#so long as he remains close to my and is an obedient and serviceable pet lol
mostlikelytofangirl · 2 months
Hmmmm, LXC kneeling by MY so scantily clad he might aswell be naked, but at least he knows he's safe and knows MY will take good care of him :')
LXC is, once again, depending on MY for survival, except this time he has to do that while dressed like princess Leia in the middle of the Wen court. Well, nothing is perfect 😌
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megan-is-mia · 3 years
can I request a delusional yandere #21 prompt with Vampire Vil and Rook? It can be nsfw if you want. Thank you
(You’re welcome and I hope you like this) 21. “All I want is you. All I’ve ever wanted was you.” (Yandere! Vil Schoenheit x Fem! S/o x Yandere! Rook Hunt) (WARNING NSFW AND NON-CON AHEAD!)
(Y/n) didn't have much alone time anymore, not since she’d been made the slave of the Lord of the Night Vil Schoenheit and his second in command the Midnight’s Executioner Rook Hunt. Both men were vampires, a fact the young woman had become quite acquainted with not long after she arrived at the two males’ mansion when they’d first feasted on her as the sun set both on the day and her freedom. Luckily for her, Rook and Vil seemed rather uninterested in (Y/n)’s daytime activities and permitted her to roam the castle as long as she made herself available for feeding time at dusk. However tonight was a rare treat, the vampires would be too busy with business affairs to demand her presence and therefore the young woman had decided to spoil herself with a long shower. Usually, she had to rush to make sure she could make herself presentable for her masters, but this night she would stay in the hot water until it ran out and she would enjoy every minute of it. (Y/n) turned the water on, letting it get nice and hot before stripping out of her clothes and stepping into the warm jets of water pouring down. She hadn’t locked the door, none of the other slaves would dare interrupt her if they valued their lives.
She had to admit there were some perks to being the blood bag of Vil and Rook. One of those perks being permission to eat when she wanted, and to sleep as much as she wanted to make sure her blood was as healthy as possible for the vampires to consume. (Y/n) let her eyes shut as her head lolled back enjoying the heat of the water on her skin. All the while being in too much bliss to realize that the bathroom door had opened and two figures had slipped silently into the room with her before locking the door with supernatural power behind them as they stripped down to nothing. 
The young woman stretched her arms up and behind her trying to relax the muscles only for her hands to press against something smooth and cool to the touch. (Y/n)’s eyes flew open and locked with one of the vampires she’d been hoping she wouldn't see tonight: Rook. The green-eyed male grinned down at her, enjoying how her body had gone stiff in surprise and her hands remained planted against his chest. “My how bold of you Dame d’Aeon, i wouldn't have expected a gesture so forward of you so soon” Rook said reaching up to grab the girl’s wrists and rearrange their position to his liking. The blonde took a step forward so his chest was pressed against (Y/n)’s back as he forced her to rest her hands on her breasts as he held her in an uncomfortably intimate embrace. The young woman’s head snapped forward as she broke eye contact with her captor and tried to stare at the floor before her. Only for her gaze to be forced upward by a second intruder in the form of the other vampire: Vil. “Someone told us you’d been in here sulking but I didn't expect them to be telling the truth” Vil said, his voice strangely casual for the situation at hand, as if he wasn’t standing naked before what was essentially his food. “I-i-i thought you had court matters to d-duh-deal with my Lords. I didn’t think you’d be re-re-requiring my services ton-n-night” (Y/n) stuttered out, her eyes threatening to pop out of her skull with how wide they were. Her words made both vampires go still, even more than they naturally did as creatures of the night. The bathroom was deathly silent save for the sound of the water pouring down and the young woman’s own nervous breathing. Suddenly Room burst out into raucous laughter and hugged the girl even closer so she could feel the vibrations of his mirth on her skin. “My, my you really are just full of surprises, Dame d’Aeon. To think you believed that we'd allow ourselves to get so tied up in business affairs that we’d have no time for you… Really it's so naive of you to think that way” Rook said once he’d gotten control of himself, even though the tone of his voice made it clear he needed only a little nudging before he’d start laughing once more. “And instead of trying to take advantage of that opportunity, you stayed where you were supposed to like a good girl. Such behavior should earn you a reward don’t you agree Mon Cher?” he added as he looked at Vil with a smirk that made (Y/n) shiver. “Agreed, you’ve learned a lesson that all of our previous pets failed to grasp” Vil said before taking hold of (Y/n)’s chin and holding it gently as one would hold a baby bird. There was a look in the vampire’s eyes that the young woman had never seen before, it was so similar to the one he’d made the night he’d first fed on her, a hungry almost depraved expression. Yet somehow this one was even more intense than that. The girl had been so entranced by the look in the blonde’s gorgeous violet eyes that she hadn’t noticed that he was still speaking to her or that he was leaning closer until their lips touched. The sudden contact of Vil’s chilled but silky smooth lips against her own slightly cracked yet still soft lips brought (Y/n) crashing back to reality with a yelp. She threw her head back, making Rook let out a soft grunt as her head smacked against his shoulder. The young woman’s face flushed with blood making it turn red and heated as she mumbled a confused apology to the two men who only sighed. “It seems you weren’t listening as closely as I hoped” Vil said, his expression turning disapproving. “But I can forgive your carelessness in light of the situation” he added, going in for another kiss. 
This time (Y/n) was not allowed to pull away and her lips were gently pried open by Vil’s tongue as his hands came to rest on her hips and he traced nonsensical shapes on her skin. Rook amused himself by nuzzling his face into the crook of the young woman’s neck and running his fangs playfully up and down the column of her neck but not quite breaking the skin. “Since you didn’t listen the first time, I suppose I'll repeat the message for Mon Cher” the blonde said into the girl’s ear. “As reward for your obedience Dame d’Aeon, you’ll be given an experience most mortals would die for the chance at” he added with a coo.
(Y/n) could feel herself going light-headed from lack of air when Vil mercifully broke their liplock and permitted her to catch her breath even as his fingers continued dancing over her upper thighs to make patterns that made sense only to him. “Lord Schoenheit?” the young woman began hesitantly and received a hum in answer that encouraged her to continue speaking. “I don’t understand what you desire from me at this moment. I don’t know what I did wrong. Please…” she trailed off not knowing how or even what she was supposed to say to get a real answer. “Are you that thick-headed? Are you so naive to this matter?” Vil spoke sounding both disappointed and bemused. “Nevermind, that was a foolish question. I forgot that humans can be so dense even to things happening right in front of their noses” he added after a moment shaking his head and making water fly everywhere. One of the hands that had been idly moving along (Y/n)’s hips suddenly slid down between them to poke at the young woman’s nethers. On instinct, the girl tried to squeeze her thighs together and force the vampire’s hand to be still. “What an abrupt reaction, it’s almost like you were trying to put up a fight (Y/n)” Rook said surprising the young woman with the sudden usage of her name and giving his partner the opportunity he needed to wedge a leg between the girl’s knees so she couldn’t try and resist his touch again. Vil’s index finger flicked at (Y/n)’s clit and the girl’s body lurch in response at the sudden spark of pleasure and pain. The vampire did it a second time, harder now, and received another reaction from the young woman this time the movement was accompanied by a strangled moan. “Tell me (Y/n) how did that feel? Good?” Vil said with a smirk watching as the girl tried to avert her eyes even as her face became even redder with embarrassment. “There’s no point trying to lie, I’ll be able to tell if you do. So give me an answer my darling mortal~ Do you feel good?” he added with a third flick to the young woman’s sensitive clit which got a proper moan out of her that was paired with her frantically nodding to answer his question. “That’s better, I want to be able to reward you properly and I can't do that if you won’t answer my questions” the vampire crooned, trying to poke a finger into (Y/n)’s cunt. “Do you understand yet? Or do you need some more explanation before we get into the real fun of your reward Dame d’Aeon?” Rook said adjusting his grip so he could hold both of (Y/n)’s wrists in one hand and the other could be used for groping her breasts. “Or maybe you need it said aloud before you’ll get it. Ever since you arrived and became our new pet I���ve been hungry. Not only for your blood, oh no you made me ravenous for something more carnal than even that. It’s been a long time since I’ve desired the affections of someone besides Vil” he added in a low growl. “Do you have to make it sound so lewd” Vil said, his words suggesting disdain for his partner’s words but his tone had turned playful as his finger sunk into (Y/n)’s pussy and she let out a soft cry at the intrusion. “He’s telling the truth, there’s no point growing too close to one’s bloodbag. It only makes the eventual disposal that much harder to complete. Yet you, you pried your way into my mind and now it's impossible for me to be rid of you so easily” the blonde said sounding mildly annoyed as he added another finger to the one already inside the girl’s cunt and after a few moments more adding a third and fourth finger too. “You’re not making any sense, none of this makes any sense. Why are you doing this to me if you’re so attached to me? Please just stop!” (Y/n) said and then let out a squeak as Rook began laughing again. This time however she could feel something begin to grind against her backside as the vampire kept laughing at her childish naivete, and she squeezed her eyes shut trying not to think about it. The blonde did not take kindly to being ignored and he let out a low annoyed growl into the young woman’s ear before biting down on her neck and sucking her blood. The girl’s cry of pain was quickly cut off by one of pleasure as Vil’s fingers probed deeper into her cunt and pressed against a sensitive bunch of nerves that made (Y/n) see stars. The juxtaposition of Rook drinking her blood and Vil fingering her pussy was making all her senses go fuzzy as the opposing stimulations fought for dominance in her mind. Despite her best efforts to remain in control, there was nothing the young woman could do to stop her body from responding to the men’s advances and she found herself relaxing back into Rook’s grip as he continued to feed off her negating the need for Vil’s knee between hers. “Can you bend her forward for me?” Vil said, his words directed at Rook as he pulled his fingers free of (Y/n)’s cunt with a sloppy pop as her fluids clung to his digits even as he brought them to his mouth and licked them clean. The other vampire happily complied, retracting his fangs from the girl’s neck and removing his hands from her wrists and breast so he could force them behind her making it easier to hold them in place as she was bent overdo she looked like she was bowing in reverence. As the young woman was forced to bend, she soon came face to face with the purple-eyed man’s half-erect cock.
(Y/n) vaguely understood what she was being told to do even without the words being said. The problem was she didn’t know how to do it, having never been in a relationship long enough for this activity to come up as an option. A hand descended into her hair and entangling itself in her locks before lightly tugging to give her a warning of what might happen if she didn’t get to work. Hurriedly the young woman opened her lips and took the head of Vil’s cock into her mouth. Her technique was sloppy of course, owing in part to both inexperience and nerves. Fortunate for her then that neither of those things bothered the vampire very much. Vil let out a soft growl, using his other hand to cup (Y/n)’s cheek and stroke it lightly as she took more and more of his member into her mouth. All the while Rook continued to grind against her rear and grope at it as she obediently sucked the other blonde off. He gently pried open the girl’s thighs apart so he could nestle his cock between them and tease her overly sensitive clit some more while she focused on the task before her. (Y/n) tried to protest but her sounds were all muffled as she was forced to take more and more of Vil’s shaft. Vil tried to keep himself in control, this was supposed to be a pleasant experience for (Y/n) even if he was taking this chance to selfishly indulge a bit. He continued to stroke the girl’s cheek as his shaft disappeared further into her throat until her nose bumped against his pelvis. He used his grip on her hair to keep her there for a moment before pulling back a little and driving his cock back in, trying to encourage her to move her head a bit. The young woman quickly got the message and bobbed erratically on his shaft. Her movements were rewarded with stimulation from Rook who began thigh-fucking her to the same rhythm.  
If it wasn’t for his years of sexual experience and his extreme self-control, the blonde might have blown his load down the girl’s throat and ruined the entire encounter. At the last moment, he released her hair and pulled himself free of her delightful throat and mouth with a grunt. The sudden loss of the purple-eyed male’s grip almost made (Y/n) fall headfirst against the shower tile. Luckily Rook had not loosened his grip on her arms and kept her quite steady as she gasped for breath. The green-eyed male helped her back into a standing position before throwing his partner an excited, hopeful look. “Is it time for the main event Mon Cher?” Rook said his tone just oozing anticipation that was reciprocated by the other vampire who nodded with a smirk. (Y/n) just looked from one man to the other still not quite understanding what was about to transpire. Rook wrapped an arm around the young woman’s waist hoisting her up so her butt was pressed against his lower abdomen. With the other, he took hold of his cock and lined it up against her dripping cunt. The light pressure of the head of the vampire’s cock forcing her pussy open was what finally made (Y/n) understand what was going on. “Nononono” (Y/n) babbled trying to wriggle free of the blonde’s grip. “I’m sorry! Please! Don’t do this to me!” she continued to beg frantically. Her purity was the last thing she could still call her own, no matter how the vampires demeaned her and treated her like a toy she could still take pride in her still being a virgin. But now they were going to take that away from her too and she was beside herself in panic even as water from the showerhead above dripped into her mouth, choking as she inhaled the water amidst her wails for mercy from the two men. “Stop resisting (Y/n), you’re acting like a child” Vil scolded, stepping forward to grip the girl’s thighs and force them still so Rook could thrust up into her without any further fuss. (Y/n) tried to keep fighting but it was no use as her insides were abruptly forced open by Rook’s cock and the vampire let out a pleased moan at how warm her cunt was. The green-eyed male’s hips bucked lazily a few times as he grew accustomed to how perfectly (Y/n)’s inner muscles squeezed his member. The young woman’s head lolled to the side as tears began to build up in them and she let out a sniffle. “Oh Ma Chérie, you should save those tears for later” Rook said sweetly, peppering (Y/n)’s neck in kisses as Vil pressed his cock against the opening of the girl’s already stuffed cunt and began sheathing himself as well. This time the young woman didn’t bother trying to fight, there was no point resisting anymore when they’d already tainted her beyond repair. Vil’s body went still as he bottomed out inside (Y/n)’s pussy, and he let out a contented sigh before pressing some kisses to the girl’s neck as well. However as he and Rook began fucking their prey in earnest, his fangs came out and he began feeding on (Y/n)’s blood. As for (Y/n) her brain had gone totally blank from the intense pleasure and pain she was experiencing at the hands of the vampires. Her eyes rolled back in her skull making it impossible for her to tell which male was pinching her nipples and groping her tits and which one was biting her and toying with her clit like a doorbell button. Her cunt was dripping non-stop turning the water going down the drain pink with the blood from her lost maiden-hood. During a moment of clarity mid-fuck she managed to ask for the reason for this punishing reward. Her mind went cloudy again before she could hear the answer and her body was forced through a series of rapid-fire orgasms, each leaving her more sensitive than ever. By the time the vampires had had their fill of her body, (Y/n) was only half-conscious as they pulled out. She was easily maneuvered by the pair who washed her properly before carrying her out of the bathroom back to their bedroom. Usually, the young woman was banned from being in this room unless she'd seriously misbehaved and needed to be disciplined for an extended period of time. Yet she was tucked into the bed as if it was the most natural thing in the world as the vampires curled themselves around her and settled in for slumber. Vil fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, however Rook remained conscious awhile longer muttering to himself. “All I want is you. All I’ve ever wanted was you” were the only words (Y/n) could piece together in her drowsy state. Was he talking about Vil? Was he talking about her? Perhaps both? The young woman didn’t have the energy to ponder this query, not when the next time she woke she’d no longer be of the living world... THE END
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sidecarghost · 4 years
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Proof Castiel is Sam Winchester’s blurry non-gendered spouse.
Y yo at ti, Cas.
And I, you.
Castiel honoring Dean’s wishes. And watches over Sam for the rest of his life.
Spn 11x23 Alpha and Omega
CAS: I could go with you.
DEAN: No, I got to do this alone. Listen, if—when—when this works, Sam—he's gonna be a mess. So look out for him, okay? Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
CAS: Of course.
DEAN: [places his hand on Cas’s shoulder] Thank you for everything.
I think Sastiel would have fun married couple adventures. And they’d both be amazing dads for their son Dean. Cas probably splits his time between cosmic duties with Jack and time with Sam. So his presence is more in the background and out of focus then attention demanding.
Sam and Cas both miss Dean terribly, but they accept Dean just wasn’t ready to flip that hourglass over one more time for a chance at a normal life. And even though they can’t understand it they respect that it was Dean’s choice to make.
Getting married wasn’t planned by Sam and Cas, but they both consoled each other over Dean’s violent passing at a young age. And Sam wanted to hunt but knew better than to hunt on his own so he prayed to Cas, and Cas came to help. When Cas learned Dean Winchester died from getting jabbed by pointy rebar he was devastated. Dean didn’t pray to him, so Cas kept his distance from Heaven. He figured Dean would call when he was ready for him. Or if he was ever ready for him.
Cas knew Dean would want Sam to have a good life, so Cas picked that as his new mission and made sure to carry foam packs to cover pointy metal wherever Sam went. Sam rolled his eyes at Cas’s attempt to baby proof the Earth but he was touched to see the angel pull himself out of his own misery to watch over Sam.
After months of monster hunting Sam told Cas he was quitting. The hunting had been a way to cope with the soul crushing sorrow of losing his brother. But hunting wasn’t who he was anymore. Castiel thought and nodded. He thought the Winchester’s had bled enough for humanity and deserved some peace.
~~ I meant to poke at this idea a little bit, but it got lengthy and remainder is under the cut. And it’s just a happy Sastiel fic pretty much following the finale without much deviation, but is meant to make the whole Sam montage less soulless. I don’t have any resolution for Dean, because Dean’s character is just ruined for me at the moment. His meaningless death in series finale still prevents me from writing anything remotely cheerful for Dean. So I’m just avoiding doing anything more than mentioning him.~~
Sam and Castiel rented a little house, because the bunker was too depressing to live in. Castiel called in a favor with Jack to expunge all the Winchester’s public records. Sam and Dean were now upstanding citizens with a spotless record. Dean’s obituary now stated he died during a construction accident while working on a barn. Castiel had a mausoleum built for the Winchester’s, and even though Dean’s remains had been burned he tracked down every molecule of scattered carbon ash that had been part of Dean and set it in his coffin. He also held a second service for the hunter that was a huge affair exactly as Dean had wished for when he faced off against Amara.
Meanwhile, Sam Winchester had started taking night courses to get his law degree and pass the bar exam. With his spotless record he was able to become a prosecuting attorney and did amazing work bringing criminals to justice within the judicial system.
Castiel ends up being really good at dog training after working with Miracle on obedience and agility training. So he starts a dog training school for pet owners to learn how to train their pets without any harsh methods.
One day around Christmas, Sam and Cas are sitting on the couch watching some lgbt hallmark Christmas movie and drinking eggnog. Cas leans his head on Sam’s chest, and they start kissing and they don’t stop. Maybe they both still missed Dean and were just looking for a distraction or maybe they both had slowly fallen in love with each other over the years. They have a small ceremony and Castiel spends the rest of his immortal life proudly bearing the Winchester last name as his own.
Angel reproduction may grant human vessels hermaphrodite sex organs or maybe Sam finds a spell that lets Cas or himself swap sex. Whatever the case, they decide to have a family and nine months later their son Dean is born. Dean is a nephilim, and he has a good heart and a kind soul just like his dads. And he also has all the selflessness and sensitivity of his deceased uncle enjoying a solitary road trip across Heaven.
Original Charlie was brought back by Jack, (along with everyone else that had sacrificed their lives and wanted to have another chance to live a normal life). Charlie buys baby Dean the most obnoxious toddler overalls ever with the name “Dean” embroidered in bright yellow across the front. Sam takes one look at them and after a fit of laughter gets ready to throw them in the trash, but Castiel starts tearing up over them and traces out the letters. Sam doesn’t have the heart to tell him how ridiculous the pants look, so he just smiles at Cas and places a hand reassuringly on Cas’s waist and hopes Dean isn’t looking down from Heaven and seeing that outfit.
Sam lives a long life, and his death occurs at an old age while in hospice care at their home. Castiel knew Sam’s life was coming to an end, and he had been keeping an eye out for the reaper that would come to collect Sam’s soul. And finally one day he sees a reaper beside the bedside of his beloved. Cas fetched their son Dean to Sam’s bedside. He wants their son to have a chance to say goodbye to Sam while he’s alive, and then Cas will accompany Sam’s soul to Heaven. Castiel watches invisibly next to the quiet reaper standing nearby. He still feels a terrible ache in his heart that Dean had missed out on growing old.
After all this time, Castiel had still never heard a prayer from Dean. Bobby had told Castiel that he mentioned to Dean his rescue by Jack from the Empty. But that Dean had taken off in the Impala after that. It seemed that Bobby couldn’t resist busting Dean’s chops about John Winchester living next door. Maybe that attempt at a joke shook Dean, and he just needed 40 years to collect himself.
Regardless of the reason for Dean’s silence, Castiel thinks about the best way to facilitate the reunion of Sam and Dean without causing Dean any distress. Castiel decides he’ll stay invisible when Sam and Dean get their reunion in Heaven. He’ll let Sam tell Dean when he is ready, or maybe Dean will ask about him and that makes him smile softly to himself.
With that settled Cas lets his attention rest on his son. He is so proud of his and Sam’s son, and he is sure Dean will be proud of his nephew too. Their son will be able to visit freely between Heaven and Earth so this goodbye isn’t the end for them. 
Sam and Cas’s son, Dean, leans over the recumbent body of Sam Winchester and kisses him goodbye and tells him it’s okay to go. Sam’s eyes close for the final time. Then, a moment later, Sam’s soul is standing next to Castiel and the reaper. All the years have vanished from Sam’s appearance, and Cas is looking at the same young man he had fallen in love with watching formulaic romcoms some 40 years ago. Their son, Dean, can still see Sam, because his nephilim abilities let him pierce the Veil. He embraces his dad, and Sam tells his son to come visit him in Heaven whenever he wants, and Sam whispers to his son to promise to take good care of Castiel for him. Their son, Dean, nods with sincerity and whispers back to his dad Sam that he’ll keep that promise for the rest of his life.
Sam turns towards Castiel and the lovers share a passionate kiss. All the chronic pain from Sam’s failing health is gone. And Cas feels a rush of excitement from Sam’s rising libido. Cas kind of wishes the reaper and his son weren’t standing right there at this moment. Sam notices Castiel’s discomfort and laughs. He then offers his husband his hand to hold. Castiel gazes at Sam’s face with eyes full of love and takes hold of Sam’s hand.
Castiel locks on to the location of Dean’s soul in Heaven. He unfurls his majestic rainbow wings and flies Sam to a few feet behind his brother on the bridge. After he sets Sam down he sees Dean smile, and he hears the brothers greet each other. Castiel remains invisible and he sees the reaper responsible for Sam nod and teleport away. Castiel feels tears come to his eyes watching the two brothers have the reunion they have deserved for so long. He watches them embrace and smiles to himself.
A moment later Castiel teleports back to his home with his son Dean. The father and son hug, and Castiel begins making plans for a celebration of the life of Sam Winchester. He wants the funeral of Sam to be the biggest ever seen in their state. Sam and Dean had been true heroes and their memory deserved no less. The mausoleum where Sam and Dean’s remains rest will be guarded for eternity by the angel that loved them beyond all logic and reason.
While Castiel makes himself busy planning, his son Dean helps tidy the house and stumbles over a board game. “Hey dad, how do you play Twister?” Dean asks. Castiel can’t resist smiling and begins to explain the rules of the game to his son. “Can we bring some of these games to Heaven when we visit dad Sam and uncle Dean?” Dean asks. “Yes, I think that’s a great idea,” Cas smiles to his son thinking back to playing “Sorry” with Dean and “Connect 4″ with Jack. He feels like those were memories from yesterday and not decades ago. But decades is barely a moment relative to the immortal life of an angel.
“These games are special, Dean, because they give us the most precious thing in the universe,” Castiel tells his son. “They give us time spent enjoying the company of our loved ones. I haven’t spent very long on Earth in the company of humanity, but in my short time here I learned that time is a gift. It’s the most precious gift we can give the people we love. And spending that time on big gestures is never as fulfilling as just all the little things we can do together. The grand gestures seems to get forgotten rather quickly by those closest to use. Big events are important for posterity and the history books, and they are important for shaping the world we live in. I want Sam and Dean to have a big, beautiful funeral so their memory lives on for the people that didn’t know them well. The big funeral isn’t so much about me honoring them, as me keeping their story alive for posterity. But honoring them is even more important to me, and I honor them with every decision I make, for every moment of the day, for the rest of my existence. I choose the selfless and sensitive choice that Dean would have chosen, and I choose the courageous and loyal choice that Sam would have chosen. Humans were never meant to be grand visions set on a pedestal, they were meant to be appreciated on a much smaller scale along with full attention to their strengths and their quirks. 
