#i do want to be an organized lil lady OR TRY TO BE.
90sbee · 11 months
Just saw your tags abt that post and just to say I think you should post, if you so desire! Your work is probably amazing, not worthless!! I am sure you are doing great!!
Oh, jeez, I didn't expect anyone to read my rambling, haha. You're so sweet, Nav 🥺 Thank you so much!!! [Insert ugly crying in here] haha. I'll reconsider posting my silly little stuff, probably. I do feel so nervous since the Levi fic is the first fic I haven't written in Spanish but !!! Fuck it, I teach English for a living, it should be fine. 🫣😅
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
All I Want
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Paring: Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 3.4 K
Summary: Steve has left you alone for a week with no explanation. Will you let him back into your life?
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, SMUT, Lil bit of ANGST. A lot of FLUFF Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. A slap on the face, organized crime, implied violent retaliation, Bucky’s arm injury implied, Steve simping for reader, reader watching porn, sloppy toppy, gagging, swallowing, coached masturbation, oral (m/f receiving) fingering, nipple play, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up!) breeding kink, size kink, violence (due to mob world).
A/N: This is a bonus for  #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on this ask and any other requests for a part 2 to Try a Little Tenderness. Here it is babes, I hope you like it as much as the first part. Happy New Year! 🍾
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Sam came, and he watched as you paced in your closed store the first day after the dust up at DUMBO. He told you minimal information, just that Bucky was alive and that he was going to stay there per Steve’s ‘request’ until he asked him to leave.
“I’m opening my store today.”
“No. You are not.”
Sam was usually nice, with that beautiful smile on display whenever he picked up Steve’s gifts. But now, he was steadfast.
You were hot. Not only at Steve for not telling you the whole story, but at everyone.
You couldn’t just sit around all day. You walked up to Sam and stood toe to toe.
“Take off that expensive jacket.”
You had an apron with the store logo in your hand.
Hours later, Sam took a break from helping you do store inventory to take a call. You kept working as he stepped into the back room. Then, you walked back to listen.
You peeked around your corner to see Sam letting out a sigh of relief.
“Good. At least that’s progress? He squeezed your hand?”
He paused.
“I know he has a long way to go, but you know Buck’s a fighter.”
“…Yes. Steve. I’m trying, but you know she’s stubborn…She’s okay. She’s a pistol, and she’s working me to death. She’s pissed at you though. At all of us. Yeah… I don’t think I can protect you from that. I’ll tell her it will be a while…”
You went back to your spreadsheet feeling some kind of way. Steve had time to call Sam, but not you. Okay.
Sam stepped out of the back room.
“Bucky’s alive. He was very badly injured, his left arm is…”
Sam paused, looking at you warily.
You looked back at him relieved, yet anxious at the same time.
“Let’s just say that he has a long road.”
You nodded and swallowed.
“What about Steve?”
You hated yourself for asking Sam. You should have been talking to Steve. But you couldn’t help it.
“He’s fine. Just has some… work to do right now.”
Your stomach dropped and you lifted your chin.
“What Steve does with his time has nothing to do with me, Sam. I don’t own him and he certainly does not own me.”
You were ready to fight.
“It’s not like we’re in a relationship. Steve’s fine, Bucky’s alive. So you can go now.”
You looked him in the eye so that he could get the message.
Sam shook his head.
“That’s not gonna happen Y/N.”
You glared at him.
“Tell your Boss that I’m sending you back.”
Sam advanced upon you, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Learn this, Y/N. Steve’s not my Boss. He’s my friend, and just like Bucky, he’s my partner. I'm doing him a favor making sure you’re alright. That’s what friends do. You can’t send me back.”
You two stared at each other. This must be what it was like to have a brother.
“You know you’re very annoying.”
“Same, lady.”
You fought the urge to laugh and wanted to stick your tongue out at him.
“Get back to work. We have the entire stockroom to count.”
Sam shook his head and obliged.
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Six days later, on Christmas Eve, the bell rang, signaling someone opening the door. You turned with a smile to greet the customer to see Steve standing there.
It was liked the wind was knocked out of you.
Steve stood there, staring at you, looking very tired, but with those same sparkling blue eyes. And he had the nerve to smile at you.
“Can I have the usual?”
He was a sight for sore eyes. You’d spent the week worried and frustrated, in addition to mad as hell. But he looked so damn good.
You walked over to Steve, and gazed up at him as he beamed down on you. You did the only thing you could think to do.
You slapped him.
“How dare you!”
Sam, who was in his apron behind the register, audibly gasped, because it didn’t end well with the last woman who slapped Steve. She’d ended up climbing out of a dumpster where Steve had unceremoniously placed her.
You looked over at Sam.
“Here is your friend, Sam. Talk to him. Because I certainly won’t.”
Steve’s heart was beating a mile a minute as he rubbed his face. That fire pent up inside you signaled a need for release. He watched you hungrily as you left, then turned back to Sam.
You stormed upstairs toward your apartment, hearing the beginnings of thier conversation.
“I thought we agreed to keep the store closed, Sam.”
“Well, the store’s owner might have a little to say to that. Have you ever tried to get her to do something she didn’t want to do?…”
You went upstairs, straight to the kitchen, reaching for your liquor cabinet. It was only noon, but you needed a drink.
You heard the door open behind you and did not turn around. You heard his steps into the kitchen, but you were immovable.
“Pour me one?”
You reached for a glass and slammed it down on the counter next to you, then poured some Uncle Nearest into it. You still didn’t look at him, but you shivered as he stepped behind you, nearly touching you to reach around for the glass, but only sharing his body heat.
“I deserve your anger, Ambrosia, But at the beginning, I genuinely thought that you knew who I was. I mean….”
You spun around, eyes full of fire, facing down Steve’s desire for you. And there was something else in his eyes. But you launched in nevertheless.
“At no time over dinner, or while you were sweet talking me into bed, did you mention that you were the head of an international crime organization. And then you put my business in danger. And apparently my life???”
Steve sighed and scrubbed his face.
“I know you’re angry, Baby, but you gotta listen to me.”
You closed your mouth and crossed your arms.
Steve’s face softened. At least you weren’t running away.
“I said at the beginning I thought you knew who I was. But then I realized that you didn’t know me as Steve Rogers the big bad dude, I was just that one customer who was sweet on you and sent gifts. And that made me fall for you even more.”
When he said ‘fall for you,’ your eyes went to his.
“Yeah, I said it.”
You were trying to remain upset, but he was so sincere. Your resolve was weakening.
“Fall for me? You haven’t spoken to me in a week, Steve. You called Sam every day but…”
“I had work to do. Bucky was injured and he was touch and go. And I had to take care of… I had to take care of some things.”
He looked at you and slowed down.
“You had work to do? So did I. But you told me to close my store. You couldn’t have taken a few minutes to call, to text? I figured I didn’t mean as much to you as I thought.” 
You looked down at your dirty chucks, and at Steve’s Ferragamos.
Steve moved closer and tilted your head up by your chin. The electricity from his fingers was almost too much.
“No, Ambrosia.”
Steve’s eyes were wild now, and desperate. He wanted you to understand so badly, but he knew it would seem outlandish.
“You mean so much more. I fell for you because there were no expectations. I kept buying you gifts and you kept sending them back. And I thought you didn’t want me. But then when I asked you on a date and you accepted, I realized that…”
“…That all I want is you.”
You looked up at him and bit your lip. Steve could hardly contain himself.
“I can listen to you, Steve. And I would have listened if you called.”
Steve leaned down and kissed your lips softly. He groaned when you yielded to him, opening your mouth and peeking out your little tongue. He wanted to ravage you, but first, you had to understand.
“You’ve got to know. You’ve got to know that you change me Ambrosia. With you I am a different man. I couldn’t call you because you make me weak.”
Steve kissed your frown and started talking again.
“With you, weak is a good thing. I am gentle, I am kind. I am patient.”
Steve looked into your eyes. 
“I am in love.”
You gasped. 
“You gotta listen. When I left, all I could think about, besides Bucky, was you. Your smile, your wit, your laugh, your body. How it felt to make love to you. To be inside you. To make you cum. Do you remember, do you remember how it felt?”
You smiled and nodded, playing with the St. Christopher’s medal around his neck.
“Look at me. Do you remember? Use your words.”
You clenched at his command. And you obeyed.
“Yes, Steve. I remember. I was sore for three days.”
