#noriaki kakyoin x fem reader
trashland-llamas · 6 months
The Artist's Muse
'Whatcha drawing?' Kakyoin quickly snaps his sketchbook shut at the sound of y/n's voice. Not wanting her to see the plethora of sketches he's drawn. The hours upon hours he'd spent capturing her likeliness to memory and then paper. Graphite, charcoal, watercolor. Kaykoin would be mortified if y/n ever found out. 'Y'know I won't judge you, right?'
'I know, it's just personal.'
-- -- --
Y/n forgets about it until she's visiting Kaykoin in the hospital. He's sleeping and she can't help but be curious. A gasp leaving her lips as she realizes why he never wanted her to see. 'Oh, Noriaki.' Flipping to a new page, she scrounges for a pencil, deciding to draw him for once. Periodically checking to see if he's still asleep. The noise of pencil scribbling echoed in the room. Y/n tried replicating the movements she had seen from observing Kaykoin all the months they'd been traveling together.
It's not as sophisticated; her final product compared to any of his but it doesn't stop y/n from proudly signing her work.
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yoshhii · 7 months
I see you accept siblings AU so I wanna ask for some headcanon of what if reader is Kakyoin's younger sister :D
Thank you very much, your writing is so good, I love your work ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)
i was just thinking about writing this!! and tysm anon! <3
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— kakyoin would be protective of his younger sister, you’re his only friend and sibling after all. he’s always looking out for your safety, whether it's from stand users or everyday life.
even if it’s something simple as cooking he’d be right there to tell you to be careful.
— if you happened to get a stand he'd share his knowledge about stands with you, teaching you to defend yourself and understand the bizarre world you both live in.
he will spar with you so you know your stand’s weaknesses, strengths, and abilities.
— you both would share a deep sibling bond, often spending time together playing your favorite video games or just talking about life.
— i feel like kakyoin might have a love for tea, and he'd introduce you to the art of making and enjoying different types of tea.
it slowly became a little hobby for the both of you and you both love it
— if you showed an interest in art, kakyoin would encourage your creativity and share his own artistic talents with you.
he’d teach you the basics and would take you to different locations so you can paint together!
— he'd be the responsible older brother, helping with chores and looking out for his sister's well-being.
he’s always making sure you’re okay and if you happen to get sick he’ll give you your favorite soup/snacks in bed!
— kakyoin would be the go-to person for advice, offering wisdom and guidance whenever you face challenges or dilemmas.
— known for his unique fashion choices, he might help you develop your own sense of style.
he would take you to different clothing stores to see what you like best. even giving you compliments from time to time.
— kakyoin would be a fun gaming buddy, enjoying video games together during your free time.
he might be better than you but at least you both are having fun!
— he'd be a trustworthy sibling , keeping his sister's secrets safe and offering a listening ear when you need to vent.
— kakyoin might introduce you to different languages and cultures, sparking your curiosity about the world.
he believes that learning about those things is important and would be interesting to learn about.
— together, you would explore different cuisines and maybe even attempt to cook different dishes from his adventures.
i see kakyoin as someone who loves to bake so be prepared to make lots of brownies and cookies!
— kakyoin would help you build resilience and face challenges head-on, just as he did in his own battles.
he wants you to be able to depend on yourself and be strong both physically and mentally, you are his younger sister so he doesn’t want anyone to hurt you.
— he'd regale his sister with exciting stories from his journey with the joestar group, igniting her imagination.
— kakyoin would make special occasions memorable, organizing surprises and thoughtful celebrations for your birthdays and achievements.
he’d be the first one to give you your present, and you get quite a bit, you deserve the best after all!
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agsbf · 27 days
Nada Melhor que Jogar Uno Antes da Trama Começar
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Stardust Crusaders X Isekai! Leitora
Aviso: Diferente do habitual, essa escrita se trata do 4° capitulo da versão antiga da minha fanfic incompleta "No more death" do Wattpad. Como estou reescrevendo-a, agora com um roteiro, fui ver quais coisas davam para reaproveitar das cenas originais e acabei gostando muito desse capitulo. Fora isso, menções a violência e uso de palavrões.
Sinopse: Após ser inserida no universo de JoJo pelo seu remorso por ter vivido uma vida medíocre, você com seu Stand Copycat, capaz de copiar habilidades, decidem ter como objetivo evitar as mortes dos personagens. Todavia, antes de toda a trama começar, que tal uma partida de uno?
A caminhada junto a Jotaro e o ruivo desmaiado prosseguiu normal, dentro do possível, é claro. Você aproveitou o momento para admirar a arquitetura japonesa enquanto andava. Em sua vida passada não teve a oportunidade de conhecer o exterior, então novos ares nessa são sempre bem vindos. Também havia o fato de estar animada para conhecer Holly e o resto do grupo, algo que contribuiu para uma expressão alegre durante todo o percurso. A garota estava animada para ver os stands frente-a-frente, por um breve instante desejando ser um prisioneiro para ter visto de camarote a batalha entre o Mago Vermelho e o Star Platinum, porém lembrar-se que a temperatura da cela esquentou muito, diminuiu a vontade imediatamente.
Enquanto a jovem se perdia em pensamentos aleatórios, o neto de Joseph estava estressado com o fato de perceber que sua vida estaria em constante perigo por causa de um vampiro que nem conhece, além de ter que aceitar que o velho maluco estava certo o tempo todo. Quando se encontrasse com esse tal de Dio o faria pagar por cada ferimento, entretanto por hora havia outras coisas para se preocupar, como o misterioso garoto que o atacou e a estranha colega com poderes de cura. Aparentemente você não apresentava um atentado a vida dele, porém preferia não ter alguém se envolvendo em seus negócios, ainda mais uma desconhecida que a personalidade não batia. Por causa disso, o japonês fez um comentário ácido:
-Você não tem nada melhor para fazer? -Questionou em voz áspera, demonstrando todo seu descontentamento por sua presença.
-Não. -A garota respondeu indiferente, claramente gostando de testar a paciência do protagonista -Sabe... suco de maracujá e chá diminuem o mau humor, deveria tentar algum dia, Kujo. -Adicionou com um sorriso de merda.
Ele optou por ignorá-la o resto do percurso.
Continuando o caminho por mais alguns minutos, finalmente chegou a entrada da casa de Holly. Você estava boquiaberta com o local mesmo só tendo uma breve visão da parte externa, tanto pela sua beleza (a natureza aliada com a arquitetura e o minimalismo lhe gerando uma sensação de conforto parecida com a de um sítio.), quanto por estar tendo uma sensação de imersão exclusiva.
O universitário viu sua expressão em choque, lhe perguntando se havia empacado no meio do caminho. A jovem se desculpou e continuou o seguindo a procura da mãe dele, encontrando-a após poucos minutos de busca.
A mulher de olhos azuis turquesa estava vestindo sua típica camisa rosa e branca de manga longa, seu cabelo loiro amarrado em um coque baixo. Ainda não consciente da presença dos estudantes, continuou com a atividade de dobrar roupas, falando consigo mesma com expressão solene sobre o quanto amava seu filho e teorizando o fato dele estar pensando nela, já que sentiu uma conexão em sua marca de nascença em formato de estrela.
Enquanto você continuou do lado de fora, o rapaz de cabelos pretos decidiu entrar no cômodo com o ruivo ensanguentado em seus ombros, exclamando o equívoco da mãe em relação a teoria. Desnecessário dizer que a presença súbita do filho aliada ao estudante desacordado gerou pânico e preocupação em Holly, que o perguntou o que aconteceu na escola, acompanhada do medo de imaginar que JoJo se tornou tão violento ao ponto de quase matar alguém. O fato do protagonista ignorar completamente as perguntas dela aumentaram sua angústia. Não querendo causar estresse na loira que já estava lidando com a maldição do Dio, considerou um bom momento para intervir, entrando no local com um rosto calmo enquanto repreendia levemente Jotaro pelo tratamento indiferente aos medos válidos da mãe.
Holly ficou duplamente em choque, não só por descobrir que Jotaro trouxe mais alguém para casa, mas por ser do gênero feminino, mais dúvidas se formando na cabeça.
Você aproveitou o momento estupefata dela para explicar calmamente toda a situação, deixando claro que Jojo agiu em legítima defesa, já que o ruivo era um usuário de stand inimigo que o atacou. Já prevendo as preocupações em relação a ferimentos tranquilizou a mulher, alegando que ele não possuía nem um pequeno arranhão, pois usou seus poderes para curá-lo.
-Você não sabe manter a boca fechada.- Comentou o rapaz antes de ir a procura de seu vô, com um Kakyoin nos ombros. A garota já sabia que o conteúdo da conversa entre Abdul, Jotaro e Joseph se resumiria a explicação de como funcionava a manipulação mental de uma vítima do esporo de carne através do carisma, inocentando Noriaki. Também haveria o fato do egípcio contar que havia conhecido Dio, tendo escapado por pouco.
Haver uma estranha nesse momento só deixaria a situação desconfortável para todos, talvez até impedindo alguns eventos de acontecerem, então optou por deixar Jojo continuar seu caminho sozinho, preferindo passar algum tempo com Holly.
A mulher estava animada com sua presença, comentando sobre como não sabia que seu filho estava fazendo amigos, te tratando como uma filha adotiva mesmo te conhecendo a menos de 5 minutos, fazendo todo tipo de pergunta envolvendo seu hobbies e te enchendo de elogios. A mesma te pedindo para esperar na sala enquanto preparava um lanche, escusado dizer que aceitou a comida, porém insistiu para cozinhar junto a ela e ajudar a lavar a louça. A loira parecia desacreditada com a horrível possibilidade de fazer uma visita ajudá-la com as tarefas domésticas, mas cedeu aos seus caprichos quando percebeu o quão inflexível você era em relação a isso, até admirando como um gesto gentil.
Devido há ter bastante gente, vocês se propuseram a fazer uma torta de espinafre com ricota para o almoço, sabendo que preparar comidas típicas japonesas fariam o Joseph ter um piti e reclamar de como não se comparava a culinária estadunidense por puro despeito.
