#its like that one meme where they were doing best mates and making friends and whatever happened at the end
zkelecr0w · 10 months
I feel like the skibidi toilet meme is just a fleshed out story version of the engineer nope meme. Like we all used to laugh at engineers neck expand with the word nope. This is just gen alphas version.
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essentiallyleaf · 8 months
day 19. rimming. with. haewon.
723 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x male reader, haewon is haewon, what else is there to say, rimming, handjob, writer is the moon knight meme in this one.
im out of (barely) good ideas and im panicking. fizzlingoutly, leaf.
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You didn’t think it’d be so easy getting from Haewon’s overlip leaving pink-leaning-orange (she keeps insisting she’s a cool tone, but hm, is she really?) marks on her coke glass to the same lip imprints circling your butthole as she leaves wet kisses all around it. No, it was just a quick exchange, like she was choosing what to have for lunch at Subway.
“Wait, you’ve done this already, right?” You ask her, not without a little worry.
“Nah, have you?” She spits back casually.
“I thought you were the one who ate ass and wanted me to be your mate?! You know, mate in the, Brit sense, not in the… scientific sense.” That was more complicated than it needed to be.
“I dunno, I’m just tryna have fun.” She shrugs.
The correct answer, like in the Subway situation, is to not find yourself there, but if for some reason you do, might as well try to make the best of it. And the best of it, in this case, supposedly consists in Haewon’s hands keeping your thighs wide open as you lay on your back while her tongue takes a few short, explorative trips from your testicles, down to your perineum, applying a little pressure on it, and to the edge of your puckered hole. She brings her fingers up to your previously lubricated shaft to stroke it from time to time, but your groans when she does make them retreat immediately, reminding her that no, that’s not the main dish tonight.
It feels a little weird, having something touch you down there, but when that something has the soft, smooth texture, the expert dexterity and the cunning wit of Haewon’s tongue, well, then it’s probably Haewon’s tongue that’s when weird falls into the background to make space for pleasing, as testified by your whimpers, starting sparse and now becoming more and more frequent. That’s enough evidence for the girl to deduce that it’s time to go in, and when she does without any sign of warning, the only thing that can reasonably come out of your mouth, after a loud moan, that is, is a “Fuck you!”. That’s fair, she thinks, as she keeps attacking the inside of your cavern, and fair is the answer that you receive.
“That’s only gonna happen later, be patient”
Haewon starts circling all around the inner edge of your hole, making you bring a hand to your mouth to try to contain your own groans, or worse, screams. How does the joke bear get to this? How does she go from acting as the loser girl transferring schools in 7th grade for shits and giggles, to having you struggle to keep your shit together in your own bed because she wanted to, and this should be more or less the exact quote, “tongue-punch your bussy, you little boy bitch!”? Maybe sometimes it’s better not to ask. Other times, you don’t really have the physical capability to ask because your ‘friend’ (an umbrella term, but the most appropriate one to describe the two of you, you think; again, sometimes it’s better not to ask) is alternating between pumping her tongue deep in your asshole and wrapping her lips around its entrance to suck all the air out of it. Those times, the hand that was keeping your mouth closed becomes an object just like any other to bite onto, because now it would be screams. Those times, making the best of it is letting Haewon play with her toy and focusing on not letting the whole neighborhood know about it. Not supposedly anymore.
So when the final thrusts of her tongue hit you where it pleases the most, both of her hands back on your length and stroking, the only thing you can do is wail onto your own hand while you watch spurts upon spurts of white fly up in the air and back down on your abs, the muscles of your ass flexing repeatedly around her tongue. Lay your head back down onto the pillow and let yourself catch your breath again as you spread your arms open on the bed. Not even a minute, and she’s already taking her zip-up sweater and ripped blue jeans off and throwing them on the ground.
“Come on, fucker, what did you think the main dish was?”
maybe the formula is just sleep schedule plus work ethic, times effort. mathematically, leaf.
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dazeddoodles · 8 months
The headcanons ✨ (turned into general raeda headcanons whoops)
When the two get married,raine takes eda's surname but also keeps their old surname and thus they become raine whispers clawthorne
The batts members become eda's unofficial adoptive kids after the two adjust with being together again
At home,Raine is the more nurturing type. While you think it may be hard for Raine to keep Eda in line,since they have a functional relationship,all Raine has to do is ask Eda and she'll comply.
Raine sleeps in Eda's nest only to make her happy,they didn't want to at first but ended up getting used to it.
Raine is actually the more responsible one out of the two when it comes to running hexside,we both know that eda would totally join in whatever chaos the kids get into. This is why the hexside students are more afraid of raine than they are of eda.
Raine overworks themself when doing their vice principal duties and Eda makes them take break by literally carrying them to a couch kicking and screaming
Eda has a second attachment for her hook to use when she and Raine are being lovey-dicey (knife kink-)
Eda kisses Raine’s possession scars when they are intimate,as if to kiss and make better and to show they are loved. Eda secretly thinks the scars are roguishly hot, but doesn’t say because of where they came from
Raine likes giving owl themed gifts to eda,even pre epilogue
Eda and raine occasionally go for a fly around the isles once raine gets used to eda's harpy form
Raine has nightmares after Belos’ possession and the collector’s puppet-ing of them. They were aware the entire time, but couldn’t respond to Eda at all. They wake up some nights panicking that it’s happening again,and Eda just holds them
Eda uses her harpy form when the two are getting it on since she knows how much raine loves it based on how they reacted to first seeing it
When Raine was in the emperor's coven they kept track of Eda and made sure she didn't get arrested. Or killed
The Owl Beast sees Raine as its mate and Eda lets the beast come out so that it can cuddle with Raine
Eda tied up her hair because it kept getting in the way whenever she was making out with raine
Eda steals their glasses when they need to go to work so they have to stay until she gives them back (which is immediately, because Raine pouts and Eda gives in to their puppy eyes)
Owlbert and raine's palisman are best friends which is why they often look out for eda/raine when either isn't around to do so, especially during the break up
Eda is ironically the better cook out of the two despite her definitely having a tendency to get "experimental" with cooking,this is why when the two go on dates it's at home with raine enjoying eda's cooking.
Eda just eats the bugs that scare Raine instead of exterminating them
Raine cries reading sad books and Eda doesn't understand but she tries her best to comfort them
Eda's love language is physical touch which is why she absolutely ached for any affection during the break up. The two cuddle a lot post epilogue to make up for this.
Raine has a sweet tooth and eda often makes or buys them pastries/candy as gifts because of this
Raine uses 8 different soaps and eda uses one for everything (like that one 10 in one shampoo meme)
The two never have any biological children,however they do have eda's many adoptive kids and the batts members
Raine has given up on the phrase "let's think about this rationally" post epilogue lol
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evienyx · 3 years
DSMP Citizens POV- Part 1
I've seen a lot of the memes going around, but I'm not funny enough to write that, so here's my addition to the trend :p
This is part one, because I had a lot of fun with this and want to do it more.
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DSMP Citizen POV Masterlist
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Sometimes, it was odd for the residents of the Dream SMP to be reminded of the fact that the constant state of chaos that their server was in was not, in fact, reflective of every server.
"Why did we move here?" One woman in Snowchester whispers to another as the sirens go off for yet another nuke test and they duck down into their bunker.
The other shrugs. She doesn't have an answer. No one does.
Things started out all right, the people supposed. There weren't any wars, at least. Some of those who lived on the server before the Revolution could remember back far enough to tell you about the first true conflict, between Dream, the creator of their home, and TommyInnit, a sixteen-year-old who could yell shockingly loud, even for a teenager. Dream fought against Tommy and Tubbo (yet another teenager), and it seemed to all be in good fun.
Some will tell you now, though, that the signs of tension were already there, and when Wilbur Soot joined, those tensions only escalated.
One moment, things on the server were normal, the next, there was a Revolution.
"Did anyone else hear Dream shouting about 'white flags' this morning?" One person would ask their friends, and receive nods in return. "Anyone know what it's about?"
"A Revolution," one would respond. "Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are starting a new country."
"Oh," the first would hum. "How long until they get completely crushed?"
"Eh, I give 'em a week."
It was only a week, but it did not end the way anyone thought it would. Instead, L'Manburg gained its independence after TommyInnit gave up his discs once he lost a duel with Dream.
"Is the L'Manburg cabinet missing someone?"
"No, I don't think so. Anyway, did you hear that Dream just declared that Eret is to be crowned king?"
"...Can he do that?"
"He's Dream. He can do whatever he wants."
After the Revolution, when the server finally had more than one ruling faction, more than one place to live, things seemed to pick up a bit. President Soot, with Vice President Innit (VP Tommy, the people called him), ruled over L'Manburg, and called it a place of freedom. When word spread to other servers, people came to see for themselves.
And often, they stayed.
It was peaceful, for a while.
"President Soot announced he's holding an election," one man said to his wife one day.
"Yeah. Said it was for democracy." The man snorted. "He and Innit are the only party running, though. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me."
"Darling, I know you're still salty about losing the war, but there's no reason to talk bad about a child," his wife said.
The man wrinkled his nose. "Still."
It was peaceful during the campaign.
For a while.
Then, though, Quackity announced that he was running for president, with GeorgeNotFound, best friend of Dream himself, as his running mate.
"This feels like a sitcom," one girl says as she watches the debate reruns with her friends.
"At least it's entertaining," her friend replies, shoving popcorn into his mouth.
And, for the people of the Dream SMP, from both L'Manburg and the Greater SMP, it was entertaining.
Until the election results came in, Schlatt was declared the winner, and President Soot and VP Tommy were banished.
"Dude, dude!" One teen says to their friends, running up to meet them on the Prime Path.
"What is it?"
"I just saw Technoblade join the server!"
The arrival of the Blood God shifted something in the people of the Dream SMP. When he joined Pogtopia, the rebellion being led by the two ex-leaders of the country, the people felt something settle within themselves.
All of a sudden, choosing sides wasn't as simple as where you live.
It was what you care about.
As the son of the ex-president burned down the old flag, the people of the Dream SMP, of (L')Manburg and of the Greater SMP, realized suddenly that they had to make a choice.
Without even wanting to, without doing anything to deserve it, they would have to fight.
Some people went to Pogtopia, some stayed in Manburg, some in the Greater SMP. Those in the latter two stayed where they were because they wanted to stay out of it.
It didn't change anything, in the end.
In Manburg, they watched their president (Emperor) fall further and further into alcohol, yelling at his cabinet and talking of expanding into territory that they had no right to.
In the Greater SMP, murmurs of King Eret's attempts to assist the Pogtopia rebels filled the alleyways.
In Pogtopia, people sat and watched the decline of the man that they had all once believed in. As Wilbur Soot slowly devolved until he was no longer recognizable as the man who had once led people to freedom, the residents of Pogtopia ate potatoes farmed by a man famous for his bloodlust and pretended that they were sleeping somewhere warm.
The day of the Manburg Festival, though, things felt better. Other than ex-president Soot and ex-VP Tommy (Wilbur and Tommy, the two insisted. No one listened), everyone, even the rebels in Pogtopia, were invited to attend. The people wandered through the stalls playing games, watching as Soot's son attempted (in vain) to drown Technoblade, buying food, and chatting with people from other factions, friends and family that they hadn't spoken to in weeks.
When the time came for the speeches, before the true festivities were set to begin, everyone was feeling good about the day. People congratulated Secretary Tubbo for a successful event, and offered him small words of encouragement for his speech coming up. The teenager would grin at all who spoke to him, and looked (rightfully) proud of how well he organized and decorated the festival.
Secretary Tubbo gave his speech, and people clapped, and then fell silent as President (Emperor) Schlatt laughed, asked for his Vice-President's assistance, and encased the teenager in a cage of concrete.
And then he called Technoblade to the stage.
And then, in front of the people of the Dream SMP, a teenager was executed in a spray of color that shot toward the sky.
Fireworks rained down on the people in the stands, then, and, regardless of where they were from, the people of the Dream SMP ran.
The Pogtopia ranks grew that day, and a nineteen-year-old who claimed to be a doctor without showing any credentials forced four other people to help her heal VP Tommy after he fought Technoblade in a pit, egged on by a man who once might have called himself his brother.
"How is this kid not dead yet?" One of the helpers asked, looking at the unconscious teenager's face.
"Pure spite?"
The first hummed. "Sounds about right."
One day, a bit after the festival, the people of Pogtopia woke to find Vice President Quackity walking through the ravine as if he owned the place.
One resident was noted to rub his eyes, blink three times, and then say, "It's too early for this shit," before heading back to bed.
A surprising number of people followed his lead.
Finally, the day of November 16th came, when Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit vowed to take their country back.
"I heard President Soot is planning to blow up L'Manburg," one Pogtopian woman mentioned to her friend as they suited up and prepared to fight, as they had signed up to be part of the forces.
"That's stupid," her friend replied.
"Bet you ten diamonds he blows something up."
As the country of L'Manburg blew sky-high, one woman was seen following another, screaming that she wanted her diamonds.
When Pogtopia won the war, the forces from both sides sat outside of the remains of the van as President Soot, VP Tommy, Secretary Tubbo, Dream, Technoblade, and many more, all piled inside to confront Emperor Schlatt.
They emerged fifteen minutes later, and Dream announced to the crowd that Schlatt was dead.
There was no time for the news to sink in, as they played hot potato with the presidency, going from VP Tommy to Wilbur Soot to Secretary Tubbo.
"President Soot is leaving, do you see that?"
"Probably going to the river to celebrate the win, if you know what I mean."
"Literally shut up. Never speak again. I hate you."
As the newly-inaugurated President Tubbo finished his speech, the people felt a wave of relief wash over them. Maybe the server could finally be peaceful once more.
Then, there was the tell-tale hiss of explosives under their feet, and the people ran as the ground beneath them fell away.
Stories of what happened next are conflicting, to say the least.
Words of President Soot dying in the explosion, of him turning the blade on himself, of another man killing him.
"He had wings," people who saw the man said. "Blonde hair, a green hat and robes. He stabbed Soot with the guy's own sword."
Technoblade apparently gave an incredible speech, and anyone who was there to witness it lamented that they hadn't recorded it.
Then, two Withers flew through the sky, and blood ran down the newly-exposed stones, and people who had never experienced death on the server before finally knew what it was like to die.
Afterward, though, when the anarchist had fled and the ex-President lay dead, President Tubbo, with VP Tommy by his side, stood and addressed the people, and made promises of a brighter future, and the hope and determination in his eyes was enough for the people to hope that maybe he was right.
("Whoa, cool wings, dude," a resident of L'Manburg said to their newest neighbor, a man in green with wings, burned across all the feathers, sprouting from his back. "Wait, what happened to them?"
"Oh, I was protecting my son from the explosion," the new resident replied.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Is your son all right at least?"
"No, he died just a few minutes afterward. His last life, too." The man sighed. "As much as I hate to admit it, he probably deserved it."
A beat. "What did he do?"
"Well, you may have heard of him. Wilbur Soot? He was the president here before Schlatt, I believe."
"...Holy shit, you're the bird man that killed President Soot!"
"Yeah, mate, that's me."
"...He was your son?"
"...What the fuck is wrong with your family?")
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Hello!! Congrats on 500 followers!! you truly do deserve more, your writing is pretty creative! and don't worry much about your english, it somehow makes your writing cuter and more authentic. it makes jokes better too because it just seems genuine ☺ My request iss,, what are their guilty pleasures? (reiner, erwin, levi, hange, eren, armin, mikasa and jean)
hii! thank you so much 🥺💖ofc, i hope you like it!! i have at least a 99% of this guilty pleasures lol
✨ some shingeki characters!
