laski-and-sage · 2 years
So I (Sage) just got this picture from Laskume just with "TJ" written under it and I just laughed so loud in my apartment that my neighbour came to see what was up.
But... yes. Kind off? This picture I will present is the perfect describtion of TJ and her asexual ass XD
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cowboylikedean · 2 years
i understand that i’m the only person in the world who cares about over production on youtube but IT’S A FUCKING YOUTUBE VIDEO!!! it’s NOT a documentary!!! you are making educational content ON YOUTUBE you don’t need fancy graphics and editing and sound effects and transitions and a bunch of b-roll footage and an overly edited and rehearsed script
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teddynotthebear · 1 year
shout out to Lindsey Doe
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saxamophone · 4 months
What I've read lately
Thought I'd share the fics I've read lately! All lovely, please go read them.
I'll keep you (safe and sound) by @arminaa8
I'm a sucker for fics where Draco really is barely domesticated. He's peak prickly here, his softness gently bubbling up, and treats four-year-old Teddy as if he's an old man. Delightful.
Our Objective Remains Unchanged by @citrusses
Did I ever think I'd be in a situation where I'm googling 'oxford boat race' to understand the paramaters of a Drarry rowing AU? No. Was I happy, nay, privileged to do so for this fic? Yes. Drarry sports AU at it's finest. Mid-aughts, closeted Draco, amazing epilogue. Run.
Sexplanations (Of the Horrible Sort) by @bixgirl1
I hadn't read this bix fic, and don't know how I missed it! Draco and Harry are enthusiastically hooking up, and have the sex injuries to prove it. Laugh out loud funny.
Wield Me by @tackytigerfic
OK, I love competent Draco, and I love Draco who works with his hands. So Draco as a smith??? Making a special sword for Teddy to take beyond the veil? Obsessed. Love a generally amused Harry, too, and he's there, unsettling Draco every step of the way. Lovely.
The Roommates by @citrusses
The dynamic of the relationships between Sirius, Draco, and Harry are fascinating here, and citrus peppers this nighttime fic with excellent world-building in so few words. Read it now, please.
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my school was meant to give me sex ed, but I was late to the session (which they scheduled for an hour before our normal 8am start). they insisted that if we were late we shouldn't be allowed in (I don't know why) so I was stuck cutting out shapes instead of getting any sex ed. basically what I'm asking is where do I go to find sex ed as a (now) adult? I feel completely lost
hi anon,
good on you for wanting to seek out information! a good starting point could be Sexplanations, the YouTube channel of clinical sexologist Dr. Lindsey Doe. Dr. Doe was one of my first sex ed icons and has been doing what she does for years; she has a huge backlog of videos about all kinds of topics ranging from anatomy to sex toys to kink to navigating different types of attraction. most of her videos are quick, punchy, upbeat, and nonjudgmental; a perfect place to get started!
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sitp-recs · 9 months
heyo!! been loving the super specific rec lists youve been making lately :)
do you have favorite fics that include riding! as in. riding cock. bonus points if there’s good dirty talk about it. don’t care who’s on who as long as it is HOT! but obv i love drarry most. hope this is fun!
An ask after my own heart 🥹 thank you for the delicious request anon, here are some fics with memorable riding scenes imho. This reminded me of my fave Starker PWP but that’s neither here nor there so I’ll keep this short & Drarry. I hope you enjoy! 🔥
Move by @shealwaysreads (829 words)
“Come on, fuck yourself on it. I won’t make it move until you do.”
You Either Fuck or You Get Fucked by @fw00shy (2k)
"That's not how fucking works. Fucking's…" Draco waved a hand in the air. "You either fuck or you get fucked." "Sure," Harry said. He took out a Sickle. "Toss for it?"
in charge by @bonesliketambourines (2.4k)
Draco's bossy. Turns out that extends to the bedroom, too. Harry likes it—a lot.
Mens Rea by @lqtraintracks (E, 3k)
Mens Rea: the mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one's action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed. “Draco Malfoy, how do you plead?” I’m super fucking guilty.
