#i was rewatching some episodes and it dawned on me that i love their relationship a lot
riemmetric · 2 years
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Jessica and Harvey moments | S4E14: Derailed
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I Am All In Rewatch - Episode 1x14 (Part 2)
And this one it required a little it required another layer where it was sort of like, now you have to show that you're interested, that you really want her, but you know, be a little bit secretive about it, so it's not so super obvious and it doesn't turn her off. And and uh, that's what I enjoyed about it. It It was that sort of banter, that going back and forth. I mean he would go from dismissive to kind of relaxed and accepting to a little bit of a smile, like just like that, and then move in for a kiss and get interrupted and and then take you know, I liked that hit of beer I took when she left. I was like, jeez, I need a drink. I almost kissed her. It's like almost and denied again. I mean that's the second or third time he's been denied by an annoying town member...The universe conspiring against me. [The chemistry is so palpable. It's just so cool. And are you feeling that when you're acting those scenes, almost like you get pumped up by it? What does that feel like when you're just ping ponging and having those scenes? What is that like?] It feels great? It's fun it yeah, it feels like a couple of tennis players playing a nice point, you know, just like hitting the ball, hitting shots, hitting shots. But I think it's because I think that relationship works. And this is this is what is dawning on me a little bit here as I watched these episodes, is that Lorelai's a very rebellious personality. She just is and that's why we love her because she's unpredictable and she's rebellious and you never know what's going to come out of her mouth, but you know it's going to be something funny, or it's going to be something a little bit of reverend and that kind of a thing. And she does it in the in the in the beginning the dinner scene again, which I thought was just brilliant hysterical...When she encounters me, she's encountering somebody who is even more rebellious and more irreverence, so it almost makes her look and feel lighter. it's a good it's a good chemistry because I'm a sort of a darker, heavier presence, but still rebellious and irreverent with a heart not like her. She's got a heart for everybody. I've got a heart for her and Rory, and that's pretty much about it, you know. So I'm very limited in how I can use my heart. So it's like, you know, the chemistry is that she's going to be able to focus her heart maybe on me in a romantic way, and that she will open up my heart so I can lighten up and love other people as well as her. So I think that's the the sort of yang yin and the yang of it. -Scott
Um, but you know, it was just more of the tension, the sexual tension that was playing out. It's kind of the dance that they do before the consummation end. And that she convinced him to do it, and that she right, that was pretty major and it's such an excuse for them to spend all this time together. Had he not felt a certain depth of feeling for her, there's no way he would have agreed to that. And she handled it, uh, with real finesse. She was very careful about it, even to the point where she said, well, we're not going to paint over that that order that your father scribbled down. We'll do it the right way. So yeah, he was just like, man, I just want to kiss her. I just want to kiss her. I just want to kiss her. I just want to kiss her. I mean, he wants to kiss us so bad it pisses him off. That's probably why he's cranky all the time. You know, it's like he just wants to plant one on her. Man, he wants her. It's getting pretty good. Yeah, so we saw, you know, we saw, we got to see other parts of the diner in some detail and even talk about some of the things that were up on the shelves that he was in no way, shape or form going to give in on and getting rid of them at her request. There was no way. It was like, I'm I'm gonna let you do this painting thing, but you know, you're not going to change me completely. So it was like pretty much telling her, we get into a relationship, I'm willing to sort of compromise with you, but not 100%. So he's his own man. He's his own guy, you know, and he's i think entering a relationship or potentially in any relationship, you've got to establish the ground rules that yeah, I'll meet you halfway, but that's it, you know. So he's a he's a hardass. He wants her, but he's a hard ass for sure. He's as strong as she is. He's as tough as she is. I think she yeah, I think she likes the fact that he's never going to change and that she can't change him very much, you know, that's the that's this, that's how I approached it. I wanted him to be a rock of Gibraltar. He's got to be the rock he can't break ever. -Scott
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bird-inacage · 8 months
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My first post about Love in the Air was published on 1 September 2022, where I started speculating on what the Prapaisky storyline may have in store. But it was really when I shared my first meta 'Love in the Air: Sky’s Desire to be Loved' that I realised just how many others were invested in the Sky/Prapai story.
LITA was the first thai BL series that was on my radar before it aired, that I avidly followed during it's weekly release, and then far beyond. In those very early days, there were probably less than a dozen of us posting about Prapaisky here. And once LITA finally did start, it quickly dawned on us that the Prapaisky episodes wouldn't begin until the second half. The sound of crickets and the occasional sighting of tumbleweed would continue before we got some substantial content to feast over. Let me tell you, the wait was trying. Fast forward to just over a year later, and it's absolutely incredible to see how much this show and pairing has blown up since then.
I'm extremely grateful for how much joy both my mutuals and followers have brought me throughout this fandom. Even if this blog does shift to other shows or pairings, this couple will always have a particularly special place in my heart.
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How did I come across LITA, was it love at first sight?
I happened upon the trailer, and these two immediately caught my attention. Sky entranced me with his big doe eyes, much like how Prapai was drawn to him that fateful night at the race track. I swiftly fell in the love and the rest is history.
What do I love about Prapaisky?
There's something I find very compelling but also comforting about the Prapaisky relationship. A story is more likely to stick with me when there is really poignant character development - something that can be found in both Sky and Prapai. Their relationship is a healthy union that makes them both better people. Prapai is humbled by Sky's love, and Sky is empowered by Prapai's.
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(ABOVE: My full video edit "this is how you fall in love" is on youtube HERE)
Favourite Prapaisky scene?
I think the episodes I have rewatched the most are probably Episode 10 and Episode 13. But just to mention some of the scenes which I find most memorable: Sky holding back tears after his one night stand, Prapai coaxing a feverish Sky during a nightmare, Sky falling asleep in Prapai's arms during Last Cheer, Prapai's imaginary kiss whilst Sky is sleepy, Prapai's utter devastation when Sky breaks up with him over the phone, Sky's affectionate back hug when Prapai comes to him, Prapai begging Sky to cry, Sky wiping away Prapai's tears.
What do I love about Fortpeat?
My favourite aspect of this partnership is Fort being a hugely affectionate and clingy person, whilst Peat is smothered by his love. Peat tends to be the more quiet and measured one within the LITA foursome (probably due to being the oldest) but Fort brings out his inner child. I still can't get over the fact Fort calls him 'baby' because he acts like one when he's with him. You wouldn't have known this in the early days when Peat was considerably more reserved. Fort comes across as an unfiltered, energetic, massive softie. Peat is the grounded, silent assassin of a tease who is unapologetically himself.
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The future of Fortpeat?
I desperately hope these two get a new series as a couple. LITA really put them both on the map, and I'd be incredibly shocked if they don't get cast in something new, considering their enormous popularity now. But please, please give them a decent script. We know what they're capable of and I want to see their talent given the material it deserves.
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msnihilist · 3 months
what do you think about rook's character in ben 10 in general?you know I never really liked that he was this serious and workaholic partner from beginning to nearly the end,in Wikipedia says he's kinda ben's other best friend too but they hardly had a memorable scence for that together maybe except 1 or 2,and also he has scenes where he mocks ben seriously which I didn't like,idk it feels like his character is so unexplored he had more potential to him since he was ben's partner replacing gwevin in OV so just wanted to know your opinion👍🏻
I've already put all of my thoughts about Rook into my fics. Namely, Separately (S2-era Rook, who would disrespect Ben's boundaries purely for his own curiosity and then feels like shit for it), In All The World... (pre-canon Rook, and how/why I think he grew to idolize Ben and become a Plumber), Cross Your Heart (and Hope to Die) (puts Rook through absolute hell to break him down into one of the rawest character studies I've ever done), and Diamonds Are Forever (post-canon fic that explores the kind of person Rook is and how Ben has changed who he wants to grow to be/how Rook defines himself without Ben around).
But I know that's a lot to read, so here are the SparkNotes:
Rook mellows out a lot by season eight. This change is incredibly noticeable if you watch two episodes back-to-back.