✨ reiner, erwin, levi, hange, eren, armin, mikasa, jean.
reiner; have a lazy sunday.
he knows he should be preparing things for the new week, such as all the work stuff he needs or a deep cleaning to avoid it during the week, but some sundays he'll just stay in his sleeping shorts and do nothing, probably reading on the couch or playing videogames in bed. extra lazy if he can give cuddles.
erwin; watch youtube videos about people making houses on 2x speed
maybe it is the sound of the ground being hitted or maybe the awesome desingns on natural places, but erwin likes this videos a lot. he sits at half past four on the afternoon, you join him, and that type of videos are the ones that can be watched all afternoon until eight. procrastinating . he doesn't get tired of it. he also jokes with making that things on your garden.
levi; get up for another tea
even levi has his little guilty pleasure. he likes to go to the kitchen for more tea even when he just finished one, because that way he can escape from work without feeling that he's shamelessly procrastinating. he will just stand up, make a tea a drink it slowly while his hips rest against the kitchen table.
hange; proving someone wrong
they LOVE to tell they were right. it doesn't care if it is a work mate and a serious thing or just a discussion about the end of the film you are watching. they will always want to be right and, if they are, they will tell you how much wrong you where.
eren; ordering takeout.
he knows how to cook, but he prefers to keep playing online while he waits for the food he ordered. there's nothing better than be in his room playing with his friends, and have just to stand up and pay to eat. no cooking, no time spent. laziness in all its splendor.
armin; do totally useless quizzes.
how could he say no to discover which character of doraemon is he based on his favorite song of the year? he usually makes this tests when he's extremely bored. he knows it is just a stupid thing to pass time, but he has his fave test pages added to his web searcher. he blushes if you catch him making them.
mikasa; spend her free hours on tik tok.
let's be honest: time flies sliding by cat videos and memes, that's why mikasa feels kinda guiltily when she finds that she spent another whole hour on tik tok, instead of doing something productive. she will try to kwep it away, but she always ends scrolling down on her timeline.
jean; watch his favorite show once again.
he tries his best to search a new show, but he always ends clicking the same button on netflix: his all-time favorite series. he will never get tired of watching it, it doesn't matter how times he watched it already, even knowing from memory some dialogues. if you see it with him, he'll probably spoil the show unconsciously.
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evertyun · 3 years
OPPOSITE ATTRACTION - ♯kang taehyun [ 1 ]
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[ 1 ] — what goes on
PAIRING : kang taehyun x reader
GENRE : college au! fluff, maybe angst like 2%
"y/n, im a visionary not a dreamer, and if i want you, i want you"
"i am sorry but what??" you replied in utter shock unable to process what is going on right now.
"do you not understand?" taehyun pushed his brows together looking at you waiting for a reply knowing too damn well you are in all girls dream right now, if anyone of them witness this, you could lost your life on sight right here.
"i-i... i think luna is calling me! bye!" you panicked and ran off leaving the poor boy standing there after confessing to you.
you ran off straight to the girls washroom and look in the mirror quickly touching both your cheeks, no way this is happening, the kang taehyun yes kang taehyun just straight up said he wants you?
the next morning you treated the day as normal, of course not forgetting what happened yesterday, you went straight to your locker to get ready for first period.
"y/n!" you turned to where the voice came from, to see a girl linking arms with a tall black haired boy like drunk mates
"luna! morning, and who is that?" you asked seeing a new face not so familiar at all.
"oh him? that's beomgyu, we are part time colleagues unbelievable!" luna snorted out laughing and beomgyu greeted a small hello, being cheeky as usual he wink at you
"we getting some coffee and milk before heading to class wanna tag along?" luna asked you, while you were just packing and closing your locker door, agreeing like what could go wrong getting a morning beverage.
you were so wrong.
"tyun, strawberry milk in the morning again?" beomgyu coos out
"stop babying me before i make sure you can't speak again." taehyun turn and hissed at the slightly taller boy and to make eye contact with you
panicked you just nervously laugh "oh morning!" you smile and raising one hand slightly up at him
"morning y/n" he greeted back slightly smiling, and you swear to yourself that's the first time taehyun ever smile kinda at you? or you've seen
"woah woah woah am i missing something? l/n y/n" luna jokingly teases
"a whole season of penthouse 3" you replied jokingly giving your signature meme smile that got beomgyu laughing out loud.
after getting your drink, you notice taehyun wasn't with you all anymore, he must have left for his class. when you turn to your right you noticed taehyun was with yeonjun the school soccer team captain.
of course they have a match coming up too.
the bell ring signing its time for class as everyone disperse to their class, when walking to class walking up the stairs to class when you felt a tug causing you to turn to meet with the cherry headed boy.
you suck in all your breath
"t-taehyun h-hi?" you clearly are trying to hold in your emotion and laughter because what in tarnation is going on right now
"i hope you could watch the match today... even if sunghoon isn't in the line up" he said holding an eye contact with you
"i can try!" you replied getting ready to escape this unwanted attention you know you're getting from some girls right here and now. but he didn't let you go yet
"just think about what i said, there's no rush really, but yea have a good day" he said before walking off in a different direction, you know for sure you are embarrassed to even do anything right now
walking to class now you're just thinking, what kind of mess you got yourself into. you never had any memories with taehyun that's for sure besides the fact you both were in the same school since kindergarten til now.
what's more was the way both of you are built differently, personality wise. deep down you don't know what taehyun is feeling but you know for sure you don't feel the same, mainly because sunghoon the love of your life (self proclaimed) exist.
classes was okay besides the fact you keep wondering off thinking about what taehyun said, sure he is nice and all but no way you would like a stone, worst of all the man of every girls dream? just no, but you didn't have plan to turn him down because you're shy and scared to reject someone
noon came fast as you decided that maybe you should just go watch the match, i mean what could go wrong, although it means there's no sunghoon to look at but a cherry headed boy, how bad could it be. you left your class and look out the window from the fourth level, directly towards the field you could see everyone stretching and practicing, your eyes wonder to finally stop and follow a cherry headed boy jogging in circle next to the so familiar just met today beomgyu.
"oh who you looking at now sugar boo" you turn so quickly to be facing your best friend luna, denying with the "no one in particular" answer she just laughed off
"can't be sunghoon since he went for debate so, is it perhaps lover boy yeonjun?" luna teases as usual and there you go back to your insult
"yeonjun? seriously, i in no way would look at that flirty cheesy vicenzo boy" you said out loud with your whole chest causing luna to crack out loud "you mean casanova, not vicenzo" she couldn't stop laughing causing your cheeks to turn full on red from your mistake.
4pm came by fast, which means it was the soccer match, you decided to just go and watch, walking towards an empty spot at the spectator area, you sat at the empty spot at the back along with your bag and a bottle of soda.
the players came out greeting each other before starting the match, and you got to admit this was your first time watching a match sunghoon is not playing and looking at someone else, you felt ad though you were cheating on sunghoon. just embarrassing.
the match started, your focus was on taehyun after all he invited you to watch the match in a sense, seeing him kicking the ball and passing, god he was good and how come you didn't know of sooner. his stamina and physique was perfect although he seems kind of short. he was no joke a good player, you cheered unknowingly when he scored and you swore you felt his eyes on you after celebrating his score.
the matches end not long, the team won with a 2-1, a great match indeed, you decided to wait until everyone leave before you take your leave but no, you should have left first because what happened next, is what's going to ruin you for the next few days.
you sat there drinking all your soda before living the field, when you heard a few girls talking, sounding like praises towards a familiar name, when you finally take your attention to where all the talking was from you were greeted with a red headed boy bending down to your eye level blinking.
your cheek turned red immediately, you mumbled a hi, hoping it doesn't make the situation awkward, but no you could feel a few pairs of eyes watching you right now, and it doesnt feel friendly either.
"hey, i didn't think you would show up since sunghoon isn't here" he said
no way he knows?!?!
"w-what do you mean sunghoon ha ha nah i came because you asked you know, friendly support in a way right yea ha ha yea ha ha" you replied and that was your most awkward experience in your entire life
"well if you say so, but thanks that score was for you anyways" he said sounding emotionless before standing up from his bending position, you kept looking at him, until he gave you a pat on your head and smile slightly "get home safe, bye," his final words before leaving, going back to the team
"no fucking way..." you mumbled to yourself, the way you froze through whatever he said. kang taehyun impact is real. when you heard someone calling your name, a hazel medium length hair girl standing next to you with her sunglasses on her head, looking utterly shocked. it was none other than the one and only hyewon
"y/n since when were you and tyun close even" hyewon asked crossing her arm and god you swear you didn't want anything to do with her right now but hope she leaves you alone for good. but nope you pretended to be deaf and decided to walk away as she grab your wrist.
"i am asking you a question?" she said with a stern voice, turning to look at her your reply was simple yet unsure mainly because you wouldn't want to go through hell caused by her "and i chose not to answer?" you simply replied and left.
on your way home, you dropped by the near by tteobokki shop you have your dinner, while scrolling through tiktok and your instagram feed, to land on sunghoon post. your heart did a flip, the way you felt guilty for watching a match he didn't play, and luna would laugh if she finds out as well. now you're stressed not from your depressing grades but also how to sort your crush feelings for sunghoon and reject taehyun.
by the time you reach home it was late and you decided to take a shower and just head to sleep early since tomorrow there will be morning class might as well. you switch off the light and lay down on your bed, setting the alarm on your phone, before closing and going off to sleep suddenly you received a call from an unknown number.
you picked up hesitantly, and answered a tiny hello, then voice on the other line seems calm, "is this y/n" the person spoke, the familiar voice you swore you recalled somewhere. "y-yea?" you replied. a sudden pause on the other line, and you feel like shitting your pants, "it's taehyu-"
you panicked so fast and ended the call by accident.
a/n : no this is so bad but its the best my brain stopped but ,, in advance if i drop this series its because i feel like its going nowhere or something ;-; also english is not my first language so sorry for bad grammar and words
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
here is the second last part besties wahhh I'm so sad its coming to an end!! I'm also so sorry about this part, it'll break a few hearts :'( Love always, Steph xx
Part 11 | parte undicesima
warnings; heartbreak, swearing & angst - i'm sorry in advance. word count; 2185 writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter. final update; Wednesday 18/08 5pm AEST. tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven link to fic masterlist here
A few days had passed since the Villa match and Amelia had heard from Jack when he returned to Birmingham. He sent her a simple text to let her know he made it home. That’s it. The two went from previously not going more than 24 hours between FaceTimes or calls or memes to a simple made it home a few hours ago, thanks for a good time x.
No “speak soon”, no promise of a FaceTime , no double kiss at the end of the text that would have typically been there otherwise. If anything, she was more mad that he made her feel like a side piece; like one of his instagram girls that she knew he entertained throughout the week. Amelia knew that she, for lack of better terms, fucked up. She fucked up their friendship, and was praying to all of the Gods that would listen to help her not fuck things up with Ben, too. However, the fact that she didn’t go to church as often as she should have is probably the reason that Ben refused to make eye contact with the girl. It was either that or…he already knew.
“Benj, hey, wait up.” She called as he walked out to his car after a particularly long day at Cobham.
“Don’t call me Benj,” he coldly stated without turning around, continuing his stride.
“Okay fine, Chilly. Wait up will you!”
“Don’t call me Chilly either, that's reserved for friends.”
“Okay, if I can’t call you Benj, or Chilly, what can I call you?”
“The best mate of the guy you fucked multiple times on Saturday night” He spat out at her, as he finally turned around, ready to see the shocked look cast over Amelia’s face as she stood a couple feet away from him. He wasn’t expecting to see Mason at his car, just across the way or Jorgi at his, a few cars down. But they were there and it didn’t matter; they were going to find out sooner or later, anyway.
“He told you.”
“He told the group chat, Amelia. The fucking group chat! How does that make you feel? He’s already bragging about it. Your bed isn't even cold yet! It probably doesn’t bother you that much though - you’re just like him.”
“He fucked you when he knew exactly how I felt about you, having gone to him for advice as to how to apologise to you. I called him on Friday after I left your house and gushed to him like a bloody little girl because I was so happy you forgave me, and that we had kissed. And then, just like that, you let him weasel his way between your legs.”
“I know I should be taking this out on him, and I will don’t worry, but you knew what you were doing also. You knew exactly how I felt about you. I was ready to commit to you that night and you said you wanted to be friends, that you needed time to heal or whatever. So I hope you’re happy and are healing, because I take it all back.” With that, Ben turned around and got in his car, driving away from the girl who felt remorse worse than she ever has in her life.
Witnessing the whole exchange, Jorgi gave Mason a nod to say “go check on Ben, I’ll look after Amelia” and walked up to the girl from behind. Without scaring her, he firmly grabbed her around the shoulders and pulled her to his chest where she let go of all of the emotions she had been keeping inside. With every stab of the knife that was Ben’s words, she felt herself becoming more vulnerable and exposed than ever before. She refused to let him see her cry. That wasn’t something she was willing to let anyone see; she didn’t realise all she had been holding together until she no longer had to, until she had the physical support of Jorgi holding her up in the middle of the training ground car park.
Ushering her to his car - she could collect her own another day - Jorgi  put her inside before any other first team members - or worse, staff members - could see the distraught girl and drove them both back to her place where he spent the rest of the evening comforting the girl and letting her know she wasn’t alone. He had even made a desperate call to Fede, asking for advice on how to cheer the girl up. Of course, her Italian ex-lover had been worried the moment his national teammate had told him that the girl was inconsolable and was just about ready to board a flight to her, but Jorgi had calmed him down too. Fede’s advice of coffee, warm pyjamas and clean sheets had done the trick of putting the girl to sleep for the night.
The next few days had come and gone, and the two heartbroken almost-lovers were back to the beginning - Ben ignoring Amelia and Amelia trying to get Ben in a room. But it wasn’t to be. Towards the end of the week, Amelia had received a phone call from Mr Mancini, formally inviting her back to the Italian National Team staff for the upcoming friendly matches and preparation for the 2022 World Cup. Without any hesitation, she accepted her role and began to prepare the necessary procedures that would need to be implemented or maintained during her time away with the Italian side.
Sharing the news with her fellow Italians, Jorgi and Emerson, she decided that she wanted to be the one to tell Ben. She wanted him to know, whether he cared or not, that she wasn’t running away from him and that she would see him soon.
“Chilwell, please stay behind after the session.” She decided it was best if she requested it in the company of the rest of the first team and also the staff members. She was being selfish but she didn’t want him to run away from her again.
He remained sat in his seat as the rest of the team and professional staff left for the evening. Arms crossed, slouched down, looking at everything else in the room but the girl who was nervously wringing her hands together.
“I’m leaving for international duties tomorrow morning.” With that sentence, he stopped tapping his left leg and looking at the cornice details. Instead, his attention was focused on her.
“But we don’t break up for internationals for another week.”
“I know, but Mancini has requested I come earlier to settle back into things over there.”
“It’s only an hour flight away, how difficult could it be?”
“I thought you’d be happy to see me go.”
Silence. Ben didn’t have an answer for her. Of course he didn’t want to see her around Cobham on the day-to-day basis they currently had to endure, but that doesn’t mean he wants her to go back to Italy. Even if it was only for a couple of weeks. Especially if it meant she was around Fede again.
“Well, much to your dismay I'll be back here in 3 weeks. And, Italy are playing England in the last friendly match of the break.”
With a slight nod of his head, Amelia presumed that their conversation was done with. She turned to gather her paperwork and heard the chairs behind her move, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing. She sighed into her hands. How did she let this happen? She preached to Ben how much she didn’t want to be selfish with his heart, and that's exactly what she did. But hey, it takes two to tango. Deciding there was no time like the present, she dialed the contact that once made her smirk but instead only made her furious to look at.
“Amelia, hey, how are you? Sorry it’s been a hectic couple of weeks.”
“Cut the crap Jack, you never intended to keep this friendship after you got what you were after.”
“Excuse me? You wanted it just as bad as I did.”
“You’re right about that, I thought I wanted it. Now, though, all I feel is regret. You know Jack, I knew from the moment we met that you were just my type, the kind that only calls me late at night. I knew a guy like you, and he treated me more or less the same. I gave myself to him, over and over for the better part of 3 years, and it was only when I left that he decided I might have been worth it... worth him.”
“But not you, you couldn’t help but run to your group chat and brag about your latest conquest, about how you made me feel wanted, only to rip it all out from under me the next morning and every day since. Honestly Jack, I think it's time you grew up a little. For Ben to confide in you how he was feeling and for you to just have blatant disregard for your so-called best mate. I can’t believe you would stoop so low. I know I'm in the wrong here too, but you are his best mate for crying out loud! How could you do this to him?”
“I don’t even want to hear what you have to say, I just needed to get that off my chest. Lose my number Jack, find some other hopeless girl that you can lure in with your foolish words and sweet nothings because I’m done. I’m done with whatever this was to you.”
“You’re probably not going to believe me, but you have no idea how happy I am to see you here,” I heard from behind me, spinning around on my heels to see the ever-charming, boyish grin I used to love with my whole heart. This time, it's a different kind of love - it's an unconditional love shared between two people that are glad to exist together in the same crazy world.
“Federico, amore mio.” (Federico, my love) I stood up from my place on the bench at the Technical Headquarters and Training Ground of the Italian Football Federation, bringing the taller, heavily tattooed man into my arms. A gentle rock from him, side to side, to let me know that he can feel the weight of my moral compass.
“Vieni, cammina con me” (come, walk with me) He looped our arms together, and we strolled around the perimeter of the pitch that I was using to visualise my plays for the upcoming games. By the time we made it to the first set of goals, Fede had had enough of letting me mull over my own thoughts.
