#inspired by undertale and deltarune obviously
storgicdealer · 24 days
animator vs animation pixel voices !
i tried to pick what could reasonably be associated with them but yeah
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
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A Spam-Email Supervillain? Click Below To Learn More About The Missing Link Of [Hyperlink Blocked]
I was doing some digging around characters from Monica’s Gang (gave it a basic rundown here when discussing it’s biggest villain, Capitão Feio / Captain Fray) and I found a character I completely forgot existed.
Doctor Spam is one of the main villains of Monica’s Gang, usually the go-to character for any storyline that uses computers or technology. He’s not used quite as often as the others thanks to his niche but still a character they bring back a reasonable amount. He is the evil alter-ego of a man Professor Spada, the gang’s kind-hearted computing teacher who was based on creator Mauricio de Souza’s son (Mauricio Spada, who passed away in 2016). 
Debuting in 2005, Doctor Spam first emerges when Professor Spada is called to install a computer in Monica’s room, and she accidentally hits him with her plush bunny (named Samson). Because Samson is a weapon of mass destruction in her hands, the good professor Spada gets knocked away and zapped, transforming into his alter-ego Doctor Spam and trapping the gang inside the computer, only reverting to his “good self” when hit with an anti-spam program. Later appearences would state that he transforms when struck by lightning, or under stress, transforming into his alter-ego intent on taking over the world via mind-control, who usually spends a lot of time waging digital warfare against children and hitting them with lightning bolts.
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Doctor Spam has a bunch of different powers revolving around computers and viruses and games, so varied that he’s basically omnipotent so long as you don’t have an anti-virus system or find a way to disable his power source. Among said powers includes the ability to transport people into the computer world he rules, infect computers attached to a network, freely create a “score” currency that transforms those who eat them, flood you with damaging forms of spam email and ads and messages, mind control people with specialized roots, etc.
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At some point he also decided dressing in white labcoat was for weenies so he tried to switch out for a black outfit. He can also turn himself into a giant robot form called MegaSpam, with purple-black hair and a pointier nose.
And doing further research also showed me he got another redesign circa 2014 when he showed up for the Chico Bento manga and okay now you’re just fucking with me
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this redesign was also part of a story where we get to learn a bit about how Doctor Spam has always been engineering Professor Spada’s transformations by altering his brain chemistry via electricity, and that Spada’s well-intentioned attempts to create a supercomputer capable of helping prevent grasshopper plagues eventually were utilized by Doctor Spam in order to engineer a plague of electronic grasshoppers that would systematically wipe out all vegetation and trapping people in coccoons to reprogram their minds and have them build his perfect world, a plan he explains with a handy dandy “Spamographic” and a drawing of the great cyber city he wants to create called S.P.A.M.I.A
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I’m sure none of this [ring-ring-ring]s any bells whatsoever, but man, maybe Doctor Spam was never gonna really take off into big pop culture stardom, even disregarding the popularity of Monica’s Gang overseas. I mean, a spam email-based villain? With that wacko hair and goggles and nose and grin and big showoff personality? And he’s both friend and enemy at once? With him being a hard-working young man with big dreams and ambitions that get tragically dashed, and he winds up becoming this deranged cartoon of himself who schemes for power, and rampages when he has it, and needs to be stopped and saved from himself by the same group of kids he's trying to destroy? 
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Eh, too much of a long shot, I'd say.
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trashfartofficial · 1 year
ok so obviously live a live’s edo japan segment inspired undertale, but the sheer amount of places to wash your hands in the near future…
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
23 Asks :)))
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Google says that means Hunger in Spanish soooo
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Eat up my child
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I feel like it would be really hard to mistake Foxy for a dog. "Foxy the pirate Fox" posters are everywhere. Foxy is bright red and has a obviously fox like tail. His name is Foxy.
But there's always bound to be that one parent who doesn't get it, "Sweetie go play with the big dog :}}" But no one would throw a bone at him because they think he's a dog. That wouldn't happen-
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Once I'm free from this big project I would like to draw some digital circus. But who knows, my interest in it could die out before the project is done-
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Uhg. Always super frustrating. Thanks for letting me know. 👍
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Google says that's an economy/nation question. I don't talk bout that stuff here sooo... sorry-
My main headcannon for Sunny is that he is also Moony. He is 1 animatronic with no split personalities. Sunny and Moony are the same animatronic with 1 personality, wearing 2 different costumes.
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I don't think taking inspiration would be much of an issue. Just stay away from straight up taking my idea word for word and doing the exact same thing as me. And don't take my idea word for word, add a bit to it and then call it yours.
And as for the offline stuff. Going against artists wishes is still wrong even if I cant see it.
If people seriously cannot interact with me without going against my wishes. Please block me. Stay as far away from my content as possible. That would be more respectful to me and yourself.
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YEEEAAAAHH!! All good characters. I like Caine for his unique design, plus he's really funny. Same with Kinger, I like his design and he's really funny to me XD Perfectly cut screams are my weakness.
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Yes! And in the true swap its Bonnie! :}}
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Thank you so much! I hope you like the rest of the artwork I have to offer! :}}}
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I haven't planned for Seam to get his eye back, no.. <:/
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I remember reading about that style of line art and how it was "bad". "Chicken scratching" I think its called. And how people said that its not a proper way to draw and makes the art look bad. But it DOESN'T!!
Controlling lines and getting the perfect shapes is so much easier with chicken scratching. And if you know how to control it and clean it up, its not as messing looking as people think!
I've used chicken scratching for line art becuase its much easier and not as messy as people think. I'm so glad you noticed my line art and I'm honored that you would incorporate it into your artwork! I hopes it helps you as much as it helped me! :}}}
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I'm sure Seam and the others would devour anything you gave them. Even if they didn't like the taste. Beggars cant be choosers!
Also thank you so much! I'll do my best! :))
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Maybe.? I could see them applying ointment to rags and carefully slipping them under and at first it feels nice.. But then having to take the rags out to apply more ointment could cause more pain and irratation..
There's also this property to the chains where they can get tighter at times.. maybe they'd have rags under the chains occasionally. But due to the tightening and irritation maybe they can only do it for a short time. As to not cause Seam any more discomfort..
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I've been hanging in there! :')
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Thank you, and I'll do my best! :}
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Oh yeah, there would definitely be this "cool down time" after every mirror where Jevil is wiped out and needs time to get his strength back. The natures of these mirrors is still a bit unknown, even to Jevil. So the first time he collapsed out of exhaustion must have been pretty scary for Seam.. who knows what was wrong with him..
As for the darkener thing, my AU functions off of my bizarre headcannon.
In my AUs, Darkeners, lighteners, and Undertale Monsters and humans.. are 4 separate beings with different properties.
A Deltarune Human is different from an Undertale Human. And a Undertale Monster is not a darkener, or a lightener. They are their own category. Not saying I believe any of this is canon to the games, its likely not. This is just the structure my AU is built on.
And I had this idea that Deltarune and Undertale stuff.. doesn't really mix. Or at least it rarely does. The idea is that the magic that makes up these 4 beings are all different. They don't mix usually, they just clash together.
Asgore cant heal Spamton becuase his magic is sooo different from the magic in Deltarune. Spamton's body just rejects this magic because of how foreign/different it is. A darkener could maybe heal him. And perhaps a Lightener could heal him.? But no one originating from Undertale can give their magic to him. They are just completely different.
Its the same when it comes to food. Some food is universal. Its so simple that nearly any kind of magic can break it down. But a lot of the times the darkeners bodies just, cant absorb Undertale foods. They're so different..
As for advantages or disadvantages.. maybe? There could be a case where a powerful Undertale monster tries to hurt Jevil. But his magic is just, structured sooo differently its basically ineffective. It could also work the other way. Maybe Seam is trying to step up and protect himself. And he only has to use a tiny amount to blow the Undertale opponent away. Its because his magic is so different it pierced right through his foe. Maybe stuff like that.? :0
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That is an interesting question.. I'd say it kind'a depends on the AU.?
And like, none of my AUs are actually completed. None of them. Things are always changing or I'm always adding more too it and the story never ends. But still I develop them at different speeds depending on the AU..
For example. My Welcome home AU. The structure for that AU and basic plot was thought up in like 3 days. Same thing with my Digital Circus AU actually,
But my FNAF AU? It took WEEKS to sift through all the games and pick everything apart and carefully construct my own timeline and think of a story for every single animatronic and have it all line up and-
Then there's my Deltarune AU. The basic idea of a traveling Jevil was thought up and constructed in like a day. But the rest of the au is weeks in the making. And its constantly changing and I'm always adding stuff and rearranging things GRAHHH!
It really depends <XD
And some ideas do go unwanted/unused overtime. But mostly I overwrite my own ideas with new ones. I think of a cool idea and I push everything in the AU aside to make it work. Even if the structure of my AU suffers a bit. <XD
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Yeah! Its good to see those guys out and about. And hey Green Truck's ok! He just has a strange way of starting up. It means that he's harder to steal now XDD
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Yes! Her voice box doesn't work if its not attached to her Jaw. Same with the all the other diner animatronics :0
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I pictured Seam being MUCH younger. I thought of King and Queen being like Asgore and Toriel. Being these powerful boss monsters that live for 100s of years.
So while King and Queen are 100s of years old. Seam is like.. in his 50s or something <XD
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Thank you! Also after googling it, I kind'a see the resemblance XD
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ALSKAKD GREG BEAR XDD That's perfect!!
Also thank you so much! Same to you! :D
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I've never played Dr. Mario & Dr. Luigi so any elements from that game were not added to my AU.. :(
But Mario and Luigi bringing foreign bacteria and illnesses could be an issue.. or it might not! :0 After all I don't know if human viruses can be dangerous to fungal people <XD
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ponett · 2 months
I think SLARPG might unironically be the best entry in the "Earthbound-inspired indie RPG about depression" subgenre because it's the only one that legitimately sparked my interest on first sight and then followed through in actual gameplay and story. Personally, what's your favorite game in the "Earthbound-inspired indie RPG about depression" subgenre aside from the one you made?
