#please no one @ me over the one ship in this fandom i dislike
noa-ciharu · 10 months
Discourses over shipping are so funny to me. You can say you dgaf what others ship and get someone so mad they block you and make call out post about how dare you being a reasonable human being and mind your own business online
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davlucies · 2 years
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remember when imbalance came out and people managed to be upset griffin handled dav's perspective about cycle 92 & his relationship with lucretia with sensitivity, nuance, and realism
#imbalance#discourse wank#i'm still upset about this... people don't ever explore/care about how dav thinks/feels... all they care about is hating on lucretia#this was such a moving thing to hear articulated too... imagine saying you like dav but not caring what griffin says about/as him??#bc you'd rather see the sole canon woc vilified and insulted.. and all the complex moral and interpersonal issues in canon glossed over#i mean if my headcanons had been jossed more aggressively in imbalance maybe i'd be upset but idk. it's just more angst/meat to write abt!!#think of it as a good fun creativity-inducing thing!!! come write emotionally complex dav fics that engage w canon!!! please..anyone.... 🥺#there is so much interesting there & it's the worst feeling being alone in thinking that... and having no one to write for & talk to....#i miss when fandoms were fun & creative and like a positive thing. just liking the characters/story and chatting & making stuff about them#i still remember when imbalance happened and someone got mad at me for being happy about it bc of course... of course. it's a taz fan!#i couldn't even be happy about imbalance with anyone because my harmless ship is so bad and weird to every single taz fan! cool!!#they're fucking friends! he regrets not supporting her and letting her voice be heard! he thinks he shares some of the blame for it all!!#sorry but you can personally dislike a ship without collectively & baselessly gaslighting me that it's abusive bc of what you're projecting#i'd daresay after 100+ years of friendship davenport nd lucretia love each other deeply despite everything..imbalance propped that up a lot#but you don't even wanna write or read about that do you...#dav having emotionally grounded and complex thoughts and feelings? not in this fandom. lucy being treated kindly? banish the thought...#also davlucy is CUTE. they're nerds. they're hardworking and devoted to saving lives and to their friends. they care for each other !!
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grollow · 2 years
The Pae King for the ask game perhaps? If that's alright?
I am always happy to scream into the void about the characters. This one's interesting though because HEHEHOHOHO do I have OPINIONS on this man.
(I'm told it doesn't show.)
Sexuality Headcanon: Ace, but he makes due for the White Lady. Gender Headcanon: Male A ship I have with said character: PK/WL. I enjoy the headcanon that she challenges him in ways he's not used to by being, basically, the antithesis to him. He gives me big "create, develop, exceed expectations" vibes. Engineer meets the witchy hippy woman gdfkjhbjd I donno how else to describe this but it's working in my head. In another life they'd be glorious. A BROTP I have with said character: Lurien & PK as best friends/nerds together. I don't personally ship them romantically, but more as platonic soul mates? A NOTP I have with said character: I have one tag blocked on Tumblr and it's Pale Nightmare. I am usually a ship and let ship but that one annoys me enough that I actively nope out when I see it 99.9% of the time. I've tried. There's some writers who I think can rock it. But I can't get past the visceral "No" response I have to it sdbkjgs A random headcanon: If Radi hadn't fucked things up, this man would absolutely have developed telephones and it's a crime he never got around to it. General Opinion over said character: I get bullied for being "He is a well-designed character with a lot of nuance and he's the very definition of Morally Gray but my GOD do I want to punt him into the nearest meat grinder."
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lunar-valleys · 8 months
why i prefer jegulus to jily
1. this is probably my main reason— lily isn’t the kind of person to publicly dislike someone for years and then one day just go huh. he’s not as bad as i thought? omg let’s get married! it just seemed kinda forced—like some of jkr’s other heterosexual relationships *cough* remadora and hinny *cough*
2. also (it’s not a canon event but most of the fandom has accepted it as canon) james repeatedly asking lily out doesn’t sit right with me. he’d respect her when she said no and wouldn’t constantly pester her. he’s not that kinda person (in fanon anyways)
2. jeggy’s dynamics? hello? rivals/ enemies to lovers, best friend’s brother, grumpy x sunshine, thinks he’s unlovable vs loves everyone— i could go on and on
3. jegulus’s ANGST. its never fails to rip my soul out, tear it to shreds, set it on fire then put it back into my chest and do it all over again. i’m not saying jily isn’t also heartbreaking— it 100% is. but jegulus is just UGH.
4. also there’s so much comedic potential with jegulus. sirius’s reaction? gets me every time. tie swapping? hell yes. slytherin vs gryffindor quidditch matches but they’re just checking each other out? GIVE IT TO ME
5. platonic jily is one of the best friendships in the fandom imo. they’d be that duo that had like a month-long relationship but are now just friends and get super embarrassed whenever it’s brought up. especially because i hc lily as a lesbian and that’s just the cherry on top
i am by no means hating on jily— all ships are valid. it’s just my opinion so please. no hate
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kozumesphone · 21 days
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╭₊˚ TOKYO DRIFT . . . skye’s 50 followers event ! ⋆⭒˚.⋆
intro post here !
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ᝰ. PODIUM (masterlist) . . .