Ben and Rook are very close, and this is something else you can see if you watch season one and then season eight to compare.
I think Ben and Rook had plenty of memorable scenes/moments. Their fake fight in season one, Rook being pushy during Showdown and later apologizing for it, "I don't always get him, but he's cool." "The feeling is mutual.", Rook physically holding Ben back from attacking someone (twice, lol), Rook fighting Lord Transyl's mind-control to warn Ben, "I have worked with Ben long enough to know that when he foolishly charged headlong into a trap, I should have foolishly charged after him.", Ben meeting Rook's family, literally all of their interactions in The Vengers, "Ben! I made a wisecrack!", acting like proud parents after Young One's tail fell off, Rook's promotion to Magister (and their successful fist bump!!), "It has been an honor to fight at your side," (Rook using his final words to tell Ben how important their partnership has been to him and that he doesn't regret a thing just does something to me), etc. If you don't think they're as iconic as Ben and Kevin, that's fair, but they do objectively have plenty of relationship-defining moments.
Rook has scenes where he mocks Ben. In early seasons, this is a character flaw. In later seasons, this is a product of the Omniverse writers thinking it's funny when the punchline to a joke is, "Ben's an idiot." If I held it against Rook, I'd have to hold it against literally every character... So I ignore it, lol.
Here are some episodes that I think do a good job of exploring Rook's character.
S2E6: Bros In Space
S2E7: Arrested Development (not a character-heavy episode, I just think Rook is really funny in this one.)
S3E2: Tummy Trouble
S3E8: While You Were Away ("You have become a hero while you were away," just makes me grin like an idiot every time.)
S3E10: The Frogs of War: Part 2
S4E2: The Ultimate Heist (I loved the scene towards the end where Albedo called Rook out on his willful ignorance.)
S4E8: OTTO Motives
S6E1: Catfight (Another one where Rook is really funny.)
S7E2: Rook Tales (Rook's fight with Kundo is iconic as hell to me. "You taught me everything you know. But we are not in your training hall anymore.")
S8E6: The Final Countdown
S8E10: A New Dawn
Rook is not an overly complicated person. He's a solid guy who gets character development and learns to loosen/open up. He's not as nuanced as Kevin. He doesn't have the history with Ben that Gwen does. But Rook is not a bad character by any means, and his bond with Ben feels earned.
But if you still aren't impressed with Rook, you can always rewatch UAF :p
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ltwharfy · 2 months
"Bob's Burgers" Season 5 Episode Ranking Rewatch (Long Post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post! If you want to check out any of the other seasons, I've been using the "bob's burgers episode ranking rewatch" tag for all of them.
Now, on to Season 5:
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Average (Mean) Score: 4.57
Mode (\Most Common) Ranking: 5
Ranking Breakdown: 13 5s 7 4s 1 3
Season as a whole thoughts:
I'm so amused by how similar this season's average score was to Season 4- it's only .02 less than Season 4 (the current leader)! This certainly goes along with one of my main thoughts about "Bob's Burgers", and one the things that lead to me doing this rewatch: that it has been a really consistently good show. This was just another consistently funny season.
In the first couple of seasons, I mentioned my memories of watching the show as it was new and my growth as a fan. Here's my fandom memory tied to Season 5. This was during the time that Loren Bouchard and the case were going around doing Bob's Burgers Live" performances in theaters across the country- and I was lucky enough to see them at the Chicago Theatre on March 20, 2015 (I found an email about it. I don't have the date memorized!) And that might play into the rankings for two episodes in this season and one next season. At that event, they showed a completed clip of the then-unaired "Eat, Spray, Linda", an early animatic clip of "The Hauntening", and did a partial table-read of "Housetrap". So, those three episodes would probably always be 5s in my book just for that special memory. (Although, I also think they are really great episodes!)
Some thoughts on specific episodes (and feel free to ask if you want my thoughts on an episode I didn't comment on):
"Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl": Such a fun episode! So many great songs! But what it really made me appreciate this time was Courtney's character, and the development of her relationship with Gene. It would've been so easy for them to have just made her a one-shot character, or to have kept her as being his annoying ex, like she was in the first half of this story, but the end of this episode really marks the beginning of them being friends- and I like that they went in that direction! I think Gene kind of gets the short end of the stick when it comes to friendship- we rarely see him just hanging out with his friends like Tina and her group or Louise with Rudy and the Pesto Twins. But I think his relationship with Courtney is a sweet one that I have been underrating.
"Tina and the Real Ghost": One of my favorite Halloween episodes- I love that it's so offbeat for a Halloween episode. It's not about costumes or trick or treating or frights-yeah, it's a ghost story but the ghost is a pretty obvious joke and (as Tina points out at the end) it's really a way to tell us about the characters and their wants/needs. The scene in the butterfly garden will always crack me up. And I have a cousin named Jeff, so I love Louise saying it was the dumbest name she could think of for a ghost.
"Friends With Burger-fits": If you ask me what the most important episode for Rudy's character development is, my answer wouldn't be "Carpe Museum" or "Bridge Over Troubled Rudy" or "The Amazing Rudy"- it would be this episode, where we learn that he wants to be the bad boy of public radio like Elvis Mitchell. (I don't know if I am joking or not at this point.)
"Dawn of the Peck": Barely edges out "Turkey in a Can" as my favorite T-Day episode because I love Rudy and Mickey and I love the idea of them having T-Day dinner with the Belchers at the end.
"Midday Run": One of the sleeper hits of this season- I always forget how fun this one is! Just a great, fun school storyline! We learn more about Zeke and get the first reference to his crush on Tina. Rudy plays an interesting role in this episode as Tina's sidekick (and I think it's interesting that in "Fingers-loose", the next episode to focus on Tina as a hall monitor, Rudy doesn't appear to be one any more). Also, how come the fact the Bob's seen Edith naked doesn't come up more often? It just seems like it should.
"Speakeasy Rider": Another sleeper hit! I basically forgot about the existence of this episode, but it is fantastic! A great Tina and Louise in conflict plot! The introduction of Sasha! The One Eyed Snakes are back! Gus has a big role (how frickin' great is Gus?!?! I love him!) So much good stuff!
"Late Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louise": This is a mixed review 3. There are some things I really love in this episode. "Happy Place, Crappy Place" is a banger. Bob is so cute in his English lady garden hat, talking to his plants. And the scene where Bob and Louise make up is a classic. But I'm not a huge fan of the standard Logan and Louise dynamic of trading insults and antagonizing each other- and this episode has a LOT of that. So, this episode isn't really my jam. (But I know that a lot of other people love that dynamic and love this episode, and that's awesome! As the spreadsheet says, these are just my Personal Rankings, I don't claim to be putting out objective universal truths here.)
"Can't Buy Me Math": I love the way both storylines end in this one! The bowling alley scene is hilarious, and I love Bob stripping for Linda. One of my favorite aspects of Bob and Linda's relationship is that they are both pretty average looking people (I definitely have a Bob Belcher-esque body myself) but they clearly find each other hot as fuck, and the striptease scene really epitomizes that. One of the best Boblin moments!
"Adventures in Chinchilla-sitting": A great "the kids and their friends have an adventure!" episode, and a I love those. A particular highlight of this one: Gene's jokes at Tammy's expense. "We get it, you have email!" and "You're in 8th grade? I thought you were someone's mom!" I love how all the Belcher kids zing Tammy in their own, unique style. Also, "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wish my radio worked!"
"Housetrap": One joke I really remember cracking me up when seeing the tableread at "Bob's Burgers Live" was Linda's line about the clocks: "Spooky. They all stopped at 3:13. Oh, wait, they all moved." Not sure why that amuses me so much, but it does!
"Hawk & Chick": I actually posted when I was rewatching this one, but man, this is a fantastic episode! I honestly think it might be a top 10 or 15 episode for me. I knew it was a good, emotional Louise and Bob episode but I forgot how funny it was- Gene in particular has some good lines throughout! And I love Koji! There is just something really sweet and joyful about him; I hope they come up with a reason to bring him back for a third time!
