#like a part of me is terrified of attention LOL but also most ppl have been cool so its been fun
avocadoraisin · 30 days
i need u to know when reading that werepire comic i Gulped Audibly at the first panel of fangs like... i am only one man i can only be so gay (ur work is amazing pls keep it up xoxo)
hehee oooh they wanna kill each other so bad but know they cant because theyre both known figures & it would cause a stir in the investigation oooooohoho
guess theyll have to kiss each other about it instead oohoho
(thank you so much!! ;w;)
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thevalleyoftriumph · 2 years
I would love to see your sillies :D (madcom ocs)
OK SOOOO. FIRST OC. their ref iz a little old n messy buuut
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here iz creature! theyre a project nexus oc based around arena mode! their origin iz offering, obvi, but my personal lore for them iz so . Out There.
so basically.. creature iznt the person who got offered up. creature iz the entity POSSESSING the body. creature iz originally a weird little facet of auditor themself, a piece of their powerz and body plucked off and given life. given the fact that they were only a small part of auditor, it couldnt leave the other place, but had a strong desire to do so.
when the ppl sacrificed the host body, it saw thiz az an opportunity and quickly took hold, possessing the body az the old host died. briefly they actually got to speak due to thiz!
herez a lil image i did recently of creature and their host separate
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due to being literally just.. a part of the auditor, creature haz a few similaritiez to them!
however, thiz odez not make them like the auditor exactly. in fact, due to the fact that taking root in a body with preexisting memoriez passed the memoriez onto them [memoriez of dying, of the role the employerz played in it, etc] it gained a fear of the auditor. itz terrified of them coming back to take them away, to return it to the rest of their powerz, effectively killing them.
creature iz relatively close to the SQ boyz. theyre pretty attached to 2b, and are very fond of sanford and deimos. theyre also often seen with skinner, who haz to often change their bandagez when 2b iznt able to.
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creature haz a strong disliking towardz hank, and steerz clear when possible. im not exactly sure WHEN arena mode takez place in the project nexus timeline, but if it takez place after story mode, then creature would be less.. afraid, and more just pissed off. by the time theyd learn abt hank they would already be close to the otherz, so theyd see him turning on them az a sort of. punishable offense.
oh, uh! and bcoz theyre possessing a corpse, their hair never growz anymore, and they cant heal very well! their time iz Incredibly limited.
back when i first cut my hair, i actually did a little comic for creature asking for the same thing! so herez that, itz kinda old lol :] i have yet to draw them w short hair lol
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anywayz, so thatz creature !!!! i love them very much, feel free to ask me about them <3
next up iz my most recent oc, felix!! hez just a normal madcom oc lol
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now i know what ur thinking. "oh austin, soldatz dont get demoted! they just die!" and to that i say fuck u i make the rulez
anywayz. what his deal iz basically, he joined the aahw early on in itz creation. he waz around when everything waz Normal, and waz scared and stressed about everything, and waz very desperate for something Normal. the auditor promised him that if he joined them, theyd offer protection in return for servicez. they also promised that the agency would eventually return the world to normal, which sealed the deal for felix
obviously he started az just a normal grunt, but climbed the rankz pretty quickly. not even due to any skillz, just simply because he waz weirdly optimistic. he managed to boost the morale of most gruntz or agentz he worked with, which - due to it boosting general efficiency - caught the auditorz attention. their logic, in making him a soldat, waz that hed be able to spread 'good morale' to more important groupz, and be able to up their efficiency.
he usually worked with a group of agentz and engineerz, but would often get sent to work with the mag agentz! hez really close to torture specifically, and likez just rambling around him.
aside from being good morale, felix was also a good shot! waz real good w longer distance gunz n stuff, lookout too sometimez. unfortunately, thiz often got him stationed at high risk areaz, which led to his group eventually being absolutely decimated by hank. he waz literally the only survivor, and it waz by pure luck.
hank had actually like.. ripped out his little. eye thing. which waz Surgically Attached. so that waznt really fun! felix tried putting it back in but had messed up, making it kinda permanently lopsided.
auditor had initially debated finishing him off when they came to check out the damagez, but decided to keep him around and heal him up for future use. he waz stationed to stay ONLY with the magz, due to his relation with torture . it waz basically so that he could keep an eye on them and help them redirect their frustrationz before any massacrez could happen lol.
eventually though, he became paranoid of sticking around. he didnt show it outwardly, and haz a habit of bottling his emotionz, but he waz terrified that any day would be his last, that auditor would have finally found a replacement for him and kill him off - soldatz dont get demoted, after all. they just die.
he payz attention to the people who get caught dissenting, he takez a note out of 2bz book, and now he planz in secret to escape one day. he doez a pretty good job of keeping it under wrapz, but he planz to ask torture to come with him when he leavez! he wouldnt forgive himself if he left torture to stay. :]
herez a doodle page i did <3
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yes. i like the thought of felix and torture being a lil more than friendz. partnerz, perhapz. dont yell at me im living vicariously thru felix [i really like torture hez neat to me]
OH and deimos and sanford dont really like felix. hez a soldat, not an engineer, but that doeznt really change the fact that his coworkerz killed deimos at some point. so theyre very cautious around him.
hank just wantz to finish what he started.
ANYWAYZ !!!!! thoze are my little guyz <333 i wanna make more ocz in the future but for now... i am content with two little guyz
FEEL FREE 2 ASK ME QUESTIONZ !!!! I LOOVE LOVE LOVE TALKING ABT MY LITTLE GUYZ theyre so scrimbly bimbly to me. the mipy, if you will.
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gibbearish · 5 days
just took your uquiz lol! about being trans! what do you think it could mean if I wanted to be a guy but didn’t really mind being who i am? it’s not even any guy, it’s like specific guys (like actors,. I don’t know). Sometimes people say they’d rather be an ugly guy than a good looking woman, and I couldn’t relate less. Part of the reason I’m so scared about this (and it’s a big part) is that I’m just so terrified of being ugly. I’m finally conventionally attractive after years of trying to be, and now I’m scared I won’t be anymore. I’m wondering if maybe the first time i thought i was trans i went about it the wrong way (i was obsessed w masculinity, cut my hair, things like that). And is it even worth it doing anything about it if I’m not dysphoric? I’m also very scared about the finding someone to love me and also losing all my friends and family thing (100% will happen). This whole maybe not ever finding a guy to love me thing is really bothering me, too. You can ignore this I’m just venting a lot. Sorry.
hey friend! i think it could help out a lot if you looked into the idea of gender euphoria. the quick description essentially is the opposite of dysphoria, where rather than "being x makes me feel bad," its "being x makes me feel good". there's been a lot of discourse about this over the years and you will still find people out there who will be shitty, but as someone with dysphoria, i have always fallen firmly on the "you do not need dysphoria to be trans" side of things. i believe that if it makes you happy to be a specific way, you shouldnt have to hate being the way you are to be allowed to pursue that. i dont have to turn down a cheesecake just because i don't hate poundcake, suffering is not a requirement to get to the things that make you happy.
i will also say, to me it does sound like a lot of this struggle is based around your ideals irt attractiveness, and while that is very human, it sounds like you also know that your relationship with that is somewhat unhealthy? like, yes, people by and large want others to think they look nice, but that shouldnt come between you loving the body you're in. there are billions of people with billions of opinions and you will never be able to satisfy all of them, and if you try then all those opinions pulling in different directions will draw and quarter you lol. so to me it sounds a bit like itll be hard for you to really unravel your thoughts irt your gender until you're able to work through those hangups around attractiveness? or even that these may be something youll have to unravel in tandem
something that might help start that is next time youre feeling unattractive, rather than pulling away from that feeling or changing something about your look or wallowing in it, take some time to sit with it as a friend. ask it what's so scary about being unattractive. is it societal pressure telling you Girls Have To Be Pretty? is it your parents picking apart your appearance often? is it your friends treating you poorly because of your looks? figure out what it is that has created the unattractive=bad association in your mind, find who has been punishing you (literally or metaphorically) for looking "bad", and ask if you actually did anything wrong that deserves punishment by simply existing on your default settings, or if perhaps it wasnt actually about you at all, and was just about those peoples insecurities. when you pay attention, you start to notice that 99% of the time, attacks against others are defensiveness, they are insecure about something and something you did or said reminded them of it, so now they feel uncomfortable and want it to stop, and the way you do that is either investigate why, or take it out on someone else. and investigating why feels bad and takes a lot of time, so, yknow. path of least resistance, most people will lash out. and that does suck, but in my experience, realizing that made it a thousand times easier to not worry abt other ppls opinions' anywhere near as much. the way that i look is the way that /i/ like, not how society does, because im the one that has to live with me 24/7. society can deal with the horrific terrible burden of seeing me getting gas looking like a 1 occasionally, bc like literally how does that effect them yknow? theyre not harmed in any way by me existing and not looking how they want me to, and it would be weird for them to expect that of me because I Didnt Know They Existed Before Now so how could i possibly dress for them? and why would i?
(that can help w insecurities too ime is like. imagine someone else saying those things to you, would you think theyre an asshole and tell them to fuck off? if yes, you have permission to tell your brain the same thing)
as far as finding someone to love you, i definitely feel that fear but 1000% you have nothing to worry about. the adult queer scene is bursting to the seams with people who will want whatever it is that youre bringing to the table like a man lost in the desert for fifty years being offered a crisp mcdonalds sprite. "but what about-" yes that too. like, enough that they had to make a word specifically for cis people who Really Really Want To Date Trans People A Creepy Amount to distinguish between them and respectful ppl. i promise your dating pool is not small, you're just still in school and/or a small town and dont have access to them yet. give it time, you have decades ahead of you
as far as family and friends, honestly, yeah, you might lose them, im not gonna sugar coat that. and that sucks . so much. and i can tell you theres more people out there to befriend and that you can build a new family but id bet thatd hit about as well as it hits for me. bc truth is that yeah, you can make a new family, but that just isn't the same. there will still be a little hole in your heart reserved for the accepting and loving family and friends you deserved. and i cant really offer any advice on making that go away if thats how it turns out bc its still there for me.
but i also gotta say? the hole is a lot easier to deal with than the knife that put it there. theres still a painful spot but at least im not still actively being hurt More by them. so like im trying very hard not to just say "fuck em who needs em" here bc i know its not that easy and for a lot of people that isn't the right answer anyways, but yknow. thats what i did and im doing better, and at the end of the day i can really only speak from my own experience. either way, just know that there are in fact people out there who will accept and love you regardless of who you are or how you look, and in fact will encourage you to do things that make you look "worse" by society's standards if it makes you happy.
anyways. i hope that wasnt too depresso there, i think ill finish this off by addressing "is it even worth doing anything about it if im not dysphoric?": imo, yes, absolutely. there are parts of me that i wasnt dysphoric about before starting t that now make me ridiculously happy. i never knew i wanted chest hair and yet now i sometimes just sit here staring at it like "!!!!!!". you deserve a body that makes you happy. not a body that makes the people around you happy, not a body you can tolerate, a body that makes YOU happy. you could probably tolerate living in a featureless square apartment with all the bare essentials and 0 decorations if it was cheap, but would it make you happy? personally, i think you deserve to put up posters even if the world thinks theyd look dumb.
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northern-passage · 3 years
hello i hope you are having a good day/night was wanting to ask if you did write any other games before this one or did you publish stories or something,,, i am trying to work on an IF but this is my first time and i do write but i have never published anything i also usually get bored fast and just yeah your story is so so good and you put a lot of effort and work into it just wondering if you have any tips or advice like the thought of publishing something is terrifying and i don’t know if i can do it i just don’t have faith in myself
i have not published anything before this!!!
i worked as an editor in college for our creative writing club/group and do technically have credit for that as we did publish an anthology together but i never submitted anything myself to be published, i just helped behind the scenes.
ive always done a bit of writing here and there for myself, and have had story ideas brewing in my mind but nothing i’ve ever gone out and finished or anything. kinda just writing for myself before this. technically i’ve always been much more of a reader than a writer.....
and like. i worked on the tnp prologue for...hmm.....maybe a month before i published it on the forums? part of that was simply mental illness x LOL i got fixated and it wasn’t healthy and i also already had a lot of the story beforehand because it was going to be a dnd campaign... but that’s not the point. i wrote the prologue and was kinda just sitting with it before biting the bullet and posting it. and i didnt really read a lot of interactive fiction before this last summer. i just happened to follow an artist that was into it and that was how i got introduced to everything and realized it was something i could just do!!! and that it would be a cool way to share a story and get feedback
i published my demo in august and like...whew if u read the first version of the prologue u get a veteran’s discount. it wasn’t BAD but it needed a lot of work. it sucks getting criticisms and that’s definitely...a big thing to get over in the beginning. the mortifying ordeal of sharing ur writing. but it’s helped me A Lot and tnp is only as good as it is because i decided to share it and subject myself to the mortifying ordeal lmao
also getting bored is something that happens! it just does. all creatives get bored with their work sometimes or just move on but it doesnt make u any less of a writer or artist or anything. there’s that one tiktok by ghosthoney....taking a break even if it’s for years doesnt take away from the fact that you’re a creator.
my biggest tips are just. first things first you just gotta go for it. just start writing, even if you don’t publish it. don’t feel like you NEED to publish stuff, especially if you’re not ready, and never feel like you need to ‘rush’ or anything. you have all the time in the world to write at ur own pace. and while i can’t promise u that one day you’ll wake up and just be like “i’m ready” a la spongebob...there will definitely come a day where u just make that jump. that’s what i did
second is try not to compare urself to others too much, especially when it comes to like...numbers? so like word counts, followers, updates, etc. like everyone writes at their own pace and some ppl are fast as hell whereas others take a lot longer and it’s just something that is personal. don’t compare the attention someone else might get to what you get - some ppl just have more vocal audiences than others and it doesnt mean ur any less appreciated. also being on the internet be sure to set ur own boundaries, what ur comfortable with, etc. 
and again...publishing stuff does take courage and you gotta be ready for feedback. some of it will be genuinely helpful...some of it will not. and especially with IF, people might try and pressure you to make things a certain way. that was one thing i wasn’t really expecting? and sometimes as i said suggestions are actually helpful, because you really can’t think of everything on your own and another set of eyes helps round out choices, but there are also some that want things to go in a completely different direction and you got to make sure it’s actually something YOU want, something that fits the story, and not just something you’re doing to please readers.
the tone and setting of tnp and the fact that i have a bit of a more defined mc makes some of the suggestions i get just....not good LOL and you just got be ready to filter that kind of feedback
and with writing to publish, keep in mind that people’s tastes are unpredictable. you can almost never guess how people will react or what they will like, and something not being immediately popular doesn't mean it's bad or you should change the way you're writing, though you will want to keep ur audience in mind. and as for your audience, you may not attract the people you expect, and there’s really no way to control that - but again setting your own boundaries is most important, first and foremost.
posting stuff publicly is really just a wild card. there’s no one universal experience - it’s unpredictable, it’s scary, it’s hard, but it can also be really really rewarding
i also will say i got lucky that about a month and half? maybe? after i published my demo i joined an authors server that has been a HUGE help. i could totally hit u with that if you’re interested!! having a group of authors to talk to that “get it” is very nice. definitely try to interact with and follow other authors you like - in my experience they almost are always down to answer questions and offer help :-)
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Izzy and alec sibs headcanon if you have any and have an amazing day
no anon, YOU have an amazing day! dxuhaisdha
ok idk about headcanons because i think it's more that i appreciate their relationship in canon than that i have headcanons? like i said a few asks ago though there is a lot more id like to see explored in their relationship, particularly them figuring out their miscommunications and acting-in-the-name-of-each-other issues
so yeah i like to think that they eventually have a talk about that? even if it's like a few years later that it finally comes up. because while i think izzy kind of realized how much alec was shielding him from the lightwood's expectations i don't think alec ever figured out that izzy kept trying to rebel so alec could see that he could, too, and how she just wanted him to accept himself, basically
so it would be nice to see this talk happening and these things actually being said and the both of them realizing that if they had just communicated and worked together the whole time instead of assuming what the other needed and trying to take these stereotypical roles for them they would have probably gotten somewhere a lot faster and hurt each other a lot less lol. also like, alec really has to learn how to work with the people he loves instead of in their name, so i think he’d benefit a lot from this talk
other than that uhhh
i think part of the reason izzy misunderstood alec's struggle with coming out so much (i.e. thinking that he was in denial) was because she was projecting, lol. and when like after years and years izzy realized that all her comments about girls and her lowkey over-the-top investment in alec's love life/having alec accept himself were really not as straight as she thought, she is like. ah shit. so I was the one in denial the whole time? and alec just smiles and pats her shoulders like "glad you caught up, iz"
she never hears the end of it. The Revenge Of Alec. literally getting on her ass all damn day throwing in jokes about accepting herself and "being open" and all and she's like "OKAY alec i get it i'm sorry!!"
in all seriousness though, i like to think that they actually talked about all the s1 shit. kinda similar to that other talk about acting in the name of each other (honestly i think it's hard to talk about one without talking about the other) and izzy saying that she thought alec was a denial case and alec saying that he felt like izzy was trying to force him to come out when he COULDN'T and it made him feel kind of terrified. and izzy apologizing for making him feel like that, you know?
alec eventually starts going with her to her narcotics anonymous meetings. not all the time ofc because izzy needs to be able to have her own space where she can talk without the presence of anyone she knows, but sometimes. so alec can get educated and on days when it's particularly hard for her. having the support of her big brother always helps
for so long izzy was the only source of like... actual good touch and warmth and just affection, you know? and i think they are very tactile. we did get to see some of that in the show (name ONE other person alec has hugged. other than magnus who is his literal boyfriend/husband, and even then i think they might have hugged less than alec and izzy did) but i think they are actually even more tactile when there are no eyes on them. izzy comes visit alec in the loft and magnus goes to the living room to find alec and izzy full on spooning, alec carressing izzy's hair like it's the most normal thing in the world
they are used to having to stop when other ppl come, particulalrly family, tho (remember when maryse caught izzy and max playing and acted like it was a crime?) so like they are a little jumpy. but with parents who denied them affection (or had it be conditional to them doing shit they wanted, in alec's case) and sh's gross no-touching culture, they needed each other for that and they always could get comfort in each other
i mentioned max and i just ugh i loved izzy so much in her scenes with him and i think alec would be so proud of what a good big sister she is?? and she's like "i'm just trying to be like you" and he's like "shut up" but pulls her into a hug
not really a headcanon but we overlook the fact that with their height difference alec can rest his chin on the top of her head (if she's in heels LMAOOOO)?????? like dude. dude. D U EDE
part of the reason izzy wears heels all the time is because she just can't stand her and alec's height difference. WHY did he hoard all the tall??? it's humiliating enough when she's in heels but without heels she's like hitting his navel or some shit and she will NOT! PUT UP! WITH THIS! so she wears heels all the time and if she could she would walk around in those giant wooden sticks clowns use sometimes, you know the ones
every once in a while izzy gets back on her Teaching Alec How To Dance project and every time it is a nightmare
the +1 is when alec asks her for help to teach him how to dance for his wedding. please iz for the love of god no crazy stuff we're not gonna salsa just teach me how not to step on his feet all the time
when she stops trying to make the impossible happen she's actually a pretty good teacher
alec has a lot more fun with it than he lets on
alec's never paid a lot of attention to izzy's flings cuz they're, you know... flings for the most part, but when she starts to actually date (polycule? polycule) he becomes insufferably protective. ESPECIALLY when it comes to clary
*sits clary down for a lesson called "how to care about people other than yourself: a simple guide to not being a selfish bitch with my sister". it features a slideshow. with animation*
once izzy officially comes out as bi it's pretty hard and emotional for her and alec hugs her and she's all "i couldn't have done it without you. thank you for being so strong" and aaaaa
they used to wrestle a lot when they were kids and izzy would kick his ass every time
ok i think that's all i've got for now but hhhh there is plenty of other stuff tbh i just no thoughts head empty
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thedispatched · 3 years
Idk why on the laptop there’s a character limit but not the phone 😒 it’s so much easier on the laptop but I will make this work.
But I’m on Twitter and this popped up from someone I followed about the fanbar closing and what was wrong with it. I don't read Chinese unfortunately because I was terrible at studying lol so I cannot say that the translation is 100% correct but I feel like the gist of it is understood.
https:// twitter. com/miki19100263/status/1432177919275589634
I put some spaces between the link cause Idk how Tumblr accepts them. Again if ppl really want the truth and for this shit to make sense I feel like they can look at ALL information including this and just not the really loud blogs or posts that seem to have labeled guilty because from what I see those are the ones getting the most attention and traction. And again if people are so quick to believe everything that is said maybe you can believe this too.
I read from somewhere a long while ten would get some comments but not to the amount lucas gets. My brain is fried. But I liked that ten and yy got to be on yuri’s cooking show. I know she’s from the same company but the interactions were cute and you could see how shy and starstruck they were lol like hey they can interact with ppl outside the nct circle. a part of me also feels like because they aren’t Korean it might be idk a bit harder for booking them on more Korean programming. You can correct me! Off the top of my head I can think of yuqi who is Chinese doing this series in korea last year/this year but she was also casted on KR so idk if that played a role.
