#i may i repeat i may have a pregnancy kink
rakkikuroba · 11 months
I strongly believed that if I had been Wesker, I would have succeeded where he failed.
Because i would have made so many babies me lol. Like his plan relayed on eugenics and genes so why didn’t he use his genes?
I mean… Jill was right here Excella was right here (consent guys!). I could have some with Alex too lol since they’re not even related, baby wouldn’t have come out wonky or smtg. Keep it in the family!
Do you know how much babies I can make in 3 years with the same woman? 4! Thanks god im not an hamster …
Would Chris have killed me when he saw all the babies??? Nooooo he wouldn’t!
He would have stopped in shock, I could have kill him (except i would have ended Chris back in Antartica because i wouldn’t have taken all the goddamn time explaining my new power while the batiment was autodestroying itself…), and make more babies! With Sheva!
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politemenacephd · 3 months
The Surrogate (Part One)
Miguel O'Hara X Peter B. Parker X GN!Reader (+18)
Part two Series Content: Planned pregnancy, Breeding kink, PinV sex, Oral sex, Threesome, Web knotting, Aftercare, Possible Angst/fluff.
Miguel and Peter want a third child, and apparently they've run out of options. That is, except for you, their friend and colleague. They offer to cover everything, and the pay is life-changing. There's just one catch: they went to concieve naturally.
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notes: i am working on arachnophilia, shits jst kinda rough, but i started this a while ago, enjoy x
‘You want what?!’
You almost spat out your drink in shock, unsure if you’d really heard what you’d just heard correctly. It was a miracle you didn’t accidentally spit alcohol into your companions faces.
You were sat in a booth at the bar all the spiders went to in Nueva York when off duty. It was pristine and white like almost everything else in this world, with floating tables and neon lights adorning the walls in various space themed shapes.
You’d been here a couple times before yourself, but tonight was different.
You’d been brought here by two of your friends from the Spider Society; Peter, one of the older ones, and Miguel, the head of the entire institute and Peter’s very open partner. They’d been incredibly cryptic about why they’d wanted to meet, with Peter simply insisting over and over that it was important, that they needed you to hear them out, and though you’d rolled your eyes a bit as he followed you around the HQ like a lost dog you’d eventually relented to his pleading.
You were now very aware of why they’d been so cryptic.
As you wiped away the small dribble of drink left sliding down your chin, Miguel and Peter continued to watch you in silence. Miguel was fixed with his usual sombre expression while Peter beamed at his side, hands clasped on the table in an inviting, open manner. It was the strangest contrast.
‘Just, think about it!’ Peter said. ‘That’s all we’re asking!’
‘No, no—wait, so I heard correctly?’ you stammered. Peter and Miguel shot each other a look before turning back to you in unison. After some nudging from Peter, Miguel forced a similar patient smile onto his face.
‘Yes. You, heard correctly’ he said. You gabbed at them both.
‘I—So, you, want me to be your surrogate?’ you repeated dumbly. The two men nodded.
‘W…. why?’ you asked, your voice audibly wheezing as you darted between the two. The two men just glanced at each other. They seemed almost dumbfounded that you would ask such a question, like they hadn’t anticipated your immediate acceptance.
‘Well, we… We love the girls, so much, and—we just, we want another one’ Peter said. ‘It’s all we talk about at home! Every night, how May and Gabi deserve a sibling, and—recently they started talking about it too, and—we can’t tell them no!’
‘But, I mean—sure, that’s great, but Why me? Why are you coming straight to me? Have you guys ruled out adoption, or… I mean I’m just, surprised? Or, confused? Definitely confused’ you replied slowly.
‘Ah, no, we haven’t… ruled it out, per say’ Peter said with a shrug. ‘Just—it’s, hard to work out adoption when uh—’
‘Peter isn’t from this universe’ Miguel bluntly interrupted. You could hear the slight sadness in his voice. ‘And—with my genetics, and my background, it—the government would never allow it.’
‘Oh… Oh, I see. But, why me then?’ you stammered. You were on good terms with the two men, that was true enough, but you hadn’t thought you were this close. It was so out of left field as well.
‘We—ran an analysis on whose genetics would be best suited for the role’ Miguel muttered. You noticed that he looked embarrassed to be admitting this. ‘Because of what happened to me, how my DNA was spliced, it’s tricky. I’m not genetically compatible with a lot of people. You were, one of five candidates, and we believed you were the best.’
You couldn’t help but wonder who the other candidates were, but more so you were stuck on the idea of needing to be genetically compatible. You knew Miguel was unusual, but, that unusual?
‘So, you came to me first, huh?’ you asked, lightly stirring your drink.
‘Yes!’ Peter hissed. He was leaning in over his lap with his fists tucked to his chest, his eyes wide and desperate. ‘Yes! Because we trust you!’
You couldn’t help but smile at his sweet insistence. ‘Hey, guys, I like you too, but—’
‘We’ll compensate you’ Peter insisted. ‘We will! Miguel will pay WHATEVER you want. The entire time we’ll pay for housing, food, medical care. You will be absolutely safe. And, along with that, we’ll give you a full payment after the babies born as thanks! We’ll—’
‘Hey, hey, woah!’ You raised your hands to try and slow the man down as he began physically crawling over the table in his excitement. Miguel grunted and silently grabbed his collar, dragging him back to his seat. Peter squirmed a little in his partner’s tight grip. ‘I’m just explaining, I—’
‘Look, that—that’s all amazing. I just—’ You were silenced as Peter reached over once more to slap down a cheque on the table. You darted your eyes at the two men before lifting it up.
‘Holy…. Shit’ you hissed.
It was a lot. A LOT of money. Not so much as to be impossible or unreasonable, but enough to make your stomach drop.
‘I—you’d, give me this?’ you stammered.
‘Yes! For your labour and time’ Peter said. ‘Fair compensation.’
You paused. This amount of money was enough to make a serious, permanent difference in your life. You’d told yourself you could cope, that you could just put up with the status quo, but this changed everything. And what, all you had to do was carry their baby for nine months?
Peter leaned closer. ‘Are you, just not comfortable with pregnancy, or—’
‘No’ you said, eyes still fixed on the cheque. ‘No, it’s—fine, just… Are we, doing this like, casually?’
‘I’m willing to pay for us to both have lawyers. You can choose yours, so you’re comfortable, just bill me ahead of time for the cost. We’ll draft up contracts to be sure no boundaries are broken, and to ensure you have a legal right to what we say we owe you, and of course with clauses to protect your personal autonomy’ Miguel explained. Man, when he talked business he was so commanding, you thought.
‘Huh. Okay. I mean… I, I guess I, would be fine with that’ you muttered back.
‘I understand this would be a large undertaking’ Miguel said, his body leaning a little closer. You watched with wide and curious eyes as his arm came down over the table. You were fixated on the bulge of his bicep, nearly the size of your head now bursting from the seam of his slim fit shirt. It made you a little dizzy, as did the thick, dark hair across his forearm. You watched his calloused fingers drumming on the table, revelling in the clack of his talons.
Peter must have seen you eyeing him because he rushed to hide his smug smile. He knew you were giving in.
‘I’m taking it seriously. You will be compensated, you will be cared for. I just need to know that you understand what you’re getting into. We… Trust you, well enough. That’s why we’re asking you. We trust that you’d have our best interests as heart, just as we’d have yours’ Miguel said slowly. You nodded.
‘Okay. Sure. So, do we do invitro, or—’
The way their faces changed caused you to stutter on your words. They glanced at each other, their faces strained, as if they dreaded what they had to say next. Miguel pumped his brow once before turning away, leaving Peter to sigh and address you alone. Clearly Miguel didn’t trust himself to deliver whatever the bargain was.
‘We… Ideally, we, would like a… natural, conception’ Peter said, his voice dipping slightly on the word ‘natural.’
You felt all the blood rush from your head, only to rise back up and fill your cheeks with a pulsating warmth. Natural? Conception?
‘So… You, would want to get me pregnant—’
‘Physically. By us’ Miguel said. You hated how you shuddered slightly at his voice, at that smooth, husky, sombre tone. It slid down your ears like silk.
‘It’s just, our preference’ Peter explained with a lopsided smile. ‘Miguel’s not a fan of, sterile environments like an invitro lab, brings back bad memories you know? And—well we don’t like the idea of anyone having access to his genes, or mine, that’s bad news. Plus, it’s less stress on you, theoretically. No doctors poking you, or injecting thing, blegh. You know. You know, of course you know.’
You nodded along slowly as he spoke. I mean, it made sense. You had felt some concern when it was first brought up but they both seemed sincere, like this was just the best option, and they seemed so excited. You decided to continue entertaining this idea.
‘Ah… Sure. So, would it just be, one, of you? Like we work out who we want, or—’
‘Well, I mean, we’re not fussed about who the biological father is’ Peter said, his lip tilting into a shy half-smile. ‘It can be either of us. But, chances of success are higher if, we… both, are, trying.’
You raised both brows as you slowly realized what he was coyly implying. ‘You—so, both of you? You’d, both be having sex with me?’
‘Yyyyeaahh’ Peter said. His dorky smile was so annoyingly sweet, you thought glumly, especially on such a handsome face. You always struggled to say no to him. ‘It’s just, like we said, ensure it happens quicker.’
‘And you’re both fine with this?’
‘Yes! We discussed it before, I made the big guy go to therapy first’ Peter said, playfully tugging on Miguel’s arm as the man stoically stared into the distance. He was putting on a stern face but he was clearly endeared by Peter’s affectionate attitude. ‘Its fine! It’s easier, with you being a friend, because you know us and you respect our relationship already.’
‘I sure do’ you said with a slight laugh.
‘See? Exactly! But yes, we talked about it, we know it’s just business. Well, I mean—not to say, it can’t be fun, I mean that’s what they say right? Making the baby is the fun part—’
‘Peter, please’ Miguel groaned between gritted teeth.
‘What? What! What did I say?’ Peter whined. You stifled your laughter as the two bickered.
‘What I’m saying is, we wouldn’t expect you to just, lie on your back like a brood mare and, uh—just, put up with it’ Peter said in a hushed voice as he returned to you. ‘We’re happy to both be involved, we’re happy to, make sure you’re enjoying yourself too, just—we’ll work out the boundaries.’
Again, you nodded slowly. It was a lot to take in, but they seemed to understand that.
‘Just… Just, gimme a minute’ you asked as you picked up your drink. Miguel nodded while Peter went into a ramble about how fine that was, words which you quickly tuned out as you disassociated into your own thoughts.
It was all happening so fast. You supposed you’d have time after this to work it out, though, They said there’d be contracts drawn up, that would take time. Just… did you want to do this?
Having the baby sounded scary, but as they said it’d be around the clock care. With the head of the spider society and all his equipment on hand it’d be hard to imagine something going wrong. You did also trust the two of them, they were your friends and had proven themselves to be good men. Well, most of the time.
And it wasn’t that you were opposed to sleeping with either of them. They were unbelievably attractive, each in their own unique way. Miguel was gorgeous, a top heavy giant with beautiful eyes and such a deep and expressive face, and Peter had that sweet DILF charm about him. They both did, really.
So what was the hang up? Really, WAS there a hang up? It felt like there should be one, but, the more you thought about it, the more you realized you couldn’t find one.
9 months of work was rough, real rough, but you’d be cared for to the max. You’d be paid an extraordinary amount, enough to change your life. You’d be done and over, a clean cut single job once it was done, and supposedly you’d have your own lawyer to ensure you were protected.
Should everything go to plan… It sounded, almost perfect.
You just had to suck up the courage to lie down and let these two men put a baby in you. The moment you contemplated the thought, your face started to heat up, and you rushed to take a drink to cool it down.
“Okay. Ah, can I… Speak?” You asked, awkwardly calling back their attention. The two men turned to you in unison.
“Okay…” you said slowly, before taking another, conclusive breath. “Okay. I’m in. If—”
Your response was cut short as Peter flung himself over the table and wrapped you into a bear hug, an embrace so tight that you could barely breath. Miguel simply offered a sympathetic, if slightly exasperated smile over Peter’s back, before helping to claw the man back once more. “Thank you, thank you- oh this means so much to us!” Peter stammered, ignoring your attempts to quiet him. You could feel other people staring across the bar now and it was becoming quite distracting.
“Yeah, yeah, just- Okay, I happy to start the process. I do want that lawyer, uh- not that I don’t trust you guys, but, like you said it’s a big deal’ you said. Miguel grunted approvingly.
‘I wouldn’t have wanted you for the job if you hadn’t accepted that’ he replied, idly glancing at his nails. ‘I’d only accept someone who was, well… Smart enough to set boundaries, even if we are friends.’
‘Right, right. Good. That’s- good’ you said. At this point your mind was racing. You’d accepted the offer, but, what now? It’d probably be a while before any action happened but the sudden, daunting realization that action *would* happen hit you like a truck. You glanced over to where Miguel and Peter were now deep in conversation.
God, they were both huge. Huge. Miguel especially was enormous, nearly 6ft 9 with that thick neck and toned upper torso, the glint of his chiselled collar bone gleaming beneath the neon bar lights. Peter wasn’t as muscular but he was still tall, nearly as tall as Miguel, and he had that quiet, unsuspecting dad-bod strength about him.
You felt your shoulders hunch a little. You had no idea what to expect going forward here, all you knew is that—
‘Hey, sorry, are you gonna finish this those?’
You jumped back to reality to find Peter pointing across you at the table. Your eyes slowly followed his finger, which you realized was pointing at a half-finished bowl of fries you’d got when you arrived after missing dinner. Your eyes shot back up.
‘Uh… I mean, probably not, no’ you said. Peter didn’t say anything more; he just made that sweet, pleading puppy dog face and tilted his head a little. You and Miguel both sighed in unison, but you willingly slid them over to him.
“Oh thank you—” Peter said before his words were turned to garbled mess as he finished the bowl. You turned awkwardly back to Miguel instead. “I’ll send the paperwork over tomorrow” Miguel said, pre-empting your immediate thoughts. “We’re in no rush, so, we’ll work out the details at your pace.” ‘Aha, ah- sure. Thanks. I mean I’m, assuming it’ll be a long process anyway, right?” you replied.
Miguel tilted his head a little. ‘You mean, the pregnancy? Yes, though, I’ve heard it goes quicker than you think. We’ll do all we can to—’
‘OH, no! Not like, the pregnancy specifically” you elaborated, hands now raised. That drew Peter to look up from devouring everyone else’s meal, his eyes curiously fixed on you. Miguel’s stony red gaze remained locked in much the same way.
‘I mean the uh… The, baby making process’ you explained, giving a shrug to try and ease the awkwardness of saying such a thing. Miguel didn’t flinch though; he continued to stare, his head slightly tilted. ‘Like, making a baby can take… months, up to a year even. We’ll have to work around that timeframe I assume’ you said, finishing your point in a rather stilted manner.
Peter turned to look at Miguel. The neon lights were blaring at his back, shadowing his face until his features popped. So sharp, so thick-set, so chiselled. To your surprise, he suddenly smiled in a way you’d never seen before. He gave you a smug, wolfish grin, flashing just an inch of fang.
‘Oh, no. Don’t you worry about that’ he murmured, his voice unnervingly confident. You blinked and watched with a burning core as Miguel leaned forward to finish.
‘It won’t take long at all.’
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niningtori · 22 days
make you cry | part three: hyuka's ending
part one | part two: beomgyu's ending
pairing: hueningkai x you, past beomgyu x you
summary: after your falling out with beomgyu, kai becomes your new best friend as you spiral out of control. his actions may not be completely platonic, though.
genre: angst, romance, smut (mdni), best friends to lovers
warnings: smut (mdni), unprotected sex, creampie, dom!hyuka, oral (f. rec), dirty talk, praise, choking (sorry), possessive!kai, just some really sweet sex if u ask me, pregnancy kink
word count: 3.9k
notes: y'all... ik i said this would come out on my bday (which is exactly 2 weeks from now hehe) but i couldn't help but post it as soon as i finished it... lord knows i'm impatient. anyway, i said this would probably never exist but since ppl were asking for it, as the biggest pushover in the world, i couldn't say no ;_; i hope you enjoy it!
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"you're not gonna die," kai says softly. "it's a shitty circumstance, but you're just making it harder on yourself."
you hum noncommittally while downing another searing shot of vodka. kai watches in horror as you don't even think to chase it, too much of a hassle, you said.
"look, i know how you're feeling, trust me. i just think that torturing yourself is the worst thing you can do right now. whatever happened to self care in the face of heartbreak?" he pleads, and it's like he's talking to a wall. you had been staring listlessly at the same spot for what had to have been at least an hour — no tears, no nothing. just a blank stare and an insatiable need for the next sip.
"yeah, i know. i just wish things were different." you were miserable being just friends with beomgyu before, but that pales in comparison to how used you feel now that you’ve slept with him. 
"i know, baby. i know." at this point, he kind of just wishes you would cry. the awful look on your face seems significantly worse than if you'd just burst into tears.
beomgyu is your best friend, sure, but as you slowly descended into a pit of unrequited love for him, kai had understood like no one else after a particularly nasty breakup with his serial cheating ex. you two found some sort of secret camaraderie in the feeling of loneliness, something beomgyu would never understand, given how easily everything tended to work out for him. except for right now, you guess.
"alright, i think i'm done here," you slur and shakily stand as the vodka seems to be doing its job. kai scowls in frustration, wishing he could do more for you, but knowing he can't.
kai refuses to let you go home alone, so he hitches a taxi for you two. in the backseat of the car, you lean your head on the window and close your eyes, but all you see is the repeating image of beomgyu with a self-satisfied smirk on his face as he shows you the girl who he will probably end up fucking. you feel mentally sick knowing those eyes will never light up that way for you. you feel physically sick knowing that you gave him everything now and it still wasn’t enough. 
then, as if hearing your thoughts, kai carefully slides his hand around your cheek, which is currently somewhat numb from the coldness of the window and bumpiness of the ride, and softly places your head on his shoulder.
when you finally get to your apartment, you invite him in. he can tell you just don't want to be alone, but he doesn't say anything, just wraps an arm around you as you lead him into your bedroom. after plopping down in your bed, he turns to leave before you grab the end of his shirt.
"can you stay with me?" you plead. and he nods without a word. lying down next to you before pulling you in his warm embrace.
"you know, i think you're gonna be just fine," he whispers into the top of your head. and just like that, the dam breaks, and you finally, finally burst into tears. wail, really. 
you kick your legs like a child, chanting "no, no, no," and lamenting on and on about how things are wrong, wrong, wrong. this isn't how things were supposed to go. he was supposed to fall in love with you and open his eyes and see who’s been with him all along. he’d apologize and kiss you gently to make up for lost time. you hate how you hoped against hope that he would return your feelings and finally, finally start respecting you. but none of that happened the way it should. the way you so fervently hoped it would.
kai just pats your head and rubs your hair, all while cooing "shhh, i know. i know.”
you lay there with him, legs all tangled together and heart aching until you fall into a fitful sleep. 
you miss beomgyu, that goes without saying, but it's getting easier these days. this is due in no small part to kai’s persistence. he comes to see you nearly every day and calls you when he can’t. you spend countless nights with him on speakerphone. most nights, he talks about his day, where he went, the people he saw. on the really, really bad nights, he’s just trying to console you. like right now. 
“shh, it’s okay. i know,” he whispers into the phone.
“i-i’m sorry, hyuka. i’m just so sad,” you sob.
“no, don’t be sorry. why are you sorry?” he coos.
“because i’m dumping this all over you. it’s not your job to baby me,” you cry, feeling guilty beyond words, which only makes you cry harder.
“you’ve done the same for me. you know that. i couldn’t have gotten through my breakup if it weren’t for you, so you don’t need to be sorry. i’m here. i’ll always be here.” if you were less confused and hurt, you’d hear the extent of his tenderness. you might even realize how he’s bending over backwards in a way that’s reminiscent of the way you did for beomgyu. the way somebody who really loves you only ever does. but as it is, you don’t register any of it.
beomgyu shows up at your doorstep, sometimes. he doesn’t ever really say anything other than your name in a desperate voice between pleas to let him in, but you never do. you have no idea how strong your resolve will or won’t be if you see his face again, so you do your best to avoid him altogether. on a particularly bad night, though, you feel your self control waning. listening to what he has to say just once couldn’t hurt, right? you can’t stand the uncertainty and this seemingly endless purgatory you find yourself in now. you decide, no matter what the outcome is, you’ll put a stop to it tonight.
with newfound courage, you lightly crack your front door to come face to face with the boy who's been haunting you for months now. his red-rimmed eyes widen in shock as he finally sees you in person instead of from his friend’s instagram account. 
“what do you want?” you attempt to ask coolly, but you sound unsteady even to your own ears. beomgyu doesn’t seem to notice, though, and if does, he doesn’t say anything about it. 
“i just wanna talk to you,” he pleads, and you nod before widening the door and letting him in. you gesture for him to take a seat next to you on your couch and he cautiously sits while never breaking eye contact with you, as if he’s afraid that you’ll disappear if he takes his eyes off of you.
“so?” you ask plainly. he clears his throat as if he's been in a daze until now and nervously begins.
“i-i’m sorry for what i did to you. so, so sorry,” beomgyu says weakly. “and i miss you so much i can’t stand it.”
“then why did you do it?” you ask, not without a hint of malice.
“i.. i don’t know. i think i was just so scared to be hurt that i hurt you instead. but being away from you has shown me just how much i need you.” need. what a strange word coming from beomgyu’s mouth. as for needing you in particular? even stranger. 
“you know, i really didn’t mean to hurt you,” he continues, but even he knows how flimsy his words seem right now.
“i know,” you reply quietly.
“i ruined everything,” he says with a sense of finality, no room for argument. “i know i did. but i-is it always going to be like this? i don’t think i can live without you in my life, one way or another.”
“i don’t know, beomgyu.” he flinches at the use of his full name. “it’s going to take some time before we can be friends again.” if ever. you don’t say those last words, but he can swear he hears them.
“that’s okay,” he says with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “as long as you know that i’m sorry, and that you didn’t and don’t deserve how i treated you.”
“i know,”  you repeat. you can’t believe you’re not bawling and pulling him into your arms right now, for better or for worse, but surprisingly, you don’t feel any of the emotions you could’ve bet your life you would feel. you pity him more than anything, and your heart does ache, but more so for the friendship you lost instead of the love that never was. beomgyu wasn’t your best friend for nothing, so as if he can sense how detached you are from him, he says his next words.
“are you seeing him?” he asks with a tinge of melancholy.
“who?” you ask, taken aback at his sudden question.
“c’mon, be serious. kai.”
“k-kai? what do you mean?” he smiles bitterly at your words. 
“i’ve seen the way he looks at you. if you don’t see it yourself, you’re either delusional or blind. after i last saw you, he really told me all about myself.”
“he talked to you after that?” you ask in shock.
“oh yeah. he said he’d beat the brakes off of me if i ever tried to hurt you again, and the only reason why he hadn’t done it already was because you would be sad.” you pause at his earth-shattering words. your sweet hyuka really said that? you can’t imagine someone as soft and caring as him uttering such unforgiving words, but when you think about how much pain he knew you were in, it makes sense. kai had seen the worst parts of you after beomgyu had broken your heart. only he knew just how much you were hurting, and only he would care as much as he did. you don’t know why, but you can’t help but smile softly at the thought of him being so riled up that he acted completely out of character for you. just for you.
“and if i know you, and i do, i’d say that you probably feel the same way he does.” you gasp at his observation. how could he possibly think that?
“y-you’re wrong! we’re just good friends.” best friends, even. you haven’t really thought about kai in that context. everything you’ve ever done seemed purely platonic on your end. but now that you’re really thinking about it, is it actually? the late night phone calls, spending the night in his arms, waking up to kisses on your forehead and promises to see you later. that’s not what “just friends” do, is it? 
“really? then you’d be okay with him acting the same way he does with you with literally anyone else?” you’re at a loss for words at this. what would you do if kai showed his gentleness to anyone else the same way he does for you? how would you react to him staying up all night on the phone with another girl? to him dropping everything just to make sure she’s eaten? to looking at someone else with infinite warmth and care? you wouldn’t like it at all. 
beomgyu smiles sadly at your reaction. he knows now that you’ll never love him again. not in the way he’s realized he loves you. but that’s okay. love is supposed to be selfless. he realizes that now as he watches you stutter and vehemently deny the love you have so obviously begun to have for another man.
on your end, all you can think is: oh god, how long have you been stringing kai along? since your fallout with beomgyu? or even before that? sure, you could hide under the pretense of being each other’s primary support system in heartbreak, but you can’t do that forever. especially not now. in the middle of your reverie, the sound of your front door opening snaps you back to reality. who else would it be besides the boy in question?
“what the fuck are you doing here?” kai growls when he catches sight of beomgyu. he had just stopped by to see if you’re okay since you hadn’t texted him back in awhile. he figured he’d walk in to you sleeping soundly, not to the sight of you and beomgyu getting cozy on your couch. you, of course, were decidedly not getting cozy with beomgyu in the slightest, but kai couldn’t see that in the midst of his rage. 
“me? i’m leaving now,” beomgyu says, sensing danger and cleverly wanting to escape it.
“yeah, you’d better,” kai spits. 
when beomgyu shuts the door behind him, kai immediately turns to you.
“did he hurt you?” you shake your head no. 
“are you okay?” he asks and all you can do is nod. actually, you haven’t felt this okay in a long, long time. things that didn’t previously make sense to you are incredibly clear now. you love kai, you really do. you loved beomgyu, obviously, but those feelings of pain are gone now that you feel the tenderness that is actual, reciprocated love. 
“kai?” you ask in the middle of his barrage of questions about what happened.
“yes?” he asks, completely dropping his interrogation as soon as you say his name. 
“do you love me?” his face crumbles at this question.
“don’t be stupid, of course i love you. you’re my best friend.” 
“not like that. i mean, do you love, love me?” you search his eyes for an answer. his mouth widens and he sputters for a moment before realizing there’s no way out.
“since when?” you can’t help but ask.
“since always,” he says with a smile, reminiscent of the words you had spoken to beomgyu all that time ago. you can’t even imagine how kai must have felt when he saw you pining after beomgyu, and for so long. actually, you can. that’s how you felt about beomgyu. your heart aches when you think that you’ve unintentionally inflicted the same pain on the sweetest boy you’ve ever known.
“what about your ex?” 
“she’s not you. and i think… i think she knew my heart was never really in it. not like it is with you. i think that’s why she cheated.” it still hurt to be cheated on by her, to be clear, but not more than it did to see your eyes following beomgyu every second of every day. when he cried to you about her, he was really just crying over you.
“i’m… i know you’re not into me like that, and that's okay, it really is. i just don’t want to lose you.” your heart flutters at his words. kai’s selflessness, his care, his indulgence. his love. you try to imagine a world where kai shows the sides he shows to you to someone else. you’d feel absolutely gutted, now that you think about it. unconsciously, you’ve grown to want to monopolize everything about him. you can’t imagine giving him up, not for anyone. not even for beomgyu.
without another word, you gently place your hands on his cheeks and pull his face towards yours. you kiss him softly, tenderly, and he can’t help but gasp before melting into the kiss. there’s so much care behind it along with love, appreciation, and the sense of making up for lost time.
his eyes redden when you insert your tongue into his pliant mouth. 
“s-stop. any more, and i won’t be able to hold back.” “so don’t hold back,” you say as you grab his hand and lead him to your bedroom.
“a-are you sure?” he asks nervously.
“i’m sure,” you say breathily. “i love you, too. so please, just take care of me, okay?” he can’t hold himself back now. the girl he loves is practically begging him to take her, what kind of person would he be if he said no? so he doesn’t. with great care, he strips your clothes off of you and watches in awe as he sees your naked body in front of him. slowly, intentionally, he lays you down on your bed and admires you for all that you are. your cheeks heat up as he presses kisses onto every inch of your trembling body, almost like he’s trying to mark you with a seal that makes you his own, completely. almost like he’s removing traces of anyone else, and you love the feeling of practically being worshiped by a man who’s clearly in love with you.
eventually, his kisses become more and more fiery as he inches towards your fluttering pussy. 
with a curse, he grabs a pillow and shoves it underneath your hips, raising your glistening cunt so you can more easily fully take in the sight of him lapping up your sweetness like he’s starving. you’ve felt similar pleasure before, but nothing quite like this. is this how it feels to be with someone you love who truly loves you back? you think so. your legs are shaking and involuntarily caging him in between them, but he doesn’t try to resist you. it’s like he could die happily in between your legs as he moans into your cunt, the vibrations racking through your body deliciously. he chuckles when you gasp at the feeling of one of his long, knobby fingers entering your heat. he curls experimentally, you cry out his name when he finds your sweet spot and taps it mercilessly, sliding another finger in and following suit. the sweet feeling of his mouth sucking on your clit and the cruel curling of his fingers is enough to bring you to your climax. you cry out his name as your toes curl and legs shake, which only spurs him further, slurping up your slick like he can’t stand the thought of losing a single drop.
“did that feel good, baby? you wanted me to take care of you, right? so just sit back and let me do it. i’ll make you feel better than you ever have.”
he rips off his shirt and unceremoniously tosses it behind him. you’re panting now, gasping for air, but he’s not done with you yet. he sits up and unbuckles his pants, sliding them down his creamy thighs and letting his cock stand tall. his whole body is flushed pink with embarrassment when you take him all in, matching his reddened member, which is currently leaking profusely with precum. he’s so needy for you, and you can see it all over his bright pink face. you should be tired from the intense orgasm he just gave to you, but you can’t help but gulp in anticipation as he lines himself up with your entrance. slowly, he pushes his wide tip in your spasming pussy. 
“o-oh, god,” he says as he splits you open. you can’t even form words because the stretch you feel is absolutely scorching, so you whine instead. tears spring in your eyes as he shakily pulls out then pierces you with one fluid motion, bottoming out completely. 
“y-you’re going to break me,” you cry.
“oh, baby. it’s alright, you can take me,” he says soothingly, but not without a tinge of mischief. that’s all you get before he begins thrusting into you. the harsh curve of his cock dragging along your walls and inadvertently hitting your g spot relentlessly has you opening your mouth, trying not to drool, but failing when he sticks his thumb in your mouth. like a madwoman, you begin to desperately suck on it, which only fuels the fire even more. 
“you look so pretty sucking on me like that,” he coos. “bet you wish it was my dick instead, don’t you?” he snickers as he stuffs his cock into your pussy. “i’ll give it to you every day, okay? you don’t have to beg.” you nod pathetically in agreement. the thought of kai filling you up every day has you needier than before, somehow. you need this feeling, the feeling only he can give you.
his body is scorching hot in your arms. his cock throbbing inside you? even hotter. you watch in awe as he rams himself into you, your whole body shaking with every thrust. 
“t-take it, you can fucking take it. my pretty girl, so fucking perfect for me,” he praises.
this can’t be your sweet, sweet hyuka, right? but as your teary eyes look up at him, you know it has to be. as if he can hear your thoughts, he smirks as he takes one of his hands and lightly grips your throat. it’s not hard enough to hurt you, but enough to have you whimpering. he calls your name lovingly as he drills into your swollen pussy, walls clenching down around him. you whimpering out his name in tandem with the indecent sounds of his balls slapping against you ring inside his head. he feels more and more that he’s losing his grip on reality as he continues to impale you on his cock. a shudder pulsates through you as you feel an orgasm approaching again. you don’t have to say it’s coming, because he can feel it when you clench around him, pussy begging him not to leave as it sucks him in deeper and deeper. 
“fuck, baby, you look so beautiful coming undone around my cock. so gorgeous, this pussy is the best, never wanna leave it.”
neither of you feel particularly sane at the moment, especially not as he clutches your thigh to steady himself as he thoroughly fucks you into your soiled mattress, hand still gripping your throat. 
“gonna come, gonna get you pregnant so everyone knows not to mess with you. do you want that? do you want everyone to know how good i’m fucking you? that you’re all mine?”
“yes, yes, yes! come inside, please!” you manage to choke out. you place your arms around his neck and dig the heels of your feet into his ass as he drills into you. that’s all it takes, really, before his warm seed fills you to the brim. he moans as he releases his grip on your neck and pumps it further and further into you, pushing his load into your cervix as he peppers your face and neck with sweet kisses. 
he collapses, pushing your hair off of your sweaty face so he can get a better look at you. 
“d-did i hurt you?” he asks cautiously, only sobering up now that his release has come.
“it was good, i liked it,” you giggle, admiring his cuteness. he smiles contentedly as he places one hand on your stomach and gently caresses it. 
“you’re so beautiful,” he murmurs. “can’t believe you’re really mine.” mine. what a beautiful word, only made more beautiful by the boy who’s insisting you belong to each other.
“i could say the same thing about you,” you whisper, placing your hand on his blushing cheeks. 
“wanna go again?” he asks, cock already hardening once more.
“w-what?” you ask dumbly as he shifts from beside you.
“i meant it when i said i want everyone to know you’re mine,” he says, positioning himself over you again and sliding his cock up and down your slit. he was right. you’ve never felt this good before in your life, and you wouldn’t want it to be because of anyone else.
taglist: @my313 @superbbananananana @lonelybutterflytae @cherrycolaberry @everythingvirgoes @beomnoullitheorem @sunny4cast @softesyoongi
series taglist*: @gyulinoo @moamidzyism @sooberryworld @dreamxerz @sweetttkissess @gothraccoons @jaxyy219 @idontwantoeatspicy @soobsfairy444 @denleave1088 @notevenheretbh1 @fairfootedflekk @hihello-pinky @ilovesimjaehyun143 @seolis-world @midwinterblizzard @slutty-cherry @run2min
*if you were tagged in part two: beomgyu's ending i assumed u wanted to be tagged in this one too! if i was wrong, i'm sorry n i will delete ur tag jus lmk!!
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obx-pogue4life · 1 year
The Right Path For Us
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Summary: Rafe just wants to be able to feel his girl without anything between them and that need turns into a conversation which leads y/n and Rafe to realize they just might finally be ready to start a family together
Warnings: Fluffy smut. Slight breeding kink, begging, swearing, kissing, slight dirty talk, mentions of sex, pregnancy and marriage
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"Please baby? Let me feel all of you without a condom,"  my boyfriend Rafe begged. "I need to feel you against my cock. Don't you want to feel me without that barrier in between us? Don't you want to feel my hot cum shoot into you, painting your insides with my seed?
"What I want Rafe, is to not get pregnant by my idiot boyfriend who thinks it's ok to just unload in me freestyle because he wants to feel all of me," I say to him sternly. I'm gonna stick with no.
"Awww come on y/n, what's the worst thing that could happen? You get pregnant? So fucking what! Who cares if I knock you up! You don't want that? Please...I know you. You'd love it if I put a baby in that belly of yours. You'd love carrying around a little Cameron and have everyone know that you belong to me.
I start to blush and Rafe gives me that shit eating grin of his, knowing that what he said is right on the money. "I fucking knew it," he brags.
"OK fine, but just because you technically may not be wrong does not mean I am ready- actually scratch that, that WE are ready for a baby Rafe.
"Pffffftttt," he says looking directly at me. He takes my hand and laces our fingers and leads us to the couch. I follow him but am a little surprised at his sudden silence. We both sit down, him still holding my hand and sit a minute in silence. "Do you know how much I love you, y/n?," he quietly asks, turning to face me.
I mimic his turn on the couch and notice how serious he is. "Of course I do Rafe. I love you just as much, with all my heart," you answer him, grabbing for his other hand. I put it directly over my heart and place my hand over his. "Forever," I say softly. Rafe's face lights up immediately and he moves our hands from my chest to his, repeating the word that means so much to him.
"Forever," he says to me. "I would love nothing more than to start a family with you y/n."
"I'm barely 20 years old," I say desperately trying to come up with reasons to tell this gorgeous man in front of me as to why we should not have a baby right now.
"Well that's a shit reason," he says chuckling. "Just because we're young doesn't mean we aren't ready. We are plenty mature and have plenty of money. NEXT," he says confidently.
"Well...we aren't married, we aren't even engag-," he cut you off with a wave of his hand.
"That is 100% your own doing y/n and you know it. If I had my way, we would have been married a long time ago.
"If you had your way, we would have been married in high school and we might not have made it here because you know perfectly well that it would have been really hard to make an actual marriage work when we still have to worry about getting to homeroom on time and submitting book reports," I say as calmly as I can muster.
We have had this talk many times over the past several years of dating and we both agreed to hold off until I was finished with college and Rafe played a bigger part in his dad's company. I know that him just being a Cameron alone would support us well beyond our means, that is always a big part of our arguments, but it's very important to me to know that we can make it on our own and support ourselves by having real jobs and skills to fall back on just incase we ever needed them. I also wanted to make damn well sure that Rafe knows I loved him despite his money, not because of it and this was a clear way for me to prove that to him; not that he ever questioned it but I never want to give him a reason to. With a family like the Cameron's, there comes a lot of underlying responsibility and a lot of obligations and I never felt ready for all of that, no matter how much I loved Rafe. Well...until now, that is.
"I still think we would have been fine but that was then y/n," he presses. "What about now?"
"Are you actually being serious right now," you say slowly, thinking.
"Serious as a heart attack baby," he states coolly.
"Please baby? You know I will always take care of you and you know how much I love you. It's only a matter of time before you're a Cameron anyway," he smirks at you, leaning in for a kiss. I sigh into his mouth, knowing he's right and struggle to come up with any real reasons why not to at least try to start a family. It probably wouldn't happen right away anyway and I know how much having his own family means to him. I also know he will always make good on his promise to take care of me and to love me. So maybe now could be the right time?
"So I'm not saying yes but-," THERE'S A BUT!, he interrupts.
"Oh my gosh, eager much," I tease him, poking him in the ribs and smiling. "I'm not saying yes but if I were to agree to this, I want to hear you tell me that this just isn't just about sex. I need to hear you without you trying to put the moves on me that you really want this as much as you say you do Rafe because so so help me god, if you're lying to me just to get me to let you fuck me without a condom-," BABY he interrupts again.
"You know me better than that. I would never trick you like that! What kind of a jerky bastard do you think I am?!," he feigns in mock rage.
"I know that," you sigh apologetic. "This is just a huge step for us and I just really need to make sure we both want this for the same reasons."
"We?," he questions, raising an eyebrow and smirking.
"Yes, we," I say to him, smiling back happily.
"You know how badly I want you and to start a family together," he says taking his arms and draping them around my neck. I might have started out like a little bit of a jerk earlier but it's just because I love you so much and my need for you clouds my mind sometimes. And I know that sounds like a line but you know in your heart that I mean every word of it. The pleasure we'd feel would just be an added bonus y/n," he smirks at me.
"Is that so?" I say egging him on.
"Oh baby," he says raspily, his eyes filling with lust. "You have no idea how good it's gonna be."
I feel myself gulp as my eyes widen from his confidently naughty confession. My breathing gets a bit faster and Rafe immediately notices my body stiffen in front of him.
"What are you thinking, y/n," he asks me, resting his head against my forehead.
"That I want you," I immediately say and then blush. I can feel Rafe's eyelashes fluttering against my face and the way his breath begins to pick up. He presses his lips to mine in a sweet kiss and I can feel the smile on his face. After a minute he pulls away to look at me.
"What else do you want?," he asks me, his tone desperate to hear my words of affirmation.
"I really want to start a family with you," I tell him earnestly. I always have. I just wasn't sure we were ready for it until...," I look at him as the realization washes over me. "Well... until this exact moment. It just feels so right. The more I hear you talk about it, the more it just makes such perfect sense."
Before I could barely finish my thought his lips were on mine in a fevered panic, needy and wanting, as if he hadn't kissed me in ages. Between breaths he paused only to say how much he loves me and how happy I make him, confirming to me that this was absolutely the right path for us. As he lay me down on the couch, his body is pressed flush against mine as he puts my hands over my head and clutches my wrists. I sigh in complete content as he kisses my neck and I let my eyes close allowing that familiar feeling to start bubbling up inside me.
"Raaaaffeee," I moan out, letting him know how good he's making me feel.
"I know baby," he says in between biting and sucking on my delicate skin. He moves to my mouth and gives me a long, sweet kiss. His tongue melds with mine so perfectly, it makes me wonderfully dizzy and all I can think about is how in love I am with him. When he stops kissing me and pulls away it takes me a second to come back to earth. I open my eyes and find him smiling, staring at me and his necklace dangling right in front of my nose. I playfully grab the chain gently and he leans in and kisses me sweetly on the nose.
"What?," I say giggling. He's still looking at me with that goofy grin on his face and he once again makes me blush.
"Now," he says with a twinkle in his eye. "I just have to get you to agree to marry me."
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evansbby · 2 years
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒
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part iv - just like animals
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dark alpha!Steve Rogers x naive omega!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, major angst, extremely dark themes, a/b/o dynamic, daddy!kink, dubcon, dumbification, bullying, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, size kink, housewife kink, semi-public sex, pussyjob, oral (f receiving),  extreme depictions of bullying and depression, 18+ only, minors do not interact!  
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You begin to lose hope, and Steve begins to lose his mind.
Series Masterlist 
𝐀/𝐍: Another warning that the angsty content and certain themes in this chapter may be difficult to read. Warnings are there for a reason. Apart from that, thank you so much for being so patient. It took me more than 4 months to write this and it’s 22.2k words long. Enjoy.
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You stare so hard your vision blurs, until the two lines on the test are swimming around comically, almost as if they’re laughing at you. And then you’re blinking rapidly, because your eyes must be playing some kind of cruel trick, right? This can’t be real, this can’t be real, this can’t be real.
You’re pregnant. With Steve’s baby.
