#he still has like. 1 jacuzzi
arkos404 · 4 months
thinking abt college au prismo and i just know mf's house looks like this
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matan4il · 3 months
911 ep 701 first watch reactions
(I don't think I have the energy to write proper Buddie meta, so here's me randomly squealing instead...)
LMAO In case you were wondering whether s7 of 911 will be subtle about their gratitude/debt to ABC for saving the show, the answer is a resounding no.
Also, I have lost a lot of respect for Frank as a shrink, but gained a lot of love for him as a sass king. "Did she win!?" The murderous look Athena gave him was priceless. I love her, too. She doesn't even need words to rule.
Man, nooooo. Don't give me a mutual "I love you" between Bobby and Athena like that.
"Go ahead and cut the green wire." Everyone and their sister: "Green? You said Red."
9-1-1 is the superior comedy they slipped into our drink, while we were here for our weekly action, suspense, drama and familial love.
Buck broke off with Natalia, and the show really did it like that. XD Every single person who rolled their eyes at this pairing during s6, we were all justified, but wow. The show really is the only forum to respect the pair even less than fandom does. And of course we find out about it in the middle of a scene built around Eddie being half naked, Buck watching him, with the camera specifically turning so we can discover Buck was initially covered by Eddie's body, and the angle change reveals him, when the whole thing wraps up with Eddie welcoming Buck back to the land of the living... Yeah, wonder what made Buck feel alive again. Don't know. 'Tis a mystery. We were given zero clues...
"I want the honeymoon life." *cries* Chimney is just such a good, good man. And okay, expecting your whole life to be a honeymoon's a bit unrealistic, but Madney are living together and they have a child. They know this. Chim knows this, but he still wants to go for it. Aim for the moon, you'll at least land among the stars, right?
Bobby baffled by Athena's reaction to Norman and Lola is hilarious.
I like how Chim has a great idea, but it's still obvious that it's gonna go wrong, because he can't help going overboard with it...
OMG, that scene with Eddie recounting to Buck what Christopher's date was like... If I were to write my Buddie meta, I would serve a three course meal just from that. I mean, the fact that watching Chris hanging out with a girl he likes, makes Eddie compare it to "hanging out with his guy friends" (when there's no lack of interest in this girl... in fact, it turns out that if anything, Christopher's problem is the opposite of a lack of interest) is so telling. There's a reason why that's where Eddie's mind went.
But then also... Eddie's trust in Buck got to me, the way he went to his best friend (not his own gf) for help with Chris. But that was still played with half a smile. But then Buck sort of disses himself jokingly, and Eddie won't have it. "You didn't end up like you." He sees how Buck worked on being a better person, even when Eddie wasn't there for the worst of it, and he appreciates it, and won't let Buck forget it. Meeeep. I love them.
Oh Chim. I was giving you so much credit, and then you went and bought that outdoors jacuzzi. lol Still love him. That's what Maddie's reminding herself of right now, too. ;p
Poor Hen, she was great in this ep, but none of it was really about her, she was comic relief, both with Chim and with the red wire. Then again, she was amazing in this, like she always is with everything.
Eddie and Buck were both so good with Chris this ep, MY HEART. Buck with getting him to talk about what's really bothering him, and Eddie with realizing exactly what his son needs, and how to give it to him. They completed each other. Neither one would be helping Chris without the other one. Tell me again how they're not soulmates?
In conclusion, I love Bobby saying, "Let's go prove one of us wrong," when they're both right. Something WAS going on with Norman and Lola, AND Athena was using them to avoid him.
Argh. That scene of the ship and its passengers being hijacked was rough to watch. </3 I'll still be here to watch the conclusion of this. That's the power of 9-1-1 for you.
It def felt like a great kick to the new season. We had lots of comedy and fun, some great tension, some emotional moments (especially with Christopher), but all in all, it's still clear that the whole thing's a build up to next week. Are you excited?
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izu · 4 days
hey just wanna say that i LOVE your art!!! i’ve seen you on twitter and ugh just can’t get enough of it! also do you happen to have some johnshi headcannons?? cuz if you do i would like to see them all!! :3
thank you so much!!! i hope to draw more.... also get ready bc i have way too many headcanons and this'll probably be super long winded unfortunately . this isn't all of it but its most of it
- kenshi is a heavy sleeper. after moving in with johnny post-tournament he begins to unwind from his former unhealthy schedule that was supported by his yakuza lifestyle. johnny wakes up at 5 am to work out until lunch, and kenshi sleeps in til like noon or 1. johnny thinks its cute
- they either own a fuck ton of cats or ferrets. johnny seems like a ferret guy to me
- they like watching director's cuts of movies instead of actual movies because kenshi can actually understand a little more of whats happening while the directors explain certain scenes and go into depth about the composition and art direction. its a win win situation for both of them
- johnny actually reads a ton of books, but is embarrassed about it. leftovers from being a ""nerd"" in high school. kenshi thinks its adorable and he likes hearing johnny retell the book plot and express his exasperation with it unfolding as he reads
- johnny has a sweet tooth and kenshi has a more refined palette, he will try anything johnny sets in front of him though, even if he isnt much of a sweets guy
- on that same note, johnny is very good at cooking! every other night he plans a meal for them, and it's almost always a winner. lots of japanese style dishes (took some trial and error on johnny's part) because he wants to impress kenshi
- they go to red carpet events together after a couple of years of dating, but for a while they pretended (to the press, too) that kenshi was his newest bodyguard. rumors spread fast though and it ended up being a perfect time to let johnny come out publicly as bi
- kenshi's parents are actually very very supportive. i think he'd be nervous at first but his mom thinks johnny is very handsome and his father agrees its a good change for their family. kenshi has two sisters who absolutely raise hell over kenshi nabbing a sexy gaijin star and he is very embarrassed about it. much to johnny's delight
- they spend every weekend on the balcony of johnny's new loft in his jacuzzi just talking and being sappy. kenshi genuinely gets a lil upset when things come up and they miss their date nights
- everytime kenshi returns to the states after visiting home johnny makes a big scene at the airport. lunging at him, crying sobbing
- kenshi proposes first, but johnny had been nervously trying to wait for a good time to do it himself. one upped. he is still very upset about this well into their marriage as old yaois
- kenshi is the top 👍 i think we all knew this but still
- even if he doesn't need it, its sort of a ritual between them so they never stopped; johnny is still kenshi's sight dog when they go out and he doesn't feel like relying on sento.
- sento's ancestors like johnny a lot and kept being annoying about kenshi needing to get hitched already hskw7kejej
- kenshi is achillean, gay. always has been. his arrangement with suchin was. arranged. and she was his lesbian beard for a while. the two are very very close and she visits their home often. johnny is trans and bisexual, but he's only out about being bi.
- johnny tends to have a really shitty sleep cycle, light sleeper, easily thrown into insomnia, the busy street life can really fuck up his routine when hes already had a terrible day. which ends up with the both of them on the couch, talking, watching a show, kenshi with his head on johnny's shoulder. they fall asleep like that 7 times outta 10
- the older they get the sappier and grosser they get . everyone who knows them hates their gay asses . jax and sonya included
- also they both get dad bods when they get older bc of all the good eating. neither are insecure about it. its hot
- kenshi is undeniably the spoiled one. gifts, fancy dinner dates, unrelenting affection and praise. he starts believing he deserves good things, that he is loved, solely by johnny's persistence with showing him instead of telling him
- cris ends up being their friend again after a while. i just dont like the cris villainization when its contrasted with johnshi support. she had her reasons to be upset at her alcoholic, spending-addicted husband, y'all
- johnny like action/sci fi movies. kenshi likes romcoms.
- they host parties. they're awesome parties.
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
most of these are 18+ or will end up being! i urge you to take a look at the tags on each, as some of them have very niche kinks
series knives to the chest (and into my heart) - ongoing The one where Buck and Eddie are killers, but they're also in love (as much as they can be).
dear maddie, - finished After Buck dies, Eddie writes ten heartfelt letters to Maddie, telling her the story of how they fell in love, so she can feel closer to her brother once again.
A.R.C.A.N.E.3 - ongoing (and still receiving prompts) This Dystopian Fantasy AU is part of a Tumblr game, where the world I built is kept secret from the readers. Each chapter is in response to a prompt sent to me on my inbox, shaping the story with the only promise of Buck and Eddie ending up together. The more I write, the more is revealed.
fifteen first kisses - ongoing Fifteen different first kisses between Buck and Eddie
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
one shots i'll guide you through The one where Eddie's never been with a man before, and Buck gladly guides him through it.
not your fault (but mine) The one where Buck invites his new boyfriend to game night at Eddie's house and Eddie does something about it.
next in line Buck has a boyfriend. Eddie isn't happy about it. It should be him in that spot.
the powder room plot A lot can happen at the firehouse's men restroom. The one were Eddie begs Buck to let him eat him out.
fill in the gaps (and i'll fill yours) 5 times Buck and Eddie mess around at work + 1 time it almost gets them fired.
watercolored Buck and Eddie break into a hotel's jacuzzi at night, but can't seem to be too quiet about it.
among the hungry and the patient Buck's tired of Eddie's bullshit so he walks into the firehouse and just asks him to make out.
i love you if you even care 7x04 spec fic where Buck gets jealous of Tommy, but hits Eddie with the basketball instead.
do you mind? im pining 7x05 spec fic. Buck and Tommy have their first date. Eddie is jealous about it. (Includes Buck and Tommy making out at the loft + Eddie dealing with complicated feelings towards his best friend).
i might be a sucker for you 7x05 meta fic. Buck and Tommy go on their first date, but never get interrupted. Includes bucktommy public kissing + first time blow jobs.
third mans the charm Buck and Tommy get nasty at a gay bar - with Eddie. (Includes a double public blowjob + sub Buck)
i dont think we fit on the bed Stablished buddietommy takes the day off. (Includes Tommy and Eddie taking care of Buck in various ways + a little domestic fluff).
everything about you tastes like metal Buck gets a tongue piercing to suck Tommy off.
golden star boy has two boyfriends 7x06 meta fic. Tommy never leaves the bachelor party. He catches Eddie staring at them making out. (Includes drunk Buck and Eddie + Buck being needy for two men.)
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noroi1000 · 5 months
December 31 at 11:59 p.m
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One shot for happy new year
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Warnings: Sexual subtext (perverted Gojo)
A/n: Happy New Year Everyone!
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You looked around the house for your lover. Your everything. Boyfriend, friend, lover—everything possible. But he will never be your enemy.
You reached for your phone to check the time. Perhaps he went on a mission? He's not home, and you also slept late in the morning. And it's all because of him... He didn't let you sleep earlier. Maybe he left early because he was called? Perhaps it was so. It was already 1 p.m.He certainly went on a mission. But you didn't expect that his teacher would be working after the holidays. So it was definitely a mission.
Basically, you went to sleep when the sun was already rising. It was sunrise, and only then could you fall asleep.
Your apartment has remained as it was. You saw his shirt lying in the corner of the room. It was certain that he didn't want to clean up after himself sometimes. Even after he runs to the bed, undressing along the way, he attacks you as quickly as possible. When he started living with you, you thought he would destroy your house. You both pay the bills, but you're surprised that he lives with you and not in his house. Since he certainly had a house of the same standard as you. You wanted to live modestly, but with all these conveniences.
You had a beautiful apartment overlooking the city. No noise disturbed you, thanks to the soundproofing. You could relax in the bathtub in jacuzzi mode. I earn money to live like a princess. At least in your own home. Sometimes you can't stop yourself from buying something you want. It doesn't matter how much it costs.
At first, you thought Satoru would be like a parasite on your credit card. But later, you found out that the money he earns is enough to buy even more. And you're not as wasteful as he is. You're not the one who imports snacks and sweets from abroad to see how they taste. He buys the most food. And in addition, sometimes he goes into a shopping frenzy where he doesn't buy anything cheap because he wants to be a model at home for you.
