#i just saw someone support this video in the comment section
waltzedintherain · 1 year
… bro the fucking weirdest shit goes down on tik tok and i just TRY MY BEST TO MIND MY BUISNESS
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anothermansjeans · 22 days
I need to know what the rest of the bau thought of youtuber Reader when they first met them 😭
ah yes, i love a good bau reaction!! this takes place very early in their relationship 🫶
cw: fluff! mention of drinks, karaoke, MEETING THE TEAM!!
wc: 840
youtuber!reader masterlist
“We really don't have to go.”
You let out a loud laugh as you turned around, clasping a dainty necklace around your neck. “You're kidding, right?”
“I don't want you to feel pressured into meeting everyone. Especially because they'll crack jokes about us– mostly me– and I don't want it to be uncomfortable.” He sat on your bed, wringing his finger together as he spoke.
Once the necklace was secured, you walked towards him and placed your hands on his cheeks, feeling his hands automatically shift up towards your hips. “You could never make me feel pressured, Spence. You do the opposite! I feel so comfortable with you, I don't think meeting new people will kill me.” He let out a breathy laugh and squeezed your hips, prompting you to continue. “Plus, I've already met Penelope. I’m assuming that if your team is as half as caring as she is we’ll get along fine.”
“And the whole “joking about us” thing? You don't care?”
Brushing his hair back, you gave him a playful smile. “What do you think my comment section does to me whenever I bring up my ‘big-brained boyfriend’? I don't give a shit what someone has to say as long as we’re happy. Okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled and placed a peck on his lips. “Now let’s get moving. I’ve heard the bar we’re going to has karaoke and I don't think I’m being my authentic self if I don't embarrass both of us with a terrible duet!”
Standing up and grabbing his jacket and your hand, Spencer let out a rushed, “we are not singing” as the two of you walked out of your apartment.
The two of you did end up singing. Multiple times!
When you first got to the bar, everyone was sitting at a high top waving over once they saw Spencer. Turns out, Penelope already shared a few of your videos with the group prior to your arrival and Emily and JJ were obsessed with you, David Rossi didn't understand the lifestyle (but showed his support), Aaron expressed how happy he was for Spencer and yourself, and Derek was a bit apprehensive– but for good reasons!
After everyone got acquainted, Derek made sure to pull Spencer to the side. “Are you sure you're up for her lifestyle?”
His question didn't come as a surprise to Spencer. It was actually a topic frequently talked about between the two of you, because you're always worried he’ll realize this isn't what he wants. But it is. He wants you. The lifestyle just comes with it. “Yeah, Morgan, I’m sure.” The face he made told Spencer he wasn't buying it. “I know it's soon but… I would do anything for her. It’s not rational and usually I would think these things through but–”
“I get it.” Derek’s words caused Spencer to look at him like a deer in headlights.
“You do?”
“Yeah, man. She seems great so far, I was just worried about. I’m happy for you.” Tilting his head over towards the group Derek, said his next words with a genuine smile, “let’s get back over there before the ladies eat her alive with their questions.”
The two men walked back over to the table as JJ was finishing up her question. “So these magazine companies ask you to do interviews for them on the red carpets?” you let out a small hum, prompting her to ask another question. “Wouldn’t it be easier to live in L.A or New York?”
At her question, you looked over at Spencer sitting back down beside you, and gave a smile before turning back to everyone. “Maybe… I was thinking about it earlier in the year but… things changed in my life and I think I have too much here I can't part with.” A coo of awes filled the table, which caused your cheeks to turn a shade of red. Feeling a hand on your knee, you looked over to Spencer and saw him smiling.
“That was sweet.”
Spencer lifted an eyebrow, squeezing your knee as his words left his mouth, “you're embarrassed now?”
“...just a little…” looking up at him through your lashes, you could see his smile shift to a playful one. “Karaoke might help,” you added, watching as he rolled his eyes.
“And let me guess, me singing with you would help even more?”
“You really are a genius!” The two of you shared smiles, in your own little bubble completely oblivious of the awestruck team around you. “Come on! One song? Please?”
And he couldn't say no to you. So yes, you did end up singing. After a silly duet with just the two of you, Penelope joined in, and then a couple more members had to do a song as well. Multiple songs were sung, drinks shared, and memories made. If the team wasn't so transparent about taking a liken to you, Spencer would've sworn up and down that they loved you… almost as much as he realized he loved you.
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!!
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minjscx · 5 months
Yn gets her own YT show
Ives baby
Main masterlist
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Warnings:-This is just like eunchae’s star diary
So why not give YN her own 🤷‍♀️
YN’s Lovely Diary
YN’s lovely diary is a YouTube show/Channel where the maknae of Ive invites members from different group to talk about the K-pop industry or members of their groups.
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Day 1-Lesserafim’s Hong eunchae
Today lesserafim we’re performing perfect night so YN thought it was a good day to invite one of the members to have a little chit chat on her new show.
When she got there she saw that they were resting from all the performing at the show.
She was of course shy and nervous as all of them were older than her.
So when she got to the room they were resting In the first thing she did was bow saying hello in a polite way.
“Hello I’m here to pick up eunchae” YN said but didn’t notice kazuha fan girling in the background.
“Sure” Sakura said and eunchae excitedly got up to meet the younger one.
On the way outside the building YN said”I saw you enjoying some bubble tea then-“
“Ah do you want one? I can go get it for you we have more than 2” eunchae says and rushed back to go and get one bubble tea just for YN……
“Ah No nee-“ she said but it was too late as eunchae has already gone back to the room and got her one bubble tea.
“Here” eunchae said and gave YN to which she smiled and thanked her.
-💌-On the show
“Hello everyone!” YN said to the camera.
“Today we have a special guest on our show,I’d like you to meet-“ YN added.
“Hi,I’m Hong Eunchae Lesserafim’s Lead dancer,vocalist,and maknae” Eunchae introduced flashing her iconic smile.
“Unnie! Your smile is so cute!” YN cooed at eunchae.
Eunchae couldn’t help but blush and smile wider.”yours too! We kinda have similar smiles” eunchae added and you were turning slightly red from the compliment.
“How does it feel like to be the maknae of your group?” That was the first question you asked eunchae.
“Well,it has lots of advantages but like they say everything has disadvantages” she explained.
“Yeah!…it’s true!” You quickly said nodding.
“For the advantages you get dotted on a lot by the older members,For example when an older member does and aegyo everyone acts disgusted but when the maknae does it everyone is in awe” she explains.
“I’ve experienced this scenario before!” You said clapping your hands.
“One time Yujin Unnie was acting cute the rest of my members were disgusted especially Rei Unnie,But when I did it everyone were saying I was cute even Yujin Unnie who was criticized by the rest of the members” you explained.
“Yeah…” Eunchae said as it’s relatable.
“Another advantage is you get looked out for the most” eunchae added.
“Right!” You agreed.
“Like for example there’s this really hard move that could cause you to break a leg,My members will keep asking me if I could do it that we can do it slowly,or we can bribe the dance instructor to change the dance moves” she explained further.
“Yeah! It’s like they predict your gonna hurt yourself!” You added and eunchae laughed because of the way you said it like In a slightly offended tone.
“The disadvantage is you’re netizens targets” eunchae said now turning serious.
“Right! They can hate on you just for blinking!” You said.
“You could just blink and someone could say ‘OMG did you see the way she blinked she’s such a pick me!’
“Exactly they use the word pick me just for anything you do,When you aren’t purposely acting cute they say you’re doing it on purpose!” Eunchae agreed sounding frustrated from the thoughts of bad netizens.
“For real! They hates on wonyoung Unnie just for eating a strawberry with two hands! Like how does it affect them! She can literally eat the strawberry any how she likes!” You said also getting annoyed.
“But thanks to supporters I honestly fell better” eunchae said looking at the bright side.
“Yeah! If I feel down I’ll just go to the comments section on one of our Music videos and just keep on scrolling and wishing I could like some of them” you said acting it out.
“But I’ve seen videos of you replying to comments and fans videos” eunchae asked confused.
“Well that’s only on Tik tok and instagram but on YouTube my manager said to not” you explained.
“Why tho it’s still replying” she asked still confused.
“To be honest I don’t understand as well” you said shrugging your shoulders.
“Wait are you related to Kang Haerin?,The girl from newjeans,you really look a lot like her?” Eunchae asked squinting her eyes.
“Yes,She’s actually my older sister.” You responded.
“I knew it your eyes are cat like just like haerin’s” she said suddenly clapping her hands together.
“I’ve also heard of you from Haerin Unnie,I just used to think it’s another eunchae.” You said.
“Wait! Which other eunchae do you know?” Eunchae asked curiously.
“Ah there’s one of haerin’s friend during middle school that was also named eunchae” you explained to eunchae who nodded.
“Another question! Sorry for the questions” she apologized and you told her it’s okay.
“What are your positions in Ive the only position I see on kprofiles and other sites are just maknae”
“They just haven’t updated it,The company actually released our Offical positions like 1 month ago,my positions are Main dancer,Lead rapper,sub-vocalist and center” you stated and she made a woo sound.
Amazed by your talents.
“That’s cool! you seem really talented” she complimented and you blushed and told her to stop it.
“What era do you think you own?” She asked you.
“Maybe Love dive or off the record night?” You answered.”what about you?” You asked.
“Maybe Prefect night,I’m not sure either” she said and you both laughed.
At the end of the show you both took multiple photos and posted it to both of your groups social medias.
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theromaboo · 3 months
The Seventh Day of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar did not speak in Ecclesiastical Latin (also known as Italianate Latin).
This is a misconception close to my heart because I actually got banned from TikTok because of it!
Basically, I was scrolling through the comment section of a TikTok video when I saw someone wrote a comment saying that Classical Latin pronunciation is artificial and fake and that Ecclesiastical Latin is actually the real, natural pronunciation of Latin that every single ancient Roman spoke in.
I replied to them, saying no, Ecclesiastical Latin is the artificial one, because it is pronouncing Latin with modern Standard Italian phonology. Languages evolve and there is no reason why every single Latin-speaking ancient Roman should have pronounced it as if it was Standard Italian. Latin was a living language for a long time and was spoken in a very large area, of course there would be tons of accents and dialects, changing and evolving over hundreds of years, and none of them should be identical to Ecclesiastical Latin, which is based on a modern language.
When linguists use clues to get a good idea of how educated people in Rome spoke Latin around the time of Julius Caesar, it's called Classical Latin pronunciation. It's not artificial; it's our best guess. And we have a lot of clues!
By the way, it's so annoying to write anything intelligent on TikTok because the character limit on comments is so restrictive!
What happened next was an insane back and forth argument that took place over 5 hours, and I now realise that I should've never interacted with them in the first place because nothing good would've come out from that.
It was a very amusing but very frustrating argument. My favourite part was when they kept saying I should read Vox Latina by Sydney Allen, which by the way, I had already read. They must've bought their copy of the book from the Dollar Store because I do not know how they read the book and believed that the ancient Romans spoke Ecclesiastical Latin. The entire book is pretty much about how the ancient Romans did not speak Ecclesiastical Latin! The Classical Latin pronunciation that person hates so much is exactly what Sydney Allen wrote in support of in Vox Latina!
Though I wish less people treated Vox Latina like the gospel. It's great but pretty old and outdated. I especially disagree with what he said about the vowels.
Anyway, one very long very amusing very frustrating argument later, they reported me for being underage, which I'm not. Proving I wasn't underage was too obnoxious for me, so I just quit using TikTok. The End.
I'm so sorry for anyone who isn't interested in the pronunciation of Latin; this must be so boring for you. But what I'm trying to get at is that we have a pretty good idea of how Julius Caesar would've pronounced Latin, and it's not Ecclesiastical Latin.
For example, veni vidi vici in Ecclesiastical Latin is pronounced similar to veh-nee vee-dee vee-chee (oh I hate writing things out phonetically like that but the IPA isn't working for me for some reason). But it most likely would've been pronounced similar to weh-nee wee-dee wee-kee (except the e in veni is pronounced a little bit more closed than in Ecclesiastical Latin).
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zincsishere · 1 month
The lilymation and think before you sleep drama
...why is the world filled with CUNTS??? Another reason why I don't really share my opinions with people.
This is for the lily fan to keep supporting her and attacking the people in my comments with the rude insults. leave them alone!!
My point with this whole thing is:
1. Lily is in the wrong. You DO NOT send other people to attack someone, no matter what they said about you! You guys are assholes! (I'm talking to a certain amount of people). Just because you don't agree with someone politically or you don't agree with someone at all doesn't mean you attack them or try to affect their source of income when they didn't DO ANYTHING. Sharing your opinion shouldn't be a death sentence.
If you don't agree with someone, try to talk to them first and see if they're worth arguing with in the first place. Most of the people that I was arguing with made the argument pointless and meaningless. It just became a dick measuring contest that I got swept into. I'm an angsty, emotional 14-year-old, and sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me and say shit that I shouldn't be saying. That is my fault, and I'm trying to stop doing that. I'm going to encounter a lot of bad people in my life. That doesn't mean I have to get down and start arguing and fighting with them. Most people just want to fight because they want to fight.
This is more of a personal opinion, but I will say it anyway.
2. TBYS wasn't offensive, and I don't even have to defend him. He defended himself. He made a video explaining himself with evidence to show that he wasn't acting like an asshole or being malicious; he was just giving advice.
This drama is old, but I need to set the record straight. Having opinions (that are well supported with evidence) doesn't make you an asshole, and it doesn't mean you should be attacked! People were trying to show me that he was a "bad guy."
But the evidence they showed me was bullshit. He didn't insult them. He didn't say anything rude. He wasn't doing anything worthy of cancellation. Like I said, I won't accept BS from someone just because I like them. ( aka Melanie Martinez < allegedly sexually abuse someone > and Ariana < she wrecked a relationship then made a song about it saying that she doesn’t care >) If there were something worth incriminating him about, I would've stopped being a fan. But, as I said before, just because someone might be an asshole doesn't mean they deserve to be harassed.
