#my submssions
Remember that clip of Minho angrily adjusting his clothes after a MANIAC stage? I just saw it by coincidence while flipping through YouTube shorts and I shit you not that’s the exact face I picture him making while talking with Y/N in the bathroom 💔😂 why is this hot? Someone please stop me.
Oh. You mean this one? 😏
Cause it haunts my dreams.
And that is EXACTLY the face Minho made in the bathroom convo scene. 🥵
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discodiablo · 1 year
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Bi metalhead solidarity
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nyancrimew · 1 year
ok i put this off for too long, but since im def not returning back to twitter, #maiabingleart is now also my fanart tag on here :) a lot of people just put their fanart in my submssions or asks, which is like nice, but also i get too many of those so i also only just barely see them
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i love the idea behind the blog, and the blog, thank you for running it! i don't have time to listen to all songs at once but i _want_ to
Awh thank you for the kind words, anon! Honestly the idea of creating it came to me when I wanted to share a serbian song i liked (cveta tresnja from sabirni centar, which the poll for it is published and can still be voted on) but my mind was telling me that it would somehow be too 'random' to share this obscure none-english song with the world. that it wouldnt be 'normal'. i wasnt really worrying over whether it was normal or not but i guess i wanted to mae this blog as a form of way to normalize it i guess? and i also just thought running a blog like this would simply be fun. this type of blog is definitely not anything new or unique but i consider it a wayof sharing many songs many peoplemightve not known about due to most public media primarily being in english
i understand not having the time to listen toall the songs though. spend your time however you want. enjoy your time and again thank you for these words
Also,sorry for not publishing of many of you guys' song submssions! Feel free to submit as many songs as you want i just may not answer them super fast
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Inspiration comes on bursts
note: reviewing this blog for the submssion and hadn't realised how may key developments were inspired by Hepworth and these pictures. I had somehow assimilated them into my thinking. Untill I just saw them again I had no idea that where they came from. Could simply be a memory issue!
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incorrectzukka · 4 years
Sokka: whats in your shirt?
Zuko: *shirt starts meowing*
Zuko, panicked: drugs. 
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incorrect-bnha · 7 years
Endeavor: I’m going to ask you to be respectful
Todoroki: I will politely decline.
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raindestiel · 7 years
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Hi!! For the anon ask thing,
These are my pets, from top to bottom: Sunshine, 6 month old golden retriever, Shado, almost 2 year old black lab mix, (both girls) Storm, 4 year old british short hair (girl) and sleepy boy Vincent Van Gogh, 6 year old american shorthair (boy) They’re all so sweet and fun, I love them so much
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
I think I drank too much - with ma boi John Tracy, Eye in the Sky?
(I hope you wrestle uni into submssion)
A Bad First Impression
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family/Friendship Characters: Scott, John, Penelope
Brain is in default Scott mode (when is it not?), so more Scott than John, but it is John saying the line, so that counts, right?  Haven’t proof read this or anything, but alcohol+John gave me one idea straight away, so here we go!
4am so the other prompt currently sitting in my inbox will have to wait until post-sleep (and probably post-more uni work), but feel free to send more in!
(Uni is... not going down without a fight but I have got my lecturers on my side so it’s not quite as terrifying as it was the other day.  Still got a heck of a lot of work to do, but hopefully it’s survivable now.)
Lightheaded/Fainting Prompts (I know it says ‘starters’ but I figure as long as the line’s in there somewhere it counts).  Or honestly any other prompt games I’ve reblogged are fine, too, just make sure to tell me which one it’s from!)
Scott glowered down at his phone, where his message was stubbornly remaining as sent.  Ideally, he wanted a reply, but it had been five minutes and it still wasn’t even showing as read.
People were sending him disapproving looks, no doubt seeing a stranger with a backpack lurking outside a door and drawing their own conclusions the longer he remained slouched against the wall.  Apparently even in England, people didn’t take too kindly to loitering, and Scott would appreciate it if his brother would hurry up and let him in.
Maybe for some people, five minutes was too soon to be getting cranky, let alone worried, and any of his other brothers, in any other situation, Scott wouldn’t expect an instantaneous reply, but it was John, at midnight.  He should be wired into whatever technology he was playing and receiving messages instantly - especially as Scott should be expected.