White shirts for ¥600,000? That's exactly him. However, it doesn't bother you. Why should it bother you that he spends his money on something like this? Since it doesn't even threaten the amount of his salary. And so a prince was added to your life as a princess, who made you live like a true queen.
Your two-meter-tall parasite with white hair disappeared from the house in the morning without waking you up, and the only thing he told you was:
„If you're reading this, I left home (⁠「⁠'⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「” “I'll be back before evening. I still have to plan our New Year's Eve.”
Oh yes. It's today. December 31st. In a few hours, it will be another year... This is the first New Year's Eve with him. If he lasted one year with you, maybe the next one will be even better? Anyway, you need to focus more on surviving December 31st to enter January 1st. If his plans for tonight are the same as yours and his birthday, you need to save your energy.
On your birthday, it was you who was playing with him, not him playing with you.
"The last day of the year, the next year, huh..."
With that in mind, grabbing your favorite cookies and drink, you undressed and went to the bathtub. Soothe your body, gain energy, and enjoy relaxation. You don't have anything to do today anyway.
Scented candles created a pleasant atmosphere. The blinds in the house are closed. And this is called life. The light you set for pleasure.
"Oi Oi Oi!"
You suddenly jumped out of the bathtub, sat up straight, and spun around.
Is Satoru back?
"It's me, honey! But I'm not here!"
"I installed a speaker at home! When I'm away from home, I can speak, and you'll hear me even without a phone! Well, it's kind of like a loud telephone that can be heard throughout the apartment."
"We'll see each other in person only in the evening! It won't be long, actually! You fell asleep in the bathtub!"
What's wrong with him at this point?
"I know you had a nice sleep, honey~! But seriously, tell me, do you have any toys under that foam in the water~? Are you playing in the bath without me?"
"I have nothing, you pervert!" you held your hands up. "Wait, how do you know I'm in the bathtub?"
"You have cameras at home! In case of a break-in! You told me about it once! It was inactive, but I made use of it. I have the app on my phone, and I can see you right now."
Why is the camera in the bathroom, and why is it pointed at the bathtub? He must have set it up! You were sure there were cameras in the hallway, near the entrance, and in the living room!
"Don't be shy now~. I sent you a message. Location. Wipe your sweet ass, and please go there. Ijichi can come pick you up."
"What is there?"
You wanted to call him a white-haired pervert, but he always says that... Must there be some sexual undertones in all the jokes he tells you?
When you met him, he wasn't like that. Sure, he was constantly flirting with you. But now his flirtations always have sexual undertones, or he talks like a professional seducer.
You're the only one he loves, and he said if he cheats on you, you can beat him up.
Was this an attempt to make fun of you? Or maybe it was to show that he will never cheat on you because he doesn't want to be beaten by you?
Well, never mind.
Since he sent you the address of a clothes shop where you walked in and got a bag with the dress he chose for you. But since he bought you a dress, you're going out today, right? So a little extra never hurts. Besides, Satoru likes it when you look beautiful. And if you wear the necklace, he won't get around your neck.
Judging by the color of the dress, you chose something that fits perfectly.
The dress was dark but had shiny details. You will feel like a mafia wife. But Satoru kills, so it's similar.
You don't even worry about the fact that he had blood on his hands so many times.
The important thing is that it's him.
„11. 59. Roof." he sent you this message.
"Oh, at 11:59 pm on the roof?"
Excitement was building within you with each passing minute.
Until finally, 10 minutes before the scheduled time, you arrived on the roof, seeing your boyfriend running around hanging small gold lights on the railing.
When he heard your voice, he turned around quickly and smiled, scanning you with his eyes.
"I knew you would look beautiful."
Your welcome was long. He hugged you, kissed you and complimented you. He showed you what he had prepared for you.
Suddenly, he pushed you against the railing until your back touched the metal.
"Whatever the last minutes of this year will be, that's what next year will be like, right?"
He glanced at his watch and suddenly parted your lips, kissing you continuously. A passionate kiss shook your body.
Fireworks were lit in various places, and people shot them off, celebrating the new year that has now arrived.
A minute later, he removed his lips from yours, licking his lips. Smearing the slight color left on his lips from your lipstick.
"If you start kissing at 11:59 on New Year's Eve, stop at 12:01 am. 1st of January. When the new year comes. Then the whole year will be as sweet as this moment."
You smiled, hugging him.
"You saw it on the internet, right?"
"Yup. But I thought it was so sweet. Happy New Year ❤️"
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
Mushy May - Day 1
(ENORMOUS thanks to @forlorn-crows for putting together this month of prompts for all of us to mush over. 💜)
Prompt: Bathtime Rating: Teen Pairing: Aether/Swiss Contains: mild hurt/comfort, cozy tub times, Aether forever being a caretaker Word Count: ~1.5k
Summary: Aether and Swiss share a hotel room and make a delightful discovery.
“This is swanky,” Swiss remarks with a whistle, eyes flitting everywhere. “Imperator must’ve really shelled out the big bucks for this place.” 
“Seems like it,” Aether agrees, tossing his duffel onto one of the plush beds.
The hotel room is nice - probably too nice for the lot of them, honestly. Not exactly opulent, but nice. Spacious, open, the walls a very pleasant shade of blue and the carpet pale gray. The beds are identical, dressed in all white with entirely too many pillows, bracketed by an oversized window on one side and what must be the door to the bathroom on the other. He knows they passed the closet on their way in, he caught a glimpse of an ironing board. 
“Look, there’s even a minibar!” Swiss trills, scrounging through the small fridge housed next to the dresser beneath the massive flatscreen tv. He grimaces a moment later, holding up a packet of trail mix. “Nothin’ good though, all healthy shit.”
“Just skip the nuts and eat the chocolate, that’s what Dew does,” Aether mumbles, toeing out of his boots.He sits heavily on the edge of the mattress and sinks back into the duvet with a low groan. 
He feels dead on his feet. Has for days now. They all seem to be in the same boat, even the excitable ball of energy that is Sunshine having become worn and quiet. The tour is wrapping up, only a few shows left, and Aether’s pretty sure the exhaustion has seeped into his bones. He lets his eyes slip shut while Swiss continues his exploration of their space, tuning in to the mechanical hum of the air conditioner. A door clicks a minute later and Swiss makes an excited ooh sound.
“Aeth, c’mere,” he beckons, “you gotta see this.”
“I’d rather look at the insides of my own eyelids for the next several days, thanks.” Aether scrubs his face with both hands when Swiss gives a soft snort, prodding his arm.
“It’s worth it, I promise.” 
Aether can hear the other ghoul’s smile in his words and sighs, prying tired eyes open and finding Swiss grinning at him from just inside the bathroom. He heaves himself up with great effort and shuffles his way over to find -
“Is that…a hot tub?”
“Yep,” Swiss says with a grin, patting him on the shoulder. “That is most definitely our own private jacuzzi.”
“I’m going to kiss Imperator for this,” Aether groans, already shrugging out of his t-shirt and tossing it out the door. He starts working at his belt and Swiss makes an amused sound.
“Someone’s in a rush,” he teases, moving to sidle back into the main room. “I’ll leave you to it.” Aether catches him by the wrist before he makes it more than two steps.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Swiss looks up at him, raises an eyebrow. 
“Figured you might want some privacy,” he replies, giving a half shrug. “I know you’re wiped out -”
“We’re all wiped out.”
“Well, yeah,” Swiss concedes with a soft chuckle, “but you always get it the worst.” 
“All the more reason for you to stay,” Aether says, slipping his belt from its loops and popping the button fly of his jeans. “You can scrub my back. Help me relax.”
“I mean, I could,” Swiss murmurs, eyes following Aether’s fingers, “but, uh, I think we both know I can’t be trusted around you naked.”
At least he’s honest. 
Aether smirks, flashing his one gilded fang as he lets his pants fall to his ankles. Swiss follows that too, watches Aether step out of the pool of denim and move to turn on the tap, perusing the selection of soap bottles on a shelf over the tub. 
“You’re a big boy, I think you can control yourself,” Aether lilts, swirling a hand through the water. He can feel Swiss’s eyes where they’re stuck on his ass, still clad in his boxer briefs.
“See, you say that,” Swiss mutters, but Aether can hear him shucking his shirt. “I’m not so sure.” 
Despite the words and Swiss’s overall flirty demeanor, Aether can hear how tired the other ghoul is. Can hear him wince when he moves the wrong way, still nursing a sore back after that nasty fall. Neither of them have the energy for more than this tonight, and when Aether turns he catches Swiss in a yawn. He gives the other ghoul a sympathetic smile.
“Bad tonight?”
“Yeah,” Swiss says with a nod. There’s no use hiding it from Aether and they both know it. “Been a rough few days.” He turns to the large mirror over the sink and runs a hand along the still-purple spot along his ribs. “Looks a little better, but fuck is it sore.”
“Looks like it.” Aether joins him in front of the mirror, rests gentle fingers on his spine. “Know what would help?”
“I can think of a few things,” Swiss mumbles, leaning into Aether’s touch and grinning at him in their reflection. Aether gives his shoulder a flick and Swiss sticks his tongue out. He yawns again then, and Aether finds it contagious.
“In the tub,” he instructs, patting Swiss on the back and moving to gather a few towels, “before we both pass out.”
Swiss doesn’t argue further, letting Aether get everything arranged. He pads to their bags and grabs their toiletries - he’s sure the products here are fine, probably better than what they usually use, but there’s a comfort in the familiar scents they carry. Aether strips himself of his underwear and socks before venturing back into the bathroom, finding Swiss settling into the water with a hiss.
“Too hot?” 
“Nah,” Swiss sighs, laying his arms along the curved edge of the tub, “I shower with Dew too much for heat to bother me.” 
Aether hums in assent - he knows firsthand that their fire ghoul prefers his showers just shy of boiling - setting their respective shampoos and soaps on the edge of the tub and pausing to scratch at Swiss’s scalp. The other ghoul purrs deep in his chest, nuzzling Aether’s hand and sinking deeper into the water. He looks so relaxed already, Aether can’t help but smile. Swiss returns it easily, deep crinkles at the corners of his tired eyes.
“Scoot,” Aether says softly, gesturing, “let me in so I can take care of you.”
Swiss grumbles far less than he normally would, sliding forward just enough to allow Aether to climb in behind him. The water is definitely on the scalding side, but it feels all the better for it. Stripping away the strain and tightness lacing their bodies with each passing moment. Aether gets his legs around Swiss’s, rests back against the wall of the tub with a sigh, and Swiss immediately leans back into him.
“How’re you always so comfy?” Swiss squeezes his thigh and heaves a deep sigh when Aether rests those massive hands of his on his shoulders and begins to work out a knot.
“It’s a mystery,” he says, amused by the catlike way Swiss kneads at his legs. “Now hush and let me work.” Swiss doesn’t argue.
Aether focuses, reaching past his own exhaustion to tap into his power. It bleeds from his fingertips in soothing waves, soaking into Swiss’s skin, and when Aether leeches away his pain the other ghoul’s resulting moan is pure relief. Aether lets out a tired huff, slips his arms around Swiss’s neck to rest over his chest and relishes the way the other ghoul melts back into him.
“Fuck, thank you,” Swiss slurs, turning his head to press a kiss to Aether’s chest. “You need to figure out how to bottle that shit, you’d be rich.” Aether chuckles, resting his chin atop Swiss’s ducked head.
“If I did that I wouldn’t have an excuse to get you like this,” he murmurs, eyes drifting shut. The water is so pleasantly warm, and Swiss’s weight against him is infinitely soothing.
“You say that like you need one.” 
Aether could make a jab about Swiss being easy, but his banter batteries are officially drained. He sighs and gives Swiss a fond squeeze instead, bringing one arm back to paw at the edge of the tub.
“Where’s the damn - ah, here we go.”
