#rAcHeL oNlY tOLd HiM cAuSe ShE wAnTeD tO bReAk tHeM uP
Not to talk about Glee in the year of our Lord 2023 but it was literally so fucked up that like everyone knew Quinn was lying to Finn about the baby and just like ??? said NOTHING???
And then they actively tried to keep Rachel from knowing cause they knew she'd tell him????? And acted like shewas the bad guy for exposing her?? Like bro he was 16 years old and his life would have literally been ruined. Like that was absolutely so fucked up and they're lucky as hell he talked to them after that shit.
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hero-next-door · 2 months
Defending Nathan
(From Every Accusation)
All fact proven & common sense theory
No bullshit.
I suck at grammar. Deal with it.
I've replayed the game far too many times to gather this. I read into everything and even read into and WATCHED people who have suffered the same mental illness and situations Nathan has been in.
What I'll be covering:
Illness, rib breaking, dead animals, bdsm, Chloes pic, Rachel, gun on campus, Kate, Pompidou, Jefferson, wealth and his father.
And dont even THINK about skiping ahead!
Everything here is tied into one another. Read from start to finish. You're on this post to understand right? Or to argue? Im not here to argue so, bye.
Lets start from the top...
Nathans downfall was caused by society and all who failed him. He's driven by hatred of others who don't understand him and the game purposly wrote him off that way. They want players to hate him from what sides of the stories we've experienced. They gave this character controversial hobbies and a cynical bully attitude to really keep you suspecting him and not guessing Jefferson. The game isn't about Nathan. Its about Max. We learn so much about Max and everyone close to her. The tears they shed, the pains they've endorsed. Same with Chloe and Rachel's story. My heart goes out to all of them. We don't get to see that with other characters, therefore we don't care for them...or that's the games intentions. We don't know the ins and outs of Nathan. Only what the game shows us which are all negative. So of course disliking Nathan is only reasonable.
Mental Illness
We start with mental illness. He has Psychosis. Lots of proof, but i'm assuming you've seen it all already. Do people know what Psychosis is? Like do they REALLY know what it is? Because this ALONE changes everything. And not Psychopathy ..Psychosis. Two different things pookie. Psychopathy is the one where part of the brain is missing or disturbed. THEY'RE the ones that don't have empathy. Psychosis is different. Anybody can get it. This illness can take your empathy and awarness away then bring it all back after the harm is done, leaving you to process that. Schizo and Bipolar are also all quite a handful to deal with too. Loud Noises/downgrading voices in your head SO LOUD that people will do anything to calm them. (Dont be shy, youtube: "28- Psychotic Episode" by Collège d'Alma) The feeling of loosing your mind is something I notice a lot of haters dont empathize on especially if they killed or hurt sombody. The brain slips into a state so disconnected that interviews with recovering patients I've seen describe it as confusing and scary and dont recall saying the stories they told and actions they did others. Imagine not being able to remember the hurtful things you've said and done. Imagine being told you killed sombody...with your own hands? And you can hardly remember what happened. Like... how would you react? Think about it. Anybody can get psychosis with enough trauma or a kick in the noggin. Some people that were interviewed that had psychosis said that they found relief when getting high or drunk. Little did they know the symptoms could bounce back up to 5x during withdraw. But they were so desperate to get rid of the voices they abused the drugs. Like....wow the game really did their research to create such a complicated character. Anyway..moving on.
Now lets break down everything else...
Shooting Chloe
Just rewatch it. Aims gun, Chloe pushes him, it tightens grip, ACCIDENTLY shoots her, immediately drops gun and gets really scared of he's done, checking to see if shes alive! If you specifically rewatch the ending of Lis1 when Chloe gets shot, they extend his reaction. He goes back and forth checking her body. If he wanted to kill her, you check pulse then run. Not sticking around crying about it. There's your empathy you're all saying he doesnt have. Other times where he could have showed more empathy ties with his Psychosis. Some people with the illness said that the voices loudly in their head will convince them that everyone around you is your enemy. Everyone is after you. It can twist your brain to feel anger and fear towards others. Nathan is always hung up on how everyone is using him and trying to control him. Which people ..DO use him. So now hes convinced that everyone is. He's not choosing to feel this way. He just needs psychiatric help.
Breaking Ribs
In Before The Storm his entire demeanor is completely different than the Lis 1. He's more cowardly and not loud and aggressive. We'll be mentioning his creepy "pervy" binder, later. Nathan isn't violent until the end IF you let Nathan get bullied and push his life the negative direction. Sure its not Chloe's responsibility but this is the game's way of showing you his downfall. We need to remember the game hides scenes and expect you to make up what happened behind the scenes. He broke Samantha's ribs over ..what? Shes always so desperate to defend Nathan and even gets upset with Chloe when she doesn't help. So if you tell her the wrong option to pressure kindness into Nathan it results in him breaking ribs. How though? Haters immediately hop on and say cause hes a mean and abusive non-empathic nut head. You sure he didnt just push her away and her clumsiness just fell over? This took place after the play...so he possibly...pushed her off... 😰 She did say she was clumsy. You don't think she wouldnt have tried to hug or touch him in anyway. Ok ok...calm down... lets take a step back.. You get this "breaking ribs" ending from letting Nathan get bullied and embarrass himself during the play that his father pressured him about! Adding a little "..fuck you.." to the audience. Showing his start to his villian career and the start of him hating everyone and you tell Samantha to go hug him!? This is the start of his mental spiral if you let things play out this way. But hurting her with intention? No. Lets tie this in with the other endings to their relationship. You get the clumsy ending. She hurts herself differently and Nathan is with her in the hospital. Saying how he feels bad that she got hurt. (empathy bell) And they continue yo talk about her photo or whatever. Tie this with the rib one, tie this with the Chloe getting shot incident and tie this with his mental illness. Come on do i gotta spell it out for you.. Hurting someone is not what he attends to do. Like he quotes in his voice mail. (Speaking of that voice mail, empathy bell.) He does get angry at Samantha and hurts her and we as players dont know the full story. But what was playing in his head seconds before and the entirety of the game that lead up to this IS the reason why he accidentally hurts her. His anger from the entire game waa built up and unfortunately released on her. Whatever happened, breaking her ribs was not on his todo list! And then we have.. The good ending. Him sitting beside her smiling. Oh wait! Hes a little psycho with no human emotion? Psychosis has all parts of the brain attached, pookie. For most cases, It can be cured and helped. I can get it, YOU can get it. He has human emotions when he is at his very rare peaceful moments like with this good ending, when with Victoria ig and other scenes we tend to forget. Because painting him as the villian was the games goal. Jefferson was the plot twist.
Daddy Issues, Smug talk and a Gun on campus
Simple guys. Simple. You represent this school. You represent our name. This is a legacy. You will not embarrass me. This isn't about you or your problems!
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Sure YOU wouldn't crumble under that pressure but Nathan sure did. Sure child abuse isn't an excuse to "kill" people. But is it the child's fault? Sean-beanbag prescott should be arrested for not taking his boy to the asylum. Instead he argues with a doctor!? Goofy bro. But so many people are fueled with anger towards Nathan Instead. Its whatever. Prescott literally being his name was already a red flag to other characters and chose to hate and bully him over it. Drew hated for what his FATHER did. Nathan did ..what again? Notice how that "rich Malfoy talk" wasnt really present in Before The Storm. Sure he tried to burn Drew with a family financial situation insult but the "Im rich, my father owns everything, I got a lawyer, money this and that" wasn't in his character in the Before the Storm. I believe being a prescott wasn't really in his future goals and he wasnt ever really passionate about it. Its all in the annoyance in his tone with his father before the play. Lis1 he uses it so oftenly to show that hes the boss and in control. Hes Influenced by representation for his family/school, wealth, intimidation, and of course hatred and believing everyone hates him. In his mind everyone is against him, after him and wanting to use him. Again, he doesn't choose to think this way. Let me explain my last sentence clearly though. Imagine being surrounded by a ton of people. All their attention is on you. They hate who you are. They talk about you. You have a defensless stomach sinking feeling and scared because all these people surrounding you, are looking at you and all your insecurities and laughing at you. Well..obviously some of that is not going on in reality. But to Nathan, that IS his reality and he has no control over it. Anyways I shouldn't have to keep explaining mental illness and how it stresses the brain. Bottom line is, His status and waving a gun around is what he thinks keep others out of his head. He can barley throw a punch. He had to use his head on warren and did you catch when Max hit him in that scene? Dude was literally holding onto his face like he'd been battered. Like she did NOT hit that hard lmao. He's weak. He's always been the same tiny Nathan from before the storm. Just now he uses masks for intimidation to stop his bullies and anyone he thinks is "after him." He never meant to use a gun on anybody, just a threat. During the second scene where warren reunited a head butt with Nathan.. If you pull off warren, he barley even aims the gun when he ran away towards his room. Cowardly. He feels that he has to, to protect himself. He also uses his father as a threat, but clearly that never worked. Also notice him crying when you let Warren get crazy on him? Dudes apologizing and sobing? Guess thats not his first rodeo, rip.
BDSM and Dead Animals
Ok..so hes a little frisky. Y'all need to remember this is a fictional game first, okay? Lol Anyway, I can't defend him much here but I got something. Firstly, the game WANTS you to suspect Nathan. Can't keep his room pretty and pink, they have to make it freaky and spooky. They paint Nathan as the villian for you to only focus on him as a suspect. So that everyones jaws are dropped with Jefferson twirls in.
Well start with the dead animals so you can skip the BDSM part if you want.
There is no proof he hurt animals. Thats not really like him. He does have a list of illness but Psychopathy isn't one of them. Y'all can keep yappin but its not. Clearly NOT one of them. He could have hurt an animal during an unaware episode, but there will not be any awareness behind it. Anyways, there are plenty of artists that do the same thing. Nathan is very passionate about photography and protraying solitary but not in the same way Jefferson does. Jefferson certainly uses that manipulation but we'll get to that later. There are artists that like to shine on death in positive light and in sorrow. There's also beauty in anatomy. Not my cup of tea but someone close to me can name me all kinds of gross organs and would be down to disect any animal. Yuck. But to them.. its fascinating and they are the greatest person in my life. In love and in empathy. (NOT comparing my pookie to Nathan, PAUSE.) In anatomy theres Education and surprise. Death is also a theme and style too. Skulls and gore, super "rad" fukin "knarly."
BDSM Skip to next part if needed
Finally...defending BDSM? This can bring trauma to those who have experienced it negativly or view it negativly. So skip to the Frank defense or read more if you want.
Bdsm relationships are very controversial. Some people see it as unhealthy, abusive and sick. But if you have talked to or listened to other people within these relationships they state that its completely consensual, safe, harmless, a breach of deep trust with their partners and simply a fetish or kink. The goal is to have fun at your limit..not pass the limit. There are twisted people who have broke that barrier and made it not fun and abusive. Thats were I can't argue. If you feel that way towards the topic, I completly empathize with you.
Nathan has shown in his other photos a black and white theme of solitary. And you can tell that he might have took those bdsm photos himself. As the quality is almost like the Pompidou photo. Everyone blends him taking bdsm photos with is angry behavior and "non empathic" demeanor. But this is where I loop back to Before The Storm hugging-my-binder Nathan. Its shown that in one of his endings he took photos of Samantha. Obviously NOT bdsm photos, his binder was a school project. But Samantha obviously consented and Nathan was passionate enough to show her. He sees them as art. Naked girls have been models for sculptures and paintings. Its beauty. Thats IF she was naked in some way in those photos. Which I still doubt. School project. Im sure the photos were gentle and strange and misunderstood and Drew was just in his bully era. His reaction would have been a lot more eye opening if he had a face full of tits or straps. Nathan begged for his binder back and even nervously reacted showing he had love for his work and 'took time with it' (as he quotes when Drew throws it). I bring this up here to show that the women in his photos were indeed given consent and if hes passionate about depicting his art, hurting them wouldn't be on his agenda. As we all learned today that hurting people was never his intentions, until drugs and illness met with pressure and intimidation clouds his brain.
I read up on other artists that painted things similar. In their paintings they expressed dread, vulnerability, feeling traped and ..feeling used. If Nathan did find the images he took arousing, then why would he hang them up like everything else in his room like art? I believe that they're depicted in an artful way and in its black and white shading brings a sad darkness. If its anything like the painters I mentioned, maybe Nathan has a deep level of empathy we don't understand.