— click here for the event masterlist <3
~ completed: 21
~ remaining: 12
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ᝰ. CONDUCTOR’S NOTES (a/n) . . .
ahhh! thank you all so so much for this!! i’m so grateful to everyone who follows my blog and reads my fics <3 I have the best time interacting with you (: your guys’ support is the best fr. i’m so so happy to write what I love with no time constraints, and having amazing mutuals and followers sending in the best requests. I hope to interact more with the rest of you, and make new friends! also… new theme alert! hope yall like it 🤍 all the love, skye <3
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ᝰ. IDOLS (ib & cr) . . .
event inspired by covey (@hopelesslyromanticshark), zuri (@canonfeminine), sunni (@sunnitheapollokid), eden (@cinemaconrad) & special mention to mori (@nuncscioquidsitamor-14) for being the reason I grew this much + found some of my fav moots (including you <3)
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ᝰ. GENERAL (everyone) . . .
I. IF U SEEK AMY ! ִ ࣪𖤐
give me a short/long description about yourself (hobbies, likes/dislikes, favourites, etc.) and i’ll assign you a book gf/bf !
II. PUMP IT ! ִ ࣪𖤐
you can request moodboards for any character/ship/friend group (:
ask for any character and i’ll write you a bunch of headcannons (you can provide a prompt or choose not to) <3
request a playlist for any character/prompt (maximum 10 songs) !
ᝰ. RESTRICTED (only moots) . . .
I. WHO IS SHE ? ࣪𖤐
give me a short/long description of yourself and i’ll tell you which of my oc’s you remind me of !
drop a request and i’ll make you a moodboard on how I see our friendship (+ book duo we resemble) (:
i’ll write you a letter <3
IV. YOU AND I ! ࣪𖤐
drop a request and i’ll write a few headcannons about what you and I would do if we ever met irl !
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ᝰ. INSTRUCTIONS (rules) . . .
i. i’ll only be able to answer your request if i’m a part of that fandom, so I would suggest checking out my fandoms nav here first
ii. only one request per message
iii. only three requests per day
iv. normal asks might be closed until event ends
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ᝰ. RACE TIME (dates) . . .
starts on — 17th may, friday
ends on — 30th may, thursday
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ᝰ. PATH (asks’ format) . . .
please include title of the ask (ex. pump it/supermassive black hole/etc.) and the character name & fandom (if applicable). if it’s a description request, send your desc in points (if applicable) so it’s easier to read (:
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ᝰ. RACERS (taglist) . . .
@nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby @sunnitheapollokid
@jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @totokyo @urbanflorals
@aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr @pjoverseluvr
@maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn @metyouattherighttime
@a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor @iheartgirlzn
@nomournersnofuneralss @over-the-oceancall @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia @lara20aral
@bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
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theweirdhybrid · 26 days
Edit: This post is directed at people who also use Twitter/X or any other social media platform that Lego has a presence on, if you are not one of those people feel free to ignore this post (and leave me alone, please)
I haven't been in the LMK fandom for a hot minute, but holy SHIT you guys NEED to calm down about the animation team changing. It's literally fine. The animation quality is fine. It Is Fine. It changed SLIGHTLY. When I first heard about the animation being shitty, I thought "Oh man, it must've been really bad for people to be so upset over this." And then I actually watched the trailer. What the fuck, guys.
As far as I could tell, the animation quality was largely the same, just with a few minor differences in style that in the grand scheme of things, aren't that noticeable. It's just Different.
There is no reason to be throwing a hissy fit over Flying Bark having to hand LMK over to a different team because they couldn't keep up with the deadlines. None. Literally not a single one. Do y'all have any idea how lucky it is that all that happened was the animation style changed a little bit? If things behind the scenes had gone even a little differently, the show would've been cancelled in its entirety. (Not to mention we could be seeing the UNFINISHED PRODUCT. CALM. DOWN. And even if we aren't y'all STILL need to CALM. THE HELL. DOWN.)
And as far as I can tell, the story and writing itself seems perfectly fine as well, the ANIMATION TEAM changing has NO EFFECT on the WRITER'S TEAM.
Would you prefer the animation to have changed a little bit with the same quality of writing, or would you prefer the animation stay the same and the writing to go down the drain? Because I've seen that happen before. I lived through VLD. It's a lot fucking worse.
Seriously, I'm not joking. At All. If you make a big enough stink about LMK's style changing just a TINY BIT, sure, they COULD change it, but for a show that is relatively unpopular, barely has a foothold on any LEGAL streaming services and is hanging on to life by the SKIN of its TEETH, has only ELEVEN MINUTES PER EPISODE INCLUDING CREDITS, something a LOT worse is more likely to happen.
With the rate shows get cancelled these days, if people jump ship or complain too much over A TINY DIFFERENCE IN ANIMATION, the show could be cancelled.
Also, I get you're upset and sad to see Flying Bark go, and maybe that's where your anger is coming from, but please keep those thoughts to yourself or in private spaces. If you get too loud about disliking the show in ANY capacity, the entire thing gets nuked.
And if you're still planning on complaining publicly about it...