It’s with an almost detached silence that you get up and wrap all three tests in a big wad of toilet paper. Like you’re floating through the air, you stuff them under your shirt and make your way out of the room. With Steve still asleep, you venture downstairs and out the front door, the chilly morning air having no effect on you.
You bury the tests at the bottom of the garbage bin, like how you’re currently trying to bury all the emotions threatening to spill out of you. A baby. Inside you. Right at this moment. Steve’s baby. Your hand twitches, reaching up to touch your stomach before you stop yourself. What were you going to do now?
Steve reaches for you when you return to the bedroom, he looks half-asleep as he pulls you back into bed. You wonder whether here, cocooned in cosy warmth, you can just scrunch your eyes up real tight and pretend none of this is happening right now…
“Where did you go?”
“Steve, I… I’m…” Your throat constricts, and panic rises within you like bile as you try to regulate your breathing. “I just went downstairs to drink water.”
Steve hums, drawing you closer and burying his face in your neck while you lie completely still. As if any movement would somehow expose the fact that you’re pregnant. He peppers soft kisses onto your skin, tugging your shirt down to expose more of your neck.
“I’m gonna take you out for dinner tonight.” He says softly, and it’s the last thing you were expecting to hear from him right now. His lips drag up to kiss the corner of your mouth before moving down to your jaw, his hands stroking up and down your body as he holds you close. “You have an exam this morning, don’t you?”
You don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that you’d forgotten you have an exam today.
“Mm, so I’ll take you out after. Anywhere you want to go. We can even go shopping before that, I’ll buy you whatever you want.” Steve’s arms encircle around your waist, pulling you up as he rolls onto his back, so that you’re lying on his chest. He blinks up at you, blue eyes suddenly serious, “I want you to forget about everything that happened last night, omega.”
And just like that, it all comes rushing back to you. Like a hurtling freight train that had been momentarily kept at bay because you’d just found out you were pregnant. But now the memories come back at lightning speed. Bucky. Steve Junior. The fight. How Steve hadn’t defended you. How he’d left.
How he’d cheated on you.
How you’d begged him not to leave you.
“Forget all of it.” Steve repeats, cupping your face with both his hands. “None of that’s important anymore, as long as you’ll be good from now on.”
And just like that, he wants you to forget. Move on in a blink of an eye. Forget his cheating, his casual cruelty, how he’d laughed when you’d cried. How he’d told you every detail of his encounter with that other omega, how it had felt like you’d been punched in the gut repeatedly.
How could he expect you to forget? By pretending it never happened and distracting you with shopping trips, gifts and dinners? Was that his way of compensating? Didn’t he feel even a tiny bit of remorse? Could he even acknowledge how much he’d hurt you?
There’s a part of you, underneath all the newfound shock of being pregnant, that wants to confront him about all of it.
Instead, you nod mechanically. “Okay, Steve.”
“Good girl.” He kisses you a few more times before sitting up and setting you down next to him. “Pick a restaurant and text me, I’ll make the reservation.”
With baited breath, you watch him as he gets up, moving around the room to get ready for the day. You know that he’s got his morning run, then a gym session and then two exams back-to-back– which means you won’t see him until a lot later. Maybe it would give you enough time to gather your thoughts and make sense of your situation before you tell him.
Your own exam goes by in a blur. It doesn’t help that all you can think about is the fact that there’s literal life growing inside of you, but you somehow soldier through. With nerves mounting, you walk from the university building back to Steve’s house almost in a daze. Worries, questions, concerns, and fears swim around in your head like a school of frenzied fish. What are you going to do?
Acting on desperate impulse alone, you whip your phone out. Shaky fingers scroll desperately, searching for one blocked contact in particular. Almost in a frenzy, you tap on his name, unblocking him and calling him before you can change your mind.
“H-Hello? Peter?”
It takes a few moments for him to register that it’s you, and then:
“Oh my God. Are you okay?!”
The familiarity of Peter’s voice makes you want to cry, the sound bringing back fleeting memories of sitting on his sofa with a bowl of popcorn and a movie, complaining to him about all the alphas in your lectures. Playing computer games on his laptop and laughing when you beat him. Catching the bus to his house after days of not speaking to anyone at university, and the relief you’d feel when he’d open the door…
“I’m… I…Peter, I…”
You’re suddenly awash with shame. The last time you’d seen Peter, his face was spurting blood after being punched several times by Steve. And you hadn’t even bothered to call or text him after that, hadn’t bothered to see if he was okay. Granted, that was also the night Steve had mated you – oh, how could you ever explain all of this mess to Peter?
“Are you okay?” Peter repeats. “I tried to call so many times but you blocked me.” A pause, and then he adds: “Don’t worry, I realised that was probably Steve’s doing.”
You swallow harshly, “I should’ve called you. It’s just… He… He…” But you couldn’t blame it all on Steve, could you? In the past month and a half, it’s not like you’d gone out of your way to contact Peter. No, after Steve had mated you, it was like he’d consumed you, eaten you alive. Wrapped you up in this little bubble where it was just you and him and no one else mattered. A bubble you clearly had been in no hurry to escape from until it had popped unceremoniously all over your face.
“Is he treating you okay?” Peter’s question sounds tentative, as if he doesn’t quite believe his own words.
“No, Peter, I–” A strangled sob escapes your throat from out of nowhere, and you can feel the flimsy threads holding you together as they begin to come apart. “Everything’s a mess, a big fat mess and I don’t know what I’m going to do!”
“What happened? Did he hurt you?”
Why had you called him? How could you even begin to tell him everything you’d been through in the past twenty-four hours? Would Peter ultimately even care to listen to you complain about the man you’d cheated on him with? The man who you’d been living with for the past month, acting like his good little omega while pretending Peter no longer existed?
“It’s all a big mess.” You moan pathetically, hating yourself for how you sound. Here you were, hurt by one man and immediately trying to hurtle yourself into the arms of another. Stupid. Pathetic. Dumb. Careless. You’d gotten yourself into this mess. Just like Steve said – all your fault.
Your hand finds its way to your stomach, stroking it softly through the material of your dress. For a split second, you close your eyes and try and picture it. You, with a baby in your arms. Your very own baby – it looks exactly like you. And Steve coming home, smiling happily as he kisses you and takes your child, swinging it around while it giggles.
But like ink spilling on paper, the image darkens. Now it’s you alone with your baby. Cold, dark, dreary. Steve’s gone. He left you. Left you and left your baby. For that other omega. Left you just like how your dad left too. And it’s all your fault, all your fault, all your fault! Steve’s voice chanting in your head while your baby cries: all your fault, all your fault, all your fault!
“Hello? Are you still there?” Peter’s voice drags you out of your mind. “Look, just tell me what happened. I can help you. I know I wasn’t much help last time but I can help you now. We can figure something out, just tell me where you are, and–”
“I’m sorry,” You interrupt him, swallowing harshly. What had you hoped to achieve by calling your ex-boyfriend and telling him that your current boyfriend got you pregnant? No, you couldn’t do that to Peter. “Look, I don’t know why I called, I can’t drag you into my mess.”
“You haven’t even told me what the mess is–”
“I’m sorry, Peter.” You choke out before quickly hanging up. Methodically, you delete the call history and block his number once more. And then, it’s with almost mechanical grace that you wipe away your tears and clear your throat.
This is your mess. You have to handle it by yourself.
Still reeling from the impulsive phone-call and it’s abrupt ending, you walk the rest of the way back to Steve’s house in a daze of different emotions, wanting nothing more than to just escape your mind which seems to be working in overdrive. Reaching the front door, you’re about to twist the doorknob when you hear a click and the door swings open from the inside.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Little Miss Omega.” Words dripping with smug delight as if he’s caught you with your hand in the cookie jar, Bucky leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest and a wolfish grin on his face, “Was that you I just saw on the phone?”
You duck your head, hoping to just ignore the alpha, nudge past him and run up to yours’ and Steve’s bedroom. But Bucky easily blocks your path, leaving you standing outside on the porch and looking up at him in dismay. Again, you try to push past him but he’s too big, too strong, barely budging.
“I asked you a question. Who were you on the phone with? I bet Stevie doesn’t know, does he?”
Bucky intimidates you, with his light blue eyes and cold gaze. The way he’s always staring. And you don’t think you’ll ever forgive him for what he did to poor Steve Junior. Hands curling into fists by your sides, you can’t help but look to the ground, “I was talking to a friend about a textbook I’m looking for.”
“Nice try, sweetheart. Everyone knows you don’t have any friends.”
“Just let me in!” You try and be assertive, but shoving past him does you no good – just like Steve, he’s practically built like a brick wall.
“Let’s put it to a vote, shall we?” Bucky turns his head slightly, “Hey, Sam. Should I let little omega into the house?”
Over Bucky’s shoulder, you see Sam on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table and a joint between his fingers, a slightly glazed look over his eyes. “I don’t give a fuck, man.”
“I’ll take that as a no. Sorry, sweetheart. I guess Steve should’ve trusted you with keys.” And you can’t believe it when the door slams in your face. You stand there in shock for a few seconds, wrapping your head around exactly what’s just happened. Overhead, the clouds grow darker and you hear a boom of thunder that has your chest tightening.
Hurriedly, you knock on the door once more, trying to persuade yourself that they’re just doing what they always do – acting like alpha jerks and joking around. Of course, they’ll let you in soon – they’d have to be heartless not to.
“Please let me in!” You call out, knocks becoming more incessant as panic begins to bubble inside of you – you’re not too fond of thunder, “Bucky, Sam, please! I think it’s gonna start raining!”
A rush of cold air has you shivering down to the bone, goosebumps rising up and down your limbs. It had been warm in the morning, so you’d worn only a light sundress – absolutely not ideal for the rainstorm that’s clearly about to hit.
“Guys, please!” You cry out again, and it comes out as a whimper. Bucky’s been awful as of late, but maybe Sam would grow irritated by your cries and come to open the door? That’s all you can hope for as you continue to slam your fists against the door harder and harder.
Suddenly, the door opens and you sag with relief until you see it’s Bucky again.
“L-Let me in. Please.” You hate that you have to beg him like this, after everything he’s said and done to you in the past. How he tore Steve Junior, how he called you a bitch in heat. Oh, how badly you wish Steve was here. But then, would Steve have even done anything at all?
Bucky tilts his head as if he’s pretending to think, “How about we strike up a bargain, sweetheart? You give me a kiss, and I’ll let you in.”
It’s as if someone’s dunked poison into your veins. Ugly, green poison that gives you a bad feeling and a bad taste all at once. You take a step back almost cautiously, “N-No.”
“You sure, omega?” Bucky licks his lips, pushing his brown hair out of his face as his gaze drinks you in hungrily. “It’s awfully cold out there, and nice and warm in here. All it’s gonna cost you is one kiss. And don’t worry, I won’t tell Steve.”
You jut your chin out, “No. I’m not going to kiss you. You’re Steve’s best friend, you shouldn’t be acting like this anyway.”
It’s like it’s all a game to him, because Bucky just smiles wickedly, reaching out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. Revulsion overtakes your body, and you take another step back, blanching before giving him a pleading look.
“Acting like what? I told you, I won’t tell Steve.” He tries to grab you, but you’re quick to dodge him, “Come on, omega. It’s not like Steve’s gonna care anyways. I was there when he cheated on you. I didn’t understand it, if I had a hot piece of ass like you in my bed– I’d never do what he did.”
You bite your lip. The pain is still so fresh, the memory of Steve so nonchalantly telling you how he’d cheated on you, how he didn’t have a mark on his neck that tethered him to you. You’re crestfallen, but there’s a certain fury that awakens inside you too, because you hate how Bucky’s talking about it, you hate how he knows, you hate how he’s using it to his advantage.
You’ve never yelled at an alpha like this before, your voice sounding over a clap of thunder that hits at that exact moment, “Shut up, okay? My relationship with Steve is none of your business. So just please, please leave me alone and let me in.” And once again you try to barge your way past him, pushing against his arm with all your strength but getting absolutely nowhere with it.
“Listen, you little bitch. Don’t fucking raise your voice at me.” Bucky is quick to grab your arm, twisting it roughly behind your back and making you cry out in pain. “And stop trying to act all high and mighty, like you’re above kissing me. You’re just a pathetic little scholarship slut omega, remember that.”
“Please! It hurts!”
“It hurts!” He mimics, face inches from yours as he sneers down at you, “When are you gonna realise that no one cares when you hurt? Least of all Steve.” His lips are so close to yours, and you can feel his breath on your face as he speaks, “So, what do you say about that kiss, hm, sweetheart? He cheated on you, now’s your chance to do the same. An eye for an eye.”
“No! I’m not going to kiss you, okay? I don’t want to!” You cry out, trying with all your might to wiggle out of his grasp until he cruelly pushes you away and you stumble down the front steps of the house.
“Fine. Suit yourself, omega slut.”
And the door slams shut again, followed by the unmistakable click of the lock. And this time, you know Bucky isn’t coming back to open it. Another clap of thunder, a ripple of lightning and now heavy rain is falling down in earnest. For a few seconds, you just watch in disbelief as the icy cold water soaks through your clothes.
Then you run up against the window, pounding on it, hoping that maybe Sam will let you in. But Sam looks like he’s passed out on the couch and dead to the world around him. And Bucky just sits there, cigarette in mouth and phone in hand, pretending as if he hasn’t just heartlessly locked you outside in the heavy rainfall.
And the rain is unforgiving, so cold as it pelts downwards. Fat droplets of icy water beating down on your head – it’s already soaked through your dress and everything from your hair to your phone is dripping wet.
Once more, you slam your fists on the door, yelling out both their names, begging and pleading to be let in. You shake and rattle the doorknob, you pound at the glass of the window, at one point you even hurl your whole body into the door to maybe break it open – but to no avail.
“Please! It’s c-cold out here!” Your voice comes out hoarse from all the pleading you’ve been doing, and you can’t tell whether it’s rainwater or tears smeared all over your face, “Please let me in! I d-don’t know what I did to you but please, just let me in!”
It’s in the middle of your hundredth ‘please’ that you finally stop, clamping your shivering mouth shut because what’s the point? All this begging, all this pleading, just in the hopes that the two worst people you know might feel sorry for you? When they never have in the past? When they’ve been awful to you every chance they got, despite the fact that you’ve been nothing but polite to them?
No. Bucky and Sam don’t deserve your begging.
You find yourself sinking down on the steps. You contemplate calling Steve, but one glance at the black screen of your phone and you know it’s either dead or the rainwater got to it.
The library was closed for maintenance, and walking to the nearest campus building would be impossible in this rain. Even your old dorm is out of the question, because Steve has the keys to it. And slowly, as the cold numbness begins to spread across your fingertips and up your arms, you feel a sudden numbness in your mind too.
This despairing feeling of no hope, cruelly snatching away any need to survive. You feel your body switch off, the feeling of deadly indifference overtaking you. You bury your head between your legs, wrapping your arms around yourself to preserve any body-heat.
Steve should be home by now... But he isn’t, he isn’t, he isn’t! The voice inside you mocks. He’s probably with that other omega…Cosy in her dorm room, probably kissing her…
You don’t know how long you sit there in the pounding rain, feeling it beat unforgivingly down your head and back. A part of you wants to drown in the rainwater, or let it wash you away and take you somewhere far. Somewhere where it isn’t so wet and so cold, where everyone isn’t so horrible.
The car headlights don’t really register in your head, and neither does the rough hand that grabs your arm a few moments later, shaking you and calling out your name repeatedly. You just keep your head in your lap, hoping and praying that the cold goes away.
“Can you hear me? What the fuck are you doing out here?” Steve demands, grabbing both your shoulders now and shaking them heftily, making you look up slowly and blink. Your vision is completely blurred, and again it’s either from the rain or your tears – you don’t know. But you see Steve’s halo of blonde hair glimmering in the rain, and the furrow of his brow.
You open your mouth but nothing comes out as Steve yanks you up to your feet, pulling you towards the door.
“Did you hear what I just asked you? What are you doing out here in the rain? Are you insane?” He has to raise his voice to be heard above the deathly patter.
“W-Wouldn’t let me in.” You mumble faintly as Steve fishes for his keys, pulling them out of his pocket and unlocking the door in record time, pushing you inside before following you.
“What?” He repeats once you’re both inside, “What did you say?”
The warmth is immediate but you feel no relief – just that same numbness from before. You’re dripping all over the floor, cold beyond belief as you look down at your ruined shoes.
“Th-They wouldn’t let me in.”
It comes out so quiet, so pitiful, so weak and resigned. Because you know he won’t care, that he’ll downplay it. But Steve’s blue eyes blaze with fury once realisation sets in. Face red and knuckles white, he turns to the living room. You must’ve been outside for a while because Sam is gone, and there’s only Bucky who sits with his feet reclined on the coffee table, casually typing away on his phone.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole?” Steve roars, striding into the living room and grabbing Bucky by the collar, yanking him up to his feet.
“Hey, hey, let the fuck go of me.” Bucky’s got a glare on his face as the blond alpha slams him against the wall, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Don’t act fucking stupid,” Steve sneers, “She was outside in the rain for God knows how fucking long. Look at her. She said you wouldn’t let her in.”
Bucky’s gaze shifts towards you, and you know you look like a dishevelled, soaking mess. There’s a split second where his eyes widen, and his throat bobs as he swallows. Then he blinks, that familiarly cruel smirk returning, “Oh. I guess I didn’t hear her knock.”
“What’s going on–?” Sam chooses that moment to come thudding down the stairs. He stops short when he sees you shivering at the landing and the sizable puddle of rainwater by your feet.
“Why would you do it?” Steve slams Bucky against the wall once more, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him this angry. Except the night he mated you.
“Relax the fuck out. It was a joke. Don’t act like you haven’t done shit like this before.”
“Don’t fucking joke with her.”
“I’ll joke with whoever the fuck I want, asshole. Just like how you used to,” Bucky sneers, “before you got yourself whipped on that omega slut.”
The look on Steve’s face is one of absolute livid fury, and he’s about to draw his fist back when–
“Steve, she looks like she’s hypothermic or something.” It’s Sam who speaks, stepping forward and swiftly coming between them. Steve glances at you before looking back at Bucky, giving the brunet one last menacing look before shoving him, then shoving Sam and making his way over to you.
“Both of you can go to hell.” He mutters, blue eyes still filled with rage as he grabs your arm. He inhales sharply, as if stung by how cold your skin feels. And ‘feel’ is a strong word because what you can’t feel is your toes, your fingers, the tip of your nose. And you can’t stop the violent, body-wracking shivers as your body fails to heat itself up.
Steve tries to pull you up the stairs, but it’s like you’re a solid block of ice – half frozen from cold and from the shock of everything that’s happened. Eventually, he just picks you up, carrying you up the stairs as you remain stiff in his arms.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you repeat the words in choked whispers till they lose meaning. And you don’t know what you’re apologising for, but you know Steve’s angry. Which means he’ll be angry at you – maybe for making him fight with his friends? Causing a huge commotion because you cried like a baby for being locked outside? Would he blame you again, tell you it’s all your fault?
Would he leave you?
“I’m s-s-sorry,” you can’t keep your teeth from chattering but you keep repeating it nonetheless, scared of what he might do, what your punishment will be, as he carries you up into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.
You risk a look up at his face. There’s still anger in his eyes as he scans over your body, the way you’re trembling in his arms, cold fingers gripping onto him tightly. And for a moment, he just stands there. Stands there in the middle of his room as if he has no idea what to do, almost as if he’s at a loss.
“You’re really cold.” It’s all he says, and then he carries you into the bathroom, easily holding you close with one arm, and manoeuvring the other to open the tap and fill the bathtub with scalding hot water. You can see the steam rising invitingly, but it’s like all hope’s been snuffed out from within you – you don’t really care about getting warm anymore.
“A-A-Are you m-mad at me?” You ask Steve quietly, but maybe it’s too quiet, or maybe you asked it in your head because he doesn’t respond. Instead, he gently puts you down on your feet, unzipping your dress and taking it off, and then your shoes and sopping wet socks too. That’s when you realise you can’t feel your toes either.
The bath is boiling hot but it only feels lukewarm against your poor, cold-stricken body. He’s filled it up till the brim, so you sit there with your chin resting on your knees and arms wrapped around your legs protectively, as if any moment he’s going to turn on you, yell at you, tell you it’s your fault. And then you expect Steve to leave, and he almost does once he turns the faucet off. But he hesitates at the doorway, as if he’s afraid to leave you alone in the bathroom.
Finally, he decides to stay, sitting down on the floor next to the bathtub, his eyes glued to you. But the anger seems to be gone (or maybe he’s hiding it?). For a long while, no one says anything. And it’s there, in Steve’s bathroom as you sit in the scalding water, that something seems to break inside of you. As if any will you may have had has been sapped out of your body, leaving just a shell behind.
Steve clears his throat, “Are you still cold?”
“Omega. Answer me.”
You don’t. Or you can’t. He seems far away.
“Do you want me to make the water hotter?”
Why is he being nice? Is it an act? Is he trying to trick you? Why hasn’t he punished you yet? This is all your fault, isn’t it? Isn’t it?
You stare straight ahead at the tiled wall in front of you. It’s black and white marble. Minimalistic. A simple pattern.
“Is there something written on my face that makes people to treat me like crap?”
It’s you who speaks – but you almost don’t recognise it. Clear, void of any emotion and no stutter. You feel like a ghost, out of your own body and watching yourself from a corner, resigned and not caring what happens next.
And Steve seems slightly taken aback – maybe he expected you not to speak at all. Maybe he only expected you to cry like you always do. But it’s as if you’ve cried all the tears you possibly can, and your body has no more left to give. It’s like you have nothing left inside you to give.
“They shouldn’t have done that.” Steve says darkly, “I’ll make sure they don’t pull shit like that ever again.”
You blink, but don’t respond. You know in your heart that you don’t believe him – not when he picks and chooses when to defend you.
“Is there something so glaringly wrong with me, that it makes people treat me like shit? You should know if there is, because you’re the one who started it, Steve. They wouldn’t be bullying me – no one would be bullying me – if it weren’t for you.”
You feel nothing as you say it, almost as if your body’s given up on protecting you; your tongue allowing you to say things that you’ve only ever dared to think about before. You were profusely apologising to him not five minutes ago, but now it’s like you can’t stop yourself from saying what’s been festering at the back of your mind for who knows how long. But your tone isn’t accusatory, just monotonous. You focus on the pattern on the wall – black, white, black, white, black, white. One white tile has a crack in it. A small one, but it’s there.
“Why did you bully me, Steve? What did I ever do to you, except keep my head down and mind my own business? Did you hate me that much? Do they hate me that much?”
Through your peripheral, you can see him holding his head in his hands for a second. And then he looks up, does that thing where he runs his hands through his hair. Eyes squeezed shut for a second, he opens them and looks down at you, and his hand hovers in the air for a second as if to grab yours, only to snatch it back at the last second.
“I don’t hate you.”
“Why did you treat me so awful, then? And persuade everyone else to do the same?”
Silence. No answer. But it’s not like you expected any different. You fold more within yourself, hugging your knees closer to your chest and letting a huge wave of shivers overtake you.
“Can you just… Could I be alone, please?”
He doesn’t budge even an inch, and again you get the feeling like he’s scared to leave you by yourself. But it feels even more alien when his hand comes up to stroke your hair back. The omega inside you sings for his touch but for once it’s like the numbness within you is overshadowing your base omega desires. You duck away from his hand, making him freeze and snatch it back once again.
After a few beats of silence, you speak once more.
“It’s me, isn’t it? There’s something about me that people just don’t like.  No matter how hard I try, how nice I act – it always seems to come back and slap me in the face.”
Steve, his tongue always ready with cajoling words and sweet nothings, seems to have nothing to say. You’ll never figure out how to read his expressions, but his brow is furrowed and lips pressed into a thin line.
“I’ve kept quiet all my life, kept my head down, kept out of everyone’s way – but none of it works.” You meet his gaze, that forever unreadable look; “Please… Please tell me why it never works?”
“I told you; I’ll make sure they never do shit like that again. You won’t have to worry anymore; I’ll make sure they don’t even speak to you–”
“You told me once that nobody cares about me.” You pick at your nails, sounding both broken and matter-of-fact at the same time, thinking back to Bucky’s words from earlier: No one cares if you hurt. “And you’re… you’re right, Steve. No one really does, otherwise Bucky and Sam would have just let me in. And no one would’ve ever bullied me. And… And my mom would answer my texts, and…” A sudden wave of anguish washes over you, “And my dad wouldn’t have left me.”
You don’t know why you’re telling him this now, but it seems like everything’s finally connecting in your head – everyone will leave you, even Steve. The alpha sucks in his breath, and again it’s like his fingers are dancing, creeping over to grab your hand that lays limply on the rim of the bathtub. And this time, he does, squeezing tightly except you’re so emotionally numb that you can’t even feel it.
“You know he left because he wanted a boy? An alpha? You were right, he didn’t care about me, left before my first birthday.” The pain associated with the one thing you never talk about, that you never even think about, is so strong that it almost winds you, and it makes your heart hurt. “N-Now he has a new family. Two sons. He even has a daughter, but I don’t think he’d ever leave her like he left me.”
Steve’s grip on your hand tightens, and you hear this growling sound that comes from his chest. But you’re so far down this well made up of your own pain and anguish, that it’s like Steve’s almost not even there.
“I don’t think my mom ever forgave me for him leaving. And you were right when you said that she doesn’t care about me either. I don’t remember the last time she called me, or even texted to check up on me.” You look up to see him open his mouth to speak but you beat him to it, “Steve, sometimes I… sometimes I hate myself for being like this, for driving everyone away.”
Steve whips his blonde hair out of his face, suddenly sitting up straighter and eyes molten blue with new heat, shoulders squared as if he’s defensive, “Don’t say shit like that.”
“But it’s true. And I drove you away too. To that other omega.” And now fresh anguish cuts through, splicing you open like a knife, the same pain you felt the moment Steve told you he’d kissed someone else.
“You didn’t drive me away–”
“That’s what you told me. You said it was my fault. And it was, and I made you cheat on me. All my fault – that’s what you said.”
“I didn’t mean–” He grabs your face, hands rough and calloused but so familiar, as if a thousand others could touch you at the same time but his touch is the only one you could ever recognise. Face inches from yours and intense gaze boring into you, he exhales sharply, “I didn’t cheat on you, omega. I don’t think you understand what cheating means, but kissing someone is not–”
“I’m not dumb.” You interrupt, and it’s funny because you wouldn’t have dared to ever interrupt him before now. But it’s like you’re a ghost, outside of your own body and long past the point of caring. “Maybe I’m a bit naïve but I know what cheating is.” Tears would’ve been flowing down your cheeks at this point, had you any tears left to cry, “And you know the worst part? You laughed as you told me.”
Steve shuts his eyes again for a second, really scrunches them up and you can see the furrow of his brow, the clench of his jaw. But you don’t know what any of it even means – is he angry with you? Annoyed? Irritated? Do you care?
“It didn’t mean anything with her. I came home to you in the end.”
It meant everything to me! You want to yell, but instead you sink down lower into the water, wanting it to swallow you up, pull you down the drain and away from everything. But strong hands grip your forearms, jerking you back up almost immediately. You suck in your breath before turning to face him, properly face him, “You still kissed her. And you– you gloated about it; told me it was my fault. N-Now you’re gonna leave me just like my dad did. Leave me for her.”
Steve shakes his head, his knuckles white from gripping your shoulders so tightly, “I don’t even remember her face.” He lifts you out of the tub, and you don’t even struggle because what’s the point? The fight seems to have left your body completely. He places you on his lap, naked and wet and trembling, strong arms encircling around you as they’ve done a thousand times before when he’s ready to sway you with his sweet words, “Omega. Listen to me, she meant nothing to me.”
“I don’t think I mean anything to you either.” It’s both an observation and a realisation. All these weeks of trying to persuade yourself that Steve has changed, that Steve’s good to you now, that surely Steve wouldn’t treat you how he treated Sharon. It’s a delayed reaction, but now you’re sure of it. As Bucky said: no one cares if you hurt. Least of all, Steve.
“You mean everyth–” Steve cuts himself off with another deep inhale, the muscles and veins in his neck tensing, “You mean a lot to me–”
“Don’t,” You interrupt him again, “Don’t say things you don’t mean, Steve. You do it all the time and I’ll always believe it – and it’ll all be a lie because it always is.” You shake your head, looking up into his shadowed blue eyes and feeling that lurch in your heart you always feel. “I’ll always fall for your words, Steve. Because you made me fall for you.”
A surge of indescribable anger overtakes you, washing over you like a tidal wave, drenching your already wet body in confused, accusatory rage. Feebly, as if testing the waters, you shove him. It’s a slight push against his chest, but then you do it again with a little more strength. And then again. He’s so strong, so big, so well-built, that he doesn’t even budge but you push him again anyways.
“I hate you for making me fall for you, even though you treated me like dirt at the bottom of your shoe!” You cry, shoving him harder while all Steve does is stare at you with that damned unreadable expression, “I hate you for not standing up for me,” Another shove, harder this time, and then another one, “I hate you for cheating on me, for laughing while you watched me cry. I hate you for making me care so much that it felt like my whole world ended when you told me you kissed her!”
Again and again, you hit him; and every time he just lets you do it. Not even raising a hand to defend himself, just allowing your pushes, slaps, punches and shoves to slam against his shoulders and chest. And everything’s a blur to you, black and white bathroom tiles melting into the blues in Steve’s eyes, and again you shove him, harder and harder, not even knowing you had this animosity inside of you until it came pouring out.
“I hate you for bonding with me when you don’t even care about me. Hate you for making me beg you not to leave me, hate you, hate you, I hate you!” Louder and louder your voice gets, till it’s bouncing off the walls of the bathroom, and you think you see a chip in Steve’s stoic expression when he winces, and you hit him even harder. You’ve never hit anyone in your life but it’s like you can’t stop, this animalistic anger radiating off you in waves.
He catches your fists in his hands easily, as easily as he’s crushed and stomped on your trust and feelings in the past. And he pulls you into him, muscular arms wrapping around you, clutching you to his chest, holding you there while you struggle against him, shove and punch and push, until you finally stop.
“I don’t hate you,” You whisper in defeat, “I can’t hate you – no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I should. I wish I did, but I can’t.” You lower your fists, sagging against his chest in defeat, voice breaking as finally, finally, the tears begin to fall. “Can’t hate you, Steve. Not even a little bit.”
Everything’s still. You. Him. The water in the bathtub. And then:
“I won’t hurt you again.” Steve’s voice comes out oddly thick.
“You’ll leave me.”
“I won’t.”
You stare at your hands, fingers shrivelled from the water, trembling from all the screaming you’ve just done, “Don’t believe you anymore.”
Steve sucks in his breath, and you look up to see him tug at his sweater, pulling it down to expose his neck, pale yet so thick and veiny, connecting to his muscular shoulders. He tilts his head slightly, eyes dark and deathly serious, blinking rapidly with a desperation that you’ve never seen on him before.
“Mark me too.”
Your head whips up, heart skipping several beats. Desperately, you search his face for a sign that he’s joking, that he’s about to laugh in your face. It’s almost instinctive to do that now – you don’t trust him; you don’t believe him. Despite the fact that there seems to be sincerity written on his features, you can see it brimming in his eyes that glow in the dim light of the bathroom, in his lips which practically purse with anticipation.
You don’t know what to say.
“Mark me too, omega. Like how I marked you. I don’t give a fuck about anyone else; I only want you. So claim me, if it’ll make you feel better. I’ll be yours just like how you’re mine.”
You gulp. Steve’s all about grand gestures and sweet words, but could he really mean it? When he’s barely said anything this whole time you’ve poured your frustrations out to him? For a moment, a wild nano-second, the feral omega within you wants to surge forward and bite him hard, claim him how he claimed you that fateful night a month or so ago. Make him hurt how he made you hurt the night he claimed you. Make him yours, and maybe, just maybe, you’d finally be happy?
But then you wilt, like all your feelings have rushed to a standstill and taken a nosedive down to the depths of your own mind. Dark doubts, insecurities, mistrust, hopelessness – all of that seems to overtake any innate desire you have to mate him right back. Clearly, the bond you both shared meant nothing to him when he’d cheated on you. What difference could your measly bite-mark on his neck really make?
“Make me yours.” He repeats.
“You’ll never be mine.” You shrink back within yourself, like a candle that’s been snuffed out, or a balloon that’s slowly deflating.
Steve blinks as if he can’t quite believe it, and you feel a peculiar wavering in your bond. “I don’t understand,” He says slowly, “I’m giving you permission to mark me, omega. Not anyone else, just you. So do it. Mark me.”
You bow your head, shaking it slowly, “I’m tired, Steve.”
There’s a certain pull that you feel in your bond with him, a heaviness in the connection you share. You’ve never felt it before. Hurt. It’s almost as if he’s hurt. Could Steve possibly be hurt? But the feeling is fleeting, glimmering slightly before disappearing altogether, making you think you imagined it to begin with.
No more words are shared between you as he helps you to your feet, wrapping his large black towel around you before guiding you back to the bedroom. Like you’re a kicked and injured puppy who needs him. You wonder if you’ll ever not need him.
You feel nothing as he pulls his old football jersey over your head. It’s your favourite one, the one with all the holes in it that smells so much like him. His lucky jersey, he’d told you once. But even the omega inside of you has quietened down, and you still feel so numb. Numb and cold. And hopeless. Even the bed doesn’t bring you any comfort as Steve tucks you in.
He sits by your side, stroking your hair. You struggle to keep your eyes open, the dark depths of sleep tugging you in, and you wonder what fresh nightmares await inside your head. Steve leaving you? Leaving you and your unborn child? You’re already half asleep when you think you hear him speak again, in an oddly gentle tone:
“When I kissed her, I closed my eyes and pretended it was you.” A pause, as if he’s mulling whether to say his next words, “You’re all I think about – and I think about you so goddamned much, it feels like I’m going insane. I can’t even look at another girl, all I see is you.”
It’s through the throes of sleep that you answer:
“Don’t believe you, Steve. Don’t trust you. How can we raise a chil–”
But even in your half-asleep state, your voice knows to trail off. You know what you were about to say: How can we raise a child together when I don’t even trust you? But you can’t tell him about the baby, not when everything is so uncertain.
Sleep pulls you into unconsciousness. Dark and quiet, you dream of nothing.
The next few days feel like you’re living in some sort of limbo, with things between you and Steve quieter than a pin dropping. There seems to be change in the foreboding alpha who used to make your heart stop every time he looked at you. Now, he teeters between a range of different emotions. Like masks – quickly exchanging one for the other. Wary – as if you’re made out of glass. Apologetic – except he’s yet to actually say sorry. Cautious – as if he thinks you might do something to hurt yourself. Angry – not directly at you but it scares you anyways.
And sometimes you don’t recognise him – but did you ever truly know him to begin with? And you also don’t recognise yourself. You feel like a snuffed-out candle and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Steve’s room suddenly feel suffocating, but where else are you supposed to go?
But it’s like there’s an invisible barrier stopping you from leaving his room. The fear of running into Bucky is the biggest barrier, and so everything else comes to a standstill. Cleaning, laundry, all the little things you used to do around the house for Steve and yourself. Things you didn’t even realise had become routine until now. You barely go into the kitchen anymore, with Steve now bringing food up to his bedroom for the two of you.
Soon, your end-of-year exams finish, and looking out onto campus through your window, you can see other students packing up and leaving. Laughing and hugging their parents who show up in pick-up trucks and moving vans. Friends saying tearful goodbyes because everyone’s going home for the summer. Is that what you should do? Go home? When your mother hasn’t given you a call in more than a few months now?
One day, you’re staring listlessly out the window when you hear a knock on the door. Turning your head ever-so-slightly, your eyes meet with Sam’s.
“Steve isn’t here.”
“I know. I wanted to speak to you.” Sam steps into the room, leaving the door slightly ajar behind him. Your breath hitches in your throat, and the alpha scoffs when you get up and take a step backwards, “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”
It’s less a fear of Sam and more a fear of something bad inevitably happening that makes you swallow harshly. Sam isn’t as bad as Bucky but he was still awful to you, still said the meanest things to you and had done nothing when Bucky locked you out of the house. So, your body is on high-alert as you gaze warily at him now.
“Go away.” You don’t want to beg him, but you don’t have the willpower to even try to be assertive anymore. It’s not like any of the alphas in this house ever listen to you, anyways. “Just go away, okay? I have nothing to say to you.”
Sam scowls at the floor, kicking the carpet before inhaling deeply and looking up to meet your eyes. Why is he here? To ridicule you? Berate you? Laugh at you? Do you even care anymore?
“I’m sorry, okay?” He blurts out, the words tumbling out of his mouth so quickly that you’re stunned for a second, unsure if you’ve heard him correctly. Sam himself looks stunned, and you get the feeling that he’s never apologised to anyone before, let alone an omega. And nobody’s ever apologised to you before, not any of the alphas who’ve bulled you. Not Steve. And certainly not Bucky.
Sam takes a step closer to you, and this time you don’t flinch away.
“Look, I won’t pretend I’m a saint, okay? I know I’ve never been nice to you… But things went too far the other day and I’m man enough to admit that.” He’s still speaking fast, as if he wants to get it all out before he changes his mind.
Should you trust him?
“And I don’t know what the fuck came over Bucky that night,” Sam continues, shoving his hands in his pockets, “Usually he’s the nicest out of the three of us. And I was high as fuck that night, I thought he’d let you in eventually, so I just went upstairs. But whatever, I’m not making any excuses for him or myself.”
You exhale slowly, willing yourself to look up at his face, search for even an ounce of laughter, or a twitch of a smile – any hint that this is all a sick joke.
“So, consider this an apology. And you don’t have to say anything, and you don’t have to forgive me. But just know that you won’t be getting that sort of treatment from me anymore.”
Silence. Except your mind’s working in overdrive: should you trust him? Should you believe him? Did you even want to forgive him? Does this apology make up for all the verbal abuse, berating and bullying that you’ve suffered, with him being one of the main perpetrators? Did his apology even matter anymore, when the damage was already done?
You never get a chance to respond because Steve walks in at that very moment. The blond alpha freezes at the doorway, a bouquet of yellow roses clenched in his hand and a frown quickly forming on his face. His blue eyes narrow as he looks from you to Sam, who’s standing only about a foot away from you.
“Get away from her before I fucking kill you.”
There’s a flurry of movement, the yellow roses drop to the floor and it takes Steve only two strides to cross the room and stand between you and the other alpha.
Sam raises an eyebrow, “Chill out. I only came in here to–”
“Get out.” Steve is curt and seething at the same time, and for a moment it looks like Sam’s about to square up. He opens his mouth to speak before clamping it shut and shaking his head.
“I’m so fucking done with this bullshit.” Sam says under his breath before exiting the room, leaving you alone with the sound of Steve’s rapid breathing as your alpha whips around to stare you down. Your heart lurches when he grabs you by the shoulders, shaking you while those blue eyes never leave your face.
“You were gonna fuck him, weren’t you?”
Your jaw drops at how ludicrous his accusation is, how shockingly unbelievable.
“Wh-What? No, I wasn’t–”
“Don’t lie to me.” With clenched teeth and eyes that look half crazed, you see his pupils darting around as if trying to find the truth in your face. Jaw clenching and unclenching, he squeezes your shoulders and shakes you again, “Don’t think I don’t know what game you’re playing. You think you can cheat on me just because I cheated on you?”
“You think you could ever get away with that?” Blonde hair falling over his forehead, eyes bloodshot with anger, he looks like he’s teetering at the edge of his own sanity. “You think you could just hook up with someone else as some sick form of revenge on me, do you?”
“Steve, no–”
“Where’s your phone?” Steve looks incensed, eyes scanning the room like a man possessed. Grabbing it from on top of the dresser, he goes through it quickly. Like he’s done a thousand times before, except this time it’s like he knows he’ll find something. You thank your lucky stars that you deleted the phone call with Peter from your call history – not that that counted as cheating in the slightest.
His frown grows deeper as he opens every app, scrolls through every chat, scours through your call logs. But you feel an eery since of calm – which is the opposite of Steve who looks like he’s about to explode with whatever mad anger that’s suddenly consumed him.
“Don’t you fucking think you can go behind my fucking back, you got that? Especially not with my friends, or that fucking scum beta ex of yours.” He throws your phone down on the bed, clearly having found zero evidence to back his absurd claims, but it doesn’t stop him from glowering at you.
“Listen to me very carefully, omega.” Steve scrunches your face between his thumb and fingers, his expression so intense it chills your blood. “You’re mine. I’m your alpha and I own you. That’s never going to change. If you ever cheat on me, I’ll kill him. And you too.”
He slams his lips against yours in a kiss so bruising, you feel your lips burn. And this kiss is different, you can almost taste the desperation as he moves his tongue against yours. As he holds you close to him so tightly that it hurts, and you can’t breathe, and you feel like he’s never going to let you go.
You fight the urge to kiss him back – because even now, that urge is still there. It’ll always be there. Palms press desperately against his hard chest in a bid to push him away.
“I wouldn’t do that to you!” You cry out as you pull away, “I would never deliberately hurt someone I care about, Steve. I’m not you!”
He lets go of you as suddenly as he’d grabbed you, breathing hard and still seething. And it’s almost like you’re really seeing him now. Steve, who was always so poised, so smooth as he clinically seamed his words together in the past. But now? The distant, crazed look in his eyes, the dishevelled features, hair unkempt, jaw tense, lips bitten and pursed. He’s always been beautiful but there’s an unpredictable edge to him now that maybe wasn’t there before.
Was the alpha losing control?
