#leen's ocs
witchwired · 2 months
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i..... finished grandia..... this scene owned so hard
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Meet my newest Tav!
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Emmaline “Em” Arciera
Asmodeus Tiefling | Ranger | Folk Hero | Chaotic Good | Romanced Karlach
Bold, agile, passionate, generous, clever, loving, kind. Grew up on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate on her family’s farm. Fiercely protective of the local people and animals in need, always doing as much as she could to help the less fortunate. Will go to the ends of the earth to protect the people she loves. Deadly and masterful with a bow. Absolutely loves animals, birds in particular. Loves to read every book she can get her hands on in her downtime. Fell hard and fast for Karlach, went to Avernus with her and Wyll after the Absolute was defeated and will stop at nothing to find a way to get her safely back home to Baldur's Gate for good.
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imogenkol · 11 months
tagged by @inafieldofdaisies and @kyber-infinitygems 💕💕
no pressure tags: @socially-awkward-skeleton @marivenah @detectivelokis @voidika @adelaidedrubman @shegetsburned @sstewyhosseini @corvosattano @jinfromyarikawa @aceghosts @roofgeese @risingsh0t @jackiesarch @jacobseed @shellibisshe @simonxriley @florbelles @chuckhansen @queennymeria + anyone else who wants to!
still haven’t gotten the chance to fully get back into writing yet but I do have more of the sweet moment between them that I worked on last week
Imogen kept her eyes fixated on Bix as the mechanic admired their laced fingers. Then Bix’s brow creased curiously and Imogen felt her thumb brush over the old blaster scar on the back of her left hand. She instinctively flinched away. “What are you doing?” 
Bix glanced up incredulously. She reached for Imogen’s hand again, which the other woman tentatively surrendered. “All the things you’ve let me do to you and touching your scars is where you draw the line?” 
“That one is just…” Imogen tried not to get distracted by the delicate trail of Bix’s fingertip over the raised flesh. She detested any mark that marred her otherwise untouched skin. For Imogen, scars were a sign of failure – of being less than perfect. This particular wound reached even deeper. “Sensitive.”
“It looks like a blaster graze,” the mechanic muttered thoughtfully.
“It is.”
Bix’s caress traveled to the curve of Imogen’s wrist and the bounty hunter held back a sigh of relief. “From one of your bounties?”
Imogen’s reply took a moment to leave her lips. It may be a simple answer, but it was sure to inspire more questions she did not particularly wish to broach. “No. A clone trooper.”
Sure enough, Bix asked “You fought with them, right? In the Clone Wars?”
Imogen gave a single nod and did not take her gaze away from where the mechanic’s fingers brushed over her cool skin. “Until the very moment they stormed the temple on Coruscant.”
“The Jedi Purge.”
“Yes.” Imogen remembered the confusion and desperation as blaster bolts lit up the halls of the Jedi Temple. How, no matter the strength of their efforts, the fight was over almost as soon as it started. And how the death of an era ushered in her rebirth. 
“I’ve only heard stories. Honestly, before I met you, I would have believed that’s all they were.”
“That is what the Empire prefers.”
“How did you survive it?” Bix asked carefully.
“You already know,” Imogen answered quietly.
Bix glanced over at the lightsaber on the table, no doubt recalling that the crystal inside once belonged to Imogen’s master. “I guess I do,” she said and brought Imogen’s hand up to plant a kiss on her palm. 
The soft touch of her lips brought forth a warm swell of adoration. Not just for the simple pleasure of physical connection, but Imogen noted that the placement of her kiss seemed entirely intentional. Bix did not wish to cause any more discomfort with her questioning or put unwanted contact on the scar tissue. But she kept her affection close enough to be pointed. To soothe what still caused the former Jedi’s mind to fret. 
“These wounds should not be forgotten, but I admit that they still cause me pain,” Imogen said slowly. Her words felt as if she forcefully tore all of her old scars wide open again. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a beat, focusing on the presence of the woman beside her. Bix felt so vibrant through the Force like a light that guided her through a very long, dark tunnel. “You, my love, have the opposite effect.”
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An incredible commission of my girl Balina Len after her redemption from the Dark Side by the impeccable @eileenwdj​! I love everything about how this turned out--the pose, the cheeky smirk, the musculature, the outfit, the colours and the background--it’s everything I was after. Tysm Leen!!!
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etacarinaecer · 1 year
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synnthamonsugar · 2 years
I thought you'd like to know that there's a character in Far Cry: New Dawn named Selene, but it's pronounced like felony.
Suh-lon-ee? I've heard Selene as "Suh-lee-neh" / "Suh-lee-nah" but this one's new to me.
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mayhemlovesenvy · 5 months
Hola *les lanza un wip*
Documento con datos de los personajes de mi AU? Aún está en proceso así que tal vez muchas cosas cambien (?
Está solo en español btw
Qué encontrarán:
Una ficha básica y un par de párrafos describiendo a la mayoría de personajes
Muchos cambios de nombres 🤯
Un par de OCs (importantes para la trama lamentablemente)
Mucha locura
Se supone que el documento permite hacer comentarios, de todos modos si leen me gustaría saber que opinan :3
diganme si les parece lindo o no o qué se puede mejorar o quitar o no sé(?), no espero que genere mucho interés de todos modos ajksmfm
Gracias *explota*
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popiaswife · 3 months
Hola. No se que más decir, por favor no me juzguen tan feo, junte mucha seguridad para tratar de publicar algo. Tiene mucho que no escribo, y no tengo beta, eso, adiós.
Disclaimer, Angst, use el nombre de mi Oc pero si gustan mientras lo leen pueden usar el suyo. CopiaxFemOc, Espero poder traducirlo y adaptarlo en inglés.
La suerte estaba hecha da, los días del cuarto de los Emeritus estaban contándose, nada ni nadie podría hacer que algo de eso cambiara, por mucho que lo intentaran, nada funcionaría, la razón ya estaba, incluso cuando ninguno de los dos lo quería, incluso cuando Luna planteaba mil y un escenarios, un cuando defendía a capa y espada el trabajo de su marido.
Copia dentro de su lista de cosas que le gustaría que le concedieran marco una en particular, un último baile.
No una gran fiesta, ni una gran cena, solo un baile, íntimo. No imaginaba que se lo concederían finalmente una noche antes de la tan triste fecha marcada. Al menos lo habían aceptado.
Los preparativos fueron tristes, Copia había logrado hacer las paces con su su próximo destino, la única cosa que aún le dolía era dejar a su amada, porque sabía que ella sentiría como si se muriera pero tristemente para ella, su corazón seguiría latiendo mientras que a él le estarían haciendo los respectivos rituales funerarios, homenajes. Copia escogió el traje que ella más amaba, el de militar, cada que lo usaba Luna no paraba de hacerle cumplidos como mínimo; él al menos iba con la satisfacción de poder tener a su amada en brazos, de poder volver a bailar con ella.