“Tesoro, Jorgi called one night a couple weeks ago. As smart as he is, it turns out he is hopeless at calming down an emotional female. While I'm not proud of knowing exactly how to calm you down, being that it was more often than not my fault you were inconsolable in the first place, I had to get some information out of him as to who upset my favourite girl in all of England.”
So I launched into the story, telling him everything from Mykonos to that fateful night a few weeks ago. Fede being Fede, he wanted to know everything, but I stopped just short of letting him know how many times Jack took me to paradise (much to his dismay). By the time I had wrapped up, we must have walked the pitch at least 3 times in its entirety, before retiring to the centre circle where we sat on opposite sides of the half way line staring at each other.
“I’m sorry that I ruined you for any other man,” Fede spoke solemnly.
“Fede, no - it was my stupid mistake to sleep with Jack.”
“No, let me finish amore. I’m sorry that I made you love me so deeply, and convinced you that the way I treated you was the right way, that the way I was with you was what you expect in every man to come after me. This Jack, he sounds just like me about 5 years ago - before I met you. But Ben, he sounds like the man I am trying to better myself to be, to be the man that deserves the kind of love you have to give.”
“I want you to listen to me. You need to fight for Ben. From what I have heard from both yourself and Jorgi-”
“That boy cannot keep his mouth shut to save himself,” I muttered under my breath.
“Amelia, you have a heart that deserves to be loved. Open yourself up to Ben. Tell him how you feel. From experience, you are very hard to ignore when you’re so vulnerable. Be honest with him, apologise, make him feel wanted, not like a second choice. Let him know how much you care for him, and equally how much you want him to care for you. He will see your sincerity and realise just how truly irresistible you are.”
Part 12. | la parte finale
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Just saw your post about the post phase 1 Marvel movies and the meme you used for CA:CW. So I'm here to ask and get you cancelled. What did you think about the movie? Are you Team Stark or Team Rogers?
........................................................I knew this day would come......okay, let's get me cancelled!
I hate this movie, I hate this movie with every fiber of my being. Watching it was torture, it as the longest 20hrs of my life. It was like living out one of those very confusing math problems I started this movie at 10am somehow 6pm rolls around and there are still 2hrs left! Coño cómo?! I watched this with my mom, and when we checked how much time was left we were left looking at each other like 'que carajo what twilight zone bullshit is this?' It's one of those Marvel movies that I am so glad I did not waste my money on, I wish I could get a refund for my time but I made my choice and I shall now have to deal with it.
I hate this movie for many reasons but I'm not gonna make y'all wait any longer for what you're really here for because I know what y'all really want to know is whether I am Team Iron Man or Team Captain America. When it comes to the political aspects ie. the Accords, I am Team Neither.
Now, I cannot get into a comprehensive debate about the Accords because the writers did a shitty ass job, in a 2 and a 1/2 hour movie that felt like a lifetime, at explaining what exactly the Accords are in the movie universe. Emphasis on the movie universe, because I have seen debates go on in this motherfucking fandom where some people will bring up aspects from the comics Registration Acts but we're not talking about the comics okay, we're talking about the movies! And they're two fucking different things! And the movie did a shitty ass job at explaining what the Accords are, and that's one of the reasons I hate this movie: that it's so badly written.
But back to the point, which is where I stand on the teams when it comes to the politics, I am Team Neither because ultimately they were both idiots on how they handled this, and I think they both have good points like yes the Avengers and other superheroes should 100% be held accountable if they fuck up, the fact that they are superheroes and the "good guys" doesn't mean that their actions shouldn't have consequences but at the same time Steve's mistrust of the government and concerns that the team and others could be weaponized are also valid so I think they both have good points when it comes down to it and the smart thing to do - and in my opinion what would have made a much better film- would have been to come together and make like a counterproposal, decide on amendments, try to ensure they can get a representative so they have a voice on the table.
So, there you go when it comes to the Accords I am Team Neither however when it comes to the characters and their actions I am 1,000% Team Tony. At the end of the day he wanted to do what was best for both people and for his team, he wanted to keep the team together because he knew they were stronger together, and he was thinking long term not short term.
And then there's Steve who is an asshole in this film and completely lacks self awareness, cause there's a scene in the film after they've found out about the Accords where Steve goes "that's because he already made up his mind" about Tony and I'm just like bitch so did you, pot meet kettle, Rogers you knew from the get go that you weren't going to sign those papers don't go acting different and then like- here's the thing Steve has some very good points when it comes to the Accords but one of his points is that the UN is filled with people with agendas and agendas change which true but also motherfucker you yourself have an agenda! The whole Sokovia mess is an example that they cannot be trusted to hold themselves or each other accountable because inevitably the time will come where they'll want to protect their team mate like we see in this movie Steve do with Bucky, or how he wanted to protect Wanda because he looks at her as if she were a child not an adult. Steve, you lot are not exempt from having your own agendas and biases.
And through pretty much the entire movie, he has this whole my way or the highway attitude like this man does not know the meaning of compromise in this film, and he has such tunnel vision for Bucky- and listen! listen, listeeeeeen, I get it, I don't judge Steve for making his bestie a priority; I understand that Bucky is incredibly important to Steve, that he's the one person who's gonna look at him as just Steve and not as the Steve Rogers, I get that he carries a guilt over what happened to his friend, I understand he misses him, I understand all of that and respect the ride or die game but goddamn he was so focused on being a good friend to Bucky that he forgot about everyone and everything else and was a shit friend to Tony.
Actually a lot of people in this film were shit to Tony for no goddamn reason but Steve was such a shitty friend not telling Tony about his parents, that was a shitty ass thing to do and listen! I know what some of y'all are thinking you're thinking some version of 'he wanted to protect Tony' shut the fuck up. No, no, that's an excuse and it's a cheap one, you know damn well that was a shitty thing for Steve to do and y'all know damn well you would have reacted the same way Tony did if someone who you thought was your goddamn friend knew about something horrible that happened to people that were important to you and they never told you; that kind of shit hurts, and finding out someone you thought of as a friend doesn't care about you as much as you care about them hurts.
And y'all know goddamn well how emotions work, you know emotions aren't gonna wait for the rational brain to kick in don't some of y'all go playing dumb as if you didn't know this shit. Same way deep down all of y'all know Tony was holding his punches, that man gave Thanos a fight and got some blood if he had wanted to kill Bucky he would have. Don't none of y'all motherfuckers try to play games and act like you don't know this info.
Steve was a shit friend to Tony. Period. The least he could have done is have some empathy or compassion towards Tony when he saw his parent's being killed- and I swear to motherfucking god to the person who is getting close to their keyboard thinking of saying he showed compassion by not killing him back the fuck away from your motherfucking keyboard what did I tell you about playing stupid, this is properly tagged, stay in your fucking lane. Some of y'all be acting as if it were still 2016 and we're gonna be talking about that too, anon wanted my opinion on this film so now I'm going off.
Back to what I was saying, in some ways Steve wasn't a perfect friend to Bucky either cause he kept looking at Bucky and thinking of the guy he used to know but Bucky's not that person anymore, he's been through a lot of shit and it feels at times like Steve didn't fully realize that.
I hate Steve in this movie, I wanna punch him in the throat; he's an ass, he thinks he's above the rules, he's unaware of his own flaws, he might be a good friend to Bucky but that's it. I don't blame Steve though I blame the writers cause they're the ones who wrote him this way; moving on from Steve, I wanna talk about Wanda real quick, I don't hate the character of Wanda but I do hate the way she was written in this film, I hate that the writers expect us as an audience to look at this adult and think of her as a defenseless child who should be exempt from consequences, I hate that instead of actually doing something with her and exploring some interesting dynamics they just give her an AI boyfriend and a pinterest quote which sounds nice but falls flat especially considering she says said quote as she uses her powers (which is what people are afraid of) to send her love interest down several floors of a building. They could have done so many cool and interesting things with her, shame they didn't.
Another thing I hate about this film is what it did to the fandom, and how it was promoted because it was very much promoted as a pick your fighter, pick a side type of movie and after this movie came out I feel like the divide between Tony fans and Steve fans grew toxically and the effects are still seen to this day like some people really do be acting as if it were still 2016 and attacking others for what side they went with or for who their fav between the two is, and I'll be very honest a lot of the hate I have seen has been directed towards Tony and Tony fans. I hate that, I hate when TPTB deliberately pits fans against each other cause it just encourages a toxic environment.
Let me think was there anything that I liked about this film- wait, oh my god talking about all these other things I hate almost made me forget the thing I hate the most about this movie: it's pointless. Its existence is unnecessary; the biggest aspect of this film isn't the politics of the Accords, it's Steve and Bucky and how far Steve is willing to go for Bucky and have him by his side...but Endgame exists. The end of Endgame turns this film pointless, because the only true point of this movie is the relationship between Steve and Bucky that's the biggest takeaway from the whole thing, but then you have the end of Endgame where Steve just leaves Bucky.
I hated this film before I saw Endgame but after.....I never plan to watch Civil War again but if I did I'm pretty sure I'd self combust cause I'd be so angry I'd scream every time Steve appeared cause that son of a bitch ends up leaving; tears the whole team apart only to end up leaving his friend behind in the end.
I hate this film, I hate everything about it, well that's not true I love the Tony and Peter stuff, but aside from a couple of things I hate this movie, someone give me time stone I'm eliminating it from the timeline.
So, there you go those are my thoughts on CA: CW.
In conclusion, I am Team Neither on the Accords, Team Tony on everything else, Steve I still like you but this movie demoted you in my eyes and makes me wanna punch you in the throat.
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bbdaydreams · 3 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter Seven: Take What You Want
Series Masterlist•<Previous•Next>
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“Are you done with the eyeliner? I need it,” Izumi asked Haruka as everyone was getting ready on the bus.
“Stupid. Fucking. Boot. ZIP UP!” Yui yelled in frustration as she yanked on her zipper that had gotten stuck on itself.
“Yui, be careful-“ you started only to witness them accidentally hit their forehead.
“Yui got a boo boo already,” Haruka sighed before handing the eyeliner to Izumi.
“Poor Yui,” you said rubbing her forehead to which Yui attempted to bite as a joke. “Ooooo feisty, let’s save that for the set, alright babe?” Yui got up and took hold of your ears gently and you did the same. Giving each other a toothy grin you started shaking each other’s heads and making a random sound but you decided to mess with her and let your forehead tap hers. Yui let out a yelp as you let go and ran off the bus to get away from her wrath.
“Not here right now! Please leave a message!” Yui was probably the person you were closest to in your band which meant she was the one that had to put up with your bullshit while you put up with hers.
“I’m gonna getcha! And then I’m gonna hitcha!”
“No you’re not!” Running into the venue you were trying to find a place to lose her until you saw Won’t Regret and decided to talk to them instead after realizing the time. “Hey, boys,” you greeted.
“Hey,” they all greeted back.
“You look really good tonight,” Ranmaru said to spite Semi.
“Boo! She does, doesn’t she?” Yui asked as she wrapped her arms around your torso only to move your body side to side with her like a penguin.
“Thanks! You guys look good too,” you said taking note of their ensemble.
“Thank you,” Ranmaru said, looking over at Subaru.
“Gotta impress the crowd, ya know?” Subaru said before stretching his arms upwards to show off the muscles he’s gained from drumming over the years.
Your eyes grew in size taking in Subaru’s form only to grow wider when taking in Ranmaru’s, who was bigger than Subaru due to him working out, when he started rolling his shoulders. Semi took notice of your reaction and knew what his band mates were doing the moment they first complimented you but they didn’t have to go this far. “Hey! You guys should probably start prepping your stuff on stage to make sure it sounds good. The guy is signaling for you.”
“Yeah! Let’s go!” Jiro said wanting to help his leader out. He walked behind Ranmaru and Subaru’s backs and gave them a slight push so they could start walking. The two were about to complain before the took in Semi’s glare. When they got to the edge of the stage they fist bumped knowing they accomplished their goal only to hear the crowd scream because they thought the show was gonna start.
“That’s literally the funniest part about performing live,” you stated causing Semi to ask you ‘what was’ while looking confused.
“Them being so excited that they’ll literally scream just by seeing someone get on the stage, even if it’s just a tech guy,” Yui answered.
“Or when the lighting changes! The room just gets a little darker for a second and all of a sudden someone shrieks which just cases a chain of other people doing the same while others laugh,” you added on.
“It’s cool seeing them get so excited. Gets me excited,” Semi said, looking longingly to the crowd.
“I gotta go piss. I’ll be back!” You told them, excusing yourself to go find the restroom. After walking around with no luck you eventually decided to ask a staff member to point you in direction of the bathroom.
Sometime during your search you could hear Won’t Regret start playing their set and when you finally made it to the comfort of the stalls, Semi was already at the second verse of the first song. When you felt it time you were ready to get up you heard a voice belting out the bridge.
I'm the bad guy, I'm the nice try
I'm the typical bitch with the rage
On my face
I'm the goddamn beast of the goddamn pride”
Your face grew warm from the raw emotion you could feel from the sound. After washing your hands you sprinted back to where you left Yui at side stage. She turned around as you were approaching and looked at you with wide eyes.
“Was that him?” You asked while pointing at Semi. The song had ended and he started introducing the band to the crowd.
Yui with the same stunned expression nodded her head before speaking. “Dude, this mother fucker got lungs.”
“It wasn’t Jiro or Ranmaru? Even Subaru?” You continued still not believing it was your old friend that could do that.
“It was him. Has he always been able to do that?”
“No! Where’s his guitar?”
“I don’t know. He performed the song without it. He’s something else. It’s crazy.”
“Maybe he took over the vocal role and left the guitar to just Jiro...” you wondered.
“Alright let’s keep the night going. This next song is called Girlfriend,” Semi spoke into the mic. Ranmaru started leading them into the song with his bass and Jiro and Subaru followed.
As they were playing the intro, Semi licked his upper lip before taking a deep breath and started singing. With every word he sung he nodded his head along with the music either up and down, back and fourth, or side to side; whichever way he felt was best for the moment. He would bring his mic stand closer to himself and then pull it away so he could take quick breaths. When he got to the pre chorus he started bouncing his right leg to match the instruments as he head banged along.
You were feeling as if this was a completely different person from sound check. He wasn’t as stiff as he was before, he was actually getting really into it.
At the chorus he grabbed the mic off its stand and started walking closer towards the crowd which made them start pushing against the barricade. Backing away to get ready for the second verse, he made his way over to Jiro who was on his on his left and rubbed the back of his hand on his cheek before proceeding to go over towards Ranmaru on the other side of the stage to boop his nose. Both gestures made some people in the crowd scream which you and Yui found funny.
Hopping to the beat of the repeating pre chorus into strutting along with the chorus, Semi made his way back to his mic stand and put the microphone back into its holder. At the bridge his voice got softer and he was swaying lightly side to side but as it progressed he leaned forward with the mic stand until it was almost on the ground only to gradually come back up while rolling his shoulders backwards.
Using both hands to hold the bottom of the mic that was still on the stand, Semi belted out the final verse that led into the ending of the song. He used both his hands to run his hands down his face into raising his hands to show his index and thumb fingers were connected while his other fingers were pointed upwards. He then pointed at the crowd only to then use his hands to make an hourglass shape. Ending the song by putting one hand on his chest and the other on the mic, he pulled the stand to the left side of his head so he could catch his breath. The crowd immediately started cheering and screamed even more when he used the bottom of his shirt to wipe his forehead.
“Girly,” Yui started, “I ain’t gonna lie to you, but that’ll make your pussy throb.”
“Yui!” You laughed not expecting those words to come out of your best friend after what you both had just witnessed. “Girl, I was literally about to say that made my pussy throb,” you responded to finish the meme.
“Is he single?” She asked in a joking matter.
“Y’all better not be referring to Jiro,” Izumi said which made Haruka hit her on the arm. She looked at you two with a panic in her eyes which you guys responded with a smirk.
“Oh? Does our baby of the band have a crush?” You started.
“Does our little drummer girl like their little guitar hero?”
“I hate you guys” Haruka said as she crossed her arms and pouted.
You all put your arms around her instead of continuing to tease her and continued watching Won’t Regret perform. Some of the songs really blew you guys away. Each song had something different to say and even if you couldn’t relate to the songs personally, you could emphasize with them. At one point you had tears in your eyes because one song had hit Yui too close to home. Taking note of the time, you realized their set was almost done and you needed to do your warm ups so you led the girls to your green room.
“They’ve grown so much,” you started, crossing your arms over one another to stretch.
“I mean, they’ve been playing for years so it makes sense but Jesus didn’t they just recently get signed?” Yui asked, holding the back of foot behind her to her butt one at a time.
