anzynai · 2 months
Hello :D
I heard requests were closed but available for twisted wonderland 👀
If you don't mind, could you do Jamil and Kalim having a big tickle fight? :3
Have a nice day/night!~☆
Kalim & Jamil (Twisted Wonderland)
a/n: IM WRITING THIS SO FAST HELPP IM IN A HURRY but this was supposed to be a drabble but then i was like “wait i can turn this into a fic” so here i am. it was a bit hard characterizing them but i hope i did it okay! ANYWAYSSSS enjoy <33
summary: there’s a bug on jamil. thankfully, kalim is there to save the day!
word count: 1.2k
It had been a relatively normal afternoon in the Scarabia dorm. Kalim and Jamil were together in Kalim’s room doing their homework. Or more so, Kalim attempting to do his homework and Jamil watching to make sure that the housewarden didn’t get distracted every two seconds. In any case, it was routine for the two of them. What happened next, was not.
“Kalim, focus—” Jamil started, but cut off suddenly when he saw something small fly across the room in the corner of his eye. He whipped his head to the right, the direction he saw it go. But before he has the chance, it zoomed past him again and he got a clearer view. It’s very much a bug and it’s going right towards him! He flinched and swatted, trying to shoo it away, but it apparently didn’t work because he felt it land. On him.
There’s a bug. There’s a BUG on me. Right now!! Jamil thought to himself, panic seeping deep into his bones.
“Get it off..!” Jamil shrieked embarrassingly, shaking his body with no sense of precision or direction whatsoever, while Kalim tried to swat the bug off of him.
“Stay still! I’ll get it for you!” Kalim shouted, determined to help, but Jamil couldn’t do anything but stay still when he felt it begin to move.
He barely suppressed a gasp and a giggle, feeling a ticklish sensation on his spine, as Kalim scurried his hands over the vice housewarden’s body, trying to catch the nimble critter.
“I got it!” Kalim exclaimed, at last, holding a small beetle in his hands. He brought it over to the window, so that it could be free… somewhere else… away from them and off of Jamil.
A sigh of relief escapes Jamil, his racing heart slowing down. Then, just as he let his guard down, Kalim jumped up.
“Wait, I think there’s another one!” Kalim gasped, faux shock on his face. Normally, Jamil would have pointed out that Kalim was a terrible liar, but with his nerves on edge, he was not willing to take his chances in the scenario that Kalim was being truthful. A bug was a bug, afterall, and he does not mess around about bugs.
Instead of flailing, however, he stiffened. He took a deep breath, trying to remain as calm as he could as he tried to remind himself that Kalim was probably just joking… right?
“Is there really a bug?” He said, slowly and carefully, making sure his breath doesn’t waver.
“It’s right there!” And before Jamil can say anything, Kalim squeezes his sides, which tells the servant that his reaction to Kalim touching him seconds before did not go unnoticed.
“W-wahahahahat?!” Jamil giggled, too incredulous to think straight.
“Stop moving! I’m trying to get it off!” Kalim said, but the smile on his face shows otherwise.
“Y-youhuhu liahahahar!” Jamil clamped his arms down to his sides and if anything, that seems to amplify the sensations. Curse him for being so damn ticklish.
“Fineee, you got me! Can’t I just make my best friend laugh?” Kalim shrugged as he used his fingers to poke and prod any part of his body that he could touch. It made Jamil feel as though he was losing his mind as the seconds dragged on.
Without thinking, Jamil reached over to pinch Kalim’s sides. Although they had many tickle fights (with Kalim nine out of ten times being the one to start it), Kalim still seemed unprepared when Jamil decided to fight back.
“Hehehey! I’m tihihickling y-you!” Kalim laughed, his movements faltering.
“This is what you deserve…!” Jamil cried, a half-hearted glare painting his features. Switching the roles found him straddling Kalim as he tickled the housewarden’s sides. Kalim moved his hands from Jamil, instead trying to push at his arms.
“Ahahahaha!” Kalim giggled, a blush taking over his face.
“Not so funny now, huh?” Jamil teased, a smirk on his lips as he began squeezing Kalim’s hips.
“Y-ouhuhu hahahaven’t won yehehet!” Kalim declared, newfound determination in his tone as he lifted his hands towards Jamil’s armpits, squeezing the particularly sensitive flesh. Jamil’s arms clamped down, his tickling weakening. Still, with Kalim underneath him, Kalim continued to scribble around Jamil’s armpits, both of them laughing all the while.
“Stahahap!” Jamil squealed, trying to get the advantage over Kalim again by also going over a spot he knew would give a good reaction from Kalim. His thighs. It was at a bit of an awkward angle, with the positions the two were in, but the vice housewarden was nothing if not good at adapting to.. less than favorable circumstances.
“Wahahahait, nohoho!” Kalim shrieked, kicking his legs. His face was flushed and there was a shocked grin on his face.