“And our life spent together hurtling through space in orbit around a star is oddly enough defined by the mundane. The simple times spent together are the treasures that we seem ideally equipped to hold close and carry on.”
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justatiredpotato · 4 years
Set Me Free | Chapter 6.5
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Chapter List
Pairing: hybrid!Yoongi x human!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, coffee shop AU, hybrid AU
Word Count: Chapter: 1,500~  Total: 40,000~
Updates daily at 10pm MST
Warnings: depression, physical and emotional abuse, implied past sexual abuse/exploitation, violence
Summary: Yoongi, a cat hybrid, has been hurt time and time again by a world that would have him believe he’s worthless. One day he finds himself in your protective care, and gets a new family to boot. But is it really that easy to escape the past and embrace a new beginning?
Author’s Note: This chapter is an additional section written from Yoongi’s POV. It contains quite a bit of triggering content (I kept it as PG as possible.) If this stuff is gonna upset you then PLEASE just skip this. You won’t miss any huge story points and I totally get it.
Yoongi didn’t really know where he was going when he ran out of the apartment, he just knew he couldn’t be there. Suddenly every inch of your shared home hurt to look at; the memory of every kind word or affectionate look had a gloomy cast over it. The realizations hit him like bullets to the chest. Every time you’d shared something with him had simply been charity. Every sweet bit of praise you’d given was an act of pity. Every time he touched you, you’d been uncomfortable. 
How could he have been so stupid? He felt humiliated and ridiculous for reading too much into the situation. How could you ever want someone like him? He was just someone’s throw-away. Pathetic. Broken. Dirty. Worthless. The words played on repeat in his head and with each loop he sank further into himself, into the pit of self-loathing you’d barely managed to pull him out of. How could he ever face you again like this?
He sat on a bench and pulled out his phone. There were 12 missed calls and 19 messages from you already, and as he looked Jimin called. He set his phone face down on the bench next to him, leaned his head back, and looked up at the sky. How could he feel so awful on such a beautiful day? Just another reminder that the world didn’t care about him; no one did, really. And why would they?
“Kitty?” A man’s voice pulled him from his thoughts, the familiar voice making his blood run cold. “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Yoongi lifted his head to find Kwon Hyunjoong standing before him. His voice dripped with honey, but Yoongi knew all too well the venom that lay just beneath the surface. He didn’t say anything, just dropped his eyes to the feet of the man before him.
“Nothing to say? You’ve caused me a lot of trouble, kitty. Your clients miss you. And me, I’ve been lost without my favorite toy.” Hyunjoong stepped forward and placed a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder. Far from a friendly gesture, his fingers dug into Yoongi’s flesh so hard that if he didn’t have the protection of his jacket Hyunjoon’s nails would’ve broken the skin. Yoongi winced, but didn’t dare pull away.
“Did your latest whore get bored already? Women can be so fickle with their pets, you know.”
“She isn’t-” Yoongi started to protest but stopped himself when the hand gripping his shoulder moved to his neck, grabbing a handful of hair in the process.
“Look what she’s done to you,” Hyunjoong said, observing Yoongi’s hair. “I told you to keep your hair dark. Dying it like this is so… tacky.” He gestured with the hand full of hair, tugging it painfully. “But I guess you were always cheap by nature, huh?”
Yoongi’s muscles practically vibrated with the instinct to flee, but years of conditioning told him things would only be worse if he tried. 
“I guess it’s time for you to come home, kitty. She doesn’t want you anymore. But I’m sure I can find some use for you.” Hyunjoong gripped the back of Yoongi’s collar and pulled him to his feet, dragging him toward the open car door. A voice in Yoongi’s head—a voice that sounded very much like you—screamed at him to run. But his whole body felt numb, as if he was watching this whole situation on a TV screen. So he didn’t fight. He didn’t fight when Hyunjoong pushed him into the back seat of the black sedan, or when Hyunjoong climbed in behind him. And he didn’t try to escape when the man behind the wheel drove away.
The Eclipse Club was on the south side of town, in a seedy area known by most for its bustling night-life. Those familiar with the area knew what really happened there. The neighborhood was a den of hybrid trafficking and exploitation. From the escort services, to the strip clubs, to the fight rings and illegal auctions, the hybrids that ended up there were at the end of the line. Few hybrids ever truly escaped the life the south side created for them. 
As they pulled up under the familiar neon sign of the club, Yoongi doubted he’d ever leave again. He’d lucked his way into freedom and safety once, and it was unlikely he’d get another chance. The two men in the front of the car led him down the alley and to the side entrance, Hyunjoong followed at a leisurely pace. They shoved him through the door and Yoongi caught the twisted, almost childlike delight in Hyunjoong’s eyes as he planned what was to come. Even before they crossed the threshold Yoongi knew where they were headed. They wove between wait staff, bartenders, and hybrid dancers in their signature barely-there uniforms. Several familiar faces looked at him with wide eyes, recognizing him. 
“Su-” a girl with rounded black ears barely stopped herself from calling out his name, or at least the name the club had given him. All his friends' eyes were full of pity even as they tried to avert their gaze. Finally, they arrived at a heavy metal door. Hyunjoong stepped forward, unlocking it to reveal a set of concrete stairs. He gestured for Yoongi and the guards to enter first. Yoongi’s feet refused to move, so the guards ended up half dragging, half carrying him down the steps. 
At the bottom Hyunjoong unlocked another door, and stepped into a large, nearly empty, room. The walls were made of cinder block, bare fluorescent bulbs illuminated the space, and the concrete floor had drains in it so the room could be cleaned with the hose coiled in the far corner. Yoongi trembled as they pulled him to the center of the room. Hyunjoong gave the guards a nod, looking vaguely amused. They tugged at his jacket and Yoongi cooperated, knowing they’d just tear the garments away by force if he didn’t. His stomach lurched in revulsion as Hyunjoong watched. The chill of the room sank through to his bones as he stood in his boxers. There were chains bolted at various increments around the floor and one of the men shackled his ankle with them. The guards stepped away as Hyunjoong approached.
“Kitty, you’ve really let yourself go,” the man purred, running an appraising hand over Yoongi’s stomach. In his time with you he’d managed to gain back a decent amount of the weight he lacked. His ribs no longer showed so starkly through his skin, and he even had a little bit of extra fat over his tummy. Hyunjoong pinched at the flesh and tutted disapprovingly. One of the guards circled to Yoongi’s back and as Hyunjoong nodded at the guard Yoongi braced himself for the blow. The lash bit into his skin and tore at the scar tissue he’d built over years of abuse.
“Look how fat you’ve gotten. Did she like that? Really, kitty? Did she want a kitty or a pig?” Hyunjoong prodded at Yoongi’s stomach again before throwing a punch that knocked the wind out of him and brought him to his knees. Another nod, another blow. He already felt drops of blood springing from the lines the lash carved in his back and thighs. “Have you forgotten everything I taught you, kitty? You have to stay pretty for me so I can play nice. You know I can play nice when you earn it.” Hyunjoong cooed softly, as if he was offering some great mercy, not just another form of torture. The man raised a hand and the guard continued, delivering strike after strike until Yoongi was curled on the ground, breaths coming so painfully he heaved.
Hyunjoong crouched in front of him, grabbing his chin and yanking it up so their faces were less than an inch apart. “Why’d you do this to yourself? If you’d just been a good boy we wouldn’t be here. You know I don’t enjoy this any more than you do.” Even as he said it a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. He looked Yoongi’s face over appraisingly, then glanced at the long scars and fresh wounds marring the pale skin of his back. 
“You really are so pretty, kitty. I’ll enjoy having you back. That is of course, if you’re going to be good. You will be good now, won’t you, kitty?” Yoongi averted his eyes even as Hyunjoong’s hand forced him to remain face-to-face with him. Hyunjoong’s grip tightened when Yoongi didn’t respond. “You’ll be good, right?” His breath reeked of cigarette smoke and traces of alcohol and Yoongi nearly gagged. But he held it back and instead nodded obediently.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good boy,” Hyunjoong said with a laugh. He ran a hand through Yoongi’s hair as he stood, only to give it a vicious yank that knocked Yoongi back on his heels.
“Twenty more, then bring him to my office. We have some catching up to do,” he said, already walking away. Yoongi held his breath for the next couple of strokes until the soundproof door closed behind Hyunjoong. Only then did he allow himself to scream.
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sevenstarsinning · 4 years
Invasion Ch.11
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Description:  A planet conquering race of Saiyans invaded Earth and deemed it worthy of habitation. After bringing the humans to their heels, they set up a new society where humans had one role, to serve. You found yourself in the unlucky faction of being bought and sold as a human pet. With absolutely no interest in owning a human but no way out of having one, Kakarot made a bid on you at the urging of his brother. It was only a matter of time before you were either killed or forced into obedience.
You can find previous chapters in this link: Ch.10 or you can read it here on my AO3
Warnings: Things get a little violent in this chapter. Enjoy!
Kakarot finally glanced up when he heard the door close. He let out the defeated sigh he’d been holding back and slid down the wall he was leaning against. Every ounce of his being was urging him to break free of the cell, tear down the forcefield that kept you just out of his reach so he could hold you one more time. His hands trembled as he flexed his fingers and clenched his fists. The self-loathing began as he recalled the words he said to you, each syllable of bullshit that came spewing out of his mouth. He wanted to take it all back, to beg you to stay, to wait for him, but he knew he had no choice. If he was going to save you, truly save you, he had to make sure your feelings were cut off at the nerve.
He fought sleep at night, every time he closed his eyes he could see your weakened frame, clothes barely hanging off of you, tired and tearful eyes that seemed to burn right through him. He couldn’t bare the sight, so he forced himself to stay awake. Even if he did want to sleep, it wasn’t like they’d let him anyways.
“Wake up, traitor.” Turles stood in the doorway with a wicked grin spread across his face.
Kakarot peered up at him wearily, barely giving him his full attention as he slumped back against the furthest wall in the cell.
“Again, Turles?” His voice was gruff as he spoke.
“You know the drill.” Turles cracked his knuckles loudly.
Kakarot wasn’t sure if it was his attempt to intimidate him or if it was some weird way for him to prepare himself. He slowly stood up, using the wall to lean against as he did. His legs trembled and he kept his gaze on the floor.
“I noticed the Prince brought your little human by earlier.” Turles paced slowly in front of the forcefield.
“She’s not mine.” He didn’t like the way Turles mentioned you, but it wasn’t like he could do anything about it.
“I’ve been thinking,” he slowed and stood directly in front of the cell, “do you think the Prince has had a chance to stretch that sweet little cunt of hers yet?”
Kakarot couldn’t hide the way he clenched his fists instinctively at the mention of you, his nostrils flaring as he fought to control his breath.
“We both know the Prince isn’t patient either. I bet he used her the very first night, shoving her down…” he pulled the key from his pocket, “tearing and clawing at her clothes…” he dropped the forcefield, “right before he shoved his royal cock right into her. Can you imagine the sounds she made? Probably begging for him to breed her tight cunt, pleading for him to claim her like you never did.”
The second the door unlocked, Kakarot launched himself at Turles and jerked him into the cell with him. He broke free of the cuffs that were secured around his wrists. He slammed him back against the hard, metal wall, denting it with his skull while his hand wrapped around his throat.
“Still got some fight in you after all.” Turles grinned and grabbed Kakarot’s forearm, trying to loosen his grip.
Kakarot felt his body buzzing with energy as he held back on turning Super Saiyan. As he was trying to refocus his ki, Turles twisted his arm and shoved him back, cracking his neck as he headed straight for Kakarot. He held nothing back as he fought him, slamming him into every wall in the cell. Kakarot fought back, hit after hit, pounding his fists into the cruel saiyan but continuing to hold back. He knew what happened when he let go completely and he wasn’t prepared to suffer those consequences again.
Before Kakarot could exact his full rage on Turles, he was quickly pulled off of him by two other saiyans. Turles wiped the blood and sweat from his brow as he straightened himself up, the two saiyans holding Kakarot back while they secured another pair of cuffs around his wrists and a heavy steel collar around his neck. Kakarot continued to fight, trying to break free of their hold but an intense jolt of electricity flowed from the collar into his neck. Kakarot cried out in pain as his body tensed, the shock rolling through him wave after wave, each one growing in intensity. They released him and let him fall to the floor, chest heaving as he trembled.
Turles crouched in front of Kakarot and grabbed a handful of his hair, jerking his head up, “I’ve heard the King is leaning more towards execution and I’ll only be too happy to offer my services.”
Kakarot smirked and licked the blood that trickled from his lip, “make sure you have your pets with you.” He cut his eyes back at the two saiyans that remained by the door.
Turles slammed Kakarot’s head on the hard floor and held it down, “we’ll see how funny you think it is when you’re sentenced.”
Turles released him and stepped over his body as they headed out of the cell. Kakarot remained in the floor, every nerve ending in his body was still trembling from the shock as he recovered. It was difficult to maneuver with his hands cuffed behind his back, but he managed to roll over on his back and sit up before scooting himself back against the wall. He let out a harsh sigh as a soreness se into his limbs and images of you flooded his mind. No matter how hard he tried, it was always you that he came back to. You were his comfort, his peace.
“Kakarot?” He recognized the voice as he opened his tired eyes, focusing for a moment before seeing her face.
“I didn’t think they’d let you see me.” He struggled to sit up a little straighter.
Gine knelt in front of the cell, “let them try to keep me from my son.”
The softness in her smile hid something more, something worrisome.
“Who did this to you?” She asked as she took in his current state.
“No one. Why did you come here?” He wanted to avoid her finding Turles and putting him in his place, which he knew she would.
“I needed to see you. There are rumors-“
“Not the good kind, I’m sure.” He gave her a slight smile, hoping it would reassure her that he was okay.
“Not the best things you’d want to hear about your son. I heard your human is settling in at the palace well.”
“She isn’t eating. Or sleeping from the looks of it.”
She perked up a little, “you’ve seen her? Did she come by? Is she coming back?”
Kakarot shook his head, “she isn’t coming back, I made sure of that.”
Gine shifted and moved a little closer to the cell, “I’m sure she still cares for you.”
“I have a favor to ask of you.”
“Anything, what is it?”
“I need you to help her move on and get past this. She wasn’t doing well the other day and I doubt she’s doing better now.”
Gine looked up at Kakarot, “I’ll check in on her, see if she needs anything.”
She said her goodbyes as he thanked her, her expression dropping once more as she left. He was grateful that she’d come by and that she was so willing to help him. Kakarot remembered when he was a kid and wanted to get out of training, she would hide him in the laundry basket and tell Bardock she hadn’t seen him. She’d let him know when the coast was clear. It wasn’t that she didn’t want him training, she just preferred to stoke his playful side more than the warrior side. He hoped you’d let Gine help you, it was the only thing that would bring him solace.
It wasn’t that you were ignorant or even that dense, but Gine set up shop and watched you trudge out past the garden almost every day. She watched as you took your anger out in a very odd way and she noticed the way you broke down each time afterwards, clutching your hands to your chest as the tears streamed. She knew you wouldn’t last like this, especially when you weren’t eating. She watched about as much as she could.
“If this is going to be your outlet, you need a better target.” She said as she stood before you.
“How long have you been watching?” you wiped the sweat from your brow, blood staining your knuckles.
“Long enough to know you’re going about this all wrong. If you really want to blow off some steam you need to hit something that’ll hit you back.” She made no move to console you or convince you that this was stupid.
“What did you have in mind? You’re not gonna hit me, are you?” You stepped back from her, knowing she’d put you through the tree in an instant.
“That’d be too easy. Come on.” She grabbed you and took off from the palace grounds.
You wanted to ask where she was taking you and if you even had permission to go that far from the palace, but you honestly didn’t care entirely. You were grateful to be away from everything and wherever she took you was probably going to be better than anywhere else. After a few minutes she started to descend and panic built in your chest.
“Wait- The Arena?! You can’t-“ You struggled to get out of her grasp but she held your arm.
“Calm down. I’m not leaving you here. This place has different rules than the rest.”
“Yeah, and those rules are that humans fight to the death here.” You still tried to pull away from her.
“Not if you enter with a bet or with a saiyan. Doesn’t matter if they own you or not, they can still bring you here to fight.” She held firm with her grip on you.
“I don’t get it, you want me to fight in the Arena? For money? I’m not a fighter. I’ll get my ass kicked.” You looked at her with complete confusion.
“Maybe your heart will hurt a little less then.” She finally released you.
You considered what she was saying. Fighting had never been something you wanted to do, regardless of the situation, but she seemed to think this would help. You weren’t keen on the idea of fighting other people who were forced into the Arena against their will when you were able to come and go as you pleased. But again, there were unknown benefits to doing it. Maybe one time wouldn’t hurt?
“One fight, and then you take me back to the palace, right?”
“Of course. I’m not a monster. Stay with me and don’t say a word.” She returned her hand to wrap around your arm as she pulled you along with her, approaching the large outdoor arena.
The Arena was set up more like a cage of death in wrestling. Stands were set up around the whole thing and in the middle there was a chain link fence with two doors on either side. You could hear the screaming saiyans from the outside and the pent-up energy flowing from it was almost overwhelming.
“Didn’t know you owned a human, Gine?” A small saiyan at the doorway looked you both up and down.
“She’s new. Gotta see what she can do in the Arena before I take her back to Bardock.”
“How much you betting tonight?” Another saiyan asked.
Gine glanced at you then back to them, “let’s set it at one hundred. I don’t want to waste it, she looks a little too thin.”
“Alright, she’s up next. It’s been kind of slow today.”
They made note of her bet and stepped aside for her to lead you in. Anxiety had set up a permanent home in your stomach as you stood to the side of the stands. You watched as the two people in the cage fought one another, hard hits without armor or protection of any kind. Blood splattered the white platform and their clothes. It was violent, chaotic, and exactly what you wanted.
“So what happens now?” You glanced at Gine.
“Once they finish, you’ll go up against whoever is next. A winner is declared one of three ways, a tap out by the saiyan, knock out, or death.” She said as simply as she could.
“If the human is decent and actually wanted, then the owning saiyan will intervene before that happens. If they do that, they forfeit their bet.” She pulled you forward as the fight neared it’s end.
You could tell one of the humans was faltering, barely standing stable on their feet but they continued to fight.
“Stay up!” An angry saiyan shouted from the side of the cage, which you could only assume was their owner.
Within another few seconds the human was flat on the ground, blood trickling from their head as the other human stood victorious, a clear smirk on his face as his opponent lay unconscious at his feet.
“You’re up.” She pushed you forward towards one of the doors in the cage.
You took a deep breath and exhaled it quickly as the door was opened and you were pulled inside. You glanced back at Gine who gave you a slight smile and a thumbs up. It was a simple gesture, but it was at least some kind of encouragement. As you stepped forward, they were still cleaning up from the last fight, the smell of blood was thick in the air, saiyans muttering around you from the stands. It was all so different from what you expected. You looked to the other end of the cage, seeing your opponent enter, realizing she was familiar. You’d seen her before, at the auction. She was the one who bit Nappa.
“You know the rules, tap out, knock out, or death. Those are your only ways out of here.” A large saiyan towered over the two of you as you stood face to face.
He back away and left the cage without another word. You stood almost frozen in place, you had no idea how to start a fight, especially not a fight to the death.
“I remember you,” she said as she stared at you, “that elite bought you. Heard you had a real nice situation there until he murdered all those saiyans.”
“He hasn’t been found guilty yet.” You felt like you were waiting for her to just knock you out at any instance.
“Well, murderer or not, bet he’s still better than mine. Enough chit chat though, you ready to get this over with?” She stepped back and cracked her neck from side to side.
“Um, yeah, I guess-“ Before you could even get your words out completely, she punched you squared in the jaw.
You stumbled back and placed your hand over the sharp pulses of pain you started to feel in your jaw that echoed through your entire head.
“Shit.” You muttered.
“Come on, that wasn’t even my best hit.” She started to circle around you.
You stood back up and before you could even get your bearings, she hit you again. This time she landed her fist in the center of your chest before hitting you in the side of the head with her other fist. Your vision blurred and you felt like your heart stopped as you choked and doubled over. You glanced back to see Gine standing on edge against the cage, still urging you on.
“This isn’t even a fair fight.” She stopped moving and sighed.
“Just kill her and get it over with!”
You looked over to see who her owner was and the second you saw the familiar, spike haired saiyan, you felt an anger building within you. Turles.
“Fucking end her!” He shouted again.
Memories of how he treated you and Kakarot the last time you saw him, flooded your mind. You clenched your fists and centered all of your rage in your stomach. You caught her off guard by tackling her to the ground, pinning her beneath you as you slammed your fists into her, one after another. She grabbed at you and tried to shove you off, but you weren’t budging. You hit her with everything you had, ignoring the harsh hits she landed sparingly on you. You could hear the other saiyans roaring and encouraging the two of you as you fought. It was exhilarating, addicting. She finally managed to shove you off of her, but the pause in fighting was short lived as you both scrambled towards one another with fists flying. Blood poured from her lip as she attacked you and after a moment you noticed your knuckles were smeared with it. You knew you had some wounds as well, but honestly they were at the back of your mind as you fought. You unleashed every ounce of anger and frustration into her, but it wasn’t enough.
Your advantage was brief from the surprise attack you managed. She was clearly a better fighter and trained at that. She quickly dodged one of your hits and had you flat on the ground within a split second, her foot on your throat as she proceeded to hit you, over and over.
“Out! She’s out!” Gine called from the sidelines.
She continued until the saiyan entered the cage again and pulled her off of you, declaring her the winner while you faded in and out of consciousness.
You were vaguely aware of Gine carrying you from the cage, muttering something about how fucked you were in a real fight.
“I can’t take you back to the palace like this. You got your ass handed to you.” She took off from the Arena.
If you had been awake enough to ask questions, you would’ve asked where you were and why she was hooking you up to a few hoses and shoving you into a tank of water, but you were soon unconscious again.
You came to as she was pulling out of the machine, letting the water drain from it as she wrapped you in a towel.
“Not perfect, but at least your face doesn’t look like a piece of chewed up gum.” She helped you dry off.
“I want-“ you coughed up some of the water, “I want to go back.”
“Sorry, humans can’t handle too much of the healing pods, your bodies get all weird and soft.”
“Not that. The Arena.” You looked up at her.
“You need training before that happens. And you need to eat. You look like a starving animal.” She continued to dry you off.
“Train me then.” You said without really worrying about the consequences.
She paused for a moment as if she was giving you a chance to take it back, “did it help?”
“Yes, more than I thought it would.” You nodded.
“Fine, but you won’t tell anyone, and you’ll need to start eating at least three times a day. Deal?”
For the first time in a while you felt hopeful. Not about your future or the situation with Vegeta, but hopeful about putting your energy and time into something other than waiting for death to come to you.
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teawithkpop · 5 years
[M] - PhysCom - Pt 1
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pt 1 - pt 2 - pt 3 - bc 1 - pt 4 - pt 5 - pt 6
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader
Rating: Mature [18+]
Length: 5.6k words
Genre: PhysCom AU - smut with dashes of angst, and a shitload of romance and complicated feelings,, uhuhu (porn with plot??)
Warnings: swearing, mild degradation, anal play, anal sex, oral sex (male receiving), I think that’s it?? 
ahhh my first smut~ I went kinda hard ehehe sorry this chapter has quite a bit of Taehyung, but they will all have time to shine, promise~ I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think! ^^
You are Bangtan’s slut. Every group has them, to relieve tension and keep a regular sex life, with all of the health benefits that entails. You keep their hair shiny and their skin glowing. You help them stay happy. And that’s really all you could ever ask for.
To be hired as a Physical Companion, you have to be flexible: at any time, your clients could use your body in any way they desire, no matter what you’re currently doing. The sound of slicing vegetables and bubbling water permeate the kitchen while you make dinner, and you hum to yourself as you start to peel another carrot.
