#i figured out something writing-wise that ive been stuck on for a really long time and im so excited
spikeinthepunch · 10 months
Penrose: Dawning- the dev blog
Okay well my game has been up for a few days now, and the Jam is over so yeah, why not give a massive blog about it and the development and characters and feelings etc.
again this was quite a feat for me, so to say. as small as the game is. ive been struggling a ton for years and years, so the process and experience has stuck with me for the last month.
The personal
If you have followed and read some of my posts from the last month youd probably seen me talking about having seen a neurophysiologist-- my appointments for that were happening for quite a while before this month but this month was the end of it. Aside from it clearly being a huge stressor in general, it was also a huge eye opener to my problems. Which yeah, include my ability to Make Things. Not art- but everything else. The listening & reading comprehension, math and memory I tested on being really really bad. And it was great to understand that now! but having decided to take on the Jam was a lot and well, even though on one hand i felt good that I knew my issues.... it didn't mean i solved my issues. Now i was just way more away of them.
So, I tried my hardest I think because I knew I'd always give up on this stuff. And well, my mood meds were still kinda helping. I think there was a different kind of determination despite the upset that some of those tests caused me. Still, I faced a lot of anxiety, frusteration, and upsetting feelings in the process because of how hard it was for me to learn even the smallest things. I won't go super hard on that-- I just want to appreciate the small community of Narrat for being able to help and clarify my confusion even if I'd often say to myself "ugh, that was such a simple thing! i shouldnt need to get it clarified two times over!" etc etc.
still despite the variety of emotions i faced i came out of this really thinking 'wow i actually made something' because literally all these years i have never realized a larger project due to my issues. so for that i can be happy.
The development
the process of making this game was interesting because obvious i had never put my assumptions about the best way to develop to the test. i could think all the while "ill do this first, this second etc" but until you start making it you may realize you gotta do something else!
the fact this was only a month long didnt really give me much time to figure out better ways to develop, it i was already a ways into it. so i came out realizing what i could do diffferent. one thing for sure is i know i couldnt start with art. its just not possible in general to predict the art i would need clearly, because even if i were to write a lot, i felt that making dialog branches was much easier while i was coding because i never knew how far i would want them to go.
but also, in terms of writing- i already write a lot and i kinda have my mental process. getting that to work with the game was tough, and while i liked how i wrote for this game, i feel like it faltered in the sense that writing so many bits of it entirely away from each other had my struggling to make sure i felt connected. like, writing on one huge document allows me to easily refer back and having it all together makes it flow well in my head. but having them scattered around code was hard for me to track and i was never sure if it all felt like it connected up well. i also think in general if i wrote most of the important chunks- stuff not incredibly reliant on branches/choices- that i probably would have written waaaay more too. its just a format of writing that is natural.
there isnt too much as i did in the game coding wise so i dont have too many comments on development process. but i know i would like to make games in narrat that use the typical features found in games like DE (as the engine was inspired by), like stats/skills and maybe inventory depending on the thing.
The story & design
i dont plan to explain the story in detail here (a lot of secret context it on my discord) and i have talked loads about trying to write the themes its tackled.
the main thing about it is just that i have never properly realized Penrose and well. I was facing a creative block this last month which caused more struggles. But it was harder with art- mostly design. coming up with a design is harder in a block than reading a thing that says "draw a series of houses". thinking up something new is not easy. and my head also gets very stuck up in "if you design this and draw it, you can never change it".
Eden was pulled from my old unused RP character, Eden Creature, and so i was able to base her off something already. even so making anything at all was hard- even for Mick who already existed. I really didnt want her and Eden to revert back into my old style because its just no me anymore but at the same time i do want to get something unique for this story. Dawning does not reflect what I want exactly. I like what i managed to do esp in working with my time constraints. but, its not something i want to keep doing going forward.
the story was WAY more condensed than i thought it would be and its because i didnt really realize how quickly approaching the deadline was compared to my work. but at the same time i am glad it was? i was quite ambitious with how big i wanted this "proof of concept" to be, to where i definitely probably would have gotten farther in the plot and realized i had no clue exactly what I wanted.
because i do have a general idea of this story but not like. enough. and so shortening the story hugely for this demo was actually a good thing because i would have had to write a lot more and also probably wouldnt have been able to explain lore well enough because of how little i understood my own world. and when youre creative blocked its incredibly hard trying to development of that world too.
i mentioned it breifly in a blog post but tbh the most scary part is having it hit that i am nervous has to how people will take my characters. not in a criticism kinda way but just the idea that people just wont really 'get' them. and even just the idea that my OCs have been "presented to the world" in some sense. i do stuff in my own little space all the time and never think about what it would really be like to put a game on itch.io or even like publish a proper animation on youtube or publish a book or something. its different and its weird because i have always thought to myself that i want people to see my OCs! but then i put it up in a place where it likely will be seen and I am afraid of that.
its probably for it being a first time. and also i need to learn confidence in this kind of work i was so into thinking i could never truly make because of my issues. this was still like, very very hard to do mentally etc and i feel very exhausted. but i really dont want this to be the first and last time i try and make something.
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marrras · 3 years
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first multi-animator project part in a while :-) + arc 1 damir design finally
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sylvie-writes · 3 years
Dr. Husband
word count: 5278
pairing: doctor steve rogers x wife reader
warnings: talks about heat exhaustion? there’s nothing graphic, but if the hospital theme bothers you, then this isn’t the fic to read!
prompts (from @/fluffyomlette): “Your pulse is a little high. Is it because I’m holding your hand?” and “You’re not supposed to pick favourites, doc.” “Trust me, if I didn’t, you’d be dead by now.”
a/n: this just popped in my head about a month ago and i had to write it for no explainable reason. i really couldn’t think of a title oops. if you all have a better idea please tell me so i can change it lol.
please excuse any mistakes!
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Summer was finally in full force, blazing sun rays beamed down on the dry ground and once gorgeous flowers drooped in dire need of water. Sounds of children playing outside, pool water splashing as a result of cannonballs, while lawnmowers whirled to life and laughter from the watching wives resounded this afternoon. In your neighborhood, it was tradition that the women would get together every other Saturday and have drinks in the cul-de-sac while their husbands had unsaid competitions of manicuring their yards. Unfortunately for you, your husband was a doctor and that meant little time for him to do the yard, and you didn’t have children at the moment that could go play with the others. The women who were your neighbors were a bit too picky choosy for your taste. They only seemed to bond over their children and sitting around home, two of which you didn’t have or do, so you weren’t ever truly invited to their day-drinking. It was actually fine with you as these people were so hot n’cold and you were just tired of trying to fit in with faux friends. You had plenty of true friends and then your husband who was a child of his own.
For three weekends so far, Steve had told you he’d cut the lawn and as much as you wanted to believe him, you knew that he was so exhausted from work and being on call a majority of the time, that he would never find the hours to do so. That was okay with you because what he did was important and you weren’t gonna be on his ass like the feds about the yard when you could easily do it yourself. It wasn’t like he was just sitting around, no, he was working so you just decided to cut the lawn yourself, something you’d done plenty of times before. 
Unfortunately the day you chose to do so, the sun was out blazing and a simple walk out the door was a trip to an off-brand hell. Instead of making a wise decision and waiting to cut the grass in the evening, you chose the latter and decided to cut the grass at noon, the very time the sun was in full shine. 
Dressed in attire for yard work and having already eaten a sandwich for lunch, you headed out the garage door to tackle the mess there in hopes of finding the push mower within. Steve’s father, Joseph, had given you both a lot of his lawn equipment, but the riding mower was broken at the moment and you (again) stupidly decided to push mow the almost two acre lawn. It took a good half hour to get the darned thing out on the driveway and while doing so, you noticed that your neighbors, the wives to be exact, had decided to come out for one of their occasional and somehow spontaneous get-togethers which consisted of unattended kids drawing with chalk as their mothers sat a few feet away dipping their feet in the small splash pool. You often found the idea both inventive and funny. 
For only a second more did you let your attention linger on the group before returning back to fill the lawn mower with gasoline. After doing so, you tossed on a pair of sunglasses and went full steam ahead with cutting the grass, disregarding the rising, and very unsafe, temperature. 
About an hour in, the temp had already risen to be above 100 and something no one should have spent any longer than half an hour in. Steve had always said you were stubborn at all the wrong times and boy was he right. You had just finished up half of the front yard and quarter of the back yard. It was mad that you were actually thinking about pushing mowing two acres, especially in this unruly weather. 
You were so determined and when your mind was set on something, you let all other matters slip away, including regards for your own health. The unusual amount of sweat on your skin seemed to go unnoticed by you as well did the growing headache. 
Finally, about half an hour later, more of the backyard was finished and your inner saboteur continued to influence your goals. 
“Just finish this half and you will be close enough to the end,” translated into “Just finish the whole yard, you might as well since you are this close.” 
This was the worst mindset to have, especially with the given circumstances as you had been out here for at least two hours, no drinks of any sort, no real breaks aside from fueling the lawn mower, and no cares to the worsening symptoms that now included noticeable dizziness. 
The lawn mower eventually ran out of gas and you went to refill it once more. Making your way through the front yard, your unknown adrenaline rush came to an end along with the machine’s power. It wasn’t until your vision started to star and blur that you finally noticed your decline in health, but by then it was too late and you were on the plush and groomed grass of the front yard. Ironically, you noticed the fruits of your labor since you were currently laying on it.
Five minutes had passed since your drop to the ground and one of the ladies out in the court, Genevieve, noticed your figure, quite the contrast to the viridescent grass. Despite that she thought you were “demented” for cutting the grass yourself, she knew you weren’t unhinged, so to say, that you would just lay on the grass as it would serve no purpose to do so. She didn’t take you for a nature lover either so this was not normal. 
Genevieve squatted down in the lawn, her sparkly sandals reflecting in the sea of green. Unknowing of what to do, the woman in a panic threw the back of her hand to your forehead and you burned hotter than a metal kettle. By time she stood, the other ladies had gathered around and were now circling in mass hysteria as if they were staring at a dead body and not your unconscious, yet breathing frame. Many long seconds later, Priscilla, who was Genevieve’s closest friend and who despised you as much as you did her, decided to call 911. The other moms then left to go usher their children away from what they described as a “traumatic experience” and back to their large homes for some sort of last minute luncheon. 
Eventually, an ambulance arrived in your usually quiet neighborhood, something that was clearly displayed as almost every neighbor popped their heads out of their houses in sheer curiosity. Their nosey nature often bothered you but was normally put behind some sort of service act such as a baked cake or bottle of wine just to be invited into your house. You didn’t miss the way your neighbors would study your house when they were finally welcomed in. Steve was much better at hiding his cross nature and would return some compassion of his own while you struggled to bottle your annoyance and sealed it with a forced smile. As luck would have it though, you were knocked out and couldn’t give them a piece of your mind for staring because heavens know this would’ve been the last straw and no one could have stopped your rant. 
It was when you were in the red wagon and being attended over by paramedics that you noticed you were on the way to somewhere that wasn’t home. 
 At the hospital, the doctor and nurses hydrated you back to reality and suddenly you appeared in a bed, a doctor standing at the side with a clipboard in hand allowing your mind to draw up a million conclusions before you remembered what you had done last. 
The doctor spoke a fast introduction and he then moved on to fill you in on what had happened as confusion still painted your face although when he told you Genevieve’s account of what led up to your ultimate passing out, you visibly cringed at such carelessness that ended up bringing you here. Hundreds of falls, burns, and bruises thanks to your clumsy nature, but this had to be the one thing to send you to the hospital. Some sort of twisted joke it sure was. 
Moving to roll a stool to your bedside, the doctor passed you a cold bottle of water before bringing his eyes to give your IV a quick check as a nurse had put it in not too long before you awoke. 
“Luckily, Mrs. Rogers, your neighbors found you in time and you only experienced severe heat exhaustion. Had you prolonged your exposure anymore you could have experienced a heat stroke. For now, I ask that you rest and I’ll come back to release you.” The doctor expressed his reassurance with a kind grin before walking out of the plain and boxy room that could make one go insane with its lack of liveliness. 
Staring out the open doorway and into the empty hallway, you knew that Steve worked on this very floor, but honestly what were the chances that he’d see you? At one point he’d eventually find out about today’s mishaps, but that was a problem for later when you were more conscious and caring. Letting your worries temporarily go (something that was only happening thanks to your fatigued mind), you slightly shifted into a somewhat “comfortable” position on the stiff bed and rough cotton sheets. Albeit that there was an IV uncomfortably stuck in your arm, you fell into a much needed slumber. 
Lunch break at last. 
That was all that had been on Steve's mind for the past three hours which had been extremely hectic. Granted, he was used to this fast-paced workplace having worked here for almost a decade, but today was absolutely out of control with injured patients coming in left and right. It wasn’t some sort of bad omen, rather just an unlucky day for many Steve had assumed. He had just finished up with a pediatric case and was now on his way to enjoy the leftover baked chicken salsa that you had made just for him last night and packed for his lunch this morning. You knew how busy his week had been and you took the liberty to make his favorite dinner dish to compensate for the work that had left such a toll on him. A smile immediately overtook his face when he walked in the house last night and that’s when you decided that you would gladly cook anything he’d like over and over again just to see that look of adoration. As Steve held you in his arms at that moment, he kept thinking how he really didn’t deserve you and little did he know, the same thought ran in your own mind. Yet, in reality, you both went together like a puzzle piece to a puzzle. Without the piece, the picture would never be completed and without the other, you and Steve would have never enjoyed life to the fullest. 
Strutting down the never ending hall, Steve passed many doors, some he had been in just a mere hour or two ago. As he walked past an open door and did a double take as he saw a patient asleep, but no sign of anyone else in the room. If he were that patient, he’d want the door shut for some privacy, something which the man highly valued, so he crossed the short distance and closed the door. He didn’t mean to look at the patient for so long as they weren’t in his care and that would be awfully creepy, but Steve could help but do a double take and noticed that the familiar face was, in fact, you. From first glance it didn’t even look like you and that was coming from the man who had studied your face just to commit it to his memory. In a loving way, of course. 
He slowly walked in your room, taking in the image before him of you lying in a hospital bed. His mind had assumed that the worst thing had happened to you and for a moment, Steve’s breathing ceased and his legs were glued to the ground. As his eyes scanned over your body again, his fears were calmed when there were no visible wounds and you just seemed to be resting. Although as a doctor, he unfortunately knew anything could be possible. 
Hunching over the top half of the bed, Steve smoothed your stray hairs away from your forehead and placed an awakening kiss there. You were a light sleeper a majority of the time and your spouse knew that this small action would wake, but not startle you. Every night he’d come home from work and do the same thing except then he knew you were safe and sound. Now, he was just filled with uncertainty. 
“What happened?” Those were the only words he was able to get out and you gave him an answer, just not one that he was looking for. You were already getting defensive and he could sense it.
“Genevieve saw me pass out in the yard and overreacted, Steven. You know they all don’t exactly have good track records with medicine.” You rolled your eyes at the last statement remembering how your neighbors have often nonchalantly tried to get Steve to diagnose them when it came to something as simple as a scrape. Then again, all of your neighbors were in the business industry so that explained their lack of medical knowledge or at least that is the excuse you drew up for them. 
“Nice try, (y/n), but you do have a medical chart and it’s over there,” Steve pointed over his shoulder and towards the doorway where a plastic chart holder sat mounted on the cream wall. “You didn’t just pass out, and the neighbors did not overreact. They did the right thing despite how much I know you hate that. Now, either you tell me the truth or I go read that file.” His tone was serious, but not condescending. Hidden in his eyes was a tad sprinkle of mischief.
Stubborn as ever, you didn’t respond and folded your arms over your chest in a form of defiance. 
Against what is probably legal, Steve picked up your medical chart to read what had happened as you wouldn’t disclose the information to him. Your husband was a worry-wart sometimes and while you appreciated how he doctored you when you were sick, he could be a bit overbearing. A great example would be the time when you were cooking dinner and burned your forearm when taking the casserole out of the oven. 
“Babe, dinner is ready!” 
The timer on the oven was currently beeping and you walked towards it. Turning off both the oven and the timer, you grabbed a short oven mitt and reached in to grab the casserole dish off the top rack. As you did so, you lifted your arm a bit too high and hit the side of your forearm on the interior roof of the oven. The temperature was ridiculously hot and the pain was immensely strong that you immediately pulled your arm back, the casserole long forgotten. 
Steve came running in at your string of curses and came in to see you holding your arm and hissing a bit as if that would relieve the pain. He walked closer to you as you leaned up against the island. Your husband delicately took your arm in his hand, raking his eyes over the burn that was soon to blister. 
After a short inspection, Steve placed his other hand on the small over your back and led you to the sink, flipping on the cold water and running it over your burn. Out of the corner of his eye, Steve could see you squeezing your own eyes shut in pain. 
“I know, sweetheart, it hurts, I’m sorry.” He continued to rinse your scalded skin, but turned his head to sweetly kiss your temple. 
A few minutes passed and Steve was content with the rinse job as you had finally opened your eyes, even engaging in some of your jokes that were always said at the wrong time. From the kitchen, the man guided you down the hallway, through your bedroom and into your joined bathroom. He sat you on the edge of the bathroom tub while rummaging through your unorganized medicine cabinet. It was barely ever touched and when it was, it was often in a state of panic hence the messiness of it. Fortunately, Steve found a tube of bacitracin and some cotton dressings from God knows how long ago. At this point he could care less and would rather have you cared for. 
You curiously watched him as he dug through the cabinet and a loving smile grew on your face. How lucky were you to have this man. You were really appreciative of him in times like these especially. 
Said man returned and crouched before you, distracting you from your thoughts as he softly grabbed your hand once more. 
The doctor worked his magic and in no time was your arm wrapped up and lathered in ointment.
“Wow Doc, you did a great job.” Steve was still holding your hand as you quietly giggled in content. He placed a kiss on top of your knuckles and peered up at you with those gorgeous (and borderline seductive) sapphire eyes. Chuckling, Steve murmured against your skin, “Only for my favorite patient.” 
As always, you decided to play along with Steve’s playful banter. “You’re not supposed to pick favorites, doc.” 
Your husband knew your clumsy nature and seemed to have the perfect response, “Trust me, if I didn’t, you’d be dead by now.”
With your non-injured hand you went to hit his shoulder and he grabbed it in faux hurt. 
“You know, Dr. Rogers, that is a violation and I can actually report you for it.” You lifted your line of sight to see Steve who looked back at you with his lips pressed in a fine line. He shook his head disapprovingly after reaching the end of the report and now looked like he was going to sit back in the seat beside your bed. 
“Hey, what are you doing? They already examined me and I am about to get released.” The man ignored you and instead leaned over the flimsy bed railing. Steve rubbed his hands together in a warming manner before placing two fingers on your next in an attempt to find your pulse. He unfortunately carried that common trait among doctors of having hands that were colder than that of a penguin’s ass. You knew very well this pulse check was useless as you were in conditional health and that he was probably doing this to annoy you. 
“Well I like to do a check of my own. It never hurts to get a second opinion, darling.” Blue eyes squinted at you and you returned the patronizing gesture. 
The free hand that was not on your neck had found its way to hold your own hand and when your husband pulled back, he wore a smug smirk on his lips. 
“Your pulse is a little high. Is it because I’m holding your hand?” 
“You know, your shoulders must hurt from carrying such a big head all the time.” Steve had the nerve to laugh at your elementary grade insult and even though you weren’t really mad, your face would have said otherwise to anyone else. 
“So I’ll take that as a yes then, wifey.” He then quickly dropped to press a chaste kiss to your lips before releasing your hand and sitting down in the chair. 
Looking to the clock on the wall, you focused your vision on the distant numbers to read that it was most likely Steve’s lunch break.
“Are you spending your lunch break with me?” Your tone was now sweet and soft as it usually was towards Steve and his heart leaped at the progress being made. 
“It seems that I am. ‘Was really looking forward to that chicken salsa, though.” A heap of blonde hair rested on your hand that Steve had now laid his head against, still holding tight with both of his own hands. You giggled at his dramatics and ruffled a free hand through his greasy hair. 
“I haven’t eaten anything, you think you could spend your lunch break with me?” His head popped up at this and his face held the eagerness of an energetic puppy. 
“Of course, sweetheart. We can head to the cafeteria. Hopefully they have something good for my girl.” It was now your turn for your heart to swell at his words. Not even a second later though, the sentimental moment was replaced with Steve’s usual sarcastic humor. 
“See, I love you so much that I am willing to sacrifice my precious chicken salsa just to have lunch with you. You should be grateful to have me as your husband.” Steve’s pearly whites beamed at you in a cheesy smile and you gave a dismissive wave of your hand. 
