#her cats are all he'll have of her when he does return
cherubfae · 4 months
you're accidentally shrunk! || hazbin x reader
with Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Angel Dust, Vox
tags: fluff, comedy, established relationships, gn!reader (implied masc reader for angel as always <3)
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He is quite amused by the whole ordeal, if not a touch worried for your wellbeing. You're utterly tiny, capable of sitting in the palm of his hand like a tiny doll. His claw gently nudges your cheek, tilting your chin up. Using his own magic proves to be futile. After several attempts he's still unable to change you back to your normal self. He isn't sure why his powers don't seem to be taking effect.
Alastor doesn't let anyone else touch or hold you. Legit will hold you in his hand above his head should Vaggie or Charlie try to get a better look at you.
"No, no, no," Alastor clicks his tongue. "I'm afraid I'm not comfortable in letting my dearest love be held by anyone but me. Surely, you understand." He gives you a little smile, his thumb gently stroking your head.
You aren't a little toy and the last thing he wants happening if Niffty mistaking you for a roach, so he prefers to have you sitting atop his shoulder, his head, or safely tucked into the pocket of his waistcoat with your tiny little head poking out to watch the world around you. As much as he finds you adorable and vulnerable in this state, he does prefer you as yourself. He'll probably head to Rosie first, he wants nothing to do with Lucifer. She always has her ear to the ground and he's certain he'll get you returned to normal soon.
Well, that's new. Lucifer is easily able to turn you back to yourself but he wants to have a little fun first. He lifts you up and presses little kisses all over your face, giggling to himself when you press your hands to his rosy cheeks.
"Can't help it, sweetheart! You're too cute!" He gently nuzzles your cheek, placing a loving kiss to the top of your head. He'll shapeshift himself into a mouse and pretend that you're a little fairy about to battle for Narnia.
When he turns you back, he is relieved. He much prefers you as your lovely self where you're able to snuggle into his side and hold you properly to his chest, sharing many kisses between you two.
Shit, this ain't good, but at least yer havin' fun, baby. Husk sighs, leaning his chin against his paws. His yellow eyes flick back and forth in amusement as you treat the bar counter like your own slip-and-slide, watching as you spin around on the shiny wood with a small squeak.
Husk catches you with his tail before you can slide off, lightly placing you back on your feet mirroring the grin you give him. "I'm glad you're having a good time but we gotta figure out how to turn ya back, hun." He leans back against the stool, hoping Charlie has found something or someone who may be able to offer some help.
Charlie, on queue, comes rushing down the stairs holding a light pink pearlescent vial in her hands. "Let's try this!" She stands triumphantly, proudly holding out the vial in her hands. "A drop or two on their head should bring them back to normal height. I have a feeling this will work, but as Plan B we can go to my Dad!" She beams.
Husk nods, giving you a tiny peck on top of your head that only serves to make Charlie coo. Placing you on the floor, Charlie uncaps the vial. A shimmery fuschia-purple liquid smelling of sweet berries oozes out and gently drops onto your head.
A whoosh of pink and yellow unfurls out and soon you're standing before them as mostly yourself. Your hair is now a dyed vibrant pink. Across the room, Alastor who is casually reading the newspaper, snaps his fingers and poof! Your hair is back to normal!
"You could've helped them this whole time?!" Husk hisses, fur bristling. Alastor hums, taking a sip of his black coffee, "Hmm no, just their hair. Good thing they're back in one piece, yes?" He grins. "Too bad you didn't play a little cat and mouse with them. That would have been a sight to behold!"
Angel Dust
As adorable as you are, Angel is fuckin panicking. He's not quite sure what to do and he's terrified of someone accidentally stepping on you. "Okay, baby, I've got ya, hang on!" Angel places you on his chest fluff, his hand holding you in place as he returns to his room.
Depending on how long this magic lasts, Angel will 100% want to play dress up with you and have you try on cute outfits or perhaps make a cute little dollhouse for you. He's too scared of crushing you in his sleep so until this wears off, he doesn't want to risk anything happening to you. He's also worried about Niffty mistaking you for a bug, so when he's out and about, he keeps you close to him at all times. If he has to leave and can't take you with, he instructs Vaggie and Charlie to look after you.
"Do not let Niffty or the Egg Bois around them, got it?" His stern eyes are narrowed, making an expression that he's watching Sir Pentious. "Keep the Eggies in line."
What the fuck? He blinks, a jolt of electricity nearly short-circuiting himself. Babe, what the fuck happened to you? Vox scoops you into his hands, holding you to his chest. He's doing his best not to panic, convinced this is another one of Alastor's stupid fucking pranks.
Thankfully whatever has happened wasn't permanent. A tiny explosion of sparkles and a poof blue dust has the futuristic demon stumbling back, sighing when you're standing there at your normal height with a hand pressed to your head.
"Holy shit, what the fuck happened?" Vox presses, grasping your hand and pulling you into his lap. He's cupping your face between clawed hands checking for any sign of injury. "Was it Alastor?" You shake your head, coughing out some blue sparkly dust.
"Nah, got caught under some pollen demon's magic on my way to HQ." You grumble, leaning your head onto your boyfriend's shoulder. Vox sighs, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Ok, ok, well, you're back," he grumbles. "Don't do that to me again."
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enha-doodles · 14 days
Heyya I love your works 💗💗 and I was wondering if u u could do Slytherin boys reacting to the reader being a muggleborn 🥹
Classic yk🕺🏻🕺🏻
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Pairing : (Mattheo , Tom , Theodore , Lorenzo , Draco) x muggleborn!reader
Note : tysm bestie 🤪🤪✨ also that is such a classic request !!!
Warnings : mentions of fighting , toxicness in Tom's (I mean?)
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Yes , he's got this thing against Muggle-borns, but if it's you, he's willing to put on his big boy pants and overlook it. But don't you dare insult his girl's blood status, or else you'll witness a show even Voldemort himself would be proud of! Picture it: a bunch of Slytherin wannabes start spouting nonsense about you not being worthy of Mattheo because he's the Dark Lord's spawn, and well you're just a stupid mudblood.
That sets Mattheo off like a firecracker! He goes all Hulk mode, smashing and bashing until they're all groveling at his feet. "Stay in your fucking place, you piece of shit, or else you won't live to tell the tale of Voldemort's son representing the Dark Lord himself!" He's a total hotie in fight mode btw
Now, Tom's got issues. He's got this whole orphanage baggage weighing him down, but deep down, he's just a lovesick puppy because he never received any. Sure, he hates the whole blood status talk, but he loves you more than he hates it. And merlin, does he have a way of showing it! He'll dominate and control like it's his daily job, but common, it's all out of love, right? And if anyone dares to even look at you funny, bam! It's going to be a hex city, and guess whose the population ? them.
But if you try to disobey or disrespect him he won't hesitate to return to his true self , he'd grab your chin harshly and menacingly whisper, "You're just a filthy mudblood, know your place. Here, God isn't your lord. I am."
hmm, Theodore, the rebel with a cause. He's not like his father , nothing like him at all and he constantly wants to prove it , this is just one of those things that help him show you and others that he's different.He couldn't care less about blood status drama. Nope, if he loves you, he loves ALL of you, flaws and all.
He'd threaten everyone around that you're his girl and if anyone says anything to you or if they try to hurt you then they'd be found dead before they can say sorry . "Get this in your stupid ass head, you dick - you mess with her, you mess with me and remember I don't pull bunnies out of a hat ."
Lorenzo's like that curious cat who just can't resist poking his nose into everything. Muggle stuff? Fascinating! Like Theodore he wouldn't mind . He'd actually ask more about how it's there and all the technology intrigues him but he'd still be on about how magic is better . He would support you all the time and try to indulge in stuff to make you feel better .
Would threaten his friends to be mindful of their words around you because you're very dear to him and he wouldn't mind a punch to two if it means you're protected "Hey hey hey , watch it or I won't!"
Draco, return of the drama queen of Slytherin lmao . He'll start off all high and mighty, spouting hurtful things left, right, and center. But when reality hits and you stop talking to him , he realizes he's messed up, cue the banging at your door , sputtering out apologies and the gifts galore - rich boy lowkey buying his way out but you can't complain because he's got all your favourite stuff .
Draco would kinda joke to lighten the mood "God, I love you, but my father cannot hear about this." Classic Draco, am I right?
。    ✧    ⁺     。
TAGLIST : @sugarcandydoll @helendeath
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disneyprincemuke · 4 months
the second seat * fem!driver
the question of who gets the second seat in the new season has been unaddressed for months
pairings: logan sargeant x femreader, oscar piastri x femdriver, liam lawson x femdriver, mick schumacher x femdriver
notes: guys omg i always thought liam n rocky being in the same time would mean marketing chaos and absolute borderline insane team antics,, if only i hadn't been too lazy to write nonlogan fics when it comes to vr LMFAOOO
(series masterlist) | (📂 the sophomore year)
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"it has to be me, right?" mick grins, turning to the small girl as she dances around the living room with her cat in her arms. "you said you'd get me the second seat."
"doubt it, mate," oscar mutters, fingers slamming down on the buttons of his controller as their game of mario kart plays out on the tv screen. "don't trust a word she says. she's a serial liar."
"am not!" she shrieks, turning around to glare at oscar. "he's the serial liar!" she looks at mick. "i tried to get you the seat, mate, but apparently i don't have that much of a say after all."
logan shrugs, eyes stuck on the screen as he bites down on his lip. "i know who got the second seat."
"what? that's insane!" oscar scoffs, shoving logan quickly before returning his hands on his controller. "and you haven't told me? are you crazy?"
"it's not my fault i live with her! you know she can't keep a secret to save her life," logan snorts, rolling his eyes. "you're just gonna have to wait for andretti's statement like everybody else."
"that's stupid. we're already here," mick points out. he looks at the girl and scowls. "who is your teammate for the new season? no way you keep your mouth shut long enough for them to make the announcement in the next 10 minutes."
she shrugs, disappearing into the kitchen. "what can i say? i turned 21 and suddenly i'm a new person."
"she'll tell us before they can post about it. don't sweat it," oscar laughs, putting his controller down. he pumps his fist in the air as he beats logan at yet another mario kart race, giggling when logan punches his arm.
"well, my teammate should be here any second," she hums, walking back in with a pint of ice cream in her hands. she holds out the pint to the group. "ice cream?"
mick looks at the pint. "you have an ice cream problem, rocky."
"perhaps." she takes a seat next to mick on the couch as oscar takes the pint from her hands. "but they signed him before telling me about it. so i, too, was blindsided."
"truly," she shakes her head as kidnapper finally releases his claws from her shirt, padding over to mick's lap. she takes the ice cream pint back in her hands. "but it's a pretty good catch. i think we'll be good together on the track."
the front door swings open. "i'm here!"
"your teammate's lily?"
"are you fucking stupid?" she kicks logan lightly, rolling her eyes as she throws her head back. "obviously it's not lily."
"oh, you haven't told them yet?" lily giggles, skipping over to where oscar is sitting on the ground. she presses a quick kiss to his cheek, making the other 3 people in the room groan as they throw their head backs.
"get a room!"
"trigger warning next time."
"wait. what does she mean by that? you mean my girlfriend knows and we don't?" oscar frowns, pointing at the redhead who has her arms strung around his shoulders. "what's with the secrecy?"
logan laughs. "yeah, i told her."
"unfair! that's blatant favouritism!" mick scoffs, throwing a pillow at logan. "why'd you tell her before us?"
"i had to tell someone. i knew lily would never speak if i told her not to tell anyone," logan grins, clearly proud of his decision. "what time is he getting here, rocky? can't believe he's late for lunch."
