#i had those mushrooms that put you to sleep as well
deerspherestudios · 6 months
I don't understand ending 1 a bit. I understand that it will be if the Y/N refuses Mychael's requests as much as possible and returns back to those mushrooms and falls asleep. But where does Y/N go that there is a trace of Y/N's body on the grass, as well as a trace of the body of the cat that the Y/N was looking for? How does the forest affect this? Bodies just disappear? And what does Mychael mean in this ending when he says "There's no much I could do if the forest had staked it's claim on you"? 🤔
Oh!! I should change that last line actually. I've gotten a few more ideas since the demo release, and it completely changes the context for that Bad Ending (you'll see what I mean as the days progress and more lore is revealed) but for now I'll explain the original intent with that ending! Spoilers below:
To put simply, the purple influence from the mushrooms brought you back to that spot for you to sleep and basically pass away in the night to nourish the ground where it grows. The same fate happened to your cat; though I feel like a lot of people figured that out already haha. I should add in some text that indicates time passes a bit before Mychael finds you in that state to be a little realistic, otherwise it does feel like bodies just straight up disappear haha.
As for that particular line, it's a normal occurence for Mychael; he's seen it happen plenty of times. But he deeply regrets that he wasn't able to save you from that influence, hence the line "the forest had staked it's claim on you." But again, it'll be changed in the future!
Fun fact: Before I did the art for the cat outline, it was meant to be more of a bump; the art and script didn't exactly match but I didn't bother to fix it. The thing you accidentally kicked causing you to stumble into the ring of shrooms? That was your cat.
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thefandomdirtymind · 8 months
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18 +
OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji
Part 2
Sanji series : SFW Shiny Offering NSFW The Small Favor - SFW The Mermaid Dream - SFW The Magic of a Kiss
A/N IMPORTANT: I didn't know exactly why but I wanted to write that fun and casual conversation between Sanji and reader remembering their sexy time. But I had to put a little bit of difficulties in it and I hope you will like it. I think to do a second part but I'm not sure yet...
Warning : Mention of a lot of sexual stuff : Oral Man ! and Female ! giving receiving, small bondage, penetration, bruises.
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
The golden light of the sunrise was reflecting in the calm water when Sanji put his feet in the restaurant. Redressing his freshly knotted tie, entering the kitchen like if he wasn’t fifteen minutes late, he suddenly stops on his track. At the instant he saw you, he knew he was screwed. 
Not that you looked at him directly, way too busy with the prep for the approaching brunch, neither that you seem mad ,even if your chopped carrots should've been smaller. In fact, he clearly recalled that when he had left your bed this morning, kissing your lips one last time, your naked form reaching for his warmth. You looked quite satisfied and relaxed. 
It was not either a sudden burst of love who struck him, even if he always had affection for you, that night was from the start nothing but casual sex. 
No, the reason he knew he was himself in deep shit wasn’t either because as he watched you, he could remember every inch of your skin he had feverishly kissed and bite. The problem is if Zeff discovers it. After all, even being his sous chef and prodigy couldn’t help him with the fact that he had fucked all night long his mentor daughter. 
" Don’t stay there like if the kitchen was on fire, little eggplant, put on your uniform and start helping " The man himself ordered, busy in his own corner.
Turning your gaze of your carrot to observe Sanji, you smiled. 
" Good morning Sanji " You said, your tone letting know nothing of your previous meeting in the dark. 
" Good Morning Y/N " He replied, as he put on his white jacket, a thin smile you didn’t quite know, of his lips.
" Did you sleep well, you seem a little bit…tired" You sweetly replied, returning to your carrots. 
" Yeah I had a short night…" He confessed, watching you, a warning in his eyes. 
" If you would stick to the menu, you wouldn’t be up all night thinking about some recipe I won’t allow in the restaurant and sleep like everybody else. " Zeff declared, lifting the heavy potato sack. 
" If we didn’t serve the same stuff everyday that restaurant would be less shitty " The blond retorted, starting to peel the vegetables, his anxiety slowly melting as he returned to his usual fight with the old man.  
It seemed an eternity before you could remove your cooking clothes. Due to the celebration yesterday, many cooks were sick, making your father and the other employers double their shift. Like if you needed it, with the little sleep Sanji and you had. But, as you return to the empty kitchen, already dreaming of the softness of your bed, you notice the blond chef still busy chopping mushrooms.
" What are you doing ? " You couldn’t help yourself to ask, curious as to why he hadn’t headed to his bed for a well deserved night of sleep. " You should go to bed I’m pretty sure those mushroom will still be there tomorrow "
" Well, I kind of have a hard time trying to get out of my head the idea of your dad discovering what I have done to you" He replied unamused, stress and guilt clearly eating him from the inside. " You see I have a sentimental attache to most of my limbs and other parts" 
" Sanji, I would never tell him, we have been super discret and if I recall it clearly you aren’t alone in this. I had pretty vivid memories of sucking your dick until you begged me in french to stop " You teased, sitting on the counter. 
" Like if you hadn't melted at the minute I put my mouth on you" He mocked, this time his tone almost like his usual confident self. As he abandoned his task to face you. " And I really had to remind you that cute gasp you did when I push my finger on that sweet spot you never reach yourself " 
" It’s true it was a great discover, that you proudly celebrate " You conceded showing the hickeys on your clavicle "Maybe you didn’t gasped, but, I heard you a lot moaning and groaning, particularly when I was on top" 
" I have no excuse, your vision was magnificent and the feeling was incredible ." He replied " But I still regret the death of my tie " 
" It was for a great cause, that orgasm was one of the best I had. It’s a good thing your hand had muffled my scream because I was pretty sure I would have awake all the ship" You laugh, gladly remembering being hang by the hand to the wooden bedpost as Sanji was supported your leg around his hips thrusting in you as his life depended of it. Lucky for both of you, your bedroom was at the far end of the bedrooms corridor with no express neighbor.“ I will buy you a new one since I broke it. Even if it’s, you, who had bring it in bed "
" No need, I have many that look similar. Nobody will notice. But I will have to be careful to not be seen topless for a while. I'm glad your nails are short for cooking, my back looks like I had a fight with a cat over a fish. "
" It’s your fault, my leg was already shaking and you didn’t stop, I was on the edge of passing out ! "You protest laughing. " You deserve the scratch for making me lose my mind." 
" It’s an honor I accept gladly “ He proudly said, joining you in your laugh. " I admit that my own orgasm was way better than usual, I remember you moaning quietly in my ear even if I’m not quite sure what you said." 
" Sanji, at this point I’m pretty sure I could’ve whispered to you the recipe of an Apple Pie and you would have come. You were so close, trying to keep your control, I still have a faint bruise of your hand on my hip." 
" Isn't it when I eat you out during round two that I left that mark ? I had to keep you in place pretty hard, you were rolling your hips and didn’t want to stop moving "He recalls, a huge grin now on his face. " I still can heard you - Please Sanji don’t stop, don’t stop " 
"Ha ha ha " You rolled your eyes, still smiling at the memories." Sanji, I think we both really need to sleep, but I had to know...are we okay ? I will not talk to my dad about it, you will not too and we will live with that happy memories without a problem. We are just two friend and coworker who’s during the anniversary of their restaurant decide to casually fucked. Right ? " 
" Yes, exactly," He confirmed, cleaning his area. 
" Perfect, good night Sanji " You said, kissing his cheeks before jumping off the counter and exiting the kitchen. 
" Good night Y/N " The blond replied, watching you go.
Now he knew  he was totally screwed. Even though he hadn't truly lied, he was now reassured that your father will never know. He knew that he wasn’t clearly okay with this casual arrangement anymore. He knew at first that it wasn’t the idea of the century but after that night and the sweet way you look at him, always caring for him when nobody seem to, he couldn’t hide the issue anymore, he was slowly falling for you and he already know it, it's will hurt like hell.  
Part two ?
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
baby (you complete us) 7
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C H A P T E R   S E V E N 
Summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
Genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
Pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
Chapter Warnings: not much, insecurities, exploring, soul pain
*Words in Italics are spoken/written in Korean*
masterlist // chapter 6 // chapter 8
taglist:  @imnotlauriane​  @mageprincess7​ @m1sss1mp​ @0funsite0​  @strawberry-moonpies​ @this-isthe-way​ @singukieee​ @btsw1fe​ @gooooomz​  @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @carolinexkpop​ @agusfree​ @sakurarukas​ @iamkookiesforyou​ @skyys-universe​ @toughbook​ @plutoneu​ @whisperssuga​ @welcometomyworld13​ @yuzon3​ @wittyreader​ @jnghs​ @cyd0129​ @exfolitae​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ @nen-nyy​ @pandxthings​ @schniti-is-in-the-house​ @juju-227592​ @jinseartharmysmoon​ @wooya1224​ @ddaeng-angmoh​ @gratefullygrateful​ @rorythme​  @veronawrites​​ @xiusmarshmallow​​ @xicanacorpse​​ @kalala22​​ @ok-boke​​ @namjoonswaifu​​ @sweetcheeksdna​​ @hyunjingin​​  @promiseokza​​ @mushroom-main​​ @bookluver01​​ @butterfliesinthenightsky​ 
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp​ @yourleftsock​ @skyys-universe​ @cryingpages​ @strxwbloody​  @drissteele​ @dustyinkpages​ @iamkookiesforyou​ @crushedblackroses​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @blaaiissee​  @iiitsmaria​  @carolinexkpop​  @azazel-nyx​ @strawberry-moonpies​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​ @knjkitten​ @foreverweareyoung7​ @lachimolala22019​ @namuficxs​ @94z-93​ @kimgmzmc​ @thenaverse​ @dahliasbouqet​ @black-rose-29​ @tinyoonsblog​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @stellauniverse​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​ @tinyoonsblog​ @veronawrites​ @tatyhend​ @singukieee​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​ @exfolitae​ @butterymin​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ 
Previously on baby (you complete us):
They each had signed their name to the bottom, giving you the wistful feeling that rose up your back. Their words and actions made you feel cared for and had you slipping the bank card into one of the slots in your wallet, not entirely sure if you would use it or not. You moved back to the bed, sitting down on it and feeling the way your muscles relaxed into the bed.