The two of you talked and enjoyed the rare time together for the next ten minutes until Steve noticed you shifting to sit up against the pillows. He thought nothing of it until suddenly you were throwing your legs over the side of the bed and making to get out of the so called cotton prison. 
Waving a finger, Steve tutted you and hurriedly scooped your legs back onto the bed. You looked absolutely peeved and Steve knew it was from the way that he was treating you like a child or better yet, a patient. His wife, the fighter and he, the doctor. Two unlikely personalities but ones that worked best together nonetheless. This made Steve laugh whenever he thought about it.
“You can get up the minute you get released by the doc, okay?” Caring eyes now gave you a pleading look and you felt a small tinge of guilt crawling up your chest at how mean you had been to your husband when he has only been trying to help. 
A knock on the wooden door signaled a visit from the one person you had been waiting on for what seemed to be ages. 
“Speak of the devil.” Muttering the phrase so only Steve could hear you gave him an “I told you so” kind of look. 
The Doctor looked up from the same clipboard as earlier to greet you once he made it in through the doorway, but he was surely surprised by the figure sitting in the chair beside you. 
“Oh Dr. Rogers, what a surprise! So this is your wife I presume? I guess I should have put two and two together,” Your doctor of the moment laughed with Steve who added in a chuckle or two of his own. 
“Yep, this is Mrs. Rogers!” Steve didn’t look at you, but lovingly squeezed your hand that was resting against his, “We are quite the handful so I am surprised you couldn’t tell that she was my other half.” A snicker ended his words and you couldn’t help but do the same. 
Once the short introductions were over, the doctor walked over to do a speedy final exam on what was necessary as Steve watched from the sidelines still getting used to the idea of not being the one doing the examination. He hadn’t been in any other position in the hospital for such a long time that it took some time to get used to the fact that he wasn’t the one diagnosing and rather waiting for the diagnosis. 
The doctor pulled away from hovering over you and now sat back on his rolling leather stool, scooting his way over to the computer and desk. 
“Well I must say, (y/n), that you definitely live up to some of the stories your husband tells.” The other man in the white coat finished up his typing before turning back around to face you and his colleague. 
“Ah, I hope he’s giving me some good street cred,” You teased and from the side you saw Steve shaking his head and chuckling under his breath. 
“I assure you that they were all good things.” With that, the doctor formally released you, walking out of the room to give you some time to redress and such.
You went to get out of the bed for the nth time, but finally succeeded. Your legs felt a bit wobbly upon the first step, and Steve noticed this. He came up to stand beside you and placed a hand on your lower back with the other out in front in case you did fall. Placing your own hand on his scrub clad chest to steady yourself, you silently thanked him with a tender pat. 
With Steve’s guidance, you went to change out of the wretched paper gown and into your shorts and shirt from working outside. It wasn’t exactly the most flattering outfit but at this moment you could care less for the only thing on your mind was getting out of this room.
The ride in the elevator seemed to move slower than a snail and almost stopped on every floor. You were so crammed by the time you were only on the fifth floor that you used this as an excuse to lean up against Steve. He rubbed your arm and enveloped you in a side hug and planted a kiss on your head. The two of you never cared for PDA but neither of you had realized the onlooking eyes. 
You found it mildly comedic when some of your fellow passengers seemed disgusted that a doctor was handling a patient in such a way. It was definitely gonna be a joke for later on. 
Eventually you made it to the first floor and begrudgingly pushed yourself out of Steve’s warm embrace when the smell of garlic bread hit your nose. 
“Huh, they never cook spaghetti around here. They must know we have a special guest today.” Steve pressed his lips against your ear to jokingly whisper to you as he ushered you out the elevator doors. 
Standing in line with a plastic tray at the cafeteria made you have flashbacks to middle school lunch and you shuddered at the thought. The memories played back in your mind like a movie and were interrupted (much to your relief) when Steve tapped your shoulder.
“You want this?” Steve held one of the plastic salad containers in hand, the white sleeve of his lab coat draped on top of the other stacked bowls in the open air freezer. 
You nodded and he placed it on your tray, slightly bumping your hips as he walked past to grab a drink.
For a good twenty minutes, you and Steve sat in comfortable silence in one of the booths until clicking clogs came closer and closer. So close that a shadow loomed over your table conveying that someone was here to speak. 
“Dr. Rogers, I don’t think it’s entirely wise of you to have lunch with your patient. Actually, it’s quite inappropriate.” The older woman in burgundy scrubs pointed her gaze to the hospital band on your wrist and both you and Steve started laughing upon noticing. So that explained all the weird looks.
“Oh no, Dr. Williams! This is my wife (y/n),” You politely beamed up at the woman and set out your hand for a handshake. At this, her unenthusiastic expression changed to one of apologetic and she shook your hand with much grief as Steve continued on with his introductions. 
“(y/n), this is Dr. Williams. She is the medical director for my department.” 
“Wow! I’ve heard many wonderful things about you, Dr. Williams.” She went to return the praise before a beeping in her coat pocket signaled the time for her departure. 
“Duty calls, but I’ll have you know this one here never shuts up about you. It was nice to finally put a face to a name, (y/n),” You glanced at Steve and noticed he was sheepishly grinning and turning redder by the second. So much so that he was hiding his face in his palms.
““I hope you have a quick recovery as well, hon!” The standing woman gave you a nod of her head and then turned to your husband whose face had finally regained its color. “As for you Steven, I will see you later. You have another resident to deal with today.” Dr. Williams sighed at the thought, waving you both goodbye and soon enough she was out the double doors of the lunch room. 
“Ooh babe you’ll have to tell me how all of that goes.” Spooning some spaghetti into your mouth, you goofily raised your eyebrows at Steve. 
“Trust me, it is not fun at all. When I was a resident, I would have never acted like some of the people I’ve trained!” 
You snorted, “Uh huh. Sureee.” 
“No really,” Steve’s eyes widened and he leaned over the table like he was sharing some sort of secret with you, “The audacity of some of these people.” 
“I think you are just an old man now, Stevie, and can’t keep up with the times.” The blond screwed up his eyes and stuck his tongue out at you. 
“Oh hush and finish your food, Miss. ‘I am soooo young’.” A napkin flew at Steve’s chest and the two of you laughed at the childish antics that had just ensued. 
Just as both of your styrofoam containers became empty, an unpleasant ringer sounded in Steve’s pocket, just like the one of Dr. Williams’s departure. Once he gave the screen a swift peek, he looked back up at you with a long face. 
“You gotta go?” Golden strands bobbed up and down as Steve nodded and you grabbed his hand. 
“It’s alright! Thank you for spending the time with me today, though. I really appreciate it. Thanks for putting up with me, you know how I am sometimes.”  
The larger hand encompassing yours gave a sympathetic squeeze. 
“Oh darling, anytime, you know that. If you need anything, call me okay? I will try my best to answer.” 
The temporary silence that filled the room was now replaced by annoying buzzing from the device that Steve had silenced for the moment. He irritability took it out and shoved it back in his pocket. Normally this didn’t bother Steve because this was his job, but since you were here, having just been sick, he wanted nothing more than to drop everything and focus on you. Knowing that was impossible, he tried his best to juggle both yet it seemed that the world wasn’t gonna wait on him. 
“Do you want me to call Ma to come get you? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. Her and Dad love your company.” For the moment, Steve appeared to look like he was ignoring the constant beeping, but you knew internally he was already out of the cafeteria and sprinting down the halls.
“No no, I’m fine, honey,” The doctor stared at you as if he didn’t believe you. “I mean it, Steve. I am fine. Now shoo.” 
Dr. Rogers shared another laugh with you before pecking your lips and running out the room shouting, “I’ll see you later!” 
He really was too good for this world. 
a/n: i really enjoyed writing for doctor!steve, so if anyone has any ideas that involves him and that you’d like me to write, send it in! <3
taglist (is open!): @memissbee @tricereads @buckybarnesthehotshot @bval-1 @tonystankschild @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @turtoix @kelbabyblue @jakiki94 @aubreeskailynn @calirindo @lady-elena-adeline @siriuslyslyslytherin @sushiinmidnight @patzammit @iwik3it
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deripmaver · 3 years
4 5 6 for ALL OF THE CaPri FANFICS
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? 5: What part was hardest to write? 6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
Ink On Paper (tongue fic) 4. lmfaoooooooo there isn't a whole lot of dialogue in this one oop-
Laurent nodded. The wax softened as he pressed his hand into it, erasing his previous message. Soft, warm, melting under his touch. He wrote again, I need someone who is not afraid to read out the insults I make towards the idiots at court. You have been fired, Damianos.
i guess it technically counts lmfao. i just wanted to show laurent post-trauma still able to make jokes and snipe at his husband so it wasnt all doom and gloom 5. i'm not sure exactly what "hardest to write" here means because like... a lot of these fic have serious gore or otherwise upsetting content, but both emotionally and actually writing wise i find that kind of thing actually pretty easy to write hahahaha. i think i got stuck with the chronology and the decision to make it non-linear made it flow a lot better. for the record writing laurent getting raped and then having his tongue cut out was actually very easy to write, i think i got it out in basically one go. #cancelme the more fucked up and intense the easier i find to nyoom through it 6. my first ever fic in the capri fandom!!!! hehehehhehehe <333333 Level Of Concern (plan B fic) 4.
Before Nicaise could say anything, Laurent spat, “Does he know you had your first heat?”
SURPRISE nic was the one who was pregnant the whole time!!!!!!! 5. this one i banged out REALLY quickly so i cant think of anything here 6. capri omegaverse!!!!!!! i wish there was more of this 🥺🥺🥺 Like Me (what if Auguste was also abused fic) 4. ******CW INCEST MENTION CW ABUSE MENTION******
“Your brother’s stuck his dick in every single member of your family,” Auguste spat out, laughing, crying, and so miserable he thought his heart would stop. His voice rose again, and he felt something burst from him as he screamed for the whole world to hear, “Did you know that? Did you, huh papa? Did he fuck you too?”
dude this line is so fucked up lmfao but i enjoyed writing it so much. actually this entire scene where auguste is having his breakdown was really intense to write and im really pleased with how it came out OR
Auguste grabbed him suddenly, looking up into his grief-stricken face desperately. “Please, Laurent,” he pleaded, voice breaking. “Please. Don’t let him end up like me.”
i felt entirely too clever with this line lmfao. i was like ~ooooohhhhh title drop~ im so dumb 5. i just remember this one like. dragged on for some time. i couldnt figure out what to do with it, how to get everything to coalesce around the final reveal about auguste 6. plot twist!!!!!!! plus auguste angst. i really enjoyed this one, i wrote it after watching the movie Spotlight which is one of my all time faves Softly, Gently 4.
“My King has been overexerting himself again, I presume?” Paschal sighed, shaking his head with a fond smile. “When have I ever done that?” Laurent cocked his head to the side, a wry smile on his face.
hehehehe sassy laurent my beloved <33333 5. honestly im just going to skip this one from now on lskjghmvlksjhglkvsjhdl i just get "stuck" sometimes without rhyme or reason and its usually on boring stuff, but then i cant remember later. the hardest part for me is when my dumb fucking adhd brain wont let me focus on writing but once i overcome that its usually pretty smooth sailing 6. horny omegaverse.................... my beloved............... giving men vaginas for horny reasons my beloved......................... Water of Life (birth fic)
“Do you want to hold him?” Erasmus breathed, eyes glassy. The baby cried, Erasmus bouncing him tenderly in those sunkissed arms. He looked apologetic. “Only for a moment, it’s not quite over yet.” A playful smile danced on Erasmus’ lips, and he brushed away a slick, damp curl from the wailing baby’s head. “A head this big, he certainly takes after Exalted.”
a cute, fun lil line in the sea of horrible angst lmfao ORRRRRR
Erasmus knelt before Damen, before Laurent. He said, “Exalted… Can you command his Highness to push?” Damen froze. “Do you mean…?” Erasmus nodded. “Alpha command.” Damen’s expression crumpled. He said, in a voice that shattered Erasmus’ heart, “I can’t. I can’t do that to him.” Erasmus licked his lips. “Exalted, in this state, he can’t push. His contractions are weaker. He’ll-” “I can’t,” Damen cried, clinging to Laurent’s limp body like a lifeline. “He’d… He’d never forgive me.”
damen is so sweet........ he loves laurent so much...... ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
He stopped at the doorframe, turning to face Laurent with tears in his eyes, and whispered, “How long does it take, your Highness?” Laurent, shocked enough to respond, hissed, “What?” “I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking of it,” Erasmus said, voice thick in his throat, tears burning at his eyes. “How long until it’s over?”
real sad hours if u up click like. i love erasmus and laurent bonding over their shared trauma <33333333333333333333 laurent and erasmus friendship propaganda 24-fucking-7 bay bee!!!!! 6. unironically this is one of my fav fic ive ever written skdljmfhgvlksjdhflmgkvjshldkjfghvmls call the midwife is one of my favorite shows and writing this made me look at birth as something visceral and possibly horrible and traumatic. i wanna write more fucked up birth scenes, SO MANY MORE. ridley scott knew what he was doing Sandalwood (erasmus/kallias my sweet boys i love u so much) 4.
“I do,” Erasmus breathes, ducking his head, flushed as though embarrassed. “In the gardens, the perfume from the orange trees all around us on those summer nights.” Kallias smiles behind him – Erasmus knows his body so intimately he can feel it in how Kallias’ posture changes, though he can’t see the soft turn of his lips. “The scent was so cloying I thought it would drive me mad. It made me want to kiss you senseless.” Erasmus laughs, breathlessly, imagining the warm heat of Kallias’ mouth against his. “Don’t blame that on the orange trees, dear one.”
beloved..................... im weeping.......... 6. these two make me fuckign CRY ON THE REG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH MY SWEET BOYS YOU DESERVE THE WORLD- Wisps of Smoke******************* (lauguste fic) 4. ***CW EXPLICIT INCEST*** (i mean....... obviously lmfao)
“Call me what I like,” Auguste growled against his ear. “You know what I like.” He did. Laurent did. He knew everything Auguste liked – the slow flick of Laurent’s tongue on the underside of his cock, that tender spot behind his earlobe, the way Laurent’s thighs looked straddled atop him like his horse – and this. “Brother,” Laurent gasped, desperate, “Brother, please, harder. Harder.”
i wanted the incest to be explicitly part of the kink here lmfaoooooo 6. hehehehehehehhehehehhehe lauguste................... i need to write more of u But I Love It (laurent is allergic to latex fic) 4.
“Laurent,” Auguste said, voice high in warning. Laurent braced himself, stiffening visibly. With what seemed to be monumental effort, Auguste continued, “You know, Laurent. I’m proud of you.”
IM A SOFT BITCH OK???????????????? auguste is PROUD of his baby bro for overcoming his sexual trauma and getting that fat dick 6. SLJHVDLMKJDHGVLK PEOPLE FUCKING LOVED THIS FIC i tried to be funny and i think it worked. plus some softe bits thrown in. i also kind of see lots of humor fic where its a no abuse au, but i wanted to write something comedic where the regent still. existed u kno????? anyways hahahahha i dont think i can write anything like this again but im glad y'all liked it Is It Cold In The Water (slice of life fic) 4.
Laurent opens his mouth to say something cheeky, but instead, what comes out is: “Do you think Aimeric had the right idea?” Damen is quiet for so long, gaze serious and framed with his long, dark lashes, that Laurent wonders if he’d spoken aloud at all – and when he’s sure he had, he realizes Damen had remembered Aimeric after all. When he speaks again, the sleep is gone from his voice. “Laurent,” Damen says carefully, as though approaching a spooked horse, “Is something wrong?”
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 soft,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6. ruby likes this fic lskjdvhmflgksfjdhmvglkjsdhflkvgmjhlekjfhdvlgskjfhv im a SIMP- The Devil's Got Nothing On Me (AIMERIC FIC LEGGOOOO) 4. there are lots of lil nuggets in here!!!!
Aimeric blinks, and all he can think is, you knew? He says, "I – I just." "I am a patient man," Guion breathes, "I support everyone in my household. Everyone. But Aimeric, you are truly testing my patience. Your mother came to me in tears, begging me to find you. Look at what you did to her! There was nothing I could say until we found you!" "I'm sorry," Aimeric whispers, looking at Loyse, "I'm-" "Look at me," Guion roars.
this conversation was inspired by a very miserable encounter with my boss lmfao. fuck that guy and fuck guion
The regent, blue eyes sparkling - and Aimeric has never thought eyes could look just like a summer sky until now - says to Guion but really to Aimeric, "I was thinking I could take little Aimeric riding tomorrow. Just the two of us." Loyse says, before Guion can speak, voice trembling with relief, "I think that's a wonderful idea, your Highness."
~dramatic irony~ lmfaoooooooooo. WE know of course that this is a bad thing, but it's always fun to have characters make bad choices that they have no idea are bad. i also did this briefly in "Like Me" with auguste's ex wife taking nicaise to church because she was so overwhelmed at home and he offered to help. of course, the regent is always happy to help out. evil evil evil
"-was worried it might be difficult for him." A soft, lilting laugh. The guards had said the regent was in the library, and then there is Guion, right there with him. Aimeric is suddenly angry, not sure why his father is with the regent, who is his and no one else's. The regent responds, "I daresay it's been perfectly easy. It seems you've done most of the work already."
i wanted to highlight the fact that it was aimeric's neglect that lead him to the regent in the first place. hence "youve done most of the work already" - guion by ignoring and neglecting aimeric created the perfect environment for the regent to sweep in and take advantage. like leaving food out btwn 40-140 F is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria LOL. the books touch on that but i wanted to make it explicit
He is so, so ashamed. It's unbearable, the thought of her kind eyes, the way she cried for him, the way he pushed her away. Before he'd left to join the prince's guard, she had taken his hand, kissed it, and said in a voice fragile as glass, "It's been such a long time since I've seen you smile like that," but in that moment he could think only of the regent's letter warm in his pocket.
6. honestly i know ive sounded super conceited this whole time but i kind of tear up whenever i read through the end of the fic lmfao. aimeric is just so fucking depressing as a character and i love that i really got to explore that in this fic. he really didnt have anyone, did he????? he's like a tragic greek character where you just watch him stumbling towards his inevitable end and it hurts the whole time. its even worse on the reread ANYWAYYYYYYY thats it. thanks so much for the ask anon!!!!!!! feel free to send me more!!!
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randomoranges · 3 years
good god almighty. here is part 4. somehow longer than the other parts. somehow with more Emotions. i decided to not be vague and call the spades spades. this one is more nsfw because of things étienne mentions. 
again, minor character death and lots of introspection ha ha .
ive been working on the beast for like almost a month now. part 5 aint even done. im so glad i hacked it up in the end. 
“The 60s were good with that – for forgetting and moving on. There was – or seemed to be this renewed sense of freedom, as if the people were finding their true purpose in the city. A great big curtain was being pulled back and we were given the opportunity to redefine ourselves. It felt like hope, in a way and with the distance put with the church, I felt I could breathe a little more and I was able to find myself. By the time Expo rolled around, it gave me purpose – something to do. The energy in the city was astounding. The projects people were coming up with – the possibilities they were unveiling – I had never felt something like that. I thought for sure this energy would see us through the next one hundred years; we’d be feeding off of it and returning to it for years to come. It would be our source of creation. Everyone seemed to be excited; the world was literally in our backyard and it felt good to bask in the attention.”
 It made sense for Étienne to have Expo, considering how good he was at catering to others – at giving them the good time they wanted. He thrived in giant crowds and lived for the attention. Plus, at the time, Montreal really did feel as though it was the center of Canada. It still felt like an other-worldly experience and there were still times when Edward wasn’t convinced Expo hadn’t been one massive hallucination. And he’d only been a small part of it, unlike Étienne who had lived every stage of it.
 “With the change of decade, going into the 70s, I expected much of the same – moving forward, the endless possibilities of the future and such. For the first time in a long time, I was actually looking forward to having more time – to being immortal and being able to experience every change. To make new connections. Expand and broaden the horizons and such.”
 “And then it all went to shit, starting with the October crisis. There was a lot that happened in the 70’s and not everything was bad, but for me, personally, it was a series of euphoric highs and devastating lows. In the same breath of the Crisis there would be a Cup win, then there was the Exodus, the language debacles and it never seemed to end. Up and down and up and down. One giant roller coaster that never gave me a chance to catch my breath. It was hard to feel anything let alone make it constant. It took a toll – added up and left me reeling in ways I had never thought possible. I couldn’t finish celebrating the Cup that I would get notified that something terrible had just happened. I would be relishing in disco and there’d be a murder. It was too fucking much. I couldn’t take it anymore. Everything I had worked so hard to build was slowly being torn from my hands and what was left didn’t seem to matter enough. The proverbial carpet had been yanked from under my feet and no matter how many times I tried to get up, I just kept falling and falling and falling... there was no end in sight.”
