#happy birthday hex i hope you love this!
maxineholtzmann · 1 year
what’s all this talk about love?
Chapter One: when the train rolls by
Nancy burst into her editor’s office, slapping her hands down on his desk. “I’ve got a story.”
Murray slowly spun around in his chair to face her. “Great job with the knocking, Wheeler.”
Nancy waved her hand dismissively, “Who needs manners when I have a great story!” She was practically vibrating with excitement, her bright blue eyes shining.
“Nancy, may I remind you that you are on the weddings and human interest beat? Not the whatever-investigative-expose-you’re-about-to-pitch beat?” Murray said, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose as if trying to preemptively ward off a headache.
“No need, Murray. This story falls entirely within my purview,” Nancy grinned, dropping into the chair opposite him.
“Oh, do tell,” Murray said, sarcasm dripping as he leaned back in his chair.
“So I just met this guy in the bar–” Nancy started, leaning forward.
“Ah yes, the best place to meet reputable sources.”
“ –and he was going off about his ex-fiancée–”
“Very regular and stable of him.”
“ –and he said that she’s left 3 men at the altar including him so far–”
“ –AND she’s engaged again. Obviously he’s gotta be–”
“Like fully AT the altar? In front of all their family and friends?”
“ –full of shit, like who would do that? But–”
“You gotta go interview her.”
Six hours later, Nancy was on the road, heading to Hawkins, Indiana from Chicago. All she had was her suitcase, a notebook, and a bar napkin with the names Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson, and Gareth Emerson scrawled across it in drunken handwriting. Her first order of business was going to have to be finding a way to meet Chrissy without scaring her off. Well, maybe her second order of business. She had forgotten her toothbrush, so the first order of business was finding the local general store.
As she drove through the town to the Hawkins Inn, she passed Melvald’s General Store. Perfect. She could start there. (read the rest on ao3 here)
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sharkorok · 11 months
all eyes on you (enhypen)
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or the moments that make everyone think you’re dating
cw/genre: idol!reader, reader doesnt have specified gender but implied to be a female, fluff, so cute bye, secret relationships, humor, u have delulu fans
requested: naurrr
a/n: ehe thx for 100 followers :) I hope my writing makes u happy because knowing people read my works makes me super duper happy! luv uuuu
-at an awards show your outfits were matching, like very obviously matching
-matching bracelets, you had one on your left wrist and he had one on the right, the colors matched each other, same style and aesthetic…
-he gets v nervous but also you were in some dating rumors with another idol so…he wouldn’t be mad if he was next tbh….BUT THEN UR GROUP WAS ASSIGNED NEXT TO HIM??
-dawg was sweating the whole time trying not to admire you and how cute you two looked
-but no every one of those “enhypen mma reaction” or “heeseung reaction focus” showed him very clearly staring at you 😭, twt had a field day with you two
-he can’t help it, you looked so good and how can he keep his eyes off his lovely s/o when they’re all dressed up + matching?? seriously his management was insane for putting him so close to you
-and when all groups were leaving he was seen literally sprinting to be closer to you
-ya dispatch didn’t even need to confirm anything after that awards show
the others r below!
-during a live he got his guitar out and started playing all your favorite songs
-and this was literally a day after you named your favorite songs
-then to make it worse he was like “yeah these are y/n’s favorite songs don’t they have good music taste?” and then he kept talking about you and staff was sweating while watching istg
-the way he talked about you tho,,he either had a massive crush on you or you two were dating
-the ship edits the next day were insane honestly some of your fans need to get into the editing business because you genuinely believed a photo of him holding your waist was taken at inkigayo
-he doesn’t even try to hide how much he likes you istg, he goes out of his way to talk to you at awards shows and always films challenges with you, he gives the shippers so much content
-then another time jay cooked your favorite food in a vlog and specifically said it was your favorite food, name dropping and everything
-literally no one is surprised that you two are confirmed dating after a while.
-accidentally went on live while talking about you
-he fully believed he closed out of the app when he was talking to jay and saying stuff like, “I’m really excited to see her at the performance, I hope we have time to hang out…” and then he hears notifications and sees that he was streaming and he nearly faints
-plays it off like he fully intended for everyone to hear that and continues like he planned on going live
-he’s also trying to hide the way his eyes flickered up to your rapid texts being like, “JAKE WHY ARE WE TRENDING ON TWITTER??”
-jay is behind the camera just trying not to laugh becuz how do you even recover from this one, literally all the comments are talking about you and him
-“y/n…? yeah ahahah I know her uh huh mhm anyways moving on” and his horrible deflecting skills are making it even more obvious
-and when you go on live?? oh u bet the comments are “did you see jake’s recent live?? are u cheating on us y/n?”
-u desperately distract by spoiling your comeback but there’s already 14k Tik toks analyzing every interaction you had with Jake and why you two are cosmically intertwined
-describes you to a T when asked about his ideal type
-he meant to just mention the broad details but he gets excited talking about u ok :(
-“yeah a good heart and around (your exact height), with (the hex code of your eye color) eyes, born on (your birthday), hobbies include (every single one of your hobbies) and also…(literally all the information under your kprofiles page)”
-ur fans catch on and are like “isn’t this literally y/n” and he’s like “omg nooo coincidence”
-it is NOT a coincidence bro he was fully thinking of you and only you during that interview
-anyways you don’t help the situation by describing him too when asked about your ideal type, but ur at least a tad less obvious 😭
-“yea I love guys who ice skate and stuff”
-u two definitely get scolded by management
-sometimes he forgets to care about keeping things secret (like that lipton tea thing he did)
-so he’s showing fans his camera roll and he shows selfies you never posted before…in his camera roll…never before seen by anyone but him and you to the camera and is like
-“y/n’s visual is so perfect, right?”
-and yeah duh ur stunning and gorgeous but fans are distracted by your beauty for a second before being like “hm…how did he get those selfies and why r they in his camera roll”
-ur fans r thankful for the content tho so he kinda did everyone a favor
-but it’s a LITTLE suspicious…but neither of you address anything so it just festers a little
-until you two do a tik tok challenge together and he captions it with a heart emoji like oh my god 😭
-you’re not innocent either when you said “sunoo’s visual is so amazing” like both of you get some media training I beg
-everyone loves how obviously whipped you two are for each other tho :,)
-accidentally exposes your polaroid in his phone case
-thankfully he has photos of his members and maeum but why were you there??
-he completely ignores it tbh he shows the photos to the camera and is like “these r the polaroids in my phone case. anyways.” n he’s playing it cool but internally he’s PANICKING
-“hopefully they didn’t see the heart I drew on the Polaroid,” he thinks foolishly
-we did.
-so you try to do some damage control on your own live when asked about why he has ur photo in his phone and ur like “oh we’re really close friends!!”
-n honestly that’s a good and healthy response because everyone has the right to their platonic relationships
-but jungwon’s heart he drew on your Polaroid was just a little bit tooooo suspicious…anyways this leads to fans over-analyzing every single interaction to the point you two weren’t allowed to be seen in a ten foot proximity at events for a while
-but at least it reminded jungwon to be more careful lolol
-accidentally rizzes you up on live television
-you’re an mc for smth and you’re interviewing enhypen and you’re like, “oooh, some burning questions, what is your ideal type?”
-and Niki, with no hesitation fully goes, “you lol” and you see ur career flash before your eyes
-ur co mc is nervously laughing and niki realizes like oh wait we’re being broadcasted so he’s like “oh just kidding haha!!!” even though you two are making awkward eye contact while you’re mentally scolding him
-he’s so used to teasing and flirting with you in private so it’s a little hard to shake off in public
-anyways fans notice he’s looking at you a little too lovingly and being a little too genuine when he responded so it’s not long before you see ship edits on Twitter and tik tok
-doesn’t help when you answer the ideal type question with “someone who is playful and funny” thinking it was broad enough but ‘twas not <3
-he doesn’t really care too much but thought it was funny, even if he had to take a media training class again afterwards >:T
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saradika · 5 months
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this year has been filled with so many beautiful fics, I wanted to make a rec list to share & support everything I read. please check these out and support these creators, they are all incredible! 💖✨
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— A Kind of Demon by @fettuccin-e
Kinktober Day 3: Monster AU | Incubus!Din Djarin
— A Rule Of Threes by @5oh5
after not celebrating your birthday for many years, din djarin makes sure this is one you'll never forget
— Betrayal by @againstacecilia
Bounty hunting, not a happy ending, feels.
— Brown Eyes by @mandoisapunk
Din comes back to Nevarro only to find his favorite soldier acting as an interim Marshall, and the reunion is everything he could’ve hoped for.
— Coming Home by @whataenginerd
Din has just arrived back at the Sundari palace after a long and boring diplomatic trip. 
— Consummating The Riduurok by @beskarandblasters
You just got married to Din in a large celebration on Mandalore. At the end of the night it’s time for one thing only; to consummate the marriage.