I echo the choosing sides without knowing everything. the hardest part is that if someone doubts any parts of the victim you are immediately labeled an asshole and called out for the reasons victims don’t come forward because no one believes them. Everyone just keeps repeating victims are important and that they rather believe a victim instead of accidentally defend a potential sa/r-pist because it’s damaging to the victim and their mental health. But do these people ever think too about what if he really didn’t do this yet everyone is calling him to be removed and condemning him for sa. That shit is dangerous on someone’s life! And then it’s yeah of course you don’t believe the victim because of this person that’s being accused. No, just stop. Do people understand how terrible it is to be accused of something and found guilty without all the facts? I’m not just picking whoever is guilty or not. I just want all the information! I’m not defending him and I’m not saying who is guilty or innocent but what the mass of people on social media becoming a terrifying mob is going about this is stupid and all wrong because I’m seeing too much excitement and laughter from some people which is disturbing.
I went off . that first sentence you typed set me off
if anyone wants to read the tweet anon linked
first, if i came off as someone who believes he's guilty, i apologize as that wasn't my intention. the original post i made wasn't reflecting my opinion, just stuff i found talking about how c-ent works, what's going on on weibo, and all that.
i, personally, just want information before blindly "choosing" a side and am open to whatever information anyone can provide. i have seen lots of my faves get their lives ruin by false rumors and i hate for it to happen to more people.
but like i said before, based on all the info i've seen on how c-ent works, it'd be hard for him to come back even if he is innocent. (also genuinely curious as to how you can even prove you’re innocent in situations like these as it'd be pretty tough).
sm does need to say something though as leaving this open ended will not do them any favors, staying silent is escalating the situation, and people remember things for a long time.
second, thank you for the information regarding lucas bar. i'm going to say that if this is true (as we don't know if any proof/info is true), i wouldn't be entirely surprised as i've seen similar things happen before. i feel really sorry for lucas if his cbar was that way and i hope if a new cbar comes out their intentions are for him and not themselves. (i'll make an edit and link the tweet in my post)
third, honestly i never understood how some kpop stans can say 'support the victim' but the moment it's about their faves they think the victims are lying. kpop stans can be so hypocritical it's sickening.
and yes, i do worry about this could be affecting him. people need to be more careful on what they say and do as we don't know what's true and what isn't. (some people also need to be respectful to each other. the shit i see on twt is....)
a large portion on stan twitter in general is mob mentality/jumping on bandwagon hate and it's one of the reasons why i hate it there. especially those who know nothing about the situation but insist on opening their mouths 😐
fourth, ten and yy on yuri's cooking show was so cute 🥺i really wanna see them (wayv) on more stuff and interact with people outside of nct. i'm excited to see that on we became a family.
i, personally do think because they aren't korean it would be harder to get them booked on k-shows. i feel like foreigners mostly get on when it fits the concept or if the company pushes it. i say that based on all the variety shows i watched.
the person i got the lucas getting casted on keep running from said yuqi too so i assume she was recommended by sk producers as well but i'm not familiar with her so i can't say for sure.
i hope i addressed everything~
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unironicduncanstan · 3 years
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@alenoah and @icedancerhell did this and ik im definitely going to be cancelled for my taste but explanations below
prince of egypt: oh my gfucking god . bro the music. the ANIMATION. the story too like obviously its based on a religious tale but i mean the way its portrayed and interpreted and how it all comes across was so on point. and did i mention THE FUCKGIN MUSIC dude i would try to sing every song when i was a kid and i think attempting that literally improved my range growing up
shrek: ok when ur a kid literally all u want is to feel mature and cool. shrek was that in an hour and 30 minutes. all the adult humor. and even the shit that would fly over your head somehow still always registered as so funny. every line is burned into my brain bc i watched it so much it was so fuckgin funny and entertaining and the storyline was so depthful and important. shrek for president
sinbad: oh yeah he makes me wanna sin. Bad
rise of the guardians: oooohhg the plot was so cool and intriguing,,, the designs were so unique,,,, also i actually used to. cosplay jack frost when i was a teen osfkjskjfhksdjf i might have like One picture around here somewhere,
over the hedge: every character is perfectly designed and perfectly voiced and the humor was so good. me at like 8 years old watching hammy the squirrel drink coffee and frolic around in a slowed down world was the peak of comedy
madagascar: its just such a classic. another movie where every line is burned into my cerebellum bc i had it on dvd. id say out of this whole list this close to number one. idk where to even begin with how stupidly hilarious it was to me
httyd: lbr who didnt just do a full [lisa simpson face] when you got to the end and hiccup had lost part of a leg. the whole movie had this aura that it was like not tethered down somehow while still being great family friendly media. also im ace sexual and UHH big dragon
antz: unironically i think it deserves so much more than it gets. the anti war messages are great the designs are cool and it goes back into the shrek maturity territory where they get to say CUSS WORDS. p much my only qualm is that woody allen had to be there 😔😔😔  
shark tale: ok dont cancel me but i really love the plot actually. i mostly love the mafia shark boy that dresses as a dolphin but even the will smith fish crash-and-burn fame hubris thing while annoying at times was rly intriguing. and the designs are the kind of thing that as a kid i loved but as an adult i do. struggle , w ith, a bit, but overall funny and entertaining story
el dorado: the music slaps so fuckgin hard thats another example of me tryna sing cartoon music to an embarrassing degree. also the Colorse . the designs . and the humor osjfsjdf the only downside is just a personal vibe bc the best friend conflict storylines make me anxious sometimes lol
flushed away: oh my god dont at me. some of the characters are so fuckgin annoying and some of the humor is just so much but i rly did like the worldbuilding and storyline. stupid posh ass rat was rly cool actually. also yet another mafia/gang violence plot in childrens media why is that so funny when ur a kid god
spirit: GREAT MUSIC GREAT STORY! i think the way the story goes like, its Better to be told with regular horses and narration rather than talking horses,,,, but my dumb whimsical child ass just didnt latch onto that style as much as the talking animal movies
shrek 2: rly good tbh all the new characters introduced are interesting and entertaining to watch, but i mostly remember it for i need a hero and human shrek. didnt rly hit the same mark as the first :/
httyd 2: another great movie with another great twist but it almost felt like too much at once for my little brain to handle. overloaded me with gay emotion 
megamind: i love everything it stands for i just never saw it until like a year ago so its not that dear to my heart
kung fu panda: not my style of humor, i saw it once and can hardly remember it but i feel like the plot was wholesome and cute
the croods: so funny and good, ive seen it many times actually. but some of the humor just isnt my thing (its, well, crude, which also took me like 5 yrs to get that joke,)
bee movie: was pleasantly surprised the first time i watched it??? it was pretty good and it did kinda make fun of itself so idk why its so cringe to ppl. barry b benson entertained me unironically
chicken run: i saw it once when i was very young and it just didnt resonate with me also claymation most of my childhood terrified me
wallace and gromit: same as chicken run
entire never saw it tier: dotn hate me i just dont have a lot of time on my hands. i know i will be oppressed into watching peabody and sherman within the week and i accept the charges
monsters vs. aliens: someone got it for me on dvd and i hated it so much. its not even that bad its just a me thing like for some reason the part where the lady becomes a giant during her wedding or w/e was just like. the worst nightmare i could imagine i hated it and it made me scared to get married bc i thought that could happen to me. also none of the main cast is charming to me one of thems a bug and i have a bug phobia so i could never rly get thru it im sorry but i coudltn do it
madagascar 2: alex backstory was kinda good but the rest was forgettable for me
madagascar 3: visually kinda cool but. :/// felt really off compared to the previous movies, like an obvious cash grab. i mean who could forget the constant polka dot afro circus song advertisements
shrek 3: again mostly just remember it for the frog dad dying ,,,
shrek 4: i only saw it like 5 months ago for the first time. fiona being a warrior in an alternate timeline or w/e (if that was real and not a fever dream) was the only semi tolerable part for me
penguins of madagascar: the first few minutes with them as babies was cute the rest i physically could not keep my attention on. i dont remember anything else im sorry
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thelastofgala · 4 years
I started The Last of Us, Pt. 2 last night, and here are my first impressions, musings on parallelism, Naturalism, Ellie’s characterization, Joel’s characterization, the “presence” of Riley, gameplay, story development, and more:
Starting with Joel. I always imagined The Last of Us 2 would begin at the end of Joel’s journey, though I will say that I did not expect to pick up so close to the end of the first game. I thought they would start us somewhere COMPLETELY out of context. Like I was prepared for much deeper flashback. In this way, I really felt like I was playing a sequel, which is not a bad thing. I just had no idea how they were going to frame this. The compelling thing about starting with Joel is that it immediately sets up parallels between Joel and Sarah, the character we start with in The Last of Us. There’s no way this was not a pointed decision. Just like it was with Sarah, Joel is our point of reference in a new, strange world. His point of view in this new world is all that we know. We don’t know what the new special world contains, and we don’t know grown-up Ellie at all. Plus, old fans will have missed him. It is a comfort to be Joel, and like a daughter protected by her father, a false and short-lived comfort. We are also now thinking of Joel as, like Sarah, someone who is in danger, whose agency is compromised, who, for whatever reason, is weakened this time around, and who may not survive the story. 
I will say, too, that I really loved that after the 4-years-later cut, Joel is held off-screen. He and Tommy are out on a patrol. They are out there, in danger, and that sort of restraint is really effective. We are ALWAYS looking for Joel, just like we were in the run-up to the release, because he is the only person we truly know in this strange, new world. ND knows and takes advantage of this.
There are many parallels between Joel and Riley. Both Joel and Riley sneak up on Ellie during their first interaction. They’re even wearing similar colors. Both Joel and Riley lied to Ellie in the previous story, and both betrayed her as an act of self-preservation. In Left Behind, Ellie is somewhat chilly toward Riley in the beginning, even as her younger, more optimistic self, just as Ellie is chilly toward Joel in the beginning of The Last of Us 2. Still, you can tell through Ellie’s dialogue with Dina that she and Joel are knitted together—he defended her against the bigoted bartender, and she appreciates this even if she doesn’t outright say it. They share taste in movies and have plans to watch a movie together soon. I haven’t interacted with Joel in the current timeline, but I do know that in Left Behind, Riley has to earn back Ellie’s trust and take measures to reenter her good graces, and that this is a large part of their relationship arc. I also know that, by the time they reconcile, it proves to be too late. The world will not let them have what they want, and nothing is simple. All of these parallels worry me a lot, as Left Behind, while still driven by a strong undercurrent of love (it is a love story, interwoven with Ellie’s desperate search for medical supplies in a bid to save Joel’s life), is a much bleaker, sadder story than The Last of Us, and it has a tragic ending.
Joel's conversation with Tommy feels important. I was very glad to hear Tommy say that he would have made the same choice, in terms of saving Ellie or letting her die for the possibility of a cure. It shows that Tommy is more like Joel than perhaps we knew. Plus, Maria will have taught him something about love and commitment, as the notion of saving the one you love above all else should make more sense to him now that he has foregone the youthful idealism of the Fireflies in order to focus on the practical wisdom of family. As a parent, I understand Joel’s decision to save Ellie at the end of The Last of Us and know I would have done the same. I also understand why Joel lied, even though I think it was the wrong choice. Hearing him confide all of this in Tommy was cathartic. It was also very characteristic of Joel to respond that Ellie “didn’t say nothing otherwise” when Tommy asks if she believed him. In all of his denial, Joel chooses to believe what is conveniently in front of him, even if he knows it’s untrue. Also, I couldn’t tell, but was that a Firefly logo on that guitar he’s shining up? Maybe I hallucinated that. But if it is, I do wonder where he got it.
Ellie’s character is much more deadpan and ruminative in young adulthood. She seems tired, and a little lacking in self-esteem and sort of immediately defeated by what happened during the experience with Joel. When Joel sang, we could see her return to that place, just a glimmer, and her response—that it “didn’t suck”—shows how she still shields her heart with sarcasm, something Dina points out to her later on (“Did I ruin your punchline?”). Joel has been broken down by the events of The Last of Us and now bears his soul to her with his music, unabashed and dedicated to her, and Ellie is now the stoic one, unshakable, sealed inside a heavy, protective armor that seems impossible to pierce. I look forward to getting to know Ellie as a young adult and, ultimately, crying a lot. She is artistic and honest and still a little soft underneath. You can tell by her early interactions with Dina especially that she can still blush, and she can still come undone.
I love the snowball fight lol. I am always so frustrated when these big environment games, like Red Dead 2, Dragon Age, etc., don’t have any kids running around. Why don’t these stories pay attention to kids? Kids exist. They are an important part of almost any open world or quasi open world environment. I love the presence of kids in The Last of Us 2, because the loss of childhood innocence is an important theme for Ellie as a character. It’s also clear we’re trying to set up the edenic innocence of Jackson. It is childhood, in a way, and just like childhood, it will come to inevitable corruption. The scene, too, reminded me of Ellie and Riley on their teen dream adventure, romping through the Halloween store at the mall, trying on masks and talking to the magic eight ball.
I’m really pleased by all the parallels with Left Behind and Ellie’s portion of the journey in The Last of Us. Winter was her season, and that’s where we’re starting now. The horseback riding, the blizzard, and all the blood in the snow bring flashbacks of Ellie hunting on the woods, Ellie alone in the frozen mall, David, and the Lakeside Resort, all of which layer the current moment with a lot of emotional tension for the player.
The opening is, I think, sprawling. I’m having fun but there’s this sense that I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the story. Like Joel in the first game, Ellie is also big-timing me a little and I feel far away from her. I know this will change soon, and I’ll warm up to her, but for now, like Joel, we’re all being held at arm’s length. I actually like the POV shifts we’ve gotten so far and the multiple POVs is something I predicted a while ago, based on ND’s tendencies in the first game. Ppl are going to give The Last of Us 2 shit for being too cinematic but tbh it sometimes feels more like a playable novel than a traditional video game. We’re on a cable car headed straight into disaster and there’s nothing we can do. In this way the game is using the medium itself to perpetuate its Naturalistic themes. We play and we play, and we fight and we fight, but the environment entertains no interest in our struggle and the outcome will always be the same. There is no free will in The Last of Us.
On that note, the gameplay so far is, I think, pretty fun. I have played a lot of stealth games and am always looking for ways the genre is reinventing itself. Like Sekiro and Tomb Raider, The Last of Us 2 is increasing the verticality of the map with rope climbing and scaling up obstacles (though I do miss using Joel’s immense upper body strength to move those dumpsters around lol). In a stealth game I want creativity and problem solving to be central to the gameplay. I don’t want to be magically handed tools and weapons on a constant basis, to meet every individual need. I want to be forced into resourcefulness, and I don’t want to enter a shoot-out unless I absolutely have to. That said, I’m nearly to the tower checkpoint with Dina, and I’ve only fired my gun twice. The dodge/melee mechanic is neat, but more than anything, having real, actionable help from an AI enables stealth kills even in zones crawling with enemies. On that note, I am playing with a headset, and I’m glad I am, because I find the sounds of the goddam clickers to be all-encompassing this time around and a LOT bigger and scarier than they were in The Last of Us. Holy shit. They’re absolutely terrifying. I can only imagine the horror to come lol.
Now, finally, Abby: I don’t have much to offer on this yet. Abby is not who I thought she’d be. I’ll just say it. Still, the melee battle with her and the runners in the woods was AWESOME. For me, the most fun I’ve had yet, because it was completely different than anything from The Last of Us. Playing her, however, I will say, filled me with foreboding. I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want to help her. She seems beyond desperate and while deeply sympathetic, she is a new character and her loyalties are not mine...so far. I could be very wrong, and please don’t correct me if I am, but I get the sense she might be a Firefly, or somehow associated with Marlene, and she is looking for Joel, in vengeance. Her group was small and rogue, and they seemed new to the area. All I know is that ND is creating a moral dilemma here, and as to what will become of this, the jury is still out completely.
One small personal criticism, take it or leave it: I don’t personally love that the kiss with Dina and scene with Joel defending Ellie was kept off-stage in the game and left to the trailer. We could have started at the dance. That would have taught us everything we need to know about Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and Joel and Ellie’s relationship state. This is my only criticism of the story so far. From a writer’s perspective, it’s just inefficient and clumsy to try and cover all that in expositional dialogue, taking into consideration that many casual players will not have seen all the trailers. Even still, it’s not hurting my experience in any way. Just an observation and maybe a bit of personal opinion on the fact that perhaps the choice to reveal so much scene in pre-release trailers might be a great way to build hype but might not be the most efficient choice in telling the actual story. My two cents!
In the end, I’m overall super excited and can’t wait to keep playing. These are just my own personal thoughts, and I’ll be back with more thoughts soon!! PLEASE NO SPOILERS OR SPOILERY SUGGESTIONS IN THE REPLIES!! I am NOT privy to the leaks and I do NOT want to know what’s coming. Thank you!! ^_^ 
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silver-wield · 4 years
If you don't yet have an analysis of when Cloud saves Tifa from the collapsing staircase, I'd like to hear it!
Sorry this one took awhile, Nonny, I was gonna do it yesterday, but I got super tired and then I was gonna do it earlier but I got pissed off and had to walk away from the internet before I threw my computer through a window.
So, the collapsing staircase aka the cloti hand grab. Bring it!
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be long and awesome! Because I saw things and I have suspicions!
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Please check my master post to see if I've already covered your question, thanx
Let's mosey!
Recap time!
Let's backtrack a tiny bit first. Cloud's making his way up the pillar, had his bro moment with Biggs – damn you Square – and he's heading up to where Barret is on the top level.
Reno and Rude are in their chopper, throwing shade at Shinra while doing their jobs. I love how idgaf Reno is during this bit. Like, honey, you not even trying.
As Cloud comes into view on the staircase, Reno spots him and it's time for revenge! Nothing personal, bitch!
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Ok, nothing very special here. SOLDIER!Cloud taking a look about for whatever resources he has to hand – none – and we've got Reno in the background waiting for him to get in range. (Yall also almost ended up with my gif of Nyx Ulric loool he pretty but Cloud’s prettier)
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Reno's impatient. He fusses with the joy stick, drums his fingers, then puts his arms behind his head. The fact he's done this last move suggests he has no doubt he'll be gunning Cloud down sooner or later. We can see Rude keeping his eyes front – you can just catch the direction of his gaze behind the left lens of his sunglasses.
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HOLY SHIT! Rude blinked! Like several times in quick succession! (gotta slow the frames down to 0.25 to catch it btw) Now, this could be nothing since Rude is very hard to read and has even smaller micro-expressions than Cloud does, but when someone blinks like that it usually means they recognise the person they're looking at. He's seen Tifa running up the stairs. I don't know why he might recognise her, aside from having a headcanon about it, but I'm telling you, I saw him do several rapid blinks when he caught sight of her, then draw Reno's attention to her. His eyes behind those sunglasses are ever so slightly wider than usual btw. It's really hard to see, but there seems to be a definite look of “I know you” about him.
Reno shooting at her might have been a mistake on Rude’s part. He could have forgotten himself in that moment of recognition and didn't mean to direct Reno to a new target. That would explain why he pulled away from the attack and made up an excuse about his hand slipping.
This makes me excited to find out if Rude knows her and what the deal is with that OG crush. My headcanon? He's a former student of Zangan too and helped get Tifa to Midgar when she was injured. She doesn't remember it since she was at death's door for most of the trip. I saw a bit saying Zangan had to use a lot of healing materia on her and she stayed in the hospital too, so it's reasonable she wouldn't recall Rude. But, we don't know for sure yet, which is why headcanon.
Still exciting though!
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Cloud's heard footsteps on the stairwell, so turns to see who it is and you can just catch a glimpse of Tifa appearing through the metal slats. This is the first time Cloud spots her. The camera then pans up to the helicopter again where Reno prepares to shoot Tifa.
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I don't wanna say for sure that Rude's jaw clenched here. The lighting is suspect because of the angle it strikes his face. He did something. I noticed something, but it's so utterly subtle I can't tell what. He either clenched his jaw for a brief second or his lips firmed, again for a brief second. It's probably easier to catch if you slow the frames down then don't look at Rude and rely on your peripheral vision to see it. That's how I end up replaying things a million times because I saw something and then have to spend half an hour trying to find it again lol
Reno definitely smirked, I caught that no problem.
So yeah, moving on from Rude's super micro-expressions, before Reno's even finished speaking he's pulling the helicopter away from Tifa. Like, Reno's still saying “bullets” when it happens. That's a very snap decision, especially with how fast Reno talks usually. And the entire time Reno's speaking Rude is looking at Tifa. I mean, he's expressionless – he could give Cloud lessons – but there's also emotion coming from him. I kinda feel a bit sad looking at him in this screen.  
Guess we'll get more Rude backstory in part 2!
Reno bangs his head and I always laugh at that part. Get rekt!
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Cloud's all da fuq? since it's so very obvious Reno was lined up to shoot and then suddenly not. But there's no time to think about why because Tifa's still running up the stairs.
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Omg I'm so good I even impress myself sometimes! Check either side of the screen. Tifa at one edge and Cloud at the other, already in motion to save her as the first bullets from Reno's miss start destroying the staircase. You could not get closer to the start of this catch!