En otra habitación para que no se arruinara tanto la sorpresa, estaba Luna, poniéndose el vestido que habían usado en su primera gran cita, aquel rojo pomposo, aquel con el que también habían tenido su primer beso en la primera que tuvo que ir con sus mejores galas, por más que lo intentaba, las lágrimas no paraban, ¿cómo se supone que dejes ir al amor de tu vida? ¿Cómo se supone que te resignes a despertar y ya no verlo a tu lado? ¿Cómo te resignas a ya no dormir en sus brazos cuando él es tu lugar seguro? ¿Se puede? ¿Se puede morir de amor? No, infaustamente para ella tendría que vivir con la ausencia de la persona que más amaba. Habían tardado años en encontrarse, otros tantos en que fuera aceptado y ahora le quedaba una vida sin él.
Respiró. Tomó los productos, y empezó a maquillarse una vez que sintió que el rostro estaba lo suficientemente desinflamado, no iba a dejar que uno de sus últimos momentos ella pareciera una especie de desastre, lo mínimo que podía hacer era aparecer en la puerta y fingir, fingir que tendrían más momentos así para poder disfrutarlo, de lo contrario, de recordar que era el último, empezarían a brotar las lágrimas nuevamente en cuanto lo viera.
Finalmente en el salón, a través de los hermosos vitrales, acompañados de la Luz de la Luna y velas, una pequeña orquesta, finalmente se encontraron. Los pasos resonaban e entre las maderas, cada vez más rápido, pasó a paso hasta que estuvieron frente a frente.
“Dolcezza, ¿me permite esta pieza?” Hablo Copia con una voz calmada y suave mientras hacía una referencia ofreciendo su mano.
“Como todas las que te aceptado en esta vida, Bene Mio.” Luna contestó de un modo suave mientras aceptaba su mano e iban al medio del salón, no sabía de donde sacaba fuerzas para mantener sus lágrimas dentro de ella, para incluso estar sonriendo, tal vez empezaba a agradecer que mínimo tenían esa oportunidad.
En medio del salón y la Luna como testigo, sus cuerpos reaccionaron de inmediato desde la primera nota. Las manos de Copia la rodearon por la cintura, las manos de Luna por su cuello. El mayor la pegó a él, la cara de su amada estaba recargada en su pecho, podía oír sus latidos, los latidos que la calmaban en cada noche tormentosa, cuando los truenos aparecían y el simplemente se reía mientras la envolvía en sus brazos y las cobijas, la diferencia entre ambos hacía que ambos encajaran como rompecabezas, Luna no podía mirarlo a los ojos, no cuando los de ella ya estaban llorosos, no cuando Copia estaba tranquilo.
“Cariño, por favor”. Habló él nuevamente, Luna no tuvo opción más que mirarlo, y se encontró directamente atrapada en su mirada, Copia aprovechó para moverse un poco más que a los lados, un par de vueltas para volver atraparla en sus brazos.
Una verdad notoria era que pareciera que ninguno de los dos se quería soltar, no había prisa, no había nada más que hacer, y realmente así podían quedarse por el resto de sus vidas naturales, así esperaba estar con él en el más allá, o en la próxima vida, los brazos de ambos parecían sogas, parecían querer amarrarse mutuamente y el momento también, los segundos, todo el tiempo que pudieran, porque más que un mañana ya no habría.
Este era el final. En los últimos segundos de la canción Copia la sujeto con todas sus fuerzas, aún más de lo que duró el vals, Luna sostuvo la cara de su amado con toda la gentileza que tenía en sus tacto, parándose de puntitas, Copia se inclinó, sus labios se juntaron como si nunca lo hubieran hecho, como si una necesidad de tenerse cerca estuviera presente, Copia lo único que quería era saber que un día ella volvería estar contenta, Luna hubiera deseado que en ese beso se le hubiera ido la vida para seguir con él.
La canción se acabó, bajaron los instrumentos, se sentía como si se hubiera cerrado un telón, y las lágrimas finalmente cedieron.
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thesugarclubs-blog · 11 months
Stuck On You - Kate Bishop x F!OC
warnings: new young avengers au, flustered crushing kate, lots of fluff
word count: 6.3k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1345334345-stuck-on-you-zara
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The spring breeze blew through her bangs as she bounded up the stairs leading to the New Avengers Tower with Lucky in tow. One successful morning run later and they were both ready to refuel before going about their day. Lucky especially had a very busy day ahead of himself, chasing any bird that dared set foot on the balcony. 
Once they were inside the elevator, Kate kneeled and took off his leash scratching the back of his ear playfully as he lifted his snout upwards to sniff her chin. She stood as the elevator was coming to a stop and Lucky barked, wagging his tail as he stared at the door. As soon as the doors opened he ran straight towards the kitchen making Kate laugh as she tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ears and followed his lead.
“No pizza for you this morning bud, I’m sorry. Your uncle Pete ate the last one.” 
“Kate Bishop you are laaate.” Yelena sang as she walked into the room. 
Kate turned around, brows furrowed in confusion as she watched her take a seat at the counter, “Late?”
“Yes, late. You know, the opposite of early, as in not on time” Yelena explained, picking an apple out of the fruit bowl in front of her and tossing it in the air.
“I know what late means you Russian ball of sarcasm,” Kate huffed, taking the seat across from her. “I’m just a little unsure what I’m late for.”
“Oh dear,” Yelena tutted, shaking her head. “Kate Bishop, you are impossible.”
“What… what does that mean exactly?” Kate leaned closer, her expression confused and head tilted to the left trying to catch Yelena’s squirrelly gaze. “We talked about this. Straight forward, clear, concise conversation topics.” 
“We also spoke about using your big girl voice,” Yelena quipped, her eyes finally dipping to meet Kate’s.  “And you my pretty plum, have not used your big girl voice on Zara.” 
“That was a secret! What did you do—” Kate leans further in, her voice dropping an octave. She’s tried to hide the crush she really has but Yelena was quick and Kate’s tongue always seemed to tie itself in knots around the new recruit. No matter how much she practiced in the mirror her words always came out backwards. 
“Yelena no scheming. Please. I can’t! We talked about this too!” Lucky barked in response. 
“We talk about a lot of things, you don’t talk enough to Zara. So I am leaving,” Yelena smirks. “I am taking MJ and Kamala with me so you are alone. It’s a perfect… scheme,” she smiles brighter, showing her pretty teeth.
“No. No no no no,” She jumped out of her chair and began to pace as she protested, “no. NO. I am not on training duties today first of all and- and just no. You can’t just spring this on me, Leen.” 