"ah, cut him some slack. he's just flown in from home," she giggles. "any moment now, actually."
"he'll arrive soon?"
she feels her phone buzz in her pocket. "check your instagram."
there's a moment of silence, the two clueless men fishing hurriedly for their phones to check their social media.
it's followed by loud gasps and bewildered screams. mick jumps up, startling the cat sitting peacefully on his lap. kidnapper quickly settles on her lap again. "you kept this a secret for this long – how, exactly?"
she shrugs just as oscar screams. "you're mentally unsound! you hid a secret this large from me?"
"that's right," the door swings open, slamming against their shoe rack as a familiar face walks by the entryway of their small apartment. he throws his arms up into the air and puckers his lips. "meet the fine lad who's managed to scam andretti into giving him the second seat to start in the new season."
oscar holds a hand on his chest. "lily, call an ambulance."
"good lord," mick slowly sits down, scratching his head. "you crazy son of a bitch. how did you manage to pull this off?"
she giggles, moving over to the other end of the couch to make space. he drops himself between mick and the younger driver, slinging his arms around their shoulders and resting his leg over the other. "that's right. it is i, liam lawson, driving for andretti this season."
"oh, we're gonna be insane this year, mate," she laughs, holding her hand out for a high-5. "i got you an ice cream pint to celebrate."
"oh, lit. what flavour did you get me?" liam hops up and runs over to the kitchen. "chocolate too?"
liam's head pops out of the kitchen, an unimpressed stare boring holes at her. "you know i hate that."
"welcome to the team."
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @inejismywife @love4lando
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wolfiesmoon · 6 months
My princess
baji x fem!reader
another one for my baji girlies😘😘😘😘😘😘
do not be fooled by the title by the way this is not what it seems😈 @riabriyn one tag for uuuu
Also warning there's a few swear words!
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"So, where is he?" your friend asked, glancing at her watch. You had finally promised your friends that they'd get to meet your new boyfriend. They complain that he's all you've been talking about lately and you can't really blame them since that's the truth.
You're just really happy that you have a boyfriend like the rest of them, is all.
"He should arrive right about now." You smiled happily. You can't wait to see him already.
You heard the sound of a motorcycle in the distance and your smile widened, knowing he was about to arrive. Oh, you'll show him off so hard. All your friends are gonna be so jealous.
When he stopped in front of you and your friends, you ran up to him and hugged him before he could even step off the bike. "I missed you, babe!"
"You literally saw me yesterday." He sounded annoyed but he hugged you back.
You looked back at your friends as Baji got off the bike, eyebrow raising at their shocked expressions.
"That's... your boyfriend?" One of them asked cautiously. You nodded slowly.
"Girl, you should have told us your boyfriend is uhhh... a delinquent." Your friend picked her words carefully, too afraid to upset your mystery of a boyfriend.
"But I told you about him..." Baji was looking in between all of you, trying to understand your collective confusion.
"You told us that he's your little princess and that he brings you flowers and takes you to cat cafés. I think all of us collectively imagined something different."
"All these things still hold true, though. Can't he be a delinquent but also super sweet?" You shrugged. You didn't lie a single time when you said those things.
"You call me your what now?" Baji placed a hand on your shoulder, still in disbelief.
"I call you my little princess!" You smiled warmly at him, turning around and hugging him once more. Despite his shock, he hugged you back again.
"Why the fuck would you call me that? Couldn't you have picked something better?" Your friends just watched the two of you, not sure what to do.
You pouted. "But little princess fits you so well..."
"What exactly screams little princess about me to you?" He asked. Your friends asked the same question internally.
"You're so cute and sweet and you have the prettiest hair. All princess qualities."
Ok, now your friends just think you're delusional. And so does Baji, a little bit. Though he loves you regardless.
"Listen, can't you just call me something better?"
"Hmmmm... how about 'my little meow meow'?" You offered after thinking for a few seconds.
"I asked for something better." Baji sighed.
Normally it wasn't his thing to back off from anything really, but he had a feeling you would come up with something even more embarrasing if he kept pushing. You kind of remind him of his mom back when he was younger. She kept insisting to call him the most embarrasing nicknames, even in front of his friends.
Those nicknames are a secret he'll make Mikey take to the grave.
"Whatever, just call me your princess or something. I don't give a shit anymore." He huffed.
He watched your face light up and you thanked him excitedly, to which he just clicked his tongue in return.
Your friends noted that his cheeks are a little red. What an odd pair the two of you are.
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅Bonus fic (You thought it was over? Think again😈😈😈)
"Aaah, you look so cute, I could just squish your cheeks!" Baji had to slap your hand away because you were actually going to do it.
He let you play with his hair since you kept asking to and now he has a baby pink bow tied into a ponytail on his head.
"Awww, you're no fun." You placed your hands back down, pouting playfully.
He happened to glance at the clock, realising that he was supposed to be having a first division meeting very soon. The way you played with his hair relaxed him so much that he lost track of time.
He shot upright, making you flinch slightly.
"Where are you going?" you asked, worried you upset him.
"Shit. I have a meeting." he hissed behind clenched teeth. Well, you suppose you can't blame him. Though you did want to play with his hair for way longer.
He quickly left, hopping onto his motorcycle and driving off to the meeting location. One thing he would never do is be late to his own meeting.
Luckily, he arrived a bit before everyone else did, with only Chifuyu waiting for him there. "Oh, Baji-san, I- What's that?" Chifuyu pointed at the pretty pink bow.
Oh, he completely forgot about that. Normally he would be embarrased because of something like this, but strangely, the bow you put in his hair filled him with a sense of pride. Like a sign that he's really yours.
Before Baji could explain the bow, everyone from the first division stopped in front of the meeting place on their bikes.
"Let's begin." Baji sat down on the edge of the fountain across from the other gang members.
All of the gang members gathered were visibly holding back laughter, some even let a few giggles slip.
This irked Baji to no end.
"You guys got a problem with my girlfriend's sense of style? Laugh at me, I fucking dare you." Everyone's expressions instantly straightened at Baji's scary face.
Chifuyu let out a little "ohhh..." since he figured out that you were the one who gave him that bow.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. So yesterday..." as he talked about the reason they're even having this meeting, he was filled with a sense of pride.
That pretty pink bow is proof that he has a beautiful girlfriend and he isn't afraid to show her off.
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sunny-fox · 1 year
Random thought from yesterday:
Pet! SAHSR (Self Aware Honkai Star Rail) AU
Notes: reverse isekai, characters turn into animals, Astral Express Crew, Caelus and Stelle are twins, kind of Cult! AU?
Dutch Rabbit! Pom Pom who pretends that they don't like being petted. They don't look at you when you pet them, opting to stare at random things around them, but they move towards you slowly and secretly, a few steps at a time. They nuzzle into your palm but pretend that they didn't afterwards by ignoring you multiple times when you call their name. Pom Pom does try to nip at your fingers if you ruffle their fur too often, thinking that you're trying to mess up their soft fur. If Pom Pom is feeling particularly friendly on some days, they might even let you hold them for hours (they usually lie still in your arms for about 5 minutes before squirming to get away). March will start complaining and pawing at your arm though, as it's her spot on other days.
Cocker Spaniel! March 7th who loves following you around your house. She's quite energetic, often bringing her toys to you, pleading for you to play with her through her gaze. You do play with her, but it's impossible to do so every 10 minutes, what with your work and everyday duties. March gets bored when you can't play with her, lying on the floor and looking here and there for something else to play with (that isn't her toys). Don't be surprised when you return to the living room and find your bags turned inside out, belongings undamaged but strewn across the floor, Himeko picking them up and piling them together for you. March wants you to think of it as revenge for not playing with her (>:3).
Siberian cat! Dan Heng who prefers resting on cat trees than interacting with the others. He'll swipe a paw at anyone (except you) who dares invade his personal space, though he acts more lenient towards the other pets. He watches you from his special spot on the cat tree every time you walk around the house doing chores or just going from one room to another. Sometimes Dan Heng does follow you just like March, but if you tell him that he's practically tripping you every step you take, he quietly leaves and goes back to his spot. If March is following you as well, Dan Heng will paw at her back, telling her to follow him to the living room. He'll ask for help from Welt if she doesn't listen.
Maine Coon! Himeko who's just like the mom of the group. She's mostly calm, but will gently nip at the younger pets' ears or swipe a paw at them - claws retracted, of course - if they misbehave. Himeko likes it when you brush her fur. Eight to nine out of ten times she falls asleep when you do so. She has to have her fur brushed weekly if not daily - she'll bring her comb to you and purr to let you know. Himeko will curl up next to you if you let her sleep on your bed, guarding you throughout the night, nuzzling against you when you wake up screaming (or not) from nightmares.
Bernese Mountain Dog! Welt who's really calm and quiet. He rests his snout on the edge of your bed each morning so the first thing you see when you wake is a pair of honey-coloured eyes staring right back at you. Please pat his snout as a good morning; he'll feel so happy if you do! As mentioned above, Dan Heng asks Welt for help when March insists on running in circles around you: he picks her up by the scruff and takes her away. Welt likes to accompany you on walks at night, treasuring the precious time he gets to spend with you. There's this one time when you took a photo with Welt and put a pair of toy glasses on his snout. He seemed to love those glasses a lot after that.
Raccoons! Caelus and Stelle who are disappointed that they can't go dumpster diving in your house. You can't have garbage strewn around your house, after all. You caught them red-handed during their first few attempts after arriving at your house. When you leave your house, they'll try to dig through the trash cans again. March and Dan Heng try to stop them, with March tugging on Stelle's tail with her mouth and Dan Heng standing on his hind legs, trying to pry Caelus off the can. Eventually you prepared a huge box for the troublemaker twins and hid new toys or snacks in it, underneath old clothes and colourful, hollow plastic balls. That seemed to satisfy their interest in dumpster diving, albeit briefly. Caelus and Stelle still try to climb into trash cans whenever they go on walks with you.
Even though Pom Pom was a rabbit, Dan Heng and Himeko were cats, Welt and March were dogs, and Caelus as well as Stelle were raccoons, they often stuck together like a family. Pom Pom likes to make Welt's back their personal couch. Welt won't move at all unless you pick up Pom Pom or Pom Pom climbs off his back. Himeko plays with March to distract her from turning your house upside down when you're busy. Caelus, Stelle and Dan Heng lie in a cuddle pile during naps. Sometimes March, Himeko, Welt and Pom Pom join them too. You're quite puzzled as to why they love each other dearly, but hey, it's nice to see them acting like family, no?
Had a lot of fun writing this :D
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divijohm · 3 months
Headcanons for Toby, Jeff, Nina and slendy with a reader that lovesss animals? (and is good with them) :D like every time they return from a mission, reader has brought back a puppy or kitty? (bonus points if once she accidentally brought a wolf in the house mistaking it for a dog)
Pastas with a s/o that's good with animals!
Toby, Jeff, Nina and Slenderman
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A/n: I LOVE ANIMALS! ALL ARE SUPER CUTE but sadly I'm not very good with them lolol I have a cat and a dog though they're my babyss hope you enjoy!
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🐾 He does not get along well with animals, at all. He scares most them away just by standing there, problems of being a eldritch horror but once one warms up to him he actually is very gentle with them.
🐾 finds it cute and fascinating how well you can interact with the lil fellas, might even find a way to you to use them in missions. Not a fan of you bringing them to the mansion though, most pastas aren't a fan and may be allergic, and he does not enjoy when animals/wildlife are being mistreated so for everyone's sake, he'll ask you not to.