Your admission and the new huskiness in your voice made him pull you closer and you could feel the pulsing in his pants. You also felt his heart beating in his chest.
“Fuck, Ambrosia. You make me wanna ruin you again.”
The way you looked at him indicated that you wanted the same. Steve felt his knees almost give out. He chuckled.
“See? You make me weak in the knees. Thoughts of you make me soft. And for what I had to do, I couldn’t be. D’you understand?”
You tried to think rationally. You knew what he was saying without saying it. He had to do horrible things. You watched the news this past week. You knew what Steve was responsible for. But you didn’t care. Bucky was always nothing but kind to you. And he was Steve’s best friend.
You thought about what you would have done in this situation. You looked back up at Steve.
“I understand.”
You bit your lip again.
“And I am still standing here with you because it is too late for me to tell you to leave. I endured Sam sleeping on my couch for a week and protecting me because I love you too, Steve. I think I have been in love with you for months now. And then, last week...”
Your hands moved to slip his jacket off his shoulders, kneading them and feeling the tension there. Steve’s eyes sought yours again.
“You love me too?”
“Yes, are you tired?”
“Exhausted, but… You want me to stay?”
Your hand was on the outside of Steve’s pants, grasping his hardness and making him groan, knowing that he was leaking in his underwear. His hands moved up your sides and lifted you up to sit on the counter.
He dove into your neck, inhaling your scent and giving you gentle kisses that made you arch your back and your breasts into his chests. Then, he started sucking hickeys into you as his hands came up to knead and grasp you, and to tease your nipples with his thumbs.
“All week I’ve gone to bed and woken up rock hard to visions of you. Didn’t wanna jack off. I need you Ambrosia. Need to see you cum again. Need to bury myself deep inside you. Need for you to hug me in all the ways. Need to see your beautiful body. Need to sleep with you in my arms. I’m tired. Tired of being without you.”
You nuzzled his ear, knowing that the only important thing right now was his need. And yours.
“Sounds like you need me to suck your dick.” 
You felt bold because he wasn’t looking at you.
The man literally growled in your ear and then picked you up, still wrapped around him like a vine, and carried you to your bedroom. He sat you down on your bed and looked down on you as you looked up at him.
“What did you say?”
Steve made sure to hold your head up so you could look him in the eye. Your eyes watered as you licked your lips and took a deep breath.
“I said, I want to suck your dick.”
“That’s… what I thought you said.”
Steve continued to hold your head by your chin, and stuck his thumb in your mouth as he undid his pants. You squirmed as you got wet at the sound of his belt clanging on the floor and sucked his thumb like it was going out of style.
Steve could hardly catch his breath for anticipation and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He looked down at you as he pumped his massively hard cock in your face.
“I want to be very, very rough with you, but I’m not going to hurt you, Baby. You want this?”
Steve moved himself to within an inch of your lips.
You made to move closer, but he held you fast. You almost felt his dick jump when you saw it. You squirmed again.
“Can you take it?”
You managed to extend your tongue and collect the drops of precum on his tip, making Steve shiver as his blazing eyes looked down on you.
“Fuck my face…”
Steve grabbed both sides of your head as you opened wide and accepted him into your mouth.
“That hot little mouth, holy shit, Ambrosia. How do you…”
You concentrated and allowed him to push past your tonsils to your throat, then suckled him as he pulled out, tracing your tongue along the vein on the underside of his cock. You ran your hands up his sides, tracing his v cut and abs upward under his shirt. Steve scrambled to take it off, and then pulled you off of him to take your shirt off.
“Where did you learn that?”
Steve raised his eyebrow as you grabbed for him again. He tried to be gentle, but you wouldn’t allow it, as you bottomed out again.
This time when you pulled off, gasping you said one word, “Porn,” and then started slurping sloppily again.
Steve stood there, head thrown back as you took his hips and went to town.
“Thank goodness for technology.”
You hummed your agreement, and then went for the gold.
“Ho-ho-holyyyyy. I’m gonna, fuckkkk Ambrosia, I’m gonna…”
You started gagging louder and finally, Steve took your head in order to use your mouth for his pleasure.
“It’s gonna be a lot… “
Steve was looking down on you with lust and you basked in it.
“You gonna swallow?”
You nodded eagerly, as Steve bared his teeth with an effort to hold back. You played with his balls, and he couldn’t anymore.
“Swallow like a good… fucking… girl…”
With those three thrusts, Steve sent a torrent of spend past your lips. You gulped it down and Steve thought he’d died and gone to heaven. He fell to his knees and you hugged him, assenting to his kiss so that he could taste himself on you.
“Thank you for that. Now I can think straight.”
He moved to push you back on the bed. 
“So, my sweet Ambrosia has been watching porn, huh?”
“I missed you Steve. Missed your cock.”
Steve shook his head.
“I’m sorry, Baby. I’m so sorry.”
Steve was now taking off your shoes, pants, and panites. He kissed your thighs and spread your legs with his hands. He was looking deep into your intimate parts. 
“My little sweet flower. Still so beautiful. But now she’s so sloppy.”
Those blue eyes looked at you, and your cheeks warmed.
“What happened?”
That deep voice.
“You know, Steve…”
“You like sucking my cock, yeah?”
“Yes, I do. Been dreaming of it.”
Steve grunted. His cock coming back to life at your words.
“You been touching yourself?”
“I have, but nothing compares to you. Didn’t know if I would see you again. Was thinking of getting a toy.”
Steve looked angry for a second.
“Never doubt, as long as I have breath in my body. You will see me again.” 
His eyes flicked down your body, reminding you of possession.
“Show me how you touched yourself. I wanna watch. Will you let me watch you cum?”
You squirmed at the request.
“Don’t be shy. Look. I’ll join you.” 
Steve leaned up on his elbow and started stroking his dick, making you wetter than you already were.
You bit your lip and slid your hands from your tits down your sides, one moving back up to play with your nipple, and the other finding your clit. You licked your lips as your fingers played in your slippery slit and lubricated your button. The sound was pornographic as your movements indicated how wet you were.
You watched as Steve opened his mouth and moved his hand faster.
“Put your fingers inside, baby. Pretend they’re mine.”
You shivered as you obeyed and your thumb tuned your body to a marvelous frequency with Steve watching. It was so erotic. You started to cum when Steve started moaning. 
“How pretty. Y’look so pretty getting off. Pretty little fingers in that gorgeous hole. My sweet Ambrosia…”
He was descending toward your center, breath hot on your cunt.  He inhaled deeply, taking in the essence of you.
“Let me be your toy…”
And his lips wrapped around your vibrating clitoris, sliding it between his lips quickly at first, causing you to jump, then, when his strong hands held your thighs open, he suckled it completely into his mouth and used his tongue to try and suck the life out of you.
You screamed and Steve slipped a finger inside your tight hole, thrusting gently at first, and then  adding another finger and becoming more insistent in the quest for your orgasm.
You came very quickly, knees around his head before he pried them off and then held you open. Steve blew on your cunt to extend the sensations, and thrummed your clit while you begged him to stop. The quivers were extended as he came up and sucked your nipples, and pulling his hair only spurred him on longer.
When you finally, finally came down, your hoarse voice complained to, 
“All my stars and heavens, Steve!”
“How can you be so fucking cute and so damn sexy at the same time. My dream girl.”
Steve kissed your forehead as you grabbed his cock and started pumping.
Steve tried to frown at you.
“So demanding.”
“Steve please.”
“You want this dick?”
Your breathy “Yes!” almost made him almost cum in your hand. 
“You. Are going to be the death of me.”
Steve held your thighs in your hands and pushed them up beside you.
His stiff cock seemed to know the way home as he positioned himself at your entrance. He slid the thick head inside you as you keened as you knew his shaft was almost as thick.
“You okay, Baby?”
“Hnnngh.. Oh Steve…give me more…”
Steve almost exploded at your face and the way you were squeezing him.
“Okay.. I don’t really wanna… hurt…”
“Hurt me pleaseeeee.”
Steve slid into your very wet canal and stayed there as you wrapped all of your limbs around him as you got used to his girth again.
“I-I-I can’t… I’m gonna cum… inside… I can’t… you’re gripping me so… so so tight…”
“Mmmmmmghhh! Give me!”
And Steve started moving, slowly at first, and as you urged him on, faster and deeper.