Ambas aproveitaram o momento a sós para conversarem enquanto cozinhavam, a estudante cortando os alimentos e refogando o recheio, enquanto a mulher de olhos azuis turquesa preparava a massa. Grande parte da conversa foi focada em choques culturais ao se mudarem para o Japão e algumas dicas importantes do tipo "nunca faça isso" citadas pela mãe de Jotaro.
Após algumas horas cozinhando, o cheiro de comida recém assada pairava o ar, a torta estava finalmente pronta.
A loira lhe pediu para esperar uns minutos enquanto iria a procura dos rapazes, como você sabia que poderia estar acontecendo a extração do esporo de carne, decidiu acompanhar a mulher em direção a sala de chá, continuando a conversa da cozinha enquanto caminhavam.
Quase como uma deixa, quando chegaram próximo ao cômodo, Kakyoin estava sentado, razoavelmente consciente enquanto perguntava ao Kujo do porque o salvou arriscando a própria vida. O rapaz de cabelos pretos soltando um indiferente "Eu sei lá, nem eu me conheço direito." Que gerou diversas expressões no rosto das pessoas: no caso do ruivo, reflexão, já em S/n? nostalgia e em Holly, felicidade por saber que estava certa em esperar coisas boas do filho, apesar da personalidade fria.
A presença das mulheres finalmente foi notada, o universitário escondendo seu rosto com o chapéu enquanto pedia para a garota aproveitar que veio para cá e fazer algo útil, como usar seu stand para curar Noriaki. Também te apresentando para o grupo como "uma ser irritante que o curou durante a batalha e decidiu virar sua amiga.".
Você abstivera de fazer algum comentário a altura, decidindo que havia coisas mais importantes para se preocupar. A jovem se ajoelhou ao lado do estudante machucado, invocando Crazy Diamond para curá-lo enquanto perguntava ao JoJo o que tinha acontecido, recebendo um breve resumo que mostrava que não havia nenhuma mudança de roteiro.
Quando o trabalho na cabeça de Kakyoin estava resolvido, o Joestar e Abdul lhe fizeram várias perguntas de como funcionava seu stand. Você optou por usar a narrativa de Josuke, alegando que não conseguia se curar nem reviver pessoas mortas, além de ter um alcance curto. O egípcio foi facilmente o mais afetado, tanto por considerar seu poder extremamente útil, quanto pela estranha sensação de que não haveria nenhuma carta de tarô que se aplicasse complemente ao seu Stand.
Quando as coisas se acalmaram, o grupo se reuniu na sala de jantar para comer a torta, aproveitando a oportunidade para bater um papo informal, com algumas discussões triviais entre os membros da família, que gerou um sorriso no seu rosto e no do ruivo, que assistia divertido toda a cena. Após a refeição, como prometeu, ajudou a loira com a louça, o que não esperava era que Noriaki se juntasse a vocês, também lhe agradecendo por ter curado seus ferimentos referentes ao broto de carne e a batalha com Jotaro, você dispensou os agradecimentos com um sorriso gentil, dizendo que qualquer um faria isso.
O resto da tarde se resumiu a tentar fazer amizade com os personagens, algo que conseguiu facilmente pois a maioria era bastante social. Em sua humilde opinião, o ápice foi quando conseguiu reunir todos para algumas partidas de Uno, o ruivo explicando as regras para todos os jogadores que nunca participaram (vulgo Jotaro e Abdul), enquanto você embaralhava e distribuía as cartas (Com um certo usuário do Star Platinum a olhando profundamente para ter certeza que não estava trapaceando.).
Headcannons dessa jogatina:
• Mesmo nunca tendo jogado antes é extremamente bom nisso devido as suas habilidades no tarô.
• Pede desculpas sempre que joga uma carta +2 ou +4, ou até mesmo um "block" em qualquer membro.
• Expressão levemente enrijecida durante as primeiras rodadas, ainda meio incerto das regras do jogo, mas conforme o tempo vai passando se solta, periodicamente até fazendo piadas.
• Assiste com um pequeno sorriso no rosto as discussões durante o jogo, secretamente se divertindo muito.
• Se percebesse que Joseph não tem uma carta para jogar na cor ou número atual, "acidentalmente" jogaria um reverse, rindo de seu amigo surtando (Bônus se tiver que assisti-lo comprar várias cartas para ter uma jogável.)
• Venceria bastante partidas ou chegaria próximo, conseguindo converter quase qualquer baralho ruim em um no mínimo aceitável.
• Dupla mais provável? Joseph, mas não se oporia a jogar com nenhum dos participantes.
• Jogador decente, porém seu baralho é sempre extremamente ruim ou apelão. Não existe meio termo.
• Daria dicas de jogadas para Holly.
• Objetivo principal? Fazer o neto perder.
-Sabe... eu acho que todos contra o Jotaro seria um negócio justo.
• Tentou ver as cartas do Kujo, mas parou quando viu o Star Platinum se materializando ao perceber a trapaça.
• Se une a você para fazer Jotaro comprar várias cartas.
• Sentiria ofendido sempre que recebesse qualquer carta especial de um adversário, alegando que iria ter volta.
• Jogou uma carta +2 para o neto, porém o rapaz conseguiu revidar e a quantia de cartas para comprar acumuladas voltou para o mais velho, ganhando baralho suficiente para três pessoas jogarem.
• Jurava vingança para qualquer um que prejudicasse Holly.
-Não se preocupe, papai. É só um jogo. -A loira diria, tentando acalmá-lo.
-Não é só um jogo! É UM ATENTANDO CONTRA SUA HONRA! Como pôde jogar cartas contra minha menininha? -Ele apontava grosseiramente para a pessoa, fazendo um longo sermão de como iria fazê-la se arrepender disso.
• Se ganhasse alegaria que ninguém mais consegue fazer uma estratégia tão boa quanto a dele, mas se perdesse comentaria que o(a) ganhador(a) só teve sorte.
• Preferência de dupla? Sua filha. Próximas escolhas? Abdul ou você respectivamente.
• Se jogasse com Jotaro e o rapaz fizesse alguma jogada estúpida gritaria algo do tipo -COMO PÔDE FAZER ALGO TÃO BURRO?! -Mas se o contrário acontecesse e seu neto mostrasse algum descontentamento, faria um comentário dramático, dizendo o quanto a sociedade é cruel com os menores erros dos idosos.
• Esquece várias vezes de gritar uno.
• O melhor jogador de todos, tendo várias estratégias para a rodada e memorizando cada movimento dos outros para conseguir supor as cartas.
• Rosto sério na maioria do tempo, mas ocasionalmente vê uma cena engraçada e acaba rindo, antes de se desculpar e voltar com a expressão estóica, percebendo que saiu do personagem.
• Auxiliaria Holly a fazer boas jogadas.
• Blefes com frequência, também sugeriria cores que o beneficiava durante o momento do +4.
• Riria sempre que alguém ficasse bravo ao perder uma boa jogada ou ganhasse muitas cartas.
• Consegue virar um jogo facilmente, independente do quão ruins sejam as cartas.
• Se visse qualquer um com alguma dúvida, prestaria ajuda.
• Definitivamente é aquele que sugere mais regras, do tipo -Que tal no 9 quem colocar a mão por último no monte compra duas cartas? -Ou -O que acham da regra de no número 7 todos ficam calados?-
• Caso ele ganhe alegará sorte de principiante, caso perca falaria parabéns para o(a) ganhador(a) e surgiria outra partida.
• A dupla mais provável é você, tanto por já te considerar uma amiga, quanto pelo caos que traz, deixando tudo mais divertido. O ruivo nem se importaria se perdesse, achando o entretenimento gratuito recompensa o suficiente.
• NUNCA usaria qualquer especial contra o filho.
• Sorrindo mesmo comprando várias cartas.
• Alguém que definitivamente se desculparia se prejudicasse alguém, deixando claro que aquele bloqueio azul era a única carta que tinha.
• Sempre esquece de falar uno, mas ninguém a faz pagar a pena.
• Tenta fazer jogadas (com um sorriso nada discreto) que ajudem o Jotaro a vencer, fazendo um sinal de joinha ao mesmo olhar interrogativamente para ela.
• É uma péssima jogadora, então todo o grupo decide deixá-la vencer de vez em quando, até elogiando-a sobre como suas jogadas foram incríveis.
• Dupla com Jotaro (também conhecida como a única situação em que você e Joseph não tentariam prejudica-lo.), mas seu pai e a amiga do filho seriam os outros favoritos.
• Se as duas mulheres estivessem juntas e vencessem, Holly chamaria de poder feminino, convidando a garota para fazer dupla novamente na próxima rodada.
• Péssimo jogador no início, mas sua expressão indiferente durante todo o jogo dificultou que qualquer um soubesse de imediato se havia ou não pego um bom baralho.
• Tentaria ajudar a mãe com jogadas que a favoreciam, mas negaria até a morte se alguém o questionasse.
• Não usa a memória fotográfica do Star Platinum para memorizar as cartas dos adversários, preferindo um jogo limpo.
• Planejaria deixar os especiais para o final, escolhendo comprar do que gastá-los atoa.
• Quando está próximo do sabor da vitória, Joseph e S/n o fazem comprar cartas, onde solta seu típico -Mas que saco. -Acompanhado de -quantas cartas devo pegar?-.
• Após jogar poucas partidas obtém bastante experiência de jogo, até usando algumas estratégias de Kakyoin.
• As preferências de dupla seriam: sua recém amiga ou Noriaki, mas fazer dupla com sua mãe ou Abdul não seria o maior castigo.
• Raramente sorri, mas pode acontecer quando você está prestes a ganhar e coringa ao receber muitas cartas.
• Facilmente a mais animada em jogar, não pelo sentimento de vitória ou derrota, mas por ter a oportunidade de vivenciar esse momento com os personagens favoritos.
• Primeira a apoiar a ideia todos contra Jotaro.
• Age dramaticamente quando o mesmo a faz comprar qualquer quantia de carta.