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saintchaser · 1 year
since people are asking for them, here are my unpopular marauders opinions
(note, and i mean this in the most serious way: please, for the love of god, if you don't agree, just scroll. there is no reason to cause drama over some unpopular opinions of some random tumblr user just because you don't agree with me.)
remus is my least favorite character. don't get me wrong, i love him to bits, he's just the least intriguing to me. he's the character we've been given most of; not only that, i find sirius and james' character, as well as peter's (and his betrayal), as far more interesting
i don't really like jegulus for the same reason as remus; the dynamic is interesting, there is a lot to work with there, including the death eater and order member dynamic, but i just find some ships as more interesting
most of the characters are written as super one-dimensional and therefore i do not like most fandom characterizations which is a crucial point, to me, in whether i read the fic. i like fics in which the characters are written as real people, with human emotions and flaws, and not some qualities thrown together
some wolfstar shippers are pretty much the most annoying people in fandom (coming from a wolfstar shipper). shipping the only consistent ship in this fandom does not make you inherently better than everyone else, and just because someone else splits wolfstar for other ships dynamics does not mean anything
the black sisters and the evans sisters, if written well, can be more interesting than the black brothers and i don't think we talk enough about them (i also find the black brothers are really interesting, and i need more fics in which the intensity of these dynamics are explored)
i dislike the main characterization of regulus in fandom, being a huge fan of morally grey regulus. however, each with their own characterization, and i'm no one to judge next. i find him to be a very interesting character, however, and i like fics that dive deeper into his character
people who ship jegulus and hate lily for no reason need to chill; furthermore, people who hate mary and lily for "getting in the way" of their mlm ships are... i'm not going to comment on this, but you probably know what i mean
"stan bambi" comments on snape videos are really annoying because the very same way we don't like (and sometimes get aggressive) over snape lovers attacking the characters we like, why are we doing that to other people?
i need more peter-centered fics, and i do not like him only being a sidekick or ignored. also, mary is also a very interesting character, and i don't think we credit her enough for it
dorlene > wolfstar
the girls are far more interesting than people make them out to be and i NEED an atyd-like fic (long canon compliant etc) from their povs. it's not a want, it's a need, and i might just write it myself, because i think that a fic like that has a lot of potential
dorcas is morally grey and i need more fics in which that is a thing
this might be my most unpopular opinion but i prefer lily to regulus; i find them both to be very interesting characters, but i find myself more drawn to lily
pretty privilege is REAL in this fandom. bet that if peter and snape were conventionally attractive, they would be as loved as evan, barty, and regulus
i do not see sirius as transfem but why do people have to be so pressed about this hc. lif you don't see it, shut up, move on with your day, and let people who see it do their thing; this fandom is TOO pressed about other people's hcs
i kind of dislike fanon james because they strip him of all humanity and emotions, and make him a ray of walking sunshine with no issues (hence my essay on it, which you can read here)
james would choose sirius over regulus any day
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tinknevertalks · 7 months
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Roll up! Roll up! It's that time of year again: the nights are longer, it's all feeling colder, and the shops are all trying to sell you stuff. But here in the Sanctuary side of fandom, it's the start of the festive fic exchange!
Do you like writing fic?
Do you like reading fic?
Do you like putting unnecessary stress on yourself to make a wonderful gift for someone, just to have half of the fandom turn around and say, "Aaaaaaah, that's exactly what I needed to read right now?"*
Then this is the fic exchange for you! Today's post is the sign up post. Under the cut will be a list of questions. All you have to do is send me either a DM or an ask with your completed questionnaire then wait for your match!
Sign up: 21st Nov - 5th Dec
Matches sent out by 7th Dec
Touching base post: 20th Dec**
Collection open for posting: 26th Dec
Collection reveal: 31st Dec
This is open to anyone in the Sanctuary fandom, regardless of character/shipping preferences. When it comes to fic length, the minimum is 300 words. I don't really wanna give a max (because I know how the muse can get sometimes), but if we cap it around the 2k words mark that should be cool.***
I'll be posting a link to this around the place (and reblogging again this evening for the later crew), and you are more than welcome to message/contact me with any questions, queries or concerns.
Under the cut: the questions!
Username on Tumblr/AO3: (I need a method of contacting you 😊. If you have neither, pop me your email or something? We'll figure it out.)
Things I am comfortable writing: (gen or shippy? Fluff writer or angst? Family feels?)
Things I would not want to write about: (all the things you don't wanna write - characters you dislike, pairings you don't vibe with etc. Also heads up on any triggers you might have - you don't need to explain the whys.)
What I'd like to receive: (go for gold! The more info you can give, the more tailored to you the fic will be.)
What I would not like to receive: (All the things that you do not vibe with, or squick you. Please please please again with any trigger warnings - I don't want a gift to upset you. 😊)
Any other info that doesn't fit in the other questions: (General vibes, could you be a pinch hitter, any thoughts, questions, etc)
And that's that. 😊 Thank you for joining in, and see you December 7th with your matches!
*You can answer no to this one - it's just how I am when it comes to these things. XD
**If you find you can't finish, or something comes up that means you have to pull out, please let me know so I can arrange a pinch hitter. I won't be angry or disappointed or anything because this is for fun, and your health (mental and/or physical) is more important.