Izumi sat on the ground with her legs spread out and placed her hands in the middle to stretch before speaking. “Yeah, with that talent they should’ve been signed years ago.”
“I guess luck wasn’t on their side up until now,” Haruka responded while doing lunges.
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On stage, Semi could feel the rush of adrenaline within him. He was on a high performing live with his band mates and he couldn’t be happier. He loved showing off and seeing you and your band mates watch him for a while only fueled him more, not to mention his band mates and the crowd did as well. He put out so much energy and was lucky that the crowd gave it back because many crowds don’t. Most people just stand and watch with a bored expression on their face during the opening band because they’re only here for the headliner.
“Thank you so much again! We’re Won’t Regret and we’ll be at our merch table once we get off stage. The night is still young so I hope you’re not tired yet and are excited for Courage My Love!” Semi spoke, resulting in the crowd hollering at the mention of your band. “Wow, you guys really like them. But what about One Ok-“ More screaming started before he could even finish speaking. “-Rock. I didn’t even finish saying their name!” Semi laughed. “You guys were a beautiful crowd. Thank you for your time and being the first people to ever hear us live in the US. We’ll meet you at the merch table!” Getting off stage the boys received so much applause they couldn’t help but look back and wave goodbye.
“That was amazing!” Jiro started once they were off stage.
“That was the best show I think we’ve ever played,” Subaru added, pinching his shirt and moving it so he could get some cool air.
“Good job, guys,” Ranmaru spoke, putting his bass down in its case.
“I’m excited to meet some of them,” Semi said.
Meeting some people after the show was a new experience for them this time. Back home when they met people, the majority of them were people they could recognize because of the amount of times they’d seen each other where here they’re in a completely different country. Everyone was new.
Not many people were lined up at the table, probably a good fifteen people were, which they assumed was because not everyone wanted to risk giving up their spot in the crowd.
“H-hi,” a girl with dyed blue hair stuttered as she approached the table. “Could you sign my book?” she asked, opening her composition note book to a blank page.
“Of course!” Jiro responded with a smile. Semi and Jiro had the best English so they did the majority of the talking while Ranmaru and Subaru would responded whenever they felt comfortable.
“Could I also get a picture?” she asked nervously.
“Yes,” Ranmaru, answered enthusiastically.
The guys posed behind the merch table while the girl stood in front of it and one of her friends took the picture.
“Thank you for hanging out with us,” Semi told them.
“Have a good day,” Subaru added, smiling and giving them a nod to which the new fan gave back.
The boys continued talking to the people that were in line for them and ended up staying there to watch your set from a distance. When your set was done they got up and ran to the bus so they could take a quick shower, Semi going first since he had to go back on stage.
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Your band met with your fans after your set as well and left once On Ok Rock started to perform so you could shower as well.
When you were done you found Semi standing side stage watching Taka and his band perform. “Hey,” you started, surprising your old friend when he heard your voice.
“Hey,” he responded.
“Proud of you. You guys were incredible to watch.”
“I could say the same to you. I didn’t know you had that much energy in you.”
“Don’t worry, I’m still lazy. The stage is where I really let myself bloom. I love it,” you told him honestly.
“Well, I’m glad you found your safe Heaven.”
When Taka announced that they were playing the final song, you and Semi stopped talking to pay attention to your cue to start getting on stage after one of the staff members handed you wireless mics. Semi took the lead and walked to the center of the stage when his part started only for you to follow when it was time for the duet. You continued your singing since the second chorus was assigned to you. Semi and Taka backed up to give you some space to have center stage but when it was over you and Semi crossed each other to switch positions. He sang the part that led into the bridge only to switch places with you again and then walk over to the left side of the stage. Taka stayed in the middle and you made your way over to the right side. As Taka sang the last chorus of the song you and Semi did your best to interact with the crowd before standing up to walk towards the middle of the stage while alternating lines. Taka sang the second to last line by himself and then you and Semi joined him to sing the last one together to end the night.
You both stood with an arm around Taka’s shoulders as he had his over yours and Semi. When the song was over, you and Semi moved to get off stage but Taka kept a hold on you both and spoke into the mic, thanking the crowd, your bands, and everyone else that helped make the show possible. He had you all bow together before turning and waiting for his band mates to come over so they could take a group photo with the crowd behind them.
Getting off the stage Taka thanked you for your performances tonight before letting you both go to your respective buses to relax and get ready for the next day.
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“Welcome back,” Haruka yawned when you appeared.
“Hey. Is Izumi making curry?” you asked.
“You know it!” Izumi responded, following your tradition of her cooking her favorite curry on the first day of tour.
“I can’t wait,” Yui spoke, tired from jumping around. Taking a seat next to her on your small lounge couch, you rest your head on her shoulders and let your eyes close as you waited for Izumi to finish dinner.
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Laying in his bunk after a long night, Semi couldn’t sleep. His mind was clouded with how the first night went. He was proud of himself and his band mates for doing really well their first night. They performed just like they usually did and didn’t hold anything back which made them surprise themselves. He honestly thought at least one of them, mostly himself, would’ve messed up. Eventually letting his mind wander a little, he thought of you.
He’s seen you perform on stage through his phone screen but never live in person. You were all smiles on stage moving your body along with the music while also never missing a beat. You were literally a pro. He also enjoyed watching you interact with the crowd and seeing you change your attitude when talking about certain topics regarding your music, most of them being about feminism, but other topics as well. He felt like he could watch you perform for hours and never get sick of it. He just wanted to listen to you.
Another thing he realized is that he would love to sing a song with you. The duet you both shared was probably his favorite part of the night because of the harmony he could hear through his headpiece was crystal clear since the majority of the crowd was blocked out. It was pure bliss to him.
He could still feel an attraction to you but he knew better than to jump on it because who knows if you still felt the same. On top of that you both decided to start anew instead of jumping into where you left off. He had to take things slow and see.
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a/n: I wrote 90% of this all this morning all because I couldn’t get the songs out of my head. The first song Won’t Regret sings is another song by Badflower and it’s called Wide Eyes. I’ve been obsessed with Badflower since December like I basically listen to them daily they’re sooooo good. Also the song that made the girls emotional was Daddy by the same band.
I basically headcanon Won’t Regret as Badflower like I legitimately believe songs like theirs are what Semi’s band are like. Also if I remember correctly I’m pretty sure this hc is what led me to write this story. This is a long ass authors note oops sorry I just adore Badflower
Taglist: @pluviophilefangirl @yourstarvic @sunaswife @mynscorner @syaziahvg @discountkiyoko @blondemitski
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
for the prompts, can I get “I’m so in love with her/him, I don’t know what do do.” with luke, pretty please?? tomorrow or next week is fine
Hi Shelbi! Thanks so much for this request, hope you enjoy this lil blurb xo
(and by lil I mean 1.6k words but I got carried away as per usual. anyway, enjoy some soft Luke weekend away in a cabin-based friends to lovers!)
(This is a fem reader insert blurb)
More writing here | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here | if you’d like to be on my taglist go here
This weekend trip away to the lake with your close friend group had been in the works for months. The date had finally arrived, and all week your group chat had been buzzing with notifications from people  talking about the fun supplies they’d bought, or screenshots of the excellent weather forecast, or memes about bears (that, to be honest, made you a little nervous).
Luke had offered you a carpool spot in his car, along with Michael and Crystal, which you gladly accepted. Originally the idea of camping in tents had been floated, but you were definitely thankful when instead Crystal found an incredible cabin on Air BnB that had more than enough room for all of you, plus private lake access and heaps of nature trails and other activities nearby.
When you showed up at Luke’s, overnight bag in tow, you suddenly felt super nervous. These were all your best friends that you’d known for years, and it definitely wasn’t your first trip away together as a group, but lately things between you and Luke had been… different, somehow.
He’d always been a great friend to you, making sure you had a ride home after a night out, or buying your favourite snacks whenever he hosted an event at his house, or inviting you on walks with Petunia because he remembered you had a dog similar to her growing up and it helped with your homesickness. But lately, you found yourself thinking of him more often than not. In those moments where you’d slip into a daydream about your future, and envisaged travelling the world, or walking down the aisle, or settling down into a house with little ones of your own one day, the only person you could see by your side in those daydreams was Luke. But then reality would set in, and you’d have to remind yourself that he’d never really shown any interest in you beyond friendship, so you couldn’t get your hopes up too high.
Michael and Crystal were already there when you arrived, so you helped pack the remaining supplies into Luke’s car and got on the road as soon as you could. The lake was about a four hour drive away and you’d agreed to share the driving, so you all rotated through various seats in the car. For the final hour of the journey, sunset had passed and you were driving through darkness as you made your way through the wooded area leading towards the lake. Michael had offered to drive the final shift, and Luke sat next to him in the front passenger seat, leaving you and Crystal in the back. You’d both assured the boys that you’d keep them company, and you wouldn’t dare fall asleep, but the steady rhythm of the car quickly lulled you into sleep.
You couldn’t have been out for more than 20 minutes or so when you silently stirred and blinked furiously to try and wake yourself up more quickly. You were about to make a joke to Luke and Michael about definitely not falling asleep, when your ears picked up on them having a murmured conversation amongst themselves up the front.
“I’m so in love with her, Mike. I don’t know what to do.” Luke sounded exasperated, and you saw him run a hand through his mop of curls – a clear sign he was feeling anxious.
“Mate, I’m telling you, there is a solid 95% chance that the feeling is mutual. I see the way her face lit up when you offered her a lift to the cabin, or when you invite her on walks with Petunia, or when you have her favourite snacks at your house parties. I would bet a solid amount that she’s in the exact same boat as you.” Michael was trying to be patient and kind, but you could tell from his tone that he was a little amused by Luke’s predicament.
You froze when you realised they were talking about you. No. Surely not? Luke… Luke didn’t have feelings for you, did he? He couldn’t be IN LOVE with you? Plain, boring old you? Was this a dream? It has to be a dream. You pinched yourself, hard, and let out a small gasp at the pain before you could realise what you’d done. Luke’s head whipped around to the back seat, and you made eye contact.
“H-hey, sweetheart. How long have you been awake?” He asked, his tone wobbly and unsure.
“Oh, literally just woke up a second ago. Must’ve moved around in my sleep and bumped my elbow too hard, that’s why I gasped. Sorry if I gave you a fright!” You were desperately trying to sound as normal as possible.
Luke’s face visibly relaxed, and you knew you’d sold the lie well enough. Your heart was still pounding over what he said, but in this car right now was not the time to address it. You could see Michael eyeing you curiously in the rear-view mirror, almost like he didn’t believe a word of your elbow bump story, but you just flashed him a smile and focused your gaze out the window, even though you could barely see a thing in the darkness of night.
When you arrived at the cabin, the others in the group had beaten you there, and already started claiming bedrooms and stocking the kitchen, and they’d even used the outdoor grill for dinner which gave the area a delicious aroma. Stepping out of the car, you gave your arms a nice big stretch and took a deep breath in and out. You’d lived in a more rural area growing up, and being near the trees and the water really made you feel more at home.
Before you could protest, Luke was carrying your bag inside as well as his own, and you scurried along to claim a bedroom before they were all gone. You settled for a small bedroom that was more like a nook just off the kitchen, but it had a nice big window that you thought would give wonderful sunrise views of the lake when you woke up the next day, so its size and the single bed didn’t bother you.
After a welcome night cap and a brief discussion of plans for tomorrow (Calum offered to cook breakfast, Ashton was coordinating yoga down on the lake’s shore, Crystal and Sierra had mapped out some easy hikes, and Michael and Luke had organised boat hire and tubing), you all adjourned to your own rooms for some sleep. You’d been tossing and turning for what felt like hours, replaying Luke’s words that you overhead in the car in your head, when you heard someone step into the kitchen and open the fridge. You’d left your bedroom door slightly ajar because it was kind of warm in the cabin, so you were able to crawl up the bed and squint out into the kitchen to see who was on the hunt for a midnight snack. Even without your glasses on, you could tell the blurry, broad-shouldered, white-singlet clad kitchen intruder was Luke from a mile away.
You didn’t want to startle him, but you weren’t sure how many other chances you’d get this weekend to talk to him entirely alone. You pulled a sweater over your head, located your glasses and slowly shuffled over to the doorway.
“Hey, kitchen intruder. What’s on for midnight snack?” Your voice was soft, but Luke still jumped a mile and clutched at his chest, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you. To be fair, hearing the fridge open metres away from me unexpectedly was a bit of a heart stopper too, pal.” You teased, crossing across the kitchen to lean up against the counter next to where Luke was making a nutella sandwich.
“I guess that makes us even then, sweetheart.” Luke shot you a wink, and you felt your heart leap in your chest.
“Gonna make one for me too, or what?” You said, making grabby hands at Luke’s sandwich.
“Well considering you asked SO nicely…” Luke stuck his tongue out at you, but pulled out more slices of bread onto the cutting board and started making you a sandwich anyway.
You paused for a moment, and took Luke in. Even in the middle of the night, after a long and tiring drive, he still looked so damn good. And he was making you a chocolate-y snack. What a dream. A dream, that if you just took a little leap of faith, could maybe be part of your reality.
“Hey, Luke?” You half-whispered, almost not wanting him to hear you. His head perked up immediately, sparkling blue eyes meeting yours with a curious look.
“Yeah?” He half-whispered back.
“I know what you should do.” You spoke louder and more purposefully this time, the adrenaline taking over as you angled your body towards Luke’s.
“About what?” Luke countered, not moving an inch as you got a little closer.
“About the girl you’re in love with.”
Luke froze, dropping the butter knife covered in nutella onto the kitchen counter with a loud clang. He swallowed audibly, before fixing you with a look that you couldn’t quite read.
“Oh yeah? What should I do, do you reckon?” The mystery stare was gone, and the familiar mischievous glint you loved to see in Luke’s eyes replaced it, as he moved in and closed the gap between you, bringing you chest to chest.
“I think you should tell her. Mike gives good advice, there’s a pretty good chance she feels the same.” You could feel yourself smiling uncontrollably, as you glanced up and realised how close Luke’s face was to yours.
“I guess I’ll take my chances, then.”
Before you could respond, Luke cupped your face with both hands and kissed you, hard. You felt like your skin was on fire, and your heart was about to burst out of your chest, but kissing Luke also felt like coming home and finding everything you’d ever hoped and waited for.
The nutella sandwiches could wait. You had some making up for lost time to do first.
Taglist: If there’s a line through your name, I couldn’t tag you, so please message me to let me know your new URL or what the go is! Tumblr might just being dumb, who knows. @suchalonelysunflower @blackbutterfliescal @redrattlers @loveroflrh @spicycal @notinthesameguey @metalandboybands @cheekysos @ashton-trash  @another-lonely-heart @queenalienscherrypie  @becihadshawn  @allthestarsandthemoon 
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Here is part 1 of the very long story of how I learned about multiple things, including games like Boyfriend to Death and Degrees of Lewdity. Tracing it back as far as I'm willing to.
Kinda like my
Current interests origin story
I'll bold main points because I like to talk. This will be long, I like to ramble and say everything I was thinking
This first part will be covering how I learned about lady-bakuhoe (now @kingkatsuki) and @kazooli. I swear they're relevant in this. I just like to trace things back to as far as possible, so here we go!
- Origin story starts -
One day, before I had a tumblr account, but knew of its existence (which I knew was good for seeing fancontent), I decided to look up Deku headcanons. So at the time, I had just started watching My Hero Academia. I was on episode 1 or 2, but I instantly LOVED Deku. And I didn't feel like reading a whole x reader fic, I looked for headcanons. And one top result was headcanons for multiple characters that Jo wrote A LONG time ago.
There were two headcanon posts she made (probably) and I decided to check out her blog since the ones she wrote were good. But I DO know that I was like "Hmm, these headcanons are the best out of the top ones, and she wrote a few." So I started looking at more of lady-bakuhoe's posts. And then I realized she liked Bakugou a lot and she wrote smut a lot.
I honestly think that it's HILARIOUS that I learned about her blog because of Deku, considering the fact she doesn't like him too much (btw, if you're reading, Jo, I hope I'm not burning your eyes by mentioning him too much). If you look at her rules and read what she doesn't write, Deku is listed right there, next to incest and pedophilia (not literally, but they are on her list). (So I never asked or expected her to write for him and instead found people who did, unfortunately none of them right as well as Jo, but whatever.)
But despite me being more into Deku, I still really enjoyed reading what she'd post and reblog. I also got to taste some high quality smut, and now my standards are forever very high when it comes to written porn.
