#i love glimbow so much though
tippenfunkaport · 1 month
Momaport and I watched more She-Ra. We have now watched up through Princess Prom.
Some highlights and lowlights (because she didn't like these episodes as much as the last ones we watched)...
"Catra puts on a cocky attitude but she's just a scared kid." So true.
"Why does Castaspella have Goofy ears?" Truly a thing I ask myself constantly.
She has become a walking cliche because she can never remember Glimmer's name and calls her something different every time. She spent her entire discussion of Princess Prom calling her "Crystal" which pains me deeply.
She also keeps forgetting Mermista and calls her "fish one" which is just really funny.
Because of her complete inability to remember anyone's name ever, the whole Light Spinner is Shadow Weaver reveal was a legitimate plot twist to her which amused me.
She is a Glimbow truther, was on ship team day one even without my influence despite not liking Glimmer and not knowing what "shipping" meant, mostly because she loves Bow. I was given a passionate speech about how obvious it was that Glimmer and Bow love each other and only you, Tumblr, can appreciate the irony of someone else giving ME that speech and not the other way around. I mentioned that a lot of people claim they "came out of nowhere" and she was absolutely indignant and refused to believe that was a thing.
Relatedly, she doesn't believe Bow had a crush on Sea Hawk, she said he was "just fangirling." (She knows he's bi, that's just her read on that episode.)
Long impassioned speech about what a horrific childhood Catra and Adora had and how it's no wonder Adora is a stressed disaster.
She started talking about Princess Prom totally on Bow's side and mad at Glimmer and by the end of her speech somehow talked herself onto Glimmer's (oh, excuse me "Crystal's") side and was annoyed at Bow which was just funny to witness happen in real time.
"Entrapta reminds me of that one character... you know? The science lady? With the glasses?" I never found out what she meant by this. For all I know it means Entrapta reminds my mom of Entrapta.
"I don't understand why people these days are so obsessed with shipping, Why can't you just watch the show and enjoy the nice friendships?" (Mom is judging us)
She likes Catra and Adora a lot individually, but there is some naysaying about them becoming a couple, we'll see if she comes around. (She has never watched before, but knows most of the endgame ships just bc of hearing the kids and I talk about it.)
She's mad at me for showing it to her grandkids, because it's too violent and she doesn't approve. (I've been cancelled.)
*me explaining that Entrapta is autistic and people read Adora as ADHD* "Does everyone have to be something these days?" (alas, mom is still a cranky old person who wants us to get off her lawn but honestly she's far less cantankerous than I thought she might be about this show so I'll let it slide)
After Princess Prom, she said, "It's cute but I don't understand why you're all so obsessed with it. To me it's exactly like every other cartoon I've ever watched." which is an ARROW directly to my HEART but we'll see if she comes around once the plot really gets going. She generally doesn't like animation and is a straight boomer lady so I figured we'd have an uphill climb but STILL. Pain. We're going to keep watching it either way though because she said she likes hanging out with me and we're having fun. (I am a delight)
21 notes · View notes
n7punk · 1 year
"As Many Lives As It Takes (To Be With You)" Fic Notes
After talking shit and increasing the chapter count like five times, AMLAIT is finally done at 13/5 chapters. You can maybe guess there’s a lot going on in these fic notes.
No playlist this time, I didn’t make one assuming it would be a quick fic and just listened to random shit, or watched baking videos, or put in earbuds and listened to silence when I had migraines.
Epilogue life:
So I pretty much put what would be this section in the fic’s actual epilogue, but Catra and Adora end up staying in the apartment for a while. After a couple months of living with a third wheel (who is more like the primary wheel they are tricycling considering who owns the place), it starts cramping on their couple moments. Adora gently prods Catra about the idea of getting their own place, which is an idea that takes several weeks to sink in before she’s willing to explore venturing beyond her safety bubble, but everything changed once and the world didn’t end, so she eventually decides she’s ready. Catra finally leaves that small room after four years. As scary as it is, it feels like the ultimate measure of her growth.
After a few years they move to the outskirts of Bright Moon when Adora switches hospitals, giving them a bit more air and the “best of both worlds” when it comes to being in the city but having a bit more of the freedom/relaxation from their childhood town back. They’re also closer to Thaymor which makes visiting a little easier, and closer to Glimbow and Scorfuma specifically, though they’re farther from some of their other friends.
They both learn to maintain their best friendships even not living together and they regularly visit Adora’s parents, though they never tell anyone else about Catra’s ability. Netossa seems like she suspects something at times, but she never directly implies or asks something, and whatever she suspects certainly couldn’t be the truth.
Chapter 1:
⦁ If you were expecting me to have ever forgotten that tweet ND made about Catra going through all nine of her lives over the course of She-ra and Adora healing her to reset them, then you’re wrong. In a way, this entire AU is ND’s fault. Did you think about that. I have No Responsibility for this.
⦁ Entrapta’s “nerd merchandise” is a premier ball from pokemon because for some reason that was the only thing I could picture for it. It’s not even a regular pokeball I don’t know why!! But that’s what they use.
⦁ Catra technically has binocular vision dysfunction in this due to her right eye being a little out of sync from her left.
⦁ Time paradox is, of course, a portal reference.
⦁ Entrapta’s blanket used to fall off her lap when she was working, which is how it ended up under the table the first few times, and then she noticed Catra balling up there and started leaving it there on purpose, even washing and rearranging it.
⦁ Entrapta’s room is always hot because of the equipment in it and the heat output from her computer and stuff. Luckily, all three occupants of the apartment like it when it’s warm.
Chapter 2:
⦁ Catra watching ice melt is a Booker reference. I love you Booker. But also a euphemism like “watching paint dry,” “watching grass grow,” etc.
⦁ The nightmares weren’t in the initial concept for the fic, but Entrapta helping Catra out with her “condition” was and I found they were a good way to showcase the backstory without actually showing flashbacks or having an entire prologue chapter of trauma after trauma that just would have felt miserable and spoiled everything.
⦁ Catra’s job isn’t necessarily real but is also heavily based on real things. Basically universities sometimes have special collections, archives, etc that are typically “open” during regular work hours, but only by appointment. They might have their own staff or just the librarians see to them. For this fic I basically made up something that might be real, where BMU also allows appointments after hours, but only from grad students, and then professors can come in after hours (or during hours) without appointment as long as there’s staff present. And of course they get away with that by hiring someone cheap so it doesn’t cost them a lot extra to keep it open. Catra has been paid more by other jobs, but she likes this one way better, and she doesn’t have a ton of money pressure living with Scorpia and Entrapta, so she’s planning to keep it. This is also heavily based on one of my first jobs where I did something similar for a university but it had nothing to do with collections or the library. Catra works the same hours I did then.
Chapter 3:
⦁ Bow would have offered Catra his own bed if he thought she would have taken it, but Entrapta — and Catra’s own reactions — made it pretty clear that she was going to make herself difficult to help, so he thought the couch might seem “less pitying,” but he didn’t account for the Adora factor. Everybody forgets about the Adora factor.
⦁ Scorpia mentioning “six years” immediately solidified in Adora’s subconscious that Catra’s injury was from the fall, which is why she jumped to saying she watched it happen. It didn’t even occur to Adora that Catra’s paralysis could have come from something other than the fall until she was in bed like two days later and thought, oh fuck, there could have been something worse.
⦁ Sneaking onto the school roof is the exact kind of shit Catra and Adora would do together, but since she was going up there to have A Moment™️ about one of her deaths, Catra wanted to be alone. It felt like this dark secret that she was harboring and would ruin her life at any moment.
⦁ “It helps a lot even without her talking back or looking at me” yeah sometimes Entrapta is listening and sometimes she isn’t even aware Scorpia is there. Scorpia can unload her whole problem, talk herself through a solution, say “Thanks!”, and then only after she has marched herself out of the room will Entrapta realize she has left and throw a goodbye through the door, still not looking away from her screens. The first time Catra witnesses this she immediately gets a clear picture of the apartment dynamic.
�� Catra wouldn’t say her name because it was part of her paranoia over being hunted down somehow.
⦁ “Maybe Scorpia isn’t used to people not immediately loving her.” Yeah could not be further from the truth she was kind of bullied in school, that’s how she and Entrapta became friends, because they were both bad at social cues and stuck together.
⦁ Obviously, Entrapta didn’t mean anything by her questions. When you don’t realize other people would treat someone differently over something, it can seem like innocent curiosity to ask about it. She learned very quickly after meeting Catra that those kinds of things have limits, it just wasn’t something that had come up in her life before and she hadn’t inferred it.
Chapter 4:
⦁ Honestly Adora had to have Mara as family to support her because any less and she might not have made it to be at all together after everything she thought happened with Catra.
⦁ Catra does wear her arm brace in other scenarios — when she’s going to be doing physical activity, for instance, though she might opt for a sling instead/in addition — but as far as wearing it while in the apartment, sleeping like that is the only one. The difficulty of putting it on by herself — and the pain of getting help — are why she almost never uses it, even though it would work for some (but not all) of the things the sling works for, and be less obtrusive too. That’s why Adora being able to help with it later is so helpful.
Chapter 5:
⦁ The thing Adora knows that Catra doesn’t is that she’s absolutely going to break and come back home with her, even if the driving thing was more up in the air.
⦁ I went back and forth on the language to use around Catra’s ears, specifically whether to refer to them as a pair or only reference her single fully-functional one. Ultimately I decided that Catra’s internal dialog would still think of it as her ears pinning back even if only one moves (at all for small movements, or all the way for larger). She spent her entire life thinking of them as a pair, and she can’t feel one not reacting, she just doesn’t feel anything over there, so she defaults to how she used to consider them unless she’s like, looking in the mirror and can see only one move. When it comes to other people addressing them, they see just one ear reacting for the most part and tend to refer to them singularly.
