#ku klux klan leader
cantongeorgia · 1 year
Famous for his political policies on equality across the spectrum former sheriff Roger Garrison of the Cherokee County sheriff's department is also known around North Georgia for torturing, sexually abusing, and murdering his prisoners to further his career in the...
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Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The men women and children who fell victim to Roger Garrison and his nationalist deputies live in fear and guilt often turning to narcotics such as methamphetamine in order to cope.
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After his 2016 retirement from the Cherokee sheriff's department Roger Garrison was appointed to the state of Georgia's Judicial Qualifications Commission. Roger Garrison then spent 6 years (2016 to 2021) at the state commission furthering his radical regimes agenda by being...
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...a to tool for his white supremacists co-conspirators seeking to loosen the screws that safeguard democracy with the intent of
torturing, sexually abusing, and murdering minorities.....
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Artist 1974elgato x Song Sheriff Roger Garrison
This song entails a true story where the rapper 1974elgato made love to Rodger Garrison's wife and made a mock of his Loyal White Knight Klansmans deputies. For more 1974elgato tap in with our Instagram @1974elgato.
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iww-gnv · 8 months
For as long as anyone can remember, the Indiana city of Kokomo has been a conservative stronghold. Ronald Reagan crushed Walter Mondale in Kokomo. Bill Clinton lost twice. So did Barack Obama. The current mayor, a Republican, is running unopposed for re-election. It’s a town known for something it would prefer to forget: a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1923 that was the largest ever. Yet somehow Kokomo produced a union leader whose rhetoric is aimed at toppling the conservative and moneyed classes — a rebel who rejects the niceties of an earlier era in favor of a sharp-edged confrontation. “Billionaires in my opinion don’t have a right to exist,” says Shawn Fain, who is leading the United Automobile Workers in a multifront labor battle against the Big Three carmakers that has little precedent and is making a lot of noise. In interviews, in speeches and on social media, Mr. Fain hammers the wealthy again and again, making the cause of the union’s 150,000 autoworkers at General Motors, Ford Motor and Stellantis something much broader. “There’s a billionaire class, and there’s the rest of us,” he said at an impromptu news conference outside a Ford plant in Wayne, Mich. “We’re all expected to sit back and take the scraps and live paycheck to paycheck and scrape to get by. We’re second-class citizens.”
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morbidology · 3 months
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Daryl Davis, an R&B and blues musician and activist, has shared stages with legendary musicians like Chuck Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis. Disturbed by the persistence of racism and driven to foster racial reconciliation, Davis embraced an unconventional approach. He actively sought out leaders of the Ku Klux Klan, engaging them in dialogue, sharing meals, and forming unexpected friendships. In his own unique way, Davis became an ambassador for racial healing.
Despite the atrocities committed by such organizations against people of his race, Davis keeps a "KKK Member in Good Standing" medallion in his wallet. He explained, "I’m completely aware of what those organizations have done to people of my race. But I try to extend my hand in friendships…"
Through his interactions, Davis discovered that many Klansmen harbored misconceptions about people of color, often rooted in indoctrination during their youth. His efforts have led to the departure of 20 to 60 individuals directly from the Klan, and indirectly influenced over 200 others to renounce their affiliations.
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soberscientistlife · 5 months
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Hamilton simply wanted to become a doctor. Charlayne simply wanted to become a journalist.
Both agreed that the University of Georgia had the classes they needed to reach those goals.
Both applied to UGA for the fall 1959 quarter but were denied. Holmes was accepted to Morehouse College, and Hunter enrolled at Wayne State University in Detroit, but they continued to submit applications to UGA each quarter.
Eventually they became the first black students to attend UGA, but that is just the beginning of their stories.
On January 9, 1961, thousands of white people violently rioted because Charlayne and Hamilton registered at the University of Georgia, becoming the university's first Black students. Their enrollment came days after federal judge William Bootle ordered the university to admit them, ending a two-year administrative and legal fight to integrate the school.
When Ms. Hunter and Mr. Holmes arrived to register for classes they were met by nearly 100 white students opposing their admission. The crowd grew in the coming hours and the opposition escalated into full-scale riots, involving nearly 2,000 white students, local residents, and Ku Klux Klan members. The rioters set fires outside Ms. Hunter's dormitory, hurled rocks inside, and yelled racist epithets. At least one student in the dormitory was injured by a flying object. After several hours, campus officers, city police, and local firefighters quelled the riot.
