#pat nye
claudia1829things · 1 month
"LITTLE WOMEN" (1970) Review
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"LITTLE WOMEN" (1970) Review
It is very rare to find a British adaptation of an American novel. It is even rarer to find more than one adaptation. Louisa May Alcott's 1868 novel, "Little Women" must have been very popular with the BBC network. The latter had adapted the novel four times. Several years ago, I had seen the network's 2017 version. I thought it was the only version adapted by the BBC . . . until I had stumbled across the 1970 adaptation.
Set during the 1860s decade, "LITTLE WOMEN" told the story of the four March sisters of Concord, Massachusetts and their coming of age stories during and after the U.S. Civil War. With second daughter Josephine aka Jo serving as the story's main protagonist, the miniseries focused on the sisters' struggles with the family's diminished finances, their personal ambitions and especially their love lives. Early in the story, the March sisters become acquainted with their neighbor, one Theodore "Laurie" Lawrence, grandfather Mr. Lawrence and his tutor, John Brooke. Whereas third sister Beth develops a friendship with the elderly Mr. Lawrence, oldest sister Meg falls in love with Mr. Brooke, and the youngest Amy develops from a slightly vain and coddled child to a mature and self-assured young woman. As for Jo, the story focused on her development from a temperamental and stubborn girl, who learns to maintain her hot temper, navigate through her relationships with two men and adhere to her ambitions to become a writer.
Another surprising aspect of "LITTLE WOMEN" that I had learned was that it was the longest adaptation of Alcott's novel with a total running time of 225 minutes. This gave screenwriters Alistair Bell and Denis Constanduros to be as faithful to Alcott's novel as possible. Were they? Somewhat. The pair did take care to explore Laurie's volatile relationship with his grandfather - something that a good number of the other adaptations had failed to do. And it allowed glimpses into his growing relationship with Amy in Europe. Also, the early stages of Meg's marriage to Mr. Brooke ended up being explored, something that only the 2019 movie adaptation had repeated. I believe the miniseries did a very solid job of conveying these aspects of Alcott's novel.
But the miniseries left out Meg and Laurie's experiences at Annie Moffat's party. The miniseries also left out the sisters meeting with Laurie's English friends - something only the 2017 adaptation had included. Bell and Constanduros had changed the time period of Amy's near drowning at Walden Pond from the winter to either the spring or summer, allowing a rickety pier to send her into the pond, instead of thin ice. And it never touched on Amy's violent encounter with her schoolteacher over pickled limes. Did these aspects of the screenplay harm the production? Hmmmm . . . perhaps not. But I do feel that the miniseries' increased emphasis on the Lawrence men's relationship came dangerously close to overshadowing the March sisters' own relationships. I am relieved that the miniseries managed to focus somewhat on Jo's relationship with Professor Bhaer. However, I do have a problem with the sexist manner in which Constanduros and Bell had the professor viewed his future marriage to Jo. Whatever admiration Professor Bhaer had for Jo's writing skills seemed to fly out of the window in his anticipation of her being a good wife. Superficially, I had no problems with the brief focus on Meg and John's marriage, even if it could have been somewhat more thorough. But I believe it exposed what I believe was one of the miniseries' main problems.
"LITTLE WOMEN" did have its share of problems. Like the 1978 television adaptation, it is clear to see that it suffered somewhat from a low budget. If I must be frank, that seemed to be more obvious in this adaptation. Aside from Amy's near drowning at Walden Pond and some of European settings featuring Amy and Laurie, all other scenes had obviously been shot inside a studio. Very disappointing, considering a good number of BBC productions featured a mixture of interior and exterior shots. I found the actresses' makeup and hair - especially the latter - to be inconsistent and frankly, a big mess. Betty Aldiss' costume designs seemed solid enough, but not particularly earth shattering. Although the cast solely featured British performers, I believe a handful of them managed to handle American accents quite well - especially Stephen Turner, Stephanie Bidmead and Martin Jarvis. But despite their solid or excellent performances, the rest of the cast seemed to struggle maintaining one. And could someone please explain why three of the actresses who portrayed the March sisters seemed to be incredibly loud? Nearly every time one of them spoke, I had to turn down my television's volume. Some have explained these scenes featuring quarreling between the four sisters. They have even gone as far to claim this adaptation was the only one that featured the sisters often quarreling. Well, they would be wrong. Nearly every adaptation (I am not certain about the 1933 movie) of Alcott's novel featured quarrels between the sisters. So, this explanation does not strike me as a good excuse for the loud voices.
Judging from the previous paragraph, one would assume I have a low opinion of the majority of performances featured in "LITTLE WOMEN". Not really. Most of the performances featured in the miniseries struck me as pretty solid. Actresses Angela Down ("Jo"), Jo Rowbottom ("Meg"), Janina Faye (Amy) and Sarah Craze ("Beth") all gave solid performances and managed to capture the nuances of their individual characters in a competent manner. As I had stated earlier, I had a problem with most of them - with the exception of Craze - resorting to loud and histrionic voices in their portrayals of the March sisters at a younger age or in the case of Rowbottom, engaged in a heated quarrel. I thought Jean Anderson gave a solid performance as the stuffy Aunt March. Frederick Jaeger gave a very likeable performance as Jo's love interest, the intellectual Professor Friedrich Bhaer. And I believe the actor had a solid screen chemistry with Down. I really had a problem with actress Pat Nye, who portrayed the family's housekeeper, Hannah. Nye's handling of Hannah's American accent struck me as ridiculously exaggerated . . . to the point that her accent almost seemed Southern. Patrick Troughton, a talented actor in his own right, had more or less been wasted in his role as the family's patriarch, Mr. March. I do not believe he had spoken more than three to five lines in this production.
I can think of at least four performances that really impressed me. It seemed a pity that not one of them came from the four actresses who portrayed the sisters. Oh well. John Welsh has my vote as the second best version of Mr. James Lawrence, the March family's wealthy neighbor. I thought he did an excellent job of developing his character from a strict and curmudgeon guardian to a warm-hearted man who learned to develop a relationship with his grandson. Most portrayals of John Brooke, Meg's future husband, have never impressed me. But I must say that I found Martin Jarvis's portrayal of the character more than impressive. The actor was given an opportunity to delve more into Mr. Brooke's personality and he ended up giving one of the better performances in the miniseries. If given the chance to vote for the best performance in "LITTLE WOMEN", I would give it to Stephen Turner for his portrayal of the sisters' close friend, Theodore "Laurie" Lawrence. I suspect Turner had greatly benefited from Bell and Constanduros's script, which seemed more interested in Laurie as a character than the four leads. But judging from Turner's performance, I suspect his would have overshadowed everyone else's due to the actor's superb handling of the character. I also have to compliment Stephanie Bidmead's portrayal of the March family's matriarch, Mrs. "Marmee" March. Not only did I find her performance warm and elegant, but it also lacked the dripping sentimentality of the earlier versions and the heavy-handed attempts to make the character "modern" - relevant to today's movie and television audiences.
"LITTLE WOMEN" had its flaws. I cannot deny this. But I feel its flaws - which included a limited budget and some questionable American accents - were not enough to dismiss the nine-part miniseries as unworthy. I believe the 1970 miniseries proved to be a lot more solid and entertaining than some fans of Alcott's novel believed, thanks to Paddy Russell's competent direction, a damn good screenplay by Denis Constanduros and Alistair Bell, and a first-rate cast led by Angela Down.
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unnatural-twenty · 1 year
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Happy New Year's Everybody
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spookydrreid · 5 months
Let’s Start the New Year Right
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Spencer Reid x fem!reader
18+ minors DNI
desc: Spencer and reader get invited to a chill, casual NYE party. But things heat up right at the stroke of midnight.
cw: food mention, Spencer is a little awkward in the beginning, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, semi-public sex (in a bathroom)... Let me know if I missed anything
wc: 1667
“I can’t go dressed like this? People will laugh at me.” 
Spencer looks himself over in the mirror for the tenth time, running a hand down his sweatshirt. It was New Years Eve and you two weren’t doing anything too crazy, just spending time at your friend Andies house with a few others. She’d just bought said house and was desperate for you and the rest of your friends to see it. And what better time than New Year's Eve?
“They will not laugh at you. Andie said she wanted everyone to be casual and casual means jeans and sweatshirts,” you called from inside your closet. “And we’ll be out by the fire. You’ll be more comfortable like this. Trust me.” 
You peak around the corner to his portion of the closet, a small smile tugging at your lips. He looks cute, more dressed down than you usually see him. In fact, this is the most you’ve seen him in the past three weeks. Serial killers don’t take breaks, even during the holidays. So off he and the team went to bum-fuck-nowhere Alabama and missed Christmas.
It was disappointing to say the least. 
But it was his job, something he warned you of previously. However, it didn’t mean him missing important days didn’t hurt. But you sucked it up and smiled through it. Plus, it didn’t matter. He was home and he was safe. 
“I do trust you. But I don’t want to be underdressed.” He sighs moving to grab his tennis shoes, sitting on the little poof seat you insisted on buying. (And that he secretly loved. Not that he’d admit it.) 
You pull your hair out of the back of your sweatshirt, smoothing it down and grabbing a warm hat. “You won’t be. This isn’t like Rossi’s where we dress to the nines and get drunk on champagne.” 
You see him grin as he ties his shoes, a small blush rising on his ears. 
“Yeah he was sad we were coming this year. I, however, am excited we aren’t going. I have spent more than enough time with all of them. They’ll survive without me for a night.” 
You giggle, walking towards him and hugging him from behind. “Yes, baby, your friends will survive without you. You’re all mine tonight.” You kiss his cheek before straightening and checking your phone, “we should head out, sweetheart. Andie will be pissed if we’re late.” 
The drive to Andies was short, filled with Spencer's long winded explanation about why you and he bought your house at the ‘most perfect time’. You loved listening to him ramble, even if half the time he spoke gibberish. You were thankful you could google some of the super big words he used. 
The second you’re parked outside the house, big, beautiful and full of holiday cheer, you see Spencer tense. You’d think after six years together, he’d be more calm around your friends. They helped him with the proposal after all and he still has the group chat. The group chat where they send him memes he doesn’t understand. However, no matter the time, he isn’t the most comfortable with anyone but you. And more so in your bedroom. 
You find it… endearing to say the least. 
You reach over and grab his hand, squeezing it three times i am here. “Ready?” 
He squeezes back and nods, “I am… I think.” 
It’s all you need before getting out and never once letting go of Spencer’s hand. 
Andie stands at the door, smile on her face, two glasses of punch in her hands. “There is my best friend and her hot as fuck fiance!”
Spencer practically cringes at her words, never being one who could handle a compliment. Even if he was the most beautiful human you’ve ever seen. 
“Hi! Sorry we’re late. We had a late night. You know how it is, serial killers killing during the holidays. Dr. Reid forever having to save the day.” You pat his chest, looking up at him fondly. 
He loves when you look at him like that, eyes so wide, filled to the brim with love. He kisses your head and 
Andie fake gags, handing you the drinks in her hand. “Yes, yes. Get inside before we let the kitten out and before the cold air comes in.” 
You sip it, the vodka making your chest feel warm. Spencer looks down at the cup before looking back at you, “I can’t drink. Want this?” You nod, taking it and pouring it into your cup. “A-andie do you have water? Bottled? I don’t like sink water and fridge water tastes funny so bottled is better. Even though it’s not good for the environment.
“But it’s not really us that needs to worry. It’s the famous people who really pollute the envi-” 
Andie cuts him off, “Spencie baby, you don’t have to explain this to me. I have plenty of bottled water. Want a cold one or a room temp one?” 
Spencer curls his lips over his teeth, a small blush creeping up his neck, “cold is fine. Thank you, Andie.” 