 Their correspondence at that time had petered off, somewhat. They’d both ended up in unpleasant situations and the last thing Edward had wanted to do was to take a pen and write to his friend to let him know how miserable he was. There’d been times when he’d wondered if his friend hadn’t found out about his fate and had left him for dead as well and it had only been later – much later – that he’d found out through Étienne exactly why he hadn’t written as often, if at all, for a few years.
 “I’m not exactly proud of what I ended up doing, but it seemed like the right solution at the time. I was a mess. I needed help but I didn’t realise it and I wasn’t sure there even was such help for such a lost cause. Working the streets and the clubs were as much self-punishment as they were the only place I felt I could succeed. It was easy to spread my legs to let some random guy fuck me in an alley. It was easy to pretend to be someone else. It was easy to get down on my knees and suck them off. It was easy to let others use me as they wanted and write it off as being unworthy of anything else. This was where I belonged – with the outcasts and the has beens.”
 There’s a shuddering breath that’s released and Edward has no idea if it’s his or Étienne’s. He’s astounded his boyfriend is willingly talking of this chapter of his life. It had taken years for Étienne to even speak of it to him and the confession had been a quiet halting thing that had taken him a while to piece together.
 Yet, despite finding out, it hadn’t changed Edward’s opinion of him. If anything, he had found Étienne brave and courageous for telling him about it and his heart had ached for him even more. Étienne was worthy. Étienne wasn’t a failure and he succeeded at so many other wonderful things. In his opinion, he was still as relevant as before and had never been an outcast or a has been. He was still a leader and trail blazer in his own right, even if Étienne himself didn’t always realise it.
 “When they gave me the Olympics,” Étienne goes on, once more showing that he is brave and more than the terrible things that he had gone through, “I hoped this would be the shot I needed – that it would be as wonderful as Expo had. If anything, it would be on a smaller scale than Expo. It would be a piece of cake, I figured. At least, they’d given me the Olympics in a timely way and not last minute. Therefore, there would be no excuses to fail. but for as much as Expo felt like a fever dream doused with magic, the Olympics were harder to get going. There were so many things that went wrong. So many strikes. So much corruption. The magic was gone. It was the opposite of what I needed and it just drove me further down my own spiral.
 “So I went for the drugs and the sex. One made me feel when I was numb, one numbed everything when I felt too much. And the sex was as much a means to an end as what seemed to be the only thing I could properly deliver. So I stuck to it. Went in and out of these phases. Went on the biggest of benders, woke up in places I had no recollection of going to and such. Drove Élyse nuts. But it didn’t matter to me; I’d still be alive, so who cared what I put myself through?”
 Edward wants to say that there were many who cared, but he knows that it would fall on deaf ears. He gets what Étienne means by it, but it still hurts him that his boyfriend had had to go through all of this. He gives his hand another squeeze and if anything, Étienne offers him a small smile, acknowledging the gesture.
 “I was all over the place and when I finally met Koffey, shortly after the Olympics, it was quite by accident and he took me by surprise.”
 “Everything about our relationship was different than the others I’d been in up until then. For starters, it didn’t happen the way the others had. It wasn’t the usual meet, sex and eventually develop feelings. He’d been living in the city for a few years when we met. He’d immigrated here, in search for a new adventure – ahead of the wave that would come later on. He’d decided to open up a restaurant, bringing us the local flavors of his own country. I stumbled there, quite by accident and I was most likely high and not even fully coherent. To be honest, I can’t even say I remember that day; he’s the one who told me later on.”
 “I ended up returning. Later. On a better day.  I think I was convinced it was my first time here, but Koffey was a little wary of seeing me again. Apparently, I had been a little rowdy on my first visit... Yet, he still gave me a chance and was still very polite while he served me, if a little guarded. I felt bad, so I returned and the more I went back, the more I was drawn – by him, his cuisine, and his quiet sense of humour and intelligence.”
 “He eventually realised I wasn’t a complete asshole and he’d start coming to talk to me when the restaurant was quiet. He was – a breath of fresh air, really and at the time the one good thing I had going on. It felt like being thrown a lifeboat – something to hang on to while I tried not to drown – by my thoughts, my life, the shit-show burning around me. A beacon of hope and light I clung to desperately.”
 “I honestly didn’t even think Koffey was interested in men. It surprised me, when one day, I hung around until the restaurant closed. I waited for him out in the back, not wanting to go home just yet. I also didn’t think going home just yet would be wise. I was still all over the place and I knew that if I went home I’d end up using or doing something even stupider. Having a friend helped keeping my thoughts on track. Koffey, without knowing what was going on in my head, helped keep my mind quiet. I wanted to know more about him and his life, so I focused on that. Anyways, it’d been a quiet night and we’d been having a grand old time chatting. I thought maybe we could walk around and bum out in a park. Summer was starting to settle in for good and it was a perfect night out. Warm and this side of humid, with a gentle breeze to make it pleasant.”
 Edward has his own thoughts and ideas about the description of the weather, but he schools his face in a neutral expression and listens on.
 “He was surprised to see me out back, but pleased and we picked up our conversation from where we’d left off. We ended up taking the long way back to his. I didn’t mind having to walk back to mine after and the extra detour would do me some good. However, he invited me in for a beer and I obviously said yes. He was my friend, after all and the thought of a cold beer to end the night sounded great.”
 “We must have spent a few more hours drinking beer and talking and somewhere along the line, he leaned in and kissed me. Completely unprompted. I was shocked and surprised and at first he thought I wasn’t interested, since I hadn’t kissed him back. He must have apologised at least a dozen times. It was quite funny, really. I’d keep trying to tell him that it was fine, but he wouldn’t listen. And the more he went on, the more afraid he was that I’d do something to him – which was quite sobering, let me tell you. I finally took matters in my own hands and kissed him myself. We’d been hanging around together for months, by then and had I known, I would have put a move on him sooner, maybe. The kiss finally got him to stop apologising and for a moment after that all we did was make-out on his couch like all the terrible clichés in movies.” He laughs at that, fond, as he twiddles with an unlit cigarette. “It was so different, though – soft and tender. Nicholas had been very forward with his kissing that first time. I knew we would end up in his bed the moment he kissed me, whereas with Koffey – it almost felt hesitant and cautious and I thought that was lovely.”
 “He still asked afterwards if I was that way, which I thought was both endearing and silly – considering I had just kissed him and wouldn’t have minded him kissing him some more. I assured him that I was and to prove my point, I kissed him again. I recall teasing him about it later, asking him if he needed another kiss to be sure I was into men. He thought I was being ridiculous, which was saying something.”
 There’s a gentle, soft smile that graces Étienne’s features, not for the first time during their talk, and Edward wonders what memories his boyfriend is reliving – what images his brain has conjured for him to revisit. He’s glad, though, that despite the heartache that Étienne still has fond memories of Koffey to go back to.
 “I wasn’t in love with him – not at that point, but I was certainly drawn to him. He was – beautiful. On the outside as much as on the inside; a gentle soul, really. I would have willingly gone to bed with him that night, but he insisted we wait a little and take things slow. This had never really happened and even though I was a little annoyed, I didn’t push the issue and floated back home after one last kiss.”
 “He actually – I swear, the next time I went to see him, he actually asked me out on a proper date. He was too much! And I couldn’t believe that a man like Koffey, sweet and gentle and kind, would want to date me who felt broken and used and soiled in so many ways. But he saw beyond that and insisted we go on a proper date before we went to bed together and so I said yes; because I did really want him and I loved his company.”
 “Our first date was nothing extraordinary, but it was nice – to be taken out – to feel as though I was worthy of someone’s attention and affection again. It was almost as good as a high. He took me out to dinner and then insisted we go to a movie and he was so gallant about the whole thing. He paid for the meal and for the ticket and don’t ask me how the movie ended, because halfway through we started making-out in the back and before the movie ended we left to go back to his.”
 “Koffey was – so very sweet to me. Our first time together felt like something out of a romance movie. There was no frenetic urgency to it. It wasn’t just sex because he wanted a fast way to get to his release. He made love to me. Me! It boggled my mind. He kissed and caressed every bit of me that felt broken and used. It was – wonderful and too much and I tried changing the pace to something that felt less consuming ‘cause I couldn’t handle so much love being given to me, but he kept on finding ways to make it less about the sex and more about us and I couldn’t take it. I eventually broke down in tears.”
 “And get this – he thought he, of all people, had done something wrong to me – that he’d hurt me in some way. I came clean to him. Told him everything. As much as I could. The drugs, the streets – the fall from grace. Every last ugly truth came out as he held me in his arms and made sure I understood I was someone worthy of love again. I felt stupid for breaking down and felt even worse for needing him to comfort me. And despite that, there were still things I couldn’t tell him. He tried asking about what was bothering me – because he could tell. Even when I lied – he could always tell when there was more – when everything in my head was too loud, but it was hard to explain. I couldn’t just say oh by the way, I’m semi-immortal and I represent a city. Yeah, fucked up I know, but I swear that’s not the acid talking.”
 “It wasn’t stupid,” Edward breaks. He knows Étienne is in a better place now, but he also knows his boyfriend is still prone to great bouts of self-doubt that do more harm than good to him. He’d hate to think that Étienne still feels that way.
 “I know,” Étienne responds quickly. Edward wonders if he isn’t deflecting, but he figures Étienne’s heart has been scorched raw enough for the day that he can let it slide for this time.
 “You’ve always been worthy of love,” He adds softly and Étienne stills for a moment.
 “I know.” He says again, but it sounds different this time around; a little more vulnerable and fragile. Edward wants to gather him in his own arms and hold him tightly, but instead he keeps hold of his hand and lets Étienne carry on with his story.
 “I made it up to him, later, once the storm had passed. I didn’t want him to think that I would be some emotional weight to him. He’d wanted sex so I made sure to deliver. He was still very sweet and loving with me and I tried to ignore it. I focused on making it good for him so that he wouldn’t toss me to the side and in my mind it worked. Yet, thinking back, there were still times when I felt like he was onto me. Like he knew when I was faking it for both our benefits, but he let me be.”
 “Still, for as much as Koffey was good for me and to me, he wasn’t a cure to all my problems. It would’ve been too easy. He helped – more than he probably ever realised, but I was still reckless and I still fluctuated. Bad days and worse days. On those, he’d simply hold me in his arms and let me cry in them.
Sometimes there’d be an okay day. He made it tolerable. To be alive. Made the sharp edges rounder. Made me feel like I could hang on another day. And there were those times when I felt like I genuinely wanted to be around – for him. I wanted to take him somewhere or kiss him again. I wanted to tell him some funny story I had heard or simply go to bed with him one more time. So I stuck it out and tried to survive.”
 “He was so kind and patient with me. He loved me, despite what I was and how I was. He loved me even when I couldn’t love myself. God, I never deserved him. He was too good for me and to me. And somehow, I repaid his kindness by making him sick and killing him!”
 “You don’t know that for sure.” Edward replies quickly, without thinking.
 He remembers the visit. Remembers finding out about the real significance of Koffey. Of going over to visit Étienne and finding him distraught and broken hearted. Of Étienne bringing him to the cemetery. The breakdown and the tears. The trembling murmured admissions of guilt. The dawning connection he’d made.
 Edward had been in his own headspace at the time and their correspondence had petered out, hence his grasp of Koffey’s role in Étienne’s life had been lacking in some regards. But standing by that grave, with his friend opening up about him and telling him what had happened had marked Edward.
 “I may as well have, Edward.” Étienne snaps. He lights up the cigarette he’d been previously playing with and takes a long drag from it. “He died and it was all my fault. I couldn’t even – I wasn’t even there when he died. I was too afraid. And ashamed. I was a coward. He’d chosen me and I may as well have tossed him out.” He flicks the ash with more force than necessary and when Edward spares him a glance, he sees the storm of hate and shame fight in Étienne’s eyes through his unshed tears. “He deserved better – after everything he did for me and I repaid his kindness by being a coward.”
 Edward knows that there’s no sense in telling Étienne that it’s not his fault. His boyfriend will keep berating himself until he runs out of steam and he supposes that it’s best to let him be and wait it out. Yet, it doesn’t sit well with him to have Étienne react this way. Sure, he could have been responsible for Koffey getting sick, but at the same time, there was no actual proof. He hates that it still eats Étienne alive and part of him wants to take him by the shoulders, shake him, and tell him to convince himself otherwise. Especially if it’ll help him move on. But – he’s known Étienne for too long and knows that such actions will do him no good.
 Instead, he waits and starts to itch for a cigarette of his own. He settles instead for a deep breath and then another. He thinks back to his own response to the crises. To the way he’d taken action. The misery and heartache he’d seen and lived. The friends he’d lost. The ones he’d buried. He thinks of running to Montreal to get away from it all and leaning on Étienne for a chance to forget and leave it all behind. There’s an irony here he still hasn’t fully grasped but it’s a reflection for a different day. There’s already enough that’s been looked over for one day.
 “I don’t think he would have wanted you to beat yourself over it,” He offers instead. Étienne sniffs loudly and doesn’t give him an answer. Instead, he remains quiet, fighting with his own demons.
 “You never did tell me why you called him Koffey,” Edward tries again, minutes later, when he feels that the mood has shifted once more and that Étienne has calmed down some. Perhaps this approach will work better, he thinks.
 Étienne sniffles and rubs at his eyes, “Oh,” He starts and a small smile deigns to make an appearance on his face, which Edward is thankful for. “Apparently, his regular customers used to call him that. He thought it was hysterical and he never really liked his own name. I never questioned it beyond that and it stuck.”
 Étienne grows silent after that and turns reflective. Even Mercury seems to sense the shift in mood and nuzzles her way up to his arms for cuddles. The distraction serves its purpose and Étienne focuses on her for a while, caressing her fur and scratching her behind the ears, which she seems to enjoy, if Edward is to judge by the wagging of her tail. He watches and lets them be for a while, glad the dog can help where he can’t.
 “You would’ve liked him,” Étienne quietly says after a while. He’s not looking at him, hands still buried deep in Mercury’s dark coat, but Edward doesn’t mind.
 “I’m sure I would have – he sounds like a great guy.”
 “The greatest.”
 Not for the first time, Edward wonders if Étienne’s feelings hadn’t become tainted with guilt over the years. He doesn’t question Étienne’s love for Koffey, but he wonders if the circumstances of his death haven’t left a lasting grip on him that wouldn’t have otherwise been there if the man had died of natural causes at a ripe old age. The wounds are still too raw and fresh to ask, so he lets the matter rest and figures that there will be other occasions to ask.
 They fall silent after that, both lost again in their own thoughts. He hears the occasional snuffle from Mercury and sends out a silent prayer of thanks to whatever higher power there might be out there for her presence in Étienne’s life. In the few years Étienne has had her, he already sees the difference and impact she’s made in his life.
 Eventually, Mercury settles back on Étienne’s side and his friend leaves a hand around her neck, absent-mindedly stroking her dark coat, while he reaches out for Edward’s own hand with his other. Edward is a little surprised, but he doesn’t mind and let’s Étienne play with his fingers. He traces the lines on his hand with the edge of a nail and draws loops with it afterwards. Edward watches the movement carefully with his eyes and finds it oddly grounding in a way. He hadn’t realised he’d felt a little unmoored by these tales and he wonders, not for the first time, just how attuned to him Étienne really is.
 They settle around each other, the breeze gently ruffling their hair and Edward takes a deep breath to process some of what he’s just heard.
 “And shortly after Koffey died, while I was still mourning him and hating myself for everything I had done, you came along at both the best and worst moment of my life.”
Part III Part V
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
you are
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A/N: going into the DC side of things. except another leap for my writing as well as my brain. this came to be in the middle of the night bout 2am so i briefly jotted a few ideas on a piece of paper in the dark and now im doing this… i hope this brings joy in these dark times!
Pairing: Kate Kane x reader
sentance inspirations : “what's stopping you now?" “can you help me with my tie?” / “can you zip up my dress?”
summery: not freaking telling
several years ago, billionaire Bruce Wayne disappeared from Gotham City, the company struggled but when Lucius Fox got murdered his nephew Luke struggled to keep Wayne techs inner lights on.
one evening Kate Kane walked into the office of CEO Bruce Wayne her cousin. she was determined to continue the legacy he had left behind in one shape or form.
she stumbled upon her cousins biggest secret, the biggest legacy he had left behind. she found the Batcave. she discovered her cousin was Batman. now she continues the shadow of the Bat. she continues to strike fear into the criminal element of Gotham City.
you had gone off the grid shortly after Bruce did, you werent sure when or if you should return but 6 years later you did, just cause you figured things would have changed and you had heard about another bat being in gotham.
you wanted to know if Bruce had returned. of course you knew your boss’ deepest darkest secret, you were his co ceo and his secretary. you had to know these things.
the penthouse you had been living in before leaving gotham hadnt changed at all. after putting your stuff down and getting somewhat settled, you decided to go and see if your workplace had changed at all, you decided to go see if anything had changed with Wayne tech.
the exterior of wayne tech hadnt changed though there were fewer lights on inside, but you swiped your key card thinking that no one else would be here that you would be able to go upstairs without anyone realizing that you were here.
kate: “someone just used a key card and entered the building.” Luke: “what do we do?” Kate: “we need to find out who they are and how they have a key card. It looks like they are coming up here. So perfect we will be questioning them in no time.”
Luke: “why would we question someone who used a key card? wait what was the key card access number?”
Kate looked at the computer again…
Kate: “4789932. why do you ask?”
Luke: “dont interrogate the person coming out of the elevator was the last person to see Bruce before he disappeared. his secretary, YN.”
you exit the elevator at that moment to see Luke and Kate in the room. Kate’s eyes lock onto yours, her gaze piercing your soul, you had forgotten that you were standing in the office of your former boss.
Luke: “you YN right?”
YN: “who are you? and how did you get in here? this is sacred space.”
Kate steps in front of luke and comes close to you.
Kate: “no need to be hostile, im Kate Kane im Bruce’s cousin. the one he didnt really mention, when he disappeared i figured i would use this place as my home away from home. plus my buddy Luke here is the son of Lucius who i believe worked closely with you and Bruce before Bruce disappeared and before Lucius passed a year ago. when my cousin disappeared did you happen to…”
you interrupted Kate, you felt bad for doing so but you knew what she was gonna ask.
YN: “no he didnt mention anything to me about where he was going, he was just being Bruce. he told me he had to leave Gotham and wasnt sure if or when he would return. i left that same day when he and i had last talked. we had our final conversation and i got on the next flight out of gotham and spent the last few years trying to cope with having lost my job, the loss of my best friend, and the loss of my life.”
Kate: “how long have you been back in Gotham?”
You had to set yourself down in a chair cause now you were feeling the vibes and memories from being back in the office.
YN: “i got back only 4 hours ago. i live in the penthouse in the gotham plaza hotel a couple blocks away. but there are a ton of cars and everything everywhere whats going on?”
Kate looked at you and then remmbered that you hadnt been back in gotham very long.
Kate: “tonight is some sort of fancy ball type thing that the rich folk are throwing in honor of the crows security team that helps the gcpd protect gotham well only those who can afford it anyway. anyway my dad wants me to make an appearance and be there and such so i was wondering if your not busy would you consider coming with me…”
you were shocked this woman this woman who you had barely known for a total of half an hour was asking you on a date… and you of course had nothing to wear.
YN: “i would love to but i have nothing to wear.”
Kate: “we can solve that… Luke im taking the night off… and whatever you do dont contact me at all. im gonna show YN just how much has changed in this city and with its people. and rememebr to pick us up at the apartment at 6:30pm.”
Kate takes you to the elevator and down to the garage. you of course realized that she had a motor bike and that was a total turn on for you.
YN: “where are we gonna find me an outfit on such short notice.”
Kate: “there is a boutique near my place we will stop there on the way to getting me ready.”
you take the helmet that she hands you, you put it on and strap your small bag cross your body, and get on behind Kate. you hold on tight as she takes off out of the garage.
the feeling coursing through your veins right then was something you hadnt felt in a long time. in about 15 minutes you both arrived at a small boutique. it was super fancy, you remmber hitting alot of those types of store when you were bruce’s secretary.
Kate: “lets find you a dress…”
you and Kate walk into the boutique and smile as you both walk in not knowing what you wanted like detail wise for a dress. but Kate spoke up fairly calm.