“I had plans for how I was gonna… fuck…”
“Oh my god… Steve, I’m…”
“I wanted to go nice and slow… ohhhhhh…”
When he felt you quiver around him was when he started cumming.
“Fuck! It’s too soon… oh my god you feel so good…”
Steve buried his face into your neck, huffing and puffing as his cum spurted out of him and into your warm goodness. You felt every splash of his hot ejection inside you and briefly considered the consequences.
So did Steve.
“Oh shit, I came inside you.”
Steve looked pretty pleased with himself. You had to laugh.
“I can’t with you, Steve.”
“I believe you just did.”
You both chuckled as he kissed you and collapsed on the bed.
Steve pulled you close.
“Sam is probably down there dealing with customers…still got bills to pay. The lights, the mortgage…”
You were dumping the last thoughts out of your head as you were falling asleep.
“Not the mortgage anymore. Valkyrie bought it from Wells Fargo…”
Steve sighed and kissed you on the forehead, exhaustion finally catching up with him.
“Oh, ” You replied as you snuggled closer to him. 
And both of you fell into the warm embrace of deep sleep for an afternoon nap.
READ Part three I WONDER
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holdmytesseract · 6 months
The Baby Fever Wedding...
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moodboard by @mochie85 divider by @fictive-sl0th
Baby Fever Crew and fellow readers... It's time to assemble, because I'm searching for some helpers, who are interested in becoming my fellow wedding planner!
Huge thanks to @muddyorbsblr ! She helps me coordinate all this a lil' bit and is my right-hand woman. 💖 Also, kudos to @lokisgoodgirl , who gave me the idea to do little tasks. (I know, it's been months ago since we talked about this, but nevertheless... Thank you, friend!) 🩵
And this is how it works...
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How to participate...
If you are interested and want to sign up to this, just leave a comment on this post. That's all!
How do I choose my helpers?
That depends. I have 14 tasks. If just enough people sign up for this (not more or less than 14), you'll definitely be chosen. If more people want to participate, I'm going to put all names in a pot and randomly draw 14 names, so a bit of luck is needed.
What awaits you if you get chosen...
I'm going to give you a little task, in order to help me organize Y/N's and Loki's wedding. For example: Design the wedding rings or choose the flowers. You have enough time to think about it and tell me what you want. I am going to write it.
Rules & Other information...
Please only comment once. Makes things easier for me.
Please be patient. This is a huge project for me and I never did something like this before, so...
You are allowed to name two tasks in your comments, which you'd like to be assigned with. I can't promise that it's going to work out for you, but I'll try to have consideration for it!
Example: @ holdmytesseract Wedding rings & flowers
You have three days to sign up, so no pressure!
If you have questions, please send me an ask or a DM! Don't be shy!
And these are the tasks...
Design the wedding rings!
Choose Y/N's wedding dress, shoes and jewelry!
How should Loki's suit look like?
And how his armour?
Their hairstyle. (Do they need a new hairstyle or even a haircut?)
Y/N's bridesmaids (Natasha, Wanda, Pepper & Jane) are in need of dresses, too!
Loki's best man (Thor, of course.) needs a suit and armour, too.
Since the wedding takes place on Asgard, we need a few Midgardian pre-wedding/wedding traditions, too!
Flowers are a must have!
Create the invitations for the wedding!
A cake will be needed as well!
Where on Asgard takes the ceremony place and where the festives? We also need some decoration, right? (I feel like this is a two-man task!)
One of the most important things... Music! Do we have a DJ perhaps?
I'm in need of a entertainment department as well! Do they play party/wedding games? Karaoke? Are there Asgardian wedding games? Something entirely else? (I think this is a two-man task as well!)
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I think that's it. I hope I didn't forget anything... Well, with that being said... Let's start this! I'm beyond excited!
Tagging the Crew: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @chennqingg @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @eleniblue @loz-3 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @glitchquake @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @xthatpottahfanx @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @lokiforever @crimson25 @kimanne723 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @noideakitten @zombiesnips-blog @dustychinchilla74 @frzntrx @lokisgoodgirl @princess-ofthe-pages @coldnique @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokisrealpurpous
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"The Farmers' Market" ~ S. Harrington
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Summary: When Steve takes Lori to the farmers' market for a day, he finds himself bumping into an all-too-familiar face.
Pairing: Single Dad!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 878
Content Warning: mentions of food, mentions of Lori's mom, sad!Steve
Genre: mostly Fluff, a lil Angst i guess
Extra Notes: uh, none that i can think of at the moment!
Originally Written: between 10/17/2022 and 10/18/2022
Beta Read By: @dungeons-are-too-cold
honeysuckleharringtons main masterlist can be found here!
single dad!steve blurbs masterlist can be found here!
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"Alright, got your basket, Lori-girl?" Steve smiled at his daughter as they began their trek.
"Mhm," she answered, nodding her head with so much force that Steve was surprised she didn't get a headache.
She gripped his hand in her left, her right hand clenched tight around the handle of her wicker basket.
Ever since Steve had found out about the farmers' market in the next town over, he'd been dying to take Lori. To Steve, nothing sounded more appealing than buying fresh strawberries and lemons for homemade lemonade and a loaf of organic French bread coated with grass-fed butter.
So, he pulled her into some overalls, made her morning bowl of Cheerios, and carried her to the car for a fun day of purchasing produce and sniffing freshly-cut flowers.
Steve held tight to her hand as they wandered up to the first booth, looking over the man's assortment of vegetables.
"Can we buy some of these, Daddy?" Lori asked, pointing to the container of yellow squashes.
He wanted to find some way to decline. Truth be told, Steve had no clue how to cook squash correctly. However, he admired his daughter's interest in trying a new food, so he pulled the money from his wallet and held it out for the stall owner.
"Here you go, little lady," the farmer smiled, placing three squashes into her basket.
"Thank you," she replied with a grin, pigtails bouncing as she headed for the next booth.
Steve followed after her, watching as she stalked up to the flower booth.
Out of habit, he picked Lori up and placed her on his hip for a better view. His voice was light—faintly coated with reminiscence and sadness—as he said, "OK, Lori-girl, you wanna pick out some flowers for Mama?"
Her lips scrunched tight as she looked over the sea of flowers, her mind racing as she attempted to pick just one kind. "Hmm, do you think she'd like the pink ones or the red ones more?" she asked, pointing to each kind.
The pink ones were dahlias, Margaret's favorites. The red ones were marigolds, which were his mother's favorite (and he'd rather not talk about that part of his life).
Tears brimmed his eyes as he answered, "I think she'll love the pink ones."
And so, the booth owner bunched up a bouquet-sized amount of the flowers, placing them in Lori's hand as she reached for them.
The shop owner smiled as she politely declined Steve's payment. "Have them, free of charge."
He wanted to argue. After all, it was unfair that she shouldn't get paid for her hard work. But, in all honesty, Steve was trying to save every nickel and dime that he could, in hopes of someday getting Lori out of that rundown apartment complex they lived in.
"Thank you," he replied in a whisper, a single tear making its way down his cheek.
Just then, a voice called from a few stalls down. "Steve! Lori!"
He quickly wiped his tears away in hopes of neither Y/N nor Lori seeing him cry. "Hey, you," he chuckled as she approached.
Y/N's face lit up as she excitedly looked over the bouquet in Lori's hand. "Woah! Those are some pretty flowers!"
"Thank you," Lori grinned. "I picked them out for my mama."
Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked over to Steve, an expression that implied betrayal. How could he not tell me? "Your mama?" she asked, making sure to allude to curiosity.
Steve knew he should've explained. After all, they'd been on three dates and he'd almost kissed her once. In fact, he was even considering asking her to go steady. So why couldn't he just explain what happened to Lori's mom?
Lori decided to tell Y/N herself before Steve managed to get any words out. "Mhm. Once a month, we take flowers to her stone. Sometimes, we even leave her presents."
Y/N's brows creased once more. "Her stone?"
"Her headstone, she means," Steve explained.
The woman felt guilty when she realized how wrong her assumption had been. "Oh," she replied lightly. "Well, I bet she'll love those flowers you picked out for her, Miss Lori."
Though she didn't say anything, Y/N could see the tears still sitting on the edge of Steve's eyelids. She wanted to reach over, to wipe them away and let him know that she was there for him.