No matter how many times I fucking say this, NO ONE IS LISTENING. DON'T FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE! No one deserves to get hurt or harassed just because of their opinions! "BUT HE SAID-😟😟" "BUT HE DOESN'T SUPPORT—😡😡" "HE'S A BIGOT—-👹👹👹" (coming from someone who has never watched a single fucking video)
Respect... shut up, please. I don't care if you like the guy or not, but what Lily did is not acceptable, and you can't defend that. That doesn't make me a dick rider; it makes me someone who has half brain cells left.
him potentially being “shitty” doesn’t matter. Hold People accountable for their damn actions.
Other people are making videos about this topic, and I'm so glad Lily is getting the consequences she deserves (she doesn't deserve to get doxxed; fans are crazy), but the rest is karma. I'm still waiting for a ukulele apology from that girl.
I'm turning off the comment section. If you DM me insults, I'll just report you. You're clearly not worth arguing with.
P.S. What I mean by he didn't do anything. I mean, he didn't sexually or verbally abuse or assault someone. He wasn't a crackhead doing drugs on the street and putting up fight with fags (I'm a homosexual 😐). He wasn't going around cussing out everyone he knew and saw; he wasn't going around shooting up schools. He was sharing his opinions (opinions that are well supported with science, articles, and experience) and putting people in their place when they were being rude or disrespectful. That's why I like the guy. You don't like him, that's fine, but you can't sit here and defend Lily like she's not an asshole herself. She's just a depressed one. (That sounded really rude, sorry lol)
You think the video fucking sucks. you think he fucking sucks. OKAYYYY but don’t act like Lily’s actions were agreeable just because you didn’t like his video or because you don’t agree with what he said. if you wanna argue about that, just go to his channel and confront him about it. he would happily defend his ass.
-Not the lily fans threatening to hurt and rape me yet I’m the bad guy here for not agreeing with someone trying to hurt and harass someone’s career then they want to claim that ALL TBYS fans are “right wing, dumb asshole who are bigot and ignorant” :) I’m turning off my notifications
Before you say anything, you have no idea who I am. Stop saying that I support Lily being doxxed or getting raped. I never said that. I said Lily should get 'consequences for her actions'. I have said countless times that I don't support her getting rape/doxxed threats and neither does thing before you sleep. ( you guys all know by now how crazy and obsessive fans can get when it comes to their idol or their favorite person. those types of fans can’t be controlled even if the creator actively tell them to stop. ) ( this should be argument lily should get consequences for her actions as a YouTuber she knows how crazy fans can get yet she actively told her fans to go harass and flagged a smaller creator because he didn’t like his video he could’ve gotten death threats and rape threats from her young fans. ) She ACTIVELY told her crazy fans to harass without watching any of his videos he told his fans to leave her alone. HOW IS SHE INNOCENT HERE?!?!
You guys keep putting words in my mouth, just finding excuses to dehumanize and make me be viewed as a bad person just for disagreeing with you. I'm a young SA victim, and I was almost raped at a very young age. The fact that you guys skipped over everything that I said just to assume that I condone raping and doxxing is beyond me. I'm saying this again “I DONT WANT LILY TO JUST DOXXED OR R@PE THREATS NEITER DOESNT SEAN (TBYS)”
Thanks before you sleep wouldnt actively go out of his way to make Lily because he wouldn't benefit from it, and because he wouldn't do it. he's not that type of person. Please just watch the video. ( without anger/hate and LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAYS ) because if you actually did watch the video, you would know that it wasn’t hateful or misleading of Lily’s character things that he said about her character are things that she said about herself.
Old non-crazy fans of Lily agree with think before you sleep because they actually watched his video and see that there were something wrong with.
He complemented her and explained parts that he liked about her and gave her advice (more like his fans) about health and fitness, since he has a lot of experience in that area. That's all he did - give constructive criticism and advice. He didn't tell his fans to actively go attack her. While Lily didn't watch the video and told her fans to go to his video that she did not watch, mine you, to go for reported cyberbullying. YouTubers work very hard on their videos, editing and scripting. That to just go down the shitter, and he wouldn't get paid for the work. And Lily is an online creator. She should know that if she's gonna send a huge number of people to go report his video, they're going to do way more than just report his video and they're gonna harass the living shit out of him. You're telling me that she, “a person who is a victim of cyberbullying and harassment because of someone that she used to be friends/dating a manipulative and crazy person”, doesn't know how crazy people can be about their favorite creators to the point of bullying and harassing someone to suicide? She had to go to a freaking mental hospital because of it and you’re telling me that she did not know what she was doing ???l I know this information because I'm an old fan of hers. Her videos brought me comfort, and I watched tons of her videos. I'm still shocked by this behavior. How are you gonna send your crazy ass fans to go bully and harass someone? You were just bullied and harassed yourself online to the point where you had to go to the mental hospital. Like, she is fucking deranged or something.
I truly believe she did that with malicious intent and tried to frame herself as a good person getting bullied by this 'bigot misogynistic fatphobic racist YouTuber.🥺' She knew what she was doing. She should've talked like a proper adult instead of getting a massive group of 2000 people to secretlyharass and ban his video. I wish you could see it how I see it, but creators know what they're doing with these parasocial relationships. The video was harsh, but it wasn't spreading any lies. He gave his evidence, his sources, and he was nice but constructive. Yeah, it's kind of unwanted advice, but it's his video. He can do whatever he wants on it as long as he's make center whole campaign of people to hurt her.
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mobiused · 1 year
(from lastyvesniin - translation under cut)
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Hello everyone, this is Yves
Yesterday I opened my blog and wrote my first post "Ora [woah]" was my reaction, since my comments section was filled with way more positive comments than I thought You don't know how touching I found that.,, Actually, I asked the company several times and when I got permission "Ah I'm totally doing this in vain" I was worrying about, but even if other people don't like it, as long as my fans tell me they like it, then I'll be happy. From now on even if it's hard to do every day or often, I'll meet your expectations!
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[Yves mom sends an article about Yves opening her blog. Mom: Saw this on Naver Yves: Guess I'm a little popular... Mom: Is that so]
[Caption: Thanks for picking out a pretty picture, Reporter-nim!]
My mom looks at articles or fan comments every day, so like this she sent me the article she found Of course replying like that, I'm seriously just joking… Just our world where we don't necessarily have any news to share every day, my mom who is more complicated than anybody else, I guess that kind of little news would make her happy Thank you to the reporters who took an interest in the nobody that is me! And the fans who take the time to come find it, you guys… You already know my heart right? (or maybe you don't…)
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[Caption: I added two shots but I don't think my hands even shake anymore…] Now I can't even start my mornings without coffee anymore Lately I've been getting greedy so I have my coffees with two shots I've been wanting to lower it again though The coffee capsule is from Ediya's personal blend I hate acidity, but I found out I quite like the nutty flavor. But lately I keep forgetting… and zoning out, so I haven't needed the support of a second cup, and I've lowered the shot… Thanks to me, the coffee machine stand is getting washed every day.
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[Two birthday letters from Yves' Mom] [Caption: 'Activate Tears' button on the the fridge] The first thing I read when I wake up in the morning to open the fridge door I read it every time I look at it Ever since I debuted, my mom sent me food for my birthday She always sends it with a letter too, so I think about my mom expressing her feelings to me I always end up in a bunch of tears falling as if someone pressed a button. So somehow I end up kinda depressed? when my birthday rolls around cuz I'm always close to tears It's something that's been on my mind Someday I must repay the sentiment
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[Avril Lavigne - 'Let's Go' on Vinyl] [Caption: Accidental house introduction today]
Next to my bathroom, this is the place where you can appreciate the analog vibe I've liked Avril Lavigne since the olden days, so I guess I listen to this LP a lot But I've left it like that for several days so I got all dusty now You know how when people don't touch things with their hands for a long time, dust occurs from that So, in books or movies, you know how they show the places where dust has accumulated It kinda makes me feel like I'm really alive, or at least that's how I feel If you try shake your clothes out, dust will fly off of it… Whilst looking at me from space, I guess I look like just a speck of dust but When I see dust on this Earth, rather than dust, I just keep ruminating thoughts smaller than dust.
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[Caption: Kim Yongmyeong-sunbaenim.ᐟ I'm your fan]
When I'm at home I usually lie down like this I think If you lie down raising your arms like this and feel comfortable, that means your upper body is already broken I'm a mess, but I'm still gonna choose a happy life
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[Caption: By the window]
I'm weirdly scared of the big wide sea, but I like water in the fishbowl and the fish inside too
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[Caption: My ocean-room (video)]
I found and played the sound of the ocean from Youtube to show you this By the way, on AliExpress (I've been windowshopping there lately) whilst looking around This fishtank lamp kept popping up though? I dunno if this phone picks up on my voice or something… it's kind of scary but I like it so much that I went ahead and bought it Please take a look at it
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[Caption: The space behind the sofa]
I'm sure my fans know that I like football, right… When I went to Sangam Stadium there were fans who recognised me there, I was so amazed how they knew it was me.,,? But that time, most people there were wearing uniforms and I was the only one who wasn't so I was so embarrassed So, "someday I have to buy a uniform!" was something I had thought about only, but My manager gave it to me as a birthday presents ㅎㅎ Fans too, probably collect our merch thinking like this, which is cute to think about But right at this moment there's probably people selling my photocards on Dangun as we speak… I look it up every now and then and my heart hurts, but I guess it can't be helped right?
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[Caption: The day I went to a PC cafe for the third time in my life]
In Busan, I went to the PC cafe to buy tickets for the match against Peru From turning on the computer to signing up.. Time's a ticking.. I was so exhausted by it all, I wasn't even nervous whilst ticketing (not true) I clicked on a popup too - why I clicked on it I still don't understand, but Fortunately the militia(?) of unnies came to save me, so I was able to get a good seat… They were my older sister's friends, and they're all into k-pop so their ticketing skills are seriously no joke Anyway, let's have a good time in Busan together
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[Caption: You did well!!!!!]
Even though I usually sleep through the morning, I woke up at 5:30am to watch the semifinals of the U20 players I really took in the atmosphere… I felt so proud of them "Unfortunately" is something that's said a lot, but I think that's the only way they can express how I feel All I can say is For getting to the 4th round, our players are so so cool and you must've worked so hard!
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The best ice cream in my life I like Kkandori the most out of anything in the world I used to buy them in wholesale packs of 100 and put them in my parents' freezer and I feel relieved when I see Kkandori in the freezer Aside from that, I also like Bibibig, Watermelon Bar, Fishbread Samanco, etc
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Kkandori and a neighbourhood walk
Sorry I'm not wearing any makeup but I just wanted to show you how I feel when I eat Kkandori
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[Image: Trudging around. My daily life.] [Caption: Sourced from Pinterest]
Actually, there's nothing in my daily life I was wondering if I could even hit 100 Neighbours (T/N: followers) but you guys showed a lot of interest, so as soon as I woke up, Wow, I thought I better hurry up and write a sequel so, I hurriedly took pictures around my house and scribbled this down In the next episode, I'll show you my daily life more neatly
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[Caption: Suddenly?]
If I just sent it like this you'd think it was just a fake, so My bangs are always usually split down the middle like this Maybe its just because I've had no bangs [t/n: Kkanmori] for such a long time… Kkandori
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[Image: For those who haven't prepared, June is just around the corner]
I'll just follow this trend I wanted to use this pic in the last post but unfortunately didn't so I'll post it here How many people feel ready? But because we're not ready, this world makes us despair and cry, but also feel happy about the little things, right? Happiness isn't the goal, its in the journey I don't know it well yet but I'm trying to find happiness in the small things. If you were to ask me what happiness is to me, I think I'd say tranquility. What exactly is being tranquil though?
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[Caption: Friend took this picture of me on the subway]
These days I'm trying to heal my weak heart by becoming a plant owner, The friend sitting next to me is a Parlour Palm (or 'happiness', bought at Daiso) But raising it isn't particularly difficult But like its true name, happiness itself is hard. In the next installment, I'll introduce all my plant friends
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[Image: Thank you]
Thank you for reading my rambling and unedited writings For those who are reading this, whether today or tomorrow, or the many days that come afterwards Even if it's nothing special, I hope you get by unscathed and have a peaceful day … I have to get ready to go out now I've decided to work hard over the small things too since I made a promise with fans Fighting! I love you
Even though you guys know my name but I don't know your name I love you !
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Call Me Crazy...
Rating: T
 Word Count:11.8k 
 Warning(s): anxiety/anxious thoughts, near panic attacks, injury, but also beware the fluff for it is potent
 Summary: When Y/N gets her hands on the newest Samsung phone, she thinks at most she’ll get a little clout with her friends and fewer dropped calls. A direct portal to BTS? Not so much.
 Genre(s): Strangers to Friends to Lovers| Crack Treated Seriously| Fluff| Comedy| Romance| Magical Realism
 Tags: bts x reader | ot7 x reader | poly| FM!POC!reader
 Ch.3:  Don’t Hold Your Breath for a Break
A/N: Hiiii, sorry I’ve been away for so long. 🥺 Life has been pretty stressful. But, I’m back now, new chapter, whoo! I have had this on my mind for a while now, and finally got the chance to incorporate it into this chapter~ I really do hope you enjoy the arrival of the next BTS member to show up, whose dynamics with Y/N are already among my favorites. Also, always feel free to chat with me about this fic if you’d like, I don’t bite and thrive on the engagement! 🤗 I wanna know if anyone wants to guess what is going on or has figured it out yet. This chapter is especially dedicated to the blog who had a super easy tutorial on how to keep your formatting from google docs to tumblr!! Saved me a lot of time. Hehe *PLEASE do not ask about the taglist in this story’s comments*
In the days that followed, Y/N completely fell down a rabbit hole. It felt prudent to look more into BTS, or more specifically, Park Jimin. From a strictly legal perspective and nothing more.
 After all, she was sure his attorneys would be sending a court summons any day now just as soon as they managed to find out her identity and track her down. It was something she lived in fear of.
 Binna was none-the-wiser that the reason she suddenly seemed so attentive about the band’s recent lives was because she wanted to know if they’d mentioned anything. Any clues that would tell Y/N when her days as a free person were coming to an end. 
Honestly, she hadn’t found much. Nothing that would be helpful in allowing her to participate in her own legal defense. Speaking of that, could she even afford an attorney that would be able to stand up against Park Jimin’s? She was sure a global superstar would have the best in the country.