Kate: “can i get some help to find this lovely woman a dress for the ball tonight?”
Helen comes around the corner and stands immediately in front of you and Kate.
Helen: “such a fluent canvas, let me guess you wear mostly bright colors, but look good in almost anything, dont really care for heals but will deal with wedges, spaghetti strap, built in bra, and has to have a slit in the front for easy walking but can deal if it doesnt. how did i do?”
YN: “you got it. how did you know?”
Helen: “darlin’ ive been at this a long time plus you are very easy to read… wait a moment you remind me of.. YN?”
you had to think now… you couldnt think straight in the first place cause of Kate but now you were faced with this lady who suddenly knew your name.
YN: “im sorry you seem to have me at a disadvantage. do i know you?”
Helen: “its me Helen, i was your tailor when Mr Wayne was still here. God rest his soul.”
you now knew who she was and she hugged you welcoming you back to Gotham as she took you to the rack where she happened to have a mermaid spaghetti strap in lilac and in your size.
she pulled it off the shelf and handed it to you. you held it up to your figure and she gave it the thumbs up as she went to grab you a shawl and a handbag as well as a pair of wedges which she took a guess on the size.
kate and you went back to her apartment and she helped you get comfortable before she went to go get ready for the ball. you started to take off what you currently were wearing, and then you slid into the dress. the satin lace combo gliding across your skin.
you didnt hear Kate who wanted your help with her tie come back as you finished pulling the up but couldnt reach the zipper.
Kate: “knock knock…”
YN: “i cant reach the zipper. Can you zip up my dress?”
Kate: “only if you help me. Can you help me with my tie?”
you nod.
YN: “deal. but who goes first?”
Kate: “come closer to me and turn around so i can do up the zipper.”
you turn around and move your hair out of habit. Kate’s hands move slowly along your back to the zipper but they trace every inch of your back before grasping the zipper.
YN: “can I ask you something?”
Kate: “of course.”
Yn: “did you have any contact with Bruce before he left that would indicate where he was going or why?”
Kate: “no but my cousin was strong willed, if he wanted to do something he most certainly did everything in his power to achieve whatever he was trying to do. Ugh the zipper is stuck, do not worry I have someone who is very eager to help in any way possible but while I Call her can you do my tie?”
Just as you turn around you hear the door open, Kate turns to defensive in front of you. Mary walks through the door.
Mary: “chill out sis it’s me!”
Kate: “thank God it’s you I hope you can help. Mary this is YN, YN this is My sister Mary. Mary can you fix YN’s zipper on her dress it is stuck even I couldn’t get it.”
Mary places her purse and her coat down and comes behind you. While you trace Kate’s form grasping hold of her tie. Mary goes to take a look at your zipper, she spends longer on the zipper then you do on kates tie.
You had this weird feeling, like she had a secret, like she was trying to tell you something and you werent quite picking up the signal.
Kate had one of her hands on your waist, she had every confidence that she had found her one in you. Course she had heard her cousin mention his fantastic secretary but she didnt think you would be this gorgeous. Mary after a while exclaims.
Mary: “i have an idea… stay right there dont move…”
mary left the room for a moment this left you and kate to further ponder your thougts. kate still had her hand on your waist, this sparked something within you that you had not felt in years.
Kate: “do you have anyone special in your life?”
YN: “ive been single every day for my entire life. cause before i left bruce and i shared secrets with eachother that we soon knew would go with us to our graves. kate, im a lesbian…”
Kate smiles and is about to speak when mary comes back into the room, she goes to the back of your dress and fiddles round for a few moments before standing straight and comes back to her bag and coat.
Mary: “all done i replaced the zipper pull, you will be fine ill fully replace the zipper before that dress is needed again. now both of you should go Luke will be here any moment. and im hitching a ride so hurry up both of you and finish getting reAdy.”
Kate and you finished getting ready, the sound of a car horn sounded. this pulled you and kate out of your own admirations and into a state of lets go present to the public.
you held kates hand this sent several shivers down your spine but in a good way. kate however knew what you felt but she knew she would have to tell you her secret after tonight if everything went her way.
kate: "so i hope that this isnt too forward but how do you think people at this party will react to seeing you at the party let alone back in gotham?"
yN: "dont worry bout it ill just exclaim that im back to stop running from the past. Exclaim that I can't and I shouldn't run forever! Even if I'm still scared."
kate: "what do you have to be scared of?"
yn: "my future, the company I worked for for so long went awol after lucius God rest his soul and now I return to meet the cousin of my former boss and the son of his best friend. Geez I'm overwhelmed!"
Kates hand on your own had you finding the strength to make it through the evening! Your only thoughts were of how how you and Kate looked.
Luke got out of the car and came round to open your door so kate and you as well as mary could exit the car. The press got one look at you beside kate and had a field day.
After pushing through the crowd, making it inside the gallary you realized that the security was tighter than usual.
YN: “when did security get beefed up?”
Kate: “since my father became the leader of a security company, they are called the Crows, they became a thing after Batman disappeared. lets avoid any and all contact with him while here, he wont entirely take kindly to me having a date at this gala.”
YN: “does he know that your...”
Kate: “yes he does but he doesnt entirely approve of it. but you know what screww what he thinks. im just happy to not be suffering this event alone.”
You smiled you knew that there was a small chance that kate had feelings for you as well. there was speeches, music, silent auction and dancing. this was what you and Kate spent some of your time doing. was dancing and placing tickets into the silent auctions.
You and Kate were standing by the bar during the next few speeches, doing a few shots and having several laughs.
Kate: "have you ever kissed a girl?"
YN: "not willingly... Poison ivy got me once but batman swooped in and saved me after I sucker punched him while he was trying to save me. But I guess kissed and put under a spell by a bad girl doesn't count."
Kate: "nope but it was a good try..."
before kate had a chance to finish er sentance her name was being called, this made both you and her turn toward the voice, this also made kate immediately chug the rest of her drink.
Jacob: "kate... didnt expect to see you here tonight."
kate: "thats cause i didnt mention that i was gonna be here. as i found out a few new things today but you dont need to know as long as you do what you do we can never be a proper family. trust me being gay is the best thing to ever happen to me. I swear I'm not gonna give up who I am just to make you proud of me. If you can't accept me for who I am then how are we supposed to be a family. "
Jacob: "Kate you made your choice years ago at the Acadamy you don't need to remind me that we are not and can never be a proper family. You and your lady friend enjoy the gala."
Jacob gives you the snake eye before walking away. You turn to Kate both of you now standing alot closer before. Then it was time for someone from Wayne tech to get up and speak.
You and Kate were the only ones who were able and willing to represent the company on the stage.
Kate: "Wayne tech was started by my aunt Martha and my uncle Thomas Wayne many many years ago. Then my cousin Bruce took over when he was old enough. 6 years ago my cousin disappeared, 3 years ago lucius fox was murdered, today I stand up here with YN who worked close along side lucius and Bruce for many years before Bruce disappeared. Under her leadership and the help of lucius fox's nephew Luke we have plans to reopen Wayne tech."
YN: "citizens of Gotham, what Kate says is true we have plans to reopen Wayne tech, we hope to bring good to our city, continuing on in the steps of my former boss and business partner Bruce, may he ever be remembered as we reopen and continue the business that was the foundation to Gothams Legacy for years before and will continue to be...”
before you could finish your speech the lights in the entire building went out. you and Kate stood close.
Kate: “stay close to me, this is not supposed to happen...”
a few moments later a single spotlight on the other side of the room reveals someone standing there...
Hush: “greetings gothamites, right now some of the crows are all standing on pressure plates that will explode the building if they move. so i want the little rat who is associated with Bruce wayne to come forth and face the punishment for trying to shine that light again.”
Kate and you make your way through the shadows and around the harmless civilians to a hidden panel in the wall. stepping inside this felt very familiar feeling of security.
Kate: “we all have our demons, some of our demons hide in the shadows, for this lunatic out there im one of his demons. YN you know Bruce’s secret now im trusting you with mine.”
YN; “ what are you talking about Kate i have to go out there and stand up to that monster and prove my worth.”
Kate: “and you will have your part to play in this but so will i...”
you watch as she emerges from shadws into some low lighting dressed as a bat...”
YN: “so you took after your cousin in that respect. i am so happy that you have trusted me with this secret. thank you for that.”
Kate: “all i want you to do is go out there and keep him talking distract him long enough for luke who can hear us right now to silently and remotely disarm the pressure plates. now go, ill be along shortly. i have to go a different way.”
you leave the hole in the wall, you walk out there and throw your voice from behind the people.
YN: “who are you and what the hell do you want with me?”
Hush: “why dont you come out and face me so i can see who you are!”
You go further and a spotlight shines on you.
Hush: "well well well, let's get this party started.. Starting with a pop quiz: in Wayne tech the last project that was announced to be in development was what?"
YN: "a new secure wing at arkham asylum."
Hush: "what made the plans for this project go off the rails?"
YN: "the disappearance of Bruce Wayne and the murder of lucius fox."
Hush: "and what project are you guys gonna start on with your start up?"
Yn: "why does it matter to you you dick? You are the one that is basically holding us for hostage... Now either release the innocent people and disarm the pressure plates or the gcpd will be crawling over this place in a matter of moments."
Hush: "now now little girl, you were Bruce Wayne's pet weren't you?"
YN: "I was his assistant and best friend."
Hush: "I knew him once, but he was much different then... I for one am glad he is gone, he was an arrogant ass..."
Kate came into view a few times, helping to set up the room so the people are safe, you keep ‘hush’ busy for a few moments. before you knew it all the innocents were in a safe location.
Hush approached you rapidly and began to get all up in your grill.
Hush: “why are you not afraid of me?”
YN: “cause ive seen things in my lifetime that would scare even a man with no heart such as yourself. so do your worse cause im counting on someone saving me very soon...”
Hush comes up and starts using his fingers to trace your body. that is when Kate decided it was time to make her presence known.
Batwoman: “hey ugly, take your hands off the lady...”
Hush turns to see Batwoman who you know is actually Kate standing behind him...
Hush: “why should i you silly little bat?”
Batwman: “cause in a number of moments the pressure plates will be disarmmed, the crows will be free and you will be going to arkham. now pick on someone your own size...”
Hush turned away from you immediately before turning to batwoman he chucked knives at her while you stood there and watched.. Kate caught your eye and winked, just like bruce used to do if he wanted to pull a reverse batarang catch combo.
Kate threw the batarang and it landed in your catch then with all your strength and force your threw that batarang at the back of hush’s head and he fell straight on his face.
batwoman: “alright commander the pressure plates have been disabled, make sure this animal sees justice. ill take the lady out of the building. have a good night commmander.”
kate comes up to you and grapples both of you out of the building. kate’s father called to make sure both of you were okay. you ended up at wayne tower with kate now she still is in costume.
Kate: “what fascination did my cousin have for bookcases...”
YN: “it is just his thing, back at wayne manor he had a bookcase a piano entrance and several other things, he finally choose the bookcase to make things easy for his quick escapes.”
Kate: "do you want to see the cave?"
YN: "I haven't been down there since before Bruce left... I would love to see it back up and running."
Kate's hand on your own leading you down into the cave made you smile as the stairwell seemed to get brighter like something glowing at the end of the tunnel.
Getting to the end of the tunnel there's a path lined with flame less tea lights.
Yn: "it's beautiful... I love these tea lights!"
Kate: "I have to be honest tonight I had a hard time keeping myself from letting my heart lead my actions. In the few short hours that I've known you, I've fallen in love with you. I had Luke and Mary set this up. As well as the bed in the center."
Kate says as she starts de suiting allowing you to roam around but mid way through de suiting her eyes couldn't leave your form.
Kate: "it took everything I had for will power not to make love to you right then and there and when we were dancing it took all my will power not to kiss you while dancing."
You turned to face Kate both of you facing eachother now.
Yn: "what's stopping you now?"
Mid way through de suiting Kate allowed her instincts to take over. she left her suit half off ran to you cupped your cheeks and kissed you. this was the kiss that felt like it had happened before, but of course it hadnt but it sure as hell felt amazing literally breath taking.
after 10 minutes both of you broke the kiss breathing heavily before kate spoke in heavy raspy breaths.
Kate (breathing heavily): “this might be more sexy if you help me finish getting out of my suit.”
YN (breathing heavily): “turn around and i will...”
Kate turns around, you place small seductive kisses trailing her neck, to her shoulder, down her spine earning small soft moans of approval from Kate. your hands moved to her wait and began to slide the suit from her waist down her legs you still leaving kisses ever couple seconds.
once the suit was off Kate threw it across the table in the corner, and took you closer to the bed as she started to use her hands once more to roam over your body, feeling every inch of it.
Kate: “you are still wearing far too much clothing... turn around time for me to help you get out of what you are wearing...”
YN: “i promise you that this is probably way less than you were wearing.”
Kate: “turn around for me..”
you turned around and smiled, kates hands on the back of your dress using the make shift pully for the zipper that mary had put on to undo the dress. but Kate kissed your neck earning soft moans from you.
Kate: “dont forget we are the future of wayne tech, and united we stand..”
YN: “you are so hot, i got all throat dryed and tongue tied when i first met you. i was shell shocked... but im damn well glad you were the one in the building.”
the fabric slid off your body on its own, all kate had to do was make sure you didnt trip over the dress. tossing that with the suit you are in the caressed embrace of Kate.
Kate: “so beautiful...”
you turn around lifting Kate’s tank top off her body. her hands making quick work to slide off her shorts. both of you now scooting onto the bed, Kate was on top of you quicker than you were fully laying down.
Kate: “now this is how love is supposed to be...”
Kate grinded her way onto you, pulling off 69 and just general pleasuring sensual acts. you both were screaming and moaning in pleasure.
Kate: “you know i dont think ive had this much passion in sex in a long time.”
YN: “i know what you mean and i am perfectly content staying right here for like ever...”
kate had been using a double strap on so it pleasured you both. she hadnt puled out or really stopped moving, you both were just laying in a way that you could have a conversation.
YN: “how did i get so lucky to end up with you?”
Kate: “no idea but it was probably the same thing that brought me to you. i love you...”
You cupped her cheeks making sure your noses were touching and that was how your night of perfect bliss continued with the strap on and the vigerous sexual positions and the oral sex you received from Kate.
After several hours of that you both fell asleep cuddled together in perfect harmony. Morning soon fell, the bat computer started its morning routine, the lights were still romantic.
In those moments things seemed simple, both of you had forgotten the horrific but wonderful time at the gala the night before.
Kate and you stirred at the same time, opening your eyes only to start grinding the strap on again, not alot of moving from where you were nor from under the covers.
You were still going at it moments later when Luke and Mary began to decend into the cave. Neither you nor Kate noticed as you were too pre occupied.
The bat computer spoke suddenly.
Computer: "sir Luke and lady Mary, madame Kate and mistress YN are still rolling in the sheets, they also just woke up shall I put up the protective shield?"
Mary: "yes please so we don't have to see anything.. But there is a question I have who installed those shield and why?"
Computer: "master Wayne did for his rendezvous with miss Kyle! Whenever they would happen. "
Luke: "did my father know? About Bruce and Selena?"
Computer: "oh yes everyone eventually knew cause they got engaged in secret. To show Gotham that Selina had truly changed her spots."
Luke and Mary were shocked they didnt think that someone would happen upon anything like that in the cave... though like they were about to see the shield would reveal as though nothing was on the other side of the wall...
Luke: "did bruce leave anything indicating where he was going or why he left?"
computer: "that information is classified except to those whose code names are on the inscription."
Mary: "is it safe to go down now?"
computer: "yes go on..."
meanwhile you and Kate were still engaged in the sensual arts. passion flowing gracefully from you both. neither of you noticing the shield nor hearing the voices from luke and mary, nor realizing that there was work to be done.
about an hour later you and kate were both finally satisfied. you both threw on the robes sitting near by and smiled happily walking out from behind the shield. only to be confronted with glares from Luke and Mary...
Luke: “glad you both could finally join us... oh by the way, great idea for starting wayne tech again that is a brilliant plan...”
Mary: “where are your formal wear so i can repair that zipper and whatever else needs on it...”
YN: “its on the couch over near the shield. just dont look back there it aint pretty.”
Kate smiled cause she could only imagine what kind of horrors they would see if they looked. 
Kate: “did you find anything on that Hush character from the gala last night?”
Luke: “sadly no but i can say that whoever he is is extremely hard to place. plus there is no mention of anyone named Hush in Bruce’s files anywhere.”
YN: “so he is someone new thats okay cause i am the one that took down Poison ivy, that was one of the only missions i ever did with bruce i had my own suit and everything. Bruce taught me everything he knew. but in those moments ivy had no idea that i was the same girl she had tried to force to kill Batman. then i turned around and clipped her with a batarang to the back of the head and brought her ass to arkham. it was a glorious day. it was also the same day that Bruce told me he was leaving. or well that he was preparing too. he told me for what was coming neither of us should be in the city. so when he left i grabbed what few belongings i had and i left gotham and had been in Star City till yesterday.”
Kate went to mary who handed Kate something which peaked your curiousity, but you werent gonna pry you knew when the time was right Kate would do what her heart commanded. 
~1 and a half years later... success had been accross yours and Kates features as you both were running sucessfully 3 businesses. the reopening of wayne tech had gone smoothly. then there was the real estate firm that Kate had been running before you got to gotham as well as a nightclub. a little excessive but its a welcome reprieve with a fully stocked bar. you and Kate were happily living in your penthouse together. you had left alot of it alone due to both of you missed Bruce and wanted him to be honored.~
Kate: “YN, did you put..”
YN: “top drawer in the middle cabinet, Kate did you...”
Kate: “its in your desk in the center drawer...”
you and Kate were functional working happy couple. this was to be the night of the wayne tech gala. you both had put one on as tghe grand reopening and now its a yearly thing. to showcase everything that is in development for the people of gotham. 
Kate: “can you believe that its already been almost 2 years...”
YN: “can you believe that i never thought i would have ever been working for wayne tech again.”
kate: “can you believe that you are the most beautiful woman at this party.”
YN: “your not so bad yourself.”
Kate smiled as she came up behind you to help you do up your dress. 
Kate: “do you think bruce would be proud of what we have done and are doing?”
YN: “i think whereever he is he is very proud of us... and even better he would be honored that we took this mantle and have upheld it for the good of the Wayne family legacy.”
thats when an intruder alert sounded. it was one of the silent alarms on the wayne manor property. 
YN: “we should go as ourselves not in costume.”
Kate: “ill call Mary and Luke and have them stall for time at the gala. we will be there in plenty of time. but your right as usual.”
YN: “good thing we travel to impress.”
Kate: “we also travel combat ready... i get now why you always have slits in your dresses. lets go.”
Kate and you got onto Kates bike and drove off towards the detection. ah yes wayne manor now declared sacred land and only for family, it was unusual that someone would dare to venture onto the property. 
upon arrival at the gate you and Kate parked and got off the bike leaving your helmets and hiding the valuables in the safe installed on the bike. 
Kate: “keep your eyes open something isnt right.”
YN: “dont worry whatever it is we will make sure to handle this.”
Kate smiles and keeps you close while walking further onto the property. you remembered the last time you had been here before bruce left and disappeared. 
Kate: “see anything yet?”
YN: “not yet... wait there is a light inside...”
you start running towards the house Kate follows in suit, you start going up the steps but stop as Kate comes up behind you and grabs your hand both of you walking up those stairs together.
Kate and you each opened one of the double doors, both of you walking inside the light seemingly brighter. you could hear rustling and creeking of floors. you and Kate wanted to charge in “guns” blazing but you were in civilian form not a good idea. 
you both stop outside the door to the room, you hear a familiar voice. no it cant be... 
Kate: “whoever that is, is going to be tried for trespassing...”
except you knew that voice... you knew who it was...
YN: “dont be rash babe, i recognize the voice.”
you open the door with Kate on your heels.
YN: “talia...”
the figure turns around and remves her hood.
Talia: “its been a long time YN. how have you been?”
YN: “to be fair its been a gong show... what with having just come back to gotham last night after being in star city for the last several years.”
Talia: “i guess it has been a long long time. whose your friend?”
Kate holds her hand towards talia and stands tall beside you.
Kate: “kate kane, im Bruce’s cousin. im as of 1 and a half years ago  YN’s  girlfriend.”
Talia shakes kates hand. 
YN: “what are you doing here talia?”
Talia: “i mean no disrespect but something seemed wrong about Bruce disappearing. something felt wrong and if i can find out why it felt wrong then i can find out where Bruce disappeared to.”
YN: “keep us informed, we have an expo to get too.. we are so late...”