“Spread.” Min Yoongi’s voice calls from the entryway of the kitchen, already fishing his dick out of his pants.
You set down the half-peeled carrot and reach behind you to hold you ass cheeks apart, a serene smile on your face. You don’t turn around. He hasn’t told you to yet.
He takes a hold of the bulbous plug in your ass, grabbing the base and twisting it out with a sucking sound from your fluttering hole.
“Ah, fuck…” He hisses at the sight of you, nothing on you now but a frilly apron, your utility belt, and your pussy plug as you make them dinner. He pushes his cock up to fit between your ass cheeks and up your back. “Release,” he commands, and you let the soft flesh of your ass spring back in place, covering his cock. “Resume.” It’s his last command, and you hum to yourself as you keep making dinner while he gives himself an assjob.
“Dinner will be ready soon, Master Min. I’m making stew.” You speak in a calm, almost robotic voice. He didn’t tell you to react to his actions, so you don’t.
“Shit… fuck.” He grunts and doesn’t respond to your statement, too busy grinding his cock against your ass. “Lube,” he demands, sticking out his hand. You reach into a pouch of your belt and wordlessly produce a bottle. He squirts lube all over your ass crack and gaping hole, spreading it around with his hardened cock.
Yoongi doesn’t give any warning before pushing into your ass. He groans loudly, pumping in and out of you. You don’t react apart from how his thrusts jostle your body.
“Fuck yes. Look how fucking pretty for me…” He grips your shining ass cheek, pulling it aside before slapping the flesh loudly, the sound echoing through the house. You continue to hum and chop vegetables, your body reacting involuntarily as your abdominal muscles clench, bracing for the impact of his thrusts. He spanks you again and again, his hand coming down with more force each time.
“Fucking beg for more, slut. Moan for my cock,” he growls, and like a switch being flipped on, you grip the counter, crying out in ecstasy.
“Please, master! Oh, please spank me harder!”
It’s all a part of the job.
Yoongi complies to your wanton desperation, quickly turning your ass red as he spanks and fucks you relentlessly.
Just then Jungkook comes in, stretching after his workout. You can see his bulge straining against his joggers. “What’s for dinner?”
“Hi, Master Jeon! I’m making stew,” you reply cheerily, then switch back to moaning and writhing for Yoongi’s pleasure.
“Sounds good.” Jungkook walks up to you, his crotch at your eye level. “Handjob,” he commands casually, as he pulls out his phone.
You’re surprised. Jungkook normally doesn’t take advantage of your services, except on a few occasions when the group has passed you around during a celebratory dinner. He usually keeps his pleasure to himself, although the company has probably told him to rely on you more often.
Just as it is not encouraged for idols to drink or smoke, it is not encouraged for idols to masturbate. It puts unnecessary strain on their bodies, and wastes a lot of time that they could be spending on more important things. If they need to get off, they should go find their PhysCom.
Jungkook asking you to jerk him off is unexpected. But you comply, pulling his cock out of his pants as carefully as you can while Yoongi is fucking your brains out. You start stroking Jungkook while he talks to Yoongi about their schedule for tomorrow.
“Manager said we should have the second choreo ready, just in case.”
“Ah, we need to practice it more.”
“Yeah, I don’t feel too confident…”
Their voices turn into buzzing as your mind starts to wander, gazing at the beautiful length in your hands. Everything about Jungkook is flawless, but fuck, his cock might be the most perfect thing about him. You’ve only seen it a few times since you were hired, but it still sneaks into your dreams some nights, when you let yourself imagine being held by some or all of the BTS members. It's an unthinkable and out-of-bounds fantasy, which makes it all the more twistedly tantalizing.
Though you’re ashamed of your guilty pleasures, you remember a particularly passionate dream from just last week, and you’re overcome with lust. Before you can think, you’re licking at Jungkook’s cock.
A slap to your face, gentle but warning, like they’d been taught. “No. Handjob.” Jungkook commands again, though he seems a little hesitant at having to discipline you. Usually it’s the elder members who take pleasure in giving you punishment. “Please,” he adds, like the polite young man he is.
You lower your gaze in partially real shame. You haven’t had a slip up like this in several weeks, but you should still know better. You’ve been trained for this. “Yes, master. I’m sorry, master.”
Jungkook seems uncomfortable, or perhaps disinterested, at your answer, and places his cock in your hand again, resuming his SNS scrolling.
For good measure, Yoongi pulls your head back by the hair, grunting and huffing as he rams into your tight ass, over and over. He shoves three of his fingers into your mouth as punishment, making you gag around his digits in an effort to silence you and keep you focused.
“Anyway, uh… Hobi-hyung said it’s not too hard. It’ll just take some time on task,” Jungkook continues. The only sign that he’s being jerked off is the slight tilt of his head, the small clench in his jaw. He’s gotten quite good at not reacting. But of course, he’s a quick learner anyway.
Yoongi doesn’t reply to Jungkook, too busy slamming into you, his pace growing faster by the moment. “Fucking cum around my cock, slut…” He snarls in your ear, and you obediently tighten yourself around him, faking an orgasm as drool starts to drip from the makeshift gag of his fingers in your mouth. He curls them deeper into your throat, and you know he loves the sounds you make when you have something to swallow around.
Yoongi cums with a groan and a string of curses, filling you with his release. "Ah, fuck…" He moans, giving a few more shallow thrusts before easing himself out of your tight hole. He gets your ass plug ready and as the head of his cock falls out, he pushes the plug back into place, sealing his cum away inside you.
"Thanks, doll." Yoongi says softly, giving you a light spank and readjusting himself back into his pants. He's a kind person, but when it comes to his own pleasure, degrading you is what gets him off the fastest. "Yeah, we just need to make time to practice. I'm sure we'll get it with Hobi monitoring us,” he finally replies to Jungkook, a little out of breath, but otherwise completely composed.
Now it’s Jungkook’s turn to cum as you pump his shaft, you can feel it. He must have gotten some pleasure out of seeing you being treated that way, or maybe it was from watching Yoongi climax. Either way, his cock is heavier in your hands, red and swollen and just about ready to burst. The boy can only nod his head in reply to Yoongi, his jaw clenched and eyes closing as he nears his orgasm.
“Come on, Master Jeon…” You know he’s shy, and according to the records, a little sweet talk goes a long way with him. “Be a good boy and cum.”
You can’t tell if your words helped, or if it was something else entirely, but Jungkook suddenly rips his cock from your hands, pumping it wildly himself as he positions his shaft over your cheek. He didn’t put it on your lips, so you take the nonverbal queue and keep your mouth closed, instead tilting your head to the side to give him the most surface area.
He gives the cutest little whimper as his cum splatters across your cheek, a few drops overshooting and landing in your hair. You smile, keeping your mouth closed as he paints your skin, gasps slipping from him as he comes down from his high.
When he regains his senses, he squeezes his length, milking a few remaining drops of cum from his cock and wiping them onto your cheek and hair. “Thanks.” Jungkook says simply, as if you’d given him the time of day rather than made him cum on your face.
But it’s all a part of the job.
You lift your finger to collect a stray drop of cum from your jaw, popping the digit in your mouth. “Any time, Master Jeon.” You send him a wink with your finger still resting on your lips, and notice with satisfaction the blush blooming in his cheeks.
Jungkook tucks himself back into his joggers while Yoongi watches you expectantly, his eyes glittering once more. “Well?” Yoongi says, pointing his chin towards the tiny puddle on the floor from the cum that had fallen off your cheek. “Aren’t you going to clean up the mess he made, slut?”
You smile coyly and get down on your hands and knees without hesitation, licking the cum off the floor and swallowing it. “Mm… thank you for the treat, masters.”
Yoongi chuckles, reaching down to pet your hair. “Just be sure not to ruin your appetite for dinner. Otherwise, Master Kim won’t be happy, will he?”
“No, he won’t.” You shake your head obediently. “Don’t worry, master. I won’t have too many treats.”
“Good girl.” His eyes shine with that insatiable lust of his, and despite your best efforts, you feel your heart flutter. Nobody would suspect it of him, but Min Yoongi really is a sexual fiend. Of course, you are his only outlet for his promiscuous urges, so it’s understandable that you have such a startlingly vivid view of all his dirty little secrets and desires.
In fact, that’s true of all the boys, and you’ve gotten to know them all quite well in the six months of working with them. They each have their own intricacies and things that make them tick. You know a single word that will have Park Jimin cumming all over himself in seconds. You know just the right place to rub Kim Namjoon that makes him whimper. Nobody but you knows just what Jung Hoseok fantasizes about doing to you. It feels powerful, and it’s what makes you take such pride in your job.
They need you, because no one else can satisfy them like you can.
It’s why BTS only has one primary PhysCom - you.
“Keep up the good work, slut.” Yoongi departs with a pat to your rump, Jungkook following behind him, his gaze lowered.
Once you’re sure they’re gone, you stand up with a sigh, and stretch your back out from being bent over the counter for so long. There’s still a wet patch on the floor, and you grab a paper towel to actually clean up the spot. Licking it off the floor is sexy and all, but it’s still a terrible slipping hazard, especially when you’re wearing heels.
You leave the cum on your cheek to dry. Taehyung will likely get a thrill out of it later when he sees you, wondering what devilish activities you’ve been up to with the other members today. Though the substance feels unpleasantly sticky, it’s not so bad. Kind of like a face mask. Besides, you know for a fact that hundreds, if not thousands, of girls would do anything to even see Jeon Jungkook’s semen, let alone have it touch their skin. That’s another source of pride you have in your job.
You resume peeling vegetables to make dinner. Sure, you could just press a button on your ComGear and a full course meal would arrive by drone in minutes. But you like to do domestic things for them, the old fashioned way. You have a suspicion Jimin likes it too, though you haven’t confirmed your hunch. Though you've been meaning to ask him about the pictures he sent you this morning of some rather scandalous French maid uniforms... You’re in the process of chopping the vegetables into bite sized pieces when you hear the kitchen door open again.
“Blowjob, sweetheart. I have a meeting in ten.” Namjoon’s harried voice calls out, already unzipping his pants as he approaches you. The stew will have to wait.
You get on your knees, abandoning the cooking once again. “Yes, Master Kim.” You smiles sweetly as he grips your hair and shoves his cock into your mouth, groaning as you start to work on him.
Even though it can be challenging to satisfy seven men at any given time of day, the sounds Namjoon is making while you suck him off remind you why you trained so hard for this, why you spent years preparing your body to become a vessel for their pleasure.
It’s the feeling you get of being truly needed and appreciated. You know for a fact that your presence in their lives is beneficial to their health, their happiness, and their overall wellbeing.
It’s the look on Namjoon’s face as he cums down your throat, his gaze half-lidded as his stress melts away. It’s the gleam in his eyes as he pets your cheek, his touch gentle with a familiar sort of fondness.
It’s the smile that you give Namjoon as he adjusts himself back into his slacks. The way you smooth out his hair for him and adjust his tie with a sunny disposition, assuring him the meeting will go well. It’s the illusion of an emotional connection in addition to a sexual one, an illusion that you’ve worked very hard to establish with each of them.
It’s all a part of the job.
Only a few minutes after Namjoon heads out the door, you're granted another visit, though this one doesn't seem to be nearly as urgent as the last two.
"Hey, jagiya~ what smells so good?" Taehyung's gentle voice carries through the kitchen as he pokes his head in the doorway. "Besides you, I mean."
You can't help the smile that pokes through your facade. He's too damn charming for his own good, and your guard comes down the moment you see him. "Hello, Master Kim. I'm making dinner tonight," you explain as you stir the vegetables sautéeing on the stove. You two have been on a first name basis for a while now, but you still like to use his title when greeting him, in case he’s feeling dominant. "Would you like a taste?"
Taehyung grins and comes over to you, taking a whiff of the pan. "Mm~ actually…" His arms wrap around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. "I shouldn't spoil my appetite. I have a feeling we'll all be hungry tonight."
The words are simple, innocent even, but you feel a flutter in your belly as you see a flash of being fucked by them on the dinner table, silverware and dishes clinking as the boys all share you for dessert. “Tae...”
His embrace and tone of voice tells you he just wants company. If he’d wanted anything more from you, he would have told you outright, as they all did. But the “physical” part of your job description doesn't always mean sex every minute, and you’re perfectly happy to provide some physical companionship, especially to Taehyung.
He’s the only one in the house who makes you feel completely at ease. It's almost like you don't have to put on an act around him, almost like the two of you could be friends. Such a fantasy has crossed your mind more than once, and though it's not quite as delicious as the ones of being held, and kissed, and loved by them, being friends could be just as dangerous…
Any deviation from your professional boundaries could snowball into a catastrophe of feelings, you've seen it happen before. PhysComs have been fired in disgrace, idols have lost their careers. Giving in to your longing for mutual affection could result in much worse than just heartbreak. You push away any thoughts of romance or friendship, distressed that such things had been on your mind so much lately.
"Where did this come from?" His curious voice breaks you out of your thoughts, and at first you think he might have read your mind, but then you feel his hot tongue draw itself delicately up your cheek, where the cum from earlier still wets your skin.
Well damn, maybe he is horny after all.
"Jungkook." You answer automatically, a shiver running up your spine as he withdraws his tongue and hums, tasting his younger member's release.
"Hm, I wish I could have seen that… he's usually so shy about it," he murmurs almost to himself, running his hand a little lower to grace your inner thigh. "Did anyone else play with you today?"
"Y-Yoongi." You bite your tongue for letting yourself stutter. You're a professional sex worker, not a school girl, and you mentally slap yourself. You have to keep it together. "He fucked my ass and filled me up for tonight. He came so much inside me..." You egg him on with a whiny, submissive tone of voice, waiting for his command and ready to drop your cooking again the moment he says the word.
"Lucky girl… Hyung takes such good care of you, doesn't he?" His voice is low and inherently seductive. It's like he doesn't even have to try. You feel yourself getting wet already, the tension palpable, your heart pounding, and you expect him to command you to your knees at any moment.
But then the lustful aura is gone just like that, and he giggles lightheartedly. "Like this apron he bought you. Ah, you look so cute in it, jagiya."
His fingers play with the hem of your apron, and then he pulls away completely and flashes you an adorable smile. He leans against the counter beside you with his hands laced behind his head. "But you always look cute."
Did he just... fucking tease you?
Your brain becomes a stream of static as you try to comprehend his unusual behavior. Why would he do that? He’s never given you the bait and switch like that before. If he wanted to fuck you, he could have, just then or now or any time he wanted.
What does he want, then? Was he trying to have you initiate things instead? If so, then why wouldn’t he just tell you what he wants, like he always does?
Your rules for your work are very simple. You don't run on implications, you run on commands. Guesswork in the bedroom can make things messy, so unless they explicitly tell you to do something, you don't initiate. Coyness and mind games have no place when consent is the cardinal rule for your entire operation, and they know that. It’s a part of your contract. They all signed it.
So why is he not following the rules?
You try not to let your confusion show, and revert back to your persona of a fuck doll, giving him a doe eyed expression that contained all the things you could do to him if he so desired. "Do you… want something of me, Master?"
He shakes his head, mirth dancing in his eyes. "Just your company."
What the fuck.
“Master, I-” You start to question him, but he shushes you with a finger to your lips.
“Taehyung,” he corrects you. “I just want to hang out with you, promise.” He grins, and he looks so damn innocent, you would swear you’d just hallucinated him feeling you up and licking his bandmate’s cum off your cheek.
You level a wary stare his way, caught off-guard by this strange flip flop of behavior. You’re not sure what’s gotten into him, but the lust from before is nowhere to be found on his face, and he keeps his hands to himself. Maybe he really does just want to spend time with you.
“Can I help you cook?” he asks, leaning over to sniff the aroma of the veggies you have in the pan. “These really do smell good.” He hums and walks over to get one of the cooking aprons hanging from hooks by the pantry.
You stare at his back, utterly confused and disarmed, but you try to set his past weirdness aside and focus on the present. “Sure.” You get out an extra cutting board and knife and have him help you clean and prepare the beef for the stew.
He seems to have returned to normal, at least as far as you can tell, and you decide to ignore the incident, giving him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was a misunderstanding, or maybe he just changed his mind. Taehyung would tell you if something was on his mind, he always has trouble keeping his thoughts to himself, so you have no reason to doubt him.
Pretty soon the two of you are laughing and talking like you always do while you cook, and Taehyung brings up what seems to be his favorite topic - your life before you became a PhysCom.
“So, wait. You never had a boyfriend?” Tae shakes his head in disbelief when you explain your dating history. “Impossible. You’re way too sexy for any guy to ignore, jagiya.”
“I didn’t have time to date.” You laugh at his compliment, rolling your eyes while you wash the dishes you two used to cook, the stew already set to simmer. “And I didn’t used to be. The sexiness came along with my training.” You didn’t mind sharing stories about your past with Tae, especially since it seems to fascinate him so much, but you do try to filter out some of the more unpleasant memories of your trainee days.
He shakes his head again adamantly. “No. You’re naturally sexy. No training can make your eyes sparkle so prettily,” he says, as if it’s a matter of fact, and dries off the dishes as you hand them to him.
“It’s the contacts. They enhance my pupils, make them more appealing,” you explain with a shrug. With all the makeup, hair, and body products you use for your job, your natural appearance has since become an entirely different person in your eyes. You’re not surprised no one ever asked you out, you just looked so… plain. You never want any of the boys to see you like that, it would shatter the illusion.
“Let me see.”
Taehyung’s arms are on either side of you, and you whip around to find that he's pinned you against the sink. He leans closer, an expression of playful curiosity on his face as he stares into your eyes. You meet his gaze, unsure why your heart is racing all of a sudden.
“Hm… nope.” He smiles, and his eyes grow softer the longer he looks at you. “You’re still beautiful.”
You don’t know what to say to that. He said it so… sincerely.
Before you can think, his gaze darts down to your mouth and suddenly he’s leaning even closer. Too close. Too much risk. Feelings…
You flinch away, a flash of panic in your gut. This isn’t supposed to happen.
He stops, crestfallen at your reaction. “... I’m sorry,” he says quietly, his eyes wide.
How did this happen? How did you get yourself into this position? Fuck, why do you still want him to kiss you? Too many thoughts swirl like storm clouds in your mind as your worries grow and you feel like you might hyperventilate.
“I… I should go change for dinner.” It’s a half-assed excuse, and you both know it. But you still duck your gaze and slip under his arm to make a hasty exit, hurrying upstairs and away from the stifling situation and potential disaster.
You kick yourself for wondering what potential disaster’s lips taste like...
Your room is your one reprieve in the house. No one is allowed inside except yourself and your handler, on the rare occasion she visits. It’s a huge room, just like every other room in the house, but you’ve done your best to make it cozy.
It has all the necessities you need to care for your body and mind, a soaking tub, massage table, some simple exercise equipment and yoga mats, not to mention all the beauty products that were practically a part of your uniform.
The bed is lavish, but comfortable, with plenty of soft blankets and pillows, and a stuffed animal or two. You can’t cuddle another person at night, so they provide you with some comfort on evenings when sleep just won’t come.
You rush inside and shut the door with a slam, leaning up against it as you catch your breath. You hate to be so dramatic, but this has never happened before. Things have veered off course of your well-rehearsed script and expected blocking, and into the dangerous territory of improvisation. You panicked.
Shit, why did you panic? Why did you let him get that close to you?
You’ve always thought Taehyung was just lonely, looking for someone he could talk to who understood him. Had he been aiming for this all along? You look down and notice your hands are trembling.
Fuck. All over a stupid kiss.
Sure the other boys have put their mouths on yours during sessions before, but usually it’s driven by lust, more tongue and teeth and saliva than anything meaningful. It’s an extension of the sex, in that sense.
But a real kiss? A kiss like Tae wanted, one that’s soft and gentle and full of feelings, is far too close to romance for your comfort. Romance is the enemy, lust is your partner and best friend.
You try to shake off the incident, but your mind keeps replaying the scenario in vivid detail. He’d looked so heartbroken when you pulled away, you feel like a little piece of you broke along with it. Guilt claws at your stomach, and to your surprise, regret tags along with it.
The betrayal of your own emotions is too much, and you heave a sigh, trying to turn your brain off entirely for a while.
As you change out of the apron and into a fluffy bathrobe, you feel your ComGear vibrate. You pull the slim device out of its sheath on your belt, and you’re not surprised to see several missed messages from Taehyung.
Your gut twists painfully. You can’t even look at them.
You toss the device onto your bed and kick off your heels, wondering how on earth you’ll face him at dinner tonight. How could you work past this? What if they hire another PhysCom for him because he feels too awkward around you?
Oh, hell no. You need to fully face this and do damage control in order to retain your client. Fuck your feelings, this is about business.
Just as you finish your inner pep talk, a knock sounds on your door, as if to challenge your spurt of bravery. You have a sinking feeling in your stomach as you answer the door.
Taehyung is standing there, his head hung and hands wringing in front of him. “Can I come in?” He asks quietly. You debate for a moment before stepping aside. Surely, he wouldn’t try anything so soon after you rejected him.
Tae slowly enters the room, and you fold your arms protectively across your chest, waiting to hear him out.
“If… if you don’t like me, that’s okay.” His voice is even lower than usual, gravelly with the pain he’s feeling. “I shouldn’t have done that. You’re not here to love us.”
You stare at him, wondering if he understands the full scope of the situation. He’s tossing around the words love and like as if they are even in the realm of possibility.
“No, you’re right, I’m not.” You try not to sound angry, but he has to see why this can’t happen. “Tae, your contract could be terminated. Mine could be. The media would chew us up and spit us out, we’d be left with nothing. You’d be stigmatized. No one would want an idol who’s attached to such a scandal, or a PhysCom who broke her employer’s trust. We would both be ruined. Your fans would abandon you. Your life as you know it would be over and you’d live in a shadow of disgrace.”
He flinches at your reprimanding, looking like a school boy being lectured for writing on the bathroom walls. “I’m sorry,” he says again. He sounds so hopeless.
You feel another wave of guilt, and come over to try and comfort him. “It’s… okay.” Lies. How could you make this situation okay? Honesty. Always go for honesty.
“Look. I know it must get… lonely.” You have to cut him a little slack, the man probably hasn’t been able to kiss, to hold someone, in years. He was just like you. “Fuck, I wanted you to kiss me too, so badly… But this - us - can’t happen.”
He pouts unintentionally, and you look down at the floor to avoid staring at his lips.
“I can only do what my contract states. Love is not written on any page of it.” It pains you to be so blunt, but you know it’s the only way you can stop this before it starts. “I’m only allowed to be your PhysCom, and follow commands that will pleasure you. That’s the limit of our relationship.”
He seems to process your words, staring down as well. Then he looks at you, realization lighting up his eyes. “So, what if… I command you to kiss me?”
Your gaze snaps up to him in alarm. “What?”
He grins again. “What if I say kissing you is my kink? Then would you kiss me?”
You can’t hold in your laugh. “Nice try, but no.”
“Why not?” He walks a few steps closer to you, and hooks a finger under your chin. “You said you wanted it, too.”
Shit. He’s got you there. Come on, brain, remember all those logical reasons why this can’t happen...
“It has to bring you sexual pleasure. I can’t do things for you out of… any other emotion.” You skirt around any condemning words, taking a step back. But he matches your step, coming up close to you again, this time resting his other hand on your waist.
You shiver as he says the pet name, and you find yourself caught in his intense gaze, unable to look away.
“It would bring me… immense pleasure…” His thumb brushes your cheek, and he leans down, his lips merely inches from your own. “If you would kiss me.”
Fuck. You’re like a fly trapped in honey, unable to escape, but at least you’re drowning in something delicious. You can’t deny him when he touches you like this. It’s been so long, and he’s so gentle. He makes you feel safe, which is not something you’ve felt very often in your life.
His lips barely brush yours, but it's enough to make your walls come tumbling down. You close the gap, your lips crashing together as you fling your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you.
You kiss him desperately at first, afraid that lightning would strike you both down immediately. But as nothing bad happens, you relax into it, actually enjoying the spark you feel from his lips.
His arms wrap around your waist, hugging you tightly as if he’s afraid you might disappear. A small moan leaves his throat as he matches your intensity, flowing into a softer, more intimate connection as you both melt into one another.
