#so I thought I was safe basing them both off of the same reference
doolallymagpie · 1 year
hit me that Thalia and Pantariste meeting would just look like this
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Thirsty (Adrian Chase x fem!reader)
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Rating: Explicit - 18+ only
Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: SMUT, Mutual pining, Romance, Canon typical descriptions of murder and violence, Dubious consent (they are both kind of drunk), Oral (fem receiving), P in V, Safe sex (male condom), Multiple orgasms
Summary: Your job restocking vending machines takes you to businesses all over Evergreen - including Fennel Fields where the cute busboy keeps making eyes at you. (Based on this ask by @kpopgirlbtssvt)
A/N: There’s a part where Adrian picks the reader up over his shoulder but he is a very strong boi, I am confident he could shoulder carry any thirsty MF. PS My toxic trait is that I slip a reference to Scotland in literally everything I write.
Tag list: @likeficsinthewnd, @she-wolf09231982,
Chapter text:
The muscles in your forearms ache as you drag your hand cart, stacked with cases of soda and water, up the ramp at the back of Fennel Fields. 
You wheel your final delivery of the day straight into their break room, as usual, and park your cart beside the vending machine, ready to start your restock. You’re greeted amicably by the staff, who know you well enough that they’re not surprised to see you. 
But one particularly familiar face spots you from across the room and practically leaps off his chair. Adrian Chase looks forward to your weekly trip to Fennel Fields, and today he can’t help but notice the glow on your face from hauling your delivery. He wonders what else makes your face glow like that. He bets he could.
“Hey, stranger,” you say, and he blinks at you as if snapping out of something.
“Stranger? It’s me, Adrian.”
You grin. You can’t tell if he’s joking or not but either way, you find it sort of cute. And, yes, Taylor warned you to stop flirting with the hot but kind of dorky busboy because he’s gonna end up catching feelings, but there’s something fun about getting him all flustered and making his cheeks burn.
“I know, Adrian. I could never forget that pretty face,” you tease. He turns slightly pink. There it is. “Thirsty?” you ask.
“Yup, and wait til you see what I got you.”
This has been your routine at Fennel Fields for a few months now. You pick up some speciality soda while you’re delivering beverages across Washington and Adrian brings you something- usually a snack or anything else he thinks you might like.
“Three… two… one.” At the same time, you pull the soda out from your bag and Adrian hands you a small, blue rectangular box.
A cassette tape. Aqua- Aquarium. 
“Adrian! This is so sick- it’s so hard to find tapes these days.” You flip it over to read the tracklist. “I fucking love Barbie Girl.”
“Me too! And I noticed your Walkman, so I thought you could use some more music.” He looks down at the orange and blue soda can in his hands, reading the label. “IRN BRU?”
“This is the weirdest soda I’ve found yet. It’s like bubblegum cream soda but it burns.”
He cracks it open, takes a sip and looks confused. “I think I like it?” He takes another sip. “It’s like my mouth hates it but needs more.”
“I know, right?” You put the cassette in your bag and open the vending machine.
“Thanks for the soda.” He nods at your tired arms as you start loading in your delivery. “Sick forearm pump, by the way.”
“Uh, what?”
“Yeah! You can totally tell you’ve been working on them- they’re huge.”
You raise an eyebrow. It’s probably meant as a compliment, but you’re not sure how you feel about Adrian talking to you like you’re one of his bros at the gym. 
“I mean- not huge! Like normal. But nice. And-“
“Have you seen Taylor?” You decide to step in before he can dig this particular hole any deeper. “I need him to sign for this.”
“What’s up, Cuz?” Taylor appears from around a corner. 
You hold out your electronic POS and stylus, awaiting his signature. “Just need you to sign this, then I’m done for the night.”
“Nice!” says Adrian “You got any plans after this?”
“Depends on who’s asking,” you tease him, a small balloon swells up in your chest with excitement. You’ve never been sure whether Adrian’s always so excited to see you because he likes you or if he just really likes soda. 
“Uh, me,  Adrian. Remember?”
“Hey man, what did I tell you about hitting on my cousin?” Taylor gives him a stern look. “Don’t you have a pregnant girlfriend to be worried about?”
You’re surprised, to say the least. The fact that Adrian has a girlfriend (a pregnant one at that) but he still goes out of his way to exchange gifts with you every week is kind of disappointing. It reaffirms your belief that there are no decent men in this town.
“Yes! I mean, no. We, uh, we broke up.”
“Because of the party you tried to throw her?” asks Taylor.
Aw, that’s kind of sweet.
“Uh, yeah, she did not appreciate the abortion party.”
What the fuck?
Taylor signs for the delivery and hands you back the device, giving you a meaningful look- I told you so. The balloon of excitement in your chest feels well and truly punctured.
“But I mean, I’m not hung up on her or anything. I actually dumped her.”
Yup, no decent men alright.
You and Taylor exchange glances. You can practically hear the wet raspberry of the balloon deflating completely. 
“I’d better go. Thanks for the tape, dude,” you say a little more coolly than you’d intended in your hurry to hide your dismay before wheeling your cart out of the break room.
“Hey, let me help you with that,” Adrian’s voice calls from behind you, but Taylor grabs the door before he can.
“I got it, man.” 
Taylor walks with you to the van. You lean up against the cab door in exasperation. Taylor offers you a cigarette which you go to accept, but he retracts the packet.
“Nuh-uh, let’s hear it first.”
“Fine,” you sigh. “You are so full of wisdom, as always, and I will forever heed your dating advice from now until the end of time,” you concede to Taylor, snatching a cigarette. He grins and lights you both up.
“Y’know what the weird thing is? I don’t think he ever had a girlfriend.”
You exhale a puff of smoke in surprise. “What was that about then?”
“I dunno. I caught him out here celebrating one night, and he made up a weird abortion party story. I think he was really out here dancing because Peacemaker came into the restaurant-“
“Peacemaker?! Jeez, isn’t that guy in jail?”
“Musta released him. But I think Adrian was being an excited fanboy and got embarrassed when I saw him. Dude’s a serial liar- I thought he’d come clean if I asked him about it in front of you.”
You lean your head back against the van. “Where are all the decent men in Evergreen?” You lament and start rhyming off, counting on your fingers. “They’re either obsessed with capes, racists, racist capes or racists who are obsessed with capes!”
“Well, speaking of capes, it’s getting dark. You better hit the road before you run into that nutcase, Vigilante.”
“Yeah, or the escaped gorilla,” you laugh, stubbing out your cigarette. 
“Put that in the trash or you’ll end up with a bullet in your head for littering.”
“I’ve charmed my way out of worse situations. Besides, maybe he’ll be the one to sweep me off my feet.”
“Vigilante? Or the gorilla?”
“Honestly, at this point, I’d take either.”
The following afternoon, your delivery route sends you off down the highway. It’s not a glamorous job, stocking vending machines at different businesses all over the place, but it’s easy, and you can listen to your own music. It takes you all across this little corner of Washington, and the more you see, the more grateful you are that you get to live in this beautiful, rocky state.
Even if there isn’t a single eligible man to be found on your entire route. You still feel a little crestfallen thinking about Adrian Chase. Why was he so intent on lying to Taylor yesterday? How deep does his Peacemaker obsession go if he was that embarrassed?
You pull up to the back of the Glan Tai bottling plant on the outskirts of Evergreen, put on your headphones and turn on your Walkman. You want to keep a low profile because the clients are much weirder here than the rest- Adrian Chase excluded.
They weren’t always like this. The facilities manager at Glan Tai was a friendly old man - Clive- who let you use their bathroom, and gave you filter coffee from a polystyrene cup to ease your two-hour journey home. Until one day recently, Clive wasn’t so friendly anymore. New management, you expected.
Head down, you drag your cart through the service entrance and make your way to their storage room. Aqua blasts in your ears as you wheel your way along the corridor. There are loud bangs and the ground vibrates slightly, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary in a site with heavy machinery. 
You get to the room where they keep the IT equipment, files and vending machine and start unloading. You feel a heavy hand on your shoulder and pull your headphones down around your neck.
“Oh, sorry Clive, I didn’t see you-“ 
You freeze, icy fear spreading through your veins as you find yourself face to face with - you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me - the escaped gorilla from the zoo.
You scream. Loudly.
Two people burst into the room, startling the gorilla. It backs away from you. For a second, you think they’re factory workers running to your rescue. But they slam and bolt the storage room door shut behind them.
“No! Unlock the door!”
They whip around and point their guns at you. You drop the case of water you’re holding and hold your hands up in surrender.
One of them, you recognise from the news. A man in a black and teal suit, armed to the hilt, with his face almost entirely obscured- except by a red visor covering his eyes.
It’s him. It’s Vigilante. And a blonde woman you don’t recognise. 
He lowers his gun and nudges hers away from your direction.
“Shoot her before she kills us both!” snaps the woman, irritated. 
“She’s not a butterfly,” says Vigilante, his voice muffled behind his mask. “I know her.”
He knows me? How?
“I’m just delivering water, I swear!” You beg her, looking between them. 
Just then, the gorilla appears from behind the shelves and launches the blonde woman across the room.
An involuntary yelp of shock escapes you again and the gorilla returns its attention to you. Thinking fast, you tip your cart forward, and the giant ape trips up on the cascade of cans and bottles.
“You didn’t think to tell us there was a gorilla in here?!” Comes the annoyed blonde woman’s voice from behind a broken table.
“I was preoccupied with the guns in my face!” 
The door to the storage room is blasted open and another woman bursts in, followed by none other than Peacemaker.
Adrian would lose his shit right now, you think to yourself.
Peacemaker looks at you through the eyeholes of his helmet “She’s clear, Adebayo” and the other woman lowers her gun. The gorilla gets up. “Oh shit!” says Peacemaker as it sends a swipe in your direction, sending you tumbling off your feet and onto the floor.
You cower in the corner as they fight the gorilla. Vigilante stabs it but it bats him away easily and does the same to the woman called Adebayo. Peacemaker launches himself onto the gorilla’s back but the beast throws him off onto the hard floor.
“Die, human!” 
Did that gorilla just speak? What have you gotten yourself into?
The gorilla raises its fists, ready to crush Peacemaker, when a man with an oddly patchy beard runs through the door, chainsaw in hand and proceeds to kill the gorilla, sawing it almost in half and sending blood splattering everywhere. 
A small winged creature crawls out of the dead gorilla’s mouth. The blonde woman gets to her feet and shoots it casually. What the…? Was that some kind of parasite?
The gunshot leaves your ears ringing but hearing your name whispered in your ear brings you back to reality. You blink stupidly at Vigilante, who is now crouched down inches from your face and you try to make out his eyes through the red visor. You know those eyes. But how? How does the mass murderer of Evergreen know you?
He hooks his arms under yours, lifts you to your feet and wipes the smattering of blood off your face. Your heart is racing as you continue to stare at him silently, dumbfounded. You know you should be scared of this masked man, who’s wanted on multiple counts of murder. But here he is, claiming he knows you, making sure you’re okay.
“What do we do with her?” asks the bearded man with the chainsaw. 
“Who, me?” you try and sound nonchalant. “I didn’t see anything. I’ll just get out of your beard- hair! I mean hair.” You go to put your headphones back over your ears but the blonde woman rips them off.
“Hey!” Vigilante steps between you and her. “Look, she’s cool. She says she didn’t see anything, so she didn’t”
“How do you know she’s not a butterfly?” she challenges Vigilante.
“X-ray helmet,” interjects Peacemaker. “No butterfly in that pretty little noggin.” He winks at you and Vigilante bristles, folding his arms in an irritated sort of way.
“Listen, I’ve got like four more deliveries today so…” You trail off as your body starts to go on autopilot. There’s an awkward silence as they watch you bustle around, stacking the blood-covered cases of water and soda back onto your cart.
“She’s clearly in shock,” says Adebayo, more gently than the blonde. 
“Hey, let me help you with that,” says a muffled voice from behind you.
‘Hey, let me help you with that.’
In the exact same cadence as yesterday. 
“A-Adrian?” you say hoarsely and you turn back around in time to watch Vigilante drop the case of water. “Adrian Chase?!” you repeat, your voice slightly hysterical. 
“No!” says Adrian unconvincingly but at the same time Peacemaker says:
“Godammit Vij. How does she know you?”
Adrian groans in frustration. “She delivers drinks to my job too!”
“That settles it- she’s a witness and she knows Vigilante’s identity. Adebayo, you need to end this. Don’t make her beg for her life like the other guy,” commands the blonde woman, clearly in charge of the team.
“Nonononononono,” Adrian stands in front of you with his arms folded. “No way. I am not letting you kill her.”
“That’s an order, Adebayo. Vigilante- move.”
“Wait,” says the guy with the beard. “She might actually be useful, Harcourt.”
Harcourt raises her eyebrows. “Well?”
“We’re looking for other leads, right? Other places where the butterflies are?” He looks at you. “Hey, water girl. Does this company have any other locations?”
“Y-yes,” your throat feels dry.
“Can you tell us where they are?” he asks.
“Will you let me live if I tell you?”
Everyone looks at Harcourt. She groans. “Fine. But we’re gonna need to figure out what to do with her to keep her from blabbering.”
“C’mon, she already said she was cool!” says Adrian.
“And you trust her?”
“One hundo percent.” He gives you a reassuring thumbs up.
“I wouldn’t trust his judgement,” says Peacemaker and you immediately feel faint. It must be obvious on your face because he backtracks. “No! Not that we should kill her! Definitely not. But Adrian would trust any hot girl. We can’t just let her go.”
Harcourt pinches the bridge of her nose as she thinks. 
“Vigilante,” she says finally. “I’m telling Murn that water girl is your responsibility. You’re going to keep her with you 24/7 until the mission is over. Any fuck-up, if she does or says anything that jeopardizes our objective, she’s dead and you’ll be doing black ops in Belize. Got it?”
“Cool, got it!” says Adrian enthusiastically, as if that isn’t the most horrifying thing he’s ever heard.
“Wait, don’t I get a say in this? I have a job! I have people who will be looking for me.”
“Do you want to cooperate or do you want to die?” 
“Which one do you wanna do?” asks Adrian.
If you hadn’t already figured out that Vigilante was Adrian Chase, that would have been the dead giveaway.
A few moments later, Adrian is leading you by the hand back through the factory to where your van is parked while you cover your eyes with one hand. He had suggested it after your knees almost gave way when you saw the pile of bodies at the door. And he liked that you had rejected Peacemaker’s offer to hoist you over his shoulder and carry you out.
“Oh, no… Clive,” you whisper, making the mistake of opening your eyes and seeing the old man crumpled on the floor, next to the coffee machine. You cover your eyes again.
“Watch you don’t slip in the blood here,” says Adrian gently, guiding you to side-step.
You groan. You think you might puke. 
“I can’t believe you killed all these people,” you whisper, wishing you could disassociate from this whole thing.
“We didn’t, not really- I promise. I’ll explain on the ride home.”
Harcourt instructs Adrian to drive your van, following theirs back to Evergreen. When you’re both out of earshot and in your van, Adebayo sits in the driver’s seat turning to Harcourt, Peacemaker and Economos. “Isn’t it kind of weird seeing Vigilante like this?”
“Like what?” asks Economos.
“Like, compassionate, sweet… not all hell-bent on murder?”
Peacemaker shrugs “He’s like this all the time. You should hear the way he talks about this other girl, his friend Taylor’s sister, or cousin, I think. He’s just a sucker for anyone who’s nice to him.”
Hours later, you’re sitting on the couch in your apartment, waiting for Adrian to finish up in the shower.
On the drive to their headquarters, Adrian had explained all about their mission and how an alien race called ‘the butterflies’ had taken over the bodies of (and, therefore, killed) all those people in the factory long before Adrian’s team had arrived.
At headquarters, you had told them everything you knew about your clients at Glan Tai and had given them the coordinates for their other delivery location- a small farm thirty miles north of the factory. Murn seemed to be satisfied with your intel and approved of Harcourt’s plan to have Adrian keep you under close surveillance. Great. 
Adrian grabbed his go-bag from his Sebring and drove the two of you in your van back to your apartment, where you immediately ran to the shower, to try and rid yourself of all the negative feelings from today.
He now appears in your living room, fresh out of the shower in a pale blue t-shirt and jeans, looking much less out of place than when he was in his full combat gear. But he still stands awkwardly, not sure what to do with himself. 
“Thirsty?” you ask him. “I’ve got wine.”
“I shouldn’t. I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on you.”
You find two wine glasses and place them on the coffee table. He sits on the edge of your couch. “What am I gonna do, Adrian?” You open up a bottle of red wine and start pouring. “I could barely stand seeing all that shit at the factory. Do you really think I’m gonna kill you?” You slide a glass towards him and start filling your own. 
He looks down at the wine but doesn’t touch it. You raise your glass. “To forgetting the worst day of my life.”
“The worst day of your life? Today was awesome!” He looks genuinely surprised that you’re not sharing his elation. “We killed a ton of butterflies, and now thanks to you, we know where they keep their cow.”
It’s a sentence that wouldn’t have made sense to you a few hours ago. And you hate that it does now.
“We’re saving the world,” he continues. “And you helped!”
You push his wine glass closer to him. “To saving the world, then.”
He takes a sip and screws up his face. “Do you have any beer? Ooh, or soda!”
“It’s in the van. And most of it’s covered in blood now.”
“Then this is great,” he says, a little too politely. 
“If you’re not used to it, the first glass tastes like acetone,” you tell him, draining yours. “But the second one…” You pause, pouring yourself another. “The second goes down real smooth.”
Adrian copies you and gulps down the red wine. You refill his glass, and he takes another sip.
“The second one isn’t so bad, actually.” He sounds surprised. 
You sink down on the couch next to him. “So now what?” you ask. He looks confused, so you elaborate. “What do you usually do with hostages all night?”
“You’re not a hostage!” He looks offended. “I’m more like your bodyguard.”
“Oh yeah? Who are you guarding me from? Your friends?”
He looks up over his glasses in thought. “Well, just Harcourt. And Murn. But it’s mostly to keep you safe from the butterflies.”
You take another drink of wine. Studying his face, you think he’s telling the truth. He really doesn’t consider you to be his hostage. As you look him over, you realise you’ve never noticed how curly his hair is before- he’s normally wearing that dorky little Fennel Fields hat. 
You’ve always thought he was cute in a wholesome kind of way but now that he’s out of his work uniform, you can appreciate that he’s, like, ridiculously, conventionally handsome. You wonder if he knows it. You wonder a lot of things about Adrian, especially now that, come to think of it, everything you know about him is probably a lie to keep his secret identity hidden.
“Truth or dare?” you blurt. 
“Go on.” You gesture towards him with your glass. “We’ve got a long night. I want to find out more about you. Adrian. Vigilante.”
He looks excited. Maybe it’s the prospect of playing a game, or maybe he’s just happy someone wants to know more about him. Both sides of him.
“Truth then.”
“Does your pregnant ex-girlfriend exist?”
He groans and leans his head back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. “No. I was just trying to cover how stoked I was that Peacemaker was out of jail.” 
You laugh, but your eyes linger on his exposed neck and the way his Adam’s apple moves when he talks.
He turns his head to look over at you through his wire-rimmed glasses. “I don’t think Taylor likes me.”
“Taylor likes you just fine,” you lie, sipping your wine.
“Truth or dare?” asks Adrian.
“Has Taylor ever told you that you shouldn’t date me?”
“Ugh, fine. Yes. He told me not to give you my number.”
“If you want to ask a follow-up question, then you need to take a drink. That’s the rule.” He does so- quickly. “Okay, fine. He says he doesn’t trust you because you’re always lying about things, and it kind of annoys everyone because you’re a bad liar.”
“Everyone?! I thought we were talking about Taylor?”
“If you want to be liked and have a secret identity, you need to be a better liar.”
“Okay, that’s fair,” admits Adrian, twisting the stem of the glass between his fingers. “Your turn, truth or dare?”
He thinks for a couple of beats. “I dare you to finish your drink.”
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“It was the only dare I could think of that wasn’t a sexy dare.”
The newly formed idea of Adrian asking you to do something sexy for him makes you pause. Warmth pools deep in your tummy as watches you, waiting. God, why does red wine always make you feel so slutty? You raise your eyebrows over the rim of your glass, and you drain the rest of the liquid. “Why don’t you want to give me a sexy dare?” you ask, setting your glass down.
