#ooo pretty! so sleek
ccasey0 · 1 month
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Here is my bunny oc
if you wanna give me some tips :3
ooo okay so there are a lot of ways to make an anthro rabbit look more Rabbit-Like.
starting with the feet! first of all, rabbits hve claws that arent retractable, so include those :) next, see the way you have made your feet they are flat on the soles and really short and simple:
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however, rabbit feet are much longer for more propulsion when leaping. there are two way to show this: stanign on the toes or standing on the soles. typically, rabbits will be on their toes when they are walking, standing, running, ect. but when they are resting/sitting they will be on their soles. as shown here:
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see how the feet positions change depending on what the rabbit is doing? try to show this when you are drawing the character, kinda like this:
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Hands! i got nothing to say except for add pads on the palms and beans on the fingers. also claws. example here:
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Now, ears!! the way you drew the ears they kinda looked like they were in a ponytail maybe? as if they were a substitute for hair. shown here:
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There are plenty of other ways to show the ears that will translate as more like Rabbit ears rather than just like hair. examples shown here:
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Tail! you didnt show the tail in your drawing since it was a front-on image, so imma just show different kinds of tails you can give her. first: realistic. a little scruffier and pointed upwards, like an actual rabbit's tail. fur will be the same color as the rest of the fur on the body on top and white on the bottom. example here:
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next: round/cartoon. totally white, fluffy little cottonball on the butt. the way pretty much every cartoon depicts it. this isnt realistic but a cute design attribute nonetheless. example here:
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last: hare. hares have slightly longer tails than rabbits. this isnt quite realistic most of the time when depicted in art, but it looks interesting enough. fur would be the same color as the rest of the body all over the tail, no white underside. example here:
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Eyes! Rabbits are prey, so they have to be able to watch out for predators on all sides. that's why they have eyes on either side of their head. try making the eyes on your character more wide set(kinda like those from asian have). y'know how people are always criticizing Usagi for having eyes too far apart. yeah, there's a reason for that design choice lol. anyways example here:
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Nose! just a little button nose. tiny upside down triangle on the face. simple as that :D example shown in the previous image
Body shape! yeah, i really dont have much advice for this one. if you want it to be realistic have thinner, bonier arms and legs with the same body shape you already have for her. here is your Og with the advice next to it:
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hair! yeah, this one is really just ideas. i sa you added fluff to the top of your character's head, but it look really choppy and more like a weird hat tbh(not trying to hate just stating my observations). try making more fluid and going on one general direction rather than all different directions. want some different options i thought up? first, fluffy: more rounded and floofy looking. i dunno how to explain it so example here lol:
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Next, scruffy: uhhh....i dunno how to explain this one very well either. curved points that go in mostly the same direction with a few outliers. example here:
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last, Human-like: this one is kinda self explanatory. give her human hair lol.
Clothes! okay, this is that last tip i promise. listen, i love the skirt. it's cute, it's personalized, its stylish......But give her shorts or pants. she is a rabbit, which means she will be super athletic and will definitely be jumping/leaping and all-in-all moving around a lot. so yeah, unless you want people looking up her skirt all the time you might wanna give her different bottom apparel. of course, feel free to give her a skirt or dress if you wanna! now, for a top i really like the one you already gave her. it's sleek and looks cool! however, might i suggest a slightly baggier shirt? simply because tight tops like that would be restricting for movement and definitely uncomfortable since she has fur. a baggy shirt would allow for looser movements and wouldnt compact her fur and make it uncomfortable. belt could go either way. keep it or dont, its your choice. it might hurt a bit when she wants to bend over or something(i know from experience lol) but it also wouldnt hinder her like, at all. good for carrying pouches and stuff, holding weapons in shethes, ect. i personally think it looks great. i have a few outfit suggestions that you might like, feel free to use/mix and match any of them. they are yours now :DD
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well, that's about all ive got for you. you dont have to use any of this if you dont want to. these are all just suggestions! anyways, have a good day! imma go hide in my cave now :)
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 year
Could you, instead of Bodyguard Sokkla AU, write Azula being famous, as she should, and Sokka being a huge overly smitten fanboy who gets to meet her irl by accident through Zuko? Zuko would obviously hide that he's related to someone famous to not attract attention on himself cause he can be somewhat socially awkward sometimes but what happens when his sister calls him one day while he's playing video games with his friends and without thinking too much he answers the phone and puts her on speaker so that his hand will be free to hold the controller and Sokka recognizes her voice?
This prompt has been sitting in my askbox for ages. Idk if you’re even still here xD but here it is. A quick little thing while I work on fandom events.
Katara thinks that it is embarrassing that he has so many posters of the girl. That one of them is even autographed. That he has a closet full of concert T-shirts and fanmade ones alike. That he has every single CD that Azula has ever appeared on. 
She doesn’t quite understand idol culture and frankly he finds himself rather embarrassed by it too. 
He would never let Jet or Zuko see all of this. Toph has already given him a hard time for being, as she so delicately put it, a total fanboy dweeb. But he certainly isn’t the worst out there. He can pridefully say that he doesn’t own a body pillow.
But he talks about her all the time. He’d like to meet her more than anything. He wonders if she is just as pretty in person. Prettier perhaps? She has such a nice smile and her voice is…
It’s divine. He has never heard anything like it; gentle and powerful all at once. 
It is a volcanic eruption and a quiet sunset breeze all at once. 
Sokka sighs, he almost puts one of the CD’s in the radio but he ultimately decides that doing so might ruin tonight’s livestream; pop music doesn’t exactly scream ‘epic fantasy-action background music’. Unless of course he and his gaming group are bold enough. He can’t imagine that they would be so brave. Not when Toph takes this whole livestreaming thing so seriously. 
Sokka puts on his headset and joins Zuko in the server. “Hey, Sokka.” The boy greets.
“How’s it going, buddy?”
Zuko exhales deeply. “I’m expecting a phone call tonight so we decided to postpone the livestream. Also, Toph can’t make it tonight, she’s got a headcold or something. So it’ll just be you, Jet, and I tonight.” 
“I think that we could use a stress free night of just gaming for the sake of gaming.” Just like in the old days, before they decided to start gaming for some extra cash. Not that Toph needs any. 
“What game are we playing tonight, boys?” Jet’s face appears on the screen. 
“Well Toph wanted to play ‘Night of Claw and Fire’. But I thought that we could play that one with the race cars that we used to love.” Zuko replies.
“Are we going to play the one with the shitty graphics? Or the new one.”
“Shitty graphics.” Sokka and Zuko say at once. Nothing like some classic, old school, boxy graphics. It has been so long since he has had a chance to glitch his character into oblivion. 
He knows that the game is all in good fun but Sokka can’t help but be at least a little frustrated at his losing streak. He hasn’t even been able to beat any of the NPC racers. They have been lapping him for the better part of the night while Zuko and Jet cackle. 
He wishes that Toph were here. 
Toph usually protects him from getting tag teamed. 
He puffs out another sigh and tightens his grip on his controller. He stares at its sleek, metallic navy blue finish. “Come on” he mumbles to the thing, “just give me one win.” 
He revs his virtual engine. 
Zuko’s phone rings and the game pauses just as Sokka’s character blasts off. “Oh come on, bro!” Sokka shouts. 
Zuko rolls his eyes and unpauses the game. Sokka’s race car slams directly into the barricade and Jet cackles as Zuko hits the speaker button. “Hello?” 
“Hello, Zuzu.” 
Jet too slams his virtual car into the barricade and snorts. “Zuzu?” 
Zuko’s face flushes. “I shouldn’t have put you on speaker.”
“You have me on speaker?”
“I’m in the middle of gaming!” He declares. “I’m in first place by the way.” 
“There’s a first time for everything.” The girl chuckles. 
And that is when Sokka’s heart skips. He knows that laugh. He has always found it to be so charming. “Zuko…” he swallows. “Is that…?”
“My sister? Yeah.” Zuko fills in.
“Azula is your sister!? And you didn’t tell me?”
“My sister isn’t…”
“Yes I am.” Azula cuts in. “I’m exactly who you think I am.”
And Zuko is blushing again. Sokka can’t begin to fathom why. Not until he grumbles a, “I’ve been trying to be lowkey about this. I don’t want attention.” 
“I do.” Azula declares. 
“Why do you do this to me? And what are you actually calling for?”
“Well, mother said to tell you that she found some of your old baby pictures. Like the one where you…” 
“Azula!” He shouts, his face now a vivid scarlet.”
“The one where you decided to use your underwear as a hat.”
“Dude, you used your underpants as a hat?” Jet chuckles. 
“No! She’s just trying to make me sound like a dweeb.”
“It’s working.” Jet cackles. 
To Zuko’s credit he is still in first place. “Alright, Azula, we’ll talk later tonight.” His finger hovers over the end call button.
“No!” She and Sokka say at once. 
“I want to talk to your sister!” Sokka requests. “You know how much I love her…music!” Oh, he’s such an idiot–just bursting out declarations of love. “I love her music.” He repeats. 
“It’s alright, you can confess your love.” Azula drawls. “Most people do.”
Zuko groans. “She likes attention. Stop giving her attention.” 
But it is much too late for that. He has already plunged right into a very stuttering, “c-can we hang o-out sometime. I mean if you want to. I wouldn’t force you to do that because I’m…I’m not one of those weirdos but I thought that it could be nice maybe…”
“I suppose that we can.” Azula pauses. He can hear in her voice that her face has lit up. “Oh! I can show you Zuzu’s baby photos! There’s this one where he’s trying to eat his own foot.”
“Alright that’s it! Conversation over!” Zuko strikes ‘end call’. 
And with the strike of a button his hopes and dreams deflate. But hours later, with the sounds of video game victory music echoing in his ears, he gets a text. It better not be Zuko because he is ready to give the boy an earful…over text.
He looks at the screen. ‘Tomorrow. 5:00. Jasmine Dragon.’ The phone dings again and a picture of a very chubby baby Zuko stares up at him, peeking out from under a pair of underwear.
Sokka grins. ‘How did you get my number?’ He texts back.
‘That’s for me to know and you to wonder about.’ She adds a little wink. 
‘Okay, tomorrow at 5.’ He clutches his phone to his chest. He is actually going to meet his idol in person. He just hopes that she will like him as much as he likes her. Maybe he should take some of the posters down so that he doesn’t seem creepy…
He takes a deep breath. They’re just meeting at the Jasmine Dragon. And, realistically, Zuko will probably be tagging along. He will cross that bridge when he comes to it. Until then he will relish in that he is actually going to meet his idol face to face!
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sillyandquiteawkward · 4 months
Haiii I wrote a big essay on the Bayley family a while ago but I'm still insane about them so I'm assigning them pigeons I think they'd be based purely on vibes
Artemus – Strasser pigeon
The very reason I wanted to start this was because I was reading up on the smartest pigeons in the world, and lo and behold, it fits VERY WELL with our good (?) Doctor Bayley. Strasser pigeons are one of the most intelligent birds out there, being able to easily observe patterns and formulate extensive escape plans even under stress, with one of the websites I was reading about them in saying "From the moment they hatch, these [birds] are likely thinking about how to escape from their nest", which is just the Artemus mood ever. I like to think this bird is a side project for Dr. Bayley to relax from the Other, Bigger projects, but then he ends up attached much like every other project he does <3
Octavia – King pigeon
For Octavia I wanted to go with a primarily 'utilitarian' bird, given her workaholic tendencies and need to show off how good at working she is, and Kings perfectly fit that description because they are the show offs of the pigeon world. They can be used for racing, messaging AND for therapy, which I think would be right up Octavia's alley in terms of . Everything. She could use a fluffy feathery friend in my head and these guys are great for anything you need them to be, and also very clever if you're willing to spend some time teaching them stuff. Octavia is the kinda gal who would probably go to beauty competitions with her bird in my head (because 1 her bird is the prettiest one and 2 she would like to win thank you very much) <3
Ignatius – Lahore pigeon
I chose Lahore for Ignatius because I remember seeing you talk about once how he's the most 'successful' one out of the Bayleys despite not being as practical so to speak, and that immediately made me think about this breed of pigeons. Not only is their contrast really nice and fitting for a sleek personality like Ignatius, but they are also one of the most popular pigeon species in the world, praised for their beauty, sociability, and high adaptability rates compared to other such birds– much like Iggy is 2 me <3
Sorry for no pics im. Shy but you can look em up and tell me if I got it teehoo
omg hiiiiiii ilu. speaking of the bayleys and pigeons. they are pigeons in my wing au. ouhg this art feels so old (four years ago)
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my thoughts about this is i wanted art to be a common pigeon, bc hes got that little bit of iridescence that is akin to him thinking hes hot shit. i cant remember what breed oct was, but she was just a light brown pigeon type, maybe shes not as flashy but gets stuff done. and i wanted iggy to be very very plain, but pretty in his own right as a white dove (peace love etc)
but i really like the species you picked out too!! i really like the idea that the bayleys keep pigeons, i think that pairs well with their trading company background.
i think art could get really into breeding pigeons and he would tend to the smarter breeds i think, although hes not terribly fond of cleaning up after animals. the delight of genetics could just outweigh the animal care. hed have fun drawing them too. old man sits on his clinic rooftop next to his birds when the insomnia hits but his brain wont let him Work on his science. also would pair well with the thought hed breed animal test subjects :(
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i think oct would like the utility of the king pigeons, but she wouldnt bother to raise the birds herself at all. thats not in her wheelhouse to care about, but shed still call all the company birds HER birds, even if she didnt raise and care for them. she knows all their names (as a good leader should) and probably has a strong affection for just one in particular. definitely a fan of the prettiest/most useful bird of the bunch.
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ooo and i really like the lahore for iggy, they kind of also just Look like him with its long feet feathers and different shape. [ignatius voice] i just think their neat (hiding how much he relates to them)! iggy would be the one to be arms deep in the flock at all times (oh to escape paperwork and management by hiding in the barn with the animals (not to mention sending off the carrier pigeons and watching them leave with a bit of yearning)
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anadorablekiwi · 2 years
I present to you a oneshot that introduces my newest OCs, Niko and Aryll. Niko finds something magic in his grandpa’s attic and ends up having a fun mini adventure (with some minor panic at some point) 
Content and picrews for reference under cut
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Niko and Aryll
The Story of How They Met
(creative title I know)
“Ooo, what's this?” 
A head popped up from the inside of a box, and the young man stood, holding a decorated box and studying it curiously. 
Niko had been bored, so he decided to explore his grandfather’s attic for any cool treasures that may be in hiding. So far, he had found a couple old swords, a shield, and a bunch of boring books popular among the nobility. He knew he was a descendant of one of the past Queens, although he doesn’t remember which one. He loved listening to his grandpa’s stories, but all the numbers in the past Queens’ names just blurred together. Niko was pretty sure the respective king was named Link though.
Niko carefully opened the box, nearly vibrating with excitement. This was the nicest box he’s seen, surely it holds something amazing. Sitting inside the box on a bed of green velvet was… 
“a weird pinecone?? What's so special about a pinecone?” He reached in the box to pick it up, but as soon as he touched the object a strange magic coursed through him. The world seemed to grow in size around him, and he felt his body change. The box he had been holding fell to the ground, startling him. Niko lept back, surprised to see he actually had jumped pretty high and far. What just happened?
Slowly, Niko raised his hand into view. Or, more accurately, paw. 
I’m a cat?? COOL!! Niko’s new fur was a sleek black, much like his own hair. Experimentally, he crouched down, wiggling a bit like he’d seen cats do as he stared down a nearby box. 
Niko sprang forward, triumphant to have surpassed the height of the box first try. Only to fall straight through the cardboard and land on a pile of books. Oh yeah. That’s the box I was just looking through. Oops. 
A bit embarrassed, he jumped back out of the box and onto another nearby that he hadn’t touched yet. From his new vantage point, he looked around the attic. If I can get out of this attic, maybe I can mess around with some of those stuffy nobles. 
A refreshing breeze blew through, ruffling his fur. Oh! The window! Good thing I opened it already. 
