#loving law zine
lovinglawzine · 2 months
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❤️Doctor, doctor, gimme the news❤️ ❤️I got a bad case of lovin' you❤️ After a year of hard work and lots of passion, Loving Law now presents our love letter to our dear captain. 💛❤️🐯❤️💛
💋SFW & OC/X-Reader with over 100+ pages of beautiful art and writing. 💋NSFW with over 100+ pages of spicy art and writing.
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chenziee · 2 months
My piece for @lovinglawzine! It's completely free and available to download right now! There's two zines, >SFW< and >NSFW< and both are full of Law love 🤍🐯 (did I mention it's free?)
The first time Law noticed the red cord tangled around his little finger, he dismissed it. He was still deathly sick from amber lead, the brutal loss of Cora-san painfully fresh on his mind, and some strange thread couldn’t be anything but a hallucination. After all, he couldn’t even touch it and it didn’t lead anywhere his hazy eyesight could see. What else would it be except something his exhausted mind had made up?
The second time he noticed it, Law accounted it to still not being used to his devil fruit. It was barely the third time he had managed to successfully conjure up a Room—as he had decided to call it—and it was still wonky, still clumsy, still unstable. He couldn’t see any strings on his hand or anywhere else when he wasn’t using his powers so there was no way it was really there.
The third time he noticed it, he inadvertently remembered a story his mom used to tell him and Lammy. A story about a Red String that connected two fated lovers, two people who were of one soul, never to be complete without the other. Soulmates, so to speak. He disregarded the thought immediately for being too unscientific and ridiculous.
The sixth time he noticed it, he decided he had to be losing his mind because now he could see a red string on everyone who entered his Room.
The twentieth time… 
The twentieth time he barely even noticed the strings tangling in the snow underneath his feet anymore.
After eleven years with the power of the Op-Op Fruit, Trafalgar Law could confidently say he understood how it worked and what it allowed him to do. He could remove people’s organs without hurting them, he could perform near-impossible surgeries without so much as thinking about it, and he could do whatever he wanted within his Room.
And, despite his best efforts, Law couldn’t ignore that anymore either.
It took a lot of back and forth between Bepo and Penguin’s romantic mindset, and his and Shachi’s more realistic—or jaded, as Ikkaku liked to say—worldview. It took him years but in the end, Law had no choice but begrudgingly admit that his power also allowed him to see the so-called ‘Red String of Fate’, whatever that was.
Strings that weren’t so much red sometimes as they were on a scale between black and gold. Black—dark, charred, and dead—presumably for deceased partners. Red for disconnected strings. Gold for a string that found its other end—the second (or third or last) person sharing this bond. To this day, Law wasn’t sure how much weight he should be giving to it though. He had seen people with strings blood red, yet with wedding rings on their fingers, crying for their beloved wives and husbands while Law cut them in half with morbid fascination, uncaring.
On the other hand, he had encountered people with beautiful gold around their left little fingers… who seemed nothing but happy to meet their demise by Law’s unforgiving hands.
All in all…
Law didn’t care.
Least of all, about the red string that was still securely tied to his own hand.
Honestly, if he could, he would have burned it long ago. And boy, did he try. After all, what use did he have for a ‘fated partner’? What did that even mean? He didn’t know and he didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to him was Cora-san… and Doflamingo.
But, eleven years in, he had long since resigned himself to the thing being there to stay.
Not that it made any difference to him or anyone else.
At least, that was how it was for a long time. How it was supposed to be.
“You guys stay back. I’ll handle this,” Straw Hat Luffy announced as he, Eustass Kid, and Law took their stand in front of the Sabaody human auction house.
“No, you two stay back!” Eustass snapped back—raising to the bait like a child.
Law, on the other hand, stayed perfectly calm. “You tell me what to do one more time and I’m killing you first, Eustass-ya.”
“Just me, Trafalgar?” Eustass asked, shooting Law a look.
Law didn’t bother dignifying that with a response.
Not that there was that much time for chit-chat once the marines surrounding them from all sides broke out of their pathetic stupor and cannons started going off, shooting straight at them.
“Room,” Law said lazily, taking Kikoku out of its long scabbard. Nonchalantly cutting off the head of the nearest marine, Law quickly switched it with the cannonball hurtling at him, then caught the screaming head easily. 
As he tossed it in his hand a few times, a smirk playing at his lips, Law wondered… how should he play with these rats? They didn’t have much time before an admiral would be on their asses so he couldn’t get too creative…
“Wow, your power’s weird.”