Excuse you, I'll have you know it's an EarthBound-inspired indie RPG about anxiety, thank you very much
No, but idk. Mother is definitely a big influence for me, and EarthBound and Mother 3 are two of my favorite games ever made, but I think it's easy to overstate how much I was trying to emulate Mother with SLARPG in a reductive way. (I don't necessarily think you're being reductive in this ask, I'm just using this as an excuse to talk about a broader trend.) It broadly influenced the types of games I wanted to make when I was a teenager, but there are very few specific elements in SLARPG where I was trying to directly evoke or mimic EarthBound. The geometric spell animations were inspired by Mother for sure, I'll give you that, but half the reason I did that was just because it was easier than animating realistic effects frame by frame. I'll also admit that Claire building her own dungeon was almost definitely influenced by EarthBound's Brick Road, but I don't think that was a conscious decision on my part. And hell, some things that may come off as nods to Mother are, in fact, things that Mother took directly from Dragon Quest. Silly, cartoonish enemies with pun names? That's a Dragon Quest thing!
While Mother was one of my influences, I would just as readily point to classic Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, the Mario RPGs, 2D Zelda, Mega Man Legends, Pokemon, Kirby, Sonic, comedic point and click adventures, and a bunch of other things as similarly big influences. But I wasn't trying to mimic any of these 1:1. It was a blend of different influences along with my own creative goals.
Uh, anyway, to answer your actual question: I can't answer your actual question, because I haven't really played other "EarthBound-inspired" indie games, other than Undertale and Deltarune (which I adore, obviously). I generally avoided playing them while working on SLARPG because I wanted to do my own thing and avoid ripping off other similar games, and then in the time since finishing SLARPG I've just always had other things I wanted to play.
Also I kind of don't believe that the "EarthBound-inspired indie RPG about depression" is a trend that exists on any meaningful scale. People just looked at Omori (and, to a lesser extent, YIIK) and decided that the other popular indie games with some amount of visible EarthBound influence must also be about depression. It's just a meme
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
You said in the Ralsei post that his flirting with Kris is supposed to make us uncomfortable or at least question his relationship to Asriel. I agree that Toby could possibly "go there", but do you think it's intentional on Ralsei's part? I genuinely don't think he knows he looks like Kris's brother. If someone makes Kris get into a relationship with someone who looks like their brother, I think it'll be the players fault for knowing he looks like Asriel and forcing it anyway rather than Ralsei himself actually knowingly being into incest. (feel free to answer this without posting the ask if it's worded badly)
all things considered i don't think he does. i think what's happening in deltarune is that ralsei, as a darkner, was created to play on our fondness and love for the asriel we knew in undertale. at the same time, if you're in any way familiar with classic rpgs, you'll realize that ralsei's role in the story is a direct callback to the "healer of the cast, bearer of the prophecy and love interest for the protagonist" trope (a role that was always given to female characters, tying into his gnc quoi), so being framed romantically by the story is... kind of a given here. however, those two core aspects of his, well, self, are basically incompatible. at least when it comes to his desire to be liked by kris, because being pushed into romantic situations you perceive as incestuous is, understandably, going to freak a guy out.
as you probably know, i recently had the chance to play earthbound, and paula reminded me of ralsei so much. ralsei deconstructs the rpg girl trope in general, but knowing how big of a mother 2 fan toby is, i feel like she was a pretty clear inspiration in the way he wrote ralsei. and something that happens again and again and again throughout the course of earthbound as soon as paula joins the team, is that people constantly make comments about her and ness being together. now, paula/ness is canon by the end of the game and has been confirmed as such by the creators, but earthbound as a game heavily features the topic of fatedness; and unlike deltarune, chosen ones and prophecies and dreams of future friends are never questioned by its plot, they are the plot. so, since a big part of deltarune's gimmick consists in questioning the trope of rpg fate, i wonder if ralsei's crush on kris might be revealed to be something predetermined too, going forward. after all, he spent a long time waiting for the heroes of prophecy to arrive so he could become their friend and help them on their quest. if that same "fate" determined that he was supposed to be kris' love interest, then knowing ralsei he probably accepted that fact and acted accordingly. which would mean getting into whether those feelings are actually genuine or if they're born out of duty and his submission to What Is Right And What Should Be.
the main reason i don't think he's aware, though, is that that incompatibility between those two aspects of himself that prevent him from fulfilling (part of) his purpose is a storyline that heavily reminds me of spamton's. ralsei is the most "purposepilled" character in the entire game. he is ADAMANT about reinforcing 1) his own lack of agency 2) that of all other darkners 3) the darkners' purpose towards the lighters as not only inescapable, but good, 4) the status quo of the light world/dark worlds dynamic as it stands. fulfilling his purpose is a BIG deal to him, and the story is obviously going to have an arc challenging it and sending the poor boy into an existential crisis. and him realizing during the events of the game that his literal appearence alone makes kris uncomfortable and prevents him from being the good rpg love interest character he was created to be, well... it just feels like a good way to further that arc.
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robotnik-mun · 8 months
Every Deltarune fan by this point has an idea of who the Knight could be. I think just about every theory under the sun has been expressed by this point, and even a few that aren't... mostly because the only concrete bit of information we have about the Knight is that they're a Lightner, if only because whoever they are, they can create Dark Worlds as only Lightners can... that we know of, anyway.
Otherwise we got nada. No hint of a motive, and any possible clues to who they are is conjecture at best.
I myself got a million ideas, but one I keep coming back to comes not from in-game info or hints, but from the very nature of Deltarune... and Undertale, for that matter.
See, as we all know, Deltarune is a spinoff/quasi-sequel to Undertale, though it doesn't quite fit either of those definitions.
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Famously, Undertale is strongly inspired by the Earthbound games...
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... and Deltarune in some ways is even closer, being a straight up RPG compared to Undertale. But besides that, Deltarune is something of an homage to classical JRPGS in general, including the none other than Final Fantasy.
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Heck, our supposed antagonist is basically a boiled down version of Final Fantasy's very first villain- the corrupt knight Garland.
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Heck, within the universe of Deltarune itself there seems to be its own version of FF, a game called Dragon Blazers, to say nothing of the small shoutouts you see to the series here and there.
However, Earthbound and Final Fantasy both have a shared plot element down the line, and this fact is the most consequential for Deltarune itself I feel, and hints strongly towards the potential nature of the Knight.
Now, while Garland was (ultimately) the main threat of the very first game, a Knight is ultimately a warrior a service into someone higher than themselves, to a liege of some sort. Symbolically, any antagonist who serves a bigger, badder antagonist is a 'Knight'- think Darth Vader to Emperor Palpatine.
This comparison is no coincidence, because both Earthbound AND Final Fantasy dipped its toes into this dynamic- via Golbez from Final Fantasy 4, and the Masked Man from Mother 3.
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Golbez and The Masked Man are eventually revealed to be Theodor and Claus, respectively, the Long Lost Brothers of the games primary heroes.
And this is where things get interesting for Deltarune, and the Knight. Because we have three characters with a sibling whose absence looms over the plot...
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Kris, Sans and Noelle alike have a sibling, one at college, one seemingly isolating himself in the house, and one lost under yet-to-be-determined circumstances...
Now obviously, we're too early to make any kind of real judgement call, and what we know is too scant and obscured to have a solid picture of who the Knight is and why they're doing what they're doing.
But given the influences of Deltarune? I got a pretty good pool of suspects that I'm pretty confident about, though in the end we're only going to know when the rest of the Deltarune gets here. I could be entirely wrong, and I kinda hope so... I've grown attached to the notion that the Knight is completely independent from anyone pre-established.
But we'll see.
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bluedino15 · 6 months
Undertale Yellow AU/UT and DR based-Ideas Ramble Post
You know, I haven't posted on this account for anything in YEARS besides reblogs and one Paper Mario: Origami King rant...
Anyway, had random assorted Undertale yellow AU and post pacifist/wider Undertale/deltarune world--related ideas I felt like spouting for fun because I'm back into Undertale brainworms and Twitter would suck for this, especially since I keep updating this. Feel free to use these ideas if you somehow see this and get inspired. Credit would be nice (at least cause I would like to see anyone turning these rambles into ideas) but really isn't necessary. These can easily veer off from the canon/creators of yellow and various AUs referenced (I've been really bad at keeping up with generally accepted versions of aus and the story for official ones), and I do not in ANY way want to imply my ideas are good or "proper" add-ons, just fun what-ifs that might break the rules. Also, I'm bad at coming up with good endings or full casts descriptions for a lot of these concepts (sorry Dalv) so feel free to do them yourself
*Undertale background (and yellow lore ideas):
-Clover is the first human to fall after Flowey's "birth"
-if Berdly has an unseen Undertale counterpart (he's the only one who never has a reference or family member referenced unless you think the drunk bird in grillby's is related), martlet is like his way older cousin.
-martlet stole the serum from true lab while everyone was still fallen down, soon after alphys made the first injections, hence why alphys is willing enough to chance leaving the lab open and why martlet isn't as shocked/traumatized as she might have been if she saw amalgamates. She wasn't familiar enough to recognize kanako/a child resembling chujin (how she might have expected them), but she was also focused on sneaking in and out so she wouldn't have paid much attention until reflecting during pacifist.
-Kanako is part of the amalgam that tucks in frisk, since she remembers it being comforting when she was a kid. Also, this is just a story idea but I can imagine her being a bit special/unique when everyone started melting, perhaps the first to get up and last to melt or vice versa (I think the former cause her soul was probably holding on a bit longer since because of the boss monster and existing determination injection sustaining her longer)
-undertale yellow takes place just before the monsters who became amalgamates woke up (since alphys said she called everyone and probably wouldn't have been so chipper in the journal if one monster wasn't still getting up, and Ceroba says she hadn't heard anything and there's no mention of other monsters getting news of their relatives) and subsequently melted. In other words, amalgam kanako doesn't happen until after the events of pacifist (that said, I wrote some au ideas on the idea of her amalgamating before anyway)
-the snowdin attack took place in upper snowdin, which is why there's way more guards stationed there. Additionally, that was one of the last events of Undertale counterpart rudy's life, and he helped asgore restore trust and calmness in the days after the event. His girls were too young to remember. Lastly, sans and papyrus briefly drew suspicion for their human frames, but both pretty quickly disarmed residents of suspicion.