-MAIS DOIS?!?! pensei que fôssemos amigos, Jojo. -A jovem exclamou, falsamente ofendida.
-Você se uniu ao meu avô para tentar me fazer comprar mais de 20 cartas. -Argumentou o estudante, claramente irritado pelo comentário.
• Pergunta brincando para Avdol qual a chance do próximo jogador ter uma carta completamente específica, além de blefar com o próprio baralho constantemente, falas do tipo:
-Qual a chance de eu ter uma carta completamente foda que me faça ganhar em três rodadas? -Ela perguntou com um sorriso no rosto.
-Nula. -O cartomante respondeu.
-Você está terrivelmente certo. Me vê uma carta porque eu não tenho nenhum 8, nem verde.
• Frequentemente pergunta para o pai de Holly se possui cartas +2 ou +4 para fazer o estudante de cabelo preto comprar.
• Tenta manipular Kakyoin para fazer uma jogada que te favoreça.
-Nossa! Que vontade de comer bolo de morango com calda de framboesa e cerejas no topo. -Você exclama em um tom descontraído.
-Está usando aquele truque barato de tentar me fazer pensar em coisas vermelhas e jogar uma carta dessa cor? -Ele ergueu uma sobrancelha, divertido com a tentativa.
-Se hipoteticamente minha resposta fosse sim, faria esse favor?
O Noriaki cedeu seu pedido por te considerar engraçada.
• Usa cartas especiais somente para ver as reações dos outros (com exceção Holly que jamais sonharia em prejudicar.) e coloca lenha na fogueira para qualquer conflito com frases como "eu não deixava." ou "ah! se fosse comigo..."
• Mais focada em se divertir sabendo que momentos como esse serão raros, porém vencer algumas rodadas seria um adicional bem vindo.
• Gostaria de fazer dupla com todos os personagens, no caso de:
Jotaro: estranhamente você não faria nenhuma provocação sobre a capacidade mequetrefe das jogadas dele, sabendo que o rapaz nunca teve contato com jogos no geral e é extremamente ruim até pegar o jeito. A jovem tentaria até ajudá-lo sugerindo uma jogada aqui e ali que beneficiasse. Caso os dois vencessem, comemoraria e ergueria a mão em um pedido de "toca aqui!", no qual ele te ignorou completamente, mas está secretamente feliz. Já se perdessem, falaria que foi um bom jogo (independente do quanto foram massacrados) e pediria outra rodada.
Abdul: o egípcio sugere uma estratégia baseada na probabilidade e é um companheiro de equipe bem atencioso, sempre pedindo sua opinião antes de jogar alguma carta querendo ter a certeza que não vai te prejudicar. Pode-se dizer que jogar com o rapaz de Bantu Knots é equivalente a nunca ter problemas de comunicação com o parceiro durante uma rodada.
Joseph: O plano é garantir que Holly vença, vocês dois ajeitando uns negócios aqui e ali para que isso aconteça. Se a loira não estivesse, o objetivo seria vencer e fazer o Jotaro comprar várias cartas. O modo que tentariam fazer isso seria bem espontâneo, sem grandes planos por trás.
Holly: A um pedido da loira, decidiu tentar vencer sem prejudicar JoJo. Assim como Avdol, a mulher sempre pedia sua opinião antes de fazer qualquer jogada, querendo ter a certeza que não te prejudicaria. Em caso de vitória ou derrota você faria questão de elogia-la por suas jogadas (independente da qualidade.).
Kakyoin: o ruivo estranhamente decidiu jogar da forma mais dinâmica possível com você, assim como no caso de Joseph, não possuiria nenhum plano extremamente elaborado, muito mais focado em aproveitar o momento. Ter passado grande parte da vida sem ninguém o compreendendo completamente, para então se sentir acolhido por um grupo, o faria abrir mão de vencer em troca da diversão (mas ganhar seria bom.).
Quando vocês finalmente se cansaram de jogar, já estava perto de anoitecer, Holly comentando sobre como era melhor você e o Kakyoin dormirem na casa dela por causa do horário. Ambos aceitaram a hospitalidade, algo que gerou palminhas alegres na loira, que pediu para seu pai pegar dois futons, iniciando uma discussão infantil entre a filha do porquê camas são infinitamente melhores. Em uma tentativa de fazer o Joestar se acostumar com as tradições japonesas, a Kujo também exigiu que fosse chamada de Seiko agora em diante, que gerou mais insatisfação. Você, o Noriaki e Abdul assistiram divertidos a interação.
Mais tarde, no jantar, decidiu que ainda não tinha constrangido seu maravilhoso amigo Jotaro o suficiente, aproveitando um momento de silêncio constrangedor para pedir que Joseph e Seiko contassem histórias de infância acerca do menino de cabelos pretos. Escusado dizer que escolheram as mais constrangedoras, fazendo o estudante esconder seu rosto com o chapéu durante todo o diálogo enquanto a garota e o ruivo riam abertamente, Abdul ergueu seus lábios em um micro sorriso.
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probablygoblins · 2 years
Prompt 29 or 30 for fem Nori / afab reader?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
A long time in the making, but here it is!
Fem!Noriaki Kakyoin x afab!Reader - " I bought this just for you ~"
"N-Nori... isn't this a little... much?"
In your hands is the frilliest, pinkest, most translucent two-piece lingerie you've ever seen. The price tag almost gave you a heart attack. It's not something you'd normally consider. Or something you thought your partner would enjoy. But Nori is sitting at her desk across from you, staring you down with intense, dark eyes.
"Much? Oh no, not at all! I think it would look just perfect on you."
She swivels in her desk chair, rolling to where you're sitting on the bed. She takes the slip of a bralette and holds it up to your chest.
"And it will fit perfect, as well. I made sure to get everything in your exact measurements."
"How did you- actually, never mind, I know the answer to that.”
Nori smirks darkly and tosses your top back at you. “Then you know I’m right, too.”
Nori is, to put it bluntly, a raging pervert. You didn’t realize how much so until you started dating. Her collection of high-tech sex toys --- and very specific fetish porn --- had only been the tip of the iceberg. Her snooping through your clothes to find all your measurements wasn’t a stretch.
“Well, are you going to put it on?”
“Of course! When else? I need to see how good it looks on you, after all. If I chose wrong, I’ll need to pick out something else.”
Her expression is as smug as ever. It’s a terrible excuse, really. She’s too proud of her work to really consider that option. Her pride is almost as big as her libido. Your gaze flicks from the lingerie in your hands to your girlfriend’s heavy-lidded eyes and crooked smile.
“Will you at least turn around?”
Nori rolls her eyes, but complies, turning in her chair to face her desk. You shuck off your sweater and pants and slip on the outfit. It takes quite a bit longer than you expected. There’s much more ribbons and straps than you first realized, and it takes some effort to put it on without tangling everything. What little fabric there is(and it’s very little) is thin as tissue paper, and soft like silk. You run your hands over your torso in amazement. You’re not sure how it looks, but it feels amazing.
Behind you, Nori whistles. “I told you so.”
“You’re peeking.”
She’s leaned forward in her chair, rubbing her hands together in delight. She brings one thumb, painted in emerald green polish, to her lips and bites down. You fixate on her mouth as the tip of her tongue darts out, wetting her cherry lipstick and white teeth. You swallow thickly.
Nori stands. She walks towards you, kitten heels clacking on the floor, hips swaying in time with your own shallow breathing.
“Oh, baby, look at you...”
Her hands hover over your waist before squeezing it. She relishes the way your flesh squishes between her fingers. She trails her nails down your hips, barely a whisper along your skin. You gasp, and your nipples harden.
“Now, what did I say? It looks absolutely perfect on you. The color... the way it hugs your body... just perfect.”
Those deft, manicured fingers dip below the thin waistband of your panties, rubbing soft circles into your clit. She’s barely touched you, and you’re already so wet. Her presence, her breath against your neck, suddenly overwhelms you, and you grasp for her shoulders.
Nori hushes you, placing the gentlest of kisses on your trembling lips.
“Don’t worry, baby... I know just how to take care of you tonight.”
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semisgroupie · 12 days
finding a middle ground
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jotaro kujo x fem. reader x noriaki kakyoin
wc: 3.7k
warnings: college au!, modern au!, dubcon (kakyoin plans this out and both are hesitant before agreeing), threesome, oral sex (f! and m!receiving), facial, cum eating, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampie, praise, rough sex, jotaro is mean to reader but softens at the end, kakyoin is a mastermind
synopsis: sometimes you need a third party to help you solve unnecessary tension
a/n: this is a commission piece that I wrote for @jctaro!! cherry my love thank you for trusting me with this idea and being my first ever commission!!!
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Jotaro Kujo is the biggest asshole on campus—well, to you he is. You don’t know what sparked it between you two but there was no possible chance for you two to get along whenever you were near each other. Which was quite often since you had to fulfill the same requirements he did for his major.
It was honestly quite childish but neither of you could just put whatever aside to get along. Whenever he saw you, he would mutter something under his breath or send a nasty glare your way. You would do the same back to him, pointing out whenever he messed up in class (which was a rare occasion). Sometimes the glares would turn into longing glances on both ends but nothing to really dwell on. It was always a back and forth, a tit for tat, just nonstop. It was even worse when you both got paired for a project, the name calling and the taunting in private escalated to new levels. But it was never anything to take to heart.
Today, you were sitting in your biostatistics class listening to your professor describe what was needed for your upcoming midterm, focusing as they went over what topics you should study and what the grading procedure was. The class was passing by pretty quickly and once you were dismissed you gathered your things and started making your way to the door. You walked out of the classroom and stopped on the side to find your phone to see if any of your friends were free to hang out while you had a break between classes. You were interrupted when you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up and saw green eyes glaring down at you. “Sorry Kujo, I don’t have the time to set up a private study session for you, not like you’d benefit from it anyway.” You fixed your bag over your shoulder and crossed your arms over your chest as he scoffed.
