#it took me like four hours to go through all of it haha
meownotgood · 1 month
haul time!!!!!!!! now to figure out where to even put everything..... aha
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭
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Summary: Sirius and reader finally get together and it's time for dinner at the Potter's! Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader Warnings: Idk if it counts as a warning but there's Remus x Regulus for a quick second because I really just couldn't help myself HAHA, and brief mentions of war. Let me know if I missed any! Word Count: 2.8k Requested: Yes A/N: This request is so lovely,, I want to bawl my eyes out. Thank you so much @siriuslyjanhvi for this sweet little piece <3 hope u like it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* "Darling, are you almost done? I don't want to rush you but- shit." His leg stopped bouncing and if his anatomy allowed it, his jaw would be on the floor. Y/N stood there in the black silk dress and chunky heels of the same color she got on their shopping trip last week, clumsily fidgeting with the silver necklace as she'd been too stubborn to ask for her boyfriend's help sooner. "I'm sorry love, it's just this stupid necklace clip won't...well, clip. Can you help me?"
Sirius stood behind her and gently took the metal piece off her fingers, noticing the retouched black nail polish now matching with his. "You look gorgeous," he mumbled, easily fixing the simple looking yet fancy piece of jewelry around her neck and placing a kiss on her shoulder blade. Y/N turned around, wrapping her arms next to his head as he cradled her waist. They've spent so many hours like this since they started dating -and even a little more before- it now feels too natural not to do it when facing each other.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Pads" the girl smiled cheekily, pecking his nose and pulling away from his grasp. "Let's go. Lily will kill us if she finds out we're late because we spent too much time 'gazing into each other's eyes' as she says we do." Sirius laughed airily, grabbing the coat she was clearly forgetting and fixing his hair one last time in the mirror before exiting their bedroom.
As they got into the cab and drove through the rainy streets of London, the boy looked over to Y/N who was intently staring at the droplets of water in the window. Anyone else would've guessed she was looking out into the sidewalk or small businesses along the road, but he knew better. He knew her. Sirius' mind then wandered to all those years he spent staring.
Staring at the way her cheeks reddened when he'd throw one of his seemingly meaningless flirtatious comments. Staring at how her hands contorted when writing, the specific position they had and how much strength she was applying in order for the parchment to stay intact but her letters to be clear. Staring at her as the sun came up on Hogwarts's rooftops and lit up her face beautifully, making him believe in that god his muggle friends mentioned so often.
Oh, how much time he had wasted! But he was too daft to realize little Y/N Y/L/N felt exactly the same way about him. She stared too. Lily once told him after he confessed that she sometimes zoned-out when thinking or staring too hard at him. They were equally whipped for each other and their friends even thought of running a bet on who'd break first. Sirius did and James, Peter, Marlene and Regulus would be fifty galleons richer to this day if the bet would've been concealed.
He felt his hand being squeezed, now actually staring at her and not lost thinking about her while his eyes happened to be directed in her direction. "M'sorry. What?" "I'm really nervous," she giggled anxiously and just then he realized she was tapping her feet lightly on the car's carpet. "Love, they've known you for years! Us moving together let alone dating won't change how they perceive you" "I know, it's just... Euphemia and Fleamont were too polite as to say anything last time we were over for movie night and I noticed little reaction from either of them!" That was over six months ago and they had been dating for four prior to that. After said night, the couple had independently seen Jame's parents, but not really together as a couple.
Euphemia had made small comments around the time they moved in together and Sirius figured she was trying to be respectful of his pace to formally introduce the lively girl they knew all too well as his girlfriend. That day was today. "We're going to be fine, my dear. They're well aware of what's been going on with us... consider this dinner to be merely a catch-up." She let out a breath she didn't know was holding and squeezed his hand again in confirmation.
Soon, the cab stopped. They both walked out after Sirius payed the man, almost giving him galleons. The Potter household had been some kind of sanctuary during the past few years, Y/N recalled as the warm lights bled outside. Inviting. Tender. Just like the family, the house sheltered. "Y'ready darling?" she asked now, as if she was not shitless scared herself. "Let's go," Sirius nodded, taking her hand in his once again and walking firmly towards the door.
The boy walked the few cobble stone steps that led to the entrance and knocked twice. "If it isn't the Blacks!" James smiled, engulfing his best friends in a bone-crushing hug, as always. He had this on-going joke after he proposed to Lily (and she said yes) that Sirius' had to pop the question to Y/N soon and referred to them as "The Blacks" every time they saw each other. "Hello, Jamie" Y/N giggled, kissing his cheek and stepping inside, letting her boyfriend's boyfriend and boyfriend hug for a little longer.
She looked over to the living room and found Remus sitting in one of the green and yellow corduroy couches, smoking a fag he quickly put out in the glass ashtray when she walked in, knowing there was nothing she despised more than the smell of smoke after she quit. Y/N's heart warmed at the action and opened her arms as the lycanthrope approached her. "Hello, sweetheart" he mumbled against her scalp "Hi, baby".
To anyone outside their circle, the interactions Y/L/N and Lupin had might've seemed odd; the nicknames, the regular physical touch, or the constant acts of service. Some could've thought they were dating and certainly there were more than best friends. They were in love with each other as one's in love with pretty flowers or sunsets. Purely platonic, but with a passion that could exterminate kingdoms if given the time. Almost like James's love for Sirius and vice versa.
"Have you tried the coffee?" he asked, pulling away while keeping an arm draped around her shoulders and pressing his mouth against her head. Y/N peered up at him with excitement in her eyes at the thought of the Colombian coffee Remus had gifted her. She looked forward to drinking a cup or two every morning. "It's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love how you can bite into some tiny pieces of the coffee beans that remain after brewing it". Moony laughed at that, knowing exactly what she was referring to.
"It's great," Sirius' voice was heard as he was standing in front of them now. Remus smirked at his best friend. "I recall I bought that for Y/N/N, not for you, you nasty dog". Y/N's boyfriend barked a laugh and hugged him while roughly patting his back. "Good to see you too, Moons" he said between chuckles before pulling away.
"Mum and dad are in the kitchen, feel like making your grand entrance lovebirds?" James asked from afar, already walking towards said area with Remus trailing behind him. With Remus's warm embrace and how loved her friends made her feel, the stress she had been going through for the past days hours washed away. It was just Euphemia and Fleamont. It was just the Potters. They'd be okay.
Y/N looked at Sirius with expectancy in her eyes and a promise on her lips; they were ready. They held hands, squeezed his lightly and stepped to where their friends were. The spicy smell of whatever James's mom was cooking filled their nostrils, almost making them sneeze. She loved to experiment with them. Lily sat at the table, waving them briefly before she directed her gaze at her in-laws to see their reactions.
Euphemia and Fleamont stopped the meaningless, playful argument they were having about the dish in question and just stared. The silence made the fright come back. She wasn't sure if the sweat that now made her hands wet was from Sirius or from her (or both), Y/N sported a timid smile. "Mum, dad..." her boyfriend started, tightening her grip around her hand "...this is my girlfriend, Y/N". Remus couldn't help but giggle at his mate's behavior. "They know her already Pa-" "I know." He stated all too sure of himself, everyone except his parents laughing.
"Merlin" Euphemia sighed, walking towards them and stopping right there. "My babies!" he squealed, hugging them both just like James had when he greeted them. Y/N could barely return the hug before Euphemia cupped her face while smiling. Then she turned to look at Sirius. "Took you long enough! I thought I'd die before seeing you two together." She smiled wholeheartedly as the others laughed and uttered small agreements.
Fleamont then approached the girl, a knowing eye in his gaze as he always knew Y/N had a thing for Sirius. "I'm thrilled for you kids" he spoke, deep voice lazed in kindness just like the boy he raised. "Y/N was a nervous wreck before we got here," Sirius teased, and his girlfriend looked at him with wide eyes. He did not. "Why!? There's absolutely no reason for you to be-" "Your son's a liar, Euphemia. Come on, let's set the table boys" she cut off, glaring daggers at her lover as he responded by blowing her a kiss with a little wink and an arrogant smirk.
James's mom couldn't help but smile at the exchange. After some time, everyone sat at the table, eager to taste whatever the 'oh so great matriarch' (Lily's drunk praises) had prepared for them. Y/N sat next to her boyfriend, Lily, James and Remus on their other side and their parents sat on both vertical sides of the table. Sirius always left a seat next to him in case his brother showed up.
Naturally, he received invitations whenever these little gatherings would occur since he stuck around his boyfriend, but wouldn't show up or otherwise politely decline. Remus wasn't too bothered by it, knowing he had a hard time settling calmly in "enemy" lines with the whole deal of him being a spy for the Order. They all hoped he'd walk through their door one day... so, until then, the seat would remain intact.
"Be careful, it's burning hot" Euphemia warned, taking her place at the dinner table and smiling sweetly at everyone. "Here, darling" Sirius said, placing a napkin on Y/N's legs and as James noticed the gesture, did the same for Lily. His dad chuckled at that before everyone digged in.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
"Oh, I have one!" Her boyfriend said, patting his feet eagerly on the floor when Euphemia asked for anecdotes of their Hogwarts youth now that they got older and could disclose the details they all kept hidden when they were younger. "My dear girlfriend was advised by some former booger goblin that goes by the name of Lily Evans to take a shot of firewhiskey for confidence when playing truth or dare on Christmas break-"
"Oh no" Y/N facepalmed in embarrassment at the memory as her cheeks turned red. "-so she'd dare me to kiss her!" Remus groaned, knowing where the story ended. The room fell silent, Sirius and Y/N looking daringly at each other. The girl mouthed something, and he shook his head no, continuing with his story after his girlfriend rolled her eyes playfully.
"So, we are all sitting in the common room, merely cheery as miss Y/N is fully drunk from too many confidence shots and it's her turn to dare me... Mum, any guesses on what happened?" Sirius quizzed the woman on his right and she tried hard to guess.
"Your first kiss!" she exclaimed, eager to hear the end of the story as she and her husband remained ignorant of the situation when all the others knew it by heart. "No..." Sirius grinned as James made a buzzing sound like the one of the alarm on that shitty game show he watched with his fiancé. Batting his eyelashes at Y/N, her boyfriend graciously requested "Care to finish the story, babe?".
Theatrical silence fell into the room, broken by a giggle when the secret glance the couple shared (only Euphemia could perceive) became too much for the girl. "I chickened out and made Remus and Siri kiss...". James bursted out in laughter along with his father. His mom gasped and snickered as Remus smirked with Sirius grinning in satisfaction with his arms crossed around his chest, leaning back on his chair.
"I mean, there was a first kiss, right?" Y/N laughed, looking at her boyfriend. "You'd make a lovely couple, guys!" Fleamont said jokingly, and Moony gagged at the mere thought of dating his brother-in-law. "Oh come on Moons! Even mum agrees. Maybe you'll get lucky enough to be with the handsomer brother in the next life... Y/N/N won in this one" Y/N loved couldn't stand his audacity and delivered a well-deserved smack on the back of his head that had everyone laughing. "Kiss it better" Sirius demanded, leaning in as she pecked his head.
The moment came for everyone to move on to independent conversations, too invested in varied topics. "Mum, you're staring" James smiled, unbeknownst to the couple in question who were now gossiping amongst themselves about anything and everything. "They're perfect for each other, Jamie... He looks at her with adoration and so does she. I'm glad they found each other just like you did with Lils" she nodded, an honest smile adorning her cheeks.
The rest of the evening was spent in laughter, wine and enjoyable conversations, and, as Sirius stared over at the people he held most dear in the universe, he found his heart was full. For many years, this is what he'd wish for every night; a family. Back at the place those people dared to call home, the boy felt misplaced. Lost, like a coin someone dropped behind the couch and is never to be found. He had a family now, and he hoped he'd be able to keep it perpetually.
Around eleven; Remus left, the boys were smoking a cigarette outside, Lily was sleeping on the couch since she had been oddly tired in the past few days and Y/N along with Euphemia were washing the dishes.
"You look happy" the older woman said, passing her another wet dish Y/N dried with a red washcloth. "I am. I'm wearing the smile he gives me" she nodded and Euphemia giggled. "Everyone seemed to know except you guys, growing up" "What gave it away?" Y/N flushed "Eye contact is way more intimate than words will ever be and we always try to hide our feelings but we forget our eyes can speak; you stared a bit too long to be just friends".
The water on the sink started going down the drain with a funny sound as they both wiped away "When he confessed he said he had loved me every day of every month of every year since and asked if I had a single idea of how much he wanted to grab my face and kiss my god dammed mouth. I felt like the biggest fool... and a bit sad we lost so much time" Y/N reflected at the memory of her love spitting those words like a madman.
"Oh darling, you didn't lose time! Everything happens at the time that's meant to happen... it was certainly a excruciating long one in your case, but few couples have the connection you do. You're best friends. I see the secret glances and the pure interest when the other opens their mouth, no matter what they'll talk about. He's right; you're lucky to have him, and Sirius is lucky to have you." Euphemia rambled, the dishes long forgotten.
Y/N smiled, seeing a new perspective on a matter that had been in her head since they had started dating. Time only made the connection stronger. "Thanks, mum" she mumbled as the woman pecked her forehead "You're welcome, baby".
Meanwhile, outside, two best friends and their dad were having a very serious conversation. "It's been three weeks!" Fleamont exclaimed, puffing the smoke out his lungs "I know, I know... your baby boy has been non-stop bugging me about the matter since I got it" the raven haired boy snickered, flicking his second cig down to the floor and stepping on it. "I just don't get why it's taken you so long! What? Are you afraid she's gonna say no?" James now chimed in.
Sirius took the small velvet box out of his jacket, opening it and staring at the ring as he had been for the past month. He was absolutely fucking terrified. Not of her saying no. He knew she'd say yes... hell, even if she proposed he'd say yes in this lifetime and in the next trillion ones. "I just want it to be perfect. She deserves perfect".
Sirius Black ended up proposing to Y/N Y/L/N on a Tuesday morning over coffee. They hadn't slept at all the night before, and when the sun came up with the light bleeding into their shared home, he was looking at her. That was perfect.
And she said yes.
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iamqueenpotato · 1 year
I Hate That I Love You- Part Four
Azriel x Reader
A/N- Hi beautiful people! Here is part four! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter yesterday if you celebrate it. If not, I hope you had a wonderful Sunday :) This part was surprisingly longer than I thought it was going to be. Also, I made a header for this fic. I thought it may be easier than finding random photos of nature for each part haha okay I'm done rambling, enjoy!!
⚠️: None(I think)
Word Count: 3.5k
Part One
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You absolutely despised this place. Two days in, and you were over it. You hoped there was something of importance to report to Rhys, but there was absolutely nothing different about this camp. The fact of not finding anything started getting on your nerves. And of course, Azriel was as well.
You knew sharing that cabin would be an interesting venture, but he was everywhere. Always waiting in the sitting room or in the kitchen. He lingered and yet never said a word to you, but then again, you left the rooms so quick you never gave him the chance to speak. But after being cooped up in your room for hours, you decided to leave the cabin, wearing your leathers. You walked out the door, and there he was, chopping up wood off to the side. Shirtless.
Your eyes lingered for far too long, the way his arms flexed as he chopped each piece of wood, the sweat that gathered on his abdomen even though it was freezing outside, you knew he was stunning but in this moment you were reminded of it. You stared long enough that his shadows alerted him of your presence. You quickly moved your gaze away, a blush creeping up your cheeks. But you knew he caught you staring. He placed the axe down before walking towards you. You met him halfway.
“Shouldn’t you put a shirt on?” You asked, not moving your eyes from the tree behind him.
“Does it distract you?” He cocked an eyebrow, a small grin on his face.
“Don’t see why it would.” You then looked at him. The second your eyes locked, it was as if he lost all confidence. You brushed past him, not wanting to waste anymore time around him.
“Where are you going?” He caught your arm, pulling you back to face him.
“To do our job.” You pulled his hand off you. Letting it fall back to his side. And to be far from you. “I will be back by dinner.” You moved past him again. Leaving him and the cabin far in the distance.
It was the same thing as the last time you walked around this camp. No one seemed out of place or acted like they were doing something they weren’t supposed to. But you weren’t ready to go back yet. Perhaps if you waited a couple more hours, Azriel would have left.
You sat down on a nearby bench, attempting to control your breathing. You couldn’t stop replaying the hurt look on his face when you told him the two of you shouldn't be acquainted anymore. Why did it have to be so frustrating? Why did your heart and mind have to betray you so? Why couldn’t you just move on.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the rapid beats of your heart and not the way his entire being took over your mind. To say you were annoyed was an understatement. It was as though the universe only wanted to remind you of the torment your heart had been through.
“You dont belong here. Females don’t serve a purpose unless they are in the kitchen or the bed.” A male spoke up, causing an eruption of laughter to echo throughout the camp. You opened your eyes, finding a group of males around you.
You stood from your seated position on the bench, straightening your leathers. “So what I’m hearing is the only thing in your miserable life that has purpose is your hand?”
The males fell silent. The one that spoke bared his teeth at you. “Let’s see what sort of warrior you are.”
“I dont want to hurt your manhood.” Your tone was stoic, unbothered.
“You truly think you can beat me?”
You looked at your challenger, he was twice your size, muscles filling each inch of his leathers. Scars decorating his face.
It's too easy. “Don’t go crying to your comrades when you get beat by a female.” You teased, stretching as the other warriors moved in tandem to form a circle around the two of you.
Widening your stance, you brought your closed fists up your face, watching as he did the same.
The male advanced first, throwing hits left and right, but with simple slips to each side, you easily dodged them.
He left his chest open instead of guarding his body the moment after attempting to knock you down. So you threw your fist, colliding it with his diaphragm, sending him flying backward, unable to catch his breath. He attempted to stand from his kneeled position, but you were on him in an instant. Landing a solid right hook to his jaw. You threw yourself behind him, holding him within a chokehold. There was a part of you that wished he put up more of a fight. The mother knows you had more anger to spare.