He quickly made his way to the window and jumped out onto the roof. Niko stretched, relishing his newfound freedom. 
Niko crouched, repositioning himself as he stared down his target from the low overhang. A little closer… There! He jumped off, landing perfectly on the man’s head and knocking off the hat that had previously been situated on top. 
Unfortunately, he had not thought ahead beyond this, and soon found himself falling alongside the large hat. 
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing you darn cat??” 
Niko somehow managed to land on his feet and took off running, dodging and weaving through the crowded streets. Once he decided he had sufficiently lost the man, he stopped and took in his surroundings. 
Somehow he had ended up at castletown’s central square. The fountain in the center was huge compared to his own small size, and the square was crowded as ever, people hurrying on their way as they went about whatever errands they had. 
A delicious smell caught his attention and he looked around. Ooo, the bakery! Man, I want a cookie so bad… Niko glanced back at the fountain, a glistening blue rupee catching his attention in the shallow water. 
Hmm, I don’t want to get wet, but maybe… 
A few minutes later, Niko triumphantly trotted to the bakery, a little wet with the rupee in his mouth. 
He jumped on the counter, deposited the rupee in front of the poor cashier he startled, grabbed a fresh chocolate chip cookie gently with his mouth, jumped off the counter, and trotted back out of the store. As he left, he could hear a baffled “Did that cat just buy a cookie?!”
Niko decided to make his way to the edge of town near the forest so he could have a quiet place to eat his prize. He settled into the soft grass, placing the warm cookie on his paws as he chowed down. It’s a beautiful day today. The sun is shining, birds are singing, I have a fresh chocolate chip cookie, I’m a cat… life is good. 
Once the cookie was finished, he stood and shook off any stray crumbs. Well, this has been fun. I should probably head back though. I wonder what else I can find in that attic… 
Niko took a couple steps forward, then froze. Wait… how do I turn back? Oh no, what if I’m stuck as a cat for the rest of my life?? What am I gonna do?? My family will be worried sick, and what if something bad happens because people think I’m a normal cat? *GASP* I’LL NEVER GET TO HAVE MY MOM’S COOKIES EVER AGAIN! She’d never give a cookie to a stray cat, no matter how cute it was! 
He started pacing back and forth, panicking as he thought of all the baked goods things he can never have again. In his panicked state, Niko didn’t notice his ‘pacing’ had become more like ‘walking straight towards the nearby cottage’ until he walked straight into a wooden post.
Owwww…  he backed up a few steps and finally took in his surroundings. The cottage was cute, and surrounded by gardens and flowers. It looked like a wildlife paradise- bird baths, bird feeders of many different kinds, even fairy feeding stations. There were a few bird houses scattered through the flowers, and in front of the house was a sign (which he had just rammed his head into) that read, ‘The Witch’s Brew: Potions, Magic, and more!’
Witch? Oh oh oh, maybe she can change me back with her magic! Yes, this is a great plan! I just have to find the witch and ask her to change me back! … … how am I gonna ask her to change me back? Niko shook his head and started looking for a way inside. Whatever, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. First I have to find a way in. Hey, an open window! Score! 
Aryll had been having a great day so far. The plants were doing well, the wildlife was happy, she didn’t mess up any of the potion batches, and she even found an old spell book with plant-related spells she can try out! 
She walked into the kitchen and placed the book on the counter. Aryll glanced at the sink, noticing that it was somehow filled with water. “Huh, the plug must’ve slipped and I didn’t notice. Whoops. How did it get so full without me noticing though?” She took a step towards the sink when suddenly, a black blur practically flew in her window, landing straight in the sink with a splash. Aryll jumped back, letting out a surprised squeak. 
A now soaking wet cat jumped out of the water. What the- aw come on! The cat looked like it was about to shake off the water, so Aryll stepped forward again quickly.
“No! Wait, don’t shake please, I can get you a towel! Please don’t get my kitchen all wet…”
The cat froze, slowly lifting its head to look at her. Who are you?? 
Aryll huffed and put her hands on her hips. “You come leaping into my kitchen and have the audacity to ask me who I am?”
Wait… you can understand me?!?! 
“Of course I can! I’m a witch after all, do you really think I wouldn’t bother learning the spell that lets me speak to animals?”
Well, technically you don’t need a spell to talk to animals, only if you want to actually understand them. The cat grinned, clearly pleased with the joke.
Aryll rolled her eyes. “Oh whatever, you know what I mean. Now stay right there, and I’ll fetch you a towel and dry you off.”
A few minutes later, Aryll and the black cat were in her living room, the latter considerably drier. “There you are, all dry. My name’s Aryll, what might yours be, little one?” 
I’m Nikoloas Bartholomew the third, he answered instinctively. The cat winced. Ah, I mean, you can just call me Niko. 
The young witch giggled. “Well it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now, why exactly did you jump into my kitchen window?”
OH YEAH! I completely forgot about that! I was exploring my grandpa’s attic and found this magic pinecone and when I touched it I became a cat and it was really fun at first but then I realized I don’t know how to change back and you HAVE to help me please please please!!! He looked up at her, eyes pleading. 
She stared down at the cat. “... Did you eat some bad mushrooms, or….”
What? No, I did eat a cookie though. But wait that's not the point, please help me! If I can’t change back into a Hylian then I’ll never get to eat my mom’s cooking again!
“Okay you definitely ate some weird mushrooms. Oh, are you hungry? I think I’ve got some jerky around here somewhere…”
No, I- wait did you say jerky? Niko obediently followed her into the kitchen. Aryll poked around the cupboards a bit, finally retrieving a large piece of jerky and giving it to him. He happily munched on it as she continued looking through cupboards. 
“Hm, let's see here. Do you want some milk? Oh wait, isn’t milk bad for adult cats or something? But on second thought, you are pretty small… How old are you Niko?”
He looked up from his jerky, a mixture of baffled and mildly offended. I- what- Hey I am too an adult! Wait wait wait I’m getting sidetracked again. You've got to believe me, please! I didn’t eat something weird, I really am a hylian who got turned into a cat! My grandpa has lots of fun and old stuff in his attic so I was exploring when I found a really fancy box. In the box was some pinecone-looking object, and when I touched it I turned into a cat! Can you change me back?
The young witch paused her search for a suitable dish and tilted her head. “Wait, are you actually serious?” 
Yes! Pleaseeee, I can’t live without homemade cookies and my mom would never give a random cat a cookie, please help me!! 
She raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re an adult?” 
What?? Of course I am! Just help me and you'll see!
She laughed. “I’m just teasing you, don’t worry. I don’t know much about transformation magic, but I can try. i know this may sound like a stupid question, but i have to ask just in case. Have you tried imagining yourself turning back into your normal self?”
Niko’s pleading eyes quickly changed to unimpressed ones. I’m stupid aren’t I. He did as she suggested, and sure enough, a few seconds later Niko was standing in front of her, fully Hylian. “I can’t believe I didn't try that, oh my word. Thank you for the help, Aryll. And sorry for invading your kitchen.” He laughed nervously and brought his hand to the back of his neck. 
Aryll looked torn between shock and amusement. She just looked at him for a good moment and he stood there in silence awkwardly. Finally, she tilted her head and spoke. 
“You know, I don't know why it never occurred to me that cats don't have brown eyes. They're very pretty, by the way. I like them.”
“I- uh- wh-what?” Niko’s eyes widened in shock and he could feel heat rising to his cheeks. He cleared his throat, trying desperately to maintain any possible dignity in this situation. 
“Ah, uh, thank you.” For the first time somehow, he finally made eye contact and registered the witch’s eyes. They were two different shades of blue; her right was a light greenish blue, and her left was a deeper blue. “Whoa, your eyes are gorgeous,” he blurted. “Are they naturally like that or did you do something fancy with them? It’s beautiful.” 
Now it was Aryll’s turn to blush a little. “Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you to say. They’re naturally like this, it's just the eyes I was born with I guess.” She cleared her throat, then pointed to his chest. “Is that the magic pinecone you were talking about?”
He looked down to see that sure enough, the object he had touched earlier was now innocently sitting against his tunic, strung on a long cord that now lay around his neck. “Huh. Yep, that’s it.”
Aryll leaned forward, careful to not get too close. “It’s giving off clouds of dark magic energy, how did your grandpa happen across a dark magic relic like this? And more importantly, how on earth did ‘imagining yourself as hylian’ actually work??” 
“What? But that was your suggestion, what do you mean ‘how did it work’?”
She straightened up. “This isn't your average transformation magic. Normal stuff, usually if you’re calm and just imagine changing back it'll work. But with dark magic, the dark magic has to be expelled from within you by light magic. Well, usually anyways. So how did you manage that? How fascinating.”
“Huh. Light magic you said? Maybe being descended from one of the past queens has something to do with it? You know, the whole ‘bloodline of the goddess’ stuff. That's my best guess anyways.” He shrugged casually. 
Aryll’s eyes widened and she froze. “You’re Nobility???” 
Niko winced. “Oops. Sorry, I uh. Usually try to not tell people that. I really don’t see what the big deal is about nobles, there’s nothing that sets us apart from the average common folk aside from wealth and being snobby and self-centered.” He scowled at the thought.
 “Well, most anyways. My family is fine, for the most part. And I try my hardest to not be like that. But yeah, that’s why my name is weird and why I instinctually blurted the whole darn thing when you asked. I was taught from a young age to always answer with my full name, and it’s kinda hard to break that habit. Sorry again, heh.” Niko laughed nervously and ran his fingers through his hair, freezing mid motion. “Wait, did I not do my hair today??” He groaned and buried his face in his hands, loose hair falling in his face.
Aryll smiled and laughed. “I’m guessing you usually have it pulled back? I think it looks nice, at any rate. And stop apologizing, you have nothing to be sorry for. How about we move back into the living room and keep talking there? I can also make some mint tea, if you like.”
Niko looked up again, smiled, and nodded. “That sounds great to me.”
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skye-blacke · 2 months
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Ooo look at the pretty new stream schedule! So sleek, so nice.
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sunnibits · 1 year
Yo for the OC ask meme, give us the multiples of five~ (for da meaterie)
hell yeah dude let’s GO
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?:
Huh… Depends on what it is I guess?? I would say pretty far, considering his questionable sense of morals and selfish attitude, but he also kind of fucking sucks at getting what he wants so I feel like he’s sorta used to disappointment at this point HSGSHHS
He will kill probably people though :)))
10. What’s an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?:
OOOOH okay this is a very fun thing to consider, I haven’t really put any thought into putting Dimitri into any AU’s yet! I mean, my first thought is just “any of them” bc anything with Dimitri is infinitely fun for me,, hmmm….. OOOH oh oh! You know what would be really fun would be like a sci-fi AU of some kind! Like space smuggler/pirate vibes almost… he would be the sneaky dude who hacks into security systems and rides around in some sleek stolen ship. And then our whole party can be ragtag space crew members :D Ayesha could be the grizzled mechanic maybe, Lark is the pilot…..
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?:
Hmm… nope, not really! I don’t really tend to do faceclaims for my OCs. I mean, he is definitely based off of MCU Loki a weeeee bit (lie), but I am trying to find ways to differentiate him from that :))
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?:
Ooo… I would say yes, for sure, as much as he would rather die than show it. Specifically, I feel like he gets jealous of the nice things that other people have, and the nice lives they get to live. He was never really given anything nice, and he had a rough fucking upbringing, so I think sometimes he sees other people wearing their soft fancy clothes with their rich opulent food and their loving families, and he just wishes he could fucking have that so bad. But he doesn’t even want to admit to himself that he feels that way, never mind admitting it to other people, so he’s learned to just turn all that jealousy into anger instead and sort of turn his chin up at soft fancy comforts (soooo izzycore of him honestly) when in reality I think he wants all of those things <33
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?:
Ohhh, that’s such a hard one! Especially because like, Dimitri was specifically designed to be very self indulgent. I basically told myself when I started, “okay, you can worry as much as you want about being all unique and original with your DnD character in your second campaign. for now though, it’s your first fucking campaign, we are going to go as self indulgent as physically possible and who gives a shit if he’s just like everyone else’s character!!” So yknow, for me that meant making the roguish sexy tiefling I had always dreamed of playing, and leaning as hard into the Loki inspo as I wanted to lmao. Point being, with that in mind I kind of love all of him - the design, the vibes, the Gender™️ and all that - but really thinking about it, I think my favorite thing about him is just like,,, how actually developed he is? Like, I’ve been making OCs for years and years, but for some reason I can just never fucking manage to develop an OC beyond the most bare minimum of basic concepts before I get bored of them, and it drives me so insane. It has really felt like I would never have an OC that was anywhere near fleshed-out. But then I started playing this campaign, and I made a really self indulgent character, and I actually had this other person in the form of my DM pushing me to think about him more and give him a story, and the sessions keep renewing my interest in him every week, so it’s like?? Actually the perfect fucking cocktail of motivations to finally make my stupid adhd brain function enough to maintain interest in an OC? And I’m so fucking happy about it??? Like he actually has fucking depth now and themes and motivations and symbolism?????? And I love it so much??? And I mean sure, he’s absolutely nowhere near as developed as some other people’s OCs, there’s still a lot of shit I have to figure out…. but still, he’s easily far beyond anything I’ve ever reached before with my OC’s, and I am utterly fucking ecstatic about it.
Oh wow that was a lot uhh sorry for rambling but augh I just love him so much and I’m so so proud of myself for making him and putting in all the effort that I have 🥰🥰 I can’t can’t CAN’T wait to keep playing him and developing him and exploring his story and working with my wonderful DM to keep him growing 🥰🥰🥰
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k7l4d4 · 2 years
Owl House: Extra Security Part 3
Luz lightly tapped her foot with worry, watching Eda tug their... guest into the house. Whoever she was, she’d been badly hurt, and it was never easy seeing someone in pain like that. And Luz had to admit, she looked pretty familiar...
“Okay, I know way more about Demons than I honestly have any right to, and I can say it flatout that THIS,” Eda gestured to the levitating figure behind her, a black fluid dripping down from her head, “is not a Demon. Luz, you got any idea what she is?”
With a disgruntled sigh, Eda released her spell on the metal woman, causing her to fall to the ground with a grunt and groan of pain. As the figure groaned inarticulately, Luz hesitantly stepped closer... and gasped in shock as her appearance came into focus. Underneath the grime, dirt, and cracks lay a figure Luz had seen on countless posters and commercials. That stylishly retro outfit, that long flowing mane, that luxurious tail, all bound in that sleek silver-gray fur... it was definitely her!! “ROXANNE WOLF!?!?”
“Huh?” Roxy slurred, barely able to process where she was.
“Who?” The simultaneous responses of King and Eda cut in.
Luz whirled on the Isles Natives, eyes wide with shock, only to quickly calm down. Of course they wouldn’t know. As a wide, excited smile crawled across her face, Luz frantically pointed at Roxy’s body. “THIS! Is Roxy Wolf!! She’s like, one of the most famous performers in the world!!” Her vibrant grin shifted into something more thoughtful... and worried. “In the human world at least. How’d she get onto the Isles?”
“Ooo, a Celebrity, eh?” Eda smirked, an appraising look in her eyes, before she too gained a look of concern. “But, yeah this is weird. There aren’t many ways to get onto the Isles, and I’ve got total control over one of them.”
“Yeah, it’s a real headscratcher.” Luz admitted, folding her arms across her chest. “Do you think-?��
“Whaaazzzz... goinzzz....?” Roxy’s voice cut in, scratching painfully. Whirling towards the downed Animatronic, the three residents of the Owl House felt their eyes widen in shock as her limbs twitched and sparked, her whole body shuddering. “Wwwwhhhoooozzzzz The-the-the-the-therrrrrreee?”
Luz was the first to snap out of her shock. Rushing up to Eda’s side, she hissed into her ear in panic. “Eda, we have to do something! She’s really hurt!!”
“Well what do you want me to do!?” Eda retorted under her breath, carefully avoiding moving anywhere near the maimed Animatronic. “Healing ain’t exactly my specialty.”