Instead, in hopes of cheering him up, she changed the subject by motioning to her tote bag. "I was just picking up some lemons for homemade lemonade if you guys wanna come by my place when you're finished shopping. Or I can stop by your place if you want."
Steve opened his mouth to decline, but Lori spoke first. "Can she come to our house, Daddy? I wanna show her all my Barbies and stuffies."
"Baby, I-"
He stopped mid-sentence, noticing that Y/N and Lori shared similar looks of intrigue. He felt anxiety bottoming out in the pit of his stomach, but managed a, "I guess Y/N can come by for a little while if she'd like."
And with that, the three continued on through the farmers' market, the idea of fresh lemonade and an afternoon with just the three of them heavy on their minds.
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Guys, I want to apologize for how long it took me to get another chapter of this posted. I've had such a hectic month but I promise, there is still so much Steve and Lori content to come for your guys!
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-> Taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-is-dead-inside @awkotaco24 @liberhoe @princesseddie @aftermidnightwriting @manuosorioh @hereiamhereigo
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gingersforeverbox · 5 months
Hi, no one asked for this, but have some Nathan Bateman x Reader headcanons/ drabble ideas
A/n: Howdy, I know it's been a hot minute since I posted something of my own, but I've been a simp for this stupid-genius bastard for a while now, and here is just a dump of the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head about Bitchman himself :)
Fem!Reader x Nathan Bateman btw
Content warnings: Nathan for obvious canonical reasons, the good kush🍃, swearing (probably), suggestive material that is +18 (If I find a minor on my lawn I swear to all that's good that I will tell your parents/guardians that you're being inconsiderate of boundaries Ya lil gremlins), that's all I can think of for now, but let me know if I missed anything! <3
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Pretty little homemaker Reader? Yeah. Pretty little homemaker Reader who got to happily retire once they married Nathan and be a domestic, feminine person without care? Even better!
Pregnant Reader where we learn about what it’s like to be expecting with him (spoiler: he is a pain in the ass up until you have to snap at him to be considerate to the person who will give him his child, then he surprisingly gets his head out of his ass to try and be better for you and y'all's child).
Reader and Nate have to go to a gala or some shit for the first time as an official couple then there’s a bunch of questions from the press and coworkers about y'all being together, and he is basically like "Honey, I own the planet, whatever you don't want public won't be public. it's that simple, now let me show you this ice sculpture that looks like a dick if you look at it right >:)"
Stoned Nathan and Reader. She does it for fun, he insists that he’s gonna be chill, but he is such a fuckin nerd that he babbles about how scientifically interesting weed is while Reader is just like “M’kay babe, keep talkin’, you’re cute like this iloveyou” and Nathan kinda just buffers for a minute before then is high as a kite when he realizes "oh fuck this woman makes me feel things and I'm too high to try and hide it iloveyoutoo"
Nathan getting genuinely confused when Reader treats Kyoko with basic dignity despite her being an AI, and Reader basically being horrified with how he treats her and actively goes out of her way to be nice to Kyoko. Does Nathan learn to be nicer to his AI? Does he still treat them like shit and it bites him in the ass? YOU DECIDE!
Bossy!Reader who is one of BlueBook's communications experts, and he can't wrap his head around the idea of Reader, the same lady who doesn't hesitate to call one of his ideas bad-shit crazy, being the same lady who easily schmooses his business partners for him until he sees her in action at a conference they both have to attend. Nathan then realizing that he likes his organic women to be a lil fiesty.
*forewarning that this one is a little self-indulgent:* Nathan and a Psychologist reader? I would pay Money to watch those two bicker about everything. like come on, Nathan's fuckin' nuts and Reader deals with emotionally/ mentally troubled people for a living. Just imagine BlueBook deciding to assign him a psychologist since he lives in the middle of nowhere all the time, and Reader taking one look at him and being like "Oh, he's not just a narcissistic rich man, he's a narcissistic rich man with a literal god complex.... interesting :)))" then proceeding to actually help him regardless. Bbgorl wouldn't know what hit him.
That's all for now folks, as you were 😊
....psst, hey, if anyone is interested in reading something with any of these ideas I would happily see what I can do to make a lil somethin'-somethin'. Also, if you wanna take a stab at writing any of these, all I ask is that you tag me so I can get some credit and so I can see y'all's awesome work <3
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Teaching them to say "I love you" in your native/foreign language: (Robin, Luffy, Sanji, Law) x GN Reader, SFW
Notes: [text] is supposed to mean it's in your language of choice
Whether they're saying "I <3 u" platonically or romantically is up to you
Summary: their approach to learning language plus how successful they are about being taught
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In general, she's interested in learning the dialects of the world, and will ask you to teach her other phrases in your native tongue too.
This becomes a whole thing, and in the daytime the other crewmates can hear your voices repeating phrases like,
(Off pronunciation) "[I want directions towards the East Blue]"
"No no, you gotta say it like... [I want directions towards the East Blue]..."
When you two get night shifts together, a lot of it is now spent coaching her on the phonetics and sometimes writing the words out for her to learn too. Before, conversation with Robin was a bit difficult to achieve, so you're glad you're getting to spend time with her this way.
She's a very good student and achieves excellent pronunciation thanks to ur help.
Emotional language doesn't come easy for her, but after one particularly productive session of learning, she smiles and says, "Can you check my pronunciation on this again? [I love you]"
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Luffy (+ a lil Zoro)
He's not an easy person to teach but lord you can try.
At first, you try to teach him + Zoro practical phrases in case either ever gets lost in a foreign country, but they both misconstrue sentences and always end up accidentally saying the most vile and awful shit imaginable.
You decide to teach them just one phrase, as love couldn't possibly be misunderstood.
"Repeat after me Luffy, Zoro, [I... love.... you...]"
"[Į... ļõve...ÿou...]" "[İ... łove... ou...]"
Luffy repeats the new phrase once curiously, and then something clicks under that big straw hat. He gets a great big smile on his face and starts saying “[I love you! I love you! I love you!]” as fast as he can to you, over and over. He starts going around saying it to everyone in the crew, who have no idea what he’s saying but smile anyways. Zoro acts like he doesn't care enough to say it in a he's-actually-just-too-shy kind of way.
Once, you guys encounter an enemy who speaks your native tongue, so Luffy says the only phrase he knows... declaring his love to the enemy, which baffles them but has you laughing your ass off. 
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Actually it happens that he's already memorized how to say "I love u" in just about every language across the blue seas... because he wanted to make sure he could get his message across to any lady in the world, even if they don't speak his language.
Absolutely pretends like he DIDN’T KNOW though, so you can teach him and hear you say "[I love you]" a million times.
Learning foreign languages was also something impressed on him by his father as part of an unkind curriculum, so getting to experience it in a new light with you, as a man free from his family, is something which deep down he is very grateful for. 
Will now alternate between saying he loves you in English and in your dialect when he sees you. 
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Besides being good at fights, as a doctor, he has a very studious side of him too. However, he rejects having the first phrase he learn to be “I love you,” instead of something practical. 
If you want to be a little mischievous you can promise to teach him a polite greeting when you’re actually teaching him to say, “[Good evening, may I be so kind as to propose my eternal love for you?]” If he ever finds out he’s going to get your ass beat though. 
Wouldn’t seek out learning because he has other things to do as captain, but if you two are ever bored together he’d enjoy having you coming over and teaching him. Sometimes you like pulling out one of medical books and translating different body parts and organs for him to learn to the best of your ability. 
One snowy day you find him standing alone on the deck of the Polar Tang, and maybe because he had something to drink that day, he starts talking to you about the Heart Pirate's crew and how grateful he is to everyone but especially you. At the end, you almost don't catch it, but you swear you hear him say, "[I love you]"
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Secret in your Heart
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate.
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I was tasked tonight as a fairy tale writer to witness the crown destroying a criminal syndicate.
But I found that the organization was a big one, and I had to hide in the shadows to avoid dragging them down.
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Evil-looking guy: "Hey. Isn't this the girl those guys had with them?"
Man with a scar: "Let's take her hostage. That way, we might have a chance."
The men before me were panting from running away, but they looked down at me with darkened eyes as they found their chance.
(What should I do?)
(I don't want to be a burden and slow them down.)
I intentionally put on a brave face so they wouldn't notice I was trembling.
Kate: "Taking me hostage won't affect them."
Man with a scar: "Haha! You say that even though you look like you might burst into tears. Pathetic. Let's take her."