“What makes you think that I’d ever want help from you? And is there a change of plans for the test this time? Didn’t have enough room in your schedule to blow the dean?” You rolled your eyes at his words and sighed, he would often insult things like your intelligence or bring things up like this to try to get under your skin. “Or did he find someone younger and prettier to focus his time on? Is that what it is? He must have found a pretty little freshman and got tired of your loose holes. Too much cock will do that to you.” Your eyes widened at his words and you were taken aback. He never stooped this low before.
“You’re being a dick, Kujo.” You adjusted your bag again and he just raised an eyebrow, “It’s not my fault that you’re just not interesting to anyone anymore, tell you what. I’ll get you a paper bag and you can decorate it all pretty so when someone is desperate enough for some pussy, they can just cover your face and use you.” Tears brimmed your eyes as he spoke and you quickly blinked them away, “fuck you, Jotaro.” You pushed past him and made your way out of the building your class was in, the tears you were trying to hold back finally spilled out.
Jotaro, on the other hand, stood there and watched you leave. He walked out of the building and the only thing that filled his mind was how hurt you looked. He didn’t want to go that far but you were there and you were just at the right place, at the wrong time. He combed his fingers through his hair and cursed himself as he made his way to his next class. He knew he should have apologized because that’s not how his mother raised him but distance would probably be the best thing for you.
After the encounter with Jotaro, you made your way to one of the dorm halls and went straight to one of the rooms, knocking on the decorated door. “It’s me, please tell me you’re here.” The door quickly opened and you buried your face into the chest of the man who lived in the dorm room. “Noriaki, I hate him. I hate him so much, he’s such an asshole. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.” Your words were muffled by his chest and Kakyoin wrapped his arms around you tighter. He kept you close to him as he walked with you inside of his dorm and shut the door behind you both. “Hey, what happened?” He led you to the couch in his room and helped you sit down, you moved back to lift your head from his chest and sniffled. “That bastard called me a slut and just kept digging more and more. He said I blew the dean for my grades and so many other things. I hate him.” You felt the tears brim your eyes again and he lifted his hand to wipe at your eyes. “Don’t cry anymore, I just want you to forget about him and today. How about we order some food and then you can stay here while we watch some of your favorite movies? It’ll help you get your mind off the day and I hope it’ll make you forget about what happened with him.” You nodded and leaned in to rest your head against him, while mumbling, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Kakyoin had known you and Jotaro for years which meant that he also knew that you two couldn’t stand each other. He heard of all of the name calling, bickering, just all of it. He was the middle ground, always calming either one of you down after a heated encounter. He was honestly starting to get tired of hearing everything going on between you two, he knew that you two wouldn’t mend things on your own and he had to get involved in his own way. He could see right through everything and he knew that there was something lingering whenever you two went at each other’s throats. Neither one of you would admit it but he just had to get the ball rolling. That way he could also get his payment for being a therapist for the both of you.
As the days passed, Kakyoin was getting his plan ready for action. In a week everyone on his floor would be gone for an art gallery exhibit for some extra credit. He didn’t need to go because the professor he was an assistant for already excused him. Kakyoin had reached out to you and Jotaro, inviting you both over to hangout and spend the day together. It was something you both quickly agreed to because 1) finals were beyond stressful and 2) neither of you knew that the other would be coming. Ever since that day you and Jotaro avoided each other like the plague and deep down you both missed each other.
Finally the day came and Kakyoin was finishing with setting his dorm room up when you came and knocked on his door. He opened the door and let you in. “So, what do you have planned for today?” He wrapped an arm around you and led you to the couch, “I was thinking that we could just do something a little different today. We always order some food and watch movies until you fall asleep but I think we need a little change of pace.” You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him, you opened your mouth to question him but you were interrupted by Kakyoin’s door opening. There stood Jotaro and his cerulean eyes instantly found you.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jotaro’s deep voice boomed through the room as he stepped in and shut the door behind him. “I could ask you the same thing, Kujo. But for the record, Noriaki invited me over.” You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at him, “he invited me over too.” He raised an eyebrow and both of your eyes went to the redhead with a wide smile on his face. Both of your expressions were the same, waiting for him to answer the questions that haven’t been asked. Kakyoin looked at you both and sighed, “I just think that this was the best way to get you two to talk things out like normal people. Just hear me out. You both have been avoiding each other and ever since you two met you’ve had this animosity towards each other for no reason. Jotaro crossed a line and he’s more than aware of that. You were hurt and I think that with some talking and action then you two could be civil.”
You looked at Kakyoin and then looked at Jotaro before sighing. He wasn’t wrong, you two haven’t even thought about talking things through or trying to figure out what caused a rift between you both. “Fine, but if he says something out of line then I’m leaving.” Kakyoin nodded before looking over at Jotaro who just nodded. The silent agreement was enough for Kakyoin to continue. The redhead moved behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing them as he looked at the raven haired male. “Jotaro, I think you should apologize to her. What you said to her was beyond offensive, humiliating and just rude. Even you admitted to me that you crossed the line.”
Jotaro looked at his friend then looked at you, “I’m sorry.” He mumbled the words and you rolled your eyes, scoffing. Just as you opened your mouth to say something, Kakyoin beat you to the punch. “You call that an apology, Jotaro? You could be more heartfelt and honestly, I don’t think words are enough. Words are what got us into this mess in the first place, maybe some actions could help mend the wounds you caused her.” His hands moved along your shoulders and toyed with the thin straps of your dress before sliding his hands along your body, touching and caressing all of your curves. You were in shock to say the least, but Kakyoin’s hands felt so good. You couldn’t deny that Kakyoin was attractive and you have had unsavory thoughts about him, along with the dark haired male who watched his friends hands along your body. “Don’t you think she’s beautiful? But her body just feels so tense, I think the best way to apologize is to help her destress.” Jotaro licked his dry lips and watched how rough Kakyoin’s hands moved along your body, he heard the mewls and whimpers that escape your lips and he couldn’t help but groan.
Kakyoin leaned in close to your ear and you could hear the smirk grow along his lips, “tell Jotaro how he should apologize to you, tell him that he should make you cum over and over until you forget about all the harsh things he has said to you.” You couldn’t say something like that, especially to Jotaro, you hated his guts, right? But as you opened your mouth to say something, one of Kakyoin’s hands moved to your chest and started to grope your breasts and the other hand moved to lift the skirt of your dress to your hips. He moved one of his legs to kick your legs open to spread them for the man in front of you both. “Don’t you see how wet she is? She’s practically soaking through her panties and you’re just standing there. You could be touching her, indulging in her. But don’t you want more? You just need to let him know.” He continued to grope and caress your body and you looked at Jotaro with half lidded eyes. “Jotaro…please.”
Just with that, Jotaro moved from his position and took a few long strides to get closer to you. He moved one hand up and hesitated for a moment before placing it on your hip, he looked down at the wet spot on your panties then looked into your eyes before looking at Kakyoin. “What do you gain from all of this? This was a disagreement between two people, not the three of us. And why are you still touching her?” He raised an eyebrow and his grip on your hip tightened a little as Kakyoin’s hands slowed down. “I’ve been the middle man this whole time, making sure you two just stick with throwing verbal jabs at each other. I mean if I leave you two alone, who knows what could happen? Plus, it's not up to you. My dear, do you mind if I join in?” You turned your head to look at Kakyoin and nodded, “I want you with us, please Noriaki.” Kakyoin pulled you closer to him and started leading you to his bed, Jotaro following close behind.
Just as you three reached the foot of the bed, clothes were taken off and strewn all over the floor. Kakyoin got on the bed and leaned back against the headboard and ushered you to lean back against him, he put his arms around you and reached down to spread your legs. Jotaro got on the bed and leaned in between your legs. His cerulean eyes trailed along your pussy, seeing how wet you were for both of the men in the room. Jotaro licked his lips and leaned in close to lick up your slit. He groaned at the taste and placed his hands on your inner thighs as he started to lick and suck your cunt like it was his last meal. Your back arched and you brought one hand down to Jotaro’s hair, threading your fingers through the soft, dark strands as he dipped his tongue inside you.
Kakyoin moved one hand to your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. Moans and whines left your lips as you looked into his eyes. “You just look so pretty when he’s eating your pussy. The way your body moves and writhes is a sin that we are blessed enough to indulge in.” He leaned in close and pressed his lips against yours. Kissing you passionately as Jotaro loudly slurped and sucked on your pussy. Your legs started to quiver and shake around his head as he kept your thighs spread for him. Jotaro moved one hand up to rub your clit with his thumb and dipped his tongue in and out of your messy cunt. You had never felt this good before, none of your toys could bring you the pleasure that he’s bringing you now. You broke the kiss with Kakyoin and your chest started to rise and fall quickly.
“Gonna cum!” Kakyoin moved his hands to your breasts and started pulling on your nipples while he started to trail kisses along your neck and shoulder. “Cum, make a mess all over his face, pretty girl. Soak him in your juices until you can’t anymore. It’s what you deserve.” You arched your back and threw your head back against Kakyoin’s chest and cried out as your orgasm hit you. Your body trembled and Jotaro held your legs open as he drank all your juices, slurping even louder. He continued to drink you all in until Kakyoin moved one of his hands down to Jotaro’s forehead and started pushing him back. Jotaro looked at you both and your juices covered his lips and chin. “What happened?” Kakyoin chuckled and shook his head, “I want a taste too, stop being so greedy, Jotaro.”
Jotaro licked his lips and pulled back from you. Kakyoin gently moved you up from his chest and helped position you on all fours before moving behind you. Jotaro moved in front of your face and your eyes widened when you saw his cock. It was massive just like him, thick in all the right places and it looked so heavy. You were practically drooling at the sight and Jotaro wrapped his hand around it, stroking it a few times. “Let’s see if you can do more than just bitch and whine with this pretty mouth of yours.” You looked up at him and narrowed your eyes as Kakyoin’s hands moved along your ass, spreading you for him as he spit on your sensitive pussy. “Fuck you, Kujo.” He laughed and gripped the base of his cock, tapping it against your lips, “you will soon. Now open up.”