He tried to break free, but you held your stance firmly, pulling tighter on your hold. Until you felt those taps on your forearm, did you let go.
The circle of Illyrians around you gasped and snickered as you pushed the male off of you. Not sparing a single glance towards any of them as you walked out the circle, wiping the small bit of sweat from your brow.
You found your seat back on the same bench, watching as two males helped your opponent off the ground. You gave him a slight wave, smiling as he kept his gaze to the ground.
“That was quite intriguing to watch, quick and efficient. Good.” An unfamiliar voice spoke up from behind you.
You turned to face him. He was an older male. Dark brown eyes and gray hair. He wore Illyrian leathers but you had never seen him before. His wings had plenty of marks and scars from battles, but his demeanor was off, like he was hiding something, being somewhere he wasn’t allowed. Secrecy loomed over his entire being. He held his hands behind his back, staring down at you with curious eyes.
Overall, he made you uncomfortable.
“Thanks.” You turned away from him, hoping he would take the hint. But instead, he walked around, standing right in front of you. “Can I help you?”
“I dont believe we’ve met. What is your name?” The man questioned, kneeling down in front of you.
“Why does it matter?” You stood from your seat, avoiding stepping any closer to him. There was something about this man that had put your nerves completely on edge. Maybe it was the tone in his voice or how he looked at you.
You sensed his movements, the arm that was outstretched to grab you. Pivoting, you snatched his wrist. He smiled. “Such talent. And heightened senses. Is each member of the inner circle as talented?” His smile grew wider, and you dropped his wrist.
“Who are you?” You placed your hand on your dagger that you had strapped to your thigh. Moving backward a few steps.
But the sound of footsteps behind you made you turn, your dagger held firmly in your grip toward whoever approached. You found an Illyrian warrior, his hands raised in surrender. You lowered your blade, and when you turned back around, the other male had disappeared as if he wasn’t even there in the first place. “Did you see that man?”
The other male shook his head, looking around the area with you as you spun in all different directions. You re-sheathed your dagger, mentally noting each feature of the strange male. You would have to talk to Rhys about it when you returned.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Surin.” He held out his hand, you took it warily. “I wanted to offer you a drink.”
“For what?” You responded, eyeing the Illyrian for any tells of something peculiar.
“For kicking Besian’s ass.” Surin smiled, his wings relaxing behind him. “That brute has been giving me hell for the last month, it was quite satisfying to see him laying on the ground so defeated,” You smiled this time, you could tell this male meant no harm. “So that drink?” He asked once more. You nodded, letting him lead the way.
Surin was an attractive male, though he didn’t look like most Illyrians. He had blonde curly hair and soft green eyes. His tan skin was painted with the few scars he had, but his features didn’t give off that war scorned look. You didn’t know exactly what he did or what battles he faced but the torment of death and suffering hadn’t taken over his soul yet or perhaps he didn’t let it get to him as the others did.
The two of you sat close around a fire he put together on the outskirts of the camp, drinking some liquor that he had in his tent. The sun had fallen far behind the mountains. The bottle you shared was halfway gone. You were dressed down to just your undershirt and pants. Surin brought out a light jacket for you to wear, but you enjoyed the cool air that hit your skin. The two of you talked about whatever. You found out he never wanted to fight. Secretly, he wanted to be a baker, but his family sent him to train anyway. “So your boyfriend is okay with you fighting random Illyrian soldiers?” Surin changed the subject, and you only looked at him with a puzzled expression.
“What do you mean, boyfriend?” You questioned, but you choked on your drink as soon as you realized. “Azriel?!”
Surin laughed, filling your cup with more amber liquid. “We all thought the two of you were together.”
“What in the world made you think that?”
Surin took another long sip from his cup. “He was constantly around you. The two of you seemed connected at the hip. He was like this overprotective guard dog to you. Anytime one of us stared at you for too long, he stared us down with such anger. It terrified everyone.”
You laughed in disbelief. “We used to be best friends. But we were never together.” It hurt to speak the truth, but it needed to be said. “And never will be.”
“Well good to know.”
You looked over the rim of your glass at Surin. His cheeks were slightly red from the alcohol. “Why is that?”
Surin leaned closer. “I know this is very forward of me, but,” He stilled inches away from your face. “Can I kiss you?”
Maybe it was the liquor or the stress of being back and the desperate need for some sort of relief, but you nodded. Surin moved the glass away from your lips, his hand reaching up to hold your jaw as he moved in to kiss you.
His lips were soft, and he moved with purpose. You moved your hands around his neck, his other hand resting on your hip. He moaned softly against your mouth when you combed your fingers through his hair.
Surin closed the remaining space between you two, pressing his body against you, lowering you softly onto the ground below, his hands explored your body, lightly trailing underneath your shirt as he deepened the kiss, it had been awhile since you had been with someone, the way he touched you felt new, exciting.
“Y/N.” Azriel’s voice broke through the silence. Fantastic. Surin started kissing down your throat. Placing soft kisses across your collar bone. You were shocked that the male on top of you was unphased by the sudden interruption.
“What do you want, Azriel?” You groaned. And Surin froze.
“Shit.” Surin whispered against your skin. You could feel his entire body stiffen against yours. You rubbed your hand up and down his arm to let him know he had nothing to worry about. You turned your head to look at Azriel.
“You told me you would be back for dinner.” His voice was emotionless as the two of you stared at each other.
“My plans changed.” You felt Surin snicker on top of you. Causing you to smile. Azriel scoffed, not saying a word before disappearing into his shadows.
You turned back to Surin, kissing him quickly. “Let’s go somewhere else.”
He nodded, moving off of you to stand, helping you afterward. He leaned down, placing a kiss on the spot underneath your ear, his hands sliding across your waist. Sending shivers down your spine. “Lead the way Y/N” He whispered. You grabbed the bottle of liquor, walking him back to the cabin.
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The morning after your head ached. The sunlight agitating your eyes. You vaguely remember Surin leaving, kissing you goodbye before he slipped through the door. To be honest, you didn’t know why you slept with him. Maybe it was just a distraction, but however you saw it, there was no going back. But you felt no regret.
You slipped into something more appropriate before heading to the kitchen. Only to find Azriel leaning against the counter, a scornful look pointed towards your direction. “What are you looking at?”
“Who left this morning?” He asked. His hardened glare never ceased.
“Oh you don’t remember? You rudely interrupted us last night by the fire. After that, I decided him and I needed somewhere more private.” You stated, and something flickered over Azriels eyes, anger possibly? No that’s not right. Your head was pounding too much to determine anything. His silence didn’t help either. You pulled a mug from the cabinet, looking back at Azriel. “Do you want the details or something?” You teased, noticing how bothered he was by the fact you had brought someone to bed, he seemed to show it clearly across his features, yet he could only stare at you, so you thought why not see how far you could get with this conversation.
You moved closer to him, never losing eye contact. “Do you want to know how he bent me over? How I screamed his name as I rode him to our climaxes? Is that what you want to hear?” Your voice grew louder, and yet he still remained silent, his shadows slowly creeping up and around his shoulders. He wasn't allowed to be bothered by this. He has no right to be this way toward you. “What changed Azriel? You would never care about such frivolous things. In fact, you ignored everything about me, and now you feel you have the right to judge me for everything I do. How the hell is that fair?” The anger had broke free. You couldn’t tell if you were screaming or the room surrounding the two of you got eerily quiet.
“You can’t trust those males.” He seethed, fists clenched at his side.
“Stay out of my sex life, Azriel. I don’t question your choices in females.” You bit back, leaning back against the counter. “How about you fly back to Velaris, fuck- Oh, sorry. Make love to your pretty little fiance. Maybe then you’ll be easier to deal with.” Azriel flinched. You struck a nerve within the shadowsinger. You knew you shouldn’t add fuel to the fire, but you weren’t going to hold back anymore. He deserved this. At least that is what you thought. “Perhaps then I can enjoy the company of more males while you’re gone.”
Without any warning, Azriel was on you in two strides. He caged you against the counter, his firm body pressed against yours. He grabbed your hair at the base of your skull, yanking it backward, forcing you to look up at him. Your heart pounded within your chest, your eyes wide as you gaped at him. There was no movement between the two of you, only the feeling of your chests rising and falling together. His face was too close to yours, your lips just a small movement away from his. His scent surrounded you like a fog. His eyes darkened, and there was no tell to what his motives were. It felt right but so wrong at the same time to be pressed against him like this. You knew you needed to push him off, but your limbs felt numb. “Get off of me.” You seethed, but your voice sounded breathless. You could only hope he didn’t notice what he did to you. The air between the two of you was blatantly tense. It was like each of you had a knife to the others back, unsure who would stab first. Yet it confused you only more. Why is there even tension at all? If you could even call it that. Maybe you had been too close to him for too long.
His hazel eyes shifted back and forth as if they were studying each and every one of your features. Deciding what his next move was going to be. He looked down at your lips, but you twisted your head to the side as much as you could against his grip. His eyes shifted back to yours. “We have training in an hour, go take a shower.” His voice was hoarse as he released his hold on your hair, backing far away from you. “You reek of sex.”
You watched as he stormed out the door. You looked around the cabin, trying to distract yourself in any way possible. Your eyes drifted towards the sink, filled with dirty dishes and an empty plate. Next to the sink sat a plate still filled with food. Did he cook last night? A sudden rush of guilt fell over you, your head spun, nothing made sense. You wanted to scream, to cry, but his touch had left your body frozen. You needed to calm your thoughts. Your only hope was that the shower would help. “I will not falter. I will stand tall.” You whispered over and over to yourself before heading toward the bathroom.
When you walked outside, Azriel didn’t look at you. “Lets get this over with, I have an engagement party to attend in a day.” Azriel began walking, never once glancing over his shoulder at you.
“Sorry Mr. Shadowsinger. Don’t let me impede on your happiness.” You snapped, his shoulders tensed. You slowed your steps, creating a decent distance between the two of you.
A small group of new young warriors waited for you and Azriel at one of the training rings. They stared at him in fear but threw hateful looks your way.
“How is she supposed to train us?” Guess the events of yesterday didn’t reach everyone’s ears.
“She is highly capable of training incompetent males like you.” Azriel snapped. “We are going to show you basic moves of how to fight with a dagger as well as defending against someone wielding one. Afterward, you will spar with one another until you get it perfect. I’m sure you all are capable of that.”
You swore the Cauldron was cursing you. Couldn’t it have been swords. Something that would keep Azriel at a further distance. You sighed loudly before preparing yourself.
The two of you took your stance. Pulling out your dagger, you charged first, swinging downward at him before cutting upwards, Azriel dodged each strike beautifully, and it only pissed you off. You advanced with more aggression, and with each move of your knife, you added a punch, he blocked each of them until his steps faltered slightly, and you twisted the knife in your hand, hitting him square in the nose with the hilt.
You smirked at him, but his face showed he was anything but thrilled. He advanced this time, leaving you to block his throws. He was throwing various combinations at you, and it was your turn to slip up. Apparently, he wasn’t holding back anymore either, because with the hit to your stomach you had let through had sent you flying, your back colliding with the mud. You inhaled sharply, groaning as the pain grew over your body.
You saw him run up to you, an apologetic look across his face. But you were determined to show that he could not beat you. So, you swept your legs against his, knocking him down. You slid across the mud over to him, sitting on his chest, pinning his arms down with your legs.
You held the dagger to his throat, the two of you covered in mud, breaths winded and lost. And as he tried to break free from your hold, you felt it. The one thing you dreaded wouldn’t happen.
The damn mating bond snapped within your chest. It felt so strong that you thought everyone around you felt it, too. It filled your body with a light that was unwelcome. It consumed you like a wildfire, suffocating the air from your lungs. In any other situation, this was your dream. All that you had ever wanted. But damn the mother. Why now. Why him.
“Fuck.” You cursed. It was all you could manage to get out, the only word that replayed in a loop within your mind and Azriel could only look at you with confusion.
You stumbled backward off of him, dropping the dagger into the mud. Azriel’s lips were moving, concern filling his gaze. But you couldn’t hear a thing. It was as if your head was stuck underwater. You blinked a few tears that threatened to fall away as Azriel reached for you, but you ran.
Far away from what the Cauldron damned upon you.
Taglist: @honestlywtfisgoingon @fanfictioniseverything @marina468 @positivewitch @maviee @blurredlamplight @bookslut420 @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @elle10 @dragonstoneprincess @holywolfsstuff @reiincarnatiion @valeridarkness @feiwelinchen @sv0430 @kennedy-brooke @emturtles @nightcourtwritings @zephyg-06 @chantalleke91 @katherinereid @shadowsingersmate24 @shadowsinger-654 @nobody00sthings @lucyysthings @turkishgirlslife @tcris2020
(Tumblr is being weird. It won't let me tag certain people .-.)
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saursoob · 8 months
traitor- FOUR: tyuns plans? pt 2
synopsis: you and yeonjun were best friends for most of your life’s but he’d recently gotten into a toxic relationship with someone you’ve never liked, he knew that and still decided to be with her. though you’d never thought he’d go to the extent of cutting you off because of her. much less expect that years later he’d make his way back into your life.
| prev | masterlist | next | • (word count: 455)
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you were dying of boredom and thirst. you and jay had been in this cafe for what felt like hours, which it probably was.
getting up from your seat to stretch you suggest to jay. “im kinda thirsty how about we get some refreshers? plus i am in desperate need of a break.”
jay gets up sighing in relief “thank god my brain hurts”
you laugh at his response, “i thought you were supposed to be my tutor?” he looks back at you with squinted eyes and furrowed eyebrows “hey i only offered because we both need it”
you chuckle, getting in line with jay when you suddenly hear a familiar voice ordering in front of you. it sounded like.. soobin?
you scanned the cafe nervously to see if yeonjun was around and sure enough there he was with taehyun and kai. sitting at a table near the door, luckily away from where you were sitting.
you felt a bit of relief for a moment, that was until taehyun spotted you. you immediately broke eye contact hoping he somehow didn’t see you. you thought, surely he wouldn’t come up to you or something? you thought wrong.
“y/n its been a while!” taehyun spoke. feeling a pit in your stomach all you could muster up to say was “haha! yeah it has!” your voice slightly breaking from nervousness between a fake chuckle. by this point you could feel yeonjun’s and his entire friend group’s eyes on you.
thankfully jay was there to break the tension, “oh, you must be one of y/n’s old friends?”
taehyun immediately responded with a small smile “yeah, we haven’t spoken in a while but i was hoping on changing that. y/n do you think we can speak outside?”
you quickly look at jay for confirmation to which he simply nods slightly giving you the “okay”.
you followed taehyun and as soon as you were both outside he started speaking. “i know this might seem weird considering everything but yeonjun is going through a really hard time right now. i assume he’s texted you about it?”
your heart heavy as you nodded “yeah he did text me about it.”
taehyun sighs, “well, i guess im not surprised. he acts like he’s fine with us but i know hes not. i mean who could? being in a 3 year toxic relationship…”
you felt terrible, guilty that you didn’t respond to yeonjun’s text.
there was a moment of silence before taehyun started talking again. “but thats not what i wanted to talk to you about. i don’t want to say it now though, would you mind if i texted you?”
you knew you shouldn’t but- “yeah go ahead my number is still the same”
(a few days later)
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YALL BETTER BE FEDDDD WITH THIS EP BC IT TOOK ME SAUR LONG FOR WHAT??? I USED TO BE HORRENDOUS AT WRITING WHEN I STARTED THIS BLOG OMG i literally hate writing ‼️ one of the reasons why i make texts but lmk if this is acceptable ☝️
tags: (@bbinwrld @soobsfairy444 @stqrgr7 @nishik1 @skittlez-area512 @odisdad @zonked-times @vocaloshin @vixensss)
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Then book shopping n it’s all cute n stuff 😻😻‼️
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Bernard's & Noble
(see what i did there)
Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Word count: 749
Alexis speaks! : hey guys! thank you for the request (the more requests, the more stories i post 😉) i'm honestly not very proud of this one, but i've deleted it four times already and this is the best i got 💀 once again, comments and likes are greatly appreciated, it helps me know if yall like my style or if i need to change anything! pls don't steal my work, love yall!
"Matttt?" i whined from my spot on the floor. i was bored out of my fucking mind. Matt wanted the day to be a 'lazy day' and by that he means he wanted to scroll social media and youtube all day. that was not my idea of fun, i've always been a hands on person whether that be going outside for hours, to the lake, reading, anything other than being lazy at home.
"whattttt?" he mocked, sitting up from his bed, his hair all messed up and funny looking.
i chuckled. "your hair looks great." i smiled, climbing to straddle his lap and fix his bed head. "better" i smiled, kissing him on the cheek. "i have a business proposal."
matt sighed, "what do you want." he rolled his eyes with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
i hopped off him, standing at the foot of his bed. "i vote we go to barnes and noble today, my book case is baren." i joked. four out of the five of my bookshelves were full completely. but you can never have too many books.
"y/n you have more books than i think i've ever seen anywhere else in my life." he laughed. matt pretended to be annoyed, but he knows the answer is yes. and not just to this scenario, the answer is always yes to everything y/n wants. she had him wrapped around her tiny little finger. "when do you want to go?" he gave in.
i jumped around the room a couple times, silently celebrated with myself. "right now silly." i said. i trotted into his bathroom where i have my own drawer of toiletries and such. i touched up my makeup and threw on my shoes. "ok i'm ready." i beamed up at him. matt basically towered over me. he's 5'8 and i'm 5'3, so there's a pretty noticeable height difference.
he slipped his own shoes on. "i'm ready." he smiled, grabbing his keys.
i just looked at him. "matt babe." i looked at his outfit. "we are not going anywhere when you are wearing basketball shorts and a wife beater. please change." i said, false seriousness evident on my features.
