#probably a bad idea and you're too young to handle it well but there it is
gideonisms · 2 years
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here's a john darnielle quote we can all think about re: love
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remember-the-fanfics · 4 months
• Died at 18, been in hell for a few years.
• Came in after Alastor disappeared, just before Vaggie showed up.
• You were never one to follow what everyone else did. Killing, drugs, theft, or porn.
• Kept to yourself for a few months, getting use to being dead and in hell.
• Accidentally became an Overlord after you killed one in self defense.
"In my defense, she was like super creepy and an asshole. A big one."
• The souls were free but you kept your new territory nice so they didn't leave.
• You made jobs and kept the housing in better shape, only made deals to help souls.
• Gave them a job, house, and protection. You give them a limit of a few years of the deal and if they don't mind it, they can renew it.
"Well I don't want to force them to do something, its rude."
• In return, they keep your territory nice, clean, and less violent than most. Work the jobs you made and protect your little town.
• There's been occasions were you trade souls to other overlords, either the soul did something against them or just an asshole.
• The time on the contract would restart
• To every other overlord, you are a child with a knife and to much power.
• You demolished another overlord because they thought you were weak and tried to destroy you territory.
"You ass eatting bitch-"
• You let others fight for new open territory because you're fine with what you have.
• Panicked when you got invited to an Overlord meeting.
• Apparently you had enough power to be one, then you realized you actually were one.
• It was awkward to meet the most of the overlords. Not knowing who you were to begin with.
"This is for overlords only."
"Oh, I'm (Y/n). I got invited."
• Chatted with Rosie before and after it.
• Camilla likes how you run your territory but you seem so young.
• Did apologized afterwards, introducing you to her daughters, apparently you were around the same age.
• Zestial wanted to know how you took over you territory, interested on how you did it.
• You've only meet Velvette because you need some clothes. She recognized you as the up and coming overlord.
• Throwing the clothes you had in your hands away, saying you need to be in the best lastest trend of clothes.
• You were now stuck having a fashion show as she decided what look good on you.
• While not enjoying all the clothes she had you try on, you kept being nice having conversation when she wasn't yelling at everyone else.
• Velvette learned that you were around the same age so she decided that you were acquainted enough to have her number.
• Apparently it wasn't optional for you.
• You brought back way to much clothes for one person, atleast now you have style.
• Chaotic neutral energy
• Charlie meet you after she heard that you improved a part of hell, wasn't expecting someone so young looking.
"Dying just after I turned 18 just means I look young forever."
• Laughing at your own dark humor.
• Charlie did not find it as funny.
• Told you about the hotel idea and you were right on board.
• Thought it was a good way to stick it to the man and help people.
• Vaggie was surprised when Charlie brought back a child.
• More surprised that you're the Overlord that Charlie wanted to meet with.
• Definitely said Vaggie's name wrong for the first time reading it.
• Meeting Angel Dust after he decided to crash at the hotel.
• Not knowing what he was known for but definitely heard his name from someone.
"You're a kind of actor?"
"Of the sorts."
• After you heard what he was famous for.
"Well, he'll do him and I'll do me but never do each other."
• There was an awkward silence of confusion from everyone.
• Having to explain every reference you make.
• Vaggie made jar for everytime you make a dark joke.
• Charlie has asked you why you were in hell. You shrugged, never living a truly bad life but probably just too chaotic for heaven to handle.
• You leave every few days to check back in your little town to make sure everything was running smoothly.
• You know when something happens, feeling the souls you own in a panic.
• Having to let everyone remember why you were in charge a couple of times.
• Either with your words or actions.
• Luckily Rosie just adores your mannerisms and how you don't completely turn away from her with what or who she eats.
"You could say the food was to die for!"
• She finds your dark humor funny.
• So she keeps an eye out for you, sending letters to you every few days.
• You vist her every other week to just chat, she tells you about easy territories that you could get. You say you would rather show up some punks than have more responsibility with more souls.
• Offers food everytime, you say no thanks everytime.
• Rosie would tell you all the tea about the other overlords or her own town.
• Yay! You have an allie with an another overlord by being friends.
• Also with offering truly worse souls sometimes. On a rare occasion.
• Rosie knowing when you offer a soul to her, she would take her time with it. Enjoying every bite.
• Anyway- Sinners would come up to asking for deal when they are completely down on their luck.
• But whats following a couple of rules for free house and job.
• You give them enough warning before you would shake hands then saying you would know if they even thought of fucking your shit up.
• Putting an add for Charlie's hotel in your territory.
• Charlie almost hugged you to death after seeing it.
• When Alastor showed up, the two of you would have a intense staring contest.
• He wasn't expecting another overlord here, oh wait, you're new.
• Alastor not actually taking the hotel serious, pissed you off but he was more powerful.
• Charlie having to keep you and Vaggie from trying to fight him.
"I didn't know there was a new overlord! Charmed to meet you. Whose territory was up for grab?"
"She was a bitch-."
"I know who exactly you speak of, that's good. She never had any manners."
• Watching him summon Husk and Niffty and was shocked.
• Tried it and summoned one of your workers.
• Excited that it worked! Apologetic for interrupting their day.
"Ah ha! It worked! Oh shit it worked! Sorry!"
• You and Niffty vibe on a similar level. Charmingly violent.
• Vaggie has to make sure either of you give the other one a bad idea to do.
• Husk question your age when you went to the bar. Making you do the math.
"Well I died at 18, it's been a few years so old enough."
• Gave you a hard drink which you spit out after tasting.
• You decide hard alcohol wasn't for you.
• Knowing how technology was when you died making you the most technical advance Sinners in the hotel.
That's enough for now, just a thought I had when working.
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yanderismo · 5 months
Yandere Platonic Superman Concept/Idea (?)
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BRO, BRO, I DON'T KNOW IF I LOVE OR HATE MY MIND FOR GIVING ME IDEAS THAT I'LL NEVER START OR FINISH. But okay, I have an idea for a platonic yandere Superfam, maybe it involves Batfam or the entire DC universe. I think this is more platonic yandere Superman. Let's go. (using the translator, be kind to me please 😭) 
— Imagine that you are originally from the Injustice universe. You were a neutral young/teen heroine who wasn't at all interested in siding with Batman or Superman. Well... that neutrality of yours had consequences, and now, somehow, Superman and Batman were in a bloody tug of war to get you on their side. And you are the cable they are selfishly pulling. And one day that cable would break, and that's what happened to you, you broke it. So broken that I would consider it irreparable. 
— But luckily for you (bro, are you lucky?), after so much physical and mental suffering, you ended up in a way that I won't explain, in the original DC universe. In other words, no superheroes is crazy tyrants. Too bad you don't know that (yet).
— You were living as if the world was a danger to you (just like it was in Injustice). But you discovered that you were REALLY in a different universe or timeline when you met Lois Lane, the woman who drove Superman insane after her death. And it shocked you, you thought maybe you had gone back in time. And as reckless as it was, you felt hope that you could stop the future of Injustice from happening, stop Lois Lane from being murdered! After all, you were still a hero, even if you had probably lost half of your original universe's neurons.
 — So you made a decision. You decided to protect Lois Lane! You practically become her protective shadow. Being noticed wouldn't do any good, and for SO FEAR of being confronted by Superman/Clark for apparently stalking his wife, you stopped watching her when Clark showed up and you went back when Clark left. (In your head, this Superman is the same Superman from Injustice, just before Lois' death happened). You were wary as hell of all the heroes. Anyway, a lot of trauma caused by Injustice.
— And I believe that Lois, even if she was a civilian, would notice that she was being watched (or maybe you're just not very good at stalking because you're a very young heroine). Whatever it is. Lois noticed and she became cautious (she is a journalist, there are many people who may not like her to the point of committing atrocities), as you could be a threat to her life. Although you haven't revealed yourself as any threat so far.
 — But let's suppose there were events in which she was in danger (actually, it was just something like shelves falling, preventing her from being run over, preventing some rabid dogs from biting her, small things), events in which you managed to remain hidden, however Lois knew it was You, her strangely protective stalker. Lois was trying to know your intentions and work it out for herself, so she didn't say anything about it. If this is something much more than she can handle, Clark can always lend a little help. 
— But on another one of those times when she was in danger, you desperately saved her (the situation was quite dangerous, more than normal), asking if she was okay and everything. Lois was surprised, you were surprised. Before you know, the idea of staying in the shadows went down the drain. You were almost begging (you were begging) her not to tell anyone that you were persecuting her (protecting her), you didn't want her to report you to some authority (that would only hinder your mission) or worse, report you to Superman. You said, stammered, that you were just protecting her. Wanting to make sure Lois didn't feel threatened and report you. 
— The desperation, the panic in your voice, seemed too young for Lois to feel comfortable. You were like a scared child, you looked very much like just a scared child, and that made Lois uncomfortable but at the same time... motherly. If you wanted to hurt her, you would have done it already. You at least accomplished one thing: making Lois not feel threatened by you.
 — The other thing you couldn't do was stop Lois from telling Clark about you. Look, I'm sure Lois didn't mean it, it's uncomfortable to be watched almost every day, but also, since she discovered you, she's been quite worried about you.
 — And Clark is all worried, like, "What?? My wife is being stalked??? Oh wait, my wife is being stalked and protected. Well, that's still very worrying, I'm definitely going to check it out for myself." Furthermore, Lois insisted that he be gentle when approaching you. And Lois saying this to him made him even more intrigued. 
— He tried to approach you just as Clark Kent, just to know how you would react around a seemingly civilian person, think of it as a method to read your character (he didn't want to confront you as Superman in a careless way. After all, who wouldn't Does he act nice or change to a more pleasant personality around Superman?)
— Needless to say, Clark was surprised and confused when you looked at him like he was the greatest terror of your life before simply running away from him. He recognized that look, only villains who were traumatized after a confrontation against him have that look (but the you look was much, much worse than that). That day, you didn't chase Lois.
 — Clark suspected you knew his secret identity. There is no longer any reason for you to have reacted like this. 
— lol, that day Lois noticed the absence of the feeling of being watched and scolded Clark for scaring you. Although it wasn't his fault, he apologized. He really didn't mean to scare you ;( You were gone for a few days after that. But of course, you still had to protect Lois in her everyday life. Even if you were scared. 
— Anyway, it didn't matter how softly, friendly Superman approached you next time. You ran, or at least tried to run. Do you really want to bet on who is the fastest? He easily caught you and held you by your forearm. And that was enough to make you scream, cry, struggle and finally, shrink as much as possible.
— And Superman was all confused, he wasn't even hurting you or squeezing you hard. His voice was also friendly. If anything, it made him even more worried. Add the fact that you appear to be very young and his paternal instincts kicked in. 