— Coporal by @pentechnics
Your new job is more or less a cinch; you’re the secretary to the COO of a big manufacturing company. Day in and day out you balance calendars, prepare morning coffee, and send a variety of emails. / But you also fantasize about your boss. In every which way. And it doesn’t take long to find out that his mind is just as filthy as yours.
— Denser Than Beskar by @floral-force
Your beskar-clad taxi pilot is an awkward man, and you decide it’s due to his limited social interactions. Under the armor, a nervous Din Djarin thinks his flirting and hints are obvious. Will he be able to share his feelings before you’re lost to the sands of Tatooine?
— Don't Hold Your Breath by @bits-and-babs
forced proximity smut
— Fear Not The Abyss by @psychedelic-ink
din initiates you into the cult.
— Forbidden Cravings by @inklore
stay in your room; that’s all you had to do. a simple demand that you planned on following until something goes bump in the night and you’re trapped between two monsters. | din x reader x bo-katan
— Hex Code by @bits-and-babs
given the task to hunt down an enchantress renowned for her deviancy, din fails to understand just how hard this mission will be to complete.
— Home by @beskarandblasters
A little drabble about domestic life with Din at his new house on Nevarro
— Home Is Where You're Mine by @/inklore
in nevarro you and din can finally breathe and spend your days christening every surface of your home.
— Ichor. Blood. Water. by @cherubispunk
stranded. alone. a traitor to your people, your family. aeaea is the prison of paradise you call home, and he is the prophecy you like to call an enigma. the ‘man made from metal’, forged in fire, melted by your spell that is no witchcraft on your part. he is the hunter, you will always be the prey. it is the way as the fates designed it.
— Keen by @/bits-and-babs
the child has been getting in the way of you and mando spending time together. after weeks without your touch, he’s finally reaching his limit.
— Love, Intertwined by @lowlights
Once upon a time...no, that’s not how your fairy tale goes. Din might have saved you that fateful day, but he was no knight in shining beskar armor. But the universe has a funny way of pushing people apart and bringing them back together again. 
— Love Is a Fire That Burns Unseen by @moonlight-prose
on your list of things that could possibly happen while bounty hunting with din, dying from hypothermia wasn’t included. nor was finally admitting the truth to yourself about your feelings.
— Misjudgments by @floral-force
Din Djarin reluctantly agrees to work with a partner on a hunt, and they turn out to be incredibly skilled in bounty hunting. They make him a nervous wreck, something that never happens to him. But, maybe there’s more to Din’s mixed emotions than he realizes…
— Never Break The Chain by @/moonlight-prose
years after you lost contact and parted ways, he comes back into your life. in the most drastic way possible. | jurassic park!au
— No Words Needed by @againstacecilia
“Din, can I ask you something?” / His helmet turns to look in your direction. / “What does cyare mean?”
— Of Brown Eyes and Desert Skies by @floral-force
When a new man storms into the saloon you work at, you're instantly terrified--and captivated. But as he lingers in town and stirs up trouble with every step, you question who the brown-eyed man is underneath the poncho, and if he really is just a bounty killer at his core.
— Of Shadows and Roses by @the-scandalorian
You're engaged in an illicit affair with your bodyguard.
— One Night Only by @mondaychildsworld
You and Din get down and dirty in a fancy hotel room in Coruscant.
— Pearl Rosary by @sweetercalypso
Priest of Mandalore!Din Djarin listens to your sins during confession
— Permission by @javier-pena
You belong to Paz … but there’s something about Din Djarin. He’s on your mind constantly. | din x reader x paz
— Petals by @mandelirious
“When did you know?” / “Ithor.”
— Potter!Din by @silksaddle
A collection of drabbles and oneshots that surround your life with Din, who works away in his pottery shed.
— Raising Cain by @hier--soir
at a private gala in berlin, two agents slip inside, uninvited. unbeknownst to one another, and working for seperate agencies, they prepare to bring the same target to justice. the only problem is - one of them wants him dead, and the other wants him alive. who will succeed? will the strange connection they feel stop them from completing their mission?
— Return The Favor by @galactic-basic
din and reader share a moment in their newfound quiet.
— Rite by @bits-and-babs
 Traditions form after Din removes the mask.
— Salt Water by @5oh5
din carries you in his mind, in his body, the way waves carry the salt of the sea: unforgettable, inextricable, forever.
— Still Of Your Hand by @/moonlight-prose
"din was always scared he would hurt you. always tentative to give into your desires of being taken apart roughly, because he was a gentle person when it came to you. his life revolved around violence, yet when it came to this—you—he was anything but that."
— Tales of the Heart by @lavendertales
Joining Din on his missions carried no expectations from either side. You simply provided him with medical assistance when needed and tended to the ship while he was gone and nothing else. / But several situations arose where you truly believed something might happen between you and Din.
— That's Not My Name by @theidiotwhowritesthings
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” - Shakespeare
— The Art of Failing by @theidiotwhowritesthings
The Division of Mythological Affairs was created to protect and serve the supernatural community while keeping the knowledge of their existence a secret. / You hoped to become an Agent of the DMA like your mother before you. Just as your dream begins to fall apart at the seams, you stumble across a missing persons report that could change everything. | Werewolf!Joel Miller & Vampire!Din Djarin
— Unearthed by @grippingbeskar
you are the new leader of your planet, but you lack an army. lucky for you, a new king has also recently ascended the throne.
— Unseen Smile by @beecastle
It’s your first anniversary and Din wonders if he should take his helmet off
— Velvet Mand'alor by @outercrasis
State functions are boring - certainly there are better ways to occupy your time
— Woven In Stars by @ilovepedro
Instead of navigating the galaxies, Din is navigating his new home life with Grogu on the ourskirts of Nevarro. In doing so, he meets you - a seamstress in town. The two of you form a beautiful bond through helping him adjust to domesticity in his secluded cabin. Throughout the time you share together, the bond you have flourishes into something more that can no longer be contained.
— Your Heart Got Teeth by @/moonlight-prose
horny thoughts about din’s necklace.
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if you haven’t read these, you need to! and please support these amazing fics & writers by reading, reblogging & commenting! 💕
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kaaaaaaarf · 3 months
imagine if I never met the broskis
Hogwarts Era. Rated T. 1.4k words. Crack. Toronto Mans Remus.
It's at this exact moment that the door to the bathroom opens, and a much more relaxed looking Remus walks out in an entirely different wardrobe from when he went in—wearing a beige Gucci branded muggle bucket hat and a Toronto Raptors jersey over matching jogging pants.  “Wagwan, fam. Reach!” Remus grabs James’ palm and pulls him in for a one armed hug. When he pulls back, he looks him up and down admiringly, “Hooooly, your quiddich pajamas are mad lit, fam."
Okay, so I wasn't going to post this, but @imsiriuslyreading told me I should (she's really scary guys), so here it is. The concept behind this is what if Roadman Remus was actually Toronto Mans Remus.
Note: I really want to stress that this is just silliness!!! If you want to know what a Toronto Mans is, this is a great explanation, as is this video from UofT. TL;DR think Drake or a Canadian rude boi/roadman. Toronto Mans slang is a multiethnical dialect used by a wide variety of people and is a linguistical result of the Canadian cultural mosaic.
Ratchet Happy Birthday, Remus. 🎂
Fic under the cut.
It's Sirius Black's first night at Hogwarts. So far, it’s been everything he’d hoped for. He was sorted into Gryffindor—first Black in a hundred years to not be sorted into Slytherin. He couldn’t wait to owl his parents in the morning to let them know. Maybe he’d get a howler back! Gosh, that could be fun.   
After the sorting, he met his new roommates. First there's James, who Sirius met at dinner and immediately fell a bit in love with as he watched him stick a third year’s pet frog into the pocket of a red headed girl named Lily. Her face turned the same colour as her hair when she reached in to pull out her wand and felt slimy skin instead. It was so funny, but even he has to concede that it’s a good thing they haven’t learned how to hex anyone yet, or else she would have hexed his bollocks off. His parents would hate James, say he’s a bad influence—he's perfect. Maybe he’ll talk about his new best friend James Potter in his letter in the morning.
Next there was Peter—short and kind, with a wild sense of humour—he’s had Sirius in stitches all evening. He really should be writing the comic strips that come in packs of Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, his talents feel wasted here.
Then there was Remus. Remus...well, none of them know what to make of Remus yet. He’s tall and quiet, with a wicked scar that stretches across his nose and under the golden curls that fall over his brow. He didn’t say much of anything at the feast, but the three boys overheard some of the professors saying that Remus and his family had just moved to Wales from Canada, after some sort of animal attack had happened in the Rockies. As soon as they made it to their new dorm, a tense looking Remus had shut himself in the dormitory toilets without a word. 
"Black, mind if I use the toilet next? I drank too much pumpkin juice at the feast."