"oh my god i'm literally gonna shit my pants i love barnes and noble." i said, climbing out of the passenger seat. I made matt carry my three tote bags i have designated for my favorite hobby, book shopping.
"do i really have to come in." matt complained.
we had been at barnes and noble for an hour already, two out of the three of my tote bags were full. so full we had to put them by checkout because they were too heavy to carry. About 15 minutes in i had made a joke that i thought was hilarious, matt didn't really think so.
"haha, bernard's and noble." i chuckled to myself, but matt heard me.
"y/n i swear to god i will leave you here."
i was finally ready to go, the final tote bag full. i couldn't find matt though. i wandered through the multiple sections of books, matt no where in sight. "maybe he did leave me here." i mumbled under my breath. until my eye caught matt. he was crouched down, one hand on the shelf, the other hand occupied with a book.
"whatchya readin?" i smiled over him. my heart melted when he looked up at me, a small smile on his face. i took this time to take in his beauty. the way his slight curls fell over his eyebrows, the way his middle part accentuated his face shape, the way his blue eyes went so well with his outfit. he was wearing the white shirt with 'whatever' in bold print written across it, and baggy light wash blue jeans, his keys dangling from his belt loop.
"some poetry book, i might get it it's kinda fire." he smiled.
"you read poetry?"
"i like finding the good ones and printing them out, i like to look back on the really influential ones." matt said. he stood up and took my bag, his hand resting on the small of my back.
"matt i don't deserve you, you're so sweet." a cheesy grin creeping onto my lips.
"y/n you deserve the world." he smiled down at me, kissing my forehead.
"ok now how are we gonna get all of these in the car?" i laughed.
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tricks-tickles · 4 months
OOPS haha definitely wasnt meant to have this done like four days ago but i was #down with the sickness (chest infections4life) anyyyeay done now! here you go @the-gingerbread-lee
and happy very late @squealing-santa !
word count: 997
pairing: Lee!Todoroki /& Ler!Midoriya
One of Midoriya’s favourite things about living at U.A. was the campus. Not just the state of the art gyms and dorms, but the large expanse of parks and forestry surrounding the main buildings. It was beautiful, in between all the facilities there were parks with soft grass, tall trees and flower beds. It was a favourite study spot for many students, including Midoriya.
He lay on his back, head propped up against his study-buddy’s thighs as he worked through his art homework. The study buddy in question was Todoroki, sitting upright against the tree and resting his book against Midoriya’s head. It was something of a symbiotic relationship.
They were the only ones in the park, given that the grounds were otherwise covered in a foot of snow. Only a small ring of dry grass prevailed around the tree where they sat, kept warm by Todoroki’s quirk.
Midoriya shifted, adding a little more shading to the drawing, causing Todoroki’s textbook to fall to the ground.
“Sit still.” He grumbled, picking it up.
“Meh meme me meh.” Midoriya grumbled back playfully. He waited a second, then twitched again, sending the textbook tumbling into the grass.
Todoroki glared as Midoriya beamed up at him.
He picked the textbook up and lightly hit Midoriya on the head with it, then set it back down.
Midoriya glanced back at his work. It was nearly finished, and he had a while before needing to hand it in. Moreso, the prospect of messing with the usual stoic boy was quite appealing. He and Todoroki had been getting closer, and with that came a surprising discovery that Todoroki could be quite playful. The two had spent countless hours rolling around on the floor, on the bed, the dorm’s sofa, the list goes on. Midoriya cast another glance at his work, then grinned.
Now on a mission, he counted to 60… then twitched.
“Midoriya!” Todoroki snapped, “Stop annoying me, I’m almost done.”
“But you’re so fun to pester~.” Midoriya cooed back.
Then his head fell back and lightly hit the ground as Todoroki shuffled away, smirking slightly.
“Aww come on Shoto~, don’t be like that.” Midoriya said, but was unable to keep the grin off his face.
“I am like that.” Todoroki responded, staring at his math homework.
To most, Todoroki would look slightly stern and annoyed. But to eagle eyed viewers such as Midoriya, his ears were slightly red, his eyes were unfocused and his fingers were drumming on the page. He was waiting in anticipation.
Quietly, Midoriya sat up and kneeled next to him, pressing his face into Todoroki’s.
“Whatcha doin’?” He asked.
“Concentrating, now will you pleas- ACK! Midoriya!”
“Todoroki,” Midoriya smiled, pulling his hand away from his ribs, “What’s wrong?”
Todoroki glared but said nothing, moving to stare back at his work.
Midoriya poked him again.
He twitched.
Another poke.
Another twitch.
“Are you ignoring me?”
Another poke.
“I aham- I am not.”
Midoriya attacked, wriggling his fingers into Todoroki’s ribs as he suddenly jolted, dropping his book. Quickly as he could, Todoroki stumbled to his feet, backing away into the cold snow.
“Midoriya, what about our work- Midoriya, please.” He begged. It was strange to see him so emotive, but whenever they engaged in fights like these it brought out an unseen childish side of him, something that Midoriya adored.
“I’m gonna getcha~.” He teased, advancing with wiggling fingers.
Todoroki took off, running through the snow and carving a smooth path through the field. Midoriya raced after him. He almost tripped on a hidden rock and stumbled, and Todoroki grew further away. He ran faster, and debated using Full Cowl to bring him up to speed when Todoroki began to turn slightly, allowing Midoriya to put on a final burst of speed and pounce.
Todoroki yelled out in shock, falling into the cold snow, which quickly melted under him. He was hot all over, from his quirk, the burst of exercise and general embarrassment at their situation.
“Gotcha.” Midoriya grinned, using Blackwhip to (unfairly) pin his arms to his sides.
Todoroki huffed, wiggling a little to no avail.
“Very classy.” He said, deadpan.
Midoriya just smiled, bringing his hands up to tap along Todoroki’s ribs. He twitched a little, but the hoodie he was wearing protected him, a little. Countering this, Midoriya’s hands crept down, further and further until they reached the edge of his jumper, then they darted under, his fingers scratching at the thin t-shirt that covered Todoroki’s stomach.
He yelped, not expecting the sudden assault and began squirming in earnest.
“Mihihidorihiyaha!” He cried, writhing, “We’re ihin puhublihic!”
Midoriya lifted his head and looked from side to side, letting his hands drift to Todoroki’s sides.
“I don’t see anyone. Besides, your laugh is so cute! I think everyone deserves to hear it, you should definitely laugh more.”
“SHUHUHUT THEHE FUHUHUHUK UHUP!” Todoroki screamed, his back arching as Midoriya grasped at his sides.
“Wow, such harsh words. You wound me, Todoroki.”
“Fine, fine~, I won't pester you much longer.”
He grinned.
“But first,” Using Blackwhip, he brought Todoroki’s hands up beside his head, smiling wider when they trembled for him to put them down.
“You can always tell me to stop~.” He cooed.
Todoroki looked at him, eyes bright, face flushed and a wobbly smile on his lips, and looked away.
“Well, if you say so.” With that, he dove his hands into Todoroki’s underarms, scratching lightly and watching as Todoroki howled with laughter beneath him.
As he did, soft flakes of snow began to fall from the sky and land around them.
With Todoroki’s melodic laughter, the heat from his body washing away the cold and the beautiful snow, it couldn’t have been a better day.
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wake me up before you go to bed
summary : dean comes home to find a note from you taped by the bed
pairing : dean winchester x female reader
rating : R for language
word count : 0.8k
warnings : language, kissing, bed sharing
author’s note : this is my first imagine :) hope it’s okay, i’m not great with grammar haha
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sam and dean entered the bunker; dirty, tired, and splattered in vampire blood. dean wasn’t hungry, he just wanted to see you. (sure they had stopped for burgers not three hours ago and he had two, but usually he’d want a snack at least.) he hurried over to the room the two of you shared - it was technically dean’s room, he decorated it and all his stuff was in there. you had a separate room but with a couple couch chairs instead of a bed. you used it as more of a workspace than a bedroom because you always slept with dean. you were a hunter, sure, but you still wanted to take online college courses so you could one day become a school teacher if you ever wanted to settle down and have a family.
dean entered the room and smiled when he saw you; wearing his shirt, hugging his pillow, and fast asleep on his side of the bed. his brows furrowed when he noticed a note taped above his nightstand. quietly, as not to wake you, he walked over and grabbed it off the wall. he began reading it and he couldn’t help the ridiculous grin that spread across his face.
“dean - i wanted to stay awake to see you when you got home but i got way too tired and had to sleep. please wake me up before you go to bed! i want to see you and hug you and kiss you! i’ll sleep better knowing you’re safe! i’ve missed you like crazy these passed few days and i love you so much! xx y/n”
he smiled softly down at you, your hair messily spread across dean’s pillow. he brushed a few strands off your face and placed a lite kiss on your forehead. you stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up.
dean left to take a shower and brush his teeth. he was done in under ten minutes and walked back to your bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist then put on a pair of black boxers and a led zeppelin shirt.
he took a seat next to you on the bed and placed his hand on your cheek. “y/n,” he whispered. “y/n i’m home, wake up.”
“dean?” you mumbled, your eyes slowly opening. “dean!” you sat up quickly and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him with all your mite. “holy shit i missed you!”
“i missed you too, hun,” he laughed a little, hugging you back. “i saw the note, you okay?”
“yeah, yeah i just missed you, that’s all,” you pulled away to look at his face. you placed your left palm on his cheek. “like really, really missed you.” he smiled and leaned into your touch.
“is that why you’re sleeping with my pillow? cause that’s adorable.” he chuckled.
“shut up,” you covered your face with your hands, embarrassed. you didn’t think of the fact he would see you hugging his pillow and wearing his shirt.
“hey, hey,” he moved your hands away, grabbed your face gently and kissed you. “i love you so much, you know that?”
“i love you too,” you smiled then yawned, clearly still very tired.
“c’mon, lets go to bed, hm?” he rubbed your back and you nodded, scooting over to your side of the bed.
you both laid down and dean opened his arms, inviting you to lay on his chest. you did so after kissing his cheek. you swung your right leg over his hips, wrapped your right arm around his torso, and buried your head in his chest, taking in his scent and relaxing with a smile.
“i missed this, dean. i missed you so fucking much,” you laugh a little. dean had only been gone four nights (including tonight) but you still missed him like crazy.
“i missed you too, y/n, so fucking much,” he smiled.
you lifted your head so you could look at dean, propping yourself up on your left elbow. you ran your hand through his hair then held his cheek, smiling to yourself. he looked so perfect to you; his hair still damp, his scruffy beard that was about a week old, his freckled cheeks and nose, his full, pink lips, and his gorgeous emerald brown eyes.
“what?” he said.
“you’re just so perfect, i’ve missed your perfect face,” you smiled then giggled a little. you sat up and hovered over him, holding his face in your hands. “i missed your short, scruffy, not-beard,” you kissed his jaw. “i missed your freckles,” you kissed his cheeks. “i missed your beautiful green eyes,” you kissed his upper nose, below his forehead and between his eyes. “and i missed your perfect, full, soft lips,” you brushed your thumb over his lips then kissed them passionately. he kissed back and wrapped his arms around your waist. “i missed everything about you, dean. i missed you so, so much!”
you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and smiled while he did the same. you both fell asleep listening to each other's heartbeats while you felt deans chest rise and fall with every breath he took.
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jqmalikhsgib · 3 months
midnight sky
what you were doing was absolutely insane! you just met the man not even twenty four hours ago. but the connection the two of you had was incredible, almost like you were made for each other. maybe you were.
the day started off like every other morning. you groaned as your alarm clock went off, got out of bed, took a quick shower, brushed your teeth, and finally made it down town to your favorite local coffee shop.
you ordered a basic coffee and a pastry before sitting in your normal spot, far in the back. you took your laptop out of your bag and began grading papers, groaning and rolling your eyes at the students who didn’t turn in a paper yet.
after about thirty minutes you heard commotion outside. normally you’d ignore it. it’s new york city after all, it was always filled with nosy people. today was different! flashes came from the window, almost blinding you more than the sun.
you heard people screaming as if someone fell and died. you looked up and saw the paparazzi outside. frowning, you grabbed your things and headed for the door.
“shit! im sorry, love!”
groaning at your coffee spilling on the ground, you were ready to yell at whoever this pretentious actor or whatever he was! not caring if the media and his fans tore you a new one.
“watch where you—”
you couldn’t even finish your sentence. he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen. from his buzzed hair cut, beautiful brown eyes, tattooed neck, and his attire. he was the most attractive man you’ve ever seen.
“are you alright, babe?” even his accent was perfect.
“uh—yeah—yeah! im sorry.”
he chuckles, “it’s my fault, really.”
you were frozen. completely mesmerized by this beautiful man in front of you. your heart skipped a beat.
“it’s fine—um, i should get going.” you began walking away, pushing through the loads of paps. you needed to get far away so you could get that man out of your mind.
unfortunately the moment you got home you looked him up. you needed to know who he was and where he was from. you searched the location of the coffee shop and found tmz reporting the images.
“zayn malik. fuck, even his name is perfect!” you dived into everything zayn malik and began to sigh. soon you find his instagram, noticing he only had a few post. you assumed he deleted his old post due to him starting a new era for his next album.
biting your lip you sigh as you close your eyes processing. god, where you an idiot for even thinking about messaging him. maybe? you knew he probably got thousands of messages everyday, but it was something about him. you click on his profile, clicked on message, and began typing.
‘hi..god, you probably won’t see this, most likely won’t even open it, won’t bat an eye, but i thought i should text you. i guess im intrigued you could say.’
you wait patiently until you heard your phone vibrate. you had never picked up your phone so quickly. you smiled hugely when you saw it was him that sent you a message.
‘hey! normally i don’t open this app unless im posting something about me music or a selfie. coffee shop girl, right?’
smiling, you typed,
‘yeah! sorry about spilling that coffee by the way. im normally not that clumsy.’
‘it’s cool, babe. got a three year old! use to clumsy.’
‘oh? didn’t noticed you had a kid. gonna be honest, i kinda went on a bit of a stalker session finding you.’
‘really? that’s cute!’
‘yeah! got a daughter. she’s the sweetest thing even!’
‘i love kids! i always wanted to teach kids instead of middle schoolers. kids love the color and draw. middle schoolers love to gossip and fight.’
‘ha! not ready for that at all!’
‘you’re a teacher, huh? that was my career path before i became a musician.’
‘i enjoy teaching! wanted to since i could remember!’
‘you guys are doing great work! deserve a pay raise!!’
‘tell that to the us government. 😩’
‘fuck them all!!!’
‘how bout i meet you up for a coffee? promise, no paps this time?’
‘right now?’
‘yeah…is that okay, babe?’
‘yeah—yeah! ill be there in twenty.’
‘cool! see you soon ;)’
you never got ready so fast in your life. heading downstairs from your building and walking a few blocks to the coffee shop, you spot zero paps and zayn sitting inside your booth. you smile before walking into the building. when he spots you, he smiles at you, stands up, and gives you a hug.
“hi.” you sit in the seat right across from him.
“never got your name. your instagram account doesn’t give it away.”
you blush. you created your instagram when you were in middle school. being overly obsessed with harry potter as a kid and extremely dorky, you had to go with ‘voldedork_hp,’
you never got around to changing it. now you regret that decision one hundred percent. “im sorry about that. a little embarrassed.”
“don’t be! it’s cute. im a huge harry potter fan myself. i went as voldemort last halloween as a mater-of-fact.”
“my names yn.”
“it’s nice to meet you yn. you have a lovely name by the way.”
you snort. feeling like your name was completely bland compared to his!
“may i ask where you’re from? your accent, it’s pretty thick, even for someone born in the uk.”
zayn chuckles. “yeah! m’from bradford england. my pops is pakistani so my accent comes out a little bit stronger i guess. what about you? you don’t sound like a new yorker.” he takes a sip of his coffee.
“im not! born and raised in texas actually.”
“texas, huh? you’re a little way from home, yeah?”
“i got a full scholarship for new york university! i couldn’t pass on that opportunity.”
“brains and beauty, huh?”
you blush. he was definitely a flirt! the two of you got to know one another for the next four hours. you both lost track of time. zayn phone blows up and he continues to ignore it. enjoying his time getting to know the pretty woman across from him. you were loving the company and conversation. it felt like you knew each other for the longest time. you were both laughing and listening to each other tell some crazy story. it felt right.
“how about we get out of this coffee shop, yeah? maybe walk around new york? i promise, no paps. i know places they’ll never go.” he winks at you. you nod before getting out of the booth. zayn grabs your hand and interlocks your fingers.
you were surprised but you didn’t object or pull away. zayn paid for his coffee, leaving a generous tip before leaving. you walk hand and hand around new york, enjoying each other’s company. you continued to talk about everything. the two of you got along so well, you felt crazy for already falling for him. you just met the man! how could you already have such strong feelings for the musician? were you seriously losing your mind? you just couldn’t help how you felt though.
zayn felt the same way. it’s why, standing in front of a courthouse, holding your hand as the moonlight shines, he got the craziest idea. he stops, looks you in the eye, and caresses your cheek. “may i kiss you, babe?”
you blushed, nodding nonetheless. when his lips touched yours, you felt the whole world stopped. god, how could such a beautiful man be this perfect? when he pulls away he grabs your hand and runs across the street. it was like faith, standing in front of a kay jewelers and a bridal shop. you laugh as he looks at you with the biggest grin on his face.
“this is gonna be the craziest thing ive ever done or said but, i just—i feel like ive known you for the longest time. you’re beautiful, funny, smart, and amazing. i—i feel like we’re meant to be, meant to meet each other. and you, god maybe this is insane! you can totally say no, kick my ass, slap me, whatever you want, but this is just perfect. it’s almost like faith,”
“what is it?” you asked nervously.