🐾 If you manage to convince him to have a pet, other than smile dog that is, he would like a cat, probably a black or tuxedo one, because it would be easier to hide the fur that will be all over his clothes
🐾 He's a tidy man, animals that make much mess are not his type, he also don't like the high maintenance ones (i.e hamsters) heck he barely takes care of his proxies, leaving most of them to survive on their own only giving the best ones a somewhat stable life. A high maintenance thing that's not even useful?? Hell no
🐾 Overall, he likes animals but he does not like to take care of them nor have them in his house, he doesn't need more little, bratty, short life-span beings to take care of, he already has the proxys
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🐾 Adores animals as long as they're far away from him, he's scared of most of them at first but find them cute
🐾 Have a strong cat allergy poor thing can't be near one without a mask or he'll start sneezing
🐾 Will help you take care of them despite his fear and allergies, mostly by being on your side handing you stuff but he'll hold the animal still if you need to apply a vaccine or something
🐾 Sometimes his tics will be saying an animal name, because he's spending so much time listening to you talk about them, you find it cute
🐾 He's besties with the mansion permanent pets and will let them stay in his room if needed
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🐾 BIG ANIMAL FAN, especially big ones
🐾 WILL pamper all the pets you bring home, to a point where you have to hide the treats from her otherwise she'll give them nonstop
🐾 Begs Slenderman to let you make a zoo with all the pets, he refuses of course but lets her keep a parrot
🐾 She named the parrot Willy, is a blue one and he's very talkative (much like his owner) surprisingly he can roam free and don't run away/get lost.
🐾Willy will attack on command, Nina did not teach him how to do that but one day she said to another proxy "I'll make willy take your eyes out!" And the birb was near and he just attacked going for the eyes. A moment of laughter and panic later, Willy was safe and the poor victim just had his eyelids slightly clawed, nothing major but Slenderman made Nina promise that she would never command willy to attack a proxy to a degree that can compromise their performance. So now she just makes him poop on people's foods and/or in them
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🐾 He only likes dogs, not much of a fan of any other species, he will tolerate birds and most of the wild life thought
🐾 He's afraid of cats, whenever you bring one to the house he'll try to act cool but the slightest movement towards him will make him flinch
🐾 Will act uninterested when you bring a dog but the moment you turn your back he WILL gush over them specially if they get along with Smiley
🐾 Fights everyone who criticizes your actions, because "at least animals are better than humans" bedsides you do all the work to care for them and keep the mansion permanent pets safe if they don't get along with the strays
🐾 will complain if you spend more time with the pets than with him, and will throw a tantrum if you tell him to wait because you have to take care of the lil ones before giving him attention
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wannaeatramyeon · 6 months
Jake Kim x Reader: Mother in Law
Requested. G/N. Meeting Minseon for the first time.
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"You want to bring someone over for dinner?" Curiosity colours Minseon’s question.
Jake imagines his mom on the other end of the phone. Hand stilling, cigarette halfway to her lips. One eyebrow quirked at the unusual request.
She asks for the name of the guest and Jake tells her.
"And is this Y/N a particular someone?"
"They're... someone to me," Jake doesn't hide his grin, "I'm serious about them and I want to introduce them to you."
About time, Minseon thinks. Rumours of her son's dating life has reached her ears months ago
"Very well. See you Saturday."
Minseon's eyes flicker down to your's and Jake's joined hands and back up again, giving you both a polite, cordial smile.
Suddenly, you feel like the contact is inappropriate. Too intimate. Jake must agree, because between the two of you, you don't know whose palm is sweatier.
You untangle your fingers, and bow. Ninety degrees, parallel to the ground. Showing Minseon the respect her station and status deserves.
Returning upright, you take the bouquet from Jake and hold it out to his mom. Jake had said it was unnecessary, but how could he expect you to meet her for the first time empty handed?
You clear your throat, "Thank you for having me over. It's lovely to meet you, Mom!" and immediately wish you never said anything at all.
You take one look at her shocked expression and feel your cheeks bloom. Jake tries to mask his chuckle as a cough and receives a sharp elbow in the side.
Minseon blinks in surprise at your familiarity. Hmm, she knew her son can be lively, so it's only fitting that he found someone similar.
"Mom is fine," she says, "Thank you. These flowers are beautiful." She smiles, and you're taken aback by how much Jake resembles her.
You sit through a reasonably comfortable dinner.
Minseon now knows all about your family history.
Where your parents grew up, what they do, what you want to do, your grade point average. How you do fine with Math but struggle with grammar and tenses. The dog you had as a child, the fish you had as a young teen, the scar on your hand from your grandparent's cat.
Something about her, despite first impressions, welcomes you. Makes it feel like you're never talking too much, taking up too much time.
Then when you apologise for rambling, she tells you not to be ridiculous.
But the conversation shifts.
Minseon asks if you know about the Kim family history, what Gapryong Kim does, did. What Jake Kim actually does. You say yes but she gives you a rather grizzly and brutal history lesson anyway.
When she excuses herself, you release a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"Mom is..." Jake scratches the back of his head, face contrite and apologetic. "Just making sure you know what you're getting yourself into. Sorry. That was intense."
"Is she always like this?"
"Sort of." Jake picks up his chopsticks and picks at the leftover beef ribs. Munching thoughtfully, he adds, "I thought she might be better with company. I've never actually brought anyone over before."
"Your dad had some... undesirable traits in a partner." Years old wounds flare up after dinner. Over coffee and delicate pieces of cut fruit. Bitterness and anger flashes across Minseon's face before she regains her composure and takes a careful sip.
"If Jake ever gives you any trouble, you let me know."
Jake rolls his eyes; is about to say that he is nothing like his dad, at least not in that regard.
But then he sees her place her hand over yours, giving you a reassuring squeeze. The same protective, maternal look in her eyes that he is so familiar with, and he can't bring himself to say anything to ruin this sweet moment.
Just give him time, and he'll show his mom, and you, how different from his dad he is.
Jake rests his hand on your knee. Big and warm. Holding hopeful futures and kept promises.
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pochipop · 7 months
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#. synopsis! — mike is used to walking on eggshells, just waiting for another tragedy, and you really don’t want to be just another person who's let him down.
#. characters! — mike schmidt .
#. warnings! — vague references to past traumatic events (canon compliant) , references to a verbal argument .
#. word count! — 1.8k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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Mike is used to people leaving. They come and they go like stray cats who've found someone better to nab food off of, —leaving him with more ghosts in his life than he'd care to admit. At least these ones are metaphorical and melodramatic, though. His saving grace has been the fact that he chooses wisely who to introduce Abby to, just in case. She's been through enough, and she's so young that the absence of anyone would be duly noted. Not that it isn't when it comes to himself, it's just. . . He's learned how to live with loss. Maybe not effectively, but he does it, and for right now, that's probably as good as it's getting.
He's got more pressing matters to attend to. He always does. That's what he argued about with you, —what he fought tooth and nail to defend, even when you backed off. At the end of it, he knew he'd gone too far for no real reason. He wasn't arguing with you at that point, he was arguing with all the people that have left him starved for their affections and their care. The words he said to you were so far beyond your scope that it was almost pathetic to think about all the bullshit he unloaded on you like it was somehow your job to fix it, even when he knew it wasn't. So really, it's no wonder he's adding you to that list of people who've walked away.
For once, he truly deserved it. 
And now he's got to explain this to Abby. Because she likes you almost as much as he does, —almost being the operative word there. Mike sucks at a lot of things, and showing you he cares tends to be one of them, but he loves in his own ways. . . And now, he fears he'll have to do it from afar.
He sort of wishes Abby was the kind of kid he could bribe with ice cream for breakfast to break bad news to. It'd be easier to scoop her some off-brand Neopolitan and tell her she'd never see you again if that would help soften the blow. But it won't, and he knows that. He knows her too well to even try.
Still, he finds himself putting chocolate chips in her pancakes that morning in spite of himself.
When he places the plate in front of her, she narrows her eyes, as if to ask him what he's done so wrong. . . Asking what he's offering silent apologies for in the form of sweet pockets stolen away inside her favorite breakfast food. He opens the fridge in search of orange juice just to avoid her gaze.
Before she can even take a bite, he opens his mouth.
"Listen, Abby—"
She looks up at him with those big, doe eyes, and he probably would have cut himself off anyway if not for the knock on the front door. Mike mumbles for her to hold that thought, then goes to check who's outside.
And there you stand a little awkwardly on his doorstep, a brand new bottle of orange juice in your hand. Once again, it's like you've read his mind, and he's as sick of it as he is thankful for it, especially right now. Still, he can't turn you away.
"Morning," you say, almost hesitantly. "I brought juice. . ."
He tries to think of something to say, but hears the quick pitter-patter of Abby's feet fastly approaching. She calls your name so happily, and you smile at her.
"Good morning to you too," you laugh, returning the hug she gives you with no hesitation.
Mike just stares, as if he can't believe you're even here right now. If you're just here to grab the items of yours strewn about his house, he feels like the least you could have done was wait until Abby was asleep or something.
"Can I have some?" Abby asks, pointing to the orange juice in your hand.
"Yeah, that's what it's for," you smile, handing the bottle to her.
She scurries off to the kitchen to pour herself a glass.
"Mike," you say softly now that she's out of earshot, "can we—"
"I'll get your stuff together," he cuts you off.
Your jaw slacks.
"What?" Is the only thing you can manage to muster up in response.
"You could've done this at a different time," he snaps, trying to keep quiet so Abby doesn't hear. "It's gonna be ten times harder on her now for me to explain why you're not coming back."
You stare at him, trying not to cry. Out of all the things you expected to happen this morning, such a drastic change of heart on his part wasn't one of them.
"You. . . You're breaking up with me?" You question.
He pauses, a lot of the frustration dissipating from his features, replaced by genuine confusion.
"Didn't you already break up with me?" He asks.
Your brows knit together quizzically. 
"No? What are you even talking about, I never said I wanted to break up with you," you point out.
Sure, you didn’t say it. But most of the others had never said it either. It was like flipping a lightswitch. One minute they were there, and the next they weren’t. That's why he'd gotten so good at keeping his relationships at a distance, and he'd taken the biggest leap of faith in introducing you to his sister.
"Yesterday evening?" He says, but it sounds more like a question.
"We had an argument," you acknowledge. "It was stupid, and you hurt my feelings. I'm sure I hurt yours too. That doesn't mean I want us to be over."
Mike stares at you like he's not sure what to say, because he isn't. He's not used to someone caring enough to fight for him, and for what festers between himself and someone else. He's learned to let go before the thread pulls too tight, —before it wraps around his throat and slices through every defense he's built up for the sake of protecting himself, his heart, and the little girl that depends on him.
"Mike," you say softly, almost cautiously. "I care about you. One bad night doesn't change that. . . Not for me."
God, it was stupid. It was so stupid. You weren't even mad at him specifically, and you're fairly certain he wasn't really angry with you in particular either. Long days on both your parts collided like a warm front to a cold one, and the things both of you said in the wake of it were uttered through venom and gritted teeth. Sweeping generalizations, a lot of rolling eyes, some tears that were more about frustration than they were anything else. . . But you still loved him at the end of it, even as you found yourself walking home alone.
In fact, that walk was particularly sobering. The crisp chill of the autumn evening was enough to convince you that you'd rather be back at his place where he keeps an extra toothbrush for you in the bathroom and emptied out a drawer just so you could have a place to store some clothes. The sleep you got in the night that followed was shallow at best, restless enough to leave faint bags beneath your eyes by morning, and you were determined to make up any excuse in the book just to swing by.
So you went out and got some orange juice, knowing there wasn't any left in the fridge, and you stood outside his door for a while, working yourself up just to knock. You thought about all the things you'd need to apologize for, and you were ready to push aside your ego if it meant Mike could understand just how much you care, even when you're upset.
