#i love running around and hitting things with my big sword <3
toastsnaffler · 2 months
getting home from work and playing 5 straight hours of elden ring.... crops watered etc
#i love running around and hitting things with my big sword <3#ive just been fucking around exploring im a bit op for the areas im in at the mo so can usually do the minibosses in 1 attempt#logging off cuz its 1am but im gonna do crucible knight next tmr i think. and then check i havent missed anything else before godrick#wait also i should do the weeping evergaol cuz i unlocked that but didnt go in....#GOD there was this one horrid boss in one of the caves (i defeated first time but its moveset. scary shit in there)#and it did SO much blood damage by the time i defeated i was DRENCHED in red... ill share the screenshot tmr it was so funny#thal having a normal one.#ALSO i accidentally unlocked a lost grace near the very top of the map (stumbled into a transporter trap) and jesus CHRIST the map is BIG#originally it only showed a kind of square so i was thinking huh. ive actually covered a lot of it. but NOPE I HAVENT theres way way more#which is awesome :-) i was worried abt getting bored of it but nvm lol#i need to find a lvl 3 somber smithing stone as well theres gotta be one in these earlier areas SOMEWHERE.....#if not i have so many normal smithing stones i might just whack up the dismounter or whatever its called#the other curved greatsword i have. and just use that until i can upgrade bloodfang again#i wanna draw most of the main boss fights w my oc..... maybe. the designs are just all so gorg i keep getting distracted from the fights#ahhhh......#its so nice having an active interest to hyperfixate on ive missed this sm#but damn i need to go to bed its half 1 ive been up since 6:30 im craaazy..#goodnight every1#.diaries
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according2thelore · 1 month
These ES/LS snippets are truly saving my need for more of your fics.
You very quickly became my favorite wincest author, hitting every one of my favorite tropes(hurt/comfort is my bread and butter too!) And I'm excitedly(and impatiently lol) waiting for your next fics to come out.
Your writing is SO GOOD and I find myself going back to your fics all the time. My first was your love potion fic and that's still one of my absolute favorite samdean fics out there.
This isn’t really an ask so much as it is an appreciation lol. Can't wait for your next fic!
(If this was an ask though, I'd love more thoughts on your ES/LS universe and even MORE hurt/comfort and jealousy lol)
BABE???? OH MY????
i don't even know what to say! this is the nicest compliment!!!!! you're so incredibly kind, and i'm so unbelievably honoured that my work is special to you!
EEP! i can't even express how much this ask means to me!!!! there are literally no words!!!! the love potion fic was meant as a fun little add-on to that month's challenge, but i've been blown away by how much folks have liked it--i live for a little melodrama and H/C, lol!
every writer dreams of getting asks like this one, and just ARGH! i'm kissing you on both cheeks!!!!!
as for upcoming things, my next fic will probably be my teen!chesters piece for the wayward sons zine (it will be HEFTY). charlotte and i were outlining this fic, and it ended up being about five pages of outline. so def a larger one!
because this ask was so incredible and lovely and kind (so kind?? holy shit?? my hand in marriage??) i wrote a little thing for you! i hope you like!
dean rubs his hands on the sides of his jeans, before he catches himself doing it. shit.
he crosses his arms, then realizes that he looks awkward and posed, so he uncrosses them again. he pushes his hair back from his face--but fuck, what if his hair looks weird now? dean checks frantically around for a reflective surface, but the only thing even close to him is a giant telescope, and--even though he briefly considers it--there's no way he'd be able to crawl back up it and down in time.
"what are you doing?" he mutters to himself, able to at least recognize that he's acting like a preteen about to meet one of the jonas brothers.
it's just sam.
just sam, kind of, dean's brain quietly corrects. it's just sam, but fucking huge.
it's just sam, but his ridiculous hair has grown and curls softly around his ears, brushes his jaw when he ducks his head. it's just sam, except his arms are bigger than dean's head. dean didn't miss the show the other day when sam came to look for something and lifted a fucking stuffed armchair with one arm.
(dean tried it later, and it took him both hands and two tries to get it off the ground. that thing must be reinforced with some crazy cold war steel or something. definitely.)
dean eyes the main room again. he should just sit at the big table. he eyes the big sword on one of the shelves. no--focus. sam went into "library annex 3" to find a book that he thought dean should absolutely take a look at, and left dean, dazzled, in his wake. so dean is going to sit here and wait, because he's been running out of excuses to see sammy lately.
dean slumps into one of the chairs, sighing. what is wrong with him?
he gets so...easily distracted whenever sammy--future-sam or whatever--starts talking to him. and most of it isn't even his fault, okay? sammy always puffs up whenever either 2006 winchester gets close, a dick-measuring if dean's ever seen one. as soon as sam got a single inch on dean in height, dean's never heard the end of it. but this sammy, older sammy, straightens up and his chest gets all big and--fuck--arms! big arms!!
dean keeps trying to find plausible excuses for sammy to take off his shirt because dean is convinced he has a six-pack under there, and it's his right to know!
"i found it!" a muffled voice from down the hallway, so deep that dean's brain goes a little sideways. and dean feels his whole body lock up, like he's just been thrown out of an airplane.
sam--sammy steps through the doorway, holding up a book triumphantly. his eyes are bright, and he's got little wrinkles at the corners, barely there. his grin is radiant, and dean feels absurdly like he's looking directly at one of those religious frescos with the yellow circles behind everyone's heads. sam would get a kick out of that.
dean whimpers. he straight up fucking whimpers, covering it quickly with a cleared throat.
"great!" he says, too bright. it's not his fault! it's not! dean barely resists the urge to bash his own head in.
so sue him! sam is suddenly huge and old and glad to see dean? he lights up whenever dean walks into a room, greeting him warmly. he seems to find dean adorable, which dean kind of resents, but it's hard to stay mad at sammy when he clearly finds so much delight in seeing him.
and 'sammy' isn't helping. 'sammy' had always been a dean word. it had been an 'us' word, a 'they don't know you like i know you, they can't understand you like i can' word. as soon as dean's own sam--2006 sam--had shrugged off the word, and older sam had donned it, dean knew he was screwed. wires crossed. you can only call so many men 'sammy' before you start to tease them and want to be around them and give them shit and look at their huge fucking tits--wait...no. shit. focus!
"so get this," sammy says, and he slides into the chair next to dean, smooth and graceful and so in touch with every muscle in his body that dean has to catch his breath a little. and his chest does something funny, because sam shows him the book and starts babbling.
he starts babbling. like a two year old sam and an eight year old sam and a twelve and a fifteen and an eighteen year old sam.
it seems impossible that this person--this man, all poise and purpose and focus, whose eyes can cut and soothe, whose stubble scratches when he rubs a hand across his jaw--is still dean's sam. dean's sammy.
and he knows it. and he likes it. this sammy brushes his shoulder and doesn't recoil like it burns. he looks to dean first when something is wrong. dean saw, the other day, how his older self comforted sam after a nightmare, how easily sam contorted himself to fit the shape of older dean's arms. sam likes being dean's. or at least this version of dean.
"anyways, i think that this is probably our most comprehensive record of vampires--their habits, their physiology, their weaknesses. if you wanted to give it a read, i think it'll really come in handy." sam says, still talking like dean cares at all for vampires and not the exact shape of sam's mouth.
dean aches. he feels inadequate. there is something clearly in this dean that is worthy, something that sam finds lovable. or necessary. dean wants to be necessary. dean needs to be necessary.
"yeah." dean says, suddenly, when he realizes that sammy's looking for a response. "that--uh--that sounds great."
"you didn't hear a thing i said, did you?" sammy asks, eyebrow raised, teasing and knowing and fuck--dean's chest collapses. sam knows him.
it's so strange to be known by this...this man. this man who blots out the sun with his shoulders, and has callused hands, and looks at dean like he's proud of him. this man knows him. this man is sammy, and that's all dean every really needs.
"naw." he says, scrubbing a hand in the close-shorn hair at the back of his head, abashed and feeling strange. "'m sorry."
"don't be." sammy rolls his eyes, but it's in good humour. sam--2006 sam, and it's weird that dean has already made that distinction--would genuinely be put out. he thinks dean doesn't take him seriously.
both sams are alien to dean. sam, because his burden is eating him alive. he's terrified of himself, of his powers. furious at what he's becoming and increasingly furious at dean for not taking his own safety seriously. like sam could ever hurt him.
and this sammy, of course, is different. he's physically very different, but also...softer? that's the wrong word. he's easier, maybe. his smiles are soft and he thinks through things before he says them. he doesn't hurt to hold in your hand like sam does, all spikes and hard edges like rock that resents you for holding it. sammy is a stone worn smooth by a river, and dean doesn't know if that makes him a bad brother.
he doesn't want to know, because he can't think about this being another way of failing sam. dean's been failing sam since that first over-long look in 1995.
this sam, at least, dean has a reason for not understanding completely. time has made a stranger of his brother, not circumstance, and time is easier to blame.
"what?" sammy asks, and dean snaps back to the present, abashed again. god. it's like his first fumbling date a fourteen all over again. but wait, no it's not--why did dean think that?
"nothing. sorry. you're just--" dean can't find the words. sammy seems delighted at this, eyes sparking with a challenge like they're both in on a joke.
"i'm..." he prompts, drawing it out. dean sputters. he and sam give each other shit all the time. it shouldn't feel different with this sam, but...it does.
dean jerks away, sitting up straight in his chair. sam stands in the doorway. he looks pissed. his hands are balled into fists at his sides, his jaw is set, and he's...not looking at dean.
dean looks to sammy, whose eyes widen. he seems surprised by something. proud of something.
"dean wants to know if we're ready for dinner. what are you doing?" sam asks, words loaded. dean's about to jump in, feeling weirdly guilty. they're just talking about a book, it's not like they were--
"just talking with my little brother." sam says, jostling dean's shoulder with his elbow, like this is all a big joke but what the fuck?? dean's spine melts and drips down his ribs. oh my fucking god.
little brother little brother little brother sam could pin dean down if he wanted to, dean looks down at sam's huge fucking hands oh my god, little brother--
"you--" sam starts, and sammy sits up straighter, tilting his head forward like he's coaching sam through something, but sam's eyes are suddenly on dean, and dean freezes.
he doesn't know what to do under sam's critical gaze. the weight in his stomach is definitely guilt, but dean doesn't know why. dean looks away first.
"we're just talking shop, sam." dean says to his hands. a pause. dean hears sam leave, his footsteps echoing down the corridor.
he better not be going to see that old geezer. dean doesn't like he way he looks at sam.
