#me @ myself: you did buy at least 7 books in the last 10 days
purplesurveys · 2 months
1. Who was the last person you forgave? How long did it take you to forgive them? I haven't had to forgive someone in a while; I don't get in much conflict anymore.
2. Is going mushroom hunting in the woods something that would interest you? No. Don't mushrooms like, run the risk of being super deadly? I don't have nearly enough knowledge about them to identify which ones would be safe to touch and such.
3. What is your favorite junk food? How about your favorite health food? Mozzarella sticks, arancini, pork isaw, French fries. Favorite health food...uhhhhh idk do salad wraps count? Haha they're my favorite thing to get these days! Saladstop has this Caesar wrap that I have probably at least once a week at this point.
4. Are you listening to anything right now? Do you normally listen to music while you take surveys? No, I prefer it to be quiet now. Sometimes I do but most of the time I find it really distracting and I end up taking like, double, triple the time I'd otherwise normally take doing surveys.
5. What were you doing the last time you hung out with a friend? It was well over a month ago but I saw my closest friends for a Christmas gift exchanging + dinner. We were supposed to head to a café after to continue talking, but while walking we saw this vapery(?) - idk what to call it, but it's a coffee shop that also sells vapes and allows you to do so inside - and went there instead and chatted it up with the owners since we were the only customers there.
Reena had to leave after an hour and the vapery was closing soon too, so Angela, Hans, and I went to Anj's house so we could TALK SOME MORE. Hahaha. We only see each other, like, quarterly now, so we're usually stuffed to the brim with stories when we have the time to see each other.
6. Is there anything about you that might cause others to dislike you? I tend to choose who I want to talk to, so those I might not approach may find me aloof and uninterested. It's because I am tbh, lol.
7. Is there anything you’re really particular or specific about, anything that has to be done a certain way every time? I'm very particular at work. I like things presented or explained a certain way; and I have the tendency to either overhaul a Powerpoint if I think it's lacking in how it's been made, or chime in for someone if I think they explain something in a way that I think is poorly.
8. Are there any chores you need to get done today? Just get rid of the mug and glass that's been sitting in my room and wash them.
9. Where was the last place you went shopping and what did you buy? I went to Landmark to buy a pastel gown + heels for the 18th birthday party of a family friend that I'm going to later this evening.
10. What was the last big change you made to your physical appearance? Dyeing my hair back to purple a couple of months ago.
11. Are you more likely to shut people out of your life or try to fix things no matter what? I will cut people off.
12. Where was the last place you went out to eat? Is going out something you enjoy or would you rather cook at home? To Red Keep last weekend just for some little me time. I had a spamsilog and a white mocha, which I had while filling in my journal and reading my book.
I like eating out because I can't cook, but I limit it because doing that everyday for every meal is super unsustainable. Plus with me resigning and not having an immediate job replacement, I'm gonna be a bit of a hardass on myself not to spend much until I can find a new source of income.
13. If you have any pets, do they seem to notice when you’re sick or sad? Not really, but it's okay with me. Kimi though is a different story; he liked keeping to himself but he would walk towards me if he can sense that I'm stressed or close to tears.
15. Is anything you’ve done lately going to matter in a year?  Yeah, absolutely.
16. What was the subject of your last phone call? It was a guy dropping off something at the office and needing to be guided STEP BY FUCKING STEP to get there. I don't have problems helping out people with directions, but I've also just never dealt with someone who needed to be told every turn, every stop, every move... and especially over the phone where I wouldn't be able to see where he was standing haha.
17. Are your hobbies something you’d rather do alone or with others? On my own. I don't like going to museums with someone else just cos it makes me super self conscious? Like I can stay 3-4 hours in one museum alone and I'm also not a big talker when I'm immersed, so I might just end up boring a companion to death.
18. Is there anything about yourself that you’re trying to improve? Trying to be gentler towards my teammates as I know everyone is overwhelmed and tired as it is.
19. What are you doing today? I went to the dentist and had a horrible experience because they were 1 hour late to our appointment; got a big order of flavored fries and corndogs to cheer myself up after the grueling wait; took a nap; and now I'm just killing time before I'd need to get up and prep for the debut I'm attending tonight.
20. What did you dream about last night? I can't remember. But in my nap an hour ago I dreamt that we went to Japan, but it was an overnight stay LOL so I spent more time at the airport than I did in the country.
21. When was the last time you visited relatives? Do you see extended family often? It was during the whole Christmas/New Year timeline when we drove out to see different sides of extended family. I'd say these things happen pretty much only during the holidays, but occasionally in the middle of the year when things end up being planned we'd also visit family then.
22. What was the last relaxing thing you did? Last weekend was a major Chef's Kiss weekend. I'm amazed at how peaceful it felt and the calming effect it had on me. Saturday I went to Red Keep where I dined al fresco, wrote in my journal, and read my book until the sun set and I couldn't read anymore. Sunday I spent the afternoon in UP where I sat under a tree and alternated between people-watching and finishing my book as the afternoon rolled on.
23. Will this weekend be better than last weekend? Nothing will top the past weekend, I'm afraid.
24. When was the last time you were there for a friend? Just the last couple of weeks. Angela's morale has been down what with the pressure of studying for the architecture boards, and I've been there to listen but also give advice if she needs it.
25. Do you have any jewelry you almost never take off? At one point it was the necklace Reena gave me, but it started to itch so I've removed it for now.
26. What are some of your favorite words? Poignant, eloquent, vivacious...and indicted and viscount just because I'm fascinated with how they're both pronounced nothing like they're spelled lol.
27. Do you have any journals from when you were younger? If so, do you ever go back and read them? No I think I got rid of them years ago because they were all pretty embarrassing to me and it's not really something I'd want to keep.
28. Are there any holidays you used to celebrate, but no longer do? I no longer observe Christmas for the Christian reason. I'm just here for the food.
29. What was the last occasion for which you dressed up? A family friend's daughter's 18th birthday party, from which I just came home actually.
30. Is there anything you wish you could say to anyone? I wish you could trust me more because today was very telling of how much you don't, and that kind of stung.
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through-blue-eyes · 2 months
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I opened up my Facebook app intentionally, instead of the usual absentminded habit - my best friend since childhood had shared a post and it was for moments like this that I kept my Facebook active. For keeping up with her, and the people I care about. I'm the silent facebooker these days, I may share things but I haven't made a real post there in a while. It doesn't feel like a safe space anymore - anything you say can and will be used against you at a future date.  But I digress...
Confidence Cat was the post - a little Sunday mental health boost ❤️I checked my notifications and my memories popped up this photo. It spurred a tsunami wave of mixed emotions - defensive, tense, hurt, ashamed, guilty uncomfortable, alone and also freedom.
2019- 4, almost 5 now, years ago. I was living in a cheap motel with weekly rates - you can presume from that the type of crowd it drew, but for me, it was all I could afford, to keep a roof over my head. It was a in-between move. Although, I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t afraid I would be stuck there, and not make it out. I’d also be lying if I said I felt safe there, even though I wasn’t alone.
I was 7 months into working for this new company that opened up a couple restaurants in my area. I started at their BBQ place in April - with the intention of moving to the new steakhouse once it was ready to open. It opened beginning of July - I was making a 45 minute commute and I was sure that my car was going to crap out on me, so I made the call (with my boyfriend) to check into this motel, which was about 20 -25 blocks from work. The last week of July - my transmission went out, and fixing it was not an option. So I walked to work.
I was on evenings then, well, if you can call it evenings. I was salaried for  55 hours a week - I would leave my hotel room about 45 minutes before my shift started, giving myself plenty of time to walk to work, and rest for a few minutes before working my 10-11 hours as a sous. After the shift, which was grueling kitchen work, came the long, usually cold, walk home. Shower, sleep, repeat. I did this for three months. and that third month, October - I thought it was going to kill me. My legs and feet would swell and be so sore, so painful. I would lie awake for hours with my legs propped up once I got home, trying to get some relief so I could sleep. My days off were split at the time, and I think that's the only way I made it. I would work 2-3 days and then have a day off,  pretty much entirely spent in my bed, resting my legs/feet - and then go back for another 2-3 days.
I kept it a secret for as long as I could – I was ashamed, here I was, a few months from 26 – living in a known drug motel where the cops were called at least once a week - with no car, an unemployed boyfriend, and my 75lb reactive dog who didn’t have the space she needed. I was washing my uniform in the bathtub every night after I showered, and hanging it up above the AC/Heat unit so the air would have it dry by morning. Ontop of the swelling and pain in my legs, the weather was getting colder. Walking to work wasn’t so bad – it was actually perfect weather usually, but the walks home, after dark, and often raining, that’s when I could no longer keep it a secret.
I had a close work relationship with my boss - he was my work husband – and once he figured out my situation and what I was doing, he took it upon himself to talk to his bosses, the owners of the restaurant about my car situation, me walking. They told me to start looking for a used car (face book marketplace) and they would buy it, and then hold out $100 from each of my paychecks until it was paid off. In the meantime, the owners arranged for me to always have a ride home from work – the first night my boss gave me a ride home, once he saw the motel I was at, he didn’t want to leave – he didn’t feel as if I was safe there, even though I had my boyfriend and dog.
It was a blessing at the time, I felt humbled, and (I didn't realize at the time how much this would set me up for toxicity) I felt like I owed them a debt. Because they bought me this car. Within a month after getting the car, I was promoted to Chef – my boss had a health issue & personal choices that resulted in him taking FMLA, and not coming back. The pay increase allowed me to move out of that motel, into an apartment about 10 minutes from work. At the time I remember feeling so relieved. Grateful. Loyal. Empowered, as if life was finally in my favor. As if I was finally aligned with my purpose. The hard part must be over now. It actually, was the farthest thing from.
 Many things happened while I was employed with that company, I might turn it into a  multi-post series one day - not all of them good. But in the same breath, that job set me up to eventually break free from the toxic and abusive (emotionally, mentally) relationship I had with my (then) boyfriend, of 5 years - spoiler, I was with him for 2 more before finally leaving him. Everything had to crumble, fall, break, be rebuilt and then destroyed again before I finally broke free of those cycles.
I have truly come a long way – in the same breath though I’ve been stuck, because I don’t know what to do next. I don’t really know how to live a free life – I find myself disassociating a lot. Escaping. The life I have now doesn’t always feel safe – because the first 28 years of my life was filled with so much trauma. So many toxic relationships – family & romantic, and my own toxic behavior that I have to unlearn.