In response to this violent white mob, composed of many white students from the university, officials forced Ms. Hunter and Mr. Holmes to withdraw from the university and Georgia state troopers escorted them home. White student leaders gloated at their victory, and one cited the University of Alabama's violent reaction to the enrollment of Autherine Lucy in 1956 as inspiration for their own demonstration.
Days later, Judge Bootle ordered the university to readmit Ms. Hunter and Mr. Holmes. They both completed their studies in 1963, becoming the first Black undergraduate students to graduate from the University of Georgia.
Source: African Archives
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jackoshadows · 9 months
It's baffling how this fandom keeps theorizing that Arya's subplots and role in the story can be replaced by any Stark, specifically Sansa, and it would be just the same when the show did replace fake Arya with another character - and then GRRM specifically refuted that change several times and pointed to that change on the show as where show canon diverged from book canon!
This is a fandom talking point that GRRM himself has refuted and said 'Nah, you can't do that. That plot specifically needs Fake Arya. The story needs fake Arya in the North and when the TV show replaced her with another character, the TV show then diverges from the books and becomes different canon' .
Also GRRM is not talking about the writing for show Sansa in season 6, 7 or 8 and the direction D&D took her character on the show where the only support she gets is from Littlefinger and the Vale army he rallies to help her. In fact GRRM does not even mention Sansa in this interview. He is talking specifically of 'Fake Arya' and how Fake Arya is important to that plot point in the North.
They (D&D) started making changes even as early as season one. And I remember I had discussions with them back in season one. When I was more involved in the process, when we’d discuss things and the fact that they removed Jeyne Poole was a very early thing. They actually said, oh no, Jeyne Poole is in it. You see the girl that’s sitting next to Sansa in the one scene in the feast at Winterfell. Yes, that’s Jeyne Poole, but you never hear a name and she’s not in it, but I did tell them. ‘Yes, but there’s the butterfly effect’, as I called it, deriving from the famous Ray Bradbury story, A Sound of Thunder, crush a butterfly the Jurassic and suddenly you changed all of human history from that point forward. Unintentionally. A little change in a long narrative can have big changes further on. And now, Gone with the Wind didn’t have to worry about that, cause those two children that they removed never had any impact on the story. And Margaret Mitchell didn’t go on to write 6 more novels in which the children grew up and became the leader of the Ku Klux Klan. Whatever the hell, you know, she might have done with those two boys.
And I think they were both boys, and Rhett’s daughter was a girl. So she didn’t have to deal with the butterfly effect there. You know, when we remove Jeyne Poole from season one, then you don’t have Jeyne Poole to be the fake Arya, as happens in the book. So what do you do then? The butterfly effect has done that. (---)
The butterfly effect can have that, but getting back to the whole issue of canon, the butterfly effect affects the canon. But there’s also sometimes deliberate changes in a show where the showrunners or the writers or the studio, the network, or wherever it comes from, goes in a different direction. So what we’re doing at this point in the history of A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, Westeros, whatever you wanna call it. Yeah. We have two canons. We have the show canon, the Game of Thrones canon. And we have the Song of Ice and Fire canon.
GRRM thought Fake Arya was so important he was insisting to D&D way back while filming season one in 2010 to cast Jeyne Poole.
And even D&D realized that the Jon/Arya relationship is so sacred that they didn't even attempt to replicate that with Sansa in the North. They even had show Jon Snow make a suicidal attempt to save his little brother Rickon Stark - which show Sansa advises against because fuck family - but we never got the whole Jon breaking his NW oaths to attack the Boltons for Arya Stark happening on the show with Sansa.
The asoiaf fandom loves appropriating book Arya's plots for Sansa. Jonsa shippers love appropriating her relationship with Jon for their utterly absurd crackship all the while dragging Arya down as 'ugly' 'violent' and 'masculine'.
Non-shippers love to give away all the politicking around Arya to Sansa, take away Arya intelligence and know-how of the North because their sexism only allows them to see one Stark girl as political and leader of the North. It's not about what the author has actually written for these characters, no, it's about which character passes their standard for femininity.
So yeah, one is free to replace Arya with Sansa because one is dissatisfied with Sansa's canonical book story that GRRM has written for the character and instead prefer Benioff and Weiss' show fanfiction or want Arya's book story for Sansa's character because she's conventionally beautiful and a 'real girl' according to the tradfems.