Frank and Pompidou
I didn't even know he took a picture of Franks hurt dog in the road because you little freaks threw his treat in the street!? This will also tie in to chloes pic but we'll get to that. Frank first, as its pretty simple. Nathan runs some system with frank. And its pretty obvious its the same thing Drew was doing in Before the storm. Nathan clearly doesn't like it as he finds it controling but getting his hands on drugs is a great way to forget his flaws and calm his illness symptoms. Which only created a loop of his symptoms worsening, as talked about before. His illness is very active towards the end of Before the Storm. You can tell by his huge character difference that drugs only made it worse.
Pompidou is a good dog but just remember he's not the one who hurt him. This ties in with what we explained in the dead animal phase. The Imagine is black and white. Its a strange art most people don't understand. Man, I don't even understand it. But these people aren't heartless and they're simply expressing pain. Or..he took it for the same reason he took Chloes pic. To feel that hes in control, thinking this will help his mental reality of thinking everyone can use him, as explained earlier. But i doubt it. One is in color and Pompidou is not. One is misguided and one is "art."
Jefferson, Rachel, Kate, Chloes pic
If i see one more person throw him in the same trash bin as Jefferson im going to puke. Anyway I've twisted my head around this story so many times, begging to see the bigger picture. No pun attended. Jefferson was pulling the strings all along ..you know that right? If Nathan was never there, Jefferson would have still done his disgusting projects. He certainly brought Victoria over without Nathan's usage. He didn't need Nathan, Nathan just made it easier cause he can easily be manipulated. Making Nathan do it all so the consequences will fall on him. Jefferson is smart and knows the right words to say. Nathan is missing the kindness of a father figure, all he has to do is play with his feelings. Nathan falls too easily to kindness. He felt the kindness of Samantha during the good ending and He felt the kindness from Victoria..but Victoria toxic bully nature wasn't helping. Bottom line is Jefferson easily manipulated him and understood his mental reality and used that against him. Adding thoughts into Nathans head. Jefferson learned to use Nathan's illness to his advantage. Nathan trusted Jefferson as did everyone in that school did. Why on earth would Jefferson wrong him? He looked up to him so when Jefferson slowly brought him into his plans of drugging girls, Nathan thought that it was all ..moral. In reality you and I know obviously thats not okay but to Nathan (and his severe illness) he trusted Jefferson was doing no wrong. We don't understand the mental strain he was under, manipulation goes a long way. Heres how he did it. He probaby said things like 'We are the same Nathan, this is art just like yours.' It starts small, Nathan gets him the drugs. Then he pulls him in, Nathan start drugging the girls for me. Start driving them here. Start helping me inside the dark room. Start helping me inject my victims. Jefferson had so much power over him. He was connected with his father. He can threaten his grade, his representation and his future in art. He knew all the right things to say and do. He knew how his head worked. Clog him up with drugs, keep him quiet. Heal his missing father needs and demand him for your needs. Does this not make Nathan a victim too?
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Then ...the Rachel incident happened. Nathan was NOT mentally aware of what he's done. The excited "Rachel!" when he saw Max at the diner clearly shows that he truly expected her to pull up. This mixes with the symptoms we've discussed. He only remembers bits and pieces as obviously it was beyond traumatizing. Sending him in an insane spiral and the infamous psychosis drawing. (Don't be afraid, google psychosis drawings. Damn. Just imagine you recovered from psychosis and laying eyes on that and not remembering you drew that..ugh...I'd cry.) Someone with Psychopathy wouldnt feel traumatized from such events, debunking the fact everyone thinks Nathan has Psychopathy. He doesn't have Psychopathy, he has psychosis. Moving on. Jefferson was certainly angry with him and drugged Nathan himself after the incident which really helped Nathan to forget what he's done. But Jefferson's anger and not talking to him tore him apart. His emotional attachment clearly wasn't having it. The note he wrote Jefferson in desperate attempt to bring him back after ruining Jefferson plans goes to show just how much he wants that sense of being cared for. If only it was someone else that wasnt Jefferson ..or his dad can do is fucking job too.
Alcohol was certainly a great method of forgetting what he did. So then comes Chloes interaction with him. We know the story. He did not SA her, I can say that right here and now. Nothing like that was behind this. You can tell by the way Chloe presented the story to Max, there wasn't an uncomfortable tone to her story. She didn't seem traumatized but more shocked and "it was pretty crazy." She also wasn't drugged for that long, she woke up very soon, fully clothed. What obviously happened is that Nathan used this to feel in control like mentioned way above. Drugs and Psychosis is no joke. Who knows what hell is playing in his mind but I unfortunately believe that this was to try to win back Jefferson. He had been angry at him and ignoring him and even tho he hates drugging, his confusion and drunk state led him to this. He's cowardly and his mind is slipping and tries to do what he thinks is right for him. He's misguided and lead down the wrong path.
Nathan did not SA Kate! Kate story breaks my heart into a million pieces but if she was SA-ed, it wasn't Nathan. After everything I said above you can tell that, that isnt in his character. But here I want bring up the voicemail. Nathan claims multiple times that he never wanted to hurt anybody, implying that he felt forced to do harm. Something he DID NOT want to do. Why on earth would anybody have felt forced to SA somebody!? I'm not saying Kate WASN'T SA-ed as I can only assume maybe the boys she was shown with in the video did something or Jefferson. Victoria was Kates bully!!! Nathan wanted to be liked by Victoria and was influenced by her nature. He's desperate for attention and kindness. Victoria did far more to hurt Kate and her reason as to why was shit. You go THAT FAR to one up your photography game. Girl, bye. She spread that video and she still has empathy too? Her regretting everything? Did she reallyy regret? Or she wanted to make herself look good for her representation? She showed regret via text message in Before The Storm too? She doesn't have a mental illness but the game gave her an act of forgiveness and used her as a victim so the audience will sympathize with her. Goes to show you the game controls what they want you to feel. If they were to do that with Nathan..would opinons be different? Taking us into his mind and how he sees the world around him. They could have..but didnt. Well.. We have the voicemail but obviously that didnt stop the haters. It's unfortunate. But the game gave me just enough little clues for me to shine light on in this post. They put so much into his character but never showed the audience the truth.
What we've learned today is that Nathan isn't the villian you think. He's been manipulated, used and needs mental help but im sure my old Nathan-defending friends have said this time and time again. Im here to add something....
Its been PROVEN that he's capable of all human emotions, you just refuse to believe it because you're mistaking his illness and claiming all of this was intentional. Psychosis can be temporary. Its a like a hand that steals your common sense, feelings, empathy, sympathy and you're only left with acting on pure chaos and negative or fearful emotions. After long treatment your sense of reality returns, your feelings, your empathy, your sympathy.. And all you have now is guilt and regret and self blame that you hurt somebody. If you let Nathan kill Chloe, he is arrested. He had doctors aware of his illness and would have been charged with illness in mind. Forcing the treatment he needed ages ago. By the time Lis 2 came out...I wonder how he's taking it all in? What he did to everyone, what he did to Rachel.
He was written off to die, be locked up and blamed. Unfortunately he was caught in the crossfires of the harm of our favorite characters. If he was born in a different family and away from Jeff, he would have never hurt anybody. Matter a fact, he would never have suffered with his listed mental illnesses.
This goes out to all real accidental murder cases. There will always be a great divide in opinions. I hate comparing fictional games with real life but I find it crazy that we call others nonempathtic when they aren't empathic themselves. Its like the word "accidental" is worthless.
Its always a debate..
Do we feel bad for the lives lost and their families
Do we feel bad for the mental crumble of the one who never meant to kill and how their familes have to deal with that.
Are they worthy to walk this earth? Are they worthy to see the daylight again? Are they still human too? Should they die too? Is redemption possible?
Who knows. Peoples opinions wont change unless them, themselves fall onto the opposing team. If they were to suffer the chaos of accidentally murdering someone or the greif of loosing someone from an accidental murder.
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misseviehyde · 2 years
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The psychologist had warned them not to wear each others clothes after the swap. He had told them to avoid even looking at themselves in their new bodies till a way could be found for the swap to be reversed.
"The more you see and visualise yourself in your new body, the more your mind will change and adapt. You must wear your old clothes and at all costs avoid ANY sexual activity. If the mental patterns lock, we may never be able to reverse the swap."
It was easier said than done.
The swap had been unexpected... a military experiment gone wrong at the nearby airbase, causing popular and pretty Rachel Grey and dorky Daniel Harland to somehow swap bodies.
The military were supporting each family and the rules were clear - but Daniel couldn't resist trying on some of Rachel's clothes. She was the most popular girl at school and owned so many pretty things. It seemed a shame not to try them on and experience how they felt.
He might never get a chance to wear her makeup, do her hair, feel her lingerie again. He loved how soft her body felt. He knew he wasn't supposed to, but he secretly spent hours staring into the mirror - gazing into those perfect brown eyes and touching himself.
Biting his plump pouty lips, he would stroke his pussy and fondle his breasts - crying out in Rachel's sexy voice as he orgasmed hard.
It felt so good to be rich, spoiled and popular. The attention was intoxicating. Everyone wanted to be his friend, everyone admired and desired him.
No one knew about the swap - the military wanted to keep it secret. It made it so easy to impersonate Rachel... to BE her in everyday life.
Meanwhile Rachel hated her new body - except for one thing. She couldn't stop masturbsting. It disgusted her to jerk off over girls, but her body seemed to only respond to female images and she needed the release so bad.
It was the only thing that could make her feel good now she was stuck as this loser. She knew she wasn't supposed to look - but she couldn't stop spending hours staring in the mirror and hating her new body.
Daniel's clothes felt more comfortable - she felt full of self loathing otherwise. The more she wore them, the more natural it seemed. She began to find other enjoyments... playing computer games, reading anime, going to the movies.
But still a swap back seemed possible. Then one day they bumped into each other...
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They were both breaking the rules - they were both out in public pretending to be each other. Daniel was dressed in one of Rachel's most stunning blue dresses and heels.
Meanwhile Rachel was in a hoody and on her way to see a movie with one of Daniel's friends.
"What are you doing?" gasped Rachel in shock.
"Nevermind what I'M doing," laughed Daniel as he tossed back his perfect hair and walked intimidatingly close. "I can see you're adapting to being a nerd as much as I am loving becoming a bitch."
"What?" gasped Rachel.
"Haha - I gave up on that dumb pyschologist advice weeks ago. I've been trying to become more like you. I want this life and you're going to give it to me."
"N... no... that's my body," stammered Rachel.
"Not anymore," purred Daniel. "I'm Rachel now and you're Daniel."
Stepping close Rachel gasped as Daniel's manicured hands slid into his pants. "Noooo what are you doing?"
"Just giving you a helping hand. You know that when you cum, you'll forget all about the old you. Just let it happen... give up."
Rachel tried to hold on - she tried to remember who she really was - but it seemed crazy that she had ever really been this Goddess in a blue dress. As she cummed her pants she admitted to herself that she must be Daniel.
The new Rachel smiled as she saw the change in the dork before her. "Good boy. Now let's go tell the scientists that the swap seems to have naturally reversed and we are back to normal."
As they walked away together, both caught their reflections in a shop window. She was a Princess and he was a peasant.
Rachel giggled. "You must be crazy to think you were ever me..."
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cammie-morgan-goode · 11 months
Usually when a teenager thinks of summer vacation, they think of hanging out at the beach or going to the mall or hanging with their friends more than their families. They associate summer with freedom.
I never had that. I never had to worry about running off to the beach or going to see my grandparents or anything. Not that I still have any but that’s beside the point.
I don’t need to look up from the book I’m reading to know that Cam is basking in the sun, her face towards the sky. She’s listening to Bex prattle on about the next James Bond movie when a group of boys pass by, ultimately ending the conversation. Bex isn’t boy crazy just… boy distracted. And it always makes me laugh.
Cam doesn’t know I’m here and that’s just the way I prefer it. She doesn’t need to know that I check up on her. She doesn’t need to know that I feel she’s safer with me just out of reach. She doesn’t need to know that I worry.
Bex throws her arms out wide and I can practically hear her accent. I watch as the group of boys pivots, turning around. A boy with tanned skin and dark hair, saunters up to Bex, eyeing her up and down. Bex could definitely take him down with one punch but I know that would cause a scene.
“What’s a girl like you doing here?” The boy asks, and I have to fight to roll my eyes.
