#i wanna say they live together but i feel like steve rushed a frat and is living in the house
florallylly · 21 days
that one au where steve harrington goes to nursing school and every week after clinical he pulls up to robin's dorm for fast food. drive thru. shared fries. parked at a "viewpoint" which is really just the edge of a fuckin cliff. deep talks until 3 am. deeply unwell
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
Never More Than Me
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes (Stucky)
Part of my collection of oneshots/drabbles for Stucky in the same universe in chronological order - His. Could be read as a STAND ALONE since ‘His’ is NOT a series.
Words: 2700+
Type: Fluff. Self-love/Self-empowerment.
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Summary: Stronger more than ever, Bucky knows how to reply to hateful comments delivered on the streets.
A/N: A huge thank you to @lisamott9 for letting me use their lovely artwok for this fic. CHECK OUT HER BLOG for other amazing creations of her. I assure you, you won’t be disappointed.
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For as far as one could see, there were busy pedestrians walking up and down the sidewalk as the cars rushed by in a flurry of various colours. Everyone went about their lives. Mixing in and walking among those was Bucky. The ones walking towards or away from him didn’t pay him any heed. He didn’t mind it though. He preferred it that way. Made it all the way easier to spot anyone who actually did.
Bucky loved the sweet spring air entering his lungs. It was a far cry from the crisp chilled winter air which made him feel like his lungs were being poked from the inside with every breath he took. It signalled the approach of summer, making him feel even better.
The sun felt heavenly where it touched Bucky’s skin beneath the baseball cap. There wasn’t much area to touch, but the slight warmth greeting him everytime he stepped out of the shadows the of buildings towering over him and onto the sunlit ground gave him good vibes.
The hushed murmurs could he heard all around. The passers-by talked into devices loud enough to be heard normally to their virtual companion but low to maintain a sense of privacy from those in real life. Murmurs were heard by the general people though. Bucky was enhanced.
In addition to those, he also heard every drag of the soles against the rough pavement. The garments and accessories shuffled and rubbed loud in his ears as everyone lugged themselves. What others would call a murmur, he called it talking clear because that’s how the voices around were for him.
But Bucky chose to focus on the only whose mattered to him. The sweet yet manly and adoring voice talked to him.  Though they didn’t hold each other’s hands since they wanted to keep their relationship hidden, there was a giddy excitement flowing through Bucky as he walked down the street.Both Steve and Bucky wore goofy grins. Why wouldn’t he? They’d just had had there first date at the pancake house.
It wasn’t much. They were spending the week in the  city due to interview invites and Stark events being held at the tower. Bucky didn’t want to miss the opportunity to dine at the lovely pancake house he’d missed so much. Steve knew what Bucky had wanted without saying.
When they were returning from their morning run, Steve stopped him outside the establishment and asked, “Do you wanna go out on a pancake date with me, beautiful?”
Bucky’s heart had bloomed inside his chest. He’d desperately wanted to grab Steve’s face and kiss him crazy, but he had to refrain himself. Instead he gave his boyfriend that mesmerising smile which mattered to Steve more than a million dollars.
They enjoyed the pancakes as sweet as they come. Thanks to their hunger and metabolism and Bucky’s immense liking to this place, the pancake house made quite a revenue out of them.
When they entered, Bucky immediately greeted the old sweet lady behind the counter like he always did when he still lived at the tower. The other diners he went to didn’t have the luxury of welcoming a toothy little shit like Mrs. Collins did.
Despite his ‘disguise’, she’d recognised him as the Winter Soldier when he tried out this place for the first time. She didn’t mind being in the company of the world’s deadliest ex-assasin asking for sweet honey dipped pancakes as soon as she’d flipped the open sign in her shop. She’d seen past the Winter Soldier. She’d seen Bucky Barnes at first glance.
Bucky didn’t know what it was about her, but he liked her enough to smile at their first meeting, but he did. He didn’t know why he kept giving her warm smiles or why his insides would feel warm when she’d smile back or give him free treats on the side of his regular pancakes. Maybe it was that motherly touch in her gaze and demeanour, though he knew that she was decades younger than his hundred year old self.
Bucky thought he might’ve been imagining things as he caught the knowing look and sly greeting Mrs. Collins gave him when she saw him and Steve together with smiles beaming brighter the sun outside. They took a seat at a booth in the far corner, away from the other patrons.