The journey had been a long one, jet lag was hammering hard, and he just wanted to greet his brother, catch up for a bit, and then crash out on the couch.  It had been too long since he’d last seen him - why John had decided to go to college in England, Scott had no idea.
Seven minutes, and still no answer.  No little icon assuring him John had even seen it, even though John had known exactly what flight he was on and had been the one to tell Scott how long the taxi would take from the airport.  Scott had fully expected his younger brother to open the door just as the taxi pulled to a halt.
The fact that he was still standing outside, seven minutes later - and midnight in Oxford was not warm - had Scott one part annoyed to three parts worried.
The looks were getting dirtier.  He was surprised no-one had confronted him yet, and hoped that didn’t mean they’d decided against talking and skipped straight to calling the police.
“C’mon, John,” he muttered.  “What’s taking you so long?”
Looking up from his phone again - nine minutes - he caught sight of a pair staggering their way in his direction.  One was ginger, and he straightened, more than a little disbelieving when his younger brother staggered right past him without looking and pawed at the door ineffectually.
“Honestly, John,” the girl he was with - petite, blond, and in high heels that made Scott’s feet ache just to look at (his younger brothers didn’t know about his time in high heels and it was staying that way) - sighed, although the giggle that followed it ruined whatever gravitas she was trying to exude.
There were many things wrong with the sight, from John being not inside, to John looking like he’d been at a nightclub, to John apparently bringing a girl home, but the thoughts all temporarily abandoned his head as John swayed just a little bit more.
“I think I drank too much,” his brother commented, in that sort of detached fashion Scott recognised from his own nightclub experiences, and ignoring the girl, he lunged forward just in time to catch John as he crumpled.
This wasn’t the greeting he’d been expecting.
Nor was the stiletto kick to his chest, winding him and almost making him drop his brother.  It was fortunate his first instinct was always to hold on tighter, otherwise John would probably have just gained a concussion to go with the hell of a hangover he was going to be facing in a few hours.
“What do you think you’re doing?” the girl demanded, drawing herself up to her full height - and even in those dagger stilettos, still failing to reach Scott’s chin.  “Unhand him at once, or I’ll call the police.”
Scott was tired, grumpy, and had no patience for irritating girls trying to get in with his not interested younger brother.  He straightened, hefting John into his arms - he might be tall, but John had never been a challenge to lift on the rare occasion Scott had carried him - and made a show of looking down at the small female.
“And I suppose you were planning on carrying him inside?” he challenged, shifting John’s weight until he could slip two fingers into his pocket and extract his door key.
John always kept his key in the same pocket.  Scott was glad that hadn’t changed.
“And now you’re trespassing,” she huffed as he fumbled the door open.  “No-one invited you in.  Leave, before I call the police.”
“Actually, I was invited,” Scott snapped, stepping through the door.  “You, on the other hand, are not welcome.  Go home.”
He kicked the door shut with his heel, knowing Grandma - and probably John, in the morning - would be furious with him for leaving her outside by herself at midnight, but not finding it in himself to care right then.
The apartment wasn’t large, just a kitchen with a sofa and a door that Scott determined had to lead to the bedroom and en suite, which meant he heard the front door open again as he shouldered his way into the bedroom.
“Who are you?” the girl demanded.  Scott ignored her as he settled his brother on the bed - planets and stars embellishing the otherwise plain navy comforter.  “Look at me when I’m talking to you!”
Scott pulled his brother’s sneakers off and set them down on the floor, making a mental note to find where John kept his shoes and put them away properly before his occasionally-clumsy brother tripped over them later.
“Why are you in his apartment?” he asked, kicking off his own shoes and letting his backpack fall onto the floor before pulling himself up onto the bed.  John could sleep in his clothes just fine, but that coat and jumper had to come off before he overheated.
“Are you stripping him?” she shrieked.  “That’s it; I’m calling the police.”
...Okay, Scott could see why it might look bad if she didn’t know who he was.
“Look, miss,” he started.
“Your ladyship,” she interrupted.
“Uh, what?”
“It’s your ladyship,” she said.  “Not miss.  I am Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, and I insist you tell me who you are and why you’re manhandling my friend.”
