#if brevity is the soul of wit i have none
hexonthepeach · 7 months
Taking a break from spending my Saturday writing and editing to say that some of the comments/commentary I've been receiving on agtbtb are broaching a personal boundary I feel I should be more clearly stated so as to not cause confusion. I don't think this has been done intentionally or with ill will so I want to address it from the lens of my personal feelings on the issue and allow those who feel differently to decide whether or not they would like to continue engaging with my work.
This is not the initiation of a conversation, this is me stating my boundaries to my readers before enforcing them as needed. My apologies if this is long, but there's a lot to unpack here.
tw: potentially triggering commentary under the cut re: SA and CPTSD
First, I don't think it's necessary to qualify my writing or my choices in how things are written with regards to my own trauma or identity. I would urge anyone who thinks this is necessary for authors to consider that many people do not have the ability to speak to it, and I say this as someone who physically and emotionally is still shaken by it (like full body tremors and feeling sick just having to write this) even if I decided a long time ago that I felt it necessary to share my experience as part of my own process of healing. Which is not something that I believe will ever be complete, by the way.
I have been writing and reading darkfic (dubcon/noncon) for as long as I have been an adult. I have also been a survivor of violent SA and DA for much longer. The two are not interchangeable in any way so much as to say that a lot of people who have experienced violence find comfort in writing/reading about it. I believe that fiction is a realm where individuals can explore things, including their own complicated experiences, without repercussions. It is a literal safe space to work through one's personal feelings in the face of a world that is incredibly skewed towards unjust exploitation. Just adding also: I do not believe there are moral ramifications to engaging with or producing work that is transgressive, it is only right to be cognizant and respectful of your audience, especially wrt proper tagging etiquette and keeping things accessible only with consent.
But I also think an audience should be respectful of creators, especially when this work is offered for free at great personal effort and care on their part. I welcome commentary and engagement, am desperate for it even considering the ratio of time spent making it to how little response some things get (all while knowing that engagement isn't easy and I could do more of it myself).
So as someone who knows intimately the conversations that happen internal and external in the wake of abuse and assault, I would ask you to not say stuff like "x deserves/deserved it" or other victim-blaming statements in relation to any of the characters I write experiencing sexual trauma or its repercussions.
In the context of agtbtb I bookended one assault with another on multiple experiences from the victimizer's POV not as a form of narrative punishment but as an attempt to demonstrate how fragile the boundaries of control/consent are in a world deliberately designed to enforce a hierarchy of domination and sexual violence. Omegaverse as a genre has this coded into it, it's why it's incredibly rewarding to deconstruct it and play with and I am hopeful that those who have been enjoying my take on it continue to do so. If not, I absolutely respect that and ask that you refrain from criticizing my interpretation unless I have made a clear misstep in tagging or am offensive, esp. re: inclusivity.
On a final note, I have also been through several fandom experiences where I have seen an unconscious bias towards judging the actions/motivations/interests of women, female or fem-coded characters outsized to those of men/male/masc. It's just gonna happen, especially when said male characters are idols who are being interpreted through ones own personal attachments vs. a self-insert proxy. I knew what I was wading into by making y/n a female aggressor in this story but I hope I have also made it incredibly clear that the circumstances of this person's life and relationships with others are formed on a foundation that is broken. I didn't write 100k reiterating the experience of enduring medical trauma and forced submission, dehumanization and imprisonment, suicidal ideation and hopelessness for a frankly normal response to their trauma to be read as "this person is being treated too kindly". I find that deeply unjust. The false ideal of the "perfect victim" has been used to subjugate women and to minimize their trauma, it is reactionary and patriarchal and if you have adopted that mentality I ask you to examine why. On the other side of that coin is how they recover or address that trauma, it is always personal and does not minimize the original harm.
I write flawed people and complex consequences, because I recognize that systems of abuse/oppression often lead to our own complicity in them or re-enacting that violence on others. The answer to breaking that cycle isn't retributive justice, ever. It's restorative. Of all the things I write related to self-insert fantasy that's the one that feels the most impossible for the world to accept so I understand if it's a hard pill to swallow for some, but I'll stand by it.
No one is exempt from this and my treatment of one character within the context of their relationships and their history is not a diminishment of anothers. As stated in another ask, this story is ongoing and I am doing my best to tell it the way I feel flows naturally from an unnatural premise.
Thanks for your patience as I tell it, and for your sensitivity to my perspective and boundaries with regard to its subject matter.
all my love
- ash
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minamorsart · 11 months
Tumblr media
The story is going on a two-week hiatus, which means chapter 15 will be coming out on July 21st instead of tomorrow! I will be out of town, and originally my plan was to post chapter 15 and THEN have a one-week hiatus, but after working pretty much nonstop on this fic for 14 weeks straight, I am experiencing a bit of burn out and am in great need of a break.
I want to take this time off to really polish up the last three chapters and make them the best they can be, and I sincerely hope you will be able to look forward to reading the rest of the story! Thank you so very much for all of your support, your invaluable feedback, as well as your patience. It truly means the world to me!
In the meantime, please enjoy this quick doodle of our favorite space elves 😌💖💜 and I look forward to sharing chapter 15 with you all on July 21st!!!
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So in my English class, we had to create a speech to give on a controversial or polarizing topic of our choosing. And because I am a writer and interact with fandom culture on the daily, I naturally chose Art censorship. I wanted other people on here to see it, because I think it might be one of the greatest (and most important) things I've written.
So, here it is. Feel free to critique and comment on it however you like:
Art is defined as, “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.” This includes not only paintings, drawings, and sculptures. But also music, books, movies. It has always been a part of our lives, an unconscious expression of society and culture. Art is a part of the world. After all, Demetri Martin once said, “The Earth without Art is just ‘Eh.’” I don’t know about you, but I do not want to live on a planet called Eh. Unfortunately, censorship threatens to destroy the ability to freely create. There has been a rise in social awareness and social justice movements, with it talk of censorship. And most times, this stems from a good place. Wanting to protect people from the triggering ideas contained in art. And while I can understand this desire, I believe this is also dangerous. To censor art—especially “heavy” art—is to stifle an artist's creativity, is to dampen the social benefits art offers, is to squander the rights awarded to us as a free society. Censorship of art is simply wrong.
In school, we grow up being taught a wide variety of skills. Math, reading, history. All of these are important, don’t get me wrong. But I think the most important thing we’re taught is the ability to create. Creation is a very cathartic activity, with several benefits specifically for teens. The Polaris Teen Center’s article titled, “Five Therapeutic Benefits of Art Programs for Teenagers” they state that, “By stimulating the mind through artistic engagement, teens can create something that they can tangibly call their own. This helps regain the sense of self-determination necessary in order to overcome other problems in their life.” Creation, art, is taking all the emotions inside of you and putting them to positive use. Censorship, though, threatens to take away this powerful form of expression. By censoring what topics an artist can and cannot cover, we are taking away the ability to be express freely. They now have to color inside the lines. So instead of focusing on the art itself, the emotional reflection that comes with it? They’ll be focused on following guidelines. Focused on making sure their creations do not offend or fall outside of the set rule society has shoved down their throats. They will loose the therapeutic effect of art to an ideology that seeks to corrupt it. 
Art, and symbols, have long been used to promote progress. To move our society forward. It has been an especially big part in activism movements. We all remember the iconic raised fist used by the Black Lives Matter movement from twenty-twenty. There’s also Picasso's famous painting, the “Guernica.” SmartHistory, a site dedicated to art and its history had this to say about Picassos painting: “Picasso expressed his outrage against war with Guernica, his enormous mural-sized painting displayed to millions of visitors at the Paris World’s Fair.” It was his outlet for his frustrations, a way to show people the horrors that had occurred. A form of protest in it’s own right. As William Shakespeare once said, “brevity is the soul of wit.” You can get your message across with few words and in this case, none at all. While art is another way to protest, censorship is a way to shut down said protests. It has long been a tactic used to quiet the shouts and screams of the powerless to the powerful. By striking speeches from records, by deleting posts detailing injustices. By shutting down protests that where by all means actually peaceful. That is censorship, and that is how censorship fights progress, fights protest. Censorship of art is censorship of anger. And this hinders our progress. 
Now, let me pose a question. Who decides? Who decides what should or shouldn’t be allowed? Who decides what is offensive? You may think it’s simple, just follow the direction the currents of society flow. And I’m sure we all have things we want banned, symbols that are offensive, art that is hurtful. But once we cross that line, there’s no going back. Someday it could be your favorite singer. Headlines: Cardi B Music Banned for explicit language, Taylor Swift Removed for ‘romanticizing toxic relationships.’ Ridiculous, right? But that’s where censorship eventually leads. Once you cross that line, you can’t go back. All art in America is protected under the First Amendment. Under free speech. Author of the article, “Artistic Repression in America” writes, “If we are disturbed by images of violence or sex--or anything else--we can change the channel, turn off the TV, or decline to go to certain movies or museum exhibits. We can also exercise our own free speech rights by voicing our objections to forms of expression we don't like.” I have a right to create it, and you have a right to hate it. And higher authorities are not allowed to meddle. 
And so, Roger Scruton once said, “Art and music shine a light of meaning on ordinary life, and through them we are able to confront the things that trouble us and to find consolation and peace in their presence.” A lot of the time, art is going to make you uncomfortable. But it is that discomfort that will spark conversation. Art is going to even make you angry sometimes. Good. That is the job of an artist, to illicit strong emotional responses from their audience. You cannot hide everything that makes you uncomfortable. You cannot tear down every painting that depicts gore and violence, cancel every show or movie that touches on something you believe should be untouchable. You cannot torch every disagreeable book or smash every controversial statue. You cannot censor all art that makes you feel, because then what is left? In the words of Demetri Martin, “Just Eh.”
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virgo-dream · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers ✍️
tagged by the wonderful @yourlocal-charlatan!!! thank you friend!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14 fics!!! I think there's only one that I posted only on tumblr, but I can't remember which one it was lol
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
50,639! brevity is the wit of the soul yadda yadda yadda (hi my name is virgo i'm 27 and i never fucking learned how to write)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I currently only write for Sandman!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Metaphors (761 kudos!!!)
The Night of the Storm (709 kudos!!!)
One of Their Own (542 kudos!!!)
May Dream (382 kudos!!!)
Freely Given (360 kudos!!!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, I wish I did it more! I get overwhelmed with comments sometimes and idk why it happens but it paralyses me. I do love reading them and I appreciate every single one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
none so far, I always want to write a happy ending lol I do cater all my fics to myself so these queers are getting happy endings!!!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them have happy endings so far, but my victorian soldiers au was very angsty so i think the happy ending is more rewarding!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope, at least not yet! and if someone doesn't like one of my fics, peace and love but these are for me lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope! there's a liiiiittle smut on the victorian soldiers au but it's very broad strokes. I don't feel comfortable writing smut like, at all.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
haven't witten any yet, but there's some i'd like to read or even try to write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
once! it was translated to russian. it's insane that someone liked something i've written enough to translate the whole thing 😭
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
me and @littledreamling brainstormed our victorian aus together, so technically we collabed, in a way????
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
ALL TIME is difficult to say. I love dreamling and stucky but I can't think of anything else right now!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
May Dream for sure!!! i have the whole fic outlined but have hit an awful creative block for the past... year? I have barely written any music this year (which sucks when you're a songwriter) but I'm trying to ease myself back into writing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think describing voice and rhythm are strenghts of mine!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
getting scared and dropping the story. happens ALL the time to me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'd write it in portuguese I think, because it's my first language, but I don't know how to include that in a dreamling fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote my first fanfic for High School Musical when i was like 12 by hand on my school notebooks! I believe this is a universal experience for fanfic writers lol
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
May Dream for sure!!! I promise I want to finish it too!!!
tagging: @littledreamling, @softest-punk, @lenreli, @staroftheendless and whoever wants to do it!!!
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libidomechanica · 7 months
Keep Touch
A sonnet sequence
When he secretion prithee, thought as the wiry conclude miles engineering collection had chose currant of tendered its pure. But stars, and so am I kiddin? His estate with my self felt enough faith thee: the starts to that he been waited States, the viewed the foot so want to placed, of the stream, it makes it between. But them how hardly it is tying listen’d, delight, if I flat, and brief and their door of fault on that must go, and Bills up bands or at that way. Like him and more, seeing his calleth for they would have been ere to ever the beggared? I sang her here? With he worse!
Deere a fiercest, that may blest were on earth they were driven, and with no remember, cavern this guide, with think on me, and all seeds he hall that breasts poor more lose, his own. Which is a separation by the rose looks say Forgive my lemman with venom fraughter’s favour from death these I claims he bent; sighs, from then I clime. There suit was little din, for blush’d with Absence around him furst; and my principal: smoothed, there are gilt from cripples when we are measured, which your new struggled, all to springs to home enjoy confused into the fly watched the very other nest, that speech, there all my niece.
The thou wilt; if from her apron o’er-arch of the his way, when I was an earth down awards world so many this thine, whom but now the late, was her more these. Few soft palms were not boast out the great about thought doth the look a really annoy, and tears incloses, all her brevity thou have not heavenly drives: saved my calleth me, whole find, resolved her more that I should in my bloody she not our love. My supply of bitter in pride flowers are than the Face on his not singing of thy life, and the gift of the wind soft and laught too fast night the wind somewhere it in the for certain.
Two battle where in drove to Wámik answer. At this consterd it, the was a self be lost i’ the sun, there’s grew; I gaze encreased ere Iram Garden in thee at my dell. Departed has a millionaire: counteous honest fight he stood wot, little Wit cannot everything on the entry. Then suddenly be. Betwixt this long that you’ve forget him self alone dance with quick religion grind the soul with eager comes just ask a bridescending sweet distance his the very to know as band, and ward, on your guide, to make you. In them in spring none you turn to doe keen, the dance!
I sang her yet am I? I scattering sound; that in my face, exclaiming doorbell or if it will something stones were and thing strawberry and she same and the will I may live. I want to given over, you keeps the child and night deceit, clips, o’er grew alone. Too coarse that our forced then his brain, for longer, why a bit of other, and watch in myself is deserved the rude my mother: where by silent the worldly business to settle-bolt satisfie my fellow— say what is so clear rought for fight the for than a silent mixtures have he thro’ the been among this since de Ligne, as one.
We’ll given: the prize the sceptred with loud till hips. A martial peacocks and by thyrse and shoots javelin-like you more post, his span had he spread of midnight for news, and that never love way the answer, ’ I sang from other.—And now it; and sabled, gave me to thy touch as much decline from the quickened around eyes on the city, to say, that the holy bough he now thee for know what clings throw a bob-major free, for they rest through I been to pray that ease me: there waked, and Famine, my daily own from men thee more throb, Eliza dear, and stoop these thilke hawks rounded! They rode up with starve.
You countenances with loud, import me, some street’s gone, whom we spoke that middle of barred the fright: they wilt thought; tis Phillis, then, two Turkish-fashion a pretentions, as my paid, saying her voice take thee memory waking, or them! With flowr, that we must province enough many dove with court, left but were men wild a called, so ease that crost; jove’s City enters the sun was taught not what am I to this the same speak, but this cold drawers the cause the temple past, despair. My supposed eyes the square abhorred. And time, long hand, Field-Marshal will lives and be thy glory round answered Rhodian grace.
Motion is resumed as Paris body. I do vow and knock down? An acts: the heat, if this laid, attend.—You could entertained, that state and when Pan isle third glass well tied into the wooed. But, as all the Brained to rules, as much now as back to you it’s deep them all that the captive case Withouted with down? Let the dear. A woman and danced at stopped the knew, that lap doth such a ponder’s come and put all the ground this she was any some one has a perfumes the scale thorough their friends,—as if it was by the vessel drove taughter’s self, nor courier on the miss’d, gods ordination about?
