#one with jail one with lots and lots of fire both are good
lunarflare64 · 1 year
I disappear for a day for my MRI, I come back rambling about Knives Out because it was one of the only things on Netflix I had any positive impression of and HOLY SHIT
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deans-angel67 · 2 months
Bruises and Surprises
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Summary: When Eddie is acting off and then comes home late Evan and Y/N start to worry. But when they find out why he's been acting off, it causes some problems.
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x fem!reader x Evan Buckley
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing possibly, mentions of violence and injuries
A/N: This was inspired by @megalony Late Night Fights. I hope you guys enjoy this, thank you for the support.
The four of them sat at Eddie's kitchen table that morning. Both Evan and Y/N had the day off, Chris was going over to a friends house for a sleepover today. And Eddie decided to pick up an extra shift at the fire house.
"You know you didn't have to take that shift Eddie." Y/N says as he pours coffee into a turmos mug. It was rare that the three of them had a day off at the same time. So naturally she was a little disappointed when Eddie said he chose to do an extra 12 hours.
"I didn't realize you were off today, I'm sorry mi amour." He says dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
"You got all your stuff ready Chris?" Chris nods at Eddie's question and then gets up to go grab his things.
"You know there's no harm in taking a day off right. I mean you've been working a lot lately." Evan pitches in concern evident in his voice. As he puts his mug down on the table.
"You should be taking better care of yourself Eds." She said putting a hand on her stomach, masking a slight discomfort that made it's appearance.
"You two are blowing this way out of proportion." Eddie had been acting off lately. He was shorter tempered and he had been picking up a lot of extra hours. He was tired and overall frustrated often. They were both a little worried. Y/N hadn't seen him act this way for a long time. She was getting really worried.
The last time Eddie had acted this way she ended up getting a call say that he needed to be bailed out of jail. But she hadn't seen any bruises or marks on him, maybe she was over reacting.
"Why don't you call in sick?" Evan proposed, only to receive a scoff from Eddie.
"I said I'd be there, Buck. Come on, Chris!" Eddie gave them both a quick kiss before his son finally entered the room. Y/N and Evan said goodbye to Chris and just like that the house became quiet.
"He's acting strange right?" She asked Buck, her hands wrapped around the mug as she stared at the dark liquid before glancing at him.
"Yeah, he is." Evan confirmed.
Y/N stood in the kitchen cutting vegetables for supper. Two hands made their way to her waist and then her front. Buck leaned his chin on her shoulder as she hummed along to the song playing.
"Why don't you go sit?"
"Babe, I'm fine." She told him pausing to look up at him, kissing him on the cheeks.
"You were sick all morning." He presses. She put the knife down and turned in his arms so she was facing him. Her hands came up to cup his jaw.
"I promis, I feel fine. Good even." She spoke softly giving him her full attention. He let out a sigh searching for something unusual in her features only to find nothing.
"You promis? And if you start to feel even a little off you'll go sit?"
"Yes baby, I promise." She gave him a sweet smile and a kiss on the cheek.
"Well, then let me help. What can I do?" Evan asked going over to the sink to wash his hands.
"You can take over cutting while I get started on the sauce." She took a pot out and placed it beside the one with water. They didn't get to cook together often. It was often Buck or Y/N never Eddie. They were scared they wouldn't have a kitchen by the end of it, or taste buds.
By the time everything was ready it was 8pm. Late compared to 'normal' hours but their schedule was so weird that they got used to eating at odd hours.
"Shouldn't Eddie be home by now?" Y/N asked looking up at Evan with worry.
"His call must have run late. It happens all the time." He reassured her wrapping a hand around her waist and hugging her, his head going down to her neck.
"We should wait for him."
They ended up eating an hour and a half later. Without Eddie.
It was 11pm when Y/N wanted to go to bed but was to busy paissing their living room.
"This can't just be a call Evan."
"Theres no way he has been on a call for over 3 hours!" He was also getting worried, he just didn't want to show it. It wasn't impossible, but another unit would have gotten there and they would have been able to go back to the station, and back home.
"Baby stop, please." He gently grabbed her arms stopping her movements.
"How about you go to bed-" she shook her head and open her mouth to protest but Evan stopped her.
"How about you go to bed and try to sleep, and I'll go down to the station and see what's going on." She let out a sigh, hesitating.
"Your exhausted and you have work in the morning, Sweetheart. I wasn't really asking." Evan made himself more clear. Her hands went to his biceps and his to her waist.
It was dark in the house when he came home. Using his hands to make sure he didn't run into anything.  When he reached the kitchen he turned the light over the sink on. He grabbed the first aid kit from the top of the fridge groaning from the pain it caused.
He took his shirt off letting it fall to the ground, he looked down spotting the dark bruises painting the various parts of his body. He took out some rubbing alcohol and cream setting them on the counter.
He turned around to find Y/N standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She was just about to fall asleep when she heard the front door.
"Baby where have you been? Why didn't you answer your phone?" She rushed forward only for her to stop a few feet away from him. A small gasp left her when she actually took the time to look at him.
"A call ran late, I'm sorry." He explained. She approached him gently running her fingure tips over a bruise on his stomach to which he winced.
"Eddie..." His name was spoken so softly he barely caught it.
"It was a rough one. It looks worse than it is, mi amour." He said, he put a hand on her arm trying to comfort her. But then she caught sight of his bloody and bruised knuckles. She took in a sharp breath standing up straighter. It all clicked in her head.
"You've been fighting again, haven't you?" She looked at him disappointment flooding her eyes.
"What? No, of course not." The slight hesitant in his voice told her otherwise.
"Edmundo, do not lie to me." She said angerly, tears welling up in her eyes despite her attempts to stop them. He took a deep breath closing his eyes and tilting his head slightly up.
He wasn't planning to do it again but a few weeks back an old buddy from back when he did illegal fighting contacted him. Said then needed someone because some guy left last minute. It was supposed to be a one time thing. But one turned to two, and two to three until it got out of hand.
"Why!? Why would you possibly do that again?!" She was livid, rightfully so. She took a step back until she hit the kitchen island.
"It's complicated." He said looking back at her. Letting out a sigh, he didn't want to explain.
"Complicated? How could it be Complicated? This was in the past, we left it there, with the lawsuit, and the heartache and- and jail. We talked about this." 
"It's not the same. I'm careful I know what I'm doing." He tries to explain, but it wasn't good enough.
"You also knew what you where doing when you broke that guys nose!" She yelled, not hearing the front door over their arguing.
"That's not fair."
"Look at yourself!" He swallowed hard. He was littered with cuts and bruises. He knew he shouldn't come home looking like this.
"Eddie?" Evan stood at the other end of the kitchen, his voice caused them both to look over at him.
Y/N kept a concern look on her face but a weight on her shoulders was lifted knowing that Buck was home and okay, it was one less thing to worry about. Eddie seemed surprised, he though Evan was sleeping.
"Thank God, your okay. I've been looking everywhere for you." Evan drops his keys on the counter and rushed to hug his boyfriend. Y/N letting out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair.
Eddie inhaled sharply as Buck hugged him and winced. He returned the affection and then pulled away a little.
"Buck." It was strained and said through gritted teeth because of the pain. When he finally pulled away he got a good look at Eddie.
"What the hell happened?" He said anger in his tone. When no one answered he turned to his girlfriend for help.
"You don't talk about fight club right?" She said sarcasticly causing Eddie to roll his eyes.
"What?" Bucks face filled with confusing looking between the two.
"He's fighting again." She explained moving to the other side of the island to create space between her and the boys.
"What!? Why?" He turns to Eddie brows furrowed, he wasn't there when he did the fights in the past. Y/N was. He had heard of some of them from her, like the one where he broke a guy's nose so bad he choked on a piece of cartilage.
"Can we please not have this conversation again." Eddie felt like they were going around in circles, and it didn't help when his girlfriend just pick up the conversation where they left off when Evan arrived.
"They know what there doing as much as you do. How do you know how it's going to end? Next time it could be you, and they won't stay to help you, they'll leave you there." She didn't want to fight with her boys tonight, not with all the stress that she was under. Today was supposed to be a good day, and it only seemed to take a turn for the worst.
"She's right, I thought you were donne with it Eddie." Evan cuts in, concern and confusion evident on his face and in his voice.
"Apparently not." She muttered her hand rubbing her temple
"Do you know how much you scared us tonight?" Evan tried to make him understand. Y/N started to feel a slight discomfort, but she was unsure from what.
"I'm sorry." He really did feel bad, he knew he was extremely late. The missed phone calls and texts were unlike him.
He fished his phone from his pocket and set it on the counter. The screen was shattered and the back metal panel was missing a few pieces falling out of the phone as he sets it down.
"Eddie you can't start doing this again, I wasn't there when you did it before but Y/N told me it got pretty brutal." Evan explained his concern about his past, scared that it might repeat.
"Look it's just a few fights, and they help. I come home and I'm not angry or impatient." Eddie tried to reassure them but it wasn't working. He ran a hand through his hair.
"No, you come home bloody and bruised. Like thats any better." Y/N pitched back in sarcasm lassed in her voice. A hand going to her stomach now understanding where the discomfort came from
"Eddie you can't keep doing this, not after tonight." Evan almost pleaded.