Chapter 6:
⦁ Scorpia got Adora’s number at the same event that she told her about arm-hugs, mostly to puff herself up when she realized Adora could pet Catra, however carefully.
⦁ Scorpia’s pillow said “Not to spoil the ending, but everything is going to be ok” which just irritated Catra every time she saw it, so she hid it. She can’t throw it out because Scorpia’s moms are the ones who got it, but she can do her damnedest to never see it again. It mysteriously reappears when Scorpia is moving out so she can take the dumb thing with her.
⦁ Like every chapter I had a scene that I was like “this is the most fun to write, I love this so much” (which like… really awesome from a writing perspective!) and the cuddling scene was that one for this chapter. I thought it was going to be the phone call, but Adora’s determination to cuddle, her diagram, and Catra’s fluster were just so fun to work with.
Chapter 7:
⦁ Mara calls her loved ones dear because Razz always called her dearie.
⦁ Mara and Adora went all-in on the driving thing because they know Catra well and knows she needs an excuse, or at least an extra push, whenever it comes to emotional stuff like coming home.
⦁ Originally the phone calls were outlined to be one singular phone call, with Catra eventually getting comfortable enough to turn on the video as the call went on, but spreading it out made a little more sense. In the version where it was all one call, though, Catra admitted that she didn’t want them to see her face paralyzed and Adora asked Mara to tell Catra that she didn’t care about her ear. Another reason I cut it is because I decided Catra wasn’t self-conscious about that aspect of her injury.
⦁ Entrapta is thorough. There were two-three months there were she was tracking and timing just about every single thing Catra did inside the apartment. She had monitoring devices she didn’t realize her roommates would want to know about because it just seemed more effective to her than following Catra around all day. Her presence would have skewed the experiment. It’s creepy, but it all came from a place of love and wanting to build a better understanding of what could be effecting Catra’s situation.
⦁ The restraint it took for me to not make a joke about Entrapta knowing when Catra… “takes time for herself” was immense but I kept reminding myself it was a T fic.
⦁ “I was there two months ago” Ha, yeah, this is set in December and… The anniversary……. Adora needed to be home. Her moms are the only ones who can really comfort her when she’s like that.
⦁ Mara really wanted a kid, and Hope did too but less so, and she had a lot more Concerns about it. When they started looking into adoption and found a kid who was human (so Hope was confident they were informed on taking care of her) and had been an orphan for ten years, Mara couldn’t stand to leave her there. They hadn’t really been intending on getting an older kid (I mean, ten is not old, but in Hope’s head they were looking for a baby because typically you Acquire Child at babyhood so that must be how it works) but Adora being older was another thing that made Hope go okay, we can do this (she’s also, to be quite honest, not a fan of babies or very small children). What that meant in the end though was that Mara, in her older twenties, had much less of an age gap with Adora then would be typical. Hope is like six years older and so her age gap with Adora is less noticeably off.
I think it’s a faceblind thing, but I’m absolutely awful with ages. You could tell me Mara is supposed to be early 20s or late 30s and I would have no choice believe you. Regardless, I roughly place Mara somewhere around the 20-30 mark in the show and as having a more “big sister”-like relationship with Adora, so that’s how things got set up in this AU.
⦁ It’s “Bow’s” senior year because Glimmer is a year younger and Adora’s college education was kind of weird so she doesn’t really consider herself as having anything but a freshmen year. Maybe sophmore.
Chapter 8:
⦁ Catra has two bags while Adora has one for two reasons: 1) Adora still has some stuff at home and doesn’t need to bring as much, and 2) Catra’s second bag was mostly dedicated to her adaptive devices and hybrid shit since she knew she might need them for any stuff Adora wanted to do and she couldn’t borrow the shampoo already at the house.
⦁ Perfuma’s nature hike actually originated in this chapter and then I added it in to chapter 6 since I was far enough ahead in writing to do that. Before that the vibe was just “Well obviously Scorpia got Adora’s number from Perfuma at some point,” but this gave a more solid throughline on that. Their interaction at the nature hike is also what led to Scorpia starting to turn around on Adora until she tested her with the phone call.
⦁ The “look” that passed over Adora’s face when Catra joked that she didn’t remember getting tangled in the ribbon was her briefly worrying that Catra actually didn’t remember due to her supposed memory issues following the fall.
⦁ The school where Catra fell is loosely based on the random high school I took my SATs at, where it was actually four buildings with a courtyard and a quad between the buildings and various sports fields. Adora was walking on one of the paths circling one of the buildings when she saw Catra fall from the roof of another.
⦁ Adora mentions hospitals plural because she checked every single one it was even semi-plausible for Catra to be taken to, though there was only one that made sense since it was more than twenty minutes closer than the next one.
⦁ Adora has her childhood twin bed at home and at the apartment Catra has a double bed to give her enough room to comfortably position her arm without worry. It also helps when she does have a nightmare bad enough for her to move around, and when she’s having a day where her fear of falling is intense. She can tuck into the corner between the bed and the wall and know there’s no way she’s going over the edge.
⦁ This fic was supposed to be set nebulously in the fall until I had the Winterfest ideas and lined everything up to make it happen. It still worked out with it starting literally right after Catra’s birthday, but I went back and edited in a line referring to it later so it would build the time of year out better before it got to the Winterfest stuff. Of course, that only matters if you reread chapter 2 after I did it or started reading the fic later on, but it’s there for rereads, at least. It’s one of those unique things about fanfic and how you (typically) post it as you write it, which doesn’t allow for much in the way of second drafts. I really like that about fanfic because of how it forces you to work the limitation (and also I hate rewriting), but I always have more ideas while I’m writing so sometimes it can get in the way of something good.
⦁ The original title of this fic was “As Many Lives As It Takes (To Be With You Again)” but at some point between creating the document and posting the “Again” got dropped. This isn’t relevant to chapter 8, I just happened to notice it while typing the notes for it.
Chapter 9:
⦁ There was a lot more stuff about Catra learning to drive in this chapter initially, but I wasn’t happy with it and found I was skipping right past it when I was trying to reread/edit what was going on in the chapter, so for the final version I cut it. Some things though: Catra’s entire first day of driving didn’t even involve leaving park, it was mostly spent on figuring out how to manage her arm (in the end, putting it in the arm brace was the best way to keep it still and out of the way, even though that was difficult with Adora helping her instead of Entrapta) and stuff like hitting the turn signal with her pinky while turning the wheel. The first day where they actually drove in the street Adora came along — just for fun and not in case you have a panic attack, promise! — but was sworn to being silent in the backseat. That lasted until Mara said Catra was learning faster than Adora did.
⦁ Adora’s not a bad driver, she’s just an anxious one, partially due to Catra’s accident making her all too aware of the dangers. She spent high school watching Catra deal with her paralysis which supposedly came from the car accident, after all, so she tends to be a meek driver.
⦁ When Catra sees things she wasn’t able to IRL in her dreams, like when she sees parts of the incidents that she was actually dead/unconscious for… sometimes that’s accurate. And that’s all I’ll say.
⦁ The dent stuff… with the bumper… might or might not have been inspired by the movie Underdog……… It’s a very comedic origin for something that is so traumatic in the fic but like. I saw that movie as a kid and never forgot that part.
⦁ Entrapta 100% hacked the DMV and canceled someone else’s permit test so Catra could be fit in immediately, she just didn’t tell Catra that. Not that she’s hiding it, exactly, but volunteering that information? No.
⦁ Oh that phone call from Adora’s perspective. Adora basically didn’t know shit about what they did in the logs. She was horrified by what Catra described, but also a little confused, and maybe even put out. Catra had never told her even half the details it was clear Entrapta knew off the top of her head, and she made it sound like it was all very clear and she remembered every second of what she was awake for. Which, well, she did. Because her body was totally fine. Adora was ruffled by Entrapta’s “bedside manner”, and then she heard the hacking stuff which had her like, wait, what? because Catra had mentioned Entrapta was a professional white hat hacker before (sometimes. Sometimes black hat. Sometimes she does other stuff and invents a new programming language) but the whole “instantly pulling up results from the DMV thing” threw her. She was very attentive when Entrapta was running diagnostics and stuff because she didn’t know about things like Catra still being able to slightly twitch her fingers or shoulder sometimes.
⦁ Catra specifies not mocking Scorpia during romcoms because there is no way, ever, no matter what she owes, that she won’t make fun of the dumb romance movie stuff that happens, especially het nonsense when that applies.
⦁ Catra’s fosters did get her “Winterfest gifts” but they were things like clothes and school supplies she would need anyway, just maybe a little nicer or at least less generic than usual.
⦁ Time to talk about what everybody thought happened to Catra! Obviously, people at school decided Catra had died within the first few weeks. At that time, Adora decided Catra must be in a coma or suffering memory loss, maybe awake but not lucid. She thought Catra’s condition being unstable might be why no one would talk to her, but she told herself she couldn’t be dead because then they would just say that. The longer it went with everyone remaining tight-lipped, however, the worse things Adora began to believe. About a year in, she came to “accept” that Catra was dead — outright, or brain dead even if her body was still breathing. Mara and Hope also didn’t know why anyone would “cover up” what was supposedly a very public suicide, so they also believed Catra “survived,” but knowing how far she fell and how bad it must have been, they knew pretty much right away she was likely to be brain dead or not remember anything. They didn’t really ever say what they thought, though, mostly focusing on comforting Adora when she went through disaster scenarios and occasionally reluctantly admitting which they thought was most likely when she got too frantic to be calmed by anything but an answer. Each member of the trio had a different opinion (each of which was an option that everyone else had considered individually): Kyle believed Catra was severely injured and sent away to a rehab facility to recover and perhaps help her overcome her “suicidal tendencies” but was basically cut off from them by the system, Rogelio believed she was in a coma and if she ever woke suffered memory loss (explaining why she never contacted them), and Lonnie thought that she was straight up brain dead before they eventually pulled the plug. Catra’s foster parents, knowing she had run from the hospital, thought she was dead in a ditch somewhere and after a few months decided they were just never informed when she was found.