Kate: “if you wish there will be a ticket for you at the door Talia. it was very nice to meet you.”
Talia: “as it was to meet you Kate.”
You and Kate leave Talia to what she was doing and head back to the bike. Tears fell from your eyes thinking about Bruce and how proud he would be of both you and Kate.
Kate: "thinking about Bruce?"
YN: "I just wish he were here to see what we have accomplished. But let's get to the expo and reveal the plans for the developments that we have come up with."
Kate hands you your helmet before hse puts hers on as you both get back on the bike and head to the expo. Parking in the parking garage you make the notion that you both got dirt on your outfits.
Kate: "shit Mary is gonna kill us... She might have planned for something like this... Hold on let me..."
before kate could call Mary, mary rang Kate’s cell...
Kate: “Mary thank god its you listen YN and i had a little run in with some dirt both our outfits are no longer presentable do you have any spare outfits.”
Mary yells at luke and then speaks a moment.
mary: “meet me in the washrooms in the lobby... i will have them there shortly..”
you and Kate sneak your way through the corridors and head into the lobby washrooms. anxiously awaiting Mary’s arrival with your replacement outfits, you made sure that you kept a level head. 
Kate: “you look a little tense love...”
YN: “i wanted this night to go smoooth and now we have to do a costume change only a few short moments before we have to be on stage for the toasts. this is not how this night was supposed to go...”
Kate: “not to worry, there is still plenty of time for things to go right.”
Mary walks in a while later, you look at Kate with anticipation for the way that you were hoping this night would go was not what it seemed. 
Mary: okay whose first for their outfit change... 
Kate: just give me the outfits Mary, you and Luke need to make sure no one comes in here for a few moments while we get changed... once we are changed ill knock on the door and you and come and collect the outfits. 
Mary: that sounds do-able. just both of you hurry up people are asking for you, important people. 
you and Kate were not sure who could be out there but you both were certain that this night was gonna be a rocking good time. 
getting into your clean outfits you both realize that you both are wearing your costume colors. Kate knocks on the door once you both are presentable, mary walks in.
Mary: you both look spectacular!
Kate: ya in our costume colors what is going on?
Mary: luke developed a microchip to change anything into your costumes its like a portable solution. but these are just incase of any ruckass. which we are hoping there wont be but just in case here they are. 
Kate: what if we just want to be normal for one night?
Mary reaches into the neckline of Kates shirt and your bra line on your dress and pulls out the microchips. 
Mary: if you both change your minds i have the chips now go  you both are due for your speech in a few moments. 
you and kate go out of the washroom, arriving in the ballroom to be greeted by dignitaries and just in time to be called up on stage. politely excusing yourselves you both walk up on stage. 
Kate: whats up gotham city. thank you all so much for coming out tonight. this year so far is really big and productive for the company. i cant believe its been almost 2 years since me and YN brought wayne tech back to life. if bruce wayne were here today, to see what we have done he would be very proud of everything we are doing to keep this legacy alive. the silent auction will run all night the winner will be contacted by telephone and by email. the prizes will be availble for drop off or pick up at wayne tech. now i am gonna turn the mic over to my business partner and girlfriend YN.
YN: thanks kate, so as you all have seen around the room are some of the plans to refurbish some of the wings at arkham as well as build a secure wing for those more deadly super criminals. our goal is to create a more secure enviroment as well as give the orderlies more space for any other crazies that may pop up or have to go to arkham thanks to the donations of you Gotham we almost have the funds to start the arkham asylum expansion project. 
Kate: before we sign off for the evening i have something i would like to do. bare with me i have not put alot of thought into this but here it goes. 
Kate turns to you taking your hand in her own.
Kate: Yn you and i have taken Wayne tech and brought it back from the dust and shadows like a phoenix in rebirth but tonight as we boht stand before all of gotham i have a question for you, this night at this gala i want to know. Will you YN marry me?
she then got down on one knee and held a ring box to you open to a rose gold entwined celtic knot band with a emerald cut stone in the center. your face went pretty fast from shock to a face of happy complete utter joy. 
YN: yes!
was all you managed to squeak out.  kate placed the ring on your finger and kissed you before holding both your hands up for the press to see the gripped shot of the engagement ring. 
you were not sure what else would come out of your mouth. thats when luke stepped onto the stage with mary. both of them bringing you and kate some champagne. 
mary: waiters are coming around with champagne will you all please join me in raising a toast to YN and Kate  the best people for the right jobs at the right moments. we are honored to be in your debt. to YN and Kate. 
the toast made, the congratulations flowed in, the press all over your engagement. even the crows offered congratulations. 
~what happens now is a different story for a different time~
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seijch · 3 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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Newt X Sick!Reader AU
"Where do you think your going?"Newt asked,looking up from the comic book he was reading. "Nowhere."Sonya answered innocently.Newt looked at his sister,she was wearing a lavendar colored hat,winter boots,jeans,a winter coat and had a lather backpack on her back. "Going to see a boy?"He asked suspiciously. "No!Im just going to see my friend."She answered.Newt grinned. "Ill drive you then."He said,standing up.Sonya rolled her eyes.Every Wednesday and Saturday she would dissapear for hours before coming home and pretended like she had been there the whole time. "Come on,im driving you."Newt said putting on his jacket.
Sonya groaned before opening the door and stomping outside. "Where does this friend of your's live?"Newt asked as they walked to the car,Sonya got in,sitting in the passenger seat.Newt unlocked his door before sitting down and starting the car. "Where does this friend of yours live?"Newt asked as he put on his seat belt. "The hospital."Sonya answered casually,scrolling through the photos on her phone.Newt looked at her. "Are you serious?"He asked skeptically. "Yes im serious,she has no family to visit her so I do,"Sonya stated before showing him her phone. "that's a picture of her."Sonya told him.He looked at the photo.It was a teenage girl the age of 16 or 17,she had soft looking (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) hair,bright and beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes that were looking directly at the camera,her (Y/S/C) skin was extremely pale,an oxygen tube on her nose and an I.V in her hand. He didnt want to admit it but she was gorgeous.Absolutely gorgeous. 
"What's her name?"He asked. "(Y/N)"Sonya answered,pulling her phone away from him. "Can I meet her?"Newt asked as he pulled out of the driveway. "Yeah I guess."Sonya sighed. "Which hospital?"He asked as he reached the beginning of their street. "Gladeville childrens."Sonya answered. "How long has she been there?"Newt asked,turning off of there street in the direction of the hospital. "Since she was thirteen."Sonya replied.That hit Newt like a punch in the face.That meant (Y/N) had been in the hospital for four years. "W-What's wrong with her?"Newt asked. "Uh...Bad lung,bad kidney and now she has two broken ribs."Sonya sighed. "But...she's okay?"Newt asked. "Yeah...she's just on a lot of medication."Sonya sighed again.Newt felt awful.Poor (Y/N),he could only imagine how terrible it must be to be stuck in a hospital all day. He parked in a parking lot that was close to the entrance.They got out of the car and walked into the hospital in silence.Sonya approached the front desk. 
"Here to see (Y/N)?"The woman asked.She nodded. "Who's this?"The woman asked,looking at Newt's tall figure. "My brother Newt."Sonya explained. "Well i'm sure (Y/N) would love to have a new visitor."The woman smiled.Newt and Sonya walked to the elevator and got off at the third floor.Newt followed Sonya as she walked down to the last room and knocked on the door,waiting a moment before opening the door.She walked in. "Hey (Y/N)!"She greeted the (Y/H/C) girl. (Y/N) smiled weakly at her. "Hey Sony."She said quietly. "Um,my brother wanted to meet you."Sonya said,gesturing for Newt to come into the room. "Hello Love."He waved,smiling slightly. (Y/N) blushed slightly at his nickname for her. "Hi."She smiled. "My names Newt."He introduced. "(Y/N)"she grinned.She was a bit skinnier then she had seemed in the picture and had a oxygen tube around her nose and an IV in her hand.
 "How are you feeling?"Sonya asked. "Well,Nemo was on today so that was great and the new medication is TERRIBLE!"She groaned.Sonya chuckled. "Well,its almost lunch time...What do you want to eat?"Sonya asked. "Well,I cant eat anything to heavy so.... (Y/F/T) pancakes." (Y/N) answered. "Alright,do you want some water to?"She asked. (Y/N) nodded. "And Newt,just stay here and dont break anything."Sonya stated before leaving the room. "Its awfully dark in here,do you want me to open the curtains?"Newt asked. (Y/N) nodded.He limped over to the window and opened the curtains,allowing the light of the December afternoon into the room.He smirked,leaning against the wall as (Y/N) gazed in awe at the snowflakes that slowly fell from the sky. "You like snow?"He asked. (Y/N) smiled. "Yeah,I havent been outside in a long time though."She mumbled. "Why not?"He asked. "I cant really get up."She giggled slightly. "Oh...I-im sorry i didnt know."Newt said apologetically. "Its fine,its been around thirteen years."She mumbled. 
"I thought you've been in this hospital for four years..."He mumbled. "I came here after the boston hospital."She explained. He began feeling awkward. "So...Nemo huh?"He asked awkwardly. (Y/N) giggled. "I like disney movies."She smiled. “I’ve been in the hospital all my life so I have to grow up fast.”She sighed. “I really like the lion king...have you ever seen it?” Newt Asked. “No,can say I have.”She mumbled. “Who’s your favorite Disney character?”Newt Asked. “Hmmm....” (Y/N) thought. “I like (Y/F/D/C).”She smiled. Newt chuckled. “Yeah, He/She is pretty cool.”He agreed.A loud beeping noise came out of something that was on one of the machines. “What was that?”He panicked. “Don’t worry,that just means the nurse is coming to check my vitals.”she giggled. “Oh...I thought I killed you.” Newt chuckled,causing (Y/N) to grin. “You’re funny.”She mumbled. “Thankyou.”He blushed slightly.There was a knock at the door before a short woman with red hair that was wearing a nurses out fit walked in. “How are we doing today sweetheart?”She Asked. 
“Eh...Could be better.” (Y/N) mumbled. “Better how?”The nurse asked,checking her clip board. “I could not be in a hospital and my mom could still love me.” (Y/N) said sarcastically. “But medical wise I’m sort of okay...” (Y/N) smiled. The nurse put a clip on her finger before writing down the numbers on her clipboard.The nurse then walked over to the counter and pulled out a syringe and filling it with a clear liquid. (Y/N) held out her forearm,being careful of the IV.The needle was about an inch long and the nurse walked over to her. “Alright,you may feel just a tiny little pinch,it will only sting for a moment.”She smiled, (Y/N) looked at Newt, rolling her eyes,causing him to nearly chuckle.The nurse took out the needle. “I’ll be back around dinner time to check on you again.”The nurse smiled before leaving the room. 
“I’m guessing you don’t like her very much.” He chuckled. “It’s not really that I don’t like her,it’s just she is so condescending.” (Y/N) sighed.Newt chuckled. “I’m sorry,I feel bad...”He Said quietly. “Dont Be.” (Y/N) smiled.Sonya then walked in carrying a plate. “I got the pancakes.”She smiled,putting the plate on the tray table. “It’s almost Christmas.” Newt Said loudly. Sonya and (Y/N) looked at him.There was a moment of silence before bursting into laughter. “What about it?”Sonya Asked. “Well maybe we can see if we can get a decoration or two for this room.”Newt Said looking around at the yellow walls that had a couple of blue and purple polka dots on it. “I don’t like Christmas that much...A lot of fundraisers go on in the hospital and they make us decorate cookies and gingerbread houses.” (Y/N) sighed,pouring some maple syrup on her pancakes. 
“Well that doesn’t sound too bad.”Newt grinned. “Everyone else gets visitors except me,it’s embarrassing.”She mumbled. “We can visit you.” Newt and Sonya said at the same time. “JINX!”they said again. “JINX AGAIN!”they almost shouted. (Y/N) laughed. She began eating her pancakes. “You guys have family to celebrate Christmas with,you don’t have to visit me.”She smiled.
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mensajeroseis · 3 years
oh ive been eyeing.wasteland.3.for.a while since its free with game pass. would u say its worth it/what do u like.about it?
I was excited for it before its release, esp when I found out it was coming to game pass w its release. Tho I only got to playing it in December lol. Tho my reasonings for being selfish was that it takes place in Colorado, and considering I live here, I thought it was really cool. Anyways, yeah I would say it’s worth it, for its writing/humor and gameplay in general. HOWEVER : only if you’re okay with it crashing a lot, I know inxile games have had this struggle with launches for the first year before theyre able to tweak and fix all the bugs out. I heard it was an issue with Wasteland 2′s release. And I can tell you it crashed quite a bit for me. Infrequently to frequently ! I think this is a main issue for consoles however, PC players haven’t had much to complain about that. So it’s best to keep up with the dev’s patches. And have patience lol, luckily it autosaves every time you enter a new area but yk some areas do sprawl for a while, so it’s good to remember to quick save also.
This was my first venture with a modern isometric game, I’ve briefly played fo1/2 but can’t get into them for too long. So I think I appreciated a lot of the streamlining Wasteland 3 brought to the table. I’ve tried to play Wasteland 2 in the past, and tried again after Wasteland 3, but I think I have the same issues with it like fo1/2. So I will probably be biased towards Wasteland 3 as being the only isometric post apoc game I can play lol.
I find a lot about the game fun, its writing and roleplaying being a big proponent. It’s not as personable as like a bioware roleplay I’d say, but since it’s more of an old school isometric collective team with your custom made characters, I think you can still get attached to them with the dialogue choices youre given. Also the companions are really fun and dynamic in their backgrounds. And will influence your team build and potential choices in general. I didn’t experiment with a lot I only stuck with 2-3 out of the several companions given. Gameplay wise, it took a few days for me to get into the rhythm and understand advantages I could do. I ended up making a new playthrough a week in or something after I was more familiar with it (I was only like a third of the way into the game by then). So I could make better choices with my character builds and other things like handling money and buying equipment. So I found it much more enjoyable and quicker to get back to where I was in my original playthrough. 
I find all the quests enjoyable, the grand story can have some issues with lack of decisions I feel. But it’s not glaring it’s mainly nitpicky I guess. Side quests have these fun incapsulated stories to them, some funny some sad, or just odd. And I do find tactical games to be a fun brain scratcher, so each fight you get into no matter the area, will always be a fun puzzle to figure out for tactics and it’s always satisfying to kill enemies imo. Also I find all the enemy designs to be really fun, enemy factions are all intriguing and some are unique in tactics to fight. And much more vast than anything in fallout lol. I find a lot of things in Wasteland 3 to be much more interesting than anything in like, lets say Fallout 4 lmfao. I’m really hoping W3 gets dlc, because I found it so fun and I really want more !!!
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questionthebox · 4 years
How I really talk.
a few things, I want to make note of, 
1. the notion of life or existence being a simulation is meaningless, as the word “simulation” doesn’t mean the intent, of what we all think it means, just google the definition, if life were really a simulation,  no rules of “abstract reality/morality” alongside the fact that advanced science should already if this was true be able to understand it, and modify it, the way I put mods in my Skyrim, if life were truly a simulation, there would be by random chance, junk or glitches spread, no computer that I'm aware of, can simply run things this smoothly without glitches or crashes happening at points, if this was really being ran by a computer ? which is never specified when scientists speak of a simulation, they never specify what a simulation is machine wise, is it a super duper computer, or some sort of artificial intelligence, wouldn’t our super computers pick up mathematically if life was a simulation ? I'm just spitballing here, but I'll go back to that, if this was a simulation, why the inherent sense of morality and reality ? because I can mod my Skyrim so that I could kill anyone at will, and no one notices, lastly this notion of simulation, begs the ultimate question of why, perhaps our leading psychologists can answer this, but I don’t see why a “God” or “Gods” would do this to this extent, if we are indicative of the simulations, simulator, then that “God” presumably has the same sense of morality and reality that we do. my true feelings on life and its existence, is that of what the buddha said, of the unknowable questions, if anything, these questions will arise once different advance civs collaborate on them, if they the advance civs actually exist. 
2. I feel weird when the notion of experience is thrown around, but somehow I have a lot of it, don’t know why, but I guess I always put myself in the, well actually I do know why, some people chase thrills, I chase narratives, but there’s something ive been encountering, people in my generation that have no experience whatsoever, in particular Sexual, which confuses me, considering how overly sexual things are, I'll be frank here, in that ive heard from many their little pussy ass sob stories, on their “experiences” I'm going to do something controversial here, and blame the victim, you people are just fucking weird, I realized that, it has nothing to do with all these grandiose things, you’re just weirdos, and cowards, who are afraid of life, who won’t grow up, Sex is part of growing up, its not this thing done to you, or that you do onto others, Sex is about the freedom of adulthood, its about looking at oneself as adult, and putting aside the bullshit, that distracts, and because these people have no experience all they have, is friends who are bland, trivial things like, video games, or whatever media these weirdos consume, its almost as if they’ve totally bought into being a passive audience member, that consumes, they are the true definition of a consumer, I'll put it like this, you’re never going to get me to fully put myself into anything that isn’t SEX, like I'm never going to treat College as I would Sex, because College and the people in it, are muted, boring, anal, and that’s it, in repeat, ive personally figured out a way to operate within this system, without it, affecting or defining what I do in life, in life, I chase narratives and people, and experiences, in life, I'll spend a week at a beach, doing drugs, writing a book of poems, you’ll never hear me talk about “BABY YODA” . 
all that being said, its still weird to encounter, I'm 28 btw, people who have scarcely had SEX, and who want to have SEX with me, like no I'm not going to have sex with you, because your just a pussy ass spiritual asexual who wants to be a vampire and leech after my spirit, and trust me, there’s many of these people, 
which leads me to this, my generation is a true “LOST generation” 
from the totality still living with parents, of which I live with my dad, to all the things we are denied, to the unhealthy bullshit we have access to, and its even worse for the generation under us, those kids are dumb little weak pussies, and I mean piss dumb, they only know some fucking ghetto rapper, saying “yeah” over and over again, I fucking hate young people, I hate the attention paid to the young, I hate how they determine culture, just the way of perception, the young are weak, how many times have I told or tried to motivate people to do shit, how many times did I use to tell miss Agnes Varda, im a 29 year old writer woman, stuck writing romance novels, meanwhile I live with a ugly ass boring husband, she should write and make films, 
and this is what Jen wants to be “young” ha, 
over the past few years, ive found myself in an “entanglement” with a middle aged woman, who wants to be two things, an artist, and a young woman again, and I understand the first desire, and I know she is an artist, but the second one, I find to be utterly deranged, because the young of today offer nothing, who would want to be among them ? which reminds me, 
last Semester of college, I was in the gallery, at the desk, surrounded by my classmates, all young people, it was national coming out day, and there was this door, people were taking pictures with, like going through the door to represent “coming out” and they all sort of gathered around me, to discuss, their insular little realities, with one bitch saying she was ASEXUAL, which I have a funny story to tell about her, that girl, was plain, a real plain Jane, and if you know me, you know how warm and nice I am, and so I paid her a compliment one day about her hair, and the next day, she comes all jazzed up, hair long, showing stomach, the whole 9 yards basically, trying to get my attention, and its like bitch you just made a whole thing about being ASEXUAL, and her deal was honest to gods truth, she didn’t want to grow up, the bitch just spoke about anime and cartoons, like yuck... ok then there was the little gerble little rodent looking bitch, who went on this long winded polite thing about being pan sexual, and this person is the definition of those people you meet at college who only care about being some ass kissing do goober who does their work and goes beyond doing the work, they treat it like a lifestyle, I had to listen to that bitch claim she’s “Pansexual” which made me laugh, because your only saying that because your ugly as fuck, and can’t get no dick or pussy if you tried, then the other weak ass followers chimed in their little polite coming out stories, and I'll never forget this, this dude, taps me on my arm, and says “yeah who’s really straight now anyways” 
which leads me to this 
I AM motherfucker, and yeah ive had queer experiences when I was younger, but that was due to just being experimental and fun, but as a 28 year old man, baby you best believe I love VAGINA, I love DOGGY, but they wouldn’t understand that because they ain’t never had it, or had anything good, honest to gods truth ive had some fire ass women, because im a fire ass nigga, I once made a woman, during a love making session, that started in the early evening, and continued to the next day, cum according to her, like 20 times, NO CAP... and that was just me being completely entranced and let loose, because love making is a feast, ive been lucky and you know what ima speak as a MAN, I was lucky for the first two women I really had, and one in particular, to have had women with absolutely knockout bodies, I mean this woman had d cup breasts, nice hips, ass, long hair, she did modeling originally when she lived with her aunt, I mean god damn nigga, and to just be young and experience that, because it was levels to this shit, it wasn’t just fucking, it was lets give each other a bunch of orgasms, because were genuinely super fucking attracted to each other, it was shit where I would be going on my intellectual rants and she would just start randomly kissing a nigga passionately, I remember the first time she did that I was like WTF, and she was like well I ain’t never heard anyone talk like you before, its passionate, and that was just one woman, in these 10 years, from 2010, til now, do you know how many groovy women ive been lucky to experience life with,
you think I just say shit, you think I write poems about ELLY, I write poems about her, because I know there’s shit her and I will do, that's super far out, from witch pagan shit to all kinds of shit, like niggas don’t have any sense of romance and imagination, 
like its like people don’t care to know life as something beautiful in a collective sense, 
im a communist because I can see life as that, you get me, all the shit I complain about, is this the shit I see that makes life not worth it, im choosing to stand up at risk of total alienation and people hating me, to say look it can be more then this. 