"we almost had him," sammy says, thoughtful. dean looks up, and sammy is looking down at him with an expression so fond that dean's throat closes. "next time."
dean's heart beats faster.
oh man. he is so fucked.
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aftermathfanfic · 5 months
So, I was originally going to make this post for when I hit 300 followers, but I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon, and I’ve been thinking about this for way too long, so fuck it. I’m just gonna post this now and see what happens.
In case it wasn’t obvious from the hints I’ve scattered through Aftermath, I am a huge D&D nerd. I love playing the game, I love running the game, I love the monsters, everything. And what I particularly love doing is building characters and monsters for the game. I use a lot of custom monsters for the games that I run, even though I don’t end up using all of them, and what I’ve done in the past is that I created character sheets and stat blocks for some of our favourite anthropomorphic ducks. In fact, on my main blog, I documented a solo adventure that I ran by myself, for myself, in story format as I put these duck characters through a premade advennture! (I eventually stopped, because playing a D&D game by yourself is as dull as it sounds)
So today, I’m going to revisit those roots and lay out how I would build the Ducktales characters as tabletop RPG player characters! This is something I’ve given way too much thought to, so be warned – this is going to be quite long-winded, with little to nothing to do with Aftermath itself, and of interest to only a small subset of people.
Let’s begin!
The Basics
I want to preface this whole thing by mentioning that while I’m going to try and describe these characters in a way that can be transposed onto any RPG system, I’m going to be using the Pathfinder RPG (1st edition) as a basis for these characters, just because it’s what I’m most familiar with at the moment. The basics are the same – roll a 20-sided dice, add a number and hope to get a big enough total – but there are more nitty-gritty rules and it's way easier to kill off your characters.
Another thing to keep in mind is that I’ll be inserting these characters into a D&D setting of my own creation, rather than any pre-existing settings. I don’t have a name for it, but essentially this setting is an undisciplined mix-and-match of characters from different IPs that interest me. The McDucks, in this setting, live as a powerful noble family in a kingdom of united beast-folk families.
Final thing is that even though these guys are anthropomorphic ducks, they’re going to have the racial traits of humans to make things simpler on me. I’ll also be giving them a swim speed of 15 feet in addition to those traits.
This spry duck stands with the cockiness of an ambitious hero, a sword in each hand. A bright blue tabard, tattered from numerous skirmishes, flows down his chest to cover steel armour of haphazard construction.
Age: 16 Alignment: Chaotic Good Class/Level: Fighter 3/Bard 1 Ability Scores: STR 16, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 14
In this world, the triplets were raised by their uncle Donald in a quiet fishing village on the outskirts of the city of Duckland, in the providence of Calisota. They never got so much as a hint of their caretaker’s history as an adventurer, not until they found their uncle’s old adventuring gear, stowed away in the attic of their house. Among this gear was two finely made swords, both of which Dewey snatched up and started swinging around – resulting in the destruction of several family items and the near decapitation of Huey. Donald was forced to tell the triplets of his past as an adventurer, and the revelation shook them to the core. To make up for it, he decided to teach them how to adventure properly, in the hopes that if they wouldn’t be persuaded out of their trouble-making instincts, he could at least teach them to be safe while doing it.
Dewey remains the chief chaos-monger of the triplets. Ambitious and eager to live up to his family name, Dewey often throws himself into danger without hesitation, giving no thought to possible traps, uneven terrain, or indeed, the strength of whoever he’s fighting against compared to his own. He makes up for his recklessness by being virtually untouchable in a fight, deflecting swords, claws and spells with his twin swords. The longer blade, named Helios, was once wielded by his Uncle Donald. The shorter blade, Asteria, was his mother’s.
Against intelligent foes, Dewey never fights to kill – a trait unique to the McDuck adventurers – but rather, he tries to disarm and trip his foes, intimidating them into surrender. He’s remarkably acrobatic, and his fights are often performative in nature – hence his level in Bard. The sheer bravado he displays in combat inspires his family to fight even more fiercely and distracts his foes long enough for him to knock the wind out of them.
This anxious duck wears a heavy breastplate and a red cap, a collapsible spear slung around his back. He holds a large, heavy book bound in red leather with the letters ‘WJW’ imprinted upon it.
Age: 16 Alignment: Neutral Good Class/Level: Cleric 2/Wizard 2 Ability Scores: STR 14, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 16, WIS 15, CHA 13
Though regarded as a do-gooder by his brothers, Huey Duck is just as brave, ambitious and adventurous as the other McDucks. He took the role of the older brother quickly, seeing himself as a caretaker of his brothers and, prior to moving into Manor McDuck, the fixer-upper of torn clothes, broken furniture, and the like. With a resourcefulness and intellect beyond his years, Huey takes the role as both the primary healer of the party and – when the occasion calls for it – the firepower.
Huey originally had his heart set on joining the Woodchuck rangers, a group of survivalists and wilderness protectors on the outskirts of the world. While there, he met clerics and priests of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, with whom he made a rapport with. He even began to learn the ways of these wilder clerics, learning magic that could heal, magic that could wound, and magic that let him shape the natural world around him. In the end, however, he was rejected by the rangers, for while his survival skills were impeccable, his fighting prowess left much to be desired. Disheartened, but determined to make use of what he’d learned, he continued his studies of the ways of Artemis, delving deeply into his survival skills and the art of restorative magic.
At some point during his escapades with his uncle, Lord Scrooge McDuck, Huey became enamoured with the other side of magic – that of the arcane. He poured over arcane tomes, taking on wizardly studies in addition to his clerical practices. He has recently begun leaning more heavily towards wizardry, for while he’s grateful to Artemis for his abilities, he considers the goddess to be more of a tutor than an idol to be worshipped. He’ll never be the strongest of Artemis’s faithful, and he’s made peace with that – wizards get more exciting spells, anyway.
This youthful duck leans against the alley wall, his head concealed by a dark green hood. He smirks at you, absent-mindedly flipping a coin up and down in the air.
Age: 16 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Class/Level: Rogue 3/Sorcerer 1 Ability Scores: STR 9, DEX 15, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 18
Thief. Charlatan. Snake. Louie Duck has been called many things, and he’s never let any of it stick. He’s out for himself and his family first, and what he’s out for is treasure. Coins, gems, jewellery – he doesn’t care. He loves it all. He’ll do the right thing for his family (though not without a fair share of grumbling), but he always makes sure he gets something out of it, and he isn’t above guilting or threatening the other party into upping his eventual reward.
Louie is a rogue. Obviously. He specializes in deceit, coercion, lock- and trap-picking, and even forging documents, if the opportunity is ripe. He tries to avoid combat if he can help it, but when he’s eventually forced into it, he relies on being able to feint against his opponents to catch them off-guard. When this doesn’t work, his alternative strategy is to bamboozle his foe, trying to convince them that he’s on their side, or that there’s a bugbear behind him, or that they don’t really want to hurt him. And when that fails, he panics, runs away, and then takes potshots from afar with his crossbow.
During one of the family’s adventures, Louie came really close to death. A screeching owlbear had ambushed the party and cornered Louie alone. Disarmed, wounded, and terrified, Louie tapped into something dormant deep inside him and – with a pop – vanished. He re-appeared a mere five seconds later, but that five seconds was all his family needed to redirect the beast’s attention and save his life. Since then, Louie has continued to delve into his hereto unknown sorcerous powers, learning more and more about them each time he calls upon them.
This wild-looking duck girl wears a loose-fitting pink blouse and a purple skirt, with a matching pink tie in her headfeathers. She gets into a battle stance, grinning eagerly.
Age: 15 Alignment: Chaotic Good Class/Level: Ninja 4 Ability Scores: STR 14, DEX 17, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 12
Webby is as wild, excitable and knowledgeable as she is in canon, raised in the manor of Lord McDuck and trained by her grandmother to be a silent and deadly assassin of House McDuck. To Lady Beakley’s disappointment, while Webby has proven to have mastered the arts of stealth and disguise, she's really squeamish about killing people for some reason.
Webby takes after her granny as a highly skilled ninja – a class somewhere between the monk and the rogue. A master of stealth, disguise, martial arts and more, Webby may not seem like it, but she’s one of the most accomplished spies Lady Beakley has ever had the privilege of training. Moreover, her training allows her to access a limited well of mystical energy that allows her to perform impossible acts. Her preferred method of attack is to overwhelm her foes with quick, rapid strikes before retreating into the shadows and hiding before they realise what happened.
Aside from being an incredible warrioress, Webby also fancies herself as an amateur historian and lorekeeper – particularly when it comes to the McDuck family history. The arcane and the occult may be guesswork to her, but ask her to name an ancestor of Clan McDuck, and she’ll give you the entire genealogical tree. She knows about every single historical event that happened in Duckland, and she can name all the native monsters in the area, right down to their weaknesses, habitats, diets, and the best method to befriend them (just in case).
Scrooge McDuck
This elderly duck stands with the pride and confidence of an experienced adventurer. His cane, cloak, top hat and bright red plate armour all combine to make an imposing figure out of this old duck.
Age: ??? Alignment: Neutral Good Class/Level: Fighter 6/Rogue 4/Duellist 10 Ability Scores: STR 11, DEX 10, CON 8, INT 15, WIS 15, CHA 16
Ruling from McDuck Manor, Scrooge is the Lord of Duckland, and one of the most powerful and influential figures in Calisota. With a manor full of artifacts, treasures and magical items, he is known throughout the land as the Richest Duck in the World, and you’d be hard-pressed to deny it. This Scrooge is mostly unchanged from the one we all know and love from canon, except this Scrooge has an army of trained soldiers, a cabal of ingenious wizards, and a small cabinet of assassins who have one loyalty and one alone – House McDuck.
You may not have heard of the Duellist class if you’ve only come in from D&D 5th edition. Honestly, you might not have heard of it even if you haven’t. The Duellist is a prestige class, one you can only take levels in if you meet the specific prerequisites, whose abilities allow Scrooge to fight with a flourish. He fights like the heroic swordsmen of old, parrying aside the blades of his foes and deftly moving around them before they can even pinpoint where he is. He fights not with a traditional blade, but with a sword concealed within his cane – a gift, from the late Ludwig Von Drake.