He swallows, just to give himself something to do while he prolongs his own response, because he's just not sure what to say. Somehow, a part of him is whispering that this would be easier if you just didn't give a fuck. . . If last evening was the end, and he could go back to finding comfort in silence again.
That's how it's always been. Someone leaves, and he copes, and then he files them away with the rest. But here you are, and Mike knows he can't bring himself to put you in with the others.
"Mike, I'm—"
"No, I am," he breathes, reaching forward to pull you into his arms. "I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, and I'm sorry that I suck at being a boyfriend, but I don't know what I'm doing and all I can tell you is that I'm trying."
He feels the tension meld away from you, and it's then, before you even open your mouth to reply, that he starts to think everything is how it should be.
"You don't suck at it," you answer lightly. "I know you're trying, and that's genuinely all I could ask for, and I'm sorry about yesterday evening. I was in a bad mood, and I took it out on you, and that wasn't right."
"We both took shit out on each other," he corrects, ready and willing to share the blame.
"True enough," you acknowledge with a weary smile, finally pulling away from his embrace.
"I'm sorry," he says again. "When things go wrong, I. . . I've just learned how to slam on the breaks. If I stop things before they feel like they'll suffocate me, I can avoid them. But I love you, and I know I don't want to avoid that."
"This isn't a one way street," you remind him. "Relationships are hard, and sometimes things happen in a way that they shouldn't, but I'm here for you, and I want to be here for you. . . It's not contractual. One bad night doesn't take away all the times you've made me feel like the happiest person on the face of the planet, Mike."
He sniffles a little, then lets out a relieved sigh.
"Are you hungry?" He asks. "I can make you some pancakes. Chocolate chip."
You raise an eyebrow.
"Chocolate chip? Are you apologizing to Abby for something?"
God, a part of him hates that he's so obvious, but another part loves that you know him so well. It makes him feel even stupider for just assuming that you'd be willing to throw in the towel after one rough night.
"No, not really," he shakes his head. (Not anymore, at least.)
Mike glances toward the kitchen, just to make sure Abby's still preoccupied with her breakfast, then steals a quick kiss from your lips.
"I'm sorry," he says again.
You smile.
"Me too."
"And I love you," he adds.
Your smile widens.
"I love you too. Promise."
With that, he pulls you to the kitchen, and you sit down beside Abby at the table. She tells you that when breakfast is done with, she'd like to show you some new drawings she's done, and you nod, telling her you're excited to see them. And you are.
Mike stands at the stovetop, his back to the both of you, not bothering to bite back his grin. 
He feels his foot ease off the break.
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aliferous-ly · 6 months
ranchers au of the story of a woman who'll marry whoever can get the key off her cats neck
except it's tango, who is a magician of sorts so he's highly sought after, so he comes up with this test of whoever can get the key he'll marry. people start setting traps and whatnot. most of them tango avoids with ease, but he gets caught in one. depressed, he waits for the inevitable downfall.
only, the person who finds him isnt the one who set the trap. a man finds him, and, aghast at the sight, let's tango go. later in town as jimmy recounts this happenstance everyone around him angrily tells him off because he's squandered this perfect opportunity, and this is how Jimmy finds out about the contest.
he thinks the contest is rather upsetting, because how could someone set the whole town against a poor cat like that?
jimmy takes it upon himself to take care of the cat. he listens as people brag about traps so he can find them and dismantle them. he leaves food and fresh water out when he can, and sets up a small shelter for when it rains. he can't imagine that the cat will use it, with it looking so obviously like a trap, but he sets it up anyway.
he gets a rather negative reputation in town because of this. but instead of backing down, jimmy instead snaps back about what kind of person tango must be, to pit the whole town against an innocent animal! because of the pushback from the townspeople he gets rather righteous about his position.
his opinion is cemented further as the cat slowly learns to trust him. sometimes Jimmy rants to the cat about his neglectful and cruel owner.
time passes. many people in town give up on their endeavors. they set traps, but can't afford to check them frequently. they're too busy working. jimmy gains the cats trust and the cat hides in the shelter he built it. eventually, the cat even walks into his home.
jimmy all but adopts this cat, at this point. he feeds it, cares for it, makes sure it's safe during storms and warm on cold nights. the cat hangs around him all the time, the key dangling from its neck. it's startling, the first time the cat jumps on his lap, but jimmy rewards this trust with lots of pets and nothing else.
the cat grows bolder. it bumps it's forehead against jimmy's hand, curls up on jimmy's lap, and yowls for food at the crack of dawn. it leaves the house but never for longer than a day, always returning with an expectant gaze.
Jimmy tries to ignore the key but he grows restless. this tango guy hasn't even asked about his cat, and Jimmy's been caring for it for ages! He knows the key is to tangos house and is only for the winning suitor, but after the weather turns cold and jimmy despairs about how the cat would survive in such extreme weather without help, he takes the key and stomps up to tangos house to give him a piece of his mind.
it's a long, winding path. The cat follows him the whole way, which is odd, since the cat usually only follows Jimmy when he's safe at home. jimmy reaches the house and he knocks first, he has manners, but after no answer he unlocks it and storms in.
only, the whole place is empty. it's clean, someone clearly lives here, but there's nobody home. jimmy deflates. the cat jumps on a large cushioned chair and stares at him.
jimmy slumps over to the cat and pets it, mumbling about what to do next. he does one final sweep of the house (in jimmy's opinion, if tango wanted privacy he wouldnt have put his key on a cat!). and when he turns back to the cat, hands on his hips and ready to announce failure, his cat isn't... there. in it's place is a man with fiery red hair and a smirk firmly upon his lips.
jimmy has his moments of foolishness but he's not dense. he makes the connection. he realizes, and gapes at the man -- at tango, who's been the cat all along.
tango teases him about marriage and jimmy flusters. the two of them finally get to know each other outside of the contest and tango is firm in his reward, announcing it to the townspeople (many of which are furious at Jimmy, loudest anti-tango spokesman around, being the winner).
and jimmy and tango fall in love and live happily ever after the end.
and yes, jimmy is incredibly embarrassed about unknowingly insulting tango to his face. tango, for his part, found it hilarious and it actually endeared him to jimmy, since jimmy was so furious on the cat's behalf.
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Hear Me Out
They try hint at their crush on you
Ft. Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe, Dottore, Pantalone
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She does it from the moment she confirms that her feelings for you are genuine and not just some passing fancy
Which means she's very serious about it and does take slight offence that you're not responding accordingly
Do you not like her back? Are you ignoring her hints to avoid hurting her feelings?
The definition of "please reject me so I can move on"
Is it because you heard the orphans calling her "mum" and got the wrong idea?
Please she's dying to know, she's been bringing you flowers like every other day
Lends you her jacket and hopes you forget to return it so she has an excuse to see you again
Columbina awkwardly patting her back when she stares into empty space in agony when you brush off yet another of her flirting attempts as being friendly
At some point she does ask you to just outright reject her so she can move on
Lowkey wants to go apeshit when she finds out you actually like her too and were just too nervous to flirt back
He has a good rep, so he hopes that improves his dateability in your eyes
He'll bring you cute trinkets he comes across from wherever he goes!!
Would also keep a matching piece for himself so he can imagine that y'all are dating
Also has someone help him take pictures of him should he ever go anywhere scenic and have it made into a sort of postcard for you
He wonders if you ever end up looking at him instead of the view (he hopes you do)
He subtly sneaks glances at you, but not so subtle so that there's a chance you'll catch him and possibly tell him that you're into him too
Ok in all honesty his flirting game probably sucks ass and he'd probably tell you your eyes are like his dog's as a compliment
Please just give him a chance his colleagues are getting sick of his silent brooding when you don't notice how he polished his helmet extra shiny just for you
The most obvious of them all please he's clinging to you like he's obsessed
So many terrible jokes that aren't even jokes
"Wouldn't it be funny if we kissed- no? Not even once? Ok haha, no I'm not upset I was kidding."
Unlike Arlecchino, he knows rejection isn't going to make him move on
So he hovers like a dog off the streets that just picked you as its new master
Makes a point to tell you everything he succeeds at, even if it's mundane
Stuff like "hey I made really good waffles, I could cook for you y'know?" Or "Yeah I fixed that door all on my own I'm really handy around the house."
Like Capitano, he brings you trinkets
Unlike Capitano, they aren't always wholesome and may come from the people and monsters he beat up/killed
Brings them to you like a cat presenting their hunt
Makes synthetic human parts that are as identical to yours as possible and compliment them in front of you without telling you they're based on you
"What do you think about these eyes?"
"...yes, they're very...eye-like?"
"They're a lovely pair of eyes, wouldn't you agree? Look at how they-"
Yes, he absolutely will point out how they function to you. Yes, he thinks he's being romantic
So he doesn't get why you don't seem to catch on that he's into you
Did you not realise those were your organs he complimented?
In a way it gives him some weird satisfaction that he knows you more intimately than even you
But he does want you to realise eventually
So he'll walk up behind you under the guise of "monitoring your work" and inhale your scent like the lunatic he is (another trait of yours he'll make sure to remember)
Isn't it obvious? He spoils you
He lets you use his wallet like a subscription trial
Enjoy it? Consider dating him to extend the privilege duration
He makes it very clear cut to you: he's into you, and he'll take care of you for as long as you're his beloved
He also makes his interest in you very clear to everyone else, so chances are, there's no one else who's dare approach you unless it's another harbinger
And be very clear on this: once you say yes to him, there's no backing out
Even before you start dating, he acts as though you already are
He wouldn't pressure you into anything you're uncomfortable with, but expect an arm around your waist to hold you close to him
Like I said, very clear cut, there's no way you could mistake his affection
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Taglist[send an ask to be added/removed]: @myluvkeiji @pluvioseprince @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @loverofthe-stars @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @heizours @codename-hiraeth @andreiling01 @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @ineshapanda
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baratiddyappreciator · 6 months
Hey honey bun sugar plummmm!! Could I get a baki characters with a s/o who has a fat ass (me)
Why of course, thine blessed thiccness will be appreciated!
He's more of a tits guy (mommy issues, we all know this) but he absolutely doesn't complain about a bit more cake either. Be it a bubble butt or just genuine cake, he does not mind in the slightest.
That is his ass, thank you very much, so catching others staring or trying to cop a feel will very much wind up in him dishing out swift justice. He's chill about most things, and he doesn't mind others appreciating you as a whole, you're stunning, he knows it, but when they're being gross and pushy about it, that's when he'll step in.
He's got a habit of grabbing people's hips when he walks passed them, he may or may not cop a slight feel with you though. He doesn't mean it to be creepy or pervy, but he can't help but admire the curves you graced him with.
He's got his own cake as well, don't forget that, so the two of you walking side by side out in public earns a lot of stares for many reasons, but the fact that the two of you combined are an entire bakery might also have something to do with it.
Girl is flustered. Literally everyone around Baki that she ever met was cheeked up, and she knows how to appreciate a good behind, but she's a lot more shy about it than, say, Chiharu or Katsumi.
Worried about wardrobe malfunctions? Not while she's around, she is on it. Doing it to be considerate? Absolutely, of course. But was she also watching your ass before the wardrobe failure? Maybe. Perhaps. Perchance, even.
She's the kind of person to look through clothes online and show her friends when she finds things that she thinks would suit them or that they would like, so if you mention wanting something to accentuate your butt a bit, she'll pull out an entire folder.
Lord help her if she catches you in swimsuits, she won't know what to do with herself. Does she admire openly? Does she touch? Please help her lmao.