“I dunno, don’t you think there’s kind of a power imbalance?” 
“That’s true. You are my bodyguard after all.” You nod contemplatively. “And I guess it would be awkward since you need to stay here for a few more days.”
“Oh, I meant-” Adrian cuts himself off. What he really meant would sound incredibly childish now. 
You get up from the couch to retrieve another bottle of wine from the breakfast bar that separates your kitchen from your living room. “Go on, what did you mean?”
“No, I meant what you said.” 
No, he didn’t. What he meant is that you have all the power because he has such a huge crush on you. And the way the wine is going to his head, he’s not sure he trusts himself to give you a dare without it having an ulterior motive. Adrian watches as you twist the corkscrew into the bottle with precision. Your chest jiggles in your tank top with the recoil of your arm extracting the cork, and it makes Adrian blush bright red. He discreetly adjusts himself in his jeans.
You bring the new bottle of wine over to the couch and sit down cross-legged, your back leaning against the armrest so you can get a better look at him without constantly straining. Fuck, he’s gorgeous like this, you think, as he gets comfortable, changing position so he can look at you too. In the soft light of your living room, you can make out that his cheeks are pink again. “Does wine usually make you flush like that?” you ask. 
“Uh, I wouldn’t know. Can wine do that?”
“To some people, yeah. For me, it just makes me feel kinda sexy.” You clap your hand to your mouth, watching Adrian’s eyes widen. “Ugh! Sorry, I wouldn’t have said that if I hadn’t had two glasses already.” You scoff and shake your head. “Truth or dare?”
The wine is making you feel bolder. “Have you had sex in your Vigilante costume?”
You almost choke on your newly poured drink with laughter. 
“Okay, that answers that question. In which case, I have a follow-up,” You take a sip, pointedly. “What’s Vigilante’s favourite sex position?”
“Oh, uh…” Adrian thinks back to when he last had sex as Vigilante, with Amber and Peacemaker a few days ago. “Any, I guess.”
“Any? C’mon, you picked truth!”
“It is the truth! I don’t take my mask off, or my suit if I don’t have to. So it always feels the same. Fun, I guess, but sorta uncomfortable. Funcomfortable.”
You smile and rest your head on your hand, elbow leaning on the back of the couch. “What about Adrian?”
“Is that another follow-up question?”
You acquiesce and take another drink but before you can even swallow he says “Missionary.”
“Boring,” you tease but he doesn’t seem fazed.
“It’s not. Not when you really like someone anyway. Missionary is fucking great - when you can kiss them, hold their hand, stare into their eyes…” He pauses, his green eyes burning into yours. “Boring is not being able to even taste someone because of my mask.”
You realise you’ve been holding your breath. You look away and exhale slowly, trying to steady the growing arousal burning hot, deep in your pelvic floor. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I-” When you raise your head again, he’s still looking at you intently. “I just realised I haven’t been fucked like that in a really long time.”
He shakes his head. “Yeah right! I bet you go on tons of dates.”
“I do,” you admit with a tilt of your head. “But did you know that like 90% of women don’t orgasm on a one-night stand?”
Adrian’s eyebrows knit together “That doesn’t sound right. Women always cum when I-”
“That’s what all men say, Adrian. But honestly, I don’t think a man has made me cum in, like, the entire time I’ve been single.”
“I could,” he says, matter-of-factly. It’s not a boast, it’s a simple statement. 
Honestly, you're not sure if it’s the alcohol or the vivid image you have of Adrian making you clutch at your bedsheets and moan his name, but something’s making the blood rush to your face and other parts of your body that you’re still desperately trying not to think about. 
“I’ll do it right now if you want?” 
He’s asking if he can try to make you cum as casually as if asking if he can help you restock the vending machine. It’s bolder than you’d expected from the shy busboy. Then again, you’d never expected him to be Vigilante either… maybe you should review all the preconceptions you have of him.
Your abdomen clenches. Fuck, you can feel how hot and sticky your underwear is as he blinks at you behind his glasses, waiting for your response.
You look at his face hungrily, eyes lingering on his lips, now stained with red wine. “Adrian, listen. I’m sure you’re very good, blah blah blah. But I just… I don’t want to set you up for disappointment. It’s kind of hard to make me cum.”
“Let me give it a shot. And if I can make you cum, you let me take you on a date.”
You stare at him, feeling your chest pounding as you contemplate his offer. There’s something about his voice that’s so sincere and so fucking desperate for you, your brain can’t think of a reason not to say yes.
“Truth or dare?” he asks, breaking the silence.
“Do you want me to go down on you? I’m really good at it.”
Yes! You want to scream- already stupidly soaking fucking wet at the mere idea of it. 
Instead, you squeeze your eyes shut and nod. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“Yeah?” His tone makes you think that he wasn’t really expecting you to say yes.
“Yes, Adrian.” You laugh in disbelief. “If you make me cum, you can take me on a date.” He grins and you shift inelegantly, not sure how to proceed. “So… how do you wanna-”
Adrian pounces on you before you can ask the question, his red-stained lips crashing against yours. You kiss him back- hard. You’re thirsty for him, you realise, as you taste the alcohol mixed with the slightly metallic taste of his saliva. You want to drain him, drown in him.
He groans when you grab the nape of his neck and suck on his bottom lip. He can’t believe that you’re kissing him like this- like it’s you who’s been pining after him and not the other way around.
You pause, lips barely touching his. “Fuck, I’ve wanted to kiss you like this for so long,” you whisper.
“You- you have?”
“Adrian, I spend half my week trying to find you new kinds of speciality soda just so I have an excuse to talk to you.”
“Oh.” Realisation dawns on him. All this time he just thought you were really, really into soda. 
Adrian gives you one last deep kiss and pulls away. He gets on his knees on the floor, and the sight of him there, with his hands on your hips and his body between your legs, makes your cunt clench. You bite your lips in anticipation.
His fingertips hook the hem of your sweatpants. “Can I take these off?” You lift your hips, permitting him to remove them.
“Fuck,” he breathes, staring at your pussy.
“Adrian…” You mumble, suddenly self-conscious. Exposed. You try to bring your knees together, but he places a hand on each of your thighs, holding them firmly open. 
“You’re wet already,” he says, in a self-satisfied sort of way that makes your skin feel like it’s on fire. “When did that happen? Was it when I said I’d make you cum?”
You shake your head. “When I was wondering what kind of sexy dare you wanted to give me.”
He grins “I wanted to dare you to take your top off.” He traces a finger along your hot, wet folds. You gasp, feeling the calloused texture of his fingertip brushing up and down against your skin.
“Like this?” You lift your tank top up and over your head, tossing it aside and then you squeeze your tits together. 
He sits on the floor, lips parted slightly in awe. You feel like he’s looking at you like you’re the most-
“You’re the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”
Now you really are embarrassed but before you can respond, he dips the finger that was sliding along your folds into your pussy. You bite your lip to stifle the vulnerable, blissful sigh that leaves you.
“It’s okay- you can moan for me.” He reassures, pushing a thick finger in and up. You feel your walls squeezing around him in response. “God, you’re so tight around my finger.”
“Fuck-” you plead, as he teases you, gently stroking your g-spot. His lips haven’t even touched you yet and you already feel like you’re having to consciously stop yourself from cumming.
“You needed this, huh?” he asks and you watch as he kisses your inner thigh, sucking the sensitive skin there. You have to look away- just the sight of his jaw muscles moving as he traces his tongue along the crevice where your thigh meets your body almost sends you over the brink.
“Adrian, I’m- fuck-” After all your warnings about how difficult it would be to make you cum, you’re are shamefully close already- and Adrian knows it. Everything below your waist is hot and shaking and swollen as his finger curls up inside you, tapping rhythmically. 
“Wait not yet- I’ve got to taste you. I want you to cum on my tongue.”
Warmth envelopes your clit as Adrian opens his mouth and slowly glides his tongue over the bundle of nerves there, tasting you for the first time. He barely moves at all but you’re so close that just the pressure of his mouth on you sends the crashing wave of your orgasm rolling across his hot tongue. Your back arches and your walls clamp down around his finger. 
He lets out a groan, sending pleasant vibrations across your clit. 
“Shit, Adrian-”
Blinding lights appear somewhere between your eyelids and the centre of the universe. Your thighs tense as the pleasure shoots through your body, your pussy flooding his mouth between your legs. 
When you finally stop twitching he removes his tongue from you, giving you a moment’s respite. 
“That was, like, really easy,” he smirks as you run your hands through your hair in disbelief. “I didn’t even have to take my glasses off.”
“I’ve never-” You try to catch your breath, blinking at him. You’re not sure you’ve even made yourself cum that quickly before. “That’s never happened -so fast- ever.”
“I shoulda asked what two orgasms would get me.”
“Literally anything. Do whatever you want with me-” you babble, staring up at the ceiling. You pause to look down when you feel him remove his finger from inside you. 
And he takes off his glasses, ready to make you a fucking mess.
It’s the singular hottest action you’ve ever seen anyone do in your entire life- Adrian Chase is going to be the end of you.
He hooks his arms behind your knees, lifting your ass off of the couch and pulling you towards him. 
“You’re so beautiful like this,” he says, mesmerised by the way your chest still heaves in the aftershock of your orgasm. Adrian buries his face between your legs, delving his tongue between your lips and exploring your entrance.
He pulls back for a second “I knew you’d taste so fucking good.” 
You watch as he sucks on two of his fingers and sinks them deep inside you, up to his knuckles. When you repeat his name over and over, he answers by flicking his tongue over your clit.
You gasp at the sensation and grab a fistful of his thick, curly hair. His tongue rolls gentle circles around your clit as his fingers work in and out, softly stretching your pussy. Adrian takes his time now and it’s agonising. 
For so long he’s been having sex as Vigilante. Adrian’s missed this, the freedom of having his mask off. Of taste. And he can’t believe that it’s you that he’s devouring. 
Fuck, and you could lie here like this forever, just enjoying him exploring you, like he wants nothing more than to make you gush all over him and cry his name again. Normally you’d feel under pressure to perform, to give him that second orgasm he’s so determined to draw from you, but the way he’s taking his time, lazily swirling his tongue in circles, and curling his fingers into you makes you dissolve into a puddle.
“Fuuuck,” you whine helplessly, feeling the familiar sensation of you losing yourself, the heat that’s been slowly building deep in your core threatening to boil over. “Can we do this, like, the whole time you’re here protecting me?” Your eyes try to find his but he’s staring at your tits. His other hand is on your hip, fingers not quite stretching up towards you - as if unsure what the boundary is on touching you when it comes to this silly little deal you’ve made.
You pull his hand to your chest, encouraging him to squeeze you. He moans needily between wet, sloppy licks. The sound of him being so turned on just from touching your body, when you haven’t laid a hand on him yet sends ecstasy searing through you.
And it comes, whipping through your core and cracking like thunder. You squeeze your thighs around his head and he lets you set the pace, as you grind yourself wildly onto his tongue, his lips, his chin. Adrian groans in encouragement when you grip the back of his head, his fingers still pressing into your g-spot as you press yourself against his mouth. 
You cum hard again, your rocking hips eventually shuddering to a halt as he gives you a few last long, slow licks. The faint prickle of embarrassment you feel from letting yourself come undone like that vanishes when you see Adrian’s face light up, his lips swollen and sticky, totally enamoured by your now slightly dishevelled appearance. 
His mouth looks irresistible. You slink down off the couch to join him on the floor so you can kiss him desperately. Fuck, why did you ever listen to Taylor? You needed this. Needed him. You taste the sweet, salty juices on Adrian’s lips and on his tongue.
“I’ll admit-” you breathe, pressing your forehead against his. “- you’re like really, really fucking good at that.”
“Told you.” He leans on the couch and gets to his feet. “So, where’s your bedroom?”
“Uh, down the hall, across from the bathroom. Why?”
“Two orgasms and I can do what I want with you. Deal’s a deal.” Before your brain can catch up, he hoists you to your feet and over his shoulder, making you squeal involuntarily with delight.
Oh my fucking god.
Adrian slaps your ass and carries you through to your bedroom, tossing you onto your bed where you burst into a fit of giggles. He smells warm and clean, like your favourite shower gel he must have used earlier. He crawls on top of you and plants tiny kisses all over your lips, your cheeks, your nose- every inch of your face and neck peppered with his affection. 
He pulls off his T-shirt and - Jesus Christ, he has abs. But you also notice his torso is covered in scars and bruises, the evidence of his double life painted across his body. A streak of white scar tissue here, a purple welt there-
“Don’t girls usually ask about all these injuries?” You ask, tracing your hand down his chest.
“I usually keep my suit on.” He shrugs.
And that’s when you realise- he doesn’t just happen to have sex as Vigilante. He only has sex as Vigilante. You feel a pang of understanding, thinking about the way he so wistfully described missionary earlier. You’re the only one who’s seen him like this. Both sides of him.
Adrian undoes his belt buckle and looks down at you lying spread out of the bedsheets in front of him, still flushed and glowing. He knew he’d be able to make you glow like that.
He pauses. “Do, uh, do you have a condom? I wasn’t expecting to…”
You find a condom in your bedside drawer while he undresses and then you help to put it on him as you kiss the small trail of dark hair below his belly button. He’s big- bigger than what you’re used to. You’d really, really like to suck it, you think. But Adrian has other ideas. He guides you back to lie on your pillows and climbs on top of you.
Wanton anticipation bubbles over inside you, you sigh needily as he kisses your neck and brings his calloused hand between your legs again. He slides his fingers into your folds and you hear the wet sounds of him rubbing your slick on his cock. It’s greedy but you’re already impatient for him- you want to cum for him again.
He positions himself at your entrance and looks into your eyes. “You okay?” he murmurs.
“Yes,” you breathe. “Fuck me- please.”
The way you plead makes him twitch- he can’t take it anymore. The erection he’s had since you opened that second bottle of wine is throbbing. Adrian’s hips press into you and you feel his cock pushing through your folds, into your centre. A soft whimper escapes your lips as you feel him filling you up, the walls of your pussy struggling to accommodate him.
Watching your reaction, he double checks “Sure you’re okay?” 
You nod. Because it aches - but in the best kind of way. 
“Good,” he says. “Because you feel so good. Your pussy feels so fucking good around me.”
You wrap your legs around his waist. Fuck, he has such a slutty little waist, you think to yourself as he grinds into you, pushing deeper, the head of his cock pressing into your g-spot. You slip your hand between your bodies to touch yourself and he moans quietly in your ear.
“Oh my god, yeah. Fuck, rub your clit because I’m not gonna last long.”
He clasps your other hand, fingers intertwining with yours- half holding it, half pinning it to the bed. Your body writhes under him, leaning your head back into your pillows and he takes the opportunity to suck at your freshly exposed neck.
“You look so good taking it so deep like this,” he groans, tilting his head down to watch his cock slide in and out of you. “I can’t believe I’m fucking inside you.”
Everything he says makes the hairs on the back of your arms stand up. You feel so, deliciously full- the indecent slapping and squelching noises as he picks up pace and pounds into you only makes you wetter.
Your legs squeeze around his waist as your whole body tightens like a spring coiling, ready to be released. The friction of his body moves yours, driving you into your mattress, and putting even more rhythmic pressure on your fingers against your clit. 
“Adrian, I’m- ah, fuck- I’m gonna cum again.”
“Fuck, look at me. I want you to cum when I cum. Let it all out for me.”
You try and keep eye contact with him while bliss rockets through your body as his hips slam into you harder. It spreads from your centre right down your legs, now in a vice-like grip around him. You curse his name incoherently, your pussy tightening and releasing as you cum around his cock. 
“That’s it- fuckfuckfuckfuck-” His full weight collapses on you as he empties himself. You feel Adrian’s cock pulsing inside you as he groans your name and comes to a halt.
You both lie there for a few moments, Adrian breathing raggedly into the crook of your neck, his heartbeat and yours pounding against each other. Your euphoria is interrupted only briefly when he pulls out of you and disposes of the condom. 
Adrian returns to your bed and pulls you into his chest. 
“I am never listening to Taylor ever again,” you say, face pressed against his pectoral muscles.
“I mean, unless…” You tilt your head up to look at him. “You still want to take me on a date right?”
“Are you crazy? Of course, I do. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Nevermind.” The dating scene in Evergreen has sucked so hard for so long, your first thought was that he might not want to see you again.
He grabs your face with both hands, trying to drum sense into you. “I’ve wanted to ask you out for months. You’re not getting rid of me.”
Adrian plants a kiss on your forehead.
Maybe there is a decent man in this town after all.
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coochiequeens · 11 months
Doctors and nurses who are not willing to listen to their patients should be replaced
The third time I went into labour, I was determined to avoid getting told off. With both of my previous births, I had somehow managed to get things wrong. My errors the first time: going to hospital too early, then, when I returned three hours later, “leaving it so late”. The second time: ignoring assurances that I didn’t need to come in yet, then giving birth in the car park — an event I later discovered was being used in antenatal classes as an example of women “not planning ahead”.
“My previous births have been fast,” I said, when I went into labour with my third, “so I’d like to come in now.” I was speaking to the woman at the midwife-led unit that is the only option where I live. (If you need a caesarean section, you have to be transferred to next town.) “Third babies are notoriously difficult,” was her response.
What an odd thing to say to a woman already in labour. The “notoriously” suggested it wasn’t based on any actual evidence, but rather a kind of folk wisdom. It felt as though I was being warned not to tempt fate, not to assume that this baby would just pop out. I saw myself being categorised as one of those arrogant women who presumes to know her own body, only to be taught a harsh yet much-deserved lesson. “Third babies are notoriously difficult” sounded not unlike “third-time mothers shouldn’t get above themselves”.
In fact, I have never been particularly cocky about childbirth. When I was pregnant with my first child, back in the days when the Right-wing press were still obsessed with famous women being “too posh to push”, I wondered if I might be able to get an elective caesarean myself. I did not particularly care about childbirth being a wonderful experience, or about “doing it well”. I didn’t care if the Daily Mail thought I was a joke.
What I cared about was not having a child who would face the same difficulties as my brother, who was starved of oxygen at birth. This has had serious consequences for him, and for the rest of my family. Just how serious is hard to gauge. He was born traumatised; there has never been a before to compare the after with. What there has been instead is the hazy outline of an alternative life, one that runs parallel to the one he has now. It’s a life that began with the problem being identified sooner, with him being delivered quickly, perhaps by emergency caesarean. The difference between this and his actual life comes down to something small: mere moments, mere breaths.
I was born three years after my brother, in a larger hospital, where my mother was induced and monitored carefully. There is something very strange about being the sibling who had the safe birth. It feels as though I stole it. There is a constant sense of guilt, as if my life — my independence, my choices — constitutes a form of gloating. “This is what you could have had.” Everything I do feels like something owed to my brother (do it, because he can’t) but also something taken from him (you shouldn’t have done that, because he should have done it first).
Still, my family were fortunate, insofar as my brother didn’t die. Current reports on the Nottingham maternity scandal reference 1,700 cases, with an estimated 201 mothers and babies who might have survived had they received better care. What strikes me, reading them, is the enormous gulf between the cost of a disastrous birth and the trivial, opportunistic way in which childbirth is so often politicised — with mothers themselves viewed as morally, if not practically, to blame if anything goes wrong.
As a feminist who concerns herself with how the female body is demonised, my interest in debates about birthing choices is more than personal. I have read books railing against the over-medicalisation of childbirth, aligning it with a patriarchal need to appropriate female reproductive power. I have also read books protesting the fetishisation of “natural” birth, suggesting that it infantilises women, that it implies women deserve pain. To be honest, I find both arguments persuasive and dismaying. Both are right about the way in which misogyny and professional arrogance can shift the focus away from meeting the needs of women and babies. I feel a kind of rage that we are told to pick a side.
Representations of the labouring woman are so often negative: the naïve idealist, the “birthzilla“, the birth-plan obsessive, the woman who is “too posh to push”. This latter stereotype has gone hand-in-hand with a veneration of vaginal births, and stigmatisation of caesareans, that has had sometimes disastrous consequences. Midwives at the centre of the Furness General Hospital scandal were reported to have “pursued natural birth ‘at any cost’”, referring to one another as “the musketeers”; at least 11 babies and one mother died. But their approach was sanctioned by their employer: the 2006 NHS document “Pathways to Success: a self-improvement toolkit” explicitly suggested that “maternity units applying best practice to the management of pregnancy, labour and birth will achieve a [caesarean section] rate consistently below 20% and will have aspirations to reduce that rate to 15%”. Proposed benefits to this included “a sense of pride in units”.
