#learn portuguese
stolen-wolfbread · 1 year
(Free) Brazilian Portuguese Beginner Resource Masterlist
I've seen a lot of posts for European Portuguese, but none for Brazilian, so here we are! All resources are available for free (or at least have free trials.)
The items highlighted in yellow are what I, personally, use and recommend.
The items with asterisks are closer to intermediate level.
I will continue to update with new resources as I discover them. If you have any suggestions, comment or reblog!
101 Brazillian Portuguese Expressions
Brazilian Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese Grammar
FSI Brazilian Portuguese Fast 1 | 2 (+audio)
Learn Brazilian Portuguese - Word Power 101
Complete Brazilian Portuguese
IE Languages
Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar
Português para principiantes
( +more in the Mega Folder from @salvadorbonaparte)
List of Irregular Verbs
Top 100 Portuguese Phrases to Learn
Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese
Uncle Brazil
Brazilian Talk
Fernando - FWBP
Lennon Brito
Plain Portuguese
Portugués con Philipe Brazuca (For Spanish-speakers)
Speaking Brazilian Language School
Street Smart Brazil
Brazilian Films with English Subtitles
Easy Brazilian Portuguese: Basic Phrases
Easy Brazilian Portuguese: Learning From the Streets
Portuguese From Brazil
Super Easy Brazilian Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese Podcast
Brazilian Talk
Carioca Connection
Fala Gringo*
Língua da Gente
Papo Vai
Read Books in Brazilian Portuguese With Me*
Speaking Brazilian Podcast
Tá Falado! (Compares Spanish and Portuguese languages)
Spotify Playlists
Brazilian Boogie
Brazilian Pop Mix
RADAR Brasil
Raízes Brasileiras
Top 50 - Brazil
Top Songs - Brazil
Web Apps/ Mobile Apps
Anki | Speaking Brazilian | 55 Sounds
Memrise | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Forvo (Pronunciation dictionary)
Priberam (Cites differences between European and Brazilian)*
Word Reference
Duolingo | Old Duolingo for Web | Old Duolingo APKs For Android
Language Drops
r/Portuguese | Discord Server
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europeanlanguages · 2 years
Resource List for Learning Portuguese
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn Portuguese but don't know where to start? Then I've got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.
Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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lupusmaxima · 10 months
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back to understanding everything being said but not being able to respond
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how-to-portuguese · 1 year
I am here to warn you again to learn polite ways to talk about basic bodily functions in your target language — even the embarrassing ones like peeing and pooping. Learn them and practice them A LOT! These phrases should come naturally to you even in your worst moment.
You absolutely do not want to be like me and try to reassure your very traditional and well-mannered Portuguese mother-in-law that your newborn is only crying because “o bebé precisa de cagar” (the baby needs to take a shit) because you are so sleep deprived that you can’t remember the more polite “o bebé precisa de fazer cocó” (the baby needs to poo).
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londonlingo · 1 year
Atualmente = currently
Na verdade = actually
2. Preservativo = condom
Pretender = to intend to do something (not to pretend)
3. Atender = to answer (e.g. a phone call)
Assistir = to attend
4. Fábrica = factory
Tecido = fabric
5. Legenda = subtitle
Lenda = legend
Let me know if you want more examples of false friends :)
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bissexua-l · 1 year
top 10 expressions from my state, Pernambuco, Brazil.
1. porra nenhuma (aint shit)
2. priquito (pussy)
3. Tabacudo (sucker)
4. Sibito baleado (thin)
5. e é, é? (so it is really?)
6. uma mizera dessa (this motherfucker)
7. tô cagando dinheiro? (i don't have money for this)
8. rato de favela/meliante (thug)
9. bucho de guaru (fat)
10. painho/mainha (dad/mom)
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Pronunciation of Northern Portugal
The dialect of Northern Portugal is considered to be the closest to that of original portuguese. The accent is quite different from the Lisbon accent and southern Portuguese accent, and there are also some differences in vocabulary and expressions.