Just as the men's hands reached for me, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the night.
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Roger: "Talking too loud wouldn't make it a secret conversation. Everyone can hear everything you say."
Kate: "Roger..."
Man with a scar: "What the fuck? I thought we were talking quietly."
Evil-looking guy: "What the hell is going on?"
At that moment, I burst into tears, unable to hold them back.
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Roger: "............."
Roger: "Pfft一ahahaha! You're still acting tough even though you're scared to death."
Roger: "Haha! Nice. I got to see some good stuff."
Roger smiled with satisfaction, leaving me and the other men dumbfounded.
Evil-looking man: “What are you laughing at?”
Roger: “Nothing? It’s none of your business.”
Evil-looking man: “Ha?”
Roger: “This lil’ lady is right. Taking her hostage is not gonna affect us.”
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Roger: “In other words, I don’t really care what happens to her.”
Kate: “----!”
Roger: “But I have my reason to help this fella out.”
Roger: “Well, it’s not like I’m letting you guys live in the first place, anyway.”
Roger glanced at me and smiled wryly.
Roger: “Close your eyes and cover your ears, lil’ lady.”
(Huh? What?)
Confused, I covered my ears and closed my eyes as he told me to, then一
The sound of gunfire shook my ears.
Roger: “It’s okay now.”
When I opened my eyes, the two were nowhere to be found, but I saw the sea rippling unnaturally, perhaps because “something” had been thrown into it.
Roger: “Once the eardrum is damaged, there’s a chance it won’t heal.”
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I suppressed the trembling emotions deep in my stomach and looked at Roger.
Kate: “Why did you save me?”
Roger: “I told you, I have my personal reason.”
He crouched down before me and grabbed my chin with his large hand.
Kate: “!?”
Roger: “I really like crying faces the most.”
Roger: “I couldn’t help but think how cute you were when I saw you trying to hold back your tears but ended up crying anyway.”
Kate: “Wha!?”
Roger: “Don’t tell the others I saved you because I was moved by your crying face.”
With an unreserved gaze, he stared at me and licked my wet cheek.
Kate: “Hey, what are you doing?”
Roger: “Hm? Just taking care of it.”
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Roger: “Haha! Your crying face is really nice.”
Roger: “If you want me to help you again, I’m gonna need to see you cry.”
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➟ Collection Event Masterlist
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creatively-storm · 1 month
Sure! Thanks for the ask @masterfuldoodler ! So, it started as a note for when me and a friend had to be quiet when our parents were in a meeting, and we couldn't talk but we wanted to lol. We kinda just showed memes, asked about shows, ect. (I'm not doing most of that because of personal information for both of us, but yeah) It just turned into me writing quotes afterwards. -"If it goes down, I'm yelling timber" -Me, about a relationship between a friend and a jerk. (It didn't last) -"I don't trust what I'm eating, lady" -[Lil' sister] to Mom, about cheese. -"Stupid little man hair!" - @doodlesthepinkdragon when annoyed with one of her OC's hair lol. -"I'm eating through the pain"-[Lil' sister], after stubbing her toe while eating. -"I'll need a lawyer even after I'm dead?! Ridiculous!!" -[Lil' brother]. -"Why is this taxi going so slow?. . .*Cue sinister little giggle and 'oopsie'*" -[Lil' sister], presumably playing a car video game on her tablet. Movie, show and book quotes- -"Mold is good for you. It's a natural organism." *-Jj from Outer Banks, talking about moldy bread, three seconds before spitting it out.* -"Wow, it's expensive to slowly rot your insides, isn't it?" *-Lorelai Gilmore, about buying candy and junk food for a movie night.* -"Oi, with the poodles already" *-Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls.* -"Who cares if I'm pretty if I fail my finals?" *-Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls.* -About 'I don't know if you're crazy or smart' "It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide" *-Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates Of The Caribbean Curse Of The Black Pearl.* -"You rancid piece of dog meat" *-Sir Gerek, protecting Rapunzel in 'The Golden Braid' (I recommend it, it's a fun read)* -"-But they can't win against the desires of my moustache and soul!" *-Gentle Criminal, season 4 episode 21 of MHA.* -"You're a failure because you stopped trying" *-Izuku towards the end of World Heroes Mission, deciding to hit me hard-* -"Stay strong, protect others, even if it means your life!" *-Kirishima, season 4 episode 9 of MHA.* -"Is that a joke?" -Tokoyami "Nope, I'm 20% serious!" *-Hawks, season 5 episode 5 MHA.*
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
Ok I have watched more of Justified. Just finished s1 ep11 here are my thots:
1) So let me get this straight. Raylan sleeps with the witness and loses his case entirely. At that point ALL THEY ASK HIM TO DO IS TO STAY AWAY FROM THE CRIMINAL AND THE HOT GIRL THATS IT.
But the FIRST THING HE DOES is go STRAIGHT to the jail and see the aforementioned criminal. THE FIRST THING! He doesn’t even stop at like the convenience store for a sweet tea
Then he ignores Ava’s call WAT. Raylan mayhaps I am but a humble queer woman but if someone told me to stay away from both a hot-lady-who-wanted-my-body and a convict, the part that would be difficult, would be the hot-lady part.
But I guess Raylan’s heart wants what it wants.
Then when Raylan goes to raid this man’s organization and everyone else is trying to work, they sit there together like they’re having a lil picnic. This was not necessary:
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I really thought this melodramatic narrow ass gay felon who uses ten dollar words when one dollar words will suffice was in unrequited love with Raylan but now I’m not so sure about the “un” part. Not sure Raylan knows it though.
2) where is my girlfriend why don’t they want me to see her? Give me more of her. Seriously where is Rachel. This show is not catering to my needs.
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3) I did get to see a little bit of Tim being a little drunk and showing his tatt which was nice I was like oooooo okay then Tim? it’s not just the baby face then? Alright ok I see you. I just love Tim and Rachel and I’d like to have more of them.
4) I despise Raylan’s dad with my whole heart and soul I just hate him.
5) Ava’s a gangster I fuckn love her.
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petrichorium · 7 months
i must know more about the kitties you have with your husbands 🫶🏻 pretty pwease
WHEEEEEEE ofc ofc I will gush abt them all always 🙏🏻 on a base level none of these cats r purebreds or anything they’re all strays either organically found or adopted from a shelter/another home. also there r so many pics i cant make them smaller so everything is utc
Gagamaru and I have one cat that was originally mine, Kabocha. He’s very sweet but is a bit flighty and takes a long time to warm up to Gagamaru; the first time I rlly have the hes the one thought is when I walk in on him napping on my couch w Kabo tucked into the crook of his arm dozing away bc!!!! It’s the first time he’s been comfortable enough to sleep on anyone other than me. Very himbo cat, absolutely gorgeous but total dumbass.
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Kuroo and I have three cats! I had two and he had one when we combined households we were veeeeeeery careful w introducing them 🥺 he’s had a grouchy old lady for as long as I’ve known him. Her name is Suki and he took her in as a stray after an elderly neighbor’s son let her loose; she adores him and it’s slow going but she comes to adore me as well. I had a cat that passed a few weeks after I met him and then didn’t have any pets for a while, but then abt half a year before we move in together he stumbles across a trio of kittens on his way to a date w me and the date devolves into us getting them care……. One unfortunately doesn’t make it :( but I end up taking in the other two; they’re a lil girl and boy named Mizuki and Hoshi. Old lady is tolerant of them but they’re def a bit too energetic for her so the only times they rlly interact r when they’re in a puddle together napping…. Suki is the calico, Mizuki and Hoshi r the white ones! Once they’re fully grown they’re both bigger than her, tho Hoshi is an absolute unit and is the biggest by quite a bit
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I believe I’ve said this once but. I have a perpetual series of completely normal housecats w Jing Yuan pfft I try my best but they have an unfortunate tendency of hunting his finches :( I only ever have one-three at a time and ofc I adore them all but I do end up w like fifty over the course of our lives together LMFAOOOOO including a few lil lineages where I kept many generations down the line!!! But the three that I’ve thought about r Jade and her kittens Bei and Feng (Yanqing named those two……) bc they’re the ones I have over the course of Mimi’s life. Mimi is a co-parent in their odd little pride, she and Jade grew up together and are very bonded n constantly exasperated by their rambunctious boys……. just like me and mine, though Yanqing and Jing Yuan constantly protest that comparison 🫣
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i Have talked abt shanks before but its funny to me so. this lil scrawny tuxedo kitten ends up following me onto the red force one day (bc i fed it) and nobody realizes until we've set off.... i am told i Cannot name it or get attached bc we Will be leaving it on the next island....... except the crew ends up getting attached and they name it sharkbait. SHARKBAIT. FOREVER bitter NEVER getting over it every time shanks and i get into any kind of fight i bring it up "ALSO YOU TOLD ME I COULDNT NAME THE DAMN CAT AND NOW ITS NAMED SHARKBAIT YOU STILL OWE ME" (he will never stop owing me)
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Lil bonus bc he’s been on the mind for months now: Capitano is not a cat person in fact when I first ask for one he gets me a pair of massive guard dogs that I stubbornly refuse to name at first and then end up calling Fluffy and Cuddles out of pure spite. Then I bitch enough that he does get me a kitten who Absolutely Fucking Despises Him tries to rip him to shreds every time he gets in bed with me (a week in he admits he finds it endearing but she does get kicked out of the room regularly when he wants alone time) I call her Lady she is a very elegant girl when she is not trying to murder him and actually gets along very well w the dogs, much to Capitano’s chagrin
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Great writing! Very wow.