⦁ Yes it’s late for chestnut season. No I do not care. Chestnut season is a few weeks later in Etheria, okay.
⦁ Both Mara and Hope cook usually, but around holidays Mara takes charge and it’s family recipes 24/7. Mara probably would have baked a pie for the final day of Winterfest anyway, but it wouldn’t have been that one. That one is the most special.
Chapter 10:
⦁ Even if Catra didn’t need her hand for the VR game, Bow’s headset wouldn’t have fit over her ears. There are headsets that would work, just not the one Bow built. It wasn’t a concern for him at the time.
⦁ Glimmer is terrified of horror games for herself, but she seems to forget that literally every time and is always really excited to play, just remembering the adrenaline rush and thinking this time she’ll redeem herself and be totally cool and composed.
⦁ The horror game was going to be the latest Resident Evil DLC (for the Village? I think? Or like the sequel?) but then I was like damn. I don’t know if that’s in VR. But it was literally the only horror game I could think of at the moment despite liking (let’s plays) of them, so I kind of co-opted and mangled the mom-mannequin-dolls section of that.
⦁ The Star siblings were actually at the barbecue in my first draft but it made the scene too crowded when half the attendees already didn’t have speaking roles.
⦁ I kept trying to figure out where to fit in Adora’s school shit and it just never didn’t slow the scene down. I’m not sure it doesn’t here, either, but somewhere in the fic proper I wanted to mention why Adora and Catra never bumped into each other on campus. I had already decided Adora’s school worked out this way before I decided on Catra’s job, but that just made it relevant. Basically, Adora came to Bright Moon intending to get a four year degree and then go into nursing. Mara and Hope were supportive, but a little insistent she go to a four-year instead of a community college for nursing because then she could explore more. They just didn’t want her to fall too into the martyr shit without them there as a support system, but Adora thought they were lowkey hoping she’d change her mind and decide to become a doctor instead of “just” a nurse. Adora was roommates with Glimmer freshmen year and met a few of their eventual friend group there, which she always says made it all worth it, but university was a disaster for her. She would have rather drop dead from exhaustion than drop out, but that was looking increasingly likely as her mental health combined with ADHD to make her a disaster. Her grades weren’t good, she spent time crying in the study rooms at the library, it was a mess. Eventually Glimmer called Mara to make sure she knew just how bad it was for Adora since she knew by then she would play it down. They’d only been friends for a few months and she was definitely overstepping, but Adora’s moms made her talk it out and they decided she would transfer to Bright Moon’s community college, where she could take one less class a semester and graduate with what she needed after only three years of school overall. Adora still kind of felt like a failure, but Glimmer just happened to decide at the same time that the dorms were insufferable and hey, we know we make good roommates already, why don’t we get an apartment between our campuses together? And living with Glimmer meant seeing Bow a lot too, so Adora didn’t have to “lose” the two good friends she had made at uni so far when she left (something she was really worried about). Glimmer and Bow wouldn’t let her hide in a shame corner over “not being cut out for it” either so she still saw their other friends from campus and even made more via mutual friends, eventually ending up with their current friend group, the exceptions being the Star Siblings (from community college), Frosta (from across the streets), and Netossa/Spinnerella (from work, Adora met Netossa during the course of her med studies).
⦁ Adora spent like an hour agonizing over her outfit and asking Glimmer for help, insisting it was just because she wanted to look nice for her birthday and not because she was thinking of putting the moves on someone or wanted to impress them. She undid the top two buttons, and then Glimmer undid two more and called it perfect.
⦁ Hey, guess what, this chapter was supposed to cover twice as much as it did (shocker) and then they took too long making out (shocker) ¯_(ツ)_/¯ This is where I had to update the chapter count AGAIN and when I did that I went back and filled out the scene during the party, which was only written in summary until that point, because apparently I had the fucking room for it in that chapter since the real confession clearly wasn’t happening.
Chapter 11:
⦁ Entrapta is playing Monster Hunter in the first scene, because I’ve had single monster fights last 40 fucking minutes in that game before. I was actually going to make it vaguely be like, a Souls game or something, but then I was like no, Monster Hunter is more her speed, leading to the jokes about how long the fight is.
⦁ Catra’s arm pain is both psychological and magic. Obviously the mechanics of how it hurts without her having any feeling are magic, but the pain comes from her mental state. The more comfortable she is with someone’s touch and the more she trusts them, the less it hurts. It also ties to her general emotional turmoil, which is why it’s still bad when she remembers stressful things, when waking up from a nightmare, etc and why it caused her such pain that first moment Adora touched her.
⦁ Tapetum lucidum is the thing that makes cats eyes glow in the dark (among other creatures) when hit correctly with light. Melog’s was not being hit correctly with light. I refuse to explain Melog.
⦁ The start of Catra’s speech was once the start of the fic, but instead of her telling it to someone, it was just the narration (“It all starts when Catra is eleven and decides to run away to find Adora, but she doesn’t understand it until later. Actually, she never understands it, but the first death she could pretend was a fluke.”). When I had this idea, I started just kind of writing with the idea of well, let me do a few paragraphs on each death and see how I feel about that. I had a few false starts, and then I wrote that beginning bit of Catra’s speech, and then it cut to a new scene to talk about the car. That paragraph ended up being heavily edited down and used in the scene in chapter 9 where she talks about the nightmare. I decided to change direction on that because 1) it wasn’t good, 2) it was wallowing, and 3) I wasn’t actually intending to start the fic that way anyway, it was just so much in its infancy that I was testing some stuff out to see what the backstory was and where I wanted to take it. Because of that false start, though, I then had trouble tracking what had been revealed/implied throughout the fic when it came to the later-revealed deaths and their fallout.
Chapter 12:
⦁ Adora lowkey moved in on a temporary basis, she just needed to be around Catra very badly between the new couple and “died four times” things. She did end up going back to (mostly) sleeping at her place and Glimmer and Bow were very insistent on them spending time together too when she relaxed again.
⦁ I didn’t want to do anything above a T rating with this fic, really, but I did kind of want to make allusions to other ways disability can effect intimacy, hence the allusions to Catra needing toy assistance since her left hand just can’t manage it and her insecurities about “contributing” when it’s time.
⦁ Catra’s ability was so unbelievable and confusing that it wasn’t the kind of thing Adora could just instantly accept as fact and help her work through, so a “trailing” ending was necessary to show Adora coming to that place of total belief with time, and trying hard to support Catra while she did so. And of course I wanted them to get time being totally honest with each other. I had a lot of the ideas for the Scorpia stuff and such that I thought would just be in the “epilogue” part of the fic notes, but then I went no, you know what, this is Important to how I envision the end here, so I made it an actual part of the fic, similarly to how I did the third fic in the Greys/Waiting For My Spaceship To Come Back For Me series. Why am I mentioning that here? Because all of the epilogue stuff was supposed to be part of chapter 12 too and then of course that didn’t work out. And I had to update the chapter count. Again.
⦁ It was really important to me that Catra’s disability didn’t magically get better. The only thing that changed was it caused her less pain, and even that is person-dependent. Her muscle response gets slightly better — sometimes — but that isn’t enough to hold a pen or be useful. There are temporary disabilities, of course, but that wasn’t the kind I was trying to show here and a disability doesn’t have to “go away” to get a happy ending. Catra’s happy ending was finding peace and love despite the things that haunt her, and she can have all that while still being disabled, she can just get hugs from at least one person now. The original outline had a point where Catra began kneading with both hands while cuddling with Adora around when she told her the truth, but I decided that was too much of a miraculous recovery. Even the sudden squeezing of the ball was something I was iffy on, but that was truly a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so I kept it and portrayed it as such, editing the kneading thing down to just twitching, because I did think it was cute.
Chapter 13:
⦁ I know I’ve talked a lot about how this fic ballooned, but I haven’t had fun on a project like I did this one, and Hurricane Adora, and the other smaller fics I’ve done recently, in a long time. Let Me Ride too, to a lesser degree, but I haven’t really had a project just flow out and build like this in the last year. The big difference on those last two was I just… did what I wanted. Which I know sounds obvious, but I didn’t sit and try to plot out okay, what is the whole arc for this fic going to be, what do I need to get done to get there. I did that a decent amount of Let Me Ride, which is why it’s a halfway fic here (and look at that, written slower than the others), but for these two I went well, they’re short fics, I don’t need to worry about that stuff and I can just let loose. And then neither ended up anywhere near where I thought they would, and I had an absolute blast. It’s hard to describe, but I just had a lot of fun and felt very liberated with my fics recently. I think I was treating them too much like novels, if that makes sense, and honestly the word count speaks for itself. I wrote less in November AND December combined than I did in January alone (working on LMR + oneshots), and that’s half as much as I’ve written for March alone (February being closer to March’s word count). I had my 4th highest ever word count day (since I started recording them in 2021) on this project at over 8k (for those curious, my highest ever was 12k the day I pumped out most of MNoHL in one sitting). Anyway, it ran away from me, but I was more than happy to go along on the ride, even if the fic notes alone are 7k.