Here are links to some YouTube videos that talk about o português do norte. Some are educational, and some are just a bit of fun. This might also help you find some Portuguese YouTubers, if you are looking for channels with people speaking European Portuguese.
Prúncias do Norte | Ciberdúvidas da Língua Portuguesa
A pronúncia do Norte | Donos Disto Tudo | RTP
Expressões do Porto e Algarve c/Môce dum Cabréste | Sofia Barbosa
As Expressões do Norte mais Engraçadas que Tens Mesmo de Conhecer | Cara Coroa
Diferentes Expressões / Palavras no Norte do Portugal | Lipa&Potter
Expressões do Norte de Portugal Part II | Lipa&Potter
Expressões à moda do Porto | Tony Dias
Diferenças linguísticas entre Porto e Lisboa - Parte 1 | A Miúda do Norte
Diferenças linguísticas entre Porto e Lisboa - Parte 2 | A Miúda do Norte
And, finally, a song called A Pronúncia do Norte GNR and Isabel Silvestre:
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camphorfreya · 10 months
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Person who seeks to get away from pleasures, dedicating himself to prayers, privations and flagellations. Person who leads a disciplined life by seeking spiritual perfection.
He presented himself as an ascetic separated from the world and an enemy of the pleasant things in life.
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I just got approval from work to go on leave for 9 weeks next year!!!
I’m going to Latin America in the spring and living out all my wildlife dreams!!!!!! And seeing dear friends who I have not spent time with in so long!!!
I’m trying to crash course Spanish, and Portuguese, and learn about responsible Eco tourism, plan out a route, and going to the gym to be fit enough to try anything and go anywhere, and fuck a duck I am filled with joy!
I’d love to chat to people who live in Chile, Brazil, Guyana, Costa Rica, Ecuador, or Bolivia before I go. If that’s you, send me a message please? Or if you’re going to be travelling at the same time?
If you speak Spanish or Portuguese and are willing to put up with stilted conversation from someone who is trying to learn via Duolingo and waiting to textbooks to be delivered, please also get in touch?
I’d love to use this trip as a chance to meet cool peeps even if it’s as internet friends only 😊
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pesadelodeantes · 1 year
~Diário de Pesadelos~
Yesterday morning I was in the bus, waiting for my destiny and looking at the road. I was thinking about a nightmare I had a few hours ago, and even if I haven't planned this — my username is 'nightmare from before' — I simplily decided wrote what I dreamed and post here today.
P.S.: Forgive my bad english, I'm not fluent.
Text languague: PT-BR
Words: 349
No review
Eu tive um sonho com meu irmão mais velho. Nada novo. Mas antes disso, talvez no mesmo sonho, eu estava investigando ou procurando por algo numa casa sobrenatural. Tinha um andar superior repleto de seres sombrios desconhecidos. Tudo era quase escuro. Sim, quase. Não tenho medo do escuro. Mas como dizem, o que dá medo é o que você pode encontrar por lá. Imagine como deve ser vasculhar um escuro em que você sabe que há coisas por lá.
O pavimento era todo aleatório e arquitetonicamente sem nexo.
Tudo o que consegui lembrar foi o pequeno átrio na entrada, com uma abóbada de luz azul fraca no topo e as paredes arredondas com bancos de pedra ocupados por vultos. Era o lugar menos assustador.
O restante da luz fraca que iluminava o local parecia proveniente de janelas — sim, porém pequenas, estreitas e quase imperceptíveis no fundo dos corredores de pedra. Tudo lá era de pedra, como uma clássica masmorra medieval. E as janelas eram, eu percebi, idênticas àquelas que os arqueiros usavam em antigos castelos.
O mais estranho era que não dava pra saber onde as janelas estavam. E se eu quisesse me aproximar de uma, talvez teria que me perder naquela geometria sinistra.
Não era um labirinto. Num labirinto, você sai do lugar e volta para onde estava, percebendo que está perdido.
Mas aquele lugar era diferente de um labirinto porque eu soube, assim que entrei, que não ia encontrar o lugar de onde eu vim assim que me aprofundasse. E não, não teria saída senão entrada.