Sirius looks over at James from where he’s hanging up a Holyhead Harpies poster. "Yeah, no worries, Potter. You’re welcome to it if Remus ever comes out. Do you think he’s okay in there?”
It's at this exact moment that the door to the bathroom opens, and a much more relaxed looking Remus walks out in an entirely different wardrobe from when he went in—wearing a beige Gucci branded muggle bucket hat and a Toronto Raptors jersey over matching jogging pants. 
“Wagwan, fam. Reach!” Remus grabs James’ palm and pulls him in for a one armed hug. When he pulls back, he looks him up and down admiringly, “Hooooly, your quiddich pajamas are mad lit, fam."
The three other boys look at each other, confused tilts to their brows. “Er—sorry, Remus. What do you mean fam?”
“Oh, before I was sayin’ fam, I was sayin’ bro, and before I was sayin’ bro, I was sayin’ dog. And a dog and a bro are still your fam, so I just took away the dog, took away the bro, and now I'm sayin’ fam.”
Remus moves over to his trunk, putting away his robe and clothes from dinner. Sirius leans into James’ space, smiling at Remus in a way that he guesses is a bit mad in the way that it doesn’t quite reach his wide eyes, whispering, "Do you know what he’s on about?"
James shakes his head, "No idea...Pete, any guesses?”
Peter shuffles across the room to join them, "Oh, my great aunt Perpetua is from Canada. I can try to translate. So far I think he’s said he quite likes your pyjamas, James, and he seems to think we’re his family.”
James looks pleased with that, and tries to start over, "So, Remus—what do your parents do for a living?"
"My parents are muggles, fam. They just get money, I dun know, they don't really have jobs, but they got hustle. They finesse down Weston Road, fam. They finessin' the mans out of their pockets."
Sirius and James both look at Peter, who just shrugs with a frantic look in his eyes. Sirius shakes his head and grins at Remus like he understands, "Oh, right mate. Where in Canada did you say you were from again?"
"I didn’t. I'm from the 6ix—Weston Road, fam, you already know! It's plush."
James looks hesitant when he replies, "Oh, er. We didn't already know...that's why we asked. Never heard of the 6ix."
Remus nods at them, a look of sadness suddenly crossing his lovely face, “Turonno, fam. Weston Road’s a little bit rough, I didn't fit in too much at school, fam. I used to come home and chill on the block—Weston lines, you already know. But I would say if you know what's up, stay with yourself, you move how you move, fam.”
“—but it's cool, cause now I'm here with my new fam, you know?” Remus jumps up and down suddenly excited, a spark in his eye, “Oh! Fam, fam—let me tell you the story about how I almost died smoking a muggle cigarette."
Peter rears back at that, "You were smoking a muggle cigarette? Are you not eleven like the rest of us?"
“I’m thirteen, fam. Anyways, so here I go outside to smoke a cigarette, and I'm on my porch sittin' down. I was bare tired fam, bare tired. Then a car drives by slowly. He's grillin' me, so I'm grillin' him."
Sirius tugs on James’ pyjamas, “Do you have any idea what's happening?”
“Not a clue, mate.”
Remus doesn’t seem deterred by their whispering, “So I got the cigarette in my mouth right, and I'm grillin' him, and he rolls his window down and he starts shootin' me like bom bom bom.”
“He starts shooting you!?”
“And like, fuck, fam—I was cheezed. After the first shot I fell, but they hit me so I flipped over. I ran into my back yard fam, and I hopped a fence, and when I hopped the fence I realized the bogie was still in my hand, and I was like what the hell is this bogie still doin' in my hand, so I tossed it and I was like fuck and I ran to the store."
Sirius turns to the other boys, “Pete, really going to need you to translate here.”
“I…I don’t know…”
“I thought you said your aunt was from Canada!”
Pete looks frantic, “Yeah, Manitoba! She says eh and oot instead of out. Not...whatever this is.”
Remus still doesn’t seem to notice their crisis. “—and I asked the store man one more time, did I get shot? And he's like yes. So I'm like call the ambulance, fam!"
There’s a long silence then. The three boys look at each other, waiting to see if he's going to finish the story, but he doesn't.
After a minute, a pale looking Pete mutters, "Crikey."
James shifts from foot to foot and offers, "Erm...well, we're glad you're alright, aren't we chaps?"
Sirius nods profusely, "Yeah, yeah, yes. So glad."
"Yeah, for sure, fam. That was some scary shite. That was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life, it was moshed. That's why I changed my rap name."
After another beat of silence where nothing else is offered, Sirius mumbles, “...Right.”
Remus jumps onto the end of his bed, swinging his legs, “Anyways, you don' wanna hear about that shit, fam. You wanna hear about the time I got gerked by this wolf? I gerked him back though, don' worry."
James looks at his wrist as if he were wearing a muggle watch, “Erm, it’s late and we're a bit tired, aren't we lads?"
Peter and Sirius answer in enthusiastic agreement, “So tired. Exhausted, really.”
“Ah, no worries, fam. You mind if I listen to Drake before bed? My moms got me this sick muggle music player, fam. Helps me sleep.”
Sirius has no idea what a Drake is, but he’s relieved to be getting out of this conversation, “Yeah, yeah, go for it, mate. Have a good night.”
He soon finds out, and as he lays back on his bed, listening to this Drake sing about God’s Plan, he thinks of the dimple on Remus’ cheek whenever he says fam and the way it makes something swoop in his belly.
It’s going to be an interesting year.
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oxydiane · 2 years
'Please, don't cry'
My entry for the bittersweet challenge! @jilytoberfest on ao3 too!
‘So, out with it,’ Lily crosses her arms in front of her chest, ‘what is James hiding?’ Sirius and Remus look at each other, a look of worry taking over both of their faces.
'Hiding? What— pft, what do you mean—‘
‘Moons,’ Sirius stops him, putting a hand on his shoulder before turning to Lily with a smirk. ‘Why would Prongs be hiding anything?’
‘You two just decided to take me out for brunch?’
‘Can’t a guy want to treat his best friend—‘
‘Ooh, I’m your best friend now, Black?’ Her tone is playful.
‘Of course, can’t a guy want to treat his best friend to brunch for her birthday?’
‘Without her husband,’
‘Yup, killjoy’s looking after your little accident, today is about you!’
Lily’s noise wrinkles and she tries to keep in a laugh. ‘I thought you were going to stop calling Harry that?’
‘Ne-ver,’ he gives her a toothy smile, Remus is still silent but Lily can see him stroking Sirius’ leg under the table. ‘Some things happen for the best, but I’ll keep reminding you long as I live.’
‘Let’s hope it’s a long while, then.’ She says, looking down into her drink and mentally cursing herself for the unhappy comment.
‘You know,’ speaks Remus after a long silence. ‘There’s a reason we chose a Muggle place… Feels like we can ignore it all for a little while.
Lily looks up from her cup, first into Remus’ eyes and then to the snowy street right outside the café. The people rushing and almost slipping face-first against the pavement are contrasted by happy families strolling with their kids. She smiles, but it’s almost bitter.
‘Yeah, maybe if we were born in a different time…’
‘Nu-uh,’ Sirius stops her before she can get to the end of her sentence. ‘None of that sad rubbish today, today is happy!’
He slides his own drink across the table and Lily raises an eyebrow. ‘Try it.’
She sighs but the grin never leaves her face as she picks up Sirius’ colourful glass and takes a tentative sip. It is sweet and quite nice.
‘Wow,’ Lily exhales and Sirius’ smile grows tenfold.
‘Right? These Muggles know what they’re doing. We’ll have one more!’ He calls to the waiter at last.
When they walk back to Godric’s Hollow, Lily and Sirius are giggling and holding onto each other, Remus looking at them fondly and rolling back his eyes as he opens the front door.
‘We’re home!’ Lily yells and Sirius playfully slaps her shoulder before breaking into a laugh. Lily would have told him to shove off if the sight she met inside her house didn’t make her eyes prickle. 
A banner hangs from the ceiling of their hallway and it reads in red and gold letters ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY’, she can tell the only word Harry worked on was Mummy. But that’s not what catches her attention.
What catches her attention are the walls adorned by colourful drawings in crayon, and James holding Harry in his arms, looking like he’s about to cry. Harry is dressed in his favourite onesie, a deer-shaped one.
‘MUMMY!’ The toddler shrieks, twisting in his father’s arms and reaching out for Lily.
‘Wow, Prongs, you’re a disaster,’ Sirius giggles.
‘Shut it, Pads—‘
‘You too, you—‘
‘Little troublemaker just like his dad,’ Remus says, clearly trying to ease the air as James looks just about ready to burst into tears.
‘Lily, I’m so sorry, he was supposed to draw on the banner, but I guess he found the walls more appealing…’
Lily can’t process a single word, eyes fixed on one of the many drawings adorning their walls: three stick figures, the redheaded and black-haired ones holding a smaller, black-haired one. Her eyes are wet.