Firm ass admirer, but in private. Only he is allowed to admire your ass, that's final. You don't get to stand while he's sitting down, he'll pull you straight into his lap and keep those big meaty hands on your waist, trapping you in place. You don't get up until he lets you.
He won't spank you, but he will give you light taps every once in a while. Just know: he absolutely wants to wind up and slap the soul out of you, but he won't because he doesn't want to hurt you.
You wanna wear clothes that accentuate your butt? It had better only be for his eyes, he's not going to tolerate other people looking at your buns, those are his to admire.
There will be times where he just lays down with you, acts super sweet and everything, and then just grabs your ass. For no reason. It's like watching a cat stare at something on the edge of a table before they knock it off.
Admires your ass while clothed, and while naked. You aren't safe from him, even if you're sitting down, because no matter how strong or heavy you might think you are, you are nothing compared to his strength.
A menace. He will walk up to you and smack your ass so gotdamn hard that you just won't know what to do beyond pass away on the spot. He sees nothing wrong with it, and he will continue to do this. There's no rhyme or reason either.
Are you getting nasty with him? Don't let him near your ass, because he will bite you, it will hurt, and you can't even get mad at him because he does it out of sheer love.
Steal his pants. I'm serious, steal them. Just walk out with them on, he'll practically break his own neck doing a double-take. They look great on you, and they're incredibly comfortable. It's a win-win!
Feel free to torment him by returning the favour by the way, he knows he can be a bit much, but he can take what he dishes out and more.
Problem child. He'll use any excuse he can to get at you in general, he's very touchy. That being said, we have seen how efficient this man is at slapping things. He slaps you once and it's over. He slaps your butt and you're going to need ice.
He's also the kinda guy to bite your butt, for no reason. Fresh out the shower? Chomp. Trying to relax in shorts? Chomp. He doesn't even try to explain or justify it, he just does it.
Much like Chiharu, you can return the favour. Unlike Chiharu, he's going to play up every little bit of his response. Did you slap him back? Oh he's going to moan and whine, and by the time you get him to shut up, you're both laughing so hard neither of you can breathe.
He will try and get you into a karate uniform from the Dojo. Is it for personal reasons? Mayhaps. He thinks that it'll look good on you either way, either way he'll get a nice look at his precious in a karate uniform.
I don't want to say that he doesn't care, but he just doesn't make a big deal about it. He thinks you're stunning and perfect just the way you are. Does he appreciate a bit more to hold onto? Sure thing! Is he going to start grabbing at you randomly? Not really, no.
Does he occasionally admire? Oh absolutely, he managed to bag you, he's going to admire you every chance he gets. He's a bit dense, but he's not blind.
That being said, if you dress up all nice for him, all of what I've previously said goes straight out the window. He is LOOKING (respectfully) and he is going to be touching, mentally prepare for that fact, because once he starts he's not going to stop for a while.
Lord help anyone that dares to even think of copping a feel or admiring while he's around. He may be pretty, but this man is a solid 8ft tall and has a natural glare that could kill an army.
Also doesn't make a big deal out of it, but you know that he loves ass just by looking at him. He'll admire, he'll touch, and if you're laying on your stomach, he'll use the booty as a pillow in a rare moment of relaxation.
If you really want to drive him wild (re: insane) then wear some tights around the house. He's going to behave himself, he swears, but if you bend over one more time he cannot be held responsible for what he's about to do.
Which is to say that he'll slap the soul out of you and then drag you back to the bedroom. Will you emerge alive? Who knows! He doesn't, and you probably won't either.
He cares, but he's a bitch, so he'll make it seem like he doesn't. That being said, he's so incredibly obvious about his stares and his little hand twitches while he definitely doesn't fantasize about grabbing a hand full that it's almost comedic.
He lowkey (re: highkey) worries about your back, so sometimes he'll just walk up, grab your waist and start rubbing little circles into the base of your spine under the pretense of being bored and wanting to see what you're doing.
He will buy you clothes and expects you to wear them, because he likes they way they look on you. Even if you only wear them around the house for him, he'll be pleased.
Why yes, he is jealous, how did you know? If he catches anyone even so much as glancing at your butt, he's going to glare them into another dimension.
Virgin monk is a virgin, and he was raised not to stare because that's rude. That being said, he can't help it, he thinks your butt is beautiful and he'll outright tell you that whatever you're wearing looks flattering. Has he said this while you were naked? Yes. Yes he has.
Once he gets more comfortable, he's all about grabbing and squeezing at your hips, thighs and butt, though it's all in good fun, he means well by it, and he absolutely appreciates you letting him do this.
He has such comfy pants, much like Chiharu, so you should absolutely steal them from time to time. You know those things are flattering, you've seen them on him after all.
If you ever want someone to watch your form while you're doing squats or lunges, he's your guy, because unlike the others, who would absolutely take this seriously and not just use it as an excuse to stare at your butt the entire time.
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salford-blues · 5 months
Dressed to impress
A/n: I am so not ready to go back to Uni. So fics might slow down a bit because this semester might take a toll on me haha.
Pairing: F1 grid x driver!reader Summary: Y/N shows off her little family to the world, in which they're all dressed to impress. Well most of them are <33 Warnings: like a swear word
@yourusername and @l/nandcompany
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liamlawson30, georgerussell63, landonorris & others liked
My new account for my little companions! Just a fun little account for my many pets.
Left - Thackery (12), Middle - Cosmic Creepers (8), Right - Oogie Boogie (8)
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alex_albon booooooo!! Just trying to copy now 👎
> yourusername i cant just let their cuteness go to waste
>> alex_albon you know what... fairs. Cossie is very cute
User.1 eeeeeee soso cute
User.2 Thackery doesn't look very happy
> yourusername that because Alex didn't bring is favourite treat...
>> alex_albon heeyy i forgot!! Tell him I'm sorry. pleassee
>>> yourusername he said he'll forgive if you bring him some next time!
>>>> alex_albon deal!!
landonorris do NOT let Cosmic Creepers fool you. He may be cute, but he's possessed. I'm telling you
> oscarpiastri dramatic, and for what?
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, logansargeant & others liked
Omg, I've never looked so good...
Left - Kismet (9), Middle - Itchy (3), Right - Knuckles (1)
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User.3 how do you come up with these names???
> yourusername most of them are named after characters!!!
charles_leclerc hahaha... veryyy funny caption
> yourusername knew you'd like it
User.4 how many pets do you have?
> yourusername faaarr too many.
User.5 surely this is animal abuse...
User.6 Why does she have a hedgehog?? I thought they were illegal in some states
> yourusername 1. I rescued him and 2. not everyone lives in the states babes <33 but thanks for the concern
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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mickschumacher, lewishamilton, logansargeant & others liked
Having a fursome time. Managed to snag a pic before Diablo fought the camera. 🐾
Left - Diablo (3), Middle - Meeko (2), Right - Prometheus (5)
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User.6 Diablo looks very cool.
> yourusername Diablo likes to tell people to 'fuck off'... wonder were he got that from
>> yourusername looking at you @liamlawson30 👀👀
>>> liamlawson30 don't know what you're on about 😤
>>>> yourusername sure you don't. Just like you don't remember teaching him to attack people when they're smacking their lips.
>>>>> User.12 that is a very valid reason to attack someone
logansargeant look how sophisticated Meeko looks
> yourusername oh wow, that's a big word coming from you
>> logansargeant i try to be nice and this is what i get in return...
>>> oscarpiastri yh but you're american. it's why you get bullied
roscoelovescoco whens cans I's comes round agains?
> yourusername soon Roscoe!! Prometheus and Itchy miss you
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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frederikvestioffical, georgerussell63, danielricciardo & others liked
We wish you a merry christmas and aaaaa happpyyyy newwwww yeaaarrrr 🎄🎄🎄
Left - Ankyl (6), Middle - Bandersnatch (2), Right - Scorchito (2)
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User.7 why are all these animals so cuuutteeee
User.8 cuteness overload... think I'm gonna die
User.9 Ankyl isn't very christmassy
> yourusername I couldn't find his christmas picture, so I had to put his halloween one up instead
porschef1 hmmm meet and greet when??
*yourusername liked comment*
User.10 do any of them have a favourite person/driver? do any of the hate one of the drivers?
> yourusername yes and yes!! some examples: all of the cats HATE Lando, but Itchy loves him. The cats like Oscar, Alex, Liam, George etc. The ferrets are fond of Fred Vesti and Charles. The bird likes noone... he will attack at any point. ESPECIALLY when you're singing. He's a very naughty boy and we can blame Liam for that.
>> User.11 Liam and Lando catching strays left, right and centre.
maxfewtrell Lando looks like he might cry. Keep talking
> yourusername well I'll send Itchy his way. That'll cheer him up
>> landonorris thanks gonna keep him now
>>> yourusername right... grounded for 3 months.
>>>> landonorris 3 MONTHS???? WHY???
>>>>> yourusername cause the cats told me to
>>>>>> landonorris this is bullying!!
@yourusername and @l/nandcompany
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mickschumacher, liamlawson30, oscarpiastri & others liked
Meet our newest member Koda 🐻
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User.13 awweee he's so fluffy!!
oscarpiastri I want to be the first one to meet him
> mickschumacher too late...
>> oscarpiastri I SAW THAT
>>> oscarpiastri NNOOOOOO
User.14 wait Mick was the first to meet him? Awweee
> logansargeant NO not 'awweee'. Why was Mick the first one Birdie?? Why not me? Why not Oscar? Do you not love us?
>> yourusername why so dramatic? Can we appreciate Koda's cuteness instead ta
mickschumacher so cute!! Can't wait to meet him 💙💛
> logansargeant you can't sweet talk your way out of this Mick
>> oscarpiastri LIAARRR... count your days Mick
>>> yourusername stop threatening the poor boy or else you can join Lando
>>>> oscarpiastri no please I'll be nice. Promise 🙏
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coupleoffanfics · 9 months
Future Child
Okay, Batsis reader. Right? On board? This is around the time when y/n has given up the nightlife and hasn't detached herself from the family.
I'm gonna go off the wall and say what if the family was visited by y/n's child from the future? I know it sounds crazy, but please listen. The family could run a DNA test or the child could walk up to Bruce in broad daylight and whisper, "Hello, flying rodent".
They won't reveal their name, so they're just called V.
During their time there Dick would be so tempted to ask about the future. Maybe not things specifically about his life because he knows they can't answer questions like that. But he'll ask just stupid questions like do cats have jetpacks or something? He'd also try to get to know his nephew. What they like, personality, etc.
Tim and Bruce would be poking at them on how they got here. Though Bruce probably had to take a moment to crack a smile for a split second. He was going to be a grandpa one day and the thought made him tear up. It's just happy news all around for him but he wouldn't dare show it.
Damian would be observing them closely and taking note of their outfit which looked to be something a hero would wear. Making him wonder what kinda of hero they were and if they were any good at fighting. Both Jason and Barbara just stood back from the situation. Babs is still in a bit of shock but is happy to hear that y/n was able to gain the domestic lifestyle she wanted.
y/n's child gives them a gist of how ended up here without giving names. Dick would notice V glancing around the cave and offer to give them a tour. They except of course. He takes note of how V doesn't seem into small talk but asks a lot of questions. The whole family picks up on how X asks a lot of questions about y/n. Their mother. It's odd and a bit worrying to Bruce, but the others just think that y/n didn't talk too much about her time as Batgirl.
Everything is relatively calm until y/n walks into the Batcave for her laptop. V's calm, almost stoic mood is dropped. Tim and Bruce see how V almost took a step forward, but reluctantly stood still. How V started rapidly blinking their eyes and struggling to look at y/n.
Dick would probably zoom up to y/n with a big smile, "Hey, Mama bird, did you get the diapers?" And y/n just gives him a confused, maybe even sacred look.