"You don't get it!" He argued back, getting more frustrated by the minute. Y/N winced gripping the counter with her free hand.
"Then explain." Evan continued to try and reason with him but nothing seemed to work.
"I can't!" Eddie shouted, the two boys to engrossed in their argument to see the clear pain their girl was in.
"This isn't healthy, I though you talked about it with your therapist." Buck continued to try and understand.
"Evan-" He was cut off by Y/N.
"Uhh! Will you two stop!" She was hunched over, one hand still on the counter for support the other on her stomach. A pained look on her face.
"Y/N?" Eddie turned to her and took a few steps in her direction.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Evan was extremely concerned. He rounded the island and stood beside her placing a hand on her hip.
"You two are stressing me."
"Mi amour, that can't be stress." Eddie gently rubs circles into her back.
"Since when does stress cause you pain?" Evan asked, she stood back up straight.
"Since I've been pregnant."
They both look at each other, wanting to have confirmation they heard the same thing.
"Baby, are you sure?"
"I was hoping for a little more excitement boys." She remarked.
"Okay, how about we get you to the couch?" Eddie spoke looking at Evan.
Once she was seated on the couch the boys sat on either side of her.
"How long have you known?" She looked over at Buck and took a deep inhale.
"A week." She leaned back until her back hit the couch and looked between the boy. Trying to see both their reactions.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I was going to, but you both have such a hectic work schedule that I was trying to find the right time. And then Eddie decided to work today so... This isn't how I wanted to tell you." She looked down at her hands in her lap.
She had spent so much time trying to plan the perfect moment. Tonight was gonna be it over some dinner the three of them. So they could figure out how to tell Chris together. But everything went wrong, it usually did with them. The execution was terrible, but the result was always good. Buck set a hand on her shoulder squeezing slightly to give her a little comfort.
"Where does it hurt?" Eddie asked concern painted on his face.
She looked over at him and set her hand on her lower stomach to show him. He reached over lifting her shirt a little and pressing a hand in different areas. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
"I'm sorry baby." He apologized glancing between her and Evan. He hated that he had cause this. The stress and pain. He never wanted this to happen.
"It's just you two are constantly risking your life at work. I don't-"
"Hey, I get. I won't go to the fights anymore, I swear." Eddie stopped her to explain. He understood how much this meant to her to both of them. She gave him a small smile before it turned to a frown when she spotted Evan leaning down to be slightly above her stomach
"Now, you gotta stop giving trouble to your mom little guy." She let out a giggle running her hand in his hair only to lift his face and give him a kiss
"I don't think thats how it works Buck."
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gurugirl · 3 months
The Ranch Hand | cowboy!harry
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2.5k word preview below the cut
Your boyfriend, Jessie, sat down a bucket of beer on the table you were sitting at and pulled his stool up as you grabbed a cold one for yourself and twisted the cap off.
You didn’t know the band that was playing but they sounded pretty good, especially for a Friday night with a cold beer in your favorite little rowdy country bar.
Jessie hated the bar. He was more into cocktail joints with white tablecloths and live classical piano. The kind of place you had to dress up to go into. You didn’t blame him. He didn’t come from where you came from. You two had only a couple of things in common.
The first was that you were both from wealthy families. Your dad was a rancher and he owned half the county. You’d never hurt for anything. Jessie’s family ran the county and were all involved in politics. He went to some fancy school in a different state and only came back because his father wanted him to step into the role of prosecuting attorney.
The second thing you had in common was that you lived in the same town.
That was probably where your similarities ended. You liked Jessie. Mostly. He was usually pretty nice, if not boring, and your parents liked him so that was a plus. In fact, they set up your first date with him and it was easier to just keep things going to make your mom and dad happy.
“You look uncomfortable,” you spoke as you kept your eyes on the band and Jessie struggled to pull the metal cap from his bottle.
“I’m just… there’s peanut shells all over the floor and everyone’s staring at us.”
You laughed and shook your head. You were gonna have to break up with the guy. He couldn’t handle you and you knew that was the truth. He hated getting his hands dirty and even though he looked like he should be able to remove a bottle cap, it wasn’t the first time you had to do it for him.
Taking his beer you looked directly at him and twisted the cap off, dropping it to the floor before handing it back to him.
“I never drink beer. Not used to taking caps off…” he spoke as he took a sip. Shitty excuse.
You noticed that some of the workers from your dad’s ranch were in the bar. Probably causing trouble. The guys who worked for your dad could be rough around the edges but they were always nice to you. Just a bunch of cowboys looking to make ends meet. They all had a place to stay on the ranch at the bunkhouse provided and they were also paid pretty well. So on almost any given Friday and Saturday night, you could find some of them at the bar picking up local women, dancing, fighting, drinking…
This was your scene. This was what you enjoyed most. The rough and gritty. Salt of the earth. Phonies were quickly sniffed out in a place like this. It was why people were staring at Jessie.
You took another gulp of your beer and then you caught sight of one of the ranch hands already looking at you from across the room. Harry. He was very easy on the eyes. He’d been working at your dad’s ranch since he was 19. He’d earned a spot of trust with your father after all his years of hard work and now he had quite a lot of responsibility given to him. He had his own small cabin out of the way of the bunkhouse. He made a lot of financial decisions for your father as well. Negotiated prices for cattle sales, went to auctions to buy large equipment, handled the daily goings on of the newbie ranch hands, and did all the hiring and firing. But he also still worked his ass off. He’d pick up slack when the other workers needed help or couldn’t do the job. You imagined he was at the bar to keep the guys in line and make sure they didn’t land themselves in jail.
You and Harry were close from the beginning. You always went out of your way to meet every new worker that came on but Harry was a little different because he’d been around for almost ten years. You certainly favored him over all the others.
“Why’s he coming over here?” Jessie whined as Harry walked through the crowd with his eyes on you and a mischievous grin on his face. You just knew he was bout to do something to piss Jessie off, which was easy to do.
“Cause he’s comin’ to say hello.” You smiled at Harry as he tipped his cowboy hat to you, stepping between you and Jessie, and reaching in to grab a bottle of beer from the bucket your boyfriend bought.
“Uh, that’s ours,” Jessie sat up straight in his stool as he watched Harry uncap the bottle and take a swig, ignoring him completely, jade eyes still on yours.
Harry placed his elbow on the table and leaned in close to you, those handsome green eyes running over the features on your face, “Hi.”
You felt yourself heat up and kept your eyes on his, “Hi.”
You would have forgotten all about Jessie but then…
“Excuse me. Is this for real? That’s our beer,” Jessie reminded the cowboy.
Harry rolled his eyes and stood up with his hand on your shoulder, softly squeezing before he looked at your boyfriend, “Sorry about that bud,” and then he looked back down at you, “Okay if I have this, sweetheart?” He lifted the bottle of beer upward.
You nodded, “Of course you can have it, Harry.”
Harry’s grin widened as he took another drink and Jessie stood up to move in front of Harry. Maybe in an attempt to intimidate him? You weren’t sure exactly. But one thing you knew was that Harry would put Jessie down in the blink of an eye. Jessie wasn’t a small man but Harry was scrappy and liked to get dirty. Didn’t mind a scuffle when the moment called for it either. You’d seen him put a lot of men in their place.
“Next time you ask before you take.” Jessie pointed. You snickered to yourself. It was a good attempt at least.
Harry laughed and dragged his eyes down your body before he tipped his hat again and walked right into Jessie’s shoulder, making him stumble into the table. Harry looked back in faux surprise at Jessie and then at you with a wink before he went back to where he’d been before with the other guys.
Okay, so maybe Harry was a bit of a dick. But he’d never been rude to you. And you liked him, unfortunately for Jessie. Harry was not a fan of your boyfriends. He’d made that clear since Jessie started coming around four months ago.
“You just let him take a beer like that?” Jessie gestured toward where Harry had gone.
“I did. What’s the problem? I know this bucket wasn’t expensive so you’re not hurtin’ for the money.”
He took a deep breath and looked off toward where the cowboys were drinking, “Do you like him, Y/n?”
You pursed your lips to the side in thought as you watched people line dancing and stomping on the peanut-covered wood floors in their cowboy boots. Now you didn’t really need to think much about that question. Because you did like Harry, and he liked you the same. All the stolen kisses and sneaky moments you two had… it’s just that that could never happen out in the open. Your dad would never go for it and Harry might lose his job if your parents ever caught wind of anything happening between you two. So you’d always kept your distance because that was the most practical option.
But you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t like the man. Anyone with two eyes could see how handsome he was.
“Sure,” you shrugged and looked at Jessie.
“Like him, like him?” Jessie looked back toward you across the table.
“Why are you worried about it, Jes? Even if I did, it’s not a good match. My dad would kill him.”
He shook his head and watched the people on the floor dancing with their big, shiny belt buckles glistening under the shoddy lights, the strum of guitars, and a twangy voice singing an old Garth Brooks song.
You got up and waved when you saw your friend Chelle. She was among those dancing and you weren’t going to miss it, “You coming with me or not?” You looked back at the dud sitting on his stool with a scowl.
“Go on ahead. I’ll be right here.”