‘No, please! I’ll fix it right away! Please, don’t cry,’
‘If you touch any of that, I’ll hex you.’ Her voice is shaky and James looks positively bewildered. 
Without another word, Lily makes her way across the room and takes Harry from James’ arms. She hugs the toddler and rests her forehead against her husband’s shoulder.
‘Lily, are you—‘
‘I love you so much,’ she sobs, Harry laughs and claps, smushing himself closer to Lily’s chest and James takes in a sharp breath before slipping an arm around her waist.
‘I love you too.’ He holds her tighter, one arm around her and the other around Harry.
‘Happy accident indeed— Ouch, Remus!’
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pandorahex · 8 months
The Sorceress
by Pandora Hex
This story got away from Me a little bit, in the best way possible. In many ways, it's taken Me just over 33 years to write - I hope it's good. It's not as erotic as I usually write here, but there are times you'll get glimpses of sensuality.
Content warnings for cult mentions, emotional abuse, allusions to hypnotic abuse, depression, transgender themes, emotions.
This is a story about a wicked sorceress, the hearts she stole, and the challenges she met along the way.
It’s got heartbreak, tragedy, loss and betrayal. Deception, too.
But it also has happiness. It’s got joy and passion and love. So much love, you wouldn’t believe it.
For a long time, the sorceress didn’t know her destiny. She didn’t know about the spark of magic, or about her own pleasure. She was ordinary, and she spent a lot of time forcing that to be true.
But magic isn’t easily contained. It sneaks out, in little ways.
Consider that young boy. It started with stories. Juvenile at first as you’d expect, knights and dragons, a childhood home exaggerated to be a mansion… no, a castle… no, a glorious palace!
He’d always scowl when he got carried away like that. No, he was nothing special.
He’s a little older now. He hasn’t written a story in years, ever since he shared the one about a princess fighting a vampire king and later found it in the bin.
He fits in, likes normal things, he has friends; he’s happy.
But that’s not really true, is it?
In an entirely different realm, the sorceress weaves her words into the threads of every discussion she comes across. Flitting from place to place, enchanting with her voice and her presence, and knowing with absolute certainty that this is what she was made for.
He logs off and ignores the hole in his heart. He has martial arts practice, he agreed to go to a birthday party for somebody he barely knows, he has a paper route to do, and he lies about how much he makes so he can spend the extra on…
The sorceress gasped when she first saw herself. The wig was terrible, the dress from the back of a wardrobe, out of style years ago.
But none of that mattered. The spark of magic ignited, and there was plenty of fantasy and imagination to kindle the flame.
“I wish you’d let me cut your hair.”
He was a bit too old for a paper route now, and the kind of wigs she wanted were getting a bit pricy. Why not just grow it? And it suited her.
“People are going to think you’re a girl.”
A lump in his throat. They won’t.
He was doing great. Top of his class, even a little popular, in the way that some nerdy boys could still pull off. He just knew the right things to say, how to present himself. The mask never slipped.
He skipped every swimming lesson, and wrote stories in detention.
She’s smiling behind the darkness in his head. If he’s popular at school, they love her even more in that other world.
The sorceress, who dazzles them with descriptions of incandescent magic, of subtle invocation, of the passion and excitement in her heart.
It’ll be years before she understands what those compliments really meant. What they thought she was. He talks to a guy on a school trip, and they sneak off to the bathrooms.
She asks him to call her a good girl, but quickly corrects himself in the momentary confusion.
People look at him a little funny after that, but not for too long. And he hardly cares anymore. She’s happier in the other world. Where she can talk now about everything that’s happening to her, she’s been granted access to those circles which tantalised her for so long.
But she’d already had glimpses of it, in private conversations, in that bathroom on the school trip. It had been calling her name, even if she didn’t have a real one yet.
It was, frankly, hypnotic.
He was independent now, full of shame. This wasn’t how a man was supposed to be. He shouldn’t be craving the things he was craving. And he should be going to his classes. Why couldn’t he make himself go? A year sped by. Failed out on the final exam by one point.
He’d wasted so much time on fantasy. It was her fault. He cut her hair, he threw away her clothes and she wept with every knife he stabbed into his own heart.
He logged on this time, he was in that other realm. It felt.. familiar and different at the same time. He made new friends, found a new home. And after a while, he found something incredible.
A soft, fluffy, white pup. With the bluest eyes, pretty round face.
They talked every day. They spent every hour playing games and watching robots fight, roleplaying and falling in love.
On their first date, the pupy wore the gothiest, laciest dress he’d ever seen. He got to find out, on the back of a bus, that she wasn’t wearing underwear.
He had a good life. He’d thrown everything that reminded him of the sorceress away and didn’t think about it much. Snatched moments in B&Bs, hotels, rented apartments. He was happy and comfortably ordinary.
She hadn’t cut her hair again though. It grew back fast.
He had no idea where it came from. It was a night like any other, he was playing with his pup. Completely from nowhere, the magic flared into life again. There she was, in all her glory, all curves and happiness, in a sleek red swimsuit.
Her pup was the most loyal, most loving, kindest and devoted pet a woman could hope for. Their bond only grew stronger after that moment. She explored more, became the woman she really was.
She didn’t know she’d done it at the time, but this was the first captured heart, treasured and held close.
We used the word before: hypnotic.
It had always been part of her fantasies, but here she was, using her voice and her words to enchant people, to let them enchant her.
To let them tell her to do things. Think things. To ignore some things. Oh dear.
Doing what Crimson said was bad. But it felt good. Until it didn’t feel good anymore. She had to get out. Her magic was stymied, for a while. But she’d found something else in that excitement, something truly important.
A smiling, confident, clockwork doll.
They escaped that cult. She still feels strange using that word. They found their own spaces for a while, the sorceress and the doll. Life went on. She got to be her own person again, always weaving in and out of tantalising scenes and situations.
The vampire was enticing. She had an energy, an allure the sorceress couldn’t help but desire. It was the vampire who invited the sorceress in, and they grew close.
But she didn’t understood her own magic properly. Not yet.
Maybe it was something left over from the cult. But it was her own fault. She hadn’t been able to see it. As much as hypnosis had given her, it was taking away from her too. She wasn’t seeing these precious gifts the way she ought to. She’d hurt people. Treated them wrong.
The scar still glows on her heart.
I promise you, dear reader, that there is a happy ending. But the next part might lead you to think that things couldn’t possibly have gotten better. I want you to bear in mind as you read, that the sorceress’ tale has many more chapters yet.
The vampire and her family cast the sorceress out. She sealed her magic, so she couldn't hurt anybody again. She cut her hair.
Her hair though. Nothing would ever take that away.
She spent her days in darkness and sadness, other than the brief windows with her loyal pup.
In one of these moments, curled up in sadness, the sorceress felt a presence, looked up and saw a hand, held out to her. A solid, ball-jointed hand.
The doll gave her a gift that has never faded. Hope, recovery. Maybe redemption.
And slowly, the magic began to burn again. Only embers; we remember that magic has a way of sneaking out. She began to share her hypnosis again. Carefully, deliberately.
Her doll always supporting, conditioned and brainwashed through passion and effort and love.
This time had been on purpose. Her second captured heart, treasured and held close.
The sorceress went through many changes in her time. She was slime, she was a robot, a kitten, a demonic force. But none of those masks fit better than the sorceress.
So she discarded the mask entirely, and found that what was left behind was Her.
She poured Her entire heart into Her new passion, and the magic only grew more incandescent, harnessed but all the more magnificent for being under Her control.
By chance, she met the vampire again. The vampire didn’t recognise Her, and once upon a time that would have been a relief. But the sorceress knew, and She spoke with Her doll. She laid her heart open for the vampire, admitted Her failings.
And they spoke for a long time.
They’re probably laughing and talking about kink even as you read this. The vampire gave Her forgiveness. The scar on Her heart has almost faded now.
She only continued to grow, more powerful. Happier, more passionate. Able to sprinkle in some of that spicy darkness now and then. You’re used to that though, by now.
She was even able to find time to be normal. But even then, She was Herself.
She tried streaming. She’d loved streaming, years before, hours and hours spent with Her pup, laughing and loving and making fun of games. But somehow, they hadn’t had time for it for a while.
She started checking out other people’s streams too.
And one day, as if She’d slipped down a secret tunnel into a world she hadn't found before, She found the funniest woman She’d ever met. Her laugh still echos in the sorceress’ heart to this very day, and She's blessed with her light every day. But we're jumping ahead.
They laughed, made crude jokes, talked about their lives. They laughed about how they each thought the other was "The Cool One". They laughed about their shared tastes and they laughed about whatever they could find to laugh about. Before long, those laughs were moans.
And in very little time at all, the sorceress crafted the funniest woman in the world a set of wings, and showed her how to fly. Another blazing bond of love, touched as always with a delightful helping of brainwashing and conditioning.