Bex tosses her hair over her shoulder and bats her eyes. Cammie’s never done that. She’s never flirted with me before. Not that she’s needed to. I was hooked the minute we were partnered up in Solomon’s class.
“Just visiting,” Bex answers. I can see the boy practically melt from her accent. I can’t help but chuckle.
I drop my book into the open black bag at my feet and pull my shirt over my head. I shake out my hair a little bit, giving it a wind blown look. Taking off my shoes, I drop my shirt on top of them. And then I jog over to where the girls are.
“They didn’t have that smoothie you wanted babe, so I wasn’t sure which kind you would like instead,” I say a few steps in front of them.
Cammie’s mouth drops open for five seconds before she clears her throat with a cough. Bex nudges her with her elbow, as if to say real smooth.
I come to a stop next to Cam, lean down and kiss her cheek, before I straighten and offer a hand to Beach Boy. “I’m Zach. And you are?”
Beach Boy laughs like he’s uncomfortable and tells Bex that she can join his game anytime she’d like before he disappears in the sea of people. I roll my shoulders and drop onto the towel beside Cammie. She turns to look at me.
“What are you doing here, Zach?” She asks, confused.
“Thought I’d pop in, say hi,” I shrug, stealing a grape from the food on her plate, resting on her lap.
“Well while you two have some catching up to do, I’m going to find a distraction,” Bex says, getting up and sauntering back over to the group of boys. I shake my head.
Cammie doesn’t even watch her go, her attention fixed on me. I can practically see the questions turning in her head. But she only stares at me. Waiting. Always waiting.
“I can’t drop in and see my girlfriend?” I ask.
But Cammie gives me the look. The look that says stop trying to avoid the question. The look that says I’m over your games Zachary.
I sigh and look out towards the water. “Townsend missed a call-in.” I swallow the lump in my throat. “And so did Rachel.”
Cammie stills. She stares at me. It seems like she can’t say anything. “Does Joe know?” She asks, her voice cracking.
“Yes. He’s with the Baxters at the safe house right now. I’m sure it’s okay, Gallagher Girl. I just didn’t want to ruin your summer,” I say quietly.
Cammie shakes her head. “No. No. I needed to know. I’m glad you told me. How many?” She asks.
I pause and chew on my bottom lip. “Four.”
Cammie sucks in a break and take her hands. “It’s going to be okay, Cam. I promise. It’s going to be okay.”
And I don’t quite know if I’m saying that for her benefit or mine.
(Written by: @cammie-morgan-goode)
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mrsbsmooth · 3 months
Does anyone know if Theo is an actual LI or if he's a LI that you just have to work hard for? I need to know if Theo is a LI or not cause I don't wanna be wasting my time on him if he's not a LI like it hurtsss 😭💔 I'm just hoping we have to work a lil bit more for him cause I don't want him to be locked or worse another Noah situation like absolutely not 😔
I’m almost certain he’ll end up being a LI.
I have no evidence of that whatsoever, but I did see someone on one of the discords make the very good point that he’s probably locked with Claudia because he’ll only become available once she does. Something will happen between them, they’ll break up and immediately start vying for MC’s attention.
I got anonymous ask this morning, saying that it’s likely Theo who kissed Rachel— I feel like this would make so much sense because it’s a really good reason for them to break up. Claudia was also the one who told us that Rachel confessed to her that she had kissed someone. It would make sense for Rachel to not tell Claudia who she had kissed if that man had been Theo.
I will have something similar to CherryGate, but it won’t be around us. It will be Claudia.
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atimeofyourlife · 1 year
@steddie-week Day 3 first kiss
Steve knew first kisses. He'd had so many of them in his life, didn't always get a second kiss or anything further, but first kisses were a speciality of his.
His first kiss had been with Tommy H when they were nine. It had been awkward, as neither of them knew what they were doing. But over time, they had perfected their technique together. Innocent kisses while they were still in elementary school turning into hours-long make-out sessions whenever they were both single as teenagers.
His first kiss with a girl had been with Nicole at the Snow Ball in sixth grade, when he was eleven. Tommy was taking Carol, so it only made sense that he asked Nicole, the only other girl they hung out with. It was much less uncomfortable than his first kiss with Tommy, as he actually knew what he was doing. It was still weird, because neither of them were that into it. They decided the next day that they were better off as friends.
He had so many other first kisses, some more memorable than others. Becky, Laurie, Anna, Tommy S (who was nowhere near as good as Tommy H), Gemma, Jodie, Carol (to make Tommy H jealous), Rob, Amy, Tina, Heather, Dean. In middle school, girls almost treated it like a game to get him as their first kiss. In high school, it was an open secret in the locker room that Steve would be happy to kiss any guys that were trying to figure out how straight they were, and would never name names. And that he was damn good at it, too.
The next first kiss to actually mean anything was Nancy. Right from the first one, he was devoted to her. He could feel himself falling deeper and deeper in love with every kiss. He thought that it could be forever, but drunken words leaving his heart shattered on the bathroom floor at a Halloween party destroyed that illusion.
After Nancy, there were more first kisses. He took some time without seeing anyone, trying to get over the heartbreak, then he hit his dry spell while working at Scoops. But he got back out there. Emily, Brandon, Alexander, Louise, George, Joseph, Rachel, Ian, Brittany, Linda, Ross, Stan, Heidi, Josh, Brenda. More first kisses with guys than before, as his confidence grew and he started spending every other weekend frequenting the gay bars of Indianapolis. Nothing serious ever came of it, a few dates with the women, and maybe a string of hookups if any of the men were interested enough to see him more than once.
He completely stopped after the Upside Down raised its head again, feeling on edge about what could happen next, but also realizing his feelings for Eddie. He'd known for a while what he was looking for. Something serious, in it for the long term, someone to plan a future with, where the relationship wasn't just about the sex. But he'd struggled with figuring out who he was looking for. Eddie was that someone he was looking for. But he was scared to admit it. He didn't want to fuck up their friendship, or to make it awkward for everyone if they couldn't last. He couldn't find the confidence to make a move, even after Eddie told everyone he was bi. That had caused a chain reaction of coming out in the party. Steve had quickly followed up by admitting his own bisexuality. Robin gained the confidence to be open about being a lesbian and introduce Vickie as her girlfriend. Argyle explained that he didn't like to label himself, but he was open to anyone. Will came out as gay, his voice shook as he said it, but the relief was clear in his eyes when everyone responded with love. Max came out as bi, saying she'd known since before she left California. Lucas admitted he liked both, but had felt so alone because he never knew there was a word for it or other people like him.
Steve hadn't accounted for how Dustin would react to him coming out. It wasn't a bad reaction, he accepted that there had been a reason why Robin and Steve wouldn't date and it wasn't something that was Steve's fault. But Steve choked on air and had to slam on the breaks when Dustin finally got to his point. "So why don't you date Eddie? I mean, you both like guys and you spend almost all your time together anyway."
Eddie beat him to it when bringing it up. "Henderson keeps insisting that we should date."
"Yeah, he keeps bugging me about it, he's just using your name where he used to put Robin's. All the points are basically the same." Steve leaned back on the couch, watching Eddie carefully.
"And it doesn't bother you?" Eddie looked nervous in a way that Steve hadn't seen before.
"Ed's why would it bother me?" Steve asked softly, taking Eddie's hand in his.
"Because I like you, man."
"Then why don't you do something about it?"
Eddie dove across the couch to Steve, tangling his fingers into the hair at the back of Steve's neck as he kissed him intensely.
Steve kissed back enthusiastically, pulling Eddie closer to deepen the kiss.
Yeah, he could live with this being his last first kiss.
I had to delete and repost this because it didn't post properly. if you saw it first time, no you didn't. also on AO3
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winns-stuff · 1 year
I just want to see Aphrodite and Hephaestus please. Listen, I already read this chapter so I already knew how it was going to go down, me personally it made me uncomfortable but that’s only because of me. I don’t exactly like sexual things they just make me very.. I don’t know how to say this without sounding edgy but I feel numb to it. But many people said that it was pretty nice for them so I’m actually really glad about that cause that’s always good. I just hate that the whole conversation was only brought up because of Daphne and Eros.
Like the way that Persephone confronted Hades about it was kinda pressuring honestly. That’s also one reason why I didn’t like it, instead of saying something like “oh yeah I was just wondering if we could go further in our relationship” or something along those lines she said “shouldn’t we have done it by now?” like girl.. you yourself have already told Hades multiple times that you want to take your relationship slower, I feel like that’s probably what annoyed me about this whole topic because it genuinely didn’t feel like this was on Persephone’s accord. I just feel like this whole arc was rushed for fan service mostly, everyone and their mom wondered when they would do it and I’m sure Rachel was reading all of those comments about it too, so it feels like less of Persephone actually wanting it and more of Rachel giving people what they want.
Besides, in a relationship it doesn’t always have to be sexual. There’s nothing saying that you need to have sex with your partner immediately after forming that relationship with him so the whole “shouldn’t we have sex now?” thing was kinda off for me. It’s not a requirement to do it with your partner, if you want to do it then that’s a completely different thing and I’m not shaming you for doing that but this just felt more like obligation, something that needed to be done between them rather than a genuine want. That’s what annoyed me most.
Me personally I wish Persephone and Hades would actually take it slow like they’ve been saying. I’m getting tired of seeing them tell each other that they’ll take it slow and set up boundaries just for the both of them to completely break them and speed into things. There’s no genuine want or desire between them, it’s just lust. Listen, I would be fine with them lusting after each other if the story didn’t make it seem like it was love. Love and Lust are completely different things and I hate that it’s blending into each other with this whole comic. Love doesn’t always have to be intense, it could be the small things that your lover does that makes you fall deeper in love with them. I just feel like it’s off that they market HxP as lovers in this, especially since they don’t know each other very well.
Like I wish they got more time to spend instead of a few weeks and then a whole 10 years apart. Like yeah, you can’t just reconnect with someone you know so little about just like that and call it love when the obvious goal for the both of them is getting into each other’s pants. It doesn’t scream love for me.
But yeah, I wish Persephone got more internal and intimate dialogue within herself and her want for sexual stuff not to be used as a joke. Cause let’s be real, that whole “omgomg Persephone wants to get laid!!!” thing was a joke and no one took it seriously at all. I hate that, like it should’ve been more personal and more serious especially with Persephone’s history, it shouldn’t have been used as a joke. And Daphne and Eros shouldn’t have just asked her that question randomly, that was annoying as hell. It sucks that Persephone’s friends worry more about Persephone pleasing Hades and Hades’ needs more than Persephone and how she feels. Seems like everyone in this story does actually.
But with all that being said I’m very happy that Aphrodite and Hephaestus are going to be the main characters (hopefully) for the next chapter because GOD am I tired of all of this Persephone and Hades content. I know what some people are about to say “but Lore Olympus is about the myth of Hades and Persephone!!” yes, but it also advertises that its about the other gods as well. Literally read LO’s description and not only that but it includes other myths as well starring other gods who are also featured in the chapters and even centered in them. Not only that but… Lore Olympus. Think about it.
Anyways that’s the end of the rant hopefully I didn’t ramble too much, I just wanted to get my point across and speak about my thoughts cause it’s been irking me slightly. By the way, I mean no disrespect to anyone who genuinely found comfort in the conversation between Hades and Persephone, it was a good conversation don’t get me wrong it was just me personally who got mildly uncomfortable and it’s only because of how I react to things such as that. I didn’t mean it if I did offend anyone and I’m genuinely sorry, I wasn’t sure how else to write how I felt but if enough people tell me I was out of pocket for it I’ll either leave that part out or I’ll find better wording for it. But with that being said these rants are meaningless and mostly pulled from my brain at unreasonable times of the day and night, I don’t want anyone using this as fuel to drop the comic or harass or insult fans because that would be the opposite of my intention, I only come to speak my opinion on the comic not about the people who enjoy it.
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Dear Endless Expanse of Space,
Just finished These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall and I was pleasantly surprised. The ending left a bit to be desired and I found the main character a bit melodramatic at times, but Marshall really nailed the horror elements and the plot twist hit me like a truck. The main themes are eat the rich, fuck the patriarchy, and the all-consuming power of love, which it deals with pretty well even if it becomes a little heavy handed towards the latter half of the book. If you're not a fan of body horror, I might sit this one out though.