Adora Interludes:
So, this fic was entirely from Catra’s perspective. Which was for three reasons: 1) Adora’s POV has no place in the first two chapters so at that point I was pretty committed, 2) she’s the most interesting POV by far for this fic, and 3) I thought this fic would be short. I don’t normally do long fics from just one character’s perspective, and you’re about to see why, but I thought it was only going to be 20k which was a fine amount for one POV. The longest fic I’ve done from one perspective before this was ASDLM, depending how you want to count it, and even then I included five fucking interludes of Adora’s POV. I don’t usually use one character POV since I find it interesting to go back and forth, but also, it’s so hard to stick to one POV. The reunion happened and I wanted to write Adora talking to Glimbow that night! Catra has her panic attack and I want to write out what Adora is thinking! But it doesn’t fit with the fic. So sometimes I did it anyway. None of these were fully written and polished and were more just me tracking where Adora was at with the big stuff, but I wanted to at least talk about them a little and they didn’t fit anywhere else in the fic notes. I just played it out in my head, sometimes, but I ended up writing down some rough scene outlines with intersperses of actual writing for:
Adora telling Glimmer and Bow everything Catra told her the night after she leaves. Glimmer starts off a little unsure of if they should be mad at Catra or not for never telling Adora she was alive, but eventually she “accepts” it (though she remains cautious of Catra for a few weeks).
Adora’s next call with her therapist, dumping the story onto her and talking a little about the guilt thing.
I don’t think I ever wrote anything down for the convo Adora had with her parents where she told them the story, but I sure thought about it a fucking lot.
Adora having a conversation with Hope over the break, while Catra and Mara are out driving. I would go into more detail, but there was a line that was originally drafted in a previous scene with Adora and Catra that didn’t end up happening, and then I put it in this scene that also wasn’t “real,” so…. At this point I’m just fucking sharing it. Because why not. The scene will be up tomorrow as a fic extra and linked in the meta section. Note that it is a detailed outline and NOT real writing, but I like it and can’t imagine just deleting it once this fic is done, so I’ll just post it here for anyone interested.
Original Outline:
I talked so much shit about the chapter count for this fic and it came back to haunt me. Here’s the thing: my initial chapter count wasn’t that wrong, which I know sounds insane when it was only like 5, but the contents for the fic I was imagining then did take up about 5 chapters. The intro, getting to the party, reintroduction, getting to know each other again, and then getting comfortable and confession.
The first two of those went exactly as I pictured. While I was writing chapter 3, though, the reintroduction went on longer than I imagined just because there was a lot to cover to do it right and it ended up taking up an entire chapter. Around then I started getting so many more ideas for the story. Initially it was supposed to be like, a nightmare/death per chapter, but then I started thinking about Adora telling her parents, and Catra going back home to visit them, and around then was when I accepted the vision for the fic expanded and bumped it to eight-ish with the vision that the visit would take two of those chapters roughly and another chapter would be fitted in for more bonding/growing closer before the confession.
Then I sat down and actually started doing my, like, one sentence outlines for scenes ([phone convo with Mara, rejects facetime], [entrapta/netossa collab], etc) and realized ohhhhh god this is more than three additional chapters worth of material. And maybe I always suspected that, because when I added more chapter headings to the document, I bumped it up to ten rather than eight. I had a detailed outline up to chapter nine, and by the time I was actually writing that far I was like this is going to be fucking eleven chapters isn’t it… but I was still unsure where it was going to fall in the 10-12 range. The epilogue was, once again, an addition, though a necessary one in my opinion, but those ideas weren’t part of the 10-12 chapter estimate.
I didn’t really have a strong vision for how the end was going to go until I got there, so the only thing about the final part of the fic that is different from the “original outline” is the remote log during the visit home (initially that was supposed to happen in person on a night when Adora slept over after they got back, but that just made less sense) and how they ran into the trio. My very initial idea for that was them driving (Catra driving, Adora teaching her, probably later on in the trip when maybe it isn’t all on Mara) and they drive past the trio walking on the sidewalk of a neighborhood and Catra nearly has a panic attack. Adora steers her through parking on the side of the road (ahead of where the trio are walking) and Catra gets ahold of herself as Adora glances back through the back window to see the trio eyeing the car, because they just saw it park a little erratically, and then they realize Adora is in the car. They can just barely see eartips around the headrest for Catra but can’t make much out.
They then watch Adora get out, wave to them sheepishly, make a motion for them to stay where they are, and then she walks around to the street side and opens up the backseat to get out the sling. This was before I had thought about anything and realized the arm brace was probably the best call for driving. Adora then opens Catra’s door, helps her put on the sling while still sitting in the driver’s seat, and holds her hand to help pull her to her feet out of the car, finally letting them see her. This made the conversation more of Catra’s choice, but when I pictured the whole exchange on the sidewalk, I had no intention of it actually being part of the fic. At that point, I hadn’t even decided if the Winterfest stuff was going to be part of it. But once I started writing that stuff, I decided the trio had to be in it too and switched it around to a run-in that made a little more sense and actually furthered Catra’s progression.
Interlude: Three Years Ago
Fic Extra #2: Adora’s Interlude: A Conversation with Hope
Fic Extra #3: Timeline
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I had a plan for what fic was going to be next. Then another fic idea solidified and it was going to be that one. Then I had a new, but also returning, idea. What I’m saying is, I’m indecisive, but for the last month one AU in particular has been calling, and it’s honestly shocking I haven’t done it yet because I’m me and it's, well…
Up next is Superzero.
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cherrytea556 · 2 years
She ra is an overhyped mess
I do not get how it was praised so much and was apparently the point were she ra got popular or at least had its popularity grow because there was just so much wrong in s5
The characters are either acting out of character, wasted, used for shipping, have no character development or just badly written
The only characters that i can think of that was well written and not wasted was shadow weaver, angella, mara and lighthope. Mara, angella and lighthope story was already finished so they wouldnt be affected by s5's writing. With shadow weaver, they have her still be a villain which she was great at so that's good at least. But that couldnt be said for the other characters because there stories either was brushed off to never be focused on again, badly written or there was just never a story to begin with.
The tonal issues they have in the later episodes of s5 even though were suppose to take this series seriously. She ra always have tonal issues like with princess prom and those episodes in s4 but it hasnt changed in s5 like in perls of peekablue, their acting like its a fun party when its not and taking control has a sideplot of the rebellion gang going to a party like dont you guys have war rn?
Theres this plothole of grayskull because how its explained in return of the frightzone makes no sense, although maybe im wrong, its coming from memory
How they do redemption with catra and hordax-do i even need to explain further? Like both are shit, catra and hordax didnt change in the end. Hordax may be a worse case because some people say that he wasnt even meant to be redeemed but have an arc about finding himself and acceptance which if thats the intent, why tf would you pick the colonizer that took and brainwash children into harming innocent people? Wheres the thought process in that?
And the romance....look im not big on romances, in fact, i dislike romance but even if i like romance, i wouldnt like most of the she ra endgames writing. Catradora is still toxic as catra didnt change and dismisses all that pain she put adora through for 3 years straight. Spinnetossa was okay because they already were togather but it has a questionable moment to say the least and the closure of their arc in s5 is just poorly worded. Seamista barely has any development for their romance to work plus both wouldnt even be that healthy anyway, seahawk disrespects mermistas boundaries and mermista avoids him and is openly irritated by him so them being canon without much development from the two is really jarring and tbh, kinda ick to me. Now as much as i love glimbow and scorfuma, both weren't so well written, glimbow came out of no where while scorfuma only got a bit of development. Doesnt help that theres no slight indication of them being a couple unlike the rest of the ships so it also kind of came out of nowhere for it to be endgame. The only ship that worked was entrapdak because its healthy, their relationship developed and it doesnt even need to show us a big love confession or something because we as the audience can understand that they are in love so it makes sense for them being canon.
Oh and i forgot horde primes plans make less sense overtime, she ra learnt her new powers way too quickly, catra was forgiven way too quickly, the abliesm in launch was handled terribly, catradora is getting worse than i thought it was and all in all was a dumpter fire that for some reason got a golden platter by critics and fans in 2020
Sorry for the rambling, i still dont get how people call she ra almost perfect when s5 proves otherwise and no one in that time era besides those small creators on youtube mentions its obvious flaws. The whole thing makes me face palm
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brightmoonprincess · 2 years
if ur still doing fic prompts, can u do ❛ you feel like home to me.❜ for Glimbow? ty!
sorry this took a bit!!
Space fucking sucks.
It reminds Glimmer of the first time she saw snow, when he went on a trip with her mother to the Kingdom of Snows to celebrate the birth of their first princess. Everything looked like it was coated in a fluffy white blanket. It was beautiful and mesmerizing, just another testament to how magical Etheria naturally is.
At least, it was all that for the first two days. A bruise on her thigh and pair of ruined shoes later, Glimmer thought it was a total pain in the ass.
And she feels similarly about space. The stars that now dot the new night sky are nothing short of extraordinary, and the new planets they explore are full of fascinating new discoveries, no doubt– But it does get old.
Space is cold. Colder than the worst storm Frosta could conjure, the kind of cold that creeps into your bones and makes you forget what warmth even felt like. And it’s quiet. Too quiet. Even in the most isolated place in Etheria, you can still hear the breeze, the echo of your own breath. In space? Nothing.
It’s unsettling. It’s creepy and stressful and sometimes she hates that she has to go on these diplomatic trips. Hi! I’m Glimmer! I’m from the planet that saved the universe, nice to meet you! Let’s keep the universe peaceful together, ok? Yay! Can I go home now?
Still, at least she has Bow. Sweet, lovely, precious Bow. He somehow seems less affected by the harsh conditions of space than she is. He still awes over everything, constantly taking measurements of celestial objects in the distance, his excitement bubbly and childlike. She loves him for it, but sometimes she’s a little jealous.
Usually when she retreats to their room in the spaceship, he’s elsewhere, tinkering with something or another. This time when she does, though, he’s sitting in bed, reading something off of a trackpad.
“Hey!” Bow greets her when she comes in, but Glimmer doesn’t say a word as she joins him on the bed. She lets out a soft whine and nuzzles his shoulder, and he gets the message.