“Oh, but you are and I did,” The blonde stated matter-of-factly before she stood and walked over to Kate. Placing her hands on either side of her face before she pressed their foreheads together. Her green eyes bore into Kate’s, serving as a slice of calm amidst the growing heap of nerves in her stomach. 
“You are going to be fine, you need to relax and you need to stop avoiding her,” she pulled back from her with a soft smile on her lips and scrunched her nose, “fix your hair a little bit though and hurry, it is not nice to be late.”
“I hate you,” Kate whispered through her teeth, her eyes wide with panic.
“You won’t,” Yelena hummed, backing away from her friend and towards the door.
“I will. Forever. I’ll get you back for this Belova.”
“Yeah? What will you do Kate Bishop? Glare at me?”
“I’ll…I’ll…cut holes in all your pockets. I’ll swap out your hot sauce with ketchup. I’ll…” a look of triumph crossed her face. “I’ll tell Clint!”
Yelena doubled over with laughter and dramatically wiped pretend tears from her eyes. 
“You’re funny Kate Bishop.” Then her face turned serious. “Go and train with Zara. Now.”
Yelena turned and headed towards the door. “Fanny, come,” she whistled, and the floofy American Akita rose from her place under the table, cast a disdainful side eye in Kate’s direction, and then followed her mistress out of the door.
Kate stood there and chewed on the inside of her cheek, staring out into the hallway for a minute, trying to both calm the butterflies that had taken over her belly and come up with her revenge plan. Spending the afternoon with Zara didn't sound like the worst idea, but it was the amount of ways she could embarrass herself in the gym that had her worried. She already made a fool of herself every time she tried to speak to her. 
The brunette huffed out a breath and turned to look at her reflection in the glass window. She pulled her hair out of its place on top of her head and ran her fingers through it quickly before combing it back into a secure pony. 
With a small hum, she turned to the golden retriever lying quietly in the corner, "Lucky, why don't you go train and I'll stay here and take a nap?" 
Lucky wagged his tail and barked in response, snapping his teeth playfully. 
"Fine, I'm goin-" her words cut off when she saw another avenger walking down the hall and an idea sparked quickly, "Hey Sam! What are you doing? Are you going to the gym? Listen I think I might have strained something on my-" 
Sam put his hand up with a laugh and shook his head as he kept walking towards the elevator, "Yelena filled me in already, you're on your own. Buck and I have a mission. The training duties are yours, Bishop! Aren't you late?" he called back.
Kate spun with a nervous huff and picked up her pace. She was moving so fast that when she stumbled past Peter hunched over a desk full of scrap metal she barely had time to stop as she slammed into the door frame. 
Peter jumped and metal flew everywhere. She watched it soar through the air before his hands reached out and scooped everything into his chest nervously before it hit the ground.  He swallowed tightly and set it back on the table. “A little warning next time,” he whined, organizing all the parts again. 
“Do you wanna—”
“Nope,” he answered before she asked. 
“But what if I—”
“Not gonna happen,” he said without looking up. 
“What did she threaten you with I can—”
“No way. Last time I helped after Yel told me not to, she shrunk all my suits in the washing machine and turned all my socks pink!” He said with the shake of his head, his curly brown hair bouncy from the movement. “Besides you can do this, you’re an avenger!” He finally looked up at her, his eyes confident and encouraging. 
“Right,” Kate chewed her lip, “thanks Pete,” she said, turning to walk away but before she left she stuck her head back in the door. “What are you building?” 
“Oh a bomb,” he beamed with pride as if he hadn’t just almost blown up the west wing of the Avengers building not minutes before. 
Lucky barked at her feet, just as nervous as she was. 
“I’m going to go…” she nodded with a grimace. “I’m late…”
“Good luck!” She heard him call after her as she darted down the hall.
Kate made her way to the stairs deciding they’d likely be faster than waiting for the elevator seeing as the usual training session should have started fifteen minutes ago. She raced down to the basement floor faster than she ever had in her life. Well, she probably ran faster when Yelena was mad but that was a totally different running motivation than right now and her mind was racing just as fast if not more in the anticipation of seeing her. 
Her heart pounded against her ribcage as she jumped the last two steps and ran to the training room door. She pulled it open and went inside, her heavy breaths catching in her throat when she saw Zara stretching her legs on the mat. 
She looked up through her lashes at Kate and smiled brightly, the playful twinkle that always seemed to be in her eyes when Kate was in the room even more noticeable to the brunette now that they were alone. 
“Hi Kate,” she purred, “just us today?”
Kate gulped, eyes wide and feeling slightly light headed. She couldn't figure out if it was from the running or from butterflies causing a storm in her belly from the way the pretty– prettiest girl was looking at her. 
Maybe she'd been quiet a little too long because suddenly Zara was coming closer, her sweet rose perfume filling Kate's lungs. A playful grin on her face as she questioned with a raised brow, "Katie?"
“Pretty…I mean sorry! Lorry I’m sate. No! I mean…sorry I’m late! Shit!” Kate fumbled, her face going redder by the second as Zara’s eyes crinkled in amusement.
“Not a problem. If it was anyone else I’d have left already but for you I’ll make an exception. Did you run here just for little old me?” She winked.
Kate imagined she looked like that emoji, the one that was melting onto the floor. Her face flamed and not just from her run to the training room. 
“Maybe,” she mumbled, looking anywhere but at the woman she’d harboured a raging crush on since the moment she’d first set eyes on her.
Zara's little giggle escaped her lips and made Kate's heart flutter. She'd just walked into the room and already it was harder to breathe. Her bold, sweet personality took over any room she was in; it was one of the things Kate loved about her. 
"Well consider me flattered," Zara scrunched up her nose and lept up to her feet, "what are we training today, boss?" 
Kate cleared her throat, and shook her head once, bringing herself back to the present and away from Zara's sparkling blue eyes, "We're uh, we're working on - hand to hand combat," she stuttered.
"Up close and personal?" Zara reached out brushing a hand against Kate's wrist and tugging the extra elastic she had over her hand onto her fingers, "can I borrow this? I forgot mine!" 
"Ok," Kate nodded, whispering the word over and over again as she tried to remember the other twenty four letters in the alphabet. She watched as Zara tugged her soft, shoulder length hair up into a ponytail, exposing the long curve of her neck. Kate's bow fingers twitched at her side, itching to touch Zara skin in a way that didn't involve training or combat. 
"Kate?" Zara said, her eyes wide as she waited for Kate to come back to earth. 
Her head had tilted to the side and she could feel herself drifting into la la land with every smile and touch. I can't do this, she thought, panicking for a moment. And then she remembered what Clint had taught her. She could be brave, hell, she was a god damn Avenger...avenger in training...