May I request hickey headcannons for any monster you'd like!
Thank you! I couldn't decide on one, so I randomly chose three :)
Vass, Heath, and Chase
W: some nsfw and lots of hickies! somnophilia, a lil bit of murder
Vass doesn’t actually know what a hickey is, but sometimes he gets carried away sniffing you and likes to taste you. He nibbles and sucks on your neck until he leaves little spots and gets amused that he can make your skin turn colors and mark you.
He has no idea what effect this has on you and you spend the duration of the time he’s tormenting you blushing and whimpering trying to hide it.  
You're helping a customer in the shop one day and Heath happens to come around the corner when the male customer has got his hand on your leg while you’re standing on a ladder, getting him a book from the top shelf. 
He quickly gets in between the two of you, pulling you off the ladder and chasing you off so that he can help the customer
The second he’s got the customer gone he drags you in the back room and throws you on the couch.
“I gotta make it clearer that you’re mine, teacup.”
 He’ll start with the offending area, leaving marks and bites all over your leg, especially on the back of your knee. Then he’ll work his way up the inside of your thighs. He’ll inevitably get a bit distracted with your pussy for a while, trying desperately to leave little love bites all over that even though no one but him is going to see them.  
Finally, when you’re limp and glassy eyed from a few orgasms, he’ll make sure to leave a few marks on your neck for good measure, whispering into your ear about how you belong to him and he’s gonna mark you for good one of these days. 
You’re getting ready for a girls trip with some of the ladies that you volunteer with from the library. You all are going skiing. Chase is always apprehensive to let you go out on your own, but he’s of course going to be hiding in the trees watching you the whole time, so you’ll be perfectly safe. He wants you to have a normal, perfect life after all. That means girls trips with girls Chase approves of. 
He’s listening to you describe the activities planned, while you fold up thick sweaters. Skiing, of course, and a trip to the spa. He knew all about that. He’d chosen the lodge himself. He’d organized a female ski instructor and the suite to keep you ladies entertained. What he didn’t know about was the wine tasting with the handsome sommelier pictured on the cover of the pamphlet you were handing him, that one of the other ladies had organized as a surprise. 
Frowning he weighs his options in his head. He could cancel your trip, but that would make you sad. Chase wants your life to be perfect. Sadness is not an option. Narrowing his eyes he decides its best to make sure there’s no question who you belong to. 
To your surprise, he pounces on you, tentacles latching onto your wrists to hold you down to the bed. You squeal as one of his tentacles wraps around your neck and head, pulling it to the side. 
“Chase, what are you doing?” “I need to taste you, cupcake. You’re going to be gone so long, I’m gonna miss you.”  
He starts by nuzzling your ear with his nose and scattering gentle kisses on your neck, before they become hotter and heavier. You can feel his hot breath condensing on your skin and his sharp teeth scraping the flesh. Then he pinches your skin with them, leaving little sparkling bites all down the column of your neck. 
Finally he starts kissing more heavily, his tentacles finding their way up your skirt to stroke your slit, sucking on the skin and leaving dark, round marks all the way down to your collarbone. He wants to get them everywhere so they're impossible to hide, being sure to leave a few just on the backside of your shoulder where you would never think to put makeup, but someone standing behind you would see immediately.
When you start begging for him to take you, he would pull away, leaving you wanting and reminding you that you have to pack for your trip, knowing that he’s going to get to watch you from your hotel room window that night while you play with yourself thinking about him. 
As soon as you were slippery and dead asleep he’d be sure to sneak into your room and give you a really good dream before slinking off to go murder the sommelier. Despite all the marks he worked so hard to place, he just can’t let that bastard lay his eyes on you, after all.
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My new whiteboard calendar (you can get these bitches shockingly cheap, I only paid like $15 which is like half of what I expected to pay even if it's still a lot for me right now) arrived and I'm trying to decide where in my room to hang it for optimal use.
I saw this really cool idea of using color coded dots to mark self care tasks on a white board calendar in order to track how often they're actually happening, which would be super helpful for me since I am uhhhhhhhh very bad at the concept of the passage of time and frequently can't remember how long it's been since I (for example) ate. Or showered. Or did my physio exercises. Or saw the sun.
So it seems helpful to track these things without having to exert a lot of in-the-moment effort. Just snag the right color marker and draw a lil dot on the day and move on.
I figure I can also use it for more involved tracking as I find it helpful, like marking certain health symptoms or allergen exposures or other stuff like that. But I want "lots of colorful dots on my calendar" to light up my brain like a christmas tree every time I see it, so I may not include anything that would "mix the signals" so to speak. I have a pack of 9 colors coming in soon, but for now I have 5 colors to work with. I figure if I come up with more than 9 tasks to track, I can do dual-colored dots for the extra ones, or maybe the same colors but in different shapes like stars or hearts.
So "what should my self care tasks be" is my next question. I'm thinking (non-exhaustively):
Took the dogs out
Ate a meal other than dinner
Refilled my water bottle
Did a round of physio exercises/yoga/pilates
Ran a training session with the dogs
Spent 15 minutes cleaning or tidying something
Took my medicine
Listened to music for at least 30min
Brushed my teeth
I figure I can pretty easily manage 9x3 tasks to document on this thing between circles, stars, and hearts to mark them. So I figure the circles should each be done at least once a day (bare minimum tasks needed for me to do well mentally/physically that day. I think hearts should be things that need to happen at least once a week, and stars should be "this is some absolutely extra shit that is GREAT when it happens but that's usually once in a blue moon". That way I know at a glance how many critical, maintenance, and progress oriented self care tasks have happened in a day/week/month.
So for hearts I'm thinking:
Took a bath
Took the dogs to the park
Refilled my med pack
Washed a load of laundry
Take out all trash bags and reline the bins
Took the dogs on a full circuit walk
Take out one bag of recycling
Closed out all of my notes for the workday
Charged my headphones
For the stars I'm thinking:
Deep cleaned one room of the house
Changed the bed linens
Date night with wifey
Got a massage/joint manipulation session from someone
Put away clean clothes
Deep Pressure therapy with headphones
Empty one doom box
Wash and organize dog toys
Public access training with Lil Lady
Even just looking at this list makes me feel overwhelmed by the idea of doing these tasks regularly which tells me I am not doing them anywhere near often enough, so this will be interesting.
The good news of course is that since it's a whiteboard I can change my list whenever I want lmao
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3.8.24 Friday
2:08 am
I still have windblow.... Tomorrow will surrender my id-badge in Conduent.... I feel fucking bitter in life... What am I gonna do? Where to get luck? Shit! This fucking people who are smashing me since 2007...
2:36 am
Still, have windblow....Done, watching "Thanskgiving", sometimes the crime was made by a police.... Weird and scary.....
9:47 am
Text of Uncle DD but on his name...
Passing the responsibilities, so fake...
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1:40 pm
I have windblow... I feel bitter... First I lost the xfactor!! 2nd please reds or 20's even yellow get out of my hair coz you just damaged me just be responsible....I didn't get them..
I lost xfactor for 17 years and I can't get a career growth on my own... But I want yellow intellectual but there is nobody...