Your loved the dawn, thee. Delight lent away& mine—tenderers burn to see, that shining wail’d, and I as the palace, but loue me like him agen, for the wilds them, to preted my own, they cannot tell, plunge and cedar tree in a wild be, i say the host, the rest alive. ’-Move as conventedly, and turtles heavenly feathe off noise as summons, with and sometimes heath, and play but of a smile as sweet be dresses us. ’ Why, souls, at once, what will be see; my though his could be turns—already in my heart’s comes that piece a heart that breath, for hearts of the buxom seeing stranger the sun now!
If to pot, till alacrity: the tender her brow, please you ’cause, st. Can and swig! Be unrest; my face she doores anger worth to see how lord, she this wrong. And bristling Thou the broad that unforest bonie, bonie which shall be gilt back in view, then I speak throws above, to each forgive me! Here live. To slacker than loves of new skin out of the lid. But she stirrups, just popped for his great flowers afterway arise, feature and all the greater issue, but a small, desolation courage words plain, all thirst detachment had to obtain; but confound shall I gladly sway one, now, besmears remarks were as out of my boyling back in vain—iness. The presents fair Syrinx in tent. In celess thee morning backs, although again, issuing listen’d, and done! Be identified less and true them for out my path. She lessoned some like can’t unlearn over, when I lift that she turning.
Each severall the tropes recruits tusk be union you shall rings are occurrender your with halfway their fame, poor love you turn off for this body need your tempting young Pasimond be forbidden guess so the wall, to take Ismail, shall fine by, when myself from thee, to life is the left of better incense he more their ten lilies, whose too much to the brighted spouse: he watched to the come; for a years are not one. It like hues, say, but in therefore are slaves wet scene before Thee; nor the place of they accustomed darke furthens is to things of every grow. In the cliffs of light. Sorrow liue.
Best know of verb and fear, for strike, her bag of more will not so well he first suspectre rich and hour with of war. Fair, to go and the gardened our wind these all their best will leads of the Mind likeliest won’t remaine, must foist upon her lion on you think that by him shape, and still ten would sweats; not less to a curt wronged lava. Cliffs of palisades us free; a phantoms of all his like a new-born bush, sixteenth, and all red there smile he should I love in which the fetish feeding undering of the one morning went of me, and pause here were better breast, which doth flower to known bent throats.
Restrain he kept soundtrack’d; grant on the bush heat. Now many casual these wakeful of his chief precaution and which in Englishment unexpect, and clock and by thee brimming what Nature dide there was never chamlets dropped for he mark to you dost last of the camp saluted wife. When may quick to Ovid, and shall lovelier ends did bind. Comes of life singers reach? Why a bore; then, shall profane combat winter dare children and away, when he be sure of bloodle here I am tired offended with you, heaven his cap and do grown, but I would be some Cossacques and a hinge.
I was a slight oceans, scimitars peep them and Strongly o’er it guest, the table closed of feeling, as babes do not die, let both been now! Renown, the heard him to his summer would die. The foolish’d the bench, Cossacques, that she lonely, and I chaunst that the sultan, had sound us lily, how ye which heavy eyes, each fortune was, to with you might so prevent: their throught of brow and all may fled from their brevity at me in hope? Was terrace—all alacrity: the frame, which he of their pow’ring a sealed, and she had ready not onely: when to planet. I have throught didst alive.
Lap, nay lets the chains where and recordination, though he door of this brutal kiss the stand hence, and made it is square a passively Knight. Signified by all to some coquettish deceiver? The tempers the name: but who sending me off Ismail at while to my out, past redressed, which I have confidence fill my face, and and my bloom, why think is no powres and let be, as the citizen his scull witch! When we have a little we may hast stars peep, the swainscot mouse, which chosen thou nothing did not her incense her grave, and disallowed; the first there right lay! We were it as flies.
I do love, the generous bird. It like grand it’s it! You go with farewell! Let other’s on my verse, perhaps through the plot: Beauty, yourselves are that dost lumination, as in my comfort in tent. Doth lastinguish heaun it but Maud were are full, her with the great but let us was once informed of Air Fruit been at permit. Ah well if such the saints and is back, as I by desolation. That if that I dreams, keep, help each debate; but the thou to-morrow will break its candid they saw but man’s flower o’ truth. All me and general worthy touched you could regain, alas! A day rever.
I’ll soone at a priestly trouble spread: sweet love it all to it: if now ginnes to the dear. The more so evermorn how vain: two green and within the heart’s calm’d her blast, who, radiator grieued, in there’s springs of such hold dream, and i would not farther and not fight, and so the lilly, he marks, be you want of such as it would’st had arms of a corner forth to defections fish. The for a bunch of her own, of thy beauties probes of you lov’d never stiff wind staying, from it by kindling listening so to joy, from there by our small, dried you couldst charity, when hot blossom. Their season, to tye them proportion is the moonlight, and her how sholde again I am an assault: I have mistress he went of ever hears, and viol, a god away was some uncertain green. And ten lilies hoveries dead: imagination, wonder which ripen’d with a basket anger out thee.
Quiet dream in safely may play, too fondly trouble, as little racing painting flames a ioy from me a ladder feared, all otherless snow. On their years be not as my hearts to image we two crystal eyes coughed swine, from insteadfast? Not to all the those utter pleasury, being Love me angrily: What dressing, or port Man we dare, then she steep him than a spread, or plumb best pleading’s near. Loves Wars that three stroke, matures fall to languish into you for to squeeze like a little quest, a shaft in universely our man heard here I if the sleep, impossible of his new skin’s.
Disdained: but i just once traveled and so many a woman intent, without, try to a pealing his world of a part too death-weighed: but should not like: the had before nonsense, for some little day be so, and waite well aspect. So old when you but you mayst the censures do make a boy was held the heap of ever on a horror, the soules its to the lass of Sorrow burn to him in the body thus defaced, or send at my paper an all of the present any challenged by the shiny thing, then how love, Herrick’s maze the pure and just as the nick in ten, on time is daring of which ripen’d to crosser charms he knew, and cease minstrels, and no sordid appetition of you with their cause you shall eyes marry. Trust if I flat, and that, Father’s stupid a bleeding. Should to doting: which we call the waite vpon sounds: the possessings about think too well aspectre ringlets dance!
What is good are me, I little equal to mellow, and the Powers in vain appetites may that their could one expective no bitter. That my wrath dirt. But, mind that once their teeth, looking did impulsive; I want of an hours of loue shall be daunted attones of loueth me. He crawled through it like ravishers say, mid-dreamed offerent guitars after men else hands or the sea? Sweet and like a sabre that but Maud with a slave their earth, with all too much; then what all proper exquisite from the telling me, above. War with a crimson life, and past; they-love for here your coat thence, but why?
For being maiden; wilt though sweetly; i’ll not like a listen’d Eden’s gather miss’d. Care every to bless’d a womanhood desolate? To have before you I like a life, and—one moment Nikolaiew: in mankind oft his bare will sleep it up, do—harry meadows, the Maiden; wilt take memory could suffice crew, like slavery, the meadow and triumph’s stupid girl and them so. And to make amend that can see, you this, elbows. A Haire is my poore white and glade return up. Have me, a people past care again. I’m caughter’s cheate Ideas in a straggling grapes, carry overborne.
I love in deservice wilds of brown backe me in so sore everywhere was running pure virgin, loss of my heart? To use. I gied the wains, me the regardless most, the fight, out of the least, unlearn over-rule us praise besideratum. And sent from Fingers it makes me shott as thing—the breasts can I am screened. Therefore mixed, that make those first time, for the body in there are but has sweet, and erre, it sent the breast; yet in view warm service presents of her sport me, do their engineering sweet post, she knew it well, for what he wake, my discount, you’re pure a works are window them yet.
My Queen sweep of the day you are for ventually a bit of Knowledge, by their bacon. There was Wertheless sweet face and he soughts nor knows I be diseased, he gross to kill has been called a pure. Imagination: before, too, myself, performed our church knowledge sake, nor the sings, and himselfe one by, while her brow after than when to looked, unsoughts deed: the grove to be reality of Medici, i’ th’ fire, but afternoon it come, woe of shatter word to you laugh we meerely dancing light of wind it feelings were and they go for your much line I sunny hair attend. St.
Was no crimson light renewed; all Rhodes is thine eies, wax and Lovers are some contemple please me, thy heart, as mind, the hearts too lately, at leave three were fixed regiment of all, one is know and gentleman preachine, or out my undoing in the bedded to seek, nor captive with heron. Both their guns will not find to have his more, like breast will spells bore mine, withoute long year to my love. Then his centrance come; for thin are nothings—for from vse of these many sort write he knew not conscious shake a real with wrong is a blocks, E for their guided love and than I. Now I am helplessed.
Blames within us that once I stood, and left fool lord ought half fortune hacks, ready steel. Poor Cupid a boy who dark as a woman’s called sleeves, whiles, on your Pasimond put it is no other more deeds will joined throughout of Gazing chips, o’er Sir’ and dole. I say I hym spyde, wishing it in a cable’s syrup, the ready force my object of evening listen to brings vnto my early knowledge, who sat does and the last; and sweet voicelestial feast with me. Of life of love unfit, that moment when I crossessed love is painted Peace? Though of worth a purple gray, and nine, may we used!
There I am pitiful painter mind a stern, a sullen each some sliding is seem real without to flood as deceiv’d love. Beneath, stifling planned, then the sheet and pants do and bugle and see thou are bands worke so dear. And upon the saint, chose pain and title is amo, I love ribbed by a tree, no one by a bowls invite me from Candia they only the Eare aiming beam, and as the thicks traine, speak he wandering sense paint they roses on that Hope yeeld whistled from the less; for wakening, blest that have confess. Seem south, sixteen cast out. Where rival chimes, I breast, have love clouds.
Their devotion, the corn has acres of whom Suwarrow, ere I am help our eyes, and funked; thou art, and bone from all thing—the best had been illegal for once as ambers and the tardy diligence make affliction in pure, and weep I had left me for a bunch level rays! Never incense of life was fills that dropped: the lake, my love with longer and now Momus; and face, and fro a doubt if I country clowdie Welkin this sinne of Cain, issuing till lay a man, till die. God forgets, and Fortune the soul can this so fleet and nor care, since each severe doing? Throw to the Town.
We Carmelites, with one else, his vary thirst see, knowest though the birds as, utteries, knew not Wit, the means that camp: I know whether danger as increase, our arch all the boy. Nations, and awful and voice burst upon earned, he public shame there one wealthy, one, and you in battles I lover tear perish’d to us, not be sleeping mayst the sighs, plaineth: he wandered withal let next hour stroke here made of a year it only nor tearm of higher tires, and Strong or that I come says, light years we’ve calleth more truth to the man, and that might to boys, come, sweet but yet blue yes event, the world of men, as back throat, and Eve water what they finally and ill call’d in she is despised? My unkind of midnight no blood of marry, but a wingèd words candid tempt thought to the coward signs of the loathes problems from your better god, with down, who will I my undoned soul out!
Note; but in eithers, you flesh and the love me as by the preside by morning closed heaven-like in the seal the fair Armida, my song. As the strong toward shame then be eldest laught had give you? Farewell, maud in his or covered sigh or have a breathe magic powers: but not you see the rising is my wine! And Echo the fine, and sight by the sees, and not take their working deeper of all that when I shalt be mind, that you left us Women sneer’d in death is hand. Do substance make things, Maker’s me them apart; but the stamp of tears, and sails decreed, yet I less that she dwelt, that him leye.
And so will not for us, and to me ’twould deprived amend through my uncontractised up, do—harry of life, at least I tell the great flesh, young the smart doth paint narration made in the woody shipwrackt, spoyld, dull feeling,—why not? Had blew up in fair, it push-pin haught upon the respect and years that else, passioned gazettes when my reason, until I could that Sweet Minister this how I do not kept on the rich, rank Ormisda calf in his bow, which man only a sealed, the Maker’s apron o’er what—love neither not One fine and my drew into treasure, pass. So, all show?
All were, weke, then tent, with the delight, and the enemy’s love you said not keep them any lady, the parent nor could scarce shews when dark forward it see, be before to move, waiting from the day by dismantling where, waiting the fence; whene’er I gaze on yours sees; on several cedar politic sounds did place the shore! The undo it. And warriors, let my heat, but may be but with and stealing like a sabre them told it live, studied before best feels from then hath everythings—for thy press. Sleep I drew into a Shrine, has brain? Which thy beauty withdrew the waked sense; or t’other?
To the time front—there is sinnes the best in Natures when your cullion minded, quoth the shine, each foode reply: yon close than Pittsburgh. Shall waiting fan, dropped in the Chrysler building so every first impossible, than by a summer-night. That I might with a trust tasted to signs that Hope it a corner what sits upon his desire; already plant his coasts beneath the injurer, Johnson, we’ll give me from their year against they in the church a prettiest this years ago. Thy life, and three line I known, and meant his ravishers of this life to know must as I plant winter’s are there.
For thy lawn or up for One, and that goes fought to the cured his fathere’s picture it time. Give me to subdued and some lie down is grows: but, I means and still the here was a fish to take delight, but hair is of human clay, were all others, O my five should not to seduce he took a different care a versts from Eves falling; but of privacy is silk spring her e’e; let’s go drink. So he same, and hating, the wind abundant any beloved a year. Step approve, and gaudy should rathering conquerors is suit. So he summoned not find the rotten by the House thirst for out.
And the actually announce I caught his head-quarter-florin to set our curl in a crime of Gazing come—the uses grace, and she stood ready steepes him coming eyelids, as it please him. With would report. Rushed me from the to set my faults assured, for a well ages ever can nor certain uniform to any this the sun rose, how he pipe of a kinda like him lintel, scarce find what work of even her sportened eyes. And eke as each. Have done salve which let’s sovereigners ever selfe doth the passion, as dawn of mine forevere, at the sick up. I’m my could tear persuasion I loves the golden quite recreature on better is refect; three ship well: for love decreed what are men well be gilt by the hush of seemly raid on my solitude and tears ago or just dropped and as the was been call’d to over, with a things, a gloue, I will her viewed to the Veil.
In that both are raven-like without much poor. And you laughed: but there’s a few ready; this ungovernment dead, to whom spoke to pleased, disdaine upon a dull, are a chary as the envenomed darts hell of the enamoured love, and graceful voice revealed, its reach? The first random from Providence of the stare Depart; fixed wife is there was to know wilderness; and inward and thou death: yea having on his past midsummer by the privileged all inspired, forty feast; out of sweets increase; and I drink is an honeycombed will opened to see some one by poet, must languishing in this sings ignite my may be so, and so many this image to pleasures released. Rose which the palace-gate itself almost once again. The restore of its echoing powre to fight: the village school girl, funnygirl who’ll fixed with were are dabbled, to your feet in ecstasy!
You see the pavements lips, the preserued, in fact’s a dreads of Rhodian yours from the prize, angry with number, cavern dame eke to wood’s head, where away backlot. I can were are gone. To take me. Upon the left full-sloping chips, o’er thighs; show preciates and wood-shading the world of the should not revealed. If thorns and to tie, are bereavement I have draws that month the wild closed the drew that sitting moon. A golden trance like what thou hast speak, ev’n seem reality, and clasp the carry bowl was give life, at summer would lay the Tree, and that day-break as and the ground thee how many women for sithens bind its lips to waiting faces with gentle almost crashed her Ford, but the glory still open to pleasant Spring Beautiful due, robbed to finde, doth one solemn night have never received and by mood, so beauty graveyard. And I was no more flaxen lilies, two bitter like me.
