#i also love team rocket so much as an organization so fucking fight me
joviantwelve · 17 days
okay you said you had a pokémon fanregion in your head, and now i gotta hear all about that, is the thing
OH god actually it's really funny how much shit that was in it has come to pass in canon by now, because I originally conceptualized it circa gen 4. It's usually what I think about if I think of like pokemon fancharacters or whatever. here we fuckin go
It was based on the Holon region in the TCG which has pokemon with funny types. we have Tera types now... the idea was that it would be begin further expanding and adding its own League and whatnot. I put it as above Johto/Kanto so relatively gen 1&2 selection of mons. keeping it simple.
it was more about the Weird Type Shit, which the pokemon prof of the region was studying under an organization she was a part of (the evil team, which was not branded as "Team (x)" just like Aether Foundation lmao). anomalies to track down and whatnot. but they were also inducing it themselves and studying other detected anomalies in the region. or sometimes the experiments they did created new, unintended anomalies of their own
this was mostly to make Missingno canon. which is like the only thing that hasn't still come to pass yet (BUT IT SHOULD!!!!!!). my dearest darlingest Missingno, the entire reason I love glitches today, was effectively my box legendary. the backstory of the prof was much like Lusamine in that she saw this Fucking Weird Pokemon a long time ago due to her Experiments and it fucked her up and she became a weird bad anime mom afterward. SHE EVEN HAD A DEAD HUSBAND!!!!!!! I FUCKIN INVENTED LUSAMINE FIRST
oh I should mention the "protag" analogue of the region WAS the professor's child. SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you had to fight your mom. who is the prof. who is also the evil team leader. and corrupted by some messed up videogame code. damn that sucks
later when we started getting more AI-feeling Rotom characters, I imagined a Rotom in a more robot/android body as one of the team underlings. he was the protag's buddy back home but now he has to fight you :( sorry i dont wanna do this but my programming is telling me to (throws a pokeball out halfheartedly)
(ASIDE: I remember in the first movie when they were like flabbergasted at Mewtwo technically qualifying as a pokemon trainer. that was kinda fucked up and weird, can we go back to that? tbh when I think about it, a lot of the vibe of my fanregion is based on how Weird early pokemon gens felt. they really dont make it like this anymore. Ape Inc became Creatures, I'm certain some EarthBound talent factored in)
I think I was also imagining weird-typed versions of the legendary birds for a trio, which is funny cuz we got Galarian versions of them now too....
Hooke was originally a Pokemon OC and was my first one actually, he ran a Dark-type gym because one didn't exist in canon yet. he was ex-Team Rocket and moved up north to turn a new leaf. thought it fit Dark's vibe as like the Schemer Type. I had to wait amazingly long for an actual Dark-type gym in canon which is kinda funny. it actually felt a little sad when we finally got one because it had been 11 years since I had made Hooke in protest of this
if you remember my OC Serafine (she doesnt have a TH SORRY), she was also an evil team exec.
she doesn't have a modern analogue but another one of the fancharacters was the rival-type one and she was Lt. Surge's spoiled neice
the Ghost-type gym leader I can describe as a Super Nerd with the constitution of the Hiker. can see ghosts but is a social outcast but more in a nerd sense than a goth sense. I liked him a lot but I haven't had anywhere to put him :(
the Psychic-type leader was extremely tsundere and her mind reading helped her out with all those tsundere insecurities (now she's just paranoid and preemptively reads people's minds)
the Fire- and Steel-type leaders were a duo battle of "smoke and mirrors" themed magicians. and also married
this is largely stream of consciousness I hope this post makes SENSE
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water-mellie-seeds · 1 year
Lake I’ve become so rejection sensitive dysphoria-ly upset by something so trivial tell me about your fos
I TRULY understand this one RSD is a cruel mistress for Real
OH BOY at risk of talking about serizawa AGAIN and at risk of talking about upwards of 50 f/os lets talk about our f/o fight finalists!
Approaching this as if the people reading Do Not Know all of these characters,just in case some people in fact do not know anything about them
Luigi! He's definitely the f/o I've known and loved the longest! The year of luigi was catered to me specifically/j I just think his evolution as a character is SO interesting,especially in the M&L series. He is just such a genuinely good guy,he's sweet and even competitive (moreso in the party/kart/sports games) and I would legitimately do anything for him. I feel this way about a lot of my f/os but i genuinely wish i could just tell him how important he is BECAUSE EVERYONE IS SO MEAN TO HIM SO MUCH(i know its for the bit but cmon!) oh yeah mario and that other guy type thing YOU LNOW HIS NAME >:(
Kumatora. I could literally talk at length about her but ultimately id just go in circles. Her recklessness when she was younger reminds me of mine. She's a badass,and she's sassy and headstrong and super powerful and yet so chill. She's also just. A good person. I know that if shit got real she would protect me,and even though i am absolutely all talk when it comes to my ability to kick ass,id do my best to protect her too. Also she has PSI so i mean. Kind of a pattern with me,huh?
Dr. Jan. I've always loved people who work in museums or amusement parks and the like. I love to see people who actually...like their jobs. Who make it their own and have fun with it! So..it's only natural id end up liking her. She's an enthusiast of all things ancient and an avid cryptid nerd. I LOVE her enthusiasm. I LOVE her vibe she is also very pretty.
Shuichi. I'm gonna be so honest i do not much like Danganronpa V3 as a game. I love the characters in it,though. but he's a really good protagonist and he just feels...very organic. His struggles with self worth and confidence really resonate with me and i love how he slowly starts to open up and really get into it during cases/trials! I'm also a voice guy and. I really like his voice very much i sometimes listen to like. Shuichi saihara voice files compilations on YouTube it scratches my brain.
Monika. Look. Again I'm a voice guy. Also,i stayed with her for every. Single. Topic she could bring up. Multiple times over. I am down fucking bad. I tried to start a literature club because of her in my own school. I started writing poems again because of her. She told me to put her file on a usb and carry it with me always and i did. I bought a lil white ribbon and tied it on there and then i put the usb on a neckace made of frayed computer wire and i BROUGHT HER EVERYWHERE I WENT. I am in love with her. She is. The true concept of an f/o. And she loves us back,that's the part that gets me.
Queen. Yeah i like silly women i like robots. No one is surprised. She is so cool i want to drink battery acid with her. Ill become a peon i dont even carw
CAPT. SPACEBOY. I haven't ever really been able to pinpoint why EXACTLY im so into him,but i am. I could treat him so so well. I couldn't fit him absolutely not but we could be worse together <3 he sings,he travels through space he's a pirate and also super nice and hospitable. We both got funky mental illnesses going on also hes just hot. Like objectively.
Jessie and James. Package deal. Im glad tumblr seems to appreciate them as much as i do. Theyre both SUCH well written characters. I have known them forever. When i saw them crossdressing as a kid it blew my mind. PEOPLE CAN DO THAT???? Indigo league in general is so so good,but jessie and james really steal the show. They have such interesting and compelling backstories and they are poor just like me fr.(well ok team rocket is. James' family doesnt count i would have also left) we could go on a date to the clearance section in the supermarket./hj i just love them very much ALSO THEY SHOULDNT HAVE TAKEN AWAY JAMES' FAKE BOOBIES! NOT FAIR! I would never do that to him.
Thank you for listening if you guys ever wanna pick an f/o on the list for me to go off about i will do it. For you all
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EPISODE 14: Return to Cosmos.
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GyroGyro was spontaneously committing to a dance ritual. Penta floated by, and seemed confused.
“Uh.. do you guys… need help with THAT or, what–” Cloudy groaned, cutting Penta off. “He’s been like this for a while now, he's tried summoning spirits, but that led to.. uh… THIS.” Cloudy looked at GyroGyro. “One can only wonder what ancient relic of a soul is inside him..” Just then, Moony began to yell, directing Penta and Cloudy to look over to see Lunartic trying to force a kiss onto Moony. “GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME, GOD!” Moony’d yell, violently thrashing. “BABYDOLL, JUST STAND STILL AND FUCKING GIVE UP! STARRY NEVER LOVED YOU! MOVE ON, DAMNIT!!” Finally, Lunartic smacked Moony to the ground, then raised his hand to beat her, only for GyroGyro to then violently screech.
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It was a horrible sound, like nails on a chalkboard inside an Active, In-Use Brazen Bull, a scream of a thousand years, a celestial intervention. Just then, GyroGyro began erratically twisting and turning, but just then, it stopped as GyroGyro came to Lunartic…
…then screamed one last time, causing Lunartic to go into a trance like never before.
“..huh? Gyro??” Sunny broke the silence, from his play area, he was protected from much harm, and Phantom and Mime made sure that he didn't leave.
“Let's go inside the Laser Tag Arena…” Phantom told Sunny. “YAY, LASE RTAG.” Mime swiftly melted into a puddle in order tk reach the Laser Tag Arena quickly.
Phantom watches as Mime and Sunny run off to play Laser Tag, Phantom then turned to the others and asked— “What the FUCK is going on??” House then replied— “GyroGyro stopped Lunartic from essentially forcing a kiss onto Moony.” He said. “...so… sexual assault?” Phantom said. “Meh, leave him be.”
Period then ran up and kicked Lunartic over, laughing at him being unable to get up, “Who’s small now?!” They said, running off.
Meanwhile, Moony swept herself off. “Do you need anything?? Are you okay??” Question Mark asked. “I’m fine, just… eugh.. a creep.” Moony said, sighing. “...he really is.” Question Mark said, groaning. However, Cuby would grab the two, bringing them over to The Gourd.
Organized into teams, The Gourd announced the next challenge. “CONTESTANTS! The next contest is simple! Land on the moon!”
Just then, Sunny tried piggyback-riding Moony, to which The Gourd clarified— “I meant in space— you will land on the moon, then place a flag, once done, simply come back BEFORE the other team!” The Gourd now snapped his fingers, summoning two rocket ships. “Fuel up your ships, then go!”
As Phantom got the oil needed to get Team Merge’s Rocket running, Cuby tried to do so too. The two got distracted fighting over who's the team leader, so Team FUN! got ahead.
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“I really think Phantom’s gonna get out.” Cloud said, “even when I was on the team, he was so controlling.” She sighed as they landed. “Whatever, let's just place a flag here and—” Sunny suddenly pushed past Period and Question Mark and directly into..
“Wh— huh. What. Wait. Huh?” Question Mark was… confused, but Starry spoke: “Greetings! I uh… got eliminated! …except you can't objectify a star without killing it so.. yeah!” Moony suddenly swiftly hugged Starry. “ACKK.. also, uh… Star’s here.” She points over to Star, who is trying to figure out his basic math. “He's.. kinda dumb, so I gave him earth homework. :-)” she stated, before going silent and hugging Starry for quite awhile.
Eventually, Team Merge came, and began to place their flag, however, Cloudy came to Phantom to tell him to—
“Stay here.” Cloudy said, as her teammates said goodbye and got onboard, waiting for her. “What? Phantom scoffed. “Why would I?” Cloudy looked at the rocket, then at him, before looking at Mime before getting onboard and leaving.
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Mime then said… “If you stay here, you won't be eliminated and will be in space, but if you go with us, then you'll be eliminated and sent to wherever they go.” Mine explained as a Circle.
“Mime, c’mon! House, Penta and Cuby wouldn't vote for me!” Phantom said.
Mime just stared.
“Right…?” Phantom said.
Cuby grabbed Mime, gave Phantom a note, and left.
Phantom clutches the note as he watched the rocket fly off without him, before he calmed down and sat.
Back on Earth, The Gourd seemed confused, he asked “Team Merge! You LOST again! …where’s Phantom?”
Cuby then signed to The Gourd that they knew they were up for elimination, and had decided to eliminate Phantom, to which The Gourd accepts as a valid cast.
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“...alright, then Phantom is eliminated! Very anti-climatic, but oh well!” The Gourd blew out the Elimination Ceremony as it began to sprinkle.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“Day after day, being bullied by others became my routine.” Phantom stated to the crowd. “However, I am proud to be the leader of The Masquerade. I shall not fail in my suit of justice for those who are physically and mentally scarred.
“...I wanna revive Heart.” Star sighed. “We don't have a shooting star, but maybe we can go to The Inbetween..” Starry said, just then Phantom stared and asked… “...the what?”
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the-kipsabian · 7 years
lbr if i had a pokemon selfinsert she would absolutely be part of team rocket
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r0-boat · 2 years
so i sent in the team flare ask, and i realized that i meant to say they’re lack luster as an evil team which SUCKS because lysandre has a dope battle theme but messed up my sentence structure oops
but yeah lysandre is definitely the most memorable part of team flare — even if the first instance you meet him in the games he might as well just yell “HEY I’M THE BAD GUY”
team flare is def a bad rip off of team rocket but lysandre himself just reminds me of a bad rip off of cyrus
cyrus at least had some back story to explain his outlook on life — you can speak to his grandfather on route 228 in platinum. when he sees that you have the badge from sunyshore city’s gym. he’ll tell you that despite being a successful student, cyrus could never meet his parents’ harsh expectations of him.
an excerpt (you can find the rest online):
“my grandson grew up in that city by the sea. worn down by trying to live up to his parents’ expectations, he found refuge in tinkering with machines. i wonder even now if i should have taken him and raised him myself”
it’s implied that this childhood trauma is what led him down the path he takes in the games. it doesn’t excuse his actions at all but it makes him more understandable and human.
i won’t speak for others but lysandre just kinda annoyed me — he had similar-ish goals to cyrus but no real understanding behind his reasoning?
in my opinion, some of the best villains are those who aren’t aware of how they’re actually the bad guy. cyrus actually thinks his cause is just and we see in his backstory how enduring trauma and hurt during the key developmental years of his life (aka childhood and adolescence) caused him to go down that path.
i also think the best villains are also the ones that are relatable — cyrus growing up feeling rejected and like he wasn’t ever enough as a result of his parents is something a lot of people can relate to. having gone through something similar with one of my parents, i really understood that pain and i’m sure others do too.
lysandre just feels like a villain who is bad for the sake of it with his “keep the world beautiful” reasoning being so hard to grasp or make sense of?
anyways i’ll shut up now
cyrus is just my fav villain in the series and i think he’s cooler than people give him credit for
And I absolutely agree with you about Cyrus in Team Galactic but let me tell you in my opinion Team Plasma is Team Rocket done right!
I absolutely hate Ghetsis but I can't deny he is one of my favorite Pokemon villains.
God I fucking love Team Plasma, especially in Pokemon Black and White 2
In my opinion not only Team Plasma's (b/w2) costumes our overall 1 billion times better than what we had before and after Gen 5.
All their battles are so memorable how can you forget that jamming song that plays every time you battle a grunt.
You literally go from cultists to Sky Pirates What?!
And their motives... their motives weren't bad at first " liberate Pokemon from their poke balls" okay like somebody could totally see that as a good thing. Like Pokemon are stuck in small little orbs and they're supposed to be wild animals you know they need space to run around and some trainers are absolutely abusive.
But then later it wasn't about a liberating pokeballs it was about using Pokemon as tools to rule over the world.
In Pokemon b/w2 they mentioned that after an basically turned over to your side the group who chose to serve N and the ones who wanted power light gets us pretty much split and you actually see the conflict and in some cases fight alongside them which is *kiss* Noice!
Team flare was just very obviously a bootleg version of Team Rocket and
team yell which is even more obviously a bootleg version of Team skull but they washed and wrung out all of the things that made team skull funny and Charming.