Most might think they were just a couple of dudes having their breakfast after their running routines. They were that too, but also a couple of dudes helplessly in love who lived every moment to cherish the other and thank what super powers made it possible for them to be together. They were a couple of over a hundred year old dudes who held hands under the table like teenagers.
The breakfast was sweet and great. The moment when they had to part away their hands not so much. Yet Bucky was happy for all that happened that morning.
Yes, it wasn’t much. But it meant the world to Bucky. 
He didn’t need anything fancy. He had wanted Steve for so long and that wish had been fulfilled. Now he’d hardly get any satisfaction even close to that which he felt when he realised that Steve was finally his.
Steve wanted to pamper Bucky though. He wanted to take Bucky to fancy candle lit dinners and long drives under the sun. He wanted to watch the twinkle in his eyes as Bucky star-gazed countless nights away, because Bucky was the star right in the center of Steve’s world. Because Bucky deserved all this and so much more.
Steve thought so, but there were still some who didn’t.
As they walked down the street, though not hand in hand but heart in heart, they heard a group of frat boys behind them. The young boys talked about varied topics until they started gushing about the Avengers and their latest interview last night.
“Tony Stark, always in style. Man, I wish I could pull off his swag.”
"Black Widow? She was just so intimidating, her glares made those reporters piss their pants. Oof!”
“And Vision looked so human. I couldn’t believe he was actually an android!”
“I wish they brought Spiderman. It would have been so cool to know who he was.”
They went on and on about different Avengers. Some wished that there were more personal questions asked. Some wished they’d shown up for interview in their full costume.
Bucky and Steve shared amused glances, both trying to stifle their own laughter. It felt nice though, listening to people talk well about them and low-key fangirling after them. They didn’t do what they did for the fame, but yeah, it felt to good to be recognised and appreciated. Until it didn’t.
“I don’t get why they brought along the Winter Soldier though. Spiderman could’ve come in his place! Someone who actually saves people’s lives rather than an amnesiac assassin should’ve been there.”
Listening to the words, Bucky blanched. It brought back all those insecurities he had been trying to fight off and had almost succeeded. He knew all that had happened in the past was not his fault. He knew, he knew, he knew.
And then he didn’t.
Steve could see the smile faltering on Bucky’s face. His own had turned into a scowl. One slight turn to Bucky and Steve could see the anguish haunting Bucky’s eyes. All that Bucky had decided to leave in the past and move on came back rushing to him like a moth drawn to a flame. The sudden stiffness in Bucky’s shoulders as he walked didn’t go unnoticed by Steve. It only made him clench his fists. The urge to smash someone’s face had never risen so hard and fast in Steve. The good ol’ Captain America image be damned.
Bucky’s hand came to rest on stressed Steve’s forearm as if on instinct. Of course, Bucky knew what Steve intended. Who knew Steve like the back of his better than Bucky?
Bucky’s, or rather the Winter Soldier’s name was already stained with dark violence more than anyone else. He didn’t need anymore of it. He was seen as the bad guy without even meaning to. He couldn’t let Steve dirty his Captain America’s name for him more than he already had.
Steve relaxed his arm under Bucky’s touch, but the pure fire and hatred simmering within him couldn’t be calmed down. Listening to someone trash talk about another without knowing all the facts, specially about his love didn’t sit well with him. He had to, no, he needed to punch the speaker of those words behind him.
But he didn’t. Not because it’d be another PR nightmare if Captain America was seen punching a twenty something year old boy, but because Bucky didn’t want him to. Not that he agreed with him, but he’d do whatever Bucky wanted him to within reason. Though he found it very hard to see his request within reason.
“Honestly, I don’t know what they saw in him to let him not serve jail time for all the murders he did.”
The frat boys continued demeaning the metal armed man. Bucky tried not to mind them. He didn’t want to cause a scene no matter how much he hurt. He tried to let their words enter through one ear and leave through the other without being processed. He tried and tried and tried, but he failed.
Every word he heard sent another dagger through his heart. He knew he wasn’t among the favourites of many, but he didn’t know that’s what the people truly thought of him. He tried to have a positive outlook on everything, but it was hard when the others didn’t want to connect with anything relatively positive.
Steve grimaced, losing his patience every passing second with every passing word through their mouths. If only they’d known. The inner workings or mission details of the Avengers were kept strictly private for obvious reasons. If they weren’t, the civilians would know that Bucky’s recklessness in his missions surpassed his own by great measure. And Steve was known for being reckless.