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peachywise · 5 years
an umbrella academy fanfiction // klaus hargreeves x reader 
- part i: the introduction || part ii ⋆ part iii ⋆ part iv ⋆ part v ⋆ part vi ⋆  more parts to be released 
- synopsis: A child and a ghost whisperer walk into a diner. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but really it’s just the start of an odd, slightly painful night. Turns out they need you and your power to do something, and Klaus seems way to thrilled and fascinated by you and what you can do. (takes place after the events of the first season) 
- notes: lmao how long has it been since i wrote a fic?? too long thanks anyways the reader is they/them pronouns and everything is pretty vague description wise for inclusivity and shit!! also even though this is klaus x reader focused ~romance~ wise i’ll be writing a shit ton with the reader interacting with the other guys like this part is deadass just as focused on number five as it is klaus. let me know if you guys want this as a series??? i won’t write more parts if people aren’t down but i left it open-ended so it could be a series but honestly, it’d be fine as a one-off too so read what you will k love you bye. tw for swearing
link on ao3 
“Isn’t that a health code violation?” 
Looking up from your book you'd been reading for the past half hour, you heaved a heavy-handed sigh. Sitting on the back counter of the dead dinner you worked at was the least of this shitty establishments problems. “I’ll be sure to let the rats in the kitchen know of your concerns,” you replied simply. 
Dog-earring the page of your book, you set it down beside you. Hopping off, you stepped forward towards the counter as the kid who just entered sat down on one of the stools, planting himself with a look of clear repugnance as he eyed his surrounding subtly. Resting your elbows on the counter, you propped your head on your hands and gave a friendly grin, “I’m sure they’d be happy to whip up some Mickey Mouse pancakes, special just for you.” 
His face though perfectly deadpanned couldn’t hide the slight tick of annoyance in his eyes. “Just get me a black coffee,” he muttered. 
“Coffee will stunt your growth.” 
“You’ll be stunted if you keep up this horrible customer service.”
“Ouch,” sarcasm dripped from your tone as you raised your hands up in mock defeat, “the kitten’s got a bit of a bite there, doesn’t he?” 
Quite honestly, your day was now veering on to a particularly delightful route you hadn’t expected when you first woke up this morning. You suddenly believed some sort of divine karma was finally rewarding you with some quality entertainment. He could banter— a bit on the aggressive side, but you would take what you could get out of the interaction. You knew it wasn’t going to last long. 
“Look, are you going to give me the coffee or are you just going to stand around all day uselessly taking in the air that could be breathed in by more deserving people?” 
Oh, so he’s got knobby knees and wit to match. 
Letting a slow amused smile cross your face as you gave a lazy curtsy, you casually made your way over to the fresh pot and grabbed one of the porcelain white mugs, giving him a knowing look as you poured a good ‘ol black cup of joe. Setting the pot back down, you sauntered your way back over still holding the smile. The kid rolled his eyes, reaching out a hand as he impatiently said, “thank you,” in a refined and expertly practiced condescending manner. But you didn’t hand it to him. No, instead you casually leaned back against the back counter and took a long sip of the burning hot liquid. 
Well, the little tyke certainly did not like that. 
In what was an actually flash of blue light before your eyes, the kid vanished from his place on the rickety red vinyl stool and was beside you a moment later, ripping the mug from your hand with such force that caused the liquid to spill over the sides, scorching your hand and splashing it on your already grease stained, 50’s themed uniform. So, he was words and action. You could respect that. 
“What, no screaming? Not even another smartass comment?” He half-heartedly asked, his eyebrow quirked slightly as he studied you. It was like he was waiting for some sort of delayed reaction from his little magic trick. While yes, it was a little jarring to see it in the flesh for the first time, the moment he had walked through those glass doors you expected a bit of a ‘powerful’ confrontation.
You knew he was Number Five. You knew he was a part of that Umbrella Academy. 
“You know who I am,” he stated in his all brilliant glory. Well, look at that. Seemed he was a real Sherlock as well as a tiny space hopper.  
Easily taking the cup of coffee back, wincing slightly as the cold air pressed against the new burn you tried to seem unfazed about, you took a sip and mumbled against the rim of the cup, “I’m a bit surprised you’re here and actually alive, but it’s easy to remember a face that hasn’t aged a day." Setting the mug down on the counter, you pressed a hand to your hip and questioned, “how is that exactly? Did you run from home just to make yourself immortal? Found yourself an Edward Cullen to bite you or something?” 
Now, you’ve had people look at you like you were stupid before, but no one with a talent such as him. Even though he was looking up at you, he still mastered that beady squinty little look that read ‘you’re the joke of the earth’. Precious. 
“I don’t know who Edward Cullen is, but I’m not immortal, and I don’t have time to explain the whole story to you in detail. Let’s just say I got stuck in time.” Doing his little magic flash again, he appeared back on the other side of the counter, continuing to speak as he added, “Is anyone else here? I assume you’d rather show me what you can do without anyone else around.” 
Ah, yes. What you could do. So that was why he was here. Part of you wondered if someday it would happen. That’s why you knew who he was when he first walked in after all. You kept tabs on all of them, at least a bit. Yeah, the whole “Umbrella Academy” was famous for a little while when you were a kid, but most people had since forgotten them and the kids in the academy had grown up and had become almost unrecognizable. Well, apart from Five. And maybe Allison, but hell, she was famous for a while different reason now. 
Like the others, you were born October 1st 1989 to a completely unexpecting mother who got the shock of her god damn life. If you were 9 months pregnant in under a minute flat, you’d probably be pretty shocked too. However, you were just stunned that something as odd as that could actually happen and result in you getting powers.
Unlike the others, when your parents were approached by professor evil monopoly Reginald Hargreeves, your mom rejected anything he offered in favor of her miracle baby. She was certain she was the new Virgin Mary despite absolutely not being a virgin and refused to give up that title up. At least at that moment, she didn’t want to anyway.  
“You managed to figure out where I worked, and I assume at this point you know my name,” you started, “so why don’t you just tell me what I can do and let me know why you're here so I can turn you down and get back to my book.” Gesturing your hands around the extremely empty diner, you breathed, “I’m a very busy person as you can see.” 
Five didn’t say anything, instead just giving you an almost thoughtful look. You didn’t trust it one fucking bit. 
Quicker than you would have expected out him, he reached over and picked up one of the plates on the counter and threw it your way with such force you wondered for a second if the reason he'd been missing for so long was because he’d taken up a passionate love affair with baseball. On instinct, damn the treacherous thing, your body chilled as a static feeling pushed out of you, surrounding you in a soft, nearly invisible blue bubble-- your force field. The plate bounced right off and landed on the floor, shattering lamely and loudly. 
It was legal to kill a kid who had been missing for years, right?
“Can’t you play a game of catch with the poor kid?” Came a new drama-dripped voice in the door, the little bell ringing softly as he spoke. “His father was a sociopath who didn't pay him any mind, he’s very stunted as you can see. So desperate for the affection and attention of strangers.” 
Klaus. He’d been harder to track over the years, but from the feather collared jacket and lack of shirt, you could spot the eccentricity of him miles away. 
Taking on a protective stance, you moved from behind the counter and positioned yourself in front of Five, stage whispering to him, “careful, looks like one of the kitchen rats got out. They’re very diseased.”
Klaus tilted his head to the side, his mouth snapping open and his eyebrows rising up in stunned amusement. Pointing at you, he turned his attention towards Five and stated, “I’m wounded! This seems to be going on spectacularly, don’t you think?”
Shaking your head with a slight grin, you started to speak to ream five out for throwing a freakin’ plate, but your words died off on the tip of your tongue when your gross ass boss pushed open the doors to the kitchen, his loud, gritty greased voice shouted, “what did you break out here?” His spine went rigid a bit when he seemed to finally note the presence of two other people, but his eyes quickly glanced at the shattered plate and his face continued to get splotchy and red. “Is that your kid who broke it? Jesus, that’s coming out of your paycheck.”
Wow, that 50 cent shitty plate? How would you ever survive? 
Hands slipped around your neck in a hug as Klaus propped his chin on top of your head, his attention fully on your boss. “I’m so sorry sir, you know how it is with kids, gotta get all those angst and deep-seated feeling out somehow. Yesterday we found out he’s been pretending the family cat was his girlfriend. Had to take him to the hospital to get those scratches on his little friend checked out, if you know what I mean,” he smiled, moving away from you to pat the clearly seething Five on the head. 
Before the kid could say anything or do something that would get you in more shit, you plastered your own happy little smile on and bent down beside him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder as you continue to address your boss. “He was just upset because he found out I told his teacher about his little bed wetting problem.” Five ripped your arm away with incredible force and stepped away from you both. Sighing dramatically, you rested the side of your face on your palm and slightly shook your head, adding, “It’s so hard, I just don’t know where we went wrong!” 
Klaus snickered behind you, while your boss looked properly petrified and regretful about having walked in on the whole ordeal at all. 
“Just uh-- forget about it. Clean it up okay?” 
Giving him a wink and you stood back up, you flicked your wrist in a lazy salute. “You got it, Boss Man.” He couldn’t turn back around and get back to the back room fast enough. 
Turning the face the two once again, Klaus grinned as he said, “brilliant work,” raising his hand for a knowing high five. You happily obliged. 
“Was that really necessary?” Five ground out from between his teeth, as you shot him back an incredulous look. “Was it necessary to throw a plate at me?” you retorted, fully not expecting him to reply with, “Yes. It was the only way I could make sure you had a force field.” 
Running your hand through your hair tiredly to get it out of your face, you crossed your arms again and didn’t bother to argue anymore. “Just tell me what this is about.” At this point, you were tired and really just wanted to get back to your quiet night. Klaus was also giving you a once over every thirty seconds and you weren’t quite sure what he looked so bloody excited and anxious about. 
“I have a theory, and I’d like to test it out,” Five said. Klaus quickly interjected with, “and I’m one of the test subjects,” wiggling his eyebrows as he did. 
Narrowing your gaze, you questioned “one of?” 
“Well, it requires you, but before I explain, to what extent can you use your powers? Have you done anything more than just deflect things off your field?”
You shook your head, confusion still clouding your words. “That’s all. Some guy tries to knife me? He bounces off. Sometimes I get lucky and he stabs himself in the process. It’s a simple thing. 
“How many times has someone tried to knife you?” Klaus asked with a small snort, but Five cut him off with a great little bomb of information. “I’ve done some calculations on how your power works, and I think that if someone like us was in the field with you it might nullify our powers.”Huh.
“And... math makes you think that?” 
Five rolled his eyes. You got the idea he did that a fair bit. “I want to test out to see if that’s true, so if you will,  please conjure up your field around you and Klaus and we’ll see if it works on him.” 
Flashing your eyes to Klaus who almost seemed to jitter with excitement, your eyes got slightly wide when you asked, “wait, there’s a ghost here? Like right now?” You swiveled your head around like you would actually be able to see it.  
Klaus nodded his head. “Ben, meet Y/N, Y/N meet our brother Ben.” Pressing a hand to his heart, he added, “forever in our hearts and forever by my side. I am his saving grace.” Turning his head abruptly, he quickly said, “shut up,” to the air-- or Ben, rather-- slicing his hand in a silencing sound. 
Raising a hand hesitantly, you gave a flick of your wrist in that direction, squeaking out a small, “Hi Ben.” 
“If you two idiots are done,” Five muttered, but you stopped him as you said, “three idiots. It’s rude to dismiss Ben’s presence. You're his brother, be respectful.” Five ignored you. “The sooner we test this, the sooner we can leave.”  
Oh, now he was speaking your language. 
Shaking out your shoulders, you widened your stance and clapped your hands, saying, “alright, let's go.” Klaus gave some excited little claps as he stepped to your side, telling Five, “field trips are always so much fun!” 
Taking in a deep breath, you let the energy seep out of you until that familiar snap surrounded you, this time entrapping not on you, but Klaus as well. 
The smiling man quickly went silent. 
“So,” you started hesitantly, turning to study his face. “Did it work?” 
Multiple emotions seemed to cross his features, and it revealed to you certain hopelessness and vulnerability that was so unfamiliar to you and what you had known about him. It dawned on you at that moment that you had no idea what this meant. To him. To Five. Christ, nerves started to wrack through your body when you realized they could be having you do this just to try and kill you because they see it as some sort of ridiculous threat. Still, that seemed unlikely. No, they needed it somehow. 
And as Klaus turned towards you, looking at you as if you were some wonderous figure and not just some crappy diner waiter working two jobs just to get by, you realized that whatever they had been searching for, they had found. Whatever Klaus had been searching for, he had found. 
“They’re gone.” 
His voice was just a fraction above a whisper, but it sent a chill across your skin as his intense gaze once again studied you with incredible fascination. But as he took a step forward, his hand oh-so-gently reaching for your hand, your focus went away and the force field fell, all the sounds and senses of the real world hitting you all at once. 
Five was staring at you both with an odd look you didn’t quite know what to think of. 
Clearing your throat, you took a small step back as the fog cleared out of your head, stating back a dull, “huh?” 
“We’ll be at your apartment in the morning. Get ready to meet the others.” 
Wait, what the fuck?
“My apartment? You guys haven’t even explained what you guys want from me!” You blurted, moving your head rapidly as you looked back and forth between the two. 
“I’ll explain everything tomorrow,” was all Five said, as both him and Klaus began moving towards to door, clearly content with what they came here to do. Well, that was nice for them. They could sleep soundly as you sat up in bed all night looking up fucking umbrella academy conspiracy theories to try and convince yourself what happened here was actually real. 
“There’s no way in hell you’re getting those Mickey Mouse pancakes now!” You shot back as he exited the door, huffing as you turned around to go clean up the plate.
Then something smacked hard on the back of your head, landing on the ground with a little rattle. 
Spinning around, gripping the back of your head, you were about to yell obscenities at Klaus who’d just thrown a spoon of all things, but he was already halfway out the door calling behind him, “I thought your little bubble would just appear like a party trick, bye!” 
Idiots. Idiots had just taken over your life. 
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domesticangel · 5 years
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ok ive been wanting to do an OC redraw/redesign for a while now and uh, well here it is !!! top is obv the revamp and bottom is these three’s original designs ,,, the bottom pic is 9 years old (holy smokes) so i made them during my middle school emo/scene phase when i was like 12 so thats why they're.........Like That lmao but left to right in both pics is jude, elliot, and skipper!!! this was? so fun honestly
ummm lots of info/backstory about them under the cut lol
so in the original pic/designs… if I remember correctly jude and skipper were in police academy training to be cops and elliot was some punk ass kid theyd end up seeing around a lot cause he was in and out of holding for Delinquent Things, and ofc they magically became friends. Im pretty sure they were all 16/17 when I first made them which makes no sense at all (teen cops??? Ok) but like when ur 12, teenagers are Practically Adults BUT none of that is Canon TM anymore. In their redesign they range from early to late 20’s; I usually peg jude around 26-27, elliot is probably 23-24, and skipper is 21.
jude was the very first oc I ever made so shes always had a special place in my heart… I started churning out rapid fire ocs when I was in middle school that id toss when I was bored with em but shes the one that always stuck around!! Shes been a big honkin lesbian ever since her conception, so id use her a lot to express BabyGay feelings I didn’t really know how else to process. design wise I kinda just simplified her look; I have no fucking clue why she used to have an eyepatch and cat ears (I mean, I do, its because I was a weeb) but I got rid of those along with the scene hair and gave her longer hair with more natural waves and some freckles from spending a lot of time in the sun. her gray eyes and hair were always kind of her signature, so those got to stay! She mostly just wears anything that’s easy enough to move around and get work done in; tank tops, loose long skirts, etc. think futch hippy. anyways jude is now just a simple plant witch who uses her skills and connection with the elements to run a modest local farm, and even though shes fairly content in her lifestyle, she wants nothing more than a gf/wife that she can work hard to give a good life to :3c shes a hopeless romantic and has a bad habit of falling a little bit in love with every woman she meets, but shes mad shy when it comes to flirting, so more often than not shes just a sweaty ball of pining and infatuation. Whenever shes feeling some type of way about a girl she either obsessively takes on projects around the farm or house to distract herself or rants to her plants about how shes too afraid to express her feelings. RIP useless lesbian jude. Anyway shes the oldest of the trio, so shes very protective of elliot and skipper in a mother hen kind of way. She gets embarrassed when she realizes shes lecturing them like a cranky old maid, but they secretly don’t really mind it and often come to her for general life advice. I think her sign would be Taurus :3c (and probably an air moon since she’s kind of a space cadet)
elliot was REALLY FUN to redesign bc I honestly just wanted him to look like one of those people who had a HUGE scene phase way back when and just… never completely grew out of it lmao so I gave him the two-tone mullet he deserves, grown out roots hes definitely not gonna bother to re-bleach and re-dye, and piercing scars under his lip from where he used to have some tacky ass snakebites that he probably had to take out to get a job or something lol. he couldn’t completely give up piercings though, so the labret and gauges got to stay. Dudes not COMPLETELY stuck in 2007, but he does still enjoy a lot of the OG emo/punk bands and the fantasy of making it big in his own band and touring the country in a fashionably clunky van. He doesn’t exactly have a band, but hes working on that. Hes halfway decent on vocals and a guitar so he spends a lot of time combing through the local college town he lives and works in in hopes of finding some people who’d wanna play some gigs with him. But in the mean time, he works as a barista in a local café, which usually hooks him up by letting him do some acoustic sets at night every now and again. Hes a very warm and upbeat person, and will happily engage and talk the ear off of anyone close enough for him to do so, stranger or otherwise. He also regularly reminds jude and skipper how much he loves both of them and how glad he is that theyre all friends; He doesn’t really have much in the way of embarrassment or apprehension when it comes to what hes feeling. Hes the official unofficial “plan-maker” of the friend group and is able to bring them all together for quality time, because hes not at all passive like jude or skipper, and… usually has the most free time out of all of them lol. elliot is pure Leo and that’s about all there is to that
And finally, congratulations to skipper, who against all odds, looked normal enough that I didn’t really have to change anything at all about his design! Just had to ditch the uniform for your typical Tired Gay mustard sweaters. Skipper is an English major in his sophomore year of college who, like most people in their 20’s in liberal arts programs, is desperately trying to figure out what he wants out of life and also doesn’t know what sleeping or self-care is. He really enjoys writing, but doesn’t really know if he wants to do it for a living or if he even could. He grew up with pretty cold and distant parents, so on top of knowing they don’t really approve of his major, he pretty much always operates under the assumption that if hes not working himself to death hes not justifying the space hes taking up or the air hes breathing. Emotionally speaking hes more emo than elliot will ever be and his blood is probably 75% caffeine. He having kind of a rough time tbh but hes gritting it out in hopes that things become more clear eventually. He’d be way worse off if he didn’t have jude or elliot, who hes more thankful for than he can ever bring himself to express. They were essentially his first real, close friends, and despite skipper being incapable of asking for help, they always seem to know when he needs someone to talk to or even just a brief distraction; Jude has an open door policy for her farm and will let him come over and cuddle some rabbits or sit and talk over tea on her porch whenever he needs to, and elliot cant remember the last time hes made skipper pay for anything he ordered from the café, or the last time he even had to ask skipper what he wanted. Because hes the youngest of the three its sometimes their instinct to protect him, which embarrasses skipper out of his mind, but he knows they mean well. Hes the physical embodiment of Just Doing His Best and is a stone cold Capricorn
They’re still besties but basically met just from living in the same town; jude and elliot met when jude started providing the café’s local roast from the coffee beans she grew on her farm so elliot saw her fairly regularly and of course was like Oh Friend? Jude always liked how forthcoming elliot was as it complimented her generally reserved nature, and elliot always thought living on a farm and growing your own food was pretty punk rock and therefore pretty dang cool in his book. They both got to know skipper because he came to the café every. single. day. to ingest ungodly amounts of espresso and study all day, and when elliot took an interest in skipper, jude suggested he invite him to one of his gigs since the poor guy kinda looked like he needed a break. Skipper initially kind of politely shot elliot down, but jude took a chance and found skipper later to tell him how much itd mean to elliot, and that if it made him feel better she’d go with him, since going to events like this was different for her too. skipper apprehensively agreed at that point, and the rest is history !!! they all kinda hit it off after that
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purkinje-effect · 7 years
The Anatomy of Melancholy, 6
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Updated 2019.01.29. (Minor name tweaks.) Insects tw.