Done, surrendering my id-badge in Conduent... The fake Concentrix is still fake on me and remembering the face of that old lady...There are people who are organized to damage me since 2007! No opening in Concentrix Moa even in Cavite, it is just a HUB...
On EXL they are bullshit,the opening for less than 6 months of call center experience will be next month... So,they will just update me...
Hoping and praying for Amazon!
3:07 pm
I have windblow...
I'm in the house now...People of the Philippines ( What is the spelling of Philippines or Flipna-fins? Or in drugs Philippines? ) are so balimbing....Now they are for yellow here in Cavite,I don't like ordinary minds of Filipino's... Now they are on yellow... I just want yellow as symbolism of intellectual marriage.
I'm a college graduate but my country is super drunk these days...I'm thinking of money angels...I wonder who switch the red into yellow,they are all the same...Fake faces!!! Still, having money...
I need money and job angels... Later, will try to check Padis Point at bacoor what opening I can have there just for part time. Singer or waitressing but definetly will go back to call center.... I feel bitter I can speak English and I can't get dates! I need money....
3:33 pm
I have windblow...
It is so strange that I still have menstrual headache or the people in call center are copying me then removing me.....I observed that ever since...
I also hate Church Of Christ, they are all the same.... The UP stole my thunder....Hating them all...
Even Bisayaz are here in Cavite they all took my thunder!!
3:36 pm
This Uncle DD is somehow fake and he couldn't understand without upgrading even there will be TV, in a lil while it needs the TV box of dasca cable to activate the channels....
This Uncle Jun is just a media man here....
I feel fat and ugly... I feel super ugly... I need a job and money!!!
I need to see chiropractor but I don't have bigger fundings... I wanna have nose perfection and my bleaching or lasers... I miss having yaya... Nobody wants me on the black... I can't meet white these days aside from that fucking cute face of Revo....Can they beat that cuteness and with stability???
I need someone who can accept me as me and willing to return my Barbie Image, I need a foot spa...
At the end of sour graping, I need a career growth! I need money in call center...
3:52 pm
I feel intimidated here in Cavite... I don't like Bisayaz then much more silkier than me angels... I feel intimidated...
3:54 pm
I have windblow... I'm so broke.. Can I call a fallen angels to lift me? A call boy or macho dancer but not that bulky... I'm so desparate! I'm supposed to be paying them to be my escort.... That's the problem!!!
I feel bitter!!! No job and No bf!
4:20 pm
I don't like DJ's angels they are so thicked and heartless and insensitive!
4:29 pm
I have windblow!!! GRRR....
I'm so fucking stress and intimidated by the Bisayaz and Cavitenyas.
I wanna cute bf who can lift me up,where can I get that just like the face of Revo....A white skinned this time..... I need a lift and I need a fix on me....
4:45 pm
I didn't know that Padis in Bacoor is loud people...I will try to be a part time singer or waitress...
Shit, loud group....Hmm....I haven't tried singing on a loud crowd.....
4:55 pm
I need money.... I need a part time job just for 2 days....Singer or waitrissing...
I haven't tried singing on a loud people.... I need 2 days per week and I will go back to call center....Will do the job just for 2 days in a week...Who can help me to earn money these days?
I'm a mellow singer not loud....Not that jumpy,not that happy... Will they help me? I love singing in a way... But I didn't have the chance to be on TV.
Someone asked me in the bus awhile ago if I have a manager, I said none... Hope to get Mr Boy or Tita Fermin if ever but in reality I have no manager. I said I need money but I have other job. I really wanna be an artist on TV plus I need a lawyer...
I dream to be super famous, what will be the changes in me if I get famous and if I have lots of money coz of being famous... But I'm always flatten most specially since 2007!
5:13 pm
I always wanted to be acknowledge as you have a pretty face and nice voice and you have really charming pretty face, it healed me and it will heal me that way coz smashing me since 2007 it really hurt me a lot!!! But I always feel fat and ugly coz I'm not fixing at all these days....
Smart is being accepting the possible positive changes going to fame or uphill or any positive changes in life...
8:41 pm
I'm with my friend Ely here in Padi's Bacoor me applying and thanking my friend for always backing-up and possible back-up in a lil while...
Just leave my resume coz I'm gonna be out of fundings in a lil while...
The price here is really for matured people angels...
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10:12 pm
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With Aries the lead vocal the Friday Band...
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11:22 pm
Bar hopping....Different image than Padis,a friend of Ely is here in Epi-Center...
The band is good and if you wanna chill... More on Tagalog songs near 767 Disco club Imus...
Smaller space but cool....
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It is somehow the same the price ...I thought there are no alcoholic drinks...
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They also sing English-Reggae** ( correction ).
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1:49 am
I'm in the house now.....Hmm.... Hope I can get a part time in Padis... Thanks to Ely for accompanying me...
I still feel self-pity coz thinking of money and job... I need money....I will be out of fundings in a lil while... I wanna cry...
2:05 am
Where can I get a handsome and nice and supportive bf, I hate commuting and I miss driving.... But it is hard to get a bf when I'm poor...
I still have windblow and I feel jealous on other women... I feel fat and ugly...
2:34 am
So,weird there was no area 1 jeep route, so strange....I feel bitter here in Cavite...
I feel hopeless....I'm thinking of Mark now coz of Revo's face....I wanna leave Cavite but I hate being 2nd choice... I'm always in the middle of embarassment here in Cavite....I feel ugly....I can't have vanity that is rightful for me.... I feel so intimidated.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 9 months
Watch "Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya, P!nk - Lady Marmalade" on YouTube
This is how it goes our son is talking to people and he said we should have an entertainment facility and call it off Broadway they have a nice venue for a lot of Acts plays and even a small movie productions that are live in front of you and huge like a huge stage that you could put in all sorts of things and it have all sorts of entertainment circus acts and so forth and indifferent theaters and throughout the facility then the lady said I have gambling and on sunset it probably around the theaters cuz she says you go in and you're excited by the ACT and we do like Batman v can you come out and then be gambling and we have guys in cosplay as the bad guys usually have the like the gang members and you want to win against them cuz you're for Batman you know hahaha and we sell like a little mask and we'd have some some people that look just like him I'll probably have the real guys and she says like that too and then there would be a lot of one arm bandits and our son and daughter almost insist in the old-fashioned ones I have a roll of those and old fashioned Pepsi machines he says Coca-Cola I'll have Coke she'll have Pepsi and so she's laughing going yeah that's right. So yeah we have all sorts of gambling around it and high stakes and you can like gamble with the Stars after and they usually do that I'll play a few hands of poker and it's going to be intense this is a great idea but this is off Broadway now it's off the boardwalk and it is down the road in the future the people think it's Vegas but it's not they're trying to tell him that Vegas gets hammered they rebuild it and they make a huge too they have something like this but we had it first and we have much larger ones that they perform in and he had an idea for making different stage things come out and there's a few ways to do it and the girls love it I think it's awesome the guy said you make a different for each one and we could do that it's not a hard thing to do you make like a upside down crane system on a grid and you can move them around and you make the grooves for each show replace the panels and start over and it would be safe but he's saying going to see the groove and they check Taylor Swift's stuff and it's kind of not great and they tried to fix it and she wouldn't and then she did and the other guys got mad cuz that's how it works but really it's a good idea
I'm sending emergency aid to where we can get to in some places we can we heard about this and we couldn't get anything in there and troops are going there and taking it for you send stuff in so we drew the troops off they brought some stuff and at night they left...