Random Thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
If I thought of any random thoughts while rewatching this season, I don't remember them! So here are some memories of seeing "Bob's Burgers Live" at the Chicago Theatre:
Each of the cast members did a little standup set. I can remember a little bit from all of them except Eugene Mirman, although I do remember that he did some of the same bits from the Netflix special he had at the time ("Vegan on his Way to the Complain Store").
A Dan Mintz joke: "When I was a kid, I would always ask my parents 'who's your favorite kid?' And they would tell me 'we don't have a favorite kid' And that hurt my feelings because I was an only child."
John Roberts sang a song about how people like Linda more than him.
H. Jon Benjamin did a seemingly improvised bit holding a Walgreens bag containing a home drug test for cocaine that you can buy there.
Kristen Schaal did a bit that was, in part, a one woman show about Emily Dickinson. She also joked about attending Northwestern University in Chicago (along the lines of "So if you saw a weird girl mumbling to herself on the L back in 1998, that was me! You missed out on all this!")
There was an audience question part at the end and someone asked the cast if they would help him propose to his girlfriend. Which they not only did, but improvised a little skit about! I cannot remember the whole premise of it, but I do remember a bit where Eugene and Kristen were playing friends of the guy and girl respectively and were making fake small talk with them. Eugene to the guy: "Soooo....sports?" Kristen to the girl: "Soooo...bras?"
Well, thank you for travelling back in time to March 2015 with me! Who knows what I'll talk about in my Season 6 post! (Probably Season 6 of "Bob's Burgers"...)
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amethysttheanarchist · 6 months
Now what about you! What episode makes you happy, what episode makes you cry, favorite episode, least favorite episode, favorite season, least favorite season, and best episode that shows off your favorite character??
You're in luck cause i was already answering this on a different post, haha!
-makes me the happiest
Has to be The Oeder Games. It's just so funny to me and has just idk, I can't help but smile and laugh when I watch it.
-Makes me cry
Definitely didn't cry, but it always pulls at my heartstrings. Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid. It just makes me so sappy to see him not criticized and put down for his love of food and how much Bob loves the fact he's like his biggest fan when it comes to his cooking. Maybe it's a personal thing but I see alot of myself in gene and it just gets to me alot with this episode.
Favorite episode?
It's tied between, The Last Gingerbread House on the Left, Flu-ouise, Bob actually, Glued, Where's My Bob?,,,they all just make me so happy and like, everytime I rewatch them I just get so excited and happy.
Least favorite?
Weekend at Mort's. It along with alot of episodes from season 1 just don't do anything for me. They're all kinda bland
Favorite season?
In case you couldn't tell from my favorite episode, seasons 6 and 7!! They are just peak for me. They showcase the characters well, and if I'm putting bob burgers on for background noise or anything, I turn on those seasons
Least favorite season?
Season 1. It's just very one note for me. Like, where's the complexity of characters and dynamics.
Favorite episode that shows off my favorite character?
Both Fischoeders- how bob saves the wharf. To me, it really showcases the fischoeders relationship with each other
Mickey- dawn of the peck. I'm kinda desperate when it comes to mickey causes he's not in a lot of episodes but this is my favorite episode he's in
Gene- Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid.
Tina- Some Like It Bot. Her feeling weird and wrong for her special interests definitely hit me the hardest and I just feel so seen with her in this episode
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sherxplained · 9 months
One Piece
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"I am Monkey D. Luffy. The man who will become the King of Pirates."
((just my little thought when I restarting the series))
— Romance Dawn arc (+ Orange Town)
My favorite arc ever. I love everything about this arc.
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I've sometimes rewatching this very first few episodes (yep, definitely wasn't because I want to watching again, but just not motivated and then stop). My first thought when I was watching this is, I've missed this kind of animation style.
Luffy such an endearing MC that it's hard not to just love him (it's a wonder there's actually someone who watch One Piece and disliking him). The setting of the series, and the build up. Everything just perfect.
The meaning behind Straw Hat name. All the way back years ago with Shanks and Luffy and their promise. To meet again as great pirates.
I still waiting for the moment Luffy give the straw hat back to Shanks even till today! Shanks actually my favorite character in the series, it's unfortunate we've seen just very little of him.
Coby! Such a sweetheart, I'm rooting for him. Good luck in Navy!
Luffy also recruited his very first crew, Zoro, someone who want to be a greatest swordsman. And his navigator, Nami. Needless to say, I love them so very much.
— Syrup Village arc
The liar first appearance! Meet Usopp! Still with so much fun.
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To be completly honest, seeing Usopp again, and his relationship with Kaya especially, still manage to made me emotional. And of course, the little pirates. Watch them save the village from a pirate captain that deceiving them past three years.
The villain for this arc is Black Cat Pirate. Jango and Captain Kuro. Seeing them struggle against them just reminded me, they've come a very long way, oh my poor kids
Another things that in my mind when watching this arc, it's beautiful. I don't remember I've appreciate the animation style on my first watching (then again, there's a lot of things I'm not bother with)
HA! And also, They finally have their own ship now. Going Merry! Thanks to Kaya! (try not to thinking about what happened to the ship far later)
My heart when Usopp decide on his future to sail the sea, and Luffy declaring that they're friends now, officially invited him as a crew. And Kaya also found her own dream.
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— Treasure island and Zoro's backstory
Gaimon's confidence about Luffy will become a pirate king is everything.
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Kuina's death still caught me by surprise even though I already knew it's coming. That's some hurtful things her father said, she realized no matter how much she's trained, she would never be the greatest swordsman. If she lives long enough, no doubt she'll be an amazing one.
— Baratie arc
Sanji's recruited!
Oh, do I love Zeff and Sanji relationship. They have the same dream to go to All blue. Sanji's chasing that dream, also on behalf of Zeff. They'll reached there, someday!
Baratie also Zoro first encounter with Hawk-eye Mohawk. A person he's looking for. To challenge him for the title of greatest swordsman.
The ideals of cooks. To give food for those who starved. That managed to made Luffy ask Sanji to became his crew. Also the same thing that lead them to a battle with Krieg. All's ends well, though.
After seeing how determined and adamant Zoro and Luffy for everything they stand for. Sanji manage to gather courage and pursue his dream. All blue. A place where all kinds of fishes from every sea is in the same place. To Luffy's delight, now that he got a cook in his ship.
Gin probably my favorite in this arc. He's cool. He maintain his moral and his pride as a pirate.
Also the set for upcoming arc, Nami's conflict when she left them with Going Merry.
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— Arlong Park arc
It's as great as I remember.
When I first watch this, still clueless about the series and all, years ago, I have no doubt about Nami (yep again, definitely wasn't because she was prominent in the op/ed of the show). Just like them.
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Zoro betting on his life because he knew what kind of person Nami is. Luffy not a slight care about her past or reason to still care about her and be her friend, Sanji as ever being Sanji. And even Usopp.
It's a great arc. Probably the best in terms of storytelling and plot in this saga. Arlong is an alright villain. Frightening enough. It was the first time our crew showcase their power against challenging enemies with disadvantage situation.
The chills when Luffy turns to a sobbing Nami, declaring war on Arlong. The satisfaction feeling when Luffy destroy the room that confined Nami all those years. Set her free. To fulfill her dream for her own. Drawing the world map.
Nami's backstory especially break my heart. She was just ten, when she lost Bellemere and her childhood, with all those suffering on his shoulder.
— Loguetown arc
A nice and fun arc to ended this saga before they headed to the Grand Line.
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The crew land on Loguetown, a city where Roger born and died. Before that, they celebrate Luffy first bounty poster. As that's one big step closer towards his dreams.
An old enemy. Another new enemy. Waiting for them in Loguetown.
There's so much things happening. Nami spending her earned money. Usopp learn something about his father and another lesson. Sanji managed to get ingredients from his dream. Zoro got his new swords, nevermind the curse. And meeting Tashigi. Then, Luffy and more information about Roger.