**Obviously, if you find you go over a bit, don't freak out or anything. This is just for fun, after all.
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meircury · 3 months
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Hello everyone! I hope everyone have a nice today! I very much rarely engage in fandom directly but there's has been something nagging me for a while, and this has something to do with SOME of Grey and Gauche shippers, alongside SOME of Gauche 'fans', treated him. I'm mostly talking about English speaking side of the fandom. I feel like the need of talk about this because I really hate the way they treated canon Gauche:
(Fair warning: LONG)
I absolutely hate seeing fans turning Grey into another Marie for Gauche or a replacement of his sister and makes him simp for her just like how he acts around Marie. In the story Gauche‘s simping for Marie is called “complex” because he simps out of unhealthy familial love and attachment because of what happened to them in the past and as a result of Gauche’s trust issues. His simping is NOT normal. It’s an ISSUE. FLAW. That needs to be FIXED. Not deflected to someone else. I see a lot of shippers make Gauche shoves his problems into Grey and repeats all his complex action with her. Example, a lot of memes show Gauche being weird about Grey’s photo. Whyy? One of the charms this ship has is how it brings out a unique caring side of Gauche we rarely see, like when he told Grey to work on her magic in the seabed temple, or when she saved him with the bulls after the elf fight. Yeah. That… that side of Gauche acting tsun and shy because he’s not used to be nice or open to others. Yet a lot of fans choose to use his unhealthy simping and shove it to Grey rather than builds upon his established development.
Nosebleeding over Grey. I saw this troupe is used TONS of time by the shippers artists, specifically English/West ones, and it's bothering me A LOT. Like. This troupe is used a lot in western Grey and Gauche shippers community and it's so fucking weird because aren't the same community despise the way anime over exaggerating this troupe at the point it's destroyed gauche's characterization? (For the record, after his arc Gauche only nosebleed for 5 times in manga, while in anime? Idk 50 or smth 😂😂😂) Then why they act the same way with anime with over-using this troupe when he found Grey's cute or adorable or anything sexual? Like, I'm so sorry but this such a huge hypocrisy. Hate the way anime treated him but do the same. Do you know what's ironic? I've seen less of this troupe used in the Japanese bc ship community, where most of them didn't mind the troupe. There's more irony. Most of the nice fanarts and actually depicted their relationship right it's also from JP artists who's not even have Grey and Gauche as their main ship. They're drawing them once in awhile and that's it. It's sad because why ppl who doesn't have them as their main ship understand the ship's dynamic better more than the actual shippers?
Grey Fix Gauche. Grey will Fix Gauche. Oh my God. This is the most cringiest shit ive ever heard when it came to a ship. This is also the biggest reason why I lost all of my love I had for this ship and ended up disliking it. Like. No. Grey ain't fixing Gauche. Gauche is the one who's fixing his own problem. And if you really want to insist of using 'fixing' troupe, then Asta fixing Gauche is way more valid than her. Because, he's the one who changed Gauche's mind. If Asta didn't do this then Gauche will still not giving any shit about Grey. But yeah, I hate the fixing troupe as I'm firm believer one can and SHOULD fix their problem by their own self, not by others. This troupe is problematic and I'll stand by it. That aside, saying her fixing Gauche is literally disrespecting Gauche's own development and the others characters that help him grow up (henry, gordon, Theresa, YAMI). Like, stop. Stop thinking Grey took all of those efforts that's she's not even done. Stop being delusional. Please. Why y'all not trusting him to became a better version of himself by his own efforts? Damn.
Gauche has sister complex and I hope people especially his fans will accept that as one of his character flaws instead of being denial x') he's not some poor guy who show his love differently. I know the anime explained it like that but in my honest opinion he reads to me as a man in need of therapy help because his traumatic past of having his family killed is left untreated and resulting in him developing attachment issues to his sister, the only family he has left. (Manga - Context) Did Gauche get better at not being a full siscon? Yes. Did he enterly get over it? No. Because he will always show sister complex gags and it's the same with any other bulls with their gags (ex. Noelle's royalty tsun, Luck's fight obsessed, Vanessa's alcoholic). These are flaws that make them more humans and will need more time to smooth over. As his fan, I want Gauche to fully love Marie in the healthy way of course, and I'm happy he's not as bad as before. Some bulls already helped him with that by showing him there's others he can protect beside his sister. I'm sure Grey is also gonna help him because she's his love interest but fixing him? Nah. He’s already getting better by his and the bulls’ efforts not just Grey.
(I'm saying this again just to make sure: NOT ALL Grey and Gauche shippers act like this, there's only SOME of them (the rest are good) but the way they treated Gauche is just too much I need to make a post about it lol)
Alright that's it. I had more complains like how people keep drawing gauche with muscles (he's a twink omg y'all following anime way of drawing him 😭/hj), ignoring Gauche's canonly beautiful blue greenish eye, etc but that's my personal preferences and I believe everyone deserved to draw him in their own way x) with this vent is clear enough that I do not like and vibes with Grey and Gauche as the ship because of the shippers (also the way tabata treated them but that's a different topic lol) I know this two will eventually be canon but I don't care and I still want to give more loves for him and drawing him with others characters because he deserved to have more fanarts thats not tied to his canon ship x')
Lastly. I just wish the Grey and Gauche shippers can see more from Gauche's point of view instead of being huge biased towards Grey. Because at this point I'm convinced that the shippers is Grey fans who only cares about Gauche because he's her love interest. Please respect and adore Gauche's character as y'all do with Grey 😞
Thankyou and have a nice weekend everyone!
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olderthannetfic · 25 days
I was watching a video on the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon’s fandom, cause I was very into it when I was younger and seeing the video come up in my recommended really took me back. And it was by a creator I really liked!