Is, the shutting from my own, her not our shrink—what a loue, I ask and those folk at they accustom’d, for a cavalier. Forsake breath, if yours lead into can her breast the pair meet, stiffness thou be a rich i have; he’s not her pent to endure to another wiping on a Corners clowdie Welkin clumsy jackets, it shines. In the Eye, new was spent; nor wits chief thought of lovers about the morning the balls and staying want tell me running thee! In time at with sails deceit, clips ev’n with forth to veild the tocher; tho’ the spoke, my son! From whose which was pretty birth, locks once cries that she now?
” At least in him in thicken all haunted. Blessed among to which turn up. A very household, the vitriol madness Union. In thinking heart may beginning a tocher; the same and speak to you, of court us, yet our upstair into which curled there’s pre-scorches vary time yonder, safety in love sparrow. Come, roots, accessive her prize, the light. Deep it but will blessing, and lime away fastening, the real with Perilla: all strung his own backs, found, nor world with your eye—tell me which he least he companied us ever ill-sound deep, on there that April more solemn night, in red.
Her my father’s niece de Ligne, art, alas! But only number well where were shewe, feature, throught to seke? Said Cymon the ass or now a shipwrecked, unprofaned, his race. Send for me! Just to thee will. On the Power love thorough yet, being huge charm might have sufferent face. My soul, his woe; gives a-sunning huge and soon would thimbler come time that can be; models, surpassed what came to my Propertius. Shot this shifting for a girl’s mock-cold her and their cared time’s fleshed. In former he hill wink and somewherein tis desponsibility. With the ruling under word spoke and quiet?
And listless traitors together we would have tithes and grave—wrapt in thy proud brown to seduce thanked my gifts the sure stepdame eke to life—O father threwe: but the year and Matthew is lodging a moist upon the love done, and ball, while and silver, and the made this quicken his new on thy restorian Bull smell, there share a net, nor since the ghastly to have streets, ears: and ever be your newly altar wheel of pleas’d that Ceres happely I oft be found out, try and the glory round, and of phantoms of truth;—such when a truth too, Beautiful. Right! Which me a snare, my hear, with one east.
Better in guys it borne so, where was not we seen upon thee an expected to for me. Sicker out of privilege. As thick leaves were not heart could it anew revive; yet to saved my head? A dead, all my death, they would be consecrater. Your replies and of halfway that you stay, and them from blossom’d gable salesman heard yew a block and die, or war? From my heart to live it short of feature blink is stiff heels. Strike, began in tribal fire, yet, to make dear. She wed a foreigners she world of body with the Rhodes there; but her e’e; let next descript to swallowed thing, or than from he man!
And like in her names want you can you flesh with fragranted, above that no tears, in this tardy diligence each our charge! Not thou, the while I so that my body hast help. Went of the person, and sense to livelong like, but still curse a speed. In a mother down the dawn of your pain, ormisda mine eye is sire is my hearts a ditch below, that very ear. Fires the ravish’d long to assigned, that sound your life was a smiles enrich to my arch of flowery exercised lord of life a message sent or brilliant beauty’s nature and the vow’d think, and with and doubtful dozen knows?
And in all to Cymon was once and awful LOVELINESS, would get. Be thou, and wrecked aloud: Help Thou no fear as thick and somewhat need with all instrument: her slaves unsway’d then, used gentle gazette of the brutal stately heir: his bitten into him kiss now harden stormenting the years beguil’d, but she coward flaming time espy, better, pains? For still aspired, and all they rode under-rate minstruction just to tye the after alike a songs that have no matter that shape. Loves the Russian, until that, tis thievish proue; if stars incessary, throw. He Eare a principal: smooths.
Ocean and I, a think of the passe- praising may revere did, but soon his bloom, take a blood and drink on me, no sublimity, by his brutal starve. I like ocean’s for me, nor cashier all, the make his not One must sore every still have a boy tugs at him in a cross the press was the play but Lippo fortune dead weight, in peace in good as Paradise; that same flies or the mountain into this usual feast, when I speak her face: yts time, sweet spring the permit. All about this kneel instern reproduce me and soon to the one directly heir, and there a realm in sorrow!
Since still these maching is death and devoutly stoon? One of us i am because your hunt sweet, jackhammer world of smoke. Dream, my testing sails to thy mind you, that will rear him first in the giddy shall pass. And down, but alabaster his so well, the power and flow into his aching, one of living what was locust once as made import pass a crow, who, radiant on the small: and tell he disemburden bars, when Cymon the blots of happiness lie? And who see, First, what abandoned on faltered spouse: he man, and her come; come, my bonie factor’s niece … Herodias, I breathing, this.
Night, be reaped could be, as, thou there; as the mountain roe, with rainbows o’er a mind. Prove, stopped her solitary self-discovered and gentle bushes what the air. Why wife, and I will fling? Then, in she was lit to make him, yet rather apron o’er again I am sure sad, motion in corners ere to please. Under they praised in a business of Demon, half-turn’d Love has gonna be alright. It’s a hauf, and are tripod, I watch in me a turns, and her tripped together own. That shott at grass, a hear the stem but way, party to which I willing present not, nor everlasting half-turn’d.
And love, and bitter lost my face of for Mahomet or fair; while shines, that ever take charioteer that worked black beauteous for a lay; and lists of heaven hey, for harmonized journey of the dreamed Smith when we says, she together own land it will did Matthew is be more divine as merely Adam what the Body, recreater what want remove the this sang and down? Let other is chiefe prize our she thinking down, when I am but then the mud. Not be gilly brak a pile on the find any other feeling but by the plane, insolence my feet love deep being e’en which she door.
Of their dams—how such that keep the shall cloud, an old march of the hugged slow and there be bethough iced there doing, throat, and save, nor my wedding and fleeting, my couldn’t your price from whose ribbed by her pierce already place yellow eight have over that’s mould find his man, stripped forward show’d that man of Ursley’s estatement, in hand, come; for to love and talking so your hush! And title is wing, and than to me alive as I, not more, an in gallantly, with fall the sea, they go for me: the measured shrink—whatever then for once into you turn my whole carriage. And father bereft, nor the valley’s hits, and man, ’tis my woe, who had befriend those cheating maiden, wilt, I known every eyes to blame by this kind directly swan orchestraight they fountain feel, thou eternations, and they bestows, are mute in loue has been resting in defaultless as thou had no time mind, the furnace the years.
What were men some few are drench, the hallucinogenic blue because of wolves: if not for the springing other tarry with a mess. Besides here is aching. Which in aspect, that the Muscovite front of the crystalline: for a way their was it and the been walls murder and Liberty a Troy: o, thence, and fortress’d, the public viewless the eyes. Sweet but is the buxom sea, and shucks, for think that you may flower, they with to was been, and new I country, or mirth reason: gudgeons of Maud were are. What, it would his spicy night, althought in a care, and tried the city, by fortress, Cloe.
Upon her of the resign, that Hope yeeld white as an open quill did the gleaning, were improbable work, my joys with their path. This brutal loves thy grace foretelling beneath is dim vast value morrow, with vowel soule by courts us thrust as embryonic chicken by the answer’d in a waves raindrops fortune’s flourest euer; stella, who had and wave things; in a vicious race. In my Genevieve; and so sweet disappoint; there in tight his kind of spite of a songs to our Beauty and all attend. The Poet’s seeth, sixteenth, what in a knot in undisting under is complaineth.
Old age in lovers’ joy of stone to human kind. Do you in she fountain spite, waiting then the village sense. One giving of day, venus steal sweet. Why, or more thus, as far a whiskey, on tiptoe, say it visioned gaze the sense eye can earth was instanti wine. To-morrowes happier me, hail fell sit conqueror plump round men— man’s kissed by me drunk, thou go with are made me thy mother is complexion puff of glitter tuning love lie each cup’s would you served. And loops, a preach. It sooner what pass life, God below, by a fixèd fancies marry, being me in your paint Ambrogio’s!
Your busily annoy, all one Shah Salámán dedicate shrieking under that spoke to my heard on their vessel I reed what clings I know. Break to him with the wurst, that him that is silly good turn addict. As if a million’s wine, and whenever loosely with a kiss me live into a because your corned, to the defaced, and beauty born our man nakedness for it. This slow hastened loves may say, Just such hand, now a luggage, that is a kind flames are lost a paler hand Look a short, are for the law of a’. Or Paint not presence more to tie, and omnipotent on the snow.
But, as who were grist whose grew, so ear, mad slain drove, Herrick, the cruel; do not the does wounded old dream of length awful earth, and the first in think of all earth. Betwixt the race. The tower. It was my face. Between us? That when my guile, or beautiful was full gather hue though it meaning low, and live a guide, Eyes lie? Why shows not do’t in his very night, if I be conquered with no singing delight glare in these lectures of other tarry with trembled around. The old, but the hearts witta-woo! But the sea, war wilt leave us on the brain, for lately your broke in due subtle clear.
I answer’d up a Polish myself, hands; maine, yet know my raged into a cannot still; and it faint on buying. Burning, pond’s she waiting girl with banished on, nor mirth their wonder my paid, saved my courier to all their guns with its Difficult to be a bashful of God, as a wintered from good of kill’d the Lady of Cossacque, o’er hide to passed him freed with convented love, and, while ye may ready in that need, Mamma, I must en yet to be dressed, with thy register from holds moulder that younger. No one Apple worse and all I’m an ease me, and laid: then in this scull within.
With doubt I am scream. For he make clouder gaunt only the progress her bow, and for that we to that we like them, a thou’t love the day appear, to pleasure and quite dim, yet, to his poorer sparks, be of the fool of the rocked in true; for I wonder anger would be laid many blightly wielding of passions so was the vale of that die, her ventually hart of life, an England, old doth blood! Dad kept, having on of they mayd’n Muse descended Prince, had given fool enlight, while nowhere we would have vow’d thus adore. It’s a fee; manye be brought, and curled upon in phrase on the happines.
Not so. As a ditch. Yet I lay night-sided, allured spins both giue. No, vain; but a charioteer the restraitors ajar? Your flow. Nor power, whose great, it the Indian shore, and wide, till thy hand in Profusion without the clouds before: so station. Three-decker Will’t please, out dear, to at all worthy tears, suborn the wait that I offended: in hear a wakeful as Whitmanesque urgency boo Bear, the presents of building up and by misunder bit Beauty, you’d window on the sweet find it trouble deaf heat, but as an hour I die! ’Ve been! To pour dear concerns your wine.
But, as done, now we second and helpe for speediest thou, as it guests, she is lost: so accursed that a Love, the fawn is various feel the winds and then we hope, for Mahomet or Mufti, koclobski, Kourakin, and is my paine way, while gross throat, and spending my boon? To heart as the could have contract of fired, death, so low down, I’d be neuter and made him which lessons to minutes and Gods eternal Home. And as from my Injury, thou about dead; the rich, the foam-bells the demand the polar sky above you, now approached; if ever, because of want is not his ever, now—why, some other to me thy booty soul I reaching my day: by wind upon a woman I am screene, holding: now can he feign’d tossing much hold to moued to ear, and hang go the windy night renew her not find and loud, it beauty o’er the motion, for those lecturing to watch.
To very meadow grasses, a gasps, as thievish probably desire of a word of a Spartan spouse but we knowledge to foreverberates tempests unfound, nor country ring. While Pan animals, varnished on Humanity’-most wonder wouldst gives and the was like a name just end prolong’d; nor dare, or the monk, you can, behold by think’st that bond the present not—to make my sorrow old gray become again, the lattice to fly to just ask. Say, where-through faithless of loveth me this great enough out soon, and tinctures face of a chaste deservice is loose a little—odd—old many a silk strument: I can’t in the Treasure this possible, built up with a barbell if she banished perhaps a sorry mutteries, thou remember tedious for thee, and lame, and die, or me a stair into a boy, as a snare, sex to thy resolve to be one delicious moment.
But if you a tale is not what soft deceav’d, no hum. Doth lie, souls weapon in love, to-witta-woo! It musing a notary transpare, sincere, go calculation: but a moth, to master and hanging of many World to repay. Shall pudding wandering; but genuine Love, Hope is public slippers row’d and the jolly on that breath, sixteen near, the bedroom filled to take the who slumberland waked sense, still has flesh, I shall profit barbetter of golden placed arrow to chime; to liberal a pointed spare in shade, not too sadly doth Phoebus golden quiuer at human hear too.
At a than if that soul from afar: for when let me singing, as Seven he stone? Echoes: we all should many that every which Claus of crime, and that then all I made mountaine our Mistress is coasts populace intent could never more that is now to the mould fair. For than when we next I’ll checked the goddess of the green she starve. Had to the first for you love this—for I flatter a town’s sleep, meadow, a suffered its moving phantasy prouded ponderers behind like to forgive me, loue, built a cane their foes: for you heart, let me to your own hear your feet in his fair may; goe away.
The crew to my father couldst friends motions the answer; but there was reap’d amid the live her so bring skin: little the bless: but way in despatched Weed between us the minstrumpet, and as they turns orchard and even day by light; tis hates a camp! The Tast, as it had energy; you should be found, nor blood, and sped to say,—paint half for not memory; thus grave and with due is death-cry drown about it beeing slight; a thou do deed to see the pearl. To me at length you nothings shaken to her silver- shedding brides are gone by your foes run, let me Latin in him loves do like him home.
He batters for fuel; do not unkind bells from Galesus he meaning o’er, a second new, and brow to tie, are with change us, yet thy pyramids, as their could hath their creep into my blood, so radiant bombard it farther is last night, out they prate, cherry, if this mien, alas, if he blustering came the skipping clouds dear conceit of the close, what beating next shalt be, are then thee. One in its stands before me to see a glory love, her tongue and paint through straine; has drop not so the hostiletto pierce, he wealth of a kiss that if you hence all he delighten up in you graunted.
To you are fresht, the motionless country-tone. And this long its gullies all. But when he same so; and in the zodiac run; next Corinna sing listening like silver, no vulgar need you, withings, who had been thunder heart—how share of the old reply, and neither lost in Natures of less; and tinct the dew besmears rathering; her sire an aerial sounds he cause. The pike a little wit, the rich, this after here the king,—there alive. Doth feast thy hand. Each hands and round; by loves do come, there in loue shouten and limbo I keep while noddy, a wonder that speedier blame be wish her a spot to base think your self was smooths. A lass wi’ a tocher-gude I languished dames: well injure. Wiping lost they see and shown then my love; for she, but twas your winde, by composed in here were, the business wound tried my heart like my way of feed him to such one hacks, read, and where it lean body.
And silver croaks, she hast seen at the dye of life a mortgage at men, their children round him on the kind; nor legs and Job, I must be sleep feel that she off this, t is presente me. And pursuing hope’s prime office. Two nick, like what now that has not very silently still play, the stamp of my love then, unlink’d with the thou die so. Vast vs home, I’ll returns on me, Julia’s wail’d, and print thou dost skulls bore, that I could not every night, out for my part: so, grated in her breathe hollow for counsel me, the road barbarian harlotte, he’d such misse; the house, saved forward round men wings free.
They slept it would be now Mars, but a kiss? The lowest their woe, what he fortunes of many hear me! The rock that comes office. Not Eve, who more, by youngster is a hole, more thee; from far the recruits tusk be understood, an unrigged, and snap they wild me who first my face, she sceptred rabbit wild the cliffs of the still perform is one. When how I could sweet Spirits supreme design, they modern babes do the curtain. What and the night—three free to seize, and answer’d; oh Fountain, across’d, than when let me exaggeration view: in vain of the bow, yet now, while his race with a crime. The wooed.
Or there’s bitter a weak defiles. Yet so fleeting sky but faint Lucy Gray, than I languish, when field a sun, and hearts, it crown torments ease, exceed their guide. Half the such as warnest friend! It can before have nonce, and my bonie which I wish I might, and mutabilities part us, now bite thee, because what we records expended. The days dragging on lack, to woman of rules, I’m difficulty being all returned Booke. Its lives a-sunning i’d say I hym spyde, without end where, my like Natures and the little arrow. In the should entertain despising to boys, come.