“a jeweler, a bridal shop, and a courthouse right across the street. maybe this is the universe telling us to just go for it. let’s get married.”
normally if a man had asked you this you’d laugh in his face. you’d think he was absolutely insane for even suggesting this idea. but seeing all the key details, it’s like a story from a fairytale! who were you to pass up a fairytale story?
you nod your head. zayn kisses you passionately before calling up taryn to be a witness! once he convinced her, he grabs your hand, head into the jewelry parlor, the two of you pick your rings before going to the bridal shop and grabbing the most gorgeous dress and a suit, before heading across the street to officially get married.
“are we doing this, forreal?”
“yeah, yeah we are! let’s get married, baby!”
and before you know it, you become misses malik. a true fairytale.
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i really hope you all like this fic! it’s not enough zayn fics out there and i need people to make some!
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queer-charming · 1 year
1000 Words - Part 5 - Chuuya x F!Reader (NSFW)
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Words: 8.5K
Rating: E
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content
A/N: ITS FINALLY HERE! Please excuse any grammar or spelling errors, I spent about 8 hours writing this today and I'm tired haha. Anyway, it took me literal months to write this FINAL chapter, for some reason I just had the worst Writers blog, but I hope you enjoy some spicy Chuuya time!
You walked into your office that morning groggy and tired, the beginnings of a headache making themselves known at the front of your skull. You had your fourth cup of coffee in your hand as you set down your purse and draped your coat over the back of your chair. You sat down, gave one more good stretch before turning your attention to the stack of papers and envelopes engulfing your desk before you. Reluctantly you plucked one envelope from the top and popped it open, pulling the chicken scratch written letter out and doing your best to discern what the first word was.  
A knock at your door pulled your attention away from the parchment in your hand. “Come in,” You croaked out in your still not fully functional early morning voice. The door opened to reveal a familiar figure, a figure clad in well fitting black trousers, a tailored white dress shirt and a signature choker. Chuuya sauntered into the room, effortlessly closing the door via his ability behind him, holding up a cardboard carrying box of coffees.  
“I come bearing gifts.” Chuuya planted the case of coffees down on your desk. “Also I didn’t know your favorite and I don’t have your phone number to ask so I took a guess, I take you as one with a sweet tooth.” You smiled. You do indeed have a sweet tooth, you happily took one of the cups of coffee, favoring it over the halfassed cup of not nearly strong enough coffee you had brought from home.  
“So you remembered our deal.” You remarked, taking a sip out of the cavity inducing drink in front of you.  
“I am a man of my word y/n.” Chuuya replied in a tone that was all too serious to actually be taken seriously. Using his ability, Chuuya pulled a chair from across the room to sit across from you. “Also with how many of these reports I send you, its only fair I experience the pain of reading them at least once.” You chuckled.  
“Well I wish you luck,” You chose a random stack and plopped it on the desk in front of the redhead. “Tell me when the headache kicks in, I have Tylenol.”  
To be honest, you hadn’t actually expected Chuuya to make it past a few reports before he gave in and quit, but here you were, nearly four hours in and almost half way through your stack of papers and he was still going, granted he’d moved from the seat across from you after about four reports and has now positioned himself sat upside down on the ceiling, every few minutes you’d find a single sheet of paper drift down from the ceiling and back onto your desk as he completed reading it. You spared a glance up at him every few minutes, just to make sure he was still awake, despite the metric fuck ton of coffee you both had consumed throughout the morning.  
“These are written by fucking toddlers!” Chuuya’s voice startled you out of your focus, nearly causing you to drop the papers currently held in your hands. “They might as well be written in crayon.” And while you agreed with your favorite ginger haired mafioso, the only response you had to make was a chuckle behind your papers.  
“Kouyou said that there used to be an operative who would actually write his reports in crayon.” You chimed in, the memory suddenly rising to the surface.  
“That was Dazai.” Chuuya paused. “I never saw him do it but it sounds like something that idiot would do.”  
“What was he like?” You asked, and after a pause you added. “When he was an executive.”  
Chuuya seemed to think for a second before responding. “Besides a scathing pain in my ass? He was immature, reckless, lazy, strolled his way through missions and took special pleasure in traumatizing other agents.”   
“Mori always seems so wistful of him though.”  
“That my friend, is because as far as Mori was concerned Dazai was a ray of fucking sunshine who could do no wrong.” There was a certain level of venom in Chuuya’s voice, one you imagined that had it been directed at you, would sent a wave of panic through your body. You were glad it wasn’t. 
Before you could finish your thought, Chuuya was back on the ground, standing before you, hand reaching for a pen as he wrote one of what probably would end up being about fifteen correspondence letters to other agents regarding information in their reports. You were able to glance at a few of the letters Chuuya would write, and compared to his letters, even your most sternly written ones sounded like pleasant requests. You imagined you would have several panic written letters sitting on your desk tomorrow morning.  
“Chuuya what a pleasant surprise!” Kouyou’s voice boomed from the office door. “I was wondering why your office was empty, what brings you to the records department?”  
“I offered to help (Y/N) today since you refuse to hire a full team and she was dead on her feet last night.”  
“No I wasn—” You started before Chuuya shot you a look and you immediately shut your mouth. He hadn’t turned to greet Kouyou yet.   
“Last night? Now what would you be doing to keep my lovely (Y/N) up so late?” You didn’t even have to look at Kouyou’s face to know how suggestive that single sentence sounded and imagine the look of the cat that caught the canary on her face.  
“Hardly anything even close to what you’re thinking,” Chuuya countered quickly. “It all pertained to work.” It was at this point that Chuuya finally turned to face his mentor who still looked at him as if she knew something he was trying to hide. Kouyou stood for a moment in silence, waiting to see if you were going to add anything.  
“Well, that is very kind of you. It seems you two must have had a very busy morning then, considering the volume of reports this week, why don’t the two of you take a break, go get lunch or something, I’m sure all these reports will still be here when you get back.”  
“That sounds like a fantastic idea, come on (Y/N).” Chuuya cut you off before plucking your current report from your hands and placing it down on the table. He grabbed for one of your hands, pulling you from behind your desk and toward the door of your office.  
“So what was with the hasty exit?” You finally asked after the two of you had sat down at a little coffee shop down the street from the Port Mafia headquarters.  
Chuuya stirred his coffee. “Trust me, that woman comes standard with ulterior motives.” This you did know already, you’d worked with Kouyou plenty long enough to learn that. “Had we stayed I can guarantee she would have orchestrated some plan to give herself some entertainment at the expense of the only two other people in the room.” You nodded, both of you sitting in silence for a few moments. “Besides,” Chuuya started again. “You can’t tell me you aren’t ahead of schedule now.” He was right, you were well beyond where you would be had he not been with you all morning.  
“Thank you.” You said with a smile, taking a cautious sip from your steaming coffee. You were probably well above the safe limit of caffeine intake but it wasn’t like that particularly concerned you at this moment.  
The day had been a dreary one, rain clouds that threatened to pop at any minute covered the sky, What little rays of sunshine cut through the gloom were rapidly being eaten by the gray clouds. “Least I could do for humoring me last night.” Chuuya said after he set his own cup of coffee back down on the table. “You could have just declined and asked for the rest of the report.”  
“No I couldn’t.” You countered easily.  
“(Y/N) You don’t work for me, you can say no to me anytime you want, you won’t see any repercussions.” 
“That’s not why.” You said before you could stop yourself. Looking back at the executive, you recognized his curious expression, the silent question in his eyes, ‘why then?’ it asked. “I didn’t go to your office last night because I felt obligated to, I went because I wanted to.” You said cautiously, hoping he took it as exactly what you said and didn’t hear the ‘because I’m desperate to spend time with you’ between the lines. It was silent for a few minutes afterward, Chuuya seemingly mulling something over in his head. Finally he spoke.  
“Take the rest of the day off.” He said bluntly.  
“I bet your pardon?” You squawked. What? Absolutely not, you had so much to get done! Did he forget it was report season? 
“You heard me,” He retorted. He seemed to hear your internal shouting. “Look, you’re going to be done with report season a full day early with what we got done this morning anyway, its the perfect opportunity to take half a day and recharge.” Your shoulders were still tense as you looked at him incredulously.  
“And what about you? Gonna go back to your office and drown yourself in more work while I get to trapeze through a day off?” Chuuya smiled, it was small but noticeable.  
“Who do you think you’ll be spending the day with?” Everything stopped, the world halted where it was. You stared at the man before you for a moment before collecting yourself. Calm down, it was just a day for two friends to spend some time and relax, no stress of work, don’t overthink it. It’s nothing. “As long as you’d like to, that is-” 
“It sounds fun.” You interrupted his backtracking. “What are your plans?” He seemed stalled for a minute, like he hadn’t been expecting you to say yes. Finally his mind seemed to catch up.  
“You hungry?”  
Three days. It had been three days and it was nothing but silence, all consuming, deafening silence that rocked you to your bones and put a pit in your stomach. It was day three into a new report season and Chuuya was stuck in a mission that was only supposed to last a day, but it's been three and there has been no correspondence, no status updates, no communication and you felt the anxiety in your veins and the tremor in your breaths.  
You sat in your office, attempting your best to focus on a letter than should have taken you five minutes but instead had taken you thirty. It was maddening. Chuuya was fully capable of handling himself, perfectly capable of getting himself out of any dangerous situation, but no word from him, no ‘we’re okay, it’s just taking longer than usual’. He was on another joint mission with the ADA, something big and something bad, so big and bad in fact, that you knew almost nothing about it, all you knew was probably the most terrifying fact, that it may require a return of double black.  
You slammed the letter in your hand onto the desk, mind far too jittery to even consider working. Sure, Chuuya had been away for weeks at a time before on missions, but there had always been constant updates, there had never been total radio silence, and one thing you knew from working in the Port Mafia for so long, radio silence was never good. You stood from your desk, walking around your desk to the small window in your office, looking out on the gloomy day. Your arms were crossed over your chest as you tried to force your mind to quiet. Worrying wasn’t going to do anything, it was only going to stress you out more. You took deep grounding breaths, it wasn’t helping.  
“He’s going to be fine.” Kouyou’s voice broke through your thoughts. You didn’t know when she’d come into your office, and frankly you didn’t care. “There isn't a force on this planet that could take Chuuya out, not without one hell of a fight.”  
“Any word?” You asked. You didn’t bother hiding your concern, there was no use doing so in front of Kouyou. Knowing her, she probably predicted you’d develop feelings for her favorite protege as soon as you’d sent that first letter. There was no point in trying to hide from her.  
“Not yet, but this isn’t the first time Chuuya’s done this.”  
“When was the last time?” You asked. Her words had brought a sliver of peace to your panicked mind.  
“The dragonhead conflict, he was sixteen.” You’d read past reports on that conflict, it was bad, the casualties unrivaled in almost all of the Port Mafia’s history. It was where Chuuya and Dazai had gotten the name double black, where they were named devastating rivals. You weren't even in Yokohama at that time. “Chuuya ended that conflict near single handedly, he’ll be fine.” You took another deep breath.  
“Thank you, Kouyou.” You sighed. You still hadn’t turned from the window, but your grip on your arms had loosened and your rapid heart rate slowed, even if slightly.  
“Executive Ozaki.” A voice broke through the short silence. It was the voice of one of the couriers as he sped down the hallway toward his superior. “Word, from Executive Nakahara.” Your heart rate raced again at the message, scrambling to get to Kouyou as she took the letter from the courier. “I was directed to give it directly to you.”  
“By whom?” Kouyou inquired.  
“One of Executive Nakahara’s team.” With that the courier left, leaving you and Kouyou to open the letter. Unfolding the parchment, Kouyou read its contents silently. She took a deep breath.  
“Chuuya is alive,” You released the breath you’d been holding at the words. “However, the conflict has yet to fade, it seems Chuuya may have to resort to drastic measures to get the job done.”  
“What are drastic measures?” You asked, though you could guess.  
“Corruption.” Kouyou responded curtly. She sighed. “Luckily Dazai is there, this will be coming to an end shortly.”  
“What would happen if Dazai wasn’t there?” You found yourself asking, unsure if you really wanted to know the answer.  
Kouyou only looked at you for a moment, seemingly debating how she wanted to answer. “If Chuuya were to ever use his corrupted state without the presence of Dazai, corruption would rip him apart from the inside out until it killed him.” You stopped breathing.  
“Dazai would never-” 
“No,” Kouyou interrupted, guessing your question. “Dazai would never voluntarily let Chuuya die of Corruption, he will always pull him out of it.” You nodded, returning to your desk to attempt to continue your work. 
It was Friday, two fifty-four in the afternoon when the letter landed on your desk. You recognized the penmanship anywhere, and your breath stalled in your lungs when you looked at it. It was from Chuuya, presumably the report from the harrowing mission he’d just returned from.  
Chuuya got back to Yokohama only yesterday, but he never came into the office, instead he was under direct orders to go home and recover, orders from Mori himself. He was on mandatory leave for no less than three days, as that’s how long it usually took him to get back on his feet after using corruption. Apparently this time was different than normal, he’d been under longer than usual, Dazai just managing to pull him out in time. Kouyou said he had slept for ten hours when he got back, he was so incapacitated she had to make sure he was still breathing a few times, the news had made your blood run cold.  
The letter on your desk brought warmth to your chest, it confirmed that he was okay, well he was alive at least, you weren't sure if okay was a word you’d use yet, it had only been twenty-four hours since he’d gotten back. But the letter also brought a different feeling... annoyance. What the FUCK was he doing working when he was under strict order not to? Also how did he even get the letter to you in the first place? He wasn’t even allowed in the building right now, the doormen ordered to shove him back in the direction he had come if he even darkened the doorway. Mori was very serious with his executives, if he said Chuuya needed to rest then damn it he was going to make sure he did.  
You tore open the flimsy seal that kept the envelope closed, perhaps a little too aggressively, and pulled out the folded parchment inside. The handwriting was still just as neat, if not a little trembled.  
“Mission number – 32846 – was a success,” the letter started. “Albeit a difficult one. Our target’s name was Yuzono Hakatski, a former Port Mafia member and a traitor. She’d been causing issues for the boss for a few months now, interrupting supply chains, burning down warehouses, killing our couriers, seriously what happened to don’t shoot the messenger?” You found yourself smiling at the joke. It was clearly strained, you could feel that even through the writing, but the fact that he was still making an attempt to be funny warmed your heart. “Originally Mori thought we’d just have to deal with her ourselves, but it turned out this particular thorn in our side and a bone to pick with a specific thorn in my side. She hated Dazai, so much so she was willing to dismantle the entirety of the ADA just to get to him, and she almost did, they were lucky to leave that battle field with no casualties, our team however wasn’t so lucky, we lost six good agents to her team of overzealous hit men. One of them was strong, much stronger than the others, wouldn’t let anyone get close to him and had the fight in a choke hold. His ability was something else, a near cosmic force of destruction and mayhem, and unfortunately the only way to fight that kind of ability is with another cosmic force of destruction and mayhem, and unfortunately for him, mine was stronger, but unfortunately for me, it fucking sucked. Yuzono Hakatski has been returned to Port Mafia custody and awaits trial for her crimes, more than likely she’ll be executed and we can all put this behind us. I’m aware I'm missing quite a few chunks in this story, but frankly I'm not sure I'm in the condition to be going all over it in this letter, but if you have any questions, forward them to my home office.” Underneath the final sentence was an address, this was Chuuya’s personal address, the address to his apartment, he’d given you the exact location of where he lived, information that even some of the most high ranking members didn’t have access to, he’d just given it to you in a letter. You let that information sink in for a minute, the annoyance you’d been feeling dissipated briefly, but quickly made it’s return when you reread the letter and realized he was in no condition to write this letter, let alone write more. He was supposed to be resting, not doing his due diligence, other members of his team survived, they could write this to you for now, he needed to fucking rest for once. You slammed the letter down on your desk, your mind made up, you were going to utilize the address he gave you, but not for the reasons he gave it to you.  
Finding the apartment was surprisingly easy, it wasn’t far from your own honestly. It was approximately ten AM the next day and you stood outside a large metal door, you double checked and made sure the numbers on the door matched the numbers in his letter, then you triple checked and quadruple checked as you tried to school your breathing. This was simple, you were just coming to check on him, maybe make him some food because you doubted he could do it very well right now and you were determined to make sure he was eating. Your grip on your purse loosened slightly, your hand stiff from how tightly you’d been holding it. Its fine, this was only a guy you were going a little crazy for who was sweet and considerate and made your heart race every time you even looked at  him, what could go wrong?  
Steeling yourself and gathering as much nerve as you could, you lifted your hand, giving a solid three knocks to the door and waiting for it to open. It didn’t take long before you heard movement on the other side, the heavy clunk of a lock mechanism as it released and suddenly the door was opening. Chuuya looked exhausted and incredibly shocked to see you standing outside his door, his copper hair, normally precisely tamed and managed, was a little more loose, clearly unbrushed today but not completely out of control, he wore a simple grey long sleeve and black joggers. There were dark circles under his wide eyes and his skin, normally fair, was abnormally pale and feverish.  
“(Y-Y/N)?” Chuuya stuttered out. “What are you-” 
“I thought Mori said mandatory rest,” You interrupted him, crossing your arms over your chest and feeling the annoyance from the day before rise again in your chest. “What do you think you’re doing trying to send me reports when you should be recovering?” You ranted.  
Chuuya was silent for a moment, seemingly processing what you had said and catching up to the fact that you were stood right there in front of him, then a smile cracked his features. “Did you come all the way here just to lecture me.”  
You halted. “N-no,” You sputtered out, feeling warmth rise to your cheeks. “Mostly.” You looked away, silent for a minute before the worry started to seep back into your bones. You turned your attention to the man in front of you. “Are you okay?” You asked. He smiled again.  