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Tifa's foot is on the second step here. That's not even a second after the last screen. Her sub isn't even fully solid that's how soon she yelled for Cloud. Going by common sense, the staircase is collapsing to her right and she needs to get up another 12 steps? In a couple of seconds? Yeah, she knew that wasn't happening. She needed him. I question how she knew he was there. She couldn't see him from where she was. Maybe she guessed the chopper was shooting at him, but it could've been anyone from Avalanche. She's not looking up the stairs, her eyes are at her feet.
I think she yelled for Cloud because that's who she wanted. Like Aerith said to follow her heart, Tifa's heart cried out for Cloud when she was in danger.
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Well, if that isn't a look of surprise right there. She really didn't expect him to be right there at that moment. She was screaming for him, hoping he'd save her and there he was. Her face goes from this tense “I'm about to die” look, to this wide eyed shock that there he is, right in front of her, reaching for her. Right when she needed him most. If he wasn't there she'd have been shot and the last thing she said would've been his name. That's how important it is that she screamed for him there. It wasn't that she knew he was waiting for her. She didn't know he was there at all. She just wanted him to be the one to save her so desperately and he came through.
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So I bet a lot of people have looked at this so romantically that he's reaching for her. Hell yeah in a way, but what makes it even better is when you remember you're looking at Cloud through Tifa's eyes. This is how she sees Cloud looking at her in this moment, all heroic and brave and just right there for her. That confident stance, totally out from behind any kind of cover, just waiting and reaching for her. It's funny she never calls him a hero in the game, except as a motivator at the end when he's dangling off a building, because he absolutely is pulling off the hero moment here. She called his name and he appeared to save her. It's exactly how she said during their promise.
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He is taking her hand. That's his fingers wrapping around hers, while hers lay open against his palm. She is the passive party in this hold, while Cloud is the active one. She could've mutually grabbed him, but she didn't. This is him saving her. This is not an equal grab. This is Cloud grabbing Tifa. Only after his fingers close over her hand do hers do the same back.
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Cloud backs up, dragging Tifa up the last of the stairs to safety, while keeping himself safe as well. There, he spins her around and puts his free hand on her back, while keeping hold of her other hand in his. He doesn't let her go at all during that move. In fact, you can also see that Tifa now has both hands on Cloud. The one he took is still holding his and she's put her other hand on his arm. She was likely very scared during that moment he saved her and she's holding onto him as an anchor to feel safe. Cloud saved her and she feels safe with him.
Cloud's expression is wary and alert, since he's focused on the danger, while Tifa's is scared. Just because she can fight, doesn't make her a fighter.
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Cloud lets got of Tifa's hand so he can lean out from behind their safe spot and check on the danger, but he's left his other hand on her back. During this moment, Tifa actually leans back which would increase that contact.
Her face is quite blurred since we're focusing on Cloud in the foreground, but her expression seems to hint at a “thank god I have you” look.
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Oh look, the camera refocused. Definitely a “thank god I have you” look, not to mention the tears in her eyes. She was terrified.
Also, that hand is still on her back.
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But, she can't be weak in front of Cloud. She wants to prove she's his equal, that she doesn't need a hero. She just wants him. I mean, before he turns to look at her, she's staring at him like he set the stars in the sky for her.
As he takes his hand off her back and pulls out his “what the hell?” line, which is clearly him mad at her for being so reckless and almost dying on him, she gives him a brave smile and puts on her own persona as someone who can totally handle all this chaos. Scared? Tifa? Noooo.
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She says “nice catch” all casual like she wasn't petrified and screaming his name less than thirty seconds ago and he is not impressed by this one bit. He's unconvinced Tifa's as blasé about this as she's acting, which is why he continues to challenge her. Which isn’t the first time he’s done it. He doesn’t let her bullshit him.
Basically, she's trying to be brave and support him, but he doesn't want her to put herself in danger because he wants to protect her. They're both trying to prove they're worthy of each other and doing stupid shit in the process.
This is actually a very good moment for them because we know Cloud pretty much does whatever Tifa wants because he wants to make her happy, but this shows he's not above arguing with her or challenging her when she's being reckless and endangering herself. He's not got her on a pedestal. She's not some unobtainable dream woman. She's real to him and he feels comfortable getting mad and showing negative emotions to her. That's why he can call her crazy without worrying it'll sour her opinion of him.
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Remember, Tifa is non-confrontational by nature. She doesn't like fighting and will usually agree or let things go for the sake of an easy life. But, she disagrees with Cloud or tells him off several times throughout the game. This shows she's comfortable having confrontations with him. She's not worried about upsetting him and being rejected during a typical interaction. She worries about scaring him away when she’s unsure he’ll stay, but once he’s said he’ll stick around she relaxes and doesn’t seem as worried about him leaving her. It was only when she tried to move their relationship from friendship to more during alone at last that she worried about rejection. 
Tifa accepts Cloud's feelings, even the negative ones and deals with them in a mature way. She doesn't dismiss him or ignore how he feels. She just relates her feelings to his and points out that he's still going up the pillar, so she will too. She wants to stay by his side. Her heart led her to him. If he's going, then so is she. Her expression is earnest here. There's nothing more than what she says. She's not leaving. Nothing can change her mind.
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He swallowed! His mouth tensed and he swallowed! Lips pulled down. Behind those sunglasses I caught movement. There's definitely something going on with Rude here and it's something that Reno doesn't know about since he doesn't recognise Tifa and he has no idea why Rude did that.
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Ok, one last quick shot of yet more unnecessary touching between Cloud and Tifa. Why is he doing that? Literally to keep her within arm's reach. She said she's not leaving, so he's gonna keep her safe no matter what. To do that, he needs to know exactly how far away from him she is. Also, he wants to touch her lol
Well, there was lots of good stuff hidden in there and I'm even more convinced that Rude knows Tifa after I caught some of his micro-expressions. I'm excited to see if it's true in part 2, but more so the fact that we're gonna get the Turks characters' fleshed out compared to OG. We've already learned that Reno while not giving a fuck, also actually really gives a fuck. I love him. He's such a snarky butt.
But, this was about Cloud and Tifa, not Rude.
Yeah, she literally couldn't see him at any point when she was running up that staircase. She screamed his name because that's who she wanted in that moment to appear and save her. The surprise on her face is genuine. She didn't know he was there. Cloud's in full “I must save Tifa” mode, so it's real!Cloud motivating SOLDIER!Cloud to do what he doesn't think he's capable of. They then have a lover's spat about Tifa being reckless and show the healthy disagreement side to their relationship by not screaming and shouting at each other or being sarcastic – like Cloud is with someone else. While Cloud might not like Tifa going with, he understands her need to. She's also put it in terms that he can understand, but part of him is very unhappy about it, which is why in that last shot we see him with his hand on her arm ready to protect her at a moment's notice. He's not letting her out of sight or arm's reach.
It's some damn good solid relationship building from them during a tense moment.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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Episode • 1/8
Mobile Masterlist •
♡ ☾ ✐
Authors note• bro this is so long I’m so sorry I’m breaking it into parts for u (I HATE MY LIFE)
Warnings• mentions of death, language
Songs• something - the Beatles/ With love, Vincent - Murray Gold/ she’s so lovely - beach house
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•Na Jaemin remembers the exact moment he first laid his eyes on Y/N Y/L/N.
•He was standing by his locker on the first day of sophomore year
•laughing with Jeno and Haechan about their new math teacher
•when she walked past him with two other girls, smiling and holding some books in her arms.
•Jaemin will tell anyone that listens that this was the first time he felt the air knocked out of his lungs
•He remembers thinking that she was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen.
•He didn’t know who she was; he had never seen her before (he would remember) (sike he’s stupid)
•yet he knew that he would marry that girl.
•he was worried bc he didn’t know who tF she was, but don’t worry bc the second time he ever saw her was maybe 6 minutes later
•he walked into his 4th period Honors English 10 class, and she was talking to the teacher across the classroom, before moving and sitting down in the first empty seat she saw.
•Jaemin didn’t know what to do
•his new mystery dream girl was in his class.
•Should he sit next to her?
•Should he just ignore her and talk to her later?
•what is gonna wear?
•is he gonna cry?
•Jaemin didn’t have much time to decide
• a mere 10 second delay was all it took for three boys (also on the football team with Jaemin) to enter the room and wrap their arms around his shoulder
•ushering him over to an empty table in the back while showcasing their excitement about being in the same class together.
•Jaemin tried not to show his disappointment, and instead gave one of his usual, dazzling smiles (ya know the one!) while joking along with them
•trying to forget about the mystery girl (and the excitement he got when he learned her name during roll call)
•It was then that Na Jaemin’s and Y/N Y/L/N’s rolls in their story were set in stone.
•He would be the popular boy that everyone knew, but didn’t really know
•and you would be the quiet girl that only a few, special people knew of, but those people were your closest friends.
•And over the course of the next two years, it would stay that way. •Jaemin, secretly pining for you
•and you, thinking the beautiful boy as untouchable.
•That would, however, change, on one god forsaken, cloudy Friday.
•A Friday that would forever be ingrained in Jaemins memory as the day he sealed his lonely fate in the world
•and the day he lost his true soulmate
•before he even talked to her.
•If Haechan’s persistent moaning and groaning about school wasn’t enough
•the weather was gloomy and cloudy
•and anyone with eyes could tell that rain was to be expected. •Jaemin, secretly, didn’t mind.
•Although he would never share it, he loved the rain.
•What he did mind, was his friends continuous bitching.
•”Hyuck, shut up,” -Renjun, 2020
•I mean he wasn’t even paying attention to the group, too preoccupied w his sketch book, sometimes glancing up at a girl that sat across the school yard, before looking back down at his sketch book (spoilers for something I’m writing??? Hehe you’ll never know hehe)
•all Jeno did was MenTion that rainy weather meant football practice would be cancelled
•hyucks smile was BaCk
•Jaemin was not impressed
•okay the conversation went something like this
“Damn Na, why are you looking at me like how my mom looks when my report card come in?” -full sun
•You literally insulted football to my face.” -nana
•haechan let out a loud laugh
•at Jaemin’s expense
•“you don’t know the ups and downs of High-school football” -nojam and injunnie
•also at Jaemins expense
•due to an ongoing joke that Jaemin reminded their friend group of the teenage redhead from riverdale
•Na Jaemin was so upset, he didn’t even eat his fries.
•”I wouldn’t care so much if I wasn’t the fucking captain of the team, hyuck. I mean, I gotta hold you responsible to a certain degree, you’re the fucking quarterback!” -Na Jaemin
•someone bully him
•so as that is happening, 2/3 of the missing members of their group come in HOT
•I mean literally
•they’re breathing heavily and everything
•acting like they just ran a mf marathon
•jisung YEETS his bag in the table (covering Renjuns sketchbook, which annoyed the fuck out of the older boy, but really who cares)
•”Guys guys guys! You will never guess who we just saw in the library!” -Mochi
•”lemme give it a try; mark?” -bitch ass Chinese bitch (renjun)
•”No! We saw Mar- wait what? How’d you know?” -child prodigy Zhong Chenle
•“Uhh, maybe because he texted in the group chat that he was gonna be in the library?” -nojam makin a comeback
•”Okay okay, but - can I have a fry? - did hew shay who hedt be wif?”
•”Swallow your fucking food first, le.” -smart boy you guess who
(Whew are y’all getting sensory overload like I AM)
•“He said, did he say who he’d be with, though? No, he didn’t, but guess who WE saw him with,” -jisung bringing the T E A.
•no one answers
•Chenle and jisung give each other the “we’re friends w dumbasses” look
•“Y/n! He was sitting with y/n!”
•oh shit
•Everyone quickly turned their heads to Jaemin
•tell me why this boy was glaring at the table like it messed w his daughter
•Out of everyone ever, the only people who knew about Jaemins secret crush was the 5 boys sitting with Jaemin
•and the one sitting in the library with said secret crush.
•They didn’t even really know, they just knew that they once saw Jaemin slip something like a note into Y/n’s locker junior year
•and Jaemin made up a bullshit excuse that it was something for class that no one
•-not even Jeno, who always trusted his friends -
•”why aren’t you mad”
•”you should be angry”
•literally all of the present boys were THROWING it on jaemin
•and naturally -
•he deflected
•”bro I’m not even upset, I don’t like y/n!”
•lmao K
•now at this point
•the boys thought they were helping
•it was innocent they promise.
•really how were they to know what was going to happen
•so hyuck had JOKED and said that if Jaemin didn’t like u, he wouldn’t mind hurting u
•it was super harmless
•some other popular ppl walked over RIGHT as Haechan said that
•and he was like oh fuck
•but silently
•bc Haechan knew what Jaemin was like
•if it was just their lil group still, Jaemin would have told hyuck to fuck off
•but Jaemin was terrified to lose his reputation
•he was an insecure boy
•he would have really done anything to keep his position as most popular boy in school
•so when one of his jock friends dares Jaemin to get you to date him until prom, get ur virginity the night before, and then ditch u at prom and tell you it was all a dare in front of everyone and that he never liked you
•he stupidly agrees
•the dreamies agree with it
•only bc they don’t actually think Jaemin will last
•they think he’ll back out last minute and stay w you
•and that Jaemin will finally get u
•wishful thinking
•you were failing math
•it’s not that you were stupid, you weren’t
•you just R E A L L Y hated math
•and your mom was so upset w your grade
•my girl forced u to get a tutor
•good thing u knew mark
•he agreed to meet w you in the library Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s at lunch
•and Thursday’s if you needed it
•thank god 4 mark
•everything was going Super Fine™️
•up until you both look up when you hear squealing and the sound of someone smacking someone else
•and there’s jisung and Chenle,
•staring at you both
•and squealing
•and smacking each other on the arms
•before just plain running out
•”if I don’t go after them, they’ll tell all of our friends that we’re marrying each other, so i should go.” -Mark fucking Lee
•so you’re walking towards your locker to put all of your math work in it,
•and when you open it, a lil note falls out and flutters to the ground
•your smile: 3% -> 95%
•honestly you were kinda having a shitty day
•so you were so happy to see a note in your locker
•you had been receiving love notes since you were in sophomore year
•you don’t remember exactly when during the year
•but one day, they were just there
•you were excited to add another one to your box
•this one wasn’t big, it just said “Your Personality makes me want to be a better person! I hope you have a beautiful day, sunshine!”
•the rim of the paper had squiggly yellow lines, and the bottom had a poorly drawn sunshine, with a heart, like always
•you didn’t know who your secret admirer was
•but you wish you did
•u lowkey loved them
•you’re still smiling about it as you walk into your 7th period math class
•and the note was found at lunch, like an hour ago
•they make you so happy
•you silently sat down in your seat, and stared off into space with a dreamy look on your face
•and THATS how Jaemin knew you got his note
•you always had that look when you read his notes
•not that you knew it was from him
•it made him so happy
•even if you two had never talked before, he still freaking loved that he could make you smile
•Jaemin wasn’t happy for long
•he tried not to let you notice him staring at you in class,
•it was kinda hard, seeing as you two literally sat next to each other
•he couldn’t believe he had to break your heart
•he wanted to die lowkey lol
•but he had to do it
•not really, but really
•so he took a deep breath
•and opened his mouth
Continued here
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@ivietea @fiveguysgoodbyeguys @comically-sleep-deprived @woosans-sann @mozartwasajungkookstan @littlefluu @cxcxlxlee @jaesluvklub @uyuzo @sweetie-yoongi7 @marklexleaf
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jungnoir · 4 years
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bts but as witches in a coven. discuss
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𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧: the supreme
ok not quite but he’s the most experienced in magic out of all the boys
his mother was a witch and she taught him everything he needed to know from birth to adulthood
his whole family is blessed with magic save for a few who didn’t get the gene but every family reunion they all dote on jin and talk about how powerful he’s become and how proud they are of him
the coven house where all of the boys stay is actually jin’s ancestor’s home from a long time ago
the place has brought up witches of all generations and jin was very eager to inherit it
while there’s definitely a lack of witches he’s been able to recruit, he loves his family of six so it doesn’t really bother him
he acts like he’s all serious but in reality he’s always casting spells on the youngins as tests (read: for fun)
jimin: why tf did you give me green skin
jin: if you had been paying attention during lessons you would know how to fix it :)
has definitely said this out of context more than once: ”any witch worth a broom handle knows how to get rid of poisonous snakes! you know back in my day…”
wears the flashiest outfits, but little do people know that they’re all homemade. he has a serious creative eye and seeks to make what simple human designers wish they could (taehyung is very eager to learn this talent from him)
goes all out on halloween with this talent too, creating uber realistic costumes
no he didn’t make a costume out of real human bones that year he went as a scarily realistic skeleton what are you talking about
no graves were robbed in the making of this outfit
if you couldn’t tell, his specialty is in glamours
honestly the guy should just tattoo “i’m a witch” across his forehead, he makes it so damn obvious
he openly practices magic too like it gives yoongi stress pains bc!! there’s still ppl who would very much like to burn witches still to this day!!! where is the self-preservation!!
jin doesn’t care. he’ll burn them right back. checkmate bitch
honestly charms anyone that comes in contact with him which is one of the things he never has to try at
the guys think he uses magic to do it but he’s honestly just, as jin would say, “born with it”
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𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢: the right hand man
*namjoon voice* and who do we got here right now??? ˢᵘᵍᵃ!!!
when it comes to magic, yoongi is pretty neutral
an awfully interesting feeling to have given that seokjin has appointed him the heir of the coven in case anything happens to him
he’s not obsessed with magic like tae, hobi or kook
he doesn’t spend his time learning everything about it like namjoon
and he’s not playful with it like jimin and jin
yoongi just… acknowledges it. its like it exists as something he can do and he’s proud but he doesn’t really care if that makes sense
most of his friends outside of the coven are human too and he has no reservations about telling them what he is bc if they cause trouble he is more than prepared to take care of it
they’re usually like “wow so cool! i wish i was a witch” but yoongi really doesn’t care lmao
with or without magic, yoongi is the same: he loves music, he loves making music, and he loves being a musician
yoongi, however, is guilty of having used magic to make his music just right before
sometimes a note just doesn’t sit with him right and it’s driving him insane
or maybe the bass doesn’t hit hard enough
he charms his music in a way that when one listens to it, they feel exactly what yoongi wants them to feel
people are always telling him he has a real gift in music and while he most certainly does, he feels he has to give credit to his magic for helping him along sometimes
but then seokjin will be like “isn’t magic your talent too? aren’t you just exercising it when you charm your music? it’s not like you can only make music well. you should give yourself props for your magic too”
it’s just. weird to him because he’s seen how much magic can corrupt people in much higher positions than himself and it’s Terrifying
he wants to know that no matter what he makes, it’s his and his alone, not attributed to any otherworldly advantage
this just kind of contributes to his need to be as detached from magic as possible
he’s too cheap to buy one of those coffee makers that automatically start brewing at a certain time in the morning and just uses magic to do it instead
“yoongi do you want me to buy you a new coffee maker for your birthday? they have ones that do all the work for you now-” “no”
he has to be extra, okay namjoon
jimin teases him sometimes but yoongi knows it’s all out of love
jimin understands yoongi in a way, and while the others are always like “yoongi you should have more fun with your magic!” jimin is always like “no no no, let him be”
besides yoongi could probably smoke all of them in a battle of magic if it came down to it lol
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𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤: the perfectionist
hoseok is probably one of the most talented witches in the coven
hoseok is a perfectionist to a t so if he feels insecure about how he’s doing a certain spell he will do it over and over and over until he’s got it right which makes him a pretty formidable opponent
like even the boys wouldn’t go up against him bc they know they’re just gonna get their ass handed to them
he’s a sweetie tho and very light-hearted and he never lets his power get to his head
he mainly uses it to bother the others tbh
also uses magic to give himself and the boys cool ass hair colors
currently he’s obsessed with this orange he’s got going on
calls it “pumpkin spice” bc it angers yoongi
“it really brings out the burnt sunset hues of a pumpkin ya know? or like a mix of changing fall colors, like golden crisp and warm crimson” “it’s fucking orange” yoongi can be heard chiming in from somewhere else in the house
but don’t get me wrong, hoseok loves himself some yoongi and vice versa
yoongi taught hoseok directly bc yoongi was the one that found hoseok
he was just an average college student and wasn’t really finding a will to live outside of paying off his student debts
he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life and was pretty dead inside, working at a cafe and serving coffee to other dead inside college students when yoongi came in and sensed his strong magical aura
yoongi kinda forced hoseok’s magic out of him by tossing a cup of steaming hot coffee to the floor, causing hoseok to freeze the entire cafe in time, save for the two of them. yoongi told him what he was and the rest was history
now that it’s been so long hoseok still gets upset that yoongi was willing to break one of the cafe’s mugs to prove a point
because of course, when time unfroze, the mug fuckin shattered all over the place what a fuckin jerk guess who’s going to have to clean that up does he really have no respect for retail workers seriou
seokjin also was opposed to yoongi’s method but since it resulted in hobi joining their coven, he can’t be too mad
it was hoseok’s natural ability that yoongi was able to help hone, and when hoseok found a love for it, he took it upon himself to be the absolute best witch he could be
hoseok’s power of stopping time is uniquely his own and he’s worked hard to perfect it
sometimes he just stops time to stop it
hob: *freezes a movie theater right before something dramatic happens on screen* hold on yall I gotta piss real quick
freezing time is also super helpful during *cough* stressful exams* cough*
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𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧: the scholar
he knows…. everything
not only did he do the reading, he did an 8 page analysis on it and corrected a few mistakes too
namjoon was aware of his witchy nature even from the moment he was a little kid, and his parents were both human and a bit scared for him since they didn’t know how to handle it, but they gave him the option of pursuing magic or not. they made sure to do all their own research into where witches could go to hone their craft just in case
in the end, namjoon grew curious and started reading books about magic and magical things
tho he didn’t actually start using his power until his mid teens
by then he was a bit shaky with it, but he knew a lot and was very determined so he got the hang of it very quickly
rarely uses his magic outside of it being necessary tho bc he’s gone so long without having to use it that he doesn’t rely on it for anything
he also likes to be independent from his magic in a way
while magic is very much a part of him and his being, he doesn’t want it to be like a crutch, you know? his biggest fear is losing his magic, bc he’s heard it can happen
he’s also aware that some witches lose important life skills and miss out on opportunities to build their character bc they’re so used to being able to just magic their way out of a situation
went from student to teacher real quick
teaches the other boys how to properly say incantations
“its levios-ah not levios-ar”
actually?? a pretty scary dude when it comes to using his magic for real
don’t put him in a situation where someone is getting hurt because he will not go easy on the aggressor. the other boys can attest to this too, having been saved by him far too many times than is acceptable in namjoon’s eyes
basically dont fuck with namjoon’s boys or u gon die
does cute things for the boys on their birthdays with magic
one time taehyung was sad that it wasn’t snowing on his birthday so namjoon made it snow for hours
may have fucked up the climate a lil bit
yoongi almost lost a toe
namjoon frequents a library and whenever a lil kid is struggling to reach a book he uses his magic to drift the book down to the little kid and when the kid looks at him in awe he just presses his finger to his lips and winks at them
flirts using his extreme wicca knowledge, of which is either a major turn off or a major turn on. you decide
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𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧: the reluctant
jimin loves magic, but it wasn’t always like that
jimin kinda struggled with accepting his magical abilities at a young age bc he was really confused
like why wasn’t he just like everyone else? why did he have to be a witch? why did he have to have magic when he could’ve just been normal?