“You’re welcome sweet thing.” She digs in her fridge and finds the bottle, handing it to him. “Now, time for a tour.” 
It takes a good few minutes for her to show you both around the house, making sure she explains every single detail even down to the persian rug her current boyfriend bought her when he went to visit his mother. 
Spencer, of course, went on and on about this, that and the third. It was cute. 
But soon you were in Spencer's lap, staying warm by a fire and roasting a marshmallow while Spencer got the chocolate and graham crackers ready. You were two drinks and three shots in, happily buzzed but not even close to drunk. 
“You are so hot when you open chocolate. S’anyone ever told you that?” You say it quietly, not wanting to embarrass him in front of anyone. 
He smirks, using the top graham cracker to slide the toasted marshmallow off of the stick and smoosh it between the other cracker and chocolate. “No one has ever told me that. But there is a first for everything.” 
He takes the first bite before handing you the rest. You pout a little and he laughs. “You ate my smore! Not fair.” 
He kisses you, lips brushing over yours gently, “I will make you another when you finish that one.” “What happened to my shy boy? Getting bossy out here.” You smirk, knowing you’re pushing his buttons.
“I didn’t hear you complaining last night when I fucked you into the mattress.” He says right in your ear, nipping at it slightly. 
You shiver, squirming in his lap. “You-you can’t do this to me. We can’t fuck here.” 
He kisses your temple, “there are four bathrooms here. We totally could. They all lock, I made sure.” 
Andie claps her hands, “ten minutes till midnight!” 
Spencer grips your thigh, “what a way to ring in the new year? Me buried inside you.” 
You cross your legs, trying anything to get some friction. 
“They’ll notice, Spence.” You look around, no one is paying attention to you, most of them sucking face with their dates.
“Oh baby, they won’t notice.” 
Before you know it, your pants and underwear are on the bathroom floor, and Spencer's face buried in your cunt. You bite your fist to quiet the moan. For some reason, it was extremely hot getting eaten out with the possibility of someone hearing you. But that didn’t mean you wanted to get caught. 
“So pretty bunny.” He purrs from below you. He pushes two fingers inside you, easily opening you up. He knows your body better than you do, making mental notes of every little moan, gasp, and sigh that leaves your lips. Because of this it isn’t long before he has you falling over the edge, somehow keeping your moans quiet.
“Time,” He asks as he stands, towering over you.
You check your phone with shaky fingers, “11… 11:50” 
Spencer pulls at his belt with fervor, pushing his pants down till they pool at his ankles. “Gotta keep you quiet for another ten minutes.” 
His lips are on yours, swallowing your moans as he pushes all the way inside you. He doesn’t waste time, his hips snapping against yours. His lips travel from your lips and down your neck, moving your sweatshirt to the side to suck hickies where no one can see them. 
‘Just for me,’ he’d always say. ‘Only for me.’ 
“Spencer, please.” How you manage to whisper it is beyond you. But it doesn’t matter with the way he’s moving. 
“Shh… I’ve got you, bunny.” He snaps his hips faster. 
Your second orgasm comes right at 11:58. And it isn’t long before you can hear your friends counting down. 
“Fuck bunny. Feel so good.” 
His hand covers your mouth, muffling your growing moans. 
“I know you don’t want to get caught.” 
“‘Specially not so close to midnight. Right?” 
You shake your head no. Eyes staying locked with his.
A wicked smirk crosses his lips, his confidence growing. 
“S’what I thought.” 
His thrust grow more and more sloppy and before long his head falls into your shoulder and his orgasm rips through him, spilling inside you. 
His kiss is hard, hands on the sides of your face while he makes out with you, riding out the rest of his orgasm. He’s panting as he pulls back, Spencer's forehead resting on yours. 
“Happy New Years, sweet angel.”
I hope you enjoyed! This is my first fic in almost a year. Im nervous to say the least lmao. I love you all ❤️
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eddiesxangel · 5 months
Okay last request of the year.
Eddie kissing reader on new year’s eve and it’s her first kiss💞
The Stroke of Midnight | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Wc: 942 cw: alcohol and fluff
Here you were, New Year’s Eve, at Steve’s. Single. Surrounded by couples. Everyone had been paired off. Every. Single. Person.
Robin and Vicky. Steve and Nancy. Hell, even all the kids had their little relationships. And here you were, an hour until midnight, and you would be kissing Mr. Snuffles, the family cat, at this point.
The party was fun, but the reality of the fact that you hadn’t ever been kissed by somebody, let alone getting a New Year’s Eve kiss, was settling in.
Eddie, your only chronically single friend, was supposed to be here. However, it’s now 11:26pm, and he was nowhere to be found. Honestly, you were a tiny bit relieved he wasn’t here. You had liked Eddie. Ok, liked is an understatement. You had a big, fat, massive crush on Eddie Munson.
Eddie was never one of your super close friends. You had been closer with the girls, but he was still a friend. Your group was together whenever you all had the time. You tried at least a few times a week to get together. Eddie was always sweet on you. He was a natural flirt; you were not used to that kind of attention. He makes you flustered in the best way possible.
So when he didn’t show, you were disappointed, but since he was the only singleton out of the group, you felt anxious about him being here...Would you have to kiss? Would he even want to kiss you? Would you be bad at it? What if you sucked at kissing, and he told everybody! What if you asked him, and he rejected you? That would be mortifying!
As you got lost in your thoughts and the sparkling wine you had been downing all night, you didn't hear the door open or anyone or greet the man who had entered the room.
"Hey, sweetheart, sorry I'm late." You snapped out of your thoughts, and standing before you was Eddie. Your stomach was in knots.
"Edde! Hi!" You said a little too enthusiastically.
"Woah, how many of these have we had tonight?" He asks, taking your champagne flute from your hand and sipping it a bit. If it was anyone else that took your drink, you'd be pissed. But it was Eddie. He didn't mean anything by it.
"Only a few." You turn into yourself shyly.
"Well, looks like I need to catch up." He winked. "Care to join me in the kitchen?" He gestured his arm out for you to talk in front of him.
"Okay," You smiled.
You check the TV for the NYE countdown. Seven minutes until midnight.
"I didn't think you were going to come."
"And not be with my favourite person to start the new year? Nah. Have to start off '88 right." He smiled before turning to open the fringe, and you swore your heart stopped.
"Oh," your chest and face immediately felt flush. Thankfully, the door was blocking you, so Eddie couldn't see the look of shock in your eyes. "So, uh... what took you so long?" you twiddled with your glass.
"Oh, I had to finish up some last-minute deals... you know. Nothing says Happy New Year like being high." he says before taking a shot.
"Woah, Munson starting off strong," Steve says as he enters the kitchen.
"Gotta catch up with this one; can't be the only sober guy at the party," Eddie pointed to you jokingly.
You just rolled your eyes as you topped off your glass for the cheers.
Steve grabbed his drink and then beckoned the both of you into the living room with the TV countdown. There were only a few minutes left until midnight.
Eddie took your hand and led you into the crowded room. You noticed everyone was paired off, sitting beside one another. As you scanned the area, you noticed that most of the seats were taken. However, Eddie confidently guided you towards a single high-backed leather chair, which could only accommodate one person. He then patted his lap warmly with a smile, gesturing for you to sit with him.
" I uh- you sure?" you stuttered.
"Yes, sweetheart, only a few more seconds until midnight; how am I supposed to kiss you from all the way up there?"
You threw all caution to the wind while thanking your lucky stars you didn't drink too much to be an absolute disaster.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... the others chanted as you sat down in Eddie's lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulder so you could face him.
You shuffled to get comfortable.
Eddie wrapped a sroong hand around your waist.
You looked into Eddie's eyes and took a deep breath.
Eddie smiled, and you smiled back. It was clear to the others around you that both of you were nervous.
Eddie nudged your nose with his own nose.
Fireworks! You closed your eyes, and Eddie leaned in. His lips were a little chapped from winter but still soft and plush. He worked his mouth with yours as his hand came up to cup your left cheek. It was so natural, so easy, you couldn't believe how simple kissing was. You'd always thought it would be complicated. Or maybe it's due to the fact that Eddie was really good at it. You had nothing to compare it to, but he was really good at it.
Happy New Year! You heard the others cheer, breaking you out of your thoughts, and Eddie pulled away.
"Happy New Year, Sweets." He tilted your chin up to him.
“Happy New Year, Eddie." you whispered before he kissed you again.
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yxngbxkkie · 1 year
stray kids masterlist
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bang chan
stay with me
mornings with chan ✨
first love
drunk confessions #5
seven years of pining (hogwarts au)
baby fever
7 minutes in heaven
mechanic's shop
little date at the shop
miss you
freak accident
a tmi
girl dad 🎀
not ready for goodbyes
secret secret
lee minho
new discovery
camping trip
don't let me love you
mornings with minho ✨️
picture time with 2min
drunk confessions #4
booty slaps
telling the boys you're pregnant
new seat
pat down
seo changbin
no doubts
mornings with changbin ✨
simp for me
drunk confessions #2
bf texts with changbin ✨️
personal trainer
hwang hyunjin
dance practice
art exhibit
ysl event
mornings with hyunjin ✨
bf texts with hyunjin ✨
love in france? pt2
ramen in the cold room
just say you like me
like father, like son
night time visits
han jisung
amusement park
mornings with jisung ✨
second chances
bf texts with jisung ✨️
i love you
neck kissing
#1 3RACHA supporter
drunk confessions #3
lake house vacation
school boy crush
subby drunk
lee yongbok felix
you're home
a new home
ysl event
mornings with felix ✨
same glasses, different prescription
bf texts with felix ✨
sleepy boy
drunk confessions #1
who's on top now
pranking the husband
kim seungmin
karaoke night
mornings with seungmin ✨
baseball love
picture time with 2min
yang jeongin
secret secret
mornings with jeongin ✨
bf texts with jeongin ✨
valentine - hyung line maknae line
skz street racing au
too hot - hyung line
showing your 🍒 during an argument - hyung line maknae line
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jamdoughnutmagician · 6 months
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New Year's Eve Kisses.
Steve Harrington x Reader (Fluff)
Just a short and fluffy NYE drabble with Steve, heavily based on this scene from Friends
Posting this a little early but whatever 🤷‍♀️
Word Count:668
Masterlist / Steve Harrington Masterlist.
The party is in full swing with everyone gathered in Steve’s house for a new year’s eve celebration. There’s banners, decorations and food and drink aplenty as all the party-goers stand around chatting in their groups.
“Yes! ‘87 baby! It’s finally going to be my year, Harrington. I can feel it!” Eddie beams brightly, his wide smile stretching across his face.
“Good luck, man.” Steve cheered back, clapping a hand on his shoulder. 
“We’re both happy for you, Ed.” you smile at your friend, although you wish you could share his enthusiasm about the new year drawing to a close.
You and Steve had been only dating for a few months, and Eddie was the only one who knew about you two. An unfortunate moment where he accidentally caught you both making out in a dark corner in The Hideout one time. Truth be told, Eddie didn’t think too much about it until he saw you leave the bar hand-in-hand with a matching pair of smiles on either of your faces.
Eddie noticed how your smile didn’t fully reach your eyes, and a worry set it’s place in his chest.
“Hey, what’s the matter?”  
“We wanted to kiss at midnight, but nobody else is going to, so we can’t either.” you explain with a sad tone in your voice.
“Don’t worry about that, sweetheart.” Eddie says with a nod. “Just let your old pal Eddie sort it all out.” he tells you all too confidently. 
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Eddie makes his way over to Robin where she is already enthusiastically beginning to countdown the seconds until midnight.
“33! 32! 31-” 
“-Hey Rob-” Eddie interrupts. “Who are you kissing at midnight, huh? Chrissy or Nancy?”