Like Gold by @the-sinking-ship (4k)
Draco runs away from home on the back of his boyfriend’s motorbike.
Catch the Snitch (No, Catch My Heart) by prolix (4.5k)
Draco secretly loved when Harry lost a match.
Sexplanations (Of the Horrible Sort) by @bixgirl1 (7k)
Harry's willing to put up with a certain amount of injury, as long as he and Malfoy can keep doing... whatever it is they're doing. Maybe. Mostly. Especially if there might be more to it than sex.
The Page Eleven Wars by fireflavored (E, 8.5k)
In a gossip-hungry post-war Wizarding World, Rita Skeeter has a wildly successful column in the Daily Prophet known as Page Eleven. Naturally, her favourite targets are the poster boys of the two sides of the war: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. Bored and annoyed, the two take up tabloid baiting for sport and pleasure.
It's the Love of the Chase (That Created the Ride) by @lqtraintracks (14k)
Draco and Harry are new Auror partners. It's a bit dull. Until they finally see some spell action and things get a lot more interesting (in Draco's pants).
An Act of Kindness for One Harry Potter by a Sympathetic Draco Malfoy by 0idontknow0 (15k)
As Draco leaned on the wall to wait for them to get dressed, he could not help feeling like he had done a very kind thing by disrupting them. Someone should give Potter a better rogering than that sorry sod had. The man had saved the bloody world—okay, mostly Europe—the least someone could do was give him a proper shag.
you look so fine by michi_thekiller (E, 16k)
In which Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate. Dark!Humor or Crack!Horror, you decide.
Buy A Heart by xErised (E, 17k)
Draco's cock hardens as he looks at the invitation to the charity auction; his golden ticket to one wild night of desperate sex with Potter to get rid of this inexplicable obsession. His heart whispers that one night will never be enough, but Draco is beyond caring. All he knows is that he will pay any price to have Potter over and over again.
White as Snow by @bixgirl1 (19k)
After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident by lauren3210 (20k)
In which Harry thinks he’s a playboy, everyone else knows better, and Hermione will kill Seamus if Ron tries to collect on that bet.
Waking Up Slow by @sweet-s0rr0w and @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (22k)
'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July / Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why / There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more / Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore / Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss / And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks (23k)
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
In Your Arms, Rests My World by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (24k)
Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy's forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it. “You make me feel safe, Potter” Malfoy whispers. “You keep me safe.”
Embers by @shiftylinguini (41k)
Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice.
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weeklyreadings · 7 months
Week 44
Slip Into My Lover's Hands by @lqtraintracks
Rated E. 6k. Drarry
Draco licks his lips. He shuts his eyes, because he doesn't think he can look at Potter when he says it. When he asks for it. "One finger?"
Good Company by Greenflares
Rated T. 8k. Drarry
With Hermione and Ron always together, Harry's return to Hogwarts to complete his education isn't exactly fun. Somehow, it's his unlikely friendship with Malfoy that keeps him sane.
The Heart's Honest Truth by @bixgirl1 and @carpemermaid
Rated E. 16k. Drarry
Draco is cursed to speak in questions. Well...Spelled, thanks to the stupidly improper archival practices of the fourth century. Harry Potter is there to save the day, but Draco isn’t going to give in to his help so easily. Fortunately, the method of saving might be more satisfactory than Draco expected this time.
Back to You by @aibidil and @daisymondays
Rated T. 9k. Drarry
The eighth years make Harry and Malfoy go head to head and back to back in a question-and-answer drinking game. The worst that can happen is they end up drunk, right?
Who I Really Am by agentmoppet
Rated E. 9k. Drarry
Draco seems to have changed since the war, and is insisting on making amends for his actions. But he's still a Malfoy, for heaven's sake... And, it would seem, a Malfoy with a certain kink...
Something I Don't Want to Stop by @lqtraintracks
Rated E. 16k. Drarry
It's Harry and Draco's eighth year, the Houses have been all but demolished in favor of unity, and they're being forced to room together. How ever will they cope?