“Where’s that cockiness from before?” Jamil let a smirk slip onto his face, feeling confident that he had now gotten the upperhand.
“Nohoho, stahahap! I’m sohahahahorry!” Kalim giggled, bubbly and happy, despite his protests. He wasn’t even fighting much. Not that Jamil was surprised, Kalim had said himself before that he didn’t mind being tickled.
“Sorry? Do you think that’s enough when you said there was a bug on me to tickle me?”
“Nohoho, Jahahamil!” Kalim exclaims, bright. Jamil starts kneading into his stomach, tracing and scribbling along the other’s sensitive skin. The shirt he was wearing offered some protection, he was sure, but not enough.
“So ticklish.. I can’t believe I hadn’t gotten the upperhand sooner. Luck, I guess,” Jamil teased as Kalim curled up, scrunching his neck and shaking his head back and forth. It looked.. a little silly.
“Nuh-uhuhhh! You’re suhuhuper tihihicklish, toohoho!” Kalim tried to say more, but as laughter consumed him, his words died out pitifully.
“Are you sure about that? I’m winning, afterall,” Jamil asked, as he dipped a finger into the other’s belly button, relishing in the howl Kalim let out.
“NAHAHAAH. JAHAHAMIL!” It seemed he was starting to near his limit. Kalim let out a deep breath, but that only resorted in a snort and Jamil didn’t even have to think about how cute and funny it was before Kalim was shouting again. “Y-youhuhu WIHIHIN! YOU WIHIHIN!”
At those words, Jamil stopped and allowed the housewarden to catch his breath, residual giggles leaving his lips every so often.
“Man… and I really thought I was gonna get you that time,” Kalim whined after a few moments, kicking his legs in a pout.
Jamil snickered. “With your sensitivity? As if.”
“I mean,” Kalim sat up, staring at the other. “You gotta admit, you’re pretty ticklish too. I was close this time.”
Jamil coughed into his hand.
“..You wish.” He tried not to blush. Ugh, he hated when people mentioned how ticklish he was. When they did that, he couldn’t pretend it wasn’t true.
“Next time!” Kalim declared, pumping a fist into the air, a resolved and serious look on his face.
Jamil only let out a long and audible sigh. “Hopefully, there won’t be a next time.” He pressed a palm to his forehead, pinching in between his eyebrows, slightly feeling phantom tingles on his body.
“Haha!” Kalim only laughed at that before Jamil stood up and handed him his worksheets.
“Come on, you still have to finish your homework,” Jamil said, intending to change the subject quickly. Kalim groaned, falling back to the ground.
“Ughhh, I forgot about that…”
And so, the night was followed with lots of math equations, alchemy procedures, and yeah, tickles.
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guavanoe · 5 months
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ok so,,
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here they are !! they do not want to be here
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leeyd · 4 months
I don't have anything to do today so i decide to do this haha :')
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template by Caycaybf in twitter
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whiteinitalian · 2 years
Fictional characters that I ship
TV series
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koreanthrillerenjoyer · 4 months
I have a question
what do my 2 fav shows say about me?
The Good place
Beyond evil
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lascitasdelashoras · 11 months
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azli jamil
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pastery1 · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Tickle Hcs (Part 4):
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A/N: Tried to do the layout a little differently, so it can go by faster.
Scarabia Dorm:
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Kalim Al-Asim✊:
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✊He's defo a lee-leaning-switch, (78% Lee, 22% Ler).
✊ The 78% makes up everytime he gets tickled by his other room mate, Jamil, and the 22% makes up everytime he tickled his 30 younger siblings.
✊ Ikr... 30 YOUNGER SIBLINGS?! U wander how he didn't get tickled by at least one of them.
✊Well, the first and last time he got tickled by his little brother, Kalim started crying.... He's just scared of being tickled.
✊Let's, rephrase that, he doesn't like his family tickling him, it makes him uncomfortable.
✊But Jamil is aloud to tickle him as he pleases... well, till Kalim had enough.
✊He will punch anyone who tickles him, yes, his siblings if they managa to lay a finger on him.
✊He may be older than them, but he's certainly not weak.
✊He was 15 when his brother started to tickle him bc his brother hates how Kalim is always tickling them.
✊Kalim ran to his mom abt it, which led to him threatening his younger siblings w/ tickles.
✊Death spot; Palms
✊Found put abt his sensitive palms, when his younger sister wanted to read the older boy's "future" and he giggled, which led to her telling her other siblings abt this useful knowledge.
✊Yet, it's never been exploited before, bc he's 17 when his sister tickled his palms, which means he's way stronger than them at that.
✊His laugh; chirps like a bird, and snorts like a pig... Yes... U'd think I'm joking
✊He can't manage to tickle Jamil back, just because he's way taller and more agile than him.