Everything is going fine. The family is working together on getting them to their time. Cool, yeah, whatever.
But what if there's just something that triggers V. It could be something that was said or asked that leads V and y/n to argue. It's not even arguing. It's just V spilling out grievances about their father and kind of insulting y/n.
"I can't believe you'd still defend him even before you met him. How rich."…"You didn't plan me, but Dad did and you were somehow okay with it? I was only there to keep you down, but what about the other two? Did you love them more because Dad didn't plan them?"…"Dad may have cared about you, but not us. You weren't a monster like him, but letting him get away with so much makes you just as guilty."…"You're both broken people. Maybe you two are meant to be."
V storms off and y/n retreats to her room. Everyone is dumbstruck by this sudden revolution.
Eventually, V does apologize to y/n. When she awkwardly accepts, they get misty-eyed because they really didn't mean to say any of that. They know how she doesn't take the apology, not entirely, and they feel like shit. They do care about their mom, despite all that they said.
When it's almost time for V to return back to the future they pull the whole family aside. Excluding y/n so she won't hear what they're going to say.
"As you guessed my Dad wasn't the best. Mom never talked about any of you and with Dad being a villain I could understand why. He's not a good person in general. Mom deserved better, so this time around try doing a better job. Don't let her slip away or be taken away. If I'm born then you know you failed."
This resonates with the family and brings up questions that won't be answered anytime soon. I could see this leading the family to become yandere or overprotective. Either one is fine because their efforts are futile.
If going down the Yandere route then I could see them becoming so overbearing that y/n runs from them. They control her life. Who she talks to, where she goes, what she does. She can't live like this and she runs away when given the chance.
If going down the protective route then it's slightly better than the Yandere one. At least in terms of their relationship. They pay extra attention to her and check up on her regularly until one day she just disappears.
In each route, They'd keep a close eye on any guy that has similar physical features (ex: hair, eyes). Since V has stated they look more like their father. When she does go missing they'll search high and low for her, but there isn't anything that would locate where she is. Her disappearance keeps them up at night for many years until a vaguely familiar person visits the manor.
They awkwardly introduce themself, "Hi, my name is..."
They failed.
If anyone wants to write about this idea then go ahead. Doesn't even have to be the Batfamily. I won't write about it unless asked. I'm just not married to the idea. It almost 2 in the morning I need sleep.
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lastchancestardomm · 21 days
TF2 Mercs Headcanons
That's it. That's the post. A long-ass post about my headcanons for the Mercs + Miss Pauling. Just a brain splurge, if anything, so cringe warning.
Also, FYI, Miss Pauling's segment might be shorter than the rest. I admit I don't have as many ideas for her.
~ His full name is Jeremy Elbertson-René.
~ He is 23 and 5'10.
~ He was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He grew up in the Quincy area, mainly surrounded by his seven older brothers and ma.
~ As a child, he was in little league baseball.
~ Most definitely has ADHD.
~ Pansexual (Bisexual this, gay that; where's the frying pan in this equation?? Not only is it a reference to a joke, but also ironic).
~ Most of his older brothers became unkempt once they graduated, and some of the younger ones started to smoke; to push boundaries, or something. On the Quincy street corners, they could be spotted huddled together like estranged raccoons.
~ He has a rocky relationship with his oldest brother. The two rarely saw each other. Despite all the teasing and bullying he faced for being a runt, he loves his brothers. But him and his oldest haven't talked in a long while.
~ His ma loves him like no other. The Youngest Child Syndrome is very strong with him. Nowadays, he still gets letters all the way from Boston with cheesy nicknames and hearts drawn all over them from his ma, which he loves despite how much it embarrasses him.
~ Ticklish.
~ Hopped up on caffeine, he somehow biked all the way from Quincy, Boston, to New Mexico before unceremoniously collapsing on the side of the street to take a three-day nap, just to take the job of a Mercenary. He hates mentioning this, for some reason. Is it the "collapsing on the side of the street" part?
~ He can read at about a 2nd-Grade level. Any sentence more complex than "The cat chases the bird" will look like a foreign language to him.
~ He only took the job because bashing heads in in exchange for cash sounded incredibly amusing and fun to him. Other than getting into street fights as a kid, he has no real qualifications.
~ He stims quite a lot. He wrings his hands, bounces his leg, if he has access to gum he tends to chew the whole pack at once for the texture; and as he usually has a spare baseball on hand, he'll toss into the air and catch it or bounce it against a wall.
~ His full name is Johnathan Harold Doe. After an incident, and thanks to outside hands, he now goes under the alias Jane Doe.
~ He is 44 and 5'11.
~ He was born in South Dakota.
~ Even as a child, he was extremely patriotic for America, despite his classmates jeers. He became very familiar with the dean's office.
~ He was raised in an extremely conservative household, and was taught to tote guns at a young age.
~ Had a terrible father.
~ For his teenage years and young adulthood, he spent most of his time in military camps and other youth academies, where he has seen and done some things he'd rather forget.
~ At the height of World War 2, he had attempted to join the army, but was rejected by every branch of the U.S Military. In a burning state of defiance, he bought himself a ticket to Poland and started blasting villages his gut told him were Nazi-owned, only returning in 1949. He is now a war-criminal in all of Europe.
~ He paces often; when and when he's not talking, when he's bored, or simply to stim. At first, it was somewhat stress-inducing for the rest of the Mercs; waking up to see him marching up and down the hallway and such at night.
~ The only way he can sleep at the base is if there's a fan on. If there is not a fan on, he will lay stock-still but never sleep.
~ Has an incredible sweet tooth. The only other way to convince this stubborn man to do anything other than to exclaim it's for America, is to lure him in with candy or pastries.
~ He created his own rocket launcher. He's a tad nutty, but he can be damn smart when need be.
~ He can read, though whatever note it is must be drenched with military jargon. The same goes for his writing; broken grammar and inappropriate use of military slang.
~ He shed his full name and goes by only Pyro.
~ He is 32 and 5'9.
~ He was born in Italy. (I got this idea from the fact Italy is in the Ring Of Fire.)
~ Pyrovision is just for shits 'n giggles. It turns his favourite activity, burning people alive, into something ridiculous and silly that makes it all the more fun and enjoyable. He is sociopathic, but hides it surprisingly well under the guise of absurdity.
~ Autistic.
~ He was raised by his Nan after both of his parents died in a fire-related incident, caused by him. He accidentally set the drapes on fire, and then sat starry-eyed as he watched the flames spread. Before he knew it, he was on the curb, watching the smoldering ruins of his home crumble to the ground.
~ Despite much of his youth being bent over a chair and getting whacked with a wooden spoon, he loves his Nan like no other, and can be spotted calling her throughout the day.
~ Similarly to Scout, this full-grown child stims often; rocking back-and-forth, bumping his knees, fiddling with his own or another Mercs fingers, flicking a lighter on and off, ect ect. He especially has a certain hatred for textures; while he loves textured rubber to naw on or bend, things such as velvet fabric or Engineer's oil rags freak him out.
~ Even more ticklish than Scout.
~ A sweets-lover through and through, but he especially loves Italian pastries. They have an aftertaste of nostalgia and actually accidentally burning them when trying to bake them with his Nan that is irresistible.
~ The wiggliest sleeper ever. It's not that he's violent, it's that he goes to bed normally and ends up on the floor turned into a human pretzel when he wakes up.
~ He can't read, preferring another Merc to read to him.
~ As a man-child to the core, immature pranks are something to look out for if you stalk around the base at night.
~ His favourite movie is The Wizard of Oz (1939).
~ His full name is Tavish Finnegan DeGroot.
~ He's is 44 and 6'1.
~ He was born in Ullapool, Scotland.
~ He rarely saw his father when he was young. His father is practically a fable to him.
~ Monoculus and him have a co-worker relationship. It's a wonder how he manages with the voice of his haunted eye narrating his life.
~ Where most children would want to become pilots or policemen, Tav wanted to kill the Loch Ness Monster. During his time as a Mercenary, he actually managed to. It's still one of his greatest achievements, he believes.
~ Him and Miss Pauling have a pretty close relationship, bonding over going to wine tastings.
~ He started to drink to cope with the death of his father, and impending doom of getting a job. During this time too, he also started to busk (perform music on the street in exchange for money), where he'd play the bagpipe.
~ Tav had two sets of adoptive parents. His first adoptive parents sent him away, as they were terrified of his nack for bomb-making. His second set were accidentally blown up while he was trying to craft Loch Ness Monster-killing explosives. He's kind of ashamed about what happened to his second set.
~ He has long, dark hair that is indeed greasy, but nonetheless he has developed a habit of twirling it or running his fingers through it.
~ In 1968, when he first met the others, he was the judgiest of all of them. He was almost hostile towards them, but he came around in the end.
~ He can read and write perfectly well, though his handwriting does tend to go all over the page, even with lines.
~ His full name is Mikhail "Misha" Orlok.
~ He is 43 and 6'7.
~ He was born in Moscow, Russia. Though, his current residence is in the Dzhugdzhur Mountains in Siberia.
~ His father was a prominent Counter-revolutionary, and a loud voice against the Soviet rule. So, in 1941, he was shot dead during a Soviet raid. Following the traumatic event, his family was traced and imprisoned in a north Siberian gulag.
~ His family was trapped there for three months, when a fire had been started by other prisoners. In the chaos, Misha led his family to safety, despite the yelling and gunfire surrounding him.
~ It took two months for his TF Industries "For Hire" letter to reach him by sled dog, and he only agreed if he was allowed to send the paycheck to his family.
~ When he had met the others for the first time, while Demoman was the judgiest; he was the most secretive. In fact, even now, most don't know his full backstory.
~ Other than Engineer, those Mercenaries who seek someone to confide to will come to Misha. He is the group's best secret-keeper, after all.
~ He has a PhD in Russian Literature, and is the second-best Mercenary at math-related subjects.
~ His favorite film is The Dirty Dozen and first 20 minutes of Rocky IV. Other than that, he doesn't watch movies. He generally prefers books.
~ He can read and write Russian perfectly, maybe a bit too grandiose, but he can do it quite well. English is where he struggles, and English documents are nearly indecipherable.
~ His full name is Dell Conagher.
~ He is 48 and 5'6.
~ He was born in Bee Cave, Texas.
~ Most of his childhood was spent working under the hot, Texan sun on his father's oil fields. Sometimes, he would manage to con his friends into helping him with the hard labor.
~ He was a troublemaker as a child and frighteningly creative, but he thankfully mellowed out as he got older. Dell has seen and done some crazy, mad, and downright absurd things in his youth.
~ He has Ophidiophobia; a fear of snakes.
~ Dell's father is the TFC Engineer, Fred.
~ He has 11 PhDs, and cut off his right hand to use the Gunslinger.
~ His mother and father loved him as a kid, despite his father being gone often for work and such. On the weekends, though, he'd get a heartfelt letter from his dad.
~ While he himself doesn't consider it a stim, Dell has a tendency to rearrange things to occupy himself. Ranging from simply moving something to another shelf, to completely flipping his workshop upside-down.
~ When he was twelve years old, him and his friends were dicking around at an old ranch. His comeuppance for the tomfoolery? Getting kicked by a horse, right in the jaw. He's a proud Texan, and will gladly jump onto a horse rodeo-style, he will look just a tad uneasy.
~ While another Mercenary is the designated "Mother-figure" to the rest, Engi is the designated "Father-figure" to them.
~ A teacher's pet. He was "A pleasure to have in class", despite attempting to teach the much younger kids, whom couldn't understand, calculus and possibly mouthing-off a teacher once or twice.
~ His full name is Ludwig Humböldt.
