#narcissa black x alice fortescue
iheartmoons · 1 year
there are currently only 281 fics with nobleflower in them on ao3!! let's, as a collective, bring it up to 300.
also, there are currently only 144 fics with quillkiller in them on ao3 - lets as a collective bring this up to 200 pls
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starbiesluv · 10 months
☆ - Our Own World - ☆
--- Nobleflower Microfic ---
(words: 886)
Narcissa slowly steps on the stone floor of the Astronomy tower, her heels clacking roughly against it. She scratches at one arm, her eyes tracing the room like she's memorising every wall and crack. She uses one hand to brush her fingers through her blonde hair.
“Cissa,” Narcissa jumps and almost falls over onto the ground but a hand grabs her wrist. “Woah! Sorry!” It's Alice, smiling a bit sheepishly. Narcissa sighs in relief.
“You scared me,” Narcissa hisses, righting herself and brushing off her skirt. Alice takes her hands pulls her closer, so they’re close enough that Narcissa could just lean down a little kiss her.
“Sorry, my love. You look amazing.” Alice tells her with a smile. Narcissa almost melts into the shorter girl, just at the sound of her praise. But she doesn't, she sighs. “Something on your mind?”
“It's…” Narcissa takes a deep breath. “Bella’s engagement is going through, they're already planning for Andi. I'm next, I don't doubt that.”
“We’re only 15…” Alice mumbles. “They can’t—”
“They will.” Narcissa interrupts. “Father and Mother have always looked past me, considering I was their last hope in having an heir. A male heir. They’re counting on Sirius now, so they’re intent on marrying us all off. Bellatrix is loyal but she’s— she’s destructive, she has our Father’s temper. Andromeda is independent, she doesn’t believe in their ways and she voices it.” Narcissa lets go of Alice and walks away from her, to lean on her hands on the windowsill. Alice doesn’t speak as Narcissa goes on. “I’m their last hope in a daughter with value. I’m unimportant, this is the first time I’ll be able to be valuable to them. And of course my fate is to be married off to some pureblood man and produce them children.” Narcissa hangs her head in anguish.
She isn’t shocked that this is how her life will turn out, but secretly she’s hoping that Alice will have an answer, a way to get out yet not be hated. Not be…a disgrace. She prays that there is a way that she can spend the rest of her life with Alice.
“Cissa…” Alice speaks softly, she comes up to stand beside the blonde, she runs a hand through Narcissa’s hair. The hair she’s hated since forever, blonde and straight like her mother. Not the look of a Black. She’s always wished that she looked like her family, but she doesn’t. Alice loves her hair, she loves everything about Narcissa. Narcissa has stayed up at night, just wondering why.
“It’s hopeless, Ali.” Narcissa says. “I knew this wouldn’t last forever.” Her voice breaks, cracks like a stone wall eroding over time. A dam that’s about to break, an ocean of held back emotions ready to flood out and drown everyone around her, and herself. She dares to look Alice in the face and she sees beautiful chocolate eyes staring back at her, emotion dripping from them. Narcissa cups her face. “I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” She whispers.
“It’s— You didn’t upset me, darling. I just hate to see you sad like this. I hate to know that…that your family hurts you like this.” Alice pauses, thoughts flooding through her brain. Her thought process visible on her face. “Why don’t we run?” Alice suggests. She puts her hands on Narcissa’s wrists. “Why don’t we just leave this all behind. Go somewhere…To America, I don’t know. I just can’t bare this any longer, Cissa.” Alice sighs and she runs her fingers down Narcissa’ wrists.
“Outrun time?” Narcissa asks. “Alice, I can’t just...” Alice stares into her eyes. “I can’t leave everything for—” Narcissa pauses. Alice deflates, she looks away from Narcissa and out to the night.
“You can’t leave everything behind for me…it’s fine, I get it.” Alice laughs dryly. “I don’t know what I expected you to say anyway.”
“I love you Alice, I really do—”
“Not enough to leave for me, though.” Alice shakes her head. “Not enough to spend your life with me.” Narcissa trails her hands down so they rest on Alice’s neck. She doesn’t say anything. “Up here, it’s just us. Our own world, where we can be together— But that’s all it is, isn’t it? We won’t leave this place and still love each other, will we?” Narcissa doesn’t answer, instead she just drags Alice closer and she kisses her, Alice kisses back with the same gentleness. They part and they rest their foreheads together.
“I wish things were different—” Narcissa lets out, she’s happy to pretend like everything will go right, just for a while anyway. But Alice pushes away from her.
“Cissa—” Alice says, breathlessly. “We can’t keep going with this.” She says. She looks away, anger on her face. Narcissa hates to see her mad. “You’ve chosen your side.” She turns to walk away.
“Alice—” Narcissa begins.
“Goodnight Narcissa.” Narcissa never knew how much those two words could sting.
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n0blefl0wer · 3 months
Forget black cat x golden retriever. Give me earl grey tea x hot chocolate
Jegulus: james - hot chocolate, regulus - two bags of earl grey
Jegulily: same as above + Lily drinks herbal tea
Wolfstar: do I even need to elaborate?
Nobleflower: the BLUEPRINT
Rosekiller: Evan drinks earl grey and Barty drinks vodka out of a mug
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outromoony · 1 month
If you love Jegulus but hate Nobleflower... do you really like forbidden love, secret relationship, opposite sides of the war, Gryffindor x Slytheirn, Black family trauma, doomed relationship, and tragic ending tropes? Or just mlm ships?