However, keep in mind that GRRM thinks 'Fake Arya' is very important to his story and that's a Northern political sublot that revolves specifically around Arya Stark in the books.
Once again, the Stark sisters and their book subplots are not interchangeable!
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workingclasshistory · 11 months
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On this day, 13 July 1921, the Tennessee state holiday Nathan Bedford Forrest Day was first observed, celebrating the 100th birthday of the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who was also a war criminal responsible for the murder of hundreds of mostly Black Union soldiers during the American civil war. Confederate forces under Forrest's control carried out the Fort Pillow massacre of 1864, when they slaughtered hundreds of unarmed Union soldiers who had surrendered. They murdered most of the Black soldiers and roughly one third of the whites: burning some alive, crucifying others and hacking people to death. One Confederate soldier described events in a letter to his family: "The slaughter was awful. Words cannot describe the scene. The poor deluded negroes would run up to our men fall upon their knees and with uplifted hands scream for mercy but they were ordered to their feet and then shot down. The white men fared but little better. Their fort turned out to be a great slaughter pen. Blood, human blood stood about in pools and brains could have been gathered up in any quantity." After the war Forrest became the first national leader of the white supremacist terrorist group the Ku Klux Klan, helping lead a wave of terroristic violence, torture and murder against Black people and white Republican voters. In June 2020, the Tennessee state government voted to continue to observe his birthday as a holiday, although under pressure from a national wave of Black-led anti-racist protests, they did amend the law slightly so that the governor does not have to personally sign a proclamation to him each year. More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/8483/tennessee-celebrates-kkk-leader Pictured: A completely real statue dedicated to Forrest. Courtesy Brent Moore. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=661307086042510&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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dragoneyes618 · 18 days
"You alone have I singled out of all the families of the earth. That is why I will visit upon you all your sins." - Amos 3:2
Antisemites often have claimed that, because of the concept of chosenness, Jews consider themselves superior to non-Jews. In truth, chosenness has nothing in common with the doctrines of "racial" or ethnic superiority. While racists such as the Nazis regarded Aryans as superior to all other people, and thus entitled to exploit and kill their inferiors, the verse from Amos demonstrates that chosenness obligates Jews to a higher, not lower, morality.
Chosenness could never have evolved into a racist doctrine because Jews are not a race, and anyone can become a Jew by converting. The biblical book of Ruth describes how its protagonist, a Moabite pagan, converts to Judaism and becomes so highly esteemed that she is rewarded by becoming a progenitor of King David, from whom the Messiah will descend. Imagine a Nazi, a Ku Klux Klan member or a follower of Reverend Louis Farrakhan claiming that his or her greatest leader will descend from a member of a different race. Jews could assume such a belief because what makes one a member of the Chosen People is belief, not blood."
- Jewish Wisdom, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, pages 298-299
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kmdn22 · 5 months
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uplift-daily · 28 days
R. Derek Black, former scion of the Ku Klux Klan and now an anti-racist advocate, has come out as transgender!
R. Derek Black was expected to become a major leader in the KKK, being the child of former KKK Grand Wizard, Don Black, but experienced a massive transformation while attending the New College of Florida. Their memoir, coming out on May 14th, details their journey to becoming an anti-racist advocate. They come out as transgender (they/them pronouns) in the epilogue and emphasize their commitment to fighting for transgender rights in Florida.
They also married their wife, a Jewish woman, in 2020.
Read more here.
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gatheringbones · 1 year
[“After the Civil War, six of the seven divisions of the US Army were stationed west of the Mississippi, where they carried out genocidal wars against the Plains and southwestern Indigenous nations, including the intentional extermination of tens of millions of bison. These troops were pulled out of the South, where they were supposed to be occupying the defeated former Confederate states to allow for land distribution to former slaves and for their political participation in democratic elections. Without sufficient US Army troops to stop them, the Ku Klux Klan made Reconstruction impossible, imposed a reign of terror, and restored the ex-Confederate elite.
But the “wild west” originated in the Northwest Territory, east of the Mississippi, not in the West. Defining the West as the site of genocidal conquest erases its origins at the very founding of the United States, when and where its leaders were intent on building world power based on land theft, genocide, and slavery, the pillars of the US fiscal-military state.”]
roxanne dunbar-ortiz, from not a nation of immigrants: settler colonialism, white supremacy, and a history of erasure and exclusion, 2021
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crossdreamers · 27 days
A journey from the Ku Klux Klan to antiracist transgender liberation
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R. Derek Black, the child of former Ku Klux Klan leader Don Black (they/them), has come out as transgender and is now an advocate for antiracism.