Other D&D aficionados may also notice that Scrooge’s physical abilities are a bit low – that, unfortunately, is due to his venerable age. In Pathfinder, your physical abilities reduce with age, while your mental abilities improve. In his prime, Scrooge’s ability scores were STR 17, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 12 and CHA 13, but the days of his prime are long behind him. For this reason, before going into battle, he typically equips himself with a Belt of Physical Perfection, restoring his physical prowess to what it was as a young lad. I know canon Scrooge doesn’t like to use magic (and he still doesn’t here), but that’s… really not an option in a fantasy RPG like this.
Donald Duck
With an incoherent squawking sound, this sailor rushes into the fray, swinging his fists wildly and leaping onto his foes.
Age: 42 Alignment: Neutral Good Class/Level: Barbarian 12 Ability Scores: STR 15, DEX 11, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 13
This good-natured, short-tempered, and risk-averse fisherman may not seem like much at first glance, but he was, in fact, once an adventurer. And as far as the rest of his family are concerned, he still is. Once a sailor for the House McDuck navy, Donald retired from his adventuring life after his twin sister, Della, was lost to the Astral Plane in an impromptu expedition gone wrong. Though he was pulled back into the adventuring life by his triplet nephews, he has never lost his cautious edge, and he remains as the most responsible member of the McDuck family.
Donald fights as he does in canon – by flying into a rage and launching himself at his opponent. He punches, kicks, bites, trips, and attacks every part he can get a hold of. In the old days, he used to use an enchanted sword, though it has been so long since he picked up the blade that much of its magic has disappeared. Nowadays, he relies on a pair of enchanted cestuses, which are essentially medieval boxing gloves with metal plates and rivets.
Mrs. Beakley
This enormous, bulky woman looms over you, her cold gaze peering into your soul. Despite her housekeeper attire, she stands tall and rigid like a soldier, and the sheathed sword on her belt does not escape your attention.
Age: Late 70s/early 80s Alignment: Lawful Neutral Class/Level: Ninja 16 Ability Scores: STR 14, DEX 8, CON 8, INT 15, WIS 17, CHA 11
Mrs. Bentina Beakley, unmarried, is the silent right hand of Lord McDuck. On the surface, she is merely the housekeeper of the manor. Beneath that, however, Beakley becomes a terrifyingly effective spymaster who has her eyes everywhere throughout the realm. Though her days as an assassin are over, she remains a cold, clever, yet surprisingly empathetic figure – so much so that she was willing to give up her career to raise a young Webby Vanderquack.
Like Scrooge, Bentina has suffered from reductions to her physical abilities from her old age, in exchange for bonuses to her mental ability scores. Her abilities in her prime were STR 20, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 8. Unlike Scrooge, she does not have any magic that can improve her abilities, but she also doesn’t see the need to. She fancies herself more of a ‘behind-the-scenes’ person these days, managing an intricate network of spies and blades for hire, gathering blackmail and intelligence for use against the enemies of House McDuck.
The friendly airship pilot waves at you from the cockpit, oblivious to the fact that he’s flying you directly into a mountain.
Age: 31 Alignment: Lawful Good Class/Level: Commoner 5 Ability Scores: STR 12, DEX 11, CON 17, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 13
Launchpad remains the happy-go-lucky guy he is in canon, save that he now pilots an airship instead of an airplane. And rest assured, he is just as unqualified to fly it as ever.
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WIP whenever
Hello, everyone! I know updates are very slow, but life is absolutely draining me of my writing mojo most days. But!!! I did some writing, just in time for it to still count as a WIP Wednesday! And I've been tagged by the lovelies @bostoniangirl21 and @sheirukitriesfandom Thank you very much for the tags and for keeping me motivated with them <3!!! I must say that working on ch. 17 of WYGTYA is hard because it's by far the most serious, angst-filled thing I've written so far :(((
I'll tag @dirty-bosmer @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @illumiera @thelavenderelf @blossom-adventures @nerevar-quote-and-star only if you want to participate, of course <3 <3 But enough rambles! I will share a bit from both fics under the cut! WYGTYA feels and banter with another appearance from that mysterious Akaviri swordsman in HOTHS! Enjoy!
Wherever you go, there you are, chapter 17:
The noise of the city was still dim, the people of the port already tuning in to either a night of much-needed sleep or raucous drinking at the taverns, and so the port is quiet, peaceful, the only sounds filling the air are the soothing waves of the Sea of Ghosts and the distant noises of the city ahead of them. Blacklight. Full of its magical charm and dancing lights and colourfulness. Ravonna’s steps falter because the air smells like home once again: it is not damp and moist like Black Marsh, nor is it the warm and flowery smells of Cyrodiil, nor the harsh, cold, yet fresh air of Skyrim. It smells like ash and sea salt and flavored tobacco from shishas and that distinct smell of cloth paint that Dunmer use. She can hear the faint hum of Red Mountain, the distant bards singing in taverns, the loud laughter of the people in the city and the soft, hushed giggles of sailors who cannot sleep but don’t want to wake their crew up and they’re all so frustratingly, Gods-damned oblivious to her thundering heart and the violent lightning strikes that hit her soul with each step, each breath, each second spent here again. Fuck, she should be happy, excited, but everything hurts and this bad feeling that something’s not right, that something’s missing won’t go away.
Hymn of the High Seas, chapter 3:
They settle cross-legged around the small coffee table, collectively thinking that this place was not built to host so many people. Renjiro runs outside with a spring in his step.
“Sooo… I think it’s safe to assume that this guy is a big fan of swords.” Signe speaks, earning a huff from Rhaim and a knowing smile from Arvyvel. 
“That makes two of us.” Rhaim says.
“Really? I always figured you'd be more of a -” she stops to gesticulate clawing and eating an enemy in beast form, “- kind of person, ya know?” 
He looks at her for a moment before bursting into deep, earth-grumbling laughter. “Careful, you might scare away our future crewmates.”
“Me? I’m absolutely elated.” Arvyvel says.
“And I still haven’t agreed to anything! I’m not going on some suicide mission!” Marc says, annoyed.
“Fine by me. We don’t need you anyway. Don’t need your kind among us.” Rhaim flares his nostrils and breathes out aggressively.
Before Marc can say anything back, a loud, obnoxious cough interrupts them.
“I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I have to interrupt the tense moment. No fighting in this house.” Renjiro says, making his way to the table with two bottles of fresh sake. He tries to keep his calm demeanor and shove down the thoughts of ‘Yoshi will kill me if I made a mess in his absence.’
The men stop, not before glaring menacingly at each other one last time. Rhaim doesn’t like traitorous bastards and he could smell this guy’s traitorous bastard-ness from miles away. He scoots closer to Marc, turning his back to him and making Room for Renjiro between him and Signe. His eyes light up at the bottle of alcohol. The swordsman lays out five small glasses and fills them. Rhaim takes it quickly, his patience running out, taking a sip and closing his eyes to really feel the taste on his tongue, going down his throat. A pleasure grunt escapes him. It’s unlike anything he’s ever tasted: strong, but not too strong. Balanced, a cascade of flavors – a harmonious blend of sweet and dry alcohol warming his chest and his spirit.
“Fuck.” He breathes, opening his eyes, only to see everyone looking at him, with their glasses halfway up in a toast. He raises an eyebrow.
“Ye need a moment alone with that glass of booze?” Signe smirks.
Author's note: I could and probably *will* expand on the feelings of drinking sake because I literally found my new favourite drink in the year of our lord 2024.
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hey Franky how are you today????
I wanted to ask you who do you think is a green flag to have a crush on, who is a red flag and why, with all the characters you want (could you include Zoro, Sabo, Ace and Mihawk?)
Thank you so much and have a great day/night!!!
I have headcanons like this kinda here I have the 'disadvantages' and 'advantages' of dating OP Chars but I am willing to something like this too!
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Ace: GREEN and RED Why? If you know how to handle the temper, baggage, and self-esteem issues he’s a green. If you want something simple and trouble-free then baby, he ain’t that. He will be asking you if you’re mad at him 12 times a day and will fistfight a wasp on a whim. He’ll also throw hands at himself on a regular basis.
Marco: GREEN he’s very laid back and if you managed to piss him off, you are probably a red flag.
Thatch: GREEN just look at that wholesome loaf.
Izou: RED he will destroy you if you even make a cup ring on his oak table.
Sabo: You might think with that smile he’s a GREEN but oh my God, he’s a RED and if you piss him off you better run or know someone way more unhinged than him. Also, his wardrobe, I could give him a pass if he didn’t look like a Victorian mass murderer.
Luffy: RED Nothing wrong with him, just if you can’t keep up with him you are going to be tired and want to strangle him with himself. If you can’t handle being around children, don’t pursue him.
Sanji: RED oh man, he’s so problematic all wrapped up in a cute suit and doofy heart eyes. He’ll more than likely make you cry.
Zoro: RED unless he can drink you, fight you, nap on you. The only way he’ll hold you is if your sword-shaped.
Usopp: GREEN but he is a lair, coax that out of him and he’s perfect.
Robin: GREEN, not my cup of tea but she’s a queen.
Franky: GREEN he's not wearing enough to be hiding something from you.
Chopper: If YOU are considering Chopper then you’re the RED flag.
Jinbei: Green <3 perfect
Brook: RED it’s like when you think ‘awww I want a turtle as a pet, so cute’ and then the fucker outlives you but on top of that wants to see your panties.
Nami: RED like the card machine when declined comes up after you let Nami use your card to shop with.
Roger: RED he is the human equivalent to people TyPiNg LiKE tHiS UnIrOniCalLy
Rayleigh: RED he’s like a cat, you’ll feed him, love him, pet him and he’ll fuck off for months on end, make you worry, but he’s curled up in some old ladies house because she got the better snacks.
Shanks:  His hair isn’t the only thing that’s RED. The one good thing about him is his baggage is in lost and found somewhere.
Mihawk: RED like the wine that you spilt on his carpet that one time and now he has a hit out on your ass.
Crocodile: RED his left shoe costs more than your entire life and he will step on you.
Law: RED his troubles are as long as the grandline and just as easy to read as the poneglyphs.
Kid: his GREEN flag is Killer. If they come as a package, I might let him slide.
Killer: GREEN because honestly, with the captain he has it’s obvious the man has the patience of a saint.
Corazon: GREEN flag you might think it’s a red flag from afar, but I assure you that’s just the fire.
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sxthedrxma · 9 months
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inspired  by  : kim possible
Added inspo! Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Enola Holmes, Asuna (Sword Art Online)  Anthony Lockwood (Lockwood & Co.) more coming soon… 
Kimberly Ann Possible (Abigail Cowen)
5/4/2002. Taurus. 