Law huffed, tilting his head to the side to glance at Straw Hat; there was a look in his eyes that was slightly curious… but mostly completely honest, almost innocent, but with a strange weight behind it that made Law freeze completely just for a second. It was the same weight, same intensity as when he had punched that Celestial Dragon, but at the same time, it felt completely different.
But, before he could decipher it or really think about it, the moment was over.
“Look who’s talking, Straw Hat-ya.” Law huffed in amusement, turning his attention back to the scrambling marines.
He called forth another Room just as Straw Hat dashed past him. Law wanted to roll his eyes at his impatience but then something else caught his eyes—a smudge of red trailing after him, flowing happily in the air as if to mark the path he took.
Inadvertently, Law’s eyes followed the string. He wasn’t sure why; maybe because it basically hit him in the face when he flew past, or maybe because Law hardly ever saw a string that wasn’t dragging on the ground, hardly saw someone with the other end of the sting being close by.
Or maybe, that too was fate.
As he followed the path of the string, Law’s eyes widened once his gaze reached his own hand. His own left little finger, where the other end of the string was tied snuggly… while a gold glitter started to spread around it.
No, that couldn’t be right.
There was no way Law was tied to Straw Hat Luffy.
“You chickening out, Trafalgar?” Eustass called mockingly as he stole the swords out of the hands of the three marines that had attacked Law, the three marines that Law had completely failed to notice in his shock.
At least it’s not this fucking guy, Law thought to himself.
“Shut the fuck up, Eustass-ya,” he snapped back, then sighed deeply.
What was he doing? It didn’t fucking matter if Straw Hat was his ‘soulmate’ or whatever other unscientific, superstitious, childish word he wanted to call this stupid thing.
After all, what did he care? He never cared. Not once.
He had neither the time nor the capacity to waste on pointless ideals like love. He knew what love was. He had received love. And then he lost it, every single time. 
His country, his city, his parents, his sister, Cora-san…
He’d lost all of it and now, nothing mattered—nothing but fulfilling Cora-san’s ambition.
Least of all, some reckless idiot in a straw hat with a smile that could blind a person, and passion that could burn down the entire world.
When Law heard about the execution of Portgas D. Ace, he thought nothing of it. He was curious to know how it was going to end: who would win, how the world was going to change, where the delicate balance of power would tilt. He was looking forward to seeing it… but he had no personal interest in it—not in the war, the government, the Whitebeard Pirates, in Fire Fist, or anyone else involved in the fighting.
When Bepo asked him why they were going to Marineford, Law didn’t have an answer for him.
Law was used to operating on people. He was a surgeon, after all. It was what he did.
It was supposed to be routine for him by now.
So why were his hands shaking when he stood above Straw Hat Luffy lying on the operating table, unconscious and bleeding heavily, his life escaping him with every weak breath he took?
Law knew why, but he refused to acknowledge it.
He refused to acknowledge the string hanging between them, the very same string that had changed colour from red to gold just days ago—now slowly turning black. He refused to think about it when he first saw the state Straw Hat was in, he forced himself to ignore it when he first created a Room around them inside the Tang, and he actively turned his eyes away whenever he checked on him while he recovered.
And now, as he sat on the shore of Amazon Lily, clutching the old, tattered straw hat in his hands, he fought with himself trying to not pay attention to the way his left little finger tingled, almost as if the invisible string was strangling its blood flow. Which was ridiculous; the string wasn’t really there, it wasn’t real. Law knew it was only in his head but even so, with every distant scream and every creak and crash of a tree falling, he felt another tug on his hand.
How long had this been going on?
It felt like hours since Straw Hat had woken up—since he started this self-destructive rampage.
At the back of his mind, Law wondered whether this was it. After all the work he had done, after spending two weeks saving his life… Straw Hat was going to kill himself. The thought bothered him more than it should have; his heart was beating at a nervous rhythm, his hands sweating and shaking just the smallest bit, his stomach heavy as if he had swallowed the rocks Straw Hat had shattered with his bare hands earlier.
He hated it. He hated feeling like this just because of a patient.
Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Law forced himself to focus on his surroundings. He let his eyes wander around the bay, taking in Ikkaku and Hakugan checking the outside of the Tang to make sure Straw Hat hadn’t damaged her anywhere, Bepo scribbling out a clumsy map to the side, Jean Bart chatting with Uni and Clione, telling them about his days as a captain of his own crew. They all seemed to be having fun…
It left Law feeling that much more stupid for being so nervous—so scared. 
How pathetic.
Law startled at Shachi’s sudden call; inadvertently, he looked his and Penguin’s way—the both of them were looking at the sea just off the shore, pointing and shouting about sea kings fighting. As if that was so strange in the Calm Belt.
