#so anyway I was like Jesus it’s not that serious omg
deancoded-deangirl · 1 year
so like my job is opening shops right and they send two of us at a time and my coworker was like “I’m not driving; Jackie you’re driving” and I was like “okayyyy but I get to pick the music” because every other opening I’ve done, my music gets shot down like we don’t even play any songs i like, and he was like, “if you do, I’m not talking to you” and so of course i was a little hurt by that and didn’t say anything and just put my head down at work and he comes up to me and is like “you know I was kidding right” and like. yeah I guess but I doubt it. i think he just felt bad and so I was like omg it’s not that serious idc
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hauntingblue · 3 months
"He's pathetic, weak and bloody, but he stands up time after time" EXACTLY!!! SHUT UP!!!!!
#big brother scolding when#but now what bc luffy cant fight. i mean they can take a break i guess#well thats another option i guess... the swlf stabbing.... jesus man#omg katakuri perfectionist#i mean it makes sense to be big mom's and everyone's favourite lmao#katakuri leave them and join the strawhats... omg a light shining on luffy from above... this is a sign#THE CHURCH MUSIC.... evangelization in progress THE GUITAR!!!!#you know its such a shame the fact that he needs to lose..... or to do something be viewed as a loser#very bellamy vibes..... another one who folded in front of the luffy church#this music is going on my luffy is like jesus christ proof folder#that was such a banger line luffy..... they won't be able to stand up anyways.... BARS#top ships so far: sai and baby 5. chiffon and bege. bo contest#nami doesn't let brook ask for panty shots to enemies either... hashtag feminism#again with the sunny. when franky made it i wondered why it had three log poses but guess what. the new world needs three log poses to nav.#ooooh vest off..... its getting serious.... but i am going to need that banger nusic again. now nothing clenches that thirst#clenches??? ajshajs quenches????#omg luffy is so small....#now that they are on the same level they can be besties!!!! peace and love on planet earth#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 867#the animals bringing luffy food omg... the island's princess#luffy not hutting the lion and instead taking a splonter out of him... the beasts' princess....#all the animals liking him omg..... well now back to the misery#his observation haki lets him feel people and animal's feelings omg.... 🥺🥺#luffy saying his actions depend on the personality of his oponent.... he really is an empath....#snake man??????#episide 868#episode 869
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alisaint · 2 years
btw. have any of you that take adderall / stimulants seen a reduction in collagen production or increased skin aging? because the difference between my facial fat before i started adderall and now is, like.... so intense lmao.
0 notes
bonkhrnyjail · 2 months
sweet plum | chapter six
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masterlist | pinterest | spotify playlist
pairing: pedro pascal x fem!reader (plus size)
summary: the last of us wrap party is tonight, and the tension between you and pedro can no longer be ignored…
rating: mature (will become explicit in future chapters)
warnings: alcohol consumption, mild sexual content
a/n: THANK U GUYS FOR THE LOVE ON CHAPTER FIVE omg. i’m kicking myself for not posting this fic on tumblr sooner! pls enjoy chapter six and feel free to not analyze what our lovely reader’s actions might say about me as an author or my relationship to conflict <3 love y’all.
You’ve been avoiding Pedro like the fucking plague.
Sixty missed calls. Even twenty texts, and off the top of your head you can't remember the last time he actually texted you. The calls became less frequent as the weeks passed, but he still tries at least once every day. You silence them every time.
The day you kissed him, he tried to call you ten times in a row, unbeknownst to you. You had thrown your phone across the living room the second you made it through the door and laid completely catatonic on your bed until your roommate got home.
“Babe, you’ll never guess who I saw last night— Are you good?” she inquired nonchalantly as she entered your room to find you face down in your mound of stuffed animals.
Droplets began to prickle the corners of your eyes as you let out a muffled groan in response. Your mouth wasn’t capable of words, the fat, dry lump in your throat stubborn and unyielding, forcing you to clench your teeth around nothing. A hand landed softly on your shoulder.
“Woah, hey,” she started to rub your arm up and down as a full body sob rippled through you. "Talk to me."
You looked up at her, tears rolling fast and hot down the apples of your cheeks, and threw yourself into her chest.
“I- I- I did something st-stupid,” you managed between sobs. 
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” she tried to reassure you gently, smoothing down your hair. “Unless you accidentally shaved some of Pedro’s hair off or something. I’m sure he’d forgive you anyways, though.”
You tried to form words against the sobs clawing their way out of your chest.
“Bad, Abby. Like, r-really bad.”
“Well shit. What’s the damage?” she spoke somewhat brashly, which was nothing new when it came to her attempts at being gentle. “Do I have to kill somebody? ‘Cause I will, I've been playing a lot of first person shooter, I can handle it.”
Laughter overtook your cries, although whatever sounds were coming from your throat were a horrifying mixture of both. Abby chuckled at the sound. You continued like that for a while, laughing and crying and laughing again, until the tears finally stopped.
“Can you tell me what happened?” she blurted as a soberness enveloped her tone. “I’m sure I can come up with a solution. You know I’m crafty.”
“Do you know how to erase memories?” you mumbled as you sat up straight. “That’s the only solution I can think of.”
“No… but I own a bat. Blunt force trauma is a pretty surefire solution.”
“Jesus… not to Pedro.”
“Did you, like, shit yourself or something?” she blundered, immediately biting down on her lip after the words left her mouth. “Sorry, no, this is serious. Serious time.”
You let out a gargantuan sigh as you stared fervently into your lap.
“... I kissed him.”
“You WHAT?” she grabbed your shoulders and shook you aggressively. “YOU WHAT?!”
“WHAT? HOW? WHEN?” she shrieked, piercing the hell out of your eardrums.
“I kissed him, on the lips, on the doorstep.” 
“ON THE DOORSTEP?!” she flailed her arms, slapping your shoulders in the process. “AND I MISSED IT?!”
“You’re hurting me.”
“Can we use our inside voices?”
“FUCK— ok, sorry,” she mellowed, blowing air through raspberried lips. “Why are you so upset? I thought you wanted this to happen!”
“I... I did. And didn’t. It’s complicated,” you babbled through your frustration. “I just… kissed him. I didn’t think, or ask, and I can’t take it back.”
“Well, did he kiss you back?”
“Uh… I...” you muttered hesitantly. "I think so."
Abby sprung from your bed, squealing and dancing as her fists punched awkwardly into the air. The sight alone made you cackle.
“OK- so, what happened after that? Did he confess his love to you?” 
“Jesus christ… no, that’s not what happened,” you groaned. “I sorta... ran away.”
“You WHAT?!”
“Oh god, please don’t kill me,” you whined. “I didn’t know what to do, I only realized what I had done after I had done it and I fuckin' panicked. He tried to grab my hand but I ran inside as fast as I could.”
“Dude, you have got to be kidding me,” her tone went flat, eyes laced with disappointment. “Where's your phone?”
“I don’t know, I threw it across the living room when I got up here. I was kinda freaking out.”
Abby immediately jumped off of the bed and started toward the door to your room, despite your insistent pleas to leave it be. She came storming back inside moments later.
“10 missed calls. 10 MISSED CALLS,” she pointed aggressively to your lock screen displaying the missed notifications. “Look, he even texted you.”
You snatched the phone out of her hand, shoving it under your pillow. “I can’t… I can’t right now.”
“If he didn’t want this, he wouldn’t call you that many times, and he definitely wouldn't have kissed you back," she trailed off for a moment, some sort of realization sparking behind her eyes. "Wait, did he get you those flowers on the kitchen counter?”
“I- yes. Just because I helped him out today last minute.”
“No, not because you helped him out last minute. Flowers from a man mean one of three things. Number one, congrats. Number two, condolences. And number three, please have sex with me.”
“Jesus,” you giggled. “And what does it mean if he brought me a coffee too?”
“Your usual?”
“Please have sex with me and be my wife forever and ever.”
You rolled your eyes and flopped back into your pillows, covering your face with your hands and groaning. Abby sat with you for a while, but eventually gave up, knowing damn well that you're to stubborn and you'd make your own decisions regarding the whole situation. She knew she never stood a chance to change your mind anyways.
The days passed, slowly at first, but eventually you found your way back to a steady rhythm. You went to work, saw your friends, read a lot, and spent practically zero time on your phone. Impressive how avoidance managed to cure your social media addiction. 
You'd pushed it out of your head that you’d have to see Pedro in a few weeks. Then the weeks turned to a week, then to a few days, then to a day.
You woke up this morning and it all came crashing down.
The wrap party is tonight. Then the premiere tomorrow. Everyone is going. You couldn’t get away with skipping it if you tried. Bella would probably storm into your apartment and drag you out by the hair.
You haven’t even told Bella about the kiss.
You end up lying in bed for hours, watching video after video on Youtube to silence your racing thoughts. You had set an alarm on your phone earlier to remind you when to start getting ready, and it frightens the hell out of you, jolting you from a groggy haze of half-sleep. You curse under your breath and roll lazily onto your feet, your blankets crumpling to a pathetic-looking pile on the floor. 
You power up your speaker and choose some music, an upbeat and catchy playlist to try and redirect your energy. The upside in all of this is that you can get all dolled up. It gives you an excuse for extensive self-pampering and wearing outfits that mostly collect dust in your closet. 
An everything shower is an understatement of what you have planned. You have your products lined up, various scrubs, masks, body washes, etc, and a fresh razor sitting right beside them. You crank the faucet on, just a hair below the boiling point, and step into the tub.
The steam coats your lungs as you inhale deep, the sudden sensation of the water colliding with your skin sending a stark chill down your body. As you close your eyes, leaning your head back and letting your hair fall into the steady stream, your focus slips to a corner of your mind, the pesky corner that you've tried desperately to keep locked away. Because once the thoughts start, it’s damn near impossible to wrangle them back in.
The fantasy is vivid. You can almost feel Pedro’s hands in your hair, massaging shampoo slowly and intentionally from behind you. He’s close, his bare body pressed to your back, his skin hot and pulsing against yours. He leans you back to rinse the product from your hair, pressing a small kiss to your forehead as he squeezes your shoulder softly. 
“Mmmm,” he hums, trailing languid, open-mouth kisses across your cheek and down your neck. “My sweet plum.”
A faint voice in the back of your mind is shouting wildly, trying to stop the scene from playing out in your head, but it's not enough to break through the noise.
He runs his hands down the front of your body, gently tracing your curves and valleys, finger-painting your skin with adoration. Your head falls back into him as his kisses grow deeper, longer, more desperate, him hardening against you as his gentle caresses turn to needy grasps. 
“Let me… please,” you whisper into his ear, snaking your hand behind you and running your palm against the underside of his shaft. His body presses harder into yours as he lets out a soft grunt of approval directly in your ear, the vibration of it surging straight to your core.
A jolt of cold water shocks your body, tearing you from your fantasy. You come to and find yourself leaning against the wall of the shower, your ass having knocked the knob to the coldest setting. 