Lawful good 
past !!
Kimberly Ann Possible never thought a summer gig babysitting would lead her into the world of moonlight crime fighting. 
At first, she thought it was a joke. The emails labeled "Help Wanted" asking for assistance with all sorts of thefts and major crimes. 
And so it began. Cheerleader and student by day, superhero by night.
These supervillians were wacky, always stealing the strangest things and going by goofy nicknames. 
The Big Case, as it would become known to Kim and Ron, was a tricky one. Connecting the dots on a series of faulty projects lead them to the desk of one Dr. Drew Drakken. 
They foiled his plans, sending him off to jail in handcuffs, but the screams of rage haunted Kim for years. 
"I'll be back Kim Possible! You'll be sorry when I get my hands on you!" 
Needless to say, KP spent the rest of high school looking over her shoulder for any glimpse of Drakken or his associates. 
Graduation was not a happy affair for her, because with it, came the release date of Dr. Drakken. 
Enrolling in college, Kim realized that she needed to seriously decide what she was doing with her future. 
You can't put moonlighting vigilante on your tax return! 
So that's where college came in, and everything was going smooth until the morning she woke up in Evermore. 
present !!
~ Waking up in Evermore was a shake-up that Kim never expected. 
~ Thank goodness Ron and Wade and even Monique were there to hang on to. 
~ While she misses her family, it feels good to be independent for the first time in her life. No more Kimmie cub, no more Cheer Captain, just Ms. Kim Possible, Detective. 
~ So here she is, investigating the hits on her new website, making new friends, and keeping her eyes peeled for Dr. Drakken. 
future !!
So what now? 
1. Get back to Middleton and make sure her family is safe. 
2. Get the full grasp on running this private investigation biz so she can kick it off back home. 
3. Get kissed, fall in love? There are so many interesting (and attractive) folks around Evermore… 
taken connections
Daphne Blake (jeepersdcph)
wanted connections
Ron Stoppable - bestie, sidekick, the  peanut butter to Kim’s jelly. 
Rival - think Bonnie. Someone who has a similar skill set to Kim’s and they are constantly at odds and at each other’s throats.
Enemy - Without Dr. Drakken around, Kim thought she wouldn’t get another arch nemesis, but it’s bound to happen anyway. 
Fling/Crush - Kim is a flirt, even if she pretends she isn’t. Finally free from her parent’s ever watchful eyes, maybe it’s time to branch out and give a few things a try! 
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puckwritesstuff · 1 year
Love and Thunder - Chapter 4 Preview
TW: Child endangerment, child abuse
When the God Butcher forces Nari to use his magic against his will, the Bifrost does its best to comfort the young prince. Nari, reaching out into the Bifrost for the first time, taps into the all-knowing power it gives, and calls for help from someone unexpected.
New chapter up 3/22
Nari cried as the God Butcher pulled him towards a pedestal in front of a large pair of doors, sealed with the symbol of the Bifrost. He tried to walk the opposite way, tried to pull his wrist from the God Butcher’s hand, even tried lying down on the ground to get him to stop, but he was dragged along anyways.
Hofund had been placed in the pedestal and the God Butcher forced Nari’s hands onto the hilt. Nari didn’t want to hold on, but thorny vines sprung up around the sword and bound his hands to it. The thorns dug into his skin and drops of Jotun blood rolled down his arms.
“Let him go!” Axl yelled from the cage. He beat against the bars. “Let him go!”
“Don’t listen to him,” the God Butcher said quietly. “You can do this. It’s in your heart. It’s in your blood.”
Nari shook his head, tears running down his face.
“I can’t,” he said. “I can’t, I don’t wanna, I can’t, I…”
“You can,” the God Butcher said. “It’s inside of you, you just have to reach for it.”
Nari sniffed. The warm thing inside of his chest grew, surrounding him like one of his mother’s warmest, most comforting hugs. He felt power, too, deep and terrible, though he did not have the words to describe it as such. It coursed through his arms and into the sword. The iridescent light of the Bifrost shot out and hit the symbol on the door.
Nari felt something in his chest sink— this was wrong, his magic shouldn’t be used like this, not for what this man wanted him to do. He tried to let go, tried to stop it, but the vines only bound him more tightly. The light swirled around him, and he could hear the voices of the people who loved him, reaching out for him.
“We’re coming for you, Nari…”
“Hold on, little cousin, just a moment longer…”
“I should have protected you better, Nari, I’m so sorry…”
“Your mother is the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met, and she and your father love you so much…”
“Not much longer, highness…”
“I love you, Nari, please know that I love you…”
“I’ll be there soon, little one, just wait for me, I’m coming…”
“Where are you? I can’t find you.”
He didn’t recognize that last voice. It was definitely a woman, though, and she sounded so much like his mother. He did his best to focus in on that voice.
“Nari, is that you?”
“Help me!”
He didn’t even realize he could reach back until he was doing it.
“You’re not my Nari,” she said. “I don’t even know what universe you’re in.”
“It hurts,” he told her. “It’s dark. I want Mama!”
“I believe you,” the voice said. “Where are you? I can’t see you.”
“I don’t know,” he told her.
“I need you to describe it for me,” the voice said. “As best as you can. Can you tell me where you are?”
“It’s… big?” he told her. “And made of rock. There are these big doors, with the Bifrost drawing. I think he’s making me open them.”
She didn’t respond immediately, but he could feel that she didn’t like what he had told her.
“Please, help…” he said. “I want Mama.”
“I know,” she said. “I think I can let her know where you are. I need you to be brave, just a little longer. I love you so much, Nari. I miss you so much. Mother will come. She always does.”
The connection was gone, and Nari felt that he wasn’t crying as hard. That warm hug grew a little stronger.
He steadied himself as best he could, his little lungs breathing deeply. He reminded himself that he was Crown Prince of Asgard, he was a Lokisson, a Sigynsson.
He could be brave.
Mother was coming.
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multimask · 1 year
this might be a really silly question but i wanted to ask about the general setting of your campaign!!! do you have an overall summary you’d be willing to share?
!!! Not a silly question at all! I am always down to ramble about my campaign
I'll have to do a fuller rundown of our session shenanigans at some point
Tldr, my campaign setting is "Faerun but 800-900 years in the future". And also half-elves are now the "default"/most common race, not humans
We use a looot of official WotC Forgotten Realms lore, maps, etc. and then rearrange shit as we like. It's been over 800 years since "canon present", so a bunch of shit's happened!
One of the *big* changes is that the city of Calimport is now baaaasically Night City in a lot of ways. One of my players wanted to run some Cyberpunk stuff, so we found a city we hadn't visited yet and I handed it to them & said "go ham". They did so much lore work and civil engineering to explain the city growth and the reasons why Calimport is atlike Cyberpunk tech levels while the rest of the world isn't. We are currently having so much fun running our typical dnd party around "Night City". Our wizard has failed almost all his tech handling rolls *except* for a Natural 20 to figure out the electric kettle in the hotel room. It's great
But yeah, it's mostly official Forgotten Realms/Faerun & Sword Coast setting materials that we've twisted and reworked to our needs & desires
Oh! Other "big" change is that we keep fucking around with the Shadowfell and Feywild. So much fuckery. We have a large number of Archfey running around the party, which has had some crazy fun story shenanigans. Our campaign has officially visited only like... 3 ish Feywild locations? But will hit more before the end (We... May or may not be helping bring down the current Summer & Winter Courts... It's a whole thing. There's also a New Shadow Court, who just broke away from the god Mask)
Annnd last bullet point of the setting for now: speaking of, the god Mask, the Lord of Shadows, is back! He was dead as of... 1374 DR, so during the Era of Upheaval before the Spell Plague and like 900+ yrs ago (it's 2223 DR in our campaign, for anyone following FR timelines lol), but now he is no longer dead (still figuring out how he came back,or if I even want a solid answer for that lol) and he's causing trouble for the moon goddess Selûne, his rival in life, and it's causing problems for the party
If you (or anyone) wants to ask about more specifics of anything on the campaign, I'd love to talk more about stuff
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quinnick · 2 years
uno reverse:
please feel free to tell me all about your favorite game(s). I don’t care if it’s one game I don’t care if it’s fifty- just hit me with it.
This makes me so happy !! Thank you !!
So, I am going to be honest and say that I didn't play games seriously growing up. I grew up with 3 other siblings (Two more later on but when I was a teen) and video games were deemed my eldest brothers thing. And we rarely got along so when I got to play the fun games I always saw him play, I would have to figure it out all myself. Just me and my sister (close in age so not much help) would try and figure it out. Lmao, so I am going to name games I had fun playing but most likely haven't beaten a lot of them.
I love Legend of Zelda games too !! I tried to play the Spirit tracks and a link between worlds but... well, I didn't understand them and could only play when I stole them from my brother (I was the problematic younger sibling. Don't sue me) but I had fun trying to play them ! I also love love love Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time !! I loved them so much. I think I also didn't understand Ocarina of Time but I never beat Wind Waker because kept getting scared when trying to get past the one sneaking section in the jail. The bird also scared me. But I actually picked up Wind Waker again and got far in !! (Fun fact, I still have a game cube !!) But I got distracted so still not beaten lmao. Funnier fact, when I played recently, I ended up getting stuck right after getting the grappling hook because I didn't realize the big gap which was very obviously meant to teach you to use the grappling hook, was something I was suppose to grapple hook over. Anyways, also played Majora's mask but also didn't beat it. The moon was scary. Oh, oh, and I got to play a little bit of Midnight Princess but my mom said that was too dark so she wouldn't let us actually get it. Oh, I also nearly forgot about Skyward Sword ! I am pretty sure I am the only Zelda fan to like Skyward Sword and hat Breath of the Wild (it's just not a Zelda game. Sorry)
Off the Zelda topic, I like some Mario games. I loved playing Mario Sunshine and Paper Mario (beat neither) and I wish I still had those discs. Also played some Mario Odysess but kept getting bored (And by bored, I mean that I got near the end in one day but then the mental illness won and I kept playing the car mini game for 4 hrs before getting bored)
Trying to think of more classics I played.... uhh... none...
So on to Animal Crossing, I remember playing this on so many different platforms but it all feels like a fever dream. I think I played one on the DS that had a mini town...area thing??? That my little brain loved to go to. Like idk why I thought going there was some special thing. I also played the one on the switch religiously during 2020 (I am basic okay). It was fun but my little brothers would mess up my island >:(
Ooooh, wait these count. Only the real people will remember Poptropica. i loved that game !! And I would regularly play it and beat the islands and get stuck on them. I remember playing the island for the great hunts very specifically for some reason. maybe because the part where you have to sneak around and run from the dog scared me. Oh the cryptid one too is in graved in my brain !!