he often rejected it, never bothering to learn anything even to impress the family at reunions
but as he grew older, his parents grew worried he’d hate his magic and never use it again, putting him in a vulnerable position if his magic were ever to just come out when jimin isn’t in a place to control it, so they let him meet a slightly older witch that could help mentor him
his parents would’ve done it but jimin hardly ever listened to his parents about magic and they wanted to show him there were witches his age that were amazing people and embraced it, that it didn’t take away from jimin’s life but in fact added to it
in comes yoongi
yoongi, at first, really pities jimin
he understands the struggle between wanting to be normal and dealing with a part of his identity that won’t ever go away
where yoongi is concerned, that struggle for him was that he wanted to be himself regardless of being talented in magic. jimin... just hates it
but then jimin starts bashing magic and witches and he’s about to get angry at his parents for trying to force him into being a witch when yoongi just,,, slaps him upside the head
jimin’s shocked and yoongi is just like “respect your parents kid, they’re looking out for you. just because you don’t use your magic doesn’t mean people won’t know you’re a witch. its dangerous for a witch to go around with magic and not know how to use it”
jimin is shocked. he never thought of it that way
jimin feels embarrassed all of a sudden and apologizes and then yoongi cracks a smile and he’s like “no biggie kid, i’m just here to teach you the basics of magic and then i’ll be out of your hair”
jimin finds that learning magic with yoongi is really fun and soon he’s asking to be apart of the coven and embracing being a witch
he becomes carefree with it, like it’s another part of him, and he’s still kinda inexperienced, but he’s learning a lot from yoongi and namjoon
loves playing with temperature
the boys make him freeze their drinks for him, or ask him to heat up some popcorn while they’re all sprawled out on the couch on movie night bc no one feels like waiting two minutes for it to cook in the microwave
makes the water in the shower cold whenever one of the boys is taking way too fucking long in there which is Everyday
also jimin: *hitting on someone at the bar* *makes the room slightly warmer* “is it hot in here or is it just you?”
relates everything he learns back to naruto in some way, much to everyone’s complete and utter confusion
he just really kins the guy i guess
100% owns every single witch pun shirt known to man
“witch please” “witches do it better” “this is my resting witch face”
jungkook: by all means jimin why don’t you just burn us all at the stake yourself
it’s ok tho bc it’s his own little way of owning his identity, and if you want to avoid having your fingers frozen off, you’ll be sure not to step to him any kind of way
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𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠: the transcendent 
my favorite witch!!! i wrote this whole thing for him
tae is like jin in that his whole family is magical and he grew up surrounded by magic his whole life
in fact, he’s so familiar with magic that he’s kind of sick of it (no he isn’t (most of the time))
taehyung is unique with his magic bc he’s actually able to transcend realms oooh~
the information on how many realms and parallel universes and such are limited as hell so taehyung actively helps broaden that knowledge as he travels, a very Dangerous and Scary job to anybody else
but to him he’s like!! fuck yeah astral projection!
basically, he’s able to put himself into a deep sleep where he moves through different realms, some more or less magical than the others
he’s so good at it that he can project himself into someone else’s dreams too
he’s basically capable of seeing more than most magical beings, and he can perceive spirits easily, as well as being able to actually see a magical aura around someone
so for instance, if a witch who didn’t know they were a witch walked into a bar, he’d know what they were instantly. besides the general intuitive feeling that most witches get, he can see the auras physically, like swarming tendrils of smoke unique to every person
each aura feels and looks different than others which makes it easy for him to point out shape shifters and vampires and werewolves and all the other guys pretty easily
bc of this ability, taehyung also likes to mess with the boys like everyone else lol
“tae, i just saw the most beautiful-” “they’re actually an ogre in disguise” “WHAT”
“man my english teacher is a witch” “she actually is”
in case you couldn’t tell tae’s favorite victim is jungkook
casually tells people he’s a witch just for the #reactions
if you’re wondering, no. nobody in this coven cares about keeping this shit a secret
since he’s more sensitive to dreaming, a lot of his dreams leave him incredibly emotional because sometimes he really is there
he once had a dream where all magical beings were universally accepted in the world and were loved and happy and woke up sobbing into jimin’s lap
also nightmares take a HUGE toll on him so his sleep pattern is fucked for real
usually ends up eating cake with jin in the dining room at four am and talking about life together to get the nightmares off tae’s mind
tae uses his magic on humans in a different way. like he doesn’t prank them that much, but rather manipulates their moods. he tries to charm anyone he comes in contact with to make them happy or to make them giggly
he wants to use his magic for good, because it often leaves a very painful burden on him in turn
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𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤: the prodigy
honestly i feel like if jungkook was a witch he’d probably be an underdeveloped one, you feel?
he finds out his power late bc either his family didn’t know (they’re all human) or they just didn’t tell him in hopes of him never becoming one
but jungkook is being bullied by some guys in his grade and they corner him after school one day and jungkook gets so frustrated that he just,,, makes them all start uncontrollably burping
as dumb as it is, those kids never bother jungkook again
when he does get a hang of it, jungkook probably uses his magic for fun more often than not
jungkook is recruited by jin for this very reason. he catches jungkook messing with old people at the park on his afternoon runs and he’s like this kid is such a brat. i want him
jungkook is SUCH a fast learner holy shit
he goes to namjoon for every little question, to the point where namjoon is positive he’s become a better witch simply because jungkook has prepared him for any fuckin scenario known to man
he also makes himself float upside down in the kitchen at night so when hoseok comes down for a glass of water he almost pisses himself
“haha did i scare you” 
cue hoseok making jungkook fall down as he mumbles “little shit” under his breath
halloween is his favorite time of year and he likes to pull harmless pranks on the kiddies while scaring the mean teenagers ruining all of the children’s fun
like he sees this guy in a deformed mask holding a plastic knife about to scare a little boy so Jungkook just gives the dude a wedgie with his magic
all the kids are laughing at him and jungkook just smirks
honestly he doesn’t like reading about magic as much as he likes just doing it from intuition/namjoon’s instruction. he’s a lot like hoseok in that he has a lot of natural talent but not a lot of proper training when he first starts honing his ability
since jin yoongi and namjoon are in charge of teaching magic they all hound on him like “did u do the reading”
jungkook maybe glosses over everything and then just over-performs as compensation
they get on him abt it but there’s no lying about it, jungkook is a strong witch on his own
he hasn’t gotten a special manifestation of his magic Just Yet but he only gets stronger as he goes. the more he applies himself, the stronger he grows
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larryatendoftheday · 5 years
Let’s correct some misinformation about Taylor Swift
a lot of people are blocked by this user so here’s a version of my response that you can reblog
not to rant but i will. when louis put out a song where he was making a point that was close to his heart, he did it thru just like you and he didnt fucking use that song to pander to anyone. he didnt have countless headlines abt it he didnt even have a music video for it he didnt release it as a single he just.. gave that song to us bc he wanted to say that to us. every fuckin time taylor saint swift has made a song abt smth ~important to her.. she’s always capitalized off of it in the most obnoxious way. she’s always just whining abt ppl not liking her. look what you made me do was abt her problems with literally Everyone who criticized her ever and she used her feud with kim and kanye to make that song get big. she even mockey kim k’s robbery in her music video. the song wasnt rlly abt her it wasnt her being genuine it was her finding smth to exploit and now with this new one if this is her “coming out” she’s exploiting pride and capitalizing off of something that is so important to so many of us. so many ppl say jly was a throwaway song bc “lol it wasnt even a single” but thats exactly the point lmao he wasnt trying to make money off of that song he wasnt trying to gain attention from that song he fought to have it out for us which is the exact opposite of what taylor does. bitchass white feminist who stayed silent during one of the most critical election seasons in a while, attemped to sue a woc who wrote on her own personal blog that taylor’s reputation era was feuling the altright fans and she should denounce white supremacy, and only encouraged ppl to vote for the “right” person when it was time for her to release more music. choke sweetie.
tswiftisgay  aka MY RESPONSE from my other blog
Ok so you have misrepresented some stuff. I’m tired of Taylor bashing. Critique I get. But let’s get some facts straight.
Her first major political statement was not when she was releasing new music. It was in October last year before the November election. That’s when Trump said he liked her music 25% less. She had nothing coming out anytime soon when she did that.
Louis has a consistently terrible team that has only just started to improve. Do you really think he wouldn’t have marketed Just Like You more if he could have? It’s a good song, and it has important content that the general public should hear too. Don’t make his team’s failure into something honorable.
I used to be critical of Taylor for not speaking up sooner about politics, but I realized that being political when you are quite as big as Taylor is extremely risky, especially coming from a country fan foundation. Plus she was “cancelled” anyway. What would her voice have done for the mess of the 2016 election? And after that during the Rep era, she gave LOUD pride speeches early on in her tour. She did a lot that pretty clearly demonstrated she was NOT supportive of the alt right. Anyone who really wanted to know could have seen that. So of course she sued the woman saying she was alt right. I’m not saying I like it, but if you are not a nazi and someone called you one, wouldn’t you want them to stop? I wish she had used different methods, but again, what would have worked? I’m not sure there is something that would have convinced this woman to change her tune.
When she did speak up last October, she explained that the absolutely horrible political events of the past few years had made her want to speak up. “In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now.”  Think of how you have changed over the past few years. We have all become more aware of our role and responsibility. We have all grown louder and more aware. Why can’t Taylor also have grown and learned?
In an essay in Elle earlier this year she elaborated on that. “Only as someone approaching 30 did I feel informed enough to speak about it to my 114 million followers. Invoking racism and provoking fear through thinly veiled messaging is not what I want from our leaders, and I realized that it actually is my responsibility to use my influence against that disgusting rhetoric.” Waiting to find your voice when you have this big a platform seems pretty solid to me.
Taylor isn’t a white feminist. In her October post she said, “I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent.” She also made a point of protesting a lack of laws about domestic abuse which unfortunately disproportionately effects women of color and trans women of color. She has pointedly included and celebrated women of color in her tours. On Rep tour the women dancers–many of color–all were introduced and given a moment just for them as part of the song Gorgeous. She has spoken about racism and I expect to see her continue to do so during this next election cycle.
Taylor did not mock Kim K’s robbery in the music video. I see how you could interpret it that way, because there was a robbing scene and a ring prominently displayed but that was in reference to a lot of Swiftie fan theories that she was engaged and the larger feeling of being attacked and dragged aka robbed. There were references to Kim but that was not one. Taylor is a women with stalkers who has her house broken into regularly. She of all people wouldn’t joke about that.
Last but not least, Taylor is pairing her new music with advocacy DESPITE the fact that it has turned away many of her old country fans or older Republican fans. She is also on her way out of the closet, which would make it much easier for others in the music industry to come out. Ahem. Harry and Louis.
So I have to ask that you stop spreading misinformation and stop hating on a woman who is changing the music industry by forcing streaming services to pay artists fairly and now–on her coming out journey. She donates to charity. She advocates for politicians and policies that could improve or even save lives. She is using her platform for good. Stop hating.
Or I guess I should just say… don’t step on her gown. You need to calm down.
TLDR: Larries are often so uninformed and nasty about Taylor. She didn’t speak up about politics for a long time, but when she started it was not near any new content from her. She is queer anyway. She's been very misunderstood by her own community.  
Please reach out to me with questions. I would love to help rectify this unfortunate sentiment in the fandom. 
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juuheizou · 5 years
do juuzou too lol he's my fav
what i think realistically: he was in the adoption system before big madam took him. she might have even got her claws on him through the system. think about it. there’s no reference to his birth family that i can remember at any point in either series and those are usually ppl who get contacted when their missing child is found, his choices for a name are either the name madam gave him or one he picks himself (technically also from madam, but still) and no one disputes it, and even his surname (suzu = bell, ya = roof or house, in his case) sounds a lot like something madam would give him. who knows what kinda research ishida did/didn’t do, but it wouldn’t be the first case of human trafficking through the adoption system if madam did get him that way, and even if she didn’t adopt him (though she must have legally changed his name at some point for the ccg to call him what she named him instead of trying to get him to remember his ‘real name’ at any point) there is a correlation b/w trafficked children and children who have been in the system. his character wiki describes baby suzuya (like before madam, which i have zero recollection of) as ‘somewhat normal, albeit a tad twisted,’ and my hc is that even though it might have affected his time w madam and vice versa, he was born autistic and his birth family gave him up when they got his diagnosis/realized his “problem” couldn’t be cured.
what i think is fucking hilarious: he’s into heavy metal and can scream along to his favorite songs. of course he can fry scream, but if he really needed to get an entire room’s attention or wants to scare the shit outta someone for laughs, he can also false chord scream like a rabid pterodactyl and hold it for a fairly long time bc (fun fact ahead) men castrated as boys develop extra long bones in their ribcage and that added lung capacity was a less obvious part of why human castration was common practice in choirs of the middle ages. he can go low and growling to where its like ‘that noise should not come from the cute face attached to that small body’ or he can push it high enough to imitate, like i said, a rabid pterodactyl.
what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends: he was committed at some point b/w the end of the original series and the beginning of re. now in putting this one under ‘heart-crushing and awful’ i’m not trying to scaremonger or say no one has ever been helped at a psych ward or developmental center –i see it being part of why he got so much more together over such a short timeskip– but having to choose b/w potentially losing everything to his inability to take care of himself and giving up a great deal of the basic rights most ppl take for granted in exchange for the help he needed is a painful thing, esp for someone like him who has had his autonomy stripped from him for most of his life in one way or another and is the kind of person who values his freedom. akira was the one who checked him in, after he hadn’t been to work in days and she found him in a state of neglect she had only seen in the dens of ghouls w/ horribly mistreated captives, before. he almost fell into that pattern of neglect again within weeks of coming back, but that time it was his new partner hanbee who tracked him down after not seeing him at the field office for a few days and found him sobbing/trashing his apartment/hurting himself over not wanting to go back to the ward but having no idea how he was going to avoid it. hanbee was terrified by the v real possibility of losing his beloved squad leader, so from then on, hanbee made it his mission to help him out and that’s how he became the hanbee we know who canonically has ‘personal care of investigator suzuya’ listed as his ‘life’s work.’ to this day, between the system, being a human pet, living at the academy, and being institutionalized, suzuya gets agitated at the slightest hint that he might not have total control over himself and taking his autonomy, whether by physically restraining him or fucking w his mobility aids or manipulating him mentally or even just bossing him around, is the quickest way to break him if you’re a villain, and the quickest way to get lashed out at if u meant well.
what would never work in canon but canon is shit so i believe it anyway: his are crying meltdowns, and he doesn’t tend to cry unless he’s melting down. crying is more a loud-meltdowns-got-me-punished thing that he picked up and learned over the years than a natural response to emotion. personally, i had always imagined his reunion w/ shinopapa being more overwhelming than anything until he has a chance to process it at his pace, so maybe this one still works, but i’d still say ch.179 killed it.
send me a character and i’ll give one of each headcanon
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hrina · 6 years
L’Amato (Il Ritorno II)
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hello gorgeous ppl!!! i am BACK with PART 2 of il ritorno! the first part was so well-loved and i honestly wanted to cry bc of how amazing u all were :’) i hope u love part 2 just as much, if not more! if u do, here’s where u can leave me some feedback, and here’s my masterlist :-) enjoy!!!!
il ritorno (part 1) / il devoto (part 3) 
It’s a few weeks later, and things are actually going pretty well.
You check on Alex nearly every night. It’s become such a regular thing that he actually comes to expect it. When the house is silent and everyone else is asleep, you creep downstairs and join him in the living room. He’s always waiting for you, flashing you a small smile (one that makes your stomach flip) and sitting up so that there’s enough room for you to plop down beside him. You talk, and giggle, and touch—a lot.
Alex is constantly brushing your hair behind your ears, and you’re always there to catch his hand quickly and lace your fingers together. Whenever you say something particularly endearing, he presses a firm kiss to your knuckles, as though he’s trying to sear his affections into your skin.
You also cuddle into him sometimes (for the most part, you’re too nervous to initiate it), snuggling against his side as he wraps an arm around you. You both whisper to each other as your eyes stare at the doorway, looking forward inattentively. And Alex will sometimes—if he’s feeling remarkably affectionate that night—litter kisses across the crown of your head.
You enjoy the small exchanges. You usually head back up to your room after Alex falls asleep (though he tries to stay awake for as long as possible, until he’s drowsy and saying things that make absolutely no sense). He whispers to you that he sleeps much better when you’re there, with less disruptions and fewer nightmares, and the confession has your heart expanding to three times its normal size.
He’s started to do some work around the house, claiming that if he was going to be staying there, the least he could do was help out. You’ve come home several times only to find him outside on the front lawn, pulling out weeds from the cobbled pathway that leads to your front door. Since it’s daytime outside, he’s careful with how you two interact, only giving you a small nod and casually leaning on the scoop of his shovel.
He’s usually wearing a pair of black overalls, and nothing else. You can see the strong muscles of his back when you first approach him, and then the smooth skin of his collarbones and his shoulders when he turns around at the sound of your greeting. He always smiles boyishly at you, wiping off his hands with a rag that’s usually shoved into his pocket.
One day, when you’re feeling exceptionally needy, it happens. You’re on your way back home, enjoying the warm breeze and the way the sun bathes your face in a cheery glow. Your feet ache a bit from standing so long during your shift, but it’s something that you’ve gotten used to. You near your home, catching sight of a figure crouched in the rosebushes that line the property.
“Alex?” you say.
Alex turns around, looking up and shooting you a small smile. “Hey, love.”
The pet name still makes your heart somersault in your chest. You don’t know if you’ll ever get past it.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“Your mum was gonna trim the bushes. She’s been quite busy today though, so I offered to do it instead.”
“Oh,” you say dumbly, biting your lip to suppress an endeared grin, “That’s really sweet of you.”
He smiles and shrugs, his gaze dropping down to your torso. You swallow heavily when his eyes rake down your body. He gives you a small, appreciative hum. “Look good, y’know that?”
It’s that simple sentence that has your heart rate speeding up and your tummy frothing warmly. It’s been a difficult day to begin with—throughout your entire shift, you could only focus on what it would feel like to be bent over the counter and ravaged. These thoughts aren’t new to you—contrary to what most people think, you’ve got needs—but you’ve never been so tempted to act on them.
So, you do something that you’ve never done before—it’s so out of character that you can feel your spine stiffening anxiously. You return Alex’s hungry look, glancing down at his biceps and smirking crookedly at the sheen of sweat that’s formed over the muscles.
“You look good, too,” you say, and you’re eternally grateful when your voice doesn’t come out as a shaky, uneasy mess, “Really good. Just want to…”
You trail off, stepping back and giving him a sly smile when you catch sight of his expression. His eyes have darkened significantly, pupils dilated as he watches your every move. His nostrils are flaring slightly, and a tendon in his jaw ticks prominently as he plunges his clenched fists into his pockets.
“‘Jus’ wanna’ what?” he asks, his voice hoarse.