Other than Team Galactic, Team Plasma always felt so professional if that's a word I could describe it. As if evil organizations was a business
Tldr: Team Plasma is my all-time favorite team. The fucking cool they have their own little Side Story. Cool ass music, cool ass boss fights. Gen 5 may have been a blur but Team Plasma will always be Unforgettable
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crowcryptid · 2 years
2nd play through of infinite is done, skulls grabbed this time.
My opinion is still: I enjoy
Incoherent typing and Spoilers under the read more.
No organization you’re getting pure stream of mind ramblings here
But the feeling of “that’s it? That was everything?” Is still there. And yes I know it’s because a huge chunk of the game was cut. I just hope the dlc stuff is substantial chunks of story. I’d rather wait longer and get a decent chunk vs being drip fed new stuff
Definitely had more fun playing it this time around cause it wasn’t on legendary and I wasn’t fighting for my goddamn life at every moment
Was chillin on easy mode and ripping through it all.
Anyway uh yeah I don’t really have much bad to say about it. I did enjoy :]
Things I wish we had gotten:
to see literally any other character besides the main cast. Alive. I get they wanted to keep it simple and not confuse new people but I’d have liked to see any friendly faces besides the marines and gotten to fight alongside them. But I get it, you’re mostly alone and everyone is gone I know. I know.
I’m just sayin. It could have been something as simple as a squad of ODSTs spawning at FOBs. Just someone other than the marines lol. Not that I don’t like them! I always protect my marines and give them power weapons. I just want more buddies! They don’t even have to be named buddies. I will name them myself
Terminals! Not a single terminal here. Sad times.
More weapons! I want a carbine! I want a saw! Gimme the beam rifle! Also fuck it bring back the flamethrower who give a shid why not. I don’t care if it sucks it would be fun
Also I think there should have been vehicle variants like the weapon variants. And just buff the vehicles in general. They all felt weak except for the scorpion and a fully decked out razorback. Also bring back the hornet I miss you king. 2 rocket marines on the side. The wasp could never. Hornet forever.
More stuff I didn’t like:
1) doesn’t feel like you do.. enough. And by that I mean yes you save the day etc but it’s just missing something. Like the story didn’t move enough. Too much setting up. But knowing we are getting dlc story puts me at ease I suppose. I’m waiting so patiently. :)
2) ok so. I do like the weapon. But I felt like the reveal that she was “cortana” was like. Not a reveal? I mean I didn’t think she was exactly the same. I thought she was just a new ai made from the halsey brains blue team got in SoR. I thought it was more of a “they’re like sisters” kind of deal but whatever. Not really a complaint I just thought it was a little weird. I was just like. Uh well. Ok
3) spartan killers were a bit disappointing. Specifically jega. You weren’t supposed to die king. I was going to fix you <3 I really was hoping he would actually be hunting you during the campaign and maybe you do a small fight vs him before he runs off.
4) needs more biomes! Weather! More varied areas! I want snow! Desert! Beaches!
Stuff I did like: mr pilot i would die for you and I’m glad Chief agrees
Also chiefs energy in this game.. oh it’s good. That’s my guy right there. He’s not ok. But he keeps going. I do think they went a little too much on the one liners. Like yes I get that’s kind of his deal But it’s different in 2/3 cause he barely talks in those so it’s allowed lol. But other than that I think it’s a happy middle ground between the more talkative 4 Chief and nearly silent bungie era. And can we please talk about how he completely avoids personal questions the entire time. Sweety. What IS wrong with you. Are you okay? No. Ur not. Also I really like how he is with the pilot. It was nice. They hug :] I smiled like an idiot both times I saw it. Also there’s a few moments where he speaks so softly and i screaming and yelling and hollering- if you played it u know what I’m talking about it’s when he and the weapon are going through the data near the end of the game
Anyway I can keep going but I am incomprehensible and yelling and I love my giant green metal husband but I think he needs to rest for real. The fight is being finished since 2007
Maybe I will change my blog title. It’s been that since like. 2016? 2017? But if I do change it. Later. Ce
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musashi · 4 years
Give us the jessie bpd rant
[Paraphrased behaviours. I’m not a psychologist I just read the DSM-5 for fun. This is not a diagnostic tool, but if you identify with this post maybe look into some actual ones and learn some fun stuff about yourself.]
Identity problems, an unstable sense of self.
Jessie describes herself as adaptable, someone who can fit in anywhere, and this is indeed one of her strengths! She doesn’t let a lack of experience or qualifications discourage her because she believes that she can shift and change to suit her environment, and she’s right!
It’s also a major weakness of hers, though. Jessie in her element (when she’s her true self) is loud, confident, assertive, and bold. However, whenever she 'imprints’ on someone she throws her true personality aside entirely--buries it under the facade of someone who is malleable, softspoken, easy to be around, does whatever they can to make the person they love choose them. This trait of hers, and how it’s a fault, is a MAJOR plot point in XY063.
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there’s a scene early on in this episode where she’s partially paralyzed from a stun spore, and Dr. White, the man who saved her from drowning, feeds her a berry to fix it. She poses triumphantly with her arms in the air and shouts ‘THAT DID THE TRICK!’ then realizes she’s being too loud around an attractive man and immediately throws her hands over her mouth, trying to stop more words from coming. It’s an incredibly effective way of showing how contradictory Jessie is when she imprints on someone. The Jessie we know would never even think of second guessing how much room she takes up in the world. 
In this episode, Jessie has feelings for Dr. White, and she completely buries her personality to make herself a silent, sweet, softspoken housewife in the hopes that he’ll fall in love with her. Dr. White instead falls for his childhood friend, a loud, rude, brash girl who likes to fight, calls him a wimp and tells him to fuck off when he presses her buttons.
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The tragedy of this episode is that Jessie is forced to confront this about herself--this way she shifts and changes to keep people near may very likely have caused her to lose something here. She’s forced to reckon with the idea that if she had just been herself, he might have loved her back. Not in spite of her personality, but because of it. 
In Borderlines, this trait is often a survival mechanism, driven entirely BY:
A debilitating fear of potential abandonment, perceived or based in past trauma.
Jessie’s childhood trauma, though not often discussed, hinges entirely on her abandonment issues. She was given up to foster care around kindergarten age, which was long enough to learn to love her mother before never getting to see her again. Jessie’s implied to have been a deeply lonely child who never had a family to call her own, and who didn’t fit in with any other girls her age because she was too poor to afford even basic food and couldn’t keep up.
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When Jessie opens up about her love life, she doesn’t go into specifics, only mentioning that it’s been full of nothing but heartbreak thus far. She’s an unreliable narrator, always, but when she’s inviting pity on herself it’s almost always manipulation to gain something, and these moments don’t seem to have that element. When she talks about her love life in EP100, it’s very carefully accented with this image:
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In her adolescence, Jessie tried to center herself around her passions, pursuing them whenever she was handed the opportunity. Frequently, though, she’d find herself meeting people and growing attached to them, and would eventually reach a crossroads where she forced herself to choose between the people she cared about and the goals she chased relentlessly.
The biggest example of this is DP073, where she chooses to stay and train to be an idol, rather than to travel with the boy she’s in love with.
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She ends up not passing her audition, losing both him and her shot at her career. This starts Jessie’s descent into compulsively abandoning/parting ways with everyone in her life in an attempt to control how people exit her story. The only way to prevent yourself from being abandoned with 100% certainty is, of course, to leave them before they can leave you.
This kinda blends into the next point, which is:
Instability in personal relationships.
As previously mentioned, Jessie has a tendency to leave people behind & sever ties. It’s only speculation on my part, but it would make sense that she does this because she has been left behind in so many regards and by so many people she loved, it’s the only way she feels she can take control of this phenomenon.
People who watched a lot of OS back in the day, but don’t necessarily keep up with the series much now, will famously circulate Jessie’s speech to the Ghost of Maiden Rock in EP020. The maiden was a woman who died waiting for her lover who was out at sea, and since her death her spirit’s remained on the cliffside in the hopes that he would come home. Jessie shoots the ghost of the maiden with a fucking bazooka half her height and says this:
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This is lauded by 90s kids everywhere as a #GirlPower speech about how Jessie don’t need no man (which is true), but it’s actually, like... kinda tragic? She hates the ghost of the maiden because she sees herself in it, and she takes the opportunity to proclaim that what she sees of herself makes her sick to look at. This speech she gives is so aggressively out of nowhere and so long and rambling that you have no choice but to read it as deeply personal. She just short of confirms that you can’t leave Jessie because Jessie leaves FIRST.
And you GET to see this in action. Jessie struggles so hard with loyalty. In ALL her relationships! Literally all of them. Every time something shakes up her foundation with a person in her life, she hardlocks herself into run run RUN mode because there’s a slight chance they might leave her and she CANNOT have that.
It was shown in the most explicit detail in the side story about what she was like in training, where Jessie’s inability to stay beside various partners in Team Rocket is literally the trait that defined her to everyone in the organization.
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There’s even a beautifully symbolic shot in the beginning of that episode where she abandons her 12th partner, and kneels down while the world literally collapses behind her.
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In DP073, when Jessie sees her Dustox has fallen in love with another Dustox, she demands that Dustox leave despite the pokemon hesitating. She doesn’t let Dustox control that scenario--Jessie crushes her pokeball and demands she migrate with her mate.
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When Meowth dips on her and James to work food service because he finds it more rewarding, Jessie doesn’t try to fight it, instead focuses her energy on also leaving her teammates in her dust because at least she can get out of there and move on before James abandons her.
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When she realizes White loves another girl, she doesn’t bother to even say goodbye to him, she just leaves wordlessly with nothing in her wake but a bouquet of daisies, and when she remembers that oh right, her wobbuffet is also in love with White’s own--
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She tries to leave him, too.
You can’t fire Jessie. Jessie quits.
This is the in-depth, analytical part of me Diagnosing Her. Everything else she exhibits is far more General and really doesn’t need a trained eye:
Instability in one’s goals, aspirations, or career: Jessie has a steady job in Team Rocket, but is constantly picking up side-hustles and being distracted by passions like acting, performing, contests, and the like. She’s left Team Rocket entirely before to pursue Contests, only to return almost immediately. (DP117)
Difficulty controlling the range/intensity of one’s emotional responses: Long past the Slapstick Days of the original series, Jessie’s still incredibly prone to outbursts. It’s not just anger--she reacts equally strongly when she’s sad, happy, lovestruck, anything. I have used this exact phrasing before, but Jessie doesn’t feel her emotions, she becomes them.
Poor impulse control: Kind goes hand-in-hand with the above.
Engaging in dangerous/risky/self-harming activities with no concern to personal limitations: This applies to all of Team Rocket, but Jessie seems to take it a step further in thinking she’s invincible. She’ll throw herself headfirst into anything, rarely backs down from a fight, and often has trouble taking rest days even when she needs them because she lacks self-preservation.
Hair-trigger temper: lol yeah.
Unstable emotions/mood swings: lol YEAH, Jessie will be crying one minute, screaming the next, immediately fine. She can cycle the whole spectrum of human emotion before you can finish a sentence.
Idealization & Imprinting: Jessie frequently rushes into relationships based entirely on the idea of a person, not grounded in reality. She becomes attached to people incredibly easy at times, willing to throw her entire life thus far away to run away with someone she’s just met.
Living entirely in the moment, unable to comprehend the past/future: Jessie prefers to go with the flow and, as previously mentioned, adapt if things don’t turn out in her favour. If something doesn’t work out for her, she immediately will turn in the other direction and start toward whatever’s there.
This post is so long and I could probably make it longer but I’m gonna stop here. My credentials are I’m an Incredibly Powerful Jessie Kinnie who has BPD herself as well as an autistic who’s special interest is the pokemon anime and team rocket specifically fdhdfghg.
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
Fanon Marvel cause they got I S S U E S
This isn’t really a fanfic thing, more or less what I envision the MCU would be in MY head. Granted not everyone’s gonna agree with these points, but that’s fine. Well all got our own opinions☺️
Q: Who survives the Snap in Fanon?
A: Steve, Thor, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Nebula, Gamora, Rhodey, Rocket, Scott, Okoye, Shuri, Pepper, Wong, Valkyrie, Loki, and Tony
Q: Will anyone be recast?
A: Yes. Monica Rambeau is Captain Marvel instead of Carol Danvers. Make of that as you will.
Q: Are there gonna be any major changes?
A: Not for the most part, as I haven’t watched all the Marvel movies. However, these would be the most prominent ones:
* T*ny Stark is an anti-villain. His story has been changed to mostly fit the Superior Iron Man storyline. The IM trilogy would stay the same since I haven’t seen them, as well as the first two Avengers movies. However, he gets his immediate change in Civil War, where we find out that he worked for HYDRA the whole time, and wanted the Avengers to sign the Accords so the organization didn’t get found out. I feel it would’ve been interesting if we had seen Tony turn from a man who pretended to help others survive, into a man who only ever did things to help himself survive. If you don’t like this change: well then suck it cause it’s my fanon🙃
* Steve and Thor are in a relationship. This is mostly a personal preference, but I genuinely think they’d be a good couple. Their feelings would begin to come out in AOU, after the party scene. The two have a drink, slow dance, and confess there feelings. Simple, but cute (I think). Steve would think of Thor in Civil War, while Thor would have a scene in Ragnarok, in which he calls Steve and gets his opinion on everything that has happened to him (Odins death, Hela, losing Mjolnir etc). In Infinity War, they reunite and share a big kiss Pirates of the Caribbean style. As for Endgame: Steve doesn’t go to the past (I.e fucking up the timeline and Peggy’s happy life) and Thor stays on New Asgard to rule as King, with his consort by his side.
* CA:CW- People like Rhodey and Natasha don’t just immediately agree to the Accords. Instead, they go undercover and try to find out what the government is actually doing; Peter is on Team Iron Man until he finds out that Tony is HYDRA. It sucks that M*rvel really out here just making Peter iron boy instead of... ya know... Spider-Man; Civil War has a scene where Steve reminisces on his mother (his real moral compass fight me) and we focus more on him and less on Tinkie’s man pain; Instead of Tony being upset that Bucky killed both of his parents, he’d only get upset about his mother, as he actually wanted his father dead. Got this idea from a post where basically a bunch of people were talking about how Tony was probably HYDRA the whole time, which is where I got the idea. Feel free to add anything else.
* IW: Loki and Gamora don’t die. I feel like they killed off Loki a little too early since he was just getting the arc he so desperately needed. While I don’t really know what to do with him yet, I do know that he’ll be in a relationship with Valkyrie. I mean, did you see their fight scene? The sexual tension. As for Gamora, well we all practically hated it when she died and hated it even more when they brought her 2014 counterpart back from the past. Someone on Quora said that an alternative for Thanos to sacrifice on Vormir could be Ebony Maw, as out of all of Thanos’s children, he worshipped him the most. Maybe Thanos would hesitate as this was his most loyal child, but he does it cause gotta wipe out half the universe or whatever. It wouldn’t be as tragic tho, but (1) that’s the price we gotta pay for Gamora to stay alive, and (2) are we reeeaaally supposed to pity Thanos? Thanos? The guy who only ever fell in love with Death???. Anyways back to Gamora: I actually wanna do something for her. If you’ve ever seen RWBY, one of the main characters essentially loses her arm when she tried to save her friend. I know it sounds cruel for Gamora to loose a limb, but hey, sometimes you just like seeing your fav characters suffer🤷‍♀️. I was thinking it could go two ways:
- (1): Gamora loses her arm like the character in RWBY i.e, saving one of her friends like Mantis, Quill, or Nebula.