His lips are warm and gentle, just like the rest of him. You hadn't noticed before, but his aftershave is precisely the type of scent that turns you on… masculine, but not overpowering. Your fingers slide up his neck to tangle in his hair, and you feel his hand on your back, supportive and drawing you closer to him with a soft moan.
In this moment with Taehyung, you don't just feel needed, like how the others depend on you for sex.
You feel wanted, like even if he had a thousand other choices, he'd still choose to kiss you.
It's an unusual feeling, and it sends butterflies through your chest.
You and Tae stay like that for quite a while, just kissing and holding each other, and it’s everything you’ve fantasized about, but somehow better. Maybe it’s the thrill of knowing it shouldn’t be happening. That this isn’t a part of your job.
When you two eventually part, you're both gasping for air, cheeks flushed from sharing in such an illicit activity. But your high comes crashing down when you see Jimin staring at you from the doorway, jaw slack and eyes wide with alarm.
“... What are you two doing?”
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
Patterns in the Ivy, Part 11 - Bill Skarsgård
Title: Patterns in the Ivy
Description: A continuation of Smoke & Money. Ghosts from the not-so-distant past come back to threaten her. She must choose between a lavish life of servitude or have everything she ever loved stripped away.
Warning: 18+ smut/swearing/mentions of drugs/kink & fetish themes **anal punishment and dub-con in this part
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
"Count. Count for me." Bill used his entire palm to spank me hard enough to make every muscle in my body clench. "One," I squeaked, wincing with anticipation of the next strike he would deliver. "Oh, yeah. Count 'em out for me, baby girl." Again, he wound up and smacked the right side of my ass where he had been directing most of his attention. "Two," we both said in unison. He took a step back and giggled. Seeing me bent over with my ankles tied to the back two feet of a chair was his type of entertainment. At first, I had refused to play along with him. He had come to my bedroom to find me after I had excused myself from dinner. I was still upset with him. After we had slept I woke up in the morning beside him and remembered what I had found out about him and got angry all over again. He knew I was upset and didn't question it or try to sway me. That was, not until later that evening when I was determined to ignore him. He ran his palm over the material of my panties that he insisted I keep on before giving me another hard smack on the opposite side. I flinched the whole time because I knew it wasn't going to be the loving little spanks he always gave me. They were going to be strikes of real punishment every time. "Three," I counted through grinding teeth. "I am very disappointed in you. I have been so good to you and how do you repay me? By stealing my keys and sneaking off to go snooping through things that don't belong to you? No, no, no. That is not how this works, sweet girl." When he had come knocking I told him to go away but he didn't hesitate to let himself in any way. I knew he would. I was laid on the bed, pretending to read a book, already dressed in a nightgown with the intention of going to bed without him just to prove a point. I thought Bill might want an evening alone too but I had been wrong. He demanded I get up and go with him and when I declined I could see the shock and anger mix over his expression quickly that I would refuse him. The next spank he gave me was the hardest and loudest one yet and I winced, wishing I could shrivel up into myself to make it stop. Nonetheless, I counted it as the fourth, training my eyes to the floor. "You have made me very fucking upset." He rasped. When he asked that I go with him to the master bedroom and I refused he strode closer to the bed and I felt my heart skip a beat. He told me he wasn't asking, rather commanding me to follow him but I remained stoic for as long as I could. He grabbed me by my bare ankle and hauled me towards him. The way my satin nightgown shifted up as he pulled me to the edge of the bed made him seethe, pin my thighs down and lean over my body. "You better fucking cooperate with me now. I am in no mood for your fucking insolence. Get up. Now!" The sounds of Bill's brown leather cap-toe shoes circled around me. My wrists were bound to one of the front legs of the chair and I was draped over its back but I could still lift my head to look at him. He wasn't playing little games with me. I could see the look of real anger on his face transforming him back into the man I had first met all those years ago; a lonely, irritable, intimidating man with no remorse or interest in my pleasure. "Here I thought I had made you into such a nice, obedient girl. Not an insufferable little brat that does things she knows she's not supposed to," Bill continued as I squirmed, awaiting the next deliverance of his punishment. The fifth hit rattled through my body, followed quickly by the sixth that we both counted out loud together. By that time, my skin was starting to buzz and the blood rushing to my head was enough to make me dizzy. I wondered what I looked like to him, bent over the chair with my ankles and wrists tied down so I had nowhere to move. Bill had run his hands up the inside of my thighs before yanking me back to the master bedroom. I thought maybe we were just going to have a good, rough fuck but he made it known quickly that he had other plans for me. I thought he was over it since he had acted so calmly and was even quite loving with me during the day but I knew then that it was all an act for our daughter. He was still angry that I had defied him so brazenly. He made that known before pulling me off the bed by my wrists. "You know Daddy does love you but... I simply cannot allow you to think that you can just do whatever it is that you want. I'm the boss." "Please... Not tonight. I want to be alone." "You think this is a fucking option?" "Bill-" "The more you fight me, the worse it's going to be. Now I suggest you rethink your approach right fucking now because you have done nothing but push your luck with me, little girl. Now... Tell me. Tell me I'm the boss." "You're the boss." "That's right. Say it again. Say 'you're the boss of me, sir.'" "You're the boss of me, sir." "Louder!" "Bill, you're going to wake Ivany.-" "She's asleep behind a curtain, through two sets of doors and the whole hallway so don't give me that shit." "No. I'm not doing this with you tonight!" The silence overtook him and I watched a wrath rise up inside of him as he towered over me, unsure of what to do with his hands. I flinched away as he took a grab for my hand but he came forward anyway and caught me by the wrist. When he had a firm hold of me I was pulled in and he squeezed my jaw tightly with his other hand. "Are you saying no to me?" I didn't say anything at that moment but I wanted to. I wanted to tell him how angry I was that he had completely uprooted my life. I wanted to say how much it changed me as a person when I met him and how his possessiveness made me feel like an object rather than his lover. He had promised not to keep me as a pet when the entire time he was farming a high-end escort service through his hotel chain. When I sat down and really thought about it, a lot of serious questions raised up. The first thing I realized was that the risk he was taking was no light ordeal. The crime was on so much of a larger scale than I had ever thought imaginable. I knew what it was like even just being a call-girl, let alone having to deal with a pimp. Where I had come from, it wasn't uncommon for a girl to turn up dead by a steroid-freak suitcase pimp or a client. I couldn't imagine the stakes of hosting a top-shelf sex service in the middle of a popular five-star hotel chain. My second concern was more for the safety of our daughter and myself. I knew Bill's guys had guns and I had watched his rage unfold in a dangerous way before. All I could think about was if things were to go South for Bill at any point in his business, who was to say somebody wouldn't be so bold as to go after his family? As far as I knew, Ivany and I were the only two people that were close to him at all. That meant to me that we were potential targets at all times. I remembered how scary it felt thinking that a man could kill me at any moment. When I was out meeting with clients I always knew it could be my last night alive. Now that I had buried my past and had Ivany, I didn't want to ever feel that way again. Yet there I was, feeling the fear but on a grander scale, proportions that only Bill could make possible. "Are you? Hm? Are you going to say no to me right now? May I remind you who put the fucking clothes on your body... Whose house you're in? Whose office you broke into?" I tried to picture what he would do if I did say no to him. Would he hit me? Would he leave the room? Could he distance himself from me? I felt my heart sink into my chest as I pictured him giving me the cold shoulder. No smiles, no touches, none of his kisses. I imagined him ignoring me. Maybe at first, it would be subtle, like him not paying me any attention in the morning when we all sat down to eat breakfast. Perhaps after that, he would get up and go about his business like I didn't exist. "Answer me." After I had taken too long to reply he threw my wrist back at me and let go of my chin with a look of disgust on his face. I was quick to jump then. "Wait! Don't go." He remained turned away from me and crossed his arms. I watched his back expand beneath the white material of one of his many fine dress shirts. There were tiny nuances of the garment that set it apart from any basic white button-up shirt. The slightly off-colour locker loop on the back of his shirt gave way to its prestigious make. It served to me as the tiniest reminder that Bill was too meticulous to fuck up anything. He was too suave. He could stand there like a statue and demand attention without so much as quirking a corner of his mouth. He was a god and I could not live without his light. Stupid, weak and foolish; those words kept repeating over and over in my head as I arched over the chair that I had stolen Bill's keys off of. I shouldn't have agreed to the punishment. I should have stood my ground instead of melting when he had turned back to me and told me to answer his question. "Is it going to be no? Or is it going to be... Yes, Daddy?" "Yes, Daddy." "You walk out of this room with me... I am doing whatever the fuck I want to you. Understand that now. No fucking boundaries." "Yes, Daddy. I understand." I whined loudly after the ninth hit. Bill had been circling around me, lit cigarette sometimes between his lips, sometimes between two fingers in his left hand. He had pulled my panties down only slightly so he could see the redness of my ass better. When he ran the tips of his fingers over the welts they had left on my skin I shuddered. I was burning hot and it was starting to sting with vitriol. There was nothing that I could do because he used his leather belt to bind my arms together to the leg of the chair. It was a smart move for him because at that point I would have quit. But I had given him the reigns already. There was nowhere for me to go. "Oh... Look at that ass. All nice and red. What do you think, should we do a few more?" "No, please." Bill cooed over my struggle, "Oh, fuck... Sweetheart. This is just the start! I have so many things that I want to do with you." He crushed out his cigarette after taking one last long drag from it. He knew that the smoke was only lending to his distastefulness. I had mentioned to him a few weeks ago that I hated when he smoked around me and he had actually taken to avoid it, but now he was doing it on purpose. The heady clicks of his shoes approached me from behind and I instinctively tensed up, expecting another hard slap. "Goddamn it... Daddy wants that ass." "Please-" "Yes. I'm going to violate it. I need to. Oh, fuck... Daddy wants to play, baby." The way his voice slipped out was so salacious and evil I felt the blood inside my veins practically shift in the other direction. I wanted to close my legs together but I couldn't and when he knelt down and ran his tongue between my flaming red cheeks I couldn't contain my choked grunts of discomfort. Bill just laughed with his tongue pressed against my pussy. He grabbed my ass with both hands and squeezed, obscenely helping pull back what he needed to expose me to him completely. "Do you not like that, kitten? Is that asshole too sensitive? Do you think you're too tight for Daddy?" He asked me as he stood up and bent over me. "I think... I think you like it. Do you want me to? You think Daddy can fit his whole cock inside that tight little ass?" He ran both his palms up and down until he decided to pull back and give me a swift slap. "What is that, ten? Come on. I think you can take a little more now." I cried out when he kneaded at me with one hand and continued alternating from my right side to my left, over and over, clapping his open palm down on my ass, picking up speed. I had lost count and when he began to growl I really struggled against my restraints. "Ow, ow, ow. That hurts!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, it fucking hurts," He whispered as he cocked his head back to spit on me. "It's supposed to hurt. Bad girls get fucking punished. They don't get kisses and they don't get their pussies licked. They get their asses fucked." The tip of his long index finger teased my hole for only a second before he pushed it in despite how my body's muscles fought against it. The infraction was sharp and I tried to pull away but the only thing I managed to do was move the chair about half an inch. My only solace was the fact that Bill kept his nails trimmed and dull so the only thing I felt was the tip of his finger pulsing in and out of me. "Daddy..." I sobbed. "Don't." "Sh, sh, baby... Yes. I want to. How else can I forgive you for intruding in my private places, hm? Now come on... Say yes." I merely whined, not ready to give in but it only seemed to stoke his fire even more. "You want to be a good girl for me, don't you? Hm? Then say yes. Say yes, Daddy." He pulled his finger out and spanked me so hard it echoed in the corners of the room and growled, "SAY IT!" Pulling me up by my hair, he came around the front of the chair to kneel down in front of me so he could see my red face. "I am the fucking boss. I am God to you. I will put my cock in any of your holes whenever I want to, do you understand? Is that fucking clear? I am going to fuck you until you bleed for defying me. You are my whore... My slut. I own your body and if I want to shove my cock in that quivering little asshole, I will. Nod if you understand." I nodded my head and then he let me drop back down onto the seat of the chair. "Finally... A little fucking cooperation." "I'm sorry," I cried. "How sorry are you?" "Very sorry, Daddy." "Hm... I'm going to need a little more than that to be convinced." "I'm so sorry. You are the boss. You can do anything to me that you want. I belong to you." "Oh," he purred. "That's what Daddy likes to hear." I felt him tugging on the panties that had shifted further down on my hips. He fingered the material, stretching it out so that it pulled taut against my skin. Then he balled it all up in his fist and yanked them so hard they tore. "Fuck... After how much it cost for a pair of these they sure do rip off easily," Bill giggled. He came around again with the torn underwear still in his hand. I tilted my head up to watch him as he brought them to his nose and inhaled deeply, shuddering with a sigh. I could see his cock pressing up against the crotch of his pants, evidence that he was turned on quite apparent. He stopped in front of me, feet shoulder-width apart and bent down to tuck the ripped panties between my lips. "Open your mouth." I obeyed him and he shoved the entirety into my mouth. At first, it worked to dry up my tongue completely but it wasn't long until I naturally began to salivate, turning the panties into a warm, dripping wad between my teeth. He sauntered back around and ran his hand over my ass once more. The angry redness had calmed down only slightly but I knew Bill was going to remedy that quickly. "How many more spanks do you deserve?" He pondered to himself. I could do nothing but groan and even at that, my sounds were muffled by my own underwear. As I had expected, the next hit was one of the worst and I cried out beneath the sharp sting. I knew better than to think my ass had started bleeding but it sure felt like it and I crumpled onto the chair, unable to support myself any longer. "Oh, I bet that one hurt!" Again, he spanked me on the same side, gasping in time with me to match my reaction. With a sadistic chuckle, Bill squeezed the cheek he had been inflicting so much pain on. "Fuck, you think this hurts... Wait until I'm balls deep in that asshole. Just wait until-" "Daddy?" Suddenly he went silent and whipped around. "What are you doing to Mommy?" I began nearly choking on the material in my mouth. Ivany's voice ripped through me like a knife and I spit out the panties. "Bill! Oh my god! Un-fucking-tie me now!" "Fuck!" Bill yelled. I heard her begin to sob and struggled as hard as I could to pull one of my hands from the belt that was wrapped around my forearms. "Untie me, Bill!" "Ivany..." "Why are you hurting her?" "Ivany no-" Bill left me still tied and exposed and went after Ivany who had run back down the hall. I yelled after him and tried to kick my legs but he had done too good of a job restraining me that there was no way I could free myself. I felt the heat of mortification stop my breathing and I couldn't believe what was happening. The way she sounded... The horror in her voice. I was almost glad I hadn't been able to see the look on her face. I heard her crying and I could only somewhat make out what Bill was saying to her. I tried to rock the chair around but the antique wood was heavy enough to keep me grounded. Adrenaline and blazing embarrassment rattled through me and I began to cry. The longer I remained in that vulnerable position, attached at all points to a fucking chair the more I began to wail. "Go away!" I heard her shriek from down the hall. My chest tightened and my nakedness was so viciously on display that when Bill stormed back into the master bedroom I only started crying harder. "Let me go!" I demanded. "Fuck! FUCK!" Bill screamed. Instead of letting me off from my restraints Bill grabbed a glass tumbler off the wood desk and threw it with all his might across the room, sending shards flying as it cracked off the wall. Wincing, I felt another barrage of tears overcome me. "Bill... Please!" He was not gentle as he untied my ankles from the feet of the chair and when he came around to undo my arms he only loosened the belt enough for me to slip my hands through. The rush of blood to my head was enough to send me teetering to the side but it didn't take long for me to regain my balance. Bill paced the room aggressively and I scooped up the nightgown that I had been wearing before and put it on immediately. "That's it! I'm done fucking around!" He exclaimed. When he threw his glance at me I cowered back. I wanted to go to Ivany but Bill was standing right near the door in so much rage I was afraid he might stop taking it out on the glassware and start taking it out on me. I shook, holding myself to try to ease the tremors tearing through my body. "She WILL be going to school in Sweden. Next week." "No! No, she will not be!" "You want to fucking try me?" He hissed, jaw flexing and eyes blazing. "My daughter... My rules... This is MY fucking house! If you so much as utter a challenge against me one more time I will show you what it would be like to live your life without me. You can live on the fucking street! Fucking whore! You can suck cock for a living! That's all you dirty fucking sluts know how to do. I will be damned if my daughter turns into a walking cum-rag." "Bill-" "She's going to the best school on the planet. She's going to become something!" All I could do was cry and when he walked far enough away from the door, I made my move to leave, running down the hall to the doors of Ivany's bedroom. She could still be heard inside crying. "Ivy?" I called out. "Sweetheart? Can Mommy come in?" "Yes," she sniveled. I opened the door and could hardly see. Ivany had climbed back into her bed and was hiding underneath the covers. The only time I had ever seen her do that was when there was a rainstorm and the thunderclaps startled her. She had been so young then and she still was. Barely five years old but it felt like I had known her forever. "Honey... I am so sorry," I said, trying hard not to make it obvious that I, too, was crying. "Are you okay?" "No... I'm just sad," she lamented. "Don't be sad, sweetheart." "Why was he hurting you?" My throat tightened, an austere phantom grip choking the words out of me. I didn't know how to even begin to explain to her what she had witnessed. There was no good way for me to approach it and it rendered me silent. "Honey... Daddy wasn't hurting me." "Yes, he was! I saw him!" "I know what you saw must be very confusing and I know you're scared but I promise you... I'm okay. Daddy didn't mean to hurt me. He loves me and he loves you too." "We don't hit! We don't hit people." She repeated something I had said to her on the playground back out East. "You're right. We don't hit. I know. You're right, honey." I pulled the blanket down from her face as I laid next to her, scooping her up so I could curl my arms and legs around her tiny form. "Don't be mad at Daddy, okay? Daddy and I were just... play fighting. It was all just pretend." "...Okay," She said reluctantly. Just like that, I have completely fucked up my daughter. I laid beside her until she calmed down and her breaths slowed back to normal. I even remained after she had drifted back to sleep. My face felt tight after salty tears had come and dried, eyes buzzing in pain. The temples of my head throbbed dully and I tried to fall asleep as well, never once loosening my grip on Ivany. ~*~ Sometime in the morning after the sun came up I awoke in the exact same position coiled around Ivany. I peered around her bedroom before landing my eyes on her. When I moved to stretch out my aching body she fluttered awake as well. Her light brown hair was all mussed as mine must have been and her beautiful green eyes were practically glued shut by all the residue that had built in the corners from crying. It took her a moment to really wake up but once she did I brought her to the bathroom and helped her have a bath. Usually, Bill liked to wake her up and get her ready for the day but I had heard nothing from him since the night before. I remembered with an acidic taste on the back of my tongue the reaction he had had the night before. I wondered if he had really meant what he said about sending Ivany away. I tried to shove that memory into the back of my head but the smashing of the glass and his yelling only echoed louder in my mind. Nevertheless, I got Ivany dressed before poking my head down the hall to see if anyone was there. I took Ivany to my bedroom and had her wait on the bed with her velveteen rabbit hugged tightly in her arms as I went to the ensuite bathroom to wash my face and get changed out of my lilac nightgown. When we went downstairs to the dining room there was already plates of fresh fruit set out and the smell of coffee in the air. Bill was still nowhere to be seen. The maid who came and went every day to serve us breakfast and dinner walked out right on cue with a full French press and two coffee mugs. "What would you like this morning, madame?" I looked at the maid dressed in a plain black knee-length dress. I wanted to tell her to just go, to stop doing what she was doing. I wanted to tell her I could make my own damn breakfast but I was still so emotionally drained and weak from the night before that I sighed. "Just some toast for me. I'll stick to coffee." "And for the little madame?" "Scrambled eggs please," Ivany said with a little bit more cheer in her voice. I wished I could ask her how she was feeling without bringing up the subject of last night again. I wanted to wipe that from her memory as fast as possible but at the same time, I wanted to make sure that she wasn't suppressing any emotions about it. Sighing again, I propped my head up on the table with my hand. Sometimes it was so fucking hard being a parent. I wasn't sure what to do and I was worried that maybe she had been traumatized. Although, the longer we spent nibbling away on strawberries and wedges of orange, the more she appeared to have forgotten that just a few hours prior she had witnessed her Father beating my ass to a bloody red. My heart skipped a beat when I heard footsteps coming through the entryway to the dining room. Both Ivany and I turned and saw Bill walking in, hand adjusting the knot of his red-striped tie. He wore a suit that tapered perfectly down his body and matching slacks that fit so well you couldn't help but take in his entire image from his neatly combed back hair to the shine of his leather shoes. Bill looked like a million dollars even with a neutral expression on his face. He didn't approach his normal seat and instead came around my chair to rest one hand on my shoulder so he could lean down and press a gentle kiss on my cheek. I expected that to be all but his face lingered next to mine until I turned to him. The way he kissed me was unexpectedly tender and slow. He pulled back only slightly to give me one last peck before approaching Ivany. He ran his fingers through her hair as she looked up at him and gave her forehead a kiss too. "My loves... I will see you later on today. Daddy has some work to do." Neither of us said anything and when he turned to leave the dining room we both watched him go. It was a good thing too because if he'd have stayed I wouldn't know how to even begin a casual conversation with him. That day the cleaners came as well as three suited men with them. When I approached the maid that I was familiar with I asked her what was going on. "Mr. Skarsgård asked to move some things and clean. It's okay." "Who are they?" I asked her, indicating the men who were making their way up the stairs to the second floor without even so much as tossing me a glance. "They move. They come to move things. It's okay," she insisted. I lingered in the foyer to watch for them and when they came back down, they were all carrying boxes. I could only assume they had been sent to clear out Bill's office. I said nothing and they said nothing to me. Bill didn't return that night until Ivany had gone to bed. I didn't bother calling him or anything. I just went to my room and sat on the bench of the vanity table that Bill had given me. I winced at my reflection, despising myself for allowing my desire to please Bill to overshadow my better judgment. I knew we had been too loud. I knew I should have stood my ground and told him no. Now everything was so tense and the threat of him shipping my child off to a foreign country was very much real. I began to cry again helplessly. Of course, as my tears began streaming incessantly down my face that was when Bill decided to knock on the door. I sniffled and tried to wipe my eyes and put on some semblance of composure but he opened the door and knew immediately what I was doing. He had on a sorry look and when he walked in he shoved his hands in his pockets, bit down on his lip and approached me from behind as I watched on in the reflection of the vanity mirror. "Baby," he began. My shoulders tensed when he touched me and I closed my eyes for just a second. "Please, listen to me... I'm sorry." What he must have thought was me giving him the silent treatment was actually just me searching for the right thing to say. I was so unsure of how to feel; if I should forgive him and try to forget the last couple of days or if I should try to establish strength and dominance to show him that I, too, could take control. "I feel horrible about what happened. All I keep thinking about is-" The thinnest waiver of emotion broke in his voice but he inhaled deeply through his nose and exhaled from his mouth to calm himself. I had watched him do it before. He had enviable self-control unlike me, who couldn't stifle my crying even for a moment. "All I keep thinking about is how scared she was of me." "You're a terrifying person, Bill. I'll give you that." "I have to be." "No... You don't. Not here. Not with us." "I know." He placed his hands on my shoulders again but I didn't flinch that time. His fingers massaged me gently and once he knew that I was relenting and allowing him to touch me, he pressed a bit more firmly, easing the tightness in my muscles. "I love you." "Is that why you called me a whore last night?" I asked. Bill sighed and scowled at himself in the mirror before dropping down to one knee, urging me to turn myself on the bench to face him. I did and he took my hand, clasping it between both of his. "That was out of line. I shouldn't have... I should have known better." "You know... You were my last. After I left. I didn't touch anybody. Before you came I didn't see anyone for years." He went silent and simply squeezed my hand a little bit harder. "I didn't have a single sexual interaction with anybody besides you and for you to throw my past so ruthlessly in my face like that is just cruel." "I know. I shouldn't have. You're so much better than that. I don't deserve you." He was so good at smoothing me over with words. All at once I wished that everything that had transpired would just be forgotten so he could take me in his arms and promise me that he would take care of everything. "Bill... I love you because you're beautiful and a wonderful Father but relating to you on a human level is nearly impossible. It scares me sometimes. I want you to be more than the man that fucks me." "If you can forgive me, darling, I promise I will."