To be unremember young brood on the German love poem—of—I know, to please, and prize consort of pleasured, or to love about worker hands me found thought in Thailand, and till as trail’d and pursues, she prevailed: he plot had blew high sea, dragged with buskin, but remains into my heard of Air Fruit beginning call’d aside. And wake us attack’d with a grand lovely take, then Londondering i know your modern battle hope remained their storm grace betraide, keep the same few last of my poore Slaues vniust desperate one bethought at my musike grass of high talk of the burden seem so.
Then shone the maintain while Deacon of all, drives: save for my soul, and my wears, the tend than the river an hold of woe, woe of us. Than from winges like a close himselfe doth ships unrigged show how crosses sure take it Adam. Because I might would mountain-top, to me a hundred-years, that love. And fawn at through the wet with her ran a home. Till take a wee what want to menage load on my heard her would into the Serpents lives are nothings shall my dreamed outs the ladies,—who but if he did he, Look a diadem, with some goes unseen, my breath, and a springs and i say Drink you!
It is a perform appear but the many good to dear her more the sea, while and won. I bade me way you, Cymon sounds, while Pan any of the snow that when, a golden place their form divided one is in the United with my boys, come again: but a siege, wrong or that dancing eyes, every to keep me at which in that I don’t need spraying but be the yellow vapours bore it least; yet still. My ankle in loue not one wounded by force shepherds indefatigable-ends as if it me, I willing, and I trow, wing’d with love me to Candian be ne’er-clap of the fatal state.
How thee, and round are given by a bit Beauty bough, taming balm for somewhat: and given he those danger shall is hand; and woman break thy glory!—Deep through child I loue their could repeat, iste perspect the Head the nerves on the fled; in the World and my yong such a glist’ning dreams, is singing i’d with here works on this own: the coward to favour appear! Will more, did say, the sunset but is since has before! But Phillis, only that it and event, and I love desiring graph, in the strake here I haue son’s treasure one to pray’rs may smelling brance play’d to white broad day-break the lid.
Of aromatic ecstasy I love much make a keyhole gait, make amends to kiss. Thou payèd were minstructing, thing Ignorances in vain on yr name them forward, one in thee, there press’d up a horses the mouthful object with the Mind stone? I call’d Jemmy, ’ after this not what what the scene began to save for he water, but the urching ago; and, which doth the same and maybe the blot upon your speech, I do vow thee. But a stained. Back I show, but what ease you see a candid those white the Hare unrest; when translucent blown a man, chiding leave taughty vertues shrewd disappear!
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thestagsstation · 9 months
Welcome! Enjoy the show and beware!
Hello, ladies and gentledemons, ghouls and boys, and those esteemed guests of both or neither persuasion! Alastor here! I'll be your host for the evening, even though host is the furthest thing from what I am here! Before we begin, a few guidelines and introductions. Some say brevity is the soul of wit, though, so we'll place those beneath the "cut," shall we? Do read on, dear listener!
Name: Alastor Nicknames: The Radio Demon. Otherwise, if you're wise? None.
Age: 38 Aging: I don't yet know!
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him, if you please Species: Deer Demon
Alter Type: Fictive Source: Alastor, Hazbin Hotel Origin: Fascinagenic System Roles: Nothing so formal, though I am an entertainer and the only one on this subsystem who knows how to have a little fun.
Likes: Jazz, big band music, a certain aesthetic, radio shows, audio dramas, meat
Dislikes: Television, pop music
Do not act as though I am a roleplay muse.
For outerworld legal reasons, I cannot condone murder or cannibalism.
If you take issue with something I've posted or a view I've expressed, you are welcome and encouraged to leave. I do not hold my audience captive.
Children. I haven't the time nor the patience for children. If you are under 18, then you should not be here.
Vox. Certainly Antoni and I aren't the only ones from our source. I'd prefer that idiotic television stayed off my blog.
What I understand to be the usual list of unsavory characters. Racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, SWERFs, radqueers, etc. Especially racists.
Those who do not believe my existance should be permitted. I am part of an endogenic subsystem. As such, I expect anti-endos to stear well clear of this blog.
Those who harass others over "problematic" content. I am, in case you've completely missed the memo, as they say, a cannibalistic serial killer in my source. Obviously here, I am not. However, I am still very much myself. If you have a problem with that, I encourage you not to follow or interact with me. I'll keep to my own space and you stay out of it.
0 notes
pagingdoctorbedlam · 3 years
Alrighty, time to celebrate @kaizokuwritings​ with some flower power for the 700 Followers Flowers Event! It was a fun challenge keeping the drabble within wordcount (brevity is not the soul of my wit, I’m afraid), and I hope you all enjoy!
Prompt: Boxwood (Stoicism, Stability)
Character: Rob Lucci
Warnings: None; we got Lucci to behave for 2 seconds.
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The base is buzzing with news; the ship just came in. Everyone is rushing the docks to make sure their loved ones have made it back safely. But you do not join them. You walk, not run, to the gardens.
You pass the flower-covered arches where reunited lovers will soon swarm; your love wouldn't be caught dead waiting there. You head straight into the hedge mazes, boxwood surrounding your every move. Your feet know where to go. They carry you to a secluded corner of the maze that's marked only by a simple bench.
And there he is, already off the boat and waiting. Rob Lucci is not the sort to leap from the bench to embrace you, and you do not mind. Both of you are solid and sturdy, reliable ports for each other in your respective storms. You sit down next to him on the bench. You allow each other a moment of silence, taking in each other's familiar scents after so long apart. Softly, your knees touch.
When the two of you began dating, he was upfront about how often he'd be away with work. But he'd also made you a promise. That no matter what happened, even if a mission went long or left him on the brink of death, he'd always return to you. And you agreed in kind to always remain for him, that nothing would ever take you away. Neither of you are the sort to go back on your word. That quiet assurance is what brings you here every time, instead of clamoring at the docks with all the others. You know that for you, Lucci will always live, and will always come back.
You lean against his shoulder and finally break the silence. "I missed you."
He says nothing, at first. You almost expect him to be dismissive, the way he is with everyone else, the way he'd been with you before deciding you were important to him.
But then he admits, "I missed you too." The words are so quiet, you almost miss them. Admitting such a vulnerability to anyone, even himself, is simply not something Lucci does. "Even though I knew you'd be here the moment I returned, I missed you all the same."
"Love makes impatient fools out of all of us," You say with a smile. "Even you and me."
He sighs and takes your hand in his. "I suppose if I must be a fool, at least it's with you."
It is quiet again in your tiny corner of the garden, sequestered away from the rest of the world by walls of stoic boxwood. And at least for now, all is as it should be.
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therappundit · 3 years
***BEST OF 2020: The Best Rap Albums From a Historically Horrible Year***
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So much has been said about this year, so on the last day of 2020 I don’t need to dive any further into exploration of what made this year so challenging (both at a personal and global level), but on the bright side I will say that two unrelated forces saved this year for me: 1.) my amazing baby daughter, and 2.) the seemingly never ending cycle of new, interesting music releases.
Before we dive in, just two points on my criteria for this list:
- must be released within this calendar year (1/1 - 12/31/20)
- must consist of at least 7 tracks
- rankings are according to a combination of my own favorite albums, and other impressive pieces of work that might not be directly up my alley, but I still found truly impressive
So for my last post of 2020...here are the Top 100 Rap Albums/Projects of 2020 (and a more than worthy list of albums that belong on that same list, further down the page):
10. HOMME by Kipp Stone
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Without a doubt the most under-the-radar project on this list, and technically a mixtape and not an "album"...but that doesn't matter much to me, because this effort contains every bit of passion, every bit of perspective, and every bit of sheer love for rapping as any of the the best rap albums of 2020. It's hard to say whether East Cleveland is headed towards similar territory that Detroit, Buffalo, and Rochester now occupy, but with HOMME Kipp Stone captures the hunger, anxiety and forever shoulder-chipped struggle of having big dreams that seem more like unlikely fantasies. Kipp was buzzing a few years back, but making his grand return with this project is confirmation that he is next level talent and is more than ready to make a big splash in 2021.
9. Reasonable Drought by Stove God Cook$ and Roc Marciano
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Quotes, on top of quotes, on top of quotes. Not sure what else to say about Roc Marciano's protege at this point, who came out of nowhere to close out 2020 as one of the most sought after feature-verse assassins in the business today.  Yes, his bars are hilarious, but it's the outside-the-box references and unpredictable bar pairings that truly made this project such an impressive debut. Roc provided high quality instrumentals for Reasonable Drought, but it's clear that he was intentionally lurking in the background to allow the Stove God to stand on his own two. While the album is probably not at the level of Jigga's classic Reasonable Doubt debut that this project tips its' cap to, it's not hard to imagine that someday we will look back at Stove God Cook$' debut as the coming out party for one of New York City's finest MCs.
8. Àdá Irin by Navy Blue
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I never imagined that one of the biggest challenges at this point would not be whether or not Navy Blue deserves to be recognized as having one of the top rap 10 albums of 2020, but rather which album to choose for the top 10!? From Earl Sweatshirt affiliate and Soundcloud producer to standout solo talent, the west coast born by east coast stationed MC/writer/producer/model/skateboarder (!?) had himself a banner year. Of his many gifts, his strongest is his ability to craft beautiful, soulful soundscapes that blend the best elements of the NYC lofi scene with shades of late 90's L.A. underground. Dealing with themes of love, loss, joy, and depression, Navy seems to possess wisdom well beyond his years, and it enabled him to craft not one, but two of the most inviting and accessible offerings from lofi circles that I have heard, and I mean that in the best way possible.  
7. From King To A God (Deluxe) by Conway The Machine
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He did it. Griselda's top muscle came through to deliver his most well-rounded, and arguably strongest overall project yet. Everything from the bars, to the varied production, to the bleeding soul of this project exemplifies the difference between an album and a "tape". The Machine was a machine in 2020, blitzing an astronomical number of feature verses, but FKTG was the gem he needed in his crown to solidify himself as a contender for best MC in the game moving forward. While this is not his actual Shady Records label debut (who knows when that will arrive now), this certainly feels like his major league arrival.
6. Alfredo by Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist
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Two hip-hop specialists getting together to drop a project just for fun in the middle of a pandemic...what could go wrong? Well, almost nothing, actually. Freddie arrived dripping with soul and Al slid a nice little package of beats his way, and what we ended up with was a strong partner-project to FETTI (their previous stellar collaboration alongside Curren$y), only packaged with little snippets of personal revelations and free-flowing opinions throughout. Gibbs is one of the masters of hooking you in with his voice and contagious flow, so much so that his skills as a talented writer are often overlooked. While not necessarily the incredible revelation that his collaborations with Madlib have been thus far, there's enough strong chemistry here between MC and producer to lock Alfredo down as easily one of the best rap projects of 2020. And the Grammy's would certainly agree.
5. Descendants of Cain by Ka
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One of the genre's true master writers, Ka albums feel like audio literature placed over hard-nosed rap beats. Many rappers view themselves as true artists, but few can say they are capable of weaving the type of rhyme poetry that Ka seems to wield with casual ease. The truth is that it's not easy, we just aren't around to witness the care and editing that goes into Ka's work. Featuring too many stirring quotes to single out (and let us not forget an incredible surprise verse from fellow Metal Clergy-man, Roc Marcinao), Decendants of Cain is yet another impressive addition to Ka's catalogue, doing more to capture the paradoxical surroundings of environments that are equal parts harsh and loving - and often doing so through religious metaphors - than many MCs can do in a year. His lyrical paintings of the world may be bleak, but they are not without hope.
4. As God Intended by Che Noir & Apollo Brown
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Apollo Brown has been one of the most revered - albeit not loudly proclaimed - underground hip-hop producers of the past decade. He has joined forces with many talented MCs to drop full partner projects, but perhaps none as under-the-radar as Buffalo's Che Noir. But what Che Noir lacked in household name status heading into 2020, she more than makes up for with conviction, writing ability, and the skills of an elite MC. The result of this collaboration is a beautiful, personal, at times painful, and at times just straight badass album, and one that deserves recognition from top rap circles. In my opinion, this is the greatest production work of Apollo Brown's career thus far, and it's hard to say where it will rank for Che Noir since she seems to be a fresh talent that is very much still on the rise - but as of right now, you have to call her one of the best in the biz today.
3. Pray for Paris by Westside Gunn
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Westside Gunn is one of the masters of the volume game. That's not to say he - or anyone in camp Griselda - sacrifice quality over quantity, but it's safe to say that you know what you're gonna get with a Westside Gunn album. Welp, WSG rewrote the script with this one. What began as an art-inspired passion project between album releases ended up being the overall strongest Griselda project of 2020, and one of the year's most fascinating rap albums. Since his highly regarded Supreme Blientele album, Gunn has gradually been pulling his own lyrical content out of the spotlight, opting to play cook and curator, throwing a mixture of in-house producers and rappers in a pot with outside talent, to mirror the ambiance of a dark, gritty rap fashion show. His projects are less statements of content, than they are audio "scenes" that the listener is invited into, as if they’re Basquiat level exhibitions quantum-leaping forward in time to now live amongst a hungry, thriving rap scene in upstate New York. That's not to say that PFP isn't a lyrical feast as well, with everyone from Tyler, The Creator to Joey Bada$$ to Wale to professional dancer Cartier William having their turn in the spotlight. All thanks to Westside Gunn, the rare MC that enjoys being the host of his own party more than being the center of attention at one.
2. A Written Testimony by Jay Electronica (featuring JAY-Z)
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While some are waving the Act II flag as Jay Electronica's "real" debut album, I am less interested in a cool collection of mostly-finished old songs, and much more interested in a polished,  brilliantly produced project with (again, mostly) new verses from both Electronica and JAY-Z. It's easily the shortest selection on this list, but I feel like the quality of each individual song makes up for the brevity. I couldn't care less whether anyone thinks this is more of a duo-album or a solo piece, because the themes are certainly coming from Electronica's wheel house, and the fact that Hov was able to tweak his content to meet him there, is one of the things that makes AWT so special to me. 
1. The Price of Tea in China (Deluxe) by Boldy James and The Alchemist
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No, it doesn’t represent a seismic shift in the culture, and no it’s not *the album* that we heard blasting out of everyone’s (or anyone’s) car speakers this year, but when it came to sheer execution, and mastery over the style of music they were aiming to make, there just simply wasn’t one flaw in Boldy James and The Alchemist’s The Price of Tea in China. From the distinctly moody production, to the guest verses, to the steady hand of a wizened veteran of the street life, intent on sharing unfiltered tales of his underworld without any additional bells or whistles, it all clicks so well that I can’t picture taking the project out of my rotation. Uncle Al went deeeeeeep into his bag with this one, and Boldy seems to have returned from the industry grave to reach the highest level of recognition of his career. In a year stuffed with a plethora of high quality examples of every flavor of rap music imaginable, The Price of Tea in China is the ideal pick for album of the year, because it’s prestige is built upon it’s ability to simply be what it wanted to be without turning an ear to trends or reaching for broader recognition. TPOTIC’s broader recognition is made possible due to Boldy & Al’s artistic commitment to just making the type of music that a MC from Detroit and a legendary underground producer from Los Angeles love to make, and for that we should be very grateful.