Love blossoming more all the time. A third captured heart, treasured and held close.
She's captured lots of hearts now, though briefly, always giving them a touch of affection before handing them back. This story doesn't tell you about those who were in Her orbit only for a little while, taken away by chance, choice or fate.
And it doesn't tell you about the hearts She has yet to capture, or might be in the process of capturing right now. In many ways, this isn't really a story. It's only Chapter One.
So I won't say The End… but this is an ending. I hope it's a happy one.
Thank you for getting this far, My dear reader. A good story should always end with hope. Hope for a better tomorrow, for laughs and loves that will lift you up. I'm supported by so many who lift Me up every day, and I strive to lift them too.
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, know only this: I am rooting for you. I know that no matter what pain is in your heart, no matter what evil lurks there or around you, you are worthwhile. Strive, and win.
With hope, Pandora Hex, Wordbender.
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strawberry-soot · 1 year
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ♠️DEUCE BIRTHDAY SSR FLOWER ANALYSIS* ♠️*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
*Mandatory reminder that I’m no flower specialist, which means these are all very subjective opinions. Take everything with a grain of salt!
Poppy anemones, also known as windflowers, symbolize loyalty and the fragility of life – with its name referring to either the wind that helps blow the flowers open, or their susceptibility to wind. The blue color gives them the meaning of protection (against evil), though anemones in general are known to provoke feelings of expectation and excitement. They’re one of the flowers that open during daytime, but close again at night, so they’re ideal gifts for those coming of age, or currently about to start a new chapter in their life.
Deuce has blue hydrangeas, which carry the meaning of forgiveness, rejection, and regret, and are typically gifted when you’re looking to apologize, or to symbolize a new starting point. In Europe and the Victorian Flower Language they’re symbols of arrogance and boastfulness, but nowadays, they’re more commonly understood to show understanding, gratitude, or even as a way to express your concern for the recipients’ feelings (which is derived from their Japanese meaning).
Blue carnations are relatively new flowers that don’t grow naturally, and thus don’t have much history. However, they’re associated with peace, truth, and devotion. Carnations in general are synonymous for affectionate feelings for someone loved and adored. They’re a symbol of distinction, creativity, and uniqueness – and a popular gift for Mother’s Day. (Interestingly, in the Netherlands they’re associated with defiance and rebellion.)
The gentiana scabra in his bouquet represent justice, accuracy and victory because of its upward flowering shape. Another reading is that of lonely love, or loving someone who is sorrowful, or that of chastity.
Cornflowers are symbols of reliability, anticipation, prosperity, devotion, tenderness, and love. Depending on what color you believe Deuce’s flowers to be (because color-picking in photoshop has revealed them to be a lovely indigo – so exactly between blue and purple): blue cornflowers carry an additional meaning of hope, and striving for the unattainable, while their purple variation symbolizes power and dignity.
The small, white flowers in Deuce’s bouquet are either lupines or larkspurs. Lupines are used to symbolize growth and change, strength and protection, as well as transformation and renewal. They represent a passion for life and different experiences, and inner strength since they’re resilient and durable and one of the few flowers that can grow in any soil. White lupines also stand for self-sacrifice, selflessness and forgiveness, and are symbols of compassion for others. Although highly subjective, many believe lupines to be astrologically connected to the signs of Gemini or Cancer (with Deuce being a Gemini). Larkspurs, on the other hand, are symbolic of swiftness, strong bonds, and a beautiful spirit. They’re associated with lightheartedness and youth, as well as a desire for lightness, or simply a pure heart. White larkspurs are typically seen as symbols of happiness, pride, and joy.
Clovers are signs of protection and are believed to be charms against negativity and hexes. They’re closely associated with good fortune and luck, but can also carry the meaning of success, fidelity, joyfulness, and lightheartedness.
Naturally, these are only my un-educated guesses, but feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong/what flowers I might’ve missed.
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msweebyness · 8 months
Weeby’s Birthday Headcanon Bonanza!!!
Happy birthday to me!!! Enjoy this y’all! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
(School for Monstrous Youths) If you’ve seen the ZOMBIES movies, when he feels that he’s screwed up, WereKim does the “Bad wolf!” thing that Wynter does, hitting the sides of his head with his fists.
(Class of Villainy) Ivan Oogie tried to scare MisShark once. She bit his hand and kicked him in the delicate zone.
(Class of Heroes) When Soo-Lin Lee first met Robette, he actually passed clean out and they were this close to calling an ambulance. Once he came to, he calmed down enough to simply ask for an autograph.
(Creepsters) WitchyLene, WitchyReille and WitchyRore love to sing Hex Girls songs while casting their spells.
(Ghoul Squad) When Mylentasma is excited about something, her laugh sounds like Phantasma from Ghoul School.
(WereMiraculous) The DuPont pack all sleeps in a huge puppy pile in their cave. They feel safer and warmer when they’re all together.
(Batraculous) The Bat Gang often has competitions to see who can do the best “Batman Voice”. Ivan is a frequent winner, as well as Rose, surprisingly.
(DuPont Cheer) Whenever anyone on the squad gets injured, the others drop everything to take care of them, no matter how minor.
(Shadyverse) It’s not a matter of IF a fight breaks out at the school, it’s a matter of how many happen that day.
(Descendants) Darcy is afraid of thunderstorms. Everyone who knows about this is sworn to absolute secrecy.
(Phantoms of Paris) One of the Phantoms’ favorite pastimes is to haunt and scare the crap out of abusers of all kinds. (And providing comfort to their victims.)
(DC AU) Aurore will get into VERY heated debates with people about the negative portrayal of sharks in movies. She can bash Jaws for hours on end.
(Class of Heroes) The heroes keep a running track of how long it takes Kimules’ sleeves to tear when he makes the mistake of buying a shirt with them. The record is ten seconds.
(Descendants) Uma and Lonnie are the only people who the other has never been able to beat in a sword fight. It always ends in a draw.
(WereMiraculous) As the Omegas of the pack, Marc and Adrien are not allowed to go anywhere alone, they must have constant protection. They commiserate over this.
(School for Monstrous Youths) If you’re a little on the prudish side, it’s best to avoid a certain set of corridors in the catacombs. It’s where all the couples go to make out and…you know, other things.
(Ghoul Squad) The squad likes watching human horror movies about their species and critiquing everything they get wrong.
(Class of Villainy) One of Mylensula’s favorite movies is Titanic…but not for the reasons one would typically expect.
(Favoritism AU) Marinette once went out of her way to ensure that EVERYONE in the family forgot Marc’s birthday, planning several events on the day to distract them. Only Kiran remembered and got his brother a set of quality pens.
(Creepsters) Marinette Von Bugg once successfully created a Time Machine, but unfortunately it broke almost instantly and she lost the plans.
(School for Monstrous Youths) WereKim, IsmaCat and BatNais form the WereKid squad. They like to go on hunts and play-wrestle with each other.
I hope you guys liked this!!! Feel free to add on in the comments and reblogs!
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hotdrinks · 6 months
happy birthday leland!! 🤭🥳🩷 hope you have a good day!!!
<3 <3 <3 thank you hex!!!! i have had a very lovely birthday :3
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yoisami · 6 months
sakiiiiiii your event sounds so fun vshsbd awww I'd love to take part!!!!
ok so you know my name already but hana :D and idk if you saw this coming but I pick kuroo :D
I think my personality would be uhhh let's see I'm kind of shy around new people??? But I get very comfortable if you get to know me and I think I can be fun to hang out with if I'm comfy with you. I will always listen to or atleast try to listen to my friends' problems and try my best to give solutions and I try my best to create good first impressions!! I'm definitely much quieter around ppl I'm not exactly close with and I'm kind of an overthinker cuz I overanalyse the smallest situation lol. I also love hugging people and being hugged (also again if I'm comfortable with one then) and I really like words of affirmation and acts of service. I mean if people write texts saying they appreciate me I find that very sweet and I'll prolly love you forever lol (ty saki for that birthday wish I still read it and it makes me blush).
I really like music and literature as well as movies and tv shows (fleabag and dead poets society ftw) I also love greek mythology and mythology in general I like polaroids and film photography too! Oh and also hot chocolate and vanilla scent! I do not like people who interrupt others or like yk when you're trying to get a point across but the other party just isn't ready to listen? It infuriates me!!! Also hate carrots yuck;( oh I also don't like math and learning up history
Sounds cliche but I'd like to go to an art museum for a date and then just walk around with ice cream talking about whatever. An aesthetically pleasing cafe also sounds good tbh!
There isn't any colour I specifically hate so go all out :D :D (ok maybe except like neon yellow it's a bit meh)
yoisami’s first random event — request no. 1 (@rewh0re)
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notes from saki: hi hana bae, thank u for participating („ᵕᴗᵕ„) !! and yes i saw it coming bc who else loves kuroo more than u ?? anyways i hope u like it hehe (and apologies if u don’t like the colour i gave u ;-;).