"Katie," Zara laughed, reaching out to take her hand, she pulled her into the center of the mat, "you're doing that inner monologue thing again."
“What? I don’t d-” she argued only to be interrupted by a soft squeeze to her hand.
“You do do that, but I think it’s cute.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth slightly before she smiled, brushing her thumb across Kate’s knuckles as she let go of her hand slowly. 
Kate felt the heat creep up her neck, unable to rip her eyes away from hers and longing for the feel of her skin on hers once more. Thoughts of how the graze of her thumb could feel against her lips set her nerves ablaze but she shook them out of her head before breaking her gaze away from hers. 
“I- um, thanks. Ok, are you good to start then?” 
“I am, yes” she laughed, “Are you? I know you went for a run but if you need help stretching I’m all for it.”
Kate could feel the blush deepen on her cheeks as heat spread through her face at the thought of Zara helping her stretch, touching her with a purpose. It was enough of a struggle, the little grazes of skin here and there but willingly putting herself under the hands of the woman she was pining over was another thing entirely.
"Uh no– no thank you, I'm all warmed up," she answered dumbly. Watching as a grin took over Zara's face as she took a couple of steps back, took a stance and fixed Kate with a smouldering look as she gestured to her confidently with a come hither motion with her fingers.
"Alright then. Gimme you best, Katie."
“Ok, well I guess we, umm, we should start with, umm…”
“Are you always this articulate?” Zara laughed.
“Just punch me,” Kate forced out through her clenched jaw, “and put me out of my misery,” she finished under her breath.
Zara complied with a swift one-two, keeping her guard up. Kate dodged the swings easily despite being distracted by the way Zara’s lithe frame moved so fluidly.
“Again,” she nodded, indicating for Zara to continue.
Luckily, the concentration of combat quickly took over most Kate's mind as Zara's fist went flying by her face once more. Kate dodged back as she was lunged at, swinging her own hand but she was caught by surprise as Zara grasped her wrist loosely and spun her into her body, holding Kate's free wrist tight against her stomach. 
Kate was convinced that Zara could feel the hammering of her heart as the two of them paused and breathed heavily. 
"Now what?" Zara mused against Kate's ear. 
Through her fuzzy thoughts, Kate swallowed thickly and thought for a second, "That was - good," she muttered, "now you have to stop me from getting free," as soon as the words left her mouth she regretted them. She could have stayed there all day with Zara's arms wrapped around her and her lips brushing the shell of her ear.
Zara didn't waste a moment securing her hold on Kate, brushing her leg out in a sweeping movement; they both rolled through the movement and tumbled to the ground in a pile. Kate rolled beneath her, hoping to get her legs up into her stomach to put space between them but Zara was swift and pushed her legs away before getting control and flattening them against the back.
"What the hell," Kate groaned, dizzy from the tumbling. Zara's leg's pinned Kate to the mat, squeezing tightly as she wiggled beneath her to get free but she was stuck, defeated and embarrassed. 
"Lenny taught me that one!" Zara beamed proudly, fixing Kate's hands above her head and leaning over until their faces were inches apart. 
"I don't know if I'm upset over the fact that she taught you that and not me, or the fact that she lets you call her Lenny," Kate fought to control her breathing and her lips. Her chin tilting upward against her will and into the gravitational pull of Zara.
She watched Zara’s eyes admiring the green flecks in her iris as she looked down, head slightly tilted almost like she was studying her. Kate took a steadying breath as she felt the hold on her wrists soften, unwilling to let herself get distracted by the brush of their chests together, she pulled her arms down and finally broke her wrists out of her hold. She pushed her legs open until she was able to cross her leg over her calf pushing her weight off the mat and rolling the over until she was on top of Zara pinning her hands down. 
The tips of their noses brushed together when she leaned forward to move Zara’s hands up. 
“Your hold faltered, I told you not to let me get free.” 
Zara smirked beneath her, blue eyes narrowing playfully, “are you? how do you know I didn’t just want you in this position?”
“You should have…wait, what?!” Kate spluttered, completely discombobulated.
A throaty chuckle from the woman pinned below her sent Kate’s brain spiralling. 
“You were saying?” Zara teased, her lips raising in a lopsided smile. 
“I was?” Kate asked dazedly.
“Yeah, we’re training, remember? I’m lying here eagerly awaiting your instruction.”
“Holy shit.” Kate whispered, not even sure whether it was out loud.
Letting out a deep breath, Kate sat back on her haunches quickly before standing up over Zara and extending her hand to help her up. She knew there were ways that she could have taught Zara to retaliate and get her back, but the thought of rolling around on the mat with the girl made her brain malfunction and she couldn't remember anything other than the small fleck of navy blue that sat at the top of Zara's right iris. 
Their fingers tangled together as Kate pulled Zara from the mat, electricity shooting up her arm at the smallest touch. She turned abruptly when her sparring partner was firmly on her feet and walked over to her water, pulling off the cap. 
"You're doing a lot better," she complimented before chugging back the last of her. 
Zara giggled and swiped her tongue along her bottom lip as she stepped beside Kate, following suit with her water, "Well I've had a pretty good coach," she winked as she sipped at her drink before setting it down again on the bench. 
Watching the way her throat bobbed when she swallowed, the brunette realized how hard she was staring and whipped her head back to stare at the wall in front of them, squeezing her eyes shut for just a moment, "I - yeah, Yelena is a really good teacher, she uh -" 
"I meant you, Katie," Zara commented quietly, nudging her hip into Kate's and brushing their arms lightly together. 
She felt Zara's fingers dance between her own at their sides as if she might tangle them together and hold on but she spun away and grabbed her bottle of water again from the bench against the wall, taking a swig of it before handing it out to Kate. 
"What," Zara's nose scrunched up and Kate's chest got warmer, "afraid of my cooties?" 
"No," Kate grabbed the bottle, and drowned all the words she did want to say with water. She turned away from Zara but the rookie didn't like that and skipped around her, bringing her big beautiful eyes back in view.  She felt her cheeks flush again, looking up to the clock that hung above the training room. "I know I was late but-" she started. 
"Time's up?" Zara finished. "Feels like time always moves a little faster when you're in here with me." She said and Kate's world tipped a little further off its axis then it already was. "I just mean..." Zara started and stopped. "It's my turn to fumble my words I guess," she laughed, "I really like having you as a teacher," she smiled at her.
Kate's eyes widened at her words before shaking her head and shrugging trying to play off the butterflies exploding in her chest. 
"Th--thanks, I uh.. I mean.. you--" A laugh bubbled from her throat as Zara brought her fingers to her lips hiding the growing smile, "you make a good student." The last words came out rushed as she sucked in a breath taking another swig from her bottle and silently cursing herself. You can't just play it cool, can you Bishop. 