The story surrounds Helen Vaughn as she, her mother Rachel Vaughn, and her mother's boyfriend Simon reconnect with Rachel's estranged family for her father, Leopold's, funeral. We're told that he died of heart problems, which was unusual as "The Masters of Harrow" (the significance of which I will explain in a minute) tend to live a long time.
So they go through the funeral proceedings, the family is rich and snobby with the few exceptions of Helen's uncle Caleb and cousins Desmond and Celia, aaaaand then Helen sees some foxglove in Leopold's corpse's ribcage and hears him telling her to "Find the center of the spiral" because, oh yeah, the house is modeled after a labyrinth, and she understandably freaks out.
After the funeral, Caleb, Leopold's widow Iris, and his brother Eli, pull Rachel and Helen aside to inform them that Grandpa Mansplain Manipulate Manslaughter has left all of Harrowstone Hall and $40 million to Helen if she stays on the grounds for one year and if she says no then everyone else in the family except Iris also loses their inheritance. Apparently the will was mysteriously changed shortly before his death and everyone agrees this was to punish Rachel for abandoning the family, as she is pretty much terrified by Harrow for reasons she can't remember.
She initially refuses, but the car breaks down at the end of the driveway and while waiting for Rachel and Simon to go back and fetch help, Helen wanders into the woods in pursuit of a little girl with an obscured face who randomly appears asking her for help. The girl leads her to a cemetery, where Helen meets The Harrow Witch, who just so happens to be a really cute girl named Bryony who absolutely hates her and her family, but is the only person to tell her the truth about anything. Helen is obviously in love immediately, and goes back to the house. Far what are actually really unclear reasons, Helen decides to stay after all.
She begins to try and find answers as to what happened during Nicholas' experiments, who killed Leopold and Caleb's daughter Jessamine (both whom The Other takes the form of in order to speak, called Figments), why local girls with the family eyes are going missing, and how to survvie the year as Helen becomes increasingly more sick. While Helen and the Vaughns believe The Other is a monster that needs to be contained, Bryony believes it's simply misunderstood and wants to free it.
Helen slowly gleans that Harrow is actually a cage built for a creature called "The Other" that seems to be a god from another world that founder of Harrow Nicholas Vaughn, his wife Annelise, and friend Dr. Raymond accidentally set loose in our world after their experiments trying to make the human mind able to comprehend The Other (in which they lobotomize Dr. Raymond's ward Mary Beaumont and open her up to it, causing her to go insane) accidentally binds it to a child which Nicholas claims appeared when she saw The Other, but is suggested to actually be his due to some...interesting journal entries.
Throughout the book, Helen develops a romantic relationship with Bryony and becomes close with Desmond and Celia, the only Vaughns outside Rachel who don't suck, likely because they also have no idea what's going on.
Eventually, after months of sleepwalking, being attacked by The Other's monstrous creations, Celia's father dying, Helen slowly dying and nearly contorting into one of the monsters, and everyone being shady af; Helen, Bryony, Desmond, and Celia translate the last of Nicholas' diary and discover he killed the child bound to The Other and dismembered her in order to keep it confused/use its powers for himself, and the family is a pretty much a murderous cult that repeatedly binds The Other to an illegitimate Vaughn child and repeats the process every time it starts to heal. The four decide to dig up the girls' bones and put them back together so they can talk to The Other, but Desmond and Celia leave because Desmond knows information the reader doesn't.
So they go into the murder chamber and arrange the bones and ask it what's up.
Helen is The Other.
Um. What.
In a twist of events that hit me over the head with a hammer, it turns out that Helen is actually a piece of The Other that it split off itself so that at least some of it could be free, and then changed Rachel's memories so that she'd believe Helen was her daughter and escape with her. We did see throughout the story that a lot of Helen's personality was similar to The Other, in that she could see inside of people (ie. The foxglove in Leopold's chest because he was poisoned with Foxglove) and has an unavoidable need to create things (using animal bones). Also Simon is one of The Other's creations. Helen then erased her own memories so she could live a normal life, although people were afraid of her because they could tell she wasn't normal and was altering their minds.In another twist, Bryony knows this already because she can't be fooled by The Other and so does Desmond because Helen told him while she was sick and then forgot.
And so does Caleb! And everyone else...in the family...and Celia just told them that Helen remembers to try and help...
They kill Helen.
She doesn't stay dead, and they just keep killing her every time she tries to escape. Eventually they trap her in an endless loop in which she wanders the halls in a trance because it's "more humane" and the rest of the year passes as they prepare to sacrifice her and make Caleb Master of Harrow. Caleb has also told everyone that Helen killed Jessamine, even though it turns out to be him after they tried to kill Celia and it failed because Eli and Victoria whisked her off to London.
Desmond, Celia, and Bryony try to devise a way to break the loop, but Rachel ends up doing it by accident when she demands Helen to tell her why she made her think she loved her, slaps her in the face when she calls her mom, and then starts crying in the hallway. Helen runs away, pursued by Caleb, when Eli shoves her in the library and clears her way to the door. She sees Rachel again and stops, Caleb catches up and shoots her but Rachel jumps in the way and nearly dies, so Helen just reshapes reality so the bullet doesn't exist. They will still proceed to try and shoot her, btw.
Helen flees, finds Bryony, and hides in a derelict cabin. Eli finds them and reveals that the last child to be murdered was Leopold's, and Eli had formed a bond with her after seeing how his brother used and abandoned her mother. In revenge, Leopold had made him be the one to dismember her, but Eli had instead given her a proper burial which allowed The Other to heal enough to form Helen. Eli has been on Helen's side the entire time, because two years ago she got sick and remembered again, and the two made a plan that involved Eli poisoning his brother, changing the will, and also cutting off Helen's hand at one point.
To conclude the plan, Helen turns herself in and goes through with the ceremony, before refusing the poison Caleb gives her and proclaiming herself Mistress of Harrow with Caleb as her sacrifice, as she had previously carried out the necessary components for the ritual and Desmond, Celia, and Bryony all recognise her as the rightful heir. Caleb gets stabby, so Helen fully sheds her flesh-suit and kills him and Iris, sparing Victoria. Eli makes the decision to remain in the chamber while The Other demolishes Harrow and the others flee, and so she turns herself into his niece and alters his mind so he believes he's spending one last day at the park with her while he dies.
Fully The Other now, they remain at the ruins of Harrow and creates, up until Bryony returns (presumably a few years later as she mentions her father wouldn't let her live on the grounds) and refuses to leave until they decide who to be, promising to love them no matter what they decide and revealing the others haven't returned because they believe Helen is dead. The Other decides to be Helen again, and live together with Bryony in a cottage on the grounds, promising to one day leave and see the world.
So that was a very long synopsis, but I like explaining things so this is what you get. There were a lot of little details I left out, so definitely give it a read yourself.
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racheljoyscott · 2 years
Hey I just wanted to tell you something that happened recently I really don’t know if you would truly care but I figured why not tell you this, I don’t mean to bother you with this little story but let me make a long story short so you can understand, so after graduating high school in June of 2021 in September I start an internship where these instructors teach me how to work, and act in a workplace environment, currently not in college (I know probably stupid) because my high school is paying for me to attend. So now we got that out of the way now here is the story.
So today as I am writing you this May 5, 2022 (I say that cause I don’t know when you are reading this) I had a strange experience that in my opinion was a sign or maybe coincidence I don’t know but I truly loved it. I’m not sure if it was Rachel herself. So I was going outside with my instructor on break as he had to get something, I was with one of my coworkers (name private) and they don’t know anything about Rachel only 1 coworker in the intern knows about her, since I keep her private I only will share about her with small amount of people. I keep her a secret like so deep it’s like Sacred and I only shared Rachel to Andrew because I’m closer to him and he wouldn’t say anything. I keep her secret because I know the people I know wouldn’t understand how much Rachel means to me. Okay now that I’m dragging this so much let me tell you the experience.
So as of today (May 5, 2022) I was outside with my instructor and a coworker not Andrew someone else, because I didn’t know wether to tell my instructor about Rach or not I had this picture of her which I enhanced and told her if she can show a sign and out of nowhere an eagle showed flying around I was so surprised because it showed up no cap literally 3 seconds after I asked her that and before that I was constantly thinking about her and I ended up seeing that had the last name “Scott,” then after heading back inside the building that currently interning in (I technically intern in an Atlantic Health hospital) I stumbled upon another name with the last name Scott then repeated numbers showed up 111, 222, 333, 555, 22:22 and other numbers like that. Then after the time I was heading home by transportation there was a church that had a sign that said something, something Pastor Scott” I was blown away and amazed. Ya so that’s the story sorry for dragging the story So much.
I want to know, do you think that was Rachel communicating to me????
First, you are not stupid for not attending college after high school! If college is in your plan, you still have so much time. It's a big decision! If your happiness lies in a career that you don't need college for, then that's your decision! No judgment and no stupidity. I believe God has His own plan in His own time for everyone.
I also understand what you mean about keeping Rachel private. She also means so much to me; I only talk about her to my closest friends. I couldn't even begin to explain to someone who doesn't know me well the impact she had on me. They wouldn't understand, and that's ok!
Over the years, hundreds of people have told me their stories where they believe Rachel is sending signs. Now, I'm not an angel, I can't give you an answer on how people who have passed communicate. But I do believe in signs. I get signs every day from people who have passed. When I first started reading into Rachel's story, I heard Bittersweet Symphony EVERYWHERE. It was crazy. Coincident or not, I felt like I was on the right path because of it. So no, you're not crazy. There is no harm in believing in these signs. I've felt that believing in signs has been so positive for me. Hopefully you keep seeing them too xx
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Things my friend said during our House of Ashes playthrough part 2
Babe stop coughing we were about to kiss (about Clarice and Rachel)
Did I just abandon Clarice oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry oh no no no no! Go back go back can we please replay that?!?! I can't leave my vampire girlfriend! (We did replay the blood pit chapter lol)
What you doing offering him a bottle when his hands are tied what the fuck he gonna do?!? (Eric offering Salim a drink)
(I knew you were trouble softly playing in the next room as Nick follows Jason) ah shit they about to fuck right?
(Chooses the 'they attacked our country option by accident') wait no! No! I became racist!? Wait no! First I lost my girlfriend (Clarice) and then I lost my boyfriend (Joey) and now I'm racist? Please please can we replay this again (we replayed the Blood pit chapter 3 times lol)
(About Eric dissecting the vampire) ur a nuclear engineer what the fuck do u know about biology?
(Playing as Jason again) ok let's try to not be racist this time
(Nick says "this is the closest I've been to hell") That's OK baby I'll take you to heaven right here
I want Rachel to live so she can be with Clarice
(After being told Clarice dies no matter what but that they could both become vampires) oooo then that's the ending I'm going for
(When we finally get back to the blood pit) God I hate this part I just want to get back to my girlfriend. Also ma'am ur hoo-ha is gonna be infected after this
I don't care what u say those vampires are sneaking out of that fucking cave. They are coming out. It's pride month and the demons are coming out
(Proceeds to replace every unintelligible part for randolphs journal with the word masturbating and cries laughing)
(Having completely forgotten what the vampire looks like) Oh God it's like the xenomorph but uglier!
(Sees Joey as a vampire) Damn he kind of Sexier like this
(About to go over the chasm with Clarice) I swing that way do you swing that way?
(Manages to replay the Blood pit only to choose the options where Clarice ends up deciding to stay behind) I did all that and my girlfriend left me? Fuck it I'm not playing that again let's finally continue (we did finally continue lol)
Men be talking about fighting demons when really it's just bisexual thoughts
Are we ever gonna talk about Nick killing Merwin or are we gonna gloss over that like it was just a war thing?
I'm getting to Eric levels of hatred with Dar
Dar is a burden on humanity but Eric is a cum stain on life (what did Eric do to my friend lol she hated him so much hahaha)
(Jason says "this is our house our rules!") It really isn't though?
(Reading the relationship updates) what do u mean Rachel broke the news of her relationship with Nick harshly? How else do u break that to someone? Oh I'm sorry. I accidently penetrated another man?
I don't care about turning Rachel into a vampire anymore. My vampire girlfriend left me so I'm leaving her like I left my husband-wait is this karma?
(Me surviving as Eric even though my friend abandoned me as Rachel) I'm comin for ya treacherous wife
(Eric to Nick "you stay out of my way") ill just stay in your wife then
Jason just looking for excuses to touch Salim huh?
So this is hr Geiger's wet dream
Can we have a part 2 where the US government tries to use it as a weapon and fucks up?