Aether presses a button and the tub’s jets whirr to life, surrounding them in roiling waves of bubbles and a cloud of steam. He settles back against the wall and pulls Swiss with him, the other ghoul twisting in his arms until he’s on his side with his head pillowed by Aether’s soft but strong chest. Aether tips his head back, lets it rest against cool tile while his hand strokes the length of Swiss’s spine. 
“Still gotta return the favor,” Swiss murmurs, the words muffled by the bubbles and the way he’s speaking directly into Aether’s chest hair. Aether hums, but makes no effort to move.
Soon enough they’ll make the initiative to actually clean each other. A quick pass of shampoo and soap before they rinse off in the shower and fall into bed, probably still damp and in much the same position they’re in right now. Or maybe Swiss will slide those strong arms around his waist and sleep on his belly, wrapped up in Aether’s legs. Or maybe they’ll be spooned, Aether lulled to sleep by Swiss’s rumbling snores. He’s not sure, and it really doesn’t matter, because for now,
“This is enough,” Aether assures, holding Swiss close and closing his eyes once more, “this is enough.”
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
2013 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2024.
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3 January hair pinned up at restaurant in Virgin Islands. Harry's "might as well.." Tattoo first seen. Covered with Ferns now.
4 January - Taylor's blue dress on a boat. Harry bite bruise on his hip
7 January -Harry back in London, date People reports that they broke up. Reports Scott swift told them to slow down.
9 January - photos of Harry in Richard Bransons hot hub on front page after the break up. (I often wonder what the less famous people think now that they treated him poorly as a kid and he is massive now). Gordon Smart (1:12, warning he follows it with a bad anecdote about 18 year old H), who worked on media for One Direction, said in 2020 that Harry had said:
"Simon Cowell actually paid me to do some media training with them back in the day so I met them before they were massive and they were again really lovely kids. [...] I wrote a front page story about him sharing a jacuzzi with a girl on holiday and he told me it was bollocks and we still ran it, because we had a picture of him in the jacuzzi. It was probably totally innocuous and I really I'd like to apologize unreservedly to Harry for that because it was an error of judgment on my part and it probably tarnished our friendship."
Richard Branson also has gross sounding comments about this 18 year old that day.
10 January - made fun of his accent at Grammy's
12 January when asked, Niall says he listens to WANGBT, Louis says and Harry’s. 22 MV filmed.
15 January - one direction trip to Ghana for Red Nose Day comic relief
21 January - Taylor in London reports she saw Harry
22 January - Harry got the Butterfly and handshake tattoos.
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23 January - Taylor in Madrid before performing at the '40 Principales Awards'
26 January Both at NRG Awards, 25 January Taylor posts Cannes Sunset situation. They both stayed in the Intercontinental Carlton Cannes Hotel.
1 February - Harry's 19th birthday. £5k tab, messy, wild party. Rumour that Taylor had booked a week in Italy which was cancelled
6 February - Savan Kotecha (WMYB writer) gave interview where he said 1D want to be write but can’t. His last 1D credit is Happily and in 2017 praised (45 mins) Harry’s writing.
10 February - Taylor at Grammy's, night Ed says inspired Tenerife Sea
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21 February - both attend Brit awards - Taylor performs I knew you were trouble with Harry in the audience. In march she told the Sunday Times "Well, it's not hard to access that emotion when the person the song is directed at is standing by the side of the stage watching." She goes to an afterparty with Tom Odell and out with him the next night. Tom writes Country Star about Taylor and Harry wrote Happily about wishing they were together. Ed is asked if he would trust Harry around his girlfriend and he said “well he trusts me around his girlfriend so yeah I do. We’re friends we don’t do that.” Harry went on Nick Grimshaw from 6am a hungover.
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23 February - 3 November - 1D Up all Night tour, start in Europe
7 March - Taylor sells Hyannis Point House at $1m profit
15 March - Taylor vanity fair article. Says Harry pursued her for a year before KCA, better part of a year after and it fell apart one night in London when he went out and he’s texting her to ask to see her again at the time of the interview. Pointed mentioned she was born in 1989, Easter egged wonderland, talks about Connor being 2 months and insignificant. Implies Harry was a rebound from JG and Connor was a Harry rebound. Says she’s looking for someone who is interested in her not her wiki page.
29 March - Taylor played “You're Not Sorry” in Newark. “I truly believe that when dealing with anybody you meet, you should start by trusting them. Any new friend you meet. Any new person you meet. I think you should truly believe the beat in them. And the first time that they tell you they’re sorry I think you should believe them. But then if they keep doing the same exact thing that they say they’re sorry for, that means one thing guys. That they’re not. Sorry.”- here. Appeared in Wonderland cover April 7, 2013
11 April - Louis says 'Taylor Swift' after Harry sings "I'm in love with you" in Little Things
20 April - TS on B stage song before “I Almost Do” in Tampa, FL. “everybody’s got like one, maybe two, I don't know how many you have, but at least one person in your life that doesn’t belong in your life anymore because maybe they hurt you or maybe it’s just over but you kind of want to call them sometimes. And you think better of it. But, you almost do it.”- here. Then a Red tour break till the 25th; One Direction tour break starting in Manchester till Paris on 29th. Louis stays in Europe,
23 April - Harry arrives alone in LA without the Peace ring
24 April - Neither Harry or Taylor seen. The day Harry got the ring
25 April - First day Peace Ring is seen. Harry has dinner with Rod Stewart, Rod then plays the Troubadour and Harry stayed at Rod Stewarts house. Taylor in Cleveland
28 April - Harry posts photo of sunglasses on beach. Taylor photographed in a gym in Los Angles. Wears the ring to leave LAX and there is an absolutely insane mob because he is there alone with no security.
29 April - Arrives in Paris alone, still wearing ring, described as a riot. The ring is in This is Us in Paris
April 30 - Taylor buys Holiday House Rhode Island for $18m cash
1 May - Everything has changed released as single
7 May - Harry goes on a party bus in Norway, photos of him drunk, with blonde and talks about party bus in interviews
18 May - Taylor posted rose’s with a Great Gatsby quote: “Just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer...“
19 May - Taylor said to fans, pointly "You are the longest and best relationship I've ever had" at BBMAs and that she only writes about ex's she doesn't want to see again. In the press room she said
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27 May - Taylor wrote Wish you Would
June - September Midnight Memories written with Happily
12 June Taylor on Grimmy, he says Trouble is the “best song ever” 4 times at 11 mins. Best song ever was released 22 July. :)
13 June - Never Gonna Dance Again tattoo seen when Harry got off a yacht in Miami, seemingly drunk, he was underage at the time lyrics from Wham song "Careless Whisper" about regret for being unfaithful. Grimmy had referred to it in September when Harry sung the song on radio
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16 June 2013 - Louisville - Harry was feeling himself during “Last First Kiss” and at the end was flirting with someone in the crowd, he mimicked pole dancing then he kissed his heart tattoo
22 June - Taylor and Selena getting ice cream in Mystic Connecticut, near RI.
28 June - Harry seen with Paige
1 July - Harry cross tattoo NYC stayed at the Bowery Hotel NYC
6 July - both play in Pennsylvania, Taylor has a week off after, unseen. On the 8th Harry was sick on stage.
20 July - Harry on Ryan Seacrest in Niall’s place and says the rest of the band went back to uk on their break but he stayed in LA.
22 July - Best Song Ever released.
30 July - September GQ cover story where they badgered Harry about how many people he’d slept with (two)
August 14 - Lover Journal: August 14, 2013, Watch Hill RI. Says she feels like a tiger in an enclosure, feels hunted, talks about paparazzi and cell phones. Also calls herself a rabbit, a flower growing in a sidewalk that is picked and how photos ruin a moment, online photos/comments and 'level of possession'.
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25 August - VMAs, texting each other and shade, together at afterparty. Sang purple rain together at after party.
3 September - Harry tweeted 1975, Matty Healy told an interviewer that went from 4K followers to 15k in 10 minutes and they exchanged numbers and texted, made plans to meet up and he stood Harry up.
5 September - the 1975 cover WMYB in the live lounge
8 September - Taylor “"People think they know who I've dated and they just don't," "They don't know everything."
9 September - Harry badgered by paparazzi till he cries in London. They called him a womaniser. GQ Article where the interviewer bullied him into how many partners he had has (2)
11 September - Harry Rose tattoo.
27 September - 1D sign another contract with Syco for 3 albums, they are each paid £10m.
28 September: On the anniversary of the Begin Again weekend in Paris 28 September- 5 October 2012 Harry tweeted: "We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall". from Australia.
5 October - Harry pulled a blonde out of the crowd and hung out with her that night in Australia
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8 October - Harry tweeted Shania Twain is so good. Shania thanks him and invites him to her show in Vegas.
16 October - Harry talked about Shania Twain 'Still the One' on stage, Tweet Q's - what song would you like to listen to now?
17 October Harry cried onstage, (0:55) during over again Taylor seen with Alexander Skarsgard 3 days later
18 October - throws up on stage reports touring taking toll
28 October - Harry talked about Shania Twain 'Still the One' on stage again, What's the most embarrassing song on your ipod.
1 November - 1D, Katy Perry and John Mayer take photos backstage at a Japanese radio station in Tokyo. New Romantics was written about Taylor being sad her ex had gone to Japan with his new GF.
November -j14 article where Harry says ok to get back together with ex. Also reports Taylor is house hunting in London.
13 November - Taylors first Victoria Secret show where she wears a union jack dress in NY and performed IKYWT. On 14th Harry in UK for Gemma's graduation, TS in NY for billboard awards.
18 November - Courtney Cox said she hung out with each of them at her house in Malibu
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20 November - Harry has dinner with Kendall Taylor tweets ""I've listened to "Hold On" by @ColbieCaillat 45 times today. So on repeat. So important." on the 21st when dinner reported.
22 November - midnights memories release party in la with Ryan Seacrest
23 November, both at AMAs, gold dress. Kendall PDA reported but no record of it
25 November - Midnight Memories released with Something Great written with Jacknife Lee who also worked on Red.
3 December - Lover Journal - December 3, 2013, Sydney.
6 December - Harry leaves Kendalls hotel and they have breakfast. Lunch the next day.
11 December- Taylor ATW speech talks about songwriting like a message in a bottle, she mentions still love you and I’m really heartbroken
12 December - One Direction in Milan, record the Xfactor final interview with cushions on the floor.
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13 December - Taylor posts a series of photos to IG about a rose garden party in Melbourne, Australia while on tour for her birthday. Many think 1989 will be called Roses. The captions made a sort of poem "Roses. Red Balloons. Pretty.... Sparklers. The best birthday I've ever had." Which could be a dig at Harry, Roses being common Haylor imagery, his tattoo and she famously said her 2012 birthday was her best ever when he took her to the Lakes. Harry's "better still be my winding wheel" tweet. Harry posts his Cannes photo December 14.
15 December - One Direction performs Midnight Memories on Xfactor UK Final and Harry arrives at Kendalls London hotel at 2am.
17 December - Harry got injunction banning paparazzi from outside his home. Harry likely had moved into his current house. First confirmed at Ben Winston's with Morgan Spurlock in April 2012, Harry later told Rolling Stone he stayed there 20 months. He was seen house hunting in July and reports of his house were September 2012.
21 December - midnight memories MV filmed
Continue to 2014
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mareposie · 2 years
Anya is a second year student of high school and the traditional winter school trip of Eden is finally here. It’s the last big activity Eden students get to live before senior year, exams and graduation. This year’s trip theme is glamping in Swiss, a neutral country known for its amazing landscapes and incredible wealth. They will even have access to the estate’s spa and enjoy all its facilities, including hot springs and jacuzzi. Cecil Hall is excited because Madame Tonitrus got sick so she can’t be part of the trip which mean they’re going to have a blast on this trip. 29 students so  5 groups of 5 students and 1 group of 4 students. The groups had already been decided and you know one of them is Eden 5, causing jealousy because some people were ready to fight to get with a certain Blackbell or a certain Desmond.