“What, worried about me?” He said, clearly intending for it to be a joke, but the truth clawed its way out of your throat before you could stop it.  
“Yes,” You said, seemingly surprising him a little bit, but you couldn’t stop the flow of words from your lips. “Three days of no communication, I didn’t know if you were alive or dead and I was terrified that you weren't going to be coming back and  when Kouyou told me about you having to use corruption I got even more scared, what if Dazai didn’t pull you out in time, what if-” You rambling was cut off abruptly by a pair of arms around your shoulders. You were being hugged, Chuuya was hugging you. Your mind short circuited. He was warm, really warm, the smell of cinnamon and firewood filled your senses, you found yourself memorizing it as your arms came up to wrap around his middle, burying your head into his neck, letting him surround you. It was the first time he’d ever hugged you, in your many months of knowing him, of talking to him and being around him, it was the first time he hugged you, and you were grateful for his firm hold on you, fearing your knees would give out at any minute.  
“I’m sorry for worrying you.” He whispered against your hair. “I’m okay, better than I was yesterday that’s for sure.”  
“How long does it usually take?” You found yourself asking against his throat. You hadn’t pulled away yet, content to just stay there engulfed in his warmth, feeling his steady heartbeat against your chest.  
“A few days, typically, I’m sore but functioning just fine, no need to get all wound up.”  
You chuckled against his skin. “Well unfortunately you make it very easy to get all wound up.” You felt him expel a breath, a partial laugh as he finally pulled away from you. You mourned the loss, but found you were much more relaxed than you had been just moments before.  
Chuuya stepped aside, allowing you entrance into his home. “Well if I'm going to have a baby sitter she may as well come in.” He joked, a kind smile on his lips. Chuuya’s apartment was neat and well furnished, matching floor to ceiling windows to his Port Mafia office, the floor was a pristine white wood, a red rug under the small coffee table of the living room sat between two white couches, red pillows decorating either end of each. The apartment was open concept, the only thing separating the kitchen from the rest of the house being a single counter top attached to a marble bar, it was a home befitting a mafia executive.  
Once he closed the door, you noticed how his walk was stiff, his body clearly straining to keep him upright. He looked tired, his complexion, while mildly better than it had been when he had first opened the door, was still far too pale for your liking, and despite the fact that it’s only been a few days since initally left for that mission, he looked thinner.  
“So,” Chuuya started, pulling your from your thoughts as you hung your purse on the rack near his front door. “Since you’re here, would you like to get the rest of that report, save me from having to write it all?” You stared at him.  
“You mister,” You jabbed a finger at him. “Are not allowed to do any sort of work until your better. Don’t even think about it.” Chuuya raised his hands, showing his palms, an amused look on his face.  
“Yes ma’am.” You chose to ignore the warmth that phrase bloomed in your core and instead set toward his kitchen to see what he had to work with, you were thinking soup.  
“You don’t have to cook for me you know, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself when this happens.” Chuuya said as he watched you gather ingredients, chicken from the fridge, some fresh vegetables, he even had the stock, tucked away far in a cabinet.  
“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.” You said as you set a pot to boil on the stove, you hadn't turned to look at him yet, so of course you were currently missing the way his eyes trained to your back, trailed down your spine. The way he watched your hands move as you diced the multitude of carrots, leaks and other veggies you’d found stashed in his fridge. “What’s the point of having friends if they don’t cook for you when you’re recovering?”  
“Well most of my friends are in the mafia, so...” 
You jabbed your knife in his direction from across the room. “No excuse.” All in all, he let you cook, allowed you to use his kitchen to your hearts content and even offered to wash dishes, which again, you refused to let him do. For someone who was supposed to be resting, he sure was bad at it.  
“Has anyone ever called you a workaholic?” His voice chimed after so many minutes of silence. You were at the end phases of your cooking, Chuuya having forgone his standing and instead opting for a seat at the bar as he watched you move about the kitchen. “Because I feel like the word fits pretty well.”  
“Says you mister, ‘let me send this report in the day after I almost kill myself’.” You jested, you didn’t turn to look at him, instead keeping your attention trained on the boiling pot before you. You heard him give a playful chuckle.  
“I’m serious though,” He started. “You spend all day working on safe routes for agents in the field, organizing bribes, gathering information, then a week a month you voluntarily drive yourself insane as you read hundreds of reports written by literal children, and then to top it off, you come over here and proceed to make soup the second you walk in the door because I’m mildly sore. Do you ever take a day off?”  
“Do you?” You countered.  
“Not my point and you know it.”  
You thought for a moment, when was the last time you took a day off? There was that half day you took with Chuuya after he’d helped you with your reports that season, but beyond that, you couldn’t remember. “What about that day you and I went to that cafe, I took that day off.” You finally turned to point the wooden spoon in your hand at the man sitting behind you.  
“First of all,” Chuuya countered. “That was only half a day, and second of all, I practically had to drag you away from your work kicking and screaming.”  
“That’s a little dramatic.”  
“Am I wrong?” You stayed silent, pouting as you returned to your soup. No, he wasn’t wrong, but you weren’t going to let him win that easily. You could feel his smugness behind you.  
“Maybe I should have you come over and cook for me once a week... you want a job?” Chuuya joked as he lounged across from you on the other couch.  
“I already have a job, thank you.” You smiled as you joked back, but your were happy to finally make him eat something.  
“Well I can’t pay you as much as Mori does, but I can promise not to run you as ragged.” You felt heat rise to your cheeks at his words, a much different image coming to mind at the words. Damn him and his stupidly attractive face.  
“As tempting of an offer as that is,” You started. “I quite like my job, I get all the Port Mafia gossip delivered right to my doorstep courtesy of Kouyou.”  
“She does like to gossip,” Chuuya confirmed, then a startled look washed over him. “She hasn’t said anything about me, has she?”  
You eyed him suspiciously, the urge to stir the pot rising within you. “Maybe, maybe not.” You supplied, maybe a little bit of a lilt in your voice as you watched his reaction.  
“Don’t think just because I’m a little sore that I won’t come over there.” He threatened, pointing a finger at you. You felt excitement well up in you, you understood why Dazai enjoyed messing with Chuuya so much, it was fun.  
“And do what?” You teased further. “Show me the wrath of gravity?” He huffed out a laugh, a disbelieving smile on his face as he sat up straighter, like a tiger ready to pounce.  
“You think I won’t? Are you daring to challenge a Port Mafia executive? You’re walking a dangerous like missy.”  
You laughed. “Missy? Is that the best the great Executive Nakahara has, most feared executive?” You don’t know what made you so bold, maybe it was being alone with him, maybe it was being so casual, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop if you wanted to.  
“Brat.” Was all he said before he lunged forward, it was only half serious, but fast enough for you to barely dodge. The coffee table, the only thing separating him from properly reaching you, was moved across the room like it weighed nothing, you guessed with Chuuya’s ability, it really did weigh nothing to him. With your only line of defense gone, you jumped up, narrowly avoiding his hands wrapping around one of your arms as a excited laugh fell from your lips.  
“I was expecting more from a big tough executive,” You taunted, though a feeling in your chest led you to believe you may grow to eat those words later. “Can’t catch a little girl?” Chuuya stared at you for a moment, blue eyes boring into yours, a look of mischief in his smile.  
“I was going easy on you,” He started. “But now that you’re gonna get cocky I guess I gotta teach you something, huh?” Your heart leaped into your throat as he lunged at you again, this time undeterred by the coffee table, his hand reaching your forearm before you could dodge him, not like you’d be able to even on your best day when he was being serious. He yanked you forward, his other hand finding your lower back, one of his legs coming behind your own to pull it out from under you and suddenly you were heading for the ground, but what should have been a hard impact was a gentle glide onto the soft rug beneath. Your back touched the floor, one of your arms still trapped in his grasp, holding it over your head as he hovered over you. You breathed hard, trying to catch your breath. “Anything else you’d like to say?” Chuuya prompted, a cocky grin on his face. You shook your head, suddenly realizing just how close he was to you, hovering just above you, only inches from your face, if you leaned up just slightly, it would only take a little. Chuuya seemed to come to the same realization, his eyes suddenly wide as he stared at you, but he didn’t back away, didn’t release your arm or let you get up. 
The sun was beginning to set outside, rays of orange and yellows spilling into the room, reflecting off of the light floors and walls, painting Chuuya’s copper hair in flames as it fell around his slender face, his eyes holding more shades of blue than you remember last seeing, you wanted to count them. Without thinking your other hand, the one not pinned the floor, came up, gently brushing a stray piece of red hair away from his face, holding it out of the way so you could see him properly. His eyes darted from your own down to your lips and back again. He leaned down slowly, slow enough to give you time to tell him to stop, not that you wanted to. You met him in the middle, a gentle press of lips, a chaste kiss, cautious and experimental. Fireworks went off in your brain as you separated, but it wasn’t long before his lips were on yours once more, this kiss much more hungry than the first, the first had been innocent, curious, it said ‘I like you’. This kiss was sure, absolute in its devastation as you let him steal your breath away, let him press you into the floor, when he started to pull away, lifting your head to chase him, pulling him back to you with nothing more than a hungry kiss, it said ‘I want you’. He released your arm, you quickly wrapped it around his neck, pulling him down toward you as his free hand went to the back of your knee, hiking it up and over his hip as he settled between your legs. The heat that had been building in your abdomen all day was beginning to overflow, overtake you as your other arm tangled in his hair, giving a swift tug and drawing a gasp from his lips. You took advantage of the moment to introduce your tongue to his, memorizing his taste, unsure what the noise was that you produced, but seemed to spur him on as he gave a rough roll of his hips, perfectly positioned to pull a ragged gasp from you. He pulled his lips away from you, but not far, close enough that you could feel his breath against your skin as he panted against you, his nose occasionally brushed yours.  
“Tell me to stop.” He panted, so close you could feel the words on your lips.  
“No.” You whispered back, surging forward to capture his lips again, he didn’t stop you, instead his other hand coming up to cradle your jaw as he tilted your head upward, giving himself better access as he plunged his tongue into your mouth. His thumb was over your pulse point, no doubt feeling how rapid your heart was beating. He broke the kiss, but only to trail his lips over your jaw, pressing heated kisses against your throat, sucking hard against your pulse, ripping a broken moan from your lips. It was going to leave a mark, one that would last beyond just tonight, you felt heat between your legs at the thought. His lips returned to yours, though the kiss had devolved back into something sweet, still hungry and passionate, but gentle. Suddenly he broke the kiss, rising to sit up on his knees as you looked up at him curiously. His hand rested on the outside of your thigh, his other coming up to push strands of hair out of his face.  
“As much as I would love to fuck you on the floor,” He panted as he caught his breath. You felt the coil in your core tighten at the words. “That may be better suited for a day when my muscular system isn’t screaming.” Right, you’d forgotten about that, he was supposed to be resting. You rose to sit before him, pushing some of your hair out of your face.  
“We don’t have to...” You lead on, not quite saying the words. “Tonight, if it’s too much, we can always-” 
“That’s not what I said,” He stopped you, leaning down to place a chaste kiss to your lips. “I still want to have sex, just not on the floor....If you still want to, that is-” 
“Yes.” You didn’t let him finish as you got to your knees, a hand hooking behind his jaw to pull him to your lips, reveling in his taste for a moment. “Yes, I want to.” You whispered against his lips. Without another word, he pulled you off the floor by hand before guiding you across the apartment toward his bedroom.  
The second the door closed he was back on you, his hands grasping tightly at your hips as he stole your lips in a heated kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as your tried to pull him closer. You let him back you up toward the bed, climbing up onto it and coaxing him to follow, on your knees as you slipped your hands under the hem of his shirt, memorizing the feel of his abs against your fingertips as you pushed his shirt up and off, finally breaking the kiss to get it off and tossed to the other side of the room. Your breath escaped you when you looked at him, he didn’t seem real as you lowered your head to plant heated kisses over his shoulder and up his neck, pulling the sweetest gasps from his lips as your hands tracked up his torso until your lips once again met his. You let him coax you onto your back, once again settling between your legs as his lips found your neck, you tilting your head up to allow him better access. He nipped at your skin as his hands ventured lower, slipping under your shirt to hike it up, moving to pull it off to join his on the floor. His lips ventured to your chest, moving down until he reached the fabric of your bra, one hand moving behind your back to make quick work of the clasp before the item was discarded. He raked over you with his heated gaze, his eyes igniting fires over your skin as he lowered himself over you once more, his lips tracing the swell of your breasts as his hands ventured lower to grab at the skin above your waistband, grip tight enough to bruise. You arched your back at the sensation of his tongue laving over one of your peaked nipples, drawing a desperate gasp from your lips as one of his hands came up to kneed at your other breast. Your mind was foggy, unable to focus on anything but him, but his touch, his lips, his tongue.  
He rose again, his hands making a quick downward journey to the button of your pants, popping it open before yanking roughly at your waistband, dragging the fabric down your thighs along with your panties, throwing the clothing across the room as he took you in, laid out before him like a meal. He leaned forward, taking your hands in his as he intertwined your fingers, pinning your hands above your head as he caught your lips in a heated kiss, grinding his still clothed erection hard against your bare core, ripping a moan from your throat, which he took advantage of to thrust his tongue back into your mouth. 
“This is how that night in my office would have ended if that courier hadn’t walked in.” Chuuya panted against your lips.  
“Fucking courier.” You said as you hastily reconnected your lips, he gave a huff of a laugh before once again descending your body, lips tracing a searing trail down your torso until he was pressing heated open-mouthed kisses to your inner thighs, sucking dark marks there, marks that would last days, marks that no one would ever see except him.  
“I was thinking of all the ways I could have you over my desk.” He confessed as he kissed up your thigh, toward where you were wanting most. “I wanted to devour you right then and there.”  
“I would have let you.” You confessed back. “I was so desperate for you to kiss me.” You let out a gasp as he placed a kiss to your core.  
“Live up to your expectations?” He breathed against you, sending sparks up your spine. All you could do was nod as he licked a hot strip from your entrance to your clit, hands coming to pin down your hips as he worked to unravel you. Your hands tangled in his hair as he repeated the motion, his blue eyes looking up to meet yours before he gave a rough suck to your swollen clit, a ragged moan ripped out of you. He explored you, watched your reactions as he worked his tongue over you, devouring you like a starving man as you could do nothing but pull at his hair and scream. You really hoped his walls weren't too thin or else his neighbors would be getting quite the experience.  
He abused your swollen clit as one of his hands released your hip, instead coming to tease at your entrance with his fingers, pushing two inside of you and curling upward, searching for the spot that would leave you gasping and seeing stars. He found it soon enough, ripping a broken wail from your throat as he scissored his fingers, curling them again to hit that perfect spot paired with a particularly rough suck to your clit. If he kept this up you would lose your voice before he even fucked you, not that he seemed bothered by that as he doubled his efforts, pulling moans and gasps from your lips one after the other. Your grip in his hair must have been painful, but he didn’t falter as he added a third finger, curling up again and sucking hard. You were quickly approaching the edge, attempting to rock your hips against his tongue, but his grip was unyielding. You arched your back as he pushed you over the edge, tearing the most mind-blowing orgasm out of you that you’d ever had.  
You were panting, attempting to catch your breath as he pulled his fingers from you, kissing up your body until his lips found yours, shoving his tongue roughly into your mouth as your hands ventured down, slipping your fingers under the waistband of his joggers and palming his hardened erection through his boxers. He moaned into your mouth as he bucked into your hand, seeking more friction. Finally, he pulled away, hands going to his waistband and pulling the fabric down and over his hips, pulling his boxers with it as he dragged the garment down his thighs and off, dropping them to the floor. You stared at him, at his newly freed cock, your breathing becoming heavier and the desire to take him into your mouth rising from your chest. You wanted him to cum down your throat, wreck you beyond repair, ruin you for anyone else, you wanted to be claimed by him.  
“See something you want?” He asked in his cocky tone as he lowered himself over you again, his heavy cock grinding against your core in the most delicious of ways. You reached up and kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you ground your hips up, absorbing his resulting hiss into your soul.  
“Thinking about choking on your cock.” You said bluntly, and you swear you saw him stall out.  
“Another time.” He choked out as he reached over to his bedside table, pulling open the drawer to retrieve one of the condoms inside. Ripping open the foil package he slid the condom over his hard cock, tossing the foil aside and lowering back down to your level, balancing himself on one elbow as the other hand reached down to align himself with your entrance as he placed a passionate kiss to your lips. He pushed the head inside, stretching you open as he pushed further. Your legs came to wrap around his waist as he slowly entered you. The burn was intoxicating as he stretched you, body conforming around his cock, welcoming him into your velvet walls, clenching around him and hearing him hiss against your lips. His pelvis met yours, fully seated inside of you, where he belonged as far as you were concerned as you adjusted to feeling of him so deep. He fit perfectly, like he was made for you, made for your body. You canted your hips up, and indicator for him to move as you moved to pressing hot kisses to his neck and jaw. He pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in steadily, his breath catching in his throat. The next time he did it, he thrust back in a little faster, pulling a silken moan from your lips as he caged you in, a hand on either side of your head as once again he pulled nearly all the way out before thrusting back in quickly. You sucked in a breath at the impact as he did it again, his pace picking up as he repeatedly thrust in and out of your slick pussy.  
“Don't stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.” you chanted as your fingers wrung into the pillows behind your head, legs spreading as far as you could possibly get them as you tried to pull him deeper. He hooked his hand under your thigh, hiking it up further, allowing him to get that much deeper, ramming perfectly into that spot inside you and tearing a scream from your throat. He moaned into the flesh of your throat as you clenched around him.  