-The reason that Clover was the only one to ever travel through yellow locations (the other humans may have at least explored other parts of the underground and just died in Frisk-explored locations) is because they're some of the farthest possible places from the Castle. Even slightly more direct routes would have gotten them killed, hence Flowey pushing them on a roundabout path
-Undertale's Gaster (I have a seperate pet theory about how there's one from Undertale who fell into Deltarune, and another who originates there) made the core but fell into Deltarune before clover arrived, and there he has some major interaction with sans and papyrus that follows them back in Undertale where they get here after Clover
-The boss monster gene is normally inherent only in goat-esque monsters, so by default they're the only boss monsters, but it can be transferred from goat monsters to non-goat monster children (normally undetected), and it was in Chujin's family for years (this is mostly just me coping on my different definition of boss monster)
-Ceroba's family were naturally gifted towards magic and one of the more important families on the surface, to the point that a few remnants of their tradition remained aboveground where they eventually become (one of many) inspirations for Mew Mew Kissy Cutie (without the humans knowing the monster background), hence the bell motifs both share. Underground life has kind of quashed most boundaries that aren't "the royal family," but Chujin was marrying above his paygrade (both had a strong mutual love)
--As a combination of the above, Kanako would probably have been one of the most Naturally gifted/powerful monsters short of the Dreemurrs thanks to both her mother's magic and father's boss monster DNA. However, she probably wouldn't have had a need to significantly develop those powers (kind of like how Toriel is naturally powerful but not really a warrior).
-Ceroba has a slight Japanese accent (like someone who has both mastered English and speaks it commonly enough) that's usually burried underneath the underground's default (like every species had some dialect and accent pre-Ebott that's faded over time), but if she gets angry it FLARES up
-Likewise, Starlo has an exaggerated cowboy accent (I personally think of Mad Dog in the Live a Live dub with the southeastern-slant given his showmanship), but when the mask (and hat) drops, it turns into softspoken midwestern farmboy.
-Chara only bonds to Frisk because they share an affinity for determination and Frisk landing on their grave was close enough to hit something. Clover isn't attuned enough for that to happen.
-sans, alphys, and Asgore know about all the Yellow locations (though Alphys is too shut in to ever visit anywhere besides the mew mew arcade machine), Undyne has been to the dunes and mine and is old enough to know of the steamworks but never visit, while she respects the Wild East just enough to avoid visiting herself and causing trouble (personally, she probably thinks they're just a bunch of slackers who aren't helping out monsterkind given her views of mettaton, but she can at least respect their passion ). Papyrus doesn't know about the steamworks but has been out to the dunes once or twice. Toriel has been shut in and away too long to know of the steamworks and doesn't know the dunes dried out.
*Undertale yellow post-pacifist (and just Undertale post-pacifist):
-Flowey left his main save after Clover's death, after realizing both neutral and any pacifist didn't get anywhere, and due to a mix of pity/respect (though he wouldn't admit it, clover sacrificing their soul for monsterkind reminds him of Chara) and pragmatism, he keeps his ("main" if reular flowey has multiple) save file permanently after their death even if he CAN reset to his creation. (Of course, he's still toyed with the timline THOUSANDS of times before Clover fell--since they only fell after he already tried everything and just waited, he's not too torn up about never going back while he plays around with his new circumstances for a while)
-The only ones who know most of what happened to Clover are Martlet, Starlo, and Ceroba. They told Asgore that Clover was a good kid, but nothing about how they steered Ceroba off her path
--likewise, no one but Clover and Ceroba (and Flowey) knew that Ceroba is responsible for Kanako falling down. Starlo (and some of the rest of the Feisty Five) has suspicions Ceroba hid SOMETHING about the nature of Kanako falling down beyond what she reveals out loud in pacifist, but would never suspect what happened, and both he and Martlet were knocked out for the fight (plus, Clover was seeing a memory) so neither caught what happened. There is absolutely some angst potential of Ceroba admitting what happened and it temporarily straining her friendship with Starlo.
-Undertale is about 2 years after (I normally headcanon that it's decades apart for humans but for this game I'd let it slide). There's not much obvious aging or change outside whats apparent in the credits from character development (dalv is a little more outgoing, Ceroba starts to live a little, starlo goes back to the farm more often) but Martlet is probably marginally more organized and a tad more matured in terms of appearance.
- The cast is mostly uninvolved with UT, but at least one of them (probably martlet or Dalv--ceroba is still a little bitter about mettaton costing Chujin his job and Starlo might avoid the show out of respect to her) catch Frisk on Mettaton's show with clover's gun and hat. Your call whether they respect that Clover's tools protect another kid beyond the grave or see that moment as disrespecting their memory (Martlet is probably the most understanding, Starlo the least), but after the barrier is broken they at least appreciate that Frisk used Clover's belongings to achieve justice for monsterkind
-During the photoshop flowey fight, clover was kept on lock the longest since he knew more of what their soul was capable of.
-The Wild East/Dunes and steamworks aren't used as hiding spaces in genocide because even if clover was pacifist, monsters know humans have gotten there before, and Alphys isn't taking chances compared to how true lab can be locked down.
-the souls can briefly "sense" clover while everyone is absorbed by Asriel, and toward the end of the fight as monsters inside gain their memories back, they don't exactly "talk" again but at least gain a sense of closure and fulfillment from Clover. No one quite knows what happened after the fight, but the gang feels a little better about Clover for some reason.
-Ceroba meets amalgam Kanako in both the evacuation and post-pacifist. At first, she'd hold it against Alphys (after the initial despair at seeing her daughter transformed), enough to even attack alphys, but she comes to admit what happened is just as much her responsibility. On post-pacifist, Kanako is calm enough (thanks to Frisk) and sentient enough for it to be a real reunion, and like most amalgams doesn't hold it against alphys enough to lash out, which at least eases Ceroba.
-toriel gets some closure on what happened to clover when she wants to honor the fallen humans and asgore directs her to ceroba. She doesn't get the full story but enough to know they gave their soul up willingly. Even though the two in the past probably would have disliked each other (Ceroba disliking Toriel for giving up on her husband, and Toriel for what Ceroba did to both kanako and Clover), Ceroba would have mellowed out enough to respect toriel's decision. Toriel would be more standoffish but at least sees Ceroba as less of a coward than asgore who was motivated by love of her family.
-any monsters who befriended previous humans plus yellow's main cast and toriel hold a funeral for the humans who died (Asgore may attend out of penance, and other monsters out of guilt but not as the primary attendees), Toriel is probably the only one (besides family if any are left) that cares for integrity sadly...
-On the surface, Starlo becomes involved in those western town recreations, and Martlet still doesn't quite have a direction to take her life in and winds up in various odd-jobs for a while, but she appreciates the newfound freedom. Dalv isn't quite a pro yet, but his organ playing nets him the occasional music festival appearance, and in-between he works on his kid's books. Ceroba would mainly be occupied just trying to keep amalgam kanako happy (though if there's a connection between her background and Japan, she at least visits a few shrines together) and when she doesn't visit her friends, she's working together with other amalgam families on treatment.
-Honeydew inn becomes the main nature resort of the underground for surface visitors (comparatively snowed Inn is more of a rest stop for tourists travelling and not so much staying)
-The connection to the surface eventually results in the resources for reflowering portions of the dunes, and the mines remain a source of mineral wealth for monsterkind.
-The steamworks gets "restored" (cleaned out of important tools and research properly, and physically repaired but out of practical operation outside as a museum) post-pacifist. Most robots choose to stay in the only home they know (and could operate in) but any capable of moving at least have the freedom to leave, and it's now run as a historical location with Axis occasionally involved in tours (when he's not exploring the concept of freedom himself). Alphys contributes to the restoration work due to a combination of guilt for "faking" mettaton's nature and putting a lot of scientists out of a job, and Ceroba realizing she's still one of the best tech specialists left in the underground and asking for her help (and alphys naturally feels she owes it to her as a family member of an amalgamate).
*General AU Idea I had regarding Kanako as Flowey/an Equivalent
-Kanako takes on a similar role to Flowey after a combination of Ceroba's soul essence injection and alphys' determination injections (Ceroba never told Alphys that there's already some injected in her) overload her past the amalgam point and her body melts too much to even hold together, eventually dusting and settling into a white flower from the steamworks that Alphys had been loaned for an experiment. She grows the same lack of empathy and desire for thrill/power that drives flowey as lack of emotions and the ability to reset erodes her unwillingness to kill (as usually develops as a result of gaining reset power: see meta narrative on Frisk/Chara/the player). Eventually, this drives her to seek the souls and see what she could do with more power. her philosophy outside of those goals is that people only ever use each other as a means to an end, and trust or faith in others is a painful dead end (Chujin's plan and Ceroba's work hurt Kanako and she cynically sees it as an attempt at creating/clinging to legacy, she realized Alphys faked her credentials and was using the DT injections just for reputation, and she eventually realizes Asgore doesn't reaaaaally want to free his citizens the way he promised them but is too afraid to be honest and destroy their trust). There's an element of "kill or be killed" but based more in the belief that inherent selfishness means those who don't use others will be used. The integrity soul human themself isn't really present, but their LV, though filtered, made it easier for Kanako to start hurting others.
-outside her general philosophy being a bit different and putting down her parents and their friends a bit more (similar to Flowey holding more cynical views of his parents) her actions are like flowey for most of the game (so she largely masks her philosophy and her personal belief that she and Clover are trying to use each other). the only noticeable difference is that she's less reliant on pellets and more on energy infused attacks given the nature of the flower she's attached to. Part of her snapping in neutral in addition to just generally being angry clover won't open the way to killing asgore after years of trying to get them there is that she's PISSED clover would be so "stupid" as to throw their safety away by trusting Martlet. The inside of her head would have less of Flowey's self-harm elements and be marginally less twisted (it "helps" she isn't dealing with lingering remnants of Chara's mentality or death from humans like Asriel did) but instead there'd be a sense of loss of self from the amalgam experience she briefly felt manifesting as melty, goopy horror, and the fear she felt both then, and as a child when integrity attacked (and subconsciously, the fear Integrity held as Axis blew their head off).
-despite the Asriel comparisons I also really wanna try not making her mostly just "Asriel but UT yellow character." (which is also why I can't come up with an ending scenario since I feel it could rip off Asriel too much). I do think flowey's role in UTY works really work because it IS flowey and not someone like him (whether like his UT or UTY selves), I just also had the idea kanako might be flowey during my playthrough and I REALLY wanna explore that .