And then, 2 minutes in, they started expressing their sheer disgust for all the nsfw they came across, and a few minutes later disgust over the self-cest.
Everyone is free to their own opinions and taste in media, but the absolute vitriol was upsetting.
I’m always so disappointed to see this kind of message spread around, even though I understand it’s a ‘popular’ one. So many times, I see so many large creators on YouTube and TikTok demonising certain areas of fandom, even if they aren’t involved in that fandom/fandom in general.
While I understand some people are uncomfortable by some areas of fandom, just leave it alone? While you may not morally agree with something, it doesn’t mean you have to bash it in such a way.
Just…let people be! You are more than free to disagree, but you don’t have to engage with it and so publicly bash it. Let people engage in fandoms how they please.
In real life, this a lot of this stuff is absolutely morally reprehensible and disgusting. But this is fandom/fiction. And there can be a lot of ‘gray areas’.
I’m also especially sad about how ‘shippers’ get talked about in these kinds of videos. I fully understand not being a shipper and disliking them, but come ON! Ship (or don’t) and let ship.
Anti rhetoric is nothing new, but I’m so sad when time and time again creators talk like this about different aspects of fandom, without even trying to ‘understand’, or just leave it alone.
There are many creators I enjoy that will cover topics involving fandoms/fandom spaces, who come on and ridicule what they find. Those aren’t your spaces, and that’s fine, so stay out of them if you dislike them.
This probably isn’t very coherent, I’m not very good at getting my thoughts out. But it made me so upset seeing a creator I really like start talking so bad about certain areas of the fandom. Like, full pretending to vomit and saying he was ‘crying over the self-cest because what is wrong with people’, and ‘child p is morally bankrupt’. In real life, yes it is. But this is fandom/fiction.
I took a video I might put on my blog to really get the full message of what they were saying. It was just so upsetting
Money. The bottom line is that these shitty practices make them money. If their audience started rewarding different behavior, they'd do that instead.
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i am intrigued in micah x bill (belliamson? bicah??) but does vigorous fucking accidentally result of both finding a reason to live and becoming better people or do they make each other worse?? is it a fling or do they catch feels?? i want the tea on your take
Haha well my take depends on what media is present. The ship is so under appreciated that I just agree with whatever media I can find. I do love the existence of multiple takes on a ship! diversify in a fandom breeds innovation and community. I will tell you my take on what you outlined.
- one interpretation I have seen is the idea that they started some sort of gay sex truce and accidentally became closer because of it. I constantly think back to Micah openly telling Bill he looks nice and doubling down that he is being honest when Bill says he doesn’t believe what he says. ^.^ this was my catalyst for the ship.
Micah (semi-closeted bisexual?) and Bill (closeted gay) agreeing to have sex together also makes sense because although Micah and Bill snap teeth at each other often, I feel like Bill is the closest person (who isn’t Dutch) Micah has. Micah is not exactly Bill’s friend, but Micah and Bill could bond if they were drunk. Maybe they bond over being bootlickers to Dutch, who knows!
- as for if their friend with benefits situation makes them better or worse people is up to the person shipping them. I like both takes!
I don’t think either of them would inherently fix the other magically, but I can see having someone in your corner for Micah and Bill would be ground breaking because both of them have been pretty lonely whether they admit it or not. I can see both of them making small, slow efforts to not piss off the other as much. Micah stops kicking Cain because Bill REALLY hated that. Now Micah just jealously stink eyes the dog whenever he’s getting all of Bill’s attention. Bill is an asshole in his own way but he isn’t as openly antagonizing as Micah is (seriously, he is a whole other level of stirring the plot). Bill is maybe more honest and believing of Micah when Micah gives him crumbs of kindness, like compliments. The both of them need to open up and make a modicum of effort to maintain a friendship.
I haven’t seen a lot of media around Bill x Micah resulting in them improving into better people. I would be interested to see some if people find it.
- the interpretation I enjoy a lot is them being two guys who revel in their cruddy behavior because the entire gang tolerated them at best. Instead of improving as people, they accept that having this asshole as a fuck-buddy buddy is better than being alone. They aren’t better as people, their asshole behavior is just consolidated on other people as opposed to each other.
Bill and Micah being buddies came to me during the coach robbery in chapter 4. I really liked their dynamic with Arthur and how Micah + Bill could team up and make fun of Arthur because they both dislike him, but at the same time Bill could agree with Arthur to call Micah out on his gross behavior, vise versa, Micah and Arthur can agree and poke fun at Bill to get the hothead to take the bait and make a fool of himself. Perhaps Mr. Black and Mr. White is a comparison that isn’t too far off; Micah and Bill will argue and squabble but in the end they like the other person’s guts.
- as for fling vs serious, I think Micah would firmly be opposed to a serious relationship. If he were to soften to the idea of it, it would have to be after a lot of time and many small catalysts to initiate changes in him. Little domino trails that eventually lead to Micah opening himself to real connection. It definitely was a fling initially. I mean… look at Bill. He is a walking rainbow flag saying “please. I need to be bedded.” Micah is no fool and he knows if he plays his cards right, he could get a sweet deal out of the situation. Even if their situationship turned out to be mediocre, it beats lonely masturbation and Micah making a fool of himself trying to flirt with Sadie, Abigail, Susan, and Mary.