One thing I do know though. I know I want to write. I know I want to share my story, my voice. After so many years of being silenced. Imposter syndrome is a real bitch though – so I will continue cultivating this safe place. My small corner of the web where my story, thoughts, opinions will be told, unfiltered, and raw.
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wereall-allright · 2 years
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify
2. Is your room messy or clean? Clean unless you open the closets 😅
3. What color are your eyes? Brown
4. Do you like your name? Love it
5. What is your relationship status? Committed but non labeled
6. Describe your personality in 3 words or less. Lazy bad bitch
7. What color hair do you have? Brown, sometimes red in the sun
8. What kind of car do you drive? Color? A brownish/grayish/sage rav 4
9. Where do you shop? Anywhere really
10. How would you describe your style? Dainty floral but comfortable and lots of crop tops
11. Favorite social media account? TikTok
12. What size bed do you have? King
13. Any siblings? A younger brother
14. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Oregon OR literally anywhere not in the states
15. Favorite Snapchat filter? Whatever one doesn’t show how dead I am 😂
16. Favorite makeup brands? I think I use wet n wild liquid eyeliner? Idk I lost mine a couple months back and keep forgetting to buy more
17. How many times a week do you shower? I try every day but I wash my hair every other day and sometimes I don’t have time cause I slept past my alarm.
18. Favorite tv show? Grey’s
19. Shoe size? 7
20. How tall are you? 5’4”
21. Sandals or sneakers? Depends on the outfit, but usually sandals
22. Do you go to the gym? Probably should
23. Describe your dream date. Light joking conversation over coffee or dinner, something outdoorsy. Idk I more so care about who I am over what we’re doing.
24. How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? A little over $300, all for bills 🙃
25. What color socks are you wearing? I’m not
26. How many pillows do you sleep with? Usually just one
27. Do you have a job? What do you do? Lol yeah in reception. I get yelled at and scroll on social media.
28. How many friends do you have? I have 4 amazing people in my life that I don’t ever want to live without.
29. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done? I’m sure the worst things I’ve done I don’t remember lol
30. What’s your favorite candle scent? Mahogany teakwood or fresh rainfall
31. 3 favorite boy names? Landon Cooper, idk what else
32. 3 favorite girl names? Ruby, Karina, and Skyler
33. Favorite actor? Jim Carey
34. Favorite actress? Blake Lively 😍😍
35. Who is your celebrity crush? Blake Lively and Jensen Ackles
36. Favorite movie? Idrk
37. Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book? I wish I still did, I’ve always devoured anything by Ellen Hopkins
38. Money or brains? Brains, although money would really fucking help.
39. Do you have a nickname? What is it? Kay
40. How many times have you been to the hospital? 5 or 6 for myself
41. Top 10 favorite songs. Too many
42. Do you take any medications daily? Yeah 3 lol when I remember
43. What is your skin type? (Oily, dry, etc) idk not dry but not oily either. I just love the way my freckles are coming out being outside so much lately.
44. What is your biggest fear? That literally anything horrible will happen to my daughter
45. How many kids do you want? I’d like to try for another in the future, but I’m happy where I’m at rn
46. What’s your go to hair style? Down with a middle part, usually putting the front of my hair back somehow. I hate shit in my face.
47. What type of house do you live in? (Small, big, etc.) a mobile home
48. Who is your role model? I don’t know if I have one
49. What was the last compliment you received? A special person tells me “Good morning beautiful” at least twice a day
50. What was the last text you sent? “Awh what a sweetheart. Enjoy yourself mamas, you deserve it!”
51. How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real? I have no clue
52. What is your dream car? A sage green Jeep Wrangler with black interior
53. Opinion on smoking? I just prefer not to smell cigarette smoke.
54. Do you go to college? I did, now I’m in nursing school
55. What is your dream job? To not have a job
56. Would you like to live in rural or suburbs? I’m cool as long as I’m near trees and a creek
57. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Yeah
58. Do you have freckles? Not as many as I want but yeah
59. Do you smile for pictures? Yeah
60. How many pictures do you have on your phone? Over 3k
61. Have you ever peed in the woods? Yeah
62. Do you still watch cartoons? Usually only with Rue but sometimes
63. Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonald’s? Neither, both? Doesn’t matter
64. Favorite dipping sauce? Spicy bbq or honey mustard
65. What do you wear to bed? Anything comfortable, depends how cold my room is
66. Have you ever won a spelling bee? Either 1st or 3rd place? I can’t remember
67. What are your hobbies? Nothing rn, but I like cross stitching, scrapbooking, reading, painting, coloring
68. Can you draw? Kinda but more doodling than talent
69. Do you play an instrument? Honestly I’ve been wanting to teach myself how to play the flute again
70. What was the last concert you saw? Beartooth
71. Tea or coffee? Coffee
72. Starbucks or Dunkin? Starbucks
73. Do you want to get married? Eventually
74. What is your crush’s first and last initial? cs
75. Are you going to change your last name when you get married? Idk
76. What color looks best on you? Idk
77. Do you miss anyone rn? Yes
78. Do you sleep with your door open or closed? Depends if I have to separate my kitties
79. Do you believe in ghosts? Yeah
80. What is your biggest pet peeve? Unnecessary rudeness
81. Last person you called? Ruby’s health insurance
82. Favorite ice cream flavor? OMG I HAVE ICE CREAM AT HOME.
83. Regular or golden Oreos? Regular with milk
84. Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow
85. What shirt are you wearing? A tan peplum shirt
86. What is your phone background? Ruby and I ♥️
87. Are you outgoing or shy? Depends
88. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Love it
89. Do you like your neighbors? Only one and she’s leaving me in a week
90. Do you wash your wash? Yeah when I shower
91. Have you ever been high? Usually nightly
92. Have you ever been drunk? Yeah
93. Last thing you ate? Turkey club
94. Favorite lyrics rn? “Her favorite necklace is my right hand”
95. Summer or winter? Fall
96. Day or night? Night
97. Dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk chocolate
98. Favorite month? May
99. What is your zodiac sign? Aries
100. Who is the last person you cried in front of? I think Jeremy? Or maybe Syd
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
How is it that I just got an extra bookshelf, and I will soon have to get an extra extra bookshelf?
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shutupanddance · 3 years
Master Post
If you’re looking for my Master List, check out this link:
Okay cool cats and kittens, I’m creating this master post to help you navigate my page and stay updated :) It will be pinned to my blog, and it will have my fandom list, my prompt list, my to-do list, any current events, and a few frequently asked questions. So, looking for information about requesting? Suggestions for requests? Or wondering what I’m currently working on? Don’t know if I’ve received your request? This is the place to look! Just keep on reading <3
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Current Events 
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Here are the fandoms I write for!!
+ Marvel (MCU)
+ DC (DCU)
+ Sherlock
+ Star Wars (trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian)
+ Star Trek (reboots, original series)*
+ Pacific Rim
+ Knives Out
+ Night at the Museum
+ LOTR / The Hobbit
+ Jurassic Park/World
+ The West Wing*
*fandoms that you will see the most of on my blog.
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Prompt List
(Does not include prompts from any current events) Here are some prompts that you can use for your request, or for your own writing! As a reminder, not all of these prompts are properly credited. Please let me know if you have the original creator’s @!
#1: “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”
#2: “Should I ask why you have a knife in your purse?”
”It’s a dagger, actually, and no you shouldn’t.”
#3: “Close your eyes and listen. And trust me.”
#4: Rosemary, broken glass, and an old gun.
#5: “Do you remember when I loved you?”
”Good, because I never did.”
#6: “He saw the notice in the paper.”
”Why would you let him see the paper?”
”What was I supposed to do, eat it?”
#7: “I didn’t catch your name!”
”I didn’t throw it.”
#8: “I’m not better than you, but at least I’m not you. And right now, that’s worth a whole lot.”
#9: Romantic dinner, but something is wrong.
#10: Forehead kisses during an apocalypse
#11: “This isn’t BBC Sherlock! You can’t just run around administering justice as you see fit!
#12: Trying to get a smoke detector to shut up
#13: Falling out of a closet during Hide N Seek
#14: Revealing a dark secret, but it turns out that they already know
#15: Once upon a midnight dreary
#16: The odds were never in our favor
#17: If I should die, think only this of me
#18: Attack hugs
#19: Afraid of ladybugs
#20: The dumb*ss God couldn’t stop
#21: “There’s a rumor going around that you’re the one to ask if someone needs to acquire rare and dangerous objects.”
”There’s a rumor going around that you’re an undercover cop.”
#22: A parking lot, a coroner, and snails
#23: “You’re the only person I know who calls me that.”
#24: This is not a drill.
#25: It’s the price we pay to feel
#26: A character is cleaning/sweeping the floor when someone walks by with dirty shoes (via @writingprompts365 )
#27: “I’m back from my mission!”
““You failed it.”
““How’d you know?”
They point at the TV.
#28: A character is pushed into some bushes/plants/flowers (via @writingprompts365 )
#29: A character picks up a very shiny rock (same @)
#30: A character combs another character’s hair (same)
#31: A character is forced to have a conversation with someone they don’t like (same)
#32: Laughing hysterically at their own joke
#33: Stuck under the same umbrella
#34: ““Well, this is a nice change of scenery!”
““It’s a jail cell.”
““I was being sarcastic.”
#35: ““Let me just be perfectly clear that this was not my fault.”
#36: ““Can I buy you coffee? For old times sake?”
#37: Fake dating
#38: Huddling for warmth
#39: Being high on painkillers and confessing undying love to everyone
#40: “That’s starting to get annoying.”
#41: “I fell asleep on the bus and woke up here.”
#42: “It’s freaking cold.”
#43: “You’re not exactly known for your great ideas.”
#44: ““Can you keep a secret?”
#45: Character A lives above character B, and always drives B insane with how much stomping they do. One day, A’s foot goes right through the floor, into B’s apartment.
#45: Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.
#46: you’re a security guard at an art gallery and you held the door for me so I left you a note in the door where we met I hope you read it
#47: Person A and Person B both trying to break into the same place on the same night by accident, only to be chased by the police upon meeting and having to hide in a closet/cupboard/safe together until they leave.
#48: the first and the last word they said to each other
#49: your kid hates my kid
#50: ‘picking them up’ hugs
#51: an incredibly loud and painful high-five
#52: "Let me fix that for you."
#53: “Can’t we listen to something else? We’ve been listening to this CD for three hours now.”
“You know, I would but the CD slot is broken so it’s either this or talk to each other.”