“Christ,” you mutter under your breath, cranking the control back to where it was and reaching for your overpriced shampoo bottle. 
You go through the motions of the rest of your shower, losing yourself in the music and singing along as you always do. Shower concerts have been your most recent replacement for the therapy that you can't quite afford.
You paint your toes, your leg hoisted up precariously on the counter and torso bent over to reach as your fuzzy robe dangles from your hips. You choose an eggplant purple, matching the accents in your dress. The press-ons that you found are a damn-near perfect match to this color, with a swirling design decorating the tips of the almond shape. 
The dress is more of a dainty feminine than you typically go for. You generally gravitate towards sultry colors and styles, but the cut of this dress instantly drew your attention. A plunging neckline with miniscule gold buttons decorating the front. Beneath the bust, a sheer panel with corset boning outlines the waist, and the remainder of the skirt flows heavily, the hem sitting perfectly at your ankles. It reminds you of a Free People style dress, but in your size. Hallelujah.
With a feel-good playlist booming through your speaker, your makeup goes on quick and easy. A thick, black wing smoked out with a deep purple and a subtle, black cherry sheer lip. Everything else you keep fairly light and natural, letting the boldness of the eye do the talking.
You pull your hair up into a bun, making sure the dress is the center of attention. You leave a few, short pieces out and curl them, creating the sense of a haphazard version of a Victorian era updo. After donning some simple gold jewelry and your Mary Janes, the outfit is complete. You throw on an oversized brown blazer just to keep you warm, but you’ll likely take it off the moment you get to the party.
Your uber arrives moments later, somehow exactly as you descend the stairs outside your building. Your driver, an older man named Mario, gets out and shakes your hand as he introduces himself and his very nice BMW named Maria.
You've never met anyone quite this aggressively Italian.
The good-natured man even asks if you'd like to pick the music for the ride. You choose something that you hope the both of you will like: ABBA.
“This was popular when I was your age!” he gushes, the gravel and rasp in his voice more audible than the actual pitch. 
“ABBA is absolutely timeless,” you chime, adding a few more songs to the queue.
You chat the whole ride there, his jovial presence somehow working away some of the knots of anxiety in your stomach. He asks all about your work, thankfully steering clear of who you work with, and even prodding you for styling tips for his “thick and unruly” curls. 
He pulls up to the entrance, stopping near a hoard of your coworkers from the crew crowded amongst the steps to the double doors. You exchange goodbyes with Mario and slide out of the car into the brisk air, your blazer draped over your shoulders and doing a very ineffective job of retaining any of your body heat. You hear a shriek of joy emerge from the blob of people in front of you, followed by your name in the same cadence. Most of the heads you can see turn to face you, arms reaching out for hugs and smiles as far as you can see. 
You’re going to make this a good night. No matter what.
.   .   .   .   .
It’s significantly warmer inside the venue, so you decided to drop your jacket at the coat check. It’s much more crowded than you expected, but then again, everyone was invited. Some of your friends from makeup even made the trip from New York to be here. Since you’ve never been to one of these before, jokes keep getting thrown around along the lines of “Baby’s first wrap party!" and you losing your wrap party virginity. The group dynamics from the days on set settle right back into a rhythm, your place as the baby of the group still yours for the taking. You don’t mind the coddling, as it seems to help keep your mind off of the inevitable. 
There’s a slurry of waiters dipping and dodging amongst clusters of bodies, hors d'oeuvres and drinks displayed gorgeously on shiny golden platters. Someone’s arm is dragging you towards the open bar across the dance floor, where a herd has already begun to form. A slew of voices and faces pass you by as you travel swiftly through the crowd, and you’re unable to make out anything distinct amongst the clamor.
Until you hear his voice.
That familiar boom of laughter, crisp and thunderous, crystal clear amongst the hundreds of noises up against it. You immediately whip your head around to locate the source, forgetting your hand is in the grips of your friend and nearly snapping her limb off in the process. She lunges forward into you, nearly knocking your hors d’oeuvres plate from your hand and garnering the attention of several people surrounding you.
You somehow stumble back to balance and a very attentive waiter quickly swipes the mostly finished plate from your hands. The swiftness of everything is making you dizzy, sounds and sights swirling in the warm glow of the gorgeous chandelier decorating the space above you. With every turn of your head, the crowd in front of you shifts to blurry outlines of colors and shapes, like ink bleeding from the hard lines where people should begin and end. 
Suddenly you feel arms wrapping around your waist and squeezing your organs to a pulp.
“Who-” you look down to see two small hands with black painted nails. “Is that my Bellie?”
A head pops into your peripheral with a wide, toothy smile. You let out a little shriek as your arms envelop them and squeeze, lifting them off the ground a bit with the sheer force of it.
“I missed you so much—'' you pause, taking in their presence once more. “Look at you! You look amazing!”
“I look amazing?” They toy gently with the skirt of your dress. “You look amazing!”
You embrace once more, the excitement of seeing them in person completely overriding your ability to control the gleeful noises escaping your body. They pull away, your hands still gripping each other’s elbows.
“Have you seen P? I know he’s already here,” they pull their phone out of their back pocket, his location pulled up on Find My Friends. 
“Oh, uh… I— I haven’t yet,” you hear your voice quickly morph into a downbeat tone against your will. 
“Uh oh,” they blurt. “Why is your face doing that? Did something happen?”
“I- uh…” you stumble over a sad attempt at words, muttering unintelligible syllables. “Well—”
Your train of thought comes to a screeching halt as he appears through a sliver in the crowd.
And, god, he looks handsome as ever. A nice, nice white suit clings ever so perfectly to his muscular, statuesque frame. The collar is folded neatly against his strong, thick neck, a few subtle veins protruding softly from his caramel skin. His dimples are on full display as he throws his head back with laughter, the little heart-shaped patch in his beard perfectly prominent. 
Bella follows your gaze until they see him. They call out his name and wave him down on their tiptoes. He immediately clocks the voice, and you watch as the small smile on his face spreads to a wide grin. He excuses himself from his current conversation and starts towards your direction.
Your stomach drops. You quickly survey around you to find that there is no clear escape, there are clusters of people surrounding you on each side and no pockets that you could gracefully slip into to weave your way through the crowd. For better or worse, you’re trapped.
He quickly scoops Bella into a bear hug, his arms enveloping their small frame in it's entirety. He spins them around, their feet dangling, hovering just above the floor. You stand there, frozen, little bunches of your dress clumped up in your tight, fidgeting fists. The fabric rolls between your thumb and forefinger, a haphazard attempt at soothing the anxiety surging through your veins.
It takes him a minute to acknowledge your presence, and with every second that passes, your urge to bolt revs in your belly.
Once his gaze meets yours, a soft, forgiving smile paints across his lips. You force the corners of your mouth upwards, attempting to create what hopefully appears like an expression of joy. Hopefully.
It comes out more like a sigh when he says it, like it’s been pounding at his chest, just waiting to be released. His hand lays flat on his abdomen as he taps his pointer finger repeatedly. The muscles in his neck flex, creating movement in the collar of his shirt.
He’s nervous. You know him well enough to know that, and you know you’re likely not hiding your true state very well either. He knows you just as well.
You try to respond.  The air you've been holding prisoner in your lungs tumbles out, catching in your throat.  A feeble, "H-hi," is all you can manage.
“You look…” his eyes wander your body, your face, your hair, his lips parted ever so slightly. “You look lovely.”
The statement reverberates in your mind until you hear a distant call of your name. A quick turn of your head finds your favorite hairstylist waving you down.
“I—” you swallow and start over. “Thank you. Thanks. I—, sorry, I gotta—” you motion toward your destination with your thumb before decidedly turning and slipping through the crowd, a copious amount of polite little statements slipping off your tongue in order to get out of sight and away from him.
.   .   .   .   .
“So… what the fuck was that?” Bella states gruffly, sitting opposite of you at a small high top table, tucked away in a quieter room off of the main ballroom. “That was, like, painful.”
You let out a small groan, knowing you’d have to tell them at some point, but dissenting the fact that the time for that confession seems to be right this very second.
“I kinda… I fucked things up between us.”
“I doubt that,” they say reassuringly.
“No, seriously, I—” you stop yourself mid-sentence to catch your breath. “I kissed him, Bel.”
They let out a satisfied chuckle.
“Well thank god. It’s about goddamn time.”
“No, no you don’t understand,” you babble. “I kissed him without thinking, realized what I did, and ran.”
“Ohhhh my g—” they blow a raspberry. “Ok. Well. When was this?”
“Like… a month ago?”
“A month?!”
“I haven’t spoken to him since.”
“Jesus christ… I’m assuming he’s tried to call you, yes?”
“Pretty much every single day since it happened,” your words come out more sigh than pitch.
Bella rubs their temples, an incomprehensible expression on their face.
“Gosh, it feels like mom and dad are fighting.”
That makes you snort laugh, to your own surprise.
“Well clearly he’s not angry at you. And you can’t avoid him forever,” they reason, their bluntness somehow comforting, unraveling the little knot sitting in your gut. “I wish you two would just put all your cards on the table. Worst comes to worst, things don’t work out.”
“I just really don’t want to lose him, Bellie,” you mumble into your drink.
“You will if you don’t talk to him,” they quip right back, eyes stern and decided.
You know they’re right. As much as you don’t want to admit it, you know.
“I’ll talk to him. Tomorrow. Tonight is supposed to be fun.”
“Fair enough. Now, come dance with me.” they hop to their feet and extend a hand.
You take it with a smile, and within a mere second they’re whisking you towards the dance floor.
.   .   .   .   .
You’ve had 3 drinks. Three strong drinks. On a stomach with only a few bite sized hors d'oeuvres to soak up the copious amount of gin in your system. 
And it’s helping, sure. Helping you forget momentarily that Pedro is probably within 100 feet of you at any given moment. Helping your breath move in and out the way it’s supposed to, without catching on threads of worry webbed inside your lungs. Helping to loosen the knots that riddled your body when you got here.
But it’s also making you dizzy. 
Dizzy enough that you’re not quite sure when you end and others begin. It’s all lights and laughter and limbs, filling your senses to the brim. The corners of your vision have a little haze to them, a haze that’s starting to grow inward.
You stumble your way out of the hoard, searching for the nearest corner to tuck yourself away in for a moment. A friend hollers after you, asking if you’re alright.
“I’m good! Just got the spins,” you reassure her. “I’ll be back.”
A little awning reveals itself to you in a narrow sightline through the crowd. You follow the slender gap without a second thought. Once you reach the end, you find a dimly lit hallway with an emergency exit sign illuminating a sturdy black door. You steady yourself on a railing and lean your weight into the wall, your head bowed slightly and shoulders rounded.
The pattern on the carpet sways in your vision as you let yourself hang for a moment, releasing tension from your upper body and pushing your feet firmly into the floor as some attempt at grounding. After a moment, you decide to take your shoes off in hopes it will inspire your body to feel more “at one with gravity”.