Please blink (immediately screams when the fluid covered surviving prologue character blinks)
(When the crucifix didn't help as Nick) God said this was not one of mine abort
(When Salim crawled into the star chamber first) bye yall I got a son
Who am I talking to? Salim? (Tells her its Eric) God damn it
(When Rachel and Eric talk in the star chamber) I'm just gonna leave now cause we can't both be on our period
(When the cocoons is blowing up) its 5 o clock in the morning? I'd crawl into a cocoon and have a catnap
(About Jason and Salim) I want to see them on 90 day fiance
Maybe the solution to racism is aliens
(When vampire Clarice popped out in the waterfall) my girlfriend!
(When the eclipse happens) ah hell no
(When poppin flares) Marvel has 24hrs to respond avengers endgame who?
(When the Curator started talking at the end after we saved everyone) mother fucker just congratulate me
(During the interviews specifically with Rachel) can I take a shower? Please??? I was a blonde before this I am now a red head
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rachelhargrove · 2 years
Those You’ve Known | Self-Para
Characters: Rachel, Hargrove family & Chopra family
Locations: Boston, Massachusetts; August 15-19
Trigger warnings: cancer, car crash, death, depression, funeral, grief
Sometimes it felt as though this week had been nothing more than a dream. Nothing about this felt real. Rachel was back in Boston to grieve the loss of family friends. Sabrina and Ranveer Chopra had been in her life ever since she could remember. Friends of her own parents and amazing friends at that. Their daughter Avery became as close to a sister as she ever has gotten. They bickered like siblings but they also cared about one another like siblings. And that meant that when Ranveer had been diagnosed with cancer and Avery chose to move back to Boston to be with her father, Rachel did everything she could to help her. 
But it wasn’t the cancer that had taken his life; in fact it was the day he was told that there was no traceable signs of cancer anymore, a day that was supposed to be cause for celebration, that’s when his daughter Avery received a call from him and her mother. Not knowing at the time she would not only be the last person to speak to them but the one to hear them get into a fatal car crash.
Rachel could not begin to imagine the type of pain Avery was in, the burden she felt was hauntingly unimaginable. There was nothing she could say that could make this pain go away. Avery had plenty of extended family coming in, but as their daughter she was the one who was supposed to get the arrangements figured out; make sure all the correct people were being contacted for business, family, and people in charge of her parents’ estate; on top of all the things Avery was far too depressed to handle she had her twelve year old son Mars to take care of. 
In difficult times Avery tended to turn to Sabrina and Ranveer for support to make sure that her child, whom she loved more than life itself would be well taken care of. But now they were gone and she was in a downward spiral. Rachel first and foremost cared about her safety but she also didn’t want Mars to remember this stage in Avery’s life and think back on this as what his mother was like. She was his godmother and Avery practically her sister, so she flew back to Boston as soon as she could.
The first thing she did when she got there was to go see the mother and son. Avery having had her son at eighteen meant that the pair had done a lot of growing up together. Mars was a very smart boy but also knew things that not necessarily every twelve year old would know out of life experience. He’d seen relationships form and relationships break, had to move to different places and adjust to new environments. Rachel was concerned that her suggestion would be met with skepticism from both Avery and Mars. 
The suggestion was something that she had thought a lot about asking but also not a lot about, because there simply hadn’t been enough time to think on it. Rachel was worried about Avery though and could see that Mars was in need of being able to grieve as well. He had lost his grandparents, a couple who’d looked after him and she was worried what Avery would fall back on to cope. Although she obviously couldn’t control what Avery decided to do and only share her concerns, Rachel thought maybe for a little while it would be helpful if Mars came back to Providence Peak with her. 
Two months was the arrangement she’d given Avery, it wasn’t a long time but long enough. Rachel felt like if she suggested any more time apart that Avery wouldn’t agree to that. Because she wasn’t looking to take him away, but rather give her some time as well as him to adjust to the new reality. Of course in Rachel’s mind she felt like the hidden clause of if more time was needed, which she felt like it might be, he’d of course be more than welcome to stay. 
Even though Mars had lived a handful of places, Providence Peak had been the place he truly felt like was home. He would miss his mom, wanting to protect and take care of her, afraid of what might happen when he left, but he was also happy at the thought of having a bit of a vacation to the place he’d missed ever since leaving. Rachel had told him to make a list of things he wanted to do while he was here, hoping it would help distract him from having to deal with all these variables in his life. 
School would be starting soon and after talking with Avery, Rachel met up with the principal and school guidance counselor to talk about having Mars do his classwork online for the first semester. They all agreed that given the circumstances that would be a good option and were refreshingly empathetic and shared that whatever they could do to help, they would. It helped that she knew the principal as one of her own classmates growing up. 
Rachel helped Mars pack and after saying teary goodbyes to her parents who promised to look out for Avery and Avery who promised to call every day; they were at the airport waiting for their flight back to Colorado. Wrapping her arm around the curly headed boy, who was already almost as tall as she was. She gave him a kiss on the top of his head, ruffling his hair. “It’s going to be okay, kiddo. Your mom is going to be okay, you are going to be okay, everything’s going to be okay.” She assured him as he leaned into the comforting touch, because as much as Mars may not believe it at the moment at least he was heading home.
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hi>:) saw your requests were open and wanted to request something! could you write a dick grayson x m!reader sorta fluff? maybe smut if you feel like it goes with the plot? where reader and dick have been together but dick never thought abt asking reader when his bday was, and reader never bothered to mention. so when dick finds out readers bday is (today, tomorrow, soon) somehow, he tries to do smth special for reader.
im personally thinking abt dc titans dick but doesnt really matter!
Birthday surprise
Tumblr media
Paring: dick grayson x M reader
Tags: established relationship,fluff,
Word count: 680
Dick was panicking. He couldn’t believe he didn’t know that his boyfriend's birthday was today. He only found out when Rachel asked him about it. 
“Hey Dick, what are you and Y/N doing today to celebrate?”  
After Rachel saw how confused he was she told him what today was, now he had 3 hours to figure something out before Y/N got home and he finds out he has a terrible boyfriend he has and dumps him. That’s why Dick spends the next 3 hours running around the titan's tower trying to get everything ready after he asked Corey for ideas. 
When Y/N finally comes through the door Dick greets him with a kiss and then taking his jacket 
“ Hey” 
“ What's this?” Y/N asks Rasing his eyebrows but accepting his boyfriend's affection 
“ nothing” Dick replies pressing another kiss to Y/N's lips, as he pulls away, he leaves his hands resting on Y/N's chest “ but I do have a surprise for you” 
“ A surprise?” 
Dick removes his hands from Y/N's chest and grabs one of his hands instead and intwines their fingers together. He pulls Y/N along the hallways and to a room Y/N’s pretty sure he has never seen before.  
“ has that room always been there?” 
“ of course it has” Dick replies whilst covering Y/N's eye and opening the door 
“Babe I Love you but if its another child we’re breaking up” 
The titan shakes his head with a grin “it's not another child”  
“Good because I can barely put up with the ones you have already, except Gar He’s great, love that kid ” 
“ I’m sure he’d love to know that, keep your eyes closed” Dick steps away and walks further into the room 
“   Can I open my eyes now?” Y/N asks hearing dick messing with something  
“Okay, now” 
Y/N opens his eyes and blinks to get his eyes used to the bright lights, then he sees what dick had done for him. In front of him was a scene ripped straight from some romantic film an indoor picnic. Y/N knows He is smiling like a love-struck fool, but he doesn't care he needs to kiss his boyfriend right this second. He turns around once he feels the older get closer and wraps his arms around his neck and pulls, pressing their lips together. 
“Aww, Dick you didn’t have to, you know?” Y/N says pulling away from his lover's arms and walking towards the makeshift picnic on the floor and sits down.  
Dick follows him taking a seat Infront of him on the other side of the blanket “yes, I did, it's your birthday, I wanted to do something special” 
Y/N picks up a cupcake and takes a bite and practically moans at the taste causing dick to laugh at his boyfriend “I'm guessing that means you like them then?”  
“you are correct” Y/N finishes the rest of his cupcake then looks around for his next snack and watches as dick reaches for a handful of goldfish and chuckles making dick stop halfway to his mouth. 
“You didn’t know it was today, Did you?” Y/N snorts as dick starts to flounder  
“ I- erm-I" 
“Babe its fine, I didn’t tell you” 
“still, you should celebrate your birthday “ 
Y/N shrugged “So how did you find out anyway?” 
“Rachel Told me” 
“of course, she did, how did you manage to do all this before I got home?” Y/N asked picking up a twizzler and putting it in his mouth 
“I’m just that great” 
“You made the kids help you, didn’t you?” 
“of course, I did” Dick smiled as his boyfriend snorted a chuckle. 
“ you’re terrible” Y/N throws a goldfish at him with a grin,  
He hopes he is never without that’s smile or moments like this, if he had to give everything up, he would just for him. Dick leans across the spread of snacks, Y/N meets him halfway bring Their lips together in a soft kiss, by time they pull apart the food has been forgotten. 
“Happy birthday baby”  
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 — mason mount
summary: chelsea’s massage therapist, and mason’s long term crush, had moved to a different club. but after reuniting at nationals, you realise just how much you missed him.
notes: requests are open, just ask! this is so fucking long, please read when you have time.
“I will take care of you.” + “I could never get tired of you.”
for @masterclassbaby
“she’s pretty,” mason hummed, chin in the palm of his hands and eyes gazing at you. chelsea’s newest sports massage therapist. he watched as you conversed with a few of the injured teammates, the boys on either side of him laughing at his blushed cheeks.
“mounty’s in love.” chilly sang, pushing mason gently. the three of them were laying on the turf, waiting for their trainer to arrive and being introduced to the pretty lady who would be massaging their injured limbs from now on. “go on, make a move before kai does. you know he will.”
“i’m not making any moves,” mason huffed and pushed himself to his feet, ben following suit and pulling a ball towards him with his foot, “can i appreciate her beauty without wanting to make a move?” ben rolled his eyes at his friend, eyes now focused on the ball for the first time in twenty minutes.
“so you’re just going to stare at her, like a creep.” ben stated, stopping the ball with the side of his foot and kicked it back to mason. “noted.” mason was barely focused, looking over to you every time you laughed or your voice echoed. he’d laugh with you, crinkling his nose when you did, it was sickening.
ben had kicked the ball to mason’s feet, where is stilled and hadn’t even broken his stare. he had ‘regained control of the ball’ by kicking mason’s ankles, which had definitely caught his attention and caused him to hiss in pain. “you fucker, what did you do that for?”
“i just gave you a reason to talk to her, you clown.” ben revealed sarcastically, mason limping over to you as you held a look of concern.
“everything okay, mount?” you politely asked, the slight touch on his back as well as hearing his name fall from your mouth was sending him into a frenzy. he just nodded, and followed you inside to where your new office resided. “what the hell happened? last time i looked, you were kicking a ball about with chilly.”
your voice was as silky as he’d imagined. “yeah, he’s a bit slow. so he thought kicking me in the ankles would be a wise idea.” you couldn’t help but giggle at the man’s joke, avoiding his gaze as you were sure to blush. this man was attractive, but it was your first day, you had to remain professional.
“i better get to work,” you huffed, rubbing some hand sanitiser onto your hands and pulling his socks down. “we can’t have chelsea’s best player injured a few days before the game,” you’d finally met eyes and stared at each other for a brief second, before bashful looking away.
“you think that?” mason almost sounded unsure of himself.
“of course,” you grinned and applied some pressure to the side of his ankle, “i’d say you’re one of the best.” mason hummed almost silently, resting his head back on the table. it didn’t hurt, and if anything, he’d have to thank chilly for kicking his ankles, as it got you two talking.
weeks had passed, mason visiting your office most days with random excuses.
“my legs are fine. but maybe a shoulder rub for good luck?”
“i bought you a smoothie.”
“it’s cold outside, and i told the boys my thighs were sore.”
“now i’m just bored.”
every time he’d appear, you’d just pull up a chair instead of prepping the table. he’d talk to you about the most random of things, the pair of you having an intense debate on whether or not ross and rachel were on a break. he’d quickly become your favourite visitor.
“mr. mount, to what do i owe the pleasure?” you questioned, knowing it was him just by the way he fiddled with the handle before opening the door. he grinned at the nickname, sitting in the desk chair beside you.