When Luffy stand on the place where Roger's execution. A place where a man who start it all meet his ends. And Luffy's own execution (poor Zoro and Sanji). Such a great moment. Feels like some kind of omen.
Captain Smoker decided to go chasing them all the way to the Grand Line. Not forgetting Buggy.
Dragon teased!
And most of all, Shanks brief appearance. Hints about his past and relationship with Mohawk.
And well, of course. The Straw Hat finally starting their long journey, heading on to the Grand Line!
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themortuatorium · 1 year
The Nice and Presumptive Observations of Me (Fan)
Hi there, we’ve never met. I’m definitely not new to me, but I’m new to you. I first read Good Omens ~2007. When the first season of the show came out, I wasn’t really floating around in its fandom space; now, on the approaching dawn of season two prompting a fourth rewatch (and third reread) out of me, I’ve decided to show up fashionably late and turn in an essay nobody asked for discussing probably nothing new to you, but new to me.
All of what I have to say deals with the first half of episode 3, sorry. It just does so much, laying the groundwork for Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship. I’m dying to talk about it.
If you’re interested, or are just looking for anything to procrastinate with, then I hope I’ve at least made a discourse[1] that’s compelling to look at. It certainly is long.
[1] The philosophical essay kind.
ST JAMES PARK (1862) -
What gets to me most about this scene, in particular, is the layers of implication surrounding the word “insurance” coming from Crowley. I think it’s an incredible use of subtly (if intentional). Because insurance against demons, sure, we as the audience are informed of this knowledge based on context clues elsewhere or from having read the book. They both understand what they’re doing is incredibly frowned upon. It is more than that. He’s looking for proof that Aziraphale would stick his neck out for him.
Up to that point, it’s always been Crowley going through the trouble for Aziraphale. Even when making suggestions to benefit the both of them, it’s considerate of Aziraphale. Including cut scenes from the script book, Crowley goes blatantly out of his way to protect Aziraphale twice (Paris, and the 1800’s bookshop scene). Intentionally, I would hope, we don’t see any instances outright of Aziraphale doing the same thing for Crowley because it’s meant to make a point about what sort of dance the two are fighting with. While it would be ridiculous to assume Aziraphale has never done anything to help Crowley in all that time; during a waltz, someone has to lead.
So, it’s centuries already of Crowley treating it like a mutual relationship, certainly in some way aware of the imbalance, and it culminates with the request for holy water. He wants insurance from Aziraphale that he views their relationship the same way. Something mutual, unique to them, “their side”.
If you even wanted to view it as something poetic, gentle, even romantic, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to assume Crowley might be looking for proof their time together meant something human. They both clearly believe that to be human carries a greater value to being ethereal. The idea that time is so precious to humans, because a human lifespan is so limited, turns the concept of time into a metaphorical effigy of one’s love and dedication for having given it.
It’s what makes the boiling of their relationship down to the word “fraternizing” so genuinely painful; not because it’s a rude and blatant disregard for the dance they’ve been engaged in all these years, because it says to Crowley even after all this time (to 1862) Aziraphale doesn’t understand him as well as he understands Aziraphale.
As well as he believes he understands Aziraphale.
[MOSTLY] PARIS (1793) -
Science has proven at least one angel can dance, because he’s been taught.
“They said I’d performed too many frivolous miracles” addresses what the audience would also be wondering in that moment. On its own, it can even serve as a funny joke about the bureaucratic structure of a capitalistic Heaven, where the motto is “miracles are what we do”[2]. It also prompts one to ask “why”, what does a frivolous amount of miracles mean to represent?
Interpreting it as an expression of guilt has larger implications about Aziraphale as a whole. One establishing his character as being surreptitious, especially when contextualizing the guilt next to his and Crowley’s Arrangement.
Because it doesn’t take 1250 years[3] to convince an angel the signature on the paperwork is all that separates a miracle from a temptation. That’s a ridiculous amount of time to spend on what would basically be asking to carpool, and would be strange to feel guilty about on its own.
They both know – the show knows – it’s more intimate than that. In an unspoken language they began creating in 33AD, Aziraphale understands the Arrangement is Crowley’s offer of insight into a perspective he himself cannot have without falling. Aziraphale is, continuously, one of the most compelling angels Crowley has met – on Earth, of yet – and he doesn’t want that aspect of him to change. He actively seeks out Aziraphale’s company for it. Being given the opportunity of the Arrangement, and yet still occupying a seat among the spheres, must be something Aziraphale recognizes as unfair. To humanity; to Crowley.
When Aziraphale used his wing to shield Crowley from the oncoming rain, there was enough room to cover Adam and Eve in the distance. All four of them aligned equally against the horizon.
[2] Perhaps not in any official capacity, but in a Mean Girl’s “fetch” kind of way.
[3] I presume, inferring the gap of 537AD to anytime nearly before 1601 was primarily spent chipping away at Aziraphale’s resolve. The extra 200 years is from 1601 to 1793.
THE BLITZ (1941) -
Reading in the stage directions how Aziraphale and Crowley haven’t spoken since St. James is enough to make a guy[4] write a three page analytic, placing it at the climax. Aziraphale “realizing they’re still friends”, at the same time, has the same guy appreciating the work done setting this moment up. If it wasn’t meant to be symbolic of a marriage between their ideologies after all this time, then I’m fresh out of other rationale for putting it in the church to begin with.
Especially when done how it was: Crowley arriving late to essentially his own wedding, with the opposite of cold feet. Making it the one time, albeit unwittingly, Aziraphale is the first to show up for their relationship. In character, it’s all unintentionally. Artistically, they are two people eager to move their relationship along in this moment. When the bomb drops on the church, it’s a metaphorical leveling of the playing field between them[5]. A separation of themselves from their former identities, a closure of the ceremony. By dressing them nearly identical, in the aftermath of the church, they are equal.
Crowley first reinvented his identity in 33AD, as both he and Aziraphale stand in reverence of the crucifixion’s magnitude. Though the use of the crucifix props as church rubble was a practical decision made for budget reasons, it’s a beautiful coincidence that a significant moment of Crowley’s growth, so inextricably tied to Aziraphale, made itself relevant to Aziraphale during the Blitz.
It reinforces – by coincidence – the interpretation of their conversation in 33AD being what alters their dichotomy in 41AD, where Aziraphale is first to pursue Crowley’s companionship. It rationalizes his ongoing commitment in learning how to dance.
He doesn’t fall in love[6] with Crowley over saving the books; he falls in love with the idea of them.
Or just falling in love with how metal it is to kill nazi’s as part of your metaphorical wedding symbology, why complicate it.
[4] Me, I’m the guy.
[5] In addition to being historically accurate.
[6] According to Michael Sheen; hard for me to disagree, either. I kept trying, and by the time I got to this point in the essay it was fucking impossible.
“After everything you said” is only an odd comment to make at someone, who never said much to begin with, until you give “fraternizing” the weight of a 6000 year old mountain.
“You go too fast for me” is only a double entendre when taking the time to consider that Crowley approached their conversation in 1862 as someone who’s been in both their shoes before, unaware of how inconsiderate to Aziraphale’s unique position he’d been with his proposal.
A 70 year long silent treatment shows how little someone still understands you, how little you understand yourself, when neither can’t tell you’re obsessed at the idea of losing them, despite saying it so clearly in your unspoken language. A worry that won’t change for as long as Crowley remains a demon.
Holy water is still a threat on the most important thing in the world to Aziraphale when he finally decides to hand it over. The difference now, to then, is he gets it after everything during the Blitz. That is kind of the whole point episode three built up to. The holy water is their relationship: a potential threat, against everything they’re trying to maintain. If neither of them is perfectly careful, their relationship could eternally wipe away the chance to share each other’s time, and bring themselves closer to being human.
It’s an agreement that their relationship can’t, and won’t, destroy what’s important to them by nature of just existing.
They literally just need to learn how to dance.
Did you know this was needlessly long? Three whole pages. It’s a soliloquy on how my love for what the series adds to Aziraphale and Crowley by deviating from the book, I had no other reason for writing it. Nothing prompted this deluge of personal sentiment. I just wanted to see the conversation get had in 2023 and I’m better at analytical essays than I am at fanfic.