The sound of booming bass still accosts your ears, but more muffled now, and the sound waves flow through you, perfectly in time with the beating of your heart. It isn’t until your name is spoken the third time that you really hear it.
Your eyes shoot up to find Pedro, a worried, scrunched brow on his face and a bottle of water in his hand. 
“Oh- um…” you stammer. You continue to fight for the right words, any words, until he cuts you off.
“Drink this,” he twists the cap and gently places the bottle into your right hand. “I haven’t seen you take a sip of water the entire night. No wonder you’re dizzy.”
A moment of confusion clouds you, but you quickly remember that you shouted over the blaring music for all to hear of your current state. Your voice can be quite head-turning with a lack of inhibition. You obey his word and take a swig from the bottle, the crisp, cold water relentless against your sensitive teeth. The temperature is a visceral opposite to the flush of your face, causing you to furrow your brow slightly as it travels down your esophagus. 
He lets out a chuckle as he scans your expression.
You produce an affirmative grumble and try to pass the bottle to him, but he gently pushes it back towards your chest. 
“Have some more.”
Your eyes flutter under the softness of his gaze. You try to gulp down the dry seed in you throat.
“Pedro, I—”
“We don’t have to talk about it right now.”
“Bella told me I have to talk to you,” you admit, your chin tucked and stare driving into the carpet, whispering in a way that sounded more like you were reminding yourself than telling him.
It makes him laugh, releasing that sweet, boisterous sound and it's accompanying smile you missed so dearly.
“Taking orders from Bellie now, eh?”
“They can be a bit militant when push comes to shove, to be honest,” a puff of air passes through your nose as a smirk tugs at your lips, your eyes glued to the floor. "'Specially if I'm being an idiot."
You take a few more sips of water and Pedro shifts to stand beside you, kicking his foot up with his back flat against the wall. Neither of you speak, only the sounds of your breath filling the space between you. 
You both inhale at the same time, as though you are both about to speak. 
“F—sorry, y-you go,” you gulp, though your mouth is bone dry.
He lets his exhale escape through puckered lips, and you watch as his hiked up chest deflates. His hand sits flat against the first button of his suit jacket as he thumbs at the lapel.
“I’ve spent the past month in agony, you know.”
You gaze up at his face, his eyes fixed on the glint in his freshly-shined shoes. He rolls his bottom lip through his teeth nervously, the hue of the skin shifting from an off-white to a bitten pink as it’s released from the grip.
“Missing you…” he spoke softly. “Wanting to talk to you…”
Guilt spreads like a wildfire, scalding your throat.
“Pedro, I— I am so s—”
“Wanting nothing more than to kiss you again.”
The words kick the air from your lungs, your lips parting to make way as the muscles in your jaw give out entirely. He turns to face your visage, and you find his painted with an expression of pure yearning. His eyes have a sparkle to them, but not of joy. It’s more like a heat, a burning that seems almost painful to endure. The thick, inescapable tension wraps itself hermetically around your neck.
“I— You didn’t even give me a chance to kiss you back.”
Before you can even process the words, the clinking of glasses sounds in the distance. Through the muffled shouting you hear a strained attempt at organizing a drunken group photo.
“We should probably…” you floppily gesture towards the ballroom, the alcohol seemingly turning your bones a bit soft and pliable. “Can we talk about this after the party? I'd like to be a little more sober if I can help it.”
“Right, uh—” he adjusts his tie slightly, insecurely clearing his throat. “After the party. I can do that.”
“I promise,” you assure, though you’re acutely aware that he has very little reason to trust you, considering you avoided him for almost a month straight. You reach for his hand, the one that’s still fidgeting with his jacket, hopeful your touch will convey your sincerity in a way that your words can’t.
He smiles, somewhat forcibly. and offers his arm.
“Shall we?”
You make your way back to the crowd, observing with a small chuckle as a few people with phones in hand attempt to herd people left and right, trying to create some semblance of a formation. The two of you slip into the hoard easily, gliding right into a perfect little cranny to the left of the pointed cameras.
Pedro slides his arm around your waist as you pose, and you’re certain he can feel your raging pulse thumping through every vessel beneath your skin.
“Ok, now a funny one!” says one of the photographers.
You turn to each other, smiling and searching for an idea. Drunken and foolish, you take his arm and pretend to bite it. 
He lets out a hearty laugh before leaning into the “scene”, his face mocking an expression of terror. You have to stifle your giggles with an open mouth, which results in a strange, almost strangled sound escaping you. It only encourages his laughter, which encourages yours, and droplets form at the crest of your eyes as you wait for the signal to drop the pose.
“Got it!” someone blurts across the ballroom.
“Sorry about that,” you guide his arm back to his side, giving it a gentle pat into place. “These hors d'oeuvres just made me hungrier.”
You laugh at your own joke, snorting on the inhale, and you look up to see his smile, wide and gleaming, the bounciest part of his cheeks sporting a salmon-pink hue. 
A distant voice calls for Pedro, hollering something about an actors-only picture, and he turns his head to find the source. You grab his hand before he starts towards them.
“Call me, ok? After the party,” you gently squeeze at his wrist. “I promise I’ll answer this time.”
He nods, his sickly sweet smile punctuated with picture-perfect dimples. He turns his back to you and weaves his way through the crowd. 
.   .   .   .   .
You finally made your way out of the coat check line after a grueling twenty minutes of needing to pee but not wanting to give up your spot in line. You’re standing outside the entrance now, the brisk air nipping at your bare ankles. You idly pull out your phone to find two text notifications from Pedro.
The first is an address, with a unit number. Los Angeles. You recognize the street name.
The second message reads:
I just got home. Buzz me when u get here. :) 
You almost start to skim through the unread messages he’d sent you since that night, but you’re quickly derailed by another buzz.
Pedro Pascal sent you $100. Description: for your ride.
You laugh out loud, amused by his overestimation of the price, but nevertheless stunned by his unfailing thoughtfulness. You start towards the stairs, your nerves burning and buzzing, entirely uncertain and out of control of what the evening holds.
. . . . .
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pookietv · 2 months
am i cool yet? | george clarke
thank you for all the love on my first post, appreciate it massively!!
have a little george clarke x singer because i love the thought of that loser (affectionate) with a very cool girl
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liked by georgeclarkeey, arthurtv and 7,390 others
arthurnfhill: guess who is going back on artour!! (please come and don't let the tour flop)
georgeclarkeey: it would be quite funny if it flopped though
↳ arthurnfhill: so funny i am laughing so hard rn
user1: cannot waiiiiiit when do tickets drop!!!
↳ arthurnfhill: 10am next friday!
yourusername: hm that sounds cringe. wonder who will even bother showing up to that stinker.
↳ arthurnfhill: literally so cringe, wait until you hear about the support act, they suck so much, gonna be the worst show ever
↳ yourusername: i don't doubt it x
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liked by arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey and 3,904 others. tagged @/arthurnfhill
yourusername: good news, i am going on tour! bad news, it's with @/arthurnfhill (but on a serious note, tickets go on sale 10am friday, so if you wanna come by and hear us sing some little tunes please do!)
georgeclarkeey: jeez he said he had a stinker support act but i didn't know it was this bad (but of course i am kidding and you guys will smash it)
↳ yourusername: @/arthurnfhill is this the irrelevant flatmate you were telling me about??
↳ arthurnfhill: unfortunately, yes
↳ georgeclarkeey: @/yourusername ah, so my reputation proceeds me
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liked by yourusername and 1,293 more tagged @/yourusername and @/arthurnfhill
arthurhillupdates: pictures that y/n put on her story from the first show of the tour tonight!!
userone: omg can't believe i missed the ticket drop, these two performing together ???
usertwo: they are literally both so hot i can't
userthree: i would kill to be backstage ngl
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liked by georgeclarkeey, yourusername and 6,830 more tagged @/yourusername
arthurnfhill: artour night one in newcastle was very cool! a little disappointed that y/n looks cooler then me on stage but i will have to live with it
georgeclarkeey: to be fair i don't know what you were expecting, you don't look very cool anyway
↳ arthurnfhill: you can't be mean about things that are true
yourusername: if you need any stage coaching lmk
↳ arthurnfhill: rubbing a lot of salt into a fresh wound
↳ georgeclarkeey: @/yourusername i'd keep rubbing it if i were you
↳ yourusername: @/georgeclarkeey is that what you usually say to women?
↳ userone: she ate him up lmaooooo
arthurtv: can't wait for the london show so i can pester you live
↳ yourusername: couldn't have said it better myself, can't wait to pester you too
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liked by arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey and 3,473 more
yourusername: half way through the (ar)tour, thank you for all the support so far!! (+plus a little throwback from when i was just a girl making silly youtube covers)
bambinobecky: to say you look hot is an understatement
↳ yourusername: you're gonna make me blush x
arthurnfhill: wow that photo is great wonder who you pestered until they took the photo
↳ yourusername: got absolutely no clue, some random guy with a pedostache took it for me backstage
↳ arthurnfhill: crying in the mens bathrooms rn
↳ yourusername: you're getting awfully upset about the photo credits
↳ arthurnfhill: want to be able to put 'y/n's photographer' on my cv thats all
↳ yourusername: would be the only thing on there to be fair
gkbarry: jesus you're gorgeous, where's arthur been hiding you?
↳ yourusername: in the basement, says he's too famous to be my friend anymore :,(
arthurtv: don't tell him i told you but clarkey said you looked pretty in this photo
↳ yourusername: clarkey being too scared to comment on a girls instagram seems on brand to be honest
↳ georgeclarkeey: arthur you're a snitch and y/n you're mean
↳ yourusername: @/georgeclarkeey maybe but i wasn't wrong
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liked by georgeclarkeey, arthurnfhill and 3,928 others
yourusername: london, you were amazing! the best night to end tour on, thank you all so much for coming to artour and supporting
arthurnfhill: thank you for supporting (even if you were very annoying)
↳ yourusername: is this seriously what you were typing when you were at the bar ??
↳ georgeclarkeey: can confirm, i saw him typing it
↳ user1: omg they're together?? clarkey and y/n meetup !!!
georgeclarkeey: was a very cool show, shame arthur had to come on and ruin it
↳ yourusername: for real, the audacity of this man to play at his own tour, smh
↳ georgeclarkeey: i couldn't agree more, should have just been the y/n show
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liked by arthurtv, georgeclarkeey and 3,483 more tagged @/georgeclarkeey
yourusername: don't let george take you for a walk in london, he takes it as photoshoot opportunities and makes you take a million of him (proof referenced above)
arthurnfhill: you spend time with him once and complain, this is what i deal with all the time
↳ yourusername: i have never pitied you more
georgeclarkeey: who is that good looking man??