✊He'll constantly tickle his younger siblings, half of them hating it, half of them enjoying it. W/ some of them asking for it, and the other agging on a tickle fight.
✊He always wins against tickle fights, ofc.
✊He'll tease u when he slowly traces ur worst spots
✊"Wow, this spot is rlly ticklish, my cute wittle beanstalk." ; "Can u stop squirming? I'm trying to draw a beautiful picture on this sensitive little death spot u have~"
✊He calss u the world's most annoying and weirdest names, while he teases u non stop.
✊Honestly, never instigate a yickle fight w/ him, bc he may be ticklish, but if he's more ticklish than u, he'll win and u won't like that.
✊He usually won't stop until u start begging w/ tears, bc.... He's a mean ler, but most ppl will enjoy how mean he is.
Jamil Viper🐍:
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🐍He's a ler, Atw (0% Lee, 100% Ler).
🐍He's not ticklish and never was.
🐍He loves tickling Kalim more than his sister, bc he's way more ticklish than her and he gives the best reactions.
🐍Once tickled his sister, but it ended up w/ a long lecture from his parents.
🐍Never tickle her again.
🐍Though, she's not extremely ticklish, just really hates it.
🐍Kalim would constantly put bugs in his pillows, or "accidentally" make him touch a bug bc it always escalates to a long tickle torture
🐍Jamil knows Kalim likes being tickled by him bc it's obvious how he constantly instigates it.
🐍Ofc, Jamil doesn't mind at all, just finds it cute.
🐍Till this day Kalim still doesn't know that Jamil knows he likes being tickled.
🐍He would just tickle torture him everytime he pisses him off.
🐍He would occasionally tickle Kalim bc he likes his reactions, but he would wait till he like asks or does something wild, than he'll tickle him to peices
🐍He would wreck his worst spots forst then go after his least spots just to make the latter breath, but still let him hear his adorable giggles.
🐍He doesn't do teases bc he thinks other ppl would find it uncomfortable and he finds it embarrassing to say the least.
🐍Kalim tried tickling him once, only to find out he wasn't ticklish at all, then it became Kalim on the ground heething.
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boardchairman-blog · 2 years
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**Shots of the Episode**
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6: “Just Jen” Director: Anu Valia Cinematographer: Doug Chamberlain
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sinnamonscouture · 4 months
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40 Vogue Icons Covers British Vogue March 2024 for Edward Enninful’s Last As Editor-In-Chief
On the cover: Adut Akech, Adwoa Aboah, Amber Valletta, Anok Yai, Anya Taylor-Joy, Ariana DeBose, Cara Delevingne, Christy Turlington, Cindy Crawford, Cynthia Erivo, Dua Lipa, Gemma Chan, Gigi Hadid, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Iman, Irina Shayk, Jameela Jamil, Jane Fonda, Jodie Comer, Jourdan Dunn, Kaia Gerber, Karen Elson, Karlie Kloss, Kate Moss, Laverne Cox, Lila Moss, Linda Evangelista, Maya Jama, Miley Cyrus, Naomi Campbell, Oprah Winfrey, Paloma Elsesser, Precious Lee, Rina Sawayama, Salma Hayek, Selma Blair, Serena Williams, Simone Ashley, Victoria Beckham & Vittoria Ceretti
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voguefashion · 4 months
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Edward Enninful's British Vogue (December 2017-March 2024)
December 2017: Adwoa Aboah by Steven Meisel
January 2018: Taylor Swift by Mert & Marcus
February 2018: Margot Robbie & Nicole Kidman by Juergen Teller
March 2018: Gigi Hadid & Bella Hadid by Steven Meisel
April 2018: Gugu Mbatha-Raw by Mikael Jansson
May 2018: Vittoria Ceretti, Halima Aden, Adut Akech, Faretta Radic, Paloma Elsesser, Radhika Nair, Yoon Young Bae, Fran Summers & Selena Forrest by Craig McDean
June 2018: Cara Delevinge by Steven Meisel
July 2018: Ariana Grande by Craig McDean
August 2018: Oprah Winfrey by Mert & Marcus
September 2018: Rihanna by Nick Knight
October 2018: The Beckham's by Mikael Jansson
November 2018: Fran Summers by Inez and Vinoodh
December 2018: Stella Tennant, Adut Akech, Primrose Archer & Saffron Vadher by Steven Meisel
January 2019: Dua Lipa by Nadine Ijewere
February 2019: Emma Stone by Craig McDean
March 2019: Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel
April 2019: Naomi Scott by Nick Knight
May 2019: Kate Moss by Mikael Jansson, Jamie Hawkesworth & Inez & Vinoodh
June 2019: Madonna by Mert & Marcus
July 2019: Zoë Kravitz by Steven Meisel
August 2019: Karlie Kloss by Steven Meisel