However, I didn't (and still don't) really thirst for anyone she frequently writes for. The two character I thirsted for the most (I'm not exactly sure now, I seem to have calmed down) were Deku and Shigaraki, both of which are on Jo's "3 BNHA characters I can't thirst for" list. And in general I was just more horny for the villains than the heroes, but Jo doesn't write very much at all for the villains and says she doesn't write them very well and from I read, I agreed. (Sorry!)
What I really wanted, was a blog with good writing skills that wrote for the villains. Which was exactly what I found! So, I forget which post of theirs it was. But I think the person titled their blog "anime hawks saved me" or something like that. I clicked on the blog, scrolled a little and eventually found a Shigaraki x reader x Dabi. It was called "Just for Tonight" and from the summary (? If it had one, I can't remember) and how well written the first few paragraphs I accidentally read were, I was intrigued. It just, somehow pulled me in, in a way no other fic has.
Now that I think about it, reading that fic was like shaking the bad guy's hand from the Princess and the Frog. You know, the one leading into "Friends on the Other Side" when he says, "Would you shake a poor sinner's hand?"
But anyway, I began to read that fic. I guess I felt guilty for reading a villain smut despite what I previously said (I have conflicting emotions, constantly), maybe also some sort of purity complex or whatever, so I was actually intending on just reading a little, and then I would stop reading it. Ha. Ha. HA. I should have known at that point that when I start reading smut I won't be able to stop until it's finished. I only succeeded once, that was Coercion by lady-bakuhoe, but then I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day and opened it again and finished it.
I finished reading "Just for Tonight" and it was REALLY good. So good that, in a few days, I went back and read it again. And that's the only time I've ever done that. Where I actually read a fic again because I had the impulse to because I loved it so much. So I read it again and thought "Man, this is good. I wanna see if the writer wrote anything else like this." And this is my plunge into the @kazooli blog.
(Also, I wanna quickly mention something off topic. Some of the things I mention may or may not be consistent with the timeline. Like, for example, I mentioned that I thirsted for Shigaraki, but Jo didn’t write for him. BUT at the time I read "Just for Tonight" I remembered I was more into Dabi (which was short lived) than Shigaraki, at first I considered Shigaraki just a bonus character in the fic and now I consider Dabi the bonus character (how turntables). Which doesn't make sense considering the previous. I'm confused too. Maybe so maybe reading that "list of three characters" was after learning about Kazooli? But anyway, I guess one could say that her blog plus others made me a Shigaraki fan, but honestly I just wasn't far in the anime at that point and even if I never found those blogs I would have ended up liking Shigaraki a whole lot. He is somehow my type in appearance, personality, and tragic backstory, it's like Horikoshi made him for me. It's strange and wonderful)
Anyway. I remember going on and scrolling through and instantly being treated to some nasty (but yummy) things. I also found that "Just for Tonight" was her first post from what I can recall. I remember specifically finding this one meme she posted with someone (her) feeding seeds (incest) to birds (followers) and I was very confused because I was still clueless dark content existed (despite the noncon and dubcon fics/thirst posts on Jo's blog).
I was like "No, incest is bad." But then that got my thinking, "Why do they like it? Is there a reason." So I actually clicked on one of her incest fics (Touya, obviously) and began reading it. I think I was either trying to figure out why they liked it, or trying to prove to myself it wasn’t that good and ppl were just being weird. Spoiler, I actually REALLY liked it. So much I quickly started to look for more.
That whole transition was 10 minutes or less. Made me think of that one Thomas Sanders vine when the girl comes in to say she can't play video games because she has a paper to do, but ends up playing the game anyway. Except for me, change the quote to "No, incest is bad and- I NEED MORE! How did I get here?" "Don't question it."
Also, Kazooli writes the BEST incest fics. I've read other people's, but they just don't live up to hers or write it in a way I like it (sorry, Mari). I mean @ tomurasprincess's (Mari) newest fic with the A/B/O + soul mate + incest + Todoroki, and Mirror Image, those were good ones that weren't made by Kazooli. But Kaz is just this master at making gross and dark things sound REALLY appealing and hot. And you know it's gross, she definitely writes it so it sounds nasty, but she somehow does it SO GOOD and I don't know how.
So that's how I discovered these two, and this lead to me learning about a bunch of different things. In a way, they and Mari are like the keystones in how I found a lot of my current interests, and the reason I even created this blog in the first place.
Next up! How I discovered Mari's blog and what I came to discover from that!
Next part (link will be posted after I write that next part)
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shittykinaesthetics · 4 years
once again, here’s an askdump.
if you’ve sent a nice anon that i haven’t answered, or a weird anon that i ignored, ya might be in here. i’ve got another one a these on th way bu this one was gettin long anyway so i cut it there. watch this space, etc, etc
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so people’ve asked about this before, which is always a very sweet offer - bu as it is, m doin okay runnin things on my own. i know two aesthetics posted a day may not seem like much, bu it’s about what m comfortable puttin out without feelin like m spammin th dash. th long an short a it is that i feel so stupidly protective over my stupid lil meme blog, an th idea a addin mods don’t fit in wi how particular i am about how stuff is done at th moment. it ain’t that i don’t think other people would do a good job; s jus that m a fiercely independent bastard (jus ask my family). anyway! one day i might change my mind, an you’ll all be made aware if that happens, bu fer now it’s a one man show!
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here is th part where i a) ignore th whole “first mate” comment cuz m a benevolent person an it’s an interestin question, bu b) make a tiny lil confession. i have never listened t death t th mechanisms. i simply do not see it. i am lookin away. luckily as far as m aware there’re no new songs on that album, so i can safely say that it’s once upon a time (in space). very close second fer ulysses dies at dawn, an i know it’s prolly surprisin that high noon over camelot don’t even rank given my whole cowboy vibe, bu pump shanty an ole king cole jus go so hard, an i am jus so very sexy in th second half a sleepin beauty. that bein said, if gunpowder tim vs the moon kaiser were its own album, it’d be that one. thanks fer comin t my ted talk.
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see, this question is so annoyin (in a good way) cuz i literally have three immortal, unkillable kintypes - jonny d’ville, jack harkness, an andromache. so like. everyone else is immediately knocked outta th runnin no matter how deadly they are by sheer virtue a th fact that once they die, they ain’t comin back, unlike th other three. once it comes t those three, it’s really dealer’s choice, since all three a em do canonically jus... stop bein immortal eventually. i guess it jus depends on who gets stabbed th least? although jack’s whole thing was jus eventually dyin a old age, i think, so maybe he has an edge. guess it jus depends on if he dies a old age before th other two get stabbed enough times. much t think about.
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y’all send such nice asks sometimes an it breaks me down completely cuz m actually a soft-ass bastard at heart. it’s usually my way t respond t heartfelt soft intimacy wi sly derision an underhand deflection cuz conman runs in my blood, bu that’s never th case wi y’all, an i don’t know if it’s jus that th compliments are always so disarmingly genuine that it catches me off guard, or if i jus don’t feel good about bein “mean” when it’s written down an no one can hear my unmistakable ‘asshole wi a heart a gold’ manner a speakin, bu either way. presses a hand t my grizzled ol woman heart. thank you. m glad i can have a part in makin y’all happy, or laugh, or whatever my blog brings t yer lives.
also yeah people will forever ignore my closed requests. it’s simply my cross t bear. like a solid 1/4 a you kin jared 19 when it comes t th description on my blog an it’s fine
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literally do not know how t respond t this one. it’s very sweet bu m mostly monogamous an very taken. also m physically 21 an mentally older’n that so this could very easily end up bein creepy. i know it was written wi th best intentions bu y’know, m an adult, so unless yer off anon i can’t accept even fun flirtin, as a precaution. (this obviously doesn’t apply if we’re friends an yer off anon an i know who you are. there’s an ask m respondin t in th next batch a these from a friend where we are talkin about kissin. everythin is nuanced)
also th fact that you could develop a crush from this dumpster fire a a blog... disquietin. concerned fer you. think you should love yerself an get some taste, maybe. i say this outta a place a worry fer yer wellbein, anon.
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god shut up that’s literally such a funny fuckin idea @cabinet-enby​... starts an event where people can tell me about their canons bu they hafta send me a kofi fer every single ask. up t this point i’ve jus been givin it away fer free like some sorta idiot. me! king a merchandisin stuff that should never be merchandised! an it didn’t occur t me until you brought it up??? m losin my edge. slippin on my place in th game. thanks fer th kick in th pants - should trademarked this idea when you had th chance, sucker
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sarah-blue-eyes · 3 years
2020 In Review
Hoo boy, here we go.
[Ok just before I begin. I had this queued to post in the first month of January but it doesn’t seem like that ever happened haha. Better late than never I suppose!]
So I am a nostalgic bitch, and since 2011, have loved to make memory boxes for each year, where I put trinkets and memories into a shoebox. This year I have continued that tradition, but I have also kept track of my happy memories throughout 2020 in my planner. This was done with the intention for me to upload a year-in-review sort of thing in hopes that maybe like, 3 people max on this god-forsaken site will read it. This sort of reminiscence was inspired by my friend @a-lbeit​, who has done these for a few years now and me, as a slut for nostalgia, was encouraged to do the same back in January (I think? What even is my memory at this point?)
2020, as it has been for many, was a very shit year, and I am no different. I would safely say that this year has undeniably been the worst I have lived through. But I am here. I am present. And I have made it through some of the darkest times to face 2021 with a new sense of hopefulness. Keeping track of my happier memories has been something that has truly got me through this clusterfuck of a year, so I am glad that I can finally go through them all again and share them with you.
Read it, or don’t, I don’t give a shit what you do with your time, but if you do, I hope that you aren’t bored to tears. And I hope to keep myself accountable to continue to do this for years to come.
Buckle up, grab a hot drink and a snack and get comfy, because this is a JOURNEY.
· Kicked the new year off with hosting a 1920’s themed party with some of my closest friends at my family home at the beach. Had fun with drunk SingStar, playing What Do You Meme, creating a playlist with everyone’s top 3 songs of the decade (it was a bangin’ playlist I must say), and just overall drinking too much and having a riotous time
· I remember going to the beach New Year’s Day (as is tradition in Australia) and playing ultimate frisbee in the shallows and completing a crossword puzzle on the sand (I am a 75-year-old woman, it is just a fact of life)
· I also had my friend Kirsten from South Australia stay with me for the New Year’s period and it was lovely to have a guest over! I haven’t spoken to her much this year, she sort of fell off the face of the planet, but I hope she is doing ok.
· Went town to Torquay (a beach town in Victoria) for the 6th time for Beach Mission, which is essentially a holiday program for kids in preschool-year 9 where we run activities for them. It’s a Christian-based program but the aim isn’t to convert the kids or anything like that, it’s more to show God’s love to them through our actions and how we as Christians live our lives. It’s also a convenient way for parents to dish their kids off for a few hours too haha. This was my final year of being a part of this program, and I am so pleased to have made so many memories and (hopefully) impacted many children’s lives during my time there
· I remember going on a late-night beach walk with my boyfriend Josh, talking about what the year had in store for us. We were just sitting on the beach, as you do, and I saw a shooting star. I can’t remember what I wished for (if anything) but in that moment, life was a dream.
· The week after beach mission I started at my new internship! It was for a place called KidsCo, who run school holiday programs at workplaces, so parents don’t need to take time off work to look after them. I helped with client relations and a lot of behind-the scenes stuff. I really loved it there
· On the very first day of my internship I remember there was torrential rain, and the train home was delayed by like, an hour or so lol
· One of the best parts about interning at KidsCo was that they were the official child-minding service for the Australian Open. I make an effort to go each year, but I was lucky enough to get free ground-entry for me and a guest for the duration of the event. I went quite a few times and got to take my mum and Josh along as well.
· Saw my only concert of the year, The Veronicas, at the Australian Open. When I say the moment the violin riff at the start of Untouched absolutely went the fuck off is an understatement. Grade 5 me would have cried (and 23 year old me did a little bit too tbh.) Yet another of one of my “all-time-favourite-songs” that I’ve had the pleasure of hearing live. (I also went through the year feeling sad that this was the first time in 11 years I hadn’t gone to a concert, but this one certainly fell through the cracks)
· Started planning my trip to the UK to see my twin sister, and best friend, Jess
· Went away to Rye for the Australia Day weekend #changethedate. An excellent time with excellent mates, and went to the beach pretty much every day and got mindlessly sloshed every night
· Listened to the Triple J Hottest 100. I think 4 of my picks made it in, which was pretty good
· Continued my job as the office manager/events coordinator at my church
Basketball started back after the summer break for my two different teams, The Vikings and The Wildcats (honestly such a highlight of this year with how the rest of it ended up going)
As a team-bonding activity at KidsCo we hired a boat for a few hours and I got more drunk that I had been for a while. It was a very fun time jetting down the Yarra, waving drunkedly at the people jogging by
For Valentine’s day Josh and I had an indoor picnic with our favourite food! The weather was shit for Feb, hence the indoor nature of the picnic
Saw Shrek the Musical with two of my closest pals, Bec and Katie (I honestly forgot that this happened in 2020 hahaha) but it was ICONIC
Had a Jackbox night with The Boys
Had my cousin Amy from England over for dinner! I hadn’t seen her in 5 or 6 years, so it was so lovely to connect again like no time had passed at all
Went to Healesville Sanctuary, a lovely conservation park which focuses on preserving and educating its visitors about Australian animals, with Amy
 Went to mini-golf for a friend’s birthday on the leap day. He technically celebrated his 6th birthday which was excellent
Saw Cody Ko and Noel Miller live with Bec and Katie
Finished working at the church office to make room for the potential job opportunity at KidsCo
Ahhh March, you shitstorm of a month. This is where everything started going downhill.
The first thing of note that happened this month was me injuring my ankle at basketball, which had me out of action for a few weeks. It was especially bad because I was nearing the end of my internship and was hoping to do my best work so that I would be chosen to stay on as an employee, but had to take a week or so off to rest my ankle. My ankle would continue to be tender and sore for most of the rest of the year
Went away for the Labour Day long weekend with the family
Finished up my internship at KidsCo. Honestly was lead to believe that I would be staying on as an employee and felt sort of betrayed after all the work I did for them, but whatever
 Had a party at Bec’s house to listen to Triple J’s Hottest 100 of the Decade. One of my favourite songs was number 1 which was a pleasant surprise
Went down to the holiday house for a few days just to have so me time and sort myself out
Animal Crossing New Horizons came out haha. Honestly was one of the highlights of this year though. I stayed up until midnight so I could download it as soon as it was available because that’s the sort of person I am  
Mum’s birthday dinner with Dani, one of my best friends, and her girlfriend Amy
Went for a hike at Sugarloaf Reservoir with Josh and got spooked by a mob of kangaroos
My mental health started really taking a downward spiral this month for multiple reasons which I won’t get into here, but this is more a note to my past self to say that it will all be ok I guess? Idk I just felt like this needed to be here
Did my ankle badly again on Good Friday
Watched the Overwatch League live with my friends and just memed in the livechat lmao
WARNING - this is a bit TMI but I am going to share anyway since it was a big part of this year, and if you are reading this you are either a stranger or a good friend so I really don’t care lmao: This month I also started to get bad pains in my uterus, like, not period pains but deep, stabbing pains. This continued on for the next few weeks without me doing anything about it, except for increasingly getting stressed about it, although I will talk a bit more about this later.
Josh and I celebrated our 6th year together which was ~wholesome~
Called my friend Ashley from the US and just caught up. It was nice to see her face again. She is a good egg. I haven’t talked to her since but I really hope she’s ok.
Watched Star Wars with Josh and his family for “May the 4th”
Started a volunteer job at Kivuli, a non-for-prophet that is based in Kenya, and started helping out with their website and social media stuff
Zoom movie time with my friends, we watched How To Train Your Dragon I think? Athough everyone was talking over the movie so I didn’t really get anything out of it
Played Scattergories (one of my favourite games) with Bec and Jess on zoom and just wrote really stupid and funny answers and I remember this being just what I needed
Went for a long walk with mum and one of her friends and her daughter on a track we don’t usually go on, which was a nice change of scenery
Went down to the holiday house for the first time in forever since restrictions were eased, at least for a little while lol, with the fam
Went to Portsea for a walk along the beach with Bec and her husband Trevor
Did an online trivia night that night with a big bunch of friends
Had a doctor’s appointment to see what was goin’ on down there. Honestly freaked that it could be something REALLY bad. Got booked in to have an ultrasound the next week, so at least I’d be finding out what was wrong soon.