Loid and Yor reluctantly agreed to this trip because they both heard how students take this opportunity to act crazy, especially Eden students whose path has already been decided. Plus they know Anya is two younger so they are scared of the crazy 17-something-i’m-almost-legal other students. They already had to deal with Anya going to the club while she was supposed to have a sleepover at Becky’s.
Anya is also not the sharpest chopstick of the table, when Loid asked if they could check her suitcase they found out she had packed more peanuts, comic book and snacks than clothes.
The night before the trip, Loid and Yor entered Anya’s bedroom to have a discussion with her. Yes, THAT discussion.
— I don’t like where this is going. The teenager girl said, she didn’t need to read their minds to predict what was going to happen. Loid’s speech about being a hormone-ful boy who used to be in this age range and Yor telling him to go on a walk because « she is at this age and we need to teach her about safety » was something. But Yor’s fun basket was the worst thing of the whole discussion : alcohol test, pepper spray, taser, drug detector nail polish, plan B pills and last but not least condoms. Causing Loid to faint and Anya to hide herself in her bed as Yor was showing off the flavored condoms that glow in the dark.
Later that night, Loid opened Anya’s suitcase and made sure to put her most childish underwear inside. He also folded her clothes right and added everything she forgot because he is still Twilight. He also put a tracker in her wallet to make sure she can be found if anything happen to her.
The night after, they drive Anya to Eden for the trip (night ride) and the sequel of THAT discussion happen again.
— Don’t have too much fun sweetheart !
— Don’t have fun at all. This trip has educational purpose.
Anya runs away from them in embarrassment and Yor tries to calm Loid down by saying that Anya is responsible and the most innocent student of the class. Nothing will happen she’s not interested in those things yet. Plus Damian is with her and will protect her from the other boys. Then Loid chuckles and frowns before revealing his biggest concern.
— Yor honey, Damian Desmond IS the problem !
Ewen, is in the soccer team, and they happen to love a good party with a lot of drinks. So they decided to smuggle beers so they can drink at night in the forest with a dope campfire. Actually, Demetrius’ promotion managed to smuggle drinks for their trip in Nordway and they managed to have the biggest secret party of Eden’s history, involving dancing with wolves and midnight swimming contests in ice cold water. They got caught and the largest distribution of Tonitrus Bolts happened when they got back to Eden. They were lining up and each students got 2 tonitrus bolts.
The teachers check the suitcase and the soccer team got caught. Mister Green get those Heineken packs and scold them « Why do you all have so many beers in your suitcases, are y’all baristas ? » The boxes of confiscated objects are filled with drinks, cigarettes and immoral magazines. Yor has to hold Loid back because he tries to fight them kids.
The soccer team is grieving their loss while Becky’s turn is coming. She calls the boys idiots and smirks because she came up with a better plan : she filled some bottles of her complex and ultra expensive skincare routine with elite drinks she got from her father’s office. The Fontaine face lotion ? Russian vodka. That Claire nail polish remover ? Scottish whiskey. That Caviar setting spray ? Hm. That freaking Japanese Sake. She even brought her Fiji water bottles in her purse because her throat is fragile.
She even holds one of them in her hand while the teachers are checking her suitcases, she’s passing the test without any problem as she is fixing her sunglasses.
She does a little hair flip and tell boys to learn from her because once again, she saved the day.
WORF WORF ! The committee dogs bark after sniffing her suitcase. The teachers are confused because
— The dogs are trained to find drugs but also to find alcohol.
— Martha, this is not what you think-
The dog pushes Becky and the water bottle spills on the floor, revealing the strong smell of vodka. Awkward silence as they check each bottle in her suitcase. Becky silently joins the soccer team in the bus and removes her sunglasses.
Anya’s turn. Everyone gathers around her because of Yor’s fun basket. Henderson is impressed by the boldness and the open education of the Forger parents and lets it slide. Everyone in the car applauses Anya who is embarrassed like crazy, she tries to sit next to Becky but her bestie is sitting with her current boyfriend so Anya has to sit alone.
Damian finally arrives, he is late because he needed to secure some things before leaving. As the school president you know. He has dark circles and a long expensive black winter coat exclusively made for him, everyone in the car calls him classy and attractive and professional, business man like as he is shaking hands with teachers and greets the parents with a speech about how he, as a the president will make sure to lead his classmates during the trip. He finally gets in the car and the bootleggers whine about how they didn’t managed to bring alcohol. Damian removes his glasses and make sure the teachers are not in the bus yet before saying :
— Well, we just have to sneak out at night and buy the drink in the city.
The whole bus screams in euphoria and Becky even put some music on. Damian noticed Anya sitting alone and sits next to her, yes, they get a little teasing from everyone. The bus finally leave the school with the other buses for a 8 hours ride. Damian wants to do some work but Anya snatches it away so they read the latest SPY WARS book with snacks, they share her blanket and she lets him rest on her shoulder. They are close friends and members of the student council so they got really close over the years.
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peachieflame · 2 years
Do you have any ither zukka fic recs? I’ve been trying to discover some new good ones:)
Yess I love giving recs! A little warning tho, all the fics Im gonna mention are more than 5k+ words long cause I don't like short one-shots and a lot of them are multi-chaptered with over 40k+ words. Also I'll update this as I read and discover more faves!
Expand to see the list cause its long....
Lighthouse Beam: Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
🍑: I really like college/highschool AUs and even more zukka fics where Sokka is actually described to be smart. Sokka is one of the smartest characters in the whole show Idk why he's been branded as a dumb, dense character by the fandom. Anyways, loved that this fic had Zuko being the one to fall first as-well.
In the Soft Light: As the newly appointed cultural liaison to Northern Water Tribe, Zuko is the first Fire Nation Citizen to step foot inside the city's walls in nearly a century. He's determined to prove himself—to the Fire Lord and to his father—even if the Water Tribe's spirit-touched prince seems to want nothing to do with him. Or Moon Spirit Sokka AU.
🍑: Enjoy this authors' writing style, really engages me in the story. Also ahhhh fanfic based on my moon spirit Sokka... im very grateful 😭. I didn't include this one in an ask about moon spirit sokka au cause I hadnt known about it at the time but now I reread it whenever I can.
7 Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have): How Zuko and Sokka collided through ill advised means—or approximately seven (7) acts—is beyond them. In just a year, they will trudge through the unorthodox conquests of youth (see #2: The Late Acquisition of 2 gallons of Arizona Peach Iced Tea) or capitalist schemes (#5: Bought A $4,550 Jacuzzi). But how they manage to Allow Aang to Become Vegan (#1), Host The Mr. Teen Universe Contest (#7) and, um, Set The Classroom on Fire—Again (#6) to eventually fall for each other, is still a mystery to them.
🍑: Although this one hasn't been updated in almost a year, the 2 chapters that are posted is some of the most fun I've had reading a fanfic! I admire the coding put into it so that it has a creative, unique structured. Also cute little things like the scrap paper or the scrollable email box (which blew my mind when I first saw it, I didn't even know it was possible to code something like that) just engaged me more in the writing.
Kiss Me To Just Shut Me Up: Zuko proffers the card, and Sokka takes it, their fingers brushing. Sokka tries to cover up the way he shivers at the contact by turning the card over and squinting at the text written on the front. Zuko Sozin. Tattoo Artist. The Jasmine Dragon. A single dragon curls around the characters in red ink. — There's a new tattoo and piercing shop on Ember Island Beach.
🍑: Oh beau... you're so multitalented. This was the fanfic I was recommending to everyone that bought a zukka print from me at cons like I had no shame I just wanted everyone to read Beau's amazing work. And you all should read it if you havent yet.
Five Times Zuko Wanted to Die (and One Time He Didn't): “Sorry about that,” the voice says, and suddenly the curtain has been pushed aside, and Zuko is speechless. “What can I help you with?” He stares. “Um— ” The boy has to be around his age, he’s sure of it. He’s got the most perfect tan face Zuko has ever seen, with blue eyes so brilliant it’s hard to form words. Or the college-age AU in which Sokka fixes watches, Zuko struggles through engineering, and everyone's nervous about the cute boy from the jewelry shop.
🍑: Modern settings fics that aren't like cafe/barista AUs are kind of hard to find (or at least ones that I like cause im picky) so I was surprised to see this one! Again it's an enjoyable fic where Zuko is smitten first and Sokka is not written as dumb. I also remember wanting to draw fan art (one of the scenes) so maybe I'll go dig that sketch up and finish it.
At the Top of the World: Zuko is sent in disgrace to Alaska's Northern coast to ensure nothing stands in the way of Sozin Oil Company’s new offshore drilling project. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make his father see he’s worthy, even if it means fighting against the one person he's met who actually seems to give a damn about him.
🍑: I'll never shut up about this fic, its beautifully written, well paced and realistic characterizations. As an Indigenous person this fanfic tackled Indigenous struggles better than any other fanfics I've read so far and it shows the author did their research. ATLA fandom tends to sweep aside Katara and Sokka's indigenous identity a lot. It's even more frustrating when most fics acknowledge colonialism and racism and yet brush aside Indigenous discussions or theory because they're either scared of touching the topic or don't care. Even fics that do mention their Indigenity is brushed aside with surface level discussions you can tell the author is just parroting from whatever twitter thread they skimmed. Im definitely not saying that fanfic should be an educator for social political issues or that it should be written in a way that it could replace theory for whoever stumbles upon it. Im just baffled that so many authors will mention colonialism only to explore it's effects on Zuko and not the actual Indigenous characters.......... that's all.
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We Never Go Out Of Style
Could end in burning flames or paradise
Summary: When Gwyn breaks up with her boyfriend on the eve of Nesta's destination wedding, Nesta Archeron has only one objective: set Gwyn up with her high school crush.
Note: Based on this tweet from @heathermcwrites: "One of my bridesmaids just broke up with her bf who was supposed to come to my wedding & I was sad for her for about 3 seconds until I remembered that her crush will also be at the wedding (single) and I'm now more committed to this 2nd chance romance than to my own marriage."
"I should also note that this is a destination wedding so there are EVEN MORE opportunities for uh…shenanigans"
Read More: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 AO3
Chapter Summary: I could be a better boyfriend than him. I could do the shit he never did, up all night, I won't quit.
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Gwyn rubbed at her eyes, blinking against the early morning sunrise. It was a vacation and a job, and as Nesta’s wedding loomed closer, Gwyn found herself running around to complete task after task after task. Gwyn swore she didn’t mind. She was single, and her friends were all happy and coupled up.
And, more importantly, Azriel had begun to join her. When Emerie offered to help, Gwyn politely shut her down. If her friends knew that Gwyn had begun to enjoy Azriel outside of his massive dick and his clever mouth, that wisely kept their mouths shut. Gwyn was doing her best not to make it obvious, but sometimes she found herself staring at him from the otherside of the pool while he put sunscreen on his washboard abs. 
“If I have to tie one more ribbon,” Azriel grumbled, bringing Gwyn back to the present. “We could be in bed.”
“We’re always in bed,” she reminded him, earning a scorching look from the man himself. They’d stolen a table in the empty lobby, spreading the little gift bags Nesta meant to hand out to the rest of her guests. She put the little thank you presents inside and Azriel tied the white ribbon around the whole thing before depositing it into a tote. He was much better at it, Gwyn supposed because he wasn’t half as distracted by her fingers the way she was with his.
She was still thinking about what those fingers had been doing just a couple hours before. 
“Fine. We could be in the jacuzzi. Or on the couch. Or in the pool. Or—”
“I get it, I get it,” she interrupted, eyes sweeping the lobby. Only the person working the front desk was there, staring at their phone with open boredom. 
Her phone, face down on the table, buzzed again. 
“Why don’t you block him?” Azriel asked her not for the first time that morning. Gwyn sighed. She didn’t block Jonathon because he was the type to just show up unannounced and she wanted to know if he was about to pull some deranged, wacky shit. Jonathon was stupid, was the type to think he could make some grand gesture like in his books.