**variation of the above but placing the timeline further back.
-I have a less developed idea that sees this as part of a larger AU where yellow takes places before flowey or alphys. Chujin loses his job due to the core shutting down steamworks labs and the axis prototype incident ensuring he doesn't get to work as an individual researcher. The Integrity attack happens when kanako was just a baby, then a decade later is when chujin dies and Ceroba starts the serum plan. After kanako becomes fallen down, Ceroba does another injection since she's desperately clinging to the belief that chujin's idea HAS to work.
-That much human soul essence contains enough DT for it to partially melt Kanako and seemingly destroy her sentience, but her boss monster DNA (and the fact that it's not pure DT but filtered through human essence like its supposed to) keeps her soul and form resilient enough to survive as solo amalgamate. Ceroba keeps her locked in the Ketsukane house out of a mix of shame, fear of losing all her friends, and fear that Asgore would ask other scientist to poke at Kanako's soul (Ceroba herself would admit that she really isn't sure herself which one dominates her thinking, but it's probably more selfish than she would like). She tries her best to at least talk to her, feed her and comfort her while maintaining the facade of a normal life (she tells everyone Kanako got sick and passed away, and it was too much to bear to bring anyone to her funeral) Kanako slowly becomes less and less responsive. Months before Clover falls, Kanako's body comes into contact with a white flower from the steamworks, and the remnants of her soul jump into on after sensing a stable, "living" body, awakening as her time's version of flowey.
-I don't have too much of an idea for the ending of Clover's journey, but in this version Ceroba has at least given up on using Kanako for a monster soul and instead is aiming for Asgore's. Part of the shock of the Ketsukane household portion would not just be the tapes, but the fact that Kanako's now motionless, amalgamated body can be found right after. It's initially assumed to be from Chujin's research before the truth comes out.
-this probably breaks a TON of rules of both undertale and Yellow, so if anyone has a less stupid sounding version of this, it would be neat (and also how it would somehow end in such a way as to not interfere with Undertale)
*species swap/overtale yellow/monster clover:
- clover is a fox monster for a kanako parralel just as how Frisk and Chara are commonly goat monsters. Their aesthetic still leans on western cultural ideas about foxes as opposed to kitsune elements, with the hat over their ears plus scarf over their nose in populated areas hiding enough facial features to pass as human.
-martlet's wings are a carpentry invention she made to make her job easier. They aren't exactly the most reliable equipment...
-All the robots are largely the same (since they aren't monsters), though there's an implication that integrity's monster counterpart's dust has had some unnatural effect on Axis' personality (nowhere near asriel's rebirth). Chujin had BADDLY underestimated how fragile monsters can be.
-one of the uncomfortable facts that clover is confronted with towards the end of each route is that if the monsters who fell (or however your take goes) died, there would be no real way to know what dust is theirs or where they are.
-part of the reason clover stands a chance is because their gun, unlike the rest of clover, is not magic but instead physical with a bit of extra kick from magic infusion. And a murder-high/genocide route naturally gets a little bloody... (though most would at least be "clean" enough shots through the chest)
-in each route, clover undergoes their own "undying"-esque transformation based on overwhelming justice that feeds into determination, resulting in the equivalent of their big shot mode. In neutral, flowey reducing them to their soul in his mind means their magic is no longer tied to a body or the danger of the real world and can desperately concentrate on self defense, in pacifist, Ceroba lands a clean hit and clover's sense of betrayal and desire for a just end pushes them to take one last stand (regardless of pacifist outcome, they don't have a strong enough soul for it to last forever). In Geno, axis manages to land the same killing blow he did on integrity, and clover is strong enough to spend the remainder in their undying mode. Asgore manages to actually land his own fatal blow, but clover survived long enough to kill him and take his soul, leaving it ambiguous if it saves them.
*what-if: Ceroba succeeds in capturing Clover's soul
-basically what it says. Ceroba manages to get clover all the way to true lab (including pushing past alphys and mettaton) before Starlo warns them (or alternatively, if for some reason Flowey didn't reset the timeline when she takes Clover's soul in the pacifist fight). After the initial shock in true lab, Ceroba realizes one of the amalgams is Kanako. Even though part of her admits her plan won't work with the state her daughter's soul is in, she's too desperate to reverse her daughter's condition and after coming across Alphys' entry 17 (unused in-game, but her speech on how monsters can't handle DT), backstabs Clover in the hopes that their soul can act as a weight on the determination that overloaded the amalgam's body. Flowey's aversion to true lab plus the speed and chaos of events happening make him too slow to control the timeline since the amalgamate has enough determination to go beyond his file (a full human soul plus a DT injection plus a human essence injection plus boss monster DNA plus other monsters). The body stabilizes into a chimera, and all the monsters in the amalgam plus clover have their own sense of self and degree of control over their body (picture Asriel + Chara but way more chaotic, with kanako and clover as the ones most commonly in control). Everybody is confused and terrified, and Angst and tragedy ensue. Kanako isn't really happy that an innocent human had to die for her sake, and Clover is caught between anger at being betrayed, and their own recognition of the injustice Kanako and all the amalgamated monsters have endured.
*"Ketsukane Reborn"/Clover shares a soul with Kanako
-not my idea at all (there are quite a few cool takes on this), but yeah, clover shares their soul with Kanako similar to Dreemurr Reborn. Kanako has less angst about Clover giving up their soul (they're still sorry of course, but they didn't ever try to hurt Clover, and clover gave their soul up since it wouldn't be just to let them suffer so they're okay enough with what happened) and the two can be surprisingly in-sync with a mix of Kanako's enthusiasm (Kid was hopeful enough that her parent's serum would work) and Clover's desire for justice, compared to Asriel/Frisk being a bit more solemn and differing
-Since both of them keep their eyes open, the main way to tell who's more in control is the eye hue: Brown for Kanako, and Yellow for Clover.
-The monster side of the soul offers support in shooting sections with the same additions that ralsei and susie provide during spamton Neo (with the protection closer to Ceroba's diamond shields).
-Ceroba absolutely broke down SOBBING in a mix of joy and sadness to have her daughter back and for how much Clover gave. Clover assuring her it was okay was one of the first times they manifested.
-If they ever actually meet Dreemurr Reborn Asriel/Frisk, Asriel talks with Clover a lot apologizing for all he put them through, and Kanako talks with Frisk thanking them for not fearing her in True Lab.
-the human essence in kanako was the only reason why her body was even stable enough to absorb Clover's soul (clover confirmed this themselves before they gave it up), but even still, she does feel that it's unfair she got a second chance that no other amalgamates did. As they get older, the two search the world for the history of monster souls to see if there's any cure.
*Underswap yellow:
-I don't have ideas for most swaps since the cast mostly don't come in pairs, but in a role but not personality swap AU, Ceroba would swap with starlo and goes full weeaboo running the Far West. She's not anime weeb (though that's her equivalent to western movies as research material) but more like, glorious Nippon, edo-era, ken-sama shit. Starlo is a peaceful enough farmer who packs a gun after seeing its power in his interactions with human culture (if clover swaps, he got the gun they left behind). Ceroba is moreso putting on act of overblowing what is "tradition" while making it more "trendy" based on human trash in waterfall in order to appeal to other monsters even though she wants to honor her family's legacy (not just her immediate family but ancestors), and Starlo leans into it more than Ceroba does for him. The culmination of the arc would more be her frustration with a self-imposed obligation to put up an act that celebrates the human alterations and ignores how her family really was, compared to Starlo getting too caught up in the act
-If clover does swap with another human, it's either patience (a la their items appearing in the ruins in ts!underswap) or integrity (as the major human of yellow's backstory). Whoever swapped with clover is the one going through the journey with yellow's cast and theming is closer to their soul, while clover went through the events the original human they swapped with did.
-Asgore, Toriel, undyne, napstablook, and Temmie are mostly the same as however you view/prefer their underswap selves. Running with the doll idea, neutral ending Temmie's memories feature a lot of ripped apart and mutilated dolls and stuffing, and an "odd" focus on a lack of arms... On Geno route they get absolutely ripped to shreds as their plush's body parts come off.
--Alternatively, going with the Asriel and Chara swap (the other one I usually see), then Chara-as-Flowey would DETEST Clover the instant their mask slips in neutral/genocide. They still wouldn't reveal their backstory, but there would be hints at the fact that they're pretty familiar with humans and have a VERY low impression of humanity (Clover's counterpart not excluded), even if circumstances have lowered their empathy for monsters as well. During true pacifist, Clover's counterpart's act of selflessness for the sake of monsterkind earns their begrudging respect, while during Geno, Chara-flowey promises them that they aren't all powerful and will have consequences some day like all humans (I've never really seen a consistent elaborated form of this swap so I kind of just ran with my own ideas of it, without too much personality swapping)
*Underfell Yellow
-I forget the general plot/backstory people go with and I haven't seen the original version in YEARS so I don't have much for Undertale/fell cast members who appear, aside that flowey was genuinely siding with Clover most of the journey and sends them away from toriel for their safety (from Toriel or the rest of the underfell underground is your call). Clover gives him the okay to move on without them once they realize there's no route in which Clover escapes without massive amounts of dustshed, but he's still shaken by losing them and it affects his relationship with Frisk on top of Frisk's connection to Chara.
-Martlet is motivated by a desire to climb the royal guard's (or their underfell equivalent) promotion ladder by ANY means for the power and prestige it brings. she tries to fake being clover's ally but is really, really bad at hiding her intentions so they usually avoid any backstab easily enough. She really shouldn't be qualified for the job, but she managed to cheat the initial results and competition for a position.
-starlo I already saw a cool bandit concept for and there is no improving on that
-ceroba's life went on a downward spiral ever since she married chujin only for him to become a disgraced, laughingstock of a scientist and leave the family broke, and then went on to focus all his efforts on soul and robotics projects with no care for the family before he had the "decency" to pass away. Ceroba is baddly shaken, and without realizing it, starts emotionally manipulating Kanako with the idea that her mother works very hard, is very tired, and needs more help to care for her child (not untrue, but Kanako thinks it's her fault). After discovering Chujin's serum idea, Ceroba becomes borderline negligent trying to create the injection, with Kanako finding out and putting herself forward as a test subject in the belief that anything to help her mom is good. Ceroba at this point is too desperate to even question if she shouldn't do this, and we all know what happens next (though Kanako coming under the care of Underfell alphys is pretty bad...). All she has left is a degrading existence as a paid assistant to starlo's gang, having given up on her husband's plan or that Kanako might recover, but Clover's pure soul has given her a new plan that might salvage her family's dignity
-chujin has actively tuned up axis to be as much of a human murder machine as he can be after the first murder, partly to spite asgore and the royal guard by showing his creation is superior to anything they could ever hope to do, and partly out of a burning hatred of humanity. Axis has a sympathetic personality from his initial creation when chujin was less bitter and exploring the potential of artificial intelligence for good, but it's buried amongst data screaming at him to kill humans, and little is left for monsters or robots besides indifference (in a bit of blatant symbolism, his heart never lights up or flashes), In his more comical moments, think of abridged android 16 if he didn't have a bird interest.