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mayhem-l-monroe · 6 years
Tempestuous Phantoms Excerpt (Claire)
Posting in hopes of some criticism ( this is a first chapter so yeahhh)
SHE POURED THE poisoned tea into the traitor’s cup.
  The Madam was nursing her hand with a champagne-doused handkerchief; glaring at the dog “Wolfish mutt, isn’t he? He might even give me rabies.”
Claire Rayleigh chuckled; the sound a whisper in the rhythm of the ongoing storm. She might have acted more sensibly under present circumstances had it not been for her pounding migraine. It was an ‘amusement’ in itself to endure a day of tedious tasks, to deliver court commissions to a Queen she wasn’t even affiliated with (and only obeyed because she had other businesses in this place that prolonged her stay, making her bound to her authority).
  But to find the Madam lurking drunkenly in her office−sprawled against Claire’s satin sofa with a bitten hand, helping herself with her own stash of champagne and a beloved set of vinyl playing in her gramophone was the last straw for her.
    She couldn’t wait to get out of this damned country.
    “Anarchy protects what’s mine,” Claire replied matter-of-factly “Including my manor. Whatever the hell you’ve ingested must’ve been strong enough for you to forget you were trespassing in my residence.”
  “You didn’t change the locks.” the Madam drawled in her silken voice “I was feeling nostalgic. After all, this used to be my home.”
  “Yes, well, you should’ve considered the sentimental value before you handed me the deed.” Claire set the silver tray on the table adjacent to the sofa and offered the Madam the cup “Here, it’ll warm you.”
   Anarchy growled, clearly displeased at the gesture “Easy, boy.” Claire petted him; though it didn’t change his tense stance one bit.
  “I much prefer your feline companion.” the Madam remarked “Though little thing always runs off.”
  “Veda goes wherever she pleases but she always returns.” Her hands fumbled for the contents in her drawer, eventually finding her smoking pipe. She turned to the windowsill, watching the raindrops and trail of smoke obscure her view of the golden-lit streets. Though in reality, she was really observing the Madam through the reflection of the glass.
   Despite the cold weather, Madam Seymour de Flerida was more appropriately dressed for the bedchamber− long locks of burgundy-dyed hair, a diamond choker on her neck, a face heavily painted in branded cosmetics who wore a scarlet and black-laced silk negligee with a panther fur coat slung on her shoulders. Despite the glamour she bore, she didn’t seem happy with whatever she had. It seemed her brown eyes only lit up during a party or when she catered her services to rich clientele.
  Could that be why she became a turncoat? It was hard to imagine she would betray a Queen who offered her compensated income (illegal business aside). The most likely reason that sprung in Claire’s mind was a personal grudge of some kind. After all, caged emotions eventually simmered into catastrophic ends.
  “This is some savory tea,” Madam Seymour complimented “Lemon mint, ginger, and something else.”
  Claire struggled to hide a crooked smile “It’s imported from New Amrhys.”
  Images flashed in her mind’s eye: An old man’s wily grey gaze, tresses of dark hair adorned with red blossoms, crinkled smiling eyes, silhouettes of the elite in a masquerade, a whirlwind of dances, drinks, laughter and dancing and dancing…
  She screwed her eyes shut before the bloodcurdling screams begun.
  “You never talk about New Amrhys, your childhood home.” Seymour bobbed her head to the side; her glossy lips pouted.
  Her eyes opened to the sight of lightning flashing in the window “There’s simply nothing to discuss.” Claire inhaled the toxic fumes from her pipe “Though, it was known as Amrhys in my time there.”
   “What’s changed?”
   Tendrils of smoke enveloped her face “Apart from the dethronement of the Dimasalang heir, I wouldn’t know. It’s been a decade since I’ve stepped foot in the place.”
  “Come now, humor me. The storm is still vigorous.”
   Claire raised a brow “Let’s start with what you know, then.” Damned poison, she thought. How much longer of this nosy nonsense must I endure?
   The Madam’s sultry giggle accompanied the tune’s melody “How about the fact that your name is actually not Rayleigh?”
  For a few steady moments, only the vinyl made a sound; the singer’s vibrato drowning Claire’s stream of thoughts “I beg your pardon?”
  Seymour made a satisfied noise “Don’t play coy with me, darling.”
Claire snapped her fingers twice to summon Anarchy to her side. Tension built in her taut shoulders “I’m about as coy as a fish in an empty pond. What are you on about?”
  Madam Seymour stood, a lazy grin plastered on her face “Could the fish be flopping due to lack of remembrance, then?”
  It was difficult to be present at the conversation when her thoughts and the downpour hummed louder; contesting the white noise that echoed in her mind. Her innards felt like a gooey mesh as her heart fought to pump presence of mind in her system. No one, not even the Queen, knew she was an amnesiac. It wasn’t something she was open about, though it was no surprise. To have intelligence over the political intrigues over the aristocrats who co-ran the country, to know the meticulous details of information on local and foreign figures …
  She would know what went on in the lives of others, but could not bring herself to remember her own; the greatest irony for a spymaster.
  To have that weakness exploited by someone who could use it against her was not ideal “I have no love for your subtlety, Madam. Try to use small words, if you can.”
  The woman walked idly; encircling her like a vulture “You’re still wearing suits and putting on airs- ruthless, mysterious. A brooding foreigner struts to the Queen’s court, snatching her favor, and you didn’t think anyone would conspire to bring you down?”
  “So, I’m a target for one your debauched associates, is that it?”
  A beat of silence answered her rhetorical question. It was an answer in itself: Not yet, but in time.
  Seymour opened her glossy mouth to speak, but only a strangled noise came out. Her face contorted in confusion; clearly not understanding what had just occurred. Her hands went to her neck, her grip adjusting to her internally-tightening throat.
  In that instant, the Madam’s black eyes turned accusatory “Y-you-”
  Her knees buckled as Seymour made gnarled noises; hands still on her throat, as if her grip would stop what was to come.
  Claire rubbed Anarchy’s left cheek- a silent command from his owner. Find Veda, get out of the house. In obedience, the dog barked to affirm and ran towards the door.
  She sighed and sat in her office chair, fingers scrambling for some paper and ink. The scratches of the plume almost tuned out the restrained cries of pain. She wasn’t even in the mood to write an encrypted report after dealing with the aftermath of the Queen’s dirty work.  
  “Worry not,” Claire said at last, her lavender seal imprinting on the black envelope “The poison’s slow-acting. Plenty of time for you to suffer.”
  She looked at the Madam; still kneeling with a reddened face, blue veins protruding from her neck “Powdered wing of the barrlado, the most poisonous butterfly in the world.” Seymour sounded impressed.
Claire slid the envelope aside for later delivery “A small dose equates a long-awaited death; enough renders you semi-paralyzed and half-witted.”
  “At your mercy, you mean.”
  Claire threaded her fingers together “Maybe the dosage wasn’t nearly enough. In any case, you know why you’re here.”
  “Whatever you’re about to accuse me of, it doesn’t die with me-”
  “A claim with legitimate evidence hardly seems accusatory to me. It seems more like the truth.” Claire pulled out a drawer and withdrew a large book with a covering of purple velvet, throwing it unceremoniously in front of the Madam “Does that look familiar, my dear? I’m sure it does.” The Madam’s eyes gave away nothing, but Claire knew better. After all, it was the woman’s personal ledger.
  “A book of sums in your own handwriting, several expenses linked to ‘charity work’,” Claire glared at her knowingly “Though we both know just how generous your traitorous heart can be.”
  A smile tugged at the Madam’s lips “Perhaps it’s something we can agree on.”
  Claire fumbled for several pieces of paper “And let’s not forget the correspondence between you and the very people who have laid siege to the Parliament’s Square. Brilliant encryptions, your bastards gave my cryptographers a hard time.”
  The Madam coughed violently, froth building at the corners of her mouth “Deities-damned, why are you being so casual about this?”
  The other woman was busy eyeing a photograph “Because I’ve heard the Inferno is a difficult place for the spirit to be, so I decided to ease your conscience a little.” Claire’s turned the picture over: A black and white photo of a group of elitists, one of which was the Madam herself, her dolled-up face merely a half-smile amongst the wolfish grins of her debauched peers “I thought you might want to see your death warrant.”
  “But that photograph isn’t mine; none of the people there even have that copy.”
  “None other than the photographer.”
  The Madam spat her foamy saliva “Yes, none other than the dead photographer.”
  Claire chuckled “The fact still remains that you’re heavily involved with the terrorist attacks. You’re a funder that even held a grand party or so it says here on one of the letters.”
  She could hear the Madam’s teeth chatter as she knelt in the spot she was rooted in. Even if Seymour attempted to harm her, the effort would be rather futile, given the five figures closed around her in a circle.
  The woman had no sixth sense of any kind. Only Claire could witness how their eyes were bloodshot and distant, their complexions translucent from the trappings of the afterlife. But they would not know peace until Seymour met her end; their grip on her said as much.
  Surprisingly, it wasn’t the spirits that surrounded Seymour that brought her concern. It was the Queen’s command.
  Claire Rayleigh was above all a negotiator of intelligence, not an assassin-for-hire. She sold her services during the skirmishes that transpired in the war; learning their numbers and their tactics to weaken the opposing forces into surrender.
  But that beautiful morning bore bad news after bad news. A messenger had announced in the throne room that the enemy had intercepted Claire’s spies-the very same souls that now held her- laid siege to Parliament’s Square, marched there with the royal Colonel’s head wavering as a makeshift banner of victory.
  When she had managed to uncover the truth of the war, of the traitors within the country, Claire immediately reported it all to the Queen; the order was swift, subtle yet seemingly absolute.
  “The Inferno is boiling for another soul. See to it that they meet the place half-way, no?”
   Madam Seymour snickered “So that’s what our beloved Queen has been up to? Orchestrating my demise?”
   “Before you make hers, yes.” Claire stood and knelt before the Madam, her deft fingers tracing the lines of the choker she had on “If you had enough fortune to fund a terrorist attack, why bother stealing the Queen’s jewelry?”  She twisted the band of diamonds in such a way that it choked the Madam further. Porcelain hands clawed at her gloved ones, but to no avail.
   The five spies gripped on her tighter, rendering the woman paralyzed as Claire curled her fingers “That bitch you call your queen is a usurper,” Seymour squealed out “Bribing criminals to do her bidding while allowing them freedom in exchange of surrendering their illicit businesses that made them rich in the first place?” A husky cackle escaped her lips.
  “This is how you repay the Queen’s mercy?” Claire countered, tilting her head in curiosity “By siding with the tyrannical father she overthrew?”
   “I would rather kneel to an ambitious man of principle than a bitch whose tail is tucked between her sore legs.” Seymour whispered with an obvious effort.
  “Well tonight you kneel to Death, and nothing can save you now.” With a sudden tug, the clasp of the choker flies off its hinges “You disappoint me, Seymour.”
   Claire had never seen the Madam smile as wide as she did then, despite the trickle of blood oozing from her nostril “Wait for your turn, Rayleigh. I promise you, you’ll meet your due. You might even join me, one day.” Silence was no solace to Claire’s racing heart “Or will that day be this one?”
  She looked at the waiting corpses; their figures waiting for her order “Not today, I’m afraid.” Claire nodded once to them all “Be at peace, my tempestuous friends.”
  This elicited a confused glare from Seymour, but in an instant, there was a harsh ripping sound. Claire could see the essence of ether separating from the Madam’s corporeal body.
  “I swear on my soul, Claire Rayleigh! The truth of Clarita Aguilar will be unveiled, and by the Deities’ mercy, the rest of the world will know of your treachery. Not even you can protect her then!”
  The five souls were adamant in their tug-of-war, with the Madam refusing to be apart from her corpse. Seymour began a petty catfight- tugging their hair, slapping their faces- that ended in the spies restraining her by the limbs, escorting her to the mouth of the hearth.
  Into her inferno.
  And while her soul left, her corpse lay by the carpet. Her neck still donned the veins that the barrlado had pumped in her system; leaving her beautiful complexion marred, as her soul always had been.
  Annoyingly, Seymour de Flerida’s death only left her with more questions. True, she had uncovered many more figures linked to the recent disaster on the ongoing war, but it was just merely the beginning.
  Claire knelt to the Madam; her fingers hovering over Seymour’s eyes to close them “Rigartis en morta, muy il rigar muert”
  Born of spitfire, and so to the flames you shall return. It was an old saying in Amrhys, to those who chose the wickedness within them until the very end. It was meant for the stubborn, for those who did not conform in any aspect in life except for their own belief. To those who did not bow to anything other than themselves.
  To their phantoms that were to be reckoned with.
  Claire couldn’t help but frown. Aguilar. The name wasn’t particularly notable. It didn’t strike any sense of recognition, even after several minutes of pondering over the thousands of names she had come to encounter. She made a mental note to investigate the relevance of this Clarita Aguilar to the loss of her memories. But at the same time, her impatience got the best of her. Whenever a mystery was uncovered, another question was left in its wake. Claire searched her pack for a cigar. The cycle of it all unnerved her to no end.
  She found herself staring at the Madam; thinking of the possible turn of events upon Seymour’s downfall. The harlots would probably print missing posters by the third day of her absence, as per protocol. They would eventually reinstate a new madam due to the popular demand amongst its patrons. Though the dispersion of the ‘prized starlets’, as Seymour affectionately called them, seemed like a more likely scenario. Claire knew of the several girls who were tired of their trade. They would probably use the Madam’s disappearance as an opportunity to escape her control and return to their provinces. In all honesty, Claire would have preferred the shutdown of the brothel altogether. While she had no arguments over anyone’s libido, she was of the mindset that the Jhinsen would fare better in their diplomatic communications if they didn’t have the reputation of being infatuated by whores; evident in their active participation in the power play of the kingdom.
  Claire struck a match and held it to a cigar’s tip; abandoning her smoking pipe for a safer alternative. It was made of mint with tampered sage; a salve for her impatience and stress. It wasn’t as gratifying as tobacco, but she had to discipline herself, so it’d have to do.
   She made a move towards the cadaver but stopped when a hard substance pierced her shoe. It broke her from her thoughts when she saw she had stepped on a diamond. Her gaze then wandered to the trail that surrounded Seymour’s head like tiny stars. The spymaster proceeded to pick up the pieces of jewelry. Oddly enough, pain gradually built in the back of her eyes as she picked up each diamond. Claire winced, gritting her teeth. Something wasn’t right.
  The diamonds were placed on a knapsack Claire took from her inventory. She dumped them on her table and searched the office for some disposable cloth. The spymaster wracked her brains out, a realization at the tip of her tongue.
  And then it struck her.
  Knowing Seymour de Flerida, a disowned Duchess from the West Shore, the act of thievery would be beneath her. That meant she didn’t steal the Queen’s jewelry, it was most likely bribed to her. Perhaps someone close to the Queen’s quarters gave a tip to the Madam, a secret leftist in the kingdom.
  There wasn’t a shortage of sorcerers in the kingdom, either. The spymaster may not know much about the magic in this realm, but she knew enough to identify when sorcery was inflicted. She glanced at the diamonds. Upon closer inspection, she saw that the diamonds lost its sheen; a faded grey that gave her a distinct aura of something otherworldly and sinister.
  It’s a cursed necklace.
  Claire knew assumptions wouldn’t solve anything, but it somewhat cleared her mind. But she was certain of the hex in the diamonds. There was no mistaking it.
  In a whim, she grabbed the knapsack and threw it into the fire. It made a crisp noise; comparable to the sound of something frying in a pan in high heat. She watched the fabric gradually burn into a pile of embers, unsure whether her actions were wise or whether it had any effect at all. But for once, her migraine had prompted her to care lesser than usual.
  A bark echoed next to her. Anarchy was sitting right beside his owner with his head tilted to the side.
  “I’m almost done, dear boy.” Claire muttered to her companion. There still had to be another errand done before the spymaster could call it a day: proper disposal of the body.
  She proceeded to dial numbers on her telephone. For a few agonizing seconds, Claire waited for the person in the other line. It seemed like an eternity when a gruff, accented voice answered “Yes?”
  “A crate of white wine meant for Eden Redwick has found its way to my doorstep by mistake.” Claire said in a clear, steady tone. It was a coded message that meant ‘her will has been done’ “I was hoping you’d deliver them to her.”
  A beat of silence “Ah, she’s rather particular with the wine she consumes.” The man answered “When was the brew manufactured?” It seemed peculiar at first to speak in codes, even in a private conversation. Unbeknownst to many, there were organizations that were privy to telephone calls, mostly the people who connected incoming calls to the receiving end and had to listen in on the call to ensure the connection was operating smoothly. Though only a member of Claire’s circle of spies guarded her line, the palace security still valued discretion above all else, always using codes that not even Claire’s lackeys were aware of.
 “1879.” 18 was the postal code of her neighborhood (Viridsville), with 7 being a corresponding street and the 9 being the number of the houses the lackey will pass by. It was a code they’d thought of a year ago, when the Queen needed to deliver something to her address, with none the wiser. The code wouldn’t have worked had she been under a different city (the year might have been peculiar), but whatever goes…
 “I’m afraid they don’t accept wine that hasn’t brewed for at least 20 years.” The person on the other line interjected “It’s yours at your discretion.” He’ll be here in 20 minutes, Claire thought. Though 20 years is exactly how it’ll feel.
 “I see,” Claire feigned confusion as she spoke “Tell Eden I send my warmest regards.”
  “Duly noted. Good night.” And just like that, the line had cut off.
 Claire glanced at Anarchy who was sniffing the Madam sprawled at the carpet. He growled in distaste.
 Claire sighed “Don’t worry, she’ll be out of our hair soon enough.” She rubbed the dog’s tawny mane “We just have to wait for the jolly fellow to meet me by our doorstep and Seymour will be whisked away to wherever the Queen wants her to be.”
 After wrapping Seymour’s body up in a cocoon of black cloth, Claire half-walked, half-ran towards the street while carrying the light-weighted body. Her manor was a little bit more elevated than the rest of the houses, which in retrospect, made it easier to miss in the night. While Claire hadn’t checked her clock, she figured it was at least two in the morning. Not even the company of Anarchy lessened the tension she felt upon standing by the street lanterns that bathed the area in gold light. The street was deafeningly quiet; no household awake within miles. As was expected, no one was allowed to be up past curfew yet.
   Claire allowed herself to think. After this errand, she was going to hand in a letter of resignation. She reached for the black envelope from the inner linings of her coat. The lavender wax had an engraving of a swan, the crests of the Rayleighs, of the crone who had fostered her.
   She had to go back to New Amrhys, where she could get some answers. She had to figure out why when she thought of the kingdom that was once her home, she only recalled an old man’s stern glare, the faint scent of musk and pine and the horrible hotness of spilt blood.  
  Claire snapped out of her reverie as Anarchy began to growl viciously. She looked sideways for any signs of the man she conversed with in the telephone. But no one was in sight. “Anarchy, snap out of it.” Claire hissed in a low tone. But uncharacteristically, he still barked off. It took a second for Claire to realize Anarchy was fixed in a direction that was out of her peripherals.
  When she turned to where he was facing―
  All of a sudden, the nape of her neck felt awfully cold.
  Normally, the sight of a child wouldn’t alarm her. But her inhumanness― her dark, limp tresses of hair that did little to hide her abnormally large eyes with slit irises, the billowing white dress and the stillness of her gait― petrified Claire on the spot. The golden light seemed nonexistent as her form absorbed none of it; merely a whirl of black and sickly white.
  Claire slowly reached for the inner linings of her coat once more; this time to grab a pistol nestled in her camisole. Although informally abandoning the practice of faith altogether, she began to chant a prayer in her mind, to any god that would listen. Her finger hovered over the barrel; the sound of the click so audible that it elicited a thin-lipped smile from the child.  
  “It doesn’t work that way.” A tiny voice whispered in her ear
     Claire barely made it twelve steps before an explosion shook the entire lot and lit the mansion in a burst of flames. The impact of the convulsion sent her reeling; eventually rolling unceremoniously into the dirt and concrete.
   Her eyes peeled at the commotion. Flames…
A burning ballroom was the last thing her mind’s eye had seen, bodies strewn everywhere around her as the noise of her neighbors kicked in. A young man’s masked face came into view; three scars above his brow the last thing she saw as darkness claimed her.
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inkognito97 · 7 years
The Siths have been ruling the galaxy for centuries, the Jedi order is mostly reclused in far away temples. Pairs of Jedi, a master and their padawan, travel the galaxy and offer their services in negotiation and sometimes mercenary work against credits to help sustent the small order. Sith apprentice Anakin Skywalker meets a group of traveling Jedi on a cargo, composed of a male Kel Kor, a male human, a young female Torguta and a green creature he isn't sure is a sentient or a pet.
It had started as such a nice and awesome day for Anakin. First, his Master had told him that they had finally been granted time away from the Order and were allowed to travel the galaxy on their own, and then the tall man had even allowed him to chose the vehicle they would take with them. To make it even better, Anakin had been allowed to fly the ship and to chose their first destination.
Time away from the Order meant that the concerned Sith would travel wherever the Force would lead them. Sometimes it would be fruitless, sometimes they made important discoveries. It was always an adventure in itself and Anakin had been one a ‘time-out’ as his friends called it, only once. And during this time-out, his Master and he had freed a whole system from slavery. 
The Sith were not evil, they just followed the often cruel and greedy dark side. The trick was, not to let the dark consume you, letting it run through you, was enough. And it had been the dark side’s will that the slavers paid. It was one of Anakin’s best memories, he still remembered the years he had spent as a young slave. The years, before his Master had found him and taken him under his wing. Thankfully that time was long in the past and since then, he had learned the ways of the Sith.
“I still cannot believe that we are on our way to Naboo, without any kind of mission,” Anakin replied, his joy must be radiating in the Force around him. His Master did not seem to mind, in fact, he send him an indulgent smile from his position on the co-pilot’s seat. 
“Believe it, my energetic and loud apprentice,” the man replied in that deep and soothing voice of his. But Anakin knew from own experience that the warm voice could become ice cold and very dangerous. He had seen how his Master had brought the greatest leaders to their knees, just by lowering his voice and by glaring at them. 
“Do you think Padme will be glad to see me?” that was the question of the hour, at least for the blond Sith apprentice.
“I am sure she will Anakin.” He noticed the frown that had appeared on his apprentice’s features. “What is it?”
“I feel… a disturbance in the Force.”
The Sith Master closed his midnight blue eyes and concentrated. He too, could feel a disturbance. “Get out of hyperspace, immediately.”
“Yes Master,” Anakin was already working on the console, even before his Master had uttered the words. 
It took a couple of seconds for the vehicle to come out of hyperspace, but when it finally did, the two Sith found themselves far away from their original destination. 
“Look,” Anakin pointed ahead, to a transport that seemed to just levitate in space.
“A cargo ship,” said the older male, “Can you dock onto it?”
“Have you really just asked this,” Anakin joked, but it did nothing to really lighten the mood. Something was… strange and it was unsettling to know that they could not exactly pinpoint it.
“Be mindful, my apprentice. It could be anything, even a trap.”
“I will be careful,” he promised. Anakin was not the model student, he let himself be led by recklessness to often. It was a trait that his Master was desperately trying to teach out of him, without much success however.
A jolt ran through their transport, when their ship docked onto the cargo. There was no sign of any survivor or of other living beings, but that did not mean that there weren’t any. 
“I will take the lead,” said the brown haired male before Anakin could open his mouth. His Master had already unbuckled himself and was standing, heading for the entrance to the cargo ship. One of his large hands rested on his lightsaber and Anakin hurried to follow his example. The two Sith nodded to each other and with a wave of the older Sith’s free hand, did the door slide open.
There was no one to greet them, which was curious. Either it truly was a trap, it was a ship full of dead or infected beings, or nobody had noticed. Anakin somehow doubted that the latter was the case and he could feel nothing in the Force that spoke of a trap. It was all very strange and he did not like it at all. 
“It is too quiet,” he said to the older male.
“Patience, my apprentice.” As soon as the words had left his mouth, footsteps sounded. They were coming from within the cargo ship.
“I can feel two organism come towards us. Be ready.”
“Yes Master.”
The male beings that turned the corner and came into their view, were nothing like Anakin had imagined them to be. He had expected smugglers, helpless and frightened suppliers or merchants, he had even expected pirates or bandits. But he certainly would never have imagined to be standing before a male Kel Dor in company of a ginger haired human male. But what really caught the blonde’s attention, were the two lightsaber resting on their belts.