“I wouldn’t mind talking.”
“[turns up the music louder]”
#54: "My kiss quota for the day hasn't been filled. I need a thousand more."
#55: Person A making fun of Person B's bed head
#56: Squeeze three times for “I love you”
#57: writing a love letter but keeping it to themselves
#58: Messing around in IKEA
#59: “Hey - what’re you hiding behind your back?”
#60: going to a bookshop and selecting books for each other
#61: smiling at each other from across the room
#62: arms wrapping around your waist from behind while you’re on a phone call
#63: “ rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago. “
#64: message in a bottle
#65: becoming the parents of the friend group as soon as they start dating
#66: “I love you.”
#67: “We...we did it. We did it! Oh my God, I could kiss you.”
“Well, don’t be shy.”
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My To-Do List
Here is everything that I’m currently working on! If you’ve sent a request in, and I see it, it should pop up here!
+ Sherlock / Reader (not requested) undetermined topic
+ Rusty Ryan / Reader (not requested) #4
+ Sam Seaborn / Reader (requested) slow dancing
*anything with an asterisks has already been started.
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Tag List
@girloncorneliastreet​ for The West Wing
@wolviesbabes​ for Gibbs / Reader
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit a request? When you look at my blog, there is a link titled “Asks/Requests”. Click that, and submit something!
How specific does my request have to be? More detail is always better if you’re looking for something specific, but if you’re not picky, it’s no big deal! Even if you just say “could I have some more Spock content please?” I’ll answer it!
Do you write smut? Nope! Not for me.
Are your requests open? Not at the moment! They will be soon, though.
What do I do if your requests are closed? Send it later, when they’re open again!
Do you have a master list? I do! I also have a tag called #masterlist, which all of my work is under. You can access the master list itself by navigating to the page on my blog, or just clicking the link at the top of this post!
What’s your name? You can call me C :)
Why didn’t you reblog my post about social justice? In order to avoid burnout for myself and my followers, I am doing my best to keep this blog free of anything other than fan content. This does not mean that I disagree or agree with you, it just means that I’m not commenting. I do not need to participate in internet social justice activity when I am already an activist on other platforms, including real life.
What can I send asks or messages about? Anything!! Life updates, random questions, whatever! I love to hear from you <3
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That’s all, folks!
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smolchildlevy · 3 years
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A Day Off
Karasuno x F!Reader
(Not including the side characters sorry.)
Warnings: suggestive, fluff, language
A/N: This is part 4, and I still have so much in mind I- Well anyway, this is another long one.
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It was just another regular, boring day in school. Doing projects and so much work. It was tiring to say the least.
It’s a Friday. The team is supposed to have a Saturday practice.
You’re in your last class, 8 minutes before the dismissal bell sounds. Everyone is chatting and on their phones.
You get a notification. “I wonder who it is” you think to yourself.
You decide to check it.
-1 Message from Captain ✨-
“Oh, it’s Daichi”
Captain ✨: Y/N, can you head to the gym early? You don’t have to, but I asked everyone to since I have an announcement.
Y/N: I’ll try. My teacher likes me so I’m sure she’ll let me go if I tell her why.
Captain ✨: Good! See you in a few :)
Y/N: See ya! 😊
-Captain ✨ and Y/N are offline-
As you thought, your teacher was more than happy to let you go a little early.
You head to the gym once again, curious as to what Daichi has to say. On your way, you spot Asahi, who was buying water from a vending machine.
Walking up next to him, you say, “Asahi! Do you wanna walk together?”
“AH- oh. It’s just you Y/N..sorry.” He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “But yeah, I’d love to.”
“Great! Let’s go see what Daichi wanted us for.”
Side by side you proceeded to walk to the gym, chatting along the way.
Opening the door, you notice everyone’s there. “Maybe it’s a practice match with another team later?”
The both of you head to the group.
“Okay! Now that everyone’s here I have an exciting announcement to tell you.” Daichi declared.
“What is it Captain?” Asahi questions.
“Coach told us we have a break day tomorrow! So, Suga and I decided to go to the beach in Tokyo.”
“YAY!!!” Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka exclaimed.
“Tch.” Tsukishima hissed.
“Sounds fun, but I can’t go.” Kiyoko smiled.
“Awww ok. But yay! Beach day!” You grinned.
After a while of discussing the plans for tomorrow, Daichi tells everyone to pack up clothing and everything else they needed.
7:00 am
It’s the day of the trip. After a long night of deciding what to bring, you hop off your bed and put everything in a [insert favorite color] bag.
Then, you get ready— getting dressed, brushing your teeth.
You had put on an nice outfit. (Pick one of these ^ ^)
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Walking over to the meeting point (the front of Karasuno), you put on some music in the headphones you were wearing, humming to the song.
As you approach, you hear two voices shouting.
You identify the voices as Hinata and Kageyama.
“SHUT IT, BOTH OF YOU!” You hear Suga yell.
They see you approaching and immediately calm down. Then the automatically blush at how cute your outfit looks on you.
“Hey!” You sang.
They all say hello to you. Right after that, the bus arrives.
“Y/N, Can I sit next to you?” Suga asks.
“Sure! As long as I can sit next to the window!”
“Mhm! Let’s go.”
“HEY NO FAIRRR!” Hinata complains.
The rest of the boys glare at Sugawara. But he just looks back and smirks.
“Lucky bastard...” Tsukishima mutters.
Both you and Suga sit in the back of the bus together.
On the way, you and Suga watch memes on his phone (with headphones) and laugh at them.
~~~~~~~TimeSkip of a few hours (sorry-)~~~~~~~~~~
10 am
“Everyone get up, we’re here.” Daichi exclaims.
One by one, you all get off the bus.
“Where do we put our things?” You question.
“Oh, the coaches booked us rooms in a hotel. The problem is that it’s three per room with one having four, so we have to decide who goes where.” Suga points out.
“Oooh. Well why don’t we write our names down on paper and mix them?”
“Good idea! I have a notepad in my bag so we can use that.” Suga offers.
He takes it out and writes everyone’s names on small pieces of paper. Then, he puts it in a small empty pocket on the side of his bag.
“Y/N, why don’t you draw three to see who are the first roommates?” He asks.
You pull out the pieces in sets of three. Daichi writes down each room and who is in it.
Here’s the groups:
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(Yes I wrote them myself but I accidentally forgot Suga lol)
“YEA! I GET TANAKABRO!” Noya approved.
“Why do I have to get Saltyshima?!” Hinata murmurs.
“Oh god, this is gonna be chaotic..” Kageyama grumbles.
“Yay! I get Captain, Asahi, and Suga!” You squeal.
Daichi, Asahi, and Suga mentally congratulate themselves for getting this opportunity.
For a second, you thought it was funny that you get a room with the third years.
“Okay, now that it’s been settled, let’s go check in and set our things in our rooms.” Daichi ordered.
You all head to the hotel and check yourselves in.
“After we get settled, get changed into your swimming outfits and we will meet in the front of the building.” Suga advises.
Walking with the third years, you go into your room. After opening the door, you notice something.
“Uhh there’s only three beds.” You say, also noting they are queen sized.
“W-what?-“ Asahi stiffens.
“Coach didn’t tell us that-“ Suga defended himself.
“I guess two of us could lay next to each other.” You shrugged.
“I suppose.” Daichi sighs.
“Daichi I’ll lay with you since you’re the closest to me right now!”
“O-okay then, if you’re alright with it.”
“Dang..” Suga says under his breath.
Once talking it out, you decided to lay with Daichi. But since it’s a queen bed, you wouldn’t be that close so even though the other two were bothered by it, it wasn’t that bad.
—After putting your things down—
“Y/N, do you mind if Suga, Asahi and I go first? It’s so we can make sure everything is in order after we change.”
“Sure! I’ll remind everyone to bring sunscreen and stuff.”
One after the other, they get changed in swim trunks and a shirt and walk out to check on the others to see if they’re doing alright.
Then, you go and change into your swimming things.
Choose one below:
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When you were done changing, you put on some clothes over it. (You would take it off when getting in the water.)
You get a text from the group chat saying they were all going to the front.
Smiling to yourself, you walk down to where they said to go.
~~~~TimeSkip to when you get to the beach~~~~~~~
12 pm.
“Ok! Go put down your stuff and you’re free to go!” Daichi affirmed.
“Yes!” Everyone replies.
Everyone goes off on their own, some immediately running for the water.
“Hey Suga, I’m gonna go to the bathroom to put on sunscreen since I forgot. I’ll be right back.” You mentioned.
“Be careful.” He tells you before going to the water.
You skip your way to the closest bathroom near the beach.
Grabbing your sunscreen, you put it on while making sure it’s in every right place. Then, you take off the clothes over your swim suit and put it in the small bag you were carrying.
“Heyy.. where’s Y/N?” Hinata asked Suga, upset that he doesn’t see you.
“She went to the restroom to put on sunscreen. She’ll be back in a second.”
“Dumbass forgot to put it on.” Tsukishima commented, with Yamaguchi snickering in the background.
“Language.” Daichi warns.
After finishing what you were doing, you happily walk back.
“Sorry I had to go for a sec guys!” You apologize.
“It’s alright Y/N-“ Asahi says, suddenly tensing up and becoming flushed.
“What’s wrong Asahi?” Noya questions loudly, then he looks where he was looking. “Oh.”
The rest look away from what they were doing, and look at Noya and Asahi before looking at you.
Just then, their faces become just as red. (Noya, Tanaka and Kageyama even have nosebleeds I-)
“Y-you look nice Y/N!” Yamaguchi spoke up.
Everyone nods.
“Thank you!” You grin while getting in the water as well, a faint blush on you since you’re around several shirtless men.
The day goes really well. Everyone, even Tsukishima, had fun.
3:30 pm.
Now that everyone has gotten tired, you all decided to go back to the hotel.
“I wanna go to a restaurant! My treat of course.” You gushed.
“You don’t have to-“ Suga tries to say, before you but him off.
“I insist! Come onnnn”
“Ok, sure. Let’s do it at around 5:45 pm.”
“YESSS,” Hinata and Noya exclaim.
When you get back, you watch TikToks on your phone and vibe until the time you go to eat.
After eating at the restaurant, they all thank you as they head back to their rooms.
Today was a great day.
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Ahhh this took me forever sorry ( ̄∀ ̄)
I enjoyed writing this part though
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rosie-26 · 3 years
The Beginnings of a New Blog
Hey there!