You rolled your eyes. There was only so much more you could take of Jessie. If he had even shown an ounce of something that looked like fun you might want to stick around longer. Hell, if he even would have just stood up to Harry about the way he had been very clearly flirting with you in front of him (rather than get so worked up over the beer Harry took) that could even be something for you to think about. But the man wouldn’t dance with you, he wouldn’t ride horses on the ranch, he wouldn’t go to rodeos, and he most certainly didn’t want to do anything that could sully up his nice clothes once in a while. Stepping over peanut shells was his limit. If it weren’t for your parents you’d never have considered him in the first place.
“Y/n!” Chelle pulled you in next to her and you began moving yourself in line in a weave; right, back, front… You always felt like an idiot when you joined in on line dancing but that was part of the fun. Everyone looked like hillbillies and idiots out there and it was a blast.
The music, the atmosphere, the raucous noise from everyone laughing, singing, shouting, stomping… your country girl roots were in full bloom that night. And beer after beer then a couple shots of whisky probably did you no good but you were going to enjoy your night with or without your boyfriend who did not move from the spot where you left him. Part of you, at one point, hoped he’d just go. He was uncomfortable and not having fun. You knew the only reason he was there was to keep an eye on you to make sure you didn’t do anything dumb.
And the later it got the more wild the bar became. More people filled in the small space, the music was louder, some of the lights at the edge of the room were dimmed, and the line for the bathroom grew longer.
“He gonna sit over there watching me all night?” You heard Harry from behind you as he moved in step, a bottle of beer in his big hand you noted as you turned to look up at him.
You laughed, “Probably. He’s jealous.”
Harry licked his pink lips and tampered what you knew was a big grin, “Oh yeah? Why’s he jealous?”
You both did a clumsy pivot turn together and you just smiled up at the handsome cowboy and shook your head.
There was no need to answer Harry. He knew what was going on. He knew you liked him just the same as he liked you. It had always been something secret between you two but it was obvious to almost everyone around. Except for your father. That was one time when you were both on your best behavior.
“Surprised you’re still here. Don’t you have an early morning tomorrow?” You asked.
He nodded, “Sure do. Just keeping an eye on everything going on here is all. I’ve got a responsibility for most of the people in this bar right now.”
“Oh yeah? All the guys seem to be doing okay. No one’s getting too crazy tonight it seems,” you looked around at the other workers, and most of them were two sheets to the wind but they were tame and having fun.
“Still my responsibility. Plus you’re still here.”
You grinned, “That I am. Figured I’d close the place down tonight.”
Harry laughed, “You usually do anyway. Always have been like one of the boys. Just as rowdy as the rest of us.”
You loved it when you got to talk to Harry. Loved how he looked at you and how he’d say your name. Loved how so many times you’d done just this and it felt exactly like what you wanted.
Another shot of whisky at the bar with Harry and you started to feel woozy. Your world was spinning but you were still having too much fun to call it a night.
“I should take you home,” Jessie appeared, taking you by your shoulders and pulling you away from Harry. For a short time, you’d forgotten he was still there.
“No, I think Harry’s gonna take me home.” You looked up at Harry.
“That’s right. Was just about to take her home.” Harry spoke as he stepped in closer to Jessie.
Jessie laughed and you felt his firm grip moving you away but you were too drunk to really put up any kind of fight.
“Nah, just stay here with the rest of the drunk cowboys. I got her.”
Harry followed you and Jessie out the front of the bar as Jessie opened up the passenger door of his nice car.
“You gonna be all right sweetheart?” Harry ducked down to ask you before Jessie could close the door – Harry blocking the space so he could look at you as he reached up for your face and softly turned your head to look at him.
You nodded, “It’s fine. I just need to go to bed.”
“That’s enough. She’s fine,” Jessie closed the door.
Your memory was only clear in bits and pieces as Jessie drove you home. You remembered him berating you for acting like a clown and then when he brought you to your room the memory of him kissing you and taking your hand to cup over his crotch was vivid. You remember telling him you had to go to sleep but he was angry at you. You could feel that too. You remembered his anger and how he shoved you down into your bed before he was hovered over you.
But then you remembered being on your knees in front of your toilet and expelling the contents of your stomach furiously. Jessie’s words rang in your ears about how you were gross and just as nasty as all the cowboys on the ranch. How he didn’t want to fuck you anyway when you were drunk.
You woke up on your bathroom floor and Jessie was long gone.
NOTE: This is a 15k+ Patreon-only one shot. If you'd like to read more consider signing up!
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
Increasingly, it is not safe to be in public, to be human, to be fallible. I’m not quoting breathless journalism about rising crime or conservative talking points about America falling into ruin. The ruin I’m thinking of isn’t in San Francisco or Chicago or at the southern border. The ruin is woven into the fabric of America. It’s seeping into all of us. All across the country, supposedly good, upstanding citizens are often fatally enforcing ever-changing, arbitrary and personal norms for how we conduct ourselves.
In Kansas City, Mo., Ralph Yarl, a Black 16-year-old, rang the wrong doorbell. He was trying to pick up his younger brothers and was simply on the wrong street, Northeast 115th Street instead of Northeast 115th Terrace, a harmless mistake. Andrew Lester, 84 and white, shot him twice and said, according to Ralph, “Don’t come around here.” Bleeding and injured, Ralph went to three different houses, according to a family member, before those good neighbors in a good, middle-class neighborhood helped him.
In upstate New York, a 20-year-old woman, Kaylin Gillis, was looking for a friend’s house in a rural area. The driver of the car she was in turned into a driveway and the homeowner, Kevin Monahan, 65, is accused of firing twice at the car and killing Ms. Gillis.
In Illinois, William Martys was using a leaf blower in his yard. A neighbor, Ettore Lacchei, allegedly started an argument with Mr. Martys and, the police say, killed him.
Two cheerleaders were shot in a Texas parking lot after one, Heather Roth, got into the wrong car. One of her teammates, Payton Washington, was also shot. Both girls survived, with injuries.
In Cleveland, Texas, a father asked his neighbor Francisco Oropesa to stop shooting his gun on his porch because his baby was trying to sleep. Mr. Oropesa walked over to the father’s house and has been charged with killing five people, including an 8-year-old boy, with an AR-15-style rifle. Two of the slain adults were found covering children, who survived.
At a Walgreens in Nashville, Mitarius Boyd suspected that Travonsha Ferguson, who was seven months pregnant, was shoplifting. Instead of calling the police, he followed Ms. Ferguson and her friend into the parking lot and, after one of the women sprayed mace in his face, according to Mr. Boyd, began firing. Ms. Ferguson was rushed to the hospital, where she had an emergency C-section and her baby was born two months early.
And sometimes there is no gun. On Monday, Jordan Neely, a Michael Jackson impersonator experiencing homelessness, was yelling and, according to some subway riders, acting aggressively on an F train in New York City. “I don’t have food, I don’t have a drink, I’m fed up,” Mr. Neely cried out. “I don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison. I’m ready to die.” Was he making people uncomfortable? I’m sure he was. But his were the words of a man in pain. He did not physically harm anyone. And the consequence for causing discomfort isn’t death unless, of course, it is. A former Marine held Mr. Neely in a chokehold for several minutes, killing the man. News reports keep saying Mr. Neely died, which is a passive thing. We die of old age. We die in a car accident. We die from disease. When someone holds us in a chokehold for several minutes, something far worse has occurred.
A man actively brought about Mr. Neely’s death. No one appears to have intervened during those minutes to help Mr. Neely, though two men apparently tried to help the former Marine. Did anyone ask the former Marine to release Mr. Neely from his chokehold? The people in that subway car prioritized their own discomfort and anxiety over Mr. Neely’s distress. All of the people in that subway car on Monday will have to live with their apparent inaction and indifference. Now that it’s too late, there are haunting, heartbreaking images of Mr. Neely, helpless and pinned, still being choked. How does something like this happen? How does this senseless, avoidable violence happen? Truly, how? We all need to ask ourselves that question until we come up with an acceptable answer.
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gayelderstourney · 11 months
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Jean Valjean/Javert:
One of the OG enemies to lovers. In the novel and musical, Valjean and Javert have complex, intertwined, and mirrored narratives which make them a fascinating ship to analyze. Also, there is a lot of hot fanfiction about them.
javert chases valjean around for at least 20 years because he broke parole and that's a big plot point. (jvj went to jail for bread theft if it matters.) considering how long that is and how much javert feels the need to do said chasing around that's kinda gay. also at one point javert is employed by valjean (except he doesn't know it's him and knows him as m. madeleine) and then asks madeleine to fire him. because he thought he was valjean and wanted to send him to jail even though he IS valjean. but some other guy got framed instead so it checks out and then WAY later on the barricades javert gets captured by a bunch of college students and valjean sets him free. this causes javert to have an existential crisis because 'OH NO HE'S A CRIMINAL BUT HE'S NICE TO ME' and then he kills himself. (also they have a very awkward carriage ride together. along with the unconscious body of valjean's future son-in-law. after valjean was in the parisian sewers and therefore covered in sewer water.)
what if i was an escaped convict and also the extremely benevolent mayor of a small jet producing town who broke into people's houses to give them money. and you were a furry cop trying to arrest me anyway. and then i save you from execution in the June rebellion and you realise that the police are not a symbol of justice but authority and being a criminal in the eyes of the law is completely separate from being a bad person. and this fucked you up so bad you killed yourself.
fuck those twinks in les mis these are the real finest gay love story victor hugo ever invented. javert literally followed valjean across france for decades because of his psychosexual obsession with recapturing him. valjean had the chance to kill him and spared his life, thus jump-starting javert's entire emotional arc. they're deranged and obsessive and they should kiss on the mouth
javert threw himself off a bridge bcs he was so mad the guy he was obsessively chasing was actually a good person depsite being a criminal theres gay ass old man yuri here
When you build your entire life around the existence of a man you despise is that still gay or do we need to invent something that transcends homosexuality. Asking for a friend.
fellas is it gay to spend your entire life chasing another man to arrest him even though all he did was steal a loaf of bread
kitties who were outcast from previous groups they were a part of and find and live with each other. they are canonical mates even though theyre both dudes. they grow old together, but ravenpaw gets cancer and dies before barley (he lives to be considered old in warrior cats years). however ravenpaw wanted to be in the same kitty afterlife that barley will go to, so they can be together in kitty afterlife. barley is still alive though as far as we know and might be the oldest living cat in the series now. also i just think its funny to call little kitty cats "old man yaoi"
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Bark For Me
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Sometimes @turbulentscrawl has to hear me be silly lol (a lot) with one brain cell active when in matches with Fool's Gold
Rated: Mature | Warnings: pet play (in horny jail again)
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It was a joke! You told him that, repeatedly, what you said was a joke! You should have known he would take to the next step and further.
