#i just clicked on it randomly and
doctorsiren · 2 months
I think it’s funny how, before I knew about Edgeworth’s note, I would see art on Tumblr that I felt like was trying to convince me that Miles was dead. I knew he wasn’t. I knew he didn’t die because I had seen Edgeworth’s Chief Prosecutor sprite on his wiki page. However, I started feeling like Tumblr was trying to gaslight me into believing he was dead because there would be art of Phoenix or Franziska just crying over Miles being gone, and y’know what? Good on Tumblr for giving me a bit of the Phoenix Wright Experience (TM) in believing this man wasn’t alive anymore.
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glitterghost · 2 years
Normalize wanting to gaze at someone because they're mesmerizing. That something about them clicks in your brain that's soothing. Or calming. Appreciative in a way that isn't an "I want to fuck you" way but a "you bring me joy" kind of way.
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watercubebee · 1 year
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I´m an agglomeration of uniform color shapes, You are a composition of several lines
Can´t be more perfect
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ardate · 1 year
I've been checking out the OC tags for a little while, and I can say the state of OC sharing on tumblr is in absolute misery.
We've all discussed how bad the ratio of reblogs has become, how the amount of them have been dwindling those last couple of years, but I think an extra important emphasis has to be made on original creation. Though everything is hit by the lack of sharing, fanarts at least have a tag people will look for, improving their visibility - fandom OCs are sadly shared less than fanarts, in general, but they still enjoy that same visibility.
But what of the purely original? People who have OCs belonging solely to their own world, with a tag nobody will look for? I've been seeing awesome OC art that has been sitting for days and weeks with 0 or 1 notes, sometimes 5 or 6 with luck (though most of the time only likes)... And though there are exceptions, overall, it's a frankly saddening sight.
The way for someone to get attention on their OCs is to already be a well established blog or to produce fanart on the side to build a following. Blogs solely creating original content sit at the bottom of the note pool with no escape in sight.
As much as we praise tumblr for its tagging system and the fact it doesn't kill old posts the way other social media does, it still does fail in the way of uplifting creation that isn't fandom-based.
I don't have a solution to this. It is merely a sad observation. It's only natural that people would look for what they already know and love. But in a world where all of our interactions are linked to consumerism, in a world where automation replaces human imagination, I'd love to see a community of people willing to actively search for, and uplift, the creatives that are trying to peek out of the water.
One reblog may lead to another may lead to a follow, may lead to a creator feeling like their work matters.
So I'm doing it, one reblog at a time.
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goldenpinof · 4 months
On the note of editing!! I noticed in one of the recent vids (I wanna say poppy playtime 3?) that sometimes when it cut to a full screen shot of d&p, the quality was low and it looked as if the video had just been cropped/zoomed into them in their lil superimposed box, rather than an actual cut to footage of them if that makes sense? It happened enough to be noticeable to me and it was annoying lol. Like I get it’s a long ass video but it was jarring to have d&p full screen but also look like I was watching something that had been filmed on a tin can. I’ve never noticed it in any of their other vids
yes! and i don't think it's only in poppy playtime 3 (apologies, if it is, i really don't remember. but i feel like i saw full screen shots in bad quality more than once).
if i ever notice it in new videos or while rewatching, i'll come back to this.
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nicky-jr · 4 months
wait ok. i wasnt sure abt it for the longest time but i think asexual/demisexual glenn has expanded my mind. feeling like he needs to live up to the promiscuous hardcore rockstar lifestyle his father must've lived (or definitely made it seem like he lived, at least). playing up his own experience as a front to fit bill's example, or even feeling like he has to sleep around even if hes not really interested at all. morgan being the only person he ever actually connects with. i think i get it now
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m4rs-ex3 · 5 months
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babe wake up new callum anthem just dropped
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nixotinix · 7 months
Next up on my mission of drawing (almost) every MH ghoul in her basic outfit, I bring you yet another three-fer, this time featuring Bonita Femur, Marisol Coxi, and Sirena Von Boo!! 🦴👣👻
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Plus some close ups ehehe
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Sirena and Marisol are some of my absolute FAVE characters in all of MH, and Bonita's doll is absolutely beautiful and has been a grail for so long. I've been using a wheel to pick who I draw, and I couldn't be happier that these ghoulies got picked. See y'all next time with my next 3 ghouls!