My name is Rosie and I’m a qualified cardiac nurse working in Wales, UK. Welcome to my blog :)
This blog is going to be a mismatch of all the different things that I enjoy including; my work in the medical field, my specialism in cardiology, my studies to become a medical student, my love of literature, travel (now that the world seems to be opening back up again) and my plan to improve my lifestyle and fitness!
Last week I turned the grand old age of 22 and I’ve come up with a ‘bucket list’ of all of the things I would like to achieve by the time I turn 23. So here are my 22 goals:
1. Read 30 books (I love reading but I don’t make enough time to get stuck into my enormous ‘To Be Read’ list, so this year I’m tackling most of them!)
2. Get a tattoo (This will be my second tattoo but I am planning to get more- I actually have a tattoo booked for in a weeks time!)
3. Donate blood (I’ve already donated blood twice before but I’m definitely going to keep on donating as much as I can)
4. Apply for medical school (A large part of my blog is going to be centred on studying and documenting my journey to get into medical school. Even though I have a career as a qualified nurse, I’ve always wanted to be a doctor but not taking college seriously and below excellent grades which are needed to apply meant that I had to chose a different degree. Luckily many universities in the UK have alternative routes into medicine for students who have already obtained a undergraduate degree).
5. Sit the GAMSAT exam (a key entry requirement for all graduates to sit before they apply for medical school is the dreaded GAMSAT exam. My aim is to sit in 2022 but I’ve got a lot of studying to do in the meantime to prepare myself)
6. Lose 5 stone ( lockdown and the stresses of university and working during the covid pandemic has definitely resulted in me binge eating and using food as a comfort. I’ve joined a gym, started swimming and eating a more balanced diet)
7. Travel abroad alone (even though I’ve been lucky enough to travel to a lot of places, I’ve never plucked up the courage to fly somewhere by myself, this will be the year!)
8. Travel to a new city every month (whether this is abroad or just simply exploring new cities around the UK and closer to home)
9. Start a Tumblr blog ( Tick! )
10. Try 10 different cocktail recipes (I do have a bit of a weak spot for cocktails, I feel as though I’ve tried several but would love to actually make my own!)
11. Try 10 different baking recipes (Something that I used to love doing before I moved out and started university was baking. Shared kitchens at university and lack of funds for ingredients stopped all of that but I would love to start up again. There’s something so satisfying and calming about baking!)
12. Go to a comedy show (I’ve always wanted to go to a comedy show! The atmosphere seems amazing and it’s just been on my list of to-dos for a while now)
13. Book a dentist appointment (I know this one is a little bit gross but it’s something I haven't done in a while, I get scared very easily going to the dentist and I’ve been putting it off for ages!)
14. Write 3 medical essays (Is it weird that I actually really enjoyed writing my dissertation?! Well, I did. It’s a goal of mine to eventually have work that is published in medical journals but for now I’m happy just writing for fun and practicing my academic writing)
15. Sort out my wardrobe and give to charity (I’m guilty of buying too many clothes which eventually just end up in the back of my wardrobe, unworn and collecting dust. Last year before I finished university I managed to sort out 3x black bin bags full of clothes and shoes and donate them to charity)
16. Save at least £100 a month ( I know it doesn’t sound a lot but because I rent by myself and I’m paying my car loan, I don’t have a lot of spare money each month)
17. Go to 10 different museums and/or art galleries (one of my favourite pastimes during my days off or when I’m visiting a new city is to explore the local museum and art gallery! There’s just something so relaxing about walking through all of the exhibitions)
18. Grow my fingernails (I have a horrible habit of biting my fingernails when I’m stressed or anxious. The past year has been particularly bad so I’m going to try and make a bit more of an effort to grow them!)
19. Fit into my size large scrubs (the size I started with when I started University which I now can’t physically get past my thighs! I’d love to be able to fit back into them!)
20. Be able to run 5k (I love the couch to 5k app but I’ve never actually managed to complete it)
21. Go on a hike every month (living in Wales there are plenty of walks/hikes that I haven't managed to explore but I’d love to see a bit more of what Wales has to offer).
22. Buy a new MacBook ( I know this one seems strange but I’ve had my MacBook for 6 years now and I’d love an upgrade! Whenever I save up enough money something always happens like car insurance, MOT that I need to use the money on)
So there it is! My list of 22 things I want to achieve by the time I turn 23. I’ll update you along the way :)
I’m really looking forward to starting this blog and hopefully you guys enjoy the content!
See you soon,
Rosie x
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skinnyghosttears · 3 years
April 08, 2021
8:45 am
Im already so fucking tired, but I finished my plan for today. I waiting for my brother to start online classes so I can go and exercise a little without him noticing. Then I will shower and prepare my lunch.
Today I'll see the therapist again and I'm really anxious because I dont like how she handled this whole thing last time and I refuse to see a nutritionist, first of all because Im already spending so much for her. Maybe I'll lie a little about how I'm eating even if the number are higher than last week so it should be ok.
9:01 am
I really feel the need to go into a bar and buy something sweet for breakfast, but I'll push aside this feeling and wait until the day I'll see again one of my friend. Knowing her we will probably eat sushi together, so I'll save a cheat day for that. We are still locked inside because of covid so there is time.
I forgot to say im uh, 61,90kg this morning? I was 62,2kg right when I woke up but it was really early so idk, I'll see before lunch.
Yesterday before I went to sleep I tried some clothes to wear today and I thought I would feel cool in but I really hated what I saw in the mirror, so it lowered my self esteem a lot. Hope today will get better.
10:07 am
Just burned 500kcal, I planned to eat less than 600 today. Time to meet the scale again, then shower and prepare my lunch. I'll try cottage cheese and I hope to like it.
61,85kg? This sound nice?
12:14 pm
I finished to dry my hair and I found some clothes that fit a little better, my lunch is almost ready so I can rest a little. I feel really tired rn but since I have to walk a lot after the bus for reach my therapist I want to save energy for that.
1:45 pm
Im crying in the bathroom because the peppers were so spicy and I didnt eat them, I really hate wasting food...
At least I liked the cottage cheese...
5:00 pm
Lied to the therapist 👌🏻 I will ser her in a little less than 2 weeks so I have time to work on myself without stressing about her. Now Im waiting mom to pick me up, I just realised I have to try the hero marmelade at home and I really hope it tastes good because the calories are really low.
6:28 pm
Marmelade was good, I allowed myself ro eat a little bit more because I was so tired but I'll exercise later so its fine.
7:12 pm
Im too tired, I burned only 250kcal, but I want to burn another 1000 after dinner. Im already regretting the food I ate early, I just need to be strong at dinner. Cmon bitch, you can do it.
9:56 pm
Ok I did good at dinner, Im burning calories (319/1000) and later I'll take some time for do a mask or something.
We'll trip this weekend so for stay busy I will bring with me my recipe book, so I can write down all the safe recipes and food, I was thinking about make it on my phone but I prefer to do it on paper so there is no chance for me to lose it.
Ugh, Im so tired... Im happy tomorrow I can sleep a little bit more...
11:56 pm
I asked to my parents what I should cook for tomorrow lunch FOR THEM and idk why they were pissed off. I have my lunch planned so its their problem.
I finished to exercise, It was hard but Im really happy. I want to do a face mask now and plan what I should bring with me for the weekend.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
surveys by @swanky-surveys
Blank Survey #5
1. What’s the last item you bought from a hardware store? Can’t even tell you the last time I was in one as I genuinely can’t remember; much less the last thing I’ve bought.
2. When’s the last time you got a ticket, and what for? I believe it had been tickets to BTS’ online concert last March. Thanks for reminding me I have to buy tickets again for this Sunday’s concert too! Hahaha.
3. What’s the last piece of mail you’ve sent, snail-mail style? I never did snail mail, even when it was big during my childhood years.
4. Is marijuana legal where you live? Nope.
5. Have you ever failed a sobriety test? No, and I’ve never even taken one.
6. Do you keep all of your receipts? It’s not that I mean to keep them, but I just never get around to throwing them out so they always kind of end up all hoarded up in my wallet.
7. Have you done your taxes yet? My employer does it for me.
8. What’s the last board game that you played? I haven’t played a board game in ages but I did play Cards Against Humanity two weeks ago, if can count games in general.
9. Do you drink enough water every day? Barely. I usually don’t feed myself or drink water until dinnertime.
10. Who is the last person that you disappointed? I dunno but possibly a client. Things have been moving agonizingly slowly this week so I’ve had to keep managing their expectations and stuff.
11. How many hours of sleep do you need per night in order to be a functioning member of society? At least 6. Any fewer than that and I’ll be cranky or not perform at my best.
12. Who is the last person you text messaged? What were the two of you chatting about?   It was a delivery guy because I messed up the details of one of the deliveries I booked for work, and we had to coordinate on the next steps to make sure the thing gets delivered to the recipient.
13. If you run out of toilet paper, what’s your next resort? Look for some scratch paper in my bag because I always seem to have some anyway, lol.
14. Have you ever gotten an unexpected gift from a neighbor during a windstorm? Nope. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a windstorm, either.
15. Is it time for an oil change in your vehicle yet? My mom had it done just a couple of months ago, so no.
16. Do you remember the subject of the last test you took? It was my finals for my Korean language class last year.
17. Why did your last cell phone have to be replaced? Because the screen was fucked up to the max. Plus I already filled up the storage anyway, so it really was due for retirement haha.
18. How often do you feel as though you’re left out of the loop? I would say pretty often. Work keeps me busy every single day and there are a lot of things I find myself having to catch up on.
19. What should you be doing instead of this survey? I should be sleeping since it’s nearly 2:30 AM...but I won’t.
20. When’s the last time you trimmed your fingernails & toenails? During the weekend.
made by: @swanky-surveys
Blank Survey #6
1. Have you ever had a pillow explode feathers everywhere? I’ve only seen this happen in cartoons.
2. Have you seen the new Seeing Red movie on Disney+? I think it’s called Turning Red, but yes I have! Not on Disney+ though since we don’t even have that here. Anyway, I liked the movie just fine but it doesn’t come anywhere close to being a potential favorite. I honestly tuned out by the middle part since I wasn’t a big part of the spiritual storyline.
3. Are you able to taste the difference between Pepsi & Coke? I doubt it as I’m not a big soda drinker and I’ve only had Pepsi once.
4. What was your last reason for projectile vomiting? Mixing alcohol and THC.
5. What are some of your hobbies that you enjoy? Staying in coffee shops, going to museums, trying new restaurants, painting, reading essays on topics I’m interested about.