“Can’t you at least look her over!?” Luz pleaded, not wanting to see the Animatronic break down before them.
“I-!” Eda started, only to be cut off by a sharp, metallic, coughing sound.
“I can HEAR you!” Roxy cut in. As a rhythmic, metallic tapping sound echoed through the room, Eda, King, and Luz slowly turned towards the downed Animatronic, whose head was tilted their way, almost visibly disapproving in spite of the lack of eyes, the claws of her left hand tapping a beat against the floor. As the three gulped nervously, Roxy sighed. “W-Would sssommee one t-tell me w-where I am? And wha-what’zzz going on?”
Luz shakily grinned, lifting a finger. “If you could excuse us for a second?” At Roxy’s half-shrug of acceptance, Luz sighed in relief, before hastily pushing Eda and King as far from Roxy as she could for privacy. “Thanks. What do we do!?”
“How should I know? You’re the human, remember!” Eda hissed, frantically glancing back towards Roxy. “And besides, I have no idea how to handle whatever weird kind of human she is.”
Luz blinked. “Roxy’s not human.”
King and Eda exchanged unnerved glances. Eda broke the silence. “Uh... Kid? You do remember what I said about Demons and Witches come from the Isles, right? There’s no magic in the Human Realm, so she’s gotta be a human. The only thing in the Human Realm are Humans, animals, and plants, right?”
Luz stared, slowly tilting her head to the side, details that she’d bee carefully not focusing on since she’d come to the Isles clicking together. “Eda...” She began slowly. “How much about humans do you actually know?”
Eda opening her mouth to reply, only to freeze up. Pursing her lips, she wrapped her hand against the wall, thinking. In the short time she’d met Luz, the girl had managed to dismantle and break several of her scavenged treasures. Things she’d originally dismissed as just pieces of glass and metal... were filled with tons of tiny bits and components, like the stuff that came from the idiot Alador’s labs... but more so. And when Luz had first arrived and did that thing with those candies and that box. “I... really don’t know that much about humans, do I?” She softly admitted.
Luz, now staring at her flatly, her hands on her hips in a stern gesture, replied. “No, you really don’t. And I’m starting to get the feeling that most people on the Isles know much of anything about humans at all!”
“Well duh!” King snarked, already bored with the conversation. “What was your first clue?”
“I didn’t think you guys knew THIS little!” Luz exclaimed, arms raised in disbelief. She pouted at the sight of King and Eda chuckling at her frustration. “You guys have a regular way to get to the Human Realm, how do you guys not-”
“Uuummm... H-Hello? I c-can StILL hear you!! WHo’z there?” Roxy called out, limbs twitching uselessly. “A-And.. if y-y-y-y-ou pulled-d me outzzz of that r-rain... thankzzz you...”
At the soft, almost gentle remark of thanks, Luz turned towards Eda with an expectant look, dramatically gesturing to Roxy. Eda groaned, getting the point. “Ugh... FINE!! I’ll give her a once over, but you’re gonna have to help me see what’s wrong with her, got it?”
Luz beamed, eagerly nodding her head. Eda gave a terse nod in kind, slowly walking over to the damaged form of Roxanne. Taking another look in the better light, Eda winced. She may not have any clue what this “Roxy” character is, but she knows that having open cracks, tears, and craters in your body isn’t good, and it looks like something (or some ONE) tore her eyes clean out.
Glancing behind her, she sighed at the sight of Luz holding that rectangle thing of hers, grinning eagerly. Pushing it aside, Eda slowly twirled up a simple light spell; she needed it to get a better look at this lady’s innards, and like hell was she reaching in there to take a closer look. Luz quickly scrambled up next to her, aiming her rectangle into the center of Roxy’s chest. Eda raised an eyebrow, expecting Luz to blush... only for Luz to tilt her head in confusion. Weird, Eda always thought humans were more bashful about that sort of thing.
“H-Hey... whatzzz going-g onnzzz?” Roxy slurred out, her voice buzzing. Eda thought it was weird; did she have metal in her throat or something? Or just eat bugs? She pushed it aside.
“Well, the name’s Eda. As for what’s going on... I found you out on my property.” Eda drawled, wincing at the tangled mess of metal and wires, coated in oil within. “YEESH!! Just what happened to you?!?”
Roxy gave a bitter chuckle. “Y-Your guezz is as good-d as minezzz...”
“Well I may not know much about fixing... whatever you are. But Luz here,” Eda replied, clapping her house guest across the shoulder. “Has dismantled tons of the junk around my place. Between her snooping, and my good looks, we should have you up in no time.”
Roxy titled her head in the direction of Eda’s voice. Her own voice was flat. “Has she ever repaired any of the stuff she dismantled.”
“Uuuhhhhh....” Eda stammered, even as Luz innocently whistled by her side. Hey, where did THIS wire go?
“Thought as much.” Roxy snorted, not unkindly. “Aw wh-what the h-heck, I don’t hav-ve much le-left to loze.”
“You got that right.” Eda dryly replied, before her face shifted into something more compassionate. “But don’t worry, I will do my best to try and help you. I know what’s it like to be reliant on other people’s kindness.”
Roxy gave a shaky grin. “Th-thankzzz....”
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hankwritten · 3 years
I am Full to the Brim with All the Bullets I've Bit
Demoman/Soldier, 2k
Request for someonehasto, Hooligan
Soldier slapped two things into the palm of the sleeping Demoman, startling him awake. “Happy anniversary,” he said informatively.
“Anniversary?” Demo asked, a little woozily. “But er…wasn’t our anniversary months ago?”
“Not the anniversary of when we started dating.”
Blearily, and still a bit hungover, Demo said, “then…anniversary of when we met? That’s not until…”
The sentence trailed off, but Soldier helpfully concluded, “June seventeenth! But that is not the anniversary I am referring to either.”
“Then what are you talking about lad?” Demo pressed, a little curtly.
“It is the anniversary of the day we said we loved each other.”
“…Oh. I er…oh.” Demo rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t…remember that.”
“That is not surprising! That night you were incredibly drunk!”
“So that is why it is our anniversary, and now that means you can look at your gift.”
Demo, who still hadn't looked at his hand, glanced at the pair of tickets. “Sploocher Brewing Company?” he blinked. “Oh, a brewery tour.”
“You’ve been saying you want to go to Sploocher for a while now.”
“I did, but I didn’t think you were listening. Ach, wait I’m sorry, that came out wrong. This is actually a really nice gift, thank you Jane.”
Soldier smiled widely, proud for getting it right this year. “I am glad it meets your standards!”
“More than,” Demo agreed. “You can probably guess, but I didn’t get anything for you…”
“That is not a problem! I will consider this a fun activity we can do together.”
“Fantastic. When is this ‘fun activity’ running anyway?”
“April twenty-eighth.”
“…Today’s the twenty eighth.”
“Yes!” Soldier declared cheerfully. “The tour will commence in approximately forty-eight minutes and twelve seconds! That is why I woke you up.”
“Bloody hell,” Demo panicked, and ran upstairs to change out of his whiskey-stained robe.
Soldier waited a beat before calling up after him, “I will go start the car.”
The brewery was far too noisy for Soldier’s liking. The dawdling minutes before the tour started (he and Demo had arrived exactly on time, but the group beforehand was running late so all that rushing was for naught in the end) were spent at the bar, drinking the complimentary soda out of a curly straw. The beer wasn’t complimentary, but they’d each received a wristband allowing them four free drinks each, and Soldier had been quick to sneak Demo his share of the tabs. The Demoman was back on his way to his usual level of drunk, and Soldier watched him with a slight smile.
“Here lad,” Demo said, scooting two unlabeled cups he’d poured a bit of beer into. “Blind taste test.”
Soldier set aside his soda. He lifted the first, smacking away the aftertaste, then tried second. “You’re messing with me, DeGroot. That’s the exact same beer.”
“Not a bit, Doe.” Demo slid forward the two bottles he’d been shielding from view. “Red Shed and Blu Streak, untampered condition.”
Soldier shook his head. “Really is different clowns, same circus, huh?”
“Does that make us the clowns?”
“Considering the stupid song and dance we put on for all those years, I’d say so.”
“Excuse me,” a meek voice called over the chattering tour groups, if lacking in volume then making up for it in direction. “Presentation will be starting soon. Please line up near the double doors.”
“That’s our cue,” Demo prompted, setting his empty tankard on the bar. He’d used every one of their combined wristband-tabs, and hadn’t wasted a single drop. “Let’s go see how this place shakes, aye?”
Unfortunately, before they were even allowed in the brewery itself, there was a fifteen-minute introduction on the Sploocher company history.
“Randy Sploocher developed a love of German beer while stationed in Ansburg, which he brought here to New Mexico after graduating from uh. From…” The tour guide shuffled his note cards. “…I don’t actually remember where he graduated from, ha ha.”
“Jesus this lad’s green,” Demo mumbled to Soldier.
“Shhh!” Soldier hissed. “I am learning about Randy Sploocher.”
He could hear Demo sigh.
By the time they’d actually got to the processing floor, the nervous young tour guide had dropped his cards no less than three separate times, and wound up asking the audience, “does anyone know the four ingredients to beer?” twice.
“Water, yeast, hops, and malt,” Demo muttered under his breath. He leaned closer to Soldier’s shoulder. “Oi. Want to ditch the dodo chain?”
Soldier, having barely heard the question, said, “I like malt. It’s one of the ingredients in a chocolate malt!”
“…Along with chocolate?”
“Yes! And that!”
Demo grumbled something, but Soldier was paying attention to the speech again.
“Here we have our brewers,” the guide was explaining. “Most modern breweries use electric heaters since they’re more reliable, but here at Sploocher Company we do the things the old fashion way, open flame only for that signature Sploocher taste.”
“If it’s not reliable, does that mean you’re always making bad batches?” a voice came from the crowd.
The nervousness, which had only lessoned out of sight a moment ago, came back with a vengeance. “Uh, well, yes. We have our certified taste tester verify every batch, and if doesn’t meet the Sploocher standard we dump the whole thing.”
Smiling proudly, the tour guide seemed to be under the impression that this was a satisfactory answer until a booming voice confronted him with, “WHAT.”
Soldier, less than a foot away from the shout, jumped just as much as anyone.
“You’re telling you just throw out the entire brew of beer?” Demo said in mounting horror. He swaggered a little as he took a step forward. “There must be over ten thousand gallons in one of those!”
It was a pretty large tank, two-stories stretching into the open floor plan, sleek and white except for the Sploocher logo (a multicolored parrot driving a tractor) pasted across the surface. Around them, the hum of beer brewing thrummed the air, rising to the many-windowed upper areas. While technically a microbrewery, it was still quite impressive, at least to the Soldier who’s experience with beer came almost exclusively from what Demo tried to forcefully impart on him.
“Oh actually it’s-” The young man shuffled through his notes. “…I’m not sure actually. But if it isn’t that good ‘ole Sploocher taste then we don’t put our label on it, haha.”
The Demoman was appalled. “Tasting terrible is no reason to get rid of perfectly good alcohol. What do you do with it?”
“Well, the Teufort Waste Processing Facility gives us exclusive dumping rights in the Well-”
“Lord almighty,” Demo moaned, putting a hand to his forehead. “This…this is bloody terrible. This might be the worst thing I’ve ever heard.”
He wobbled a little, and Soldier had to grab his arm to keep him upright. Around them, several of the other tour attendees whispered, and Soldier wondered if maybe they were right about Demo hitting the pre-entertainment refreshments a little hard.
Maybe in an attempt to head off further discussion, the guide said, “and uh folks that’s it for the brewing area! Now if you’ll follow me, you’ll be able to see our bottling area!”
“Ooo, bottles,” Soldier said excitedly.
However, as he tried to follow the tail end of meandering gaggle into the next chamber, something gently tugged him back.
“Jane,” Demo said, as conspiratorial as he was un-sobered, “I think it’s about time we sprung a jailbreak.”
“Spy and Scout are in prison again?” Soldier blinked.
“No lad, the beer,” Demo insisted. “Somewhere in this facility there’s a whole tank of beer they’re going to execute.”
“And you want to do…what, exactly?”
“Not let it go to waste for one!” Demo huffed. “It’s a crime, what’s going on here. We can’t just let them get away with it!”
“But…” Soldier looked over his shoulder.
“Pah,” Demo said. “Fine then. I’m going to go see some justice done.”
The only other people in the confines of the brewery were the tour group, now mostly disappeared behind a pair of swinging doors. There was no one but the beer itself to witness Demo storm off, swaggering slightly as he sometimes did on the battlefield, leaving Soldier’s head to ping between him and the location of the bottling process. Demo's idea sounded fun but...When was next time he was going to see that many bottles in one place?
In the end, Soldier determined Demo would probably be fine on his own.
This assumption didn’t hold, as twenty-two minutes later a resounding cry of, “KABLOOIE!” echoed through the brewery.
Heads turned. Gasps were had. Handkerchiefs were placed in front of open mouths. All and all it was a mortified audience that turned and saw a cackling Demoman standing atop one of the giant tanks, holding a detonator in his hand and raising it like Connor MacLeod before him.
Soldier might have wondered ‘where the hell did he get that’ if that particular phrase hadn’t crossed his mind so often before it had become cliché. His fellow onlookers, not wise to the ways of Tavish DeGroot, didn’t even recognize the significance of the little device, and were therefore shocked when his bellow of, “FREEEDOOMMM!!!” was followed by the great echo of an explosion.
Soldier cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted, "oorah!" as a show of support. He was getting nearly as worked up as Demo, when he head the sound of two more explosions.
Even from this distance Soldier could see the change in Demo’s face, and came to the conclusion that the additional detonations were not part of the plan.
“…Crap,” Demo muttered.
Seconds later, a rumbling came from within the deepest bowels of the Sploocher Brewing company, the splashing of something powerful sweeping through machinery and toward confused tour-goers. The telltale crash of thousands of gallons of sour beer.
“Run!” someone screamed as the first wave of golden liquid came barreling around the corner.
Screams of warning turned to screams of panic, people rushing all at once toward the closest visible exit, stampeding each other in an attempt to get out of the way of the oncoming tsunami. Bottles, happily chugging along down the conveyer belt, were blissfully unaware of their oncoming demise, and when they wave hit they fell by the hundreds, adding their contents to the already considerable torrent.
“P-please if we could all form an orderly- Wa-hoah!”
Any more advice the guide might have given was silenced as he was the first dragged outside. Soldier, meanwhile, was trying an entirely different tactic, pushing to where he’d last seen the Demoman before the tank he’d been standing on had started to shake.
“Move you maggots! There is more on the line here than civilian lives! Know that I would through each and every one of you into the line of fire if it meant victory!”
Threatening was no use. As the first wave of beer washed over his shoes, he was shoved outside.
“Sir! Sir you can’t go back in there.”
One of the brewery’s security guards (shouldn’t he have been inside during all this? Might have avoided having one drunken Scotsman tearing his place to shreds if he had) tried to stop Soldier once he’d gotten free of the lemmings.
“It’s an extreme fire hazard,” the guard continued.
“Ha! Fire? I can tell you from personal experience that burning to death is not the most painful way to die. Doesn’t even crack the top three. Now move, maggot.”
Then again, maybe he shouldn’t have been inside trying to stop Demo, since all it took was a slight shove for Soldier to knock him aside.
Inside was a damn mess. Half the tanks were knocked over, adding to the rising fluid, and the rest looked massively destabilized. This level of beer wouldn’t last long (as it was already emptying both into the built-in drain) of the brewery floor and out the building’s exits), but that didn’t mean it wasn’t a drudge to get through. That didn’t matter. He needed to find Demo. That was what was important.
Bottles floated ironically in the seas of yellow—their purpose realized, but in all the wrong ways. Soldier wondered what Demo had been trying to do in the first place. He’d assumed that the man was just going to find a random tank of to-be-extradited alcohol and attempt to drink it all himself, but apparently he’d underestimated Demo’s ability to make explosives devices out of even the most mundane of objects. Stupid. Demo had spent his whole childhood perfecting that technique.