He smiles softly and sets the trackpad aside, and she settles into his welcoming embrace. 
She rolls onto her side, rests her head against the crook of his neck. It’s been days since they’ve been on this trip, but he still smells like home. It reminds her of the bark of the cone-bearing trees in Whispering Woods, sweet and crisp and pleasant, and it helps her chest to unclench a bit.
“It’s just two more days,” he reminds her. “Much shorter than the last trip.”
Glimmer groans. “Let’s take a break after this one.”
“That’s a good idea.”
Bow has both arms wrapped tightly around her, while his fingers comb through her hair. She wishes she could stay in this warmth forever. They’re silent for a few minutes while she takes time to just be still. Her breath slows, and her mind stops whispering irrationalities at her. She didn’t even realize how much stress her body had accumulated until it began melting away. 
After she feels more relaxed, Glimmer shifts back so that she can look at Bow’s face. She smiles at him and reaches her hand up towards it. She traces a finger along his eyebrow, his jaw, his lips, half admiring him and half appreciating that he’s there with her.
“Do you not get homesick, too?” she asks him.
“I do,” he admits, and she’s actually surprised to hear that.
“Really? I thought you loved all this cool new space stuff.”
Bow shrugs. “I do, but there's no where out here that’s quite like Etheria.”
She nods in agreement. Being magically linked to the planet probably also has something to do with it, for her at least. Exploring the universe really has made her appreciate her home planet more, though.
“Buuut if you’re around, I can never really be homesick,” he tells her. He bumps his forehead against her. “You feel like home to me.”
Glimmer giggles, her cheeks are tinted pink, and playfully rolls her eyes at him. “That’s sooo cheesy.”
She then presses a clumsy kiss onto his lips, and he smiles into it.
“It’s true,” he insists, and she kisses him again.
She thinks that it’s true for her, too. Would Etheria feel like home if Bow wasn’t there? She doesn’t have to think about it to know the answer is no. “There’s also no one out here that’s quite like you,” she says back.
Bow laughs. “Good one. You’re the immortal, powerful, beautiful sorceress-queen here, not me.”
“Hmm, you’re right… I’m all that, and you still manage to be as amazing as you are? Unfair!”
He pulls her back in for another kiss, which she happily does over and over and over, all love and laughs and adoration for the other.
Maybe space isn’t that bad, she thinks. Nothing can be, if she has Bow around.
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 10 months
I know Entrapdak isn't your thing, nor Catradora, but I know one thing you enjoy: Glimbow! Lemme hear your take about them!
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I absolutely adore this ship - it was the first thing I ever shipped in the She-Ra fandom, with me honestly assuming they were already a couple at the start, based purely on their interactions in the first episode. It just gave off so many vibes of a guy sneaking around to visit his girlfriend, I couldn't help it. And none of their interactions in the next few episodes hurt the interpretation in the slightest, until we got to "Princess Prom" and they actually all but told us they weren't actually together, though even then it was only implicit via the reveal that Bow agreed to be someone else's "date" to the party.
So, yeah, I got hooked on these two from the start and my love only grew with each episode and all the times we saw them and got to learn more about their past together. Like, the fact that they were each other's only friend for a long time, potentially resulting in one of my favorite childhood friends to lovers tropes - them not realizing they fell in love at first because they just assume that's how friends make each other feel.
I just love them so much, and you have no idea how much I freaked out when I learned they actually became canon in the end, and even more when they got a forehead kiss as well as a confession. If you know me, you know I'm absolutely soft for forehead kisses.
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crest-codeagm · 1 year
First post and I'm here for the violence. This post will be short and about my gripes with She-ra.
So... Basically back in like 2019-2020 I was hanging out with my cousins who kept clowning on me for not having seen the show. I decided to binge the whole thing and that took maybe 2 days of consistent watching and much attempted phone throwing to finish it. There were so many shitty characters, bad jokes, and stupid plot points that I wanted to just give up. Of course because I had already suffered through it once I went home and made my mother watch it with me again.
Catra is an irredeemable ass who I guess tried to do the Zuko redemption ark thing and fell flat on her face. Still by far one of my favorite characters though. Adora has one of the worst haircuts I have seen in a while and her being a dumbass who still falls in love with Catra despite Catra actually being the cause of one of her friend's parents deaths is insane. Glimmer. Never liked her and I never will. Bow deserved better than GLimmer he really did. Entrapta is big relatable. Scorpia deserved better friends. Hordak is just daddy issues. Shadow Weaver needed her weave snatched. And the rest of them are not important enough for me to remember! In short fuck em. Fuck most of these low iq assholes.
The relationships roll call!
Catradora is a toxic disaster that was not well written in the slightest.
Glimbow or whatever you wanna call it just shouldn’t have happened. They didn’t have nearly enough chemistry and Glimmer spent the large majority of the series being an immature ass. Bow should’ve just stayed single.
Spin lady and Net toss lady I don’t give two shits about, they barely got enough screen time for me to even remember they existed with the exception of season five(?).
Entrapdak idk Hordak got them severe anger issues, I don’t see them lasting long.
Mermista and Seahawk I prefer them separate just because Seahawk was just too pushy.
And all the other weird little relationships that were probably better that were hinted at or teased get an honorable mention as it is what it is.
That’s just the people related things that bothered me but I’ll probably never make another post about this godforsaken show.
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brainshera · 3 years
I love Glimmer👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 that's all
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mytohlogy · 4 years
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i’m suddenly scared of my feelings
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beanswrites · 2 years
The Shipping Challenge
saw this and wanted to give it a try :)
1. First Ship You Ever Shipped:
Rapunzel and Eugene
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Even though I had a lot of ships even when I was a kid, especially Disney ships, Rapunzel and Eugene (Or Flynn, whichever you like the best) were my favorite. I shipped them before I even knew what shipping was! The "You are my dream" broke me, and it still does. The notebook where I wrote fanfics about them when I was like 8 is probably still somewhere in my house- So yeah, love this two very much, still one of the best Disney ships!
2. First OTP Ship:
Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percabeth)
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Because of these two I literately found out what fandoms and shipping are. The second I read the first book they became my OTP, and I was so obsessed with them that I literately highlighted all of their cute moments. You can't even imagine the rage I felt towards Luke and Rachel, for trying to get these two away from each other when I was in the fifth grade. Yes, I still love them (I mean how could I not XD), and it's possible that I still write fanfics for this ship..
3. Current favourite ships:
Eijiro Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugo (Kiribaku)
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As soon as I started watching anime and MHA, their friendship was so cute to me, but come on people. It's so obvious it's much more than that! Ya'll know that I live for best friends to lovers especially when it's the sunshine gay and the grumpy gay! Plus, it's kinda hard to not ship them when they act like a married couple already-
Hajime Iwaizumi and Toruu Oikawa (Iwaoi)
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Iwaoi IS the best ship in Haikyuu and that is the hill I will die on. I love this dynamic so much, I genuinely think they are soulmates and that they belong together. As soon as I saw them I was like: "Yeah, okay, you two are getting married" And sureeee Oikawa does annoy Hajime sometimes but who the hell doesn't purposely annoy somebody they love?!
4. Your ship since the first minute:
Bow and Glimmer (Glimbow)
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Oh what a surprise, another best friends to lovers-
I loved this ship since the first time I saw them on screen, they are just perfect. I mean they are both bisexual icons, and two of my favorite characters, so it HAD to happen! After long five season this ship is FINALLY CANNON OH MY GOD-
5. Ships you wish were canon:
Lance McClain and Keith Kogane (Klance)
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I will NEVER forgive the writers of Voltron for never making it cannon. THIS WAS THE BIGGEST SHIP IN THE ENTIRE SHOW AND THEY WASTED ALL THAT POTENTIAL-
I'm furious. The chemistry these two had was bigger than the entire success of this show! (No hate tho, I love Voltron, this just pisses me off)
Are we all just gonna sit here and pretend they weren't aren't 100% completely in love??
6. Ship that most of the fandom hates but you love:
PLEASE just hear me out-
Katsuki Bakugo and Ochako Uraraka (Kachako)
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Okay, yeah, this is probably one of the most hated ships in the MHA fandom, and I know that. To be fair, when I first saw this ship I pretty much gagged, because I couldn't imagine them together.
In the last couple of months I got kinda interested in this ship, and now I like it! It's definitely not the best ship in MHA, but it's not toxic and it has potential!
7. You don't even watch the show but you ship it:
Beast Boy and Raven (BBRae)
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Never gotten around to watching the OG Teen Titans (I know, I should!), but I started loving this ship from fanarts and fanfics. I did see some of their cute scenes from Teen Titans Go!, but I heard that the OG show is much better. Love them!
8. Ship you wish had a different storyline:
Riven and Musa
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The way this show broke my 12 year old heart when these two broke up should be illegal
Seriously, I feel like this ship had a great dynamic and a lot of potential, and it could have made it far (they COULD'VE gotten engaged like SkY aNd BlOoM, but nOOoOoO, it was better if they cut riven off completely). Unfortunately, they fought A LOT and their relationship was becoming all together toxic (like when he CHEATED on her) so that kinda ruined it. And then it even had the opportunity to redeem in the last season, but they ruined that too! It would have been better if they both worked thru their problems and talked to each other more
I cope with this with writing fanfics. Now that I think about it, fanfics are pretty much how I cope with EVERY ruined ship.
9. A ship where the characters have barely even met (or not at all):
Hiro Hamada and Miguel Rivera (Higuel)
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These two have never met, unfortunately, because Hero is from Big Hero 6 and Miguel is from Coco, but they fit so well-
It was confirmed that it's the same universe, so them meeting technically IS POSSIBLE. I feel like their personalities would work so well together, and Idk, they are just cute!