The day after I got my results was the 21st of May, the day my mum and I were meant to be flying out to the UK to see my sister and her boyfriend. It was already hard enough a month or so before when I had to cancel my flight, but this day was so SO difficult. I can’t remember the last time I cried so hard. I am so blessed to have a boyfriend like Josh though. He was by my side the whole day, and held me as I cried. Oh man I am crying as I write this now, it was such a hard time but I know I will see my sister again.
And then the day after THAT whole ordeal was my birthday, which was meant to be spent in London with Jess but it turned out to be the first birthday we’ve had apart. This day was also hard, but made better by being with loved ones and having dinner at my grandma and grandpa’s house. Grandma’s roast potatoes make everything better.
Went to Geelong to see the other side of my family, it was so good to see my nan again. I love her very much.
Went to the Briars with Bec and went on a lovely nature walk and saw a lot of little wallabies and even an emu
Had an ultrasound and my pain turned out to be a 10cm wide cyst!!! So fun!!!!! Thank the heavens it wasn’t a child. I was so relieved. It is still in my body so that’s cute tho.
Applied for a bunch of jobs, and even got a few interviews! Still no job.
The absolute highlight of this month, and maybe even the whole year, was going away to Lake’s Entrance and Yarram with mum, dad and Josh. It was so good to go to the country, I love country towns so much and the wildlife and nature is so beautiful in the eastern part of Victoria. If you ever get the opportunity I recommend going there!
We ate so much nice food and just relaxed. It wasn’t a perfect replacement for not going to Europe, but it was something at least.
Did more work for Kivuli which kept me busy
Went to Bec’s house to bake a cake. She came out to me as bi this day too, and the cake was coloured like the bisexual flag!
Started a short course through the university I went to in Facebook for Business. It was a great way to build up my skills.
Played Animal Crossing with Dani’s little sister, Tami, a very wholesome time
Looked after Josh’s dog Jed while his family went away for the weekend (also went into the start of July) and was honestly the greatest time
Halfway through the year. Thank fuck.
Had another job interview
Went on lots of walks
Was just generally cold
Did a lot of cleaning
Painted the downstairs rooms at church, which took a few days and a lot of back pain, but it’s cool to think that I was able to contribute my energy and time to something while I was not feeling good at all
The restrictions were tightened again, meaning that I couldn’t go further than 5kms away from my house, except to see Josh, so this was a really lonely time for me.
Really got into Masterchef with mum this season. They had all returning contestants from other seasons so that was really fun to watch.
Got and assembled a new couch upstairs that I can say I actually own myself. I absolutely love it.
More walks, despite the cold
This was a very uneventful month, but that’s ok!
Had a call with the hospital I’ll be having my cyst surgery with. It was good to know that things would be started. I had to have a blood test and a second ultrasound then put on the waiting list for surgery. Still no sign on when that will be happening though 6 months later. Just so lucky to live in Australia where all of these appointments are free.
Went for a really nice long walk with Josh. Got shat on by a bird.
Did lots of stuff around the house, just tidying and watering the plants and sorting through my wardrobe to purge all the clothes I grew out of
Had an online Switch games night with some friends which was fun. We played Smash Bros. and Mario Kart and just had a great time!
Ok this sounds super lame but my favourite podcast, The Jenna & Julien Podcast, finished forever which came as a surprise and was just really sad. I really hope it comes back one day.
Did my tax return lmao
Baked rice puff/marshmallow bar things
Made an ASOS order to fill my happiness with material things. Did get some cute clothes and lingerie tho 😉
More games with Bec and Jess, we played Golf With Your Friends this time
Had a cocktail night with Josh, where we just made a bunch of fun cocktails and got drunk. I can’t wait to live with him so we can do this all the time.
Lots of Kivuli work, as we are planning for our 10th anniversary fundraising event
Baked cookies, which was something I did a lot at the start of lockdown but sort of drifted away from. I absolutely love to bake.
Started working for Media-Wize, a small PR company that was started by someone I know at church.
Started playing Among Us at the start of the month
So many Among Us nights omg, just call me queen impostor please
Did my induction for Media-Wize
Got  n e r v o u s  because I kept getting things wrong in my new job. I always seem to fuck up the good things and opportunities that I get
Did a livestream reading of The Great Gatsby on my friend’s Twitch stream. It was really fun and something I had never done before. I voiced Tom Buchannan, which was interesting but cool to sort of get into the character. I hope to do something like this soon.
I burnt my hair while cooking dinner and had to give myself a haircut lmao. It was the first time since 2018 that I had cut it so it was a long time coming anyway.
So much Media-Wize work. It felt good to finally be getting paid to do a job
Got locked out of my bathroom so I had to climb up the laundry chute to unlock it from the inside, all because a fly outsmarted me (it’s a long story… and honestly best told by speaking it)
Had the Kivuli 10th anniversary livestream. Lots of work went into it and it was so much fun! It’s incredible that a non-for-profit that has benefitted so many children and families is still going strong. Such a blessing to see.
Dad’s birthday, and we had a picnic with grandma and grandpa and saw them for the first time since lockdown was somewhat lifted
Walked to Beasley’s nursery with Josh and got a coffee. This was the first proper, not McCafe coffee I had had in months and it was SO good
Played Animal Crossing with Dani
More Among Us, a theme for the last few months of 2020
Watched the AFL Grand Final. Wasn’t super exciting this year tbh, especially since we couldn’t have a BBQ or party or anything, but hopefully next year will be different
Nearly moved out of home with a friend of a friend, but since I didn’t have a job, didn’t think it would be a wise decision. Would’ve been nice though
Did some more Media-Wize work. I haven’t been given anything to do since this time though, so I don’t know what’s going on with that? They really be ghosting me tho.
Applied for JobSeeker so I would at least be getting a little income
New Jackbox came out, and had a games night with The Boys playing all the new games
Voted in the local election
Went to Westerfold’s Park with Josh for a lovely long walk
Played lots of The Sims 4 (but tbh I have been doing this all year)
This month things sort of started to turn around, as Covid wasn’t hitting my state hardly at all, so I was actually able to see family and friends again!
Went to my old primary school with Dani and played basketball and just shot around and talked. She also came over for dinner. It was so nice, and she is a true friend.
Had a picnic at the park at the top of the street with my dad’s side of the family, all together at last
Melbourne Cup Day, not that I really care but it’s nice to get a day off. Went on a day trip to the Dandenong mountain range. It was so, so nice and bought some lovely little things from local shops, went for a bushwalk and had a bakery lunch
Went to the park to throw the frisbee and kick the footy around with Josh and his friends, although they are my friends too tbh
Had a picnic with a group of friends that I hadn’t seen since January, so it was so, so good to catch up with them and have a delicious BBQ dinner
My favourite online comedy group, Aunty Donna’s Netflix series came out! Had a virtual watch party with a few friends and binge watched it all in one go
Had lunch with grandma. This used to be a weekly occurrence but for obvious reasons was put off for this year. I absolutely adore her and every lunch we spend together is so precious to me
Went to Kyneton with some of the family as another day trip
Christmas shopping time again. So weird to be at the shops and feel sort of normal? I went 4 different times in the span of a week and a half haha
Josh’s birthday! We went to this maze place with has a bunch of big mazes and other fun activities. It was such a perfect day. Then we had dinner with his family.
Got a letter from the IRS saying that I needed to provide them with proof of identity, so that was fun trying to sort that out. We love the outdated US tax system <3
Went to a bridal shower for my friend Katie
Went for another hike with Josh to the mountains
Drove down to Geelong for a friend’s wedding and stayed at my nan’s house
Had a pub dinner and Jackbox night while down in Geelong with The Boys
A good friend of mine was leaving to live in Japan for two years, so I went to her house one last time to say goodbye and chill in her pool and just hang out
God why is it so hard to get a job?
Omg we have made it to December. It truly is a miracle with how this year went tbh. And if you have read this far, thank you but also, how little of a life do you have?
Went to my friend Katie’s wedding. Sort of surreal to go to a wedding during a pandemic but it was fun and I got to see a lot of friends I hadn’t seen in a while
Enjoyed the hot weather and went to the beach a number of times with a variety of friends
Went Christmas shopping, and just shopping in general since it was safe to and shops had finally opened again
Got a job at a talent agency where you get gigs as a paid extra in TV shows and movies, which was pretty cool! I even had a professional photoshoot to get headshots done, something that I had never done before. Glad that I could get some pictures to use on LinkedIn though haha. Still haven’t been cast in anything but here’s hoping.
Had dinner and drinks with Josh, Bec and Trev in the city for the first time since it reopened. God I love Melbourne so much. It is just so magical on balmy summer nights. This was such a special evening, and was so good just to be in the city again
Had a lovely day with Dani, starting with breakfast and then going on a hike before the weather got too hot. We went to Sherbrooke Forest, a place I hadn’t been before, and it was incredibly beautiful
Had a number of job interviews this month too, none of which got back to me which was annoying :/
Now it was heading into the time where every weekend is packed with Christmas do’s so I’ll just collate them in this point. Lots of drinks were consumed and many delicious roast dinners
Had our annual Christmas Carol’s service at church. It was a blessing to be back in the building for the first time since March, and to be able to do something I love (singing) with some of my best friends was the best
Christmas eve I went to my grandma and grandpa’s house (on dad’s side) to help them set up for Christmas lunch. Spending time together just the three of us is so special, and I am so glad I was able to come over and just chat and be in their loving presence. Then that night I went to our 11pm church service to bring in Christmas day. It was a great service and was great to see our kick-ass minister give a sermon face-to-face.
Ok here we go, Christmas was a doozy, let’s go. So Christmas lunch was, as I said, with my dad’s side of the family, which is always a great time. Cracking open crackers and fighting over who’ll get the bottle opener or nail clippers is always a highlight haha. But we had the fucking best roast potatoes I swear. I need to know what my grandma puts into them because I could genuinely eat 20 of them and still have space. Then the rest of the afternoon was spent in a food coma until I went to Josh’s house to spend dinner with his family. Another delicious meal and great banter was what I needed, although I can safely say that I put on at least 5 additional kilos after that day.
The next day the fam and I headed to Geelong to see my mum’s side of the family. Was a great drive down and I listened to all of The Avalanches new album which had just released. Easily the greatest album of the yeah hands-down. So we spent lunch there and absolutely stuffed ourselves with more food. Three Christmas meals really took a toll on me, but I am just blessed as it is to have a loving family and food on the table.
The next day dad, Josh and I headed to the beach to spend that weird time between Christmas and New Year’s. To get there we took the ferry that goes from Queenscliff to Portsea, which is always a fun time, since we don’t often go from one side of the bay to the other (if you don’t know the geography of Victoria I apologise lmao). Mum didn’t come with us as she had some symptoms of Covid, so went home to isolate and get tested. Thankfully she tested negative and she joined us the next day.
Once I got back home I had to prepare the house for my friend Jono who was visiting for new years from SA. Many last-minute chores and cleaning was done haha.
New Years Eve! Went to pick up Jono and my other friend Sarah from the airport and dropped Sarah off at her accommodation and ended up staying there with Jono for a while as this was where the New Year’s party was going to be. Although, in true Victorian fashion, our premier announced that there was going to be a limit of 15 visitors at any house from 5pm that night. Excellent. We love a last-minute change of plans. So we had lunch and spent the afternoon at my friend’s house before heading to a local park to chuck the frisbee and kick the footy around. We also had our second annual NYE trivia competition, which my team lost by 1 point!! Dang I get so competitive, but we will win next year, I can feel it. The new year came through uneventfully, we were in the middle of a game of Scattergories or something like that when someone changed the channel on the TV to see the Sydney fireworks across the screen and like, 4 second left of the countdown. I gave Josh a bog ol’ smooch and gave my friends a big hug. We had done it. 2020 was defeated.
Conclusion (damn this really be an essay tho)
This year was undeniably the hardest year I had ever been through. Going through unemployment for the majority of the year and having no sense of purpose hit me hard but I am entering 2021 with the hope and willingness to get on track with my career. And I think I will be successful. A lot of truly awful things happened around the world this year as well, with the devastating bushfires at the start of the year, the powerful BLM protests, Coronavirus absolutely destroying lives and many, many other global events but through it all, here we are. I hope you all keep well this year and that your 2021 is infinitely better than your 2020.
Song of the Year: Tangerine – Glass Animals
Album of the Year: We Will Always Love You – The Avalanches (I CANNOT stress this enough, but you absolutely must listen to this album!)
TV Show of the Year: The Mandalorian - Season 2
Movie of the Year: Bombshell (the only movie I saw at the cinemas so didn’t have much to go with)
Memory of the Year: Going away with my family and just enjoying time away with each other
Thank you for reading this, if you’ve made it this far, you’re a real one <3
5 notes · View notes
whumper-boi · 3 years
So good news, I finally finished with writing out the first prompt of the whump advant calender
(Note that they are ocs to my book I’m writing so don’t worry about spoiling or anything)
@whump-advent-calendar thank you, and this is for the first prompts
Y’all this was much longer then I thought it would be but oh well. Also, I was really out of it when I started this so forgive me cause it isn’t my best work.
Also sorry about the awkward spacing, was no one going to tell me there was a limit to the amount of spaces you could do?
**Blue- Martin’s texts
TW for mentions of non-con, mentions of child abuse, panic attacks, self deprecating thoughts, nearly freezing to death, hypothermia, paranoia, cursing, anxiety, mild(?) dissociation (like it’s written that it happened but he doesn’t remember it (obviously)), ptsd
This hadn’t happened since the thunderstorm incident. However, unlike that where he had been purposely locked outside in the middle of a fucking thunderstorm, he had come home early from a sleepover, and no one else was home.
Martin shivered, pulling his skully over the tips of his ears. After he realized that he lost his house key somewhere, he tried to call his father, but to no avail, as he was most likely still on a plane.
Majesty, his service dog who accompanied him on the walk home, nudged him gently on the leg. He sensed his distress, circling around him before standing at his side again.
Backtracking a little, Martin had gone over to one of his best friend Sadie’s house, with intentions to spend the night, but her having a surprise doctors appointment had made him decide to walk home with Majesty, (even in the blistering cold, he didn’t want to bother his friend’s parents) and lose his key somewhere in the process.
This wouldn’t be a problem if the spare was still there, but it wasn’t? He wondered if someone else brought it in and forgot to put it back.
His father, Oliver, and his father’s best friend, Nick, were both on a business trip and wouldn’t be back until the day after tomorrow.
He didn’t know what to call Nick, as he saw the man like another parent, but he couldn’t handle the idea of putting his trust into another adult only to be majorly fucked over again. He had been around since before Martin was born, this was true, but Molly, his mother, had also been around since he was born, and she chose his rapist over him.
So yeah, he was a little scared of letting his guard down, even if he knew Nick would never hurt him. Oliver had even made sure of this
(The two men had been telling stories about before Martin and Tristan were younger, and even before they were born.
“If we’re really reminiscing on your births, I’ll never forget when Oliver held you for the first time Mars. Mostly because your father had threatened to terminate our business partnership and friendship, and I quote, ‘cut your prick off and make you eat it’ if I ever put a hand on you.”
“I still stand by it mate,” Oliver said, cuffing Nick on the shoulder.)
And his father wasn’t really one to go back on promises, especially with Martin.
The only other person who had access to the house would be Tristan, Nick’s son and someone who was like a brother to him, but, of course, he wasn’t home, and the bitch wouldn’t answer his phone. That wasn’t a surprise though, he was probably at a house party getting slammed.
Majesty let out a small huff, nudging him in the leg again, telling him that he was going out of it again. He pet him, checking his pockets one more time before giving up.
Great, fucking brilliant. He plopped down on the stone steps leading to the front door, which were freezing, and pulled out his phone, checking for messages. None.
A gust of wind blew, making him put his phone away and curl up to try and get some feeling back into his numbing fingers and toes. It really had to be this cold on the day he decided to not wear his leather jacket.
The only thing he had to protect him from the elements was the MCR T-shirt over a black longsleeve, cargo pants that had like, seven pockets on them, Doc Marten (ha), the skully, of couse, and his headphones. Also, a ton of metal jewlrey, basically he looked like the first picture you would find if you googled “Goth looks”.
Majesty sat next to him, and he leaned into the dog, wrapping his arms around him and squeezing.
Seeing as he couldn’t do anything other than wait, he tried to get his mind off of it, by thinking about the boarding school he would be going back to in a few weeks.
The boarding school in question, was an academy for advanced people with different skills and abilities, and it wasn’t something that was easy to get into. He had gotten a scholarship for the academic part of the school, which was apparently, a very hard thing to do. They only chose the smartest of the smart, who were all adults, except for him of course.
Maybe because he had an IQ of 216, higher than everyone at the school. That seemed to raise a lot of discourse with some people who couldn’t handle the fact that a 16 year old was smarter than them.