- Or (2): Thanos uses the Reality Stone to make the Guardians + Peter and Strange think that they have the upper hand. Strange uses his magic to hold Thanos down while the others try taking off the Infinity gauntlet. Once the gauntlet is nearly loose, Quill would try to strike him, as Nebula realizes that the whole thing is an illusion. But before she could warn the others it’s too late, and Gamora looses an arm to her boyfriend, leaving him and everyone in complete shock. I like this option more, as it would show not only just how cruel Thanos is, but that he never really loved Gamora. He just favored her above all his other kids. And hey, I’m a sap for angst.
* Feel free to add anything else.
* EG: So in the first bullet, I already said which characters survive the snap and that Captain Marvel isn’t Carol, but Monica. Aside from that, I haven’t really thought much of what to do with Endgame. Surprisingly, it’s difficult to write a better story for this one. What I would most like to happen, however, is more character moments. Thor’s PTSD and traumas being taken more seriously, and instead of him gaining weight he loses it (cause according to Tinkie’s dumb rant that’s what gets an audience to take your turmoil seriously. Pls don’t hate me for this decision). Bruce doesn’t turn into Professor Hulk, and his traumas are actually talked about. Also he gets closure on his relationship with Natasha (I know it’s not that great but I personally like it). Clint dies instead of Nat and we remember that Nat was the leader of the Avengers for like five years. Steve properly mourns his friends and actually acts like Steve Rogers and not a fucking imposter. We actually see what happened in Wakanda after the Snap, with Okoye and Shuri at the head of it all. Also Pepper would be stand in for Tony, cause ya know, she has a life outside of him and is actually smart. And her and Scott help with the Time machine or what other plan I or anyone can come up with. Again, feel free to add anything else.
Q: Will there be any new characters added?
A: For now just one: A robot named Iris (aka Iron Blade), created by Tony for HYDRA. I’ve made a summary of her here:
* Iris is an android created by the billionaire Tony Stark, who possesses a synthetic body made of Tungsten Carbide which is powered by the arc reactor in her chest. For years Stark worked into making Iris highly advanced, while also keeping her secret from the rest of the world until she was ready to be used by the organization HYDRA. She was trained by HYDRA in combat and artificial intelligence, transforming Iris into a dangerous, ruthless killing machine. However, she still managed to keep some essence of personality thanks to Tony, who refused to have her be simply mindless. This resulted in Iris inheriting some of Tony’s more negative traits, while even accepting his lavish lifestyle. Although she may act like him, Iris has her own traits which vary from being charismatic, eloquent, and sophisticated to privileged, arrogant and cruel. Due to HYDRA’s influence, Iris is mostly misguided and blindly follows orders.
* Iris was eventually revealed when Tony tried forcing the Avengers to sign the Sokovia Accords as a means to keep HYDRA underground. She was introduced as a new recruit of the US government, in which she had a hand in writing the Accords. When the Avengers found that Iris was created by not just HYDRA but by Tony, this caused a huge riff in the team. The people on Team Iron Man immediately turn on him once finding out that he created Iris, which in turn resulted in them finding out that not only had he been providing the organization with weapons, but was a member himself. Out of all the team members, Iris has the largest fallout with Bucky Barnes (the former Winter Soldier) and Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), as she mostly worked as their antithesis, showing what probably would’ve occurred had they never recovered from their manipulation at the hands of corrupt organizations.
* After the fight between Iron Man and Captain America, Iris went into hiding alongside Tony, who was no longer a member of the Avengers. For the next two years, Iris stayed by her creators side as he intended to carry out his boss’s plan. The titan Thanos had ordered Stark to help him eradicate half the universe. Tony agreed to the plan, as he believed that Earth had been ungrateful for his attempts at ‘saving’ the world. He would help Thanos, so long as he ensured his safety and payed him. Iris, programmed to follow orders, agreed to the plan without question.
* Once Thanos arrived on Earth, Iris would go to Wakanda to stop the Avengers from destroying the Mind Stone, all the while Stark attempted to kill the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, and Spiderman (also the only one who knew of Tony’s true alignments). Iris, failing to retrieve the Stone, joins Tony on Titan while Thanos fights the Avengers. Despite the Avengers attempts, Thanos gets the stones and does the Snap, in which Tony and Iris survive and go into hiding once more.
That’s pretty much it. I made this cause I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I wanted to share my opinions. Feel free to add anything or give constructive criticism.
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dreamingofmilk · 4 years
I love love love everything that yall post and I saw that yall were taking requests! Would you please write a fic where Sam and Reader get drunk and accidentally get married and like, they lowkey have feelings for each other with fluff and smut please?
Thanks for the support Love!!! We appreciate it. We wrote up something for you and we hope you like it!!
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You were always a cautious person.
Even as a child, you always made sure to make logical and sound decisions, ones that usually seemed boring to your peers. 
There was only one decision that you made that was irresponsible, your decision to become an Avenger. There were absolutely no logistics involved in that choice, but when you saw Falcon and Captain America save a school bus full of children from a band of evil aliens one day, you knew that was the path you needed to take. Your brain told you all along the way that it was dangerous and stupid and that you'd get yourself killed, but you couldnt shake the feeling that this was where you were meant to be. That feeling only got stronger when the Avengers agreed to have you join their team. You'd never forget the tight hug Sam gave you, his smile wide. 
"Good job Y/N. You're going to be great!"
You still get butterflies in your stomach just thinking about that moment. 
There was something about Sam that comforted you and made you uneasy at the same time. An awareness that you didn't have with anyone else on the team. You both got along great, he was your closest friend on the team and you both worked really well together. So well that you did most of your missions together. You both had a very easy chemistry while fighting. Like your bodies instinctively knew what the other was going to do.
So it was no surprise to anyone that the two of you were assigned to a mission in Vegas, busting an undercover crime ring on the strip. You always knew Sam was very good at his job, but it was amazing to watch him do espionage work. Everyone knew him as a loud, boisterous man, and he definitely was, but underneath all of that charm and humor was a genius. He always knew exactly how to twist a situation in his favor and the two of you made quick work of getting to the core of the organization and pulling out its heart, the infamous mob boss Tony Facinelli. He was an embarrassingly arrogant man, but watching Sam tear his confidence into pieces before he apprehended him was equal parts terrifying and fascinating. You would never think that a man capable of that kind of mindfuckery would also make dad jokes and laugh so hard he wheezed watching funny dog videos. It really opened your eyes to how amazing this man was. 
You both quickly cleaned everything up and tied up all of the loose ends and after spending 2 months undercover you were ready for a relaxed night in your hotel, but Sam had other plans. 
"Y/N! Another mission down. Can't beat the dream team baby!" He reached his arms around your shoulder and pulled you into his side, his head turning to give you a kiss on the side of your head. "You did a great job, just loosen up a bit during interrogation. You seemed more scared than Facinelli." 
You looked up at him and frowned, "You scarred that man for life and you didn't touch him once. That's some scary shit Wilson. What the hell are you?"
He shrugged nonchalantly, "It's just part of the job sometimes. I don't enjoy doing it, but it's effective in some cases." He shook his head slightly, "That's irrelevant though, I don't want to focus on any of that crap. We did good work and saved a bunch of people. We should celebrate! Let's get lit!"
You were shaking your head and trying to fight a smile, but his enthusiasm was infectious. You could never really say no to him. "Fine, but just a couple drinks and some dancing. That's all."
Sam practically vibrated with excitement. "Yes! I've always wanted to party in Vegas! Now I get to do it with my best girl!"
You rolled your eyes, but there was not much sting since you were smiling. "Let me go get ready, you idiot. I'll meet you in the lobby."
You took your time getting cute. Luckily this mission involved a lot of nightclub visits so you had several sexy dresses to choose from. You chose a blood red dress that hugged everything perfectly and showed just the right amount of boobs and legs. You pulled on some matching heels and added a red lip and smokey eye to finish everything off. You were bad as fuck! Maybe you'd be able to get some dick tonight! Lord knows it's been a while. You quickly grabbed your things and made your way downstairs.
When you stepped out of the elevator you almost passed out when you saw Sam. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that the man was attractive, but dressed like this, he was irresistible. You made your way over, paying close attention to his eyes following you. 
When you reached him he grabbed your hand and took his sweet time looking over your outfit. "Damn Y/N! You look… fuck…” He took a deep breath “You look good! Give me a spin, let me get the full effect." He pulled your hand up and you spun slowly, filing away the groan you heard when your back was facing him.
"Thank you. Should be enough to catch some attention huh?" You grinned. 
He shook his head, "Nah, that's enough to catch some cuffs. Let's get out of here."
The taxi ride was short and pleasant. The two of you chatted about random things, cracking a few jokes. 
When you pulled up to the club you could hear the bass booming. The line was so long you couldn't see where it ended.
"We can just go back." You turned to Sam 
"Nope, I know the owner. Did a favor for him a while back. We'll get in no problem." Sam shook his head and grabbed your hand.
He walked right up to the bouncer and after saying his name you were let in. Sam walked you both immediately to the bar, catching the bartender's attention. "4 patron shots please, and two whiskey sours." Your favorite liquor, and your favorite drink. Once the bartender made them, Sam handed one to you and smirked. "Alright! Let's have a good time tonight Y/N!" You both took two shots each, and downed your mixed drinks, then made your way to the dance floor. You were ready to throw some ass, so you started looking around for a worthy taker, and once you spotted one you started to make your way over to him, but Sam grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. He leaned down and crooned into your ear, 
"Where are you running off to sweetheart?" 
You tilted your head in confusion, "To twerk?"
"There is no way in hell I'm not getting the first twerk." Sam grinned. 
You shrugged, "Fine with me." Inside you were freaking out. This was a dream come true! You assumed position, fully ready to blow his freaking mind. When the beat dropped, you put all of your energy into twerking. You twerked high, low and everything in between. You grinded and popped and clapped and showed out completely. And Sam took every bit of it with ease. You had to admit you were getting a bit turned on. His hands were unconsciously sliding up and down your hips as you danced. It made you want to be touched everywhere. 
After a few more songs you were tired, so Sam took you both back to the bar and you both got two more shots of Patron. He started to take his first one, but as he looked at you he paused and the grin that lit up his face was definitely up to no good. He sat the dring back down and pulled you close to him. 
He leaned down and whisper-yelled into your ear, "Let's do body shots Y/N." You both were definitely lit and you didn't hesitate at all. You nodded immediately. Sam's smirk grew wider. He pulled you completely into his embrace, and buried his face into your neck. "You smell so damn good Y/N. Makes me so fucking hard." You clenched your legs in response to combat the flood that just fell between your legs. You've never heard him speak like this, but you'd be damned if it was a huge turn on. 
You whimpered as he pulled back, but it was short-lived because he licked a long stripe along the side of your neck. You gasped and held onto his arms for balance. Sam snickered and sprinkled the salt on your neck. "There, now hold still Y/N." He bit the lime, tossed the shot of tequila before leaning down and sucking on your neck. You definitely couldn't fight the moan that left your mouth. He took his sweet time on your neck, licking, sucking, and biting. There was no way there was any salt left, but you had no intentions of stopping him. After a few immensely pleasurable moments he pulled back and licked his lips, his eyes twinkled with lust. "You're turn, Y/N"
You smiled and moved even closer to him. You splayed your hands across his chest and just relished the feeling of his muscles for a minute before you unbuttoned his shirt just enough to reach the center of his chest. Really it was the only place you could reach comfortably on this tall man. 
You pushed the fabric out of the way and flattened your tongue to lick right between his pecs. You sprinkled the salt and did the shot just like he did, not caring at all that it was backwards. He didn't let you play for very long on his chest though. You pouted when he pulled you back. He grabbed both sides of your face. 
"Y/N, look at me. I know we're both drunk right now, but I need you to really think about what's happening here. If this keeps going I'm gonna take care of that ass. Are you completely sure that's what you want?"
You were drunk, really drunk, but you were also very sure that you wanted Sam to crack your back. You looked into his eyes and nodded slowly. "Yes, I'm sure."
He nodded back, "Ok. Get up on the bar stool, baby." You wobbled for a second, but managed to get on the stool. Sam kneeled on the ground and grabbed your legs. He pulled them so you had no choice but to fall back on the stool, your back supported and your legs held up by him alone. You had a passing thought of you two being in public, but you couldn't bring yourself to care very much. Sam spread your legs on each of his shoulders, your dress hiking up to right below your butt. He took a soft bite of your inner thigh before he licked it and sprinkled the salt. Your eyes almost bugged out of your head. You always knew Wilson was fucking nasty! By the time he finished his shot you had absolutely no interest in taking another or staying in this club when you could be getting wrecked. You pulled him to eye level by his shirt and bit his earlobe before whispering. "Take me to bed, Wilson."
You always prided yourself on having made only one illogical decision in your life, and now you've made several in one night. The rest of the night was a complete blur, you can only remember small bits, like the feeling of Sam on top of you, or the cab driver yelling at the two of you as you made out in the car.
But this? You had absolutely no memory of this. You looked down at your left hand again, the huge beautiful rock on your finger still shocking you just as much as it did when you woke up, hungover and smothered by your 'husband'. You wanted to pull your hair out. How could you be so stupid?! 
This was going to ruin everything between you two! There's no way Sam was going to want to be married to you. And you had to admit to yourself deep down that it was going to hurt like a bitch when he woke up and rejected it. You wrung your hands as you watched his still form on the bed. You would just have to keep a really good poker face, and hope he doesn't see through the cracks. 
He'd think you were absolutely batshit crazy if he knew you were ok, no happy, ecstatic to be married to him. On your end there have been feelings there since the beginning. Sam was a great guy, almost impossible not to fall in love with, and you weren’t immune to that. 
Your mind completely blanked as you heard him shuffle in the bed. He rose up and stretched, and you couldn't even look at him. Your stomach was in knots. 
He grunted, then paused, before you heard his footsteps coming toward you. Here we go, brace yourself for it. 
"What a wild night! How are you feeling Babygirl?"
You shrunk into yourself, "I've been better."
He tsked, "Well we can't have that. It's our honeymoon after all. Do you want some waffles?"
“What did you say?" Your head shot up so quick you almost gave yourself whiplash. 
His expression was clear, a touch of humor in his eyes. "Waffles?"
You frowned and rolled your eyes, "Before that Wilson."
"You made an honest man out of me and finally cuffed me."He raised his left hand and wiggled his fingers. 
"Wait, you're not mad?" You shook your head in confusion. 
He shook his head, "No, why would I be? It was kind of my idea."
You stood up and crossed your arms, confusion etched on your face. "I don't understand Sam. What the hell are you talking about?"
He smiled softly. "After our escapade at the bar," he smirked when you looked away in embarrassment, "we got back to the hotel and had some mind blowing sex, like, fucking amazing. You sure know how to work that smart ass mouth Mrs. Wilson. We talked for a while after and you told me you loved me." His voice got much softer and his smile grew wider. 
"I confessed my love for you too and said a joke about getting married by a fat Elvis since we were in Vegas and you practically demanded we do it. Had to lock down that good dick I guess. Though I’m not complaining cause that sex was something else." He was openly laughing by the time he finished speaking.
"And you listened to me?! We were drunk off our asses!" You frowned.
Sam nodded, "We were, and I tried to talk you out of it, several times in fact, but you shut all of that down and said you knew exactly what you were doing. Like I said, I already had feelings for you and at the time it made sense. We had a lovely chapel wedding with Samuel L Jackson, kinda looks like Fury if you think about it."
"Sam I swear to God if this is a joke to you…" You looked into his eyes.