Sexplanations (Of the Horrible Sort) by @bixgirl1
Rated E. 7k. Drarry
Harry's willing to put up with a certain amount of injury, as long as he and Malfoy can keep doing... whatever it is they're doing. Maybe. Mostly.
Especially if there might be more to it than sex.
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warmcoals · 8 months
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the more i talk about it im realizing gen 3 was sort of a sissy tgirl mess. you could pick being a girl with a fluffy run cycle. we had skitty and ralts and milotic and castform and roselia and luvdisc and those weird TV bees, just to name a few. half the legendaries were sleek eeping weirdos, including Drama Snake, TF Alien, StarBaby, and SexPlane. whatever happened with mudkip. like ig you could argue this for any gen but rse felt Gendered like no other
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smokee78 · 1 year
hey PSA to any teens out there
Please don't skip your health and career classes' consent lesson. Yes even if you're already having sex. sex even if you have a good partner. yes even if you love them.
Pay attention to what consent really is and what it looks like on all sides. for other situations. learn about the different between want and will and won't. please.
if you're not in a district where this is covered in school, Sexplanations on YouTube is a great resource.
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aro-thoughts · 2 years
I think it's quite difficult to get into a relationship if you're aspec, especially aro. I used to not be fussed about the idea but lately I found myself wanting one, especially now that my presential attraction to one fictional character has now gone from lowkey to kind of highkey and definitely the strongest attraction I've felt in a long time
I have no idea how I would actually find a relationship in person, but I did today realise that there are specific things I would look for in a relationship after being close to my best friend for a while now, and I found that a good way to understand my feelings about a relationship is using a want will won't list
It's as simple as it sounds really, it's just a list of things you know you want in a relationship, a list of things you absolutely don't want (or only under specific circles), and a list of things you personally don't want but would be willing to do if your partner wanted it.
It might be a bit difficult to think about, but as an example of things I have in mine, I want cuddles, will buy gifts, won't dance.
Oh and this isn't my idea btw, I just remembered it was something I saw on a YouTube video by sexplanations
Istg that on Tumblr somewhere on some kind of qpr blog there's a post that talks about something similar to this that lists loads of things to pick from for a list like this. But I think it's a really good idea for aspec people cuz we're generally people who aren't into the mainstream idea of a relationship so writing down what we do and don't want might help us have an idea of how we'd like to navigate relationships in the future
Obviously this list isn't perfect, it's overly simplistic. I mean, I will dance, I just hate it in certain circumstances, and I might buy some things but I'll refuse to buy certain others or etc etc, but I think it's definitely a fun activity and a nice place to start with this sort of thing
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Writing Resources: Safe Sex and Kink
Sp's resources for Content Creators Materialist
For smut writers everywhere, please feel free to add your own.
Consent/Sexual Health
What is consent - Dr Lindsey Doe of Sexplanations, Youtube video.
Sexual Negotiation featuring Midori - Dr Lindsey Doe of Sexplanations, Youtube video.
Saying no - Dr Lindsey Doe of Sexplanations, Youtube video.
Consent and Kink
CONSENT and Kink - Watts the Safeword, Youtube video.
NEGOTIATING SEX and KINK - Watts the Safeword, Youtube video.
WHAT IS GOOD SEXUAL HEALTH? - Watts the Safeword, Youtube video.
Kinky GREEN Flags - Watts the Safeword, Youtube video.
Kinky Red Flags - Watts the Safeword, Youtube video.
BDSM Terms Everyone Should Know - Watts the Safeword, Youtube video.
RACK-IN IT UP - It's Morphin Time! - Watts the Safeword, Youtube video.
Kink/BDSM Safety.
Erotic Choking - Dr Lindsey Doe of Sexplanations, Youtube video.
BREATHPLAY for beginners - Watts the Safeword, Youtube video.
The Medical Realities of Breath Control Play Jay Wiseman, SFW website.
BDSM 101: Hair Pulling - Evie Lupine, Youtube channel.
BDSM 101: Subdrop and Topdrop - Evie Lupine, Youtube channel.
BDSM 101: Limits, Safewords and Boundaries - Evie Lupine, Youtube channel.