— To his surprise, you pulled out a knife. Something like that couldn't hurt Superman, of course not. But who said the knife was meant to hurt him? Let's say you picked up the knife and tried to slit your own throat as a last resort escape. (What did you go through with Superman from Injustice to the point that you tried to commit suicide just to escape him?) 
— Superman was surprised and then horrified. He immediately knocked you unconscious before you cut deeper into your throat. Now with you unconscious, you seemed more vulnerable and fragile than you should have been. Now he understood why Lois was worried about you. (You know, if Batman can adopt multiple children, why couldn't Superman...? You seem like a good kid and even Lois agrees with that. Conner and Jon would definitely like to have a sister) 
— Superman wondered what happened to you that made you reach the point where death was a usable route. He wanted to question you personally, but the moment he confirmed that you knew his identity (you acted the same way when he approached you as a civilian. He was the only one to receive this reaction from you and no one else), this matter became the subject of the Justice League. Discovering the identity of a superhero and pursuing someone close to that superhero was not going to be taken lightly. Who's to say you don't also know the identities of others? Although Superman wants to deal with you alone, he doubts he'll get any information out of you with you yelling and screaming. So he took you to the justice league. 
— Batman can definitely help you solve this.
(Imagine the anguish it would be to probably have to get used to people having the same appearance and the same voice as your captors in Injustice. Imagine them acting all soft after finding out you come from a universe where the heroes are corrupt and broke you😩)
Notas: I leave the rest to you. Or to any author who wants to use this idea (I beg you, some author write a Yandere platonic Superman/Superfam fic😭 They could even add other platonic Yanderes like Batfam, it would be so interesting 🙏😭)
(I just realized that the one who acted the most Yandere was Reader herself, lol)
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ankiebitez · 24 days
Mpreg with kings? I think mammon can lactate with those big milkers
Whb kings pregnant
gn mc, no warnings really except mentions of pregnancy and slight mentions of nsfw
note: not gonna lie i dont know much about mpreg so this is really short and mostly just thoughts on how i think the kings would act while pregnant lmao, i tried though but i really have like no idea how to write mpreg 😭
more under the cut
definitely wants kids, ghenna has the most romantic demons so its no surprise that he wants to start a family with you
he would be the best dad when they're born, but while he's pregnant he is probably the second to worst
mood swings, constantly. he's constantly pissed off and very protective of you even though he's the one who's pregnant. think about how animal moms get territorial when they have babies and that is 100% him
i feel like his depression would also get a bit worse bc pregnancy hormones are hell
he's so happy to be having your kid though
handling it really well honestly. he's very gentle and cautious for you and the baby now, he doesn't want to hurt either of you and will protect you by any means
his greed has gotten a bit more powerful too because now he has both of his greatest treasures
buying the best of the best stuff for the baby, clothes, a crib, toys, etc. that baby is going to be spoiled when they're born.
you try to say that a baby probably cant use solid gold toys but he just said that since the baby is half demon and part of him they'll naturally be strong enough
honestly he might be right because when the baby starts "kicking" in his belly you swear it looked like a imprint of a version of his gold fists
now you understand why its the demons that get pregnant instead of the human.
his titties somehow get bigger while he's pregnant too
pregnancy cravings. he will crave the weirdest shit you've ever heard of. and in the biggest portions you could imagine. you'd think he was eating for 300 instead of 2
he actually doesn't wander as much while pregnant since he wants to protect you and the baby, though he does still dissappear out of nowhere sometimes much to baels dismay
he gets sick and nauseous pretty often though in the later months. you know the phrase butterflies in your stomach? well he just gets flies in his stomach since the baby is too young to control that power yet. kind of horrifying tbh but he's handling it okay
right after the baby is born bael locks down the entire palace until you get beelzebub pregnant again. his argument is that its the only way to keep beel in avisos
he is the actual worst. he doesn't just get mood swings he is constantly pissed off while pregnant. would probably also be the type to cry while pissed off for no reason while in private.
hangs anyone in hades for the smallest things. shoes untied? hang. came to talk to him while he's in a bad mood? hang. breathed too hard? hang.
very very protective of you and the baby. no ones allowed to even look at you or his baby bump at this point. even when the babborn no one is allowed to hold them besides you two. they're not even allowed within 6 feet
he gets the baby the most beautiful stuff for their nursery though.
he also feels very prideful while pregnant, knowing that many of the other kings and demons are jealous that he's the one having your child. he's feeding off their envy
he is handling it the best out of everyone. you wouldn't even be able to tell he's pregnant if it weren't for the baby bump.
he was very skeptical about having a child though especially during this war. much less with the descendant of solomon. nonetheless, he is happy to be having a child.
stays in paradise lost the whole time unless absolutely necessary. he will not let anyone harm you or his child
still doesn't talk much, and stays in his garden most of the time to relax. you are welcome to come and sit with him though as long as you're quiet. he does get a bit more agitated by a lot of noise
the seraphim are seething and will definitely try to attack you more often though. they see you as evil incarnate for not only making lucifer sin but also getting him pregnant. lucifer wont have any of that
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azurlily · 16 days
Guess whose not dead?!
(This is an actual post with a character, just scroll down to the pink bow if you don't want to read this.)
I was in and out of the hospital for a long time. I'm sorry I haven't been writing, but I'm doing so much better. I've closed requests so I can catch up on the ones I currently need to do.
I also wanted to mention some of the newer works(that AREN'T being requested) that I plan to make will probably be either smut or darker stuff. It's a way for me to cope and I enjoy writing altogether.
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Yandere!CEO x Fem!Reader
Morena(yan!ceo) x fem!reader
Synopsis: You're a young woman working in the tech industry, you know people(mostly men) don't take you seriously. Due to the constant stress of needing to be better (just to be considered good) you are constantly anxious and jittery, you've also developed a depressive mindset and you consistently struggle with taking your medication.
You just got a new job by a large, female owned, tech company! You thought you'd feel better and you wouldn't have to deal with a toxic environment. You were dead wrong; your boss is a bitch and expects constant perfection and no less. You were just barely able to make it under her radar, until she starts going through files- and you find yourself in her office with a deal you just aren't allowed to refuse.
Not like you can refuse a demon after all?
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TW: Non-consensual kissing and physical touch, somewhat mentions future kidnapping.
The reader is kissed(while under a spell that takes away will-power from their body) and is forced to sign a contract against their wishes.
You stand quietly, with your hands in front of you- clasped together so tightly you'd think you were about to get in your knees and pray. But no, instead you were ready to beg to not be fired.
That's what this was right? You were getting fired and your horrible, asshole, bitch-faced boss wanted to say it to your face. You could cry, you almost did on the way here.
Yet as much as you wish you weren't in this situation, as much as you wish you could repent for whatever you did; you genuinely have no idea why you've been called here. You've never gotten a write up, all your reports are clean and bug free, and you work well with seemingly everyone.
You stand face forward, staring at the woman who decides wether you get to eat for the next month. The same woman who while you hate her, you can't -no you won't- deny her beauty. You-
"Hello?! Do you hear me or are you too busy pissing yourself to pay attention?"
You look down, wondering if you genuinely did pee yourself, only to see dry pants and floor. You look back up at her and she gives you the look of someone who both wants to laugh and yell(not in the good way).
You wondered if there was something who had tried to sue her for how rude she was. I'm sure there could be some sort of case, as long as there was proof. Hell, even witnesses would do.
"Sorry, ma'am. What exactly is it you called me for? Has my team done something wrong, did we miss some meeting, or did-"
She stands up, slamming her hand on the desk so loudly it echoes. You nearly jump out of your skin- was she going to hit you?!
"Be quiet. I can't handle you prattling on like a cow. I'm not firing you, nor am I firing anyone on your team. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Oh and please- call me Miss Morena. Thank you."
Oh she is definitely a condescending bitch.
You thought for a moment, 'quite the opposite'. So you aren't getting fired, hell you may be getting a raise! Maybe Morena wasn't so bad of a boss. Maybe she just likes hard workers.
"Thank you, ma- Miss Morena. If I may ask: does this mean I'm getting a promotion?"
Morena smiles, not the smile you give someone when they're right about something. The smile you give when you're a fox, and you've just cornered the bunny you've been trying to catch.
"Yes, a promotion of sorts. I actually have a contract for you, but I can give you the gist and read the rest to you later."
Morena pulls an inch thick stack of papers from the desk. She sets them aside with a pen and slowly steps out from the desk. Morena signals you to come closer, but you only take a few steps forward. You could practically feel how badly this situation was going to go.
As Morena got closer, you began to feel more compelled to make eye contact with her. Like someone was whispering into the back of you mind, telling you to look up. To look into the beautiful blue eyes that Miss Morena holds. To never look away; keep your eyes on hers.
Don't look away from me. I always get what I want and that isn't changing anytime soon, little rabbit.
"Well I've been looking over employee information and I noticed you moved from very, very many jobs before you got to this one. Never staying in one place. I never really liked people like that, and from what I've seen, people like that have done the same with my company. Now I hope -very strong word here- that someone with skills like yours wouldn't do something to this company. I hope that you'd stay, willingly of course. You would stay willingly, right?"
Of course you would, you never had any interest in leaving. You planned to stay past the one year mark, past the time where everyone would get raises in order to ensure you were getting a that this place was a good opportunity. You loved it here, you loved you teammates, your boss, you loved the office building itself.
"Of course I'm staying, Miss Morena. I would never leave."
The words coming out of your mouth felt robotic, they felt like you were lying to yourself and others. Like you were in your body, but you weren't the one speaking.
"Good girl, now go over to my desk and sign you name on all of those papers. Don't read them, you don't need to. You can put all your trust in me."
You did exactly as you were told, you signed every paper with you signature. You didn't even think, your body was moving like second nature. You had this warm feeling in your gut, this safe and controlled feeling. You like feeling like this- don't you?
You hear some shuffling behind you and yet you can't turn around to see what's going on. You only hear a voice.
"You know while your under I guess I can explain. You can't really yell at me or try to run away, so I can speak my peace. You're going to be the newest human I suck the life out of! But hey, for the next few months you'll get to live lavishly and without fear of anything. Other than me of course!"
Your brain registered what she was saying, but you couldn't respond. What were you doing to do? What could you do?
"Come here bunny."
You turn around and walk straight into Morena's arms. She gently grabs your face, you just noticed three of her fingers on her left hand have been filed down. Meanwhile the nails on her right hand, as well as her pinky and thumb on her left, are long and colorful.
Morena pulls you closer to her, her lips ghosting over your mouth. You feel her press her lips to yours and you get an overwhelming feeling of disgust wash over you. You feel nothing but utterly dirty as she kisses you, you feel like someone's just stabbed you and is trying to clean the wound to make themselves feel better about the act.
Your eyes are wide open the entire time, so you watch Morena go from kissing you deeply to pulling back in what looks to be shock. Her pupils dilate slowly, her eyes relaxing and you see nothing but black take over.