They detail their journey in the book The Klansman’s Son: My Journey from White Nationalism to Antiracism, which includes their transition and rejection of white nationalism.
Black reflects on their childhood experiences, including being mistaken for a girl due to their long hair and their involvement with their father’s white nationalist activities.
The 35-year-old author’s father is former KKK Grand Wizard Don Black. 
Attending the liberal New College in Florida was pivotal for Black’s rejection of white supremacy and understanding of their gender identity. They are now married to Allison Gornik, a Jewish woman, and have distanced themselves from their family.
Pink News has more.
The book is available here.
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itsmythang · 10 months
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April 12, 1864 witnessed a horrific event as Confederate troops committed a massacre at Fort Pillow in Tennessee. Over 500 Union soldiers, who had surrendered, were mercilessly slain. It is important to note that the majority of the victims were Black soldiers serving in the U.S. Colored Troops (USCT). These brave individuals were stationed alongside their white counterparts under the leadership of Major Lionel F. Booth, who tragically lost his life in the battle. General Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate leader infamous for his association with the early Ku Klux Klan, documented this atrocity in his report. He callously described how the Union soldiers, in their attempt to surrender, were ruthlessly slaughtered by his own men. This chapter in American history serves as a stark reminder of the racial violence and discrimination that plagued the nation during the Civil War era. The Fort Pillow massacre highlights the immense challenges faced by Black soldiers and the systemic racism they endured, even within the ranks of the military. Remembering this tragedy is crucial in our ongoing efforts to confront and address the deep-rooted history of racial injustice in our society. It serves as a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by countless African Americans who fought for freedom and equality during a tumultuous period in American history.
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reasoningdaily · 9 months
Schools do a poor job of teaching about America’s legacy of white supremacy, according to a scholar who researches racial discrimination.
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A Ku Klux Klan parade in Washington, D.C., in 1926
When it comes to how deeply embedded racism is in American society, blacks and whites have sharply different views.
For instance, 70 percent of whites believe that individual discrimination is a bigger problem than discrimination built into the nation’s laws and institutions. Only 48 percent of blacks believe that is true.
Many blacks and whites also fail to see eye to eye regarding the use of blackface, which dominated the news cycle during the early part of 2019 due to a series of scandals that involve the highest elected leaders in Virginia, where I teach.
The donning of blackface happens throughout the country, particularly on college campuses. Recent polls indicate that 42 percent of white American adults either think blackface is acceptable or are uncertain as to whether it is.
One of the most recent blackface scandals has involved Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, whose yearbook page from medical school features someone in blackface standing alongside another person dressed in a Ku Klux Klan robe. Northam has denied being either person. The more Northam has tried to defend his past actions, the clearer it has become to me how little he appears to know about fundamental aspects of American history, such as slavery. For instance, Northam referred to Virginia’s earliest slaves as “indentured servants”. His ignorance has led to greater scrutiny of how he managed to ascend to the highest leadership position in a racially diverse state with such a profound history of racism and white supremacy.
Ignorance is Pervasive
The reality is Gov. Northam is not alone. Most Americans are largely uninformed of our nation’s history of white supremacy and racial terror.
As a scholar who researches racial discrimination, I believe much of this ignorance is due to negligence in our education system. For example, a recent study found that only 8 percent of high school seniors knew that slavery was the central cause of the Civil War. There are ample opportunities to include much more about white supremacy, racial discrimination and racial violence into school curricula. Here are three things that I believe should be incorporated into all social studies curricula today:
1. The Civil War was fought over slavery and one of its offshoots – the convict-lease system – did not end until the 1940s.
The Civil War was fought over the South’s desire to maintain the institution of slavery in order to continue to profit from it. It is not possible to separate the Confederacy from a pro-slavery agenda and curriculums across the nation must be clear about this fact.
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 A Confederate treasury note from the Civil War Era shows how reliant the South’s economy was on slave labor. Photo from Scott Rothstein / www.shutterstock.com.
After the end of the Civil War, southern whites sought to keep slavery through other means. Following a brief post-Civil War period known as Reconstruction, white southerners created new laws that gave them legal authority to arrest blacks over the most minor offenses, such as not being able to prove they had a job.