Zara took a step towards her, slowly peeling the bottle from her fingers, "Thanks." Her voice was a whisper and her eyes glued to Kate's as she brought the bottle to her lips. Kate watched as she took a drink, her perfect lips wrapping around the mouth of the bottle before her eyes dragged to where her throat worked to swallow the liquid. Zara's skin gleamed from sweat with the midday sun shining through the gym windows and only spurred on the tornado of wings in her stomach.
Kate gulped in tandem with Zara, her tongue swiping out to moisten her bottom lip.
“I guess we should c-call it a day then,” she stammered, unable to tear her eyes away from the woman before her.
“That’s a shame,” Zara hummed, “I could have done that all day.”
She locked eyes with Kate for a second, the air growing thick around them, before both of them burst into peals of laughter.
“I think that line has been done already,” Kate grinned, nudging her shoulder into Zara. 
Their small laughs filled the gym and the two girls stood there, smiling softly at each other. Kate's hazel eyes danced around Zara's features, taking in every inch she could. The way the dimple on her left cheek was slightly deeper than the right, the small freckle that kissed the skin at the base of her jaw, the soft crinkles at the side of her eyes when she smiled so brightly she lit up the whole of New York. 
Her breath caught in her throat and Kate cleared it away, "I have to - go feed Lucky..." She mumbled, pulling her lips into a thin line as she spun slowly and walked quickly to the gym doors. 
"Thanks for your help today, Kate!" Zara's voice faded as the door shut behind her and Kate pressed herself onto the cold stone wall, letting the feeling wash over her. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop the grin that threatened to take over her lips and she shook her head. 
I guess it could have been worse, she thought to herself, finally heading back down the hallway and making her way upstairs. 
The hallway was empty when she stepped out onto the floor but she could hear Yelena and  Kamala laughing in the common room. "You best run little Kamala, I can feel her storm from here," Yelena teased and Before Kate even rounded the corner, the door to Kamala's door clicked shut. 
"What happened?" Yelena leaned against the red backed couch and crossed her legs, her fingers digging into a bag of pretzels. 
"I made a fool of myself," Kate sunk into the couch beside her and grabbed a pretzel, popping it into her mouth only to spit it directly out onto her hand. "Those are disgusting and hotter than the fires of Mordor." 
"The what?" Yelena's brows scrunched up in confusion. 
"Nevermind, she was flirting with me," Kate sighed, "she was flirting and I called time on class. I sent her away!" She put her face in her hands and groaned loudly.
Yelena threw back her head and laughed, "let me get this straight little arrow." 
Kate peeled her hands from her face and glanced up at her. 
"She flirted with you and instead of--" Yelena waved her hand in the air, "rolling around on the floor with the girl, you sent her away?" 
"I couldn't breathe around her Leen." Kate admitted, "every time I looked at her I got distracted by those big doe eyes." her voice trailed off at the end. She really really really wanted to roll around more but she also knew herself and Kate Bishop was anything but smooth. 
Yelena watched her for a moment before popping another pretzel in her mouth, "You know what I think you should do?" 
Kate glanced up at her again waiting for whatever advice she had. 
"Tell her how you feel!" She laughed, "it's really not that hard." 
"That's easy for you to say. Every time I talk to her, my words get jumbled and I turn into Parker trying to tell Bucky a story."
“Come on Kate Biiiiishop, it can’t be that bad!” Yelena urged, wrapping her arm around Kate’s neck and pulling her into a side hug.
“I swear Leena, every time I see her I turn into a total wreck with the worst verbal diarrhoea. I need to be locked up or something.” Kate groaned, turning her head into her friend’s shoulder.
“Does she know you are interested in bondage?”
Kate shoved backwards, looking at Yelena in horror. “That’s not…I didn’t mean…”
“My God, Kate Bishop. I am fucking with you!” Yelena chuckled, rolling her eyes. “But seriously, just talk to her. Tell her how you feel.”
"You know not to do that when I'm in this state, Belova!" Kate whined, leaning back on the couch and throwing her arm over her eyes, "What if she doesn't -"
Laughter echoed through the hallway as Zara and America rounded the corner into the living space, "Hey guys we were thinking of ordering a - sorry did we interrupt something?" Zara questioned, looking between Yelena and a very surprised Kate as she sat up and stared at the blonde next to her.
"Not at all, Kate Bishop here was just telling me about your training session," Yelena mused with a playful smirk, turning her gaze to meet Kate's shocked eyes, "something about ending up on top of you... she said you did good work" 
Kate could feel the heat creeping up her neck as she continued to stare daggers at her best friend. This couldn't be happening. Her heart thumped in her chest and she felt frozen, unable to turn around and meet her crush’s eyes. 
Zara scrunched up her nose and shook her head with a smile, "Yeah well Kate's a good coach, we did have fun today with it though," she winked and linked her arm with the brunette's beside her. 
"Anyway!" America chimed in, "We were going to order shawarma for dinner, Peter already offered to pick it up as he's swinging by, are you guys in?"
"We are," Yelena answered for them. "But Bishop needs to go over your performance review first," she clapped a hand on Kate's back as Zara looked between them all trying to figure out what the hell was going on. "Go now," Yelena clapped and yelled a little louder. 
Kate inhaled slowly, as she started to walk toward her room she turned and out of Zara's sight she gave Yelena a dirty look, I'm going to kill you she mouthed and this only made the black widow laugh. 
"You can come in here," Kate opened her door. 
Zara spun in a lazy circle taking in all the decorations that Kate had used, during the summer most of the younger avengers stayed on the compound like camp but less outhouses and more guns. Kate had put up posters and photos of the original Avengers, to hype herself up and remind herself why she was here but as Zara took it all in she suddenly felt like a little kid. 
"So what's this really about?" Zara looked at her, she had let her hair down and was picking at the elastic around her wrist.
Kate’s heart fluttered at the sight, there it was her nervous tick. It was one of those little things that you wouldn’t notice if you didn’t pay attention or didn’t really know a person. But Kate saw her. 
She saw it the first time she set foot in the tower and it was one of the things Kate liked most about her. She’d take a breath, flick her hair tie a few times to ground herself and keep talking like nothing had happened. 
Zara was the embodiment of the word confidence and she had the ability to turn Kate into a babbling mess with just saying the word “hi” but deep inside she seemed to be just as nervous of being in her presence as her. 
Kate let out a nervous laugh before she moved closer to Zara, come on Bishop, it’s now or never. She took her hands in hers and led her over to the edge of the bed urging her to follow her lead as she sat. She tapped her finger against Zara’s knuckle before she lifted her gaze up to hers. 
“Ok just, bare with me yeah?”
Zara's brows kissed as she studied Kate's face. "Okay..." She said softly, her hand only squeezing Kate's fingers as if silently urging her. 