“What?” she replies in confusion.
“You gotta kiss somebody. You’re gay, so you’re not gonna kiss Steve.” Eddie explains further.
“So who’s going to kiss Steve?” 
“Y/N is.”
“Really?” She smirks, cocking her head to the side.
“Look, who would you rather have kiss Steve, me or y/n Eddie says with a quirked eyebrow.
“Oh definitely Y/n.” she decides all too quickly. “I suppose I’ll kiss Chrissy.”
“That’s great!” he smiles at her, with a pat on her shoulder before moving his way around the party.
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“Hey Chrissy!” Eddie shouts over to her above the music. “Robin’s going to kiss you at midnight!”
“Oh okay! Sounds good!” her cheeks flush pink at the idea of kissing that cute girl from the school’s band that she’d had a secret crush on for a while.
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“Nance! Nance!” Eddie shouts, getting her attention as he makes his way towards her. “I’m going to kiss you at midnight, okay?”
“What?” she shakes her head, her dark curls bouncing as she does.
“Everybody’s kissing someone, so I’m going to kiss you. Plus you can’t kiss Steve, you two have that whole weird history going on.”
“And?” she shakes her head once more, as if she wasn’t quite following what Eddie was putting forward.
“Besides, Jonathan’s not here, so who would you rather have kiss you, me or Robin?”  Eddie asks, with a confident nod of his head.
“Robin’s lovely, but I just don’t swing that way.” She confesses.
“Great.” Eddie smiles.
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The countdown to midnight draws closer and closer as everyone gathers by the television in Steve’s living room.
“3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!!” Everyone cheers, as they hug and peck the lips of their respective New years eve partners.
You wind your arms around Steve’s neck to bring him closer as his hands find their home on your hips, giving you a gentle and reassuring squeeze.
 Steve leans in close to you, his lips softly brushing against yours in a sweet kiss. 
“Happy New Year, Honey.”
“Happy New Year, Stevie.” you smile back at him, your eyes sparkling with love for the boy in front of you.
You couldn’t be more happy to have your Stevie in your life, and sharing a kiss with him at midnight was the perfect way to ring in the new year.
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@itsfreakingbats @penguinsandpotterheads @xxhellfirebunnyxx @onegirlmanytales @reidsbtch @willowsgrl @mrsjellymunson
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
22 - ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴜʀʙᴀᴛɪᴏɴ - ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢ
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ᴘʀᴇᴘᴀʀᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ᴅᴏᴜʙʟᴇ
pairing: pervert! yeosang x pervert! reader (fem) feat. wingman? wooyoung  
genre: college au, smut
summary: you finally meet your match.
w.c: 3.1k
warnings: hard dom! yeosang, sub! reader, perversion (obv), implied stalking, olfactophilia, heavy degradation, sweat fetish?? idk, name calling, manhandling, masturbation, oral (giving), deep throating, cum drinking
a/n: the man’s got pythons for arms i’m telling you. also the category is: filth. like this shit is gross hehe <3
FFF Masterlist
When people asked you why you were always hanging around the track club after your classes ended, you usually told them that it was because you liked to watch people run, which was true, to be fair, but there was a deeper reason — one that you could never actually tell anyone. Or else you risked looking like a…a….
“Y/N,” Wooyoung called out, walking up a couple bleachers in your direction, waving his hand around to catch your attention, though you continued to sit there in silence, watching the various runners make their way around the bend of the track you were near, your heart thumping away in your chest when your muse made his way towards you.
“Y/N!” he tried again, this time walking into your aisle and placing his hands on his hips, waiting for you to acknowledge his existence.
Kang Yeosang. He was unlike anybody you’ve ever seen before. He had the face of a prince, but the body of a beast. Always going without a shirt when he ran, his sweaty, solid upper body was always on display for you to gawk at. His muscles were always so tense when he ran, his hands formed into fists, making his biceps and triceps pop out, his many veins taut against his porcelain skin. It was like he was sculpted by Donatello himself. He could probably toss you around if he wanted to. Take you any way he wanted. Hold you down. Put you in your place. Oh no. You were doing it again.
Before you could stare at his thick thighs, Wooyoung took a step in front of you and blocked your view of him. He glanced back at Yeosang, before waving his hand around in front of your face. When you came to, looking up at him with wide eyes, he said, “Are you really that cock-hungry that you didn’t even hear or see me this whole time?”
“What do you mean?” you asked in a slightly higher tone, feigning innocence. “I was just…staring off into space. That’s my whole thing, you know?”
Wooyoung let out an exasperated sigh, sitting down next to you and lowering his backpack to the floor to give his shoulders a rest. “Y/N, if you like Yeosang so much, you should act like a normal human being and just talk to him.”
Talk to him? That would require you to actually interact with him, see his pretty face and smell his intoxicating musk up close, hear his deep, sultry voice, and have his intense piercing gaze focusing solely on you. You didn’t know if you could handle that, but then again...maybe it’d be alright if he found out you’re actually a…
“Runner,” you mumbled to yourself, not saying it loud enough for your friend to hear.
“Huh?” Wooyoung questioned, squinting at you and leaning closer, encouraging you to hold up a finger, like you just came up with a grand scheme.
Without realizing, you had grabbed Wooyoung by the shoulders and shook him a bit too fast, making him whine. “I’ll join the track club! Then it’ll be more natural for me to interact with him! Isn’t that genius, Woo?”
Once you let go, he patted your thigh supportively, giving you a crooked smile. “You make Bill Nye look like a goddamn joke!”
“Huh?” you mirrored his reaction from earlier, your face crinkling up in confusion. “Bill Nye…? The guy from those VHS tapes?”
Wooyoung waved his hand nonchalantly, not bothering to explain himself. He stood up and slung his backpack onto his shoulder, giving you a soft smile, holding his hand out towards you. “Let’s go to the office so we can get you signed up, lover girl.”
Sitting on the asphalt with your legs spread apart, your fingers slid forward along the ground, your upper body slowly moving forward along with them.
“Here, let me help,” Yeosang said out of nowhere, his large hands on your back, crouched down behind you, prompting you to whip your head back to look at him like a deer in headlights. “Didn’t mean to scare you. Just want to help you stretch…Y/N, right?”
He made sure to say your name in a puzzled voice, acting as if he didn’t know everything about you. Where your favorite place to visit was. It was a local boba shop. Your favorite drink to order was a matcha milk tea with honey boba. You were so adorable. He also knew the bus route that you took home. How you always fumbled with your keys before entering your apartment. How your blinds were always open just enough for him to see you playing with yourself in the late night hours.
Looking away just in time to hide your perverse smile, you answered, “Thanks. Yeah, that’s me.” You felt his hands push onto your upper back, slowly folding you down, your legs still spread wide. “Yeosang, right?” As if you didn’t know his full name. His address. How he preferred to wake up at 5 in the morning for runs, but not before he had breakfast. His favorite thing to eat was always a protein drink and a granola bar. He was so cute.
“That’s right,” he mumbled next to your ear, his voice low and breathy, pushing you farther down, making you let out a small whining sound, your legs starting to burn painfully. “I know it hurts, but it’s supposed to…and it’s okay, since you like this sort of thing, right?”
Were you hearing things right? How did he even know about your kink preferences? Or was he simply also a–
“A masochist?” you questioned, letting out a strained moan when he grunted into your ear and pushed you down further, your face almost making contact with the rough ground. “Are you–fuck–trying to ask me if I enjoy pain, Yeosang?”
“It seems like you do, Y/N. You would’ve already told me to stop if you didn’t.” Yeosang held you in place for a bit, licking his lips after hearing the low whimpering sounds that were coming out of your throat, knowing you were in a significant amount of pain.
He didn’t let up until you murmured, “So does that make you a sadist, Yeosang?” You looked up to watch him stand and lift one of his shoes up back against his glutes, holding the end of his shoe and giving his thigh a good stretch.
“Mm, yeah, it does,” he nodded, swapping one leg for the other to stretch it properly, watching you stand up in front of him and stretch too. His gaze traveled down your half clothed body, focusing on your too-small sports bra and the tiniest pair of bike shorts he’d ever seen. And you were drinking in the sight of him just like he was doing with you. You were finally in his grasp.
Fucking. Finally.
After consuming jar upon jar of protein powder and forcing himself to complete fierce sessions of cardio with weight lifting intervals, he had finally gotten big and bulky. His trainer and gym friends praised him on the daily, but his perfect body wasn’t for him — it was for you. He knew you’d like it considering all the porn you watched involved someone with his build. Someone big and strong. Someone who could treat you like the pretty little doll you were. It was finally his turn.
Giving you a smile that was almost borderline threatening, he added, “Guess we’re a pretty good match, huh?”
Running wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do if you hadn’t done it consistently since high school. You definitely realized that now. Your thighs and calves burned, your hamstrings screamed at you to be put out of their misery, and you were starting to get a cramp in your stomach, but it was all worth it. Completely worth it. Your muse, your everything, Yeosang, looked so delicious running ahead of you, allowing you to become entranced by his almost snow-white hair bouncing along with his movements, his big thighs that routinely rubbed against one another due to being so large, his shorts routinely hiking up to reveal more veiny, porcelain skin. You wanted to lick it. Bite it. Taste it. It was probably salty and sweet. Your favorite combination.
Feeling your eyes on him from behind, Yeosang gazed back at you over his shoulder, the slightest smirk visible on his otherwise neutral face. You bit your lip, wiping some sweat from your forehead, wondering if he had any idea how truly dedicated you were to him. If he asked you to give him a bath with only your tongue after a run, you would without a second of hesitation. There probably wasn’t a limit to what you’d do for him.
Once most of the runners slowly exited the track and headed to the shower rooms, you plopped down onto a nearby bleacher, trying to catch your breath without looking like you were about to have a heart attack.
Yeosang made his way over to you, sitting down beside you, his sweaty, solid upper arm pressing slightly into your bare one, making you scream internally. “That was a good run, huh?” When you smiled at him and gave him a small nod, he let out a low groaning sound, leaning his head back. “God, it feels so fucking good. The endorphins, you know?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, replaying the sound he just made inside your head over and over, wondering if that’s what he sounded and looked like when he was getting head. “Yeah. It feels really good…”
Yeosang leaned his shoulder further into yours, his large thigh slowly pressing into your significantly smaller one, making you look down for a second to appreciate how his shorts were starting to ride up. “Do you think it’s better than cumming? Like when it feels so good, your body’s shaking and your eyes are rolling back into your head?”
Were you dreaming? Was this one of your countless daydreams you somehow got yourself stuck in?
“I’m not really sure…” you murmured, already so soaked that there was a wet patch forming on your tight gray bike shorts. However, you didn’t even notice, not wanting to tear your sights away from the slight bulge that sat inside Yeosang’s own shorts, your eyes trailing the outline of his cock going down the inside of his thigh.
Yeosang shook his head slightly, wetting his lips. You were so precious. So pretty. Such a p– “Should we test it out then?”
You were definitely dreaming, and you never wanted to wake up ever again.
“Test it out…?” You slowly looked up at him and into his brown eyes, unable to keep a lewd expression from presenting itself, your cheeks burning. “When?”
With a flip of a switch, Yeosang’s entire persona did a 180, his eyes losing any semblance of kindness, his lips forming an eerie grin, instead reflecting the same perversion you offered him. “Who knew the shy ones were the biggest whores? You just met me and you’re willing to fuck yourself in front of me, hm?”
You bit your lip at his words, feeling a zap of arousal hit your center. You didn’t know if you were still stuck in a dream, but you weren’t about to pass up the opportunity. “Yeah, I am.”