That night after pairing a dinner of pan-seared Cram with a few shots of bourbon, Carey slept on the couch in the second floor lobby. He bundled up comfortably in a hospital blanket from the stock room. As much as his mind protested, he knew better than to sleep in his new braces and binding--especially not the corset. But, he reminded himself that he could simply don them fresh upon waking.
Day three at the pharmacy crowned first thing with Carey testing the elevator once more. As much as his constitution had prioritized his need to seek out the orthotics--god, sprinting down the Commons like that had felt disgusting--he knew exactly what he wanted lay on the third story. And while he had the braces on his side, he hoped that the elevator could shuttle him there reliably.
So, he located scales in the stock room. From there, he estimated he weighed just over a 110 pounds clothed, and he made Angel hover on one as well, to guarantee its thrusters’ applied pressure didn’t translate into weight. It stepped off, still confused.
“I’m not sure what this accomplishes, Sir.”
“Here, bring me a walker.”
“Surely.” It complied, and when indicated, balanced it folded up and upside-down on the scale. “Eleven pounds.”
Carey looked over to where the walkers were stored, folded up on the shelf.
“Put... ten of them in the elevator car for me, please. No, twelve.”
“I might have a misunderstanding of how these are used, if you need so many...”
“Look, they’re just the easiest unit of measurement I have handy. I don’t need a walker.” I don’t think, anyway... “I know it seems funny, but.”
Once Angel achieved the request, Carey pushed the third floor button and let the elevator travel upward. Once the light went off on the operating panel, he called the elevator back to the second floor.
“Twelve more.”
“...Yes, Sir.”
A second test proved the elevator could handle roughly a minimum 250 pounds.
“You can put them back in the stock room now.”
“As you wish.” Angel hovered back and forth with its three tentacle-limbs each loaded with four walkers at a time. “Seeing as you didn’t consider the elevator safe enough to test personally, does... whatever this was... assuage your fears of it?”
“I think I could handle riding it to the third floor, if that’s what you’re asking.” Carey stood and snatched up the last of his sweet roll, and shoved it in his mouth. He dusted off his hands in a steeling gesture, then stepped into the again-empty elevator. His grin with a cane across the car threshold kept the pocket doors from shutting. “Come with me?”
Angel rushed to cram in with its owner.
“Oh! So soon?”
“Third floor,” the elevator announced, holographic and androgynous.
With a pleased sigh, Carey exited the car with his Handy in tow. The doors shut behind them. This floor’s lobby had two armchairs and a coffee table, and some large fake potted plants. The door to the stairwell was in tact, as were the bathrooms. Like the two floors before it, this lobby still boasted both elevators. Unlike the other floors, besides access to the other floors this one only had a single heavy white wooden panel door. Before entering, he put his hood on again from his back pocket.
The chemist let himself in, and walked into what looked like a reception desk littered with paperwork, a terminal, and a keyboard. The light of his Pip-Boy scattered across the receptionist who now lay decomposed in the floor beside her office chair. Relieved to have found no ghouls, he took his hood back off, his hair mussed worse for nothing. Behind the desk stood a heavy digital security door. Squinting, Carey tried to peek in with a hand against the glass. He could see a faint green glow, but had no way of knowing if it came from a backup power source or the indicator light to something inside. He banged his fist on the glass angrily and slouched at the computer terminal with a growl.
“Fuck me. I knew the chems would be behind glass like this.” He scrutinized the terminal on the desk. “At least the terminal the door’s wired to is still working. It’s heavily encrypted, though. Could take me days, weeks, to figure it out.”
“Is it really so critical to gain access to the chem stores?” A hard pause and Carey turned his head slow to glare at his Handy. “Yes, yes, it’s certain to have some kind of medication that can help.” It knew this had nothing to do with its owner’s health.
“Could you be a dear and... make me a pot of coffee, Angel? I’m going to be at this for the rest of the afternoon.”
“It would be my pleasure.”
Angel dashed off, grateful for the chance to get away before popping off sarcasm. Besides, it knew his chem stash was inside it, and if it excused itself, he couldn’t get at them.
Carey found the password was ten characters long, based on the command line which blinked at him. This newer model of RobCo terminal interfaced with Pip-Boys, to his delight: it took both holotapes and the key-prong. Eager, he rooted around the receptionist’s desk drawers for a holotape he could cannibalize. The receptionist relied heavily upon a large library of them, and she had entire dedicated file cabinet specially suited for them among the furniture of the small office. After loading a few of them to browse, he found one with only two or three entries on it, and proceeded to format it.
“Thank you, Eleanor.”
While the tape formatted, he continued rummaging the desk. Nothing looked like it could have been the cheat for the password. Before he dove into repurposing the holotape, he made sure no holotapes in the library stuck out to him, which might have been the key all along.
Carey removed his Pip-Boy and set it up on the counter. He pulled up the command screen on it and loaded the blank holotape into its cassette tray, then plugged in the key-prong to make use of the terminal’s keyboard. He still hadn’t figured out how to input data into the Pip-Boy directly, and this was a facile cop-out. By the time Angel returned, he’d gotten embroiled in composing a simple decryption tape.
“Here you go.” It set a clean mug of hot black coffee beside its owner. “Is the going as tough as you expected?”
“Not so sure yet. I’m just grateful RobCo put out any cross-compatible models before the world ended. I don’t even know if it’s possible to write anything to this Mark IV model of Pip-Boy. You remember that I clocked into the Deenwood Compound with the key-prong of my Mark III model? The thing had a holotape in it we had to guard with our lives, and plugging it into the security door loaded the data from the holotape into its terminal, which only had the key-prong and not the holotape cassette tray. Two-part key. I guess that’s how they kept people from doing what I’m doing now.” He nodded thankfully as he picked up the mug with one hand and took a testing sip. When it didn’t taste horrid, he took a second. “Exquisite. It may be two hundred years old, but fresh ground coffee still tastes fresh. Angel, you still make the best coffee.”
“That means the world to hear, Sir.” Its ocular lens flitted anxiously. “What is it that you’re ‘doing now’?”
“I’m writing an algorithm that suppresses the encryption that’s censoring what each byte of data holds in it. It’s not going to crack the password for me, but it’s at least going to let me see letters instead of a billion bytes of punctuation. If I’m lucky, it’s a word and not a random set of characters.” Carey stopped a moment and counted on his fingers as he mouthed the letters. “Damn, ‘pharmacy’ is eight letters. ‘Pharmaceutical’?” He shook his head.
“I’m not sure that’s wise, though I’m most impressed, Sir.”
A few more skims of the script left Carey confident enough to pop in the tape into his Pip-Boy and run it. It seemed to work, Eleanor’s screen then displaying twelve ten-letter words, interspersed with miles of ASCII symbols. He didn’t see any good guesses among them, so he tried the first on the screen: CIRCUMFLEX. His script indicated the input had only two characters in common with the answer.
With so little overlap, he couldn’t readily discern a pattern; so, he tried the second word: JACKANAPES. It also had two characters in common--however, his script told him one of these characters was in a different position from those of the first guess. He wasn’t a master at hacking or decryption, just good at undermining basic protocols, so the formula to putting this information to good use didn’t present itself immediately. He started scrawling notes on a piece of scrap paper, and jotted down the twelve words so he could still study them should the terminal clam up like he thought it would likely soon.
The third blind attempt--ACQUIESCED--had yet another pair of characters in common. He wondered if any of these three pairs overlapped. Noticing the trend, he observed finally that all twelve possibilities had an ‘E’ in the ninth position, and he bit his upper lip. He scrawled a sort of Hangman at the top of his notes:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E _
The computer let him have a fourth try, so he tried the fourth option: SEXUALIZED. He laughed in frustration when this not only was wrong--the terminal locked him out for trying too many times. Yet, thanks to his decryption script, the screen displayed that the guess had four positions in common with the actual password--three which he hadn’t had prior.
As he downed his rapidly room-temperature coffee, he pored over the twelve words looking for further patterns. Six of them ended in a ‘D,’ and ACQUIESCED was the only one of those that didn’t end in ‘IZED.’ He’d already tried SEXUALIZED, so he had his next four attempts narrowed down fairly quickly once he formed a strategy. In hindsight, it would have benefited him to forge a strategy before the series of attempts.
The screen said Carey still had 34 minutes before it would let him test his theory. He sat back with a sigh, and glanced around the room with closer attention to detail. Angel had gone back downstairs. He took a smoke break and glanced down at Eleanor. Cautious, he knelt down to check her for valuables. In addition to praising she had on her person what looked like the passkey to the private elevator, he also took the silver locket around her neck. He couldn’t make out more than there being three faces between its two halves, the snippets of photography faded beyond recognition. He pocketed the passkey and jewelry, and proceeded to go through the desk for valuables now that he’d combed it initially for keys. Something felt so relatably muddy about the passing thought that the password had died with her.
“I’m about to get it, though,” he told her, “especially if it lets me try four more times.”
The time didn’t pass quickly enough, and his mind wandered again to the African beetles. He recalled folk medicine making use of all kinds of insects, for all kinds of remedies. Termites, centipedes, even grasshoppers, scorpions, and spiders. He also knew of the less reputable uses, as the vehicle of imbuing the individual with different boons... or as the source for powerful hallucinogens. A resin distilled from the finely ground powder of a particular arachnid he couldn’t recall the identity of--camel didn’t sound right--had been highly sought after in the black market, and he and Jacob had dealt with it several times. Simply named, the junkies called it Resin. From his understanding, its psychotropic potency exceeded that of even psilocybin, or even Jet, and one typically heated it just enough to liquefy in order to inject it. He never sampled the stuff himself, owing to its notoriously high addition rate.
He’d had enough expensive habits to nurture.
Half of them went into cooking Melancholia. Melancholy. You are what you put in your body, right? He’d have to take stock of how much of the chem-coction Angel had left.
The Handy had left the carafe of coffee with him, and he topped off his cup. His thoughts returned to the giant cockroaches and horseflies that had infested the New England Commonwealth. He wondered if any served the same significance as the Resin scorpion?
Eleanor’s terminal let him in again at last, and he hunkered down to scrutinize his choices against the list to ensure it hadn’t shuffled them. All four of his theory-words still appeared among them and he sighed, taking one last puff off his cigarette before putting it out in Eleanor’s ashtray. OXYGENIZED. Five in common, proving to Carey his theory held clout. Among the remaining three, he ruled out the unlikely TEXTURIZED, and tried SEQUELIZED. When that didn’t work, power of elimination left him with ALCHEMIZED.
Somehow, he’d all along had a feeling it was the right answer. He’d always thought he liked Eleanor.
After confirming the password, Carey left the door shut. He called out to Angel to see if it was within earshot, so he could report his success, but he didn’t get a response. He put his Pip-Boy back on and took his cane and his cup of coffee with him into the pharmacy lab and stock room alone.
His Pip-Boy cast a hard rim light on the equipment and shelving. To his left around the corner lay the chem lab, and to his right, the pharmaceutical stock with a dozen or so metal stock shelves. Even better than he expected, he sipped on his coffee, and took in his victory in awe. Given some acclimating, this could certainly be a veritable playground for Melancholy.
The chemist specialized in sedatives and painkilling agents. That’s what the military wanted him for: to study the applications of opiates. The more he thought about it, the more he felt the moniker fit him better than his own name, or nationalized name, ever had. He’d gone by his last name longer than he could even remember the exact point at which he’d committed to it. But to become a symbol, an avatar of the poppy? He had already, in his short time unfrozen, become something entirely otherworldly than he’d known in his past life.
Yes. Before the vault. That was a past life. Being frozen had been antiseptic in nature, and killed off the bacterial infections of compunction and reservation. This new world fostered a culture which could nourish and condition the latent aspects hidden away within himself which humanity had failed to recognize. Without time, he could tell neither if this quality was pieces of his identity to which society had been willfully oblivious, nor some vestigial proof of an embrace of atavistic progress.
But he would tap into it here. This building would be a crucible for change.
As he leaned proudly against the desk at the inventory side of the room, he felt a sharp pain in his foot, and jerked with a hiss. The mug shattered in the floor when he dropped it, and coffee splattered everywhere. He flashed his Pip-Boy this way and that because he heard the spill agitated something in here. Breathing heavy, he clutched at his cane. He wasn’t alone. Another ankle-bite jerked him to the floor, and he slid head-first backwards into the metal desk-front. With him now in the floor, the vermin revealed themselves, a dozen RadRoaches skittering eagerly toward their next meal.
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Humans Are Weird: Women’s Edition Part XI
It’s Part XI guys! This one took a bit of time not because I had difficulty writing it (which isn’t to say I didn’t have writer’s block at some point), but because my cat Moon kept bugging me. Like, as I wrote this sentence, he was sitting beside me, purring for attention. He doesn’t leave me alone. All day long, he has followed me around and kept me from working. He’s such a pain.
By the way, the italic conversations are the Voyager Moana’s crew speaking Earthen languages (usually mixed). An example is two random individuals speaking Arabic and Japanese in the same sentence. One person be speaking in Japanese, but then start speaking some Arabic words in between, and the other person will do the opposite and they both completely understand each other.
Part I >> Part II >> Part III >> Part IV >> Part V >> Part VI >> Part VII >> Part VIII >> Part IX >> Part X >> Part XI >> Part XII >> Part XIII >> Part XIV
“Lieutenant General!” exclaimed Fatima as she stood up and salute her. “It’s good to see you’re alive.”
Seeing Fatima’s warm, genuine smile brought a flood of relief to Murakami. “It’s good to see you’re alive as well. I thought you got burnt to a crisp back on the ship,” she said, unable to hold back a smile. It really had been too long since she last saw any of her friends.
Fatima grinned. “Honestly, I would have been if Vallion hadn’t shielded me...” As her voice trailed off, a far away look took over. “I was lucky Vallion had my back. We were all lucky not to have died.”
Murakami sighed. “Well, who would’ve thought pendulums of death made of mattresses and a Twinkie-oven bombs could do so much damage?”
“Gigi’ish did. He was complaining the entire time we were making it,” she said with the most serious of straight faces, mimicking the face Gigi’ish often made when someone was about to do something reckless.
Murakami couldn’t help, but laugh. “Yes, well, he’s more...”
“Paranoid?” Fatima supplemented.
“...cautious than he should, but he’s managed to survive this far with us.”
“Uh-huh...anyways, why has this kalb brought you here, sir?” Fatima asked as she jerked her thumb towards Mel.
“Meru-kun is unfortunately tasked with getting me to reveal personal information about our crew.”
“Meru? I thought his name was Mel? The leatherhead goons and the other prisoners call him that.”
“Oh, his name is Mel, but I figured this’ll be a fun way of passive-aggressively pissing him off.”
“Good one, sir.”
“Alright,” Mel interrupted, his usual stoic expression had now taken a chilling aspect, “all languages except Standard Galaxic are forbidden.”
Fatima was less than impressed by Mel’s declaration. “What will you do if we don’t comply?” she asked, crossing her arms.
Indeed, what could Mel do to them? He was a slave; and albeit he had more freedoms than most on this vessel, he was still a powerless figure, but Murakami had a sinking feeling that underestimating Mel’s capabilities would be a grave mistake...
“This,” said Mel, managing to make the word foreboding, before he fidgeted with the holo-screen. Within five seconds, Fatima was convulsing on the floor, screaming the most unholy of screams, and clawing the back of her neck.
It was terrifying.
Resisting the urge to grabbing Mel by the shoulders and shaking some sense into him, Murakami forced herself to remain calm, even as Fatima convulsed on the floor. “What are you doing to her, Mel? Why are you doing this? You need to stop this now,” as she spoke, she felt her resolve crumble. Mel was ignoring her and staring at Fatima. “Please stop this. Mel..you’re hurting her! Mel, please. Stop. STOP.” Her voice, becoming increasingly desperate, fell on deaf ears.
Mel kept his gaze on Fatima as he spoke to her. “Col. Fatima Hashim Is’a. Obedience will be learned aboard the Frek’jon before you are sold. The more you comply, the easier it becomes.” Murakami watched with a faltering heart as, despite the excruciating pain she must have been in, Fatima glared at Mel. But for that, he increased the intensity of her pain. “Do you understand your situation yet, Col. Is’a?” he asked.
This time, when Murakami stepped, she shook Mel by the shoulders. “Yes, you’ve made your point. Now, stop this. I’ll do anything―” When the word left her, she immediately clamped.
But it was too late. She messed up.
Mel titled his head to the side, apathetic to them both, before asking her, “Anything?” and sending chills down her spine.
Hanging her head in defeat, Murakami nodded. “Anything, just please...no more. I’ll talk to my crew. I’ll get them to cooperate.” She failed them. She failed her crew. She failed them not just as their captain, but as their friend as well.
“Superb,” Mel said, practically clicking his heels as he turned away from them both and deactivated whatever device was attached to the back of Fatima’s neck. “Col. Is’a, I suggest giving Lt. Gen. Murakami your thanks. She has just secured a comfortable future for you and all your crewmates.” As he moved to leave, Fatima tottered back on her feet.
“MURAKAMI! NO, DON’T!” Fatima cried out. “Wait, please, don’t. I’ll survive. We all will. You know us. We’re stronger than we look.”
“Enough, Col. Is’a. Don’t try my patience,” Mel warned, pausing mid-step, his fingers at the ready to activate the device again.
“Allaena―” Fatima began, but was cut short by Murakami.
“We understand, Mel. Allow the two of us a final moment,” she requested, head bowed. Seeing Fatima so distraught distressed her. She had to do something about her actions.
Finally, after a brief silence, Mel spoke. “You have five drushes. Use your time wisely.” Taking a step away from them, yet remaining in earshot, Mel motioned for them to begin.
Stepping closer to the barrier, Murakami rested her head against the wall beside the barrier. “I know...” she began, speaking through clenched teeth, “I know you all are amazingly talented, fucking batshit crazy. Sometimes I think a nuclear blast couldn’t even kill you all...but I can’t just stand idly by while you’re tortured. You’re family to me.” She forced herself to face her, even though it pained her. “You and everyone else from the Voyager Moana. You are my second family. And just knowing that when one of you is harm’s way and all the others are susceptible to the same harm...
“Fatima, I just can’t do nothing. I have to do the right thing, even if it doesn’t feel right, but this doesn’t mean I’m giving up. I won’t give up. Not on our crew. Not ever. I’ll figure a way for all of us to escape, I promise...
“Just please, be patient.” It tore her apart. She had fallen for Mel’s trick; she made a stupid rookie mistake. She was unable to save her crew; but she could still protect them to an extent. She had made her mistake, but she wouldn’t make it again.
As she locked gazes with Fatima, Murakami willed her to understand and released a sigh of relief when Fatima reluctantly conceded. “I’ve entrusted my life to you before, and I’ll continue to entrust my life to you.”
“Shukraan, Col. I’sa.”
“Ma salam, Lt. General Murakami.”
Clutching her chest, Murakami turned away and faced Mel. “Just under five drushes. Good. Let’s go. You have work to do.”
Krellion was having a dull gulkib. First, after Zeelot demanded Krellion finish his latest batch of pheromones, they took it from him, and Krellion was now stuck examining Col. Jay’va on Zeelot’s orders. Such dreary, tedious work. Obviously she’s in pristine physical health. I made sure all the injured dulgos were, but why does Zeelot want me to examine her in particular?
She was unremarkable. Her fur was brighter than most females, but it wasn’t abnormal. She was of average height and weight. Average intelligence. Nothing stood out about her except her fiery temperament, which would serve her well in the Arena. “Hhhhnnn...Col. Heth Jay’va, what’s so special about you that caught Zeelot’s attention, hmm?” he asked her, but of course she couldn’t answer. She was still incapacitated due to the influence of his pheromones.
As he turned away from her, he heard the door behind him swoosh open and the familiar tappity-tap of Zeelot’s feet. “How goes it, Krellion? Any progress?” inquired Zeelot as they way their way over to him.
“If I knew what I was searching for, then maybe,” he said, “but since I don’t, no.” His patience was wearing thin and he made it known. “Care to enlighten me on my task, dear Captain?”
