#neurodivergent in the workplace
adhd-sorcha · 2 years
The other day I was in a meeting where people were describing what they had gotten done the week before and I shit you not, I genuinely had to concentrate on not crying because I suddenly felt floored by what it must be like to not have executive functioning issues....
I like to think I'm getting there with being less bitter. And yeah yeah, don't compare yourself to other people. But sometimes I get hit in the face with the fact that I do have some functioning deficits. Most days are good, but there was just something about that meeting....
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loki-zen · 8 months
been thinking a lot about how to talk about my needs now I’m in an actually understanding workplace, and I think it may well be necessary to put some work into getting across the concept of:
there are things that I will want to do and even like to do that it is nevertheless for the best I am strict with myself and don’t do them. (or am strict with myself and stick to certain rules and limits about doing them, even if it would be convenient to break or bend those just this once.)
And by ‘for the best’ I don’t just mean ‘better for me’, although that’s true - this is the strategy by which we can use me most efficiently, because I work faster and more accurately in the absence of sensory hangovers.
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thornnii · 3 months
if I ever even think about working with children under 13 again I’m going to need to be hit round the head.
the amount of energy that I have been drained of just in a week of work experience at my old primary school is insane and feels genuinely damaging to my mental health.
if I ever say I’m going to work with kids again, I need some one to shake me.
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Neurodivergent Nightmare: Forgot Headphones
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Taped this to my desk at work so everyone can see it and be aware. I'm not hiding. It's not worth it.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
Autism & Employment
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audhd-space · 4 months
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
remembering how careful luke was with substances back when they first started out, it is actually heartbreaking that he did end up struggling with addiction. (I feel like we can often stereotype and box artists in, find excuses why they may end up using like it's their fault and if they happen to overdose and die then well, they should've not gotten into it in the first place. i can't shake that moment, in the 10yr podcast i think (don't quote me) he mentions he wasn't even into weed in 2015. just another 19yo aussie getting drunk and pretending to be tough like every other 19yo aussie, way more conservative and cautious in terms of substances than he probably would ever have admitted at the time.) how well he's always seemed to look after himself physically vs how much he'd given up on himself for so long. the fact he's always loved food and yet struggled with eating. actually I think diamonds should break our hearts. so should bloodline and heck, even baby blue. I think we should listen to starting line and be like hey, maybe we should treat our celebrities better. our artists. we all enjoy what they create, tear themselves apart so we don't feel alone in whatever we're experiencing and yet did we ever stop to think, how can we make this system work for everyone? how can we make fame be less deadly?
I think we should look at songs like motion and repeat when we're thinking of, hey, how should we approach this conversation about mental health? especially in the workplace with pressure to perform and take every opportunity lest we miss out on a big break and that's not only in creative industries. STEM can be like that too. and don't get me started on business/finance. we should look at the way we interact with each other--are we creating a space that's safe to feel and be honest with ourselves and each other and breathe enough to do that? or is it 'r u ok' and it's all about feelings and if you feel to numb to even know what you're feeling, then you're probably fine? we're hopefully beyond blaming parents for everything their children go through by now, but if ever we're not, we can listen to mum and see that you can have this beautiful relationship with your parents and still struggle, still blame yourself and be drowning in it and have the best morals around personal responsibility and still in a bad season be able to weaponise them against ourselves sometimes and only see our mistakes. still put on a farce for the world. still fear that people will leave whenever we take that off. are we creating a world where we're free to be ourselves, and I mean all of us? slip away and place in me should break our hearts even more when listened to in context.
and maybe these insights seem obvious to you but how are we really going at living as if this is what we need to be doing as humans? do we really live like we believe none of us are that invincible but at the same time are so, so capable and should be given the chances and accommodations every person, no matter their unique needs, need to really fulfil that (of course without being blamed for their perceived failures)? or are we still being ableist? are we still deciding we have a bar of perceived success for people we see to be 'like us' and feel like everyone else is somehow doomed and unable to succeed and so we don't need to worry about caring for them too? they either have to pretend to live up to our standards or slip into oblivion and shame? don't you see how this, something we often don't realise we're perpetuating, simply causes even more harm?