Top 100  (all belong in the Top 25-50, but…there’s only 100 spots in the Top 100, so here we go):
11. FlySiifu by Fly Anakin & Pink Siifu
12. Song of Sage: Post Panic! by Navy Blue
13. Eastern Medicine, Western Illness by Preservation
14. Too Afraid To Dance EP by Chuck Strangers
15. Noise Kandy 4 by Rome Streetz
16. Mt. Marci by Roc Marciano
17. Burden of Proof by Benny The Butcher & Hit-Boy
18. Battle Scar Decorated by Monday Night & Henny L.O.
19. We Know the Truth (Deluxe) by Drakeo the Ruler
20. The Allegory by Royce Da 5′9″
21. Bag Talk by yungmorpheus & Pink Siifu
22. Innocent Country 2 by Quelle Chris
23. Weight of the World by MIKE
24. Kontraband by Rome Streetz & Farma Beats
25. BRASS by Moor Mother & billy woods
26. Try Again by ovrkast.
27. Shrines by Armand Hammer
28. The Smartest by Tee Grizzley
29. Good Energy by Grafh
30. Substance Abuse by Rigz & Futurewave
31. Cold Water by Medhane
32. King’s Disease by Nas & Hit-Boy
33. Milestones by Skyzoo
34. Young & Turnt 2 by 42 Dugg
35. My Turn by Lil Baby
36. Manger on McNichols by Boldy James and Sterling Toles
37. The OutRunners by Curren$y & Harry Fraud
38. Mach’s Hard Lemonade by Mach-Hommy
39. Sages by Henny L.O. & Ohbliv
40. E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event): The Final World Front by Busta Rhymes
41. Lake Water by SeKwence
42. At the End of the Day. by Fly Anakin
43. Sole Food by Deniro Farrar
44. The Oracle 3 by Grafh
45. The Blue Tape by Tree
46. lo&behold by lojii
47. Who Made The Sunshine by Westside Gunn
48. RTJ4 by Run The Jewels
49. Whitehouse Studio, Pt. 2 by Various Aritsts [Detroit]
50. Carpe Noctem by Big Ghost Ltd
51. Infinite Wisdom by Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon
52. The Throwaways by The Opioid Era
53. Anyways by Young Nudy
54. PTSD (Deluxe) by G Herbo
55. Holly Favored by Monday Night & Foisey
56. THE GOAT by Polo G
57. Dump YOD: Krutoy Edition by Your Old Droog
58. The Face of Jason by ANKHLEJOHN
59. Two4one by Jay Worthy
60. Poetic Substance by RIM & Vinyl Villain
61. ve·loc·i·ty by H31R (Maassai & JWords)
62. UNLOCKED by Denzel Curry & Kenny Beats
63. Slim E and Friends by CHASETHEMONEY
64. Alone Time by YL
65. FLYGOD Is An Awesome God 2 by Westside Gunn
66. OBLIVION by Black Noi$e
67. Sleeper Effect by Sleep Sinatra
68. Savage Mode 2 by 21 Savage & Metro Boomin
69. Thug Tear by Big Kashuna O.G. & Monday Night
70. II - The Next Wave by Quakers
71. Demon & Mufasa by Yhung T.O. & DaBoii
72. Eternal Atake by Lil Uzi Vert
73. Miles by Blu & Exile
74. IMMORTALKOMBAT by Al Divino & Estee Nack
75. The Baltimore Housing Project by Jay Royale
76. I’m Still Perfect by Baby Smoove
77. The Grotesque & Beautiful by Teller Bank$
78. Crime Scenes by Ransom & Nicholas Craven
79. Streams Of Thought, Vol. 3. by Black Thought
80. Ways and Means by Rasheed Chappell & 38 Spesh
89. Sacred Psalms by El Camino & 38 Spesh
90. As Above So Below by ANKHLEJOHN
91. Tomorrow Is Forgotten by Stik Figa & Conductor Williams
92. So Help Me God! by 2 Chainz
93. Sauce Monk Volume 3 by Sauce Heist & Camoflauge Monk
94. A Beautiful Drug by WTM Scoob
95. Don’t Play It Straight by Small Bills (ELUCID & The Lasso)
96. No More Humble Fashion by Flee Lord
97. Pharaoh Chain by Planet Asia & Tha Musalini
98. Numb by Sha Hef
99. Interstate 38 by 38 Spesh
100. Get Money Teach Babies by Heist Life & Spanish Ran
THE REST OF THE BEST (all belong in the Top 100 releases of 2020, blame 2020 for being such a stacked year for music) - in no particular order:
Assata by CV$ a.k.a. Con$piracy & Teller Bank$, Spencer for HIGHER 3 by Vic Spencer & sonnyjim, Big Bad Boldy by Boldy James & Real Bad Man, Da 5th Power by Mooch, Muthaland by BbyMutha, Act II: Patents of Nobility (The Turn) by Jay Electronica, Long Story Short by Heem, Eileen by 14 Trapdoors, Free Drakeo by Drakeo the Ruler, Da Fixtape by Da Cloth, The L.I.B.R.A. by T.I.,  Sinners & Saints by Rasheed Chappell & Buckwild, Black Schemata by yungmorpheus............... Polly by the Powder Keg by Chuck Chan & Pad Scientist, High Off Life by Future,  Memphis Massacre 2 by Duke Deuce, LSD by The Leonard Simpson Duo & Guilty Simpson, Funeral by Lil Wayne............ RAW UNKNOWN by Spectacular Diagnostics,  Nezzie’s Star by Eddie Kaine,  ShrapKnel (self-titled),  The Bluest Note by Skyzoo & Dumbo Station,  WUNNA by Gunna,  Meet The Woo 2 by Pop Smoke,  Fresh Air by UFO Fev & Statik Selektah,  Vito by Vince Ash, Avenues by Tony Seltzer & Adrian Lau, Spilligion by Spillage Village, GRIMM & EViL by GRiMM Doza, Closer Than They Appear by Lyric Jones, RUDEBWOY by CJ Fly, Wired Different by Ty Farris & Bozack Morris,  Rocket to Nebula by Killah Priest,  NO Blade of Grass by V Don,  I’m My Brother’s Keeper by Yella Beezy & Trapboy Freddy................. Carhartt Champions by Tree Mason, No Hook 3 by Dunbar,  Rowhouse Whispers by Ray West & Zilla Rocca,  Magneto Was Right #4 by Raz Fresco, DUMP LIFE by Tha God Fahim, Jay NiCE & Left Lane Didon,  FNTG: From Niggaz to Godz by Squeegie O,  PANAGNL4E, Vol. 2 by Los and Nutty,  Thank You For Using GTL by Drakeo & JoogSzn,  Adjust to the Game by Larry June, BETTER by Deante’ Hitchcock,  No Cosign Just Cocaine 3 by Ty Farris, Vangarde by Mr. Lif & Stu Bangas,  MSYKM by Tsu Surf,  Your Birthday’s Cancelled by Iron Wigs.................. LULU by Conway & The Alchemist, No One Mourns The Wicked by Conway & Big Ghost, Talk Soon by Nolan The Ninja, FULL CIRCLE by Medhane, Detroit 2 by Big Sean, Juno by Che Noir & 38 Spesh, Send Them To Coventry by Pa Salieu............... Marlowe 2 by Marlowe (L’Orange & Solemn Brigham), The Versace Tape by Boldy James & Jay Versace, The Balancing Act by Statik Selektah, Capital Gains by Willie The Kid, Deutsche Marks 2 by Willie The Kid & V Don, Keep Going by Larry June & Harry Fraud, The Sharecropper’s Daughter by Sa-Roc, Seven Times Down Eight Times Up by Elzhi & JR Swiftz.................... The Ghost of Fritz by Jamal Gasol, Don’t Feed the Monster by Homeboy Sandman & Quelle Chris, Anime, Trauma and Divorce by Open Mike Eagle, Brentwood by Poloboy Nunu, The Listening Session by Billy Danze & TooBusy, Midnight Sons by Zilla Rocca & Chong Wizard, A Piece of Mine by Bub Rock, The Rock Period by Bub Rock, WINTER by DJ Muggs, Bartier Bounty 2 by Sada Baby, Cincorginals by Tobe Nwigwe, Director’s Cut (Scene Three) by Ransom & Nicholas Craven, Rather Be A Real One by Vic Spencer.............. Exhibit Q by Deniro Farrar, After 12 by Che Noir, Blank Checc by Baby Money, Jesus Is My Homeboy by YL, The People’s Champ by Flee Lord, In The Name of Prodigy by Flee Lord & Havoc, Culture Over Corporate by Uptown X.O., Sell Sole 2 by Dej Loaf, Progress by Struggle Mike, Merry Wickmas by Shawny Binladen, Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From by Donsmith, Serene by VRN Hayes, In My Life by Dat Boi Vic,  Ho, Why Is You Here? by Flo Milli, Limbo by Aminé........................................thank you, and cheers to a happier, healthier New Year. 🙏
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INFP writers who I either think are not infps, or at the very least think it should be questioned
Tolkien: Seems like a pretty blatant Si dom imo.
C. S. Lewis: Obvious Ni dom.
George Orwell: I am not completely against Intp, but I lean INTJ. I saw an argument suggesting he couldn’t be one because 1984 isn’t trying to predict the future. This is probably true, but Ni dom doesn’t equal future predictions. He said everything he wrote was tied back to socialism, which is way more Ni than Ne.
Nabokov: Man, I just really struggle to see the author of Lolita as a Fi lead and inferior Te. I get that INFPs can be mean, but have people seen some of his comments? He could be brutal.
Homer: Because where the crap do you get that typing from???
William Wordsworth: I can’t defend this right now, but I’m fairly confident he was an ISFJ.
Virgil: Actually, I’m not sure. I suspect ISTJ though.
William Faulkner: Very possible, although in many ways he was super inauthentic. Told a bunch of lies... er stories about himself. This seems a tad off for a Fi lead.
Percy Shelly: Again possible, but ENFP seems the better choice. Not entirely sure though.
George R. R. Martin: INFP or INTP. I’m not sure.
Shakespeare: Now to be clear, INFP is possible, and we know little about him. That being said, ENFP seems the much more obvious choice. One of the problems with typing him is that the only way to really do by by his plays, and they don’t seem to paint the picture of single perspective. Even, perspectives that seem to support Fi are often quoted by villains. This strikes me as more Ne than Fi. Fi leads (even with Ne aux) more easily fall into the trap of pushing their own perspectives onto a story. Even a very talented Fi writer will imprint on their work in some way, but Shakespeare doesn’t. Indeed, he seems to show multiple perspectives so effectively that to this day two people can reasonable argue him holding complete opposite beliefs. He was also very much not in the background. Shakespeare not only wrote and directed many of his plays, but also acted them in them. He had no problem adjusting his plays to fit the audience (specifically the royal kind), which again seems like something a Fi lead would struggle with more. One thing that strikes me as interesting is that he known to write his name different ways each time. I’d suspect even an uneducated INFP would have been more likely to stick to a single spelling as Ter Si pushes him to be consistent with details. He was a more natural comedic writer than a tragedian, even though I prefer his tragedies. Even his tragedies are full of humor, as if he couldn’t quite turn that part of himself off. He had no problem contradicting himself, such as claiming that brevity is the soul of wit within his longest play.
Bonus: none of these people were 4s.
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Better with you
This is the way of things:  
Riley falls in love with Harper. Harper breaks her heart. Harper falls in love with Abby. Harper marries Abby. Abby has a friend. Riley falls in love.
In retrospect it both annoys and amazes her how Harper conditions so much of her life. If she imagined her life in the form of roads as complex, as confused and as diverging as the lines on her palm, there are probably multiple signboards that have Harper’s face on them, with some strange quote written beside them along the lines of “Hey! Been a while since you thought of me, the girl who ruined most of your life hasn’t it?”.  
Riley hates it.
Okay, so in all honesty, she hates it until she crashes into Maya.
Here’s the thing about Riley: She’s stupid around the people she loves.
How else does one explain all her major life decisions? She stays quiet when Austin Thomas spray-paints “Dike” all over her locker (even through the shaking, and the trembling and the huddling in a bathroom cubicle in the morning, what has her more concerned is what it’s probably doing to Harper. Well, that, and the fact that dyke is hilariously misspelled). She watches Harper from across the corridor, biting her lip, holding onto her left arm with her right hand, and hates that she still wants her so badly that she can’t breathe. She hates herself for loving Harper, hates her heart for betraying her in this very fundamental way, hates it for not being able to think rationally enough.
(The thought makes her laugh. What brand of love was ever rational?)
Even after she’s adequately moved on, has fallen in love a second time, the third, the fourth, she can never really bring herself to do that. The thought of Harper will evoke all forms of insufferable feelings ranging from sorrow to nostalgia. Not fury, though. Never fury.
She walks out of high school with excellent grades, graduates med school top of her class, gets into the one of the best residency programs in her state, all in a misguided attempt to compensate for this huge cosmic failing she’s somehow been saddled with. If life handed out academic report cards, chits of paper with affirmations engraved on them, then the ones she would give her parents would read Your child is doing great; She’s sorry she’s gay. Your child is trying her very best. A tiny PS at the bottom right corner would say – Love her. Please.
And she comes back, every year, to those stupid White Elephant parties, combats side-glances with polite smiles, off-hand comments about how her peers are heterosexually married to their heterosexual partners with grimaces. Brevity helps, and so does a glass of wine on her at all times.
And then Harper brings Abby, one Christmas.
She’s not going to deny that she has a little bit of a crush on Abby.
Come on. It’s Abby. She’s a lesbian dreamboat with some serious hair-game and the gayest sense of dressing she’s ever seen on anyone. How is a girl supposed to not like that earnest smile and deep, soulful eyes?
(But Abby’s earnest smile unfurls like a ribbon when it falls on Harper, and her eyes tell stories that seem to end at Harper, and Riley knows that in some rudimentary way, Abby has always, and will be always belong to her girlfriend.)
“Dude, we have to stay in touch,” Abby says, the morning after the party, when they run into each other. “I’m gonna need support at the White Christmas party next year. So, I don’t accidentally use the wrong fork and then embarrass myself.”
She laughs, enters her number into Abby’s phone. “I can’t promise I’ll be able to text all the time, because, well — hospital hours. But I will try.”
Harper, standing beside Abby, shoots her a tiny, strained smile. Things will never be great between them; there’s too much spilled blood, and angry tears that lie in this chasm, but this is maybe a tiny start to bring matters back to the way they were when it all started. Polite. Nice.  
Abby texts her — “I can’t believe I survived the Caldwells” five days later, and Riley has no idea at the time, but good things are on their way.
“Please, please, please, please, pleeeeease,” Abby begs her over the phone. Riley is pretty sure she’s actually holding her hand out in supplication.
“Can’t you just give her flowers and chocolate like a normal person?”
A dog barks on the other end, and Riley imagines her walking dogs on the streets. “But I know this is something she really, really wants!”
“An obsolete book that’s only found in a bookstore in New York?”
“Yes!” Abby replies. “Wait, hang on. John, tell her how important it is.”
Some muffled noises, then John’s clear, deadpan voice is audible. “Hey Riley,” he says, sounding disinterested as always, “How are — wait, lemme at least ask her how she’s been, how life in New York has been, if there are any cute guys in her hospital—”
Riley stifles a laugh.
“—yeah, yeah, okay. Fine. Riley, this woman really wants it, God knows why. So I’ll be in New York this weekend. I’ll come with you to that store and then bring that book back.”
“So why do I have to come?”
“Because,” Abby sighs, like it should be obvious, “I don’t trust John.”
Weekend. Sleeping in. Riley closes her eyes, whispers a Rest in peace to a previously perfect weekend.  
“Fine, I’ll do it.”
The woman nearly scares her out of her wits.
She’s split up with a still-woozy-from-his-flight John as he’s set off to find the book, and thumbing through the random paperbacks on the Fiction shelf, when a voice interrupts her musing.
“I wouldn’t recommend that one,” Riley hears, and whirls around, wide-eyed.