Still, Law watched with them as the creature struggled, sending violent waves across the water surface in its pointless fight for dear life. It didn’t stand a chance and for a moment, Law wondered just what kind of monster was out there, and if maybe it was going to turn its eyes on the Heart Pirates next. Not that he was worried—rather, a fight might distract him from his thoughts, and from the pirate who was fighting for his life and sanity behind him; so close, yet so far out of Law’s reach.
It didn’t take long for the fight to end and oppressing silence to settle over them. It was like no one even dared breathe as they waited for something to happen. Something, anything…
Except for what did actually happen.
“What a nuisance…”
Both Law and his crew could only watch in stunned silence as a regular human emerged from the water, climbing up the rocks that made up the Amazon Lily’s shore line as if he had just gone to take a quick dip on a vacation instead of fighting a Neptunian in the middle of the goddamned Calm Belt.
Maybe it wasn’t too much of a stretch to call him a monster anyway.
“D-Dark King Reyleigh?!” Penguin cried, the first one to break out of his stupor.
“Oh, it’s you guys. We met at the Auction House, right?” Dark King noted as he casually wringed water out of his clothes.
“Why—how—?” Clione stuttered.
The Dark King huffed. “My ship sank in a storm so I had to swim the rest of the way. It was more taxing than it should have been, I’m really getting old.”
“Storm?” Penguin repeated. “This is the Calm Belt, just how far did you swim?!”
“Anyway,” Rayleigh said, completely ignoring the question in favour of turning to look directly at Law with an unreadable smile on his face. “I’m assuming Luffy is on this island somewhere, isn’t he?”
The question was so simple… but it was as if lightning ran through Law’s body. His breath hitched in his throat, his heart beating a pace faster, his grip on the straw hat tightening. How did he know? Did the navy know too? Were they safe here? What did he want with Straw Hat?
Law wasn’t stupid. He knew that if the Dark King wanted to kill Luffy—or any of them—there was nothing any one of them could do to stop him. No one on this island was a match for this man.
A beat of silence passed while the two of them eyed each other, before Law took a deep breath and spoke up, voice carefully measured. “And if he is?”
At that, Rayleigh laughed. It wasn’t mocking—a genuine, light laughter, one that finally helped Law relax, knowing that there was no immediate danger from him. 
“You’re quite protective of him, I’m glad!” Rayleigh noted after a moment. “I was wondering what the feared Surgeon of Death wanted with Luffy but I see I didn’t have to worry.”
The smile he gave Law this time was so amused, so knowing, that Law suddenly felt incredibly exposed. It was like this man could understand everything about him and Straw Hat, and about Law’s motives; things that even Law himself didn’t know.
He hated the look.
Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Law finally looked away. “He’s here. Unless he manages to reopen his wounds and dies.”
“Wonderful! Thank you for taking care of him. I’ll take over from now on.”
"Why?" Law asked before he could stop himself, or at least try to keep his unfounded hostility out of his voice.
And once again, laughter was his response. "Oh, did you intend to keep Luffy all to yourself?"
Law startled at those words. Suddenly, as if doused in ice-cold water, Law was brought back to reality—the reality where Straw Hat was just some pirate he had barely met once, where Law had his own life, his own mission which allowed for no attachments to anyone or anything.
The reality where he had no reason to stay.
Ignoring the painful pang next to his heart, as well as the sharp tug on his little finger—imaginary, it wasn't real, there was nothing there—, Law gave the hat in his hands one last look before he closed his eyes momentarily and sighed.
“No,” he said simply as he finally stood up to his feet. “Two weeks of absolute rest, minimum.”
The Dark King didn’t say anything for a moment, merely studying Law’s expression as if he was trying to cut into his brain and pick him apart, but before Law could snap at him to stop, the man nodded. “Alright, thank you.”
With no reason to linger anymore, Law tossed the straw hat at Rayleigh, not sparing either him or the hat another glance. “Let’s go.”
“But captain—”
Law cut off his crew’s protests with a single glare, one that made them all deflate and shuffle to the sub without another word of complaint. He could hear Shachi and Penguin whining quietly to each other about having to leave the Maiden Island without even getting to properly talk to a single girl but he ignored them, choosing to focus on their departure.
Briefly, he wondered whether he should have waited to at least say goodbye to Straw Hat… but he knew that if he waited for him, if he had to look into those huge, expressive, beautiful eyes that were so full of energy and passion and life… he wouldn’t be able to say it.