↳ yourusername: think you're mixed up, @/arthurtv isn't in this picture x
↳ georgeclarkeey: now thats just cruel, especially after i paid for dinner
↳ yourusername: poor you :(
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liked by georgeclarkeey, arthurnfhill and 4,192 others
yourusername: i forced the boys to take me to the local pub just to get aquainted
arthurnfhill: we will never let you have sambuca shots again, you just became mean
↳ georgeclarkeey: she actually became nicer to me the more drunk she got
↳ yourusername: @/georgeclarkeey that's just because i was relying on you to look after me x
arthurtv: you are abnormally shit at pool
↳ yourusername: hey you weren't much better, hill carried you so badly
↳ arthurtv: says you who teamed up with george just to make him help you with all your turns
↳ yourusername: don't hate the player hate the game, not my fault george felt like being nice to me
↳ arthurtv: wonder why he's so nice to you
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liked by arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey and 5,289 more
yourusername: why not to leave men alone with your phone, a thread
georgeclarkeey: you have done us a little dirty with these photos
↳ yourusername: shouldn't have taken them on my phone then
↳ georgeclarkeey: don't lie you love it
chrismd10: third one is going in the wank bank
↳ yourusername: wish i could say the same
↳ georgeclarkeey: am i not wank bank worthy?
↳ yourusername: really think about what your life has come to commenting this on instagram
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liked by yourusername, arthurnfhill and 7,839 others
georgeclarkeey: she tried to teach me how to play, am i cool yet?
yourusername: i think i speak for all of us when i say no x
↳ georgeclarkeey: at least i tried
↳ yourusername: tried being the operative word
arthurnfhill: can confirm, sounded like a cat dying
↳ georgeclarkeey: okay fine, you can stick to being my rockstar boyfriend
↳ arthurnfhill: okay pookie
maxbalegde: he came into the office and swore down he was a top ten artist
↳ yourusername: i mean if top ten is top ten worst he might actually be right x
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liked by georgeclarkeey and 8,380 others
yourusername: my boyfriend is not very cool but he is hot and i love him all the same (turns out he has a thing for super cool awesome rock girls)
georgeclarkeey: i am not sure how to feel about this, you both violated me and complimented me
↳ yourusername: feel grateful i complimented you, was just going to violate you originally x
↳ georgeclarkeey: well when you put it that way, gosh i'm just so lucky
arthurnfhill: nice of george to wear a hat that labels all of his skills so quickly and easily
chrismd10: honestly thought world war three would come before george got a girlfriend
↳ yourusername: you and me both (he's holding me captive please help)
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liked by yourusername, arthurtv and 8,296 more
georgeclarkeey: if i get a cool girlfriend, does that make me cool by proximity?
arthurtv: no
arthurfnhill: she is barely cool let alone you
chrismd10: in no universe are you cool
yourusername: good try george, but no x
↳ georgeclarkeey: i'll try again with my next girlfriend then x
↳ yourusername: took you this long to get one girlfriend i don't think that will be anytime soon x
↳ georgeclarkeey: kidding, i am not letting you leave (you are the only one who can tolerate me)
hope you enjoyed !! :)
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h00nerz · 1 year
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masterlist | 1k celebration
pairing: kang taehyun x gn!reader (slight park sunghoon x gn!reader)
genre: angst, fluff, college au, sort of academic rivals to lovers, tsundere!taehyun, jealous!taehyun
word count: 2.2k
warnings: none afaik, just taehyun being possessive
prompt(s): #33 — “i can’t pretend anymore.”, #34 — “you’re all i can think about”, #35 — “i am so very in love with you”, #36 — “it’s you. it’s always been you.” & #37 — “i cannot stand you, and yet, i cannot fathom being away from you.”
requested: “okok i wanna send in a request bcs this kind of drabble has been living in my brain and idk if anyone wrote smth like it before but anyway!! lines 33 through 37 would lowk be so good for a jealoustsundre!taehyun where he acts like he fr despises you, but he like overhears u talking abt going on a lil date he gets so upset and mad 🤭🤭 i lowk got this idea from that one video i dont remember where but taehyun held a drink and was talking to the camera and said like " got this for you but that doesnt mean i like you or anything" HES SO 🙏🙏” — anon
authors note: omg heyyy my first time writing for tyun i am so excited!! enemies 2 lovers again bc… yeah. anyways enjoy~~
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SO FAR, YOUR JUNIOR YEAR OF UNIVERSITY was proving to be the worst year of your life. You were finally starting to take classes more specific to your major, which meant things were starting to become a lot more serious. You didn’t have time to work anymore, and even though you had spent the whole summer leading up to the start of the semester working two jobs to have enough money for tuition, you were still barely managing to scrape by. 
Worst of all, though, was Kang Taehyun. 
Kang Taehyun was the bane of your existence. You had first met as freshmen at your university, in the same philosophy course, and you had immediately despised him--or rather, he despised you, and your hatred was just reactionary. It didn’t really matter, though, all that mattered was that he was a menace that made your life ten times harder than it needed to be. 
After that semester, you thought you’d never have to see him again. But, of course, fate had different plans for you. It turned out, Taehyun was pursuing the same major as you, which put you in multiple of the same classes by the time your junior year rolled around. By that point, it had been nearly two years since your last encounter, so you’d hoped he’d grown just a little bit since then. But, of course, he hadn’t.
Kang Taehyun had a vendetta against you that he wasn’t quite ready to let go of. 
Your last class of the day had finally let out, which meant it was time for you to head to the library. The night before, you had stayed up late pulling an all-nighter, and you really were not looking forward to another afternoon filled with studying, but if you wanted to make this deadline, you had no choice. 
With a sigh, you stood up from your seat, and were overcome with dread when you recognized a head of pink hair approaching you. “Not today, Taehyun. I am not in the mood.” You grumbled as you stuffed your laptop into your backpack, purposefully making sure not to even glance in his direction. 
“Yeah, obviously. You have a late night or something? It looked like you could barely stay awake the whole lecture.” He laughed at you, and now you finally looked over at him with narrowed eyes. “Jesus! You look like you just stepped off the set of The Walking Dead!” He exclaimed. 
Horror overcame you, as you realized just how bad your dark circles probably looked. “Shut up! I don’t look that bad!” You snapped at him, zipping your backpack shut so aggressively the zipper nearly broke off. “Even if I did, though, this is the face of someone who’s about to get an A on our midterm paper. So, ha.” 
Taehyun rolled his eyes, trailing after you as you exited the lecture hall. “Please. When I got Kai to review my paper, he said it, and I quote, ‘brought tears to his eyes’. It was that good. And I don’t look half as shitty as you do.” 
He was right. He didn’t look shitty at all. In fact, that was the most infuriating thing about Kang Taehyun. Even though he had shown time and time again that he had an ugly personality, his physical appearance was the opposite. Everything about Taehyun was perfect. His recently dyed hair, that was so fluffy atop his head it was reminiscent of cotton candy. His dark brown eyes that were simultaneously adorable as well as mysterious and inviting. You knew he worked out, he talked about it all the time, and it really showed. You hated him for being such a repulsive human inside of such an attractive body that must have been crafted by the gods themselves. 
“Probably because staring at his laptop screen and trying to decipher whatever bullshit you were spewing dried out his eyes.” You suggested. As you walked, you felt a yawn bubbling in the back of your throat, and as hard as you tried to suppress it, you were unsuccessful. 
“How late did you stay up last night? Really?” Taehyun asked, raising an eyebrow at you. For a brief second, you thought you saw a flash of something different, a flash of something human in his pretty brown eyes… But, you shook your head, positive that you had been imagining it, and sure enough, it disappeared.
“That’s none of your business.” You were quick to snap, quickening your pace in hopes of getting away from him. Instead, though, you ran straight into someone else, and knocked a couple of textbooks they were carrying onto the ground. 
“Oh no! I’m so sorry!” You immediately started apologizing, bending your knees so you could start to pick up the books. When you glanced forward, you felt your cheeks redden as you realized you had bumped into the Park Sunghoon, and the Park Sunghoon was looking at you with wide eyes. 
Park Sunghoon was, like, the star of your campus. He was the captain of the school’s extremely famous ice hockey team, which made him basically a celebrity on your campus. That combined with the fact that he had a face only someone blessed by Aphrodite herself could wield. So, for that perfect face to be just inches from your own right now has your stomach doing somersaults. 
“Oh. Hi, Y/N.” Sunghoon greeted you, and as the two of you finally stood, you blinked at him. 
“You—how—my name?” You stuttered out, staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. 
He furrowed his eyebrows together. “We had a class together last year, remember? You always sat in the row in front of me.” 
You slowly nodded. “Oh. Yeah. I’m surprised you remember that.” 
“How could I forget? You know, I always thought you were really pretty, Y/N.” He smiled at you, revealing his fang-like teeth, and you swore your heart stopped. 
There was loud coughing behind you, and when you glanced over your shoulder you were surprised to see Taehyun was still standing there. He was watching your interaction with Sunghoon with narrowed eyes, like he was contemplating murdering the ice hockey captain. You wondered if they had some kind of rivalry with one another, or maybe he was just irritated by him for the same reason he was irritated by you: just because.
You jerked your head to the side, trying to gesture for him to get out of there, but he stood in his place and looked as though he had no intentions of leaving. 
Deciding to ignore him, you looked back to Sunghoon, and flashed him a shy smile. “Really? You do?” You asked, batting your eyelashes at him. 
He nodded. “Yeah, really. Um, I’ve gotta go, but if you wanna get coffee sometime…” His voice trailed off, as he pulled a marker out of his backpack. You thought your heart was going to literally beat out of your chest when he uncapped the marker and started writing on your wrist. “There’s my number.” He grinned at you, and you watched in awe as he backed up and walked away. 
Once he was out of earshot, you turned around to face Taehyun, a big smirk befalling your lips. “I guess Park Sunghoon is into The Walking Dead!” You announced triumphantly, like you had just beat him in a game of sorts. 
He didn’t react, though, still wearing the same, ticked off expression from earlier. 
“What? What’s your problem?” You furrowed your eyebrows, and suddenly he snatched up the same wrist Sunghoon had just written on. “Hey! What the hell?”
“I need to talk to you.” He said in a low voice. 
“Then let go of me and let’s talk!” You hissed, trying to break free of his grip, but he wouldn’t let go.
He shook his head. “Not here. Follow me.” Unfortunately, he didn’t give you much of a choice, as he started dragging you through the great big hallway of bustling students. Eventually, he found an empty classroom and pulled you inside, shutting the door behind the both of you.
Finally, he let go of you, and you immediately stepped away from him, reaching up to rub your sore wrist. “What the hell was that, Taehyun?!” You demanded, practically spitting in his face. 
“I told you. I need to talk to you.” He repeated himself.
You rolled your eyes. “So then talk! I have places to be, I don’t have time for this!”
“Oh, like coffee with Park Sunghoon?” He spat, his voice laced with venom. 
“Maybe! Doesn’t matter, because who I hang out with is none of your business!” You jabbed a finger, and he once again caught hold of your wrist, holding you in place. 