He backs away, fists clenched at his sides and that intense and crazed expression still on his face. You both stare at each other, it feels like your heart’s about to thud out of your chest. And then abruptly, he turns and strides out of the room, stepping over the bouquet of yellow roses that lay trampled and dejected on the ground.
The days all start looking the same. You’re so stationary in Steve’s room yet you feel like you’re running. Constantly running and hiding from the responsibility of the child growing inside of you. Tell him, tell alpha! He deserves to know! The omega inside of you shrieks and croons, but something’s stopping you from doing it. There’s a mountain of problems surrounding you and Steve – where would a baby fit in all of that?
The silence between the two of you grows louder as each day passes. Barely any words spoken, and a certain awkwardness that was never there before – certainly never from Steve himself. Yet despite all that, every night he holds you while you sleep. And every morning, you wake up in his warm embrace. And it’s only in those moments, in the quiet of the night with the weight of his arms around you, that you can pretend everything’s okay.
And then one day, Steve walks into the room and sits next to you on the bed. You think nothing of it, barely glancing at him before going back to examining the pattern of the duvet cover.
“Omega.” Steve says, but as usual he seems so far away. And it’s almost like you don’t have the energy to acknowledge him, even when he grabs your hand and squeezes it. It’s only when he says your name – your real name – that you look up. He barely ever calls you that.
“Have you eaten today?” He asks, a frown adorning his features when you shake your head listlessly. You’d attempted to go down to the kitchen earlier, but upon hearing Bucky’s voice you’d turned and come straight back into the bedroom, heart pitter-pattering and a sinking feeling in your chest.
He takes out a wrapped deli sandwich and a bottle of water from his gym bag. His blue eyes watch you like a hawk as you slowly take a sip of water and tear off a bit of the sandwich, chewing softly. It tastes like nothing, but you figure it’s better to just keep quiet and eat it – since you’re meant to be eating for two now anyways. And just that thought sends shivers down your spine – how long can you pretend not to acknowledge the existence of the baby growing inside of you? How long before you have to tell him?
Steve clears his throat, “Look, I know things have been…” His voice trails off as he watches you tear off tiny pieces of your sandwich, staring into your lap because you just can’t seem to look at him. He shifts around, and you feel a spark of unease in the bond you share with him.
“I got you something.” He says finally, reaching into his gym bag a second time, he takes something out and throws it into your lap.
The fur looks worn out and one ear is missing, and you can see the haphazard stitches on the teddy bear’s neck that hold it together. Not the neatest thread work, but it looks strong enough despite the head which is slightly lopsided. Coal black eyes shining bright as ever, and the same blue bow tie except now it has a few more loose threads than before.
“Steve Junior…” You breathe, running your fingers over the stuffie, and his fur feels just as soft as before. He looks so old, so worn out, pieced together and stitched so precariously but it’s him. As ridiculous as it sounds – he’s just a stuffed animal after all – but it’s him and now suddenly your mouth feels dry. You bring the stuffie up to your nose and you’re bathing in Steve’s alpha scent, so potent and rich and warm.
“It took me a while to find someone who’d fix him up.” Steve breaks the silence, scratching the back of his neck. You sneak a peek up at his face to find him scanning yours, as if gauging your reaction. “A lot of his cotton stuffing was dirty so I had to replace it. But the rest of him is all him, just as he was before. I thought of just buying you a new one, but I figured you’d appreciate this more.”
You nod slowly, stroking the top of Steve Junior’s head as if you can’t get enough of it. “You gathered up all the pieces from the kitchen floor?”
It’s a monosyllabic answer, but his eyes say a lot more. At least, you think they do and you wish he’d verbalise it. Instead, with a hesitancy that was never there before, Steve slowly pulls you into his lap, holding you close against his chest, where you can feel the dull thud of his heartbeat. And you let yourself be held, feeling his alpha warmth that you haven’t felt in a while now.
Warm hands cup your face and make you look up at him. And it’s his tenderness that you can’t wrap your head around. Is this the same Steve who so vehemently accused you of cheating on him just days ago? Why was it always a different emotion with Steve? Always a different mask, as if he could switch them out so easily. What were you supposed to believe?
He kisses you like someone who’s parched, and again you feel that desperation on his lips. Before, his kisses were always so confident, self-assured, taking what he needed from you and leaving you breathless and reeling in the process. Now, he’s gentle. Handling you as if you’re made of glass. And it feels so foreign to you.
You let yourself kiss him back. Steve sighs and increases his pace, tongue swiping over your bottom lip, making you gasp before he gains entrance. His hands fall down to your hips at the same moment your arms wind around his neck. It’s frenzied movement and a blur of limbs, like two people who’ve suddenly realised they can’t get enough of each other after days of no contact.
“Fuck,” Steve mutters under his breath, squeezing your hips before his hand slips down between your legs, cupping your mound in his warm grip. You pant, jerking forward, squashing Steve Junior between both your bodies. You pull away long enough to prop your stuffie up on your pillow, making sure he’s sitting upright before Steve drags you back to him.
“You need me, don’t you?” He whispers fervently against your lips, biting and nipping while the heel of his palm grinds against your clothed pussy. “Tell me you need me.”
You do need him; you’ll always need him. It’s what terrifies you the most. But you try not to think, try to lose yourself in the feeling of his lips smattering kisses all over your jaw and moving down to your neck. He slips his hand into your panties, eliciting another gasp from you, and a jerk from your hips that can’t help but want him.
You start moving against his hand, riding it while he slips a finger inside you. Your slippery pussy swallowing his digit as if you’re starved, walls so needy that they constrict around him and you moan, grabbing at his shoulders, wanting to feel more of him. Nothing’s solved, nothing’s okay – but he’s made you so addicted to his touch that, for a second, it doesn’t even seem to matter.
His hands have snaked up your shirt, palm pressing against your belly like how he always used to do before. Except now it’s different, now it makes your eyes widen and a cold panic rise in the pit of your stomach. Again, the picture plays behind your eyes: you, alone with your baby. Dark and dreary, and Steve’s nowhere to be found. He’s gone. He’s left you. Did he kiss that other omega like this?
You push hard against his chest, the force of the blow surprising both of you. You scramble off him, hands shaking and you can still feel his burning kiss on your lips, and his touch on your body too. You back away slowly, shaking your head and breathing hard.
“I can’t, I–” Your eyes dart to Steve’s face, and he’s looking up at you with what looks to be concern, as if he’s just kicked an already injured puppy. Repeatedly, you shake your head, “I’m sorry, I just… I just can’t!”
Running to the bathroom, you slam the door shut and that’s when the tears spurt out and you’re sobbing and sobbing. It seems like you’re always crying – as if the self-pity will just never end – but it’s like you can’t stop. Why couldn’t you just become okay again?
Everything is okay! The omega inside you screeches. He fixed Steve Junior! It shows he cares! Everything’s okay now!
If everything was okay, then why did nothing feel fine at all?
Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you see an omega who is weak and broken. Red eyes, bitten nails, puffy face. Hair unkempt, hands shaking pathetically, clothes crumpled. Was this the omega who was meant to keep Steve happy? Was this the omega who was going to have his baby? You cradle your stomach as rivulets of tears flow down your face.
“What are we gonna do?” You whisper softly, your sobs making your words almost indecipherable. “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do.”
You don’t hear the thud of the footsteps, only the crash of the bathroom door as it’s thrown open, Steve striding towards you and grabbing your shoulders before you have a chance to even cower.
“What’s wrong with you?” He roars, but there’s desperation in his anger as he shakes you by the shoulders.
“I don’t know!”
“What’s it going to take to get you to go back to how you were before?”
You flinch when he draws his hand back, wondering if this is it. If he’s finally run out of whatever patience he had up until this point and now you’re in for it. You brace yourself for the inevitable blow, taking a deep breath and willing yourself to disassociate from the pain. But you only see Steve looking at you incredulously, his hand slowly curling into a fist by his side.
“I wouldn’t hit you.”
He looks almost appalled, staring down at his own fist for a handful of tense seconds, during which you can hear the sounds of your own rapid breathing and every single beat of your heart too.
“It wouldn’t matter if you did.” You say it softly, more to yourself than to him.
As if exhausted of all his options, Steve’s grip on you loosens. Blue eyes boring into yours, reflecting the helplessness that you can also detect in your bond.
“I told you to forget about it.” His hands cup your face again, thumbs swiping away your tears. “Why can’t you just forget about that night, why can’t you just let me make you happy?”
More than anything, you wish you had an answer for him.
Despite talking lesser and lesser and slowly becoming strangers by day, the magnetic pull between the two of you increases at night. Where it’s dark and warm and you can pretend it’s all okay, that’s when Steve holds you and you let yourself be held by him every single night.
Which is why you wake up with a start, on the bed completely empty besides you and the newly resurrected Steve Junior.  A glance at your phone tells you it’s past midnight – so, where’s Steve? Blindly, you reach out for him – but he’s not there and, despite everything, this troubles you.
He’s left you, the dark voice at the back of your head cackles. You thought you could get away with being upset with him for this long, and now he’s left you, just like he said he would if you got out of line.
You’re not even fully awake before you’re on your feet, trying to keep your dizziness at bay. It’s another symptom of your pregnancy, another reminder of the secret you’re holding inside of you, another reminder that you need to tell someone. But right now, all you can focus on is where is Steve?
You find him on the small balcony that overlooks the back of the house. Elbows resting on the railing and blonde hair looking silver in the moonlight. He looks back as if he senses you, cigarette between his lips and a cloud of smoke surrounding him before he turns his back to you once more.
Before you can change your mind and go back to bed, you venture forward to stand beside the alpha, heart thudding as it always does whenever you’re near him. After days of his hot and cold behaviour and your own depleting moods, you realise you don’t know how to act around him or what to say. A gust of cold wind blows and you shiver, but it gives you this sudden burst of courage to speak.
“You shouldn’t smoke so much.” You blurt out. It’s the only thing you can think of to say; you’ve seen Steve smoke here and there a few times, at parties or gatherings with his friends. But never at home, in the middle of the night, with two empty beer cans rolling around by his feet.
To your surprise, Steve puts the cigarette out. Dropping it to the floor and stomping on it before turning away from you to exhale the final puff of smoke. You watch as it swirls into the night air, dissipating almost immediately.
“Sharon used to say that a lot.” He remarks, and hearing his ex’s name on his tongue feels like a punch to your gut – he’s never voluntarily mentioned her before. You turn around to leave, but his next words stop you short. “It’s funny, because I never gave a fuck about what she said. Or any of the other girls I was with.” He looks at you squarely, “I cheated on all of them too. And I never thought anything of it.”
It feels like there’s needles in your throat when you swallow, tumbling all the way down to your stomach and tearing you up from the inside out. Why is he telling you this?
“I thought it would be the same with you. You’re just an omega after all, why should I care about what you say or how you feel?” The full moon’s reflecting in his eyes, giving them an alien silver glow that makes him look like a stranger. And maybe he is a stranger, because he’s never opened up like this with you before.
“But I do.” He says it so quietly, it almost gets lost in the night air. Another gust of chilly wind has your teeth chattering, goosebumps covering your bare arms as you stand there and stare at him in only your nightgown. You don’t protest when Steve shrugs off his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders, smoothening the lapels and his fingers linger at your collarbone. For a split second, he leans closer, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply before sighing.
“I’ve hurt girls in the past and I’ve never cared. But you…” He turns back, looking over the balcony railing, and you wait a few beats, your mind silently urging him to finish his thought.
“I thought I could cheat on you and things would be fine after that. That I’d scare you into acting right and we’d just go back to how things were.” The words tumble out of his mouth quickly, as if he’s spitting them out before his ego catches up and swallows them back into his brain.
“Sharon warned me about you.” You blurt out.
His head whips around, faster than the frenzied winds that surround the two of you, “You spoke to her?”
“I–I didn’t believe her. I didn’t want to believe her because I liked you so much.”
“I know you did.” Steve cocks his head to the side, looking at you almost curiously. The stars dance in his eyes, and tufts of his blonde hair blow up with the strong wind, “How could you like me that much, despite everything?”
You don’t know what to say. How could you like him that much? Despite everything he’d done to you? Was it because the forced mating compelled you to feel things for him? No – your feelings were more complex than that. They’ve been there since the beginning, when he would bully you and you wished to God that he would like you. To after he mated you, and how you’d persuaded yourself that he’d changed, that he did like you now. To when he confessed to cheating, and your whole world broke down…
It's less of a realization and more of a fact: you like Steve a lot – more than Peter and more than your mother. Because you could live without Peter and you could even live without your mother. But you don’t think you could ever live without Steve.
When you don’t answer, Steve sucks in his breath and looks away again, “You’re pure, you know? The way you act, how good you are. And it… confuses me.”
You have to grip the railing hard to keep yourself rooted in reality – was Steve genuinely confiding in you?
“I’ve never second-guessed myself before.” He says after a long, long pause. As if he’s got a script pictured in his mind and he keeps mentally rewriting it and scratching things out. “But you… You make me second-guess everything.” It sounds like an accusation, but a resigned one; and you focus on his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. “I shouldn’t have made you think I was going to leave you. Because I won’t. Ever. I can promise you that right now.”
You nod, tentatively taking a step towards him and he mirrors your actions, his hand reaching up to stroke your cheek. It’s instinctive when you lean into his touch, feel the rough pads of his fingers rub against the soft skin of your face. He traces your cheekbones, and he’s so gentle. You wish you could freeze this moment, because Steve’s emotions are like the changing tide. Would he be this tender tomorrow or the day after – or even two minutes from now?
“You should go back to bed.” He says abruptly, as if on cue.
Why is your heart sinking? Why do you want to stay? But you listen to him anyway, a large part of you will always listen to him, always want to be good for him. And it’s when you’re a good few steps away that you hear him clear his throat.
“Yes, Steve?”
“I’m sorry. For all of it.”
A coolness spreads across your chest, like a pleasant, soothing balm that calms you from the inside out. Your heart steadies, and you feel like you can breathe again.
“He’s not in his room, Steve.”
“I don’t fucking care.”
“He’s our running back, we need him. Especially today.”
“Jensen can play his position. Now let’s just fucking go.”
Behind the closed door of your bedroom, you can hear Steve and Sam’s muffled voices out in the hallway. You don’t mean to eavesdrop, but the two of them seem to be growing collectively louder and louder.
The tension seems to be running high between the two of them – you’ve hardly seen them speak since the day Sam apologised to you and Steve exploded on him. But the two alphas seem even more stressed out today, with the final football match of the season against a rival college in less than a few hours.
“Jensen can’t play as good as Bucky.” Sam quips.
“Bucky’s not here.” Steve says through clenched teeth, “He’s probably out somewhere, either passed out or hungover. And we don’t have time to start a manhunt for him so let’s just go.”
The bedroom door bursts open and you freeze as Steve storms in past you. The two of you haven’t spoken since last night when he’d apologised on the balcony. Granted, he’d been busy all day prepping for the game tonight – last minute workouts and strategizing with his team. And you had about three loads of laundry to get through since you’d been neglecting things like that for the past few weeks now.
And yet the lack of contact between the two of you made you wonder whether he was already regretting his apology. Or worse – what if he was going to pretend that he never apologised at all?
If anything, Steve seems more riled up and on edge now than ever, rummaging through the already messy bedroom (you had neglected cleaning too, and it’s not like Steve himself ever cleaned). “Where the fuck is it??” He murmurs under his breath, tossing clothes out of the closet and onto the floor.
“Wh-What are you looking for?” You ask him quietly, wondering whether he can detect the awkwardness in your tone. Sure, he’d apologised – but where do the two of you stand now? In some awkward limbo between “okay” and “not okay”?
Steve sighs, stepping away from the closet and grabbing his gym bag. Slinging it over his shoulder, he makes his way over to you.
“Nothing.” He murmurs, reaching out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. You gulp, wanting to say something, anything. Maybe wish him luck for the game? But you’re too shy, lips feeling like they’re glued together and heart beating harder than ever. Steve opens his mouth to say something else, and then–
“STEVE, LET’S GO!” Sam bellows from downstairs.
Steve leaves without another word.
You spend the day doing all the chores you’d neglected for the past few weeks. It’s crazy to you how much of a difference two words can bring about. You’d spent the past few weeks lying listlessly in bed, feeling numbingly indifferent half the time and cripplingly stressed out for the other half. And you’re still stressed – how can you not be? Pregnant within your first year of college and you still haven’t told a soul.
But it’s somewhat easier now to make a mental list of everything – washing and drying three hampers of clothes (you wonder if you can put Steve Junior in the washing machine but after seeing the precarious stitches on his neck, you conclude that handwashing him would be safer). You also venture downstairs to clean the kitchen (and it’ll never cease to shock you, what a mess three alphas can make).
It's only when you’re deep into cleaning the bedroom that the vacuum cleaner catches on something poking out from under Steve’s side of the bed. A rectangular book with a black velvet cover – it seems unassuming enough yet it piques your curiosity anyways. Maybe because it’s got Steve’s scent all over it.
You expect blank pages – Steve’s not the type to make notes – but nothing could truly prepare you for what you actually see when you open the book.
It’s you.
Over and over again. Drawn on one page, then again on the next. You flip five pages down, and there you are again. Different renditions of you on almost every single page and the book is more than half filled up. You in pencil sketches, you in watercolour; there’s one of you with a pen in hand, clearly taking notes. Another of you sitting under a tree, drinking from a juice-box, one of you on your phone, and plenty more of you studying – always wearing your oversized hoodie.
The most recent one is of you sleeping, wearing his jersey with the holes in it and Steve Junior clutched tightly in your arms. It’s with shaky breath that you trace a trembling finger over the masterful strokes, admiring the accuracy of the teddy bear’s blue bow tie – all the way down to the loose threads! And the attention to detail is astounding – your hair, your skin, the slight furrow between your brows…
It's a lot to take in. Had Steve drawn these? He must have! You didn’t even know Steve could draw like this because never once had he done it in front of you. And how long had he had this book for? There were so many drawings – was it from before you and him got together? Carefully, you close the sketchbook and place it neatly back under the bed.
Almost as if you’re in a trance, you walk around to your own side of the bed to where your little makeshift nest is. What’s left of it anyways, since you haven’t really kept up with the upkeep and right now all it consists of is your teddy bear and Steve’s jersey with the holes in it.
His lucky jersey. Was that what he’d been looking for earlier?
Steve Junior looks at you with his coal black eyes as if conveying to you exactly what you’re thinking. Thoughts racing, you stroke his fur softly, the action reminding you of the rare occasions when Steve would fall asleep before you with his face buried in the crook of your neck. When you’d card your fingers through his hair because you were too shy to do it when he was awake.
You feel the sudden urge to do it now as you hold onto his lucky jersey. The one he was looking for. The one he probably needs right now. Right?
Grabbing your phone to check the time, you find that it’s already early evening – the game would be almost over by now. Could you possibly make it in time? Would this even be worth it?
You seem to have made up your mind before you can even begin to answer any of those questions.
“Let her in, that’s the quarterback’s girlfriend.”
Getting into the college stadium is easier than you thought it would be. In fact, it’s surprisingly easy, as if the universe is paving a path for you straight to Steve. You thought your significance at university was that of an ant surrounded by giants – but the guys hanging by the ticket booth recognise you immediately, one of them even offering to personally take you inside.
“You should go to the box by the front, that’s where all the girlfriends hang out.”
Never in your life have you been to a college football game before – or a football game of any variety for that matter. Feeling completely out of your depth, you put all your faith into this guy you’ve just met as he guides you through the waves and waves of people. You try your hardest to swallow down your anxiety – you hate large crowds – your nails digging into your palms while your heart races, already wondering whether coming here was a mistake.
“I’m Colin, by the way.” The guy says before pausing to look up at the gigantic scoreboard, “Uh-oh. We’re still down by a few points. That’s why I was outside, couldn’t handle the pressure – even as just a spectator.”
Down by a few points? You clutch Steve’s lucky jersey harder between your fingers, wondering what exactly you thought you’d accomplish by coming here. The game was in full swing – it’s not like you could toss the jersey into the field and hope Steve would notice and pick it up.
“I just think today’s a bad day for the team,” Colin explains, “Steve seems distracted – well, that’s what my friend Jake told me. Jake’s on the team too, but he’s usually on reserve. Except he’s playing today because Bucky didn’t show up, and if you ask me–”
Colin’s voice drowns out as your nerves go into overdrive. Slowly, after ages of weaving through a very intense and rowdy crowd, the two of you make it to a cluster of seats in the front row. A bunch of cheerleaders are standing there in a group, biting their nails with frowns and looks of concern etched on their faces – the girlfriends.
You gulp, glancing down at your own attire and knowing you’ll stick out like a sour thumb. All your new clothes that Steve had bought you were currently in the washing machine – leaving you with the one piece of clothing that you hadn’t worn in a long time. Your oversized hoodie.
Not that it matters right now.
“Well, there you go. Front row seats to all the action – although it’s looking pretty bleak right now, so I’d look away if I was you.” Colin grimaces, glancing at the scoreboard once more. “We’re down by five points and there isn’t much time left on the clock.”
You manage a tight smile, feeling like a tiny fish inside the Pacific Ocean. “Thank you for helping me, Colin.” You say softly.
“No worries.” Colin’s already walking away – clearly, he has no faith left in this game, “Oh, and please don’t tell Steve I spoke to you, okay? He’s probably going to be in a bad mood when – if – we lose this game, and he usually takes his anger out on Jake or me, and this’ll just make it worse, and–”
And then he’s gone, and you make your way past the cluster of cheerleaders, whispering out a soft “excuse me” every time you make eye contact with one of them. They all look you up and down, but thankfully don’t say anything as you walk over to the front, where you now have a clear view of the field.
Steve’s got his team in a huddle, yelling out instructions that you can’t hear. He’s in his blue jersey with his helmet under his arm, blonde hair fluffy and messy and his face pale yet flushed at the same time. And he does look stressed and distracted just how Colin had said. Would he be angry if his team lost? Would he be mad at you for coming? With Steve, one never really knew what to expect, and you suddenly feel extremely foolish, standing here in your ill-fitted hoodie with a jersey full of holes in your hands.
All the players take their positions for the final few minutes of the game. From your limited understanding of football, you can tell that the stakes are very high. The girl next to you can’t stop biting her nails and clutching onto her friend’s arm.
Your eyes are trained on Steve, focused only on him despite the fact that there’s ten other players wearing the same blue jersey and helmet as him. That’s when you feel the mark on your neck suddenly prickle, and Steve’s heard jerks up at that exact moment as if on cue, turning back to look directly at you.
His face is obscured by his helmet, but it makes your breath catch in your throat all the same. Like it did every time he’d strut into the lecture hall, every time you’d see him in the hallways, and those times when he’d show up to your dorm room. He’s yards away from you, but you shoot him a small smile – it’s the first time you’ve smiled at him in a long time now and you wonder if he can even see it.
The whistle blows and there’s a flurry of movement. For a handful of seconds which feel like ages, you don’t even know where the ball is. Everything’s moving so fast, and a glance up at the gigantic timer shows you there’s barely any time left. But the seconds feel like hours, the anticipation growing high not only within you but in the crowd around you. You lean forward over the rails, eyes scanning the field and you see a blur of blue with a handful of players chasing behind it.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Steve run so fast, yard after yard, as if he’s racing against the clock – which he is. And then his teammate – all the way from the other end – heaves the ball downfield. You see it soaring in the air, so quick that it’s easy to miss. And there’s mere seconds left on the clock, and there’s about four defenders surrounding Steve but he’s gotten past the goal line, and he jumps up, and –
There’s a split second of silence before the stadium erupts in cheers. You realise you’d been holding your breath, and you blink several times before you see the ball in Steve’s hands, hoisted up high. And he’s cleared the goal line, and his teammates are charging at him, whooping in the air.
“I can’t believe it!” The cheerleader next to you screeches in glee, grabbing her friend as they both jump up and down, “A touchdown! We won!”
And sure enough, the huge screen at the front flashes “touchdown!” in huge block letters, and everyone seems to be beside themselves. You exhale in relief, the cheerleaders’ infectious excitement rubbing off on you as you can’t help but smile. Steve is swarmed by his team, and they lift him up. And now you can see him more clearly, see when his eyes zero in on you.
On the shoulders of his teammates, but he’s looking directly at you. You want to give him a little wave but you feel too shy, and you wonder whether you should leave now since he’d obviously want to celebrate with his team. But, as if he somehow senses your intentions, it takes Steve about a millisecond to get back down on the ground, and then he breaks into a run – straight towards you!
You grip onto the railing in anticipation, and Steve crosses the distance in almost record time. There are people in the crowd who’ve invaded the pitch, congratulating his teammates and staring after him as he makes a beeline towards you. Wide-eyed, you stare as he gets closer and closer, his cheeks flushed pink and chest puffed out as he comes to a stop in front of you.
“You’re here.” He says, slightly out of breath.
“Y-Yeah, you’re uh–” You’re suddenly at a loss for words, but you hold up his lucky jersey as if that’s a sufficient enough explanation. Clearing your throat, you add: “Congratulations, Steve. You played really well.”
He stares at you for a moment, and then before you know what’s happening, his hands wrap around your hips, lifting you up over the barrier and into his arms. You squeak, arms instinctively winding around his neck and your legs wrap around his waist.
He kisses you, and there’s an explosion of summer sunshine behind your eyes and all around you. The scent of firewood and an intense summer day interweaves through all your senses – all you can taste, smell, breathe is him. And it’s you who pulls him closer, returning his kiss with double the enthusiasm, your lips working against his as if you’re willingly ready to be consumed in him.
Steve draws back, only to kiss you again. One peck, another peck, and then one of his hands slips up and cups your cheek, pulling your face even closer as his tongue probes against yours and he sucks sweetly on your bottom lip, leaving you breathless yet wanting even more when he suddenly pulls away.
“I love you.”
The words seem to burst out of him – and it seems like both of you stop breathing as soon as he says it. As if you’re both encased in this bubble and the people around you don’t matter and those three words are bouncing around the confines of this bubble, echoing and growing louder, embracing you like a hug.
And your whole world stops. There are hundreds of people around you but they all seem to freeze in place, and you can hear your heart thumping to the same beat as his. And his eyes are clear blue and earnest, and you can see your reflection in them. Shocked, surprised, caught off guard yet every cell in your body rapidly filling up with hope.
“Don’t say that…” You breathe, “D-Don’t say things you don’t mean.” Or else I’ll believe you.
“I mean it.” Steve presses his forehead against yours, gripping you so tightly that you feel like you can’t breathe – but in a good way. “I mean it, omega. I’m in love with you.”
He savours each word as he says it, and you feel this hot and cold feeling – rushes of it – throughout your body. Sparks in the pit of your tummy like tiny butterflies fluttering excitably, or firecrackers ready to erupt in a shower of what feels like pure happiness. You feel light, like you could float forever as his words keep repeating inside your head like a song.
Up until this moment, you’ve second-guessed almost every single word he’s said to you. But why aren’t you second-guessing this? Why is your whole body trusting and believing him, erupting in elation as he holds you close? He loves you. Steve loves you! Love! You don’t think anyone’s ever told you they’ve loved you before. Or made you feel this strange feeling; this heady mixture of wanting to laugh and wanting to cry, of feeling so overwhelmed and yet so at home, and, and and–
“Steve, I’m pregnant.”
The words leave your mouth before you can stop them. And maybe you don’t want to stop them anymore, because the relief you feel is almost instantaneous.
And Steve stares at you for the longest time, and you focus on the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes rapidly, pink lips parted slightly as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing. For one horrific second, you think he’s going to drop you and leave, and take his “I love you” back and tell you it’s over. But he holds you even tighter, and you realise you’re moving as he walks the two of you to a door off to the side, leading to the changing rooms.
Once inside, he sets you down gently on your feet and pins you against the wall, trapping you against his considerably larger frame, looking down at you with an almost foreign look on his face, as if he can’t quite grasp what you’re saying.
“You’re pregnant?” He repeats.
“Yes, I am.”
“Pregnant.” Steve says it again, more to himself than to you, cupping your face, his thumbs stroking your cheekbones lightly. “My omega. Pregnant.”
“Yes.” The more you confirm it and the more he says it, the realer it seems. But it’s crazy how much less scary the prospect of pregnancy sounds when the word is coming out of his mouth. “I took three tests; they all came out positive. My period never came–”
His lips press against yours in a heady kiss that leaves you reeling, and he’s holding you so tightly that you feel light-headed. “My girl carrying my baby, just like I said you would.” Steve whispers against your lips. A smile breaks out across his face, “Baby, you’ve made me so proud.”
Proud. He’s proud. Proud of you.  
He gets down on his knees in front of you, your breath catching in your throat because he’s so big. Even on his knees, his face is level with your chest. His hands, so big and warm, trail softly down your figure – the gentlest he’s ever been. Fingers splayed out and stroking carefully over your stomach, he lifts your hoodie up and presses his face against your soft, exposed skin.
“You’re so tiny,” he breathes, almost in wonder. “So little… How’re you gonna carry my baby inside you when you’re so little?”
Your chest rises as you inhale deeply, a soft whisper of “I don’t know…” leaving your mouth.
Butterfly-light kisses trail up and down your stomach, his lips dragging against your skin, tongue peeking out to lick, nip and suck at your belly – as if he wants to devour you. You get the strong urge to card your fingers through his hair, but you’re so shy that you hesitate, jerking forward instead when the tip of his tongue probes inside your belly button.
Steve looks up, the wonder in his eyes now replaced with a familiar, devilish sparkle.
“I always knew I’d knock you up before the year was over.” He boasts cockily, one hand still firmly stroking your stomach like he’s grown addicted to the feeling. “Didn’t I say it from day one? That I was gonna fuck my baby into you? And now look at you, knocked up like the good, dutiful omega I knew you’d be under my wing.”
He sounds how he did before, the same cocky Steve. But there’s an underlying lightness to his words, this infectious excitement that’s so different from your own cold fear of being pregnant.
“You don’t think it’s too soon, Steve? I mean, I don’t think I’m ready–”
“You’re ready.” He interrupts you, words spoken between kisses against your stomach – it seems like he can’t refrain from kissing you there – “It’s an omega’s duty to have her alpha’s babies, and didn’t I say I’ve got a plan? You, me, and my baby – it’s all coming together now.”
“B-But what about college? You’re graduating now but I’ve still got two more years left, and–”
“You don’t have to worry about any of that anymore.” Steve cuts you off again, standing up to his full height so you have to crane your neck to look up at him. With his shoulder pads on, he looks even bigger than usual, “Didn’t I say I’d take care of you?”
Your concerns are swallowed up by his kiss, and his hand slips down to hook under your thighs. He picks you up easily, and he’s so strong; he only needs one arm to carry you, his other hand cupping your face and pulling you in for another kiss – as if he can’t seem to get enough.
“Poor little baby omega,” He coos, laying you down on a nearby bench and climbing on top of you. You can hear the roar of the crowd close by, everyone celebrating this monumental win for the football team. You know for a fact there are people milling about near you. Steve is undeterred, however, kissing down your neck as he pushes your hoodie up to expose your chest.
“You must’ve been so stressed, huh baby?” More kisses as he unclasps your bra and pulls it off hastily, throwing it somewhere behind him as his eyes zero in on your bare breasts.
“Y-Yeah, I was.” You can’t help but sniffle, sounding small and pathetic but you can’t help it. Telling Steve about the baby feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders, the agonising stress inside your head easing bit by bit as Steve’s large hands squeeze and grope your tits roughly.
“Don’t worry, sweet girl. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore. I know your little brain is tired from thinking so much, now you just leave all the thinking to daddy, okay? All you have to focus on is being a mommy.” He buries his face in your breasts, nuzzling and inhaling your soft skin, squeezing and pushing your tits together till they hurt while you whimper beneath him.
“St-Steve, someone might – ah! – someone might see us!”
“Shhh, didn’t I just tell you not to worry about anything?” He takes your hoodie off completely, and now you’re topless and completely at your alpha’s mercy. He grins wolfishly down at you, “Now, did you know that pregnant baby omegas like yourself are meant to feed their alphas too?”
Your eyes pop open, “Wh-What?”
Steve smirks, palming your tits roughly before rubbing one of your stiff nipples between his thumb and forefinger. You’re half enamoured by the thrill of it, and half paranoid that someone’s going to walk in and see all this, but Steve doesn’t seem to care.
“You didn’t know that you’re meant to feed daddy too? God, you really are a baby, aren’t you?” He pinches your nipple before his tongue peaks out and licks around it, making it even more erect. “All pregnant omegas have to let their alphas have a taste of their milk.”
“I haven’t – ah! – I haven’t read about that anywhere!” You try not to moan.
“That’s because you’re just a baby,” Steve coos before encasing your nipple in his mouth and giving suckling on it not so gently. And the action sends thrills straight down to your core, making you gasp breathlessly and clutch onto his broad shoulders. He releases your nipple with a pop, “Now omega, are you gonna let daddy drink your little mommy milk?”
You squirm, “Y-Yes?”
He twists your nipple roughly, “Say it, then.”
“Y-Yes, you can drink it.”
Another pinch. “Say it properly.”
“Yes, you can drink my mommy milk!” You cry out.
Steve smiles, pulling your cheek condescendingly, “Good girl. Not that I would need your permission, since you’re mine after all.” He gives your nipple a feather-light kiss before encasing it between his lips again, teeth grazing against the sensitive bud.
“And address me properly, or I’ll call the whole football team and make them watch while I fuck you.” You can feel him harden at the thought, “I’ll show them exactly how I knocked you up in the first place.”
“Daddy…” you whine, “N-Not in front of anyone, please!”
Steve licks his lips as his eyes drink you in, like a carnal wolf admiring his prey. His gaze focuses on between your legs, his hangs grabbing at your thighs and spreading them apart. Lewdly, he cups your mound and you automatically buck your hips upwards, making him smirk at your neediness. Grinding the heel of his palm against your clothed pussy, you want to hide your face in embarrassment when you see the wet patch forming on your leggings.
“You’re going to be so much hornier now that you’re pregnant,” He breathes, looking at the wet spot between your legs as if he’s entranced. Suddenly, he strikes you; palm slapping against your clothed pussy while his other hand holds your legs apart. You gasp, sparks of pleasure flaring up inside you as he repeatedly slaps your clothed cunt.
“Tell me, baby omega. Who knocked you up?”
“Y-You did!” You cry out desperately, trying to clamber upwards to grab at his shoulders except he easily pins you back down. His head dips down too, straight between your legs till he’s face to face with your pussy. And you wish to God your leggings and panties weren’t in the way, but Steve doesn’t seem to care. His tongue peaks out past his pink lips, licking a stripe up your covered cunt, and you convulse, “Oh fuck!”
“Tell me how you got knocked up, baby.” Steve speaks against your pussy, and you can feel his hot breath through the thin material of your leggings. He lets out a hum before he takes the material between his lips, sucking at the wet spot and making you throb down there, “Tell me how I filled up your little baby cunt and fucked my baby into you.”
You hesitate, and earn a harsh slap to your ass that has you hissing in pain. “Say it!”
“Y-You filled up my baby cunt and knocked me up!” You cry out desperately, rubbing your pussy against his face as he continues to suck your leggings, his nose grazing against your covered folds and making you want him so badly, it hurts. “Daddy – ah! – y-you fucked your baby into me, okay? P-Please!”
It’s insane how quickly he renders you to be delirious, but after weeks of not being intimate with him, it’s like this is exactly what you need. The depravity, the filth, the fear that just about anyone could walk in at any moment. And it’s also the pride you see in his face – alpha is proud of you for getting pregnant, and that just makes you want him even more.
“You’re just a tiny little baby,” Steve sits back up, looking down at you as if you’re some ravishing creature and not just a desperate omega practically humping against him, face contorted in need for her alpha. “How’re you growing my baby inside of you, when you’re a little fucking baby yourself, huh? Daddy’s little baby.”
He peels your leggings off, leaving you in just your panties in the changing rooms where anyone could walk in at any moment. Pressing kisses against your inner thighs, getting closer and closer to your core, and you’re wiggling underneath him, thrusting up into air because you’re so needy for him.
“I’m gonna take such good care of you, baby.” He breathes, sinking down to his knees on the side of the bench and grabbing your calves to pull you to the edge of it. His face between your thighs now, you can feel his hot breath against your panty-covered core. “Gonna keep you so happy. My little wife… I’ll give you everything you deserve.”
Your heart lurches at the word “wife.” He’s never referred to you as that before, but you don’t have the time to mull upon it when Steve’s teeth enclose around your wet panties, pulling them and letting the elastic stretch before he lets go and it snaps back against your pussy, making you whimper softly. He grins, taking the sodden fabric into his mouth again, this time sucking all your slick from the material while your eyes pop at the sight, pussy clenching around air.
“I love you, baby. You’ve made me so happy today. I want to make you happy too.” His voice is dripping with sweetness – and usually you’d be questioning: is he being sincere? Does he mean it? Should I trust him? But just hearing him say it, hearing him say “I love you,” it’s like it makes you stop thinking straight, makes you not want to question him, makes you want to believe him because what do you truly have left if you don’t believe him?
And maybe – just maybe – he does mean it.
“The mother of my child,” Steve coos, blowing cool air on your hot core, and your slick is dripping down to pool underneath you on the bench as he continues to finger the material of your panties, “Aren’t you happy that you’re pregnant, baby? Aren’t you happy that you made daddy so proud?”
You bite your lip, “H-Honestly, I’m scared– ah! – I’m too young, we’re both too young. There’re so many things we have to think about and consider, and– oh! Oh my God!”
Steve chooses that moment to rip your panties in half and dip his head down, pushing back the hood of your clit and encasing the throbbing button between his lips. He sucks down hard, and you automatically raise your hips to grind up against his face, leaving it glistening with streaks of your wetness. His hand lands an open-palmed slap against your bare pussy, the sound so lewd and wet as it echoes across the changing room.
“I asked you if you’re happy for making me proud.”
You gulp, hands reaching down to grab at his blonde tufts – something you’d been itching to do all day. Slowly, you nod your head. “Y-Yeah.” You whisper, “A-Always wanna make you proud.”
“Good girl. That’s what I thought.” He goes back to your clit, spitting down on it. His saliva pools around your button and he uses his thumb to spread it, circling and rubbing it around and around till you can’t take the intensity, and hump up against his hand. “I already told you not to think about anything else, except being a mommy and making me proud.”
Steve lifts your thighs up and props them over his shoulders, and your ankles automatically lock around him, encasing his head between your legs so he’s face to face with your core. And that’s when you feel his tongue, hard and pointed, flick against your clit, once, twice, three times till you’re crying out his name, your thighs already thrashing except his tight grip keeps them pinned to his shoulders.
“Look at your little button, all swollen up and cute.” Steve spits once more, his saliva trailing down your mound to pool around your clit once more. “You missed having your daddy make you feel good, didn’t you?”
“I…I, uh – Ow!” You gasp when he slaps your ass, the sound resonating across the room and you wonder why no one has walked in yet.
“I wasn’t asking you; I was asking her.” Steve licks his lips, looking straight at your glistening folds and using his pointed finger to swipe up and down your wetness. “Look at your little baby pussy, she’s crying because she’s so happy that daddy’s here to take care of her again.” And that’s all it takes for him to bury his face in your wetness once more, enveloping your sensitive folds between his lips and suctioning harshly.
“Mm, fuck, daddy!” You whimper softly, and he reaches up to squeeze your breast possessively.
Licking and sucking his way back up to your clit, his teeth graze against your swollen bundle of nerves, making you throb like crazy as the sparks begin to build up. “So fuckin’ puffy, just for daddy, huh?” He questions, and you gasp out in agreement, your movements getting needier and more desperate as you begin to hump into his face in earnest, your fists tightening around his hair as you practically smear your pussy over his face, feeling his tongue, his teeth, his lips, his nose, even the light stubble he’s starting to grow out – all of it creating delicious friction against you.
Your body is rocked by so many different sensations: he’s practically making out with your pussy as his mouth suctions over it, lapping at your wetness like he’s starved. His tongue, so hard and pointed, fucks into your hole, his nose grazing against your clit before he licks a flat stripe up from your fuckhole up your slit, ending with a hearty suck up on your clit before biting down on the bundle of nerves not so lightly.
“That’s right, baby. My horny fuckin’ little omega, rub your baby cunt on daddy’s face, use me to make yourself cum. Fuck! I said rub yourself on my fucking face! Harder, before I change my mind.” Steve’s teetering between nice and mean, and the heady mix of both makes you scream out and clutch his hair harder, his voice muffled and sending vibrations against your clit. “Hump on daddy’s face, baby, c’mon. Make yourself feel good, show daddy how much you missed me.”
Your orgasm is doubly intense, and for the second time in your life, your juices squirt out, streaming all over Steve’s face and coating him in your slick. And, like a man starved, he wastes no time in swiping his cheek and sucking his finger, his eyes training on your pulsating pussy as you clench and release, over and over again, thighs tightening around his face as you cry out, “Oh! Oh my, d-daddy!”
“Good baby,” He praises you, prying your legs off his shoulders, “Doesn’t it feel so good to just switch off and let your daddy do all the thinking?”
Hands and legs limp like jelly and every thought and worry slowly leaving your mind, you manage to sniffle out a soft yet ashamedly honest, “Y-Yeah.”
You’re completely limp in his arms as he picks you up by the waist, sitting down on the bench and setting you down on his lap, your back against his chest. But not before undoing his fly and pulling his dick out. It looks angry and red and somehow bigger than ever – as if it’s about to explode. You gulp – it’s been so long since he’s been inside you. Would he still fit?
Like a steel rod, his cock pokes out from between his legs, resting pretty between your own thighs that are parted by his hands. Your wetness has spread all the way from your folds to down your legs, and it’s mildly embarrassing just how needy you are for him at this moment. So needy, in fact, that you surprise yourself – your hands grabbing at his dick as if the omega inside you just can’t help it.