Responses to maternity scandals now express horror that such an anti-intervention culture ever arose — responses in the same press that denigrated women such as Victoria Beckham and Kate Winslet for not giving birth vaginally. Instead, newspapers now stoke outrage over “natural” treatments during NHS births, such as burning herbs. Women have been shamed for having caesareans, but they have also been shamed for wanting births with minimum intervention — as though they are selfish and spoilt for seeking control over such an extreme situation.
In his memoir This Is Going To Hurt, former doctor Adam Kay writes disparagingly of women who arrive at the delivery suite with birth plans:
“‘Having a birth plan’ always strikes me as akin to having a ‘what I want the weather to be’ plan or a ‘winning the lottery’ plan. Two centuries of obstetricians have found no way of predicting the course of a labour, but a certain denomination of floaty-dressed mother seems to think she can manage it easily.”
Wanting to have some control over your experience of labour — which will hurt you and could kill you or your baby — is not akin to some messianic aspiration to control the weather. And in his mockery of the woman who wants whale song and aromatherapy oils, ironically, Kay deploys the same silencing techniques that might intimidate a woman out of seeking the very interventions he so prizes. What he and others do not seem to grasp is that their arrogance is a problem, regardless of which course of action they champion. It makes women feel they can’t speak, for fear of inviting hostility at their most vulnerable moments. It’s true that none of us knows our body well enough to know how we will give birth. But, looking back, I find it utterly insane, not least given my own family history, that one of my biggest worries during labour was “please don’t let anyone get cross with me”. Then again, I don’t think that fear is unrelated to the desire to remain safe.
Birth is not a joke. It is not a place for professional dick-swinging or political one-upmanship. I cannot describe — and, as I am not my mother, cannot fully understand — the shame of feeling that you “let down” your child before they drew their first breath, that they will forever suffer because of it. You watch an entire life unfolding and that feeling is there, every single day. This is the fear of the women in labour who are characterised as either idiots mesmerised by fantasy homebirths or cold-hearted posh ladies who can’t take the pain. If things go wrong, they are the ones who will bear the consequences, reflecting every day on what might have been, if they’d only done more.
When people discuss their siblings, my mind does wander to the one I don’t have, the one who was born safely. Perhaps he would have a job he loved, or one he hated, but in any case a job. Perhaps he would have a partner. Perhaps he would have children, and I would be their aunt. Perhaps we wouldn’t get on, wouldn’t even speak, but he’d have a life of his own. I know he thinks about this too. I wonder if the professionals who presided over his birth have thought about him since.
My third labour was not, by the way, “notoriously difficult”. My third son arrived into the world safe and well. No one can say why him or me, and not my brother. Mothers may long for control over birth, for which we are mocked; but we do not have it, for which we are blamed. Politics still takes precedence over our needs, and the needs of our babies.
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twstjam · 10 months
HAHA it's not a Matcha fic if it isn't edited and posted at 2-3 AM amirite I don't know what this is I was just brainrotting about Malleyuu + Yuu and Sebek friendship + my take on post-NRC and this is what came out of it. I INITIALLY planned to only write the first and last parts but then my brain decided that it would be a good idea to come up with all the other shit in between and now this mess exists 👍 This also features a few theories and hcs based on Book 7 Chapter 4 lore, like how Malleus hatched and how Draconia babies are made. Summary: Sebek goes missing and with Malleus's first child with you on the way the prince is anxious about the affects of unexpected events on his family and the future.
There aren't many things that can scare a dragon.
But then correspondence from Sebek's party stops, and Malleus swears his blood freezes.
He's sure he wears out the floor with his pacing, blood humming with restless surges of magic and throat hot with the urge to release fire as he waits with patience that wears thinner by the hour. Silver stands in the doorway, the disapproving gaze he'd imagine on his father reflected exactly on the guard's face as he tells Malleus to go to bed.
Malleus would laugh at the irony if he didn't instead begin to worry about the emptiness he'd leave next to his spouse if he remains awake until dawn again. Well, not that you'd be entirely alone.
Your arms are encircled around a massive black egg, held close to your chest like you used to do with the monster cat curled up against it. Grim rumbles like a motorboat, the only sound that remains when Malleus enters the bedroom and all conversation is halted.
You sit up, not without keeping some part of you touching the egg in some way, eyes alight with hope. Malleus's heart sinks at the way your expression falls at the frown he wears.
Referring to you and Sebek as "close" would be an understatement. Since your first day at the castle, the both of you have practically been attached at the hip, falling back into the familiar roles of your years together as students at Night Raven College. Malleus would call it an imitation of Sebek's excessive devotion to him back in those years if it weren't more personal; the two of you are often whispering secrets or nonsense, laughing, bantering, and smiling with each other despite your roles as guard and master. It's nothing like how Malleus is guarded and he sometimes finds himself feeling the ugly curl of envy at the thought.
Malleus can't fault Sebek for keeping his distance. He knows that his role as the future king forms a boundary between them that cannot and should not be crossed, but that doesn't mean that Malleus is any less upset about it.
Sebek isn't with you now though, and neither is he with Malleus, nor Silver. Malleus remembers a time like yesterday (at least to him) when Sebek would sob upon being torn from Malleus's side, but he recalls that on the day of the guard's departure, he had been insistent. Dedicated, as always, to anything and everything that would keep his lord and friend safe. You'd hugged him goodbye and waved him off cheerily, grin wide as you shouted at him to "Don't forget the souvenirs!"
"I'm doing reconnaissance, not going on a vacation," Sebek had groaned when you'd told him the same thing prior, shooting Silver a glare when the other man had muttered under his breath, "Seven knows you need one." He had redirected it, tired and pleading at Malleus when the prince had laughed.
(Malleus tries to remember what it was like; laughing. When he had lamented this aloud, you had called him a Drama Queen, but that doesn't mean you're any less worn with worry even if you don't share his admittedly exaggerated sentiment.)
"We should just go look for 'im!" Grim grouches, disguising his own worry behind drained patience at everyone's trepidation. He's practically your other half, (and more in tune with your feelings than Malleus is, he'd begrudgingly admit.) so he's as tied to Sebek as you are.
""We"?" Malleus questions sharply at your nod of agreement.
"The longer we go without a word from him the less I think I can wait, Tsuno," you plead. Malleus looks down at you understandingly, but his eyes are sad as he places a careful hand on the egg nestled in your arms. Guilt crosses your face, but the determination remains in your eyes.
"Stay with the egg," you tell him with finality, but if anyone can fight you on this it's Malleus.
"I care for Sebek, truly." Malleus cuts you off when you open your mouth to argue that I didn't say you don't— "But I will not risk the chance of our child growing without either of us by their side."
It's something that he has a firm stance on and you know that you can't ever argue with it, even if you're not willing to give up the vision in your mind of both Silver and Sebek also being by their side when they hatch. You curl up around the egg further, resigned, even as you murmur, "What do we do, then?"
"We wait," Malleus says, apologetic as he gathers his child, the love of his life, and their cherished animal companion in his arms. He curls his tail around them protectively despite his family being in the safety of his arms and his nest. He can feel Grim vibrating with unrelenting purrs against his chest, the furry little beast squishing his face against the egg as he kneads little biscuits over its curved surface. You settle with your head against Malleus's chest, dissatisfied but resigned.
Malleus watches you shriek when you lay your eyes on Ace and Deuce right before you bowl them over to the floor in excitement and he knows he made the right call inviting them to the castle.
Few humans ever set foot on the castle floors, not many fae keen on just the idea of it, but Malleus is the future king and he can do whatever the Hell he wants and that includes letting your friends come over for a few days to cheer you up, traditions be damned.
With Ace and Deuce around, the castle is alive in a way it hasn't been in weeks. It's not just a product of their making but yours as well, the three of you along with Grim at your heels always up to something in the castle when you're all together. Malleus is more than happy to watch over the egg as you catch up with your friends, but that doesn't mean he's free from your attention any less.
"How much longer is it gonna take for it to hatch?" Ace says in both amazement and curiosity while Deuce tries to wrap his head around the concept of a magically conceived and hatched egg (It's not really that complicated. Malleus can't understand what might be so confusing about it.). They're both standing around the egg at a distance but still closer than anyone else you and Malleus have allowed in the unborn heir's presence.
(That is, if he doesn't count Silver and Sebek.)
"Like, half a year, or something like that." You tilt your head up at him for confirmation. "Right?"
"Indeed," Malleus crows proudly, hand smoothing over the egg's shell. Grim hops up onto Malleus's lap and rubs up against the egg, butting up into Malleus's palm when he raises it to pet him. You smile with excitement, lips pulled between your teeth as you hop in your seat across from them.
"I can't wait," you chirp, linking your arms with your friends' and bouncing them along with you. "You guys have to be there when it happens, so make sure you've got nothing going on."
"Oh, you bet," Ace laughs, eyes shining with mirroring eagerness.
"Are you kidding? Like we'd miss your kid being born! Uh.... hatched?" Deuce muses.
Malleus hums, pleased at their assent, hands cradling the egg's sides lovingly. Along with Ace and Deuce, you were also planning to invite your other old friends from NRC to witness the hatching, which Malleus had agreed to without missing a beat.
Though he hadn't even been a minute old, Malleus remembers his own hatching. He doesn't think he can ever forget it; the overbearing loneliness as he broke the shell and gazed into tearful red eyes. Despite the waves of love that had urged him to come out, the room had been so empty except for the fae that had coaxed him out of his eggshell.
Malleus doesn't wish for such an experience to ever be known to his children.
He knows the image you see in your head of your child's hatchday, can see you proudly presenting his heir to the eager eyes of your friends. He can see them all now, gathered around you with the privilege to lay eyes on the future ruler of Briar Valley before anyone else; Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho... and Sebek.
Malleus's fingers curl, claws lightly scraping against the shell of his child's egg.
Sebek will be there. He knows that you haven't given that up in your mind, and neither will he.
Malleus still remembers the day, a year or so ago, when the two of you had finally announced that an egg had been successfully conceived.
His grandmother was the first to come see it, of course. She had manifested, eyes wild and frantic, in a burst of green flames. She at least had had the decency to appear outside of his and your chambers instead of coming right in, but the moment Malleus opened the door to greet her she was brushing right past him.
It was the first time you and Malleus (and possibly anyone really) had seen Briar Queen Maleficia so emotional. You had awkwardly patted her back in an attempt to soothe her surging emotions, but it had instead gotten you pulled into a stifling hug that had you breathless. Malleus had watched with both amusement and tears in his eyes as his grandmother murmured "thank you"s to you over and over on repeat while you reached for him with your arms, silently begging for assistance.
After that, it was time to introduce the egg to the rest of his family.
Though it wasn't her egg, Maleficia had to be convinced to allow other people close to it, relenting with a pout. She remained in the room though, so when you had returned with Silver and Sebek in tow, her presence was the first thing that they registered. Sebek had gotten so caught up with stuttering formalities that he didn't even notice the egg for a full five minutes.
Everybody else in the room were already prepared for when he finally did, hands held over ears round and pointed alike as he screeched in surprise.
"An egg! You have an egg?!" he'd screamed in disbelief. You'd laughed as he grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you. "I'm not dreaming, am I?! Please tell me I'm not—!"
"You're not—!!!" you'd shouted, and the two of you had both shrieked with glee as Sebek picked you up and spun you around the air. He had chanted his congratulations while you vigorously repeated "Thank you!"s.
He had put you down awkwardly when he remembered again that Maleficia was in the room, clearing his throat and recollecting his composure while you continued to giggle. His joy was so infectious though that it even had Maleficia cracking a smile despite being in the face of some of her subjects.
"Do I not get a hug also?" Malleus had tried to be lighthearted but he couldn't help the pout on his face. Though he was reluctant and still alert to presence of the queen, Sebek had relented and given him the privilege. It wasn't anything like the hug he had given you, but it was meaningful and personal nonetheless. Silver had joined at Malleus's beckoning and the prince had held them both close, so many words of relief and gratitude going unspoken but communicated between the three of them nonetheless through one shared gesture.
Malleus had looked up at the quiet shuttering of a ghost camera and saw you show a polaroid to his grandmother with a proud grin.
"Could you perhaps make a duplicate of that for me?" she had mused.
Malleus is unsure if Ortho's surprise visit to the castle could be considered a pleasant one. Perhaps, if it were under different circumstances. Perhaps, if he had returned with Sebek and he wasn't practically painted with injuries.
Malleus was in the middle of his duties when he had found out. He had been discussing with the council the search itself for Sebek and his party when a member of the castle staff burst through the door and unceremoniously interrupted the meeting. They were quickly forgiven when they'd frantically informed him that Sir Zigvolt had finally returned.
Malleus had torn through the halls in a billow of black robes, legs carrying him thoughtlessly to his destination, eyes like green spotlights in the dimly-lit halls. The servants parted and made way for him wordlessly.
When he finally arrives, both you and Grim are already there, sitting by Sebek's bedside and on his lap respectively while Ortho hovers at his other side. Malleus is momentarily relieved that you'd been informed first, but then he sees the state Sebek is in and he's next to you in an instant.
Sebek's slit pupils dart to him for the briefest second before looking away with a grimace. He seems to sink further into the pillows cushioning his back at his sitting position, shame evident in his eyes and the way his lips are twisted in a way that morphs the cuts and bruises on his face.
"My liege—" he rasps, and the fire in Malleus's chest roars and pulls.
"Silence," he commands, a little too sharply and it aches how Sebek shrinks further into himself. Malleus sucks in a breath and forces himself to calm down. He sits down on the bed, holds out his hand, and speaks, softer this time, "Be still."
Sebek opens his mouth to retort but you shoot him a reprimanding look that has him going quiet again. Malleus notices how Sebek doesn't retreat from you and he feels that familiar pang of jealousy again.
Now is not the time for such trivial matters, boy. Your family is hurt. a voice chides him in his head. He holds his hand over Sebek's face, and though the halfling twitches slightly in discomfort, he closes his eyes to the warmth of Malleus's magic as his injuries begin to heal.
As Sebek relaxes, the tension easing further out of him as his pain fades away, Ortho begins to explain what had happened, how he had found Sebek, and why.
As it turns out, the treacherous group that Sebek's party was sent to observe was also being investigated by S.T.Y.X.. Sebek and his group had gotten ambsuhed and captured— At this, your hand tightens further around Sebek's much larger one. It draws Malleus's attention, and a low growl escapes him at the redness of iron burns peeking ever-so-slightly from beneath Sebek's sleeve.— and when Ortho had discovered this, he had gone in and rescued them as fast as he could. Sebek's injuries had been worse, apparently, and there was only so much Ortho could do with his built-in medical procedures in such a short amount of time.
The young humanoid seems to sag defeatedly at this, but you're quick to reassure him that "No, you did great. I mean it, Orr. Thank you."
Even Sebek had opened his eyes to shoot Ortho a reprimanding yet grateful look.
"I can confirm. I might not be here currently if it were not for your action, Ortho."
Ortho's eyes go wide at this and he scrubs at them with the heel of his palm as dribbles of liquid stain his cheeks.
"Y-You're going to activate my crying simulation again, Sebek!" he chokes out. He suddenly looks up, teary eyes meeting Malleus's, and Sebek looks like he wants to stop him from speaking but he's too late as Ortho blurts out, "I hope you are not disappointed in him, Malleus Draconia, though I don't think that you are! Regardless, you should know that Sebek was really cool, even though he was the one being rescued! He was suffering from severe iron burns and yet he stood up to the enemy captain anyway and bit his arm off when he tried to grab me! It was like he was the hero!"
An embarrassed blush spreads over Sebek's cheeks at Ortho's retelling, his flustered gaze suddenly finding interest in Grim's silky fur beneath his fingers. Despite his demeanor, his voice is as sure as ever as he says, "Well, of course I couldn't just stand there and let you be hurt after all the trouble you went through because of my blunder!"
At this statement, Malleus turns to him questioningly. "Sebek—"
"It was due to my shortcomings that we were captured, Lord Malleus," Sebek admits, shamefully and yet boldly as he looks up to finally meet his master's eyes. "It was my fault. The solution was so simple. If only I had...." Sebek's brow furrows in frustration, his fists clenching, the one holding your hand wrapping around your fingers fiercely. "If only I was—"
"Sebek," Malleus says, gently yet firmly, a mere mimicry of your reassuring tone, but it works to cut Sebek off before he begins his tangent. "That does not matter."
His hands draw downwards, brushing against yours before carefully wrapping around Sebek's wrists. Sebek inhales sharply at the sting of contact but eases again at the warmth of healing magic.
"What matters now is that everyone is safe. Is that you are safe. That you have returned to us."
He knows it's selfish. As prince, he knows it's unfair and unwise to be so forgiving of one of his guards' failures— A single wrong move could mean the downfall of the entire kingdom, after all— but Malleus finds that he doesn't care. He finds that, with Sebek back in the safety of the castle, with his family— All of his family— back in the safety of his arms, he doesn't care.
After weeks of worry and weariness and heavy thoughts of paranoia and doubt, Malleus for the first time feels a weight lift off his shoulders and it's like he can breathe again. He remembers again the feeling of relief.
Your hand that's not holding Sebek's reach for one of Malleus's. He accepts it gratefully, looking down to return your equally relieved smile, but when he meets your eyes, the expression on your face is not what he expects.
Instead of warmth, instead of anxiety flooding out of you and tears gathering in your eyes, your expression is cold and detached; eyes distant, lips pulled firmly into a thin line, and brows fighting to not draw down in what he knows would be the most fearsome glare he's ever seen in his years of living.
There aren't many things that can scare a dragon, but right now, as he watches you, the barely-restrained fury on your face  and the chilling desire for damnation in your eyes, Malleus feels the fire in his chest snuff out, retreating to make way for the real beast.
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indigovigilance · 8 months
When They Became Their Own Side
Can I just say that gif-clipping the scenes to make this meta broke my heart all over again so good job JF, NG, MS & DT.
I'm going to discuss the major contenders for "the scene in which Aziraphale and Crowley became their own side," and then tell you when I think it happened, below the cut:
Identifying the Third Side
By the time you clicked "Keep reading" you probably had a scene in mind. I'm going to predict it was this:
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Which is an extremely strong contender, though frankly this entire scene is filled with character-trajectory changing lines (Satan bless you JF), so I'll take it as within-error-limits if you picked anything immediately adjacent to this.
The reasoning behind it is solid: Aziraphale knows, on a spiritual level, that he is not on Heaven's team anymore. He fully expects to go to Hell. He's ready.
But he finds out that he's not going to Hell. Despite Crawley's statement that nothing has to change, we know that everything has changed for Aziraphale. Neither truly a part of Heaven nor or Hell, he now knows that he occupies the liminal third space, a realm that has been home to Crawley for quite some time. Yes, it is lonely, but maybe a little less lonely than it was before, or would have been; where once there was only one, now there are two. By the end of this scene, they both know that they are on the same side, a third side, and the pain of separation that entails. But being and knowing are different things, and I would argue that Aziraphale was on Crowley's side before he realized it, which means we have to go further back.
The Revelation of Confluence
Maybe you thought of this:
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...and this scene is a great choice, because as of this moment Aziraphale knows (and Crowley knows he knows) that they have a confluence of goals and morals. Every action in the rest of Book of Job is based on the common understanding and trust relationship they establish in this scene. But again, did they need to know that they were on the same side to be on the same side? Their moral compasses would still have aligned and they would still be working for common purpose even if Aziraphale had not uncovered the ruse. I would still say we could go further back.
Establishing Loyalty
Perhaps, trying to beat me to the punch, you went back so far that you went off the page, so to speak, to Before the Beginning:
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A rare but solid choice, and entirely defensible. Aziraphale has just met Crowley and rather than ratting him out or letting him face the very just and deserved consequences that the Almighty would exact upon such a divergent, free-thinking celestial, Aziraphale gives him advice to keep him safe. He is protecting the Starmaker from Heaven, which seems to put him on the Starmaker's side in opposition to Heaven. Aziraphale's first loyalty is to his principles, stretching his proverbial wing over the Starmaker to shield him from the reign of the Almighty, and no, that wasn't a spelling mistake. We see as well that the Starmaker, quite explicitly, puts his principles first. In this way the two are similarly defective (in the sense that they are defectors), but their principles don't strictly overlap here. Neither of them are fully on Heaven's side, but it would be a stretch to say that they are on the same side.