He crossed the room faster than you could blink. "Don't even finish that. You know me Y/N. Would I ever play about something like this?" He grabbed both sides of your face. "I've been in love with you for over a year Y/N, and I felt like you felt something too, but you always seemed to be scared of it so I didn't push it. Last night was the first time I got to see into your mind and your heart. I know it's crazy, but I want to be married to you. I want to stay together. And I think you do too."
He was absolutely right. You got the same feeling you did when you decided to become an avenger around Sam. That feeling of fate. This was exactly where you were supposed to be, no matter how illogical the decision was.
You nodded, tears coming to your eyes, "I do want to stay together."
Sam pulled you into a tight hug, "Say it again Y/N."
"I do."
You remembered how soft his hands felt on your body, how you begged him to hold you and never let you go, and he agreed.
“I’ve always loved you Mr. Wilson.” You said wrapping your arms around Sam’s thick neck. “I just always felt like you were too good for me.” You bit your bottom lip and looked up at him through your eyelashes.
“I felt like you were too good for me Mrs. Wilson.” Sam says pointedly, he smiles proudly down at you. He’s genuinely happy he gets to call you his for the rest of his life. And you were beyond happy to have snatched up The Falcon. How many women dreamt of being married to this charismatic dreamboat of a man?
“I wonder how good you can make me feel. Again.” You smile and trail a teasing finger down his chest. The Vegas skyline was a sight to behold, but the man in front of you was something else and you both wanted to savor your first day together. Regardless of how many drinks the two of you had before and after the ceremony.
“Well I wouldn’t want to keep my lovely wife wondering. But let me show you I can make you feel sooooo good.” Sam smirked down at you, while sliding your dress sleeve further down your shoulder. You smiled quietly and took a step back running off quickly to seductively lie down on the bed.
“All talk Mr. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson wants to play.” Never before had you been so bold, the multitude of thoughts swirling around your head you had made you more vocal than before. Sam groans quietly and rushes to attack you, his heavy body feels perfect against your body. His lips feel so perfect against your, soft and intense, you never want this night to end. 
“Fuck babe, you're so perfect.” Sam pulled back to look down at you, his eyes held so much adoration for you. You couldn’t believe that all this time, all these missions the two of you could have been together. But you were together now and that’s what mattered.
“Sam.” You said pointedly. Your eyes filled with lust as you reached up to take off his shirt and start unbuttoning his pants. The leftover liquor in your system made your movements wobbly and unsteady, but you got the job done.
“Yes my love?” He answered steadily, his breathing became heavier as you placed chaste kisses up and down his naked torso.
“Please stop staring at what is now yours to stare at for the rest of your fucking life and fuck what is now yours to fuck for the rest of your fucking life.” You growled irritably, Sam seemed to be taking his sweet time for the first time all night and you had no time for it.
A switch clicked within Sam, he bent down to kiss and suck on your neck, just like the night before. He worked hard to leave marks on your neck. He watched you pant underneath him for a bit before he stood up. He removed his pants and motioned for you to move towards him. Once you were within his grasp, Sam ripped your dress. And before you could even open your mouth to complain, he had your ass perked in the air with your cheek firmly pressed into the mattress.
“One thing it’s best you learn about your husband soon, is that I go at my own pace, little one. Don’t rush me, or you get nothing.” You open your mouth to call his bluff, but he cuts you off already knowing what your smart mouth had to say. “This position you're in is enough for me to get off. I could easily just jerk off and go to sleep next to this pretty ass covered in my cum.” Sam smacks your ass hard. You bit out a moan. “Don’t tempt me with disrespect.” 
Disrespect was something that was always a big deal for Sam. Sure he joked around with you a lot, and he loved your sarcastic attitude. But one thing that Sam could not stand for was disrespect, he always said it was the traditional side of him.
You shivered and nodded, you wanted his hands on you more than anything else and right now you’d do anything to make that happen. Even if it meant being tortured in the worst possible way by your new husband. Sam pulled your lace panties to the side and watched the most intimate part of you. You gently wiggled your ass in front of him to entice and remind him that he could stare and touch.
The loudest moan left your lips as your body arched into Sam’s tongue. He attacked your pussy with ruthless kisses. His tongue delved into you with a ferocity. You cried out into ecstasy as Sam expertly worked your body, as if the two of you had been married for 200 years not 200 minutes.
“Fuck Sam!” You cried out as you climaxed onto his tongue. Sam smirked as he continued to taste you throughout your climax. You just knew you were so wet.
“That’s it babe, cum on my tongue.” Sam continued eating straight through your orgasm and right into another one. You shook in his hold as he tried to keep going into another one. With all your strength you roughly pushed him away, eyeing him warily as he chuckled behind you. With exhausted legs you fell onto the bed.  Sam climbed over you and smiled brightly down at you.
“Hope you’re not tapped out, love.”
You smiled and weakly reached up for him, relishing in his warmth when he leaned down in between your legs. “Never too tapped out for you babe.” Sam lined up at your entrance and slowly pushed in, giving you time to adjust. You flinched a couple of times the pinching pressure of his large dick fleeting and painful but worth it. Sam groaned loudly as he felt the warmness of you.
“Feels so good.” You smirked as you squeezed around him, your hand hot as you traced the outline of his muscles, Sam took your idleness as a sign to move.
Sam moved roughly each stroke better than the last, each stroke bringing you closer to climax. Sam buried his head in your neck, his ear open to hear the pleasured moans and sighs you let out. He paid attention to what you like and what you didn’t like. You couldn’t breathe, his strokes felt so good. 
Your mouth rounded out the silent O, when Sam snaked a few fingers between the two of you to rub on your clit. Your body arched into him as you cried out, your orgasm overtaking you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, admiring the beautiful ring on your finger.
“Shit babe.” You breathed out. Sam hit that spot again. You couldn’t help the orgasm that overcame you. Your legs shakily wrapped around him, his hips flexing over and over again, trying to bring you the most stimulation during your climax. You made one more reckless decision and voiced your wishes.
“Cum in me.” Sam stopped, his jaw clenched and his dick twitched within you. You pressed a soft kiss into his cheek, excited for how it might feel to be even more filled with him.
“You don’t know how badly I want to.” Sam pressed an urgent kiss on your lips, you smiled when he pulled back. “Butttttt I’d rather save that for another time. I know you have definitely skipped a few pills during our time here and I’m not yet ready to share you or your beautiful tits with anyone.” You pouted and he kissed your lips again. “Don’t worry, after debrief and a week of prepping for our next mission in two months, this weekend I’ll take you somewhere real tropical and fill you up.” Sam stroked a few more times and pulled out and came on your stomach. His warm load made you shiver. “You’ll be dripping from me.”
You shivered at the promise. 
The next few days were a blast. You had the most fun you ever had in your life. You were excited but nervous to return to New York. The two of you held hands tightly in the elevator ride up in the Stark Tower, the rest of the team waiting for your return to detail your mission.
The two of you decided to tell the team in the most Wilson way possible and your heart was hammering in your chest, just waiting to see how they would respond.
You walk into the room and everyone greets you two with warm hugs. Steve and Bucky ecstatic to see their third man back, ideas of pranks and outings flowed excitedly between them. You watched them quietly after greeting everyone else yourself. You notice Bucky glance at Sam’s hand that’s moving around wildly as he talks.
Bucky’s metal arm snatches out to grab Sam’s hand. Sam smiles proudly, admiring his wedding band then peeking over at you, he sends you a quick wink.
“When did you have time to get married?” Steve questioned his eyes glancing at you two. His smile getting bigger than ever as he sees the ring on your finger.
“You finally did it?”Steve and Bucky clap Sam's back roughly. “You finally manned up instead of just talking about how beautiful she was.”
“Or how cool and sweet she is.” Bucky teased.
“I’m right here you guys.” You smile teasingly at your husband and his friends.
“How much you wanted to fuck the disrespect out of her.” Bucky whispered. Your jaw dropped as you stared at your husband in disbelief.
“Buck! Chill before I tell everyone what I think about Buck nasty.” Bucky blushed and turned away quickly, throwing a quick congratulations over his shoulder. Steve smiled warmly and hugged you both congratulating the two of you loud enough to draw attention to the group of you. 
Bottles popped and champagne was drunk. Everyone was happy that the mutual pining finally turned into something. 
Tony, Pepper, and Wanda showered you with happiness and cheers. Natasha admired your ring, and Thor sang wedding ballads from his own home. You couldn’t have been happier. 
You felt Sam wrap his arm around your waist pulling you closer and he whispered in your ear. 
“Thanks for making me the happiest man in the world Mrs. Wilson.” Sam places a chaste kiss below your ear. 
You rocked yourself happily in his arms. “Who knew an irresponsible drunk night in Vegas could have a happy ending?”
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huntsman-ash · 3 years
RWBY LiveThoughts: V8E7
Since I finally have time for it today, lets make sure Im all caught up for the hiatus. 
Before we get fully started, an idea; Its not a war crime if they’re Grimm. Then its just self defense. So break out the napalm, the cluster bombs, the chemical weapons, the fun stuff. Make em regret it, yeah?
And we start off...on a farm. Looks like my moms old farm in South Dakota. Even on Remnant, hay is best used in bales.
Waiiiit. Thats the place the Whale set down isnt it. I see a Sayber running. Ah, and the Atlas military! Surely, the vanguard of a massive force to hold the line! Also Im glad to see a close up of the helmet for once, I want to make my own. Also, the gloves, and the rifle itself. Not sure why it doesnt have a stock, seems kind of silly...
And airships too, so they got some fire support...whats that wall behind them though?
Also it TOOK US 8 FUCKING SEASONS to get a close up of these FUCKING Weapons. 8. FUCKING. SEASONS. Okay maybe more like 5 cause they didnt first appear till 3 or so but come on. Im so picking this shit apart later. 
Pfft, bros got some nerves going on. Come on man, its just some Grimm, you’ll be FINE.
Atlas field harvesters resemble Halo’s JOTUN Farming equipment. As wel as our own. No surprise there.
Alright, bunch of Saybers, not seeing much of a threat here.
Hey, Paladins! Damn, they...look way different than I remember them to be. 
I wont lie, I dont like the Paladin design. Way to much visual noise, I cant tell where anything IS. 
Also that is the most 2D grass I have sever seen in my fucking life. What the hell are they growing here...
Huh, the whale has two sets of teeth. Wait, its just there? And its wpewing out Grimm. So...why isnt the air force firing on it? 
Yeah its not moving, its just raising its head and slamming down and vomiting out more Grimm. Im not sure what the issue is here, just...seal the mouth. 
Oh, huh. Apathys. Let me guess, RTs gonna try and tell us depression is going to kill most of Atlas. Oh for fuck sake. IM NOT IMPRESSED RT. IM REALLY NOT. IM MORE FUCKING ANNOYED THAN ANYTHING
Okay so...I see what this is. Its farm land outside of atlas proper and there’s an additional wall behind them, plus the power lines I guess? Seems like a viable place to make a stand. 
...thats it. Please tell me this is just a single detachment of the Atlas military because there is less firepower here than a NATIONAL GUARD UNIT ASSIGNED TO ONE CITY
Im fairly certain there are more people assigned to ONE UNIT attached to JBLM then I amm seeing here. 
Not to mention this is an OPEN FIELD the Grimm have to run through. This is a literall fucking TURKEY SHOOT. Running across an open field anywhere is a ticket to DYING.
Just ask the poor fucks on D-day.
Also uh...why is everyone in line formation? What is this, fuckin’ 18009s combat Napoleon style?
And did the distance suddenly change, I feel like the whale suddenly got a hell of a lot closer.
Just...I dont get this. This makes no sense. Did Ironwood learn how to deploy forces from a fairy tale book? This is legitimately some fuckin Lord of the Rings shit here.
RIP that one specific trooper hit by that Behemoth though. Dont worry friend, the thing walked next to a Paladin. Its getting its eye blasted out
And cut back to Ironwood. Doing...fuck if I know what.
Staring angrily it seems.
“Dammit, my tactical deployment by line formation and parade ground tactics isnt holding back the Grimm, curses!”
I know people have told me why this is. I understand myself why this is. But it really just...does...not...jibe with me. At all. 
Okay so more details; first, apparently Atlas has a subway. Makes sense, its a big island. Inter-system transits probably a given. Second; Was that Mantis Squad Omega? Some kind of unit maybe...interesting.
 Also I love how this guy just questions Ironwood. Like, bro, if the General says do it, do it.
Hold the fuck up, why is everyone outside? It looks like fuckin’ Cali during our lockdowns...what ever happened to martial law huh?
Also “underground subway stations”. Yes, thats...kind of what a subway IS. I guess maybe they have overhead ones like New York does. Mass transit be weird like that.
I mean HELL the signs on it are almost identical to the ones in NYC too! Even with the colored circles and train cnumbers. 
According to the sign here they’re at Pickens Square Station. 
Oh boy. Ironwood just fed these poor bastards into a meat grinder. Anyone here ever played the Metro game series, or read the books?
Remember the Dark Ones? The Nosallias? Yeah. Tight corridors and monsters only work out well for angry vodka fueled Russians.
Didnt see it very well but I THINK those Mantas had some kind of wing gun. Either thats new, a separate armament setting, or RT forgot what ind of weapons they gave their ships AGAIN.
Cant get the shields back up, yeah, no shit, they DETACHED ONE OF THE FUCKING PILOTS YOU IDIOTS.
Also hah, they arrested Yang, Ren and Jaune. Not surprised.
Beta squads apperently been hitting the whale. ‘Bombs, missiles, we cant make a dent, sir.” ...while Im not surprised by this, I also hear shades of the opening of Halo 2s level Metropolis. “Where’s the rest of your platoon?” “Wasted, sarge. Blew right through us. Rockets, fifty cals, didnt do nothing.”
Honestly they could have SHOWED THAT too. Them just saying it feels like a cop out to me. Take that as you will. But if you want us to see the things hard to kill, show it. 
Not that I figure Atlas’s rockets are much more than Dust in a propellent tank. Not exactly a Hellfire or TOW.
Nice to see proper military talk for...a moment anyway.
Or what I figure RT figures is proper.
Oh so now the whales moving. Okay...huh.
Jaunes commentary is the same as mine. Though I guess the size seems to shift depending.
Ohhh. Its MANTA. As in the gunships. Alright, sure that works. And this guys making a good call. If you cant hit the big one go after the smaller. Of which there seems to be a HELL of a lot. Actually holy fuck that Grimm spew is across like...ahlf the fucking island right now. Time to fuckin torch and burn people.
Ahhhhhh and they get to the proper idea.  If you cant punch it from the outside, hit it from the inside.
I knew a crew...three madmen, names of Keegan, Lahni and Mac. The Hivebusters. Something tells me a Venom bomb would do the trick...if it can rip apart Swarm creatures as big as a Snatcher or a Swarmak and reduce them to green slime, I think it’ll work on Grimm. 
Something tells me RT isnt gonna give em a bomb though. Too obvious.
NEVER MIND. “Science team is putting together a bomb.”
Also I LOVE how Winter’s pupils expand and retract in fear as she realizes what Ironwoods asking her to do.
Awww now shes getting the shakes too.
Salem directing this shit like shes some kind of orchestra leader. I mean it FITS but...I dunno.
Ah so the command deck is directly behind the whale’s glowing nose. Basically inside where the spermacetiy organ would be in a real sperm whale.
What the fuck is Emerald doing there?
Sneaking I guess. Huh. Why’s she sneaking around the whale. Also, huh. guess seeers can get fooled by Emeralds semblance.  Is HE STILL BEATING UP ON OSCAR? Jeez dude. Take a breather.