You didn’t realize how much hearing their voices had calmed you down, had made you feel relaxed. Relaxed enough to fall asleep with your shoes on and your feet hanging off the big bed.
When you woke up the next morning, it was to the feeling of the soft silk sheets falling off the bed, leaving you cold and wishing you didn’t sleep in your traveling clothes. You were entirely uncomfortable and, in your sleep, ended up on the other side of the bed and halfway under the sheets.
You don’t know if you dreamt or not, but with the way you were moving in your sleep, you probably wouldn’t remember it anyways. Despite the restless sleep problems, you actually felt okay as you got up off the bed, not feeling any bad aches in your back or legs. You were able to get in the shower and relax under the stream of hot water after a couple attempts of translating the controls.
After your shower, you looked at the time only to see it was early, well, for this side of the world. It was 4:35 am in Seoul, meaning it was roughly 11:35 am in California, the day before? Time zones never made sense to you unfortunately. 
You had a couple of text messages from you family, wishing you good luck and asking for a phone call later on. Besides that, you didn’t have any new notifications.
Since it was so early, you didn’t want to bother anyone, but you were quickly becoming bored and wanted to explore with what little time you had to yourself before you had to meet the boys at the HYBE building later on. You figured that the area you were in had street lights, and probably some stores open so you decided to get dressed and explore.
Getting up, you dried off before moving over to your suitcase, lifting it off the floor and onto the bed so you didn’t have to bend down to open it or get your clothes. Unzipping the large suitcase, you decide to dress comfy, choosing a pair of leggings and a t-shirt along with a pair of socks. You pull your Agust D hoodie over your head, loving the feeling of it and how it reminds you of why you were here.
They were being unbelievably sweet and kind to you, despite you being unsure if you were even going to fully accept them or not. They treated you like you were always there, like they wanted you with them. All the expectations and dreams you held for your soulmates were coming true, and it was hard to come to terms with after waiting ten years.
Shaking your head out of your thoughts, you grab your phone from off the charger and your small card wallet from your carryon duffle. At the last second you also remembered the lanyard that the boys sent over, the “All Exclusive Access” pass with the HYBE logo on it, grabbing that along with your soulmate passport just in case something happened. 
Shoving all of those in the hoodie pocket, you move to the door, slipping your shoes on and grab the key card from where you placed it on the little entry way shelf before leaving the room.
It was quiet, to be expected, as you walked down the large hallway and flashed your key card against the small thing in the wall again, just like you did the night before. The elevator opened to bright lights and a mirror up hadn’t noticed taking up the space of the back wall. The small electronic clock above the floor buttons read 5:06 am, which meant the rest of the city would be waking up soon, if they weren’t already up.
The same desk clerk from before was the only one in the lobby, her friendly smile aimed your way as she calls out to you.
“Good morning, Mrs. Kim. Was the room to your liking?” You smile back at her, trying to hide the blush creeping up your cheeks at the sound of being called “Mrs. Kim”. You didn’t realize how much you would like the sound of it until it was being said.
“Uhm, yes, thank you.” You answer her question, before thinking it would be a good idea to ask her what the best place to get breakfast was, not exactly wanting to eat in the hotel, not wanting to be cooped up in the expensive building.
The desk clerk was super sweet and even wrote down a couple of places on some hotel stationary, giving you directions as she did. You were quick to thank her, bowing your head as you did, remembering the niceties and customs you looked up on the plane so you didn’t accidentally offend anyone.
You had also decided now would be the best time to practice your Korean. You knew that it was only a matter of time before you would be encouraged to move here, to be with your soulmates. It was inevitable.
You may still have some unworked through feelings about the entire situation, feelings of being unwanted and the like, coming and going that you needed to work through, but you also knew that these boys were already working their way into your heart, your love for the boys as BTS slowly bleeding through your growing feelings towards them as your soulmates.
This meant your Korean would need some work, because you wanted to be able to communicate with them; one less barrier removed.
You walked out of the hotel’s front doors only to pause at the sight of the large buildings in front of you. It seemed like you were in the middle of a huge shopping/business district. Moving out of the way of the entrance, you stand to the side and lean against the building so you could look down at the paper the clerk gave you. You were kind of overwhelmed by your surroundings and the feeling of your stomach doing a revolt against you for not feeding it.
You began to follow the directions told to you but had eventually gone off track with excitement as you noticed a 7-11. You had seen numerous tiktoks filmed within the franchise in Korea and had wanted to see what the hype was for yourself. You especially wanted to try one of those coffees they made with the bag of coffee and the cup of ice.
Opening the door, you were greeted by the sight of an older woman sitting at the register, her greetings of hello catching your ears.
“Good morning! Let me know if I can help you with anything.” You smile at her before answering back.
“Hello. Thank you!” Your words are slow as you test them out on your tongue, hoping you didn’t butcher the pronunciation of anything. You were relieved to see the smile in the woman’s lips grow as she hears you respond back.
“Wow! Your Korean is good!” She gives you a thumbs up, making you sigh out in relief at her compliment.
“Thank you.” You bow your head a little before moving into the aisles, eyes wide in wonder as you look at each and everything that catches your eyes.
The array of snacks and drinks catch your eye, even spotting some that are familiar to you like Cheetos and Doritos. You held your phone in hand as you glance back and forth from the Papago app on your phone and the snacks, trying to translate the best you could. As you move throughout the aisles and towards the cooler section, you snag a bag of M&M’s, along with a small pack of gummy worms.
As you get to the cooler section, you quickly set out to grab a package of cut up watermelon, craving the sweet treat after your previous day. Once you have that in hand, you move to the drinks, quickly grabbing one of the ice cups and settling on a vanilla caramel coffee bag, giggling in excitement as you did.
Juggling to hold all of that with one hand, you also manage to grab a couple of bulgogi gimbap triangles, having seen them out of the corner of your eye. These were one of the things you had always wanted to try if you ever managed to make your way to South Korea, and now you have your chance.
Deciding you can’t really fit anything else in your grip, you make your way back to the front of the store, seeing the smiling woman again as you place your things on the counter.
“Will this be all?” The woman’s voice is heard over the ringing of the machine as she totals up your items. You tilt your head as you try to translate her words, only for her to gesture to the items and give you a thumbs up.
“Yes, ma’am.” You nod your head in thanks, even more grateful for the woman when she grabs a plastic bag and begins to place your items in there. She leaves your ice cup and drink bag on the counter or you to make.
Once she tells you the total, you pull your wallet out of your sweatshirt pocket, only to remember you didn’t get the chance to transfer and money to the Korean won. You begin to pull out the card that the boys left for you, sending a silent thanks to your soulmates and a promise to pay them back once you see them.
After paying for you things and making your drink (which you record with your phone so you can have the memory forever), you thank the woman again before making your way out of the convenience store.
Seeing the sun begin to rise, you figure out your next move.
The Han River had numerous park designations, called the Hangang Parks, all along Seoul. Seeing the river was one of the items on your bucket list and you deemed it appropriate for the occasion. It takes you only minutes to find one of the entrances once you figure out how to google it. 
With your bag in hand, you were able to find a nice spot in the grass along the river that held an amazing view of the sunrise just as the sun started to peak over the city line.
You took numerous pictures of the skyline, the sunrise, and even of your snacks. You even took a couple pictures of yourself, choosing to document the trip. It was always something you wanted to do, one of the places you most wanted to visit and explore. You weren’t going to let the chance to make memories and have experiences pass you by.
It was now passed seven in the morning, and you figured the boys had to be awake right now. Deciding to take the chance with the small amount of peace and courage you held, you sent a picture of the sunrise with the skyline in the distance and a picture of you to the group chat.
you: *pictures attached* I can see why you guys like the views.
Jimin: good morning baby! 😍
Taehyung: you’re up already! We thought you would still be sleeping!
Taehyung: how long have you been up, baby?
You blush at his words, the concern translated over as you highlight the text. Numerous different bubbles pop up as the others begin to text back in the group chat.
Yoongi: you look like you’re relaxed. I’m glad you were able to explore a little this morning. Is Songun with you?
Jin: you look beautiful baby. Those snacks also look good.
Jungkook: you’re up already? Why didn’t you message us earlier? 🥺
Namjoon: Jungkook, we can’t take up all her time. Plus, she said she would message us when she was up, she never specified when.
Namjoon: thank you for sending us the pictures. We are happy you are having fun.
Hoseok: Good morning, pretty girl. Did you sleep well? I see you are wearing yoongi’s sweatshirt again 😊
The blush rises on your cheeks again at the implication that you were wearing Yoongi’s sweatshirt. You know what Hoseok meant, but still.
You: I woke up really early this morning and decided it would be nice to get out and explore what I could. I found a really nice convenience store and bought snacks! I didn’t want to wake up Songun so I just got directions from the hotel clerk. I also didn’t want to wake you all up. I didn’t know what your plans were.
You: I slept really well. The bed felt like a huge marshmallow. And I am wearing it again. It’s very comfy and soft and I would wear it every day if I could.
You didn’t know it, but your response made Yoongi blush like no tomorrow, hiding his face in his sleeve as the others begin to tease him about it.
You wondered if now would be a good a time as any to get everything over with. If it would be a good time to talk and try and complete the soul bond with them. You could feel this pit forming in your gut, the ache slowly spreading to your back as you sat there. You had noticed it yesterday, had thought it was just nerves, but the closer you got to the boys, it seemed the better the pain was becoming.
Your soul pain reminded you just how much was at stake. You hadn’t wanted to ever feel this pain, let alone have your soulmates feel the same thing, no matter how the circumstances changed.
You plucked up what little courage you had left and typed out your next message.
You: would now be a bad time for my visit?
You almost immediately regret it. It was barely eight in the morning, there was no way they were already at the HYBE building, let alone probably available for your visit. They said they had no plans for the day, but you could only guess how easily that could change.