Kakyoin leaned in and started licking along your slit then wrapped his lips around your sensitive clit. Your mouth fell open and Jotaro took advantage of your open mouth and pushed his cock inside. Jotaro threw his head back and placed his hands on either side of your head as he started thrusting. He set a rough and hard pace, each time he thrusted his cock hit the back of your throat causing you to gag each time. He didn’t relent, no matter how many times you gagged it was just more pleasurable for him. Kakyoin held you open and ate you out with the same fervor as Jotaro. Your body trembled and you moaned around Jotaro’s cock, giving the raven haired male even more pleasure. “You taste so fucking sweet, I can’t get enough of your taste.” Kakyoin rasped out and continued to eat you out like a man starved. You were already sensitive from your first orgasm and you already started to feel the knot tighten in your stomach. Kakyoin moved his hand to your entrance and pushed two fingers inside you, curling them to press right against your g spot as he suckled on your clit.
You brought your hands up to Jotaro’s thick thighs and dug your nails into them as you reached your second orgasm of the day. Your body trembled violently and you cried out around Jotaro’s cock as you drenched Kakyoin’s face in your juices. Jotaro pulled out of your mouth and pumped his cock a few more times and thick ropes of his cum landed on your face. He grunted and his hand continued to move up and down his thick length. A few more ropes landed on your face and you opened your eyes to look at him, a smirk grew on your lips. “Wow, didn’t think you would cum quickly like a virgin, Kujo. Was that your first blowjob?” He grabbed a napkin and cleaned off some of his cum from your face and tossed it in the trash bin.
“Shut up, I’m not done yet.” He wasn’t wrong, his cock was still rock hard and bobbed as he moved off the bed. Kakyoin gave your pussy one last kiss then moved in front of your face. His cock was big but not as thick as Jotaro’s so it would give your jaw some relief for a moment. Jotaro gripped your hip with one hand and gripped his cock with the other then he slammed into you. You cried out his name out loudly and looked back to glare at him, “shut up, this was what you wanted.” He held your hips tightly and started drilling into you, if felt like his cock was splitting you in half in the best way possible. Moans and whines left your lips and you looked up at Kakyoin before sticking your tongue out for him.
“So pretty begging for cock like that. Fuck.” Kakyoin bit his lip and slowly pushed his cock into your mouth. You started sucking and you started bobbing your head up and down his length. He was much gentler than Jotaro, giving you time to get adjusted to his length. “Look at that, you’re such a good girl. Sucking so good like that, think you’re ready for more? For me to be a little rougher?” You nodded as best as you could and Kakyoin placed one hand on your head and started thrusting. He moved in sync with Jotaro, every time Jotaro slammed into you Kakyoin pulled his cock out only to the tip then when Jotaro only had the tip inside of you, Kakyoin buried himself down your throat.
You were beyond sensitive from all the orgasms and the way Jotaro hit all your sensitive spots was just driving you closer and closer to the edge. Jotaro’s hips continued to snap into yours as he fucked you relentlessly. Your eyes rolled back and you cried out around Kakyoin’s cock as your orgasm ripped through you. Jotaro held your hips tighter as he continued to snap his hips into yours almost animalistically. Kakyoin continued to thrust into your mouth and held your head in place as he started to cum, “don’t waste a drop. Swallow it all, pretty girl. Just swallow it all.” You greedily swallowed around his cock as he continued to pump his cum into you. Soon Jotaro followed, he pressed his hips against yours and started to fill you with hot, sticky ropes of cum. Kakyoin pulled out of your mouth and you dropped your head against the bed as Jotaro continued to fill you up.
Kakyoin got off the bed to grab water and grab a rag to clean you off with and Jotaro slowly pulled out of you and helped you rest against the bed completely. He laid beside you and pulled you closer to him. “, I just wanted to apologize for how I’ve been treating you. I crossed the line that day and that wasn’t called for, none of it was called for. I did a lot of fucked up things and said a lot of fucked up things, you didn’t deserve that.” Kakyoin walked over to you two with a wide grin on his face and handed the water bottle in his hand to you then started to wipe you down with the wet rag in his other hand.
“You’re welcome.” He spoke as he continued to wipe you down and both you and Jotaro looked at Kakyoin with furrowed eyebrows. “My plan, if I didn’t think this through then you two would still be on no speaking terms and I would be the one to try to convince you two separately to try to work it out or just get over it.” He shrugged and Jotaro shook his head, “I’m not too sure about that. I think we’ll need a few more sessions of this to really make sure everything is mended.” You smiled and nodded, “that I can agree with.”
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taglist: @enchantedforest-network
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lady-of-endless · 2 days
- Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Masterlist -
Things you do that make their heart melt: La Squadra Esecuzioni x reader headcanons
Don of Passione!Giorno x childhood friend! reader headcanons
Panacotta Fugo, Kakyoin Noriaki x reader relationship headcanons
Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia Ghirga x hardworking, book smart, shy reader headcanons
Risotto Nero, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbachio x caporegime!fem!reader headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati, Giorno Giovanna x reader proposal headcanons
Jotaro showing affection with the help of Star Platinum headcanons
Husband!Lawyer!Dio Brando x reader headcanons
Wamuu x reader headcanons (NSFW)
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etherealzx · 1 year
Welcome to the official Etherealzx masterlist! Here you can find a list of all my works! Click here to find my rules for requests. Happy reading :)
☆ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders ☆
Kakyoin Noriaki
Kakyoin with a Quiet, Fem Crush
☆ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable ☆
Josuke Higashikata
Opposite Personality
Keicho Nijimura
NSFW Headcanons ♡
With a Plus Size S/O
Akira Otoishi
Relationship HCs
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro x Fem!Reader that Tease Each other
Jotaro x Male Goth S/O
☆ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind ☆
Giorno Giovanna
Don!Giorno Venting to his S/O
Giorno as a Brother
Opposite Personality
Watching the Sunset with his S/O
Cuddle Headcanons
Being Comforted by his S/O after a Nightmare
Bruno Bucciarati
Cuddle Headcanons
Adopting an Emotionless Child
Bruno as your Older Brother
Leone Abbacchio
"I Cannot Bear to be Apart from you Anymore"
Acting like a Father Figure to new Gang Member
Cuddle Headcanons
Abbacchio with a Powerful Fem!S/O
x Fem!Reader with Imposter Syndrome
Abbacchio with a Fem!S/O That can Cook
Fugo Pannacotta
Cuddle Headcanons
Dating Reader that is a member of La Squadra
Guido Mista
Cuddling Headcanons
Narancia Ghirga
Cuddling Headcanons
Risotto Nero
With a Tall S/O
Dad!Risotto Comforting his Kid
With a Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him ♡
Jealous! Ghiaccio x Fem!Reader
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him ♡
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him♡
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him♡
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him♡
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him♡
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sl33paholics · 1 year
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Right Beside You, Always
Yan!Kakyoin x Black!fem reader
Warning(s): Fluff (at the beginning lol), yandere tendencies, manipulation, gaslighting, voyeurism, misuse of stands, mentions masturbation and sex
A/N: You know I was writing a smut Jotaro one this morning but I got bored so it's staying in the drafts until I get motivated to finish it.
Noriaki remembered the first time he encountered you. Watching you play in the box of sand by yourself as the other kids in the playground avoided being around you. It was obvious, because of your skin tone. They've never seen anything like it, not to mention your features. Hair that looked like it was on the rougher side, bigger eyes and nose, you just didn't resemble the type of people in their society. He remembered the exact words his mother told him "See? That girl is all playing alone, why not give her some company, Nori? You two could be friends." The young red-haired kid went over and sat next to you, and asked "Want to play together? Mother said both of us could be friends!" He was nervous since he wasn't the best at being social but was surprised to see your frown turn into a smile. "Okay!!" from that day on forward, the two of you were like two peas in a pot.
You played together, walked around the neighborhood together, colored together, had many sleepovers together, played video games together, and did everything together that you could think of doing together. He was the only kid in your neighborhood who saw you as an equal. You even transferred to his school to be close to him. Even though you couldn't see his other invisible friend, having your eyes on only him was enough to bring him enjoyment was more than happy to have someone that understood him. You became his best friend, his only other best friend in his childhood.
Fast forward, the two of you are now 17 years of age. Noriaki had gotten a firm, but strong figure over the years and for you on the other hand, he couldn't characterize how gorgeous you've gotten since you guys were kids. Wavy hair, curvy waist, firm breasts, and oh lord your ass. He'd catch himself staring at you for a long period you'd thought he was dying, not only that, your personalities are now complete opposites from back in the day. Noriaki stayed true to his introverted nature but you have grown to become a social butterfly, words can't describe how much he fucking loathes it. He felt like he was losing you to your now cool hip group of friends you now have, you were being invited to parties, and events, and you weren't spending enough time with your best— no, childhood friend!!
Don't get started about the boys at your school. Hell, don't even comment on any of them around the two. It always ticked him off how much enthusiasm these incels have to just walk up and talk to you as if he wasn't there?! Disrespectful little dicks! The horrendous comments they would make about your body while he sat quietly in his seat waiting for you to arrive at your classroom. "Those thighs are so beautiful, have you seen the way her stockings just squeeze them?" The first boy said. "Those boobs she has, I can only guess what color her bra is." the short-haired one chuckled, "You think she has a boyfriend? We can invite her to the party this weekend and give her some fun~" The third boy with slick back hair licked his lips. He vividly remembers snapping his pencil in half from all of the sickening comments, if he could, Noriaki wouldn't waste any time using Hierophant Green on these fools and most likely would, if there weren't too many witnesses.
"What do you mean it's not today, Nori?" a confused look appeared on your face as you watched him hand you the flyer "It said next Friday, not this Friday. Those fools you call friends can't even get good grades and mixed up the dates." you let out a disappointed sigh and put the flyer down before picking up your book bag and heading towards your locker. "Whatever. Let's go home, Nori." You said. Noriaki couldn't help but feel sorrow to see your depressed expression but the other half of him felt satisfaction, he was beginning to ruin your plans with the people he didn't want you to be around. Focus on him. He hates being alone, you know that (Y/N).