More importantly, the Starmaker isn't really on anyone's side; the Starmaker doesn't even seem to be aware that there are sides! Just a project that would benefit from some suggestions, a fresh point of view. So they certainly aren't on Aziraphale's side. But the fact that Aziraphale has tried to protect them is important, and I will reference it later, so hang onto that thought.
Forming Trust
Maybe you're a real dreamer, and your beautiful brain lighted upon this scene:
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Absolutely brilliant, tumblrite, because Aziraphale isn't even going to tell God that he gave away the flaming sword to a pregnant girl, in fact he'll lie about it to every angel he encounters until the end of days.
But he told Crawley.
Aziraphale puts his fate in this demon's hands when he shares this; after all, what's to stop the serpent of Eden from ratting him out and getting him into Big Trouble? But the thought that Crawley might betray him never seems to occur to Aziraphale, and it seems that his trust is well-placed, because as we know, Crawley will never betray this confidence.
Taken in combination with Before the Beginning, Aziraphale has both kept secrets for the Starmaker and entrusted Crawley with his own secret. This bilateral trust bond is the foundation that "our side" will be built upon.
Nonetheless, up on that wall, Aziraphale still wonders if he's done the right thing, and takes reassurance that yes, being an angel and doing the right thing go hand in hand. After this, Aziraphale will continue to make choices that betray his principles, opting to instead follow the Will of God (see: the Flood). He is on Heaven's side, and whatever Crawley may be, it isn't that.
I think we can safely say that as of this moment, Crawley (besides being head over heels in love), who is already on his own side, is ready to welcome Aziraphale into that space with him, but that Aziraphale isn't taking him up on the invitation yet.
So while it's true that they have a unique bond as of this scene, it still isn't a side.
When Aziraphale accepts the invitation to the Third Side
Sure, Crowley has been on Aziraphale's side since the moment he invented heart eyes in the Garden of Eden, but Aziraphale didn't join Crowley's side until this exact moment:
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We were all a little too busy being pissed at Gabriel for this line to realize that he single-handedly brought together the greatest power couple above or below the Earth.
We are simply not stopping Hell.
What they do is up to them.
Aziraphale has exhausted all his options appealing to Heaven to save Job's children, and in this moment, he realizes (because Gabriel tells him directly) that if he wants to save them, he's going to have to go behind Heaven's back to do it.
Crawley and Aziraphale aren't even in the same room. But Aziraphale, at this moment, has turned his back on Heaven and joined Crawley's team.
Crawley just doesn't know it yet.
But Aziraphale is about to go down there and tell him:
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A few other meta-analysts have written on the topic of equivocation: communicating in deliberately ambiguous ways so that the person across from you understands your meaning and any unseen spectators do not. (I personally learned this term from @cobragardens, in this meta, and @ao3cassandraic's discussion of kayfabe is a closely related topic)
We should interpret the ensuing scene (which deserves a meta all its own, like this one by @majortomyourcurcuitsdead) through that lens. "You don't have to" and "I know you" are all, on their face, harmless statements, but are all equivocation for:
We are on the same side.
Crowley is understandably wary, and isn't about to let Aziraphale know that he's been clocked. But whatever pretense that he was maintaining dissolves right about here:
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Circling back to the top, yes, this is the moment that they each know they know. But knowing that they were on the same side was not a necessary condition of being on the same side. Aziraphale, when he made the decision that any further appeal to Heaven was futile, and that he must appeal instead to Crawley for mercy, had already jumped into the liminal with both feet.
Crawley will try to deny it, but they both know what's up:
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In Summary
This distinction may not be important, but the theme of sides is so strong that this felt like a topic worth exploring.
The argument that Aziraphale enters and exits the third team is also a very defensible one; he will denounce and then rejoin Crowley across the millennia to come. But the first time he makes the decision that he will work with Crawley to collude against Heaven and Hell occurs at the very moment when Gabriel tells him that that is the only remaining option if he wants to do the right thing.
Which raises the question: was offering Satan a contract to terrorize Job, assigning a morally ambiguous demon to execute it, and sending in a renegade angel to thwart it all part of the Ineffable Plan?
I'll let you decide.
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Hey for LMK Mac master list can I request “you see him again” cause boy totally needs more love imo 🤌🏼 you’re writing style slaps btws!
You just gonna make me cry, thank you sm. I totally agree with you, he needs all love. Luckily for you, I was planning to post this today. ;3 Hope you enjoy!
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You didn't want to socialize or even leave the house, but one of your mortal friends needed you to go on a double date, which you didn't like but understood. Sisters took care of each other, and it was better to have backup to 'whoop ass', as Wukong often liked to say, than to be alone. You didn't completely pay much attention to the male you were basically on a blind date with. He was okay-looking and as interesting as any other tall and handsome foreigner. You couldn't remember much of what he told you… Like his name, how he knew your friend's date, where he was from and why he was visiting China.
You never expected they would take you both to a puppet show, though. It seemed childish and when you really looked at them, they acted the part a bit too well. He swore that it was the best show they'd seen, but you were only interested when you saw the flier your friend's date had. It was a shadow play… which was much different from a simple puppet show in your opinion. 
Ever since your meeting with the emo monkey man, you always thought of Macaque whenever you're in the dark, staring somewhere only to discover it was the shadow of something, or happened to see something that reminded you of him. Did you maybe need to see a doctor? Potentially. Regardless, it was safe to say he'd plagued your mind and, unbeknownst to you, it was just as much as you plagued his. 
Before the play started, you caved and decided to get a helping of popcorn and a drink, something your friend complained about since you'd refused when they were buying earlier. Your journey to and from the line and back was infected with Macaque and almost made you order a popcorn with Pepsi instead of popcorn and a Pepsi.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to today’s shadow play,” 
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling to yourself. You'd only heard it when you’d first met, but you knew that voice from anywhere. He seemed to be using a human disguise and since the boys liked the plays, you guessed that he did them often. 
“You like these too? You seem excited,” you didn't know if it was your date or your friend who spoke.
“You can say that,” you trailed off. 
It was a brief moment, but Macaque’s gold eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones and his smirk grew before he continued.
“For the new viewers, I will start with the tale of the Hero and the Warrior,” and he did. You were no fool. You could tell that the story was based on him and Wukong. A hero that left his friends behind after obtaining immense power… yeah, that sounded like Wukong, alright. You loved Wukong like a brother, but sometimes he got too caught up in himself that he frequently forgot about others, it was something you noticed in MK too.
“Now, I can tell you about the Goddess,” his voice broke you out of your thoughts, and you noticed he looked at you when he said goddess. 
Your heart was already beating quicker knowing he was there, but when you heard his new story of a goddess the Hero once served, and had both him and the Warrior smitten, you knew that you were the goddess reference. He didn't even try to hide that from you… your brain was then quick to notice something; Macaque insinuated that both he and Wukong were smitten with you the second you met.
“This one is so adorable and tragic at the same time,” your friend swooned, and you rolled your eyes at the hopeless romantic.
“It’s kinda boring…” Yeah, you sort of forgot he was there and his hate for romance? It was never gonna work out. Maybe you took it to heart most because it was about you… The thought almost made you want to laugh.
When the show was over, the few people that were there applauded, you included. You thought your friend’s standing ovation was a bit of an overdo, but eh, who were you to judge? You met eyes with Macaque once more before he turned and walked away. Not wanting to miss the chance, you stood up.
“Where you going?” your friend questioned you.
“I'll meet you guys outside, okay?” was all you said over your shoulder before you chased after the hooded figure,
“Wha-” you barely heard her. “Okay, then?”
When you walked behind the stage, you saw a door as it closed. You walked over to it and opened it to be met with an alley and the back of the hooded figure you knew was Macaque.
“Hey, puppeteer,” your voice stopped him in his tracks, but since his back was to you, you couldn't see his grin. He knew you'd follow him, and you proved him right… It made him oddly happy.
“Sorry, miss, but I’m not signing autographs right now,” he said as he turned toward you with a lazy smirk. You could barely see the rest of his face, only his mouth.
“You get people wanting your autograph?” you mused at the thought of him signing autographs.
“I'd never taken you for the shadow play storyteller type, Macaque,” you said with a slight snicker, he playfully clicked his tongue at being caught.
“I never thought you'd be the type to come watch one, (Y/n),” he lifted his hood and looked down at you with a slight grin. “What gave me away, hm?”
“Your voice obviously gave you away, dude,” you folded your arms, and a small smile adorned your face.
“Obviously,” he chuckled, “wasn't that obvious to MK.”
“Yeah…” you trailed at the memory of MK explaining the time they went to one of Macaque’s shows and how it didn't go too well. “He’s kinda clueless sometimes.”
“Remind you of anyone?” he teased, which made you laugh a bit.
“Most definitely,”
“Did you like the tale?”
“I did,” you gave a nod. “I guess I sympathize with the warrior… being in the shadow of the hero is something I bet the Goddess can relate to.”
“I bet,” he chuckled softly. “Like what you see?” he asked as he noticed you kept looking over his features. 
“I like the real you better,” you confessed and cleared your throat, your words caught him off guard. “I guess 'cause I get used to seeing demons in their true form that seeing their human forms feel… wrong,”
“Oh? Why’s that?” he asked before he chuckled, shook his head and reverted to his true form. “How’s that?”
“Better,” you smiled at him before you looked away and cleared your throat again. “Ya know, since it’s the one I’m used to.”
“Got something in your throat there, (Y/n)? You seem to be clearing it a lot,” he teased. “Too much popcorn?”
“I just wanted to…” 
You didn't know what you wanted to do. Why’d you go after him again?
“There something you needed? I doubt you wanna leave your boyfriend hanging,” he tried to tease, but his cocky attitude had a change to it that you didn't quite pick up on.
“He isn't my boyfriend, and never will be either. Not with that attitude.”
Oh, the irony. 
“Your failed date, then?” he asked curiously. He didn't know why it bothered him that you were there with another human man, but it did. Regardless of the outcome of said date.
“We’ll leave it as that,” you sighed in exhaustion, he didn't need to know the details. He thought your reaction was kinda cute though… “What are you doing here?” you asked as you finally remembered why you went after him.
“Cause I wanna be,”
“Macaque,” you folded your arms, unconvinced.
“Unlike His Majesty, some of us need to make a living,”
“So you're doing shows for money?”
“Yep,” he said and looked over your features. 
“That’s shocking,”
“You work, don't you?”
“Touché,” you chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. “Not at the moment, though… I guess you can say I'm on vaca.”
“I never expected you to be a liar, ya know,”
“What did I lie about?”
“You told MK you’d visit, but every-” he cut himself off and continued, “he said you never showed,”
“Were you trying to see me again?” you raised a brow in amusement, but he couldn't deny that he was caught.
“What if I was?” he stepped closer to you till you were a breath away. “Why does my old pal Wukong get to be friends with you and I can't?” he asked softly.
“Hm,” you looked up at him. “You're in my personal space,”
“Does it bother you?”
“The alley is already small, it'd like as much space as I could get.”
“What if I don't wanna move?” he smirked a bit.
“Then I won't be your friend,” you shot back.
“Oh, playing dirty,” he chuckled but stepped back. “Does that save our potential friendship, plum?”
“You don't have the rank for nicknames,” you stated in a matter-of-fact voice.
“Yet,” he added.
“That might take a long… long time, ya know,”
“I have nothing but time, you know that,” he leaned close to your face. “See you soon, plum. Maybe without a boy toy.”
“Would you rather yourself as my boy toy?” you had no idea where that came from, but you were internally screaming at what had just come out your mouth. Where'd that confidence come from?!
“Definitely,” he leaned back and looked away as you did as you both blushed. “Later, goddess.” with that, he fell back into a portal before you could say anything else.
“Why are the cute ones always so irritating?” you said to yourself in annoyance, but your undeniable smile said you definitely weren't complaining.
Friends. Yeah, you could both work with that… For now.
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dduane · 9 months
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...So I was noodling around with the above image as preliminary work for a piece of Middle Kingdoms concept art that's going to illustrate a chapter-heading rubric from The Door Into Sunset. And while working on it, I belatedly realized that to correctly set up that scene, I was first going to have to tear up the entire left-hand side of the image (and the space beyond it), because the new covered fish market I had in mind wasn't going to fit in the space.
So I rolled my eyes at myself (I should have seen this coming...), got busy tearing it up, and then built the fish market. It's very loosely based, as I think I mentioned somewhere here earlier, on the famous Vismarkt, the covered fishmarket in the center of Brugge in Belgium (a.k.a. Bruges). (Image via Carto.net.)
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Back in medieval times, right through to the Renaissance and beyond, fish was originally sold in Bruges in the open, from wooden pallets. But other stallholders in the main market complained about the smell, and the fish-sellers themselves weren't happy with the venue: selling such perishable goods out in the broad (and often hot) daylight was suboptimal. A permanent, covered place for the fishmongers' stalls makes more sense. Yet at the same time, you want decent light on what you're selling or buying... just not direct sun.
Choosing the architecture for a market like this in Darthis city was also going to be an issue. The Vismarkt was installed in a new dedicated market square in 1821, with the architect opting for a Victorian-cum-Classical look: not something that would make sense in this alternate Earth—if I was seriously considering a straightforward copy, which I wasn't. However, the Darthene architectural aesthetic does contain both building styles very like our Romanesque style, and elements similarly reminiscent of Gothic. (Though in the Middle Kingdoms the AU-Romanesque wasn't abandoned when the kinda-Gothic came in, but coexists with it).
After I'd given the situation some thought, I found myself wanting something that drew on those two traditions... or would maybe kind of split the difference between them: a building open on all sides that would be relatively light and airy, recalling a tent or canopy. This kind of design's unquestionably made a lot easier in that universe by the availability of magic-workers able to pull stone out of the ground without excavation, and also able to fashion it into the desired shapes without the use of physical tools. So finally I settled on a broad, vaguely Gothic-styled cross or groined vault as the preferred shape for the roofs: then rummaged around to see what I could find in the local toolkit that would enable me to build it.
Semi-plan view:
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Diagonal side view:
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(Please note that all of these images are the result of the digital version of kitbashing, as I don’t currently have anything like the skills to create shapes like these in Blender.)
Better lighting in this case is fortunately a materials-technology issue, long since solved on our own Earth. The stone of the roof segments is what architects now would refer to as an "alabastrite marble", about an inch thick—light enough to need relatively little in the way of external supports, and thin enough to transmit light readily. This marble's name comes (probably obviously enough) from alabaster, which has been used on and off in European church windows since medieval times as an affordable alternative to glass, in times and places where that’s been expensive.
This approach has had occasional revivals in modern our-Earth architecture. However, since alabaster is only useful in relatively small pieces, and is vulnerable to heat and moisture, it's often replaced by thin-cut marble set in metal frameworks. One good example of this would be the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale. (image via Amusing Planet)
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The thin-cut Vermont marble transmits light safely without endangering the documents. But sometimes genuine alabaster has been used, too: the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles features tens of thousands of panes of it. (image via Expedia)
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The equivalent use of marble in the royal Arlene library rr'Virendir, in Prydon city—replacing much ancient glass destroyed during the earthquakes accompanying the last battle of the Great War—is probably where the Darthene authorities got the idea for this implementation. And since the marble used in this construction would almost certainly have come from Arlen, light-colored marble being the country’s “vernacular" stone due to it being quarried all over the place there, it makes perfect sense for this marble to have been a gift of the Arlene Throne to the city of Darthis. And would also account for the presence of his grace the King over there by the market stall up against the wall, pretending to check out the produce while he also checks out the nearly-finished construction (and, idly, two of his spouses).
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The Queen is after all very picky about making sure her contractors are getting things right. Yes, she jokes a lot about having lots of room in the dungeons if things go wrong... but sometimes, if you don't know her, it's hard to be sure she's joking.
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Meanwhile, so far, it doesn't look too bad.
Things learned over the past couple of weeks, in between also doing other work:
Translucence is a bitch to master in Daz Studio
Certain aspects of Blender are conspiring with one another to make me scream
My rendering computer is displaying a tendency toward quirkiness in the memory department that would register as nearly endearing if I could figure out what was causing it
...But at least now that the set I need is pretty much done (except for some minor tightening, straightening, and tweaking of materials and color temperatures), I can turn my attention to the question of how to produce the rather specialized VFX required for the two shot I'm setting up. ...Yeah, all this work has been for a two shot. But that shot needs people in the background, and the right street furniture. And nature abhors an undressed set. ...See also: "the backs of the melons."
Next challenge: track down a source for heaps of digitized prawns. :)
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celestial-specter · 3 months
So I finally got around to watching the first three episodes of the final season, and I’ve got to say, I’m very intrigued by the addition of the three clone cadets! Most of my interest comes from their names- and since I haven’t seen anyone else discuss them yet, I thought I’d throw my own thoughts out there.
As we have seen in many star wars projects over the years, character names seem to be overwhelming literal, either revealing elements of their background, or foreshadowing their future (think how in Rebels, Kanan means ‘little wolf’, while his true name, Caleb, means ‘dog’, foreshadowing his link to the Loth wolves.)
Of course, we know that the clones either name themselves or have the name bestowed on them by their brothers (think of Echo getting his name). The trio of clones that we meet in Paths Unknown are named Deke, Stak, and Mox. There hasn’t been much information released regarding at what age clones typically receive their names, however in the Clone Wars episode Clone Cadets, we see Cutup take his name from a trainer who criticizes him for his attitude. As that episode focuses on Domino squad’s final training simulation before graduation, and that they all appear to be fully grown adult clones, it can be assumed that they are all around ten years old, the same age of most clones sent to war. Given that we see Cutup choose his name during this episode, and that Echo is struggling with his nickname and remembering Fives’ name, it suggests that Domino squad had only recently begun thinking about what name they would choose for themselves.
While we haven’t been given a definitive age for Deke, Stak and Mox they are all still clearly children. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t even have names by the time they were taken off Kamino, and had to create names for each other while trying to survive on the planet they were stranded on.
To begin with Mox, his is the name I could find the least amount of reference for. There seems to be three possible interpretations:
Mox is a type of fuel designed for use in nuclear reactors.
Mox is a shortened version of moxie, meaning ‘energy, courage, and determination.’
Mox is the Latin word for ‘soon.’
I’m not overly drawn to the first idea, but I can understand the second - as Mox is clearly the eldest and protective over his younger brothers, I can see him taking a name which shows that side of his personality. I also see Mox as a direct parallel of Hunter; both are the eldest brothers of their respective groups, and are both incredibly wary of outsiders due to their need to keep their brothers safe.
However, I much prefer the third choice. The idea that Mox’s name means ‘soon’ can have both good and bad implications. For starters, Mox is clearly the most emotionally conflicted throughout the episode, unsure of his place on the mission, and of his place once they leave the planet. Hunter assures him that he has time to consider being something other than a soldier, and Mox offers his hand to Hunter. This action could be foreshadowing that soon, Hunter himself will be able to retire from this lifestyle, by finding Omega and Crosshair. Alternatively, Mox’s name meaning soon could be a very bad omen for the batch, as it could foreshadow the clone cadets being used as leverage against them (I’m thinking this could come into play when the empire attacks Pabu if the cadets are there).
Moving on, the word Deke was originally coined by Hemingway as a shortened form of the word decoy. We do not see him act as a decoy in any way during this episode, so I believe it is solely to foreshadow future events. Considering the many parallels drawn between Deke and Tech during this episode (e.g. Stak dubbing Deke ‘the smart one’ and Deke almost falling to his death in the base) his name meaning decoy only makes me more convinced that Tech is still around in some capacity (even if that capacity is just his body being used for cloning experiments).