More recently, I play Stardew Valley obviously (talk about it enough) but also Hollow Knight !! I actually am both cracked at this game and suck at it. I can do Hornet hitless and beat most of the pantheons but it took me months to beat the 3rd arena. Currently I am still working on doing every boss hitless and all the pantheons. I also did the 100% true ending as my first play through !! Loved it so much. Still haven't done the dreaded flower quest. Anyways, still waiting for Silksong
Oh, I also have played Undertale and Delta Rune. Undertale I played with my friend so... he lowkey carried me lmao. Oh, and we were trying to do the pacifist route and got stuck on Undyne for so long during that. I actually went nearly the whole Flowey fight without getting hit??? Was I suppose to be able to do that?? I have no idea. Never did the murder route because we got bored. Undertale I have played both chapters for. My other friend helped me. They were on call watching me play and helping me find secrets. My first play through I only fought Spamton because my friend said I shouldn't fight the other secret boss. But then I decided I wanted to get all the secrets so I went back and fought Jaster. Let me just say, Spamton was hard and I felt so happy when I beat him! So much fun ! Jester???? Jest is so fucking unfair and unforgiving. I spent days with one goal. Beat that fucker so I never had to ever play that boss fight ever again. And I did it. I beat him. Then my friend said they didn't think I could actually do it. Rude.
Finally.... (Sorry I really never get asked about video games. Usually no one likes the games I like.) I just got Cult of the Lamb and that game is fun !! I didn't beat it yet but I have had fun playing it !! I think I keep forming attachments to my cult members and it sets me back because I will only sacrifice the ones I don't talk to
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Competitive Round 3:
I’m trying a new team, and have officially decided that Garganacl is my favorite addition to competitive this gen.  Salt Cure is goddamn hilarious, absolutely shredding things like Gholdengo and Corviknight.  Iron Defense/Body Press is hysterical as well, being just absurdly dominant against most threats.  Even resists wind up taking a ton.  Recover may have been nerfed, but it’s honestly not been a problem.  It’s just invincible.  Careful, max HP/Sp Def EVs, Iron Defense/Body Slam, with a backup trap move that demolishes Steel-types, has been divine.  Ghost-type Tera Type has also been fantastic in all situations but one.  The Treasures of Ruin.  Any time the sword or beads come out, and Garganacl has used its Tera Type, it’s a problem.  And those two are pretty common.
Arboliva is also great.  It’s been a lot of fun, and I do love my Leech Seed grass types.  To the shock of no one, I feel like Grass-types have not been particularly common, meaning Seed Stocks are high.  The combination of Terrain and Leftovers means recovering 1/8th your HP every turn, Seed gives a tremendous amount more, Giga Drain hits like a truck under Terrain, and Strength Sap is fantastic to counter big physical threats that aren’t super-effective.  Arboliva’s really been impressive, but I do feel like there are enough obvious answers that it likely won’t maintain OU.
Glimmora’s been fun, but it really does feel more like a hazard bot than anything.  When the opponent has their own offensive Poison-type, it feels like Glimmora loses a lot of its shine.  But.  Mortal Spin is awesome.  It’s my #1 response to something like Cyclizar switching in.  Just slap their ass with the sudden poison, Spikes or no, and watch their plans start to drop.
Espathra is...a UU Pokemon through and through.  Maybe even RU depending on where the power level settles.  Opportunistic is hilarious at times, and Calm Mind/Speed Boost effectively being Quiver Dance is great.  But Espathra feels really easy to play around, and really, sadly easy to crit.  I swear, every time I get it up and running, something crits it.  But the bigger issue?  Skeledirge.  Skeledirge with Unaware does not give a singular shit about Espathra.  As long as Skeledirge is in a tier, Espathra won’t be.
By comparison, Cyclizar is...pretty bad.  I expected more out of it, truth be told.  The whole Shed Tail thing seemed ridiculous playing against it at first, but it’s...really not that impressive.  Everyone knows what Cyclizar does, so they just go offensive and break the sub whenever you pass.  It’s a 50% HP loss on a Pokemon for a free switch-in to another.  Judicious use can pass to a booster, like I’ve seen some opponents pull off with Dragonite or Dragapult with Dragon Dance when coming in on Garganacl who often can’t break the sub, but usually Garganacl can tank it anyway.  Cyclizar just feels really easy to play around, with little else in its corner.  I kinda expect it to drop through the tiers until what it can pass to is too bulky and it gets banned back up.  It’ll always have some use, but in a really obvious way that prevents it from standing out.  I don’t like it.
Lastly, I gave a try to Iron Hands, largely with the intention of bringing Cyclizar’s sub-passing to let it Belly Drum.  Doesn’t work.  The sub never lasts past switching in, so Belly Drum is always super risky, and with the low speed you can’t really risk anything.  So you’re stuck with weaker BP moves hoping to make something work.  Iron Hands will drop, no doubt.
In terms of meta trends, I’m seeing a lot of dragons again.  Roaring Moon is absurdly common.  Dragonite and Dragapult are similarly common.  Bizarrely, Garchomp has not been.  I have no idea why.  Either something happened to knock down Garchomp’s viability, or all the good players well above my level run it but no one lower down.  I’m just surprised.  Usually when Lando-T isn’t around, Garchomp takes its place as the common wall.
Maushold hasn’t been particularly common, nor as threatening.  Annihilape isn’t common, but every time it shows up, I have basically no counters.  Bulk Up with Rest may as well be impossible for me to get around.  Rage Fist building to 300BP is insane.  I can’t tell what counts as having taken a hit either.  The treasures of ruin are a bit of a mixed bag, as is Roaring Moon.  I don’t feel like they’re impossible, but they are annoying.  Honestly, Breloom has kinda been public enemy #1.  It blasts Garganacl apart.
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🍃 Leaf: What is a plant you find beautiful? 
🐝 Bee: What is a video game that you find comforting? 
Thank you for the ask <3 From this ask game.
🍃 Leaf: What is a plant you find beautiful?
“A”? One? That’s impossible. I love you trees, I love you ivy, I love you spider plant, I love you snake plant, I love you daisies, I love you hibiscus, I love you little strawberry plants, I love you blooming chives, I love you lilies, I love you weird flower I’ll never learn the name of, I love you dandelion, I love you mirabelle, I love all of you.
Except those that have thorns. Fuck you <3
🐝 Bee: What is a video game that you find comforting?
Comforting. That’s not the word I’d use for most of my games I love.
(Why did this piece of shit crash this time, oh no a mesh is missing, I can’t possibly continue playing without looking up at which level this Pokemon learns this move, I’m gonna spend the next 5 hours in char gen, because I need to be absolutely sure what I’ll pick, I need to play with wiki open, so I know which quest way to go, oh god another patch, all my mods will stop working, oh god another patch, all my builds are ruined, oh fuck I missed an achievement.)
I think one of the cutest games (though moderately stressful at some bosses, because I suck lol) is Fantasy Life. I wanted this game for years and when I bought my 3ds it was more or less for Pokemon, but also for this game.
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[ID: Promo artwork for the 3ds game Fantasy Life. A knight on an armored horse, raising their sword, is standing on a cliff, overlooking a landscape of grassy hills and forests, full of people and creatures. They’re all drawn in a very cute comic style. Ships sail in the background on an ocean and a dragon is napping on top of a hill. In the middle is the logo of the game, with the title in big, bold letters in a light blue to light green gradient in front of a thin yellow crescent moon. An airship is fling over the title, and the dragon is under it, with it’s mouth open. A long stream of various characters seems to walk out of its mouth, towards the viewer. End ID.]
The world is super cute, I can harvest things, and stab things with my dagger and I have a lil kitty and... yeah it’s adorable ok. Running around with my lil witch hat and my black kitty and picking up flowers and mining ore and when you hit the vein just ~right~ with your pickaxe you get a bonus and then you return and play a silly little mini game to wave your dandelion fluff into fabric and sew some clothes with it.
I guess the progression can be a bit dull and/or stressful, depending on playstyle, and also a bit of a grind, but I occasionally boot it up just to run around a map and fill my pockets with bugs, flowers, apples, ore and wood.
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[ID: Promo artwork for the PC game Pillars of Eternity. It’s in orange and purple hues, showing a group of adventurers standing on the edge of something, fighting a horde of zombie-like monsters, trying to climb up to them. Two of the adventurers are wielding swords, one uses his bare fists, one her bow and one is casting magic with his raised hand. The title of the game, Pillars of Eternity, is in the upper right corner of the artwork. It’s written in golden letters on a plate depicting several slightly green rock pillars. Underneath is the text complete edition. End ID.]
This probably fails the assignment spectacularly - everything about this game is heartbreaking AND I haven’t actually played it in YEARS. And I never finished it because I got lost in side quest completing before the last dungeon dhakhsdgaks. But I just like... love it so much? The artstyle is 110% my thing, I love how grim it is, and I really like the world. I sometimes just listen to the soundtrack, and I love the companions (not you Durance). It surely has its flaws, but I sometimes look at its little icon in my library and think “I could install this” and it’s making me happy. I have issues I know.
Welp. This was a bit longer than I had planned. Not sorry.
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king-hsssy · 2 days
ThunderCats #2 & 3
!!Spoilers under the cut!!!
If you don't care about spoilers but want to know the story I will be basically going over everything while interjecting my thoughts
Unspoiled Review: Amogoos Imposter te he
Well, I should have expected TC2011 to affect this but I didn't realize how much.
As mentioned in a previous post I missed #1 so I had to sort of gather context clues on what the fuck has happened but pretty much we are in TC 1985 Exodus. But apparently years have passed? I don't know if this is in reference to the lightyears traveled via spaceship or if these guys were G1 Transformer kept in stasis in crashzone. The location looks to be near or in the Sand Sea.
They finally let Lion-O grieve, #2 opens with him dreaming and wanting Jaga to be here. I like how awkward things are between the Kittens and Lion-O, it really helps people understand how jarring the rapid aging is.