Zeelot sent him a freezing glare before reaching a hand out to Jay’va. “Rumor is, Goth Yuyu’ish, the Psi Ken of Zarga colony Luga Fi, is searching for a new carrier for his harem,” they explained, “and Col. Jay’va will be the perfect carrier for him.”
Krellion was unconvinced. “This carrier is a dulgo, Captain; and a volatile one at that. Psi Ken Yuyu’ish will not have the patience for her. He is more likely to skin her alive and use her pelt as a throne rug than keep her as his next mate. She will serve us better in the Arena.”
“I agree,” Zeelot clucked. “She would be serve us better in the Arena, and she will.”
As they spoke, it clicked in Krellion’s mind Zeelot’s plan. “You plan to display her at the Arena and appeal her battle prowess to Psi Ken Yuyu’ish,” he stated.
They nodded, a confirmation. “As Champion of the Arena, she will fetch a far higher price than just as a captured dulgo.”
He gave them a sideline look. “Sir, you believe she’ll become Champion? No dulgo has become Champion. It’s absurd. Their weak-minded dispositions leave them prey to the kulgo of the Arena.” At best, Jay’va could win a few matches against other dulgo and some of the weaker opponents. She could maybe taken down a Pollikon or two if she was enraged enough, but she could never become Champion.
Yet Zeelot remained confident in Jay’va’s success. “Psi Ken Yuyu’ish will want a fertile mate. If her fertility is low, be sure to increase it. Otherwise, recheck her health and have her prepped for the Arena. Just two and a half gulkibs until we reach the Auction.”
And with that, Zeelot was gone, leaving Krellion to finish his work.
Vallion sat in their cell rereading the same holo-screen with information of kulgo and dulgo H’hish. It included the basic anatomic and cellular differences, their roles in H’hishian society, and more. It explained why Vallion had never reached complete sexual maturation while living on Farla Lai. But it doesn’t explain it all, they thought for the hundredth time, it doesn’t explain why my siblings reached maturation while I didn’t. We have the same parents, so why?
It was a mystery, one that even the unsettling Krellion didn’t have an answer for, or at least one he was willing to provide. Vallion was a kulgo, but they didn’t comprehend why they had to be one. It would have been nice just to be like everyone else, but they weren’t. Instead, they were an immature kulgo waiting to be sold to the highest bidder at an Auction on a planet they had never even known about.
Besides the reading, Vallion had nothing to do in their cell. No fellow inmates to converse with, no guards to befriend...no one. They were isolated. Even their meals were delivered by servant bots. It was frustrating. They had never been so alone in their life. The isolation was as maddening as their identity crisis.
“This sucks...” they mumbled, tossing the holo-screen aside.
“I know, right?”
Vallion turned their head so fast, they nearly sprained their neck. “Lieutenant General!” Vallion exclaimed as they immediately bolted to the barrier and pressed themselves against it to get a better look at her. “It really is you! Sir, how are you here? What’s going on?”
Murakami wore a painful smile as she answered, “It’s really me, Vallion.” She paused, looked to her left, and then continued, “and as for how I got here...I’m now a slave of the Frek’jon.”
“Frek’jon?” repeated Vallion, confused.
She nodded. “It’s the ship we’re on. It’s a mercenary vessel filled with the most distasteful of individuals.” She made a face and stuck out her tongue.
Vallion couldn’t help, but wiggle their ears. Even in the most trying of times, humans managed to find humor. “All that aside, it doesn’t explain what’s going on,” Vallion said, returning to the seriousness of their conversation.
“About that...” Murakami cringed and stepped aside to allow another lifeform to join their conversation.
And that lifeform was...terrifying. Just glancing at them was unnerving in a way differing from being in Krellion’s presence.
“Who are you?” Vallion asked, standing their ground as if that would do either them or Murakami any good.
“You may call me Zeelot, and, as I have said to the others, I am the captain of this vessel. I am here to support our dear Murakami in explaining your current situation and why it is in your best interest to cooperate with us. Right?” The lifeform, Zeelot, wrapped a disgusting limp around Murakami’s shoulders. It was sickening.
It didn’t sit well with Vallion, but they were in no position to make demands or lash out. Instead, they looked to Murakami for guidance.
Sighing, Murakami looked from them to Zeelot with great reluctance. “The crew will be sold at an auction soon and they―we need a list of personal details on them not readily available from their personnel files. I’ve already spoken to Balogh and she’s agreed to help speak to the crew with me―”
“Pardon me for interrupting, but do you hear what you’re saying?! And how did you get Balogh―of all people―to agree?” they asked, unable to believe what they were hearing. “This is utter nonsense. This is―” But they didn’t get the chance to finish speaking because Murakami cut them off.
“I know, Vallion...I know,” she muttered, staring at her feet. “I know, but you need to understand it’s not a matter up for discussion. It really isn’t. Just, just look at your holo-screen and you’ll realize why.” Lamely, she motioned to the discarded device.
Curious, Vallion picked up the device and found new content notice. Tapping it, a holo-vid popped up previewing Fatima dressed in the same ugly clothes as them and Murakami. Glancing over at Murakami, they wanted some semblance of an explanation, but she wouldn’t meet their gaze. Now they were becoming increasingly distressed and decided they had to play the holo-vid.
Tapping the screen, Vallion stood rigid as the sound of Fatima’s sweet voice filled their cell.
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snowwolf1118 · 7 years
Humans Are Weird: Women’s Edition Part XI
It’s Part XI guys! This one took a bit of time not because I had difficulty writing it (which isn’t to say I didn’t have writer’s block at some point), but because my cat Moon kept bugging me. Like, as I wrote this sentence, he was sitting beside me, purring for attention. He doesn’t leave me alone. All day long, he has followed me around and kept me from working. He’s such a pain.
By the way, the italic conversations are the Voyager Moana’s crew speaking Earthen languages (usually mixed). An example is two random individuals speaking Arabic and Japanese in the same sentence. One person be speaking in Japanese, but then start speaking some Arabic words in between, and the other person will do the opposite and they both completely understand each other.
Part I >> Part II >> Part III >> Part IV >> Part V >> Part VI >> Part VII >> Part VIII >> Part IX >> Part X < > Part XII >> Part XIII
“Lieutenant General!” exclaimed Fatima as she stood up and salute her. “It’s good to see you’re alive.”
Seeing Fatima’s warm, genuine smile brought a flood of relief to Murakami. “It’s good to see you’re alive as well. I thought you got burnt to a crisp back on the ship,” she said, unable to hold back a smile. It really had been too long since she last saw any of her friends.
Fatima grinned. “Honestly, I would have been if Vallion hadn’t shielded me...” As her voice trailed off, a far away look took over. “I was lucky Vallion had my back. We were all lucky not to have died.”
Murakami sighed. “Well, who would’ve thought pendulums of death made of mattresses and a Twinkie-oven bombs could do so much damage?”
“Gigi’ish did. He was complaining the entire time we were making it,” she said with the most serious of straight faces, mimicking the face Gigi’ish often made when someone was about to do something reckless.
Murakami couldn’t help, but laugh. “Yes, well, he’s more...”
“Paranoid?” Fatima supplemented.
“...cautious than he should, but he’s managed to survive this far with us.”
“Uh-huh...anyways, why has this kalb brought you here, sir?” Fatima asked as she jerked her thumb towards Mel.
“Meru-kun is unfortunately tasked with getting me to reveal personal information about our crew.”
“Meru? I thought his name was Mel? The leatherhead goons and the other prisoners call him that.”
“Oh, his name is Mel, but I figured this’ll be a fun way of passive-aggressively pissing him off.”
“Good one, sir.”
“Alright,” Mel interrupted, his usual stoic expression had now taken a chilling aspect, “all languages except Standard Galaxic are forbidden.”
Fatima was less than impressed by Mel’s declaration. “What will you do if we don’t comply?” she asked, crossing her arms.
Indeed, what could Mel do to them? He was a slave; and albeit he had more freedoms than most on this vessel, he was still a powerless figure, but Murakami had a sinking feeling that underestimating Mel’s capabilities would be a grave mistake...
 “This,” said Mel, managing to make the word foreboding, before he fidgeted with the holo-screen. Within five seconds, Fatima was convulsing on the floor, screaming the most unholy of screams, and clawing the back of her neck.
It was terrifying.
Resisting the urge to grabbing Mel by the shoulders and shaking some sense into him, Murakami forced herself to remain calm, even as Fatima convulsed on the floor. “What are you doing to her, Mel? Why are you doing this? You need to stop this now,” as she spoke, she felt her resolve crumble. Mel was ignoring her and staring at Fatima. “Please stop this. Mel..you’re hurting her! Mel, please. Stop. STOP.” Her voice, becoming increasingly desperate, fell on deaf ears.
Mel kept his gaze on Fatima as he spoke to her. “Col. Fatima Hashim Is’a. Obedience will be learned aboard the Frek’jon before you are sold. The more you comply, the easier it becomes.” Murakami watched with a faltering heart as, despite the excruciating pain she must have been in, Fatima glared at Mel. But for that, he increased the intensity of her pain. “Do you understand your situation yet, Col. Is’a?” he asked.
This time, when Murakami stepped, she shook Mel by the shoulders. “Yes, you’ve made your point. Now, stop this. I’ll do anything―” When the word left her, she immediately clamped.
But it was too late. She messed up.
Mel titled his head to the side, apathetic to them both, before asking her, “Anything?” and sending chills down her spine.
Hanging her head in defeat, Murakami nodded. “Anything, just please...no more. I’ll talk to my crew. I’ll get them to cooperate.” She failed them. She failed her crew. She failed them not just as their captain, but as their friend as well.
“Superb,” Mel said, practically clicking his heels as he turned away from them both and deactivated whatever device was attached to the back of Fatima’s neck. “Col. Is’a, I suggest giving Lt. Gen. Murakami your thanks. She has just secured a comfortable future for you and all your crewmates.” As he moved to leave, Fatima tottered back on her feet.
“MURAKAMI! NO, DON’T!” Fatima cried out. “Wait, please, don’t. I’ll survive. We all will. You know us. We’re stronger than we look.”
“Enough, Col. Is’a. Don’t try my patience,” Mel warned, pausing mid-step, his fingers at the ready to activate the device again.
“Allaena―” Fatima began, but was cut short by Murakami.
“We understand, Mel. Allow the two of us a final moment,” she requested, head bowed. Seeing Fatima so distraught distressed her. She had to do something about her actions.
Finally, after a brief silence, Mel spoke. “You have five drushes. Use your time wisely.” Taking a step away from them, yet remaining in earshot, Mel motioned for them to begin.
Stepping closer to the barrier, Murakami rested her head against the wall beside the barrier. “I know...” she began, speaking through clenched teeth, “I know you all are amazingly talented, fucking batshit crazy. Sometimes I think a nuclear blast couldn’t even kill you all...but I can’t just stand idly by while you’re tortured. You’re family to me.” She forced herself to face her, even though it pained her. “You and everyone else from the Voyager Moana. You are my second family. And just knowing that when one of you is harm’s way and all the others are susceptible to the same harm...
“Fatima, I just can’t do nothing. I have to do the right thing, even if it doesn’t feel right, but this doesn’t mean I’m giving up. I won’t give up. Not on our crew. Not ever. I’ll figure a way for all of us to escape, I promise...
“Just please, be patient.” It tore her apart. She had fallen for Mel’s trick; she made a stupid rookie mistake. She was unable to save her crew; but she could still protect them to an extent. She had made her mistake, but she wouldn’t make it again.
As she locked gazes with Fatima, Murakami willed her to understand and released a sigh of relief when Fatima reluctantly conceded. “I’ve entrusted my life to you before, and I’ll continue to entrust my life to you.”
“Shukraan, Col. I’sa.”
“Ma salam, Lt. General Murakami.”
Clutching her chest, Murakami turned away and faced Mel. “Just under five drushes. Good. Let’s go. You have work to do.”
Krellion was having a dull gulkib. First, after Zeelot demanded Krellion finish his latest batch of pheromones, they took it from him, and Krellion was now stuck examining Col. Jay’va on Zeelot’s orders. Such dreary, tedious work. Obviously she’s in pristine physical health. I made sure all the injured dulgos were, but why does Zeelot want me to examine her in particular?
She was unremarkable. Her fur was brighter than most females, but it wasn’t abnormal. She was of average height and weight. Average intelligence. Nothing stood out about her except her fiery temperament, which would serve her well in the Arena. “Hhhhnnn...Col. Heth Jay’va, what’s so special about you that caught Zeelot’s attention, hmm?” he asked her, but of course she couldn’t answer. She was still incapacitated due to the influence of his pheromones.
As he turned away from her, he heard the door behind him swoosh open and the familiar tappity-tap of Zeelot’s feet. “How goes it, Krellion? Any progress?” inquired Zeelot as they way their way over to him.
“If I knew what I was searching for, then maybe,” he said, “but since I don’t, no.” His patience was wearing thin and he made it known. “Care to enlighten me on my task, dear Captain?”
Zeelot sent him a freezing glare before reaching a hand out to Jay’va. “Rumor is, Goth Yuyu’ish, the Psi Ken of Zarga colony Luga Fi, is searching for a new carrier for his harem,” they explained, “and Col. Jay’va will be the perfect carrier for him.”
Krellion was unconvinced. “This carrier is a dulgo, Captain; and a volatile one at that. Psi Ken Yuyu’ish will not have the patience for her. He is more likely to skin her alive and use her pelt as a throne rug than keep her as his next mate. She will serve us better in the Arena.”
“I agree,” Zeelot clucked. “She would be serve us better in the Arena, and she will.”
As they spoke, it clicked in Krellion’s mind Zeelot’s plan. “You plan to display her at the Arena and appeal her battle prowess to Psi Ken Yuyu’ish,” he stated.
They nodded, a confirmation. “As Champion of the Arena, she will fetch a far higher price than just as a captured dulgo.”
He gave them a sideline look. “Sir, you believe she’ll become Champion? No dulgo has become Champion. It’s absurd. Their weak-minded dispositions leave them prey to the kulgo of the Arena.” At best, Jay’va could win a few matches against other dulgo and some of the weaker opponents. She could maybe taken down a Pollikon or two if she was enraged enough, but she could never become Champion.
Yet Zeelot remained confident in Jay’va’s success. “Psi Ken Yuyu’ish will want a fertile mate. If her fertility is low, be sure to increase it. Otherwise, recheck her health and have her prepped for the Arena. Just two and a half gulkibs until we reach the Auction.”
And with that, Zeelot was gone, leaving Krellion to finish his work.
Vallion sat in their cell rereading the same holo-screen with information of kulgo and dulgo H’hish. It included the basic anatomic and cellular differences, their roles in H’hishian society, and more. It explained why Vallion had never reached complete sexual maturation while living on Farla Lai. But it doesn’t explain it all, they thought for the hundredth time, it doesn’t explain why my siblings reached maturation while I didn’t. We have the same parents, so why?
It was a mystery, one that even the unsettling Krellion didn’t have an answer for, or at least one he was willing to provide. Vallion was a kulgo, but they didn’t comprehend why they had to be one. It would have been nice just to be like everyone else, but they weren’t. Instead, they were an immature kulgo waiting to be sold to the highest bidder at an Auction on a planet they had never even known about.
Besides the reading, Vallion had nothing to do in their cell. No fellow inmates to converse with, no guards to befriend...no one. They were isolated. Even their meals were delivered by servant bots. It was frustrating. They had never been so alone in their life. The isolation was as maddening as their identity crisis.
“This sucks...” they mumbled, tossing the holo-screen aside.
“I know, right?”
Vallion turned their head so fast, they nearly sprained their neck. “Lieutenant General!” Vallion exclaimed as they immediately bolted to the barrier and pressed themselves against it to get a better look at her. “It really is you! Sir, how are you here? What’s going on?”
Murakami wore a painful smile as she answered, “It’s really me, Vallion.” She paused, looked to her left, and then continued, “and as for how I got here...I’m now a slave of the Frek’jon.”
“Frek’jon?” repeated Vallion, confused.
She nodded. “It’s the ship we’re on. It’s a mercenary vessel filled with the most distasteful of individuals.” She made a face and stuck out her tongue.
Vallion couldn’t help, but wiggle their ears. Even in the most trying of times, humans managed to find humor. “All that aside, it doesn’t explain what’s going on,” Vallion said, returning to the seriousness of their conversation.
“About that...” Murakami cringed and stepped aside to allow another lifeform to join their conversation.
And that lifeform was...terrifying. Just glancing at them was unnerving in a way differing from being in Krellion’s presence.
“Who are you?” Vallion asked, standing their ground as if that would do either them or Murakami any good.
“You may call me Zeelot, and, as I have said to the others, I am the captain of this vessel. I am here to support our dear Murakami in explaining your current situation and why it is in your best interest to cooperate with us. Right?” The lifeform, Zeelot, wrapped a disgusting limp around Murakami’s shoulders. It was sickening.
It didn’t sit well with Vallion, but they were in no position to make demands or lash out. Instead, they looked to Murakami for guidance.
Sighing, Murakami looked from them to Zeelot with great reluctance. “The crew will be sold at an auction soon and they―we need a list of personal details on them not readily available from their personnel files. I’ve already spoken to Balogh and she’s agreed to help speak to the crew with me―”
“Pardon me for interrupting, but do you hear what you’re saying?! And how did you get Balogh―of all people―to agree?” they asked, unable to believe what they were hearing. “This is utter nonsense. This is―” But they didn’t get the chance to finish speaking because Murakami cut them off.
“I know, Vallion...I know,” she muttered, staring at her feet. “I know, but you need to understand it’s not a matter up for discussion. It really isn’t. Just, just look at your holo-screen and you’ll realize why.” Lamely, she motioned to the discarded device.
Curious, Vallion picked up the device and found new content notice. Tapping it, a holo-vid popped up previewing Fatima dressed in the same ugly clothes as them and Murakami. Glancing over at Murakami, they wanted some semblance of an explanation, but she wouldn’t meet their gaze. Now they were becoming increasingly distressed and decided they had to play the holo-vid.
Tapping the screen, Vallion stood rigid as the sound of Fatima’s sweet voice filled their cell.
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freeflighttemeraire · 7 years
Random oc story
Story time: so the dragon in my icon image is my oc that i’ve been playing around with since approximately 5 ish grade
-when i make up dragon designs one of the things i do is choose a base or reference animal to draw inspiration from in my oc case that animal was originally the salamander do to its mythological association with fire
-with the salamander base the first few ideations of her possessed toxic skin, she was never going to be a big heavy weight dragon, in most the books i have and had read at that point there all ways seemed to be this big focus on the big dragons. That bothered me so kind of the point behind designing her has been what kind of smol dragon could hold its own against a heavy weight tank.
-She also had longer legs because i kinda wanted her to be an effective ground predator as well. The rings that i still draw on her tail to this day are a hold over from the toxic skin idea, referenced from poison dart frogs and blue ringed octopi sometimes they are blue, neon green, or purple depending on how i feel. I just really like bright colours with black. There was also a healing factor as well i debate that ability allot like I dont want her to be too op but then again its not like if i got around to writing a story with her she would know about it until after she losses a limb or something...
-I eventually in high school changed the base animal from salamander to snake because amphibian like skin seemed too fragile. Now i have internal debates about her facial structure because her skin isnt toxic now, she is venomous(neurotoxic) however does she chew, swallow, shred her food do i want her to have an unhinging jaw? An unhinging jaw sounds cool until you realize that those arent the structurally strongest jaws.... Any who she has fangs those have venom thats all i got man *shrugs*
-I’ve taken to adding stuff to the tail for agility reasons cus i figure big dragons aint so mobile in the sky necessarily so she can out maneuver them. I generally like drawing her with a longer than proportionally necessary tail I tell myself that it flattens in flight like a flying snake does. Even though i use viper like snakes as sort of the base most of her muscle gonna be slow glycolytic (red meat yo) so i guess more python ish in that regards tinny but mighty for sustained long term work. wings are going to be in the mid length range eagle like in shape because agility reasons. currently legs are on the shorter end so on the ground she would be more of an ambush predator now, ive decided to make her a competent swimmer. it should be noted that i think of her comparative body size as similar to that of a draft horse but longer. I like to imagine her as being able to dance around the big dragons in flight/combat
-i guess sensory wise it get complicated because im not sure? i like her having a vulture like sense of smell and yes she would do the tongue thing. i dont think she would be a sight predator? i mean there is only so many senses that one can have and specialize in and it all ways seems like sight by the time i get to it gets stuck with the short end of the stick, it would at least be as good as a humans. 
-her name is Soren
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