and maybe this is a lot to be dragging out from one (expertly done) album. or maybe we have someone who's told their story and we'd be foolish not to listen to it, not to think twice about the connotations of what we're seeing. maybe part of beholding this masterpiece is to use a bit of that same overthinking that went into creating it and do something productive with it. because luke's okay. things did get better for him, and he's coping, just like the rest of us. but what about the next young artist who is thrust into stardom from oblivion, who, clinging to music as a lifeline in a chaotic, unpredictable and lonely world, basks in it and chases it so hard without a thought to its dangers. what if they don't have a loving home away from the chaos to return to, and a close knit, unshakeable group of friends going through it with them? I don't get how you can listen to wfttwtaf and not think of this. also, luke didn't need to share any of these things with us. but I bet, in a world of facades and roles to play that others create for us, simplistic and superficial and suffocating, it's a relief to simply be honest. maybe it's just me. maybe he shared it just to get some money from his art, or to help others feel less alone. but either way he did share it. and he did give incredibly vulnerable descriptions of each song (to apple music i believe it was) which he didn't have to do either. but he did and so let's heed the protest intrinsic in it and cultivate that sense of empathy, be respectful and encouraging to him and the band, yes, but also think. if we have a case study on how to protect and better care for young artists and creatives, are we just going to let it entertain us and then do nothing about what we hear? wfttwtaf is a protest album. it might not mean to be. it might be the saddest and least angry one we've heard. it might be pure in that it pulls at our heartstrings and demands nothing from us. so let your impact be that pure and free of demands too and just. be kind. not only to the people you see in person, but everyone who might be impacted by your individual and collective actions--not only kind but smart about what is actually helpful, actually encouraging. it's pretty simple isn't it? or is it just the wild ideas of my intuition?
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paradoxikaa · 8 months
hey. elias hodge autistic headcanon, hm?
more in the tags, mild spoilers of ep 2
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The most insidious manifestation of mental health stigma/discrimination is denial. What do you say to someone who fundamentally doesn’t believe you have whatever you’re diagnosed with, or doesn’t believe it’s serious or doesn’t even believe your disorder actually exists as a neurobiological condition? That last one is surprisingly common. Plenty of people will acknowledge the existence of depression, for example, but only as a psychological experience, acting as if its effects on sleep, appetite, focus, memory, reflexes, energy levels etc. are either exaggerated or invented.
Otherwise intelligent people will silently dismiss the scientific consensus on mental illness, just because it is inconvenient. The dehumanisation that happens when someone does that to you, when someone just decides for you that your mental health is irrelevant to your ability to function is hugely impactful.
It creates a massive rift between yourself and the person engaging in the denial. The person in denial has made the wilful decision to think less of you, to reframe any future action to reflect badly on you. In so doing, they are lessening their own ability to respond rationally and with empathy and emotional intelligence. This makes them a serious liability to people who depend on their judgment.
You, as the subject of this dehumanisation, are trapped in an impossible situation: you want to function healthily and without friction etc. But you know that any sign of competence will be used to further dismiss the severity of your disorder, while any mistake, any slowness, any sign of incompetence will be used to brand you as lazy, sloppy and careless.
If you’re doing well, you’re not really mentally ill.
If you’re failing, you’re just a fuck-up.
All the workplace seminars around communication, cooperation, integrity, mental health awareness etc. mean nothing if people fundamentally do not accept that neurobiology is central to most of our behaviour and our abilities.
Some people flatter themselves by choosing to believe that reason and willpower should be in control of the mind, but all they doing is obfuscating the neurochemical processes really at work here. They are trying to turn an insanely complex phenomenon (the mind) into a simple personal responsibility. It is incredibly irresponsible to engage in such reductionism (both explicitly and implicitly) especially when it concerns the health and wellbeing of another person.
Mental health & mental illness are neurological and physiological as much as they are psychological. If you do not accept this or behave as if you don’t, then you are causing wilful harm and you are unfit to be in any position of responsibility or leadership.
In general, the world would be a much better place if they people refrained from passing judgement on things they know little about. Vibes are not knowledge. If you don’t have the actual expertise, personal experience or research you need to understand someone’s mental condition/disorder then you are unfit to make any claims or decisions about it.
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lizardsaresmexy · 1 year
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friday fuckers, how we feelin
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icarrymany · 25 days
autistic educators. trans educators. where are u hiding. i need your guidance.
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You ever mask just right and it’s like “Wow, that personality I invented on the spot was 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit”?
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peachandpinwheel · 4 months
i work in an industry that is packed with neurodivergent people and can I just say that emailing austitic clients who don't mask in their emails is the best thing in the world. it's always so to the point I never get tripped up by confusing social nicetities there's no weird passive aggression. it's always just like 2 lines of instructions that my ADHD ass couldn't misinterpret if I tried. thank you autistic people who don't mask in emails you're doing gods work and i love you very much.
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imaginarylungfish · 6 months
at my nature center job today, one of the full-time staff was instructing me what to do for a movie night this weekend that i will be setting up and running. she said one of the things i need to set up is the fire structure and i asked what that looks like. she was like "have you never set up a fire?" in a condescending tone and i replied, "i haven't done it in a while and would need someone to show me how." my other co-worker stepped in and said he can show me tomorrow.
but like i'm so sick of people shaming others for not knowing things that no one has showed them how to do, especially in the workplace. like, you literally need to show me what you want me to do. i will not do exactly what you want me to do unless you show me. i can't imagine this is only an autistic thing !!
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audhd-space · 6 months
update: sorry for being away, struggling with health and at risk to keep my job
my flexi work hour is taken away bcs of a new rigid director who didn’t believe in accommodation and making workplace better
i still did not get my flexi hour but if I arrived late to work, my deputy director told me to get his signature for approval and this matter will not escalate further to the management level
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