The Cats are dismantling a Mutant ship and everyone is grappling with grief and the new power structure, as usual Tygra and Cheetara are the ones who are having to balance every ones emotions. Cheetara, Panthero, and Tygra come across a Thunderian refugee who was hiding in a compartment on the Mutant ship. Her name is Calica and she claims to have been a captive on the ship before it crashed. Everyone accept Lion-O is suspicious of her (where have I seen this before) but they can't question her further due to Lion-O stopping them. She seems to have Mumm-Ra's interest [please don't make him a freak please :( ] I suspect they 2011 Pumyra'd her and she's going to betray the Cats at some point, or they T-Girled Pumm-Ra. Either way is a big L for Lion-O who has a crush on her. God poor kid cant catch a break with accidentally falling in love with un-dead girls.
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I LOOOVE TYGRA ARGH!!! He is so me. Anyway on to #3.
Calica is fucking lurking around the ship, Panthero lets her know that he does not trust her.
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She goes to Lion-O, the Sword of Omens opens up a portal and SNARF APPEARS!!!! Snarf in this version can talk, just telepathically and only to Lion-O. He was in a magical armory and was placed there by King Claudis 3 months before Thundera blew. Calica said she heard Snarf talk then takes it back (sus) so Panthero tells her to stay outside with the twins while the others go inside the portal. When exiting Lion-O notices that Calica didnt enter with them and yells at Pathero for not allowing her in. Panthero then hits Lion-O, which I find heavily out of character, and Cheetara hits Panthero back, challenging him to a "Thunder-Dual" to regain his place back in the ThunderCats for assaulting their king.
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The Thunder-Dual, however stupid sounding the name is, was awesome! So sorry two bad bitches were pitted against each other but both fought beautifully. I am so glad they did not write off Cheetara as "the girl to fight over" like 2011 did. She wins the dual and Panthero apologizes for hitting Lion-O but not for his actions regarding Calica. Which good for him for standing on that bc this gal is unfortunately suspicious as fuuuck.
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Meanwhile Mumm-Ra is 2011 interrogating Jaga. He does not like that and I am loving the horror elements in this run a lot. It meshes well with the humor throughout it
Sssslythe runs into Monkian, and like in the 2011 series its looking like the Mutants are assembling for the first time while the run goes on.
Mumm-Ra apparently is showing his mug next issue which I'm sad about. I like it when he's pulling strings in the background and playing a chess with the Cats. Not to mention him looming and lurking makes him seem like bigger threat. Buuut thats just my gripe with ThunderCats in general I guess, Mumm-Ra is less Fantasy BBG or a Xanatos.
Overall I love the art and its keeping me interested in the story, I have issues with Panthero's characterization. I really don't think he would ever hit Lion-O, like belittle him yes but never physical violence. He has a temper yes but hitting Lion-O? Who he views as a kid??? Idk maybe it's my series only view of him, I never read the Marvel Star or Wildstorm comics so maybe he's done something like this before. I do need to track down #1 because I need to know what the fuck is up with the timeframe
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childofaura · 8 months
I am bored and overloaded on fodder from arena tickets and pity breaks, so any suggestions for other projects while I get grails for baby Azura?
I'm probably gonna be super biased towards some units, just because they're my favorites, lol.
Big one I can think of is Python. If you have a spare Summer Elincia lying around, her bow works really well for Python, and since he's a cavalry bow, he has good reach. Mine has a bit of an outdated build, but I run him with Whitecap Bow, Swift Sparrow, Desperation (it has saved my ass and I can't wait for Desperation 4), and Threaten Def (which you can just substitute for some other C-skill). Plus Deadeye.
Luthier is a good green mage unit if you need someone with speed and attack power. Not a whole lot of 4 star green mages are super fast that I know of, but he's a good one. I've considered foddering Tailtiu's Teacake Tower on him, but we'll see if he gets a Refine soon. Holding off until then.
M!Morgan is a big one for me, I have him dual-function as an offensive and supportive unit with Inf. Null Follow 3 (so he can support his mom Robin and dad Priam in the Arena). His weapon with the refine is really good and it makes him a pretty hardcore demote Red Tome.
Benny's a fantastic Far Save unit for me, most people run him near save but that satisfactory Res stat makes him optimal for far save. Only thing is that I run him with Arcane Qiang which is hard to get, so go for it if you have one on hand, but hold off if not. Not a lot of lance weapons that help boost the Res stat. My Benny is run with Distant Stance, Mystic Boost 4, A/R far save, and Def/Res Ideal S seal. I'm considering nabbing an extra Armored Beacon fodder, but the Armored Beacon/Armored Floe fodder I have right now is being saved for if Miklan gets added to the game. So yeah, Benny's a sweetheart of a defender if you run a Far Save on him. I love Henriette but I've never pulled more than one copy of her, and Benny works best.
This one is weird, but Azama is also an interesting staff unit; he's not flawless, but I have him in Aether Raids and he tends to fuck up people who ignore him in favor of taking out other units first. Serpentine Staff deals less damage than Pain does (7 HP as opposed to Pain's 10), but it also has built in Deep Wounds. So I run him with Fort. Def/Res 3, Renewal 3 (which probably should be replaced with Poison Strike, or Poetic Justice if you need him to attack better), and two counts of Savage Blow 3. Problem is you gotta invest a LOT of Dragon Flowers into him. But to me, he's still worth the build. If you have a Holy Panic, slap that on him. His Attack stat is absolutely abysmal, but he's more of the "Death by a Thousand Papercuts" type of unit.
This one is only a suggestion if you have an Arcane Downfall, but Mustafa definitely is a solid axe unit. He virtually has Ganglot's kit (Distant Stance and Quick Riposte 4) plus Def/Res Menace and Fort. Def/Res 2 as an S seal. If you have good support units behind him, he's a monster. The unit showcase video I did of him has him taking down Ninja Camilla, though I'm like... 95% sure it was unmerged (or only had one or two merges), but STILL. He's an enemy phase slaughterhouse.
This one goes without saying, but one of my most utilized units is Silas. The only thing that sucks is the constant influx of sword units that are starting to outclass him (LOOKING AT YOU, B!SELIPH), but if you play to his weapon refine, he's incredibly reliable. Just needs a Far Save unit to cover him, lmao. I run him as an enemy phase unit: Sturdy Stance (prevents cooldown charge in most cases, very useful to prevent him from getting wiped out by a Special), Quick Riposte 4, Atk/Def Menace (which I may replace someday if we get a better Atk/Def C-skill), and Atk/Def Form 3. His refine weapon, Sworn lance, requires a support partner, but it prevents most units from making follow up attacks; which means sometimes he can tank hits from dragon units (but not all the time) because he prevents their follow up attack. So most of the time in combat, he's getting at least 20+ Atk and Def. And his support partner is OG Kinshi Hinoka (since I paired them in my Fates game), so with her Atk/Spd Oath 4, she can usually get around to where he is if she's close enough to him or another unit. He's not as destructive as Geralt or Petrine, but he's my buddy and that's all that counts.
Sorry for the long list, I started going down my barracks and realized I have a lot of units that I just have fun using, lmao. There's a couple I left out but I didn't wanna drag out the list.
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thenerdthatwrites · 10 months
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Chapter Synopsis; An argument is had between Kaitlyn and Xander and it’s sorted out by a few very stressful words before the ball.
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22 / part 23 / part 24 / part 25 / part 26 / part 27 / part 28 / part ...
Story Masterlist
Words; 2,873
Hidden in Plain Sight
16 June
“Keep your eyes on your opponent,” Xander said as I grunted, trying to keep myself stable while holding Xander’s sword away from me with my own.
“Well, I would, but the fact that my Father’s watching me distracts me a bit,” I say through gritted teeth, and manage to throw Xander off “And you’re going easy, when you know I need more practice,”
So, we restart.
Fighting is more like a dance than actual pushing and shoving. It’s more like a skill where you gracefully try to hit your opponent. It’s taken me a while to learn the steps of the graceful dance of near death, but it has paid off when I’m coming close to beating the youngest knight in the kingdom. Today though, I was just being sloppy. Sloppy as I was getting my anger out on Xander for what he had said to me earlier.
“Why are you pushing yourself so hard today?” Xander asked as I blocked one of his attacks.
“Why do you want to know so bad?” I say as I take a jab at him.
“Katie, come on. You can’t just cut me out of your life for yelling at you once, so please, just tell me,” Xander says as I push myself harder and harder.
“Can’t you just mind your own business for once!” I yell as I lunge at him and knock his sword out of his hand, onto the ground just by my Father’s feet.  
I give Xander one last glare before sheathing my sword and running back into the Castle to get ready for tonight's ball.
I slammed open my door and walked in then slammed my door closed and took off my stuff.
I was so angry at him. At everyone that was preventing me from showing how much I love Jameson.
Alice came in and closed the door quietly as I stripped and got out what I would be wearing to the ball, but as I started to get things like a corset on, she tapped me on the shoulder, making me drop it on my foot, hurting it.
“Dang it, Alice!” I say as I walk over to my bed and pick up the corset on the way there and check to see if my toes were in any way damaged badly.
“What’s gotten you so pissed off?” Alice asks me and takes the corset from my bed and turns me around to stick it on.
“Just something Xander did earlier,” I say as I suck in a breath as Alice pulls the corset tight, not tying it though “It’s nothing big,”
“Well, it clearly is if you’re slamming doors, it’s not nothing,” Alice says as she finishes tying up the corset and starts untying my hair “But if you don’t want to talk, don’t,”
I ignored her as I sat there in a huff.
Father then suddenly burst through the doors, an enraged look on his face as he stomped towards me. Alice stood back as he did so. I tried to keep a calm look on my face and got comfy on my bed, getting ready to be told off.
“What on earth was that! To start with, you were sloppy, your posture was terrible throughout the whole thing and lastly, you almost injured the only person that you would let teach you as you tried to deliberately injure the rest of them!” Father said as I tried to finish taking out my hair, then tried to get up during Father’s lecture, but he pushed me back down.
“No, you will sit here and wait till I am done talking until you get up,” Father tells me.
“Well, would you want me to be late to the ball in which you are saying about how I truly ‘need’ a husband? Or would you like me to be fashionably late like normal? I wouldn’t mind being late as it would mean that I don’t have to spend as much time in a room with the person I’m holding a grudge against,” I said, a straight face fully intact as I contained the inner emotions I had, that wanted to burst out so easily.
“Well, the person I suspect you are holding a grudge against will be escorting you to the ball. There, you two will have to discuss your emotions and what happened out there today. If nothing is done, he will be escorting you everywhere until you two can talk things out,” Father says and then swiftly changes topic “Anyway, I don’t want you to be late, so go get ready. We will discuss this later,”
And then he leaves.
I breathe a sigh of relief when Father leaves and I can get up to go get the dress I’m wearing tonight to the ball.
