#prompt 1290
wonderful-prompts · 29 days
Prompt #1290
Crescent moons dangled from the witch's ears.
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Short Prompt #1290
"A little birdie told me that you have yet to pay up, darling," the familiar voice echoed from the shadows of the alleyway, startling the civilian. They whipped around toward it with a racing heart, finding Right Hand leaning against the brick wall.
"L-Look," Civilian stuttered, "I know I'm late with the payment, but-"
"Ha!" the other barked out a laugh. "Honey, "late" doesn't even cover it!" They sauntered closer, and the civilian didn't dare run and make things worse.
Right Hand tucked a stray lock of hair behind Civilian's ear before leaning forward and whispering, "Villain is not happy, darling. It'd be a real shame if we had to get more... physical."
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steddieasitgoes · 6 months
@steddiemas Day 20 Prompt: Sick Day
Tags: Established Relationship, Mentions Of Past Parental Loss, Eddie Munson Needs A Hug, Steve Harrington Is A Sweetheart
wc: 1290 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Steve doesn’t get it.
He’s seen Eddie in worse shape.
Death knocking on his door, tubes, and machines keeping him alive. In spite of the shitty cards he was dealt, he always had a smile on his face — cracking jokes with the kids, charming his way into extra pudding cups and sides of mashed potatoes. Steve’s pretty sure they mourned the day he was finally released because he had a way of making even the crabbiest doctors smile.
If ever there was a time to be miserable and wallow in the pain it was then.
And yet, a winter cold has managed to knock Eddie on his ass, turning him into the most miserable, helpless version of himself.
Steve hates it.
Not because Eddie is whiney and dramatic (he’s both of those things on a good day), but because he doesn’t know what to do to help.
Days and nights blend together as Eddie stays sheltered in his bedroom. His bed is a nest of blankets and pillows — half the time he’s burrowed under them, no doubt making his fever worse, and the other half he’s propped up on pillows, desperately hoping the elevated position will ease his cough. A hoard of half-empty bowls of soups and napkins full of nibbled-on crackers are scattered on his nightstand along with the cold medicine Wayne picked up three (maybe, four?) days ago. The one Eddie refuses to take because it makes him feel worse.
His usual unruly curls are flattening by the second and his cheek has a near-permanent indentation of his wrinkled pillowcase at this point. If it weren’t for his frequent trips to the bathroom, Steve would be worried about muscle loss and blood clots on top of the hundred other ways he’s worrying about Eddie right now.
Steve’s tried everything. His grandmother’s chicken noodle soup, coaxing Eddie into a warm shower, even phoned Ms. Henderson to see if she had any home remedies he wasn’t thinking of. Nothing seems to be working.
At a loss, Steve tiptoes into Eddie’s room hoping to find him sleeping beneath the covers.
He’s not.
“Eddie, baby,” Steve coos. Toeing his shoes off, he pads his way over to the edge of the bed and runs a hand over the corner of the bed in search of Eddie’s legs. When he’s certain they’re not there, he sits. “What can I do to help?”
Eddie groans and presses the right side of his face deeper into the pillow. A single tear races down his cheek as he sniffles. “Could you just lie with me?” he croaks, voice horse from lack of use and the sore throat he’s been fighting for the last few days.
“Course, baby. Why didn’t you ask me sooner?”
He doesn’t wait for the answer and instead shuffles up the bed. Resting his back against the headboard, he kicks out his legs over the hoard of blankets and lets himself sink into the warm mattress. Once he’s situated, Eddie shifts until his back is pressed against Steve’s side. It’s weird feeling the heat that radiates from his body — he’s usually the one with cold hands and feet in the relationship.
“Didn’t want to get you sick,” Eddie mumbles eventually.
“Don’t mind getting sick, if it means you’ll feel better.” Steve means it. He would shoulder all the sickness and pain in the world if it meant that Eddie and everyone else he loves never had to feel anything but happy and healthy. If only the world worked like that. “Do you need anything?”
It’s silent in the room as Steve waits for Eddie’s response. So quiet, Steve wonders if maybe Eddie’s drifted to sleep and he’s waiting for a response that’s never going to come. But then Eddie shifts beside him, slowly rolling onto his other side so he can face him.
“I need my mom,” Eddie whispers just as the floodgates open, tear after tear falling from his eyes in that slow dramatic way they only do in movies. At least, Steve thought it only happened in movies.
His heart seizes in his chest as Eddie reaches for the soft sweater he’s wearing. Doesn’t complain when he buries his face into it, staining it with tears and snot and whatever else as Eddie’s body shakes under the weight of his tears.
He doesn’t get it, not entirely. His own mother was never the nurturing type — she’d slap down medicine on his bedside table and leave a list of places she’d be if he needed to reach her, but that was it. Never once did she rest her hand against his forehead to check his temperature, let alone sit at his bedside.
But he knows Eddie’s mom would have done those things. Probably did do all those things judging by the way his boyfriend is sobbing in his arms right now.
Admittedly he doesn’t know much about Ms. Munson — he’s gathered it's hard for Eddie to talk about her. But he knows enough to know the world lost an incredibly kind soul way too early.
“Eds,” Steve sighs, scooting down until he’s lying down with Eddie firmly curled up on his chest. He gets both arms around him, squeezing him tighter. “I wish I could.”
“She always—” Eddie hiccups, wincing as the motion burns his already aching throat. “She always used to lie down with me. Run her fingers through my hair until her ring got caught in my curls. Then she’d move to tracing up and down my arm.”
Steve doesn’t have to be told twice. He lets one hand drift into Eddie’s tangled curls, scratching his scalp before gently carding his fingers through a few strands. His other hand ghosts up and down his arm, goosebumps erupting in his featherlight touches wake.
“Like this?”
Eddie melts under the contact, nuzzling deeper into the warmth of Steve’s sweater. “She made the best grilled cheese sandwich when I was sick. And she’d cut them in weird ways. Let me eat them in bed while she told some story she made up on the spot.”
“Well, m’no storyteller. But I can make a grilled cheese. Probably not as good as your mom's though.”
“No,” Eddie agrees, the smallest smile tugging at his lips as he looks up. “She had a secret ingredient she never told me.”
“Bet it was love.”
Eddie wrinkles his nose, shaking his head, “That’s lame.”
“Yeah, it is. She wouldn’t have had a lame secret ingredient.”
“She was the best,” Eddie sighs, closing his eyes for a moment before they flutter open again. This time he wiggles out of Steve’s embrace and moves his head back to his pillow before grimacing at the wet stain left behind on Steve’s sweater. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Eds. S’just a sweater.”