While imprisoned under these laws, blacks were then leased to corporations and farms where they were forced to work without pay under extremely harsh conditions. This “convict leasing” was, as many have argued, slavery by another name and it persisted until the 1940s.
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Southern jails made money leasing convicts for forced labor in the Jim Crow South. Circa 1903. Photo from Everett Historical / www.shutterstock.com.
2. The Jim Crow era was violent.
While students may be taught about segregation and laws preventing blacks from voting, they often are not taught about the extreme violence whites enacted upon blacks throughout the Jim Crow era, which took place from 1877 through the 1950s. Mob violence and lynchings were frequent occurrences – and not just in the South – throughout the Jim Crow era.
Racial terror was used as a means for whites to maintain power and prevent blacks from gaining equality. Notably, many whites – not just white supremacist groups like the Klu Klux Klan – engaged in this violence. Moreover, the torture and murder of blacks was not associated with any consequences.
During this same time, white society created negative stereotypes about blacks as a way to dehumanize blacks and justify the violence whites enacted upon them. These negative stereotypes included that blacks were ignorant, lazy, cowardly, criminal and hypersexual.
Blackface minstrelsy refers to whites darkening their skin and dressing in tattered clothing to perform the negative stereotypes as part of entertainment. This imagery and entertainment served to solidify negative stereotypes about blacks in society. Many of these negative stereotypes persist today.
3. Racial inequality was preserved through housing discrimination and segregation.
During the early 1900s, a number of policies were put into place in our country’s most important institutions to further segregate and oppress blacks. For example, in the 1930s, the federal government, banks and the real estate industry worked together to prevent blacks from becoming homeowners and to create racially segregated neighborhoods.
This process, known as redlining, served to concentrate whites in middle-class suburbs and blacks in impoverished urban centers. Racial segregation in housing has consequences for everything from education to employment. Moreover, because public school funding relies so heavily on local taxes, housing segregation affects the quality of schools students attend.
All of this means that even after the removal of discriminatory housing policies and school segregation laws in the 1950s and 1960s, the consequences of this intentional segregation in housing persist in the form of highly segregated and unequal schools. All students should learn this history to ensure that they do not wrongly conclude that current racial disparities are based on individual shortcomings – or worse, black inferiority – as opposed to systematic oppression.
Americans live in a starkly unequal society where health and economic outcomes are largely influenced by race. We cannot begin to meaningfully address this inequality as a society if we do not properly understand its origins. The white supremacists responsible for sanitizing our history lessons understood this. Their intent was clearly to keep the country ignorant of its racist past in order to stymie racial equality. To change the tide, we must incorporate a more accurate depiction of our country’s racist history in our K-12 curricula.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months
Satyel Larson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Studies Princeton University 108 Jones Hall Princeton, NJ  08544
Dear Professor Larson:
—–We write on behalf of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest pro-Israel organization in the U.S., dedicated to fighting antisemitism in all its forms, including when anti-Jewish bigotry is masked as criticism of Israel.  Our letter is prompted by reports that you are making Jasbir Puar’s book, “The Right to Maim,” required reading in a course you will be teaching at Princeton University this fall.  Puar’s book is filled with anti-Israel falsehoods.  Mandating your students to read this antisemitic book will likely lead them to unwarranted animosity toward Israel and Jews.  It may also create a hostile learning environment for Jewish and Israeli students in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.  We strongly urge you to replace Puar’s book with a book that is based on the facts.
—–Puar lies in her book by outrageously accusing Israel of deliberately maiming and “debilitating” the Palestinian Arab population, rather than killing them, “in order to control them.”  She also falsely and absurdly claims that children are a “prime target” of Israel.  These contentions are complete and dangerous nonsense, a reflection of Puar’s documented hostility toward Israel and Jews.
—–For example, she has promoted the twisted notion of “pinkwashing”: that Israel is an exemplary protector of LGBTQ rights – unlike all other nations in the Middle East where LGBTQ people are treated as criminals, subjected to persecution and violence, and even killed – purportedly to distract from its alleged oppression of the Palestinian Arab people.  Puar also supports the antisemitic boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, which singles out the one and only Jewish state in the entire world for condemnation and punishment.  As the leaders of this movement make clear, the real motive of BDS is not peace or improving Palestinian Arabs’ lives; it is Israel’s destruction.  Furthermore, Puar supports violence and terrorism against Jews.  At a 2016 lecture, she reportedly stated that “ . . . we need BDS as part of organized resistance and armed resistance in Palestine as well.  There is no other way the situation is going to change” [emphasis added].