Kate watched her, sucking in a breath as the four million things she wanted to say scrambled in her head. How was she going to start this? What if she didn't feel the same. Her eyes slid shut and felt Zara's hand pull from hers and delicate fingers rest on the edge of her jaw. "Kate?" 
Her hazel eyes flew open. You can do this. 
"Would you..." She paused, feeling her heart slam against her chest, "I just- I really," she paused again, sighing as the words once again became jumbled. Zara's thumb trailed along her chin, stopping just below her lip sending fireworks through Kate. "I really like you." She rushed out. "I really really like you." Kate let out a breathy laugh at the ridiculousness of how quickly she said it.
Blue eyes stayed glued to her, as Zara sat there silently for a moment, a soft smile gracing her beautifully pink lips. Kate couldn't help as her eyes flickered down to them, doing anything she could to gauge the reaction she was about to hear. The deafening silence almost making things worse for her while she chewed on her cheek and tried to stop herself from oversharing. It was a bad habit Kate knew she had, continuing to talk when the other person hadn't spoken but in this moment, most words that would have made sense leaked from her mind and they were left with quiet. 
Zara's smile grew into a playful smirk as her hand moved to cup Kate's cheek fully, running her thumb over her skin and keeping her gaze held, "It's about time..." she whispered, leaning in slightly and tilting her head. 
"Wha - you knew?" Kate questioned, trying to steady her breathing as the tips of their noses brushed. 
She giggled softly, moving her other fingertips up Kate's arm to rest on the side of her neck, "Yelena isn't very subtle," Zara admitted, swiping her tongue over her bottom lip, "are you going to kiss me, or not?" 
Kate let out a breath, a beat of confidence surging through her as she leaned forward and pressed their lips softly together, taking Zara's top lip between hers. The swarm of butterflies in her body only seemed to get worse in the best way possible, and for the first time all day, every thought in her mind was clear. 
"I really really like you too by the way," Zara pulled back and whispered quickly before smiling into another deep kiss.
"Finally," Yelena's voice floated through the door followed by a soft kick from her boot. "I've been waiting out here for ages, Kate Bishop." 
"We talked about the eavesdropping Yelena!" Kate sighed, as she pressed her forehead against Zara's, "I'm sorry." 
"Don't be, it's a win for her too. Six hundred dollars give or take," Zara shrugged with a laugh, snaking her hand fully around her neck and pulling her back for another kiss before Kate could protest. 
The kiss sent sparks through her chest and into her toes as Zara leaned up to deepen the kiss. Her tongue slid easily across Kate's bottom lip and into her mouth without hesitation as they tangled together. Two becoming one. Kate wrapped her arms around Zara and giggled against her lips, enjoying every second of it far too much. She had finally gotten the girl, and she couldn't get enough.
She slid her hands down Zara's back resting them on her hips, her hold on her firm as pushed herself off the bed just a touch and lifted her further onto the bed. She felt Zara kick her shoes off under her before pushing her heel down on the mattress to aid her. 
The pads of her fingers dug into Kate's skin as she smiled into the kiss and deepened it further pulling her down with her. Kate pulled away, releasing her lip with a pop. As they caught their breath, Zara tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 
"Is this what you actually wanted to do during that training session, Bishop?"
Kate licked her bottom lip, bringing it between her teeth. "Can I plead the fifth on that one?" She asked lowly, dragging her fingers up Zara's side. 
She felt Zara squirm beneath her at the slight touch along her ribcage forcing a giggle from the both of them, "not this time Katie." Zara's hand wrapped around the back of Kate's neck tugging her down to her again as their lips touched. "Ticklish?" Kate asked against her mouth, "interesting." 
Zara tilted her head back and laughed giving Kate full access to her neck. She took full advantage and dipped her head, pressing chaste kisses along the column of her soft skin until she reached her pulse point. 
"Is this part of my review?" Zara groaned. 
"If you want it to be." Kate smirked.
A playful grin graced Zara's lips as she let a short whimper escape, "look who's miss confident now..." she commented, tangling her fingers into Kate's hair and arching her back into her touch. 
In truth, Kate was no less nervous now than she was before, but her sense seemed to have taken over, allowing her to move just as far as Zara would let her and take what she'd been longing for for months. The feeling of her soft skin against her lips, her fit body shuddering beneath her from her touch, it was more than Kate had allowed herself to imagine. 
Kate ghosted her lips over Zara's throat and across her jaw, to pull her earlobe between her teeth, "only for you," she whispered, moving her lips back to attach to Zara's. Her hand skated farther up her side and rested on her ribs, fingertips digging just enough into her skin as her thumb drew small circles into her, pulling another whine from her girl's lips.
Kate pulled back breathlessly, admiring Zara's kiss stained lips and big glossy eyes, "I have been waiting weeks to do that," Kate confessed, "from the moment I saw you walk into the Avengers compound. I swear my heart started beating in a new pattern around you, that's how nervous you make me and now," she paused, resting their foreheads together. 
"Keep going Katie," she urged, watching her with a patient, loving expression. 
"Now I have you all to myself and I don't know where to start, what to kiss, how to tell you, it's all one big mess."
"How about I start?" Zara offered.
"Please," she whispered against her lips, eyes fluttering closed when Zara pressed her lips to hers tenderly. 
Zara's lips twitched into a smile against hers before she rolled them over on the bed, a huff escaping Kate's lips as her head hit the mattress. She settled atop Kate's lap, fingers dancing up her stomach and chest as widened pupils amidst a sea of blue stared back down at her. 
"I think," she began, pressing a kiss to the exposed skin of Kate's stomach, "you are the most amazing," she continued pressing kisses to every bit of unclothed skin she could find as she made her way up her chest with her lips, her hands following closely.
Electricity shot up through Kate's body and her breaths grew heavier in anticipation. 
"Woman I have ever laid eyes on, Kate Bishop." she declared, leaving a trail of wet kisses up her neck. Her lips hovered at her ear as her thumbs grazed the hem of her sports bra.
"Tell me when to stop, Katie." she whispered, sending a shiver up Kate's spine. 
Kate brought a hand to her neck, urging her to look her way, "Don't stop, please Z." 
They smiled at each other before Zara leaned down her lips grazing Kate's slowly, "I've been waiting for you too, and as grateful as I am that we’re finally in this moment... I would wait forever more if you asked me to." 
Kate brushed her thumb down her neck before taking her lips in hers. They swallowed each other's moans as Zara's hands continued studying her body deepening their kiss. Kate settled her free hand on the back of her thigh squeezing playfully at her taut skin. 