September 2019: Adut Akech, Gemma Chan, Greta Thunberg, Jameela Jamil, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Adwoa Aboah, Jacinda Ardern, Francesca Hayward, Ramla Ali, Christy Turlington, Salma Hayek, Sinéad Burke, Jane Fonda, Laverne Cox & Yara Shahidi by Peter Lindbergh
October 2019: Kaia Gerber by Steven Meisel
November 2019: Jourdan Dunn by Nick Knight
December 2019: Emma Watson by Alasdair McLellan
January 2020: Taylor Swift by Craig McDean
February 2020: Lupita Nyong’o by Steven Meisel
March 2020: Irina Shayk by Mert & Marcus
April 2020: Jodie Comer by Steven Meisel
May 2020: Rihanna by Steven Klein
June 2020: Judi Dench by Nick Knight
July 2020: Rachel Millar, Narguis Horsford & Anisa Omar by Jamie Hawkesworth
August 2020: Reset by Mert Alas, Lubaina Himi, Alasdair McDean, Craig McDean, Nadine Ijewere, Nick Knight, David Hockney, David Bailey, Martin Parr, Marcus Piggot, Jamie Hawkesworth, Tim Walker, Juergen Teller & David Sims
September 2020: Marcus Rashford & Adwoa Aboah by Misan Harriman
October 2020: Emma Corrin by Charlotte Wales
November 2020: Serena Williams by Zoë Ghertner
December 2020: Beyoncé by Kennedi Carter
January 2021: Kate Moss by Mert & Marcus
February 2021: Dua Lipa by Emma Summerton
March 2021: Angelina Jolie by Craig McDean
April 2021: Janaye Furman, Precious Lee, Mona Tougaard & Achenrin Madit by Steven Meisel
May 2021: Thandiwe Newton by Mikael Jansson
June 2021: Billie Eilish by Craig McDean
July 2021: Malala Yousafzai by Nick Knight
August 2021: Margot Robbie by Lachlan Bailey
September 2021: Gemma Chan by Hanna Moon
October 2021: Zendaya by Craig McDean
November 2021: Adele by Steven Meisel
December 2021: Lady Gaga by Steven Meisel
January 2022: Kristen McMenamy by Steven Meisel
February 2022: Amar Akway, Majesty Amare, Akon Changkou, Nyagua Ruea, Abény Nhial, Maty Fall, Janet Jumbo, Adut Akech & Anok Yai by Rafael Pavarotti
March 2022: Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel
April 2022: Anya Taylor-Joy by Craig McDean & Queen Elizabeth ll by Antony Armstrong-Jones
May 2022: Lila Moss by Steven Meisel
June 2022: Gisele Bündchen by Steven Meisel
July 2022: Beyoncé by Rafael Pavarotti
August 2022: Cara Delevingne, Cynthia Erivo, Ariana DeBose, Jordan Barrett & Munroe Bergdorf by Mert & Marcus
September 2022: Linda Evangelista by Steven Meisel
October 2022: Timothée Chalamet by Steven Meisel
November 2022: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Tribute
December 2022: Simone Ashley, Senna Miller, Yasmin Finney & Elizabeth Debicki by Scot Trindle
January 2023: Iman by Nadine Ijewere
February 2023: Priyanka Chopra Jonas by Zoë Ghertner
March 2023: Rihanna, A$AP Rocky & son by Inez & Vinoodh
April 2023: Jill Kortleve, Precious Lee & Paloma Elsesser by Inez & Vinoodh
May 2023: Sinéad Burke, Selma Blair, Aaron Rose Philip, Justina Miles & Ellie Goldstein by Adama Jalloh
June 2023: Miley Cyrus by Steven Meisel
July 2023: Miriam Margolyes, Janelle Monae & Rina Sawayama by Tim Walker
August 2023: Maya Jama by Steven Meisel
September 2023: Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford & Christy Turlington by Rafael Pavarotti
October 2023: Lily Gladstone & Leonardo DiCaprio by Craig McDean
November 2023: Emily Ratajokwski, Adwoa Aboah , Irina Shayk, Adut Akech, Karen Elson & Mona Tougaard by Sean Thomas
December 2023: Kate Moss,Lila Moss, Olivia Colman, Jodie Comer, Stormzy, Little Simz & Tilda Swinton by Tim Walker
January 2024: Emma Watson, Tolu Coker, Priya Ahluwalia Torishéju Dumi & Amber Valletta by Charlote Wales
February 2024: Julia Roberts by Lachlan Bailey
March 2024: Karen Elson, Irina Shayk, Laverne Cox, Anya Taylor-Joy, Serena Williams, Rina Sawayama, Karlie Kloss, Jourdan Dunn, Amber Valletta, Precious Lee, Cindy Crawford, Jodie Comer, Gemma Chan, Adut Akech, Vittoria Ceretti, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Cara Delevingne, Jane Fonda, Gigi Hadid, Linda Evangelista, Adwoa Aboah, Miley Cyrus, Paloma Elsesser, Iman, Victoria Beckham, Ariana DeBose, Jameela Jamil, Oprah Winfrey, Salma Hayek, Christy Turlington, Selma Blair, Maya Jama, Anok Yai, Kate Moss, Kaia Gerber, Cynthia Erivo, Naomi Campbell, Simone Ashley, Dua Lip & Lila Moss by Steven Meisel
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anzynai · 21 days
if the event is still taking reqs .... very self indulgent (i hope thats okay aaa) but can i ask like one with jamil or azul giving affection to a reader where they cant stop blushing and tries to hide their face they start giving tks to them and being teasy abt it ajhxk (with ahm tum and neck tks/kisses sjhdjs thank u nd have a good day/night)
hiii thanks for the request!! it was super cute :)) hope jamil isnt too ooc… ahhh… anyways, enjoy!