You glance down at your left-over snacks, the M&M’s, one of the gimbap triangles, and some watermelon wondering if someday you could come back here, maybe with one of the boys. It seemed awfully calming, bordering on peaceful and tranquil.
Yoongi: of course not.
Jimin: we’ve been at the building for over an hour, hoping you would message us.
Jungkook: it would never be a bad time for a visit from you.
Hoseok: do you still have the pass we gave you, pretty girl?
You move to respond but you feel someone move behind you, jumping when they end up sitting next to you on the grass.
“I’m sorry, Miss. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Turning your head you see Songun, a small smirk on his lips as you hold a hand to your chest, trying to get your breathing and heart rate back under control.
“Oh no, Songun. Don’t worry. You didn’t startle me. I just had a heart attack for absolutely no reason." You retort out of instinct, not seeing how he might misunderstand you until the words leave your lips. You go to apologize but he starts speaking.
“Well, you should get that checked out then. Don’t want to have another one.” You gasp again out of shock as he quickly retorts back, his smirk growing into a smile as he pats you on the shoulder.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t sneak up on people, and we would be good.” You respond back, laughter blending in with your words as you start to place your leftovers back into the plastic bag and gather your trash up to throw away.
“How did you know I was here?” You ask Songun as you start to walk to the nearest trashcan, feeling him walk in step with you.
“My bosses are good at what they do.” His words have you laughing again.
“You mean they told you where I was and asked why you were not with me like you informed me of yesterday?” He snaps his fingers at you.
“Correct. Which leads me to wondering, why did you decide not to call me before you went and explored?” You shrug at his question, not wanting to tell him you didn’t want to be an inconvenience, so you made something up.
“Got bored. Forgot your phone number card at the hotel.” You can tell that Songun sees right through you, but you were glad he didn’t push anymore. You had a feeling you would be touching on those hidden feelings sooner than you anticipated.
“Alright then. Are you ready to go and meet your soulmates?” Songun claps his hands together before gesturing you towards the waiting car parked on the street. You stare at it warily, but you nod your head anyways, pushing and grasping for the feelings the boys have already made you feel, hoping they chase away any of the doubt floating through your head.
Next Chapter
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guccixstyless · 6 months
Hii 💛💛,sound very odd but can you a imagine where the reader & Ryu shi oh have kids, a cute lil family.
A Sunday At Ryu Household
Pairing: Ryu Shio x Reader (married)
Word Count: 885 Words
A/N: Thank you for requesting this one shot, hope you like it!
The kids: Twin Boys (Kai, Sooho -aged 7 years), One girl (Mirae -aged 5 years) and One boy (Timmy- aged 3 years)
The sunlight filtered through the curtains signaling another new day. Y/N stirred awake and felt the space between her to be empty, she was confused, where was her husband?
She reluctantly got up from bed and headed downstairs, the aroma of something delicious filled her nose as she approached the kitchen.
There was Shio, wearing an apron over his last night's pyjamas. The apron was a gift from his kids from father's day. It had "Best Daddy In The World" written in blue color with bold arial font. Shio loved it and wore it whenever he cooked.
"Hello mister," Y/N said leaning on the kitchen door.
"You're awake," Shio smiled over his shoulder looking at you.
Y/N went closer to him and he flipped the pancake before placing it on a plate. It was already stacked with lots of pancakes. He then turned off the stove before turning towards her.
"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" he spoke softly while tucking her hair behind her ears.
"Like a baby!" she smiled.
"Go wake up the kids, I'm making a special breakfast," Shio smiled.
"What's the occasion for this special breakfast?" Y/N wondered.
"Does there need to be one? Every day with you is special." Shio winked.
"So cheesy," Y/N snickered.
"Only for my love," he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before returning on making omelets.
"Smells so good, I will get the kids," Y/N said.
Shio was done plating and set the table up. He made nutella filled pancakes, cut up some fruits, made omelets, fried sausages and mushrooms, and made freshly squeezed orange juice.
Shio looked at the table proudly before setting the plates.
"Daddy!" Shio heard little voices and the smile on his face grew wider.
"Oh are we having pancakes?" Kai asked excitedly.
"Yes we are!" Shio smiled. Y/N came behind them while holding their youngest son Timmy.
Kai, Sooho and Mirae took a seat in the table beside each other, Y/N put Timmy in the highchair before going to sit beside Shio.
Shio served them all the food items before saying, "Dig in!"
The family sat down and enjoyed a delightful Sunday breakfast. Kai and Mirae shared stories from school. Sooho talked about his friends.
As the day unfolded, the family engaged in various activities. Shio, being the doting father he was, played games with the kids, their peals of laughter echoing through the house. Y/N watched with a heart full of joy as Shio chased the little ones around, their giggles creating a melody of happiness.
Shio helped them build blocks buildings. Kai and Sooho began running, so Shio gently warned them, "Be careful with those blocks, okay?"
The kids were very tired yet happy by lunch time. After a hearty meal, the kids went for a quick nap. Shio and Y/N enjoyed a cup of coffee while enjoying the quiet atmosphere of the house
"Do you remember when I proposed?" Shio reminisced fondly.
"Of course, the way you planned a scavenger hunt, it was truly iconic," Y/N giggled while twirling her wedding band.
"I was so nervous, I yelled at my poor secretary because you were running late," Shio recalled.
"Such a meanie you are, that man adores you though," Y/N smiled.
"Yeah at this point he is family too," Shio chuckled.
As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the living room, the family settled down to watch a movie. Shio lounged on the sofa, Y/N nestled against him, their children sprawled across the floor with blankets and pillows. Timmy was on his portable cradle.
"Best part of the day, isn't it?" Shio said softly.
"Absolutely. Sundays are my favorite when we're all together like this." Y/N smiled.
Shio wrapped his arm around Y/N, pulling her closer. The kids, feeling the cozy atmosphere, snuggled against their parents. The movie played on, but the real show was the love and togetherness that enveloped the room.
After the movie was finished, the couple took their children and bathed them before tucking them all in bed.
Y/N went to put Mirae in bed while Shio took care of the twins.
Shio tucked them in, placing gentle kisses on their foreheads before turning off the bedside lamp.
Y/N met Shio in the hallway and intertwined their hands before both of them happily walked to their room.
After their nightly skincare routine both of them crawled to bed. Exhaustion from the day finally kicking in. They both lie in bed facing each other.
"Today was perfect, wasn't it?" Shio whispered, as he stroked Y/N's cheek lovingly.
"It really was. Thank you, Shio, for making every day feel like a Sunday." Y/N whispered before placing a small kiss at the palm of Shio's hand.
Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss, a silent acknowledgment of the love that had blossomed and flourished over the years. Shio pulled Y/N into a warm embrace, the quiet intimacy of the moment speaking volumes.
"I love you Y/N, so so much," Shio said as they broke from the kiss.
"I love you too," Y/N smiled.
With a smile and contentment in their hearts, the couple drifted to sleep.
Link to another angst Ryu Shio story
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vase-of-lilies · 8 months
How about a one shot of mommy getting mad at mama because when we pout mama all of a sudden forgets the rules. Oh, no ice cream before bed? Forgotten. Only 30 minutes of tv time ? Nope . Baby’s in the corner for saying no when told to clean toys ? No she’s not. Only three sweets a day? Never ! Baby’s not allowed on mama’s motorcycle? Well, just this once ( this was mommy’s snapping point, at mama of course. Because we didn’t know any better ) for the tiny tiger au please :)
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What Rules?
Paring: Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Little!Reader (f) x Mama!Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: Heavy MD/LG, dark AU, Nat is defiant and mad at Wanda, literally Nat is a menace and honestly it takes after Tiny lol, rule-breaking, mentions of spanking
A/n: I love this, omg. I feel like because Nat grew up in such a tight-knit childhood, she would be SO lenient with rules when Wanda wasn’t watching 😂 I LOVE this request AHHHHH Thank you for sending it in! And thank you for the kind words!
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Natasha was never able to do what she wanted when she was young. Being in the widow program was a torturous process and was under a hawk-like rule enforcement. So whenever she could, she would let you have some leniency with the rules that Wanda and her have set for you.
Those rules and punishments were posted on the refrigerator door;
No big girl words (cussing) - Soap in mouth
Clean up toys after playing and put them in their home - In the corner in time out for 10 minutes
30 minutes of TV a day - No TV for 24 hours
No sweets before dinner or before bed - No sweets for 2 days
Not allowed on Mama's motorcycle while in little space - 10 spanks
You were very obedient when you should be! But of course, when on the days you were fussy or didn't get enough sleep, these were the days you pouted. Your mommy was not happy when you were not happy so she allowed you to break some of these rules to cheer you up.
On a cloudy Tuesday morning, you woke up very grumpy. Wanda couldn't tell if it was a bad dream, hunger, or just plain old defiance that you woke up with, but she was quick to soothe you as she did every morning by feeding you.
This morning, however, the usual things didn't help you. Wanda was perplexed so she requested Nat to help you instead. When she came into the room she frowned as she saw you sniffling with your lion clutched to your chest.
"Hi my little love, whats going on today?" Nat asks, sitting down on your bed next to her wife. You didn't answer, your only response was whimpers of distress as you hid your face against Leo's head. Your mama gently tickles your arm and looks to Wanda, silently letting her know she can do what work she needs to do today.
"How about we have some play time? Do you want to play with your legos?" Your eyes lit up at the sound of playing with your new Lego set Uncle Tony bought you. It was the set you had always wanted; a lego vase with more blocks to make four (4) flowers to go inside of it. Wanda was against it at first, knowing that you like to suck on things, but you promised that you would have your paci when you played so you kept the legos out of your mouth.
Natasha helped you read the instructions while you built, and Wanda worked on her laptop in the mushroom tent in the corner of your room. She was contemplating telling Bucky about you, knowing that his health has gone downhill since your "death." Wanda still cares about Bucky and knows when you are in your adult head space you miss him greatly. But now wasn't the time.
Wanda's head snapped up at the sound of clapping from you, your little vase of Lego flowers now complete.
"Good job, Tiny! Look how pretty!" Nat said, giving your hair a little ruffle from her hand. You giggle in response and stand up with Leo, leaving the mess of extra pieces and wrapping on the floor.