Y/N listlessly scrolled through yet more photos of Jimin—looking for hidden meanings in the recent videos the group had posted was starting to make her feel like she was overreacting at best and paranoid at worst. 
There were pictures of him with a variety of hair colors and outfits, taken over time, and he was flawless in all of them. Even ones she came across where he wasn’t glammed out in full makeup made it obvious he was just one of the lucky ones, naturally born attractive. 
“How many wardrobe malfunctions can one person have throughout their career?” Y/N found herself muttering, spying yet another photo where Jimin’s fancy jacket was sliding down his arm. “Is he allergic to keeping his shirt on his shoulders?”
Though, given how many fan compilations existed that compiled every single moment where Jimin’s shirt or jacket hadn’t quite managed to stay all the way on, it didn’t seem like there were many complaints. Army was swooning and swooning hard if anything. 
But really, being sued within an inch of her life wasn’t even the worst part about it all. If someone saw the “notes” section of her phone, they’d have her committed first, and ask questions later. She’d have her committed, under normal circumstances.
 Because what she had experienced not once, but twice? It went against everything she stood for. Logical, grounded, a firm believer in science and fact. Facts didn’t support phenomena like getting sucked through a mirror and ending up in an idol’s dance studio. 
Facts didn’t support seeing the face of another idol—because she now knew the reason the man in the mirror looked vaguely familiar was because he was another BTS member, Seokjin—instead of her own reflection when she went to brush her teeth. It just…didn’t make sense. 
Science couldn’t support it. It was nuts. Yet it happened to her. And that was the only reason she believed it. Too bad no one else would. Or worse, if and when Jimin announced he’d be pressing charges for assault, and she had confessed beforehand to someone…it would probably be taken as evidence the attack was premeditated.
 Sure, they’d have to prove how she got in. But…but still! She couldn’t risk it. Wouldn’t. Which meant her phone was her only safe secret-keeper. They were co-conspirators in it all. 
Speaking of the damned cursed thing… trying to outright return it hadn’t worked, even though she had the receipt and everything! She still remembered the bizarre events that day.
Y/N was almost out of breath by the time she entered the phone store, embarrassingly worked up in front of the few strangers milling around inside. She got a few curious, side-long glances, and then they went back to perusing the inventory.
“Welcome!” Called an employee already speaking to other customers. “Someone will assist you shortly.”
Y/N gave a short, affirmative nod, trying not to come off anxious as she glanced around. Everything looked…the same as the night she had bought the phone. Shiny new models on display, the monitor above their heads playing a loop of advertisements for different Samsung products, and everything neatly put away and organized. Absently, she began to think over the store’s layout, and the fact that it could have a strong subconscious effect on the consumer. Organization of inventory could actually play a role in whether or not someone wanted to buy something.
But, putting that aside, the store didn’t look like the kind of place that would sell someone a phone that would ruin their life. Looks could be deceiving, though. Who knew what was actually afoot?
“Oh, can I help you, miss?” A middle-aged woman wearing the store’s polo top came over with a tag that said her name was Hayoung asked in an attentive tone.
Y/N was quick to nod. “I’m here to make a return, actually. I bought a phone from your store not long ago.”
“Was the item not to your liking?” Hayoung asked, guiding her over to an available station.
The university student glanced down at the phone in question, which she’d placed back in the original purchase box. “You could…say that.” She mumbled. “I’ve thought about it, and I really don’t need anything even half this fancy.” Telling the woman she thought the phone might have it in for her was out of the question. “So I’d like to exchange it for something simpler.”
Hayoung dutifully accepted the box, scanning the barcode and then lifting up the lid. Y/N had anticipated a smooth return in which she’d flash her receipt, maybe some ID, and have the exchange completed in no time. But when Hayoung’s brow furrowed, she knew she wouldn’t like whatever the saleswoman was going to say.
“Is…is something wrong?”
“Well,” she paused, “Are you sure you purchased your phone here? From this store? I know we’ve had models similar to this in stock before, but this one’s just not ringing up.”
“Really?” Y/N shook her head, rummaging around in her purse. “I don’t see how that could be. I have the receipt if that helps…” 
She then proceeded to go through her small purse, searching the exact spot she knew she had folded and placed the receipt. “Um, hold on a minute please,” Hayoung waited expectantly as Y/N kept looking, growing increasingly more frustrated as she turned the contents of her purse inside out hunting for the receipt. 
No, no way was she ever that careless. She had made sure she put it into her purse before leaving the apartment, and she didn’t exactly care that much in it to begin with! It was all zipped up tight, so how could it have fallen out?!
It took several more long, awkward moments of searching futilely in vein for her to realize it was true. The receipt was no where to be found. Trying to fight down the flush of defeat crossing her cheeks, Y/N cleared her throat, speaking diplomatically, “I’m sorry, I don’t seem to have my receipt on hand after all. I guess I’ll just…try to search it out and return when I do.”
“Oh, there’s no need. Our system can search for and find the purchase if you happen to have the card on hand.”
Y/N wanted to slump over in defeat, “Actually my friend bought it…”
“Oh,” Hayoung tilted her head, “Do you happen to know the account number used?”
Y/N mentally wondered if Binna was free. She shouldn’t be in class right now, right? So it would be okay to quickly give her a call and get this sorted out. She had to leave the store without this phone. That was a must!
 “H-Hold on please!” It was a little embarrassing, snatching the phone she had been trying to return from its box and powering it on. In anticipation of making the return, Y/N had thought to wipe it and remove the SIM card chip, but then recalled hearing it was best to do that at the store when the transaction was complete, in case there was something forgotten on the phone that still needed to be retrieved.
Hastily scrolling down the admittedly short contacts’ list, Y/N located Binna’s number and pressed the button to dial. The phone rang three times, and she anxiously tapped her foot as she waited to see if her friend would pick up. ‘Please, Bin. Come on. Please.’
Of course, as it always was when she needed something to work out, it didn’t quite go smoothly. Binna hadn’t picked up, and she had ended up ending the call right before it switched to voice mail. Typing out a text message asking for the information she needed, Y/N had glared spitefully down at the phone.
“Do you recall the name of the clerk who sold you the phone?” Hayoung asked gently. 
Y/N thought it over, the sales associate’s face floating to mind. “Yes, his name was Suk-kyu.”
“Hmm, that name doesn’t sound familiar.” Hayoung shook her head. “I’ve been employed here three years and never heard anyone go by that name,”
It was unlike her, but Y/N felt she was entitled to a bit of out of character behavior when her jaw actually dropped. “You’re kidding…”
But, Hayoung assured her, she was not. She didn’t think they had ever carried the exclusive Army Edition of the phone. She didn’t know who Suk-kyu was, and Y/N couldn’t find her receipt, the only bit of evidence that might have been able to successfully lift the burden of the phone from her person. She had left the store, apologizing for wasting the patient woman’s time, and feeling like she was at least partially going crazy. 
Needless to say, Y/N had been…anxious about the phone since then. A bit scared, even. A fear she had no choice but to shoulder in silence for the time being. There wasn’t much she could do but continue searching high and low for the receipt and hope it turned up soon.
 In the meantime, she didn’t let on that anything was wrong, using the phone like before, though limiting that to when it was really necessary. No more playing around with it or downloading apps. Nope, she didn’t want to risk getting too attached to the thing. 
The only thing she did besides make calls was research. Things she never would have thought about looking up before. Like, unexplained phenomena with electronics, most of which led to completely wild conspiracy theories or dead ends.
Y/N had been so engrossed in breaking her brain over what to do, she jumped when the apartment door swung open, turning around on the coach to see Binna march in, a few grocery bags in her hands. Keys in her mouth, she gently kicked the door closed, humming to herself until she happened to look up and spot Y/N.
“Oh!” Binna hustled into the small kitchen to set her bags down, then her keys. “Y/N, didn’t expect to see you here right now. You’ve got class today, right?”
“It was canceled…” she sighed, sliding down the couch cushions and placing her phone on the coffee table. “The professor’s out sick with the flu.”
Binna winced in sympathy. “Yikes, poor guy…”
“Yeah,” Y/N took great care not to get sick, so she hadn’t so much as had a cold in years, but she still remembered times when she was a child in bed with chills, body aches and a fever. Once she had even had pneumonia, her mother forced to call out from work and nurse her back to health. “He just wanted us to go over the assignment we’ve been working on since the start of the semester. You know, take this as independent study time basically. But…”
“Buuut, knowing you,” Binna smiled, “You’ve already taken the initiative and gotten a head start a long time ago, so you’re ahead of everyone else.”
“Done, actually,” Y/N confirmed, not afraid to admit to her efficiency. 
Her roommate made a noise of encouragement as she began to put the groceries away. It didn’t look like much. A loaf of bread, some bottles of sauce they’d been running low on, some eggs and a carton of milk.
 “That’s great, since it actually kind of works out. Chin-Mae and Min Su invited me to check out this new steak house that just opened up. I heard reservations are booked out for weeks already, but thanks to Min Su’s connections, we can go this evening. What do you say?” Binna wiggled her eyebrows, trying to entice Y/N. 
“Alright, I’m in,” she agreed.
“Because I’m sure they won’t mind adding just one more to our party, especially if that person is you…” Binna continued to ramble.
“Bin, did you hear me?” Y/N clucked, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I said I’m in.”
Eyes round as the eggs she had put away, Binna blinked, nodded, and finally broke out into an ear to ear grin. “Oh, wow, that’s new. I m-mean not that it isn’t great you wanna join us, but…”
“What?” Y/N felt a little defensiveness creeping up on her, and she probably didn’t do the best job completely hiding it from her tone. “You made the invite, and you said Min Su and Chin-Mae would be fine with it. Did you not…really want me to come along?”
They thought she would kill the mood, the nasty little whisper entered her head unbidden. They thought she was so stuffy and boring.
“What, Y/N, no!” Binna immediately denied, “I’m really glad you can make it,” she shot over to the couch, wrapping her arms around her friend’s neck from behind as she bent over for the hug. “It’s true you normally put up a little more resistance when we ask you to come somewhere. You stay so busy, so I was a little surprised is all. But I’m glad you’re agreeing.”
Y/N’s tense shoulders relaxed, and she mentally sighed to herself, feeling silly. Of course, of course her friends wanted her there. And this was Binna, who struggled to have a bad thought about anybody. Secretly resentful definitely wasn’t her style. 
But with the stress she had been under, and the dread she’d done her best not to give into, Y/N could admit her nerves had been on edge. “Yeah, sorry about that…” she laughed weakly, reaching up and patting one of the arms looped around her neck. “I don’t know where that came from, but I’m happy to eat a little steak if Min Su’s recommending it.” The man had the best luck finding good places to eat, or stores that sold exactly what you were looking for but probably overlooked. 
“Good girl,” Binna uncoiled her arms and leaned back against the couch itself. “That’s the spirit. And hey, I heard from some of the girls in the campus’ BTS fan club that one of the guys on campus might be related to one of the waiters who might have catered the food on the set of a music video for Taehyung!”
She said it in a breathy squeal, and Y/N couldn’t help but smile indulgently. She was almost sure she knew which one Taehyung was, but she still wouldn’t put money on it. It might just as soon be someone else. Maybe Namjoon? 
She’d gotten more familiar with their names but as most of her time perusing videos and photos had been spent investigating Jimin, she wasn’t entirely sure on the others’ faces. Well, besides Jin and J-Hope. 
“Nice,” she said, letting Binna get all her gushing out as she texted Chin-Mae just to make sure it really was okay if she tagged along. Stupid to be anxious about feeling unsure if everyone really wanted her to come, but better to be safe than sorry.
She was impressed the minute they walked through the door. Min Su stopped trying to sneak an arm around Chin-Mae’s waist and immediately went over to talk to the maître d. The two men spoke cordially, the head waiter confirmed their reservation, and then they were led to their table with a flourish. 
Binna was practically bouncing on her heels, squealing under her breath. “Can you believe this place?” she whispered excitedly, “I feel like a movie star, coming here.”
The restaurant was definitely lavish, so she understood where her friend was coming from. The tables were polished stained oak, and lit by a candle to provide ambiance, and the floors were a gorgeous brown tile that Y/N suspected to be marble. 
The restaurant was done in a mixture of black, gold with high beam wood ceilings and low atmospheric lighting. They walked past a bar, long and oval, with shimmering glasses the team of bartender would pull down as they did impressive tricks to wow the gathered guests. 
“It’s one of the hottest spots in Gangnam right now,” Chin-Mae commented as they sat down. The table comfortably fit the four of them, and everyone got settled as a young woman hurried over, handing them menus and introducing herself. 
“This is so cool,” Binna exclaimed, still wiggling in place. She shook Y/N’s arm. She was all done up with some icy blue eye shadow that matched her aqua dress, and a more subtle plum shade of lipstick. 
Her hair was secured in a complicated twist by a pin she recognized from the last time they had gone shopping together. Y/N adjusted the shawl draped over her shoulders, pulling down her own strapless dress. Binna had helped her pick accessories, which were mostly shades of amber or gold, and apply some light makeup. 
Y/N chuckled, nodding as she scanned the menu, trying her best to ignore the listed prices. She had come fully prepared to pay her own way, but Min Su insisted the meal was going to be on him. It must have been nice.
 The perks of being from an affluent family, she supposed. The guy was already well on his way to being a successful lawyer, following the family tradition. He had moved all the way from his hometown in China to come and work on his master’s degree at one of the top universities in Korea, just for a change of pace. “Thanks again for letting us crash your date night, guys.” Binna beamed.
“Please,” Chin-Mae scoffed lightly, not looking up from his menu. “What was I supposed to do all evening? Talk to him?”
Min Su pouted, but it didn’t diminish the fond glow in his eyes as he leaned over his boyfriend’s shoulder and whispered something in his ear that gave Chin-Mae pause.
 Their friend cut a sharp look at his partner, smacking his thigh and then proceeding to ignore the man who was happily leaning into him and commenting on the menu. Yeah, nothing new there. Min Su was totally gone on Chin-Mae, as always.
 There was nothing about Chin-Mae’s bluntness or dismissive attitude in public that ever put him off. If anything, the mean behavior only served to make Min Su try harder. Though, she and Binna both knew Chin-Mae wouldn’t be with someone this long if he wasn’t just as serious about them.