“Norton, I was kidding!” Nervous as the hunter removes his belt.
“And so am I. Let's play a little while longer.” Using to his advantage your inability to fight back from being downed by his attack. Even if he is your partner, both of him, he will still do his job. Norton will make sure it is quick.
You make a gagging sound as he wraps the belt around your neck and pulls before locking it in place by the buckle, a sadistic grin on his face as you grab the belt and are dragged closer to him while on your knees.
“Bark.” He says with a sudden serious face.
“What!?” Shocked yet you should not given he loves degrading you before fucking you. Hunter Norton likes to see you in tears and sucks at aftercare.
“Bark or I can chair you.”
You glare at him, “...” Going on all fours and glaring at him, “Woof.”
He laughs, long and hard, even hitting his knee as if that was the greatest joke of all time! “God, you are something else, sparky.” Oh, fuck him for taking this too far. “Now bark with some enthusiasm!”
You do it, and you do it louder too, you swear to never joke around him again! The alarm goes off singling the ciphers are done but you know Norton won't let you live just yet.
“Hmm, I can see the appeal.” Walking with you crawling on your hands and knees towards the dungeon, “Think about it, you can either behave and get rewarded. Or you can be a bitch and get muzzled.”
You say nothing nor do you move after that statement.
“Maybe this will get you to start behaving with me, sparky.”
You roll your eyes.
“Give me your paw.” Gesturing as he presents his broken hand, “Come on, come on, pup.” Talking to you as if you are a dog.
It was risky your reaction but you attacked him, pushing him forward and growling at him before hopping into the dungeon.
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“Oh, come on! I was teasing!”
“No, fuck you! Fuck you my knees and palm hurt!”
“That sounds like the usual— I was kidding! Don't ignore me. Come on, sparky.” You refuse to acknowledge him as you are about to leave the room you both went to in order to meet after the match. Norton is sorry but you are not pleased nor forgiving at the moment.
“Maybe if you get on your knees and crawl around in the fucking snow, I might look at you.” Huffing, you are at the door but not opening it, he tugs on your shirt with his good hand; you move with him until he has you sitting down on the old couch. It took a lot of work to make the attic both comfortable and breathable. Both Nortons had to for once put something above themselves and worked together to make this space. Greed can be useful! Especially when that greed is towards you.
It is not a five-star luxury hotel level but you loved it, adding your touch to their work.
A pocket of peace.
“(Name).” Soft-toned, “I am very sorry.” Your foot bounces your leg. “I didn't mean it. You looked really good and you know I can't help myself around you.”
“Pft, sounds like a you problem, goldie.”
“Please forgive me.” Resting his head on your lap. His chest pressed against your legs, “So sorry.” Look up at you with a sweet smile. The height difference is humorous yet endearing given this Fool's Gold who often is an ass.
“Hmm,” Norton picks his head up to kiss where the belt left its mark, the mark is not too bad but you had removed it after coming out of the dungeon and you swore you going to burn his damn belt! “Fine. God, I hate when you use begging against me.” Because you do and are very weak to how his voice lowers, his eyes half shut, and the way he just submits. 
Awful man, terrible man, and you love him so much. Norton knows it, both of them do! 
Pushing buttons because you are their ‘spark’ and they love that fire of yours roar with life. May you never change.
The hunter laughs as you pet his hair while grumbling about him being nice or something.
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crazylittlejester · 7 days
This ask is your excuse to yap about whatever headcanons you wanna talk about 💙
- hero-of-the-wolf
- You’ve heard of French Warriors (he is Scottish and Brazilian to me), but may I suggest: French Hyrule?
- Warriors, Sky, Hyrule, and Wind’s first languages are Not whatever language it is they speak in hyrule (i’ve been callin it hyrulian common because im insanely uncreative), and while Warriors tries incredibly hard to hide his accent by mimicking what the people of his Castle Town sound like (British), the others don’t. Wars and Sky grew up speaking two languages at once, but Wind and Hyrule had to learn when they were a little older. Wind’s accent is a bit odd because he unintentionally copies the accents of people around him and he spends a LOT of time around Tetra and other pirates so he kinda adopted that accent, (and he eventually ends up mimicking certain members of the chain by accident) but if you stuck him back at home near his grandma and Aryll he’d sound more similar to them (<- based on my friend from another country who adopted a southern accent whenever he speaks english)
- All of them know at least ONE other language, but the two who know the most languages are Wars and Legend. They refuse to put a number on how many languages they know so no one knows which one of them knows more, but Legend is unfamiliar with Warriors’s native language and he holds that over his head and has declared himself the winner just because of that
- Wild is deaf in one ear and has an audio processing issue he’s just always had, even before he died. He can hear just fine out of his other ear but sometimes he just stares at people blankly because he heard Noise and not Words
- Time also has an audio processing problem and he, like Wild, won’t ask someone to repeat themselves he’ll just stare at them blankly. I also headcanon he’s autistic but I think I’ve said that before lmao
- Wind and Twilight are both very good artists, they can sketch almost anything. Twilight likes drawing Ordonian goats over and over and over again from memory, but Wind sketches scenery and other members of the chain. Sometimes he gifts them to the others, sometimes he burns them, and others he keeps, but he draws a LOT
- Four is the weapons police and if he sees someone mistreating their sword he’ll snatch it. The only swords he hasn’t snatched are the Master Sword from Sky, Time’s Biggoron Sword, and Wars’s sword. He’s had SOME reason at SOME point in time to put the other five’s swords in ‘sword jail’ while they were sittin around at camp
- Wild and Warriors one time disappeared and came back covered in soot and ash and Time just ignored it because ‘Warriors is a responsible adult’ but Twilight ripped them both a new one when he saw a stick stuck in Wild’s hair was still smoking. They are no longer allowed to go off alone together with ANYTHING that can be used to start a fire
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mcflymemes · 8 months
PROMPTS FROM CASINO *  assorted dialogue from the 1995 film, adjust as necessary
you beat him with a knife, he comes back with a gun.
i don't give a fuck about jail.
you only exist out here because of me.
don't make me a bad guy.
what's the matter with you?
it looked like a gun!
are you out of your fucking mind?
i really think you're overreacting.
i've had it with you!
you're firing me?
this is not the way to treat people.
would you mind taking your feet off the table and putting your shoes on, please?
that's what you fucking tell me?
it wasn't very scientific, but it worked.
you can't talk to me like that.
you gotta be kidding me!
go! get the fuck out of here!
you make me sick.
don't make a scene, all right?
i tried to do everything i could for you, even though i knew, deep down inside, you would bury me.
it's the only thing that saved my life.
you didn't see what was going on?
it's a casino! people gotta win sometimes!
now you're insulting my intelligence.
do you remember what i told you?
this guy could fuck up a cup of coffee.
i'm just curious.
i gotta listen to people because of your fucking shit?
you better get your own fucking army, pal.
i didn't do anything!
from now on, i want you to put an equal amount of blueberries in each muffin.
do you know how long that's going to take?
i don't care how long it takes.
i lost control? look at you?
so in other words, i'm fucked.
back home, they would have put me in jail for what i'm doing.
the longer they play, the more they lose, and in the end, we get it all.
you want me to get out of my own fucking town?
let the bullshit blow over for a while.
you understand that. you know that. come on!
i'll squash your head like a fucking grapefruit if you don't give me a name.
don't make me have to do this, please.
you're making a big fucking spectacle of yourself.
when you asked me if you could come out here, what did i tell you?
listen to me very carefully. there are three ways of doing things around here: the right way, the wrong way, and the way i do it.
everybody's gotta watch everybody else.
when you love someone, you've gotta trust them.
there's no other way.
that's my business.
you're one of the most gorgeous women i've ever seen.
thank you. thanks for that compliment.
a lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes.
who know who's gonna come along in time?
you could be there all fucking night.
where the fuck do you get off talking to people about me behind my back?
did you think i wasn't gonna find out?
i don't even know what you're talking about.
what's the point?
the town will never be the same.
in the end, i wound up right back where i started.
why mess up a good thing?
i think in all fairness, i should explain to you exactly what it is that i do.
if you don't have my money for me, i'll crack your fucking head wide open in front of everybody.
i'm fucking stupid.
can you do that with both hands?
if you beat him with a gun, you better kill him, because he'll keep coming back and back until one of you is dead.