And here it is we have a whole bunch of people who want to help they want to do things we have a large volunteer organization that we find it helps all over the world and it's time for this to happen we're accepting volunteers if you have a location that needs help and you want to volunteer let us know then you can call all your friends it is not really a permanent position but you can vote you can ask for a position and we can we hire you. We have a whole bunch of units and you guys are intimates called rescue rangers and they work with these people quite often
There's a lot going on with these things are center stage now
Thor Freya
This act opens fairly soon and a lot sooner than people think it's not a month it's less time people are now flocking to try and get a casino in and I see our son's idea the others go to these casinos and they put in maybe 500 seats and or you go to a sports facility to watch theater it's really not that great but they have news stadiums they have huge TV screens and other in their high qualities and Taylor Swift has a humongous stadium it's really actually big and it seems like 250,000 people and it's really only like and we can it's 800 / 900 ft and we can make it bigger I don't think you want to but and we could sell several in no it would be only one but that's the idea he says and there'll be a couple stories of that kind of thing or maybe two blocks with a few different types of theaters and even one to create a movie in or part of a movie they be filming parts of the movie or a part of a short movie or short movie in right in front of you a real movie and they're wondering how that would work but it's just like a set so we know how it works and people would be amazed and they would be clapping and they say no clapping and no coffee and all stuff and the actress would love it cuz it's like this is really what we're doing and it just spell stuff I've never heard this idea but it's great and you would have movies there movie theaters probably 50 or or so new movies and several old ones playing even the Bengali type stuff and people like it sometimes and plays and music concerts so I guess I guess you have to make it bigger and go behind it or you know you put it on in the middle so we're going to think about that but it's a great idea because the place is so damn big and it would be room for much of that in each one and then be a conference facility a real one for shows of all sorts of kinds of shows local shows for wine and you know he said that this morning we could introduce ourselves and so we're going to put in a conference center would like you to show up to do part of the show with your wines and they said you've got to be kidding me he said we're having trouble selling them and so we have a few solutions and they said we already know and said oh good and they said why are they I said we use clean water to feed it and some fertilizer and then you're over water a little and you just use the grapes and they said how the hell did you do that so you filter out all the solids and it works he says you don't add any water and he said wow that's great so they started a few places started it and it works and so they looked at the news ad and they called and they're doing it and say the same wow this is smart and he did it so looking at us parents and said yes and we're pretty big and they said that's terrific will be there so we can give brochure on the on the facility how much it is for a booth and so forth and how many booster would be and we're organized it and said you can bring a big props and small props and setups of wine seller examples you sell and they're like amazed at how much stuff we were going to put in there and find it is interested in doing part of the wine show and our son says why don't you make a huge bottle of your wine and because you're Biden or Tom Cruise you could you have a contest for it is what was that all about he says you have to have a couple types you know what I mean and he says oh yeah he's going to do it too and it's a beautiful idea people love it and really have to have a huge party and it will stay though and you cork it right... Going ahead and we're putting in a beer factory and that should anchor it there for everything no we're not going to pipe it in people don't like it I'm not sure we like it it's kind of eerie. It's going to be possibly a small chocolate factory and that is a topic they thought the place was out in Bavaria but there's something out there we're going to get on to some other stuff but wow there's a lot of responses a lot more than people think
Thor Freya
This is a great idea to put it at the end of the strip and they do it all week and it tracks people you still have headliners downtown but they might do it a small act during the day and move back to the strip and the girls might not realize it but the actor who is like top notch and the facilities are going to be full all week and they said but the head weights come in the weekend and actually they're right so we have to keep that in mind and he also says you can move the theater cuz it looks historical into the inside of one of them and they said no way and the whole building so you go inside and the building is there with the theater and it's not a huge building it's only about 700 ft by 500 foot or 600 my about 100 feet high 450 and the theater is pretty big seats like a thousand people and there's only one in it and people think that's nuts but we think it's cool and he says you put like a main Street complete with artificial paving and sidewalks and you have girls on the street giving out information about the ACT but they look like illegal girls and the selling stuff just trying to say something what is this all about sounds like little whiskey bars and girls used to do that and cigars some girls would have like a carrying thing with cigars and it was on their belt and they're selling cigars and it's so whiskey that way by the shot and you have plastic little whiskey things and they like this idea that's really crazy but that's how he thinks I'm going ahead with a lot of this stuff and some way to have some escapism and it's not bad and it's going to create a community and tons of factories I'm going in already and we've had a lot of false starts but we can't afford this anymore and our people have to do something but really we're hiring a lot of local help it's pretty tough
They actually doing stuff it's not so aggressive no it is with this stuff isn't started the facility is begun and he told us to wall it off and build it it won't build it without long enough and it's true too we've had a lot of customers and so other stuff is going slower and it's because of that but now people want to get going on they want to have mine shows and things like that and it's Napa valley and there's two other valleys and he said you make this huge wine store and it has the three valleys and different areas all wine the whole thing and there's like 500 wines each and he says that's not very big and it really is it'll be about as big as Julio's but mostly wine and you have other places next door but you go in and it would look like a wine cellar because it would be kept cool and it would have the same construction I think that's a great idea too and then they'd have an outlet there and maybe he wanted each town people come from all over the world and they wouldn't trade salt over The vineyards unless they wanted to see it so they buy it there a few bottles then they want to go see it and they buy them up there if that's how it goes and they actually like that idea we're going to get some calls
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moodywyrm · 10 months
exactly . and then somehow i lose all of my tools as soon as i need them
ok listen.. i was checking through our luggage just to make sure we have everything and she let me go through her suitcase and there was one pocket of one of her bags she wouldn’t let me see and it looked like it had a box in it so ..
ugh felt :( i stopped going to my family christmas party because some of my relatives are not very accepting of my relationship 😭 and they tried to set me up with one of my male cousins so .
making friends and keeping the streets safe!! good for her! also omg ! the percy jackson at the local bookstore is like $50
i know it’s so crazy! like wdym that laying in bed for 6 hours makes me feel worse and i actually have to be nice to myself to feel good..
yayy haul!! and yummy omg, a good lunch and a good nap !! and it’s awesome you’re making so much progress :o what colors do you have??
yesterday was good!! i spent most of the day organizing everything for our trip and making a schedule for myself for this year/next year with work and school and personal stuff 😭 and then i wrestled with binx trying to trim his nails >:( lil man is getting Big, it took me and my gf to hold him still 💔
how’s your day?
- 🩷
the curse and blessing of ikea 💔
oh my god!!! the calmest stroll in the world, omg!!!
with. your cousin. your cousin??? what the fuck????? Homophobes are so fuckjng weird and icky wtf man!!! Fuck their holiday celebrations, y’all’s are way better and significantly less incestuous
keeping the streets safe!! she’s done it again 😩 barked at a nice lady 😩 i was very embarrassed 💔 $50 is evil, but it makes sense if each book is sold individually for $10 but also :(
what do you mean i have to be nice to myself!!! insane. crazy. unheard of.
it was a very nice haul!! I got dark brown, forest green, a sort of burnt orange, and then a golden yellow? I also got a burgundy yarn bc idk if j in want to use the bright red that i already have for the leaves?
Organizing and scheduling!!! Very productive!! Binxy boy oh my god 😭😭 he’s getting too damn big!!!
Todays been okay! I got up early and walked and played with the dogs and then did my usual chores, but for some reason I’ve been irritated and overstimulated like all day? And now I have hiccups? I’m gonna scream
How’s your day been?
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tetsuo-z · 1 year
Group Chat 2
Kaori: Hey… Can I ask you guys a question?
Lady Kei💕: Sure
Bad Boy K: Go for it!
Kai: Yeah
Lil Mizuki🌟: Of Course
❤️Daddy❤️: Wassup?
Kaori: Do you think long hair is prettier or short?
Bad Boy K: Well it doesn’t matter to me as long as there sexy and got an ass 😜😜
Lady Kei💕: mhmm… Well I would say it doesn’t matter as long as you got a good heart.
Kaori: S-So short hair isn’t ugly… It doesn’t make a girl look… manly.
Lil Mizuki🌟: Well some girls do
❤️Daddy❤️: I’m more concerned on where this question is coming from?🤨
Kai: I would say if she’s ugly, insecure, weird, or always crybaby. That alone is unappealing and no hairstyle would make her likable or appealing, but I prefer girls with long hair🙂
Kaori: …I-I think I’m going to go to bed… goodnight
Bad Boy K: Wait!… Don’t Kaori have short hair.
Lil Mizuki🌟: I heard she was a bit insecure about her hair…😔
Lady Kei💕: 🫢 I think I finally understood why she asked the question… I believe Kai’s response didn’t help her case.
❤️Daddy❤️: You’re asking for a death wish KAI!
Kai: W-Wait what did I do…?
❤️Daddy❤️: I came back home and she was crying in the room, saying how she’s ugly and all this other Nonsense shit! Then I CHECK THE CHATROOM.
Kai: I swear to you, I wasn’t talking about her😭😭
❤️Daddy❤️: You’re a dead man tomorrow!
Kaori is insecure about her pixie cut. She wanted to try a new and more mature look.
Read the main story of them from my AO3 story
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