Yeosang leaned in, placing a slender finger up into your chin, tilting your head up so that you had to look at him, his warm breath hitting your skin. “ ‘Yeah, I am’, what? A whore? A whore that’s willing to spread her pussy for a stranger and show him how soaked she is?”
“I mean…” your voice trailed off, not expecting him to grab your closest thigh and tug on it, forcing you to open your legs. You looked down, gazing at the large dark spot that formed below your pelvis, your shorts sticking directly to your pulsing cunt, feeling both humiliated and turned on from having his eyes on you. Now he definitely knew you were a–
“Pervert,” Yeosang sighed out, his fingers roaming your tense thigh and sliding closer to the inseam, eventually reaching your mound to make contact with the wet clothing. “So, that’s what you meant.”
Seeing you light up with pure, unadulterated lust at the name he called you made him very, very happy, indeed. Despite being one himself, he preferred being the one in control. The one with the power to do what he pleased with such a pretty toy like you. Things were finally looking up.
Inside one of the more secluded bathrooms on the campus, you were sitting on a toilet across from Yeosang in a stall, who was standing in front of you with his hand fisting his cock. You had your legs spread as wide as you could, your knees pressing into the sides of the stall, with three fingers inside your sopping wet cunt.
“Look at that face you’re making, Y/N. You’re drooling like some kind of brainless slut,” he chuckled, moving his hand so quickly, his muscles tensed up more than they did when he was sprinting. Even the ridges of his abs pushed against his skin, making you want to trace the outline of them with your tongue.
You whimpered at his words, continuing to fuck yourself the best you could, your fingers slipping out of you occasionally from how wet you were. “Yeosang…” you whined, unable to handle only being able to inhale his overwhelmingly masculine scent. “Let me taste you…”
“I haven’t showered yet, whore.” Yeosang moved closer to you, his hand starting to slow down, despite his reddened cock throbbing and twitching in protest. “My cock’s been sitting inside my gym shorts all day. You really want to taste it?”
“Fuck, yes. Please, give me your cock,” you begged, swiping at your clit instead, practically vibrating at the thought of having Yeosang’s sweaty cock and balls inside your mouth.
“Filthy fucking bitch.” Yeosang couldn’t hide the sadistic smile he wanted to show you, so he revealed it anyway, his shiny white teeth and canines on full display for you. He grabbed the back of your head and yanked it forward, slapping his cock down onto your face, before sliding it back and forth on it, his clear pre-cum getting smeared over your features.
“Fuuuuck,” you moaned, opening your mouth, only for a bit of saliva to drip out of it and onto the seat below. Yeosang pushed his cock further up, his heavy balls pressing against your parted lips. You licked and sucked on them one at a time, savoring the tangy flavor as best you could.
“God, you’re such a nasty slut…Where have you been all my life, huh?” Yeosang groaned from above you, grabbing your jaw and forcing it up, before sliding himself into your mouth one inch at a time, making your lips sting at the corners. “Mm, you like how it tastes, don't you?”
Rubbing your clit even faster than before, you emitted an eager ‘mm-hmmm’, before bobbing your head obediently, taking as much of him into your throat as you possibly could, only choking a bit when his cockhead tickled your uvula. It was just how you imagined: his cock was heavy and hot in your mouth, his taste was salty and tangy, his musk almost made your eyes water, but your cunt was leaking just like you thought it would. It was everything you dreamed of. You never wanted to wake up.
Yeosang gripped your head with both hands and began pounding himself into your mouth, going so fast and deep that his balls slapped roughly into your chin, and his pubic hair routinely brushed against your nose, making you want to sneeze. “Take it all, you disgusting little pervert…” he groaned out, feeling his cock begin to pulse so heavily, he knew he was about to bust. “Gonna cum…gonna cum inside your filthy mouth…”
You were in heaven. Complete bliss. It was everything you wanted and more. Even though you weren’t focusing on your own orgasm, it felt so good you thought you might– “Mmmmmfff….!” you let out a loud, muffled moan, your eyes rolling straight into your head, your legs twitching, hips jolting, as your arousal came pouring out of you and down your inner thighs. You were a mess, in every sense of the word.
That was it for Yeosang. He couldn’t believe he made his pliant little doll cum untouched just from throat-fucking her with his sweaty, unwashed dick. You were so, so filthy. Maybe even filthier than him. “Oh, you dirty fucking bitch,” he moaned out in a strained, harsh tone, thrusting one more time and holding you still, his cock so deep down your throat that his pubic hair was once again tickling your nose. “Here it comes, Y/N. Just for you.”
A hot stream of cum began to shoot down your throat, making you choke and reach up to Yeosang’s hips for stability. Your nose felt itchy and your eyes watered before it happened. Yeosang sensed it, pulling with a loud ‘pop’ just in time, so his dick didn’t get chomped off. You sneezed. It burned. Cum shot out of your nose and dribbled down past your lips. “Ow…” you whimpered, gazing up at Yeosang with reddened, watery eyes, wiping the milky liquid from your face.
“Aww, did that burn, little whore? That’s too bad.” Sweaty and soiled with his essence, you finally looked like a true cum dump. Just a useless doll for him to cover in his load until he got bored. He couldn’t ask for anything more. Yeosang grabbed your jaw again and continued to stroke his length, shooting ropes of cum onto your tongue and into your open mouth.
In a daze, you simply sat there and took everything he had to offer, swallowing gulp after gulp of his cum, feeling more slick drip out of your aching cunt. “Thank you, Yeosang…” you mumbled, giving him a small smile, just for him to force your jaw open more.
“Thank you? You say thank you after getting face-fucked and guzzling down my cum like you need it to live? God, you’re such a fucking pervert. It makes me sick,” he spat, tapping his cockhead on your tongue to deposit the last few drops of his release. “I bet you’d drink a bottle of it if I gave it to you.”
Savoring the saltiness that resided on your swollen lips, you nodded your head like an obedient pet. “If you could even fill a whole bottle, yeah, I would.”
He finally met his match. Someone who willingly met his criteria. You were the one he’s been waiting for all this time.
Smiling softly, Yeosang ran his fingers through your sweaty hair, as if he didn’t just get done defiling you. “I hope you’re looking forward to next week’s track meet. I’ll make sure you stay hydrated.”
FFF: @hwalysm @scuzmunkie @creativechaoticloner@dilucpegg3r @yeosxxx @gemjimin @wonwowzers @sanjoongie @manipulatedstars @k-drizzle 
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© toxicccred, 2023
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
I Am The Boyfriend, Sir
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wc: 1.5k pronouns: she/her (he/him and they/them versions are below original!) warnings: junhyeon being unhinged, ~flirtatious ending~, allusion to strict parents, fluff summary: kum junhyeon is SO excited to finally meet your parents... what could possibly go wrong? ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ THE HOURS. ARE DWINDLING. THE END. IS NYE. THE APOCALYPSE NEAR. BEP1ER IS APPROACHING RAPIDLY. i don't want to stop writing about any of these guys. i don't want to stop seeing any of themmm. i love them so much. catch me in therapy tomorrow only talking about boys planet istg.
"I think they're gonna love me," Junhyeon predicts as he hops out of the car. You grab your bag from the floor and start to open the passenger door, but your boyfriend beats you to it. He holds his hand out to help you chivalrously with a cheeky grin.
"Thank you, kind sir," you tease as you step out of the car. He laughs, taking your bag from you and throwing it over his shoulder along with his own. 
"I'm so excited," Junhyeon relays, grabbing your hand and forcing you to jump up and down with him as you walk up to your parents' front door. "I can't believe I'm about to meet the people who made you who you are! I bet they're just as fun as you."
"Well..." You start to interject, but he continues on.
"Ugh, I've seen this moment in dramas a bunch of times. The male lead is always stressing out about meeting 'the family'," Junhyeon babbles as you ring the doorbell. "It's so annoying! Like, what are you so worried about? That your father-in-law is going to--."
Just then, the door swings open to reveal your dad. Six-foot-four and brawny, a greying mustache, and wearing his Marines t-shirt that you always begged him not to wear when you had guests over, your dad blinks back at the two of you in the doorway.
"Kill you," Junhyeon finishes his sentence in a whisper as he takes in your dad's massive build.
Your dad gives you a warm smile. "Hey, peanut," he says gruffly, then turns to Junhyeon; giving him a once over. "So you're the boyfriend?"
“YES, SIR!” Junhyeon jumps to attention, dropping your hand as quickly as possible and saluting your dad. "I AM THE BOYFRIEND, SIR!"
Your dad shoots you a concerned look as you reach up and pry your boyfriend's hand from his forehead. "Dad, this is Junhyeon."
"Junhyeon, huh?" Your dad nods thoughtfully. "I had a buddy in the service named Junhyeon."
Your boyfriend grins and you can tell he's revving up for a joke. "Is he handsome, too? I wouldn't want you to get us mixed up."
"He's dead," your dad announces dryly.
Your bag drops from Junhyeon's shoulder to the ground as shock takes over his whole body.
Your dad snorts. "I'm just messing with ya, kid. Come on in; your mother's setting the table."
Shaking your head hopelessly, you finally step past your dad through the door and into the house. When you realize Junhyeon isn't following you, you turn around to see what the hold up is.
"Junhyeon?" You begin to question before you see your boyfriend on the ground in a full bow in front of your father.
"Thank you for letting me into your home, sir. I appreciate so deeply your hospitality and kindness," Junhyeon pleads as you walk back over to him and pull him up by the neck of his t-shirt.
"Let's go," you say exasperatedly, dragging him through the front door and into your house. Your mom walks out from the kitchen into the living room, smiling at you.
"Hi, peanut," she greets softly, giving you a pat on the cheek before turning to your boyfriend. "It's nice to meet you, Junhyeon."
Junhyeon nods respectfully at your mom, whose hair is tied up in a tight bun with her rectangular framed glasses sitting towards the end of her nose. A research librarian, your mom was quiet and caring by nature-- but she valued discipline and quiet just as much as your dad while you were growing up.
"You kids can drop your things off upstairs and freshen up before we eat," your mom directs. "There's clean sheets on the guest room to the right."
Junhyeon's eyes bug incredulously. "We--... You want us to sleep in the same room!?"
Your mom glances at you. "Is that a problem?"
Junhyeon nods vigorously, checking over his shoulder to see your dad sitting in the arm chair behind you. "We won't be sharing a bed until we're married!"
You grab your boyfriend's sleeve, pulling him towards the stairs and up to the guest room-- shutting the door quickly behind you.
"Baby, what the hell are you doing?" You ask, watching as Junhyeon sits down on the bed quite cautiously.
"I--... I don't know," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm so scared."
You can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's complete attitude change. In the car he couldn't shut up about how good he is with parents; how his friends' dads always adore him more than their own sons...
And now, here he is: head in his hands on the verge of combustion from terror.
"I know they can come off a little intimidating at first," you soothe, walking over to Junhyeon. He rests his head on your stomach and you run your fingers through his hair soothingly. "But I promise their bite isn't nearly as bad as their bark."
"He's so big," Junhyeon whispers. "How does he even fit through the door?"
"Well, they actually had custom doorframes built in this new house..." You trail off when you see him looking up at you with a worry you'd never really seen on him before. "Hyeonni, it's going to be absolutely fine. Didn't you say you were excited to meet the people who made me who I am?"
Junhyeon laughs sadly. "But you're so... I mean, you're..."
"Fun? Light-hearted? Whimsical? Care-free?" You suggest, Junhyeon nodding enthusiastically in response.
"Exactly!" He agrees, eyes widening as he makes a clarification. "Not that there's anything wrong with them or anything! You're just really different, is all."
“I actually evolved more in response to my upbringing," you say with a sigh. "Not in accordance with it."
Junhyeon puckers his lips cutely and you lean down to kiss him. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, deepening the kiss.