—–For those who might try to argue that Puar’s animosity is limited to the Jewish State of Israel, she herself has shown that her animosity is directed toward Jews, too.  Puar has referred to Jews as “the Zios.”  This is the same antisemitic slur that David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and a rabid antisemite, frequently uses when he refers to Jews.
—–Puar’s contention that Israel’s goal is to “debilitate” Palestinian Arabs “in order to control them” is a lie.  In fact, Israel has demonstrated that its goal is not to control them, having made three generous offers, over 20 years, of an independent Palestinian Arab state in exchange for peace.  Puar’s contention is her own invention, calculated to demonize Israel and indoctrinate her readers to wrongly believe that Israel is a brutal and evil oppressor.  In fact, military leaders have described the Israel Defense Forces as “the most moral army” in the world, going to extraordinary lengths to protect human lives and prevent civilian casualties. 
—–It is also a grotesque lie for Puar to claim in her book that children are a “prime target” for Israel.  She ignores the fact that the Palestinian Arab leadership deliberately indoctrinates its children to hate Israel and Jews and encourages them to engage in violence and terrorism against Israelis and Jews.  The U.S.-designated terrorist group Hamas, which controls and rules over Gaza, exploits children to help build Hamas’ terror tunnels.  It also runs summer camps where children are taught to honor terrorist murderers and trained to commit acts of terrorism against Jews.  On a Hamas television program for children, one child said he wants to be an engineer when he grows up “so that I can blow up the Jews.” 
—–The Palestinian Authority is no better, teaching children to become “martyrs” and paying generous lifetime pensions to Arabs who murder Jews.  On a PA television program, children are quizzed on songs that the PA views as integral to Palestinian Arab culture.  One song depicts Israel as the “enemy” and encourages deadly, armed attacks: “I’m coming with my rifle . . . I’m coming towards you, my enemy . . . with cleavers and knives.”  In her book, Puar conveniently ignores these and other facts because they do not fit within her false anti-Israel narrative. 
—–It is appalling, dangerous and indefensible that anyone in a position of influence would promote Puar’s antisemitic lies, given the growing problem of antisemitism in this country and especially in New Jersey.  According to the Anti-Defamation  League’s latest data, for 2022, New Jersey had the highest number of antisemitic incidents ever recorded by the ADL in the state and the third-highest number recorded in any state across the U.S. 
—–Princeton would never tolerate teaching materials that deliberately promote lies about Blacks, Muslims, LGBTQ people, or any other targeted community – nor should it. Yet disgracefully the faculty in your department approved Puar’s book.  We urge all of you – and the University’s leaders – to rethink this misguided and dangerous decision.  If the goal is to educate, rather than indoctrinate Princeton students with false anti-Israel propaganda, then there are accurate books about the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict to include on your syllabus.  We would be pleased to recommend some to you.  Puar’s book is not worthy of a place on any reading list at Princeton and should be removed from yours.
—–Thank you for considering our concerns. We look forward to your response.
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cc:  Christopher L. Eisgruber, President (via email)        Jill S. Dolan, Dean of the College (via email)        Gene Andrew Jarrett, Dean of the Faculty (via email)        Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi, Chair, Near Eastern Studies Department (via email)
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On this day, 18 January 1958, the Battle of Hayes Pond took place near Maxton, North Carolina, when Native Americans routed a rally of the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK considered the local Lumbee tribe as a "mongrel" race of "half n-words", were unhappy with interracial relationships occurring with white men, and thought due to their small numbers and marginalised status they would be an easy target. So they began by burning a cross on the lawn of a Lumbee woman who was dating a white man. Their activities escalated and culminated in a rally on 18 January intended at ending "race mixing" once and for all, at which they declared they would have 5,000 attendees. On the day, they only mustered 50-100 white supremacists, while 500 Lumbee, led by World War II veterans, armed themselves with shotguns, clubs, and rocks turned out to oppose them. The Native Americans opened fire and attacked, lightly wounding four Klansmen, who returned fire but failed to hit anyone. The KKK were totally defeated and forced to flee, while the Lumbee took their speaking equipment and burned their Klan outfits and banners on a makeshift bonfire until police arrived and teargassed the revellers. In the wake of the incident, public sentiment swung against the KKK, and the local leader was later convicted for incitement to riot and jailed for two years. The humiliation ended KKK activity in the local area, and the incident is celebrated each year as a Lumbee holiday. Read this story and hundreds of others in our book, Working Class History: Everyday Acts of Resistance & Rebellion, available here: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/products/working-class-history-everyday-acts-resistance-rebellion-book Pictured: Left: the confrontation; Right: Charlie Warriax (left) and Simeon Oxendine (right) with a captured KKK banner. https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2189332271251911/?type=3
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Le Traître [The Traitor]
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Ft. Catholic!MC, the Demon Brothers
C/W. Kidnapping, torture, mention of religion, mention of Ku Klux Klan, slight mention of sex, swearing.