“Tavish!” Soldier called out, the slosh of beer answering him. “Tav! Relay your position, stat!”
"O're here..." a faint voice called eventually.
He followed the noise to the very back of the brewery, where the trucks might come to take the finished kegs away. Among the leaning steel basins was a Demoman, sitting in an inch of beer and staring at his knees. He looked despondent. Even more worryingly, he looked sober.
Soldier splashed the short distance between them. After a moment, he sat down next to his partner. "Almost wish I had come with you. You looked like you were King of America up there!"
Demo wiped his nose on his sleeve. “Jane. Did I ruin our anniversary?”
Surprised by the change in topic, Soldier said, “not really? Your ability to cause property damage is why I fell in love with you. I am just glad you are unharmed.”
“Ah. That's good then.” Demo put his head in his hands. “I’m...sorry I didn’t get you anything. And I'm sorry I...it's just bothering me that…Why can’t I remember?”
Now Soldier was really lost. "Remember?"
“I can’t-” Demo wasn’t quite crying, but the effects of sobering up had turned his eye rather red. “I can’t remember the night I told you I loved you. How fucked up is that? That I’m running around, not being able to remember whole chunks of my life. Whole chunks of my life with you.”
He sniffed, and wiped his face on his sleeve. Soldier put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer.
“Do you think I have a problem?” Demo asked.
“What kind of problem?” Soldier said, surprised as anything.
“You know. With the drink.”
“Like…” Soldier floundered. “You still want to save the beer from its unjust execution?”
“No, I mean me, specifically.” He glanced at his hands, no devoid of the detonator, which was probably for the best. Evidence and all. But then, he lifted his chin and pointed at Soldier one of the most desperate looks he’d ever been given. “Do…do I need to stop?”
His voice was small, and timid, like even the even the suggestion was sacrilege in this holy space.
“I don't think you should be asking me,” Soldier admitted. “I'd love you even if were the soberest sonuvabitch this side of the New Schlooper Ocean. Better question is do you want to stop?”
Demo didn’t respond. Not for a quite a while, until Soldier thought he might not answer at all. But finally, in that same small voice, “I think I do.”
“Okay. I will help then.”
“Whatever you want. Or need. Whichever this is. But first, lets get out of here. I think all this booze is giving me a swimmers rash.”
“Ha. Maybe. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened to me.”
“You live a strange life DeGroot. Now come on.”
Soldier helped Demo to his feet, and as the two heard sirens in the distance, they began to make there way from the building as they often did on dates: with the knowledge that they’d probably be pursued by local law enforcement soon enough.
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peppermint-moss · 4 years
Tumblr media
can dovewing hear other versions of herself in alternate dimensions (also yes this is inspired by that warrior cat design meme by @shebpaw) 
design credits are under the cut (and lil comments on each lol): 
@gekkozilla ‘s dovewing (very recognizable and cute lil freckles!)
@phobic-art ‘s dovewing (glowy eyes for powers and ear tufts hell yeah)
mine (very plain just a soft grey gal but she’s valid)
@mudshadow ‘s dovewing (oo elegant she looks classy)
@claw-moon ‘s dovewing (the EARS LOOK LIKE WINGS when she uses her powers HELL yeah GOD thats so good)
@berrym00n ‘s dovewing (oh my gosh round and soft lovely earthy/dusty colours)
@despairbreaker-wcdesigns ‘s dovewing (feather necklace NICE looks cheery but also somehow classy at the same time)
@twistedtoms ‘s dovewing (FOLDED EARS!! round!! pastel green eyes!!)
@servil ‘s dovewing (LOOK AT THOSE EYES!!! sparkly!! purple!! like a big ol fluffy racoon)
@fungipeg ‘s dovewing (peppy n pink, fantastic soft primary colour eyes ooo)
@sandwichwarriorcats ‘s dovewing (4 ears that look like wings that’s SO fun)
@enulib ‘s dovewing (ooo elegant, pretty lilac colours!! petite but will heck you up)
@redcatdesigns ‘s dovewing (strong n floofy)
@evwarriors ‘s dovewing (oh my god the colours work so well together she looks so sleek n cute)
@corvidkatana ‘s dovewing (white tail and wing marking around the eye look so good)
@so-so-warrior-cats ‘s dovewing (the curly parts of the fur !! pretty eyes)
@seakitties ‘s dovewing (heck you cant see it but there’s like a wing marking on her back that looks hella cool, fun lilac markings)
@butchleopardstar ‘s dovewing (so fluffy WOW, lil wings!, bold teal colours, smoky markingsss)
@deans-designs ‘s dovewing (oo sharp n distinguished, nice lil star in the eyes)
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zippers · 3 years
does anyone else have experience with hhc? i was told it is something found in hemp. i just started taking it and it's really been helping me get things done. the lady at the hemp store recommended it and said she just started using it and loved it, but it's a new product so wanted me to give feedback when i come back. so this is just something for me to look back on when i do go back.
but ohhh it's so nice, it feels kind of like kava in that i feel good but am super clear headed. like, i'm able to break down problems into smaller steps and that is usually really difficult for me. so i think it is super helpful specifically for addressing my executive dysfunction curse in a way that other hemp/cannabis products really do not.
also just as an aside, the 3chi disposables are sooo nice, and way smoother than their carts, maybe it's that hhc is smoother but ooo their disposables are so nice. i saw them on their site & i had actually hoped they'd have some at the store when i went and am so glad they did. it's really pretty too, kind of like a cross between a juul and a fire stick. but, like, super sleek. lol
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star-spangled-steve · 5 years
His New Partner
Chapter 24: The Last Night Of Freedom
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 3402
Warnings: Smut, vaginal sex, oral sex, fingering, nudity, Daddy!Kink, Dom!Steve, sub!Reader, dirty talk, cussing, alcohol, implications of female strippers.
A/N: Just so you know, Y/F/N means Your Friend’s Name and Y/C/N means Your Cousin’s Name; both female in this case. Though if you aren’t close with any cousins, you can just imagine another friend. Enjoy this chapter!
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“May your bachelorette party be filled with and fun, love, laughter, and most importantly, lots and lots of liquor.” Natasha spoke with a smirk before shouting “To Y/N!” as a closer to her Maid of Honour speech, or what was at least a shorter version. The real one would take place in exactly a week, but instead of being in front of five other ladies, it would be in front of about two hundred wedding guests.
The small circle of women all cheered and clinked their glasses together, repeating “To Y/N!” with huge smiles before tipping their drinks back.
A group of people from a table nearby started to clap, making the bride-to-be blush and give them a small wave after she finished her sip.
Y/F/N turned around to the look at the supportive Las Vegas bar patrons before facing back to Y/N with a smile. “Ooo, N/N. Looks like that one guy over there recognizes you.” She discretely nudged her head towards the handsome brunette who was sitting right across from them. “He’s cute, you should go for it.”
“Dude, I’m getting married in literally a week.” The actress stated, shaking her head at her friend’s silliness.
Maria smirked. “Still, it’s never too late to call it off.”
Y/C/N laughed at the comment, completely knowing that it was a joke. You’d have to be completely blind to not see the pure love between Steve and Y/N. “Ya, then that way I could have the Captain all for myself.”
“Oh please.” Y/N playfully shook her head. “We all know that Natasha would have next dibs.”
The assassin scoffed in response. “Says who?”
The woman of the hour raised her eyebrows. “You, ‘ya big fiancé kisser!”
The table erupted in gasps and giggles.
“Wait, wait, wait, what happened?” Pepper chimed in.
Maria chuckled. “Oh ya, I heard about that!”
“She kissed Steve when they were in Washington like a year ago.” Y/N explained, pretending to be mad when in reality she was completely over it. “He wasn’t technically my fiancé yet, but you still kissed my boyfriend.”
“It was for a mission! The guys could’ve killed us if we were recognized! I did what I had to do to hide our faces.” Natasha stated, throwing an arm up and down in exaggeration. “How did you even find out? Did Steve tell you?”
“Well, duh!” Y/N said with a laugh. “The man apologized to me like five times.”
“But you kiss a ton of actors all the time for your job.” Pepper pointed out with furrowed eyebrows and tilted her head. “Do you apologize?”
The girl in question nodded her head. “At first, for sure. It was pretty hard for him to deal with, and that’s why he felt so guilty doing the same back to me.” She took another sip of her drink, watching Natasha’s expression from over the rim of her glass. The redhead had an uncharacteristically ashamed look on her face. “Relax, Nat.” Y/N spoke after putting her empty glass down on the glossy wood table. “I’m not really upset, I was just kidding.”
Y/F/N grinned. “So... free dibs to kiss Mr. America then?”
“Absolutely not.”
“To Steve!” Sam cheered, urging the other four guests to repeat him, while the one man of the hour just stood there and beamed.
After taking a long sip of his beer, Clint slapped a hand on the Captain’s shoulder. “May your bachelor party be one to remember.”
“Your last night of freedom.” Rhodes added.
Steve shook his head with a smile. “Well, we can’t exactly call it my last night of freedom. The wedding is a whole seven days away.”
“Still,” Tony cocked his head to the side, “the last night where you’re not tied down to the responsibilities of becoming a husband.“
And it was exactly that. Y/N and the wedding planner had reserved the entire upcoming week to set things up for the ceremony, reception, and photoshoot in between.
“Come on,” Thor, who came back to Earth specifically for these festivities, let out a deep chuckle, “you can tell by the look in this man’s eyes that he truly loves all the weddingly duties.”
Sam nodded. “We all know that Cap would rather be snuggled under the covers with Y/N somewhere than be here with us.”
Steve gave them one of his half grins. “Regardless of what I’d rather or be doing right now,-”
“Or who you’d rather be doing.” Tony interrupted, making the circle of men laugh and the groom-to-be roll his eyes.
“Anyways, I really do appreciate you guys bringing me here.” Steve stated, glancing around their private room at one of Las Vegas’ fanciest bars. It was something that only the big names of the Avengers could book, and the big wallet of Tony Stark could afford.
“The evening’s only beginning though, right, Stark?” Clint waggled his eyebrows up and down with a cheesy smirk.
“Most definitely.” Tony snickered before checking the time on his very expensive watch, seeing that it was now 9:56 at night. “And in a little less than five minutes, the show will finally start.”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows. “What show? I thought we were just going to go back down and gamble some more.”
In order to avoid the man’s eyes, Sam and Tony glanced at their shoes as Clint took a sip of his drink in hopes to hide his smile. Rhodes started to chuckle a little bit, meanwhile Thor was just as confused as the super soldier.
“What did you guys plan?” Steve questioned, suddenly bringing out his special Captain America voice that was only reserved for missions; sometimes the bedroom.
Stark just shrugged mischievously.
“Tony, guys, I swear to Go-”
Roger’s words were interrupted by the sound of squealing women, high heels thumping down the hallway, and a big speaker that was playing some new sensual pop song that he had never heard before.
“You didn’t.” Steve ground his teeth in frustration, eyeing each of his friends. “Whose idea was this?”
Sam sheepishly raised his hand. “It’s my duty as Best Man to give you the best night ever!”
“I thought that we had discuss-”
The double doors suddenly burst open, revealing a large clan of attractive women wearing very, very little clothing. “Oh, Captain!” They called before skipping into the room and circling around the seemingly uncomfortable man.
Steve just sighed as he glanced around the approximately ten pretty faces surrounding him, eyes not daring to stray any lower than their chins. “Oh boy.”
The music of the bar club just seemed to get louder and louder, clouding all of her senses as she took another sip of what was probably her third drink of the evening. Y/N wasn’t exactly drunk yet, but tipsy enough to not really care that she’d been sitting alone for the last half an hour.
Las Vegas was pretty fancy, the girl would have to give it that. The bars were lined with more liquor bottles than she could count, not a finger smudge on any of them, and she was pretty sure that her hotel room was at least 50% marble.
But of course, that could’ve just been Tony’s miraculous planning skills; or Tony’s miraculous stack of money. Y/N couldn’t even imagine what it would cost to bring all twelve people in the wedding party to Las Vegas for the weekend, let alone stay in the two nicest casino hotels in the area.
Yes, two. One for the men, one for the women. Sam and Natasha took great responsibility in their Best Man and Maid of Honour roles, deciding to have the two groups bunk separately, almost ten blocks apart. It was Steve and Y/N’s bachelor and bachelorette parties after all, one of their last nights being two singles. Everyone wanted the pair to spend it to its full extent.
Vibrations coming from her clutch broke Y/N out of her slightly tipsy haze, making the girl take out her cellphone and instantly smile when she saw that it was Steve calling her. “Hello?” She spoke after answering it.
“Hey, sweetheart.” The man said from the other end.
“Honey.” She greeted as she sat up straighter on her barstool, becoming excited at the sound of his voice, “What’s up?”
“Just miss you, that’s all.”
Y/N beamed. They had only been apart for half of a day, and he had already wanted to see her. “I miss you too, Stevie. You having fun?”
“Uh,” the Captain puffed out a breath, “ya, ya, tons of fun. T-Tame fun, nothing too crazy.” He told her, trying to hide the fact that there had just been plenty of almost-naked women dancing around him. “What about you?”
“Well,” Y/N looked around the noisy bar that she was in, still seeing none of her friends around, “it’s been okay.”
“Only okay?”
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, it started out great.” She explained. “But, uh, everyone ‘sorta went off to do their own thing.”
“They ditched you?” Steve sternly asked, mad at the fact that Y/N was all by herself in the busy city of Las Vegas.
“No!” She shook her head back and forth, even though he couldn’t actually see her. “Pepper and Y/C/N we’re doing so well in the casino that I just let them keep going, last time I saw Nat and Maria they were playing pool, and Y/F/N went off somewhere to hook up with this random guy.”
“Awe, doll. I’m so sorry.” Steve comforted.
Y/N gloomily tapped her nails against the sleek wood bar top, her other hand still holding the phone to her ear. “It’s alright. You know that these clubs and all aren’t exactly my scene anyways.”
“Here,” the man spoke up, coming upon a realization, “I have an idea. Why don’t you go down to the lobby, and I’ll meet you there?”
“You ‘wanna come over here?”
Steve answered like it was obvious. “Of course.”
Y/N was confused. “But hon, it’s your bachelor party. The whole point of the night is to be away from each other. I don’t ‘wanna ruin your fun.”
He shook his head at her words, telling even from blocks away that there was a sheepish look painted on her face. “You honestly think that you’d be ruining my fun? Baby, you are my fun.” Steve looked around the room that he was in, making sure all of his friends seemed alright on their own. “Just meet me down there, N/N. Then we can go up to your room, and I’ll give you the best bachelorette party that you could ever ask for. That’s a promise.”
Y/N fumbled with her hotel room key card as she struggled to unlock her door, getting the red light instead of the green light every time. Though to her defence, there was a major distraction grinding up against her backside.
“Better hurry up, baby girl. I’m getting impatient here.” Steve whispered huskily into her ear, leaving her shivering.
The girl finally managed to unlock her door, and the moment she did, it was closed from the inside and she was shoved against it. Y/N’s legs around Steve’s waist, his lips against her neck. She let out a high-pitched moan.
“Oh, you like that, baby? You like it when your daddy’s rough with you?”
Another whine in response.
“I need an answer, baby.” The man added with a particularly harsh bite to her neck. Y/N instantly knew there’d be marks the next day, worrying that they’d still be there for the wedding, but was too turned on to say anything.
“Yes.” She managed to let slip past her lips.
“‘Yes’ who?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.” Just as every time, the word ‘daddy’ went straight to Steve’s dick; the evidence was extremely prominent against Y/N’s thigh. 
He had-had enough by now. And so, he grabbed on to the neckline of her olive green dress and ripped it straight down. His plump lips instantly attacked her chest, which to both his surprise and delight, was not clad in a bra.
“I knew it.” Steve rasped. “Have you been braless all night, my naughty girl?”
“Yes, daddy.” Y/N said shakily. But who could blame her for not wearing one? It was a strapless dress and the top part was double-layered anyways.