Interestingly enough, Martin couldn’t bring himself to actually give a fuck when it came down to it, because he had the scholarship, not them.
The only person who was even close to his age was a boy named Matthew, from America. Detroit, more specifically. The two had been roommates, Matthew was in because apparently, he was a fucking amazing dancer that was scholarship worthy.
Martin hadn’t seen it, but if he got into that school it was probably mind blowing, and he would never question his ability.
Matthew had been respectful, and pretty, and he had the audacity to make Martin fall for his southern accent and obnoxiously kind words that he didn’t feel like he deserved.
He even asked him at one point.
“Well you’re a genius M, so it’s going to be lightwork for you,” Matthew said, after Martin had joked about wanting to crack the Zodiac ciphers.
“Nah, I’ll just stick to arguing with teachers and wasting away decoding video games.”
The other boy hummed. “Well, whatever you choose to do, you’re going to do good.” He put his fingers in a ‘ok’ pose, and gave a playful smirk that made him look like a meme, and then he looked up at Martin.
He couldn’t exactly tell what emotion was being portrayed on his own face at the moment, but it made Matthew’s smile drop, and he looked at him with nothing but concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, there something on my face?” he half joked, feeling it fall flat as soon as it came out of his mouth. He tried to neutralize his expression, but this only made things look worse.”
“Martin…” he hesitated. “Was it something I said?”
Yes, yes it was. He opened his mouth, then closed it, growing warm and horrifyingly, feeling tears start to well up. He had, by no means been insulted with what he said. The support and friendliness was what got to him.
The whole thing was, he had support from other people, but this felt… different. Martin felt like the people around him felt obligated to do it. Even so, he had only known Matthew for such a short time, but the american he only proved that he cared.
Maybe this was the insecurity in his brain talking, or maybe the things Seth said and did to him were finally starting to take a toll on him. He just had to know why he cared so much. Well, when in Rome right?
“Why are you so nice to me?” He asked, crossing his arms, a nervous tic that he had developed.
Matthew didn’t even look like he registered the question. “I’m...not?” What? If that wasn’t being nice then what was it?
As if the other boy could hear his question, he added: “I’m just treating you with basic decency? Like, anyone with an ounce of empathy should do.” Martin stared at him.
But holding the door? Not once telling him to shut up at his long rants? Waiting for him at the top of the stairs when he made it up first? His friends did the same, and so did his family, but they had known each other for a while, and…but Seth did it, only when he was in a good mood, only when he was feeling nice, and he just naturally assumed this was what everyone was doing. Conditionally. They were doing it because they cared?
This was hurting his head. Multiple thoughts littered his head and he couldn’t sort them out fast enough to process a coherent sentence. His logical side just straight up vanished.
Matthew walked up to him, cautiously sticking his arm out and gently grabbing Martin’s shoulder.
His head suddenly blanked, whatever he had been thinking about just stopped at the contact. “Well,” Martin laughed awkwardly, “I guess you learn something new everyday.”
The other boy gave a smile, and he thought he could spare them both the mental breakdown he would inevitably have, then the arse had to say: “You’re deserving of respect darlin’, unconditionally.”
And wonderfully, he started to cry. The more correct term would be more like, loudly sobbing, but save himself a little bit of dignity. Matthew had once again proved how amazing he was, holding him.
A loud noise sounded from somewhere, knocking him out of the memory. He felt a smile on his face though, thinking about the American. His boyfriend, seeing as two hours after he shared his entire life story, they made out on their dorm floor.
He stopped smiling when he felt his lips crack in the cold weather. Licking them didn’t help, they dried back up seconds later.
Martin stood up, shivering at the lack of movement. He tried the door again, and when that didn’t work, he called Majesty and walked to the backside of the house. It was locked. Well, it was good that they were responsible with locking doors.
He then tried the windows, but remembered that he closed them because of his hate of the cold, and locked them because of his paranoia. He thought about breaking a window, but came to the conclusion that a locksmith was most likely better.
He picked up his phone, then stopped, thinking about it. If someone he didn’t know could pick their way into the house, what’s stopping someone with a grudge doing the exact same thing?
They had cameras and an alarm system, but a short circuit somewhere around the house could disable them, or if a computer tech tapped into them…
Martin felt a weight in his chest. If a locksmith was successfully able to get the door open, then anyone could be able to get the door open, and anyone included Seth and his friends. If they ever decided they wanted to get back at him, they could get in easily.
He didn’t realize that he dropped his phone, and barely noticed when he stepped on it, looking around. Martin scanned the streets, starting to worry that Seth would have this idea, and show up.
He suddenly couldn’t breathe, now frantically looking for his stepfather’s car. He would kill Martin if he saw him, he’d hurt him and kill him.
He was tied to that bed, hands touching all over him. He didn’t want it, he begged for it to be over.
The hands were on him again. Martin swore he could feel them dragging against his skin, and he physically recoiled, tripping and falling into the grass.
He didn’t want to be back there, not again.
“Please, stop!”
“No!” He screamed at nothing, covering his head with his arms. Martin felt a sob build up, and he squeezed his eyes shut. Seth was going to find him, and even if Martin went back into the house, he’d find a way in, or break the door. He couldn't stop him, and no one would know what happened.
Martin felt something on his face, warm and wet in contrast to the cold. Then he felt something push against his chest, something that was warm. He instinctively reached out, wrapping his arms around whatever it was, shivering and still struggling to breathe.
He needed to look at the street again, see if he was coming, but the same wet feeling was on his face again.
After a couple minutes, he opened his eyes, the tears freezing against his face. He realized that it was Majesty who he was holding in his arms, and he realized that he was licking Martin’s face, just doing his job.
He pulled the Doberman closer, taking a few seconds before sitting up. Majesty instantly got up after he did, nudging his arm gently, waiting for Martin to move off the frozen grass. They both made it back to the door eventually, Martin working on clearing his mind by asking himself if it was the panic attack or the cold that was making him super tired.
He looked for his phone, stressing out until Majesty quickly trotted over and dropped it at his feet. He ignored the little bits of drool, seeing three texts and a missed call from Tristan.
December 14, 7:56 PM
Yo, what the fuck do you want
Jkjk, everything alright
Call me Mars.
Martin went to the contact and called, realizing he could hardly feel his hands. “Hello?” His voice trembled slightly, either from the crying or the cold, he wasn’t sure.
“Alright Martin?”
He chuckled hollowly. “Ah, I got locked out of the house.”
“Are you alright? You sound like you’re crying.”
“I got locked out of the fucking house Tristan. It’s like, -2 degrees out here.” There was a beat of silence.
“I’m on the way back, so uh, just… hang in there?” He rolled his eyes, petting Majesty. “I’m like, fifteen minutes away.”
He heard Tristan laugh at something he didn’t hear through the phone. “Where did you even go?”
“To a party, (figures) but some 9th year threw up in the punch bowl and two kids got in a fight over some stupid bet. It got boing. What about you? I thought you were with Sadie.”
“I was, but she had an appointment and I didn’t want to go so I just walked home instead, she lives like, half an hour away, so I didn’t, like, you know.” Majesty put his head on his lap, letting Martin stim by petting, effectively keeping him calm and awake.
Tristan hummed over the phone, but didn’t say anything. His phone buzzed in his hand, and he looked down, seeing that Matthew was texting him.
“I’ll call you back Trish.” He waited for a response, then hung up.
December 14, 8:24 PM
I just saw a this lady with a really big yellow
snake around her neck and it made me think
of you
Which part?
The snake or the lady?
What are you doing?
Sitting on my front doorstep.
Tat sounds boring
lost my key.
I believe I left it at Sadie’s, but I can’t remember.
Oh f
So you can’t get in?
How long have you been out there
No one else will let you in?
Actually just hold on
Martin looked at his phone confusedly for a moment, before he was suddenly receiving a call from the other.
“Ok, go on,” Matthew said from the other side when he pushed the accept button.
“Er… I lost my key, and no one else is home.” His teeth chattered as he spoke.
“That sucks man, I’m sorry. My mom says hi by the way, and asked if you tried the window or a back door.”
He nodded, then realized that Matthew coudn’t see him. “Oh, yeah uh, the back door was locked, and the windows, I locked them before I left. Preventable measure you know?” He said, laughing a shrill, awkward laugh.
“Right. Don’t want any cold air getting in.” Matthew coughed, then went on. “Uh, is someone like, coming to let you in?”
“Yeah, Tristan is coming, he’s gonna be home soon. Also, hello.”
“You said that your mum said hi, so i’m responding to that.” He put his head on Majesty’s for a moment, exhaling. When he picked it up again, he saw that he accidentally clicked on the facetime button.
It was at least nice to see his face.
“Sis, you’re red.” Matthew said, looking at the camera.
Martin cocked his head to the side, then cursed as he dropped his phone. “Why thank you for the relay of information,” he snarked, but it was the first time he had looked at himself since he was with Sadie. That was what, an hour and a half ago? Two?
His eyes looked sunken in, skin pale except for the exessive spots of red on his cheeks, ears, and his eyes, but that was different, because he had been crying. Still. He wasn’t able to tell with his lips, mostly because the black lipstick he normally wore was still clinging to his lips. It was truly a look.
“Are you alright?” Martin gave him a look that signified that he was anything but. “Right, right, force of habit, sorry darlin’… Random question, why would you go out in that cold of weather, especially cause you’re crippled?”
Ah, he was wondering if that question would come up. “Well, it was around six degrees when I left, I didn’t expect the temperature to drop so suddenly.”
Matthew gave him a perturbed look. “Six? That’s freezing?!”
“Well, yeah? But it wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t even freezing temperatures.” The other boy’s face didn’t change. It really wasn’t awful, but… oh wait. “Six degrees celsius Matthew, not fahrenheit. It would be about…” He thought about it for a minute, trying to ignore the sudden gust of wind. “Fourty… fouty-four degrees fahrenheit, I believe?”
“Oh, right, right, yeah. You know, y’all shame Americans for using fahrenheit, but it actually aduquateds for humans, not water. So.”
Well he was right about that, he was pretty sure. He couldn’t remember at the moment. “Hm.” He shut his eyes for a moment, trying to remove the heavy feeling from his eyelids.
“Woah hey, aren’t you not supposed to sleep? You might not wake up.”
“I wasn’t going to sleep. My eyes hurt.” He moved a trembling hand on top of Majesty’s head, once again back to petting. He blanked out for a moment, but he came back to Matthew talking, or yelling, through the phone.
“Darlin’- you need to wake up!” He looked at the phone, blinking eratically. He fell asleep? “Oh thank god,” he heard Matthew mutter through the phone. He looked up, realizing Majesty was walking around him, trying to wake him up too through nudges and pawing him. “You should probably stand up so you don’t fall asleep again.”
“Right.” He used Majesty as a balance to get to his feet, stepping around a couple times to try and get feeling back into his leg. Where the fuck was Tristan? He walked up and down the steps a few times, seeing that the tips of his fingers were going from a paper white to a more blue colour. He brought them to his face and wiped, feeling the skin that was marked with tears start to rip painfully.
Still shivering, he brought his phone up, asking Matthew something.
“Oh, yeah, it’s basically when-”
“What did I ask you?” He asked, looking at the phone.
The other boy looked at him, an indeterminable look in his eyes. “Uh, you asked about what happens-” The phone went black. He tried turnng it on again, to no avail, when he realized it died. His head was spinning, and he tried turing it on again, and again, until Majesty nudged him, and he had to stop tears from coming again.
He sat next to the door, the service dog standing next to him. He blinked harshly, feeling something burn in his chest again.
Majestly circled him again, going back to standing in the same spot. He rubbed him a couple times, but then had to rub his eyes.
“-rtin a dumbass yeah but he’ll be fine.” He woke up, feeling like he was being poked by a bunch of sewing needles. He blinked slowly, trying to sit up when he felt the blanket fall off.
Blanket? Martin moved his hand around, looking for Majesty. A coat of fur under his hand made him exhale in relief.
“Christ, Martin, you gave everyone here a fucking heart attack, you actually back with us this time?”
He muttered something, but it came out sounding weird, so he repeated it, with better results. “Can you give me a chance to see who everyone is before you start screaming.” He used Majesty to help him up, who jumped on the couch next to him to help him actually stay up.
Standing in front of him was Tristan, and two other guys that Martin recognized from school. David and Aaron, he’s pretty sure it was.
Doing a quick glance around, he noticed that A) His clothes had been changed. He was wearing a black sweater and sweat pants, B) He was in fact warm, seeing as there was a heater pointed at his direction, and C) his phone was no where to be found. He wondered how many hours he had been asleep.
Tristan opened his mouth to say something, but Martin interupted him. “Who changed my clothes?” This seemed to stop whatever the other boy was going to say.
“You did?”
Martin gave him an incredious look. “I feel like I would remember that.”
“Clearly not. What’s today Martin?”
He tried to remember the last conversation he had with someone over text. It was with… Matthew, who he really needed to call back, he realized. “Er… Wednesday, December 14?”
“It’s a few hours until friday. You’ve been asleep or on autopilot for like, the last 24 hours.” Oh. That didn’t feel right. That was even worse, actually. “Also, Dad and Oliver are on their way back. They were gonna come back before, but you were awake and like, warming up so I told them not to.”
Yeah, cool, whatever, he was still confused about the autopilot thing. “How often do I do that?”
Tristan raised a confused eyebrow, then said, “Oh, not that often, just right after like, messed up stuff happens. You kinda just, go through the mechanics of something.”
“When else have I done it?”
He pursed his lips. “Er, I’ll tell you later.” So he’d done it after what happened with Seth. He wouldn’t have figured it out at the moment if it weren’t for the thing his brother did with his mouth whenever his Mother’s husband was brought up.
“Right, ok.” He got up from the couch, noting as Tristan said something to his friends and waved as they quickly left. “Where’s my phone?”
“It’s where you left it.” He saw Martin’s face and added, “It’s on your bed.” Ah. He went to go walk to the stairs, but staggered on the second step. Majesty was already by hi side, so he leaned on him. “I can go get it Mars, or you can have Majesty get it, but Oliver said, and I quote ‘Your impulsevness and boyfriend can wait two seconds. Sit down Martin.’”
He sat back on the couch and sighed. “Phone, Majesty.” The dog perked up and ran up the stairs, coming back and dropping it on his lap. “Good boy,” he cooed, petting the top of his head.
Martin unlocked it (wincing at the date), partially watching as Tristan got up and walked out the room. He went to his last texts, and saw some that weren’t his. He assumed it was his brother who texted him, just saying that he was alive, and in the house.
December 15, 9:07 PM
Is this a bad time?
Depends on who I’m talkin to
I hope I’m on the good spectrum then.
Your one and only.
I meant to put ‘the’ but ‘your’ works too.
I’m so glad you’re alright
Like, I thought I fucking lost you
You can’t kill me all that easily.
I’m actually in public rn and I can’t call and I’m sure there are some people you need to talk to
Sorry :(
Give me one hour and then i’m all yours
Take your time Love.
I sure have a lot of it.
I’m currenty on bedrest, so…
Aw :(
I won’t take up much more of your time then.
Call me when you can?
I miss you.
Of course darlin
And i miss you too
Martin closed out of the messenger app, only to get a little black heart sent to him. He loved that motherfucker.
He didn’t even bother texting his dad to see if the man was busy or not. He knew that if he did that it would be an immediate phone call, so, there wasn’t really a point.
He wouldn’t consider his father pushy or too suffocating. Martin loved and attention and praise he got from his father. His only concern was that Oliver would do some stupid shit (like father, like son) and burn himself out trying to care for everyone else.
He went to the contact and pushed the call button. It rang twice before both of his parents’ (fathers’?) asked about a million questions, all being variations of ‘What happened?’ and ‘Are you ok?’ and ‘We’re nearly home.’
“Yes, concerned adults, I’m perfectly fine. I just left my key at Sadie’s, I think. I should probably call and ask her-”
Tristan handed him a mug filled with overly sweetened hot tea, the only way he would drink it. “Don’t worry about it, her parents brought it back, along with like, a million other things because they felt so bad.”
Martin put it on speaker, just so they’d know who Martin was suddenly talking to. “I insisted on walking home, so it’s really my fault.” He took a sip of the tea when he heard the voices from the other end disprove this statement. “Also, define “a million.”
His brother shrugged. “I hope you like chocolate and tiny doll eyes.” He couldn’t help but feel like shit about it. He insisted he walk home, and he forgot his key, so he didn’t know why they blamed themselves so much. It was really on himself.
“I can hear your thinking Martin. You can’t blame yourself for this.” A door closed on the other side of the phone.