The screech of the door hinge stopped them before Peter's voice sounded through the room, "Food's here guys! OH- oh god I'm so sorry guys I didn't- I should have knocked, I just thought- You did it Kate! Well, not that I mean I don't know right-" 
Both girls turned their heads, a snicker slipping from Zara's lips as Kate squeezed her eyes shut, "Pete!" 
"Sorry, sorry. Leaving now." he rushed, hands up in surrender. 
Their laughs filled the room as the door closed once more. Kate's fingers traced figures absentmindedly at Zara's side as she stared into her eyes, committing every second of this moment between them to memory. 
"We should probably go eat." she said with a playful pout on her lips. 
Zara pulled her bottom lip down with the pad of her thumb and she pressed her forehead against hers, "Fine, but we have unfinished business Bishop, don't leave me hanging." 
Kate smiled and pressed a kiss to her finger, heart hammering against her chest at the thought of everything that was to come between them after today. 
"I wouldn't dream of it, sunshine.” 
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eithneland · 3 months
A mad scientist meets an SCP after kidnapping them from The World Of The Living
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important to read
THIS IS A CROSSOVER between the Scp Foundation world and "Bleach" the anime
this is part two to this scenario (you can read part one here)
Sarita is an original oc that I came up with also they go by they/them because, because :3
I am a fan of Mayuri Kurotsuchi but I'm not good at portraying his character as accurately as I would want to.
I might lose motivation or run out of ideas and the updates might slow down but I will try updating daily.
"My, my... the 'corpse' can talk!" Mayuri proclaims getting closer to Sarita, leening over the surgical table. Meanwhile Sarita is strapped to the surgical table, unable to move. They are also sedaded but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Mayuri takes his cold hand and brushes the 'corpse' 's long black strands of overgrown bangs out of her eyes revealing....brown bloodshot eyes with a yellow tint to them, giving her eyes a more corpse's appearance. The fact that the subject does not blink, only creeps out the other scientists around even more on top of her not breathing yet they are still curious and intrigued.
Mayuri snaps his fingers and some people handcuff Sarita's arms and legs together, untying them from the surgical table. "Safety measures so you don't run away, not that you can, even if you tried" Mayuri says simply, grinning before picking the woman(?) up by the arms and dragging them to an x-ray machine where he somewhat gently puts them and starts the tests.
Hours later Mayuri is convinced the machine is broken since it doesn't detect any heart activity nor any bodily functions. Then he remmebers he an manually check her pulse "Why hadn't I taught of that sooner!" Mayuri thinks as he grabs the 'corpse' 's arms and places his fingers on her wrist....he doesn't fell a pulse...
But he feels mushy and squishy skin that feels like a thin layer of jelly rather than skin. Perhaps the 'corpse' 's rotting was worse that it seemed.
Under the messy hair, the woman(?)'s eyebrows are furrowed at the unknown man running tests on them. The way he moves his fingers, digging them in their skin but not breaking it, gives Sarita a bad feeling about him. "At least it's better than Dr. [REDACTED]...for now..." Sarita thinks, closing their eyes and sort of tuning out the unknown man. They feel drowsy....at The Foundation she could sleep all the time there weren't any tests being made... but now they had to stay awake as they didn't trust the people here.... They slowly close their eyes, feeling drowsy as they had not slept for around five hours... which seemed diabolical to Sarita.
Mayuri's eyes widen as the 'corpse' falls limp in his arms, their body relaxing with a sigh. Mayuri had noticed the 'corpse' wasn't breathing but it had the ability to sigh? "This would be the perfect opportunity to study this subject further. I will find out how you move without a heart and how you're possible." Mayuri grins.
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dandelion-e · 1 year
✨ BrArg Week ♥️🇦🇷🇧🇷✨
Historia de Wattpad: "Una de Mil"
Día 7: Patrón-Empleado
Ellos son: David y Rafael. Mis OCs del Boys Love que estoy escribiendo ambientado en la Bs As de los años 1880 🥺♥️
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Se trata del romance creciente de Rafael, un esclavo brasileño que huyó, hacia David, un estanciero y la persona con quien se topó oportunamente y quien le ayudó genuinamente en un mundo donde él veía casi imposible dejar de sufrir ✨💛
Pronto volveré a actualizar la historia. Muchísimas gracias a quien la leen. Me llenan el corazoncito. 🖤
Y doy por terminada mis colaboraciones de la BrArg Week. Gracias a las organizadoras por las temáticas tan lindas ✨♥️....
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vashwood25 · 3 months
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This is my Oc (own character), his name is Ash, in Wattpad I have a Spanish story, still a work and progress, it's about Guardians and some legends and magic. Ash is the main character. For any Spanish readers if you wanna read my story I would thank you a lot :3. It's cringe LOL
Este es my PP (personaje propio), su nombre es Ash, en Wattpad tengo una historia en español, sigue incompleto, se trata de guardianes, Legends y magia. Ash es el protagonista. Para esos lectores españoles si lo leen, se los agradeceré mucho :3. Da cringe JAJA.
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javisuzumiya02 · 5 months
Llegaste a ver la serie Glitch Techs y cuál es tu personaje favorito?
Que Oc tuyo está en la mayoría de tus mundos?
Que opina Lucenda sobre los brujos que dicen curar, los que leen los horóscopos, el tarot, la mano etc?
Lina es fan de Taylor Swift?
1- Si me gusto pero no la segui viendo porque sabia que la historia ni estaria completa porque la cancelaron. Diria que Miko.
2- Lina diria yo.
3- Quiere hacerles mucho daño.
4- Nop, no es un genero musical que a ella le guste
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kyaruun · 1 year
Buen día, espero hoy sea un día maravilloso para ti ! Prometí que aquí estaría a las 12 de acá y así fue. Qué te puedo decir, tal vez esté lejos pero unas palabritas nunca vienen de más.
Para mí querida Kuu;
Primero que nada, me gustaría agradecerte tu amistad, que aunque no sea tan cercana, es muy valiosa para mí. Eres una persona muy amable y talentosa, conectar contigo fue una experiencia realmente mágica, pues considero que eres una de las pocas personas que comprende cómo me siento y quién soy en realidad. Considero que tienes un gran carisma, eres realmente una persona que irradia esa vibra que hace que uno quiera estar a tu lado, una vibra de confort llena de amabilidad, la que te hace sentir seguridad.
Realmente te admiro mucho, eres increíble, y si bien hace mucho que no te pasas por la comunidad por la que te conocí, tu escritura es algo que siempre voy a llevar en mi corazón. Recuerdo el día en que escribiste esos headcanons de 2wink en el soulmate AU; me cambiaste la vida, no puedo ni siquiera describir la emoción que me hiciste sentir aquella vez, pero puedo decirte que fue la suficiente como para mover mi pecho, y créeme, eso no lo logra cualquiera.