“I bet you aren’t wearing any panties either.” He said in between sloppy kisses to her breasts. “I think I have to check.” And with that, he strongly pressed the fingers of his right hand against her clit, being correct about the lack of underwear. But once again, who could blame her? The bottom part of her bodycon dress was very thin, and she definitely couldn’t have panty lines.
“Daddy.” The girl whined.
His fingers then slipped inside her tight, aching hole, repeatedly thrusting in and out.
Y/N’s legs turned to jelly, instantly hanging against Steve’s sides. Luckily though, due to his brute strength and the sturdiness of the hotel’s door, she stayed upright as he continued fucking her with his fingers.
“Cum for me baby, cum for your daddy.” He ordered, his thumb and forefinger instantly pinching her clit.
So with that, Y/N let go of any last bit of control she had left, and came. Hard.
The room was filled with the sounds of whines, panting, and the squishing of Steve’s fingers inside of her wet opening.
“Shhh, shh.” He cooed as she came down from her high. “You did so great, my precious girl.” Right as Y/N felt brought back down to Earth, he started counting in a low voice “That’s one.”
Uh oh, she though to herself. It was one of those nights. Those nights were Steve repeatedly made her cum until she was so sensitive that she couldn’t even move. And it’s not that Y/N didn’t enjoy these nights, because she sure did, but she also knew that once he was getting started, there was no way of getting him to stop.
Steve brought his right hand up to his mouth, slowly and sensually licking the juices off each individual finger as if savouring the taste of her. The man adjusted his hands underneath Y/N’s thighs before he quickly walked them both to the bed, throwing her onto it.
Just as quickly, Steve took off his sport coat and crawled overtop of her with a low growl; this just added to her wetness. “Let’s see how many more you’ve got in you, little girl.” He said with quirked up lips. But that sly smirk was soon out of Y/N’s field of view, as his mouth descended to her dripping pussy.
“Oh, Jesus.” She said as she felt his tongue against her.
He peered up from between her legs. “That’s not my name, princess.” 
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
Steve went back down and continued his delicious assault on her core. With every stroke of his tongue, Y/N felt as if she was being pulled further and further away from her coherent thoughts. The only two things on her mind being the feel of his mouth on her vagina, and the slight brush of his nose against her clit every time he shifted his head.
“Daddy, I-I-I’m going to cum again.” Y/N stuttered.
The words “Do it, babydoll.” vibrated against her pussy, pushing the girl over the edge for a second time.
Steve lapped up every last drop that Y/N had to offer, and once he went up the bed so that they were eye to eye, licked his lips. The man looked every bit as much as a cat who just got his cream. “Two.” He proudly rumbled into her ear.
Y/N was still in her post-orgasm bliss as she heard the sound of Steve’s belt being undone and dropped to the floor. She turned her head just in time to see him finish unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his sculpted chest and abs. Next to go was his pants and boxer briefs, Steve’s large hands pulling them both down all at once. 
Y/N’s mouth watered at the sight of his delicious cock. No matter how many times that she had seen it and felt it before, the size continued to overwhelm her.
As if the man had read her mind, “You like what you see, my baby?” He took the handy condom out of his wallet, rolling it on and stroking himself in the process.
Too caught up in the sight of what was him, all that Y/N could do was nod her head.
Once again, Steve made his way to hover above her. One moment, the girl was staring up into his beautiful blue eyes, and the next, she was moaning out in surprise at the sudden impact of him inside of her. 
Just as suddenly, his dick started to thrust in and out of her at a slow, leisurely pace. Steve was doing it specifically to drive her insane. It had worked.
“Faster, daddy.” Y/N whimpered.
“Baby girl, is that how you ask daddy a question?” The Captain retaliated as he continued to move in and out of her wanting hole.
The girl was almost crying at this point, “Please, please daddy, can you go please faster?”
Steve, starting to get impatient himself, began to fuck her more quickly. He could see how easily she was falling apart underneath him by each squeeze of her walls around his member.
And with a gasp, Y/N was cumming again.
“Three.” Steve groaned out as he was slowing his thrusts. The man then pulled out of her, his dick still as hard as ever.
Without warning the girl was tossed onto her stomach, Steve’s big hands harshly grasping her hips and bringing them closer to his own. There would definitely be bruises the next day, matching the ones he already made on her neck and chest. But she decided she’d wear them all with pride, and maybe a bit of concealer if necessary.
Steve entered her a second time, his pace being even quicker than before; if possible. He could see Y/N’s hands strongly grasping the sheets from his place behind her, just loving how desperate she was for him.
Between the feeling of her tight pussy around him and the continual sounds she was making, the man figured that it wouldn’t be long before he finished. But, he knew he could give her one more first. Steve was the type who got off on getting her off. Y/N had no complaints.
As he started to rub circles on her clit, she loudly moaned out into the vast expanse of her hotel room.
“Come on little girl, give me one more,” Steve huffed. “Cum once more for daddy.”
With that last bit of encouragement, the girl came again; her biggest orgasm of the night triggering his own.
“Y/N, baby.” He groaned out as she collapsed on the bed from exhaustion. Steve swerved just in time to avoid crushing her, running a hand through his damp golden hair. “Best. Bachelor. Party. Ever.” He spoke in between pants of breath.
The girl turned onto her back and nodded her sweat-covered head. “Agreed.”
The man only stayed on the bed a minute before he was up and heading to the ensuite bathroom. He returned with a wet, warm washcloth and began to rub in between Y/N’s thighs, cleaning her up.
“Thank you.” She said hoarsely, her voice practically wrecked after the night’s activities.
“Of course.” Steve replied with a sincere smile. How in less than five minutes he went from a dominant sex god to a sweet and wholesome boyfriend would forever remain a mystery to Y/N.
He returned the cloth to the restroom before making his way back to the bed, turning off the room’s lights along the way.
“I love you so much.” The Captain stated as he tucked them both underneath the covers and pulled her into his arms.
The effect that this man had on her never failed, as Y/N was blushing at the simple phrase they’ve said over a thousand times. “I love you more.” She added cheekily.
“Not possible.” Steve contradicted, just as usual. And before she could counter back, he placed a loving kiss right on her lips.
“Goodnight, Stevie.” Y/N spoke as she turned in his arms, having him spoon her.
“Goodnight, my love.” But, it only took about three seconds before he was speaking up again. “Oh, and babydoll?”
“Mm-hmm?” Y/N replied, almost asleep.
Next Chapter
Feedback is always welcome!❤️
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Zuko gets Azula a therapy dog to help her cope with and recover from a battle with depression.
Azula whimpers softly to herself. She is surprised that she still has it in her to even do that. She lies in bed. For how long she has been there, she isn’t quite sure anymore. The days have begun to blend but she can’t bring herself to get up. She knows that she should. She wants to, but she just doesn’t have it in her. The energy had left her a long time ago. And the motivation had left before that.
When all of her accomplishments had fallen down around, shattered and rendered fruitless and when her goals had diminished with them, she began finding it hard to get up. If everything she does only crumbles away, then why should she do anything at all?
She doesn’t have anyone to do anything for either. She certainly doesn’t want to do anything for herself.
So she lies on her side, mostly motionless and staring at the arm she has outstretched in front of her. She should bathe or, at the very simplest, eat. Lately she hasn’t been able to muster up the willpower to do that either.
Azula takes a very deep breath and sits up. For a fleeting moment she thinks that she is going to leave the bed. She urges herself to do so, there are so many things that she needs to do; fix herself a meal, eat it, fix herself a bath, undress herself, actually take her bath, dress herself.... And those are only the little things. She also has to make something of herself again; maybe she can attend one of the council meetings Zuko has invited her to or she can rekindle her friendships or try to make new ones… There is just so much to do. Her head begins to spin thinking about all of her options. It spins and whirs until her burst of energy dies away and suddenly she wants to do none of them again. When she comes back to herself she realizes that she has simply been staring at the back of her hands.
She thinks that she has been doing so for hours. She rubs her hands over her face, wondering what the hell is wrong with her? She doesn’t know what sort of person can lose so much time doing something so stupid. She lets her body drop back onto the mattress and bunches herself up. She tries not to weep again, but she can’t keep herself from it. She feels so useless and so foolish.
She feels like there isn’t really a reason for her to be...around anymore. She lets her body flop back onto the mattress and presses her head into the pillow.
Another day slips by. She still hasn’t brought herself to move and her stomach is pleading for food. She longs for it just as furiously, but if she can’t even walk down the hall, how is she supposed to cook? The servants have stopped doing it for her after weeks of her letting it go to waste. She doesn’t have the strength to ask them to resume again.
A knock at her door causes her to jolt. Zuko doesn’t wait for her to answer. “I have a surprise for you!” He declares, much too joyfully for her tastes. He wanders over to her window and draws the curtains. A beam of sunlight falls directly upon her.
She rolls onto her side with a dissatisfied groan.
“You don’t have to get up. This surprise will come to you.” She can hear the smile in his voice.
The foot of her bed dips as something launches itself at her. Despite the warning Zuko had given, she gives a small start. She feels a snout nudge against her neck. Azula forces herself upright. The dog is so large that it is level with her face. It nudges her cheek with its nose. It sits there staring at her with its tail wagging wildly.
She must admit that it is a pretty dog; sleek and black with deep brown and loving eyes. Its tail is long and slim and its ears are short and floppy. She notices a patch of white on its chest and paws.
Azula hesitantly reaches out, pausing halfway.
“Go on,” Zuko coaxes. “He’s really friendly and he’s been specially trained to help you.”
Azula bites her lower lip as she carefully strokes the dog’s dark fur. He leans into her, his head resting against the crook of her neck.There is a warm flutter in her chest. It is the first time that anything has managed to cut through her prolonged numbness. Even if it is a very faint feeling. The dog’s tail begins to wag more intensely; it is her only warning before he gives her cheek a rather wet lick.
Her face bunches up and she rubs at her moist cheek with the back of her sleeve. “No stop it!” She shouts as the dog continues its merciless licking. She thinks that she might have smiled, at least for a flicker. She repeats her demand and the dog relents. He drops back down and rests his head in her lap, awaiting more pets. She runs her hand over his head.
“Well, do you like him?” Zuko grins.
“Why?” She asks.
“I know that you were getting lonely, I figured that we can start with animals before people.” Zuko explains. “Your doctors mentioned that they’ve noticed that patients with pets tend to recover easier than patients without.” As if he knows that he is being talked about, he sits back up and perks his ears. “Kaiyuki is the first dog that they’ve trained to help with the recovery process.”
Azula eyes the dog. His tongue lolls out as he pants happily.
“So, do you want to give him a try?”
He leans into her again and this time she puts an arm around him. She must admit that this is the most activity she has done in a very long while. She nods.
Zuko’s smile widens. “Great. I can help you take care of him if that’s too much right now.”
Azula thinks it over. “Okay.”
“He likes walks.” Zuko tries. “If you feel like it, I can have the servants cook breakfast while you take him on one.”
She could use the fresh air… Kaiyuki yips happily. Azula stays in place for a while, trying to muster up the energy to move. The dog is patient, he only springs off of the bed when she finally brings herself to swing her feet over the edge of it.
Her legs are stiff from having laid down for such a long time. “Where is his leash?”
“He doesn’t need one.” Zuko answers. “He’ll walk right by you.”
The sentiment is nice. Evidently, she likes the idea of having a companion next to her that can help her sniff out threats and take them down if she can’t manage it. She lets her hand rest on Kaiyuki’s back as they slowly make their way out of her bedroom.
It is quite a beautiful day out. Really, it is the perfect day to re-enter the world. The sun caresses her skin like a familiar and long forgotten friend. Its rays welcome her back to the outdoors. She inhales deeply. Dragon maple, marigold, and a pungent hint of paprika fills her lungs. The air is so clean, it makes her lungs feel healthy. It makes her feel healthy overall.
She watches Kaiyuki leap up and down, bouncing all around her in excited circles. She wishes that she can achieve that level of enthusiasm. One level at a time, she reminds herself. She buries her hands in the excess fabric of her robes, it is only then that she recalls that she still hasn’t gotten dressed. Her face colors. Though no one has made any remarks regarding her haggard appearance.
Azula slowly treks the carefully paved garden path until she reaches the turtle-duck pond. She wants to sit down but, all the same, fears that if she does, she won’t be able to force herself to stand again.  So she remains on her feet and observes Kaiyuki dipping his neck to take a drink. He laps at the water and then paws at her feet. She thinks that, that might be her cue to move.
She lets him lead the way and tags along as he takes her under an arbor of firelily. Everything is so bright and vivid. So lively. She passes one of her serving girls. The girl dips her head, “it’s good to see you out and about again, princess.”
“Yeah.” Azula replies.
The girl bows again and carries on with her task.
Azula finds herself a seat on one of the stone benches beneath a dragon maple. Kaiyuki leaps up and sits on her lap. She strokes his fur until Zuko hands her a bowl of noodle soup and fruit tart topped with rose petals.
Her stomach rumbles softly, at the prospect of a much needed meal. She takes a spoonful of soup and savors the way it warms her throat and belly.
“Feeling any better?”
She holds her hand up with her pointer and thumb spaced slightly apart. “A little, I suppose.” That is a bit of a fib. In just over an hour she has felt a spark of motivation, a dash of hope, and a touch of embarrassment. It is the most that she has felt in ages, much more than she had expected to feel again. Just having felt something again lifts her mood even if some of the emotions weren’t wholly positive.
She takes a bite of her fruit tart, the flavor is rich and succulent, like a silk on her tongue. The warmth and texture suggests that it is freshly baked. She has another spoonful of soup. “It’s good. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
She holds out what is left of her noodles for Kaiyuki to lap at.
“You’re going to spoil this dog, aren’t you?” Zuko laughs.
“Possibly.” She replies.
The dog looks up at her with cheerful eyes.
The first week is the hardest. Getting up in the morning is such a task and it takes very much prodding from Kaiyuki. In only those few days he already seems to know her so well. He knows when tough love is required and when he just needs to lay with her. For the first few days, he has to nudge her awake, poke and prod at her until she can no longer sleep. She is thankful for it; she doesn’t feel so lazy and useless when she is up and about.
Gradually, Azula requires less pestering to leave her bed. She finds that she is able to muster the drive to do it herself. She has Kaiyuki to feed and walk. It is a small purpose in life, but a purpose no less. Someone needs her. Someone thinks that she has value. Even if he can’t vocalize it.
He doesn’t need to, the way his tail thrashes about when she hands him his food dish and water bowl or when she tells him to go fetch. Just making eye contact with him, brings his tail to life. She just wishes that everyone would be that happy to see her.
It takes her a very long time, at least by her standards, to resume her firebending regime. Three months exactly. Like most things, it is a process. For the first month, exercise comes in the form of a leisurely walk with Kaiyuki around the palace gardens.
They help her, perhaps, more than she is aware. Servants and guards wave to her, surprisingly kind and lacking judgment. She supposes that it is because, despite all of her wrong doings, she has treated them well. Compared to her father’s treatment of them, she was an absolute delight to be around.
As they get used to seeing her around again, they occasionally stop to ask her if she is doing well or if they can get her anything. She doesn’t know any of them particularly well, but it is nice to talk to people again.  
By month two her languid strolls become jogs and runs. Kaiyuki can use the excitement and she needs to get herself back in shape for her more strenuous firebending routines. It is frustrating, at first, to find herself tiring out so quickly, but Kaiyuki is a distraction from that.
It is in the middle of month three that she decides it is time to get back to firebending. It takes more mental preparation than she likes to admit. She prepares herself for dreadful disappointment and painful frustration.  But once she has a routine going, it sticks.
And for it, Azula finds that she feels much better about herself. Even though she isn’t yet on par with her old self, she feels surprisingly good.
When her mood lifts high enough, she finds herself teaching Kaiyuki to jump through flaming hoops and over flaming beams. She teaches him to strike and attack when she makes certain gestures.
It is easier to train when she isn’t alone. It is easier to train when Kaiyuki picks up on her frustration and pounces on her, licking reassuringly at her face. It is easier to train when Kaiyuki fetches her a waterskin and reminds her to drink it. It is easier in general, with Kaiyuki around.