“I know. I just…” he groans and rubs circles over his eyes with his fists. “I always miss her more when m’sick.”
“That’s okay,” Steve says, pulling at him until Eddie’s back on his chest and his hand is back in his curls. “You can tell me about her, you know? Whenever you want. I like hearing you talk about her.”
“Maybe when my throat doesn’t burn like Satan’s living room.”
Steve laughs.
There’s his boy.
“You know, that medicine over there might help with that,” Steve teases, gesturing to the untouched medicine.
Eddie wrinkles his nose in disgust, shaking his head.
“Alright, you big baby,” Steve chuckles. “Why don’t you get some sleep then?”
“Will you stay?” Eddie asks, already fighting sleep judging by his fluttering eyelashes.
“Course I’ll stay,” he whispers. “I’ll even make you a grilled cheese when you wake up.”
“Full of love?”
“Yeah, Eds. Full of love.”
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dracoxmalereader · 6 months
Clock Tower
Draco x Male Reader
Context: Can be read as any house reader but I did write it with my main Hufflepuff!Reader in mind. Takes place during half blood prince before most of the main plot but post Draco being made a death eater.
Summary: Draco didn't show up to charms, and ever the worried boyfriend you are, you've gone looking for him. After an exhausting search around the castle, you finally find him in the clocktower. What a wonderful opportunity to get emotional. <3
Word Count: 1290
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A breeze whirls through the air and warm leaves dust the sky. The sound of rustling trees echoes distantly, few clouds marring the evenly blue sky. Wings flap, and birds chirp and sing their fresh autumn songs to fill the silence brought on by class time. 
Your shoes crunch against wet, grassy stones. You breathe in the smell of the clayish mud that paves the floor of the clocktower courtyard, hearing the low and steady swing of the pendulum inside. It’s hard to see in with the shadow cast over the archway, but blonde hair sticks out against the dim walls and floor and you quicken your pace. 
His head turns to you. He’s sat on the floor, knees tucked to his chest with one arm wrapped around them, another splayed out on the ground to balance himself. It makes him look incredibly small. 
His eyes meet yours as you step into the room with him. 
“What are you doing here?” His eyebrows are drawn tight, his voice coming out uncharacteristically weak. 
You approach and sit beside him, legs crossed. “You weren’t in charms.” 
There was so much you wanted to talk about. Unsure of what to say, you reach a hand up to smooth down a strand of hair that had broken free from the formal do he’d gelled it into. 
“I like what you’ve been doing with your hair these days.” You spoke, looking over him with fondness.
He stares at you silently. His face, paler by the day, holds a weight of stress. Lines etched deeply behind either side of his nose, and he’d been walking the halls with his worried expression long enough you weren’t sure if the wrinkles on his forehead were intentional or not. 
Sighing, you resign yourself to honesty. “I’m worried about you.”
His brows draw ever tighter and he wrenches his gaze away from you, watching the shadow of the passing pendulum. “All will be well.” The way he says it makes you wonder who he’s trying to convince.
You inch your hand closer to his and run your pinkie finger along the side of his hand before hooking it under his. He takes a breath and swallows audibly, making an effort to further avoid your watchful eyes. He turns his focus to an empty flower pot in the corner farthest from you. 
His resolve bleeds, and he breathes from his nose, not ready to let it break. His pinkie finger twitches and curls tighter around yours.
“Doesn’t it remind you of the O.W.L.s last year?” You prompt, partly out of nostalgia and partly just to get him talking. “The pendulum.”
“Yeah.” His lips purse, something akin to a smile, though the corners of his mouth remain downturned. “It was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it? Those weasel-bees little light show?”
You chuckle. “Yeah. It was.” You scooch yourself closer to him, unlatching your pinkies in favor of draping your palm over the top of his hand.
“Until it was over, at least.” 
You could feel his knuckles trembling ever so slightly, and wished he'd been around enough for you to know when they’d started doing that. 
“I studied so hard for that test.” He sighs, his chest visibly deflating. He curls in on himself, running the hand not blanketed by yours over his hair. "It felt like the end of the world."
There’s an air of longing to his tone. You tighten your fingers, slipping the tips between the side of his palm and the ground. You knock your shoulder against his. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
His eyes finally flicker to yours. His gray irises are dim, lacking the childish glint he’d evidently lost over the summer. You watch his face morph, frown deepening. The wrinkles on his forehead spread. 
“Draco…” You trail on.
He takes a sharp breath. “Don’t-” His words come out choked, forced through the back of his throat like he almost doesn’t want to say them. “There’s… just a lot going on.” He focuses his attention on the floor again.
You nod, and you can see his gaze linger over your connected hands.
“I have to do a lot of things I don’t want to do, now.” He says it like he’s chasing it down. “And it’s changed a lot about how I see the world.” He swallows, and you can hear how his lungs tighten as he speaks. “How I see you…”
His fingers ball up, lifting from the floor and wrapping awkwardly around the tops of yours. You lean your head on his shoulder to show him you’re still listening. 
His free hand roughly bunches up the fabric of his dress pants, forearm quaking like it aches. “I haven’t been around a lot this year. Or last year. I’m sorry.” His voice quivers, a desperate lilt coating it like the spit you hear collecting in his mouth. 
There’s a deeper layer to his words that you can’t quite place. You raise your head to see him blinking away tears.
“It’s okay.” You reassure him. “It’s fine, and-” Your hand leaves his to travel up his arm, squeezing the space under his shoulder so you can feel the muscles tense. “Whatever it is that you’re having to do, I’m here for you, okay?”
His eyes meet yours again and he nods. He sniffles once, then, “Thank you.” His fingers drum against the floor. “I think you might be the only one.”
You rub your thumb back and forth over his arm and feel when the trembling in his knuckles rumbles through the rest of him. He clears his throat to shake it off and pushes himself up all at once, turning away from you again. 
“We should get to class.” He rolls his shoulders and stretches his head to the side, fruitlessly as he remains tense. He holds himself with an ill-fitting urgency. “Charms will be over by the time we get back.”
“Draco-” You try to keep his attention. You stand up as he’s swatting the dirt off the back of his pants, and he brushes you off again.
“It’s best we hurry. If Flitwick sees us after we both ditched he’ll have our heads-”
“Draco!” You cut him off, brows tilted inward only for a moment. You take a step closer to him and grab his face in both of your hands. He's still and quiet, looking almost fearfully so. You sigh. Leaning forward, you close your eyes and press a firm kiss to his mouth.