Finally, Stak is most commonly considered to be an old version of the word stick, which makes sense when you consider the basic stick-based weapons that the cadets carry, and Wrecker’s first words to Stak and Deke when he meets them: ‘Blaster beats stick, kid!’ Knowing that the Star Wars writers love foreshadowing, this comment has me thinking things might not end so well for Stak. Interestingly, another link I found while researching this is that Stak is a common phrase in the Rogue Trooper series, in which a war is fought between facist Norts and democratic Southers (you can already see the obvious parallels to Star Wars here). In the series, in an attempt to win the war, the Southers create genetically engineered soldiers, but only one, known as Rogue, survives. Even more links involve one of the main stories of this series being titled ‘The Marauders’, and each one of the genetically engineered soldiers having a bio-chip in their body. While not a direct link, these coincidences do make me think there is a direct link between the two medias, it is possible that there is a fan of the Rogue Trooper series within the team behind The Bad Batch.
Either way, I’m very happy to finally be getting some explanation into what happened to the young clones who never saw the battlefield during the clone wars - though I am a little concerned that their worth being tied to their unexplored identity as soldiers could lead to them taking risks in further episodes in the hopes of proving themselves.
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untouchable | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x reader word count: 3.2k words request: yes, by anon: “friends to lovers fic with mick schumacher based on untouchable - taylor swift? i love your work and the little taylor swift references!!” okay for the longest time i had no idea how to write it, so i just used little references to the lyrics i hope that’s okay!🥺🥺 & “for the summer series can we get a running barefoot with mick and angie please 🙏🥺” prompt: running around barefoot (again<3) + starry night and stargazing + campfire evenings from this prompt list. warnings: language, mick being the softest. angie being the best. not proofread! a/n: i think we have two fics left for the ‘summer of love’ event<3 i’ve loved writing these, it’s like the vacations i desperately need but can’t afford lol.
my masterlist / summer of love masterlist 
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“you ready?” mick asked, closing the trunk of his truck, she nodded, an excited smile on her face.
“have been since i got here,” she chuckled, placing her hands in the pockets of her jeans. she had a big smile on her face, and mick couldn’t help but stare for a second longer than he should’ve. he bit his lip as he threw his arm around her shoulders. “thank you for making time for me. i know you probably had other plans, or places to go, i know you don’t have that much time off but-”
“nonsense. no, of course i would rather show you around. it’s been a while since i’ve been there myself, plus, it’s your first time here, and i want to spend time with my best friend.” he said, trying his best to keep a straight face as he said the last two words. 
they’d met a year before, they were vacationing at the same place and built a great friendship from then on. it started with texts, calls, and video chats every chance they could. at odd times of the night, she was arriving home from school, or a club, or a night out with friends, and he was just starting his day.
their schedules were crazy, but nothing could deny the absolute excitement they both fell when they woke up to find a text from the other person waiting for them. they told each other everything, confided in the other with their deepest thoughts and dreams and hopes, and soon they became each other’s favorite person.
they lived through ups and downs, grew closer every day, and became the other person’s safe space to rant, let out anything they felt at that moment. the feelings came in the blink of an eye. for mick, he woke up one day and everything was new, everything made sense. and he could finally put a name to what he felt inside his stomach when his phone rang. he knew why he felt disappointment inside when he didn’t see her name on his screen.
for her, it was similar, but more difficult to admit. it was so cliché, the attractive best friend who everyone wanted, and the normal girl by his side. she’d tried so hard to deny her feelings, she kept telling herself that she just missed him, but even she couldn’t hide the way hearing his voice affected her. how she stopped everything every time she received a new message. 
they thought that once they reunited, the feelings would fade away, but she’d been there, in switzerland, for two days, and she could barely keep it together.
“i’m so excited,” she looked up at mick, who was smiling at her.
“you’ll love it. it’s so beautiful, and you get a perfect view of the stars at night.”
“i’ve seen pictures,” she nodded, “i bet it doesn’t compare to the real thing, though,” 
“it’s so much better.” he assured her, “we should hit the road now, so we have enough time to set everything up.” mick suggested, and she nodded, looking back to his arm still on her shoulders. “oh! sorry,” he said, removing it from her, she shook her head.
“don’t worry. but you’re right, we should go now.” 
“angie!” mick called for his dog, she walked to them, her tail waggling, “let’s go, get in girl.”
“she’s joining us? for real?” since her arrival she’d begged mick to let angie join them on their trip, but he said it would be too tiring for her, but apparently he’d changed his mind sometime between last night and that moment.
“yeah, i figured… she’d be a good guide if we go hiking,”
“oh, she’ll be the best girl,” she crouched down, petting the dog and scratching behind her ears. “go, angie,” she opened the backseat door for her to climb in. “you’re the best,” she was quick to wrap both arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. with that, she walked to the passenger side and climbed in, leaving him with flushed cheeks and a frantic heart.
the car ride was fun, they sang to the playlist they’d made a day before, he laughed when she claimed three songs in a row to be her favorite. she sang at the top of her lungs, making dramatic facial expressions and giving a full performance. her throat hurt by the time they arrived at their camping site.
“shut the fuck up,” she gasped, looking at the view. “this is gorgeous!” her mouth was wide open, she turned to her side, finding mick smirking at her. “i want to live here forever,” she declared.
“it’s great, isn’t it?” she nodded excitedly, “there’s a lake a few minutes down, we can go there tomorrow if you like.”
“obviously! i want to see it all, i don’t want to was a single second,” she grabbed her phone, taking pictures and a short video of her view. she panned the camera from her window, to the other side of the car, where mick was holding on to the steering wheel with one hand, the other was tapping against his leg, following the beat of the song playing in the background. he noticed her, looked at her, and smiled, and after she grinned back, he threw her a wink. “ugh, mick, gross,” she teased and stopped recording. 
“what?” his chest moved up and down as he laughed, she shook her head.
“stop trying to be cute, i am immune to your charms,” it was now her turn to wink at him, a smile on her face as she returned her attention outside.
mick wanted to die.
she kept replaying that wink in her mind.
“are you almost done?” 
“i would if someone helped me out.” 
“i am helping!” she answered, throwing a marshmallow at him. he narrowed his eyes and slowly turned his head to the side. “i’m making dinner.”
“sorry to break it to you, but smores aren’t dinner,” mick stood up from where he was currently trying to set up a tent for them. he patted his hands on his jeans, walking to her. she had a frown on her face, and a small pout on her lips.
“than you’re not getting any.” she turned away, returning her attention to the sweet desserts she’d be enjoying later that night. 
“no, please,” he begged, sitting in front of her on the bench, with one leg on each side, “you’ve been bragging about them for months now,”
“well, you should’ve been nicer,” she raised an eyebrow, “bad boys don’t get their reward,” the words slipped out of her mouth without noticing, it took her three seconds, filled with silence, to realize what she’d said. she didn’t move, keeping her eyes on her task, but was aware of every movement mick made.
“fine, i’m sorry, and i promise i’ll be good from now on.” he said, leaning forward, placing his chin on her shoulder. her breath hitched and she tried her best to play it cool. “better?” his breath hit her skin, the hairs on her neck threatening to rise.
“better,” she bit her lip as she tilted her head a little, his forehead hit the side of her temple, and he wished he could’ve stayed there forever. “now go back and build our home for the night, it’s starting to get dark,” 
“yes ma'am,” mick leaned back. “although, there’s a perfectly good cabin right there, with everything we might need,”
"yes, but you promised me a real camping experience, and that includes the tent. the cabin is only for showers. plus, i am in charge here, mick, better get it through that pretty head of yours soon," her words made him chuckle, he only nodded in reply and stood up, ignoring the fluttering feeling in his chest. 
she watched him walk away, still wishing to feel his forehead against her, missing his warmth.
“oh my god,” mick’s eyes went wide.
“i know,” she nodded her head up and down, slowly, a grin on her face. 
“oh my god,” he repeated, staring at the sweet in his hand. “this is really good,” 
“it’s my specialty,” she shrugged, the proud look on her face accompanied her smug smile. “can you believe you almost missed this?” 
“it would’ve been a pity. i am sorry for saying this wasn’t dinner,” he placed a hand on his chest, over his heart. she chuckled.
“you know i would’ve shared them with you anyway,” she shrugged, “but it’s about time you let yourself break your diet even for just a few days,”
“it’s not that bad once you get used to it. but you’re right, it has been a while since i’ve had one of these,” mick started, his eyes focused on the flames in front of them. they sat on the bench, next to each other. it was dark now, with no other sound other than the fire cracking in front of them. 
“thank you for bringing me here. you know i would’ve been fine just going wherever you went, or staying at your place,” a few seconds passed before she spoke, she’d tilted her head to the side, and had a soft look on her face. 
“you don’t need to thank me,” he smiled, throwing an arm around her shoulders, “besides, i wouldn’t have been a good host if i just dragged you wherever i wanted or needed to go. plus, look at this,” he pointed up to the sky, where a million little stars were shining, like tiny lights, like-
“a diamond sky,” she said, looking up, a soft smile on her face. 
“where else will you get a view like this?” he asked, moving his head slightly, watching as she still looked up at the sky as he spoke. his heart was beating frantically in his chest, as he realized the double meaning behind his words. yes, at first he referred to the sky and the stars decorating it, but he also spoke about her. the way her lips curled up softly, her curious eyes inspecting the starry night. he thought about his own question, where else would he get a view like that?
the next day, mick woke up to the sound of laughter and barking.
he exited the tent, rubbing his eyes with his knuckle to adjust to the light. a smile formed on his face instantly.
her hair was messy, she was still wearing her pjs, and was running around their camp site with angie trailing behind her.
“go get it, girl,” she said as she threw a ball, running after the dog as angie sprinted towards it. when they returned, mick was already up. “hey, sleepyhead,” she smiled at him.
“you’re not wearing shoes,” he noted.
“i know. i hated it at first, but your fluffy baby wouldn’t even let me put on socks before she brought me her toys. it’s kinda cool once you get used to it,”
“well, i’l make sure my fluffy baby let’s you have some time to yourself so you can get ready first,”
“you’re soooo kind,” she placed both hands on his face, squeezing his cheeks together.
later, they set off for a hike down to the lake, and to say she was excited would be an understatement. 
“i want to stay here forever!” she claimed, tossing her backpack on the ground as she ran around. mick let angie off her leash and let her run freely. “this is gorgeous,” she took a second to breathe deeply, admiring the sights that surrounded her. 
“i know. i knew you’d like it here,” he grinned, sitting on the grass, holding his water bottle in his hand. she walked and sat next to him, shoulders touching.
“you’re the best. i can’t imagine my life without you in it. you’ve changed it forever,”
his breath hitched, he knew she was talking about his friendship, but a part of him couldn’t help but wish it was for something… more.
“i'm happy you're part of my life, i can't remember what it was like before all the late night talks, the random rants and messages at all hours of the day, but i wouldn't change it for the world," he smiled, first staring at the calm water a few meters away from them, then turning to face her, who had a bright sparkle in her eyes. her hand touched his, an involuntary movement that took both of them by surprise. they'd been affectionate before, but it had always been playful, or during casual conversation, never during a moment like that, when time seemed to stop, when the seconds of her fingertips grazing the back of his hand felt like an eternity. 
nothing could ruin that moment, with a beautiful scenery, the sun shining on them, a tension that was starting to build up, encouraging them to-
"angie, stop!" the australian shepherd ran to them at full speed, and started running around them, barking as she tried to get them to play with her. “i’m going, i’m going,” mick said as he got up, grabbing a ball from his backpack and throwing it away, he chuckled as the dog ran towards it.
mick looked down at his friend, who was still sitting on the grass.
“you want to play?” he asked, she was staring at nothing in particular, but she seemed to be deep in thought. mick frowned, reaching down to touch her shoulder, “hey, you okay?” he asked as she pulled herself out of her thoughts. 
“yeah, sorry,” she gave him a quick, small smile. “just…thinking.”
“i can see that,” he chuckled, “penny for your thoughts?” he offered his hand, and she grabbed it to help herself up. he raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to answer, but she just shook her head and chased after angie. 
later, once the sun was gone and they were back at their camping site, mick found his friend lying on the ground, her eyes focused on the sky above. he approached her, sitting down and crossing his legs beneath him. 
“you’ve been quiet all day,” he told her, “is… everything all right? did- did i-”
“you’ve been great.” she interrupted him, her fingers resting on her stomach, she played with them as she looked at the stars as if they held the answer to all her questions, all the thoughts in her head. “honestly. i- i don’t think…” she started, “i don’t think i’ve ever felt like this before. i know that it… it might sound dumb but i- no one’s ever done what you’ve done for me these past few days.” she turned her head to the side, catching his eyes, “you’ve made me feel welcomed in your home, in your life.”
“you are. of course you are. i told you, you’re… one of the most important people in my life. and… this is nothing compared to all the things i’d do for you. i- i think i would do anything in my power to make sure you’re happy, to make sure you feel… loved, and wanted.”
“that’s… that’s the thing,” she said, moving her eyes back to the shiny dots, “you do make me feel like that. and i- it scares me.” she let out a deep breath.
“why?” he asked, “you shouldn’t be afraid of people showing their appreciation for you,”
“i know, but what if… what if my love is… more?”
mick didn’t answer, he couldn’t form coherent sentences not even in his mind, he was only aware of a tingling feeling on his fingertips.
“i’m afraid of loving someone so much… it hurts to breathe when i’m without them. of feeling so attached to someone, and not… getting that in return.”
she thought she’d feel like a weight had been lifted off her, but instead, she felt like she was being crushed. 
“you know what i… what i thought the first time we met?” mick asked. she didn’t look at him, only shook her head. “i thought you were… so effortlessly funny, kind, smart. i thought ‘this is someone i want in my life for the rest of my days.’ you have no idea how thrilled i was that you wanted to be my friend. it- it felt like when you’re little and it’s just so easy to make friends with anyone. loving you feels like that, it feels easy and… without complications. loving you is knowing that i can always count on you, despite time difference, distance. loving you is… the reason i wake up every day. and yes, loving someone like this is terrifying, but it’s beautiful and it gives me a reason to keep working on myself. to be the best version of myself, for you. because you deserve… someone who loves you unconditionally and can give you all the love you need, who can give you back all the love you give the world.”
she shut her eyes, squeezing them tightly as she tried to breathe.
“and… if i didn’t screw this whole thing up, or i wasn’t clear enough, i would like to be that person. i’ve wanted to be that person since last summer. i just… didn’t know it yet.”
the first thing she saw as she opened her eyes, were the stars. shining so bright, twinkling against a sea of darkness. slowly, she moved her head, her eyes meeting a new pair of stars, only these were a clear blue, and were staring nervously at her.
“say it again,” her voice was something barely above a whisper. he leaned towards her, his face close to hers.
“if you let me, i would love to show you, each day and night, how much i love you.”
“and how much is that?” she couldn’t help but ask. mick chuckled, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
“do you hear that?” he asked, she frowned, staying silent for a few seconds.
“angie snoring?”
“yeah, i love you equally, if not more than i love her,” 
“that’s… a lot,” she was aware of how much his pets meant to him, and that realization only made her feel like her heart would burst out of her chest at any moment. 
“so… you don’t have to be afraid of not getting that love back, because i will love you until i run out of love to give.”
“won’t you get tired? of me?”
“never. the best part of my day is seeing your name on my phone, hearing your voice, and now that you’re here… spending time with you is the only thing i want to do.”
“when i touched your hand… earlier,” she blinked, “it felt… right. like it was meant to hold yours.”
“maybe it was.” he said, his fingertips brushing against her arm, as he slid them down towards her hand. “can i?” 
she didn’t answer, only moved her hand so her palm was facing up. she nearly shivered at the feeling of his fingers against it. they traveled slowly, exploring her skin. when he slid his fingers in the gaps between hers, it felt like a missing piece had been found. 
“it’s perfect,” 
“will you?” he asked.
“what?” she whispered.
“let me love you like you deserve to be loved.”
she smiled as the air left her lungs, her free hand went up to his neck, bringing him down.
“only if you allow me to love you back the same way.”
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venbetta · 6 months
This is Tumblr, we're all wild animals with zoomies. Please share your thoughts.
You right... you're so right
Time to vomit all of my thoughts then-
I’m gonna have to be so sparring with the pictures due to the 10 image limit *sob* whatever i'll figure it out,,
Also I'm gonna say this- Freddy isn't possessed by Michael Afton in this. I don't mind Glammike, but I love the idea of Freddy just becoming a “deviant” I guess. Robots becoming human. They should totally make a game or something… wink wink.
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I'm gonna just dig into the lyrics and breakdown my thought process for some of the frames… (I'm not doing every lyric, only some that stood out)
So, the meaning of “My Way” is based around self determination, that's the basic gist. I personally interpreted it as individualism, seeing how the lyrics have certain phrases based around it.
I had heard this song at the beginning of this year and immediately thought of Freddy. I also remember hearing the ai cover version at one point… (moving on)
And it was pretty obvious that most people agreed that this was his song.
Let's break it down >:]
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
I started the scene with Freddy walking on the third floor atrium, and I guess I took “I face the final curtain” literally since he's looking at the main stage lmao
My friend, I'll say it clear
Small side note, it's literally the most miniscule detail, but I felt like he was referring to Bonnie when he said “my friend” … It doesn't help that he's on the same floor as Bonnie Bowl.
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I've lived a life that's full
Freddy reflecting about his “life” performing alongside his friends, I specifically added Chica because she's one of the remaining members of the original trio. :)
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Regrets I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption
This verse was the best way to describe Freddy's situation. He had to not only escort this kid around the pizzaplex but he had to make sure Gregory wouldn't get hurt. He didn't want to hurt his friends but he couldn't let them hurt Gregory either. While it's shown that the other glamrocks were shattered, him saying he has regrets, I thought about whether or not he did the shattering himself or it was Gregory.
I mean, canonically, it was all Gregory's doing, Freddy was an accomplice… (sort of), but in the back of my mind, a messed up part of me wanted it to be Freddy's doing. Especially when we get to the confrontation scene. Honestly it can be interpreted both ways. I've read a fic where Freddy killed his friends… very gruesome but badass.
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Anyways have a Freddy ear wiggle... cutest fucking thing ever.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all, and I stood tall
And did it my way
Another one of those verses where I went fucking crazy and said “THAT'S HIM.”
So as it's seen in the animatic, Freddy is trying to keep Gregory safe. Gregory was originally going to be in his stomach hatch during this fight scene, but as I mentioned, Freddy wouldn't have wanted him to be in serious danger, so.. I changed it to him carrying Gregory.
“I'm sure you knew when I bit off more than I could chew” refers to Gregory being aware of how much he was in danger, and Freddy deciding to bite the bullet towards confronting his friends. Even if it meant someone was going to get hurt.
“When there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out.” God, I loved drawing Freddy clenching his fists. The hesitancy before just accepting that he has to protect Gregory at all costs. Maybe I took some of the lyrics and made them slightly literal? Idk. Either way, this scene was powerful, especially when he and Monty clashed together.
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“I stood tall” to me shows how Freddy was no longer going to let his soft persona get in the way. This part was just very fun to draw and put together… :3
I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill, my share of losing
And now, as tears subside
I find it all so amusing
Once again Freddy is thinking about his friends and life, I found this part kind of hard? Originally I wanted him to be surrounded by his friends, and have it fade to just him standing alone, but I didn't like how it was drawn lol. I improvised and had it be a poster instead.
Also there's something heartbreaking about how he examines his plushie. “I find it all so amusing”, I interpreted that as him being melancholic about the situation, looking between the plushie and Gregory by the exit.
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way
Ah yes, Freddy setting the plushie on fire. I like to think he makes up his mind at that moment that none of this was worth it anymore. Once again, that interpretation of him being complacent to his friends being shattered kinda fits into this line a little, “I did all that”, as if he's surprised he had it in him to go that far to protect Gregory.
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I did it my way
…self explanatory. Freddy said, “Yeah nah I'm done. Burn this bitch to the ground.”
I mean, that's basically the fire escape ending if I'm being honest. Mine's just funnier.
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For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way
The final stretch. So this verse is pretty heavy, also I had to pace this correctly… I'm surprised I managed to fit the climax in.
“For what is a man” when I heard that line for the first time… fire no pun intended. It's also kinda ironic(?) Freddy says this, since he's an animatronic… but me personally, I saw it as an epiphany for him. He's acknowledging his own individualism, and that's all he has now. He made the decision to protect Gregory, to fight his friends, and now he's making the choice to burn everything down.
“To say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels” Good shit. He's not taking orders from anyone anymore, he's gone full deviant now.