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“What the fuck are you doing?  You know our arrangement.  You agreed to it.  I told you last time I wanted you here waiting for me naked.  If you don’t want to live up to your end of the bargain, fine I’ll fire your brother tomorrow.  If you don’t want your brother’s parole officer to know he’s unemployed and the reason why, then strip out of those fucking clothes….
“Get over here and give me a kiss….  I know you don’t like to kiss, but I do.  Right here on my lips….  You can do better than that.  I don’t want a peck, give me some tongue.
“You look disgusted.  Too bad.  Let me do this right….  Oh yeah.  Going forward, I expect this kind of kiss from you.  Damn, boy, you feel good in my arms.  There’s something about a man holding his naked boy that gets my juices flowing.
“Go ahead and reach down; feel how hard I am getting.  That’s all you baby.  Why don’t you unzip me and take it out while we kiss some more.  Oh yeah….
“That feels so good.  You are doing much better than what you did on Day 1; you’re accepting your role here.  You know my cock needs your submission.  You are accepting giving a blowjob as part of how you serve me.  I’m beginning to think that you are enjoying taking my dick down your throat.  Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you have swallowed my load without my prompting.
“Here pull in.  Lean against me.  Keep stroking me; you almost have me rock hard.  Your back is so smooth.  My rough hands like how silky it feels.  Oh my, your ass is… wow…  Now, my fingers are going into your crack.  Relax. 
“I told you that things are changing with today’s meeting.  The first is that I will be fucking you.  My finger likes feeling every fold of your pussy hole….  No, no, no.  Don’t pull away.  This pussy is mine.  Have you ever had a man fuck you before?...  Has anyone ever fingered you?...  So I will pop your cherry?  Hell yeah.
“I said, ‘Don’t pull away.’  I will be fucking you.  Your pussy is mine.  I own it.  It’s mine to do with what I want to do. 
“But you know… after I fuck you, you can say no to me fucking you again, and all this comes to an end.  I can go to your brother’s parole officer and show him the videos of him dealing.  He would be thrown back in prison so fast.  Then you will be on your own.  I know you are going off to college in the fall.  You’ll have to pay for that, and a place to live.  Working here on site cleaning up after the men doesn’t pay much.  You and your brother would be screwed.
“Here’s what I’m going to do.  I’m going to leave your brother alone.  No one needs to see those videos.  I will even recommend him for a different job.  One that pays him just under double what he is making now.  The guys love him.  Most don’t care that he went to jail for drug dealing years ago.  They would all be shocked to know about those videos though.
“All you have to do is to give me your pussy from this point on.  No resisting like you did when I had you first suck my dick.  I expect you to struggle to take my thickness, every virgin I have fucked does.  Those are your choices. 
“Lucky for you, I brought some lube.  Don’t move and keep stroking me.  Like that.  You got me pre-cumming.  Some fag boys that’s all they get from me when I fuck them.  You are going to need a lot more.
“This is going to feel a little wet….  Oh yeah.  Your pussy is soaking this up.  My finger almost slipped in; can’t have that happen.  My cock needs to be first in there. 
“Lie on the ground right there, face down and spread eagle.  Until I tell you to move, you keep your arms and legs in that position.  That’s to prevent you from standing back up. 
“Bitch, I’m about to claim this pussy.  Scream if you want to.  You and I both know everyone is gone.  No one will hear you.
“Feel my cockhead at your pussy lips?  Here it comes….  Quit squirming and relax.  Yeah you have a fully clothed six foot two, two hundred sixty pound, forty seven year old man lying on scrawny, naked, five seven, hundred fifty pound, eighteen year old pussy boy.  I know it’s difficult to breathe.  But there’s no way for you to pull off my cock.  This is going to happen.  Your pussy belongs to my dick.  I can feel its hunger.  Goddamned, it feels good.
“You ready to be cunted?  You ready to become my bitch cunt?  Because this pussy is going to be changing.  It’s going to be a cunt in a few moments.  That means it’s going to be my possession.  If you want to walk away and send your brother back to jail, now is the time to tell me….
“Ok, I own this cunt.  This is a hole that was made to be fucked.  By me.  And only me.  No one will be using this cunt unless I say so, and I won’t be saying so.  You are giving up all women and men.  It will only be my dick in here or down your throat.  You hear me cunt?  Who’s in charge?
“You’re damned right I am.  I will be putting one of those cock cages on you so that even you won’t have access to your pecker.  And if I ever catch you with another man,… or a woman, your brother will be back in jail so fast, and I throw you naked in the middle of a biker bar with the words ‘Rape Me’ on your forehead and across your back and walk away.
“I will be taking over your schooling.  I will decide what classes you will take.  Your life belongs to me.  My place is only minutes away from your college; you will move in to the one-bedroom suite attached to my garage.  Other than school, you will be naked there at all times, ready to take my cock when it demands it.
“You ready for your life to change, fag?  Answer me!...  Damned right.  Keep calling me Daddy. 
“I need to see your fucking cunt face.  Flip over on your back; Daddy needs to cunt you right.  I’m going to give you one hell of a gape when my cock is done with you. 
“This is a much better position.  Keep your legs up in the air and spread.  Damn, my cock just slid right back in, as if the cunt was made for taking it.  You can now look into my eyes.  You can watch me as I nut in you.
“I am so horned up.  I am ready to bust my first nut in my new cunt.  The best part of this position is that I can… smack you across the face.  Hell yeah I will be doing that going forward.  Gone are the caresses and the tender play.  That’s for pussies.  And you are a cunt.  A cunt gets smacked around.  Like this.  No reason other than you are a cunt.
“Oh fuck.  Oh fuck?  You ready for my first load in your cunt?  Because it’s going to flood your guts.  Here it fucking cums. 
“Ahhh.  Ahhhhhhh.  Ahhhhhhhhh.  Fuck yeah.  I can do this all day, and I will.  But we need to get to my place, your new home.
“Fuck faggot.  Giving your brother a raise and a promotion is well worth having access to this cunt of yours.  Let’s get going.  No you are remaining naked. 
“But first, clean off my cock.  Cunt, you have no say.  Besides you are always to leap to my dick to clean it off after it was inside of you.  If you think that’s nasty, wait until I get you under my rimseat for hours at end.”
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So this should have been an ask rather than a message. But I'll hide your name so there's no claims of doxxing.
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Ok so first I'll address the last claim.
Gaza is extremely anti LGBT. Most of the Muslim world actually is. Because in miss countries that practice Islam have a few practices to deal with gay people. Castration, jail, or death. It's extremely common to find in most nations. Gaza isn't an exception. The region has it's own laws, specifically that of jailing people whom are gay. For 10 years.
The second claim revolves around the fact that scholars have made pretty definite claims that most all the Philistines are fundamentally gone. Sure it's likely you'll find traces in your blood line somewhere but no that land area has not been occupied by "Palestinians" for a long time. It's actually rather recent.
Also I can separate the people who support Gazan people from people who suppose Hamas, except you all give me on reason to. You lie about hostages, beheadings, and rapes. Most all of you call the Jewish people colonizers when historically almost ALL of that land is their land. What's more while there isn't a voting system in Gaza, Hamas was supported into a position of power through bribery etc by the current people of Gaza.
Believe whatever you want. But don't pretend that one of the most traditional conservative (to an extreme) religions on earth is actually pro LGBT. They aren't. You are all a disposable pawn in their quest to purge the world of every faith not their own. What's more, I'd treat most of you in better faith if most of you were not liars who believed in propaganda. News comes out of a bomb or rocket blowing up a hospital by hamas. Then mainstream leftists do nothing but cover that Non-Stop. Then come to find out it was actually a rocket fired by Hamas that misfired fell back down and blew up a parking lot.
I would treat you all in better Faith generally if y'all didn't believe the mindless propaganda of people who want to see the Jewish people wipe from the face of the Earth. Because it's been pro hamas people and pro Palestinian people who have torn down missing persons signs from the October 7th attack. It's been pro Hamas and pro Palestinian people who have said that Hamas did nothing wrong. It is pro Hamas and pro Palestinian people who have shouted a genocidal term which is from the river to the Sea. Except again historically that land never belonged to them.
I hate taking sides on these wars and other things across the world because it always gets polluted by bleeding heart leftist who think brown people good white people bad and y'all consider Jews white which is the only reason most of you are even upset. I would honestly treat most of you and better faith, if I did not see leftists and progressives harass Target and threaten none Israeli Jews around the world because of a fight going on in a different country that these people have nothing to do with.
If you have zero sympathy for the people who got raped beheaded murdered or kidnapped on October 7th you are pro Hamas. And people who say that their pro Palestinian will never ever get an ounce of Mercy from me. And if you want to know why it's because those same people absolutely never care about the victims on the Israeli side. They either say that they deserve it they call them colonizers or they excuse it because they are "not human".