"Oh...oh you're much too sweet to kill."
Morena gently moves you head to the side pressing her tounge against your neck. You feel her shiver and watch as she pulls back with a dark smile on her face.
"I take back what I said about you enjoying these next couple of months. . . You'll get to enjoy such pleasures for the rest of your life. With me."
You let your body process her words this time, you don't know how to react. Instead you feel your eyes wet themselves, your expression hadn't even changed. And yet, you were crying. Morena notices almost immediately and you watch her face distort itself into a disdainful look of annoyance, until it twists into one of sadistic pity.
"Oh, shh, bunny. Hush now, stop those tears. I'll take the spell down once were home, in my home you wont be able to run away. So you can have a tantrum all you want there. I know you don't like me right now, you maybe even hate me, but give it some time. You'll realise you need someone, and I'm the best you'll be getting for the rest of your pathetic human life."
Everything goes black after that.
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bunni-v1 · 8 months
malleus SFW alphabet mayhaps?
thank u 🫡
🍓Hello lovely! Sorry for taking so long to answer this, but I wanted to be sure yours was the first one I got to out of them all!
A - Affection: Answered Here
B - Best friend: Answered Here
C - Cuddles: Malleus LOVES to cuddle. Seriously, it's one of his favorite hobbies. He didn't think he'd like it all that much, but he really does! He runs warm so he's really nice to cuddle up to as well, except for summer when it's blazing hot outside. He's a bit stiff when he's cuddling you, but he relaxes into you like melting butter.
D - Domestic: Malleus would LOVE to settle down and start a life/family with you. It's his biggest dream to be treated like normal, and starting a life with you is just the perfect way for him to feel like a normal, loved guy. Now, he's not exactly GOOD at the whole... having a life with someone thing yet, but he'll get there. You just have to teach him how to clean, cook, do laundry, and pretty much everything else that comes with domestic life.
E - Ending: If he had to, he would probably just ghost you. He doesn't want to see the look of hurt or anger on your face, especially since you were so kind to him for so long. He can't handle facing you to break things off, so he sends Lilia and a long and well-crafted letter and proceeds to avoid you like the plague. It's... pretty bad.
F - Fiance(e): Oh he wants to marry you REAL quick, so you'll have to push the breaks on that one. He just really loves when he loves, so he doesn't know how to stop himself from getting excited. He absolutely wants to marry you, and he will only wait a few years before he starts asking again. He brings up the idea of it frequently until you seem ready for it, at the very least.
G - Gentle: Ohhhh, Malleus is so gentle with you -- physically speaking at least. He handles you like you're made of glass, which you very well may be when compared to him. He could hurt you easily, and he wants to avoid that as much as possible. Emotionally... he tries, he doesn't want to hurt you, but he has a tendency to just say whats on his mind and make you feel bad about things he doesn't mean to.
H - Hugs: YES! Malleus loves skin-to-skin contact so much, and the easiest way to get that outside of handholding is hugs. He only gives you hugs, but he gives them to you all the time. He sees you between classes? Hug. You're visiting him in Diasomnia? Hug. Sees you at lunch? Hug. They're so warm and comforting too, like you'll always be safe in his arms.
I - I love you: He says I love you very fast. He's not lovebombing you or trying to manipulate you by jumping in too fast, he just feels that strongly about you that quickly. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he wants you to know how much he cares for you as quickly as possible.
J - Jealousy: Malleus is tricky to talk about when it comes to Jealousy. On one hand, yeah Malleus gets jealous and he gets jealous fast. He's like an angry cat watching its owner play with a dog from the window. He's got an intense aura that chases most people off without him having to say anything. On the other hand, he doesn't really get jealous often because no one wants to piss off Malleus Draconia.
K - Kisses: Malleus, much like other forms of affection, loves kisses. He is NOT good at them. He is all teeth and nose and way too fast and eager, but it's really cute. He wants to kiss you all over and be kissed all over.
L - Little ones: As I mentioned before, yes. Malleus really does like kids -- he spent a good portion of his life helping raise Silver and Sebek, so his affections for kids stem from a young age. He really wants some of his own, and it's honestly a dealbreaker if you don't want them.
M - Morning: Mornings with Malleus can either be slow, gentle, and quiet. Basking in each other's presence and relaxing in bed until it's near afternoon. Or they can be chaotic and full of things to do. Depends on his schedule. But, regardless, Malleus makes sure that you are comfortable and happy over anything else.
N - Night: Malleus is a night owl. He loves the quiet and peace that night brings. He loves to take you on walks outside around campus or stay up way too late talking to each other in bed about everything and nothing at the same time.
O - Open: Answered Here
P - Patience: Answered Here
Q - Quizzes: Answered Here
R - Remember: Malleus has quite a lot of memories of you that he adores. Your first date, walking around campus with you, the ball at Noble Bell. His favorite, though, is probably the first time he proposed to you. You'd been together for a little over a month, and he decided to pop the question because he knew he would want you for life. You didn't freak out or yell at him or break if off with him on the spot. Instead, you smiled and told him "Not yet." For some reason, that little smile of yours and the 'yet' made his heart soar, and he knew that you were his one.
S - Security: Answered Here
T - Try: Malleus is a very go-big or-go-home person, however... he doesn't know how to plan dates. He doesn't know the first thing about romance or being sweet, so he's really just stumbling in the dark and accidentally hitting all the right targets. You think he's so sweet and loving. Lilia thinks it's a miracle he's lasted this long.
U - Ugly: Malleus' bad habit is assuming you're always on the same page as him. You are not always on the same page as him, and it causes arguments from time to time because he thinks he can speak for you when he cannot.
V - Vanity: He's relatively aware that he's good-looking, but he doesn't really have too big of an ego about it. He cares about power more than beauty, but he does know that he is attractive and is proud of that fact. It's just not something he thinks too hard about.
W - Whole: Malleus feels so empty when you aren't around. You consume a lot of his thoughts, so he's constantly wondering what you're up to and how you're feeling. Whenever you're gone, he feels a little piece of his heart ache in sadness.
X - Xtra: Malleus shines his horns. In fact, he takes care of them better than anything else in his life. They're a part of the royal look, which is one reason why he takes such good care of them. The main reason, though? He thinks they look pretty all shiny. He's a dragon, after all, he likes shiny things a lot.
Y - Yuck: Answered Here
Z - Zzz: He sleeps like a corpse. Just completely stiff and still, even if you're sleeping beside him. He just doesn't move at all. He also sometimes sleeps with his eyes open? Very unsettling, that Malleus.
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thecoolnauta · 2 months
Idea for Sagau but instead of MC as a young adult who is love by everyone is just... A TEEN (xd)
So okay, (I'm bad at English so, I don't thinks this might be well understod but, please excuse it :'u) this actually came from me watching TOH while eating so.
Just think of it, where all Teyvat's knows about this mystic and graceful creature that is always near the Traveler and their little rare pixie. They know that a unknown creature even above their gods is traveling with the (far to nice) foreign.
They don't know how they look, they don't know how they act or even how they sound like, but they can feel them. A warm hug filled with curiosity and dearly affection.
Maybe they won't make a whole new religion for that new god, but they might pray them instead of their own Archons for very important wishes. Hoping for an instant, you'll hear them.
And even the Archons are cool with it!!! Since the Traveler came to Teyvat, everyone feels that love biting their skin in a childish way.
They imagine you like a benevolent and playful deity, a charming and elegant being that helps even with the most harmful missions, just for save them.
Just for make them smile again.
And there's you! A (probably) neurdivergent queer kid who might be not fully North American and is obsessed with fantasy and writing fanfics about your parental figures.
Yeah, you might get to intense when is about them. But hey, even Jesus doubt.
In your universe, Genshin is not, in fact, a thing. The whole freaking lore and the "gameplays" are just very detailed dreams you have every night.
You can't actually tell when it started, but it have a while so-
Yeah, you are really The Creator, huh.
Well, let me tell you something, IT'S GETTING WORSE
When your not that accepting parents decided to put you on a weird camp thing where you will be a honorable member of American society (yeah u know what I meant) a weird but cute... create stool your diary where you write your dreams.
To write a fanfic or smt idk.
And that, really weird existence with withe fluffy hair(?) and golden eyes ran into a forest that you never actually notice.
But screw that you probably change the state, you're getting back that diary.
Persecution cringy cinematic, blahblahblah and you get to a very gigante estructure more old than your last name. The fantasy and pure white practically inviting you to take a closer look.
And you do, of course (maybe was your internal desire of still being you)
You pass over it, the creature is gone, but you have your diary back. Yey :D!!
But man, this isn't the Americans, they would never take care of a forest like this.
Then you almost do the same travel of the not Abyss twin (I'm getting tired, I just want to name one of them but AHG), you walk all over the forest, see with amusement all around and WHY IT'S TOO FAMILIAR FOR THE LOVE OF MADOKAMI.
And yeah, after finding slimes and a statue of a very pretty man you realized you were in your dreams world.
oh, oh
Yep, you were in fuckin Teyvat's floor, touching Teyvat's grass and breathing Teyvat's oxygen...
AND LISTEN TO ME you just fall into Mondstadt to find a guide and a way to scape and all treats you like the Traveler but ways less useful. Just offering you food and awkward smiles by your strange kind of act.
(they just can't handle a neurdivergent kid with anger issues talking Spanish when they can't understand how the time works)
So after the fourth night sleeping on a bunch of boxes because you refuse to have any type of cold blood animal on you when you sleep, an aventure took you to the Favonius knights.
(Totally not a request, Katherine you inteligent metallic women)
So they might just seeing you like a kid who happens to be in the same spot as the Traveler, but less stronger and more but MORE curious than them.
You smeems to know everything, not just of them but their nation, asking thing that a normal foreign would never ask.
But after a while of overthinking, they just decide to let you wandering around Mondstadt, just if you don't cause any trouble.
In fact, you did, but shhhh..
Yeah, all that would ended like a weird but not problematic at all situation BUT OH NO LORD BARBAS FREE THEM BECAUSE THEY GET ATTACHED TO U MORE THAN THEY WANTED.
Found family found familying and stuff, you're totally Pog dude, never forget that.
"Oh for you, kiddo you were the creator all along!!!"
"The what?"
But you just go before they even finish to assimilate all that information bomb. And that repeats with all the nations, for the love of hippie god son
So yeah, they just re program their windows and treat u like the above mortals type and you're just confused and too neurdivergent for that shit so just "continue talking man, yeah I totally understand the fact that u see me as the god of gods, yeah sure, rad"
And yeah, that was everything, it's 3:00 and I'm very dizzy so, please don't mind my really bad grammar and thanks for reading all that.
(If you want to use the idea just give credits, it's okay) Maybe If I have time I'll write an actual fanfic or more headcanons but now I'm going to sleep.