~ He is 45 and 6'0.
~ He was born in Rottenburg, Germany.
~ He is Jewish.
~ Autistic (Fighting the Eric Cartman "Three strikes, Kyle!" quote rn).
~ He came from a long line of both doctors and chemists, and the bulk of his medical knowledge came from reading his father's books.
~ While his mother and father loved him, though possibly weighing him down with high expectations, his classmates were the worst.
~ He was a crybaby and easy to annoy, which made him the target of many of his classmates pranks and jeers. It didn't help he had both glasses and braces, and was somewhat baby-faced in highschool.
~ From pails of water being dumped on his head, to having his things tarnished; he hated school in his youth. Still, he managed to scrape by, and successfully earned his medical license.
~ He ran a pharmacy for a while in Stuttgart, at least until Nazi soldiers had raided the establishment and taken him to unwillingly join the Nazi armadda.
~ During his time as a Nazi field medic, his sanity decreased substantially. At the end of the war, he retreated to Stuttgart. Between the end of the war and losing his medical license due to stealing a man's skeleton, he came in possession of some Prime Minister's wedding doves; giving him Archimedes and the rest of his dovery. He was going to preform experiments on them, but the birds somehow won his heart.
~ We all are familiar with Archimedes, his beloved second-in-command, but he has ten total doves. Euclid, the food-stealer; Eratosthenes, a talkative, perky one; Hippocrates, a charmingly dopey thing; Aristotle, flouncing about and prone to bullying the other doves; Thales, a kleptomaniac; Eudoxes, blind and as Archimedes is to Medic, Eudoxes is to Demoman; Galen, mischievous and a trouble-maker; Socrates, likely the eldest and loves cozying up in one's shirt; and Xenophanes, who is noisy, demanding, and prone to scratching and biting.
~ He's the designated "Mother-figure" to the Mercenaries; who'll heal their injuries and not mock them for whatever crazy or embarrassing way they got said injury. God, they drive him up the wall sometimes, but something's holding him back from snapping (most likely the fondness he has for the others, but don't tell him that; like Spy, he's trying to keep it a co-worker relationship).
~ His full name is Michael "Mick"/"Mickey" Mundy. But his name also is Mun-Dee.
~ He is 27 and 6'1.
~ He was born in Dunedin, New Zealand– which is underwater, of course.
~ He spent his childhood in Adelaide, Australia; where he was picked on by other kids.
~ Plenty of jeers were thrown his way, by both adults and children, as he grew up. Everything from "beanpole" to his very own nickname of "Mick-Stick" he had memorized.
~ Most of his youth he spent high in trees, away from his bullies and teachers and other adults who would no doubt spit in his face and step on his achievements. As he got older, with pinpoint precision, he made rocks and sticks rain from the sky and onto his tormenters as their comeuppance.
~ His adoptive parents loved him, of course; and he loved them back, but they did not care for his blossoming profession. His father did actually teach him how to hunt, though, which probably didn't help.
~ As a teen, he took up a small gig as an animal exterminator. As a novice exterminator, he had faced giga-sized crocodiles and kangaroos twice his height. He'd stab mothballs onto the points of his arrows, and launch them into parks overrun by spiders and their webs. He'd pull gluttonous, bitey fish out of lakes with his bare hands. It was definitely much more fun than his current "extermination" gig.
~ He has a peculiar ability to crash like a wreck anywhere; simply getting too comfy leaning against a wall could cause him to start snoozing. On the other hand, any small noise will startle him awake, and prevent him from falling back to sleep for the next few hours.
~ The amber-tinted sunglasses he's iconic for actually are his dad's, which he keeps and continues to wear for sentimental reasons.
~ Every few years, the zit-faced mail boy brings him an algae-covered glass bottle with a wet letter inside, always starting with "My dearest son...". He always throws out the letters, because he knows what they contain isn't sincere.
~ His full name is Jacques bon René.
~ He is 43 and 5'11.
~ He was born in Marseille, France.
~ For a rather large portion of his life, he was a foster kid.
~ Most of his childhood was spent on trains going all around France, with a service worker holding his hand until they reached their desired destination. He doesn't remember how many homes, or other miscellaneous places, he has been to.
~ He used to be a prolific bookworm, and at each house he moved to, he would always be seen tucked away somewhere with his nose in a book. As his job became more intertwined with his life, though, downtime to pick up a book became scarce.
~ Adding onto that, he is one of the best to go to for book recommendations. While many of his most common recommendations are French literatures, he has read a fair few English books he can lend over.
~ He had to have been around sixteen or seventeen when he had ran away from what would become his final "real" home. All he can really recall is a rude exchange of words, and himself storming off in a huff; never to be seen again.
~ Beautiful emerald-green eyes.
~ He's... kind of made a vow to himself to never rejoin society again. He doesn't exist, and he pretends to like it that way. So, having a son frightened him; and he ran away, fulfilling other contracts until he either died or forgot about it. Neither happened. So each time he sees Scout, there's still some lingering guilt.
~ Medic is not the only Mercenary in ownership of a feathered companion; as Spy owns a very spoiled, somewhat creepy raven known as Sophocles. The black bird stalks around his owner's smoking room like a shadow, but retreats to a golden cage to sleep in at night.
Miss Pauling
~ Her full name is Faith Pauling.
~ She's 22 and 5'8.
~ She was born in Bristol, England.
~ Ever since arriving in the States, she's managed to hide her accent very well. Only a few who've either caught her early in the morning, or are the Mercenaries, have heard her real voice.
~ Lots of her childhood is completely voided in her memory, and with how busy she's kept by The Administrator– her life, to her, is first being born and then working under The Administrator. She hardly has a minute in her schedule to think about her past, and I don't believe she'd care about it if she did.
~ She's forgotten her past for good reason, as it wasn't the prettiest or kindest childhood one could have.
~ For brevity's sake, we can just say that she was shipped off to The Administrator's at twelve years old for her own family's greedy ideals.
~ Lesbian (I can't stop thinking about the moment in the comics where she foregoes joining Scout in getting to safety just to oggle at naked Zhanna).
~ Miss Pauling no longer has any official personal records. She legally doesn't exist nor is remembered by anyone who has once known her; similarly to Spy.
~ She has a variety of small ways to keep herself occupied; fiddling with a pen, whistling or making clicking sounds, tenting her thumbs, and notably, organizing things. Unlike Engineer, she simply tidies things up to pass the time rather than fully rearrange a room.
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merlinssassybeard · 1 year
A Gojo x female reader
A/n: i got a little excited after Gojo unboxing so here i am with my little take on it. I'm writing after a year long hiatus so please ignore mistakes if you see one. Likes and reblogs appreciated.
Synopsis: The reader belongs from the Royal family of the Fujiwaras and y/n's family is a major part of the higher ups committee. Reader was married in the Gojo family to Gojo Satoru in her early 20s. Their marriage was basically a political arranged marriage. But despite being in an arranged marriage, you and Satoru love and trust each other profoundly.
Satoru spends his last few hours with his reader wife before he gets sealed.
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Your ears started ringing, head spinning. Your limbs felt light, when you heard that Gojo Satoru, your husband, has named you the Clan head of the Gojos in his absence...
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30th October, 2018 || 11:43 pm
"Ugh not one day!" You sighed with frustration at your husband. Both living in your married house and shared bedroom. Satoru laid on his arms bare chested and smiling, watching you, in your light pink lace night gown, pacing around the room while whining about how you much hate him.
"...not one day! Can't you spend atleast one day with me?! I'm your wife Satoru!", you said and looked at him, brows furrowed and arms crossed.
Satoru just kept smiling. "you're pretty mrs y/n", he mumbled with another warm smile on his face.
"Wha- Don't you dare change the topic Mr husband!", you lightly grumbled at him and then climbed on the bed like a cat walking towards her prey.
Satoru chuckled knowing perhaps his cat looks like she's in heat and so he'll become her prey.
"Y/n, I'd love to oho~", you did not let him finish and sat atop his lower abdomen and slowly rubbed your groin.
"You were~saying~something?", you asked innocently while gradually lowering yourself towards his clothed crotch that was slightly harder now.
"Uh i-oh~", he wanted to speak but your actions couldn't allow his lips to move and forms words but rather moans. You had placed your hand onto his crotch and started rubbing your palm.
"Huh? You're saying something?" You giggled and leaned down towards his face and whispered, "you're mine! You're not going anywhere!"
"You wish", Satoru whispered back with confidence in his voice and in a blink of an eye he grabbed onto your wrists and turned you from over him to now lying on the soft silk sheets under him.
Breathing heavily under his large muscular body and his well built biceps holding onto your wrists still made your lower abdomen feel a knot.
Satoru watched your cheeks get the cherry like blush, still holding onto your soft skin. Oh how he want to do things to you, with you, terrible sinful things and it all reflected onto his eyes. And you could see it...
You both haven't been physical for four to five months because of his work schedule. You're very much used to him now after six years of marriage, of him not returning home for months on end, nobody their to listen you babble about your day or be it being dry down there.
"So? What are you going to do to me now? Satoru~", you asked him seductively with doe eyes.
"Well first things first. I have work tomorrow, so no day off for sure-", Satoru stated and quickly noted your expressions. Your face frowning in sadness, reflecting the loneliness you go through.
Satoru knew just like he is busy with his work and at times had felt lonely in the past, the same could be a situation with you, doesn't matter that you're working as a sorcerer or not. He had promised himself a long time ago that he'd never leave his loved ones alone, ever again. And so because of that Satoru came with his decision to...
"...for sure but!", he smiled a little when he saw your face waiting anxiously for his next words after the 'but'.
"...but... if you want, my dearest y/n, we can go out for a Halloween themed date." Satoru proposed and added, "or dinner? Ah i don't know much on how these stuff are done-", just as he was about to finish, you landed a kiss on his collarbone, because that was nearest to you and you couldn't reach towards his face due to your hand being held down by his strong yet soft to touch hands.
"My my! Should i take that as a yes?" Satoru mumbled to which you kept kissing one spot after the other. "Okay ma'am, I'll take that as a yes".
"Aaaah i love you i love you i loveee youuu!", you excitedly professed your love for him and freeing your hands from his grasp you reached out to hug him and engaged your lips onto his.
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31st October, 2018 || 3.05 pm
The morning was tiring and painful for you but filled with joy at whats to come.
Satoru had left for work on his usual time early in the morning by 6 pm whereas you slept through the whole day. Blame it at all the fun you had last night but also you thought if you slept through day, evening would arrive early and you would be energetic and be able to spend your day with him much better.
Waking up at 3 pm as your personal attendant presented you with your delicious lunch, after freshening up.
You looked at the food. It was your normal quantity that you usually consume but since today is not any day but a dinner date with your beloved, you couldn't help but keep some space for the dinner.
"Ms miyoko, please could you perhaps reduce the quantity from each platter?", you asked your attendant, to which she complied.
"Any special occasion madam?", ms miyoko asked.
"Ah! yes! Of course!" You got excited just at the mention of the date. "I'll be going out for a date tonight with Satoru sama!"
Ms miyoko had been your attendant from the day you married into the Gojo family as the Clan head's wife. She had always been around enough to know how much even a little bit of time off with the master of the house means for you. So the excitement that reflected off of your words were very much understandable for her.
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After lunch, you went out to sit by the Koi Pond in the garden of your estate where you eventually fell asleep again due to faint pain in your lower abdomen probably from last nights activities.
Soon enough though you went out for some Halloween costume shopping.
The evening had arrived and so had your whole rack of costumes.
Out of all the vibrant outfits, you had chosen to wear the Morticia Addams' costume as your fit for tonight as it is a timeless elegant piece. As for Satoru, you left it for him to decide.