“i actually came to ask if you wanted to go for a drink tonight. the boys were meant to, but now it looks like i’m all alone.” mason explained, a white lie thrown into the mix. he wasn’t being left by the boys, he asked them to cancel, so he could spend some with you. “so, you fancy it?”
“sure.” you smiled, accepting his invitation before you could overthink your way into cancelling. “i’ll text you my address.” he nodded his head, resting his head on his hands as you got on with paperwork. you could see out of the corner of your eye, he was staring at you as you worked. he had no training to be getting on with, and saw a better pastime in watching you work.
when you’d finally finished work and gotten yourself dressed up, mason was even more in awe of you. you looked adorable at work, and now he’d seen you in a new light. it’s like seeing your crush outside of school, it’s weird not seeing them in uniform, but seeing a new layer of them was good. he’d picked you up and taken you to the nicest pub he could find, it was a quiet one. it was a pub you had to pay extra for to sit on the terrace with a table to yourself. but he was willing to go the distance.
“it’s weird not seeing you in your kit.” you mentioned, staring at his impeccable sense of fashion. like he’d been ripped from the front page of asos. mason chuckled loudly and sipped on his beer, after doing a brief ‘cheers’ with you. it was british tradition, after all.
“i know. i’m used to seeing you in leggings and a chelsea top.” mason observed, his cheeks blushing at the way you looked at him. he felt the butterflies begin to swarm in his stomach, like they did on the way here. “now you’re in a dress, i can see your legs.” his eyes widened at the weird statement that just fell from his lips, face burning with embarrassment. “sorry, that sounded so creepy.”
you burst into laughter, feeling anything but disturbed. in fact, you felt more comfortable with him. “don’t worry about it, you’re easy to feel comfortable with.” mason took this chance to hide his rosy cheeks by sipping on his beer. the pair of you conversed for well over an hour, your conversations from work spilling into the mix too. and soon enough you were laughing on the walk back to your home.
“that’s hilarious. i can’t believe we could’ve almost met years ago.” you exclaimed, mason proud of recalling that memory. the pair of you remembered an awful christmas concert that happened in a town near central london, and were almost inches apart unknowingly covering your ears at the screeches made by the backup singers.
you’d ended up at your door, mason standing just centimetres away from your face. you knew what he wanted, and you wanted it to. so, with the confidence given to you by the mixer you’d just downed a while ago, you closed the gap between you and engaged in a sweet kiss with him. it was well overdue, mason’s teammates would say as he told them the following day.
you’d settled in really nicely with the team, enjoying every day you spent at the training grounds. you’d only been on that one drink date with mason, always planning to reschedule another but you’d both be too busy to do so. it didn’t stop you from texting nonstop and have some late night facetime calls. you were really beginning to like each other. it was as if nothing could ruin your happiness you felt with your life at this moment.
until you’d been pulled aside and told by chelsea’s own manager that a man united massage therapist had quit, offering you the job. it would mean your whole life would shift, you’d have to move, you’d have to make friends with a team all over again, and leave mason. you couldn’t bear telling him, which you’d also been told to do. you’d have to break the news to your beloved team, who would come and cheer with you after a win, and always pester you with random requests. you were each of their’s personal assistant almost, loving your relationship with them all. and mason, you knew he’d be crushed, the girl he was so deeply falling for, being told to move to another club.
you were on edge since that very morning, not being your usual joking self with your boys as they came in for their sessions. you’d weakly smile at them and make small talk whilst tending to their stiff joints, then let them leave. all the boys carried on with their day, assuming you were just having a bad day. but mason could see through you, he could tell something was playing on your mind.
as you were putting pressure on mason’s ankle, which he’d been take off the pitch for last week, he grabbed your arm gently. sitting up, he pulled you close to him and held you how he usually did. his hands grazing your sides and his eyes almost burning holes into your own. “talk to me, pretty. what’s on your mind?”
you shook your head. “i’d go easy on the foot today, mount. i don’t want to see you benched next game.” would you even be able to see their next game? it brought you close to tears throughout the day, but being trapped in a room with mason, you were bound to cry and tell him everything.
his grip didn’t leave your arm, instead he pulled you closer to him and held you close to his chest, now standing and towering over you. you felt a sob erupt through your chest, opening the flood gates as you cried into him. he’d never seen you like this, you were always his smiling ball of sunshine. “talk to me, y/n.”
“they’re moving me.” you simply stated, hoping not to say another word and him just understand completely. but it didn’t work like that, none of the team knew. mason would be the first to know, and you had to tell the rest of the team before the day was up. as this weekend you’d be arranging accommodation in manchester whilst you looked for permanent residence, as well as meeting the team and staff you’d be working for.
“they’re moving me to united, mase. a therapist quit over there and they asked for me, your manager signed me over a few days ago. and i’m gonna be leaving you boys.” you explained, mason’s grip on you loosening as he tried to come to terms with what you were saying. he’d had his fair share of bad news in his life, but this was the biggest blow he’d felt in a while.
“they can’t do that,” mason stuttered over his tears, a frown cast upon his face, “they can’t just expect you to pack up and leave.” you placed your hands over his cheeks, forcing him to look down at you. that’s when his tears began to fall, looking so vulnerably at each other in this time of sadness.
“they can, mason. and they have, i need to go this weekend to meet the team and look to move up there.” you admitted, your hands refused to leave his face. you were soaking up every bit of mason you could before you left. long-distance didn’t work for either of you, especially with how busy you both were. the only time you’d see each other would be if chelsea were to play united.
“i can’t lose you, y/n.” he confessed, pulling you into him and resting his head above yours. it wasn’t just losing a girl he was seeing, it was losing someone he loved. he’d fallen deeply in love with you — but telling you would just hinder your movement. he couldn’t make it any harder than it was, it would ruin you. he just had to let you go.
that afternoon, you’d thought about what you were going to say and met the boys on the pitch. the second mason saw you, it took everything in him to not cry into his hands. but he managed to stay strong. you stood weakly beside the team manager, avoiding everyone’s eyes and fiddling with your jumper sleeves.
“afternoon boys,” you greeted them, hearing a few cheers and whistles, they loved you, “i have some news. today will be my last day working with you. i’ve been transferred to united, which will take full effect this weekend. you guys have my number if you just want to talk rubbish, or have any questions for me.” it was a long while of hugging them all, laughing with them and repeating little inside jokes with them.
“what are you going to do without me, huh?” you asked reece, who just chuckled and gave you a squeeze. “i’ll miss you all, you know who i’ll be cheering on if you ever go against united.”
you’d settled in at united perfectly, but something was missing. it was always going to feel this way, nothing would ever break the bond you shared with the chelsea boys. even when they went head to head, and you’d catch mason’s eyes on the pitch, you’d have to hide your smile when they scored, and try even harder if mason was the one putting it in the back of the net. you got on well with the boys here, but you found yourself missing the boys back at chelsea, and most of all, mason.
months had passed since your move to manchester, and you were heading out of your office on a particular tiring friday afternoon, walking past united’s manager, who always seemed to be on his way to something.
“ah, y/n, just who i needed to see.” he commented, stopping you as you were headed out to find a late rashford for his session. “keep an eye on your emails tonight, please. you’ve been included in an international offer.” you nodded, not hearing anything past the word ‘email’. and when you’d gotten home that evening, waiting for your takeaway to arrive, you mindlessly scrolled your emails.
something about the upcoming world cup, saying you’d been selected as the teams massage therapist. it burned your eyes as you danced around your tiny living room; so happy to have a chance at seeing any of the chelsea boys again. you’d thought that after all these months of just seeing mason’s face in his instagram posts, he’d have forgotten about you and moved on. but it was the furthest from the truth.
mason watched over your socials for months, seeing your various pictures with the likes of rashford, shaw, and lingard. he made sure you had friends and was having a good time up north. but every night he’d go to bed, yearning for you and the time you both spent together. missing your first kiss, missing hearing the sound of your laugh in real life, not just through another footballers videos. he missed spending hours on the phone. and although he had a chance to reconnect with you, it would be too much for the both of you to handle. he’d miss you so much more, knowing you were simply unobtainable.
after signing all of the correct documents to show you could in fact work for the national team, you were on your way to the training grounds and coping with living in the camp alongside the boys and other members of staff. it was better than your tiny manchester apartment, that was for sure. you weren’t really needed outside for training, so you set up your office and began on your paperwork. time passed a lot quicker here than it did when you worked at united, it was nearing your lunch break already. a knock was placed at your door, bringing your out of your work daze.
“hello, stranger.” you heard from behind you, heart overjoyed that it was actually him. it was your mason. you turned round to greet him, standing up and immediately pulling him into a hug. it felt familiar, the only bit of familiarity you had in this place. “god, i missed you.” he even smelt the same, as creepy as it was to say.
“i knew you’d be called up,” you admitted to him, looking up at his red face. it was just like the first time, he was so nervous to talk to you, “you’re still my best player.” his hands found your cheeks, taking advantage of the affection not feeling awkward. it was as if you never left.
“you don’t understand how much i’ve missed you all these months, y/n,” he whispered, face centimetres away from yours. “how much i’ve wanted to kiss you again.” you wanted it too, you finally felt like you found your missing piece. but you had to remain professional, this was national level now, not just club level.
“trust me,” you whispered back at him, holding your hands above his own, “i’ve wanted to kiss this pretty face, too. but we have to be professional.” he nodded, understanding that if they were caught, you’d be the one facing repercussions, not him. so he respected your choice and stood back.
“what about when the day’s over, and we go back to the camp,” he suggested, a hand on your shoulder to stop you from turning around, “what would you say to me then?” you just shrugged, sitting back down in your chair and continuing your work. the remainder of your day was quiet, just talking about a few people tomorrow that have stiff joints that need loosening. you’d made your way back to camp, opening your door and sighing as you took your shoes off.
what room are you in? mason texted, waiting outside his door.
you’re eager, i just finished work. but i’m on the floor above you, room 39. you texted him back, speedily changing your attire for something more comfortable and freshening up. mason would be up here within seconds. and whilst there were no rules stating that the squad shouldn’t be in staff members rooms, it felt wrong.
“you’re gonna have to leave when nobody can see you.” you sighed, opening your door to an eager mason. he wormed past you and sat on your bed, semi annoyed that your bed was comfortable than his.
“so not only do you get a room to yourself, you get a bed that doesn’t feel like a plank of wood.” mason stated, clearly getting comfortable on your bed. “i just might have to stay here.” you rolled your eyes and sat beside him, resting your head on the pillow. “you tired?”
instead of saying anything, you nodded and inched closer to him. his right hand was drawing delicate patterns on your exposed arm, whilst the other was wrapped around you. this was the moment he wanted with you, even when you were working at chelsea. but it’s happening now and that’s all he cared about. holding the girl he still deeply loved in his arms.
“i’ll go down to dinner soon,” he mentioned, even if you could hear him or not, “maybe i’ll bring you something up.” a small kiss was placed on your temple, mason snuggling into you a bit more.
the next day, you knew you had some sessions. so you were up early, a text from mason on your phone.
i left late last night, i fell asleep once i came back from dinner. i hope you had a good night.
you blushed at his text, getting yourself prepared for the day. the boys had a match coming up soon and you wanted to be on top of your game, making sure they were all stretched and ready. you sat in your office, prepping your table and your paper work for the first person to enter.
you’d worked with grealish, bellingham, and lingard today. and they only had a few more hours training until they were done for the day. you sighed in your seat and rested your head against your desk, arms and hands sore. your handle was violently shoved down, your door opening in the process. startled, you watched declan carry his best mate in.
“he rolled his ankle taking a kick,” declan explained, helping his friend onto the table. you quickly sanitised your hands and pulled his sock down to observe his ankle. “will he be okay for the game in a few days?”
“yes, dec. he’ll be out in no time.” you reassured his friend, mason smiling through the sharp pain shooting through his ankle. declan had left shortly afterwards, leaving you to giggle at mason.
“what you giggling at, hm?” mason questioned, a finger tickling your side. you squirmed and brushed a hand over his head, his features relaxing under your touch.
