to as much as look at each other without blushing for a solid minute.
“...All in favor of pretending this never happened?” Young Akane will offer awkwardly, trying very hard not to overthink about older Teru's unfairly hot smirk or the stupidly proud way his older self had said ‘It’s Minamoto, actually’ or how the president might currently like him?? Unless the future Teru lied?? Which does sound like something Teru would do to mess with him. So Akane decided to just ignore it
And young Teru will be in such a good mood, chuckling in a way that catches Akane off guard and taking a bit too long to say "All in favor."
(They’ll both stay up all night thinking about it.)
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jinxthejubilee · 11 months
I just recalled a answered ask you did where you said Joe would most likely be the perfect match for MS if either of them would have someone, and purely based off a world where PS and Dal aren't the only ones to fall in love (and Hock and Veil lets be real-) in the line of work, how would their relationship bloom? I kind of see them meeting before in the past since in myth canon Hades is Ursula's uncle?? It's kind of like how I see MS and Farja meeting before since Hades and Jafar are friends
That's a really good question, actually. I personally don't see them knowing each other beforehand, though that is a decent idea. And I don't see them ACTUALLY getting together in canon, but if we were to run with the idea, I feel like it would look something like this:
Their Personalities 🐙 ➕️ 🔥
Starting off with the basics, these two hardly interact at first. They're both pretty distant and aloof.
But they do have certain things in common:
They're both hard workers but pretty apathetic to the world around them.
They both can't stand their bosses (although in different ways).
They're both sarcastic and see the world through a negative lens.
Finally, they both have the potential to grow and find their humanity.
Now, what exactly do I mean by "humanity"?
Well, my interpretation of Ms. Hades has her as a creation of Hades himself. Someone who doesn't fully understand humans and life in general, having been surrounded by death for thousands of years.
Joe, on the other hand, has lost his passion and zest for life after he signed away his freedom to Ursula. He sees no point in chasing after dreams that died a long time ago.
However, that could change.
Bonding 💞
It's not your typical cutesy romance like Dalma and Pretty Scar. It starts off slow and is mostly seen in the background. Think Rigby and Eileen from Regular Show.
MH would most likely find Joe slaving away at his paperwork. She probably wouldn't help him the first few times. If you've ever seen her on the stage show, she's more inclined to just let people do what they want.
But that doesn't last long. It's affecting his health, and in the long term, it would become a much larger problem for the others to deal with, so she decides to help him.
Joe is fairly reluctant to have her help him, seeing as he's not too comfortable around women, but he respects her enough to allow her to assist.
This just develops into a thing they do almost every night, regardless if there's actual work to be done.
Eventually, he becomes more comfortable around her and will likely explain his grievances with Ursula. Likewise, MH will complain about Hades and the unfairness she and Joe experience.
Over time, they open up about their pasts, share stories, what their respective worlds are like, share some wine or early morning coffee, it becomes less of a colleague relationship and more a friendship.
They enjoy each other's presence. And that's a gift in and of itself. They've actually found someone that they can be at peace around.
MH often wants to experience different things and allows Joe to get out of his comfort zone at a reasonable level.
Joe, meanwhile, will go out of his way to help her in any way he can. Whether that be paperwork, replacing her old and possibly burned fans, or protecting her from outside threats.
That last one goes both ways, especially since Joe, at first, was a nervous wreck when confronted by a threat. He would hide behind MH and Malfie mostly. But as he got more confident in himself, he now uses his tentacles to shield whoever is near him. It's subtle, and he would deny it if anyone asked, but it's a sign that he cares. And he does it a lot around MH.
Overall 💗😌💗
They never say it out loud. But that doesn't mean that they don't acknowledge it.
Again, it's a very slow burn. They're mature people. They're not the wild, crazy, and lovey dovey types. But they realize that love can actually be achieved by people like them.
It's a love woven in respect, peace, admiration, and care. They are each other's hearths. Someone to go home to after a long day.
Which makes it all the more heartbreaking that they have to leave each other to go back to their respective worlds. Or, so you would think.
They would miss each other, yes, but that wouldn't be the end of things. After they play out their movie's plots, the adventures continue still.
They join with their fellow recruiters in helping one another out if something goes wrong in their world.
They might go back to Disneyland/the normal realm to visit.