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atlasdoe · 2 months
Things that The Marauders fandom say that pisses me off
warning: i will not be holding back. if you are sensitive do not read. feel free to disagree or anything in the replies but don't be a dick
i'm only doing this cause i'm bored and have a lot of rage in me
also just to be clear if we're mutuals then i'm not on about you :)
"It's so sad that one of the only things we have in cannon is the prank"
or something along those lines. If knowing that the prank is cannon makes you upset then I have some great news for you. Nobody cared about the prank in cannon!!!! it's literally just another Tuesday for the Marauders and not once does anybody lose any friends or hold any grudges about it!! yay, now you can sleep at night!
"Dumbledore raised an army of children twice"
I've already spoken about this before but for anyone who wasn't here please know that this is a lie! Neither time did Dumbledore raise an army of children. You had to be an adult to join The Order and although the Marauders were young they were not children. As for everyone else, their ages are not confirmed. We are the ones who made Marlene and Dorcas the same age as them. For all we know The Marauder's could've been the youngest in the Order by far. As for the DA, Dumbledore literally had no part in that. It was Hermione, Harry and Ron who made the DA. All Dumbledore did was take the blame for it because they named themselves after him
"Dumbledore could've helped Regulus, Evan and Barty"
Firstly it amazes me how these three are the only Death Eaters yall have any sympathy for. I understand Regulus to a point considering we only really hear good things about him from Kreacher but with Evan and Barty genuinely what makes them so special?? Evan is in the exact same pool as Wilkes and y'all don't give a shit about them. Also Barty helped resurrect Voldemort and tortured Frank and Alice. Either way regardless on if you like them or not trust me when i say that if they would've gone to Dumbledore for help he would've helped them. When have we ever seen Dumbledore turn somebody down because they were a Slytherin. This man literally tried to help Draco as he was about to kill him and help the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts. Dumbledore doesn't know everything and he's never passed on the chance for a new spy.
"This fandom is misogynistic for making Lily/Tonks bad mothers/surrogates"
Fanfiction does not equal headcannons. Just because Lily or Tonks are bad mothers in a fanfiction does not mean that the author dislikes them or thinks that they're a bad person in cannon. Also reading about your favourite ship raise a child is a very common trope in fanfiction and as much as Harry and Teddy are Lily and Tonks children they are also James and Remus'. James and Remus are just as responsible for their children and I see nobody batting an eye when the roles are reversed. On top of all of this, Lily and Tonks were young mothers and it's very likely that they would make mistakes or in other universes not be as good as they were in cannon. That does not make them bad people nor does it make them unworthy of being liked. If you don't like it, don't read it cause i know that nobody is saying that Regulus and James raised Harry in cannon.
"Marlene/Dorcas/Mary/Evan is so underrated!"
No they're not. They're mentioned like once or twice. If anything they're incredibly overrated. Nothing wrong with that. Just facts
"Jily is dying out because people are scared to go against Jegulus"
Don't make me laugh. Jily is one of the only cannon ships we have they are literally the blueprint to the entire series. Jily is not dying out, you're just seeing more Jegulus posts because you keep interacting with them and fucking up your own algorithm in order to argue with people in comment sections
"[Insert ship here] need to stop hating on [Insert another ship here] (same with characters)"
I remember one time in the Riverdale fandom when a Bughead shipper did an interview with a magazine pretending to be Lili Reinheart and told this magazine that Bughead will be cannon just to piss the Barchie shippers off. Y'all would not survive "real" fandoms. Just because somebody doesn't like your ship does not make it hate and even if someone does say something like "Jily is trash and I hate it" so fucking what?? it's one person and trust me there is another room on the internet for the both of you. I don't even think I've seen anyone truly post hate about a ship since 2020 when i was in the instagram fandom and the Wolfstar and Blackinnon shippers had each other by the throat
"Jegulus came out of nowhere and I don't understand why people ship it"
Jegulus has been around for as long as i have (2018) and at least to me it's very obvious why people like it. It's the best friends brother, opposite sides of the war, secret relationship, forbidden romance tropes that people love. it's not that hard to understand. And as I said before we know just enough about Regulus to get some sense of what he was like but not all of the bad parts.
"Sirius was tall but Remus was TALL"
There's nothing necessarily wrong with this. I just hate it. Especially if you're commenting on somebody's post about how Sirius is canonically tall. Half the time, unless they say it themselves, they don't think that Remus is taller and don't care if you do
that's all i've got for now. i may do this again :)
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quinloki · 3 months
Canon Characters vs OC vs x Reader
Disclaimer: This is just my two cents, and my perspective on things, and I'm not trying to lay down the law for everyone. I needed to just put this to words though, in order to sleep.
I was thinking about this because of a post I saw, and some, we'll say, kind of useless comments associated with the post. Mean-spirited stuff.
Normally, in one ear and out the other, but the vibes just kicked me off down a rabbit hole of sorts an I wanted to try to put some of my thoughts to words.
First, some style vibes:
Canon x Canon Canon/Canon stories are, to me, like reading an episode of that show. I'm sitting down in front of a TV or whatever, and I'm experiencing the story As A Viewer. I like this style because I don't really have to expend much energy and I just kind of roll with whatever's happening. Generally some sort of 3rd person perspective.