You shrug your shoulders, fiddling mindlessly with the strap of your purse as you back away, nearing the steps of the porch. “I’m gonna go take a shower,” you inform him, a pleasant intonation masking your nervousness. Your heart feels like it’s about to burst from your chest, but your body is warm as pride washes over you.
With one last, innocent smile, you turn on your heel, skipping up the stairs and disappearing inside. Immediately, you rush up to the second floor, not even bothering to greet your mother. You stumble down the hall, tumbling into your room and slamming the door shut. Your purse falls to the floor, completely forgotten, as you hurry over to your window and peer outside at the front lawn.
Alex is still standing there, absolutely frozen. His eyes are trained on the door, as though he’s hoping that you’ll reappear in the threshold. From where you are, you can see the heavy rise and fall of his chest, and the view makes you beam widely.
You pull open your curtains all the way, and the subtle movement is enough to catch Alex’s attention. His head snaps up, his eyes widening slightly when he finds you standing in the window. For a long moment, the two of you merely stare at each other. Then, you bite your lip, your stomach brewing with nerves when your hand slips up to fiddle with the first button on the front of your dress.
God, what are you doing?
The jittery sensation has spread, coursing through your bloodstream and making your fingers shake as they work to unclasp the button—you hope that there’s enough distance between the two of you to keep Alex from seeing it. You watch as he cocks his head to the side slightly, confused by your actions. But then his eyes widen with recognition, and his lips part in salacious awe.
You’re on the second button now, and then the third, and then the fourth. Slowly, the material of your dress separates, exposing more and more of your chest. Alex looks as though he’s seen a ghost, and when your garment falls to the floor, you genuinely think he’s about to pass out. You’re standing above him, your torso visible in the window and your chest covered by only a plain, baby pink bra.
You reach around your body, your hands fumbling with the clasp of the undergarment, and you gnaw viciously on your bottom lip when you feel the cups become looser around your breasts. You’re watching Alex—a mix of excitement and anxiety racing up your spine—and you nearly giggle when you see him run a hand through his short hair, a pained expression warping his features.
The straps of your bra slip down your shoulders, and Alex’s eyes are pleading with you, begging you to end your torturous game. You giggle, spinning around in only a second and letting your bra fall from your body. When you peek back over your shoulder, Alex’s jaw is clenched, and his eyes are boring into your bare back with a terrifying intensity. You pull a clip from your hair, letting the strands fall down naturally, before you’re ambling away from the window and leaving any consequences behind.
God, what are you doing?
This is so unlike you. You’ve never been this forward, encouraging a boy and leading him on in such a scandalous way. You want to blame it on the excess of hormones coursing through your bloodstream, but you also know that this…well, this has been a long time coming. Ever since Alex had visited you at the bakery—ever since he’d told you that you were a “privilege” to look at—there’s been a palpable sexual tension in the atmosphere that just won’t dissipate.
You feel like a new woman. And it’s intimidating, but it’s good.
These are the thoughts that run through your mind as you practically prance over to your door. You pull down your panties and step out of the damp material, and reach for the soft, downy robe that’s hanging on your wall. With a satisfied hum, you slip it on, securing it at your hips with a small band of cloth hanging from the loops of the garment. You’ve got every intention of padding down the hall and hopping into the shower, and maybe—just maybe—you might even take care of the hot knot in the pit of your stomach.
You open the door, and a loud gasp leaves your lips—Alex muffles the sound with his palm, driving you right back into your bedroom.
“What are you—?” you try to ask, but Alex just shakes his head, squeezing your cheeks together so that your lips pucker out unattractively. He spins the both of you around, pressing you flush against the wall and placing one palm on the door, quietly easing it shut. You watch him, your body thrumming with excitement, and when he focusses his gaze back on you, your knees almost buckle.
“Like t’see me suffer, yeah?” The question isn’t meant to be answered, and you bite your bottom lip when Alex lays both of his forearms against the wall, effectively boxing you in. He steps closer to you, leaning down slightly so that you can feel his hot, heavy breaths fanning over your face.
You close your eyes, nibbling frantically on your bottom lip and resting your head back against the wall. Alex repeats his previous action, placing his palm against your mouth—a small, startled noise resonates deep in your throat, but he shushes you quickly, his thumb stroking the underside of your jawline.
“You’re tormentin’ me, love,” he whispers, angling his head down even more and nosing the fluffy fabric of your robe away from your neck.
You wait with a held breath, and your hands fly up to grip at his shoulders when he finally—finally—licks a scalding stripe up your throat. Your lips part in a silent gasp, and you arch your back up towards his touch. His right hand finds your thigh, and with an impatient tug, he’s got your leg hiked up around his waist. You swallow heavily as he assaults your neck, licking and biting and panting against the sensitive skin.
“Alex…,” you mumble. You don’t know what to say, your mind muddy with desire and your thoughts as slow as molasses. Alex merely hums against your collarbone—the hand that’s not on your thigh is holding tight to your hair, keeping the loose strands tamed so that he can play with you. He presses his body against yours, and you whimper pathetically when you feel something poking into your pelvic bone, conspicuous and large and mouth-watering.
“Gotta tell me,” Alex grunts, pulling his face from the crook of your neck and pressing his forehead to yours. He reaches for your hand, guiding it down so that your palm splays limply over the bulge tenting his trousers. “Gotta tell me f’yeh want it, love. F’yeh want me.”
In all of your nineteen years of life, you’ve never wanted someone more.
You express this in the form of a squeeze, your fingers cupping his prick through his bottoms. Alex lets loose a string of curse words, his forehead dropping to your shoulder. He lets go of your hair, unwinding it from where it’s wrapped around his fist, and fiddles with the knot on your robe that keeps you from baring everything to him.
“My mum doesn’t know I’m home,” you whisper shakily in his ear.
That’s all the permission he needs.
A moment later, the pair of you are stumbling down the hallway. Alex is fumbling keenly with the tie on your robe, and you’re sliding the straps of his overalls down his arms, excitement coursing through your veins. Eventually, his chest is bare, and you run your fingers against his pectorals, marvelling at the toned, slightly sweaty skin. You look up, resting one of your hands on the knob of the bathroom door, and Alex stares back at you so intensely your heart jumps into your throat.
He leans in, then, and your body pulses with anticipation when his face inches towards yours, his lips only centimetres away.
And then—suddenly—someone is climbing the stairs, two steps at a time.
Your head snaps to the side, your eyes widening and a hiss escaping your mouth.
You turn back to face Alex, blind panic written all over your face, but he’s twisting open the bathroom door and toppling inside. “Hurry!” you snap out of your stupor and usher him along as he hides behind the door. Your hair is frazzled, and you’re out of breath from your previous ministrations, but you try to make yourself look as composed as possible.
When you turn back around, Tommy’s reached the top floor. He smiles at you and walks down the hall towards you. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hi,” you say, hoping that you don’t sound too winded, “Um, what’s up?”
“Nothin’ much,” your brother shrugs, “Just got back from Angela’s house.”
Despite your initial alarm at the sight of him, you chuckle, looking down and shaking your head. “You lecher.”
“Oi!” Tommy whines, but he laughs too. He cocks his head to the side, studying you for a moment before asking, “You alright, then? Y’look out of breath.”
“Fine!” you say, your voice a little louder than it should be, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just—,” you make some sort of indiscernible motion with your left hand, “It’s hot, you know? So, I wanted to—to get in the shower as quickly as possible.”
“You’re loony,” Tommy grins, and you place a hand on your heart.
“I resent that!” you say, pretending to be offended. He laughs, pointing towards the open bathroom door behind you and stepping forward.
“Y’mind if I just duck in for a second? Gotta wash this off.” He turns his head to the side and reveals a bright mark of pink lipstick staining the spot where his jawline curves upwards.
You shoot him a teasing smirk. “Oh? Angela left you with a little parting gift, is that it?”
“Would you believe me if I said it was from mum?” Tommy asks, and you shake your head in response. He snickers, “Thought so.”
He’s about to slip by you and head into the washroom, but you stagger back quickly, blocking the entrance. “As much as I’d love to help you cover up your smudges of sin,” you both giggle at the description, “I’m in desperate need of a shower. You’ll just have to wait!”
You grin cheerily at your brother before stepping backwards and swinging the door shut. Tommy whines from outside the bathroom, banging his fist lightly against the barrier and pouting dramatically. “I thought we were past your whole ‘annoying sibling’ stage!”
“Please!” you scoff, “I was never the annoying sibling!”
Tommy mutters a few curses under his breath and you listen closely through the door, sighing quietly in relief when you hear his footsteps receding down the hallway. A moment later, the door to his room shuts obnoxiously, spreading a sense of finality throughout the top floor of the house. You press your forehead against the doorframe, closing your eyes and willing yourself to breathe properly again.
“’S alright,” Alex says softly, placing a hand on your lower back. You jump in surprise—you had simultaneously forgotten and been painfully aware of his presence.
Alex steps back when you turn around, and you rub your palms over your face, inhaling deeply. He brushes your hair behind your ears before cupping your face with both of his hands, coercing you into looking up at him. “’S alright,” he repeats, his eyes focussed yet tender, “You’re alright, love.”
“I—,” you groan in frustration, squeezing your eyes shut for only a moment, “—what are we doing, Alex?”
A crinkle forms in between his brows. You hate that you want to smooth it out with your lips. “What d’yeh mean?” he asks you.
“What is this?” you demand, gesturing towards how the two of you are standing. He’s still cupping your face, his thumbs stroking your cheekbones mindlessly. “I—I don’t know what we’re playing at. You obviously like me, but I just—”
“Do you like me?” Alex cuts you off. You choke on the rest of your sentence, looking up at him with wide eyes. He’s so fucking forward sometimes—it always catches you by surprise.
“I don’t even know your age,” you say weakly, gripping his wrists and pulling his hands from your face, “I—we’ve known each other for weeks, and I still have no clue how old you are!”
Your voice rises to a panicked volume, and Alex shushes you quickly. You heed his warning, remembering that Tommy is only just down the hall.
Alex slips his wrists from your grip, maneuvering your hands so that he’s somehow able to tangle your fingers together. You hate it, but—even more—you hate the way that you allow him to do so. You feel like clay underneath his fingertips, mutable and easy and willing to do anything with only the slightest graze of his palms.
“’M twenty-four,” Alex tells you quietly, “How old are you?”
“I—,” you sigh dejectedly before breathing out, “Nineteen.”
Alex looks at you through his eyelashes, and you gulp nervously.
“Nearly twenty,” you add, just for good measure. Alex chuckles, bringing both of your hands up to his lips and pressing two firm kisses against your knuckles. You watch him with parted lips, your heart betraying you as it flutters happily in your chest.
“There,” Alex says, “Now yeh know.”
“That’s—,” you shake your head, “That’s not what this is about, though. I don’t know you, not even in the slightest, and here I was, about to let you…”
You trail off, unable to say the words. Alex smirks, and he steps forward; you meet the action with a step back, and then—for the second time in less than fifteen minutes—he’s got you trapped helplessly against a wall.
“What?” Alex muses, the corners of his lips kinking upwards smugly, “What were yeh about t’let me do?”
“Quit it,” you whisper feebly, but the words carry no real effect—not with the way that you’re squeezing his hands sharply, the force revealing your true apprehension.
“Were yeh gonna let me kiss you?” Alex inquires, his tone hushed but complacent, “Were yeh gonna let me touch you?”
“Alex, stop it,” you whine, but you don’t try to shove him away. He releases your hands, and one of his palms curves around your hip. His other hand plays with the sleeve of your robe, tugging on it lightly so that the material slips away to reveal your collarbones.
“Already let me kiss your neck,” Alex says matter-of-factly, his voice low, “Where else were yeh gonna let me kiss, hmm?”
You open your mouth, but no words come out. Briefly, you wonder if this is how a deer feels right before a collision: shocked, unable to move, unable to think, before everything bursts into white and the tranquility of the night is blown apart. Alex’s hand sneaks up your arm, his fingers hooking into your robe and stroking along the bare skin of your shoulder.
“Would yeh let me kiss yeh here?” he asks, and despite your previous words, you nod. He smirks, and his palm falls lower, splaying out just below your chest. You gasp when you feel his rough thumb draw small circles along the underside of your right breast. “An’ how about here?”
Swallowing dryly, you nod again.
“Here?” Alex says, hiking your thigh up once more and looping it around his hips. His fingers dig into the plush skin, and you let out a small sigh of affirmation. He massages your leg thoroughly, before his hand is sliding upwards, and he settles his palm squarely on your bum. The contact makes you stiffen.
“An’ what about here, love?” Alex requests, stepping only an inch closer. You gasp loudly when he presses his pelvis firmly against yours, the outline of his cock putting pressure right at the apex of your thighs. Your hands fly to his biceps and you squeeze tightly, your nails digging tiny crescents into the skin. Alex snickers, repeating his question. “Would yeh let me kiss yeh there?”
“Yes,” you choke out, trembling like a leaf, “Yes, yes, yes.”
His face splits into a grin, and he nudges his hips a bit more firmly into you. You tilt your head back, biting your bottom lip and looking up at him with wide, pleading eyes.
“We can’t,” you nearly sob, “I can’t…I’ve never—”
“No?” Alex ducks down, delivering a hard kiss to the underside of your jaw, “’M gonna make yeh wait for it then. Gonna have yeh begging first, an’ then I’ll take yeh nice and proper.”
Your core positively throbs at his words, and you subconsciously push your chest against his. Alex kneads your backside softly, pursing his lips to conceal a smile when you squirm in his hold. He pats your bum a few times; your leg tightens around his hips, and your toes curl against the back of his thigh.
“You’re old-fashioned, yeah?” Alex inquires. The question takes you by surprise, and you have to close your eyes for a moment to collect your thoughts and to answer him with a coherent sentence.
“I—yeah, I guess.”
“So am I,” he tells you, and you nearly burst out laughing, because your situation and your current position is definitely not old-fashioned. Alex’s hand slips from your backside, and he pinches your thigh gently before unwinding your leg from around his body.
“Gonna do this properly, love,” he says, his voice confident and sure, “Take yeh on a date and kiss yeh goodnight. On the lips first, an’ then—,” he gives you a cheeky grin, “—maybe I’ll kiss some o’ those other places, yeah?”
“Yeah,” is all you can say, the syllable merely a breathless murmur. Alex nods—like the two of you have just arranged a deal in an office—and leans in, pressing his lips against your forehead.
“Gotta go finish trimming those rosebushes, or your mum will have my head.”
You crack a smile, and he steps away from you. He pulls the door open only a crack, peeking through the opening before slipping out into the hallway. You barely hear his footsteps as he sneaks down the stairs, and then you seal the bathroom door once more, pushing it shut and rubbing tiredly at your eyes.
Had that really just happened?
It’s too much. He’s too much.  You’re not sure what to make of his words, but they sound an awful lot like a promise that he intends to keep. Your head is spinning, and you’re finding it difficult to suck air into your lungs, but at the same time, you’ve never felt more alive.
Alex is cocky and confident and sweet and determined to get what he wants.
And you? You’re afraid and nervous and eager and impatient.
And you’re fucked.  You’re so, so fucked.
For the next few days, you don’t creep downstairs during the night. In fact, you avoid Alex altogether, too humiliated to even look at him. You stay at the bakery for longer than your shift entails, simply because you don’t want to walk home and risk running into him while he mows the lawn in front of your house. And when you do finally make the trek back, you disappear into your room without even bidding your family goodnight.
Is he aware of what he does to you? He’s got you scattered like a jigsaw puzzle, and it seems as though he’s the only one who can put you back together.
The thought scares you, and so you do your best to evade him.
And it works, it really does.
Until it doesn’t.
“I still think I should stay to help you clean up,” Dorothy tells you as she folds her apron into a neat little square. You just shake your head, bending down and reaching underneath the counter for her purse. She thanks you sweetly when you hand it over to her.
“It won’t take long,” you promise, shooting a glance towards the front of the store, where the sunset is bathing the tables in a dull orange glow. “Now, go,” you urge her, well-aware of how long it takes her to walk home (she lives a bit further than you do). “Before it gets dark.”
“Fine, fine,” she sighs gently and gives up. You grin—you really can be persistent when it’s necessary.
The door jingles when she opens it, and she gives you one last wave before you’re alone in the shop.
Letting out a quiet hum, you peek up at the clock to your left—there’s only ten minutes remaining until you can lock up the doors and finish wiping down the tables and the counter. You busy yourself in the meantime, reaching for a broom and a dustpan from the supply closet and sweeping up the hundreds of crumbs that litter the tiled floor.
After a minute or two, the heavy silence gets to you. Your fingers twitch as you glance towards the old, rusty jukebox in the far corner of the room. The contraption is large and clunky, and half of the time, it’s out of order, but you’ve got a few coins in your apron pocket and you’re determined to make it work.
You saunter over, making sure that the machine is properly plugged in, before fishing out a coin and sliding it into the appropriate slot. Most of the writing on the jukebox has faded, and the display is quite dim, but if you squint, you’re able to scroll through plausible options. You finally pick a song and cross your fingers.
“Fantastic,” you smile when the soft tune begins to play. It’s not very loud, but with the silence of the shop hanging onto your every breath, you can hear the opening notes just fine. You spin back around, continuing to sweep along the floor and softly singing along to the music.
The chiming of the door disrupts the calm atmosphere of the store, and your head snaps up in surprise.
“Sorry, we’re—,” you cut yourself off, the last word dying on the tip of your tongue.
“Closed, yeah,” Alex finishes for you. He reaches for the lock on the door, twisting it to the right and humming in satisfaction when a promising click echoes through the air. You’re struggling to breathe, your mouth dry and your feet moving of their own accord, carrying you back a few steps before you can even register the action.
Alex turns back around to face you, and his brows knit together when he notices the distance between the two of you.
“What are you doing here?” you ask quickly, hoping that your voice doesn’t sound too breathless.
“’S getting dark,” Alex tells you slowly, taking a cautious step towards you, “Didn’t want yeh walking home alone.”
“I—,” you shake your head, looking down at the ground and trying to busy yourself with tidying up once more, “It’s fine. I’ve walked home in the dark before, and I don’t want to be a bother.”
“You’re no bother, love,” Alex says, and your spine tingles as you process the words and the much deeper meaning behind them. You shrug your shoulders, trying to move further away from him, but Alex has had enough, it seems, because he stalks over to you before you can take another step.
“What—?” you start, but he shakes his head, his nostrils flaring with frustration.
“Cut the shit,” Alex snaps, and your eyes widen at his words. He blows out a ragged sigh, squeezing his eyes shut for only a moment and pinching the bridge of his nose tightly. Your heart is hammering wildly in your chest, because he’s done playing your game. You’ve eluded him for as long as possible, but he won’t allow you to run from him anymore—not when he doesn’t know why.
“’S wrong with yeh, hmm?” he asks, and his voice is softer this time, like he’s reigned in his emotions for now, “Been avoidin’ me, love. Haven’t spoken a single word to me since that day.”
That day.
The day you’d nearly let him have his way with you. The day you’d been so desperate for him, you’d been blind to the fact that he’s Tommy’s friend. Your situation doesn’t allow for sublime flirtations and longing glances—for lips kissing up necks and hands hitching thighs up onto hips.
“I—,” it feels like you’ve swallowed a bag of cotton balls, your throat hoarse with regret, “Alex, we can’t.”
“‘We can’t’ what?” Alex questions, but his chest is tight because he already knows what you mean. He’s clinging onto that last strand of hope—that last wish for reciprocation—but what pours next from your mouth dashes all prospects of his desires becoming a reality.
“We can’t do this!” you exclaim, dropping the broom to the floor and throwing your hands up in exasperation. The gentle notes of the jukebox fill the long silence that follows, and you wipe at your eyes when you feel frustrated tears pooling along your waterline.
“We—we can’t hold hands, and I can’t sneak downstairs to see you, and you can’t kiss my neck and tell me how much you need me!”
“Yes, I can,” Alex stresses, stepping closer to you. You merely scoff, glaring up at the ceiling and angrily trying to blink your tears away.
“You’re not supposed to, then,” you clarify, trapping him in his own claim, “You’re not supposed to smile at me like that, and I’m not supposed to want you as much as I do!”
Throughout your entire outburst, Alex is shaking his head, a hand running through his hair anxiously. You break off before you have the chance to start crying properly, simply looking at him with glistening eyes and a heaving chest. He steadies himself against a nearby table, his hand curling into a fist as he raps on the wood dejectedly.
“Dammit,” he mutters, looking away from you, “Dammit, dammit, dammit.”
“Stop,” you say weakly, stepping forward and curling your fingers around his wrist, “Please, don’t—you’ll get a splinter.”
He chuckles hollowly at that, peering down at you defeatedly as you release his arm. You don’t step back, though, watching as several emotions pass over his grassy eyes. He swallows heavily, his gaze intense as he searches your features for something—anything.
And he seems to find it. He sees it in the way your jaw clenches, in the way your eyelashes flutter nervously, in the way you look at him tenderly, like you’re afraid he’ll shatter right in front of you. It makes him lick his lips, and it’s what prompts him to get the words out.
“’S not jus’ me in this,” he mumbles. His hand comes up, and you inhale sharply when he cups your face in his palm. You don’t pull away, however, and that makes Alex smile sadly. You want him—he’s nearly certain of it. He just doesn’t understand why you’re fighting so hard to repress it. “Y’feel it too, don’t you?”