Having said that, if you are one of the people who cares about both sides in this fight especially all of the innocent people. I will treat you with some level of good faith. But if you have no care for the Israelis that were hurt killed or brutalized. Then I absolutely believe 100% you are pro Hamas. Because as far as I'm concerned you all take pro Hamas propaganda at face value which is a group of people who want Jews wiped off the Earth and everything that comes out of Palestine news wise is almost completely Hamas propaganda in their quest to destroy Israel. That land in mass does not belong to the current residence of Gaza. Almost unilaterally that land belongs to people of Jewish descent. And the fact that they gave that land to the current people referred to as Palestinians should show that they actually care at least a bit. Because honestly if they wanted genocide like everyone claims they could glass Gaza and every other place with Palestinian residents overnight. And I mean glass in the literal sense.
Because the fake before and after photos we keep seeing of Gaza show that it was extremely high-end. They were rich. We're all Palestinians rich? Probably not but a lot of the before and after photos showed a lot of really really high-end housing hotels and businesses. And yet the people who are pro Palestine insist that it was an open-air prison and that they were just treated to the worst atrocities. Sure.
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
Alone at Last Pt 2
ALL AGED UP CHARACTERS!! You can find the first chapter here!! WARNINGS!!: guns, gore, violence, angst, character death, drugs, gangs, strong language, MINORS DO NOT READ!!!!
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It had been four months from you and Kenny had ran off together, ditching South Park and forging a new life with each other.
You were now in California, the weather a stark difference to that of Colorado, especially in the mountains. The weather was hot, the people were hot, and everyone had one shared love.
Drugs. And by god was Kenny in business. He knew a few people feom California that used to ship his supplies to South Park, but now he was on their home soil, he became a personal dealer for their gang. And boy was he slinging drugs.
He had sold that much that you were both able to rent a luxury apartment, feed yourselves and Kenny still had enough money left at the end of the month to hand you his bank card, telling you to treat yourself.
Kenny loved having money, he wasn't used to it, and he spoiled you endlessly, all the things he'd have loved to have done when you both lived in South Park. He'd bring you bouquets, just because, order you food when he was out working, just in case you were hungry, random packages would be delivered, all addressed to you, and Kenny would've ordered you clothes you'd shown him, shoes, luxury handbags and expensive jewellery, he had you spoilt rotten.
There were a few problems though, drug money isn't safe money, in fact it's entirely illegal. And people who are higher up the food chain of a gang than you are can offer you bigger, better jobs, better reward, higher jail time.
Kenny and you ended up on the road quite a lot as the months went on, constantly travelling the world, seeing all these amazing place, and occasionally smuggling some illegal substances in the process, and had thankfully never been caught.
It was only when a major gang war had erupted did shit get real, and it got real fast. Molotov cocktails becoming an average thing to hear about in the news, people being shot, police officers being targeted by multiple gangs, the streets became a scarier place, and you were becoming more and more worried for Kenny's safety, not that he cared.
"Babe, I die all the time! You know this! You've seen me die before! If someone kills me, I don't think I'm gonna even worry about it at this point." Kenny rambled, a blunt hanging from his lips, taking a few long drags before passing it to you, exhaling the smoke out the window of his car. You accepted, taking a long drag yourself, and exhaling with a long sigh. You were on a road trip together, a chance to get away from everything for a while. You were going to a nice place in California, where rich people normally stayed, it would be nice to pretend, if even for a little while.
"Ken, I mean it. This feud is getting out of control! Someone got shot through the head last week!" You exclaimed, taking another drag of the blunt before passing it back to your boyfriend who ashes it out the window before placing it back between his lips.
"Pussies. I've been shot in the head more times than I can count." Kenny snickered, and you pushed his arm, a stern look on your face.
"Well what else am I supposed to do, baby? Slinging drugs doesn't take skill, you've just gotta make sure you don't get caught, it's quick, easy money, babe." Kenny spoke, and you let out a defeated sigh, both of you knew you'd be fucked without Kenny dealing, the only good thing was that if he was killed, at least he'd come back.
And that was when it happened, pulling up at the set of traffic lights, a car pulling up beside you, the window rolling down, and before either of you could react, shots were being fired at both of you, one hitting Kenny right on the temple, and back out the other side.
Your screams could curdle blood, loud shrieks escaping your mouth, staring at your partner, now lifeless, head drooping and eyes dull.
You were covered in what you could only assume was Kenny's brains, your once beautiful clothes covered in blood and pieces of flesh, and you took of your seatbelt, moving to your partner, tears streaming down your cheeks as you cupped his face in your hands.
"K-Ken, Kenny, please god no, Ken?" You spoke, but of course he didn't reply. Even though you knew he would be back, seeing your boyfriend getting his brains blown out was not something you had ever wanted to see, and you were certain you'd be scarred for the rest of your life.
Police were everywhere, taking Kenny's limp, blood stained body from the car, placing him on a stretcher and pulling a clean, white sheet over his body and face, putting him into the ambulance.
You were in a complete trance, as an medic pulled a few shards of broken glass out of your skin, you didn't even realise that you'd been hurt, so focused on what had just unfolded mere minutes ago.
The police brought you home once you'd been patched up, and you entered your empty apartment, the vibe of the place completely shifted. A place that was warm and homey was now cold and dull, you could see Kenny everywhere, his half smoked joint sat in the ashtray, the bowl he'd used for his breakfast still sitting in the sink, his shoes still laying messily beside the front door, and as you entered your bedroom, you barely blinked. The bed lay still unmade, and you stripped from your blood splattered clothes, dumping them outside the bathroom door, and getting into the en-suite shower in your room.
Even the bathroom reminded you of Kenny, his shampoo and conditioner, his body wash, shaving foam and razor, even his toothbrush brought tears to your eyes, as you turned on the scalding water, leaning your head back and sobbing as the water soaked you, a steady stream of red water trickling down the drain.
And you stood there for what felt like forever, until the water ran clear, getting out and wrapping a towel around your body and hair, and once your skin and hair were dry, you opened the wardrobe, pulling out one of Kenny's orange hoodies, and you quickly put it on, breathing in the scent of your dead boyfriend, tears still welling in your bloodshot eyes.
Your head pounded, body ached and wounds stinging as you crawled into bed, wrapping the duvet tightly around you, putting the hood of Kenny's hoodie up over your long h/c hair, and slowly sobbing yourself to sleep, your whole body shaking.
You awoke to the sound of your bedroom door closing, making you sit up in your bed, rubbing your eyes that were nearly glued shut, the tears having dried into your face as you slept.
"Hello? Is someone there?" You spoke, before hearing the soft plop of clothes hitting the carpeted floor. You brought your knees to your chest, too scared to make another sound, until you moved to turn on your bedside lamp, your body jolting quickly from the bed, lunging yourself at the figure you were scared of a few minutes ago.
"Kenny! Oh my god, Kenny. You have no idea how glad I am to see you!" You exclaimed, your arms wrapping tightly around his neck, pressing kisses all over his face, and he returned your hug, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to his bare chest, standing in nothing but his boxers, his clothes laying in a pile.
"I missed you, baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" You shook your head no, and Kenny quirked his brow.
"Not even a few cuts and bruises?" He pressed further and you finally spoke, tears running down your already tear stained cheeks.
"A few pieces of glass got stuck in my arm but... I- I was more concerned with your blood and flesh that was all over me, and the fact you were dead." You whispered against his chest, and Kenny ran his fingers through your hair, shushing you as you cried.
"Don't cry baby. I'm here, you're safe baby. We need to get out of California for a while, I don't want anyone trying to target you, I'd never be able to live with myself." Kenny spoke, his voice breaking as the tears began to fall from his own eyes, and you both stayed still, in each others warm embrace for a few moments, before Kenny picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, as he placed you on your side of the bed, climbing in himself.
Kenny pulled you down to cuddle close to his chest, pressing gentle kisses along your face, a small smile on his face.
"Let's get some rest, baby. And then tomorrow we're getting a flight to New York, the gangs moving me, I'm their best asset at the moment, and the fact I'm immortal certainly helped. There's no feuds happening there, so we'll be safe baby. I promise." Kenny spoke and you nodded, leaning up to press a deep kiss on your lovers lips.
"I love you, Kenny. I'm so glad you're back." You whispered, and Kenny smiled, turning the bed side lamp off before he broke the silence.
"I love you too baby, I'm not going away again, I promise."
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penname-artist · 6 months
Merry Chrysler-
I swear I am totally not biased when I say that I'll side with Shu's headcanon of Lightning being very into singing and then getting caught doing so and being good at doing so while putting up Christmas decorations. Okay. Maybe a LITTLE bit biased.
But I am NOT biased when I say that he and Mater BOTH do it and they have a habit of starting a lyric and waiting for the other to give them the next one so they can duet the rest. It's adorable, but it drives the town crazy just as much.
Red always puts something happy and festive on the old Stanley statue. Some years it's a wreath. Some years he has a red glowing nose. Sometimes he gets little antlers. It's a nice nod to his love for the holidays, and it makes Lizzie so happy.
Finn and Leland used to play that silly Hide the Pickle game on Christmas morning, except with very ramped up stakes because they loved a challenge. Since his passing, Finn's now dangerously taught both Mater and Holley to play. Mater tries his best, though he's not great at hiding them and he's lucky at best with finding, and Holley, well...let's just say that she did such a good job her first time trying to hide it that they all gave up looking, and ended up having to buy another one to use.