“John has friends?”  John did intellectual peers, but he’d never cared for friends, mostly because he found it tiring when people couldn’t keep up with him - or tried to force him into socialising, which Scott was starting to suspect this girl, Lady, whatever, had done tonight.  His friends were computers.
“Of course he does, you pervert,” she snapped back.  “Now answer my questions, and if I don’t like the answers, I’m calling the police.”
“Perv-”  Scott interrupted himself with a sigh.  “I take it John didn’t bother to tell you I was coming to visit for the week?”
“Your name,” she insisted, and he rolled his eyes.
“Scott Tracy.  I’m his brother, so if you could stop the ridiculous accusations that would be great, thank you very much.”
“You don’t look related.”
Oh, for-
“You should see the rest of them.”  John shifted against his chest in a quickly-aborted attempt to sit up.  Scott tightened his grip.  “Scott, Lady P.  You won’t get rid of her.  Trust me.  Lady P., my big brother, Scott.  You won’t get rid of him.  Trust me.”
“So stop arguing and let me sleep.  My head kills.  Penny, why did you let me drink so much?”
“I was curious what you’d be like drunk,” she answered, completely unapologetic.  “You didn’t tell me your brother was coming.”  She paused.  “Why didn’t you tell me when I came to get you earlier?”
“You’d have accused me of lying to get out of going,” John muttered.  “Sorry, Scott.  Thought I’d be back before you turned up.  Wasn’t expecting to drink so much...”  He trailed off with a yawn, and Scott helped him lie back down.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said - not strictly true, but as far as reunions went it was already terrible.  He had no intentions of worsening it with an argument.  “Get some sleep.  I’ll find you something for the hangover in the morning.”
John was asleep again before he’d finished talking, and with a fond smile, Scott slipped off the bed and pulled the covers loosely over him.
Then, he eyed the blonde in front of him.  John didn’t like socialising, and yet she’d dragged him out regardless - and apparently never took no for an answer.
Scott did not like the implications of that.
“We need to talk,” he said, quietly enough not to wake John, but seriously nonetheless.  Blue eyes flicked from him to John and then back again.
“Yes,” she agreed.  “I suppose we do.”
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I miss dad joon and moon-soo and hana 🥺 ah I’m just reminiscing and rereading through a lot of fics pages I have saved after seeing the boys are going on hiatus. I am so happy for them though. To get to be them, without bts. I really hope they use this time to find themselves and their true happiness. Hope you are doing well 💜
That was a good era huh? I’ll go back to the bangtan!dad universe eventually, my fixations tend to come and go in waves. 😂
I’m happy for them. I hope they all do the things they want to do! 💜💜💜💜
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thedandelion-writer · 3 years
I’m so excited for the 600 followers event, and CONGRATULATIONS on 600! You deserve 600 more!
If I may, I’d like to request a male matchup please! For the questions:
1: Male matchup (I am female)
2: INFJ-Libra
3: I’m a little introverted, I’ve been told I’m really intelligent, but honestly it’s only book smarts. I’m VERY highly attuned to peoples emotions and can literally tell how they’re feeling all the time (it usually makes ppl freak out I’m so sorry I don’t do it willingly). I enjoy reading books, going on runs, and playing with my cats. There are some board games I like, like battleship, chess, Axis and Allies, and Trivia! I hope this helps!
4: first date has to be in a more public space, you can never truly trust anyone. Either restaurant where we can get to know each other, or taking a walk in the park. Really anywhere that’s public
5: someone I feel safe and comfortable with, maybe someone who can make me laugh, someone who’d never hurt me and would protect me. I’d try to protect them too ofc and take care of them!
6: first date kisses on the lips are a no, on the cheek maybe. Brushing hands but not outright holding haha. That’s 2nd or 3rd date material
7: yes I would! I’m a genshin characters whore!
Thank u for doing this Lynn and I hope it won’t be too much on you with all the requests! If it is just ignore this tbh! 💜😸
A/N: I'm so glad you were excited for this event because I honestly didn't know if people would be interested! Thank you for the overwhelming support on my event (and sorry to the 10+ submssions I turned down because it was past deadline). You were one of the easiest ones to decide for, once I read it through it was an instant match hehe
But without further ado, you're going with...
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My reasons!