6. Where do you buy the majority of your clothing? I’m not much of a shopper but my go-to store would be H&M.
7. Where was your best hide & go seek spot as a child? Inside closets as I easily fit into the smallest spots.
8. Do you have a favorite Disney princess? Rapunzel.
9. When’s the last time you had to attend a staff meeting? We don’t have those but we do have monthly townhalls so the last one had been last March.
10. Are you still required to wear a mask where you live? Yes. Other places aren’t requiring it anymore?? That sounds so cool.
11. What’s your favorite type of sandwich? Monte Cristo.
12. What’s the last piece of furniture you purchased? I’ve never purchased furniture.
13. What are the colors of the walls you are currently in? White.
14. What is your phone’s battery percentage at right now? 18%.
15. In your opinion, what is one of the most unpleasant smells? Infections.
16. Is there a popular food out there that you do not enjoy at all? Fruits.
17. How do you like your steak? Rare as fuck.
18. How many pages was the last book you read? I don’t remember what book that was anymore.
19. Are you easily distracted? YES. Especially if I hate what I’m currently doing i.e. work. I’d give in to any open opportunity to get distracted.
20. Do you have any desire to travel to Guam? I mean it’s never been on my top travel spots but I’d never turn down a trip to a different country.
made by: @swanky-surveys
Blank Survey #7
1. Have you ever made a hole-in-one at mini-golf? Nah. I’ve never even played mini golf.
2. What was the scent of the last candle you lit? This really lovely sweet vanilla scent. My favorite.
3. Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers; I hate taking too long in the bathroom.
4. How many chairs fit around your dining room table? It’s meant for 6 but it can squeeze up to like 10 if people don’t mind tighter spaces.
5. What different things do you put ketchup on? Off the top of my head there’s rice, eggs, fish, porkchop, and fried chicken.
6. Have you ever been white water rafting? I haven’t been.
7. Which social media website do you frequent the most?   Facebook and Instagram.
8. What color shirt are you currently wearing? Purple and white.
9. How old were you when you found out the truth about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny? Santa I never really believed in; my fascination with the Tooth Fairy came crashing down when I was like 6 and didn’t get money under my pillow; and with the Easter Bunny, it’s just a much lesser-known figure in this part of the world so it was never something I knew about until I got a lot older.
10. Who was the last person that you had an actual phone call with? The handler of this influencer I’m currently working with.
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two and then several plushies.
12. Do you own an Alexa? Naw. My parents have a Google Home Mini, though.
13. How long have you lived at your current address? It’ll be 14 years this year.
14. Do you prefer “real books” or ebooks? Actual books.
15. Do you use coasters for your drinks in your home? We don’t have any even though I’ve been begging my mom for years to start considering them lol.
16. What’s the last card game you played? Cards Against Humanity.
17. Would you rather read poetry or write it?   I’d rather have nothing to do with poetry lol. It’s my least favorite literary form.
18. Do you go barefoot often? Where I live you go barefoot when you are indoors, 24/7. No shoes allowed.
19. How old were you when you lost your first tooth? I was 6 and it was in the middle of a school day hahahaha. The teacher had to stop the storytelling session that had been taking place to attend to me, while the other kids watched over in amusement.
20. Have you parents ever showed up at your place of employment? They’ve never been to my office, no.
made by: @swanky-surveys
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twiststreet · 3 years
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New favorite purchase in a while:  my copy of OffGrid magazine (or “recoil offgrid...?”)  that I bought at the Sacramento airport because I missed what magazines used to be:  little short opportunities on the most casual possible basis to find out about a world not your own, paid attention to with scrutiny but some editorial distance, I guess is how I’d put it.  The last days of magazines were a while ago (and the heyday was before I was alive, the heyday was the 60′s)-- and the internet’s attempts to do magazines all seem to have failed, RIP Grantland or whatever.  But it was an hour long plane flight and I didn’t want to read the novel I brought with me, so.
OffGrid seemed like it’d be a fun one-- I mean, that jacket.  What’s going on with that guy’s life that he was like “I need to wear this jacket?”  How much time got spent posing that collar.  Why is he in using a laptop in the woods...?  You can’t see what’s on the bag to his left but it’s the words “Mystery Ranch.”  I wanted to solve that mystery!!!
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Plus: for a good solid moment, I was like, “Man, what if I had a DIY Junkyard Knife Project.  What if that’d be good for me, like, as a new thing?  What if immersing myself into high-end artisnal shivs could become a fun side hustle?  I could sell my bespoke shanks at Guns and Knives Shows.”  My whole thing lately has been trying to pivot and all, so.  You know: dreams; aspirations; etc.  (Bladeshow West is on October 8-9 in Long Beach and has the “West Coast Flipping Championship”, but I’m out of town).  
So I open it up on the plane-- inside front cover is a photograph of a socom 16 cqb, opposite a photo of a man holding the rifle. The man’s beard is exactly what you’re imagining.  Most of the ads are for guns or night vision shit (one ad is for Gatorz sunglasses, though-- “the world’s best eyewear for mission driven people”).  Besides that, it’s a normal-looking magazine, albeit not a particularly inspired one on the design side, but.  There’s a gear section like men’s magazines always have, but for the “ultimate go bag”, bikes, “urban use” hiking boots, dinner sausages, thermal optics, knives, and a book called “The Ninja Wilderness Survival Guide.”  Ninjas were big outdoorsmen.  You know: so far so good-- exactly what I wanted.  It’s a magazine for MEN in all caps so everything being sold  is exclusively black or grey or grey-brown.
And it’s got that sort of “we’re a magazine” tone to the prose, like there’s a certain style of writing that magazines always have-- it’s such a narrow band of style that people are okay with reading... but like from the survivalist sausage review:
“As much as we fancy ourselves survivalists, not all of us are going to take down a buck, field dress it, and haul it back to home base during a weekend camping trip with the family.  Sometimes we just ilke to chill and and make s’mores.”
That sort of performance of humility that magazines have.  “We’re all just people here.  Now here’s our review of a $90 hatchet” (‘perfect for batoning wood.’).  Part of me wants to live in the world of magazines...
But then you get to the Good Part-- the article “What If Your Privacy has Been Compromised by Internet Doxing” by ... “Recoil Offgrid Staff.”  Ohhhh, I see what they did there. You’re not going to dox the person who wrote this article, folks.  (Except the names of staff are all listed in the magazine credits, so not the tightest op-sec I’ve ever seen, but okay).
This article kind of catches the eye because of the extremely specific hypotheticals.
Because it’s an article about what to do about internet doxing but it begins with a section called “The Setup”, laying out a scenario that YOU, the READER, might have to worry about, a situation where you might very well get doxed and then what???  Here’s that part of the article:
The Setup: imagine you attended a city council meeting to express your concern about the side effect of a growing homeless population in your area.  You plan to voice your concern for your famliy’s safety after witnessing an increase in drug sales, sexual assaults and public defecation.  [...] Some activists who attended this meeting did so in an effort to retaliate against residents who were speaking out against the homeless problem.  [..] An  online petition appearing to solicit residents to push for legislation that imposes tougher penalties against homelessness had recently been started.  [...] Everyone who’d signed up had been catfished. [...] Now, hostile notes are being left in your mailbox, harassing calls and texts from blocked numbers are coming in and you genuinely fear that the reprisals will become physical.”  
The entire premise of the article is that you say something so hateful at a city council meeting about “how we need to punish the homeless” that the internet causes you to fear for your safety!!  Your A+ plan to **have the same decrepit bureaucracy that’s allowed a homeless crisis to just terrorize people because they can’t pay for basic survival** is so despised that you need to read a magazine article urging you to (and this is a quote) “decide whether to stay at my residence, leave my house temporarily, or permanently move.”  
(The worst doxing I ever saw was because women went near video games, but).
Just this ultra-specific hypothetical!  There’s a real “office staff” 10000% got made fun of on twitter for yelling some dumb shit stink to the proceedings from, ike, paragraph 3 on.  And if you were wondering whether the article would complain about vaccines later, you betcha.  In a later section, the article warns you to obtain situational awareness and not engage with internet crackpots, but the hypothetical example they give is “Did that person actually say they believe that anyone who’s hesitant to be vaccinated should be compelled to do so or be banned from participating in any social activity?”  Use your situational awareness!  Stay away from that person online but insist on coughing around them socially!  They can dox you just for trying to negligently murder their immuno-compromised grandpa!!  Here’s an ad for a gun.  
Here’s a drawing that comes with the article:
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The reader is being asked to relate to the person looking at the phone!  “That’s probably what you look like.”  I mean... seems fair?
The next article is with a veteran of the IDF.  There’s an article about hiding secret messages in memes (the example is a meme of a dog that say “love is in the air or is that bacon?”), which suggests you hide images in “raunchy images” since casual onlookers may click away from those faster... on the internet... where raunchy images are frowned upon??  There’s an article about how to escape if you’re ever tied up with duct tape (i’m going to live forever).  There’s an article about the kinds of reptiles you want to hunt when you’re trying to survive that tells readers not to hunt crocodiles, and stick to snakes and lizards-- there goes my weekend.  
But I just love that at the very core of this, that they say the quiet part out loud, that the reason you need all this survivalist knowledge and tactical gear is... because quote “self-proclaimed social justice” people out there don’t want to hear your A+ super-good ideas about society.  A young person called me a Mayonnaise-Turd for refusing to be vaccinated and coughing on all the produce at Krogers.  What’s the best tactical knife I can buy?  Waaaah.  Just the constant fear that drips off of these morons, because they live in a world where they get called stupid finally with the regularity they’ve long deserved. Just the most scared fucking cowards-- they need night vision goggles to fucking go to Dave & Busters, because these stay-puft marshmallow men think that AntiFa is going to bumrush the Dave & Busters for their skeeball tickets.  
I love anytime you scratch away at Real Masculinity and find the throbbing, wet Hyperemotional Pussy underneath that’s there like at least 7 out of 10 times.  That was basically the premise of the entire early 00′s in comedy, and I had a really good time, but then woke comedy-scolds made them stop and then ended comedy and replaced comedy with Bo Burnham filming himself crying while waiting for Door Dash in his mansion.  I don’t understand the world anymore!  I wish I’d owned a PFC9 Compact pistol with aggressive slide serrations when children killed bromance comedies!!!!  Jason Segal and Paul Rudd haven’t made a movie together in years-- time to go off the grid! 
