#i would pay to see what it looked like from the survivor’s pov
Based on my last match of DBD
Meg: [finds an AFK Wesker] Oh. There’s the Killer. It’s a Wesker.
Jill: [leading Mikaela to Meg, pointing to me, the Wesker] There he is.
Nea: [who tf knows where she is] ...
Me: [chilling]
Mikaela: Imma go over here. [leaves]
Jill: [walks up to me]
Meg: [backs up and then comes closer]
Me: [starts spazzing tf out, catching glimpses of Jill]
Meg: [runs tf away]
Jill: [watching this happen] You good, fam?
I hope it was as entertaining to the Survivors as it was to me 🤣
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itsmoonpeaches · 5 months
On Medusa from the PJO TV Show: A Survivor and complicated antagonist
I'm not the only one obsessed with the version of Medusa and I know it.
She's beautiful, she's eerily calm, she says, "I am a survivor," and you feel that. She is the symbol for women out there who don't want to be bullied anymore, and more recently Medusa's head has become a symbol of women fighting back with the #MeToo movement.
But I'm not writing this to talk about Medusa as the Gorgon from the Greek mythos. I'm here to talk about how she was written in the PJO TV Show. So let's get into it, shall we?
Note that some ideas from this meta are expanded on from this Variety article where the writers of the show and Rick and Rebecca Riordan, speak about the changes they made from the book to show adaptation.
A victim of an abuse of power
In the Variety article, Rick says, “There are many versions from ancient times of what happened in that temple with Medusa and Poseidon and Athena. Who’s to blame? Who’s the abuser? What’s the real story? It’s fiction, but it certainly is important to acknowledge that there is abuse involved here. Abuse of power.”
Like in all Greek myths, there is never exactly one "correct" version of a story. In many, Medusa and Poseidon basically have a one-night stand. In some, they have a mutual affair. In others, it's Poseidon who seduces Medusa into Athena's temple, and in others still, Medusa is a victim of assault.
What most versions of the myths do have in common is the fact that Medusa and Poseidon had some sort of relationship that produced at least two children (Pegasus and Chrysaor). Most versions (both Greek and Roman) also depict her as a tragic figure and a beautiful maiden.
Athena is involved in earlier myths as the goddess who put her head onto the shield that averts the gaze of enemies. In later myths, she is the one who curses Medusa to transform into what we know of her today after Athena discovers her relationship with Poseidon on her sacred ground. Poseidon, of course, gets let off scot-free.
Depending on how you read into the myths, there could be a variety of different things happening here. So, I like what the show did. They made it vague enough that this is still middle-grade level like the books, but they also expanded on what the books couldn't because they are originally written from 12-year-old Percy's POV.
They basically keep nearly all aspects of the story and original myth possible. But in the end, Medusa is indeed a victim of abuse.
Her real curse is not that she is hideous and turns people who look into her eyes into stone, but that she is made invisible by the curse and she is not heard. Not one person can look her in the eye and live to tell the tale. She can't show her beauty, so she chooses to live with what she has. Even with a slanted hat covering half her face and eyes, you can tell she's statuesque (see what I did there?) and a beauty.
She chooses elegant clothes, pretty jewelry, a neat hairstyle, a hat that accents what you can see of her features, and red lipstick that makes you think she could be desirable.
But it doesn't change the fact that Poseidon had his way with her, told her he loved her, and then she was the only one left with the punishment for what happened between them. Athena cursed her out of anger.
Medusa revered Athena who is a virgin goddess, and of course, Athena would be upset when one of her devout followers is suddenly not a virgin too. Yet, Medusa mentioned earlier in her narrative in episode 3 that Athena never answered her prayers at all and never gave an indication that she was listening. So out of all the times she pays attention, it's to curse her for something she doesn't like?
Athena paid attention to Medusa when it was convenient to her and Poseidon left her when Medusa was no longer useful to him after she was cursed.
This version of Medusa is left to the wolves to defend herself and live with herself, a victim of abuse of power from multiple ends and from gods she thought she could trust.
Medusa and Sally Jackson
What I found the most interesting in episode 3 was the fact that Medusa sprinkles the seeds of doubt into Percy's mind that maybe the loving relationship he thought his mother had with Poseidon was not what actually happened.
In the Variety article, Rebecca Riordan says, that Percy has to think ‘What has my father done? Has he changed? How do I see myself in relationship to that?' while Rick says that “Percy can only judge his father by the wreckage he has left behind."
The fact of the matter is, Percy is 12. The book series is for a middle-grade audience, and the show is too. So people out there thinking "This could've been darker!" need to calm down and take a back seat. The books always did a good job of introducing deeper, darker topics to children. The show should stick to the same strategy to keep what made the original story so good.
But, what the show does here is make you think. If Poseidon could abandon Medusa like that, use her like that, then maybe Sally Jackson was abandoned and used too.
Her show story does a good job of connecting two women who had a relationship with the same god, connecting women who thought they could trust someone but were left to fend for themselves.
Look at where Sally Jackson is now at this point in the story. Not only was she forced to marry Gabe Ugliano to use his stench to protect her son who attracts monsters, but he is an abusive man both to her and to her son at least verbally. In the books, it's not suggested until the very end of The Lightning Thief that Gabe has been hitting her outside of Percy's POV. I've seen people forget that and immediately write off that Gabe wasn't "abusive enough". C'mon people. Just because Sally fights back verbally doesn't mean he wasn't still abusive in his actions in the first two episodes. Even if they decide not to suggest that he was also physically abusive to Sally, doesn't make him sneakily using her phone, demanding to ask why she has to use his car, and demanding for her to make food for him any less abusive.
Sally chose that life because the most important person in the world to her is her son, and even though Gabe is a total jerk, she convinced herself that she could take what he gave her because what he did to her was better than having her son being hunted and maimed by a bunch of Greek monsters because of who he is. To top it all off, now Hades stole her away into the Underworld.
Medusa, in a similar way, was left to fend for herself. She chose what was best for her, and lived in her new form because she could not change what had happened. She wants to save Sally too because she sees Percy as a boy whose mom was abused the same way she was.
Medusa's brilliant role as an antagonist
Now we're here, the main reason I wanted to write this giant thing. I saw a weird take on Twitter saying that Medusa in the show should not have been beheaded like she was in the books because then that negates her whole story and what she stood for.
Well, in my opinion, that is a shallow take on what the show's Medusa is trying to portray.
Medusa is an antagonist. In the myths, she is an antagonist. In the books, she is an antagonist. In the show, she is an antagonist. She gets in the way of Percy's path for his quest, she suggests that he doesn't need Annabeth and Grover, and that only she can save his mom with him.
In both the books and the show, there are hundreds of statues of people she had turned. Sure, some of them could've been attacking her, but there were a lot of people there who were victims too. I'm sure that screaming lady didn't mean to do something to Medusa, and Grover's Uncle Ferdinand? He was the only statue who appeared calm and collected and there was nothing to suggest that he was out to get her. He was only on his journey to find Pan.
Medusa has killed people, and innocent people at that. For thousands of years. And not just people she had to, and not a small amount. Then, she suggests that Percy let her kill his two friends who are children.
To her, Annabeth and Grover are dead weight because of their loyalty to the gods. Annabeth wants to be noticed by her mother. Grover wants to make sure the world doesn't end. I mean, they all don't want the world to end but I digress.
Medusa hates the gods. She wants to save a woman who is like her. She will protect that woman's child. But she will do anything and destroy anyone to get that end result.
A victim is still a victim even if they are a villain or an antagonist. Her methods don't make her any less of a victim of abuse. But that doesn't mean they are right.
So yes, when Percy runs away from her to keep his friends alive and she takes off her hat to stalk them around the room to turn them into stone, she does indeed need to be beheaded. There is literally no other way to defeat her. They can't look at her or they die. So they have to make her stop moving.
Unfortunately, a person like her with deep and complicated motivations would never change their mind when they feel they are betrayed. So, Percy did what he could to protect himself and his friends from dying.
Still, it's a poetic death as it is in the books. He mails her head to the gods and mentions Athena specifically for her punishment of Medusa. He's impertinent.
Medusa didn't deserve to be punished. But it's been millennia and she made her choices. The abusers did not get the punishment they deserved, but maybe now they will. Medusa's head in her (temporary) death, will be a testament to her victory, but also a testament to her downfall.
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buckybarnesss · 5 months
This is sort of an out of left field question- but what are your thoughts on Peter and Talia being half or step siblings?
Obviously, they don’t look alike very much. And clearly genes are funky things and this is not damning evidence. But I think it’s a very personal hc to me bc I myself have a half brother who I love very much, but it does influence our interactions.
One thing I constantly think about is Peter being an unreliable narrator. And what we see of Laura from his pov is different than Scott and Stiles finding her body. Is he imagining she’s blond and looks more like him? Yeah sure this could just be casting inaccuracies. But it feels very personal lol.
Has Peter always felt a degree of distance with his family? Where did the idea of him being Talia’s left hand come from? Wouldnt he have been there in the alpha pack flash back if that was the case? Was he younger than Laura? This also brings to mind Papa Hale (who I like to imagine was a human part of the pack/another pack before him and Talia were in a relationship). Was Talia always a Hale? Or married in?
Anyway, I have many thoughts and questions. But I really appreciate your analysis and insight. Joining a fandom past its prime (affectionate) is sort of like being in the apocalypse where 80% of the fandom is dead, and finding a ‘survivor’ is a miracle. Anyway, if you feel like it, I would love your thoughts on it all :3
if laura hale is my roman empire than talia and peter's relationship is my holy roman empire.
@dear-massacre and i talk about this quite frequently. it's a problem fam.
i do have a talia hale and peter hale and the hale family feels tags.
we don't really have any information other than some crumbs jeff has thrown us within canon.
in my opinion talia is the hale. there's no other option put forth. derek's father is such a non-entity that there's zero mention of him. the hales are clearly an old family of werewolves and were part of the very founding of beacon hills itself likely connected to the nemeton.
not to mention, season 3 has a lot to do with derek learning from and accepting talia's legacy and the legacy of the hale family. it also directly contrasts the argents. the argents pay lip service to being matriarchal but we know gerard has been calling the shots for decades whereas it seems as though the hales actually were.
so when you get down to it you can pretty much headcanon anything you want for how the exact specifics of how talia and peter are related but what we do know is talia was the older sibling and peter the younger.
peter doesn't actually talk about talia very much if at all. however, his monolog in monstrous is quite illuminating on peter's headspace while he was in a coma and pre-resurrection.
i predicted this. i told-i told talia this was going to happen... something like this was going to happen... i said that they were gonna come for us... " the argents, they're gonna come for us. they're gonna burn us to the ground-- burn us to the ground." did she listen? of course not! did anyone listen? they listened to her-- yes!-- say that everything was going to be fine. that we were all perfectly safe...perfectly safe... but she made us weak! she made us weak. and what happens to the weakest in the herd? they get picked off by the predators! we used to be the apex predators, until talia turned us into sheep.
with that said i do have my own ideas on their relationship given what we know. visionary is the episode that does the heavy lifting in the entire goddamn show in regards to this.
the age inconsistency comes from bringing back the younger actor from season 2 to play peter in visionary. it makes peter appear closer to derek's age than he actually is. i think it's almost part of peter's manipulations. it's his attempt to manipulate the audience as well just like he did lydia.
there's just simply no way talia hale didn't know about peter's everything. she was not only his older sister but she was his alpha. i think peter and talia may have been more similar than people want to believe.
peter is a lot of things. many of them contradictory. he loved his sister and clearly mourned her but that doesn't mean he didn't resent her just a little. he did still after all go with derek to retrieve her claws and i think there's something twisted up in him about how derek resembles her and begins to become more like her.
when you begin to sort of dig into what we know about the hale family the more one begins to question if talia was as benevolent as people assume she was. there's some seriously morally questionable things that occurred. talia did some shady things.
the real big one is that she coerced corrine into carrying her pregnancy with malia to term. the likely explanation is talia did this because she knew this would decrease corrine's power.
corrine is pretty explicit about this with what she says to malia:
you know, your real name isn't malia. you don't have a name. talia hale took you away from me before i could give you one.
corrine: i'm not going to stop, malia. i'm taking back what you stole from me. malia: i didn't steal anything. corrine: but you did. corrine: and I don't care if you're a willing participant or not. talia hale spent nine months trying to convince me of the miracle of childbirth. you know what it really felt like? a parasite. talia said it was a gift, that the coyote passes down part of her power to her daughter. she called it "beautiful." i call it "theft."
she also took peter's memories of malia's existence which considering peter's reaction doesn't seem like he had much say in. so in effect talia removed peter's agency.
she probably felt she had valid reason for doing these things. corrine was a threat and dangerous person but still it's really, really questionable. it still ended with malia's adoptive mother and sister being killed and malia going missing for years because corrine was vengeful over losing her power. talia was still alive when this happened.
of all people talia had to be aware of peter's -- you know -- everything and she probably held the leash. he wasn't a problem so long as she was the alpha and could control him.
talia also had to have been aware of and likely either approved of or encouraged him taking a mentor sort of role with derek. we see peter having a keen interest in derek in both visionary and the season 4 flashbacks.
like, who do we think ran off and told talia about what happened with derek and paige? who likely instructed peter on getting rid of paige's body and helping to cover up her death to protect derek and the family?
i actually fully believe she knew peter was skulking about the werewolf summit and may have even told him to do so.
talia is like the mona lisa smile of teen wolf. she's inscrutable but we get impressions about her and what she was like via the people that knew her. her children, her brother, her advisor and peers.
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wilhelmwrobel · 17 days
TW: SA, gore and death
Sorry, I just have to type out this rant somewhere. And, just to be painfully explicit about it, this is in no way supposed to make light of sexual assault, femicide or anything else. My main gripe here is purely with The Left™ and feminism and how we don't seem to notice that we're also engaging in the "the cruelty is the point" culture war we (rightfully) scold the right for and that we're doing a pretty fucking shitty job of being the more compassionate side of the political spectrum at times.
So, there's currently that trend on TikTok where women answer the question...
Would you rather encounter a bear or a male stranger if you're alone in the woods?
...with the overwhelming consensus being that a bear seems like the far safer option. And, sure, not my place to comment on that as a guy but I get why most women answer bears.
Now, along comes this video of a guy whose mom was mauled by a bear. He explains how horrible a bear attack is and that people don't really know what they are talking about. He also says that his mom's response to that thought experiment wasn't kind and the word "asinine" was frequently mentioned in response. And let's be crystal clear: He's definitely seems pissed about this particular line of ✨ discourse ✨ (but I'm also autistic so, well, grain of salt).
I want to implore you to take a second before you continue reading: What do you want to respond to him?
If your answer was either laugh at him or lecture him, you'd be completely in line with the responses on TikTok I've seen so far. And, not gonna lie, I kinda find it genuinely disgusting.
That guy brought the receipts. His mother is Allena Hansen and this is a picture of her after the attack (warning, graphic). She had to have multiple, extensive emergency surgeries taking 10 hours or more. And, because US healthcare is in the state that it is, she had healthcare expenses of upwards of $ 250 000 resulting from it.
... if you don't understand why somebody who almost LOST HIS MOTHER TO A BEAR ATTACK has a visceral reaction to people, in his eyes, talking lightly about the gravity of a bear attack, I'm seriously questioning your empathy.
For him you're looking at the worst trauma of his life and calling it "the better alternative". And at that point anything beyond "Yeah, I see your POV and why you feel that way" is firmly in the Big Lebowski category:
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It's why you'd apologize to someone after saying "at least it's not X" and you sudden notice someone who suffers/suffered from X is nearby.
All of the responses I've seen have similar lines of arguments:
1. "You have no standing here - your mom was attacked and suffered, not you. So shut up and let the people with a stake in it do the talking."
I mean, if you don't get why almost losing your mother in a particularly gruesome way very much results in suffering and trauma for their children, I don't know what to say to you. But next time you go to a funeral try saying "my condolences" towards the coffin instead of the family and see how that goes over. I'm just gonna say that he very much has personal standing here.