You pull away and his face, still sunken and pale with exhaustion, has reddened. The stress ebbs from it, and you watch his eyebrows relax just a little. He takes a deep breath. 
Hands still on his face, you hold eye contact. “Thank you for telling me.”
His mouth pulls inward. He looks you up and down, gaze catching on your lips before coming back up to your pupils. His stubborn, tired eyes swim with vulnerability and your heart swells with affection. You grin at him.
“Let’s walk together, hm?”
He nods, and for the first time in weeks you see a small but genuine smile tug at his lips. “You’re such a sap.” The lighthearted jab feels like the calm after a storm. The wind turns just right and a gust of cool air washes through the tower. The strand of hair you'd smoothed down blows loose again, fluttering.
Your thumbs indulgently trace the skin of his jaw a few times before you let your hands fall, brushing your shoulders and lacing your pinkie fingers together again. Wings flap, and birds sing in the distance as the two of you start out of the clocktower and through the courtyard.
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I really try to like Harry x Reader content and just Harry in general but Daniel Radcliffe looks so much like my ex in the movies that I'm immediately put off. It's so uncanny I honestly barely survived the movies to begin with. He looks JUST like him it's terrifying. RIP what I could've had with Harry if they didn't cast Daniel Radcliffe. Timbers shivered.
Draco is more than enough for me anyways. <3 How wonderful he is. <3 If he's OOC in this it's because I forgot to go to bed last night and have been awake since the dawn of time. Creative liberties.
Trying to tag everyone this time because tumblr magically made the tag work under Express so I'm hoping it'll do that here too. OOoOoOoOooOo tumblr you want to tag properly soOOoOoOOo bad
Tags: @nowayisthistakenyet @gayaristocrat @dracoshusband @siuspider @skrunklespoingo @esperfraud @joongbin @midwestemosblog @we2222
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Fever Dreaming Of You
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52547107 by inkinmyheartandonthepage “Mr. Stark is in California,” FRIDAY had explained, her voice thankfully lowered so no to aggravate his already sensitive hearing. “He will not be back until Monday.” “Oh,” Peter’s heart had sunken in his chest and his head had given a nasty throb. OR Peter is sick and Tony forgot he was supposed to look after him over the weekend. Words: 1290, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 238 of We Forgot Peter Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Friday (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Sick Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Precious Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Peter Parker Whump, Teen Peter Parker, Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad", Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Delirious Peter Parker, Fever, Sick Character, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Parent Tony Stark, Worried Tony Stark, dad tony stark, Soft Tony Stark, Fond Tony Stark, Tony Stark Takes Care of Peter Parker, soft, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Family Fluff, One Shot, One Shot Collection, Prompt Fic, Prompt Fill, Complete read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52547107
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Whump Prompt #1290
Whumptober #22: Vehicular Accident
Give me accidents that aren’t your character's fault. Give me engines that fail regardless of how recently they were serviced; doors with a faulty lock or tires that pop or an electrical system breaking at a key moment. (Or something that pertains to the mode of transport your characters use: the horse gets spooked, an axel on the waggon snaps, a storm threatens to sink the ship…)
Give me the fear in the moment - the panic and frustration as well as the lasting effects on those travelling. Are they injured in the initial accident? Is there a crash that leaves them impaled/trapped? Are they alone or with others - if so, do they have to sacrifice resources in order to keep someone alive, or are they able to travel on foot? How far are they able to make it?
Also... was the accident truly an accident? Was it a minor fault the engineer missed, or was there something more sinister planned for those travelling?
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ao3feed-twiyor · 3 days
The in-between
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6c9UIJl by briefhottubcoffee Yor lays with her love and listens. For Twiyor Week 2024 prompt: Listen Words: 1290, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Loid Forger | Twilight Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Twiyor Week 2024, Twiyor prompts, drabble babble, No Plot/Plotless, Post Reveal read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6c9UIJl
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
1290 written today, meaning I am cautiously looking up and going, hmm, maybe I will make word count?  In general one of those weird summer Saturdays, where it just feels oddly quiet and like I’m on a countdown -- which I am for various reasons (teaching, traveling, conference, end of month in general).  I made a decision this year to try really hard to actually take my weekends, which is very unusual in academia, and once I’m used to not doing anything school-related Saturday-Sunday (Sundays I can’t always stick to this), it’s a very hard habit to break because god, I just don’t want to.  It’s less than ideal for various reasons, but man is it good for me mentally.
Snippet from Of Home Near chapter 8 (a teensy bit of context for this).
“Rogers?” Lyudmila prompted.
“They brought him in after the Valkyrie went down in February.  He was injured from the crash.  I convinced him I was OSS.”  She smiled a little. “Things escalated from there.”
“You mean you dragged Captain America into bed.”
Natasha smirked. “Well, no one else was bothering.  He’s a good lay, you know.  He wanted it bad.”
“And there you were.”
“And there I was,” Natasha agreed.
Whore, Peggy thought, but there was a trickle of doubt that went along with it too.  It was the kind of story that Steve and Natasha could have been telling all along, more believable than the time travel tall tale they had both been stubbornly sticking to.  Despite that, thinking about it made her sick.  Steve in enemy hands, injured, scared –
And there she had been. It was a technique MI19 sometimes used to get German POWs to cooperate; Peggy’s Swiss-accented German was fluent enough that she had done it a few times during the months she had spent on loan from SOE to various other British intelligence services.  Of course, she hadn’t slept with any of them.
“As easy as that?” the other woman asked doubtfully.
Natasha shrugged. “Hydra had already done a number on him by the time I got to him.  It was like taking candy from a baby.”
“You’re a dead woman,” Peggy said, her voice quiet.
“Not from where I’m standing,” Natasha told her.
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The Coronation Chair: Anatomy of a Medieval throne
The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II prompted the first comprehensive archaeological study of the Medieval throne on which British monarchs are crowned.
It has been battered and vandalised over the ages, but unpicking this majestic artefact’s evolution shed new light on both its original form and that of the enigmatic Stone of Scone, as Warwick Rodwell reveals.
10 August 2013
The Coronation Chair has been illustrated and described since the 14th century, and is renowned the world over.
For hundreds of years, this piece of Medieval furniture has played a seminal role in the anointing and crowning of English monarchs.
It was last used at the coronation of HM The Queen on 2 June 1953, the Diamond Jubilee of which was celebrated this year.
To mark the occasion in 2010-2012, the Chair underwent a long-overdue programme of cleaning, conservation and redisplay in Westminster Abbey.
Concurrently, a detailed archaeological study was carried out and the Chair was comprehensively recorded for the first time.