"Two minutes!" Your mom calls up the stairs, causing Junhyeon to jump back up to attention-- almost knocking you over in the process. He catches you quickly with one arm and spins you around, placing you down firmly in the spot he was just sitting.
"Trying to steal my innocence," he shames, clicking his tongue and shaking his head disapprovingly as he makes his way to the bathroom. "It's like you want your dad to bury me in the backyard."
You watch as Junhyeon takes very careful, calculated bites of his steak; cutting respectfully with the knife and fork provided to him. Usually he'd just shove the meat in his face and nearly swallow it whole.
"I heard you were thinking of moving in together," your mom says, smiling politely at the two of you.
Junhyeon blinks nervously. "No, no. Me and her? No. No way. Absolutely not."
"Oh," your mom replies in surprise. "(Y/N) told us that--."
Junhyeon interrupts: "(Y/N) is an evil temptress and I am but a mere victim."
Your dad chokes on his water.
"Junhyeon," you try to intercept to no avail.
"We will not be moving in together. We don't have any physical contact-- not even platonically. This is actually the first time I've seen her in a month," your panicked boyfriend rambles, the lies just rolling off his tongue.
"Son, if you're worries about offending us--," your dad tries to deescalate but Junhyeon continues.
“I don’t even look at her, sir!"
“You don’t look at her?” Your dad repeats, brows furrowed concernedly as he glances at you.
Junhyeon shakes his head furiously. “I respect your daughter far too much to taint her with my gaze, SIR!"
“Junhyeon—," you try again.
“I only plan to look at her for the first time on our wedding day!”
One last time, you try, “Hyeonni—.”
“Hyeonni!?” Junhyeon’s eyes bug out of his head incredulously, his voice lowering to a whisper. “Are you crazy!? Your dad could kill me with his bare hands.”
Your dad looks down at his hands with a frown as he freezes in the middle of cutting his steak.
“He’s literally holding a knife!” Junhyeon exclaims, giving up on his piss poor attempt to be discreet. “(Y/N), I know you want me, but you can’t have me if I’m dead!”
Suddenly, your dad begins to laugh heartily-- something you've only heard about a handful of times in your life. “Where did you find this guy, peanut? He’s got quite the sense of humor.”
"He does. Doesn't he?" You agree tersely, glaring at your boyfriend.
Your dad places his fork and knife down, announcing decisively: "I like him."
Your eyes widen in surprise as Junhyeon stares back at your father, equally stunned. "You do?"
"You do!?" Junhyeon repeats hopefully, clasping his hands together as if he's praying for it to be true.
Your dad picks his fork and knife back up, continuing to cut into his steak. "He's a little odd, but I think he really likes you... In his own way."
Junhyeon nods enthusiastically. "I do! I really do!"
You smile at him, biting your lip as you look at the sweet, considerate, and absolutely insane boy sitting next to you.
"I really like him, too."
Junhyeon flops down on the bed, arms above his head as he smiles happily to himself.
The night had passed by fairly smoothly after that-- your parents patting you on the back lovingly and congratulating you on finding such a good match for yourself.
"That was awesome," Junhyeon says with a sigh. "I don't know what you were so worried about!"
You chew your cheek as you grin, suppressing the urge to smack him. "You wouldn't even kiss me, you were so worried," he says, sitting up and looking around with his eyebrows raised as if he's checking that no one else is in the room. Finally, he gazes back up at you with a shrug.
"Wanna make out?"
he/him pronoun users :)
"I think they're gonna love me," Junhyeon predicts as he hops out of the car. You grab your bag from the floor and start to open the passenger door, but your boyfriend beats you to it. He holds his hand out to help you chivalrously with a cheeky grin.
"Thank you, kind sir," you tease as you step out of the car. He laughs, taking your bag from you and throwing it over his shoulder along with his own. 
"I'm so excited," Junhyeon relays, grabbing your hand and forcing you to jump up and down with him as you walk up to your parents' front door. "I can't believe I'm about to meet the people who made you who you are! I bet they're just as fun as you."
"Well..." You start to interject, but he continues on.
"Ugh, I've seen this moment in dramas a bunch of times. The male lead is always stressing out about meeting 'the family'," Junhyeon babbles as you ring the doorbell. "It's so annoying! Like, what are you so worried about? That your father-in-law is going to--."
Just then, the door swings open to reveal your dad. Six-foot-four and brawny, a greying mustache, and wearing his Marines t-shirt that you always begged him not to wear when you had guests over, your dad blinks back at the two of you in the doorway.
"Kill you," Junhyeon finishes his sentence in a whisper as he takes in your dad's massive build.
Your dad gives you a warm smile. "Hey, peanut," he says gruffly, then turns to Junhyeon; giving him a once over. "So you're the boyfriend?"
“YES, SIR!” Junhyeon jumps to attention, dropping your hand as quickly as possible and saluting your dad. "I AM THE BOYFRIEND, SIR!"
Your dad shoots you a concerned look as you reach up and pry your boyfriend's hand from his forehead. "Dad, this is Junhyeon."
"Junhyeon, huh?" Your dad nods thoughtfully. "I had a buddy in the service named Junhyeon."
Your boyfriend grins and you can tell he's revving up for a joke. "Is he handsome, too? I wouldn't want you to get us mixed up."
"He's dead," your dad announces dryly.
Your bag drops from Junhyeon's shoulder to the ground as shock takes over his whole body.
Your dad snorts. "I'm just messing with ya, kid. Come on in; your mother's setting the table."
Shaking your head hopelessly, you finally step past your dad through the door and into the house. When you realize Junhyeon isn't following you, you turn around to see what the hold up is.
"Junhyeon?" You begin to question before you see your boyfriend on the ground in a full bow in front of your father.
"Thank you for letting me into your home, sir. I appreciate so deeply your hospitality and kindness," Junhyeon pleads as you walk back over to him and pull him up by the neck of his t-shirt.
"Let's go," you say exasperatedly, dragging him through the front door and into your house. Your mom walks out from the kitchen into the living room, smiling at you.
"Hi, peanut," she greets softly, giving you a pat on the cheek before turning to your boyfriend. "It's nice to meet you, Junhyeon."
Junhyeon nods respectfully at your mom, whose hair is tied up in a tight bun with her rectangular framed glasses sitting towards the end of her nose. A research librarian, your mom was quiet and caring by nature-- but she valued discipline and quiet just as much as your dad while you were growing up.
"You kids can drop your things off upstairs and freshen up before we eat," your mom directs. "There's clean sheets on the guest room to the right."
Junhyeon's eyes bug incredulously. "We--... You want us to sleep in the same room!?"
Your mom glances at you. "Is that a problem?"
Junhyeon nods vigorously, checking over his shoulder to see your dad sitting in the arm chair behind you. "We won't be sharing a bed until we're married!"
You grab your boyfriend's sleeve, pulling him towards the stairs and up to the guest room-- shutting the door quickly behind you.
"Baby, what the hell are you doing?" You ask, watching as Junhyeon sits down on the bed quite cautiously.
"I--... I don't know," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm so scared."
You can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's complete attitude change. In the car he couldn't shut up about how good he is with parents; how his friends' dads always adore him more than their own sons...
And now, here he is: head in his hands on the verge of combustion from terror.
"I know they can come off a little intimidating at first," you soothe, walking over to Junhyeon. He rests his head on your stomach and you run your fingers through his hair soothingly. "But I promise their bite isn't nearly as bad as their bark."
"He's so big," Junhyeon whispers. "How does he even fit through the door?"
"Well, they actually had custom doorframes built in this new house..." You trail off when you see him looking up at you with a worry you'd never really seen on him before. "Hyeonni, it's going to be absolutely fine. Didn't you say you were excited to meet the people who made me who I am?"
Junhyeon laughs sadly. "But you're so... I mean, you're..."
"Fun? Light-hearted? Whimsical? Care-free?" You suggest, Junhyeon nodding enthusiastically in response.
"Exactly!" He agrees, eyes widening as he makes a clarification. "Not that there's anything wrong with them or anything! You're just really different, is all."
“I actually evolved more in response to my upbringing," you say with a sigh. "Not in accordance with it."
Junhyeon puckers his lips cutely and you lean down to kiss him. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, deepening the kiss.
"Two minutes!" Your mom calls up the stairs, causing Junhyeon to jump back up to attention-- almost knocking you over in the process. He catches you quickly with one arm and spins you around, placing you down firmly in the spot he was just sitting.
"Trying to steal my innocence," he shames, clicking his tongue and shaking his head disapprovingly as he makes his way to the bathroom. "It's like you want your dad to bury me in the backyard."
You watch as Junhyeon takes very careful, calculated bites of his steak; cutting respectfully with the knife and fork provided to him. Usually he'd just shove the meat in his face and nearly swallow it whole.
"I heard you were thinking of moving in together," your mom says, smiling politely at the two of you.
Junhyeon blinks nervously. "No, no. Me and him? No. No way. Absolutely not."
"Oh," your mom replies in surprise. "(Y/N) told us that--."
Junhyeon interrupts: "(Y/N) is an evil seducer and I am but a mere victim."
Your dad chokes on his water.
"Junhyeon," you try to intervene to no avail.
"We will not be moving in together. We don't have any physical contact-- not even platonically. This is actually the first time I've seen him in a month," your panicked boyfriend rambles, the lies just rolling off his tongue.
"Son, if you're worries about offending us--," your dad tries to deescalate but Junhyeon continues.
“I don’t even look at him, sir!"
“You don’t look at him?” Your dad repeats, brows furrowed concernedly as he glances at you.
Junhyeon shakes his head furiously. “I respect your son far too much to taint him with my gaze, SIR!"
“Junhyeon—," you try again.
“I only plan to look at him for the first time on our wedding day!”
One last time, you try, “Hyeonni—.”
“Hyeonni!?” Junhyeon’s eyes bug out of his head incredulously, his voice lowering to a whisper. “Are you crazy!? Your dad could kill me with his bare hands.”
Your dad looks down at his hands with a frown as he freezes in the middle of cutting his steak.
“He’s literally holding a knife!” Junhyeon exclaims, giving up on his piss poor attempt to be discreet. “(Y/N), I know you want me, but you can’t have me if I’m dead!”
Suddenly, your dad begins to laugh heartily-- something you've only heard about a handful of times in your life. “Where did you find this guy, peanut? He’s got quite the sense of humor.”
"He does. Doesn't he?" You agree tersely, glaring at your boyfriend.
Your dad places his fork and knife down, announcing decisively: "I like him."
Your eyes widen in surprise as Junhyeon stares back at your father, equally stunned. "You do?"
"You do!?" Junhyeon repeats hopefully, clasping his hands together as if he's praying for it to be true.
Your dad picks his fork and knife back up, continuing to cut into his steak. "He's a little odd, but I think he really likes you... In his own way."
Junhyeon nods enthusiastically. "I do! I really do!"
You smile at him, biting your lip as you look at the sweet, considerate, and absolutely insane boy sitting next to you.
"I really like him, too."
Junhyeon flops down on the bed, arms above his head as he smiles happily to himself.
The night had passed by fairly smoothly after that-- your parents patting you on the back lovingly and congratulating you on finding such a good match for yourself.
"That was awesome," Junhyeon says with a sigh. "I don't know what you were so worried about!"
You chew your cheek as you grin, suppressing the urge to smack him. "You wouldn't even kiss me, you were so worried," he says, sitting up and looking around with his eyebrows raised as if he's checking that no one else is in the room. Finally, he gazes back up at you with a shrug.
"Wanna make out?"
they/them pronoun users ~ gender neutral :)
"I think they're gonna love me," Junhyeon predicts as he hops out of the car. You grab your bag from the floor and start to open the passenger door, but your boyfriend beats you to it. He holds his hand out to help you chivalrously with a cheeky grin.