“He’s just so fluffy!” TyLee exclaims as she wraps her arms around Kaiyuki.
“He’s helpful too.” Azula replies.
It is the first time she has spoken to TyLee in ages. This time TyLee doesn’t look at her with fear nor loathing.
“What does he help with?” TyLee asks.
“He’s a therapy dog.” She replies. “It really depends. Sometimes he does little things like fetching me water while I train. Other times he’ll bring me my medications or…” she hesitates “He’ll encourage me to get out of bed. If he can’t help me then he usually gets Zuzu for me.”
TyLee’s expression dims. Azula has forgotten that she didn’t yet know just how bad things had gotten for her.
“Are you okay?”
Azula runs her hand over Kaiyuki’s fur. “I’m doing much better.”
TyLee smiles again. “That’s good.”
“Thank you.” She takes a seat upon her favorite bench and pats the spot next to her. TyLee fills it and Kaiyuki leaps up and finds a place on her lap. “How has it been with the Kyoshi Warriors?”
“Oh, it has been amazing!” TyLee gushes. “I’m learning so many things and going to so many new places…”
Azula’s tummy tingles; and what has she been doing? She has been making progress, sure. But she isn’t accomplishing anything at all. She is still nothing compared to who she used to be. She stares at her palms as TyLee continues her cheerful chatter. Kaiyuki pokes his snout at her chin.
TyLee brings her story to a halt. “Are you still okay?”
Azula clears her throat. “Yes. Sorry, I do that sometimes...Kaiyuki has to...uh...pull me out of it.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m just thinking again...” She trails off.
“Zuko is the Fire Lord, you’re a Kyoshi Warrior traveling the world, Aang is the Avatar, his friends constantly do incredible things, Mai is the Fire Lady. And me? What am I doing?” She inquires, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Recovering.” Zuko’s voice answers from behind. He huffs as he sets down a crate.
Recovering. That just isn’t good enough for her anymore. She wants to do something again. To matter again.
She swallows and says as much.
“You do matter.” TyLee says softly. “You definitely matter to…”
“Kaiyuki.” Azula fills in. She slings an arm around him.  “Do I matter to you?” Last she checked, TyLee was still fuming. She knows that Mai is.
TyLee nods. “You matter to me. We’re going to have a lot to talk about when you’re in a better place. But you matter to me.”
“I think Mai kind of misses talking with you too.”
“Lies are supposed to be believable, Zuzu.”
“It’s not a lie.” Zuko shrugs. “We can be angry with you and still care about you.”
Azula swallows and her stomach lolls again. She has never had that before. She can only manage a little nod. “That doesn’t change that I haven’t accomplished anything.”
“That’s not true, you…”
Azula cuts him off, “everything important that I’ve done is null. And none of those things were good anyhow.” She falters. “Everyone around me has done something unforgettable and I haven’t. I’ve fallen so behind.” Her grip on Kaiyuki tightens and he burrows himself against her. “I’ll never catch up.” She adds more to herself.
“Actually, I think that I have something for you to do.” Zuko’s lips curve up.
Her brows furrow and she looks up.
“You’ve trained and taken care of Kaiyuki. Do you think that you can do the same for a baby dragon or two?”
“I thought that…”
“Nope, Aang and I found two dragons. We’re hoping to bring the dragon population back. But Aang has Avatar stuff to do and I have Fire Lord duties.” He pauses. “Unless you have something that you’re not telling me about, I think that you have time to help with our dragon goals.”
Azula smiles. “I think that I can do that.”
“Wonderful.” Zuko grins. He motions to the crate. “Happy birthday.”
Azula’s belly flutters again. She’d forgotten her own birthday. She pries the lid off of the crate.
“When it hatches, Kaiyuki can help you keep the baby in line.”
Azula laughs for the first time in ages. “If he can keep me in line, then he’ll have no problem with a dragon.”
“You’ll let me pet the dragon when it hatches, right!?” TyLee asks.
Azula nods again, this time with more enthusiasm. For the first time since her defeat, she feels hopeful--optimistic even. “Thank you, Zuzu.”
Azula tucks herself in and waits for Kaiyuki to curl himself up next to her. She holds him close. She kisses him atop his furry little head. He means the world to her, truly. She can’t imagine that she would be doing quite as well if Zuko hadn’t found him for her. It has only been a little under a year and she has made much more progress than she had in all of her years in that institution. Maybe she will be able to talk to her mother soon.
She sleeps easier knowing that she will wake up to Kaiyuki. She sleeps easier knowing that she will wake up to rekindling relationships. She sleeps easier knowing that she will wake up to a newfound purpose.
She closes her eyes and nuzzles her chin against Kaiyuki’s head.
And when she wakes the next morning, she feels reinvigorated. For once, Azula doesn’t want to go to stay in bed. For once, she again rises with the sun.
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possibly-starker · 5 years
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CherryDust. [Starker]
Murray smiles, greeting the audience, “Thank you! Thank you, you’re really too kind,” he says, taking his seat in the iconic velvet chair.
“Today we have the honor of having Peter Parker and the Cherrybombers on today’s show!” Murray beams as the crowd goes wild, whooping and cheering, Murray winks at the camera as he begins again, “Please, put your hands together, for what I think might be the most influential band of this generation!”
The sideline band plays the Murray Franklin jingle as Peter Parker and the Cherrybombers emerge from backstage, blowing kisses and throwing up peace signs. The crowd eats it up, losing their minds over the boys. Murray gives them all sort of half-hugs as they take their seats.
Finally the crowd dies down a bit. “Boys!” Murray greets, “It’s been so long since we’ve had you on the show,” Murray starts, exaggerating his motions, “Last time we had you on you all were about 16, right?”
Peter smiles politely, “Actually, Steve was 17.” Murray nods, “Yes, of course, and although we’re so happy to have you on the show, and of course we all love you, we have to talk about the recent drama going on between you and a rival band- ElectricDust.”
The crowd boos at the name, once thought of as few boys skipping supper with their family and refusing to go to church, now associated with drugs and statism, sex before marriage and cuss words.
Peter giggles, “They’re not much of a problem, Murray. They’re just a bunch of little boys thinking that if they behave badly enough, they’ll get somewhere.”
“They’re mongrels.” T’challa laughs. The audience laughs along with him. Murray chuckles, “Yes, but what are your thoughts on their new song ‘Rotten Cherry’? People are speculating it’s about your band, Peter.”
Peter fakes a smile, “I don’t think I’ve heard it, Murray.” He turns to his band-mates, “Have you guys heard it?” They all collectively shake their heads, murmuring ‘no’.
Murray nods, “Personally, I don’t think that Stark guy could carry a tune even if it was in a bucket!” Everybody in the studio laughs again.
“Tony tries too hard to be hardcore, he ends up looking like an idiot.” Peter sneers, “He’s a child.” The crowd makes noises of agreement.
Peter fakes a smile when Murray leans over and touches his thigh, “You know, they’re degenerates, Peter.” Murray says, almost lovingly. Steve looks like he wants to say something, like he wants to stick up for his band-mate. “I know, Murray.” Peter says, shifting away a bit.
Murray looks at Peter longingly, before turning to the camera, “We’re going to take a short break, and afterwards Peter Parker and the Cherrybombers will play their new hit single- Dewdrop Daisy!”
The cameraman gives Murray a thumbs up, and the beeping light on the camera turns off.
“Why don’t you meet me in my dressing room, Peter?” Murray says, standing up and adjusting his tie.
Peter feels sick to his stomach
“Okay.” He says sweetly.
The mosh pit smells like weed and sex, and Tony adores it. ElectricDust had a full house, not one ticket left over. Tony cards his hand through sweaty hair, “I hope you motherfuckers are having a good night!” he yells into the mic. The crowd screams back something obscene and Tony grins.
“If you want to fuck our bassist, scream at the top of your lungs!” Tony laughs, the crowd erupts in a loud roar, and Bucky, ElectricDust’s bassist, blushes.
The crowd dies down, and Tony speaks smoothly into the mic as he adjusts his guitar strap, “This next one was written for a nice piece of ass and his cronies,” the crowd ‘ooo’s and Tony can’t help the smirk forming on his lips, “‘Rotten Cherry’ is dedicated to my very good friend, who I know inside and out- Peter Parker!”
The crowd chants Pe-ter Par-ker over and over, and Tony hopes this preformance is somehow seen by the small brunette.
He feels like a god among men.
“You’re fueling the flames by talking about them.” Natasha scolds, leaning against he desk as the boys sit in her office. “You’re supposed to be a good christian pop/rock band- calling people ‘mongrels’ isn’t what you guys are supposed to do.” she glares at T’challa.
“ElectricDust is a problem, I, as your manger am supposed to deal with, is that understood?” The boys look at their suede shoes and mutter statements of agreement.
“Good.” Natasha says, placing her hands on her hips. She goes behind her desk and digs in a cabinet, retrieving a sleek styled red velvet envelope, “I’ve accepted an invitation to a little something I think you all might like.” she smiles, handing Peter the envelope.
Peter holds it carefully, looking up at Natasha with wide, confused eyes. “Go on and open it, we haven’t got all day.” She says in a motherly tone. The boys all gather around Peter as he opens the envelope cautiously, as if he was scared of what was inside.
He pulls out a dazzling blue card, very official looking.
It says, in a swirly gold font. Peter keeps re-reading it, eyes shifting like crazy, looking for a sign that this is a fake or a joke. Steve’s breath hitches and Beck lets out a whoop of laughter, high-diving T’challa.
Peter finally looks up at Natasha again, who’s smiling softly. “Is this real?” Peter asks, out of breath. Natasha nods, “As real as they come.”
Opalite Records.
Opalite Records.
Who cares? It’s only the most exclusive record brand in the world, It was only the award ceramony that turned David Bowie and Bob Dylan down- no big deal.
Peter began to hyperventilate.
“Dude!” Quill yelled, grinning ear-to-ear as he entered the band’s trailer, holding up a velvet envelope.
Tony looked up from his guitar, “What do you want?” Quill slapped the envelope on the coffee-table in the middle of the trailer, looking quite proud of himself. “Open that shit up, Stark.”
Tony rolled his eyes, but leaned forward and picked up the envelope nonetheless, “If this is another bill for your porno-mags, Quill, so help me god-” he stopped mid-sentence after pulling out the card inside the envelope, face controrting.
Quill beams as Tony looks over the letter, “And you said I was a shit manager.” Tony leans back into his chair, “You are.” Quill completely deflates, walking over and snatching the card out of Tony’s hand, huffing, “Do you know how many strings I had to pull to get you considered for the ceremony?”
Tony tries to look stern, but Quill looks like he’s going to bitch all day if Tony doesn’t cave in, “Fine, fine, whatever man, thanks, you did well.” Tony sighs. Quill smiles again, “Finally, I’m getting the recognition I deserve.” Tony snorts but doesn’t reply.
Quill clasps his hands together, “I’m gonna grab a beer, they opened a bar just down the street- wanna come?”
Tony shakes his head, “Grab me a pack of Marlboros while you’re out.”
“Looking sharp, Parker.” Steve smiles, leaning against the dressing room doorframe. Peter grins, fixing his cuffs in the mirror, “You really think so? It’s not too much?”
Steve shrugs, “It’s nice. Very you.” Peter shoots Steve a playful glare, “Is that supposed to be a compliment, Rogers?”
“You overthink things, Peter. You look fine.” Steve sighs, crossing his arms. Peter scoffs, “Fine is for church, I need to look better than fine; we’re going to the awards ceremony to top all award ceremonies, Steve. It’s going to be televised.”
Steve lets out a soft laugh, “You’re so different from the Peter Parker I knew in highschool.” Peter looks confused, “That’s a good thing, isn’t it? I was a nobody in highschool.”
“You were my friend. Just because you didn’t have people fawning over you left and right doesn’t mean you were a nobody. You liked Star Wars and turning your homework in early.” Steve looks slightly offended, and Peter gives him an unamused stare, “As much as I love you, Steve, being your nerdy little highschool friend in the middle of NowheresVille, Wisconsin doesn’t get you invited to the Opalite Records ceremony.”
Steve’s offended look blends into a sad one, “We started this band out of your uncle’s garage. It was for fun. This isn’t fun, anymore Peter. It’s not fun when it’s all you think about.” he says softly, walking out of the room.
Peter doesn’t realize that Steve’s gone until it’s time to leave.
“Baby, listen to me,” Tony says over the phone, “I know I cheated on you, but I’m a changed man, just come to this shindig with me for a few hours.”
Pepper sighs over the phone, “You know, I would, Tony, but I just can’t be bothered right now. Goodbye, love.”
Tony curses under his breath as he flips through a few more pages in his notebook, settling on a one night stand he had met last week. He dials her number.
“Hi, you’ve reached Wanda Maximoff-”
“Wanda!” Tony smiles, remembering her name, “Listen, babe, how’d you like to go on a little date with me tonig-”
“-I’m not here right now, but you’re welcome to leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!” the recorded message chirps and Tony’s face falls, he slams the phone down on its hook.
He groans. He’s called just about every girl he’s ever interacted with, and not one wanted to accompany Tony to the awards ceremony.
“Woah,” Scott, ElectricDust’s keyboard player, says, entering the trailer’s makeshift livingroom, “Someone’s havin’ a bad day.”
“Wanna go on a date with me, Scott?” Tony says with a strained laugh. Scott fans himself, “On a date? With you? How could I possibly say no?” Tony buries his face in his hands, obviously stressed. “Yeah, that’s pretty much what I figured.”
“Have you tried, you know, actually being nice to your dates?” Scott says, grabbing a canned beer from the minifridge. “I heard that works wonders.” Tony narrows his eyes, “What do you mean? I’m always nice to my dates!”
Scott raises his brow, opening the can, “Really? You made me drive that blonde girl home yesterday because she didn’t want to so much as look at you.”
Tony stays quiet. Point taken.
Scott takes a few sips of his beer before belching, “Hope you find somebody, Tones. You got about,” he checks his wristwatch, “6 hours before we gotta leave.”
Tony groans again and then continues to flip through his notebook.
The theater is gorgeous, a large crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling and painted angels on every wall- Peter feels almost inferior in a place like this.
“Darlings!” Loki announces from across the room, striding over to Peter and his bandmates, “You all look absolutely ravishing.” he smiles. “So glad you could make it!”
Peter nods dumbly, blushing. “Thanks so much for inviting us, Mr. Laufeyson, it's a real honor.” Steve steps in, firmly taking Loki’s hand in his and shaking it. “Yes, well, the media would absolutely die if you all weren't invited- there's champagne and wine being served at the lounge if you want any.” Loki quickly says, before sashaying away.
Peter’s practically glowing as he turns to face his bandmates, “I think that went really well.” he grins.
“Jesus, Scott, could you be any worse of a driver?” Bucky sneers, holding onto the door handle as Scott swerves. “You’re lucky I'm not making you take the Metro, tin-man.”
The car is cramped and hot, making it difficult for Tony to snort a nice clean line. “We’re 30 minutes late,” Bucky says, almost annoyed, “Step on it.”
Scott turns around to face the brunette, running through a red light, “You know, you're a real bitch, Buck.” Tony sighs, finally getting a good half of the powder up his nose, “Eyes on the road, Scotty.” he mumbles, sinking back into the leather seat.
Scott says something under his breath, but turns back around and continues to drive.
Peter chokes on his sparkling water when he sees a very certain group of people get pass security.
What's worse is the fact that they're completely ignoring the dress code, showing up in denim jeans and t-shirts. Peter thinks he's going to puke.
Tony feels ecstatic when he spots that tuft of curly chocolate hair in the crowd, excusing himself from his bandmates as he pushes through the sea of Hollywood's elite.
“Parker!” he yells, and Peter tries to pretend he didn't hear it, turning away and taking another sip of his sparkling water.
“Don't be that way, princess!” Tony grins, finally catching up to the small thing, ”I just wanna talk to you.” Peter doesn't respond, which just makes Tony more restless, ”Parker, c’mon, baby! Let's catch up, preferably in the back of Scott’s car, but whatever works for you.”