The project led to a radically new understanding of its construction and decoration, and of its relationship to the Stone of Scone, which was embodied in its seat.
Spoils of war
The origins of the Chair are well known. Indeed, the documentation accompanying its manufacture in the 1290s is still preserved.
Following Edward I’s victory over the Scots in 1296, state documents and items of regalia were surrendered and taken to London as spoils of war.
One of those items was a ceremonial block of sandstone upon which Scottish kings had hitherto been inaugurated at Scone Abbey in Perthshire, the last being John Balliol in 1292.
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The Coronation Chair and Stone of Scone.
Constructed in the 1290s on the orders of Edward I, this famous throne recently received its first comprehensive archaeological study.
The results emphasise how the current form of the Stone of Scone can only be understood alongside the evolution of the chair that held it.
Edward I treated the Stone of Scone as a relic and presented it, along with the Scottish crown and sceptre, to the shrine of St Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey on 18 June 1297.
He ordered the construction of a great gilt-bronze chair to incorporate the Stone as its seat.
The chair was cast but was scrapped before it was finished and a new one made of oak, thereby reducing its weight from three-quarters of a ton to one-quarter.
St Edward’s Chair, as it is properly known (‘Coronation Chair’ is a relatively recent naming), was designed as a liturgical furnishing that would stand close to the shrine altar, where it served as a seat for priests officiating at masses.
Opinion is divided as to when the Chair was first used in the coronation ritual, but it was no later than 1399, when Henry IV was crowned.
A manuscript illustration of the coronation of Edward II in 1308, however, shows the king seated in what is almost certainly the Coronation Chair.
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It is an extraordinary fact that, like a surprising number of artefacts and structures of first-rank importance, the Coronation Chair had never been systematically studied and recorded until now.
John Carter’s sketches of 1767 provided the basis for all known drawings but neither he nor any other antiquary recorded how the Chair was constructed or unravelled the vicissitudes of its later history.
Like most ancient artefacts of complex construction, it has undergone fundamental alterations as well as suffered deterioration over the centuries.
In fact, very little has been written about the Chair at all, as opposed to the Stone that it encapsulated.
The Chair has been the subject of a dozen books, scores of articles, Parliamentary debates, a commercial film, theft, hoaxes, and much political posturing.
Myths and misdirection
The Stone has accrued a huge mythology, but that is wholly of Medieval or later invention, as Nick Aitchison demonstrated in his study Scotland’s Stone of Destiny (2000).
The block is made of Lower Old Red Sandstone and has a geological signature that confirms it derives from the Scone Formation.
It did not originate in Egypt, Ireland or the west of Scotland, as the Romantic tales would have led us to believe.
Indeed, the Stone’s spurious biblical connection (as ‘Jacob’s Pillow’ – the stone on which, according to the Book of Genesis, the sleeping Jacob had a vision) was already being ridiculed in 1600 by William Camden.
Much of the Stone’s pseudo-history is of even more recent invention.
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The first archaeologically objective study of the Stone took place in 1996, when it was removed from the Coronation Chair and sent to Edinburgh Castle, where it currently resides on loan from the Crown.
Under the direction of David Breeze and Richard Welander, Historic Scotland carried out a detailed examination, the findings of which were published by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: The Stone of Destiny: artefact and icon (2003).
The Stone’s intimate relationship to the Chair has never been explored, however, resulting in the wholly unwarranted assumption by past commentators that the physical features exhibited by the block today relate to its pre-1296 history in Scotland.
This in turn has given rise to the invention of historical scenarios to explain these features.
Some writers have pronounced the block to be a Roman building stone or part of a pagan altar; others have claimed a Bronze Age or Pictish ancestry.
The iron links and rings that are attached to the two ends of the block have given rise to much comment, as well as claims that they were inserted for the purpose of carrying the Stone from site to site in Scotland, or alternatively for transporting it to London.
Finally, there are the conspiracy theorists who would have us believe that the Stone is fake.
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These contentions can be refuted without exception. When we study the Chair and the Stone as archaeological artefacts, not just individually but jointly, and marry the findings with reliable historical evidence, a clear picture emerges.
The most fundamental misapprehension is that the Stone (as we see it today) was brought from Scone and placed in a made-to-measure compartment under the seat of the Chair, and that it simply sat there for the next 700 years.
In reality, the Chair and the Stone were made for one another, and both have been subjected to significant change over the centuries.
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Made for each other
There is no basis for casting doubt on the authenticity of the Stone of Scone, or for claiming it as a Roman ashlar or a Pictish symbol-stone.
The upper and lower faces are natural bedding planes and are untooled, although the former is well worn through its prolonged use as a seat.
The four vertical edges were all crisply dressed in 1297 to create a close-fitting, rectangular seat for the new Chair.
One of the revelations of the 2010 study was the fact that the Coronation Chair did not have a wooden seat-board until the 16th or 17th century: the Stone itself was the seat.
The Chair frame is made of oak and comprises four corner-posts, and a series of moulded horizontal rails.
The sides of the Chair have upswept arms, which were originally decorated with carved lions.
The joints are mortised-and-tenoned but are inherently weak. The frame gets its structural strength from the lining of thick planks.
Below seat level, the sides are pierced by large quatrefoils – that is, four partially overlapping circles creating a shape akin to a stylised four-leaf clover – each of which originally had a painted heraldic shield at its centre.
By the 1820s, the shields had all been lost, and the quatrefoil grille at the front had gone too.
The gang that stole the Stone in 1950 also smashed the front rail and further weakened the frame. A replacement grille has now been fitted to restore its structural strength.
The Stone of Scone rested in this compartment and could be glimpsed on all sides; its top was fully exposed.
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William Lethaby’s 1906 reconstruction of the gilt figure of a king in the back of the Chair. He is depicted seated on a low throne, with his feet resting on a lion. Only the lower part of this image survives today.
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Externally, the sides and back of the Chair were carved and moulded with Gothic arcades.
The corner-posts too were embellished with blind, pointed – lancet – arches, and surmounted by pinnacles from which decorative foliage or ‘crockets’ sprouted.
No timber was originally visible, though, as the surfaces were entirely covered with decoratively punched gilding and pseudo-enamels.
There were also many pieces of coloured glass inlaid into the carved decoration. These inserts would have carried painted and gilded motifs, similar to those found in profusion on the altarpiece of Henry III known as the Westminster Retable (c. 1270).
Internally, the Chair was uncarved but was covered with gold leaf. It bore finely punched decoration - showing birds, animals, vegetation, and Gothic motifs.