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det395 · 3 years
ty sm arlo @throwing-roses-into-the-abyss for tagging me :D
1- how many books are too many books in a series?
i need a lot of convincing already to agree to the commitment of any series but i think if i fall in love with one then i’d be happy if it’s pretty long. but i think 4 books is a good number for a series
2- what do you think about cliffhangers?
hhhhh i want all books to be rounded out satisfactorily, but a bit of a cliffhanger can be fun
3- hardback or paperback?
paperbacks, with a passion! they’re cheaper, smaller, lighter, easier to hold/bend into position, i hate hardcovers where the sleeves are slippin and slidin, and i dont mind the look of worn books at all in fact i think it’s pretty cute (which i might just be saying bc i wreck all my books ok im gonna shove them in my backpack it cant be helped) and i want my bookshelf to be consistently paperbacks so i get Angery when new books only come in hardcover and i have refused to buy books for that reason. but i have a few used and gifted hardcovers
4- least favourite book?
i can’t say that i hold any real grudges against any books, but there is one book “in the name of the family” that my parents gave me for christmas, maybe bc i had a GoT phase? and it’s my only 1 star book. it’s probably not a BAD book but oh my god i could not get through it, every paragraph was torture because it was just so fucking BORING and i didnt understand the historical context or what was going on, nor did i care at all
5- Love Triangle, yes or no?
i feel obliged to admit that i will still go ham for the twilight love triangle if prompted, even if some (a lot) of it annoys me i fuckin love that drama so alas i cannot claim superiority in my tastes, but usually these days if i see a love triangle i scream at my book “JUST BE POLY!”
6- the most recent book you just couldn’t finish
star eater, which made me sad to abandon! it wasn’t even bad, hell it was about cannibalistic zombie nuns so it was right up my alley, but something about it fell so flat and i didnt care at all and i had another book that i wanted to read so i DID. bc i want to dnf more easily instead of forcing myself to suffer through books im meh about. but it still made me sad to not give it a full chance, even tho i think if it’s not great for the first bit, there’s not a big chance it’s going to turn around
7- book you are currently reading
the ocean at the end of the lane by neil gaiman! i am enjoying it
8- last book you recommended to someone
the secret history by donna tartt to a couple of friends! have already promised to lend it out once i buy a copy lmao. loved ittttt SO MUCH
9- oldest book you read
maybe frankenstein, 1818? i dont read many classics, and i also dont know when they’re from usually so i could be forgetting something, but probably isn’t that likely that i’ve read anything before the 1800s
10- the most recent book you read ?
(most recently published?) probably the final volume of attack on titan!
11- favourite author?
ahhh i don’t have a favourite and that seems like a lot of pressure to choose, i just have authors that i enjoyed enough to want to try more books by. some of those authors (not in order) are patrick ness, emily st. john mandel, shirley jackson, haruki murakami, benjamin alire saenz, stephen king, maybe donna tartt now. idk none get Master status in my books that ill read anything they write and i have big issues with some of these even ghdfjs and i have the feeling that im missing some
12- buying books or borrowing books?
was just talking today about how cute it is to borrow books! but im probably the biggest reader of my irl friends so it’s usually me buying all the books and then lending them out instead of the other way around lol….
12- a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love
didn’t HATE these but just wasn’t a big fan: jane eyre, the night circus, difficult women, couple books by akwaeke emezi that i wanted to love
14 - bookmarks or dogears?
bookmarks! ahhhh dog ears stress me out no creases!! im always smoothing out creases. sidenote: someone once bought me a metal bookmark and i was like wow fancy and then it ruined the pages lmao never again
15- The book you can always reread?
i rarely do rereads, id probably get sick of any book. excited to reread the haunting of hill house tho maybe that will become mine
16- can you read while listening to music?
sometimes i need it, sometimes i have to turn it off in order to see lol
17- one POV or multi POV?
one pov preferably but multi pov can be done so well
18- do you read book in one sitting or in multiple days?
ive only ever read one book in one sitting and that was eclipse lmao. i definitely don’t have that focus anymore, it always takes me a while just because my mind wanders
19- who to tag:
ill tag @realisaonum @uttermywish @overcapitalized @natigail @tarredion if you guys want! :D
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Thank you so much for tagging me on this @kuriousaboutuzumakis and @mertensiana-tsuga!! ❤
Rules: List 10 things you are thankful/grateful for that happened in 2021:
1) We're safe. Seriously, we made it COVID-free this year, too. While the situation gets worse every day, we managed to stay healthy and this is very important, seeing as some in my family have serious health problems that could prove bad in case of them getting covid. I didn't much care for my health to be honest, but I'm relieved that my loved ones are okay.
2) I got a scholarship this year. I've been doing my PhD without pay so far, so getting some kind of payment was important for me to feel that it's worth something. It doesn't negate the fact that I'm in an extremely toxic environment, but it sure helped (that's me being materialistic this year, but hey, that's a coping mechanism too).
3) Speaking of toxic work environment, I decided that health comes first. I'm still working long hours, but I try to be more aloof and control my panicking more. I've claimed a few times that I won't get crazy over work, and I'm trying to stay true to my word (if I get sacked though, I'll let you know).
4) This scholarship allowed me to upgrade my gear, buying a much-needed new laptop and some huge-ass hard drives (seriously, I now own two 8-terabyte external drives, one of which is already full) for my work, so working from home has become easier.
5) I decided to help myself in terms of health this year. I'm your typical couch potato, working on a desk for 10 hours per day, and then I have no time to exercise. But this year I decided at least to be healthier. I consulted a dietitian and she got me on a good and lenient plan. I'm finally 20 kgs less, which makes me feel less back aches and stuff.
6) My sister's family now has an adorable (yet bratty) dog, who barely survived when they first got him at home. Snoopy is now healthy and adorable and I consider him my sister's fifth child. 🥺
7) I'm not one with high self-esteem, but on multiple occasions, people in my life let me know this year that I have an impact on their lives;family, friends, even people from my past,some of them told me they value my opinions and my advice and that seriously feels good, because I really want to help.
8) This year, I went to the annual Book festival in the capital. I didn't have anyone to go with all those years, but this time, my boyfriend took me there, twice (and knowing how self-conscious he is about the pandemic, he still walked through the crowds with me). He even helped me carry out the endless stack of books I bought without complaining (and he didn't flinch on the sight of me hopping from booth to booth like a kid on a toy store).
9) On the beginning of the year, I did a thing. I read a lot, but rarely talk about my reads with people, because who wants to hear me ramble about that? So, I did an Instagram account dedicated to reviewing books-i made lots of friends and had interesting conversations and learned many new things since then, and it's been a rewarding experience.
10) Last but not least, I joined this fandom after more than a decade. I rediscovered Tumblr and I found out about Ao3. I met some wonderful artists, writers, fans. I read beautiful pieces of work, and I felt safe enough to write things, too. I got lots of love and support from you, which is a huge boost to my ego, really. I'm not a stellar fanfic writer, but I've been having fun and I found out that writing stories quells my anxieties, too. So this is the year I've been rediscovering myself, to a point. It's important.
Most of you are probably tagged anyway, but go ahead @espoir-et-reves @galacticarmadillo @itsbrittneybiatchez @kalira @kakashis-kunoichi @sakuradeservedbetter91 @heartensoul @kakasaaku @sassysaku @misschih, and anyone else that wants to share this with us ❤
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acciocriativity · 3 years
The First Meeting ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x You
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Summary: Your life takes a 360º turn when you discover that you are a witch and that you are going to study and live in a world completely different from yours. In the midst of so much change, you meet a boy who is feeling the same. 
Word Count: 2.4k
N / A: This is the first fanfic that I am posting on Tumblr, so it would be very important to me if you leave your opinion here and also English it's not my first language, if I made a mistake, I'll like to know and correct it.
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 The day started rainy, which is not surprising considering that I am in England, more specifically in the city of London. However, I, as an immigrant from hot lands, consider rainy days bad luck, because something always happens wrong. 
And to my despair, today was supposed to be perfect. 
It was only a month ago that I discovered to be a witch and for my happiness, it has nothing to do with pointy noses and pure evil. Apparently the only similarity is the hats, since in the two moments I was around real wizards, I saw several people wearing them.
 My family, for the most part, being a completely devout Catholic, did not accept my new reality so well, not to say it was hell on Earth. In short, if I went, I wouldn't be able to set foot in the house again, as they weren't going to house a sinful witch. 
That bearded gentleman was kind enough to help me find another place to stay, while my parents would think better of it. Although I was unable to thank him or at least speak after being expelled from my home, or old home.
I've been staying at the Leaky Cauldron ever since, but because of the latest events in my life, I just went out to buy the materials. Being a witch had cost me a lot and I wasn't ready to face that until yesterday. It took me a long time to decide whether to go to Hogwarts or not, but now the certainty that I made the right choice was growing in my chest. 
 Right after having breakfast at one of the bar tables, I waited seated by the person in charge who would accompany me to Kings Cross station, where I was supposed to catch a train. I knew about it the same day that I discovered the magical world but only today I was anxious for that. I must admit that I imagined that we would fly, obviously all the stories lied to all the non-magical children on Earth.  
A few minutes later, a man in a turban appeared through the door and walked towards me, his expression showing no particular emotion when entering or even seeing me sitting, but what scared me was the fragility and fear in his voice.
- Miss Garcia, good morning, are you ready to leave? - He leaned on one leg while looking around worriedly. 
- Yes sir .. is everything ok ?? The bathroom is on that side - I knew it was inconvenient but I couldn't hold my curiosity as I watched his expression change.
- It will be a short trip but we must go now, to not risk losing the train, let's go - his posture was suddenly rigid and his face looked shaken but this time, I kept my thoughts to myself.
 At least he was kind enough to help me with the two suitcases, which were quite heavy due to the amount of books that were inside, I got some History of Magic extra books to learn more about that world. 
And he was not wrong, the path was fast despite the light rain and wet streets. We didn't talk beyond the formalities, I just found out that he is one of my teachers that year, Professor Quirrel and nothing else.
As soon as my feet took a step into the station, the man said goodbye with a nod and left to go his own way with a weird expression, but I didn't care about that for more than 2 seconds. 
I took a deep breath and started to walk following the small crowd of people who would possibly go to work in another city, since I didn't know the way to the platforms. Honestly, I didn't think it would work until I saw the license plate numbers, and I quickly hurried on, because mine was ahead. 
- 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ?? - I stopped walking at the same moment I realized that mistake, there was nothing between 9 and 10 - I don't believe it ... 