Ever since being an Avenger, Bucky did whatever he could just because he could. He’d truly and actually turned into Steve who would place their lives on the line on not one but multiple occasions if that meant he could help others. Didn’t matter what his odds were. If there was anyone who needed any sort of help, Bucky would always be there. That was one thing which HYDRA couldn’t change about him.
Yes, Bucky had made peace with his past but he couldn’t shake the want to repent. He couldn’t change what he did, so he always strived to be better than what he was. If risking his own life on missions so that his friends wouldn’t have to meant that, then that was it for Bucky.
He truly tried to and did save the world like his teammates, just without receiving as much appreciation. But he didn’t need that. He wanted to do the good to sate his own want to help anyway he could. He didn’t need to be recognised for that. But that didn’t mean he wanted to hear people to only talk about all the bad he did, that too when he wasn’t in control of himself.
“Did you see him and Captain America last night? Don’t know why he still dots over his friend. What a fool! He’s only just wasting his time behind that crack head.”
And all Bucky saw was red. Not because they threw insults at him, but because they disrespected Steve. Nobody, and he repeated, nobody, could or would talk shit about his boyfriend in his presence. The names thrown at him hurt, but those thrown at Steve pissed him off. Because it was Steve.
His Stevie.
If there was anyone who could talk like that about Steve, it was Bucky and only Bucky. Natasha, Sam and the others could be made exceptions though, but not these strangers. Nobody could take that right from him.
Steve was in no better condition. Bucky was his and nobody could dictate how he should or shouldn’t take care of or spend time him. Bucky was his to do with as pleased. He would’ve loved to kick their asses had it not been for Bucky’s decision.
Stopping midstep, Bucky took off his baseball cap and turned around on his heel. The boy who had been talking about him earlier was in the process of hurling another crude comment his way when suddenly stopped. Seeing the Winter Soldier in the flesh in front of he, he paled. Where he’d been talking non-stop, he started stuttering.
The fear for his life flashed in the boy’s eyes. His eyes darted to Bucky’s metal arm and he audibly gulped, his adam’s apple moving prominently. With his resting bitch face, Bucky started moving towards the boy with slow but purposeful steps.
“Winter Soldier, sir, it isn’t what it sounded like-”
He paused when Bucky crouched in front of him. Thinking that Bucky’s lift him by his legs and throw him into the wall, he braced himself for the impact. None came.
Bucky stood back up, a discarded chocolate wrapper in his hand. He marched to the dustbin a couple steps away and threw the wrapper into it. Making his way back to Steve, he made a point to look at the boy for a brief second as he said, “You should put the trash where it belongs.”
Steve stood there jaw slacked. Bucky had always been more calm minded of the two, but he hadn’t expected this. Pride bubbled inside his chest for putting the scum in his place without making a scene, very unlike to what Steve would have done.
They both marched off wordlessly together. Upon turning on the next corner, Steve grabbed his hand and ushered him into the first alleyway in sight. He pushed Bucky against the brick wall and smashed his lips against his in a furious kiss. One hand went behind his head and the other around his waist.
Bucky’s hands found themselves gripping Steve’s shirt as he pulled him even closer. Their tongues clashed as their lips danced with delicacy. Breaths mingled as their hearts jingled. The super soldiers could go on forever, but Steve pulled back and tenderly cupped his boyfriend’s cheeks.
“Buck, I am so proud of you.” Bucky could see the sincerity behind Steve’s eyes. The glimmering blue orbs staring into his own told him whatever wasn’t said aloud.
Bucky tightened his hold around Steve’s waist, “Doll, you are the most dumbass person I know, but you are my dumbass.” And Steve had to give Bucky another kiss just for that.
They were in Bucky’s room that afternoon. Bucky was cuddled upto Steve on his bed, his back resting against Steve’s hard chest. Steve’s chin was positioned in the nape of Bucky’s neck, his eyes overlooking the articles Bucky strolled through on his phone.
Apparently, somebody had captured the events of their morning with the frat boys and uploaded the video online. The internet had burst open in support of Bucky. His was on handling things was admired and long posts were written in his appreciation. Usually they wouldn’t check articles about them online, but Natasha had shown them the link.
“Those were just some scumbags we had to encounter.” Steve kissed the back of Bucky’s ear, “Everybody loves you, Buck.”
Opening the internet and reading pieces and commentaries on various blogs about himself, Bucky discovered that him and his efforts to be a better man  was recognised by a good chunk of the world. They pitied his bad luck but praised his efforts. It felt good to know that.