“Fuck,” Steve hisses, covering your hand with his own, “Look at your tiny baby hands on my daddy dick.” His tongue is lapping and sucking at his mark on your neck – his favourite spot – but his eyes are locked on the scene in front of him – you palming his dick almost hesitantly, as if you’re scared of it yet want it badly at the same time – which you do.
You swallow harshly, “P-Please.”
“Please what, sweet girl?”
You duck your head, too shy to voice your desire but his hand grips your chin and makes you look up, twisting your head back slightly so he can look into your eyes.
“Tell me what you want, baby.” Steve says softly, beguilingly with blue eyes sparkling, “I already told you I’ll give you whatever you want – you just have to tell me.”
You surge upwards to kiss him, suddenly remembering how he’d rejected your kisses the last time the two of you had had sex. But this time, he captures your lips with his, ravenously making out with you and his tongue dominates yours, licking up every crevice of your mouth like it’s his job to kiss you. Till you can’t breathe and yet you still don’t want to pull away, and it’s him who finally does.
“Or we could just sit here, and I could feel you.” Steve muses, hand gliding his dick back and forth against the soft skin of your thighs before slapping it against your pussy. You gasp and convulse, and he only chuckles as he repeats the action, and you can’t help but close your legs around his dick, as if forcing him to put it inside you.
“Alpha please!” You mewl softly.
“I guess your pregnancy hormones have made you even needier now, huh omega?” He snickers, using his hand to guide yours up and down his dick, making you jack him off. And you can feel every ridge, every vein of his thick dick as it pulses under your hand. And the omega inside you is feral, you want him so badly it’s unreal. All these weeks of no intimacy have you starved in a different way – because being mated to him means always wanting him, always yearning for him, and having no willpower against his charms.
It's with burning cheeks and tears of need welling in your eyes that you utter: “P-Please, alpha! N-Need you inside me, your knot… So bad. So bad!”
“Why? You’re already knocked up.” He’s tracing the tip of his dick against your clit, holding you down as you thrash on his lap. And you don’t understand his willpower – did he not want you as badly as you wanted him? But he continues to slap and stroke his dick against your folds, coating his length in your cream, grabbing you by the hips and grazing you on top of it, physically grinding you against his hard dick yet not putting it inside you.
“Aww, poor baby. Look at your cute little baby cunt, all drippy and leaking all over daddy. You still want my dick, baby? Still want my knot even if you’re already pregnant?”
“Yes! Yes, please!” You want to tell him not to tease you, but you know that he’s your alpha and you can’t really tell him what to do. You know you’re already submissive by nature but in his arms right now, you feel like you’re completely at his mercy, like you’d do anything for him. “N-Need you, daddy. So bad. Just… Just gotta feel you inside… P-Please!”
Steve swears, grabbing the base of his dick and lining it up against your leaking pussy. But he has to lift you up by the hips and slam you back down to get his fat, bulbous tip to finally breach your tiny hole. And oh my God – was it possible that he felt even bigger than ever before? He’s barely halfway inside you and you feel stuffed to the brim already, slippery walls convulsing and crying around his fat cock as it penetrates into you.
“What a tight fuckin’ baby cunt,” Steve grits out, squeezing your tits till it hurts, “God, fuck! Never had a pussy this tight before, baby. It’s like you were made for me.”
He’s so big, it almost feels like it’s the first time – how could you ever have gotten used to such a huge dick? And he’s big everywhere: his muscular legs which hold your entire body weight, his thick arms that hold your thrashing limbs at bay. All six foot six inches of him dwarf you completely. You feel so light, so fragile, so tiny on top of him, his dick slowly going deeper and deeper inside of you, practically ripping you in two.
“S-So big, daddy…” You moan, because it hurts yet it hurts so good, and you love the delicious friction you feel.
“Can’t even go all the way inside you, baby.” Steve say softly, as if he himself is surprised by his own girth and by how small you are. “Fuck, you’re tinier than I remember. Guess I’m too big for you. Your cute little baby cunt can’t take me in, omega.”
“Please! F-Force it in.” Something carnal takes over you then, and you’re surprised by your own words; they sound so desperate, so lust-ridden and unabashed – like you’d die if he isn’t fully inside you.
And Steve growls, pushing out of you and picking you up – and he only needs one arm to do it – before forcibly turning you around so that you’re chest to chest with him. He forces you back down on his dick, and it’s so hard and imposing as it pierces into you, and you can’t help but clamber closer to Steve, both of you gasping against each other’s lips when he finally fills you up till the hilt, and the pain is so deliciously excruciating, you feel like you’ll break in half.
“I think I may have broke your pussy, baby.” He whispers, as you marvel at how much of a tight fit it is, his dick so snugly inside you, stretching out your walls as far as they’ll go around his fat girth. You truly do feel broken, but in the best way, and you wrap your arms around his neck, wanting to be closer.
“D-Don’t care, alpha.” You don’t know what’s suddenly come over you, maybe it’s the fact that he told you he loves you, maybe it’s because you haven’t had sex with him for weeks, maybe it’s because you’ve finally told him you’re pregnant and he’s proud of you, he’s promised to take care of you. Or maybe it’s something else altogether, but your desire for him has never been this high, this intense. Even Steve looks surprised.
Slowly, he starts bouncing you up and down on his dick. And you don’t have to do any work, just sit there and let him manoeuvre you, let him control your movements like a puppeteer, like how he controls every other aspect of your life. And maybe it’s time to admit that you like it that way, maybe it’s time to stop fighting with the omega inside you. Maybe this, here with him, is where you belong.
“You like me splitting you open like this, don’t you?” He whispers against your lips, capturing them in a searing kiss that has you grabbing his face and pulling him closer. Wanting to touch him and smell him and feel him and hold him and everything in between. His dick is hitting that special spot inside of you, making you cry out with every thrust, not caring that you’re being loud and this is a public place and anyone could walk in.
“I love you so much, baby.” And there it is again, those three words once again, penetrating into your heart and tattooing themselves upon it. His hand suddenly grabs yours, holding it close and pressing kisses all over your palm and fingers – and you’re reminded of the night where you’d begged him not to leave you, and how you’d done the same thing.
“I’m never letting you go, omega.” Steve speaks between kisses, all the while his hips are a blur as they move up and down, thrusting inside you like he wants to keep the two of you connected forever. “I’m gonna make you my housewife, keep you locked up and safe so no one can ever hurt you or my baby. I’m gonna take care of you, both of you.”
And you’re nodding feverishly, whispering “okay” over and over again, grinding down to meet his thrusts, biting your lip in bliss when his hand snakes down to where you two meet, his fingers deftly rubbing your clit, heightening your pleasure as his cock continues to tear you in half.
“My omega, all mine,” He growls, balls smacking against your skin as he fucks into you, your poor fuckhole so used and abused yet you don’t even care as you drip all over him, the pleasure growing steadily inside you, coils tightening as he fucks you like only he ever could. “Won’t let anyone else touch you, speak to you, even look at you anymore. You’re my property – my little wife knocked up with my kid. Won’t let anything come between us, not again.”
Through your delirium, you manage to lock eyes with him, clutching at him desperately, and your words come out so softly, and you feel so small when you ask him, “Y-Y-You promise?”
He stalls for a second, just a second, before his thrusts resume, hitting deeper if that’s even possible. He cups your face with his warm hand, and you can smell his heady, musky scent that you’re so addicted to. His eyes sparkle earnestly, like twin blue oceans that you could drown in except the experience would be pleasant. He leans close to you, so close; “I promise, omega.”
You cum so hard, you feel like you’re going to pass out, your walls constricting around his dick, squeezing it so hard while he continues to thrust up into you. You can feel your cream leaking down his dick, staining his uniform but it’s like you can’t stop squirting around him, your slick squeezing out of your worn-out pussy as it pulsates around his hard cock.
“Steve, oh my God, oh my God, fuck!” You cry out in complete abandon, clutching onto his biceps, your nails digging through the material of his jersey.
“That’s right baby, cum on daddy’s dick like the good little girl you are,” He coaxes you, rubbing your bare back almost soothingly, while his fat dick continues to pierce in and out of you at an inhumane pace – as if he’s savouring being inside you, as if he never wants to stop. “Squeeze my fucking dick, omega. Fuck, I’m gonna keep you pregnant forever, baby. Tell me you want that; tell me you want all my fucking babies.”
“W-Want your babies!” You cry out obediently, your body jelly on top of his, limbs twitching as the rushes of pleasure flush through your body. He’s using you like a fuckdoll now, an iron grip on your hips as he pounds into you as if he can’t get enough. His mouth latches onto your mark, licking and sucking possessively, and you think you might pass out from the pleasure – and he still wouldn’t stop.
You feel his dick twitch inside you, and he’s still fucking you through his own release, his seed so hot as it pours into you. Spurting hot cum, coating your insides like he’s trying to brand you, and he grips firmly onto your hair, pulling your face to his and kissing you roughly. “I love you, baby.” He whispers soft as a feather against your lips, and you don’t think you’ll ever get tired of hearing him say it, as you grind down, his thick ropes of cum mingling with your own slick, and he’s still pumping out more. As if his load is so heavy and he won’t stop until you’re completely filled up.
“Marry me.”
For the second time today, he renders you completely speechless. Third time, if you count your reaction to his book of sketches. Cupping both your cheeks and making you look at him and only him, and you don’t know what to think. First ‘I love you’ and now ‘marry me’? The alarm bells are chiming softly in the rational part of your mind – because isn’t all of this happening too fast, too suddenly, too soon?
“Marry me, omega.” Steve repeats, “Let me take you home. To Brooklyn. I’ll take care of you, give you a real home, I’ll make you so happy. And you can leave this place behind.”
Leave it behind? What did he mean by that? Your degree? There’re so many questions on your mind: Is he being serious? Does he mean it? Why is all of this coming out now? Should you believe him, believe his promises – when your own trust in him has come back to slap you in the face multiple times in the past? And what if this is all some cruel practical joke? What about your education, your scholarship? What about your mother? What about… what about… what about–
But it’s like your mind is working in overdrive to forcibly push all those thoughts out, and replace them with how he’d told you he loved you. How he’d apologised to you last night. All the sketches he made of you – those weren’t a joke, were they? They couldn’t be.
Time to surrender, the omega inside of you is beguiling as ever; time to be happy…
“Okay.” You whisper.
He breaks into a smile, like he knows you could never say no to him, and presses kisses all over your face.
There’s a quiet calm as he picks you up, taking you to the nearby bathroom and helping you clean up. You thought your head would be a screaming mess of emotions, but your thoughts are eerily quiet as you let him clean and redress you. Maybe this was all meant to be, and this is where you belonged. Maybe he meant it this time – maybe he’d take care of you and keep you happy forever. And you have the baby to think about too – maybe this was best for the baby.
He carries you back out of the bathroom, only setting you down on your feet when he’s opening the exit doors to get back out onto the field. And even then, he holds your hand tightly – so tightly, as if you’re a kite that might fly away.
Outside, everyone is still celebrating – almost as if the two of you never left. You can see Sam and the rest of the football team popping open cans of beer and pouring it all down their fronts, or shaking hands with different people, or kissing their own girlfriends. Instinctively, Steve’s grip on your hand tightens even more.
“Hey, Cap! We’re taking a team picture with the trophy. C’mon!” One of his teammates calls out before the whole team begins to assemble themselves into haphazard rows while the professional photographer tries to guide them.
You feel Steve hesitating before letting go of you, grabbing your shoulders instead.
“Don’t move, omega. I’ll be right back.”
You nod, smiling softly, “Okay, Steve. I’m right here.”
It’s like he’s searching your face for something, and you wish to God you knew what because you’d show it to him in a heartbeat. But then his face softens, he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you close, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. And then he jogs away, joining his friends and being greeted with hoots and cheers and high-fives and chants of his name. He looks like a king on top of his world, standing up front and centre. Someone thrusts the gigantic trophy in his hand, and he holds it up proudly, smiling cockily at the camera.
You take it all in, feeling a mix of emotions ranging from pride for him as well as a certain sense of imposter syndrome. He’s a king and you’re an ant – but he loves you. He told you so, he told you so, he told you so–
The repeated calling of your name doesn’t register to you until it’s right up against your ear, and you feel someone grip your wrist roughly, tugging you back. You turn around in alarm, mouth dropping open when you see who it is.
“Peter! What are you doing here?”
Peter looks dishevelled, out of breath as if he’s been running around all day. His spiky hair is longer than how you remember it, with brown locks tumbling down his forehead. His cheeks are flushed and eyes bright, the remnants of his fading black eye very apparent on his face. And his hold on your wrist is tighter than ever – just like how Steve’s grip was earlier.
Heart pounding, you glance back at Steve – but he’s still busy hoisting the trophy high in the air, posing for pictures and shaking hands with different people.
“Went to your dorm – you weren’t there.” Peter huffs, trying to catch his breath as quickly as he can. “Someone said you might be here – that the entire college was here. And they weren’t wrong – I’ve been looking for you in the crowd for ages. I figured this would be the best way, since he’d be too busy playing to notice anything.”
Peter casts a quick glance at Steve too, before pulling you further away. When he doesn’t stop, you tug back.
“What’re you doing? We can’t… I can’t be speaking to you, he’ll–”
“Come on!” Peter cuts you off, an almost desperate sense of urgency in his tone as he keeps glancing back at Steve. There’s a certain panic to his demeanour, as if he’s in a hurry. “Look, this is the perfect opportunity – he’s distracted, we can just slip out and –”
“Wait, Peter–”
“No, I’m not going to wait and neither are you!” Peter hisses, yanking your arm and pulling you further and further away, off the side of the field and leading to the stairs where a sizeable crowd of people is still mingling.
“Look, I spent a whole month feeling sorry for myself for getting beaten up… For letting him get the best of me. And I barely spared a second to think of you and what you must’ve been going through.” Peter’s talking rapidly, and he never stops moving, never stops tugging you but he does keep looking over his shoulder in Steve’s direction, his palm clammy as he holds on to your wrist. “But then you called, and you sounded distressed. I knew he wasn’t treating you right, I knew I had to do something.”
You swallow harshly, taking another look back at Steve – now his teammates have hoisted him onto their shoulders again, and he’s still smiling for pictures. A million thoughts race through your head, “Peter, I have to get back, he’s gonna–”
But it’s like Peter doesn’t hear you at all, as he determinedly pulls you up the stairs behind him and towards the exit. And you do want to speak to him, of course you do! You haven’t spoken to him for more than a month, and there’s so many things you want to ask him. But, but, but…
“I’m so fucking stupid for not doing something sooner. You were my girlfriend… You are my girlfriend and I should’ve taken care of you.”
You shake your head rapidly, “Peter, please listen! I don’t want to… I don’t think this is a good id–”
“You’re never gonna have to see that sick sonofabitch again, I promise you that much. I’m doing what I should have done that day I showed up at your dorm – take you away from him.”
“Peter, no, I–”
But either it’s the roar of the people around you or his own determination, but he doesn’t seem to hear your pleas. Everything’s happening too fast, the thoughts racing around in your head and the panic bubbling in your chest. Peter is good, you know this – and you know he means well. And yet…
You feel your mark prickle hotly, and you whip around in time to see Steve’s head snap in your direction. Your eyes lock with his for one single split second, and your mark throbs in pain and you feel a certain unrest in your bond, and it feels like you can’t breathe.
The hurt that flashes through Steve’s eyes is the last thing you see before you’re yanked out the exit and swallowed up by the crowd.
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Well. If you managed to make it to the end of this chapter, thank you! I really hope you enjoyed. Guys, I poured my life and soul into this... and I hope I did this chapter justice. Please, PLEASE PLEASE reblog! And give me feedback. That’s what keeps me going honestly. I would love to hear what you think. In fact, i’m nervous to know what you think! And what should we expect for the next part? All I’m gonna say is... Steve’s omega has been taken from him, if he was mean before, it’s nothing compared to what he’ll be now. ALRIGHT BYE. and thank you for all your support! Love you guys!
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pin-k-ink · 6 days
Yandere kurapika with a heavy heavy breeding kink. He’s absolutely obsessed with the idea of you being pregnant 👀👀👀
progeny // kurapika kurta
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tw ⇢ dub-con, obsessive behavior, imprisonment/isolation, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy, unprotected sex, dirty talk, mention of lactation, implied murder, drugging, handjob, grinding
wc ⇢ 7.3k
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It had been six excruciatingly long years since the Kurta massacre. Six years of chasing empty leads, of doors slamming shut in Kurapika's face whenever he got close to the Phantom Troupe. His crimson eyes, once a source of pride amongst his people, now mocked him daily - glaring reminders of his failure to attain vengeance.
So when the encrypted message arrived with a potential location on a Kurta survivor, Kurapika could scarcely allow himself to feel hope. Too many times it had been cruelly dangled in front of him, only to dissolve into agonizing disappointment. He pored over the intelligence again and again, his hands shaking. This had to be legitimate. It simply had to.
Four sleepless nights later, Kurapika found himself on the first available airship to Yorknew City. His leg jittered anxiously the entire way, his mind cycling through every possible scenario. A trap from the Troupe? A sick game? Or could the near-impossible be real? When the ship finally touched down, Kurapika moved like a man possessed, following the coded coordinates to a dilapidated apartment complex.
His trembling hand barely registered the flimsy doorbell as he rang. Seconds ticked by like torturous eternities. Then, after what felt like a small age, the door creaked open to reveal...you. Kurapika's knees very nearly buckled at the sight of those telltale scarlet irises. Tears stung his eyes as he choked out a wavering, "You're one of my people."
That first night, he simply sat in reverent silence, studying the sacred eyes of his kinsman that he'd been deprived of for far too long. You seemed equally transfixed, if not deeply uncertain of this severe stranger's intentions. When you attempted to ask him to leave, Kurapika answered with a resolute headshake.
"I cannot do that. It's too dangerous to leave you here." His voice was thick with the weight of trauma, but також carried a steely undercurrent of determination. "I'm getting you somewhere safe, where no harm can befall you."
True to his word, Kurapika immediately went about securing a transport ship to whisk you away from potential threats. You didn't have a choice. He had failed his clan once before through negligence - he would not repeat that grave mistake. This time, he would smother any flicker of danger towards the Kurta with extreme prejudice before it could even spark.
The following weeks were a fortified blur as Kurapika installed you in a veritable military bunker tucked high in the treacherous mountain ranges. He pulled every resource at his disposal to ensure your isolation and safety was absolute. Each day, he would rise before dawn to pursue his hunt for the Phantom Troupe, searching for that agonizingly elusive trail of vengeance. But like clockwork, he returned to the safehouse every evening, his frayed nerves only calmed by the sight of your scarlet eyes.
At first, Kurapika tried to keep things professional, nodding stoically whenever you greeted him. But the more time passed, the more you became his sole remaining attachment to a people he had lost. He drank in your every word, no matter how innocuous, wanting to ingrain the cadence of his kin on his psyche again. Your existence, your pure perseverance despite all odds, stoked something primal within him.
Eventually, Kurapika began staying later and later into the night, reluctant to abandon your presence, irrationally fearful something terrible may occur the moment he left your side. He started simpling...hovering. Watching you for long, unblinking stretches despite your visible discomfort. His fixation had been ignited, and it burned brighter with each passing day.
It was on one particularly humid summer evening when the stifling mountain air had you gasping for respite. You moved to crack open one of the safehouse's windows, hoping to coax in even the faintest whispers of a cool breeze.
The moment your fingers pulled against the latch, the electronic lock released a sad, mechanical whir of protest. You froze, realizing in that instant that the safety restrictions were not mere automated security protocols. They were under the total control of your increasingly overbearing guardian.
Slowly, you turned to find Kurapika shooting you a pointed look from the wingback chair across the room. His sharp jawline was locked, lips pressed into a severe line as he clutched the access fob in a white-knuckled grip.
"I wouldn't advise that," he said at last, his tone carrying curt reproach. "It's for your own safety to keep the windows secured at all times."
You opened your mouth to protest the blatant removal of your autonomy, but Kurapika silenced you with a mere arch of his brow. Heat prickled in your cheeks, flustered by his sheer audacity, his utter dismissal of your objections before you could even voice them. Who was he to declare what you could and couldn't do?
But as quickly as that spark of defiance flickered, it extinguished under the knowing weight of Kurapika's stare. He knew better than you, had spilled more blood and peered deeper into the abyss of human monstrosity. If he deemed something a risk, no matter how small, you didn't dare challenge it. Your very life rested on his prudence and protection.
So you bit back the fleeting urge to assert your independence. Instead, you gave a meek nod of surrender and retreated from the window with one last, regretful glance at the impenetrable night sky beyond the sealed glass panes. Your world had become startlingly small under Kurapika's wing.
He watched you like a lion scrutinizing its cornered prey until you sank back into the shelter of your designated space. Only once you had compliantly resumed your spot did that intense scrutiny finally ease, his body unsettlingly loose and calm again.
"There's fresh fruit in the kitchen if you need refreshment," Kurapika offered, as if making peace after the unspoken admonishment. "Let me know if you require anything else for your comfort."
You murmured a soft thanks, careful to not meet his pewter gaze for too long. The complex bundles of emotion they sparked - shame, defiance, loneliness, begrudging gratitude - were still too tumultuous to comfortably untangle.
With a slight dip of his chin, Kurapika turned his attentions back towards the scattered intelligence reports sprawled before him. But you could have sworn you caught the faintest wisp of a self-satisfied smirk playing across his lips as he resumed his nightly obsessive planning.
The message was clear: no matter how insular and temporary you hoped this arrangement was, he had no intentions of loosening his ruthlessly overprotective stranglehold. Not now, not ever. For in Kurapika's mind, he had already failed his clan once before.
He would not fail their legacy again, even if it meant eclipsing your every last freedom under his total, unwavering control. Your life belonged to him now.
What had begun as a flicker of protectiveness had been steadily stoked into an all-consuming obsession. And there would be no putting out that raging fire.
The next few days passed in their now familiar routine of forced complacency. Kurapika would depart each morning on his futile hunt for the Phantom Troupe's latest trail, leaving you confined to pacing the reinforced walls like a caged animal. You attempted to resist the itch of restlessness, but it clawed at your insides, making you increasingly reckless.
It was on one particularly moonless night when Kurapika was delayed by an anonymous tip that you decided to seize your fleeting window. You waited until the security monitors confirmed him still blocks away before punching in the override codes and disabling the safehouse's locks. You didn't have a plan or destination in mind - you simply needed to feel the sweet embrace of open air again, to remind yourself of the unfettered freedom you had lost.
The sleepy mountain town seemed almost haunted in the inky blackness as you strode its deserted streets. The crisp night wind caressed your face, and you reveled in the simple pleasure of being anything other than a prisoner in your own refuge. Eventually, your aimless wandering drew you towards the soft amber glow and faint music wafting from the local tavern.
A hand came to rest on the rickety oak door, then stopped as you wavered. Kurapika could return any moment now. But the fleeting indulgence of a cold pint and casual conversation with strangers was too tantalizing to resist any longer. Steeling your nerves, you pulled the door open and strode inside.
The raucous sound of drunken laughter and the thick fog of smoke immediately assaulted your senses. You wound through the crowd to the dingy bar, squeezing between bodies until you could flag down the bleary-eyed bartender. He poured you a tall glass of the darkest stout on tap without a second glance at your rumpled, out-of-place appearance.
As you nursed the first few sips, savoring the bitter familiarity, a rough voice lilted from behind you.
"Well aren't you a little ways from home?"
You turned to find a smarmy looking stranger waggling his brows lecherously. His breath reeked of stale beer and desperation.
"Just looking to unwind is all," you replied curtly, turning back towards your drink.
His calloused hand suddenly snaked out, gripping your forearm with surprising strength as he leaned in too close. "Well then how 'bout I buy the next round and we can 'unwind' together, sweetheart?"
You wrenched your arm away with a disgusted glare, preparing to hurl a blistering retort. But even as the first word formed on your lips, an eerie wave of dizziness crashed over you, blurring your vision. The tavern seemed to tilt precariously as you swayed on the barstool.
No...it couldn't be. That first drink. You made the mistake of leaving it unattended. As the horrible realization dawned on you, your faculties began to rapidly abandon ship.
"There's a good girl," the leering stranger's voice slurred as if underwater. "Just relax and enjoy the party favors."
You tried desperately to cry out, to raise even a tremor of alarm, but your voice failed you. The room pitched and spun until merciful darkness finally swallowed you whole.
The crisp slap of cool night air was like a bucket of ice water shocking you back to semiconsciousness. Your eyelids fluttered open to find yourself being half-carried, half-dragged down a dank alleyway by that stranger. The cloudy haze in your brain screamed at you to fight, to thrash and flee, but your body responded with only feeble murmurs.
Suddenly, a dark silhouette stepped out from the shadows up ahead, swiftly blocking your captor's path. The figure prowled closer, the dim streetlight glinting off a shock of brilliant blond hair.
Even in your drugged stupor, you immediately recognized the menacing aura radiating off of Kurapika. He had found you. Your heart should have leapt with relief, but your addled mind could only focus on the pure, unadulterated fury etched across his features.
"Let her go." His tone was low, practically subterranean with its seething intensity. "Now."
The stranger paused, seemingly taken aback by Kurapika's threatening presence despite outnumbering him. His grip on your arm only tightened stubbornly.
"This doesn't involve you, kid. I'd beat it while you still—"
He never got to finish that thought. Kurapika's knuckles connected with the man's nose with a wet crunch before anyone could blink. As he collapsed in a heap, clutching his bleeding face, Kurapika moved with terrifying fluidity.
A haze of fists and chains and guttural screams engulfed the cramped alley. You flinched with each tormented wail, hunched against the damp brick wall as your assailant's bones shattered piece by piece. The copper stench of blood flooded the air in thick, viscous clouds.
When it was finally over, the sickening sound of the stranger's gurgling breaths were barely audible above the drumming of your pulse thundering in your ears. Kurapika stood over him, chest heaving from exertion as he slowly retracted his bloody knuckles and Nen chains back into waiting.
Only then did his gaze fall upon your fragile, crumpled form. The molten rage simmering behind his eyes extinguished instantly, transposing into something akin to lucid fear. In a single deft motion, he scooped you up and cradled you against his chest.
"It's alright...you're safe now," Kurapika murmured, his voice dripping with the type of tender worry one reserves for a gravely injured child.
You opened your mouth to respond but only a pathetic whimper escaped your dry lips. Horror at your near miss quickly gave way to the warm comfort of Kurapika's secure embrace. Your eyelids grew impossibly heavy as you nuzzled against the soft linen of his blazer. Even as the world faded to black again, you felt utterly, inviolably safe within the confines of his sinewy arms...his obsessive protectiveness.
When you finally came to again, it was in the dimly lit familiarity of the safehouse's living quarters. Kurapika sat vigilantly on the edge of the mattress, his eyes two orbs of hollow, sleepless torment.
As you stirred, he immediately went into a flurry of doting. Cool rags were pressed to your clammy forehead. Chilled teas and electrolyte waters hovered against your lips, Kurapika tipping them carefully to soothe your sandpaper throat. His touch was insistently gentle, but you could sense the roiling tempest churning beneath that zen exterior.
In your addled state, you kept up a litany of small whining sounds and petulant fidgets. Kurapika bore each one with inexhaustible patience and care, stroking your hairline languidly as you grumbled childish complaints about your headache or an itch that needed scratching.
Even as the last vestiges of the toxin worked its way out of your system over the next several hours, you never felt fear or vulnerability - only the profound relief of being tended to so meticulously under Kurapika's hawkish devotion.
Several times, his gaze seemed to unconsciously drift down to your parted, pouting lips as you whined insistently. You thought you caught his throat bobbing ever so subtly, as if waging an internal war with some primal desire. But the moment never transversed, and he remained ever the devoted, if tightly-wound caretaker through the hazy night.
It wasn't until the first rays of dawn filtered in through the slitted windows that you drifted into a deep, restorative slumber. And in those last, fleeting moments of consciousness, you realized with dawning horror how completely and utterly co-dependent on Kurapika's obsessive protection you had allowed yourself to become.
In the aftermath of the nearly tragic incident, there would be no venturing outside again...not without him. Not ever. The fire of his obsession had been stoked into a conflagration - one he wholeheartedly welcomed if it meant never going through such terror again.
You had been rescued from the depths of pitiful frailty, only to become irrevocably entangled in the dark, singular orbit of Kurapika's unhinging fixation on you. And from that point on, fleeing its gravitational pull would be inconceivable.
In the days following your terrifying brush with tragedy, Kurapika became an utterly inescapable presence in every waking moment. Where there was once at least a semblance of periodic solitude as he attended to his Phantom Troupe hunt, now there was only the soft footfalls of his eternal proximity.
He lingered in the periphery like a silent, hollow-eyed sentinel as you tentatively went about your daily routines. If you retreated to the bathroom to bathe, Kurapika wordlessly trailed just beyond the cracked door - near enough to instantly intervene at any prospective threat, far enough to preserve a facade of privacy. You found yourself instinctively avoiding the mirror, unable to meet the shame of your own reflection exposed under his vigilant leer.
At night when you crawled between the sheets, Kurapika took up an immovable post in the wingback chair at your bedside. You lost track of how many dawns you awoke to find him stock-still in that exact position, eyes open but untainted by even the slightest hint of slumber. His piercing stare studied your sleeping form with the rapt diligence of a memorial statue guarding a crypt.
You stopped attempting to dissuade him from these nightly vigils. The few feeble protests you voiced only caused his jaw to hinge tighter, a muscle throbbing with mute ferocity. He would not be deterred or negotiated with - this was the price to pay for the grave lapse that nearly severed you from his obsessive care.
If you shuffled into the kitchen to prepare meals, Kurapika's shadow would materialize just behind your periphery. You quickly learned to suppress any instinctual startles at his sudden appearances, lest you mistakenly provoke his haunted man's nerves. He never spoke or impeded your chores, but the mere imposition of his intense presence transformed even the most banal acts into ordeals of hyper self-consciousness.
Some evenings as dusk cloaked the mountain safehouse, you would chance hopeful glances out across the perimeter's reinforced windows. Vast forests of pine and spruce swayed in hypnotic tandem with the coastal breezes sweeping up from the sapphire horizon. Your gaze traced every contour of the landscape beyond that glass barrier - drunkenly drinking in the beauty and vast freedoms you had once taken for granted.
Without fail, Kurapika would seem to materialize at your side during these morose ritualistic dances. Not an inch separated your arms as you stood wordlessly, noting how his chest would slowly rise and fall in mirror-sync to your own. His quicksilver irises carefully studied the longing etched across your features, probing for any fragile cracks that may signal another reckless bid for escapism simmering beneath the surface.
You soon discovered it was easier to not meet his needful, imploring stare on those evenings. To instead lose yourself in the melancholy meditation of what lay on the other side of that glass partition - the lush, unfolding world of oxygen and wilderness and infinite possibilities now forever sealed away from your grasp by this compound's fortifications. The reckless abandon that landed you in such peril in the first place.
Even during the sporadic moments you managed to steal for idle time - curling up with a borrowed novel or simply staring vacantly at the safehouse's sterile walls - Kurapika's presence would pervade your space like a congealing, inescapable vapor. You became aware of every infinitesimal motion in your peripheral field, each aborted gesture from him laden with fierce meaning and scrutiny.
He would simply materialize in your blind spots, folding that lithe frame into the nearest chair or loveseat until his entire posture radiated a single, silent statement: I'm here. I will always be here to watch over you from this point onward.
And you lacked the will to protest this gradual dissolution of personal boundaries. Not when the memory of that squalid alleyway still haunted your subconscious with visions of shadowy hands groping, of Kurapika's knuckles shattering bone in retribution. You were in his custody now, for better or for worse.
Even as the weeks blurred indistinguishably together, Kurapika seemed to only swell with more unquenchable determination. Daily you witnessed his demeanor oscillate from the gruff stoicism of a jaded warrior, to the endearingly focused worry of an overly-fretful parent, then finally the predatory ruthlessness of a beast safeguarding its sickly litter from any prospective encroachment.
There was a possessive ferocity igniting behind those slate irises anew each time his gaze passed over you. As if merely looking upon your face, your chest inhaling each breath, was an involuntary ritual - the only reassurance that could momentarily dull the roaring anxiety in his psyche.
So Kurapika kept vigil, and you stopped attempting to politely deflect his obsession. Better to accept this isolated existence under his ever-watchful protectionism than risk another lapse that may invite that same violence and horror down upon you both. At least here, within these confining walls, remained the unshakable constant of his presence...his dominion over your absolute safety.
The weeks crystallized into cold months, Kurapika's fixation only intensifying like a caged flame feasting on its own limited oxygen supply. Until eventually, you struggled to remember what life could have possibly looked like before this arrangement - before his utterly uncompromising ownership of your personal inviolability became the sole, inescapable pillar of reality itself.
You mustered up what little courage remained and approached Kurapika one evening as he pored over the dwindling stack of intelligence reports.
"Kurapika...I need to get out of here, even if just for a little while," you said, trying to keep your tone measured. "Taking a walk through the village, feeling the sun on my face. Please, I'm going stir-crazy cooped up."
His pewter gaze slowly lifted, boring into you with an inscrutable intensity. You braced yourself for the immediate dismissal, the curt rebuff that your pleas for a shred of freedom were selfish folly in the face of your security.
Instead, Kurapika simply gave a slow, deliberate nod.
"Very well. But I will accompany you. My presence is non-negotiable for your safety."
Your heart leapt at his acquiescence, yet you knew better than to voice any objections to his stipulations. That, too, was non-negotiable when it came to Kurapika's obsession.
The next morning, you ventured out with Kurapika at your side, his eyes sharply scanning every alleyway and passerby like a starving falcon scrutinizing the underbrush. You tried not to let his overdone protectiveness dampen your elation at breathing fresh mountain air and ambling aimlessly without the barriers of steel and concrete constraining you.
At one point, you stopped to admire a young mother cradling her newborn along the village square's central fountain. The infant was swaddled snugly in a pale yellow blanket, their tiny face completely ensconced in peaceful slumber. You couldn't help the wistful pang that tugged at your heart watching the scene.
"Would you like to hold them?" the mother offered warmly after catching your enamored glances.
You looked to Kurapika, almost reflexively seeking his permitting nod as if he were your warden. To your surprise, he simply watched in pensive silence as you gingerly supported the bundle's head and brought the sleeping babe into your embrace.
A serene calm washed over you as the newborn's warmth and weight settled against your chest. Your body seemed to instinctively know all the coddling motions - the gentle swaying, the soft shushes, the protective tuck of the blanket over their tiny frame. For a fleeting moment, everything from the outside world evaporated - the threats, the walls imprisoning you, even Kurapika's hawkish presence. There was only the simple perfection of cradling new life, so pure and unblemished by the world's cruelties.
All too soon, the spell was broken as the mother reached to take her child back. You surrendered them with one last, regretful look into their peaceful slumbering features. As you turned back towards the path, you caught an indecipherable look swimming behind Kurapika's silvery irises. Was that...yearning?
The walk continued in loaded silence until you reached the safehouse again. Ever vigilant, Kurapika checked and triple-checked all security parameters were active before allowing you both back inside. He then insisted on giving you a full body inspection, tutting over any prospective scratches or bruises you may have sustained.
Night fell, and you began your usual bedtime routine of winding down with a book on the living room's plush sofa. Right on cue, Kurapika appeared to take up his self-appointed post in the chair alongside you.
Rather than lapsing into his typical reserved observation, he seemed...restless this evening. You caught his gaze flicking over your face and abdomen several times, his stare carrying an uncharacteristic intensity more akin to hunger than mere study. Finally, just as you were about to question his odd distraction, Kurapika leaned forward in his seat.
"You looked quite natural with that baby earlier," he stated in a low, ruminative tone. "I could envision you as a tender, nurturing mother. The image....suited you."
You felt your cheeks flush hotly despite yourself, ears straining to detect even the faintest undercurrents of impropriety in his demeanor. Just what was he implying?
When you finally found your voice to respond, Kurapika cut you off by rising abruptly to his feet.
"Get some rest. That's enough activity for one day."
With that, he swept towards the bedroom, leaving you to simply blink owlishly in his wake. You worried your lower lip, unable to voice the nagging feeling that his comments carried some suggestive subtext your mind simply couldn't piece together.
For now, it seemed Kurapika's ever-watchful protectionism had evolved to encompass...other considerations. Ones that, given his increasingly mercurial obsession over you, prompted entirely new uncertainties to send your heart murmuring apprehensively against your ribcage.
In the days following Kurapika's unsettling comments about motherhood, an inscrutable new energy seemed to permeate his already intense obsession over you.
His customary silent vigils persisted as always - the motionless sentrylike presence shadowing your every action, the sleepless nights spent unblinkingly patrolling your bedside like a fanatical bodyguard. But there was also something... else underlying those mercurial silver irises whenever they washed over your form.
Kurapika's gaze had shifted from the typical hyper-focused studying for dangers into outright lingering. You began noticing his line of sight would unapologetically rake up and down the curves and lines of your body whenever you moved about the safehouse. As if he were committing to memory every last dip and swell, documenting it alongside the myriad threat assessments constantly churning through his mind.
His comments, once clipped and strictly pertaining to your security, started carrying strange insistences that left you disquieted.
"You have such a patient, calming presence," he remarked one afternoon while you lounged with a book. "The kids would love you."
You shot him a bewildered look over the rattling chains of innuendo in his tone, but Kurapika simply arched an expectant brow as if awaiting your acquiescence.
Another evening, you bent to retrieve a dropped utensil from the kitchen floor only to straighten and find his towering presence hunched mere inches away, studying you with unrestrained focus.
"Carrying a child would suit your figure," he stated in a detached, clinical murmur. Before you could even formulate a flustered response, Kurapika simply turned and strode off to catalogue more intelligence reports.
The most overt advancement came one evening as you diligently prepared dinner, muscles burning from chopping and stirring the hearty stew. You were so engrossed in your motions that you failed to notice Kurapika materializing behind you until his sinewy arms snaked insistingly around your midsection.
A startled gasp seized your lungs as his palms came to rest possessively over your abdomen, his firm chest pressing flush against your arched back. For a dizzying moment, you were overwhelmed by the masculine heat and musk of him surrounding you so utterly and inescapably.
"Don't linger over the preparations," Kurapika's lilting voice reverberated against the nape of your neck. You shivered despite yourself as his warm breath danced across your skin. "I'm...starving this evening."
His hips unconsciously canted forward ever so subtly, enough to insinuate himself deeper into the negative space behind you. The unmistakable prominence of his semi erect cock nestled with shameless insistence against the supple curves of your ass through the thin linen of his trousers.
Just as your befuddled mind scrambled for any coherent reply, Kurapika abruptly extricated himself and strode off with the same unruffled collectedness as always. As if he hadn't just allowed the most salacious depths of his obsession over your body to rupture, however briefly, to the surface.
You stood rooted in place, blood pounding deafeningly in your ears as a dozen frantic impulses warred within you. Outrage, indignation, fear, reluctant curiosity... and horrifyingly, something darker and more primal still that responded with undeniable want to the memories of Kurapika's powerful, unapologetic dominion over your personal space.
When you finally managed to recompose yourself and carry the pot of stew to the dining table, Kurapika was waiting with his customary inscrutable expression. No hint of the previous violation lingered in his pewter irises - only that same boundless, soul-deep need to protect and provide that had morphed into such zealous, all-consuming obsession.
As you picked warily at your bowl, hyper-aware of his eyes drinking in your every move, you knew there would be no acknowledgement or discussion of the incident. He had simply exercised another disquieting assertion of ownership over your body and intimate personal freedoms. Just as he had with everything else in the vise of his self-appointed guardianship.
With a smoldering pit of unease taking root in your core, you realized this new dimension to Kurapika's fixation was only beginning. What fresh transgressions would his possessive appetites attempt to justify through the warped lenses of security and obsession?
Only time would tell what depraved lines he may be willing to cross... all in the name of protecting the last remaining embers of his beloved Kurta legacy.
Over the following days, Kurapika's comments about you having children took a disturbingly frank turn. Gone were the veiled observations about motherhood - replaced by straightforward statements that left no room for interpretation.
"Feels like you'd make a good mom," he mentioned offhandedly one evening as you cleaned up after dinner. His eyes shamelessly raked over your body. "Got the hips for it, that's for sure."
You froze, heat prickling your cheeks at his brazen appraisal. Before you could formulate a flustered response, Kurapika simply continued.
"We should think about making that happen sometime. You know, for the clan's sake." He gave a nonchalant shrug, as if discussing something as mundane as laundry plans.
Your mouth opened and closed, utterly stunned by his audacious suggestion. But Kurapika didn't linger or acknowledge your discomfort. With a final weighted look, he turned and strode from the kitchen, leaving you rattled to your core.
The inappropriate remarks only escalated from there. Kurapika seemed to grab any available opportunity to leisurely speculate about you bearing his child in graphic detail.
"Pregnancy's gonna do amazing things for those breasts," he mused one morning while you brushed your hair. You could feel the heated trail of his stare lingering on your chest in the mirror's reflection.
You very nearly dropped the hairbrush, whipping around to gape at him in disbelief. Kurapika simply held your flustered glare, his expression infuriatingly impassive.
"What? Just being honest here," he stated with a casual shrug of his broad shoulders. "Don't act so scandalized. This is a big damn deal for preserving our people."
His dismissive indifference towards your obvious mortification only fanned the flames of your humiliation. You wanted to shriek at him, to demand he stop vocalizing such disturbingly personal thoughts. But Kurapika's piercing stare maintained its unwavering intensity, extinguishing any momentary flicker of outrage before it could take root.