And Gwyn knew he’d get his ass beat by Azriel for his trouble. He’d deserve it, but she didn’t want to put that sort of stress on Nesta. Nesta only got one wedding, after all. Gwyn didn’t want her drama to be the thing that wrecked it. 
She flipped her phone screen up while Azriel dragged his chair closer. Dressed in a casual white tank and his swim shorts reminded her that while his fingers might have driven her as close to madness as she’d ever get, she’d had her mouth all over his muscular body at the same time. 
We should get a dog.
Azriel snorted his laughter, turning back to his ribbons. “Could be worse,” she reminded him.
“So true. I’m surprised he’s not asking you for a baby again.”
Gwyn swatted at his arm, irritated he’d been there when Jonathon sent that text. Azriel had laughed himself hoarse, which still annoyed her a little. It had been as close to an argument as they’d ever gotten.
“You think I’d be a bad mom?”
He’d stopped laughing then, mouth gaping open and shut as he tried to find words. And in the end, Azriel had never explained what he thought was so funny and Gwyn hadn’t made him answer if he thought she’d be a bad mother. They’d merely settled their difference with him on his knees, apologizing with his body. 
What did it matter if he thought that? Their relationship was time limited. She was using him to get over Jonathon, and once she returned she’d be ready for a new relationship with someone else. 
Her stomach churned at the thought. Gwyn banished that, rolling her eyes at the reminder that Jonathon was grasping for anything that might convince her to text him back, thus restarting a familiar argument. 
“I’m more of a cat person,” she said blithely, flipping her phone back over. 
“Well, let's get you a cat when we get home.”
He kept doing that. Speaking as if they’d continue seeing each other. Gwyn would never admit that one night, when Azriel had passed out, she’d looked up the relative distance between where he lived and herself. Thirty minutes. That was hardly a terrible drive. She’d have driven much further to see Azriel, not that she dared to admit it. A man with his pretty face likely had a line of women waiting for him.
“How come you’re still single?” she asked, blurting out the question she’d always wondered. Azriel glanced over.
“I’ve got a shitty personality.”
He said it so dryly that Gwyn almost thought he was serious. 
“So true,” she quipped, catching the way his mouth drooped into an annoyed frown. “Why else, though?”
He shrugged. “Is it cliche to say I’m too good looking—”
“Yes, Az, it is.”
“The women I want never want me back,” he finally told her, looking down at the little white bag in his hand. “And the women I don’t want seem to only want me for their instagram grid.”
“So you are too pretty,” she teased, putting a hand on his thigh. Azriel glanced down, some warmth flooding back into his cheeks. “I’d like to put you on my instagram grid. My stories, too, even—”
“Oh stop it,” he grumbled, though he smiled all the same. “You’re just trying to make Jonathon jealous.”
“Actually, maybe you and Rhys? Shirtless in the pool?”
“Rhys would love that,” Azriel agreed, his eyes gleaming. He went back to tying his ribbons, while Gwyn put the last of the little plastic bubbles and pastel m&m’s into her very last bag. 
“And you?” “I think you should let me talk to Jonathon face to face,” Azriel replied, stretching out his long, muscular legs. 
“You can’t solve all your problems with violence.”
Azriel scoffed. “You sure, babe? I think I could solve my Jonathon problem with violence.”
“You could solve the Jonathon problem with your pretty face—”
“But I’d rather hit him,” Azriel concluded. “If for no other reason than he’s always interrupting me while I’m trying to taste you.”
Gwyn’s heart banged roughly against her ribs. My Jonathon problem. 
“You’ve tasted me thoroughly, I think—”
“Wrong,” he interrupted with a sly grin. “I’ve barely had a taste at all. In fact, I’ve forgotten what you taste like as I sit here.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she hissed as his broad hand slid up her thigh, hidden beneath the breezy blue dress she wore. 
“We’re all done here,” he murmured, leaning closer until his lips were pressed against her neck. “No one is awake yet. Let’s get back in bed and stay there until lunch.”
“Don’t you think someone will notice?” she asked, turning her head to look at him. It was a mistake, one Azriel was obviously hoping she’d make. Cupping her face so she couldn’t escape,
Azriel kissed her softly—slowly. She melted into the heat of his body, into the soft touch of his hand on her cheek, of his tongue in her mouth. She forgot where she was.
She forgot who she was. Azriel was unhurried, his mouth teasing until she could feel her heart throbbing between her legs. 
“I don’t care if someone notices us,” he whispered, nuzzling her softly with his nose. That was just as well, given Rhysand strolled into the lobby, hands jammed in the pockets of his swim trunks. He looked wrecked, his immaculate hair jutting out at odd angles, his neck bruised from someone's teeth.
Not just anyone. But Feyre Archeron, who was ambling beside him with the same ruined hair and the same kiss swollen lips. The four of them paused, staring at the other. Gwyn had no idea what was going on, though Azriel had gone stiff, his eyes on Feyre and not his friend. Rhys, too, was gazing only at Azriel, some pleading look etched on his face. 
“Brother,” Azriel murmured. “You’re up early. Alone,” he added pointedly. Rhys’s face crumpled with relief. 
“Going for a bike ride,” he replied smoothly, his fingers brushing Feyre’s just beside him. “I didn’t know Cassian needed help with the wedding.”
Azriel shrugged. “A minor thing.”
Gwyn understood that Rhys and Azriel were having some silent conversation she just barely understood. There was a tightness in Azriel’s voice she had a million questions about. What she did know was that Azriel was going to keep Rhys’s secret, and in return, Rhys was going to look the other way at what he’d inadvertently walked in on. 
“Let me know next time,” Rhys murmured. Azriel nodded, and that was that. Rhys put his hand on Feyre’s shoulder, guiding her towards the front desk where they’d rent bikes. Azriel stood, too, picking up the box of wedding favors with a disgruntled look on his face.
Gwyn waited until they were back in the humidity, heading for their shared room, to ask, “What was that all about?”
“It’s complicated,” Azriel replied with a soft sigh. “Rhys is…”
She waited. Azriel didn’t reply until he had the key against their door. “Rhys is stupid. Feyre has broken his heart more times than I can count and he always comes crawling back for more. The last time she was around it turned out she was engaged to this guy he hates, and it was rough. Never seen him cry before. Hope I never do again. She’s just…”
Azriel took a long breath.
“She’s just young.”
Gwyn didn’t know a lot about Nesta’s youngest sister. She had more of a working relationship with Elain, who Nesta seemed to favor, and even then, Gwyn knew very little about Elain Archeron outside of what Nesta had said over the years. Elain was fairly quiet unless she was with Lucien or her own friends. Feyre and Nesta were strained, too alike to ever truly be good friends. 
“Feyre is like, twenty one, isn’t she?” Gwyn asked instead.
Some of that tightness returned to Azriel’s eyes. “Yeah. And this has been going on for a while.”
Gwyn wondered if Azriel blamed Rhys for any of the on again, off again between Feyre and Rhys, or if he laid all of it at Feyre’s feet out of love for his brother. She didn’t dare ask.
“She’s not going to tell Nesta, is she?”
Azriel dropped the box on the round, glass table in their kitchen before rounding on her.
“Would it be so bad if she did?”
Yes and no. “It would be complicated,” Gwyn hedged, unable to read the look on his face. What was he hoping she’d say? They barely knew each other outside of the near constant sex. And while she liked him…she didn’t need Nesta and Emerie thinking she was going home with a boyfriend when she was positive Azriel had meant what he said when he’d offered a vacation-long fling. 
“Complicated,” he repeated flatly.
“They’ll think we’re dating,” she scrambled to explain. “It’s just easier to keep this between us.”
He looked down at his hands. “Would it be so bad? To date me, I mean?”
He could have hit her and she’d have been less surprised. Gwyn swallowed hard. “I uh…”
“Forget it,” he replied smoothly, turning towards the bedroom. “I’m going to take a shower—”
“It wouldn’t,” she interrupted, the words falling out of her mouth in a tumble. “It wouldn’t be bad dating you at all.”
Azriel had gone impossibly still, his face hidden from her. 
“If you’re asking, anyway,” she added softly. 
She watched the muscles in his back shift and bunch from whatever emotion rippled through him. Her own stomach burned with nerves, afraid she’d overstepped. For a terrible moment, Gwyn was certain she’d just misunderstood what he meant and wanted. 
“I am asking,” he told her, turning so quickly she stumbled back a step. Azriel didn’t move, a lock of his dark hair flopping against his forehead. “I was going to wait until we got home.”
“Oh,” she whispered. 
He waited, swallowing the knot in his throat. Was he nervous?
“I uh…can we go slow?” she finally managed. “I just got out of something.”
He smiled, his unease chased away like shadows in the sun. “You can call all the shots, baby. I’ll do whatever you ask.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Gwyn murmured, coming closer until Az shot out his arm and pulled her towards him. Gwyn laid her palms on his chest, wondering if this wasn’t some mistake made in the hazy glow of vacation sex. 
Azriel was still grinning as he hoisted her off the ground to walk her to the bedroom. Gwyn forgot all her misgivings when he laid her out and yanked off his shirt. 
Cassian walked to the table Azriel was currently lounging in with two beers in hand. Azriel reached for his wallet wordlessly, intending to repay his friend, but Cassian shook his head. 
“On me!” he yelled over the loud, thumping music. Azriel nodded, grateful for his friend
The resort had several clubs where singles could dance, mingle, and generally get drunk. Technically no one in their group was single—Rhys included, though from the way he was holding court at the bar, you’d never know. Azriel’s gaze bounced between Rhys and Feyre, dancing with Emerie’s girlfriend Mor, wondering who would break first. 
His girl, if he was even allowed to call her that, was with Nesta and Emerie, body swaying in her tight blue dress. Azriel couldn’t watch for too long without getting an erection, which only served to annoy him. He’d spent the morning pleasuring her into near insanity and it didn’t feel like enough. 
He wanted to gouge out the eyes of every man watching her. Azriel had marked the ones most likely to approach her, silently seething even as he worked to swallow his jealousy. Was he any better than Jonathon if he treated her like his personal object? She was already so skittish, what good would it do?
And still, he hated it. He hated sitting at that table beside Cassian, nursing his beer when he wanted to dance with her, and hated even more the understanding that this trip was supposed to be her chance to have a little fun without a man breathing down her neck.
And so, when the waitress returned, Azriel and Cassian ordered practically everything on the menu, and three rounds of shots. It drew Rhysand from the bar, his eyes glittering. He took one look at Azriel, a question lingering in his gaze.
Azriel offered him a wry smile. Nah. 
Whatever pull Feyre had over Rhys wasn’t worth years of friendship, though he knew he’d be in the middle if Nesta decided to pull the older sister card on Rhys. It was hard to be truly angry with Rhys when all he wanted was what Cassian had. They both did. 
“This place reeks,” Rhys said, dropping to the other side of Azriel with his own beer. He surveyed the room, well aware the three of them could take home any of the women currently flitting about if they wanted. 
They didn’t, but oh. Once they had. Azriel’s mouth curled into a careful smile as he remembered those years of constant fucking and the occasional fighting. Cassian, too, seemed to burn from the memories, though he’d been with Nesta for a good deal of them. 
“What did you expect from a resort club?” Cassian replied, reaching for a slice of pizza the moment the tray was set on the table. Rhys only shrugged, taking one of the clear shot glasses of tequila and downing it before anyone could stop him. Azriel was tempted to follow suit, but wanted to make sure his cock worked perfectly for his planned night with Gwyn. 
No one noticed he skipped one when Rhys was throwing his own back so fast Cassian had to scramble to get even two. They’d be carrying Rhys out at that rate.
Azriel could guess the reason for Rhys’s desire to be obliterated. Some nameless, faceless man was grinding against Feyre, who was laughing as she let him, dancing right back. Even Cassian grimaced, unaware that all the hickeys on Rhys’s neck were from the same woman. 
Azriel shoved a basket of hot wings towards his friend. “Eat before you throw up in my lap.”
“I’m in no danger of that yet.”