7.27 pm
Satoru and you had chosen 8pm to go out but your excitement got the best of you and you were all ready and dolled up for him by 7pm.
"Satoru sama should've been home by now... ugh what's he doing!" You were frustrated and your attendant, ms miyoko saw that.
"Madam, may i suggest a phone call to Master Satoru?", Ms miyoko suggested.
"Ah yes please do!", you complied.
"Madam, i had dialled Master but his calls weren't picked", "should i keep dialling? Or shall we wait for his arrival?", Ms miyoko said.
You were a little agitated now. Why does he always has to be like this! You are well aware of his punctuality but the fact that he'd do this even that one night you had specially asked him to take off. You're more than agitated.
"Why! Ugh" you cried in annoyance and decided to call him yourself. "Ms Miyoko, hand me my phone. I can't do this anymore."
You thought to call him and cancel your date night so he can spend his night with his curses and mission and maybe threatening him may have him come home. You don't know this would work because with Satoru, you can never predict whats coming next.
"The number you have dialled, is not picking up. Please try again later.
"My god Satoru! What am i to do with this man someone tell me!", agitated and angry, Ms miyoko knew now that you used no honorifics for your husband, that means you're in a really really bad mood.
"Ma'am, you shouldn't-", Ms miyoko tried to give you hope but just as she was about to say, your phone rang.
Buzzz buzzzzz~
Caller name - Mr husband the strongest♡
You both looked at each other after looking at the screen and then you picked up the call in an instant and started rambling.
"I'm not going anywhere, Satoru. You can go do whatever you like."
"Ah? Y/n? What? Are you sure? Well thats good then. I called 'cus i thought you'd be worried. I'm stuck at work-", Satoru was relieved that you didn't want to go either and he's at work anyway but you interrupted.
"Satoru! Why do you do this always! I asked one night from you and you couldn't even! Aaagh! Why did you even bothered to get married if you can't spend quality time! I can't with you! Why do you always~", your angry grumbling turned into a full blown breakdown. Ms miyoko saw and started patting your back as you cried on the call.
There was silence for a few moments on the other side. ".......". "Y/n", Satoru knows you're emotional and its hard for him to hear you break down on the line.
"Whaat? What do you want now?" You replied back wiping off tears.
"Y/n, I'm sorry." Satoru said, his voice lowered. "I'll make it up to you, i promise."
".....mmm...." you hummed.
"But for now i have more pressing matters for you- is there anyone in the room with you?", his voice didn't take a second turn serious and you knew something maybe is really important...? You did not let your anger cloud your judgment and motioned Ms miyoko to leave the room to which she obliged and you locked the door to your vanity room.
"... what is it? No one's in the room", you intelligently talked with your voice lowered so nobody could hear you.
"So listen carefully now..." Satoru began, "do you have that present from your 25th birthday i gave you?"
"Uh? Which one? You were confused.
"Oh (sigh) Y/n the that...?
"Ohh. The special grade cursed spear thing? Oh yeah of course i have it. Its in the training room."
" yes! You know how to use that, right?"
"Oh you bet!" You confidently replied, "i still have the scars from when you taught me. Is everything...okay?".
"Yeah about that." Satoru scratched his head, "there's a big problem in Shibuya station."
"Tell me.", you insisted
"...there's a bunch of curse users who have taken over the station and apparently they've set up a barrier that allows only sorcerers to pass through.."
"Oh god!", you exclaimed, "isn't it dangerous? Father told me nothing about such!"
"...Because it happened at 7pm or sometime within an hour or so. There was a briefing with the higher ups, your dad asked for me to be sent. I'm now heading to Shibuya to check the spot.."
Oh so now you get it why couldn't he come. Now you felt bad for burdening him with your petty problems. He is afterall, The Strongest Sorcerer.
"I apologize Satoru. Be safe, take care of yourself and be home soon", you gave your well wishes to him.
"I'll be back before you know it.", Satoru had a smile after talking to you and just as he was about to end the call you...
"By the way, why did you asked me cursed tool? Is that involved somehow?", you were curious because that question came out of the blue.
"Huh. No, nothing related", Satoru replied, "its just..." he hesitated for a moment as he was already running late. "..its just I'm getting weird- nevermind. If something happens to me, i know you'll be safe.", "i gotta go now y/n."
"Wait Satoru-", you couldn't finish and the call was ended. What did his last words mean? He is anything but understandable or readable!
You sighed with another worry. You went to head towards the living room and turn on the television to watch the news. Since humans are involved it'll probably be covered.
You told Ms miyoko about what you'd been told and she said that an assistant manager from the Tokyo Jujutsu High had come to drop off a 2 piece suit and a turtleneck that was sent by Satoru. And that there was a call from the Ritz asking for dinner reservations that were made. You told her to cancel it for today.
There was no coverage regarding Shibuya on any of the channels so you dozed off on the couch. Ms miyoko wanted to wake you up for dinner but knowing you, you'd rather have it with Master Satoru than alone.
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1st November, 2018 || 8.52am
You were woken by your attendant.
"Madam! Madam y/n! Wake up!"
Wondering which planet you had landed due to being woken up so abruptly from your dreams, you asked with sleepy grumpy voice, " what happened? Did someone die?"
Ms miyoko was silent and looked towards the other four maids. She did not wanted to be the one to give this news to you but she knew it'd reach you one way or other.
"..uh...um..", she pressed her lips, trying to muster up courage to say this to you in one breath...
"Madam y/n, due to the sealing of Master Satoru Gojo in prison realm, you have been since made the head of the entire Gojo Clan along with the positions that were previously held by him."
"...?....", you were half awake but you heard every word uttered by her. ".....What?.....?"
Ms miyoko continued, "you have been called for an emergency meeting with the higher ups at 9.30 am.."
What is happening? You just woke up and now you're being played with? Above that, where is Satoru? He said he'd be home didn't he?
And prison realm!? How can it be? It can't be the prison realm. Yes, sure, you had heard stories about it, but no way its real.
"...and then another emergency meeting will be taking place right after that with all the big family's clan heads from The Zenin, The Kamo and The Gojos, that is you. There'll be clan heads from other inferior clans as well."
"Its not real", you replied confidently, "is it?", doubting yourself.
"You are the Clan head of The Gojo family now madam y/n! The will left by Master Satoru has been read the moment he got sealed! And he made you the head! Come to your senses madam this isn't the time to doubt yourself---"
Ms miyoko was right but slowly her words went into oblivion as your ears started ringing, head spinning. Your limbs felt light, when you heard that Gojo Satoru, your husband, has named you the Clan head of the Gojos in his absence.....
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Do you want more parts? Lemme know by sending me asks! Or checkout my masterlist
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jynxeddraca · 14 days
Small, Soft BG3 Things
Just an ongoing list of small headcanons for Team Tadpole.
Astarion learned how to sew and embroider from his mother. She loved to embroider poems that she sold at market. Most of his word based embroidery looks like her handwriting, even though he doesn't remember that.
He's the go-to member of Team Tadpole for mending because he's the best out of all of them at it. More importantly: as he comes to view them as friends, the basic mending is supplemented with subtle embroidery.
Every child that he ends up spending time around learns some slight of hand trick and/or how to use a knife.
When everyone is asleep and he's particularly at ease, he'll quietly sing to himself while doing other things.
As the self-appointed cook - come time to set up camp, Gale might fuss about the bizarre assortment of food stuff they find on their travels, but he secretly revels in the challenge of making filling, delicious foods out of what they're able to scavenge.
Cooking was how his mother and him bonded as he grew up so now it's his favorite way of showing affection/appreciation to others.
Spoils Tara with all her favorite foods when they're reunited (also I headcanon Tara joins the camp most nights in Act 3).
When he was younger, he specifically created an enchantment to enchant his mother's favorite rocking chair so that when it was activated, mage hands would appear and give her shoulders and feet a massage.
He learned to whittle from an uncle and the knife he uses today for his carvings was given to him by his mother - whose favorite animal was ducks.
Halsin likes to go sit in Bloomridge park when the city gets to him, taking Yenna with him if she's agreeable. He has taught her and several other random children how to braid flower crowns.
When he returns to Reithwin Town, he teaches Art how to whittle and Art teaches Halsin how to play the lute.
On nights where Halsin is keeping watch will offer to turn pages for Tara so she can read a book or two.
Will turn into a cat/dog to give comfort to children if they are inconsolable.
Takes an afternoon with Halsin - both in wildshape - to show him how nature and the city can be more harmonious than he originally thought.
The lullaby she knows how to play on the tin whistle was one taught to her by her late husband - she has put all her children to sleep to it's tune.
Teases Tara about her treating Gale like her kitten.
The rats that show up in camp do give her updates on other Harpers - but most of the time they are updates about her children.
Clive - her teddy bear - was knitted by her mother and she considers him her 'good luck charm'. Before the infernal engine was forced onto her, he could often be found tucked into Karlach's belt at any given point of the day or in her purse/pouch.
Karlach almost left Avernus without Clive, and risked missing the Nautiloid to go back to grab him.
Because she calls Halsin "Bear Man" Arabella starts calling him that too. At the same time, Karlach starts calling Withers "Bone Man" because of Arabella.
Her parents used to dance around the living room with her - in camp she'll get Arabella and later, Yenna, to do the same. When she's especially energetic, she makes Wyll join her.
While she originally hates everything about Faerûn, she becomes especially fond of the sunrises and finds she enjoys sunflowers.
After the egg is acquired, she does softly sing an old githyanki lullaby to when she tends to it.
Because she feels it is an important skill to have for when the egg hatches, she learns to sew by watching Astarion. Eventually, she asks him for tips.
Lae'zel seems well-read (on githyanki literature anyways) in my opinion so I feel like even though she's a very skilled fighter, she also spent much of her time in the creche library growing up. In camp, she raids Gale's library bag often.
When Karlach started calling her 'Lae', she began referring to Karlach as 'Kar'.
Minsc and Boo:
When Boo isn't around Minsc, he spends time around Shadowheart curled up on her shoulder or sitting beside her as she meditates.
Amused that it baffles people who can speak with animals, Boo purposefully does not allow them to understand him and sticks with his telepathic communications with Minsc.
Minsc enjoys finding excuses to tell stories and is a good storyteller.
Teaches Tav a few Rashemen songs and stories.
Minsc and Boo both have a faint smell of warm stone about them due to being statues for a while.
When meditating, sometimes unknowingly hums an old lullaby her parents used to sing her.
Still sometimes mutters "Lady of Sorrows" when exasperated, and at one point while very tired said "Lady of Sil-rrows" instead.
Has started keeping seeds and nuts on hand for Boo.
Talking to Astarion and Halsin in Elvish is soothing to her, and sometimes it triggers memories of her father.
Was gifted a stuffed bunny by her dad when she was a baby. His name is Biscuit.
Biscuit was handed down to Temerity (Tav's little sister) while they were in the orphanage and he currently lives on Temerity's pillow.
Tav and Karlach have introduced Clive (Karlach's teddy bear) to Biscuit.
The smell of leather oil reminds her of her father.
Has a soft spot in his heart for trashy romance novels and anything related to mermaids. An aside: even though he hasn't been home in years, the merfolk around Baldur's Gate remember him fondly as a child trying to swim deep enough to see them.
Actually enjoys debating Astarion about laws and their effects - even though they have wildly different views on the laws.
Has a secret tattoo, and yes, it's mermaid themed.
Offered to teach Lae'zel to use a rapier if she showed him how to wield a longsword.
Also enjoys cooking and likes to show Gale different ways to season/cook in the wilds.
The rapier he has at the start of the game was gifted to him by his father.
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