Okay, those would be my ships! There are honestly so many more I would love to put, but alas, this is the challenge. As you can clearly see, my favorite tropes vary from "enemies to lovers" to "best friends to lovers" and it's got me messed up.
Literately every time I ship someone the show/movie/book decides to feed it's fans with ANGST
But thats ok tho
We appreciate some good ol' angst here my fella's
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Fortuna's fanfics Master List
Looks like I unlocked the achievement of needing to have a fanfics master list, so here we go:
🐾 Miraculous Ladybug 🐞
Sacré-Coeur, 19h Jeudis: Established Ladynoir, no identities known. Fear of losing each other. A bit angsty, but also fluffy.
A Miraculous Christmas: Pre-reveal pre-relationship Adrinette Christmas fluff with light tones of angst. Secret Santa gift for my pal from the Gamma Squad :)
Ten Seconds to Midnight: Shadow Moth has won. Minutes before he destroys the world, still unaware of each other's identities, Marinette and Adrien bid farewell to their partner. Super heavy angst.
Dark Mantra: This one is even darker than Ten Seconds to Midnight. Adrien faces his dark thoughts (tw: suicidal thoughts) but it all ends kind of well. Read with caution.
Falling out of love with you: Maribug tries to get over Adrien for the sake of Paris. The one person she finds to help her through this is Chat Noir. Angst but also frustration of seeing the two blorbos help each other get over each other while falling more for each other in the process.
a lifetime of a second: Completing S5E4 Jubilation from Chat Noir's point of view. What happens after he is hit by the Jubilation magic. Ladynoir angst. Season 5 spoilers.
Hanging by a Thread: Marinette's POV of the Marichat events and near akumatisation in S5E9 Elation. Season 5 spoilers.
Mauve, Magenta, and Black: Me imagining what might happen where S5E22 left off. Ladynoir and love square schenanigans.
A Duty to Love: S5E10 Transmission fix-it where Marinette and Adrien think about their superhero partner before giving up on their miraculous and meet for one last time.
Waltzing in Squares: 2022 xmas and new year's fluff fic. Marinette, Adrien, Ladybug, Chat Noir are invited to the Christmas Charity Ball at Le Grand Paris. Identity schenanigans, infinite mutual pining, and lots of waltz ensue. Fairy tale dance tropes with a Miraculous twist. (on hiatus)
Miraculous Fanscripts (ongoing multipart)
This is where I try my hand at writing the full script of some fan-made episodes, set in season 4. It basically focuses on the Ladynoir tension and Marinette's Chat Blanc trauma, while ignoring other plotlines like Felix and Luka knows™️.
Like the real episodes, these can mostly be enjoyed independently, but it would be much more fun if you read them in order.
Dramaturge: a fangirl of the in-universe Ladybug and Chat Noir movie gets fed up with a cliffhanger and gets akumatised. Crack humour and Chat Blanc angst wrapped in one fic.
Skin Crawler: Alya is kidnapped by an akuma and LB and CN must save her asap because, well, as Chat learns, Alya knows LB's real identity. may or may not include a Miraculous renouncement
Hard Broken: Adrien is finally akumatised (they did it, they broke him, or did they?)
Collector 2.0: when Gabriel is akumatised (smh), Ladybug has no choice but to trust the Cat Miraculous to... Adrien Agreste. Oblivious Adrinette lovers, this one's especially for you.
Sound Biter: As Adrien learns that his father is none other than his nemesis, things start to get complicated in the Agreste household. Quality family angst, Adrienette being the best power duo, and Ladrien revelations, all in this episode. Did anyone say identity reveal?
Metamorphosis: FINALLY Ladynoir is back in the game, and they are stronger than ever (right?..). Marinette copes with learning that Chat Noir is Adrien, Adrien finds bliss in being able to be Chatdrien next to his Lady.
✨She-Ra and the Princesses of Power🔮
Yeah ok so, those were the days and I wrote some SPOP stuff. I don't do that anymore and I don't intend to pick it up any time soon. But I still quite like some stuff in there so I'd though I'd add them to the list, given that it is a Master list.
Adrift in Space and Time: Glimbow tensions and shipping after Glimmer's rescue, on the way back to Etheria. Filling the canon with my imagination type of thing.
Shipping the Prisoners: Post-Princess Prom, Glimbow's epic fight to escape the Horde. Scorpia POV. Again, me interpreting the missing scenes in the canon.
A Hand for Peace: Royal Medieval AU Glimbow.
For a Thousand Kisses: Post-war Glimbow discuss their relationship during a sunset beach walk.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Glimbow FWB / Cyrano college AU
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Lives In My Head Rent Free
So you know that Glimbow college AU I've set three random one-shots in but have never actually written a real fic for? (Something Amazing, “You’ve told your parents about me?”, & How I Know) Yeah, for some reason I think about that non-stop. And i have tried repeatedly to try to come up with a real plot for it to write it and nothing ever really adds up.
So there is a whole complicated beginning to this that I won't bother to explain but basically Glimmer is determined to play the field in college for the full college experience has a one night stand with a stranger (Bow), but through drunken confusion (and a costume) doesn't realize it's him. So when they meet again in different contexts (he is working the tech desk at the library and rescues her when she falls asleep and accidentally gets locked in), he recognizes her but she has no idea who he is. Through various misunderstandings, she becomes convinced that the guy she originally hooked up with is Bow's brother (if you're asking why not a canon character it's bc they are all busy in other roles I'm not telling you about for clarity's sake) so Bow reluctantly tries to help her get together with his brother Cyrano style even though he's in love with her until she finally figures out he's the guy she's been after.
Then they enter this weird place where they are hooking up and he's not sure if they are together or not for a while before Glimmer finally realizes she's being very silly (about wanting a casual relationship and not wanting to fall in love until she's out of college) and they start dating for real, the end.
Marketing author brain says this is a novella duology with the Cyrano part as part one and the FWB parts as part two but I just can't seem to plot it out that way.
Anyway, this story may not sound like much but i think about it constantly and if I could figure out how to write it I would have unleashed it on you already. Instead my brain just spits out random scenes as one shots so here we are.
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love-rats · 2 years
My mum and I just had a huge argument over Catradora. I know it sounds stupid, but bear with me. She's extremely homophobic, but we had a deal that she would watch She-ra with me, and she would tell me what she thinks after seeing good, healthy lesbian representation.
She loved the show - she said it made her think about a lot of things. One thing she didn't like, though, was Catradora. I thought I'd break down a few of her arguments for y'all.
They were better as friends, and sexualising their intense friendship trivializes it. - What does this even mean? First of all, no one is "sexualising" their friendship. They kissed. The end. It's a kid's show. Presumably she means making it into a romantic relationship. My argument here is that the relationship was clearly built up from the beginning to be romantic - so why shouldn't they kiss? Next, the word "trivializes" really doesn't sit right with me. I think what she means is "Catra and Adora being in love doesn't sit right with me because the show would be a lot deeper if they were best friends, rather than being motivated by romantic intentions". So what you mean to say is, Catra wouldn't have saved Adora's life if she didn't feel a need to get into Adora's pants? Between you and me, I think someone is trivializing the relationship here. And I don't think it's the show creators.
I didn't see it coming. - Dude, you're a homophobic woman. When two women look at each romantically, of course your brain is going to jump through hoops trying to justify it until your brain reaches some platonic conclusion. In all seriousness, though - you would've seen it coming if it was about a man and a woman. That was the way the show designed, specifically a romance between two women.
Glimmer and Bow's relationship was the natural progression. Catra and Adora's wasn't. - Again, you only saw it coming because it is a romantic relationship between a man and a woman. Catra and Adora's relationship was more heavily hinted that Glimbow. That's you being oblivious, and not the fault of the show creators.
There isn't enough representation of non-sexual female friendships like that in media. Sexualising it ruined it. - I think this one speaks for itself. There is clearly not enough lesbian media, but my mum just doesn't want to see it. Also, it is much more important as a love story between two women than it is as a story about friendship. Because as stupid as it sounds, representation is really important! Some kid is going to see Catra and Adora kissing on screen and think: "they're just like me. I'm not alone." - and that is so important.
Again with the trivializing argument - nothing is getting trivualized just because they are choosing to enter a romantic relationship. And why shouldn't they? It's the natural progression, because, surprise surprise, they are in love. But nothing has changed. Whether they stayed as best friends or kissed, their dynamic is still the same, and it is an incredibly touching one at that - and it is not the dynamic itself that my mum has a problem with. It is the fact that they chose to enter a romantic relationship. More specifically, the fact that two women freely chose to enter a relationship.
To conclude, I think these arguments mostly boil down to a severe case of homophobia, though she won't admit that. As I said earlier, she will jump through hoops to justify her homophobic reasoning, when in reality, it is just the lesbians she has a problem with. Tough shit.
Anyway, I just had to get this out of my system because I was actually quite upset about this. Sometimes I don't understand why straight people won't just let us have this show. Please.
(Thought I'd add on that she also went on a rant about how they'd probably break up later because Adora would want kids and they wouldn't be able to have kids, because surprise, they're gay. Therefore they will fall apart because of children. My mum is fucking wild.)
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aromanticchair · 3 years
Glimbow x Consent
Glimmer took so long to understand that her feelings for Bow were mutual mainly because he never acted on them. He never tried to kiss her, never cuddled her when they slept next to each other, never asked to hold hands, anything!
Which would have been fine if she didn't know that Bow's main love language was physical affection. He loved giving hugs and comforting others, no matter who it was, horde soldier or rebellion member. He was kind and seemed to have no boundaries for his own personal space, most of the time.
Glimmer, on the other hand, tried to act on her feelings, but she doesn't know how to show love in the normal way. For her, love is about freedom, quality time, that sort of thing. And she does that a lot with Bow already so it's not like she didn't try to tell him about her feelings. She was just afraid of being rejected and winding up alone, all over again.