Feyre pushed the man away, laughing loudly Mor and Azriel wondered if that little action hadn’t prompted Rhys to reach for the sweating glass of water and chug it. Azriel might have commented on it, had Gwyn not walked towards him with her miles of long, slim legs and her breasts coated in a thin sheen of sweat. She plopped down in his lap, earning a raised eyebrow from Cassian. 
“Take a picture with me,” she asked.
“Trying to piss off the ex?” he replied loud enough for Cassian to stop staring so intently. Gwyn frowned, shaking long strands of her red hair off her pretty, freckled face. Cassian went back to his food, placated that there was nothing going on and Rhys was too busy devouring all the wings to care. 
“I want a picture of us,” she said, her breath warm against his neck. How could Azriel argue with that? He shrugged, reclining in his chair with one arm around her waist.
“By all means, then.”
Gwyn pulled out her phone, pressed her lips to his cheek, and snapped a picture. Azriel was so warm he was practically burning from it. His pleasure was only heightened as she let him watch her carefully crop and edit it so they didn’t look so dim in the darkness. They looked good, he reflected. His eyes were appropriately sultry, head tilted as he looked at her. It was intimate—like he was moments from actually kissing her, and the camera had caught the moment just before.
Gwyn’s caption made him laugh out loud.
Can you believe how hot it is down here? 
“You’re ridiculous,” he told her, pulling out his own phone to like the picture and add his own little comment. It was stupid, but when he’d been internet stalking Jonathon, he’d realized that Gwyn always left a comment on his pictures, and Jonathon never reciprocated. He could be a better boyfriend. 
The only hot thing down here is you. 
She didn’t notice, not as she slid her phone back into her clutch and stole Cassian’s water. Cassian didn’t have a moment to protest. Not when Nesta came to sit beside him, head plopped on the table.
“I’m so hot,” she complained, pulling her thick, golden blonde hair off her neck.
“Yeah you are,” Cassian agreed with a suggestive waggle of her eyebrows. Gwyn wrapped her arms around Azriel’s neck.
“Want to go outside for a minute?” she asked, her voice rich with sensuality. Azriel looked up at her.
“Don’t make it obvious,” she added when he started to stand. She sauntered off, hips swaying hypnotically. Only Rhys was aware, eyes sliding to Azriel when he stood with a knowing look.
Azriel didn’t acknowledge it, not when Rhys would have done the exact same. 
Azriel stepped into the inky night, reveling in the cool ocean breeze against his sticky hot face. A hand from the shadows yanked at his shirt, pulling him just out of sight. He had no chance to protest—not that he would have—before she’d pulled him down to her level with her hand against the back of his neck. Her mouth met his own, warm and drenched in tequila and lime. Azriel was drunk on the taste of her, pushing her against the sandstone building. She moaned softly, prompting Azriel to shush her before nipping at her bottom lip.
“You’ll get us kicked out if you’re too loud,” he warned, already lifting the edges of her dress. “Nesta will—are you not wearing underwear?”
“Surprise,” she whispered against his lips, grinding her pussy against his hand. 
“Jesus Christ,” he whispered, slipping one of his fingers into her tight heat. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“Is it working?” she asked him, fumbling with the button of his shorts.
Azriel groaned, pumping in and out of her slowly. “Yes.”
“Good,” she replied, squealing softly when he pulled out of her to lift her off the ground. Even in heels, they didn’t line up quite right. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and, given how helpful she’d been to pull him out of his shorts, Azriel slid right in without any warning or resistance.
She gasped softly, forehead pressed to his shoulder.
“There’s my good girl,” he whispered softly, thrusting into her rougher than he might have had they been alone in their room. “I was starting to think I was dating a brat.”
“You are,” she replied, unaware of how her words set his blood aflame. He had to adjust her to wrap a hand around her throat, fully pinning her between the wall and his body.
“Brats don’t get their pussy eaten,” he whispered into her mouth. 
“What do they get?” she asked, moaning softly when he pushed back into her. God, Azriel didn’t know how he was managing speech. He was losing himself, was so close to coming despite having only been inside her for three minutes. 
“They get fucked against a wall,” he growled, licking the length of her neck. Gwyn arched, tightening around him until he had to clench every muscle in his body to keep from coming too quickly. 
“Then I guess I’m your fucking brat.”
“That’s right,” Azriel agreed, pressing his fingers tighter against her neck. “You’re my girl.”
He didn’t let her respond, kissing her viciously just in case she might think to protest. He wasn’t used to someone wanting him the way he wanted them. Gwyn’s thighs tightened around his body, drawing him closer—deeper. 
He was so fucking wrecked and he knew it. It wasn’t enough to fuck her like this and when Gwyn came, he did too, grunting so loud anyone nearby would be well aware of what was happening. 
“I’m not done with you,” he all but snarled, kissing her while reveling in the convulsing beat of her heart against his cock. 
“I never thought you were,” she replied, clinging to his neck. He couldn’t walk them across the resort like this—for one, her bare ass was on display and he thought he might murder someone just for looking. It was hell, setting her down and shoving his wet cock back into his shorts. 
One of Gwyn’s tit’s had fallen from her dress and Azriel couldn’t help but grab it, much to her amusement.
“Aren’t you bored yet?”
“Hardly,” he replied, watching carefully. Beneath her teasing, her irreverent humor was real insecurity. The same he felt. Choose me. 
“It wouldn’t be possible, Gwyn,” he murmured, hand still teasing her breast as he leaned down to kiss her. 
“We’ll see,” she teased, eyes bright even in the limited moonlight.
Azriel vowed to prove her right.
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 years
The Danny Masterson Trial and That ‘70s Show: An Overview
Below the cut, you’ll find information about Danny Masterson’s recent court case and how it relates to That ‘70s Show. Please be advised that much of the material is sensitive, and involves references to sexual assault.
I have been following a reporter on twitter for the last few months, Tony Ortega (@TonyOrtega94), who is doing a fantastic job of reporting on the Danny Masterson court proceedings. The trial is not public or streamed anywhere because of the sensitive nature of the crime, and to try to protect the victim’s identities. Various news outlets have released the women’s names, but Tony has always referred to them as Jane Doe 1, Jane Doe 2, and Jane Doe 3 and I will as well out of respect for their privacy.
Tony has been in the courtroom every day from the very beginning, and he transcribes everything that goes on each day of the trial. I’ve followed along and read each day of testimony via Tony’s transcription, and there were some details that came up relating to That ‘70s Show. That’s, of course, where my main interest lies. This post attempts to summarize the mentions of That ‘70s Show and/or its cast that came out during testimony, for posterity and others who might be interested in the information.
First, just a smidge of background.
WHAT is he accused of? Danny Masterson is accused of forcibly raping three different women. 
WHEN did the alleged assaults take place? The assaults took place in the early 2000′s. When Danny was working on T70S.
WHY is a 20-year-old SA case only now being brought to trial? Each of the three victims testified that they were members of the Church of Scientology at the time of their assault - Danny was also a member, and still is today. Each of the three victims testified that the Church of Scientology was the main reason they did not report the assault at the time, or why they didn’t process it as assault at the time. They reported the assault to members of the Church, and were dissuaded from going to the authorities because they feared being ex-communicated from their community for reporting a fellow Scientologist of a violent crime. Several of the women also testified to being told that what they experienced wasn’t rape or sexual assault by an authority figure in the Church. Each of the 3 women have left Scientology and no longer consider themselves Scientologists today. There were very strict limits on how much Scientology could be mentioned during the court case.
Onto the That ‘70s Show content from the testimony.
The first relevant tidbit came during Jane Doe 1′s testimony. JD1 states that a few days after her assault, Danny called her. He said he “fell off a raft and hit his butt on a rock on a trip with Ashton Kutcher, and he was sitting on a donut so now he knew what it felt like so we’re good now, right?”
The next incident is from Jane Doe 3′s testimony. She’s explaining that their relationship ended after she processed his assaults and some other concerning/abusive behavior in their relationship, but that she did have some contact with him after their break-up. One example was when, in the winter of 2002, she heard about a plane incident involving Masterson and other people on his show. She says she was concerned about him. DM said he wanted to see her, so JD3 says she went over to his house of her own accord.
Here is the word-for-word transcription from Tony: “He had called me and said he had almost died in a plane crash. They were with Ashton Kutcher and Wilmer Valderrama filming some Girls Gone Wild thing and something went wrong and there was no oxygen in the cabin. I was very upset and I went over to see him and I noticed he had gotten a jacuzzi.”
Next. During Jane Doe 3′s cross-examination, she was asked if in 2001 she appeared in the show DM was on, and she says yes. [Now, like I said, the identity of these women has been made public by some publications and so I was able to find the episode she appeared in. It is S4xE4 “Hyde Gets The Girl.” Jane Doe 3 plays one of the women who is invited to the party by Hyde’s friends, as a potential girlfriend for Hyde.]
The final mention of That ‘70s Show and/or its cast that I remember from testimony is from Jane Doe 2. She describes her assault, and then says that afterwards she and Danny had some conversation. Here’s the relevant bit, from the transcription: “He just said, you're a very passionate person. And I was like, he also said I was neurotic. And both of those things are true. He said you're very passionate, and I said, so are you, look you work so hard and look at this beautiful home and these things. No, not like you, he said, you're a very passionate person I'm not like that. On the bed he also mentioned Mila Kunis.”
She was asked a follow-up question about that, but the defense raised an objection that the information was irrelevant and the judge agreed, so the objection was sustained.
How did the trial end?
Danny Masterson’s trial ended in a mistrial, declared by Judge Olmedo on November 30, 2022. The jury informed her that after deliberating for days, they were deadlocked on all three counts and did not think that more time or more information could help them reach a verdict. The splits were as follows:
Count 1 (Jane Doe 1): 2 for guilty, 10 for not guilty
Count 2 (Jane Doe 2): 4 for guilty, 8 for not guilty
Count 3 (Jane Doe 3): 5 for guilty, 7 for not guilty
A mistrial in this instance means that Danny is considered neither innocent, nor guilty. The jury could not decide.
A mistrial in this instance also means Danny can be tried again for the same crimes if the judge and the prosecutor think a different jury could reach a verdict - double jeopardy does not apply. Judge Olmedo has already set a tentative date for the retrial, which is March 27.
My commentary
First and foremost, sexual assault cases are very triggering for many people for many different reasons, and my heart goes out to anyone who feels that way. My heart goes out to anyone who wasn’t believed. My heart also goes out to the 4 Jane Does (an additional woman testified to being raped by Danny, but was not named as a plaintiff on the case) who bravely shared their stories with the court and the world, and are grappling with this non-verdict. If the case is brought again in March I will follow along once again, hoping for justice for these brave women.
Learning that one of the Jane Does was actually on
That ‘70s Show
is... I don’t know if I’ve fully processed how I feel about that yet, but it’s not good.
I think the mentions of the That ‘70s Show cast just confirm how close of friends they were with Danny - specifically Ashton and Wilmer. How close of friends they remain today is anyone’s guess. For what it’s worth, Ashton (and Debra Jo, Kurtwood, and Laura) currently follows Danny on twitter but Wilmer does not and neither does Mila (although she does not have twitter) or Topher. Mila and Ashton were still spending time with Danny in 2019, when photos of them together at a friend’s wedding were leaked (the allegations around this case became public in 2017). Who knows what any of that necessarily means today.
I have heard about the plane incident with Ashton, Wilmer, and Danny before. Something about, their cabin lost cabin pressure and Ashton actually performed CPR on Danny because he passed out and his oxygen mask was on wrong. Here’s a blurb about it from IMDb.
In terms of the outcome of the trial itself, I feel frustrated. I understand that real life is not like a TV show, and that real law is often confusing and sometimes kind of nuts. The jurors had to follow their jury instructions. They did the best they could. It’s still very frustrating.