 He was just a straight shooter, raised in a family that wasn’t completely accepting of who he was, and unfortunately awkward and out of his depth about how to handle someone as affectionate and doting as the man he happened to fall in love with.
 They were well suited in that regard. Min Su was patient and persistent enough to shower Chin-Mae in all the attention he needed to overcome the lingering doubts about being worthy of such deep love and devotion. 
Y/N was perfectly fine, pursuing the path she was. Career goals first, everything else second. But sometimes, watching them, a little envy did ignite.
 It must have been nice to find something like that, and she was truly happy for them. It didn’t seem likely she’d have time in the near future to go out and chase it for herself, of course. And she wasn’t really worried about it. 
“So, what’ll it be for you guys?” Y/N cleared her throat, interrupting the warm and cozy silence they’d all been existing in.
“Ohh, I think I’m gonna have the smoked chicken and spinach salad, and a side of the fried mushrooms,” Binna announced, tongue poking out in concentration as her finger followed where the items she wanted were on the menu.
“You’re going so easy on him.” Chin-Mae remarked. “I’m getting the iron skillet trout,” he squinted, leaning further into the menu. Min Su only smiled, plucking the reading glasses from Chin Mae’s breast pocket that he had forgotten to put on and placing them on his face for him.
 The absent-minded pat he got on the hand for it made the law student’s whole face light up. “And the chicken fried steak. That okay, babe?” He might not have looked it, exactly, but Chin-Mae had a healthy appetite. And if they were coming to such an exclusive restaurant for the first time, it wasn’t surprising he wouldn’t be keen to hold back.
Min Su was nodding encouragingly before Chin-Mae had even fully gotten the question out of his mouth. “And what about you, Y/N?”
She clammed up slightly, having been looking at the menu, mentally ruling out what seemed too expensive, or wasn’t quite her taste. “Uh, the pot roast sounds like a filling entree.”
“And?” Chin-Mae prodded, interlocking his hands together and leaning on them.
“And nothing,” Y/N shook her head. “It comes with two sides, that’s more than enough.”
“Boo,” Her friend hissed dramatically. “Fine. If neither one of you is going to take advantage of this, then I guess it’s up to me.”
Their waitress returned with a tray of drinks at precisely that moment, and as she set them down in front of the correct person, everyone began telling her their orders, which she jotted down without missing a beat.
 Only Min Su had actually ordered any steak, but, given the price of a 24 oz there was just no way she felt comfortable doing that to the poor guy, even if he was a good sport about it and more than capable of handling a large bill. 
As they sat, sipping their champagne and waiting on the food, something Y/N had been putting off thinking about started floating through her mind. Ever since the whole Jimin fiasco, despite her deep diving and frantic searching, nothing had turned up that indicated anyone was coming after her. 
But she just wasn’t willing to believe she’d gotten away that easily. She almost killed a celebrity. And, due to that, she’d really wanted to seek legal advice from Min Su, under the guise of some far-fetched hypothetical, of course. Her friends weren’t onto her, and she couldn’t give them a reason to be. 
She just had to find a way to casually broach the topic…
“Oh,” Binna gasped from her side, drawing the whole table’s attention to herself. She was carefully scrolling her phone with a freshly manicured nail, scowling slightly. It was so rare that Binna displayed any actual disdain, it had Y/N a bit curious. 
“What’s wrong, Bin?”
“It’s nothing,” she replied immediately, then paused. “Well it’s not nothing but, it’s just…I really wished we lived in a world that respected idols as people, you know? Some people call themselves fans and act like famous people aren’t allowed to have any boundaries.” She then went on to describe how there’d been another sasaeng incident reported on a news site she followed to keep up with celebrity gossip. 
Apparently, it was a pretty serious one, and crazed ‘fans’ had attacked an actress a well-known idol was reported to be dating. Her bodyguard had fended them off, but the actress still went to the hospital with some injuries. 
Y/N perked up slightly, but Min Su and Chin-Mae were thankfully too engrossed in listening to Binna rant to notice. It would be much easier to bring up her question using the information Binna had just provided them as a pretext.
 It was about time she had a stroke of good luck. Stopping to think it over, Y/N cringed. Not that she wasn’t sympathetic to the poor woman who had been harmed because of someone’s delusions. But it just…presented an opportunity she had to take, and….
‘Oh, why am I trying to rationalize it to myself?! I should just ask the question before the subject changes.’
 That decided, she opened her mouth and spoke, doing her best to make it seem as casual as possible. “So Min Su, you’re practically a lawyer. What kind of charges could that person face? Attacking a celebrity and inflicting bodily harm isn’t the same as harassing them for a photo.”
 Y/N silently patted herself on the back, sitting from her glass with an expression carefully schooled to look only mildly interested. Inside was another matter. She was rocking back in forth, heart hammering and eyes wide, waiting for an answer with baited breath.
“Hmm, well, I’ve mostly studied corporate law.” He admitted, playing with a ring on his index finger, “But I do know that given the severity, it’s likely both the actress and the company she’s represented under will press charges. Things are also moving faster these days, prosecuting people who do things like that.” 
Y/N swallowed, eyes fixated on Min Su’s thoughtful expression. “There were also witnesses, so it’s very likely to result in a conviction.” Yes, there had been a witness in her case too. Well, J-Hope had only seen her fleetingly. Maybe. Hopefully not. But if she was on any camera then…it was most definitely over for her.
 “The court could go light on them if it was a first offense…they might be sentenced to a large fine and community service…” Okay, Y/N thought. It would probably drain her savings, but it was still possible to bounce back and have a future, right? She could still put it in the past and become a CEO one day, right?! “Then again, it was a premeditated attack. Jail time is also a strong possibility.”
Her heart sank back down to her feet. Jail. What successful CEO in Korea had been to jail before graduating, and for assaulting an idol no less. 
‘I. Am. Done.’
“What’s the matter, Y/N?” Binna giggled, “You look like you smelled a rotten egg. But I guess hearing about how far some crazy people will go is pretty disgusting, isn’t it? I don’t think I’ll have much sympathy for them, whatever happens.”
“…Yeah…” Y/N said once her words came unstuck. That was another thing. Her sweet friend was going to think she was a criminal. She had known Binna since high school, having shared a homeroom class with her. They were vague acquaintances then, friendly enough to speak from time to time but by no means close enough to hang out between classes or after school. 
In fact, admittedly, Y/N used to wonder if Binna’s perky personality was just an act. It had to be, in her cynical rationalizing, because who was really that upbeat, in high school? 
Later on, she would realize she was just projecting, and once she stopped doing that was when she truly came to appreciate Binna for all that she was, steadfast and supportive. Although they didn’t become close, didn’t become friends, until meeting at orientation when arriving at Korea University. 
“They knew the consequences before they did it.” Chin-Mae joined in, swishing the last of his champagne around before drinking it down. “It’s stupid to think your life won’t be impacted when you run wild like that.”
Except, Y/N wanted to wail. She hadn’t known. She wasn’t a sasaeng, and she knew she had assaulted someone but at the same time she hadn’t really done anything wrong. Except maybe buy a cursed magical phone, that somehow was behind all this.
…Yeah, she’d just keep that thought to herself. 
“Well,” Y/N smiled, “Thanks for giving your input.” She told Min Su, who nodded, humming with a cheerful ‘no problem’.
A cartoony chime went off, and Binna groaned as she stared down at her phone, “Nooo,” she sighed, sounding truly remorseful. “Right now?”
“What’s happening?” Chin-Mae raised a brow.
“Jimin is going live!” She whined, “And normally I’d watch but I’m having such a great time with all of you, and I don’t want to be rude…”
“It’s fine, go ahead.” Y/N said, forcing a smile. “We know how addicted to that stuff you are.” Really, she wanted the floor to swallow her into the abyss. She knew the minute she heard that sound what was going on. If her phone had been turned on, they would have heard the same noise coming from her purse too.
She had made an account on several apps BTS often broadcasted their lives to, and set an alert for just that occasion. There were a couple of false alarms she hadn’t tuned into once she saw they weren’t from the person she was basically stalking at this point. But this was it. The big moment. 
He hadn’t done a solo live since the accident…but Binna said his members had mentioned that he had a small accident while practicing and was recovering well. 
All of Army was behind him, sending him tons of well wishes from all over the world. It was sweet, but she wondered how fast they would turn if they knew she was behind their beloved idol’s injuries. 
“Yeah, what Y/N said,” Chin-Mae rolled his eyes. “Check on your man,” he joked.
Binna giggled, flashing them a cute heart. “He’s not my man,” she replied playfully, “I’d have to get in line for that. Plus, I’m really more of an OT7, you know? It’s really hard to stick with one bias.”
 Nonetheless, when she began to watch, since Y/N couldn’t exactly whip out her phone and do the same without raising suspicion, she subtly leaned closer to at least listen.
Of course, Binna was always more astute than she let on. “Oh, did you wanna see too?” She angled the screen so they could both see before Y/N even had the chance to protest. 
And the live was just starting, the exact same idol she had seen what felt like a lifetime ago was sitting in a room by himself. It looked like he was on a couch, legs crossed, looking small in his soft oversized sweater and giving the camera a cute wave. “Hi, everyone,” his sweet voice said. “Thank you for waiting on me!”
Gushing comments poured in, cheering him and welcoming him back, asking him what he’d been up to, and telling him he looked good. Jimin tilted his head, a coy, secretive smile appearing on his shiny lips. Y/N couldn’t tell if he was wearing gloss or if they always looked like that.
 She had been a bit too preoccupied the one and only time she had the opportunity to see them in person. He had dyed his hair a different color, though. It was now a shade of strawberry blonde that complimented his angelic features well.
 “Well, I haven’t been up to much. Just resting, really.” he explained. “Even on days when I felt better and tried to join practices, the members just shooed me away.” He laughed. “Oh, but look at this!” He reached down, his head dipping out of screen for a minute, popping up seconds later holding a little pot. “Taehyung got me this ‘get well’ plant!” He showed them a cute little sapling.
Binna cooed, Y/N glancing at her then refocusing on his words. Who knew when a hidden meaning would pop up.
“I don’t know how well I’ll be able to take care of it; I’m not sure if I have a green thumb. But I’ll try my best!”
Comments came pouring in again, people saying he was going to enter his plant dad era, because collecting succulents could be addicting.
 Other people gushed at the sweetness of the VMin friendship, whatever that was, and yet more people reminded Jimin that he looked really good. Yet one comment in particular seemed to catch his eye, and he squinted, seemingly intrigued. 
“Hmm? You wish you were a plant so I could take care of you?” He repeated. “You don’t have to be a plant for me to want to take care of you.” The statement was very matter-of-fact, “You’re Army. I’ll always watch over Army.”
Binna sounded like she released a tiny sniffle. “Is he not just the sweetest?” She asked, nudging Y/N a bit. “Since you’re new to BTS, have you chosen a bias yet?”
Y/N wished she could tell her the real reason behind her sudden interest, but that was kind of out of the question. “No, not yet…”
“Y/N’s a BTS fan now?” Chin-Mae asked, “Since when?”
“Pretty recent.” Binna replied.
Y/N was only half listening to her friends, mostly focusing on Jimin’s chatter. Someone was still insisting they wanted to be his plant, and he looked nothing short of amused. 
“Okay, if you insist. Should I start a garden then?” He asked his fans. Y/N watched, stunned, as his bright eyes narrowed into a practiced and very effective smolder. She had seen it in pictures before, but in real time it was really something else, “It’ll be full of so many pretty flowers, and you’ll all bloom just for me, right?” The heady purr of his words sent a shocked shiver right down her spine. 
Binna swooned, while Y/N felt her breath hitch. ‘What… the…hell…was that?!’ A flirty throwaway line like that had never had that effect on her before.
 But then, thinking back, he had flirted with her in the dance studio too. She’d just been too worried to pay attention. Clearly, the man was an old hand at the art of duality, going from wholesome to heathen in five seconds flat. That was…dangerous. 
Binna seemed to already know how she felt, leaning into her with a sigh. “That, Y/N, is what happens when Jimin turns from angel to demon.” Her friend explained. “I’d say you’ll get used to it, but odds are you probably won’t.”
Jimin then went back to amicably speaking to everyone, as if he hadn’t just teased fans within an inch of their lives. The conversation moved on, and he was speaking about upcoming projects he was excited about or a funny habit that he had noticed in his band member. All normal, non-threatening stuff. Y/N was almost thinking she could relax. Almost. 
“What? You want to tell me a secret?” Jimin was reading another comment. “Okay, I’m listening…”
Y/N quirked a brow at the comment. “Sometimes I dream about you.” it read.
The idol grinned, replying casually. “Sometimes I miss Army so much I end up thinking about all of you in the middle of the day.” Y/N’s blood ran cold as he looked intensely at the screen. “It’s almost like you’re there…”
That was it. The sign she was waiting for! He was talking to her. 
“I…” Y/N stumbled to her feet, startling Binna. “Need the bathroom, I’ll be back.”
“Oh, okay.” Her friend said slowly, setting down her phone. “Is anything wrong? You don’t…look so good suddenly.”
‘You wouldn’t either in my shoes,’ she thought miserably. ‘Park Jimin is going to sue me within an inch of my life.’
“It’s alright,” she held a hand to her stomach, selling the illusion of sudden nausea. “Just…lady problems.” She said lamely.
Poor Binna didn’t even question it; she nodded, eyes full of sympathy. “Well text if you need anything.” She squeezed Y/N’s hand. “I’ve got a few extra tampons in my purse.” she whispered discreetly. Really, Binna was too good of a friend for her. 
Y/N rounded the corner in a hurry, blindly guessing where the bathrooms might be located. She passed their waitress, rolling out a cart that she was pretty sure contained their meals. Everything looked delicious, and of course she couldn’t even enjoy the great evening Min Su had generously provided. All because she was screwed. 
She hustled into a bathroom as fancy as the rest of the steak house, and so spacious there would probably be an echo. She hustled over to the sink, activating the handless system by shoving her trembling fingers under it. As she splashed her face with warm water, the dread twisting up her stomach gave way to deja vu. 