2. "Your mom's book is titled "Chomp, chomp, chomp" so I'm gonna take this as evidence that bear attacks aren't bad because SA survivors stories don't have funny titles":
Remember the medical debt I mentioned above? His mom is on the record about how much she struggled to pay for her treatments and even now, years later, it seems to be a sore spot. Which, I surmise, might be a reason for that book with the attention grabbing title. Publishing is a ruthless industry and if you're trapped in debt you sometimes do "indignant" things to survive.
3. "Your mom did a Reddit AMA and answered that question already and said she prefers the bear, too. Your mom is on our side and you're just a clueless man":
I'm gonna admit I didn't check if this is true. I don't care. He speaks out of his own suffering (see point 1) and, who knows, maybe his mom said that back then because of the whole "marketing your book" thing (see point 2) and she felt like ppl want to hear that. Or she changed her mind since 11 years ago when she did that AMA. But you telling someone how their mom feels about the bear mauling she suffered from and disregarding his conversations with his. fucking. mom. is condescending at best.
But none of these things are what's really what's bothering me. What's bothering me is this: Did you ever have a conversation with a Republican or someone of an opposing political viewpoint and felt they are trying to trigger you? Especially if you spoke out of something that's close to your heart or connected to a personal tragedy?
I have. And that feeling is so distinct that I can recall it in an instance. The confusion and obliviousness how somebody can disregard any notions of empathy just in furtherance of an argument. That unique brand of shitty if you're in a vulnerable state and someone just shits over it and you can FEEL that none of what you're saying is going through their ideological filter.
It. Just. Feels. Shit.
And I promise you nobody every changed their political opinion because you made them feel ridiculed, disregarded and put down. It's painfully obvious that all answers to this guy come from a "No, I'm right and the beating will continue until you've learned your lessons" the right loves to employ against every poor person, drug addict and incarcerated person with.
We on the left and feminists oftentimes pride ourselves on being compassionate. Our opinions are oftentimes grounded in "we just want to reduce suffering".
And that contains maybe taking a step back and letting the talking points and "no, you're wrong" take a backseat when somebody tells you their mother was mauled by a fucking bear.
And just to be painfully explicit about it: That doesn't mean we can't take the implications of why women would prefer a bear or actual cases of SA just as serious. Empathy is not a finite resource.
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ethelsilvergray · 10 months
POV: DbD killers reaction on my new hairstyle
Author's note: I wrote this POV for myself, not gender neutral, mentions of female gender. I mention MY long purple and green hair. I also describing my own fantasies and I don't feel very positive about some of the characters. But if you want, you can use this pov and imagine yourself. I use "me/I'm" etc in it. Also please don't judge me English is not my native language
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Today was a special day because Entity sent out hair dye to the survivors. There were only two colors and these were my colors, so I did not share them with others. No one began to argue with me, seeing how inspired I was. I asked my best friend dye my hair. At first they was insecure, doubting that they would do well, but seeing my compassionate look, they agreed.
So, the reaction of the killers to my new hair color:
- Ji-Woon Hak (The Trickster)
• He doesn't care. He already have a new hair color every trial
• He is too busy paying attention to Miroslav (My bestie <3)
I'm happy for them, so I don't care about his reaction.
- Bubba Sawyer (The Cannibal)
• Very excited with my new hair color
• It's unusual for him seen so bright hair
• He thinks I'm very beautiful
• Pulled my hair a couple of times to make sure it wasn't a wig
• He likes to pet them
• He makes me different hairstyles
- Michael Myers (The Shape)
• He likes it
• But he doesn't show it in any way, he is a stone
• He likes that the bright color makes me the easiest to track down
- The Ghost Face
• As well as Michael, he's glad that I can be easily tracked down
• Specially moried me so that he has a photo with my new hairstyle
- Evan MacMillan (The Trapper)
• Thinks I'm pretty
• Falls into his own traps because he thinks about how bright I am
• Carries me on his shoulder and does not want to hook me
• But still kills because it's his job
- Kazan Yamaoka (The Oni)
• Considers this unusual, since in his time this did not exist
• Compares me to Yōkai and I wonder if I should be offended or if this is a compliment?
• Strokes my hair
• Poetically says that I look like a flower
• Glad for such an update, because he can always see me ^^
• From the outside it may seem that he is an evil warrior who has nothing on his mind except rage and revenge, but in fact he has a subtle soul and he knows how to compliment.
- Freddy Krueger (The Nightmare)
• He likes it
• Thinks it's pretty teenage stuff, but he often acts like a teenager himself, so It's to his taste
• One of his favorite colors is green, so that's another reason why he likes it, but there is one problem
• Why not green/red? xd
• Chase me everywhere to say his terrible grandfather jokes and flirtations
• Wants to kiss me and then mori, how cute ❣️
- Anna (The Huntress)
• Doesn't know how she feels
• On the one hand she loves natural beauty
• But I'm so bright and it's also beautiful
• Thinks i look like a doll
• Calls me Malvina even though I don't have blue hair
- Jeffrey Hawk (The Clown)
• Said that I look like a clown
• I was offended and said that he looked like sh*t
• He said it was actually a compliment.
• I'm.. I feel sick
• He likes this color combination
- Herman Carter (The Doctor)
• At first he thought that I grew natural hair of this color
• Wants to open up my skull to find out what made me dye my hair
• In general, he doesn’t care what my hair color is and why, he just wants to open the skull
- Amanda Young (The Pig)
• Thinks that I'm cute and that it suits me
• Lesbian panic
• Stalking me
• Wants to bury her muzzle in my hair and sit like that, inhaling the pleasant smell of hair-dye
- Lisa Sherwood (The Hag)
• Also wants to dye her hair like this
• Teaming
- Rin Yamaoka (The Spirit)
• Thinks it's cool
• Jealous
• Angry and mori me because of envy
- Carmina Mora (The Artist)
• Thinks I'm a work of art
• Lesbian panic 2.0
• Wants to draw me
• Thinks that these colors go well together and suits me very well
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Cowboy Survivor
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Awesome idea given to me from @the-morning-star-falls Anyone who misses Lee Dutton from Yellowstone, this is for you. 🤗 Lee Dutton survives his injury and falls in love with the nurse that tends to his wounds.
(Y/H/C) - your hair color
(Y/E/C) - your eye color
Lee's POV
Opening my eyes slowly I squint at the bright lights. Looking around I see an ivy in my arm. "Thank God you're alive!" My brothers voice came out. Kayce sits in a chair pulled at my bedside. I try to sit up but wince sharply seeing a bandage over my bullet wound. Right, rescuing the cattle. "Dad's gonna be mad I'm here." I say laying back on the pillow, seeing my cowboy hat rested on the foot of the bed. He doesn't like hospital's at all.
"I think he'll be happier you're alive. And don't worry about dad...I'll handle him." Kayce said running a hand through his hair just as the door opened in walks a girl with (y/h/c) and (y/e/c), wearing a simple nurse outfit. "Hello, Mr. Dutton. My name's Y/n L/n. I'll be your nurse."
The Y/n girl hands a clipboard to my brother. "It's all written down as you requested, Kayce. Mr. Dutton will only have to pay half the bill." He nods reading the papers before signing his name, leaving the room. "I'll be back tomorrow when you get discharged." I simply bit my lip at him. "Thanks, Kayc."
"It was brave what you did, Mr. Dutton." Y/n rounds my bedside reaching to lift up my shirt to reach the bandage. I lock eyes with her as she finishes changing the dressing. "Lee, call me Lee. He told you about the cattle huh?"
She nods throwing away the old material a smile on her face the whole time. Maybe it's just because it's professional for her job. "He did. The cattle are yours, or at least they should be. People on the Indian Reservation would just let it loose to get killed. But your family cares for them, so they can provide for you later in life." I suck in a breath at her words.
Yesterday I told dad that the cattle was so much more than just a profit in cash. Y/n nearly voiced my exact words back to me. I like her. "Luckily the bullet that hit you only grazed your side. It'll heal within a couple weeks. So no horse riding for you cattle rancher."
She picked up my hat smiling putting it on her head, looking my direction. "How does it look, Lee?" Hearing my name from her lips is music to my ears. "Beautiful..." Slipped from my lips without a thought. Y/n blushes lightly using the hat to hide it. "L - Lee..."
"Could I take you on a horseback ride sometime, ma'am?" I nervously asks playing with my fingers as her eyes go big in concern and annoyance. "Lee! What did I just say a minute ago!" I release a deep chuckle grinning brightly. "I'm kidding, Y/n. I mean when I'm all healed."
Y/n takes a seat on my bedside, placing my hat back on my head. "I'd love to go on a date with you cowboy." I interviewed our hands together with a grin. "You'd be my cowgirl."
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wordstro · 3 years
[11:26 AM] + hero/villain au + "you think he'll stop? after what he did to you?" + part 6
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 masterlist
2k, hongjoong's pov for the first half but it goes back to y/n's! warnings for lots of cursing lol
kim hongjoong felt responsible for you. he'd seen you around when he was younger, but he hadn't truly known you until years after the Incident. you lived three streets down from him, near the park with the hydrangeas. he remembered this because he spent time in that park often with his parents, and later his friends. it was the best spot to hide whenever he and his friends wanted to smoke or drink before a party, or if he wanted to spend time alone with a date.
neither of you ran in the same circles. hongjoong smoked cigarettes behind the school next to broken CCTV cameras. you kept to your small circle and he never saw you at parties. hongjoong only cared about his music classes. you cared about your classes so much, you even went to supplementary after school classes. he hadn't known much about you in high school, aside from the fact that some time in ninth grade you were teased briefly for your tattered shoes. he never cared enough to find out if that escalated any further.
when hongjoong turned sixteen, he was used to screaming matches with his parents. he wasn't used to his powers. they came one day all at once, bursting from him one morning. he'd touched his toothbrush and it disappeared. he hadn't thought much of it that morning, assuming he had been severely hungover and dropped his toothbrush somewhere. but, when he came home late that night and his parents confronted him for missing classes, his emotions burst from him. he never knew what they had said to him in that moment, he only felt a rush in his ears and the feeling that his heart was attempting to burst out of his chest. when he woke up in an unfamiliar white room surrounded by people in white hazmat suits, he was told he wiped out his entire town.
when he returned to the spot where his home should have stood, after months of government-issued rehabilitation, all that was left was a crater where his hometown once was and his inability to figure out where the hell he put them. dimensional storage, he learned, was his power. he ran himself into the fucking ground trying to figure out which dimension he sent everyone.
his mentor insisted he go to university, try to live a life outside of trying to redeem himself, try to be happy. he'd obliged only because he respected his mentor. he didn't think it possible because he basically killed an entire town. hundreds upon hundreds of people. and that burden would live on his shoulders forever.
when he saw you in his first year calculus class, wearing the same tattered shoes he remembered you were teased for, he knew he had to speak to you.
you told him what happened, how you went to seoul for a supplementary class, and you'd missed the last bus home and had to spend the night at an overnight bathhouse. when you returned everything was gone. your parents, your home, every single thing was gone and all that was left was a giant crater filled with rubble. from there on out, you were left to fend for yourself.
"it was you, wasn't it?" you asked him, a few months later.
hongjoong tried to deny it, but you'd spent enough time with him to see past his facades. you'd leveled him with a frown and said, "i spent years trying to figure out what the fuck happened that night. the internet has everything, joong. besides, you and i are the only survivors."
hongjoong would always remember the guilt that lay heavy on his shoulders as he looked at you. he'd spent enough time with you to learn the consequences of his actions. you lost everything because of him. you'd gone hungry often and never quite had a home since that night. even now you worked multiple jobs to pay for university classes. because of him.
"it was an accident." he began, and to his surprise you didn't grow angry. you only sat and listened. it was more than he deserved.
when he disclosed his powers to you, you'd only picked up a rock off the ground, crushed it in your hands, showed him the dusty remnants, and said, "i assumed that was it. mine's not as cool as yours though."
from that day onwards, he felt responsible for you. he refused to let your applications to the hero-villain alliance go through. perhaps it wasn't his call to make, but he could not live with himself if you got hurt on the job because of him. not again.
eventually, he gave in, when he realized just how rundown you'd become from your multiple jobs and how often you spent weeks on his couch while searching for cheaper apartments, when he realized it wasn't his place to make such decisions for you. so he made a few calls, had your application bumped up, and made seonghwa, yunho, san, mingi, jongho, yeosang, and wooyoung swear they would not let you get hurt on the job.
it worked, until a year ago.
until he pulled you from the rubble and took in the burns wooyoung left on your neck.
until he had to face you in battle, your eyes looking right through him as he tried to speak sense into you.
until now.
"what the hell are they doing here?" san grits out the words, his gaze narrowing as he stares at the camera footage in front of him, at you standing at the front door of the alliance, your back ramrod straight and your knocking incessant.
hongjoong drags a hand through his hair, "we should let them in."
"and what if they go berserk on us the moment we do?" san bites out.
"what else are we supposed to do?" hongjoong turns a glare on san, "shoot them on sight?"
"maybe that's the best course of action."
"you don't believe that," yunho's voice is quiet, but it rings between them, his kind eyes on san.
san does not meet his gaze.
"just," hongjoong takes a deep breath, "get the chains, mingi. tranquilizers, too. hopefully, they cooperate. yunho, tell taeil to scout outwards up to radius five in case they're a decoy for someone else."
san stiffens at that. hongjoong just squeezes san's shoulder as he steps around him, "we outnumber them right now. don't worry."
"i'm not worried," san mutters, but his shoulders relax under hongjoong's touch.
hongjoong takes a deep breath as he approaches the door, the months and months of guilt that had accumulated while you were gone heavy on his shoulders.
you wake up to a bright light and the inability to move a single inch. your breath catches in your throat and you think, oh god, is this eunwoo's lab? and your chest feels tight with the thought, the very idea that you did manage to escape, that maybe you dreamt yeosang helping you escape, or wooyoung made due with his promise and has left you in eunwoo's clutches to do whatever experimentation he's wanted to do to you or -
"woah there, hey, it's okay."
the deep voice is familiar. kind. the touch on your arm is not cold like eunwoo's. you blink away your confusion, and your heart flips at the familiar face.
"mingi?" your voice cracks.
mingi smiles, but before he can say anything, the door behind him swings open and in walks san, his expression fixed into a tight glare. yunho eyes you warily, and he keeps a distance you don't blame him for. hongjoong enters last. his gaze flits over your form, assessing you quickly as he used to do. you've missed them. even as you assess your own situation, understand that you are strapped to a chair the same way you were when wooyoung and yeosang first kidnapped you, the relief swirling in your chest makes you want to cry.
you open your mouth to say something, anything, but you have no idea what to say. the guilt and fear and relief creates a lump in your throat you can't move past. you can't even remember the awful things you must have done to them. the distance makes you want to disappear.
hongjoong steps close, crouching in front of you, his gaze searching yours, and he simply says, "explain."
you tell him everything.
hongjoong drags a hand through his hair, "that's...a lot."
san hovers close, and though his hostility has lessened it's still there, still so potent, but you understand it because you'd watched him act that way before wooyoung and yeosang took you.
san's face is inches from yours, "how do we know you weren't ordered to come here?"
"you don't," you say, "but i left that pouch on purpose and yeosang risked his life to get me out of there and...and my word is all i can give you. i know -"
san cuts you off, "how do we know you won't try to finish the job the moment you're set free? i watched you kill those people, y/n." he jabs a finger against your chest and you wince when he touches the injection bruises, "that was all fucking you. how do we know what's going to come out the moment we test the words you gave us? how can you guarantee our safety in all this?"
his tone is accusing, and it only makes you feel worse. you glance at yunho, mingi, and hongjoong, but neither of them step towards you. only yunho looks away, closing his eyes.
"i don't know, i'm sorry," your voice breaks. the thought of having lost their trust and not being able to fix it breaks your heart.
"crying isn't going to help," san grits out, though he does step back a little.
"san, stop it," yunho pushes san's shoulder, dabbing at your face with a handful of tissues, his gloved hands noticeably hesitant. still, he powers through, frowning between you and san, "you don't need to be so hard on them."