Tony Ortega (@TonyOrtega94) did a wonderful job covering the trial every step of the way, and literally transcribing every word along the way. If the state decides to bring the case again in March, I know Tony will be covering it again just as thoroughly, and I will be following along too.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 4 months
Hey! I love that you’re taking fic requests 😊 even though I rarely read fic, I have been imagining what season 4 and the future could hold for Daxton, and I wanted to share those ideas in case any of them inspire you. 😄
Like the other anon said, I think it would be fun to see Devi visit Paxton at ASU. Not sure how she is going to get permission from Nalini to go there, so she might have to come up with a creative reason, ala the model UN episode from season 1. Maybe Trent and Eleanor can join her for this road trip! Or Fabiola, if ASU is hosting a robotics competition. Or maybe Kamala will go there for a biology conference and Devi will help her drive. I think I general those overnight college visits that high school seniors sometimes do would I be a great excuse for Devi to get out of her house. Of course she hasn’t considered ASU, so that might be a stretch. I wonder if Devi will apply to ASU simply because Paxton is there. At the very least, she might be able to use that as an excuse to visit Paxton a few times, even if she doesn’t seriously consider going there.
Something I really want for Paxton in college is to start swimming again. I’m biased because I was a competitive swimmer in high school and college, though not nearly as good as Paxton. I think it would give him confidence to practice something he is good at while he is adjusting to college. And I think it would I be really cool if he was a walk on his freshman year and worked his way up to getting a scholarship again. And since the ASU Mens Swim Team travels to universities all over the country for their meets, that could give him and Devi even more places to meet up. Like Stanford, where Devi might actually go for a college visit. I took the liberty of looking up their schedule and saw that ASU travels to USC in LA for a meet on November 4, 2022. So maybe Devi will find a way to stop by and cheer Paxon on celebrate with him in his hotel afterwards…
I also assume that we will see Paxton in their hometown during college breaks. I hope season 4 picks ups in the summer before he leaves, and that he and Devi hangout several times before then. I think other have already written docs about them going to the beach, and I would love to see more of that.
Even if we don’t get a Daxton endgame in season 4 around the time Devi graduates, I can imagine them reuniting and dating again years down the road. Some others have said they see Paxton becoming a teacher now that Devi has helped him realize he can succeed academically. I can picture him as a history teacher and swim coach. And even though Devi is super ambitious, she might want to move back to LA after college to be close to her mom. Besides there are tons of great jobs in LA. I would love to read fics about Daxton reuniting post college.
Happy writing! 😃
Hi! You know what? It was happy writing. Thank you for giving me an excuse to revisit these two!
“I forgot how well you swam. Swim. I mean, I didn’t forget, I just wanted to jog my memory. And, yep, wouldn’t you know it? You still look good in the water. Athletically.”
Son of a bitch. It’s not her fault; Paxton’s fresh from the pool, a trail of water running down his neck, posture easy and confident after his second-place finish.
“You wanna see the library?” she babbles.
“Actually”—and shit, his smile that won’t quit still makes her knees not work—“there’s a massive jacuzzi in my hotel room. I kinda wanna see you in the water, Vishwakumar.”
send me a prompt for one of these fandoms!
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odinsblog · 1 year
Hey Odin, I have a question about a situation involving racism I would value your opinion on (I'm leaving this public in case you'd rather reply privately, but feel free to post publicly). If you would rather not answer though that's 100% fine.
Say you have a white friend, presumedly someone you're more than just acquaintances with and have built at least a surface layer of trust with (but not necessarily a long-time or super close friend you'd feel hesitant to tolerate bullshit from), who invites you to his employer's annual Company Holiday Party as a +1. You and your friend meet up at a well known and rather expensive restaurant, exchange hellos, everyone is all smiles, and you two proceed inside. The party is in a private dining area with 2 long tables, everyone exchanges pleasantries and is seated.
Now it's been about an hour, enough time for plenty of drinks to be had. Whether you decided not to drink or you did and just enough time has passed, you're rather sober now. One of your friend's co-workers is on the opposite side of the private dining area, at the other table you're not sitting at, saying some unquestionably racist shit to the other people he works with. He's not blatantly using slurs, but is saying the same garbage talking points still being overused by every right-wing media personality arguing against any challenge to the status quo. You don't get the impression the man is intentionally saying these things to target you or to start drama, he's clearly just self-absorbed into his own bullshit with the people who agree with him or just willing to tolerate him. No one else seems uneasy or uncomfortable about this other than your friend, who is clearly embarrassed: you don't know if he's only embarrassed because his +1 is a black person or if he would be equally frustrated having invited someone else or no one, but you do know in this moment he wants to do something about it. As his friend you know he'd probably be willing to do anything that wouldn't immediately cost him his job (like starting a fist fight right then and there), but would definitely risk it if that consequence was just a probability instead of a certainty.
My questions are:
1.) What would you, Odin, specifically and personally prefer that something be? As in, what would you prefer him do/help you do to deal with his co-worker (even if that something was nothing at all)?
2.) Would your answer change if instead your friend didn't seem to mind what was happening (you wouldn't be sure without asking if he couldn't hear/wasn't aware of what was being said or if he was deliberately ignoring it)?
3.) Next year you are invited again as his +1 for the same company. Considering the conclusions from your above answers, do you accept or reject the invite?
4.) Have you ever been in a similar situation?
And lastly thank you in advance for your time dude, even if you decide to not participate I really appreciate you taking the time to consider it.
Long answer is long, sorry
A quick preface: Unfortunately, in the business world networking is a necessary evil, and most networking happens away from the job, or after hours at activities very thinly disguised as “work related” functions. I cannot speak for every Black person ofc, but this definitely is not an uncommon situation in the business world—especially the higher up you go in your professional advancements or “up” as in working for a Fortune 100 company.
Holidays, peak seasons (ie. tax time or close of fiscal years if you’re in banking/accounting; Christmas for the transportation industry; etc etc) and sports playoffs are the usual times of year for this “networking,” but any special occasion could make this an any-time-of-year occurrence.
And the thing you’re describing is “casual” racism, where the white (or non-Black people) almost “don’t know” that they’re being racist. For example , at a pool party “work function” a white woman peer was sitting in my lap in a jacuzzi and kinda sorta hitting on me, while trying to teach me how to smoke cigarettes (long story) and then saying, “but don’t nigger suck the cigarette” … and not realizing why I went tf OFF until her friend (the white guy who invited me to the affair) told her what she had literally just said.
IMPORTANT: That all said, if it’s NOT YOU who has to be there for business networking, like if you don’t gotta be there for YOUR job, then my short answer is no - don’t go, do not subject yourself to that. Life’s too short for that kind of fuckery. It’s one thing if you’re trying to survive in this racist environment, but if you don’t have to, then don’t. I wouldn’t.
The rest is for anyone else, or in case you DO have to network, @classicintp
Let’s do this in reverse order:
4) Yes, I have absolutely positively been in this situation before. Definitely way more times than I should have been.
3) If my work acquaintance handled it well, I would be tempted to go in the future, but tbh I wouldn’t go out of my way.
3.1) For me anyway, here’s how things worked: early on with a business, you don’t have a lot to lose financially speaking, right? So year-one I’ve nearly come to blows with racist coworkers/acquaintances in similar circumstances. Even when the starting salary was BIG, I didn’t have enough time invested with the company or in my own career - so telling someone exactly where they could go was never too long of a journey for me. But as time passes, and you start getting promotions and your bank account starts getting fatter … well, let’s just say you learn to be a bit more diplomatic and more concerned about your long term reputation in a nearly all white industry (that’s practically every industry, btw)
SN: This does NOT mean take any racist bullshit from anybody. No amount of money is worth your pride and dignity. You gotta be able to look in the mirror. If it crosses any red lines, you will know. Respond and react accordingly.
When this happened to me most recently, I have re-attended. For work. But the difference is that now, unlike early on, having been around my field for over a decade, I have made a fairly good reputation for myself, so not that it won’t or can’t happen again, it’s just a tiny little bit less likely. I might still be “the Black guy” at an industry function, but now it’s more like, “crap, it’s that Black guy,” so I have a small buffer zone between me and most casual racists.
2) If my “friend”/acquaintance did not speak up for me, I would dip and not associate with that person again unless they had a bullet proof reason for not speaking up for me. And not everyone will speak up, so be prepared for that. Maybe they rationalize it by telling themselves that they have to pay the mortgage and your “friendship” isn’t worth jeopardizing their career. Only YOU can say if that’s acceptable for yourself, but if they excused racism once, they will excuse it again. And I’ve been Black for damn near 39yrs, and if there is one thing I know that I know, it’s that white people will almost always equivocate for other white people, and make feeble excuses where “casual” racism is involved: maybe YOU misunderstood, maybe that’s not what they meant, maybe an alien entity was controlling their body…
1) Yes! I will always always always want my white friends and allies to help me deal with any work (or non-work ) related racism, no matter how large or small. Because even if or when I address it on my own, sometimes for SOME white people, hearing why something is problematic just doesn’t hit quite the same as it does coming from another white person. Unfortunately. And remember, I’m going to have to navigate dozens and dozens of similar situations in the future—if I do it alone, I gotta be 100% perfect every single time. Can’t make anybody cry, can’t be seen as too angry or too aggressive, etc etc etc. Having a white ally present/backing me up makes it easier.
Look, I’ve had a white subordinate tell me to my face, point blank, “The only reason you’re my boss is because you’re Black. They had to promote some Black person eventually,” and I suspended him for gross insubordination, without pay. Was I mad? Yes. Did I wish I had a witness who was a white ally that would have made it easier for me? Hell yes. But I lucked out in the end because HR and the union steward backed me up. I’ve had people make the racist, “what does a chainsaw say?” “joke” when they were certain that I was within earshot.
My point is, the shit WILL happen. You want your white work friends and acquaintances to help you deal with this shit whenever or however racism manifests itself.
And this is for anyone reading this: the same goes for speaking up against things like gay “jokes” or rape “jokes” or antisemitic/Islamophobic “jokes” and so many other common workplace micro-aggressions. If you want a good ally, you gotta BE a good ally, right??
The easiest way to deal with it is to firmly say you aren’t with that stuff the very first time it ever happens. Throw down some clearly visible markers so that everyone knows exactly where YOU stand. It doesn’t have to be a big speech or dissertation, a simple, “Hey, man, that shit’s not cool” will speak volumes.
Hopefully I didn’t ramble too too badly, and hopefully this was somewhat helpful, and most importantly, I hope your friend really IS a good friend and responds accordingly, as we would want the people we associate with , to respond
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elamoresinsolito-blog · 11 months
Mint & Chocolate fanfiction by Nahid The Ripper
Tumblr media
Mint and chocolate
 nikki pov
 Being on tour sometimes it's a little hard to spend time alone. I decided that no one would come to visit my dressing room. I communicate with Tommy by cell phone and I noticed that he was somewhat boring.
Nikki: Tommy, how are you?
Tommy: ok, very boring lol
Nikki: why don't you come to my dressing room and see what we can do?
Tommy, well, I'll take a bath and go out. Do you mind if I bring beers for me?
Nikki: it's not good, bring what you want.
Tommy: well I'll be there in an hour.
Nikki: let me know text me, I'm going to lay down for a while.
 Nikki pov thinking
 Everything should be different... We are already too old to hide our feelings. I don't know why I accept that Tommy has a "girlfriend" so that nobody finds out about us. It's the worst decision we've ever made.
 1 hour later by Tommy
I went to his dressing room which is huge to be alone. It was fully decorated and with a very nice incense lit.
Nikki smelled too good, when I hugged him I felt his perfume.
We were talking and laughing for at least two hours about things we found on the internet, while we were sitting in a huge black couch. I had a couple of beers while Nikki chewed some mint and chocolate gum.
 Tommy: I ran out of cigarettes, do you have any?
Nikki: yes let me see in my bag I have of menthol, do you like them?
Tommy yes yes it's the same.
Nikki: ahh but I have one left, do you want to share it?
Tommy: good while I ask for someone to bring me.
Do you have more gum?