Isn’t that remarkable? We live in a world where anyone can go on a three page, unprompted college dissertation about whatever kind of love it is two eternal beings express in the dumbest ways possible towards each other, and it’s time well spent. Season 2 could happen any day now and invalidate half my points made, who cares, nobody wants that to happen more than me, actually.
Thanks for reading! No clue who would, but I like to think sometimes words get read on the internet. The place is full of them, after all.
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ambelle · 1 year
Just had a random thought about DC Titans and Dickkory. *bear w/me, it's kind of long, sorry.*
I listen to your podcast & remember something being mentioned about how some DK fans may be a little confused about the genre of the show, and I think that could be accurate.
I grew up reading and watching a fair amount of anime and manga. As you may know, specific labels are used to describe different genres. The two I mainly engaged in were either Shounen or Shoujo (pretty common and popular genres).
• a genre of Japanese comics and animated films aimed primarily at a young male audience, typically characterized by action-filled plots.
• a genre of Japanese comics and animated films aimed primarily at a young female audience, typically characterized by a focus on personal and romantic relationships.
Now if I had to make an anime/manga comparison for DC Titans I'd definitely say it falls more in the Shounen category, as the main focus is the "action filled plot" as opposed to "romantic relationships". The Shounen media I consumed as a kid usually did have some primary "ship(s)" or romantic elements included, but it was hardly ever the main focus of the plot.
If I happened to like or ship a pairing in a shounen anime or manga, I learned quickly to expect the (romantic) interactions between whatever 2 characters to be sparse and few & far in between. However, it was never too difficult to tell who might eventually be "endgame" bc authors/writers more often then not made it a point to imply throughout the series that those characters hv feelings for eachother & will likely end up together in the end.
Even if they didn't hv a whole bunch of overtly romantic time together in the series, this was usually enough to satisfy me, bc it's just not the type of genre where that happens or is a priority.
I say all this to say, that's exactly how I feel about DK in Titans. Like I get why some ppl might feel cheated or unsatisfied but if you pay attention to how the structure of the show has always been, expecting all this "shoujo"-esque, romantic drama was just not realistic. Do I agree that DK could've had better & more development in seasons 2 & 3? Sure. But tbh I've rewatched the seasons, and the scenes they do share together were always important & impactful. It wasn't a reach to assume they would end up together. In typical Shounen fashion, it doesn't officially happen until the very end 🤷🏾‍♀️ but as long as it happens, me personally, I'm happy.
Oh, I love this comparison and wholeheartedly agree!
When I watched the pilot I knew right off the bat this show was selling me action first and foremost. I even feel like they go out of their way to create as many fight scenes as possible and when they can't fill the time building up to that the plot gets a little wonky.
In my opinion, I credit Prathi's addition to the writing staff as to why things were so much clearer romantic-wise in s3 & 4. Had she been around in season 2 I know DK wouldn't have gotten together but I do think they would have been more obviously romantic.
I also feel like Hank and Dawn's awful writing is proof they didn't know what to do with couples when they were together long-term. They actively dodged really writing Dickbabs as a couple for more than 2 episodes. It's hard not to notice.
So do I wish there were more shoujo elements in the first 2 seasons? Yes absolutely. Do I also love all that season 4 is so much about Dickkory that Dick doesn't even have another storyline lol? Yes.
Both can be true.
It just wasn't a romance show which is why they were all undercooked (Jayrose, DonnaGarth, Dickbabs, etc) or terrible to witness (cough cough Hank &Dawn) except for, ironically, Dickkory. Cause they got together at the very end but it's not quite out of nowhere. They've been a thread 1-3 and a complete focus this entire season.
In hindsight, I'm realizing a ton of Dickkory's biggest romantic moments came in the middle of some kind of dramatic fight. From the Trigon dream to Kory showing up to fistfight Deathstroke to him dying and dreaming about their daughter LOL.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday May 15 - Tuesday May 16, Part II
[Fandom Discussions]
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the episode of Angel where Cordelia is shown how the world would be if she never crossed paths with Angel in LA by epiales06
How do you deal with shooting scenes of abusive behaviour, such as Spike’s towards Harmony? by James Marsters via alfasou
Cordelia and Willow by tuiyla
what are your thoughts on Spuffy this season? by tuiyla
I think a character we never talk about getting kinda narrativly assassinated is anya. by helpfulbug
https://coraniaid.tumblr.com/post/717396973231243264/i-know-the-moment-is-played-for-drama-and-in by coraniaid
Giles is often a lousy father figure by coraniaid
I’m not big on hot takes by tuiyla
In Beneath You Anya mumbled "oh penis" by hero-adjacent
Random but isn't weird that Anya got so good at hand to hand combat by nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather and itzniaok
Dru in season 2 by epiales06
the way wesley really saved lilah from the beast by gothamstreetcat
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In the flashback scene of Spike dying in "Chosen" why did they remove Buffy's "I Love You" to Spike? by Multiple Authors
Spike on Angel Season 5 Was it worth it or a waste of time ? by Multiple Authors
SoS: Willow's best qualities and what makes Willow great by Multiple Author
Discussion of The Vampire Slayer #14 - Released 5/17/23 (Boom! Studios) by Multiple Author
Despite a Beautiful Legacy, Buffy‘s Willow & Tara Were a Toxic Couple by Multiple Authors
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Discussion of ‟Can AI actually write good fanfiction?‟ By Jay Castello, Polygon by American Aurora
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Any personal headcanons on what you think Willow called Xander here in this scene by Lobothehobosexual
The two tales of who Buffy was vs. could've been by primal_slayer
Angels curse by Ok_Nature2869
What is the best Angel episode? by wallstreetliam
Message Boards by surfsupturtle
Anyone else find Buffy's crying in Triangle obnoxiously annoying? by jdpm1991
Question about Faith from S4. by SatansAssociate
Caught a moment in Angel where they forgot to edit a camera by mariacostoya
The Beast massacring everyone in Wolfram & Hart is a very underrated scene by jdpm1991
Do The Boys Watching Buffy Podcast Guys Ever Figure Out the Invitation Rules? by white_lancer
LANFAR! Do the dance of joy! by Mitogi
"Conversations With Dead People"--One of The Best Episodes. Do people hate it? by kipcarson37
a couple of questions about s3e11 gingerbread by -zoo-wee-mama-
Season 1 vs. Season 5 and Before by Kirrela
About this incident….. by mugiwara-no-lucy
Why did everyone lose all their braincells in 'empty places' S7E19? by ThrobbingHeadaches
Powerful Demon Skip by MoreGull
I Love AtS Season 4! by MoreGull
Are these things headcanon or were they actually established in the show? by Suitable-Garlic5217
Was Buffy reunited with Joyce while she was in heaven? by CleanUpOnAisle10
The Body arc by huffgil11
Puppet Show by BreakTacticF0
Was this done on purpose? by jdpm1991
“You’re Welcome” Ending by ginime_
The Effect of Crosses on Vampires by ErrForceOnes
We never got to know whether Dawn forgave Spike by aeryn1227
Wes job at Sunnydale High by Cat_OHara
Connor had a normal childhood by LightBlueSky55
How would Spike react if Buffy lost her soul? by whimsiebat
When Spike was "slaying" Buffy in The Bronze while watching her friends. by CharlieOak86868686
Xander is so loathsome in Season 2 it’s mildly ruining my rewatch by ThatGumYouLikee
Rewatching and it occurred to me. by WeeklyClimate8775
What If Glory encountered Marcus Hamilton and Brain Sucked him, what would come of Her and Ben? by ComplexAcademic1231
Angry rant about the pile on by URMythtaken
Help me understand the Seal of Danzalthar by menlindorn
Can you still be punk while [spoilers] by whimsiebat
If you could talk some sense into one of the Scoobs in S6, who would it be? by Opening_Knowledge868
Yes or no - Were The Initiative's experiments on supernatural beings unethical? by InfiniteMehdiLove
Buffy's empathy S1 vs S7 by mazmataz
Do you think what invisible Buffy did here qualifies as SA? by aeryn1227
I just love JM's performance in Beneath You! by CellSation
do vampires need to shower? by atlasshrugd
What line in Buffy gives you goosebumps more than any other? by theredacer
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PUBLICATION: (Para)Normalizing the Patriarchy: How Supernatural Pregnancy Storylines Shape Perceptions of Motherhood and Bodily Autonomy for Women in Angel, 1999-2004 by Haley L. Strassburger (at the author‛s request, including her contact info for anyone who wishes to discuss the paper: spoonie.reads on instagram or haley.strassburger at gmail.com)
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chasingfictions · 2 years
So I'm re-watching season five and feel like.