“Listen to me, Y/N. I’m only going to say this once.” He warned you, and although you wanted so badly to fight him and get out of that stupid classroom, you were also desperate to hear what he had to say. He let out what sounded like a sigh of defeat, and he hung his head loose in front of you. He mumbled something unintelligible, and you raised an eyebrow. 
“What did you say?”
“I said I can’t pretend anymore!” He exclaimed, and the sudden outburst caught you off guard as you took a step back. 
“What do you mean…?” You asked quietly, but there was a small part of you who knew the answer to your own question already. 
He let go of your wrist, reaching up to run a hand through his strawberry colored hair. “You know, Y/N… I can’t stand you. And yet…”
“I can’t… I can’t fathom being away from you.” His pretty brown eyes finally gazed up to meet your own, and you realized his face had become almost as pink as his hair. Your own cheeks started to heat up at the sudden confession. “Ever since our first class together, you’re all I can think about. Y/N…”
He took a step closer, and you didn’t know why you didn’t back away. Instead you stood still, allowing him to gently take your hands into his own. “As much as it pains me to admit it… I am so very in love with you.” 
You blinked at him. “Y-You are?” You whispered, and he nodded. Kang Taehyun, the pretty boy who had been tormenting you in your classes, who you swore you hated, was in love with you?! It sounded made up. And yet… It made a lot of things start to make sense. 
“Which is why you can’t go out with some idiot like Park Sunghoon.” He pressed.
You frowned. “He’s not an idiot!” You snapped at him, finally gaining the sense to pull your hands from his. “And--And you can’t just spring this confession onto me! You’re probably just trying to distract me because midterms are happening, and--and you want to be the top of the class!”
He rolled his eyes. “No, Y/N, I don’t--”
“Yeah! And you’re just going to--to pretend you love me, and then get me to realize my own feelings, and then right when I start to fall for you, you’ll rip my heart out of my chest, and--” 
Before you could finish your ramblings, Taehyun was cupping your face and connecting his lips to your own. You let out a soft gasp in surprise, frozen for a moment, because Kang freaking Taehyun was kissing you. This was absolutely not what was supposed to happen! But… Something about it felt so right. It was like your body had a mind of its own as you relaxed under his touch, kissing him back with as much passion as he had offered you. 
He pushed you forward until you stumbled back onto one of the desks set up in the classroom, and you gasped again when his hands slid under your thighs to lift you up onto it. Your fingers laced themselves in his pink hair, which was surprisingly soft for having been recently dyed. He was kissing you hungrily, like you were his first meal in days, and he couldn’t get enough of you. 
He was kissing you like he was in love with you. 
After what felt like an eternity, he was forced to pull away from the kiss to catch his breath, and you found yourself chasing after his lips. He smiled down at you, and you felt his fingers brush against your cheek as he gently tucked a loose strand of your hair away. 
“I’m not lying to you, Y/N. This isn’t some cruel trick to make you fail. It’s you. It’s always been  you.” 
You smiled. “You really mean it?” He nodded. “Hmm… I’m not sure I believe you… I think I’m going to give Sunghoon a call…” You lifted your wrist to look at the numbers, unsurprised to see the ink had smeared after Taehyun dragged you into the room.
The color drained from his face. “What? Are you serious? I confess my love, and--and you’re going to call Sunghoon?!” He stared at you in disbelief. 
You tried your best to keep a poker face, but were unable to fight back the laughter for very long. “I’m joking, idiot! Holy shit, you should have seen your face!” You began to cackle loudly, but Taehyun was quick to shut you up with another kiss. 
Maybe the rest of the year wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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permanent tag list: @jakeshands @therealhyunjingf @exohclipse @ttyunz @naveries @mazeinthemoon @luvsoobs @n0-thisispatrick @arizzu @dewyboi @yeonboy
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jayden-killer · 7 months
I love your stories, could you make one where the reader is dating Miguel and is also a part of the spider community. The reader helps Miles to escape and Miguel finds out and argue with her.
I hope that you will keep writing stories.
Have a great day !
omg omg hii! I'm so glad you enjoy my stories, receiving these types of compliments always make my day :DD. And, i deeply apologise for taking this long to write your request; I've been so busy with my uni exams.. Anyways, here's your story!!
I HATE TO FIGHT YOU. (Miguel O'Hara × gn!reader)
warnings: Angst to light sfw (at the end)???, Miguel expressing his anger by literally destroying his lab lmao, VERY LONG ONE SHOT.
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Superpowers aren’t easy.
So it wasn’t a relationship with the leader of the Spider Society. Miguel was not an easy guy to argue with, you might call him stubborn, which was one of his main features. And even when Miles Morales, the newcomer to society, tried to change his mind, begging him to give him a chance to save his father, he hadn’t changed his mind. There was nothing Miles could do to change his mind. It was difficult with me, imagine with the others! But this is another story; Miles Morales was chased by an angry mob of Spider people, led by Miguel, flanked by me. The walls of the structure resounded with encouraging screams that every spider person gave himself, giving more charge during that chase. Miles was right in front of us, dodging webs and traps stretched by other members. There was something about that kid that maybe wasn’t something wrong.
He needed to be sent home and help him save his parents. I had not succeeded, and I would have avoided that another person (moreover a little boy!) would have gone through the same pain that I had to go through. Miguel and I split up, and that was my chance. With a perfect throw of my web, he managed to grab Miles' right arm and pull it towards me. The boy stretched his eyes, thinking it was the end for him. Only when I made a sign to him to become invisible and to hide behind a shaded wall, he understood. He hid me in turn, letting the angry crowd pass us.
Now it was the right time. "Miles". I called the kid with the labored breath and he returned to his normal form. He was exhaling and inspiring too, following the hunt we were giving him. Without wasting time, looking around if there was a person there, I took out my time clock, and put it on his wrist. " This clock will take you to your dimension. It’s already set for where you need to go. Don’t ask any more questions, go." Without giving him an answer, I left him there, in the shadows, his face confused and sweaty, while I waved him to go.
"You did what?!"
"He’s a boy, Miguel!"
"You have no idea how serious the situation is because of you".
"Miguel, you have to reason. You can’t really thi-".
"The situation is far worse than you think, puta madre!"
Miguel’s scream rang out the second it left his mouth. I could compare him to an animal: panting, with his eyes reddened and grainy, studying every movement, his shoulders outstretched, ready to attack his prey, me, or maybe someone else. His fierce and intimidating tone made me shudder, close my eyes for fear that something might happen, or worse; I held my arms in place along my hips, biting my lip to channel the emotions I had inside. I didn’t want to show weakness before Miguel. Or better: he had already seen me as I was. Fragile, with doubts that twisted my mind, like a normal human being, yet in those situations I always tried not to show off... I wanted to have everything under control. The man didn’t realize that he was wrong, that he was blinded by this compulsive obsession with control. We were talking about a little boy, Jesus Christ!
I opened my eyes.
My thoughts were replaced by the still threatening tone of Miguel, my lover, who took a long sigh, pinching the tip of his nose. Then he shook his head, turning his back. The lab was upside down: the news of my help to Miles was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
"The consequences are serious. I can’t risk losing more people to a kid".
That was more a warning to him than to myself. "I need to think about it... I need to be alone".
"Miguel.." I tried to talk to him.
With one hand he stopped me from talking to him and shook his head slightly, not looking at me. " No." He said. "I know what you did. It was right. But now I need to be on my own" he repeated feebly, that I found it difficult to understand well what he wanted. Then I agreed, because I respected his condition and his well-being, so I left him alone in the now ruined laboratory, with the last words: "I only did what was right. He deserves a chance", then the doors closed. I swear I heard something from him.
"And I don’t blame you. But it’s not right that he can save his family, and I couldn’t do it".
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thetopichot · 2 months
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Ya'll we need to talk about some Yuuriboy scenes that make me FEEL things & bro it's too good NOT to be analyzed.
Oh yeah this gonna be a long post btw uhhh ya'll know what to dooo 👇
Ya'll already know we talking about Auron first especially the CAR SCENE & JUST ESCAPE IN GENERAL OMG. I don't care if people have like been talking this to death IT'S IMPORTANT TO ME THAT YOU KNOW THIS-
Anyway, Escape is one of my favorite solo series from the boys & especially that Shattered was hinted on Yuurivoice's Twitter that it might be coming along soon or at least that it's currently the works so we gotta talk about Escape again since it's story is definitely gonna play a part in there.
(Also forgive me it's been awhile since I analyze stuff & I'm not good at it either 😭)
Escape, besides Auron being like drained by Rook about like 4 times in a single night (Jesus this man's stamina is fucking crazy 😭), gives us a very nice deep dive into Auron's character & especially what literally breaks me is the goddamn ride home. It's literally Auron becoming more & more vulnerable. When you see the difference compared from the beginning of Escape to the literally the end of it, you see how vulnerable he becomes. What I also like about Auron is he doesn't go outta his way to completely change himself for us, The Listener. He's still a crime boss & he knows that he's done alot of shitty things. Not only that, he tells us about what he's done & full heartedly accepts the consequences that comes along with it.
"I'd hate it. I'd fucking hate it but I would understand." It's such a heart-breaking response to me because it's the fact that he loves us but for our own safety & if we're unable to handle that information, it could all just end there.
So when Rook sees him as more than that, it makes him feel appreciated & loved for what he's done for other people & what he had to do regardless of the consequences because as much as he's a asshole, he has this genuine need to help other people & doesn't care much about what he wants. However, it's literally so draining for him to do that which is something I lowkey relate to.
But, we don't want it to. In this car scene, we fully accept his flaws & you can hear the shakiness in his voice. Like he was about to burst into tears from just being loved & understood for what seems like the first time in a long while. It's literally so sweet but it's so bitter. He literally sees himself as like "I don't care what anyone thinks. I've done what I've done & there's no changing that but I wish there was."
Another scene of Escape that makes me feel things is the when Rook asked about Auron's scars. Not many people talk about it actually.
Auron doesn't really want to go deep dive into his past currently which we're all like "Oh, cool. That's okay :]" BUT WHEN HE SAID
"But, I don't want to. Do you want me to lie to you?" He said that so sadly like OMG IT'S OKAY- Anyway on a serious note, lying is something he doesn't enjoying doing. He's literally currently lying (possibly?) to Trish & Faust about this but like I said earlier, it's for their own safety. He doesn't want to bring any of his loved ones into things that he did & putting them at such a huge risk. Especially you.
(uhhh like for part 2 of scenes that make me cry)
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Forgetful - Blitzo
Pairing - Blitzo x gn!reader
Warnings - Blitzo being the pervy lil guy he is :)
Word Count - 1,135
Notes - okay, i know i haven't posted my writing in a while with it not being a request and tbh this is kinda awesome, it makes me feel kinda refreshed ngl. i am getting to my requests, but i have been busy as hecc. anyway, love you all! hope you have a great day/night and stay hydrated my loves!!! <333 (omg this fella is so cute)
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“Good morning Loona! Good morning Moxxie and Millie! Good morning… sir.” You walked in and handed everyone their lunch, giving Blitzo a cold side eye as you handed him his lunch.