For starters, I saw you mention books and reading and immediately thought of him. Whether or not you are as into the hobby as he is, a little common ground is always a positive thing! Xingqiu is definitely a person that is able to humour you, and would never ever wish to harm you on purpose. He'd definitely work better with someone on the intelligent side, and because he sometimes hides the way he truly is to set up a facade in front of his father and brother, you acknowledging how he truly feels (so you can hopefully make him feel better) would be a pleasant thing. I also think that he'd try his best to cheer you up whenever you're done, whether it's with cheesy prose, or a fun, carefree outing or even just sitting down together to read in silence. I honestly didn't really have another match in mind for you I'm sorry! I struggled finding another possible candidate so I shall leave it at that :)
The First Date:
"Aha! Checkmate!"
You triumphantly knocked over his king piece over with your rook. "Better luck next time?"
"No way, I'm picking the game this time. Haven't you had enough fun beating me thrice in a row?" Xingqiu took a defeated sip of his drink before cleaning the table of the scattered chess pieces.
You watched his back as he returned the box to the area that had stacks of all sorts of board games free to use for the customers of this particular cafe.
Xingqiu called it a 'board game cafe' and after hearing about it, you pestered him to put down his damn book and take you there.
"It's a shame Chongyun and Xiangling couldn't make it, it'd be a lot of fun if they could play too wouldn't it?" You slipped out the new activity out of it's box, careful not to damage anything, and started setting it up.
"Truly a shame," Xingqiu said, clearing his throat. "Ah, battleship! I used to play this with my brother back in the day."
You tilted your head, unsure if he suspiscious for changing the subject too fast, or if it was merely you who was thinking too much. You mentally shrugged your shoulders. Even if the other two weren't here, spending some time with Xingqiu outside of reading quietly together was new, and quite enjoyable in it's own way anyhow.
"Ready to lose?" You taunted, making a show of cracking your knuckles.
"'Tis I, who should be asking you that milady," he switched into his formal tone and you know it's on.
Two losses and three wins later, the topic diverts and you find yourself showing him pictures of your cats and him telling you about a novel he's been working on.
"Well it's far from ready, but I will make sure you are the first to read it when it's done," he assured you before taking downing the last bit of liquid from his cup.
You do the same.
"Oh, and before I forget, I finished the book you recommended me last time! It was so good I couldn't put it down!"
Slipping the hardcover from your bag, you place it on the table to return to its owner.
"What did I tell you?" Xingqiu grinned. "Just wait until you read the third chapter of the second book, it was enough to give me goosebumps."
Chatting about it certainly made you more and more curious, so the both of you head down the street to your favourite book shop to buy your own copies of the installment.
You looked through the various titles available, but ultimately settling for just the books you came for.
After paying (in which you had a small back-and-forth because Xingqiu insisted to buy them for you, and that he did) you held clutched them close to your chest, excited to pore over the pages later.
"Thank you for this, you didn't have to..."
You looked down as you both walked, a strange, unfamiliar feeling of shyness bubbling up inside you.
"It was no big deal," Xingqiu laughed slightly, swinging his arms in a carefree manner.
"And no, you musn't pay me back. I know of all your tricks, my liege."
"Ugh you and that nickname," you huffed, rolling your eyes as he chuckled in response.
"Or, if you are really that desperate to pay me back I suppose you could. But of course, I'll take no such thing as money."
You raised an eyebrow,"uh huh? And what would that be."
Realising that he stopped walking, you looked back to wait for his response.
"Another outing--wherever you'd like to go," his usual collected expression with a dash of cheekiness was replaced with something akin to nervousness, maybe even a bit bashful.
You knew exactly what he meant but decided to tease him a little.
"Well that's easy! I'd love to go out again, maybe the others would like to see the cafe too."
At this time, your back was to him to hide a little grin that was playing on your lips.
"What I meant was! You see," you heard him clear his throat. "I wanted to go out with you again, Y/N. Without--Chongyun and Xiangling..."
"I don't mean to exclude them forever of course, what I meant was- wait, why are you laughing?"
"Oh Xingqiu," you wiped a tear from the corner of your eye, heaving in a breath. "I was just teasing~ I'd love to go out together sometimes, just us two."
"Yes, yes that would be nice my liege," a smile spread across his face, giving you a mock little bow.