“it’s always the ankles, hm?” you retorted, mason rolling his eyes before letting out a laugh of his own. “let’s get you back on your feet in time for this game.” you had taken his boot and sock off, applying gentle pressure to the sides of his ankle and seeing how badly he reacted to the pain.
after the next few days of training, it was finally time for the match. you stood nervously on the side of the pitch, watching the ball being passed around. you watched as it had gone to mason, someone from the opposing team sliding into mason, and knocking his ankles together. he fell and began to yell in pain, the medics rushing over to him and assessing the pain. after realising it was not too serious, but he still had to be taken off, they’d given the job to you.
mason sat on one of the chairs beside you, head leaned back as you pulled his socks down. he winced as your small, cold fingers had pressed different parts of his ankle, but it didn’t feel bad. in fact, it was quite relieving. “it really is always the ankles,” mason finally agreed, making you chuckle and sit on the floor opposite him, “god, it fucking hurts.”
“i will take care of you,” you mentioned, your hand sliding into his. he smiled at the contact, his free hands gently tickling your side. this small amount of public affection felt scary, but good. you knew someone would pick up on it, but you didn’t care in the slightest. you had been away from mason for far too long. months and months apart, yearning for each other every second you were awake.
when the match was over, england scoring a whopping 4-0, mason was by your side for the rest of the evening. even getting onto the coach to go home, he sat beside you the whole way; his hand in yours and his head gently resting against your shoulders. when heading back to camp, knowing you had a day’s break before the boys were back on for training again in time for the next match, mason followed you to your room. you didn’t mind, neither did anybody else really.
you’d gotten into bed beside him that night, eyes heavy from the amount of work you’d both put in today, and the buzzed feeling from declaring victory had awoken something in him. he had the urge to kiss you, like he has every moment he’s spent with you recently, but more than that. he wanted to tell you he loved you, but decided to keep quiet. he wanted to save it for another day, maybe someday more special, when you weren’t trying to catch up on sleep between games.
“are you tired of me?” mason asked, releasing his voice into the darkness. he had no idea whether you were awake or asleep, as half an hour had passed of you both enjoying each other’s presence. you were wide awake, although your eyes told a different story.
“i’m tired in general,” you admitted, rolling over to face him, barely catching his pearly whites in the dark, “but i could never get tired of you.” mason’s heart was beating through his chest, reaching out for your hand to place onto it. it was a special moment — feeling his heart rapidly paced from your words, you’d barely noticed mason’s arm around you as he pulled you into him.
“good, because i’m not letting you go again,” he spoke quietly, your hand now replaced with your head, feeling his pulses on your cheekbone. you smiled for the millionth time that day, happy you had your mason back.
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tangerinenotions95 · 2 years
So Much For Normal - A Seth Clearwater FanFic (Chapter 2)
Chapter 3
"I'll see you guys later" I said waving to my parents and rushing out the front door, backpack in tow. I ran up to the silver mini cooper parked in front of my house and hopped in.
"Morning Ness"
"Hey girl" She said smiling at me.
"Okay what is it?" I asked he as we sped down the road towards school. She sighed, "Fine but promise me you won't make a big deal out of it okay?" She asked eyeing me suspiciously.
"Okay I promise" I put my hands up in defeat, "Now tell me what's on your mind bestie" I said to her causing her to shake her head.
"It's kind of my birthday this Friday and my family want to throw me a party much to my objection" She sighed.
I squealed, "Oh my God this is so exciting, you are eighteen right?" I asked her. She nodded, "Yeah" She replied nervously. We were now parked outside of school. She hopped out of the car and started walking and I quickly followed her.
"Don't think you can avoid this topic missy" I told her.
"It's just a birthday" She shrugged.
"Okay well then don't focus on that, focus on the party where you can have all your family and friends together and we can dance and eat and have fun" I told her walking backwards so I could face her. She stopped suddenly looking defeated, "Okay fine but promise me that if at any point I need to escape you and Jacob will help me" She said smiling.
"Deal" I told her.
Later that day we were sitting around the lunch table discussing party details, Nessies aunt Alice was organising it, the only thing we had to take care of was the guest list.
"Just invite the whole school" Rachel stated. We all stared at her, "What?"
"Rachel I'm just about okay with this party without the whole school being there" Nessies stated bewildered by her friends comment.
"She has a point though, it would be easier and chances are word will get out and everyone will just turn up anyway" Casey said shrugging like it was obvious.
"Guys I'm not having a frat party or anything, my whole family will be there like" Nessie pointed out.
"And that smoking boyfriend of your and all his smoking hot friends" Mara said winking, Nessies retaliated by throwing a french fry at her.
"HEY" She squealed laughing.
"First of all they are all taken and secondly you have a boyfriend" Nessie said. "Ryan is not my boyfriend, at least not officially" she said shyly.
"Oh please, you two will be all loved up by Christmas break I could bet on it" Casey said matter of fact causing the whole table to laugh.
"Moral of the story, don't get any ideas about the guys from the rez"
"Surely one of them is single??" Rachel pushed looking hopeful. I can't say I blame her I've met Nessies boyfriend Jacob and some of his friends Quil and Embry. There was no denying that they were good looking guys but they all had that someone special.
"Do you ever think about anything but boys Rachel?" I ask her sarcastically
"Oh rich coming from the girl who has refused every guy that has asked you out since you got here and the list is long" She replied smugly.
I roll my eyes playfully, "I just don't want to waste my time on pointless dates that go nowhere, I want to wait for someone worthwhile that's all".
"Boring" Casey retorted and now I shoved him playfully. "Can we get back to the party now?" I asked focusing my attention back to Renesmee.
"No need, you guys are right I'll just invite everyone and see what happens" She stated laughing at all our shocked faces.
"That's my girl" Casey said high-fiving her.
The rest of the week went quickly and the whole school was hyped for Nessies part tonight, except for Nessie of course.
"What if this was a bad idea? What if no one has fun? Or no one even turns up?" She asks me panicking as we walk out of school. I put my arm over her shoulder, "Ness it will be great I promise an if no one shows up then we will still party and I'll throw down some amazing dance moves if it seems like no one is enjoying it so I'll be the talk of the school Monday okay?" I reassure her and managing to make her laugh.
She nods, "Thanks y/n" she gives me a squeeze.
We walk over to the motorbike parked outside of school.
"Hey Jacob" "Hey y/n" She smiles at me and pecks Ness on the forehead.
"Jacob please make sure this one doesn't freak out about the party and I'll see you guys later okay?" He nods, "I'll do my best".
"See you later y/n/n" Ness waves as they both hop on Jakes bike and head out of the school parking lot. I walk over to the jeep I bought a few weeks ago, it was old but it worked like it was new. I hopped in and headed home so I could get ready for the party.
As I drove home I couldn't help wonder what Renesmees family will be like. I don't actually know a lot about the Cullens but according to Casey and Rachel no one really does, all they know is that they are rich and tend to keep to themselves. This seems so odd because Renesmee is so open and bubbly.
I pull up outside my house and head inside, dad is still at work and Clara was in bed because she had been on the night shift and only got home a few hours ago. I made myself something small to eat and went upstairs for a shower.
I dried left my hair in a towel as I done my make up and then let it dry naturally into curls once I was done. I started rooting through my wardrobe for something to wear. Forks is a small town and people dress quite casually around here so I tended to do the same but tonight is a party so I think I can up it a little bit. I settled on an Autumn coloured floral dress with knee high brown boots and an oversized denim jacket. I didn't bother with a bag because everything fit into my pockets.
I headed downstairs where Clara was up and watching the TV.
"Hi Sweetie"
"Hi Clara" I said hiving her a hug, "You look lovely" She beamed, Clara was the closest thing I had to a mum in a long time. My own died when I was six and a few years later dad met Clara.
"Thanks, I'm so excited for this party" I told her, "Do you need a lift?" She asked.
"No I'm okay, I'll drive I don't think it will go on too late anyway" I told her walking towards the door.
"Okay then well have fun and be safe" She told me, "I always am" I reply blowing her a kiss.
I followed the direction Nessie had given me and after following a winding, tree covered road for what seemed like ages I started to hear the loud thudding of music in the distance. I followed it and pulled up in front of what I can only describe as a huge house with a modern finish and wall to floor glass windows. Colourful lights flashed through and I could see that the house was packed full of people. I hopped out and walked towards it, before I had even reached the top step the front door swung open.
"y/n/n you're here" Ness said engulfing me in a hug, she stepped back and I saw two beautiful people standing on either side of her, "Hello" I said shyly not sure if they would hear me over the music.
"y/n, hi it's so nice to finally meet you, I'm Bella and this is Edward, Renesmees parents.
I had to contain my shock as these people did not look old enough to have an eighteen year old daughter, "Ugh It's nice to meet you too" I managed trying to cover myself. Edward studied me for a moment before smiling, "No need for formalities, come on in and enjoy the party" I smiled back at him.
Ness grabbed my hand and pulled me in through the hoard of people, "Welcome to a Cullen party" She told me.
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morgansunflower · 3 years
They'll Never Break Me
Damian Wayne/Batman X Rachel Roth/Raven
Raven! Batmom
Warnings:major character injury
Batfam age reverse. Damian/Batman gets severely injured while on patrol. Causing each member of the Batfamily intense worry.
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Damian's P. O. V
Laying flat on my stomach on the bed. My back straight with a burning sensation from the harsh blows. Only wearing my boxers with a blanket laid on me below my back. My arm's crossed underneath the pillow where my head laid looking to my right. My breaths swift and forced. Rachel kisses my head running her soothing fingers through my hair. I hear, a soft cry escape her lips. I sadly smile. I wanted so badly to assure her that I am strong enough to withstand what they tried to break. Though with my back heavily pained with the heavy medication to ease the agonizing pained deep lacerations among my back. I felt so weakened that made my core boil with anger. I reach out to her hand and hold it. She places my hand on her swollen abdomen. The reason she could not take my pain. It was a blessing in my eyes. Our little miracle. I then feel a soft kick. My wife gasped with a soft laugh.
"she's worried about you too" Rachel mumbled
I hummed in response. I then feel Titus whimper licking my hand. He then laid beside my bed.
Rachel's P. O. V
I step out of the room as, my husband sleeps. I instantly sense each uneasy presence of my children and Alfred. I first knock on Stephanie's door.
"c'mon in mom" she dryly said very out of character but understandable given the worrisome circumstances.
I open the door Stephanie was sitting on her bed with little Cassandra holding her big sister's arm. Cassandra's little eye's watering. My heart physically heavies.
"oh my sweet girl's" I lean over kissing Cassandra's little face and Stephanie's forehead "he's gonna be OK.. Would you girl's like a sleepover in my bedroom?" I offered
"yay!" Stephanie exclaimed "that's exactly what I need right now!"
Both the girls follow me out of there room. We step into the hallway. I see Jason peep his head out from the doorway. He was wearing his Grinch themed pajama pants. His face angered and I can sense he's so scared. I softly smile to my son.
"would you like to join us?"
He shrugs his shoulders "nah I'm fine not a kid anymore"
I step to him and touch his face. I wanted so badly to take every fear that he has. I wrap my arms around him. Jason was already nearly taller than me. He takes a deep breath.
"he will be OK" I whispered loud enough for only him to hear. "he's not going to leave"
He finally wraps his arms around me. His breaths became calmer.
"thanks" he mumbled
I kiss his forehead "if you change your mind we'll be in my room"
"k-k" he replied half-shaken
I then step to Richard's bedroom. I look at my little girls.
"stay here"
I open the door instantly taking in the presence of his heartache. He's in so much emotional pain. Scared of losing Damian. He laid on his side facing away from me. I touch his shoulder and gently run my fingers through his hair. He began to cry. I kiss his head.
"I c-can't lose somebody I love again mom"
"shhh you're going to lose Damian. Don't forget he's Batman" I assured as, he half smiled
Damian's P. O. V
This is agonizing. Tim had no choice but to be Batman.. For now. It's been 34 hour's of endless rest. I remained in the exact place. Rachel would kill me if I even considered leaving this room. I hear my door crack open
"Dami" Richard softly said "I didn't want to bother you.."
"Richard" I whisper and then clear my throat to try to ease my breath as I prepare to speak "come hither" I weakly said
He, steps to the right side of the bed and kneels on the floor, his arms on the bed. I move my hand out from underneath the pillow. I twist my wrist and open my hand. Please hold it. Take my hand son. He carefully holds my large hand. My hand covering his little hand. Good. I move my hand straight still grasping Grayson's hand. I hear him sniff. I open my eye's seeing his tears. My sinks to my gut. He lays his forehead on my hand. I can't physically move and hold him. Tell him to not cry because I'm ok. It kills me being so helpless. I squeeze my hand that was in between his small grasp. As kind and carefree as he acts... He's still hurting. I love him as my own and always will. I shouldn't though I unintentionally did. My heart has done many things without my control. Falling in love with Rachel whom cared for someone as undeserving as I am. I became a father to two precious girl's. Three boy's whom I love as any father would have. I am not good with word's. They'll likely never know how much I love them. Rachel does. She sees me for who I am. For what I believed for so long wasn't there. She loves me with her hole heart. All the love I have from my family scares me that I'll lose them to. Grayson stutters heavily letting his pain be heard.