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૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა 💭: you and kuroo’s relationship seems like it would be light-hearted, supportive and mature. it’s exhilarating like a rollercoaster ride, or a summer day at the beach, but at the same time, it can be calm like the waves in the early morning. this relationship is full of teasing, playful banter (which would be initiated by kuroo) and giggles, and prolonged embraces and meaningful apologies when jokes accidentally cross the comfort border :)
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orange chiffon, in my opinion, looks like a colour that resonates with happy moments, laughter and encouragement, which are things that i think encapsulates you and kuroo as a couple. i believe that in this relationship, you and kuroo spend a lot of time teasing each other (whether it be you making fun of his bedhead, or him making fun of your height), and that is what makes your relationship light-hearted. i can also imagine you and kuroo spending a lot of time laughing with each other—maybe you share the same humour, but i’m sure it’s because you’re both comfortable with each other. i feel like kuroo would also try really hard to make you laugh as he views it as an accomplishment that fuels his confidence!
you’re both incredibly supportive of each other’s dreams and goals, and you both catch each other when the other falls. he knows you like it when he writes you little notes, so on the day of any big event you have (a presentation, an exam, or an interview), he’ll slip a note of encouragement in the top/side pocket of your bag, hoping you’ll read the note (because you reach in there the most).
however, orange chiffon is much lighter than the typical orange colour, and also toned down in vibrancy. to me, this somewhat represents a sense of maturity. a typical orange colour would be brighter, indicating more energy, which i think, would be more likely to associate with naïve teenage relationships. while you and kuroo have your fun being together, it’s slightly different to a relationship between two sixteen-year-olds who fall in love for the first time. i also have a feeling that you’re not each other’s first loves, but you’re each other’s most memorable love—the kind of love that you cannot forget. you could have started off as friends who attended the same high school, and eventually as time went on, when you’re both older and wiser, you fell in love with both the good and bad parts about each other.
because of kuroo’s constant teasing, i feel like disputes mostly arise from that. it sometimes seems like he’s never taking things seriously, but he just assumes that a joke here and there could make you feel better. or sometimes, he goes a little bit overboard, and says something insensitive. while kuroo is proud, he’s never unwilling to admit when he’s done something wrong. he handles most disputes maturely, and as an indirect way to ask for forgiveness, i can see him cleaning the dishes even though it’s your turn to do so today, or taking out your set of pyjamas and leaving them on your bed so you don’t have to get them yourself. it might take you a while to forgive him, but at the end of the day, you always walk back into his arms while he profusely apologises. and of course, his way of making up to you is by spending time with you, suggesting to watch your favourite movie or television show while cuddling you the whole time.
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© yoisami 2023. all images used are from pinterest. colour names are obtained from pantone.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Bête Noire Sneak Peek!
Chapter One: The Bête Noire and the Letter
“Oi, there you are,” a familiar voice called behind him.
Sirius shoved the letter into his pocket as quickly as possible before his fingers carded through his hair. Turning to his right, James appeared at his side in his Macintosh coat and Gryffindor striped scarf. He didn’t look cold, and Sirius had no doubt that he was smart enough to cast a Warming Charm. 
“Hey,” Sirius greeted.
“Happy birthday,” James said as he gestured his hand. “Budge over.”
The rock wasn’t that big so Sirius had no idea how he was supposed to even share it with his mate. Without a word, he scooted over until half of his bum hung off the edge. It was uncomfortable and plain stupid, but James didn’t seem bothered as he sat close to him. Pulling a black box out of his coat pocket, neatly wrapped in a gold ribbon, James held it out to Sirius. 
Taking the gift, Sirius unwrapped it carefully. “Thanks, mate.”
When he lifted the lid off the box, Sirius let out a bark-like laugh as he saw five crossword books and a set of quills with a rainbow of ink colors.
“I know how restless you get when I’m at Quidditch practice and Remus is off doing prefect things,” James commented. “I also know there is only so long you can put up with Peter before you’re chewing his head off.”
Sirius snorted. “He asks the stupidest questions.”
James elbowed him in the side. “Try to be a bit more patient with him, yeah? He’s a good bloke. I mean, he figured out Mrs. Norris’ weakness with that Pointer Spell. Merlin, that’s been dead useful because I swear that blasted cat can see through Invisibility Cloaks.”
Sirius shrugged as he pulled out one of the books and flipped through it. “I am patient with him.”
Sirius knew that was a bald-faced lie, but he figured it was best to at least deny that Peter frustrated him more often than not. James and Remus were far more patient and tolerant than he was.
James laughed. “You can’t lie to me, Sirius. You’ve always been snippy towards him for as long as I can remember.”
Sighing, Sirius tossed the book back into the box and closed it. It was clearly a lack of patience on Sirius’ part. He knew that. Peter could be quite dense, asking a billion questions, always so fucking eager. They were all personality traits that Sirius couldn’t fucking stand while James and Remus found them endearing for reasons Sirius just didn’t comprehend.
“He doesn’t think half the time,” Sirius explained. “I mean, if he just took an extra minute or two and actually thought before he spoke, he’d annoy me a lot less.”
James chuckled, clapping Sirius on the back. “Ahh, there’s the Sirius Black I know and love: critical and grumpy.” 
Sirius didn’t say anything, instead he looked out on the calm dark water. His mind flickered back to the damn letter in his pocket once more. He couldn’t help but overanalyze the words. Make the necessary corrections. What the bloody hell did that even mean? Hadn’t his mother attempted to correct his behavior in the past and failed? She had certainly hexed and cursed him, locked him up and starved him, berated and shouted at him. There wasn’t much more she could do, surely, besides fucking torture him. Even he didn’t think it would go as far as that.
“You all right, mate?” James pressed.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Sirius replied, his voice monotone and automatic.
“What? Did Kreacher send you maggots again?” James asked, his voice far too casual as he prodded.
Sirius snorted, remembering how he had showed James the box full of maggots Kreacher sent him for his last birthday. They had snuck into the Slytherin Common Room in the dead of night and poured the maggots all over the sofas and chairs. 
“Nah, no maggots. Just a letter,” Sirius replied, hoping to squash James’ curiosity, as he rose from the rock and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. His fingers brushed against the letter.
James didn’t relent though. “What did the letter say?” 
Sirius looked up at the sky, noting the red hue. The last thing he felt like talking about was his mother’s foreboding letter and his paranoia about going home for the holidays. He had a good month and a half to stew over what would happen to him once he stepped foot into Grimmauld Place. Maybe that’s what she wanted, to make him a nervous mess. He was absolutely sick of the chokehold she had on him. There was nothing he wanted more than to be free of her and her abusive clenches. 
“The same as always,” Sirius replied, his voice flat and leaving no room for discussion. 
James nodded, a sigh escaping his lips as he looked up at Sirius. “Want to grab breakfast and then skive off Divination?”
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hexavexen · 2 years
A Gift for Toby (FINALE)
Continued from HERE, contents are based on a text rp with @ask-vulcan-and-toby​
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After passing Toby the potted wither rose, Hex is invited for a chat. It’s not his specialty, but he obliges.
(Long post - click “
“Where did you hear it was my birthday?” the enderslime asks. Hex produces the letter, commenting that he wasn’t aware of the flower’s potency. Toby sighs, explaining that it was sent to him months ago. He’s disappointed, but at least positive that he was remembered by his creator. 
Despite her lack of overall care, he expresses that he can’t hate the person who brought him into the world. Hex, who much rather would have been abandoned like Toby, could only listen with growing disgust.
“JUST BECAUSE THEY CREATED YOU DOESN’T MEAN YOU HAVE TO LIKE THEM,” he hisses with every ounce of effort in his body.
“I guess you’re right. I’m soft-hearted. I don’t like to hold anger toward people who were wrong to me in the past....if I held it all in, I probably wouldn’t have you sitting here next to me after all you’ve put me through.” Toby diffused Hex’s hostility, sensing pain. Hex refused to elaborate on his circumstances, so Toby brought the topic to something they could both appreciate - flowers.
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“Flowers have meanings,” Toby beamed. “My favorites are dandelions...they stand for growth, hope, and healing. I’ve got a lot of growing and healing to do, especially from a rough childhood and broken heart. The scars are always part of me, but they don’t control me anymore.”
A flower for his pain. Hex instantly diverted his attention back to the rose in his hands. Toby had never seen it before, but its behavior was enough for him to guess. “Perhaps....it means anger, death, loss, and pain?  It has a lot of malice in it, but maybe it comes from something negative. It sounds a little like what I know about you.”
Hex had been a tough sell so far, but his face soon lifted with delight. He pointed to the flowers he wanted Toby to talk about, which....was pretty much all of them. Daisies were for innocence. Sunflowers represented loyalty and happiness. Luck and fortune for alliums. And at last...a flower with drooping white bells.