Not everyone would always be on the same page. And that was okay. That’s what made everyone human. Everyone had different brains and mindsets and opinions. Bucky didn’t want to encourage spreading hate, but he couldn’t do much except deal with the uncivilised in a civilised way. It was just about the fact whose views mattered the most.
“None more than you though.” Bucky said, turning his head back and softly pecking Steve’s lips.
“Never more than me.” Steve grinned fondly, fastening his arms around Bucky’s waist.
Bucky knew he’d always have Steve by his side, supporting him in all the rights no matter who said what. Had the world worked on just hearing to what others had to say, the earth would’ve still been flat and Newton would’ve still been a madman. But none were either.
Just like one would ever be able to overpower him, his actions or his thoughts more than himself, he know none would ever love him more than Steve except for one. 
Bucky himself. 
You could truly ever love somebody else when you truly knew how to love yourself, because otherwise you'd be disrespecting their choise of loving you. There is no love if you disrespect the other. Just like everything begins at home, love beings with our own self. Bucky loved Steve to no measure, and so was the other way around. And somewhere between loving Steve, Bucky also knew how to love himself along the way.
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Thank you for reading! 
Send in some Stucky fluff requests if you want to.
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sugarcrash · 5 years
Break The Rules // Peter Parker
 (A/N: Here we go! First Marvel fanfiction!)
Summary: You and Peter celebrate the start of summer with a party, breaking rules, and forgetting it all.
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, smoking weed, nudity, sex (so just a bunch of frat party stuff)
Peter came into your room with a smile. “You ready to go?”
“Hell yeah!” You yelled back.
You stole a glance at a nearby clock. It read 8:30. Time for the party to start.
It had just been the last day of school earlier that day, and really, you were so ready to let it go and party. Dressed in a mini-skirt and crop top, you were ready to dash out. 
You were currently getting ready with Peter in the Avenger’s quarters. Natasha had given you great tips for partying, including how to hide the fact you were drunk and how to sneak yourself in anywhere.
You really weren’t ready for Steve, though. Or Tony. Or any authority figure you could run into.
You grabbed your purse and nodded at your boyfriend, this was what you called “the signal.” Meaning it was the hint to run like a madman.
You and Peter dashed like crazy, zooming down the corridors. You could’ve sworn you saw Steve, and could’ve sworn that he looked right at you in that outfit. You gulped and hoped he didn’t.
The two of you were right by the front door, so, so close, when a large figure stepped in your path. “FRIDAY, commence quick lockdown.”
The door locked shut fast as lightning. You groaned and rolled your eyes, Peter following your actions. You gave each other another look. This one meant “distract him and I’ll turn off the system and we can run.”
“Where do you think you’re going, in clothes like that? Hell, they’re not even clothes, more like rags!” The super-soldier scolded.
“Fine, fine. I’ll go change.” You hung your head in fake defeat and turned with a smile dancing on your lips.
“NOW!” you yelled at Peter. “FRIDAY, disengage quick lockdown!” the door clicked unlocked.
Steve didn’t have a chance to even think before Peter blasted him on the hands and mouth with his webs. Both of you screamed at him as you passed.
“Bye grandpa, see ya on the flip side!”
“Fuck you! We’ll do what we want!”
You caught his glance as your feet hit the concrete, the two of you dashing off. The sky was still pretty light, so you didn’t need flashlights or anything. 
MJ and Ned came out of their hiding places against the side of the building when they saw you two running like your lives depended on it. They got the hint and dashed alongside.
Your feet pounded on the pavement of the driveway, then to the side of the highway. Technically, since you just learned to drive, you weren’t really allowed to drive with others in the car yet.
But what the hell? Tonight was all about having fun and breaking the rules. It was going to one crazy night, you could already tell. Your friends piled into the car and buckled up.
Let’s do this.
You went straight to a fast pace and so close to speeding. All your friends laughed as someone plugged their phone into the aux cord and started their playlist of songs that represented high schoolers.
This list included “Break the Rules” b Charli XCX, “Young, Dumb, and Broke” by Khalid, and “Sucker” by the Jonas Brothers.
There was a rush of amazing adrenaline in each of you. This adrenaline made you all want to be crazy and reckless and dance your asses off.
MJ stuck her head out of the rolled down window as Peter pulled back the cover on the sunroof.