Wouldn’t be able to leave.
And Law knew, he knew he needed to go now.
He had no right to stay by his side, after all—not when Straw Hat was injured, broken, and suffering, not when Law could do nothing about it except stop the physical bleeding. Not when Law himself was already broken, his path set for him since eleven years ago—a path that led to nothing but destruction, and which would have Law leave eventually regardless.
It was better for the both of them like this; to part ways before it was too late. 
Before either of them could do something as stupid as falling in love was.
That was two years ago. During that time, Law had managed to forget about Straw Hat Luffy—forced himself to pretend he didn’t see the golden string on his left hand, to act like he didn’t know who it led to. Focusing on his mission, on Joker, Law lived his life without looking back at those eyes and bright smile.
But now, Straw Hat Luffy was standing in front of him in the snow of Punk Hazard, bright and beautiful and oh-so-warm and Law…
Law knew.
He knew he wouldn’t be able to pretend anymore.
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captainbutterbuns · 2 months
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Another smaller piece I drew up for the Loving Law Zine. More to come!
(The last two are not safe for work, so the full versions of those will be on my Twitter and BluSky.)
You can still download the zine! SFW & OC/X-Reader NSFW
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khepiari · 2 months
LuLaw Fic: Don't Freak Out, I Might Be Cursed!
Summary: AU. Royalty. Fantasy. DILF King Luffy x DILF Healer/Witch Consort Law.
Pairing: LuLaw.
Chapters: 7
Status: Complete.
Content Warning: implied past child/sexual abuse
This fic was written for Loving Law Zine, now it is up on ao3, ffnt and wattpad with slight tweaks.
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Everything was going fine in our domestic life, we had been married for a solid eleven years. We had sex four times a week and ate three meals a day. Everything was going fine all round us as well. There was no scarcity of food, and diseases were under control all over the land. Most importantly, my life-partner was finally beginning to relax and enjoy the little pleasures of life– strolling around the garden, drinking post-lunch tea, taking afternoon naps, nibbling on snacks in the evening and reading books. It was a joy to watch him gain some weight around his hips and thighs, and a relief to see the starving paleness from his skin disappear after years of stress and anxiety.
The reason behind this bliss was that the bloody kingdom that he loved so much had at last stabilized— economically, socially, politically, and mentally.
And me, Monkey D Luffy, as the reluctant warrior king who was loved by all, did everything in my power to keep the peace intact! All for my introverted better-half, Trafalgar D Water Law; the true ruler behind the facade of the king that I was.
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katia-anyway · 2 months
Hey everyone!!! Here is the piece I made for the @lovinglawzine's NSFW section! Please enjoy it and go download the zine, it's still available for free!
A Dream Come True! (3251 words) by Katia_Anyway Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Trafalgar D. Water Law/Vinsmoke Sanji Characters: Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vinsmoke Sanji Additional Tags: Sora Warrior of the Sea, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Flirting, One Night Stands, Or Is It?, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Hero Worship Series: Part 2 of Sora Warrior of the Sea - LawSan version Summary: Sora Warrior of the Sea, has been on the Polar Tang for a few days now, and he seems to be favoring Law: making him his favorite foods, trying to spend time alone with him, etc. Law doesn't want assume, but it looks like the hero might like him. Spoiler alert: he does. He does a lot.
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gali-la · 2 months
Marked as His
My work for @lovinglawzine! make sure to check it out for some awesome law works <3
Law was slammed against the door, shoulders making harsh contact first and then the rest of his body followed, only slightly pillowed by Bartolomeo’s hands on his ass and the small of his back. The force behind the movement knocked the breath out of the surgeon’s lungs, and the other man used it to his advantage, tilting Law’s head up and nosing along his neck. Law whimpered, even though it cost more of that precious air that was in dwindling supply. Bartolomeo’s teeth went for his neck, fangs pressing dangerously in a way that had him arching up into the touch. His hands slid up strong biceps, over the thick material of Bartolomeo’s jacket, and grazed the back of his neck. The skin was warm, blood heating just beneath the surface.
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Law/Bartolomeo Characters: Trafalgar Law, Bartolomeo the Cannibal Word Count: 2.9k
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readymades2002 · 7 months
HEARTBREAKING: local blogger saw someone with an einsturzende neubauten tattoo at work and couldn't compliment them on it because i do not know how to pronounce their name yet <//////3
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mortalityplays · 1 month
You need more free art.
I quit my job yesterday. Well, actually I quit my job eight weeks ago, but they finally released me yesterday for good behaviour. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do - but I do it for the wrong reasons. Working for major charities, you learn very fast that 'I want to make the world a better place' is a phrase you use to ask people for money, not to give them things. I was an ass-backwards fit for that world.