Peter gives in, reluctantly, looking around to make sure nobody important is looking before speaking, “What the hell are you doing here? Did you come here just to ruin my night?” Peter hisses. Tony laughs, which just puts Peter more at unease, “Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart, me and my boys were invited.”
“Unlikely.” Peter scoffs. “Invited to clean the floors more like it.”
Tony looks more annoyed now than anything, “My boys have worked just as hard as yours to be here, Parker.” Peter huffs, “You’re kidding. You don’t actually think you deserve to be here, right?” Peter let’s out a breathy laugh at the idea. “You’re nobodies, Stark,” he begins, poking at Tony’s chest, “You make music for losers, for outcasts. You’re only here because you gained popularity by dissing my band.”
Peter smiles up at Tony and walks away, leaving Tony alone with his battered ego.
Peter and Tony avoid each other for the rest of the night, despite their bandmates mingling and laughing with eachother, enjoying tiny cheese platters and white wine.
Peter’s too stubborn to make amends.
Tony just wants to give him space.
Finally, at around 12, the lights dim down and everyone is ushered into the seating area. Loki walks on stage, holding several envelopes in his hands.
“Thank you all for coming,” he says, sweetly, into the mic, “It means a lot to my record label that you took time out of your busy lives to visit little ole’ me.” the crowd giggles at that, Peter included.
“Now, without further ado- I give you the 22nd annual Opalite Records awards ceremony!” the crowd cheers and claps, buzzing with excitement.
Peter crosses his fingers, and Tony wishes they had something stronger than champagne.
After a grueling 2 hours of watching other bands and solo artists receive awards, Loki finally announces that he has the final and most important award of the evening.
“Everyone in this room is awfully talented,” Loki says, smiling softly, “But these people are just... better. Don’t take it too harshly, now.” he opens the card, slowly and teasingly, Peter thinks he’s going to pass out from the anticipation. Tony’s on his fifth glass of red wine, and he’s showing now signs of stopping.
“And the winner for band of 1981 is...”
Peter’s palms are sweaty, and he’s on the edge of his seat.
“My, what a surprise, it’s ElectricDust!”
Peter’s world comes crashing down around him, he glances over to where Tony and his goons are getting up, stumbling over their own feet.
It’s not fair.
It’s not fair.
“Woah, hey Peter, are you oka-” Steve begins, trying to comfort his friend, but Peter jolts up, interrupting him.
“I’m... going for a walk.” he declares, voice breaking.
Tony watches as Peter quickly makes a bolt for the exit. He taps Scott on the shoulder, “I’ll be right back.” he mumbles.
Scott’s eyebrows furrow, “Dude, it’s speech time! You gotta go up ther-”
“Make up something!” Tony grins, already making his way towards the exit as well, “Thank my mom for me!”
Peter sits on the cold, concrete steps outside of the theatre, hot tears streaming down his face. He had worked so hard, and it didn’t even matter.
“Is this seat taken?” a familiar voice softly speaks from behind Peter.
“Did you come here to rub it in?” Peter sniffles, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. Tony takes a seat next to Peter, “No. I came here because I care.”
Peter laughs, rolling his eyes, “Am I supposed to believe that?”
Tony shrugs, “Believe what you want, Peter. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
They sit in silence for a while.
“Thank you.” Peter says softly, not daring to look up at Tony. “What you’re doing it’s- you’re a good guy.” he says, shyly.
Tony smiles, “I don’t give a shit about the award, or being even nominated, in all honesty, that Loki guy gives me the creeps.”
“Why’d you come here then?”
“I wanted to see you. I was hoping writing a song about you would grab your attention, but I think I like talking face-to-face better.”
Peter smiles, a gorgeous ‘I-don’t-know-I’m-smiling’ kind of smile, and Tony’s heart swells.
“I’m sorry I said all that stuff about you.” Peter finally says, gaining the courage to look Tony in the eye.
“I’ve been called worse- no hard feelings.”
Peter’s eyes light up as he giggles.
“Listen, I don’t exactly have a date for this thing,” Tony jabs a thumb at the building, “Know anybody who might wanna, I don’t know, get together? Even if it’s just for tonight.”
Peter pretends to think for a second. “I might; but he’s really hungry, so you might want to ask him after a burger. Or 5.”
Tony laughs, standing up, extending his arm so that Peter can grab it, “The night’s still young, princess.”
Peter beams, letting himself get heaved up by Tony, “We best make the most of it.”
The absolutely beautiful moodboard was made by the fantastic @starkermoodboards !! She makes fucking stellar boards so why are you not following her.
This fic took forever to write, so appreciate it please 😔 i’m also sorry this is so long????
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timelock97 · 4 years
Game Changer
Chapter Five: Home at Last
Word Count: 4004
Warnings: Language
Raihan and I exit the plane following behind Felicia, Steven, and the pilot. They pull our bags from under the plane before saying their goodbyes to us, entering the small building to do whatever they needed to do before heading home themselves.
My eyes scan the small airport and I am surprised when I don’t see Leon waiting for me. I glance at Raihan who is on his phone, a zip of light catching my eye until the phone in his hand lifts into the air.
“Ah, hello Rotom, hope my disappearance wasn’t too awful.” The device chimes as it zips around his head, making me giggle. “Why don’t you call a Corviknight taxi for me.”
It buzzes until it flips around to face him again, ‘Taxi will be here in five minutes.’
“Perfect,” he hums before glancing at me, “Nothing from Prince Charming?”
“Nope,” I mutter, popping the p as I check my phone.
He nods, taking my bag again and walking toward the small building to get out of the wind. “I can take you up to Wyndon before flying home, he’s most-likely still at Rose Tower.” He suddenly chuckles as he leans against the building. “We may have to storm the castle and rescue him from the raging dragon named Oleana.”
I let out a laugh, a real laugh. The two of us lean against the building while we wait, and Raihan talks about some things he did with his nieces while in London. When the taxi comes, my eyes widen at the sight of the Corviknight, it’s much more impressive in person than in the game, and it’s pretty impressive in the game. Its sleek, and its red eyes are basically glowing. “Woah,” I whisper, the bird looking down at me from its perch.
“That there is Margo,” the taxi driver states as he gets down from his perch, landing on the ground with a small huff, “She is one of our eldest flyers, gorgeous ain’t she?”
“Absolutely,” I say smiling at the man, suddenly seeing his eyes go wide as he takes a step toward me.
“Margo! Back to your post-”
My eyes widen as the Pokemon jumps from its perch to in front of me. My hands fly up in surrender as Raihan is clambering out of the taxi to aid when the bird just leans its head toward me silently and presses its beak into my open hand.
“Well, I’ll be damned-”
“I thought Margo wasn’t a people person unless one of the taxi members?” Raihan whispers as I slowly run my hand up under her beak, smooth as freshly shined metal.
“She ain’t.” The driver whispers, looking at us in disbelief.
I run my hand up from her beak and against her neck, she lets out a small coo. “She’s magnificent.”
I feel a hand on my shoulder, “She really is.”
I turn and smile at the driver, “Sorry, I should have asked-”
“No problem, love, but I do want to get you two to your destination.”
“Right, right, I’ll uh, climb in.” I whisper, pressing my hand one last time to her head where she leans in and coos again before taking a step back and getting into the taxi where Raihan is shaking his head. “What?”
“Lee said you were an animal person, guess that transfers to Pokemon too.” He teases, leaning across to grab and pull the door closed. “It’s not much for pictures at night, but the view is pretty cool.”
I lean over to the side once the taxi makes it into the air, and the view takes my breath away. “How can no one know you guys are here? Look at this place!” It’s mostly just lights from the towns and small cities, but it illuminates the sides of the mountains and forests. As we fly, Raihan makes sure I don’t lean too far to one side, hand resting on the back of the seat. When we get closer to Wyndon, I can see the tower. “S'that Rose tower?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty tall. Well, tall for here anyways.” Raihan says leaning his head out of the window to yell up to the driver, “We want to head toward the tower, Champ needs to head home and the only way to make sure he does is if we drag him out.”
The guy booms out a laugh, “Sure thing, Raihan.” The taxi glides down and lands just in front of the building. As we start to get out, I notice a woman walking out of the main doors.
“No one is allowed on the premises at this hour, please leave or you will be forced to-” She stops, long dirty-blonde hair swaying to one side as she jots out her hip, “Raihan, what are you doing here?” Her eyes fall on me as Raihan opens his hand for me to take as he leads me out and the taxi driver pulls my suitcases from off the back. “And who is this?”
“Oleana, it’s nice to see you too.” His words are coated in polietness before looking at me, “This is (Y/N), Leon’s girlfriend. We are coming to pick him up-” “He’s working-”
“He was supposed to pick her up from the airport, so he’s done working.” The slight playfulness has left his voice, “So either you take her up to see him, or I can.”
She looks at the two of us in annoyance before she huffs and turns on her heel to walk back toward the building. As the doors slide open she pauses, looking over her shoulder at us, “I’m heading up to speak with Chairman Rose. Raihan, you may take the Champion’s girlfriend up to his office. But he isn’t permitted to leave until his paperwork is finished.” With that, she disappears into the building.
“What a hardass,” I mutter, causing Raihan to burst into laughter.
He laughs so hard he has to braces his hand on his knee while he wipes a tear from his eye. “Finally! Someone said it!” He shakes his head to collect himself before looking back at the taxi driver, “I’ll be down in ten minutes, that okay?” The guy nods before waving us off.
“Thank you again!” I call over my shoulder, watching as the taxi driver lets out a laugh and waves me off.
“Alright, cutiefly, let’s go find the Champion so you can finally hit the sack, yeah?”
“God, I forgot how tired I was, why did you have to bring it up?” I whine, leaning into his side as we walk up the steps and into the building. I let out a small 'ooo’ at the intensity of the inside. “This looks way too clean.” I mutter as Raihan walks us to the elevator. When it opens, my mouth drops as I walk quickly inside, passing him. “How does this even work? It’s a whole damn room!”
Raihan laughs as I spin a circle, laughing harder when the elevator starts to rise and I fall to the side and land on my bottom. He walks over and offers me a hand to pull me back up. “It’s just how it was designed, like how it was also designed that people can battle in here.”
“Why?” I laugh as it comes to a stop, all four doors opening.
Raihan places a hand on my back and leads me to the right, “I don’t know, just in case I guess.” He turns us down another hallway until we reach a set of double doors. He knocks once before opening them.
A smile etches across my face upon seeing Leon seated behind the desk. The lamp is illuminating one side of his face while he writes and makes notes. His hair is tangled back into what I can assume is a messy bun, but looks like it is just falling out at this point. “How can I help you?” He mutters without looking up, pencil scratching against the page.
“Well, we were just in the neighborhood and were hoping you were done with your paperwork so you can take your cutiefly home so she can sleep.”
“My cutiefly?” Leon rubs his eyes with his hand, “Rai, I don’t have-” he cuts himself off when he sees me, immediately grabbing his phone and groaning. “I can’t believe I forgot, between paperwork and, nevermind.” He stands and walks around the desk, which prompts me to quickly walk over to him. Once I am within arms reach he tugs me into his chest, letting out a small groan. “I’m sorry, my love. Time got away from me.”
“It’s okay-”
“Wait, cutiefly?” He pushes me to arms length before glaring over my shoulder at Raihan. “Rai you can’t give her a nickname it’s wrong-”
“Not wrong,” Raihan laughs, “and I think it suits her.”
I look up at Leon, he has bags under his eyes. “You look tired, Lee.” I mutter, fingers brushing against his face, him leaning into my touch as his hand cups my cheek to do the same.
“So do you, love.” He gives me a small smile before pressing a kiss to my forehead.
I giggle before turning to Raihan, who is leaning on the doorframe. “Thanks again Raihan. for taking me here and waiting for me.”
“No problem, cutiefly. I will see you two at the Christmas banquet in a couple of days.” He gives us a final wave before walking out the door, hands placed behind his head.
Leon signs behind me, pulling me in a little closer. I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing his face into the side of my head and so I can rub my fingers into his scalp causing him to hum contently. “How much longer you got?”
He groans in annoyance, “Three pages, shouldn’t take me too long now.”
“Go home, Leon, I can finish what’s left,” The two of us look towards the doorway to find the Chairman and Oleana.
Leon slowly unravels himself from me as Rose walks in, Oleana looking unamused as she stands in the doorway. “Chairman, it shouldn’t take me too much longer-”
Rose shakes his head as he reaches us, his hand taking my hand in his, “Nonsense, I’ve kept you two away from each other long enough.” The Chairman looks at me next, my body stiffening, waiting for him to strike, but instead he smiles widely, “And, my dear, it is so nice to finally meet you.”
I let out a sigh of relief, “It’s nice to meet you too, Chairman.”
“Please, call me Rose. Now,” he squeezes my hand before continuing, “I am going to finish these up, you two head on home. And Leon,” he turns fully to look at him. “I don’t want to see you here until after new years. Well, minus the Christmas banquet.”
“Thank you, Chairman.”
Rose smiles at us before round to the desk and picking up the rest of the paperwork on Leon’s desk. “I hope you both have a good night,” he calls over his shoulder as he walks to the door, the heels of his dress shoes clicking against the smooth tile, and leaves with Oleana in tow.
Lee and I look at one another before sighing in unison. He eventually lets out a small chuckle as he walks over to the door where I can now see that he has a jacket hung up next to his signature cape. I walk over quickly, and immediately pull it down with a bright smile on my face and fluff it around my shoulders. When he looks at me, a small giggle leaves his parted lips. “You look adorable”
“This thing is fucking heavy,” I I deadpan before giggling. I take the cape and whip it around, lifting it into the air. It makes my arms wobble a bit as I look at the sponsorships printed on the back of it. I let my arms fall down, cape brushing the floor as I yawn softly, lifting one hand to rub the sleep out of my eye.
“Not get enough sleep, darling?” He teases back, hand moving to tug the cape from my hand and place it back on the hanger.
“No, never enough.” I giggle, moving to snuggle into his chest. I let out a content sigh as he closes his arms around me and presses a faint kiss to the top of my head. “Can we go home now, Leon? Cause if not then you’re going to have to carry me.”
He chuckles, turning us gently and leading me toward the door. Lee grabs one suitcase while I grab the other before walking out and shutting the door behind us. Once back on the elevator, I whip out my phone to take a picture of Leon and I to send to my folks to confirm that I had arrived safely, or at least I finally was with Leon. He keeps a hand on my back as I type out the message to send it in a group chat, leading me out of the elevator and through the main lobby.
Once outside, Leon leads me over to another elevator, ushering me inside. I glance up at him as the door shuts, his eyebrows are knitted together as he stares at the buttons. “It’s um, I’m by the stadium. Yeah,” he mutters as he presses the corresponding button. The lift jerks to a start before we are on our way.
“This is a weird way to get transported.” I murmur, making Leon chuckle.
“Leave it up to the Chairman to design these things.”
“At least you can only go to two other places.”
Leon nods as it comes to a stop the door opening with a swoosh. Leon groans at the frigid air, grabbing my bag and ushering me out. He pulls me to a stop before we get too far his hand disappearing under his coat, and before I can ask he whips his hand to the side and a loud pop bursts through the air. Suddenly in front of us is Leon’s Charizard, and I am at a loss for words. Leon moves a hand up to scratch his partner’s chin, the pokemon’s chest rumbles, purring and bumping his head against Leon’s. He eventually turns toward me and reaches for my hand as he speaks, “Buddy, this is (Y/N). My love, meet Charizard.”
“Holy shit,” I whisper, my hands shaking as I lift one to touch him. Charizard sniffs my hand before pressing his snout into it. “Look at him!” I giggle as I move forward and both my hands brush against his scales. It was a mixture of the velvet feeling of a snake’s scales, while some patches are a little rougher to the touch. Charizard leans into my touch before moving so I’m practically pressed against his front, his neck and head moving down to press me there as I scratch at his skin, he rumbles again making me giggle. “And I was not expecting him to be so warm! I mean I know he’s a fire type but,” I shake my head, “nevermind, I’m tired and rambling.”