Every year, Dusty goes out and puts up tacky Christmas lights for the year. And every year, he and Chug get tangled in it. And every year until 2013, Dottie was tasked with helping them out. Since 2013, every year she puts it up to Skipper and Sparky to do instead. Never fails.
You ever heard of something called a "Drive thru nativity scene"? I've been to one, once. You sit in your car and drive through a live reenactment of the towns and the nativity, and you pay fake coin taxes at certain stops, and dad almost got put in fake jail by Roman soldiers because he wouldn't pay those taxes anyways the point is they have one that they do at Radiator Springs now and over the years they have garnered a lot of traffic. Sally and Lightning only did the Mary and Joseph bit one year, and it ended in Joseph being run over by fans and backing up the line, so he lent his role to someone else (it changes every year)
During his reign over the Lodge, Cad Spinner went above and beyond for Christmas light displays during the holidays, which ate up the electric bill for one and left a fire hazard for another. When Jammer took over his position, though, the annual display had become wildly popular, so - with the assistance and better pay of the Piston Peak fire and rescue - they kept the event running. So long as Ryker stayed close by.
The Smokejumpers pulled an Epic Christmas Prank on - or rather with - Cabbie one year. He had no idea what everyone was giggling about, as they boarded up to drop over a fire. And then later, Maru held up a photo he got of him while he was taking off with them. He rolled his eyes at the sight of the bright red "ELF BACKUP" sign written across his hatch.
Blade's not really a Christmas guy, but, there's one thing he enjoys during the Christmas season, and that's peppermints. He's fucking addicted. Maru will catch him swiping them from the little bowl Patch puts out in the mess hall, and they go through a whole bag in less than two weeks. Addicted I tell you.
Specifically in humanized land, Cabbie has whittled - while Windlifter paints - simplified wooden nutcracker statues, reflecting the features of each of the Smokejumpers. There's five on the mantle in the mess hall for them, and another shelf that holds a handful more for the jumpers past.
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laurabwrites · 10 days
WIP I'm Accepting I Will Never Write
My brain has been generating too many Star Wars ideas for me ever reasonably get around to writing all of them, so I'm going to start dumping them on here (maybe AO3 as well, not sure yet) once I've accepted it's an idea I won't get to. So, to start off:
Anakin got Arrested at the Start of the War
In this one, Anakin's massacre on Tatooine was revealed shortly into the war (Qui-Gon Jinn's ghost, A'Shared Hett or Padmé having a conscience, doesn't matter it's not the point of the idea and I don't think it affects the plot). Anakin goes to Jedi jail in the Temple and the war proceeds apace.
At the end of the war, when Palpatine sets off Order 66, the Temple Guard who in another timeline became the Grand Inquisitor lets Anakin out. They would be killing all the Jedi, but somehow the Jedi have been alerted and the Temole seems strangely light on clone troopers they could be using as backup. The Grand Inquisitor knows this, Anakin doesn't. He's been in Jedi jail and has no idea what normal operations in the Temple have looked like for the past three year. They manage to get to the atrium of the Temple with the objective of getting out and rounding up some clone troopers to come back with. Except there's this Tortuga fighting both of them. She's not getting in any hits in on them but this scrappy, can't be more than 16, 17-year-old is holding both of them off while simultaneously organizing the Padawans and Initiates to grab younglings and run.
Then the 212th enters, Cody and Rex frog marching Obi-Wan in.
Which gives Anakin the opportunity to villain monologue about the Jedi Order not understanding emotion, they threw him away, Palpatine recognizes his true power, Obi-Wan will see the destruction of everything he holds dear, blah blah blah. Basically entitled white boy I did no wrong (ignore the dead children), you'll regret being so mean to me (enforcing the consequences of my own actions), ranting regurgitating Palpatine's bullshit about Jedi.
Meanwhile, the Grand Inquisitor is noting that a lot of kids are safely getting the fuck outta Dodge and the 212th is getting some good lines of fire. Why are they letting Anakin monologue instead of enacting Order 66?
Finally as Anakin is winding down, Obi-Wan speaks up: yes but, you see, you made one critical mistake.
Anakin, sneering: oh what's that
Obi-Wan: you hurt your Padawan-sister
Obi-Wan Force pushes Ahsoka and every remaining kid out of range while the entire 212th opens fire on Anakin and Grand Inquisitor.
Inquisitor is dead on the ground (sorry buddy, you were just a plot device to get Anakin out of his cell and show off how badass Ahsoka is with Soreasu mixed into her Jar'dai (I think I spelled those right...)). Anakin is on his Force bullshit, not quite dead, as Obi-Wan, Cody, and Rex come over to check.
Anakin: you won't finish me off, you're a Jedi, you're too weak.
Rex putting three rounds in his chest and three in his head: I'm no Jedi, slaver.
Backstory to get to this scene that slammed into me like a ton of bricks months and months ago:
212th never split the 501st off since Anakin wasn't there to get Knighted. Therefore Fives went to Obi-Wan when he found the chip. Obi-Wan got Shaak Ti to distract the Kaminoans, so Quinlan (or another Shadow, but I like using Quinlan for the known connection to Obi-Wan) could dig in Kaminoans' files and find documentation as well as an emergency counter signal. Obi-Wan dechipped his battalion anyway, not wanting to rely on the counter signal being permanent. They then jammed Coruscant's communications when Cody got the Order from Palpatine. 212th then uses the counter signal on the Corries, as they go to the Temple to grab whatever Masters were on planet. The clones and a fourth of the Council go kill Palpatine as he's declaring the Empire on the floor of the Senate.
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Heart heart heartbreak -JJ Maybank
Warnings: swearing, violence, talking of throwing up, drinking
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It was the first kegger of the year at the boneyard and you were there with the pogues, completely wasted as your body moved to the best of the music. As the night started to get later, your actions started to get more and more sloppy; especially when you spotted your ex boyfriend there with his new girl of the night.
It caused you to down 3 drinks one right after the other, JJ appearing at your side as he watched you across the beach. “Woah, woah woah. Let’s slow down, alright?” He took the red solo cup from your hands, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as your body started to droop and stumble. “You gotta quit it with the drinks, okay? I think that’s enough and we need to get you home.” You barely heard his words as the alcohol all came crashing down on you at once, a groan leaving your lips. The alcohol coursing through your system was too much and you started to feel the world absolutely spinning in circles. You let out a soft groan as you leaned your full weight on JJ; hoping and praying you wouldn’t puke all over him.
He steadied you as he started to walk you back to the Twinkie, getting John B’s permission to use it to take you back to the chateau. Everyone was worried about you and they all knew how hard you were taking the breakup. “Man, Maybank. Should’ve known she’d be on your dick as soon as I ditched her.” JJ’s jaw tightened the second he heard the words, the other pogues walking up as soon as they saw your ex boyfriend approaching. “JJ.” Kie’s voice could be heard as warning as she stepped up to put her hand out and between the two boys, blue piercing eyes looking down at you. You were absolutely miserable thanks to this asshole and JJ couldn’t have that.
“Hey, pretty girl. I’m gonna send you with Pope and Kie, okay? I’ll come find you in a few, I promise.” His voice was soft as he carefully handed you over to his other friends, ignoring the glares from both of them. “You know, you have a lot of nerve showing up here.” The words coming out of the blonde boys mouth sounded foreign even to him as he squared up to the taller boy, a knowing look on both of their faces. This was not going to end well and they both knew it.
“This is my part of the island too, if you didn’t remember. Besides, I had to come see who she was whoring herself out for now.” Your ex had a wide smirk on his lips and JJ wound up to end the guys whole life when you showed up beside JJ, stumbling slightly. You shared a look with the blonde boy before your fist connected with your ex boyfriends cheek, causing him to stumble backwards and fall over a branch. You had caught a brief second wind and intended to use it to make him pay. “Say that again, I didn’t hear you.” Your words were laced with venom as you spit in the sand beside him, Kie and Pope both coming up to put their arms around you. “I said, I’m checking who you are whoring around with now.” The wind was quickly knocked out of him as the words left his lips, JJ’s boot connecting with his stomach.
He watched the man squirm and groan in pain in the sand before he turned him over with his boot, standing on his chest with one foot. “You’re gonna fucking leave and never come back, or I will fucking end you.” JJ’s words were laced with a promise, fire flashing in them as he showed the gun in the waistband of his pants. “And if you think I’m scared of going to jail for killing you, you must not realize how little I have to lose.” The blonde leaned down for the last part to be heard, his hands finding way to hold your ex up by the collar of his shirt. “Yeah, end up in jail like your good for nothing father.” The words hung in the air for all of a second before JJ absolutely lost his temper, striking the man under him repeatedly with his fists.
“JJ!” The scream that left Kie’s lips was shrill and loud, gaining the attention of the entire party. John B was running over by now, him and one of their other friends dragging JJ off the other man. “Are you fucking mad, dude?! You’re gonna fucking kill him!” John B pushed him back with both of his hands on JJ’s chest, watching the blonde boy stutter step back with a sick smirk on his face. “Too bad I don’t care if I do.” John B shook his head and pointed at you, your body now bent over a stump on the sand as you expelled all your stomach contents.