"yes, i do," san snaps, "one of us needs to be hard on them, and i know it's not going to be any of you. i'm not letting us go through the same shit all over again."
you drop your eyes to the floor and yunho lets out an audible sigh, "hongjoong, please tell him to lay off."
you look up, meeting hongjoong's gaze for a long moment. his eyes are heavy with the same kind of guilt you've seen on him since the day you met him. an existential, bone-deep guilt you know he will always feel when he sees you. you remind him of his past, of his moment of weakness, of everything terrible he's ever done. he thinks you never notice the guilt, but you do. hongjoong looks away. he says, "san's not wrong. we need to be careful."
yunho rolls his eyes, and mingi sighs.
san opens his mouth, hands crossed over his chest, when he's interrupted by the high whine of a siren. it pierces through the room, startling all of you. yunho drops his gloved hand from your face. mingi frowns.
"it's a level one breach," hongjoong says, though you all know exactly what it is. you've had training on it, sure, but the last time you heard this exact siren go off was when wooyoung, yeosang, jongho, and seonghwa betrayed the alliance and wreaked havoc on the city. it means there's an attack on the city and it's predicted to be devastating.
your heart drops just as san spins on you and grabs your collar, "what the fuck is going on?"
"i don't know," you shake your head, "i really don't."
"now's not the time," hongjoong yanks san's arm off you, "we need to go to the debriefing room and figure out the threa-"
a loud, distant boom has hongjoong snapping his mouth closed, eyes widening. the floor quakes beneath your feet, your teeth chattering at the intensity of the trembles.
"oh fuck," yunho grips the table to steady himself, "we need to go. now."
another boom fills the silence, followed by screaming, loud and shrill.
"what about -"
an explosion echoes right above them and the room lights start to flicker. you flinch at the dust falling into your eyes.
"let me out."
san lets out a bitter laugh at your demand, "see? this is exactly what the fuck i was talking about. you just -"
"we can't just leave them down here." mingi snaps, "we're in the fucking basement, san."
"we should! do you think it's a coincidence that we're having a level one attack while we're all preoccupied with y/n showing up unannounced at our doorstep?"
"stay with me if you want!" you shout, "i just want to see wooyoung."
hongjoong swivels on his heels, meeting your gaze. it's the first time he's looking at you so candidly since you woke up and you nearly recoil at the intensity of it. "why do you want to see him?"
"to stop him."
"you think he'll stop? after what he did to you?" hongjoong grits his teeth and, for the first time, you can truly see how angry he is, how affected he is by everything. he never shows his anger so blatantly, but now it rolls off him in waves. the world is silent, eerily so, like the calm before a storm.
you resist the urge to recoil and look him dead in the eyes, "if i have to break every single bone in his body to stop him, then i will." you turn your gaze to san and repeat, "i will."
after a beat, san says, "i'm holding you to it."
you nod and he looks away.
"great, glad we got that figured out," yunho sighs, "now let's get the fuck out of here."
suddenly, a sharp creaking noise cuts through the eerie silence. the groan reminds you of a wailing whale, low and drawn out and a chill runs down your spine and straight to your toes. mingi yanks at your chains. you pull an arm free, just as there's another keening wail and suddenly -
"holy shit."
the entire building above you is gone. sunlight fills everything. at least, you believe it to be sunlight at first, until you realize just how bright it is. it's searing. hot, like the sun.
your eyes widen.
or like wooyoung.
"y/n, come on. get up."
you're yanked out the chair, ignoring the pain running up your leg when the chains scratch at your calf.
when you reach the ground, you cough around black smoke filling your lungs, your eyes widening as you take in the sight of wooyoung on fire, brighter than the sun, hotter, flamed wings surging from his form. below him marches an army of skeletons, dragging their bones as they lay siege on your city.
your heart drops to the pit of your stomach when wooyoung's eyes meet yours.
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light-miracles · 3 years
AoS season 5 reactions
Or how to ruin a show that until then was being flawlessly written.
Going by chronological order with @shieldagent93 having to stand my rants...
~In 5x01, two of the three sentences said by Jemma had the word "Fitz". It's too much. It's like if she's always thinking about him.
~I... What's happening?? When do they explain what's going on?
~I don't like this Deke guy.
~5x05 was great. It explained a lot of the doubts I had. Also seeing Hunter again was amazing.
~What the fuck are they doing shooting at a fuckin quinjet wtf.
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~5x08 has me like "how does time travel works in Marvel?". Like... They're in the future but they also raised Robin. Guess it's a Marvel thing. Also i would really like Fitz a little more if he had a better control of his outburst. I know, he's frustrated, but I guess screaming angry men just trigger me... And he has an ugly as fuck beard now. Anyway, May looks younger every season. The woman grows old in reverse.
~Done with 5x10. My Elena feelings are hurting. Also someone in the writing room as an amputation kink... Honestly this season is being the least cool (which is still better than what I'm used but, still). The dystopan society and everything related feels clumsy.
~You gotta be freakin kidding me her arms actually got chopped off?? Also, bad Susan Vásquez, bad. Alex Danvers would be disappointed
~"Losing a life is better than two" "This is not Hydra, Leopold!" Like, fuckin literally, Leopold!
~... There was an Hydra high school??? How did they remain undercover for 70 years, again?... I mean, they literally have an Hydra high school uniform... The person who washes their clothes might, idk, GUESS it's an Hydra high school.
~5x14... What the fuck did i just watch. Yeah, fuck FitzSimmons. Fuck Fitz. The fuck with Simmons. And I guess you won't catch me talking about Skimmons for a while. Wtf.
~Note to myself: Dessica never exaggerates. When she says something is bad, it's bad.
~Also, funny how Fitz apparently was talking to his evil self for weeks and no one noticed anything different about him. Jemma didn't notice anything different about him. So either that was bad writing or the dude is truly a psycho and not worse than Ward.
~5x15 has me like 'why no one is angry at Fitz?' He didn't steal someone's cookie he fuckin cut into Daisy??? Why don't they let Jemma be angry at him?? Since when all Jemma cares is only him??... I miss the Jemma of the past seasons.
~Deke: 'I respect you for what you did'
Is this... Is this for real???
~Deke: Daisy is a pain in the ass
FitzSimmons: I noticed.
~ Jemma: "Fitz is paying for thinking differently"
*internally screaming *
~You know, this is worse than Supergirl's s5. Because the bullshit was said mostly by the fans, not the actual characters.
~"Maybe that they chopped your arms off wasn't so bad"... Are they trying to make me hate him?... Who wrote this?
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Pffffffffffffffff LMAO!!!! He's fuckin cosplaying Khan from Star Trek...
~Plz let this season end.
~... Did i just hear the phrase 'Fitz is an incredible person' coming out of Daisy's mouth-i can't believe it
~Andddd Talbot just killed Brainiac 5.
~Jemma "torturing Daisy is okay but I draw the line at using an old corpse to create a cure to save Coulson's life" Simmons... Daisy literally hijacked her mother's corpse and it's not even the weirder thing about this season.
~Poor Jiaying. Like, yeah, she tried to kill Daisy but she was bananas at the moment and everything was Hydra's fault so...(Just like ANOTHER scientist restrained ANOTHER defenseless asian girl because he thought FUCKIN CUTTING INTO HER was for the GREATER GOOD) (I WONDER WHO MIGHT THAT BE)
~Okay but this evil alien villian is literally just a black man. No pointy ears. No weird eyes. No sharp teeth. Not even ants. Just a black man. Black men must look alien enough to whoever created this character
~Fitz: We can't break the time loop
Jemma: Okay Fitz ❤️
Fitz: I changed my mind I think we must make sure we break it
Jemma: Okay Fitz ❤️
This woman hasn't had a single personal thought in 15 episodes
~ Philindaisy's shoulders must hurt from carrying the weight of the season. Mack is honestly the only survivor of this team. I don't know any person called Finn or Simona or whoever. Neither their grandson Dick the Dick. And Elena is on thin, thin ice. I can still understand her pov and see why she does what she does. That's why she's on thin ice instead of on the bottom of the ocean like Fido and Simpsons.
~"I'm the savior of the world" said he, as he crashed his ship against a fuckin city. Homeboy at least be a coherent villian ffs-He's making the jesuchrist pose. Talbot, honey I'm so sorry.
~... So is Fitz dead?? I don't get it. Is he dead?? Why is everyone talking like if he were sleeping? What happened? I can't believe this show broke the curse of the 4th season just to invent the curse of the 5th.
You know the worst thing of this season?? That Daisy did everything in her power to protect Jemma from Papa Smurf and some episodes after it Jemma fuckin says it was right to hurt Daisy. Homegirl, that's a shit friend. Someone introduce her to Lena Luthor.
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Once Upon a Flower Shop
Pairing: Captain Swan
Summary:  When Killian’s flower shop, Jolly Blooms Flower Shop, fails to deliver the bouquet Emma ordered, she pays the establishment a rather angry visit.  Little to either of them know this mix up might just turn into the best thing that ever happened to them.
Rating: G/K
Words: 1520
Other Chapters: (2) (3)
This fic was written for the #love4teamhook event as a way to support Alma, @teamhook while she’s going through a difficult time.  Thanks to @jrob64 for her work in betaing for me!
  Killian Jones cupped the delicate blooms of an orchid in his hand and nodded in satisfaction.  He’d been rather worried about this particular plant.  It had shown signs of distress a week past, and for several days he’d feared  it wouldn’t make it.  He had done his research, separated the diseased plant from its mates and cared for it as tenderly as a parent would their child.
Today was the first day the orchid showed signs of improvement.  Like Killian himself, this orchid was a survivor.
Killian gathered up the plant and placed it back inside the bright, humid greenhouse, and then stepped back behind the counter of his shop Jolly Blooms Flower Shop.  Sometimes it amazed him, the life he now led.  As a young man, he’d longed for adventure, danger.  He’d joined the navy to be close to his brother, and the life they’d led had been fascinating.  He’d loved every minute of it.
Until the moment his brother Liam opted to leave the navy and marry his highschool sweetheart, Elsa.
Suddenly, with his brother no longer at his side, danger and adventure no longer looked nearly as appealing.  Left at a crossroads, he’d taken some time to evaluate what he wanted to do with his life, and in the end, he’d opted for the pursuit of beauty.
There was something so calming and yet rejuvenating about being surrounded day after day by beautiful flowers. Providing a product that brought joy and comfort to his clients was infinitely rewarding.  His was a quiet, peaceful existence.
His introspection was interrupted when his shop door was suddenly, forcefully opened.  He looked up to find himself face to face with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.  Her golden hair fell on her shoulders and down her back like a cloud of sunshine.  Her green eyes shone.
Unfortunately, today they seemed to be shining with anger.  So much for his quiet, peaceful existence.
“May...may I help you, love?” he asked, hesitantly as she reached his counter, planted her feet and crossed her arms.
“Yeah, I wanted you to help me yesterday, but apparently asking for a flower shop to deliver flowers was too big of an ask,” she clipped out.
Killian found himself at a loss for words, barely even registering what the vision before him said.  They say when you’ve found your soulmate, your True Love, you just know.  You can feel it.  He’d rather thought that was nonsense, but now...well, now he was beginning to rethink every notion he’d ever had about attraction, romance and even love itself.
“Well?” she exploded, planting her splayed hands on his wooden counter and scowling fiercely at him.  
Killian blinked, shaking his head slightly, willing himself to come back to his senses.  Whatever his attraction might be to this woman, she was a customer, and he must get it together and provide her the customer service that had made him one of the most sought-after small flower shops in the area.
“My apologies,” he said.  “Was there a problem with a flower delivery?”
She rolled her eyes.  “Oh I don’t know.  I ordered a bouquet to be delivered yesterday, and yet still no flowers have arrived.  Seems like a bit of a problem to me!”
Killian frowned.  He’d had several flower orders go out yesterday, and he’d gotten no complaints from his delivery people that they’d been unable to complete their tasks successfully.  “Could I have your name, love?”
“Not your love,” she gritted out.  “Emma Swan.  I ordered a bouquet of snowbells to be delivered to Mary Margaret Nolan.  It was very important that they arrive yesterday on her birthday.”
He remembered the order, because of its unusualness. Few people specifically requested snow bells, and those who did typically wished for them to be an accent in a larger arrangement rather than the sole flower within the arrangement.
Killian typed for a moment on his computer, bringing up the order details.  “According to my records, that bouquet was delivered as requested bright and early yesterday morning.”
“And yet my sister still does not have her bouquet of flowers,” the woman, Emma Swan, said.
Killian peered down at his information once again and groaned.  Will.  He should have known his newest--and most annoying--employee would be at the center of any mix up.
“Scarlet!” he called over his shoulder. 
A moment later the man in question stepped through the back room door and walked up to the two of them.  “Anything I can do for ya boss?”
“There seems to be a mistake with yesterday’s deliveries,” Killian said, willing himself to keep his voice even.  There was just something about Will Scarlet and his care-free and yet somehow insolent style that made Killian wish to throttle him more often than not.
“Nope,” Will said, grinning.  “No problems with yesterday’s deliveries.  Handed the flowers personally to every person on my list.”
“What about the bouquet of snowbells for Mary Margaret Nolan?”
Will tapped on his chin, seemingly deep in thought, and then he brightened.  “I remember her.  Pretty woman, that.  Long, curly, fire-red hair.  Kinda thought about asking her out, but decided that might not be so professional-like.”
“Curly red hair?” Emma Swan bit out.  “Mary Margaret doesn’t have curly red hair.  She has dark brown!  I don’t think she even knows anyone with curly red hair!”
“Did you confirm the name of the recipient?” Killian asked.
“Yep, just like you taught me,” Will said, nodding vigorously.
“And this red-head confirmed that her name was Mary Margaret?” Killian asked.
“Well, I mean she said her name was Merida,” Will conceded, “but I figured hey, that must be a nickname for Mary Margaret or somethin’.”
Killian rubbed at his temples, a pounding headache beginning to set in.  “And you didn’t think to confirm that you had the right address and that this person, with a different name, was the actual intended recipient of your delivery?”
Will shrugged.  “Hey, I don’t ask questions.  I just go where the Google maps lady tells me.”
Killian full-on facepalmed this time before glaring at his unbelievably dense employee.  “Just...just go back to what you were doing.  Later, we’ll have a long, probably rather loud discussion about the proper way to deliver flowers.”
Killian watched the idiot disappear into the backroom, muttering to himself about it being Mrs. Google’s fault and then turned back to face the wrath of the avenging angel before him.
“Miss Swan, my sincerest apologies for this unfortunate mistake,” he said.  “The delivery man at fault will be dealt with, and I will set to work this moment to create a replacement for your sister.”
The remainder of the visit was completed in a matter of moments.  Killian took down his dream woman’s information, apologized profusely, and then assured her yet again that he would personally see to the creation and delivery of the arrangement, that it would be his first priority.
Killian’s reassurances seemed to mollify the woman slightly, though her ire was clearly not entirely ameliorated.  Satisfied that she’d at least accomplished what she’d set out to do, Emma Swan turned and walked briskly out of his shop and out of his life.
It rather amazed Killian what a profound sense of loss he felt as the door closed behind the lovely lady.  He’d only known her for the space of five minutes, for Zeus’s sake, and most of that was spent with her yelling at him.  It made no sense that he’d feel such a deep, elemental pull to her already, and yet the heart wanted what the heart wanted.
Killian grabbed a vase and headed in the direction of his snowbells.  There was no doubt about it; he must find a way to see Emma Swan again.  Slowly, an idea began to take shape within his mind.  It was a bold move, perhaps even risky, but if there’s one thing Liam had instilled in him it was this:  A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets.
If he didn’t at least try with Emma Swan, Killian knew he’d regret it for the rest of his life.
--This story is loosely inspired by The Words music video, as you might have picked up.  I’ve never written about florist Killian before, and I decided it was time to change that.
--I’m anticipating 2 more short chapters that I’ll post on each of the next Thursdays.  (The point of this event was to post one shots...but my muse is terrible at following directions, lol.