And after the battle, when they were finally letting out all they had been thinking about each other, Bow asked "Can I kiss you?"
Glimmer was too flustered at the moment to think straight. Her thoughts were all on Bow, Bow's face, Bow's lips, Bow's hair, Bow's eyes, Bow's blushed cheek, Bow's lips. Oh, Bow's lips got her attention the most, and so, she whispered "Yes" back to him and they kissed.
Only after a few days did Glimmer start being weirded out by Bow. They kissed a lot. A lot. A lot a lot, like, making up for all the years they knew each other and didn't kiss.
And yet, before every kiss, every single kiss, Bow asked if he could kiss Glimmer. He didn't miss one chance to ask her permission, and while at first it seemed sweet it just got old. Boring. Glimmer wanted to be taken by surprise with a big kiss from behind, or in the middle of a conversation, perhaps in between meetings so she could feel some adrenaline.
But Bow wasn't like that. He always had to ask, taking away that element. So she tried to make it happen for herself.
Bow was making his bed when he saw her walk in and his face lit up "Hey, Glimmer! I didn't know you were up already."
Glimmer's hands suddenly got sweaty, and so did her forehead. Her knees were wobbly and she felt her heart thumping harder while she walked up to him. There was no reason to be nervous, he was her boyfriend after all. He loved her, she knew that.
It just felt weird taking the first step. Admitting you want affection, committing to that action with the likely reality that you could be turned down, or seen as needy. It was scary to show what you cared about enough to work for it and make it happen.
She got on her toes, nonetheless, and went to kiss Bow, closing her eyes shut, trying to get rid of the nerves going through her mind once and for all. If she did it quickly enough, she'd feel more comfortable, and then she could kiss him again and again and again.
But his lips never crashed into hers. Instead, his hands went up to her arms, a little above the elbow and slightly pushed her back onto her heels. Glimmer didn't understand what was happening, but it felt like her heart was fracturing in pieces, yet still tumping on her ribcage. She opened her eyes and saw Bow's face, equal parts flustered, worried, and confused. He was leaning back, leaning away from Glimmer. Her head spun with shame, and a little flame lit up inside of her.
"Glimmer, what was that? Are you ok?"
"Yes! Of course it is! I just wanted to kiss my boyfriend" Glimmer said, a little harshly while getting up on her tiptoes again.
Bow pushed her back once again "You seem upset. You walked in here with a serious face, barely smiled." he cocked his head to the side, raising one of his eyebrows.
Glimmer rolled her eyes "It's nothing, I just wanted to kiss you" her voice was steady, her eyes were determined, but her cheeks were heavily blushed and burning hot. Her face was probably the same shade of pink of her hair right there and then.
Bow laughed "Well, if that's all you wanted you could've just asked."
You could've just asked.
Glimmer's inner fire went out of control "But what if I don't want to ask?!"
Bow's hands shot away from her arms and his light aura changed to a worried one. It seemed like his natural state, always worrying about others.
"What do you mean?"
"I just wanted to surprise you with a kiss! I don't need to ask everytime if I can kiss you just like you don't have to ask me! We're boyfriend and girlfriend, that's part of being in a relationship!"
"But what's wrong with having consent?"
Glimmer groaned "Sometimes, it's sweet. Other times I just want to be surprised, ok? And asking if I want it ruins that."
Bow furrowed his eyebrows "I'm not going to stop asking for consent, Glimmer. Just because we're dating doesn't mean we're entitled to each other. Just because I'm your boyfriend doesn't mean I get to kiss you whenever I want. It's when we both want it."
"Yes I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to say I was entitled to your kisses or anything but- I always want to kiss you, so just stop asking."
Bow glared at her "I'm not sure."
Glimmer was a step away from him and still felt far from him, she didn't understand how he was thinking, which was crazy because she knew him for so long she practically lived inside his mind. She knew how he worked, thought, and acted. But this was destroying her thought process, so she just stayed quiet, awkwardly rubbing her elbow.
"I have that meeting in a few minutes, I guess... I guess I'm gonna go."
Bow looked at her with sympathy "Have a good meeting" and went right back to making his bed.
Glimmer's meeting was not exactly a meeting. It was more of a therapy session thing. Adora and Bow insisted she started attending those after all that had happened, since Angela died and her dad came back. She tried to act happy and upbeat like before but sometimes she couldn't. It weighed her down, and filled her with nothingness. Yes, she had her friends to support her, but it would never replace her mother.
Some sessions were harder than others. And this one was harsh. She left the room trying to hold it all in, thanking the therapist for their time and going back to her room so she could cry, hug her pillow and go to sleep.
She opened her door and Bow was sitting on the edge of her bed. He looked up, saying immediately "I've been thinking about what you said and... Oh." he looked at her face, with her red shot eyes and trembling lips "That bad?"
"Bow, not right now, I just want to be in bed." her voice cracked and Bow's throat went dry as he stood up. He couldn't stand to see other people cry, much less Glimmer.
"Can I give you a hug?"
"No, Bow, I just want to lie down!"
He looked more pained than hurt by her words "Is there anything you want me to do?"
"No!" she screamed out. He stared at her and then started walking towards the door and her mind started racing.
She didn't want Bow to hold her, she couldn't stand it when people touched her when she was in that state. She needed to feel like she was in control of her surroundings and herself. Being touched felt incredibly offsetting and confusing, and she didn't need that then. But she did need Bow.
"Wait. Don't leave." she didn't think he'd just leave the room. Just because she said she didn't want to hug him.
"Do you want me to stay here by your side?"
"But I can't hug you."
"Kiss you?"
"Hold your hand?"
Glimmer hesitated. She remembered how her father would hold her hand when she was little and was going through anxiety attacks. How her mother did it after Micah disappeared. Even though touch felt wrong to her in that situation, somehow, someone holding her hand always felt like an anchor to reality. So, she said "Yes."
They said nothing more as Glimmer got in her bed and was covered by the comforter by her loving partner. She held her hand out across the mattress where Bow layed down on, facing the ceiling so Glimmer didn't feel pressured by his eyes on her. He held her hand on his chest, and she felt it in her hand his steady heartbeat and rising and falling chest.
She started to weep, gripping Bow's shirt tightly. She tried to calm down but her thoughts were running through her head so fast she couldn't stop them. So her tears just kept coming out.
Bow looked at her, worried, and reached a hand for her shoulder, slowly pulling her against him. He was trying to hold her, but that was too much touching, too much for the already overloaded system that was Glimmer's body and mind. She shook against it and whispered "No."
Bow let go of her and sighed, still holding onto her hand. So that's what they did for the next half hour. Glimmer cried and Bow cradled her hand in his chest.
After a while, she started to calm down. Her eyes and nose were red, but she could finally breathe easily without thoughts intruding into her mind with no control. She started to get up, slipping her sweaty hand away from Bow as she settled against the head of the bed, crossing her legs and hanging her head down. Bow sat crossed-leg too, in front of her.
"I'm sorr-"
They tried to speak at the same time and chuckled. Glimmer nodded her head for him to go first and he exhaled loudly.
"I'm sorry, for trying to hug you in bed after you said no. Sometimes I don't know what you need, and I don't want to do something wrong, so that's why I usually ask. But you were so keen on me surprising you and not asking so I thought I'd give it a try because I thought that's what you needed." shame started to seep into his voice, making it crack" I though you'd want a hug in that moment, but you didn't and I'm sorry" his lip trembled and he started rubbing his eyes, who seemed to barely be holding in some tears.
"No, Bow. You were right, you should ask, so I'm sorry. I should be more like you, respect your boundaries and tell you about mine."
"But you were right too" Bow said "sometimes you just want to be surprised, not asked. But how can I do that if I don't ask to know what you need from me?"
"I don't know," Glimmer sighed "but we can figure that out together. Maybe we could have a code for when we're in the mood." Bow chuckled "Or one of those stuffed animals that are reversible and represent your mood."
"You literally have magic powers and you're talking about a reversible stuffie" Bow laughed while sniffing and running his wrist under his nose.
"Well, at least I'm having ideas! I don't hear you making any suggestions" Bow laughed out loud, making Glimmer follow his example. It felt freeing, after all the crying she had done.
Bow looked at her intently and then at their hands. She nodded and they held each other's hand, scooting closer, staring into each other's eyes.
"May I kiss you, Bow?"
He smiled from ear to ear "You may"
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
Have you read the old She-Ra series Showbible it's wild stuff. A few things i've noticed were
Catra seems to be a more Evil for Evil is Fun sake kinda villain, she's got the scheming and power thing going but none of the nuance and angst.
Hordak seems like a way more active villain in the show, far more wanting to conquer for his own sake, and also leaning way more heavy on the "Mad Scientist" angle compared to what we eventually get in the show.
Entrapta is totally different character, she's more like a very cold and intimidating goth than a bubble mad scientist.
Just sorta interesting how things have evolved with the show over time.
Thanks for the link, I'm reading it now!
"What Adora doesn't know is that her adoptive mother, Shadow Weaver, has been manipulating her for her entire life with mind control spells to keep her from questioning the authority of the Horde."
Canon Shadow Weaver scoffs at this. "Mind control? Is that what they told you? No, my skills are far more subtle."
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THIS PART is absolutely the core of the show that released, I'm so glad to see it here all along. And everything said here applies directly to the characters we see. Glimmer, Bow, Catra, Adora, Hordak, Entrapta, so on - they all choose to do good and bad, to show and hide their emotions, and Adora even believes LIGHT HOPE has the potential to choose the right thing.