Stay safe, remember: you can fight all this shit, you'll get better soon. Bye :v
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ghostaholics · 1 year
ᴇɴᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇs
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader Warning(s): age-gap (reader probably in mid 20s or so); angst A/N: Because I'm too lazy to write a full fic so here's literally a short piece of what I'm sure would've been something if I had the motivation
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JOEL ALWAYS SAID THIS ABOUT YOU – born young enough to grow up in a world that had nothing to offer; you didn’t watch it decay like he did where it used to be half-decent and you could find your place in life before everything went to shit – had grown into something inhospitable and terrible and bitter to the core. No, to you, it was just rotten from the very beginning: broken dreams and scattered ashes littering the filthy ground, a bunch of "what-ifs" and "maybes" and no room for shades of gray when it came to seeing things in black and white because the darkness won out and snuffed out the rest of all that was light and good as the sickness descended like the goddamn Rapture; it wasn’t just the infected that remained – the only people left navigating the wreckage were those with cruel hearts and nasty intentions.
"Well, it's not all that awful," you say, murmuring into the opening of your thermos as you stare fixedly at the last the last few remnants of stew at the bottom. "You're here. I guess that sorta makes up for it."
His figure is hunched over the fire he recently smothered. Even though his back is facing you, the tension in his body is apparent. Rigid – the same way he stiffens up when danger's nearby. "Don't say that kinda stuff." (And it sounds just as serious as “Stay behind me,” or “Run,” whenever hell’s at your both of your guys' heels.)
But you keep on rambling anyways – Pandora's box cracked wide open like a gaping maw that spills secrets, ones that should have never been let out – won’t fucking shut up about it even if you can help it now. And maybe it's not fair to put this kind of burden on him; maybe it's selfish of you to tell him, no matter how wrong it is, but each day could be your last and getting this off your chest might mean one less stupid problem to worry about. It's not like he doesn't know. Not after what happened back in Colorado, anyways. That had made it clear as day if it wasn't already obvious before. "After everything we've been through, I bet you still think of me as that same kid that got under your skin when we first met," you say absentmindedly. It doesn't come out in an accusatory tone, just an observation.
The stress leaches into his voice, washing over every word. Joel's on guard. Walls up. He shakes his head slowly, like a warning. "You've got no idea what you're talking about."
You lean back, transferring your weight into your wrists. "So I'm not right, then?" you ask it innocently enough.
He's moving around, double-checking that all the gear's in place. Of course, he's avoiding any eye contact. "We've got to head out in ten. Now's not the time for this kind of conversation."
"Almost a thousand miles left. All we really have is time. Look, Joel whatever you've got to say, I can handle it. You don't need to spare my feelings.”
He’s fidgeting with his watch as if the strap’s suddenly too tight – a habit he doesn't indulge in often, but one that you've noticed once in a blue moon. Maybe he developed it because of you. Always so sure of himself, but you're the one person who's managed to upend everything. "Get your —"
" —guns are in my pack," you finish for him. It's routine at this point. He's predictable. You know what to expect. "Is it because—"
He cuts you off too. "It's a bad idea." There's a finality to his voice.
So he's thought about this before.
"We've had worse ones."
“People like you don’t end up with people like me,” he says. "Shouldn't."
And you’re taken aback because out of everything that you expected it most certainly wasn’t that.
The ticking of a secondhand, booming – can’t be his watch because that’s been shattered for years – off-rhythm, way too fast; it’s your heart thrashing violently behind the cage of your chest. You reach for him, fingers curling around his wrist. Your thumb meets his pulse point and you feel the constellation of tiny scars across the expanse of his weathered skin. He’s warm. Alive. “That’s not — Joel, c’mon, you don’t seriously believe that—”
His eyes flickers down to where the two of you are joined before dragging back up to meet your gaze. "I’m not infected like the rest of ‘em, but this disease turns men into monsters, corrupts them until they're the most twisted versions of themselves. I've done things that I'll never be able to come back from, and when we’re done here, you’re better off finding something else.”
As if you could ever. That's next to impossible. "I've seen all of the ugliest and messiest parts of you and it doesn't change a single thing. I still want you just as bad."
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sillysistersusi · 2 months
And even though you're scared, You're stronger than you know
Fandom: The Silmarillion
Maeglin & Turgon
Summary: After drinking to much at a party, Maeglin tells Turgon that he feels like no one loves him.
Warnings: alcohol, vomiting, crying
This is Part 1 of 2, no idea when Part 2 is going to be out.
A/N: Title is from "Something Wild" by Lindsey Stirling.
Turgon already regretted persuading Maeglin to come along to one of the parties organised by the other Lords of Gondolin. But what else could he do? His nephew was causing him serious concern. He was completely isolated from the others and had difficulty making friends.
But he wasn't surprised, after all Maeglin was a stranger in a city where everyone seemed to know everyone else, and after what had happened to Aredhel and what Eöl had said before Turgon threw him into the depths, Maeglin naturally found it even harder to make friends.
And that was why Turgon had persuaded him to go.
That the evening would end with Glorfindel telling a funny story in which Aredhel was mentioned in passing, whereupon Maeglin began to cry, for he was very VERY drunk, and threw up all over himself, wasn't something Turgon could have predicted.
Glorfindel had tried to calm him down, but in the end Turgon had decided to take Maeglin, who could barely walk straight anymore, to his room before he attracted the attention of the others and they had one more reason to find him strange. Turgon was just glad that it had been Glorfindel with whom it had happened, because he knew that Glorfindel would only tell others as soon as he knew whether it was really okay for Maeglin. For as much as Turgon appreciated some of the other lords, he knew they probably wouldn't keep their mouths shut.
One of Maeglin's arms hung over Turgon's shoulder, the other just hung there at his side. Maeglin was still crying and his face was an absolute mess of tears, snot and vomit. Turgon knew this was his fault. He should have paid more attention to what Glorfindel, who had immediately started a conversation with Maeglin, was giving him to drink in the first place. He knew, of course, that Glorfindel had only meant well, but that didn't change the fact that Maeglin would certainly be feeling really bad the next day.
"It is all right," Turgons whispered gently, who had never seen his nephew so upset. Maeglin usually hid his feelings very well. The only time he had ever seen him cry was at Aredhel's funeral.
"I miss Nana." Maeglin whispered and sniffled, sounding like a much younger child and not like an elf who was almost grown up.
Turgon sighed heavily. "Me too, my boy, me too."
They had finally arrived at Maeglin's room and Turgon somehow managed to hold Maeglin, push the door handle down with his foot and push the door open. Too bad Idril hadn't seen that, she would have found it amusing.
Turgon helped Maeglin over to his bed and carefully sat him down on the edge. And even though Maeglin should probably take a bath, Turgon was slightly afraid that he might accidentally drown himself in this state if Turgon wasn't looking closely, so he decided not to risk it.
So he took a wet cloth and gently wiped Maeglin's face with it.
"I- I miss- " Maeglin sniffled, and Turgon was actually impressed by how clear his words still sounded, even though he had drunk so much. "I miss Ada too," Maeglin sobbed, and Turgon's hand stopped in mid-motion. "I know I shouldn't miss him, but- " Maeglin's voice died.
Turgon took a deep breath, which he immediately regretted as the acrid smell of vomit rose to his nose, then he continued to clean Maeglin's face.
It reminded him of how young he still was. Turgon had already seen how much it had affected Idril to grow up almost completely without Elenwë, but he didn't want to imagine how bad it was to be in a strange place without any parents at all.
He had never realised that Maeglin missed Eöl too, otherwise he would surely have tried to talk to him about it somehow. To show Maeglin that he was safe with him and could tell him anything.
"He was your father," Turgon said, hoping that Maeglin could understand him. "Of course you miss him, that is quite normal."
Apparently he could still understand him, because he said, "But he was evil."
Turgon's blood froze a little at these words. For sure, Eöl had killed Aredhel and that had indeed been 'evil', but he couldn't shake the feeling that Maeglin wasn't referring to his mother's death.
"I think I just miss having someone." Maeglin continued to murmur, his eyes now half closed. "I miss- miss the idea- " he hiccupped. "The idea of what I- what I wish my father could have been."
Turgon put the now dirty cloth aside and briefly stroked Maeglin's hair gently. That had always helped whenever Elenwë and Idril were sad.
He stood up and walked over to the wardrobe and took out some of Maeglin's sleeping clothes.
"Itarillë is really lucky that you are her father," he whispered weakly.
Turgon came back to him, put the sleeping clothes on the bed next to Maeglin and started to carefully help him out of his top, which was still full of vomit. "Why? Because that makes her the direct princess of Gondolin?"
Maeglin shook his head, but apparently a little too vigorously than he should have, because he squinted his eyes briefly in pain before saying, "She is lucky because you love her. Nana was the only one who loved me." Tears welled up in his eyes again. "And I- I- it is my fault that she- that she is no longer here!"
Turgon hung the dirty top over a chair in the corner and set about dressing Maeglin in his sleeping top. When he had finished, he pulled him to his feet and changed his trousers. Then he carefully pulled his shoes off his feet.
It had been important for him to make sure Maeglin was comfortable before he took any further steps.
He carefully put an arm around Maeglin and pulled him slightly towards him. "It is not your fault. Her love protected you, she did it willingly."
Maeglin let his head fall weakly against Turgon's shoulder.
"And I love you too, Lómion." Turgon whispered softly and began stroking his back in a circular motion.
The next time he looked at Maeglin, his eyes were closed. Turgon smiled gently. This evening had clearly been too much for his young nephew.
He carefully laid Maeglin down and placed the heavy duvet over him. He pulled it in tight all over so that Maeglin wouldn't kick it off in his sleep and get cold.
Just as Turgon was about to leave, immediately after giving the top full of vomit to a servant to get it cleaned, Maeglin groaned and whispered barely audibly: "I wish you could love me as if you really were my father."
Turgon's hand remained on the door handle for a few moments as he watched Maeglin weep softly and toss and turn in discomfort. Then he sighed, took the chair and pulled it towards Maeglin's bed.
Maeglin's eyes were tightly closed and a few tears were running down his cheeks. Carefully, Turgon reached out and began stroking Maeglin's hair again. He didn't really expect a reaction, so he was surprised when Maeglin relaxed almost immediately and leaned into Turgon's hand.
Turgon leant forward and kissed him gently on the temple. "Do not worry, I will stay here and watch over you, just like your mother cannot anymore and your father never did."
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legacyshenanigans · 5 months
I'm genuinely curious how y'all would handle this situation? Tbh this is total gossip about people you don't even know lmao but I'm curious about people's thoughts. I'll undercut it.
Names are changed too.
So my friend Jane has an 8yo child with a guy called John. Her and John split when the child was 3.