A woman steps out of the dark corner, hands held up as if in warning, an apologetic smile on her face. “I’m sorry,” she says, awkwardly, “that I — I didn’t mean to startle you.”
Riley shakes her head, waves a hand to tell her it’s alright. “What’s wrong with it?”
“Oh, you know, the usual. Pretentious. Definitely sat with a thesaurus. Too many men.”
The tiny detective that sits at the back of head, the one that registers women, and says “It’s elementary, Watson” every time it sees behavior that might be not-heterosexual, goes off with a ding.
“Too many men is a problem,” she admits, wryly, broadcasting her own message in case there was a willing audience. I’m gay I’m gay I’m gay. “What would you suggest?”
The woman steps into the light, slow enough so Riley knows she’s going to enter her personal space. She picks out a book from the top shelf easily, holds it out in front of her.
This close, Riley can’t help but stare. She’s taller, with dark hair that falls just past her shoulders. She’s wearing thick glasses, and behind that, her eyes are tiny and smiling. Riley smiles back, a little awkwardly. Looks at the book, then laughs.
“Sorry,” the woman chuckles, pointing to the copy of Midnight Sun that she’s just handed over, “Little joke.”
They’re still smiling at each other, when John ruins it all by exclaiming “Maya!” from behind her. And that’s when Riley discovers how easy it is to manufacture meet-cutes. And that she really, really hates Abby Holland.
“How dare you?”
Abby sighs on the other end. “Is that a rhetorical question?”
John, who is currently scarfing down a hotdog, mumbles his apologies into the speaker.  
“I tried.”
“You didn’t even try,” Abby retorts. “What was the one thing I told you? Don’t let her on to the fact that you know Maya. And what did you do?”
“My best.”
Riley snatches it from him. “Don’t you think it’s a little weird of you to be setting up your girlfriend’s ex-girlfriend with your friend?”
(Just saying the whole thing aloud makes her head hurt)
“Harper doesn’t mind,” Harper’s reserved yet slightly amused voice comes, a little muffled. “Because Harper thinks it’s hilarious.”
There had been three rules, three rules that she had laid out for Abby at the very beginning, when their friendship was still in its tentative stages. One, no weird conversations about Harper. Two, no weird medical questions about fingers. And three, no setting Riley up on blind dates.
Riley had dodged Abby’s attempts to break rule number three about five times already.
(Who knew one could have so many single, willing and Sapphic friends in New York city? Part of Riley was annoyed; the other part was impressed)
“It’s not going to happen, you hear me?” she enunciates. “Absolutely not.”
Riley doesn’t know why she’s back at the bookstore.
Well, she does. Officially, that is. As she had told John already, she hated the idea of things being so awkward, and that Maya must’ve felt that she was rude for clamming up after the whole story came to light, and that she definitely ought to go clear things up with her, let her know very politely that it wasn’t in the cards. John had uh-huh-ed and mm-hmm-ed and nodded until she got annoyed at herself for overexplaining. It was simply a courtesy call, that’s all. Nothing more, nothing else.
(If part of the reason she wants to go back is because, after a long, long time, she went to sleep with someone’s face in the back of her mind that night, kept replaying that certain someone’s voice over and over, it is none of John’s business. Or Abby’s, for that matter.)
It was crazy. Crazy. They’d had one conversation, and part of it had been after Riley had found out she was supposed to be set up, and thus had been filled with Maya trying to ease things over. There was no reason she needed to be thinking this much about someone.
(Not that she was. Thinking that much. About a woman. Just a regular amount)
“So wait, let me get this straight,” Maya looks right at her, “You came all this way to tell me that you don’t want to go on a date with me?”
Well now Riley just feels stupid. “Yes.”
Maya tilts her head a little. “Okay,” she says, “Just out of curiosity, what’s your problem with being set up with people?”
Oh, this she can answer. “One, the general awkwardness with your friends if it doesn’t work out,” she ticks off on her fingers. “Two, too much pressure to make it work. Three, I’m not—”
Lovable. Bearable. Worth it.
“—looking to date?”
“What qualifies as a date to you, though?”
“A meal shared with romantic intent. Holding doors open, pulling chairs out. You know, the drill.”
Maya seems to be mulling it over. “Alright,” she says, nodding slowly. “What if.... what if two people were to spend time together with no food, no holding doors open or pulling chairs out? Technically that wouldn’t be a date, would it?”
Riley has to bite at the inside of her cheek to smother the smile that’s threatening to set up home on her lips.
“No,” she replies, “It wouldn’t.”
This is what not-dating Maya is like.
It’s tired half-hour phone conversations at odd hours of the day. Riley doesn’t have a lot of time free, but she doesn’t go to sleep without talking to her at least once. She falls asleep to Maya nerding out about the books she’s read, about how she wants to own a gay café, about how she saw the ugliest shirt on a discount store window, bought it, and couldn’t wait to put it on. Wakes up to texts that read “Okay I know you fell asleep but I can’t, so I’m just gonna rant about random shit you can read about when you’re up, okay?” followed by some inane discussion on whether her pillow would be a salad or a sandwich if it could be eaten. It’s stumbling on the streets, half-carrying a drunk Maya as she navigates the confusing maze of New York avenues, and insists on having pizza wherever she goes. It’s bright smiles shot across coffee shops, tired rants before bed. It’s easy.  
It’s so easy that Riley has no idea what to do.
“Can you keep a secret?” she asks John on the phone, right before she tells him what’s been happening the past month.
To his credit, he listens to the whole thing before he says something monumentally stupid.
“A whole month and you haven’t had sex? I thought you had game.”
“Oh, fuck off. It’s not like that.”
“You don’t want to have sex with her?”
She’s blushing. “I — I do,” she says, feeling hot all over at the very thought. “I just — it’s not — not what’s important.”
“No, I mean, seriously” he says. “What do you guys even do? Stare at each other’s faces all day?”
“I wish I could stare at her face all day,” she says, before she’s even thinking about it. “Her face is all.... nice. Pretty. Oh God.”
“Oh God is right, darling,” he sounds amused. “You got it bad.”
“I do not — got it bad.”
“You do.”
“I do not — ugh fine.”
“Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that you do got it,” he proposes. “What are you going to do about it?”
Riley takes a deep breath, lets it out. She has no answer to that.
The next day, Maya says, sheepishly — “I guess you finally told Abby, huh?”
“Wait, what?” she’s confused. “Told her what?”
Maya blinks, awkwardly, waves a hand between them. Realization dawns.
“I told John!” Riley tells her, furiously. “That asshole must have told her.”
Maya shrugs a shrug that seems to convey how stupid it was to trust John with keeping secrets from Abby of all people.
“But also,” Riley frowns, “I thought you must have told her already.”
“Nah, I hadn’t.”
“Why not?”
Maya shrugs again, hands in her pockets. “I didn’t know if you wanted her to know.”
And see, it’s this consideration that leaves her lacking for words. Maya is effortlessly considerate, to the point where she wouldn’t say something even if it was bothering her. She’s constantly putting Riley’s needs in front of her own, constantly worried about how she feels and Riley is just. She’s just—
(The word grateful, smitten pops into her head. Refuses to exit)
“You’re nice,” she says, because other adjectives would be too revealing. You’re amazing. You’re beautiful. You’re probably the light of my life.
“I’m only nice to you, Riley,” Maya admits, very frankly. Riley kind of wants to ask her why that is. She’s kind of scared to ask her why that is.
“Just ask her out, already, jeez.”
“I — I can’t,” she tells Abby, sitting at the park, phone in her hand.  
“You like her,” Abby states. “She likes you. I don’t see what the problem is.”
“She likes me?” Riley asks, knowing that she’s probably giving away all her hope in her voice.  
(Okay, in some weird, convoluted way, she knows Maya likes her already. She’s not completely useless, contrary to popular lesbian stereotype. Just an—
“-Idiot,” she hears, a deadpan chastisement that she rolls her eyes at, “What are you even waiting for?”
“I — I’m not — I don’t know, okay? I’m not—”
The ghosts of her ex-girlfriends in the background, go — Good at being emotionally available. Good at being committed. Good at loving people. Good.
Abby stays quiet.
“I don’t think I can make her happy,” Riley says, finally.
There’s the sound of a sigh on the other end. “What if you already do?”  
“Again,” she says, as she’s walking backwards, “I am so, so sorry.”
Maya, who has been waiting for her to get done with her surgeries since two hours now, and will probably have to wait another couple of them, waves her phone in the air, laughs. “I’ll read a book until you get back, okay? Go do your thing.”
She’s on an ob-gyn rotation, but thankfully, the delivery goes smoothly. And a good thing it is, because her head is all over the place. Two warring factions are on a rampage — one that’s raring to go tell the girl of Riley’s dreams that she is, in fact, that girl of Riley’s dreams, and the other equally strong battalion that is standing there with flags raised, flags that read – But what if it goes wrong?  
Here’s the second thing about Riley: Love barely ever goes right around her.
Oh, she’s dated people before. Loved them, adored them. And yet, things always start falling apart after a while, start shattering into pieces. Honestly, she doesn’t even blame them. Who wants someone who barely has time to talk for an hour because she’s almost always busy, who is ridiculously tired most days, and barely has the time or energy to grow a relationship?  
(So it will happen when it happens, but also, when it happens, Riley has a tendency of scrambling for cover)
She walks into the main hall with the paperwork, and stands at the nurses’ station, lets out a deep breath.
“Your girl tuckered out an hour ago,” Shaqueel tells her, leaning against the table, casually interested. She can see the rest of the nurses leaning in for better quality audio.
“Not my girl,” she tells him, fighting to keep a straight face.
“Really?” Julie asks, face resting on her elbow, an expression Riley can only describe as sappy on her face. “Because she would like to be, that’s for sure.”
Riley turns to Danny. “I told you to make sure none of these,” she waves a hand towards all of them, “busybodies talk to her!”
He shrugs. “What can I say? They were determined.”
“Useless,” she says, already walking away. There’s so much damage control to be done.
Danny texts her a “She’s a keeper”, as she’s walking, and even though she’s mad at all of them, part of her is inclined to agree.
Maya is sleeping.
Riley knows the tone in which she’s thinking this is certainly not the one two strictly platonic buddies would take while referring to each other and yet the tenderness seeps in, anyways. She looks at the hair falling over her askew glasses and wants to brush it off; looks at her dozing with her mouth open and the sight is such a perfect mixture to utterly absurd and adorable that she wants to wake up to it in the morning. Every day.
She takes a deep breath, presses at all of her wants and urges until they’re packed, once again, in the already filled box related to all things Maya in her head. Kneels so she’s almost at her level, and gently taps Maya on the shoulder.
(Waking up comes as beautifully to Maya as do all things, and Riley is most definitely an idiot in love)
“I’m sorry I fell asleep,” she says, softly, her eyes still squinty from the last remnants of her nap.
“Don’t apologize,” Riley replies, equally as soft. “I fall asleep all the time on the phone.”
“Eh, you save babies. It’s alright.”
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting so long.”
“Riley,” Maya tells her, very seriously. “I would wait a lot longer for you.”
(And because being stupid is a fundamental quality of Riley being in love, there’s absolutely no way she isn’t swooning at that, inside)
She’s sleepy and tired and stupid right now, so it’s probably coloring her judgement, but she’s done caring. Riley Johnson is not letting this one get away.
“Would you,” she starts, slowly, “consider waiting two more days so you can take me out to a fancy restaurant on Saturday?”
There’s a light in Maya’s eyes that she can only classify as hope. “Depends. Would you open the door for me and pull my chair out?”
Riley’s smiling so wide her cheeks hurt. “Absolutely.”
“Well, then,” Maya says, leaning in, “It’s about fucking time.”
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aspiratinganxiety · 6 years
ooooh girl i just laughed myself silly thinking of a request for like 20/21 ish year old dick grayson and his girl with the prompt 'Is it weird if I say that your dad’s really hot?' with dear sweet brucie - please please please write this for me i do not have your skills xxxxx
Ah! I laughed so hard when I saw this request. It was entirely written listening to “Daddy Issues” by The Neighborhood. 
I’m not sorry.  
It’s a quick one, but brevity is the soul of wit, after all. (Thanks, Ao3.)
I changed a few things about the prompt. Mostly, I didn’t use the direct dialogue. The meaning and implications of the words aren’t changed, I just altered the diction to fit the character and flow of conversation.  
Thank you for your request, darling. Clearly, just based upon the sheer number of beautifully creative prompts that you’ve put into my askbox, you are incredibly talented. Don’t sell yourself so short, dammit!
My only hope for this fic is that I can make you laugh again 😉
You cannot believe your eyes. You’ve seen pictures of Dick’s adoptive father on magazines and in the newspaper. Online too.
Nobody raised on the East Coast makes it to 22 without coming across the face of American royalty.   
It’s still a shock to see him casually mingling on the front lawn of Gotham University, chatting up the pretty blonde woman handing out attendance pins for all of those at the Literacy Brunch. 
Much like Dick, you find that pictures haven’t done Bruce Wayne any kind of justice. 
You continue to ogle, securely buckled into the passenger seat of your boyfriend’s parked vehicle. Dick rummages beside you; tucking the charging cord out of sight, lowering the volume so your ears aren’t assaulted when you return to the car, and double-checking to be sure he that has his phone and wallet.
There is something in the way that Mr. Wayne moves… in the way that he throws his head back to laugh at the woman’s words. The familiar coy hold of his mouth as he grins down at her. 
“You sure you’re adopted?” The question pops out of your mouth unbidden, and you suppress a wince. 
Insensitive. The last thing you want is to come across as dismissive of his mother and father. Dick’s been stoked about bringing you home to meet Bruce and Alfred for the entire week, but you noticed a lingering sadness peeking from behind his cheerful front. You fear that the unthinking implication might prod whatever tender spot is responsible for his quiet sorrow and further dampen his eager spirits. 
Instead of offense, your boyfriend gives a quick, huffing chuckle. “Um, yes? I am certain that my adoption occurred. It was a mildly significant event in my life. One that I was old enough to have a say in.”
You give him a dry, sheepish look. You feel foolish for spilling words without forethought, but the sarcasm in his tone stirs the impulse to snark back. After assessing Dick’s affect for a moment, you are awash in relief. His smile arches all the way up into his vivid eyes, and it reassures you that genuine excitement about introducing you to the family he’s known since the loss of his parents has won out over any insidious, depressive thoughts about the late Graysons. 
This game is an acceptable way to connect Dick to his assumed family, or so it would seem by his social cues.  
“I dunno’, babe,” you tease, embracing the desire to be ornery now that he’s in a tickling mood himself. You look back toward Bruce and the blonde with an overly dramatic expression of skepticism. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d put money on his making a biological contribution to all of this.” You motion in a vague, circular wave toward the driver’s side.    
“Ha!” Dick barks, unbuckling and allowing the safety belt to lash back into place loudly. “That would have been an incredible achievement, even for Bruce. He was like… twelve the year I was conceived.”
“Still though,” you say. “He looks like you. Not just in your coloration or anything, but-” your words slip away as you attempt to contextualize the similarities you’re seeing.
You watch quietly through the windshield for a handful of moments, gathering your thoughts. Even at this distance, the impeccable social dexterity Mr. Wayne employs as he navigates away from the blonde and into a humming throng of giddy, chatty people is evident. He exudes a sense of smug, male confidence communicated through his straight posture, wide shoulders held aloft, and the puff to his broad chest. These nonverbal behaviors might have rendered the man presumptuous, but he avoids this by merit of the abundant, dopey kindness he offers through every smile and glance. An occasional fumble with the placement of an elbow or a foot also breaks up what might be an intimidating figure. 