‘This is just like…the event at the internship.’ The wild day that would be the beginning of the end of her life. Removing her hands from the water, she gently pressed the pad of her thumb up to her eye, tapping it a few times.
 Her makeup was well done, but it still felt like she could see bags. ‘At least it can’t get worse.’ She assumed. After all, what was worse than this? The dumb phone was put away in her clutch, turned off, and back at the table.
 The very least she could do was fake a smile so she didn’t ruin everyone’s meal, and enjoy what might be her last chance to experience this. They probably didn’t serve many steakhouse dinners where she was going. 
That thought firmly in mind, Y/N squared her shoulders and prepared to march back out, tightly gripping her clutch at her side. Wait, her clutch?!
Binna must have handed it over to her, assuming she might need it. She had said to text if she needed anything, and Y/N couldn’t exactly do that without a phone. Well, at least it was off. Y/N wasn’t totally sure what kind of phenomenon had disrupted her life, but it all started with that phone. 
No sooner had she backed away from the mirror than a wave of dizziness overtook her, sending her keeling forward. Instinctively, she clutched the sink to maintain her balance, almost screaming out when she looked up as the dizzy feeling passed. 
The mirror in front of her was the same as always, a reflection of her wide, mortified eyes. But the long glossy mirror that made up the entire wall of the bathroom at the entrance of the restroom? 
A reflection of another room, just like before. “No…” she whispered, not ready to admit that it was happening again. What was worse? All of it being real, or her losing her mind? “Not again…!”
She clenched her eyes shut, then attempted to get her feet moving. She would keep her head down and hurry right on past, to the exit. That was the plan at least. And she was making good progress to move without falling over in her modest heels, but the minute she actually got closer to the mirrors, a strange feeling overwhelmed her. 
Almost like a compulsion to stop. Y/N felt like she was watching a scene in a movie, watching a victim wander down the hall of a haunted house, towards the homicidal attacker lying in wait.
 Her feet were making her move on her own! Her fingertips reached out, and yet she had no control. She had to touch the mirror, see if that room on the other side was real. But deep down, she knew the answer before her fingers made contact.
It was a strange emotion somewhere between surprise resignation when she wobbled onto a floor that was not marble and found her eyes darting around a room that was not the steak house. 
Pressing against the mirror desperately, she confirmed what a large part of her had assumed. There was no give to the mirror, apparently no way back from the time being. Was she even still in Gangnam?
Her senses were feeding her all kinds of information, and frankly, it was starting to overwhelm her. The raw scents of sweat, male musk, and ammonia could only mean one thing, and it was further proven when she peered around the blind corner of a painted brick wall, only to see two people exercising. 
Well, one was doing stretches, and with the way he hopped up, he had just finished. An older man in a tank top and sweats had pads strapped to his hands, and Y/N watched closely, not even daring to breathe, as the younger man sat down and laced boxing gloves onto his taped hands. 
He stood up, and who she assumed was his trainer got into a defensive stance while the younger man hopped around nimbly. Y/N watched, wide-eyed as they began to train, the guy in the black hoodie practicing blocking, jabbing and dodging.
 It was clear he had put a lot of dedication into this. Y/N was never much of a sports person, but she knew the result of hard-work when she saw it. His moves were fluid, and instead of slowing down, they got quicker the more he went at it. 
Somehow, it never felt like a good time to draw their attention to herself, go wobbling over in her dinner attire, and ask for directions back to the High Tower SteakHouse. She had a few other options, of course, like calling Binna. Or maybe Chin-Mae…but how did she explain it? 
She had gone to the restroom for a few minutes and wound up in a completely different location without leaving the restaurant?! Then again, it meant they would really have no choice but to believe her. 
It was impossible for her to have gone anywhere far when they all saw her leave for the bathroom. Maybe she could sneak out while they were distracted and then call when she was outside the gym, not standing around all conspicuous.
Y/N was weighing the merits of her plan when she heard an excited yell, whipping her head around and watching the trainer give his client a few congratulatory pats on the back, apparently satisfied with the work he’d put in for the day. 
They began speaking lowly to themselves, and Y/N paled when she noticed the only door out of the room she could spot was behind them…. The corner she was standing behind seemed to be where the water fountains and locker rooms were located. 
Hiding out in there was another option, but it didn’t exactly appeal when she would have to keep checking to see when the gym was empty. Right now it was just the two of them, but what if more people came in? 
They’d have questions about someone being dressed like she was, right? Then again she could also be found out just staying put where she was. Ugh…it was beyond frustrating. 
Her luck was completely shot, huh?
A little hope returned when the trainer waved at the young man and then began heading for the exit. She assumed they were done for the day, and the second guy would be done soon too. But not so, because then she’d actually be lucky. 
As soon as his trainer had cleared the room, he gave a loud sigh, beginning to shimmy out of his hoodie. Y/N didn’t think she was close enough to make the door in the small moment he had his vision obstructed, but she was close enough to get an eyeful.
 If his training earlier hadn’t tipped her off that he was dedicated, his physique would have. He was all hard lines, though the minuscule glimpse of a thin waist when his shirt rode up with his hoodie was impressive too.
 She could see a full sleeve of tattoos decorating one arm, and coupled with his longish two-toned hair, a deep brown that gave way to a raging red, he was kind of…hard to look at. Distracting in a way she didn’t anticipate. She didn’t get distracted, not usually.  
He, on the other hand, got straight to business. Oblivious of her presence, he walked right over to the large, hanging punching bag and began to hit it. But he wasn’t just hitting it. Again, Y/N was no boxing aficionado, but she knew he knew what he was doing. 
His strikes were always controlled, his breathing never ragged the way she could guess hers would be. He pivoted on his back foot, and she knew that the small movement put more power into his strikes.
 He was hitting the bag like it owed him money, grunting occasionally, the muscles in his arms and shoulders flexing in his t-shirt. At some point, Y/N figured he would stop. He would either head out the door, or into the locker room, and that was when she would flee. 
Hopefully, wherever the cruel cosmic entity that thought her life was a joke had dumped her, it wasn’t very far from the restaurant. Then again, shouldn’t she have gotten a worried text by now? 
She’d been gone for a while. Or, maybe Binna had actually come to check on her and seen that she had disappeared entirely. Y/N could imagine the freak out as Binna flailed her way back to the table and informed Min Su and Chin-Mae that somehow, someway, she’d been kidnapped. 
What was her life lately, she thought miserably. With nothing to really do but scroll her phone or continue to watch the mystery man go at it, she turned to checking what news was trending for the day. Normally, she at least kept up with news involving the business world, if nothing else.
 The celebrity gossip blogs she left to Binna, BTS investment notwithstanding. Stocks were up at several companies she had an interest in working at after graduation—assuming she made it with her life in chaos lately—so that was good.
 A CEO had resigned from his post at a company she had almost interned at but decided not to at the last minute off a strange feeling. Some scandal involving embezzlement. So she dodged a bullet there.
 And, lastly, BTS’ Jungkook had endorsed some new sports brand, and now merchandise was selling out faster than it could be restocked. The article included a picture of Jungkook, posing in shorts and a t-shirt next to a mountain of different athletic gear for various sports. 
Wait. Y/N could have swallowed her tongue. Wait. That man, the man in the picture and the one boxing…were the same person?!
Feeling like she may just be sick, Y/N did a quick check, and really took in the boxer. That was undoubtedly the idol pictured in the article. 
Not only was she going to jail for assaulting one BTS member (albeit on accident) a fact that she had managed to forget up until that moment, she got pulled back into the same thing that got her in trouble before, and ended up crossing paths with another one?! 
Once it came out what happened between her and Park Jimin, there was no possible way people would believe she wasn’t a sasaeng. The circumstantial evidence just kept getting more and more damning. 
Jungkook. Jungkook. What did she know about Jungkook? Admittedly not much, considering all her focus had really been on Jimin for obvious reasons. She knew…that Binna said he was the youngest in the boy group. He was multitalented, and here her friend swore she wasn’t exaggerating or anything.
 According to her, he was like some kind of Barbie of idols, he could do it all. Those weren’t her exact words, but it was the gist. Jungkook also had a habit of being a little shy around members of the opposite sex, or so it was claimed. 
Y/N personally had always thought all idols had to be manufacturing some parts of their personalities for public consumption. Who knew which parts? None of the scraps of information she had been fed told her anything about whether he was liable to press charges for stalking him or not.
Then again, he was an idol, and knowing that, Y/N had to assume he had gone out of his way to book private gym time, hence why the spacious work out room was empty save for him. Which meant him catching her was going to lead to a world of trouble. 
How good were her odds if she just booked it for the exit the minute he went back to the locker room? Or if he left, she’d wait a little bit to be sure he had cleared the building, then she’d leave too. Waiting…yep…that’s all she could do. If she wasn’t in a dress, and didn’t find the idea so dirty, she would slump over on the floor.
Jungkook caught the punching bag as it swung back from his last strike, finally feeling satisfied with his boxing for the time being. His limbs had that good burn that he liked, and his heart rate was up, despite his controlled breathing. But he wasn’t ready to leave just yet, so he decided to switch from boxing to something new. After a break.
Unlacing his boxing gloves, he found his gym bag and rummaged inside for his water bottle. Sitting down on a mat, he took a few sips, trying not to gulp it down too fast. His bottle was empty in no time, despite his attempts at moderation, and refilling before he resumed working out didn’t seem like a bad idea. 
His footsteps echoing in the big empty gym was probably his imagination, but the weird sight when he rounded the corner? That he was pretty sure was real. Leaning against the wall, a woman…no, a girl, dressed up like she had somewhere important to be was nodding off. He froze, staring, all kinds of thoughts flying through his head. 
Who was she? How’d she get in? When did she get in? Was she dangerous? Did he need to call for back up? Jungkook had purposely began training at this gym because it was exclusive. As his fame had grown, unfortunately he had to stop using more easy to find public gyms.
 The one at HYBE was an option, but sometimes he wanted something…quieter. Trainees who came in meant well, and they tried to be respectful besides giving him friendly greetings, but they couldn’t help but gawk, and that made it awkward when he was trying to get in the zone. Here, he had thought, was perfect.
But maybe he was rushing to conclusions. He didn’t know anything about the situation besides a girl in a nice dress was falling asleep by the water fountains while standing up. Her head slumped forward, then snapped up quickly as she jolted awake, eyes wide and alert. 
That was when they locked gazes, and his loose, sore muscles tensed right up. She, on the other hand, curled away like she was facing a thug in an alley. It was bemusing; yeah he’d bulked up a lot in the last several years after he got serious about training. Jungkook never considered himself all that intimidating, though. 
“Are you… staff?” he asked, since it didn’t seem like she was going to speak up first. Not with the way she kept looking like the guillotine was coming down on her head any moment. 
It took a reasonably long time for her to compose herself and answer, which was another pretty big tip off that something was not right. He was ready to whip out his phone and call security. Or at least he would be, if he hadn’t put it on do not disturb and left it in his bag. 
“This is all a misunderstanding, really,” she warbled, her hands slapped the wall behind her like she was trying to steady herself. “I didn’t…I didn’t mean to be here.”
“What?” Jungkook was definitely growing suspicious. No one who wasn’t up to something just answered like that.
“I was just going to wait until you left and I guess I started to nod off…” she ran a shaky hand through her hair, disturbing it a little. “But really, please, if you’ll pretend you never saw me, I promise, I’ll be on my way.”
He backed away quickly as she lurched forward, but before he could tell her not to do anything funny, she bowed very formally, and the idol watched, perplexed. When he didn’t respond in any way, she resumed her upright position, then tried to brush by him with her head down. 
Though, when he noticed the phone clenched tight in her fist, he acted without thinking. Something his hyungs had told him to be careful of doing in the past. At least they weren’t around to scold him.
“Hey,” he seized her wrist, and she stopped in her tracks, though he wasn’t expecting her reaction at all. Her eyes took in the hand on her like she could just flay it off with the intensity of her stare alone, and then she met his eyes head-on, hers surprisingly stony. “Your phone…”
“What about it?” she tried tugging her hand away, but he wasn’t ready to let go just yet. Not until he got some answers. He liked this gym. He wanted to keep using this gym, and at the thought that his privacy was being invaded yet again, and he would have to find somewhere else, yet again, he was getting a little worked up. 
“That’s an Army phone, a Galaxy Z Flip 4: Army Edition.”
Her eyes widened, and then she scoffed, shaking her head. “Yeah, I guess you would know. But to tell you the truth, though I can admire your band’s marketability, this phone itself has been nothing but problems. This is just the latest one. Now, please, let go.” There was some bite in her tone now, her voice surprisingly stern. 
When she tugged again, he acquiesced, something she probably didn’t expect, since she stumbled before catching herself. And when she felt her cellphone tugged right out of her hand? She rounded on him, scowling. “That belongs to me.” She held her hand out, clearly expecting it back.
“Why are you here? This is a private gym, and you don’t sound like you’re staff.”
She snatched for the phone, but he held it away, using his speed to his advantage. “Are you Army?”
“What? No,” she sounded offended by the notion, which in turn offended him. Then again, a true Army wouldn’t do this to him. Wouldn’t invade his space. “And what does that matter?”
“You’re not Army but you’ve got a phone that’s a rare exclusive. Only Army would want to own something like this. And if you’d go this far, you might be a sasaeng.” 
Here, she did pause in trying to retrieve her phone, a bit red in the face under her makeup. “Please, between my class schedule and internship, who would even have the time? The people who think stalking and harassing idols is worth jeopardizing their future for really need…” Surprisingly, the girl tried to jump for the phone like she wasn’t in heels, but he held it above his head, which meant it was way above hers, “…a hobby!”
“So I won’t find pictures you secretly took on this?” Jungkook squinted, not convinced. 
“No!” She hissed, jumping again, “Now who’s invading whose privacy, you…you muscle-headed, bunny-eyed brute!” 
He was so taken aback, he faltered, and with one last pounce, the mystery girl had snatched the phone, though not without a cost.
 Before she could even yell out in triumph, her heel wobbled and her foot rolled. Jungkook watched in slow motion, wincing in automatic sympathy as she went down. 
Time sped up as she cried out, on the ground and clutching her ankle in a dress too nice to be touching the bare gym floor. He stood over her, carefully watching her face at first. He could tell she was in pain, but attempting not to show the extent.