You need more free art. I need more free art. Everyone has felt the shift in our media landscape over the last ten years, away from access and towards nickel-and-diming the human experience. That lack of access is making life and culture worse for all of us, across the board. Paywalled news sites leave us less informed, attacks on the Internet Archive leave us less capable of research. Algorithmic social feeds and streaming walled gardens trap us inside smaller and smaller demographic bubbles, where we are increasingly only likely to encounter ideas that have been curated for us by marketing departments. Hasty efforts to resist AI commodification have only led to more artists locking their work away and calling for even more onerous systems of copyright law. This is not good for us.
We all need more free art.
So what am I going to do about it?
This is a question I have been asking myself for years. It's easy to sit here feeilng frustrated and thinking 'boy I hope SOMEONE does SOMETHING'. It's harder to take action in a world where I still have rent to pay. But hard doesn't mean impossible. Sometimes hard just means time-consuming, frustrating and slow. And sometimes it's worth doing something time-consuming, frustrating and slow because...I want to make the world a better place.
I'm going to do this:
1. From April 1st, I am relaunching as a freelance writer and editor.
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This is the one that will (hopefully) help to pay the bills. I am a very good and experienced editor. I've worked on hollywood movies, I'm a member of the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders, I have clients who have been coming to me exclusively for more than 10 years.
Alongside bigger contract jobs, I am going to refocus on offering my services to small-press creators at a reduced rate. That means you, graphic novelists. That means you, itch and amazon writers. I want to help you develop your work, the same way I help large organisations. You can learn more about what an editor even does and what kind of pricing you can expect here.
2. I'm also going to start giving shit away. Like, constantly.
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Next week I'm going to launch a new free shop. If you're unfamiliar, a free shop, giveaway shop, swap shop, etc. is an anarchist tradition of setting up a storefront where anyone can take what they like for no cost. Offline, this often means second-hand clothes, tools, furniture, food etc. Online, I am going to be giving away digital art. Copyright-free, no strings attached. It will (eventually) feature everything from print-res posters to zines, poems, tattoo flash, t-shirt designs and anything else we come up with.
Yes, I said 'we' - while this is a curated collection, it will feature work from a variety of credited and anonymous artists and activists, all of whom have agreed to give their work away to the public domain. Some of it will be practical, some of it will be political, but a lot of it will be decorative or personal. This is, in part, a response to recent difficulty I had finding somewhere that would print a one-off joke poster for a friend that featured the word 'faggot'. Enough. No middlemen - no explaining ourselves. Just print our shit and enjoy it.
I'm very, very excited about this project. I'll have more to say about it closer to the launch, but you can expect it to go live on March 27th.
2.2 I forgot to mention the ACTUAL LAUNCH GIVEAWAY
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To celebrate my launch, I am going to be giving away a ton of physical prints. When I went looking for my old stock to see if it was worth setting a new (paid) storefront up, I realised I had way more old work in storage than I thought. This will be announced in its own right on Monday, but this is why I've been hinting you should go follow my Patreon.
On April 1st, I will pick 8 random patrons (from across all tiers including non-paying followers!) and mail them a bundle of assorted prints and postcards. The prize pool includes A3 and A4 posters, packs of A6 postcards, and printed minicomics that I've previously sold for up to £12 each.
You don't have to be a paying subscriber to enter - this is strictly no-purchase necessary. It is purely and entirely a celebration of the concept of GIVING ART AWAY FOR FREE.
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Because I still have to pay to stay alive, I am going to be subsidising all this free art with the introduction of Fuck You Fridays. Starting from March 29th, I will drop a new 18+ short story on the last Friday of every month, over on itch.io (yes I know my page is desolate right now, don't worry I'll get there).
The first edition, Go Fuck Yourself, is about, well - telling your boss where to stick it. Julia has had it with her millionaire man-child manager, and is just about ready to let him know what she really thinks. It's a short and steamy 5k words, with a gorgeous cover illustration by @taylor-titmouse, and you can pick it up for $3 starting from March 29th.
I'm keeping this one under wraps for now, but April 1st will also play host to one more (FREE) launch. If you've been following me for a long time, you might remember the other significance of this date (no not April Fool's day, though that is certainly thematically relevant to this entire effort). That's all I'll say right now. Watch this space.
tl;dr: I'm sick of paywalls and career ladders. I'm literally putting my money where my mouth is. More free art for everyone and I'm not kidding around!!!