There is so so much more and I highly suggest you take a look at all the youtube channels listed. Thank you to @thesirenrealm for the push to make this post.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Season 2, Episode 12, Part 2 ("Richard In Stars Hollow")
Part 1 and all other episodes here
"You built me a car?" "I built you a car." Version 2.0:
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Yes it has already been established that a car has been built.
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Sorry Lorelai, he's not gonna build you a plane for you to fuck him in. #SexPlane
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Let's see how Lorelai takes this completely factual observation.
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If your grandfather had pulled out your father wouldn't exist and I wouldn't be here listening to "you built me a car" again and having to hear about Lorelai's Sex With Dean Plane. What does your father and grandfather being good with cars have to do with anything? How does that make you a mechanic? Where's that motorcycle you supposedly had in season 1? Why is your scarf so ugly? I bet that coat you're wearing smells. That haircut is so stupid. It's that time again! Time for "Dean proceeds to get a very snippy attitude with an adult and Lorelai doesn't care because he's not Jess and she wants to fuck him on their Sex Plane."
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You're a certified Butthead, that's all you are.
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Gotta love Lorelai jeopardizing her daughter's life by letting her drive some death trap built by a 17 year old butthead with zero automotive experience because "it's a nice thing he did." It's not a fucking ceramic mug he made for her in a pottery class, it's a car. He built her a car (did you catch that yet?) Lorelai just gets more and more insufferable and we're only at the halfway mark of season 2. It will continue to go downhill from here. *straps in* Isn't this the car that Jess totals in Teach Me Tonight? That's the only good thing to come out of that wretched episode.
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Rory, you gotta stop with that sad puppy face, you're breaking my heart. If he's so fucking good at bulding cars why didn't he do that for a living after high school instead of just being a career butthead? Why didn't he go to automotive school or something and keep himself busy and do something to contribute to society instead of trapping poor Lindsay into making his meatloaf? (#JusticeForLindsay) Why is his face so god damn punchable? I hate everything about you, sir. I wish you would perish. Truly. He claims Gypsy inspected the car (I think this is the first time she's mentioned on the show?) but literally 30 seconds ago Richard asked him "have you even driven it past a mechanic?" and he said no, but now all of a sudden all of these people have inspected the car. Butthead continues to snip at, make sarcastic comments to, and raise his voice at Richard. Rory and Lorelai just stand there. I'm not convinced Butthead can even read no less build a complicated piece of machinery. Richard and Dean mosey on over to Gypsy's in their respective cawrs so Butthead can prove to Richard that his Death Trap is safe. Gypsy inspects Dean's Metal Box of Death and declares there is absolutely nothing wrong with Dean's handiwork. He did a perfect job. We are to believe this 17 year old butthead who had to fake knowing how to read to impress Rory and is not in the automotive trade made aboslutely zero mistakes building a car from a scratch. Mmmkay.
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Really? Great! That was the plan all along.
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...should have pulled out. We learn a little more about Butthead's family history besides the fact that his father's pullout game is weak. His father has a shop where he sells and installs stereos. His mother transcribes medical records. And that was your peek into the exciting World of Butthead.
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While it feels like every breath and eye blink exchanged between R&J has had a PHd thesis written about it at some point, there are some scenes that nobody seems to care about, like this one? It got to a point that I never saw it on Twitter and Instagram and between viewings of the show I would start to think I must have imagined it. Why, I don't know. Because it's cute as heck and it's one his more clever pranks. Certainly better than the chalk outline.
You gotta love Jess putting dirty movies into G-rated movie boxes. Unlike the chalk outline prank, he did it purely to get back at the people who had screwed Rory over. My sweet baby.
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How utterly depressing that this is not even a joke anymore and a completely true statement in the year 2023.
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No. No bye. You stay right here. *holds him hostage* Let's enjoy a few screen shots of pure unadulterated joy.
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 1 year
Visual resources primer
If you're creating a visual oriented fanwork or you're a writer who needs to see all the details to craft the perfect sentence, we thought of you!