Dominating the centre of the back was the seated figure of a king with his feet resting on a lion, almost certainly Edward the Confessor.
It was the work of Walter of Durham, principal painter to the court of Edward I. Unfortunately, most of this impressive display has been lost over time.
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A detail of the punch-decorated gilding surviving inside the Chair’s left arm, showing birds amid vegetation.
The conservation programme of 2010-2012 was undertaken by Marie Louise Sauerberg, then of the Hamilton Kerr Institute, but now Westminster Abbey’s Senior Conservator.
Her work was key to unlocking the history of the Chair’s decoration, particularly by demonstrating that the all-over gilded appearance was primary.
In the 1950s, it had been suggested that the Chair was initially white in colour, emulating King Solomon’s ivory throne.
Royal pride
Perhaps the most striking aspect of the Coronation Chair today is the gilt plinth on which it is raised, comprising four magnificent lions with Oriental features.
These were fitted in 1727 by the royal furniture-maker for the coronation of George II and replaced an earlier plinth, which also incorporated lions.
That plinth may have been made in 1509 for the coronation of Henry VIII.
Since both lion-plinths were fixed to the Chair frame, the Stone could only be inserted into the seat compartment from above, but this was not the original arrangement.
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Walter of Durham’s exquisite gilt decoration would have been wrecked by manhandling a close-fitting, 3-cwt block of sandstone through the seat compartment.
Every time the Chair was required for a coronation, it had to be taken from the Confessor’s chapel through a narrow doorway, carried down steps, and repositioned in the Abbey.
Four operations were involved in extricating and replacing the Stone.
Almost certainly, the original plinth was a separate construction that rested on the floor. The Stone was placed on it and the Chair lowered over that.
Iron links and rings are attached to the ends of the Stone by staples set into lead plugs.
Various theories about their date and purpose have been advanced, all based on the assumption that they were used for lifting or carrying.
But nobody seems to have noticed that their fixing points are below the Stone’s centre-of-gravity, which means that it would instantly rotate when lifted.
Also, the links are not long enough for the rings to clear the top of the Stone, making it impossible to thread a carrying-pole of adequate diameter through them.
It is now clear that the ironwork was attached to the block in c. 1324-1327, on the instruction of Abbot Curtlyngton, expressly for the purpose of chaining it to the floor of the chapel.
At the time, he was under pressure from Edward III to relinquish the Stone so that it could be used as a bargaining counter with the Scots.
The abbot refused and the chronicler Geoffrey le Baker tells us that ‘the stone was now fixed by iron chains to the floor of Westminster Abbey under the royal throne’.
Since enforced removal of an object gifted to a shrine would have constituted sacrilege, the king backed down.
The 13th-century marble and glass mosaic pavement in the Shrine chapel has been meticulously recorded by David Neal.
During his work, we noticed that a square area to the south of the altar, where the mass priest’s seat would have stood, had been destroyed.
Almost certainly, this marks the place where the pavement was broken through in the 1320s to embed anchors in the floor for the chains that secured the Stone.
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When the Chair was fitted with the first of the lion plinths, a new means of manoeuvring the Stone in and out of the seat compartment had to be found: the only route was from above.
The iron fittings were now pressed into service as lifting devices. Channels were crudely cut into the ends of the Stone so that the links could stand up, rather than hang down, and ropes could be passed through the rings.
The tendency for the unbalanced Stone to rotate was largely mitigated by the links being constrained in channels.
It was a clumsy compromise but it worked, albeit inflicting damage on the gilded interior of the Chair, as the Stone was hauled in and out.
The institutional history of Westminster Abbey in the two decades following its dissolution in 1540 is complex, but remarkably, the shrine of St Edward and the royal tombs survived.
The later 16th century saw a fashion for attaching historical labels (tabulae) to features around the Abbey, including the shrine, tombs and St Edward’s Chair.
These were generally painted either directly on the object or on a board, but in the case of the Chair, it seems that there was initially an intention to insert an inscribed brass plate in the upper face of the Stone.
The rectangular outline for the plate was roughly chiselled. The matrix was never fully cut and the project aborted. A painted label on a board was provided instead.
The change of plan most likely resulted from a decision to fit a timber seat-board over the Stone that had two further consequences.
First, battens had to be fitted to the sides of the Chair to support the seat-board, thereby reducing the size of the Stone compartment opening.
The block had to be shortened, and both ends were cut back by c. 15mm.
Second, the iron rings projected above the top of the Stone, obstructing the fixing of the seat.
To solve this problem, housings were hacked into the top of the Stone, allowing the rings to lie flat.
13th-century survival
Since the late 16th century, travellers and antiquaries have written accounts of the Chair, from which we learn that it suffered casual abuse until Queen Victoria came to the throne.
All the glass inserts were prised out, scores of slices were removed from the frame with pocket-knives and taken as souvenirs, names and initials were liberally carved in the wood, and the shields were stolen from the quatrefoils, exposing the sides of the Stone, which was then scraped with knives to acquire samples of its dust.
Three shallow scoops scored into the front edge result from this activity.
In the 18th century, when the second lion-plinth and new seat-board were fitted, further modifications to both the Chair and Stone occurred.
Although the latter had been shortened, the iron staples to which the rings were attached projected awkwardly, gouging the sides of the Chair every time the Stone was moved.
To ease this, the crowns of the staples were filed down. Something even more barbaric happened between 1727 and 1821: the lower edges of the Stone were broken away with nine hammer-blows.
There is no obvious explanation for this – perhaps the pieces were sold as souvenirs.
Even in more recent times, the Chair has suffered periodically.
In 1887, the Office of Works painted it brown for the celebration of Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee.
A public outcry ensued and great damage was done to the gilt decoration when trying to remove the paint.
In 1914, Suffragettes attached a home-made bomb to one of the Chair’s pinnacles, causing more damage.
In 1939-1945, the Chair was stored in the crypt of Gloucester Cathedral, where it narrowly escaped destruction by an infestation of dry rot.
Finally, as well as vandalising the Chair, the gang that stole the Stone in 1950 dropped it and broke it.
Given this long and varied history, it is perhaps remarkable that the Chair survives at all.
Yet our study makes it clear that, despite having fallen victim to neglect, politics and the whims of fashion, St Edward’s Chair and the Stone of Scone – in the form we know it today – are two components of a single artefact, made in the 1290s.
They have an integrated physical history, and shared archaeology: one cannot be understood without the other.