“I very well can, and I very well will.” Tristan sighed, but didn’t say much else about it. “Anyway.”
Over the phone, Nick asked: “Did you try calling a locksmith?” Martin felt his chest tighten up at the question. Majesty was immedietly at his side, putting his head on his lap. The other boy took notice and took the mug from his grip, and grabbed his hand.
He was going to say somehing, but jumped when the front door was unlocked and opened. Tristan hung up the phone, squeezing his hand at the same time.
Oliver and Nick walked in, not even bothering to hide their relief, until they noticed the condition that the other three were in, relief turning into concern.
“Hey baby,” Oliver said, coming and putting a hand on Martin’s shoulder. “How are you feeling?”
Martin exhaled, feeling better that his father was back with him. “Uh,” he laughed awkwardly, another shrill laugh. He opened his mouth, then closed it, not being able to pinpoint a good response, so he just shrugged and crossed his arms.
Tristan let go of his hand pretty quickly, instead going over to talk to his dad. Oliver put himself where Tristan was, giving his son an indetrminable smile.
He held out his arms, a silent invitation for a familiar embrace. Martin crawled over, filling the space and resting his head on the crease of his father’s neck. He felt a hand soothingly run up and down his back, reassurances being whispered in his ear.
“So you wanna rely on how you nearly died again..?” Well he won’t pass on having good attention on him.
Oliver whispered, “We can talk later baby.” To which he nodded, breaking away from the much needed hug.
Later, when he got some time alone, where Nick was cooking and the other two were in the parlor, he was upstairs, going back to the familiar contact.
December 15, 10:43 PM
Attachment: One image
It’s in german
I’m fully aware.
Well I can’t google translate cause it’s a picture
Once again, I am fully aware love :).
I will be having someone translate that later so don’t act all smug
I wouldn’t dream of it.
Hm. Call me
“Hey darlin’,” the voice said over the phone.
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blaster-aichi · 4 years
Cardfight!! Vanguard Extra Story IF 20 things
changing up the formula for the week
12 seconds in and we’re threatening murder, a new record.
What did we do to deserve Miwa and what did he do to deserve the treatment he gets from the writers?
When there are only bits and pieces of his original memories coming through, having the most nightmarish moment be one of them, one could only imagine how unsettling it is for one poor ultra-soft boy. And if it might cause him to sympathize with Aichi’s belief in brief moments, from undeniable proof that engaging in Vanguard has hurt a number of people around them.
Weekly yearning for the relationship between Outside World and IF World to get an explanation rises.
IF continuing with the softest Kai-kun faces, cause of death determined. That is all.
The fact that Morikawa’s dismissal serves towards the plot is startling, but at the same time, in-universe, it’s still baffling why he was chosen as opposed to anyone else. Perhaps because of his role in Aichi’s actively playing the game? But otherwise, drawing a blank.
There is a lot to say about the Kourin/Miwa scene, see below.
Semi-sortof-half-right about the Miwa/Takuto collusion but also see below.
Weekly yearning for the relationship between Outside World and IF World to get an explanation intensifies.
The Dinner Table Scene. Rena.exe has stopped working. See below, I flip the table.
This is the most adorable thing ever and boys, PLEASE.
Miwa picks up the mantle of roasting characters, the KaiMiwa is strong.
Pot. Kettle. Mirror. Bitch?
The choice to have Dragonic Overlord’s Deletion visually mirror its occurrence during the cardfight-based season is a strong choice; due to its haunting Kai-kun since it penetrated the IF illusion, and his facing Ibuki without letting any distress showing, in spit of what he’s seen, it demonstrates just the strength of his character and builds on his being able to take the punches and roll with them thus far.
Everyday, I relate to Kai Toshiki even more.
Very much appreciate Emi chiming in where Ibuki is concerned because though the emphasis is on his relationships with Kai-kun, Miwa and Suiko, their time understanding one another in episode 7 remains a personal favourite thing from the season.
Suiko’s intervention to protect Emi and Shuka; yes, yes, yes! Best big sister doing her thing.
Along the same line of thought; Miwa taking the bullet to save Kai-kun feels a natural conclusion to his role within IF, but also playing upon how he stressed Kai-kun’s happiness was his priority in his cardfight with Neve. His strongest trait through the franchise has been his dedication to his best friend, no matter the cost to himself, and seeing that occur in the literal sense feels as though it was always a case of when, not if. Although with the likely remaining time left in the season and its focus, there won’t be a spotlight shone on it again or for Kai-kun to really convey his feelings about it, it was nice to see and think about through the day after.
Episode 102: the KaiMiwa edition.
All Hail the Overlords and their Realizing.
Kai-kun takes back his other part-time job of literally roasting people with Miwa gone.
Though it’s likely down to how he was recruited into the Sanctuary Knights (and his past being repaired erasing the entire ordeal from his perspective), Ibuki’s lost memories of joining them begs the question of the fate of everyone’s memories once the timeline is fully restored, given it hasn’t been made clear if there are two different versions of characters that exist or their Outside World selves pulled inside and overwritten to fit IF’s continuity. Cases such as Emi, Aichi and Kourin in particular, seeing as Naoki, Shingo and Miwa have thus far retained their memories of IF despite returning Outside.
Not entirely sure why Kourin is so aggravated by the Sanctuary Knights’ numbers thinning when Naoki, Shingo and Miwa felt much more like nuisances to her and it means she’s alone on Aichi’s side. But okay, play cosmic fuckery with your sisters.
IF 21 preview
Rekka sighted. Hopes raised for her re-entering the story properly raised. Hopes realized when the preview caps from Bushi’s Twitter confirm as much
The season that continues its joke of memeing anime deaths.
With the perspective of Kourin’s weekly nightmarish face and the typical use of the angle, eager to see the girls getting the upper-hand over her, as it dawned on me that Naoki and Shingo had weekly stints being the main antagonistic force but Kourin, in essence, is on four and counting. And with the jarring fact that Aichi’s just sitting back, possibly oblivious, possibly not?
The unidentified Sanctuary Knight in the preview had gotten hopes up that Misaki was finally entering the fray but the aforementioned tweet popped that like a Genshin Impact Anemo slime. Rude.
the four breakdowns (for comical effect, it was one Wild call)
Takuto: From what’s been shown of Takuto, one could summise that he’s unable to leave Sanctuary by some force Aichi (or Kourin, with or without using Aichi to do it) has imposed on him, but considering his position, his personality doesn’t quite fit. With the gravity of the situation, particularly when he had pinpointed Aichi as the strongest Psyqualia fighter and (Destiny Conductor) personally input extra restraints to keep him under control, with him being the enemy, it's puzzling how Takuto is so lax. Even more in that he didn’t use Miwa as a means of passing on any message to the other Tatsunagis. While he couldn’t be expected to know Ren and Rekka were dispatched specifically to find him, one would imagine it was natural there would be someone coming and he may have been able to offer anything from within Sanctuary and its populous. But apparently not.
Kourin: To be honest, the way in which Kourin is being handled rubs me the wrong way, and in a different way from Legion Mate (if anything, its the very opposite problem to then in some regards). It appears to be a sentiment spreading among viewers, at least from what have been able to discern. But in regards to this episode alone, she’s proven herself atrocious at her job. Why wander around a public school in her Sanctuary Knight uniform? Why alert Miwa to her being outside the door? Why divulge essentially her entire job description when all he said was her name? Why are you hovering in a public school? Also has no room to talk about Suiko and Ibuki with how she is around Aichi, let alone around the other Sanctuary Knights and playing bodyguard between the two. It feels with each week she becoming even more territorial and possessive of Aichi.
The Dinner Table Scene: This was initially what really stood out as jarring. The scene feels out of place in many regards; from Aichi’s behaviour to its serving no purpose (not when Takuto’s very last line right before it already established they’re two peas in a pod).                  If anything, it strikes as antithetical to IF Aichi until this point; it’s possible to excuse his lack of reacting to Naoki’s removal from the scene in 18 as being kept in the dark to keep him from struggling to process the news, but with the time that’s passed and losing two others, there’s no way in hell he isn’t aware. Yet he isn’t fazed, not even when Vanguard has essentially ripped away people from him and played right into his beliefs.                 The choice of setting is peculiar; was it just for the gag of Ibuki having a biscuit for a meal? (does Kourin get groceries in her uniform too?) To be truthful, it feels like the two could have met elsewhere in the castle — the throne room, Aichi’s quarters, a corridor where the city could be seen through a window with Ibuki’s back to it (or it behind Aichi so Ibuki could watchthe view past him) — whether Kourin was involved or not, but additionally, Aichi’s acceptance of Ibuki (and in spite of their past and the Deletion, which hazard a guess he remembers in full) simply doesn’t feel coherent. With how vicious they were to one another, even with the dust settling and them both moving on plus Ibuki’s role in IF thus far, wouldn’t it make sense that there would be some tension between them? The scene as a whole encapsulated some of the concerns that had at points during the season, though it’s redeemed itself with some. But where Aichi is concerned, I worry greatly it’s much like Legion Mate where it feels they don’t know what to do with him and are putting off him making a move personally until the end, drawing out Kourin and the new element of fuckery with characters’ pasts.                    Don’t want to get down on this season, it’s got its highs and lows like any other, but the episode in particular was concerning and this scene was the pinnacle of those feelings. It could sweep those worries aside with a great episode (for like the fourth time because it keeps coming back strong when alarm bells ring).
The Pacing: Courtney initially mentioned the episode feeling rushed and when sitting down and thinking it over, have to say that agree. Assuming IF is running a tight schedule with OverDress around the corner, it probably wouldn’t have had the time, but it may have benefitted from the episode being drawn across two. It would have allowed time for Kai-kun and Suiko to try and grapple with Ibuki turning coat, as well as draw out the tension of his being on the enemy’s side, the rapid resolution takes away the threat that has been made to Suiko in her own predicament, and Miwa could have been allowed more time to fully flesh out his actions thus far, as well as anything else that his meeting with Takuto could have provided. Though we’re all well familiar with him, there could have been more glmpses into the unique friendship he has with IF Kai-kun and how it might have contrasted their Outside World’s selves’.
Probably debunked super-fast again but will dream:
Misaki’s absence due to her being Aichi’s Sanctuary Knight secret weapon:
Stemmed from the glimpse of the Sanctuary Knight in the preview and the hype that it might have been Misaki’s re-introduction to the story, given her disappearance since epi 8, even when Kamui returned and Shin filled in her gimmick at Card Capital in epi 16. With the emphasis on Miyaji in Reboot, her lack of presence has been particularly strange, with not so much as a passing mention other than her appearance in the ED. Judging by Kourin and Aichi alone appearing in the preview, it feels safe to say she, Naoki and Shingo won’t be a part of the illusion being forced upon Suiko, prolonging this. Maybe Izumi is simply busy with other work and reading too much into it, but dreamt up a theory for the heck of it.
Whether to recruit the Miyaji Cardfight Club as a whole or in response to identifying Kourin’s apparent independent agenda, Aichi brought Misaki aboard, keeping her a secret from even Kourin and the other Sanctuary Knights. With Kourin overstepping her boundaries and their numbers withering, Aichi’s patience runs out and Misaki is revealed, usurping Kourin’s place by Aichi’s side and delivering a devastating blow to her, who has been fiercely loyal to him but recognizes how far gone he has been driven. Misaki’s appearance is coupled with her verbally tearing into Kourin and dealing her comeuppance (which honestly, she really deserves and has for some time now), Aichi may or may not be there so that the sight of himself and Misaki continuing on without her twists the knife.
It would also echo the interactions between the Psyqualia Zombie Aichi and Misaki, with Kourin watching on helplessly with Naoki and Shingo. Just thought it’d be a neat call-back.
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ajoraverse · 3 years
Meme. Filling out for FFV, Faris/Lenna specifically, because I don’t get asks anymore that aren’t about a fandom I left back in 2016. Or at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This is pretty much entirely for the post-game part of Dragondance. So, there will be spoilers for the maybe 2 people here reading it, and that’s behind the cut.
Note: Dragondance is split in 3: game novelization, 5 years after the game, and 15 years after the game. Krile finds sky dragon eggs during part 2 and gives them to Faris and Lenna, and these dragons grow up to become a mating pair. Part 3 has a small side bit of Lenna just deciding she wants kids.
☾ - sleep headcanon - Alone, Faris will roll over a dozen times before finally settling down to sleep in the same position she always does. She won’t if someone’s in bed with her. Lenna loves snuggling and will always curl up with Faris.
★ - sad headcanon - Lenna, being 4 years old at the time, never actually formed coherent memories about Sarisa that she can recall consciously. What she does remember is being compared to the ideals people around her had of Sarisa and resenting it. By the time she was 12 and lost her mother, she’d forgotten completely that she’d had a sister until the game happens and she discovers that Faris has the same pendant as her.
☆ - happy headcanon - Every now and then, Lenna and Faris spar to keep up their sword skills and it almost always devolves into tickles and rolling around on the grass being adorable.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon - Being a pirate and familiar with the dark underbelly of humanity, Faris has well-informed fantasies of violence against people who really get under her skin. She just never actually acts on them.
✿ - Sex headcanon - Lenna genuinely tries to keep quiet when she has sex in her own bed because she keeps that aspect of her relationship with Faris secret, but this only results in the cutest little squeaks. Faris is not verbal during sex at all.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon - Faris got Lenna’s old apartment after the events of the game and never really got around to decorating it. As a result, it’s a bit spartan. Lenna changed her father’s apartment a bit when she moved in, but ultimately just brought her things with her and gave Faris their father’s things. The ancestral home in the island of Telos is where they really have a place set up exactly to their tastes.
♡ - romantic headcanon - Faris adores Lenna and will do everything possible to keep her happy and feeling loved. This often results in little gestures that can be dismissed by outsiders as just sisterly affection, and sometimes in grand gestures that are harder to explain away. Lenna soaks all of it up. Because Lenna knows that Faris grew up touch-starved, her gestures are subtler and mostly involve cuddles and gentle touches.
♥ - family headcanon - Ahaha. Well. They have an extensive family, largely due to a Queen of Karnak a few hundred years back deciding to marry off her kids to everyone with a crown as a way to unite the free states and kingdoms against the Lonkan Empire. Only a few of their family actually know about their relationship: the current Queen Polymja of Karnak and a cousin they hired to help care for the dragons.
☮ - friendship headcanon - Butz has been a great help to both of them while they were still working through the early stages of their relationship. Years after, Faris and Butz get around to best friends status, while Lenna has Krile to talk to about matters that Faris never quite gets.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon - Because she grew up with pirates and learned the sailor’s arts and crafts, Faris prefers to spend her idle time carving something up. The family retreat on Telos has a lot of scrimshaw and wood carvings as a result. Lenna reads, though she keeps the naughtier books at Telos. 
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon - Lenna is completely senseless about dragons. Sky dragons specifically, but she’s just as happy to befriend any other sort. She does not enjoy embroidery, but will cut and sew her own clothes if she has to. Faris hates politics, but she’s better at it than she wants to admit.
▼ - childhood headcanon - Lenna was a tomboy as a child and her hair was much shorter than it is in canon. She was urged to grow it out and “grow up” after her mother died, which was something she still resents. Faris spent her shore leave as a child learning to steal. 
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon - Faris dies fairly young at roughly late middle age, because she had a hard life and it took its toll on her. Lenna steps down as queen shortly afterwards, leaving Tycoon to her twin daughters and the parliament for retreat to Telos with her dragons. When Lenna does finally pass, it’s at the age of 105 and with the knowledge that the love between her and Faris brought the sky dragons back from extinction--their dragons would not have been so fertile and productive if Lenna hadn’t been in love with Faris.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon - Lenna can’t actually cook, she doesn’t have the patience. Mostly Lenna leans vegetarian, unless the meat in the meal is something she hunted herself--this is because at least then she knows the animal didn’t die in pain. Faris can cook and isn’t bad at it, but she doesn’t care at all about presentation/plating and only makes an effort if she’s cooking for Lenna.
☼ - appearance headcanon - Faris is always going to be a crossdresser, even long after the entire world knows she’s a woman. Her clothes are just a lot fancier as unofficial king of Tycoon. Lenna likes to dress more modestly for court, and in revealing things and lingerie for Faris.
ൠ - random headcanon - Lenna, in a fit of impulsiveness, went one day to the Fire Crystal and just asked for kids. Daughters, if you please. She certainly wasn’t going to have them the usual way. The twins are just slightly genetically-remixed clones.
◉ - Any other question of your choosing - Sometimes Faris will dye her hair, dress like a Walse dandy, and sneak into masquerades just for the chance to dance with Lenna in public. No one else ever catches on.
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