“Good morning! Good to see you too, sugar!”
“Mmm…. hm…” You kept looking at him with a sideways glance as you left the room, closing the door slowly.
“Wonder what their problem is.” Blitzo’s words were muffled from the sandwich stuffed in his mouth and everyone turned to stare at him at once.
“Your… joking… right?” Moxxie’s eye twitched looking at his boss.
“Oh, Jesus Christ, what are you going on about, Moxxie?”
“No disrespect, but is your memory that bad, sir?”
Blitzo turned to Moxxie, completely offended. “What?!”
Moxxie pinched the bridge of his nose while Millie rubbed his back, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. “Sir… yesterday you-”
“Is this about me pinching their butt when they went to leave?!” Blitzo stood up, slamming his hands on the table. “Because that’s bull! They were the one who walked in here with their cute little booty out!”
“Sir! That doesn't mean you have the right to pinch their… uh… YOU KNOW!”
“God, you’re all so sensitive,” Blitzo pinched the bridge of his nose and turned towards the white board, which had nothing of importance on it. “Can we get back to work now? I have a business to run.”
“Blitzo,” you stuck your head in the room, holding a phone away from your ear. “There’s a phone call for you.”
“Who is it? We’re a little busy right now.” He put the finishing touches on a pony he began drawing on the whiteboard.
“It’s Stolas.”
Blitzo nearly choked on a piece of his sandwich and turned to you. “Tell him I'm busy. Like super busy. What does he want?”
“It's about the book.”
“Just… tell him I'll call him back, okay? I… don't want to talk to him right now.” Blitzo’s face turned bright red and he set down the marker, turning to everyone else for at least some support.
“I'll just tell him that you’re in an important meeting that will last all day.” You turned away, closing the door behind you. “Sorry Stolas, Blitzo’s super busy right now. Expect a phone call either after hours or tomorrow morning, alright? Okay. Have a great day. Yeah, you too. Buh-bye.”
Blitzo knew he was blushing, but of course he wouldn't admit that. He had that intern to thank for everything.
“Hey.” Blitzo stuck his head out of the door and threw a chocolate bar straight at you.
You caught the candy and looked down at your hands, tilting your head. “What’s this for?”
“Helping me. And let me treat you to lunch, okay?”
“Uh… okay?”
“Oh, don't sound all skeptical. I'm serious. You’re the best!” He slammed the door behind him, not caring about his blushing face.
You stood there in shock with the candy bar still in your hand. Maybe that stupid boss did have some etiquette.
“So, are we gonna forget about yesterday?” You slid your hand into Blitzo’s as you walked to go get some lunch.
“What, about me pinching your ass?”
“What? No. You do that all the time.”
“Then… uh… what?” You squeezed his hand and he couldn't help but feel his face go warm.
“It’s really nothing. I'm not that pissed about it or anything… it uh… it was our one year… yesterday. AGAIN, NOT A BIG DEAL… I just… got a little butthurt. But nothing too insane. I'm not mad and I don't want to seem like that type of-”
“Shit! Are you serious?!”
“Dammit! I thought our one year was today! That’s why I'm taking you out to get some nice lunch. Dammit!”
You giggled and cupped his face. “You don't have to play around, Blitzo. I don't care that you forgot about it. Again, it's not a big de-”
Blitzo pulled out his pocket calendar, shoving it in your face. You saw today’s date with a heart around it saying, ‘one year anniversary with my love <3’. You giggled and pulled out your own pocket calendar and Blitzo found the day before’s date with a big heart around it saying, ‘one year with my Blitzy-poo <3’.
“Well,” Blitzo grabbed your hand and continued walking. “It's either one of us fucked up or we’re both way off.”
You giggled and held him close, giving him little kisses on his cheeks and his neck. “Let’s just have a two day anniversary. I think it would be way more fun than just one boring day.”
Blitzo giggled, melting to your touch. “Y-Yeah. We should.” He couldn't help his heart shaped eyes around you.
“Well, since today’s technically our anniversary now, Blitzo, I got you something.”
“You got me something? Y-You didn't have to get me anyth-”
You pulled a small present out of your bag and handed it to him, his shiny eyes getting dilated.
“You got me wrapping paper?” He sounded like an excited child.
“No dummy,” you giggled. “Open the wrapping paper.”
“I'm not that dumb! I'm just excited that I get to rip open some wrapping paper. I haven't done this in ages.” Blitzo quickly ripped open his present and pulled out a little business card and a photo of a billboard.
“Uh… what’s this?”
You smiled a stupid giddy smile and bobbed on your heels. “What do you think it is?”
Blitzo shrugged and grabbed you by the shoulders, shaking you back and forth. “No secrets! Tell me! I wanna know!”
“Okay, okay! Stop shaking me, bub!” Blitzo stopped shaking you and looked you dead in the eyes.
“Tell me.”
“I got us business cards, that’s what that is… and uh… I got us a billboard downtown… so more people can see it. You wanted more ads for our company, so I worked really hard these past couple of months and mmf-”
Blitzo quickly pulled you forward, slamming his lips against yours. He ran his fingers over your hips and dipped you down, pressing harder against you. You sighed into the kiss, getting more comfortable and he pulled away with a bright smile. “I can't believe you.”
“You can't believe me?”
“Do you like it?”
Blitzo teared up, even though he told himself he wouldn't. “I… I love it.” He pressed his forehead to yours and placed a little kiss on your lips. “You’re the best, you know that?”
He giggled and pulled you up, grabbing your hand. “I knew you were gonna say that.”
You threw your arms around the back of his neck and played with the collar of his shirt. “I love you Blitzo.”
“Oh, god, why did you have to say it with the o.”
You chuckled and pulled him down the street to go grab some lunch.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Sy, I am Backup
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pairing: Captain Syverson x Girlfriend!Sniper!Reader
summary: Reader is like a total badass super deadly sniper and she leads like a badass group of women who are also deadly soldiers. Anyways the ladies are called in to help rescue Sy and his team? (requested by @stormcloudss )
Warnings: Gun Violence
requests are open/ likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Cavill Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form
“You sure you’ll be okay baby? You know the girls and I are always on call to help?” Y/n said helping pack her boyfriend Sy’s backpack for his next mission at his recent position, commander. “I know sugar, but i’d rather not put you into danger, ya know this” Sy huffed throwing on his boots before hotly kissing his woman goodbye and off he went.
Y/n L/n, wasn’t the most innocent, with her being head of the sniping division, she had quite the talent herself. In fact that’s how Sy and her met, they were put into the same training group at the deployment centre, and voila. Sy couldn’t help but find himself drawn to this amazing woman, not only was she able to carry herself, but Sy as well (Literally)
Now 7 months down the line the two had moved in together and were finally getting serious, until the dreaded call came. They needed Sy out there again, luckily it was only a short drive and a smaller scale task, but still all the more dangerous. Even though Sy was mean and scary to others, to Y/n he was nothing but her big baby that asked to share showers, kisses and cuddles on the daily.
“Ok I don’t have a good feeling about this” Y/n whispered to herself and calling up her fellow girls on their groupchat, watching as Sy’s truck pulled off and out of their home’s driveway. Rifling through her old gear, Y/n got out her old suit and equipment with the phone stuck between her ear and shoulder.
Steph: God did I think we would never talk again, Miss L/n
Y/n: Come on now Steph, it’s only been two months
Grace: Did commander send us a task or something?
Y/n: No but he sent Sy’s team one, a drug bust, which is unusual because how violent could it get for soldiers to be there
Sophie: Jesus there must be bombs or something, there’s no way it’s just a drug bust
Y/n: That’s what i’m sayin! Which is why I think we need to get ready girls-
Stephanie: Woah woah owah, ready for what?
Y/n: Look, all of our men are on that squad, and we know damn well their general is going to hound us for backup
Grace: She’s got a point, we are the most experienced snipers around the place
Stephanie: I can’t believe i’m actually agreeing to this, meet y’all at L/n’s place in 15
Sophie: Omg the gang is back together
Within a half hour, all four girls were stood in the living room, strapped into their camo gear. Hairs in ponytails, heavy duty boots in tow and let’s not forget them reloading their customised weapons of war. Each different sniper sporting a different colour, each representing each woman’s aura. Y/n’s was a strong deep red, you can guess the reasoning for that.
“So what do we just wait here or something? How do we even know they’ll need us, there’s like 6 of them” Grace asked setting down her green sniper and sitting down onto the velvet white couch.
“Because of this” Y/n rushed out showing them the newest message from their commander
General L/n, assistance is needed at (insert address) Be prepared for situations 302 and 105. Mild casualties reported, enter from the side and take position. You know what to do.
“302? That means mild explosives does it not” Sophie asked looking at the phone herself, her hand reaching for her purple sniper, her fingertips tingling with anticipation and exhilaration.
“Yeah and 105, means outnumbered. Holy shit girls, we got ourselves a good one” Grace shouted getting up, the rest of them following her out of the house and into the one van they were going to use.
Reaching the destination which seemed to be a dingy old warehouse, the girls got a glimpse of the amount of men walking in and out of the building, not their own men of course. Slinging on their extra ammo and their snipers, the girls found a wide enough pipe system for them to climb up skilfully. Y/n the first one to end up onto the roof, found herself a nice little spot with an opening straight into the warehouse. Setting up her stand and sniper, peeked into her scope and saw Sy’s squad.
Oh my were they outnumbered, they were practically surrounded, all of them tied up and some were clearly bleeding out. Just how strong were these other men? I mean granted there must be 100 of them, but wow.
Y/n felt her breath hitch when she saw her man, Sy, sitting dejectedly against a pile of cardboard boxes. His face still as brave as ever, but this time sporting more than a few cuts with blood running down his face. Y/n was going to kill these sons of bitches even if it was the last thing she did.
Looking up around the roof, Y/n saw that the other three girls were also raging, all of them nodding at each other before focusing down at their targets. Y/n found her first shot, a bald man who was tattooed all over, he seemed to be the one giving the orders.
Counting down under her breath
“3, 2, 1” And the trigger went off, the bullet embedding itself into the man’s head, instantly knocking him into the ground.
“Gotcha asshole” Y/n whispered loading up her next bullet, hearing all the men down below go into chaos at who shot their boss, the other three girls taking down what was assumed to be his right hand men. Leaving only the pawns of this vigilante group, when all of a sudden, Grace found herself making eye contact with one of the men, his smirk revealing golden teeth and a horrid face.
“Shit shit shit, i’ve been spotted, we gotta go now!” Grace shouted slinging back on her gun and running to the other girls, everyone hearing the men shouting up the side of the compound before they felt the shaking of the pipe system. Their only way down.
“Ok fuck uh- we gotta jump” Y/n rushed out looking over the hole she was spying on, noticing the high stack of cardboard boxes that could break their fall.