"Are you sure you were invited there?" Noriaki gave you a stern look, his hand on his hip while checking you out. "Yeah! I think," you responded "You think but you're not sure. If I remember correctly, you didn't attend the last few parties because they were either canceled or they set it on the wrong date. What makes you think they finally got it right this time?" Noriaki turned away from you, clearly showing his bitterness and disappointment. You stood there looking down at the ground, he was right after all. Oh, how silly you felt looking all fancy and cute for an event that wasn't even today! Silly (Y/N)! Little did you know, the wide smirk the red hair male had on his face after purposefully sabotaging your plans just for you to be with him for the day? Another win for Noriaki Kakyoin.
What other activity does this gamer do besides playing video games all day or even painting his favorite picture he took? Window Peeping, of course! This man wants to have his eye on you 24/7 and especially when you're home alone. It just so happens that your parents were away celebrating their anniversary and left you in charge of the house. Finally, some alone time in the house, right? Right? He wouldn't be there physically watching you through your window, oh no no no, you guys have neighbors! One wrong move then boom, he's in handcuffs.
That's when Hierophant Green comes into play. Noriaki knows the time you head into the showers and is prepared to meet you there. Hierophant was his eyes. The camera was rolling, and you turned on the shower before taking off your shirt and skirt along with everything else. The camera quickly got a better view of your chest and the rest of you. You were perfect, you were flawless! You had curves he won't stop admiring was enamored by how smooth your legs looked, and the rest of you were just...perfect. He wanted to touch you, taste you, and fuck you. He wanted to be inside you, he wanted to be the one making love to you. He wanted to be the one providing you pleasure. He wanted to be the one making you scream his name. He wanted to be the one making you cum.
By now you were in the shower, the water hitting your skin and your once-dried hair now wet, the jiggly motion your thighs and ass would do as you were scrubbing yourself was out of this world! Noriaki couldn't help but get hard every time he did this, patting his harden boner through his boxers the small but visible print of pre-cum now coming out. It had been 2 hours since that video was taken, and many pictures of your naked figure were scattered across the bed. He'd never forget the image of your bare ass, your soft breasts with the tiniest droplets of water dripping off of them, how perfectly curved your ass was, or that tiny trail of moisture slowly trailing down your pussy, leading to that dark hole at the center of your entrance.
And the cycle continues. Kakyoin is always by your side whether you know it or not, he just couldn't wait to say I love you or surprise you with a romantic picnic in the park to confess his feelings for you. But for now, he lingers in the shadows with his secretive activities and possible hidden bodies buried in his yard. Best friend, childhood friend, just wait until he becomes permanently yours, (Y/N).
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kakyoinswifey · 2 years
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Having a date with her!
making out with her
Headcanons + taking care of his drunk girlfriend
I miss you
NSFW thoughts
Jotaro with a wife and a daughter
Jotaro reacting to his s/o telling him that she's pregnant
Jotaro + NSFW PROMPT 7
Somebody to love - Part 3! Jotaro
Jotaro + NSFW PROMPTS – Time alone
Engagement ring
Prince AU
Back to you
POLYAMOROUS (Jotaro x Kakyoin x Fem!Reader)
a pleasant morning – nsfw prompts
jotaro being sick
jotaro taking care of his sick partner
lover — an angst one
current au thoughts
current au thoughts ii
teasing him
him lighting your cigarette
he likes thights
fluffy thoughts again
Kiss prompt 40: Far too young to die
Kakyoin with a wife and a daughter
Kakyoin with a s/o who used to be lonely as him
Kakyoin with a picky eater s/o
Kakyoin celebrating his wife in Mother’s day
NSFW headcanons + Kakyoin as a husband
Kakyoin reacting to his s/o telling him that she's pregnant
Having a big family
200 FOLLOWERS EVENT: Boyfriend
How would he react if you ask him to stop while you're about to have your first time?
A kiss out of pride
POLYAMOROUS (Jotaro x Kakyoin x Fem!Reader)
Would he rather his child to be a girl or a boy?
current au thoughts
current au thoughts ii
Reacting to a fem!reader with a weird laugh
200 FOLLOWERS EVENT: Good Old Fashioned Lover-Boy
Jolyne reacting to her stalkers
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Levi asserting his feelings for his s/o abandoned for his ex-boyfriend
One last time – Kiss Prompt 39
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Coming soon…
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Coming soon…
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soadiablo · 11 months
my blue moon rivets in exits, forewarned customary spirits.
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i will write:
— male & gn reader (and trans! i am trans myself)
— top/dom/switch reader
— poly
— fluff, anything suggestive, possible smut, it doesnt have to be happy
probably more, just ask
i won't write:
— fem reader
— sub reader by itself
— full on fics
— dom characters
— pedophillia, r—pe, incest, abuse
— vomit and that kinda stuff
just not the gross stuff, yet again just ask at this point.
do give me something, nothing like "this character x reader" and like, no other context. it doesn't have to be lengthy, but i need a bit of a prompt and something to go off of. or just a scenario will work too
characters i write for:
peter b. parker, hobie brown, miguel o'hara, maybe the spot
eddie brock & venom, marc spector, steven grant, tony stark, matt murdock, wade wilson, peter parker (all 3)
jonathan joestar, joseph joestar, jotaro kujo, josuke higashikata, jolyne kujo, dio brando, caesar zeppeli, jean-pierre polnareff, kakyoin noriaki, muhammad abdul, okuyasu nijimura, anasui narsico.
christopher smith, adrian chase.
if you're curious about what i write for or who, or just anything, make sure to ask me! i'm pretty friendly so...
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by myself, by myself, by myself, by myself.
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jojo-reader-hell · 2 years
Can I have headcanons for fem!reader and the crusaders (separately), where they have a nice time together while driving on the road?
Like have a nice talk, having a intimate moment to tell their real feelings.
I really liked this idea so much. So much so, that I actually split it into separate links that will be updated slowly but surely as I fully flesh out the ideas I had for each Crusader. You can find the following below:
Joseph Joestar x Reader: Closer
Jotaro Kujo x Reader: Love Story
Noriaki Kakyoin x Reader: Headlights
Jean Pierre Polnareff x Reader: Somewhere I Belong
Muhammad Abdul x Reader: Experience 
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notgaybitchfx · 2 years
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❣︎You can call me Coffee or whatever nickname you can think of
❣︎This is a BL omegaverse blog so if you’re a person that has she/her, she/they, she/it, she/he, etc. as your pronouns please click off this blog
❣︎Anyone under the age of 17 will be blocked and those that don’t have their age in bios will receive a personal message from me about how old you are
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• Things I WONT tolerate •
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❣︎No fudanshis or Fujoshi
❣︎No proshippers
❣︎No minor nsfw
❣︎No homophobia, transphobia, etc.
❣︎Don’t be fuckin racist
❣︎No oc x character & fem x m!reader
❣︎No incest
❣︎No vore
❣︎No teacher x student/pedophilia
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• Shows & Characters I write for •
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Stranger Things
Will Byers
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Jim Hopper
Eddie Munson
Lucas Sinclair
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
Eren Yeager
Armin Arlert
Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun
Connie Springer
Erwin Smith
Marco Bodt
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojo
Suguru Geto
Noritoshi Kamo
Yuta Okkotsu
Toji Fushiguro
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
Toge Inumaki
Tokyo Revengers
Manjiro Sano (Mikey)
Ken Ryuguji (Draken)
Takemitchi Hanagaki (Takemitchy)
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Chifuyu Matsuno
Izana Kurokawa
Keisuke Baji
Hajime Kokonoi (Koko)
Hakkai Shiba
Kazutora Hanemiya
Nahoya Kawata
Souya Kawata
Ran Haitani
Rindou Haitani
Taiju Shiba
Takashi Mitsuya
Takemoi Akashi
Wakasa Imaushi (Waka)
Shuji Hanma
Seishu Inui (Inupi)
Keizo Arashi (Benkei)
Demon slayer
Giyu Tomioka
Obanai Iguro
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Gyomei Himejima
Tengen Uzui
Muchiro Tokito
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agamatsu
Inosuke Hashibira
Genya Shinazugawa
Muzan Kibutsuji
Kagaya Ubuyashiki
Jojo Bizarre Adventure
Dio Brando
Giorno Giovanna
Josuke Higashikata
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Johnny Joestar
Noriaki Kakyoin
Guido Mista
Jotaro Kujo
Bruno Bucciarati
Enrico Pucci
Leone Abbacchio
Pannacotta Fugo
Black Butler
Sebastian Michaelis
William T. Spears
Drossel Keinz
Alesiter Chamber
Ronald Knox
Genshin Impact
Tartaglia (Childe)
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(More will be added eventually)
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animethic · 2 years
Hi, welcome to tumblr ✨
Can I rq a oneshot for yandere Jotaro x reader x yandere Kakyoin? (or just Jotaro x reader or Kakyoin x reader if you more comfortable with that)
Afab reader please (but you can choose neutral reader if you want)
Hey thanks for the welcome and thanks for requesting sorry for the wait, hope this is okay for you!
Disclaimer: I don't condone any of the toxic or abusive behaviours mentioned in this fic.
Word count 1.77k
CW: Yandere themes, Obsessiveness, Manipulation, Toxic Relationships, Isolation, Cursing, Threats of violence (Towards reader) Kissing (Nothing suggestive), Slight Objectification/infantilization. Poly Relationship, Female Reader. 18+ only content
Yandere! Jotaro x  Fem!reader x Yandere! Kakyoin
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You woke up in a sweat, lying between your two “boyfriends” on the large bed that the three of you shared in Jotaro’s room. Your head was laying on Jotaro’s broad chest while Kakyoin had his arm wrapped around your waist in a suffocating embrace. Both of them seemed to be in a deep sleep and you decided that now was the time to put your escape plan into action.