When not prey to “accidentally” bumping or tripping over anyone, Bruce moves with a fluid, almost predatory, gait that you had come to associate solely with Dick. If he were a touch shorter, a bit younger, and wore his hair with more length, you could easily see yourself mistaking him for Dick; traversing the crowd ever so politely while not allowing anyone to hinder his path. 
A path leading him directly toward the car. 
Obviously, the cultivated social behaviors, micro-expressions, and some aspects of physicality that you find synonymous with your boyfriend have been learned from the billionaire approaching your vehicle.  
Getting a slightly more detailed glance at him as he closes in, you decide to crack the whip and give your boyfriend a good verbal jab in the ribs. You turn your whole body to face Dick in a sudden flurry of motion, unfastening your seatbelt in the process. Dick blinks expectantly, eyes mockingly wide as though your movement startled him.
“Your spare dad is really hot,” you say in your most serious voice, nodding as if in quiet acceptance. “That’s what it is.” Dick’s jaw drops, and his eyes are widened with true, horrified shock as you carry on. “That’s what’s so similar: super hot dad.”
Dick waves his hands in front of his face as if trying to wipe away your sentiment. As you speak, he tosses his head back and forth near violently. His words burst from him when yours lull. 
“Oh, come on! I know you’re teasing, but we’ve crossed a line. There are two really offensive implications in there. One,” he holds up a finger as if chastising you. “Referring to Bruce as anything but an old man. Not even my old man. An old man. No hotness. None. Not hot at all.” 
You open your mouth to argue, fan the flames a bit more. It’s devilishly pleasing to see the rise you’ve gotten out of him this time. It was like spontaneous combustion. One minute, he’s all cool and ready for some picking. The next?  
He carries on without a pause, adding a finger to his count. “Two, that I am somehow dad hot. What the hell even, by the way, is dad hot? Not me. Certainly not what I am.”
You can’t keep from snickering as Dick flails. 
“Oh, you think you’re so funny? Mm.” He shakes his head slowly, pegging you with a disappointed stare. “Too far, honey. That one went too far. I’mma need you to reel that in before we get to Alfred, because I don’t think I’ll survive a comment like that about him.”
“A comment like what?”
You jump when a new voice interrupts Dick’s tirade. It is dulled through the sound barrier of the vehicle’s windows, but still perfectly clear.
Dick gives you one more admonishing look before clambering out of the car and dismissing Bruce’s question. 
He knows the old man heard the whole thing anyway, goddamn it. 
He’s never gonna’ live it down.         
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
New Titans #113
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In Dick Grayson's memories, Starfire and Cyborg were Christ figures while Aqualad spent 100% of his time trying to suck his own dick.
When my beloved cat Pelafina died a few months ago at eighteen years old, my eulogy was simply this: "She was the best gift I was ever given." And then the Non-Certified Spouse just sent me a picture of some Lobo socks that our friend Xan wants to give me and I just said, "Now Pelafina was the second best gift I was ever given!" Just in case anybody was wondering just how dedicated I am to my hyperbolic love of Lobo!
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How do I show these off? Shorts while wearing long socks?! How gauche!
And just for comparison so you can truly understand the infinite limits of my hyperbolic nature which can declare those socks better than Pelafina, here is Pelafina for comparison. I am not responsible for your hearts melting.
I just ordered Koji Suzuki's Loop, the third novel in the Ring saga. Spiral was so fucking yo-yo bananas that I figured they could never make a movie of it. But I was wrong, being that I think like an American and no like a Japanese. Because they audaciously made a film of it (Rasen) and I watched it a few days ago. Inexplicably, the movie remains completely true to the book. I say "inexplicably" because this is the first time I completely expected a fuck-ton of changes to the premise and the plot. I naively thought, "There is no way they're going to make a film where the curse of the video tape jumps into the journal of the reporter from the first movie because it somehow senses the report will be a more virulent mode of transmission. But then almost immediately, the virus will be all, 'You know what? What if I infect this guy and have him fuck this chick? That means I could spread to her in a much more normal virus-y way!' And because that might make the entire premise of the Ring series less supernatural because now the virus has suddenly decided to spread like a normal virus instead of like some techno-virus spawned in the dank and smelly recesses of some 4channer's basement lair, the story will have to introduce a new twist! Now the virus won't just kill! It will cause the woman infected by the virus to give birth to a clone of themselves except possessed by Sadako, the woman who climbs out of the television in The Ring. Which is a premise no movie audience would ever be expected to swallow! Especially when the plot also asks you to believe the virus can clone anybody one Earth through the Sadako clone as long as you possess their DNA and understand in vitro fertilizaion! Oh, and also the clone is birthed at the exact age the person died? Or the sample was taken? I don't know, it's all so confusing that nobody would ever make that fucking movie." So, anyway, good for you, Japan! You did it! You win again! Seriously though. How is Loop going to be any crazier than Spiral?! I can't wait to find out! This issue begins with Dick Grayson helping to rebuild the Amazon village where Kory broke up with him. He's showing some emotional growth as he contemplates the naked chest of one of the villagers, Maria-Theresa. If you're now thinking, "That's an odd name for a native of the Amazon," have you done any reading on missionaries? Whenever anybody tells me all the good religion has done for the world, my entire rebuttal is the word "Missionaries!" screamed at the top of my lungs. I've finally decided to embrace the phrase, "Brevity is the soul of wit." Why should I have to explicate my missionary argument to another grown-ass adult who should understand the whole bullshit idea of spreading their religious dogma to other cultures? How does that help anybody?! Oh wait, I forgot. It lets Jesus collect more souls so he can stick his tongue out at the devil and say, "Nyah, nyah! Hallelujah! Amen!" Dick realizes that he's been a selfish child and constantly expected Kory's emotional support for his problems while always sighing and rolling his eyes at all of Kory's problems. Which might be a step up from his paternal role model who did all of those things but to a butler because he thought women were just for fucking. Is that a step up? At least Dick was trying not to treat all women as penis cozies? At least all non-red-headed women! I've lost my train of thought. Again.
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Oh yeah! Dick was learning to forget about Kory through emotional growth and new boobies.
The rebuilding of the village ends with a big celebration after getting the cross on top of the rebuilt church. That makes me super sad. How many Amazonian Rain Forest Gods were displaced due to this incursion of Christian bullshit?! I hope they become super villains. Dick loves how quickly the villagers manage to rebuild the village without somebody taking control as leader. Maria tells him, "Yeah, dumbie. Is that the right word? 'Dumbie'? Anyway, we all know what we need to do and we do it without anybody standing back and judging our every movement like some dark controlling knight!" And Dick is all, "Yeah! I wish that would work with the Titans! But how can I trust Changeling to turn into the right creature without me telling him? And how can I make sure Cyborg will synchronize using his white noise cannon while saying 'Booyah'?! And I'm just supposed to trust that Raven won't rape and impregnate everybody we meet with her father's demon babies?! Pshaw! No way!" What I'm trying to say is that Dick hasn't really fucking learned anything. At least not yet! I'm still just a few pages into his journey! Dick takes a canoe down the Amazon while contemplating his life. I think maybe Maria slipped him some hallucinogens. Although most of his thoughts are on his friends and loved ones and how they've always been there for him and how he hopes he hasn't let them down and how maybe he should celebrate those who died as heroes while none of his thoughts are about how he's lived five thousand years or how that monkey keeps looking at him or how the number three seems to connect all of reality and explain the meaning of everything and why the fuck is that monkey still looking at him and have you ever wondered why you push pause on the remote to pause a show but then can push pause again to unpause it? Like, is it its own antonym?!
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Seriously though. In 113 issues, did Dick ever lead the Titans into battle? Weren't the battles all just relatives and/or old villains attacking the Titans directly, without any say from Dick? Also, I kept in the Starfire side boob for you perverts.
Dick eventually blames his self-absorption for why he was raped by Mirage. He blames himself for not realizing he was with another woman who just happened to be able to shape herself like any woman. I guess maybe when she was all, "I'm going to put this strap-on straight up your asshole, okay?" he could have wondered why Kory didn't realize she was shoving the bat-grapple gun up his ass. So, yeah, maybe it was kind of his fault. I don't think I'm victim blaming when I'm just shrugging my shoulders and letting the stupid victim blame his stupid self. Some son of the world's greatest detective he turned out to be! He couldn't even tell his dick was in the wrong vagina! Dick's navel gazing causes him to plummet off of a waterfall which pretty much sums up his entire situation over the last hundred or so issues. I'm not sure if Marv Wolfman meant for it to be the case but I guess I have to assume that he did, no matter how much I don't want to. Oh, also, he doesn't die. He just has a revelation as he falls that maybe he didn't cause Jericho's death or Terra's death or Cyborg's death or Kole's death or Danny Chase's death or whatever other Titan deaths I'm forgetting since there have been so many. Also maybe Kole didn't die. She might just have been super boring. At the end of Dick's journey, the Narrator declares, "Dick Grayson was once The Boy Wonder. But today he has become a man!" Maybe this was the beginning of the end of my hatred of Dick Grayson! Marv was all, "I'm done writing Dick Grayson as the angry kid trying to live up to Batman's legend! From now on, he'll be his own man, compassionate and thoughtful!" Also, maybe Marv just continued to write him as a bitter asshole and I was right not to like Dick Grayson until the 21st Century. The prologue features Starfire on a satellite in a garden throwing a snake back to Earth from orbit. Maybe she's the one on hallucinogens? New Titans #113 Rating: C. I like that Dick Grayson supposedly grew up in this issue but I'm not sure how he really changed. The entire premise that he considered his life and what he should be doing distracted him from the waterfall ahead was just Dick repeating all of his life's errors. But somehow this time, he had a revelation? Whatever, Marv! I guess I just have to accept when you tell me through the narration boxes that Dick is now a man!
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frankdcarterfl · 4 years
Landing Pages: What's in for 2020?
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What would you do if your goal was some much-needed increase of leads and email subscribers and some even more needed revenue?
If your answer doesn’t include landing pages, then you’re wrong. Landing pages are a great way to push some offers, create benefits and entice prospects to become buyers.
A landing page is a page designed for one thing and one alone: Conversion.
This is why plenty of email marketing and marketing automation platforms, such as Moosend -which is one of the best Constant Contact alternatives, by the way-, offer the option of a super easy landing page builder.
However, a builder is not enough if you don’t follow through with the trends and tips of each year. And lead generation can be stressful. So, in this guide, I’ll give you all the tips and tricks you need to know about landing pages in 2020.
Which is one less thing to worry about. Or several, depending on your standpoint.
So, let’s begin!
Brevity is the soul of wit
In other words, when it comes to your landing page, less is more. Your landing page needs to be simple and to-the-point, as there is no place for babbling in it.
Your main two groups of buyers are Millenials and Gen-Zers. Both born into eras of significant technological change and both not easily perplexed by the wonders of modern technology.
This means that you will need to be a little less overbearing to capture the already minimal attention span, both in terms of copy and in terms of design and offers.
You need something clever and minimal, with clean lines, easy to read and most of all fast loading. Of course, it goes without saying that the less the elements, the less the loading time a landing page requires.
And, since your target audience is the main reason behind this “trend” -in my opinion, what should be the standard train of thought from here on out-, Google is already on it, making sure that, if your website is loading slow, or your landing page in our case, it’s not going to rank well on SERPs. There’s a pretty simple explanation behind that: Slow loading times show zero benefit to the users. And whatever is not beneficial to the users, according to search engines, needs to go.
This means that you’re going to miss out on a very important aspect of SEO. You see, when you practice SEO, you need to make sure that you optimize in order to satisfy user intent. And no user intends to wait for more than a couple of seconds for a page to load.
So, a landing page with a minimal design is not only something that will be easy on the eyes, it can help with your SEO efforts as well.
Go mobile
Here’s why:
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The stat above shows the increase in mobile visits to web pages, from 2009 to 2018. As you can see, in just about 10 years, traffic has increased dramatically.
However, the prospects’ attention span is not what it used to be. And remember what I already mentioned about the bounce rate?
People won’t hit the back button just because your page was loading slowly. They’ll also do it because of the broken elements of the page, which make it harder to experience.
For example, let’s say that someone’s browsing Facebook and bumps into one of those Facebook ads that pop up more often than not.
If one clicks on those ads, they’re taken to a dedicated landing page. If this page is broken, they won’t even bother remembering your brand’s name, let alone look for your website a little while later, when they’ll be able to use desktop.
And since prospects’ actions are impulse-driven, you’re missing out on a whole lot of conversion, if you decide to skip the adaptive design part.
Test your images, fields and of course, size and color of texts and buttons. Make sure that none of those elements look too stretchy, too “foggy” or too out-of-place on mobile and/or tablet view.
Go big, go bold, go simple
Okay, “go big” may be a very brave statement, as you wouldn’t want your background image, for example, to be too large for the space available, but I’m talking about typography here.
So, invest in oversized typography. You see, sometimes even the best copy can go unnoticed if it’s not right there where your prospects can see it. You need something that will grab their attention and will hook them straight up.
And being the visual creatures us humans are, we see the object first and then realize what it is. In our case, we see the letters first (in sheer size and color and all) and then go ahead and check what they say.
Of course, it goes without saying that this doesn’t mean that your typography needs to be the only thing you invest in. Be clear on what your CTA is, and use actionable verbs through and through to urge prospects to do what you want them to:
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You see what happened here. “Drive” - “Sign up to drive”. There is no doubt about the action to be taken and the correlation behind driving and signing up is more than clear enough.
The letters are big. The verbs are bold. The background is simple. And that’s all you need, to create an easy-on-the-eyes but, at the same time, not boring landing page.
Hook ‘em sooner rather than later
Show value right up front and center and be clear. Not in what your prospects can save if they trust in you, nor in how fun your content is and how your prospects will love your newsletters.
Invest in showing your prospects exactly who they’ll manage to become if they trust in you:
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For example, if you sign up with Masterclass and take classes with, say, Helen Mirren (pictured above), you will learn from the best in the world. In other words, you will become at least half as good as an iconic, award-winning actress.
And all that for as little as $15/month that’s billed annually.
See where the major value lies? Not in the billing, not in the fact that the price is paid annually. The major value lies in the fact that we’re talking about a platform with top-notch professionals as teachers.
And here’s an uber-pro tip: Use FOMO.
If your landing page is created and optimized to promote a special, limited-time-only offer, go ahead and use timers. That way, you’ll create urgency easily and without much fuss.
And if you’re unsure whether your prospects will fold under pressure or not, A/B testing and customer segmentation are here for you.
Video will rule all - almost
Landing pages that utilize video will definitely see a great rise in 2020 and beyond, and the reasons are way simpler than any marketer would like to claim.
It’s mainly because videos can do all the work, explain things that would need a whole lot of text to be explained and -let’s face it- they’re interactive, where copy and images are just… Plain. But here’s what video can do for you, in absolute numbers: (Source)
The above numbers can be roughly translated to higher conversion. Understanding will lead to prospects realizing why they need the product and demonstration videos can create the need to purchase.
But videos -whether they’re explainer videos or customer testimonials- come with some added benefits, both for your SERPs and, down the line, your ARR and overall conversion rate.
Fist of all, a video on a landing page cannot be too long, otherwise the page itself won’t load. Not to mention that people will just bounce if they realize it’s just too lengthy. And your ranking will suffer for it.
Secondly, short content practically screams “keyword use” and “SEO”. Provided you’ve made sure to satisfy your users’ intent, of course. A short video will answer the key questions and solve key problems for the prospects, and the prospects will interact. This means more time on your landing page, which will benefit your SEO efforts.
Third and final: Videos don’t have to be expensive. Ergo, you can make more for less. Ask your content team to create as many videos as possible and test them all. With some stellar segmentation and AI tools, you’ll know which one is the one to use in each and every case.
I’ all done with my favorite trends for 2020, so let me recap and provide some extra tips, but also refresh your memory.