Wanda follows you with her head as you walk out of the bedroom and then looks back at her wife, trying to find an explanation as to why you didn't clean up.
"What was that about? She needs to clean up her mess," Wanda states, closing her laptop and getting up from the mushroom tent. "You knew that, love..." She folds her arms as Nat stands as well.
"I just wanted to give her a break, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I'll have her clean up later, ok?" Natasha made the excuse, knowing exactly what she was doing by allowing you to break this rule. She kisses Wanda's head and then her lips, saying softly, "Get some work done, ok? I know you have been real busy with Y/n, so take a much needed break."
Wanda smiled at her wife, leaning her forehead against Nat's chin, sighing in relief. "Thank you, love. And please, keep her in line, ok? I don't want any more rules to be broken."
Her wife only nods and kisses her head once more. Gently, Nat pats Wanda's bum and she chuckles as looks down at the mess you made. Ignoring it now, she goes to the living room where you are sat on the couch watching [enter favorite cartoon], the volume on low.
Nat sits down next to you and lets you cuddle against her, your paci in your mouth and Leo in your arms.
Thirty (30) minutes go by, and you stay as still as possible. You didn't want to remind your mama of the time limit. However, she already knows this limit doesn't apply to you today. She smiles as she pulls you into her arms and you lay against her chest. Your eyes are glued to the TV, the soft colors of the cartoon occupying your brain.
An hour and a half later, you have now fallen asleep for your daily nap and Wanda was confused as to what Nat was doing. She heard the TV going for much longer than thirty (30) minutes and came to check on you. You were in and out of sleep, still watching the TV as you tried to stay awake.
Wanda sat next to you and put your head in her lap, brushing a very obvious ice cream stain from your chin. Nat was no longer watching you as she left you to watch TV to go work on her widow gear. She came in through the backdoor and smiled at her wife on the couch, not paying attention to Wanda's angry face.
"Hi, love! Is she asleep for her nap yet?" She asks, starting to clean the two ice cream bowls in the sink. Wanda nods and looks down at your sleeping face in her lap, sighing as she shakes her head in disappointment.
"I have a little bit more to work on, are you going to be good?" Wanda asks her wife this time, the redhead responding with a small chuckle and a nod.
"Of course, I only want the best for all of us." She says softly, tucking a third chocolate bar behind the coffee maker to hide it. She plans on giving it to you after your nap, and one more right before bed.
"Ok..." Wanda says hesitantly, laying your head back on your pillow and laying a soft blanket over you. "I love you, tiny, sleep tight." She whispers, kissing your head.
After your nap, Nat is there to greet you with not one (1), but TWO (2) chocolate bars! Today could not have been better! You ate the sweets with a smile on your face, sighing as you finished the last square. "Nummy..." You say, looking up at your mama.
"Why don't we do something else? What ever you want to do, love, just name it." Natasha said, knowing full well that you would want to break another rule.
Immediately you think of what you want to do. "Bike! Bike!" Nat smirks and nods softly. "As you wish! Let's go before Mommy sees!"
You nod and stand up, holding Nat's hand while you walk to the garage. Wanda was suspicious, so she checked on the cameras to see what you were doing. She was furious when she saw you on top of your mama's motorcycle, pretending to drive it. Your caregivers agreed to have this rule for your safety, and Nat was going completely against it.
Stomping to the garage, Wanda slams the door open. You jump and your eyes widen as you see your mommy in the doorway. Tilting your head, you look back to your mama, curious as to why Wanda was so angry. Nat let you do this, so it wasn't really breaking a rule, right?
Wanda makes her way over to you on the bike and lifts you off of it, gripping your wrist and pulling you back inside. Nat instantly follows, stopping Wanda before she is able to punish you.
"Wanda! Wait! It was my fault, don't punish her, she didn't know better." Nat's words make Wanda freeze.
"You allowed her to get on your bike?? First, you don't put her in time out for not cleaning up, and then you let her watch an hour and a half of TV. And don't think I didn't see the ice cream stains and the chocolate wrappers in the garbage can. Now this? What has gotten into you??"
Wanda removes you from over her lap and lets you sit on the couch. Watching your mommy stand up, she approaches your mama. "I understand that this is hard with Bucky trying to get to us. But we run a tight ship here and I need you to bring all hands on deck. If this happens again, there will be more consequences."
Natasha sighs and nods in understanding. "Can I at least give her the last chocolate bar? I promised her she could have it after she brushes her teeth..."
Wanda presses her hand to her head and looks up at Nat. "You know the goddamn answer to that."
The two women laugh together, moving to the couch to give you a stern talk about Mama letting you break the rules.
"Remember, even if Mama or Mommy says you can break a rule, tell her you want to be a good girl. Do you understand, Tiny?"
You nod, still confused about what happened today. Your mind was clouded and you just wanted to be with your mommies now, and that was what they gave you. All the attention you could ever need.
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abstract-shape · 1 year
Eddie: No more cooking for you love. You keep burning yourself and it’s scaring me.
Venom: Well dear Eddie, you will not let me eat bad guys. I must take matters into my own hands and create my own sustenance. A little fire will not stop me.
Eddie: So if I cook for you will you stop endangering your life for snacks?
Venom: Don’t be ridiculous my Eddie. You can’t even manage a pancake without burning it.
Eddie: *laughing* How dare you! I can make pancakes!
Venom: Hmph. Not edible pancakes.
Eddie: I bet I’m a better cook than you. Everything you make is covered in chocolate syrup.
Venom: That makes it better! Besides, I have been watching the Food Network while you sleep. I am learning from the masters.
Eddie: Just because you watch Gordon Ramsey on tv doesn’t mean you can cook. Do you remember your waffle disaster?
Venom: Do not mistake your lack of taste as my lack of skill. Those waffles were magnificent.
Eddie: They had mushrooms darling. Mushrooms. Nobody puts mushrooms on waffles.
Venom: You’re ungrateful. I’m not doing that thing with my tongue tonight unless you apologize.
Eddie: Hold on wait we can talk about this-
I miss symbrock
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royjamierot · 10 months
hi! if it’s not much bother, i somewhat recently just started reading some royjamie fics, but i wanted to ask if you had any must-read fic recs, or even any authors you enjoy for the pairing? i don’t mind if they’re long or short, royjamie only or rjk as well
thanks for your time!
YESSS IT'S NOT A BOTHER AT ALL I LOVE GIVING FIC RECS!! i love this thank you this a great chance for me to freak out about my favorite fics. in no particular order, here! I'll do my best to write a brief description and also put the ratings
in the next one, will you find me by nebuloussubject
this is a mature fic where jamie wakes up to an alternate universe where roy is 22 and a new transfer to richmond. it talks a lot about roy's vulnerability and also jamie's as well and it makes me sooo emotional i love it so much
it’s (not) only make believe by screaming_crying_perfect_storm
mature fic and FAKE DATING AU!!! it's sooo good it's unfinished rn but every new update makes me so insane it's literally soo good. it has georgie and simon in it and mutual pining it's amazing. i highly recommend everything from this author.
trip of my life by floweredhalo
unrated but not explicit fic about roy accidentally doing mushrooms and jamie taking care of him. it's such a sweet fic it lives in my mind.
that's what i want (collection) by BelmotteTower and Scoatney Hall
this is royjamiekeeley! i was so engaged in this collection i read most of it in a day i highly recommend it. it's so sweet and i love the relationships between the three of them.
open hand or closed fist would be fine by Tallfroggie20
royjamie again. mature also. this one is about roy and jamie being touch starved and filling that void in each other and also growing since the season one finale. I couldn't put this one down. one of my fave oneshots.
Be Furious by Emmybazy
this is an explicit younger roy/older jamie fic because this idea makes me insane. i love roy character studies and fics that make him younger tend to do this veryyyy well i love this fic. jamie and roy wear sweaters in this one which i love imagining.
love, that loosener of limbs by literatus
this is explicit basically just royjamie sex in the woods and also references to jane austen. i love this one im so normal about it.
Hospital Ball (Jamie Tartt's Adventures in Matchmaking) by dannyPURO
explicit fic :) i love this one it's mostly royjamie and some royjamiekeeley but it's so funny and jamie in this always makes me laugh. jamie and roy sleep together a ton and jamie thinks it's because roy is sad over keeley and roy thinks they're dating. shenanigans ensue.
Two Things Can Be True by cheerfuldisdain
this is a teen royjamiekeeley fic where roy processes his feelings about the two of them and also goes to therapy! also not finished yet but it is sooo good.
a muppet, dying of the incurable condition of being a little bitch by PeonyPages161
rated teen royjamie fic where roy calls jamie drunk a bunch of times when he's sad and they grow from that!! it's so good i love the way it's developing. also unfinished so far.
and i think that's a good list of my favorites? i definitely recommend all of these i hope you enjoy! if you are looking for specific recommendations for a specific tag or general vibe id be happy to give those as well!
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
Day 14: Cage
The following morning for Luigi was… eventful, to say the least.
Bowser had left the nest only after ensuring that both the Koopalings and Luigi stayed inside his chambers -that is, by barricading the door.
Luigi would like to say he wasn’t the loudest to protest this, but he (unfortunately) knew that the Koopalings wouldn’t agree.
Combined with the lack of obvious entertainment, it’s a wonder that they unanimously agreed to either go back to sleep or talk to/bother their new guest.
Luigi wouldn’t say it was nerve-wracking, but the (rightfully curious) questions of Ludwig, Wendy, and Junior have put a lot of things into perspective.
First, it means A LOT for Bowser to have allowed someone into the nest aside from the kids.
(And yes, he has blushed redder than Mario’s hat at the pointed looks he received.)
Second, don’t worry about going easy on Junior once they decide to play games; he is a sly cheat sometimes with the skill to back him up.
(Luigi is more skeptical of this, but doesn’t argue.)
Third, there was a Very Good Reason that Bowser freaked out so much:
Apparently, long ago, the castle had been Magically reinforced with protections against foreign scrying and teleportation -something that is supposed to not only work within the castle’s perimeter, but also produce an audible backlash that allows the residents to locate the perpetrator.