The ginger haired male tilted his head and took a step forward. From his body language could Anakin tell that he was somehow in charge, even though he looked to be younger than his companion, barely in his thirties. His own Master was older.
“What are the Jedi doing in this sector?” his Master’s voice was completely calm and his statement surprised Anakin. Those were Jedi? They were nothing like they were always described back in the Order.
“I didn’t know that Jedi were not allowed to travel through space,” the ginger haired man answered boldly. He held his head high and in his eyes was a clear challenge.
“There isn’t,” confirmed the older Sith. “Still,” he took a couple of steps forward, “I wonder.”
“And I wonder who would like to know,” the man raised an elegant eyebrow.
Anakin unconsciously held his breath. Nobody challenged his Master like this, not without facing consequences. But his Master replied nothing. His midnight blue eyes looked intently into blue-green ones. Neither of the two was looking away, neither or them was blinking. It was a silent competition and it was clear that neither of the two wanted to lose. 
To Anakin’s surprise, his Master looked away by shaking his head and on top of all, he was chuckling. A truly merry sound, he was not pretending. “You have spirit, little Jedi. I admire that,” his posture relaxed and he even let go of his lightsaber. Anakin quickly followed suit. “I am Sith Lord Qui-Gin Jinn and this is my apprentice Anakin Skywalker.”
The ginger haired male hummed. “Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and my companion is Master Plo Koon.”
“What is your business?” 
“We are delivering important cargo to Naboo,” the Jedi answered.
“Ah,” Qui-Gon nodded, “I guess you are facing… troubles?”
Obi-Wan exchanged a quick glance with the Kel Dor, who had remained completely silent up until now. “We are. Our transport malfunctioned.”
The long haired Sith hummed and he stroked through his beard with his fingers. Over the bond that Anakin shared with his Master, he could tell that the man was weighing his options. The blonde knew that his Master had long since decided that this Kenobi was no threat, or at least he was not the enemy. Sith and Jedi relationships were always very critically, but his Master had always been a little… rebellious, to say it nicely.
“My apprentice could take a look at your ship, he is a good mechanic.”
Obi-Wan remained silent for a moment. He seemed to actually think over the offer. Eventually, he inclined his head. “You help would be greatly appreciated.”
“After you,” Qui-Gon said. The ginger haired Jedi looked him up and down a last time, apparently checking, if he could be trusted, and then he turned. 
Anakin kept a close eye on the Kel Dor, who was walking behind him. His Master was walking ahead of him, right next to the younger ginger haired male. They were conversing about some boring adult stuff that did not really interest Anakin, so he did not really pay attention to it. There was just one thing that he noticed, Qui-Gon seemed to get along very well with the other man and there was that strange glint in both their eyes. It was almost as if they knew each other, but that thought was ridiculous. Why would his Master know a Jedi?
They were led towards the ship’s cockpit, where they were immediately greeted by two more individuals. One of them was a young female Togruta, who would not leave his side, even as he started to work through the mistakes that the console showed. Anakin doubted that he would get the ship to work again, not while in space, but he would not give up. The other being resembled an old and wrinkled green troll and Anakin was not sure if it was another Jedi or a pet. The thing had a lightsaber too, a very small one, but he seemed… strange. His Master seemed slightly unsettled by the green being too, but his attention was quickly diverted by the ginger haired Knight again.
“Ahsoka, leave the young man to his work?” Anakin watched in fascination as the only female on the ship pouted, but then she stood up and obediently trotted to the Kel Dor, who had called her. 
He felt a bond between the pair and somehow he knew that they were Master and Padawan. 
“Master,” he called out after a while, “I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do.”
Qui-Gon looked thoughtful, his eyes darting between his apprentice and the ginger haired Knight, who was standing closest to him. “You said your destination was Naboo,” he trailed off.
“I did.”
The long haired man hesitated for only a second. “As it happens, are we heading there as well. We could take you with us, though your ship will have to remain here.”
Anakin wanted to protest, he had no desire of sharing the space with a bunch of Jedi, but a stern and warning look of blue eyes that had glowed gold for the briefest of seconds, kept him shut.
“Master?” Obi-Wan asked. For the first time since meeting him, he did not answer himself.
The green being in the corned, hummed. “Stranded here, we are. No other way out, I see. Travel with them, we should.”
“Very well,” he turned to his apprentice, “Help them get their cargo on our ship and hurry. I want to depart as soon as possible.”
“Yes Master,” Anakin replied and he set to work once more. He noticed that the Kel Dor and his Padawan were following him. The green being did not move and the ginger haired male said something that made his Master scowl at him. But it was not one of his evil and ‘one more word and I am going to kill you’ scowl, but something different. Before he could investigate further however, the Jedi turned away from his Master and followed them. 
Things were getting weirder and weirder and Anakin was suddenly not sure, if he really wanted to know what was going on here.
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How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away Plus How to Build a Very Cosy (Free) Pet Bed
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That the big four commands save lives According to the National Health Service and media reports, over 4, 500 episodes a year in the U. K. involve dogs and people, with children being the biggest victim group.. You are more likely to end up bitten by a dog than win the lottery! One incident is an unwelcome statistic but until you accept that the pet dog runs away because you let it these incidents are going to continue to occur. There are 5 basic steps, several big commands and 3 essential pieces of equipment which you need to learn how to use effectively to gain control and to build concentration into your dog. This guide explains how to do this and how to stop your dog running away. A collar along with lead are working instruments of control, just the same as holding your child's hand. Mobile phones are another safety device people use with our children to maintain contact and for a much safer and secure environment. Our dogs are believe it or not important and are at a higher statistical risk than our children. Your voice alone is not going to be enough. Whistling is labor and it assumes your dog finds the whistle more compelling than what is at the end of its nose. You must commence to appreciate that stopping your pet running away is a skill to be learned and developed on an on going basis, and even like people, the input of patience and unconditional love, will very likely be paid back. The probability is actually that if your children are model children then your dog probably will be too, but that doesn't mean it is going to be easy to teach, it just means you probably have the mindset and determination to keep your dog safe and disciplined. I admit this informative article may be a bit controversial but the techniques work and will not harm or hurt your dog. Neglect and ignorance can be a much bigger killer. If you want to stop your dog running away there are 3 things your must achieve: Instant effect Your dog's whole and undivided attention Complete obedience You need to understand that there are 3 reasons why your dog will run away: -- Sex Cruelty Owner mismanagement All three of the reasons as stated above can get your dog killed or really injured. If you then overlay lack of success with the 3 disciplinary aspects you have serious issues to deal with and you ought to correct this quickly or risk your dog causing death or serious injury. The end result will be the loss of your pet just by lethal injection, gunshot or fatal injuries. If minors are involved and they are your own family it will destroy not only your daily routine but that of your entire family. This is how I see it anyway and it is this that motivates me to get the application right. Your pet running off is not to be taken lightly. I propose to examine a few simple helpful hints that might get your life more bearable and improve your relationship with the animal at a level you can both appreciate and use to good effect. I am going to ignore the first two reasons that cause running away. If you need guidance to deal with these please give your dog to a loving home, this article is not for you. Your dog is born with senses which once active are so compelling that you pale into insignificance the minute they are engaged. You don't need to be a dog whisperer to understand the following, but you can see it for yourself the minute you call your dog back. It is not a great moment when your dog embarrasses people for your inability to handle it. I think one year in a dog's life is about 6. 5 of our years, so by way of the end of year one your dog should be starting to make out sounds, short sentence structures and words. The several most important commands in order are: sit heal down stay Dogs are quick learners. Not only do they fully understand your mood, they take everything right to the edge all the time and they are also very persistent. The sooner you start out teaching them the better, try to make it fun without finishing up with a fat dog. Remember your children should not be force federal a big McDonalds every time they get their table manners right and The National Hedgehog Road Skills award has never ended up won by a hedgehog. A lead is the equivalent of your child's hand. You communicate through it just the same process. You would not let your child pull you off your feet, especially on a main road, so use the same control with your dog. Step 1. It is always your fault I really don't think that Springer Spaniels with their long floppy ears may well hear you properly over 30 metres away unless you really shout which makes you look in control doesn't this. When I was younger I had a liver and white springer 'Bramble'. He never knew to this day what attack him when he was busy rounding up sheep. I would have been able to play for the British Lions which includes a rugby tackle like that, the dog went flying, not in the least bit hurt, just caught in the act. He yelped just with fright, but never chased sheep again and after this incident if he could hear me your dog responded instantly to all the big 4 commands. Step 2. How to stop your dog pulling you off your feet. Some sort of sharp and very hard tug on the lead pulling your dog back behind you will do the trick. After the second or lastly time they will desist. This is obviously easier to do when your St. Bernard is a puppy, which is why i say beginning straight away. Bad habits are developed by the owners not the dogs. Never allow your dog to pull. Begin by holding your dog's hand (the lead) and work firmly in a disciplined and in a fair way, not to mention reward good performance and discipline and work on behaviour that falls short. Little and often is good and then a routine is helpful. The thing that really gets results is patience. You would not take your child out into a distracting natural environment to teach them so don't do it to your dog either. Get the dog's attention and eye contact and advancement will improve. If you are having trouble getting the dog's attention increase the treat value e. g. fillet steak. This is approximately hearts and minds and developing absolute trust. The time to use treats is at the outset of teaching this command. Once the dog understands what is required of it, a pat on the head and some encouraging words is sufficient. Step. How to slow your dog down to your speed How many of you would not hold on to your 6 year old children's hand in the city centre? Would you expect your six year old to speak fluent Russian? No, so tend not to expect your dog to understand what sounds the same to them. Use the lead to build confidence and lots of patience. By the time your canine is six months old they will be getting more biddable, more curious and more determined but up to the first year you may never be certain. However you are desperate to give your dog the freedom of that run about. A game keeper taught people a very good tactic called hobbling. Your dog's collar should always allow you to get three fingers under it, if you can't it's too tight. Simply stick your dog's front paw through the collar, it looks cruel, its not and catch a dog on three legs, it puts the odds in your favour, so you now have the opportunity to train your dog to remain close to you, or get it back safely. Don't use a retractable lead it encourages your dog to pull. Dogs with retractable leads are not properly trained (such a statement could be highly controversial but I would presume that people owners won't be reading this type of article so there won't be anyone to offend! ) Step 4. Timing - how long should it take to train my dog? I think 300 hours gets a basic job done before your dog will specialise right into say rescue, field sports, or social human tasks like police or military work. It takes a good season to settle and train a dog. If you get the big 4 commands in quickly and early the dog will start to succeed but it will take at least a year so be patient and persist. Practice all the time - practice makes perfect. ( this also helps you lose weight! ). I now have a black and white Springer Spaniel and she was terrible for running off of. This was my fault. On dark evenings I only needed to get distracted for a second and the dog has been gone. There I am in the dark and pouring rain, shouting my head off and the dog is in the next state. Twenty anxious minutes later I get a ball of mud back! Never be cross with a returning puppy, it is after the fact and they may misinterpret you, causing trauma and confusion. Simply make a note to do it yourself to set up a training session in a controlled environment to fix the problem whilst kicking your own bottom and not the dogs! Measure 5. How to stop your dog running away You spend hours and hours working with them, you teach the big 4 requires and when they are over six months old and really understand the commands then you have to bring discipline to tolerate or face the possibility of an unthinkable incident. I have tried whistles, chasing after her and just leaving her, non-e which are satisfactory and just exposes the dog to danger. If I can't control the dog at both short and longer range she is useless in the field other than as a pet. So how do I stop my pet from running gone. A game keeper suggested an electric collar. I dismissed it out of hand as being cruel, but it is not as cruel since watching your dog in agony pinned down under a car wheel. I decided to try an electric collar but resolved to remain kind and fair. It has transformed the dog without any cruelty at all and this is how it works: First in support of after 6 months minimally, and only when the big 4 commands are in place can you use one. My collar has an hearable alarm which the dog can hear even when she can't hear or see me. She quickly learned to help you respond to this bleep, it means only one thing 'Heal'. Since wild life has hearing and great vision way too, we get to see lots of it when we are out now because we are quiet, the dog is under control constantly and above all is safe. Your dog and especially Springer Spaniels will want to do as you ask. You must be truth be told there at the time of any incident which demands attention or arresting and a bleeper really is on the spot and instant. If the pet dog doesn't respond there are 8 settings to 'tweak your dog's ear', building up to a shock. All of these are considerably gentler than rough handling or hitting the dog. All of them hurt a lot less than impact with an HGV. I must stress that when you don't have the big four commands in place and a confident dog you should not deploy such a device, just keep your animal on a lead. The collar is only for the dog's protection and control and the charge, which is about the same as a static shock from a door handle, does not cause the dog much discomfort, but it lets her know I want her particular attention when all else fails which is pretty rare these days. I don't know how the shepherds do it but they have my respect. I don't need my little dog to achieve those levels. We have lots of fun together and she really loves my two girls, mind you she adores everyone including the postman! I think that patience is the secret and then it's a really matter of time.. She also has a special settee in our garden room (but never assumes this right in the house), and a dog house made out of straw bales which she loves as it is very warm. She also knows the location where the edge is, and pushes it like crazy, but she is safe and well behaved and under control at all times since she can hear me and every day that goes by her knowledge of language and disciplined procedure improves. I do believe I will always use an electric collar now, it is a safety device which makes me much less apprehensive about the dog's routines because I can focus on expanding the dog's comprehension of commands, so her behaviour continues to improve and your lady plays an even bigger and much more enjoyable part in day to day activities. If you don't want your pet to run off get to grips along with the collar, lead, teaching, rewarding and discipline and be heard - the best way to do that quietly is with a bleeping receiver collar - really it works. I think these new devices are the dog equivalent of a 2 way radio. Virtually no soldier goes into combat without one. I think they are here to stay and used responsibly will transform your life and also make teaching your dog a real joy and with much less stress. Remember it is your finger on the button and you figure out whether you are a dog trainer or a dog breaker - I know which I am. How long does it take to teach your pup the big 4 Commands? It takes about 20 minutes armed with some really 'must have' treats, and repeat the training a day or so later for a few minutes until you see it work immediately. I use mackerel fillets but everything other than chocolate will do the trick. For every minute of training you need an hour of practice to get the command working constantly and then three or four times longer to get them all working together. You will pay for gaps in your routine and you will be able to see when others have handled your dog. Dogs will always push to the limit to see what they can get away using so you have to be that limit and you can't always do that by being nice and feeding the dog treats. Never destroy your dog by cruelty and bullying to get the obedience you want, a broken dog does not work properly and anyone who has skilled a dog will spot a broken dog a mile off, you can't hide it and you can't repair your damage. A command should be instant, it is useless if it is not and may get you, your children, the dog or some negative unsuspecting motorist into an unthinkable situation, it is worth the effort. Should you let the dog on the sofa - Exercise Versus Behaviour? Oh boy is this a hot potato! Firstly your dog knows the difference between the scruffy couch in the playroom and the one in the living room but you may have to work more on the training. You can let the dog do anything you like provided you put the effort in with the ground rules, but here is a simple guide. Your pet dog has two basic barks, one to warn and the other is more playful. Learn what they are and precisely what they mean. If you don't want a yappy dog you will get the opportunity at about 10 months to sort the item out. Don't allow your dog to behave in a way that would be offensive to others, I am sure you don't need a list from me. Feel free to use a smack, a firm push or voice commands so long as it is immediate. If your dog is beyond reach you have got to either be very quick (voice and run) or use an electric collar. A sharp shock beats a struggle or injury. If this is administered at the start of the action the dog is unlikely to repeat the offence. You do not break the dog doing this. Prolonged aggression or fierce punishment fills your dog with terror. I have heard them beginning yelp before a blow is struck because they know what is coming. Could you do your job knowing someone is related to to give you a good kicking? Neither can the dog. I have never seen a broken dog that didn't bring some sort of lump to my throat and have me biting my lip to hold back the tears. Like the dog I undergo quietly in silence unable to speak. Being a good dog owner and handler Bad behaviour develops as a result of lack of effort or even selfishness by the owner. Like your children the more patience and time you spend with them and effort you put into your family dog, the more reward you can expect with a strong measure of devotion paid back. Like children they will pick up trauma between adults and don't like it. Neglect will result in the dog making up its own rules and then you will need a dog psychologist to intervene. Unless pet is ill and requiring 24 hour supervision, I would advocate they should have their own special place. A run is usually the best so they can have peace and quite to relax and dry/chill out and be themselves. You probably would not normally have your children in bed with you, so I think it is a bit odd to have your pets there too. Lack of common sense is normally what develops poor animal behaviour. Plenty of exercise, good diet, discipline, routine, care and attention will work for your dog. Summing up, the three essential pieces of equipment required are a lead, a collar and an audible device that can be heard just about anywhere instantly by your dog which upon being heard recalls your dog to your side.. If a measure of force is required in that case this device should have the ability to administer it or be backed up by it. How to Make a cosy dog bed for free - well almost I think a great bed makes a very happy dog, especially if they have a full tummy As an engineer, specialising in materials handling and storage, when it comes to a bed for the dog I wanted to create a cosy place for her so that you can sleep. For several months I persevered with pet cushions etc but they just get filthy and are not very straightforward to clean or warm to sleep on outdoors. In winter this year we had two feet of snow, the fact that dog loved but it was cold for her and I wanted something better. Pallets are often equipment you can pick up 100 % free. Two or three of them are very simple to convert into a bed. 1000mm x 1200mm is a perfect size. If you have an outhouse, garage or shed they will fit easily inside. It doesn't matter if the dog chews them, the wood can be recycled or simply used for fire wood and if you use straw, the straw can be composted or burned. Now this solution is not really for everyone but the dog will love it and you may grow to love it and here is why: The straw helps thoroughly clean the dog The dog can scrape and arrange the straw as it wants it The pallet and a few straw bales make a very cosy den Filled with straw your dog can live comfortably outside in all weathers Living outside is most effective for the dog Dogs will grow their natural seasonal coats in line with the climate. Inside they go into a state with permanent moulting, outside unheated they can live more naturally. The straw is cosy and warm the year circular especially with the added protection of 380mm to 450mm of insulation on 6 sides The pallet will keep your dog off the cold floor - essential. Straw bales range from £1. 75 to £3. 50 Before you go straight into blind panic about scabies or mange, I have never had any trouble. However if you are worried ask ones vet, I think you will find that the modern treatments keep them at bay anyway. Do watch out for nails and cardboard (stapled on). Plywood makes good tops if the wood is spaced or a bit rough and then the deep hay does the rest. My dog really loves her straw bed and is quite happy to get into it and As i rarely see her little black nose come round the edge of the bale until I call for her. There does exist an awful lot of non-sense talked about training and not much help with the real control commands when they don't work. Much of the time it happens to be just not possible to intercept mistakes and behavioural dysfunction in time to correct it in a way the dog can quickly grasp the necessity. This just makes it tougher on both you and the dog I am a materials handling engineer by occupation, and a keen motorcyclist which I use for work most of the year round. The BMW GS 1200 Adventure is a tricky and awesome machine, so if you are in commerce or industry and want to build or equip a new warehouse or maybe production unit, please go and visit my website.
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twilightsunclan-fr · 7 years
reality tackles Disco like Ophrys does aggron
Disco had built a rather elaborate image of Ophrys in his mind. Adding or taking away from it each time Ivory gave him a new piece of information. It was understandable the picture he had drawn from the short talks he’d had with Ivory.
What he knew about Ophrys was:
-Named after a flower
-Blind from a childhood accident
-Owned and operated a berry farm.
-Loved grass types
-had a service pokemon, a chikorita named Bean.
-Baked poke puffs as a hobby. (and what poke puffs they were.)
-packed meticulous care packages for Ivory and his entire team.
None of these things remotely warned Disco for reality. None of them even hinted at the truth.
And the truth was. The truth was Ivory looking across the sooty remains of the campfire one morning and asking:
“Hey, is it okay if I take a few days off while you go into the village? Rhys’ place is nearby and I wanna spend some time with him.” Which was an entirely reasonable request. They were about half way done with their survey and ahead of schedule too. There wasn’t any reason not to grant Ivory some time to visit his boyfriend. Though this did give Disco the perfect excuse to actually see the mysterious Ophrys.
“Would it be okay if I came too?” He asked, adjusting the straps of his backpack. Slightly nervous. This was very much beyond the territory of employee and employer but lines sometimes got blurred on the road. And Disco was curious dammit.
“Hold on, lemme ask him.” Ivory pulled out his phone, thumbs already moving as he texted. (That had been another clue, that Disco completely ignored. He never heard Ivory calling Ophrys nor did he ever hear Ophrys call Ivory, they always texted.) “He’s really, really shy.” Which also did not help change Disco’s mental version of Ophrys as a slim, brown haired boy with a basket of berries on his hip.
Of course such a person, being blind and managing a farm so far from the nearest city would be shy. It was probably his sweet, gentle personality. The person who took such time hand packing those care packages with such attention to detail, could only have a caring, bordering on mothering personality.
“He says yes. Think he wants to meet you since he doesn’t really get out enough to meet my other friends.” Despite being pleased at having an invite out to the farm, Disco cocked his head toward Ivory. Who wasn’t really paying attention to him.
“So we’re friends?” He asked hesitantly.
“Uh yeah dude.” Ivory seemed amused. “I only turned down like five other escort jobs for you. We’ve been doing this since I was fresh out of the league.” And that, that sent a warm feeling down Disco’s spine.
“Oh.” He said softly.
“Great, let’s get moving, we got some ground to cover before we see the farm.”
“Wow,” Disco panted, stumbling along the dirt road behind Ivory. “It is really out here.”
“Yeeeeaaaaaaup.” Ivory drawled, bobbing his head as they plodded along. Around the next bend, trees gave way to a wide dirt road, right up to a white picket fence with a small enclosed yard full of flowers and plants. The farmhouse was rather picturesque. One story with a single second story addition around the back. A broad front porch and next to it were neat lines of berry bushes and trees, with a large beautiful barn looming up behind them. “Okay so,” Ivory hurriedly. “He’s shy and he’s mute, but don’t worry! He’s got a phone that he types things out on and I can translate sign language if needed.”
“I’m sorry what?” Disco blinked, Ivory spoke far too fast sometimes. And to tell him that not only was Ophrys blind he was also mute? Now? That was a lot to suddenly process. Not that Disco had much time for that, because out from the berry fields came a charging aggron.
“Well, fuck.” Ivory muttered, he was tensing like he might just start running in the opposite direction. Disco had enough time to grab his breloom’s pokeball and shift slightly behind Ivory before he noticed that the aggron wasn’t running at them but had turned to run parallel to the house. It kept running, running faster then any aggron Disco had ever since as its pursuer hit the ground out of the berry fields behind it.
It was a man. Disco didn’t know men came in a size larger then Ivory but here he was, being proven wrong. He was taller then Ivory and broader in the shoulders with a wide body. Having no less muscle then Ivory did and Disco had seen Ivory wrestle his garchomp to the ground. Speaking of, the man was gaining on the aggron, long legs fairly eating the distance up. And then, caught it in a flying tackle, taking the pokemon down.
“Should...should we help?” Disco asked hesitantly, still holding onto his breloom’s pokeball. Ivory’s grin was halfway smug and half way fond as the man wrestled with the aggron. Ivory no longer looked ready to bolt himself.
“No, aggron hates taking his supplements.” On the ground the man had gained the upper hand, and appeared to have shoved his fist down the aggron’s throat. Distantly, Disco wondered where a shy, berry farmer boy like Ophrys could ever have met a farmhand like the man before them. He also distantly wondered where Ophrys even was. Shouldn’t he be out here greeting Ivory?
“Come on,” Ivory’s voice was light and happy. “Let’s go say hi.” He fairly bounced on his way over. Disco actually had a hard time keeping up. The man and the aggron had finished their tussle. The aggron lay in a half circle around the man, on its belly, looking particularly petulant. The man was sitting cross legged, leaning against the aggron and was petting long soothing strokes down its un plated foreleg.
“Babe,” Ivory said once they were close. “You’re a fucking powerhouse, I ever tell you that?” Disco looked sharply up at Ivory. As far as he could tell, Ivory meant that pet name as a term of endearment. For as long as he’d known Ivory, he’d never used pet names for friends. But the only person around besides them was the very big, very masculine farmhand. And that couldn’t be Ophrys.