“Woohoo!” you all yelled, pumped with crazy energy. “Last day of school!!!”
After fast driving, fun songs, and various body parts out the window, the gang had arrived at the school. The meeting place. A couple others were already there, like Betty, Liz, and all your friends and the decathalon team.
Yes! It was time to get this party started.
You all got out of the car and approached the rest of the partygoers. A table was set up with a bunch of snacks and drinks. Music, similar to the kind you were playing in the car, was blasting.
“Wow, this is great!” you smiled at your boyfriend before going to join your other friends. To be honest, the place looked kind of sad. Not too many people were there, but you did figure where they went.
Just then, you got a notification on your phone. You whipped it out to see a text from Flash to you. 
“Hey, wanna come to my party?” you read aloud. “It will be so much more fun, and of course I’ll be there.” he ended the message with a winky face. You sighed. He had always had an attraction to you. Flash was kind of your friend, but not really. 
“What’s that you said?” Peter asked. You turned to face him.
“Oh, Flash just wants me to come to his party.”
“He wants all of us to come, too.” your friends mentioned. Of course, he was always searching for girls for him and his friends. 
“I say we go. We set this up, but it’s a bit sad. We can all go!” Liza cheered. Everyone agreed, and helped pack everything into her car nice and neatly before all getting into their own.
Your friends got into your car and you turned it on. The playlist was turned back on again, and all of you celebrated and cheered once more, ready to go get wasted.
“Lets do this!” MJ shouted.
“My thoughts exactly.” you mentioned, pulling out of the parking lot of the school. The drive to Flash’s was filled with excitement and nervousness. Peter and Ned had never done anything like this, whereas you and MJ had.
“Don’t worry, Pete. I’ll show you what and what not to do.” you smiled at him and his nervous little self. “I’ll even get Flash to back off if you want.”
“It’s fine.” he spoke at last. “I just want to have fun.”
You pulled into Flash’s house and you all jumped out, eager to go in, but also scared. Then Flash himself walked out, obviously a bit tipsy already.
“Hey, ladies, gentlemen.” he regarded everyone. “Come inside, there’s drinks and weed and food.” he laughed. “But be careful of going upstairs, I’m pretty sure, like, 10 people are having sex up there.”
I laughed, too, in embarrassment for those people. Here? Now? What a bad plan, but oh, well.
Peter and Ned chuckled with me, unsure how to react to the information. You sent them a small nod.
“You don’t have to copy me, just have fun. Everyone here is drunk, high, wasted, or busy. No one’s gonna care what you do.”
They got the message and the four of you walked into the busy, crowded house. Some kids were playing beer pong, some were making out in the corner. Several people were just hanging out, eating and drinking.
MJ and Ned sort of dispersed, leaving you and Peter alone. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and the two of you headed over to the drinks.
You chose a Coke and a rum before pouring the two together into a red solo cup and downing the mix. Peter just swallowed and watched closely.
“You don’t have to drink, if you don’t want. You could just have a Coke or something. I just saw this in movies, I have never drank before.”
“Oh. I want to try it, too.”
“Well, before you make a whole cup and don’t like it, try mine first.” you handed him your drink and he gave it a sip. Then another. And another. “Hey, that’s mine! Get your own!”
He licked his lips. “It’s good!” Peter then proceeded to make his own, drinking it quickly.
Your bodies were being a bit odd in response. Both of your movements were obviously a bit jitterier and excited. It gave you a good feeling, though.
“This feels cool!” you shouted at him over the loud group of people.
“Yeah. I feel weird.”
You both made another drink and walked off, finding something else to do. A few kids were smoking weed and doing drugs.
“Let’s do that.” you pulled Pete’s sleeve. He nodded and followed you.
Flash was over there. He noticed you walk up and immediately spoke up. “You wanna try it? Is it your first time?”
“Yes to both questions!” you turned to your boyfriend “I’m nervous.” you dragged out.
“It’s okay, let’s just see what happens.”
You giggled and agreed before Flash handed you the stick. “Just breathe it in, and then move your head and breathe it out.”
You obliged and took a few hits, coughing in between each one. Slowly, your head started to spin and you felt like you were floating.
“Where’s the ground? Where’s the ground?!” you began to scream. Peter took your hand.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re on the ground, you’re just high.”
“Don’t let go of my hand, I might float away.”
He laughed and took the joint for himself, doing the same as you had. He, too, started to feel the same odd effect. You were now drunk, high, and giggling uncontrollably.