Note. Finally returning with Catholic!MC.
No proofread.
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“I promise it will only be a modest party where the people just hanging out. Definitely no kissing, no immodest dancing, no temptation.” Your best friend said as they grabbed your gloved hand. You yanked your hand back immediately. Ever since you and Lucifer made a pact, his blue mark was engraved to your dominant hand. Living in a religious region, you knew better than to let the pact marks be exposed and always wearing extremely modest attires, which covered most of your body. For you hands, you covered them with gloves.
When the hot season came, everybody put on more casual clothes, you being the odd one out wearing uptight outfits. While everybody enjoying pool parties, you excused yourself by saying you had something to do. To not make the excuse a lie, you even left the town to visit Solomon multiple times. If you couldn’t excuse yourself by saying you were busy, you told them parties were temptations and refused to go.
It wasn’t like you weren’t religious. In fact, you are a devout Catholic, assist at Mass every Sunday and whenever you can, pray the Rosary daily, practice abstinence on days prescribed by the Church, go to Confession every week, donate 1/10 of your earning to the Church, etc. You didn’t fall into any serious sin, except, well, that time when you shared the bed with the Lucifer on the night before you returned to the human world from the exchange program in Devildom.
You used every mean you could to hide the secret of what had transpired during the one year you disappeared. If the secret was revealed, you honestly don’t know what you would do, your whole life would be completely ruined. The only one who knew the secret was your confessor, a priest of good reputation, who, by his oath, prohibited from revealing the secrets he heard inside the confessional.
“MC…MC…”. Hearing the call, you finally returned to your senses.
“Are you going or not?” Your friend put their hands on their hips, waiting for an answer from you. Apparently, they were extremely tired to continue the conversation.
“I…well…I mean the party is in another town, right? I heard most people there are Protestants and they can be quite radicals even for Protestantism.”
“It’s alright. Even if they were radicals, they couldn’t go against the laws without alerting the authorities in this day and age.” You friend reasoned.
“Oh, ok, I will go then.”
Little did you know you would come to regret that decision later.
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“Open your fucking eyes, Popish scum.” You heard a voice shouted at you. You tried to open your eyes, but you felt too drowsy. In your memory, you remembered vaguely coming to the modest gathering in a garden and your best friend brought you some drink and then…and then…
The cold water made you open your eyes immediately. You looked around. This isn’t the garden…I can’t move. You looked at yourself, your arms and legs were tied to a large black chair. You spotted two persons in white hoods looking at you. At first, you didn’t realize who they were, but you soon recognized their symbol, the Ku Klux Klan, the infamous racist and anti-Catholic terrorist organization.
“Ku Klux Klan.” You shouted.
“Ah, your brain finally function normally, Popish scum.” One of the KKK members chuckled, it was like they were enjoying your suffering.
“I was at the gathering. How come I am here?” You yelled your question at them.
“Let me explain.” Another KKK members entered the room. They then took off the hood.
“You!!!” you couldn’t believe in what you had just seen. Your best friend was standing in front of you. So it was them who betrayed you.
“Well, you see, a few years ago, our leader devised a plan to destroy all Popish scum in the region. He sent us out to Catholic towns as spies. Our mission was to infiltrate the Catholic towns, and if possible, bring some naive Popish scums back to our base and put them to death.”
“Love thy neighbor as thyself. What you are doing is against the fifth commandment, thou shalt not kill, and Jesus’s commandment to love as a whole.”
They were silence for a minute. Just when you thought your words, by mentioning Jesus, had reached them, they laughed out loud like they had just heard the funniest joke ever.