A veces veo tus dificultades y no puedo evitar fruncir el seño, lamento que tengas una vida tan complicada muchas veces, por desgracia es así para todos los seres humanos; pero yo estoy muy segura de que tienes la capacidad de salir adelante, eres increíblemente inteligente y fuerte, y bueno, si algún día necesitas a alguien, siempre estaré apoyándote desde lejitos.
Me habría encantado hacerte algún regalito, de hecho lo tenía planeado, pero por desgracia mis manos no quisieron moverse y tomar mi pluma, por lo que con mucha pesadez vengo con las manos vacías, aún así quiero que sepas que me importas mucho y algún día tal vez te pague el regalo faltante <3
Eres increíble, que jamás olvides eso
Te dejo un izumi de regalo mínimo, feliz cumpleaños de nuevo
Con cariño, Lis
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LIS VOY A LLORAR??? more like estoy llorando un poquito ; v ; veremos si soy capaz de que me salgan las palabras para explicarme un poquito
te dije ya lo mucho que te quiero? creo que sí porque últimamente me repito muchísimo pero. te quiero mucho, de verdad. me siento infinitamente cómoda hablando contigo y eso solo me ocurre con amigos que tengo desde hace muchos años y es algo muy especial y me emociona poder compartirlo contigo ; v ; si no fuese por esa cosa de vivir en la otra esquina del mundo y de que la universidad no me deja ni respirar te juro que estaría hablando contigo 24/7 aaaaa
porque muchas veces en el día me pasa de acordarme de repente de algo (normalmente, la cosa más random del mundo) y pensar en ti jeje por ejemplo últimamente me dio por escuchar mucho stella (la de los fling posse, por supuesto) y cada vez que veo algo de los niños me acuerdo de ti. pero no quiero ser demasiado molesta tampoco, sabes?
mira, aprovechando que aquí me leen cuatro gatos y que español habláis tú y pocas personas más, te voy a ser 100% sincera sobre lo de la escritura. estoy terriblemente frustrada con el fandom. a mí me gusta escribir, especialmente romance. tengo un ejército de ocs, juego otomes en mi tiempo libre y pensar en hcs románticos me da la vida. pero siento, y llevo sintiendo mucho tiempo, que no se valora lo que hago. creo que todos los que creamos contenido pasamos por esta fase en algún momento así que no le quiero dar más importancia de la que merece pero se siente muy... frustrante. es que no hay mejor palabra para ello. dedicarle muchas horas a algo para recibir un puñado de likes y medio comentario me estresa porque no sé si es que mi escritura es mala (dado que últimamente el inglés me falla y sé que no fluye tan bien como lo hace lo que escriben mis mutuals) o es que la migración esta de twt o tiktok no aprendió a rebloguear aún.
sabías que mi post más popular, el de los hcs de amigos de la infancia de knights, tiene como 800 notas de las cuales dos (2) son comentarios? me siento como una biblioteca: todo el mundo lee pero nadie dice nada al respecto. hice un poco de experimento de campo tomándome un hiatus silencioso y no ocurrió nada, así que se confirma mi teoría. además, con todos los blogs nuevos y los antiguos que siguen activos creo que lo que yo hago ya no es necesario y he tenido el dedo en el botón de borrar muchas, muchas veces. porque sé que no ocurriría nada si lo hago. pero al mismo tiempo me digo "si lo que hago puede hace sonreír al menos a una persona, suficiente". a fin de cuentas, muchas de las cosas que publiqué son total y absolutamente escritas para mí. me viene a la cabeza como al menos 2 o 3 cosas que escribí para natsume y los 345345 posts de knights, a quien quiero engañar www
pero como que me siento desconectada de la comunidad? no sé si tiene mucho sentido. es culpa mía por no atreverme a interactuar con nadie y subir posts una vez cada luna azul. quiero hablar con gente y participar en servers y eso pero me pone tan terriblemente nerviosa... a veces también me da rabia porque tengo ideas para escribir (cosas más personales, que sé que no van a tener tanta acogida o incluso cosas para mis ocs que sé que no puedo publicar por el posible backslash)
pero no puedes imaginarte lo que disfruté escribiendo ese post de 2wink dios mío. 0 dudas de que a día de hoy es de mis cosas favoritas del blog, hice una buena investigación hasta que encontré los aus perfectos para los dos. reviví mi fase de 2winkP a tope y les quiero infinito <3 desde que te conozco quiero muchiiiisimo a yuta. con hina ya tenía algo desde que le conocí, porque adoro los personajes que se ven así divertidos y felices pero es todo una excusa para ocultarse y estoy esperando a que mi estado mental mejore un poco para sentarme a leer todas sus historias >< pooor ejemplo, setsubun festival. también le prometí a una amiga que leería requiem, que llevo posponiéndolo años porque no quiero llorar dfgdfg
como me mandaste a ese zumi, te voy a enseñar a mi joyita <3
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mirales que lindos ♪(´▽`) izumi mandándome a la cama a las 9-10 de la mañana hora española <3 mi cuenta del engstars está bien chiquita pero con ese izumi y la oportunidad de leerme al fin la main story completa tengo que empezar a usarla más
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etacarinaecer · 1 year
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lexiklecksi · 11 months
Happy WBW! Do people keep pets in your world? If so, what kind of pets are the most popular? Do any of your OCs have pets?
Thank you @captain-kraken for your WBW ask! So far, there are three pets in my wip:
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Baby dragon Fia
pet of Enya Arati, the dragon girl
Fia: etym. Irish from Fiadh meaning wild
Enya found a baby dragon (allegedly) in dragon eggshells in Drakaina, adopted it as a pet and lovingly named it Fia
Fia is very curious about the surroundings, playful, loyal and brave beyond good means
Fia would attack a larger animal or person if it helps Enya
Black cat Aibhilin
pet of mage Saoirse Dearbháil
Aibhilin: etym. Gaelic meaning wished-for or longed-for child; pronounced ave-leen
Saoirse saves a black cat from a town where the villagers are superstitious and think black cats mean bad luck'
Saoirse names the black cat Aibhilin because to her, the cat is like her child (even though she never wants to have children)
Secretly, Saoirse enjoys that others are afraid of her black cat; sometimes, she wonders if her black cat is a demon trapped in the form of a cat
Dachshund Waldi
pet of Erwin Dinkelmoser the Mayor of Trevena
Waldi: nickname of Waldemar, etym. Old German/ Germanic meaning famous ruler
Erwin bought a dachshund as a puppy from a dog breeder as a hunting companion (dachshunds were bred to help hunting foxes; they are tiny to get inside a fox den)
After Erwin became Mayor, he didn't have as much free time to go hunting with his buddies and his dachshund Waldi spends more time in the Mayor's office, where he sleeps in a corner
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