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With such a God-focused season, one day, once Junior Year is finished and I have both the time and energy to do it, I want to make a Fantasy High God AU zine. It'd be from the pov of a mythologist/theologian in Spyre who's found strange links between minor deities throughout different regions' pantheons.
Half-Elves have a God of Dance and Flames who has been said to have defeated a Tiefling vagabond (and tamed his Hellhound mount) and charmed Fire itself with only a dance and his silk battle sheet. And if you look deep enough into his history there are rare depictions of him wearing an oddly shaped pendant and riding into battle with a sling-wielding Goblin peeking out of his rucksack. Interestingly enough, there's a minor Goblin God of Justice and Mysteries, the son of a Goblin Folk Hero and the Goblin Goddess of Knowledge, Laws, and Justice, who famously wields his father's enchanted sling. Though he and his father are often shown with angelic wings. So, why would he dally with a God so closely associated with Fiends?
Tieflings have a trickster Goddess of Music, Rebellion, and Devotion. The daughter of an Archdevil and a Wood Elven Goddess of Archery & the Wilderness. She's said to be a paramour of a Half-Phoenix Pirate Goddess of Wizardry and Knowledge and once toured the lands, performing with a Half-Orc companion. A lot of artistic recreations of that tour depict the Half-Orc companion with flower motifs that correspond with a Gnomish/Half-Orcish God of Tinkering and Rage. One that once outwitted a Sphynx and regained his spurned Saytr paramour's love by speaking to/reaching the stars with the help of a band of Tinkerer Gnomes.
There are tales of a Twice Risen Goddess who was once the chosen one of the Demigod Helio, but took one look at him and thought she could do better. With the wisdom to raise Gods from the dead and remove unholy rites without any divine power other than her own, this God-Saint of Doubt travels across Spyre not to spread her own religion but to inquire about others. This deep curiosity is probably how she ended up in some Fallinel depictions of the First Elven Oracle, who upon death ascended to becoming the Goddess of Sight, Intelligence and Righteous Fury. There are even short hymns written about the Oracle foreseeing the God-Saint's rise (against the Elven Moon Goddess' wishes) and of the God-Saint banishing some dark entity from possessing the Oracle with only a profane curse of its name.
And even more stuff connecting them all. Like the fact that all of them have tales of them defeating an Ancient Red Dragon. Or the tales of The Festival of the Crab King: a strange, delirious story of mortals witnessing a euphoric revelry of the deific kind that involved all these Gods from different pantheons.
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fsnowzombie · 9 months
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Armored Lady Monday
hello! i am here today to direct you to a zine im participating in! by drawing a character i used in my illustration
this is a charity zine with a ton of artists contributing to it, all earnings will go towards to the Transgender Law Center! so please check it out!
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broadsandbroadswords · 10 months
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Broads and Broadswords is a celebration of varied women, varied genders, and the swords and blades that love them. This zine collects more than 75 pages of original colour illustrations and comics from 50+ independent artists in a perfect bound book, available in both digital and print format.
Digital Copy: $9 USD
Physical Copy (includes digital): $22 USD
Physical Copy (includes digital) + damaged* copy of Volume 1: $24 USD
Physical Copy (includes digital) + undamaged* copy of Volume 1: $30 USD
*Damaged Volume 1 copies are available as a one-time offer due to an issue with the bindings during the Volume 1 printing.  A small number of undamaged Volume 1 copies are available as a one-time offer due to an excess of undamaged Volume 1 copies remaining in stock after the Volume 1 reprint.  You will NOT receive a digital copy of Volume 1.
United States: $5 USD for the first physical copy plus $2 for each additional physical copy purchased
International: $20 USD for the first physical copy plus $5 for each additional physical copy purchased
By reblogging this post you are also a part of our GIVEAWAY! Two winners will be drawn at the end of the pre-order period and one winner will receive a free copy of the Volume 2 digital zine, the other will receive a free copy of the Volume 2 physical zine. (If you win the giveaway but already purchased the zine, you will be refunded in full.) You can only reblog once a day, but the more reblogs, the better your odds, so keep at it!
Broads and Broadswords is a charity zine, and proceeds will go to the Transgender Law Center.
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lovinglawzine · 3 months
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What's better than a dinner party? A dinner party hosted by Sanji.❤️
@mallowboo has delighted us with a sweet LawSan comic on just this topic.😊
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chenziee · 11 months
For Better or Worse
Second of the two pieces I did for the charity @opwarlordzine!! Leftover sales are open right now, so do check it out for more shichibukai content :D
This one is quite short but I love how it came out :) It's a companion piece to the Doffy-centric piece I did for the zine (because I obviously do not write enough Law on the regular <3)
[ Read on AO3 ]
A hundred pirates, a hundred bodies, a hundred beating hearts.