Por isso não me distanciei da porta.
Virei à direita e ignorei o átrio à minha frente. Uma sala de pedra ligeiramente maior se apresentou para mim. Nele, um ser estava sentado no banco de pedra, me olhando com olhos brancos e brilhantes.
Deveriam ter mais deles ali, eu sabia que tinha. Mas eu não conseguia ver.
Temi e voltei ao átrio. Não sei o que procedeu da minha missão depois disso.
Me lembro de ter ido embora por algum subterrâneo úmido e sujo (ideia do meu parceiro). Findou-se a experiência.
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ub-sessed · 2 months
Portuguese conjugation exercises
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jumiila · 3 months
Portuguese Vocabulary:
Animais da Quinta - Farm Animals
Cão pastor - shepherd dog 🐕
Gato - cat 🐈
Vaca - cow🐄
Boi / Touro - bull 🐃
Bezerro - calf 🐮
Galinha - chicken 🐓
Galo - rooster 🐓
Pintainho - baby chick 🐣
Pinto - older chick 🐥
Ovelha - sheep 🐑
Carneiro - ram 🐏
Cordeiro / Anho - lamb 🐑
Porco - pig 🐖
Porca - sow 🐖
Leitão - piglet 🐷
Suíno/a(s) - swine(s)
Bovino/a(s) - bovine(s)
Cavalo / horse 🐎
Égua - female horse 🐎
Potro - baby horse 🐴
Garanhão - mustang 🐎
Cabra - goat 🐐
Bode - buck 🐐
Cabrito - kid 🐐
Peru - turkey 🦃
Coelho/a - rabbit / bunny 🐇
Coelhinho - little rabbit / bunny 🐰
Abelha - bee 🐝
Zangão - drone / bumblebee 🐝
Burro/a - donkey 🫏
Mula - Mule 🫏
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guayaba-podrida · 4 months
Óla langblr. Estou estudando o português e quero ser nível intermediário no verano. Também sou artista e amante da arte então para estudar fiz este documento duma lista de vocabulário de arte no português para aprendizes e estudantes no nível intermediário. Eu também falo espanhol (nível avanzado) e fiz um documento com vocabulário más avanzado no espanhol mas este não está no site agora. No futuro quero fazer desenhos com o vocabulário também. Por agora podem encontrar o documento no português na minha loja de Ko-fi aqui. Obrigado!
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luademorais · 11 months
Have you seen the new episode of my kids show?
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how-to-portuguese · 10 months
Learn European Portuguese with kid’s songs
The video displays the lyrics in Portuguese as the song pays. The description box has the full list of songs, so you can also Google the name and find the lyrics.
I’ve heard two different versions of the song Papagaio Loiro (version 1; version 2). I have also seen it spelled both Louro and Loiro. Maybe someone with more knowledge on Portuguese culture can explain?
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londonlingo · 8 months
Portuguese tip: Muito
Do you know when to change muito to muita/muitos/muitas and when to leave it as muito? Here’s a reminder of the difference:
Muito+ adjective does not change
Muito+ noun does change
Otherwise put, if muito is replacing the English word ‘very’ don’t change it BUT if muito replaces ‘many’ change it.
For example:
Eles são muito simpáticos -They are very nice BECAUSE simpáticos is an adjective.
As crianças têm muita energia -The children have a lot of energy BECAUSE energia is a noun.
Practice questions:
1. As meninas têm […] amigas (The girls have a lot of friends)
2. Elas compraram […] cadeiras (They bought a lot of chairs)
3. A Sara é uma mulher […] inteligente (Sara is a very intelligent woman)
4. Me disseram que essa vizinhança é […] perigosa. (I was told this neighborhood is very dangerous)
5. Eu tenho […] fome (I am very hungry)
1. Muitas
2. Muitas
3. Muito
4. Muito
5. Muita
The last question is difficult because in English we say someone is very hungry which uses an adjective but in Portuguese you say that someone has a lot of hunger which use a noun.
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