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vonlipvig · 1 month
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girl what does the volume have to do with anything what the fuck
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kindahoping4forever · 11 months
Tour promo videos via dgmedios and dfallaccess
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evilwickedme · 1 year
I saw in the tags you mentioned spideypool fic recs 👂 I'm listening
breaking the DC streak to go to Marvel because fun fact I've been into DC for six months and into Marvel comics for eight years so
anyway a majority of my spideypool bookmarks are from 2015 and I have no idea if most of them are any good which is an interesting problem to have but I still have a solid list for y'all
Say Anything...Except That - I was following this from the first chapter and I'm now mutuals with the author which was very fanboy moment for me (if you're seeing this, hi!). it has a lot of old school fanfiction.net quirks to it which might be a bit difficult to swallow if you've only been reading fic for a few years, but honestly I think this fic is really good and holds up to this day. it's been a while since I read it last but iirc Deadpool has to protect Spider-Man or Peter from assassination attempts and there's a lot of pining involved. also mattfoggy ended up having a nice arc because this was 2015 and Daredevil had just aired (this is technically incomplete there's one chapter left but if I had to reread it multiple times when there were only like ten chapters you can handle it)
under attack - more fics by people who are wayyy too cool to have followed me back and yet somehow did? anyway this is part of stackthedeck's team red slash series (ELITE ship fyi) but this one is spideypool focused and has some nice fluff. fighting as flirting idk what else to say it's golden
#NoPlaceLikeHome - do y'all know ask-spiderpool? you should it's one of the best blogs on this damn website and a must-read for spideypool shippers. anyway this is that version of spideypool's first time together which is cute :D short and sweet basically. sciderman has a lot of fics for the spiderman fandom in general and their ask-spiderpool au in particular and they're all worth reading
Dissonance - another longfic that took half a decade to write about deadpool protecting spider-man from harm. I actually don't know why this trope is so good peter really can defend himself but there you go
Perfect Enough - ohm y gOD this fic series is so good. this au hinges on such a tiny difference in peter's history but it makes ALL the difference. anyway in this world basically nobody has a functional secret identity anymore except for spider-man. meanwhile, wade wilson and peter parker start dating. so much plot, two separate longfics each around 140k, good luck this CONSUMED my life
speaking of consumed, rippling - this is part of a series called Into the Multiverse and is based on the Spiderverse film so it's Peter B. which I LOVE (spideybpool FUCKS). the series spun out of the authors' other series and it is, in fact, a pain to read the main entries in the series without reading the other serieses which means that I did spend two weeks doing little to nothing except reading deniigiq's work, but a. it was worth b. this one can be read as a standalone! wade jumps in front of a bullet for peter b and he angsts about it I love it
finally ahem speaking of Peter B, did you know I've been writing spideypool fic since 2015 and I wrote one specifically for spiderverse? I'm a mess (but I'm the mess that you wanted) is really a mix of spiderverse and comic canon like, five years into the future, and deals mostly with like, depression and suicidal ideation on Peter's behalf, but hey there's also a plot AND a happy polyam ending which, what else could you want really
anyway sorry the list isn't longer I didn't bookmark so many of my favorite spideypool fics and now they're lost in the void forever :/
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i swear i can feel this app disintegrating through my fingers
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nico-the-overlord · 18 days
I need people to understand that they aren’t funny for making random noises in public just to intentionally annoy or scare people.
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grandpasauce · 6 months
I’m such a fake dragon age fan someone revoke my license you know how it’s been almost 10 YEARS since dai came out ??? Yeah???? You know how I’ve played a trillion playthroughs since then???
Yeah well apparently no one told me Vivienne has another scene after Bring me the Heart of Snow White that I’ve literally never seen before and I just got it??? How???? I regularly check in with all my companions through the entire game????????
for 10 years I have complained how viviennes plot line ends so abruptly and yet… another cutscene was here the whole time I can’t
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pixlerelish · 9 months
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mochiiparadise · 1 year
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