The fact that neither Bowser nor Luigi has found evidence of a present source of the whispers, and has not heard the tell-tale siren…
Well, either someone overpowered those protections, or… it’s something else.
It left the four of them in tense contemplation, enough to almost miss a warped ringing sound nearby.
It took everything in Bowser to concentrate on the action in front of him.
After making sure his kids and Luigi were safe (as one can be, considering...), he immediately headed towards the barracks, shouting out for Kammek and Kammy.
He has no idea how long they have been spied on, or even how long the Kingdom has before -whatever it is does something.
Bowser doesn't even know what to expect, and it feels so damning.
Even as his advisors gather as many Magikoopas as possible, maybe to track down the anomaly before things escalate, it felt like it was too little too late-
But it's not too late, not when he still has someone to protect.
Still, even with this resolve, he had met the arriving Messenger Koopa with a mixed sense of surprise and dread.
And then he learned it was a forewarned announcement for the arrival of 'Mushroom Kingdom Representatives'.
Once, months before this moment, Bowser would have met this news with eager smugness. He would have reveled in the chance -the far-fetched implication- that Peach liked him back.
Now? He only feels unadulterated RELIEF.
Of course, they decide to come for a surprise visit!
...Oh shit, they won't know what is happening.
"Yes, Your Franticness?"
"I want you to get the red menace here, pronto! AND GET HIM UP TO SPEED!"
"Right away, sir!"
There. Hopefully, whatever the hell is going on will at least-
He hears a distant, warped ringing.
The Magikoopa doesn't bother replying, instead poofing him and everyone in the room towards the unmistakable sound.
The pink smoke didn't even fully clear before Bowser went into a panic-
The Koopalings were huddled in the nest- they didn't seem hurt but-
Luigi was standing outside of it trembling- obviously trying to stay between them and the threatthreatthreat- and Bowser wants him to get away-
"At last! After searching like a child for a beloved toy outside its cage, I've found you!"
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Octavinelle stubbing their toe for the first time
This turned into me rambling about their first steps, bones, and their feelings on clothes but oh well. Credit to @/b0nkers-papaya for the original idea!
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Azul Ashengrotto
So, I am a firm believer that Azul didn’t have proper bones as a mer, his were made of cartilage. Add on the fact that he went from eight tentacles to two legs, he’s already way beyond his element
He will deny this till the day he dies, but he fell so many times when he first learned how to walk. Floyd was running circles around him and Azul was just “Put one foot in front of the other-“ *discovered gravity*
So, bones are weird. These experiences are weird. He finally, slowly but surely, got the hang of walking and eventually he was confidently strutting around! Until, one fateful day…
Three days into his first year at NRC and Azul is minding his own business in his dorm room about to go to sleep. Because clothes are a new thing to him and he’s not a complete monster he doesn’t wear socks to bed. He had some last minute homework to finish up before though so he was doing that. Well, when he stands up and starts heading to his bed…his little toe ended up catching the leg of his desk.
Oh Great Seven. The scream this boy let out. His toe got bent so far it almost touched the side of his foot.
I don’t know how Octavinelle first years room but I know Heartslabyul is four to a room so we’re gonna assume it’s the same here. Picture this, Azul is on the ground just dying, from embarrassment or pain you decide. Floyd is cackling like that was the funniest thing to ever happen in all of history. Jade is amused as well, but perhaps not as vocally as Floyd. The fourth person…I don’t know man I’m not good at this
Jade Leech
Jade definitely had an easier time walking than Azul, he probably fell the least out of the trio. Granted, it was still tough but he managed!
Jade had actual bones as a mer, but only one long one going through his tail and now he has…significantly more than one. So, once again, bones are weird. But, Jade is absolutely fascinated by it. Bones are wet? What?
Probably around the time when Jade’s mushroom habit began is when the fateful day happened. He had his little terrariums lined up on the shelf and he was checking them making sure everything was okay and all that jazz
I am convinced these boys don’t really like wearing clothes, but because they have to they do, and Jade actually had socks on when this happened. He had checked up on his last terrarium and went to get off of his bed but didn’t quite check how close he was to his desk. Cue Jade’s little toe getting smacked on the corner and bending up a bit too far.
Unlike Azul, he is going to silently suffer. He closed his eyes, took a very deep breath, held it, and slowly exhaled. If he was alone in the room or with only Floyd and Azul, he might react a little more but probably only an “Ow.” or a “That hurt.”
Floyd Leech
Floyd is a menace. When he first started walking, he didn’t walk. He tried to go straight to running. He definitely fell the most but not because he just couldn’t do it, but because he was trying to do parkour or something when his legs are the equivalent of a newborn giraffe’s taking its first steps
Now, we know he has an interest in fashion and shoes. But was that immediate? And does that mean he actually enjoys wearing them? You cannot tell me that if given the chance he wouldn’t just run around with everything hanging out.
Floyd was the first to stub his toe. It actually happened the very first day he had legs. Floyd was doing his little Floyd things, having little Floyd thoughts as he does. And also trying to run at top speed. Away from Jade trying to make him wear clothes. He was outside, on land, on a beach, sand in between his toes, feeling the nice ocean breeze. Everything was amazing! If only they’d stop trying to put those things on him, at least he had on shorts? Things were going just fine in his escape. Until a stray rock happened.
Floyd hit his toe on that rock and was immediately on the ground curled up in a ball shrieking. This was it. Game over for him. His sixteen years of life were good, he had fun! He stared up at the blue sky, taking it in one final time. If he wasn’t going to die, then surely his foot must be entirely gone. He just got that too!
Floyd eventually calmed down after a few seconds, opened his eyes, sat up and looked around. He’s alive? After losing his entire leg? It’s a miracle!
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solara-bean · 10 months
As an undiagnosed autistic I LOVE talking about my random interests with people and vice versa. So here's what I think the Touchstarved LIs random interests are 😊
Astronomy/ Astrology
assuming that he really is an ancient Angel he probably had a hand in or watched the universe being made so it still fascinates him how it has developed over the centuries
especially what humans have discovered about it
also the meanings they've given to constellations and other parts of the cosmos in tradition and folklore
it's all intriguing and quite amusing to him
he knows all the LIs zodiac signs as well as his regular patients
would sneer and say ' of course you're a Leo ' without any other context and just walk away in that swift angelic manor that he does
has a vintage telescope that he refuses to replace
if you indulge him long enough and let him ramble on about stars he'll stop and be like ' Wait I could just show you'
hope you're not afraid of heights
especially the poisonous kind
he finds them poetic in a sense because of Co he does
like to have a small journal about them and wishes eridia had more nature for him to explore and document
sketches flowers when he has free time and might even color them
he's not the most skilled artist but he good at drawing plant life because he's done it so often
knows the meaning of plants and makes/ buys bouquets accordingly
hints at how he really feels about the person he's giving a bouquet to
has given ones with negative meanings to people he didn't like but needed something from, he knew they wouldn't understand and would just be like "oh a bouquet how thoughtful" " yes this was made especially for you " *wink wink*
has admired the gardens of high town snobs him and his bloodhounds have raided interacted with ( he'll take a few home just because )
is learning how to make teas, medicine, poison and lotions from plants for the fun of it and to help others
wants to have a large garden one day
Fungus/ Mushrooms
they just think they're neat
like how could you not there's so many cool kinds of fungus
they adore that such life can grow from death
will rarely pick mushrooms because they want them to stay where they belong
doesn't want to separate them from their fungi families 🥺
really REALLY likes cool colored fungi that glow
I imagine magical fungi exists in their world so they get really excited when they find some in the wild
they go crazy for those really big mushrooms and will stare at them for hours if they could
has dreamed of sleeping on a mushroom many times like a little fairy but won't tell ANYONE ( ok except Kuras but they didn't mean to, got really embarrassed )
if you gift them a glowing magic mushroom to keep as a nightlight they'll act unfased at first but congratulations you're basically married now
eyes dilate like a cat when he sees one
oooo shiny
has stolen found more than he's bought
has a mini hoard of stones stashed away somewhere in his room
he only shows it to people he really likes ( Ais and S/o )
Ais' earrings intrigues him
Ais noticed and took them off so he could see and was more than willing to talk about where he got them
Vere knew exactly what they were made of right away and wanted to tral them as his own to mess with Ais, but lost interest when Ais admitted he wouldn't mind
would lay on a giant pile of gemstones like a dragon's hoard in his full demon fox form if he had the means to ( would put his S/O in the pile too as one of his treasures )
he'll know exactly which gemstones look best on you for jewelry
like alot of animal facts dude
he has a wide range of knowledge because he can't choose a favorite animal. he likes SO MANY
ranging from the scariest of predators on land and sea to the cutest little fellas ( sharks, tigers, bunnies, small birds, sparrows *hint hint*)
if you tell him what your favorite animal is expect to be randomly given little gifts based off of of it ( illustrations, mini figurines, plushies etc )
asked Vere alot of questions about his fox nature ( " does your coat change color in the winter?" " ...Ais I'm trying to get frisky stop asking weird shit" )
was the type of kid to bring strays home so you can imagine how happy he is about having a pack of soulless
he immediately knew which animal/animals they were all based on and knows how to interact with them accordingly
his love for animals kinda messes with his instincts like yeah I shouldn't pet that large predator but what if he's lonely like me 🥺
is totally fine with getting bit and scratched because he overstepped a boundary and will learn from it
I bet eridia's highborn snobs have captured exotic creatures for show so guess who's pulling up with his red eyed soulless gang for a jail break ( he'd give the creatures to a shelter that can relocate and take care of them )
wants to raise alot of pets with his S/o as they grow old. just one big happy family of strays they've taken in: wild soulless, escaped highborn pets, barn animals, alley cats, Vere, etc.
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viral-virus-au · 4 months
Master Post :]
Master Post for this AU so you don't have to go re-read everything on my main profile
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Smg4 and 3 are suddenly put into a 4 year long deep sleep. They're unable to protect their realm from major threats, seeing as they're the Guardians of this world. A virus is implemented into the world and quickly starts to spread like wildfire. It infects almost everyone accept a few.
