octobremarie13 · 4 years
Does anyone else have this problem? I have to go to bed before midnight because as soon as it hits one, I become an emotional mess. Doesn't matter if I'm with friends having a great time, my brain just flips to sad
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octobremarie13 · 4 years
Ello, I need advice! I want to do a picnic for my boyfriend's birthday (March 18th) as a surprise. However, I can't think of any food other than scones, pinwheels, and sandwiches. What food would y'all bring on a picnic? Disclaimer: I'm hella allergic to dairy so a cheese tray won't be the best idea cause I'm too broke for vegan cheese atm and I want to do it at the gardens near his work so no vin. Thanks!
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octobremarie13 · 5 years
Just because I am out to my friends, it does not mean I have to be out to my family. Just because you are out to our family, it does not mean I have to be out to our family. When I come out to my family it is up to me. I grew up being told “you’re straight” when I told people I don’t care about the gender of who I date, just as long as I love them and they love me. You grew up with people just saying “okay” whenever you told them your sexuality. I grew up with our uncle telling me that all gays are going to hell while you were off at college. We may have grown up in the same family, but we did not grow up with the same acceptance from our family.  So stop and think before you tell me that I should “just come out” and “stop hiding”; there is obviously a reason why I’m not out to the family. SO thank you for not understanding and giving me another person that I don’t feel comfortable with. 
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octobremarie13 · 5 years
To you I know that I am no one. Just another face in the crowd. Someone you see but barely recognize. Just a tiny grain of sand in your sandbox of life. In a few years I'll be a distant memory of a face from the max. I mean so little to your everyday life and I know this. I hate myself because I know this and yet I long for you. To me you'll always be a pleasant memory. For that I thank you. I thanking you for making me have hope and pain. I thank you for making me believe in love, even if it isn't returned. Thank you for giving me things you'll never know you gave.
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octobremarie13 · 5 years
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Is the new Tumblr policy going to remove things like this now? Are they going to remove art that has the nude body? Do they get to choose what is art and what isn’t? You know that is kind of what Duchamp challenged and said f that with the Fountain 
Update: it got flagged and I had to challenge it! 
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
A real best friend is someone who understands that you need a play list of just sad Broadway songs. Because they have one too
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 the Movie.
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
Smallville movie with the original cast (including Micheal) set 10 years after the last episode. We need this. Micheal and Tom both said they wanted it too at RCCC
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
Just waiting for the Broadway performances from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to be posted on YouTube... That's what I'm truly thankful for
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
For the nights you feel like having a Broadway marathon...
Spider-Man http://youtu.be/8tQiaj0I8ec
Wonderland original Broadway cast pt1 http://youtu.be/K43Sr_kiIp0
Wonderland original Broadway cast pt2 http://youtu.be/yM9MJ3qJwto
Mary Poppins act 1 http://youtu.be/nsh3mae8gNs
Mary Poppins act 2 http://youtu.be/oY4snwVq4Cg
Oklahoma (Hugh Jackman 1999) http://youtu.be/J5DXLJgotrY
Rent http://youtu.be/Lo8CmwIKiDw
Next to normal original cast http://youtu.be/c-0ldE2Ubcs
Hairspray act 1 http://youtu.be/ReXLP_lcB18
Hairspray act 2 http://youtu.be/UAiB81n3gKk
Hairspray full http://youtu.be/0viHZsiCNeE
Pippin http://youtu.be/1qZUnQ6ZJw0
Bonnie and Clyde http://youtu.be/6ljIs6Z0Mxc
Legally blonde http://youtu.be/xjkscx9Osmw
The man who came to dinner http://youtu.be/sqwLurn1AUE
Beauty and the beast http://youtu.be/frbantaCYv0