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aith-art · 7 months
Falloutober 2023 - Day 29
Prompt by @falloutober
Word Count - 1290
Zap. Dana materialised in the doorway of the small crypt. Without a moment to reorientate herself, she sprinted down the small staircase towards Myself and Desdemona. I had been looking over the old maps of the sewage system, the metro tunnels, any form of underground access through Boston. But I’d been drawing nothing but blanks. Desdemona had just lit another cigarette when Dana ran into the other side of the makeshift table. 
“We have a problem.” She was panicked. Instantly I moved round the table, standing at her side to ensure she wasn’t injured. 
“Something wrong with the rebellion?” Desdemona questioned.
“No, Z1’s rebellion is ready to go. It’s- It’s the brotherhood. They’re-” She took a shaky breath, “They’re on their way here.” 
“What, what are you talking about?” She put out the cigarette. Concern flooding her face. 
“The Institute. They- they caught wind of a surprise attack.” 
“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. 
“Take this,” Desdemona handed me a gun, crudly crafted but functional, “Tom made if for you. Sound’s like we’re gonna need it.” Desdemona turned to the rest of HQ, “Everyone else, mobalize. We’ve got Brotherhood incoming.” 
Deacon was at my side. I placed the gun on the table, a nice gesture but too heavy for my style. While people rushed to defensive positions I turned to Dana. 
“Are you alright?” I asked in a hushed tone. 
She gave me a nod. A sight tremmer in her body. 
Desdemona was still giving orders when the foundations shook. 
Gunfire erupted from the alternate exit. Drawing my shotgun from my back, I openned fire. 
Their power armour did little against the modified shotgun, but enough to recoil some of the shrapnel. Pain shot through my left side. Something had bounced back at me. 
Through the pain I kept firing. The soldiers falling heavily. Our safe exit no long a viable option. Deacon watched as I pulled some bandages from my bag. Quickly and crudely I put pressure on the wound. I had no time to worry the quality of my bandaging. Deacon said nothing as I turned back to Desdemona. 
“We’re cut off.” She stated. “The catacombs are now our only way out. Glory was guarding the entrance, but she may already be overwhelmed by the Brotherhood.” 
Dana, now alert to the reality of the situation, stated “No one died yet.” 
“We’ve been lucky so far.” I added. 
“Your warning saved us. Thank God for that.” Her tone changed. “You and the others go help Glory. Win that fight or we’re all dead.” 
I nodded. She was right. 
Running ahead of the others, I made it into the catacombs. Bodies littered the floor. Brotherhood members. Across the room I saw her, Glory. Hands held tight to her stomach. Dana and Deacon entered the room as I jumped down, clearing the space between myself and Glory in a second despite the dull throb in my own side. 
“None of them got past me.” She winced, “Damn… that stings… Listen.” She grasped my arm. “The Railroad’s always sitting on it’s hands… Ahh…” I tried to get closer, examine the wound but she wouldn’t let me. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened.” Her grip on my arm tightened. “Promise me you’ll free them. All of them.”
“I’m not gonna let you die on me Glory.”
“How bad is it?” A small voice came from behind. Dana, rounding the corner and standing beside me. 
Deacon piped up from behind me. “... Not Good, kid.” 
“No escape, this time…” Her breathing was becoming more and more unstable. 
“You’ll make it through. You’ve got to.” 
Dana knelt down beside her, giving her a hug. “Please don’t die.” She whispered. Before stepping back. 
Glory looked up at me, still gripping my arm. “I need you to promise me.” 
“I promise.” 
“I know my word is worth Jack, but. I promise to, Glory.” 
She smiled, released my hand, “Isn’t there… supposed to be a light.” 
She slumped. The room seemed somehow colder. I closed her eyes. We had to keep moving. 
Dragging myself from the floor, taking a sharp inhale through my teeth, I dusted myself off. Prepared to keep moving and for a moment removing all pain I had for killing members of the Brotherhood. 
The hidden entrance exploded. The only way out was to fight. 
Systematically Deacon, Dana, and I worked our way through the catacombs, taking out every soldier we could find. I through a pulse grenade down the tunnel, short circuiting the suits of power armour and allowing for Deacon and Dana to make short work of the men. 
Powering through the evergrowing pain in my side, we made it into the Church. Four soldiers in power armour had taken posts throughout the pews and upon the balcony. Atleast one would have a minigun. I just couldn’t tell which until gunfire rained down on us from the broken pews. 
“You two stay here. Pick off the fuckers on the balcony. I’ll try to swing around the room and get the minigun off of you.” They nodded. With a deep breath I ran. 
I dived behind the broken pews that filled the centre of the church, moving swiftly behind the pillar for better cover. The minigun followed my movements as Dana and Deacon picked off of the two men on the balcony. When the guy holding the minigun bgan to reload, I ducked from cover, threw the last of my pulse grenades then unloaded a magazine’s worth of 12 guage into his power armour. He fell. The last man standing was shot from the enterence to the catacombs. Dana stood there with a smoking magnum. 
Desdemona appeared from behind them. Releasing a shaky breath I made my way over, hand openly grasping at my shrapnel wound. 
“You’ve killed the last of them. And you’re still standing. I wish the same could be said for Glory.” She shook her head. “No time for that, though. The Brotherhood underestimate us. Badly. Their next attack will be far, far worse.” I nodded in agreement. I knew how bad an all out frontal assault from the Brotherhood could be. It had wiped the Enclave off the East Coast with the Brotherhood at only a fraction of their current power. 
As Desdemona kept talking to Dana and Deacon. I shrunk away from the conversation. I knew I should be listening, but I needed to get some fresh air. Before anyone could notice, I had left the old church gripping my wound and letting my guard down. 
I found a ledge. Somewhere quiet but still close enough that once I’d tended to my wound I could go back. Glory should not have died. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised it was what she wanted. She would have never accepted a death outside of combat. It had been all she’d known outside the Institute. 
Cleaning my wound, I wondered weather I’d accept death like that. Not knowing if the very thing I’d give my life for would come to fruition. But I wouldn’t. I hadn’t. I should have died six years ago in a graveyard in the Mojave. But here I sat. Tending to a wound similar to that which had just killed somebody. What kind of cosmic bad luck must I have to have survived these things that should have killed me while I watch everyone I care for die around me. 
My head had been flooded with questions. Questions I had been asking for the last six years and gotten nowhere with the answers. 
An electric Zap came from behind me. 
Before I could turn and greet whom I had assumed was Dana. Something hit me over the head. 
Everything faded to black.