His pace quickened further, thrusting hard enough to shove you a few inches up the bed. You dug your fingernails into his shoulders, trying to get him closer as you arched your back into his chest, feeling your orgasm approaching once more. He bit into the flesh of your shoulder as his pace stuttered, a broken moan escaping his throat as he pulled you closer.  
Your orgasm hit like a tidal wave, crashing over you as you wailed out for him, chanting his name as he fucked you through it, thrusts becoming less organized as he neared his own collapse over the edge. He gasped into your ear as his own orgasm hit, cumming into the condom as you wrapped your arms around his neck, placing a kiss into his sweat dampened hair as he came down and slowed inside of you, but not yet pulling out.  
“Fucking Christ.” Chuuya panted against your throat, collecting himself.  
“Jesus had nothing to do with that.” You replied, earning the smallest of laughs. Slowly he pulled out of you, discarding the condom before collapsing next to you. You turned to your side, resting your head over his chest as you listened to his rapid heartbeat as it steadily slowed. “Not what I had expected to happen when I came over here.” You breathed. Chuuya huffed out a laugh above you.  
“Wasn’t on my to do list either.” Chuuya’s fingers drifting up and down your bare back as sweat cooled over your skin. “But if this is what happens after I use corruption from now on, I’ll have to find more excuses to use it.” You gave a halfhearted slap to his chest as you placed a kiss to his throat.  
Your back hit the edge of your desk as Chuuya walked you backward, his hands on either of your hips and his tongue exploring your mouth as he kissed you. Your hands tangled in his hair as he slipped his hands under your shirt, teasing at the flesh just above your waistband. It was the first day of a new report season and your first day back in the office.  
“I love this skirt.” Chuuya murmured against your lips as he played with the hem of your skirt, a simple black pencil skirt that you’d had for years.  
“Just the skirt?” You asked.  
“Well, the girl inside of it is pretty nice too.” He joked, earning a playful slap to his chest as you kissed him again. it had been two weeks since that night and the two of you had been taking advantage of every spare moment to have your hands on each other, spending every night at one of your houses, more often than not ending up in bed together or that one time when he did actually fuck you on the floor, the two of you had never done anything in the office though, too afraid of getting caught, that anxiety suddenly rising back into your chest as your hands found his wandering ones, stilling them as you broke the kiss.  
“Best behavior at work.” You whispered.  
“I’m always on my best behavior.” He rebutted as the sound of a door opening broke into the silence of your little world.  
“Well, what do we have here?” Kouyou’s voice chimed through the air, forcing Chuuya to take a hasty step back. “Oh no need to act so surprised, I was wondering how long it would take, Chuuya I was expecting you to be faster.” You saw the blush rise to your boyfriend’s cheeks, alongside an annoyed glare shot toward his mentor.  
“You planned this didn’t you?” Chuuya deadpanned.  
Kouyou chuckled. “Don’t confuse me with Mori, boy. However, did I see a pretty girl and think, ‘she would be perfect for my little Chuuya’? Perhaps.”  
“Kouyou-” You started but were quickly cut off.  
“Anyway, important work to get to, you two have fun, no sex in the office please, or if you do, clean up after yourselves.” And with that she was gone, just the way she had come, leaving a very flustered couple in her wake.  
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r0-boat · 11 months
I'm not the same anon who requested for Larry pining after the Treasure Eatery waitress but can I ask for a continuation? Like she purposely is trying to get his attention by wearing makeup & being playful. Since he didn't do anything, she decides to ask him out on a date! She's obviously nervous because he didn't answer. He was shocked that she asked him out but asked if she was sure. She's confused but said yes. Only if he wants to! He accepted which she brightens up! Both of them are giddy about the date! They go on a date after their work is done!
This is extremely cute hold on-
Larry x Treasure Eatery waitress! Reader.
Cw: age gap (older men x younger women)
(Larry date hcs? Or a part 3 of this? Let me know!)
Waitress reader asks Larry out on a date
Never in Larry's life, he would expect this....
Despite your best to make him look your way, your playful advances, and your hard work to make yourself look appealing to him, you still weren't quite sure. Sure, your eyes did meet him for a few moments every now and then when you glanced at his table, but the businessman that you fawned over hadn't made a move.
Your shift was almost over your heart quickened, spending the next minute gathering your courage. You just so happened to catch him as he was leaving the Eatery. With butterflies fluttering in your stomach, you after him. As your coworkers watch from the sidelines, smiles on their faces, silently rooting for you.
Your fingers grazed at the back of his shoulder as you stuttered "U-um, excuse me."
When those deep and dark onyx eyes met yours, you nearly forgot your words. You moved your eyes away from him on impulse. Your lip grew thin, sweat rolling down your forehead as you felt anxiety under his gaze. For a moment, it took everything you had to say it. Hoping and praying that the pain of rejection will be brief.
"I-i've seen you around before and I was wondering... If-um. Would you like to go out some time?"
You mentally kicked yourself for your awkwardness you struggle to meet his eyes Larry's eyes widen yet he doesn't say anything.
He was clenching his teeth. His lungs filled with air. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He never thought that you would come to him. Was this even real? And the way you fidget with your fingers struggling to confess your feelings, made his heart melt.
Your heart sank as he stood there silently. Desperate to save any sort of dignity you have you try to quickly respond, only for his words to cut you off.
"I suppose I'm free right now. Is there any place you would like to go?"
A blunt and Bland reaction but it made your heart swell nonetheless. You would love to take him somewhere right now but you are still on your last break.
" actually can it wait till after work I wouldn't want to take you out in my uniform, haha." You laughed nervously.
Larry personally did not mind the idea of you wearing your cute little uniform a little longer. Though he respects that you would want to go home and perhaps shower and get ready. "alright."
When he gave you a small smile, you felt your cheeks heat up your eyes, avoiding his gaze once again to save yourself from dying of cardiac arrest. "I-i'll meet you here then in about two hours?"
"ok," Larry responds. " two hours. I'll be here." He says while giving you a nod before leaving Treasure Eatery.
You are practically screaming on the inside.You are going to go out on a date with Larry of the Elite Four!!
What should you wear? Where would he want to go? Did he like the way you looked?! Many questions flow through your mind as you carry out the rest of your shift in a daze, wondering if you should go all out and wear something very nice for him.
Despite the chili air, his face felt warm. His eyes grew soft, remembering the shade of your lipstick and those plump lips underneath and that perfume that made his head spin. All he wanted to do was hold you closer. It had been a long time since he dated, and he couldn't help but wonder if young women your age still like to go on walks or visit gardens on dates. Maybe he could even take you to dinner? Larry knows that he has just eaten but wouldn't mind spoiling you at a nice restaurant.
Maybe he should finally wear that nice semi-formal suit that he stashed away for business events.
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kiki-strike · 5 months
hi would you mind tellin me what ed ward was like? i might have to go there at some point and im scared also sorry if im phrasing it wrong and also also if you're more comfy dming or not answering at all thats fine
Hi yes I can!! And you can dm me if you want or send another ask if you have more questions :)
So there’s two kinds of 24-hour ED care, inpatient and residential. Inpatient is usually inside of a hospital, sometimes integrated with the psych ward (hence “ed ward”). This is where people that aren’t medically stable go (think serious heart conditions, people who flat-out refuse to eat, people who need to be in a locked ward to be safe). I haven’t been to inpatient ed, so I can’t say much on that subject. I do know that you typically stay in inpatient much shorter than residential.
I was in residential for four months. Usually ED treatment takes longer than treatment for depression and such and it’s not uncommon for people to go into residential more than once, but it’s pretty rare for residential to last more than six months. It’s expected that you’ll do a step-down plan which means after you leave res you’ll do a PHP and an IOP (PHP is when you live at home but go to programming during the day, usually 40-60hrs a week with all meals there, and IOP is usually half a day 2-3 times a week).
My res was three houses in a neighborhood (not in a row) and we would all go to the biggest house during the day. There was usually 2-3 group therapy sessions and 2-3 classes (DBT skills, nutrition, etc) per day, every day (inc weekends). We spent the rest of our time doing leisure stuff and eating.
Meals took up a HUGE portion of the day because we got half an hour for each meal, and then there was another half hour for supplements, plus 15 minutes for snacks and 15 minutes for snack supplements, so that amounts to… 4.5 hours every day. The way meals worked was each person got their own plate, to their own needs (some people got tiny amounts bc refeeding, some people got huge amounts bc restoration, etc). You got to choose 3 blacklisted foods that they would never give you, other than that if you didn’t like the food you had to suck it up. I chose spicy food, eggplant, and I think peanut butter? Because being vegetarian didn’t count (though I told them I was vegan instead because I was scared of milk😔). If you didn’t finish your food you got supplemented - 1/2 a sup for eating 3/4 but not finishing, one sup for 1/2-3/4, and two supps for eating less than half. Our supps were Kate Farms unless you had other dietary restrictions; I got switched to ensure clear halfway through because I went on a Kate Farms boycott to get it haha, WORTH IT ensure clear I love you. You had to sit at supps table for the whole half hour or until you finished it (it was a socially-acceptable choice to just sit there for half an hour). If you didn’t drink your sup you lost privileges for the next day, but unless you’d been there for a few months you didn’t actually *have* any, so… privileges were going on our daily 10 minute walk, the weekly strip mall field trip, and if you were VERY LUCKY going to the bathroom with the door closed. During meals there were a lot of blacklisted topics because yknow. Bad Time Let’s Be Nice. If you weren’t eating staff would gently encourage you but wouldn’t be mean about it, and the other patients would too. It’s pretty hard to fake eating there, but not impossible, and definitely impossible to do it without other patients seeing (because we all watched each other eat So Closely and we know all our tricks…) and other patients ratting you out is a definite possibility. You weren’t allowed to leave the table during meals but sometimes it happens. If you didn’t eat for two days they sent you to inpatient (they couldn’t actually force you to eat in res, but in IP they can tube you).
In our free time we all got really close. Everybody had a roommate and we slept in real bedrooms with our own bathrooms (which we could only use at night, they were locked during the day). A lot of us crocheted, there was lots of reading and coloring. We were allowed an hour of screen time, including TV, a day but that was taken away if you were Really Bad (think screaming fit not like “didn’t eat fear food”). If you were still in high school you were expected to do that (online) during free time (which was also a ticket to unlimited computer time during free time lolol, same with AA). The people you go to res to become like a weird version of your family, you’re together for months with ONLY each other doing something very emotionally taxing, so like within the first few days boom you now have 15 new best friends. It’s also very insular in that there are trends? Within your res? I started a rock painting trend, and also pestered staff enough that they finally let us garden (this was just me gardening and everyone else reading in the yard). Everybody listened to top 50 pop even if they hated it, because at res you like it (I’m very attached to billboard pop 2021 still), we all watched every Keanu Reeves movie because it’s funny to say that you have (none of us even liked him that much).
At res everything is funny because everything’s so bad? It’s this sort of delirious sheen that takes over everything, like looking at the world through a soap bubble. That said I was also on the maximum dose of seroquil. Everyone’s super supportive, not like the movies. If they didn’t actually want to recover they didn’t say anything about it.
Staff there consisted of three types: the babysitters (I don’t know their real titles), mostly college girls who babysat us and ran the houses, the therapists/psychiatrists who ran groups and did individual therapy, and the nurses. There was a nurse on staff until 11 every night, because we all had hot girl stomach issues and sometimes hot girl heart problems. They took blood once a week and there was a doctor that saw you once a month or if you complained about something long enough. The babysitters were all really nice though some were less pushover-y than others (let you stay on computer longer etc). They said they did room sweeps once a week but I had contraband they never found. They also said we weren’t allowed to touch each other for more than five seconds at a time (I am the reason that rule exists haha) but like… you have a roommate for a reason!! (I’m not even talking about sex I just mean snuggling ;-;)
In terms of visitors you mostly only got your parents or if you were married your spouse, maaaybe somebody’s friends came once? But not common. You’re not allowed alone time with your visitors (like prison!) and anything they give you has to be searched by staff (same as stuff you order online or buy on the strip mall field trips). A lot of rules are very very strict because people with eating disorders are masters at worming their way out of things which sucks but makes sense.
There were some unsavory things that happened to me there that I’d like not to talk about here, just know that when you go, it’s very possible for staff to lie to your parents/caretakers to the point that they don’t believe you. It is very hard to leave once you check yourself in, and if you do leave before they let you, that’s called AMA and your insurance won’t pay for the part of your stay you did already (which for me was $2k a day. For four months). Once you go there you’ve basically handed over your rights indefinitely to the program in exchange for learning how to eat good and not die. Which is better than dying but not amazing either, but that’s the way it is.
Some other unintended side effects:
1. If you were scared of blood draws before you went in you won’t be when you come out.
2. You’ll be able to pee anywhere no more pee shyness. Along those lines we had to describe our shit every morning to the nurse in earshot of everybody? So you won’t be embarrassed about that any more.
3. You might forget to close the bathroom door the first few months you’re home.
4. You’ll become very attached to some foods in res and then when you get out can never eat those foods again. For me that’s biscoff cookie butter.
5. You’ll be WAY less on your phone. You’ll know how to sit and wait instead of going on your phone immediately for entertainment.
All in all I’d say you get more freedom than the locked ward and less freedom than rehab, but stay longer than both of them combined. Fellow patients are awesome, staff is a mostly positive mixed bag, and activities are dismal (eating).
I wish you so much luck in recovery. You can do this! Every meal is a new beginning. I believe in you!
A funny for you for making it this far:
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sadboi-writer · 1 year
Hello there :)
I just want to say that I am very new to tumblr and i dont know how this works haha
Can I request a connor murphy x reader where the reader stands up for him in the cafeteria at the first day of school? And that the reader kinda struggles with their mental health and they just comfort each other and stuff? I hope that's okay :)
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An Angel In Disguise
Connor Murphy x Reader
Warnings: Cussing, mention of suicide
Summary: When Derek Fulton takes it upon himself to call out the "freak" of the school it's not Evan Hansen or Jared Kleinman who sticks up for Connor. No, it's the newest student at the school Y/N L/N who wrecks Derek's pride and defends the broody boy. Maybe it's because they can clock Connor's problems from a mile away.
A/N: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for not writing in so long! I got really caught up in the first musical of my senior year. But, I'm on thanksgiving break now so I'll try to get out as many requests as I can!
A sigh fell from their lips.
Too loud. Y/N thought as they pushed through the crowd of students fighting to get to their first hours.
Looking down at their schedule Y/N saw the locker number and combination written on it by the counselor. They found it, but there were already four guys in front of it.
One was blond, he was wearing a blue shirt, and he looked nervous. Another had brown curly hair and boxy glasses, he wore a Galaga t-shirt under a black starry button down. Another looked like a stereotypical jock, letterman jacket, red close cropped hair, and a fuck-boy face. The fourth guy had longer brown hair, it was down to his shoulders, and he was wearing layers of grey and black.
It looked like the jock was giving them some trouble. Y/N rolled their eyes, So fucking cliche, they thought.
Y/N approached their locker, and the jock eyed them warily.
"Just kill yourself, Murphy." He said, seemingly to the longer haired one
Y/N straightened their shoulders, turning to the small group. Before the jock could continue Y/N placed a hand on his chest, pushing him away from the boys.
"Ew. No, sir." Y/N snapped, "Who the fuck do you think you are to say that to someone? How about you do everyone a favor, apologize to him, and then go learn how to be a decent person."
"And who are you?" The guy growled
Y/N smiled, "Y/N L/N. And your worst nightmare if you don't turn around and apologize to the tree that gave you the air to say that."
The jock huffed and walked away. Y/N turned back to the other boys. The proclaimed “Murphy” was staring at the ground. 
“So, he’s a complete asshole, huh?” Y/N commented
The boy in blue nodded, “Y-Yeah. Uh, thank you.”
Y/N softened at the nervousness of the boys. The one in the starry button down was looking anywhere but at Y/N. They stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Are you guys okay?” Y/N asked softly
“Uhm, yeah.” said button down boy
“Murphy?” Y/N cooed
He looked up, he was fighting back tears. Y/N could tell, they’d done that so many times. He was trying to not cry in front of his friends. 
“I’m fine.” He mumbled
Y/N nodded, “I’ll walk with you to class.”
The other two boys waved and walked away. Y/N took “Murphy”’s hand and walked him out to the front steps. A look of confusion donning his face. Y/N sat and patted the spot next to them.
“Don’t listen to that guy.” Y/N said, “He’s an asshole who wants to make you miserable because he doesn’t want anyone to be happy.”
He shook his head, “I wasn’t gonna-”
“Yes you were,” Y/N gave him a look, “I’ve been there, dude. It gets to be too much, doesn’t it?”
He was silent for a moment.
His response was quiet, almost inaudible. Y/N looked over and saw the tears had finally been released. 
“It just feels like it would be so much easier. That so many people would be so much happier without me.” 
Y/N nodded, they had been there. Had felt that exact thing.
“But they wouldn’t. Your friends? Those boys from the hall? Would be absolutely devastated.” Y/N replied, “Your parents would be crushed. All of your teachers would ask how they could’ve helped you more. Peers? They would think back on every single thing they said to you and regret not talking to you more. It seems easier, but it isn’t.”
He was silent, tears flowing. And Y/N wrapped their arm around his shoulder.
“It’ll pass. You wanna know how I know? Because I’ve been there.” Y/N continued, “There will be highs and lows. Times where all you want to do is go to sleep and not wake up. But, every day that you wake up and cope with all of those emotions. You’re winning a battle. A battle for your future. A future that is so, so bright.”
He sniffled, “Thank you.”
Y/N pulled him against them and let him cry into their shirt. And there they stayed for the rest of first hour. A new friendship blossoming.