OC x canon OC/Canon stories are like being on a carnival ride. I'm sitting in a car on a roller-coaster, and maybe the OC is sitting next me. I'm experiencing the story more deeply than strictly canon stories, but my connection with the OC is no deeper than say, my connection with Katniss Everdeen when I read The Hunger Games. Sometimes 3rd person, sometimes first person.
Reader x canon Reader/Canon (or Reader x/ OC) is like putting on a VR helmet. I don't get much physical input about the "Reader OC" because I'm experiencing the story through their eyes. I don't expect the reader to be me, but there's a bigger feeling of immersion to be had. Some description might happen cause it's relevant to the story, and it's still a type of ride, I can't jump the rails on the roller coaster, after all. (Even with a VN you still follow the tracks). Sometimes first person, sometimes second person (I'm partial to 2nd person perspective, but that's just me).
I love Fan Fiction, I love it. All of it, and man even more than anything, what I love is that I'm going to dislike 80% of it. Because that 80% was written for someone who is not me. (Hell, that number's probably closer to 99% if we're looking at ALL fandoms, but I digress).
Second - The VENT:
What got me the most in the post that prompted this, was someone saying "Bring back the Mary Sue OCs!" and then they went on to describe something more detailed, and I just -
Look, respectfully, fuck you.
The point is, you're not going to be happy no matter what. Whether it's "mary sue" OCs, or x readers, or alternative universes, or a ship you don't like, you're going to find something to be unhappy about.
Cause people have been bitching about all styles of fan fiction since the first "You've Got Mail" chimed in 1991. And until 1998 and ff.net you really had to hunt for it, and until 2007 and Ao3 the idea of tagging a fic for any reason wasn't really a thing. Every click was a surprise! \o/
I just have seen the same song and dance a dozen times. It's exhausting. People become okay with OCs and decide x readers are the enemy, and before that OCs were *all* Mary Sues and cringe and people who made OCs were the enemy, and before OCs people who wrote even a little OOC were the enemy, and people who wrote AUs were the enemy, and you can write fan fic but it HAS to be Canon Compliant, and everyone MUST be in-character at all times - "They would not fucking say that" was the enemy.
Look, just please - please - in any capacity, stop it with the "All X style of story telling is crap" mindset. There's over a dozen different ways to do x readers alone. I know 20 x reader writers and I don't think any of us have the same style, preferences, or vibes.
I've had a lot of comments along the lines of "I thought I hated x readers, but I really loved this." on a few different fics I've written. Sometimes it's not the style of the fic, sometimes it's the style of the writer, and my Brother In Christ - you're going to have to read some awful shit to shuffle through the thousands of writers out there to find the vibes that resonate with you.
Ostracizing entire swathes of fan fic because you need something to be "The Enemy" so you can lift up something else, and then bitching you can't find anything new to read seems like a personal problem.
And I know y'all are scrolling by TONS of posts that don't interest you, every day, as a matter of course. So don't give me that "clogging up the tag" BS, because we deserve to be here same as anyone else in the fandom.
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tocomplainfriend · 2 months
Please don't dismiss the voices of SA victims who fundamentally disagree with you. Please raise their voices the same way you would raise others, and treat their experiences as being just as valid and worthy of discussion as the people who find Val to be completely horrid. Frankly, were you to be *against* the idea of doing that, it would communicate to me that your whole shtick isn't actually about SA victims, it's about you feeling vindicated in your personal discomfort. Yes. There are people who dislike it for justifiable reasons and they deserve to have their voices heard. But please don't ignore those that have a differing opinion, and make sweeping, general statements. If you really care about people, you would do that.
TW: Rape, SA
I hope you understand the reason I post so much about the topic negatively. It's because I'm a victim of SA, and I don't like much about how this was treated. Mainly negative things because: Viv didn't take anything any SA victim said that was negative-towards her own show, like always. I saw my position in the matter greatly underrepresented, and that's why I type it all here. I saw plenty of people on Twitter that took the scene as a good representation and that they felt seen- and that's always great. Everyone need to heal and fell seen. How everyone was sharing how they felt 'in a positive light'- I felt I could write how I felt 'in a negative light' cause that's just as fair.
Also, if you realized what I have types over MULTIPLE post know, I don't even talk about the inside episode 4- mostly about the surrounding treatment.
If you think Angel is relatable and healing for your or others experiences, cool. Amazing, good for you! It's not for me and others, tho, mainly for things outside the episodes or scenes of Angel - Val. I have written about the things that me and others find criticizable- like the r-pe jokes in HB or HH. Why would you try to write respectfully all of episode 4 to then to a r-pe joke to Sir Pent in episode 6? See that isn't even about Angel or Val.
My last few posts aren't even about the writing of the show. But fandom stuff mainly. I have talked about how people treat Val like an uwu baby over the actual topic of R-pe and SA. I have talked about not liking that poison was directed by a NON SA victim with a r-pe fetish, redoing his own fan ship comics inside the show. Or the many other R-pe jokes inside Helluva and Hazbin that I feel take away from the serious message from episode 4.
My old post:
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I'm talking about how I feel, yes! I'm an SA victim and I feel different than you or others. Never said that those people to fuck off- Its just not a view a share- at all. I never ignored anyone with a different opinion- I have purely communicated how I FELT AS A SA victim-mainly about the surrounding content of the situation. This is my blog where I post what I think. Post how you feel, this is how i feel.