 I stood leaning against a wall looking around as if looking for someone, but in fact I wanted to find a miracle or at least an angel who could tell me what to do in that situation. 
Millions of thoughts crossed my mind within 2 minutes, most of them negative, until something drew attention out of my despair, or rather, someone. A red hair had just gone through the wall, it was so fast I could hardly believe my own eyes. 
Two more people did the same before I managed to close my mouth and walk over there, in shaky, uncertain steps. They hadn't noticed me and I thanked them mentally for it, because I wouldn't be able to pronounce a single right word. The good news is that they were certainly wizards, by the way they dressed and the most logical conclusion is that they would know the right way. 
 I waited for everyone to cross to get closer to that wall, I couldn't hear the conversation but I noticed that the right way to enter is to run. Again I took a deep breath and looked around to see if anyone was noticing me, with the station full, my answer came as a quick no. 
 I closed my eyes and ran about three short steps until I felt a sensation unlike anything I had felt so far. The stone wall seemed to have turned into a wind wall and I easily managed to get to the other side. I immediately opened my eyes after hearing the sound of a train and when looking to the side, there he was. The Hogwarts Express was written right in front of the locomotive.  
 It only took me 10 seconds to notice the difference, the clothes were definitely different and there was an absurd amount of children and teenagers, as I was walking closer to the train entrance, more people were showing up, in a way I didn't know how to explain.  
 The trip was smooth to Hogwarts, I found an empty car as soon as I arrived but soon the seats were being filled and I ended up sharing my cabin with two more girls, I soon noticed that they were sisters and that was the initial topic of our conversation. They were nice and helped me get into the current context of the wizarding world, explaining the basics about Hogwarts as well. 
- And he's here, the boy who defeated you-know-who's going to study with us! - the oldest of the brunettes spoke excitedly with a huge smile on her face. 
- One of my friends told me earlier that she met him in the hall, what is he like? - the youngest asked even knowing that none of us would know the answer. 
 This topic remained for a while, until they decided to take a walk on the train while I read, enjoying some quiet time. Honestly, I wouldn't like to be in this boy's shoes, not only because of the tragedies in his life, but also because of the amount of attention, comments and theories about him.
But I cannot deny it, I would like to meet him, who would not be curious after everything that was being commented on? 
 People got in and out of the car where I was sitting and I tried to have a decent conversation with everyone, but then when two older students came to tell us that we should change clothes, as we were arriving. I preferred to wait because a hurried crowd of students wanted to go first, so I ended up being one of the last to get dressed, but one of the first to leave the train. 
 All the way the view had been impressive but nothing had prepared me for the vision I had when I approached the lake, where we were supposed to go. It was dark and it wasn't raining, the moonlight reflected on the water of the Black Lake like a mirror and I was almost sad to see that we were going to cross by boat, because that image would be blurry. 
I could only see the outline of the huge castle on the other side, but it was enough to see all the splendor of that place and for a few seconds I was paralyzed absorbing the beauty of everything around me, until a voice brought me to reality. 
- Only 4 people on each boat, kids! - I glanced at the giant man, who was talking animatedly to some students, before I sat down in an empty space.
 As soon as we reached the other side, we gathered in a small group on the castle entrance stairs to hear one of the teachers. I remained behind and silent as I was paying attention, until I saw someone passing by and right after I felt a foot stepping on top of mine for several seconds. 
- Hey! Can't you see I'm here ?? - I said indignantly but as low as possible looking at the red-haired boy beside me.
- I ... I'm sorry, I didn't see you - he replied without even looking at me, his face turning as red as the color of his hair.
 I thought about replying but as the teacher was still talking, I just preferred to nod, accepting the apology. Only then did I realize that I caught the attention of two more students, a curly haired girl who cast a disapproving look at the redhead but smiled at me gently and at another dark haired boy, who noticed my gaze and shifted his look to the other side immediately. 
 It didn't take more than 15 minutes before we were inside that incredible hall, instead of a concrete ceiling just like outside, above my head was the most beautiful starry sky I have ever had the pleasure of seeing, with floating candles to complete the view. To my relief, it didn't seem like a common thing for most first year students, who talked quietly among themselves so I didn't look like an idiot admiring alone. 
We were instructed to stay in a queue, I had no idea what was going to happen so I was distracted looking at the stars, which never seemed so achievable until that moment. I wish I could go up there and take at least one, but it would be impossible. 
 We walked slowly until we stopped in front of the other students, who were spread out over 4 tables, my eyes never left the illuminated sky and as a result, I didn't notice that I was too close to the boy in front of me.
I got my first embarrassing moment of the year in less than 10 minutes, because I stepped on the cover of the boy in front of me. All the consequences of that went by very quickly before my eyes. In a second I was out of balance and fell, but that's not the worst part. I accidentally pulled his cloak back, the boy fell out of balance and fell with me, his back to me. It hurts, too much. No more than the weight of my humiliation and shame, but it still hurts.
 My face took on a pinkish tinge as I silently prayed that no one noticed, but that's not what happened. Today was definitely not my lucky day. I could hear half the room laughing and half whispering, so I knew for sure that I had made a big impression on people and a bigger one on the Hogwarts floor. 
- Sorry ... I was distracted - I spoke as quietly as possible looking at the ceiling and again at him.
 He didn't look at me for more than 2 seconds before looking away in that same direction and back to me again. His nod was minimal but noticeable and he soon stood up, which I had forgotten to do in those few seconds.
 What surprised me more than anything in the last month was his hand extended to help me, it didn't take me long to accept the help and so I got up and straightened my clothes trying not to show shock. This was an act of kindness that I couldn't expect from my brothers, considering how angry they would be in a situation like this, but other than shame, I couldn't see a hint of anger in his green eyes. 
- I'm really sorry ... - I said again, loud enough that only he could hear me. 
 The director had called everyone's attention, so most had stopped laughing although that redhead from before just stopped after the mini punch that the brunette gave him. 
- It's okay, it will just be another reason for people to talk about me behind my back - he gave me another small smile on the side but his tone was not the happiest. 
- And why?? I don't know who you are - I was curious because I had not met anyone important in the magical world until then.
 I could see a flash of surprise in his expression but before he could answer me, the names started to be called and little by little the children walked to the stool, where the hat was placed on their heads. After that he didn't answer me, no one else had the courage to say a word because they were very anxious to get their turn and also curious, like me, to know which house the famous Harry Potter would go to. 
- Potter, Harry - called the teacher with a serious but serene expression and a different look in her eyes. 
 From then on, the students' not-so-low whispers started again and I, who was already at the Hufflepuff table, could only be surprised to notice that the boy I dragged to my shame was actually Harry Potter himself. I didn't have the courage to look at him for more than 5 seconds, because again the embarrassment consumed me but this time harder. I only looked at him again when the Gryffindor table radiated in cheers and laughter as soon as he was drawn there and then our eyes met for the last time that night.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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rigelmejo · 3 years
My dudes wasabi Japanese is so cool this site is so cool literally my dream site ToT (thank u @yue-muffin for all those free reading links <3 which is what included wasabi Japanese)
I know what I’m doing after I finish reading Japanese in 30 Hours! (I might keep reading Reading Japanese for fun too just cause... I might as well we will See).
So like curse me if, when I say I will, it makes me not lol. I hope I DO actually do this. Because it sounds so much more clicks-with-me right now than my alternate study plan (which was Nukemarine memrise - which I WILL eventually do ToT I plan it ok, and tae Kim’s grammar guide - which I’m happy to replace with any grammar guide I’ll finish fucking reading tbh).
1. Remembered bilingualmanga exists and I am making no commitments to read anything (tho I have 4 mangas open and an urge to read them for the first time in years since I read yotsuba earlier and followed it). But I will say it’s quite cool I could um read and look words up (ditto for just regular iOS word lookup and Japanese scripts... I’d say ditto for Animelon too and I DO recommend it but I’m just not really an anime watcher).
2. Wasabi Japanese has a: a grammar guide. So my ass is gonna try reading it (in my defense it has audio which I find marginally nicer than the other sources I’ve been looking at... like I literally read Japanese in 30 Hours aloud audio helps me... also why I suspect in part Nukemarine’s decks help they make me listen a lot). https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-grammar/wasabis-online-japanese-grammar-reference/
3. Even better (to me) wasabi Japanese has b. A grammar drills lesson course that has you shadow and practice SENTENCE PATTERNS AND GRAMMAR. I was literally considering buying a Japanese shadowing textbook for just this purpose (but that textbook was random phrases whereas this is targeted sentence patterns). Also I learn best by just fucking seeing sentence patterns so I kind of suspect an activity like this would click with my brain better than actual grammar guide reading (tho grammar guide reading gives me a useful overview of what to start noticing). Like I literally own the book Japanese Sentence Patterns just cause it was the only thing that clicked... Bonuses about this lesson course wasabi Japanese has: it’s me Doing stuff, I learn best just Doing tbh (it’s why just brute force reading clicks well with me lol). And better, Doing stuff in a streamlined way so I can not bumble as long lol and I have reference if I’m confused (Also why I like graded readers). Info: https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-lessons/how-to-proceed-with-the-instantaneous-composition-method/ The lessons: https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-lessons/materials-for-japanese-lessons-intensive-reading/
4. Wasabi Japanese has lessons through stories, listening reading and shadowing. Phenomenal. Both the perfect chance to test if Listening Reading works some more (which I’m currently into), and to actually DO some things I wanna do like read and practice listening (versus Nukemarines memrise courses which are just flashcards, or playing Japanese video games which is... doable but too draining to be enjoyable or efficient yet). I’m excited. How to use: https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-lessons/japanese-lessons-how-to-proceed-with-read-aloud-method/ Actual lessons:. https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-lessons/fairy-tales-and-short-stories-with-easy-japanese/
5. Assuming you’re better at Japanese than me - wonderfully wasabi Japanese has a course I could use, right after finishing that last one, at a slightly more difficult level, with manga: https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-lessons/materials-for-japanese-lessons-intensive-reading/
6. Alternatively, want a different N3 course that’s radio program based? Here it is: https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-lessons/materials-for-japanese-lessons-read-aloud-method/ so yeah, wasabi Japanese looks like a quite nice alternative to flashcards or a textbook if a babe just wants to learn from stories with audio for a while ToT
7. Also I am again contemplating the benefit of just playing audio in the background more. Will I do it? I don’t know. I’d love to play SpoonFed Chinese audio, Japaneseaudiolessons, and Japanese core 2k audio on in the background. As it’s all comprehensible input I know I’d mostly pickup if I just heard it enough to Review it (whereas rn I just hear each audio file once ever on a walk then never again cause I have little time for focused audio only listening). But I feel bad when I play them in the bg and don’t fully listen ;-;. Ah the dilemma. Truly though they’d help so much if I played them in the background I know it... as of this month as an experiment since reading The Word Brain, I’ve been listening to SOME Chinese audio more. Specifically Guardians audiobook, a random Chinese hp audiobook, Alice in wonderland audiobook, silent reading audiobook. You would not believe how much it’s been noticeably helping. Usually it’s avenuex’s Guardian audiobook and every time I catch a bit of it casually in the bg while working, I’m blown away I understand clearly what I didn’t the time before. In particular I’m probably having the most improvements in this novels comprehension, since I’m Listen Reading Method with it too. But like... the first time I focused listened to it during L R? I caught everything with difficulty during the only-chinese audio but English text step 3. And then listening alone only caught the main story beats/scenes (which was already a major improvement for me). Now when working I can actually catch the paragraphs about Guo Changcheng’s family, his uncle, going to McDonald’s - these are details I very specifically remember being the ones I could NOT catch doing listening only the first time post L R. So after idk 3-6 listening of this chapter, just listening again in the background (since L R takes too much time I’m lazy I only do L R once), I’ve made this much progress. I only saw the full definition of everything ONCE one time during L R step 3 once. But just listening more I catch more and more. And of course, as I catch more the unclear parts become easier and easier to maybe figure out. All I know is I severely underestimated the benefit of repeated listening - at least when (at one point once) you comprehended the material. So considering this... I think now with hindsight, yes listening to condensed audio of a show or just a show, that you’ve seen before with English subs/dual subs/in target language and looked unknown words up, in the background probably could help. If at one point you comprehended it before. (So for me Guardian cdrama is hella on this list lol). With hindsight yeah, repeated audio of an audiobook chapter or audio drama you followed the target language subs for before, or that you could read but not hear alone, would probably help listening skills. Definitely my audio flashcard files where they’re literally Built to be comprehensible since it’s English then target language each line. So... yeah in hindsight more audio, even background audio, can help. Guarantee when I’m not L R with the guardian audiobook I’m barely even listening. And still I find myself catching parts of it.