A pregnant pause follows. Your nostrils flare dramatically, and Alex thumbs along your cheekbone softly. He watches you intently, marvelling at the way you bite your bottom lip and how the flesh whitens. He can practically hear the gears whirring inside your head, and for a fleeting yet terrifying moment, he’s afraid that you’ll shake your head and disagree.
But then you nod despondently, peeking up at him through wet eyelashes.
“Yeah,” you say, your voice small, “I—yes.”
He hums, nodding at your confession. You stare down pointedly at his chest, refusing to meet his eyes. The soft, closing notes of the song waft through the air, and Alex exhales quietly.
“Dance with me,” he says suddenly. Your head snaps up to look at him, your eyes widening at the confident quip of his voice.
“I—no,” you refuse, and then you cringe at your own insolence. “I’m sorry,” you amend hastily, “It’s just…the song’s finished, and I don’t have any more money.”
It’s a lie, and you desperately hope that he can’t hear the coins in your apron jingling when you step back. Alex merely cocks an eyebrow, fixing you with an easy smirk before making his way over to the jukebox. He fishes through the pockets of his trousers, chuckling victoriously when he produces a single coin. He slides it into the slot and presses a button, and then the same song is starting right back up.
You shuffle nervously on the balls of your feet when he walks back over to you and offers you his hand. A part of you wants to protest, to turn away and disappear into the back of the shop until he finally fucking leaves. But there’s a louder voice in your head, a nagging noise that tells you to humour him, if only for the night.
“What are you playing at?” you murmur when he pulls you in close. Sparks shoot up your spine as he places one hand on your hip and intertwines the other with one of yours. His fingers flex against your knuckles as he smirks, looking down at the ground coyly.
“Could ask yeh the same question, love,” he replies evenly, and you flush hotly at the slight trace of accusation woven into each syllable. Alex glances back up at you, watching you profoundly. “Drive me crazy, y’know that? Wish I could walk away, but…there’s somethin’ about you.”
“Sorry,” you say meekly, because you don’t know how else you could possibly respond to those words. Alex laughs, his glittering eyes trained on you. You study his features—the tips of his hair glow orange in the sunset, and his irises are reflecting flashes of gold and green. There are faint shadows dancing upon the underside of his jaw, making his bone structure appear even sharper. The silver chain around his neck glints teasingly at you, and you move your hand from his shoulder to his neck, your fingers toying idly with the necklace.
“Where’d you get this?” you mumble, sliding your fingertips down the links. You pull the jewellery out from where it’s hidden beneath his shirt, tilting your head to the side as you examine the cross pendant that he’s kept concealed.
The smile slips from Alex’s face. You look up at him innocently, noticing when his feet falter in the slow, steady rhythm of your dance.
“’S from my mum,” he tells you quietly. “She’s dead,” he adds when he sees how your lips part to ask another question. You recoil slightly as though he’s just slapped you, your mouth clamping shut and your eyes blinking up at him owlishly.
“I—I’m sorry,” you stammer, utterly shocked.
“Don’t be,” Alex says quickly, shaking his head, “Was a long time ago.”
“Still—,” you press earnestly, molding your body against his in a subconscious, pathetic attempt to protect him. You squeeze his hand tightly, and your arm wraps around his neck. You bury your face into his shoulder, hugging him firmly and hoping that maybe the proximity will keep your heart from breaking cleanly in two.
You sigh quietly, lifting your head so that you can plant a kiss to his collarbone. Alex’s throat bobs heavily as he swallows, and you play with the small hairs at the back of his neck while the two of you sway absentmindedly. Your eyes drift shut as you inhale deeply, and then Alex speaks up again.
“Been havin’ more nightmares,” he murmurs, “Jus’ like before.”
He doesn’t have to say anything else, because you already know why his bad dreams have been reoccurring at an exponential rate. You sniffle against his neck, clasping him closer to you and nuzzling your nose against his jugular. “I’m sorry.”
“’S okay,” he says, and he pulls back so that he can face you. “But…we’re good now, yeah?” he asks, a hint of hesitation still prominent in his voice, “We’re okay?”
“Yeah,” you tell him sincerely, nodding with several firm shakes of your head. Alex’s lips curve up into a small, relieved smile, and he blows out a held breath. It makes you giggle quietly, and he presses his cheek against the side of your head as he begins to lead you through the dance.
“Y’friend came over today,” he mumbles absentmindedly, “Tracy, I think?”
“Haven’t seen her in a while,” you reply, your words slightly muffled as you press your lips to his shoulder. Alex nods, his grip tightening on you subconsciously. You try to ignore the way your stomach flips joyfully, and how you feel calmer now that you’ve sorted yourself out. Deep down, you know that there are things that still have to be resolved between the two of you, but for now, you allow yourself to relax and to enjoy being wrapped up in everything that is him.
“She invited yeh to go dancing tomorrow night—’s a new diner opening up, or summat,” Alex says. But then a tiny smirk stretches his lips, and he can’t help but to add, “Invited me, too. Looked like she wanted to take a right bite out o’ me, if I’m bein’ honest.”
At that, you frown and pull your head back, fixing him with a pair of displeased eyes. Alex chuckles smugly, his features alight with playfulness. He brings your linked hands up towards your face, pulling your bottom lip down with the pad of his thumb. “’S that look for, hmm?” he muses, releasing your lip and watching as it wobbles back into place.
“What look?” you ask, but your emotions are written all over your face, “There’s no look.”
“There’s certainly a look,” Alex says, before he grins widely, “A bit of a jealous look, I’d say.”
“There is not!” you gasp, lifting your chin stubbornly and shaking your head. You’re hoping to appear nonchalant, but you can feel a flush of heat creeping up your neck. Alex cocks an eyebrow, and you try to conceal your irritation, anticipating his next words.
“No?” he taunts, “So y’wouldn’t care if she asked me t’dance, then? Wouldn’t care if she wanted me t’kiss her?”
You swallow heavily, and a beat of silence hangs—unbearably tangible—in the air.
“What would you say?” you ask hoarsely, your throat itching with uneasiness. Your heart feels like it’s about to burst from your chest, and you’re almost afraid of how he’ll respond.
“I’d tell her that ‘m sorry,” Alex starts, squaring his shoulders and looking straight into your nervous eyes, “’Because I’ve already got m’heart set on someone else. I’d tell her—,” he chuckles quietly to himself, “—I’d tell her that I’ve been waiting t’kiss this ‘someone’ for a long time, and ‘m not about to give up now. Especially since it’s so close, I can fuckin’ taste it.”
“Alex.” You mean for his name to come out as an admonishment (he swears far too much), but the breathless quality of your voice robs it of the effect.
“Christ.” Alex allows his eyes to drift shut for only a moment before they’re trained back on you, piercingly intense. “Even the way yeh say m’name—,” he gulps, “—you’re drivin’ me downright mad, love.”
“Kiss me.”
The words fall seamlessly from your mouth, as though they’ve been dancing on the tip of your tongue for days (which is true, of course). You’re shocked, really, at how easily you’re able to verbalize the order. The thought of kissing him has been tiptoeing around in the back of your mind for weeks; it’s spread, growing larger whenever you feed it with the fantasies that creep up on you late at night. And now it’s lava, flowing slowly over every crevice of your psyche and demolishing everything in its path.
“Are yeh—?” Alex’s eyes are wide with childlike wonder. “I mean, I don’t wanna—”
“Kiss me,” you repeat, and the words are firm this time; a proper command. “Look, I’ve been thinking about this for way too long, so I swear to God, Alex, if you don’t kiss me right now—”
And then it’s hands on cheeks and lips on lips. It’s closed eyes and soft sighs, and slumped shoulders as relief finally washes over the two of you. A switch has been flipped, and as Alex moves his mouth languidly against yours, you’re grateful for the new conditions.
His palms are cupping your jawline, keeping you close as you whimper feebly against his lips. Your hands reflexively find his waist, thumbs hooking into the belt loops on his trousers. The song playing on the jukebox drifts off into the distance; the closing notes grow fainter with each passing second, but this time, neither of you bother to tinker with the machine.
Eventually, you’re struggling to breathe, and you have to pull away with a thick gasp. Alex only leans further into you, chasing your lips, and you giggle at his enthusiasm.
“Slow down, Romeo,” you say softly, biting your bottom lip to suppress a wide smile. Alex hangs his head, chuckling at himself. His shoulders shake with the action, and when he glances back up at you, his eyes are twinkling happily, and his face has split into a grin.
“Sorry,” he says sheepishly, rubbing circles into your temples with his thumbs. You giggle yet again, your fingers coming up to run along your mouth shyly. Alex swallows—it’s almost like you’re trying to savour the taste of him.
“Did it—was it good?” he asks, his words ragged. You nod, your eyes shining as you pinch your bottom lip lightly.
“Yeah,” you whisper, giving him a small, appreciative smile, “Really good.”
And then you step back and bend down, picking up the abandoned broom that’s laying a few feet away.
“I need to finish cleaning up,” you tell him, tittering bashfully when he pouts. He follows you as you slip behind the counter, trailing after you like a lost puppy and monitoring you with keen eyes.
Alex will admit that he’s pathetic. He’ll admit that his gaze falls to caress your curves as you lean forward to wipe down the glass of the display cases. He’ll admit that he tries once or twice (or six times) to distract you by hiking you up onto the counter and attacking your face with kisses. He’ll admit that every time he manages to make you laugh, his veins thrum and pulsate with excitement.
And he’ll admit that he’s fucked. He’s so, so fucked.
“And you’ll be back by eleven, right? Not a minute later?” Your father fixes you with an expectant look.
“Promise!” you chirp, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before rushing out the door, “Bye!”
“Be careful!” your mother calls, but you’re already bounding down the porch steps.
Tommy’s waiting in the car, drumming his fingers lazily on the steering wheel. He’d bellowed at you to hurry up and was met with your rebuttal of how it takes time to look good, but of course he wouldn’t know that. You walk over to the vehicle and notice that Alex is sitting in the passenger seat, saying something to your brother. His gaze lands on you through the windshield, and he does a double take, stopping right in the middle of his sentence.
You slide into the backseat, securing your purse in your lap and grinning down at your feet when Tommy says to Alex, “Cat got your tongue, mate? Go on.”
Alex stutters, blinking quickly, and you strain your ears to hear him. “No, yeah. Was just sayin’…she’s fit. Really grand.”
“Would you shag her?” Tommy asks as he pulls out of the driveway. Alex thinks for a moment, and you look up perplexedly. Who the hell is he talking about? And why is your chest so tight?
Alex catches your eye in the rear-view mirror, and he chews on his bottom lip to suppress a smirk. “Yeah. In a heartbeat.” He winks at you, taking advantage of the fact that Tommy’s eyes are trained exclusively on the road.
And oh.
“Is she gonna be there tonight?” Tommy inquires, “Pretty much everyone our age is goin’, swingers and sirens alike.” He grins, and Alex chuckles, scratching the nape of his neck.
“I think so, actually,” he hums, and your brother takes one hand off the wheel so that he can elbow Alex in the arm.
“Charm her knickers off, then!” he nods, shooting Alex a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows. You watch as Alex nods and grins widely, and when your eyes meet in the mirror again, you look away to hide a smile.
“I’m gonna go find Angela,” Tommy announces as he slams the car door. “Said she’d meet me near the jukebox or summat. You—,” he looks pointedly at you as you slide out of the vehicle, securing the strap of your purse on your shoulder, “—don’t get into too much trouble.”
You roll your eyes. “Bite me.”
Your brother chuckles, shooting you a crafty grin. He then turns to Alex, who’s inspecting the side of the car to make sure that he’s shut the door properly. “And you—,” Tommy winks at him, “—go find your sexpot, yeah?”
“She’s not a sexpot!” Alex begins to protest, but Tommy’s already spun around on his heel and is jogging towards the entrance of the diner. Alex closes his eyes and mumbles a curse under his breath, and you giggle beside him. His eyes snap open, like he’s only just remembered that you’re here.
“’F only he knew he was talking about his sister,” Alex teases, and you smile, shaking your head.
“He’s clueless, honestly,” you reply, and he chuckles quietly. He steps forward, his hand reaching out for yours, but you gasp and retreat quickly.
“Um,” you gnaw on your bottom lip, gazing up at him with apologetic eyes, “It’s probably best if we don’t…there’s a lot of people in there, and I don’t want them to—”
“Ashamed o’ me, love?” Alex asks, a smirk playing on his lips, and you gawk at him in surprise. You shake your head frantically and your eyes widen, because how could he possibly say that?
“What? No,” you state firmly, desperately trying to reword your thoughts, “I just don’t want it getting back to Tommy, and—oh, piss off!” You place your hands on your hips, frowning when you see the smile grow on his face. He’s purposely trying to fluster you, and you hate that it’s working.
“Now, now,” Alex cocks an eyebrow, his lips quirking up into a crooked grin, “’S no way to talk to an acquaintance, hmm?” He stresses the title, and you scoff at his playfulness.
“Especially not to one who thinks that y’look absolutely enchanting, tonight,” Alex adds, his voice heavy with sincerity. You bite the inside of your cheek when his eyes comb down your body, taking in every tiny detail.
You’re wearing a navy-blue dress that reaches about an inch above your knees, and there’s a light gray cardigan slung over your shoulders to keep them from being exposed. Your flats are silver, glinting in the dim lighting of the parking lot. Your purse is a dark brown, and you despise the fact that it clashes with your outfit—you’d been in a rush (compliments of Tommy), and you couldn’t have been bothered to rifle through your closet for a different bag.
“Thank you,” you whisper bashfully, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “I—you look really nice, too. Handsome.”
“Yeah?” Alex beams proudly, his hands coming up to tug cheerfully on the lapels of his jacket. He’s clad only in black, the buttons of his shirt done up nearly all the way. His trousers are a bit short for him, but the loafers that adorn his feet allow for the funny length to go virtually unnoticed. There’s a few rings gleaming on his fingers—they match the chain around his neck—and his hair is messy, like he hadn’t cared enough to style it properly.
But, God…he looks so damn good.
“Yeah,” you nod, giving him an earnest smile. The sound of an upbeat tune reaches your ears, and you glance at the front of the diner—the place has been lit up with bright lights, and you can see shadows of people stirring around through the windows.
“We should probably go in,” you say, and Alex hums in agreement.
The two of you make your way into the restaurant, standing an appropriate distance away from each other and trying to keep your gazes controlled. Alex can’t stop glancing at you through the corner of his eye, watching as you take in the lively setting with parted lips and a fascinated expression on your face. He’s only snapped out of his daze when a girl rushes up to you and engulfs you in a tight hug.
“Oh, I’m so glad you came!” she cries over the volume of the music.
Alex recognizes her as Tracy, the friend that had visited your house yesterday with the intention of coaxing you into joining her tonight. He’d been pulling weeds from the grass, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, when someone had cleared their throat daintily from behind him. She’d been watching him with eager eyes, subconsciously arching her chest out as she explained that she was looking for you. When he’d told her that you weren’t home, she’d stuck around anyways, babbling on about how excited she was for the grand opening of the diner.
“’S nice,” Alex had replied politely, nodding. She clapped her hands, her eyes lighting up.
“Oh, you should come! Everyone’ll be there, and you could meet some people—maybe even find a pretty girl and ask her to dance.”
That last part made it sound like she was talking exclusively about herself, and when Alex had glanced up at her, he’d found her ardently eyeing his biceps. So, he’d shrugged and agreed, and told her that he’d pass on the invitation to you.
That’s why he’s here now, trying desperately to avoid Tracy’s eyes when she pulls away from you and looks over to him.
“Alex!” she trills, holding her arms out for a hug as well, and he wants to curse, because of course he has to return the gesture. “You made it!”
“Hullo,” Alex mumbles, feeling a bit awkward when she doesn’t release him as quickly as she should. He purses his lips, glancing at you for help over her shoulder, and you have to stifle a giggle with the palm of your hand.
When she pulls back at last, Alex withdraws into himself, swallowing heavily and shoving his hands into his pockets. Tracy looks at you, ticking off pieces of information from her fingers. “There’s free milkshakes for the ladies, and free beer for the men! You know, opening night and all.”
You nod, smiling. “Sounds perfect. Thanks, Trace.”
“No worries,” she grins, before her eyes zero back in on Alex. “Come with me!” she says, grabbing his arm and pulling him forward, “Let’s get you a beer, yeah? Maybe that’ll loosen you up a bit.”
She titters lightly at her own quip, and you lift your eyebrows in amazement—what would it be like if you were as forward as her?
“Oh, I—,” Alex looks at you with panicked eyes, as though he’s simultaneously asking for your permission and begging you to help him out of the situation. You just shrug, trying your best to conceal a smile.
“Yeah, Alex,” you encourage, suppressing a smirk, “Loosen up.”
His eyes harden, and his lips turn down into a scowl at your betrayal. Tracy’s attention is already somewhere else as she tugs him along, and you allow yourself to release a small giggle. Eventually, Alex has to turn around to watch where he’s stepping, but that doesn’t stop him from shooting you one last look over his shoulder. Once he’s out of sight, you’re able to let out a loud, unrestrained laugh.
You peer around at the other people mingling in the diner, a content sigh leaving your lips.
A free milkshake sounds nice.
Two hours have passed, and you’re not exactly having a great time.
At first, watching Alex struggle with Tracy had been hilarious. You’d enjoyed observing him from afar and seeing how he really tried to avoid her even as she clung unyieldingly onto his arm. But now, after she’s gotten him to chug down two beers, he’s definitely loosened up.
They’re on the dance floor, and he’s twirling her to the beat of a bubbly song. You watch as she laughs, and he cracks a small smile, pulling her in closer and gripping her hand tightly as they dance.
Your stomach clenches grossly—he’d held you that same way last night.
You frown, turning back to your third milkshake of the night. Your fingers guide the straw into your mouth, and you slurp down the frothy drink, trying not to let your jealousy blaze out of control. You’d told him that the two of you couldn’t be seen together, hadn’t you? It makes perfect sense that he’s out there, having a good time and pretending to sweep another girl off her feet.
The more you stare at them, though, the less convinced you are that he’s faking it.
You sigh, twirling your straw absentmindedly through the whipped cream that’s mounted on top of your milkshake. Fuck.
You hate that this is getting to you. You hate that you’re so pathetically insecure, and that you assume Alex is going to abandon you and pick up the next pretty girl to stumble into his path. He’ll go for someone who’s got more experience—he seems like the type to enjoy a lady who knows what she’s doing. Someone who’s forward, just like him. Someone who’ll let him touch her without trembling ludicrously beneath his palms. Someone who won’t make him wait weeks just to fucking kiss her—
You whip around, and your vision goes blurry for a moment. Quickly, you blink away the imprecision, and your eyes focus on the man who’d uttered your name.
“Max?” you gasp, your face splitting into a smile. You hop off of the high barstool you’re perched upon, stumbling forward and throwing your arms around his neck.
“Hi!” you say against his shoulder, squeezing him firmly, “How are you?”
“Good.” Max smiles when you pull back, and you usher him into occupying the stool next to you. You settle back down, tracing the rim of your glass with your finger as you await his next words.
“How are you?” Max asks, his deep brown eyes boring into your face, “’S been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Nearly three years,” you agree, nodding solemnly, and then you accuse, “You sort of just fell off the face of the planet!”
“Did not!” Max scoffs in mock-offense, putting a hand on his heart. You laugh loudly as he continues, “Just went off to France for a little while, that’s all. My father has a place in Marseille—right on the beach, actually.”
“That sounds so nice,” you sigh, placing your chin on your palm, “I’ll bet it’s warm, isn’t it? I’d love to go there.”
“You should come visit,” Max suggests, his eyes sparkling as he presents the offer. “We could spend some time together, you know? There’s loads of food, and it’s good, too—the chefs down there really know what they’re doing. I could even teach you how to surf!”
“Max, I—,” you hesitate, biting down on your bottom lip. Max has never been good at hiding his emotions, nor his intentions. He’s always been impulsive and has had a lot of trouble controlling his actions and his words. Even now, you can see the way he puffs out his chest, as well as the arrogant glint in his eyes.
Your thoughts race backwards, remembering how, in your last year of high school, he’d invited you to come over to his house. He’d claimed that he was in desperate need of a study partner (“This chemistry exam is gonna kick my arse, I just know it!”) and you had happily agreed to help him.
All hopes of studying had been dashed when he’d kissed you, shoving his tongue past your lips and groping callously at your bum. You’d pushed him off quickly, squeaking in surprise and gasping when he took a tumble from the couch, landing harshly on his forearm.
You’d sprained his wrist.
But you hadn’t been sorry.
“I’m really busy here,” you lie, training your eyes back on your milkshake. Max leans forward earnestly, running a hand through his sandy hair.
“Oh, c’mon!” he presses, placing his palm flat on your thigh. You jump at the contact, your eyes widening when you feel him drum his fingers over the material of your dress. “It’ll be fun,” he says, and you can tell that he’s trying his damnedest to convince you, “Do you know how many types of fish I’ve seen in the sea? Probably hundreds! And there’s not a single person there with ill intentions.”
Except for one, maybe.