--Up next: We’ll get some Killian pining (a la the music video), but the bulk of the chapter will be from Emma’s POV.  We’ll find out why she was so angry about her flowers not being delivered, and we’ll see her reaction to Killian putting into action the plan he comes up with at the end of this chapter.
                                                                                     NEXT CHAPTER-->
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter eighteen: Home Visit 
Summary: Popular punk band, Skull crusher, had to find a new drummer due to the sudden disappearance of the last one. As band manager and lead singer, Semi Eita’s girlfriend, Y/l/n Y/n brings Kyotani, a rising internet drummer they found online into the picture. Everything was great at first, then Kuroo, the lead guitarist, started getting creepy messages and presents. Y/n is determined to find out who is trying to sabotage the band when things only take a turn for the absolute worst. Who could be the mysterious stalker really be? Is it their new band mate? Or could it be a close friend of one of the members?
TW: This is literally disgusting pls, like body horror, cannibalism, graphic, blood, nails in a human hand, burns
AN: This chapter is literally an experience I am so sorry in advance bfdhvds
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Third Person Pov 
A soft knock could be heard on the door while Yachi cried in Asahi’s arms. 
“I’ll get it. Stay here Toka.” He said as he stood up leaving a kiss on top of her head. 
He walked over to the front door as he opened it only to be greeted by a splash of red. He felt his body collapse as they kicked his body inside the door closing it behind him. “Fuck why are you so tall all of a sudden?” He said dragging his body into the rest of the house back to where Yachi was resting on the couch. Daichi picked up Asahi and tossed his partially alive body back onto the couch. Yachi let out a loud scream when she saw Asahi’s throat sliced wide open. 
“Please don’t scream I have a headache.” Daichi sighed from behind the couch. 
“WHAT THE FUCK DAICHI!” He sighed at her while she screamed on the floor. 
“Looks like my partner doesn't get any of the fun this time.” He hopped the couch landing right by her feet as he reached down and grabbed her hair. “I will allow two questions so go ahead as away.” 
“Why did you cut off your own fingers? How could you do this? You're insane!” She yelled in his face. 
“Good questions. Too bad I won’t answer either.” He said with a sadistic laugh as he slammed her head into the floor. He reached into his pocket and grabbed out a pair of wire cutters. “You know these are great for more than just cutting wires.” He forced his weight on top of hers trapping her arms next to her torso in his muscular thighs. He reached one hand into her mouth as she began to gag as his large hand grabbed her tongue. The hand holding the wire cutters reached in and snipped her tongue as she cried out. 
He got up and dragged her fighting body to the kitchen where he slammed her back into a chair. He pulled out some duct tape from his other jacket pocket and began to wrap her arms to the chairs arms easily overpowering her. 
“Don’t drown in your own blood yet.” He said with a laugh. “We are just getting to the fun part.” He moved to her right hand uncurling it as she tried to recurl it instantly. “Alright so we are playing hard ball today okay.” 
He walked away only to return a few seconds later with a bag she assumed was left by the front door. He dug around inside looking for something until he pulled out a nail gun. “Here we go.” He said with a sadistic smile. He pulled a random plank of wood that fit perfectly at the ends of the arms for her hands to rest on. “Don’t move too much or it will hurt more.” She coughed blood at his face in an act of rebellion. “Or don’t you stupid bitch. See if I care.” 
He grabbed her hand and slammed the palm open on the plank of wood. He started aggressively shooting out nails into the back of her palm leaving her fingers untouched. She was wailing and attempting to scream through all the blood pouring from her mouth. “Are you going to behave with this hand or do I have to do this shit all over again?” She sprawled out her hand as he smiled and shot multiple into that hand as well. “I lied I enjoy seeing you in pain.”
He reached into his bag again pulling out an ice cream scoop. “I just had a really fun idea.” He walked into the other room dragging Asahi back into the room again and tossing him into the chair by Yachi. “Why did you have to date such a big dude geez.” He sighed grabbing the ice cream scoop. “You know Yachi, if you weren’t weirdly obsessed with Kuroo, like it seems most people are these days, maybe you could have been a survivor. Yukie though, she had to die. My partner had so much fun killing her you know. They said it was such a relief to hit that one home.” He laughed as he turned to Asahi’s dead body. 
He squeezed the handle on the scoop a few times making sure it was able to move. Muffled gargling came from Yachi behind him. “Don’t worry, this snack won’t be for me.” He slammed the scoop into Asahi’s eye and began to play with the scoop handle. He pulled it back after a few minutes as Yachi was now face to face with her dead Asahi who was now missing an eye. 
Daichi set it on the table before reaching into the bag again grabbing a hand torch. “This will probably hurt but you deserve it and I don’t want you to drown.” He ripped open her mouth and lit the torch inside, searing the inside of her mouth as she cried and flailed around in the chair. He walked over to the counter when he figured that was good enough and grabbed a cup from the cupboard. He filled it with about a sip of water before he got a different idea. 
He walked back over to her and smiled. “I was going to treat you with water after giving you probably 3rd degree burns BUT I have a better idea. Since you decided to ruin my plans, I will make you suffer as much as I can.” He leaned Asahi’s body forward letting the blood pour from where his cornea once sat. “See, a drinking fountain right here.” He said with a sadistic laugh. 
Yachi squirmed as much as he could as he pushed the glass to her mouth, forcing her open and closed. Holding her nose and jaw so she had no choice but to swallow. “Now you deserve a snack!” He grabbed the ice cream scoop as he forced her mouth open once again, shoving it inside. The gooey texture on her burned mouth only made her feel worse, trying her best to vomit daichi held her head up and forced the blood cup back to her mouth. He dropped the cup on her lap and plugged her nose again. He made her swallow every last bit and the eye fully. As soon as he let go she looked as if she would throw up so he grabbed her head again making sure she would keep it all down. 
The front door soon opened as Daichi assumed it was his partner. “Hello! Yachi?” A female voice called out. 
Daichi recognized it as Kiyoko’s soon after and looked at Yachi. “Looks like you have a guest.” 
She walked into site and began to scream. Before she could grab her phone and call the cops, a hammer swung down and knocked her to the floor, unconscious as Daichi’s partner stood holding the hammer. 
“You’re so fucking stupid.” They said. “There is blood all over the door. I pull in and see Kiyoko walking inside like what the great fuck Daichi.” 
“You should be proud of me for making this one eat an eyeball and drink blood.” He said. 
“What the fuck Daichi, after this shit I will pay for your therapy, I swear.” 
“As long as you promise. He said, walking up to his partner and grabbing Kiyoko off the floor. 
“I can carry her what the fuck.” 
“Nah I let you have all the fun dismembering Yukie. I want to dismember this one.” 
“No. I have something else in mind for her. Just take her to your trunk and make sure she’s out OUT.” 
“Yes boss.” Daichi said as he bent down and began to tape her up. 
“And now for you little Yachi. I brought my favorite little knife to chop each little finger of yours off and blend them all up into a yummy drink for you to have.” 
“And I am the messed up one?” Daichi asked. 
“Yes now go you sick fuck. We have fingers to chop. Starting with….. this one.” The person said as they stabbed the knife breaking off the finger as Yachi cried out.
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medicallyinevitable · 3 years
Medically Inevitable
Chapter 15:- Hopeful Happenings
Characters:- Arielle Valentine, Ethan Ramsey, Ines Delarosa, Kyra Santana
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine
Warnings:- Slight mentions of cancer
Word Count:- 1700+ words :)
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General PoV:-
As the sun shines bright in the late morning, Arielle parks her car and heads straight towards Edenbrook’s locker room, a to-go cup in hand from Starbucks instead of Derry Roasters not wanting any chance to bump into Dr. Ramsey, despite knowing that he’s her boss. Making her way to the nurses’ station, she picks up her charts and textbooks and heads toward the cafeteria.
Arielle’s PoV:-
You keep at your textbooks, scouring the pages for anything that could explain Nigel's symptoms, and the tidal wave of self-doubt doesn’t help either. You let out a sigh, "Maybe Dr. Ramsey's right. Maybe I really don't belong here..."
"Mind if I join you?" A cheery voice snaps you back to reality.
You turn around to find Kyra. Dread fills in you as you see her. "Kyra, what are you doing here? Is your cancer back? Is something wrong?", you start asking.
"Woah! Dial down the doom and gloom there, Dr. Sob Emoji. I'm in remission." Kyra beams.
"What?! Oh my god congratulations! I’m so happy for you!" You envelope her in a warm hug which almost melts all your tension away.
"Just had another check-up. Will be coming a lot for those," she catches you up with her remission plan as you two sit. "No offense but I definitely look in better shape than you!"
"Ugh I know. I'm exhausted.” And just like that, all the tension fills your mind as you give her the details. " My shift ended like five hours ago, but instead of going home I am sitting here and reading till my eyes bleed."
"You should probably get that looked at." Kyra's face morphs into something serious but genuine as she continues.
"Look, I don't want to be that cancer survivor… but it did make me realize that life is too short." You give her a sad smile knowing how painful it must have been for her.
"We only get so many chances you know? But maybe you need that lesson more than I do," she continues after pausing for a moment.
"Is it that obvious?" You raise your brows.
"Let's chalk it up to my incredible intuition." Kyra smiles," Anyways there's an amazing ice cream shop nearby. They make an triple chocolate gelato that's literally to die for," she jokes, " You can take my word for that." "Why don't we visit that place? It'll give you a distraction and a much needed break."
You look at her and then your textbooks, not understanding what to do. All you can see is blurry lines. the words and concepts swim around in your very exhausted brain. You close the textbook with a slam after your answer is crystal clear.
"How can I say no to chocolate gelato!", you say dramatically.
"That's more like it!", Kyra beams. The two of you collect your belongings and make your way out as you tell Kyra everything about the dilemma with your latest patient.
"This place is pretty cute.", you say as you look around.
"Try nauseatingly adorable. I want to make it tiny and keep it in my bookshelf," Kyra replies. You laugh.
"You collect tiny shops?" You ask as the two of you made your way to the counter.
"I collect many sickeningly adorable things," she laughs before turning her attention to the boy behind the counter. "I’ll have the large Death by Chocolate please. And my absurdly attractive friend here will have…”, she nods for you to continue.
You roll your eyes at her before placing your order. You take a look at their menu before deciding to have the same one as Kyra as it's the most chocolatey one.
“I'll have the same.", you smile at the server.
The server scoops your gelato into two big cups and slides them across the counter while Kyra rummages through her bag for her wallet.
"I'll pay.“, you say getting your card out.
"No way!", she stops you by swiftly taking your card from you. You whine but to your dismay she doesn’t budge.
"This was my idea. Besides I didn't get out much during recovery. I've got months of dining-out budget to blow."
The next minute she's handing the cash to the server and then guiding you to a booth. As you two take your seats, Kyra hands you your card.
She takes a spoon full of her Death by Chocolate and sighs blissfully.
You smile at her antics. "That good?" You ask before taking a bite.
"Orgasmic. I never used to eat junk food before my diagnosis."
She takes another bite and you take your first. You can't help but let out a moan as the chocolatey silkiness melts on your tongue. Kyra smirks and gives you a smug look.
She then continues, "I was super into exercising and calorie counting. I never did anything I wasn't supposed to." She smiles sadly. "And I still got lung cancer. At my twenties!"
"You must have been so strong!", you reply.
"Everyone keeps saying that but-", she pauses, "I don't know. I just went to the doctor to see why I was breathing weird."
She sighs. "Then suddenly I was going for all these tests, and then I had cancer."
She laughs humorlessly. "Life went from jogging and juice every morning to chemo and puking."
You can almost feel the pain as she speaks about her experiences even when you’re aware you’ll never truly understand.
"But I didn't do anything," she says, " Those things had to happen , and I had good insurance, so I did them. And it's not like I had any alternative."
"I think you should give yourself more credit.”, you reach for her hand and squeeze it in a comforting manner.
"You faced death with a smile on your face. I'll always remember you cracking jokes on the way to surgery-", you stop for a second before adding,"You are the strongest person I know Kyra."
Kyra blushes, a little embarrassed. "Well you can laugh or you can cry and I chose to laugh.”, she shrugs with a smile on her face.
"And like I said, I don't want to be that cancer survivor but it does put certain things into perspective."
"That kind of clarity must be nice.", you reply.
"Well yeah, you have to get some kind of consolation price for nearly dying, right?" She then shakes her head.
”But enough about that. If we keep talking about this you'll always see me as a girl who beat cancer."
"I'll never, Kyra." you say truthfully. "That's not how I see you."
"Oh yeah? And how do you exactly see me?" She asks playfully.
"I think you are inspiring."
A blush creeps on her face as she’s caught off guard, but quickly retaliates with a sassy reply. “If you keep giving me compliments then I’ll never let you hear the end of it.”
“We’ll see about that.” You both dissolve into fits of laughter as Kyra fills you up on the hospital gossip...
“What wait?! Seriously?! I can’t believe it!”
“Me either, but you know how gossip is!”, she replies with a shrug.
Just then your phone chimes. You pull it out to see it’s a reminder for your shift.
“Crap, I have 10 minutes till my shift.”
“Oof, you better hurry!”, she replies.
“We should do this again, this was really nice.”, you say as you gather your things.
“We should! Besides there would have to be 12 different things wrong with someone to turn down Gelato!”, she jokes.
“..12 different things wrong….. oh my god, Kyra, you’re a genius!”
You scramble to your feet and quickly throw away your cup.
“I like to think I am but what did I do?”, she asks.
“I’ll explain later!”, you yell.
“Ookay…” You rush back to the hospital, typing out a message on your pager as Kyra sits there in utter confusion.
“Well I guess I could get another scoop of gelato…”
An hour later, you take a deep breath before entering Nigel's room to find Ethan and Ines already inside.
“Well what are you waiting for?”, Dr. Ramsey says. Pushing back all of your invading memories of him, you continue with your explanation.
"I spent the last two days trying to figure out the one thing causing all of Mr.Platt's symptoms.”, you say as you stand beside Nigel's bedside.
"And?", he asks. For a split second, you can see a slight look of hope in his eyes, but it passes as quickly as it came, leaving you to believe it was a mere delusion of yours.
"That's when I realized nothing was causing all of them-" But before you can continue, you’re interrupted by Nigel.
"Are you calling-", he burps, “me a liar?", he asks, rude as always.
You control the urge to roll your eyes. He could've at least let you finish your sentence.
Ignoring him, you continue what you were saying," Mr.Platt has been experiencing tingling and hair loss but also cold sensitivity and some hearing problems." You pause for a second before continuing,"All of which point to hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's disease easily treated with levothyroxine."
"Go on." Ethan orders in his usual cold bossy tone.
"I couldn't fit in the constant burping and the chest pain… because it was completely separate." You explain. "I ordered a barium swallow X-ray and detected a hiatal hernia in the esophageal hole through the diaphragm."
"The treatment?", he asks, motioning you to continue.
"I have already booked a laparoscopic surgery to repair it.”, you answer with a touch of pride.
"Good work Dr.Valentine." Ines smiles at you.” You return it with a nod and a tentative smile.
"So ... I'll be cured?" Nigel asks.
"Yes-“, you calm yourself down before you rip him apart and then continue.
"You'll be good as new." you say instead with a forced smile.
"Good... because I don't want to spend a -" he burps, " second more in your hopeless company."
Your blood boils at this point as you bite your lip to control yourself. “The audacity! Ugh, he's a patient, Arielle. You have to be nice to him.”
"Mr. Platt, might suggest viewing this as a new lease on life. Perhaps a life where you don't make everyone around you miserable.”, Ethan's stern voice retorts, shocking you and Ines.
“No way...he did not!”
"Dr. Ramsey!" Ines exclaims with a shocked expression on her face, which you’re quite sure your face resembles.
"I'll report you! I want to talk to your manager," he says more angrily than before.
"Go ahead," Ethan says with a sarcastic smile." Maybe she can't talk to you like this but I sure as hell can."