"Thank you, kind sir," you tease as you step out of the car. He laughs, taking your bag from you and throwing it over his shoulder along with his own. 
"I'm so excited," Junhyeon relays, grabbing your hand and forcing you to jump up and down with him as you walk up to your parents' front door. "I can't believe I'm about to meet the people who made you who you are! I bet they're just as fun as you."
"Well..." You start to interject, but he continues on.
"Ugh, I've seen this moment in dramas a bunch of times. The male lead is always stressing out about meeting 'the family'," Junhyeon babbles as you ring the doorbell. "It's so annoying! Like, what are you so worried about? That your father-in-law is going to--."
Just then, the door swings open to reveal your dad. Six-foot-four and brawny, a greying mustache, and wearing his Marines t-shirt that you always begged him not to wear when you had guests over, your dad blinks back at the two of you in the doorway.
"Kill you," Junhyeon finishes his sentence in a whisper as he takes in your dad's massive build.
Your dad gives you a warm smile. "Hey, peanut," he says gruffly, then turns to Junhyeon; giving him a once over. "So you're the boyfriend?"
“YES, SIR!” Junhyeon jumps to attention, dropping your hand as quickly as possible and saluting your dad. "I AM THE BOYFRIEND, SIR!"
Your dad shoots you a concerned look as you reach up and pry your boyfriend's hand from his forehead. "Dad, this is Junhyeon."
"Junhyeon, huh?" Your dad nods thoughtfully. "I had a buddy in the service named Junhyeon."
Your boyfriend grins and you can tell he's revving up for a joke. "Is he handsome, too? I wouldn't want you to get us mixed up."
"He's dead," your dad announces dryly.
Your bag drops from Junhyeon's shoulder to the ground as shock takes over his whole body.
Your dad snorts. "I'm just messing with ya, kid. Come on in; your mother's setting the table."
Shaking your head hopelessly, you finally step past your dad through the door and into the house. When you realize Junhyeon isn't following you, you turn around to see what the hold up is.
"Junhyeon?" You begin to question before you see your boyfriend on the ground in a full bow in front of your father.
"Thank you for letting me into your home, sir. I appreciate so deeply your hospitality and kindness," Junhyeon pleads as you walk back over to him and pull him up by the neck of his t-shirt.
"Let's go," you say exasperatedly, dragging him through the front door and into your house. Your mom walks out from the kitchen into the living room, smiling at you.
"Hi, peanut," she greets softly, giving you a pat on the cheek before turning to your boyfriend. "It's nice to meet you, Junhyeon."
Junhyeon nods respectfully at your mom, whose hair is tied up in a tight bun with her rectangular framed glasses sitting towards the end of her nose. A research librarian, your mom was quiet and caring by nature-- but she valued discipline and quiet just as much as your dad while you were growing up.
"You kids can drop your things off upstairs and freshen up before we eat," your mom directs. "There's clean sheets on the guest room to the right."
Junhyeon's eyes bug incredulously. "We--... You want us to sleep in the same room!?"
Your mom glances at you. "Is that a problem?"
Junhyeon nods vigorously, checking over his shoulder to see your dad sitting in the arm chair behind you. "We won't be sharing a bed until we're married!"
You grab your boyfriend's sleeve, pulling him towards the stairs and up to the guest room-- shutting the door quickly behind you.
"Baby, what the hell are you doing?" You ask, watching as Junhyeon sits down on the bed quite cautiously.
"I--... I don't know," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm so scared."
You can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's complete attitude change. In the car he couldn't shut up about how good he is with parents; how his friends' dads always adore him more than their own sons...
And now, here he is: head in his hands on the verge of combustion from terror.
"I know they can come off a little intimidating at first," you soothe, walking over to Junhyeon. He rests his head on your stomach and you run your fingers through his hair soothingly. "But I promise their bite isn't nearly as bad as their bark."
"He's so big," Junhyeon whispers. "How does he even fit through the door?"
"Well, they actually had custom doorframes built in this new house..." You trail off when you see him looking up at you with a worry you'd never really seen on him before. "Hyeonni, it's going to be absolutely fine. Didn't you say you were excited to meet the people who made me who I am?"
Junhyeon laughs sadly. "But you're so... I mean, you're..."
"Fun? Light-hearted? Whimsical? Care-free?" You suggest, Junhyeon nodding enthusiastically in response.
"Exactly!" He agrees, eyes widening as he makes a clarification. "Not that there's anything wrong with them or anything! You're just really different, is all."
“I actually evolved more in response to my upbringing," you say with a sigh. "Not in accordance with it."
Junhyeon puckers his lips cutely and you lean down to kiss him. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, deepening the kiss.
"Two minutes!" Your mom calls up the stairs, causing Junhyeon to jump back up to attention-- almost knocking you over in the process. He catches you quickly with one arm and spins you around, placing you down firmly in the spot he was just sitting.
"Trying to steal my innocence," he shames, clicking his tongue and shaking his head disapprovingly as he makes his way to the bathroom. "It's like you want your dad to bury me in the backyard."
You watch as Junhyeon takes very careful, calculated bites of his steak; cutting respectfully with the knife and fork provided to him. Usually he'd just shove the meat in his face and nearly swallow it whole.
"I heard you were thinking of moving in together," your mom says, smiling politely at the two of you.
Junhyeon blinks nervously. "No, no. Me and (Y/N)? No. No way. Absolutely not."
"Oh," your mom replies in surprise. "(Y/N) told us that--."
Junhyeon interrupts: "(Y/N) is an evil seducer and I am but a mere victim."
Your dad chokes on his water.
"Junhyeon," you try to intercept to no avail.
"We will not be moving in together. We don't have any physical contact-- not even platonically. This is actually the first time I've seen them in a month," your panicked boyfriend rambles, the lies just rolling off his tongue.
"Son, if you're worries about offending us--," your dad tries to deescalate but Junhyeon continues.
“I don’t even look at them, sir!"
“You don’t look at them?” Your dad repeats, brows furrowed concernedly as he glances at you.
Junhyeon shakes his head furiously. “I respect your child far too much to taint them with my gaze, SIR!"
“Junhyeon—," you try again.
“I only plan to look at them for the first time on our wedding day!”
One last time, you try, “Hyeonni—.”
“Hyeonni!?” Junhyeon’s eyes bug out of his head incredulously, his voice lowering to a whisper. “Are you crazy!? Your dad could kill me with his bare hands.”
Your dad looks down at his hands with a frown as he freezes in the middle of cutting his steak.
“He’s literally holding a knife!” Junhyeon exclaims, giving up on his piss poor attempt to be discreet. “(Y/N), I know you want me, but you can’t have me if I’m dead!”
Suddenly, your dad begins to laugh heartily-- something you've only heard about a handful of times in your life. “Where did you find this guy, peanut? He’s got quite the sense of humor.”
"He does. Doesn't he?" You agree tersely, glaring at your boyfriend.
Your dad places his fork and knife down, announcing decisively: "I like him."
Your eyes widen in surprise as Junhyeon stares back at your father, equally stunned. "You do?"
"You do!?" Junhyeon repeats hopefully, clasping his hands together as if he's praying for it to be true.
Your dad picks his fork and knife back up, continuing to cut into his steak. "He's a little odd, but I think he really likes you... In his own way."
Junhyeon nods enthusiastically. "I do! I really do!"
You smile at him, biting your lip as you look at the sweet, considerate, and absolutely insane boy sitting next to you.
"I really like him, too."
Junhyeon flops down on the bed, arms above his head as he smiles happily to himself.
The night had passed by fairly smoothly after that-- your parents patting you on the back lovingly and congratulating you on finding such a good match for yourself.
"That was awesome," Junhyeon says with a sigh. "I don't know what you were so worried about!"
You chew your cheek as you grin, suppressing the urge to smack him. "You wouldn't even kiss me, you were so worried," he says, sitting up and looking around with his eyebrows raised as if he's checking that no one else is in the room. Finally, he gazes back up at you with a shrug.
"Wanna make out?"
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
I’m not sure if this is still open and obviously completely ignore this if it isn’t or use it as an example to let people know it’s closed BUT If there’s a slight chance it is could I request kissing prompt 70??? Again no pressure though! Anyways hope your day is going or will be great!!
PROMPT: 70. an accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment pass before you crash your lips back against each other's
i hope you enjoy, nonny. had fun writing this one but it’s not the best, apologies x
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NYE, 2022. You'd be very glad to kiss the year goodbye even if you'd committed to the ridiculous 2022 gold glittery glasses Javy had perched on your nose when you wandered into his house party around 11pm.
“Here she is, in her own time, ladies and gentlemen,” Javy hollered to get everyone's attention as friends and colleagues cheered, jeered and welcomed you as you followed him into the noisy living room.
“It’s not New Year, I made it in plenty of time,” you protested.
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Using your callsign, Jake asked, “Does that watch on your wrist work?”
“Only when I'm on the clock, Bagman. You miss me?” you asked as Bob handed you a glass of champagne and you patted his soft cheek in greeting, a gentle blush creeping to his fair features.
“Party doesn't start 'til you get here, hellcat,” he taunted as you laughed, and took Rooster's extended hand without a thought to sit yourself in between him and Phoenix.
“All good?” he asked as you shuffled in. You rubbed away some lipstick on his cheek and ask you looked to Natasha and Callie, to match Natasha's shade to Rooster's cheek and grinned. He thanked you.
“All the better for seeing you, Rooster. How's your night been?”
“I see these dorks day in and day out,” he reminded you biting back a gentle smirk as Phoenix punched his shoulder. “Hey,” he tutted her. “Don’t make my point so easily,” he muttered as you laughed. He frowned at you, squaring you up as you grew a little self-conscious under his gaze. “You have a little glitter,” he said softly, pressing his index finger into your cheek but it wouldn’t budge.
Relieved, you told him, “I’ll have a little glitter everywhere for the next month,” you grinned.
“Those glasses are ridiculous.”
“They are,” you wholeheartedly agreed. 
He chuckled quietly. “What kept you tonight?”
“She had a date,” Natasha supplied. Rooster raised an eyebrow.
“On New Year's. That seems pretty serious,” Rooster joked, his knee nudging yours.
You motioned him closer, cupping his ear and whispered, “How well do you think it went if I'm here with you guys now?”
He pointed at you and nodded. “Gotcha. Well, I'm glad - we're glad you're here.”
You grinned and pet his cheek, this sweet manchild. You put the celebratory glasses over his eyes to share the magic of never-ending glitter as well. 
“Gee thanks,” he sighed, already seeing speckles in his eye line.
“You’re welcome,” you grinned. “They look better on you but they’re no Caravans.” 
The usual suspects were there, Dagger Squad members who'd chosen to stay in town for the holidays. A while later were gossiping unabashed with Natasha and Callie on the couch, happily crammed up against Rooster to chat with the ladies, making wild accusations about Christmas Eve shenanigans at Penny's, and Callie getting a bit of action with a visiting Lieutenant. You had seen her flirting with them and gave a congratulatory high-five. The babe was hot.
“We had a few drinks and one thing led to another. It was just a kiss in the spirit of the season,” she tried to explain herself.
“'In the spirit of the season',” you said in unison with Natasha and it only made you cackle further, collapsing back against Rooster, who adjusted his posture to let you have more space.
“The professional levels have been crossed,” you giggled raucously. 
“Was just a bit of fun,” Callie shrugged, blushing.
“What about your date tonight?” Natasha turned her attention to you. “You didn’t seem keen on the guy. Surprised you didn’t cancel. Sounds like you’re MO,” she teased.
You shrugged. “I dunno what I was thinking. He was cute, funny, smart.”
“Sounds awful,” Callie snickered as Rooster hopped up behind you and let you fall back into his spot. You watched him leave the room, missing his body heat. 