John and her both moved on and are in relationships with other people. Everything was chill for a while, until 2 years ago when John's girlfriend Lisa got pregnant, and John and Jane's child was very excited to have new sibling. However, Lisa is super weird, and John stands by everything she does and says, the baby was born, and Lisa would go out of her way to keep Jane and John's child away from the new baby, which REALLY upset the child, just because Lisa wanted to play happy families without John's child from another relationship.
And whenever John has the child in his care (which is 2 days a week) Lisa actively does NOT stay at the house, she takes the baby and stays at her mother's house while John has his and Jane's child at their house.
It caused (and still does now, nearly 2 years later) a lot of shit and arguing. The last 2 years has been a constant back and forth argument about the fact that Lisa doesn't seem to accept the fact that John HAS ANOTHER CHILD with someone else, and this poor child doesn't get to bond with their sibling, which as young as he may be has caused him ALOT of mental stress and upset over these last 2 years.
Jane called me before, and told me that she found out yesterday that Lisa is pregnant again from a picture someone had sent her saying "Is Lisa pregnant?" In the photo, Lisa looked pregnant and it was a recent photo. So Jane was like "I have no idea"
So she messaged John and asked, and he said "Yeah she's 30 weeks"
So Jane naturally spoke up and said to John "30 weeks?! Why have you not told *our child*"
To which HE responded "Well its all been such a massive drama with *other baby* That I just thought it was best not to tell him"
Jane kicked off because she knows the same thing is going to happen again with this new baby. She tried to tell John that as much as all this bullshit over the last 2 years has been a nightmare for their child, that it wasn't fair to not tell him atall that he's going to have another sibling, he has a right to know his blood. John was like "It doesn't matter regardless because he has nothing to do with *other baby* anyway, and Lisa probably won't let him have anything to do with this one either so whats the point in upsetting him again? What he doesnt know, won't hurt him"
And Jane was just like "Listen to yourself! At the end of the day, these children are going to GROW UP, and have a right to know their siblings, this is really fucked up, you AND Lisa are fuckin ridiculous and this whole situation isn't right" So then John said "I'll tell him this weekend if youre that bothered, but he's obviously going to get upset, and the fact you're happy for *our child* to be upset, AGAIN, is more fucked up"
And Jane asked me on the phone if I felt he was right in saying that, and asked me if SHE was the bad one for wanting her child to know about this pregnancy, to which I told her No, because I don't think she's in the wrong. I think John and Lisa are in the wrong for this weird fuckin set up that they have, where they don't allow the child to bond with his sibling(s). To me, THAT, is fucked up.
So yeah, I'm just curious about other people's thoughts on that situation.
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hyperfixingfr · 17 days
big fan of your peacock design for Hoagie because idk maybe I’m reading too into it but the show making him a walrus (I think?? Been a while since I’ve seen the episode) just felt like a cheap and lazy “haha fat character” joke
It was actually worse than a walrus, it was a hippo! And yes, you're right. That was exactly the point of him being made a hippo. Big, fat, and hungry.
CW// a bit of some serious criticism of KNDs writing.
Hoagie was a comedic relief character who was supposed to be viewed as mock worthy material, no matter how much it extended to real life bigotry. One of the biggest flaws of the show is the mediocre at best writing. It had good jokes, but that all goes to shit the minute they use other people's harmless traits as a gag. Plus, they were horribly inconsistent. The treatment of Hoagie was horrible and I don't mean that in a, "ohhh no my favorite character is being bullied!" kind of way. That's not how you pick on a character unless you're also intending to give the character severe mental issues and self image problems, which never happened in canon beyond slight hints that he was merely anxious. Hoagie was always portrayed to be this completely oblivious and lacking of response character who you could freely pick on because he never felt bad about the way he was talked about. Not only is that completely unrealistic and taking away his character, but it's also implying that you can just... Say those things to people. And they won't feel a thing.
If Hoagie being mocked in those ways happened to be some sort of emotional arc, I would understand that. But the problem is that, it wasn't. Hardly anything came of it. He didn't even seem to flinch despite him being young and susceptible to a more difficult time handling emotions. A kid his age would be ruined with that kind of treatment. People who were treated like him at his age end up in places I shouldn't even mention right now. And they show clear signs of it. I know they do, because I was one of those kids. Yet, Hoagie really never budged beyond maybe a frown in the aftermath he'll hold for like... 5 seconds. Max. Suddenly, he's over it. Like he's a mature adult capable of handling feelings and understanding that they're wrong and why they're wrong. I wouldn't expect them to go ham on anything, but shit. At least a more accurate response, like keeping his head down and holding a frown the rest of the episode. No kid would hear the kind of bullshit he hears and experiences and does nothing. Children would cry, become sad, get angry. And he's not one to get angry, so it's kind of obvious what he'd do otherwise. Probably more likely to sit in silence than cry, but my point stands.
Absolutely horrible to have done what they did with their writing. Not only did they feed the flirty Asian girl stereotype and the chill motherly black girl stereotype, but they also enforced the idea that healthy but fat people are flawed for their completely normal body. The fat jokes weren't even funny. They could've made fat jokes without bringing down fat people.
And I don't even wanna hear the whole "but it was made in the 2000s" bullshit because I can name five shows that aired before KND with fat main characters that never, EVER made a harmful fat joke. There's a reason why Ed, Edd n Eddy was considered peak comedy and KND wasn't. Because Ed, Edd n Eddy never made derogatory and degrading jokes about completely harmless things like a person's body. And that's with Ed and Eddy being fat! It's pretty simple - the show just... Wasn't well written. The time period has little excuse considering how easily other shows had been funny without their weird mockery. And I'm telling you right now, KND definitely had at least a minor impact on how children viewed fat people. If they didn't provoke the thought in the children who watched, they enforced it with their jokes. Not exactly a great thing to have done.
If you need to put someone down to be funny, you aren't funny. Simple as that. Hoagie could have gotten so much more development if they were being more realistic. This is Sci-Fi, of course he'd still be a human with human reactions. And they could have done so much with it, too. It would have been nice for there to have been a plot relating to his struggle with bullying. I would've loved to see him develop his character... Hoagie and Kuki hardly developed like the others. And I'm reaching to say Abby did because it's far less than the other two.
And really, it sucks. I love seeing fandom interpretations of him because they try to take into account his true character. He's a sweet, nerdy boy who loves to use comedy to cheer himself and others up. He's the pinnacle of empathy development in children (excluding the, uh... Weird misogynistic stuff...). He's such a loveable character but the show really did their best to try and ruin him and his reputation.
Sorry for the long rant but it gave me an excuse to dish out this information. I don't think everyone realizes just how intentional the mockery of Hoagie was.
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thunderous-wolf · 5 months
The Ball Dance
Installment 1 of my series of "Thoughtz"
a/n: "Thoughtz" is a compilation of drafts of fanfic I've had in my notes for a while. They're unedited and most are unfinished. Since I do not feel motivated enough to finish them, I'm posting them for you all to read. Enjoy~
Pairing: Nobleman Skz Member x Noblelady fem!reader (it's a surprise ish) - [Featuring unannounced members of TXT, Enhypen, Skz and Ateez]
Plot: reader gets invited to a Masquerade Ball and stumbles upon a special someone.
Warnings: kissing, slightly suggestive, mentions of alcohol, a bestie who teases you way too much, cringy nicknames, jello
Word count: somewhere around 1000?
Please DO NOT copy, translate or steal my works
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"M'lady, we've arrived." Said the voice of Peter, the temporary driver of my carriage. My father, the Duke of Purpureus, had allowed me to go to my first ever party in high society - as long as I promised to be heading home by midnight, of course. He was a rather strict man, and after some convincing, he finally softened up a bit on the idea of letting me go on my own to the big city. I better not screw this up, or else I'll never be allowed to go anywhere unsupervised ever again.
After the cart stopped, Peter came and opened the door for me. My eyes were met with a glorious sight. The castle was spectacular. It shone in the setting sun's light as if it were made out of the sun's rays itself. Stepping out of the carriage, I flashed a quick smile to Peter before continuing to the door.
"Thanks, Peter. I'll see you later."
"As you wish, M'lady. But please do be back by midnight, else your father will be worried." He said before hopping onto the driver seat and leaving me to the party. I couldn't wait to see the inside of the castle and the many guests. Who knows who I may meet?
I excitedly - yet carefully - walked up the many steps to the castle entrance. I had not had the chance to attend many parties of high society, much less ones hosted by the Royal family themselves. I had never set foot in the castle before, and that was going to change soon.
I was awed as I walked through the halls. Everything seemed so luxurious. The lights, the carpeting, the pictures. My fathers duchy was rather wealthy, but certainly not this rich. A single door handle here probably cost more than my entire wardrobe.
Nothing prepared me for the extravagance I would witness when I stepped into the ballroom.
Looking down from the staircase, I was amazed at the scenery. Everything was elaborately decorated. From the large crystal chandeliers to the exquisite dinnerware. I felt like royalty myself.
Below me were rows of people in colorful outfits, all dressed to the nines and adorning their own masks I was both excited and nervous at the idea of mingling within them. Anyone I meet here - any friendships I create - will remain a mystery. That could be both good and bad.
"What's the point in attending a ball if you're just going to stand on a staircase and people watch?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a woman about my age in a black dress that glistened like midnight. It was sleek and bold in contrast to the various eyecatching poofy dresses that the other ladies wore. Her brown curly hair was pulled into a braid with small coils of hair framing her face. She smirked as she saw me staring. "I know I'm stunning, but my intention wasn't for you to turn around and start gawking at me." She said sarcastically. At her comment, I looked away and blushed.
"I- uh- sorry!" I said, embarrassed.
"You're so funny when you're flustered. But this night was made for some handsome young man to fluster you, not me. So let's go! Live a little! There's a reason you're wearing a mask. No one will recognize you! Well, except for me, but that's besides the point." She said, shooing me towards the stairs. I knew from her animated voice that this was my best friend, Aya, who resided in a neighboring duchy. I looked back at her hesitantly, but by the sassy look on her face, I knew that it was no use resisting her antics.
"I'll go if you come with me.." I said, trying to get her to atleast accompany me. What kind of best friend let's you wander into a place you've never been before all alone?
"No, no! Go. I want to make a dramatic entrance!" She said teasingly, waving her hands in the air to show how "dramatic" it would be. I rolled my eyes before continuing down the stairs.
When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I turned around. If she is going to make a dramatic entrance, I am going to watch. To my surprise, she was gone. Was this part of her scheme?
To my dismay, it was certainly not part of her scheme. I have been standing here waiting for her to appear, but she never did. I huffed. She tricked me. That little-
"Excuse me, Miss. May I have this dance?" A voice interrupted me from my thoughts. I turned around and my eyes were met with the smile of a - quite tall - bashful man. He shyly held out a gloved hand for me to grab, hoping that I would accept his offer. And his hopes came true, since I knew that I would feel guilty if I said no.