Honestly if this was TRUE I would be okay with it. Replace the Huntsman with, I dont know, a massively overequipped military for each Kingdom, let them run rampant...stomp the Grimm out or push them back to nonexistence...everyone lives happily ever after
Lets be real here, the idea of the academies? Really really fucking dumb. Its cute. Fairy tale like.
But if theres one thing this show has taught me its that fairy tales SUCK. Reality...tends to be worse.
Ah theres one of those torture hooks they mentioned a few episodes back. Nice of the whale to have a specific interrigation room.
And at last we get some information on how Salem works. Alright so...what happens if you seperate the parts then? Sink one in the ocean, launch one into space.
Sounds like Oz/Oscars telling the fans what we’ve been saying forever, Companion Book be damned; Salem wants to die.
These mind games bore me. Its cute, but I dont like it cause I cant follow that shit. Give me a straight up fight any day, fuck this sublty backroom fuckery
No lies from them both here honestly.
Medical supplies in Atlas seem almost the same as here on earth interestngly. Also, soup. Or...coffee, tea?
Blake with the obvious here. But I mean thats not really saying much cause...well. Not hard to outfight the Atlas military it seems like.  (Long suffering sigh)
Im gonna make a seperate post about my frustrations with that and leave it there. But dont expect me to stop fully complaining about it because everyones gotta have something to bitch about with this show, and I’ll be DAMNED if I start joining the BB whiners.
Good question, Ruby. Might be that YOUR NOT LIVING IN A FAIRY TALE
I’d like to see these people dying in Mantle. I refuse to believe that there isnt SOMEONE in the nation that once brought Remnant to its heel that wont stand and fight. Unless Im wrong about that too...
May backstory? May backstory. Yeah.  Not amazingly complicated but it works. Cant tell if shes Henry though...or was. 
Dramatic lightning flash
Cute you think that Ruby. Theres sides. Always are.
Further proof honestly.
Hazels look of though is amusing. Cant tell if he doesnt believe Oscar, or if his tiny peabrain is runing full bore to think this through.
Coordination between farm boy and professor.
Oh. OHHHH. Plants the seed of doubt in Hazels tiny mind, he uses the last question for himself, sees the truth... Clever, Oscar. Clever.
Hazel peabrain go THUNK
Ah so Mercs going off to Vacuo. Guess that means everyone else is going there next too. Eat that, random Discord person, I called it.
Course, CFVYs there so...maybe we get to see Yats beat up on him.
Oh hi Tyrian. Do you just...randomly roam the halls of the whale waiting to DRAMATICALLY REVEAL YOURSELF and give violent expositon? Im very much okay with that.
Also I love how he just...accepts this. Totally fucking bonkers, totally down with it. 
Oh shit, Tyrian and Mercury going to Vacuo? Damn thats gonna be INTERESTING. I guess Tyrian’ll fit in well enough honestly.
Flying Beringal literally out of the roof. 
I remember back when this season first started and I said those weird bone platforms looked like VTOL launch bays. Guess what? They are.
Merc and Em emotion blah blah DONT CAAARRREEE
Jaune thinking tactically for ONCE IN HIS FUCKING LIFE. An I mean military tactical of course.
Also I like how the Aces say they dont let emotions cloud their shit WHEN THEYVE BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME.
This ENTIRE PLANET is emotionally run. Thats why the Grimm are such an issue! Makes small note to make Remnant Adeptus Mechanicus cult
Seriously though...
I wont lie though, Hare isnt wrong. Wonder what happened to that Tortuga guy. Tyrian, is my guess. Love how Ren interrupts the moment they almost mention Clovers name.
Expendable, yes. Replacable, no. You should have a talk with squadron leader Grey from Star Wars Squadrons Ren
ANNNNDDD SEMBLANCE EVOLUTION. Or the edibles just kicked in.
This is cool and all but its really fucking dumb and hamfisted. Explain all you want. Mention emotions all you want.
The Aces are fucking huntsmen. HUNTSMEN. FUCKING. SUCK. They always have. Its a dumb idea. Yes, lets stop the hordes of monsters invading this world BY SENDING IN SINGLE OPERATIVES WITH FUCKING MELEE WEAPONS
I’ll make this clear to you, Ren, right here and now. If you faced a REAL elites, you wouldnt have stood a chance. Nor would RWBY. Their bodies would have been three-shot from 20 meters out with a breach and clear and stacked against the wall like cords of wood, one final shot to the dome to make dead sure they were down. None of this stupid flipping and acrobatic crap, none of this clashing weapons and Dust and semblances...no. 
You’d be dead before you knew they were there and they would move on. You’d just be another body to the pile, one more faceless corpse to add to their kill count. A meatgrinder in human form. 
Because thats not what RWBYs about, never has been.  And that is what annoys me slightly. That and the fact I cant distangle what I know of other universes and our own from RWBY’s. Its hard to hold a universe on its own when everything they make points towards it being like ours, but they change it when they see fit. 
I feel like thats bad writing.
Hehehe. Winter touched Elms boob.
Glad to know that Winters got her priorities right. Course, that bomb probably aint gonna do shit cause its Dust based.
...again, hoping its a chemical weapon...
Wait, the Atlas forces from earlier are STILL FIGHTING? Damn, these Grimm must suck if they couldnt wipe them out in that little time...
Also I cant tell if its getting dark cause of the storm or if its the dawn of the next day.  Or did...they shift time around? I lost track. I SWORE the sun was setting the last time we saw everything.
Also return of the shitty 3D grass...
Marrows gonna defect.
So according to May there’s still front lines. Cool. 
Oh, I guess hes a doctor too. Oh he MAD.
Ayyy Whitleys being USEFUL for fucking once in his shitty life.
Shes gonna hug him isnt she.
CALLED IT. For fuck sake...whatever. Cute. But whatever.
Oh annnnddd now Grimmquake?
No. It stopped...Bolide?
Annnnddd shes leaking coolant. And sparking. And dead.
RIP Penny.
The concept art of the beached whale looks so fucking silly. Seriously, just...detach the whole section there. Drop the fucking thing. 
Oh well.
And thats it for almost two months! Be prepared for me to BULLSHIT MY WAY THROUGH ALL OF IT and continue on with my military fanwank because THATS HOW IM SURVIVING 2020!
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Okay, if it's too much, don't answer that's fine. I'm not American and I've read so many different things about the political stuff that's going down over there, some saying Biden is the same as Trump, some say he's even better than Bernie. I got not clue how to sort that Joe Biden guy, sooo... Could you help us non Americans out a little? So far it's just looking like everyone is standing around a dumpster fire, shouting stuff that's not really comprehensible
Jesus Christ this was something to wake up to this morning. I’m gonna be honest, it’s not my job to educate you or anyone else on this matter, you’re all adults (supposedly, I’m doubtful about a lot of you) and Google exists. But I also understand that it can be intimidating to dive into the wide world of the internet and it feels easier to ask someone you trust or feel that you know, so I’ll do my best to be concise and explain.
Everyone is standing around a dumpster fire shouting stuff that’s not comprehensible because people, my darling, are idiots.
“No, Mads, people aren’t idiots!” A person is not an idiot. But people are. Put us in a group and we’ll happily self destruct in the most spectacular fashion possible.
Biden is nowhere near the same as Trump, people just live in an echo chamber and refuse to look at the facts. I��m sure I don’t need to tell you how awful Trump is. It baffles me that people are saying Biden, who happily supported Barack Obama and played second fiddle to him for eight years, is the same as the man who’s putting children in cages.
Here is a breakdown of Biden’s policy plans should he be elected. Very different from Trump’s, as you can see. To quote this post here:
“It's important to be critical of political figures, especially during a primary election. Joe Biden has been in politics for a very long time, and his record is by no means spotless. There's lots to criticize, politically and personally. But having Biden in the big chair instead of Trump changes the entire game.
Look at it this way: if Joe Biden wins, a democratic Congress gets a clear path to passing real, lasting progressive laws. If Joe Biden wins, Ruth Bader Ginsburg gets to retire, and be replaced by a young firebrand who will make Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh's lives a living hell for the next 40 years. If Joe Biden wins, all of the horrible executive orders Trump has enacted are gone, on day one: family seperation, abortion bans in VA hospitals, EPA funding gutted, global warming denial in NOAA, removal of LGBT+ protections, all GONE in January 2021. If Joe Biden wins, all the Trump shills in the government disappear: I'm talking about new people in the CPB, the Justice Department, the FTC, and everything other federal agency. With Biden instead of Trump, we're going to be fighting for Medicare for All vs. Obamacare, instead of Keeping Obamacare vs. Stripping Away Any Kind of Federal Insurance. We're going to be fighting for the Green New Deal vs. Having a Functional EPA, instead of Gutting The EPA or Having No EPA At All. The fight is way different, and we get to pull the conversation further left - where it belongs.
This election is just as much about getting rid of the Republican stench in the Oval Office as it is electing a particular person. So yeah, be critical of Joe Biden, but please don't lose sight of what President Joe Biden would actually look like versus President Trump.”
People seem to be forgetting that when you vote for president, you are, supposedly, not voting for One Supreme Leader Who Makes All The Decisions Ever. Putting Biden in the Oval Office is more about putting in a man who will pass the laws that a liberal, democratic Congress will put in front of him. A man who will actually listen to his advisors. It’s about putting in someone who won’t appoint a bunch of judges that will screw over everyone for the next, oh, three decades.
I don’t want Biden in office. I wanted Elizabeth Warren, for fuck’s sake. Whose policies were the same as Bernie’s, by the way, for all you bros out there who say you aren’t sexist. The last thing I want is another old white man, for the love of whatever you worship. But the idea that someone who supported and worked under someone like Obama is somehow the same as a Neo-fascist egomaniac is... ridiculous. It’s truly ridiculous. Not that Obama was perfect, far from it, but under his presidency we were making progress on things and my God, I wasn’t scared for the lives of just about everyone I know.
As for Biden versus Sanders, the argument that Biden is better stems from the fact that while Sanders has helped move the party left with his presidential campaigns and he makes pretty speeches, he hasn’t actually done anything in all his time serving as an elected public official. If you actually go and look at his track record, he hasn’t passed many laws or helped enact a whole lot of others. Everyone’s making a big deal about how he “saved millions of lives” with his big speech but actually, sorry kids, politics are not Hollywood and you don’t save the day by making a speech and miraculously everyone votes on something. Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado and Schumer actually talked to people, convinced them on it, and got the votes that secured the unemployment bill being passed, and that’s what saved lives, not someone yelling (no matter how passionate or eloquent their yelling is).
It’s great to yell about how the system is corrupt etc but you have to actually follow those words with actions, and Sanders, historically, is not good about compromising, working with others, reaching out to others, being on a team. And that’s exactly what you need to be able to do in politics to get anything done. There’s an episode of Leverage called “The Gimme a K Job,” where Sophie spends the entire time running back and forth between politicians getting them to compromise and quid pro quo for one another so she can get them to vote on a law. I recommend watching it. The situation is played for laughs, but it’s also brutally honest. You cannot get anything done in politics (or in a lot of things in life) if you aren’t willing to work together and bargain and give some to get some, and Sanders isn’t, and that’s not good.
Now, Sanders has done a lot in his presidential campaign to move the Dem party left and he’s really stirred up younger voters, and those are both good things. If you look at Biden’s policies in the post I linked, you’ll see a lot of them are more liberal than most people expected, and that’s probably because Biden and his team saw everyone supporting Sanders’ policies and went, “oh, okay, this is what the people want.” Which already shows that Biden is willing to listen to the people more than Trump and his party are.
And then there’s the more personal side of things. Sanders really left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth because some of his supporters were so extreme in their support of him, to the point of acting like he’s the only person who could possibly save us, when honestly that’s not how democracy (or socialism, frankly) works. The whole idea is that all of us, working together as a movement, are what makes change. The people all standing up together and demanding that lawmakers do this, that, and the other thing. Sanders extremists, known as “Bernie Bros,” acting like Sanders is their One True Savior has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. In my experience, people don’t like being shouted at and told they’re idiots. And in my experience, one single person isn’t going to save you. And nobody’s perfect so furthermore acting like someone is perfect is only going to annoy everyone else around you and set you up for disappointment down the line.
There are a lot of people out there feeling attacked by Sanders supporters, and so frankly, they’re glad to see the back of him and throw support behind Biden, because they’re just sick of dealing with his extremist followers.
If you want to tear the system down completely then gold star to you, but the fact is otherwise you have to work within the system to change it. And I don’t see any of these people yelling on the internet actually doing the work to organize a revolution. It’s fun to yell about your opinions, it helps you feel better, it helps you feel powerful and heard. But the real work is done in volunteering, in protesting, in running for local offices, in doing research and then voting for your mayor, your governor, your senator, your state representative. Those people, as the COVID-19 epidemic is proving, actually often have more direct power to help or harm you than the President does.
People have more power than they think, but they’re just refusing to use it, and they’re refusing to think critically and to do research on the policies of candidates. I’ve seen people calling Biden a “serial rapist,” for crying out loud, which, whether he assaulted a woman or not, is not true. That’s like if I killed one person and suddenly everyone was calling me a mass murderer. People like to exaggerate, to bloviate, and to think in black and white. It’s disappointing, but true.
One final thought, for both you and actual Americans: look at how non-Americans are viewing the United States election. We are not the center of the universe (although we like to pretend we are) but we do have a huge impact on the global stage, and other countries are begging us to elect someone other than Trump. You want to claim we’re not the stereotype of the selfish, self-centered American? Than put your money where your mouth is and look at the non-Americans who are asking us to please, please, please elect someone else. Do it for them, if nothing else. The world is bigger than just us.
Biden isn’t perfect. One could argue one way or another on the Sanders v. Biden debate. It really depends on your personal opinion. But when it comes to Trump v. Biden, it really shouldn’t be rocket science. One of them has allowed racism, sexism, and xenophobia to thrive. He’s literally responsible for thousands of deaths (and counting) through his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He’s backed us out of the planet-saving environmental agreement that everyone else agreed to. He’s enabled corrupt, selfish politicians to have their way. He would appoint judges that will strike down everything from refugees to abortion rights. He’s destroyed our international relations, nearly started a war, and I actually don’t think he knows how to read.
And his name’s Trump.
That’s the difference.
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namelessshitposting · 5 years
I know this is old news now, but I finally forced myself to finish Let’s Go (it wasn’t bad, it just kind of bored me) and I have.... several questions
So the first time you run into Blue he acknowledges that he and Red went on their own journey when they were younger, meaning unlike other remakes, this remake takes place in the same universe as the original games, just years later, right? Otherwise Red, Blue, and Leaf wouldn’t be there, right?
SO why the fuck is Team Rocket taking over again with the exact same plan as last time? How did they manage to get control of all the same buildings? Why the hell is Giovanni still the 8th gym leader? Did Red just like... let him stay the gym leader after beating him? Did he not tell anyone, “Hey, that dude’s the leader of Team Rocket, maybe you shouldn’t let him be gym leader anymore”?  How come at one point Blue is all “Oh, I’m gonna go around the rest of Kanto and chase out Team Rocket” but then literally nothing changes?
Why does Blue just show up all the time anyway? I mean, I know “because fanservice!” but what the hell is he even doing since he’s not the Viridian gym leader anymore. Does he just like... follow kids on their Pokemon journeys to give them friendly advice in this universe since his job got taken over by Giovanni somEHOW 
And why, in the post-game, when Blue IS the Viridian gym leader, is he just like, “haha, I need to remodel lol” like why is that not the first thing you did. Why did you lampshade how weird it is to see Blue in Giovanni’s weird evil throne thing, Pokemon? Blue’s classic gym design is a blank room with just him in it. You can’t tell me it would’ve been too much work to just get rid of all the assets in the gym and stick Blue at the end of a blank room like he is in Gold and Silver. Deleting shit takes like 2 seconds. And it would be way less weird.