The Addams family http://youtu.be/yIIu-enyM6o
Company (Neil Patrick Harris) http://youtu.be/a8uJ6wlm828
Gypsy http://youtu.be/Lu7_ClufonQ
Anything goes (Sutton Foster) http://youtu.be/PVumcH8KqJw
Book of Mormon http://youtu.be/tTmflHgrdvU
25th annual Putnam County Spelling Bee http://youtu.be/IfKO2C2uRmE
Cinderella http://youtu.be/wYI3pDHBaMU
Catch me if you can http://youtu.be/XPuCJTiyN7g
Grease http://youtu.be/f3iaea-XX0I
The little mermaid part 1 http://youtu.be/fNDy9QtUd7c
Part 2 http://youtu.be/c8rVRSiqR7w
Part 3 http://youtu.be/jLvDwVfImUE
Part 4 http://youtu.be/zOYUmfGatAQ
Part 5 http://youtu.be/j5R2iLBTB9U
Part 6 http://youtu.be/fC5yTQ_uB7o
Part 7 http://youtu.be/MKIDfHftIdk
Part 8 http://youtu.be/40fzKcTN7p0
Part 9 http://youtu.be/8zOGvq5xpDY
Part 10 http://youtu.be/t5ybec9u1Tg
Part 11 http://youtu.be/yGo46bbqPuQ
Part 12 http://youtu.be/P–qeu0VGgk
Part 13 http://youtu.be/NzOei1gBK60
Part 14 http://youtu.be/VtLgcoBB2RI
Jersey boys pt1 http://youtu.be/7VdG5itNuZE
Pt2 http://youtu.be/797qJKVk0Pg
Pt3 http://youtu.be/IbRcsmf7B9Q
Miss Saigon http://youtu.be/MrOz-JEe_qo
Ordinary days http://youtu.be/u4Q0uwjGp30
Dogfight pt1 http://youtu.be/fl8o55HcJrk
The legend of Robinhood http://youtu.be/Y2iPpOblDxo
Drowsy chaperone http://youtu.be/LqNHcf1Gov8
Thoroughly modern Millie pt1 http://youtu.be/v212UUWicbU Thoroughly modern Millie pt2 http://youtu.be/Jk1rJrb2EaQ
Wicked original cast http://youtu.be/eByCtnF1y4U
Young Frankenstein pt1 http://youtu.be/vJ11SisOeGo
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
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this aint duck season
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
Imagine this instead of Disney ruining all of the movies by making them all live action we get The Little Mermaid 3. Before you dismiss this here's what I was thinking, it would be a story about Melody coming of age for the land throne and all of the struggles she faces of accepting she'd need to focus more on land and less on the sea. But wait there is more. At the same time triton is offering her the choice of being a successor to the sea throne (since she was the first born grandchild). Since it's Disney there has to be a love story so here it is, she and the blond merman stay friends and become almost romantic but melody keeps saying no because of her struggles with the land throne and how she doesn't believe it will work. This causes merman to go to triton and ask for legs for 24hrs to see melody at this ball that Eric is hoping that melody will decide to stay on land at (cause there needs to be a ball and conflict). Triton grants him 24hrs with the condition that merman can not interfere with melodys decision. At the ball merman dances with melody as a stranger but gets jealous of a land prince. This causes merman to stomp of and return to the sea. Melody, who's closes friend is the merman, goes to tell him about the ball after only she can't find him. He avoids her for days and during that time she stays on land and becomes sad and starts focusing on the land throne refusing to acknowledged to the Sea, because if her best friend won't even see her so why would she want to be somewhere that reminds her of all their times together? (Typical friendship drama) Months pass and melody still refuses to return to the sea and her land coronation is a few days away. Triton missing his granddaughter questions merman about what happens and he tells him. Triton is like go fucking talk to her or you'll never see her again. So merman goes and tries to talk to her but melody refuses and she won't listen to Ariel either. Triton grants merman until the sunsets to talk to her as a human. And that's all I have so far
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
If you sing Toxic in your normal singing voice you're doing it wrong
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
22 and same
I want all of my broadway men and women to know that I am officially 18 and single
And, like, I don’t like the concept of relationships, so hit me up if you want to be friends or just hang out with me
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
#dead <3
First Burn [Official Video]
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octobremarie13 · 6 years
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Oh, Lin 😂😂
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