“You know he doesn’t mean to be hard on you,” I hear a voice say from behind me that wasn’t Alice’s “Miss Lysandral, you can leave. I can help your sister prepare for the ball,”
“Please Xander, just call me Alice. You’re best friends with my older sister, and I’m nothing like the dungeon spider that is my younger sister.” Alice says, and I manage to push out a small smile on my face as I grab the dress I want.
I compose my face again before turning around to see Alice leave the room and the door shut.
“Why are you here?” I ask as I walk over and stick the dress down on my bed.  
I pick up my corset and try to put it on myself, finding the small task surprisingly difficult as I feel warm hands on my waist, taking the corset from my hands, and tightening it, no questions asked.
“Thank you,” I say, before stepping over to my dress.
“If you can’t even get into a corset on your own, how do you expect to get into what you call ‘a death trap’ on your own,” Xander says, and only now, is when I fully turn to face him, looking at him up and down as I did so. He looked wonderful. Clearly, someone had told him what I would be wearing, as he was wearing a forest green suit that matched my dress. I smiled at the fact someone had told him what I would be wearing.
“Why do you think I can do nothing on my own?” I ask, staring at him intently.
“I think you can do a lot independently, Kaitlyn, it’s just that, when you’re angry at someone, or holding a grudge, you’re terrible at doing things. Even with help,” Xander says, picking up the dress as he did so and unzipping it “I care about you, and want the best for you. So, what happened earlier with you and Jameson almost being caught. . . I want you to be able to be open about who you love. With the invisible rules your Father has set out for you, I will help you as much as I can in keeping your relationship a secret. Now, let me help you into this dress, or I will force you into this, and you’ll be fashionably late. Again,”
“I think I would like to give it a try first,” I say, grabbing the dress from Xander and trying to get into it.
I struggled. I could barely get one foot into it before falling. Luckily Xander caught me, and I pushed myself out of the dress. I looked at it, lying on the floor and I don’t know what it was, but I just walked away. I walked away from the dress and into the bathroom.
I closed the door and locked it. I sat down on the toilet. From there, I cried.
After a couple of minutes, I heard a knock followed by Xander talking.
“Kaitlyn,” He said and then went quiet.
I continued to sob as I heard a sliding sound on the other side of the door.
“Kaitlyn, until you open this door, I will sit here and wait. Even if that means I have to get Jameson up here, or your Father shouts at me,” Xander says and I hear him bang his head against the door.
“How would you even know where Jameson is?” I ask, sticking my head in my hands.
“She speaks!” Xander yells and I let out a small laugh “He told me yesterday when I was sneaking him out of the Castle that he would be here doing portraits at the ball to keep people interested, as well as you and your sisters not being bored out of your minds,”
I took a deep breath and stood up, unlocking the door. I opened it, clearly catching Xander by surprise as he fell through the door.
“Thank goodness you’re out! My butt was getting numb, and I don’t think I could sit here for hours on end, just waiting for you to come out of a bathroom,” Xander says and I give him a small smile “Now, you have a wonderful dress, that matches my very uncomfortably tight suit, and I want to get this night over and done with as soon as possible, so then I can get out of this suit,”
I smiled, walked over him and went over to my dress and started to try and get ready.
When we arrived, it was only just on time. And when I say that, I mean, Father was giving me the looks of ‘how will this kingdom ever last with a queen like my own daughter?’ and I knew then, with what I had planned in my head for when Father had passed, he would be rolling in his grave.
As Xander and I walked down the stairs, I was hit by what felt like a wall of sound in my head. One that hadn’t been there before and it felt like a tuba was playing right into my ears.
I winced and Xander turned to look at me, a worried expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as I tried to block out the other sounds of the ball surrounding me.
“I don’t know. I need to get to a quieter space to hear what’s going on in there,” I say, all my focus turning to what was happening in my head.
“The voices? They’re back?” He asked, a now deeply worried look on his face.
“Yes,” I say shortly, not bothering to give any sort of context to guests as they tried to greet the pair of us as Xander and I passed them on the way to a quieter room.
On our travels through the ballroom, I saw Jameson on the edge, painting Alice’s portrait. I watched them smile and laugh about something, and then she pointed to me with a smile on her face, glancing at Jameson as she did so.
Soon enough after though, I was briskly shoved into one of the study’s Father uses and I was plonked down into a chair.
“Now we’re in a quieter room, listen to the voices and nothing else,” Xander says, standing in front of me like listening to the voices would save a life.
“Well, I would be able to listen to them better if you would shut up,” I replied, sassing him.
I listen in as I hear Xander sass me back, but I don’t decipher what he says as I was concentrating too hard to make my mind do anything else.
“Use this warning wisely; you only have months to prepare before you rule.”
I sat there in a stunned silence as I listened to this. My Father only had months left to live and there was a high chance there was nothing I could do about it.
Xander saw my face drop as I retained the information I was hearing as the door to the study we were in slammed open when Jameson burst through it.
“I saw you two rush away to somewhere when Alice pointed you both out. So, I decided to follow you both and see where you went. You both went in and from what I could hear, it was deadly silent, so something is wrong and I want to know what,” Jameson rushes out as Xander stands up, expecting someone like my Father to have walked through.
“When we were walking down the stairs, Kaitlyn heard a fresh set of voices in her head,” Xander said, returning to his original position.
“I couldn’t hear them properly, so when Xander asked about what they said, and I said the room was too loud, he dragged me in here,” I said, brushing down my skirts and taking a deep breath, before looking Jameson in the eyes.
All I could see was pity and worry.
“So, what did they say?” Was all Jameson asked of me from there before walking towards me and lifting me so I could nuzzle into him as I spoke.
I took a deep breath before answering the question as it deeply worried me what both of them would do from my answer.
“They were saying how I should ‘use this warning wisely’ and that I only have ‘months to prepare before you rule’ and that was it. They were saying my Father is going to die in less than a year,”
Xander taps me on the shoulder so that I look at him.
“Could you give us an exact quote of what they said?” He asks and I nod my head.
“An exact quote of what the voices said is ‘Use this warning wisely; you only have months to prepare before you rule.’ so there, that’s what they said. You’re welcome,” Was all I said before trying to get up, but was held down by strong arms.
“So you’re saying there is a high chance you’re going to be a mother in less than a year?” Jameson asks me straight up.
“Yep,” Was all I said as I felt redness creep onto my face as I heard Xander snort.
“What are you laughing at?” I ask in confusion as I thought that Xander would be worried, not chuckling at the fact my Father would be dead soon.
“Oh, I’m not laughing at the fact your Father will be dead in a few months, I’m laughing at the fact, that in a few months, you two will have had intercourse and will probably still not have revealed your relationship, let alone be married,” He says.
“And why are you stating this?” I ask.
“Well, because if you have a child out of wedlock, especially after his Majesty is dead, everyone will call you things like ‘the slut queen’ among other things,” Xander replies, a slight grim look on his face, that was outcasted when the small smirk came through his facial expressions.
“Don’t you dare talk to Kaitlyn like that,” Jameson growls out at Xander, a snarl showing on his face and venom dripping from his words.
While the boys continued to growl at each other, I managed to slip out of the study and back up to my room where I found Alice pacing by the door.
“Alice, what are you doing here?” I asked in confusion as to why she wasn’t down at the ball, enjoying being the life of the party for once.
“Well, your boyfriend abandoned painting me to go check on you, so I slipped up here to make sure you didn’t disappear up here for the night. So, I’m telling you, go back downstairs, have fun and forget about it,” Alice rants as I stand there smiling before taking her hand and leading her back downstairs to where I found Xander and Jameson, running around, trying to find both of us.
“Finally found you,” Xander said, breathing out a sigh of relief as he hugged me, gave me a once-over and then did the same to Alice “I’m not losing you again, so I hereby command you to stay by your boyfriend all night. I don’t care if you two are caught. All I care about right now is that that doesn’t happen again,” He said and then calmed down a bit.
“I would like to say I’m not happy about this, but that would be a total lie,” I say before turning to Jameson and kissing him on the cheek “Now, come on, I want to have some fun tonight,”
So with that, I forgot my worries as the fun-filled night of dancing, laughs and giggles began, and Of course, there was some hiding from Father that happened as well.
The night had to end at some point though, and the last thing I can remember from tonight was that Jameson kissed me and then snuck out of my room before I went to bed.
The one thing that bothered me all night though, was the voices. I know the truth will come out at some point but can’t I just have one small bit of happiness for once?  
The answer is clearly no from the words that now keep me awake at night.
‘Use this warning wisely; you only have months to prepare before you rule.’  
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pluralsword · 1 year
Xenogender and Ao3 and Art
Hi xenogender and xenoaesthetic folks, entities, and realms and all and none,
it has occurred to us that we um, have written the majority of works on Archive of Our Own that have the xenogender tag. And we’re asking ourselves, we can’t be the only [(alien) robot] persons that plays around with this stuff right? (we’re plural btw)
When we talk to trans folks whether plural or nonhuman or no a bunch of folks relate to our terminologies we’ve come up with and sometimes giving people a look at the worldbuilding doc we’re not quite ready to post yet helps especially if they aren’t going to read fics generally, but also we know that our own experience with aesthetics that our oldest headmate struggled with for more than two decades to put words to and we helped her grasp she pronouns for, for herself in non-human history and assemblage terms, is just one small part of the vast xeno aesthetic spectrum. We’re just one system, and we want to know... what stories have you written, or are writing or making? We thought it might be cool if people reblogged around with their own stuff so their could be a post where all our stuff is together. More than anything- we feel a bit lonely sometimes, because being both on a xeno aesthetic spectrum and by and large a bunch of robots- we are beloved by our community and friends and loved ones, for which we are very thankful, and know a folks who can relate, but we wanna know what people are up to, or just thoughts.