8. My roommate got too excited about Final Fantasy 14 and informed me it’s free to play now.. which I didn’t know. So of course I foolishly looked up if I could play it in Japanese on a PlayStation and looks like answer is probably yes and I am sorely tempted...
9. It’s gonna be wild for me looking back on may progress at the end of the month because: I did almost nothing I planned, I got demotivated then intensely motivated, I’ve done a ton ToT, I also did a ton of Japanese immersion which?? I’m not even counting?? I don’t track my Japanese immersion yet because like... it’s not my priority right now. I read a ton of manhua the other day and just forgot to log it. I watched some of the woh concert and just did not count it, I read a surprising amount of Japanese this month for someone “not studying it much” yet (aka maybe more than I read last time I studied Japanese??). I did a lot of L R method I didn’t even track, I did a ton of background listening and I’m not tracking just hoping for the best. Did I finish 小王子 this month or last month? Whatever month that was I read like 4 Chinese books. I just remembered I read like 3 Japanese graded readers but didn’t count them cause they felt too simple to count (only 28 pages each). I watched 10 Cure Dolly Japanese grammar vids tho not sure how much help it is long term. Whatever time I did the Japanese video games had to count for something even tho it was draining af. Anyway my point is just... count on me to not do what I planned but be more productive when I do that. All that said: I’m more productive when I set plans even if they aren’t always followed, so I’ll keep making them lol. I think I just needed to hit that turning point of “do anything you want, just continue to do something” instead of “complete this first!” (Although I’m still aiming to complete things - or at least go for progressively challenging things). I dunno... I want to say I want to consider just trying to finish things imperfectly just finish them (to motivate me to finish my Hanzi books, Japanese books, courses I find). But knowing me.. I have no idea what will get me to keep going. Just need to remember it’s ok to do it imperfectly. Just need to remember to place what I will care about and actually do, as priority over what it is I think “must be fully done.”
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otometearoom · 3 years
I Finished Tsumugu Logic!! Overview/Rant
It took me a month, but I finished the last chapter of the game and got the true ending. I will keep playing to get all of the other bad ends, etc. 
I have so so many feels about this game, y’all. I will be highlighting a few chapters in the game, so if you haven’t finished it. Beware of spoilers!!
To recount my feelings throughout the game for each character: 
1. Tsumugu is a cutie pie. I actually really related to him, because I’m also at that point in my life where I have to decide what exactly I want to do for the rest of my life. I just finished university, but I’m still unsure about my career ahahah. So, seeing Tsumugu struggle to figure his life out was refreshing. 
2. “Sosei” is so hot. I laid eyes on him and thought, uh-oh, he’s my new addiction ahahah. I would buy his merchandise if there was any. The dude loves sweets (how cute is that) and he has such a good head for mysteries (my dream man). Plus, he’s a tsundere but really cares about Tsumugu, often giving hints and advice to him. He’s a very trustworthy older brother/senpai. I could gush over how much I love Sosei for ages. His drunken habits -> those are to die for. He becomes so lewd and straightforward. I love it. 
“Koyo”, on the other hand, I didn’t like him as much as Sosei. Which is weird, cause I love ikemen. Maybe I’m just drawn more into the withdrawn, mysterious guys?? I do like the concept of twin brothers though. I have a bit of a dirty mind so when the twins said they shared everything, even their gf, I was like ohohoho, 3p? 
I absolutely enjoyed the twins together though. I love seeing them pretend to be the other. I wish they had more of an appearance lol. I could even say that Sosei and Koyo are a scale higher than Tsumugu for me. I wish the twins were the main protagonists ahahah. No offense Tsumugu. 
I’ll just summarize my first impressions for others real quick: 
3. Kotoko - I thought she was cute, but I never really liked her and couldn’t quite pinpoint exactly why. This feeling will come into play later on. So at first, I was like meh, she’s okay, I guess. But, as I learned more about her, I really didn’t like her character that much. I mean, I wouldn’t say I hated her but I didn’t find her as a good fit for Tsumugu. 
- When she told Tsumugu to be a salesman or whatever. I was like, do you even know Tsumugu? Lmao. I didn’t know if it was just me empathizing with Tsumugu cuz I’ve often been told of what I should be, but no one asks what I want to be. 
- When she didn’t want to help Mirei, I thought how odd, for someone who tries to befriend everyone, she’s not doing so well as a heroine. I mean, it was realistic, at least. But, I think the chapter where she admits that she tries really hard to fit in so others will like her was starting to draw some red flags for me. It made me wonder how much of her was ‘real’. Idk if I’m making any sense though.
- When she swung the knife at Tsumugu, I didn’t hate her as much as I did when she swung the knife at Sosei (who protected Tsumugu) and killed him. I was furious then. 
4. Sally - I admit I was really turned off by the girly lolita style. Mainly because I’m more tomboyish irl. But, she had a good sense of justice so I actually liked her. It did come as a shock to me though that she was the “gorilla” girl that was forced to kiss Nozaki. Tbh, I was kinda sad she died at the end. Like, I know she killed Hikone, but I could understand her motive better than I could understand Kotoko’s motive. Maybe cuz I have an older brother and can’t see myself being a brocon? ahahah. 
5. Toma - In terms of hotness, he comes 2nd right after Sosei. He’s a really good friend. And I absolutely adore how he scares ppl with his glare lol. i love yankees ahaha. He’s not afraid to speak his mind. He’s a very solid character.
6. Daimon - My girl crush. High key curious who she’s arranged to marry because her fiance seems boring. Who takes an hour to choose a handkerchief? Anyways, Im sad that Daimon and Sosei never got to meet because I’m low key shipping them. Idk if they’d click well romantically because they’re so similar, but I would’ve loved for some sort of interaction. They’d make for an epic couple, solving mysteries. I really wanna write a fic for them. 
7. Tsukasa Tsukasa - I didn’t like him because of the cheating and blaming on my poor Toma, but after that, he was okay. Plus, he helped write the Tsumugu’s love letter to Kotoko. Which I find is funny, because Kotoko copied Tsukasa’s writing, thinking it was Tsumugu’s. Ahahah. The lesson here, folks, is that don’t use your own handwriting in love letters, you never know if you’re crush will copy said handwriting into your own suicide letter. 
8. Mirei - that girl can sing. I kinda cried after hearing it cuz I was going through something at the time and it really encouraged me. 
9. Landlady & Hikkimori - Both names that I can’t remember off the top of my head. I think both people are fun. The landlady is super supportive. And the hikkimori refusing to talk with Sosei made for a fun dynamic. I genuinely enjoyed seeing Sosei offended. Nice way to see emotions on my fave character. 
10. Other characters (Rindo, Happy, Travel Club Members) - I genuinely did not care enough about ahahah. I think I even enjoyed seeing some of them murdered, tbh. They were really horrible people in different ways. 
The Black club members headed under Fumi. Like what? How do you control victims to be assailants and live with yourself to be a future kindergarten teacher? Like what? I couldn’t live with myself if I was her. Plus, her disproportionately large boobs were really weirding me out. I can’t believe Yu died all because Fumi wanted to f*ck him. It’s like one day you’re living your best life and someone thinks, ah, I wanna ruin this person. 
Don’t even get me started with Nozaki. That dude is a piece of trash. Human garbage. He knows how it feels to be a victim and yet thinks it’s his right to assault women. I wanted to slap that guy so hard. So many times. He was like the boy who cried wolf. He kept pretending to be dead and eventually died in the hands of Kotoko. XD I wonder what his last thoughts were. To have died in the hands of someone he trusted. 
Hikone was another nutcase. From what I understood, he just saw everyone else as characters in his book. Sure, he didn’t physically harm anyone, but doing nothing and observing is just as much of a crime as committing it. 
Shun. I never really like cutesy guys. But when he turned out to be an ex-pimp plus lover of Fumi, he fell off the likeable scale. 
Yoshimoto being an uncontrollable drunk murderer was the only thing needed to complete the psycho Travel Club members. Tbh, I thought he was the one behind the killings at first ahaha. 
Suguha. I thought she was a tough chick. It was cool to know that she had another motive to get closer to Fumi. Because I thought it was weird how she took her cellphone at the BBQ restaurant. It’s nice to know that SEEC still foreshadows like that. 
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