"shhh" I mumbled to Grayson
He shakes his head continuing to dry his impending tears as his lips tremble. I pull his hand to me. He moves onto the bed with complete ease and carefulness. He sits crossing his legs. I hold his wrist, pulling him down. He lays his head on the pillow in front of my face while crouched up. I use my thumb and rub his wrist. His eye's swelled from tears and face saddened. He's too good for this world. I don't deserve to be thought of as a father by him.
"I've been learning piano" he said to try to lighten the mood
I gently nodded in approvement. He then began to cry. My heart sinks. What do I do?
"it's my fault Damian" he cried drying his tears with his right wrist "I'm Robin I shhh-should have been there"
"not your fault son... I'm strong.."
He holds onto my shoulder carefully. That following night the children each came into my room while Tim was on patrol and Alfred assisted him in the Bat-cave. The floor was covered with blankets and pillows. Cassandra asked for a "sleepover in daddy's room".. It was... difficult to say no. Rachel laid on her side beside me.
"alright lights out and everyone be quiet.. You know I can even hear you breath so don't think you can get passed me" Rachel told our children
Each of the children showed me affection in their own way. Cassandra kissed my head. Stephanie flicked my forehead and said she missed picking on me. Richard hugged my head gently. Jason scoffed and said "sleep well old man". Then they laid on their pillows with their blankets. Rachel kissed my neck, her body close enough for me to feel our unborn daughter kick.
"sleep well my love"
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barbarianprncess · 3 years
did you mean it?
read on ao3.
It’s a total of 3 significant events that led to this, her forehead knocked against his, breaths heavy and mingled, eyes wide and hearts bleeding.
It’s a total of 3 significant events that led to this, her forehead knocked against his, breaths heavy and mingled, eyes wide and hearts bleeding.
The first event isn’t really an event at all. It’s a prologue, necessary context to truly understand the monumentalism of this moment. It’s the memory of her eyes, piercing and reproachful, being the first thing that he saw after losing his mother. It’s shared trauma and oreos while they’re young and naive. It’s truces and training and growing up too soon together. It’s stargazing and stupid jokes saving eachother in every possible way. It's the culmination of the years Percy spent growing, learning, and being with Annabeth, and the unknown and therefore repressed feelings that came with it. Feelings are like the sea in that way, they don’t take well to being restrained. Percy has found that you cannot box in oceans or sentiments, they always find a way to spill over and out, with no regard for the destruction left in its wake.
The second event is Dionysus deciding on a whim that the inhabitants of his camp are ‘uncultured pests’ and taking it upon himself to set up a field trip for campers to the Ancient Greek Cultural Center in New York. (Percy thinks it’s really just to distract kids that were still shaken up about the battle at camp and the losses it caused. But, Dionysus would never say so. He’s far too proud to admit to caring for the children he’s been assigned to look after.) Argus loaded all the kids he could fit into the strawberry vans, as Chiron listed all the reasons this was a terrible idea. As it turns out, his worries were in vain as miraculously, no monsters attacked, and no mortal asked too many questions. No, instead, the only hitch in his plan was the glaring inaccuracies of the Center sending Dionysus into a fit of rage. He ranted for so long, their 2 hour long field trip ended up lasting until the place closed.
Event the third is the ridiculously long line leading to the mens room at the rundown gas station they’ve stopped at, causing Percy to traipse into the woods, deep enough to know that no one other than the squirrels were watching, and pee there. Unbeknownst to him, Annabeth had decided to take a quick walk in the forest as well, (in the opposite direction of his peeing endeavor) with the purpose of clearing her head. Both returned to the parking lot after 10 minutes, with no truck in sight. The gas station lights are turned off on the inside and the door sign has switched decidedly to closed. They look at each other in disbelief.
“Uh...did they…”    
“They didn’t. They wouldn’t.”
“I think they would.”
“They would never-”
“I have pretty solid evidence to the contrary.” Annabeth deadpans, casually letting her hair loose and hopping on top of the miniature gas machine for motorcycles.
“But, how did-”
“No Argus.” Which means, no all-seeing eyes to double check the headcount. Percy begins to pace.
“Okay, but-”
“Two trucks.” Both of which are probably assuming Percy and Annabeth are on the other.
“Oh, gods.”
“Leave them out of this.”
“Those fuckers.”
“Which ones?” She asks. He looks up and she’s fighting a smile. He pointedly doesn’t notice the way her mouth curls up, or the way her hair falls around her shoulders and down her back, or how pretty she looks lit up by the neon red lights of the gas stations prices, which apparently doesn’t turn off when they close.
“Do you know something I don’t?”
“I know lots of things you don’t.”
“Ha-ha. I mean about how to get out of here.”
“Ohhhhh, let me think.” She wrinkles her nose in faux concentration, tilting her chin up towards  the sky. Percy is too annoyed to think it’s adorable. “Nope, not a clue.”
“Your phone?”
“Left it on the truck.”
“Iris message?”
“Percy, it’s dark as shit.” The laughter she’s been holding in comes pouring out. Nevermind that he feels his chest sigh in relief at hearing it for the first time since their quest, this is serious.
“You’re laughing.”
“Just a little.”
“You’re telling me, you don’t have a brilliant plan to get us on a truck.”
“So, we’re stuck here.”
“And you’re laughing?”
“You’re just really funny when you’re stressed.” She giggles. He can’t remember the last time she giggled. He missed it. He hates her.
“Oh my gods.”
“Okay, okay, look, I’m sorry. We’re halfway to camp right?” He nods. “I’m sure they’ll figure out we’re missing before they get all the way back to camp, but let's say, worst case scenario, they don’t-”
“Not helping-”
“And they make it the rest of the way back to camp. It took us four hours to get to the center, which means camp is two hours away, so if they make it the two hours back to camp before they realize we’re missing, and they drive back up-”
“C’mon ‘Beth, you know I suck at math.”
“We’re stuck here for five hours at most.”
“Five hours?”
“And that's if no passing cars let us use their phones to hurry the process up.”
“Five hours.”
She’s laughing again. “Seriously, what is so funny?”
“It’s just-” Her cheeks are red and she’s very poorly attempting to suppress her smile. “You’ve been calm in so many life or death situations, and being stuck at a gas station is what finally breaks through.”
“It’s nighttime.” She stares at him for a moment and then she’s laughing again, full bodied real laughter, and he's laughing too.
And it’s as if this gas station became their own personal Ogygia, an oasis, a resting place for them to be stupid kids again. And they don’t talk about the battle, or Rachel, or the volcano, or any of the million things set on tearing them apart. They talked about his mom getting serious about his new boyfriend, about Tyson’s underwater adventures and Grover’s searching shenanigans.
They smack talk with no real heat about who the better fighter is (Oh please, Seaweed Brain, I've been training since before you could tie your own shoes.), and argue about which ancient hero had the greatest journey (Hercules, are you kidding? Did you even read the myth?). They break into the gas station for snacks (What the fuck, Annabeth, where’d you learn to pick a lock? No, I wouldn’t prefer you break the glass, you psycho. Oh my gods, can you really break the glass?), and dissolve into giggles as they try to fit five drachma into the cash register.
They end up back outside sitting on the gas machines facing one another from three feet away.
“Your mom called me the other day.”
Percy, who’d been lazily squinting up at the murky sky, searching for any sign of stars, whipped his head to look at her. “What?”
“She called me on the phone. We talked for a bit. She said she wanted to make sure I was alright.”
“That sounds like something she would do.” He sighs and hops down from the machine, turning away from her, hoping to hide his blush from the dim light. “She cornered me on one of my off weekends, asked what was going on with us.”
“Oh.” He hears the shifting of fabric and assumes she followed him in sliding off the gas machine.
“Yeah.” It’s silent for a long time before she responds.
“What did you say?” She asks, her voice smaller than it was moments ago. He hears her scratching at the flat metal top of the machine. “When she asked, what did you say?”
He runs his finger through his hair, and one gets caught in a particularly large snarl. “Doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to me.” She whispers and gods he’s terrified but he really doesn’t have a choice when her voice wavers like that. Her words shake and every ounce of his being tells him to do whatever it takes to soothe it.
“I said we were fighting. That there wasn’t one sole reason for it, just a bunch of little reasons. I told her that I scared you when I….went away for two weeks last summer. And that you didn’t like bringing Rachel on your quest. I told her that we….. disagree about how to best handle Luke. That I probably wanted to protect you more than I wanted to listen to you.” She laughs softly and he blames what he says next on her laugh. It is the catalyst for everything that follows.
“I told her that we’d be okay. Because no matter what happens I’m always gonna love you.”
He hears her breath catch. He doesn’t have to look back to know she’s turned to face him fully. “Did you mean it?” She calls. He doesn’t answer. The words haven’t caught in his throat, they’ve spontaneously combusted in his vocal chords and he doesn’t think he’ll ever speak again.
The sound of gravel crunching gets closer until suddenly she's beside him, and he didn’t tell his torso to twist toward her, he thinks she might just be his center of gravity.
“Did you mean it?”
She’s looking up at him, and her hair smells like lemons, and her cheeks are pink, and her eyelashes go on for miles, and her sunspots are better than stars. And it’s as if she pulls the words right out of him, he’s hypnotized by everything about her.
“Of course I meant it.”
She exhales and closes her eyes and while he mourns the loss of the sight, his body moves on it’s own accord again and he’s edging closer and closer and she opens her eyes and here they are.
Their noses brush, and this time he closes his eyes, and their noses brush just so, and…
He was wrong, it wasn't just those three significant events that to her forehead knocked against his, breaths heavy and mingled, eyes wide and hearts positively bleeding. It’s clear he’s been waiting his entire life for this moment at this shitty gas station.
Waiting for this. Waiting for her.  
They kiss for a moment or an eternity, and they fit. His hands are on her hips and hers clutch at his shirt before sliding up to his throat, and it’s like his soul is whispering, oh there you are.
And then she’s pulling back, so she has just enough space to shake her head without disconnecting from his forehead.
She's breathless when she whispers, “This is a bad idea.”
His hands trail up and down her forearm of their own accord, and when he whispers back he’s breathless too. “Yeah, really bad idea.”
Her hands slide up from his chest to his shoulders, and then she’s kissing him again, with purpose, and he’s kissing back like his life depends on it because he thinks it might, thinks if he lets go of her he’d die on the spot.
It seems his theory might get tested when she pulls back again just far enough to whisper against his lips, “Is it always like that?”
He kisses her again, once, twice, because he can’t help it and whispers back, “I don’t know, you were my first kiss.”
He’d released any serious hold he had on her the moment she hesitated, but then she’s rocking back up to meet him halfway and his entire body thinks thank the gods. He actually sighs his relief into her mouth, as his hands desperately reach for her face, some fingers tangling in her hair, and their lips are magnets, opposites that don’t have a choice but to pull together. Despite how much he wants to keep doing this forever, he has to tell her.
“I don’t wanna lose you, again.” He means not ever, but he figures she understands the severity in his voice. She’s running her hand through his hair, and his slide up and down her back, and she knocks her nose against his as she answers, “I know, me either. I’m confused, this is confusing me.” And she tilts her chin just so, like she did a million years ago, and this time he kisses her.
They kiss for an infinity, he gets to taste her laughter when she giggles at the absurdness of it all, and it’s better than ambrosia. He kisses her until he doesn’t know anything else, until his entire universe is Annabeth Chase, with her cheeks and her curls and her lips. She is everything.
And then headlights penetrate their universe, voices bring an end to their infinity, and Chiron is speaking but it’s nothing, it’s all white noise because she’s no longer in his arms, and his center of gravity is being ripped away and he hears someone ask, “What’d you guys do?”
He’s still looking at her face when she answers, “You know, tried not to strangle each other mostly.”
But, she looks back before she turns all the way around and her gaze is charged and her lips quirk with the secret they share.
He is so screwed.
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