(Weird timing maybe, but I thought I would've gotten a message like this after my earlier posts of Angel or Val or the Raph ones. But the most recent post is about someone crying cause someone else wanted a fictional r-pist character to die, LMAO. But maybe bad timing with the message, so whatever)
(BTW if you are an Anon I don't accept double message, because I can't confirm it's the same person!)
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mimigoey · 1 year
Appreciation and theory for Dosa 💗
If you are looking at my blog, I don't want to make you disappointed if you hate Dosa, because I like her. Listen up, she's Baby girl. It's not her fault that her character got exaggerated in the anime.
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First of all, she's beautiful. Compared to her friends who are humanoid, she looks different but she's definitely attractive the same way we think alien characters or animal characters are good looking. I think that Dosa is just as beautiful as the other girls. I love her eyelash and lips.
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2. Dosa comments on everything romantically and I think that's funny and fitting for her character. She's in love but has no idea who to choose lmao. That gave me an idea, she looks like a key hole.
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All key holes look alike but keys look different. It's confusing when we try to unlock a door for the first time using different keys for the first time. Likewise we don't know who holds the key to Dosa's heart. It also makes me think that Nishi could actually make her a door to something in another level.
3. I let you know that Dosa is important to me because she is one of Goemon's and Picero's friends. Something or someone precious to Goemon is precious to me too.
4. I tried to know why people dislike and even hate her and my findings are:
She's annoying, irritating, show off, over dramatic etc. Like, they even say that she was totally unnecessary and useless.
I believe that Nishi created her for a purpose. She is a comedy character. Sometimes Dosa does stuff that's not in the manga but didn't you laugh when you saw her first encounter with Azz?
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She was going in for a kiss but Azz put her down like the gentleman he is. That scene was so funny 😂
Again this at Iruma's and Ameri's date.
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Dosa is dating a hot guy who looks like a werewolf. he rejected all other pretty humanoid girls for dosa?! Don't go that far. Sometimes there's no need to take everything seriously. This is just intended for laughter. And good for dosa. She managed to sac a hairy hot guy.
She is hated for her encounters with Azz. In the third season too, she is seen to be kissing and sucking Azz's coat. It's not in the manga, the animators did it. My sister and I laughed when we saw that. Come on guys, that scene was just funny and not intended for taking seriously.
5. She represents the AgaGaap or GoeCero fandom. Be thankful.
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Dosa said that and it's not in the manga. Everyone ships Agares and Gaap and the Japanese fandom is the most active. The animators gave fan service by doing this. When someone who ships them say they hate Dosa I think "what personal problem do you have with her? Do you personally know her to say you hate her?". Hate is a strong word. Using it against something you barely know about is illogical to me.
6. A pretty clown
I love the rainbow lipstick 🌈 when someone asks me what my favourite colour is I say rainbow because I see it as one. If I got the lipstick I'd try it too.
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You can't deny that Dosa makes you laugh. I believe that mairuma is made for all ages and someone under the age of 10 watching this would definitely laugh and enjoy it.
Please give her a chance
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AITA for making a social blunder? Please focus on the blunder not the fiction fan parts T_T Gender doesn't matter, we're both 24.
I follow 400+ accounts on twitter, mostly artists. I need to keep some people muted, eg nsfw artists who might end up on my tl at a wrong time, or artists who post a lot of Kpop stuff I'm not into etc. Basically I curate my tl well.
A friend (K) got into a ship a few months ago, started retweeting a ton of sfw-nsfw art, I muted them but kept up conversation otherwise. For the whole of last month tho I was preoccupied and only saw what was on my tl (didn't check muted accounts) and only talked to my closest friends. I also had notifications muted.
Last week I was going around catching up with my other friends who I didn't talk to last month and realized K had messaged me, their usual memes and pet videos, some fanarts. All went ignored for over a month. So I sent them a ship art of their fave character from a lesser known artist (hoping to surprise) as peace offering.
K replied soon, just as usual, didn't mind that I was MIA. At no point did they seem upset or angry during this conversation. Now this is the case. They ignored the ship art at first until I asked if they liked it, they said it was a huge notp and they already blocked the artist. I apologized. They said, and I'm copying, "Nooo it's okay, you wouldn't have known 😅"
We talked for some more and they were still casual. We talked about that ship too. Thing is their fave character in this ship is like the fanfavorite Hole, all other people I know from that fandom ship him with Everyone. So I thought K would like anything I sent. I then checked K's account and found out K only liked one (1) ship with this character and they have retweeted hundreds of fanarts. They've written fics for them. They have also recently talked about why they disliked the notp in private. Later I saw that they were harassed by notp's fans on CC.
Anyone following K for a couple days would know this but I missed it because on top of muting I didn't get to check their account for a month. Made 2+2, they had somehow figured out I muted them and that's why excused my mistake that way. Now I think they were being sarcastic. It made me panic and I felt terrible. I looked at their account more thoroughly, that's how I found the CC anon hate.
After that conversation they're avoiding me? I'm not sure. My new messages are unread, they don't reply to comments much. But they don't seem to be online often anyways and I know for a fact they also keep notifications disabled, so I don't know.
Ship preference or nsfw posting is not a problem so please don't come at us over that.
AITA for potentially upsetting my friend by muting and temporarily ignoring them, then sending something they hate without checking first?
What are these acronyms?
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