*Outertale Yellow:
-Okay I really have nothing for this except the fact that at least one "star fox" joke with the Ketsukanes (and also Martlet, froggits, and any rabbit NPC) would be very funny to me.
*Storyshift Yellow:
-This one I don't have real ideas for at all (especially because I'm embarrassingly behind on the reboot and I don't wanna put lazy headcanons on it), but if Clover somehow fell before Chara (considering how neither of the skeletons are referenced in UTY), their fate would influence how the Dreemurrs attempt to keep Chara alive.
-Sans immediately pulls out his instant kill cage on clover in flawed pacifist unlike asgore having dodgeable attacks, and admits how blatantly unfair it is. On Geno, he would normally try to put up a fight during genocide even if recognized he would eventually lose, but he sees Clover's fight with Martlet's equivalent and admits he can't even hope to delay clover or make them reset enough as soon as he realizes they have counters for his tricks (laser during his turn which makes it much harder to dodge, attacking outside of battle, the natural advantages of resetting) after one or two reloads. He does manage to leave them with a comment asking whether the slaughter and chaos and hatred that will follow was worth it or just.
*Inverted Fate:
-I don't really have anything concrete for this either since I admittedly missed a lot of backstory, plus the creator already said Clover's journey would be incompatible with the the AU (and I'm not creative enough to imagine where/"when" most of the yellow cast would be in IF's world). That said, as a what-if, I do think It'd be neat if Flowey went through Yellow before the timeline reset and that a part of Asriel was still affected by that time with Clover (if only for how they weren't Chara, just as how he's dismissive of Frisk, as further evidence to himself of Chara's importance and specialness).
-I do think Martlet could also be interesting to examine due to anti-human sentiment becoming much more normalized thanks to both the backstory and Undyne's actions. Martlet would be a more dedicated member of the Royal Guard (and a little older than she is in UTY) who wouldn't be as friendly to frisk, but she can't help but have doubts.
*Poketale Yellow/pokemon themed AU where everyone is a Pokemon/Mystery Dungeon choices:
-Clover is a Jolteon
-flowey is a sunflora
-decibat is noibat,
-Dalv is crobat (I could find surprisingly few vampire-esque pokemon)
-martlet is quaxwell (she evolves in Geno route. and I know she's not a duck but I found surprsingly few good blue bird pokemon besides ducklett)
-bailador is Hawlucha,
-starlo is like a junior Solgaleo (mainly on account of his parents, and I just can't see cosmoem or staryu working well. Feel free to make them work or come up with a better fit like a special solrock or minior)
-Ceroba is Ninetales (she usually hides her tails outside of battle, and they only show in full for the pacifist final)
-chujin is thievul
-Kanako is a vulpix, but she has a few traits of a thievul
-axis is golett.
(Feel free to put any of your own ideas for them, i'm sure i missed some new pokemon that are better fits. I just like Jolteon clover to go with Eevee frisk)
*Dreemurr/Ketsukane Swap (including Chara with the Dreemurrs).
-The dreemurrs aren't royalty, but rather "just" the monster equivalent of nobility, while the ketsukanes sit on the throne. King Chujin has a much less trusting view of humanity, but the Dreemurrs pleaded to him that an exception be made so long they ensured Chara never hurt anyone. As there was less pressure to be the "future" of monsters, Chara never developed the same sense of responsibility or duty to destroy the barrier for monsterkind. Their hatred of humanity remained though, and combined with their exposure to more average monsters and the sense that they were a burden on monsterkind, they wanted to be part of a "weapon" for all of their family's fellow monsters. They convinced Asriel to go ahead with their plan hoping that their fused soul might contain the essence necessary to empower all monsters to take revenge with a source of near infinite determination. Asriel/Chara stayed hidden from society after convincing asgore and Toriel that Chara died of a natural illness and the fusion was an accident, and begging that no one find out what happened lest they become saddled as monsterkind's saviors (really because chara wants all monsterkind to be powerful enough for war first and doesn't want them to have false hope until the power is in their hands). They secretly worked together with Chujin to extract the essence of their soul after convincing him of the potential and banking on his general distrust of humanity and faith in science to free monsterkind. Chujin realizes it's risky but after Chara already sacrificed themselves for this plan, he can't refuse.
- As kids who didn't fully think things through and a king working in secret without other scientists, the plan did not work at all. The Raw energy of Chara and Asriel's determination basically went berserk in response to an extraction attempt, leaving the fusion as an amalgamate constantly melting and reforming from attempts to save and load. Chujin was too guilt-ridden to tell the truth of what happened to Asgore and Toriel, so he lied to them that Asriel/Chara broke into his personal lab and tried the experiment on themselves and died, begging the Dreemurrs to tell everyone else it was a disease so that no one questions the sudden disappearance of a human. The body is too well hidden for the Dreemurrs to question anything at first, and they leave to grieve.
-Asgore is the first to realize something is off and eventually finds the amalgamate. He comes close to killing Chujin in rage for hiding his children's survival and mutation, but is stopped at the last second by Asriel (just sentient enough to protect Chujin since it was partly his and Chara's fault, but unable to communicate that to Asgore) Chujin swears that he thought finding them like this would be worse than thinking they died, then promises that if Asgore keeps this a secret to everyone, then the two can work towards a cure. Asgore hates that he was lied to, but still believes that Chara and Asriel tried to extract the essence on their own, so he accepts the proposal as Chujin's form of apology. Asgore works himself ragged through tests on his soul seeing if the growth between boss monster parents and children or a stable boss monster soul might reform the children, far past the safety point that Chujin recommends, but nothing works. As his condition pushes past the point of no return, Chujin finally realizes that another human soul would be the only thing powerful enough to restore the children, and bitterly passes the information on to Asgore, believing it's hopeless one would appear like Chara.
-This whole time, Asgore kept everything a secret from Toriel even as she became worried about his health. On his deathbed, he admits the truth (as he knows it) to her and apologizes for lying about their children since he didn't want her to see them so disfigured, but with no hope for recovery they have been secretly transported home without chujin's knowledge (leaving him constantly afraid they may one day reappear). Asgore begs Toriel to keep the same promise of secrecy and tells her that a human soul is Asriel and Chara's only hope. Toriel is infuriated with Chujin but out of Asgore's wishes, she never tells anyone and keeps them hidden, while planning to take a human soul should the chance ever arise
-Toriel DESPISES herself for the killing she's planning to do even if it's for saving her kids (that it's for them is the only reason she even takes this path), and though she believes that Asgore and Chujin both lied to her (the later not receiving any sympathy), she still blames herself for everything that led to the transformation even though she really is innocent ("if only I paid more attention") and is caught between her protective urges and her mission. She fights with a cult-like animal mask based on a goat (like a stereotypical image of Pagan, fertility European religions), giving her longer horns and a generally demonic appearance.
*Deltarune / Deltarune Yellow (whether it's the Yellow Cast in regular Deltarune or in Hometown's past is your call, but most of these apply to the former):
-Martlet is stuck doing a bunch of odd jobs around hometown since she hasn't really decided on a careeer or college. She's related to Berdly as a way older cousin, and the age gap that puts her in higher end of asriel's age group means they don't really hang out much.
-Dalv is another shut-in, though he occasionally submits anonymous organ recordings and children's books to the library.
-Decibat is one of the workers at the library and can be most counted on to shush anyone, even anyone else trying to shush someone.
-Starlo runs a movie watching club focused on westerns. The rest of the feisty five put up with it but each has their own genres they prefer
-Bailador runs a really weird dance aerobics program at a local gym.
-the Ketsukanes would be one of the more notable families in town like the Dreemurrs and Holidays (like how Toriel runs the school, asgore ran the police, and Noelle's mom is the mayor) due to chujin being a capable inventor (in his case, less authority in town and more out of town fame that trickles back home) and his and ceroba's families both having lived there for decades, but he had a pretty big falling out incident with Dreemurrs regarding their choice to adopt Kris (he didn't trust having a human in the community, let alone the chief of police having one). After that public blowup with Asgore, Kris was mysteriously attacked in the woods while alone, and while there was no official evidence of who did it (Kris was too young and too hurt to remember) and no one was charged, rumors quickly singled out chujin and his reputation was destroyed, since no one wanted to be friendly to someone who hurt a Dreemurr (though most townsfolks are more worried about Toriel, asgore, and Asriel's feelings than kris'). The family moved away to a city where he works with the tech and robotics companies he already designed for. They generally dress more like a "modern" Japanese family (e.g. Kanako wears a school uniform), though chujin isn't quite a salaryman.
-Ceroba occasionally visits to talk with her old friend Starlo and pay respects to family buried in the town cemetery, but otherwise she's grown distant from most of the people living there and has awkward talks about her family's new life which are mostly done out of politeness obligations. She isn't distrusting of Kris like Chujin is, but given the nature of Chujin leaving, they're naturally not comfortable around each other (she wishes Kris could remember what happened that day and exonerate her husband, while Kris knows it wasn't chujin and feels guilty for being unable to absolve him, but they still dread thinking about that attack and being reminded of those who refuse to accept them as part of other monsters), and Toriel is very cold toward Ceroba since that's the closest person to chujin she can take out her anger on.