“Stop,” you whined, covering your face. jamil was relentless— you had no idea he could give you that many compliments in one sitting.
“what? it’s adorable to see you like this,” jamil said, voice smug. your face felt hot and you know jamil could tell how flustered you were. but you couldn’t help it!
“jamil, please..” you cried, resisting when he tried to pry your hands from your face.
“can’t i see you?” he asked, amusement in his features. peeking through your fingers, you could catch the look of fondness in his gaze snd you looked away, already feeling much more affected by his.. charm.
“no.” was your response as you kept your hands on your face, prepared to not let him see it.
you hadn’t calculated the possibility of him kissing you over your hands. you tensed, shocked, but he continued to pepper your hands in kisses. moving to the side, his lips met your neck and you let out a giggle. it was muffled from your hands, but jamil heard it nonetheless.
jamil paused for a moment and when you felt him smile against your neck, you knew you were in trouble.
“w-wait, jahahamil!” you giggled and scrunched your neck. he continued kissing and nibbling your neck, but only when he started lightly scratching your stomach was when you finally put your hands down.
“there it is,” he pulled away for a second, voice somewhat mumbled. “you’re so cute, flustered all because of me..”
ahhhhhh. are you dying? it kinda feels like you’re dying.
“nohoho! jahahamil!” you laughed and squealed, pushinf away at him. he only smiled, tickling you skillfully.
“you are so ticklish, aren’t you?” jamil muttered, slyly. yep, definitely dead.
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mlentertainment · 1 year
okay 4 month long fancast/elaborate sleep deprivation project is complete. here's who should star in the unsleeping city live action tv show
pete - elliot page (officially endorsed by ally)
kingston - jeffrey wright, isaiah mustafa; laurence fishburne or idris elba if they wanted to
sofia - samantha win (wow she looks So Very Italian for sure definitely... dw about it i want her wushu skills more than anything)
ricky - mackenyu
misty - CATHERINE O'HARA (hunter schafer as rowan)
kugrash - hank azaria (voice only), fiona dourif (voice and physical)
iga - if catherine's not available for s1 can she come on for s2 as iga. otherwise patricia arquette
cody - devon bostick is 31 which means he still fits the 27 yr old mall goth window and i cannot unsee the rodrick eyeliner and also can't think of anyone better. hi devon you're my last hope
esther sinclair - jade eshete (the casting thought that started this monster post)
gabriela sinclair/furies - i mean angela bassett if you're free--
alejandro ortiz - edward james olmos
ana and amelia ortiz - isabella gomez? classic single actor playing twins moment but i think her energy is good #odaat
robert moses - ed harris. or another guy who can do crazy scary. i'm finishing this list at 5 am can u tell
dale lee - daniel henney
jackson wei - key quy quan i don't care give him work i am kissing him respectfully
emiko matsui - karen fukuhara
53V3N - brennan's cameo
priya danger - i mean. come on. jameela jamil
dr. lugash - anthony carrigan. i had to fit him in here somewhere LET'S GOOOOOO NOHO HANK... 2!