 Something about that alone…took him back to his early days. A wave of nostalgia he didn’t want to feel washed over him. He would hide his exhaustion, sometimes even hide injuries sustained while on stage until the end of a performance, until he couldn’t hide it anymore, just to avoid worrying his hyungs.
 And when they caught him, like they inevitably always did, he’d cry, apologize, worry they would resent him. It didn’t make sense to everyone, probably only to those who had experience firsthand with the feeling. Not wanting to let others down, wanting to live up to everyone’s expectations, struggling with the fact that they were still human.
The girl gingerly tried to shift her injured ankle, and that alone seemed to send a fresh wave of pain throbbing through it. With the way she bit her lip and clenched her eyes to stifle the cry he could just tell. 
And even though Jungkook had been concerned about a million things regarding her appearance, including that she might be another delusional ‘fan’, no one could fake pain that expertly. Plus, she’d have to be some actress to make her ankle swell on command.
 It was probably stupid of him to drop his guard, even for a second, but he found himself dropping to his knees, almost reaching out, and then hesitating. She stared up at him through her lashes, her own eyes as guarded as his had been, but wavering as she focused on ignoring her obvious injury. “I need…I need to call my friend.”
Making up his mind, Jungkook loosely grasped her foot by the heel, ignoring her half-hearted attempts to swat his hand away. He extended her leg, careful not to hurt her as he manipulated her foot to get a better idea of how bad it was. “You rolled it pretty hard.” He finally concluded.
“Yeah, no kidding.” Jungkook briefly met eyes with her again, but she stubbornly looked away. “I wonder how that happened.”
Guilt hit him pretty fast. Yeah. Even if he thought she was an intruder, he should have just called security and let them handle it. They were never far, and there was no way she could have stopped him. Not by physically overpowering at least. 
“Hang on,” he told her, setting her foot down and getting back on his feet. “I can help.”
“That’s a nice gesture,” she ground out, failing to hide a wince, “But really, I have my phone, so I can just call my fri—” she grabbed it and opened it, only for her face to fall. “Really? Now?” He heard her grumble irritably.
Noticing his quizzical face, turned a blank screen to him. “It’s dead.” She deadpanned. 
“Okay, then let me help.”
Jungkook didn’t know this stranger by any stretch of the imagination, but he had anticipated what her response would be. It probably sounded something like “no”, since she seemed disinclined to take his help.
 Was she always like this, so stubborn? Was it some kind of pride thing? He had been there, too; his hyungs really had their hands full with him over the years, didn’t they? 
Retrieving the first aid kit Jimin had gifted him some time back, he made a brisk return to find the girl in much the same position he had left her, staring sulkily at her injured ankle. She looked up when he approached, but didn’t say a word. 
“You might have to take off your shoe.” he informed her.
He waited to get a response, the big plastic kit held by his side. Jungkook wondered if she just planned to ignore him, and if he should take her silence as consent and proceed, but that didn’t feel right. Finally, she mumbled, “…This is really happening…isn’t it?”
Nodding slowly, he popped the kit open and examined its contents, locating the roll of compression wrap. While he did that, he noticed her leaning forward, trying to unstrap her heel without moving in a way that would hurt her foot even more. 
Jungkook had never worn heels, but he always thought anyone who did without falling over must have some hidden talent. Hers weren’t as tall as some, but she was still plucking at the strap with building frustration. 
Guessing she wanted it over and done with just as bad as he did, the idol seized the heel of her foot again, bringing her leg out and reaching for the buckle himself.
If he expected a beaming smile and a grateful attitude, he’d be sorely mistaken. She gave him the stink eye. “I can do at least this much.”
“Maybe, but I can do it faster.” He shrugged, already loosening the heel and sliding it off while holding her foot steady. From so close, and without the shoe in the way, he could really see just how fast the ankle had discolored and swollen. Again, he wrestled with the guilt, absently reaching for the wrap. “So,” he began by holding her ankle at a ninety-degree angle, “Who are you? Because this doesn’t mean I forgot…”
“Believe me, I’m someone who doesn’t want to be here anymore than you want me to be here. I didn’t have a choice, not that you’d ever believe me…” she huffed. “But, because legal repercussions are probably unavoidable, I’ll start by being cooperative. Maybe when they review all this, that’ll work in my favor.” It sounded like she was talking to herself, not him, but then she cleared her throat and extended her hand. “My name is L/N Y/N.”
Jungkook didn’t expect such a strange introduction, and the attempt at a handshake reminded him of Namjoon-hyung. He grasped her palm very briefly, barely holding on to it long enough for their hands to go up and down, but she didn’t seem inclined to want to hold onto him either.
“Y/N…” he repeated. 
“As for what I’m doing here…well, again, it’s not something any sane person would believe.” She switched her focus to watching him meticulously wrap her ankle. It was pretty careful care for someone that could have been stalking him, but he had already started, and if he was going to do it, his sense of perfectionism said he had to do it right. 
“Are you…insane?”
“Excuse me?” She didn’t look very amused, but he guessed it wasn’t exactly a polite question.
“You said a sane person wouldn’t believe you…” he explained. 
“I am not insane,” Y/N rubbed a hand to her forehead. “I just feel like I am lately,” she whispered. “I was dining out with some friends, in the restaurant bathroom and then…”
Jungkook waited while he secured the wrap with some bandage clips and closed his first aid kit. “And then?”
“It’s going to sound insane,” she finished matter-of-factly, “You’re going to call me a liar and accuse me of stalking you, then we’ll be right back where we started.”
Jungkook was torn between still wanting to contact security, but also experiencing some curiosity he couldn’t quite tamp down. “Do you have proof?” It didn’t sound like she did. 
“Proof?” Y/N repeated, arching a brow as if he had just said something strange.
“You’re not even going to try to make me believe you?” he goaded. 
“Sure, help me up and I’ll hobble right over to the mirror. You’ll see exactly how I got here and this whole think’ll be cleared up just like that.” Her tone was so sugary the sarcasm was evident. 
Jungkook figured he had indulged this for this long…why not go all the way. Offering her a hand, he warned her to brace herself, and then pulled her up with ease. “Okay.”
“Okay?” She said warily, trying not to show him how much she was utilizing the wall for support. 
“Okay,” Jungkook nodded, “Show me.”
Idols were weird. Y/N wasn’t sure if it was just the fact that they lived in a completely ‘different world’ from normal people or what, but she hadn’t expected her first extended run-in with some world-famous celebrity to go like this. 
Park Jimin was one thing; he’d been concussed, so that was enough to make him loopy. She hadn’t expected anything out of his mouth to make sense. But this guy, Jean Jungkook? 
Totally different. He wasn’t suffering a head injury, for one. And he had seemed angry at first, but still handled her appearance in much the same way a mean boy on the playground would in elementary school. Playing keep away with her phone, really?
He’d even treated her with decency when she tripped and sprained her ankle. God, that was yet another thing she was going to have to deal with. Sprained her ankle! Sprained! How was she supposed to get around campus quickly? It was huge. Though she supposed that wasn’t a concern at present. 
The idol’s strange demand was at the forefront of her mind, seeing as he was right behind her while she hobbled slowly to the mirror, her heel in one hand and her phone in the other. 
She must have looked like a suffering pigeon, doing a funny little hop. But she refused to let him touch her after she got her bearings. It was humiliating enough to have someone see her make a fool of herself and get injured to boot, idol or no idol. Well actually, his status made it even worse. 
And he was watching her oh so closely as she made it to the mirror, taking a deep breath and turned around to look at him with some difficulty. “Here it is.” She said flatly. “How I got in, and how I probably would be able to get out, if life felt like cutting me a break.”
He stepped around her, staring at her incredulously like she knew he would. She would look at herself that way in his position. Jungkook pressed against the mirror with the flat of his hand, one good time, as if to confirm it was solid. “You used the mirror? What, like magic? Like a drama?”
“You’re the one who said you wanted proof; I never said it would satisfy you.” she retorted. “I barely understand it myself, but what I’m saying is the only truth I have to cling to.” Her chin dipped, “No matter how implausible it is…” 
She knew she would get the same result he had when she pushed on the mirror, but as if to confirm her fate was truly sealed, Y/N tried anyway. When her hand went right through, the cool glass giving way to cool nothingness, she yelled, pitching forward.
Jungkook made a noise, something startled, and she glanced at him to confirm he was seeing what was happening. His bulging eyes made it evident that he was. Yes! Y/N jerked her arm away too fast, and in doing so almost fell back on her ass, if not for the lightning reflexes of the idol who moved to extend an arm around her waist.
 Y/N got her bearings, smoothed a hand over her shirt and her racing heart, and tried to hold back her tears. He could see. He could really see. The weeks of going crazy in silence, holding it all in, and someone else…could see.
“Your arm went through the glass,” he breathed.
“More than my arm’s gone through.” Y/N spoke with more confidence, now that there was no way he could deny it. “That’s…how I got here.”
The idol once again moved forward, pressing both hands against the mirror. Nothing. “How?” He wondered.
“I don’t know.” Y/N replied, “It’s been happening since…since I got this phone. So that’s my only theory, that the events are connected.” She held up the dead device and wiggled it around. “Not that that’s a story anyone would believe if I got caught breaking and entering.” 
The idol appeared to be thinking, worrying his lip piercing with his tongue, “Unless they saw it.”
Y/N squared her shoulders, eyeing him up and down. He fidgeted, looking small somehow, despite being fairly tall with a healthy amount of muscle. From close up it was even easier to see than watching him from behind the wall. 
“It might come as a surprise for you to know, not everyone would be as cavalier as you about all this. In fact, I’d go as far as saying your reaction was a bit…strange. Has anyone told you that you’re odd?”
  ‘Nice going, Y/N.’ She thought bitterly, ‘That was over the top blunt. You’re not trying to make an enemy out of the very first person to be witnessing the crazy with you.’
Luckily, the idol didn’t look overly offended. Jungkook pursed his lips, big eyes sheepish as he rubbed his head. “Uh-huh, my hyung.” he said thoughtfully.
“Well…” Y/N gestured vaguely. “Now that you’ve seen what I’ve seen, you know about as much as I do. Would it be too much trouble to ask if I could…go?” Pointing a thumb toward the mirror like she was about to miss her cab would seem dumb if he didn’t know. 
“Oh, right,” Jungkook’s tapped the mirror again. “You’re going back to where you came from.”
“Ideally,” Y/N frowned, “I’ve been gone a long time. There’s no way my friends aren’t concerned about that. And when they can’t find me who knows what they’ll think.”
Somewhat afraid the give they had both witnessed was a one-off, Y/N pressed her hand to the mirror once again, happy when it rippled and went right through. It might have been too late to salvage the evening with her friends, but at least she could salvage her reputation.
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wildpeachfarm · 19 days
Kind of suspecting that.
I saw so many people here and even on Reddit talking positively about the video (except the classic dnap threw under the car), so I was genuinely confused on why Twitter was saying that it was misogynistic.
I’m just extremely tired of this because it seems like Twitter does not want to hold accountable Caiti and as someone that was deeply hurt by her actions and even triggered, it makes me completely mad. Not all men speaking about this are misogynistic, and not everyone on George’s side is 100% defending him. Let her get the consequences of her actions like George’s getting his (obviously not misogynistic comments, heavy hate, etc).
And when I will have time I’m going to watch that video, tysm for your answer :)
Twitter absolutely cannot fathom that caiti is at fault here as well, and they will never do anything but coddle her in this whole situation. They are still preaching how "george fucked up majorly and dteam needs to be taught to treat women better" when it was a social faux pas not sexual assault or violent misogyny or something that any member of the dteam do constantly💀
The people who are saying this stuff on twitter were not giving george the benefit of doubt when all of this came out until after his second response so frankly, I don't think they have much room to speak on this as if they have been level-head and logical from the start because I distinctly remember them in georges comment sections blindly supporting caiti.
Stick to tumblr (and maaaaaaybe reddit) if you want real thoughts and opinions on this stuff because twitter will never have a coherent thought.
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BTS Reacts: Biracial S/O Experiences Racism
A/N: Of course, something like this can be a touchy subject and I will take full responsibility if I write anything offensive or incorrectly. As I've said in previous pieces like this, you are welcome to call me out on any mistakes so I can learn and do better. I personally am not biracial nor have I experienced racism of the sort but my inbox is always open if you need support or someone to stand with you. Also, I apologize but I couldn't find credits for some of the gifs used. I take no credit for the making of them.
TW: General racism, bullying
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Jin couldn't believe it when you pulled up an antis hate themed blog focused around you. He knew there would be some heat once your relationship was revealed to the public but he never thought people would be low enough to create an entire blog to bully you and insult you just based off of your skin color. It almost blew his mind that someone would take the time to put you down so badly. Jin would gently take your phone out of your hand and close the page, setting the phone down and out of view.
"Don't pay attention to a word they're saying. They're not worth your time, you're perfect the way you are."
Jin made sure the blog and nasty racist comments thrown at you were forgotten quickly, reassuring you that they were meaningless and simply not true.
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Yoongi had been out with Jin picking up food for the two of you when you decided to watch a few video compilations on YouTube that some fans had created for your relationship with him. Most of them were cute and wholesome videos with nothing but positivity in the comment section and you found yourself smiling widely throughout your time reading them. However, on the last video you had chosen, the comments made your heart sink. You weren't sure why they were there all of the sudden but many users had written harsh racist insults towards you, some even going as far as writing out threats. You knew it was stupid and the words were empty and didn't really mean anything but you couldn't control the tears that were forming in your eyes, eventually beginning to spill down your cheeks. Just as you were at peak sobbing and second guessing yourself, wondering if Yoongi really loved you as much as he said, he walked in the door, food bags in hand. Immediately, when he saw you curled up on the couch crying, he dropped the bags and sat on the cushion adjacent to you. He started rubbing your arm, unsure whether or not doing anything further was going to upset you.
"Woah, what's wrong sweetheart?" Your boyfriend asked, his voice soft.
Between sniffles, you did your best to explain how so-called 'fans' were being incredibly racist towards you and saying Yoongi deserved someone of his own race.
Yoongi couldn't believe what he was hearing and was only able to muster out a quiet "What the fuck?" He was pissed to know you were upset and pissed that anyone could say such things to you.