Leon chuckles behind me, “Same here, my love. C'mon buddy,” I step back as Lee pats his partner’s cheek, “Help us not get lost, yeah?”
Charizard blows some fire into the air, making me giggle before the three of us start walking down the street. While we walk, Lee keeps an arm around my shoulders as he rambles about what I had missed from him that day, which wasn’t much. We almost walk past the apartment, but Charizard makes sure we don’t by grabbing the back of my backpack and pulling me to a stop, which prompts Leon to stop and see what’s wrong.
He smiles sheepishly as he takes my hand and returns Charizard to his pokeball before leading me into the apartment building. We ride the elevator to the top floor, and when we exit there is only a small room with a single door. Leon whips out his key and unlocks it with ease before pushing it open and allowing me to enter inside in front of him. “Home sweet home.” Leon mutters once the door falls shut behind us.
I don’t get to look very far before I hear a chorus of popping through the air, and when I turn around my heart almost stops. Now standing in the sparse living room is Leon’s whole team, and they are looking back at me with curiosity.
Leon chuckles as he walks over to me, helping me out of my backpack and jacket, which he promptly tosses to the couch, before facing his team again. “Alright, team. I think it’s time you really get to meet my darling girlfriend.”
“Lee,” I whisper nervously, placing my hands over my mouth as I glance back at him. He gives me an encouraging smile before placing his hands on my shoulders.
“They won’t hurt you, love.” He whispers back as his Haxorus takes the first, cautious step forward. She walks slowly over, head tilted to the side. Haxorus chirps as I reach toward her, avoiding her blade like tusks as she leans into my touch and moves toward me. “Look at her, she’s adorable, well for as badass as she looks.” I add with a giggle.
“I’ve had her for most of my journey,” Leon smiles, pressing a kiss into my cheek. “Raihan and I found her in the wild area. I think I was twelve.” He chuckles as he moves so he is stationed beside me and Haxorus. “We crept over to the nesting area and I caught her. The adult on scene caught us though and we nearly got our asses whooped, but she has been nothing but loyal since day one.”
“Well, I love her.” I smile, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to the top of her head, she chirps again before moving away to let someone greet me next. Mr. Rime tap dances over, swinging his cane as he does. I giggle as I move to meet him in the middle with a quick minimal tap dance causing Leon chuckle. “What about him?” I reach for his hand before squealing at his stomach’s face moving and smiling back.
Leon chuckles from behind me, “I caught him as a Mr. Mime after I won the championships a third time. Since I was sixteen, I could live in Wyndon on my own. So Rose got me set up in an apartment, but it was weird not having any people around. Camping in the wild area, I could hear the other Pokemon around me and I could have my Pokemon out so I didn’t have to worry about the silence. It was too quiet in the apartment.” He pauses for a second, making me look over at him. His eyes are down casted, but not for long. He sighs and looks up, smiling when he sees me looking right at him. “So I would let out Mr. Mine, but I will admit sometimes seeing him in the hallway late at night was terrifying.” He laughs again as Mr. Rime suddenly spins me in a circle before bowing.
I turn to the right and look at Aegislash who is still sheathed behind the shield so I can look at him without any worries. “You have to evolve Aegislash with a stone, right?”
Leon nods as I glance at him while gently placing my hands around the rim of the shield to look at the patterns. “I found him as a Doublade in the wild area. I was on my way to Hammerlocke for the first time to head to the fourth gym when I caught him. I actually accidentally evolved him.”
“And how did you manage that?”
“I was cooking in the wild area after practicing my strategies for the last gym, and I was looking for some ingredients from my bag and just,” he pauses to gesture him throwing things over his shoulder, “was tossing all around. When I turned around he was evolved.” Lee shakes his head gently, “I was definitely surprised.”
I giggle, turning to look at him. Immediately my shoulder gets nuzzled and I laugh a little harder at Lee’s Dragapult who nudges my hand as I raise it. His tail wrapping about my ankle, whisps tickling my skin. “And lastly, what about him, Lee?”
Leon walks over to me and places one of his hands to my hip while scratching under Dragapults chin. “Wandered into my camp as a Dreepy, he was wounded so I patched him up. What was funny about it was that I had been lost in the wild area for like three days-”
“Only you-”
“Hey, a lot of people get lost in the wild area, especially with the unexpected weather.” He defends, playfully tugging me into his side. “And it was particularly foggy those three days so there wasn’t much I could do. But he did manage to lead us out, so when we did make it back and he wanted to follow I just caught him.”
I nod, leaning my head into his shoulder, a small yawn leaving my lips. “All lovely stories for your team.”
“And I vote no more stories, unless they are in bed.”
I yawn again, “Bed sounds good.”
Leon takes my hand and pulls me along softly, “And you lot, go to bed. You all trained hard today, so you deserve it.” I hear them all call out, making me giggle. He leads me down the hall and opens a door, leading us into the master bedroom. Leon softly laughs as I let go of his hand and throw myself across the bed, groaning when I land.
“Why is your bed so much more comfortable than mine?” I whine, rolling over to pout at him as he moves about the room, discarding his shirt and pants. I watch as he opens a drawer and pulls out a pair of shorts and a shirt, but his shirt he tosses toward me instead of putting it on. I smile as I sit up and tug my shirt over my head to replace it with his before tossing my bra across the room, making him blush in the low lit room.
“Making yourself at home, love?” he teases as he walks over to the edge of the bed. He grabs my ankles, tugging me to the edge as I giggle before unbuttoning my jeans and carefully tugging them off.
“Of course I am, you make yourself at home when you spend the night at my house.” I tease as he tosses my jeans across the room where his own clothes sit crumpled on the floor.
Leon rolls his eyes before he leans down, caging my face with his arms as he leans in to kiss me. Only he doesn’t, he instead grabs my hips and lifts me, causing me to squeal and wrap my arms around his neck as he moves my legs to wrap around his waist. He then crawls across the bed on his knees, me giggling into his ear. I hear him move the blankets, and suddenly we are both falling toward the bed, my head hitting the pillow as he moves just enough away from me to pull the blankets over us. As soon as he is settled he attacks my face with kisses, bringing me as close as he possibly can.
“Stop!” I giggle, pushing his face away for only a second before I pull him back to kiss his lips. “And besides, I am home as long as I am with you.”
“You’re a sap-”
“Only with you,” I smile, nuzzling closer to him until my head is resting on his chest and he is laying on his back. We both let out a sigh, and I feel my eyes flutter shut. Leon’s hands resting against my shoulder and waist. Finally, I was really home.
A/N: Good day all you sweet, lovely people! Hope your day is going well, here is another chapter to Game Changer. Let me know what you think and let me know if you wanna be tagged!
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fan-clan-fun · 4 years
The New Clans
Got a few clans for my WIP, Nightpaw’s Prophecy.
Yay another submission! Let’s hear it!
CAVECLAN - hidden deep in the cave network it calls home. Regarded as paranoid, but for good reason (it has a history of being betrayed by its allies); very secretive and suspicious of outsiders. Has mainly very dark, rough fur and slight builds. Eats rats, bats, and the occasional unfortunate raccoon who wanders across them. Good at hunting in the dark, with night-eyesight even better than most cats’, and very good climbers. Camp is at the center of the cave network.
I love me a good old fashion cave dwelling clan. Sounds solid to me! You might include a little more diverse prey though, maybe this clan is odd because it is known for eating insects, like moths. Or maybe since they live primarily in caves and their prey is scarce, they practice a lot of night hunting and have a nocturnal life style?
MARSHCLAN - in the marsh directly next to CaveClan. Laid-back and friendly with outsiders; has the most kittypets of the New Clans. Calicos and torties are the most common for females, with darker pelts seen on males very often; stocky, with sleek fur. Eats frogs, fish, and turtles. Good at swimming and hunting smaller prey. Camp is on a small, broken up island in the middle of the marsh.
Pretty standard again. Not sure if you were planning on being genetically correct (you dont have to be!) but if you were, statistically about half the males would be ginger of some variety if most of the females were torties, since the mom could pass down either ginger or black-based genes to her kids. As for the clan itself, does their climate ever give them issues with precipitation, like flooding? If so how do they handle that?
LAKECLAN - beside a large lake. Seen as polite, but very cold towards outsiders; critical of kittypets, rogues, and anyone who accepts half-Clan cats. Pale pelts with curly fur; very small and sleek. Eats fish, small birds, and the occasional turtle or frog. Good at swimming and fishing. Camp is hidden in the reeds and cattails around the lake.
Ooo curly fur! Fun! Again, pretty standard, but since they live on a lake, do they ever deal with twolegs who might be fishing or camping nearby?
FORESTCLAN - obscured by thick undergrowth and towering deciduous trees. Holds strength in high regard and disapproves of weakness; has no patience for anyone with “conservative” attitudes, and has the highest amount of rogues among their ranks. Tall and broad, with fluffy pelts and darker shades of fur. Eats mice, birds, squirrels, and any smaller predators they can catch, including foxes, badgers, and birds of prey. Good at fighting, hunting predators, and surviving events that would decimate other clans. Camp is in a particularly thick patch that only the most determined can get through.
Sounds like they are a powerhouse. Sounds like they have a grudge against predators, any interesting stories there?
MEADOWCLAN - in a wide, open meadow surrounded by sparse woods. Loves nuclear families, strict gender roles, and heterosexuality; typically forces butch mollies to hunt and effeminate toms to care for kits, but otherwise keeps typical Western values. Long and lithe, with lighter pelts; gingers are very common, greys and silvers slightly less so. Good at hunting and having tons of kits at a time. Camp is underneath a weeping willow, next to a small river.
Part of me loves this and part of me is sad that they are so strict, but big families! Lots of kits! Also love me some wide open fields and clans that put them to good use. Also a camp by the weeping willow is quite the aesthetic, Im here for it. 
NOTES - ForestClan and MeadowClan, despite their differing beliefs about sexuality and gender roles, are occasionally allies; MeadowClan’s current leader, Rabbitstar, has a huge crush on ForestClan’s deputy, Ravenshade. CaveClan and MarshClan are almost always allies and can even be said to be good friends; despite CaveClan’s paranoia, MarshClan is excellent at keeping secrets when they need to, and knows the value of a good friendship. LakeClan is only loyal to itself and only shows up to Gatherings so that they can get information on predators, natural disasters, and diseases.
Although my MC, Nightpaw, is in ForestClan, my favorite clan is CaveClan. MarshClan is my second favorite because of how accepting they are.
Thank you so much for the submission! Im sorry I always take to long to post them, but Im always grateful to come back to fandom and see the fantastic work everyone is up to in their writing.
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botherkupo · 5 years
A Lie for a Lie (chapter 17)
Summary:  "Because Chat Noir is dating Marinette." Or in which Lila lies, Adrien panics, and Marinette gets stuck being Chat Noir's fake girlfriend.
Chapter 17:  Don't Be Stationary for Stationery
"Took your time," Ladybug says.
Adrien—or Chat Noir, as he appears to her—knocks down the giant wad of post-it notes that just came for his face. He grins, spinning his baton and leaning on it with easy grace. "Sorry. Only just got the memo."
Her lips twitch.
His grin widens, but any follow up puns are ruined as a masked woman riding a flying, motorbike-sized stapler appears and he and Ladybug are forced to avoid an onslaught of very sharp, very fast staples. Ladybug's yoyo flashes into a spinning shield. He grabs her by the waist and launches them both to a safer rooftop.
"Phew," he says, releasing her and seamlessly shifting with her into a run. "That staplermobile is dangerous."
"What's the matter, kitty? Afraid of a few staples."
"I am when they're bigger than my head. Also when they come for my head."
Ladybug tugs him down by his arm so they're both crouching behind a part of the rooftop. "Well, I'm pretty sure the akuma is inside that stapler Inventoria is riding," she says. "We'll have to be careful approaching her. Not only can she attack with rapid-fire staples, but she can turn you into office supplies if she hits you with the glowing, purple staples."
"That would explain the giant pens and folders I passed on my way here."
He sneaks a glance over the side of the building to see Inventoria—sleek in her skin-tight, grey and black suit, but still very visible thanks to her highlighter-pink hair—firing off purple staples at a couple of unfortunate Parisians who had managed to catch her attention. A bottle of ink and some paperclips are soon bouncing around the street.
"This is your last chance, Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Inventoria yells. "Give me your miraculouses or watch as all of Paris becomes part of my inventory!"
Adrien raises his eyebrows. "You know, that staplermobile is breaking some serious occupational safety rules. Not to mention vehicle rules. I bet she doesn't even have a licence for it."
A smile peeps out on Ladybug's lips. "Well then, shall we inform her that her law breaking ways won't be tolerated?"
He grins and gestures for her to go ahead. "After you, m'lady."
Ladybug spins her yoyo into the air. "Lucky charm!"
A clipboard complete with a bulldog clip drops into her hands, but he doesn't bother to question how it can be used to defeat Inventoria. Ladybug will figure it out. She always does. All he has to do is protect her, provide distractions when needed, and be ready to use cataclysm.
Time to inventorise this stationery-obsessed akuma.
"Glad that's over," Ladybug says.
He bumps fists with her, as is their custom. "A job well done, m'lady. Let's just hope her manager is nicer to her from now on."
"Right. Can't say I really want to fight stationery again."
"That would be difficult. Can't fight when you can't move."
She rolls her eyes and swats him lightly on the chest, but the twinkle in her gaze betrays her. His lips curve. And then freeze. He stares and stares.
"What?" she says, brow furrowing.
He shakes his head, trying to regather his thoughts. For a moment all he had seen was Marinette's twinkling eyes, Marinette's threatening-to-sneak-free smile. His insides twist, but he can't place if the sensation is unpleasant or not. It's shifting and confusing, a gossamer thing.
Has his lady's eyes always smiled like that?
Why can't he remember?
Her earrings beep, followed quickly by his ring.
"I guess I should get going," she says.
"Yeah." He swallows thickly. "Me too."
"See you next time, kitty."
He nods and watches her swing away.
His father is waiting for him at home. Or rather looming at the top of the staircase with a storm-cloud frown. Not a good sign. Did he hear about how distracted Adrien had been during the last photoshoot?
Gabriel walks down the stairs and shoves a clipping from a tabloid magazine into his hands. Adrien's chest tightens and his stomach clenches into knots as he sees it's an article about Marinette supposedly cheating on Chat Noir with him.
"Explain," his father orders.
Adrien wants to sink into the floor. His father has never cared to interrogate him about articles like this before. (He's a famous teen model; of course speculation and sensationalist pieces sometimes get publicised, regardless of how hard Nathalie and his publicity manager work to maintain his perfect image.)
"It's nothing," Adrien says in a small voice. "Just a false rumour."
"You must have been doing something to cause this false rumour."
"I wasn't, Father. Honest. Marinette is just a friend."
His father's stare is cool and sharp. "This isn't the first time you've been involved in a scandal with this Marinette girl."
Adrien's chest tightens even more. All the breath is being squeezed out of him and can't get back in. "Please don't forbid me from seeing her."
"You care for her that much?"
"She's one of my best friends. Of course I care about her."
There is no emotion in his father's eyes. Only ice and steel. Adrien's shoulders creep higher to his ears and he rubs his left arm, tense and wanting to recoil into himself like a snail seeking the safety of its shell. He wishes he could bold, wishes he could say he doesn't care what his father says, because he's going to keep seeing her anyway. But he's scared. Scared it will be one display of unapproved behaviour too many. Scared he'll get pulled out of school and never get to see Marinette or anyone else as himself again.
Being Chat Noir gives him some freedom, but it's not the same as being able to spend time with friends as Adrien Agreste.
"Father, please," he practically whispers. "It was all a misunderstanding. We've done nothing wrong."
Gabriel looks down at him, still no trace of sympathy or warmth. "Very well," he says coolly. "Invite this Marinette of yours to dinner. I shall see for myself whether she is fit to be your friend."
All the breath whooshes back into Adrien's lungs. "Thank you," he says, throwing his arms around his father. "I know you'll like her."
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