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“Lily of the valley,” Toby said with confidence. “A beautiful flower that means devotion, rebirth, and transformation. It’s lovely, but poisonous.”
Hex’s mind was awash with visions of his old Nether home - the dismal soul sand valleys. It didn’t grow there - almost nothing did. It was the same bright white color that he was. Cautiously, Hex grabbed for it, explaining his own home as best he could. Toby was mortified by his nonchalant attitude toward the atrocities of the Nether but the good vibes were infectious. “THIS IS MY OTHER FAVORITE FLOWER,” Hex declared in a discordant echo.
Toby smiled, too. It felt strange at first to fraternize with someone he thought was always going to be his enemy...but they weren’t unlike each other in the end. They had different ways of expressing their inner pain. Perhaps the future would be full of gardening tales instead of biting steel.
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grimstalkr · 1 year
Agh, where is she?
Chrom glances back and forth, trying to pick out a very specific head of black hair. It's Tharja's birthday today, and he can't recall ever getting to celebrate it before he left to come to the monastery for his studies. In his hands sits a rectangular package, neatly wrapped in black paper and decorated with gold ribbon. He hopes she'll like what he's gotten her; after over a year of studying the magical arts, he feels like he might have a better grasp of what the Plegian mage's preferences are. Of course, if he can't find her, he'll never know whether or not she actually will appreciate his gift.
Oh! There she is! He spots her in the shadowy hallway and slips out of the great hall, heading towards her. "Tharja, hey! I have something for you. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday!" He hands over the package, which will reveal an elegant knife (perfect for both rituals, hex-making, and self-defense) laid in a gold-trimmed ebony box. Most people would balk at giving anyone with dark inclinations a potential murder weapon, but Chrom trusts Tharja will use the instrument wisely and well.
"I... I hope it's to your liking! I wasn't sure what to get you, but I figured you'd appreciate something that would help you in your research."
Tharja had hoped for a quiet birthday. She explicitly avoided telling people but it seemed the school had other ideas. People she hardly knew were wishing her well, leaving her in a strange mood. Upon hearing Chrom call out to her, she nearly tried speeding away down the hall from the stress of it all. Though she reluctantly stopped, unable to deal with how she knew he would deflate if she ignored him. He had been nothing but nice to her it was the least she could do back.
"A gift?" She said, taking the box carefully. She opened it quickly, a clear interest shining in her dark eyes. The box itself was ornate and beautiful. She wondered what could be inside. When she saw the knife, a thrill went through her chest. It was lovely and exactly the kind of gift she would want. She could use it in any number of ways and she had a hard time swallowing the lump that jumped up into her throat. What a strange man Chrom was. So thoughtful.
"It's..." Tharja struggled for her words, letting her fingers trace the handle of the blade. "Perfect. Ironic almost. Reminds me of what I said to you when we first met back in Plegia."
She took a slow breath in before exhaling again. She wondered if he remembered what she said.
"Thank you, Chrom. As always, you're strangely in tune with things others like. I... Love it."
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whatarenargles19 · 2 years
Dear Harry,
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You had me, the moment you said, “I think you’ve made a mistake. I mean, I… can’t be a… a wizard. I mean, I’m… just… Harry. Just Harry.”
That moment, you proved your humbleness and simplicity. Dear Potter, you aren’t just Harry. You are everything Harry.
On your first journey to Hogwarts, by swapping the sandwiches for all the tempting chocolates with Ron, you unknowingly swapped the love of a family for a lifetime.
When you chose the “right sort for yourself”, you unknowingly
got your best Mate for life. Your “brother from a different mother.”
The night you dragged Ron to warn Hermione about the troll in the dungeon, and saved her, you surely got yourself another shining armor of a lifetime. Someone who will help you in all your ups and downs.
When you went to face Professor Quirrell alone, suspecting Severus Snape all the time, you didn’t think of the danger on your life.
The day you left Hogwarts for the first time, and you said “I’m not going home, not really”,
our hearts sighed with you.
Remember when you entered the Burrow and told Ron,” “I think it’s great!” Your yearing for a normal Happy “home” was evident in those words.
Remember how you used Parseltongue and had no idea about it? Remember how you were scared you’re like Lord Voldemort? You aren’t like him harry
I can’t forget the infuriating rage inside you when you overheard that Sirius betrayed your parents in spite of being their best friend. But I can’t also forget how happy you were to think of a life with Sirius, after you uncovered the truth. I’m sorry it didn’t work out that way.
Do you remember the bravery you showed at the second task at the Triwizard Championship? In this selfish world, who thinks that way Potter?
You were a true friend, Harry. Truly. It’s amazing you never let Neville feel you knew his darkest secret, the one he was too scared to share with anyone.
Remember how you just flied off to the Ministry of Magic, just to save Sirius, without pondering over the danger that may be lurking there?
Hermione was right, wasn’t she, when she said, “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery!” You are brimming with both, aren’t you?
Remember how you chose to walk away from the Burrow, taking the blame for Moody’s demise and trying to avoid the deaths that may occur in the future? You showed how much you cared for people. You really did.
Where did you acquire this forgiving heart from? Ron walked away angrily from you, blaming you and throwing accusations at you. Even then, you accepted him without any apology with open arms.
When Dobby died in your arms, my heart cried with you. When you decided to bury him “without magic”, my heart cried more. You indeed are an unusual wizard Harry.
I’m sorry for your loss Harry. From your parents to Hedwig, Sirius, Mad Eye, Lupin, and everyone else, I know you miss them. I miss them too.
In spite of the enmity with Draco, you saved his life from the Fiend Fire. Do you know, you unofficially broke the enmity thread that connected you and Malfoy in that moment?
Tell me, How did you gather the courage to embrace death? Was it just love for everyone who would be punished by Voldemort lest you didn’t surrender yourself to him, or was it for the greater good? You walked towards your death with with bravery. You were a true Gryffindor Potter!
By the way, how’s life treating you Harry?
You indeed got a “normal wedding” for yourself, didn’t you. Something which you hadn’t even imagined.
How many times were you hexed with Bat Bogey hex for some wrong doing at home?
For spoiling your kids, or for being lazy? Or for not heeding to her commands?
I hope you’re enjoying the phase.
We love you.
We always will.
And yes a very happy birthday❤
by Vaishali Singh
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reblogging4thewin · 2 years
Regarding Bunnies
Rating: G | 1.1k words | Destiel
Cas gets Dean a fluffy surprise for Easter, with Sam's help.
Happy Birthday @angelscas!
Cas stood in front of the enclosure and watched the bunny chewing on a piece of cabbage. The fluorescent lights of the pet store cast a glare on the glass, so he crouched down for a better look, ignoring Sam as he walked up behind him.
“Cas, I’m sure you know this, well I hope you know this, but it’s not good to get bunnies or chicks as Easter presents. Springing any pet on someone is not the best idea - because it’s like you’re gifting them a responsibility they didn’t sign up for.” Sam sighed. “You don’t want to have to take that bunny to a shelter in a month. I mean, Jack rarely visits.”
Cas was unfazed. “This isn’t for Jack.” He stood and turned to face Sam. “The bunny is for Dean.” Cas’ face lit up with the memory in his mind. “We did talk about it. He’d like to have a bunny - we just didn’t plan a set date to get one. The timing is the only thing that’s a surprise.”
“Since when does Dean want a bunny?” Sam raised an eyebrow quizzically.
“He said he had an amazing time with a bunny while he was under a spell once.”
Sam squinted in thought for a moment before snapping his fingers in recognition. “I remember that. It was a hex that made him completely lose his senses, Cas.” Sam raised his hands up and used his fingers to count off a list. “He forgot what a lamp was, he almost shot me, he ran screaming from a case - and from a tiny dog, and he rode a mechanical bull.”
Cas chuckled and shook his head. “You say that as though the bull was the most surprising part.”
Keep reading below or on AO3
Sam rolled his eyes. “Maybe Dean remembers it as a good time, but trust me - it was not.”
“Those other things are beside the point.” Cas waved Sam’s words off dismissively. “Dean told me that, while he’d lost his filters and memories, his emotions came to the surface. He told you he wanted out of hunting, which he’d mentioned other times too when he wasn’t hexed; so that should show you that he was in some way still speaking his mind.” He turned back towards the bunny. “He told me that in that moment, while things were falling apart, the bunny had made him happy.” Cas’ voice softened. “And I want to make him happy.”
Sam sighed. “Cas, I’m pretty sure you already make him very happy.” Then he mumbled under his breath “and I try to tune it out.”
The tips of Cas’ ears turned pink. “Dean is…a nurturing person. And he does want a bunny. He has so much care and love to give. I couldn’t possibly keep it all to myself, as much as I may want to.” He paused for a beat. “But, a bunny I could share with.”
The laughter took Cas by surprise. Sam wheezed for a moment as he tried to speak. “I would say that most people adopt, but you two have adopted children covered.”