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LMAO dont worry adora im feral too weve all been there
The idea here that Adora needed to REDEEM herself to the good guys, it's funny how much Adora in the show still thinsk this, even though she wasn't their enemy for a single day! It's like canon Adora feels she has to make up for all the years she thought the Horde was right, and for everything the Horde has done, as if it is her own fault!!! She certainly feels that it is, with everything Catra tells her, before season 4, and AFTER season 4 she feels it's her own inadequacy letting the Horde win.
The entire section on GLIMMER is fucking incredible.
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God, damn right!!! Glimmer cares SO MUCH about protecting the people she cares about and in proving herself to them that it inverts into these villainous traits like brashness and control issues.
"Bow loves the arts and prefers them to fighting" - LMAO who wrote this??? Bow's dads???? I reckon Bow being a scholar was based on this scrapped idea. ADORA BEING PROTECTIVE OVER BOW SUPREMACY!! But it's GLIMMER who is protective over Bow. In fact a lot of Adora and Glimmer's relationship translated to GlimBow.
Oh my god Micah was only PRESUMED dead as early as this draft??? I know there was a famous quote from Stevenson that Micah was only confirmed "alive" after someone else wrote in that reveal for The Portal. But it's so clear from this pitch that bringing Micah back was an option they were considering!!!!
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Double Trouble working for the ALLIANCE and becoming friends with Scorpia is so funny. In the show, Scorpia did NOT like Double Trouble, but they did sort of become friends at the very end!!!
Light Hope had the power to hack people's dreams??? This ended up getting reworked to generating their memories as holograms.
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nothing has changed here
Scorpia is EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME except her parents are alive here, god bless.
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A lot of Entrapta's concept is retained - she builds spooky robots and is still living basically alone, and she does have some resentment to the Rebellion for... abandoning her to the Horde, but also isn't motivated by revenge, only science (and friendship). Also she is still TECHNICALLY goth. I mean. I don't know if Entrapta's INTENTIONALLY goth, but she has the black mask and the dark outfit and the boots and the castle!!! Also her goth boyfriend.
The reason Entrapta's character changed so much between versions is in part because of Ray Geigar - Ray decided to give Entrapta a grease stain on her shirt, and they think that this is why she ended up getting characterised as a less-put-together feral mad scientist, rather than the moody and intelligent character she started off as. Ray also doubled down on Entrapta being older, like in this draft, rather than younger - many of her concepts have her looking as young as eight years old.
Also reading this it's really funny but of course Entrapta would fucking thrive in the Horde. But even funnier is that Catra considers Entrapta a friend in this concept, but Entrapta doesn't consider Catra HER friend. That is the opposite of the show, wherein Entrapta sees Catra as her friend but gets pushed away and backstabbed because Catra was too dedicated to her cause.
Horde Prime's powers being "just about everything" are pretty funny when you realise the guy's almost powerless without a host.
Reading the plot, it's incredible that Angella sacrificing herself to close the portal at the end of season 2 (renamed s3) was here from the outset.
LMAO. Season 4's concept has Bow and Sea Hawk working together to build a space ship, instead of Bow and Entrapta. ( s4 became s5.)
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swearyshera · 3 years
I can't wait for sweary shera season 2. I'm especially looking forward to your version of Frosta and Glimmer, Glimmer and Catra in Ties that Bind, Everything in Roll With It, The Himbo/Herbo energy from Sea Hawk, Scorpia and Adora in White Out, and Reunion now that Glimbow is going to be a thing. I'm just so excited! Thank you for giving us this blog. It really makes my day.
Season 2 is going to be so much fun, I can't wait to get to it! Right now though, I'm making the posts from Promise and I'm enjoying it a lot.
Glad you're enjoying the blog, have a lovely day 💖
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misssakurapetal28 · 3 years
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Blank version on DeviantART ----> HERE.
I actaully did this meme a while back before the show ended, so I decided to update and share. I also added BROTP and Friendship!
Ships under the cut!
Glimmadora (Glimmer x Adora) - I have a a couple of reasons for shipping these two, but for short, they just seem more natural to me and it made more sense for them to be endgame due to the events of season 4. Healthier, cuter, and should’ve been canon in my opinion. 
Glimbow (Glimmer x Bow) - Glimbow tends to even be liked to “get Glim and Bow out of way for the sake of CA”, or hated because of “heteronormality”. However for me, I like Glimbow because it’s just plain cute! Also I do like the “childhood friends to lovers” troupe. Even though I do appreciate their friendship, I still have a soft spot for them as a romance :)
BowKyle (Bow x Kyle) - Recently, I hardcore started to ship them! I just think they would be very sweet together, they both can be there for each other and listen to each other. This is part of the reason why I REALLY wished Kyle’s trauma was more of a focus and that he and Bow interacted more outside of that one episode! Honestly, I find them two more appealing than any other ships with Kyle. If Glimmadora were to happen, I would totally make them canon.
Perfuma x Scorpia - Some people may think that these two came out of nowhere, and that may be. However, I still think it’s sweet and makes sense story wise. Scorpia needs some more confidence and love, and who better to give it to her than Pefuma? :) Scorpia’s also a doll and will value someone like Perfuma! They just feel right together, what can I say?
Perfuma x Huntara - If I had to choose someone else for Perfuma, probably Huntara. I see it as a opposites attract kind of thing, and I like the development they had in that episode. 
BowStar (Bow x Jewelstar) - Saw a couple of people around shipping these two dorks together and it did grow on me. However, since they didn’t have much interaction in canon and Jewelstar only appeared in ONE episode (still mad about that), my love for them has gone down for them recently. It’s a cute ship, but I ship Bow with others better. 
Seamista (Mermista x Seahawk) - It’s a okay and interesting ship. Even though my feelings for it can flip back and forth from time to time, it’s overall a fine ship. I just wish the two had a bit more of a buildup and chemistry instead of Seahawk’s affections for Mermista treated as a joke the whole time. 
Mermista x Perfuma - Simple opposites attract and can add a hell lot of humor in my opinion! Why not?
Entrapdak (Entrapta x Hordak) - Nice ship. The two had alot of development through the series and never abused each other. I’m glad they ended up together in the end and I hope Hordak becomes a better person, with Entrapta’s help perhaps?
Adora x Lonnie - A very underrated ship and I wished we saw more insight of their relationship growing up.
Spinerella x Netossa - Nice LGBT ship. Healthy, straight-forward and thee two look great together :) Also like how the two compete against each other sometimes, but is still a healthy functional married couple. It’s something that I would like for AppleDash to be. 
Hordak x Catra - Leading more to dislike, but I’m mostly neutral on it. Even though the two are terrible together, I do belive that they did care for one another at some point, even if only a little bit. 
Catra x Double Trouble - Seen it around and I’m okay with it. Not my cup of tea, but it doesn’t bother me at all. At least DY would call Catra out on her bullcrap. 
Adora x Scorpia - Always was salty of that fact that Scorpia was instant friends with Swiftwind (Adora’s animal companion) and Glimmer (Adora’s best friend), but not Adora herself. I understand that not everyone has to be friends, but the only real reason why Scorpia even hated Adora was because “she was a terrible friend to Catra”, but that should’ve been over with when Scorpia crossed to the good side, right? I always saw a possible relationship between the two kind of pulling a “Korrasami” (leaving the (jerk) boyfriend/girlfriend and ending up with each other). 
Scorpia x Glimmer - I thought their interactions were cute and they seem to work well together considering the little time they had together :)
Scorpia x Catra - Something I did ship in the past (and yes, I heard of that scrapped Scorpta scene and we were robbed), but ever since seasons 3 and 4, I lost interest in it because of how Catra treated Scorpia within that time. I’m glad Scorpia never went back to her, even when she wanted to. Scorpia deserves a better friend and companion. 
Kyle x Rogelio - Something I was ok with at first, but now I think I dislike it. It doesn’t really seem like Rogelio cares THAT MUCH for Kyle, otherwise he would speak out for him more and attend to his side. I get that they grew up in the Horde, but still. I just think Kyle deserves someone better suited for him and to be more “intone” with his needs.
Adora x Catra - I have expressed my distaste for CA in the past, but to make it short: It’s very poorly developed, overrated, focuses on Catra WAY TOO MUCH, It’s not equal at all, doesn’t hold Catra for any real consequences other than “making Adora sad”, and it’s too abusive in the past for there to be a relationship between them now. I was so close to really liking CA, but Noelle competely missed it’s mark. 
Glimmer x Catra - I tend to dislike these two together for similar reasons to CA. Also, Catra is partly to blame for Angella’s sacrifice. 
Kyle x Lonnie x Rogelio - I hate this ship. It’s bad enough that I dislike Kyle x Rogelio, but they have to add Lonnie to it??? Lonnie hasn’t shown ANY INTEREST in either Kyle or Rogelio. Maybe I suport them as a team, but not as a ship. 
Adora, Glimmer and Bow (The Friendship Squad (and partly Catra)) - The Best Friend Squad is just precious ^^ They been through thick and thin together. Sure they’ve had their trials and tribulations, but in the end, they made it out ok. As for them with Catra? As much as I would like a friendship between all 4 of them, it doesn’t make sense in canon. Season 5 only really works as a separate thing from the whole series. For it to be a continuation of season 4, it doesn’t click. 
Adora and Kyle - I think Adora and Kyle would make for a great friendship. Both have doubts about their selves, but would be the kind of people that would give the other confidence. I think it would even get Adora to recognize that Kyle is actaully not that bad at all??? And why she haven’t ever considered it before??? Heck, I’m really starting to buy into the “lost siblings” theory with these two (probably far fetched, but meh. Still an interesting headcanon). 
Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio - Even terrible as a relationship, it’s ok as a friendship. 
Scorpia, Entrapta and Catra - Liked this trio in the past. Really wished that Catra realized (or at least took in consideration) of this friendship and dropped her obsession with Adora. 
Seahawk and Scorpia - Liked their interactions in that episode! I hope they got to talk and bond a lot after the war! 
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