"No no, please, raise your head my loyal subject," you waved your hand like royalty, which elicited giggles out of the both of you.
As you watched him walk away, a flutter in your heart was a telltale sign that you were excited to see this friendship, perhaps, bloom into something a little more.
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sliding in with a quick q (because i'm v neurotic and like to plan ahead) — would anyone be interested if in a couple of weeks I hopped on the gift exchange bandwagon but combined with a birthday thing
so like instead of "submit and then also make me a gift" it would basically be "you can submit once you've posted" kind of a thing?  like totally a-okay if people only make things for the exchange obvs but i just Struggle because that feels weirdly selfish even though the only difference from any other gift exchange giveaway is that instead of "submit then post something for me" it would be "post something for me and include the link in your submssion but if anyone made things for my birthday you don't have to make another gift"
idk and like i might end up not doing anything at all I just figured I’d ask because my brain is being funky
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wandering-curator · 2 years
Submission is your work, is work that you had permission to post, or is linked back to the original creator. If this is the case they must be okay with cross-platform sharing.
Submission is not fanart or fandom content. I will very seldom make exceptions for this! Fan works must be sent to me through IM first and I will let you know if it's ambiguous enough to go here.
Submission (if traditional) is photographed in light, and is decently visible. If I can't tell what it is, I can't very well post it, you know?
Submission is a photo or GIF file(s) unless it absolutely only can be captured on video. If you're showing off a fancy finish or texture, tumblr can convert to gif for you without terrible compression.
No submitting the same product more than once in one month. Don't spam clog my inbox, I want to give other people a chance to share their works too.
When submitting merch, please include a link to the PRODUCT you are submitting, not just a link to your shop. You can include both.
You understand that submssion didn't guarantee I will post. I have the right to REFUSE to share any post for any reason, outlined below
What I will NOT post:
Work that is clearly stolen or mass-produced. If there's a watermark on it that doesn't match your username or link, I delete it.
Work that promotes hate speech, hate movements, or contributes to bigotry of marginalized groups.   ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This includes but isn't limited to any sort of Christian symbolism, Confederate flags, Nazi imagery/symbols, racist caricatures, any transphobic appropriation of feminism IE: "wombyn", "pussy power" or other weird dogwhistle shit.
Work that promotes patriotism to the US, UK, Canada, France, or Australia. As an American I simply don't want to see that shit from other major colonized countries, especially the one I live in.
IRL nudity, UNLESS you properly censor the picture yourself. I know nudity can be artistic and isn't inherently inappropriate but you know the rules for this site, I'm not posting something that will get me taken down.
Ultimately it's my call if I decide to share something, and if it didn't follow the terms, I'm deleting it. However some things might be missed, or the inbox might eat it, so if it's been more than a week since you submitted and I still haven't posted, just IM me and ask! I'll let you know of it broke a rule or if I just didn't receive it.
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fact-anonymous · 2 years
18 December 2021 Update
This is long overdue, pallies and acquaintances...
but I, Mod Silhouette, am taking a long, long, hiatus - which means Fact-Anonymous will be on hiatus as well.
Asks and Submssions are open, but the responses will be late.
Why? Well, I&'ve been goin' through the toughest times in a long time, in both this life and our parallel ones - can't run two lives and run a blog at once, you know what they say. I've been working on this blog non-stop since its inception, after all.
I'm struggling. Very, very deeply. The details are private, but here's one thing I can tell ya: I've burned out a long time ago, but this blog has been wonderful in keeping me afloat. Your appreciation (sending kind asks and replies, discussions, following, liking, reblogging, or even just lurkin' around) means a lot to me.
With that said, I'll have to give myselves a break before I burn out worse! I'm not gonna apologize for this, so I hope you all understand.
- anonymous asks are not reopened because Mod Gucci and her system are awful busy as well. After the essay I wrote, I'd rather stay on the safe side.
- My and Mod December's essay about in-system abuse towards factives, fictives, introjects, etc. will be posted after we both return!
- There are still some posts in the queue - I'm gonna let them run out.
Thank you all so much for your support!
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incorrectzukka · 4 years
Zuko: hey I-
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quicksilverfans · 4 years
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Here’s my submssion for Day 2 of Quicksilver weel
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