You knew better than to protest his obsession. Raising objections now would only make his intentions that much more overt...and quite possibly hostile. The thought chilled you to your core.
So you suffered in whip-tailed silence as Kurapika's indelicate comments plagued nearly every interaction. No activity, no matter how innocuous, seemed off-limits for him to unsubtly speculate about you becoming his breeding mate in graphic vernacular. And with each new remark, you saw the feral glint smoldering brighter and brighter behind his slate irises.
It was only a matter of time before he outright admitted the depraved depths of his fixation upon you. You dreaded that inevitability, but decided playing meek and obedient remained the wisest strategy for self-preservation. At least until you could formulate an escape plan from under his obsessive watch.
You did your best to hide any discomfort at Kurapika's increasingly frank comments about you having his children. Outward protests only seemed to egg him on with even more graphic remarks. So you kept up a facade of calm obedience, hoping it might discourage him from acting on his unhealthy fixation.
But Kurapika wasn't so easily deterred. His obsession had morphed into an all-consuming hunger that chipped away at his restraint day by day. You saw the signs - his jaw clenching, fists balling up as he inwardly battled those urges. Sometimes you'd catch him staring at you with undisguised longing, his gaze hungrily tracing your curves.
It all came to a head one autumn night as you pretended to read, keenly aware of Kurapika's presence lingering nearby. The tension was suffocating, his pent-up intensity rolling off him in waves. Several times you felt him move closer, only to sense him forcibly checking himself. Finally, you decided to try excusing yourself to the bedroom.
The moment you stood up, Kurapika pounced with startling speed. In one fluid motion, he gripped your shoulders and shoved you back into the armchair, caging you in as he straddled your hips. His lithe body was coiled like a panther pinning its prey.
"Enough games," he growled, his voice low and gritty with want. "No more pretending."
You gazed up at him wide-eyed, taken aback by the naked hunger etched across his chiseled features. This wasn't the restrained Kurapika - this side of him was feral, unrestrained. Arousal and obsession burned in his dilated pupils.
He leaned in close, the hard planes of his body hovering over yours as his hot breath fanned your flushed cheeks. You could feel the thrum of his hammering heart against your own chest.
"You know how obsessed I am with continuing our legacy," Kurapika rasped with grit-toothed intensity. "I'll do whatever it takes."
One calloused hand fisted in your hair, wrenching your head back as he asserted his dominance. You instinctively froze, trembling at his overwhelming presence and display of power. Kurapika drank in your fear and captivation with a ruthless gleam.
"Don't fight it," he warned in a husky timbre. "By morning, you'll be pregnant with my kid whether you like it or not."
A shudder rippled through you at the grim finality of his words. Yet some primal part of your psyche still couldn't help responding to the masterful undercurrents of his seduction, your body warming despite your trepidation.
Kurapika's eyes narrowed, sensing that fractional flicker of reluctant arousal. With taunting slowness, he closed the gap until his lips hovered a hairsbreadth from yours. His tone took on a dangerous, velveteen purr.
"That's it...just accept what's going to happen," he murmured, the barest brush of his mouth against yours. "Don't fight my obsession growing inside you."
Then with a predator's swift strike, Kurapika's mouth crashed into yours with smothering, impatient desire. He hungrily devoured your gasp of surprise, his fervent onslaught of lush dominance overwhelming your senses.
His mouth moved hungrily against yours, hands roaming over your body as if mapping every curve. Kurapika broke the heated kiss for air, eyes glazed with undisguised longing.
"Do you have any idea how gorgeous you'd look pregnant?" he murmured with awestruck reverence.
One of his hands drifted down to splay possessively across your lower abdomen. Kurapika's gaze followed, drinking in the feminine plane as if he could somehow envision it swelling with new life.
"Carrying my child..." he continued in a hushed, wondrous tone. "Your body nurturing the next generation of our people."
He leaned in to trail feverish kisses along the slender column of your neck, causing you to shiver.
"It's all I've been able to think about," Kurapika rasped against your skin. "Just imagining how radiantly fertile you'd look, swollen with my baby..."
His hand stroked tantalizingly over your abdomen again as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck, inhaling your natural scent like an intoxicating elixir.
"I want that so damn badly," he admitted in a throaty rasp thick with yearning. "To see you heavy and glowing with our future growing inside."
Kurapika's kisses wandered across your jawline until his smoldering gaze locked onto yours again, pupils blown wide with naked obsession.
"Say you want it too," Kurapika pleaded, thumb tracing maddening circles low on your belly. "Tell me you'll let me put a baby in this luscious body..."
He drank in every microexpression flickering across your features with rapt focus, hanging on your every reaction. Kurapika leaned in closer until you were sharing the same heated breaths.
"Can't you just picture how incredible you'd look?" he murmured, voice strained with longing. "Tits getting heavy and full, that stomach finally swelling outward with our child growing inside..."
One of his hands cupped your breast almost reverently, like weighing the promise of its future maternal fullness. Kurapika's thumb brushed over your peaked nipple, drawing a soft gasp from you.
"Fuck...you'd be so unbelievably sexy carrying my baby," he groaned, utterly transfixed. "A goddess - all ripe, fertile curves and that beautiful glow mothers-to-be get."
He nuzzled his scruffy cheek against yours, peppering your jaw with open-mouthed kisses until you squirmed beneath him. Kurapika's palm stroked insistently over your abdomen again, as if willing his fantasies into reality through sheer habit.
"I can see it so clearly, feel how soft you'd be..." His voice dipped into a gravelly timbre. "Just imagine me waking you up with a nice, hard fuck every morning. How many times would I have to breed you before it finally took?"
A jolt of arousal coursed through you, your cunt clenching at his crude, possessive words. You bit back a whimper as Kurapika's hand snaked down between your thighs. His fingers expertly sought the sensitive nub of your clit, coaxing it with languid strokes.
"Maybe I'd just stay buried inside you all night," he growled, grinding his stiffening cock into your hip. "Keep that pussy nice and filled up with my cum, see if that does the trick..."
Your eyelids fluttered shut as Kurapika continued stroking your sensitive folds, his other hand kneading your breast. You felt utterly lost in the haze of his carnal need, swept away by his possessive lust.
"Fuck, that's the sexiest thought," he rasped, grinding his bulge against you. "Imagining you all stuffed and swollen with my kid, knowing I'd bred you..."
Kurapika's lips sought yours, tongue slipping inside to explore and claim. You whimpered into his kiss, helpless to the overwhelming desire coursing through your veins. He finally broke the kiss, his eyes smoldering with naked want.
He didn’t say anything, just studied your features intently as he slowly unzipped his fly. Kurapika's hand disappeared beneath his trousers, pulling his rock-hard length free. He gave himself a few languid pumps, hissing softly at the contact.
You stared, transfixed. His cock was just as you imagined - thick and veiny, pulsing with a hungry need to plant his seed.
"Go on...feel it," he ordered gruffly.
Your hand reached out on instinct, fingertips ghosting tentatively over the engorged flesh. Kurapika let out a hiss, his hips bucking into your touch. You felt a thrill at his response, a surge of feminine satisfaction.
He pressed his cock firmly into your palm, forcing you to curl your fingers around the warm girth. You stroked him experimentally, relishing the velvety-smooth skin stretched tight over his pulsating hardness. Kurapika let out a guttural moan, eyes fluttering shut as his head lolled back in pleasure.
"Get a good look, honey ," he purred. "This is what's gonna put a baby inside you."
His hands reached out to grasp your hips, yanking you down on the armchair until you were splayed before him. Your dress rode up to your waist, exposing your slick-drenched cunt to his ravenous gaze.
Kurapika's cock bobbed excitedly at the sight, already drooling an obscene amount of pre-cum. He gripped your hips, dragging you flush against him. The swollen head nudged your soaked slit, smearing its sticky promise against your heat.
"Gonna make you a mommy tonight," he breathed, eyes glazed with lust. "My sexy little wife, full and round with my kid."
With that, he plunged inside your cunt in one rough, impatient thrust. You cried out as his thick cock stretched you impossibly full. It was a delicious, overwhelming ache, like your body was being molded and shaped to his whims.
Kurapika set a punishing pace, fucking you with relentless intensity. He was like a man possessed, driven by a singular purpose. His hands dug into your hips, nails scoring your skin.
You clutched desperately at his broad shoulders, fingers raking his skin. You were completely overwhelmed by the sensation of him dominating your body, filling you up over and over again with his need.
Kurapika's face was contorted with lust, eyes screwed shut as he pounded into you. His breath came in ragged gasps, sweat-slick chest heaving with exertion. You could feel the raw urgency in his movements, the desperate need to spill his seed deep inside.
Your fingers threaded through his silken hair, gripping the roots as you held his fevered gaze. Kurapika's eyes widened, pupils blown wide with arousal at the display of submission. He gave a guttural groan, his pace faltering as he struggled to stave off his imminent release.
"So fucking sexy," he growled, teeth gritted as he fought to hold himself back. He pistoned into you harder, deeper. His thumb reached down to furiously circle your swollen clit. "Come on, honey. Let me hear you scream..."
You arched into him, the friction of his thumb on your sensitive nub and cock pistoning into your cunt pushing you towards the edge. Kurapika's hips slammed into yours with bruising force, his thrusts becoming more erratic as his orgasm neared.
You felt yourself teetering on the edge, body tensing with anticipation. His hand gripped your thigh, hiking it higher for deeper penetration. That last bit of delicious pressure was all you needed to send you careening over the edge.
Your walls clenched around him, milking his throbbing cock. You came with a strangled cry, body spasming as you squirted onto his cock. Kurapika gave a ragged gasp, his hips stuttering as he chased his own release.
With one final, primal thrust, he buried himself to the hilt. You felt the warmth of his seed flooding your womb, painting your inner walls with his virility. Thick, creamy spurts of cum filled you to the brim, his cock pulsing and twitching as he emptied every last drop.
Kurapika's hips rolled languidly into yours, prolonging the aftershocks of his climax. You clung to him, legs trembling from the intensity of your orgasm. Your bodies were entwined, sweat-slick skin pressed flush against each other.
As the haze of lust ebbed away, Kurapika's gaze softened, taking on an adoring warmth. He caressed your cheek, his voice thick with emotion.
"I hope I got you pregnant," Kurapika murmured, voice hushed with naked longing. He leaned down to trail openmouthed kisses along the column of your neck.
"Can you imagine?" he rasped against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. "Your belly swelling with our child, my obsession made flesh and blood?"
He nuzzled the crook of your neck, inhaling your mingled scents with an almost spiritual reverence. When Kurapika pulled back to meet your gaze again, his eyes were alight with feverish yearning.
"I'm going to dote on you relentlessly," he vowed in a low rasp. "Worship every curve, every new glow you get from carrying my baby."
His palm stroked over your lower abdomen, fingertips committing every plane and whisper of definition to memory.
"You'll let me, won't you?" Kurapika's tone edged towards pleading. "Let me obsess over you morning, noon, and night while you nurture our offspring?"
He dipped down to trail reverent, openmouthed kisses along the valley between your breasts.
"These are going to swell up so full and ripe..." he muttered thickly, voice muffled against your fevered skin. "I can't wait to taste how sweet your milk will be."
Kurapika's smoldering gaze met yours again, pupils blown wide with naked obsession. His hand splayed possessively over your abdomen once more, relishing the possibility of it bearing new life.
"Just stay right here with me and make my fantasy a reality," he rasped, the barest hint of a plea entering his gravelly timbre. "Let me put a baby in you and finally satisfy this all-consuming obsession."
His thumb stroked over the hint of your hipbone, gaze following the motion with rapturous focus.
"I'll take care of you both..." Kurapika vowed, voice dropping to a rugged murmur. "Mind, body, and spirit - you'll want for nothing beyond my total devotion."
With that, he sealed his promise with a searing, breathtaking kiss that made his singular obsession for impregnating you resoundingly clear.
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munsonslove · 2 years
Hi! I would like to make a request if I may? Can you do a smutty/fluffy where the reader is pregnant and super horny and wakes Eddie up in the middle of the night for it? He's normally all soft daddydom but he's just like "take what you need from me" and then reader is semi embarrassed about it...
I Waited All Day... 
(18+ only)
a/n: thank you so much for being my first requester, hope you love it! (sorry about it taking like a thousand words to get to the actual smut. i am physically incapable of just getting to the good part of a fic and MUST write a whole ass backstory)
summary: Eddie's more than happy to be woken up by his girl in the middle of the night when her pregnancy hormones are making her needier than usual.
wordcount: 4.2k
tags/warnings: fem!reader, established relationship, VERY vague mentions of reader having a troubled past, reader being forced to move out of her mother’s house, very small drug mention, use of pet names (babe, beautiful, handsome, sweetheart, sweet girl), talks of marriage, pregnancy, mentions of masturbation (f), brief mention of oral (f receiving), p in v penetration, daddy kink, praise kink, unprotected sex (she’s already preggo and they’re monogamous, otherwise yeah use a condom y’all), no use of y/n
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People like to talk. When you first moved to Hawkins during your senior year, you were everyone’s favorite topic of conversation. From the moment you first walked through the school’s halls, they expected you to fit in one of the boxes created for you. The idea of fresh meat excited them, and students from all different social cliques flocked to you, trying to figure out your deal. They wanted to know if you were going to be the ‘Party Girl’, or the ‘Cheerleader’, or the ‘Girl Next Door’. It wasn’t until the self-designated popular crowd of Hawkins High was escorting you to the cafeteria and you excitedly pointed out the flier on the bulletin board with a cartoon D20 that they realized you weren’t going to be one of them.
Eddie Munson had been your rock throughout that tough last year of school. Moving so late in your educational career was definitely not ideal, but it was necessary due to unforeseen circumstances. When you eventually told Eddie about everything, he was there for you in a way you never thought you’d be lucky enough to get, and he understood how you felt considering he’d had a less-than-perfect life himself. Having him to talk to without the fear of being pitied or being a burden made you feel safe, and it wasn’t long until you were falling in love. Thankfully, he felt the same way, and your fairytale love story had begun. But once again, people like to talk. And stare. The criticizing looks whenever you would walk to class hand in hand were not subtle, and the whispered rumors were judgmental to say the least. Still, you were happy. The happiest you had been in a very long time. It was you and Eddie, everything else was background noise.
When you graduated and he stayed behind to retake his senior year, everyone was shocked that you didn’t break up with him. Especially your mother, who assumed he was just a rebellious phase and that you’d be done with him once high school was behind you. When another year passed, and Eddie was once again informed that he would be repeating his senior year, she gave you an ultimatum: break up with him or move out. So you started living with Eddie and his uncle at the trailer park. It was a tight squeeze, but it would hopefully only be until graduation, and Wayne was happy to see his nephew so in love. Summer came and went, you were working as a waitress at a local diner and Eddie was going to school and bussing tables at the Hideout on nights when his band wasn’t playing. The both of you made plans for your future together, saving money to get the hell out of Hawkins. When Eddie took the pregnancy test out of your shaking hands and looked up at you with excited eyes, you thanked your lucky stars you had already put a down payment on a mobile home.
As it would turn out, it wasn’t just the kids you went to high school with who liked to talk, the people at the diner did too. Your coworkers never liked your boyfriend, always making comments behind their hands about his tattoos and ripped jeans. They would pull you aside and ask why you hadn’t dumped him yet whenever he pulled up in his van to take you home at the end of your shift. Your answer in the past had always been the same. “Because,” you would say while rolling your eyes, “he’s the love of my life.” The look on everyone’s faces when your answer finally changed to “Because he’s the father of my child,” was absolutely priceless. According to them, you were making the mistake of your lifetime by having a baby at 20, and Eddie would bail the first chance he got. Little did they know that Eddie had taken the responsibility of parenthood very seriously. His grades were already significantly better than they had been in previous years, ensuring that he would receive his diploma next month, and he was taking every extra shift he could at the bar while continuing to sell for Reefer Rick. It was still scary as hell, but your due date wasn’t until the end of November. He and you would be fully settled into your new home together by then, nursery painted and ready for your bundle of joy.
The one bad thing about Eddie’s determination to take as much of the stress off of you as he could was that he had a lot of busy days. Of course he made absolutely sure to set aside time for you, but on this particular day he was out of the trailer from sunrise to sunset. He woke you up gently with a kiss to the forehead before kissing you in some other places (you would have been annoyed that he almost made you late to work, but honestly the orgasm was worth it). After dropping you off at the diner, he booked it to school, where he and the rest of the Hellfire Club stayed after the final bell had rung to play a couple hours of his latest campaign (that you sadly couldn’t join in on considering you helped plan it). His final destination before coming home was the Hideout, where he was scheduled to work until midnight. This meant you’d likely not see him until the next morning, considering he was always extra careful to not wake you when climbing into bed.
As for your own day after being dropped off, you had a pretty bad bout of morning sickness during the breakfast rush. Apparently no one likes to watch their waitress exit the restaurant in a rush so she can empty the contents of her stomach into the very visible-from-the-window trash can, so your boss sent you home at 11am instead of 2pm. Thankfully, your tables were understanding, and made sure to leave you hefty tips and encouraging words of advice on motherhood. Their sweetness combined with your hormones nearly made you cry on the bus ride home.
Speaking of hormones, you were horny. It was hard not to be when you had a boyfriend like Eddie, who fucked you brainless and knew exactly how to talk dirty to you with words that would play on repeat in your head for weeks afterward. Currently, memories of last night were the main cause for the wetness in between your legs. Eddie had you pinned down by the wrists and was pummeling in and out of you. You came after his promise of fucking you in every room against every surface once you finally moved into your place together. 
When you arrived home from work three hours early and explained that you got sick, Wayne was concerned. Once you changed into some sweats and one of Eddie’s shirts, he made you rest on the couch as he got lunch ready, and you ate together while watching TV. Sneaking off to ‘take care’ of yourself wasn’t an option, and you wouldn’t want to do that with uncle Wayne in the house anyway. Eventually, the evening came and he had to leave for his night shift at the plant, so you were left alone. The second the front door shut, you were flopping down onto the bed and shoving your hand into your panties. Relief was illusive, unfortunately. Instead of pleasured moans the room was filled with frustrated grunts. After having Eddie’s fingers, your own just weren’t the same. You begrudgingly gave up and gave in to your exhaustion, quickly falling into a deep sleep.
After what felt like mere minutes, your heavy eyes were blinking open. The light from the sunset was completely gone, and there was a warmth pressed into your back and wrapped around your torso. Carefully, you rolled over and smiled at Eddie’s relaxed face. You loved his loud personality and sarcastic humor, but during the nighttime- when you got to see the side of him no one else saw- that’s when you fell in love all over again. The door was slightly cracked, letting in a small amount of light from the hallway (Eddie says he likes to watch you sleep while he drifts off). Although it was dim, you could still see how beautifully peaceful he looked as he slept beside you. Glancing over at the nightstand showed the alarm clock reading ‘12:31’, meaning that Eddie got home probably around ten minutes ago, stripped down to his boxers, slipped his rings and necklace off onto the dresser, took you into his arms, and promptly passed out. The devil on your shoulder is reminding you of the arousal that’s been bothering you all day, while the angel is telling you to let him rest. You know you should, he’s obviously drained from such a long day and he has school in seven hours, but the pulsing between your legs is not easy to ignore. Seeing his chest tattoos on full display wasn’t doing you any favors in the ‘let him get some sleep’ department either.
“Babe,” you whisper as you lightly shake his shoulder, “babe, wake up.” His eyes scrunch up adorably, and even when they finally open it’s clear that he’s still not fully conscious.
“Huh- wha?” he mumbles before blinking slowly a few more times. He stretches his arm out above his head and you watch his pupils dilate when his eyes focus on you. “Hey there, beautiful,” he says more clearly. A smile grows on his face while his hand finds its way to your cheekbone, caressing you softly.
You smile back, but bite your lip as you prepare to tell him why you woke him up in the middle of the night after he worked a seven hour shift. “Hey yourself, handsome.”
He blushes at the compliment until he realizes it’s not morning yet, and his eyebrows furrowed together. “Wait, what’s wrong? Is everything okay? Do you need something? Is it the baby?” he starts rambling worriedly.
To be fair, this was rather uncommon behavior from you. Ever since the start of your relationship, having sex with Eddie was one of your favorite things in the world, but that didn’t mean you weren’t still shy about it. He did his best to break you out of your comfort zone and let you know that it’s okay to ask for what you need, but even after almost three years together you still were in the habit of waiting for him to initiate intimacy.
“I’m fine, the baby’s fine,” you reassure him while rubbing your hand up and down his chest. “I just- um, well I missed you all day,” you try to explain, hoping he picks up on what you’re trying to say.
His frantic expression immediately calms. “Aw, sweetheart,” he croons with a soft peck to the tip of your nose, “I missed you too. I always miss you when you’re not around.” Giggling anxiously, you look away. He rests his hand over yours to still your subconsciously fiddling fingers on his chest. “Is my girl getting shy? Tell me what you need.”
Warmth overtakes your cheeks as you lean in closer to whisper even quieter, “I… need you.” As you say this, your hand travels down his torso to the waistband of his boxers, and your thighs flex as they squeeze together.
His eyes light up excitedly, both at the prospect of sex and your uncharacteristic boldness. “Do you, now?” he asks, his voice lowered seductively as his own hand makes its way to your side and pulls you closer to him, your pelvises flush together. “My sweet girl needs me? You need daddy’s cock?”
A shaky moan escapes from the bottom of your throat the moment he calls himself that. It wasn’t completely new territory, you’d both experimented with using that word since the beginning of your relationship, but he definitely used it more frequently since learning the good news last month.
“Please, daddy,” you whine, “I waited all day. Don’t tease me.”
“All day, huh?” he hums as his fingers hook underneath the elastic of your sweatpants, dipping into your underwear and grazing your wet folds. His eyebrows shoot up. “Fuck, sweetheart. You’re soaked.”
“I told you!” you exclaim as you start rutting your hips against his hand. Taking the hint, he immediately starts circling your clit after leaning in to passionately lock lips with you. You struggle to return the kiss, your mouth stuck in an open ‘O’ shape as your hand fists in his long hair. Your moans only grow louder as you seek out your climax, his quiet voice guiding you there with sweet words.
“You’re so perfect, so fucking sexy like this,” he praises, “I can’t believe how good you are for me. Always so ready. Waiting for me, all wet and willing in our bed.” Eddie liked to do that, remind you that this bed was both yours and his. He loved the word ‘our’, loved to establish that the rest of your lives would be shared together. “Did you touch yourself while you waited for me to come home, beautiful?”
“Y- yes,” you answered truthfully, “but it wasn’t the same. Couldn’t finish” Although there wasn’t much light in the bedroom, and your vision was starting to blur, you knew your boyfriend well enough to know that this complaint brought a smug smirk to his face.
“No?” he asks, his fingers changing direction on your clit and circling the opposite way. The sudden adjustment has you gasping and throwing your head back, and he seizes the opportunity to kiss your neck for a moment, before going back to his questioning. “Why wasn’t it the same?”
The memory of your failed attempts at orgasm forces a frustrated groan from you. “Not the same without you,” you explain, confused as to how this wasn’t obvious already. “Not as good without you with me. When I can’t feel you, hear you… Just not the same.”
“I’m sorry, sweet girl,” he apologizes. He truly does sound sorry now, the mocking lilt in his tone vanishing, “I wish I was there for you earlier, don’t want my girl to suffer.”
Trying to clear your head enough to respond is a challenge, especially when you’re sure your orgasm is so close, but you manage to do it anyway. “Don’t have to say sorry,” you soothe him, “you’re here for me now. You’re always here for me.”
“And I will be, for the rest of our lives,” he promises, full of emotion. Then, your stomach flips as his words turn lustful, the vibrations from his deepened voice piercing through you almost violently. “Doing so good, fucking yourself on my fingers. That feel good like that, babe?” he questions, “You want it faster? Harder? I’ll give you anything you need.”
“I need you!” you cry out. “Please, I want you to fill me up, stretch me out. I need you to fuck me,” you cry, but make no efforts to move away from his hand.
“I will, I will,” he promises, “I just wanna watch my favorite girl cum this way first. Then you’ll get daddy’s cock filling you up, that’s what you want right?”
You clench around nothing, and nod your head rapidly. The heat in your belly only grows as Eddie continues his motions. It pushes you over the edge when he starts sucking on your pulse point, the exact spot on your neck that he knows drives you crazy. You can no longer hold off your climax, and you cling to him helplessly as he helps you to ride out your orgasm. During your release, you shake and whimper against him as he shushes into your ear while stroking your hair with his free hand. All that can be heard is a chorus of ‘Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Oh Eddie’.
“There you go, sweetheart, there you go,” he comforts through your aimless babbling moans. “I’ve got you. Let go.”
The stinging sensation of overstimulation starts to set in, causing you to squeeze your thighs shut, but that only traps him in place. Your whines grow higher in pitch as the pleasure and pain mixture becomes too much to bear, and you feel Eddie smirk against your heated skin. Finally, he takes pity on you and lifts his hand from your center, only to close his eyes and moan as he licks his fingers clean of your juices. You roll over onto your back and turn your head to watch as you try to regain regular breathing. While he’s busy lapping up the last of the glistening mess you left behind, you sit up to pull off his shirt that you’re still wearing and toss it across the room. Immediately, you feel his callused hands gliding gently up your side and just under your chest, careful to not be too rough knowing that your breasts have become much more sensitive during your pregnancy.
“So perfect,” he murmurs, and you’re not even sure he realizes he said it out loud. He follows you into a sitting position and kisses you devotedly before pulling away to whisper, “I love you.” You shudder as you feel his soft breath on your swollen lips.
“I love you, too,” you respond back breathily, pushing back down onto his pillow. “Lay back, sweetheart,” you demand, “Daddy had a long day, so I’ll do the work, okay?”
You notice his cock twitch in his boxers as he smiles up at you lovingly with a nod. In seconds, your pants and underwear are discarded and tossed across the room as well, and Eddie lifts his hips to assist you in removing his single piece of clothing. His erection springs up, and even after all this time you can’t help the reaction it causes. Your mouth waters as you bite your lips, you feel a warmth grow once more in your lower stomach, and your eyes glaze over. Finally, after all day of waiting for this moment, you throw your leg over him and slowly slide down his length.
You both instantly let out relieved groans, and his fingers curl in on the flesh of your waist, leaving crescent shaped indents where his nails dig into you. The sting only adds to your enjoyment, sending more of that fuzzy feeling to your head and making it hard to think about anything else but how badly you want to stay like this forever. Flattening your hands on his chest, just under the ink of his tattoos, you brace yourself as you start to rock up and down. The stretch is exactly what you’ve been craving for hours, and the instantaneous relief that washes over you is almost enough to make you cry. He reaches so unbelievably deep inside of you, and as usual the entire time he is unable to keep his mouth shut.
“So good, babe. You feel so good,” he growls. “So fucking tight, and warm. Like a fucking dream. How did I get so lucky?”
“I’m the lucky one,” you correct, arms giving out under you making you collapse onto him. Your  foreheads meet as your lips fumble against each other, not quite able to correctly kiss through the loud and needy moans filling the room. His tongue enters your mouth, licking across your bottom row of teeth, and your face scrunches as you focus on chasing your high.
“You like that, don’t you? God, are you gonna cum already?” he asks after a couple minutes when he notices your rhythm faltering. Trying to hold off was futile, the bliss was overwhelming. “We just started, beautiful. You’re so much more sensitive now.”
“Pl- please, daddy,” you start to beg. For what, you’re not sure. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment. While you had (of course) always loved sleeping with Eddie, the dial turned up to eleven with your recent change in hormones. You still were unaccustomed to feeling so desperate for him all the time, and although the constant begging you were doing nowadays was humiliating, you’ve found you just can’t help it. “Please, I- I need…”
“What does my girl need?” he urges you on when your fragil voice trails off.
“I need your cum,” you finish. “I want it inside, I wanna feel it leaking out of me tomorrow at work, reminding me I’m yours.” As you confess these lewd desires, he starts cursing softly to himself. His grip tightens, bouncing you up and down on his cock with reckless abandon. 
“My sweet, shy girl. Not so shy now, are you?” he asks, head thrown back and clearly on the brink. “Not when you’re fucked out, so desperate for my cum.”
Your hips start to stutter as you grow frantic, your release getting harder and harder to hold back. “Please, I need it, daddy. I want you to fill me up.” 
“Sound so good begging for me. Daddy’s gonna fill you up,” he promises, and you feel his cock twitching as it hits you directly on you g-spot over and over, torturing you with pleasure. “Gonna fuck you full, till you can’t hold anymore.”
The final string snaps. You feel all the blood in your body rushing to your head as you curl in on yourself and call out his name over and over, him doing the same with yours. Slick moisture coats your thighs, dirty from the mess you’ve made together, and you’ve lost all strength to continue grinding. Eddie has graciously taken over, his fingers splayed over your hips as he thrusts up into you, the bed frame creaking loudly. Along with the steady rhythm of the bed meeting the wall, there’s an obscene squelching noise that only draws out your orgasm, and you’re surprised at how much the filthy sound turns you on. After needing this for so long, your body rewards you with a longer than usual release, and Eddie rides along with you throughout its duration. When the feeling finally comes to an end, you lift yourself off of your boyfriend and fall exhausted to his side, closing your eyes in embarrassment when he wastes no time turning to you to scoop up any of his seed that had leaked out and push it back inside. Although he’s gentle in doing so, a pathetic sounding whimper still escapes you.
Minutes pass as you both take some time to recover. Your heartbeat is still going wild when he raises his hand to gently comb his fingers through your hair. “God, I love you,” he murmurs, “Gonna make you mine soon.”
You try to look up at him, but your neck feels too weak, too sore from the straining it just went through. Your gaze peers up at him through thick eyelashes, and you see that he’s looking down at you as well. “I love you too, Eddie,” you respond, “I’m already yours.”
“Gonna buy you a real pretty ring,” he continued, as if you said nothing. “Almost as pretty as you. Not prettier, cause that’s impossible.” Warmth spreads over your entire body, settling in your diaphragm. The topic of marriage has been brought up before, but you can tell he’s more serious now, the youthful emptiness to those promises now disappeared. “Real soon, I promise. Just gotta move in and have the baby, then I can buy it.”
“Soon. We only gotta be patient for a little bit longer,” you comfort him. In the past, he had confided in you his disappointment that he couldn’t propose sooner. Truth be told, you would be happier than ever going down to the courthouse and signing a few papers, but he absolutely insists on buying you a ring and having a huge ceremony and reception. He said he wants to show how much he loves you, and when you protested by saying he proved his love a long time ago, he countered by admitting he wants to show everyone how lucky he got by having you fall in love with him. If waiting to have a ceremony is what’ll make him happy, then you decided you can wait as long as it’ll take. There were only a few more things on the to-do list before you could start planning: save up as much as you can before taking maternity leave, pack up and move out, have the baby, and… “And we definitely need to buy a new mattress before moving in, too.”
“What are you talking about?” he exclaims, looking at you wildly. “This mattress is where we conceived our child!”
You roll your eyes as a sudden laugh breaks out of you. “This mattress is like, one of six places where our child could have been conceived,” you argue as visions of late nights in Eddie’s van and secret meetings in the Hawkins High theater room flood your memories. “And it’s covered in stains.”
Eddie laughs along with you as he rubs up and down your back. “Fine,” he concedes, “but this is the most statistically likely place. And those stains are half your fault, you know? This bed has too many good memories,” he finishes while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He has a point. This dirty mattress does have a lot of good memories.
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wardenparker · 10 months
The Viper's Bride - ch 10
Oberyn Martell x female reader x Ellaria Sand x OC Co-written with @absurdthirst
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The second Prince of Dorne has lived under the illusion that he would not be forced to wed for his entire life. He has enough lovers and illegitimate children to make him a legend across Westeros, and the love of his soulmate Ellaria Sand to content him. But a contract between his brother and a lord from the north will catapult him into a match that may prove to be as complicated as it is intriguing. Especially when he learns that you already have a soulmate of your own.
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 11.7k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: terrible parents, age gap 10+ years, arranged marriage, classicism, cursing, food and alcohol, internalized homophobia. Reader is described as having hair long enough to braid* Fluff and intimacy, blink and you'll miss it pregnancy kink, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, bath sex. Brief mentions of physical pain and past abuse (parent to child and spousal). More secret keeping. Summary: An unexpected development could change everything - but will it be as good a change for everyone as it is for some? Notes: Tumblr is rejecting any effort I try to put into editing my taglist for this story, guys. I'm really really sorry. If you want to be put on the master tag list please send me an ask or a DM and let me know, as that does not seem to be experiencing problems at the moment.
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9
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In the days that follow, routine develops. Walks with Margaery become frequent interludes, there is more chance to spend time with Ellaria or with Raeden, and suppers in your quarters are occasions for the four of you to bask in each other’s attention. A week of pleasant days goes by without incident, all except for the gnawing feeling in your chest that never seems to dissipate.
Despite the joint coupling that happened a week ago, there has not been a repeat. The days have turned longer with meetings and whispered conversations in darkened hallways of the wretched keep. Oberyn has kept you and Ellaria apprised of what is being said, Raeden already knowing, but he will be glad to leave King’s Landing behind when this is over.
There has not been another night with Raeden, despite many pleasant evenings in his arms after supper while the four of you have talked. Each night he and Ellaria have retreated to the second bedchamber and left you and Oberyn to your conception efforts with little or no fuss at all. It seems strange, considering how hard you fought to be able to keep Raeden at your side – but you remind yourself that it does not mean he loves you any less. Or that you love him any differently, either.
Oberyn pours another cup of wine and sighs. ���I am ready to be rid of this city.” He tells you as he looks out the window at the city below, watching people and animals scurry about their evening. “Will you miss it?”
“I cannot think so.” The gardens are beautiful and the library welcoming, but apparently both are more stunning in Dorne. “If nothing else, it makes the people I care about unhappy, and my mother is still here.” You shrug at him half-heartedly. “That alone is enough to make me long to be anywhere else.”
“Has she said something to you?” Oberyn turns and gives you a sharp look, instantly ready to cut her with his tongue if she had. You have opened up more to him over the past week and the woman should have been barren rather than a mother.
“She found me this morning in the library,” you admit, not liking the look of concern on his face all at once. “And…asked me to have dinner with her and my father tomorrow.”
“Just you?” He asks, raising a brow and wondering what her play is. She might be trying to curry favor. That would be very plausible considering she would have someone close to the small council, but he knows you are far too smart to fall for her shit.
“I did not want to commit you to an entire meal of her insults,” you admit with a small grimace. “So I said you were otherwise occupied on small council business.”
“So I can interrupt if need be and rescue you.” Oberyn smirks before he shakes his head. “You do not have to go. Make your excuses or just do not show if you wish to not go.”
“I thought you might say that.” He has developed a habit of playing with the hair along your neck when you sit together and it soothes you measurably, making you nearly sigh as you sit together. “But I do not want the last meal I share with my parents to be that disastrous breakfast the morning we were introduced.”
“I thought that meal was quite amusing.” Oberyn hums, remembering his own part with satisfaction, though he frowns when he realizes that it has been days since he was close to his lover.
“Yet remembering it makes you upset?” A fact which, when you point it out, makes you frown in turn.
“Simply your fear that followed.” He assures you. “Hopefully now put well to rest.” He leans in and kisses your chin to dispel the frown and replace it with a smirk.
“There will always be some looming fear in a life frought with responsibility and power.” But you turn into him, seeking a kiss from his lips to yours, and smile softly. “What I am assured of is the support of my husband. And for that I am grateful.”
“There is nothing much more powerful than a prince.” He reminds you. “Unless those rumors of dragons are true.”
“I value your support much more than your power.” It would not be true of every woman he could have married, but it is certainly true if you. And you hope – however quietly – that the fact of it means something to him.
“You have both, Princess.” He softens, his fingers caressing your skin and he’s aware that he is lucky in the choice of bride made for him. It might not have been intended, at least for your sweetness, but he is drawn as a bee is to honey.
“Then I am very lucky.” Returning his gentle gesture, your fingers caress the sharp line of his beard and make your smile grow a little wider.
“I have to shave tonight.” He grunts, watching you carefully. “Another bath.” He doesn’t care for the baths in the Keep. “I have already told Cal, do you wish to join me?”
“Leyth will be grateful,” you muse, glad to accept the invitation. The small and large moments of intimacy you get with him are always worthwhile. “It will save her having to draw one for me tomorrow.”
Oberyn had not been with either servant since coming to the keep, in fact, he had been inside no one but you. “Princess.” He tilts his head and draws a circle on your arm.
“My lord?” Though he has yet to demand your fealty, he is that. Your husband. Your prince. Your lord.
His lips twitch slightly and he lifts a brow, approving of your demeanor. “Have you touched your lover since that time we were all together?” He asks it softly, no accusing, just wondering if you had managed to spend time with him when Oberyn is occupied.
“Not beyond a kiss.” There had not been time for it during the daylight hours and you have spent every night since the consummation of your marriage with your husband. “He has been considerate of our efforts to ensure your heir.”
“Very considerate.” Oberyn hums and adds it to the tally that he is forming in his head. “Do you wish to go to him? Seek other pleasures with him?”
The offer, even though there is no malice in his voice, makes you shrink back a little. “Do you wish for me to leave you after we bathe?”
“Not at all.” He shakes his head, making an effort to not frown. Reminding himself that you are still innocent in the ways of multiple partners. “I just realized that I have been greedy with your nights.”
“I enjoy our nights.” Perhaps too much, you have thoughts more and more frequently — especially when laying in his arms at night.
“I have enjoyed our nights as well.” He chuckles and brushes his nose along your neck. “Are you wishing for anything? Something I can give you?”
“How could I possibly wish for anything beyond what I already have?” Your soulmate, a doting husband, and a divinely lovely friend in his own soulmate. A growing friendship with the widowed queen. What better companions could you ask for?
“Lovers.” He hums. “Whichever you want. A pretty cunt to eat or a cock to suck.” He chuckles quietly. “I am merely asking if you have grown more curious. Though you drain me dry every night when you ride my cock, perhaps you have secretly wished for more.”
“It would not give me the same satisfaction, I think.” The idea of sharing your bed with a stranger simply to take pleasure in them actually appeals to you very little, you have found. It is the closeness – the intimacy – of the act that you crave. Even the most intensely physical fucking you have ever shared with Oberyn has been fraught with feeling. “I think that…it is important for me that I care for my lovers.”
“Interesting.” He’s not of the same mind frame but he respects that. His own feelings for you are complicated and burgeoning as he spends more time in your presence.
“It may seem a bit unconventional to you.” Which is in no way a thing to regret or censure. It is simply a fact. “But I think so far it has made me happy.”
“Just because it is something I am not used to does not mean it is wrong.” He reaches out and caresses your neck gently to reassure you. “I just wish to make sure you are happy with this arrangement as it is.”
“I am.” Much to your surprise, in fact, and you nuzzle against his hand. “I am happier than I ever thought possible. But if you wish to have others in your bed, you only need to say so.”
“I will hurt you.” It’s a simple statement, but one that holds a heavy weight.
The light in your eyes dims and you glance away, suddenly focused on your fingernails far more than his face. “I do not like how you seem so sure of that.”
Oberyn tuts and reaches for your chin. “I do not want to hurt you, Star.” He rephrases softly. “So I need to know if it will hurt to find me with other lovers.” With Ellaria, there had never been that question, but for some reason, it seems terribly important to work out before he causes a hurt he cannot kiss away.
“I expect it.” It is not precisely an answer to his question, but at least it is honest. “You cannot be satisfied by limitations, I knew that when I first went to your bed and I know that still. And, if I am perfectly honest, I admit to being surprised that you have not bedded anyone else since our first night together. I thought to spend most nights with Raeden. Or…even alone.”
“Why alone?” That makes him frown fiercely, and his dark eyes pierce into yours demanding the answer.
“If you are with someone else and Raeden is with Ellaria, then surely I must be keeping my own company.” It is not a judgment call. Simply a fact. But one that apparently neither of you enjoys.
“Princess, you never have to be alone.” He huffs. “Even if you did not join, you would be welcomed to lounge on a chaise and eat berries while I fuck.” He teases, hoping to chase away the clouds of sorrow in your eyes.
“I fear that while I enjoy being observed, I do not think I would enjoy watching you take pleasure in another.” Yet another unfortunate truth that you feel compelled to divulge to him, but it is what it is. “Unless it were Ellaria or Raeden…or someone else you cared for.”
“Hmmmm.” He nods in understanding, and lets go of your chin to lean in to press a soft kiss to your lips.
"Perhaps you may hurt me, but I fear I will still prove a disappointment to you." He had observed once that he did not have the power to hurt you because he did not hold your heart. The terrible truth is that with every passing day you become less and less sure of the truth of that statement. Fight it though you might, it seems very possible that your affection for your husband has outgrown what it once was. And that makes you not only a potentially disappointing wife, but a disgrace of a soulmate to Raeden as well.
“How?” He tilts his head curiously, wanting to see why you would think so.
"Try as I might, I do not think I am as free as you would wish me to be." As free as Ellaria is, you think loudly and with growing remorse. This night has already strayed a long way from the promise of a shared bath and a warm bed.
“I want you to be as free as you are comfortable.” He takes another sip of his wine. “I have not visited a brothel or tossed a servant’s skirts up.” He reminds you with a wink. “I’ve not even had Cal suck my cock, though that mouth is a gift from the gods, old and new.”
"I will sleep on the chaise tonight if you wish to share your bed with him." You would, your twisting chest tells you without words, do anything he wanted. It is an alarming thing to realize and you wince slightly without realizing it.