-Kanako was pretty young at the time (she's currently Asriel's age, and left when she was just 7 or 8 when Kris was a newly adopted younger sibling), so she's not too close to Asriel and Dess' school group and she never really knew Kris' school group (she's never met Susie before the events of Deltarune, and she only saw Kris once or twice due to her father's hostility--she mostly knows Noelle and catti thanks to her time with their older sisters). The rare times she visits with her mom during summer is her mostly just her seeing what's changed, telling her old class what city life is like and awkwardly trying to get to know the town's teens as an older teen/young adult (most of them are weirded out since they don't really know her except from their parents talking about chujin unfavorably, Kris is too quiet and too uncomfortable about what happened to get close, and Noelle's own problems with Dess make it hard to talk since the original in-between point for them is now gone). She might have ended up as Asriel and Dess' friend or at least someone they occasionally talk to online since they were too young to fully get what happened or blame her, but Dess' disappearance left just Asriel and kanako, and the ketsukane-dreemurr family history made it too awkward to talk as just the two of them, so they stopped keeping up around high school.
- Some of Chujin's old concept sketches on an automated police robot that can still be found in the station's files are basically axis without the steampunk pipes or heart design. If one file was part of the dark world it would resemble a sleeker axis insecure about being incomplete, with the spare requirement being to "finish" him (if you do so, he ends up falling in love with the machine to thrash your ass). Noelle's cool robot face is needed to briefly placate him since his facial recognition concept was never exactly well developed (blame chujin's biases for making him associate human faces with criminals, and not really working out a monster face)
-clover is a kid in asriel's age group who happens to both go to the same college as him, and was friends with kanako in high school (ironically, as much as chujin didn't want a human in hometown, he accepted that in a city would realistically be impossible to keep kanako away from any. Most what keeps him away from hometown is his pride + sunk cost fallacy at this point). However, clover doesn't realize Asriel and kanako knew each other for a while since they (clover) never saw a need to bring up one to the other, and the two of them didn't ever mention the past (and kanako herself goes to a different college). That connection would only come up as part of any storyline you do
*Deltatraveler yellow:
-note: I know that deltatraveler has a set plan of chapters, and I doubt this could freely drop in-between any of them with no trouble--this is just a what-if I can see happening towards the end of the journey, but at least before toontown. Also, I would not assume by default that Kris Susie or Noelle know any of the Deltarune counterparts I imagined above, since they're coming from a universe closer to the Deltarune we know.
-Neutral: Kris, susie, and Noelle all get dropped into the steamworks (at a point between its shutdown and Clover entering) and accidentally turn on Axis. Shenanigans ensue, including Noelle pulling out a cool robot face that manages to placate Axis multiple times as Kris sneaks away and Susie getting pissed off at the lab puzzles. She and Noelle get stuck in the factory and they come out with the guide robot screen stuck on susie's weapon. Kris gets stuck in the lab and deals with both Axis and Yellow's Flowey who's confused about how his Determination is being overridden and tries to kill Kris, though before a fight can happen Axis interferes. The rest of the gang doesn't entirely realize they're in a version of the underground (no monsters besides sans, and they aren't familiar enough with the references to other people/places) until Kris tells Susie they ran into Flowey again, and on cue he appears. Since he's a different flowey who doesn't know the rest of them vs the main one tailing them, Susie can instantly cut the bullshit with him and tries to take him out, but once again Axis interferes, and UTY flowey leaves. After the encounter, the main chapter 1 Flowey appears unbeknownst to anyone and plans to use the experience with his counterpart to get a better read on how to deal with Kris, Susie, and Noelle.
-sans takes the place of Mo and mentions he hasn't ever been here even though it feels familiar to him for some reason but also...not. (he's alluding to the underground as a whole, and that he's not from Yellow's universe/timeline).
-pacifist: Ceroba appears early on after noticing one of Chujin's objects in her home went off (it was linked to Axis activity) on upon realizing there's a pure human soul (she really sensed it before the gang sees her, and it's implied she avoids them on neutral as a result to leave the job of killing Kris to Asgore and the Guard since she doesn't need the soul or care much for the plan if it's 5 souls so far) and very cautiously approaches as an ally to get the gang to Hotland and the royal scientist (Susie is annoyed that she won't fight unlike the rest of them). She recognizes Kris' soul is odd, but she's confident enough in it being "pure" and keeps trying to pull them to the side to earn sympathy points while seperating them from Susie and Noelle and just generally being a bit of a control freak which puts Kris, Susie, and Noelle on edge. She accompanies Kris through the factory and "accidentally" gets cut off from Susie and Noelle, during which time she really tries to butter up Kris as an ally. Susie and Noelle catch up soon after the lab and accidentally trip an alarm that alerts the underground to the group's presence, causing Ceroba to panic, grab Kris, and run for it before getting separated from Susie and Noelle in Axis' arena. After repelling Axis, Ceroba tries to make a play for kris' soul, but they make it clear to her their soul cannot be trusted or controlled even if they were comfortable letting her use it. The gang is angry that she lied to them and tried to kill one of them, though at least Noelle can't help but feel sorry (without agreeing) after she admits her desire to uphold her family's legacy. In turn, once she hears the trio has their own family to get back to, she promises to grab the royal guard's attention and hold them off, stating the royal scientist might recognize kris' soul wouldn't work for the kingdom's needs.
-obliteration: Because the soul forces the group's way into the steamworks without turning it on, Ceroba isn't alerted at first and Axis is force booted in safe mode. The soul destruction scene includes Mo making a brief appearance (sans ain't gonna help you outside of key locations, so mo ends up running into the group none the wiser while attempting to scrounge around for stuff to sell), and for trying to kill someone that doesn't even pick a fight and still tries to help after the first threat, Kris slam dunks the soul into the pink goop. (Alternatively: during the lab portion Kris pours the acid on the soul if you attempt to make them drink it). The rest of the gang is a mix of desensitized and tired enough to let the Soul destroy Axis ("helps" he's just a robot to them) in the second encounter if Kris is forced to catch him in time--failing to do so drops obliteration. The final fight is with Ceroba after Axis' danger signal manages to trigger one of Chujin's devices, and she realizes you're not only destroying Chujin's work, but a threat to the whole underground (and kanako in particular since you're going in the same direction where Kanako currently is) while bitterly noting that of course the next human would be impure. She uses shields, red attacks, the steamworks itself, and a partner to put up a hard fight against kris, susie, and noelle given how powerful they are at this point. From there I can see two different partners
--If it's still pre-clover, Ceroba is accompanied by Starlo since he refused to let her explore alone and together they can put up a hell of a fight in sync (especially with starlo getting more serious, and providing more unpredictable attacks to counterbalance Ceroba's). If Ceroba dies first, the full weight of the situation hits him and he starts bringing out some magic based on both his farm background and his astral nature. If Starlo dies first, Ceroba curses that she sees yet another person close to her die and pulls out her mask, going into a lighter version of her pacifist phases (she's more righteously angry, but can't hold onto the same hope for chujin's legacy that pushed her in pacifist). I feel like Ceroba would go down first since she could shield any attacks plus starlo never gets a "hard" fight, but I could also see him trying to jump in front of a heavy attack meant for Ceroba that she wouldn't have time to shield up for.
--If it's closer to Yellow (perhaps because the grind takes so long that the events in steamworks go from corresponding with right before Clover to the Dunes and Wild East?), Ceroba is accompanied by a pacifist clover who tagged along despite her insistence not to (If they either die or somehow win, her plan is impossible to fulfill, plus she has enough basic decency to be uncomfortable putting a child up against killers). If clover goes down first, she naturally goes rage mode at losing both an innocent child and her plan (and the soul/Kris sense that "someone"/Flowey tried to reset but couldn't), and she goes diet pacifist like before. If Ceroba goes down first, clover's LV jumps to 8 in rage and they pull out big shots and dodges (they aren't high enough LV for the laser, but will spam big shots late in the fight) alongside attacks based on Undertale Yellow's attack system and the yellow soul portion of photoshop Flowey. Susie and Noelle flat out refuse any participation the second Clover gets involved, and when it falls to just clover they outright assist them against the soul (Susie and Noelle will force spare themselves but they can't spare clover since Clover is too enraged to back down from the fight). After landing the killing blow, clover's soul slowly starts charging the laser in a last ditch attack, but it shatters before it can fire, and they collapse. In this case, I think Ceroba would always die first thanks to protecting Clover, but I want to consider the possibility of her surviving as a what-if. The gang can't exactly fall much further than killing Ness and Paula (plus whatever happens in Ts!underswap with Chara), but being unable to stop the soul from forcing a kill on clover even with their assistance would be one of the second-to-last straws.
-the elevator to Hotland proper is a grey door. The gang is...a tad exasperated by this (Susie: "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?") but accept that they have no real choice since the way before the arena is blocked and either the commotion from axis or the obliteration route has notified the guard to their presence.
Doubt anyone will read my ramblings or be seriously inspired, but I just love this game, and I love to imagine it together with all the other cool stuff in Undertale and fandom
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jugularbeat · 2 years
Deltarune/Brandish similarities
Making this post because HOT DAMN there are a lot of similarities when you look at them side by side.
But why Brandish? Because 1. It’s mentioned in the UNDERTALE artbook that Toby was inspired by Brandish about the whole ‘falling into a hole and going underground business’. There are also other parallels here, such as the first area of the game being named the Ruins (that’s the only thing specific to UT as far as I’m aware). And 2. The protagonist of Radiation’s Earthbound Halloween hack is Varik, which is the localized name of Ares, who is from Brandish.
Other than pointing at the stuff that inspired UT/DR’s creation, this post also serves as potential theoryfuel for whatever may occur in deltarune’s future. With that being said, let’s begin.
First, let’s get the obvious out of the way: Kris is based off Varik/Ares.
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Both have a weird shadow above their face, use a sword and shield in-game, have a red-ish cloth thing around their neck, have exposed forearms and fell into a darker place along with some chick who wants to kick their ass. Another thing to note about the eyes is that, because of the game’s weird turning mechanic, we never see Ares/Varik’s face in-game, even in cutscenes. But Kris is, albeit rarely, sometimes portrayed with their eyes, right? Well, those eyes are red, same as Dark Ares’ eye color. (sidenote: Dark Ares uses ice magic in one of his attacks...) Another interesting tidbit is that Ares/Varik is sometimes portrayed with brown hair in official content and cutscenes, or blue hair in-game. Both hair colors were incorporated in Kris’ light world and dark world designs, respectively.
But wait, there’s more! Even beyond physical similarities, the few personality traits that Ares/Varik displays add up with Kris’ behavior. In the first Brandish game, at the end, there’s a choice to save your bounty hunter mage rival, Dela Denon/Alexis, or kill her. While you can choose whatever, in the later games, she’s still alive, so it can be argued that the option to save her is canon. Ares/Varik also saves her regardless of what you do in Brandish 2... So both Kris and Ares/Varik end up saving/defending the chick who wants to beat their ass in the end.