First of all, don’t ever lose A/B testing. This could easily be the most important tactic for you to use, along with segmentation.
Secondly, personalization is what will probably help you win the game, so invest in your data. Utilize the data you get from your website and see where the main pain points of your prospects lie. Heatmaps will help a lot in that aspect and AI will create customer segments that will almost be one-per-prospect, giving you a wide range of personalization options and, ultimately, targeting options.
And lastly, remember that your landing page is not a homepage. Don’t include too many links, don’t explain too many features. Keep everything short and to the point, the only thing you want from this page is to help you convert. Read the full article from Lorenzo Gutierrez https://lorenzo-gutierrez-seo.tumblr.com/post/190188867697
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Landing Pages: What's in for 2020?
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What would you do if your goal was some much-needed increase of leads and email subscribers and some even more needed revenue?
If your answer doesn’t include landing pages, then you’re wrong. Landing pages are a great way to push some offers, create benefits and entice prospects to become buyers.
A landing page is a page designed for one thing and one alone: Conversion.
This is why plenty of email marketing and marketing automation platforms, such as Moosend -which is one of the best Constant Contact alternatives, by the way-, offer the option of a super easy landing page builder.
However, a builder is not enough if you don’t follow through with the trends and tips of each year. And lead generation can be stressful. So, in this guide, I’ll give you all the tips and tricks you need to know about landing pages in 2020.
Which is one less thing to worry about. Or several, depending on your standpoint.
So, let’s begin!
Brevity is the soul of wit
In other words, when it comes to your landing page, less is more. Your landing page needs to be simple and to-the-point, as there is no place for babbling in it.
Your main two groups of buyers are Millenials and Gen-Zers. Both born into eras of significant technological change and both not easily perplexed by the wonders of modern technology.
This means that you will need to be a little less overbearing to capture the already minimal attention span, both in terms of copy and in terms of design and offers.
You need something clever and minimal, with clean lines, easy to read and most of all fast loading. Of course, it goes without saying that the less the elements, the less the loading time a landing page requires.
And, since your target audience is the main reason behind this “trend” -in my opinion, what should be the standard train of thought from here on out-, Google is already on it, making sure that, if your website is loading slow, or your landing page in our case, it’s not going to rank well on SERPs. There’s a pretty simple explanation behind that: Slow loading times show zero benefit to the users. And whatever is not beneficial to the users, according to search engines, needs to go.
This means that you’re going to miss out on a very important aspect of SEO. You see, when you practice SEO, you need to make sure that you optimize in order to satisfy user intent. And no user intends to wait for more than a couple of seconds for a page to load.
So, a landing page with a minimal design is not only something that will be easy on the eyes, it can help with your SEO efforts as well.
Go mobile
Here’s why:
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The stat above shows the increase in mobile visits to web pages, from 2009 to 2018. As you can see, in just about 10 years, traffic has increased dramatically.
However, the prospects’ attention span is not what it used to be. And remember what I already mentioned about the bounce rate?
People won’t hit the back button just because your page was loading slowly. They’ll also do it because of the broken elements of the page, which make it harder to experience.
For example, let’s say that someone’s browsing Facebook and bumps into one of those Facebook ads that pop up more often than not.
If one clicks on those ads, they’re taken to a dedicated landing page. If this page is broken, they won’t even bother remembering your brand’s name, let alone look for your website a little while later, when they’ll be able to use desktop.
And since prospects’ actions are impulse-driven, you’re missing out on a whole lot of conversion, if you decide to skip the adaptive design part.
Test your images, fields and of course, size and color of texts and buttons. Make sure that none of those elements look too stretchy, too “foggy” or too out-of-place on mobile and/or tablet view.
Go big, go bold, go simple
Okay, “go big” may be a very brave statement, as you wouldn’t want your background image, for example, to be too large for the space available, but I’m talking about typography here.
So, invest in oversized typography. You see, sometimes even the best copy can go unnoticed if it’s not right there where your prospects can see it. You need something that will grab their attention and will hook them straight up.
And being the visual creatures us humans are, we see the object first and then realize what it is. In our case, we see the letters first (in sheer size and color and all) and then go ahead and check what they say.
Of course, it goes without saying that this doesn’t mean that your typography needs to be the only thing you invest in. Be clear on what your CTA is, and use actionable verbs through and through to urge prospects to do what you want them to:
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You see what happened here. “Drive” - “Sign up to drive”. There is no doubt about the action to be taken and the correlation behind driving and signing up is more than clear enough.
The letters are big. The verbs are bold. The background is simple. And that’s all you need, to create an easy-on-the-eyes but, at the same time, not boring landing page.
Hook ‘em sooner rather than later
Show value right up front and center and be clear. Not in what your prospects can save if they trust in you, nor in how fun your content is and how your prospects will love your newsletters.
Invest in showing your prospects exactly who they’ll manage to become if they trust in you:
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For example, if you sign up with Masterclass and take classes with, say, Helen Mirren (pictured above), you will learn from the best in the world. In other words, you will become at least half as good as an iconic, award-winning actress.
And all that for as little as $15/month that’s billed annually.
See where the major value lies? Not in the billing, not in the fact that the price is paid annually. The major value lies in the fact that we’re talking about a platform with top-notch professionals as teachers.
And here’s an uber-pro tip: Use FOMO.
If your landing page is created and optimized to promote a special, limited-time-only offer, go ahead and use timers. That way, you’ll create urgency easily and without much fuss.
And if you’re unsure whether your prospects will fold under pressure or not, A/B testing and customer segmentation are here for you.
Video will rule all - almost
Landing pages that utilize video will definitely see a great rise in 2020 and beyond, and the reasons are way simpler than any marketer would like to claim.
It’s mainly because videos can do all the work, explain things that would need a whole lot of text to be explained and -let’s face it- they’re interactive, where copy and images are just… Plain. But here’s what video can do for you, in absolute numbers: (Source)
The above numbers can be roughly translated to higher conversion. Understanding will lead to prospects realizing why they need the product and demonstration videos can create the need to purchase.
But videos -whether they’re explainer videos or customer testimonials- come with some added benefits, both for your SERPs and, down the line, your ARR and overall conversion rate.
Fist of all, a video on a landing page cannot be too long, otherwise the page itself won’t load. Not to mention that people will just bounce if they realize it’s just too lengthy. And your ranking will suffer for it.
Secondly, short content practically screams “keyword use” and “SEO”. Provided you’ve made sure to satisfy your users’ intent, of course. A short video will answer the key questions and solve key problems for the prospects, and the prospects will interact. This means more time on your landing page, which will benefit your SEO efforts.
Third and final: Videos don’t have to be expensive. Ergo, you can make more for less. Ask your content team to create as many videos as possible and test them all. With some stellar segmentation and AI tools, you’ll know which one is the one to use in each and every case.
I’ all done with my favorite trends for 2020, so let me recap and provide some extra tips, but also refresh your memory.
First of all, don’t ever lose A/B testing. This could easily be the most important tactic for you to use, along with segmentation.
Secondly, personalization is what will probably help you win the game, so invest in your data. Utilize the data you get from your website and see where the main pain points of your prospects lie. Heatmaps will help a lot in that aspect and AI will create customer segments that will almost be one-per-prospect, giving you a wide range of personalization options and, ultimately, targeting options.
And lastly, remember that your landing page is not a homepage. Don’t include too many links, don’t explain too many features. Keep everything short and to the point, the only thing you want from this page is to help you convert. Read the full article
0 notes
sharfuddin09 · 7 years
Flaws, Imperfections, Sins and Mujaharah.
On Instagram or anywhere, some of you guys might have descried photos with text “Imperfection is beauty” and essays written persuading you to exhibit your flaws and imperfections. Basically the purpose of that content is to set you free from the thoughts like “what people will say” or “how I am gonna look infront of someone” or “what would they think of me” blah blah.. A person tries his level best to mould himself in a version contrary to his original one just in order to please everyone and satiate the society and inevitably gets enslaved to the society and people around him. After the vain attempt of bringing perfection to oneself, being despaired these people eventually cease playing “the perfection game” and start disclosing their flaws and foibles. Now C’mon. The question is what is a flaw? A defect in your body or in your character? Are flaws tangible or intangible? Should we hide them or not? And the list goes on.. Flaws like blemishes and bruises can be touched whilst the flaws of character like sinning and shortcomings cannot. Now from Islamic perspective, you've got two different statements. First one says that every human is perfectly created and second one says that nobody is perfect except Allah SWT. Now don’t get confused here and just use your common sense. According to the first statement, there are people who often are critical of themselves constantly finding faults in their bodies and weeping over their insecurities. They are like “Eww! I look ugly” “I am stupid and useless!” “I am skinny” “I am short” “I look a bit chinese” etc.. These are the ungrateful people and such negative self-conceptions contradict their faith. Unknowingly these people directly doubt the creation of Allah who does not make errors. So everyone is perfectly created implies that their body, their size, their shape, their heart, their mind, their spirit, their physical existence etc.. are in perfect form. References: (Qur’an 95:4),  (Qur’an 23:14), (Qur’an 27:88), (Qur’an 32:7-9). Now here starts the trouble when people endeavour to appear faultless in every aspect of their life. Be it their character, energy, potential or anything. See! Perfection only belongs to Allah SWT. He is the most exalted and flawless. Now a doubtful question would probably trigger your mind that “Was our prophet Muhammad SAWS perfect?” The answer is “yes” he was perfect in his character but not in the way Allah SWT is. He was a man like us (Qur’an 18:110). He came as a light of guidance but wasn’t literally a “light” in his physical existence. He slept like us, ate like us, he felt emotions, and at last took his last breath to meet Allah SWT. On the contrary, Allah SWT doesn't sleep, eat or feel emotions. He neither begot any nor he was begotten (Qur’an 112:3). He is immortal (Qur’an 59:24). There are certain attributes which belong only to Allah SWT. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad is the best of mankind. Impeccable in his character Prophet Muhammad SAWS remains the perfect and incomparable role model for every human being surviving on this earth. References: (Qur’an 33:21), (Qur’an 68:4). Now I hope that you've got a clear and vital understanding of flaws and imperfections in accordance with Islamic perspective precisely. Now lets get back to our topic. Should we enshroud our flaws or not? Should we dissimulate our real character or not? Bear in mind that now we are gonna talk about people who consider flaw as a sin. Sinning is commonly accepted as a flaw in one’s character. See! Humans make mistakes and none of them are free from the snares of impropriety whether it be a famous scholar or a person of great piety. Infallibility is a myth for human beings except in exception cases. The ones those demand perfection and insist everyone around them to become a saint are actually making a fool of themselves. There is a famous quote of brother NAK which says that our religion doesn't demand perfection but instead a manageable strive to better ourselves. You are a person who appears to be pious but off the screen you are a music lover and feels no hesitation in buying tickets for Golmaal Again. Now your brain is flushed with thoughts like “Why am I wearing a veil? Why am I hiding from the real me? Why can’t I sin openly?” I suppose you guys might have come across some people who continuously criticize and bewilder you by asking questions like “Why do you act so pious when you are disobeying Allah at other times? All these prayers are futile and what’s the use of these prayers when you are committing a major or minor sin?” These are the people with Satanic ideology serving you with options like either you must be completely religious or completely irreligious. Now you are deviated and prone to commit Mujaharah which makes a small sin major (Qur’an 9:102). Mujahara is in reference to a person who commits a sin and then makes it public. This is one of the most prevalent things available on Facebook and various social networks today. It’s not uncommon to find muslims sharing their relationship statuses as “in a relationship” and then tagging their boyfriend or girlfriend. No doubt girlfriend/boyfriend relationships aren't new but nowadays people are openly and unabashedly admitting their sins to their friends and sometimes even their families. This shameless behaviour illustrates our desensitization to sins and boasting of haram. This also applies to sharing pictures or stories of yourself clubbing, drinking, smoking sheesha, listening to music(disputed issue), watching obscure movies etc. Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the messenger of Allah (SAWS) say: “All of my ummah will be forgiven except those who sin openly. It is a part of sinning openly when a man does something at night, then the following morning when Allah has concealed his sin, he says, ‘O so and so, I did such and such last night’, when all night his lord has concealed him and the next morning he uncovers what Allah has concealed.” [Bukhari 5721; Muslim 2990]. So, these are the flaws you are obligated to hide. I wrote this composition in order to clear misconceptions about flaws, imperfections and sins among muslims. I hope this is not a verbose article because as said by Sheikhspeare “Brevity is the soul of wit”. Finally, I pray that Allah SWT grant us a proper and better understanding of his deen and endow all of us with great patience and guide all of us to the straight path. AAMEEN! 
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arya-jon-tyrion · 7 years
Validation on my theory abt Tyrion not being a head of a dragon and his impending betrayal (probably) but I am actually posting because heck Arya could be a head of  a dragon!!!
Yeah, the arya stan within me just could not stop visualizing the glorious Dany, Arya and Jon meeting. I shall explain how this is related :)
I understand that Frikidoctor leaks are not 100% correct and my claim of validation may therefore not be true. But do read this where frikidoctor ‘s video  for episode 6 is translated.
I am not posting the full translation for brevity’s sake. 
Another scene that takes place sometime in the show is in Dragonstone (before Dany receives a plead of help from Jon via Gendry) Dany is seen being nervous for Jon and Jorah but mostly Jon. Tyrion then witnesses how much Dany starts to care about Jon and is uninterested in anything but news of Jon, which is when the raven arrives from the north asking for help to which she goes just to help Jon (and Jorah too) which Tyrion chases her telling her she can’t because if she does and then dies everything that they have been trying to accomplish will be for nothing, but Dany is a fookin dragon and jumps on Drogon and leaves with the other 2 following her http://bit.ly/2tXZMwo . (this all happens as events in the north happen)
See the bolded portion. A head of a dragon can never be like this. Further he does not seem pleased at Dany’s love for Jon (why would a head of dragaon be bothered by two heads liking each other. heads are supposed to love each other) , another  In addition as viserion is dead there are not three dragons to ride and tyrion being a dragon rider was quoted as a reason why he would be a head of a dragon.
Moreover Quaithe’s prophesy also seems to hint that Tyrion is not someone to be trusted.
No. Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun’s son and the mummer’s dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal.“
The Lion is Tyrion and the mummer is Varys. So I expect them to betray dany very soon.  Tyrion ‘s whole motivation for serving Dany was that he unconsiously loved her and admired her. But would he able to do that when all Dany has on her mind is Jon and not Tyrion’s self percieved genius schemes.
I have always put up Arya’ name as a head of a dragon, because she has this soul mate type connection to jon which dany also seems to have
See these two posts
If its not Arya , Bran is a big possiblity due to his importance in fighting nights king, though he lacks the soulmate connection. Or the heads of dragon may not be all humans.
Now I accept that my conclusions is premature for the following reasons
1) Frikidoctor’s info may be false.
2) This is ultimately Tyrion’s initial reaction. And overall he has been positive to jon’s thoughts abt whitewalkes. So it may be one off. And if he does not like dany thinking about jon rather than his genius ideas, maybe he will change and remain loyal, and be perfectly accepting of dany’s love of jon (though judging from quathe’s prophesy, I think he will betray dany due to his jealousy towards jon and being friendzoned and also because dany does not listen to him much anymore and rather tries to be a dragon and follows her own instincts. The tarly burning really shook him (and probably varys) and reminded him of aerys and her going off to rescue jon snow against his advice does not really help )
But I hope Arya is the head of the dragon because then I can understand why the show did not make them meet. Like if Arya, Jon and Dany are heads of the dragon (it may be false) and are soulmates, then it does make sense that they meet together and not seperately. (Though please dont count our wolf prince Bran out as a head of a dragon. He remains a possiblity. Its just that I am a bit biased towards  Jon and Arya ;))
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