Slowly you removed the red head’s arm from your waist and shimmied yourself off the bed slowly so as to not wake the two sleeping men, luckily for you they were both heavy sleepers so it wasn’t a difficult task. Creeping over to the bedside table where your phone sat, you quickly unlocked it shooting (F/N) a quick text, Plan is on, meet you at the school in twenty minutes. Their reply was almost instantaneous. Alright, see you then. “Wow, they must have been really worried about me to stay up this late” you thought.
The relationship between you and the two men wasn’t always toxic. They used to be perfectly loving boyfriends who treated you like royalty. You were taken out on adventurous dates, brought thoughtful gifts and showered with love and attention. Although admittedly, it took Jotaro a bit more time to break down his walls and be comfortable with this he eventually warmed up and became just as loving as Kakyoin. 
Lately though they had both changed. You didn't go out on dates anymore, opting to stay at Jotaro’s house where they both claimed “It would be more fun anyway”. Which turned into excuses as to why you shouldn’t leave the house altogether, and soon without even realising, you had moved in with them full time. “Yare yare (Y/N) what’s the point in leaving for groceries when we can just bring you anything you need?” Jotaro said as if you had asked a ridiculous question. You didn’t question him, too afraid of his temper to say anything. He has never laid a finger on you before, but you weren’t about to take any chances. Kakyoin wasn’t much better, making you feel guilty for even suggesting to go outside alone.
“Do you not want to be around us (Y/N)? Trying to look for another man to replace us, huh?” He pouted. You didn’t ask to go out again after that.
Truthfully you couldn’t take it anymore. You loved the two men of course and stayed out of loyalty more than anything, but they were extremely suffocating, and you needed to get out. It was taking a toll on your mental health. A few days ago you broke down in a phone call with (F/N) while Kakyoin and Jotaro were out of the house visiting Jotaro’s grandpa Joseph. 
(F/N) was one of the only friends who stuck around during your forced isolation from the outside world. Together you both came up with a plan to escape from the two men in the middle of the night within the next week. It broke your heart to do it this way but you knew breaking up with them directly would be a bad idea so this was the only option you had left.
You creep downstairs into the kitchen trying to be as quiet as possible and grab the keys for the front door off the kitchen counter. Peeping around to see if the coast was clear you make your way over to the front entrance and grab your black winter jacket from beside the door and you’re just about to put it on when you hear a gruff voice come from behind you.
“Where do you think you’re going this late at night?” Jotaro questions.
Your body goes rigid as you turn around to face the man in question looking at the unreadable expression on his face. “I was just going out for some fresh air for a few minutes and then come back to bed, I swear Jojo” you said, holding your hands up defensively in front of you. 
He sighs in annoyance “Yare Yare, you know you’re not supposed to leave the house without at least one of us with you at all times there could be someone dangerous out there”.
“Yes Jotaro I know” It was your turn to sigh now, all hopes of not being caught gone out the window.
Without being told to, you began walking back up the stairs, with Jotaro following close behind. The plan had already failed so you resigned yourself to trying again another time when the chance came. You yelp at the sudden feel of a gentle hand pressing against your lower back to help guide you back upstairs.
“What’s wrong?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
“N-Nothing Jojo” you squeak out, turning your face away from him in an attempt to hide the fierce blush that coloured your face, you don’t know if you’ll ever get rid of the shyness you feel from his affectionate touches.
You both reach the bedroom to find a worried looking Kakyoin who’s wide awake waiting for your arrival back to bed. The minute he spots the two of you he smiles and opens his arms in invitation for a hug which you immediately accept.
“Where did you head off to beautiful?” Kakyoin asks stroking the back of your hair, “We missed you in bed with us and got a bit of a fright when we woke up and seen you weren’t here with us”
You were about to answer him until Jotaro spoke in your place, “She wanted to go for a walk, said she needed fresh air or something”.
You glared at him for speaking as if you were not there and a remark was about to leave your mouth until again you were interrupted, by Kakyoin this time. “Ah (Y/N) you know we can’t protect you from danger if we’re not out there with you right?, we’d be heartbroken if something happened to you and we couldn’t stop it” He seemed to upset himself with his own words as his grip on you tightened while speaking, nearly leaving you breathless.
Jotaro nodded in agreement and walked over to the bed pulling you into his lap as he sat down. You couldn't help but snuggle into his hold, the lingering scent of cologne making you relax and hum happily. You look up at the stoic man and bring your lips up to meet him in a passionate kiss which he eagerly accepts, moving your lips together in sync he lets out a happy hum. You break away from the kiss and look up to see a slight flush on Jojo’s face 
“Can I have a kiss too sweetheart?” Kakyoin asks from beside you, rubbing his hand lightly down your back.
You nod vigorously, quickly reaching over to your other boyfriend and giving him the same treatment as Jojo. Kakyoin's kisses were softer than Jotaro’s more gentle and romantic. He held your face in his hands as if it were made of glass that could easily shatter.
After stopping the kiss he pulls your head into his shoulder, holding your head there tightly so you are unable to move. You had no choice but to soak in the warmth his body had to offer.
Suddenly your phone goes off with a loud ping, indicating that you had received a text message. Your eyes widened in surprise, shit the plan, you had almost forgotten. “No no no, (F/N) wasn’t supposed to text me, now they’re definitely gonna find out I tried to escape” You panicked inwardly.
You’re about to yank yourself away from Kakyoin’s tight grip on your body and grab your phone before they could see who had messaged you but unfortunately, Jotaro was quicker, he had already snatched your phone from the bedside table before you even had the chance to fully break out of Kakyoin’s hold and was already reading the text message from (F/N).
He analyses the phone for a few seconds before speaking. “Are you okay? You were supposed to meet me at the school gates twenty minutes ago, Did they catch you?” Jotaro quotes from the message trying but failing to contain his anger. He gives you a fierce look and without warning he crushes your phone with his bare hands, shattering it along with your hopes of a successful escape in the near future.
Kakyoin frowns at this, his delicate features turning into an unpleasant look. “Were you trying to leave us (Y/N)?” He said in a disappointed tone. It makes your skin crawl. A disappointed Kakyoin was always a lot harder to deal with than an angry one. He has a way of making you feel guilty where your stomach would crawl in shame, even though the rational part of you knew that it wasn’t right.
You look up and catch Jotaro’s gaze and see a hint of rare emotion in his eyes . He actually looks hurt that you tried to leave them? You let out an involuntary whimper of guilt for hurting both your boyfriends feelings. “I’m sorry Nori, Jojo” You say rushing over to give the taller man a hug. “I swear I was gonna come back, I just wanted to go out for a little bit and see (F/N) I haven’t seen them in weeks”.Jotaro sighs from above you, beginning to rub soothing circles on your back to calm you down. He was incredibly angry that you tried to leave but he couldn't stand to see you upset and never wanted you to be afraid of him like everyone else was.
“Just please don’t do it again (Y/N), we would’ve freaked out if something happened to you next time just talk to us and we’ll be happy to bring you where you want to go” spoke Kakyoin, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, a cheery smile returning to his face.
You nod your head slowly, eyelids beginning to droop in exhaustion as the adrenaline from earlier began to wear off and tiredness set in. Seeing this, Jotaro gently picked you up and placed you in the middle of the bed, joining you on your left side with Kakyoin laying down on your right side, keeping you pressed tightly against the two of them.
“Oh (Y/N)? One more thing before you go to sleep” The redhead spoke seriously next to you.
“What is it?” You mumbled out in your tired state.
“If you ever try to escape us again, we’ll break your legs”
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twary · 2 years
Hey! I was thinking...Domestic Scenario/Headcanon for Kakyoin x fem!reader? It can be fluff and nsfw. Pretty please?
I decided to do some headcanons, hope u don't mind darling~
Also, thanks for keeping sending asks!✨
Fluff and SFW🥺
Oh god! His dream has come true! He IS living together with the love of his life...You!
Don't you dare to have separeted rooms, DON'T YOU DARE TO DO THIS WITH HIM! (Like, yea, he will not complaim if u wanna a room just for you, he really respect it! But he'll be a little sad to think that u don't wanna be close to him).
Howrover, sleeping with him is the best choice, he will cuddle, he will kiss and he will hug✨
He surely wakes up early just to see your pretty face while sleeping. Be prepared to wake up with a soft kiss🥰
Usually Hierophant brush your hair when u wake up and when ur going to sleep.
He cooks for and with you, also, he is a very good cooker!
Basically LOVES to take care of you and be with you. U are very pampered by him uwu
When u two have a fight, what is very rare, Hierophant hugs you, what is like Kakyoin trying to say: "I'm sorry, you know that you are and will always be my love"
Please, notice that this takes place AFTER the Crusaders arc, that is, Kakyoin is already +18. Thanks :3
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When he gets home upseted by his work, you are his relief, if u know what i mean😈
If you are okay with it, Hierophant will play with you when you're horny and Kakyoin is busy cooking or something.
Soft dom, but sometimes let go of the "soft".
Buy lingeries for you, usually thematic ones, he is REALLY into roleplay.
Likes to put a vibrator deep inside of you and then watch you whimpering while the dishes😊
Quite of a Voyeurist, just loves press your breasts against the window and fuck you.
Oh god, he loves when u do blowjobs while he is playing games! Do it more oftem!
Call him daddy😳
Always telling you praises, full of "i love you" and saying how he is happy to be here with you. After everything he has passed, he is finally happy...(and fucking you🤗)
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Hi I'm cherry! I'm new to this blog, so I'm just saying hi and asking about a request!
Could you write something NSFW with female Kakyoin (or Jotaro) and a female reader?