“Nah, the commandments don’t apply to you Popish scum who dared to elevate a normal woman and that old geezer in Rome to the same status as God.” Your best friend scoffed at you.
“Those who mock the Mother of God and the Vicar of Christ never have a happy ending.” Your words only made them harden their hearts.
“Thank you for giving us such good laughs. The reactions from your Popish scums are the best.”
So this is not the first time they did this. I’m such a fool. I’m such a bad judge of character. You blamed yourself.
“Alright, before we began to play with you. Let’s me see all the secrets you have been hiding under those uptight clothes.” Your friend began by using a knife to tear apart your clothes.
*gasp* all three KKK members in the room couldn’t hide their shock discovering the marks on your body.
“Well, I didn’t expect that.” You fake best friend commented. “I was expecting some ugly scars from an accident. Who would have thought this Popish trash is secretly a devil worshipper?”
“No, I’m not.” You denied the accusation.
“Well, then explain, what are these?” Your fake friend pointed their finger at the pact marks on your body.
“Well, that…”
“Hah, cat got your tongue, MC?” You really couldn’t argue back. You had lost the war the moment they found out about your pact marks. Whatever you said to explain, it would sound to wrong to them. If you said the marks were tattoos, you would be seen as associated yourself with un-Christian symbols to a certain degree. If you said you were forced to make pacts with demons (you weren’t), it would be a sinful lie and it was a fact that no human could be forced to make a pact with a demon. If you said you made pacts deliberately, you would be labeled as listening to the devil’s tempting words and selling your soul.
“It’s demon pact marks, right?”
Your eyes widened in shock. They know?
“Don’t be surprised, I did some research on demonology, you know?” Your fake friend smirked. “Let’s see what do we have here.” They used the knife and began to tear apart all your clothes. “Mammon…Leviathan…Beelzebub…Asmodeus…Beelzebub…Belphegor…”. While your fake friends were checking the marks, the two other KKK members couldn’t help but getting shiver sent down their spine. All of the names were infamous names in Hell. How the hell did you manage to score pacts with them all.
“You know, I did look up to you. You were always such a devout person, never forgetting your prayers, always thanking God for graces you received. But now, seeing you in such a woeful state now with all your dirty secrets exposed gives me some satisfactory. I guess I always hate you for the holier-than-thou aura you gave.” Your fake friend’s eyes landed on your gloved hand. “Hm, I always wonder why you wear gloves, another devil mark, perhaps.” They took off the the glove on your dominant hand, only to reveal a blue mark giving off a powerful aura.
“Im…impossible.” Their yell surprised you. You were expecting another series of mocking words and totally didn’t expect them to shout in shock like that.
“No…no person can make a pact with the fallen Morningstar. Y…you must be the prophesied Antichrist.”
Wait, what!?
Your “friend” ran out of the room, to the shock of not only you, but the two KKK members in the room. About five minutes later, they returned with a man in KKK uniform, but he was unhooded though. And you realized who the man was. You had seen him several times in the past when he visited your hometown. He was the mayor of the town you were visiting. That was it, everyone in the town was in this evil scheme.
The evil mayor took a look at your hand before laughing out loud.
“This is God’s will. He let the Antichrist fall into our hand.” The mayor then turned to one of the two KKK members who were always in the room. “You, go get me the ‘sanctifying’ tools.”
“Yes, Leader.” The member ran out and returned with many torture devices.
“Oh let’s start with this.” The mayor took out a branding iron.
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Lucifer was playing the piano in the music room. Hearing the melodious music and looking at his fingers dancing on the keys are enough to make one forget their life difficulties.
“Argh.” Suddenly, Lucifer felt a painful sensation on his hand, painful enough for him to let out a cry.
“MC!!!” It didn’t take long for him to realize you were in pain.
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“Ya all will have to admit ya loss in a few seconds.” Mammon prepared to show his brothers his cards.
“Quit talking and show us already.” Belphie demanded.
“Alright, prepare to-argh.” A painful sensation on Mammon’s hand made him dropped his cards to the ground.
“My beautiful hand!”
“My hamburger!”
“My book!”
“My pillow!”
“My D.D.D!”
“My cards!”
However, all soon realized their real priority - you. At the same time, they all heard large sound resonated from deep inside the house.
Sequel - Le Massacre
At first, I don’t intend it to be this long. In the end, I have to break the fic into 2 parts.
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