1.) Riley genuinely had a lot of potential as a character and if he had been allowed to have more room to breathe outside of being Buffy's love interest, he may have Gone Places.
2.) If instead of re-enlisting at the initiative, he had gotten turned as a result of playing with vampires, but his history left him Kinda Odd as a vampire (too stuck in the Rules and Anti-Demon mindset to vampire normally) and Buffy found herself with /another/ vampire she can't bring herself to stake, but this one without a soul or a chip for her to fall back on, and she had to contend with that? That would have been Neat.
You did not ask for any of this, but as the only Buffy person I know of who does not hate Riley's guts, I felt compelled to share my thoughts with you. Maybe someday I will actually write something, but for now, I continue to ramble pointlessly
Ooh this is interesting! i like where your head’s at with it — in that actually Riley is An Interesting Guy if you take a look at him for long enough!!! (by long enough I mean I actively disliked / didn’t care about Riley for like 10 years until this past rewatch I was suddenly like oh???? Oh the way the narrative is Using Riley???)
i feel like I’m on a slightly different wavelength though in that I kind of really love Riley as Just Buffy’s Boyfriend. like I think the places where he is most interesting is where the narrative is using him to talk about Buffy’s desire— Riley is the incredibly straight man Buffy loves so that we have a template to talk about Buffy’s queer longing , and a landscape for that to play out on. like, I think episodes like buffy vs dracula or fool for love wouldn’t quite hit the same without the knowledge that there is a Normal Human Man At Home Who Buffy Couldn’t Be Thinking Less About Right Now if She Tried.
of course that’s like!! The thing with Riley!! Is that he’s not just a Normal Human Man — truly I do think he is a little freak, he’s just so normal-seeming based on the people whose company he keeps. but there IS something so compelling to me about like, Straight Laced Military Guy who falls in love with this bisexual anarchist arsonist and her band of queers and it blows up his whole life . hdjdjfj buffy summers as that one text post that’s like, idk what my gender is but if ur romantically interested in me you’re at least a little bit gay. or something like that.
i guess this is to say I really do like Riley’s arc the way it is — i think he’s this really fascinating narrative pawn who is both interesting in his own right if you look at him long enough, and ALSO is really interesting in that, in a show that is so much about queerness and abnormality — themes that s4-s5 are rolling around in SO much especially — how people react to Riley and interplay with him in the narrative tells us so much about them. like, Riley and Spike spend 1.5 seasons narratively circling and mirroring each other (literally scene transitions from 4x07 are just like, these guys!!! Are narrative foils!!! These guys!!!!!) until spike eventually swallows the role of romantic lead whole out of Riley’s clenched fist. Xander’s obsession with Riley is both about his queer longing for Riley, and also about his heteronormative desire to be like Riley. Dawn’s irreverent disregard / passive disinterest in Riley signals how little he actually matters in the growing n developing landscape of Buffy’s priorities. he’s just such a guy!!!
that SAID I do think ur idea for having Riley be a vampire fucks and is also unceasingly fun sndjdjfj buffy summers is like. i DID IT U GUYS. I’m NOT psychosexually obsessed with vampires anymore!!! and Riley is like. lmao just wait one second. jdjdjd Riley becoming a vampire is kind of at xander-cordy levels of like, cordy’s demonification on ats making it retroactively that literally only demon women have been with Xander . angel is like hey buffy here’s some trauma about our relationship now go find a normal guy so buffy finds the Normalest guy in the world and it’s like. fucking AGAIN??? jsjdjd and then the spike love interest arc starts and Buffy’s like you know what I’m not even refusing the call anymore I am clearly just destined to be a vampirefucker. bring it on blondie bear. shjdjdt somehow in the timeline where Riley becomes a vampire it leads to spike and Buffy full on fucking in the alleyway in fool for love. prove me wrong,
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tm-trx · 1 year
weekly round-up in media [29 jan-4 feb 2023]
~ sp*ilers for 609 Bedtime Story, A League of Nobleman, The New Employee, and Never Let Me Go ~
Monsta X’s “The Dreaming” album - new discovery and I’ve had it on repeat
Imago series by NR Walker - short and sweet adult contemporary mlm romance set in Australia; come for the romance, stay for the butterfly conservation and near-death experiences - reread
Pocketful of Soul by @jenroses - Mo Xuanyu-centric MDZS time travel fix-it and one of my 2022 favorites - reread
Dawn Will Break by ca_pierson and darkmoore - Stargate Atlantis AU - Written for the 2010 Big Bang, this is one of my favorites. A bare bones summary: After dying, John Sheppard dimension hops into multiple versions of himself to fix whatever is wrong there, at the behest of the Ancients. - reread
609 Bedtime Story - Well that was a way to end it I guess. I did like how they resolved things with Mint, but I was hoping she’d figured out the connection between Mum and Dew. But that would mean talking about the parallel world again and they apparently decided that the entire conceit of the show didn’t matter anymore after ep 9. I’m so annoyed. (Edit: I just found out there is an alternate ending airing next week; most likely an ‘unhappy’ ending. What are you doing, show? I’m not even mad about it, just more confused.)
A League of Nobleman - The show I’m enjoying the most this week. I didn’t expect such gorgeous visuals in a historical mystery that isn’t a fantasy. There’ve been two mysteries so far and the second one involved a serial killer. I enjoyed the heck out of that arc. I have affectionately nicknamed Zhang Ping ‘Eyebrows’ in my head because those are some fantastic ones he’s sporting. Kudos to the makeup team.
The Lost Tomb (2015) - Binged most of season one last night and I’m hooked. This is amazing. Also, surprise Yang Yang! (I’d forgotten why it was on my watchlist, so he must be why.) The quality level is about late 90s/early 2000s but that was early fandom in my life, so nostalgia is hitting me hard. I’m having a great time with this one.
The New Employee - Seven episodes feels like a weird episode count for a series, but okay - I watched the last two episodes back to back and loved how they ended it. I do find it interesting however, that we never saw the ex/crush again after he was the trigger for the main relationship blip. It felt like they were going to take that further. I probably should have waited to binge this in one go, because I had completely forgotten that there was a manager who could cause trouble until he caused trouble. These short form dramas are generally pretty frustrating to watch because I can clearly see a longer (usually better) show around them. This one did feel complete, but I’m hoping they release a movie version.
SHINee - Key’s album repackage is this month! Onew finished recording something! Minho is too tall! Taemin D-57!
[random notes from my tv journal]
609 Bedtime Story, ep 11 - “The kissing sounds don’t match the video?!” (This show botched the ending so bad, in multiple ways. This particular way made me laugh though.)
A League of Nobleman, ep 6 - “Surprise serial killer! Neat!”
My School President, ep 9 - “Gun and Tinn’s little scene on the beach while spying on Sound gave me major ‘future old married couple’ feelings.” (And now I want to read that future fic where Gun is home on break from touring and teasing his doctor husband into relaxing after a stressful shift.)
Never Let Me Go, ep 8 - “That was an extremely ominous music cue to tag the bathroom confrontation scene with.” (Up until that last moment it felt like any other scene in this show, but the music change elevated it and made it seem like Ben was going to come back and murder the kid. It threw me out of the scene it was such a jarring escalation. I may go back and watch it again, to see how it feels on rewatch.)