And with the confrontation with Vanny, he makes the impulsive decision to take her out, going down with her. “I did it my way” the grand climax of the song, where he throws both of them off the building… lowkey my favorite part. I had fun using the tracking tool on the editing program to make them pan across the screen in slow mo…
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But yeah, Freddy was gonna go down his own way- even if it was unnecessary.
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Yes it was my way
The fall and the brief daze and fear in his eyes…
There's something about the acceptance in his eyes that makes my chest swell.
I'm surprised I haven't cried to this animatic yet.
I'm sure I'm not the only person who doesn't like this ending of SB… it's so weird and confusing. I laughed my ass off watching it due to how whacky it was… also I still believe that Vanessa on the roof was an apparition/ghost. Idk… it makes sense to me.
The fact that I made this ending have more impact makes it more satisfying. I know it was very indulgent but like… that was the point. I know Freddy's characterization in the game is pretty limited, outside of him being a goofball, but he had genuine moments where there was something else there (I'm looking at the true ending scene).
Listen, I headcanon Freddy as someone who's sweet and puts on his best face but has the entire company of FazEnt on his shoulders and all he can do is tolerate it because he was made to entertain. Having him not only have an existential crisis but an epiphany lets Freddy shine a little more.
I say the best part during the animatic process is looking at the lyrics and breaking them down for the story. It helps with pacing :)
I plan to do another fnaf animatic this weekend, so look forward to some wips… if I decide/remember to share
Feel free to ask me anything, I'll try to answer them!
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starseneyes · 1 year
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 13
Daddy Cop AKA "Friends Don't Let Friends Murder Board… Alone"
After watching 5x13, I really didn't think I could write the Meta until I had 5x14 for additional context. But after taking a step back and re-evaluating my hangups, I found a way. I do hope you enjoy it!
SPOILER ALERT: If you're looking for a nice, safe, spoiler-free zone... I'm sorry, this ain't it. I will spoil the entirety of the episode and perhaps the entire series to date. It's a LOT of fun, though, if you're up for it!
Ready to see what awaits our delightful duo now that Chenford Coitus has been achieved? Let's dive in!
Nobody Puts Timmy In A Corner
Lucy is sitting at the back of Roll Call so she can keep an eye on Tim. He doesn't even have to turn around for her to feel the misery coming off of him, even through the walls.
Tim hates this. But it's what he has to do for love, right?
My Chair is Moving
Like, this was so personal, and yet so sweet. She totally turned his chair toward her, and he was happy to go along because—let's be real—she's the best part of his day.
Seeing Tim without his set up for his camera on his chest is strange. I know it hasn't been there all along series-wise, but it really stood out to me watching this scene. No need for them to monitor what he's doing with the public because he no longer see the public. He sees... part of a window.
It's been one week based on Canon, so we know he's already bored out of his mind... no matter what he tells his girlfriend. (I will never get over getting to call Lucy Chen that! She's Tim Bradford's girlfriend)
"I thought we said we wound never lie to each other."
There are a million conversations happening between these two that we never see. We have fan fiction where we can speculate on it, but at first blush I really appreciated this glimpse into their shared code.
Now, they spend the entire episode going against said code (which I'll get into at the end of this Meta), but I do like that we have insight into what happens when the camera's not rolling between Tim and Lucy.
"That was a lie." "You're miserable."
She knows her man. I mean, anyone paying attention can tell that Tim's having a horrible time working at a desk. Now, he's got productivity up and whatnot, but he's miserable.
We saw him make the sacrifice play in 5x12, but now seeing him living it is akin to us hearing about the Monster that was his father and then meeting the man, ourselves. It's about as bad as imagined, in both cases, but there's something about seeing it that makes it more "real".
Desk work for Tim Bradford is bleak. But, he'll do whatever it takes to be with the woman he loves.
"No. It's not that bad. Nice people. Low stress. Wait, wait that reminds me... next week." "Thank you." "You're welcome. Be safe out there. I'll see you at the end of shift."
I'm reminded of 4x01 when Lucy asked Tim to be careful over the phone. "I always am," he said. This time, it's Tim who's staying in place and Lucy who's on the move.
And the face she gave him when he gave her the thumbs up? Like, "don't give me the bad baseball thumbs up!" She gives him an aghast look, but he follows up quickly enough to reference the end of shift—his happy place.
The same schedule means they can see each other every day, yes, but during the day it's bloody torture for Tim. There was a song in my youth about living for the weekends. Right now, Tim is living for end-of-shift. (originally I typoed to "end-of-shirt" and that kinda works, too, if ya know what I mean)
When she walks away, he exhales, thinking his charade worked. Hell, no, Tim, my boy. Your girl knows when you're hurting. ("I rode long enough with you to know when you are being you and when you're upset")
Lucy is in the best relationship of her life. No way she's going to stand still while he's struggling. This is the ultimate give-and-take. Tim steps back for Lucy, Lucy steps up for Tim.
"I'm just trying to find a way to keep him from losing his mind." "Is there no other position he can move into?" "No. Everything's at a standstill."
Stripping away the "do they know" question (which I cover in the summary at the end of this Meta), I'm going to just talk about Nyla and Lucy watching out for Tim.
Lucy intervening on Tim's behalf is not surprising. She stood up for him against the Sergeant who wasn't taking the fender-bender case seriously. She recorded multiple books-on-tape for him so he could study for the Sergeant's exam. Heck, she helped renovate his home while he was dating Discount Barbie.
So, Lucy stepping up for Tim would never be what raised red flags on their relationship status change. Yes, I expected someone to comment on Tim being "punished" or something if they weren't aware of the relationship, but since they didn't, we work with what we've got.
And what we've got is everyone aware that Tim's in a job he hates and wants out of.
"Alright, well, then you're going to have to shake things up… create an opening... It means you've gotta get creative. Find a weak link and start a 5-player trade." "Say more."
"Say more" cracks me up. It's so smooth and welcoming.
Girlfriend is finally seeing an angle for her "find Tim a new job" plan. It reminds me of her telling him, once, that he's the king of coming at problems from a sideways angle. Looks like the student really has become the master!
"Metro would be a good fit for Tim... I mean, Hicks might be up for a transfer, a bit more family time... if he left Metro, Tim could take his spot."
The one part I skipped over here is the part that I think would be an interesting test for Tim and Lucy—can they navigate the brutal hours?
I tried to look up the LA Metro to get a little more intel (yes, I'm that Meta writer), but information's sparse online in terms of actual timelines for the teams and shifts. There's likely good reason for it ("Hey, coppers! When will you be off the streets so we can pilfer some golden duckets?"), but I had to check. It's the journalist in me.
It's not like we've never seen Metro before on this show. I was watching an episode the other day where they radio'd to call in Metro and we saw a bunch of folks we didn't know in tactical vests show up. They'll find ways to tie Tim in, I'm sure, but I'll be curious to see if/how it affects Tim and Lucy's relationship.
"What could go wrong?" "A lot for both you and Tim. If Sergeants feel like they're being manipulated, they will never trust you again. And they talk. So the next time you need a favor, and you will, the answer will be no. Forever. So, tread lightly."
Will there be any consequences for all this? I've seen the speculation, but I think all this warning did was encourage Lucy to be crafty. See Exhibit A below.
"Uh, listen, my roommate is an excellent babysitter and she's always looking for work if you ever need someone."
Never underestimate the power of childcare. Especially for parents of multiples. I only had twins, and I can still imagine the chaos of that poor man's house and life. It's a gift, yes, but I wouldn't wish twins on my worst enemy.
Every time I see a character on a show having multiples, I wonder who in the Writer's Room hated them, because it's a tough, tough road. I love my boys forever and ever. But it's a unique challenge raising multiples.
And Hicks is intrigued. Because finding people to watch multiples can be a nightmare, too. Trust me. I've been there and tried all the sites before I finally gave up on Brick-and-Mortar and started working for myself.
The Gang's All Here
This was my second favorite scene of the entire episode. I love the Found Family trope. I love that there is this core of people who have decided to not only work together, but to do life together.
I don't have that through any of my brick-and-mortar jobs (mostly back-stabbers and high drama, there), but I do have it from University. 20 years with the best friends in the world. So, I see these scenes and I see my own Found Family reflected there.
As each group files in (and someone over on Twitter noted quite brilliantly how each door opening coincides with a different method of announcement—knocking, ringing, walking right in), it's adding the layers to the scene. It's not convoluted or complicated or cachophonic. It's harmonious.
You can see how all these very different people work together, compliment one another, and fit together into a jigsaw puzzle of friendship.
And to know that Tim's friends band together to come to his aid means so much. But I hate that he doesn't know.
I understand the subterfuge of doing something great for someone you love—orchestrating a great something. My husband did it for me through a four-hour scavenger hunt marriage proposal that took me through several cities before arriving in the theater where we met. He had production meetings for that proposal.
So, I'm not frustrated at the fact that Lucy did this without taking credit for it. I've done things in secret for my loveyby and him for me.
However, I wish Tim knew how much he was loved. I don't think he fully comprehends that yet, and since this wasn't used as an opportunity to demonstrate that to him, I'm hoping that'll come down the line.
Look, when you grow up thinking you're unlovable, it's powerful when your friends come through for you.
My husband and I had to get a new fridge a few months back. Old one died. But we couldn't afford to go through a box store, so we went Outlet and had to transport it ourselves. One friend fractured a finger. Four others worked together to dismantle and reassemble it to get it into the house. It took 2 hours. They had come over for Matthew's birthday party and instead we moved a fridge.
And not one person complained. We all laughed. We took hilarious photos. We had an amazing time. Because, finally, we have people in our lives who love us without condition.
Tim has that, too, but I sometimes think he doesn't fully understand it. I do wish he knew how much they love him and how they all came together to help him as an act of love.
And if he doesn't find out about this, I do hope there's still a time down the line when Tim Bradford will fully realize how much his Found Family loves him.
"Oh, you look surprised. Wait, weren't you on the group text?"
I'm DYING. DYING that they have a group chat and somehow Nolan still missed it. I know he said that he unplugs when he gets home (which is a great thing to do, but I don't know if he'll continue to move up the ranks without being more easy-to-reach). But it really made me cackle.
And I have to say that the choice to put the post-its on the windows so they could shoot through was really genius. My favorite logistical decision of the episode. Credit to the writer, director, set designer, or whoever said, "This is the way".
But Tim's reaction to Nolan throwing up his arm to block his way cracked me up. Like, Eric Winter's physicality as Tim never fails to amuse and amaze.
And Lucy's "where the hell do I put these things!?" face had me rolling. Melissa O'Neil has had a lot of room for humor these past few episodes, and it's fun to see her show off her chops.
"Is that Lucy's car?"
Yes, Tim. And Wesley's, James'. It's a party! But, of course, the only one he cares about belongs to his love.
And how on-brand is it for Tim that he doesn't care about the air conditioning ("air conditioning makes you soft") but he was all about getting to watch the game? I cackled.
Tim clocks Lucy across the room and Angela clocks their interaction, casting knowing glances towards Bailey and Nyla. Hermana, never change. That choice was all Alyssa Diaz and I love it.
"You okay?" "Yeah. Couldn't be better."
It's not a lie! But, she certainly has a lot on her mind, and as soon as he walks into the room, Tim's forgotten the game. He's focused solely on her.
Smitty and Lucy
This is a tiny detail I spotted as Lucy walks into the room, but it made me laugh. The sign on the door has been switched to "occupied" but the door is wide open. Did Smitty set it to occupied but forget to close the door? Did someone else switch the sign to warn of Smitty? The possibilities are hilarious!
And Lucy Chen loves Tim Bradford so much that she's willing to make a blind deal with Smitty, of all people. And does Smitty know about Lucy and Tim? Is he writing fanfiction of the two of them at his desk instead of working?
"Nothing weird." "Nothing weird. I promise."
Because with Smitty, you have to clarify. Still, she's braver than I am to make this deal with zero idea what he'll demand in return for this favor.
Taking your husband's words? I stan a couple who are so in love they pick up on one another's phrasing. I can think of two recent examples of Tim ending a conversation with "Deal" from my re-viewings. With Genny at their family house, and with Lucy when she told him to ask her out, again, after she dumped Dead-Weight-Chris.
So, Lucy's subconsciously picking up on Tim's words, and that cracks me up.
My husband picks up on my phrasing, but it's more obvious because I make up things. Like when our twins were tiny and complaining about random things, I'd call them "Complainababy" and if they were congested they were "Conjestababy". Yes, I understand normal people don't do that. I embrace who I am.
And watch how she flexes her hands as soon as she leaves the room to rid herself of the awful feeling of making a deal with the Smitty. Sorry, Lucy, but there won't be enough hand sanitizer in the world to save you from what he has planned for you.
"Hey." "Hey." "I just heard Lauren Fuji is retiring." "Really? That's surprising."
I have thoughts about this that are at the bottom of the episode notes, so skip there if you want my honest thoughts on this right away. Or you can keep reading the Meta and we'll get to that later.
"Don't you get it? It means there's an opening in Metro. Well, at least there was."
This is the first information to Lucy that's new, and she cocks her head at it. Because it is completely plausible that someone else swooped in and took the position she tried so hard to hand-carve for Tim. And that would suck, but it can totally happen.
And I love the way Tim (via Eric Winter) is punctuating his words, here. Tim is pumped up and excited, and it's so beautiful to see. He has been through so much heartache throughout the run of this show. We've seen Tim Bradford at his lowest.
But now we get to see him on the way up in a big way.
"Lieutenant Pine just called me 15 minutes ago, and I'm going over."
Timothy Bradford, you are gushing with excitement as you talk to your woman. I love how he leans forward toward her, like a kid with a secret that they can't help but share on the playground.
"That's great! Congratulations."
Lucy gives him a chest tap because she is truly excited for her man. I'm a tapper, myself, with my husband. So I think it's cute we share that, me and my fictional bestie.
But, she's also looking around the station to see if anyone noticed.
"Thanks. Grey gave me rock star review." "Well, he should. You're amazing."
Lucy's heart eyes and Tim's smile are sending me. He is smiling with all his teeth and every beautiful laugh line is alight with pure joy.
I'm also strangely excited to learn that Eric Winter's nose wrinkles like mine when he smiles big, sometimes, and that's so oddly comforting. My Eldest's nose does the same thing.
And how telling is it that we've had 5 years of watching Tim Bradford before I knew this little fact about his smile because we have never seen him smile like this before?
"I'm excited." *giggle* "I'm excited!"
There is something so sweet about excitement being such a foreign emotion to Tim that he has to verbalize it. Like it's bubbling out of him at a rate he can't control because he isn't accustomed to joy.
The last time he was happy, he was working the beat and was married to Isabelle. But, I argue, this is joy, not happiness bred of happenstance. Tim Bradford is bubbling with joy.
Professionally, his greatest fear has been advancing to the point that he's trapped at a desk. Tim likes to be on the streets, in the middle of the action, making things happen. Sitting might be great for Smitty, but not for Tim.
He took that hit for the love of Lucy. Now, everything in this episode implies that this was a waystation situation, where Tim was waiting for an opening to make a move. Grey tells him to "hang in there" and Nyla seems completely aware that they're waiting for something to open up to move him over.
His main goal in taking this desk job was to keep Lucy at Mid-Wilshire. The icing on the cake was that they got to see each other every day and didn't have to deal with syncing shifts.
Lucy knew before Tim took the job that he'd be positively miserable. The staging literally has him in a corner with his back to Roll Call, his back to the action, his back to what he loves.
Now, he's moving up to Metro, and it's definitely movement forward in his career, gets him back out on the streets, and keeps his relationship with Lucy from crossing any lines that might warrant an IA investigation.
The Tim Bradford we met in the Pilot was a man whose life was on pause. He was in a holding pattern with his job, with his wife, with his sense of self. Lucy entered his life, and it's like someone pressed "Play", again.
And it wasn't even romantic, at the beginning. Lucy is just this ball of light that stepped into his world. At first, it was blinding to him and he bit back at her as much as she snapped at him. But as she refined her glow, he softened his gaze, and they somehow met in the middle when the time was right.
Tim Bradford today is a man who has faced his trauma with his father head-on. Is there still healing to do? Hell, yeah. But he's on his way, now, instead of repressing and avoiding. He's working on his relationship with his little sister.
He's trying to be a complete human being—not only running from the image of his father, but embracing all the best parts of himself and owning them as his own unique identity.
Tim Bradford is closer to himself than he's been in a long time. Peeling back the layers of anguish, trauma, heartache, and abuse... it's taken time. And Lucy's been there for so much of it. For her to be the love of his life? Only fate (and the writers) could weave the tapestry so aptly.
Tim is excited. He has something to look forward to every day in his job. He has something to look forward to every night with the woman he loves. He's no longer looking back. For the first time in his life, Tim can truly look forward with excitement.
And Lucy's giggle!? I love her giggle. I doubt she's ever seen Tim this giddy and it made her giggle. And, yes, we know that she made that happen.
And, let me tell you, it's fun when you can make something happen for the person that you love. Puts a special warmth in your chest the bubbles out, sometimes.
"Let's go to dinner tonight and celebrate."
The cadence here reminds me of Tim telling Angela to proudly show off her baby belly while wedding dress shopping. It's a type of abandon we've heard in Tim's voice only when directed at other people and never at himself.
Tim wants to celebrate this amazing achievement. He wants to celebrate something amazing that happened to him. Before, he wasn't that jazzed about his award, except for how it could help with his forward momentum. Jackson built a shelf for his (with Nolan's help), and Tim probably has his in the back of his closet.
But Tim was excited about making Sergeant (remember his pride hanging up his new uniform before he opened his locker to see the booties?) and he's proud of this. But, it's amplified because Tim Bradford's life is finally coming together.
Career. Love. Found Family (even if he doesn't yet realize it). Sibling Relationship. Finances (he and Genny made bank on that house sale in the LA Real Estate Market). Tim's life is coming up Roses.
"Do you need any help?"
I have seen a few people disappointed that Tim didn't show up to help her at the end, but he asked her if she needed him and she said she had to do it alone.
He's not going to go against her wishes because he has learned to trust her and her judgment. He knows that if she truly needs him, she will ask. Lucy's far past not asking Tim for what she needs.
He talked out Emmett with her once he understood that's what she needed. He gave her a hug after Jackson's death.
"But tomorrow it is a date. We are gonna celebrate you. Congratulations. They're really lucky to have you." "Thank you."
Tim can't help himself. He reaches for her left hand with his right. He wants to touch her. He wants to be closer to her. Because he has never been this happy.
Lucy giggles as he briefly holds her hand before she separates herself. But, I swear, that man looked like he wanted to kiss her right then and there.
"Good Job!"
She taps his arm, again, as he goes. And, wow, I can't remember seeing Tim smile this much with teeth ever. He's beaming as he watches her go, his eyes trailing after her until the last second he can no longer see her.
He nods to himself. "Yup. That's the woman I'm going to marry." Not right this moment, obviously, because we're all enjoying the ride and there's no rush. But, someday. And he knows it.
I've seen folks worried about his face falling, but I think we're simply unaccustomed to seeing Tim's face resolve to neutral after a big smile. Something about his face threw me back to 5x02, so I went back and looked. And, yup, tears in his eyes, here, too. Tears of joy.
Tim Bradford is joyful, my friends. So full of joy that it's overflowing. And after all the heartache, heartbreak, and pure hell of his life... it makes it all the sweeter.
This man would do anything for her. She would do anything for him. In one another they've found their equal—that one person who meets them where they are in intensity and devotion.
One flame does not overwhelm the other, but they help each other's glow brighter and stronger. When one is dimming, the other provides the light.
This give-and-take is the culmination of years of long nights, early mornings, complex conversations, deep dives, flare ups, cool downs, in-jokes, and trust building. It's fictional, sure, but we're getting to see true love in real-time, and I am so thankful for this ride.
"I'll admit, I've been lax about cleaning it." "How lax?" "Either Clinton or Bush was the president." "Which Bush!?"
I laughed so hard at this line. It cracked me up so bad I didn't even hear the next lines. Of course, I went back and figured it out, but I love Smitty. In small doses, he really does add a bit of levity to the show.
Also, Lucy in a hazmat suit!? The things she does for love.