This resource post is for visuals. It is geared towards artists who have never drawn BDSM art or want to try to represent new kinks for our fest.
⚠️ Proceed with caution! ⚠️
There are no images in this post, only links. All the links contain nsfw content varying from artistic nudity to sexual photos. 🔞 I specify the content (cw) of the website linked to the best of my ability, but none of it is appropriate for the average office workplace.
Please be mindful of your own triggers and limits before clicking any link.
■ General advice
Drawing kinky and/or bdsm scenes for the first time requires some level of research, but depending on what you want to depict it can be more or less than your average piece of art.
Drawing temperature play with ice? As easy as googling "ice". Drawing specific gear like puppy play hoods or a shibari design might require more diving.
■ Genitals
Before delving in the saucier part, I thought some basics might be a good introduction. Not all BDSM involves genitals, but some of it does, so take what you need.
[cw the following are all drawn 2d tutorials of genitals]
- Tutorial on dicks - More dicks and piercings - T-dick in various states - T-dick more in detail - Vulva tutorial - Vulva tutorial on pixiv
For more drawn references the sites that have the best tagging system are imo: • Rule 34 [cw the page opens to an anime drawing of a girl in bikini, depending on what you search it contains every kind of 2d porn] • Pixiv (requires login) [cw, before login it has a sfw interface, once you log in the main page differs (it shows what's popular at the moment etc) so it can contain 2D porn or be entirely sfw, proceed with caution]
Why looking at nsfw art? Looking at art first might ease you into the subject and make it feel less awkward, and artists tend to accentuate details, so observing other artists is a great tool to see what they did and seeing if it works for us too!
■ Now, onto Real Life Resources!
• For genital photos, but also for any kink I'm sure a reddit community or thread exists! While reddit has a bad reputation from its user base, when it comes to unedited nsfw photos is a great place to look at, the downside is that often the photos are not professional and the face is cropped for privacy reasons. • Flickr has a good tagging/filtering system and while it doesn't have explicit sexual content, it allows kink and "artistic nudity", some examples: - Shibari Group on Flickr [cw: photos of people of various genders, tied up, various states of undress, genitals can be seen in some photos] - Folsom Berlin Group on Flickr [cw: people in bdsm gear, parading for the fair in the streets, leather, latex, various states of undress but no genitals showing in the first page linked]
note: Folsom is an annual BDSM and leather subculture street fair, there are many pride events with a parade part dedicated to kink or leather: looking into Pride photos could be a great way to take a look at gear being worn without having to seek porn • Check Youtube for gear reviews, sex education content and dungeon tours like this one by sexplanations [cw sfw video showing a dungeon and some activities are demonstrated by a woman as the sub and a male dom, both clothed] • Twitter has some content but it's basically impossible to filter properly, so I don't personally use it, but following some accounts as you find them or looking at tags, like Shibari Photography [cw people tied up, nudity] might get you some interesting results • Go back to the origins and check DeviantArt. DA has some amazing stock photos [cw might contain nudity] - for example I recently found this account on DA (thetiedtyper) [cw naked women in stock, pillories and chains, full nudity] that has some kinky stocks photos, perfect for the Merlin setting! • Browse BDSM Sex Shops online (or irl if you want to): sex shops have good photos of the gear and also they use the proper name for them, so you can look further into it. - Mr S Leather [cw bdsm gay sex shop, photos of examples of the objects used during sexual activity, naked bodies and genitals showing] - Etsy [cw bsdm gear search on etsy, nudity, naked people showing the accessories] While buying handmade sexual paraphernalia can be risky, there's no risk in looking at these amazing crafts to feature them in your art. You can find some really creative stuff here. • Change search engine Have you noticed how, no matter how hard you try, google will never show you decent nsfw results? I have, and it's because their filter is busted Ecosia and DuckDuckGo work best in my experience, but I'm sure other alternatives exist. You can use our resource post to see some keywords to use. • Look at porn Most porn websites have good photos or at least free video previews. I personally don't look at videos unless I need to understand a specific practice or pose (thing can get complicated ;) ) Porn is great to get the anatomy (we can bend in unexpected ways!) and also to get the way different parts interact. A rope can be tighter or more loose and that impacts the skin and fat/muscle of the person. Leather bends and reflect light a certain way. Even the simple ice from my initial example might surprise us with how the skin reacts with goosebumps or reddens and how the ice slides over it. You can also notice the set: some porn sets are simpler and some are dungeons with a very neat aesthetic, a gloryhole setting might look shady and dirty or be a "normal" bathroom stall. Just a couple examples: - DBNaked [cw: explicit porn, photos of extreme bdsm practices, the link directs to the BDSM gay category, but the website features porn of every kind, you can search the categories/tags to what suits your needs] - This shibari Japanese website which I'm including because the ropework is beautiful [cw solo photos of men from clothed to naked, tied up and with other various kinks involved, unrelated but it features a lot of clothing kink too XD]
■ Materials that will make your life easier
You've got the reference, your visual library is full, what can make your drawing experience even smoother?