You look at Nigel who looks like he's about to say something but just then Bryce struts in. He winks at you playfully as he passes you.
"Someone called for a laparoscopic surgery?"
"Oh great, first Barbie and now the damn Ken doll!” You don’t even attempt to hide the disgust on your face as you roll your eyes.
By the time you’ve finished your consultation with Bryce, Ines and Ethan have already left the room. Pleased with yourself, you take a left in the hallway without noticing Ethan standing leaning against the wall.
"Rookie..." His velvety baritone voice calls out, pulling you out of a haze.
Wincing, you stop dead in your tracks as the memories of the previous day replay in your mind. Still embarrassed with your encounter, you turn around but never meet his eyes. You’re sure you look like a kid, standing before him with your feet crossed, one hand fiddling with your hair as you bite your lip.
"So, you figured it out in the end. And you kept things professional.”, he nods, barely visible.
"I guess I just needed a… push.”, you reply in a timid voice laced with embarrassment.
"Maybe you aren’t so hopeless then.", he says.
Unlike yesterday, his voice isn’t filled with disappointment and malice.
So mustering up some courage, you look up to meet his eyes. Relief washes over you as you don’t detect a hint of disappointment in his eyes. He isn’t smiling but something in you tells you he isn’t angry. You don’t realise you’ve been staring into his oh-so blue eyes until his pager beeps, shaking you out of your reverie.
“..Uh- I’ll see you around, Dr. Ramsey.” You can almost swear that you see longing etched into his chiseled features as you lose yourself in his eyes once more.
“Likewise, Valentine.” With that, he turns around and stalks away.
You sigh and lean against the wall, the events since you started your residency swirl around like a hurricane filled with memories.
“What the hell am I supposed to do now?”
And this concludes Season 1 of Medically Inevitable!
Authors’ Note:- Hey everyone, hope y’all enjoyed this chapter! As you’ve probably seen before, this is the last chapter of Season 1! Season 2 will be out soon, as soon as we work out the kinks and pump out a few chapters with different moodboards and title themes! Season 2 will be much more eventful, more drama, angst and shocking cliffhangers mixed in with the string of festivities that Thanksgiving and Christmas bring! Stay tuned and check our blogs and Instagram’s (same handle) for more updates! And lastly thank y’all so much for all the support, we are extremely grateful.
@drariellevalentine & @mysticaurathings
Medically Inevitable Taglist:- @whimsicallywayward15 | @iemcpbchoices | @sizzlingcashherohumanoid | @archveexz | @deepikakkannan | @nishas-paradise | @maurine07 | @archxxronrookie | @adrex04 | @everythingchoices | @rivenni | @annekebbphotography | @mrsethanfreakingramsey | @jamespotterthefirst | @natureblooms24 | @katkart122 | @udishaman | @hopelessromantics4life | @custaroonie | @mvalentine | @queencarb | @lisha1valecha | @ezekielbhandarivalleros | @ejrownsme @the-pale-goddess | @justanotherrookie | @miss-smrxtiee | @missmiimiie | @choicesfics | @romewritingshop | @taniasethi | @keithandlevi-ontheroof | @choicesfan10 | @open-heart-ramseyyy | @crookedkittyperson | @sistatribe | @tsrookie | @starrystarrytrouble | @caseyvalentineramsey | @alina-yol-ramsey | @openheartthot | @gryffindordaughterofathena | @binny1985 | @groovypalacehorselover | @akshara16 | @epiclazershark | @aarisa-frost | @shanzay44 | @jooous | @angela8754 | @red-rookie |
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fanfoolishness · 3 years
to stay a little while (The Mandalorian)
(Cara Dune stays on Sorgan for longer than she means to; she isn’t sure why.  Cara POV set before and during Sanctuary, also featuring Din Djarin, Grogu, Omera, Winta, Caben and Stoke. A little contemplative story infused with hope. 2800 words.)
Cara’s always felt it, energy humming beneath her skin, the crackle of power etched in bone and muscle.  A little girl standing on an Alderaanian beach with her toes in the sand, exploding into cartwheels amidst the surf.  A twelve-year-old watching holos of fights in her room, practicing throwing punches against sun-shadows painted on the wall.  A young woman pacing, muscles tense and coiled, wondering how to tell her family she was leaving a world of peace for the battlefront.
She’s all of them and none, now, skin marked with memories of the lives she’s lived and shed in favor of the future.  She’s always moving, still pacing, only now her journeys span star systems instead of the distance between her room to her parents’.  She pays her way in muscle and odd jobs, and the stars stream out behind her, another life forgotten.
But Sorgan?  Sorgan’s all right.
She’s not sure why she stays.  
It’s not like she’d intended it, though it makes some sense.  Sorgan is quiet and sleepy, a place where the Rebellion -- the Republic -- old habits die hard -- probably won’t think to visit for another decade.  The remnants of the Empire are even less likely to come to call, given the place’s major exports are whole krill and spotchka.  Not exactly useful stuff when it comes to firepower.
It’s… nice, here.  She keeps a room at the shabby inn, living off stew and wild-caught meat, finishing out the nights in a fuzzy spotchka haze.  She sleeps harder and deeper than she has in a year on a wooden cot that creaks and leaves her back sore.  She keeps her blaster by the bedside when she rests, but there’s dust on the handle when she finally draws it against the Mandalorian.
She’s only seen one or two in her time.  She’s heard the rumors, Mandalore’s fate nearly as grim as Alderaan’s (never as bad as that, nothing could be as bad as that, her stomach twists at the thought).  But she’s never heard of the Mandalorian survivors traveling with tiny weird children in tow, and she wonders what the hell the two of them are really doing here.
Seems like she and the Mandalorian have something in common.  Home’s something for other people, softer people; but just because it’s not for her, doesn’t mean it isn’t worth defending.  She looks at the villagers, men and women and children in simple clothes with krill stains on their boots and hands.  Their little homes are small and humble, raised by hand, near enough to the ponds that Cara can hear the krill bubble beneath the surface if she listens hard.  They live so near to nature that they can touch it at any time.
Alderaan was like this, too.
One of the villagers, Caben, she thinks, helps get her situated in a small hut on the edge of the settlement.  He’s nervous and excited both, and the hope in his face unsettles her.  His eyes are wide at the amount of weaponry she stows next to her bed.
“You know we can’t guarantee anything, right?” she asks.  “Not until we know what you’re up against.”
Caben shakes out a heavy blanket.  Sunlight catches dust motes in the breeze from the blanket, and they hang like gold in the air between them.
“We understand,” he says hastily.  “It’s just… if you can help us… you don’t know what it would mean to us, to protect our home.”
She smiles a little despite herself.  “I know what you mean.”
Though of course, it’s not that simple.
Simple would have been a band of drunken raiders on foot.  She could have left the Mandalorian napping with his strange little kid and taken them all out before they got up for breakfast, if that was all they had to deal with.  But instead there’s an AT-ST on this backwater little planet, and she realizes the damn Empire got here after all.  
She stands in the footprint of a scout walker, beneath broken branches high overhead.  The cold she feels has nothing to do with the spring breeze through the trees.
She’s done, now.  She wants to leave and so does the Mandalorian; she feels an echo of her own energy ringing off him.  The urge to run is a familiar one.  
It’s not their problem.  Not really.  
“I didn’t sign up for this,” she growls, their boots crushing twigs and moss in the thick loam as they walk back to the village.
“I don’t know what these people are thinking,” he says.  “There isn’t enough firepower on this planet for that.”
“You’re telling me.”  She shakes her head, retracing their path through the ferns and trees.  “What will you and the kid do?”  
“We’ll have to move on; it’s not as if we have a choice.  Guild hunters will be after him if we can’t find somewhere quiet,” says Mando.  His voice is as inscrutable as his helmet.  She’s not sure if he’s angry about the situation, or just resigned.  “And you?”
“I’ll hitch a ride back to the town, I guess,” she says.  But the idea doesn’t sit well with her.  
The little village comes into view, and she spots the villagers in blue catching their krill and moving about their day-to-day.  Mando’s strange green kid plays at the edge of the woods with the widow’s daughter and some of the other children.  Their giggles are a sound that doesn’t belong with what her memory gives her, the creak and groan of metal feet swinging through the battlefield, the sharp whine of blaster fire, the flash of explosions.  
They’ll never be safe with that thing out there.
Mando turns out to be even blunter than she is.  No wonder they get along so well. “You can’t live here anymore,” he announces to the village.
She chokes in surprise.  “Nice bedside manner,” she mutters.  Maybe the guy’s heart is beskar, too.  
“You think you can do better?” he asks, and she thinks maybe he’s a little miffed under the helmet.  She’d laugh if the villagers weren’t staring at them like their world has ended.  She flinches a little.  She knows the feeling.
“Can’t do much worse,” she says under her breath.  The villagers stare up at them, their eyes wide.  She lets her voice ring out over the clearing.  “I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, but there are no other options.”
An uproar.  They shout and yell, and she winces.  Denial’s always hard to watch.  She explains about the AT-ST;  they tell her about family, about tradition, about home.  
She tries to make them see it.  Tries to make her voice carry what it needs to, tries to translate soldiers gasping their last breaths in the dark to something they can understand.  But she’s never had words for things like this, she’s only had fists and fire, and she doesn’t know how to pull that forward into something that can be shared.  She isn’t sure she she wants to know how.  
The words she does come up with, finally, are too spare.  “I’ve seen that thing take out entire companies of soldiers in a matter of minutes,” she says heavily, and she knows it doesn’t come close to making them hear what they need to hear.
The widow looks sharply at her, eyes blazing.  “We’re not leaving.”
“You cannot fight that thing,” says Cara, but the other woman stands tall and square, and something in the set of her shoulders makes Cara doubt.  Maybe --
Mando feels it, too, the steel coming alive in these people.  She’s relieved when he turns back to the villagers and says to her, “Unless we show them how.”
She cracks a grin.  Okay.  Okay.  Maybe things will go down different, this time.
She nods to the widow.  “Hey,” she says.  “What’s your name?”
“Omera,” she replies.  Her daughter hugs her, hard, around the middle.  Omera’s hand is gentle on her daughter’s shoulders, but her face is set with determination.  
Good.  They’ll need it.
It takes them near a week to get the villagers ready, and the routine almost starts to feel familiar by the end.  Up in the morning early for training.  Villagers split up into teams to dig trenches, fell trees, raise stakes.  There’s melee practice with her; Mando handles the shooting.  There’s a rhythm here that reminds her of the best of the Rebellion days, and she finds herself enjoying it, grinning when Stoke manages to knock Caben on his ass with his staff, crowing when their practice run goes well.  She’s missed this.
Evenings are guard duty, hoping the Klatooinians don’t come back before they can spring their trap, but there’s still time for a glass of spotchka around the fire.  She enjoys the quiet that springs up as the birds sing their goodnight songs and the people speak theirs.  She’s missed this, too.
Some nights she sits with Omera and her daughter, Winta, complimenting the woman on her shooting skills.  Some nights she trades drinks with Caben and Stoke, making them laugh until they snort their spotchka up the nose.  Some nights she and Mando sit and talk strategy; sometimes they sit and trade war stories, the kind filled with casual horrors you can only tell a stranger.  
Mando’s funny little kid sits on the ground between their legs, playing games with sticks and pebbles in the dirt.  Sometimes the kid turns to Cara, waving a stick with delight; she leans over and sagely tells him it’s a good one, nice and… branchy.  Sometimes he falls asleep against Mando’s leg, and Mando reaches down, rubbing his little back as the fire crackles.  
It all starts feeling pretty good.
Her skin’s on fire in the best way, blood pumping real and fierce and frenzied through her veins.  The villagers dance around the ruins of the AT-ST as the moon wanes.  No one’s getting any sleep tonight, and why should they?  The victory’s real and glorious, the Empire’s war machine brought down by wooden sticks and krill ponds and Mando’s pulse rifle, guts and instinct and sheer grit, and it’s a heady, raucous thing.  Villagers shout snatches of songs, children run and play way past their bedtime, and the spotchka flows.  Dank farrik, she hasn’t felt this good in years.
She raises her glass high and bumps into the Mandalorian.  He’s holding his sleeping kid, though how the kid can sleep through all the celebration she has no idea.
“Mando!  Come on, have a drink.  I think we earned it,” Cara laughs.  She nudges him with an elbow, the bone ringing against his beskar.  She shakes the sensation loose from her arm.  That stuff’s tough as hell.
He stands for a moment at the fire’s edge, and she watches the flames dancing in the reflections of his armor.  He rests one hand on the sleeping kid’s chest.  “I’m glad they’re happy.”
“Aren’t you, man?”
He considers.  She takes a drink of her spotchka.  Hell, what does it take for this guy to loosen up?
“Yeah.  We did a good thing for this village,” he says.  “The children will be safe now.”  His hand tightens on the kid’s robe.  
“It’s a rare thing, these days,” she points out.  “Safety.  All the more reason to celebrate, don’t you think?”
He lets out a dry chuckle, and she raises her brow.  He knows how to laugh?  
“I think the kid’s done enough celebrating for both of us,” he says, voice a little lighter than normal.  Maybe he’s smiling, under there.  “Do you know how many frogs that walker killed when it exploded?  I caught him stuffing barbecued frogs into his mouth by the handful.”  
“No wonder he’s out cold,” Cara laughs.  “All right, all right, go put your kid to bed.  But there’s plenty of spotchka out here if you change your mind.”
“He’s not my --”  He sighs, nods.  “Goodnight.”  He heads back to his hut, kid cradled in his arms.  Cara watches him go, puzzled.  She’s not a joiner herself, so she gets it; that need to go off and be alone sometimes.  But this is a celebration, a community kicking ass and protecting itself, and he’s had no small part in it.  So why turn away now?
She finishes her glass, frowning, and steps back toward the fire.  
“Cara Dune!” Stoke bellows in delight, and the villagers cheer.  She grins and pumps her fist, and the party keeps on rolling.
She should move on, her work done, village saved, credits paid.  But she stays, and so do Mando and his kid, and they don’t talk about it.  Which suits her just fine.
Cara thinks she knows why Mando stays.  The kid toddles up to him to show him leaves and bugs, and he examines them patiently in the palm of his hand.  The little one makes friends with Winta and the other kids, and they play tag or chase or whatever they call it here, with breaks to learn their lessons out in the bright sun.  Mando makes his rounds through the village, speaking now and then with Omera or nodding to the other farmers, and she watches the native vigilance in him soften, just a little.  And when he takes the kid to bed at night, she sees him stroke the little guy’s ears when he thinks she isn’t looking. 
Yeah.  Makes sense he’d want to stay.
She’s a little less sure about herself.  It’s not that she doesn’t like the villagers; they’re good solid people, plainspoken, and they look up to her like anything.  But she wonders sometimes if it’s something else keeping her here.
She stands in the forest one gleaming morning, exercising.  Her body’s as much a weapon as her blasters or vibroblade, and despite the village quickly returning to its sleepy ways, she has no intention of letting this weapon dull.  She works her way through warmups and into heavier exercise, alternating cardiac work with body weight strength exercises.
The sound of her own breath mingles with the sounds of the forest.  Drummer birds peck ratatat against the pines.  Gold siskins chip cheerily high in the branches; plump ground birds sing ahlolo, ahlolo as they trundle their way through the ferns and shrubs.  They’ve become as familiar to her as the villagers, and she remembers lessons on Alderaan, her teachers sharing the names of their planet’s plants and wildlife with joy in their faces.  She liked the lessons, but where the other kids walked patiently, she jumped and climbed and somersaulted, getting in serious trouble.  
Still, though, she remembers the names they taught her, and she remembers the names of the Sorgan creatures when the villagers let them slip.
Cara smiles a little, eyes stinging.  Huh.  
Maybe there’s something to that. 
She finishes her push-up and rocks back on her heels, surveying the woods from a crouched position.  The pine needles beneath her boots are shades of rust and gold.  They smell clean and piercing.  She extends one hand, brushes her fingertips against them.  They prick her fingers, and she closes her eyes at the sensation, feeling the sweat bead on her cheeks and forehead.