"Don't listen to those assholes, they don't know you and they will NEVER know me. I love you, you're perfect the way you are. They're probably just jealous that there's nothing even mildly interesting about them. They mean nothing."
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Your phone had been blowing up more than usual. Your boyfriend, Hoseok, was sitting next to you so you opted to check it, wondering who else would be sending you so many texts. Lit up on your screen were texts from your best friend, telling you not to listen to what people are saying on Twitter and that all of those people were wrong about you. Confusion washed over you as you opened the Twitter app to see what was going on. The first thing you saw was your relationship with Hobi on the trending list. Your heartbeat sped up as you tapped on the link to checkout the corresponding posts. As soon as it opened, you were met with post after post about the live you did with him yesterday, where you had revealed your face for the first time. There were comments saying how pretty you were and how sweet you seemed, of course, but among these comments were floods of hate speech. Every single negative comment had to do with the fact that you were biracial. You suddenly closed the app, tossing your phone to the side, startling Hoseok. He closed the book he had been reading in the chair across from you and asked you what was wrong, moving to sit aside you when he noticed tears pooling in the corner of your eyes. All you told him was to check Twitter. Taking out his own phone, he clicked on the trending HoseokxYN link and skimmed through the posts and comments. He very quickly put his phone back into his pocket, unable to read anymore racist words against you. Pulling you into a tight hug, he reassured you that he felt sorry for those people, telling you that they must feel so badly about themselves and have such low quality lives that they had to spew meaningless hate towards you. If anything, they were lower than you and were only doing it to feel better about themselves. Even though the remarks were towards you, it felt painful to read such things and he was overwhelmed by disappointment.
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As you and Namjoon made your way through the intensely growing crowd inside of the airport, fans yelled and screamed various words of encouragement towards Namjoon. You loved to hear other people showering him with love and positivity, despite the craziness of the crowd itself. You were smiling widely while walking hand in hand with your boyfriend, listening to the fans, until you suddenly heard someone take a jab at the color of your skin. Namjoon heard the person too, stopping for a brief second to turn and glare at them. He shook his head as he turned back around, gripping your hand tighter, pulling it up to his face to lightly kiss your knuckles. Like a chain reaction, that one person being brave enough to say such things to you in front of him set off a wave of more racism. Namjoon began walking even faster, guiding you the whole way, wanting desperately to get you out of there.
"Those aren't my fans. If they were, they would never say such bullshit things to you."
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Jimin witnessing you beginning to cry after seeing racist comments saying you weren't worthy of being with him because you weren't Korean hurt his heart. Your laughter was his favorite sound in the world and he lived to see you smile. Seeing you so upset was painful and made tears prick his own eyes. You were so important to him and yet strangers were bringing you down with nonsense hate. Jimin made sure to pound it into your head that he wanted you and only you; if he wanted someone who was 100% Korean, that's who he would have chosen.
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After a long chat, you and Taehyung decided to reveal your secret relationship to the public after having been together for over a year. Taehyung took the bold leap by posting a couple of cute, romantic photos from Valentine's day on his Instagram. Knowing that it would warrant a little bit of craziness, he did it late at night before the two of you went to bed, planning on checking on it in the morning.
That next morning, Taehyung had woken up before you. Rather than waking you up, he went into the kitchen, fixed himself up some breakfast, and got comfy on the couch with his phone, ready to checkout the reveal reactions. He found himself giggling at some of the comments, even feeling happy over some of the supportive ones he read. Not long after reading, though, he stumbled upon comments he wished he hadn't seen. Many racist insults and death threats filled the comment thread. They were targeting you because you were biracial, spewing hate and saying he deserved better than you, someone who was fully his own race. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"How could these people say things like this?" Taehyung whispered to himself, still trying to be careful about waking you up.
The thought of you waking up excited to read the reactions of army only to see your race being the main focus of the thread made him very upset. He pondered whether he should delete the photo or not, wanting to shield you from everything. After a while of thinking, he simply turned off the comments to the post.
When you finally awoke, the first thing you did was ask him about the public's reaction. He produced a white lie and said the staff recommended that he turn the comments off but allowed him to keep the photo up. Although you were disappointed, he would much rather have you thinking that's what happened, instead of being aware of the nasty racist comments that flooded the post.
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The last thing Jungkook expected when you tagged along on a flight and exited the airport with him, navigating through the crowds of screaming fans, was to hear several death threats and racist remarks thrown around towards you. He gripped your hand tighter and tighter with each disgusting comment he heard, knowing he couldn't do anything in that very moment. He glanced at your face multiple times, checking if you were still mentally there, only to see that you had begun crying quite hard. Instantly, Jungkook removed his jacket and held it over you to cover your face as various people with their phones and cameras hounded you. When you were both sat safely inside of the car waiting for you guys, Jungkook pulled you in close, kissing the top of your head while you buried it into his chest.
"You know I don't think of those things, right? I don't care about your race, I love you for you. Don't listen to those people, they aren't real army."
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mydarlingdahlia · 5 months
Warning : a rant about religion/religious stuff below, read with that in mind.
I’m tired of seeing people on TikTok (or any other social media platform, really) put down or berate others for their opinions or beliefs.
For example…
I saw an innocent video of a girl reading some scripture from her Bible and just talking about a dream she had. Not harming anyone, right? Apparently not…
I can’t tell you how many comments I saw of people from other religions putting her down and just flat out making fun of her belief. As a Christian, it did hurt seeing my faith being treated the way it was in that comment section.
But, here’s another example…
I saw another video of this girl showing off some of her crystals and tapestries that she had gotten, and I thought they looked neat! I liked the video, and went to leave a comment about where she got them, when I saw some other messages.
Basically to sum up what they were saying is that if she kept doing the blasphemous things she was doing she’d go to hell, and other hateful things.
It also hurt seeing her being put down/being for her opinions/beliefs, when she wasn’t even doing anything wrong or hurtful to another religion!
It’s rude. And you aren’t “saving” anyone by doing it either.
The same things goes for people who flat out just make videos hurtfully ridiculing a comment or person for their own religion. (Not just Christians or Satanists.)
Being a Satanist or an Atheist doesn’t make someone a devil worshipper. If someone is a Satanist, it doesn’t mean they’re in a cult. It simply means they worship mainly themselves or act as their own god. (Which isn’t right in my opinion, but who am I to tell them what to do?)
If someone is an Atheist, that doesn’t make them anymore wayward than the rest of us. They may not worship the Lord, but that doesn’t mean we should treat them like dirt or anything less than a human being.
Same thing goes for any other religion.
I have friends that come for other religions, and they’re some of the nicest/awesome people I’ve met! Sure, we don’t see eye to eye on a few things, but that’s okay! It doesn’t mean I should end a relationship over a little disagreement.
Also, I’ve also seen some controversial takes on people of the LGBTQIA+ community, and as a Christian, it intrigues me to listen to them, as I am a member of that community.
I’ve heard some people say that all who are apart of or even support the LGBTQIA+ community should go to hell, which I think is a bit rash. I’ve also seen people who say they just need forgiveness, but I’m curious, what do they need to be forgiven of?
I know in the Bible it says homosexuality is a sin, but ever since humanity fell, we’ve been stuck in sin’s (or the devil’s) trap, and I believe we won’t be able to get out of said trap until Jesus comes back. (The Rapture, The Second Coming, call it what you like.)
I can’t help the way I am, and you can’t just convert me to become straight just like that. I am very happy with Mia, and she is with me, and there is no way I’d leave her, for any faith.
And you know what, I respect your opinion if you think I’m wrong. I won’t say anything against it. Wanna know why? I’ve been taught and brought up my whole life to be kind to others, even if they don’t deserve it. And yes, I forget that sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be respectful towards them.
Especially if it’s about their beliefs or religion.
So, say it with me.
I will love and respect all of my witch, celestial, and earthy girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Christian girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Atheist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Satanist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Hindu girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Islamic girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Buddhist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect people regardless of their religion, beliefs, or opinions, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
See, that’s not so hard is it?
Treat people how you’d wanna be treated. Give respect, get respect.
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atlas-affogato · 9 months
I just saw a tiktok of someone going to the comments of a "fucked up" fic to gawk at the commenters who were very supportive and excited and not leaving hate comments.
As if someone would click on a perfectly tagged fic not knowing what they were getting into? If they read it they wanted to read it. If they left a comment they enjoyed it. The person in the video was acting like these commenters were the weird ones for not leaving hate comments.
This person got dogplied and clowned on in their own comment section but it still made me mad.
Don't like = Don't read.
Its as simple as that.
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yanderefairyangel · 7 months
Think the dumbest claim about Engage fans I’ve heard is “they do nothing but diss on 3H all day” or “There are no Engage fans just 3H haters”. Not saying I haven’t seen Engage fans who are unnecessarily hateful and hostile towards 3H, but when I look into the Engage fandom there’s far more content for and gushing about what they love about the game than complaining about 3H.
Yeah I did saw that and euh ... it left me confuse as ever ? Cause I barely hear any dissing on 3H ? Really ? And let's not like as if the fandom didn't do that in 2019 cause we all know they do this. Recall the F!Byleth's design controversy ? Or when they call Hubert, Lorenz and Raphael ugly ? Or Dima's noddle hair ? Anyway.
I do agree that if you look or search deep enough you will find Engage fans who reacts like little kids and attacks 3H because people said Engage was bad or whatever but as someone who checks the tags for Engage everyday, really... there is almost 0 of that nonsense against 3H. In fact... it's Engage that get that treatement. You have no idea how tiresome it is to click on the Engage tags and find yet another person who goes "Yeah Engage sucks, 3H rules" and me thinking "I came here for positivy, would you pleaaaase not tagg your negative opinion on the Engage tag or use a different wording so that when searching I can actually escape your negative opinion ?"and sometimes, I find, as you say that one person that will act as if the fandom was bullying them for not liking Engage and prefering 3H.... but I find 0 post about this. Really, not a single one! Take Bigkingly for example, he made a FE gameplayvs story tier list and even though he place 3H much higer then Engage on the story, he still got people arguing with him because he place Engage above average and said he though it was good.... And don't get me started on the pretty impressive amount of video making a bad review of Engage that have much more engagement then the one praising Engage, it's all the big FE tubers : Ghast, Mekkah, etc. The one who praised the game have very little expostion and will often have the SAME people in the comment section of Ghast "Engage fell off video" or Mekkah's or even that 2 hour long video whose views are currently getting much and much more important numbers.
And the most recent thing I saw was someone saying, and I quote "I legitimately believe the Engage fans are too lazy to actually take a break and read about the amazing lore 3H brought, along with the supports. They really believe Engage's lore is more interesting, and still prefer those supports than 3H's, that's just hilarious." or "It does suck tbh. Engage does have their own benefits, but 3H just getting targeted really does suck as it's a flawed, but amazing game." or "3H world building is just the books in the library" is one of my favorite little things that engage fans tell themselves".. and I find none of the post or comments or anything supposed to be speaking of that like... what ? And apparently there is a "3H hate train wagon" which is weird ? Cause the hate train wagon I noticed was for Engage, not 3H. Most of the 3H negativity I ever saw was in response to it being treated like an amazing masterpiece with no flaws to diss on Engage and while very childish.. that's not like the initiative I saw in the Engage hatred.
Honestly, I am thinking it's some side of the fandom trying to make believe it's a "both side" situation so they can diss Engage without any repercussion, never mind that "yeah but Engage fans said bad things about 3H" is just as childish as the part of the fandom that diss 3H just because they said bad things about Engage.
Frankly, I can't tell cause really, you are right Anon. Most of the Engage fandom, if not all is just us chilling out on characters, making fanart, fanfiction etc. While there is some discourse (cof, cof, Seadal, cof, cof, Alcryst, cof) it still stays rather silent and even the big controversial DLC romance concluded into : people who ship it can ship it, people who don't want to ship it won't ship it and we won't try to make an argument on whether opinion. And it's also acting as though we can't discuss Engage in a civle manner and that's... false ? Like, not long ago, someone told me why they though that Marni telling her backstory in chapter 21 was bad and offered a rewriting and I shared my thoughts, and not once did we disrespected each other. In fact, the most rabbid Engage haters are ... so dedicated that they retweet a lot of tweets supposed to be about Engage's writing good point to do nothing but... diss on it.
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Keep in mind that my timeline is recomending me those only cause those people insist on quoting everything related to Engage and that tehy don't even have the decency to "untagg" or do something so that blocking or muting works in a way that doesn't end up with you viewing no content of the fandom you belong to.
I for one and many of the fans in my X circle are trying to spread positivity about this game. Heck, I even made a video just because I wanted to help it spread bigger and faster, on a plateform that is more accessible to everyone.
We are all tired of negativy, while would we add into this ? I for one don't really want to be known as the "3H hater" but as being a great contributor in positivity when it comes to Engage cause this is a game that has many great stuff. And again, this is more another way of stigmatizing Engage fan for liking the game, saying in an indirecct way "Engage's fan just PRETEND to like Engage, in reality they just hate 3H and use Engage to hate 3H cause really, who could love unironically this game if not people who simply just hate 3H because they are idiots ?" because like... I and many fans of Engage are pretty much the first one to say "comparing it with 3H is useless". So I ain't saying there isn't some case like that, but really ? That's a very minor part of the fandom that's hardly vocal.
Sorry it got a bit too long, (I really can't stop talking, can I ?)
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kthecutest · 8 months
Random Rant??
so I was really on track to just stay positive today but i just cannot....
context : I found a tik tok of a clip from Nichomaki's live reacting to enhypen's criminal love. An engene&lune in the comment section said &Team voice would suit the song and a cover would be nice. I saw a lot of supportive comments but then the toxic engenes start flooding in. In summary, they were just practically trying to say that Enha's vocals are better than &Team (aka favoritism)
See as harmless and peaceful as it sounded, it wasn't. And no this isn't me being overdramatic or favoritism from my side. I love all the boys equally truly. But the way they were trying so damn hard to BASH &Team's vocal quality just to make their own group and themselves feel superior is really disgusting. Like we know how brilliant Enha's vocals are, but attacking another group and the fanbase was another level.