He gently led me over to the area where the rest of the guests were waltzing. With a soft smile, he rested a hand on the small of my back, with the other tenderly grasping my hand, and started dancing.
As we danced, he became a little less timid. We began having a little conversation while waltzing around, and I found that he was a really sweet guy. It was a shame that I couldn't put a face to his personality.
When the dance ended, he offered to grab a drink or a snack for me. He said that the champagne here was quite delectable if I had never tried it. When I told him I have never even been here before, he insisted on getting some champagne for me. With a small smile, he left, promising to be back shortly.
With this, I was left alone. I zoned out, watching the swirling of the various dresses. However, something caught my eye. It was a black dress in a sea of color. I knew exactly who it was. She was not too far away, so I decided to go pester her.
As I approached, she suddenly started laughing quietly (as to not make as much of a commotion). I couldn't quite see who she was talking to, but they must be funny.
"That was a terrible joke!" She said, still laughing.
"He's told worse. Trust me."
"Hey!" The supposed teller of the joke exclaimed. This sent the others into another fit of quiet laughter.
Regaining her breath, she glanced around to see if anyone was watching, but then her eyes landed on me. So much for the surprise factor.
"What happened to your grand entrance, my esteemed friend-" I started.
"Now, now. We mustn't name names here,.. cupcake." She interrupted, turning from her previous conversation. I blushed slightly at the use of the nickname. Why must she bring this up in public? As if they could read my mind, the two guests she was talking to laughed under their breath at the cute name.
"Thank you, Honey Muffin. Wouldn't want me breaking the rules, would we?" I said, in an attempt to get the attention off of me.
"Honey Muffin?" A man said, poking his head out from behind her and into my view. When she turned to face him, I could finally see him clearly. I could see why they were together, it was as if they complemented eachother perfectly. In contrast to her black dress, he was wearing an all white suit, decorated with diamonds in all of the right places. It was a little eccentric, but it fit him well. At first glance, they both came off as a little intimidating, but judging from this conversation, they were certainly not.
"Don't even." She threatened playfully. It was a little comical, since he was taller than her. Her serious tone melted into laughter as he made a ridiculous pouty face in response to her.
"Let's give them some room. Care for a dance, M'Lady?" The other man said to me with a flirty smile. I didn't even get a chance to answer before he wisked me away to the dance floor.
As I was dancing, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. His charisma enamored me. I was like a moth drawn to a flame. I couldn't escape his charm. He had a beautiful smile that surely has seduced many ladies before. He was also quite a good dancer. Not to mention, he wasn't too bad on the eyes.
"Found someone you fancy yet, Miss Cupcake?" He said, breaking your trance.
"I - um.. no? Well.."
He chuckled at my response. "You can just tell me you think I'm hot, you know." He said, with a cheshire grin. My jaw would have dropped to the ground if I didn't have to keep my ladylike composure. I wasn't entirely thinking of him, but I couldn't deny that he was hot either.
With a satisfied look, he let us continue dancing without much more teasing. He must have taken pity on my cherry red face. Thank goodness.
Our dancing was cut short, however, when he spotted someone in the crowd. After apologizing, he dashed over to his friend. I watched as a shorter - yet buff - man emerged from the crowd. He immediately recognized my former dancing partner, and they both gave each other the most manly hug I have ever seen.
Now that I had been left alone once again, I decided to go grab a snack. I slowly weaved my way through the crowd and found the massive food table. I grabbed a drink from a passing waiter and planned my next course of action. I wanted to not get caught stuck in place by my fellow partygoers. There were a few groups of people gathered around the table, but one group certainly grabbed your attention.
"(very loud gasp) THEY HAVE PURPLE JELLO?!" A young man exclaimed. He seemed to be about the same age as me, however, he acted like a toddler.
"Yes, there's purple jello. There's every color of jello. Would you please quiet down? You're drawing too much attention." The other young man he was with said. He had a hand shielding his face and was acting like he didn't know his overly excited friend.
"WHOA. It's a rainbow of jello!" The first man said, bewildered. This earned him some strange looks from people within earshot. The second man looked as if he wished the earth would just swallow him up. I couldn't help but find the first man's antics adorable.
Seeing that I was watching him, the extroverted man waved me over.
"Have you ever tried purple jello? I've never even seen it before! I thought Hee- I mean, Bambi, was kidding when he said that the Palace had purple jello!" He said excitedly. "Here, try a bite!" He asked, handing me a tiny plate with a square of jello on it.
"I'm sorry, but I am not very fond of jello. I do like the color purple though." I said, trying to politely decline his offer. I felt a little bad when I saw his pouting face. It quickly vanished as he got side tracked by a new dessert.
"Please don't forget your manners." The more mature one said to the childlike young man. The latter's eyes widened and he quickly apologized. I assured him that it was alright, and his youthfulness was refreshing.
Shortly after, he got distracted by yet another food item and rushed off, the second man hurriedly following after him. I also continued down the table in search of something else to eat.
Scanning the tables, my eyes landed on a cookie platter. These intricately shaped cinnamon cookies had caught my attention, and I was determined to get one. I gracefully moved closer and reached to grab one when suddenly, a hand brushed against mine. Looking up, a young man was standing across the table from me, also trying to grab one of the cookies.
When we made eye contact, it seemed as if time stopped. My breath caught in my throat and my heartbeat was racing. He was stunning. His bronze and white suit hugged him in all the right places, and his mask was designed in a way that perfectly showcased his chocolate brown eyes. The light was wonderfully illuminating his face so it seemed almost as if he was glowing.
"I - uh - sorry!" He said, bashfully. His voice snapped me out of my daydream and I finally let go of the breath that I had no idea that I had been holding. I looked away, embarrassed that I had been staring.
"I-its alright. I should have paid more attention." I said, my cheeks growing warm. The man cleared his throat, drawing my focus back to him, before suddenly becoming a little bold. "Could I make it up to you with a dance?" He said, smiling.
I could not resist his dimpled smile, so of course agreed to a dance.
Suddenly, one dance became two, then three, and so on and so on. I became entranced by his aura. With each step, each twirl of our waltzing, I began to fall deeper. His dazzling eyes were looking at me as if I was his entire world, and that's when it happened. I realized that I was in love.
So when he pulled me closer at the end of this song, it felt like my heart had taken control of my body. He leaned in, and we were now only a breath apart. He glanced from my eyes to my lips before asking in a voice that was barely above a whisper, "May I?".
My coy smile was all he needed to close the distance between us. His plush lips seemed to fit perfectly with mine, sending a whole new wave of butterflies in my stomach.
Sadly, it did not last that long. He pulled away slightly and looked at me with those wonderful eyes of his again. I could see there was a bit of pink dusting his cheeks, which probably mirrored my own. A cheeky smile grew on his face.
"Have you ever explored the castle before?" He asked.
"No. I've never been here before." I said skeptically. What was he trying to say?
"Good. I'll take you for a tour." He said with a smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and starting tugging me to the staircase. Confused, I wordlessly followed him.
I didn't know if it was the crazy feelings inside my heart or the alcohol that got me here, but I now found myself pinned against the wall of a guest bedroom, caged between the arms of a man who would certainly be the death of me. He had long ago ditched the jacket and other formal outer attire, now sporting a mere dress shirt and pants. His hands were planted on either side of my head, and he was looking at me with such desire I thought my legs would give out then and there if he was not pressed against me.
With a sly smile, his swollen lips met mine again, and the jolt of electricity that ran through me from the contact was intoxicating. His hands fell from the side of my head to my waist, taking time on their journey, making sure to explore every inch of my body before they reach their destination. When they did, he pulled me impossibly closer, deepening the kiss.
I tangled my hands in his hair before sliding one down to the collar of his buttoned shirt. I clumsily fiddled with the top button until I managed to unbutton it. Noticing my plan, he stopped me before I could get any further.
"Hmph. That's reserved for the second date." He said inbetween kisses. "It's not curtious to take the lady to bed on the first date." He finished, while leaving a small bite at the end of his kiss trail down my neck - which made me gasp and left him pleased with his work.
Before I could respond, the bells chimed, signifying that it was midnight. My eyes shot open when I realized that I'd promised to be back to the carriage at midnight. Noticing my quickened breathing (that sadly wasn't caused by him) he pulled away.
"What's wrong?" He said, looking at me with worried eyes.
"I have to go. I told my father I'd be heading back home at midnight, and if I don't, I probably won't ever be allowed to a party ever again." I told him, despair creeping into my voice. If only I could spend this moment with you forever.
I could tell he felt the same. But after a moment, his face lit up.
"I know I'm not really supposed to do this, but I don't know if I'll ever get to find you again. I brought this pin with me, in hopes that I could give it to a special lady, and she would always wear it close to her heart until we could be reunited." He spoke, pulling out a small bag from one of the various pockets of his. "It's a one of a kind, made specially for me on my 16th birthday. It's a promise from me to you that I will find you."
He took my end and gently placed the pin in my palm. It depicted a smiling golden fox that large ears and a bushy tail. The design was so delicate that it looked as if it were a real animal.
"It's beautiful. Thank you. I swear that I'll always wear it. Even after you find me." I said, smiling. He gave me a small peck on the lips before guiding me out the door.
"Goodbye, my beloved Lady. I'll see you on that second date!" He said, watching me head down the corridor. I was glad I was faced away from him so that he couldn't see the bright red flush that had taken over my face.
This was a better party than I'd ever imagined. Let's just hope that I can find my way to the carriage...
[The End]
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problemchildzu · 4 months
Anything, really. up until that post, i thought they were all babies. Lol
Isla has my eye the most, though.
I could give a run down of them all! They're fun. Now imma preface this with my head canon that, Viera, miqote, hrothgars probably have litters. It's more normal for them and their bodies are capable of handling larger pregnancies cuz...well cuz I wanna head canon that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Isla is Fenn's oldest (Kyaris has 3 others from a certain Forum member). She's headstrong and would always challenge them growing up. Isla idolized her dad and the warder lifestyle, and she wanted to be that, but no one was sure that was cool because of how isolationist Viera can be. She wasn't born in the woods, so they were sure she would get chased out if she tried. As soon as she could, she traveled to where Fenn was born and met up with her grandpa, who begrudgingly took her on. She ended up thriving in that lifestyle, just really fit her very well. She's a tough nut, and she felt like she had something to prove. She ends up getting pregnant with her first son Erran, then when he's 12, she has her next litter of six. She ends up being exclusive with another warder, but that took over a decade for him to come around to the idea. She didn't push whatever happened. it was cool by her. She has big feelings for him and is happy he stuck around.