“I don’t know,” you mumble, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. Max opens his mouth, ready to produce even more persuasions, but then a large, warm hand lands on the small of your back, and you flinch in surprise.
“Havin’ fun?” Alex smirks when you look up at him, your eyes wide and alarmed. You relax immediately once you recognize him, the tension melting from your shoulders like ice cream on a hot sidewalk. Tracy is nowhere to be seen, and you hate that your stomach overturns haughtily at the realization.
“Yeah,” you say slowly, even though it’s the furthest thing from the truth. “Um, Alex, this is Max,” you start, gesturing to the man sitting in front of you, “He’s an old friend of mine.”
“Nice t’meet you, mate,” Alex nods, reaching forward and grasping Max’s hand firmly. Max cocks an eyebrow when Alex practically crushes his fingers in the grip.
“You too,” he says curtly, before he’s turning back to face you. It’s really, truly rude, and you try to conceal the astonished look on your face.
“Anyways,” Max clears his throat, “I really think you’d like it there, Y/N. The water’s beautiful, and I’ve got staff at my place who’ll wait on you hand and foot, so you won’t have to worry about—”
“’S goin’ on?” Alex brows knit together.
You look up at him, swallowing heavily.
“Max was just telling me about his house in Marseille. He wants me to visit, but I told him that I’m way too busy here at home.”
The wrinkles on Alex’s forehead dissipate, and his shoulders fall as relief washes over him. “Oh,” he says, the tone of his voice a bit more casual than before. He chuckles, shooting Max a helpless look. “Well, y’heard her, mate. A busy bee, this one.” He tilts his head towards you as he references your words.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Max questions bluntly, and your lips part at the irritability lacing his words. You see Alex’s mouth curve down into a slight frown, and you jump in before he can reply.
“This is Alex,” you say hastily, your hand subconsciously finding the crook of Alex’s arm. You squeeze tightly, hoping to soothe the obvious temper that’s warping his features. “He’s Tommy’s friend. They came back together from Dunkirk.”
“Oh, you lot,” Max mutters. Alex’s eyes narrow, and you stiffen.
“What’s that s’posed to mean?” he asks, trying to keep his voice levelled. Max just shrugs, pushing his hair out of his face and grimacing offhandedly.
“It’s just, well—a lot of good you all did,” he gripes, gesturing arbitrarily with his hands, “We had to come save you, isn’t that right?”
Alex is visibly shaking beside you now, and out of the corner of your eye, you see his hands ball up into fists. His knuckles whiten, the bones nearly popping from their sockets. The rest of the patrons in the diner are chatting happily and frolicking amongst each other, completely oblivious to the strained condition of your conversation.
Your fingers dig into Alex’s forearm discreetly, and you slide off of your barstool. “Well,” you say quietly, turning to face Max while placing a pacifying palm onto Alex’s chest, “It was nice seeing you, Max. We’ve got to go.”
With that, you shove past your old “friend” and tug Alex out of the restaurant.
Alex is seething.
Absolutely, fucking seething.
He wants to run back in there and punch the damn bastard in his smug little face. He wants to break his nose, to pull at his ears, to knock every single pearly, white tooth from his mouth. He wants to hit him until his own knuckles are split and bloody, carrying proof of the conflict.
He wants to, he wants to, he wants to.
But he doesn’t.
You’re pulling him along, rounding the corner of the diner and yanking him into a small alley. The lane is empty and secluded, giving the two of you enough privacy to avoid any curious eyes. Alex is breathing heavily, trying to suppress the anger that’s bubbling up inside of him. You finally stop once you reach the back of the passage, your hands finding the lapels of his jacket and tugging him towards you.
“That fuckin’ git,” Alex snarls, “That cowardly, brainless, foul—”
“I know!” you choke out, your grip tightening on the material of his coat, “I know, Alex, I know, but please—,” you gaze up at him imploringly, “Ignore him, okay? He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Fuckin’ cocksucker said—,” Alex starts, but you cut him off.
“I know what he said,” you lament, squeezing your eyes shut, “I know, I know. And he had no right to open his damn mouth, but please, Alex…”
You open your eyes and reach for him, placing a hand on each side of his face. He’s trembling beneath your touch; you steady him and force him to look directly at you.
“It’s bullshit,” you whisper to him, stroking his cheeks soothingly, “Everything he said? It’s all bullshit. And he’s not worth a fight, okay? You’re so much better than that.”
“He fuckin’—,” Alex breaks off, gritting his teeth nastily and glaring down at the ground. You swallow heavily, dropping your hand from his face so that you can lace your fingers with his. You pull him forward as you step back, and you stop only once you feel your shoulders hit the rough brick wall of the building.
“Hey,” you murmur, guiding his hands around your waist, “Look at me, yeah? Look at me.”
Alex’s gaze flicks upwards, his eyes filled with fragments of both rage and sorrow. He scoffs at himself and shakes his head, his arms subconsciously constricting as they circle your hips.
“Fuck, ‘m sorry,” he mumbles, staring at you sadly.
You purse your lips and blink at him. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” you tell him earnestly, your fingers carding gently through his hair. Your nails scratch comfortingly at the back of his head, and Alex releases a small, satisfied groan, his eyelids drifting shut.
“Look at me,” you remind him quietly, and you hum in gratitude when you’re met once again with the mossy green of his irises. Your teeth latch onto your bottom lip, and you play with a small strand of hair that has begun to curl behind his ear.
“Kiss me,” you tell him, your heart thumping rapidly in your chest. For a moment, you’re afraid that he’ll actually be able to hear the erratic pulse.
Alex surges forward, like the absence of the command had been the only thing holding him back. His lips smear against yours messily, and you wind your arms around his neck as your eyes flutter shut. You can still hear the tune of a song that’s playing inside the diner, but it’s quickly drowned out by the thick, syrupy gasp that Alex produces against your mouth. His hot breath washes out onto your nose and your chin, making your skin crawl with desire.
“Please,” you murmur between soft, smacking kisses, and one of Alex’s hands comes up to rest on the side of your neck. He tilts his head to the side, deepening the contact between you. You squeak quietly when his tongue pokes out and slides tentatively over your bottom lip, but then you’re parting your lips so that you can get even closer to him.
He notices that you taste like chocolate, and your mouth is honeyed from having slurped on multiple milkshakes throughout the night. In his head, he’s berating himself, because he knows that you’re probably tasting the beer that he’d downed earlier this evening, which is nowhere near as sweet.
“Sorry,” he rasps out, pulling away from your lips with a wet noise, “Probably taste like a pint, don’t I? ‘S not very pleasant.”
“No,” you whimper, shaking your head frantically, and guiding him back down to you. You sloppily press your mouth against his, slurring out, “No—it’s good, it’s great, please, just—”
And Alex is speechless, really, because he’s never seen you this weak for it. You’re begging him in between kisses, your words coming out as tiny, breathless mewls and frail hiccups. The noises you make are downright sinful, and very similar to the ones he conjures up when he’s tugging at his cock and imagining that you’re there with him. His pulse accelerates when you pull him closer to you, ensuring that there’s not even an inch of space between your bodies.
“Fuck, slow down, love,” Alex tells you, because he’s genuinely worried that he’ll spill right then and there and make a mess of his trousers.
“Don’t wanna,” you garble, whimpering softly, “Don’t wanna stop—please, just kiss me…”
“Okay, okay, ‘m coming,” Alex soothes. “Jesus,” he mumbles, completely enthralled; he can’t believe it.
He can’t fucking believe it.
He kisses you for what feels like hours, though it really can’t be more than only a few minutes. You’re all around him—the smell of your shampoo fills his nose, and your sweet, breathy gasps echo in his ears. He caresses your hips over your dress, his hands slipping lower so that they rest just above the swell of your bum. You hook one of your calves around the back of his knee, using the leverage to pull him closer. His pelvis fits snugly against yours, and when he applies even the lightest amount of pressure, you keen shamelessly.
“Christ, love,” Alex swears, reluctantly detaching his lips from where they’re melded to yours. Once he catches sight of you, however, he almost wishes he hadn’t.
Your eyes are glossy and glazed over with desire. Your pupils have dilated dramatically, nearly concealing the true colour of your irises. Alex watches your nostrils flare as you inhale sharply, having been deprived of air for far too long. Your lips are swollen and much darker than before, thanks to his passionate, bruising kisses. You bite the inside of your cheek, running a hand through your hair in hopes of taming the untidy strands.
Alex squeezes his eyes shut for only a moment and tries to reign in his cravings—to establish some sense of control over the situation.
“We need t’stop,” he tells you, his voice pained (stopping is the last thing he wants to do, but he knows that you’ll never forgive him if he allows this to escalate).
You blink slowly, and eventually, you’re pulled from your impious daze. Alex strokes your cheek, and you huff shakily, your breathing rattled. Your chest is heaving, and you peer around at your surroundings, processing it all anew.
“I wanna go home,” you mumble quietly. Alex isn’t quite sure whether you’d meant for him to hear the words, but then you look up at him with wide, nervous eyes, and repeat the sentence. “I wanna go home.”
“Okay,” Alex tells you, wrapping you up in his arms. All of his previous rage has dissipated, and as he presses a firm kiss to your forehead, he sends out a quiet prayer of thanks. He nods, his hands running up and down your back delicately.
“Okay,” he restates, his voice soft, “Let’s go home.”
Alex is sprawled out on the couch later that night, incapable of falling asleep.
He’s been struggling for the last two hours or so, changing his position multiple times and fluffing up his pillow to make it a bit more buoyant. He’d tried to cover himself up completely with the blanket (and then had decided against it—it was too hot); he’d tried to stick one foot out (but had quickly pulled it back in—it made him feel too exposed). Eventually, he’d just flopped down onto his back, staring up defeatedly at the ceiling.
He’s been settled like that for twenty minutes now.
He just wants to relax—to be pulled under by the weight of his eyelids and the heaviness of his limbs—but his mind is racing. No matter how much he wishes to forget about what that stupid fucking prick had said, he can’t. The words resonate in his ears, and it’s almost like he’s back at the diner, hearing them being spoken out loud.
A lot of good you all did.
The denigration had hit a nerve—struck a chord deep within him, an insecurity of which he hadn’t been aware.
We had to come save you, isn’t that right?
Alex grits his teeth. Fuck Max. Fuck him and his damn house on the beach. Fuck him and the fact that he’d probably been sipping cocktails on the sand while Alex had been on the other side of the country, cowering in fear as bombs dropped continuously from the sky. Fuck him and the fact that he’d probably been sleeping soundly in his bed while Alex had been fleeing from multiple sinking ships.
His throat is tight as he remembers every detail of his time in France, and how it had been nothing like what Max had experienced under the sunny skies of Marseille.
Fuck him. Just fuck him.
A loud creak reverberates through the air, and Alex’s head snaps to the side as he sits up abruptly. His heart pounds erratically in his chest as a rush of adrenaline scatters through his veins, and he holds his breath in panic.
Half of your body appears as you peek into the lounge, your hand steadying on the doorway of the room. Alex exhales heavily, and his shoulders drop as relief floods through him.
Was it ever going to go away?
The rest of your torso appears as you make your way into the living room. Alex moves gingerly, sliding his legs out from underneath the blanket and turning towards you. His feet land soundly on the floor, and he spreads his knees apart as you approach him.
He watches you intently when you slip in between his legs and chew on your bottom lip nervously. You look like you haven’t been able to fall asleep either—your hair is messy, and your eyes are slightly bloodshot. Your cheeks are a bit puffy, like you’ve been crying, and when you reach for him, he notices that your hands are shaking.
You interlock your fingers with his before bringing them up to your face. Alex is about to interrogate you, to make sure that you’re alright, but then you press a hard kiss to the knuckles on each of his hands, and his voice betrays him. You inhale deeply, like you’ve been deprived of oxygen for hours, and then you step back, giving a faint tug.
“Come with me.”
The words are quiet, nearly imperceptible. Alex almost wonders if he’d imagined them, but then you pull lightly on him again, and he obeys without a second thought.
He���d follow you straight into Hell, if you were to ask.
You’re leading him out of the living room and towards the stairs. Alex swallows violently when you begin to climb up, and you squeeze his hands in reassurance. He can’t help but to watch the way your hair falls around your shoulders, and how the fabric of your nightgown creases along your back with each step. The two of you ascend quietly, making sure to stay light on your toes to avoid potentially squeaky footfalls.
You reach the top of the stairs, and you wordlessly guide Alex down the hall. He’s pretty sure he stops breathing when he sees you advancing towards your bedroom.
The door is slightly ajar, and you release one of Alex’s hands so that you can tilt it open quietly. He can hear his pulse in his ears, now, and his hands are slightly clammy when you tug him past the threshold.
He’s only ever been in your room once before, and during that visit, he hadn’t exactly paused to look around.
Your bed is pressed snugly against the wall. The duvet is messy, as though you’d been tossing around before having finally come down to find him. Alex notes the tall dresser standing proudly off in the corner, and the large mirror that hangs from the wall to his right. Gray moonlight streams in from your window, which is completely exposed due to the pale curtains that you’ve shoved out of the way.
And there are pictures. Loads of pictures.
He knows that he could stand there for hours and inspect every single frame. He could find you in nearly every photo, examining the way your lips curve up into beaming grins and tracing the crinkles that form by your eyes. He could probably—if he was given enough time—organize each picture so that they stood in chronological order.
But then you’re turning around and stepping towards him, and all thoughts of frames and portraits flee from his mind.
“I want—,” you start, your voice trembling, “I need—”
And then your hands are at his waist, rucking up the soft material of his t-shirt and leaving a searing path against his sides. Alex acts without thinking, capturing your wrists and holding onto them tightly. A faint gasp leaves your lips as you stare up at him through your eyelashes, confusion written all over your face.
“Are yeh sure?” Alex breathes, his thumbs idly stroking the soft skin of your palms. “Are yeh sure, love? Can’t go back once it’s done.”
“I’m sure.” The words tumble from your lips as a breathless whisper. “Yeah, yes, I’m sure. I just wanna—please, I just need—”
“Okay, okay,” Alex soothes, stepping forward and eliminating the remaining space between you. His hands find your face, and then he’s guiding you up to meet him, his lips sealing against yours. You sigh happily into his mouth, your fingers wrapping around the fabric of his shirt and squeezing it tightly in your fists.
His lips move against yours languidly, and one of his hands slips from your face, curling around the nape of your neck so that he can keep you steady. His middle finger rubs the skin on the side of your throat, and you mewl quietly at the sensation. Your knees feel like they’re about to give out, and you can feel your stomach bubbling with anxiety and excitement.
Your hands are moving of their own accord, embarking upon their previous mission to rid him of his top. This time, Alex doesn’t try to stop you, instead lifting his arms up and disconnecting his lips from yours for only a second. He waits patiently as you fumble, smirking when the material of his shirt conceals his face. After a few, long seconds, your shaky hands are dropping the fabric to the floor. Alex tries to wipe the smile from his face, but you catch him when your gaze drifts back up.
“Stop it,” you mumble bashfully, your shoulders hunching as you try to curl in on yourself. Alex just chuckles and shakes his head, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Sorry, love. Can’t help it—jus’ so damn cute.”
Heat races up your spine, and you refuse to meet his eyes, instead busying yourself with his body. You eye his tanned skin and the way that it fits so smoothly over his pectorals. His stomach is flat, and his chest is toned, making your mouth water. Instinctively, you bring one of your hands to his left shoulder, tracing circles along the bone. Alex’s throat bobs heavily when your fingers slip lower, running along his collarbone and then his sternum.
“This is okay, right?” you ask, peering up at him shyly.
He nods quickly, exhaling through his nose. “Yeah, yes—fuck, ’s more than okay.”
You gnaw on the inside of your cheek to suppress a smile. Alex stiffens when the nail of your index finger circles his left nipple, and you watch in awe as the bud hardens. His skin has pebbled beneath your touch, goosebumps exploding over his arms and his chest. You hesitate for only a moment before leaning forward and pressing a soft, open-mouthed kiss to the place where his heart is thumping wildly below his ribs.
Alex knocks your hand away, then, and you look up at him in surprise, because you hadn’t finished exploring. He just grips your fingers tightly, though, and brings them up to his lips so that he can smear his mouth against your knuckles.
“Promise I’ll let yeh have your fun next time,” he swears to you, his voice a mere whisper. You gulp and nod, because apparently, he’s anticipating a next time.
Alex ducks forward to kiss you again, but instead of placing his hands at your jaw (it seems to be his favourite place to hold you), his fingers fumble with the column of buttons lining the front of your nightgown. You gasp loudly against his lips, and he shushes you as he thumbs open the first clasp lying a few inches below your collarbones.
“You’re sure, right?” he asks again, and you nod feverishly, your mouth sliding against his sloppily. Your own hands come up as you scramble to help him, exhaling unsteadily against his chin.
Once he’s finally unfastened the last button, his breath catches in his throat. You take it upon yourself to push the fabric from your body, gazing up at him shyly as the garment slips down your shoulders, your arms, and finally, falls to the floor in an airy heap.
Alex merely stares at you, unable to say anything. He can’t speak, he can’t move, he can’t think—all because you’re not wearing a damn bra.
Your nipples pebble as they become exposed to the cool air of the room. Alex can’t tear his eyes away from your chest—he’s acting crassly, he knows, but he can’t help himself. Here you are, standing before him wearing nothing but a plain pair of white panties, biting your lip apprehensively and wanting him.
It’s a literal dream come true (he can’t control the fantasies cooked up by his subconscious, okay?), and he’s afraid that any second now, he’s going to wake up.
But then your trembling hands reach for his own, and you lace your fingers together. You retreat towards your bed, and Alex follows you eagerly. He expects you to climb up onto the mattress and wait for him to join, but—as always—you surprise him.
Once your knees hit the edge of the bed, you plop down without a sound, tugging Alex closer to you. He inhales sharply when you release his hands and instead catch his hips, holding onto them tightly.
You peer up at him through your eyelashes as you lean forward, pressing hot kisses to his abdomen. Alex nearly chokes on his own spit. His cock plumps up at the contact, beginning to harden in his pajama pants, and you watch in awe as the material starts to tent slightly.
“F-Fuckin’ hell,” Alex stammers, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. Your right-hand slides down from his hip, and you brush your fingertips against his bulge gently, your eyes wide in naïve wonder.
“’S enough,” Alex croaks out, but you don’t acknowledge him. You bow down, smoothing your lips against the faint trail of hair that disappears beneath the waistband of his striped pajamas. Alex grunts, twining his hand through your hair and giving a faint tug. You whine when you feel him pull at your roots, but the pain is dull, dizzying, and delightful.
“I said ’s enough,” Alex grunts, glaring down at you. He’s truly afraid that if you keep it up, he’ll cum in his pants. It’s been so long since he’s had someone else take care of his cock, and the realization that you’re the one who’s sitting before him and thumbing at his prick only spurs him on.
You pout at him, and Alex lifts his chin, his next words coming out as a deep command. “Ge’ on the bed.”
“I already am,” you tease, smirking up at him playfully. Alex pulls again at your hair, the action packed with a bit more force. Your lips part as your eyes roll back into your head, and a weak whimper echoes in the back of your throat.
“’S much as I love seein’ your bratty side, minx,” Alex starts, lowering you down onto the bed. You scramble towards the top of the mattress as he knees his way onto the untidy duvet. Alex grins deviously at you, throwing one of his legs over your hips so that he’s got you trapped underneath him. His right palm lands on your sternum, fingers splayed out right beneath your throat. “Kinda had somethin’ else that I wanted t’do.”
He can’t help but to stare at the way your breasts rise and fall rapidly, and his cock lurches in his pants when he drags his hand down your body. His fingertips tickle the valley of your chest, the soft skin of your stomach, and then he shifts down your legs so that he can splay his palm flat against the front of your cotton panties.
“’S cute,” Alex chuckles, nudging the plain bow that rests on the waistband of your underwear. Your stomach is swelling and deflating with each heavy breath, and you’re sure that your skin is hot to the touch. Alex’s hand slips a bit lower, and he swears feebly when he caresses the drenched material that covers your cunt.
“You’re soaked, love!” he exclaims quietly, his eyes wide as he spreads you apart. You gulp, allowing him to maneuver you however he’d like. Alex kneels in between your legs, a hand on the underside of each thigh to keep them separated.
“Y’smell so good,” he groans, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to the elastic of your panties. His nostrils flare hungrily, and then he’s shuffling around so that he can rest flat on his stomach. He winds his arms around your thighs and places his hands on your tummy, his fingers hooking into your underwear absentmindedly.
“Gonna give it t’me?” Alex asks, his voice a mere whisper, “Gonna let me have my treat?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, fighting to keep your eyes open. Alex snickers quietly, littering wet kisses along the inside of your thighs. You twitch when he finally begins to tug your panties down your legs, the material passing over your thighs, then your knees, then your shins. Once the cloth reaches your ankles, you kick it off brusquely and watch it disappear into the darkness of your room.
Alex grins at your eagerness before settling into his previous position. He eyes your glistening folds; his pupils conceal nearly all the green in his irises. When he looks back up at you, you can feel the desire radiating from his body. He tilts his head to the side, rubbing soft circles into your hipbones.
“First time, yeah?”