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bonnielass23 · 10 months
I was tagged the lovely @astarkey to list 5 unpopular opinions from 5 fandoms! Thank you for the tag! And I’m copying 2 fandoms, but different takes
1. From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
First, jumping on Astarkey’s take, I love the idea of Kisa and Kate being best friends because they dealt with two sides of the same coin of patriarchal bullshit. Literally all I want is them to tear down the patriarchy with their bare hands together.
Other unpopular opinion. In some ways I’m glad they didn’t do a season 4. The ending of season 3 pretty much made SethKate canon, or at least confirmed their love for each other. I worry that given the age gap of both the characters and the larger age gap between DJ and Madison, that they would have rolled rolled back the development, or even potentially given Seth a different, more age appropriate temporary love interest, out of fear of backlash. I know the majority of the fandom was rooting for SethKate, but it’s one thing to tease it and drop hints to appease the fans, and it’s another to openly display it in the show and open themselves up for backlash beyond the fandom. The potential of people hearing about the age gap relationship and jumping on the “let’s cancel fdtd” bandwagon without watching the show. Community and the actors got so much backlash over Jeff and Annie, calling Jeff a pedo, and other than the goodbye kiss in the last episode they didn’t make that ship canon. That show was airing pretty much at the same time as fdtd. I think SethKate could have been safely portrayed in comics or novels though which I’m sad they didn’t do and wish they would. I am also kinda hoping for them to finally do a season 4 with an actual time skip, like it’s 2023, or later, because I think with Madison/Kate being older and them really defining the age gap (other than the one line on the radio that the Gecko brothers are in their late 20′s) that they could more safely develop the relationship.
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
I have a lot of opinions but these are probably my most unpopular. I used to be a hard core spuffy shipper when I was watching in middle and high school. I think that was because I liked Spike more than Angel (his snark speaks to my soul). I’m currently doing a rewatch, almost through season 5, and maybe my view will change in season 6 and 7, but right now I’m not a fan of either spuffy or bangel, or honestly any of Buffy’s romantic relationships. Actually currently questioning my younger self’s judgement.
My actual otps currently are Xander and Anya, and Angel and Cordelia, and I will forever be pissed that they never got Xander and Anya back together and killed her off, and that they killed Cordelia. 
Also as a note, I have not read any of the comics or continuing story, so there could have been developments with Buffy’s relationships with Spike and Angel that could sway me, but I’m going entirely off the two television series.
3. Doctor Who
I loved RTD and hated Moffat, which I know isn’t that unpopular, but I actually loved Chibnall’s era. I really appreciated the social commentary and thought he and Jody did an amazing job. Also I’m not sure how unpopular this is anymore, but I loved Rose and Tentoo’s ending. I think given that this is a live action series with actors who want to move on to different projects it was the best ending we could get for The Doctor and Rose. Also Tentoo IS The Doctor.
4. Fairy Tail
Gray and Lucy work better together than Gru//via and Na////Lu. I stand by my statement and will not budge. 
I think Gru//via is actually harmful. I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong about toxic or abusive relationships being portrayed in media, but I think it needs to be recognized in the series that it is toxic and abusive behavior. That’s not the case with Gru///via. No character is calling out Ju///via’s behavior towards Gray as abusive, it’s played off as comedy or that Gray is the bad guy for not returning her feelings, and as far as I know Mashima hasn’t said anything publicly about it being problematic behavior either. I know someone who has used that as a model for how to get a guy and is in a very messed up situation where he is taking advantage of her.
Also not exactly unpopular as in controversial, but super rare pair ship, Loke and Cana is my OTP for the series. I only actually ship and have strong feelings about GrayLu and and Lokana, all the other ships range from NOTP to I have no issue with it existing.
5. Big Bang Theory
Not a huge fandom of mine but something that just irks me to no end, and I know has been done in other media. I HATE that they had Penny backtrack on being childfree. I get wanting to have this happily ever after for two characters, but it doesn’t have to be children. Having Penny change her mind because Leonard and her dad is so problematic though. It delegitimizes actual women who have this stance (including me). It perpetuates the idea of this is just a phase and we’ll change our minds, which has real world consequences of employers looking at all women as not as serious because as soon as they have that baby that we all KNOW they will, they’ll be taking a step back to be a mom so why give them a promotion. And bodily autonomy. I understand not tying an 18 year old’s tubes, but the fact the so many adult women are denied sterilization procedures because “you’ll change your mind” or “what if your future husband wants kids?” like the wants of a hypothetical partner takes precedence  over what the woman wants to do with her own body. It’s just such bullshit when this happens.
The ONLY time I’ve witnessed this happen that I’ve been okay with is Elliot in Scrubs, it was part of a long character arch, and her not wanting kids seemed to be rooted almost entirely of her fear of it affecting her career. It wasn’t just a snap decision of omg after years of not wanting to procreate I suddenly want children.
Definitely did some rambling and got political up in here, but I think these are probably some of my most unpopular opinions. Depending on the fandom my opinions can fall into more popular or mostly controversial
Some of my fdtd mutuals have already been tagged, so not gonna double tag them: @darth-tella @sunniebelle @kelkat9 @yourundead @fortysevenswrites @scrumptiousperfectionwizard @milkshakemicrowave @elialys @gralunaisland (Although I feel yours should be 5 unpopular opinions on gru//via lol) and of course anyone else who’d like to do this!
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herefortheships · 1 year
Honestly I don’t know why I turn to watch BTVS when I’m feeling depressed, because this show is depressing af. Like, I’m currently rewatching season 5 and I hurt because of how Buffy treats Spike ☠️ and then there’s that episode that I’ve only ever watched once because I said I’ll NEVER watch again, “The Body”. and it just goes downhill in mood from there. Season 6 I loved it but Tbh that season is even more depressing than season 5 (which is also another favorite of mine for some reason?? Maybe that reason being Spuffy, Idk lol, but as I said, she treats him so bad this season and tbh it’s not justified most of the time??? Unless I look underneath and read Buffy’s anger toward Spike has more to do with her own attraction to him and what that says about her Idk). 
And then season 7 is an unwatchable mess, saved only by the Spuffy scenes. Literally the only thing worth watching at the end is Spike and Buffy’s relationship and how it heals and becomes something beautiful. But then we can’t even have that because Spike sacrifices his life for the world that hated him at the end. And then he couldn’t even believe Buffy’s “I love you”... ! And we didn’t even have enough of them.
I know he comes back to life, I know he meets Buffy again in the comics and they’re basically endgame, but?? Why couldn’t Joss Whedon give Buffy a happy ending in the show?? Because she did not have a happy ending. No way in hell that was a happy ending. Anya died, Spike died, and then Buffy’s just staring in the distance at Sunnydale and it just feels so empty and unnecessarily tragic. Neither Buffy nor us the audience get to grieve the characters that sacrificed their lives... And don’t get me started on how out of character it was when her friends turned their backs on Buffy and even DAWN in that episode they sort of kicked her out of her own house?? Spike was the one that stood by her. Anyway I will always hate Joss Whedon for ending the show like that. And writing such a messy final season. There was so much going on in that final season, it’s incredibly annoying how they still squeezed in some nonsense filler episodes and also tried to develop that gross character of Kennedy and the bunch of other new side characters... It’s just frustrating how after all that, then the ending itself is at best “bittersweet” though leaning more toward devastatingly sad. A show that was so emotionally heavy by the end, I think that a happy ending would have balanced it better than a bittersweet ending. 
Anyway, rant over. I’m being emotional these days and I’m rewatching Buffy as I usually do when I’m like this. This time I decided to do a full rewatch instead of just watching some of my favorite episodes only. But yeah, I’m finishing my rewatch early because I know how it ends and I’m not even there yet and I’m already feeling super sad about it and even angry... I never rewatch season 7; only the Spuffy scenes on YouTube. But yes recently the only seasons I rewatch have been seasons 1, 2, and 6. This time I wanted to do a full rewatch, but nope. I think it’s making my depression and anxiety worse because rewatching from the start made me care a lot again especially about Spuffy and I know their ending in the show is super tragic and I can’t handle it tbh. 