Rhaz is the next oldest. He's a bit of a hot head and got into fights with Isla a lot. It was fun for her infuriating for him. He has less confidence but is good at playing off like things dont bother him. He never took to fighting or anything like that but boy he loved to craft. Their family owns a weapons shop where they make a lot of the things there and he started working there young. It was all he wanted to do tbh. That's where he met Pavi and developed a huge major crush in the cute Viera paladin. They end up together and had their first little girl. No one, not even rhaz knew he was pregnant that little girl just showed up and Rhaz freaked out when he gave birth. His husband later brings home a little girl Viera caught in a bad situation and they adopt her. His life is pretty low key. He ends up taking over the shop when the parents retire.
Fey is the child they trust with anything! She was always fiercely independent and reliable. Kept to herself but has a sass streak that can sneak up on you when you're least expecting it. She helped babysit when the youngest was born, she was also the one in charge of her older siblings, which she might lord over them if she was feeling petty that day. She felt in love with a family friends garden and often asked to help out there. From there she started working at the botanists guild and part time in the family shop. She has a partner she discovered by accident in the woods. Merrins story is really fucking sad and it made him really timid and scared so she took him home to help. She wasn't about to leave this poor bun who faited at the slightest thing. Eventually they got super close and had their own babies, I wanna say four? Honestly we lose track sometimes. Fey is not the one who got pregnant, she wanted kids but she never wanted to go through that while Merrin did, so it worked out! They'll probably have more bit we haven't gotten that far.
Myrrh is the sweet baby who can do no wrong ever in pretty much the eyes of the whole family. Right off the bat this kid was a struggle, he was premature and for awhile they were scared he'd just die. He is blind like his dad though his is from a defect while Fenn is blind because of an injury. Him being blind wasn't a big deal really but he had a weaker constitution over all. He was sheltered and coddled for way way too long but when he was 18 he convinced his family he wanted to be independent and they only allowed it cuz he went to live with Fey. She gave him space to be independent butbhave someone in case he needed it. He ends up meeting Rhune (part of the miqo troupe was probably gonna post them tomorrow) and kind fell head over heels for him. Rhune was an adventurer so kind of hand a whirlwind romance before he left. Myrrh ended up pregnant and had a litter, though Rhune came back and they're pretty happy. He had (I think) 3 in his first, then a singleton then another of 5 which nearly kills him so they stop there.
Omg that was more than I expected to write, but I guess if you have other questions, I'm down to answer. They're good kids, and we're always talking about different stuff with them.
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manygalaxiesinone · 5 months
Disgaea 7 DLC Episode: Persona 4
Part 1: Prince Detective Naoto
Young Detective: "Now then, is there anything else I need to go over?"
Pirilika: "No. That's all I have for the testimony. Thank you again so much for coming out here on such short notice, especially since you're supposed to be relaxing."
Young Detective: "It's alright Pirilika. Consider me stubborn if you may, but I can not simply leave any case unsolved."
Pirilika: "So cool..."
Fuji: "The hell's going on here?"
Pirilika: "Fuji, stay right there! This is a crime scene!"
Fuji: "Huh?"
Pirilika: "Someone stole the new dress I was working on last night!"
Fuji: "Okay... and? This is the Netherworld. Thefts are bound to happen. It's your fault for not keeping a tighter lock on your stuff. Wait... you're not keeping all of your cash lying around in the open, are you?!"
Pirilika: "Of course not!"
Young Detective: "May we please get back on track to the case at hand?"
Fuji: "Who's this kid?"
Young Detective: "Kid?"
Pirilika: "Don't mind Fuji, he's just very blunt. This is Naoto Shirogane, a famous detective from one of the human worlds. He came to Hinomoto with his friends and offered to help out."
Fuji: "A human detective? You sure that's a good idea Piriko? I think you're wasting your money here."
Naoto: "Care to elaborate on that statement, Fuji?"
Fuji: "Didn't you hear what I said earlier? You're in the netherworld! Whatever criminal that did this is probably too powerful for you to handle even if you do find them."
Naoto: "In other words, you are doubting my combat capabilities, correct? Perhaps a test in strength would change your mind, if you would be so bold to face me that is."
Fuji: "He he... bold is the wrong word for it. I'll be sure to do my worst so you'll see what the Netherworld is all about!"
Part 2: Captain Ressentiment, Yosuke
Fuji: "Alright, not bad. You're tougher than you look."
Naoto: "I suppose this means the results are to your satisfaction, Fuji."
Fuji: "For the most part, but I'd better tag along anyway. Wouldn't want to wake up to phone calls of your friends yelling how we got you axed during a vacation."
Pirilika: "Fuji, if you wanted to help investigate, you could've just said so."
Fuji: coughs blood "You know damn well that ain't true!"
Naoto: "Blood? Do you need to go to the emergency room?"
Fuji: "It's just my allergies, I'm fine."
Naoto: "Allergies???"
Pirilika: "Fuji has an empathy allergy."
Naoto: "Is this a demon specific allergic reaction? It's the first I've heard such a thing."
Fuji: "Hey, didn't you say we should get back to the case at hand?"
Naoto: "R-Right... my apologies. Now then... hmm?"
Pirilika: "What is it, Naoto?"
Naoto: "It appears the culprit dropped a weapon in their haste to steal the dress."
Pirilika: "Doesn't look like a knife any of the prinnies carry."
Fuji: "In fact, it doesn't look like a knife you can find anywhere in Hinomoto."
Naoto: "In that case, that narrows our search down to one potential suspect."
Shop owner: "And don't let me see you around here again, got it?!"
Brown Haired Guy: "Geez, getting kicked out because I asked for a bowl of ramen? How was I supposed to know this was a pasta shop?! Ugh, so much for nothing bad happening on a trip for once."
Naoto: "There you are, Yosuke senpai."
Yosuke: "Oh, Naoto. Man am I glad to see you right now. Who's the cat girl and horn guy?"
Naoto: "They're my new clients for a case today."
Yosuke: "Of course you'd be working when we're on vacation."
Pirilika: "I'll be sure to make it up to her when we're done, but right now, would you mind helping us out?"
Yosuke: "I already got a bad feeling down my spine, but what's up?"
Naoto: "Pirilika's dress was found missing this morning. The culprit left a knife at the scene of the crime. This knife to be exact."
Yosuke: "Wha- that's the knife I've been looking for all day yesterday!"
Pirilika: "This is your knife?"
Fuji: "Sounds like an open and shut case to me."
Yosuke: "Wait, hold on! I didn't take the dress!"
Fuji: "Nice try. I suggest you hand it over now before things get ugly."
Naoto: "Fuji, wait! We should at least hear his testimony first."
Yosuke: "Seriously, even you think I'm a suspect?!"
Pirilika: "You DID say it was your knife..."
Yosuke: "Give me a break already."
Part 3: Kingpin of Steel, Yu.
Naoto: "So you realized late afternoon yesterday that someone took your knife and searched for it well into the evening?"
Yosuke: "Yeah, that's what I've been trying to tell you. Yu was helping me look this whole time so he can verify!"
Fuji: "I don't know. Why were you so hard pressed on finding some knife?"
Yosuke: "In case I need to fight, why else?"
Fuji: "I get that, but couldn't you just buy another one?"
Pirilika: "Don't you get it, Fuji? That knife was a family heirloom that's been around for generations! He was so afraid of disappointing his father after losing it that he spent all day looking for it, otherwise he would have to spend the rest of his vacation bracing himself for severe punishment when he returns home!"
Fuji: "Piriko, what did I tell you about making up backstories?"
Yosuke: "Sad part is, I can totally see that happening if it was an heirloom. I'm actually just trying to save enough money as I can to buy a motorcycle. Chie seriously put me in a bind after buying those clothes for Teddie."
Fuji: "Now that I can relate to. It ain't easy being broke."
Naoto: "Very well senpai, as long as we can verify your testimony, you'll be in the clear. Do you happen to know where he is right now?"
Yosuke: "Last I saw him, he was playing with some cats not too far from here. I'll show you the way."
Catsaber: meow
Silver haired male: "There you go. I caught another big one for ya."
Catsaber: purr purr...
Silver haired male: "You sure seem happy. I better check up on the others. Let me know if you get hungry again, alright?"
Catsaber: Meow!
Peppy Pigtail Girl: "Senpai!"
Silver haired male: "Ah, Rise. I was just about to look for- ah!"
Rise: hugs tight "Senpai, I can't tell you just how happy I am right now!"
Silver haired male: "I see the cat's not the only one in a good mood..."
Rise: lets go "How could I not be now that I got this new dress. What do you think?"
Silver haired male: "It looks great on you. You look like you're ready for your next huge show."
Rise: "Ooh! I knew it! I'm so glad you got it for me! I can't thank you enough right now!"
Silver haired male: "Wait, but I didn't-"
Pirilika: "There it is!"
Silver haired male: "Hmm?"
Pirilika: "My dress! We finally found it!"
Rise: "Wait, YOUR dress?"
Naoto: "Rise, you're currently in possession of the dress that went missing from Pirilika's wardrobe earlier this morning."
Rise: "What?! There must be a mistake. It's probably a duplicate."
Pirilika: "It can't be. I started making the dress myself yesterday only for it to disappear when I got up this morning."
Rise: "But... I got this as a gift from Yu senpai."
Yu: "But I didn't-"
Yosuke: "Come to think of it, whoever stole that dress did steal my knife too, but you wouldn't do something like that, right partner?"
Yu: "Of course not. I was-"
Fuji: "Seems to me we found our culprit. All that's left is to detain him."
Naoto: "Does Fuji usually rush into everything so recklessly?"
Pirilika: "Not all the time, but he does enjoy a good fight."
-after the battle...-
Yu: "Can you please hear me out now? I didn't-"
Naoto: "I know. You are not the culprit senpai."
Yu: "Please stop cutting me o- Oh wait, you knew?"
Fuji: "He's not guilty? How?"
Naoto: "If you let Yu senpai explain, he was probably going to tell you that he didn't give Rise that dress. He was with me all morning before Pirilika gave me the phone call to help her with the case."
Rise: "Wait, what were you two doing together?"
Yu: "We were just eating breakfast and talking about what we were planning on doing for today. Once Naoto received the phone call, she rushed out the door."
Fuji: "Wait "she"? You're a girl?!"
Pirilika: "You really are full of surprises, Naoto! I'm so glad I hired you."
Naoto: "If you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you get that attire, Rise?"
Rise: "Some weird looking penguin gave it to me as a delivery. The box said to me from Yu. I had no idea it was stolen."
Fuji: "So it WAS a prinny."
Pirilika: "Hold on, Fuji. The prinny probably didn't realize he was delivering a stolen item as the real culprit hid it among inside his delivery bag."
Prinny: "Special delivery for Miss Rise dood!"
Rise: "Hmm? Another one?"