I started replying to few nasty comments at one point, the ones that go so far. And this one nasty ass engene shamelessly have the audacity to reply to me and say "Oh yea Enha's B-sides are way better than &Team's overall vocal. Their vocal sucks." - honestly to that person - do you hear yourself right now? You are comparing a 3 year old kpop group to a 1 year old rookie kpop group that just debuted last year. And you have the audacity to compare the quality and amount of tracks and sides they release. Disgusting.
Another thing I wanna point out - It's true each idol will differ on fields they're best at as well as groups which mainly is because of the difference in experience and time. And I think people need to get that in their heads. They all became 'idols' for a reason. Because they can sing and dance better than any local humans out there and can do both without collapsing on stage. These toxic shits don't even know the amount of stress and pain each idol/group goes through yet they're here so damn ready, doing nothing but sitting at home and binging on reality shows, and now you wanna bash and attack small growing groups. Disgraceful.
Apparently the fight stopped after a while between me and the person because I basically just told them I have no time or energy to be in an argument with a deluded person where this would lead absolutely nowhere. And the notifications pretty much went dead. And then that person tagged me - and that one act they did, straight up i just blocked them.
They tagged me in a jungwon edit video and then wrote "jungwon >>>>>>>>> &Team". I'm not here to bash jungwon or Enhypen, i truly love them, they're literally the group i stanned before &Team formed. And the problem wasn't the edit or i'm not butt-hurt about the comment, but it's the fact that even after i left the argument and moved on, they still was raring to go. The fact that we were done with this nonsense crap-talk, and they had the audacity to tag me back and try so hard to trigger me. And ykw, congrats to the person cuz at that point, i just blocked them. I'm not trynna have someone like that bugging my ass on the notification bar, they can go cry in a ditch idc.
Conclusion : Ik i'm coming off really aggressive here - but forgive me cuz i just cannot with toxic engenes. Enhypen and &Team are practically supposed to be like brother groups. They share the same lore, same storyline, even appear in each other's mvs, collabs, the past survival show contestants, the bonds - Everything. Yet its either twitter or tik tok each day, it's not even any other group stans atp, it's literally mostly just engenes. Like it is unbelieveable, how the toxic part of the enha fanbase, literally wants to target and stir discord between the two bonded groups and each other's fanbases.
A lot of engenes are also the ones currently apart of the Lune community including me and i just cannot imagine the shame and embarrassment and absolute disappointment, we must have to feel witnessing all this crap that our same old fanbase is at.
Toxic engenes just need to fucking stop. You guys are so full of yourselves. You guys even have the audacity to call normal engenes CRAZY just because they weren't in your damn toxic train.
I understand favoritism, thats something most people have, I can literally sit here and say Niki was my first love but I favoritize K over him just bc it's my liking. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go attack Niki. You can favoritize someone and love someone without trying to bash and launch at everyone else that isn't THE PERSON. It's crazy how these same toxic engenes have to make &Team and Lune inferior just soo they could feel superior
And ykw the worst thing is - it's these same toxic engenes that make other normal engenes like us want to quit the entire fanbase and these toxic sewage cans are the same reason that the engene fandom has a shit reputation.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Okay in the first announcement I did I wasn’t a call to try and end any careers or anything like that I was at first just trying to denounce my association with the duo because I’m choosing to no longer support them anymore but now yeah, I do want them to be called out because of the absolute dumbest fucking explanations and “defenses” to why the SA scene wasn’t SA because it’s just completely insensitive and clearly they genuinely believe coercion isn’t a valid type of assault.
It genuinely makes me sick how long I even watched their videos and I’m so disappointed in myself for making excuses for them. They’re grown, I know people make mistakes but when you screw up once and people are telling you that you did your first instinct shouldn’t be ignore the problem and ignore those people. I saw more and more people talking about what they said especially in the recent video they made and apparently it has victim blaming takes in it, obviously I wanted to see for myself because that’s just me I’d like to see what’s going on with certain situations and boy did I wish I killed my curiosity before I opened up the newer comments calling them out about it.
Listen you cannot just say that coercion is just a bad experience especially when dealing with sexual experiences. Like I said before coercion is someone forcing someone to do something in order to convince them to do what they want, it is essentially forcing a yes out of someone. So when we are talking about someone wanting to do intimate things with another person and we’re adding coercion into it it basically means that one party has intimate declined, had doubts, had worries, anything that is stopping that party from engaging in any sexual activities so with coercion it’s up to the other party to try and basically force them into doing it. Is it as violent as SA? That answer varies in ways it can be and in other ways it isn’t. Despite how violent the cases are though ALL of them deserve to be treated on the same level because saying yes while someone coerced you doesn’t mean it’s consensual at all.
I’m so fucking angry because why do I have to clarify this? Why does anyone in the comment section have to clarify this? It is so fucking obvious it’s not even funny. One thing I cannot forgive from this situation is that there are people who actually agree with this take and are now openly saying that Persephone’s SA wasn’t SA at all just because she “said yes”, it makes me sick to my stomach how this awful ass take has now convinced people to continue victim blaming because how do you think these people are going to react when something similar to Persephone’s case happens to someone in real life? Exactly the same because you’ve now solidified this awful mindset that if they say yes they’re basically asking for it and if it’s not violent then it was just a bad sexual experience.
I just want to say how incredibly sorry I am to all the people who even had to listen to that crap be said and I’m even more sorry for continuing to support that. I’ve never been more disappointed in myself for just being a bystander to this, and I just hope that I’ll never associate with people like them again because I’d rather eat mud then to continue sitting by and watching those videos when they’ve said the most insensitive shit ever.
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ilikepjo24 · 3 months
what do you think of this Octeyna fic (it's my fav fic ever)
Many things I want to say... I'll say them all.
First of all, I KNOW THAT PERSON!! I've read other works of theirs, like [Clarisse fuc] and [drew fuc]. Both very good fics. I even chatted with them on TikTok once. It was a crazy coincidence. A couple of weeks after I read the homecoming fic I saw a TikTok video appreciating similar fics that came out during quarantine and in the comment section someone had mentioned a Clarisse-centered fic with that plot that they wrote, and I replied saying I've also read a similar fic. We talked a bit about each fic until we realized we were talking about the same one. And that's the story of how I met (not irl) the author of [Clarisse fuc], who's also the author of this fic that you linked.
Moving on onto a different thought: It was foolish of you to ask a teacher what they think about a text. In my country 30 is a perfect score for an essay. 15 for the content, 10 for the grammar/vocabulary, 5 for the structure. Due to it being a fic and not an essay meant to show support or disapproval towards a stance, I won't be viewing the content threw my reading glasses, so for this fic the 15 remaining points will be a perfect score.
The sentences are, for the most part, consistent, containing at least one verb in each period of words. I noticed a couple of grammar mistakes, specifically with the usage of "would" and "could". If there was anything else there, it slipped my attention. The description is very visual, as it should be, kudos for that. The vocabulary used is satisfactory. The punctuation marks weren't always used properly, although those mistakes were rare. The paragraphs were a tad too sort in some cases, and pieces of text were seperated when it would make more sense for them to belong in the same paragraph. Not all of the word periods start with capital letters when they should, although that was rare as well.
Grammar and vocabulary wise: 8/10
Structure wise: 3,5/5
The critique of the content will be my view as a reader, not an teacher.
WHAT THE FUCK IS OCTAVIAN DOING!?? GOSH, I WANTED TO PUNCH HIM SO BAD EVEN THOUGH I LOVE HIM. That was borderline assault!!! It was disgusting, vike, manipulative, abusive, inhumane, I fucking hated him!! Which, I suppose, was what the author wanted, so good job author, you achieved your goal. And poor Reyna!! She's been neglected, abused abs manipulated by so many different people and overlooked it, that she seems to be unconsciously romantizing the bad situation she's in. Although I'm glad she managed to snap out of it, because things can get pretty ugly in situations were a victim doesn't realize they're being abused. I really hope she manages to get herself out of that situation in later chapters.
I'd like to apologize for my son's (Octavian's) behavior, I got him recently from pest control and I hadn't had the chance to instill some values within him or teach him to behave. I promise, I can fix him, I just need some more time.
Overall, that's a pretty good fic right there. 👍
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Men who enter women’s spaces and “call the experience “paradise” and said he was in “boob heaven,” and compared women’s bodies to marshmallows and peaches, using Japanese onomatopoeia to imitate the sound of jiggling. “It was really a 360-degree world full of tits and tight, peach-like buttocks,” Wasada said” are misgendering themselves.
A Japanese trans-identified male YouTuber has prompted backlash after boasting of using the women’s sauna at a hotel in Yokohama last month. 
Nao Wasada, who also uses the name Suzanne Misaki, uploaded a video to his YouTube channel on December 5 titled “What Happened After a Former Man Took Off His Clothes and Entered the Women’s Bath.” In the vlog, Wasada describes his experience entering the women’s section of the bath house in highly sexualized terms. 
As of January 4, the upload has over 2,300 ‘dislikes’ compared to only 290 ‘likes.’
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“I snuck into a women’s bath where women in their natural appearance gathered together,” Wasada says in the video. “For a former man, a women’s bath is a dangerous place because it reveals the male body and if it is discovered that you are a former man, you are in all sorts of trouble.”
He went on to call the experience “paradise” and said he was in “boob heaven,” and compared women’s bodies to marshmallows and peaches, using Japanese onomatopoeia to imitate the sound of jiggling. “It was really a 360-degree world full of tits and tight, peach-like buttocks,” Wasada said.
“I actually went to peachy boob heaven and worshipped marshmallow tits,” he added. “Everyone hides them with a towel, but they’re protruding, aren’t they? Heaven. There are big peaches and small ones. There are peaches, and there are women whose buttocks stick out like pears.”
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Wasada further detailed his experience in the women’s public bath on his Instagram account, where he describes himself as someone who “love[s] spending money on plastic surgery, body modification, and beauty,” and promises tips on “bust enhancement.”
In a December 4 post, Wasada stated that this was not his first time entering a women’s public bath, and again made sexual comments about the naked bodies of women he saw in the bath house. Wasada excitedly compared women’s breasts to a buffet, depicting the scene as “all-you-can-fill boobs while your heart is pounding.”
Wasada has made repeated references to breasts in his videos and social media posts. In June 2021, Wasada tweeted: “I love girls, I love boobs. If you have a sex change, have breast augmentation, and work hard on your clothes, hairstyle, voice, and make-up to look like a woman, you will be recognized as a woman, and that’s okay.”
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Many commenters responded negatively to Wasada’s sauna video, with some asserting that Wasada posed a threat to the women in the facility. The replies which received the most “likes” in response were ones which strongly condemned Wasada’s behavior.
“If you’re a woman at heart, don’t you understand that if you say things like this to a woman, it’s scary and disgusting? I’m not discriminatory and I’ve participated in the Pride parade in the past, but when I saw this video, I honestly thought it was really disgusting. LGBT+ just lost its supporters,” read one of the top comments.
“[This is] a person you don’t want your wife or daughter to encounter in a hot spring or toilet,” said another commenter.
Other responses from women expressed the view that they would not want to enter a public bath if they knew men would be present and watching them. Some replied that Wasada’s behavior was more like a man than that of a woman, with one respondent labeling him “a man who is fascinated by women’s bodies and has changed his body beyond his hobby of cross-dressing.”
Japanese news outlets reported on Wasada’s video, and a lawyer spoke with Yahoo News about the incident. When questioned about the legality of the situation, attorney Ayao Masaki, a member of the Tokyo Bar Association, stated that it could present a “legal issue,” and cited laws related to trespassing with a voyeuristic intent and public exposure.
Following the public outcry, Wasada uploaded a video on December 20 responding to critics. Rather than apologizing for his behavior, Wasada instead claimed that the video was intended for male viewers, referred to himself as a “pervert”, and stated that he could not promise he would refrain from making similar comments about women in the future.
A Japanese feminist who campaigns against gender self-identification policies explained to Reduxx that because bath houses are segregated according to sex, women would not expect men to be permitted to enter the women’s area.
Haruka, speaking under the condition of anonymity, said that despite the laws surrounding sex-segregation, there have been documented cases of men gaining access to the women’s baths under false pretenses. Most of those cases resulted in an arrest. 
Haruka added that she believed some women would refuse to use public bath facilities if they knew that men who identify as transgender were being granted entrance, and especially if they were aware that such men were sexually attracted to women. Haruka explained that in Japan, public bath houses are not considered recreational, but are “a part of daily life.”
Gender ideology appears to now be colliding with Japan’s centuries-long tradition of public bathing and creating legal confusion. While the areas are presumed to be segregated based on sex, the introduction of legal document revision means that males like Wasada who change their gender marker to “female” are technically able to access the facilities.
The Japanese government currently requires “sex-reassignment surgery” in order for individuals to alter sex markers on official documents, though activists are pushing for reforms which would allow for self-identification on the basis of a subjective gender identity with no medical transition.
Last fall, Reduxx reported that several Japanese women’s universities had begun accepting men who self-declare a transgender status as students. 
Japan Women’s University (JWU) was the latest institution to announce it would be adopting a self-identification policy. The measure will be implemented at the start of 2024 despite half of the female students currently enrolled expressing opposition or hesitation.
In response to the female student’s concerns, JWU released a “Diversity Declaration” last June outlining how administrators intended to work towards convincing female students to change their views on gender ideology. According to the statement, female students at Japan Women’s University (JWU) who express skepticism on the topic of gender identity may be asked to speak with “gender-specialist counselors” in order to convince them that men who identify as transgender are “female.”
Policies allowing for men to self-identify into women-only academic institutions come in the wake of internationally-publicized scandals that saw top universities intentionally lowering women’s entrance exam scores for years to deny them admission on the basis of their sex. 
International rankings, including those from the World Economic Forum, consistently place Japan as one of the most unequal countries in the developed world in terms of political representation and economic opportunities for women.
Sexual harassment, upskirting, and public groping are so prevalent in the nation that advertisements on public transportation can be seen warning passengers to be on alert for sexually-motivated crimes, and most major railways offer some form of specially designated women-only spaces or train cars. In addition, voyeurism pornography has been increasing in popularity in recent years, motivating men to install cameras in women’s spaces of undress in order to film them unaware.
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