A single box, a boring port, a screaming crowd.
It was almost laughable how easy becoming the World Government’s dog was—if it was even right to call them that. After all, none of the pirates donning the title of Warlord were doing it out of the goodness of their hearts; they all wanted something, something only the Government could give them.
Even Bartholomew Kuma, the so-called 'Loyal Puppy', had to be driven by an ulterior motive. It was simple logic; after all, what kind of pirate would bend over backwards for the Government? They didn’t follow the law. They didn’t follow orders. If they did, there was always a reason.
Peace and quiet. A throne to sit on. The key to the Gates of Justice. Information.
And Trafalgar Law was no exception.
“Captain, we’re getting close to the island.”
Slowly opening his eyes, Law gazed up at the ceiling above his bed on the Polar Tang. He wondered… when would he get to sleep in his own room again?
There was a timid, uncertain knock on his door before his first mate called out to him again, “Captain?”
“I’ll be right there.” Law heaved a deep sigh before he finally got up.��
He grabbed his hat from the nightstand, placing it on his head carefully and pulling it low over his eyes. Next, he grabbed his coat—heavy and too warm for the tiny submarine—and threw it over his shoulders before his fingers closed around Kikoku’s scabbard. The lacquered wood was smooth and cold to the touch; always cold, always hungry for something, yet somehow… 
The cursed blade brought Law comfort.
He closed his eyes momentarily, then took a deep breath. He held it in for a second before slowly, slowly… he let it out. 
He felt his heartbeat slow down, his swirling thoughts coming to a stop.
This was it.
Resting Kikoku against his shoulder, Law turned around and walked out of his room, not looking back.
“Prepare to surface,” he ordered as soon as he walked into the control room. “Bepo, how long until we reach the shore?”
“About ten minutes, Captain!” Bepo replied immediately.
“Good.” Law nodded, turning to Penguin who was manning the periscope. “Anything going on out there?”
Penguin hummed thoughtfully as he moved around to see as much of the outside as he could. “Nothing. Just a lot of icebergs and a fucking volcano going off somewhere.”
“Wonderful.” Law groaned. This island was going to be a real bitch.
Ignoring Bepo's intent gaze—the mink no doubt begging Law in his mind to change his plans while he could—Law focused on the motions of the submarine surfacing as he prepared to disembark. It wouldn’t be long now; despite what Bepo thought, the gears were already in motion and there was no stopping it.
Kikoku on his shoulder, Law stepped out of the submarine, taking in the frozen landscape. The admirals really did a number on this place.
But that was what made it perfect.
Right under the Government’s nose, yet hidden. State-of-the-art equipment in top condition, yet abandoned. Everyone knew about it, yet no one would look.
Perfect for the black market, perfect for Caesar Clown, perfect for Joker.
Perfect for Law.
“Captain, are you really going?” Shachi asked uncertainly as he handed Law his bag.
“Yes,” Law sighed. He’d lost count how many times he had answered that question just in the past ten minutes. “You guys head to Zou immediately. No loitering around, understand?” He glared at his crew one by one until he saw each of them deflate, all arguments leaving them.
“Aye aye, sir,” they all echoed, their voices painfully dejected.
Law huffed, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as a smile threatened to take over his face. Of course they were planning on staying within reach. Idiots…
He really hoped they would get to the elephant quickly and safely.
He nodded at Bepo one last time before he finally turned around, creating a Room—
“See you soon.”
As he switched places with some snow from the island’s ground, Law couldn’t help but wonder whether his final words to the crew weren’t a lie. Would he ever see them again?
He supposed it didn’t matter now.
The moment he placed the first heart out of one hundred into the box, it was already too late. Everything he did past that point, the title of Warlord… it was all for a single goal.
To make Cora-san’s dream come true. To avenge his death.
Snow crunching under his feet, Law took his first step on Punk Hazard’s soil.
A single step, a single goal, a single death.
Soon, everything would be over.
For better or worse.
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captainbutterbuns · 2 months
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Here are my first two pieces for @lovinglawzine! A little appetizer before the next course. You can still download it for free to see all the tasty content!
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theineffablesociety · 21 days
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I'd like to plan a Good Omens meetup for Saturday October 19th, 2024. Poll below!
The Ineffable Society Meetup is a thought that's brewed in my brain since June 2023 when a bunch of local GO fans chanced to meet for the first time at the King of Prussia PA screening of series 2 episode 1 and 2.