A rustle behind her sends her into a fighting stance, blaster half-drawn before she realizes it’s just Winta.  The girl squeaks, startled, and Cara quickly holsters her blaster, standing up straight.
“Morning, Winta,” she says, wiping her face with the back of her hand.  “What are you doing out here?”
The girl gives her a gap-toothed grin, her eyes bright.  “I -- I was following you, Miss Dune.”
Cara’s eyes widen.  “Oh please, just call me Cara, kid.”
Winta giggles.  “Okay, Cara.”  She tries the name out hesitantly, sounding excited to say it.  “Is it okay if I watch you train?”
Cara’s taken aback.  A strange request, one she’s never had from a kid before, but then again, she doesn’t really do the whole kid thing.  “Sure, I guess.  Why do you want to?”
Winta twists her hands together, looking away.  “I just -- I think it’s really neat, how you’re so strong.  Can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course,” says Cara, very seriously.  She crosses her arms and waits as if the kid’s about to drop major enemy intel.
“I think you’re even stronger than the Mandalorian!” Winta whispers, then dissolves into another storm of giggles.  
“Damn right I am!” Cara laughs.  
Winta gazes up at her.  “I want to be strong too someday.  Like you!”
“Why not start now?” Cara asks, her face flushing with unexpected warmth.  She looks down at Winta’s bright eyes, and sees a different kid told to settle down, to stay still, to stop fighting.  She breathes in the scents of Sorgan, so crisp and clean, so familiar, somehow.
“Come on,” says Cara.  “Now first, you’ll want to set yourself up in a solid stance…”  She digs her boots into the loam and Winta does the same, her small hands tightening into fists.  “Good!  If you’re anchored right, nothing can knock you down.”  
The kid nods, looking just as determined as her mother.  Cara grins to see it.  “Like this, Cara?”
“Yeah,” says Cara proudly.  She swallows.  “Just like that.”
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Playing the blame game, and other pointless endeavours
A reflection on BNHA Chapter 291
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Before and after: or, How to violently radicalise an abuse victim in five easy steps
I think a lot of the people throwing blame around or trying to declare that one character or another is the One True Villain™ or the One True Victim™ need to stop seeing personal responsibility as a zero sum game, because it really isn't.
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Arguing about whether Dabi and Endevour should each have 50% of the blame or if it's more of a 60/40 or 70/30 split (in either direction) is pointless. Endeavour is 100% responsible for his abuse of his family and general failings as a human being, and Dabi is 100% responsible for the lives he's taken and people he's hurt in retaliation because of it.
Sure these two things are absolutely related in that good ol' cause-and-effect sense, much like how an earthquake at sea will cause a tsunami. And much like them neither happened in a vacuum, the surrounding environmental conditions needed to be just right for a perfect storm of this magnitude to occur. It just so happens that in this case both the earthquake (Endeavour) and the tsunami (Dabi) are not faceless forces of nature, but human beings with superpowers who chose to take action based on their deep-set mental and emotional issues at everyone else's expense, either because they think their needs are more important, they think the price paid is worth being the means to the end or (most likely) a combination of the two.
Please note, I don't say this to excuse or condemn either character, the readers who are taking sides, or even Horikoshi's writing. It's pretty well established by now that one of the biggest themes in BNHA is that there is no perfect black and white when it comes to people and society and morality, and just about all the conflict is driven by just how badly their entire system (which is built and determined to die on that hill) messes it up for absolutely everyone on all sides. Saying Dabi is a Bad Victim while Shouto is a Good Victim is just as pointless, because you're missing that the real villain is their broken society, of which everyone is a victim, even Endeavour.
Again, Endeavour was the one to abuse his family and he gets no passes for that so don't even try to argue that's what I'm saying, but he didn't wake up one day and just decide to do it. If Chapter 291 has done anything it's shown how escalation is nine tenths of the law in cases like this. He was already an asshole narcissist with a raging inferiority complex, we've heard from his own POV in an earlier chapter that he purposefully chose Rei to have kids with to eugenics a solution to his problem, he was never an upstanding guy.
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While we don't see Endeavour's own upbringing there's a reason he's been such a strong narrative parallel with Bakugou, so we can make an educated guess from what we've seen of his what it must have been like having a powerful Quirk and ambitions being fed by the people around him, and the way Bakugou has clashed with characters like Deku and Shouto when he was confronted with the reality that he wasn't going to get Number One effortlessly, we can guess how well he took realising he was always going to be Number 2.
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Pictured: the hero equivalent of always the bridesmaid, never the bride.
At least with Bakugou's rivals they're his own age and acknowledge him as a rival, All Might is at least a decade older than Endeavour and he's always been a loner who didn't get to know his colleagues that well. As readers we know All Might keeps his distance because he's kinda awkward socially, and because between the threat of All For One and maintaining the flawless image of the Symbol of Peace he wasn't ever able to let his guard down or it might risk people's safety. But just like Bakugou assuming Deku was looking down on him, from Endeavour's perspective it probably looked like All Might was looking down on Endeavour too.
Again, not excusing Endeavour. He's an asshole and needs to be held accountable for his actions. But just like Bakugou he didn't spring fully formed from the womb as an asshole, sure he had all the ingredients for it but their society is what decided it was a good idea to put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up, just like he's the one who broke Touya which ultimately led to the creation of Dabi.
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Which brings us back to Dabi not just calling out his abusive dad but making a spectacle of it, and while again, yes, he's done a lot of murder and that's not okay either, he is absolutely justified in this. Especially because the part of his reasoning for his actions which isn't just maniacal laughter (also totally valid) is that he's correctly identified, much like Shigaraki, that while specific individuals have hurt them and must pay for it, that the overarching problem is hero society itself.
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Shigaraki attacked All Might at first because Sensei said so, but later on because he was the symbol of everything he felt wrong with society, everything he's done has been to attack the pillars of the hero system like All Might and UA. Dabi attacked Endeavour, his abuser, but not just physically attacking him as a man and a father, but by attacking his reputation as the Number One Hero and the new pillar of society.
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Pictured: an asshole who's realising that no matter how badly you think you done fucked up, another asshole can always come along and point out just how much worse it actually was than you thought.
Endeavour's sin was always acting as a hero first and a father second, if ever, and even then it was usually still to further his own ego and ambitions, which was tied so tightly to his role as a hero that Endeavour pretty much didn't exist outside of that. So Touya with his healthy sense of dramatic irony is naturally retaliating by treating him as a hero first and a father second, if ever, because that's the standard of behaviour that Endeavour himself set. Before discarding him for the new model he made it clear he wanted his son to be powerful, aggressive, independent, and to take down the Number One Hero without regard for anything else, and that's exactly what Dabi is doing. He's giving Endeavour exactly what he wished for and is making him choke on it.
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Just like he said, Touya's making sure Endeavour reaps exactly what he sowed because it proves his point, that if he hadn't been such a violent, toxic narcissist none of this would be happening. His desire to call out his abuser is both personal and justified (regardless of how he's going about it), and it shouldn't be condemned because it has nothing to do with his family. His family, who he was the scapegoat of and who he hasn't seen in probably around a decade, and who are still keeping silent about the abuse even though as far as they know it killed him. I'm not saying he hates the rest of his family like he hates Endeavour (though it probably comes closest with Shouto, there's a lot to unpack there) but it would be a very complicated web of love and grief and resentment and guilt that he'd need a weapons-grade therapist to unravel, which he's clearly never gotten considering this is how he's dealing with the trauma.
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tl;dr Touya is a victim just like Shouto, and all the awful things he's done as Dabi don't detract from that, just as his victimhood doesn't excuse his actions either.
In conclusion, you don't have to reconcile or find explanations or excuses for Endeavour's abuse or how any of the other Todorokis have been dealing with it, especially Touya. They are all established facts and exist as objective truth regardless of our feelings on the matter. Instead of making moral judgement on the characters (or the readers who love them/hate them) maybe we all need to stop and think about it critically first, especially when chapters are still incoming and we don't even have the full story yet.
If we can all spend some quality time thinking objectively about all the sides of the story and what lessons we can learn from them, I can guarantee that little things like 'having compassion', 'listening to victims and survivors before they have to resort to domestic terrorism to be heard' and 'learning from the mistakes of the past' will get us all much better results than just sharpening some pitchforks, no matter who they're pointed at.
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gothamcityneedsme · 3 years
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I saw this bouncing around my dash and decided to fill it out myself for fun :)  I decided to not double-list any games, and I tried to mix up the companies I used too so that the list would be more unique.
Long post, so I’m doing a readmore for my longwinded part lol.
(read more)
Favorite Game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords - I could talk about this game forever.  How it tears apart the Star Wars universe from within, how it creates a compelling story while challenging the usual themes, etc.  I could talk for ages about the characters and how their motivations slot in place, and how this game lends itself to interpretation and analysis alongside roleplay.  It’s just a wonderful game, one I deeply love and will always love.  It’s a game that isn’t afraid to have you talk to other characters for twenty or thirty minutes at a time and honestly I’m always riveted at every line.  This game deserves the cult fanbase it has, but I think there’s a lot the fanbase misses in appreciating this game.  (Note...gameplay is a little janky and a community made mod restores a lot content that was cut before shipping-the game wasn’t properly finished).
Best Story:  Fallout New Vegas - It’s the setting that makes the story here, and all the moving pieces and factions alongside the main conflict really make this game stand out.  There’s so many little pieces to find along the way in the world and the way the main quest splits based on who you want in power feels important--and you are choosing a future for this whole region.
Favorite Art Style: The Witness - This game is peacefully wonderful with its visuals.  There are wonderful nature scenes and nests of wires and panels spreading in various parts of the island that are fascinating to look at.  The environment is half of the gameplay in most areas, so it’s important to look around even though exploration is not really the gameplay.  You find puzzles in the world, even in nature, and it’s fascinating.  The colors are bright and beautiful.  There is even a map in the middle of the island inside of a lake that helps you track your progress if you notice it (it isn’t like a normal ‘map’).
Favorite Soundtrack: Shin Megami Tensei IV - I love video game soundtracks, but SMTIV is something special.  The music booms in ways that make you really understand the atmosphere of the world, and there’s a great mix of different kinds of tracks for different places.  I love the tracks for the other worlds you enter, and the themes of the different routes are done so well.  Some of the music draws from past SMT games, but the remixes done for this game really are stunning to me, and there’s so many fantastic original tracks.
Hardest Game: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - I love this game but I literally never touch it without a walkthrough, which is why it gets to be the hardest game on the list, despite being a point and click adventure game lol.  Also just emotionally this game is challenging too, but I definitely mean this more in terms of getting a ‘perfect run’.
Funniest Game: The Stanley Parable - Trying to make this list has taught me that I don’t really play many ‘funny games’.  I don’t know if a game where multiple endings demand that you kill yourself should count as a ‘funniest game’, but it is also a game where the narrator tells you to stare at a fern and memorize its features, so....it counts.
Game I Like that is Hated: RWBY Grimm Eclipse - I’ve been playing this game since it was in early access and have loved it the whole time.  I find the gameplay soothing and fun, and I like playing the different characters.  It’s a game I play to chill out and just enjoy some fun battle mechanics.  It’s a fun game and I’ve spent over 100 hours in it, so I hope I like it, lol.
Game I Hate that is Liked:  Nier Automata - Neither this game’s gameplay or story impress me, and the fact that you have to replay basically the same stuff from a more boring-to-play-character’s pov in order to SEE all of the plot is a huge damper on the experience.  The story, to me, someone who engages with a lot of robot-focused fiction, is far from impressive or new, and it hardly engages with genre specifics at all, let alone in a new or interesting way.  I view this game as ‘a story with robots in it’ rather than ‘a story about robots’, which, to me, is a detriment.
Underrated: Nevermind - This game is amazing and very unheard of--and when it is heard of, it has been marketed incorrectly.  Nevermind seems like a horror game, and does market itself as one a bit, but it’s much more than that.  It’s more about trauma, recovery, therapy, etc.  This is a game that is so mindful about the topics it engages in that I am impressed by it every time.  It’s heavy with symbolism and character, despite lacking conversations or other similar game mechanics.  This is a lovely game that I really wish more people knew about-`p5-all of the patients are so interesting, and the focus on recovery and mental health is impressive.
Overrated:  Fire Emblem - I sort of mean this as the series as a whole really.  I have enjoyed the entries I have played somewhat, but I overall consider the series much less impressive than I was led to believe by others.  The gameplay especially is not impressive to me in any regard, even though I sometimes do find myself enjoying it.  The stories are alright, but many of them are weighed down by the gameplay and as a writer and person who likes to analyze writing, it’s very hard to do so when it isn’t able to fully exist under the chains the gameplay forces on it.  There are ways to mix gameplay and story well, Fire Emblem has not really done that in any of the entries I’ve played.  That being said, I don’t regret playing them, and I will occasionally replay, but I consider them mediocre games at best.
Best Voice Acting: Devil Survivor 2 - I love the voice acting in this game.  I feel like all the characters are really suited to their voices, and it’s really easy for me to visualize their voices.  They really bring the game to life and make both the dramatic and the funny scenes more enjoyable.
Worst Voice Acting: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy - I love this game, I really do, but some of the voice acting is janky.  Some of it is okay too--I think Kyle Katarn’s voice actor does fine, and some of the others I like NOW but hated when I was a kid, but the male protagonist voice in this game is just awful.  Which is bad when Jennifer Hale is the female voice actress lol.  His performance is passable though unless you’re playing darksided--the darksided ending to the game lacks all punch when you’re playing the male protagonist.
Favorite Male:  Battler Ushiromiya from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni - He’s the protagonist for most of the visual novels and I adore him utterly, especially once you move past episode 2.  He’s a wonderful character who I care about deeply.  I love his drive and how he fights--he’s someone who is easy to cheer for.  He matures well throughout the series and his character development is just wonderful.
Favorite Female:  Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 - I really like how Naoto fits so well in the game, especially for being a final recruit--oftentimes the final recruit of Persona games (post 3) have a bit of a more difficult time feeling right with the group.  Naoto works really well though, and I love her struggles and story as well.  I think the difficulties she has concerning living as a woman in her field hit very deep to a problem that has existed for a very long time.
Favorite Protagonist: Connor of Daventry from King’s Quest 8 Mask of Eternity - I’m like, one of four fans of this character in the world, lol.  KQ8 is not a very well liked game and it does have a lot of issues, both with age and with how much of a departure it is from the series prior to it.  It’s strange to take a puzzle adventure game and make it a hybrid with what basically is a shooter, and it doesn’t really work.  Add to that the fact that you spend most of your time in the game without anyone around to talk to and it leads to this really polarizing and weird experience.  For me, Conner goes through what I would consider to be the ‘Ultimate Nightmare Scenario”.  Everyone in the world is turned to stone except him (and he survived out of mere chance) and so now it’s up to him, practically alone, to save the entire world.  There is no game lonelier than this.  I adore him for his bravery in the face of it, and how he just picks up to do what must be done because someone should do it, and if no one else can, then he will.  I also really love how he apologizes to people who are encased in stone while he takes money from their houses to help him on his journey.  I really do think he went back after the game was over and gave everyone heaps of gold to pay them back with interest lol.
Favorite Village:  Oakvale from Fable - The first Fable is the only one I really like, and it was one of the games I played when I was little, so the hometown in the game always meant a lot to me.  I like how you grow up there and how your tragic backstory is there--and then how you get to return to the town years later after you’ve come into your own, and you can see it completely rebuilt.  I like to spend a lot of my time in this town, just wandering around it and playing the minigames.  Even though I have a house in every town, Oakvale is where my hero calls home.
Most Hated Character:  Merril from Dragon Age 2 - I don’t really want to lay into how I feel about Merril, but what I will say is that it was suggested to me that I totally ignore her when playing, and I did so.  I only met her for her quest, dropped her off in town, and literally never spoke to her or interacted for the rest of the game.  I had a much better experience for it, honestly.  She appeared after I made my choice in the end of the game, which felt weird since I hadn’t spoken to her in several ingame years, but other than that, the game was totally fine without her.  I sort of just wish you could kill characters in DA2 the way you can in DAO, then I’d just do that, tbh.  It doesn’t suit very many (or any) of the characters I rp in DA2 to keep her around or support her in any way.