“You misunderstand my meaning, star.” He shakes his head and reminds himself not to get frustrated with you. “Checking to see if you have developed curiosities does not mean I wish to have another in our bed.” He murmurs quietly. “Freedom and security is all I am offering. The freedom to take or leave it, and the security to know that I will not rebuke you for it.” His hand takes yours and he brings it up to his lips to kiss the back of it like he had the first time he greeted you.
"And you have the same freedom, which is why I offered." The way he changes from intimate to polite at the drop of a hat is mercurial at best and infuriating at worst, but you remind yourself that you still do not know him as well as you think you do. As well as you wish you did. Your marriage is barely a fortnight old.
He sighs softly and gives you a fond smile. “My stars and moon, I have found that I am exhausted by the time you collapse into my arms.”
"Then perhaps I am not so disappointing a wife after all." For now, you can only pray that he remains satisfied with your time together.
“There will come a time that I hope all of us might be together.” He admits softly, leaning in and nudging your nose. “I would like to see you impaled on your soulmate's cock, full of my heir with your skin glowing and your belly swollen.”
That image – the image of the four of you so deeply entwined together – is one that you will soak in and burrow inside. At this stage of things, it is the truest version of what you desire. "If we are lucky, that day will not be so far away."
Perhaps not. Instead of answering, he nods and stands when he hears footsteps approaching. “That will be Cal.” He hums.
“Do you still wish me to stay? To bathe with you?” After the unexpected conversation, you would not blame him if he had changed his mind.
“Stand up and come to me.” He orders, turning away from the table where he was refilling his cup.
It is not often he gives orders, and your tendency from childhood is to follow them as long as they are not cruel, so you do what he says. Standing from the large, cushioned chair you had been sharing, you get up and cross the room to stand before him.
Cal opens the door and nods respectfully to Oberyn, The prince smirks slightly and nods in return before shifting his eyes towards his wife.“My lord.” Cal comes into the room with buckets of water and nods to you both. “My lady.”
“Strip.” He orders you softly, only to where you can hear him. He wants to see if you will argue or if you will trust him.
It is not necessarily so unusual an order, considering Cal has come to fill the bath, and you reach for your laces thinking only that Oberyn's tone is a bit odd.
Pride fills him, pride that you had admitted a preference for being with those you care for and yet you place your trust in him when Cal is in the room. He sets his cup down and his fingers tangle with yours. “Would you strip in front of Cal if I wished it?” He hums against your neck, “would you let me bare you in front of him to see your gorgeous cunt and delicious tits?”
It is not something you would ever think to do, nor is it something perhaps something that would be everyday behavior for you, but you nod slowly. This feels like a test, and you do not intend to fail him if you can help it. "I trust you," you tell him quietly. Quietly, but surely.
“Good.” He rasps out, sliding his hand up from your laces and cups your neck to drag you against him and plunders your mouth in a ravenous kiss.
Confident that you have passed his test at least for now, you sigh into the kiss and let him take all that he could possibly want from you. Because Oberyn gives as much as he takes it is no hardship - in fact it is entirely the opposite. It feels like being worshiped with every breath.
He breaks the kiss when Cal leaves to fetch more buckets and he smirks at you. “You did well, Princess.” He coos with a wink. “You always do well, you just need to believe it.”
"In time." Relieved that you were correct about his intentions, you let yourself lean into his embrace for a moment. "I think perhaps I have been molded out of clay that you know more of how to reshape than I do."
“Just be honest in how you wish to be shaped, Star.” He murmurs softly.
"I cannot claim to know just yet." An alarming thought does float to the top of your mind, though, pushing to be noticed and clamoring to be said. You swallow it deliberately. Too afraid of the words to even know how to form them on your tongue.
"Then we will make sure that you are not pushed into anything too soon." He toys with the laces of your dress and huffs quietly, unable to wait until you are in Dorne and wearing dresses that are far easier to access than these Northern dresses.
“Once again my gown is vexing to you?” The small tease feels good after such a serious conversation as you have had, and you look over your shoulder at him. “If there was a Dornish dressmaker in the Capitol I would have seen her immediately.”
"Wear nothing and make all of the women stew in their jealousy." He grunts, only teasing slightly because he knows your modesty will not allow that. You still cover up when anyone comes into the room, including Leyth until you are sure that it is just your maid.
“Perhaps one day.” If that day ever comes it will be a long way off, but he knows that. Instead you tip your head back further to kiss his cheek. “But well before that, I will be glad to be rid of all of these undergarments.”
"So do not wear them." He proposes easily. "You do not need them. You should be bare under your dresses."
“Truthfully?” This time you do turn fully, a slightly bemused and embarrassed smile on your face. “I asked Leyth to help me dress without them a few days ago and the dresses simply do not look or fit right. They are made for them.”
"How terribly proper of the ladies of the North." Oberyn snorts and continues to toy with your laces. "When it comes time, I will cut your dresses off of you in my eagerness to touch you, star." He promises quietly.
You hum. “It will be the only time gowns have ever been hunted for sport.”
“Vicious, dangerous creatures – cumbersome gowns.” He smirks slightly and decides to loosen some of your laces to make it easier for him to touch you.
“I can put on my dressing gown before Cal comes back,” you remind him. “If you truly want it gone.”
“No.” He isn’t going to disrobe you since you will be uncomfortable. “I just want to touch my wife.”
“That is certainly permissible.” If you could, you would loosen your laces for him and let his hands slip under your clothing to let him touch anywhere.
"I know." He doesn't say that because as your husband, he has every right to touch you whether you like it or not, but because you will let him touch you.
Cal returns shortly with more steaming water, readying the prince’s bath near the fire and with tamped wood underneath to keep the metal tub warm. As a soldier Oberyn Martell has faced plenty of cold baths and far worse conditions – as a prince he has the luxury of insisting for better. When he goes again it is to leave you and Oberyn alone for the night, and that small relief is enough to relax you a bit more.
"They have private rooms." He tells you. "Cal and Leyth. Allowed to sleep together safely every night." He is talking just to talk, but to also put you at ease. Pulling your dress down as he does.
“They deserve as much.” Neither of them knows any of the fate of their soulmate, they have said, but their love for each other is evident. Not everyone is lucky enough to know the other half of their soul – but at least Cal and Leyth are able to share one heart.
"I think they are happy here with us." He hopes they are at least. He had taken them from the brothel where they had known what to expect and thrown them into the world of nobles and lies.
“And if they decide they are not, they now have the power to make their own way in the world.” A fact which makes you hum softly as Oberyn undresses you. The irony that your servants have far more freedom than you do is not lost on you.
His fingers pause for a split second as he comes to the same conclusion and he resumes the task with a hum. "Yes, they will." He says after a moment.
“I suppose you do, in fact, have more meetings tomorrow?” The amount of time that the small council seems to spend ruminating over the smallest matters is extraordinary to you. Oberyn and Raeden seem perpetually frustrated and tired each evening.
"No." Oberyn lets the dress fall to the floor and he hums as he sees the layers of underclothes. "Tomorrow the trial begins."
“How could I have lost track of time so easily?” Days blend together here, you have found, and you shake your head. “We will all be there.”
"Ellaria will stay here." He knows his lover and she would be bored with the trial. "I know she does not wish to watch an innocent man be wronged."
“Nor do I, but I promised Margaery.” Oberyn had said it was up to you whether or not you came, but a promise to a queen cannot be broken.
"Do you wish to have Raeden sit with you?" He asks softly, knowing that you will feel comforted by his presence.
“Only if he wishes to attend.” It is your turn to undress your husband, but your work is much faster than his for lack of an abundance of laces. “My comfort is not more important than his.”
"Raeden will attend, his comfort notwithstanding." Oberyn tells you. "He is now a Lord representing Dorne."
“Then I will ask him to sit with me.” You lift the robe he wears from his shoulders and lay it nearby with care. “That seems only polite.”
"Polite." He chuckles quietly and plucks the ties of his breeches open. "You are always polite."
“Some of the things about my upbringing were not terrible.” You attest, frowning for affect because you know he is only teasing you. “I never liked thinking of Raeden as being inferior. It is a comfort that you have elevated him so that he no longer is.” The thought makes you sigh slightly, but you swallow it. “To where he belongs.”
"I have given him nothing that he has not earned." Oberyn insists. "Your own father should have elevated him beyond a mere knight." He huffs, shaking his head. "He had a good man under his nose and he could not even sniff him out." He had a less than stellar opinion of the man due to him letting his wife run his household, but this had made him sink even lower.
“I suspect my mother may have had more to do with keeping Raeden a subordinate than anything else,” you admit ruefully. “If Father had elevated him, there would be nothing to keep us from marrying for love.”
He snorts and rolls his eyes, making a face that would tell you exactly how he felt about your mother. "And then you would have been actually happy." He murmurs softly.
“Do not say such a thing.” Rather than being insistent or upset, your voice is quiet. Pleading. There are words you cannot bring yourself to say. Things that you feel that you have battled from the very beginning and have only grown stronger. But one thing you are not is unhappy. “I am happy.”
He senses there is something else, something you are unwilling to share and it seems as if there are three people around him who carry secrets that are to be kept from him. "Then we will not talk." He pulls the ties of your shift and pulls it over your head to reveal your body to his eyes and immediately guides you back towards the tub.
“Because I insist I am happy with you, we will not talk?” You ask, bewildered and instantly upset.
"We will not talk so I can show you how I feel." He hums, gripping your hip and pulling you close.
Oberyn's expression is rarely done with words despite how eloquent he can be when he chooses. He would nearly always rather express himself by fucking or fighting, you have found, and while that is admirable in a soldier it is not always particularly helpful in your husband. Especially when you are the sort of person who benefits from having things spelled out for you. It is only because you have shared so many kisses that you understand instinctively that this kiss shared between you is somehow different.
He tries to keep his emotions out of it, but it bleeds through the kiss. Pouring into your mouth from his. Keeping his tongue busy and following it up by keeping his hands moving over you. Guiding you towards the bath and at the same time stripping off his breeches.
The large, heavy tub has held both of you before and you are certain it will again, but tonight when your legs knock against it the wind seems almost to knock out of you at the same time. His movements are as hurried as they are sure, making you all but certain that there are things he is not willing to say to you. It is a vain thing to hope that they might be the same things you cannot bring yourself to say to him, but somehow even the prince himself is keeping secrets.
He reaches up, tangling his hand into your braid and starts to pull it apart. Wanting your hair down, his to touch – to pull. Once the two of you are in the bath, he pulls you into his lap. "What do you want, Princess?" He demands roughly.
Instinctively, your answer ought to be that you have everything you want, for it is very nearly true. But what he means is what do you want from him, and that is a very different question altogether. The bath is the best place for only one kind of intimacy and so you straddle his hips carefully in the wide metal tub. “You, husband.”
His cock is already hard so it is not hard to pull you down on him. Reaching for the cloth and the soap, he rocks his hips up and lathers up the rag so he can drag it over your skin. "I will wash you." He tells you.
"I do not believe I have washed myself once since we married." Though it might be a cheeky observation, it is also true. Oberyn seems to take delight in the show of gentle care.
"You have been bathed by all your lovers, star?" He asks, smirking slightly. "My princess is becoming quite spoiled."
“Ellaria insists. And I have learned quickly not to question her.” The slow, languid pace that you ride him is luxurious and you have no wish to hurry it. Not tonight.
"Has she bathed with you?" He asks curiously. "Or just washed you while exploring your body?"
"I–" It takes a moment of thinking, but you look down at him with a similarly curious expression. "I cannot recall precisely."
He has to give it to his lover, she is good at confusing or redirecting someone. Especially when she distracts them with her sexual prowess. He has no doubt you were cumming while you were being bathed and the fog of pleasure distracted you from anything else.
“Surely it was only a coincidence if she did not.” The wheels of his mind are turning, and sometimes you truly cannot fathom what may come from that. Right now all you want to focus on is him.
“Surely.” He agrees with you, even if he does not mean that. Instead, he kisses along your neck and pays special attention to a small mark on your skin. Laving it with his tongue gently before pulling back to examine it. “What did you do here, Star?” He asks, curious to know what caused it.
“It is Raeden’s mark,” you tell him without thinking anything of the fact. “A scratch from his training as a young man.”
“It is?” Oberyn’s eyes narrow on the mark and he runs his fingers over it again. “Interesting.”
“Only if you consider sparring to be interesting.” Which, at this moment, you absolutely do not. You would much rather concentrate on the man inside you.
“Sparring is always interesting.” He muses, rocking up into you with a rougher thrust that had water splashing over the edge of the tub. “Do you not feel my spear?”
The sharpness of the thrust makes you moan, head falling back as you grip his shoulders to hold on. “Always— I feel you even when you are not inside me.”
“Good.” Oberyn hisses and holds onto you tighter. “I want you to feel me. Every second of every day.”
"Think sometimes you want – oh gods!—" A particularly hard thrust rocks through you and you keen loud enough that you are sure someone heard you, but the idea bothers you less and less. "Want one of us on your cock at all times."
“It would be a nice way to live.” He doesn’t deny it, smirking as he watches your tits bounce and your tongue stick out between your teeth.
"Wicked man." It is barely chiding – a mere tease at best, but you gasp out again as you grind down onto his length with swirls of your hips. "Wicked."
“Completely wicked.” He chuckles and leans down to wrap his lips around your nipple.
“Thank the gods.” You groan deeply as you both give yourselves over to the pleasure once more. It seems every night and every morning that you cannot have enough of each other and you are having such trouble now in keeping your sleepy thoughts to yourself in the first waking moments. It can never be – you promised yourself that – but you never anticipated that Oberyn would be such a good and clever man. Such a supportive and caring husband. The promise you made to yourself was when you thought he would be a cur. It gets more difficult each day not to admit more.
“Gods, Star.” Oberyn groans, getting closer to cumming and he is loving how open you are with him now. How his seemingly uninterested wife now rides him with an eagerness that is nearly unmatched. “You are exquisite.”
“Kiss me.” If he does not you might say something you regret. Or worse – not regret it at all. And that possibility is at its highest when you are coming apart in his arms, which you will be in mere seconds.
He almost refuses, but he has quickly learned he can refuse you nothing. His mouth latches onto your with a kiss that is both passionate and tender, assertive and giving. Sure that he will awaken the ancient dragons below the keep in the dungeons with the force of his groan.
It seems almost a cue for your body, the way that his sounds of pleasure rip through you and always pull a shaking orgasm from your body as he pours that passion into his kiss. Your cunt bears down on him, clutching and pulling him as deep into your body as you can manage while states burst behind your eyes and a cry of your own melts in his tongue for him to swallow.
Oberyn’s singular focus is on you. Feeling the way that your body shakes and keens in pleasure. Only satisfied to take his own release now that you are seen to. His grip bruises and his thrust manage to be brutal, even without the natural momentum of being on top of you. Holding you close in an iron grip until he is buried deep, groaning your name as he floods your womb with his seed.
The moment tears into you, crashing through your nerves and over your heart like a wave heralding the incoming chaos of a storm. There is too much in you to pretend anymore — and despite the way your heart aches at feeling that you have betrayed your love for Raeden, it is no longer something you can deny. The affection you feel for Oberyn has bubbled over. It is more than that. Perhaps it has been from the beginning. But the wracking sob that shakes your frame as he holds you close to him is proof to yourself that you cannot deny it any longer. Falling in love with your husband was never meant to be, but it has happened regardless. And all at once the single sob from your lips is followed by a scream of searing agony. It feels like small fires have lit all over your skin and no water in the world could soothe them.
“Star!” Oberyn’s eyes widen in shock, perhaps a moment of fear as your scream fills the air. It is not one of pleasure, it is pure agony and he’s lifting you off of him for fear he had pushed too deep and wounded you in some way. That he had somehow breached your womb and done you a great wound. “Gods, tell me what is wrong!” He cries, trying to be delicate with you as he stands and lifts you out of the water to rush you over towards the bed.
As quickly as the burning begins it seems to end in a moment’s flash. The pain is all too familiar, but the shock of how intense it is has dropped the well of tears before they can begin, leaving you in shock. All that is left is for you to sputter and cling to him, shaking with disbelief. “It—” You gasp for breath and manage to look down your body even for the briefest moment. “Gods above…” There are new scars marring your skin. Ones that you know all too well – from Oberyn’s body. “H—how?”
“What? What is it?” He demands, not looking at your body, but your face. Too worried about his wife’s health to pay attention to you and needing you to answer him. He’s about to call for a maester. You don’t say anything and so his eyes drift down to find marks on your body that he is familiar with. “Star…” he breathes out. “What has happened?”
Scrambling for the familiar, you frantically bend your leg to see if Raeden’s marks have somehow been replaced, but find the goring mark from the day he saved your life still carved into the skin of your inner thigh where it has been for years. “I do not—” spluttering for an explanation that you could never conceive, your hands search out Raeden’s other marks on your skin and find each one where it should be. “Impossible.” You manage, with confusion and an almost awe-struck fear in your voice.
“You have two sets of marks.” Oberyn manages after a moment, his eyes studiously contemplating the situation before him. A book in the Citadel’s library springs forward in his mind. It had been one on soulmates. Something he had no interest in at the time. Now he wishes he had read the book when boredom had taken hold.
“It is not possible.” You insist again, desperate to understand what is happening despite the evidence in front of you. The evidence that is on you.
“Apparently, you are mistaken.” He reaches out and touches one of your scars, his scars, in wonder. “Fantastic.” He muses as he examines the skin. Wondering how such a thing could be and yet it is here before his eyes.
“Fantastic?” The shock of hearing him be so enthusiastic about this development is almost as shocking as what happened in and of itself. You had been about to start apologizing.
“Two soulmates.” He muses, shaking his head and tracing your other soulmate’s scar. “It seems as though you might wish to be a simple woman with a simple life with your lover, you are not destined for that.”
“You are…pleased?” Fighting the instinct to cover yourself, which is unnecessary in front of your husband and ridiculous considering he wears these marks, you cannot stop staring at him in disbelief.
“Intrigued.” He tells you, his eyes sliding up to meet yours. “Wondering. And pleased.” Of course he’s pleased his wife bears his marks.
“I—” Still at a loss for words, all you can think to do is shake your head a few more times before trying again. “It did not happen to you…how is this possible?”
“I am not sure.” He admits with a small shrug of his shoulders. “There is a book in the Citadel on soulmates. Perhaps you should read it.”
"For once, books are the furthest thing from my mind." Sinking back into the mattress, the urge to cover yourself is overpowering again as you try to process what has happened. How in the instant that you admitted to yourself that what you feel for your husband is more than mere affection, his marks had appeared on you.
Your husband watches you seemingly close yourself off from him again. A wall building between you because you wear his marks. You are pulling away from him, undoing all the closeness the past weeks have brought. He frowns slightly and straightens so he can step back. “I will get you some wine.” He decides that giving you a minute is the best thing and turns around to grab the drying cloth since he is still dripping water onto the stone floors.
The momentary impulse to watch him walk away — to try to understand his melancholy as well as your own unease — becomes all the more unbelievable in an instant. “O-Oberyn…” You gasp, climbing out of the bed again with wide eyes. “Your back…” The switch marks you had received from your mother as a child of seven for the unladylike offense of climbing a tree stand out against his tan skin and you can’t help but gape.
“What about my back?” He asks, drying off slightly and turning towards you. He flashes you a small smile, a cover for his discontent in your reaction. “Scratches you make during sex do not bother me, Star.”
“It is not scratches I made.” Although those are there, too. “It is ones my mother made…”
He pauses, frowning and tilting his head for a moment as your meaning becomes clear to him. “Scars?” He asks. “I am wearing your marks. Is that what you are telling me?”
“Check your arm.” There is a mark there from when your brothers had been teaching you to handle a dagger and Antony accidentally nicked you with the tip of his blade. Your eldest brother had babied you for a week in apology.
He looks down at his arm and frowns. Bringing it up to inspect closer, he sees a mark that he doesn’t recall having before. “What is this from?” He asks, sure that it is your mark.
“Antony caught me with a blade when I was thirteen.” You explain carefully, trying to absorb the implications of what has happened. “My brothers were teaching me to defend myself.”
“What other scars do you have?” He demands, immediately starting to search his skin for marks that are new. “Not Raeden’s, yours.”
“The only other is on my ankle.” Every other scar on your body previously was Raeden’s. Now Oberyn’s mar your skin as well. “I was bitten by a stray dog and caught a fever.”
Bare assed, Oberyn bends down to examine his ankles and chuckles. “I did not know that scars could be so attractive, Star.”
“The dog that left it was mangy and mean,” you chuckle, not knowing what else to say in your disbelief. “How is this possible?”
“I do not know.” Oberyn admits, frustrated that he does not know the answers that you are seeking. “When I was training to be a maester, I had no interest in soulmates, so I did not study the matter.”
“Did you already know Ellaria then?” If he did, you can see him being content not to learn more. He already knew everything he needed to. If not? You cannot imagine not wondering - but you have a different outlook than Oberyn does.
“No.” He shrugs slightly as he stands straight. “I had watched my sister endure her own soulmate running off to be with another woman. Leaving her to deal with the madman who sat on that throne and refuse to come home because she had thought it was her place to stay and wait for Rhaegar to realize his mistake and come home.” He snorts and shakes his head. “She loved him and was stubborn.” The grin he flashes is wry. “A Martell family trait, I’m afraid.
“There are worse things than to love unerringly and to be stubborn about it.” Inching to the edge of the bed, you reach for him to give him the option of returning to your side if he wishes. “In fact they may be traits we share.”
“Yes.” Oberyn takes the invitation and strides over to the bed to sit down. “It is said that a Martell, once they love, it is for life.”
With your arms tangled around each other it seems easier to breathe, and you bury your face in his chest for a moment to do just that. What has happened is a miracle only read about folk tales or fantasy romances. Even then the tales are always of someone gaining a second soulmate after the death of their first. Never about having two soulmates at once. Still, you cannot ignore this gift from the gods. It is miraculous in and of itself. “I do not think there is such a saying about my house, but perhaps there should be.”
He wonders if that means that you love him. He had thought you might but your loyalty to Raeden was strong and you might have fought it. “Yes.” He murmurs softly. “Your Raeden is lucky to have such a fierce love.”
Though you nod slightly against his chest, you lean back to look into his face. For such an expressive man, he betrays nothing unless he wants to. And it makes you sigh softly, swallowing your fear. “If the gods have seen fit to give me two soulmates, I can see fit to love them equally.”
Oberyn's hand finds your cheek, caressing it softly as he stares into your eyes, gauging your comment and finding nothing but naked hope shining in your eyes. "Star..." He murmurs softly. "You must know that there is a place in my heart that belongs to you. I think it has since you begged me to marry you to save your Raeden and it has only grown bigger since then."
“It sounds so dramatic when you say it like that.” Dramatic and poetic – and of course Oberyn is a professed poet.
It was not the response he was expecting and his lips curl into a pout. "You believed me crass before and now dramatic." He huffs at you, his fingers still caressing your skin. "Next you will say I am boring."
“If I claimed so, it would only be to see you pout at me.” You lean close to him, feeling your skin tingle and breath catch with this admission you have made to yourself and the stunning result of having two soulmates. “But…” you press a soft kiss to his lips. “I do not think I could ever love a boring man. And I must confess to loving you more deeply than I have been able to reconcile.”
“You have been fighting it.” He surmises, not surprised by that. There have been moments where he could see your guilt at being apart from Raeden for so long. Times where he had almost sent you to the other man to cast away the unease in your eyes.
"Are you upset with me for doing so?" That is the furthest thing from what you want, but you would understand it. Understand that he was hurt or disappointed by his wife fighting against falling in love with him.
“Why would it upset me?” He asks you, tilting his head curiously. “You have freely admitted that you are not like Ellaria or I, sharing the ease of our physical affections. Why would emotions be any different?” It’s reasonable and rational, and he’s surprised that you think he would not understand your internal conflict. “The only upset that I harbor is that you have been upset by it. Even if it was passing moments.”
"You have changed my life in so many ways," you admit quietly, leaning your head once more on his shoulder to have him close. "I think I had no idea just how many changes you would make simply by being at my side. Or by allowing me to be at yours."
“I only allow you to take your rightful place as my Princess.” He teases with a smile as he wraps his arm around you. “You have been the one doing all the work.”
"It was no work to fall in love with you." For better or for worse, it is the truth. And a truth you will no longer be hiding.
“You have been working.” He hums. “Working to make sure that your lover is safe, that my lover’s feelings are respected.” He rubs your arm. “Working to become the woman you are meant to be.”
“I only hope that it is someone you can all be proud of.” If you can accomplish that, you reason, it will have been worth every ounce of effort. Their happiness and comfort is everything to you. Your two soulmates, and fascinating, intimidating Ellaria.
“Two soulmates.” He muses, shaking his head. “I am already proud of you, Star.” He promises. “Never doubt that.”
“Though I am not sure why, I will wear it proudly.” Turning your head, you place a kiss on his shoulder before another sigh escapes you. “We should tell them in the morning. I do not like the idea of keeping secrets.”
“Hmmmm, you don’t?” He asks lazily, kissing your shoulder. “Perhaps we should sit with it another day or so. Find some answers to our questions.”
“How can we?” He could distract a dragon from its gold with that mouth, and you have nowhere near the strength of a dragon. “The trial begins tomorrow. We will not have time to go to the Citadel.”
“Perhaps you could go after the break for the noon meal.” Oberyn is well aware that there will be plenty of breaks for the whims of the lords, and this is important. “You can take Cal with you.”
“What should I be looking for?” The idea of keeping secrets from Raeden and Ellaria bothers you more than you can say, but Oberyn seems resolute — and he usually has good reason for the things that he does.
“See if there is anything written on two soulmates.” He instructs you, knowing your studious mind would quickly absorb the information if it was to be found. “When you arrive, seek out the maester that married us. Do you remember his name?”
“Rhodestone.” The man will forever be an important and anxious memory for you, so you have not forgotten.
He nods in approval and kisses your shoulder again. “Good girl. Tell him that I want to you to have access to every tome on soulmates they have.”
“And I will bring back any findings to you…before we inform our soulmates?” He must have a reason for wanting it done this way, you just wish he would share it with you.
“That seems the best way to present it. Would you not agree?” His eyes slide up to yours and he waits for your honest opinion.
“I suppose I simply do not like secrets,” you admit with a small shrug of your shoulders. “But I can see the virtue in doing research first.”
He hums in agreement. “If you truly wish to tell them, I will not stop you.”
“I would not interrupt them now.” The sounds of their pleasure bleed through the wall and you are only confused – and slightly deflated – by the fact that they did not come to see what had happened when you screamed. “I will think on it again in the morning.”
“I wonder why I did not feel your marks.” He grunts, squeezing you close again since you gave him the answer he wanted before he stands back up. “Do you wish to wash up? Or simply stay in the bed?”
“It would be self-flattery to suggest you did not feel them out of some kind of worry about me.” Even knowing you share the same feelings for each other - knowing the gods have declared you soulmates - you cannot imagine thinking that well of yourself in any way and you slip backward under the bedclothes in answer to his question. “It is likely the immunity of a soldier. Pain does not bother you the way it bothers others.”
“No,” he shakes his head as he moves towards the wine. Determined to get you that cup. “I was concerned with what was happening to you. I feared that I had injured you.”
“With your cock?” The idea almost makes you snort, and in holding it in, you end up smirking at him. “I confess I would never have considered that a possibility.”
He could say something crass or revolting, but he reminds himself that you are very innocent in many ways. He purses his lips at you in a pout. “What else was I to believe? It is not as if I expected you to suddenly gain my scars.” He slides into bed with you, not spilling a drop of the wine and kisses the closest scar that is also on his body.
“No one could have expected it.” His warm breath on your skin is as welcome as the wine and you sip it gratefully.
“Does it upset you to carry my marks?” He asks curiously. Eager to know your thoughts on bearing his and Raeden’s scars on your body. “Does it make you feel disloyal to your lover?”
“I thought it made me disloyal to…to fall in love with you…” you admit, leaning back against the bedhead and contemplating him carefully. “But it seems that I am meant to share my heart as I share my bed. There is no loss here, as I feared there would inevitably be. Only gain.”
He nods slowly and sighs softly. “I know there are a lot of challenges in our situation, but I want you to know that you are free to love whoever you wish. Share with me, of course, but your heart is your own.
“It is not something that comes easily to me, but as you say…once it has blossomed it is endless.” The wine in your hand is helpful for steadying your nerves, but gratefully it is watered down. A clear head is necessary here. “I have wondered for some years if I loved Brynna, and the wondering is why I am not so certain. With Raeden, and with you? It is like an unquenchable fire.”
“There are many types of love.” Oberyn reminds you. “The innocent first loves are there to remind you of something pure. Even if it was fleeting.” You have not had time or space to allow for you to experience such a thing. Girls being held to a vastly different standard than boys in the Seven Kingdoms.
“Perhaps it was innocent and pure, then.” That would be a comfort. That though it was secret and felt terribly wrong, it was nothing of the sort. “It would be nice to think of her that way.”
“You should.” He encourages you. “You have such a capacity for love, Star. I would be surprised if you don’t recall your time with your Brynna with tender affection.”
“I can only hope that Raeden takes the discovery with half as much grace as you have.” That is where your worry lies now, though you cannot imagine what he will actually say either way.
“I think he will not cause you any grief.” He predicts. “He will accept it.”
“Do you think Ellaria will be as accepting?” It does not, after all, only affect you.
“Ellaria will understand why such a thing happens.” He muses, rocking his jaw in contemplation.
“You are always so certain of everything.” As though you could absorb some of his assuredness, you lay your head on his chest when he puts his arms around you. “I envy that.”
“You do?” He hums thoughtfully and smirks as he rubs your back. “I shall teach you how to be certain, love.”
"There is plenty to envy about you." To hear him call you love is a bright and shining moment of goodness that you had not looked for, but it washes over you with joy. "At least I need not envy anyone for being close to you."
“No, I imagine a perfect world would be sleeping beside both of my soulmates.” He chuckles. “Lavishing you both with attention.”
"You would need a very big bed," you laugh softly at the idea, trying to assemble the visual in your mind. "I would want both of my soulmates there, as well."
“Much bigger than this.” He scoffs, indicating the bed you are in. There wouldn’t be much room for a child if one had a bad dream with the two of you in it, let alone two other adults. “We will have to have one made for our chambers in Sunspear.”
"How wonderfully luxurious." Conjuring the image for yourself makes you hum and turn your head to smile at him. "A four-person bed. Can you imagine?"
“I can.” He chuckles again. “Rolling over and deciding who I am going to fuck is a delightful image.”
"I believe that might even be your dream." You cannot help but tease him, enjoying the sound of his laugh immensely.
“Would it not be a dream?” He asks you, cocking a brow up in challenge. “Turning over to mount my cock, or turn the other way to swallow your lovers? Perhaps ignoring both of us to find pleasure with Ellaria. Letting me wake to your combined sweet moans.”
Wanting to be as confident or as bold as he might be, you straighten your spine and smirk back at him. "I think if you woke to our shared moans, it would not take long for you to impale one of us on your cock."
“Perhaps.” He enjoys the confidence in your smile and winks at you. “Or perhaps I will make your Raeden moan louder.” He teases.
"A competition." It makes you actually laugh, even if it is just an amused little chuckle. "That would be very like you both, I think."
“He will be very competitive.” Oberyn predicts with a grin.
"I think you have that effect on people." Still grinning, you lean over to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "We should sleep, love. Tomorrow is sure to be a trying day."
He snorts in amusement. “Yes it will be, Star.” He agrees. “A trying trial, certainly.”
"I had not even--" The pun had not crossed your mind and you roll your eyes at him with doting affection. "You are teasing me."
“I am.” His nose nudges yours and he kisses you one last time. “Sleep star, we will see where fate takes us in the morning.”
Unfortunately, Fate sees you sleeping in, in the morning. Instead of lazily making love again before , you and Oberyn are up and dressing as soon as Leyth and Cal reappear. Apparently you had been impossible to wake an hour ago when they first tried.
“Sit with Raeden.” Oberyn instructs you, reaching up and caressing your cheek. “Make sure that you do not reveal what you are thinking on your face. Act aloof and almost disinterested.”
"Am I still to go to the Citadel during the break?" Provided that Maester Rhodestone will be willing to help you, the idea of trying to find a book - or several books - about soulmates is enticing in the light of day.
“Yes.” He would go himself, but there is no way to delay the trial. “Find what you can.”
"I will find out everything I can." You give him a firm, lingering kiss before his brisk exit from your chamber, knowing that he has to be to the trial early before spectators and all manner of other attendees arrive. Dressed in one of your more modest Northern gowns that will cover all of the new marks you have gained, you add the necklace he gave you the morning of the royal wedding and make sure both of your rings are in place before knocking gently on the chamber door where Raeden and Ellaria are starting to move about.
When the door opens, Ellaria breezes out, completely dressed “Star, you look positively radiant this morning. Oberyn must have planted his seed deep.”
"We slept late this morning." Is this excuse you give, finding it hard to look her in the eye with the secret of last night's truths weighing heavily on your shoulders. "But you look more stunning than ever. I trust you slept well?"
“Like a baby cosseted in silk.” She assures you with a smile as she comes over to cup your cheeks and kiss your lips. “I must thank you for allowing me to spend time with Raeden.”
"As I must thank you for allowing me to spend time with Oberyn." It does not matter that both men are now your soulmates, what matters is that the four of you have struck a balance that works for everyone. Which, right now, you are not sure Oberyn would agree with.
“You are planning to go to the trial, yes?” She asks, having no interest herself but encouraging you if that is your wish.
"I promised Margaery." Otherwise you would now be spending the entire day with Maester Rhodestone, scouring the Citadel for your necessary research. "In fact...I was hoping to ask Raeden to sit with me during the proceedings."
“Lover!” Ellaria calls over her shoulder before she beams at you. “I know he will be pleased to spend time with you.”
"I have missed him," you admit with a slightly sheepish sigh.
“I have been selfish.” She hums. “Keeping your lover for myself.” She pouts slightly and there is a flash of something in her eyes. “I am sorry, Princess.”
"I could have asked at any time." But you had not, and your growing bond with your husband has now resulted in something miraculous. So you press a kiss to her lips and offer her a sincere smile. "I am glad that you have found such affection for each other. It makes our intertwined lives far more enjoyable."
“Yes.” A cloud of doubt passes over her face before a pleased smile chases it away. “I am sure we will be well pleased with our arrangement. Nothing to worry about.”
"There is not anything to worry about," you murmur your agreement with a nod. "Enjoy your day far away from the trial, Ellaria. I am sure we will all much rather hear about how you spend your time than discuss the proceedings over supper tonight."
“I am certain I will have a much more entertaining time than you.” She reaches up and squeezes your shoulders affectionately and gives you one last smile as Raeden steps out of ‘their’ bedroom.
Ellaria slips away with a mysterious smile and you turn to the towering man who has been so familiar to you for years. "Good morning, my love." He is that, no matter who else might also live in your heart, and this morning you find yourself sure of it rather than afraid as you had been last night.
“Good morning.” Raeden’s smile is rather sheepish and he reaches out to pull you against him, still in awe of the fact that he can do so without worry. “Did you sleep well, my love?”
“I did.” You tilt your head back to smile up at him and silently ask for a kiss. “Did you?”
“Should I feel guilty if I say I did?” He asks with an amused twist to his lips. He rubs his hands up your arms and stares into your eyes softly.
“Of course not.” Such a motion makes you frown and you shake your head. “In fact I far prefer for you to sleep well. No matter who you share your bed with. If you had not, I would be asking Ellaria why.”
The nagging guilt eases and he flashes you a small smile. “I have no doubt that you sleep well in the Prince’s bed.” He muses. “After he has worn you out and filled you with his seed.” The jealousy of knowing you must carry Oberyn’s child before his own is nothing but a small twinge and he would never voice it out loud. Too aware of everything the man has given him already.
“I will bear one for him and one for you, and the rest for whichever the gods decree,” you hum, seeming to read his mind. Your connection has always been a very deep one. “But I am afraid I have a favor to ask of you, my love. If that is acceptable?”
“Anything in my power to give you is yours. You know this.” He reminds you, although now he has a chance of giving you more than his loyalty.
“I had hoped to coax you to sit with me during the trial.” It sounds like such a small, silly thing, but it means so much to you. “Years of hiding or affection can be over, if we want it to be. But all I wish for is the comfort of your presence.”
“I would be honored to sit beside the Princess of Dorne, but more importantly, my soulmate.” Raeden straightens proudly and nods. “I am to sit with the other lords.”
“I see nothing wrong with a Princess of Dorne sitting to observe with the lords of her country. You will do your duty as a Head of House and we will have the luxury of each other’s company.” He is so utterly proud to be elevated and recognized for his noble blood and you grin to see him preening. “You deserve this place, my love. Oberyn bestowed it upon you because he saw that right away.”
“I hope so.” He has been worried that it is because he is your soulmate, or worse, because the prince wants to fuck him. Hoping to earn the title that has been bestowed upon him. “It is vastly different from being your guard.”
“I hope it is a good change, and not one that brought you cause for worry?” The last thing you want is to make his life harder, but you also know that this change is something he has desired for a long time. For perhaps his entire life.
“It is very good.” He nods and smiles at you. “I cannot describe it, my love, but I feel….free.” There had not been the mistrust amongst the Dornish lords that he might have faced in the Vale. He knows that it is a good thing for him and is looking forward to establishing his house.
“Then I hope you embrace it fully.” The fact that you feel very much the same is not lost on you - now is the fact that it was the marriage you were sold into that has provided such freedom. For more, you simply reach up to kiss him again. “Your happiness has always been of the utmost importance to me, and that has not changed.”
“You are happy?” His own eyes turn searching, wanting to make sure you are not merely putting on a show for him. He knows the intrigue of the prince, his magnetism is hard to deny, but he wants to make sure that you are truly happy.
"I am." You can feel the way it lightens you from the inside, your heart swelling in your chest with love and pride. The way that new love seems to make you stand taller and smile more easily just the way it had when you fell in love with Raeden. You put both hands on his chest and lean into his warmth, letting it envelope you. "I honestly think I may not ever become used to the title, but I am happy with this life."
“If anyone deserves the title of ‘Princess’ it is you, my love.” He reaches up and caresses your cheek. “You are kind and gentle, loyal and just. You were a princess to me before you married your husband.”
"I think perhaps you were a little biased, beloved." Still, it is relieving to have such a gentle moment with him, and teasing him does not keep you from savoring it as you nuzzle into his touch. "If it were not so important that we leave our rooms today, I might simply pull you into bed with me never to leave again."
“It is a shame.” Raeden groans quietly as he leans in and kisses your jaw. “I fear I have been negligent in making sure that you know that I still desire you so much I ache with it.”
“Stay with me tonight.” It’s almost a plea, as you tilt your head to let him touch and taste any part of you that he pleases. Every thought but him has left your mind completely.
A small fissure of something akin to fear races across Raeden’s face, almost imperceptible but he nods. “It might be late.” He warns you. “I know the council will want to convene after the first day.”
"I cannot find it in me to care," you admit, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "It will be a treasure to sleep against you and wake up beside you."
“Do not try to burn the candles and stay awake.” He urges you with a smile. “I shall sneak into your bed like a thief and pretend that I must keep you quiet.”
"It sounds far more appealing when it is a game, and not a matter of life or death against my parents' will." Something which had been the entire truth not too long ago. "Promise to wake me, my love. That is all I ask."
“Of course I will.” Despite his concerns, he craves the closeness of your body to his. The reassurance of your kisses and love. “Now we must hurry.”
There is nothing less desirable in the entire world than sitting through this trial, but you have not flinched all morning. Oberyn bid you to steel yourself and you have, sitting firm in your seat with Raeden beside you and envying Ellaria's ability to be absent from the proceedings. The only thing that saves you from complete and absolute misery is the call to break for the midday meal. When that break is agreed upon you squeeze Raeden's hand in yours and offer him a weak smile. "I think I need a walk," you murmur, knowing that the fresh air will do you a world of good as you make your way to the Citadel.
Raeden frowns and he bites his lip. “If you need to stray too far, go back and take Cal or Leyth with you.” He insists, wishing he could go himself, but he will be required to converse with Oberyn and stand by him in the talks that are inevitable to come.
"I will stay safe, I promise." The Citadel is not far, thankfully, and you can make the walk on your own. "Will you be alright with Oberyn while I walk?" Given that it was your husband's idea for you to journey out, you know he will not object, but you still want to make sure that Raeden is not too uncomfortable from the morning.
“Yes.” He frowns slightly. “I just wish you had someone with you.” He grumbles, having taken Oberyn’s warning about your safety seriously.
“Will it comfort you if I take Cal?” You will lose time because of it, but not much. His ability to trust you are safe and not be distracted with worry is more important.
His eyes slide past you to where Oberyn is beckoning him. “Does your husband know?” He asks and you nod, because he does know of your plan. “Then I trust his judgment. Go, my love and keep your dagger close.”
"I promise." With a nod and a reassuring smile, you head through the halls of the keep with a confident stride. There is only so much time before the trial will reconvene and you will be expected to return. You must make good use of your time.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit
My Masterlist!