Many programs have assets/materials that can help you
• Clip Studio Assets: - This rope brush set (you might recognize from our banner <3) 100 clippy Content ID: 1843256 - Free rope brushes - This free chain brush Content ID: 1844909 - Free Seam brush, useful for giving details to leather and corsets Content ID: 1848691 - Free Stitch brush for more clothes or accessories detailing Content ID: 1896762 - This "fluid" brush, 10 clippy, worth it! I swear by this one, I use it mostly for sweat and it's *chef's kiss Content ID: 1790153 Some Materials websites do not allow terms like 'blood' or 'semen/come' so artists may use "glue" or other alternative search terms. CSP has a lot of scars brushes and many more <3 you can easily look at them in the assets, depending on which kink you choose. But what about other art programs? • Gumroad is a marketplace for artists. Search 'keyword + brush' and toggle the NSFW button on to have more results. The price might vary from a couple dollars to more depending on the kind of brush and set. Gumroad also has nsfw photo packs, if you really want a specific thing or to check them out. - Free Glue Brush for Procreate - Free Mystery Liquid for procreate - Free milk brush for Procreate • DeviantArt [cw this opens the main page for DA, may contain nudity or 2d porn] has some materials you might use.
I didn't go more in depth for Photoshop because i think it has its own shop/marketplace. For Krita and other softwares I couldn't find any brush, I think their software engine is not as advanced right now.
The textures on Gumroad and DA work for all programs.
■ Follow nsfw artists and engage with the community
Many artists share what they use or where they got it, and can often give useful tips, no matter what they draw. I hope these tips, as modest as they are, will be helpful not only for the BDSM week, but also for Kinkalot and the rest of your creative path ♡
In conclusion, whether you choose to draw Arthur in a simple and cute collar (cw sfw cute collar) or to paint a well negotiated BDSM orgy of the Knights roleplaying as Merlin's slaves, remember to have fun!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months
hello sex witch,
so I've been reading on the sex adventures part of your blog and read the posts about people masturbating only a certain way and how that can condition them to only enjoy it a certain way and I kinda freaked out, cause I've been doing that for more than a decade. So my question is, are there any resources you could share on ways to masturbate for vagina havers? Thank you very much, I'm very happy your posts exist
hi anon,
I want to be super clear: this is generally only an Issue when people discover that they're literally unable to enjoy sex in a satisfactory way with a partner because it's different than the way they masturbate. simply having a default favorite way to masturbate is not inherently cause of concern (most people do! there are only so many ways to jack off!) so long as you're not finding that it hampers your ability to enjoy other types of sexuality.
having said that, a little variety never hurt anybody! so you may find something compelling in this sexplanations video
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sitp-recs · 11 months
I'm looking for stories where at some point Harry lets everyone know about a secret relationship with Draco. Something like "it's mine and I care little or nothing what you think of this relationship" vibration. I basically look for fics where they say they are coming out in a totally spectacular or unexpected way.
Hi anon! That’s a really interesting ask and I wish I could remember more titles because I feel like I’ve read some. Here are the fics that came to mind:
All Tied Up by MyNameIsThunder (M, 6k)
Blaise is determined to find out why the entrance to the Slytherin common room is acting up all of a sudden. Draco is determined to keep it a secret.