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xiaosenthusiast · 2 years
blooming flowers, for better or worse?
hanahaki disease au (cliche storyline of u like him he doesnt like u back but with my own little twist :D)
!TW! brief mention of death and a couple mentions of blood
2.7k words! took me 2 1/2 hours to write? i hope you guys like it..i’m actually really proud of it😭
ah yes, the cliché sob story; the hanaki disease; the unrequited love! how i love these things..the grief, the pain, the jealousy.
and how could we forget?
the death.
join me traveler, as i tell you a story! one about one-sided love, jealousy, betrayal and misunderstandings.
our story begins with..
you were lovestruck; you saw the world through rose colored glasses the second you saw him. he was so ethereal. even just standing there.
‘no yn! you musn’t. you couldn’t possibly fall in love in this world.’
this world..full of danger. full of diseases. the most common one, the hanahaki disease.
HANAHAKI DISEASE - in which the victim coughs up flower petals if they suffer from one-sided love.
if only..if only you hadn’t seen him. if only you hadn’t gone to the boba shop that day.
it was your turn to order and the boy with green hair looked at you with an eyebrow raised. you stepped up trying to avoid eye contact as you found the gift cards much more interesting.
“i’ll have a thai tea.”
“with boba?”
“no thank you..”
you heard some tapping on the screen before he spoke up again.
“will that be all?”
you took a look at the pastries, pondering if you should get a brownie or a cakepop.
“i’ll get a brownie.”
he tapped on the screen again and you felt him look at you, “that’ll be $8.50.”
you opened your wallet and took out four dollar bills and one five dollar bill. he opened the register and took your money.
you looked at him and made eye contact as he handed you your change. he was smiling as you felt your cheeks got hot, you immediately looked back down. he handed you your receipt, holding onto it a little longer than 3 seconds.
“what’s your name?”
“what? what does that have to do with anything haha..”
you looked around nervously and you heard him chuckle. “i need a name to call out for your order, no?”
you tried to calm yourself down and shakily said, “it’s yn.”
“okay yn i’ll let you know when your order is ready.”
you nodded and walked to the booth farthest away from the cash register. there you slumped in your seat and sighed heavily. you looked over to the cash register and found him staring directly at you, you squeaked and looked away.
‘nononono this can’t happen. wait- as long as i don’t fall in love with him i’ll be fine right? i can be attracted to him..’
as you thought to yourself you didn’t hear your name being called. ‘i mean..as long as i don’t get to know him and fall in love i’ll be fine?’
“order for yn?”
you looked up and saw the green haired boy from earlier.
time seemed to stop as you two just looked into each other’s eyes; your heart started beating faster and you felt your face get hotter. he smiled at how you reacted, put the cup and brownie down. he winked at you and walked back to the counter while you stared at the cup he gave you; it had his number on it with a smile next to your name.
xiao !
meanwhile xiao behind the countertop was talking to one of his co-workers about the experience he just had.
“you need to stop flirting with girls. it’s not cool, especially with that hanahaki disease going around..”
“oh come on, you act as if any of them will fall for me. all i do is give them my number..they text me and i just pretend it’s the wrong number; it’s too much fun, seeing their reaction.”
“i’m just telling you..be careful! you don’t know these people, what if one of them does fall for you? what if that person just fell in love at first sight? you don’t know them or how they are. you shouldn’t just assume someone’s feelings, it’s not nice. what if they die because of the disease, you’re going to take responsibility for giving them hope.”
after his manager finished scolding him he turned back to where you were sitting, you were studying and writing some notes down with earbuds in. he leaned his head on his hand as he stared at you, he observed you as you were oblivious to his staring. he took in how your hair shaped your face and you were pretty attractive. he sighed and got back to work.
y/n !
you looked at the time and decided it was time to leave so you cleaned up and walked to the trash can, deciding whether or not to keep the cup and save his number or not. as much as you wanted to, it was very risky. you didn’t want to die from a disease..or get a surgery to get it removed. deciding against it you threw away the cup and walked back to your booth; packing up your belongings and walking out the boba shop. the snow hitting your head as you walked back to your house, it wasn’t that far from the boba shop.
timeskip :))
not seeing him was impossible to do since that boba shop was one of your favorites, you always went there to study; you liked the vibe and the drinks were just good. eventually he memorized what to make you when you walked in and you weren’t as flustered when you saw him anymore. you were able to make eye contact and be polite to him without your face turning red.
what he did notice though, was that he never got a message from you; he noticed you always threw away the cups, napkins, or pieces of paper he had given you with his number on it. he noticed it the first time but thought that you had already saved his number. while he was confused on why you weren’t saving his number, you were always shocked when you saw his number written down on something when you got your order. was he into you or something?
if he was…maybe being his friend wouldn’t be bad?
one day you walked into the boba shop and he stood behind the counter smiling at you as you walked up. you took a quick look at his nametag and addressed him by his name.
“hi..xiao…the usual, please..?”
you felt awkward being friendly with him, after all you avoided making small talk or getting to know him. he seemed as shocked as you did and you just looked around while your face turned hotter. he smiled and started laughing.
“the first time in three months of coming here, and you actually said my name..i was wondering how long it would take.”
your heart started pounding as he continued laughing, eventually you started laughing with him too.
“yn’s usual order, coming right up.”
he smiled and gave you your receipt. you went and sat down at the booth you usually sat in and took your stuff out to start studying. after a couple of minutes he brought your stuff out and sat across from you. you looked at him and you were both staring at each other, “why won’t you save my number?”
your eyes widened at his question, was he really that into you?
you awkwardly smiled, how were you supposed to answer that? ‘i’m not into you, sorry.’ that is such a lie! i’m totally into him! i just don’t want to get that horrible disease!
wait..if he was already into you…would you get the disease? i mean you’re not suffering from a one-sided love. so weighing your options you chose the best option out of this situation.
you tilted your head and put a finger on your chin; you made a confused expression and said, “you gave me your number?”
he stared at you for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth to talk, he was dumbfounded. “y-you never saw it?”
you nodded and continued to play dumb, he brought up how many times he had wrote it down for you to see but you wouldn’t budge. he slumped in his seat with a defeated expression, “i give up. it seems like you really never saw my number.”
“if you want..”
your heart started racing.
“..you can give it to me now?”
your face turned hotter.
he thought about it, he thought about why he hasn’t given up on giving you his number. before he was doing it for fun and now he just didn’t know why he never stopped; he was waiting for your text after work.
he smiled at you and wrote his number down on the napkin and slid it over to you. “we should hang out sometime.” with that he got up and walked back to the counter.
to be perfectly honest, you were still very afraid of getting that disease. but xiao seemed into you, it didn’t seem like it was going to be a one-sided love. so you decided to risk it; instead of suppressing your emotions whenever you saw him you expressed them. he did the same and it made you happy, unfortunately neither of you made a move to make it official so you were stuck in that ‘more than friends less than lovers’ stage.
at least you were stuck in it until someone new came into the store. you were studying like usual and a girl with blue hair walked in. she had a white coat on and her light blue hair was in a ponytail with a bow, she dusted herself off and you could sense her presence the moment she walked in. you were watching her and xiao interact, you were growing slightly insecure. she smiled at xiao and sat down at a window table near the cash register, unlike you where you sat in the corner of the shop nowhere near the register. or a window.
she looked so pretty. just sitting there. she was scrolling on her phone and you found yourself comparing yourself to her.
“order for ganyu.”
you heard your not-boyfriend yell, you eyed her cup to see if there was a number on it. she got up and walked over to the counter, grabbed some napkins and walked out.
‘guess i really was overthinking..’
or at least that’s what you thought until you looked over at xiao he was staring at the door, as if he was expecting her to walk back in. you felt a deep pit settle itself in your stomach, you were feeling very anxious right now.
all of a sudden you started coughing violently, you felt all kinds of emotions going through you. the most distinct one though; you were feeling dread. your coughing fit had caught the attention of xiao as he walked over to you. you ran to the bathroom before he could get to you, you locked the bathroom and kneeled over the toilet.
what you started coughing up made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. you were mortified right now. this is what you wanted to avoid. this is why you knew it wasn’t a good idea to get close to him. he was ripped away from you just like that; in two seconds, when that girl walked in.
“yn? are you okay in there..?”
you heard xiao softly knock on the bathroom door and you got up. you flushed the toilet and opened the door. you smiled at him and walked right past him. he looked at you confused, why weren’t you saying anything?
“yn? seriously, are you okay?”
“mhm! peachy- cough peachy keen!”
“at least let me check if you have a fever-”
you were packing away your things, getting ready to leave. you turned around and xiao was right there,his hand was right there and he put it up against your forehead. the action warmed your heart and you felt another coughing fit coming up.
“yn you’re burning up, should i walk you home?”
“no i’m-i’ll be- cough cough”
blood covered petals were being forced out of your throat as you held onto your chest. xiao stood there, speechless; his eyes were wide and he was staring at you. “do- what? what happene-”
you grabbed your belongings and shoved him out of the way. he tried chasing after you but he was scared stiff; he couldn’t move, shock and horror going through his body.
you at home started crying your eyes out, you were in so much pain. how did all of his feelings vanish after seeing her for two minutes? it wasn’t fair, did those four months mean nothing? you were really in a world of hurt. bloodied petals being coughed up while experiencing heartbreak, how did he get over you so fast?
he didn’t see you for the next month; he started staring out the door more, expecting you to walk in. he was spaced out more than usual at work, he looked over to where you would usually be sitting and his heart tore a little when he didn’t see you there.
this didn’t last long though, as the blue-haired customer started coming in more. xiao was entranced by her and eventually he was able to do his work just fine as long as he could see her more. she seemed to share the same thought.
you knew what you had to do, it’s not like he would care anyway. you had the proof in your body, he didn’t love you anymore. you scheduled an appointment, you knew what this meant; you would be forgetting about him and your feelings for him all together.
another timeskip ><
it had been about 5 months since xiao had seen you, honestly he had you locked away in the back of his mind. he didn’t want to remember what happened that day; he felt guilty. he felt guilty for letting yoy walk out like that. he felt guilty for letting your feelings go on like that. he knew. he knew about your feelings for him; he had feelings for you too.
that was until that blue haired girl walked in. unlike her, he didn’t have love at first sight with you. he had to get to know you, he had to get closer to you for his feelings to actually develop. she walked in and took his heart from you, tearing yours in the process.
when he heard the bell of the door ring he looked up expecting it to be ganyu, but you had walked right in. his eyes widened and memories started pouring into his mind. you looked at him confused, “where’s lumine? did she hire someone new..”
you mumbled to yourself while wondering who the new worker was. you shrugged and walked right up to him.
“hi! i’ll get a-”
“thai tea, no boba with a brownie? warmed up?”
you were stunned to say the least, “huh? did you read my mind or something? ARE YOU A FORTUNE TELLER?”
you stared at him determined to know the truth, “okay honestly..how did you know what i was going to order??” you were a little scared but intrigued.
“you don’t remember?”
“what? remember what?”
xiao started to connect the dots, did you get the surgery in those five months you disappeared? no you couldn’t have possibly..
“yn did you get the sur-”
he was quickly shut up by a mouth on his hand, “yn, hi! how’s everything going?”
“lumine! everything’s going fine, i just wanted to come here more..you liar you said this place was only open weekdays! also when did you hire him?~ he’s pretty cute!”
you winked at him and his ears went red.
“oh trust me, you don’t want him..he’s a troublemaker.”
you laughed and lumine side eyed xiao. “what can i get for you yn?” she smiled and looked back at you , she took her hand off xiao mouth and took your order. he just watched the interaction between you two.
lumine told you to go sit down, but when she walked to the back you winked at xiao again.
“so what’s your name?”
“oh, it’s xiao..” he took a moment to reminisce the memories between you two.
“well..nice to meet you xiao, i hope we get to see each other more often!” you turned and went to go sit at a window table.
it seems even if you forgot all about him, you could never resist his charm.
@layla240 @meisuuu
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whentheleahvesfall · 11 days
Hero & Partner Week - Day 4 - All Prompts
Well I’m like very behind XD At least today is day 7, so that means previous prompts time! And hoo boy… there’s like a lot to go through. So I’ll try try my best at least from this year’s prompts!
Anyway, for day 4, I’m gonna do all of the four prompts. Yes, you read that correctly, I’m here writing for all four prompts because not only do I want to do so, but I wanted to put myself in the shoes of all four of my protagonists haha. Whilst I still try to get my day 3 sorted (and then my day 5 prompt done too ahahshdhsbdhsb), I at least wanted to tackle day 4, so without further ado, I hope you enjoy reading what my scuffed behind brain has to write :)
Great Canyon
Passing over ragged rocks, broken cliff-drops that fell into a fallen abyss and surviving the harsh arid temperatures that blew through the winds of change, a plodding of two comrades making their way to a prophecy-calling psychic type was afoot. Going for a few hours without much in ways of a proper break, a brazen but hyperactive Totodile collapsed in a gap between two beaming pillars of stone, gazing upon them with fears of them potentially toppling over without much realisation.
“How much further do we need to go before we manage to see this um… Xatu…? My legs are practically… hah… killing me over here Scrald…”
Staring back at the Totodile was the human-turned-Pokémon, a Torchic who would often leap into more situations than one without much in the way of thinking. Scrald was desperate to learn anything about why he had come to this world, which for whatever reason made his eagerness to jump into the deep end more annoying for his partner. Ruffling his feathers, the now fire type flung his Totodile friend into a frenzy.
“Yeesh Planker, how many more times do I need to keep pulling these claws of yours? Get moving already, we’ve got no time for a break! I really need to-“
“Yeah yeah, I know, I know. You gotta know why you came here, but am I not allowed as much of a dignified break as this? Like I said, I can’t even think straight too much because of all of this walking…”
The Torchic finally stopped and took a moment to finally sink in the words of Planker, his partner. Sighing and waning his beak ever so slightly, he stopped to sigh and finally rested on an adjacent rock to get to grips with what he wanted to talk about.
“Fine, alright. I get it too, you need to wait. But I just… I can’t get out of my head something that’s been bothering me.”
“The fact that you jump into danger without so much as a precursor of thinking properly?”
“What?! I’m just an outgoing person, okay?! I hate seeing other Pokémon in trouble, and this is no different-!”
“Scrald, will you shut up for a moment and think for a second?”
Planker frowned at his friend, not gnashing his jaw to scare him but covered his scarf over his face in a form of worry. The green fabric providing some form of comfort much like his straw-bed that he would sleep in nearby to Scrald’s own house, he fidgeted his claws before opening his mouth after taking a deep breath.
“Look, I… I’m sorry. But I’m just as worried about what Xatu might say about you just as much as you may be worried about what it means to be human. You’re worried that…”
“I’m causing the natural disasters?”
“Uh yes, that. You… said that more openly than I expected you to.”
Scrald shivered but slowly nodded. “I-I know. I get that you’re able to also predict what I say so easily as it feels like I’m much more of an open book than I thought. But… but yeah, I’m scared. To know what it means to carry an unknown burden that the reason the natural disasters are occurring and my appearance is…”
The water type widened his eyes and shook his head vehemently, immediately gripping one of the side-feathers of the Torchic before wrapping one arm around his torso.
“No. No no no don’t even go there Scrald. Before we even see Xatu, and even if you feel there may be a bad thing he might say to you… you’re not the reason these disasters are happening. I just… I can’t in my mind, I just can’t… picture you of all of the Pokémon I met be the one who’s responsible for all of this. It’s just not possible.”
“But how would you even know that? One day I suddenly wake up in the middle of a forest, I formed the Blazing Water rescue team with you, and now I… now I need to do why I’m even here. And if that means I have to find out the hard way, I… I guess I should’ve known that maybe my role here was much bigger than I expected.”
Forming a mixture of contemplation and seriousness, Planker looked at Scrald straight into his black-toned eyes.
“My gut feeling tells me you’re innocent in all of this. Not anybody else, or some all-seeing prophecy… just my faith in you.”
“A gut… feeling? That’s not… that’s not anything, is it? How would you know that I’d be a person who wasn’t responsible for the earthquakes, the forest fires, the many, many other things we keep seeing from the Pelliper news-“
“Scrald, please. Just… just stop thinking about what everyone else thinks of you and focus on me. Me - your… your friend. I trust you. And forget about Gengar, forget about Team A.C.T., forget about the disasters and your own pre-conceived concerns, and put faith in yourself as a person. I… I wouldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for you. And even if we’re not perfect, that’s okay. Because… if we’re here together, then we can find out why it’s all happening. Xatu’s a psychic type right?”
Scald slowly began to nod in an attempt to agree, but whether he knew for certain was something he couldn’t foresee. How could he know for certain he wasn’t responsible and still needed to place his faith in someone he hadn’t even met before?
Perhaps the psychic type with the ability to see what he couldn’t could give him the reassurance he thought he desperately needed?
“Then he’d know more about it than anyone. Look, I… I can get why you have a bad feeling about this Scrald. And I know you’re in a hurry and are scared… but I believe in you. So please, even if it’s just for the remainder of this dungeon… believe in me as much as I do for you. Even if it’s just one step at a time. I can take the small steps, just not up this darn canyon…”
The Torchic human would sigh but give the ever-so-slightest hints of a smile across his beak.
Maybe if he continued, he would get his answers. Maybe if he believed in himself, he would be able to prove his own doubts wrong. For whatever reason it was, whether it was deep inside of him or not, one thing was for certain in his brain. He would have to keep going, no matter what.
“O-okay. I’ll do it. A-and I’ll try, with you.”
A smile from his partner after he pulled his scarf down was all he needed to move forward together to get the answers he seemed. He would make sure that the both of them would know exactly what was the cause of everything that could be occurring.
And he would do it with his friend… together.
Hidden Land
It had been several hours passing over the Sea of Time that Harmony had finally managed to close his eyes to sense the aura around him, feeling scared about the imminent collapse of time if they didn’t hurry to climb Temporal Tower and save the world for permanent, pending paralysis.