Those who survived retreated to a secluded, underground bunker equipped with many rooms and farms. The infected rummage the world above.
They all act like a hive mind accept a few. The few that don't are highly dangerous and have higher chances to attack their own members, so they've been isolated, some even team up with other strong infected.
Infected are extremely hostile to those unaffected. They're changed both physically and mentally, meaning whatever was there is now gone. Not permanently however. Strong infected tend to be in small groups of 2-5 and will destroy whoever steps into their territory.
4 and 3 finally reawaken after 4 years and wonder around their now decimated world, trying to figure out what happened. They get jumped by those who used to be their friends but get saved and brought back to the bunker.
-Smg4 and Smg3
-Whimpu, Saiko and Swag
-Melony and Axol Jr
-Mario and Karen
-Boopkins and JubJub
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-Mr Monitor
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-Smg1 and Smg2
-You can ask the Survivors for now only
-No NSFW asks
-My ships for this AU are SMG34, ShroomKitty, SaikoXTariXMeggy and Melony X Axol
-Kissing and Hugging are allowed but nothing extreme, yk?
-Just have fun :]
-If an ask is for me as the mod, then I will answer in brackets
-Otherwise requests and stuff like that needs to only be on my main account, they will just be deleted/ignored if you ask here
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osleeplessflowero · 4 months
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i watched sleeping beauty again and was enlightened. enjoy! 📖 Fairytale AU series! This time featuring Blue <3 ❤️ Reader is Gender Neutral as always, SOUL is up to you!
- 🗡Previous Oneshot - Next Oneshot (Soon)
It's a beautiful day outside. (Not that kind!) The sun shines brightly in the sky, birds sing songs to one another as they fly through the skies right above your head. You smile as you walk along a forest path, surrounded by glowing mushrooms and gorgeous flowers. Wandering through, you make your way over to some berry bushes and pick them, gently placing them into a basket in your left hand with a grin.
A few of the forest animals notice you, deciding to accompany you in your travels. Squirrels, birds, even a few deer. Seems you've got quite the audience for some berry picking. You smile amusedly as a robin lands on your shoulder.
"My my, there's certainly a lot of you, isn't there?"
You hear a variety of animal sounds in reply.
"Well, I don't mind that. The more the merrier." You chuckle, spotting some strawberries and picking them after ensuring they're ripe. You decide to spare some blueberries you'd found earlier to them, the gesture very much so appreciated.
You've been walking a while..perhaps it would be best to take a rest. Humming, you walk over to a lone tree stump and sit on it, resting your legs beside a stream. The animals surround you, seeming to want to take a rest as well.
"I didn't know I'd be making so many friends today." You smile, gently petting the head of the bird that's still on your shoulder with your fingers. It promptly chirps in response.
Feeling more at ease, you hum a familiar tune as the animals surround you that echoes throughout the area.
. . .
Two knights wander through the forest. Both skeletons, one much taller than the other. Both very bright eyed and seeking adventure. The taller skeleton has armor with themes of red, the shorter one wearing themes of blue.
The shorter one swings his sword around. "So, What Do You Think We'll Find Today, Papyrus? I'm Hoping We'll Find Somewhere New To Explore! Or Maybe An Enemy To Defeat To Save Someone." He pretends to attack an invisible enemy, making "swoosh"ing sounds.
"Nyeh Heh, I Wouldn't Doubt Either Of Those Happening, Blue! We'll Simply Have To See What The Day Brings Before We Must Return Home To Our Brothers. And Probably Find Them Asleep." He sighs, putting a hand on his hip as he walks. Blue lets out an amused chuckle.
"Yeah, That Sounds Like Them." He grins, amused by the scenario he's grown so familiar with.
Blue's focus is interrupted when he hears the sound of someone singing, turning his head towards the trees beside them.
"Blue? Is Something The Matter?" Papyrus asks, curious as to what's distracted his fellow knight.
"I Hear Something..Be Right Back!" He runs off.
"BLUE! DON'T GO RUNNING INTO UNKNOWN TERRITORY!" Papyrus shouts after him, sighing again. "That Skeleton.. We May Be Incredibly Alike, But I Can Still See Bits Of My Brother Within Him." He shakes his head and decides to take a moment to rest. His legs had admittedly grown a little tired.
Blue chases the sound of someone's voice, the sound like a siren's call to him, luring him in. He can't help but be a little curious. it's not every day you hear something like this out in the woods! Let alone a sound this..lovely.
He runs, following the sound to the best of his ability with a bright smile before he comes to a stop.. stepping past a tree and spotting you, finishing off your song with closed eyes and surrounded by very different animals.
When you open them, your eyes go wide at the sight of the skeleton, not having expected to see anybody. Your cheeks flush a little too, not having expected anyone to overhear. Well, apart from the wildlife that is.
He grins when he realizes you've noticed him, before backtracking a little. He did just show up unannounced..
"Oh! I'm Terribly Sorry, I Didn't Mean To Scare You." "Oh, no no, it- it's not that, it's just.." "You Didn't Think Anyone Would Hear?" "Yeah." The animals watch your interactions curiously. "I'm not usually one to speak to strangers."
"Well, Then I May As Well Introduce Myself! We Wouldn't Be Strangers Anymore Then." A cheeky grin makes its way onto his face.
You smile amusedly at this.
He bows, making your smile grow a little. "My Name Is Blue, A Knight Of The Swappe Kingdom. It's A Pleasure To Meet You!"
You stand up, bowing back to him. A gesture he's pleasantly surprised by. You tell him your name, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Sir Blue. A Knight all the way out here in the woods? Whatever could be the occasion?" You smile, raising a brow.
"Well, I Happened To Be Travelling With A Companion Of Mine To Go Find Any Quests To Complete. Ah, I've- I've Left Him Behind!- ..I'm..Sure He Can Handle Himself Just Fine."
You chuckle, putting your hand over your mouth. He smiles sheepishly.
"See, I'd Heard You And..I Really Wanted To Know Who Owned Such A Nice Sounding Voice. So I Ran Over Impulsively."
You smile. "Well..I'm happy you liked it." Your face flushes a little. "I'm a bit..shy about it. I don't usually sing in front of people."
"I Can Understand That, But In Truth Your Voice Is Very Lovely! You Shouldn't Hide It."
"Well..thank you." you mutter in reply.
There's a comfortable moment of silence, before Blue disturbs the peace. "Ah, I..I Should Be Heading Back Now."
"Yes.. um..it was nice meeting you, Blue." "Could I..See You Again?" "Where?" "Here, Tomorrow?" "I'd like that." You smile, him smiling at you in return before he hears his companion shout for him. He's startled, abruptly starting to back up.
"I'll See You Soon!" He shouts, running away out of sight. "I'll be here!" You shout back, grinning as he fades from your view. You turn back to the animals, finding them a bit more smug than they were before..
"Don't look at me like that!" You shout, your face flushing brighter as you're met with various animal noises.
"Blue, There You Are! Whatever Happened?" "I Wanted To Go Investigate Something, Sorry If I Worried You."
Papyrus sighs. "Very Well, But Don't Go Running Off Without Telling Me Why Next Time!" "Understood!" Blue chuckles as they walk along the path they'd intended to before.
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ebonysplendor · 5 months
Mushroom Oasis (Demo) Review 🍄
TL;DR: Mychael deadass wants to be MYchael, and it gets to a point where you're so wrapped up in the wholesome, you actively ignore the red flags. Also, there's butterflies and chickens. No, we don't forage those for food.
Game Link: https://deerspherestudios.itch.io/mushroom-oasis
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Reader insert, Yandere LI Spiciness: O/5 -- very wholesome, no explicit content LI Red Flags: 2/5 -- Manipulative, gaslighter
Want to know more? Well let's get into it!
Where do I start with this?
I am so overwhelmed with how good this game is. Let's get into the general aesthetics of the game. When I tell you that it's so satisfyingly pretty, I don't think you really get it. The art style is so captivating like...I can't explain it, but you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. It's something straight out of a children's storybook. It's so whimsical and so cozy and so...like look at this.
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These are the woods that we get lost in. I understand that we were supposed to be nervous for our life in this frame, but look at the scenery! And if you think that looks pretty, just look at this man Mychael's HOUSE.
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He really said that this could be us all day, everyday. He done made his house into a home. And don't get me started on his garden area.
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Ugh, I could literally go on and on about how much I loved the art style in this game. I am literally obsessed. Enough about that though, let's get into the real deal: the game.
I'm really excited about the development of this game, so bear with me. I'm going to give as much detail without giving away the story because I NEED you to play this for yourself, and I don't want to take its charm away by telling you exactly what happened. Trust me, it's so worth it! Remember though: it's just a demo.
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So, boom, this whole thing kicks off because we lost our cat.
Obviously, we have to go looking for our family, so we take off one day and pretty much raw-dog it in these woods, but we had a little bit of sense -- we brought a compass. It proves to be useless though because, tell me why, as soon as we get lost, it gets lost, too. Like lmao what?
It's no big deal though because this kind stranger comes along and takes care of us. This stranger's name is Mychael. Say "hey" to the bae, everybody.
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Hey, boo~!
All right, so we're chilling in his house, and he makes us some bomb food with some tea but...things get a little awkward at dinner. We basically find out that the spelling of Mychael's name isn't the only thing about him that's different -- it's actually him that's different, too. This is bae though, so, we just accept him for who he is because the man is so sweet ... then again, I'm not entirely sure if these are our own thoughts right now, but he does feel safe, and he isn't exactly treating us bad. Like, the man gave us his bed to sleep in while he just made camp on the floor. Talk about a gentleman.
So, the next day comes along, and he's pretty excited because, not only are we here to enjoy the next day with him, he has a surprise for us. Okay bet! We get ready in a, surprisingly, nice bathroom with some more than decent plumbing, enjoy some bomb food once again (courtesy of Mychael, thanks bae), and head on out. We see his garden and, oh my gosh, he has chickens!! Look at this cutie with his chicken.