Cas turned back to face Sam again. “Well, we’re adopting this bunny.” He said with finality, and he walked over to get the clerk.
Dean came home to find a carrot stick on his bed, wrapped in a ribbon, and a card. He crinkled his nose in confusion as he opened the card.
This carrot is for a surprise for later. I think you’re going to love it. You’ll see when I get back.
Cas’ handwriting was blocky and disjointed like a stone carving, but it was always beautiful to Dean.
The message was concerning though. He gave the carrot stick the side-eye as he got a feel for it in his hands and wondered if he should cut the more fragile pointy end off for safety purposes.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to wonder for long, as the clang of the bunker’s front door and footsteps on the stairs echoed faintly down the hall.
He went straight down the hall to investigate, and, purely by accident, he brought the carrot with him.
As he approached the map room, he saw that Cas had a metal cage in his right hand, but he couldn’t see what was inside. Cas turned towards Dean as he approached, evidently hearing his footsteps too.
Cas raised the cage up and beamed. “Surprise! He’s an early Easter present.”
Dean leaned in and looked at the bunny. The bunny looked at Dean, his nose wiggling continuously.
The smile that spread across Dean’s face lit up the room as he jumped up enthusiastically. “Aw hell yeah, Cas!” He instinctively went to clap his hands together as he exclaimed, and realized he was still holding the carrot. “Oh! So that’s what this was for.”
Cas set the cage down on the table and squinted at Dean. “What did you think it was for?”
“Ok, I’ll be in my room.” Sam took off without a second glance, leaving Dean blushing with his angel and his bunny.
“Nevermind. Thank you, Sweetheart.” Dean smiled mischievously at Cas. “I guess I won’t be calling you bunny anymore.”
“You’ve never called me bunny.”
“No, but I could’ve. Like Sunshine or anything else.” He paused and smirked. “Would it be weird if I named him Benny? Benny the bunny?”
“I’m just kidding, Sweetheart.” Dean opened the cage and scooped the bunny into his arms, petting him. “I think I’ll name him Sammy.”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah. I think it’s fitting.”
Cas smiled fondly and put his hand on Dean’s shoulder. “Because you’re the most caring man on earth.”
Dean huffed but was still smiling. “Because I can bug Sam about it.”
Cas ran his hand slowly down Dean’s arm until he reached the bunny. He rubbed him behind the ears and leaned down a bit to look him in the eyes. His brow furrowed with concentration for a moment before he looked back up at Dean. “He likes the name.”
Dean was giving Cas a look which Cas now knew was a mixture of admiration or adoration and an involuntary reaction to him, just like when he got back from purgatory and cleaned himself up. “Awesome.” Dean choked out.
He gestured the bunny towards Cas a bit, a question. Cas accepted Sammy with open arms, and Dean kissed his husband as he handed the bunny over.
As their lips parted, Dean turned and yelled down the hall. “Hey Sammy! Come help me build a playpen for Sammy!”
Cas looked down and raised Sammy up a bit so he could see his facial expressions. “You’d like a playpen, Sammy, wouldn’t you?” He rubbed behind the bunny’s ears. “We can set it up here in this room where you’ll have more company. And you can sleep in my old room. I’ll set this little crate up in there for you.”
With Sammy in one arm, and the crate in the other, Cas walked down the hall feeling happy to finally have a peaceful life and a growing family to share it with.
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 2 years
Donkey Kong and Dancing
Pairing: Fremione
Word Count: 1k
Request: Fremione dancing around each other during the summer of Order of the Phoenix
Warnings: none?
A/N: I know I'm a couple days late but happy birthday @bright-patterson!! I have absolutely loved sharing the brain rot over these two with you and I really hope you like this little oneshot!!
Also, for those who are wondering, the original Gameboy came out in 1989, and Donkey Kong was released for the console in 1994 (OotP takes place in 1995-96) in which DK is actually the antagonist. I did my research for accuracy and I want you all to know that. Although actually the description of gameplay is actually probably not that accurate.
Hermione didn’t even look up when she heard the signature crack of apparition this time. She’d become somewhat desensitized to it over the last couple of months at Grimmauld Place.
“What do you want?” She asked, voice tense as she gripped the console in her hands.
“What is that?” Fred deflected her question with one of his own, taking a step towards where Hermione was sitting cross-legged at the end of her bed.
“It’s a Gameboy.” She answered shortly, words punctuated by a particularly aggressive jab at one of the buttons.
“A game boy?”
“It’s a muggle device. My parents got it for me for Christmas last year.”
She watched him slowly reach out from her peripheral vision.
“Can I-“
“Touch it and I’ll hex you.” She interrupted and a pleased warm feeling bubbled up in her when he froze immediately.
“Okay… can I at least see what you’re doing?” He asked cautiously as if she might bite if he said the wrong thing.
“I suppose,” she replied, biting her lip as she reached one of the more difficult parts of the level. It had stumped her a few times in the past, preventing her from reaching the end despite having passed it several other times.
He moved slowly stiffly out of the corner of her eye as he climbed up onto the bed. The mattress shifted as he moved, the whole experience likely worse than if he’d just done it quickly, and Hermione found herself gripping the console tighter so as to not lose it in the shuffle. If she didn’t already, she would certainly have lines in her hands from the edges and buttons of the console when she finally let go.
At his overly cautious pace, it took him what felt like hours to get into a comfortable enough position, though Hermione reasoned that she hadn’t gotten much farther along into the level so it couldn’t have taken that much time. She’d just finally gotten the key when she felt him settle in behind her.
He was situated in a way that if she leaned backward just a little, she would be resting against his chest, a fact that, if she acknowledged it, would make her blush like a schoolgirl and lose focus on the level. So she didn’t acknowledge it, instead, doubling down on the game, determined to tune out all that was Fred Weasley.
“Who is that?” He asked, leaning forward ever so slightly to look over her shoulder, his chest suddenly brushing lightly against her back.
Well so much for tuning him out.
“That’s Mario.”
“What’s he doing?”
“You have to get the key to the door to save Pauline.”
“Who’s Pauline?”
“I dunno, some girl Mario has to rescue from Donkey Kong.”
“Okay… who’s Donkey Kong?”
“He’s a monkey.”
Hermione was good at this part. At this point, she could probably do it in her sleep with how many times she’d played through this part of the level. It was the lead-up into the jump she just couldn’t make.
“But his name is Donkey Kong. Surely he should be a donkey then.”
“Fred, I’m going to need you to stop talking now.” She said, ignoring his question entirely.
She needed to focus to get the timing just right and-
She felt Fred stiffen behind her and rolled her eyes.
“Don’t.” She commanded, knowing exactly what he was about to open his mouth to say.
“How did you-“
“Shhh. No talking.”
But that was the thing, wasn’t it? That somehow over the last few years and especially the last few months she’d come to know Fred so intimately that she could tell without even seeing him that he was about to open his mouth and make a comment about how he’d never heard her use such crass language, despite definitely having heard her say worse before. It was never something she’d anticipated (which was quite terrifying considering how meticulous she typically was with her plans) but somehow it was something she’d never wish to change.
“Yes!” She gasped, leaning back and throwing her arms into the air excitedly as she watched the key unlock the door at the end of the level. “Yesyesyesyes!”
She hadn’t even realized that she’d fully leaned back into the boy behind her until he spoke.
“So, does that mean you won?” He asked, resting his chin on her shoulder.
“Yes and no,” she answered, lowering her hands and making sure she saved her progress before setting down the device and turning her head to face him. “I beat the level, but there are nearly one hundred levels in the game and-“
There was that uncharacteristic lack of planning and awareness that seemed to overcome her whenever she was in the presence of Fred Weasley again. She’d turned her head without a second thought as to where his body was in relation to hers, most specifically his face which was now mere centimeters from her own.
“And?” Fred goaded her on, a perfectly in-character smirk stretching across his features and she found herself scowling at the knowing look as heat rose to her cheeks.
“And I’m only barely a quarter of the way through them.” She finished.
Neither of them made any attempt to move as they sat in silence, practically breathing the same air from each other’s lungs. Hermione noted that it felt simultaneously exhilarating and torturous to be so close. The prospect of colliding lips hanging above them, the possibility that they might finally end this dance they’d been doing around each other all summer.
After another moment, Hermione exhaled and sat up, pulling herself off the bed entirely. And so the dance continues.
“C’mon, I’m heading down to the kitchen for a snack,” she said, reaching out a hand in invitation.
She realized her mistake a second too late as Fred took her hand with a mischievous grin and his wand in his free hand. She opened her mouth to stop him just as he turned on his heel and with a crack, she felt as though she was being sucked through a tube before being deposited out onto the kitchen tile.
Their feet hit the floor in unison and there was only a fraction of a moment of silence before her voice was ringing out through the house.
She supposed, despite all recent developments in their relationship, some things truly never changed.
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