Why do you fight Red just in front of the Indigo Plato? What is he doing there? I get that they didn’t want to program all of Mount Silver just for Red, but I feel like literally anywhere else they put him would have made more sense. Like if he were on some random route you could say he was training or catching new Pokemon, but why is he just... standing in one of the few places in the game with no wild Pokemon? We all know that boy ran away up a mountain instead of actually acting as Champion, so why would he go back there?
And before you tell me, “oh, this takes place in that three-year gap between Red/Blue and Gold/Silver and that’s why” then why did Team Rocket take back over immediately after Red kicked them out? That makes even less sense than saying it’s been ten+ years of them slowly regaining power or whatever the fuck.
Is this an AU where Team Rocket didn’t exist when Red and Blue went on their journeys because that’s really stupid and takes away a lot from Red and Blue’s backstories as characters. 
It would’ve been so much cooler if they had fully committed to making a Kanto remake set after the originals and just done what they did in Gold/Silver and B2W2 and had some Team Rocket fanatics trying to revive the organization and you can still have them be everywhere because they’re gaining a following and you could have a new, cool character be the new leader. Jessie and James would make more sense then, too, characterized as some teens who went and joined the local gang like the Team Skull kids instead of being weirdly goofy members of an otherwise seriously portrayed organization. I get that that’s what they were in the anime, but it just makes Team Rocket feel so lame. And in this version, Blue could be the gym leader right from the start, and they could tie in him helping you with his duties as a gym leader or whatever the fuck so I’m not left wondering, “What are you even doing here dude?” every time he’s on-screen (and that’s coming from me, who loves Blue Oak and wishes he was in more games like the pathetic bitch I am).
I know they wanted a straight Kanto remake, but you can’t have that and also have adult(???are they even adults what ages are they supposed to be in these games) Red, Blue, and Leaf hanging around like “Oh no, that Team Rocket, we let them take back over and didn’t say anything about their leader being the 8th gym leader lol”
Am I taking Pokemon lore too seriously? Absolutely. But I have been thinking about this shit for two days straight now and I need to get it off my chest
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loving-barnes · 5 years
(A/N): And here is my first crossover and I love it so much. I had this idea for some time now and I was able to finish it. So, here it is. Enjoy. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x kingsman!reader
Summary: Y/N’s brother and Bucky don’t get along but after a terrible incident that destroyed the Kingsman agency, the find a way to each other. 
Warning: a bit of angst and fluff but overall none
Words: 4300+
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The Avengers and British secret organization named Kingsman worked together silently but perfectly. When needed, they helped one another; when someone asked about the other, they always said that these two never worked together, never knew about the other. Kingsman was known as a tailor's shop. The cooperation began when two fellow agents fell in love, unexpectedly. Their union brought together the strongest, intelligent people the Earth had ever seen.
One day, the things changed when each headquarters of Kingsman was attacked and as a result, each was destroyed in a second by a rocket. There were no survivors, except three: Merlin, Eggsy and Y/N.
Eggsy, known as Galahad, was Y/N's, also known as Percival, older brother who protected her even though she too was a good fighter and an important member of Kingsman. He was occasionally too overprotective because his little sister was engaged to a man who once was a threat to the whole world. Why his sister had to choose the Winter Soldier to be her soon-to-be husband, he would never understand. The most important thing was that she was happy and he was treating her like royalty – the same way he treated his actual princess. In the end, he wasn't very fond of that guy.
Y/N was running through the heavy rain into a safe house they had in London. It was hidden in an old residential building where they occasionally had secret meetings before upcoming missions. This particular place was not written in the system or in any documents. It was the last place they were able to hide after the unfortunate events.
When she came inside, at first, she was met with a gun pointing at her head. Her eyes met with Eggsy's. She immediately uncovered her face that was hidden behind a massive wet hoodie. "It's me, it's Y/N," she gasped heavily, trying to catch her breath from all the running. Her hands were immediately up in the air.
"Fucking hell, Y/N," he sighed, quickly taking her into a tight embrace. For a second he thought he had lost her forever. "Fuck, you are alive. You scared the shit out of me." He was scanning her face, noticing fresh scratches and dirt on all over it. "Are you alright?"
She nodded feverishly. "I am fine, I was very lucky," she found the nearest chair and sat on it, finally discovering Merlyn was with them too. "You got away too?"
"My house was never written anywhere," he said calmly, obviously shaken by what happened.
"What about the scratches and your face?" Eggy scanned her as if she was again five and fell from a bicycle.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek; as if she needed to be sure he is with her. "I was on my way from the gym when it happened. I was on my way to the shop when it exploded. I was supposed to meet Arthur. If I got there earlier, I would have been dead. The whole place blew in front of my eyes. It was so strong; I ended on the road, covered in ashes. That is why I am looking like a piece of shit."
"I thought I lost you," he sighed, not letting her go. "Merlin and I are the only survivors. Everyone is dead, Y/N," his voice lowered, lips trembling before he could inform her about the rest of the members. "Even Roxy," he said it carefully, knowing what the information would do to her. Roxy and Y/N were the ultimate best friends. They clicked perfectly and she was supposed to be the maid of honour on the upcoming wedding.
"Roxy's dead?" she squeaked, covering her mouth with fingers. "Fuck, fucking fuck, I told her to stay the night - " she was cut off by the tears and lump in her throat. Her emotions were all over the place. "W-who did this? Who killed my best friend, my maid of honour?" she raised her voice, ready to scream. "What son-of-a-bitch wants to see us dead?"
Her brother crouched in front of her, not daring to look into her face. "Each and every compound is gone, erased from the map and from this world. Roxy uh, she was in the headquarters, in her room. I was talking to her when it happened. Unfortunately, she didn't have the time to run away from there. I am so sorry to tell you, Y/N."
"W-who, who did this thing?" she repeated the question, emotions finally settled in anger and rage. "I want to know who did this, what fucker killed my best friend and my colleagues. I need the answer to that, Eggsy. I need to kill those who did this to us, to our family."
This time, it was Merlin who stepped into their conversation, patting the woman's shoulder. "We will figure it out but now, we must leave to a safer place, to someone who we can trust. Staying here will only put us in danger. I believe those who did this will try to find us."
"Or maybe they don't have a clue that we survived," Merlin commented.
Swallowing the sadness for a moment, Y/N looked down on her watch. It was a gift from her other family that had their residence on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. They were their only hope. Her eyes then went back to Eggsy's, as if she was asking for permission.
"You know what to do," he sighed, trying to smile at her for a moment.
She pushed a tiny button on the device and a hologram appeared between her and Eggsy's face. A second later, a redhead appeared there, brightly smiling when she noticed Y/N. She was in a pretty good mood. "Hey agent, we miss you here," she sounded cheerful. "Hey, Eggsy."
"Nat," the woman tried to speak calmly but her shaky voice failed her. She couldn't talk about what just happened. It was too painful. It took her a lot of energy to hold back the tears.
Natasha was not stupid. She noticed the attitude. "What happened?" she asked immediately, concerned about her friends. "Are you guys alright? Why are you crying? What is going on?" she began her research through her device. She mumbled, "massive explosions around the UK, several dead bodies found."
Y/N couldn't reply, so her brother took the role of the speaker. Looking at the hologram, he sighed. He knew he could trust them but yet, there was this guy who wanted to marry her sister. Those guys were actual superheroes, even him. "Kingsman is down. We don't know what happened but everyone is dead. Merlin, Y/N and I are the only survivors."
Hearing it all over again, Y/N broke into tears, not handling it too well. "Roxy is dead," she cried. "She is fucking dead and I couldn't do anything to prevent it."
"What about your mother and the youngest sister?" Natasha questioned, worried.
"They are fine," Eggsy continued. "They were not in the records."
Merlin came to the hologram while Eggsy comforted his sister. "We need a place to lay low. We need your help. We cannot stay here. If we do, we might be compromised, maybe even killed. After we are somewhere safe, we need to start working on this case. The time is ticking."
"Where are you? I will get a jet for you in a matter of hours. Send me your location. I am alarming the rest of the team."
"I will send you all information through Percival's, I mean Y/N's device," Merlin replied, reaching for Y/N's wrist and playing with the watch.
"Nat, don't let Bucky come with you, please," Y/N spoke to her softly. "I don't want him to be too worried, too stressed about this. I am alive and I am coming to him."
"Yeah, I wouldn't be able to watch him for hours touching you all the time," her brother made a disgusted face.
"For fuck's sake, can't you just stop for once?" she screamed at him, frustrated. "I am sick and tired of those comments, brother." With one swift move, she ended the call with Nat, not wanting her to see the way they would fight about the fact that she was about to marry a guy who was once a Winter Soldier.
Eggsy rather stood up and walked away from her, trying to calm down before something mean would slip through his mouth. He went to the nearest window, checking the situation outside. The dark street was calm, without any people on it. His ears registered a phone call his sister had.
"Please, don't," she whispered into the device. "I am fine, we survived. I am coming to you but please, stay at the headquarters," she bit her lower lip, brushing tears with fingers. "I will see you when I arrive, alright? You just came back from a long mission. Take some rest, for me?" she tried to smile. "I love you. See you in a few hours."
Eggsy was watching her all the time. He knew how in love she was; he knew very well that he would never hurt her. Yet, he couldn't stand him; he couldn't trust him. Maybe he should have a very long conversation with him, talk things out. Would he be able to do it?
"We have to go," Marling came to Y/N and patted her shoulder. "We have to move in order to catch the jet."
. . .
Natasha was standing straight, waiting for the trio to board on the jet. She shook hands with Merlin, patted Eggy's shoulder and quickly took Y/N into a tight embrace. Wanda was immediately joining them. She insisted on coming with them. Steve was piloting while Clint was his co-pilot. When the heavy door closed, the three women went to sit down.
"How are you holding up?" Wanda asked, on hand resting on the woman's shoulder.
"What do you think?" Y/N sniffled. "I have lost an important person in my life and I can't even bury her properly. Her body has turned into nothing but dust. Everyone I knew at Kingsman is dead. Practically, we don't exist anymore."
"Y/N," the voice belonged to Bruce. "Hi, may I check your wounds?" he asked carefully, waiting for her permission. When she nodded, Bruce checked her face and disinfected the scratches.
"I must say," Natasha spoke. "Bucky was pretty unhappy that you banned him from coming with us. To my surprise, he respected your decision and decided to wait for you at the headquarters. Now, he has to listen to Scott and Vision and that is a very tough combo," she tried to laugh, just to brighten the mood. Luckily, Y/N giggled a little.
"Please, don't forget about my brother," said Wanda.
"Of course."
Her eyes found Eggsy sitting close to Cap and Merlin, taking to them what happened back in London and in the country. "Honestly," Y/N whispered, not wanting to be heard by her brother. "I didn't want those two," pointing at him and thinking of Bucky, "to be together. We wouldn't hear the end of it."
"How come they hate each other that much?" Wanda asked.
"My brother doesn't like the idea that I am about to marry an assassin and my beloved Bucky is just full of thoughts that might bring my brother a stroke. I-I just wish they would finally like each other. Their bickering is getting on my nerves. I thought hearing Sam and Bucky bicker is annoying, but this is a whole other level and it is breaking my heart."
Her brother heard it. He always listened with one ear when she was talking about him and her fiancé. He had to do something about their relationship. If she's not the one breaking up with the assassin, then he should at least try to make things work with that guy. After all, they are the one helping them when everything went into the biggest shits possible.
. . .
It was already dark when they arrived at the Avengers HQ. The most impatient person was, of course, Bucky, who was standing at the hangar, waiting for the team with his fiancée to return from London. He was worried about her and what he desired the most was to already have her in his arms, protecting her from the cruel world. Once he saw the jet nearing, his heart beat rapidly, wanting to jump from his chest and flew towards Y/N.
It took another fifteen minutes till the door opened and the first people were coming out of the jet. "We got your woman, pal," said Clint with a grin on his face. He was surprisingly the first one who came outside. "And we got her in one piece."
"Very funny," he growled under his nose.
There she was, stepping out of the jet, holding a hoodie over her arm while Natasha and Wanda were escorting her out. He couldn't wait any longer and quickly ran to her, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her lips feverishly. He could feel her shiver. Her body was a bit cold and she was filled with sadness.
"I am so sorry," he whispered into her ear, quickly pecking a spot under her ear. "I am so glad that you are fine, not hurt."
Bucky's eyes registered Y/N's brother stepping out of the jet with the rest of the team. He was dressed in very formal clothing. Who knew where he was before the attack? The frown on his face wasn't pleasant. It was because Bucky was holding his sister too close for his liking.
"Everyone, take some rest and I will see you at nine in the morning. We will have a meeting about this matter," said Steve strictly. "Don't be late."
Merlin came to Bucky who let Y/N go for a brief moment, the metal hand still resting around her waist. "It's good to see you, Bucky," Merlin shook his hand with his.
"You too," the man gave him a polite smile.
When Eggsy approached them, at first, he had to check the couple. After taking a long deep breath, he simply nodded his head. "Barnes," he said it firmly.
"Gary," Bucky replied with the same voice, metal hand gripping Y/N's hip.
"I'll see you in the morning," said Y/N's brother and then followed the rest of the team inside the building.
The brunet looked into the woman's eyes, glad that they were finally alone. "I should have come with you," he said softly, lips again found hers. "Maybe things would be different."
"No, they wouldn't," she shook her head in disagreement. "The only thing that would be different - maybe you too would be dead if you stayed at my brother's place. It was also destroyed as the rest of the compounds. His dog is dead, his closest friend is also dead and those two were actually innocent," she buried her head under his chin, feeling safe and warm.
He started to walk, arms still wrapped around her. "Come, let's take a shower and go to bed. It was a very long day for you and you need to rest. Well, both of us."
"You haven't slept since you came back from the mission?" she frowned at him. "Bucky, we talked about this. You need to rest. We had a phone call where I told you to rest and that I was fine. You didn't have to worry about me."
"I know," he stopped. "It is just- The thought of you being hurt or dead was too stressful for me," he sighed. "I love you, Y/N," he turned her so he could look straight into her beautiful eyes. "I love you more than anything. You are my world and I don't have anyone else in this world. Please-"
He was cut off with a passionate kiss from her. Their hearts started to beat in unison, making the world stop for a brief moment. It was just them and no one else. A tear slipped from her eye and landed on his cheek. "I love you with my whole heart, Bucky. You, too, are my everything; you are my family, the one I have been looking for my whole life."
One last kiss and they went inside, heading to their shared bedroom. What was better than to be finally reunited with the man she fell head over heels for? A nice warm bath shared with that person that included very steamy sex before bedtime. It took the last energy she had and once she fell on the bed in her pyjamas, she was instantly asleep. Who wouldn't be after being for over 35 hours awake?
The last thing she remembered was sleeping next to Bucky who held her tightly in his arms, not letting her go that soon.
At midnight, Bucky, who was still awake, keeping an eye on the sleeping woman, got carefully out of the bed. His mind was filled with many thoughts, trying to figure out where to start. He was in a state of flux. Will her brother ever accept him into the family? What was his problem anyway?
When he entered the kitchen, he was met with a person he didn't expect to see. Eggsy was sitting behind a table, a bottle of whisky in front of him, one glass filled with the liquid. He was deep in thoughts, barely registering the visitor. This was the opportunity Bucky had been waiting for a long time. Now, he can talk to Y/N's brother and let it all out.