Because, even though we didn't see Tim and Lucy in a post-coital cuddle-fest, or a shirtless trek through Lucy's kitchen, or even a kiss between these two this week... we're getting to see sacrificial love. Not the kind that gives too much, but the kind that gives-and-takes.
Tim and Lucy are in love (even if they haven't uttered the words, yet). They're demonstrating it through how they treat one another, and it's such a beautiful reminder that relationships are so much more than sex and attraction.
It's about growing together, supporting one another, calling each other on your crap, and finding ways through the hardships of life together.
This is a place where The Rookie really excels. They show couples who work through life together, who love each other even when there is no cozy morning-after because they overslept, or the alarm went off too early, or a dog or kid needs something.
Love is complex and layered, and I love that we're not seeing Tim and Lucy in pound town every week. Like, sure, they're going there, but to see a healthy relationship? That is what both Tim and Lucy have lacked until now.
Tim and Lucy finally have a love that matches their souls. I'm grateful for every morsel of it that we get to see on screen. But just knowing that Tim and Lucy are this unbelievably happy and they're together? That's enough for me.
I used to watch Janeway and Chakotay touch once every 10 episodes and call it a victory. Mulder and Scully danced around each other forever and I was able to cope. So, the scenes we get of Chenford feel like four course meals, and I'm thankful to eat them again, and again, and again. The meals... I mean.
So, what were Rachel's hangups on this one? Lies, Clarity, and Metro. For separate reasons, I got a little stuck on these three.
I have a big problem with lies, as some readers know. When Lucy and Tim mentioned they promised not to lie to one another and then spent the entire episode lying, it got under my skin.
Now, I'm all for Loving Spousal Surprises. I've given them (my husband's 30th Nerf Battle Surprise Birthday) and received them (4-hr scavenger hunt Engagement).
But hearing the promise at the beginning followed by a whole episode of lying triggered my trauma.
I started writing the Meta and it was too colored by my own experiences. So, I stepped back, deleted everything I wrote, and started fresh with just the bones.
Sometimes, we have to be careful our past prejudices don't ruin our present experiences. At least, that's something I've learned.
The ambiguity as to whether the team is in-the-know, oblivious, or pretending-to-be-oblivious regarding Chenford was frustrating. It made it really hard to write because I felt like the cues from the scenes shifted throughout the episode going in multiple directions.
I am not a person who minds that we didn't get a Morning After (plenty of time to see Domestic Chenford), or that we didn't get the DOD Tattoo (it's hers, not theirs), and I wouldn't even mind if we missed seeing everyone find out/announce they know.
From the first scene with Nyla, I thought they were obviously open about their dating. But, then at Nolan's, Angela was giving "knowing" eyes and Tim kept his distance. Then it was over to the final Chenford scene where Lucy and Tim both look guarded about who might be watching.
My take? I figured everyone knew but Chenford thought they didn't. But, that's a far bigger guess than most of my guesses, so I felt uncomfortable writing it. I like to draw from what I see, not try to draw over it. I'm a hapless fan sharing uneducated interpretations, not the writer of the scenes.
So, I tried to avoid talking about it with this Meta since I don't feel like I can yet speak with certainty on the matter.
"If you ever do consider Metro, give me a call."
If it was this easy, why did Lucy have to go through a thousand hoops? Sure, it was great practice for the inevitable Wedding Place Setting game down the line, but why was this line here if it wasn't an option for Tim?
And why didn't Nolan say anything during the brainstorming session? I know we like to talk about him being clueless, at times, but he's far from idiotic. It might've been pertinent information, or an "in" to help expedite Tim's ascension.
I struggled with the directionality of the scene. Watching it the first time, I was convinced it would feed into the quest to find Tim a new position. If it wasn't there for Tim, was it to show that Nolan isn't where he's supposed to be? Are we setting up for Nolan to pop over with Tim at some point?
And, again, why didn't anyone think to give her a call about Tim, an officer who is far more seasoned and qualified for the position? No shade thrown at Nolan, but that's objectively true, and I couldn't fathom why this scene was structured the way it was if it wasn't going to help Tim. Maybe it's planting the seed for another episode down the line...
EDIT: The amazing @wordgirl40 pointed out in the comments that all the moving pieces on the board were Sergeants, and that hadn't stuck with me when watching the scene. I still think Nolan could have put in a phone call to help with things, but even that tiny clarification makes it easier to follow. Thank you!
Enough of my hangups. Thanks for bearing with me.
I want to draw out one line that I thought was really interesting, considering the "Found Family" angle of the episode.
Grey told Celina, "You have a new family of brothers and sisters. Remember that."
It's true. Big Brother/TO Tim was the one to realize what was bothering Celina and call her out. And how soft was he with her once he assessed the whole situation (no, he's not single, Carla. Ay, dios mio!)?
Big Brother/TO Nolan ran into the building to retrieve Celina. They had her back professionally and personally.
And the team had Tim and Lucy's backs. Like, this really is a beautiful little Found Family.
When Lucy and Tim do get married, if her parents don't show up, Grey can walk her down the aisle. Tamara will be her Maid of Honor and Tim's Best Woman will be Angela, of course. They'll be surrounded by people who love them without criteria or constraints.
Found Family is often stronger than bio family, I've found. And for Tim and Lucy—two people for whom "family" is a bit broken—their Found Family will always be there for them. For Tim. For Lucy. For Chenford. And for the family they'll build together.
Because love is a gift best given freely and with abandon. That is what this ensemble of characters have. At the end of the day, they will never lack in love.
As always, thanks for reading and bearing with me on the delay on this one. It was the most challenging, thus far. But I'm still loving every second of this Chenford ride.
128 notes · View notes
dragonflight203 · 16 days
Mass Effect 2 replay, Legion’s loyalty mission:
-Of course the heretics are inhabiting a former quarian station. There are plenty of other abandoned stations, but when have the geth ever chosen an alternative if the quarians are an option?
There’s probably an essay that can be written here about children that feel cut off from their heritage, but that is outside of my league.
-It took at least 10 years to rebuild the station, so the heretics have been outside of the Veil for some time.
Given the extent of Saren’s plans, the timeline (for once) adds up. It must have taken years for Saren to build the base on Virmire, develop a cure for the genophage, find and hatch a rachni egg, etc.
-Legion doesn’t inform you that the station has little air or gravity until after you land.
To be fair he probably didn’t know, but informing you of the possibility would still have been helpful.
-Legion refers to what to do with the heretics as “the heretics question”. Loaded language much?
-If the virus is complete, why haven’t the heretics used it against the true geth already?
-Legion sure is quick to inform you that there’s an alternative to destroying the heretics.
For all he hems and haws through the mission, it’s implied that the true geth really want the heretics back. They’re just not quite sure it’s safe.
-In the same conversation, Legion is far more receptive to rewriting the geth (renegade) than opposing it (paragon).
On the surface it feels like it’s about the logic.
If you go renegade, you say organic ethics don’t apply to synthetics. He agrees. Every species should be taken individually. Then he notes that changing organics takes time and effort, but changing synthetics only requires a data file.
If you go paragon, he says that whether synthetics should be treated like organics is irrelevant. If you don’t rewrite them, you’ll destroy them. And by the way the heretics will kill all organics because their gods tell you to. And they don’t have emotions to appeal to.
The undercurrent is that Legion doesn’t want to go with destroy. If you support rewriting, he points out how easily synthetics can be changed. If you oppose it, he emphasizes that the alternative is killing them. Then he throws in that the heretics want to kill organics and can’t be negotiated with as if he doesn’t want you to feel bad about your choice.
The vibe is he’s nudging you to rewrite, even if he isn’t quite willing to say it outright. Isn’t willing to admit it to himself, maybe.
-As a general rule throughout this mission, you learn more about the geth if you go renegade than paragon.
-As others have pointed out: Why does a heretic station have med kits scattered all over it?
-Another apology to Project Overlord: The geth do (infrequently) make geth noises.
I still maintain that Cerberus should know they can talk too.
-Legion’s eagerness to talk about the geth to Shepard reminds me of Tali explaining the quarians to Shepard in ME1.
A bit ironic that the quarians and the geth are both badly misunderstood and desperate to talk the ear off of anyone that shows the slightest sympathy to them.
-Legion describes programs as being reduced when they’re in platforms.
I wonder if there are programs that never want to be in platforms to avoid it?
And possibly others that seek it out – maybe they’re seen as weirdos? - because it offers them the chance to experience the world first hand in a way they can’t from a server.
-At the salvage hub, if you go paragon Legion speaks like it’s a given that the heretics will be rewritten.
If you mention that it might be traumatic, he hedges that the geth aren’t sure they can be traumatized. (Spoilers: They’re already deeply traumatized. Complex PTSD or regular PTSD? You decide!)
If you say they might feel guilty once the heretics rejoin, he says that once the decision is made it’s made. It requires careful thought. He never directly responds to the statement about guilt.
-If you go renegade, you compare the heretics to a rogue limb and rewriting the heretics to reattaching a severed arm.
Legion has an interesting line: To use your metaphor, they removed themselves from our body. Took their perspective. Their judgment.
That sounds an awful lot like the geth might be upset at the heretics for leaving.
Legion just spoke about how geth feel reduced in platforms because they’re linked to fewer programs. Now he’s speaking about how the heretics left – which implicitly means that the geth whole was reduced. He claims it was a peaceful parting, but I’m getting the vibe there are some unhappy programs.
-If you say they’re not missing much by losing the heretics, Legion says all points of view are useful.
Than he comments that analyzing organic self-deception has been helpful, which feels an awful lot like a jab at Shepard for them insulting the heretics’ judgment.
-If you comment on possibly losing the heretics point of view if they’re rewritten, Legion acknowledges the risk. The virus changes the possibility of all outcomes, not just the outcome of worshiping the Reapers.
So in other words, the geth’s concern about the virus might be the other impacts it can have besides rewriting the heretics. The ones that favor destroy might not be opposed to the rewriting but concerned about the other possible consequences.
-When you find the heretics’ databases, Legion says they must have runtimes in the geth’s networks.
How have the geth not realized this???
-Legion: The heretics desired to leave. We understood their reasons. We allowed it. There was peace between us.
“We allowed it” is yet another charged phrase. The geth allowed the heretics to leave. The heretics didn’t have the right to leave; it was a privilege the geth gave them.
I would love to hear the heretics’ point of view about what went down.
-Legion struggles to understood how the heretics are so different from when they last met. He doesn’t seem to grasp how time and experience can shape people differently.
I suppose that’s a natural side effect when you’re the sum of thousands programs that can read each other’s minds 24/7. When everyone is you, how do you understand people that are not you? How much experience do the geth have in meeting people after a separation?
-Legion, if you go renegade: We are not fully individuals. There are pieces of us in the heretics. One of those may be at fault.
I need Legion to take more time to explain this, because what part of the geth are in the heretics? The geth are one set of programs, there heretics are a different set. So what’s the overlap Legion is speaking about it? Functions they share? Libraries? I’m going to need more detail to make sense of this.
-Legion, at the end of the conversation: This topic is irrelevant. We must return to the mission.
I think this is very relevant, actually, but Legion’s clearly not ready to speak about this more.
-The combat here is awful if you’re a vanguard. You can’t charge the geth until they’re on the same floor as you.
Also, I got no ammo reloads through this section. How am I supposed to fight multiple waves as a vanguard if I can’t reload my guns???
-The geth can’t agree on rewriting or destroy, but they do agree on making it Shepard’s problems.
I’m getting strong vibes of control and destroy here. But there’s no third option for a synthesis.
-I went with rewrite with great doubts.
I do think it’s unethical, but I want to see the fall out of rewriting the geth with a more critical eye. They obviously retain some individuality since it makes the geth more willing to rejoin the Reapers in ME3.
On the other hand, it also makes peace with the quarins more difficult and I always want to achieve that.
-And mirroring the start of the mission, Legion waits until after he’s set off the virus to tell you the side effects may be harmful to organics.
We need to have some words with him about advanced warnings.
-I consider Legion correct in the argument with Tali. Her people were torturing the geth to learn how to kill them. That’s something the geth have the right to know.
-Shepard does make a valid argument that it could result in a war between the quarians and the geth right when the Reapers are about to attack, which is bad for both of them.
Unfortunately, the quarians choose to attack anyway so all failing to prepare the geth achieved is making them decide to ally with the Reapers.
-Sovereign contacted many species over the millennia. How does Legion know this? What happened to the other species? Why do I suspect they’re all dead?
-So a single Reaper does consist of many minds. I thought I remembered that from somewhere.
However, we see later that Reapers are created by turning a species to goo. How does that goo consist of many minds?
And how is any Reaper sane​ after being made out of a species that was murdered?
-Huh. If I investigate first, I can’t speak to Legion. Whelp, time to reload.
-Legion quotes Sovereign from Virmire. How does he know the exact words Sovereign said?
I suppose he could have learned this from a broadcast. Which indicates someone was recording that conversation. Why didn’t anyone record Virgil on Illos?
-The geth want to understand organics better so they can understand the quarians’ actions during Morning War.
-I’d like to know why Legion never fixes the other hole in his platform. Surely that counts as a “structural weakness”?
Collector Raid
-As others have noted, the excuse to get Shepard and the companions off the ship is terrible. How does the entire squad even fit in a single shuttle? Who is sitting in whose lap?
-Kudos to Joker, he shows tremendous courage during this section.
-Shepard and Edi already sound married.
-Why doesn’t Edi ask other crew members for help?
When Joker gets to the Engine room, the Collectors are carry a crew member out of it. That means they must have already been in there. They could have done what Edi asked Joker to to do.
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
I like Pokémon and as my post history can tell you, I like fish. So why not combine the two and talk about fish Pokémon? I’m going to go over the real life inspirations for every fish Pokémon, discussing their biology and cool facts about the real inspirations. I’ll do this in parts so it doesn’t get too long. Today let’s do generation I and II.
The first fish we get in national dex order is the Horsea line and these aren’t too hard to figure out. They’re seahorses, some of the weirdest fish out there. Seriously, real seahorses are way weirder than Pokémon. We’re talking about fish that can barely swim, have prehensile tails, mate for life, the males get pregnant, and they have no stomachs but have the highest hunting success rate of all fish. Horsea has nothing on that. Horsea can also shoot water and ink from its mouth. This seems to be a reference to squid ink and water guns, though Horsea’s RB dex entry says they use precision shots to shoot down flying bugs. This was likely inspired by the archerfish, which does exactly that. This won’t be the only time that archerfish come up in this series. Their category as the dragon pokemon and Kingdra’s dragon typing references the Japanese word for seahorse, tatsu-no-otoshigo, which means “dragon’s child” based off of a myth that a seahorse who lives long enough will become a dragon. Kingdra also seems to have some weedy sea dragon influence, but there’s a better example of a Pokémon based on that much later in the series.
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(image description, a seahorse)
So many recurring archetypes in the series can be traced back to gen I. Archetypes like the early game bird, the early game bug, the early game rodent, the mushroom, the three-stage rock, and more came from RBY. Another, probably less intentional archetype is the incredibly forgettable fish. Meet Goldeen and Seaking. They’re based on goldfish and koi and the only thing that makes them stand out from real fish is the horns. There are a truly absurd number of goldfish breeds but the one that looks closest to Goldeen is the tosakin, which has a curly tail like Goldeen and is popular in Japan while Seaking looks most like an azuma nishiki.
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(image description: a tosakin Goldfish)
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Since goldfish and koi are both members of the carp family, I wonder if there’s a close ancentral relationship to Magikarp. They are also said to swim upriver to spawn and Seaking gets redder during mating season, which seems to be a clear reference to salmon. In addition, male Seaking uses its horn to make a hole in a rock for the female to lay her eggs in. many male fish will make nests or other structures to woo females and provide a a safe spot to lay eggs. The horn is interesting. At first I thought I was just there to make them look less like normal fish, but there might be more to it than that. There are fish with horns, the cowfish, but they look nothing like these two (and barely look like fish for that matter) so I don’t think that was an inspiration. The unicornfish has a horn-like protrusion on its head that could have been an inspiration. I also found refences to Hinduism with Matsya, an avatar of Vishnu that looked like a horned fish in some depictions which could also be a reference in the line’s design (sidenote, a India-based region would be really cool).
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(mage description: an artistic depiction of Matsya as a horned fish)
These fish are found in a ton of regions despite not being all that interesting. In real life goldfish have become invasive or introduced species in many areas due to irresponsible pet owners releasing them into the wild. As these two are sometimes kept as pets, I wonder if their wide distribution in the Pokémon world is due to the same thing. Also, why is fresh water fish named Seaking?
Next we move on to the mon, the myth, the legend: Magikarp. I’m only going over Magikarp as I see Gyarados as a sea serpent/eastern dragon rather than a fish. Magikarp is, as you might guess, an Asian carp, though it also seems to have some koi features.
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(image description: a common carp)
The common carp is somewhat golden in color, which could explain Magikarp’s shiny color, and mirror carp and koi have been specially bred for appearance, which might be why Magikarp is red. Magikarp is famous for its splashing and jumping, something Asian carp are also known for. Silver carp in particular can jump clear out of the water, which makes them a hazard for boaters.
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(gif description: a silver carp jumping out of the water and hitting a boater in the head)
Most pokedex entries focus on the splashing and how weak Magikarp is, but some go on to say their survival in the Pokémon world is due to them being able to live in very poor water quality and reproducing like crazy. This is very true of real Asian carp, who can thrive in terrible conditions and produce millions of eggs per spawning. This has contributed to them becoming invasive species in many parts of the world. Considering Magikarp can be found in every region, the same is probably true of the Pokemon world. Magikarp evolving into the draconic Gyarados is a reference to the legend of the dragon bridge: a waterfall that, if a carp jumped over it, would turn the carp into a dragon.
Chinchou and Lanturn are weird little fish. The glowing lures and their described deep-sea habitat make them deep-sea anglerfish, specifically football fish, but they also look very different than their inspirations.
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(image description, a footballfish that washed up on the shore)
Some deep-sea anglerfish have multiple glowing lures like these two, but I couldn’t find any with Chinchou’s orientation. I think Chinchou may be a reference to alien bug-eyed monsters, with its body looking like the head and the antennae you sometimes see on said BEMs. Chinchou being able to walk on its fins may be a reference to shallow water anglerfish, who are often bottom dwellers who have modified their pectoral and/or pelvic fins into legs.
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(Image description, a frogfish. note the fins that have been modified for use as legs)
Chinchou’s name is the giveaway to it identity. It seems to come from chōchin (lantern) and the related chōchin-ankō (deep-sea anglerfish). Lanturn looks more like a fish, but it still doesn’t look much like an anglerfish as it’s cute and they’re usually ugly as hell. A lot of people say it has dolphin influence. I don’t really get dolphin from its design, but if it is a dolphin, it may draw from the Greek god Apollo, who was associated with light and whose sacred animal was a dolphin. Chinchou having fin legs but Lanturn lacking them seems to indicate that as they mature, they go from bottom-dwellers to free-swimming fish. Since real anglerfish use symbiotic, bioluminescent bacteria in their lures, the Chinchou line may be one of the few cases of a mutualistic relationship in Pokemon and maybe the only one with a non-Pokémon lifeform that isn’t a plant. Interestingly, Slowbro, Slowking, Remoraid, Mantine, Tatsugiri, and Dondozo also have mutualistic relationships and they’re all water type. That’s a weird coincidence. 
Qwilfish is certainly an underdog (underfish?) story. From being a completely forgettable single-stager for multiple generations until a regional form and evolution pulled it from obscurity. Both it and its Hisuan form are pufferfish or porcupinefish. Both are closely related and have the ability to gulp in water or air (though gulping air is bad for them) to inflate their spiny bodies as a defense.
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(image description: an inflated porcupinefish)
Unlike their counterparts, Qwilfish is always inflated, but can grow even bigger where in the real fish, inflation is stressful and only done when in danger. The line’s poison typing comes from real pufferfish having some incredibly potent poison. It’s called tetradotoxin and it’s an extremely dangerous neurotoxin. Fugu fish famously has to be prepared by a well-trained chef who knows what parts to cut away to avoid poisoning whoever eats it. Pnlike real puffers, Qwilfish can inject the poison into others through its spines, making it venomous as opposed to the real ones, who are poisonous. Overqwil also seems to have some sea urchin elements with how huge its spines are. Some urchins are also venomous and can inject poison through their quills. Finally, the whole line seems to be based off of naval mines what with their roundness and ability to explode.