Sexplanations (Of the Horrible Sort) by @bixgirl1 (E, 7k)
Harry's willing to put up with a certain amount of injury, as long as he and Malfoy can keep doing... whatever it is they're doing. Maybe. Mostly. Especially if there might be more to it than sex.
(Un)Calculated Risk by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 7k)
He thought about the way Harry looked at him, smiled at him; about the way Draco’s head was nearly always full of him, all day every day, and about the way Draco sometimes deliberately went to bed still smelling of him, refusing to acknowledge what it meant – because he already fucking knew what it meant.
Up in the Air by dicta_contrion, kazuya22 (T, 8.5k)
When he's out in the sun, eye to eye with the treeline, Harry can barely remember why this thing with Draco was ever a secret in the first place.
A Song, Incomplete by RurouniHime (E, 11k)
Draco’s photograph took up the entire top half of the Prophet’s front page. Below the photo: DRACO MALFOY DEFENDS SON OF FORMER LOVER. As if that were breaking news.
Little Talks by Femme and noeon (E, 11k)
Draco's been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he's sure it's just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
I'll never be your chosen one by @andithiel (E, 15k)
Draco doesn't know what exactly he’s doing with Potter, he doesn't know how their unspoken agreement even started, and doesn't know where it will end. The only thing he knows is: he's not in love.
Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks (E, 23k)
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
This is Never Happening Again by hpleems (E, 32k)
“Potter,” Malfoy said, shaking his head. “Do I look like I care about your holiday plans? Trust me: this is *never* happening again.”
Expecto Patronum by @writcraft (E, 35k)
Harry Potter is the most sought after celebrity in wizarding Britain. His every movement is scrutinised, his relationships questioned and his photographs plastered over every paper. Harry's used to everyone thinking he’s a hero and has had plenty of time to learn how to keep his biggest secrets hidden from the press.
Things Worth Knowing by Femme and noeon (E, 164k)
After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor.
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road2nf · 6 months
Still, they can flip me like a switch. It’s incredible that two nerdy dudes with cameras can make me okay again so easily. They reassure me that the world is still beautiful and magnificent, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.
This perspective I’m writing from is probably different from most.
I haven’t watched Hank and John’s videos for long, nor have I even watched all of them.
Some people put time in for these sorts of things and delve extraordinarily deep into groups and projects. I don’t. I tend to love and watch from afar.
My love is still deep and certain, if you have any doubt.
It’s not that I don’t care, but I just feel comfortable in a space just outside the edge.
It’s almost three in the morning, as I type this, to be honest, and either my sleep depravity or just the nature of these two guys has left me without words. I feel like I can’t even create a sentence that will even come close to resembling them in some written form.
They care and they write and they teach and they learn without compromising themselves, their standards, or the people they hold dear. Which is us.
I may be watching from a bird’s eye view, but I have never felt more accepted by people I’ve never even met. Whenever I’m in need of some humility and strength, I read The Fault in Our Stars.
When I feel like an idiot for my lack of common sense, I’ll watch Crash Course and Sci-Show until my eyes hurt.
When love and sex and how it will all play out starts to give me anxiety and extreme panic, I’ll sit down for a nice several hours of Sexplanations.
And at any point at all, and whatever mood I’m in, I’ll read Looking For Alaska.
That book means more to me than I can put into words.
Oh yeah, and LBD. That’s ruined me forever. In a good way, though.
That was just a rambling of compliments, but wow, I can’t get over all the things they do.
They’ve revolutionized what it means to be a good person, at least in my eyes.
I may not invest myself too deep, but they have given me so much.
They make me want to be myself and go wherever that may lead me.
I’m scared. Like, a lot. Like, more often than I’m usually willing to admit.
Still, they can flip me like a switch. It’s incredible that two nerdy dudes with cameras can make me okay again so easily. They reassure me that the world is still beautiful and magnificent, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.
-Maria Olivia (@mariaislost)
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