Nikki: no, I don't have any more left! I already gave it to you hahahaha
Tommy: like in the old days right? (looking at him wickedly)
Nikki yes, like in the old days...
 Nikki and Tommy melted into an eternal kiss full of lust, passion and love sharing their tongues, intertwining with each other.
Tommy felt the strong taste of mint and chocolate from Nikki's tongue and a great chill ran down the back of his neck.
He could feel Nikki's breathing getting harder and harder. That made him crazy. That kiss was generating many things in Tommy, such as one of them was to have him as close to his body as possible, almost as if they were fused into one, and above all he was already looking forward to taking off his clothes and having him at his mercy.
But without warning Britanny enters the room and sees the whole scene they are too lovey-dovey, Nikki hugging Tommy while kissing him, taking off his clothes...
 Tommy what's going on (I yelled)
What are they doing?
 Nikki and Tommy broke away abruptly and they were both sweating and their cheeks flushed with embarrassment...
 Tommy: I don't have to explain anything, you already knew everything.
Nikki (gives him a wicked look and smiles)
Brittany: are you using me? To hide what you two are! (Screamed) I can't understand it!
Nikki: (I went up to her and yelled) I'm not going to let you talk to Tommy like that.
  Britanny pov: (surprised) crying I approached Tommy and hit him with my fists on his chest. You can't do this to me, in whose head does this fit? huh? You and your friend dating? he disgusts me. She didn't expect it.
 Tommy, I don't have to give you any explanation, you and I are not or were anything, in any case you can walk through that door and leave.
 Britanny closed the door in fury and annoyance.
 Tommy: What were we doing? I said looking at Nikki who was wrapped in a white towel waiting for me to go to the jacuzzi full of foam.
Nikki: first, you kept my gum (laughing) and second, what the hell is wrong with this crazy woman?
Tommy: (approaches abruptly sticking to nikki and pulling the towel) oh yeah? Do you care more about your gum than what we were going to do?
Nikki: (smiling, hugs him, hides her eyes in his neck and feels his lover's hands on his buttocks) there are a couple of hours left for the show, do you think? I said to him as we entered to the jacuzzi.
Tommy: (cleverly I took off the rest of the clothes that I still had on and entered the jacuzzi) I started by giving Nikki a nice neck massage while kissing him from behind. I could see how he shivered at my touch, I loved that.
Thank god (laughing) it's all mirrored, if I look up and to the side, I can get a lot of views of nikki. My manhood was starting to bother so Nikki realized and turned around, giving me a passionate kiss, he took me by the neck and took his  tongue as deep as he could, followed by this I felt his legs wrapped tightly around my hips, and a very soft swing on my masculinity. I moaned with pleasure when I felt it and when I saw Nikki so sensual, with his closed eyes enjoying the moment. his body is so perfect, right now my hands are running through it, and I stay carefully to see the tattoos on his beautifull chest and I pass my index finger where Nikki received his adrenaline injections.
 Nikki: what's up? What do I have there? (smiling)
Tommy: here I see a little mark of your return to life. You will never understand me, but that day I found out about "your death" I didn't want to know anything else with anyone. I cried a lot. (I felt a lump in my throat)
Nikki: (sitting on the lap facing each other) do you love me that much?
Tommy: so much so that I can tell you that you have me crazy with love. I need to have you with me, by my side, or where I can see you. I don't care how.
hidden narrator:
Nikki and Tommy melt into a beautiful kiss again and then continue with what they were doing.
After a few hours after the recital...
hidden narrator:
Coming out of the showers, the two can be seen looking for clean clothes to put on, then they walk down a long hallway hand in hand, stopping at the door of Nikki's dressing room.
  Nikki: You know, I don't usually have or experience fear, but sometimes I feel it.
Tommy: why do you say it?
Nikki: because what we feel for each other is clearly love. And you know all my history of past relationships.
Tommy: and you know mine (laughing)
Nikki: (approaching and taking him by the cheek) I never felt something so strong for anyone. Today I dare to tell you, because I feel that way (smiling)
Tommy: I love you (I kissed him)
Nikki: me too, I love you so much.
 hidden narrator:
No one knows or witnesses what happened that night after the show. I just leave it to the full imagination of each reader.
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Fics Starting With the Word “The” (2) Masterlist
part one
The 5 Year Plan (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: After a string of heartbreaks and meaningless hookups with other people Dan and Phil make a pact.
If they aren’t settled down with anyone in five years they’ll get married to each other.
The Abstract Notion of Home - wallflowerchronicles
Summary: An American university AU.
The Art Of Teaching (ao3) - pasteldanhowells/fluffygayprince
Summary: Dan used to be into art when he was in high school but stopped once he grew up but started again and now has a website where he sells his art for money. Phil is a principal at a high school, and nobody is aware that he has a husband, someone he’s been with since he was a teenager. Something happens to the art teacher so Phil offers Dan the job, and Dan takes it. Phil finally introduces Dan to the rest of the school as his husband.
the bear (ao3) - dizzy, waveydnp
Summary: Seven year old Phil has an imaginary friend, and his mother is concerned.
The Blind Boy (ao3) - jilliancares
Summary: Dan Howell liked to think of his entire life as a series of tragic accidents. Because really, how many people can say that they managed to become blind and obtain a supposedly Cute Boy’s hate all in the span of one year? And Phil Lester has not had the best school life, so in order to avoid bullying or a bad reputation, he refuses to take shit from anyone at this new school. Even if that someone just so happens to be blind.
The Chef - fiction-phan
Summary: “You’re a highly known critic and I own a restaurant but you’re the kid I used to tease in high school and oh sweet rosemary, you’re reviewing my restaurant?”
The Cherry Blossom Secret (ao3) - BlueFox1319
Summary: A secret lies in this hideaway, for when an almost mad artist and a grief ridden photographer meet.
Their worlds could either wilt or bloom with unknowing enchantment.
The Electricity That Went Out At Dusk (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Or the one where I give everybody powers, x-men style, and watch the awkwardness unfold.
The Elements - lettieewans
Summary: Very long ago that was a gift - to control one of the four elements, to have powers. Now that is what makes you a misfit, making you hide and survive. Unsatisfied with their postion, the benders start a rebel and a war that would change their life.
The Flower of Life (ao3) - worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
Summary: For a thousand years Dan's regretted the choice he made in saving Prince Phil Lester's life, realizing far too late that love had never really existed for him after all. When the other gods get sick of the God of Death and the God of Life fighting, Dan and Phil find themselves chained together, forced to work out their differences in one way or another.
The Jacuzzi (ao3) - wantyoumorethanbreathing
Summary: Confusion swept over Phil as he stood frozen in the doorway for a moment, hand still on the doorknob as he tried to make sense of the sight in front of him. Then he noticed Dan’s hand that was working furiously just below the surface of the water and he felt suddenly very warm.
The One Where Phil Loses The Ring, But They Still Get Engaged (ao3) - tiniestbauble
Summary: A series of 5 times + 1 time, following Dan and Phil from 2009 to 2018, as Phil realizes he loves Dan and should marry him some day in the future, to finding the ring for him, to proposing to him without a ring to the time they finally do get engaged!
The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan and Phil have been planning a trip to Japan to celebrate their one year of being engaged, but that completely slips Dan’s mind when he tries to find the perfect gift for Phil for Valentine’s Day.
The Real Reason Why Phil Goes To Work - analphancones
Summary: Phil cheats on his wife with his sexy assistant, Dan Howell. Dan is young and hot and exactly what Phil’s wife isn’t, and Dan is just what he needs to make his problems better.
The Sand (ao3) - jerseker
Summary: Phil loves the kinetic sand, loves pressing it between his palm, loves running it through his fingers. He loves watching it fall from his hands bit by bit. He loves the sand and he needs to share it with everyone.
A fic inspired by the LessAmazingPhil video Kinetic Sand.
The Scariest Part (Is Letting Go) - huphilpuffs
Summary: Dan’s journey with sexuality continues long after he meets Phil.
the truth is rarely pure and never simple (ao3) - ZozeeWrites
Summary: dan is natural athlete, the top player on his college ice hockey team. no one knows that he is actually really smart and is transferred into the Honours Literature class. that is when he meets a literature nerd, phil, who just might be able to give his life a little more importance.
The Truth Runs Wild (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: “Is this Dan? I’m so sorry, I know it’s three in the morning but I have your friend Phil here, he won’t stop crying and he’s really fucking wasted, could you come get him? He said you broke up but I didn’t know who else to call. He just kept asking for you.”
The Way I See You - ineverhadmyinternetphase
Summary: Dan’s shocked when he realises that Phil’s self-conscious about the way he looks. Apparently Phil doesn’t know that he isn’t allowed to be sad when Dan’s around. So Dan takes it upon himself to fix the situation - by complimenting something about Phil’s appearance every day. Trouble is, Dan isn’t very good at hiding his teensy tiny crush on Phil.
The Swing At The End Of The World (ff.net) - uhnonniemiss
Summary: AU where humans are given a watch at birth that shows you how much time you have left before you die. The year is 2025, and Phil’s watch has ticked down to his final day, so Dan helps him carry out his last wish.
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remembertheplunge · 1 year
A day in Sacramento
11/4/2017. Saturday 4:33pm Sacramento. 
Like Jim will soon do in 2009 (the wind down was beginning around now) Naked Coffee has died. It’s still here, but, it’s been white trash Jetsoned. Steril. Boring. Austere. Naked Coffee’s soul. Jim’s soul. Gone—
Soon, 8 years ago, would be Jim’s final words to me “Cover me”.
I lived that last day again today. Watched a dark mountain descend into dusk.
Heard a song “I’ve done all I can here. I fall into your arms. Hold on to tonight. I’ll be gone in the morning."
I Sacramento’d today—
1) 24 hour fitness gymed and Jacuzzied
2) washed away my story in the pool
3) attended the funeral of Naked Coffee
4) addressed the apple lap top world at Weatherstone’s Coffee House bar. This is not 1986 anymore.
5). Listened to songs from November 1969 on the drive up
6) Gave a handsome blue eyed young drunk homeless man a sweat shirt outside Demples on Broadway.
7) Had Mc Donald’s dinner with Rick, a homeless man, at Mc Henery McDonalds in Modesto.
8) Sweet, crisp, windswept, cloud swept, peek a boo full moon day.
9) Patricia called. Great talk. Greg told her that he and I talked.
End of Entry
Notes:  Jetsoned comes from the 1960’s cartoon “The Jetson’s” about a family living in the sleek, sterile future. Naked Coffee had a bohemian interior which was very conducive to my soul inducing journal writing there. But, the owners killed that when they modernized.
On November 4, 2009, in the late afternoon, in our home,  my partner Jim’s liver failure had reached a point where ammonia started building up in his system. He became more and more disoriented as there evening progressed. He refused to let me take him to the hospital. I put him in bed, and his last words to me were “Cover me.” By 3am, he was incoherent. He was taken to Doctor’s hospital by ambulance. Two days later he was returned home. Two days after that, he died. He never regained consciousness.
Weatherstones was a coffee house I used to write at when I lived in Sacramento in 1986 and 1987. It had a very rough and Bohemian feel to it. We read book, wrote and talked there.. By 2017, the interior was more like a Starbucks. Books were replaced by lap tops. Like Naked Coffee, Weatherstone’s had lost it’s soul.
Demples was a record, DVD store in Sacramento located across from the Tower Theater. It has since closed.
Patricia was the mother of Greg. Greg was a homeless man in Modesto. His parents lived on the East Coast. I met Greg at a gas station in Modesto on 9th street earlier in 2017. I brought him home. He called his mother from my phone. He spent the night here  at my house that night. Greg was an artist. I have a painting that he did for me. He painted my house numbers on the curb in front of my house. He painted house numbers for a living. Eventually, his Mother , Patricia, called me. Based on her conversations with me, she and her husband took a train to Modesto to find Greg. They did find him here, but he refused to return to their home on the East Coast with them. Greg had mental health issues that his parents wanted to have him treated back home. 
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