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Another thing about these playable characters’ hidden personalities is the miniscule amount of trickery they engage in. It’s common knowledge at this point that Kris is a fan of pranks, but Ares/Varik also enjoys a good trick or two, as evidenced by his blink-and-you’ll-miss-it smile after giving Dela Denon/Alexis a broken sword instead of the Planet Buster.
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Besides that are even more similarities in other parts of the games. For starters, both games start with a cutscene about the darker world. There’s also this.
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About that cutscene, by the by, there are two interesting tidbits from Brandish’s cutscene that were pretty obviously a source of inspiration for some of deltarune’s plot points.
In the center of the kingdom, piercing the sky itself,
stood a tall, majestic tower which symbolized this land.
I don’t think I need to explain what this inspired.
Doomed to an eternity of darkness…
Same as before. In that cutscene, there’s also a heavy focus on ‘the’ titles. The Protector, the Dragon, the King, a similar pattern to the Knight. In Brandish, the eyes of the King and army are also obscured similar to the heroes of prophecy in Deltarune’s opening cutscene, but the Dragon’s eyes are exposed. The only other exposed eyes in a stylized cutscene like that in Deltarune are the Titans.
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From Brandish 2: The Planet Buster, after Bundevia falls (i think)
So Bundevia shares Vittovia’s fate…
You sure bring calamity wherever you go.
That last line is very interesting, since it’s reminiscent of how every fountain the deltawarriors visit is eventually sealed, excluding the grand fountain. (Speculation Warning) I wonder if future chapters will touch on the morality of opening a fountain, beyond how it can end the world, since you’ll have to seal the fountain eventually and the way you got to that point will be kinda messed up either way. You’re taking many Darkners from their homes to castle town while separating them from their friends who chose to stay if you decide to recruit anyone, or you’re beating everyone up so you can sever the connection between that dark world and the light world/destroy their home. Toby has a record of utilizing game mechanics that one might not expect to matter too much. We already saw how Undertale deconstructed many RPG tropes, but it’s also noticeable in Toby’s earlier works like the Halloween hack, where you have to press the B button to continue, and where running away from the desperate survivors is treated as the ethically better choice. (even though there’s nothing that really highlights that as an option)
Wait, so you’re King Bedorrer? But you’re just a feeble old man!
In this scene before fighting God Bedorrer, Dela Denon/Alexis underestimates him by calling him a ‘feeble old man’ and later says:
You sure talk the talk, but to me you’re just a shut-in hermit living in a smelly old cave!
The King later calls her a strumpet, turns into a monster and fucks her shit up. But anyways, this may or may not be a possible clue as to who deltarune’s final boss may be: someone who we/the characters might not expect? But speaking of turning into a monsters, both King Bedorrer and King Berebus turn into a beast, Berebus, less willingly.
Berebus, unable to control the Dragon’s furry-filled power, was cursed. It
transformed him into a wretched beast… one that matched his evil nature.
Possibly a hint for the Titan Ralsei theory??
Misc.: Both games have a sound test room and dimensional boxes. And I can’t believe I got this far without mentioning the shop screen similarities. 
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(accidentally added the Seam pic at the beginning, would’ve made for an interesting introduction lol)
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Lastly, there are some fascinating pieces of dialogue in Brandish that I wanted to highlight.
The labyrinth layout is so complicated that when you tried to examine it closely, you got dizzy and decided not to look at it anymore.
Inspiration for the description of Ralsei’s manual?
That town, the rocks, this whole world is just an illusion.  This place is nothing more than a nightmare.  You’re in it, and so am I.  There’s no way out.  See look at this.  My feet have turned to stone.
We all saw what happened to Rouxls Kaard and Lancer in Chapter 2.
“How many seasons have passed since this, our land, was swallowed by the earth?  There is no one left that can answer that now.  Our beloved land, along with the cursed King, will spend eternity forever in darkness.  We wait.  We wait for the one that will free us, free us from our cursed fate…”
Seems important, doesn’t it? [SOURCE]
If you got this far, thanks for reading! Feel free to add anything I missed or even got wrong.
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thepilotdogee · 1 year
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Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10 ,11 ,12, 13
Notes: -Well… this took a long time to finish, especially in drawing Monsterkind’s home on the surface… Obviously some of the layout and buildings is ripped straight from Deltarune’s light world.
-There are a lot of cameos from both Undertale and Deltarune. I replicated some of the UT/DR sprites in the art by copying their original sprites ripped at Spriters Resource. Some of the background characters may have been modified from their original sprites. Same for some of the buildings.
-I like to think that monsters are able to bring some of the structures in the underground onto the surface. Probably able to do so with magic.
-I headcannon that Undertale takes place somewhere in the near future so I figured, why not say that technology advanced enough to have giant robots people can ride around in? I’m a mecha fan you see, and after playing Deltarune’s Trash Machine battle and watching Inverted Fate’s mech fight, I was like: “you know what, I’m gonna put mechs in this AU.” -When drawing the panals showing where the rest of the Undertale cast is right now, I thought of them as extensions to where they left off at in their credits scenes in Undertale. -The panal where Mettaton and Mad Mew Mew are doing their dance battle is actually from this sprite art made for Famitsu I think? LINK -First panal dialouge inspired by this page here from @lynxgriffin ‘s  Flowey Origins comic (also my main inspiration for this comic of mine) . UT - Flowey Origins Part 7 by LynxGriffin on DeviantArt -EDIT: Changed the mechs into robot duck tanks based on the Thrash Machine options you can make in Deltarune Chapter 1. After some thinking, I feel like the mechs that I drew here don't fit the goofy aesthetic vibe of Monsterkind, so I went with something sillier instead, and it make more sense with Sans's silly nature anyway. Also, the Duck Tank is piloted by yours truly.... (bows)
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lilqarts · 5 months
I'm sorry, but can I ask a few questions to the dead man while he can still answer; 1. obvious question, but what will happen if Ink Ralsei meets his mastermind (Ink Sansa) 2. did Ink Ralsei visit Undertale au 3. and the most difficult question, what will happen if Ink Ralsei met with XGaster (instead of Ink Sans in episode 1 of Xtale)
HI YES I FINALLY GOT TO THIS (I had this entire post in my drafts ever since I got it)
1. Ink Ralsei sees him as a partner in their help to “save the multiverse”, despite the fact that they never physically met. If the two were to meet, Ralsei would be excited (in a failed attempt to keep looking cool) but he’d also pretend to know Ink as a friend. While Ink…would most likely be incredibly confused.
2.In my take of Ink Ralsei, Deltarune is part of the Undertale multiverse as a mini multiverse. A circle within a circle. So, yes.
3. Interesting question. There’s multiple ways this can go, because Ink Ralsei doesn’t have the same mindset as Ink Sans does.
Ralsei doesn’t seek endless entertainment, which is what Ink was after to begin with in UVS. He created a game with XGaster as a means to fill his boring life, especially after the truce he made with Error. His game was also made out of the sake of his own desperation, as, well, the universes, though not sacred, were at least halved. Seeing XGaster needing inspiration, with the fact that his own memory was terrible, prompted him to help his new “friend”, which lead to the game that is the XEvent.
Ralsei doesn’t want any of that. He still has a rather vague understanding of what true emotion is, but he understands that the people living inside those universes are also people like him, not just scripted characters for a story (like Ink sees them). He’s very much going to disturb stories if he feels the need to intervene in them (not every genocide route he sees, but he definitely has interrupted several stories, which goes against Ink Sans’s job.)
There’s also the fact that, if half of the multiverse were to disappear, Ralsei probably wouldn’t even be aware of it. Aside from that, him and Error wouldn’t create a truce like that. Error and Ink Ralsei in this multiverse are small compared to the other Ink-Error counterparts. Ink Ralsei doesn’t take his “job” seriously, and sometimes they even spare each other from saving-deleting a universe. They’re both friends, they visit each other for conversations when they aren’t fighting.
Another thing to take into account is that Ink Ralsei doesn’t have a base. Within Underverse’s logic, there’d be no doodle sphere Error Ralsei’d know of to erase ALL the universes (sans the main one, which would be Undertale-Deltarune). Error Ralsei also wouldn’t want to erase all the universes, his main goal is to erase universes with a bad ending specifically. More onto that later.
When Ink Ralsei were to see XGaster in this scenario, he’d certainly be amazed that he can create whatever he wants with that power. He’d feel bad for XGaster’s lack of motivation, but I’m not even sure he could motivate him enough (or if the idea of showing up other universes would even pop in his head). If that does happen, then he’d keep it up to see XGaster happy. He’d tell Error about his experiences with XGaster, and eventually the “game” they proposed. Error’d obviously be highly suspicious of this guy, with every right. The one true problem with this is that Error Ralsei despises seeing other universes suffer, hence why he even erases them. He sees erasure as “mercy” from never ending suffering, from either The Player or external sources. That’s going to be an important part later.
Throughout XTale, XGaster goes mad and becomes corrupt with power. He closes himself and becomes absorbed by loneliness in the processes, which Ralsei wouldn’t be aware of. XTale’s story proceeds as usual, including the the 9th timeline, where Ralsei is asked to keep half of XGaster’s soul for later, and to humor “The XEvent”, with the second act of their game starting. The universe ends up being deleted, and Ralsei’d want to visit to check up on how things are going, just to see everything empty. He wouldn’t even know how he got there, seeing as there were no liquids nearby, until he’d spot purple tears and someone in the distance. Of course that’s Cross.
Ralsei’d try to approach Cross about what happened in here, obviously not working. He’d wait for the skeleton to calm down, break the ice through drawings and learn what happens here. Ink’d think this is what XGaster meant by “humoring” the XEvent, so he rolled along with whatever was said. They become friends, they goof around, everything proceeds as normally. When Error tries to erase the universe, Ink intervenes and the 2 have a fight over it. It comes down to a stalemate, and they have a discussion about it later. Ink tries to explain to his friend that it’s all part of the game, and that they’re just supposed to humor it. Error gets heavily upset by that, due to the fact that he sees the XTale universe and Cross as a bad ending, where it’s only suffering. When Error (followed by Ink) tries to go and erase Cross and XTale as a whole, he’s not there.