"Can't sleep?" Bucky started easily, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
"No," Eggsy sighed, quickly taking a sip of the liquid. "You?"
Bucky smirked. It was a miracle that Eggsy actually replied. "It is hard to sleep after everything that happened. May I join you?" he took a few steps closer to him, pointing at a random chair.
"Only if you drink," was his reply.
Before Bucky joined him, he took his own glass and poured himself a drink. "Listen, uh, I think this is the best time possible we can actually talk to each other," he started, taking a seat on the other side of the table. When Eggsy raised a brow but didn't comment on it, he continued. "I understand your concerns."
"Do you?" he almost barked.
"Yes," he kept his voice a bit firm. "I know what I did in the past, I know that my actions were terrible and if I could, I would have changed it. However, I didn't have a choice. I didn't know who I actually was because they had put my brain into a fucking blender, wiping out every memory. Do you have any idea how hard it is to live like this?" he sighed, realising how harsh he sounded. "Y/N is the only bright light in my life. She sees behind these things I had done. Fuck, she is the most amazing woman in the world. In her eyes, I am so much more. And in my eyes, she is a fucking goddess. Do you really think I would hurt her?"
Before replying, Eggsy drank the rest of the drink and poured himself another one. "I have no idea, mate. What if you hurt her one day? What if you turn back into that thing you have been and snap her neck? She is my younger sister and I care about her. I, as her older brother, must protect her from the world, from being harmed. For fucking sake, she is a fucking Kingsman and here I am worrying the shit about her."
There was silence for a few minutes. They poured another round, drinking it. Both men were worried about the same woman because she represented much more than any human being. "I really love her, Gary," Bucky sighed. "I get it why you hate me..."
"I don't hate you," he admitted. "I am worried. And call me Eggsy. It is weird when you call me by my real name. Even my mother doesn't call me that," and he chuckled.
"Fine, thanks, Eggsy," Bucky smiled, a bit relieved that the chat was going the way he hoped for.
"Cheers, mate."
An hour later, they were sitting next to each other, ready to drink another bottle. Bucky had to steal Thor's mead because he wouldn't get drunk with Y/N's brother if he continued drinking the whiskey. It didn't do well since he had that damn serum in his veins. He felt like they needed to do this together.
"So, you are going to marry my sister," Eggsy slurred. "Do you know what that means?"
"That I will be the luckiest and happiest man on earth," Bucky questioned.
He had to roll his eyes. "No dipshit. It means that if you hurt her, leave her, I will be the first one pointing a gun at your head."
"Sounds fair," the brunet nodded. "I accept."
"Huh, that was surprisingly easy."
As the alcohol was fully running through their veins and they were drunk as skunks, the men started to crack jokes and talk about basically everything, as if they were have been friends for a long time. Eggsy talked about his actual princess, mentioning a formal dinner he had before the incident; he even let Bucky wore the Kingsman glasses and talked about the missions he so far had.
Y/N came out of her bed at four in the morning, feeling cold and alone in her bed. Her instant mission was to find Barnes and take him back to bed with a glass of water. Her gut brought her to a fully lit kitchen where she found something that would possibly happen only in her dreams. Her brother was asleep on the table, still holding an empty whiskey glass. Bucky, on the other hand, was still awake, giggling under his nose.
"I don't know if you are listening, Galahad, but fuck I love your sister. She is the best woman I have seen, felt under me and fuck, I would bring her heaven to her feet if she wanted to," and he smiled like an idiot. "Fuck, I love her. I fucking love her, you hear me?"
Y/N bit her lower lip, trying to hold the giggles. The boys had obviously talked it out, had a couple of drinks and now, it seemed that their relationship would get better. She was ready to approach Bucky and take him to bed when he too fell down on the table, already trapped in dreams. With a plastered smile on her face, she came to both boys. She put Eggsy's glasses to the side so he wouldn't destroy them. Then, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You are the best brother," she mumbled. When she was done with him, she went to Bucky, gently stroking his longish hair. "I love you too, my brave prince charming," and she gave him a peck on the lips, tasting the whisky and mead.
. . .
"Rise and shine," Y/N clapped her hand loudly, waking up both man instantly. She came into the kitchen with Natasha who was smiling like a devil, enjoying the view. Both men looked like they came straight out of a trash bin. "Come on, get up you two. We have to meet Steve in five minutes," she spoke too loud for their liking. "He's going to be pissed if we are late."
"Shut the fuck up, woman," Eggsy groaned, trying to find a better position for him to sleep.
Sam and Rhodey came into the kitchen when Bucky finally fixed his eyes on both women, moaning in pain. His stomach was doing flips, ready to let out everything that was still inside of it. "Why have I been drinking?" he asked himself.
"Galahad!" The voice belonged to Merlin who came for a cup of fresh coffee. "You should be ashamed now. Percival is ready for the day and here you are, sleeping on the table, still hugging the bottle."
Sam laughed, eyes turning to Barnes. "Dude, you are practically fucking a guy" he made a stupid comment about Y/N's code name.
The woman instantly punched him hard into his bicep, frowning. "I would rather keep your mouth shut, Wilson. One more word and you might lose some teeth."
When everyone left the kitchen, Y/N remained with the two hungover men. She was enjoying the view. They did this to themselves so it was a good punishment for both men. "Well, anything you two wish to say to me?" she questioned, smirking.
"We're sorry," Bucky mumbled, covering his eyes with the flesh hand. "Please, don't be mad."
"For what, exactly?"
"For this," he pointed at both of them. "That we got drunk instead of being fully ready for the meeting." Eggsy simply nodded in agreement.
"Here's how we are going to do it," she approached the table, taking the bottles and glasses with both hands. "You two will immediately take a shower, a cold would be perfect, and have a nice cup of strong coffee. When I am back from the meeting, I want you two ready to work on this mission."
"Yes, mam'," Bucky simply nodded, knowing he shouldn't be protesting.
"Anything for you, sis," Eggsy gulped dryly.
She smiled at them while taking two bottles of water from the fridge. Each of them was brought directly into their hands. She kissed Bucky's forehead and stroked her brother's hair. "I am glad that you talked it out last night, but now, we need to work. I love you both, okay?"
"I love you too," Bucky smiled.
"Same here, sis."
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emeraldspiral · 5 years
Endgame thoughts
My initial reaction was that it’s surprisingly really slow paced and has very few action scenes. I was going to say it was all ultimately worth it for the big climactic battle at the end. But then it really lost me on almost all the endings for our heroes.
Pretty much everything I dreaded came to pass. Tony had five years with his wife and kid, but he had to live those years in a super-depressed world where he felt like a failure, then when he had the chance to fix everything and settle down and finally enjoy life, they ripped it away from him. Also, kinda selfish of him to insist that they don’t erase the last five years on the off chance that it causes Tony to not get married and have a kid with Pepper. Like, fuck all the people who didn’t get dusted but died as a result of pilots and drivers and doctors suddenly disappearing or who became depressed and were driven to suicide and fuck Loki, Heimdall, Vision, Gamora, and half of Asgard I guess?
Similar to how they ended Tony’s story about PTSD, survivor’s guilt, and the overbearing burden of feeling like he has to be responsible for everything in the worst way possible, I feel like Steve’s ending was also antithetical to his entire arc. He spent the whole series trying to acclimate to life in the future and he was doing a pretty good job of it. He got caught up on tech, pop culture, and even found a new love, bland and underdeveloped as she was. Then he just goes back in time to live in the past? Also, the whole point of sending Steve back to return all the stones was to ensure the timeline didn’t get fucked and things would play out as they had originally, so Tony’s daughter wouldn’t be unborn. But then Steve goes and hooks up with Peggy, who got married to someone else in the original timeline. Also, no one noticed Captain America returning after being presumed dead in a time where memories of him and what he looked like would still be fresh? Also, also Peggy founded SHIELD. Did she have to hide Steve’s existence from everyone who knew him every day that she worked with them? Did Steve not warn her about HYDRA infiltrating her organization? What about in the future when those HYDRA agents were tricked into thinking Steve was one of them? Any consequences to that?
I think the biggest tragedy of Steve’s ending is that it could’ve been the most beautiful, perfect, satisfying, sentimental ending to another story. Like, if they’d done this at the end of Avengers 1, or even Winter Soldier, I could get on board with the idea that Peggy was Steve’s one true love that he could never move on from. But after so many movies showing Steve acclimating to living in the future, making new friends and getting an old one back, (He seriously didn’t get to spend any time with Bucky outside the battlefield after they finally fixed his brainwashing. How bullshit is that?) establishing himself as the leader and moral center of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and making out with Peggy’s grandniece it feels like character regression to have him throw all that away to literally live in the past.
Also, he passes on the mantle of Captain America to Falcon, who already has a perfectly good superhero identity, instead of Bucky, who could actually use a new identity to start over with.
I felt cheated by the fact that they emphasized Loki being important to Thor in the marketing, but then Thor just walks right past him in his cell. Present Thor never interacts with or even mentions Loki and all of his emotional moments are with his mom, who I never cared about, in a callback to one of the worst movies in the franchise. Which isn’t to say those scenes weren’t well-done. Well, I mean, except for the fact that Thor’s fake hair and beard and beer-belly were terrible and distracting and took me out of the moment, though props to the actress playing Frigga for managing to be so sincere acting opposite Chris Hemsworth in that getup. I really don’t know what they were thinking with that. Like, they could’ve written the movie’s timeline so that they went to see Thor when he’s sad and fat to get their cheap laughs and then have them take another year or so to put together their time-travel setup so Thor could get back into shape. But no, they really decided to commit to that bit and have him spend the entire movie, his character’s swan song, as a damn clown. Like, they couldn’t have at least switched out the cheap ugly unkempt hair and beard for a better set that looks more realistic so he could look just a smidge more dignified in the finale battle?
And that’s not even getting into Thor’s ending. I was already peeved by Infinity War giving Thor his eye back immediately after he lost it but I think the ending they gave him somehow managed to be even more insulting than Tony’s. Like, his dad dies and he finally ascends the throne and takes on the responsibility of being a king and then he just gets fat and drunk and then abdicates and puts Valkyrie in charge so he can run off aimlessly looking for a new purpose with the GotG? Like, what sense does that make? Also, he justifies putting Valkyrie in charge by saying she’s got leadership qualities, but when did she ever demonstrate any? Ragnarok was all about Thor demonstrating HIS leadership abilities by recruiting Valkyrie, Hulk, Loki, and the Sakaar rebels to fight for his cause. Valkyrie didn’t do any leading in that film, she just learned to start giving a shit and be a team player again. In Endgame, all she does is point Rocket and Hulk in Thor’s direction and then show up on the battlefield. They don’t even imply that Valkyrie was taking charge while Thor was wasting away.
She looked fucking great on her horse though. But where did she get it? I don’t remember seeing her herding one onto the refugee ship at the end of Ragnarok. I’d say I’m surprised that Thor and Valkyrie didn’t become an official couple offscreen like Peter and Gamora did, but after they threw away Jane, Sharon, and Betty and aborted Nat and Bruce’s romance, I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised that Thorkyrie went nowhere. If they hadn’t gone with making Thor a joke for the whole movie though, it could’ve worked really well since in their last film together, Thor was the one who pulled Valkyrie out of a funk where she was drinking and wasting her life on Sakaar to cope with her trauma and she had the opportunity to do the same here. Oh well. Maybe with Thor out of the picture and Loki possibly alive the ship I really wanted to see take off might actually stand a chance.
The big girl ensemble scene kinda made me laugh because they really wanted all the girls (sans Nat) together and it was already kinda forced and corny when they did it in Infinity War when there were only three, but when you’ve got a huge battlefield full of mostly male heroes and random male soldiers and grunts it stops being a believable coincidence that all the women and only the women would end up in the same spot and just becomes transparently “we deliberately flocked together just for the sake of forming a girl group with no regard for strategy”. But that’s not even what made it funny. What made it funny was that they stuck Mantis in there and then as soon as everyone charged she disappears because Mantis isn’t a fighter, so there was no reason for her to join that group, which makes the whole thing even more transparently like, not a thing that would happen organically in real life.
I totally didn’t even notice that Lady Sif didn’t appear because the actress had left the franchise long ago, so I just never expected her to show up, anymore than I expected Jane to. In fact, I was so sure that Natalie Portman was only going to appear in archive footage or in faraway shots with a body double that it shocked me when they had like, a whole five seconds of her waking up and then Rocket walking into the room and it didn’t look like it could’ve been from the original movie because they never would’ve shot the scene to linger after Natalie walked off with the camera angled to frame a two-foot tall character. So I guess they got Natalie back just for that.
I’ve expressed before that I’m not a fan of dealing with story and character problems by throwing them away instead of fixing them, and Jane’s a pretty good example of why. The first two Thor movies feel like a complete waste now since they spent so much time developing her and Thor’s relationship and Thor having to choose between his obligations to Asgard and his love for her. Her dumping him in Ragnarok doesn’t inform his character at all, unlike Tony and Pepper’s break-up in Civil War. It’s just an excuse to make him single so they can set up Valkyrie as his new love interest. But then Thor and Valkyrie don’t get together, nor does he reconcile with Jane. The movie indicated he was still heartbroken over Jane, and they had the perfect setup for a reconciliation. Thor lost his both his parents, his siblings, his best friend, his eye, his hammer, his home planet, and half his people, but Jane was snapped by Thanos, which means she came back to life at the end. It was such a blatant missed opportunity to not have him either get pulled out of his funk by Valkyrie or reconcile with Jane in the end it almost feels like maybe they were going to in an earlier draft but then decided it was too similar to Steve's happy ending so they just decided fuck anything respectful or satisfying for Thor and just dumped him on the GotG for no other reason than to make his different.
When Valkyrie said she liked either Bruce or Hulk apart better than both of them together I was like “hard same”. Like, the CGI on Hulk was never that convincing, but it gets really deep into the uncanny valley in this film. It just feels wrong to see the big green guy emoting and gesturing like Bruce and hearing Bruce’s normal soft-spoken voice coming out of Hulk’s mouth. Nothing about it is okay. I would’ve liked it better if they hadn’t skipped over the character arc too. Like, instead of just “Oh, we reconciled our differences and merged into one during the timeskip” Bruce was still unable to Hulk out for five years and didn’t know why and then finally figured it out for the final battle in a big triumphant moment.
I was hoping there’d be some kind of a twist to the soul stone get scene. Like, because Nat sacrificed herself instead of being pushed in, she’d get the stone instead of Clint and then they’d both live, or they’d both fall and be resurrected. Kinda like in Yu Yu Hakusho when Yusuke and Kurama both tried to sacrifice themselves to the magic mirror to save Kurama’s mom so it let them both live.
They should’ve just cut Clint’s storyline and swapped it for Hulk’s story. Cause like, the whole Ronin thing doesn’t really impact the plot in any way. The only purpose it serves is to give him a reason to fight with Nat over who should sacrifice themselves despite Nat being the obvious choice since Clint has a wife and kids he’s trying to get back. The scene at the beginning where he loses them is all we really need to be emotionally invested in him. Scott only had the one scene with his daughter and that was enough for him.
If they’d had Hulk’s reconciliation happen over the course of the movie instead of during the timeskip then they could’ve sent Clint to New York and Bruce to Vormir, since an active battlefield wouldn’t have been a good place for Bruce to be while unable to Hulk out. It could’ve been Bruce and Nat fighting over who should sacrifice themselves as a resolution to the feelings of guilt and self-loathing they discussed in Age of Ultron. Nat could’ve sacrificed herself, not out of shame for her past or the future she doesn’t think she can have, but out of love for Bruce. Her sacrifice could’ve been the key to unlocking Bruce’s ability to reconcile the two halves of himself, which would've been a nice payoff to her being able to snap Bruce out of Hulk mode in AoU and Ragnarok instead of just a thing that happens to make you sad for no reason.