mario bicicleta - james ransone *sniper shoots a warning shot next to my head*
lowell masters - nick offerman i guess
wally kugrich - alan tudyk
david kugrich - michael shannon
cindy wong - margaret cho
tony simos - dave bautista (is apparently part greek? That's fun. what's important is he's built like a truck)
heather simos - ME!! ✌🥰✌
jj jacobs - lane factor
not casting Nod bc i literally don't pay attention to child actors. saw someone mention bradley whitford as sondheim which i thought was genius (and joe pesci as don confetti which was great but unrealistic) (<- is treating this like they're an actual casting director) but beyond that are there any fun roles i missed?? i tried to cover both szns as well as i could
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angelltheninth · 26 days
Fandom and Character Masterlist
Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Lucifer Morningstar, Lilith Morningstar, Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Cherry Bomb, Valentino, Vox, Velvet, Rosie, Blitzo, Stolas Goetia, Striker
Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn Kiramman, Ekko, Sevika, Silco, Marcus, Finn, Viktor, Jayce Talis, Mel Medarda, Ambessa Medarda, Cassandra Kiramman, Enforcer Grayson
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ryomen Sukuna, Nanami Kento, Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugusaki, Maki Zenin, Gojo Satoru, Yuta Okkotsu, Geto Suguru, Haruta Shigemo, Mahito, Junpei Yoshino, Choso, Toji Fushiguro
Boku no Hero Academia
Keigo Takami, Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Dabi, Shoto Todoroki, Eijirou Kirishima, Aizawa Shouta, Tomura Shigaraki, Hitoshi Shinsou, Mirio Toogata
Twisted Wonderland
Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Dire Crowley, Divus Crewel
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Ty Lee, Mei, Jet, Korra, Asami Sato, Mako, Bolin, Kya II, Lin, Kuvira
Call of Duty
Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas
Blue Eye Samurai
Mizu, Akemi, Taugen
Honkai Star Rail
Blade, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Himeko, Sampo, Caelus, Gepard, Bronya, Serval, Welt, Kafka, Stelle, Luocha, Yukong, Fe Xuan, Luka, Argenti, Veritas Ratio, Gallagher, Aventurine
Genshin Impact
Kaeya, Diluc, Itto, Gorou, Thoma, Ayato, Xiao, Al-Haitham, Kaveh, Cyno, Tighnari, Scaramouche, Dottore, Pantalone, Pierro, Childe, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Zhongli
Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Connor Kent, Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Diana Prince, Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, Tim Drake, Wally West, Garfield Logan, John Constantine
Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Bruce Banner, Thor, Loki, Druig, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, James “Logan" Howlett, Scott Summers, Remy Lebeau, Kurt Wagner, Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers, M'Baku, Peter Parker, Venom, King Valkyrie, Shang-Chi, Matt Murdock, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Peter Quill
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girlygirltournament · 9 months
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(32 bracket base here by @mad-scientist-showdown)
This is the full 128 bracket!! Full list of matches under cut!!
Preliminary Polls
Round 1 Statistics
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6 (the finals!)
Bracket 1 - Side A
Mizuki Akiyama (Project SEKAI) Vs. Maria Campbell (My Next Life as a Villainess)
Flora (Winx Club) vs. Abby Sciuto (NCIS)
Mitsuba Sousuke (Toilet-bound Hanako-kun) vs. Forrest (Fire Emblem)
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday) vs. Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon)
Haley (Stardew Valley) vs. Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Veruca Salt (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Willy Wonka) vs. Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan)
Cinderella (Cinderella) vs. Silena Beauregard (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) vs. Amy Rose (Sonic)
Bracket 1 - Side B
Sakura Chiyo (Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) vs. Lydia Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries) vs. Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
Rosie Mayfield (Style Savvy) vs. London Tipton (Suite Life of Zack and Cody)
Momoi Satsuki (Kuroko's Basketball) vs. Tuesday Simmons (Carole and Tuesday)
Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games) vs. Stella (Winx Club)
Honey-Senpai (Ouran High School Host Club) vs. Victorique de Blois (Gosick)
Sakura Minamoto (Zombieland Saga) vs Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Cure Sparkle/Hiramitsu Hinata (Precure Pretty Cure) vs Lindsay (Total Drama)
Bracket 2 - Side A
Lola (Shark Tale) vs. Colette "Coco" (Thea Sisters)
Therese Wolf (Fable Comics) Vs. Orca/Dex @labor9 (Tumblr User)
Princess Ozma (Wizard of Oz) vs. Aelita Schaeffer (Code Lyoko)
Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales) vs. Hiyoko Tosaka (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Fernet (100% Orange Juice) vs. Donko (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Blythe Baxter (Littlest Pet Shop) vs. Shezow/ Guy Hamdon (Shezow)
Numbah 3 / Kuki Sanban (Codename: Kids Next Door) Vs. Ami Onuki (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi)
Jessica Day (New Girl) vs. Caitlin Cooke (6Teen)
Bracket 2 - Side B
Shirou Fuji (Mizutama Honey Boy) vs. Kitty (BBC Ghosts)
Rainbow Brite (Rainbow Brite) vs. Zari (Duolingo)
Momoko Ryugasaki (Kamikaze Girls) vs. Peaches (Ice Age)
Barbie (Sandman) vs. Tilly (Rent a Bridesmaid by Jacqueline Wilson)
Sally (Ninjago) vs. Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony Generation 3)
Princess Pea (Super Why!) vs. Mai Oota / P-Chan (Gokinjo Monogatari/Neighborhood Story)
The Cat (Red Dwarf) Vs. Queen Red Riding Hood (The Land of Stories)
Arcee (Transformers Generation 1) vs. Gaby Solis (Desperate Housewives)
Bracket 3 - Side A
Cher Horowitz (Clueless) vs. Cornelia Hale (W.I.T.C.H)
Marianne Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility) vs. Clover (Totally Spies)
Perfuma (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Lilligant (Pokémon) vs. Biscuit Krueger (Hunter x Hunter)
Allison Reynolds (The Foxhole Court: All For the Game) art by @detrinity vs. Isabella Garcia Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Hello Kitty (Sanrio) Vs. Barbie (Mattel)
Mari Tsutsui (Rainbow Days/Nijiiro Days) vs. Ella (Total Drama)
Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place) vs. Rosalina (Mario)
Bracket 3 - Side B
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) Vs Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo)
Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Amulet Heart (Shugo Chara!)