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kaidano · 1 year
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Prompted to draw me my KTM 1290 SAS `2018 in urban jungle
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hpdrizzle · 2 years
DRIZZLE FIC: Falling on My Head Like a Memory
Title: Falling on My Head Like a Memory Author/Artist: @drwhoisginnyholmes Prompt: # 10: They like to play outside whenever there is a storm outside. Pairing(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Word Count/Art Medium: 1290 Rating: T Any content you should be warned for: Referenced child abuse, emotional trauma. Teen for mentions of violence. Summary: Harry never minded the rain and storms, he used them as an escape from the Dursleys. It was the only time he has felt anything and he continued it when things got overwhelming at Hogwarts too. He had managed to keep it a secret until now, but he didn't mind that it was Draco that found him.
(Falling on My Head Like a Memory)  
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ao3-saiki-updates · 1 year
D a y c o r e
D a y c o r e by Ixlo
Saiki has a passion of making music, so he writes about his crush.
Prompt: “Saiko has to find out why Kokomi likes that pink haired peasant so much. Sure, he's aloof with a cute face, and, yeah, there is something about him that draws people in. He can even stay calm during something like a ship wreck. Not to mention his kissable li- oh.” Prompt from: User CrimsonFoxx443 https://archiveofourown.org/users/CrimsonFoxx443/pseuds/CrimsonFoxx443
Words: 1290, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Saiko Metori, Saiki Kusuo, Nendou Riki, Kaidou Shun, Teruhashi Kokomi
Relationships: Saiki Kusuo/Saiko Metori
Additional Tags: Boys Kissing, Kissing, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, im really tired, i wrote this in one sitting, Love Confessions, Confessions, underrated ship, Rarepair, Singer AU, saikis a secret singer, theyre just really cute, i love saiko so much honestly, hes just so underrated, Prompt Fill, Prompt Fic, I cant think of anymore tags, Oneshot, Short One Shot, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, its just fluff man
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/27322012
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years
A Soulmate or Two
A Soulmate or Two https://ift.tt/0q42BLK by Jadezdominion Three years of constant thoughts and dreams about two Wizards in particular have been plaguing Hermione. Why can't she get Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott out of her head? There is only one way to find out. Day 3 Drabble for the Potion or Poison: Kinktober Fest, hosted by the Restricted Section: Multi + Triads. Prompt: Soulmates or Bondage. I went w/ Soulmates … Obviously. *wink* Words: 1290, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott Additional Tags: Kinktober, Drabble, Soulmates, Bisexual Draco Malfoy, Bisexual Theodore Nott, Soul Bond, Dreams, Books, Flourish and Blotts, Good Friend Harry Potter, Fluff and Smut, Birthmarks, POV Hermione Granger, Adult Content, Kissing, Threesome - F/M/M via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/Jx32oGh October 04, 2022 at 03:46PM
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vipinmishra · 23 days
Pesticide Residue Testing Market: Rising Popularity of Organic Products Drives Growth
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Rising popularity of organic products and high consumption rates of fruits & vegetables is expected to drive the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market growth in the forecast period, 2025-2029
According to TechSci Research report, “Pesticide Residue Testing Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2029”, the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market stood at USD 1.21 Billion in 2023 and is anticipated to grow with a CAGR of 6.75% in the forecast period, 2025-2029. Several key drivers are propelling the growth of the global pesticide residue testing market. Foremost among these is the increasing global demand for organic foods, which necessitates rigorous pesticide residue testing to ensure compliance with organic certification standards.
In addition, regulatory bodies worldwide are tightening food safety standards and increasing their scrutiny of food products for pesticide residues, further driving the demand for testing. Technological advancements in testing methods and equipment are also making these tests more accurate and efficient, contributing to the market's growth. Rising consumer awareness about food safety and the potential health impacts of pesticide residues is prompting food producers and processors to invest more heavily in pesticide residue testing, to maintain consumer trust and brand reputation.
The global pesticide residue testing market is characterized as a dynamic and rapidly evolving industry. It is driven by increasing concerns regarding food safety, stringent regulations, and growing consumer awareness about the detrimental effects of pesticide residues. As a result, the market exhibits robust growth potential. Advancements in testing technologies and the implementation of rigorous food safety standards worldwide further amplify this expansion.
The market's growth is primarily propelled by the escalating need for food safety worldwide. With an increasing focus on health consciousness, fresh food and vegetables have observed a continuous rise in market share. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), access to sufficient quantities of safe and nourishing food is crucial for sustaining life and promoting good health. Contaminated food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemical chemicals can lead to over 200 different diseases, ranging from diarrhea to malignancies. Unsafe food contributes to a vicious cycle of sickness and hunger, disproportionately affecting young children, the elderly, the sick, and infants. Consequently, the demand for the market has emerged. Additionally, government monitoring initiatives and increased pesticide and herbicide application further stimulate market growth.
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Furthermore, the market's expansion is bolstered by favorable support provided by government and regulatory authorities to promote the testing of hazardous chemicals in food products. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) serves as the regulatory authority responsible for assessing consumer safety based on pesticide toxicity. The EFSA establishes legislation that encompasses pesticides currently or previously used in agriculture within or outside the European Union. On July 22, 2022, the EU revised its regulations pertaining to the highest acceptable levels of pesticide residues in certain foods. Regulation (EU)2022/1290 specifically addressed changes in the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) for active substances such as nicotine, profenofos, chlormequat, dodine, and ametoctradine, as well as Spodoptera exigua multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeMNPV) isolate BV-0004 in food. The market is anticipated to witness substantial growth in the coming years due to ongoing technological advancements.
For instance, in June 2022, researchers from Sweden's Karolinska Institute developed a sensor capable of rapidly identifying pesticides on fruit. Companies are utilizing new technologies such as sensors to ensure accurate pesticide testing. Inadequate food control infrastructure and resources in developing countries serve as the primary hindrances to market growth. However, challenges such as inadequate infrastructure in developing nations and the high cost of testing procedures pose obstacles to market development. Nevertheless, the market is expected to progress due to escalating investments in research and development and the rising export of food products from developing countries.
The Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market is segmented into type, technology, class, food tested, regional distribution, and company
Based on technology, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) has emerged as the dominant technique in the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market. With its exceptional capability to effectively separate, accurately identify, and precisely quantitate dissolved compounds, HPLC has become the highly preferred method for pesticide residue testing. The unparalleled precision and efficacy of HPLC, coupled with its versatile application range spanning across various industries, have contributed significantly to its unrivaled dominance in the market. Researchers and analysts alike rely on HPLC to obtain comprehensive and in-depth insights into pesticide residues, ensuring the safety and quality of agricultural products and environmental samples.