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bachelorette party (gone wrong)
AKA the hangover II au, in which alice loses her fiancée’s lil cousin the night before the wedding
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close ups + the pics from the night before:
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myrows · 11 months
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We need more of them <3
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theatregorl · 8 months
Narcissa accidentally and reluctantly befriending all of the Gryffindors?
like imagine
Narcissa is staying late in the library, when she notices a very stressed Remus, when she eventually asks him if he needs help (she claims it’s her duty as a prefect) he claims to have missed a big test due to illness, so she helps him study and stay on top of things.
Narcissa notices Regulus hanging around James Potter a lot, and so when she sees him after quittitch games, she tells him good game.
Narcissa hangs around Dorcas a lot, so when Marlene begins to join them, Narcissa treats her with respect as she would anyone, trying to ignore her house and family name for the sake of her friend.
Frank notices her stealing glances and Alice every now and then, he knows that Alice likes her, so he starts to invite Alice to group studies and game nights.
Narcissa see’s Severus begin to give his long time friend crap for being a ‘mudblood’ and as much as she intends to keeps her bloodline clean, she’ll take any chance she can to annoy Snape, so she’ll put him in his place every now and then, before giving Lily a wink and waking off.
when Alice and Narcissa start seeing each other in secret, Alice one day suggests inviting her along for a hogsmeade trip, everyone agrees almost instantly, except for Sirius, who’s wondering how all of these people know his cousin so well.
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Pandora "fell first" Rosier and Lily "fell harder" Evans.
Alice "fell first" Fortescue and Narcissa "fell harder" Black.
Marlene "fell first." Mckinnon and Dorcas "fell harder, " Meadows.
Rita "fell first" Skeeter and Bellatrix "fell harder" Black.
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arty-bug · 3 months
nobleflower will never fail to make me cry.
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not-rab · 9 months
what's your take on the friendship between narcissa and regulus?
okay i have this little headcanon
where narcissa tells regulus about alice (her gf) without naming any names
and then when narcissa has to get married to lucius, and break it off with alice, regulus is the only one who could comfort her
then a couple years later, regulus tells narcissa about james (his bf)
and then when regulus gets the dark mark, and james ends it with him, narcissa helps him ‘get over it’ in return<3
they’re not each others first choice on who to talk to
that would be andromeda and sirius
but just the fact that they both know that the other is also a second choice is comfort enough
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marylily-my-beloved · 2 months
There are like 4 power couples in hogwarts and let me list them (my hc!):
(just btw these aren't in order lol, just the 4 ships i think are amazing and have amazing power) (also what does power couple rlly mean? im just going of the power bit, so i don't really know)
Quillkiller (rita x bellatrix). Like you don't even need to argue on this omg. Bellatrix is an amazing wizard, and she's so good at cursing people, and imo really protects those she truly loves. Rita is literally the head of that newspaper thingy (The Daily Prophet?), and also you cannot say that she would be the perfect person to stalk the people that Bellatrix wants to hurt...
Next up! Lily x Dorcas, ofc this is both because they are amazing wizarding world figures, and they would 100% be academic rivals in anything and everything. They were literally the most powerful wizards, and everyone knew them just bc of how they made a room change (imo) (did i make this whole post to talk abt them? yes ofc)
Marylene. like this is the Power Couple™ like Mary Macdonald, the party girl, the gryffindor girl everyone knows even though she's not that popular + Marlene Mckinnon, amazing at quidditch and also is amazing at everything!! (GRR I'M JEALOUS OF THESE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS)
Nobleflower. Boom. No need for explanation but I will explain. Alice is also very amazing very strong very wow quidditch girl, who loves gossiping, like will not shut up about other ppl, whether it be good gossip or bad gossip, or even fucking random ass quidditch gossip from her friends on quidditch teams + Narcissa who everyone knows and everyone is so jealous of her "picture perfect" life, and everybody wants to be her, bc honeslty who wouldn't. And also they would both 100% gossip about people while drinking tea (and not eating bagels), and then like go make flower crowns
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Astronomy tower, late evening
6 year!Narcissa, flirting with Alice: Just we two. 1 year!Mary, appering out of nowhere: Ooh, this is so romantic. Narcissa, confuse: Three? 1 year!Marlene: 👋😊 Narcissa, more confused: Four? 1 year!Lily: Hi. Narcissa: Five?! Alice: Oh yes, Cissy. These are my children. Narcissa: Oh, how sweet.
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badhotdog03 · 4 months
Real talk... what is enemies to lovers without a bit of a knife kink?? Like, is that not the point? Is that not why we're reading it? Don't we all wanna be lightly threatened while we're getting seduced??
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n0blefl0wer · 5 months
And if I said that regulus has a huge shopping addiction? And he and Narcissa go on shopping trips together at least once a week? Then what?
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outromoony · 1 month
"You're the loss of my life."
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(Acc: starstarchar_ & jomooge on IG)
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fuck the who fell first/who fell harder trope, who had to break up but never moved on, and who was heartbroken but managed to put the pieces back together?
also jegulus parallels <33 what is is about the blacks and their golden retriever lovers and never getting a happy non-tragic ending?
i spent 15 hrs to make a comic of a wlw ship that no one in this fandom considers, but i don’t regret it one bit! spreading my nobleflower agenda!!
(@prongsxsluv i think you might like this one x)
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