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one day,
So, I have watched the series version twice, and now for the third time. And I have rewatched some episodes even more.
I think the film series is way better than the book.
They were always the best duo. Like, intimate friends. The kind of friends who would talk with each other for hours without getting bored, those who can easily catch up at stages of life.
But then there are times when things do not go well in their relationship, black days when they grow apart from each other.
15.07.1988 - Take me back to the night we met,
"You should have said hello.
When you...saw me around."
Then, there were kisses. The subtle smiles when they were kissing, and the way Emma stopped the kisses randomly to do stuff, turning music on, asking for Dexter's future future, and brushing her teeth.
That's unique.
And adorable the way he kept repeating her unique pronunciation, while she was trying to hide her true feelings of insecurities by a little bit of sarcasm and rudeness.
"I mean, what's he doing here? I mean, he slept with most of our year, most of the year below. Has he just, worked his way down the list and got to me?"
"You know what is sexier than talking?"
But I love how they spent a drunk night just talking. Random conversations about the sound of blackbirds at dawn, and who they would become when they 40.
"I love that sound.
Do you?
Blackbirds at dawn. Yeah. You not?
I hate it. Makes me anxious. Like I've done something I'll regret.
That's why I love it."
At 22. She was the graduate girl who want to make a difference. Not change the world exactly, just the bit around her.
At 22. Dexter was reckless about his future, not actually planning or deciding anything. Regretting sounded strange to him at that stage of life, as he was so sure he was young, privileged, and always had a lot of time.
They are the human illustration of ying-yang, the symbol he painted into his ankle when he 24.
At that first night, maybe because of alcohols and the "graduating from college" effects, to actually become something more mature. But Dexter was kind of attracted by Emma. Although at times he thought of escaping the room without her knowing, thinking that the presence of him like that night in her rented room should not happened ever again, and even reluctant to be seen with her.
But after all, Dexter Mayhew did stay, and he did ask Emma for phone number and invited her to his house on Christmas Day.
I love the way he slowly fell for her, although it might be late, because love would always be love with no adjectives.
That night they lied next to each other and fell asleep, a start for nights after that. It was nostalgic.
20 years,
At 40. Emma was a writer of popular children's books, had a decent income from her dream work and stood firmly on her feet.
At 40. Dexter was a divorced man, no decent job, a celebrity used to be. He felt his time had passed by, and with his aging things became less and less possible.
See how life turned out be.
"It's one of the great cosmic mysteries, how it is that someone can go from being a total stranger to being the most important person in your life."
Emma Morley had spent her entire life falling head over heels for her Dexter, madly in love kind of thing, at the point which she used to wrote poetry and stuff. And I know, apparently, from both the book and the series, that Emma would always go back to Dexter.
Perhaps that's why he took her for granted all the time, because he was so sure Emma would always be there, just like his 22-year-old thinking that he had never done things he would be regretting of.
He loves the idea of Emma and Dexter, Dexter and Emma. But it was just his so random thought, because he had done nothing about that, claiming that he fancied almost everyone.
He rejected and avoided his feelings for her, his intense eyes on her. Admitting was something so terrible.
To false her into believing that she was just one of those girls, a footnote of his life.
While to be honest, she had become his spiritual support, a part of his life he cannot live without.
The letter was never sent, somewhere in the house of another stranger. It was random, unspoken things that would mean a lot. He was never a good writer, confused of using his vocabulary sometimes, but he spent hours writing her a long, long letter.
Perhaps it was his way of love.
"The trick of it, she told herself, is to be courageous and bold and make a difference. Not change the world exactly, just the bit around you. Go out there with your double-first, your passion and your new Smith Corona electric typewriter and work hard at...something. Change lives through art maybe. Write beautifully. Cherish your friends, stay true to your principles, live passionately and fully and well. Experience new things. Love and be loved if at all possible. Eat sensibly. Stuff like that."
I love their first night not just because of a sense of nostalgia it brings or their chemistry, but also the way that night felt so real, so young.
When you are at your 20s, everything in life seems possible.
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chicleeblair · 5 months
Dawn of Redeeming Grace [7/23]
Chapter Seven: Your Finger on My Hair Pin Trigger|| FFN
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Pairings: Meredith Grey/Derek Shepherd
Six weeks after Derek left to take the NIH job, Meredith is ready to use the holidays to prove she has this working mom thing on lock. Sure, he neglected to tell her he'd be bringing a guest, but whatever, 'Tis the season for truces. Even Ellis Grey took the day off. But with every moment of family togetherness, a return to the trenches seems more impossible. Can a few days of peace put their relationship back on track, or has she fallen for the illusion of a snow-globe, destined to either settle or shatter?
Dawn of Redeeming Grace|| FFN
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I can’t explain how important this chapter is to me. The shower scene especially is a major turning point, and I could pick at it forever. I really love writing Meredith and Zola, too. Facts: It is incredibly difficult to find picture books set in African countries directly here. That English is a primary language in many of them, and that they have contact with the orphanage, helps, but not everyone has that privilege. The Jamela books I referenced are really cute. (Not kidding about the trope. Relatedly, creatures consuming other creatures, particularly whole, squeaks me, and I blame The Muppets.) Also, do yourself a favor and spend some time on the MuppetWiki page for international productions, and Big Birds. Both are fascinating. I watched this documentary on the Bangladeshi production in college. They do good work. (This marks the first of several times where I spent far too long on MuppetWiki for this fic).
I think the show did a decent job showing that Zola dealing with being an interracial adoptee once Maggie was around, but I also wanted to see more of Meredith and Derek dealing with it. To be as comfortable as she is with it, Zola has to have the basics. I was adopted, and I heard my story all the time, and got Why Was I Adopted? at the same time as Where Did I Come From? It might be a little advanced for four-and-a-month, but kids can be very aware if something is a part of their day-to-day life.
There’s so much underlying damage still unaddressed at 11x12 “The Great Pretender.” That’s where we see Meredith’s mask really start to slip. With Derek gone, she could put it in a box that only opened at night, but when she tries to go visit, and can’t, we see the vulnerability that had mostly been hidden behind her outbursts—it’s in her eyes, though. Always. Rewatching the “What Happened to You” scene; the way Derek looms over her, and his face…. Ugh. I don’t love that the show edits his exit after that as though it mirrors Richard’s—it does, in some ways. Meredith taking the blame, when it’s deeper than that, Meredith being the one left—but I don’t think the underlying issues are the same. Derek isn’t jealous of her; he’s having to reconsider what he wants and what that means about who he is. That went on the back burner after Addison left, and with Amelia there, he’s having to accept that he’s NOT into being as career-focused.
The show implies he’s gone from 11x09-11x16—probably because there wasn’t a holiday episode that season (lucky for me)—I refuse to accept him not at least trying to be there for Zola’s birthday—Meredith would kill him. (You can decide if this happened or he missed the flight in canon.)—and he wouldn’t miss Christmas. That’s not Derek Shepherd. ( I realize that I keep giving poor Mer sex issues in my chaptered fics—and it happens again in one of my WIPs!—but her sexuality is tied to her emotional state.)
He’s always the catalyst for trying to put something in the past without a complication. (Meredith does it too, goes along with it, but primarily it is Derek), and when he’s away in D.C., not facing the damage constantly, it’s easier to do that. Meanwhile, Meredith remembers the last time they did that, and for her it’s all knotted up with finding out about her mom and Richard, “What happened to you?” and drowning. She lost him/thought she was too broken for him the last time the water went under the whatever. He broke her trust with Rose. And everything with Maggie has pushed those memories up. She’s not the Meredith we get in 11x17. The streak isn’t as long; she hasn’t made it through the holidays, plus three months. She’s at the end of 11x12. I sort of hate that we have two episodes in the middle of this that are from Amelia and Herman’s perspective, because it’s harder to map Meredith’s interiority, but I like that arc, so oh well.
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