First Game I Played: Mixed up Mother Goose Deluxe - I’m not actually sure if this is the FIRST game I’ve ever played or not, but it’s one of the first I played alone as a kid.  I really loved it--this is probably what created my love for point and click adventures, and the game was very silly and fun.
Favorite Company: Bioware - I’ve always been a sucker for Bioware games, ever since Knights of the Old Republic 1 was my favorite childhood game.  I love how they do stories and party members, and while I’m not a fan of all of their games, I really love what they’ve made and their style of storytelling and character driven plot.  Even though sometimes their stories get cliche, I think the suit video games well and most of my early gaming was within their games.
Hated Company: EA - Bioware truly only started to go to shit after the EA acquisition, so I fucking hate EA.   I know Bioware had issues before EA too, but I definitely don’t think EA has helped the situation whatsoever.
Depressing Game: The Beginner’s Guide - I relate to this game as a creator and a writer, and it affects me deeply because of the story it tells and the questions it raises.  It makes me reflect on how I think of myself as a creator, and it reminds me of friendships I used to have.
Creepy Game:  The Path - God, I love this game.  It’s just aimlessly wandering around and finding symbolic scenery and watching your current character comment on it.  Then, you go off to find your girl’s wolf, and each one is different and unique to her, and you watch it ‘kill’ her--and facing her wolf is the only way each girl can truly mature.  Whenever you get to grandmother’s house, the camera switches to first person, and your eyes keep closing, so you can only see while clicking to move.  It forces you to keep moving so that you can see, but since you are moving, you only get to see things somewhat vaguely.  It’s got a great atmosphere, and I love the symbolic storytelling.
Happy Game: Eastshade - This game is so sweet.  There’s some drama around to with many of the quests, but I like this as an rpg without combat, and I think this would be a really good kids game.  There’s a lot to see and explore, and the game was made to be really pretty so that you want to paint several aspects of it.  It’s really lovely to just wander around in this game and bike around the area, painting anything that suits your fancy.  As long as you don’t finish the main quest, you’re free to wander, and materials do respawn, so you essentially can infinitely paint once you get far enough.
Favorite Ending: Virtue’s Last Reward - I love the questions this game asks and where the ending goes.  It thematically ties together--the whole reason the game itself exists is to get the attention of a ‘higher being’--the player, essentially.  I love how it plays with that concept, and even though the final game in the series doesn’t entirely pick this idea up where this game left it, standalone this game is stunning in how it comes together.
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starfighter10 · 4 years
tlou2 opinion
So I really had to share my opinion(rant) on the last of us part 2 and boy I have a lot to say. I am gonna dwell deep into this one, so bear with me if you can and want to
 But before that I have to share the feelings I hold for tlou1.Back when I finished tlou1, I knew I experienced something truly magical. I was pleasantly surprised by the beautifully crafted story, the execution of the characters, the music, the gameplay , and the effort that went into shaping the journey of the game,the character arcs and bonds. You could see and experience the uniqueness and passion that went into the first project. This game immediately became a favourite of mine.
When tlou2 was announced, my expectations were skyhigh,was elated to continue Joel and Ellie's journey and how it unfolds. The bar set by the first one was exceptionally high and probably impossible to achieve, but I had trust and faith in naughty dog, thought they couldn't go wrong with this one. After experiencing tlou2 , I am speechless.... not in a good way. I have no words to express my disappointment,frustration and anger I feel right now. I don't even know where to begin.... the absolute mess of a plot, the original characters being blatantly ignored, retconned and disrespected in favour of new bland characters, the plotholes in the story, the false advertising and marketing, naughty dog's hubris, making a complete mockery of your fans who are paying money to play something but getting baited for something else. I am utterly heartbroken and angry.
The plot - the driving force of the game is over ambitious, lazy,sloppy and nihilistic. It felt forced. Naughty dog bit off more then they could chew with this one. Tlou2 could have gone several ways in terms of plot with the existing characters, yet we get the cliche revenge plotline with the character abandoning the quest altogether to realise revenge isn't the answer. This trope has been done several times before, with more finesse and better execution. The writers aim for the " Ellie breaks the cycle of the revenge" but it really fails to achieve this as she blatanly annihilates several characters,npcs along the way in quest of her revenge. The damage has been done practically speaking. According to naughty dog's logic , I should expect Nora's sister or a random npc's friend/relatives in tlou3 hunting down Ellie in their revenge quest. Also Abby's quest literally does nothing for me. This character was so poorly written, executed and shoved down our throats, I didn't have any sort of attachment or empathy for her. I simply don't care about this character.
The circumstances that lead to Joel's death was out of character as well. Since the trailer drop in 2016, I was prepared for his inevitable death. Thought he would probably go out like the badass he is, maybe sacrificing himself for Ellie/tommy. The Joel I know from tlou1, a hardened survivor who has fought tooth and nail to survive the past 20 years would NEVER end up in a situation like that. Joel was intensely alert, critical,clever and intuitive. The argument here may be that he has softened in Jackson, but I feel at this point this should be 2nd nature to him. Something that is automatic. Yet the writer's now want you to believe he is a dumbass who would trust a group of strangers, make small talk and introductions and end up in a situation like that. One of the bigger issues was the constant reinforcing that Joel wiped down the fireflies in cold blood and doomed humanity for death by robbing them of their cure for survival,Ellie believing the cure would have been a guaranteed sure shot success ..... WHY? This retcons the first one completely. The beauty of the tlou1 was it's moral ambiguity and uncertainty. We were constantly hinted that fireflies is a mess of a group whose agendas weren't clearly known, whose actions caused the sacrifice of many people for the sake of a slight possibility of a cure.They were power hungry and were cruel enough to send a 14 year old girl to her death with no remorse,consent or any proper investigation or medical research. Joel initially negotiates to find someone else, gets shut down immediately, gets his means of survival snatched and was practically marched to his death. He had no option but to wipe clean these people who planned on killing someone dear to him, for something that is uncertain or in vain. And yes this was a selfish decision on Joel's part, and that was the beauty of it. The moral ambiguity. He was right or wrong or both - open to your interpretation. BUT NOW NAUGHTY DOG WANTS TO TO ERASE ALL THAT DEVELOPMENT. The active reinforcement that Joel was a cold, ruthless murderer who killed fireflies and deprived humanity of its cure? Trying to erase the fact that he was surviving and trying to keep his dear ones safe in this cold, brutal and unforgiving postapocalyptic world. So that we sympathize with Abby and enjoy golfing the tf outa Joel?. Ellie seems like a different character in this one, but again this character is immediately pushed to a whirlwind of traumatic events right from the start of the game. I missed her spark of joy,humour and enthusiasm. The treatment of the main chatacter in her own game is utterly cruel and disappointing, and seemed unfair to me. By the end, Ellie is broken beyond repair. Though she thematically chooses to be the better person and gives up on her vengeance and hate, she still manages to be on the losing side as she ends up losing her father figure which was her closest bond, loses Dina and the kid , she doesn't have her community, her people, her fucking fingers as well. Why? So Ellie could suffer a little more and be unable to do most important thing that bonded her to Joel. Not to mention she loses her switchblade too, her mother's final memory. Surprised that ND spared her mother's letter . Feel her pain and despair. Why does Ellie get such a shitty,depressing, worthless, futile and a hopeless conclusion while Abby not only gets her revenge successfully, forms a close bond in Lev and gets to escape possibly to a fresh start. Ellie? Nah she gets to suffer alone. Her BIGGEST FEAR has become a reality by the end. The least they could do is let Ellie have some solace and calm, surrounded by her loved ones on that farm,her trying to recover from her trauma slowly but surely, it's what joel would have wished for. But no, she is left all alone, absolutely traumatized, all by herself with nothing to look forward to. Oh and tommy is whole new character in every scene. So keep your eyes peeled for various versions of tommy throughout. The character inconsistencies are ridiculous.
The gameplay, beautiful sceneries, and new characters like dina and jesse are few of the positives of game - leaning more towards Jesse. Dina felt perfect for Ellie and Jesse did manage to lighten up few of the moments. The space shuttle cutscene, the museum flashback sequence, ellie and joel's flashbacks were the only parts that remotely captures the magic and beauty of tlou1. I got emotional watching them. The space shuttle sequence hits you with the feels. Joel slaying a bloater with a machete was cinematic art. (Hot too)
Abby... the forced deuteragonist, is an utter failure of character execution. Her character was forced onto us, felt hasty and lacked real build up. She starts off on the wrong foot by killing one of the most popular characters. If ND really wanted this character to work, the only possible way would have been to play her point of view and backstory prior to her mercilessly killing and torturing a guy who just saved her life. What was ND thinking? That a few hours of her pov,forced out of the blue background story, her getting to play with dogs while ellie has no option but to attack the dogs, the abby-lev bond which is pretty much discount or the walmart version ellie and joel would be enough to side with her over ellie and joel???? The part where they force you to play as abby against ellie? It made me sick. I felt cheated and disgusted.
The false advertising to make us believe joel is alive and good? That this is an ellie and joel centric game?To tug at your heartstrings like this. A complete mockery of the fans who waited 7 years to see their favorite characters get horribly treated,retconned, disrespected and thrown under the bus in favour of new unlikable characters. Butchering the heart and soul of the last of us - Joel and Ellie's bond. The fact that these two don't even get a heart to heart before his death, that Joel dies uncertain of ellie's future, maybe thought he could not save Ellie in those final painful moments, that she had never forgiven him, Ellie never getting her closure with Joel, or really getting to tell him how much he meant to her.... all these thoughts legit made me shed tears. Broke my heart. This is how much ND wanted to honour and respect ellie and joel.
The game's conclusion is hollow, futile, worthless and depressing. And in my opinion, this is non canon. This is the only way I can cope with this unsastifying conclusion. It is immaturity I guess... but I will feel better about it.
Though I utterly despise tlou2, tlou1 will continue to remain one of my favorite pieces of work in fiction. JOEL FUCKING MILLER WILL ALWAYS BE THE BADDEST BITCH AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE THE LOVE I HAVE FOR HIM.
If someone actually read it all the way, thank you for your time and effort. Really needed to rant and let these negative emotions out.
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Colder Than Ice
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Warnings: Non-con, breeding kink, fingering/finger play, loss of virginity, tiny bit of blood, 18+
Word Count: 4,874
Pairing: Dark!Curtis Everett X Reader
Summary: Reader emerges from The Snowpiercer and finds herself in a situation she never thought would come about.
~ indicates a POV change
Prompt #’s: 9,11,13,15,16
This is for @jtargaryen18​ writing challenge. I apologize for being so late, I have been extremely sick. I’m finishing other challenges and after I will do chapter 2 of Love in True Form. Hope you like this update, I’m sorry again.
The cold air stabbed at your lungs as you inhaled deep. You looked around at the train that had housed you for the past 17 years; the place that had been so kind to you yet neglected others. You were a front passenger, it was true. Spoiled rotten by your rich parents, along with your older brother. Being only 3 when entering the train, you hadn’t known much of anything except the life on a never ending transportation object, one that seemed to go nowhere at all. When the crash came, you were engrossed at a party, none the wiser to the revolution taking place around you. 
You had heard stories of the tail passengers, yet you felt nothing but sympathy. You knew all too well of the harsh punishment due to your brother’s friend, Irwin. He was a guard and would talk almost daily about the cruel treatment he would give the less fortunate passengers.
“They deserve it,” he would say, “Nothing but a bunch of ungrateful, worthless, freeloaders.”
Despite his friendship with such a despicable character, your brother was the kindest man you had ever met. Nothing like your greedy father or the pigs that would display their love to you on the regular. Your brother laughed with the hierarchy, but would hold a glimmer in his eyes that showed he still held a degree of humanity. He was 12 when entered the train. He told you stories of when he would volunteer at homeless shelters with your parents, take in stray animals. It all seemed surreal. A time where your parents dotted on your brother for the kindness of his actions, not the harshness of them. He never explained why your parents had grown so cold like the winter they were trying desperately to escape, but it hadn’t taken you long to figure it out. On land, your family was working middle class, barely had enough for the better things in life after paying for the necessities. However, due to your parent’s loyalty to Wilford, they worked as engineers for him, they were allowed a bump up on the list when the time came for the train’s sections to be assigned. They never worked another day. Neither had you at 20 or your brother at 29. He always said if the train ever crashed that you and him would be useless along with the rest of the front while the tail would take control of the show. You couldn’t help but grow a melancholy smile at your brother’s words, how right he had been. Yet, he won’t be around to see how the world would be, for he passed away in the crash. Majority of the people at the party you had been dragged to had; thrown into the cold abyss when the explosion ripped off one of the train’s sides. Your brother’s last words was a desperate screaming command. 
“Hold on to the railing! Don’t let go!”
You had spun quickly to hold onto the railing along the bar when you saw your parents and brother sucked out. The memory adds tears to your eyes and wipes the smile off your face. The remaining party-goers were badly injured and begging you for help. Aside from a few scratches and a couple sore places, you were fine. You ignored their pleas, a selfish thing but they were too far gone. They’d only slow you down and take the little resources you could scavenge just to die later on. 
You were going to survive. Another thing your brother talked fondly about was his time in boy scouts. He may have downplayed it as a silly thing he had done since age 7, but they were useful tips. Tips that would ensure your survival for a time before conditions became less harsh. You look behind at the rubble before turning around toward the vast horizon of white. You had seen a desolate town a few years ago while in school. The years following showed the town more and more, the snow was melting. If you hurried, you were sure you’d find the town before dark. You had a bag from the party that had a few snacks and a water bottle, complimentary from goodie bags, that could last the night. You could do this.The commotion from behind you had your head jerking back.
 Not too far down you saw figures in dark rags as clothing. They were looking around the carts. You strapped the bag to you and crouched away in fear, beginning your journey. The time for the tail section to hail control had begun, and you had no desire to become part of their revenge raid. 
The air was nothing like Curtis had remembered. It was unforgiving and made his lungs squeeze with the cool burn that comes with every inhale. Him and his people, the scum of the tail, were mostly okay. Majority of them had injuries, but none were dire. The worst of them had already passed. He had emerged from the train and started looking around for other survivors, he purposly strayed from the front. His fellow bunk mates all looked to him and followed like a shadow as he rummaged around for things to aid in their survival. Those who could began to help. 
“Curtis, the sun should be setting soon, we have enough for the night. Do you think we could start looking for a shelter maybe?”
Curtis turned to the voice to find it belonging to a young man, no older than 20. He thinks his name is Jeri. He’s slim from malnutrition and has dusty dark hair with matching eyes. He’s dirty like everyone else and has a nervous waver in his voice, like he’s talking to a god. 
Curtis smiles to try to calm the young man, he’s no god. Far from it, he’d go as far to say. 
“Jeri is it?”
The man’s eyes light up and his head nods feverishly. 
“Y-yes sir! That’s me.” 
Again, Curtis smiles. “Alright Jeri, round everyone up. We’re going to head east.”
Jeri proudly nods a “yes sir” before turning confidently to the crowd behind him, executing his orders. If Curtis could remember the revolt correctly, east is where he saw a lot of water. Water means life. They could use the water  and hunt the animals that went to the source while he strategizes his next plan. They had won the war, the aftermath would be the difficult part. 