I don't see anyone writing this that much, and I am extremely gay for female Kakyoin and Jotaro-
You can also do something fluffy if you're not comfortable! I don't wanna pressure you at all
I hope life has been treating you well recently and you are feeling good about yourself ❤️
- 🍒
I feel like trash but look like cash💸 Thank you for your request, my lovely cherry anon💚
Word count: 1,2k
Pairing: fem! Kakyoin Noriaki x fem! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, fingering, clit sucking, pussyeating, school sex
Fuck Physical Education
Noriaki’s slender hand with pretty painted nails trails all over your hips, gripping the soft pudge of your thighs and massaging it softly. You let out a bushed sigh and look at red-haired girl, that is sitting way too close to you, right in the eyes. You can’t overlook a playful leer on her face, her lavender eyes sparkle in desire
- Kakyoin. No, - you say bluntly and clench your hips, squeezing her hand between your thighs and not allowing your classmate continue doing what she wants. You see how her cheeks pout, Noriaki furrows her pretty eyebrows as she looks at you pleadingly and a little bit angrily
- Oh, come on, it’ll take only 15 minutes! We can skip PE, don’t be such a nerd! - red-haired girl replies, releasing her hand from the captivity of your thighs, and then putting it again atop your hip, getting under your school skirt and rucking it up. You look around to check if you are alone in the classroom and then look back at your girlfriend. She leans forward to you, her hot breath scratches the bare skin of your neck and you can smell faint scent of Kakyoin’s sweet perfume
- Everyone’s left to change for PE, we’re all alone here. And guess who has a key from this cabinet? - a wide grin plasters across Noriaki’s face as her hands hike your skirt, revealing the pretty white panties of yours. You again sigh heavily, and reply a little harshly, irritated by red-haired’s persistence:
- Noriaki, it never takes us 15 minutes! - you glare at your classmate and see nothing else but those adorable puppy eyes, Noriaki juts her lower lip into a small cute pout and you just can’t resist this girl anymore. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to settle your feelings down a little, finally giving in
- Okay, fine! But if we’re getting caught - it’s only your fault! - you say and spread your hips a little to give your girlfriend full access to your sex. Red-haired nods intensively a few times and soon her index and middle fingers gently stroke your pussy through the fabric of your underwear, that already has started dumping
You nibble at your bottom lip, inhaling deeply - god, you’re wet already! This red-haired girl drives you crazy! Noriaki leans forward, and the next moment your lips lock in a fervid kiss while her nimble fingers pull your panties to the side, parting slicked folds of your cunny
Your hands clench on Kakyoin’s blazer as her tongue delves in your mouth, making you moan softly in the kiss
- Sit on the desk, - red-haired orders as she pulls back from you, and you obey her words, replacing yourself from the chair to the desk, watching Noriaki standing up and settling between your legs
She grips the hem of your panties, pulling them down, taking this useless for now garment off your body. Noriaki kisses you again, running her tongue along your lower lip and then slightly biting it. You want to run your fingers through her shiny silky hair, but Kakyoin takes your hands in hers, pinning them to the desk
- Hey, don’t ruin my hair! I spent half an hour combing it! - red-haired complains and you only roll your eyes and click your tongue in irritation
Noriaki’s hands come up to your shirt, unbuttoning it and revealing your full breasts, that almost spill out of the cups of your bra. She takes your shirt off and undoes your white lacy bra, cupping your tits with her hands and slightly squeezing the soft pudge in her warm palms
Kakyoin leans to your neck, slowly making her way to your chest with kisses. Her lips cover one of your nipples, licking and slightly sucking on it, while her other hand is rubbing and pinching other mound of flesh, not leaving any part of your body without attention. You whimper beneath her, putting your hand on your throbbing cunny and massaging your clit, what makes your toes curl in pleasure. You hear red-haired’s soft chuckle above your ear as she asks:
- Are you this eager for pleasure? Someone was so stubborn mere minutes ago, - Kakyoin’s lips curl into a nasty leer as she grips your hand and withdraws it from your crotch
Noriaki’s other hand trails up your hips, right to your buttocks, gathering a small dribble of slick coming from your pussy with her fingers. Girl pulls her hand away, bringing it to her full bitten lips, shoving her fingers into her mouth, tasting your juices while keeping an eye contact with you
Your body prickling with heat and desire, you lean closer to her to kiss your classmate wetly, as her fingers swipe down your slicked slit, trailing around your fluttering hole. You whine pitifully in Kakyoin’s mouth, grinding your hips against Noriaki’s hand, and she finally relents, shoving her index and middle fingers into the dump heat of your pussy
Noriaki rubs your swollen clit with her thumb as she starts pounding your cunny with her slender fingers. You roll your eyes back in pleasure, moaning like a cheap whore beneath your girlfriend. Kakyoin slaps her free hand over your mouth to muffle your filthy moans. Noriaki peppers your chest with kisses and bites, slightly nibbling on your nipples and sucking them to dark fullness, leaving a few marks here and there
You let out a loud, full of pleasure moan, as you feel Noriaki shoving third finger inside of your pussy, and it fits without any resistance. Kakyoin fucks you so often, that your cunny is always stretched for her, allowing red-haired to fit three of her fingers inside of you without any preparation
You feel the knot in your belly getting tighter, you start sucking on Kakyoin’s fingers as she speeds up her thrusts, pounding your little pussy harder. By the way your cunny starts clenching on red-haired’s digits, she understands that you are nearing your high
Your classmate sits before you on haunches, so her face is comfortably nestled against your throbbing pussy. Kakyoin takes a wide lick at your swollen clit, enveloping it with her lips, sucking on the sensitive bud of flesh, making you squirm and whine under her touches, as her fingers keep on fucking you into the desk
Orgasm crushes on you so suddenly, washing over you like a tsunami, filling every cell of your body with ineffable pleasure. You start shaking in sweet cramps, straddling Noriaki’s head with your hips and not allowing her to pull back from you, almost suffocating her on your pussy
Kakyoin’s soft sucking on your labia makes you come back to reality, you look down at the girl sitting between your open legs as she eats your pussy out, licking your love juices from your folds. You recline on the desk, enjoying the warmth of Noriaki’s velvet tongue
Red-haired finally pulls back, standing up and crouching over your slightly trembling form, giving you a soft kiss, and you can taste yourself from Noriaki’s lips
- I guess we’re not getting on PE today? - you inquire quietly, your voice is a little hoarse from moaning. You see how Kakyoin’s eyebrows raise and her eyes widens a little, what makes you chuckle softly
- Of course not, we’re not done yet! I didn’t cum and still horny, so you gotta work hard if you want o to get on your lovely PE that badly, - Noriaki replies with a small mockery. You both hate PE, but you both know what can make it thousand times better
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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gio-is-writing · 4 years
Hii! I saw that your requests are open! Welcome!! uwu. I would like to request a Jotaro (part three) x reader and they’re sleeping together, jotaro is still up and see’s that is s/o is sleeping with a bunny stuffed animal 🥺
REQUEST:  Hii! I saw that your requests are open! Welcome!! uwu. I would like to request a Jotaro (part three) x reader and they’re sleeping together, jotaro is still up and see’s that is s/o is sleeping with a bunny stuffed animal 🥺
Hello! This was my first request and I almost shed a tear haha! Thank you so much for the warm welcome and requesting ♡ 
Pairing: Kujo Jotaro x fem!Reader
Summary: (Y/N)’s little secret is out and Jotaro is quite pleased 
Warnings: fluff, soft Jotaro aww
WC: 691, it’s quite short :/
Walking through the dessert was exhausting to say the least and after confronting a stand like The Sun they were drained of energy. For once (Y/N) was thankful her uniform was way lighter than the others but her skin burned from the heat even after defeating said stand. A couple of camels happened to be recovering so they collected their bags and looked up at the starry sky.
“We should camp for tonight” Joseph said passing some sleeping bags around, where did they come from? He always seemed to have unexpected things under his sleeve in times of need anyway.
“Can’t believe such a powerful stand was managed with such a cheap trick!” Polnareff complained as he started to set his sleeping spot, Kakyoin not far behind agreeing with his complain. (Y/N) looked around, it’s not like they lacked of space (they were in the middle of nothingness!) but she seemed hesitant as to where to settle down.
Jotaro was a serious and quiet teenager but that didn’t mean he didn’t have any curiosity in him. He sat down against a quite big rock and watched as she fumbled into her little bag she always carried while looking around them. Even if they were pretty much alone, she always found comfort in sleeping next to something or someone, just to feel safe.
When she finally seemed to have made up her mind, she turned to Jotaro “do you mind if I sleep next to you?”
They were no strangers to each other, if anything they had an odd relationship where they knew better than to completely give in to their feelings but still cared for each other. Jotaro could help but flush at the question none the less.
“It’s just that I-“
“Yare yare, you don’t have to explain yourself” He said pulling his hat down “just get to sleep”
She sighed in relief as she set her things down and lay on her side and her back to Jotaro who stayed awake just smoking a last cigarette before finally sleeping. He noticed she pulled something out from her bag before really going to sleep.
The teenager looked around and everyone was sound asleep, he threw the end of his cigarette and got comfortable on his back. He had never seen the sky this bright with stars (mostly since the city didn’t have such open space and contamination was at fault too) and for a moment he felt at peace.
As he continued to wonder he felt movement from beside him, he turned and couldn’t help but stare. (Y/N) laid on her back still deep in her sleep but a tight hold on a stuffed bunny, was that what she took out of her bag? Did she sleep with it every night? Not like they might’ve known; she got a room for her own most of the time. Jotaro couldn’t help but almost awe at the sight, the only girl who didn’t annoy the living hell out of him was hugging a soft little bunny like her life depended on it. He would be lying if he said that wasn’t the cutest thing he had ever witnessed. Turning back to the sky he smiled and finally gave in to dream.
In the morning with everyone back on their feet and ready to continue their journey fully refreshed (with light breakfast, courtesy of Mr. Joestar himself again) they continued on into the dessert to the next stop. (Y/N) rode one of the camels while the other carried the rest of their stuff, Jotaro walkijng right beside her.
While Kakyoin, Polnareff and Mr. Joestar held a conversation on their new destination and what they might encounter there, Jotaro looked up at the female and decided to speak up.
“That’s a cute bunny you had there” he smirked.
“W-what?” she flushed red at the comment “You saw it?”
“You sure move a lot” Jotaro continued to tease her as she got redder and redder
“Please don’t tell” she whispered while leaning down to him “I’ll never hear the end of it if they knew” and as rare as it seemed, he laughed.
“Your secret is safe with me”
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