Heck, if this is playing by Kingdom Hearts or Descendants rules, then their worlds could be interconnected in some way. It wouldn't be impossible to seek each other out.
In the meantime, however, they would send notes and gifts to each other regularly. Nothing extravagant, but very sweet and special.
I might make an actual page out of this one day, but this will suffice for now. Hope this answers your question!
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So I made this post with a promise of headcanons, and here we are!
Read ahead if you don't mind or already aware of spoilers!!!
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Sorry if the picture is small that's the best I could do
Has liked Dong-Young since childhood (duh)
Is as flirty as he acts like around a crowd, he was raised in a household where it's rare but often times not meant to be taken seriously but for him being overly affectionate is just how he shows affection
Is very touch starved and will demand attention is needed, this man doesn't stop til he gets a hug, some cuddles, or a kiss
He suffers from nightmares based off his family which yeah...are a lot...
I always headcanon him being the one who knows a lot more of the LGBTQAI+ side of things and has been open his pansexuality since he knew the word
No i will not do a bi joke for him, he is pan to me
Man-bun man-bun man-bun man-bun man-
Wants a big family but understand if Dong-Young or the others are not into the idea
Second best cook
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Endy icon. Legit was allowed to dress however she wants and refer people to call her another name but was forced by her parents to dress up "proper" for the sake of royal image, what else?
Uses all pronouns and cried the first time one of her brothers used he or them pronouns
Very rarely gets called her princess name
Actually does have the ability to change her gender with magic but it's too tiring
Eats a lot
Has a massive fear of the dark and vase empty rooms since childhood due to being isolated a lot
Can't cook for shit but learning
Owns a kitten now cat in her home on human realm when she ran away she loves a lot and kind of became the house's guardian
Does not get along with her parents for obvious reasons above and the whole plot of "you must marry this man we never met so we can end a war we started instead of doing a meeting"
Is a hoodie stealing gremlin
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Since he's the second eldest besides Bi-Wal he's much more mature than them all by a land slide. yes even more mature than the one older than him
A thing I would like to write in as he is the guard dubbed The Black Turtle he has this ability to shield those he pick but still gets scars from any damage towards the shield
Is question is sexuality a lot since arriving the the human realm but no says he demi
Likes anime and games but doesn't say anything other than he knows certain things
Collects rocks and crystals
Sage the house often
Third best cook, rarely cooks in general and when he does they aren't that special
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As he's the guardian of The Red Phoenix he has fire based abilities like smoke shows, fire starters, sparks, etc.
Best cook
Deeply despises his parents and relatives for the treatment towards his sister Ah-Hin as well the things he and her were forced to do growing up such as him dress up like a girl and her dressing in rags and always dirty
Took a while for him to look at makeup or "feminine" things and not shiver but now does wear makeup but very rarely
One of the youngers with Dong-Young so they get each other in a funny way
His eyes get fire red or orange when he's mega mad
When he goes into his guardian form he has small markings of feathers
Likes to be pet
Nails grow fast like talons when he's stressed or really angsty or angry
Heals up rather fast if he isn't severely injured, it just brush away after a few minutes like ash
Has a collection of CDs he got from the human realm
Them as a relationship:
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This is them after Ee-Jung joined the relationship
In canon of the manga's ending, he was iffy seeing Dong-Young marry but remained loyal til the end but he wept when he gets offered to be her lover
Has always loved Dong-Young child childhood but unlike Do-Hyun silently wished it away and not deal with the heart ache later on
Cuddle pile is arranged as: Bi-Wal - Big Spoon / Main Hugger Do-Hyun - Second Big Spoon / First Middle Spoon / The one who wraps his arms around Dong-Young Ee-Jung - Middle Spoon who flops on top trapping the legs and Dong-Young Dong-Young - Small Spoon / Middle Spoon sandwiched between Bi-Wal and Do-Hyun and is often has her hands, legs, and arms wrapped around all three
I will cry and be happy if someone gets into this manga series and make a edit of this ship as this song
Ee-Jung and Bi-Wal are usually allowed in the kitchen to make food if their lovers are hungry
Ah-Hin and her soon to be husband (lets face it they're cute) Woo-Hyun are huge supporters of the relationship and are ready to fight if someone disagrees for any reason!
More gifs of what could be them?
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