Based on region, North America is leading the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market, primarily due to its strict adherence to stringent safety standards and regulations set by governments and health organizations. These standards demand comprehensive and thorough screening for pesticide residues in food products, ensuring utmost consumer safety. Moreover, the region's continuous advancements in testing technologies have greatly contributed to more precise and efficient testing procedures. With a well-established agricultural sector, North America has been able to leverage its infrastructure and expertise to implement robust testing protocols.
In addition, heightened consumer awareness about food safety in the region has played a pivotal role in market growth. As consumers become more conscious about the quality and safety of the products they consume, producers are driven to meet these expectations by ensuring high-quality, contaminant-free food offerings. The combination of stringent regulations, technological advancements, a well-established agricultural sector, and increasing consumer awareness has positioned North America at the forefront of the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market, setting a benchmark for other regions to follow.
Major companies operating in Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market are:
Eurofins Scientific SE
Bureau Veritas S.A.
Mettler Toledo
Intertek Group PLC,
Silliker, Inc.
ALS Limited
Asurequality Ltd.
SCS Global Services
Microbac Laboratories Inc.
Download Free Sample Report https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=2638
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report
“The future of the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market appears promising, with expectations of significant growth. As consumers worldwide become progressively more conscious of food safety and the potential risks associated with pesticide residues, the demand for thorough and reliable testing is likely to surge. This increased demand is further compounded by the implementation of stringent regulations enacted by governments to ensure the safety and quality of food products.
Furthermore, advancements in technology and analytical methods will enable quicker and more efficient testing, allowing for a more comprehensive assessment of pesticide residues in various food commodities. These developments not only address the concerns of consumers but also assist regulators and industry stakeholders in making informed decisions and implementing appropriate risk management strategies. As a result, the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market is expected to witness sustained growth and contribute significantly to ensuring the safety and integrity of the global food supply chain.,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research-based management consulting firm.
“Pesticide Residue Testing Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2019-2029 Segmented By Type (Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides & Others), By Technology (Single Residue Method, Multiple Residue Method, LC-MS/GC-MS, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography and Others), By Class (Organochlorines, Oganophosphates, Organonitrogens, Carbamates and Others), By Food Tested (Meat & Poultry, Dairy Products, Processed Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Cereals, Grains & Pulses and Others), By Region and Competition”, has evaluated the future growth potential of Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market.
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Dan Alexander
Senior editor at Forbes, covering Donald Trump's business
Dec 7, 2022,
A New York jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud Tuesday, setting up Donald Trump’s company to pay a fine of $1.62 million or less—pennies for an operation that generates more than $500 million of annual revenue. The conviction could inflict real pain on Trump’s business if it prompts lenders to abandon their controversial client or demand higher interest rates in the future. But as of now, Trump’s largest lenders do not seem ready to walk away.
Forbes reached out to ten individuals and institutions who have helped give Trump money over the years. Current creditors were not in the mood to talk about the conviction. “Axos has no comment on this,” said a spokesperson for Axos Bank, which refinanced two Trump properties—Trump Tower in New York City and Trump National Doral in Miami—while the Trump Organization was under indictment, handing the former president $225 million and becoming his most important lender in the process.
“I got nothing to talk to you about,” said Ladder Capital CEO Brian Harris, before hanging up the phone. Trump still owes $146 million against three New York City properties that Ladder Capital helped finance: 40 Wall Street, Trump Plaza and the Trump International Hotel & Tower.
“We will decline to comment,” said a spokesperson for JPMorgan Chase, which worked to refinance $2.15 billion of debt over the last two years against New York’s 1290 Avenue of the Americas and San Francisco’s 555 California Street, properties in which the former president holds a 30% interest alongside publicly traded Vornado Realty Trust.
“We do not comment on current or former clients,” said a spokesperson for Deutsche Bank, which has been exiting its relationship with Trump but still holds $45 million of debt connected to his property in Chicago, set to mature in 2024.
Three people who helped finance Trump projects long ago were more willing to share their thoughts. “If I were a lender and this were on their record, and I knew nothing about them, I’d say I’d rather lend to companies that don’t have this on their record,” said Mike Offit, who formerly worked with Trump at Deutsche Bank, adding that he believed the former president had been subject to unfair levels of scrutiny and actually owned a relatively clean business.
Another person who previously loaned to Trump said the conviction might affect the type of loans that Trump’s companies are able to secure in the future. “I can’t imagine that anybody is going to depend on his personal guarantees,” said the former lender, who asked to speak anonymously.
A third person, who also did not want to speak on the record, said he expects that Trump will have trouble getting loans from the sorts of A-list banks with which he used to work. “That would be a nonstarter,” he said. “It would be a ding on me if I even brought in that deal.” Instead, he predicted that Trump will have to resort to nontraditional financing. “Smaller, no-name banks,” he said, “and then all those other foreign banks. I’m even wondering about the Middle Eastern banks.”
Skeptics have long questioned Trump’s ability to secure financing, given his history. Trump’s airline defaulted on its loans in 1990, a New York hotel declared bankruptcy in 1992, his Atlantic City casinos filed for bankruptcy five times in the 1990s and 2000s, his Chicago tower defaulted on its debt in 2008, he allegedly lied to financial institutions about his finances from 2011 to 2021, and his supporters violently took over the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, prompting multiple lenders to quickly distance themselves. Still, Trump has always managed to find more financing. In the last two years, his business has reworked nearly $1 billion of debt. Even if Trump’s key creditors are unnerved by Tuesday’s conviction—which seems unlikely, given that they offered loans while his company was under indictment—Trump should be able to find another option, according to one of the former financiers. “There’s probably always that lender of last resort out there.”
Representatives of the Trump Organization did not answer an inquiry about how the conviction might affect the business, instead responding with a statement that pinned the crimes on Trump’s former chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg. “Mr. Weisselberg testified under oath that he ‘betrayed’ the trust the company had placed in him and that he, at all times, acted ‘solely’ for his ‘own personal gain’ and out of his ‘own personal greed,’” the spokesperson said in a statement. “The notion that a company could be held responsible for an employee’s actions, to benefit themselves, on their own personal tax returns, is simply preposterous.”
District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whose office prosecuted the case, offered a different explanation. “This was a case about greed and cheating,” he said in a statement. “For 13 years, the Trump Corp. and the Trump Payroll Corp. got away with a scheme that awarded high-level executives with lavish perks and compensation while intentionally concealing the benefits from the taxing authorities to avoid paying taxes.”
Susan Necheles, a lawyer for the Trump Corp., said the business planned to appeal the verdict.
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