“Ok L/n even if we jump, we have to somehow get six injured men into a van, how does that work?”
“Let me take care of that, you guys jump and get them all into the van. If i’m not there in 10 minutes, leave without me yeah?” Y/n said stepping away from the hole and putting the other girls forward towards it.
“The fuck do you mean? Sy will kill us if anything happens to you, plus we can’t just leave you. No man left behind” Steph shouted
“Look, I won’t be left behind if this fucking works ok?! Now just go!” Y/n shouted, seeing the three girls salute to her before each taking their turn to jump onto the boxes, when all of a sudden Y/n heard the sound of metal behind her. They were here.
“Well, it’s just a little lady, musta got lost?” The front man said, twirling a pistol in his hands,
Within seconds Y/n had aimed her sniper and had shot the man full force sending him off the edge of the building, “Bring it on you filthy fuckers” She shouted loading in another round and going to town at the men in front of her, whilst running about trying to dodger bullets
- -
Grace, Sophie and Steph despite hurting their feet in the landing had now found themselves alone with their soldiers, untying them rapidly until a gruff hand pulled Sophie’s, “Where’s Y/n? I know she’s in your division. Agent L/n” Sy asked desperately limping, Sophie couldn’t help but stay quiet and instead looking towards the ceiling where they heard a loud cry say “OW FUCK SAKE” A woman’s cry.
- -
Y/n had near wiped them out, leaving one man behind to step over the bodies of his comrades. Realising she had no more bullets left, the man smiled at the sound of the empty gun, aiming his gun towards her leg before shooting it, immediately sending her to the ground, “OW FUCK SAKE” Clutching onto her leg Y/n growled and groaned, watching the man step closer towards her, a victorious look on his face.
“Looks like you’re down sweetheart, how unfortunate, women are always pathetic” He spat laughing at her, walking back towards the pipe system, leaving her to lay there in agony.
“Not yet” Y/n groaned pulling the key out of the hand grenade she was wearing with her teeth, and throwing it as hard as she could towards him as he bent down to climb
- -
“I need to go back for Y/n, you fuckers don’t understand-“
“No trust me we didn’t want to leave her either, but her orders were to get you guys into the van and wait ten minutes” Grace said guarding the back of the van which held the 6 grateful men, thankfully all of them only having mild injuries ranging from dislocations to cuts
Shattering their conversation, everyone watched as a man's body blew up mid air, parts of the building edge being blown up to pieces. Everyone going silent at the thoughts in their heads,
"get the fuck out of my way or i'll make you" Sy growled, Grace immediately sighing and letting him step out, his now bandaged leg giving him the ability to somehow walk strongly. Sy groaned as he pulled himself up the pipe system, his heartbeat pounding in his ears at the fear of what's happened to his beloved girlfriend. His first love as well as that.
Relief filling him as he looked over the edge and saw a very much conscious and in pain
Y/n, who still had that same smirk on her face, “Told you I was here for backup baby” She shouted watching him shake his head and walk over to her,
“Don’t you ever fucking do that again, ya hear me?” Smashing his lips onto hers as if she would disappear if he didn’t hold on tight enough, that’s how he felt.
(A few weeks later)
“Baby can I have a chocolate bar please” Y/n shouted from the living room, her casted leg set up on the couch, with Aika licking at her exposed toes.
“Comin’ right up honey” Sy said walking into the kitchen before settling beside her, her head falling on his chest with his arms wrapped around her shoulder.
“So about our next mission-“
“Shut it sugar, we’re not going anywhere anymore, not after that last scenario. We are done baby”
“What do you mean done? We can’t just quit?” Y/n questioned looking up at him confused, his lips pressing soft kisses to her temple and cheeks
“Of course not, but parental leave is a thing i’m sure we could get” He shrugged smirking down at her, taking a swig of his beer before taking a deep inhale in her neck, smelling her sweet peachy scent that he oh loved so much. A bit too much actually.
“But we aren’t parents Sy- Wait- HOLD ON-“
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @thereisa8ella @beck07990 @vrittivsanghavi @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @hp-hogwartsexpress @lastwandastan @fdl305 @uwiuwi @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @sparklemarysunshine @oliviah-25 @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaaay @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @marvelgurl @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @athena-roy @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @kimhtoo17 @pandaxnienke
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offside-the-lines · 2 months
Nico/Mtkachuk + Fist ❤
AH YES! The Nico/Matty agenda that I am trying to get off the ground. I fucking love this pairing so much, and I dont have time to get into this here. But this is barely even a mini fic. This is like a blurb. I got carried away. ESPECIALLY with the game yesterday being so chippy. Edit: omg this is a brand new tag in AO3. Deeeeeeply exciting for me.
“What the fuck is your brother’s problem?”
There is a beat of silence over the phone before he hears Matthew cackling on the other end of the line.
“Matthew,” Nico aims for exasperated, but misses by a mile. There’s something about Matthew’s laugh at always gets him.
“Sorry, sorry,” he manages to say between wheezes, “It's just— You should know by now that us Tkachuks only know how to communicate via fist."
"Come on, be serious Matty. I don't want him to hate me already," Nico sighs, his brows furrowed.
"He doesn't hate you, Nicy," Matthew offers, voice laced with gentle fondness, "He's just protective. Wants to test you or something. I can talk to him if you want. It won't change anything but—"
"No! No—" Nico is quick to interrupt. That would be fucking embarrassing. "I just wanna get this right, you know?"
"Nico," Matthew's voice softens, "that's— Remember when I tried to tell you I liked you by almost killing you on the ice, like twice?"
Nico chuckles, "Aaaand I was just starting to forget about that too."
"Shut up," he laughs, "My point is that we're just like that. I promise, if he actually had a problem, he would make it extremely extremely clear."
"Yeah, okay. You know, normal people just do a shovel talk right?"
"Oh, don't worry, that's still gonna happen. Although, Taryn's the one you need to watch out for. She's really lethal with the field hockey stick."
"Jesus, am I going to have to fist fight Brady for your hand in marriage," he mumbles to himself.
"Aww, babe," Matthew coos through the phone, "You wanna ma—"
"Oh my god," Nico groans.
"—but yeah, you should probably start training now," his voice bright.
Nico lays back in his bed and hums, letting the warmth of Matthew's voice nestle in his chest, tucked under his rib cage. He's only 80% sure he's joking; it might be worth it anyway.
After a beat of silence, Matthew speaks up again, "Wanna switch to Facetime? There's some other things I can do with my fist that I wanna show you."
Nico muffles a scream into his pillow to the sounds of Matthew's giggles. He accepts the Facetime request anyway.
Send me a player or pairing + a word, and I’ll write a mini fic about it. (I am running on quite a backlog right now so it might take me a while to get to your request).
Read other prompt mini fics!
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ovaova · 1 year
Oki I’ve never wrote on here before but this is just a thought I’ve had. Might have many typos but we’re just gonna ignore that 🤭 also nsfw and Bakugo is in his 30s so don’t come for me
Oki so imagineeeeee…
Airport Pilot Katsuki
Ik it sounds boring at first but just hear me out….
Okay so like imagine him being an airport pilot, cute uniform and all-
He looks so handsome in it too, CANT FORGET ABOUTT THE CAP OR THE WING PIN TOO
The uniform hugs him so tight too, especially in all the right places
Most def the best lookin pilot out of them all
He’s def one of those pilots who stand at the door and does that nod up thing to greet the people- 😩
(I’m bad at explaining but hopefully you get what I mean 🧍🏽‍♀️)
Anyways, he always goes with the navy blue suit with gold accessories and a black tie for his pilot outfits
Kirishima is 100% his co-pilot, you already know
They used to be in the same class during flight school and at first, Katsuki ain’t like him- not one bit
But after being paired up enough, they got along 🤭
And omg lookkkkk, they co-pilots now 💕💕
Anyways, mans take his job VERY seriously. Wants nothing more than a smooth flight too and back or wherever the fuck he’s going- unless it has something to do with turbulence or a storm
OH YEAH- man fuckin hates turbulence…but who doesn’t?
Ofc he knows it’s unavoidable but he finds it more annoying than scary unlike Kirishima who always quakes but at the same time can you blame him??
“Goddamnit red, why are you shaking?? It’s just turbulence! You’re a pilot for fucks sake!”
I’m with Kiri on this one but anyways…
Yeah he takes his job really serious, he really don’t play Fr
But then there’s you 😍
You in your nice lil flight attendant outfit, aww 🥰
Yeah did I mention that you and Katsuki are dating 🧐🤨 yeah he’s your man mhm
And then you have Mina, Froppy, and Denki who are your coworker flight attendants, dream team Fr dealing with all those people
Okay but back to you and Katsuki, OUU you remeber when Janet said “anytime, anyplace” ? - Yeah that’s him 💀
Kirishima already knows that when Katsuki starts to take off his cap and jacket to “relax” , it’s time for him to leave asap
He’s already learned that the hard way 💀
It’s basically routine atp
Once the Passengers and yalls coworkers leave the plane, he’s already there waiting for you in the cockpit 💀
Mans is in his 30s but he will make do with whatever position he’s in
Mans really made you ride him in his seat 💀 WHERE HE CONTROLS THE PLANE????
In the aisle too 💀 he really does not care
But no it doesn’t end there, so Y’know how pilots/ attendants get a hotel so that they can get on their next plane/shift yeah?
Yea he always makes sure y’all get a hotel together whenever is possible and Jesus 💀
Man is making his time worth while while he can 💀
There is no use in leaving that hotel room either cause you’re gonna be too hurt to
But at the same time, can you blame him? I mean both of y’all sometimes aren’t able to get the same hotel together, y’all have to catch diff planes, and y’all both can end up super busy so 🤷🏽‍♀️
AND y’all gotta get up early, ya he’s trying to get all his rounds in before y’all separate again-
In the shower, on the bed, IN the bed, on the floor, against the wall, or anywhere else possible 💀
And then he will have the audacity to get room service just to fill up on energy again just for another couple of rounds 🧍🏽‍♀️
Yeah so that’s my take on Airport Pilot Katsuki 🧍🏽‍♀️❤️
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arrowfleur · 10 months
I am begging you for some dirty Vincent headcanons. I need all of them. 😍
Ofc I’m doing the OG first how could I not hehe!
I put it in the tags last time but just to be clear these are 18+ posts, NSFW, MDNI!
Thank you 🤍
Foreplay: This man loovesss setting the mood. Dim lighting with candles, music playing in the background, fresh sheets on the bed even though you’re gonna have to change them straight after. All of it.
Despite that, he’s also not too serious in bed, he’ll laugh and joke with you during and just overall makes you feel very comfortable.
Big fan of French kissing.
Setting the mood also includes lingerie and boy does he have (and has bought you) a multitude of sheer ‘scandalous’ outfits.
He loves the process of you undressing each other and will drag it out as long as possible. His touch is so so soft you’re practically begging for him to properly touch you by the time you’re actually naked.