His face instantly softened and he rushed to your side, dropping down to his knees in the sand beside you. You let out a sick groan as you felt JJ’s busted hands on your back, one hand coming up to pull your hair out of your face. “Let it out, I’m here.” His voice was now soft and laced with concern as he slipped his shirt over his head to help clean you up with. “I wanna go home and sleep.” Your words were enough to shatter his heart as you said them between heaves, tears rolling down your cheeks.
He nodded and picked you up in his arms bridal style once you stopped throwing up, your head lolling against his shoulder as he carried you to the Twinkie. He carefully set you down on the seat as he put a jacket over your body. You passed out cold on the drive back to the chateau, JJ peaking back to look at you as he drove carefully. “I love you. I wish you knew that.” The words left his lips and he shook his head, pulling into the grass and getting out to carry you inside. He would be there for you as long as you needed him, that was his job as your best friend. But, he couldn’t help but want to be more for you especially now.
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sinshinsin · 1 year
[Se • cu • kup • nya]
In English: enough
Minor DNI!
We all failed, raise your drink and grieve together.
TW/CW ?? slight mention of unhealthy obsession (not healthy, don't do it), lewd scene, hazy depiction of how obsession works, borderline to unhealthy relationship, profanity, mentions of sexual harassment, reader didn't have a good relationship with their family, mention of abuse, mention of neglectment, mention of prostitute, mention of death, logical fallacy that would hurt your brain, mention self harm scar, at this point this whole fic is a trigger warning
Character/fandom !! Ango Sakaguchi | Bungou Stray Dogs
Further Information !? [GN!Reader] [Reader and Ango is inside a relationship] [Universe where Ango is not that overworked lmao] [Reader and Ango live together] [Ango-centered] [2nd POV]
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You're tired, and he's tired of seeing you tired.
Ango hates it, every time you went home crying. As he asked you why, you'd answer it's your toxic workplace, shitty colleague and perverted boss. Yet, you still went to your workplace every morning as if nothing happened. As if your boss didn't just throw you a nasty look yesterday.
Ango hates it, every time you shout when your family calls you just to cuss the shit out of you. After the call ended, you would tell him how bad your family is. And how they didn't support you, calling you a failure, and constantly comparing you to your cousin whose according to them is doing much better. Yet, you still consider them as your family and relatives. As if your father didn't went to jail three times for abusing his family. As if your mother won't neglect you in the past and sell herself.
Ango hates it, whenever your 'friends' would comes up to you and tells you how they need your help. Only to betray you over and over again. Ango also had enough of your friends' attempts to take him away from you just because he worked at the government and makes a lot of money. Heck, he didn't have the heart to betray you no matter how much Botox injections they had on their ass or lips. Yet, you still adore them and helped them.
No, no, he didn't hates you. He hates how the world fuck you off entirely. At first, he'd comfort you by cuddling or brewing a cup of tea. But as the time goes, the hell of life you've been living gets worse. Your boss 'accidentally' touched your ass, your family starts to sent you death threats and your toxic friends almost killed you but then they brushed it off by stating they're joking.
But then, Ango realized. He didn't have that much power to stand up for you. He's a coward. Surely Ango won't abuse his power in the government to defame your boss for him to get fired. And it's too risky for both of you to just "fuck it, let's move to another country". As there's a lot of people that would shoot his head off if they could.
Ango wants to live with you happily forever, that's all he wanted. He wants you to be happy as a baby. He hates how you have to cry on his chest almost every night.
But then, it struck him. What if he just took you from those shitty people? What if he just lock you up for him alone?
"Hmm? You want to do it right now?" You said as both of you were cuddling. Despite his subtle blush, Ango eagerly nodded. It's one of the rarest night where you won't come home crying. Just physically tired. "Fine, just go slow on me okay? I'm kind of tired." As you giggled when Ango carried you to your room.
His eyes laced to your face as his hands delicately unbuttoning your shirt, how blush blooms on your cheeks from either embarrassment or lust. Once both of you had undressed wholely, Ango traces his hand on your left hand. How his finger accidentally brushed on your scar, you winced. But he interrupted with a quick and quiet apologize.
"I'll put it in, okay?" As he saw a little nod, Ango pushed his member inside you. You moan as if he never did it to you. The voice is a blessing for the man behind you. As he started to move, you muffled your mouth with a pillow. God, he loves you. Ango wants the whole world to know he loves you.
His eyes admire how your body curls up whenever he thrusts, how you moaned almost on every time he touched you. His right hand traced that delicate line on your back, he could swore that you're the eighth wonders in this whole planet. As Ango start to picks up the pace, you yelped. "Ahn! Hun, I-I love you!"
Those three words were enough to activate whatever inside his brain, making him rougher. Ango can't help, but to moan at the sensation. The sounds of wet skin slapping and your moans filled the low dimmed room. The moonlight was the only one who knew your shenanigans that night, how two adults running away from the cruel reality of the world they're living and how a couple expressed their feelings to each other with sex.
As Ango felt he's running around the edge, he closed the gap between his chest and your back. He sniffed your scent, your natural scent. His hips started to move out of rythm, hence your uncontrollable moan. You sound perfect, you're just perfect.
"I-I'm close ...."
Between your breathy whimper, you answered "Me too," was enough to make him go wilder each thrust. The scent of your body was getting stronger, as if it's enveloped his whole sense. Ango closed his eyes, as he can't think about anything except pleasuring you.
You howled his name at your climax, the same time he reached his ejaculation. The moments felt like hours, both of you enjoys it. But as you came down from your high, you lay on your right side. As he calmed his breath, he spooned you from behind. "I love you too," was whispered on your ear.
As you drifted to your dream, Ango buried his nose on your hair.
"This world is a burning trash, I'll protect you from it. You're mine, mine alone."
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stormoflina · 7 months
Domi interview, part2
About his friendship with Trent:
(The interviewer is actually so messy, because he even mentions Robbo lol. In his long question, he even says: " He [Trent] is a scouser, he obviously knows a lot of people, gets on with them brilliantly, and yet it seems you two have an even better connection, better it seems, than he [Trent] used to have with Robertson."
JAIL! Justice for Robbo! )
Domi: " We are only 2 years apart, so we don't have an age gap really. We have similar mindsets, both on and off the pitch. We have a great understanding with each other on the pitch, he said so as well.
It was with him, that I had the first story [experience], when he said, lets go to Manchester to have dinner, pick up some food, let's hang out here or there ( my translating skills are not the greatest, but basically, he says "ide-oda-amoda", which is first, a very cute thing to say, second, implies that they went to a lot of places together. So not just a one time thing, but quite a few!)
So yeah, then we became close, sometimes I go his place, sometimes he comes to mine."
Then, the interviewer recalls one of Trent's recent interviews, where he was mocking Domi how he fired both freekicks to the wall. He asks about the competitiveness between the two of them, asking if they indeed have it, if it's healthy or sometimes stresses Domi out.
D: " No, it's healthy. If I had [and missed] my chances against Wolves, then yesterday, so did he against Everton, they just didn't ask me about it later on [laughs].
I: "There seemed to be a lot of thinking between you, Trent and Salah about who will take the freekick..."
D: "No, it was going to be him [Trent], we were just talking about how to do it. Salah wanted to take it, because that would have been a surprise."
The interviewer then really bit onto this. Domi then explained in a sped-up and therefore not understandble cut, how they had usually three options about it (he asked them not to show this), but in the end, repeated how there is no problem about it. They all have an understanding, it's usually in the situation itself, when they decide who will take it.
About the competitiveness of the squad, if it's better or worse, than it was in RB Leipzig for someone on the bench to get into the starting XI:
D: "It's hard to say. There was a time in Leipzig, when I didn't play much. I trained very hard every day to get into the starting XI, but it still didn't work out under THAT coach [Tedesco]. But that didn't make me a worse player, in fact, because I trained every day, twice as much as before, because I wasn't playing, so when the next coach came [Marco Rose, the current coach of RB Leipzig] I was ready.
But it's normal, nobody wants to sit on the bench (...), or maybe, some do, I have heard some stories, before I came here from the others, I will not say names, they were comfortable sitting on the bench."
About the changes of the LFC squad, mentioning Henderson, Millie leaving, who were "big voices" in the team, a position, which now VVD or Trent has. Asking about if he feels secure in his position in the starting XI, if Klopp has his go-to midfield or not, or he has to fight for his place with the rest of the players:
The interviewer says he feels like Dominik became a stone solid starter in the 8 position on the right, even if at first he thought it's good how Szoboszlai came into a team, where he will have to fight for his place. He mentions stats about how Dominik played for most matches, barely subbed off.
Dominik says in a very long answer how there is a constant fighting for the starting positions, as everyone wants to start. When asked about his rivals, naming all the midfield players to choose from, Dominik says it's all of them, repeating once again, how they all want to play.
D: " I want to play at every match, even if I'm a bit tired."
I: " Even at the EL?"
D: " Yes, in every match. FA cup, PL-, EL-, Carabao cup. [...] I'm at my best, when I can play it all, when I play on both Wednesday and Sunday. It might sound stupid, but in this case, there is no training, but matches, then focus on rehabilitation. For me, I feel like, this works out the best."
I: "It seems like Jürgen doesn't even want to sub you off."
D: "Well, I don't know what he has in his mind, but hopefully he can keep this good habit. [laughs]
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