“Let’s go find MJ!”
The two of you walked (well, floated) off, looking for Ned and/or MJ. You stopped many confused people, who were clearly neither Ned OR MJ, just to ask them who they were. It looked like you were either high or a crazy couple in love.
You were just gong to grab another unsuspecting person, but then Flash announced that he was going to go skinny-dipping and asked if anyone else wanted to come. You and Peter happily agreed, as well as a few of the popular kids. Ned and MJ made excuses, as did many others. Liz even agreed to come, as well as a few decathalon members.
It was a group of around 10 or so people, rushing off in their towels in the night. It was now around midnight, and even though Flash had a pool, you were going to the neighborhood one to make it exciting.
You arrived with a flushed face and and sweaty palms. All of you stripped your clothes and splashed in some way or another. You did a running dive into the deep end.
People cheered as you came up and you caught Peter’s eyes, but he quickly glanced away. Seeing as you had young, innocent minds (well, you didn’t, but everyone thought you did), you had never seen anyone naked, except maybe your mom and little brother when you were, like, 7.
Both of you blushed, yet swam towards each other.
“Hi Peter.” you gazed into his chocolate eyes.
“Hey, Y/N.” he stared into your beautiful Y/E/C ones.
His lips met yours in a quick but heated kiss,and you grew redder than ever. A few people around you “awww”ed, and you hid your face in your hands.
You expected Flash to make some snobby remark like he does when you and Peter show PDA, but he was silent. Well, no he wasn’t. He had snuck off with a girl in the bushes and was now making low moans and groans, followed by her high-pitched ones.
Everyone laughed and felt embarrassed. A few grabbed their phones and filmed the predicament, giggling. Ha, he would sure be blushing like crazy when he finds out people filmed him.
After swimming for a bit, you heard someone yelling out, and you froze. Of course, you had been caught.
“Hey! What’re you kids doing? Get out!”
A few girls shrieked and everyone jumped straight out, grabbing their towels, wrapping themselves, and rushing back to Flash’s house.
Speaking of Flash, where was he? He and that girl were...oh. They were still doing their thing behind the greenery. Just then, you heard a shout.
“Ew! What the hell? Get out of here!”
The man had obviously found the two having sex. You tried to imagine the look on his face, but reckoned that it wasn’t nearly as good as the one that had existed.
You all raced back to Flash’s, clothes in hands, and got changed as quickly as possible. Well, what an adventure.
The group dispersed, leaving you and Peter alone again that night. The two of you exchanged a glance that meant “Let’s go get drunk and high again.” It was fun to.
You blacked out for a while before waking up with a jolt, surprised to find yourself propped in a chair outside. Peter and a few others were playing beer pong. You laughed and spotted the spray paint cans lying nearby, giving you an idea.
You slowly got up and grabbed the color pink when Peter noticed you.
“What’re you-ah!”
You sprayed him in the chest with the paint, giggling wildly. He returned a smile and a couple other kids picked the paints up.
“Paint war!!!” you shouted, and the whole place went into a pandemonium. There were colors and laughter and lots of people having fun.
After a while, in the midst of the paint war, you fell asleep again. You woke up for a second time, finding yourself walking by a pool, before falling in with a splash.
How’d you get there? Ah, well, you were in, why not swim while you’re there? You begin to paddle around lazily before spotting your boyfriend, uncomfortably sitting to the side of some girl’s strip show.
You caught his eyes and he laughed at your state. You were in the pool, soaking wet, covered in colorful spray paint, high, drunk, had messy hair, were missing your top except for a bra, and had lost one of your shoes. 
To top it all off, there was writing in Sharpie all over your body. Written on your forehead was “FUCKHEAD,” your stomach adorned the words “Flash wants to fuck you”. Your arms and legs were scrawled in with useless doodles.
Pete jumped in after you, and you two swam for a while  before you began to make out at the edge of the pool.
After your little love-fest, you drank and smoked weed some more before blacking out again.
When you woke up, you were lying on the ground with Peter, all the previous accessories still littering your body. He too, was missing clothes, was covered in paint and Sharpie, and was hungover.
You gave out a laugh when you heard a voice from the video camera by the door. 
“Peter? Y/N? Is that you-holy fuck, what happened?” Tony’s voice came through.
You feel asleep just as Steve came over, looking at your ruined bodies. He wore a scowl but chuckled a bit.
Boy, were you gonna get it from “grandpa” in the morning. 
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