“It just didn’t feel right, you know?”
“So no second date?”
“No second date,” you confirmed. “Is it next year yet?”
“Six minutes,” Natasha confirmed as she popped up with Rueben to start refilling cups and preparing for the ball to drop. Goodbye, 2022. No one will miss you. 
“Time for a bathroom break,” you told Callie as she nodded and you pulled yourself off the couch and went to the kitchen to refill your own cup with whiskey where you quietly toasted with Javy and Mickey. “Where’s the bathroom, Javy?” 
He nudged your side, pointing down the hallway. “Just through there.”
“Thanks,” leaving your cup, you wandered down the hallway and knocked. 
“Just a sec,” Rooster responded. 
“Sorry, no rush,” you reassured him.
“10, 9, 8,” you heard as you rolled your eyes. New Year’s Eve was such bullshit, you were confused why you had even bothered coming - there was only one real reason why. 
The door suddenly burst open and you sprung back, frightening you momentarily. Rooster grinned. “Sorry, you need to get in there?”
Hello reason.
“5, 4, 3...”
“Please,” you admitted as you traded places, each of you guiding the other with gentle caresses on the side. He looked towards the sound of the '2, 1', and in the spirit of the season, you laughed with each other, planting a tender kiss on the other's cheek. “Happy New Year, Rooster,” you smiled up at him, cupping his flushed cheek as he nodded and caught your eyes with his.
“Happy New Year,” he smiled fondly and as if it was the most natural thing, you both went in to kiss again. This time gently on the lips. You both laughed bashfully pulling a respectful distance away from each other. Rooster checked over his shoulder, the commotion in the living room undisturbing you both. 
Both grins faded when it seemed impossible to distract yourselves from the other's gaze and before you knew it, Rooster was pushing you into the bathroom and kicking the door closed behind him, hitching you onto the sink and kissing you manically. 
Rooster's hands bunched into your hips, dragging your body to his as you lost your fingers under his hideous Hawaiian shirt, pressing into the dimples on his lower back, moaning gently into the kiss. This wasn't something you had planned, and of course, you had two eyes, you could see how good-looking Rooster was, but he was your teammate, there was no way this was right to be doing in Javy’s bathroom. 
But kissing him was amazing. You relinquished his back and your hands travelled to his strong chest, resting your warm palms against his racing heart as he lightly bit your lip and pleaded for you to continue. Opening your mouth to him, this tongue glided against yours and you were completely lost to the kiss. You were at his will and though it scared you, it excited you more.
“Rooster,” you said against his mouth as he breathed and rested his forehead against yours.
“I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me,” he said.
“It's okay,” you told him, holding his chin in your hands, your finger tracing a side of his upper lip, his moustache soft. He was sinfully good looking, it wasn’t the worst thing that had happened tonight. 
“I shouldn't have done that here.”
“It's just a New Year's kiss,” you lied for both of you as he nodded, his eyes searching yours, looking for a hint that the kiss meant a damn sight more than fucking New Year.
“Do you believe that?” he dared ask and let his hands drift to your rib, his thumbs rubbing against the side of your tee, dangerously close to your bra.
You shook your head. “Not at all,” you admitted, an easy smile gracing your features and you tenderly traced his strong nose, both of you relaxing a little. 
“This is the first time we've done something like this in front of everyone,” he said to you quietly. “Well, around others.”
“No one saw us,” you reassured him. “It’s okay.”
“You think?”
“The professional levels have definitely been crossed,” you parroted what you'd teased Callie of earlier.
“They crossed months ago, sweetheart. The first time we slept together,” he gently reminded you, a wet smirk crossing his face. “Why were you on a date tonight?”
“Because you were on a date before Christmas,” you threw back at him. If you were only sleeping together, what did it matter?
“I don't want us dating anyone else except each other anymore,” he confided lowly. “I know the rules were only sex, but you know. I know. It's a lot more than that now.”
“You got feels,” you teased him as he chuckled quietly and shrugged.
“Something like that. I don’t want to date anyone else. I want to take you on dates and not leave your bed after we cum.”
“You’ve been sleeping over for weeks,” you reminded him and the feeling of waking up in Rooster’s strong arms enveloped you with warmth. 
“I don’t want to go sleep in a cold bed when I can stay with you,” he said softly, his hands lacing around your breasts, his thumb combing against your bra he wanted to rip off you, 
You nodded solemnly. For you, it was months ago when you realised how truly wonderful Rooster Bradshaw was and though sleeping together muddied the waters, you couldn't stay away from him.
He smoothed your hair behind your ear and sighed. “I really want this.”
“Me too. No more dates with others, no more fucking around.”
He nodded. “I’m all in,” he told you, kissing you again. “Can we get out of here?”
“Yeah, let’s go find where else the glitter has lodged itself,” you said as he laughed and kissed you deeply.
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"A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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besaya-glantaya · 8 months
While the previous exorcism was fairly sucessful, new brain gremlins appear with repeated rewatches. So, here's another incomplete list of my rambling thoughts and favourite moments from the Red White and Royal Blue movie:
1. Breaking doors down to get a wedding cake through - actually a thing that happened. Well, almost. Prince William and Kate Middleton's gigantic 8-tier wedding cake was so large a palace door had to be removed to allow it through. Apparently the Queen was "unimpressed".
2. Henry snubbing Alex in the reception line at the wedding is hilarious. Way to ensure Alex doesn't fixate on you for the whole party, Henry. A+ job.
3. Alex drunkly navigating the wedding reception, swiping drinks, petting rich people and hiding foul smelling canapés behind furniture. Adorably comedic.
4. HeNnrrYyy!
5. Aww. I wanna see pictures of Jonathan the Shih Tzu too.
6. Shaan's scathingly dry wit is everything - I can see why he's such a great match for Zahra.
7. "No-one is more mystified than I" is another phrase I am stealing for people who exist purely to vex me.
8. Shaan shoving Alex bodily through the low hanging branches of a chestnut tree to stand beside Henry for a photo op. That had to be at least partially improvised on location.
9. Dogs in jumpers. This must be some British thing that I have simply failed to notice. Is this a thing Americans associate with the UK?
10. The ridiculously small child's costume that Alex is wearing for the puppet show in the hospital.
11. Alex saying "WRONG!"
12. Henry, on the phone, opening with "Good God, man, what have you done?" Honestly, is there any other response when your crush sends you a picture of a caged turkey, in their bedroom, in the small hours of the morning?
13. Nora strutting into the NYE party in that head turning, jaw dropping, red outfit. Stunning.
14. Henry's face after Alex tells him he's going to do "very bad things to him". Every single fantasy he's ever had about him and Alex is flashing rapid-fire through his brain and he just... overloads a lil' bit. Error code 54 [NETWORK_BUSY].
15. The emotional connection between Alex and Henry when they are making love in Paris. The eye contact, the unspoken communication. Ugh. Hats off to all involved - especially Robbie Taylor, the movie's intimacy coordinator - for creating this scene.
16. Alex, talking about being someone his father never had: "You can't know what that means." Henry responding with a heartfelt "I'm learning". Just... yes. All the yes.
17. In the mood for love might be one of the swooniest movies of all time, but it's heartbreakingly sad. It's a doomed romance - two people who are irrevocably in love but can't be together, trapped as they are by the pressures of societal expectations and their own psychological barriers. That this is a version of romance that Henry holds dear is telling and painful to think about.
18. Alex's bloodshot eyes when he's laying on his bed with Nora, hugging that cushion for dear life, pining hard for Henry. Did they do that scene after another intense emotional one? Were there lots of other teary takes of that same scene? Did they rub onions in Taylor's eyes? I need to know.
19. I often think that the core of who we are as teenagers - our hopes, our desires, the things we cherish - are the beings we settle back into as older adults after we're done trying to fit in or live up to other people's expectations. One of Alex's greatest gifts is helping Henry to reach out and reclaim those seemingly distant hopes and dreams. To dance with the person he loves, in a place of beauty that brings him peace.
20. I love the Perfume Genius cover of "Can't help falling in love". It hits you squarely in the feels.
21. God, the casting of this movie was a stroke of genius. Taylor and Nicholas truly become Alex and Henry on screen.
22. On the private air-field: Henry's little overwhelmed smile when Alex squeezes him in the tightest hug and tells him, "I love you, I'll be as patient as you need."
23. Immediately after 22, Alex leaning in for a kiss goodbye but pulling back quickly as he reads Henry's discomfort. Alex might not always understand Henry's reasons but (if he's paying attention), he's so very good at reading Henry's needs and responding to them.
24. In the aftermath of the email leak, Alex has been "hanging in there" - he's had people supporting him, with agency over how to respond. But Henry is understandably not OK - he's been put back in his box, and the Firm has taken over in all matters. There's one scene where you can see Henry shrinking, literally making himself take up less space at the table.  Poor baby.
25. Zahra to the rescue. Truly the MVP.
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ftmsteveraglan · 5 months
Drabble of William Afton going out to NYE dinner or celebrations with reader (gender neutral or female)
you got it! sorry for not answering on nye, i passed out lmao
features: william in his 30s, pre canon, kissing as the ball drops, just cute nye fluff
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william always loved how you looked by his side.
sure, you were always beautiful. it was one of the reasons why he'd been so drawn to you in the first place. but there was something about having you at his side that made his heart swell with pride.
now, as the two of you walked up the front steps of the emily house to henry's new year's eve party, william couldn't help but admire you beneath the moonlight and the led glow of the christmas lights. you'd wanted to make a good first impression on william's business partner, so you were dressed to the nines in a dress that william couldn't wait to take off of you once the two of you got home. you were nothing short of arm candy, and william loved it.
henry's face lit up with a smile as he opened the door for the two of you, welcoming you into the house with a beckoning wave. "please, come on in!" he urged the two of you. "i've been eager to meet the future mrs. afton!" william couldn't help but laugh, both at the comment and the bashful expression on your face.
"i may have told him a thing or two about you," he said as he led you into the house.
as the hours passed by, drawing ever closer to midnight, william stuck by your side. he knew very well that henry was married, but anytime henry cast a smile or a compliment in your direction, william squeezed your hand just a bit tighter, or wrapped his arm protectively around your waist. you didn't need the protection per se, but you were grateful for it nonetheless.
a few minutes before midnight, henry brought the party guests out into the backyard, where he and his wife had proudly set up a fireworks display to celebrate. william sprawled out on a reclining deck chair, his long legs sticking out over the edge, and patted his thigh, shooting you a wink.
"come on, baby," he grinned. "there's room for one more."
returning his playfulness, you took a seat on his lap before stretching out so you were lying on top of him, your head resting on his chest.
the seconds ticked away as the new year drew so close you could almost reach out and touch it. henry stood poised by the fireworks, lighter in hand, waiting for the countdown to play on the radio.
"10, 9, 8..."
henry quickly set to lighting the first few fireworks before rushing back to the chairs to sit next to his wife. as the countdown played over the radio, you turned your head to gaze up into william's eyes, smiling as you saw the love in his eyes.
"3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
the excited shouts of the party guests joined with the static filled celebration from the radio, and the first few fireworks whizzed into the sky, leaving a trail of sparks behind them as they erupted into bursts of color. you watched the fireworks exploding in the reflection of william's glasses for a few moments, then tilted your head up towards him, your lips meeting in a gentle kiss.
"happy new near, sweetheart," william murmured into the kiss. you were too focused on kissing him some more to reply.
a very happy new year, indeed.
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weeewooobitsfallout · 5 months
hey! It’s my birthday! Jew, how do you thingk peole in the wasteland celebrate birthdays and shit? Like cannonicly they celebrate Christmas and Halloween but what else?
How people celebrate birthdays in the fallout universe!