Holly Munro (Lockwood and Co) art by @lucy-j-carlyle vs. Nikki (UP2U: World Traveller, Love Nikki, Shining Nikki)
Birdo (Mario) vs Lambdadelta (Umineko: When They Cry)
Smurfette (The Smurfs) vs. Regina George (Mean Girls)
Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish) vs. Todomatsu Matsuno (Osomatsu-san)
Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls) vs. Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
My Melody (Sanrio) vs. Nui Harime (Kill La Kill)
Bracket 4 - Side A
Emily (Stardew Valley) vs. Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Nana Komatsu (Nana) vs. Lucia Nanami (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)
Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes) vs. Minako Aino/Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon)
Rose Lavillant (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Marie (The Aristocats)
Glinda (The Wizard Of Oz) vs. Hilda Valentine Gonreil (Fire Emblem)
Ichigo Momomiya/Mew Ichigo (Tokyo Mew Mew) vs. Coco (Bluey)
Princess Peach (Mario) vs. Starfire (Teen Titans)
Draculaura (Monster High) vs. Charlotte La Bouff (Princess and the Frog)
Bracket 4 - Side B
Bee (Bee and Puppycat) vs. Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls) vs. Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
James (Pokémon) vs. Kurako/Kuranosuke Koibuchi (Princess Jellyfish)
Platinum the Trinity (BlazBlue) vs. Aoi Hyōdō (Maid-sama/Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama!)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) vs. Minnie Mouse (Disney)
Tsunoda (Aggretsuko) vs. Cure Coral/Sango Suzumura (Tropical Rouge Precure)
Daisy Duck (Disney) vs. Cure Flora/Haruka Haruno (Go Princess Precure)
Yukiko Kanzaki (Assassination Classroom) vs. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
36 notes · View notes
xox000xox · 1 year
250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids
Here are the names of every celebrity who wants to mutilate children. Remember them & for Gods sake, stop supporting their products, movies, shows etc.
Abby Wambach
Adam Eli
Aitch Alberto
AJ Shively
Alan Cumming
Alejandra Caraballo
Alejandra Ghersi
Alex Clark
Alexandra Gutierrez
Alisa Ramirez
Allie Leonard
Allison Goldfrapp
ALOK Vaid-Menon
Alyssa May Gold
Alyssa Milano
Amber Ruffin
Amber Tamblyn
Amy Schumer
Amy Landecker
Andrew Polk
Angelica Ross
Annaleigh Ashford
Antoni Porowski
Aparna Brielle
Arden Myrin
Ariana Grande
Arisce Wanzer
Avan Jogia
Barbie Ferreira
Bebe Rexha
Bella Ramsey
Ben Barnes
Benito Skinner
Benj Pasek
Bethany Cosentino
Bethany Leavel
Billy Eichner
Billy Porter
Bob the Drag Queen
Bobby Berk
Bonnie Milligan
Brad Oscar
Bradley Whitford
Brandon Matthews
Brendan Hines
Bretman Rock
Brian Smith
Brigette Lundy-Paine
Brittany Tomlinson
Busy Philipps
Caesar Samoya
Camila Cabello
Camille A Brown
Cara Delevingne
Chani Nicholas
Chella Man
Chelsea Handler
Cheyenne Jackson
Chris Perfetti
Christa Miller
Cleo Wade
Colton Haynes
Corey Jantzen
Cynthia Erivo
Cynthia McWilliams
Cynthia Nixon
Cyrus Veyssi
D’Arcy Carden
Dakota Fanning
Dan Levy
Darren Criss
David Shatraw
David Oulton
Debra Messing
Deepica Mutyala
Demi Lovato
Des McAnuff
Devery Jacobs
Diana Maria Riva
Diane Guerrero
Dylan Mulvaney
Ed Droste
Eddie Ndopu
EJ Marcus
Elegance Bratton
Eliot Rahal
Elle Fanning
Elliot Page
Emily Hampshire
Emily V. Gordon
Emma Hunton
Erin Reed
Estefania Pessoa
Freddy Thomas
Gabrielle Union-Wade
Gigi Gorgeous
Glennon Doyle