Prinny: "That's right. Another gift from Yu. He must really like you, dood."
Yu: "About that, I don't remember sending anything to anyone lately."
Prinny: "Wait, Yu?! What are you- I mean... maybe you probably just...forgot dood. It happens."
Yosuke: "No, he has pretty good memory. He definitely would've remember doing something like that."
Prinny: "Okay well maybe he was trying to keep a low profile to sending gifts to Risette, dood!"
Rise: "Wait, how did you know I'm Risette?! I've been keeping a low profile since we got here!"
Prinny: Tries to back away. "Uh, well... you see dood... I-" Bumps into Fuji and drops the box he was carrying.
Fuji: "Going somewhere?"
Pirilika: *Gasp!* "That's the swimsuit I was going to pitch in my next meeting!"
Yu: "I also notice a few pictures of Rise coming out of his satchel."
Naoto: "It appears we have yet another Rise stalker scenario. He was likely trying to sneak rare photos of Rise in outfits Pirilika's company haven't released to the public."
Prinny: "Crap! My cover's blown! You'll never take me alive dood!" Runs away.
Fuji: "Piriko?"
Pirilika: "Fine, just don't go overboard."
Fuji: "You know I can't promise that. It's time to do my worst!" Runs after the prinny.
Rise: "Ugh, even when I'm on vacation in another world I just can't escape. I like being an idol, but I just want to relax together with senpai."
Pirilika: "I'm sorry for putting a damper on your brigade. I didn't mean to mess up your vacation."
Yosuke: "It's putting a damper on your parade and it's not your fault. If anything, you're as much of a victim here as any of us."
Yu: Scratches behind Pirilika's ears. "He's right. We're just glad it worked out in the end, so don't worry."
Pirilika: "Mmm... that feels so nice... I-I mean, I still want to make it up to you all. Especially Naoto for helping me out with this case to begin with. I really can't thank her enough."
Naoto: "Being able to provide assistance is rewarding enough, Pirilika. Don't be afraid to ask for my aid in the future."
Pirilika: "You're so cool, Naoto! A real spitting image of an ace detective. Actually, there is one thing. Fuji and I are traveling across Hinomoto to look for internal treasures so we can take down the shogunate that's been corrupting the land. I understand if you don't want to, but if you help us out, you can stay with us on my ship with your own room."
Naoto: "Hmm... I would more than happy to assist you, however a case such as this would require a team effort. Therefore, it would be more prudent to consult with our leader."
Yosuke: "She's got a point. If we're gonna help save the world, then we gotta stick together. We work a whole lot better as a team."
Rise: "What do you think, senpai? You up for spending our vacation by going on another adventure?"
Yu: "..."
Pirilika: "..."
Yu: "...When do we start?"
Pirilika: "You'll help?! Thank you so much! I promise, I'll take good care of you all while you're with-"
Yosuke: "What was that?"
Pirilika: "Sounds like Fuji finally caught up with the prinny. Don't worry, I can heal him so he can be interrogated."
Yu: "What kind of adventure did we just sign up for?"
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gabapple · 1 year
Speaking of bad ex-boyfriends, I would love to know the process that, for example, you had in NLA to write the character of Niko, I would like to know because I always wondered the perspective that people could have with him or people like him in the real world, like vitya I think there were things that were not so simple to identify (when things are good and then are bad, but in a toxic way) if you are a young person or with little experience in love or what love is. How did you decide to give him those characteristics as a character and why, what things did you want to emphasize to make it known that Niko was not a good boyfriend and that was not love either. And what is the difference that he had with Yuuri, and how was the whole process to make that difference when you decided to include the theme of healthy relationships in the fic.
I think a lot of people can identify with it and be in a relationship that they don't realize it's not good for them or love them like they deserve to be loved :(. And the impact it had on Viktor, for example, when he realized that with Yuuri he felt more comfortable with his body, even in the sexual way, that it meant more and he was looking for it more. The confusion that was for him not knowing that was "normal" in a relationship
I'm really curious about that process and how you decided to handle it, gosh forgive me now for the huge text.
I hope I made myself understood, be patient with me english is not my first language shsjsjys💖 🍵 so I apologize if I didn't, please let me know and THANK YOU :')
Your question is great and I understood you perfectly! No worries at all.
I suppose Niko is where I should have started with the question, as he's probably the best example of processing trauma/navigating through life with writing that I have.
(For those who aren't aware, in the Yuri!!! on Ice fic Never Look Away, we give young Viktor a boyfriend named Niko-- and in case it wasn't obvious, he was NOT a good one.)
I knew early on in the outline-drafting phase of NLA that we wanted to give Viktor someone in his life that would leave a lasting, negative impact. We toyed with a few ideas, but long before the end of the series, we knew that his "first lover" was the perfect candidate. Since my job was writing Viktor, I created Niko to fill the role, and boy-howdy was there a lot in my own life to draw on.
I won't name names or be too specific, but Niko is based on the common traits that I saw in my own ex boyfriends (and ex friends, etc), as well as those I saw in my friends' lives. Some of them were easier to get over than others, but all had a huge impact on my life. It would have been easy to create this horrible, nasty villain and call it a day, but that wouldn't have served justice for the story OR for Vitya, so I had to go a step deeper.
A truly believable character, even one you're supposed to hate, is one that feels real. So I had to find reasons to love him, myself. I gave Niko the name he has because it's one of my most favorite names. I had to recall what it was like to be a touch-starved teenager, longing for acceptance and attention, and what I might look for in a love interest. Now as an adult, I know SO much more than I did, and it's easier to contextualize, but like you said, the inexperienced don't have that luxury.
It was the same for me and the exes (of varying kinds). None of the relationships really started out toxic. Most of them were young, too, after all... and still trying to figure out who they were/how to navigate in their own lives. I wanted to give Niko the benefit of the doubt at first, and so did Vitya. He wasn't always a terrible person, but it was his choices and the way he interacted with others that really cemented his being a bad guy.
That is to say, no one is all good or all bad. If I were going to write him properly, I had to understand his own motivations, hopes, desires, and dreams. That helped me to look at my exes that way, too. A lot of the fights we had boiled down to miscommunication and pride on both sides. Vitya was young and impulsive. Niko was fighting his own insecurities and feeling pressured. Did they love each other? Sure, at some point or another, but they were ultimately incompatible, and that can only last so long before something had to give.
I think that's where we come to the other part of your ask-- Niko vs Yuuri. Something I really love in NLA was we got to do a LOT of comparison/contrast between the different character dynamics and relationships, which is what the series also excels at.
Where Niko refused to give in and made Vitya lead in all things, Yuuri was all about being expected to take charge and meet in the middle. They're both extremely stubborn, but Yuuri wanted to do the work and thinks of Viktor's well-being, while Niko is only worried about himself and how things impacted him.
It's like the fine line between being possessive and being protective. Niko wanted to keep Viktor like a prize; Yuuri wanted to earn his place by Viktor's side.
Several of the scenes in the fic (both NLA and Vitya Diaries) are based on things that happened to me with the folks I based Niko off of. It has taken me a long time to get through it, and I still struggle from the past abuse, but thankfully I have good people supporting me now, and that helps. It's a long process to come from feeling worthless and put down, to taking a stand for yourself, to then realizing you're worthwhile, just as you are. But like we say in NLA, and I hope it comes through, love is real and patient love is healing.
I'm very grateful that I had the opportunity to not only experience that myself, but to explore it in writing for others, as well.
I hope that answers your question. Feel free to send more if needed. I'm happy to help in any way I can. :)
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go-learn-esperanto · 1 year
Hey uh, /gen question how do I very nicely and in the least condescending way possible tell somebody who is the human embodiment of poking a beehive to not say shit like "I relate to dream's worst qualities".
Like they say "Worst qualities dictated by y'all" but THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER. Like ik what they mean by it, they're trying to say they're not perfect but saying they relate to a REALLY shitty person at best's worst qualities is.... Yikes. To say the least
You don't gotta answer this, you're just the only person that I know is Well Versed™ enough in Real People Socialization™ to be able to handle this well
Thanks! ♥️
You flatter me in thinking I'm well versed in real people socialization haha~
This is very much a difficult conversation so if you're gonna do it better do in DMs. I'm trying my best to be gentle about this but to still pass the point.
Talk with them about the Dream situation. Even if you do kinda know what the person is going for ask them gently about it. Something like, “I saw your post that said you relate to Dream's worst qualities. What do you mean? Do you mean you relate to being bad at dealing with pressure? Sorry if it's a weird question is that I'm a bit confused by it.”
Do not accuse them of grooming and don't bring it up straight away. Let them speak. If they don't mention the grooming allegations, or if they say something in the lines of “If I was accused of something so serious I might panick and say something stupid too." tell them “I get where you're coming from but if someone reads your post they might interpret it as you relating to grooming someone. You might want to change that phrasing. Besides even though I get that we all make mistakes Dream has a lot os young people following him. He's a role model to them. And even if he does mistakes he needs to own up to them. He needs to recognise them to improve and unfortunately he hasn't done that. That gives the wrong impression to the people following him. He can keep making mistakes, mistakes that affect seriously real people (victims of grooming, if not the ones doing the alligations the others on the internet that after seeing the reaction of Dream's fanbase will be scared to speak out) or the POC people who are disregarded as just taking things to seriously when it's just a joke or at worse telling them being bigoted is something funny. I know you might understand it isn't but you have to realise there are young teens in Dream's audience who still don't have great interpretation skills. (recent Trump flag drama). I get he is human yes but there's a point where we must realise that someone is doing more harm than good and probably shouldn't be influencing so many people. He hasn't even spoken with his co-workers he is supposed to speak to to do his job, even after those co-workers showing displeasure for the lack of answers for moths now he keeps not saying anything. They are dependent on him to do their job and it's frankly a disrespect he hasn't done so. That doesn't sound like someone who should be handling something so big. We need to at very least show him we don't like what he's doing. If he only sees people agreeing with him and sees no consequences he'll see no reason to change himself and there might be a time he does a mistake even more serious than the ones he did already. But please don't take this as me hating on you it's just that the point we're at empathising with him (online) is probably not a good idea.”
They might try to argue with you and you're probably have to be prepared for that yourself. Try to reassure to them that you understand them but point out why it's still wong or harmful to let Dream keep a platform and why empathising with him will only give power to the people who are against victims and POC people who've shown concern for Dreams's actions.
Helpful posts:
@/anonymous-dentist's post on the flag incident
@/areus-in-a-little-cave thread on stuff about the grooming alligations (I recommend you ignore the Keemstar and Kaceytron stuff because Keemstar is not a credible source and he just said Dream told him things and we don't have any proof of that. Kaceytron not only has a very bad reputation with her way of creating drama and concerning behaviour but also what she said has not real importance to the whole situation.)
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