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But as cute as he is ... we still haven't found our cat. Unfortunately, we kind've had to remind him we had to go home because at the end of the day, he hasn't put a ring on it, we have a whole job, and yeah, gots to go. Of course, he's sad about this, and he's like "Well, let me just show you this one other thing, and I promise, I'll take you straight home!" Mychael is literally as wholesome as they come at this point -- how could one refuse? Then again, are we even able to refuse him...?
So, yeah, we go with him, and it is so worth it because where he took us was so magical! There are no words to describe the beauty of where he took us. I'm so tempted to show you guys, but I don't want to ruin more than I already have. I won't leave you hanging though! Just picture this clearing with all these butterflies and flowers and just the absolutely perfect amount of sunlight to set the whole "this place is amazing!" mood and just the right amount of shade to enjoy it all in. If you're picturing it correctly, that scenery should be on point, and you should feel an instant sense of calm and awe mixed into one.
Aside from that though, as nice as this was, we still had to get home. So, we remind him -- for, like, the third time -- "Hey, I really need to head out", because granted, the man knows this forest, but we still didn't want to run the risk of it getting dark and us walking around in it for however long it takes us to get back. Here's where it starts to get weird...
If it wasn't obvious, Mychael is laying down the rizz somewhat thick. He may not understand the concept of cosplay or family or even how it's "mama mia" and not "maummer mee-ya", but he knows how to woo a person! or at least manipulate them Like, he is putting in work to be MYchael, you feel me? So much so, he just brushes off that whole speech about us needing to go home, and instead, just tells us to relax. I don't know what it is about that man, but ooh, his voice. You just can't say "no" sometimes! So, we do. We relax, and frankly, feel kind've sleepy because we are so relaxed. Mychael seizes opportunity and starts showing off his musical skillz. Man's literally serenading -- well, more specifically lulling -- us, playing the most calmest of tunes on his little instrument. Everything just feels so nice, relaxing, and safe... oh shit!
We snap awake. We done fell asleep on this man, which is cute and all, but we have to get home neow! Mychael stops playing games finally, and for real, for real starts to take us home. Before we get too far though, we stop at a creek so we can freshen up. We catch a glimpse of Mychael in our reflection, and he catches a glimpse of us which makes him look at himself, and...the reaction was so heartbreaking yet so relateable.
You know how sometimes when you look in the mirror, all you see is your flaws, and it gives you (hopefully, only) a brief sense of ick? Well, his was past that. It was completely self-loathing in that look, and nu-uh, we do not support Mychael slander in this household! So, now it's our time to turn on the charm, and...we may have laid it too thick and too well because now he's blushing, we're blushing, and then he whispers something to himself, and now Mr. Righteous comes out.
Now, he's determined to try to find our cat (...lmao), but he's like "That means you've gotta stay for another day, though!" with this really intense look on his face. Once again -- and for like the fifth time now! The man is sweet, but he has a poor concept of "no means no" -- we're like "That's sweet, but I gots to go". Boom. We start feeling sick, real sick. Like, we had this weird feeling before while we had been hanging out with him, but now it's intense, and it literally takes us down. Mychael had to catch us or else we were gonna hit the ground. So, now, we don't have a choice. We had to go back with Mychael. We's in the thick of it now bois ... AND THEN THE DEMO ENDED!! AUGH!!
DEVESTATED. I. was. DEVESTATED. Lol it was getting so good! Like, you know how you know the demo is coming to the end, but you're hoping there's just a touch more afterwards? That's how I was feeling. It was getting so good, and I wanted to see more! Hell, it IS good, and I WANT to see more!
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So far, so great! I'm really excited to see what Day 3 brings us! I understand that Mychael is toxic or whatever, but he's just lonely and a little weird looking. I can fix him!
Honestly speaking though, with how sweet he is, you genuinely don't even feel like he's "ugly" or "scary" looking anymore. His gentle personality and literal down-to-earth nature completely overtakes his looks. He honestly isn't even bad looking! He really is cute in that other-worldly, fantasy being kind of way. But if I saw him in real life, there's a good chance I probably would've freaked out and get the bad ending lol
But, no, seriously, this game is fantastic! This is such a fun experience so far, and the story is really captivating! Just a little tip from me, be sure that when you play through, you pay attention to those text color changes! It helps bring some understanding/context to the story as to what's going on/happening around you.
Fair warning, the "yandere" element isn't showing too much yet, but you can tell that it's just a pacing thing, of which I think is being executed just right! I guess you could consider this to be a slow burn type of story, but because it's so fitting, it doesn't feel like slow pacing at all. If you were planning to jump right into the psycho, crazy Mychael as soon as you were at home with him and made it aware you wanted to leave, it's going to seem slow, but if you don't mind the build up to the plot, even prefer it, this will be great to you. For me, the build up is doing the story justice as there's not really a dull moment. The pace that the dev is going is purposeful, and it's not just slow for the sake of being slow.
That being said, I think I'll end my raving here! Really anticipating what the developer is coming out with next, and I can't wait to see just how far Mychael is willing to go for the sake of companionship. If you're contemplating trying this game out, stop contemplating and just play it! It is so worth it, and you will find yourself just as excited as I am for the full release! Be sure to leave your comments on the dev's page if you feel like they're doing a good job, and you want to give them that extra reassurance. Of course, donations are always helpful to them as well! Like mentioned at the top, here is the link to the game if you'd like to try it out yourself! I highly recommend that you do. It really is a great game.
That's all from me! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around! Until next time~!
Mushroom Oasis Game Link and Page
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Binded by Fate
Summary: Your soulmate was strange, but you found yourself falling for him all the same. Though, you question if your stomach can survive his cooking.
Pairing: Lilia Vanrouge x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Notes: I love soulmate aus! After talking to a few friends, I felt inspired to write it. 💚🌺
Tag List (open, just let me know if you want to join): @justeclem44​ @coraldelusiondaze​ @h0n3ysgh0st​ @thatdazaikin
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·      Your soulmate was a weird one.
·      Then again, having a soulmate was a strange experience.
·      Back in your world, you didn’t have soulmates…well, maybe you did but not a way to identify them.
·      Here in Twisted Wonderland, soulmates were a normal occurrence.
·      Everyone had one, platonic or romantic.
·      And to find them?
·      Each one was unique: some couldn’t see colors, some had red strings of fate, others had their first words written, and many more.
·      This world decided to give you a soulmate when you woke up here.
·      Which you hadn’t known was a thing until Ace and Deuce had pointed it out.
·      And yours?
·      Yours dealt with communicating…through writing on the skin.
·      Well, it could have been worse.
·      And communicating through writing at least was easy, and you could do it anytime.
·      Well, besides washing the ink off.
·      Sometimes that wasn't very pleasant.
·      As to why your soulmate was weird?
·      Well… his shopping list was questionable: shrimp, chocolate, pickles, and milk.
·      “That better not be for one dish.”
·      “And if it is?”
·      “Depends, what were you thinking of making with them?”
·      “Cake.”
·      “You’re banned from the kitchen.”
·      “But why? You have to give me a chance!”
·      “No.”
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·      When you initially found out about your soulmate, it was a surprise.
·      You were bored and were doodling on your arm.
·      What you didn’t expect was the doodles right next to yours.
·      You had screamed.
·      Ace, Deuce, and Grim had run to your side.
·      “YN!”
·      “What’s wrong?!”
·      “Someone’s writing on my arm!”
·      Ace flicked you on the forehead.
·      “That’s probably your soulmate, idiot.”
·      “Soulmate?”
·      Resulting in a conversation of soulmates, and you becoming more and more incredulous.
·      “I can solve your problem right now; just let me put some choice words on your arm.”
·      Ace grinned deviously as he held a red pen up.
·      You threw a pillow at his face.
·      “No! I would rather get to know my soulmate before finding out who they are. Thank you very much.”
·      Deuce had a thoughtful, “YN is right. It is better to be safe and get to know the person first.”
·      Ace sighed dramatically, “You two are no fun!”
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·      You had several candidates on who your soulmate could be.
·      That is if you were right, and they attended NRC too.
·      You stared as the tweels bulli-well, persuaded a fellow student to meet with Azul.
·      As they left, you couldn’t help but take a pen and write on your arm.
·      “You wouldn’t have a certain…obsession with mushrooms or shrimps, would you?”
·      “I don’t, but they make great ingredients in brownies!”
·      “There are so many things wrong with that sentence.”
·      “You haven’t even tried it!”
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·      You were currently struggling with your alchemy homework.
·      “How good are you with alchemy class?”
·      “You could say I’m an expert. ;)”
·      “What would it cost me for you to give me the answers?”
·      “Eat something I make.”
·      “No, thanks. I’ll gladly fail.”
·      “You wound me, my dear! T_T”
·      “My stomach will thank me in the long run. Besides, if my three stooges found out I cheated, I would never hear the end of it.”
·      “Oh? I, too, have three stooges of my own.”
·      You couldn’t help the smile that came across your face, laughing to yourself a bit.
·      “Do they also share one brain cell?”
·      “One brain cell is too much for them; they share half.”
·      You burst out in laughter.
·      Homework could wait a bit.
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·      You were tired.
·      It was one of those days where Headmaster Crowley literally made you do his job.
·      Your body ached.
·      You just wanted to sleep for a month after today.
·      Thankfully, Ace, Deuce, and Grim had taken pity and helped you.
·      But even then, it wore you all out.
·      “How good are you at hiding bodies?”
·      “Very good. Need help?”
·      “Don’t tempt me; I might take you up on that.”
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·      You were walking around your backyard.
·      It seemed Tsunotarou was too busy for your nightly walks.
·      But you couldn’t sleep.
·      You were thinking about your soulmate.
·      You had fallen for your soulmate.
·      But how to confess?
·      You raised your arms to the sky.
·      Staring at your inked-up arms.
·      You didn’t want to erase them today.
·      You stared at the messages.
·      “What if I told you I like you?”
·      “I would tell you I like you back.”
·      You startled.
·      You turned around.
·      “Lilia?”
·      Lilia smiled.
·      He was floating behind you.