Grace Kuhlenschmidt
Griffin Dunne
Haley Baldwin Bieber
Hannah Gadsby
Harry Lambert
Hayley Kiyoko
Hilary Montez
Ilana Glazer
Indya Moore
Isaac Mizrahi
Jackie Bazan
Jacob Tierney
Jai Rodriguez
Jameela Jamil
James Blake
James Scully
Jaymes Vaughan
Jamie Lee Curtis
Janaya Khan
Janelle Monáe
Janet Hubert
Jazz Jennings
Jenna Lyons
Jennifer Kerr
Jeremy Fall
Jessica Betts
Jillian Mercado
Jinkx Monsoon
Joe DiPietro
Jonathan Van Ness
Jonathan Bennett
Jonny Pierce
Jordan Stenmark
Jordan Firstman
Jordan Roth
JP Saxe
Judd Apatow
Justin Baldoni
Justin Tranter
Kal Penn
Kamar de los Reyes
Karamo Brown
Kate Reinders
Katherine LaNasa
Kathryn Grody
Kellie Overbey
Kelly Devine
Kendrick Sampson
Kevin Harrington
Kevin Cahoon
Ki Griffin
Kimber Elayne Sprawl
Kimberly Drew
Kristin Chenoweth
Lachlan Watson
Laith De La Cruz
Laura Terruso
Lauren Jauregui
Laverne Cox
Lena Dunham
Lena Waithe
Lena Hall
Lilly Singh
Lily Rabe
Liv Hewson
Liza Koshy
Lola Tung
Lorin Latarro
Lovell Adams-Gray
Lucky Bromhead
Mae Martin
Mae Whitman
Maggie Boccella
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan
Mandy Patinkin
Marc Jacobs
Marc Kudisch
Marieme Diop
Martha Plimpton
Matt Bernstein
Matt McGorry
Matt Walton
Medalion Rahimi
Meena Harris
Megan Crabbe
Michael D. Cohen
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez
Michelle Buteau
Midori Francis
Miriam Silverman
Moj Mahdara
Mona Chalabi
Montego Glover
Munroe Bergdorf
Nate Wonder
Nats Getty
Neila Karassik
Nicholas Ferroni
Nico Carney
Nico Santos
Nico Tortorella
Nicole Maines
Niecy Nash-Betts
Nik Dodani
Ocean Vuong
Olly Alexander
Our Lady J
Padma Lakshmi
Patrick Stewart
Patti LuPone
Phillip Picardi
Phoebe Robinson
Poorna Jagannathan
Rachel Cargle
Rafael Silva
Ramy Youssef
Randy Shulman
Raquel Willis
Richa Moorjani
Rob Holysz
Robert Horn
Rory Dahl
Rosario Dawson
Rupi Kaur
Sam Smith
Sander Jennings
Sandy Rustin
Sara Bareilles
Sara Ramirez
Sarah Ramos
Sasha Velour
Scott Turner Schofield
Shawn Mendes
Shea Couleé
Shea Diamond
Sherri Saum
Sinead Burke
Solomon Hughes
Stephen Kunken
Susie Park
T. Oliver Reid
Taika Waititi
Tan France
Tatiana Maslany
Tess Holliday
Tiffany Namtu
Tommy Dorfman
Tracee Ellis Ross
Travis Alabanza
Tunde Adebimpe
Vivek Shraya
Wanda Sykes
Warren Carlyle
Wayne Cilento
Wilson Cruz
Yves Mathieu East
Zoë Chao
Zooey Deschanel
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increasinglygeeky · 10 months
Twisted Wonderland English Voice Actors Fancast!
(If you could guess why I choose who I did, you get bonus points! Also, Jessie James is in fact Josh Grelle, they came out a while ago)
Grim - Kellen Goff
Ace Trappola - Austin Tindle
Deuce Spade - Jessie James
Trey Clover - Ricco Fajardo
Cater Diamond - Ry Mckeand
Riddle Rosehearts - Alejandro Saab
Ruggie Bucchi - Greg Ayers
Jack Howl - Jonah Scott
Leona Kingscholar - Ben Diskin
Flyod Leech - Todd Haberkorn
Jade Leech - Todd Haberkorn
Azul Ashengrotto - Brandon McInnis
Kalim Al-asim - Zeno Robinson
Jamil Viper - Ryan Colt Levy
Rook Hunt - Joel Mcdonald
Epel Felmier - Casey Mongillo
Vil Schoenheit - Aleks Le
Idia Shroud - Johnny Yong Bosch
Ortho Shroud - Cassandra Lee Morris
Sebek Zigvolt - Xander Mobus
Silver Vanrouge - Howard Wang
Lilia Vanrouge - Ernesto Jason Lieberecht
Malleus Draconia - Daman Mills
Crowley - J Michael Tatum
Crewel - David Wald
Vargas - Patrick Seitz
Sam - Bill Butts
Trein - Mick Wingert
(Leave your personal picks in the comments!)
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