I did this by faction, hope that’s ok :)
Do raiders/watelanders know their birthdays? Their parents would have to survive through childbirth and to the point where a child can grasp the concept. Even then, would they celebrate? For many, being born in the post-nuclear apocalypse feels like a curse but do they still value their souls to the point they accept their existence? What about ghouls? Do they still keep living out of fear of the unknown, yet resent growing older with each passing day? Would they still care? 
Personally, I love the concept of raiders being akin to a kindergarten class when it comes to birthdays. Someone brings in a huge box of Fancy Lad Snack Cakes and they go to town. Most likely not presents, but a bit more respect and kindness. After all, isn’t that the best gift in the wasteland? To know someone cares?
The brotherhood would probably award the participating party with half a day off to do whatever. Many probably have family members who are outside of the brotherhood’s ranks, or in Fo4, back in the capital wastes. Giving time off (as a reward) can allow for communication between loved ones, boosting morale and giving something to work for. I can just see a knight stepping out of their power armor and heading downtown to see magnolia sing. 
No one in the institute would celebrate birthdays in a sentimental manner. Many will be recognized for a good job they did since they were first created/employed, but aside from that, birthdays will be scarce.
In the railroad, parties are kinda a big thing, mostly due to decon. Dez thinks it’s all a waste of time, but also secretly enjoys some levity. Lots of pranks and shananagins and cake smashing. It’ll be fun until someone runs in interrupting about some synth or safe house lost.  Then back to business as usual.  - (Side note: I headcannon the brotherhood interrupting during glory’s birthday party :). )
Minutemen is a bit tricky tbh. As a group, they definitely can spare a bit of supplies for a higher-ups birthday. If it’s just a regular soldier, they’ll probably get a pat on the back and a few nice words from Preston, with maybe so ammo. They don’t have a lot of time to spare, as well as materials to make it happen. 
At home, (with the individual families and settlements), it’s hard to day. Depends on the person’s situation and preferences.
I think a lot of people celebrate turning a year older on new years. I’m guessing NYE is kinda a big deal. Like, we survived another year! Isn’t that great? And notjust us, but the world as we know it. Things shift, but they also stay the same. But war. War never changes. 
Thanks anon for giving me this prompt!
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cookiesupplier · 6 months
Kristmas with Käresta
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pairing: Joakim “Jolly” Karlsson x ofc (Evie)
summary: Jolly has been her best friend forever, he is everything to her and he can't go home to his family this year, so she is determined to do something special for him for Christmas this year. Determined.
author’s note: Unbeta’d. Actually, consider this a part one for this upcoming NYE follow-up!! This one is all fluff.
tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @nyxthedestroyerofworlds
Evie first met Jolly when he first moved to LA, pretty much his first week, he was lost and she was working behind the counter at the cafe that she’d been working behind forever. She was working her way through college as a barista, her parents could only pay so much money on school, and while they did that, she put as much as she could towards everything else.
Meeting Jolly had been wonderful, that first day, she’d given him directions to find his way to where he was going after ordering a coffee, and the next day, he came back for another coffee, along with the next. She’d laughed when he came back on the fourth day, and she already had his order down pat, but did he truly like their crappy coffee that much?
“No, but the Käresta that makes it saved me.”
That day he left with her number and they’ve been fast friends ever since.
All these years later, and she had an idea, an idea that she was trying to whip the guys into shape and help her with.
She knew Jolly wasn’t going to be able to go home and get to spend Christmas with his family this year, so she was trying to ease things for him and wanted to bring some traditions to him here, but the research she did.. Well most of them, most of them did revolve around family and the boys in the band and he lived with had been so difficult.
Evie had tried to arrange a day to decorate the Christmas Tree together, a real one, all of them, so they could surprise Jolly, at least that had been the plan. But that hadn’t happened, it had fallen flat, no one had been able to agree to a date and never ended up happening until she just put up the normal tree, with Noah and Jolly.
Her next attempt had been the day to bake gingerbread houses and cookies, but that hadn’t worked either. One or two of the guys could have done it, but it was supposed to be family, they were supposed to be together, otherwise, it wasn’t the same.
Her final try was Christmas Eve, which was the Swedish version of Christmas Day, and boy did she give every last one of them the RIOT act about how they were bailing on Jolly. Whoever was in town, whoever was remotely available was to BE THERE, and if she found out they were, she was going to ‘This threat has been censored for the sake of the holiday spirit.’
It was safe to say they agreed. No one argued with Evie when she started using language like that. Mostly, because unbeknown to her, Jolly made sure every last one of them knew that upsetting Evie was upsetting him, and he’d make their life extremely difficult.
Evie told everyone she’d take care of everything, all they had to do was turn up, presents would be nice, but at the very least, just turn up, please!
They did, and it made her so happy, the house was full, and warm, and for a moment there, she was worried that all the massive amounts of food that she had made, weren’t even going to be enough. Giggling, remembering Jolly watching her run around like a chicken with her head cut off all morning, wondering what had gotten into her, and she’d just shooed him back to his room with a grin. Oh, she had made so much food, a smörgåsbord as per her research into the Swedish traditions, not just what they called it in restaurants. She even looked into some of the more traditional dishes, and while she didn’t know if she’d gotten the ones she’d tried right, she had tried. Like the lutfisk, hopefully, that one wasn’t horrible, and she’d already told the others to let Jolly try that one first. Though if it was horrible, maybe.. Maybe, oh she didn’t know.
There were all kinds of things that she had made, Christmas ham, pork sausage, pork belly, and she’d also included other dishes from some of the other guys' homes too, because she knew others hadn’t been able to go home either. Yes, she might have been doing this for Jolly, but she was well aware that he wasn’t the only one that didn’t get to go home and spend time with family this year.. So here they were, all spending time together. A different type of family. Found family.
When she finally went to bring Jolly out of his room,
“Oh, so I’m allowed to come out now, Käresta?”
Her face flushed with warmth, remembering how she’d practically banished him to his room earlier when he’d continued to bug her when she was flittering about the kitchen all morning. Nodding slightly, she reached for his hands with hers to pull him out of his room to come out to the lounge where the party was happening. Everything was set up, the whole room was decorated with faux candles and Christmas lights and decorations, everyone sitting out at the table waiting for them so they could sit down to dinner.
“Evie, what have you-”
Looking around..
“Oh, Käresta.”
“God Jul, Jolly.”
Smiling at her, she knew she probably got the pronunciation absolutely horribly wrong, but she tried, and Jolly hugged her so tightly now. As he let her go, they both moved to join all the others at the table and start dinner. Laughing and happy, Jolly enjoyed the whole night, dinner, Evie’s attempts at lutfisk, her baked lussekatter was perfection and he was also going to steal more of those gingerbread cookies. Then after dinner came the presents, and he stole away to his room to bring out the ones he’d gotten for his friends, but all in all, the whole night, spending it with his family, and his friends, he couldn’t have asked for anything more.
As most of the guys were heading to their rooms, Jolly was sitting on the couch with Evie, he reached for her hand, squeezing lightly,
“Käresta, tonight has been, wonderful, thank you.”
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byhimawari · 5 months
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“Every Second and Beyond, With You”
(a RivaMika drabble)
"I was amazing, wasn’t I!”
“Yes, yes.”
“100 perfect score on the karaoke machine! Me!”
“Yes, yes, Mikasa.”
Mikasa pouts, her arms wrapped lazily around his neck as she steps out of her heels. Levi holds her by the waist to support her, his touch suggestive in the way he traces her curves. She hums lowly at the warmth it brings.
“You could sound a bit more enthusiastic for me.”
“Not very keen on having you on stage for men to marvel at,” he says with an eye roll before pushing her closer into him, “Especially in this dress.”
She smirks at him, “Such a stingy man, you are.”
He smirks back. “I am.”
Mikasa drops her head on his shoulder with a slight groan. There’s still hints of champagne in her breath. She had a bit too much to drink at the NYE party, hosted at their local bar, courtesy of her ever so persistent friends who are quite adamant on the ideal of “one more drink won’t hurt.”
After masking in his hold for a few more seconds, she releases herself and makes her way to her vanity to remove her jewelry. Levi sits at the edge of the bed. She can see him from the mirror, his eyes staring at her with that intimate look of desire and slow burning patience, a look she is very much familiar with. He notices her gaze and through the mirror, she sees him pat his lap.
"Come,” he instructs, and instantly she follows, sitting on his lap with her arms returning to around his neck. He shifts her more comfortably, his hands circling her waist.
“What a year,” she notes sleepily.
He agrees, pulling the straps of her dress slowly down her arm, “It was.”
Mikasa releases a relaxed sigh, shifting a bit to lock her eyes with his and give him a smile, only to see him already smiling softly up at her. Her heart flutters endearingly at the sight, as it normally does, but this time it feels more profound, like a million butterflies dancing around the garden of her soul, beautifying her life in the same way Levi had since the start.
Really, she couldn’t be more lucky.
She places her lips softly against his forehead.
"Thank you, Levi, for this wonderful year," she says sweetly, pulling away to snuggle her head into the crook of his neck, "I don’t say it often, but I’m very grateful that you’re in my life.”
She embraces him in a more yearning hold, voice heavy with honesty, “Please be mine. Every year.”
Levi brings his hand to gently stroke her cheek. Her heart skips a beat.
"I'm yours," he tilts her chin and plants a soft kiss, "Every day," another kiss, "Every minute," another one, "Every second," this time, he presses longer, more purposeful in how lips caresses hers delicately, before pulling away, "And beyond."
Mikasa doesn’t notice the tears that falls from her eyes until she feels Levi’s thumb graze them away. The tender look in his eyes speaks the promise of forever, of their ‘beyond”. She leans in and kisses him then, feeling so overbearingly grateful that she was born in the same lifetime to love Levi Ackerman for all the years to come.
“And beyond,” Mikasa whispers against his lips, “Happy New Year.”
Levi once again smiles that smile and she’s in love all over again.
“Happy New Year, my beloved.”
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thesporkidentity · 2 months
giving up on trying to justify the two poem days and accepting that this is just who i am as a person
By Naomi Shihab Nye (1952- ), Published 1995
The river is famous to the fish. The loud voice is famous to silence,    which knew it would inherit the earth    before anybody said so.     The cat sleeping on the fence is famous to the birds    watching him from the birdhouse.     The tear is famous, briefly, to the cheek.     The idea you carry close to your bosom    is famous to your bosom.     The boot is famous to the earth,    more famous than the dress shoe,    which is famous only to floors. The bent photograph is famous to the one who carries it    and not at all famous to the one who is pictured.     I want to be famous to shuffling men    who smile while crossing streets,    sticky children in grocery lines,    famous as the one who smiled back. I want to be famous in the way a pulley is famous,    or a buttonhole, not because it did anything spectacular,    but because it never forgot what it could do.
The Patience of Ordinary Things
By Pat Schneider (1934-2020), Published 2005
It is a kind of love, is it not? How the cup holds the tea, How the chair stands sturdy and foursquare, How the floor receives the bottoms of shoes Or toes. How soles of feet know Where they’re supposed to be. I’ve been thinking about the patience Of ordinary things, how clothes Wait respectfully in closets And soap dries quietly in the dish, And towels drink the wet From the skin of the back. And the lovely repetition of stairs. And what is more generous than a window?
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ivydoomkitty · 1 year
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I'm dropping December and all new (this one) photoset tomorrow at the place you pat trees on! You won't want to miss out! Go to sto ries! Or the tree of l1nks! #latina #gothgirls #plussizemodel #weekendvibes #nye #fyp #fypシ #newyears #newyearseve #happynewyear #latinacreators #bodypositive #morninghair #hollywood #happyholidays #vintagestyle # https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmz3rkFvHWM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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