So for those unfamiliar with us, our fanfic (we will eventually do original fiction) is about (Trans)formers and navigates hopepunk stuff regarding autonomy and aesthetic iteration with sparring, family, war, subaltern and community, love, diplomacy, gestalt consciousness, and so forth, drawing in part on the beautiful lore from seven different gender expansive canonical transforming robots in particular before Transformers Earthspark hit and introduced Nightshade (aside from how their whole choosing alt mode thing very much feels like choosing aesthetic expression and in Twitch’s case came before her pronouns were used but anyway) but specifically Arcee(s), Anode, and Lug. Our pg-13 or g-rated works thus far are mostly in the Autosignet Cycle aside from a few shipping fics. The Autosignet Cycle, mostly set in an original continuity, is probably going to continue for years with more fics to come, we started planning out very early versions of this in 2020 but tfwiki’s discord is what jumpstarted our first fic for the series, Day of Multiflame:
1. Day of Multiflame (complete)
A day of mirth, of memory, of rejoicing, of flames dancing together. On this ancient Camien holiday, some plucky heroes young and old across assemblage including two organics come together to celebrate, and to face the struggles ahead, of transformer majority worlds approaching outright conflict over rejoining the largest treaty organization of the galaxy… All the while ancient conflicts and motives beyond their current understanding overshadow everything, rolled up in the origins of these transforming robots. Between intergenerational family, swords, gifts, and I love yous and more, the steadying of each other is enough, to have a little bit of joy and wisdom on this Day of Multiflame. 
2. Wheels of Mutuality and Symbiosis (complete)
Glyph tries to lucid dream to solve the puzzle of her sleep issues, not all is as it seems- but her love of Tap-Out and what informs her aesthetic experience runs strong, helping her through to some long awaited elucidations that are big if true.
This has some big zoomdare energy but I think that is what I often will end up writing.
3. Hold on to Your Dancing (complete)
In honor of xenogender visibility day (May 15th)- I resolved to write two poems, one about my own experience remains unfinished, but one in honor of robot aesthetics via fanfiction was something I was able to finish.
Here you'll find some hints about my plot - some of what this story is on about - with a visiting of the past: the beginning of the last territorial campaign of the Anti-Functionist War, from two war veterans you'll meet later.
4. Honey I’m Cheering For You But No (complete)
A blast to the past before the Anti-Functionist War- archivist Prowl is trying to sort out his life, hasn't been so easy for him after an awful job that has left him very sensitive to the disquiet of society as the very subtly not so Golden Age reaches an end. His old friends Arcee and Aileron who unintentionally helped spark his journey are visiting- and he is beside himself. What does it all mean to him, to them, to carry on as they do, to transform?
In short, we the author finally give some answers with words to the slice of life actions you saw play out in Day of Multiflame- answers very much in context with Sparkflung Trust.
5. Rekindling Flight (incomplete, 7/13 chapters)
At long last, The vast majority of transformers, residing in the Planetwell Polity Alliance, are about to rejoin the largest galactic alliance, which the PPA originally helped create and was expelled from after the Unicron invasion and the subsequent thousands year long war with Functionist usurpers. But, all is not well- threats loom from all corners upon the Autobot revolution: Decepticons, Unicronists, Functionists, and deep existential problems with past, present, and future will try people from all walks of life fighting for intergenerational hope and love.
Nonetheless, something new and wonderful yet old and familiar is afoot- efforts by trillions and their many subalterns are not vain: the power and practice of iterative story.
6. Addendum (incomplete, estimated 10/30 chapters)
7 million years ago, the latest blow to gender on Cybertron is dealt by the rising Functionist tide, stirring an Arcee struggling with loneliness and aesthetic dysphoria into enraged action to help bots in the Hadean System across the aesthetic spectrum save their transformative glory and stories… in the process, she finds aid from the scientist Jhiaxus, who also offers her a new reformatting surgery to let her spark do shaping with CNA editing help. Thus begins a new chapter in her life as a founding member of the expansion of what would later be called the Anti-Vocation League alongside her beloved partner and fellow old person Codexa, while grappling with her own growing pile of pains and traumas. As the millennia carry on and she heads to space, she eventually meets Anode and Lug in the stars, and some dear moments near the present all the way through to events after Transformers: Optimus Prime #25: Post… where she helps some gender expansive bots, and with help from Aileron and her pals she finally gets some answers and closure to her own self, and has a reckoning with forces pitted against her for millions of years. The years after are not what she expected during most of her life prior, and she is glad for them…
This is a fanfic revolving around IDW1, that seeks to add to her already detailed and beautiful arc of a trans woman errant warrior sage coming to terms with herself and deciding to trust people and herself. We love her transformations very dearly, and wanted to attempt to reconcile her appearance in Spotlight: Arcee with her later writing, drawing on wisdom gathered through study and experience, and imagination to connect the dots. As you can tell just from the mention of Codexa in the tags above, this revisiting of IDW1 Arcee’s tale is in part made possible by later writing of gal transformers who we adore, and we will note we draw from ones from all across the decades of fiction of Transformers. What can we say, we love them, and know so much more about ourselves than we ever would have because of them.
For this post, we will note: though it is an IDW1 fic with m-spec and f-spec bots, we build quite a bit of gender variety and relation into it that makes it readily apparent that Cybertron of old is even more different from human histories of such in that regard, we will spoil a little and say that we intend to show how of then aesthetics is remembered and remade into something new and old in the years after the end of the official story...
7. Sparkflung Trust (complete)
Written for a Transformers "fanthology" and also is a tie-in to the Autosignet Cycle original continuity we have been writing - along with a bit of IDW1, Cyberverse, and Alternity. A story about transformation in many senses (surprise), including a quest for the Transformation Matrix … inside of one of the most powerful creatures transformers have ever encountered. What will the errant people on the journey realize, and will it be enough to put into practice to succeed?
If you want to see the other standalone fics we’ve done, including ones about beloved Acid Storm and Overlord, go take a look at our Ao3 page! :3
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
One-Shots or AUs within an AU I kinda wanna do.... but haven't decided yet
Because I have no chill and was trained to write at bullet speed from the age of seventeen (most random of facts about me, but at 17 I used to write what was essentially Minecraft fanfics for a living. You ever read one of those gaming magazines for kids? They have the little stories in them. Ever wondered who wrote them? Apparently random 17 year olds willing to work for a lot less than adults but sure did boost my confidence), here are some of the fics my heart wants me to take a shot at.
1.- Outlaws! There's a throw away joke in Two Princesses from Eugene about how instead of returning to Corona he should have taken the girls to become thieves!
And, it's a joke but... how cool would Eugene teaching Cassandra to fight and steal be? How cute would Rapunzel questioning each stolen item and their impact be?
And then I wrote it down, BIG MISTAKE, and realized I could do a whole thing with Cassandra stealing from The Baron because stealing from thieves isn't wrong (probably Eugene's words), then they're in big trouble. They decide to take down The Baron as the trio they are and... I have more plans but incase I write it I'll leave it there.
2.- What if the guards weren't so useless? Frederic and Arianna getting to be raise children? What if the guards managed to track down the tower WAY earleir.
Imagine the guards raiding the tower, Cassandra hitting the guards with her broken broom absolutely terrified, protecting Rapunzel. They bring the two girls down from the tower, Arianna is of course immediately like, "We keep both of them together."
Imagine little Cass and Raps running around the palace. Imagine them sitting on Frederic's lap while he is doing royal duties because they want to be with their parents? The advisers talking about boring stuff making them fall asleep. I just want more fluff.
3.- Knights. A knight comes to visit Corona and although Cassandra has accepted the guards as Corona's knights, the armour and the sword and the horse looks straight out of her storybooks. She starts to ask him questions and follow him around and is just cute and excited.
Knight-man seems a bit uncomfortable but Cassandra is the princess so he allows it, until he finds out Rapunzel is the crowned princess and decides Cass isn't worth his time, telling her she's annoying and can go away.
Captain finds her with her sword in the training area moping and he tells her he finds her enthusiasm endearing and some people weren't worth her time.
(Not sure exactly where in the timeline this goes it's just an adorable idea).
4.- The Contest of the Crowns. This supposedly happens in the six months between movie and series, so technically it should have been in Two Princesses but, I just didn't.
I know what it would be, Cassandra and Rapunzel together, learning new skills, having fun, Arianna and Frederic super worried at the last challenge.
Them showing Ingvarr the amazing fighting skills of Corona's princesses.
I think the main reason I didn't include this in Two Princesses is actually because I plan to focus a lot on the other kingdoms when we get to season 3, and I'm still working on the plotting there so I might want to wait until I know how I want to handle each kingdom before writing this fic.
5.- The Day of Hearts: Dates! I've already re-written the day of hearts episode, Eugene and Rapunzel go on a few dates but they aren't written about because they simply aren't the main focus. But I could write a short fic of just the dates and these two being cute. I love Eugene and Rapunzel and I just don't write enough of them in my fic.
6.- Eugene never comes. Where Eugene never did go to the tower and Cassandra took a far more active role in Gothel's death.... My brain can be dark sometimes.
7.- A fic about food. Gothel calling Rapunzel chubby in the movie always struck me. I've hinted at issues in the fic, from Cassandra worrying about not having enough food between her visits to Arianna pushing them to eat. But I haven't dived deep because I know it's triggering to a lot of people (honestly when done wrong, me included).
But a standalone, something you can skip if you aren't up to it, that'd be fine and I do love diving into these topics. But also, I don't know if I'd be up to it, some things are better in small chunks? Dunno.
8.- A Corona Law Deep Dive. So we've seen Cassandra take interest in law and this continues throughout the series, and I'd kinda just love a small fic of laws Cassandra doesn't agree with or sees as needing modifying, her making her arguments, maybe even presenting them to Frederic and what the new laws could look like.
Maybe even show them in action?
Would also give me a chance to look into Corona's criminal underworld which was hinted at so well in Before Ever After then never really made use of in the way I expected.
9.- The Captain earns his retirement. The girls basically getting into more trouble than their worth. But the captain being loyal and protecting them from everything anyway.
10.- Eugene on Corona. Basically takes place during Two Princeses while Cassandra and Rapunzel are stuck in the palace and features Eugene just doing normal things, but also hiding each time he sees guards, almost stealing because he forgets he's not supposed to do that anymore... and so on, so on.
A deeper dive into Eugene's adjustment period because there definitely was one!
11.- BONUS: Arianna and Frederic at the holidays. mitcondrialdna actually requested this on Ao3 and it sounds like an adorable idea, a fic about Frederic and Arianna at the holidays before Rapunzel's return. If I were to do this, I'd probably choose only one or two holidays and do several different years so as to show the stages of mourning and how they each handled the situation differently while supporting each other.
And this is why I need a journal just for fanfics and specifically just for this AU. Yes, I have a problem. No, I do not have any intent to fix it.
Anyway, if any of these sound like something you'd want to read, tell me so I can prioritise, I definitely need to write some one-shots just so I don't keep writing TOO far ahead of what's being published. (one-shots are bonuses, they never interrup the dayly uploads of the fic making them perfect for decresing scheduling differences).
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