Except, when the man turned his face toward them, lips quirking in a grin, Disco could see that he was extremely blind. There couldn’t be that many blind berry farmers living on the same farm...or even the same region. Which meant that this giant of a man climbing to his feet and towering over both Disco and Ivory, was:
“Ophrys.” Ivory sighed, the name coming out as Ophrys cradled the side of his face in one huge palm. Ivory stood silently, his hands loosely clasped around Ophrys’ wrists, soaking up the attention. Ophrys’ thumb brushing over Ivory’s cheekbone and nose, his fingers fanning over his forehead, down Ivory’s lips to his chin, which he gently tilted up and bent his own head down.
Disco really got the feeling that he was intruding on an intensely private moment. But he couldn’t bring himself to even politely cough. Disco was certain his mouth was hanging open and it wasn’t because the kiss had gone from ‘possible tongue slip’ to ‘tonsil hockey makeout’ while he’d been standing there.
His brain was too busy rebooting after having crashed. Not a single damn thing that Ivory had told him warned him for the reality of Ophrys. Blind, mute, berry farmer who Ivory loved desperately. Not even a slight hint that Ophrys was the six foot giant with a full beard who recently wrestled a full grown aggron to the ground and was currently deep kissing Ivory completely senseless.
This was so not fair.
Ivory managed to disentangle himself from Ophrys. His face had the most blissed out expression.
“Oh right,” He said faintly, having caught sight of Disco. Disco was relieved that he remembered to close his mouth before that happened. “This is Disco.” He nudged Ophrys’ shoulder and the man obediently turned until he was facing Disco. “Disco, this is my boyfriend, Ophrys.”
Ophrys held out his hand in the vague direction of where Disco was.
“Ple-pleasure to meet you.” Disco managed to get out and it wasn’t until Ophrys’ large hand closed around his own that he realized, this was the hand that had been in the aggron’s mouth. The image of the slender short boy with brown hair, and freckles turned to dust and shadows in his mind.
(Later that night, safely in the guestroom on the second floor, Disco could still hear the very muffled sounds of Ivory enjoying his boyfriend’s company. Disco pulled a pillow over his face and screamed into it. How could he have so fully missed his mark?)
The first city they visited after leaving the farm, had two care packages. One for Ivory and one for Disco. Disco was surprised to see it and even more surprised to see a section set aside for his breloom. Ophrys had been very pleased with Disco’s pokemon and even more pleased with Disco for raising his shroomish correctly.
(Disco hadn’t felt such a pooling of warmth and pride in his stomach since he successfully brewed his first full heal.)
“Guess he really liked you.” Ivory mused, peering at his package and grinning.
Oh, thought Disco, no wonder Ivory loves him.
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croatoandemons · 7 years
The Bounty Syndicate Tidbits
So here is the group of fantasy characters I made to satisfy my creative OC-making urges while making the pirate crew.
The Syndicate itself is a large web of alliances and partnerships between bounty hunters and regular citizens or wanderers or adventurers who became friends or informers for the hunters. The actual group of bounty hunters at the center of the syndicate, to which the name is usually attributed, is fairly small for the ground they cover. The syndicate disbanded as Roielt, its informal leader, set off on her own personal mission refusing the help of the other bounty hunters for the most part. Several former members have since passed away, and others returned to their old lives or adapted versions of their old lives. They wait. (WIP post).
Roielt Rivenhallow: Informal, respective leader of the Syndicate. She is of the Sa'iyr race, and through her personal mission’s wear and tear, and time, her facade has deteriorated to a macabre, gnarled appearance quite useful for frightening others. She is a falconer, but the bird that she chose and bonded with is an Arur Vulture (basically a bearded vulture). She has an older brother and a younger sister, and weak relationships with them.
Deaxis: A close friend to Roielt. She is a shapeshifter of sorts, who chooses to take on a more humanlike appearance (species a work in progress). She is much stronger and denser than she looks, and prefers to attack from the back of a big beast who technically is actually Roielt’s pet.
Voronin and Xena Wintervellen: Voronin was once the friend who completed the iconic bounty hunter trio at the head of the Syndicate (alongside Roielt and Deaxis). After it disbanded leaving him unfulfilled and aimless, he settled down for a short while and had a daughter he and his wife named Xena. It is in Lycaentes culture not to baby their children and to, instead, teach them a trade and common skills. Thus, Voronin continued bounty hunting, with a young apprentice at his side, despite his wife’s worries.
Serj Rivenhallow: Roielt’s older brother, slightly estranged, especially after the Syndicate disbanded. He tries to hold nothing against her, and is grateful that at least he was able to get more into reconnaissance and assassinations. He only wishes there was someone to settle down with.
Urien: His relationship with the material world is foggy. (His brief relationships with Baruska and Deaxis are also foggy). Not fully corporeal, he is often held in the material realm by a shifting source (if he’s weak, usually it’s some part of his skeleton that remains physical, like his skull or ribs). He manages a strong connection to hard light materials, and enjoys boxing. He grew particularly fond of underground fighting rings once the Syndicate disbanded and he no longer had people to help.
Baruska Lignsilva: A very uppity Sylphet, who took a liking to technology and used it to build herself a pair of wings to fly. She also enjoys dual wielding, and medicine practices, which she angles towards poisons and rescuing her friends. Since the disbanding, she’s lost herself in the clouds.
Leocadia Ark: A particularly gifted human in that she’s mastered magics, especially runes and flames. Though from the pacifistic nation of Abatwa, she joined the Syndicate initially when she was still a teenager, after losing her own family, not expecting to find another. When they disbanded, she continued to check up on everyone, and meanwhile took a liking to law enforcement.
Somerset Coleor: An unusually peaceful Xoukhos, he started out as a shepherd with three Angiaks he once found as pups in a storm and hand raised. Though he enjoys that peaceful life and was originally an informer for the Syndicate, he found a comfortable niche among the bounty hunters after a near-death experience and the loss of all his livestock. When they disbanded, he became a sort of adventurer.
Taurhin Rivenhallow: Roielt’s younger sister and originally one of the hunters. Through unfortunate circumstances caused by her sister, she was left with one eye, scars, and broken horns (she now grinds them down and wears a mask and goggles). She then resigned to the role of an informer at Serj’s insistence, and quickly became a handyman and wandering mercenary as the Syndicate disbanded.
The Angiaks, Barghest, Fyglia, and Kul: Though their species is quite known for trickery, haunting raids, and a general aversion to non-angiaks, these three bonded strongly with Somerset after he rescued them from a storm as pups. They still tend to revel in tricks on humanoid races and other animals, but they show only love and obedience to Somerset and even like to include him in their play, as if he were more their parent.
Virikas: A large lonesome beast Roielt once found severely wounded in the forested mountains. She saved his life and went on her way but he followed her to camp and stayed with the hunters for as long as they allowed. Roielt soon took him as a pack animal and a mount, loaning him to Deaxis now and then, but after disbanding the Syndicate, she gave him to her dear friend Deaxis as a gift before disappearing.
Bear: An Urisk who, with its mother, approached the hunter camp once upon a time due to Urisk habits of seeking out companionship, and was cute enough that they allowed it to stay. They took it with them as they traveled and it liked sleeping in Deaxis’ lap the most so she kept it and named it Bear.
Hellebore Mokhir-juri: He is the wayward son of a vishapin Duke in a long line of “knights” of the vishapin dominion. Known to other languages as dragons, the vishapin people are old guardians of the land who prefer to stay hidden or high above the ground. The Mokhir-juri line is a family of mostly blind and venom-spitting dragons who prefer to live in caves and water sources. Hellebore decided this life was not for him, and using vishapin resources to glamour himself to appear bipedal and stand as short as “common people”, he became a travelling healer, offering his services and knowledge to those in need instead of standing by selfishly as his people do.
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sevenstarsinning · 4 years
Invasion Ch. 4
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Description:  A planet conquering race of Saiyans invaded Earth and deemed it worthy of habitation. After bringing the humans to their heels, they set up a new society where humans had one role, to serve. You found yourself in the unlucky faction of being bought and sold as a human pet. With absolutely no interest in owning a human but no way out of having one, Kakarot made a bid on you at the urging of his brother. It was only a matter of time before you were either killed or forced into obedience.
Warning: Torture and violence, wound care
Ch.1   Ch.2   Ch.3
The week was nearing an end and it was almost time for Kakarot to return. You never expected you’d miss his silent presence, but you did. You’d spent most of the time with Bulma unless the Prince required her services, which seemed to take up the rest of her day. She kept her word of helping you get some different clothing, more comfortable and less bland looking. She basically bought you an entire wardrobe, which you kept in boxes in the living room. You didn’t want to move anything into either room, especially without approval first. She also gave you advice on how to move forward with Kakarot in an at least peaceful existence. She encouraged you to keep cooking for him and to clean up after him, she knew it seemed demeaning, but she was sure it would pay off for you and give you something to do. You decided to take her advice and settle into domesticity.
After cleaning the house more than once, you sat back on the couch, eating popcorn and watching the news channel. Apparently, there was going to be a storm system moving through, which was the most exciting thing to happen in a week. You were fully enthralled by the upcoming forecast that when a knock on the door came, it made you almost throw your bowl of popcorn across the house.
“Kakarot?” A familiar, chilling voice called out and you stood in preparation of darting to the other end of the house, but before you could, he walked in without a hitch. His gaze settled on you immediately.
“K-Kakarot’s not here, but he’ll be back soon.” You took a step back as Raditz stood in the doorway to the living room.
“Is that so? Because I heard he was on a mission and that it was taking a little longer than expected… And that he may be gone another week.” He cocked his head to the side with a slight grin that made you feel sick.
You knew you should have just made a run for it, but he’d probably catch you before you made it halfway through the house.
“Why are you here?”
“Oh, excuse me, I didn’t know this was your house, human.” He laughed.
“It’s not, I was just-“
“Just making rude remarks to a clearly superior being? Tsk, tsk, Kakarot really should have taught you better than that.” He took another heavy step towards you.
It felt as though your heart was going to beat right out of your chest, every nerve ending in your body was standing on alert as he neared you. It crossed your mind to slip past him and head straight for Bulma, but your feet remained stuck.
“I see you’ve upgraded your wardrobe since my brother has been gone. Looks good,” his gaze roamed up and down your body, only proving to make your stomach turn more, “too bad Kakarot won’t have a chance to enjoy it.”
Within a split second he lunged at you, grabbing you by the back of your hair and jerking you forward, almost flush with him. You struggled and tried to push him away, but he held firm. It felt like he was trying to rip your hair out by the root and every move was excruciating.
“Now, let’s pick up where we left off last time,” his other hand gripped your jaw tightly, “you hit me, but I never got a chance to repay you.”
You kicked and screamed, trying to keep him from tearing your hair out and breaking your jaw at the same time. It couldn’t end like this, not this quickly.
“Raditz?” Kakarot’s voice startled you both, making Raditz turn around with you firmly in his grasp.
“Kakarot… you look terrible.” His eyes roamed up and down his brother’s disheveled body.
His clothing was torn, and he was clearly wounded with the way he hobbled into the room, using the wall to lean on. Kakarot barely spoke as he held his hand over his ribs and moved cautiously.
“The mission didn’t go as planned. Why are you here?” He asked, barely looking up.
“I came to teach this one how to properly address a saiyan.” He released your jaw but held the back of your neck firmly.
Kakarot looked at you and back to his brother, “let her go and leave.”
“I’m trying to help you, Kakarot. She’s unruly, disobedient, only going to cause you more trouble in the long run. Just as I got here to see if you’d returned, she tried to hit me again.”
“Don’t believe him, Kakarot, I wouldn’t-” You begged, hoping he’d take up for you again.
Kakarot was barely able to hold himself upright, his mind was in a dizzying array of racing thoughts from the way things had gone on his mission. He shuffled closer, still trying to keep his balance with the wall.
“Don’t tell me you’re choosing this pathetic life over mine, brother?” Raditz pushed more as Kakarot remained silent.
The second the words left his mouth, Bulma’s advice came flooding back to you. He would never choose you over his brother, no saiyan would stand up to another for the sake of a human. It was in that moment you knew your fate had been sealed.
“Of course not.” His gaze met yours and for a fleeting moment you thought you could see an apology, but you had to be wrong.
“Set her level to one. I’ll punish her without leaving a mark.” Raditz jerked you towards the front door while Kakarot pulled a small remote-like device from his pocket hesitantly and pressed one of the buttons.
“Kakarot, please! Don’t do this!” You screamed and struggled in Radtiz’s grasp.
Kakarot moved slowly as he finally made it to one of the couches, almost falling over as he sat down and watched Raditz pull you towards the doorway. He was conflicted between wanting to stop his brother, but not wanting to go against him just for a human he had no connection to. None of it felt right to him, but he was helpless and his injuries did nothing to ease his conflict.
“Cross me again and I’ll make sure you never see daylight outside of the arena.” Raditz made one last threat before shoving you out of the front door.
You fell hard on the ground but that wasn’t the part that hurt. An intense shock jolted through your body, making you cry out. You stumbled back towards the door, trying to get back inside but Raditz shoved you back down with his boot. He watched with a sickening smirk on his face while you writhed on the ground in pain, screaming with every breath in your lungs.
“That’s enough, Raditz.” Kakarot spoke up after a few seconds, using the remote to raise your level back up again.
Raditz kept his boot on your chest as the tears streamed down your face and your lungs struggled to fill with air. Your body vibrated as the current continued to affect you.
“Let her go.” Kakarot pushed himself off the couch but failed and quickly fell back again.
Raditz released you and stepped over your body, “he won’t always be here to save you.”
Rolling over to your side, curling into a ball, you let the tears fall full force. You didn’t care that you were still outside, that anyone walking by could hear and see you. During that week you had psyched yourself up, let Bulma convince you it could be better, but it all came crashing down in those few short minutes. You meant nothing to Kakarot and even less when his brother was near. A hand on your shoulder made you jerk away in defense and even more so when you looked up to see Kakarot doubled over and barely standing upright with his hand outstretched towards you.
“Don’t.” You scowled at him, pulling away from him.
He let out a heavy sigh which seemed to pain him, “I don’t have the strength to pick you up right now, but I can drag you. Maybe. Your choice.”
You pushed yourself up on your knees and took his hand, letting him help you up as much as he could. He basically leaned on you more than you leaned on him as you walked inside. When his tail curled around your waist you almost yelped at the foreign feeling of something tightening around you. Your feet tried to move faster to get this over with and to get away from him, but he was moving too slowly.
“Bedroom.” He curbed you down the hallway and away from the living room.
You glanced up wearily, preferring to go back to the room you felt the most comfortable in, but he seemed to have other plans for you. You pushed the door open for him, his left arm was hanging by his side and his right arm was perched on your shoulder. His tail tightened around you again, feeling oddly comforting after you had gotten used to it. Once he was within reach of the bed, he pulled away from you and collapsed, wincing at the pain in his side as he did. You remained at the foot of the bed, your body still buzzing and aching from the shocks.
“The spare room is yours.” He nodded to the room across the hall.
A ‘thank you’ sat on the tip of your tongue but you swallowed it as you left the room. You had no intention of thanking him for giving you a room or helping you inside after he let his brother torture you. He was just as guilty as Raditz was and you had lost any inclination for him that you held.
Kakarot watched as you stepped across the hall and into the other room, the door closing behind you. He shifted and pushed himself further onto the bed so he could lay down. Every muscle ached but the real pain was in his shoulder and abdomen. He couldn’t help but feel ashamed of the events that transpired with his brother. He wanted to think he would’ve intervened again had he not been hurt, but the fact was that he wasn’t certain if he would. The soft sobs coming from your room were further proof that he was at a loss with you, but there was still a part of him that wanted to protect you.
The morning came and went but you didn’t sleep. You sat on top of the covers and cried until you had nothing left. The pain had subsided for the most part, except for the bruise across your chest from Raditz’s boot and the one’s on your jaw. You could hear Kakarot shuffling around the house and watched his shadow pass beneath the crack of the door. You moved to the edge of the bed when you noticed him stop outside of your door.
“Human?” he knocked lightly, making you jump even though you knew he was there, “are you awake?”
You remained silent, not wanting him to come in or ask you to cook for him, which is what you assumed he wanted. You had no interest in being his good little pet today.
“I need- um, nevermind.” He still sounded like he was still in pain.
You waited, tense, on edge, hoping he walked away and would leave you alone the rest of the day, but he didn’t budge. A few minutes passed and he spoke again, clearly leaning against the wall next to your door.
“If you are awake, I’m… I’m sorry for yesterday, but if you’re not then I guess I’ll tell you again later.”
You let out a harsh sigh and climbed off the bed. You prepared yourself as you swung the door open to see him leaning back against the wall beside your door. He glanced over at you, still not moving very much.
“I don’t accept your apology, but I appreciate the effort.” You stared at him.
“I can accept that… Would you also be willing to help me with something?” He was still weak and barely able to hold himself up.
He asked you for help. That was a first. He hadn’t actually asked you for anything so far. The urge to walk back into your room and slam the door on him was more than overwhelming, but your compassionate side seemed to be winning.
“What is it?”
He pushed himself off the wall slowly but kept one hand on it for balance, “I can’t get the bandage around… well, everywhere, I need another pair of hands.”
“Fine.” You waited for him to lead you to wherever the medical supplies were and hoped it wouldn’t take long so you could return to your den of solace.
He turned and headed down the hallway to the bathroom, keeping himself upright but only by a small amount. Out of all the saiyans you’d met thus far, none of them seemed to be injured for long periods of time, and they definitely didn’t ask for any help from a human. You stepped into the bathroom with him to see his failed attempts at bandaging himself up from the crumpled-up bandages that lay in the floor.
“I see you at least tried to do it yourself.”
“It’s harder than it looks.” He sat down on the toilet and grabbed the hem of his shirt.
He winced in pain as he struggled to get it lifted over his head. You stepped back, fighting the urge to help him with it. If you were being honest, you wanted him to be in pain. You wanted him to hurt so you could feel like he actually suffered for what he allowed to happen. He finally pulled it over his head and dropped it to the floor, letting out a painful sigh as he lowered his arms again. Your eyes immediately went to the wounds that covered his toned abdomen. Purple, yellow, black. Bruises of varying intensity ranged across his skin as well as a few open wounds with dried blood smeared down his body.
“I have to clean these first.” You wanted confirmation to touch him.
“Okay.” He made no move to warn you about hurting him or threat against your life if you made a mistake, which you expected to hear from a saiyan.
After grabbing the supplies from the first aid kit he had sitting on the counter, you got to work. He winced at the first swipe of the sterilizing wipe over one of his wounds but didn’t move again after that.
“I’ve never seen a saiyan this… damaged.” You admitted, avoiding eye contact.
“We have healing pods available to us.” He watched you intensely as you worked.
“Why not use one of those then? I assume they work much quicker than some Band-Aids.”
He shifted to the side, giving you better access to one of the larger wounds that wrapped around to his back, “saiyans grow stronger from each battle. As we heal, our power level increases.”
“So your logic is that the longer you’re in excruciating pain, the higher your power level will be after you’ve healed?” You met his gaze.
“Basically. I don’t expect you to understand, but-“
“I understand. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right?”
He cocked his head to the side as if he was processing your words. You finished placing the bandages on each of the open wounds, but you still wanted to put something around his abdomen to help keep them in place.
“Stand up.” You ordered and opened your mouth to apologize and beg for your life, but he did as you commanded without a moment of hesitation.
You grabbed a package of gauze and placed one end between his ribcage and worked to wrap it around his body. You leaned in closer, your hands skimming across his heated skin as your face was mere inches from his chest. He seemed to be watching you carefully, his breathing was steady but you could hear his heart beating against his chest. You jumped suddenly when you felt something foreign wrapping around your thigh. You glanced down to see his tail curling around you, the soft fur caressing your skin, which made a shiver run through your body at the feeling.
“Um, your tail-“ You looked back up at him, your cheeks flushed.
“Sorry. It has a mind of it’s own sometimes.” He gave you the slightest smile but it was enough for you to notice.
He quickly uncoiled it from your thigh and let you continue to work. By the time you’d finished it looked fairly professional. You didn’t have a lot of experience in bandaging wounds, but you did your best.
“Anything else?” You peered up at him.
He paused for a moment before asking you something you didn’t expect, “will you accept my apology eventually?”
The first answer that came to your mind was a big fat ‘no’, but the word wouldn’t come out. Mainly because it wasn’t exactly true. You wanted to hate him, to ignore him even if he apologized every day for an eternity, but you couldn’t. Not truly. It felt more complex than just hating him. He stood by while his brother tortured you, but he had saved you once before from his wrath. He helped you back inside afterwards, even though he was at fault for setting your level to one. Even with all of his involvement in hurting you, he still seemed to come out in a positive light, especially compared to Raditz.
“I’m not sure.” You answered simply, neither a no or a yes was all you could offer.
“I’m okay with that.” He offered another small grin.
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tokyotheglaive · 7 years
OOQ, 12 please?
12. depressed
Oddly fitting for my current mentality, though I tried to instill as much hope and good feeling as I could there at the end to keep it from dragging too far. Apologies for the wait.
It’s a rare sunny day when Bond finds himself sitting in the single armchair in his flat, nursing a glass of something strong and feeling desperately sorry for himself.
M’s--Mallory’s--letter sits on the floor, discarded minutes or hours ago. Bond’s lost track of time, but he knows it has passed. The shadows on the floor have moved, and this is far from his first drink. He can see the smudges of his own fingerprints against the glass, right there next to the residue left by his lips all of the way around the rim.
He’s not at the bottom of the bottle--nowhere near, in fact--but he’s going to try to get there. He’s got nothing else to do. Nowhere else to go. His jacket’s still in a heap on the floor by the door, though he hasn’t managed to do more with his shirt than unbutton it a bit near the top. His belt’s too tight and he can feel his socks digging into his legs and christ, he just wants to stop feeling anything at all.
Years of service jumps out at him from the paper on the floor. He doesn’t need to look at it anymore to know what it says. It’s burned on his eyes, as sure and as permanent as any brand. In extreme gratitude appears before him.
Gratitude. As if Mallory knows what the word means.
It’s an uncharitable thought and certainly not a true one, but the sentiment behind it is valid. Bond takes a sip and finds his glass empty. He has to move to reach the bottle where it is on the floor, so for the moment he allows his eyes to close and his head to loll back against the seat.
Years of service.
There’s someone at the door.
Bond knows this before they knock or announce themselves. He can see the shadow, hear the creak as the floor gives them away. He picked this flat for that very reason.
He doesn’t know how much time has passed. Or: he knows, but he doesn’t care to think about it. It’s all just time, arbitrary, useless. He has plenty of it, now--too much. So much to do, so little time.
A knock, loud and insistent. Thwap thwap thwap. Not Moneypenny--this is an open-handed slap. He’s heard her knock when angry, and the sound is sharp and precise. This isn’t. It has an echo and a surface area, not just a mere point.
Thwap thwap thwap. Not Bill, either. Bill’s never learned how to properly knock, always tiptoeing around as if afraid he’d be noticed by the one whose attention he sought in the first place.
No accompanying voice, just the insistence that Bond come to the door now.
Obedient as ever--and isn’t that just the kicker? Bond rises out of his seat. His legs protest and he drops his glass on the way to the door, but he moves nonetheless.
Bond opens the door without first checking to see who’s outside. It doesn’t matter, not anymore.
Or: it doesn’t matter until that someone is Q armed with a suitcase and two cat carriers.
Bond watches the one cat--the smaller of the two, sensibly named Anna--devour an entire can of tuna by herself. The other--the bigger one, nearly as big as a dog--is wrapped around Q’s legs as he works at the stove. The big one’s name is Aubergine. Bond’s been told he’s not allowed to laugh, though he isn’t sure why he ought to find anything funny right now.
Q’s suitcase had contained a single change of clothes and rather a lot of groceries. Bond had caught sight of food for the cats as well as veal for stew and an enormous carton of cream before Q got to work. Blanquette de veau, Bond understands. The equivalent of French comfort food.
Q hums while he cooks. It’s not a tune Bond’s familiar with. He wants to ask, but he doesn’t have the energy.