It is time to stop brewing and let others contribute.
Here's my initial thoughts:
I'm willing to organize but not alone. We'll need to work together.
I live near Philadelphia, PA so this is the area I'm willing to do what needs doing primarily in Eastern PA, Central NJ, surrounding areas therein.
I'd want everyone attending to be 18 or older, please. I encourage those 17 and under to organize something together!
Taking suggestions for type of venues to host, think like a family reunion or larger.
I'm not interested in handling money, so would seek at least 2 people to oversee financials if that comes into play. (Finances might be needed to cover renting a space, any printed materials, little swag gifts.)
As mentioned, Saturday October 19th. Because it's close to the Earth's Birthday. :3
Afternoon through evening could be good. Maybe a 3 hour window on the small end; most of the day on the larger end. Will depend on location and on how many helpers step up.
Good Omens related fun: encouraging cosplay, script book readings, discussions, games, swaps. Maybe screening an episode together (there's copyright law to contend with here though). Depending on how much time we have together and space. Simplest plan would be an informal Good Omens afternoon mixer type.
If fewer than 12 people are interested:
We could just meetup at a restaurant that has a function room! (Not super ideal for allergies, as there's probably nowhere that's good for everyone. But does it in a pinch. And would probably not be a big up-front cost. Often there's a small room fee and then the assumption everyone will eat.)
If more than 12 up to 40 people are interested:
We might consider renting some conference rooms at a small hotel. (That does make it easier for people to find accommodations: already there! At a hotel! Downside is this will require chipping in.)
Any more than 40 people and uhhh... We'll figure it out.
There will be more questions to follow, but most important one is below.
Please answer YES if you are:
A Good Omens fan
18 or older
In the Eastern PA to Central NJ area
Or are otherwise willing, able, and interested to go there
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For transparency. A little about me:
I'm North (SeedsOfWinter). They/he.
Over the past two and a half decades, I've organized or been a member of organizations that planned meetups, game nights, reunions, and nerd events for friends and strangers alike.
I've been a Good Omens fan since June 2019. I run @rareomens. I am a mod for @ineffableeraszine and @bildadzine. I was a mod for the Our Side Zines, Pin Me Up 2, and many more. I was a founding admin for the LGBTQIA+ Fans of Good Omens groups.
I've been part of convention presentations for Good Omens at The Ineffable Con (virtual) and DragonCon (in-person, Atlanta GA). I love to organize fan photoshoots and meetups.
I know that any attempt at gathering people requires a team to make it happen; and that there's pitfalls and perils to all of it, especially when you're dealing with a bunch of possible strangers meeting for the first time! But the end result (you all getting a chance to connect together as fans) is feeling pretty worth it.
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caffeinatic · 1 month
So grateful to have been a part of the @phoenixwrightzine, and to have had the opportunity to collaborate with @somnimagus! May's art for the fic that I wrote is just phenomenal and really captures the vision I had as I was writing.
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The zine is currently selling leftovers, and there's a possibility of running a small second printing of the hardcopy of the zine, which was such a unique piece of design work on the part of our formatting mod. (It's square, and it's beautiful, and I just love it.) You can express interest in the reprint on the zine's twitter or find out more about the project (and the left over sale!) on the carrd.
There's a snippet of the fic below, but the full version of Feenie's awkward interview with Fey & Co. Law Offices has been posted (with all of May's beautiful art embedded) on AO3.
“Phoenix,” Mia begins in a reasonable tone, “why did you apply for an internship here?”
“Well, ma’am, I think that Fey and Co embodies the spirit of—” 
“No, no,” she interrupts. She chooses not to ask whether the talk of embodying spirits was intentional—surely he doesn’t know about her family, right? “I mean, why , Phoenix, did you choose to apply here when I don’t have an internship position to offer you?” 
The paint on the office door had barely dried, and despite the optimistic addition of the 'and Co.' after her own name, she hasn’t thought about hiring yet. The closest thing she has to a coworker is the plant she’d purchased to liven up the space, which she’s taken to calling Charley when there’s no one else around. “Were you aware of that when you dropped off your application?” 
“Yes, ma’am,” he says, stupidly honest and looking almost proud of himself for it. 
“But you applied here anyway.”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Phoenix, stop calling me ma’am.” 
“Yes—uh,” and he catches himself awkwardly before offering an uncertain, “Sir?”
Mia sighs, one hand cradling her brow in anticipation of the headache she will have when all this is done. “Call me Mia, please.”
“Of course. Mia.” 
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