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luv-gukkie · 1 year
cherry | 𖦊 : two
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pairing: yandere! namjoon x f. reader, yandere! jungkook x f. reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au || yandere
summary: you’re the cherry on top of everything. the little girl in front of your parents; the gooody two-shoes of your family, friends, and everyone who knows you. so when you’re staring at the two bright, red lines on the pregnancy test. you know you’re fucked, you really do. especially when there’s not only one man, but seven.
word count: +1.3k
tags/warnings: unprotected sex (this is fiction, don't be silly), creampie, squirting, jungkook is in love>, he’s soft for the reader, mention of namjoon, breeding kink if you squint hard, public sex (in a bathroom), a bit rough, size difference (jk loves it)
notes: why are jungkook’s eyes so pretty? why is HE so pretty? i love namjoon’s dimples, they’re so cute.
tag list: @bananamochidaisy @mageprincess7
༻❤︎︎ ★ ★ ❤︎︎༺
the first thing you saw was his big, doe eyes that smiled back at you. "you look gorgeous." his eyes traveled across your form, taking in the glorious sight. a grin appearing on his face, "like always." you giggled at his compliment, "mr. jeon, you're such a flirt." he nodded his head, snickering as he walked closer to you. you placed a soft kiss on his cheek as his hands wrapped themselves around your waist. he opened the car door on your side, but not before kissing your forehead and mumbling something you couldn't hear. once he started to drive, one of his hands was placed on the steering wheel while the other hand held yours and then switched to rubbing your thigh. "it's just a small party with a few important clients," he explained to you, worried that you may be nervous. "how have you been?" you told him about your week with college, avoiding the time you spent you with taehyung. you just wanted to take extra protection, didn't want to hurt his feelings in case, not wanting it to interfere with anything or more specifically anybody else.
when the both of you arrived, he took your hand into his and placed a kiss on it. jungkook noticing how perfect they look together. the 'small' party was filled with the most luxurious decorations and brimmed with old and new money people. he brings you around, never letting go of you, introducing you to all those rich men with their wives by their side. unknown to you, jungkook sees a future in that, and it's with you. you'll be by his side, and not only when he calls or texts you but every second. his eyes glimmer more with each time he introduces a couple to you. when the both of you finally sit down at the table, jungkook doesn't let go of your hand. you're slightly bothered by the uncomfortable grip he has. "ow jungkook" you whimper. but he just smiles at you and moves your chair close to him that you could feel his hot breath on you. before you could say anything, the host begins their introduction of their speech for the award they are receiving. you rest your head on the chair, bored out of your mind at hearing the same voice. jungkook could tell you were suffering as you sighed too many times with your eyes rolling each time they repeated themselves with a big pout on your lips. he took it in his own hands to make you laugh. he mimicked the host and did exaggerated funny faces until he had nothing left to humor you.
when you closed your eyes, jungkook glanced at your pretty face. your chest heaving up and down with each intake of air, your plump lips such a pretty rose color, and that slit in your dress that makes a contrast to that pure face of yours. "my pretty baby." he laid his head on your collarbone, leaving small pecks along the neck. he let his hand crawl onto your thigh, digging itself through the slit in your dress causing you to yelp his name. a cocky grin on his face at your wide-eyed face. "don't worry. the lights are out and no one's looking." but you quickly shook your head in denial. his hot breath hitting your ear once more when he whispers, "wanna go to the bathroom?" with a smirk on his face. you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks at what he was implying.
you followed him to the bathroom, unaware that a pair of eyes watched you from afar. but jungkook smiled at the lustful eyes at your form, a little nod in the direction of the bathroom. it was good to share once in a while. you took the first step inside and were pushed back into the door. his eyes heavy with desire as he dragged the zipper of your dress down once as soon as you two reached the bathroom. "j-jungkook the doo-", interrupted by his lips smashing onto yours, his tongue fooling around.
that's how you two find yourselves in a bathroom stall, bodies dripping with sweat. each of his hands are wrapped around with one of yours, pushing them on the wall. you bite your rosy lips, no longer having your hands to use since jungkook thought it would help the moans escape. "c'mon baby, i wanna hear your moans", he groans out. your manicured nails scratch his knuckles each time he thrusts upwards. your legs, on each side of him, tremble at the pleasure. his lips mold into yours, his tongue plays around in your mouth. his back flexes each time he fucks into your small hole. "aw, your so fucking cute baby." his dilated eyes stare into your face, your eyes roll to the back but for a new reason. jungkook loves how you're too small compared to him.
"shit, don't know how you wrap around my cock baby." your tits are jumping all around when your toyed around on the wall, plunging down and up on his cock. you cry out his name at another sticky release that adds lubrication. you clench hard around him, feeling each vein on his shaft. he mumbles curses out at the sensation of your gummy walls closing around him. "i'll never get sick of fucking this pussy" he grunts out to your ear as he lets one of your hands go to push the huge bump in your tummy. the one that makes you gasp in surprise each time he slides in between your folds. his pelvis meets your sensitive, red skin over and over. each time harder than the last, manhandling you like the pretty doll you are. he connects both your foreheads together, his pretty smile spreading on his lips as his black hair scratches your skin. he lets out a low moan, pecking your nose in the process of spreading your legs farther apart and digging his cock into the deepest part of your womb, white cum bulging your walls. "n-no jungkook", you whine but you know it's already too late. your insides are all warm and stuffed with his cock and loads of cum. you can feel it drip down the insides of your legs.
you were oblivious to the door that opened minutes ago, too busy being a pretty slut for jungkook. the man fixed his tux in the mirror, he could hear his friend and you panting. it's not until he hears the squelches of the wetness (his cock parting your folds again) and small moans that he realizes jungkook's not done yet. "this kid," he pauses before calling the young man. your eyes open ten times at the realization that there was another man, blush coating your cheeks due to embarrassment. it has jungkook giggling at the reaction, "it's okay, don't be scared, he's gonna join us my pretty girl." he smiles at you, rubbing your hands as a way to calm you down.
"hurry namjoon!"
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
I was wondering if you could write a Larissa x fem!reader. Larissa and reader are already in a relationship they trust each other BUT Larissa is a jealous type and, when R and Marilyn are getting closer (just friends) Larissa feels the need to claim R hers and remind her who she belongs to (smut, with shifted dick, mommy/daddy kink and breeding kink).
The thing is that Larissa's actions have consequences and some weeks later R finds out she's pregnant and she doesn't know how to tell it to her girlfriend (maybe just a little bit of angst with a scared and insecure Larissa but with a fluff ending)
Green eyed monster 18+
*Authors note ~ poor ris getting jealous it's a shame Larissa doesn't see her true beauty*
Trigger warnings~ jealous Larissa shifted dick daddy kink breeding kink marking kink dom l sub r pregnancy mentions of loss and implied sexual assault
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
This may meet your request. Let me know if you still want a separate fic abixfilms on wattpad
Larissa knew not to be jealous, she knew that you were hers, and only hers. Yet she couldn't help the jealousy rearing it's head. Yes the green eyed monster was a frequent visitor to Larissa Weem's. You loved her and the fact you were coming out of your shell and bonding with other staff should've made her thrilled. But instead she ended up riddled in jealousy, fighting the urge to claim you in front of all the staff members. It was irrational and very insecure of her but every time Marilyn remained just a little too close to you, the urge got stronger. Marilyn wouldn't ever have you, no because you were hers.
She repeated that on a loop, but eventually her green eyed monster got too big and too loud for her to handle. You'd just got back from having coffee with Marilyn to find Larissa in your bed, a noticeable bulge making a tent in the covers. "Ris honey?" You called out making your way to the room and catching the sight of her,"fuck!" It was no secret that Larissa was gorgeous and by the sight in front of you, you knew she'd been shifting her anatomy again, the darkened eyes littered with lust and jealousy.
"Daddy?" You whimpered allowing your gaze to travel all over her body. "You angel clearly need to be reminded of who you belong to" was the reply, "get over here" she murmured pointing to your side of the bed. You happily scrambled onto the bed with excitement swarming in your stomach. She let her hand cup your cheek, seemingly examining every inch of you. "Such a pretty girl, such a shame you were whoring yourself out to my staff, so now I'm gonna remind my dirty girl just who she belongs too" she murmured before kissing you passionately.
"Daddy!" You gasped when you pulled away for air. "That's right, daddy's dirty girl hmm? My own little slut to use" she purred happily before reaching to grab a vibrator from the nightstand. "Seems you wanna be a whore, put on a show for daddy" she instructed laying back now exposing her naked lower half, their stood a girthy seven inch veiny cock. You visibly gulped before beginning to slowly remove your clothing, layer by layer. "Such a pretty slut" she murmured approvingly, gaze raking over your body while her hand palmed her cock. "On my face now" she growled hardly giving you a chance to steady yourself before she tugged your cunt to her face.
"Oh fuck, daddy Jesus just let me- fuck!" You were cut off with a smack to your thigh as her tongue continued it's brutal assault on your cunt. "Oh daddy, oh god please please fuck" you whimpered rocking your hips down against her mouth, your slick drenching her. Larissa took that as encouragement and continued to fuck your tight pussy with her tongue until she was sure you were teetering on the edge of release, only then did she move away from your soaked folds biting your thigh for good measure. "You are mine" she growled out before flipping you so you lay underneath her.
"Wanna make you mine slut, want you to be fucked so good your bred so nicely with my seed," her hand came down to stroke your flat stomach, "can't wait to see you all round with our child one day. Gonna look so fucking pretty when I've fucked a baby into you" she murmured happily in thought. "Oh daddy fuck me" you whined, truly the sight of her painfully heard cock and the words she seemed to be spewing with meaning were driving you crazy. "Oh I will. Gonna fuck your tight little hole so good, gonna make you mine. Show that bitch your not hers!" She growled out while teasing your slit and clit with the tip of her cock, coating it in your arousal as well as her precum.
The moment she slipped into your warmth, you could feel your walls stinging at the stretch, you'd taken Larissa like this before, but never so thick and full. Soon enough though, Larissa began to bottom you out with every thrust while her hand toyed with your chest. "Oh fuck god daddy more more please" you whimpered rushing towards that edge you'd so rudely been denied. A whimper of protest left your parted lips when she slipped out of your folds and flipped you onto your hands and knees.
A harsh smack to your ass had it jiggling and Larissa practically drooling over the fact. "Fucking slut, wanna be fucked like a bitch in heat then I will. Gotta take all my cum into that pretty fuck hole. Fuck you feel so fucking good" she moaned slowly regaining her rhythm. You were practically mush at this point, "please please daddy make me cum! Fill me up please I'll take it! I'm good please please pleasseeeee" you whined as your inner walls suffocated her veiny cock. "Who do you belong to whore?"
"You daddy! Ris please I'm yours mark me, take me, fuck please cum" you mewled as you both came with one another, Larissa shooting her white sticky seed onto your eager cunt. Continuing to bottom you out, forcing the sperm to your cervix. You continued to wither and collapse against the bed as white hot pleasure invaded your senses. "Oh fuck! Such a good girl. Daddy's good girl" she praised slipping out of you delighting in how your hole gaped, practically begging for her. After care was something Larissa was adamant on giving, so she made sure to clean you up and pulled out some water and chocolate to boost your bloody sugars. Only then did you both settle down in bed cuddled up and talking about your day and reassuring one another you were loved and safe.
Two weeks later, you found yourself sobbing on the bathroom floor, the little test clutched to your chest. How could you do this? Again? You failed the first time, your beautiful daughter had left you. Although Delilah came about in an unexpected way, you'd never heal fully from what he did but knowing you failed your innocent Delilah Faye  too hurt like hell. How could you do that with yours and your loves baby? What if you just were not meant to be a mother? Your body incapable of carrying a child? And then there was Larissa. What if she didn't want it? Because you did, and that absolutely terrified you. But what is she did want the baby and you failed again?
Larissa was over the moon when you told her, your sigh of relief didn't go unnoticed by the older woman and she promised to take care of you and your unborn baby. That's exactly what she did. The whole of your pregnancy she was there, calming you through the nightmares of losing the baby like you did with Delilah  and getting the most random cravings at the most bazar times. At your twenty week scan you found out your baby was a little princess. Lilah would have a younger sister, in a few months time!
The day you gave birth was one of the most magical and scariest times of your life, but seeing your precious baby, earth side and the spit of Larissa Weems you couldn't have been happier. Your Dahlia Rae, earth side and absolutely stunning. You hoped Delilah was watching you and not angry for her not being around, that she was happy you had found your love and now you had a family. Larissa and you would never forget Lilah and you would tell the tiny baby in your arms forever about her big sister.
To say Dahlia was loved by all in Nevermore Academy wouldn't do the truth any justice, she was a mini Larissa Weems in the making and absolutely adored sitting in her mamas office, students and teachers would visit your now three year old daughter just to hear her infectious little laugh and see the love that radiated around the room by you and your now wife. Truly everything was perfect now.
Word count~ 1526
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afreakingdork · 1 month
Weak Spot - Chapter 66
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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The last thing you see before you lose a hand or as I like to say, this week's chapter art by @aimike17
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Public Sex, Dom Donnie, Human/Turtle Relationships, Turtle Noises, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
SCREECHING AFTER THE FACT SHOUT-OUT TO @tmntxthings for helping me out with this chapter too! She's a freaking saint when it comes to helping me cook!!!
Fem!Reader References/Warnings Below Cut
Also available on Ao3
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Fem!Reader References/Warnings: gun, robbery, threats of murder, blood, broken bones, bra removal, clit suck, folds, and the typical pregnancy mention
“Check.” You patted down the many plastic sheets.
“Big and small.” You tiptoed around a floor length one and over to the table where a handheld one lay.
“Check.” In a little swivel, you held out a hand in demonstration to the litany of choices.
“Check!” You turned your outstretched hand into a pointed finger to the cup sporting many.
“Spot testing for allergic reactions, check. Scheduled time is blocked so we have the entire day. This leaves mess where tarps have been laid out in accordance to my mapping.” Donnie lifted his head from a screen to stare down where plastic sheets disappeared into the bathroom. “Bedroom otherwise prepared, which leaves clean up…”
You nodded in time, itching to get ready.
“Clean up.”
His repeated line brought your attention.
He was in motion toward the bathroom before you could even ask.
There you heard the clatter of the shower curtain as you followed.
“No, no!”
You reached the door frame and looked in where he was holding a bottle of his soap. “What?”
“Colloquially I may say body wash, but this is technically a cleanser!”
“Cleanser retains skin’s natural oil!”
Your fingers squeezed the jamb as you waited for him to elaborate.
“It won’t properly clear paint! Water-based or otherwise!”
He shook the container. “We would need excess which I have not planned for! The new formulation isn’t due for another week!” 
You grimaced sheepishly. 
Donnie sighed and then turned to gripe at you. “While I may have increased my order to account for your utilization, it will not be enough. If you recall, we had the addition of your soap for grimier circumstances. With my wash it would take multiple lathers to scrub away all residue. This would leave us without cleanser before more arrived, id est, we were meant to have purchased a separate and appropriate soap.” 
He hadn’t been shy about his complaints. When you had first moved in, you had your own body wash, but after a while it seemed easier to just use his. While the formula was supposedly made for him alone, it also made your skin feel comfortably supple.  “Uh huh...”
“Y/N, this is a problem!” He brought the bottle over to you.
You took the offering, found it light as described, and turned your head toward the sink. “Okay… We have other soaps… How about the hand soap right here?”
He made a noise of revulsion.
“Or dish soap?” Your head lolled as you looked at him.
His features curled into twisted horror. “You are describing a replacement worse than simply letting the paint dry!”
“If it dries, it just flakes off, doesn't it?”
“I won’t even dignify that with a response.” He spoke caustically.
“Donnie, the dish soap is good enough for ducks and oil spills. It’s their whole branding, it can’t be that bad-”
“These are neither oil based paints nor are either of us waterfowl!”
“That’s not what the marketing scheme is trying to-!”
“I refuse!”
You made an annoyed sound and were just shy of stomping your foot. “Donnie, it took forever to get the tarps down according to your plan!”
He folded his arm.
His beak rose with a haughty turn of his head.
“So, that’s it!? No body painting because you forgot soap!?”
“Me?” He came down with a fiery gaze. “We made the list together!”
“And you’re Santa Claus checking it twice! You ordered everything!”
“Blame goes both ways. You wound me and therefore I’m even less inclined to continue our activity!” In a flap of his hands, he shooed you.
Irritated, you stepped away only for him to begin to kick up the tarp behind you. “What are you doing!?”
“As you so kindly put it, there will be no body painting today! I am cleaning up!”
“Don, come on!” You blocked him from messing up the ground cover further.
He towered over you.
“We spent all that time testing brushes to make sure they felt right against you! Hell, we spent forever trying to figure out the best way to write on each other. Markers grossed you out and there was so much trial and error for smell and texture and everything! Then, getting the stuff and the time and setup! Please…!”
“We have a process for a reason. This is an undertaking, not to be done on a whim.” His eyes were down, ready to calculate moving you out of the way.
You stepped around his toes to cage him in. “Do you still want to?”
He reared with an annoyed shake. “Have you not been listening!?”
You whacked your hands against his plastron. “Obviously I have! I’m asking if you’re just trying to find an excuse out.”
“Of course not!” He was further offended. “I put forth the effort because I wanted this! We both did!”
“Then why are you giving up so easily!?”
“I’m not! I’m rescheduling. We can attempt another after we have the proper wash.” He found that to be his last word on the situation and moved to get around you.
“I can go to the closest store. There’s a shop two blocks from here and I know they have body wash!”
Donnie stalled, but didn’t look.
“It’s not going to be a great brand, but all soap strips right? As long as it’s for the body, that’s good enough?”
He was clearly processing.
“Not all.” He glanced. “I have stipulations.”
“The product must be free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, retinyl palmitate, coal tar, hydroquinone, triclosan, triclocarban, formaldehyde and its derivative releasing agents, and even the slightest form of fragrance.”
Your lips parted as you weren’t prepared for such a long list. “You need to send that to me.”
“I will go with you.”
“Calm, this is still your task. I would only rather waste a portion of my time.”
You frowned.
“I don’t care if I ruin the mood.”
You gave one tepid sigh before looking at him with a withered expression. “Your skin care is important.”
“As how it feels and what goes on it.”
“Yes. I’m not making light, I’m just…” You gestured out to how your bedroom was coated in plastic wrap. “We worked so hard. I… no, we were really looking forward to this…” 
“I acknowledge the frustrations.” He dipped in to press his beak to your head.
You lingered only for a moment. “Now?”
“Now.” He agreed and you both moved to leave.
Getting shoes on, you were both out the door and heading to the store. Right where you said it was, the micro grocer was a dingy, but serviceable place. Donnie made his stand outside and only helped you by writing out his request list in an app. With your phone in hand, you entered and only glanced at the shopkeeper. A young guy scrolling on his phone, he ignored you while you headed to where the toiletries were. Several options, you picked up the first to start reading ingredients when the door opened again.
Background noise of another customer, you sneered at one of the banned ingredients and moved for the next bottle. Scanning through that one’s tiny print, you squinted to examine it closer when you heard a huffy voice.
“Hurry up…”
Your head lifting with an odd weight, you leaned just enough to look past the shelf you were at.
At the register, whoever had walked in was clearly robbing the place with a gun shaped figure lifted up through his jacket.
Staring, you saw the man at the counter struggle with the machine. “It won’t open unless you make a purchase. I don’t really know-!”
“Fake one, stupid!” The gunman hissed, jerking his coat.
You looked toward the front window, but couldn’t see Donnie.
“Trying to be a hero!?” You weren’t sure how, but the gunman must have caught a glimpse of you because he spun around.
Donnie had been right next to the front door. 
He would have seen the guy enter. 
He would have heard the commotion, no matter how quiet. 
“Hey, you listening?!”
You didn’t move your pupils, but the guy at the register chanced a shaky hand toward the phone.
“Dipshit!!” The gunman stalked toward you. “You hear what the fuck I’m saying or not!?”
Without moving your head, you looked the man up and down. 
He appeared small.
He was technically taller than you, but you couldn’t help but shrink him in your mind.
He appeared pathetic with his spindly form and terrible stance.
He looked like he’d jumped into this store on a whim to steal a quick buck in the middle of a slow weekend day.
One thing out of place was sending him into a rage. 
You arched a brow. “I’m kind of busy.”
“You’re…?” The flared anger was snuffed out in a confused instant.
“Yeah, my boyfriend is really particular about his body wash.” You shook the bottle in your hands so he could see it better.
“I’m… What the FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?” Doubling down, he yanked the gun out of his jacket pocket to properly point it.
In a way, you were surprised he actually had one. 
You expected someone like him to have just faked it with his hand. 
Your heart rate barely blipped at the matte black object.
In contrast to your steady blood pressure, you saw a very familiar rush of black behind the gunman. 
It was a move imperceptible to anyone else.
When had your senses become so honed?
You guessed it was somewhere along the pipeline of generally dating a mutant and having almost died.
You had seen things the average person couldn’t dream of. 
Guns seemed so archaic in comparison. 
That explained why you weren’t scared.
You’d dealt with enough.
This pathetic trash wasn’t worth your adrenaline.
You had full faith in your mate and yourself. 
“He’s very particular, ya know?” You shrugged.
“Wha…?” The gunman wilted again at your second rebuttal.
“About this…” You looked at the shelf. “About me…” You turned your attention toward the barrel. “He’s waiting for me.”
“If you think your stupid ass sob story is going to-? You know what, fuck you! Empty your pockets, NOW!” The pistol shook and rotated.
He blinked.
“I don’t think you understand.” Your head tipped and you could feel the unhinged quality your features took on. “I’m warning you. Put that gun down and walk out or else.”
If the man’s initial anger level was at a one and he doubled it on your first refusal, then his current boiling point broke mercury. “STUPID, FUCKING-!”
Metal crunched so loud it caused the racks of goods to reverberate.
Standing beside you was Donnie.
Extending out from his body were two of his mechanical arms.
One of which was clasped not only around the gun it had just devoured, but the gunman’s hand.
“I tried to tell him.” You gave Donnie a sugar coated look.
Your partner tipped his head toward you in acknowledgement.
Pain delayed, the gunman screeched and the first drops of blood began to trickle out from where his firearm was now part of him.
“You.” The other mech arm blurred as it caught the man by the chest and slammed him into the ground so hard that the floor depressed around him.
You tucked into Donnie’s side and overlooked the crater. “I have an idea.”
“Yes, my love?” Donnie turned to you with faint interest.
The gunman gurgled.
“We’re busy. Let’s have him take himself to the police. He can confess and we won’t have to deal with cover ups or statements.” You touched Donnie’s arm.
Donnie hummed, unconvinced.
The gunman pawed at the mech arm crushing him with his only available hand.
“What do you think?” You looked down at him. “You go or you die?”
“M-my h-hand!” He squawked.
“You point a gun at my mate.” Donnie leaned back with you moving in tandem and the mechanical arm hoisted the gunman up into the air. “Now you ignore their generous offer?”
Reality struck the gunman and he twitched. “I-I-I-I’ll g-go!”
“I’ll know if you take a single step otherwise.” Donnie’s grin split excitement. “I do hope you will.”
“N-no! I-I’ll g-go r-right t-there!!! P-please!!”
Donnie glanced at you with a smoothed out expression.
“Sounds like he gets it.” You rested your chin against him.
Donnie’s lids lowered with affection and the mechanical arms released.
The man hit the floor with another squeak of pain before he scrambled. He smeared blood from his broken hand out in a wet streak before he stumbled on a twisted angle straight towards the door. As if in a movie panning shot, you and Donnie both watched after him and caught sight of the young man at the register. 
His hands were up in surrender.
A phone hung from one of his palms.
“He called the police.” You told Donnie. “ETA?” 
Your boyfriend checked his gauntlet for a tiny screen projection. “Ten minutes.”
“Hey, we really just wanted to buy some soap. Is it cool if we keep looking?” You raised your voice a little to address the shop attendant.
The guy gawked.
Donnie seemed to realize something and in a slow withdrawal, the mechanical arms retreated and morphed back into his battle shell.
As if on cue, the attendant’s hands similarly lowered. “Seriously?!”
“Yeah.” You held up the body wash bottle still in your hand.
“… Whatever, sure!” The attendant slumped in a stool and mumbled about his day.
“Okay, I was almost done with this one.” You walked back to the selection with your eyes glued to the tiny print.
Donnie came with and curled around your back, pressing impatient kisses to your neck.
“Sweet, I gotta focus.”
“Love you.” He husked in your ear.
“Me too.” You spoke distantly. “Ugh dangit, not this one either.”
The moment you reached to put it back on the shelf, Donnie took advantage of the real estate and groped under your lifted arm.
You held back a moan. “D-Don…!”
“Want you.”
“I know, but the paint…” You fumbled the last bottle, but kept it from falling off the shelf.
He churred honey into your ear.
You shuddered as you turned the bottle over to read. “I saw you run up behind the asshole. I’m surprised you waited.”
He released a hot breath from where he was nibbling your ear lobe. “You were stunning. I wouldn’t dare interrupt. That control, incredible.”
“I didn’t do anything…” Your eyes drifted and you leaned to give him better access.
He latched to give you a hickey close to your hairline.
You released a shaky breath.
He gave a final hard suck before moving his lips away only long enough to mumble. “I see sodium palmitate, which falls in a similar group. Try the bar.”
“I-is that on there? Damn…” You put the bottle back and he moved with you as you grabbed said rectangle.
A churr rumbled in your ears as you found the ingredients list scant and to the point.
“This one’s perfect, fuck, this one.”
“Very good.” He pressed a wet kiss below his mark and removed himself from you.
You stumbled a few steps before making it to the register to pay.
“Uh, thank… you…?” The young man mumbled unsure as he rang you up.
“Sure.” You shrugged and caught the soap bar to leave after the transaction.
“You’ll receive payment for the floor.” Donnie tossed casually as he followed you out.
You heard the attendant give another confused thanks.
Your legs pumped with power walking purpose back towards your apartment. Donnie’s longer legs kept him easily in tow and he had a light hearted air as you walked. Reaching your apartment in record time, you both jockeyed at the front door and in doing so a question popped out of you. 
“You going soft?”
He slowed and turned to you with a curious shift of his pupil.
“Hot or not, there was a gun pointed at me. I doubt there’s much what if, but it just feels like usually you would have killed or maimed anyone the second they tried a stunt like that.”
Donnie sugared his gaze before he bent in, nice and slow, to put his face on level with yours. With a lethally cute tip of his head, his gaze simmered. “So what if I am?”
Your stomach somersaulted.
“So what if I am going soft?” He repeated and the tip of his beak took the faintest whiff of the air.  “Maybe I prefer domestication…? Doesn’t smell like a problem.”
You murmured his name and the door felt especially heavy where you were stuck holding it.
“Being kept…” He flicked a low lidded gaze over you. “I was not aware of the advantages. It seemed a noose, but a docile predator has the same bite while no longer having to fight to be fed.”
“It’s about how they use it…” You whispered and ghosted your lips over his before charging inside.
He followed close after and, as you tried to deviate toward the elevator, he hooked your waist. You were launched up several flights of stairs in a way that reminded you of a tender version of your first night together and this time there was no need to fumble at the door. You slipped in first and took a few dancing steps with your purchase obvious in hand.
Donnie leered behind and you deposited the soap bar in the bathroom before meeting him in the bedroom. The kiss there seared intensity, but starkly contrasted the slow way he worked up the bottom of your top. You mewled against his lips, struggling with quick urges and he scolded you with promises of more. You relented and broke apart long enough for him to disrobe you.
Bra as a last hold, you took your turn to steal his sweater away and did so with far less grace. You dragged him with his long arms on a tug and he chuckled his way to wrapping them around you. Both for a hug and then for the greater purpose of unfastening your bottoms, you peppered him with kisses. He lounged in them, slowing as he shimmied fabric down your hips. By the time your bottom hit the floor, he was drunkenly shoving his tongue into your mouth.
Winding and sipping on heat, you melded together. Your bra was soon popped and you tipped your body to let it fall from your shoulders as he did his own fly. Coordination had you both naked and clothes were kicked away toward the living room before you pulled him to the paint selection.
“Mark me as yours.” His voice ghosted your ears.
You both exhaled and sighed dreamy as you picked black for its sharp pigmentation. Selecting one of the soft brushes that he’d designated for his skin, you dunked bristles to pigment before bringing up a darkened tip. He eyed it and then you with trust so full that it threatened to drip the same as your implement. Moving forward with a flexible wrist, you swiped black over his neck. A reclamation of his brand, he handed himself over and the loll back of his head said the sensation felt good. Stroking to enhance and taking care in making a bold collar, streaks dripped and rolled along his musculature. It adorned his painted choker with black pearls that beckoned you to swipe over the plump tips of. 
Donnie surfaced enough to try to watch you as you finger painted from the pool and wrote your name amongst the drip just under his blackened throat.
“If found, please return to…” You teased and kissed his cheek.
He churred lightly. “May I?”
“Of course.” You held the brush out for him and he politely declined.
You followed him to the table. He took a long time selecting his own instruments and in the meantime you cleaned your brush. Capping off the black paint, you set the brush off to dry in a little section of the table that was set up for that. Donnie then approached you, ready, with a carefully turned paint canister in one hand and a medium sized precision brush in the other.
“Stand over here.” He gestured and walked himself toward the middle of the bedroom.
You trailed after and strained to see what color he had.
“Don’t look.” He grinned knowingly. “Eyes on mine. I want to surprise you.”
You adjusted your posture to look at him comfortably. “Won’t I be able to tell from the strokes?”
He hummed with little interest. “Maybe.”
You watched the way his lids fell as he uncapped his paint. His little lashes moved as a brush of their own, protecting the dimensionality of his eyes. You watched every little dip and dart of his pupil as he acquired paint. His focus shifted, all engrossed, as the brush dabbed wet to your arm. First with a blot so he could test the thickness and viscosity of the paint, he swiped and adjusted his brush’s load before he committed to a full stroke.
A swift line that he focused on cleanly finishing off, there was a curl of movement. In an attractive turn of his head, he must have looked at the paint pot to get more on his brush. You were enamored to watch your mate work with this new point of view. So often when you were on the receiving end, he was doing his best to distract you. Now you only had clear attention and with it you could commit all of him to memory. From another swipe to your current arm and then moving to the other, you tracked him the whole way. With his eyes focused on the task, you got to see every emotion pass over them.
You understood the phrase windows to the soul, but the phrase took new meaning when you watched him like this. His dedication flowed out in acts of service and he was a machine ever taking information in. If you were to agree with his domestication comment, you’d only do so because he’d allowed it. He was a wild animal that had judged you in a lengthy trial period before he ever chanced bowing his head to your worth.
It was an honor bestowed as great as knighthood and, as such, Donnie knelt before you. You wished you still had your paints to both lay your decree and also because you could now see you had missed a spot on his collar. With his head down you could see the missing connection clearly and wanted to belt off the green. It would match his villainous color scheme nicely where he’d left his mask on and you hardly noticed him painting your legs until he lifted up with a satisfied smile.
“Done already?”
Donnie grinned and went to put his brushes up. “One moment for the reveal.”
“Yessir.” You tried to parse out the damp skin and what it marked off.
It was clearly each of your limbs, but hadn’t seemed to be a complicated design.
Before you could ponder further, Donnie appeared behind you to lead you over to the mirror. “Eyes.”
You let him move you and followed only his gaze in the reflection.
In a quick shuffling to get you full framed, he then nodded for you to look at yourself.
You did and found the slightest purple on your arms. You turned first to the right, finding two connected blocks on your upper arm, but also revealed two disconnected ones on your legs. Your smile grew as you turned the other way and found more purple pixels, all identical replicas of Donnie’s markings. “Interesting brand.”
“I do appreciate a theme.” He kissed your cheek over your shoulder. “You look ravishing.”
“If it’s a theme, you forgot the green.” You chewed your lip and leaned into him. “I love it. Understated, but you.”
Donnie chuffed. “Skin needs to breathe. A full-body paint job would cover your pores and chance a disruption of the sweating and cooling mechanisms in your body. if we were to test something like that, might as well have a cloaking broach.”
You turned toward him. “What is that? You’ve said it before and I think Shelly has like… alluded to it?”
“It’s a stone that allows one to cloak their appearance.”
“Got that much.” You teased and made it obvious you were returning for the paints.
He followed you to clean his brush. “A mystic item then.”
“Do you have one?” You picked the same pair you had before and gestured him to the bed.
He sat on the crinkling tarp covering and waited for you. “No. I liken my visage.”
Half sitting on the edge, you leaned around him to close the painted collar and then drifted brushstrokes down his front. “I do too.”
He churred affection.
You tried to paint his plastron and frowned at how the different texture streaked the paint. “How does the stone figure out what you should look like? Do you think of an image in your head and it makes it happen?”
“Some thought, but as with most mysticism, it trends illogical. Let’s imagine if you were to don it and you chose to cloak as a turtle mutant.”
You nodded both to him and how you tested various brushing techniques to get the black to lacquer.
“You may not be a softshell.”
That caught your attention and you sent surprise toward him. 
He had latent irritation creasing his features. “Unfortunately there’s a certain luck of the draw. There’s a high chance you may be, considering my DNA…” He reached out and pressed a targeted digit into your pelvis. “… is soaked into yours, but I digress. It isn’t assured.”
You stalled a stroke and kissed him hard.
He held you a metered amount away to protect your paint work.
You tapered off for a few needy presses before reluctantly continuing. “Is that why you chose to disguise yourself with make-up instead? Didn’t like the way the broach changed you?”
He gave a faint chirp of approval at your memory.
You stole another kiss. 
“I feel compelled to clarify: I’ve never used one.” 
“Don’t like the chance of how it’ll change you.” You corrected. 
You chuckled and felt his approving air follow you down onto your knees so you could have better access to painting further down his plastron. 
“I was just thinking this would totally turn into washboard abs.” You gestured to him and layered on extra coats to thicken the lines you’d drawn.
“You’re curious?”
“Not really.” You tried to make a circle, but it wasn’t clean. “You don’t like it, so I’m not really interested.”
“You wouldn’t prefer me human.”
It was a statement and, though he hadn’t asked, you knew he needed reassurance. You sent it up to him by fully stopping and giving him your full attention. “Never.”
He had a wickedness to his gaze. “Monster fucker.”
You splatted your brush right into his beak and he chuffed droplets to clear his nose.
Still, he laughed and you continued your work with a pout.
Criss-crossing lines, you did a few touch ups, before you sat back to look at your work as a whole.
“I could acquire two.”
You moved your attention to his face.
“For science. I appreciate that sort of intrigue.”
“Only if you’re sure.”
“It’s not a physiological change. Only cosmetic.”
“And mystic.” You gave a lazy grin.
He sneered.
“Anything with you.” You stood.
He took a deep breath before doing the same. “Shall I see your masterpiece?”
“Please.” You swept your hand in a gesture to the full length mirror.
He moved to his reflection and recognition hit him immediately. “A harness.”
“Yes, my pet.” You pressed to his carapace and kissed his arm. “That’s kept.”
“I never considered…” He tilted his head.
“Wearing one? I doubt that.” You came around to look him over again.
He shook his head. “You didn’t connect the collar.” He pointed at this throat and then down. “I never thought to wear a harness without.”
“Oh.” He mimicked your interest. “I’ll whip something up.”
“Use the link rings.” You leaned into him.
“Of course.” He kissed your forehead and took your chin. “Make-up gave me an idea.”
“What do you need?” You held up your brush and paint.
“Same purple paint, thin square brush.”
“Got it.” You moved to trade off your equipment and brought his requested materials back.
“Eyes closed.”
Your lids drifted and you tipped your chin up for him.
He startled you by catching your lips first then he moved to paint. Careful around your eyes, you felt him make more rectangles skirting down your cheeks. He then was careful over your lids and brows. He blew lightly to seal his art and then moved you gently over to the mirror. You held firm with closed eyes until he gave the signal and opened them to find he’d done an inspired extension of his markings on your face.
“I look cool…” You admired his work around blinks.
“Very…” He breathed warmth into your ear.
You tipped your head for him and he pressed kisses down the side of your neck.
A distraction, a cool brush dabbed your lower back and you arched with a small gasp.
“You k-know…” You managed as he painted what was clearly another rectangular shape. “I’d figured you go womb tattoo before a tramp stamp.”
He slowed only for a moment before he ducked his head to ensure his design. “Dangerous.”
“How so?”
“I would only need the correctly imbued ink.” He skirted your ass and you twitched with sensitivity.
“What…?” You drunkenly slurred as he exchanged his brush for a hand to squeeze the thick of a cheek.
“With such and the correct branching symbol, my birth control would be rendered useless.”
“Ah!” One of his fingers skirted between your legs.
“Best not to give me that power as of yet.” A finger ghosted your sex before another came around and pressed a thick stroke to your upper mons.
Your voice pitched and your head fell to see he’d smeared red paint across your lower belly. “Wha…?”
“Bed.” He nudged you in the direction, but kept himself out of sight. “I need to mark your inner thighs.”
You nodded and the moment you took a step, he slipped a finger into your folds. Knees weakening, you stumbled towards the bed riding his digit. It tested and teased your entrance and you were left to catch the edge of the mattress. He manipulated you only enough so you were sturdy before he disappeared. It took a moment to catch your breath, but you rotated and sat. He appeared, already on his knees with a brush in hand. With him before you, you spread for him and hiked your legs up against the tarp on the mattress. Your feet slid a few times as you tried to find a foothold and he lost his patience to bury his face into your core with a churr.
You cried out his name as he tasted you. His hands occupied with his brush, he rooted deeper with only his snout and lapped at your essence. Your appendages free in contrast, you fisted his mask and pulled. He clearly resisted and you saw through your delirium to how he was specifically keeping his snout from bumping that red blotch he’d made. An odd adornment hanging above your crotch, he licked up a fat stripe to suckle your clit and you bucked against his face once before he retreated. “Damned I can’t do both!”
You slumped a metered amount. “Can’t both cum in me and eat me out?”
“Yes.” He growled lightly before lifting an arm with a brush. His other appendage dipped to support the first and his perfected posture reminded you of a calligraphy master. You meant to ask if that was a skill of his, but the moment the moistened brush tip touched your thigh, you felt a current rip through your flesh. In expert strokes, the feather light tip wafted over you leaving blocks in its wake. You couldn’t help but compare it to the saliva and slick dripping from you. In contrast, it clung to you thick and wrote out a binding contract.
Property of Donatello down one inner thigh.
A prepared table that was ready to house marks of his ownership was left blank on the other.
You were leaned forward to look them over when he rose up enough to reveal his throbbing erection.
“Oh fuck…” You gasped.
“Shall we begin? See just how much of me you can hold?” He carved out a promise in scalding breath as he lined himself up with your weeping sex.
“D-Donnie, we have time. It’s not a race…”
“It’s not?” He smiled and was slow in bending forward to claim your lips. “I believe it is. Did you honestly think I wasn’t still competing with that inane heat-brained bastard?”
“That’s you-u-u-u!” Your word warbled as he pressed his glans in.
“Me.” He spat and shifted his angle with his hips alone to sink into you.
You moaned and moved to hold him.
He caught your limbs before he gave his body over to you. 
You felt something wet smear higher than anything between your legs.
For a moment, his weight dropped onto you and he gave a needy wriggle as if his cock wasn’t fully stuffed to its usual depths. 
You groaned at the pleasurable weight and felt how his entire body retreated as he pulled a calculated amount out. 
Look down. 
You looked. 
Where there had once been red, there was now purple. 
Looking up, you saw the same purple blotch on the bottom of Donnie’s plastron. 
Only his was rimmed with blue where yours had red. 
He had mixed the colors to create his own on your body right on the spot where you’d balloon with his kid. “Fuck me.”
“My pleasure.”
You wished you could say you lost track, but it was patently untrue as. Donnie, without fail, stopped each time he filled you up to make a tally mark on your inner thigh. He’d then wait, regardless of how far along you were, to ensure the dash would not smear. It was only then he’d return to you with a vigor that seemed to only grow with each symbol. 
By five you were delirious and he broke from sex to spill paint. Moving to abstract, he brought you back through slick digits that slid smoothly over your skin. He forewent brushes and dotted off designs until you were present and returned the favor. Together you tumbled and Donnie marked off zones with reminders of the memories they carried. It was a list of his downfall and you told him so. He churred warmth and between affectionate kisses, you drew lazy lines that covered his scars. The constant slick turned the many paints a neutral brain tone and with it an idea struck you.
Instructing him to get on his belly, you straddled his thighs with several bottles. You mixed outside the canvas of his body before you descended on his carapace with purpose. He was initially unnerved as you filled in the scarred gaps to his shell, but he settled at the firm pressure and reassurances that this is what you did in exchange. For each piece of him that he’d offered over, you patched them carefully to where they were meant to be. You’d never allow him to regret his decision to love you and it was when gnarled skin was filled in did you press your full palm down to the center of his spine.
“Donatello, you have my heart, my word, my everything. Whatever you choose, soft or domestic or otherwise, I’m going to make sure you can do it to your heart’s content.”
You stilled thinking he’d give a mating call or something of the like, but he sat silent.
You stared down at your hand that blended in with the color of his rough shell. 
His voice sounded watery and you tried to quell concerns. “Yeah?”
“Let go so I can gather you.”
You hadn’t considered you were holding him back. The moment your hand lifted, he flipped you over and made a thousand vows in return.
What can I say other than I love my betas @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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alien-magnolia · 1 year
Omg thank you for the emojis bc that’s how I communicate AHHHH
🌙(🦎) x 🍄fem reader
🍂🧚🌻(degrading, praise at the end)✨🌼🤍(kink)
Plot: bratty reader edges him for a week, talks back, taunts him for not “pleasing her right” how she can do it herself etc just to rile him up bc she missed him being that way
Thanks so much for sending in a request, babes. 🖤🖤This turned out to be more than a short blurb, but it came out well me thinks :)
Fic description: Hyperfeminine reader subby! + dom!jake sully. Reader is bit of a bimbo! Teases him a bit until he snaps. Corruption / innocence kink!, Pregnancy!kink, bj, overstim, bratting, praise/degradation!kink
“Babygirl. Come on…,” Jake sighs, as he chases you through the forest, unaware of where you were headed. To be honest, he was tired. Tired of your shenanigans. You’d been slowly, ever so slowly, tearing him apart all week.