What you expected to have been hours walking was finally rewarded by a sight in the distance. You saw structures that were only in books you read as a kid. They were houses! You let out a desperate laugh that sounded more like a cry; you had done it! You picked up the pace and were soon greeted by a red wooden door. Different than the metal doors on the train. You knock, despite you knowing, before pushing it open. Inside the tiny house looked just as abandoned as the out, but you saw a previous life inside. A kitchen equipped with an iron stove and fridge; a living room with a makeshift bed and a tiny table. You walked in, shutting the door, and explored a bit more. You found there was one bedroom with a small bed made for a child and nothing more. No bathroom. By what your brother had described, your home had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Many homes were said to have countless bedrooms and more bathrooms than one needs, so this building you were in was a shock to say the least. No matter, it would work. Not like you had anyone to live with. You shuffled across the dusty floors before coming back to the entrance, pulling it open yet again. You walked around outside admiring the beauty of the natural world. Icicles melted to dull points and a river in the center of the homes, you counted seven, cracked, revealing water beneath. You were about to turn from the pond when movement caught your eye. You peered in and saw a fish, swimming! You laughed out of joy and amazment, you had found a food source. You saw a smaller pond with no fish inside and a wooden upright “box” next to it. You get closer and pull open the door to see a hole in the middle filing out into the Earth. You may have figured out why there was no indoor plumbing. Your brother called these “outhouses” and he said they weren’t fun to use at night on his Boy Scout camping trips.
Finding the other homes in the same condition as the first, the child room being the only difference, you found none to be better and took residence in the first. The day was giving way to night, so you shut your eyes and dozed off. The next day you promised you would get things done.
Everyone was tired. The injured and young were begging for a break, but Curtis knew everyone needed shelter. Food and water was important, but what was it all with no protection? Yona, the girl who had helped Curtis along with her father who had passed in the revolt, was trailing behind with the injured trying to help them keep up. Sarah and Thomas, a couple who lost several children while on the train, were helping the children.
 He glanced between the 3 of them for a while longer when Yona met his gaze. She smiled at him while she cradled an elderly man’s bruised arm. She looked past him and her face flashed with shock. 
She pointed and yelled, “Curtis, look!”
Curtis, along with other survivors, looked ahead. Curtis nearly jumped at the luck they had. It was an abandoned town, with what looked like a pond right in the middle. 
“Come on everyone, just a little bit further. We’re almost there.” Curtis encouraged everyone, including himself. His exhaustion suddenly came all at once, knowing that soon he could get a drink and fall asleep in one of the homes. They were going to be okay. 
They got to the houses fairly fast, everyone picked up speed once they saw their heaven so close. To their delight, it wasn’t a joint illusion, made from their exhaustion. The water was cold but refreshing, he even saw a few fish that he would catch for food. Kyle, a man around Curtis’ age, said he found another pond and an outhouse. This seemed like the perfect place, they could take up camp here for a long time before moving as food became more scarce. As everyone was exploring their new home, claiming houses, some would have to share due to there being only 7 homes, Curtis sat near the pond peering into it. He thought about the past few hours, about the people he lost, what he had gained and if it were even worth it. If humans would even survive. Sure the ones who are alive now be okay, but humanity as a whole? It died on that train, a burden Curtis wore on his sleeves. He knew he caused this extinction. He was just about to get up to pick the house Yona had gone into, she was all he knew, when a scream sounded. 
Curtis immediately jumped up and toward the sound, afraid Yona was in trouble. He got to the first house they passed, the one with the red door. Yona hadn’t been in that one, so who screamed?
You had been dreaming about the crash. All was normal, the party, your family was there, everything. Only, when the train’s side ripped open, you were the one sucked out. You screamed for your brother but he couldn’t help, it was too late. As you were falling you saw a bright light. 
You jumped up in the cot you were in, a scream still lingering in your mouth on instinct. It was just a dream. You looked up and was met with 3 men holding lanterns looking at you. You gasped and jumped up, finding the farthest corner from them to hide in. 
“It’s okay, little lady. We won’t hurt ya. My name’s Sam,” The oldest, around 60’s, said. “That’s Ceaphus,” he pointed to a younger guy with glasses, 25 maybe. “And that’s Walker.” The last one had dirty blonde hair, tasseled all to the side. Before anyone could say more, the door was swung open. 
“What happened-”
A 4th man appeared in the doorway. He had a full brown beard, a cap covering his head, and piercing blue eyes. They searched over you, and you covered yourself with your hands. You felt nude under his gaze. 
He followed the movement before breaking his trance and turning to the 3 other men. He nodded his head, a silent press for them to answer his question. 
The old man spoke up. “Oh-erm, nothing Curtis. We came in ‘ere to settle down for the night when we realized her.” All their eyes turned to you. “Ceaphus here called out to her and she screamed but didn’t realize us right away. Reckin’ she was havin’ a nightmare.” 
The man, “Curtis” turned to you again. He talked to Sam like you weren’t there. 
“She one of us?”
“Hard to tell. I’d say no, her clothes look nice, despite being a little dirty, and her face is clean. Though, I didn’t know a lot of people back there, ‘specially the younger ones. I suppose she could’ve washed her face in the pond, stole some clothes.”
Curtis grunted and turned to you. 
You just stared at hm. Too afraid to find your voice, you gulped and nodded your head. 
Curtis’ face hardened and he strode up to you, leaving no room between the wall and your body. Leaving no room between his and your body.
“When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. I can tell by the disrespect you’re a stuck up front section bitch.”
His breath fanned over yours, some of your hair wisped due to the air. 
“N-no! I’m sorry, I was just scared. I am from the tail section. I never really left my bunk, and I kept to myself. I always his behind my hood” You held up your hoodie to sell your lie. “I thought I was the only survivor so I ran to find shelter. I’m sorry.” 
You were damn near tears, afraid of what would happen if your lies were unsuccessful. Curtis held your eyes for a moment longer before releasing you from his body. 
Curtis couldn’t lie, he was turned on by how scared you were. You were beautiful and he hadn’t had a woman in years. The control he had over you was driving him mad right then. He also had no idea if you were telling the truth or not, if you’re really from the tail section it would be understandable why you were scared of him. Stories about what he used to do got around, many young people strayed from his gaze. He too didn’t know much of them, unless the children were of his friends, like Tanya with Timmy, he didn’t know them. Yet still, he didn’t believe you.
Yona’s voice caught Curts’ attention as he turned to face the young girl. She looked past him at the girl and her eyes were that of recognition. Curtis turned to the girl and saw the same recognition, only fear was laced in there. They knew each other.
“Yona, do you know her?”
The sound of her voice had Yona peering up to look at Curtis. “Yes. We played together in the front all the time when we were young. Her parents were rich and bought her so many toys.”
Curtis turned to the girl again, her eyes wide with horror looking at Yona. Curtis couldn’t help the grin that crept it’s way to his face. 
“So, you lied to me?” The girl refused to meet his gaze. “Everyone out, I’m going to have a little talk with our...friend.”
Everyone left leaving Curtis and the girl alone.
You were caught red handed. You had known Yona for years, her dad always let her play with the younger kids in the front while he worked. She was always drawn to you, despite being a few years older. She stopped coming by when you were around 18, and you had missed her. This wasn’t how you wanted the reunion to go. 
Curtis shrugged off his coat, revealing several other dirty layers beneath it, and set it on the dusty table in the kitchen. He removed his hat to reveal short brown hair the color of his beard. If the circumstances were different, you’d find him gorgeous. Instead, there you stood, terrified out of your mind, in a corner. 
“So, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Curtis said pulling out a chair and turning it so his arms rested on the back “I want answers. Let’s start easy, what’s your name?” 
You told him while your body started shaking. It wasn’t the cold that caused this. 
Curtis considered this, then pressed on. “You’re from the front. Is there anybody left? Were you part of a group that survived?”
You nodded your head violently before remembering to speak up. “No, I’m not the only one. My family died in the crash, but I found a few people to go with. I was tired so they let me rest while they went out to find food.”
If you lied and made him think people were out there looking for you if things went south, maybe he wouldn’t try anything. Besides, you weren’t completely lying. Sure you weren’t in a group and hadn’t seen any from the front, didn’t mean everyone died. 
Curtis let out a breath before removing himself from the chair, stalking closer to you. He felt along your clothes and his fingers danced up from your stomach to your chest. You took in a sharp breath while he squeezed your right boob. 
He got close to your ear and whispered, “You’re lying.”
The air he caused when he spoke caused goosbumps to rise. 
“No, I’m-”
“Yes, you are. And I hate liars.” Curtis punctuated the word with another squeeze on your boob. 
You whimpered and tried to shrug away from him. Curtis pulled you by your hair with the hand he had used on your chest and brought you closer to his face. You could count every freckle on his face now. 
“How do you know I’m lying? I could be telling the truth.”
Curtis growled, clearly fed up. “How do you think I found out?” Curtis looked you up and down before chuckling a bit. “You’re from the front, if your lips are moving, you bastards are lying.”
Your heart stung at his words, what had they done to him?
Curtis licked his lips before looking you up and down. “Now, I can take you either way. But if you’re good for me, I might just make sure you feel good too.”
You pushed at his chest, desperate at this point to get away from this man. 
Curtis shook his head. “Guess we’re taking the hard way, huh?”
Curtis swung and threw you on the cot. Before you could react, he was on you pulling at your hoodie. 
Your hands flew to get Curtis off you, to stop his wandering hands. He ignored them, stripping you of your hoodie and 2 sweaters and bra. He stopped to gaze at your chest before slowly bringing his hand to touch your bareness. His touch was gentle, as if not to break you, despite his actions. He tweaked at your nipple and gave the other boob the same attention.
 He brought his head down to your neck and started to assault you with kisses and nips every now and then. You were still squirming when he started to hump you thigh, an obvious bulge to represent his excitement in your torcher. He let your nipple free to pull next at your pants. You started kicking when Curtis delivered a blow to your face. 
Tears rolled down your face, there was nothing you could do. You let him remove your pants and your underwear before looking at your slick. You were embarrassed to say it, but you were wet. Years of suppressed hormones, ones you dealt with alone in your room at night, had come flooding all at once to your core when he first started touching you. 
Curtis chuckled above you before dipping a finger in. “This all for me, hon?”
Your hips, contrary to what your mind screamed, bucked into his able fingers. Your body relishing in the way he swirled his finger around your clit in a way you never could. 
“That feel good?”
You shut your eyes and threw your head to the side, embarrassed. Curtis chuckled at your response and presses his finger harder and swirling faster than what you thought was possible. Soon, the coil you’re oh so used to starts winding in that spot. It's stronger than normal and it collapses all over your body in a way you’ve never experienced, it left your whole body shaking. 
With your eyes still shut and head still turned you huff to catch your breath, the small room feel suffocating with the new found heat. 
You feel more movement and you finally open your eyes to find Curtis becoming mouth level with your sensitive heat. You know what he wants. 
“N-no more, p-please..” You again try to plead, but Curtis easily swats your hands away and pulls you closer by your hips and resting your legs on his shoulders. He’s so close you can feel his ever inhale and exhale of breath on your pussy. 
“Mmm, smell so good.” Curtis hums while breathing your scent in. He sticks out his tongue and starts licking up your juices. It feels so good you can’t help the moan that leaves your mouth. He licks at your tiny bud a little longer before putting his whole mouth on you, devouring you. The slopping sounds have your body buzzing and back arching in bliss. The wet sounds coming from below distract you from the finger making it’s way to your hole. 
Curtis puts the pad of his index finger to it and it has you trying to close your legs. You’ve never gotten that far on yourself before. 
Curtis looks up at you through his eyelashes before sucking on your clit harder, leaving you defensless. His finger finds your hole again and slowly starts to enter, eliciting a strained moan from you. The slight burn from the stretch oddly added to the pool that Curtis happily lapped up. He started working that finger in and out og you, your hips desperate to follow the pattern. In, out, in, out. Curtis growled into your core before his opposite hand slapped your hip, a warning to keep still. As you held your weak will, Curtis added yet another finger. This time, you screamed out in pain.
“Stop! Please, it hurts.”
Curtis ignored you for the millionth time and just did scissor motions with his fingers, causing waves in your stomach.
 He sucked harder, he was playing your body like a harp, plucking moans out of you. You made your eyes focus down to see Curtis’ hips grinding the floor, no doubt taking care of his aching needs. The thought sent you over the edge, crying out again. The orgasm seized your body, shaking as each wave calmed into still water. Curtis licked a stripe one more time before removing his fingers, the absence making you clench around air. He brought them to your mouth. 
You opened your mouth and sucked on his fingers. The saltiness from your release mixed with your saliva before being swallowed around his fingers. 
“Good girl. Now, can you still be a good girl while you take my cock?” The fog from your mind passed as you realized your situation again. Curtis stood up before he started removing the rest of his clothes. You looked up at him and looked to the door. You could make it. 
As Curtis was down to just his shirt and boxers you leapt up and passed him. You had made it to the red oak when a pair of thick arms wrapped themselves around you and pulled you to something likable to a metal wall. 
“Come on now, we both know you can’t get around me.” He ground his hips into your lower back, he was huge. 
He threw you back to the cot and got back on you. He bared his chest to you, a wall of muscle. “The front end isn’t running the show anymore.” He took off his underwear allowing his member to stand at attention. The tip fire red and dripping precum. “It’s time you learned that.” Curtis grabbed your legs, setting them on either one of his hips. You’re slapping at his chest and arms, tears streaming down your face, begging him. 
“Please Curtis, you don’t have to do this please!”
His eyes no longer hold ice, they are dark with lust and a fire is amist within the middle. 
Curtis shook his head and said, “It’s time you learned who is in charge now.” Before shoving himself into you. 
You screamed out in pain, The stretch nothing comparable to his fingers. Curtis is hissing above you, holding himself there. 
He started moving slowly but with harsh thrusts within you. Your walls pulling on him every direction he went. He looked down where your bodies met and you did the same. Blood stained his girthy length but he didn’t seem to mind.
“Been a while since I’ve been with a woman.” He said while picking up the pace, the pain bending into pleasure. “Don’t think I’ve ever been with a virgin.”
Reaching down, he started tweaking your clit, the stimulation helping your third rise of the night. 
“Wanna know how we knew somebody was dating in the tail section?” Curtis looked to you, finding your glossed over gaze. “They would fuck in front of everyone else. The girl would be screaming the guy’s name out, nobody would doubt it. That’s what I’m gonna make you do tonight and every night after. Everyone will know you’re mine.” 
The thought sent a shiver down your back. 
Curtis chuckled while his hips found a better rhythm, one that hit even deeper, if that were possible. “After all, babe, the world is going to need a few babies. I say we get a head start of everyone.” 
If you weren’t so in the moment you’d be crying again, kids was a conversation you never talked about. A topic that never came to mind, you thought you’d die a very happy supportive aunt to your brother and his kids. He was always hitting it off with women on the train. Your heart wrung at the thought. He’d never have kids now. You wish he were here, he’d be able to save you. 
Curtis pulled you from your thoughts with a dip of his head. He opened his mouth and started sucking a nipple in, never once stopping the rhythm of his hips or his fingers. The mixed pleasures had you moaning out loud in Curtis’ ear, earning you a growl. 
“That’s it baby.” Curtis said coming up for air. “Moan for me. Moan my name gorgeous, let them know who fucks you this good.” 
Your third orgasm crashes through you, Curtis’ name leaving your mouth on their own account like a chant. 
Curtis picks up speed on your exhausted body, his head moving up to rest in the crook of your neck to pant and moan your own name. 
“God, you look so good coming around me. Coming all over my cock like a dirty girl. You want me to cum don’t you? Cum all in this pussy, make a mess. Beg. Beg for me to cum in you, beg for me to give you a baby. Do it, now.”
“C-Curtis, please cum inside me. Give me a b-baby, please.” 
“Yeah? You want to have my baby? Fuck, I’m coming! I’m coming so hard!”
Curtis’ hips slammed into one more time before halting inside you, his seed filling you in hot spurts. He pumped himself in you a few more times before pulling out. He looks at your abused soaping pussy before scooping his release onto his fingers and shoving them back in. 
He goes to get his coat and you haizly try to get up again. “Run again and I’ll tie you up and fuck you like the pig that you are.” Curtis said while making his way over to your unstable body, a smirk playing on his face. He knew you couldn’t, especially not in this state. 
He grabs you and pulls you down into the cot with him. He pulls the coat over you both before he pulled your back to his front. His left hand came down to caress your stomach. He nuzzled his face into your hair and breathed in your scent. He smiled before saying,”Go to sleep.”
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