Cross and XChara have planned already to recreate their universe by stealing from others, and this is where Error and Ink agree that they first have to find him and stop him from whatever he’s doing.
I might continue this later if not you can come up with your own interpretation!!
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zu-is-here · 1 year
Hello hello hello!!! I saw a lot of your art work and is amazing!! I would also like some advice about posting art here, my account is new and I would like to know what things I should take about the content (obviously Undertale / Deltarune)
Hi hi hii!╰(*´︶`*)╯Awww thank you so much! ♡
I guess it's enough to use popular tags here (#undertale, #deltarune, #(character), etc.) so that your works can be found by others, as well as warning tags if your works contain something inappropriate (like #blood tw, etc.)
Best of luck and more inspiration to you! (*´∀`*)☆
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goose-duck · 1 month
I want to be inspired to write more, gimmie ur requests, try to give me some basic plot, like, an idea of what ur looking for so I have something to go off of :>
I'll write:
💕Character x Character
💋Reader x Character
💚Character x reader x Character
🍒Poly relationships
🍄Platonic partners
🍜Smut (if I can figure out how to)
🤍Parental figures bc I know some of u need those (some of these characters need those too)
🧡Siblings (platonic, obviously)
🚨Self h@rm
I will do crossovers :}
(i enjoy writing comfort for mental health stuff but I understand it helps some ppl to see this stuff without the comfort bc it feels more personal to them so I can do that too)
I'm great a hurt/comfort, but I can do just pain
I'll put a warning on anything sensitive :>
😅Other things, I'll write pretty much anything, I mean that. If there's something I'm aware a creator is uncomfortable with having made abt their characters I won't do that. Other than that tho I'll write anything. Like, give me all ur ideas we'll see what I can do :]
Also, regarding gender of reader, gender neutral unless asked otherwise.
Feel free to give other descriptors for reader, like if you want a tall reader or a goth reader or trans reader or something like that, I'll do my best to incorporate it if it's not a main part of the plot but if it is the plot point I'll write it to the best of my ability. ( U can also do this with the characters, I don't mind changing small things abt them)
Things I'm currently interested enough in to write for:
👁️Mandela Catalogue👁️
💜Aphmau (any series)💜
🍩One Piece🍩
🌺I love Yoo🌺
🐟Genshin Impact🐟
🌷Saiki K🌷
🌙Monkie Kid🌙
🍓My hero Academia🍓
🤨SCP Foundation🤨
🍄Hazbin Hotel🍄
I'll do my best to keep everyone in character but I'm good at mixing up my headcanons and the actual canon, so, sorry in advance.
I'm not gonna make a master list for this bc my phone freaks out when I try to link things so I'm sorry if that makes things difficult 😞
Anyway, Request whenever, I'll write whenever :>
The emojis aren't important, I just thought they were cute, use them when requesting if u want to but u really don't gotta :]
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Deltarune Headcanons | MC favorite flowers
So, I’ve been working on this series of Deltarune fics, in which flowers are extremely important. Ralsei and another character have a conversation over tea at one point about flowers and the superstitions surrounding some of them. The other person asks him what his favorites are.
That got me thinking about what everyone’s might be. So, I did some research and found what I think would be Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Lancer, Noelle and Berdly’s favorites. I also included my OC Síofra for fun.
Tell me what you think. I’d love to hear other interpretations :)
Kris: Poinsettias
I know, I know. A lot of people are going to say that Kris probably likes buttercups because of how important those flowers are to Undertale and by extension Deltarune lore, but just hear me out here.
Poinsettias typically come in red, with five, sharp petals that make them resemble little stars. They’re commonly used as a representation of Christmas. Their direct meaning is literally, “Be of good cheer.” In their childhood, Kris spent a lot of time over at the Holiday household. While we aren’t given an explicit reason beyond them going over to play the piano and occasionally prank Noelle, we can easily infer that they could be going over to get out of their house. One day, Noelle says that Kris just stopped coming over. While this is likely in relation to the Dess incident, it could very well also be when Asgore and Toriel finally split up.
Apart from their red color possibly being something Kris would like, given they are a symbol of Christmas, it’s not hard to imagine the Holidays having them decorating the house. Kris may have learned to associate poinsettias with safety, peace and an opportunity to play the piano.
Susie: Yellow dandelions
It’s a bit difficult to imagine Susie of all people liking flowers at all, but given the dandelions edibility, I would beg to differ.
Dandelions, as some might know, are edible flowers. They can be turned into salads, as all parts (the flower, the stem, the bulb and the root) are edible and actually decently healthy. Given the likelihood of Susie either having an unsafe home, or no home at all, it’d make sense for her to be in the outdoors often, and based off of the green area and forests around Hometown, it’s not hard to imagine a surplus of dandelions.
Yes, I am suggesting that Susie eats dandelions. It’s not much of a stretch if you ask me. She’s eaten weirder things literally on screen. Not to mention, they’re yellow, one of the core colors in her Dark World design.
But that’s not all. Dandelions have a beautiful and very fitting meaning when we think about rough and tumble Susie. They represent life after a harsh winter, rebirth and an incredible, inspiring strength. If that isn’t Susie, I’m not sure what is.
Ralsei: White roses
Maybe there aren’t flowers in the Dark World, though I do include them in the series. Either way, it’s not hard to picture Ralsei reading up on flowers from one of the thousands of books he no doubt has inside his castle.
White roses are very delicate and easy to mistakenly break. I can see Ralsei treating any flower with care, and he may have just the perfect gentle touch to keep a single white rose alive for a very long time. Perhaps he’ll press it into the pages of a journal when it begins to wilt. That way, it’ll last much longer.
White roses also are a symbol of innocence and love between friends. While he has seen a lot, Ralsei certainly shows a sort of naivety in Chapter One, especially in the battle with the Spade King. He is also clearly very affectionate toward both Kris and Susie, and his care and love for them both is spelled out rather obviously.
However, these aren’t entirely pure blooms. They also symbolize silence and secrecy. I love Ralsei dearly, but his behavior through Chapter Two has been rather suspect. Not only did he stay silent about The Roaring until the very last second, but he’s clearly keeping things from us the player, shown by his, “That’s why, Kris,” when we return from watching the Susie cutscenes. I adore him, but he certainly has secrets.
Lancer: Squash blossoms
You may know the reasoning of this one already, especially if we have the same taste—no pun intended—in books.
Squash blossoms are here less for their symbology and more for, like dandelions, the fact they’re edible. While it isn’t dived into as much as it could be, Lancer is clearly not treated well by Spade King. Unlike Susie, he clearly can afford food, as he’s the son of a literal king. Like her, however, he expresses that he didn’t get anything to eat for breakfast apart from the treat he and Susie share at the bake sale, and later the piece of Dark Candy they pick together.
Squash blossoms don’t require any preparation and can be eaten straight from the garden. They’re also apparently very good when fried. Surely I can’t be the only person picturing Lancer enjoying fried food, right?
An interesting end note though. While I chose these not for symbolism, they apparently were a symbol of status in some indigenous tribes, which I find endlessly interesting.
Noelle: Hellebore
This one relates partly back to poinsettias, but more so because hellebore is also called by another very particular name, a Christmas rose.
Not only do these lovely flowers bloom in wintertime, but they sum up Noelle rather well if you ask me. A symbol of peace and tranquility, but also anxiety and fear.
The latter two are easier to explain. While it’s not specified in game, it’s likely Noelle suffers from some form of an anxiety disorder. She’s constantly nervous, stammering over her words, worrying she said or did the wrong thing, apologizing and letting others talk over her. Hellebore clearly displays this, but that isn’t why I chose it for her.
Hellebore, as stated above, symbolizes peace and tranquility. For Noelle, Dess was a sanctuary. A place of peace, serenity and tranquility, where she didn’t have to be afraid that she was going to do everything wrong. Picturing Dess and a young Noelle together in the snow. Dess tucks a hellebore flower into Noelle’s hair and then one into her own so they can match. Noelle smiles, touching the petals, then finds the courage in her to get to her feet and go to join the nearby Kris, who’s trying to build a snowman.
Berdly: Elderflowers
I think I have a thing about picturing characters eating flowers. I didn’t mean to, I swear-
Elderflowers are what come before the far more well known elderberries, which are commonly eaten by bluebirds, which Berdly openly describes himself (and Kris) as. While I don’t imagine Berdly eating the flowers, I can picture him enjoying the berries. He’d probably memorize the scientifics behind them just to rub your nose in it.
All jokes aside, these flowers also have a beautiful meaning when in relation to him as a dynamic character. Rebirth and renewal. Redemption, if you will. Berdly really won the fans over in Chapter Two with his character arc. These flowers can show that easily, and they’ll make a nice snack later on too.
Síofra: Primroses
I promise that this has more than just the fact the fae like them-
Primroses bloom at night, and it’s truly a magical experience to see (or in my case feel) one open up under the stars. Síofra, while not explained in their backstory post from before, treat the night sky, primarily the stars, as their religion. I can say with confidence that they may believe that primroses are blessed by the night in some way.
These flowers also can be placed on one’s doorstep to gain the approval of the fae. Síofra would certainly appreciate that, and they might end up stealing it too, but that’s beside the point.
These flowers also can relate back to The Song of the Lightwalker, which is spelled out in their backstory post. They literally say, “I can’t live without you.” Meanwhile, the Lightwalker’s song says how, “She shall die for whom she loves most,” which is easily pulled in with the flower’s symbology.
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zimrahthewatcher · 1 year
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Sup nerds! I live! Meet my newest OC Xera. She's based on the Boss Monsters/Fluffy boys from Undertale and Deltarune. Heavy inspiration from Ralsei obviously. Super proud of the eyes :D
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deltajumble-au · 2 years
Jumble #1 - Nobody/Mettaton <-> Royal Coat Rack
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For Mettaton, I obviously took major inspiration from the undertale design (ex form). I turned him into a studying fashion designer due to the fact that their role becomes the hat/whatever accessory holder for who ever swaps with ralsei. Instead of just holding the items just because, he wants to study them to improve at his craft
For RCR, uh they are ghost because Mettaton is most likely a ghost in deltarune. Uh they dream of some sort of royal job. not much tbh.
oh yeah also they swapped lightner and darkner statuses
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