·      His arms holding a bouquet of flowers.
·      “Hello, my dear.”
·      “What are you doing here?”
·      Lilia handed you the flowers before taking your hand and kissing it.
·      “I came to confess. I hope you don’t mind, my dear, but I am rather old in my ways of courting.”
·      You laughed.
·      “I don’t mind at all. In fact, I enjoy it.”
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·      “I’m still not eating your cooking.”
·      “You haven’t even tried it!”
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Hope you enjoyed 🌻🌺
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simiansmoke · 1 year
✱ + reverse + mario?
sentence / drabbles - manhandle
✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way + reversed
When Mario showed up in the Jungle Kingdom to pay the Kong champion's Dad a visit on an errand from Peach to apparently collect some ingredients for her upcoming "tea" ceremony, DK knew he was in for some fun.
Before Cranky could even consider granting the twerp access to the deep valves that made up the heart of the jungle where such a specific species of nightshade bloomed only once for a few days during the tail end of the dry season, DK had shifted from his position of leaning against the doorframe and listening in and instead, paced into the room without Mario noticing until he'd clapped a hand on the Mushroom Kingdom's fetch and delivery boy. "Ehh, let the guards sleep in, Pops. I got this ~ "
While Cranky didn't seem to have any objections (rather he was more amazed his son was volunteering for anything kingdom business related) Mario piped up with a "U-uhm. Well that's nice of you DK, but seeing as you're probably busy with all the...princely things? I think I should really just use a regular jungle guide for this-"
"Nope!" DK grinned, already scooping Mario up under his arm like one might carry a smallish dog. "You're stuck with me. Lucky you!"
And like that, his plan to get some sweet jungle platforming in came to fruition. After all, the deeper the jungle got - the more exciting the path forward became. Or in Mario's case, the more of a struggle he'd have to put up just to not drop out of the canopy into some piranha plant's waiting maw.
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"C'mon, dude. You're gonna do this on the first platform?" DK tsked behind Mario who had frozen at the ledge of their first jumping off point. The ground was grooved banyan roots and made moving across them a whole ass tripping hazard.
"Hey! I don't recall specifically asking for you to come along. So...deal with it! I'm thinking." He adds, glove clapped to his chin as his eyes were set on a swivel to observe the great gap and the false sense of ground stretching out before them in the form of tree tops and wide-reaching branches that filled in the suspended environment and peppered it with spiked vines and random pops of color in the form of vibrant petals.
Foot tapping impatiently, DK snorts at the other's indignant nature. It was fun watching him get knocked down a peg when he realized there was more to navigating a landscape than those cut and dry obstacle courses over at Peach's place. With his eyes rolling, DK sidled up behind Mario and instead of slapping him out of the way, placed his large hands on each hip in order to lift him and set him aside so that he could take his place on the edge.
Mario was still so deep in thought he didn't quite register what had happened right away until he noticed DK's hands still cupping his hips as he placed him aside and how they lingered just a few extra seconds needed for Mario's face to flush warm - though whether or not that was because he was embarrassed he hadn't figured the puzzle out sooner, or because the Kong's fingertips left hints of wrinkles in the denim.
"Let a pro show you how it's done." DK moved to all fours and with a sudden surge of power, sprung into the air over their platform and grabbed hold of the upturned bark of a large trunk that made a sort of ceiling over them and then angled sharply up into the higher levels of the canopy. Hanging in place with his legs swinging almost playfully, DK beckoned the plumber over with a toss of his head.
"Lesson 1. Sometimes - there's no way forward." Another sway allows him to swing forward just enough to use his feet to grab onto Mario's hips again, some toes looping into denim loop holes for a better grip. "Lesson 2...hang on or I'll drop you."
"Why do I feel like Lesson 2 is intentionally rigged against me?" Mario protested, but was soon being ferried up the near 90 degree angle climb up the moss and fungi ridden trunk of the sequoia sized stretch.
"Because you're halfway paranoid...and halfway right." DK added, grinning up at the skyline he climbed to when he heard a nervous sputter from underneath.
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
This is a LOT and probably half of it doesn't make any sense and looks like gibberish but yk what thats fine. Sorry I couldn't fit everyone!
@clovers-garden-co - my first ever moot, my one and only, bae, love of my life, my beloved, and the person who helped me make this blog so BIG SHOUT OUT to them!! ALSO CHECK OUT THEY'RE BLOG THEY DESERVE SO MUCH LOVE 💕💖💘
@fitzkn - my dawg, my guy, my fam, he's canonically a cat and part of the menace society. If you ever see me rb a convo with him, 9 times outta 10 it's gonna be something... idek how to explain it but you might laugh, you might cry, you might log out and rethink your life on this app. Conversations can range from genshin to a lawn mower don't ask me cause I have no words. He's also a talented writer an artists but will never admit it. If you're a fan of angst and genshin, I recommend digging through his blog and finding a fic called butter knife... I was in tears. HIS OTHER WORKS ARE CHEF KISS TOO MWAH
@some-stale-bread - we don't interact much but they're one of the OGs who welcomed me when I first started my blog. They're really cool and they're a good artist so check them out some time!
@senjusonlygirlfriend - we go way back, though we didn't interact much in those early moments. They're an amazing writer and friend and I love chatting with them <33
@path-of-yaksha - we also been moots for a while but I got hella confused bc you changed your url. They're a pretty chill system even though we don't interact much
@y-umiko - fell in love with their blog aesthetic <3 wish we interacted more. They like genshin and TR so it's a yes for me
@mansplain-manipulate-malewife - I don't know how this happened, but it did and I don't regret it. I feel like im falling through portals from rick and morty whenever I open their blog. It's a nice change of scenery. Hii Alex, hope you're doing well
@official-megumin - The best wizard in tumblr so powerful I had to follow. IDK WHAT CHECKMARKS MEAN AND WHY IS THERE MORE THAN ONE??? EXPLAIN??? She's cool, though I rarely see them when im active
@oddshroom - MY GURL, MY G, MY SHROOM- MUSHROOM? HAMVKTIRLOE. ANOTHER ONE PART OF MENACE SOCIETY. They're an awesome person, really sweet, amazing writer, we also speak in code 🦞 but you'll never know what we're saying. They gang fr doe 💅🏾✨
@dorothy-rainbird - WE DONT INTERACT ANYMORE *sobs* or have we ever? I see you in my notifs a lot though so you're part of the misfit gang. RESPECTT. Wish I seen you on my dash more tho :')
@vellichxrr6782 - HUGGING YOU HUGGING YOU HUGGING YOU. You're really sweet and I wish we talked more <33 I wish you the best my friend
@cross-crye - ANOTHER AMAZING WRITER HELLO??? They bouta put me on twst fr im this 🤏🏾close into falling down the simp rabbit hole. HELLO SETH I ALSO WISH U THE BEST
@omori-1 - daily reminder that I need to finish watching omori... I PROMISE I WILL AJUFKRI. VIRGO GANG. TALENTED CREATOR GANG. IF I COULD EAT THEIR BLOG I WOULD. Put it inna air fryer and drizzle some sauce on afterwards yum. Another one part of menace society. LOVE YA CHAI, YOU DESERVE THE WORLD AND THEN SOME
@xiao6ao - My love. My life. My will to write. MY LOVELY EDITOR. MWAH MWAH I LOVE YOU. She's my life support for real and also deserves the world and good fortune and just Nbhvgtdikmk This world shall know pain if anything happens to her. AMAZING WRITER YET ANOTHER ONE WHO DOESNT ADMIT IT. Grammarly 2.0. Always come in clutch. Menace society CEO. AHH I LOVE YOU PLEASE TAKE CARE
@atskas - MY FAM. TALENTED AUTHORS ALERT. TIMEZONES SUCK FR BUT I STILL LOVE THEM. Another one locked in, in the menace society, rip their sleep schedule. HI ARII ILY- HIARIILY... That actually looked like one word- GIRL I WISH YOU THE BEST MWAH
@lunartcmpest - it's always the aesthetic blogs that melts my heart. TALENT WRITER ALERT BEEP BEEP BEEP. GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG RN OR IM SNATCHING YOUR ANKLES. Wish we interacted more but it's all good. She's pretty cool tho. SHOUT OUTS TO YOU KAIRI, WISH YOU WELL
@albed0kreideprinz - They haven't been active in a min and I hope they're okay, but here's an amazing rp blog for all those interested. They're amazing and really sweet and I hope the world treats them well <3
@ventisweetheart - IF ONLY I COULD HUG SOMEONE THRU THE INTERNET! You're so sweet and I'm glad we're moots and I always look forward to our interactions
@micheya - I dont know why and dont ask me, but if I could squish you like a gummy bear I would... IT MIGHT BE THE AETHER PFP IDK. We don't interact much but <333
@1eaf-me-alone - This year, I think you should turn a new 1eaf... g-get it BECAUSE MUYGITKR,ICRLT. Forgive me, I had to. PFF S,MUTFR THEY'RE REALLY COOL CHECK THEM OUT. HI HELLO HRU. I love our interactions please dont block me for my Cyno jokes, I'll 1eaf you alone if you- AUMSUFKRDE IM SORRY I CANT HELP IT!!
@scaranya - the fact that I had to basically type your full name out because scaranation is so big on tumblr... N E WAYS, RECENT MOOT HERE. Love to see your comments <3 Please stay safe and well!
@qingxin-dream - ENVIOUS OF YOUR WANDERER KEYCHAIN GRRR GRRR SUNYUFKRIKRCF. Another great writer here, please check them out!
@enassbraid - Yall with these url changes. I HAVE BAD MEMORY OKAY! She's lovely okay and deserves the moon and back
@cynotical - RECENTLY BECAME MOOTS BUT IVE BEEN A FAN FOR AWHILE ✨✨✨ Another talented writer please check them out as well as their other blog!!! THEY'RE AWESOME AND SUCH A LOVELY PERSON TOO
@sonder-paradise - idk how but their writing manages to break me down and put me back together again every time like— UGHHH I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE. Talent writer alert x20. Should have 2 novels and an ongoing series already because wth
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