Remoraid is a fish of many talents and has a lot of origins. First things first, it’s a pistol. This is more easily seen in its unused older design, but you can still see it. This is also why it evolves into an octopus. Octillery is an artillery cannon. Also the animals they’re based on both use suction and squirt water. Remoraid also has major inspiration from the archerfish (remember them?) in that it is a master at spitting water with precision and the pokedex says it can shoot targets out of the air just like an archerfish.
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(imager description: a spitting archerfish)
The archerfish inspiration and pistol design are why it learns so many shooting moves. Finally, Remoraid is a remora,  even though they really look nothing alike. Like the remora, it has a modified dorsal fin shaped like a suction cup that it uses to suction onto larger animals. Both remoras and Remoraid will get carried along by the larger animal and will eat scraps of the larger animal’s meal. The remora benefits by getting a free ride, water over the gills, and food while the larger animal may also get some benefits from the remora eating ectoparasites and dead skin. A remora attaching to an animal would either be a commensal (one party benefits, the other receives neither benefit nor harm) or mutualistic relationship. In Pokémon, the only animal we see Remoraid attaching to is Mantine and they have an explicitly mutualistic relationship as Remoraid fights alongside Mantine and its presence allows Mantyke to evolve. Speaking of which…
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image description: a mana ray with two remoras attached to it
Mantyke and Mantine are stingrays, specifically manta rays, one of my favorite animals. They truly are gentle giants and these Pokémon are too, being primarily special walls. Like mantas, Mantyke and Mantine are intelligent, social, and playful creatures. Mantas are one of if not the smartest fish, smart enough to pass the mirror test by recognizing their own reflections. There is a correlation between animal intelligence and playfulness. The smarter an animal is, the more likely it is to play for fun rather than for hunting practice and other purposes. This can be seen in primates, corvids, canines, and yes, rays. Those antennae on Mantyke and Mantine are based on the cephalic flaps of the manta, modified fins that help direct plankton into its mouth. Of course these two have the flying type and unlike Gyarados, there’s a good reason for it. Mantas are part of the genus Mobula and all 9 species of the genus are known to leap out of the water before splashing back down.
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(image description: a Mobula ray jumping)
Nobody really knows why they do this, but there could be several reasons: cleaning parasites, herding prey, finding lost members of the school, or maybe just for fun. Mantine’s flying abilities are highly exaggerated and it also has some airplane design features, with the Remoraid on its wing looking like a plane engine or wing-mounted gun. As mentioned above, Remoraid and the Mantyke line have a mutualistic relationship. Not really relevant but still a fun fact: mantas give live birth and the babies come out folded up like burritos.
That’s it for part one. Come back next time for generations III and IV
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yazzydream · 10 months
Speculating What the 16-Registered Special Grade Curses Are
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Geto mentions that there are 16-Registered Special Grade Curses, but we only ever got to see four! In all of Jujutsu Kaisen!! I want to know what they are at least, so here's a few speculations.
First, the ones we know.
Tamamo-no-Mae Incarnate, an Imaginary Vengeful Spirit based off of Tamamo-no-Mae.
Ah, a quick explanation of Imaginary Vengeful Sprits: They're Curses built off the cumulative fear humans share over a specific figure, like a famous yokai or ghost story. Kuchisake-onna is one... But so is Sukuna. Ryomen Sukuna is the "Imaginary Demon" with two faces and four arms, but he was actually a human who existed. So, I guess this means he was changed due to people's fears of him? This kind of makes sense when you consider that the Three Great Families are also decedents of the Three Great Vengeful Spirits. I mean... those are Curses too. Actually, we can probably count all of them as among the 16-Registered Special Grades now that I think about it.
Wow, what a fruitful tangent. Let's get back to it, shall we?
1. The legend of Tamamo-no-Mae is that she was a fox spirit under the guise of a courtesan under Emperor Konoe (who reigned from 1142-1155, Heian period). The same beautiful fox spirit who led to numerous rulers getting seduced into being terrible rulers throughout history. Because of course she was.
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2. The Smallpox hag is a Disease Curse. Kenjaku lied about it being a deity, (src: Vol. 20 extra) but I assume it's still a Special Grade since it can use Domain Expansion. Disease Curses are born from the fear of a disease such as the plague. The way Akutami depicts something on it's stomach like it's distended is notable. I did find Sopona, the god of smallpox in the Yoruba religion, which might've been used as a reference point.
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3. Kurourushi was a Registered Special Grade from Kenjaku's (I suppose Geto's?) collection of Curse Spirits he released for the Culling Game. A cockroach curse... At this point, I think it's safe to call it a Devil from Chainsaw Man.
I actually suffered through researching cockroaches a little for this list to see if anything caught my eye. It wasn't worth it. lol. There is a neat article about cockroaches in pop culture you can read to your heart's content if you like. Obviously, swarms of cockroaches attacking people are a common enough trope. Honestly, I'm also reminded of the beetles from The Mummy, only more disgusting.
It's definitely totally irrelevant, but Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, which is listed on that page, is about a man who turned into a giant beetle-like creature (usually thought to be a roach). I only bring it up because Mahito briefly discusses it in the first light novel.
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4. An Asian God Curse not from Japan. Maybe Genesha, but more probably Kangetian, the Japanese equivalent. Kangetian has both positive and negative reception in Japan and has some Curse-like descriptions. Whereas Genesha seems like a benevolent figure... But Genesha is the one consistently depicted as pink with four arms... Y'know what, Curses are an amalgamation of human negativity anyway, I shouldn't stress about it.
From the Kangetian wiki article:
the Buddhist Vinayaka was (at least at first) negatively portrayed as the creator of obstacles and the leader of a class of malignant demons who obstructed Buddhist practice called vinayakas [...]
And there's this:
On the other hand, he is considered to be still bound by base passions and desires (kleshas) and thus is sometimes also regarded as a rather volatile, demanding god who is quick to punish those who have offended him.
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The ones that are most likely part of the registered Curses.
The Three Great Vengeful Spirits, ancestors of the Three Great Families. There's no way they're actually around anymore, but this is just about being a "registered" Special Grade, so they had to have counted, right?
I'll try to be brief here, because somehow, this post has already ended up three times longer than I'd intended. (*edit: It did not end up brief.)
5. Sugawara no Michizane came from a middle-class family of scholars. He was considered a child prodigy, a genius, and held the second highest rank in the imperial court, right under the emperor. As you can imagine, he was the target of jealousy from other aristocrats. He was falsely accused of trying to abolish the emperor and died two years later in exile. (His greatest rivals were the Fujiwara btw, which is ironic considering what Uro thought Yuta was.)
After he died, everyone thought his enemies would continue to dominate the court. AND YET, a whole lot of them started to up and die from "accidents," illnesses, etc. ALSO, lightning repeatedly struck the imperial court and even more of his enemies died. The imperial city experienced weeks of rainstorms and floods. Anyway, everyone decided they needed to pacify what was clearly Michizane's vengeful spirit, built him a temple, and deified him as Tenjin. (Like "Raijin," god of thunder. Lol.)
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6. Taira no Masakado was a samurai who's notable for leading the first recorded rebellion against the imperial court in Kyoto. Masakado worked for a powerful noble in the capital but returned to the east after his father's death. He ended up as a kind of "hero of the people" and declared himself the "new emperor" with half of Japan's land. Which, uh, obviously wouldn't fly with the imperial court. He died two months later in battle and his head was sent to Kyoto and displayed for the people to see.
But there were some strange rumors about that head... Its eyes stayed opened for months... You could hear it grinding its teeth at night... Most bizarrely, legend says the head flew back east to look for its body. Specifically, to the head mound in what would become one of the most expensive pieces of land in Tokyo's financial district.
Anyone who tries taking down the mound is faced with bad luck (including death), so it's well maintained to this day.
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7. Emperor Sutoku was a puppet emperor from the age of 3 to 22; under the control of his father. After he was forced to abdicate, failed a rebellion, and forced into exile, he became a monk. Devoting himself to Buddhism, he copied scriptures and asked the court to have them sent to a temple in Kyoto, but the court sent them back claiming they were cursed. (Yeah, I know.)
Sutoku swore to become a yokai to avenge his grudge. After that, he never cut his hair or nails again. By the time he died, he looked like a demon.
Everything from the subsequent fall in fortune of the Imperial court, the rise of the samurai powers, droughts and internal unrests were blamed on his haunting.
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(I found this neat series of articles about each of the Three Vengeful Spirits after typing this out, which go into them a little more: Taira no Masakado, Emperor Sutoko, Sugawara no Michizane)
8. Ryomen Sukuna needs no introduction. I will add this quote, though.
Q: It's mentioned that Sukuna was a human who actually existed, but was he a curse user when he was alive?  Akutami: You could say he was a curse user, but I think he was closer to a natural disaster.
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9. Rika-chan was definitely a Special Grade. And once she was discovered, she had to have been registered as the "Queen of Curses." The question is whether Geto counted her among the 16?
Tangentially, these are my own thoughts, but human Rika... Well, reading her character profile from Volume 0 and seeing her looks-- her long dark hair, the mole on her face-- reminds me of another certain malevolent curse-like girl: The eponymous Tomie from Tomie by Junji Ito. And considering we get an Uzumaki reference later in Volume 0, I don't think it's entirely a coincidence.
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That's 9 out of the 16, so actually, we knew more of the Registered Special Curses then I thought. (Speculative though it may be?)
Finally, onto the reason I made this post in the first place.
☆ Because I was one of those children that ate up supernatural mysteries and fairytales, I really liked the legend of Yuki-onna. Something about the imagery... A beautiful woman in the mountain snow leading men to their deaths... Is super poetic. Lol.
☆ Sadako from Ring. She's so ubiquitous by this point, how could there not be an Imaginary Cursed Spirit based off her? The first Ring movie came out in 2001, and before that it was a novel series. Quick summary, this should be familiar to you: Sadako is a ghost who made a cursed video tape. Whoever watches the tape will die in seven days.
Notably, Sadako is a mix of two ghosts, Oiwa and Okiku. There's also Kayako from The Grudge. I can see all of them mixing together into a Special Grade.
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☆ Since Mahito mentioned the nine-tailed fox (kyuubi), it would feel remiss not to mention it. Different from Tamamo-no-Mae, this one takes the more animalistic form.
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☆ Genuinely terrifying would be an atomic bomb Curse. It would look balding and gaunt... It would have radiation related powers. It would be awful.
☆ I know the Darkness Devil is a thing in Chainsaw, but considering "the dark" is one of the most fundamental fears of the human race, I'm going to say that makes sense.
☆ A "white devil"/gaijin Edo period era Curse that stems from Japan's xenophobia, especially at the time. I imagine a lot of like, Christian imagery with it. Think Eva. Lol.
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A few more...
Not even Kuchisake-onna was a Special Grade... It could do Simple Domain though, so it was probably a Grade 1 Curse at least. Here are a few more ideas that could be, at least, Grade 1 in my book.
★ Kisaragi Station is just my love for that urban legend. Hey, if oceans, forests, and volcanoes can become Curses, then so can imaginary train stations! Trains are also the way so much of travel is done in Japan, I legit think this could be a possible Curse. Kisaragi Station originated from a 2ch post in 2004. A woman asks 2ch for advice when the train she usually takes home doesn't stop... until it reaches "Kisaragi Station," anyway. There was a Mob Psycho OVA with a similar idea, where Reigan was basically trapped in a Domain, now that I think of it. Hahaha.
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★ Hanako-san of the Toilet was also mentioned by Mahito. And frankly, not just in Japan, but around the world, the bathroom is a place of hauntings. Here's a really great video that talks about the fear of bathrooms in media that I recommend. And here's a post I wrote a few years ago about an episode of Shin-chan that made me apprehensive of dark bathrooms as a child. Lol.
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Ideas for Curses from other countries
Like Kangetian, here are a few foreign figures too. I tried to keep in mind they should be of things people felt genuine fear or hatred towards. Obviously, each culture has a great many folklore and urban legends, so I'm only listing famous ones I personally knew of.
Jack the Ripper was a real-life English serial killer, but he's risen up into something of a mythical status. There are so many fictitious takes on him, in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen I'd be shocked if he hadn't become an Imaginary Cursed Spirit.
Baba Yaga, a Slavic cannibalistic witchy figure whose preference was children. Though this story is German, think the witch from "Hansel and Gretel." There were a lot of time periods of famine in that region of the world, so I can see starvation, the desperation to eat something, leading to that widespread grotesque fear.
Bloody Mary, I think of her as American, but there's rumors that she's based off of a European woman. I'm reading the wikipedia article right now, and boy is the ritual a lot more complicated and meaningful than it actually is. Basically, you just say "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary"; repeating her name three times, in front of a bathroom mirror and she appears. Uh, I don't think there was a reason for it. It was just spooky thing to do. Speaking of reasons to be scared of dark bathrooms... I remember trying to call out to Bloody Mary as a child at a friend's house. I cannot for the life of me remember if I chickened out or not. Probably.
La Llorona, "the Weeping Woman," of Mexican origin. She haunts areas around bodies of water looking for her children, who she drowned in life during a jealous rage when she discovered her husband cheating on her... Another female phantasm. I suppose, women are so often wronged in life, it's easy to imagine them haunting us after death. As a Curse, I can see her springing up mostly due to the guilty feelings of men who have cheated.
Why did I do this to myself? As soon as I started writing up Tamamo-no-Mae I went on a tangent (as you can see) and I spiraled. OTL Whatever, I like myths and lore and it was fun even if this ended up... so much longer than I'd expected.
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hyperrealisticblood · 2 months
thoughts on banwally. i've never played any of garten of banban so you are my only reference for what happens in those games and consequently, what makes banwally a compelling crackship.
buddy..... you have opened a can of worms you could have never prepared for
when or if I started shipping it: i actually have an exact date, may 29th of last year. everyone in my friends server is really into crackshipping so we like to share random ideas with each other and i posted them as an idea on that date. i have never been the same since
my thoughts: crackships are kind of hard to talk about in this context because there isnt anything canon to go off but ill do my best. when welcome home first started gaining traction i saw a lot of people saying "this is what good mascot horror looks like" (whether or not wh even counts as mascot horror is. debatable.) so me associating banban and wally with each other was already a thing before i started shipping them. at some point i realized they both have a lot in common (monotone voices, often associated with devil imagery, passive most of the time but gets a little Silly with it sometimes) and i was like woah.... they should kiss. again a lot of my thoughts surrounding them are based in headcanon so im struggling to talk about them in a way that doesnt make me sound fucking insane BUT im a sucker for pessimist/optimist ships and they very much fit that to me. i think they balance each other out in a way, wally is a bright spot in the Endless Misery banban deals with on a daily basis, and banban is pretty logical and grounded which levels out wallys spacey-ness. theyre very much a jessica and roger rabbit "he makes me laugh" type of deal but with the fun addition of identity issues and whatever the fuck wallys deal is
what makes me happy about them: the fact that theyre both freaks of nature (banban is a weird clone manmade abomination thing, wally is either straight up an eldritch entity or a manmade puppet with eldritch qualities) is another thing they have in common to me, so i think theyd be accepting of each others weird traits because they know what its like. banban doesnt give a fuck that wally is up to some scp shit, he might as well live in the scp containment facility. theres a kingdom run by a giant kangaroo woman with a magic scepter who is in charge of keeping a bunch of baby demons and the father(?) of those baby demons trapped in her pouch or else the entire kingdom will be destroyed. he has seen weirder. banban wouldnt just love wally because hes handsome and hes nice to people, he loves all of his weird traits too because they arent even weird to him.
what makes me sad about them: they lend themselves pretty well to angst (i hate that word but idk a better one to describe this) because theyre both from horror media, and i like to pelt my favorite characters with hammers so >:) my friends and i (same friends who got me into crackshipping) have a group rp thing going on, and theres a mini arc going on right now based on the fact that banban got SUPER fucked up trying to fight sir dadadoo and his army. wally wants banban to leave the kindergarten because of how dangerous it is, he wants him to live in home where he doesnt need to fear for his life all the time. but despite all the horrors he has to put up with, banban doesnt want to leave everyone in the underground behind. theyre still his friends, and he wants to protect them. as much as wally wants him to be safe, he understands where hes coming from because he wouldnt want to leave his friends behind either. this leaves him feeling really conflicted and confused, and the homewarming update taught us that wally doesnt do well with those kinds of feelings. just some thoughts for yall <3
things done in fanfic that annoys me: nobody except me would wanna write fanfic about them and im too depressed slash lazy to actually write anything so. uh
things I look for in fanfic: see above
my kinks: size difference where the top is the smaller one i have no such things. i am a man of the lord.
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: wallaby (wally/barnaby) is pretty epic so if that ends up being canon i wouldnt be mad lmao. ive also been wondering if wally might end up whoever "w" is (the awayfrompryingeyes.net mod) because clown said theres another ship that will be canon but that he cant talk about because its inherently a spoiler somehow, id be fine with that too. not much to say about banban because gobb doesnt do romance aside from whatever the fuck nabnab and nabnaleena have going on
my happily ever after for them: things finally calm down at the kindergarten to a point where banban feels comfortable leaving to be with wally, and whatever the hell is going on with home also calms down. banban would still visit the others obviously (i think he would introduce some of them to wallys friends, barnaby and bittergiggle would get along super well i think) but he can finally be somewhere where he isnt constantly fearing for his life :]
uhh tldr dont say "what if i shipped this" as a joke. it will become no longer a joke and you will write like a million words about two characters from entirely different media who have never met and never will meet. worst mistake of my life
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nothorses · 2 years
a question for you and your followers: what is a binder supposed to feel/fit like? I just bought my first one from For Them bc I wanted to support them over a larger brand, and thought I had a decent chance at a good fit because you get fit for one based on your actual measurements. It came in the mail today and there's lots to like about it - not itchy, doesn't give me a rash, I feel like I can breathe in it. But I feel like it doesn't actually compress me much, even though it's fitted to my measurements. I feel a little flatter than a sports bra, but they're still noticeable through my shirt. My partner is cis, and he's got some pretty big moobs, but it looks normal on him because he's quite muscular. I feel like i've got the gym bro moobs now, but none of the muscle in other places that make that moobs rather than boobs. for context I'm between a B and C cup, so I don't have particularly large breasts. Just wondering if my binder should fit tighter, or if this is generally what i should expect from binding.
It's harder to tell when a binder is too big vs. too small, but in my experience:
Your binder might be too small if...
The compression panel (non-stretchy fabric in the front) is either not long enough, or only barely long enough to cover your chest (i.e. breasts poke out underneath).
The compression panel feels overly scratchy (esp. if you do not have a history of sensitive skin).
You notice how snug/tight your binder is throughout the day (it feels unnatural or even uncomfortable).
You can't take a full, complete breath- your lungs won't expand past a certain point.
You can't cough easily with it on.
Your ribs are sore/ache when you wear your binder, or even after you take it off.
Your ribs feel stiff even after the binder comes off.
After wearing your binder consistently for a while, your lung capacity is impacted even when the binder is off.
Your binder might be too large if...
The binder moves around on it's own (riding up, twisting, etc.).
The binder doesn't feel (comfortably) snug on you, even when you're actively paying attention to the feeling.
Your binder is probably appropriately-sized if...
You can forget it's on most of the time.
When you do notice the binder, it's not because it feels uncomfortable or tight.
You're able to take full, deep breaths with it on.
You can cough with it on.
When you remove the binder, any feelings of stiffness are gone within a couple of minutes.
After consistent/regular use, your body feels the same with it off as it did before you started wearing your binder: your lung capacity and rib movement are the same.
Notice that I'm not referring to how well it binds here; binders work differently for everyone, particularly if you have a larger or denser chest. Fit is determined by comfort/feel first.
You might try a size down, or a more trusted company first (gc2b has sizing specialists who can help you get a correct fit for free!), to figure out whether it's a binder size issue or just an incompatibility with compression binders- but if a binder feels too tight, stop wearing it immediately.
Transtape might also be an option if compression binders end up not working for you (folks with larger chests do also tend to run into problems with tape, but this is more dependent on shape as well), or you might even combine methods (after you ensure both the tape and the binder are correctly and safely fit/applied, and that neither alone works well enough for you- and with extreme caution.)
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