Your voice catches in your throat, so you just nod. Alex returns the gesture before peering back down at your centre. You wish—more than anything—that you could close your legs. The way he stares at you makes you want to whine and curl up into a ball.
But then Alex leans forward, burying his nose into the tuft of hair at the apex of your thighs, and says, “Gonna make it good for yeh then. Gonna make y’feel so good.”
You gasp when he shoves his face into your cunt, his tongue licking a broad stripe up the length of your folds. Alex hums happily, like he’s been starving for days and the only thing he’ll ever get to taste is you. He burrows even deeper between your thighs, pressing his whole mouth against you and licking into you like you’re his last meal.
“Fuck,” he mumbles, pulling back for a moment to gaze up at you. His mouth and chin are shining in the moonlight, and his eyes are glittering gleefully. On cue, his tongue pokes out to lick along his lips, and his eyelids drift shut in bliss for only a moment.
“Taste so bloody good,” Alex praises, his voice low. “Could eat yeh for the rest o’ my life, darling.”
“Stop,” you breathe, the order being the first word to leave your mouth in minutes, “God, Alex, stop that. You—you’re getting me all—”
“Riling you up, aren’t I?” Alex grins widely, and his left eye drops into a wink. “’S okay, love, ’s a good thing. Tells me that I’m doin’ a good job.”
With that, he dives back in. Your back arches off the bed when he takes your clit in between his lips and sucks fiercely. An abrupt yelp leaves your lips, and your eyes widen as you slap one of your hands against your mouth.
“Gotta stay quiet,” Alex mumbles distractedly, because he honestly couldn’t care less at this point. He’s got you naked and writhing underneath him, and he doesn’t give a shit anymore—let them see. Let them all see how good he makes you feel.
Your father would probably shoot him without a moment’s hesitation, and Alex would let him—after he’s made you cum. He needs to see the face you make, needs to hear the mewls that spill from your lips, needs to feel the way your thighs shake around his head.
Once he’s experienced that, he’ll accept whatever tragic end fate has in store for him.
You’ve got one hand draped across your mouth, and the other is gripping the hair on Alex’s head. You gasp and yank at the tendrils, your fingers braiding through the curls roughly. The sensation makes Alex moan into your cunt, and you feel your chest tighten victoriously—so you’re not the only one who likes to have your hair pulled.
Alex continues to pluck skilfully at your folds, alternating between long licks and short, forceful sucks to your clit. Your lips part in a silent gasp when his tongue circles around your entrance, gathering the slick that’s accumulated there. He hums eagerly before slipping the muscle inside, probing at your silky walls. Your legs are positively shaking, and your abdomen is clenching spastically with each breath.
“Alex,” you hiss, feeling heat pool in your stomach, “Alex, I feel—”
“’S nice, yeah?” he asks, his nose pressing against the swollen bulb of your clit. “’S it burning properly? Feelin’ a bit tingly right there, hmm?”
He lays a hand flat on your tummy to emphasize his words. You inhale sharply and give a frantic nod, your eyes blown out with lust. Alex is still going, curling his tongue inside of you and stretching it as far as it can go. He knows that he can make you lose your mind—he’s just got to find that special place in your cunt that’ll have you seeing stars.
It’s when the tip of his tongue brushes a particularly spongey spot—and when you cry out loudly against your palm—that he knows he’s got it. He continues to stroke the area, and his thumb finds your clit so that he can rub small circles against you. Moments later, you’re falling apart beneath him, your thighs clamping tightly against his ears and your muscles quaking madly.
Alex coaxes you through your high, licking happily at your folds with closed eyes and a small smile on his face. Wet, breathy sobs fall from your lips, and he suddenly realizes that he wants to hear those sounds on a loop for the rest of his life.
He continues to rub his tongue languidly against your folds, cleaning you up with soft slurping sounds and gentle touches. He stops only when you release a quiet whine and push at his head, trying to close your legs.
“Sensitive,” you whine, and though he smirks, he respects your wishes.
He draws meaningless squiggles on your thighs while he waits for you to catch your breath. You inhale deeply, squeezing your eyes shut to try and regain your bearings. Some of your muscles are still throbbing with the aftereffects of your orgasm, but the sensation is pleasant and wheedles faint tingles up your spine.
When Alex groans and presses his hips against the bed, you remember that he’s still very hard and probably leaking into his pants. You run your fingers through his hair, pleading with him to look up at you. He does, and then you’re tugging him up and urging him to pull down his pajamas.
You plunge your hand into his bottoms, and Alex buries his face into your neck when your fingers wrap firmly around his cock. His hips jut forward against your hand, and you make a fist, slowly beginning to pump his prick. You bite on your lip, because you truly have no clue what you’re doing, but Alex seems to be enjoying it.
He’s grunting and whining into your neck, the pitches of each sound so dramatically different from each other. The position is awkward—he’s sort of leaning over you, but his body isn’t completely shielding your own. You thumb at the tip of his cock while your other hand works at tugging his pajamas down. The material becomes stuck at his thighs (they’re thick and wide, and you honestly wouldn’t mind taking a bite out of them), but it’s enough for his prick to bob out, completely exposed.
Alex hisses when the nippy air strokes his cock, but your hand is warm, and your body is even warmer, so he presses himself against your side as you continue to touch him. You deliver a steady yet tender kiss to the side of his head, and your voice is small and tentative when you utter the words.
“Cum, please.”
And then he’s groaning loudly, shoving his face against your throat and biting down on the soft skin to keep his noises contained. You watch in amazement as his cock jerks against your hand. A second later, strong ribbons of a milky white substance are spurting out onto your stomach.
“Fuckin’ shit,” Alex whimpers against your neck, his arms quivering with the strength to keep himself upright. Eventually, his limbs give out, and he slumps against your side, one of his legs thrown carelessly over yours.
Alex’s chest puffs out radically against you, his pectorals brushing the side of your chest with each viscous gasp. You stare up at the ceiling, unable to believe what’s just happened.
His cum is sticky on your stomach, and you peer down, your fingers reflexively dipping into the foreign substance. Alex watches with wide eyes as you bring the coated digits to your mouth and lick tentatively at his release. After a moment, you sink your entire finger past your lips—Alex squeezes his eyes shut and wheezes in pain.
“Christ, love,” he pants, his body feeling like jelly, “Don’ do that. Might get hard again.”
“Really?” you ask, your eyes as large as saucers when you peer over at him. Alex chokes on a raspy laugh, forcing his own eyes open so that he can study your face.
Your hair is a mess, and your cheeks are still slightly puffy (but this time, it’s for a completely different reason). You’re glowing, really, looking freshly-fucked even though Alex hasn’t gotten his cock anywhere near your cunt.
He wants to, though. Fuck, he wants to.
He reaches out so that he can cup your cheek in his large hand. You inhale deeply when his thumb begins to pet your skin softly, and then you offer him a small, satisfied smile. He chuckles, craning his neck so that he can slide his lips against yours, and you hum happily into his mouth.
He cleans you up afterwards, hoisting his pants back onto his hips and sneaking out into the hall to fetch a wet washcloth from the bathroom. You’re unable to keep the smile from your face as he silently wipes up the cum on your stomach, and he snickers when he notices that you’re staring at him.
He helps you back into your nightgown, buttoning up the first few clasps of the garment per your request. He’s cheeky (“Y’sure, love? Could just leave it undone and gimme a nice view for the rest o’ the night.”), and you roll your eyes teasingly at his suggestiveness.
You fall asleep before he does, cuddled against his bare chest with one leg slung over his hip. Alex swallows heavily as he studies your peaceful features, his fingers running softly through your hair.
He loves you, he truly does. He’s just not quite sure if he should tell you. He thinks that he might do it tomorrow morning, confessing his feelings as the sunlight streams through the window and bathes you in an angelic glow. He can see himself breaking the news to you, then, while your body snuggles into his and your eyes gleam with joy.
He nods subconsciously to himself. He’s going to do it. He’s going to tell you that he loves you. He’ll utter the words tomorrow once the two of you are roused from your sleep, and then he’ll kiss you like he can’t bear to stop, and it’ll be wonderful—the perfect morning.
That perfect morning never comes.
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2K notes · View notes
cumahinut · 6 years
67, 92 and 100 :D
thank you!
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
haiji towa no doubt about that, if i ever meet him i’ll report him to the police immediately
92. Least favourite Monokub?
i really don’t like any of them at all, maybe monophanie because she calls monokuma daddy and there’s incest jokes with her
100. Opinion on all the Protagonists!
okay! ill do dr1, sdr2, drae, dr0, and ndrv3 since i haven’t seen the rest of the franchise
Naegi Makoto - i actually liked him during my first watch of dr1 (when it was airing) and then dr3 destroyed him for me because of what they did about kirigiri being his trophy but after rewatching and playing the game long ago i warmed up about him, he’s refreshing in a way that even though he’s basically a type of main character that’s a projection from the viewer/player he has unique qualities that make you adore and admire him, it takes a lot to have a high fortitude and mental strength, even though he’s more emotionally proficient that physically or skilled, he’s not that wee helpless thing that needed to be saved every time or had to depend on everyone all the time, sure he depended on kirigiri for her skills but in return kirigiri relied on him for his strength that makes him a balanced character, dr3 is trash but his moment of confronting munakata (locks the door and told munakata THEY HAVE TO TALK) is such a great move and very him, he grew on me a lot during my stay in this fandom
Hinata Hajime - i love this sassy yet kind boy!! i don’t normally relate to characters and point out similarities between them and me but hinata’s problems just hit home for me, it’s so real for me and i know his struggles, but moving that aside because i’m most certainly not gonna talk about me right now i loved his development, even though it was flunky because of nanami’s involvement (they could have done it better) this guy is so ambitious and refuses to be mediocre that he sold out his own body to be a man of full of talents and lost his humanity, it’s a big leap from naegi’s chill life who just owns up his normie interests, but his character also showed that talent is not what defines you, no matter where you study, if you don’t believe in yourself. sdr2 really did bad on him with chapter 6 because it’s basically a nanami showdown for me so i prefer his development in talent development plan more
Naegi Komaru - i adore this girl a lot! she’s been through so many hardships within a week, she got thrown in a world she knows nothing about and suddenly she had to fend for her life?! i think she has the most solid and straightforward development among the protagonists, i loved her development from her struggling to survive to wanting to help other people, like that sounds common in this kind of series but it’s a feat for her because we’ve seen how terrified she is from the start, she just wanted to escape and get out, she thinks she’s just a normal girl who can’t do any greatness until she learned that even though she’s normal she counts, she found strength with touko by her side and thought she can fight all odds if it’s with touko and they can make a difference and bring change. 
Fukawa Touko - had to put her because she’s also a drae protag!! so i wasn’t really impressed with her development in dr1 but i still liked her a lot??? so i’m eternally grateful, drae as fucked up as it is wonderful, gave her a stellar development and showed us a side of her that isn’t just lusting over togami, and even gave her a moment when she chose this girl she just met over him a couple of times! the girl she initially chose to stay with because of togami who then became her very first friend and sought her inner strength and made her confident of herself, it’s just so precious!! this pair is really amazing and how they found strength by being each other’s side
Matsuda Yasuke - yes please let’s not forget dr0 is a thing and a wonderful thing it is because of him, i love him so much there’s no enough words to describe it, his story is so interesting and if i didn’t know better reading dr0 would be a different experience because of the process of unveiling him?? like the things he does behind the scenes, his relationship with junko/ryouko that is actually the only het thing i accept because it’s really not romantic in nature from his side, i really loved his line about it, she’s not a lover but she’s as important to him anyway, junko had him in shackles for since his childhood because of his need to be needed and omg i’m talking in shambles right now but yes, how his initial goal was to protect junko from herself by isolating her from her memories and then it went to attempting to killing her while in ryouko to boot to save himself, it’s a power move. also he’s one of the most accomplished students in hpa i love that about him, he’s prickly yet extremely caring to a fault, his jagged appearance, aaaa everything about him is adorable and sad i want more ppl to give attention to him ;;;;
Otonashi Ryouko - lol the actual protag of dr0, i surprisingly loved her?? when i heard about her i was mild about it because i’m not a big fan of genki girls but learning her situation being amnesiac it makes so much sense for her to be? and in a fucked up way i mean, she didn’t choose to be cheerful when she forgets every instance of her life except for matsuda, that’s saddening and fucked up. there’s this one scene she and matsuda had a fight, and matsuda gaslighted her and she was forced to choose between matsuda and her notebook, that compiles every memories of her with 100% accuracy, and then it went abrupt because matsuda had to go somewhere but after he felt guilty about it and wanted to apologize to her, she already forgot about it and went back from being cheerful?? that’s fucking sad. i don’t remember much about dr0 anymore but she’s a really tragic character from start to finish, just before she went in a fit of despair killing matsuda, her final moments were heartbreaking, thinking it had nothing to do with her and all that, it’s a fresh break from the usual junko
Akamatsu Kaede - actual protag of ndrv3!!! so there’s nothing much about her background that pushed her motivation, the thing about her is mostly by her assertive personality which i loved, it’s the first time they made a protag that’s a leader type and takes things to her own hands, it’s amazing! despite all things she still had flaws, and showed how her naivety and pushy attitude could affect everyone and it was pointed out harshly that she felt that she’s pushing others too much during that time underground, and then she learnt the possibility a traitor is among them and working together isn’t gonna work out so she took things to her own hands and hid her plan from everyone, it didn’t work out but she did her best, she was pushed to resort to murder and she took responsibility for that, it’s tragic and it’s compelling for her part. i don’t believe anyone who says that her being framed by tsumugi proves her innocent, it doesn’t change anything, her plan just failed but her intent to kill was still there and not erased. so while i’m disappointed she died so early i’m not sure how her character will go in the long run? i wouldn’t have worried about it if only she was replaced by a better protagonist 😒 😒
Saihara Shuuichi - meeeh, honestly can’t remember the latter half of ndrv3 that well but i remember not liking him at all, even disliking him for some reason i don’t do well with this type of characters, it’s not fresh, his angsting is just aggravating for me and he overused kaede as a crutch and his manpain so hard i wanna punch him, so yeah sorry this sounds halfassed compared to my earlier comments but i dislike him and me forgetting about him is self care because i’m probably gonna be more annoyed being reminded by him
Danganronpa: Ask Meme
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ohoshi · 3 years
i watched the dont lie svt mafia game (the first two links u sent) and it was so fun!!! i love how you dont know who the mafia is until the end so it’s like youre playing along too :) also seungkwan was so smart!!! gradually building everyones trust and gathering allies around him!! i was so sad when he was killed off tho, he literally was abt to catch the mafia 😭 and hoshi REVEALING HIMSELF AS THE MAFIA was the funniest thing ever but also really smart like he turned everyone against mingyu (who honestly i thought was the mafia too), and in the last round hoshi was just openly like “who should we kill today” IM DEAD 😂 also can i just say that jeonghan looked so GOOD in that game...he’s such a sexy mafia 😏 i cant wait to watch their second dont lie mafia game!
u already know for 127 jaehyun was my first bias and now mark is my ult <3 and for dreamies if u dont count mark (since i knew him from 127 first so kinda unfair) i think jaemin was prob also my first and current bias?? he was my first bias and i just never stopped 😂 for wayv i think my bias is yangyang hehe :) im trying to think abt what similarities in my biases are - it might just be the smiley happy funny ones with the best laughs as we talked about before (this is weird but i think when i first meet someone i notice their laugh?? like i love ppl who have laughs that you can tell are just truly from their heart if that makes sense) i might also have a slight bias for rap lines but i think that is not as concrete as the smiley/funny thing!
omg thats so cool that you know so many languages!! youre so cool hehe :) i always have so much respect for ppl who learned languages (idk i dont count me knowing canto as learning a language bc i kinda passively learned it thanks to my parents hahaha) i took french and spanish for a bit in school but i didnt continue and have thus forgotten most of it D: (which i kinda regret, i want to try learning french again someday) also i totally get that about chinese and japanese being intimidating...ive always thought it'd be so cool to learn another asian language (and one that is more widely used than canto) but they are quite hard, esp for chinese/japanese where the writing system is a lot harder to learn!! i learned korean hangul so i can sound out words veryyyy slowly but i dont know what they mean 99% of the time 😂 i havent seriously applied myself to actively learning a third language but i've always wanted to! i can understand basic korean phrases tho since i watch so much korean content ahahaha
hmm as for weird phobias, i really hate cockroaches?? or bugs in general...and i also hate when circles are bunched together rly closely lol (i think it’s called tryptophobia but i wouldnt recommend googling that cuz it grosses me out so much omg 😰😰)
ok now to close this out on a happier note lol i THINK i can name all the svt members now??? like with maybe 85% accuracy 😂 and i think my first biases are joshua, jeonghan, & kinda dino and vernon :)) but i feel myself slowly falling for all of them i love how chaotic they are and ive laughed so much watching their videos already 😊😊
AAAH i'm so glad you loved it 🥺 ikr it was so good??? i especially loved the part when hoshi just blamed mingyu!!!!! and manipulated everyone into thinking that he was one of the mafia!!! what a smart move but also fun? hoshi the god of variety shows!! tbh i kinda knew minghao was the mafia since the beginning... he was just too quiet... i mean he is a quiet person yk but he was more suspicious than usual 👀 and i guess bc in the beginning they gave us the preview of their reactions and he laughed and knowing he's a scorpio i only assumed... so i didn't 100% buy hoshi's lie bc i was still sure that hao was one of the mafia 🤷🏻‍♀️ still tho it was legendary!!!! but i guess mingyu played it stupid and he was sus to begin with so 🤷🏻‍♀️ yeah.... YOU CAN SAY THAT JEONGHAN LOOKS GOOD BC damn right he does 😍 he is a beautiful man what can i say 🤷🏻‍♀️ he is also very confident in himself (the other day i watched one gose ep from 2019 it's called debate night i think and basically they're having a debate about the stupidest, most pointless things in the world (like is it better to live AS a pigeon or live WITH a pigeon for a year, or is it better to have 3 eyes or 3 arms 😅) and jeonghan always had a counter argument, ALWAYS, but he would say it so confidently looking handsome as hell he could make me believe that grass was blue..) btw gose always has dumb content like this but still i think it's the best idol content out there only bc svt are crazy funny and chaotic and those 13 boys share a total of 2 braincells shared by wonwoo and jun each; like there is one ep i think it's called the8 and the 12 shadows ans basically they all move in a row and all 12 of them have to repeat what the first member is doing, it might sound smart when i explain it but if you'd watch it you'd see that it's so dumb and pointless but it's funny and 1hour long and carats watch it bc 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways what i'm trying to do is show you what you're getting yourself into😌
ohhhh i think jaehyun, mark, nana and yangyang all have beautiful smiles and they’re all very smiley and bright people 🥺 so that's definitely the one thing your biases have in common 🥺 that's so cute 🥺 oh you think you're attracted more to the rap line? 🤔 all of your nct biases are indeed rappers (jaehyun is a i can do it all i'm 97 line he is excluded) so maybe??? but yeah you biasing bright idols is 🥺 adorable!!!
ahh thank you 🥺 i try!! yeah most people forget languages if they don't use them regularly </3 kinda scared i'll forget french bc i never use it nowadays, i used to know a woman who only spoke french and i would have to translate to her what my family tells her and vice versa, it was a great french exercise 💪 but i don't see her anymore so </3 the fact that you speak canto and chinese(mandarin i guess?) intimidates you really adds fuel to the fire<3 it's great that you know how to read hangul!!! me too!! you'll get better at reading with practise! but compared to chinese characters i don't think it's that hard, i mean, how do chinese people even memorize all the characters?? or WORSE how do foreigners memorize them??! writing in chinese must be so hard do you have to pay attention to all the tiny lines?? that's a lot of work 😨 i am terrified 😨 do you also know basic japanese phrases from anime?? bc personally i do but i know a lot more korean than japanese i mean thank god, i'm learning korean religiously tho 😂 still tho can't watch idol content without titles</3 (except with chinese wayv members who struggle OMG MAYBE I LOVE CHINA LINE BC THEY MAKE KOREAN A BIT EASIER? anyways i completely relate to them bc korean grammar is so hard, so strange and so different from grammar i'm used to in 'western' languages)
cockroaches? 😨 i too hate insects of every kind<3 so i understand <3 oh i know about tryptophobia(?)!!! one of my friends is scared of the same thing too, have to admit it does look disgusting 😬 i'm also afraid of heights and water!!! (but like the sea and the ocean sjsgsjaha i can't swim!! and i never want to!!!) 😨😅
AHHHH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU 🤧 what a bias combo thooooo 👀 jeonghan? i approve! he is so fun!!! so beautiful!! sexc 👀 jeonghan is so interesting i love him and also joshua is so pretty too?? i mean obvs they're both visuals sjgssj but it's different with shua bc i can look at him all day it's soooo calming to just look at him?? ahh angelic! it's kinda interesting to me bc you bias jeonghan and joshua and jihan (their ship name) is kind of a big deal™ did you know that????? i assume it was unintetional and you had no idea about it jsgsja i also approve of vernon and dino as well but i mean i would approve of anyone and everyone at this point 🤷🏻‍♀️ have you seen pics of jeonghan with long hair??? i feel lowkey bad for saying this but he is so beautiful i deadass thought he was a woman 😧
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