~ Twelve days ago ~ Eclipse
He was exhausted, all day under the scalding Pandoran sun. He had hoped that you had not gotten yourself into trouble while he was gone. You were his world, the love of his life, yet you could be so, so, goddamn stupid, as he likes to put it.
You were naive at times, almost borderline childish. You loved to stop and look at all the pretty flowers, constantly confused with directions for the forest, unaware of what to wear and what not to wear, You had such a bubbly, sickeningly sweet personality. You had Jake poisoned with you, in the best way possible.
You loved to be his good girl. Loved it. Sometimes, you felt that he was too gentle with you. Ever since the two of you have mated, he’s just gotten soft. In your opinion. Now — you did love it when he praised you, attacked your face with kisses, and more! Jake, of course, would love to hear those little giggles that came out of your mouth when he did that.
This week, you’ve gotten bored. You wanted more. More — that you thought he couldn’t give you. He used to give you more. You remember all those times he bent you over like a cow, and rutted into you until you cried, until your body hurt.
That is how you did not hear him come home, at this very minute. You were busy. Very busy. All day, you spent time on the floor of your hut, top of the trees where no other Na’vi can see you, pumping your tiny fingers into yourself. You were doing it at the moment, completely oblivious that Jake had just arrived back, tired from a hunt.
You were teetering over the edge, perhaps you were so needy this week because your heat may have been approaching. Either way, the sound of his voice shocked you back into reality.
“Babygirl,” his tone deep, voice slow. He stands before you, a new scar on his big, heaving chest. “What do you think you’re doing, huh, kid?,” he asks, stepping closer to you slowly. You knew his rule. You broke it.
“What’s daddy’s rule, huh? Repeat it to me,” he says, as his hand grabs your chin, tilting it to look up at him. “No touching myself without daddy,” you slowly say to him, your voice all breathy and high pitched. You were slipping already.
“And what did you just do, huh, sweetheart? Guess you’re getting too goddamn stupid to understand and even remember the rules now. Fuck. On your knees,” he commands, tail erratic, ears bent back.
You were completely still, frozen. “Now!,” he hissed at you. “No,” you tell him. “Can’t please me anymore, Daddy,” you defiantly tell him. He is still, completely.You think. You run. Run, at the fastest pace possible, far away. He could not punish you if you ran.
Back at the hut, Jake growled as he watched you disappear into the jungle. You were going to get maimed in there. He hated your brat-like behavior at the moment, but he had to find you to make sure you were safe.
He set off on his ikran. It did not take long for him to find you from his view in the sky. You were hiding in the swamps, possibly where dangerous animals could be.
~ Present ~
This was your tenth time running away from him, into the jungle. You’d resist his punishments, talk back to him, and touch yourself without permission. He had enough.
“Babygirl,” he calls out, angry with your demeanor this week. “Come on out. M’gonna find you eventually.”
He smirks as he sees you behind a tree. Completely clueless, as expected. He sneaks up behind you, grabbing you by the waist, pinning you against a nearby tree.
“You’ve been bad this week, hun. Gonna teach you now, maybe you won’t disobey daddy’s rules next time,” he tuts at you.
“On your knees. Now. Don’t make me tell you twice.” You nod, as you get on your knees, the cold grass making you shiver. Jake chuckles at your sudden obidence. God — he was threatening. The next second, without a warning, his big, blue fingers find their way to your mouth. He props your mouth open.
“Tongue out. C’mon,” he commands, as he lightly taps your cheek. You do as told. “Damn — look at you, little slut waiting for me with her mouth open. Don’t choke,” he warns.
His pelvis finds your face, as his cock slides into your mouth. In, out, his heavy balls periodically hitting your nose. All the while he fucks your mouth, laughing down at you.
“My little bunny. Such a slut, taking daddy’s cock in your mouth like that,” he tuts at you, before large blue hands flip you over onto your stomach. His angry, leaking cockhead slides into you, thick and wide, bullying your pussy like never before.
“Fuck. My babygirl’s tight, huh? Just lay there and take it,” he patronizes, with a smile on his face. You feel his fangs pierce your shoulders, his moans turn into growls as he possessively stuffs your body full of cock. Cock, cock, and more cock. All you needed. “Just want to be full of daddy like this, huh?,” he asks as you nod, barely coherent at this point.
You get stuffed full of his cock, his cum spills into you, probably twice or more, it was hard for you to keep track. Your back was bruised, your neck and shoulders covering in bite marks from your mate’s sharp fangs.
“Ya with me, baby girl?,” he asks. You nod, smiling at him. “Don’t brat out on me now. Want you to be daddy’s good girl. Think it will be better for you,” he says as he moves your head to lay on his chest, petting it. “Okay, ma Jake. I’ll be good for you,” you contently sigh, so happy to be his good girl again.
“Only good girls get daddy’s cock over and over, got it?” You nod. He continues. “If you’re good enough, I’ll claim you as my good girl for everyone to see. Knock you up, pump you full of babies,” he fantasizes, looking over at you to see your reaction.
You were entranced. You were his poison, one that he was willing to taste over and over again.
Taglist: @aerangi @jake-sullys-whore @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @23victoria @brioffthegrid
245 notes · View notes
seshatsdomain · 2 years
Praise The Body
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Pairing: Pagan Fertility God Thor x Black Fem Reader
Wordcount: 1,644
Warnings: SOFTDARK!THOR. DUBCON. Sexual Manipulation. Pagan God Thor. Mentions of Pregnancy. Mentions of Fertility and Infertility. Mentions of Marital Abuse. Smut. 18+. 
A/N: This is my first foray into writing darker themes, so be easy with me. I wrote this for @syntheticavenger’s writers camp. @syntheticavenger was incredible and helped me work out the kinks of the fic. She was also just so nice and supportive. I’m so grateful that I was able to work with her, and if you aren’t following her yet, go and give her a follow!
Banner by @maysdigitalarts
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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She should have listened when the old woman told her not to marry Arne; maybe then she would have been happy. 
The stories told by the old folk — the ones with hands too gnarled to weave, who sat upon chairs and watched the world through filmy eyes — are ignored by most. Their wise warnings went unheeded. She crawled back to the old woman on her knees. She had held the woman's crooked fingers in her own callused hands and begged for advice. She hadn’t listened once, she would not make that mistake again.
 The old woman had urged her to go to the temple. To make her offerings regularly, to pray earnestly, and when the time was right to find her rest among the gods. 
 “A night spent in the presence of the divine will bless you ten times over.” 
She looked up at the elder from her place on the floor. She was grateful to have a plan, some action to take, even as outlandish as it seemed.
“How will I know when the time is right?” She questioned.
The crone cackled, the noise loud within the small house.
 “You’ll know.” The old woman patted her hand. “You’ll know.” 
 Her sandaled feet slipped in the mud as she ran. She landed hard on her knee, pain radiating from the spot. Her arms quivered as her hands sank into the soft earth. The wind howled as it shook the trees that towered over her. Rain drenched her face, a single drop falling from the tip of her nose as she brought her head to the sky. 
Her destination was not far. She could see the stone spires of the temple, Looming shadowy in the distance. It beckoned to her, and she knew she must answer. Her feet found purchase in the wet dirt, driving her body upright. The steps she took were wobbly — unsure— but she kept a steady pace. The trees rustled around her. She could see the temple now, the warm yellow glow of the interior candles. A lighthouse even in the cold dark of the forest.
Come. It seemed to whisper to her. Come home.
Her sandals slapped wetly on the stone stairs, She winced as pain sliced up her back. The familiar chamber of the temple eased her bruised feelings. Her cloak, heavy with rainwater, landed on the floor with a splat. Her skin prickled as the cool night air brushed her bare shoulders. She limped forward, her box of offerings clutched in her palms. The giant throne sat before her, the large statue there always lording over the room. She knelt at the feet of the altar, esoteric mumblings falling from her lips. The box was placed in between the colossal feet of the figure. 
“Accept my offering, O’ God of thunder. May my devotion honor you ‘thus.” 
She repeated her prayers twice more. It wasn’t necessary, but she continued. For she did not want to leave the temple. Leave this God’s presence. It may have been silly — the others in the village certainly thought it was — but the temple, this temple, was more of a home to her than her house with Arne had ever been. Which was yet another thing for Arne to quarrel with her about. She had always been diligent with her worship of all the Gods. She dutifully gave her offerings to each of them. But Thor? The powerful and benevolent God of Thunder held a special place in her heart. 
She paused as her eyes fell upon her strewn cloak. Her limbs were unwilling to move, her feet frozen upon the cold ground. 
Do not leave us. The temple whispered. Stay here. Stay home.
The croaking voice of the old woman came to her then. The advice that the elder had given her.
 A lightness flooded her veins as she made her decision. She fell asleep with joy singing in her heart, even as her clothes grew damp from the cloak she laid upon.
She dreamed of him. Stone turned into golden flesh. Blonde hair artfully tousled on his shoulders. It brushed her thigh as he moved between her spread thighs. She jumped as he lapped at her center. His deep chuckle reverberated through her flesh. She wiggled her hips towards him, wanting more, craving more. She only ever felt like this in her dreams, her mind creating the kind of pleasure her husband could only wish to give her. Maybe it was wrong to dream of a God this way, she would never speak of it to anyone. But in her dreams? She let herself go. 
“Yes! There!” 
He mouthed at her clit before sucking it between two full lips. Thick fingers prodded at her entrance; he slipped two in and thrust. She cried out as he scissored them within her, not giving her time to adjust. The feeling built in her, a tingling at her lower back that moved upwards. Just when she was on the precipice, right on the edge, his lips detached from her heated flesh with a wet smack. 
“Wake, sweet girl.” 
No. She didn’t want to wake. She wanted to reach completion, she wanted to stay here with the beautiful god between her legs. She didn’t want to wake in a broken bed with Arne-
Her eyes fluttered open, the gauzy dream fading around her. 
The early morning light streamed into the temple, bathing the room in softness. 
“There you are, sweet girl.” 
Her head snapped up. There kneeling between her spread thighs, was Thor, God of Thunder. 
She scrambled back, her elbows hitting hard stone, her back scraping against the ground.
He grabbed for her. Two huge palms locked around her thighs. The fingers of his right hand left streaks of wetness on her skin as he pulled her back toward him. 
“What’s this?”  
He moved his hand between her legs once more. Spreading her folds before gently petting her clit. 
“Come now, sweet girl, you can’t be afraid. Have you not been praying to me for months?” 
Her back arched as his gentle petting became insistent. He circled her clit, and the feeling made her breath catch. He stared at her with vibrant blue eyes that cataloged her every expression. 
“I’ve heard them. Accepted every offering you gave me. And now-“ 
Heat surged through her body as she came. Her center clenched around empty air. His eyes snapped down to observe it. 
“- Now your faithfulness shall be rewarded.” 
He sat back on his heels, spreading his legs slightly. She gasped as she caught sight of it. His cock was larger than any she’d ever seen. It jutted towards his muscled stomach, bobbing as he circled it with his hand.  The tip was red and angry, dripping with pre-cum. 
He leaned forward, notching the head just inside her entrance. She took in a sharp breath. 
Power rolled off him as he looked at her.
“Tell me you want this.” 
“I-“ the words lodged in her throat.
“Tell me that you’ll bear my seed.” 
Time seemed to suspend itself as their eyes locked. Brown meeting blue. 
“I want it.” She whispered
Then he thrust into her. He gave no time for her walls to stretch and accommodate him. He hammered into her. The sounds of their skin slapping together filled the quiet temple. 
Her legs rested on the outside of his. Thor spreads his knees, widening her legs in turn. 
His massive hands encircle her entire waist, his grip firm as he moves her into him again and again. 
Her high-pitched moans joined the chorus of their slapping skin. Her own hands reached up to play with her thick nipples. Thor groaned at the sight. 
He angled himself, and suddenly he was hitting something within her that made her see stars. 
“Thor!” She cried. “My lord, please!”
He hushed her, his tongue darting out to lick at his pink lips.
“I know, sweet girl. I know.” He thrust into her harder, and she thought she would shatter.
He placed his hand back on her clit, rubbing in small circles before he sent a zap of blue lightning into her. She jolted, her entire body tightening.
“Come for me.” 
It felt as if her soul had left her body. Like she had ascended to the heavens and would never come down. Thor was still thrusting into her, rhythmless now as he chased his own completion. The Earth shook when he came, his roar echoing off the stone walls of the temple. With his head thrown back, he shot rope after rope of his seed into her. His chest heaved as his hips began to move again. 
“No more.” She pushed lightly at his arm. Her body twitched with overstimulation.
He smiled indulgently at her even as his hips continued to move.
Thor caught her shaking legs as he finally moved away from her center. Little jolts of electricity tailed after each brush of his hands on her skin. He stroked at her legs, coaxing them closed. She flinched as his hands moved to rest her legs over his bare lap. Her body elevated, just enough to lift her hips. 
“You should know, sweet one,” his deep voice rumbled as he settled her against his side. “That it was not you. It was never you.”
“What-“ her mind was slow to work, “what’s not me?”
Thor pushed his nose into the crook of her neck. He inhaled deeply, and she could feel his cock stirring at her hip.
“You are quite fertile, I can smell it on you.”
 She gasped.
“Then, Arne-“
“Do not speak of him.” His voice went dark. Blue streaks of lightning lit the early morning sky as he tipped her face towards him.
“You shall come again tonight. Yes? We must make sure it takes.” 
Her eyes widened as his lips descended on hers.
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geminigirl0298 · 2 years
All The Kings' Men
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Relationship: Dark!Bucky x Reader, King!Loki x Reader
Summary: The Odinson Kings take over Midgard, appointing commanders to help them colonize the entire planet. Commander Barnes finds you during a raid of untouched lands and claims you as his own. You endure months of torture and abuse at the metal hand of the cruel man, and are set to suffer even more when he sends you to King Loki to break you further. Upon meeting the feared man, you find that looks can be deceiving, and rumors are not always what they seem.
A/N: Thank you to my editor @green-mischief-managed for helping me with this fic! Let me know if you want to be tagged !
Warnings: Minors DNI, 18+, very NSFW. Fingering, oral sex (f and m receiving), handjobs, blood and gore, torture, rape, knives, death, mutilation, choking, burning, breeding kink, forced pregnancy, vaginal sex, mentions of suicide. This fic deals with dark themes such as rape, abuse and torture. If these themes make you uncomfortable, please do not read!
Previous Chapter Masterlist
You slept like a baby that night in Loki’s study.  The chaise he directed you to was as comfortable as the bed, yet his study provided none of the loneliness that your bedroom did.  Try as you might, you could not seem to sleep in that room for more than a few minutes at a time.  You kept expecting James to burst through the door and bestow whatever punishment he deemed fit.  There was always punishment with him, and you were quite sure the one you would receive for what you had revealed to the kings so far would be the worst yet.  James might actually kill you this time.
Except he never came.  He never came, and you awoke in the morning with a wide stretch and lighter shoulders than the day before.  Loki was still asleep on his chair.  Long, lean legs were propped on the desk, keeping his chair rocked back at a more comfortable level.  His face was much less worried when he slept— smoother, younger, like a boy rather than a king with two realms to look after.  You decided then that he could not be that bad.  No one could look that calm while sleeping and be a tyrant…right?
Before you could figure it out, another wave of tiredness hit you, and you were out like a light.
Loki was not there when you awoke the second time.  His chair was vacated, still turned out to the side rather than pushed in.  You frowned at the display.  He was such a neat man, so you deduced he must have been in a hurry to have left it so.  A quick scan of the room found a green cape sticking out from the half-opened door.  You sat up and leaned forward, managing to catch the ins and outs of what seemed to be a rather heated conversation.
“… ridiculous!”  you heard Loki say.  “There must be somewhere else…”.  The rest of his sentence was lost in the rattle of a carriage passing outside the window.
“… isn’t!”  Ah.  That boom of a voice could only be Thor’s.  “He’s already been to—”
It was as though Loki could sense that you were listening.  More of the cape came into view until his entire torso appeared from behind the door.  He glanced over you from head to toe before returning to his brother.  A few more hushed words were exchanged before the door closed, and Loki came walking in.  He returned to his desk, taking a careful seat on the chair, but not before you saw him slip an envelope in with some other papers on his desk.
“How did you sleep?”
Your head snapped up.  “Huh?”  Loki gave you a patient smile.
“How did you sleep?” he repeated.  “Was the couch to your liking?  Do you need me to change it?”
“No, it was fine.  I slept well, thank you.”  The formality jumped out before you could stop it.  “I should return to my rooms now.  I’m sure you have a busy day.”
Loki sighed.  “Actually, I do.”  You were surprised by the disappointment that filled you.  “Something has come up that will require my attention for most of the day.  As luck would have it, Sven returned last night.  I’ve arranged for him to take you out to the town today.  You may stay as long as you want and take whomever you want.”
“You want me out of the palace?”
Loki frowned.  “I… No.  That’s not what I said.”  You could tell his mind was split between you and whatever situation had popped up.  There was a strange feeling in your gut that told you it had to do with you, and he was simply neglecting to tell you.  “I just thought you might want to go out.  The town is lovely, and no one will bother you once you’re with my guard.  Go enjoy yourself.  There is no one there that will harm you.”
You pondered his words for a bit.  Since your arrival, your movement had been self-restricted to palace grounds.  Sure, Sven had been gone lately, but it was by your own choice that you had stayed within the walls.  Maybe getting out would be good for you.
“Okay,” you agreed.  “I think that will be fun.”
“Excellent.”  Loki had already picked up a fresh piece of parchment and begun writing.  He was silent for a few seconds, and then his gaze rested on you.  “I don’t mean to kick you out—”  You got to your feet.
“You’re busy.  I understand.”
“I’m sorry.  I need to deal with this.”
“It’s okay.”  You already had the blanket folded and tucked neatly in the corner of the chair.  Without even meeting his eyes, you slipped on your shoes and made for the door.  “Thanks again for letting me stay.”
“Lady Dee.”  His tone was firm.  You turned around to face him, almost expecting him to be mad at you.  There was calm collection on his face instead.  “I meant what I said yesterday.  Should you find yourself unable to sleep, my door is always open.”  He paused to look you directly in the eye.  “Do not be afraid to take advantage of that offer.”
Your day out on the town was much better than anticipated.  Instead of asking Darcy, you decided to go alone so you could talk with Sven.  He seemed much more relaxed than when he left, and you wanted a chance to pick his brain.  You also needed to apologize for inadvertently ruining his date.
“I’m glad you agreed to come out with me,” you told him as you strolled through the town on his arm.  “It would have been fine if you wanted to stay behind.  I know the king asked, but—”
“Nonsense.  I wanted to come.”  Sven pat your hand.  “Besides, I have to get a gift for Kari.  Her birthday is coming up, and there are these eggshell-based paints she’s been talking nonstop about.”
You smiled to yourself at that.  Sven was back to his chipper self, and you couldn’t be more grateful.  “I’m also really sorry I made you miss your date.  Did Erik write to you?  He said he was going to.”
“There’s no need for apologies, Miss Dee.  You need to believe me when I say that none of this was your fault.”  Sven gave you a pointed look.  “And Erik did write to me.  I wrote back to him to inform him of my return.”
You could not help but ask.  “Did you set another date?”  Sven side-eyed you.  “Sorry.  I don’t mean to pry.”
“Quite alright, Miss Dee.  No, we have not set another date.  I quite like the way things are now.”  He led you over to a little tent manned by an elderly lady.  There was a fair in town that day, and lots of vendors had come to sell their wares.  This one seemed to be selling the paints he mentioned before.  “Ah!  Here we are!”  He motioned to the rows of colour set in little pots of tin.  “Pretty, are they not?”
“Yes,” you had to agree.  Though you wanted to push for more information on him and Erik, you respected when a barrier was put in place.  Sven had done just that.  “Is she a painter?  I had no idea.”
“My sister is an excellent artist.  It’s a talent she shares with my mother.  When she was a child, my mother used to paint little cards and pictures to sell at fairs like this.  She took Kari once she was born until my father put a stop to it.”  At your puzzled look, Sven explained.  “She was trying to earn enough money to leave him.  He caught on and forbade her from going.”
That piece of information filled you with even more hatred towards the vile man.  “Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman.”
“Best woman I’ve ever known— Oh, thank you.  Yes, these.  Thank you so much.”  Sven passed the woman ten silver coins— though you noticed the price was seven– and told her to keep the change.  “Anything caught your eye?”
Sven gestured to the wide range of tents you had yet to visit.  “There must be something here that tickles your fancy.  What do you like?  Clothes?  Shoes?”
“I think the king sent me enough clothing and shoes to last a lifetime.”  Sven gave you a wry grin.
“Jewelry it is, then.”  He led you to a yellow and white striped tent overflowing with all sorts of trinkets.  There was jewelry as far as the eye could see.  Thick, chunky necklaces to statement rings, jingling anklets, and hair-thin, woven bracelets.  It made your head spin to be in the proximity of so many choices.  “What do you prefer?”
Well, that was a question you could not answer.  James controlled everything about you, right down to what you wore.  He selected your dresses, underwear, jewelry…You never had a chance to figure out what you liked.  You never had a chance to figure out who you were.
“Umm…”.  Your fingers dug into your palms, willing the tears welling in your eyes not to fall.  “Umm… I don’t…”
“It’s alright.”  Sven stepped in front of you to block you from the rest of the crowd.  He grabbed ahold of your elbow and rubbed soothing circles to calm you.  “It’s okay.  There are a lot of options and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  Let’s just browse, and you tell me if there’s anything that catches your eye, okay?”
“Okay.”  You wiped your nose and rested your head on Sven’s shoulder, letting your eyes roam over the tables as your feet followed his path.  A few items did intrigue you, namely the thinner necklaces with lone pendants and simple studded earrings.  Still, nothing to make you want to spend some of the pile of gold coins that appeared on your dressing table that morning with a note bearing the king’s insignia.  Nothing, at least, for yourself.  “I like those.”
Sven followed your pointed finger to a pair of dangly earrings that would go perfectly with the purple dress you had already decided to give to Darcy.  “Wonderful.  Though, I wouldn’t have pegged you for such a chunky piece.”
“It’s for Darcy,” you told him, already spotting a necklace that would look lovely on Jane.  You found it easier to shop for others than yourself.  Perhaps, in selecting stuff for them, you might happen across something you liked for yourself.  “Do you want anything?  Maybe a nice bracelet?”
“I’m fine, Miss Dee.  Never was one for jewelry.” 
“Oh.  Do men not wear jewelry here?”  In retrospect, you had not seen any men wearing charms or other adornments of the like in Asgard.  Back home, some commanders wore rings or cuffs with symbols of their authority. 
“Some do.  The nobles, the higher-ups.  King Loki wears it too.”  That caught your attention.
“He does?  What kind?”
Sven shrugged.  “It depends on his mood, but I’ve seen him wear rings and bracelets with his insignia.  The king likes pretty things.”  His eyes darted to you.  “Yourself included.” 
You coughed to hide your blush.  “Stop teasing.”  Sven looked taken aback.
“I’m not.  I swear—”
“So he likes jewelry.  Anything else?”
“Eyeliner,” Sven told you.  “He wears it when he’s in his feminine form.”
“The king has a feminine form?”
“Yes.  The king is fluid,” Sven informed you, “but if you want to know more about it, you’ll have to ask him.”
“Noted.”  You spied it then, a thick black band held together by an intricately carved golden snake with emeralds for eyes.  “Does King Loki like snakes?”
“Ha!  Many would say he’s one himself.”  The response came not from Sven but a passerby.  “Heard he can turn into one himself.”  He turned yellowed, leering eyes on you.  “Thinking of getting it for him?  The king won’t care for such things.  He’s a king!”  The man gave a drunken laugh.  “You think fake gold will impress him!”
“Ugh!  You again!”  The dark-skinned woman who owned the tent came over with a straw broom.  She hit the man with a solid blow to the buttocks and began driving him into the street.  “Get out!  Stop harassing my customers and leave the poor girl alone!”
Sven leaned down to your ear.  “I could not have handled that better myself.”  He surveyed your face, noting the indecisiveness that had set in.  “Hey.  If you want to get that for him, you can.  Don’t let what that drunk said sway you.”  You frowned.
“He has a point, doesn’t he?  Loki is a king.  I do not wish to insult him by—”
“How would that insult him?  It’s not what the gift costs but the intent.  Why do you want to give this to him?”
You paused.  “Because he’s been kind to me.  He believed me and is looking out for me and has made every effort to ensure my comfort.  I just wanted to say thank you and let him know his actions have not gone unnoticed.”  Sven smiled.
“In that case, I think you should get it for him.  I believe he’ll appreciate it.  But it’s up to you, and you don’t have to decide now.”  He gestured to the rest of the street, lined with tents and many, many more stores to explore. 
You eyed the bracelet with weariness.  “I suppose we can always return.” 
The shopkeeper who had chased away the man reached where you were.  She saw how you looked at the bracelet and said, “I can put that on hold for you if you like.  Lots of customers like to make the rounds before deciding.”
“You’d do that for me?”  You were touched by her kindness.  “What if someone else wants it?  I wouldn’t want you to lose a sale because of me.”
“Dear, don’t be silly.  Lots of people do this.”  She plucked the bracelet from the selection on the table and closed the lid, hiding the piece from view.  “Take your time.  If you’re not back in three hours for it, I’ll put it back on sale.  This way you have time to decide.” 
“Thank you very much,” you told her.  “Really.”
She gave you a small smile, already turning to deal with another customer.  Sven took advantage of this to turn your attention to a small cart a few feet away.
“Come.  Let’s get something to eat.  I’m positively famished.”
Loki sighed hard and pushed the papers away from him.  He reached up to stretch his arms, wincing when he heard his back crack in three separate places.  It had taken all day and most of the evening, but he had done it.  He had found a way to deter Barnes’ request to come to Asgard without arousing suspicion and without letting you know.  He knew he would have to tell you soon.  You had already gotten so much of your autonomy taken away that he was loathe to keep this information from you.  The thing is, he just could not come to you with more problems.  He also needed to have a solution, and finally, he did.
“Well, I think this will work.”  Thor clapped him on his back.  “Rerouting him through the other realms to find out who sent the shipment.  Plus, it will give us a chance to find out more without letting him know we’re on to him.  Good job, brother!”
“Thank you.”  Loki let out some air through his nose.  “It’s late.  Night is almost here.”  You should have been back by now.  Maybe you were.  He was unsure why, but he thought you would have sent word of your return.  It was a stupid idea, now that he mulled it over.  You did not have to keep him up to date on every movement you made.
“Would you like to have dinner with us?  Jane and myself and Darcy—”
Loki interjected, “I should go over these plans and see they’re carried out.”  He picked up his worn feathered pen and frowned at the blunt tip. 
“Are you sure?  Jane invited Lady Dee and she accepted.  Don’t be rude to our guest, brother.”  His head popped up.
“Lady Dee is going to be there?  Since when?” 
“Since Jane asked her and she accepted.  The page boy that came in a while ago?  He delivered me a note from her informing me of this.”  Thor paused, brow furrowing.  “She also asked me to speak with my inside voice tonight.  I was not aware I had an outside voice.”
Loki snapped his fingers in front of his brother’s face.  “Brother, focus.  Why didn’t you tell me she would be attending dinner tonight?”
“I didn’t know I was supposed to,” Thor protested.  “Why would I?  Besides, it’s just supper—”
“Yes, but supper is in twenty minutes.  I’m a mess!  I need to bathe and change my clothes and— Why are you looking at me like that?  Is something funny to you?”
“Yes.”  Thor’s smile was so wide that Loki swore it would split in half.  “I haven’t seen you so anxious about a prospective lover since we were boys.”
Loki's eyes widened.  “S-she- she’s not—”
“Nor have I seen you trip over your words like that.  Interesting.”  Loki caught himself then, willing his tongue to relax and his features to go be neutral.
“She is not a prospective lover,” he retorted, “and I am not tripping over my words.  Sometimes your oafishness surprises even me and it takes me awhile to recover.  That’s all.”
“Mhm-mhm, yeah.”  Thor gave an exaggerated nod.  “Of course, brother.  And will you be wearing your wedding formal to dinner tonight or your usual ceremonial get-up?”
“Alright, that’s it.”  Loki waved his hand at the doors.  They flung open, signaling to Thor that his extended stay was over.  “Get out.”
The corners of the blond god’s mouth turned down.  “Brother.”
“Out.  I mean it.”
“I was only joking,” Thor explained as he trudged towards the door.  “You make jokes all the time.  I thought you’d appreciate it!”
Loki turned his head as his brother left.  He remained silent until the heavy footsteps receded and the double doors of his sanctuary closed, leaving him to himself.  Only then did he look at the grandfather clock placed strategically across the room.  Noting the time, he waved a hand over his desk to tidy the mess and made for his bedroom.
Fifteen minutes until supper time.
You were already at dinner when Loki arrived— late, but dressed in clean clothing that would not seem too over the top.  He wore a pair of leather breeches and a new tunic, one of a few made by the finest tailor in all of Agard that he had yet to wear before tonight.  You didn’t see him when he entered at first.  Darcy had your attention, prattling on and on in a rather voluptuous dress and some gaudy earrings.  It was only when he pulled out a seat— purposely letting it scrap the floor a bit— did you finally glance in his direction.
“My king!”
“Loki,” he reminded you.  “Just Loki.” 
“Loki.”  He liked the way you said his name.  There was no threat behind it, no sense of impending request or snarky comeback.  Most people who used his name either wanted something from him or brought him problems to solve.  You did not.  There was nothing you wanted from him, and because of that, he found himself wanting to give you everything.
“Did you have a good time today, Lady Dee?”
“Yes, I—Oh, thank you.”  A server came to refill your glass, effectively butting into the conversation.  Your show of gratitude took the servant aback.  The dining room servants weren’t used to being thanked or even noticed by the nobles.  As far as they were concerned, it was their job, so most of them did not even mind the treatment.  You, however, had no clue the unspoken rule existed, much to the shock of the poor server.  He stuttered out a thank you and moved to the king.
“Thank you.”  Where the server’s eyes were wide before, they now bulged out of his head.  Loki swore he saw the boy’s hands tremble.  “You can move on, now.  Lady Dee?”
“Hmm?” you asked, glass poised at your mouth.
“You haven’t answered my question.”
 Loki noticed that Darcy had long relinquished your attention, now pestering Jane and Thor about babies instead.  He bit his lip and picked up his fork to dig into the fresh plate of food that appeared as though from thin air.  That was another thing about the servers: they flew well under the radar.  “Tell me about your day.”
“It was lovely,” you replied.  “There was a fair in town today.  I’ve never seen one before, so I’m glad I decided to go.  We never had things like these back on Earth.”  You paused to spoon some food into your mouth, and Loki noticed something peculiar.  The way you chewed was unsettling.  It was as though you were trying to make the food last as long as possible.
“You can ask for seconds if you want,” he informed you.
You paused like a deer caught in the pathway of an arrow.  “What?” 
“Nothing,” he replied after a few seconds had passed.  Your eating habits were obviously a reflection of your treatment from Barnes and the last thing he wanted was to make you feel embarrassed.  “It’s nothing.  You were saying there weren’t any fairs on Earth?”
“Not that I can remember,” you told him, a little less stricken than before.  “Some of the other girls, like Sharon and Betty, they tell me they used to have fairs all the time before.  They were different, though.  I heard they had rides and food and cotton candy—”
“Cotton candy?” Loki echoed.  “What is that?”
“Oh, it’s…” You broke off with a frown.  Your eyes slid down to your plate, fork chasing a pea across the golden material.  “Honestly, I’ve never had it.  Just heard about it.  Sharon loved it.  Before all of this, before the commanders took over and the world went to shit,” Loki ignored the remnant resentment in your voice, “Steve used to take her.”
“Steve?” Loki blinked.  “As in the asshat commander I have in my basement?”  You nodded.  “I don’t understand.”
A sigh escaped you— longing, regretful, as though you were lost in a bout of nostalgia— then you snapped back to the present.  “Well—”
“Dee!”  Darcy’s squeal cut you off.  Annoyed, Loki turned to the source.
“Don’t bite my head off, horn boy.  I just had an idea.”  She placed her hand on yours, a gesture Loki noted did not make you jump, and said, “Why don’t we all go for a walk in the gardens so Dee can see the things the flowers do?”
“Oh!”  You placed your cup down with a little bang.  “Is that what you were telling me about the other day?  You mentioned something about flowers.”
“Yes, it is.”  Loki turned to the curly-haired girl with an impressed look.  “That’s a wonderful idea.”  Darcy made a face.
“Don’t sound so surprised.  I’m pretty intelligent by Earth standards.”  She turned to Jane and Thor.  “You guys in?”
Jane gave a fatigued smile, “I’m afraid not.” She had been tired a lot lately.  Probably because his brother could not keep his hands off his new bride.  He did not miss the days when they shared a wall.  Sometimes, late at night, he could still hear the faint, repetitive banging of a headboard echoing in his mind. 
“Yes, Jane and I must retire to bed.  Our wedding tour begins tomorrow.” 
“Wedding tour?”  The attention turned to you, and you immediately blanched.  “F-forget it.”
“No, it’s a good question,” Thor assured you.
 “Yeah, I wasn’t sure what it was either,” Jane added.  “Loki can explain it to you.”  Jane rose to her feet, helped by Thor as he held her chair.  “Night, guys.”
“Brother,” Thor clapped him on the back.  “I’ll come find you in the morning before I leave.  We have things to discuss.”
“Of course.”  They left hand in hand, in that nauseating way that happily married couples liked to do.  Loki’s parents would do that once upon a time.  He himself could not understand it.  “Shall the three of us-”
“Hey, you know what?” Darcy cut him off.  “I actually forgot I have plans.”  Loki narrowed his eyes.
“Plans?  So late?”
“I could have a gentleman caller,” she retorted.  “Not everyone wants to be alone like you.”  She turned to you with an apologetic glance.  “Dee, I’m so sorry.”
You waved her off.  “It’s okay.  I can see the flowers some other time.”
Perhaps it was the disappointment on your face.  Or how you fought to keep the corners of your mouth from turning down and your eyes from tightening.  Whatever it was, it filled Loki’s chest with a sense of discomfort that grew and grew until his mouth opened and out came, “I can take Lady Dee to the gardens.  Feel free to retire.”
“Oh, that would be great!  Thanks, Loki!”  She rushed off behind Jane and Thor, but not before patting Loki on the head in a way she knew would annoy him.  He decided, just for the fun of it, to lock her out of her room for an hour or two the next day. 
“You don’t have to do that,” came your quiet voice once all other parties had left.  “I don’t want to be a bother, and I’m sure you’re tired from today.”  Loki tilted his head in question.  “The situation you had to deal with today.  I’m sure it wore you out, and I don’t want to take away from your rest time.”
Loki was knackered, wholly and completely so.  He had not slept on his bed in three days now, and all he wanted was to lie beneath the covers and finish that volume on dream walking his mother never let him read as a child.  Yet, “No,” he said, “I’m not tired.  Rather restless, to be frank.  I think a walk in the gardens would do me good.”
“Are you sure?”
He stood, pushing back his empty plate and placing his napkin on the table.  A few short strides took him over to you.  “Lady Dee, you must learn to stop doubting me.  Now,” he held out his arm, “will you be joining me, or do I have to stroll the gardens alone?”
Chapter 12
Taglist: @howdidurhammergrowchris @thedistractedagglomeration @soxysarah92 @vicmc624 @mischief2sarawr @scram1326 @booksandbenbarnes @lalalalokii @marvel-universe-of-masterlists @mistress-ofmagic @lokiismygodalone @cjand10 @sweetdreams25 @justlovelifeblog @mad4marvelloki @multifandom-world8 @sallymagnoliaposts @user13cabs @my-love-of-books @benwishaw @oceanmermaidwitch @alexakeyloveloki @midnightvitality @meyocoko @dren-whalen @jbarness @kattreffic @orangechickenpillow @dreamyrainywhispers @trickster-maiden @freshfruitforrottingvegetablez @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @dark-night-sky-99 @somegirlfromasgard @yoongissidebitchh @findmedontlooseme @xstonedxslasher @spencerreidat3am @icant-hangout-imdrumming @johnmurphysass @ejr354 @lonadane @cakesandtom
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majestyjun · 1 year
# rules + guidelines !!
# mille’s general rules
i’m mille~~ u can use whatever u want like millie or mills any works i dont like being called petnames
please be respectful of myself and others on this blog; no hate speech/discrimination is permitted.
do not steal my works. do not repost/translate/mention my works on other sites or on this site
do not interact if you are a minor. i don’t have the time to check everyone who interacts with my works, but please respect my boundaries and that i am uncomfortable with minors browsing my works and blog. it is the responsibility of the reader who chooses to interact with my works after reading the warnings. take care of your internet safety, please. if you interact with me via comments/inbox and are a minor, i will block without explanation.
please do not role play with me. don’t send me any explicit links. will delete asks that make me uncomfortable without responding
i block blank blogs, so put your age at least if you don’t have a pfp or anything~
# mille’s writing guidelines
inbox status; hard asks open (ish lol i’m just slow)
writing for txt + nct dream !!
i’ll really only write what interests or inspires me, but feel free to leave ideas in my inbox. i will delete asks that don’t inspire me to prevent a large buildup of asks.
please stop asking for a part 2.
please specify between hard/soft thoughts, i really don’t like spamming my page asking for clarification
do not send repeat asks; if you sent an ask to another writer, don’t copy paste it into my inbox, that’s just rude n inconsiderate to all the writers you’re sending asks to.
# mille’s boundaries
- do not ever mention anything related to incest, r*pe, assault, or non-consensual - i’ll block
- i will not write/read anything related to dd/lg, cheating, mental illness, feet, illegal content, dilf/milf, substance abuse, mommy/daddy kink, sugar baby/daddy/mommy, age gaps (anything mentioning age is a no), furry content (pet play is fine within reason), squirting/human fluid kinks (saliva/blood/cum are ok), 6th member, hard bdsm, stoner/high, pregnancy, parent au, cnc, teacher/student, idol aus. violating asks of any of these will result in a block.
- i may have written hybrid, parent aus before but i will not take any asks related to these anymore. if you send one you will be blocked.
- stepcest + toxic txt is okay, but i will be selective since this is a darker topic
- threesome asks/thoughts are allowed, but i do not write poly/gangbangs or member x member
- i don’t take asks for song fics or song thoughts
- i do not write afab member
- i cannot write for male readers, trans readers, ace readers, race-specific readers, or disabled readers because i dont have any experience with these, and do not feel comfortable with misrepresenting or making assumptions. gender neutral is tentative
- even if your ask follows my guidelines and adheres to my boundaries, i have the right to delete or not respond to any asks as a writer
# thank you for reading and please enjoy yourself on my blog. guidelines subject to change with time
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vilwil-brr · 10 months
rules and tags
minors DNI
I will go through my follower list and notifications weekly and block any blog below the age of 18, as well as any blog without anything specifying they are above the age of 18. This is a mostly nsfw blog and I will not have any minors interacting with this content.
requests and reblogging
DO NOT reblog ANY of my posts with any main tags whatsoever, like tagging hermitcraft or dsmp or the full characters name. I keep this blog unsearchable and specific tags coded for a reason, and I do not want any chance of minors interacting.
Its easier to list who I will accept requests for dsmp and qsmp. I will write for these characters, and their characters only: Wilbur (and any character variation), Foolish, Bad.
I will accept requests and asks for the hermitcraft characters, and their characters only. I will not write anything for Jevin, Gem, Stress, False, or Joe, if only because I do not know them very well.
I will accept requests and asks for hermitcraft adjacent mcyt characters as well (Empires SMP, Life Series, etc) and their characters only. I will not write anything for Martyn, Scott, Oli, Katherine, Joey, or Shubble.
I have thinky thoughts about non mcyt as well! I will accept requests and asks for star wars (this includes any adult from all nine movies, the clone wars, the bad batch, andor, the mandalorian, and the thrawn books lol), and the last of us (mainly joel). I will add details or characters I won’t write for as needed.
Feel free to ask me about any characters from anything else that you also have thinky thoughts about, and if I know who it is I will add my own thoughts as well to contribute!
Anything you’re not sure on what I’ll write for, character or content wise, shoot me an ask and we’ll figure it out! 
I will not accept requests with any of the following contents or themes:
Pregnancy (breeding kink is fine)
Any ask involving any minors in any way whatsoever
I may add to this list as time goes on, if I find I am uncomfortable writing a specific scenario or kink. I reserve the right to deny any ask for any reason, and will address any reasoning if it is not already stated above. Any repeated asks of the same nature after I have explained myself will be ignored and deleted.
All asks with writing: [#villain.ask] Characters: [#name variation.brr] (check masterlist) Kinks: [#k.kink] Other writing: [#head-empty.brr] Reblogs: [#villain reblogs] Just Talking: [#will babbles]
Various events, such as soft sunday or what have you, also have their own tags listed on the masterlist. I will add to the tagging system if it needs more organizing, and please don’t hesitate to tell me if you need something tagged with any cw/tw. I will be as consistent and diligent with the tagging system as I can, so you can properly block any kinks or cw/tw that you do not want to see.
👀 👰 🍯 🧸 🌟 🪶 Hopper 🌻 🐚 🦑 🚀 🥂 🏹 Bookmark 🐕🦇 finch 🌰 🍵 🍂 🌮🐱
Feel free to send an ask letting me know what signature you’d like if you want to be added to the list!
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