It was the future he came from that he went back in time for so he could fix the mistakes his former self had made, and with it, his own amnesia meant he could only try and thaw in the blanks of what it meant to still live in the past he was in right now.
“…Harmony? Hey. Are you okay?”
A shake and tussle from a concerned female Eevee shook him from his partial concentration, her eyes filled with concern as she sat down next to the Riolu to share some insight as to his sudden actions.
“I-I’m fine. Just… just thinking about stuff.”
“Like what? Did you want to talk about it?”
“Flurr, I… I can’t. Not whilst the world’s own future is at stake. We need to keep moving, or otherwise we’ll run out of time.”
He grimaced and flexed his right forepaw, fidgeting at his side before slowly slumping below. Harmony couldn’t bring himself to talk to her about all of the troubled emotions he had hidden underneath his mind.
Dusknoir’s betrayal and the kidnapping of the both of them so they could fight through the future just so they could return to the past and hope to even have a chance of collecting the Time Gears.
Realising that not only did he have the partner by his side, he also was none other than the same human Grovyle trusted with his life before his amnesia overcame him. Not even being aware of both of their true identities, they both fought when encountering him at one of the three Time Gears’ lakes, before the pain of realisation meant they could all be manipulated by pure coincidence.
Right now, Grovyle too was in front of them scouting the area to ensure they knew where they were headed before moving forward.
Standing in an old set of ruins beset by murals of ancient depictions of legendary Pokémon battles and the events of a previous falling asteroid, the Riolu did not want any part of becoming legend. He was scared and terrified. Not just of losing his own life if he failed, but by harming the two partner Pokémon he relied on so much that he couldn’t bring himself to tell them.
In his mind at least, that’s what he thought. That there was no way that they could ever understand the feelings he encompassed after forgetting his previous life for the one he lived now, and the consequences he had to deal with in tow just to get a basic understanding of everything.
As he sat, he shivered. Inside his mind, or at least the very depths of it, there was a tinge of regret that something may happen. What might happen to him when he prevented the future of darkness from ever occurring? Would it mean… would it mean that he himself would become a time paradox? That he would never exist?
Harmony couldn’t bring himself to finish that thought, before he felt a comforting hug come from his Eevee partner. She could only look on in an attempt to get through to his mind.
“I don’t know what you’re thinking Harmony, but this isn’t just a burden you have to think is just only on your shoulders. It’s on our shoulders together, is it not?”
The Riolu human stared back incredulously, unsure of what she was trying to say.
“How is it not Flurr? I’m… I’m trying my best to deal with the consequences of every second we lose. Your relic fragment may have guided us here but it’s not guiding my lost heart right now. I can’t… I can’t deal with losing you too. I just can’t. You mean too much to me.”
“That’s… thank you, but I… I know you’re not the only one who’s thinking about this all deep inside.”
Flurr flickered a small smile at him, which made his already overwhelmed brain suddenly contemplate a whole slither of conundrums. What was she even talking about? Did he do something to upset her? Did he go and screw up again, like everything he touched triggered his Dimensional Screams? Did he waste the time of other Pokémon again? Did he-
“I’m thinking about it too, even now.”
“Y-you are? But why?”
“Because I know that underneath it all, I’m scared, I-I’m afraid, but… I know if I don’t move forward, we won’t be able to save anyone. Me and Grovyle… we’re just as nervous about what might happen if we move forward as much as anyone else is. Including you. So please, even if it is the hardest thing in the world for you… please, just try. For me. For us. We’re Team Harmonia after all, and it was named after you. So… even if I get my strength from you too, I just… please?”
“That’s… that’s impossible.”
The female Eevee pulled her partner into a sudden hug.
“It may feel that way… but if you have someone to confide your worries in, doesn’t that mean you can at least try? We’ll save this world Harmony, I’m sure of it.”
Harmony looked at her, before eventually realising he couldn’t keep it in anymore. A few sniffles came, before a tear fell, then another and then another. He couldn’t keep it up.
He had to cry.
And as the Eevee cuddled him… she knew that with him, her strength and at least her worries can help make him feel better. Even if it was just in this moment. As the both of them didn’t know what to expect, they knew they needed to try. Just try.
They would go and place the Time Gears so they could save the world together.
If the both of them could just try… they could do it together.
Glacier Palace
The air was becoming hard to breathe for everyone around him. Soon without realising, his allies would begin collapsing from exhaustion one after another.
First came the collapse of his friend Dunsparce, followed by Virizion, then Umbreon and Espeon. They all fell from the protruding force of an unknown assailant, making the air thin as ice… much like the place they had become trapped from traversing via the Entercards.
Eventually, before he even realised, a lone Tepig stood still near the fallen and near unconscious body of his partner, an Axew whom he had grown to care about since he first woke up in this world from falling down from the sky.
“Huck! Huck, buddy, wake up-!”
“Ungh… Cormos… I…”
“Please, I can’t be the only one left up here, stay with me, even if it’s just…!”
The Axew’s tenacity was waning away, fading into background obscurity as he felt his consciousness slowly slipping into the depths of unawakened darkness. Cormos refused to have this happen. He… he couldn’t let this happen. Why? Why were his friends - and his precious best friend - all starting to find it difficult to even breathe?
With a sudden deep breath and a flurry of panic wash over him, sweat began to cover the fire type-human’s face. He was the only one left still standing.
How? How was this even happening? Why was it even happening for him?
He didn’t know. He just didn’t know.
“…Cormos…” Huck coughed, feeling his strength all but surely break away.
“Huck, I’m scared, what do I-? What do I do?”
“Just… stay by my side. Your presence… it’s… it’s the thing that… cough… provides me with the ability to even talk to you… gah… right now.”
“I’m still here Cormos… even if I’m…”
Silence fell by the end of his partner’s date statement, and in a frantic effort to try and wake him up, the Tepig rushed to his side, shaking him like a ragdoll in a desperate attempt to wake him.
“Huck! Huck! C’mon, don’t… don’t leave me now.”
A sudden, ice-pierced cry echoed throughout the chamber as a looming silhouette appeared over the human. There staring back at him was an expression lost with no soul, empty and desolate. With two ice-fractured wings flung from the back of its body, whatever this creature was instantly made the flame in Cormos’ body flicker further in a reflex arc.
“I-I… I come in peace. P-please… my buddy… please what’s happening to him?”
“You. You who can somehow survive the thick air up here. Just who are you?”
“…Cormos. Now tell me, how do I save my friend?!”
The ice dragon roared and shook the confines of the Glacier Palace with the ferocity of what felt like an avalanche.
“I asked a question, I would like an answer. How could you possibly still breathe when…?”
Upon closer inspection, the towering giant loomed over the fire type with piqued interest. Moving down, they stared back at Cormos before making a slow growl.
“Your smell… it’s foreign. One that I feel accustomed to from the many times I’ve seen your kind. But you… I see you only pay heed to your allies and the Pokémon beside you. Why are you here… Cormos?”
“I… I came here because our team wanted to perform an investigation of the Glacier Palace. We didn’t mean to i-intrude or steal anything from you Mr…”
“Your kind can call me Kyurem. I’m content with your so-called investigation, but any moves further past this point is forbidden. Should you even dare try to defy me… a swift death would be nothing more short than certain.”
“I-I have no intention of doing that Kyurem.” The Tepig fearfully curled up into a ball, scared of what the towering ice dragon would inflict upon him if he tested his patience.
Luckily for him though, whatever the beast was approached Huck slowly before roaring and clearing some of the air temporarily so that he could breathe.
Before he realised it, the Axew slowly began to wake up again and turned to see the intensively worried face of his Tepig partner.
“Cormos… thank you.”
“I suggest to the both of you that whatever business you have further in this place is wrapped up now. I do not want to warn you a second time.”
“W-we will. We’re extremely sorry to trespass.”
“But I will say this. This Axew can keep the Frism he wanted to obtain. It is a special… object that can help with transferring messages if provided with the warmth of key. This will be your way of remembering your time here.”
Huck’s face immediately lit up with a gleaming smile, before finding his arms straight around the neck of the Tepig.
“Cormos… you were incredibly brave… thank you, thank you, thank you…”
The only thing on the former human’s mind though was the fact that his partner was safe. They would be okay. Team Whirlsprint would be alright.
And him and the rest of his friends… could go home together.
Revelation Mountain
Through the continuous rocky path to the peak of the mountain, a lone and angst-filled water type darted his eyes around in several different directions. Somewhere deep inside of him, he couldn’t help but feel worried.
The true culprit responsible for turning the world’s Pokémon to stone… he would slowly but surely meet them face-to-face.
With this knowledge, he knew he’d have to fight whatever it was that was standing in his way. Whether he knew for certain or not how it would turn out was anyone’s guess, at least to him.
All he know though was he wanted to find comfort in himself. No matter how far he’d go just to know what he could do at the core of the dilemma.
“We’ve got to not be far from the peak now you two. Stay sharp.”
Archen - one of the water type Pokémon’s allies from the Expedition Society - looked back at the both of the main team members of the Kipsaurs with a face filled with protection and confidence.
Sprout - a hyperactive Bulbasaur - nodded in tow. Cormac - the Mudkip with a lot to contemplate even if his former foster parent was also with them - was snapped back out of his thoughts. His terrified, over-encompassed worries and concerns.
As both Archen and Nuzleaf - the grass-type who took the human in where he had no where else to go - both wandered ahead not too far from where they would ascend to take down Krookodile, eventually the Bulbasaur looked and widened his eyes at the weakness of his friend. Walking alongside Cormac, he turned to look at him straight in the eyes.
“Hey, is… is everything alright? You look like the Mareep got stacked all over you.”
“Ah… I… it’s nothing Sprout, you don’t need to concern yourself over me. We have to stop Krookodile from hurting whatever is at the top of this mountain. I’m sure your Pops would say the same thing.”
“My Pops huh…? Well… I-I know most of all he’d be especially worried about me. Considering we haven’t seen each other in so long, he’d come back and scoop me up and give me the longest hug ever. But… but that’s not who I’m worried about right now. It’s you. You look so shuttered Cormac. W-why?”
With a heavy sigh, the former but amnesiac human stopped and began to shiver. His fin stood on end and his thoughts throttling any form of concentration, he shook himself into a shrunken corner.
Something… something felt horribly, horribly wrong in his mind. Why? Why could he not bring himself to move? How could he not have any strength left in him to continue moving forward? How was it that it was always him…? Right here, right now, why was he so worthless-?
“Cormac! Cormac! Cormac! Listen to me Cormac, I’m here! Please, please come back!”
A voice blotted out the echoed darkness that ploughed from the recesses of his mind to the forefront of reality, and through fuzzied eyes he stared at the concerned partner that shone into his line of sight.
Sprout looking no more worried than any other time he had seen him with his own self-doubts, he stared at Cormac with a look of lingering confusion and fear he would lose his friend to whatever he may have been going through.
“Cormac… come back to me.”
A breath of air from his lungs… and out again. Breathing in… and breathing out. Rinse and repeat until… until he would feel better.
“S-Sprout… I’m sorry.”
“I’m here Cormac, please… just tell me what’s worrying you.”
Silence filled the air as the Mudkip managed to regain his footing, before he slumped onto one of Sprout’s back vines for support as he used them to help him feel comfortable.
“I’m… just worried. About… about confronting the person who could be causing all these problems we’re having at the Expedition Society. I’m worried we could be turned to stone… or something might happen to you or Archen or my… own Pappy, but I… I’m worried most of all of seeing you get hurt. I can’t… no I won’t let that happen. I just can’t.”
With a flickered tear rolling down his cheek and dampening the cloth of the harmony scarf he wore, Sprout raised a leg to wipe it away and slowly but surely gave him a hug.
Maybe it wouldn’t last forever… but in this moment Cormac felt he needed it the most, especially when feeling at his most vulnerable right now.
“I-I know how it feels. Cormac, I’m scared of a lot of things. Losing my Pops, losing my place in the society, but now… hearing you say that, and how much you care about me… it makes me scared of losing you too. More than anything than you may know. But… but we have each other. I’m not going to let anything happen to you Cormac, no matter what.”
Sprout looked at his best friend with all the care he had for him up until this point in their journey, clinging onto him so he could feel at ease. He wouldn’t let go… not until he knew for certain that the Mudkip human would know how to ease his panic away from his mind.
Breathing slowly but surely, Cormac nodded and reciprocated the hug. He hugged him tightly, and began to sniffle more.
“I-I can’t… no I won’t… I refuse to let Krookodile, or whoever else I fear may touch you lay their hands on you Sprout… I never, ever want to have you harmed.”
“…I’m glad, so so glad to hear that Cormac. C’mon, let’s go… Archen and Mr Nuzleaf are up ahead.”
With two cautious steps, the both of them walked forward to catch up to the other two in their searching party. Archen noticed Cormac’s worried eyes and gave him a reassuring nod.
And his surrogate father he left behind… whether it was his face or not, the human couldn’t tell.
But he swear… he saw the pained tear and worry his own face move forward.
“C’mon young’uns… yer gonna be fine. And Cormac… I’ll make sure you’ll be raising yer spirits like-a freshly brewed Oran Berry soufflé.”
The grass-type guardian gave his child a hug as well as a form of consolation for him, as the four of them had managed to get through to a clearing at the top.
The Expedition Society’s members all were there to support him, he realised. Even his own guardian.
But whatever this feeling that was inside him that he couldn’t shake away for something being wrong… he knew one thing he could do.
He would confront it with his allies together.
Thank you for reading all four prompts I had to write. Whilst I know my other submissions are waaaayyy overdue (I’m sorry DX), thank you for a great hero/partner week! I’ve loved seeing all of you guys’ submissions and it proves that not only are all of you talented, but you’re all amazing in your own right as we all move forward to the future. We can all be here… as we each move forward… together.
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misssleepless12 · 5 months
A03 Wrapped 2023 Edition
This is technically an ask game but I'm just gonna answer some of these here bc 2023 was a super big year for me in terms of how much I wrote!! And I'm just kinda proud of my silly self hehehe <3
How many works did you publish this year? 14! I wrote for four different fandoms! Blue Lock, Persona 3, PKMN Black and White, and PKMN Scarlet and Violet.
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? I've written so many things I'm proud of this year, but I'm gonna have to say riptide ! rnis in Rin's hometown of Kamakura, but I did sooo much research for it and put so much effort into it and then wrote it all in a three weeks in a massive brainrot streak hahah.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Ohhh god time to embarrass myself again but the Chainsmokers was my top artist of 2023 and I also used so many of their lyrics and songs for inspiration. As evidence above hahaha~
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? In terms of number of fics, it's rnis/rinsagi at 4! But in terms of word count, otkr/tabieita came from the back with the surprise win!
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? The surprise contender that was tabieita hahah
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Haha, haha.... ha. I'm sitting at five fully started/outlined ones already... oh boy XD
What work was the quickest to write? Gold Star for Effort which took me like four hours djfndkj
What work took you the longest to write? Pull in Case of Bisexual Awakening at five and a half months!
Your favorite character to write this year? Otoya Eita, my beloved womanizing green noodle ninja hahah
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Bris/ barousagi bug bit me recently so I know that wave of brainrot is coming!
Which work of yours have you reread the most? let's admit, without apology, what we do to each other .... my comfort fic
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 2,096! The most I've ever gotten in a single year and nearly half of what I've gotten altogether!
What do you listen to while writing? I have a bunch of character or ship playlists I made that I like to listen to! I also sometimes just throw rain sounds in the background too pfft.
Favorite work you wrote this year? Once again... Pull in Case of Bisexual Awakening! Literally changed the course of my year both in terms of my real life and my creative one writing that bad boy!
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? He is rawer, nowadays, somewhat like when Sae first rejected him but also not. ‘Somewhat’ because he still aches all the time, ‘not’ because he embraces it. All wound. No boy. No need for anyone to stem his bleeding because Rin’s at his best when he’s bleeding, when he can be obscene, when he can destroy. - from final boys
Biggest surprise while writing this year? That once I figured out a good process for going from idea-outline-actual writing to finished product, I was so impressed with the amount of writing I was actually capable of! I've always been a notoriously slow writer, which led to me not being able to post super often prior to 2023 But I really hammered out a writing process that works for me and I did the best I could with it I think! I hope to improve upon it this year and hopefully get a better handle of keeping my word counts in check too (chronic over-writer here dkjfndjk).
2023 was such a big wild year for my writing and I can only hope I keep up the energy in 2024. It was such a blast and I appreciate everyone who supported me through all the ups and downs!! <3
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patchwork-crow-writes · 3 months
57 - A Secret Day
I... I have a present for you, my light. I hope that you like it...!
I've worked on this for so long now, and now finally it's ready... a pocket of time I've stitched together just for you! Twenty-four peaceful hours cut from the cloth of time, to do with entirely as you wish. Isn't it beautiful, my light? Go ahead - try it on!
How did I make this, you ask...? Well... I am Prince of the Dark in more than name, you know! I simply... took little bits and pieces of time that weren't being used. Minutes stolen here and there, during your most lonesome nights and your most tedious classes... a-and I wove them together into something truly special. Somewhere and somewhen you can go if you ever need to... escape, for a short while.
O-oh, but you don't have to worry about everyone up above! While you're here, no time will pass outside! It... it'll be like you never left... s-so there's no need to worry about being told off by your mom, haha! And you... can do whatever you want here. You could catch up on your schoolwork, or... or explore the dark world at your leisure! You can even just sleep, if you prefer - I know how much you like to!
As for me? Well, I'm just happy to observe you for a short while, my light. I'll be right by your side through it all, to talk or to play with... o-or anything else that t-takes your fancy...! I d-don't mind at all... this is your day, don't forget!
...it suits you perfectly, my dear. Almost like it was made just for you - very fetching, haha! I really hope that you enjoy it... and that you'll always remember this special day, this secret time just for me and you.
The Dark Menagerie No. 57
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