I thought Captain Marvel in her solo movie was just okay. Not unlikable by any stretch, but not particularly funny or charming or otherwise possessing any kind of engaging character traits strongly enough to give me something to latch onto. But I found her quite unlikable in this film. She’s barely in it and every time she is, she’s copping a real attitude. Like, everyone else is grieving and wracked with guilt because they’re actual empathetic characters who’s natural reaction is to feel bad about the situation even though they tried their hardest, and many of them couldn’t have done much anyway. But Carol just seems really defensive. Like, if this were any other hero, she’d be sorry she wasn’t around to stop Thanos. She’d be haunted by all the people who suddenly, inexplicably turned to dust, knowing she was the one hero powerful enough to stop him, but she wasn’t where she needed to be. Instead, she comes across as being more bothered by the idea that other people might blame her for not stopping Thanos than by what Thanos did.
I kept thinking that maybe since Loki got the the space stone the timeline was messed up and he was going to pop up in the final battle and I actually played myself into thinking it was him moving Mjolnir for a sec before it turned out to be Steve and then I was disappointed he didn’t show up later when everyone else did.
Nebula at the start of GotG 1 was already hoping that Ronan would help her kill Thanos, so it’s OoC for past Nebula to be his loyal servant in this movie.
How did Clint and Natasha go to Vormir not knowing about the sacrifice? Nebula was able to figure out what happened to Gamora in Infinity War, so why didn’t she warn them?
Loki disappeared with the space stone in Avengers 1 but he was still in his cell during the events of TDW, but then they went further back in time to get the space stone in the 70s. But when did Steve return the space stone? If he sent it back to the 70s, does Loki still get it in 2012, or did Steve stop him from getting it?
Also, why did they even need to go to the 70s to get more Pym particles? Bruce already had the time stone. They could’ve just used it to fix their flub with Loki.
I can’t believe they finally put explicit gay rep in the movies but like, in the weirdest way. Like, it wasn’t like they hyped it up and then only vaguely implied it with stereotyping, like some other movies. They did have like, an outright unmistakable declaration of a character’s sexuality, and it wasn’t even saved for the very end. It’s in like, the first half-hour. But, they did it with a random no-name extra. So it’s like, they now acknowledge that gay people exist in these movies, but there’s still no explicit unambiguous LGBT representation among the heroes, or even the supporting cast.
I remember in Tony’s funeral scene, seeing a teenage boy and thinking “Who the hell is that? That’s not Peter, and that’s not one of Clint’s kids”. Like, I’m not great with faces, especially when they’ve drastically changed due to puberty, so of course I wasn’t going to recognize the kid from Iron Man 3. Now that I know that that’s who that is, I think it’s a pretty nice touch, even though it’s still bullshit that Tony died.
Kinda confused about Gamora. We’re never shown that she goes back to her time, but I guess we have to infer that she did because she’s not with the other Guardians at the end and Peter has an image of her on a screen implying that he plans to somehow find her and bring her back to life in his time. Also, how is Nebula alive if her past self died?
Everyone who got snapped was brought back to life, but the five years they were gone wasn’t erased. So Peter is still 15, even though he’d be 20 if he hadn’t died, unlike Cassie who is now a 13 instead of 8 (I think that’s her age, don’t quote me on that). But we see Peter hug Ned, who looks the same age, and Flash and MJ also appear to be the same age in the Far From Home trailer. So, I guess it’s a coincidence that everyone in Peter’s circle just happened to also get snapped so there’s no awkwardness with Peter being in high school while all of his friends are college-aged now.
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mst3kproject · 6 years
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108: Project Moon Base
Saying ‘fuck this movie’ doesn’t seem like enough, really.  Please take a moment and picture the full Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing it to the tune of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.  That should about do it.  I’m gonna say ‘fuck’ an awful lot in this review, like even more than I usually do. I really hate this movie.
This was a very moon episode.  After a couple of dull and suspenseless episodes of Radar Men from the Moon, we get on to Project Moon Base.  In the far future year of 1970, the Enemies of Freedom are working to destroy the UN’s space program.  To do this, they kidnap a Dr. Wernher and replace him with a lookalike, who is ordered to go to the atomic-armed space station and destroy it in a suicide mission. He’ll have crew-mates on his rocket, though – and Major Moore and space program legend Colonel Briteis aren’t going to let him complete his mission without a fight.
Wow, space spy capers and secret plots!  It sounds so exciting when I write it down!  Too bad this movie is actually so dismally fucking cheap and boring.  The KGB apparently works out of a nicely decorated living room somewhere, and the Spacom offices aren’t much better.  Everything is bare walls, clean tables and desks, and giant clocks on the walls, and none of it resembles a place people actually work in.  The actors all look like they’d really prefer to be anywhere else and recite their lines at a fast clip that suggests they’re just trying to get this ordeal over with. Given the characters they were being asked to play, I feel for them.
And then there’s the stuff that’s just fucking surreal, like the skullcaps or propane-tank-headed spacesuits that wouldn’t have been out of place in an episode of Rocky Jones: Space Ranger. Or the fact that the first ‘suspicious’ thing the fake Dr. Wernher does is support the wrong baseball team.  Or the annoying reporter whose name is Polly Prattles (I guess to imply that she endlessly ‘parrots’ everything she’s told?) and who dresses like a disco ball!
About the only thing that really earns any points is that the effects people made a commendable effort to be realistic.  Stuff like the lunar rocket and the frisbee-shaped space station are intended to look practical rather than future-y, and there’s a discussion of orbital mechanics (though it’s confusing and useless to the plot).  Navigation information refers to bright stars like Fomalhaut and Polaris.  Microgravity is mentioned and there’s even a pretty neat shot where characters walk on the ceilings with magnetic-soled boots!  I’m also impressed that they actually filmed some miniatures for their rocket takeoff scene, instead of using the same stock footage we’ve seen in fifty other films.
That’s only a fraction of the movie, though.  The other ninety-eight percent or so I absolutely despise from the very bottom of whatever twisted black abomination remains of my soul, and the reason why is the fucking characters.
The first characters we meet are the villains, although calling them ‘characters’ seems like a stretch.  I’m not entirely sure who any of these people are or who they’re working for… I’m gonna keep calling them the KGB for lack of a better descriptor.  They’re bland men in bland suits who behave as if destroying the capitalist west is just their day job – the bald bellhop guy may say it’s a twenty-four-hour job, but I bet these guys are out of that hotel room the moment the clock clicks to five pm.  Even the guy posing as Dr. Wernher isn’t very interesting.  Shouldn’t at least one of these people have some kind of motivation besides getting paid to do this?  What happened to revenge, or fanatical loyalty to an ideal, or desperation to protect a family who’ll be killed if you don’t comply?
Weirdly, it’s the fake Dr. Wernher who is the closest thing we’re given to a POV character!  We follow him into the hotel to take over from the real scientist, and them learn about the space program in tandem with him.  If not for the opening crawl I’d be wondering if we’re supposed to root for this guy.
Our so-called ‘heroes’ have some more personality, but those personalities are the furthest thing from likable. First there’s Major Moore, a big sulky baby whose masculinity is threatened by Briteis outranking him.  When he finds out he’s been cut from the mission in her favour he whines, and when he finds out he’s been assigned as her co-pilot he whines more because now he’s got to take orders from her.  At the end when they marry, he is promoted to Brigadier General mostly so that he’ll outrank his wife!
Briteis herself is no better – we see a few sides of her and they’re all terrible.  She pisses and moans about not wanting to interact with Moore, either, and then engages in passive-aggressive dick-measuring contests with him while the two of them are supposed to be flying a spacecraft and saving the free world.  You almost can’t blame him for his jealousy when she takes every possible opportunity to rub things in his face.  When things go wrong she manages to land on the moon, but then becomes a breathless damsel in distress, leaving Moore to make all the decisions… and then when they’re saved, she reverts right back to whining.
(Yes, by the way, the non-MST3K edit does show them actually landing, and no, it's not very exciting.)
The General in charge of these two is an ass, as well.  He basically guilts Moore into accepting an assignment he doesn’t want, and when Briteis protests it as well, he tells her to shut up and then threatens to spank her.  These people are supposed to be members of the military, an organization that is associated with rigid discipline, efficient organization, and a strict chain of command, and yet they display less professionalism than kids at a lemonade stand.  Jesus Christ, how about we just let the bad guys take over the world?  They at least have some fucking dignity.
The moment we discover Briteis is a woman is supposed to be a big surprise, since the characters have carefully avoided any gendered language so far – this seems to hint that we are looking at a future where equality of the sexes has been achieved, but what we see after that quickly disabuses us of the notion.  Not only is Colonel Briteis treated like a misbehaving child in spite of her rank, but we’re told that the only reason women are allowed in the space program is to save weight – though not in the case of Prattles, who is told to her face that she’s too fat to go!
In questioning Briteis about how she pilots the spacecraft, Wernher actually treats her with more respect in her expertise than any other character.  Are we sure we’re not rooting for this guy?
Of course the idea of Moore taking Briteis with him to set up the communications relay instead of Wernher never even comes up, despite the fact that she must be infinitely more qualified and much less likely to try to kill him.  This whole sequence is weirdly mis-used.  We’re expecting Wernher to either try to sabotage things somehow, or for Moore to believe he will do so and a fight to result.  I guess it’s more realistic, seeing as how the survival of both men depends on the relay, that they cooperate successfully – but if that were supposed to be the case, then why does Wernher die in a total accident, falling from a rock and cracking his helmet open?  It doesn’t resolve anything, it’s just a quick and lazy way of getting rid of the character so we can focus on Moore and Briteis and I don’t wanna focus on them.
Wernher’s death also leaves the audience sitting through the last part of the movie without any idea why we’re still watching this.  The villain’s dead, so why isn’t the movie over?  Even if we didn’t hate Moore and Briteis, we’ve actually known Wernher for longer and the movie was set up as if his mission and its defeat were the main storyline.  If he’d been dealt with in a more satisfying manner, either by changing loyalties, or by being killed or recaptured in a way that felt like a victory, it would be easier to move on with the rest of the story.
The final ‘fuck you’ from this movie’s sexual politics is the revelation at the end that the President of the United States is also a woman.  You know what that means?  That means the writers thought they really were showing us a gender-equal future!  They honestly believe that women in positions of power really will freak out and automatically turn to the men for help when things go wrong.  They seriously think that women holding high ranks in the military will be threatened with spankings by their superior officers and that’s completely okay.  And then when you watch the movie again, the scene where Briteis tells the General that the President has ordered Polly Prattles be admitted just looks like a bunch of girls ganging up on a boy they don't like.
Quite a bit of effort went into the effects in Project Moon Base and into its idea of the future (note how they predicted cordless phones!), but it was all wasted on bad actors, shitty sets, and a script that feels like a first draft.  Nothing in the film comes across as properly concluded – not the space mission, not Wernher, and certainly not the love story between Moore and Briteis.  Fuck this movie.  Fuck, fuck, fuck this fucking movie.  Fuck everyone who made it, fuck MST3K for bringing it to my attention, and fuck me for watching it again!  Fuck.
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musashi · 6 years
do you have any tips for how to raise your self-esteem? i know that youve been on both sides and i just dont remember the last time i actually liked myself :s
kin a self-obsessed super villainess and every time u hate urself be like “SHIT SHE’D NEVER SAY THAT IM SO INVALID”
no but in all honesty i just fuckin lied to myself until my third eye opened and i realized it wasn’t actually a lie. a lot of it was also metacognition and logical fallacies. like, i only hate people who are mean and horrible, what about ME makes me think i am that? if i could pinpoint something, i would change myself to be closer to the kind of person i would like. but if it was something harmless i hated about myself, i would work on fighting back against whatever it was that made me feel shameful for that harmless thing.
for instance, a flaw i had growing up was that i grew up in an abusive household and thus came out of it a compulsive liar as a survival mechanism. that really fucking annoyed me about myself, because i didn’t even try and i still did it! so i worked hard to unlearn that behaviour, and i felt better about myself knowing i had changed for the better.
something i hated myself over that wasn’t a flaw was, well, being autistic? i hated myself because i talked too much about pokemon and went on longer than anyone wanted to hear about it. i examined that--was i hurting anyone? no, i wasn’t, i was just enjoying myself. so why did i hate myself for it? well, because everyone from my teachers to my peers to my parents told me i needed to shut the fuck up because no one cared. they were clearly in the wrong there--so, i learned to internalize that message. they were wrong. i didn’t hurt anyone. i shouldn’t hate a part of myself if it isn’t hurting anyone.
i did this for everything. deeply examined the things i had been conditioned to loathe, personality and looks. my crooked overbite and my loud voice and my wellspring of mental illness and my fat fat body w my short little legs. i thought about how i wasn’t born hating them, i had learned to from outside influence. i thought about how on anyone else, i would find those traits incredibly attractive. i thought about how if i hated myself so much, why was i also so convinced i was a special exception? like, okay wendy, you really think the universe is so centered around you that you’re somehow the ONLY fat woman in existence who DOESN’T look good in a crop top? take it back a notch, sweetie. you ain’t special.
but what no one tells you is that doesnt always work! if you hate yourself enough logic has no fucking reasoning. so i just fucking lied to myself! i lied to myself every day. i told myself i was beautiful and perfect, a golden goddess above the world, its mercy under my heel. i told myself that not only was i the one standing out in the crowd, i was truly extraordinary, one of a kind. i was over dramatic about it! i overinflated my ego to the a level that was cartoonish in how vain i was pretending to be. i would do something i thought absolutely embarrassing and disgusting and then lean back on my heels with a sly-eyed smile and inform the nearest passerby that i was, in fact, the most gorgeous and elegant creature walking god’s green earth. sarcastically, of course. it was all a joke.
...except eventually, it wasn’t. you see, it turns out that when you build yourself up with positive reinforcement like that, even if you don’t believe it, it actually internalizes itself on its own. your brain’s a weird fucking organ! you can classically condition it to love every single trait you hate about yourself and feel garbage about. it’s just a dumb fucking lump of meat, it can’t tell the difference if you work hard enough at it.
a great motivator is also spite. i’ve had a lot of wrong done unto me and i’m fucking mad about it, so i try to make myself bigger and more present to personally piss off everyone who’s tried to snuff out my flame. loving yourself is a very radical act, especially in a society that values dark and gritty self-loathing. it doesn’t even have to be to spite your enemies. sometimes i think about how white straight cishet males benefit off my suffering and self-hatred and it’s enough to keep me adoring myself for weeks at a time.
another good thing to do is cut out negative people whenever you’re able. i stopped following stupid depression/trauma meme blogs in 2016 and it was really good for my mental health. i stopped saying shit like “i wanna die” and “i hate myself” even in a hyperbolic fashion. i replaced it with, again, sarcastic self-love. if there were any people in my life who made me feel bad about harmless things i did, i shamelessly told them i was fucking off to find better company. your friends should never make you feel bad for who you are if who you are has done no wrong.
and, to tie it back home, doing the wonder woman pose in the mirror every morning and laughing like jessie team rocket really does help. u gotta laugh from the chest. full bodied and confident. like you are absolutely 100% getting that pikachu today. but that part’s optional. mostly. 
sorry this is a wall im really bad at articulating myself but tl;dr: lie to yourself until you believe it, cut out negativity even if you think its insignificant, thrive out of spite for everyone whos’ ever hurt you
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