Later, he tells himself. He has later to rely on, now.
Finished with her food, Anna investigates Bond’s shoes. He’s about to protest, wary of the cat’s claws, but she merely sniffs. She whines once, looking up at Bond, then rubs her face against his trousers.
“Put your hand down to her eye level,” Q instructs without turning around. Bond doesn’t move, merely watches Q’s back as he cooks. “She likes to smell a person’s hand before she decides if they’re allowed to pet her or not. If she allows it, stroke her head, don’t scratch. She’s got sensitive skin and she bites if she’s in pain.”
Bond still doesn’t move. Q goes back to humming, the monstrosity named Aubergine by his side. Eventually, Anna joins the pair, leaving Bond feeling strangely bereft, a stranger in his own flat.
Q is an adept chef. The dish, though simple in preparation, smells divine. Bond can’t help but smile around a forkful of meat. The veal is wonderfully tender and doesn’t require a fork to split apart, and the sauce has the spectacular elements of bay leaf, cream, and lemon juice that make the dish sing.
“Careful,” Q says as he takes a bite of the salad he’s prepared to accompany the dish. “There are eight whole peppercorns.”
Bond finds one of them wedged into a boiler onion and another hiding under a piece of veal. If Q has any whole spices in his dish, he doesn’t notice. Bond’s lost in the taste of it.
The cats are, too, it seems, for they beg for food at Q’s side. Q ignores them with a practiced sort of grace.
“How long have you had them?”
The question comes as a surprise to both of them. Q blinks at him before he answers.
“Six years or so,” Q says. “Anna was a stray, and I got Aubergine from a shelter. Family hadn’t thought she’d get so big.”
Aubergine seems to know she’s being spoken of, for she purrs, her eyes closing. She’s proud, Bond can tell, and very, very happy.
Bond finishes his plate and then another one. His belt still cuts into him, but it’s a different sort of tightness.
Bond washes the dishes and Q dries them. They still haven’t spoken much to one another, and as Bond’s head clears, he realizes that he’s not sure how to start. He doesn’t know why Q’s here, other than the obvious--that Q’s worried about him. Neither have mentioned the letter that’s still on the floor somewhere, or the bottle that sits next to the armchair by the window.
They finish with the dishes, and Q looks at Bond with a certain degree of expectation.
“Thank you,” Bond says. He can’t meet Q’s eyes, not now.
“You are welcome,” Q replies. “Is the loo that way?”
Bond nods, and Q heads off. Aubergine follows, but Anna remains behind.
Slowly, Bond crouches down. He offers a hand, and Anna sniffs it. After a tense fifteen seconds, she pushes her head into his fingers. Bond strokes and does not scratch, and Anna purrs in his arms when he picks her up.
“I know it’s awfully forward,” Q says, “but might I sleep in your bed tonight?”
It is forward, but Bond doesn’t say so much. Q already has.
“I’ll take the couch,” Bond says. Q shakes his head.
“No. It looks uncomfortable. This is your flat and I’ve barged in.”
“With your cats.”
“With my cats.”
Bond looks at Q and shrugs.
“Of course,” Bond says. “You can do as you like.”
“But may I?” Q presses. Leave it to Q to be pedantic about the stupidest things.
“Yes, Q, you may,” Bond says, putting the emphasis a little too strongly. If Q’s hurt, he doesn’t show it.
“Good, because it’s about time to get some rest,” Q insists. “Up with you. Time to sleep.”
“You go ahead,” Bond says. Q glares, and Bond has no choice but to follow.
It’s not as uncomfortable as Bond thought it would be, sharing a bed with someone after all this time. He hasn’t--not since Madeleine. He still can’t believe he made that big of a mistake, or that she did, either. A comedy of errors, that’s what she’d called their relationship. Bond still agrees.
Beside Bond, Q sleeps peacefully. He’s open in a way he never is while awake, and he looks happy--relaxed. Bond wants to join him.
Still, he sits awake, reading, or pretending to. Tonight is not a night of rest. It’s a beginning and an end with little in between, and the edges are as rough as they’ve ever been.
Tomorrow they’ll talk. Tomorrow he’ll apologize. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
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jenngrover · 7 years
If you spend any time surfing RV and camping forums around the Internet, you will quickly learn that a lot of people who camp are pet owners, and the vast majority, dog owners. I have owned 2 Black & Tan Coonhounds who were not compatible with camping because they suffered extreme separation anxiety. They were not happy to be away from home and they were not happy when I was away from home. However, my current dog, Rocky, came to live with me a few months after I bought my T@b, so I committed to introducing him to the T@b at an early age. This really paid off during my long trip last summer. He felt very safe in the T@b and it became like a larger version of his crate.
Is Your Pet Ready?
It is important to make sure that everything associated with the T@b is positive, safe, and comfortable for your pet when you are introducing he or she to the T@b. Soon after Rocky came home with me, I began slowly introducing him to the T@b. If he had been a larger dog, I would have let him enter on his own, by placing treats on the steps, then inside the door, then inside, slowly working up to him being happy to go in and out on his own. Rocky is too small for that. Instead, I brought him inside, and gave him treats, had special toys for him inside, and kept the durations short while we built up his comfort level. This proved to be a very effective method.
Another important part of camping with your furry friends in the T@b happen long before you leave your home, and that is training. I followed the excellent YouTube training videos by Zak George to train Rocky. It’s still a work in progress, but overall, he has done very well. Zak focuses on positive training and I can’t even tell you what a better experience it is than when I took my Rottweiler to obedience school or even what I read from Barbara Woodhouse’s famous book, No Bad Dogs in the 80’s. Training Rocky has been a blast. Zak also has a book out if you prefer reading.
I did not take Rocky with me on my trip in 2015, when he was just turning a year old, because he was not quite ready. Lesson learned #1: wait until your pet is ready to travel. At this point, he still did not totally love the T@b, although he did OK on weekend trips, and we still had a way to go with obedience training. This year, however, he was good with consistently obeying sit, stay, come, and we were venturing into some very basic off-leash training. I also observed that he was now more comfortable in the T@b and would take naps when we were inside, on his own initiative.
Safety in the Tow Vehicle
  Snoozing in the Snoozer II
The next factor is how to make your dog safe and comfortable while you travel. If forced to slam on your brakes, you want to make sure that your pet does not go flying into you or into the windshield, or hurt him or herself in some other way. You also do not want to create a fear of getting tossed, so I highly recommend securing your pet. While riding in the car, Rocky rides in a Snoozer Lookout II, which I affectionately refer to as his throne. It’s a spendy item and truthfully, a friend told me to buy that for him before I bought his first seat because I would end up buying the Snoozer II. I did not listen. I first tried the type that hangs from the seat. It was far less secure and Rocky never seemed comfortable, and actually a little apprehensive. On the other hand, he loves the Snoozer II. When it arrived from Amazon, I just set it on the floor in the living room to give him a chance to get used to it for a few days before moving it to the car. The Snoozer II is an elevated seat, with a very soft lamb’s wool bed. It also comes with a seat belt for the pet that connects to your tow vehicle seat belt. In the base of the Snoozer II is a drawer for stowing treats, toys, bags, and a leash. It includes 2 plastic containers with lids for food and water, but I can assure you that those lids are worthless and of you put water in them, it will spill out. I use the plastic containers, but don’t bother with the lids. Larger dogs can get away with just a dog seat belt or pet barrier in the rear of your SUV, but please consider a way to keep your pet safe.
Exercise While on the Road
While traveling I try to plan exercise and bio breaks for Rocky. When driving all day, I walk Rocky before we leave, once during a morning stop, at lunch, and once in the afternoon. If at all possible, I try to find a park to play fetch with him at the end of the day so that he can burn off extra energy. When it is not possible, I try to use puzzle type toys that dispense treats and tug of war to wear him out inside of the T@b.
Rocky upping his sit/stay game. #positivetraining #dogtraining #rockygram
A photo posted by Jenn Grover (@jenn_grover) on May 28, 2016 at 6:51pm PDT
  Can I leave him in the car?
When I need to stop for 5-10 minutes in warm weather, I will leave the car running and locked with the A/C to cool him. This is much safer if you have a newer vehicle with the type of ignition and lock system that won’t let someone drive without the keyfob. When it is going to be longer than 10 minutes, I tend to put him in the T@b where I can open the windows and run the fan. I had to stop at a mall while on the road and I knew it was going to be a 15-30 minute stop. I found a space towards the back of the parking lot, where he would not be bothered by a lot of car doors. I opened the windows enough to keep air flow moving, but closed enough o be discreet. I pulled the shades most of the way down and turned on the fan. When I came back it was a very cool temperature and Rocky was asleep. You cannot do this in very hot weather, however.
I kept Rocky on leash about 95% of the time. Only when working on off-leash training was he allowed off-leash. I am concerned about other animals, like coyotes, mountain lions, or hawks snatching him. Just recently, someone in a Denver suburb had their large dog snatched from a mountain lion. Thankfully, he was able to free his dog.
Beware the Land Mines!
Speaking of being considerate, please clean up after your dog. No one wants to walk in that and it could attract other animals.
Have you ever noticed how overpriced doggie bags are? They are ridiculously over-priced. I have used disposable grocery bags, but they can get holes, and you can only pack so many of these. Last year, I discovered that Amazon sells them in bulk at a very good price. Bingo! This was one of my best discoveries of 2015. They come in different sizes and are very strong.
Keeping Your Pet Happy and You Sane
I knew, going into my trip, that regular exercise was critical to Rocky being able to stand the T@b on a long term basis, especially while I worked. With a regular schedule, he was able to settle in while I worked and burn his energy when I exercised him. We did a lot of hiking, which really helped. In addition, I used his puzzle toys and we took trips to the park, where there was lush green grass, to play fetch.
Leaving The Pets Behind
This is a topic sure to breed disagreement. Everyone should research their options and make the best decision for them, but I will share how I handled it and you can take it for what it is worth. Most of the time, Rocky went with me. Sometimes I did leave him behind,  for various reasons, like when I went to do laundry, eating at a restaurant on a hot day, visiting a National Park or somewhere else where he was not permitted.
Some will say, “My dog is family – he goes everywhere we go.” Well, when you are in your T@b for 3+ months, that just is not a very realistic approach, especially if you travel alone. If you are able to pull this off and this is your desire, great – good for you! Please don’t judge other people who have different circumstances.
When I left Rocky behind, I only did it when I was sure the temperatures would remain safe. This is going to vary by location. If you are in the east, where it is often hot and humid in the summer, and you do not have shore power, there is going to be a lower threshold than if you are in the mountains in Colorado, where there is very dry air and wind, almost every day. Shade will help keep your T@b cooler, as would an XL Visor or Awning. I generally left my windows open, to at least some degree, and when it war warmer, I left the fan on for him. I spent enough time in varying conditions to have good idea for what would work from a temperature standpoint and what would not.
Also, I kept an eye on fire weather. When boondocking, I would not leave Rocky behind during red flag weather. You cannot predict where wildfires will pop up and I would have been sick had he been caught in a fire.
Monitoring Temperature
Before I left, I looked into different temperature monitoring options. None really made me feel like I could be 100% confident. What if the data signal went down or what if I was out of range? The alerts would not reach me. Most of the time in Colorado, cell signal is questionable at best. It might be different if I was camping in the east, where service is reliable, but not in the west. Instead, I tried to camp at higher elevations, which kept temperatures very moderate. For example, I went to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon instead of the South Rim. The North Rim above 8,00’ and therefore, much cooler. We camped at a Forest Service campground, which was much dog friendlier than the National Park campground.
I did learn that in extreme heat, over 95 degrees, generally, it got too hot to keep the T@b cool, even with A/C. In those cases, Rocky went with me. I would get up very early and hike and return before it got too hot. I also considered Dog Vacay as well as local boarding and doggie daycare options in the event that Plan A did not pan out. I never had to use them, but I have the details stored if I do need them in the future.
While hiking, Rocky would get pretty filthy. To help keep him clean, I used his regular comb and brush and also used a spray bottle to give him an outdoor doggie shower. I had several of these sprayers, but I found I liked this one much better than the others. It seemed to have the easiest to control stream.  One thing I learned was that rural grooming appointments need to be made much further in advance. They have fewer groomers and usually more limited hours.
Keeping the Upholstery Clean
Dogs will bring in dirt. It’s part of camp life. This is part of the reason I changed my upholstery to Ultraleather. It was so easy to clean!! Just a damp paper towel and poof! I can’t more highly recommend Ultraleather. It is soft, comfortable to sit and sleep on and easy to clean. I found that Sailrite had the best selection and best prices for Ultraleather but you can also get it from the factory before or after you buy or order your T@b. In my case, I rodered the fabric and had it sent to the factory and they did the work for me at a very fair price.
Food and Water
One of the small issues I encountered was having Rocky’s water and food on the floor meant that I regularly stepped into both, and I regularly spilled his water. I am still working on a fix for that, although I did find I did it less if I put them in the corner, closest to the shower, below the sink.
Sleeping Arrangements
Rocky, sitting on his red Mountainsmith bed
At home, Rocky prefers to sleep in his crate at night. I think I rollover too much for him. In the T@b, he curls right up next to my legs. I still put his bed on the bed, next to my legs. On nights where it gets cool, he stays nice and toast thanks to his bed and my body heat. It has to be pretty cold for me to run the heat, so the extra warmth from his bed is a nice solution for him.
The Mountainsmith bed is great for a few reasons. It’s very warm and fluffy enough for him to be comfortable. I like that it compresses nicely into his go bag, too. It seemed a little pricey to me, but it was worth every penny. This bed doesn’t look like much, but it is Rocky’s favorite.
I opted not to bring Rocky���s crate due to space considerations. It will fit on the side bench seat, but I did not want it taking up that much space for 3 months. I decided if I needed a crate, they were easy enough to purchase, locally.
Rocky loved his trip and I think city life was a bit of a sad re-adjustment for him. Everything was such a wonder to him. He loved smelling the wildflowers, wading through streams and lakes, getting muddy on trails, and rolling in soft, red desert dirt. It is so satisfying to share your adventures with your pet. After taking Rocky with me, I can’t imagine ever leaving him behind, again.
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Here are a few things I have found helpful for travel:
LeashBoss 50’ training lead – for playing fetch and for practicing sit, stay, and come at long distances. This is a great training lead. It is very high quality and I like the highly visible orange in case someone decides to walk across it.
Kongs – Rocky loved getting treats from the Kong. I still to his normal treats to not introduce anything that might upset his stomach. Kongs come in various sizes. Rocky uses the puppy Kong. I bought this when Rocky was a puppy and it remains one of his favorite activities. I think every puppy owner should get one.
The PetSafe Busy Buddy Twist ‘n Treat Puppy Toy is another toy that comes in various size and the dog has to work to get his treats. Rocky likes this, but he finds it a little more challenging. A ball. Rocky never gets sick of playing fetch or playing with a ball. It’s a great way to burn energy, fast.
Another favorite of Rocky’s is the Outward Hound Hide a Squirrel. They have different animals and different sizes. Rocky needs the Junior size. It’s another puzzle type of toy that keeps him occupied and helps tire him out.
Your favorite dog treats are a must. Doesn’t your furry friend deserve a reward? Rocky love Lil Jacs.
A “Go Bag” will make life easier. I use it for camping, if we are just going for a day trip, or if we are going to visit family for a weekend. I use the Mountainsmith K-9 Cube. It includes a separate, lined container for his food, space for gear, a fold down section that has dishes that fold flat. This has been an awesome bag. When he sees me pick up that bag, he gets so excited. It also makes it easy to keep things tidy. I like to rotate his toys, to keep him interested and this helps keep them out of sight when they are not in the rotation. [/box]
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Lessons Learned: Bringing Your Furry Friend If you spend any time surfing RV and camping forums around the Internet, you will quickly learn that a lot of people who camp are pet owners, and the vast majority, dog owners.
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Directions DOG TRAINING APPLICATION Teach him on “dog time.” Puppies and dogs live in the moment. Two minutes after they’ve done something, it’s forgotten about. When he’s doing something bad, try your chosen training technique right away so he has a chance to make the association between the behavior and the correction. Consistent repetition will reinforce what’s he’s learned. PERFORMING / VISUAL ARTS After you bring home a new puppy, it can feel like you’ve lost all freedom. A crate or ex-pen is the ticket to getting some of that freedom back. Confining your puppy in a safe, happy place when you cannot watch her is a built-in solution to many behavior challenges. It prevents problems (chewed up shoes or furniture, house soiling) before they happen. Training Prep: Puppy Obedience Handling Exercises Biology 3.9 out of 5 stars 10 If you want to use potty pads, put them down consistently in only one location—probably within your confinement space. Emergency Dogs don’t have the ability to understand that your anger or frustration has to do with the accident on the floor. Don’t punish your pup for going potty in the house, because you will only teach him to be afraid of you. Publisher: Dog Training, dog training Guide, Pet training book, Digital Print House (May 29, 2016) 94180 Change the mat often, but leave a little spot of dried urine there. The scent of the urine will help your dog remember that the mat is the place to go to the bathroom. Remove feces right away, but leave a sheet of newspaper or a small bit of padding with urine on the clean mat so your dog will naturally know where to go. Find a Store That’s why it’s so important to make sure that you do some research in advance, decide what will work best for your own situation, and make a plan. Shipping Rates & Policies the Middle East Subscribe with Amazon AllFerretsFishGuinea Pigs Print List Price: $12.47 AKC Canine Retreat Sunbeam (2) Red Rocks is a cautionary tale of the horrors of socialism. No self-respecting conservative should be willing to set foot in Red Rocks! 5.0 out of 5 starsGood for first time owners Special Sections You can continue what you’re doing or take the responsibility to better your situation.
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Favorite Things + (445) 11 weeks ago Romance Not feeding at regular times. To make the first step easier and less scary for your puppy, close the crate door most of the way, but keep your hand inside. Hold onto their toy or food puzzle while they play with it, and praise and talk to them in a comforting voice. Do this until your puppy is comfortable playing even when your hand is out of the crate. Adult Dog Classes (5) I train him outside. However when it’s around 0 Celsius (32 Fahrenheit) or lower, he (short hair breed) gets cold and shivers when over 5 minutes outdoors. What should I do with this? HealthyPet Maltese The section below on “HouseTraining Taxi Service” will tell you WHEN to give your pup immediate access to her toilet area. For now – keep reading. Once your dog consistently moves away from the first treat and gives you eye contact when you say the command, you’re ready to take it up a notch. For this, use two different treats — one that’s just all right and one that’s a particularly good smelling and tasty favorite for your pup. Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution: The Complete Guide to Raising the Perfect Pet with Love Apply Puppy Pads Complete all 7 lessons and pass the quizzes at the end of each lesson. All quizzes are open-book quizzes and you are allowed multiple attempts. Please do not ask emergency or other specific medical questions about your pets in the blog comments. As an online informational resource, Preventive Vet is unable to and does not provide specific medical advice or counseling. A thorough physical exam, patient history, and an established veterinary-patient-client relationship is required to provide specific medical advice. If you are worried that your pet is having an emergency or if you have specific medical questions related to your pet’s current or chronic medical conditions, please contact or visit your veterinarian, an animal-specific poison control hotline, or your local emergency veterinary care center. TermsPrivacyFCC InfoEEO You might want to check out one of the four distinct Purina® Pro Plan® nutritional platforms. They have different formulas for you pup’s particular needs and preferences. Real meat is the first ingredient AND there are no added artificial colors or flavors. Visit our other Spruce sites: advanced training Latest Pet Articles Smithsonian Petmaker Indoor Restroom Puppy Potty Trainer, Medium How to kitten-proof your home Categories: Owning a new puppy can be a very rewarding time in your life, but, it can be difficult and challenging as well. When you get a new puppy, expectations, can sometimes be unrealistic. That Is where Gahanna Animal Hospital comes into both of your lives. Book Category Portal Sit and stay on cue in various situations, like waiting at the vet. Training Your Cat To Stay Inside Flooding Therapy But you know what’s not cute? Prescription Refill Request 4 years ago from Somewhere in the universe Remove Pests Partner Districts › Visit Amazon’s Ken Phillips Page Meadows Aquatics Center Why is it important to define walks and potty breaks so carefully? Taking your dog for a walk and then ending the walk when the dog “goes potty” negatively punishes appropriate elimination behavior. With that pattern, you remove a stimulus the dog wants (continuing the walk) as a consequence to the appropriate behavior. This response often creates dogs that “hold it” as long as they possibly can, hoping that the longer they hold it, the longer they get to walk. The better they get at this, the longer they hold it; this can produce a dog that goes for a walk and eliminates immediately upon return to the household. It is far better to use the opportunity to walk to reinforce the correct behavior than to terminate the walk after the correct behavior. Black Dog Names Answer* Required. Answer this question… Maximum of 10000 characters. ✔ ✘ By far the most important reward you will ever give your pet is your encouragement. Negative reactions of any kind will do nothing to foster progress in training. Harsh words or actions can scare any dog, but they can be especially intimidating for younger ones. Of course, you should not reward your pet for doing the wrong things, but showing emotions like frustration and anger will only confuse—or worse, frighten—your pet. Simply ignore unwanted behaviors. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a break. Purina Puppy Chow Mt. Prospect Golf Club Puppy Training Schedule View All Events Adolescent Rabbits By Cesar Millan Plus, your puppy may be tempted to repeat the act if the carpet retains some of his scent. To remove both pet stains and odors, you need Rocco & Roxie’s Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator . About Us | Wholesalers/Affiliates | For Businesses | For Shelters | For Veterinarians | Privacy Policy | Contact Us Activities, Fun, and Quizzes Books, art Home > Training > Puppy > Crate Training Your Puppy: The Key To A Pee-Free Home Purina® Dog Chow® No longer boarding cats LEARNING GOALS We want your dog to go potty prior to his walk for a few reasons. There will be times in life when you don’t have the time or inclination to take your dog for a big walk, like when you’re rushing to get to work or it’s cold and rainy outside. Also, we don’t want your puppy to learn that the longer he holds it, the longer his walk will be. If he thinks his nice, fun walks always end abruptly when he finally goes, he’ll hold it as long as he possibly can, which will lead to a housebreaking standoff. No fun. If your dog believes he has to relieve himself soon after getting to his potty area in order to take a walk, he’ll be motivated to get the job done in a hurry, which will make housebreaking him a whole lot easier. Lifegard Aquatics Jumping up can be dangerous as well as annoying. Young children and elderly people can easily be toppled over and seriously injured by exuberant, friendly dogs. Start now to teach your puppy not to jump up. Even little dogs can cause problems and injury to themselves and others when they leap and jump around. Kiss My Mutt When you foster the human-animal bond (through praise, food, toys, and other forms of positive reinforcement) in all kinds of real-world situations, dogs learn faster, adapt better, stay calmer and remain more focused. A simple puppy training guide to welcome your furry friend into the family Visit Us $0.50 $1.28 Carnival Tricks Workshop My dog doesn’t poop in the house when I am home of when I go on short trips. However, when I am gone all day at work she poops in the house. She is 2.5 years old how do I fix this. I hate crating her all day. Seresto Tom Tangney Plastic Kennels Commonly Abused Drugs Rep. Adam Smith: There is no more Republican Party Make sure you know the signs that your dog is about to go, and take him outside when appropriate. Get HSUS Text Updates* However, urine often runs off the paper before soaking in so spills are more common and cleaning up more difficult. Also, wee can soak through paper to the floor below more easily, though you can use a tray like with puppy pads if you wish. Peru Never underestimate a puppy’s ability to learn. Stop Dogs from Biting CDSP Obedience trials, August 25th – 26th! simple, natural and FAST The German Shepherd Home > Training > Puppy > Crate Training Your Puppy: The Key To A Pee-Free Home Over 10 Months Wisdom Panel 16% Our products Pet Slideshows Performance Sports Jump up ^ APDT (2010). “Can I Train My Dog Just Like They Do On TV? Reality TV versus Real Life”. Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Retrieved 30 November 2012. The crate should be just large enough for the dog to stand up, lie down and turn around. If the crate is too large, the dog may use one area as a bathroom and another area for sleeping.[13] crate training your puppy | how to teach a puppy not to bark crate training your puppy | train puppy not to bark crate training your puppy | training puppy not to bark Legal | Sitemap
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