And when it gets to that part he is the biggest tease on the planet, making you think he’s about to. Trailing his fingers and his tongue up your thighs and down your stomach, just to stop before your sex.
Likes it when you tell him (or show him) what you want, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work for it.
Not that he tends to need to ask cause he gets you so worked up that you’re doing anything you can to get some friction anyway.
Favourite position? Yes. He doesn’t care as long as it makes you both feel good.
Prefers giving more than receiving and he is very, very good at it.
Will finger you then mouth fuck then just fuck with the head before actually getting to the main event.
This often leads to orgasm stalling since you’re closer than he is. ‘No not yet lovely,’ ‘hold it for me’ Again he’s just such a tease Jesus Christ but it makes it so much better when he finally says yes.
He wants to see all of you, and he also wants you to see all of you so it’s not uncommon for there to be a mirror positioned near the bed either.
He’ll turn your head towards it, lots of ‘look at how beautiful you are when you’re like this’ and yes he likes you to watch him too, ‘you see how well you take me?’ ‘You fit perfectly around me’.
And all of these are being whispered very very quietly into your ear.
Not a stranger to using toys. Usually on you but he’ll let you use them on him too. Really likes the thought of you going out and buying them specifically for him.
All of his teasing gets him just as worked up as you do. Seeing how desperate you are for him.
Although he always starts off slow he’s not afraid to be rougher towards the end.
Your voice really gets him going, the more vocal you are the more turned on he gets and in turn he is extremely vocal himself, he moans SO MUCH.
Especially when he’s about to finish, he’s so loud omg.
BITE HIM. Bite him bite him bite him. His head will lul back and he’ll hold you so tight. It is quite possible the sexiest thing in the world
Aftercare: tends to be just holding each other and talking. Checking in with each other to make sure you’re okay, lots of compliments about how beautiful you are, making out, laughing. It’s very domestic and cute and I love them.
Biting Head-canons:
I write these with the listener in mind but am also aware that you guys have in fact not been turned into a vampire irl (probably) soo some pre-turning bite HC’s as a bonus hehe:
He has two favourite place’s:
1. is your neck, it’s the easiest to reach in most positions and he can hear your heartbeat speeding up really clearly.
2. Your inner thighs. I mean his heads already between them….
No but seriously holding onto your legs while he does it and feeling you shudder drives him crazy, and the skin there is sooo sensitive.
Does not stop telling you how good you taste and feel and you can tell he really means it.
Like his soul leaves his body while it’s happening.
When he does bite the after care is more centred around making sure you’re alright. Healing the bite just enough so that the puncture doesn’t hurt but there is still a mark there. Cleaning you up and lying down with you, he’ll just hold you, stroke your hair etc until you fall asleep.
That is all, thank you for reading! 🤍
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pamsimmerstories · 13 days
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in the morning...
previous || next
[freya]: avery?
[avery]: hey
[freya]: wait... i... we.... did we cuddle??? oh god! that’s embarrassing!
[avery]: it’s okay, freya.
[freya]: no, it’s not. omg i just wanna hide.
[avery]: you move a lot while you’re sleeping and you were always trying to get on top of me... i tried to push you, but i also didn’t want to wake you. you seemed tired. you snored and all.
[freya]: i don’t snore.
[avery]: well, tonight you did.
[freya]: stop it!
[avery]: *chuckles* i’m serious...
[avery]: what’s wrong?
[freya]: i can’t look at you right now. i’m so embarrassed
[avery]: jesus! i said it’s okay, freya. collin sometimes snores. i’m used to it. and you were probably tired plus the drinking...
[freya]: avery?
[avery]: hm?
[freya]: do you like me?
[avery]: what kind of question is this?
[freya]: just answer me
[avery]: we’re friends, right? anyway... i gotta go before your parents come back.
[freya]: yeah. it’s better.
[avery]: ok. i’ll see you around...
[freya]: see ya
[freya]: why would you ask that, freya? i’ll blame it on the drinking! what if he said yes? were you have the guts to say you like him as well? no, it’s not time to tell him you like him, you’re a mess! who would want to be with you like this?
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millieewilliee · 17 days
So here’s more on the girl I was talking abt 😭
I genuinely didn’t think anyone would see it or like ever reply 😭
So one time after I met up with my boyfriend for one of the first times me and her went to town and went for a walk. We would do this nearly every day and we had a great time.
So first I just want to say I would never really get attention from boys at school or anything because I’m a very quiet person and I keep to my self , boys where I’m from don’t like that in a girl and prefers them to be loud and popular so I wouldn’t get like “noticed” ig this feels so cringey to say abt myself omg 😭 but I’ve never been to a teenage disco idk if they’re things outside Ireland and maybe England but basically in Ireland atleast where I’m from the whole point of going is to get with some one this is basically like shifting a load of people in one night and like you’d wear small tight dresses. I don’t look down on people who go like it’s just not for me yk?
But anyways she goes to all these and she gets with as many boys (or girls depends on her mood) as she can. I never said anything bad to her abt it cuz it’s not my business and if it made her happy that’s all that I cared abt. But I met up with her after I met up with my boyfriend. My boyfriend was my first like really boyfriend and my first kiss. So she asked me yk if I shifted him and I was like really excited and I was like yaa and then she goes omg I got with so many boys when we went out and I was like ooo did u know anyway and yk just asking her abt it and just being nice abt it and something came up abt first kisses and I said Jesus I’ve only kissed Brian (my boyfriend) and she turns to me dead serious and goes are u calling me a slut cuz I get with so many lads. I was like what are u talking abt 😭 I didn’t even imply that I was just saying I’ve only ever kissed one person and every one else has kissed at least 3 I wasn’t saying to look down on anyone I was only saying it cuz he’s my first kiss and I was like omg like I’ve only kissed one person in a Jesus that’s miserable kind of way not omg ew u kiss who u can kind of way 😭please tell me yk what I mean 😭
So when ever I would talk abt my boyfriend she would always get like jealous over it cuz like one time we were walking into school and she asked me abt him and then goes like how do YOU have a boyfriend and I don’t I was like what’s that supposed to mean like she hates the fact that I have a boyfriend cuz yk I was never seen that way by boys when she kind of has an attention problem with boys like she always has to have one of them looking at her and all her friends are the same. I dont mean to sound like a pick me or anything that’s not my intention but that was another reason we stopped being friends cuz like all her friends were big attention seekers like always had to have a boy looking at them and yk just really loud and annoying im not trying to be a bitch but it’s true sorry.
Again sorry this is long but if ye want like more I have more so if ur interested lmkkk
Thank youuu xxxx
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hello! this is my first order so it may be incorrect (sorry if it is!), but may I get pancakes with milk chocolate, black coffee, a frappuccino, and whole wheat bread? (more context: reader is suicidal and on akito's way home from a concert he finds them and talks them away from killing themselves?)
sorry if this is incorrect! if it is, please tell me what I did wrong for the future!
♥︎ • A Reason to Live • ♥︎ Akito x fem! reader
Dish: Pancake
Drink: Frappuccino (strangers to lovers)
Side: Whole wheat bread (depressed reader)
Ingredients: Milk chocolate (hurt/comfort), TW: Black coffee (mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts!) Scroll past this now if you are uncomfortable with this! ⚠⚠
Notifying: @akitosheart, @hpd--ena, a pancake has been made!
C/N: II think i kinda screwed up fsr i was thinking milk chocolate was still romance and not hurt/comfort- IM SORRY I SHOULD KNOW MY OWN MENU- ALSO I ACCIDENTLY SHEDULED THIS AN HOUR LATER THAN IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE- anyway, Hi anon! Just wanna say, if you, or anyone who's reading this is dealing with black coffee, dont do it! Killing yourself wont make things better, but worse! Not just for you, but for the people who love you! And dont ever say no one loves you, because Jesus loves you! Everyone is equal it worth, no matter how many mistakes we may have made! And guess what? There's light at the end of the tunnel! Alsp thanks for requesting :p btw i was super motivated to write this after seeing all the order syou guys gave me today so it might be higher quality. I mean like FIVE ORDERS IN ONE DAY??? SRSLY??? OMG ILYG SO MUCH😭😭😭
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As my feet form a light tapping sound by hitting the concrete, my mind wanders across my brain before I hear a sorrowful sigh in the distance.
My curiosity piqued, I raise my head from my phone as I spot a dejected girl standing under a big maple tree, its leaves casting a shadow on her face.
My first thought is to go back to scrolling mindlessly on my phone, but another thought tells me to approach the lonely girl for some unknown reason.
Standing awkwardly in my spot, I ponder on a decision, when I see a shiny pocket knife being drawn from the girl's pocket by no one else but herself.
Suddenly, my stomach churns, and an immediate frown tugs on my lips as I hastily approach the female.
My feet only quicken the moment I watch her raise the knife to her throat.
“H-Hey.. Excuse me.”
I watch as the girl glances at me, her eyes dull and lifeless like that of a dead person's. Someone who's given up on life..
“U-Um... Could I see that knife for a second?”
She hands me the knife, uncaring of what I was going to do with such a sharp object being held tightly in my hand.
I take the knife away from her gently, making sure it's nowhere near any part of her in fear of hurting her.
Taking a deep breath, I finally muster up the courage to address her previous actions.
“Hey, um... People love you, yknow?”
I stand there awkwardly as I watch her deadpan expression change not even in the slightest at my words.
“... What?”
“So don't kill yourself.. Um... I'm sorry if you are going through things that make you want to end your life... But... But it all stops now. If you need a friend, I'll be your friend, okay?”
Gosh I hope she actually was trying to end her life or I'd be making of fool out of myself thinking she was. Wait no, I shouldn't say that. It's better for me to make a fool out my self then for her to try to end her life—
“Are you serious?”
“... Huh? Serious about what? ..... Oh yeah, I'll be your friend if you need me to. It.. Uhh makes me sad to see people so depressed to such an extent is... Sad.”
“So you just wanna be my friend because you pity me.”
“N-No... Not pity... Sympathy.”
“Why would you sympathize for me?”
“Because.. It sad that people feel so bad that they want to end their own lives. I.... I want to prevent that from happening.”
Hesitantly, I place a hand on her shoulder and offer her a awkward but friendly smile.
“I know it seems weird since I'm just a stranger... But I.. Can't just watch someone about to kill themself and do nothing. So.. What do ya say? Wanna be my friend? You don't have anything to lose, right?”
A few months later..
“Hey, you called?”
“So what did you call for?”
“I wanted to tell you something.”
“... I like you.”
“.... ?!”
I blink in shock, the phone almost falling to its doom before I manage to catch it.
“You... What?”
“Do you like me back?”
“If you don't answer within ten seconds I'm hanging up.”
“W-Wait! I-I like you too!”
“.... You do?”
“..... Yeah.”
Silence roams through our ears before a sound catches my attention. The small, tiny sound of the corners of her mouth slightly going upwards.
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